#i’m sorry the truth is i like creatures a lot
akkivee · 2 years
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i bumped into a pokemon fusion maker and have been having a lot of fun lol
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thekatebridgerton · 5 months
More Penelope discourse
On the topic of female rage. Here’s something you may not want to hear: Penelope can be vicious. And I personally love her for it.
What I love about show Penelope is that she is a good person, she had a wonderful friendship with Eloise in s1 and trough most of s2, she cares about her family even when they are so dismissive of her, she likes dogs, she is is sweet and intuitive and funny and so terribly cute.
But she’s vicious. 
And I’m sorry if that intimidates the crowd who likes their female characters to fit into the Mother, Witch, Harlot stereotype. But the truth is that women can be quite vicious creatures when we want to be, no matter how nice, no matter how good hearted, we are. If you push the wrong button we are willing to ruin lives, without remorse and without apology. 
I find it really funny how so many people are intimidated by that aspect of show Penelope under the guise of ‘oh she’s not a good person’.  Oh please what intimidates that crowd is that show Penelope IS a good person, that she does have good intentions. That she still has the capacity to be the villain of someone else’s story when she’s 100% the protagonist of her own.
Daphne sort of glossed over the concept of how women are expected to fit themselves into a box to survive in this world where they are punished for everything, but Penelope is a better example of what happens when a woman in Daphne’s situation of ‘sit still, be smart, and never get angry’ situation, has power.
Power to hurt back, if someone hurts her. And I personally think this makes Penelope’s character more interesting. The concept that good women can be monsters and still be the absolute most wonderful people you will ever meet, that’s just something you don’t see in media a lot. It may feel contradicting, but it is appealing to me. 
It’s usually more understandable if the character starts out as a bad guy and then does does something unexpectedly good. But the whole “ how can a person be so good and yet....do something bad?”. Well that, that is what I call good writing. 
That’s an aspect of Penelope I look forward to seeing in S3. I want to see Penelope show that just as she is good, she can be vicious and unapologetic if you cross her.
 And that’s the tea.
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serxinns · 1 month
Hey thank you so much for taking my request but
If it’s okay with you can you make a yandere giant bakusquad x human reader
That is so scared of giants and when one of the bakusquad kidnaps immediately
Without the village knowing that reader has been kidnapped by giants taking reader to their new home
I hope you take my request if not then I’m so sorry for making you uncomfortable!!!
If you did thank you so much for taking my request!!!❤️
Yandere giant bakusquad x human reader!
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A/n: it's finally done lord I'm tried and I hope you enjoy!
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You lived in a small village with a bunch of huge walls blocking from the outside world, due to a large beast called giants you were told they were brutal and hungry beasts who invaded villages and devoured any human they lay upon, you heard stories from, your friends of how deadly these creatures were one friend told you they would impaled villagers on the stick and roast them like a kabob or stories about humans traveling into the outside world especially near their territory never to be seen again
There were very strict rules from the town leader for going in and out of the protected village one of the rules was to be back at a certain time or get locked outside which scared the villagers a lot to the point most of then wouldn't even step out or sneak out knowing the consequences it was like they Isolated themselves
you and some of your friends didn't believe some of those lies always wanted to find out yourself you were a very curious and exploring person as a child always wanting to explore even in the more dangerous of areas one time a guard caught 4 years you almost escaped giving your parents a heart attack and a very stern warning from the guards to them as the older you get the more stubborn you were the villagers would call you and your friends rebellious for not listening to the leader but you didn't care
One day you and your friends decided to play true or dare it was all wimpy and easy at 1st like pranking the townsfolk stealing some food and tricking people but it became very extreme until it was your turn to be asked "truth or dare" You wasn't a wimp so you picked dare "I dare you to go into the giants territory" your friend smirked mischievously while the others looked in shocked intrigued and worried, you were unsure of the challenge yes it was true that you have went outside of the walls before but going to the giants territory aka the paint forest was forbidden
You thought about it for a moment your friends stared at you, waiting for an answer "I'll do the dare" they all cheered one friend looked worried and scared "But you have to come with me" they all went silent gawking at your statement you can tell by their faces that they didn't wanna do it and was unsure of it but their pride overtook and accepted
Time skip
you gather your things like climbing tools, weapons, flashlights, food, and water the 4 of you snuck out of your houses and into the quiet night while the village was pitch black only the moonlight and stars shining brightly into the night, the 4 of you crept towards the big entrance which leads to the outside, a sleeping guard that was supposed to do its nightly duties was standing there to your unfortunate, so the 4 of you thought for a second on what to do, a girl in the group named Tasha grabbed a big rock nearby and threw it hard as she could to the opposite side causing a loud thud when it hit the ground that alerted the guard
He woke up in a cold sweat, swinging his weapon. "Who goes there?!" He barked as he flashed his flashlights at some bushes that were rustling, which gave you and your friends the time to quickly go through the entrance and exit the village, "we made it," you thought as you looked around your surroundings, and there in front of you were the giant's territory..the woods everyone including you stared at it for a moment grabbed your flashlights and walk down the path leading to the woods
The closer you get the more unsettling it gets.. the rustling of the bushes from the strong wind and the shadows of the creatures within the forest grow disturbing becoming sinister you even hear animals and creatures that you haven't heard or learned about before you felt your group getting scared Mike(another one of your friend group who was the leader) even started to grow doubts about this plan but you kept going you didn't wanna back down now, can you?
As the three of you made it in front of the woods you all stopped and looked up the trees were as tall as the trees back in your area rocking with the rhythm of the wind, you took a breath look behind to see your group one last time and walked in with your lights held high as they followed you, Josh stopped everyone and decided to make a plan to survive in the woods "Sasha you to set up a fire, Mike you go set up camp y/n and I would hunt" you looked back a bit reluctant "hunt!? In this area! What if we get lost? We don't even know what creature lurks here!?" "We'll be fine, promise, just get a few animals and come back to the camp. "You were about to reply until Josh quickly ran, weapon in hand "asshole.." you muttered under your breath as you cautiously looked around for any animals...
Time skip again
You walked over bored carrying a bag full of dead animals you hunted you then grabbed your light and started heading back to the camp until you heard a loud thud behind you making the ground shake you froze for a second quickly turning back to see nothing but the darkness surrounding the light you then slowly turned back and started walking only a bit faster that's when you heard another thud you turned again but nothing...you were about to turn around until a Hand grabbed you
You screamed trying to grab your weapon but the hand gripped you tight your body started shivering and squirming in desperation to break free from whatever was gripping you but to no luck "Aw how cute! Are you lost little one" You slowly turned to see a giant girl with pink skin and yellow eyes smiling and cooing like you were some pet or little child you stared at her already afraid but confused but you didn't wanna find out so you tried biting her which made her let go a bit making you fall but she quickly catch you "Hey now no biting!" She scolded, lightly, glaring at you. "Please don't hurt me! Just put me down please!!"
You started sobbing as the giant looked down at you in pity. "No, no, honey, I'm not gonna eat you.." she started trying to softly rock you and shush your cries. "Oi pinkie, what's the hold-up?!" Both you and the pink giant turn to see an ashy-blonde hair male coming toward her, glaring at her "shitty hair and dunce fade are already done, and the tape face is already back at the kingdom. What's the hold up with you? His eyes then lay upon your small shaking figure trying to hide from his gaze
"Well, you see, I got this cute little human while hunting and decided I wanted to keep it! Poor thing is dirty and beaten! We can't just leave it here!" Bakugo stared intensely at you while you shivered in fear you looked so small and fragile! He might not admit it, but he already adores you. He grumbled something under his breath, and Mina's expression brightened. "You gonna come home with us, sweetie!" She said as she skipped along following him ignoring your pleads and cries and yells for help
"We're here!" She exclaimed opening her hand out to make you see it was a tall castle that reached above the clouds and the village itself looked ginormous as well you were stunned and a bit scared by the size of the castle and at the entrance, a dark-haired male and another girl with short purple hair approached them "back so soon?" The girl spoke up, carrying what seemed to be a delicious dish, which you can admit spelled pretty well. "Yep, and we brought a surprise!" She said as she slowly pushed her hands towards gently opening them to reveal a small shivering little human curled up in a ball
Both Sero and Jirous's eyes widen, seeing something too small and defenseless, dirty and beaten. "Mina, where did you get them? And why they're bruised up? It better not be Bakugos doing," Sero said, glaring at the male. "My doing?! I didn't do shit scotch tape alien was the one who found them like this!" "I was hunting. There's nothing wrong with me. Can I please just go home!" Mina then started petting your hair with her finger, comforting you like you were a crying child and ignoring your little tantrums the 2 giants' gazes softened at the sight of you
"Let's get them inside and clean them up," Jirou said leading Mina in as Mina carefully held you in her palms Sero started to run some warm water in a bowl making sure the temperature was warm enough while Mina gently placed you on the sink you tried to run but her hand blocks your view "now no running it's bath time for you!" She giggled, reaching her hand towards you, gently and quickly, stripping you down to nothing "H-hey! What the hell! " You quickly wrapped yourself with a nearby tablecloth as your face turned red in embarrassment you felt utterly humiliated
They all stared at you for a moment, Mina gently pushing you with her fingertips to get in, but you scrambled away, clutching the cloth tightly. You weren't gonna bathe in front of these people, especially giants! "What's wrong? The water isn't the right temperature?" Jirou asked, sounding very Eager... too Eager "N-no, I-I just don't feel comfortable b-bathing in front of all of you..." "Well, one of us has to stay with you and help you clean, so you need to pick one!" Sero explained while the others stared at you wondering who will you pick
You observed every one of them, Mina seemed nice enough but a bit too clingy, and the other giant named Bakugo seemed scary so it was down to Sero and Jirou, your gut tells you to pick Jirou plus u felt a little safe with her more than the slim giant name sero so you pointed at jiu which she smiled making sero and Mina pout and whine while bakugo rolled his eyes she then ushered the 3 out making sure they were out of sight completely and shut the door behind them she then walked over to you with a sponge and cup in hand "don't worry ill be extra gentle!"
She then picked up a sponge and started scrubbing you slowly and carefully making sure no dirt was in sight you gotta admit it felt nice like you were in a spa you almost fell asleep which didn't go unnoticed by Jiro who was enjoying every single minute of your cuteness she then began to wash and comb out your hair with a large brush trying to get all the knots out then began rinsing you off with the cup which you cough wheeze and gag cause of the water "Sorry sorry!" She quickly apologized she then let you get out of the bowl as she looked away for a moment to let you wrap around in the table cloth once you were all covered up she gently picked you up and the two of you headed out the door into their shared bedroo,
You were met with the 3 giants again smiling excited to see you were fresh and clean "We got you some cute cozy little clothes for you to wear" Mina said excitedly holding out a cozy set of clothing you stared at for a moment wondering how the hell did they managed to make these so fast but your thoughts interrupted when sero pushed the clothes at you "go on wear em!" He said you smiled nervously as everyone stepped out for you to change you quickly changed into the clothes and it was a but big on you but it was pretty cozy, you then yelled out you were done as the 3 came in again
Mina squealed at the sight of you cooing and doting on you, repeatedly saying, you're so cute!" Or "I could just eat you right up," which made you a bit concerned. "You should thank Bakugo for the outfit. He made it just for you!" Sero said teasingly as Bakugo blushed, hitting the back of the man's head and earning an "ow!" From him "You welcome..." he managed to grumble out avoiding eye contact with you "Oh kiri and denki shoukd be here with the food any minute now! We can all have a dinner together!"
She said excitedly, running downstairs with you, followed by Sero following her behind and lecturing her to slow down when carrying you, "Kirishima and Denki?" You questioned yourself as the door swung open; answering your question, 2 males appeared, one with red hair and sharp teeth and the other with blonde hair as well, but with a black lightning strike. "We're home; sorry we're late; someone kept trying to eat all the rations?" He said as he glared at Kirishima, laughing sheepishly. "I couldn't handle it. I was hungry!" The boys were both bickering each other earning a bit of a chuckle from you being heard by the 2 boys as they glanced at you
"Aww who's this little one!" Kirishima said, reaching hid finger out to you, which you flinched and tried squirming away. "We found them in the woods! Poor thing was beaten and dirty and alone!" Mina whined as the 2 boys looked at you with sympathy. "No, seriously, I'm fine! I was just hunting for some food with some friends for our camp. I need to go back home and-" "Honey, this is your new home!" The blonde Denki spoke up smiling gleefully at you, you froze realizing that home was Impossible "n-no! My homes down there in thr village my parents could be worried and the leader coul get mad-"
"Oh please, your parents never cared about you anyway, and that leader of yours is cruel for leaving someone as small and fragile as you out," Bakugo said, rolling his eyes and earning a glare from everyone in the room. "Bakubro that isn't very manly!" The red hair-stated "yea! You should've said it more softer they're already suffering from the realization that they got abandoned!" Mina added as she looked at you softly, "But it's true, sweetheart. I'm so sorry!" She pulled you closer to her cheek as some sort of hug there was an awkward silence in the air Jirou "cmon let's get you nice and fed and then get you to bed" Sero then grabbed you and headed towards the kitchen with the others behind
You were served a small portion of spaghetti as the others chomped down and devoured their food trying to make conversation with you wanting to learn more but all you could do was stare at your plate realizing that there was no way to escape these giants who think you got abandoned and now you were treated as some sort of pet or whatever! This can't be your fate no way no matter how good the food and care are you want to go home to your parents to your hometown to your village!
"Alright, little crystal, it's time for bed!" The red-haired giant claimed as he took you upstairs to prepare you to bed, you were met with the shared bedroom again but this time there was a large doll house that was 2x the size of the house in your village Kirishima grabbed the key from the counter and open it up revealing a nice looking bed he then places it down in the counter drawer with a working mini night light seriously were these guys that prepared to have a human pet or something!? He then placed softly on the bed Sero tucked you in as Mina, Denki and Jirou kissed you on the forehead making you blush
"Goodnight, sweetheart, sweet dreams~" As they got ready for bed, you then realized that this was your new home and this was your new life from now on...you can never escape them. You were their little human...Their human and they were damned to let anyone take that away from them
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 3 months
half past five high - prologue: when we met in venice (teaser)
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pairing: photographer!Joshua x influencer fem!reader
genre: fluff, comedy, smut, strangers to lovers!au, non-idol!au - minors dni.
smut warnings will be added in the actual fic (this teaser has no smut scenes!)
summary: In the world of fashion, social media and influence, you’re one of the game changers. But you never knew that a smaller player in the form of a freelance photographer would be able to change you.
Author's note: hiii <3 this is the teaser for the SVTHUB World Tour Collab by @svthub AND a feeble attempt to revive the hpfh series with some backstory 😭
©multi-kpop-fanfics, 2024. No reposting allowed. No translations allowed without permission.
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“Is this what you do on first dates?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I follow.” Joshua smiles awkwardly.
“Are you always such a gentleman towards women?”
“It was never a question to begin with,” he opens the menu and takes a brief look at it, “I firmly believe that women are beautiful creatures who deserve our love and support, no matter how independent they are.”
Your laugh is short and mixed with a heavy breath, your face briefly averted from Joshua’s gaze.
“You’re really serious about the whole gentleman thing, aren’t you?”
“Not to make assumptions about your private life, but it seems to me that you haven’t met a lot of romantic partners who were…..romantic towards you.”
You’re taken aback by the man’s bluntness, but you do your best to not show it.
“I don’t think you know me that well, Mister Hong.” You take a sip from your wine glass.
“Isn’t this the purpose of this dinner? To get to know each other?” He mirrors your movements.
“Depends on how well our personalities will blend throughout this dinner.”
“Given the fact you’re an influencer with such an intriguing personality, I think getting to know you will guarantee me a great time.” Joshua smiles again.
“Not to make assumptions about your private life, but I feel like you’re a little too biased against influencers.” 
“Is it really my fault if they are shallow in nature?”
A gasp escapes your lips as his statement leaves you baffled, but the harsh truth of his words turn that gasp into laughter that nearly makes you fold in half.
“Dear God, you really are more than a handsome nobody.” You fan your face with your hands and it’s Joshua’s turn to be surprised at your choice of words.
“I suppose compared to you, I am a nobody,” he scoffs, “Although after that stunt you pulled in the after party, it’s safe to say that both of us got a lot of attention - for worse or for better.”
“It was only for the worse.” You look him in the eye dead serious, “For me, at least.”
“I still believe it would have been avoided if you hadn’t put up the ‘stuck up bitch’ facade.” Joshua responds while waving at the waiter to come over.
“And I believe that the gentleman thing is your own facade, judging from how bitchy you are right now.” You drop the menu on the table, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
The raven-haired man laughs out loud and he leans forward, just enough to block the rest of your eye field.
“Ever thought I could be trying to match your vibe?”
“I thought you wanted to see if our real personalities match well.”“I do. But I also want to find out who you really are. Because I am not buying the entire bitchy act.”
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xx-slug-xx · 1 month
Billford isn’t just silly “toxic old man yaoi” like people have been saying. Their relationship being implied something more really means nothing. Cuz it’s literally horrible. Bill was manipulative, abusive towards Ford for years. And then did the exact same to Dipper years later.
Neither Ford nor Dipper or the rest of the Pines need Bill, if anything Bill needs them and that say a lot about how pathetic Bill is.
Yes and that’s why Ford and Bills relationship is so interesting to me!
Bill, a being that has spent eons painting himself out to be this absolute monster, and he absolutely is based on all his actions, finding solace in some human freak? Something that Bill, being treated as a freak in his home dimension, can relate to? Bill, the demon who most likely accidentally destroyed his entire dimension, who then had to make himself out to be the monster he felt that he was? His ego wouldn’t allow himself to be anything but that monster, and he lies about enjoying all the destruction he causes until his lies are no longer lies to him.
He’d never admit that he wanted more from Ford than the portal and nothing more. He’s supposed to be selfish, only caring about what new planet to consume. Relating to a mortal flesh bag? That would defeat the image he’s created for himself.
Ford saw Bill as perfection in his youth, and Bill valued him for being a dreamer. Bill was the only thing that could efficiently stroke Fords ego, and Ford enjoyed every second at the time. He’s the smartest man on earth, not able to relate to anyone but a dream demon he thought was trying to help him. Ford practically worshiped Bill like he was a god. Little did Ford know that the creature he thought was light was actually a great darkness. The unimaginable feeling of betrayal he felt when he learned the truth.
Bill played the game with him, not only to keep up the facade, but surely for something more as well. Ford seeing him for what he really was and making it his life’s goal to destroy him absolutely ruined Bill. Bill didn’t know what he had until it was already gone.
In the Book of Bill, he’s a horribly unreliable narrator. But Ford is way more reliable, and so is viewing everything from a completely uninvolved perspective. Combine what we see from the show, Journal Three, and The Book of Bill? And oh baby we got a recipe for a disaster of a relationship
They are so horrible for each other, but that sort of chemistry is so fun to explore when it comes to character analysis! It makes both Bill and Fords dynamic, their motivations, and other character related things so much deeper!
Bill needs purpose, and his purpose was ruined by his own undoing. He can blame any of the Pines family for this, but really, he’s his own worst enemy. The man needs serious help lol. Fords moved on, he has better things to worry about. Bill just can’t see past the potential for what could have been. Unable to forget the past, no matter how hard he lies to himself
I would definitely not say that Bill did the same thing to Dipper. Yes, he manipulated the kid and made his and his sister’s lives hell. But their history is not at all equal when Dipper didn’t dedicate his life to a false god like Ford did
Sorry for the ramble, anon! I’m in autism mode lmao
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cerise-on-top · 21 days
Hiya! The post you did about reader giving the 141 a pet turtle/tortoise was so cute 😭. I was wonder if you could do a similar thing but with a pet snake 🐍 They’re my favorite animal and it would make my day❤️❤️❤️
Hey there! I love all reptiles, so I'm more than happy to take on this request :] I can do requests like these with snakes and turtles just fine, but I don't think I could ever write this with cats or dogs haha! Sorry about Ghost, though, but I don't think he likes snakes and nothing could change that, though!
TF141 Receiving a Pet Snake from Reader
Price: I feel as though Price would know nothing at all about snakes and how to care for them. Yes, he thinks something like a ball python is kinda cute, but that’s about it. He’s never really considered a snake before. So you can probably imagine his surprise when you waltz in with a ball python. He’s not disgusted by it, but he would be hesitant to touch it at first. What if it bites him? Though, as soon as you tell him that it reminded you of him, he’d probably grow attached to it. However, you’re gonna have to help him with building a proper enclosure for the little snake. Once you’re done, once you’ve left the little critter in his care, he’s gonna buy a lot of books on how to care for snakes. I don’t think he’d be too creative with names, so he’s probably gonna name it “Mister Slithers” or something. It’s a name a child would give to a snake, but he thinks it’s cute, and it makes him smile, so he kept the name. When he’s home he probably lets Mister Slithers roam around freely for the most part, with supervision. That snake better be super tame, because he will handle it (with care) and give it lots of pats and cuddles. If he could, he’d give it a little kiss on its little head as well, but he doesn’t want to get sick. It’s probably well fed too. Depending on whether or not it’s an active little fella, he might even give it a living mouse or something. But if it prefers to snooze all day? He can go with thawed frozen food as well. Overall, that snake is probably going to live a long and happy life with him. He’ll get attached to it very easily very quickly.
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Ghost: I’m sorry to say this, but you’d need to be super innocent and super close with Simon in order to give him a snake and have him not hate you immediately. He canonically has trauma when it comes to snakes, so I don’t think he’d be happy at all if you gave him one. Yes, you likely didn’t know about that because he’d never tell you, but if you’re anything but the most oblivious and innocent person out there then he will believe that you’re trying to make him relive some of his worst times on purpose. If you are that innocent, then there’s the tiniest chance he might accept it, but I don’t think he’d be a good owner at all at first. He wouldn’t want to go near it, even if it’s just a small Garter Snake. The snake would likely be on the brink of starvation and dehydration at first. For the sake of not making this angsty, I’m going to say that he’ll feel extremely bad for it and start feeding it and taking proper care of it. I don’t think he’s going to let it out of its enclosure for the first few years. In fact, he probably only keeps it around because he loves you. I’m sorry, but he doesn’t trust snakes. It’s a miracle he keeps it alive in the first place. I don’t think he’d give it a name either. Something like “the snake” or “the reptile”, and that’s it. If it gets sick then he’ll take it to the vet and give it the medication it needs, but that’s it. He’s glad snakes are, for the most part, independent creatures. That means he doesn’t need to be around it. His skin crawls whenever he looks at it. I’m sorry, but he wouldn’t be happy and he wouldn’t be a good owner either.
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Gaz: And then there’s Gaz. He revels in you giving him a snake. Truth be told, he feels a little bit of kinship with them. His father used to call him a snake for being a trans man and actively transitioning. He’s a traitor, a backstabber, to his family, and he really does enjoy that fact by now. Call him a snake and he gets all smug and is actually thriving. You could give him something like a King Cobra, a snake that is actually venomous, and he’ll be fine. When he was younger, he’d actively researched how to take care of snakes since he, ever since his family disowned him like that, wanted to get one. If it’s a female snake, then it’s most definitely going to get his deadname. If it’s a male? He’ll probably name it either “Kyle”, after himself, or one of the other names he considered before “Kyle” stuck. Oh, he’s going to be such a proud snake owner. That snake will miss out on nothing. It will be well taken care of and have the most beautiful enclosure it could ever have. He’ll probably pet it too just because he trusts the snake. Considering he’s such an observant man, he’ll probably rarely ever, if at all, anger it, so he’ll be safe. Although I do believe that he’d keep some antivenom around, just for good measure. The snake probably trusts him a great amount too. He’s not at all a bad owner to have, he’s very loving and respectful. Besides, you gave it to him, so how could he not love it? It’s probably gonna live a long and healthy life. And yes, he would take plenty of pictures with it, always considerate enough to send you some updates on how it’s doing as well. Though, every time he sends you a selfie of him with his snake, there’s a little mischievous glint in his eyes. He’s happy, don’t get me wrong, but he feels more badass and dangerous with his little snake around.
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Soap: He has no problems with snakes either, but they’re not cuddly enough for him. He’d rather have an animal that he can chase around his home. That baby Burmese Python you gave him is adorable, don’t get me wrong, but what exactly is he supposed to do with it? Either way, he always gets surprised when he sees how much his little “Sniffer” has grown after deployment. Yes, he’ll scold it for being that big. “Bonnie, how could you grow this much without me? Don’t you know that I need to care for you every step of the way??” He refers to himself as the snake’s “Daddy” as well because he’s just that fond of it. He probably builds it a nice shed as its enclosure since he has a pretty big garden and loves having something to do anyway. He also jokes that little Sniffer can actually sniff out drugs. Some of his friends take him seriously. That snake is going to be so spoiled. Whenever he’s home, he’ll let it roam around freely, even letting it slither all over his body. No matter how big it gets, he’ll work out to be able to handle it. Sometimes, when he hasn’t touched it yet, he’ll kiss his fist and give it a little fist bump. He loves showing Sniffer off, especially to the people who don’t like snakes. Even better if those people are hesitant to touch a snake. Sniffer does grow to be pretty big, but it’s very tame. Unless it’s hungry, in which case it’s probably tried to bite Soap before. But he doesn’t mind that, he also gets pissy when he’s hungry. As much as he’d love to let Sniffers sleep with him, he keeps it in its enclosure during the night. Better safe than sorry. Overall, he loves the funky big fella.
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If Tomorrow Never Comes | Part 4 | The Reason
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Summary: Trapped in the Upside Down, Steve is prepared to die alone until he finds you hurt and in need of help. Doing your best to survive while the world catches fire, is there time for one more chapter in your story?
Adapted from As The World Burns by @myeuphoricmindset
TW: FemReader, Angst, Smut WC:11038 Masterlist Here
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The nights are louder than he remembers. Full of the songs of the cicadas and peepers. The occasional croak of a bullfrog or the hoot of an owl. The distance sounds of traffic from streets away. Somehow it all seems much louder than the Upside-Down. Between the booms of thunder and howls of creatures, there were hours of absolute silence. It’s been six weeks, and Steve hasn’t forgotten how the silence made him feel. Anxious and defensive, like an itch he could never scratch. 
Returning to his dark empty house, the quiet is more than he can stand. It’s become routine for him to sit outside on one of the loungers, watching the last rays of gold sink beneath the treeline, waiting for the sky to cycle through the palette of sunset until darkness finally gives way to the burst of stars. The nighttime sounds calm his worries. This is home. Sitting there, he tries to remember every detail so that it can never be taken from him again. Focusing on the pattern of shadows woven across the moon, he can’t help thinking about you. Are you looking up at the same sky? 
“I thought I’d find you out here,” Nancy’s voice pulls him from his thoughts as she steps out of the house from the sliding glass door. “You didn’t answer when I knocked. I hope you don’t mind. I let myself in.”
“Of course not,” Steve says, twisting to look at her over his shoulder, “Come have a seat,” he gestures to the chaise beside him. 
She moves into the space between the two loungers sitting down sideways so she can face him, folding her dainty hands in her lap. “I heard you were at Dustin’s all day today.”
“I put some shingles on that spot on the roof where the tree fell. They don’t need it leaking when it rains.” Construction is underway all over town. Minor projects are getting pushed down the waitlist as tradesmen try to complete the most lucrative jobs first, so Steve has been doing what he can to help his friends and neighbors.
“Well, that was nice of you,” she comments with a smile.
“Well, if you haven’t heard, I’m a nice guy,” he says with smug charm, his lips quirking on one side, aiming to pull an incredulous laugh from her. 
“I think I may have heard that somewhere before,” she giggles, rolling her eyes before continuing, “You must be hungry. Do you want to get something to eat?” 
“Nah, Mrs. Henderson made pot roast. She wouldn’t let me leave until I ate two helpings.” He rubs his flat stomach, smiling. Dustin’s mom always makes him feel like family. 
“How about a movie then?” she asks, hope filling her voice. 
“I’m exhausted, Nance.” He reaches out, patting her hand, “It’s a nice night. Stay here with me for a while.”
“You’ve been sitting out here a lot lately.” She looks down to where his hand covers hers.
“I never realized what I had until I almost lost it,” he says, pulling away from her and looking back towards the horizon. “I like it out here. It helps me think.”
“Think about what?”
“Everything…nothing. I don’t know.” The longer he looks, the more stars come into view. Simple truths are relieved by just taking the time to look.
“You’ve been so distant.”
Her words have him turning towards her again. She’s still looking down, wrapping her arms around herself, her small hands disappearing into the sleeves of her sweater.
“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be,” he frowns, watching how she’s trying to protect herself, “Are you cold?” He sits up, unzipping his jacket and pulling it off his shoulders. “Here. Sit back.” He stands and waits for her to swing her legs onto the lounger before tucking his coat over her like a blanket.
“Thanks,” she pauses, settling into the leftover warmth, “I thought this would be our time, and I’ve hardly seen you. We haven’t… we’re barely ever alone together.”
He runs a hand through his hair before sitting sideways on the lounger, taking up her position from earlier. “I guess we haven’t,” he says, knowing he’s been neglecting her, but there’s not much left of himself to give, “Work is keeping me busy, and the kids–”
“Steve,” she cuts him off, frustrated by his excuses, “Volunteering at the shelter and doing odd jobs for free doesn’t count as work. And the kids don’t need you to babysit them anymore. Robin’s been back at Family Video for a few weeks now. She told me that Keith has called you.”
“I don’t want to go back to Family Video,” he says, looking away. He’s been over all this before with Robin. “I’m not ready.”
“I know it’s been hard. We’ve all been through so much, but Max is healing. The kids are fine. Everyone is moving on. It’s time for you to start your life.”
His mouth opens with surprise. “Nance, the kids aren’t fine. Have you seen them? Max is struggling.”
“She’s getting better.”
“Nancy, she’s blind. And it’s not just her. Haven’t you seen the way Lucas panics every time he has to leave her side, even for a few minutes?”
“Steve,” she sits up, his jacket slipping down around her waist as she swings her legs to the side, reaching across the space between them to take his hand, “Nothing you can do is gonna fix that.”
“I know that,” he mumbles, but even acknowledging it stirs his guilt. 
“I think you should come with me to Boston.” her fingers tighten around his as if she can already sense his reluctance.
“Boston? For school?”
“I think you’ll really like it there. It’s smaller than Indianapolis, and there are all these great old buildings. I called Emerson, and I’ve got it all figured out. It’s not too late to get the money back from my room and board. We can get an apartment, and I can get a job on the weekends.”
“I don’t know. You’re supposed to be studying, not working,” he shakes his head, looking away, “I don’t even know what I’d do in Boston.”
“It’s a city. I’m sure you can find some job that you’d like. Anything is better than Scoops, right? Maybe you can even go to school?”
“Sure, Nance, I didn’t get in at Hawkin’s Community, but I’ll pull out that acceptance letter I got from Harvard.” his eyes roll. 
“Then just be with me, Steve. Let’s try and make it work this time,” she moves her head, seeking his eyes, trying to break through the wall between them ever since he’s been back.
He swallows hard and meets her eyes. “I want to, but I can’t leave them.”
She blows out a deep breath and lets go of his hand.
“What if something happens? What if it starts again?”
“It’s not going to, Steve. It’s over,” she emphasizes, like it's something she’s explained before. “Why can’t anyone accept that?” Her question makes him realize maybe she has just not to him. He may not be the only one thinking of someone else. Steve has only seen Will a few times since he’s been home. The boy’s clothes were even looser on his slight frame, and purple skin circled his sunken eyes, and Jonathan wasn’t leaving for school in the fall.
“That’s what we thought the last time, Nance. That’s what we’ve thought every time,” he says, his voice quiet but resolved, “I need to stay until they graduate–”
“That’s three more years,” she complains.
“They need me.”
“I need you.”
“No, you don’t.” he gives her a soft smile, reaching for her again, “You never have, not even once.” 
She swipes at the tears forming in her eyes before they can fall. There isn’t anything else she can say.
“Come’er,” he tugs her off her seat, pulling her into his side as he settles back onto his lounger. Her arm wraps around him as she rests her head on his chest, the worry coming off her in waves. “It’s going to be alright, he smooths his hand over her hair, “I’ll think about it, okay?”
“Okay,” she says, snuggling closer, “Just don’t take too long.”
He holds her tightly as he looks back toward the darkened sky, the endless stars glinting as brightly as the moon. He tries to imagine his life with her in Boston, sitting on the rooftop of their tiny apartment. Would the stars shine as vividly with all the city lights? Would he still be thinking of you?
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“Double check for any loose nails,” Steve instructs Dustin as he climbs down the ladder, his white t-shirt covered in sweat and dirt.
“Sure thing, Dad,” Dustin says smartly as he picks up the discarded singles that Steve had tossed down from the roof and throws them into the trash barrel. 
“You don’t want one of those shooting out of the lawn mower,” he points his finger at the boy before picking up a bottle of water and taking a long pull. Despite the cool nights, the heat during the day still felt oppressive, and he could feel the tenderness of a burn beginning on the back of his neck.
“You don’t want one of those shooting out of the mower,” the boy mimics in a mocking voice before adding, “What an asshole.”
“Hey!” Steve fumes, settling his hands on his hips just as Mrs. Henderson comes toddling out of the house holding two glasses of lemonade.
“Oh boys, you finished! It looks so nice,” she says, handing the boys the lemonade and stepping back to admire the view, “You two did a great job.”
“You can’t even see it from down here, Mom,” Dustin scoffs. Earning a warning glance from Steve.
“Well, I can just tell,” Claudia Henderson informs her son, “It’s going to be such a relief not to worry every time it rains,” she says, turning her attention to the other boy, “I can’t thank you enough, Steven. I know you said I couldn’t pay you but here,” she pulls some folded bills from her pocket trying to hand them to Steve.
“No, thank you, Mrs. Henderson,” Steve waves his palms in front of his chest, “The pot roast was thanks enough. It’s been a while since I had a meal like that.”
“Well, you’re welcome anytime. Isn’t that right, Dusty?” She looks for confirmation from her son. When Dustins folds his arms across his chest with a mumble of ‘son of a bitch’, her face goes red with embarrassment. She recovers quickly, smiling at Steve, “Would you like to stay tonight? I’ve got a casserole already to go in the oven.”
“Not tonight, Mom,” Dustin cuts in before Steve can finish, “I’m going to Gareth’s for Hellfire.”
“Dusty, We’ve talked about this. I don’t think that’s safe after everything that’s happened,” Claudia says, her fingers clutching the front of her shirt.
“Jesus Christ, Mom. Eddie’s dead. What more do you want?”
“Watch it, Henderson,” Steve says, putting his hand on Steve’s shoulder.
“Why don’t you fuck off, Steven,” Dustin says, shrugging him off.
“Excuse us,” Steve says to Mrs. Henderson as he grabs Dustin by the collar and yanks him around the corner of the house.
“Since when do you talk to your mother like that?” Steve asks the boy as he releases him against the side of the house. “I know you’ve been feeling bad since Eddie, but you need to get this attitude in check. She doesn’t deserve that, and neither does anyone else.”
“Don’t you dare say his name,” Dustin says, his voice rising in anger as he puts both hands on Steve’s chest and shoves him away. “You didn’t know him or care about him. Just do me a favor and add his name to the list of people you don’t give a shit about and forget you ever met him.”
“What are you talking about?” Steve asks, confused. “Wait. Are you mad at me?”
“Ding ding ding. Good detective work, Sherlock Holmes,” Dustin says, trying to walk away until Steve stops him, grabbing the front of his shirt. 
“So help me, I may not win many fights, but I know I can kick your ass, you little shit,” he pushes Dustin back against the house. “Now tell me what’s wrong.”
“Like you care,” the boy spits, his face red with anger. 
“Of course I care!” Steve yells, waving his hands. “I’m here, aren’t I?”
“Yeah, but for how long?” Dustin challenges.
“Just until you get to play the hero again. Right, Steve?” he asks sarcastically. 
“Are you kidding me, dude?” Steve asks, catching on. How can he actually think that? “That’s what this is all about because I pushed you through the gate? I did that for you. So you wouldn’t get stuck there. Someone had to stay-“
“Don’t give me that. You did it to be the hero. I begged Eddie not to go back,” Dustin yells, his voice cracking, nose beginning to run, “He just wouldn’t listen, and neither would you. I don’t need another dead friend, Steve. I need you here.”
“I am here!” 
“I heard you,” he says, swiping at his eyes, “When El found you, screaming for her not to take you. You don’t know what it took to get you out. To get that gate back open. What we risked. Tell me again how much you care about us.”
“You got this all wrong. I care about you. All of you,” Steve shakes his head and pulls the boy into a reluctant hug, “I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere, you understand?” 
Dustin nods into Steve’s chest, pinching the bridge of his nose with his free hand, and Steve recognizes the gesture as his own. He clears his throat, but his voice still comes out thick with emotion. “All I thought about was getting home, man. I just couldn’t leave her behind.”
Dustin sniffs, one arm reluctantly landing on Steve’s back. “There’s one thing I don’t get, Steve. If she was so important, then where is she?”
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The polished silverware slides against each other, hitting the back of the drawer with a loud clank when Steve yanks it open with more force than necessary. He pulls out a fork and retrieves the open can of SpaghettiOs before heading outside through the slider of the sunroom. The conversation with Dustin plays on a loop in his mind. It’s clear the scars that they all bear are more than skin deep. How do you rejoin a life that doesn’t belong to you anymore? 
He sits on the lounger stirring the tomatoey contents of the can. It’s later than usual. The sun has long since dipped below the horizon. A light mist hangs over the pool's surface, its blue-green light brightening the dark corners of the yard. With the thick clouds obscuring the waning moon and stars, the woods surrounding the yards stay shrouded in shadows. Decisions hang over his head like a knife about to drop, hurting the people he cares about. It’s not the past that’s hard to let go. It’s the future that was never supposed to be.
“I don’t know how you can stand that stuff cold,” Hopper’s voice comes from beside Steve just as the first bite passes his lips. 
“I guess it’s just a habit now,” Steve replies as Hopper eases himself down on the chair beside him, a six-pack in his hand. He pulls one from the plastic ring, handing it to Steve before taking one for himself. 
“Hmm,” Hopper cracks the tab of the Schlitz and takes a loud slurp, “Habits can be hard to break.”
Hopper had been dropping by Steve’s a couple of times a week since he had been home. Steve isn’t sure if this is Hopper’s way of checking up on him or if he just wants an hour of quiet before returning to the full house he shares with Joyce. Hopper has as much on his mind as Steve. Some nights they don’t exchange more than a few words. Whatever his reasoning for stopping by, Steve welcomes the company.
“So,” Steve says after washing down a couple more mouthfuls of Spaghettios with the cold beer, “If I needed to find the address for someone outside of town, is that something you could help me with?”
Hopper’s answer comes in the form of a smug smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as he pulls a slip of paper from his breast pocket, holding it out to Steve in between two fingers.
There’s a skeptical look on Steve’s face as he takes the paper from the older man. Hopper picks up his beer, going in for another sip as Steve unfolds the note, his eyes widening. 
“You’re a damn good cop. You know that, right?” Steve asks, stuffing the paper into the pocket of his jeans. 
“You’re not the first one to tell me, kid,” Hopper says, settling back into his lounge and looking to the sky where the clouds have shifted and thinned. Beams of light push through the thin wisps, brightening the darkness. “Whatta ya know?” Hopper says, pulling a cigar from the same pocket, “Looks like it might be a clear night after all.”
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A light breeze blows the gauzy material of your sundress around your bare legs as you walk down the street toward your apartment. As you hitch your tote higher, the sun warms your shoulders, and a smile plays at your lips. The pieces of your life always find their way together like a jigsaw puzzle without the bigger picture. Forcing them into what you want never works, but eventually, they fit, a new section more beautiful than you imagined is laid out before you.
Your eyes lift from the sidewalk as a car speeds past, Higher Love blasting out of its open windows. The notes blend with the rush of wind through the trees that line your street. One yellow leaf flutters to the ground, an unmistakable sign that the end of summer is near. You watch the car cruise down the road until it passes the stone steps of your apartment. Your stomach and heart turn somersaults when you see him sitting there watching you from behind a pair of dark avatars, a million-dollar smile gracing his handsome face. Your pulse quickens as you approach, wondering if he will always have this effect on you. 
“Hi,” he says, pulling off his glasses and tucking them into the collar of his white tee just as the car turns the corner and the music fades away.
“Hi yourself,” you say, stopping in front of him. “This is a surprise.”
“I thought it was fair,” he shrugs, squinting up at you with one eye slightly closed. “We have unfinished business.” He moves his coat and an empty soda can to his other side, inviting you to join him on the steps.
Climbing a few, you sit next to him, letting the bag fall from your shoulder to rest beside you. “What’s this business?” you ask, your arms circling your knees.
He smirks in response, turning to pull something from his jacket. Returning with a cellophane packet of Twinkies in his hand. “The other pack got a little squished,” he explains as his long fingers tear open the packaging, “These are fresher. I checked the date.” He hands you one of the yellow cakes before taking the other for himself. 
“Thanks,” you laugh, taking the slightly sticky treat from his hand. He brings his to his mouth but pauses, wanting to watch you take your first bite, and you oblige him. One hand hovering under your mouth to catch the crumbs as your teeth breach the soft cake. The sweetness is overwhelming you as much as his gesture. “Mmmm, that’s good,” you say with your mouth still full. 
“Yeah?” He asks, smiling, taking pleasure in your reaction, at how it feels just being near you again like no time has passed.
“Mmmhmm.” Your tongue darts out, licking the filling from your lips, missing a tiny glob in the corner. Before you can make a second pass, he swipes it away with the pad of his thumb, bringing it to his mouth to taste. Behind you, the apartment door opens, and your neighbor from upstairs is maneuvering around you with a heavy box in his arms. Steve’s arm is around your waist, pulling you closer to his side, giving your neighbor more room to get by. It happens quick enough for you to feel dizzy. Five minutes ago, you didn’t think you’d see him again, and now he’s surrounding you, heat lingering like a ghost every place he touches you. The thin material of your skirt barely separates your skin from his Levi-covered legs, his mouth just inches from yours as he bites into his Twinkie. 
Your hand shakes as you turn away from him to pull a bottle of water from your bag. Twisting the lid, you take a few gulps to give yourself a moment to regroup.
“Are you alright?” He eyes you with a curious expression. He knows you too well. “Is it okay that I’m here?” He asks, his voice dropping, turning serious.
“I’m always glad to see you, Steve,” you answer honestly. It’s the goodbyes that you can’t bear.
He takes a moment, looking down at the cracked sidewalk. “You look really pretty,” the corners of his mouth lift but not with charm or arrogance, with something much softer. “I mean, you’re always pretty, but when I saw you coming down the street, you looked happy. I didn’t get to see that when we were…there.”
“Thank you. So do you, but I kind of miss the axe.”
A laugh bursts from deep in his chest, “Yeah? Did that do it for you?”
“Definitely,” you giggle, nudging him with your shoulder, “Want some?” You tip your bottle towards him. 
“Sure,” he takes it from you.
“It’s my new habit,” you nod toward the bottle, “I get a bit panicked if I don’t have water with me. Kinda crazy, right?”
“Nah,” he takes a sip before replacing the cap and handing it back to you, “That’s not so bad as far as habits go. It’s kind of a smart one, actually. I keep eating Chef Boyardee cold.”
“Eww.” Your nose scrunches.
“Right out of the can,” he chuckles, his fingers circling your wrist, gently pulling your arm into his lap, turning it to reveal the healing scar running down the inside of your arm. “I can’t stand the quiet at night,” he says without looking up from your arm. “I sit outside on my back deck for the noise. It’s where I think about you.” His long fingers trace the raised skin with the softest pressure. “I fall asleep out there most nights.”
“I sleep with the lights on,” you admit in a quieter voice, loving and hating how he touches you like you belong to him-like you’ll always belong to him. “And I stuff a couple of pillows behind me, so it feels like yo–like I’m not alone.” 
His eyes lock with yours, and his fingers still. An ache that dulled over the past few weeks but never disappeared completely, crashes over you like a wave. You belong to him, but he’ll never be yours. Not here. Only in another world. Pulling your arm back, you wrap it back around your knees.
He frowns, sensing the shift between you, and changes the subject. “Were you coming from school?” he nods in the direction you came from. 
“Oh. Um, yeah,” you say, following his eyes. The center of campus is a few blocks away from your apartment.
“Have classes started?” he asks, thinking about the answer he owes Nancy.
“No. Not for a few more weeks. I-uhh…I was changing my schedule. I’m not going to do fieldwork anymore. I’m going to teach instead. Maybe high school,” you explain.
“But you loved it,” his eyebrows pull together in a straight line. 
The same expression your advisor gave you when you told him. “I know, but I can’t. Not anymore.”
His Adam’s apple bobs, an expression of guilt washing over his face.
“Hey, don’t feel bad for me. Teaching’s a good gig. Great hours. Summers off. There are worse jobs.”
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right,” he says, recovering. “You can force all those kids to listen to your bad jokes.”
“Exactly,” you laugh, squeezing your knees tighter, “What about you? Have you figured out what you want to do yet?”
“No, not yet,” his head turns away, looking down the other side street, “Nancy wants me to come with her to Boston.”
Your heart cracks open even though you knew this was coming. “So you’re together again?”
He turns, shaking his head, “No. Not really. She wants to be.”
“And what do you want?” you ask, but your heart already knows the answer.
“I don’t know,” both hands card through his thick hair, pulling on the ends, “I don’t know. It’s not that easy. The kids….Nothing makes sense to me anymore. Nothing’s made sense since the last time I was with you. That’s why I had to see you.”
“I think you know exactly what you want.” You place your hand on his knee, a gesture meant to comfort, but he takes full advantage, covering your hand with his, lacing his fingers through yours. You should pull away, but your heart pleads to take what you can. Goodbye is just on the horizon. 
“You’ve loved her for so long.”
“It doesn’t feel right anymore,” he argues, leaning closer, his forehead brushing yours.
“I think,” you pause, wetting your lips, and his eyes track the movement. “I think you’ve been making decisions thinking of everyone else for so long you’ve forgotten what it’s like to choose something that will make you happy.”
“What if the right thing,” his voice has dropped to just louder than a whisper as his nose runs along your cheek, “and what I want is the same thing?”
“Steve,” your breaths are coming in shudders from deep in your chest. Tears sting behind your eyes as a cruel voice repeats from the back of your mind. He’ll never choose you. 
“Can we go inside?” his lips touch yours with the barest of brushes.
His question is a jolt of ice water up your spine. You’ve indulged yourself too long. If you let him in now, tomorrow when he’s gone, you won’t recover. “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” you say, pulling back. You let your resolve steel your spine as you stand. Climbing a few steps, putting distance between you. 
He stands, trying to follow. Sadness and confusion marring his pretty face. “Honey– "
You stop him with a hand held out in front of you. “All of this. Everything we’ve been through. It happened so you can get what you’ve always wanted. So she can see you. Don’t throw it away, Steve. You’re going to thank me someday.”
His mouth opens, but he can’t find the words. Stepping forward, you throw your arms around him in a hug too quick for him to return before you step back. “I’m so happy to have seen you again.” you smile, working hard to keep your tone enthusiastic, promising yourself you will not fall apart despite the pain. Not this time. “Send me a postcard from Boston, okay?” you ask, but you’re already turning away, pulling your keys from your tote, and moving to the door.
“I miss you,” he says. The pain in his voice makes you pause and close your eyes.
“I don’t think I’ve ever missed anyone before, not the way I miss you.”
“I miss you, too,” you turn back to him. You know he’s trying, but it’s not enough, not after having him. He’s still not choosing you, and you deserve someone who will, even though it’s so tempting to give in to him.
“Maybe I’ll surprise you next time,” you keep it light, “I’ll show up in Boston when I need someone to share a Twinkie. Take care of yourself, Steve,” you push your key into the lock.
“Wait. Wait, he says, waving his hands before they settle on his hips, “If you’re so sure I’m supposed to be with her, then what’s your reason? Why were you there? Why did we even meet?”
Your eyes shift to your shoes, trying to find an answer that isn’t a lie, reasoning that it’s okay to lie if it’s for his own good. “I don’t know. I’ll let you know when I figure it out.”
The lock clicks before he can say anything else, and you quickly seal yourself on the other side. You wait until you see him walking down the steps to let yourself into your apartment. Immediately dropping your bag and leaning your back against the door. Your hand moves to your stomach as you silently apologize for your lie. Pushing away, you walk through your tiny kitchen to the refrigerator. Rubbing your eyes, you refuse to let a tear fall. You won’t regret doing the right thing. Your hand wraps around the handle before you yank it open and pull out a juice container. “It was the right thing,” you whisper, letting the door swing closed, revealing the black and white strip of photos of a small blurry shape taped to the other side. “For all of us.”
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The buzzing from the cars zooming past in a haphazard flow does nothing to calm Steve’s nerves as he makes the long drive back to Hawkins.
“Fuck,” he slams his hand against the wheel as the memory of you closing that door, shutting him out of your life, replays in his mind. He shouldn’t have tried to kiss you. He shouldn’t have pushed. After being apart for so long, he should have known better. But seeing you come down the street, having you so close–it was like no time had passed. It felt natural to touch you. He had just wanted to talk. Just wanted to see that you were alright, but the feel of your soft skin under his fingertips had only made him want more. And then, just like before, it was over before it really began.  
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Steve snaps off the radio, cutting off Lindesy’s pleas. One thing had come out of it, though. He had gone to you looking for clarity, and you had given it to him. You were right. He does know what he wants. He keeps the radio off, rolling down the window, listening to the sounds of life around him. Watching the highways turn into towns and more familiar roads until he was crossing the Hawkins town line. Passing the turn for Cornwallis, he heads north toward Maple. The house is dark when he pulls into the driveway, his lights bouncing off the second-story window he had climbed through more than a few times before. But not tonight. He turns the key, pulling it from the ignition, the leather creaking as he leans back in his seat, closing his eyes. The light’s still low, just breaking, when the knock on his window wakes him. The blue of Nancy’s eyes is brighter than the sky as she stands barefoot, freezing her nightgown. She takes his hand as they walk inside.
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“I’m working on it, Flo,” Hopper yells in response to the knock at his closed office door. He scrambles for the empty file folder stuck between his booted feet and the desk that they are resting on. He wraps the folder around the copy of Car and Driver that he’s been reading and quickly shoves the half-eaten donut into his top drawer. Replacing it with a red apple that he takes a big bite of just as his door swings open. 
“Oh, it’s you,” he says as Steve wanders into his office, shutting the door behind him and sitting heavily in the chair in front of Hopper’s desk.
“What do you want?” Hopper asks as he settles back further in his chair, his eyes moving back to the file folder he’s holding up in front of him.
“How about a job?” Steve asks, his eyes roving around the small office.
“Ha, good one,” Hopper chuckles, pulling out a camel from his breast pocket.
“I’m serious, Hop.” 
Hopper narrows his eyes as he lights his cigarette. “What’s gotten into you, kid? Having regrets about not leaving with Nancy a few weeks ago?”
“No. Nothing like that. It was never gonna work out,” Steve says, shaking his head. He said goodbye to Nancy the morning she found him outside her house. He loved her, but they weren’t right for each other. It would have left them both broken if they’d forced their lives to fit together. So, he let her go like you had let him go with affection and without regrets. Another chapter closed. 
“I’m ready to figure out what to do with my life.”
Hopper stays quiet, taking another drag from his smoke.
“I figure I’m pretty good at helping people, so that’s what I want to do,” Steve shrugs.
“This isn’t just helping old ladies across the street, Harrington,” Hopper says, sitting up in his chair and blowing out a steady stream of smoke, “It’s hard work.”
“Yeah, I can eat donuts and read Car and Driver, too, Chief,” Steve says, waving a hand toward Hopper.
“Watch it, kid,” Hopper says, slamming the magazine on his desk and stubbing out his cigarette, “What happened with the girl?”
“The girl?” Steve questions
“You went to see her, right?” Hopper asks, leaning forward on his elbows. “What happened?”
“Nothing happened,” Steve says, looking away.
Hopper’s jaw tightens as his eyes turn to slits under thick eyebrows.
“What do you want me to say?” Steve asks, crossing one leg over the other. “She wasn’t interested.”
“Let me get this straight. You went there?”
“Knocked on her door?”
“Waited for her to get home half the day.”
“Then you told her you weren’t going with Nancy?”
“And that you’re in love with her.”
“Not exactly.”
“You are in love with her?”
“What’s wrong with you, Harrington?” Hopper asks, gripping the edge of his desk, “Are you stupid or something?”
“Jesus, Hop,” Steve says, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Have you seen them out there?” Hopper’s uniform-covered elbow slams down on the desk as he points to the closed door, “I’m full up on stupid. Now,” he says, sitting back and crossing his arms over his chest, “I might have something for someone who’s got their shit together, but right now that aint you, Harrington. So, come back and talk to me when you do.” 
“Hop, I–“
“I don’t want to hear it, Harrington. You might be able to do some real good someday, but right now, I’m busy. Important police business to take care of,” Hopper says, propping his feet back up on the desk and burying his face in the magazine.
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Steve isn’t sure if it’s sentimentality or sheer curiosity that drew him here, but he did know as soon as he saw the stack of folded afghans being placed in a box at the shelter that this is where he’d end up. On first approach, the cottage doesn’t appear much different than the one in the Upside-down. The tiny home still remained obscured by tall sugar maples and eastern white pines. White curls of paint still clinging to the old timber walls next to sturdy black shutters. But the well-tended beds of colorful flowers that line the walkways and front of the cottage give it a more inviting feel. 
His shoes scrape up the stone steps, where he stops to take a fortifying breath preparing to see the woman that used to haunt his bad dreams. His knuckles wrap against the door while flashes of himself cutting away vines play in his mind.
“Mrs. Willard,” he calls after hearing a series of loud coughs on the other side of the door. 
“Just a minute. Just a minute,” Her voice gets closer as he hears the locks being worked before the door swings open, “Jesum crow, give an old lady a minute to get to the door.” 
Anne Willard’s full height barely put her at the center of Steve’s chest. Her poof of white curls gave her an extra few inches, as well as the sensible black shoes that adorned her feet. “Whatever you’re selling, I don’t want any,” she huffs, ready to slam the door.
“I’m not selling anything, ma’am,” Steve says, giving her one of his best smiles, “I’m Steve Harrington, a volunteer from the shelter over at the middle school. I don’t think anyone thanked you for donating all those blankets, so I wanted to stop by and ask if there was anything I could help you with around your property.”
“Help me?” She takes a step forward, her balled hands landing on her hips, head tipped up to look Steve in the eye, “Do you think I’m senile? Can’t take care of myself?”
“No, ma’am. I know you’re alone out here, and I thought I could be useful.”
“Humph. Well, I guess we’ll have just to wait and see about that,” she says, her clear blue eyes as sharp as a woman half her age, “You better come inside then.”
She turns on her heel, leaving the door open, and Steve with no choice but to follow her. His eyes roam the familiar space. She must not have changed a thing in her home since time stopped in the Upside-down. He feels like he’s lived a lifetime here instead of only a few days. 
“Tea,” Mrs. Willard says, raising her finger as she starts down the hall leading to the kitchen. Steve follows her, ghosts echoing in his heart as he passes the closed door of the bedroom where he made love to you. 
The kitchen is the same, with brighter sunlight pouring through the windows and backdoor. Fresh flowers stuffed in pitchers dot surfaces between the knit-covered crockery. The older woman stops in front of the butcher block countertop, pushing up on her toes to reach for two mugs from the open shelving. 
“Let me do that, Mrs. Willard,” Steve says, reaching beside her and retrieving the mugs.
“Enough with the Missus stuff. Anyone who makes tea in my kitchen calls me Anne,” she says, shuffling to the table and sitting, “The kettle is right there on the–” 
But Steve already has the kettle filling. The knited cozy folded neatly near the stove.
“Well, you certainly know your way around a kitchen,” she says, looking at him with a curious eye as he starts the kettle boiling and drops the teabags into the cups. 
“I remember you,” she says when he turns and leans against the counter, “I know your mother. You used to run around town with your little gang like you were the Prince of Hawkins. So tell me, have you done any growing up since then?”
“I’d like to think so,” he says as the kettle starts to sing. He pulls it from the stove, pouring water into each mug, and brings both cups to the table.
“Now,” she says, folding her hands in her lap while waiting for the tea to steep, “Is there anything I need doin’? Let’s see, I had the gutters cleaned a few months back. I mow my own lawn and tend to the garden. Besides that, there’s not much else to do. My Jacob built this whole place himself, and it’s just as sturdy as the day we moved in.”
“You have a beautiful home, Anne,” he comments, trying out her first name. “You don’t see places built this solid.” The cottage was the only house they came across in the Upside-Down that was mainly untouched by the decay.
“He built it as a wedding gift. He knew I loved the lake. I just wish we had more years here together. So much wasted time.”
“How long were you married?”
“Forty-three wonderful years. Not enough,” she smiles sadly, sorting through her memories. “We got married at nineteen, but that was considered late at the time. We met when I was sixteen, and everyone knew Jacob was sweet on me right from the start. Walking me home, and bringing me flowers, but every time he asked to take me out, I turned him down flat. I thought he was too good for me. You see, Jacob was from a very well-to-do family. Things like that mattered so much more back then. I told him he shoulda been courting Ellen-Mae Sattler. Her family owned the quarry and half the town. It was no secret she had her sights set on him, but he wouldn’t hear of it. Every time I sent him away, he’d just come right back.”
“How did he finally convince you,” Steve asks, completely wrapped up in her story.
“Well, one day he just showed up with a ring and said, ‘I love you, Annie, and if you turn me down, it’s not going to make one lick of difference cause I’m just gonna keep on loving you anyway.’ We got married three days later." Her lip quivers as her eyes turn glossy. "The Lord knows I miss that man every day. Suppose I’ll be joining him soon enough.”
“I know he’ll be waiting, Anne,” Steve says, covering her hand with his.
“Oh well, now I’ve gotten all weepy,” she says, picking up a napkin to dab at her eyes. “Now, what about you, young man? Do you got a girl out there that you love like that?”
“Yeah,” he says, a smile ghosting his lips, “I definitely do.”
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A bright flash lights up your small living room, follows a round of thunder rattling the rain-streaked windows. Wrapping your arms tighter around yourself as you sit on your worn couch with your knees pulled up, tucked under your oversized Perdue sweatshirt, you take deep soothing breaths. There have been storms since you’ve returned, but not like this. Not the kind that has the entire sky dark and purple with near-constant thunder. Not the kind with so much lighting, the hair on your arms stands up straight, and you can feel electricity buzzing in the air. It’s taken you right back there, and this time you’re alone. 
With another loud boom, the lamp in the corner of the room cuts out, and the room falls into near darkness. “One-two-three,” you count, trying to keep your voice steady and breathing even. As suddenly as it turned off, the light flares on, and the display on your VCR flashes zeros. A deep sigh escapes your chest just as the door buzzer sounds.
Your muscles are stiff with tension as you stand up, moving towards the intercom, “Who is it?”
“It’s Steve.” The sound of his voice is barely audible over the pouring rain. One hand moves to your mouth while your thumb punches the button, unlocking the door. Here he is, saving you again.
Your fingers shake as you work the locks as quickly as you can, opening the door to him standing there half-drenched, hair dripping onto the collar of his soaked gray jacket, a wet crumpled bag in his right hand. He hasn’t taken a full step over the threshold when you are crushing yourself into his chest, your arms going around his middle. Stiffening, he swallows hard before dropping the bag, his arms wrapping tightly around you. He’s freezing but somehow still filling you with warmth.
“I’m sorry,” you say against his chest, “The storm.”
“It’s okay,” he reassures, pulling you closer, letting his hands trail up and down your back, “you’re alright.”
The feel of his lips ghosting at your temple brings you back to awareness, and you step away from him, heat rising from your chest to your cheeks. “Sorry,” you say again, yanking on the cuffs of your sweatshirt, “You picked a good time to drop by,” you chuckle, trying to hide your embarrassment.
“Yeah?” he laughs with you, “Would you mind if I come in then?”
“Ohmygod,” you cover your face with your hands, “Of course.” 
Your eyes shift around your kitchen, trying to remember what you might have left out as he picks up his bag and follows you through your apartment into your living room. A small one-bedroom subsidized by the university, is a step up from the dorms you were lucky to get. The galley kitchen leads into the small living room, big enough for a sofa and a desk, that surface overflows with books and papers. 
“Nice place,” he says, concern filling him as he watches you flinch with the next flash of lightning.
“Thanks.” You stand in the middle of the room, unsure of what to do now, watching as he unzips his wet jacket revealing a crisp Polo. He carefully folds it, trying to avoid tracking more water through your apartment, and looks around for somewhere he can put it down.
“Let me get you a towel,” you say, rushing from the room down the narrow hallway, trying to calm the rapid beating of your heart. The wind picks up outside. The storm is right over you now. Branches of the tree outside your bedroom sway back and forth, scraping against your windows. The bi-fold doors of the overstuffed closet stick when you try to pull them open. 
“Shit,” you cry when they won’t budge more than an inch.
“Everything okay?” Steve’s worried voice calls from the living room.
The lights flicker as quick snaps of lightning flash like a strobe while you tug harder on the handles. Thunderclaps roar loud enough to shake the entire building as the doors burst open with one last tug that sends you falling backward onto your butt as half your closet empties onto the floor. 
“No,” you press your hands to your cheeks, overwhelmed as panic and frustration claw their way up inside you. Ignoring how your head swims, you move to your knees, chasing loose geodes scattered across the floor, when you feel his hands on your shoulders. 
“Leave it for now,” he says, his warm hands covering your shaking ones as he helps you to your feet. “It’s not important. We’ll get it cleaned up in a minute.”
Tears prick at your eyes as you nod, trying to slow your breathing.
“It’s okay.” He cups your jaw, tipping your head back so you’re focused on him. The deep hazel of his eyes pulls you in. “Stay with me. I’ve got you, okay? It’s you and me.” 
Your hands move to his chest, bunching the fabric into your fists, bringing him closer. Despite the questions that swirl lost somewhere in your mind, you can’t deny yourself the comfort he offers. 
“I won’t leave you.” His chest tightens, hoping this is a promise he’s allowed to keep. 
“Why aren’t you in Boston?” you ask as a tear spills over your lash line.
“Honey,” his eyes soften as his thumb strokes your cheek, “I was never going to Boston.”
As his arms move around you, bringing you close, you let out a breath that you feel you’ve been holding since you woke up in the hospital. One that has been keeping you from falling to pieces because now you can—he’s holding you together. 
Without leaving the safety of his arms, you let him lead you to the couch. Your head finds a home on his chest, and you bring your legs up, curling into him. Something warm gets tucked around you. He holds you close as the storm rages outside, his heartbeat lulling you into calm. At some point, your eyes must have closed because the sound of light rain is the next thing you remember.
“It passed,” Steve says, tightening his hold on you when he feels you stirring, hoping he doesn’t have to let you go yet. Content to stay, you snuggle in deeper, tugging the afghan tighter around you both. The familiar softness of the downy yarn catches your attention. 
“Wait, where did you get this?” you ask, sitting up, the scalloped edges running between your fingers, give way to a pattern of multicolored flowers. 
“I went to the cottage. Mrs. Willard gave it to me, but I knew right away that it belonged with you.” His arm slides from your shoulder, traveling the length of your back.
“You went there?” An ache runs rampant through your chest. As the sensible voice inside you begs you not to let him climb through the cracks into your heart.
“I needed to see it,” he takes your hand, eager to keep the connection, “it was exactly the same. She hasn’t changed a thing. I asked if she needed any help, but as it turned out, the only thing she needed was someone to listen.”
"And what did she say?"
“She just talked,” he shrugs. “She told me about her husband and their life together. It made me realize how much time I’ve wasted,” he lifts his eyes to yours, “You were right, I know what I want. I want you. You’re the one I can’t live without.”
After all these weeks, the words you didn't dare dream of fall easily from his lips. Leaving what was left of your battered armor to shatter and fall away.  
“I should never have left you in the hospital, and I should never have said goodbye. I should have fought for you like I did there. I know you don’t think we belong together, but you loved me. Is there any part of you that still does?”
“I never stopped.” The tears run down your face faster than you can wipe them away. “I can’t. I love you, Steve.”
His eyes light up at your confession. His lips pull tight into a smile as he leans forward, dipping his head, but you stop him with a hand on his chest.
“I love you,” you start again, choking on the words, “But there are things you don’t know about. Things that could change your mind.”
The secret you’ve been keeping is a band on your heart, constricting its beats. One that you know will change everything.
“Honey, whatever it is…I love you. We survived the world burning down around us. We can make it through anything.” 
His hand moves to your neck, but you push him away, “No, Steve, you don’t understand,” you hiccup as the tears blur your vision. “I should have told you.”
“It’s okay. I promise,” His thumbs wipe away your tears, “Let me get you some water, and you can tell me.” He stands, leaving you for the kitchen while you try to find a way to tell him. 
There’s no doubt in your mind that Steve would do the right thing, and that’s exactly why you couldn’t tell him. He would stay with you out of obligation, and one morning you’d wake up to resentment written all over his face as he trudges through the day instead of living out his dreams. You won’t take that from him. So you’ll tell him, and then you’ll let him go for the last time taking your heart with him. The cabinet bumping closed reminds you of what's pinned on your fridge.
“Steve, wait!” you scramble toward the kitchen, but you're too late. He turns the corner, his eyes lowered to the ultrasound photos he’s carrying in his hands.
You stand still, quiet sobs wracking your chest, like a chess piece on a board waiting to see if his next move will knock you down. 
His eyes finally rise, full of hurt and shock. "You're having my baby."
You owe him so much more than the nod of your head, but the words stay lodged in your throat. The sound of soft rain hitting the windows fills the silence between you. He carefully sets the strip of scans on your desk, making sure they have their own spot like they’re something precious. He staggers toward you, moving slowly like he’s afraid to frighten you, his face still in a daze.
“I’m sorry,” you manage as he stops before you. He shakes his head from side to side, keeping his eyes lowered. 
“You don’t have to…”
Your words trail off as he sinks to his knees. Placing a gentle hand on your belly, he leans forward until his forehead rests softly beside it.
“Hi,” he whispers, “I’m your dad.”
His fingers stroke feather light where his child is growing inside you. He’s never imagined anything more beautiful.
“You want us?” you ask in whispered tones, “Are you sure?”
“Honey, you’re giving me family. It’s all I have ever wanted.” His lips press softly against your belly.
Your breath leaves your lungs in a whoosh taking your fears with it. The love you feel for him—him and the part of him inside you, cracks open your heart until it’s filling every part of you with such a force you’re surprised you can’t see it glowing under your skin.
“Are they okay?” he asks, lifting his head, keeping his hand where it is, his eyes glossy as he looks up at you, “Is the baby okay? The Upside-down..”
“Yes,” you say, interrupting, not wanting him to worry for a second, “The baby’s fine. Developing normally. I had the ultrasound early, to be sure.” You cover his hand with yours, and he sighs in clear relief, his other hand grabbing your hip.
“You're my reason. Both of you,” he says, pulling you closer, “I’ve never been more sure.”
“You’re mine too,” you say, dropping to the floor to join him, your hand moving to his stubbled cheek, “I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you.”
“It’s okay. It doesn’t matter anymore,” his hand cradles the back of your head, “I love you, and I’m going to take care of you if you’ll let me?”
“How about we take care of each other?”
His lips stretch into a smile before he leans forward, and they close over yours. "Deal," he agrees, going back for another kiss. 
Your arms wind around his neck as he pulls you tightly against him. The plush of his lips working lazily around yours. Steve was right. He had held you like this while the world burned around you, expecting your last act to be loving each other. A love that is rare and true and written in the stars. A love that will survive the test of time. Time that neither one of you will take for granted. Living fully in each minute, watching your love grow into a family. You can feel all this in the press of his lips. The stories of your future are printed there. 
"I love you," he says again because he wants you to know loving you was never a choice. His fingers move under the edge of your sweatshirt lighting trails of fire along your skin as his kiss changes from slow to hungry. 
"Can I touch you?" He asks. Even though his hands are already on you, he wants your permission to go further. 
"Please," you pant, already on the edge of being consumed with want, "I need you, Steve."
"I need you too, honey. Need to know you're mine." His hands lift the edge of your sweatshirt, and you raise your arms, helping him rid you of it. He barely glimpses what he's uncovered before you pull at his Polo, stretching the fabric in your greed to feel his skin against yours. He takes you back in his arms, and it feels like home. Your soft skin a contrast to the thatch of hair on his chest as you feel the rapid beat of his heart against your own. The wet slide of his kiss only makes you want more. Want all of him. 
Your whimpers drive his urgency as he lets you go to retrieve a pillow from the couch and carefully lays you back on it. His fingers grip the waistband of shorts and panties, sliding them down your legs. 
"You look so pretty all laid out for me," he says, pressing a soft kiss to your lips before sitting back on his heels, his big hand landing where your knees are pushed together, "but I want to see all of you."
Your fingers trace your kiss-bitten lips, feeling the ghost of his as your thighs fall open, revealing the glossy evidence of exactly what he does to you. His fingers run absently up and down your inner thigh as he looks his fill wearing the expression of a man about to take what's his. 
"Steve," you whine, feeling impatient while your hands move to your breasts adding a graceful slow roll of your hips to remind him he can do more than just look. 
"Fuck, honey. How did I ever stay away from you?" he asks, crawling over to place a kiss just above your belly button, the first in a slow trail ending at the top of your pussy. His hands wrap around your thighs, holding you open for his first slow lick up your center that sends your back arching off the floor.
“You taste so good. I’m already addicted,” he says, eyes catching yours before his mouth closes over you in a wet assault, tongue swirling through your folds, drawing circles around your clit.
“No one,” you gasp, clawing at the carpet while your hips fight against the press of his hands, “No one has ever made me feel this way.”
You can feel him smile against you as he slides two fingers inside your velvety heat moving in and out of you steadily, curling upward to brush against the spot that adds a new layer of euphoria radiating through you.
“I’ll spend the rest of my life making you feel like this,” he pauses to kiss the plush of your thigh. Your fingers tangle in his hair as he returns his attention back to your pleasure. He groans with your gentle tugs, the vibrations rippling against your core. 
“Need to get you ready for me, honey,” he says, adding a third finger. Biting down on your lip, you hiss through your teeth at the slight sting of the stretch. He gives you time to adjust, waiting until your slick soaks his fingers.
His pace quickens, changing those quick jolts of lighting into a blur of rapture. Your walls tighten as your body tenses. Your chorus of desperate moans his new favorite tune. 
"That's it, give it all to me. Cum for me, beautiful." His lips close over your clit, sucking in short bursts. Your blood sings with the new sensations rushing through you, turning molten as you rise like a fiery star.
Calling his name, you fall over the edge into bliss, the world ceasing to exist beyond your connection. He helps you float down with gentle touches and light kisses placed on your belly. He can’t fight back his smile as he looks down at you. A face that he memorized every detail of, now glowing with his love and his child. He didn’t have to die to become the man he wanted to be. He just had to open his heart.
When your eyes flutter open, he’s there, deep moss swirling with amber and gold filled with love. From the first moment you met, you placed your faith in him, and fate has led you to a love you never thought you’d find. After the uncertainty, the struggles, and the fears have fallen away, love is all that is left between you.
He’s chosen you, and you, him. Once in another world and again in this one. A life together that was fought for and hard-won. As the page turns, you’re no longer fearful of what's next, knowing you’ll be together. Whatever lies ahead, you’ll take his hand and welcome the adventure.
"And that's why you don’t take life for granite."
A chorus of groans erupts as the students gather their books and papers when the shrill bell sounds over the loudspeaker.
"Hey, I better start getting some more laughs out of you all, or I'll be forced to assign more homework," you call out over your shoulder as you erase the formulas you had written on the blackboard.
"Will we see you later, Mrs. Harrington?" says the ringleader of a group of four boys lingering around your desk. 
"Sorry, guys. No AV club tonight," you tell them as you settle into the creaking chair behind your wooden desk, "I've got plans. Next week, alright?"
"I bet you're going to be busy getting set up to watch the Perseid meteor shower?" questions Travis, the overly enthusiastic one. With a mouth full of braces and a head full of curls, he reminds you of someone else you know. 
"Something like that," you smile, thinking about your plans as you tidy the papers on your desk, adjusting the large geode next to your nameplate. 
"Alright, see you tomorrow," they concede, shuffling out, their disappointment already forgotten by the time they make it to the door. 
"See you tomorrow," you call after them as Tina, an 8th grader with hearts in her eyes, squeezes past them into the doorway.
"A policeman in the office is asking to see you, Mrs. Harrington."
"Thank you, Tina. Can you please tell him I'll meet him outside?" you can barely hide your smile, knowing exactly why he’s here.
"Sure," she says, leaning her head against the edge of the door frame, "He's really dreamy."
“Alright, Tina,” your eyes roll, “Get to where you're supposed to be.”
She’s quick to follow instruction as you finish preparing for your next class. Leaving your room, you walk through the quiet halls and across the empty gym, the sound of your heels clicking against polished floors. Pushing open the set of double doors at the far end, a warm hand wraps around your bicep, pulling you outside into the shade of the building and maneuvers you up against the hard brick wall.
“Mmm,” you whine as Steve pulls away the collar of your blouse and attaches his lips to the spot where your pulse is speeding up, “You're going to get me in trouble,” your voice already breathless, as your hands move to his head holding him there.
“I can’t help it,” he says, running his hands along your sides, “I’ve been thinking about you all day. You’ve got me so distracted.”
“Is that so?” you ask as his lips brush over yours.
“That’s so.” His thumb tugs at your chin, coaxing you to open so he can take the kiss deeper. “I can’t even concentrate..” His words trail off as his mouth takes yours, kissing you like he did that very first time. Like you’re the only woman in the world. Like he adores you.
“Steve,” you mumble against his lip as your hands smooth up the front of the crisp tight-fitting blue button-up. Seeing him in uniform never fails to make you ache with need. The top two buttons are always undone, revealing the white shirt he wears underneath with just a glimpse of the hair on his chest showing and a shiny silver badge pinned just left of his heart. Your fingers tangle in the hair at the nape of his neck that he still wears too long to be regulation.
“What did the doctor say this morning?” He asks as one of his hands slides lower on your hip, down the side of your skirt, dipping just under the hem.
“He gave me the all clear,” you breathe out, pulling his mouth back to yours as his hand continues to climb until it finds the lacy edge of your stocking and the garter it’s attached to. 
"Are you wearing lingerie?" His fingers get bolder seeking out more of the lace. 
"It's new," you answer, grinding yourself against his hardening length, “I thought you deserved it. You’ve been taking such good care of everything since the baby.”
“Jesus, honey,” he groans, tipping his head back and slapping his hand against the rough wall of the building, “How am I going to wait until the kids are in bed?”
“You won’t have to. Hopper is picking up the boys after hockey, and Joyce already has the baby,”  two of your fingers start walking down the front of his shirt, brushing against the leather of his belt, heading lower to the flat front of his tight black pants. “We’ll have the house to ourselves until tomorrow.” 
“What about Fate?” He asks, his eyebrows pulling together, always the protector of his other favorite girl.
“She’s having a girl's night with El and Max.” you smile, knowing he would ask about your oldest. You set up this plan weeks ago. Waiting to be together after the birth of your babies is just as hard on you as it is on him.
“You’re sneaky.” His hand reaches around you to give your ass a little squeeze.
“You love it,” you admit pressing a small kiss to his lips.
“I love you,” he says as the bell rings again, projected through the speaker over your heads. 
“I’ve got to go,” you swat his hand away so you can straighten your skirt.
“Not yet,” he pouts, using a finger to trace your neckline, pulling it away from your body, “Just let me have a little peek,” he tries looking down the front of your blouse.
“Get out of here,” you laugh, giving him a gentle push.
“Fine,” he grumbles with a smile, turning to walk back to where his cruiser is parked. 
“Tonight,” you call, making him turn and look back at you.
“Tonight,” he says, raising the fingers of his left hand to his lips, the sun glinting off the gold band on his fourth finger, “and forever.”
The End
AN: Thank you so much for sticking with this little series. It challenged me in ways that I never expected, but I learned a lot writing it.
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hxjikonn · 1 year
Hello again~! May i request Lilia and Malleus react with reader who tried to create an Ai resemble of themself cuz human life are too short and they don't want them to feel sad when they are gone.
Avid angst enjoyer here thanking you for this wonderfully hurtful idea, also I’m sorry this took so long lmao😭🫶🏻 hope you enjoy it!
‘Till forever falls apart
☆Staring☆: Malleus Draconia and Lilia Vanrouge x GN! Reader
Synopsis: How would they react finding out you’ve been working on creating an AI version of yourself so that they’ll have you with them even when you’re gone
Warnings: Mentions of Death, A lot of crying.
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Malleus Draconia
“Ah…” you gasped, waking up in a cold sweat, you didn’t have any nightmares however you knew what you were feeling was worse…fear…pure fear. You clutched on to your shirt, feeling your heart beat, hearing it thump in your ears. Grim woke up to the sound of your breathing “Hey…are you okay?” He sat up rubbing his eye with his paw, “I’m fine Grim…it’s just…it’s happening again…” you said patting his head.
The cat frowned upon your response, but you only returned his expression with a smile “Dont worry about me…you can go back to sleep, I’ll come back to bed in a second…” you scratched behind his ear attempting to woo him to sleep, “Where you going anyway?” He asked, already half asleep. “Just somewhere…don’t worry about it” you gave him more head pats until finally he fell back into a slumber.
As you leave the room, you headed to the lounge area, there you opened your laptop at started coding, a little skill you learned from Idia, you sighed and stopped typing for awhile. “Why am I doing this…” you asked yourself burrying yourself into your palms, tears start to well up in your eyes, the truth of it all was that the reason of your fear was simple. It was death.
And no not death itself, but what and who you’ll leave behind when you die. You’re afraid of leaving him. You knew that a lifespan of a fae such as Malleus lasted a lot longer than yours, and as much as you wanted to stay by his side forever, you couldn’t. So you had a talk with Idia a few weeks back about creating an AI version of yourself.
He was against it at first, but he knew what it felt like to lose someone, and he didn’t wish that upon anyone, so he taught you how…and here you are. You thought it’d be easy to do this, it’s just precaution you said, but ever since you started, you feared the day you’d disappear would be closer.
You hugged your knees and cried, you couldn’t anything other than that, it’s not like you had magic like the others, or half fae like sebek. There wasn’t any other way. “Why are you crying my love?” a soft whisper from behind you was heard, before you could even look back, he had picked you up and placed you on his lap, enveloping you in his warmth.
“Malleus?? What are you doing here?” You looked up at him, your cheeks still had tears running down them. “I felt that you were upset…so I came…” he said, “now it’s your turn to answer…” he adds. You looked back down onto your hands “I just watched a sad movie…” you lied. “It must’ve been a very sad movie considering you were shaking before I held you…” he didn’t buy your excuse.
You only nodded at his response, feeling him beside you only made the fear worse, your mind racing with thoughts like how you wont ever get to be held by him like this again once you die…you’ll never hear his voice…you wont be able to hug him again… suddenly your thoughts were interrupted with 3 words, 3 simple words that broke you. “I’m also afraid.” He said.
You couldn’t respond you didn’t know what to say so you let him continue as you hold yourself together. “Time is a very cruel creature. It yields no magic, it doesn’t even commit violence but it wipes away many many lives…” the tone of his voice had a slight shake in them. Desperately trying to not talk about this topic, you faked a yawn “Mal…I’m a bit tired…I think I’ll go rest” you said as you stood up, shutting your laptop and walking away.
You didn’t want to talk about this, this is what you’ve been keeping from him, you don’t want to hurt him, it’s the exact reason why you chose to create your AI version. “I’m afraid of losing you too…” he spoke. It was as if you were shattered, you heard the loud thumping of your heart in your ears again as well as the cold traces your tears leave on your cheeks.
“I’m scared…each passing day I think about the clock of your lifespan running out, it scares me. I don’t want to think about the day when you leave me…” he confessed, you didn’t even hear him walk towards you but you suddenly felt his arms on your waist. You felt his tears staining your shirt. It hurts. You trembled in his embrace, shaky breaths escape your lips.
“They deemed me one of the one of the 5 most powerful wizards in the world but even I’m scared of time taking you away…” He whispers weakly, “however I don’t want anyone other than you, not even a copy…” he adds, you turn to face him in shock. “How did you…” “I love you too much to not know what you’re thinking about my love” he interrupts. “I’m sorry…” you apologized, breaking into a fit of sobs.
He held you close also erupting into cries, “I don’t want to leave you…I don’t want you to feel alone again, I want you to see that I’m here even though I’m gone….” You explained hugging him. “But it’s not you…” he answered. “You can program it to be you as much as you want but I’d rather accept the fact that I’ve loved you until your last moments than to play pretend with a copy of what you used to be…” he finishes, kissing your forehead, then your nose and finally your lips.
“I love you…and even though I know it’ll come one day, I’ll spend every second loving you, caring for you, and being with you until then.” He held you as if you were porcelain, as if you could break at the slightest touch, as if you’d disappear if he lets you go. You hiccuped and sniffled holding on to him as well, you never wanted to let go.
Suddenly the fear that had been clouding your mind left. The storm had passed, everything felt okay again. You grew tired after a long while of tears and sorrow, Malleus took the initiative to take you to bed. But he didn’t return to diasomnia that night. He didn’t want to be far from you, not now, not ever.
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Lilia Vanrouge
You we’re excited to see him, your lover, you had a very special gift to show him today. You finally finished it, after long hours, nights, days, weeks, months of preparation it’s finally done. An innocent gift, you had no ill intentions in making this. All you wanted was to make him happy, even if you’re not there with him one day.
“Come on! Just a little bit further” you held on to his shoulders, pushing him towards the room as he was blindfolded “My dear you’ve been pushing me for the past 5 minutes now, when can I see your little surprise?” Lilia said, unknowing of what it is. You two finally reached the room where the “gift” was and you were do excited for him to see, though you had to admit it hurt nonetheless…you were doing this for him
“Okay…you can take your blindfold off now” you said as you stood infront of your lover, he reluctantly took his blindfold off and met eyes with you, “What? Is the surprise to be alone with you in a room? If it is I’m absolutely loving it” he said cupping your face lovingly. You laughed and took his hands off your face gently, “No…well I mean yes, but right now you’ll see two of me…” you said, hinting at what lays ahead
He gazes at you, both confusion and amusement lingers in his eyes, he crosses his arms smiling waiting for you to reveal whatever it is you had planned, the moment you did though…his smile died along with his amusement….he looks at it with nothing but bafflement and sadness “What is this?”were the only words that left him…
“It’s me!” You beamed at him showing him the holographic replica you made of yourself, “I made me, for you” you awkwardly stated, now saying it out loud it sounded bad, “B-but! I made it because-“ Lilia cuts you off before you could even redeem yourself
“No Y/n.” he says sternly. “Lilia I just-“ he cuts you off once again “No Y/n. Whatever this is…I don’t like it…I don’t appreciate it.” He says motioning to the holographic version of yourself, his expression pained, upset, confused and angry. “I’m not gonna be here forever Lilia…nor can I live as long as you” you defended yourself
“And you think this is gonna make me feel at ease?!Having a version of you, that I cant touch, that I can speak to but has computerized answers, some kind of moving picture that isn’t living…this thing is not you.” He snaps back angrily, he gazes at the hologram filled with spite. Making you tear up a bit, you had figured this would be one of the reactions you’d get, though you hadn’t prepared for it as much as you thought…
“I’m scared Lilia, I’m afraid of leaving…I don’t want you to feel like you’ve lost me one day when my human body gives up on me…I cant stay even though I want to so this the best I could do” you choked back tears…looking at the floor filled with hurt and fear, fear for the day that waits, the day that you pass away…leaving him forever.
You thought you finally made Lilia hate you, maybe it was for the best you thought, maybe it’s better he hates you than loves you, that way when you’re gone, it wont hurt him as much. You heard footsteps on the wooden floor, in your mind, you told yourself Lilia was leaving now…so you stayed put, shut eyes and head hanging low.
But unexpectedly, you felt a warm, loving, and strong embrace, it felt like the last push you needed to let out the tears you’ve been holding back, and you did. “I’d rather miss you everyday for as long as I live, than having to ease the pain of not having you with this contraption…” He says in a hushed tone while comfortingly rubbing your back
“I’d rather spend the rest of my days thinking about the memories we’ve made when you were here, than to make new fake memories with a hologram…” he adds, you continued to sob and hold him weakly, feeling as if every word he spoke was a dagger through your chest, but something you also needed to hear.
“I’ve been knew about this the moment I decided to love you, I knew you weren’t going to be with me forever, I knew you were going to leave first, but I wasn’t scared, because I promised myself I’d spend every waking day with you, making our time together memorable…so that when you leave I’d know…that I made you happy while you were here…and that you’ve spent your mortal years contently…” Lilia spoke, his voice quivering but also spoke to you with the gentlest tone.
He backs away slightly to give you a short but passionate kiss, then he pulls away putting his forehead on yours, tears both staining your cheeks as they trailed down from your eyes “I love you, only you, no one else, nothing else, just you. The Y/n I can hug, and kiss, and laugh with…you.” Lilia smiles sadly, wiping your cheek with her thumbs.
You nod, still feeling the tears continuously flowing, Your lover pulled you back into his tight but loving embrace, it felt safe…like all your worries being washed away, you knew now that everything was going to be okay, all you needed was him, as long as he was with you, nothing else mattered.
A/N: Heyyyy so here’s a little something that’s been on my drafts for the longest time now 😭🤚🏻 I’m a bit rusty as I haven’t wrote anything in a long time so this may come off as rushed or repetitive, But nonetheless hope you guys like it ♡♡♡ (also sorry for coming back with another angst post lolllll) love ya bye! 🫶🏻
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ngayawneluoer · 2 years
i‘m with you either way
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ lo’ak x metkayinan reader
You actually were listening to Lo’ak. And now you want to meet his tulkun friend.
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In the mid-afternoon sun, you sat with the Sully children on the rocks where the ocean met land, listening to Lo'ak's recollection of the events that happened the night he went missing. You had grown quite close with Tuk after teaching her and Neteyam how to ride their ilus, so the little one sat in your lap, as interested in her brother's words as you were.
He spoke with such conviction that you couldn't help but believe him, yet your Metkayinan brothers and sisters evidently didn't share the same sentiment. Tsireya, Ao'nung and Rotxo sat beside you, faces contorted in disbelief and amusement. You had to admit that the events Lo'ak had described sounded strange; as Tsireya had said, it wasn't Tulkun season, and Payakan was rumoured to be a killer. But on the other hand, how could he have made his way back to the village without his ilu, and why would he lie? You watched him from across the group; his eyes were sincere but irritated at the fact that nobody seemed to believe him.
"No, he isn't like that," Lo'ak retaliated, frustration evident on his face.
Neteyam rose to his feet, hands grasping Lo'ak's shoulders, "My baby brother, the mighty warrior who fought Payakan the killer and lived to tell about it," he teased with a playful grin.
"No," Lo'ak huffed, standing up, "You guys aren't listening."
"Lo'ak, I'm listening!" Tuk exclaimed from where she was sitting in your arms, but her words fell on deaf ears. As her older brother walked away,  she pivoted to you with a pout, "(Y/N), I was listening."
You frowned, gaze following Lo'ak's retreating figure, "I know, Tuk. So was I."
Your gaze shifted to glance towards Neteyam, who met your eyes in turn. A slight guilt misted his face, a soft sigh escaping his lips. He seemed to unwillingly upset his brother a lot, you noticed.
Despite her slight whine of protest,  you moved Tuk off your lap and stood up, shooting Neteyam a reassuring look, "I'll go talk to that skxawng."
Your feet sunk into the warm sand as you rushed to follow Lo'ak; he wasn't hard to miss amongst the sea of cyan Metkayinans. He was striding down the dock towards where the ilu gear was kept when you finally caught up to him.
"Lo'ak, wait!"
Upon hearing your voice, he spun to see you, a scowl on his face, "What? You here to tell me off too?"
You grimaced, slightly hurt by his accusatory gaze, "No, Lo'ak. I'm just worried about you."
Lo'ak rolled his eyes, scoffing irately, "You don't have to be! He is not a killer. He saved my life!"
"Lo'ak, I believe you!" You exclaimed at the stubborn boy. Your words seemed to finally calm him, and for once he listened intently, "It does sound... outlandish, but I can see you are telling the truth."
A hand scratched his head awkwardly as he sighed softly, eyes downcast in shame, "Thank you. Sorry for yelling at you."
"It's okay." You paused. The boy stood beside you awkwardly, lost for words; you figured it wasn't often that someone took his side. You ducked your head to catch his downward gaze, eyes curiously peering into his, "Can I meet him?"
Lo'ak smiled softly, eyes filling with hope, "Yeah," He breathed, grabbing an ilu harness to resume the action you had interrupted, "Come on."
He grabbed your hand, pulling you into the water with him. You landed with a splash before joining him on his ilu, your arms wrapping around his waist as he commanded the animal. It wasn't long before the two of you had made it outside the reef, the vast ocean surrounding you, as endless as the sky.
Lo'ak began calling for Payakan, and shortly the large tulkun appeared.
You gasped as the creature rose from the water, but a smile grew on your face and you released a gleeful laugh, excited hands gripping Lo'ak's biceps, "Lo'ak, it's really him!"
If you were completely honest, you didn't think the tulkun would actually show up, even if you did believe it had saved Lo’ak. As you had said, it seemed outlandish. But with the mighty creature before your eyes, the reality of Lo'ak's experience was undeniable. Payakan was actually here, and he sure didn't seem like the monster you had been taught he was.
Lo'ak started swimming towards his tulkun friend, the mighty creature bringing its fin to the surface for Lo'ak to sit on. Slightly wary, you lingered on the ilu, observing the greeting between the Omatikayan boy and his tulkun friend.
Payakan's eyes drifted from Lo'ak to your figure, and you couldn't help your nervous smile. Sure, you had been introduced to many tulkun before, but this particular one had chosen Lo'ak, and for some reason, it made you determined to make a good impression. Payakan seemed somewhat wary, but Lo'ak was quick to introduce you.
"This is (Y/N); she is my friend. You can trust her," He said, signing simultaneously to the best of his ability. He looked back at you, an inviting hand stretched towards you.
You slid off the ilu and swam closer to him, your hand meeting his, fingers intertwining, and he pulled you up onto the Tulkun's fin.
'I see you. It is nice to finally meet you.' You signed to Payakan. It seemed you had been nervous for nothing; the outcast tulkun made a joyful noise as it met your eye, and you smiled, glad to have been accepted by him.
'What are you doing here?' You continued accentuating it with a warm smile, hoping he understood it in a friendly way rather than accusing.
Payakan thought for a moment, a glint of sadness in his large eye. He responded, 'I am an outcast. I wander alone.' You saw deep suffering in his eyes, a creature at war with his own memories. As curious as you were to learn the truth about why he was outcast, and you decided it wasn't your place to pry.
Lo'ak looked between the two of you, offended. "Hey! You guys can't leave me out just 'cus in don't know your hand talk!" He pushed you off the tulkun's fin, and you splashed into the water below.
As you resurfaced, you rolled your eyes and went back to communicating with the tulkun with your hands, purposely to aggravate the forest boy. He splashed you playfully, but you didn't falter.
'You should have left that akula to eat him.' You signed, though you bore a cheeky grin on your face to let Payakan know you were joking.
Payakan's eyes seemed to smile, and his fin moved from under Lo'ak, making the boy sink into the water below next to you. The tulkun's large fin pressed down onto your heads, encouraging your bodies underwater to get the two of you to dive with him.
Lo'ak grabbed hold of your waist and guided you behind Payakan's fin, and the two of you held on to the large animal as it swam. And just when you thought your day couldn't possibly get any better, your eyes met Lo'ak's as you swam underwater. His lips held the biggest smile you had seen on him since he had arrived in Awa'atlu, and your heart grew for the outcast boy. You decided then that even the best sights of the ocean didn't hold a candle to his smile.
Eclipse began quicker than you would've liked, and although you didn't want to, you had to say goodbye to your new friend.
'I hope to see you soon, Payakan.' You signed, giving the tulkun a hug. Lo'ak beamed as he watched you longingly, a gentle smile on your face as you interacted with the creature. He felt as if he had finally done something right. Even if the whole world was against him, you were on his side, and surely that counted for something.
Wet footprints marked your trail as you and Lo'ak walked out of the water, hand in hand. You stood on the beach, facing each other in an unexpectedly intimate moment. You were both lost for words for a second, but before you could break the silence, Lo'ak spoke up, and you hung on his every word with bated breath.
"Thank you," He expressed, eyes as golden as the sun meeting yours, "for believing me. And everything else."
The corners of your lips twitched into a gentle smile, "Thank you, Lo'ak, for introducing me to Payakan. I had a lot of fun," You leaned closer to him, pressing a delicate kiss on his knuckles. You traced every one of his fingers, revelling in the uncharacteristic blush that crept onto his cheeks.
"Tonowari would be angry if he found out," you started, but looked back up as you continued, a rebellious smile on your face, "But you don't have to worry, I'll keep your secret."
He didn't respond, but he studied your face as if he was seeing you for the first time. 
It became harder to resist the pull he felt towards you, like a moth to a flame. He found himself slowly leaning forward, eyes flittering as he watched for any sign of rejection, but he saw none. Your eager gaze stared back at his, and he swore he saw the stars in your eyes. With the confirmation that you wouldn't pull away, he met your lips with his in a blissful moment.
He hoped you saw him too.
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storiesbyrhi · 1 year
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Witch!Reader x Bat/Vampire!Eddie Munson Series Masterlist The Grimoire The Timeline
Warnings: canon typical violence, horror genre typical violence, swearing, animal death, no beta, warnings updated each chapter.
Synopsis: No witch has stepped foot in Hawkins since 1845, but when Vecna opens the ground and poisons the town, a voice begins to call to you. Have you been brought back to this cursed place to heal the townspeople’s wounds, to save a hexed bat that always finds its way to you, or to redefine your history with a reunion 150 years in the making?
Chapter Summary: Bury a candle and give allegiance. 2740 words.
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Time had passed since you’d delivered the final line of the spell. Nine minutes, to be precise. You’d said the words, then got off your knees to sit more comfortably on the tiles, your back to the wall. Edward sunk into the bath, letting the water come up to his shoulders.
“We’re almost done,” you whispered. “You have to bury the candle.”
As he dried off and dressed, you retrieved a glass from the kitchen while making a mental note to add clothes to your shopping list.
Carrying the glass of the powered bathwater, you lead the way outside, through Forest Hills, and out to the small wooded area you’d first crossed paths with him. A few neighbours watched you as you went by, but most were busy packing to leave Hawkins.
The vampire dug a small hole and placed the candle in it, then took the glass of water and poured that on top. He covered it up and stood by your side.
“It’s done,” you confirmed. “How do you feel?”
He considered the question for a moment. “The same,”
“You don’t remember anything else?”
Shaking his head, he looked at you. “I’m sorry,”
“What? What are you sorry for?”
“I wasn’t your burden to bear,” he offered. “You do not owe me anything.”
You felt you did though. It was a deep and profound feeling. One that somehow surpassed everything you knew to be true about vampires. It surpassed witch allegiance, seeing you undo another’s hex. And it surpassed both your innate need to protect living creatures and your oath to harm none.
There had to be a reason, but searching for the meaning was a dangerous road to go down. It was a luxury too, one that Hawkins would not afford you.
“We should go home,” you said. “We have a lot to talk about.”
“You would never tell me a lie, would you?” You fluttered your eyelashes.
“Me? Deceive you? My beloved little witch? Never.” Although there was levity in his voice, you knew he was being truthful.
“So, then you can confess to me. You can transform into a bat!”
Eddie laughed. “I promise you, I cannot,”
“But the stories!”
“And what of the witches in the stories?” he counterargued, rolling onto his side.
It was past midnight and you were lying together beneath an old oak tree. The ground was still warm, fall not yet prickling the dark with a cool change.
Eddie reached out to gently touch your face. His skin was cold, but it made you flush hot.
“Vampires are very boring,” you teased.
“Imagine my good fortune then, being bound to bore for all eternity, only to find you.”
A day had not passed by since that first kiss without you sneaking off after dark to meet with Eddie. The sun has risen and set no less than sixty days.
In the moonlight you listened to Eddie tell you how he came to be a vampire, how he was damned, amoral, and evil like the others. You knew he was different. It did not matter what he had done, it mattered what he was doing. He hadn’t hunted any of the villagers who lived unaware of such beasts, nor the Native Americans who knew a monster when they saw one.
You knew there were things Eddie kept hidden. How, sometimes he ushered you back to the village earlier than usual, and he’d hunt elsewhere. Inhuman speed allowing him to travel great distances quickly. No, your vampire was not on an animal diet. It was something left unspoken between you.
Instead, you spoke about the places you had been and how the world use to be. You theorised about the future, about how the 1800s would end and what the 1900s would look like. “I cannot picture you in the year 2000,” you said as you sat up.
You crossed your legs and Eddie shuffled to lay his head in your lap. As you began to braid sections of his long hair, you tried to imagine it. “Well, we change with the world…”
“I can change with the world,” he argued.
“Can you? How many days did it take for you to answer to Eddie,”
“But I answer to it now,”
“True. You do.” You leaned down to place a kiss on his forehead. He smiled, his upper canines slotting neatly into the lower. “Would you answer to it when you’re in your bat form?”
Eddie moved quick, had your fingers between his teeth. There was no pressure, you could take them back at any moment. He looked up at you with his dark eyes, something feral and held in reserve glinting through. He let your hand go.
“If I could do that, would I not be hidden in your pocket all the time?”
Giggling, you nodded. “You would. I would like that,”
“No bats. No… garlic undoings…” He tried to think of all the falsehoods. “Nor beds of soil from the grounds of our deaths. Nor hawthorn. Nor insight into your thoughts…”
It was terrifying, how little of the stories were true. What did that leave known about the vampires?
“Can I protect the humans by telling them not to invite anyone over the threshold of their homes? By arming them with blessed water?”
Eddie’s smile dropped. “Protect them from me?”
“No… Not you. But-”
“My kind… The colony…” He sat up and looked at you.
“I will not feel guilt for this,”
“I wouldn’t expect a witch to feel guilt about anything. The spoils of the righteous,”
“Eddie,” you whispered, reaching out for him.
He flinched, at first. A darkness settled over him. He was still in absolute.
“The colony – are they your family?” you asked.
“If they are, will you tell your coven to stop the hunt?”
It was the first acknowledgment of both Eddie’s colony and the coven’s hunt for them.
A vampire’s warning always comes in the death of livestock. Vicious killings of cows and lamb. They had been infrequent, not enough to alarm the farmers. The witches wove fact with fiction to keep the peace. It had been three seasons since the first lost sheep.
That is why you weren’t surprised by the vampire when you first crossed paths.
There was a limit to how many animals a witch would let die so brutally. Eddie’s colony had yet to reach it. Likewise, they had not brought harm to any townspeople. Until those conditions were met, the witches only prepared for the hunt. They sharpened their weapons and perfected their spells. They would lay in wait until then.
“There will be no hunting unless-”
“When,” Eddie interrupted. “When they come upon your village like a plague or Pestilence himself in the night, it won’t matter if they are kin.”
Your eyes had welled up. “No,” you agreed as a tear slipped down your cheek. “I will protect the humans.”
Eddie nodded slowly, then took your hand and let you cup his face. He closed his eyes. “Little witch. I envy your world of absolutes. And I love you so.”
When he took you in his arms, you held on tight, refusing to let him go until the first songs of the morning birds sang misery.
“So, I keep trying to call you… Edward… in my head, but it’s not sticking,” you admitted as you checked the temperature of the water in the kettle, putting it back on the stove to reach boiling point. “So, maybe we’ll need that nickname after all,”
“Yeah, I mean, you do look like an Edward. But the only people that would go by Edward now are, um, the elderly, and while me and you both technically count… let’s try to keep you as inconspicuous as possible.”
Back inside the trailer, the vampire had sat on the couch, tried his hand at looking normal. It was coming back to him, how to move in this body and how to find his words.
While you mentally added ‘nice tea’ to your ever-growing shopping list, you continued on your train of thought. “But, you’re lucky, because Edward, Ed, Eddie, easy. Take your pick.”
He only took a few seconds. “Eddie,” he decided, waiting on you for approval.
“Eddie…” You looked at him from the kitchen bench, how he was watching you intently. Nodding once you turned away as the kettle whistled.
With your mug of tea warming your palms, you sat on the couch next to Eddie. Pulling your legs up and crossing them, you shuffled around to face him.
“You should go first… Have you remembered anything else?”
“No,” he said quietly. “I… I’ve been here for many, many years,”
“Longer than the humans?”
“No… The humans have always been here. Not as they are now though. They were once… quiet. And they…” Eddie struggled to explain how it used to be. “They have changed the land,”
“They have,” you replied. “They used to know better. They… They know, now. It’s like they’ve forgotten to care.”
Eddie could hear the sadness in your voice. Did he feel empathy… or was it simple recognition? “You love them,” he stated.
“I did once. I don’t know if love is what I would call it anymore. It’s complicated. Do you remember that about witches? That we watch over the humans?”
Eddie’s gaze wandered up and away as he searched through his mind. “Maybe… Yes… That is why we…” As his sentence failed, you saw an expression creep over his features. It was the first time he looked truly vampiric. It wasn’t a smile. It was a knowing smirk. “We are not friends,” Eddie finished, his eyes snapping back to yours suddenly.
“Do you remember what happened to the vampires?” The need to assert yourself as not only a healing witch, but as a dangerous thing too bubbled up in you.
“There are no more. Not anywhere on this earth.”
Eddie’s head tilted and his little grin fell. “Vampires cannot be killed,”
“You couldn’t. Not a stake through the heart or even sunlight. But we figured it out,”
The tension was rising but you held steady, refusing to feel regret or fear. “Witches spent eons hunting vampires who hunted humans. Covens got so close to working out how to properly kill… them. But it was my coven, here in Hawkins, that did it. It was more than a lifetime ago, but it still feels… recent, I guess.”
Eddie’s stare was unblinking. “Clever witches,” he whispered. “I was… hexed… before that then,”
“Yeah. They would have just killed you otherwise,” you confirmed.
Eddie remembered to blink. He nodded. “And what year is it now?”
There was knowledge stored in his cells. Small pieces of information in his biology, but not much. Just… vampire. Blood. Apex, cannot be killed. Walk by moonlight. Don’t trust a witch. The thought led Eddie to his first question for you.
“Why help me?”
“I… I didn’t know what you were.  I thought you were just an injured bat,”
“But you didn’t stop… helping me. When you knew.”
You opened your mouth to speak but got caught wordless. Shrugging, you shook your head. “I don’t know.”
Eddie wanted to force more out of you. He wanted to know what would possess a witch to resurrect an already defeated enemy. He wanted to know what it felt like to hand over the dog. He wanted to know how often hexes were reversed.
The wetness of your eyes and the shaky breath you were trying to even, they made him settle for an ‘I don’t know.’
“Next question. Do you know about what’s happening here? The evil?”
“It has been here for a long time,” Eddie answered with a slow nod.
You cocked your head. “Have you seen him?”
“Uh, the humans call him Vecna. He’s something else. Not like us,” you told him.
Eddie smiled. “How are we alike?”
“Oh… I guess… I guess we’re not. I meant, he was somehow made, by other humans… But… so are vampires… So was the first vampire,”
“The evil is like me,”
“No. It’s different.” It was getting under your skin, the comparison between Eddie and Vecna. Why though? “I wish I knew more. But whatever doorway was opened, it’s not one witches can see through. All I know is that there is world beyond this one and he hides there. He travels through the mind and has power over people. He’s already killed people and hurt more.”
Eddie thought of the white long-limbed creature with its face of teeth. The monster made of humans, how it snapped and crushed. They had been visible from the sky; he’d tailed the chaos as a bat. Vecna had never shown himself like those things had.
“Where are the witches?” Eddie asked.
“They are… not coming. As far as we can tell, Vecna doesn’t know about us. Or anything supernatural beyond his own world. The coven fears if he discovers it, he’ll either try to drain our power or kill us all. Or both,”
“And what of the humans?”
Despite the questions being entirely valid, you felt interrogated. “They have won before. More than once,”
“And if they fail?”
You sucked in your bottom lip and chewed while you formulated a response. “The coven will intervene… They won’t let him go further than Hawkins,”
“You do not sound convinced,” Eddie observed.
“I will intervene. I will protect the humans.”
Eddie’s instincts told him that witches were steadfast in their conventions. Virtuous and stubborn. Yet, every rule you had, you’d seemed to have already broken or committed to doing so. He couldn’t remember if he was meant to feel. Was he meant to like you, to show preference at all? You were so flawed though and it endeared him to you.
“If it comes to that, I will help you…” He didn't say your name. It didn't feel right on his tongue. There’s something else there though, living on the tip of it. It’s lost. Trapped in the memories your spell couldn’t bring back.
You nodded and gave him a forced smile. Vecna hurt to think about. The children hurt to think about; Erica Sinclair at age eleven.
“Something called me here,” you said suddenly. You were caught off guard by your own admission. “To Hawkins. My coven thinks it’s… not haunted, but something like that. None of us have been back since we left. But when Vecna did what he did, I started to hear it,”
“The calling,”
“Yeah. When prolific events happen, it unsettles everything. What he did to the earth and to his victims… It could have changed something. Let me hear something I couldn’t before.” Part of you was simply thinking out loud, a stream of consciousness that finally had an audience in Eddie. And, an attentive audience at that.
Eddie had relaxed back into the couch like he’d grown up on that very one. Every minute he spent reinhabiting his old body was comfort. He was watching you still, those dark eyes trained on your changing expressions and lively movements.
“When you hear it, does it have a voice?” he asked you.
“Almost? It almost did… Just like there were almost words. But… it was… I don’t know. Like someone else’s thoughts in my head. But it stopped when I got here. I kind of sold this whole thing to myself as following that voice. That it had to mean something. But now it’s gone. And I don’t know if it was him… or…”
“Me,” Eddie finished for you.
You nodded. “But you… you didn’t,”
“I don’t have magic,” he reminded you. “And I was… just a bat,”
“Right,” you said slowly, trying to recognise the emotion on his face. “Just a bat…”
“I owe the voice my gratitude,” Eddie said, dipping his head and smiling. “And, maybe… Vecna… He will rue the day that voice dared to call to this little witch.”
It exploded across Eddie’s body. A prickly warmth that responded to the combination of those two little words. He watched your pupils expand at his words. Your blood smelt rich. Thick. Hot.
It was entirely beyond either of your understanding. What had happened. What was happening. And what hadn’t yet transpired. Yet, for a fleeting moment on the couch of a run down trailer, you and the vampire were of one mind.
End Note: No, it won't be as easy as the unhexing spell bringing back Eddie's memories. And now, there is a looming threat in Vecna that may sidetrack this little witch's mission to turn back time. Thank you for reading. I am frothing at all the predictions of what is going to happen and what is going to be revealed. Some of you are hot and some are cold. xo Rhi
Fic Taglist: @kaitebugg03 @paranoidmunson @munsonsbait @idkidknemore @paprikaquinn @stardustworlds @loz-brooke @wyverntatty @vintagehellfire @dark-academia-slut @scarletwitchwhore @becks1002 @mrsdollardog @heyndrix @luceneraium @rosaline-black @devilinthepalemoonlite @goldencherriess @iamwhisperingstars @wiltedwonderland @blueywrites @breezybeesposts @jadehowlettthewolf @spikesvamp79 @foreveranexpatsposts @tortoiseshellspells @wingedpeachjudgegiant @stardustmunson @live-love-be-unique @fangirling-4-ever @reanimated-alice @b-irock @gh0stlybunnie @myown-worstenemy-2003 @woozzz @cyberxlust @hiscrimsonangel @buckysbarne @m00nlight101 @word-wytch
All Eddie Taglist: @solomons-finest-rum @ruinedbythehobbit @sweetpeapod @thorfemmes  @corrodedhawkins @grungegrrrl @lilzabob  @averagemisfit03 @ches-86 @ilovecupcakesandtea @onehotgreasymechanic @hazydespair @mel-the-fangirl @eddies-hid3out @siren-lungs
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truths33k3r4 · 3 months
Ok. Ok. Ok- this is…this is fine. There’s more- heheh. There’s more Mikeys- Or, Mikey-like creatures- Just two more! This.. this is FINE.
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A few beats pass in tormented silence as I stand and try to process the addition of more creatures that have scurried into my life. The whole of this stressful day has really taken a lot out of me mentally- and now it’s really starting to show.
Oh shoot. I should say something.
I try to shake the rumbling mists of worry and panic out of my head, settling for just the tingling sensation of sheer and utter confusion.
“H-hello?”, I say to these new brightly-clad creatures now staring daggers into my soul, “I- I’m sorry this is just a lot to..to process- I..”
I take a breath.
“Okay. Mikey will be fine,” I hold out my hands in a steadying motion, “I gave him some medicine and his infection should be gone in a fe-”
“WHAT?” The blue one, Leo, shrieked, pulling Mikey’s weak body closer to his own protectively, “An infection?!” He gently cups Mikey’s sluggish face into his hands, “Mikey! Come on! Wake up!!!” 
Mikey slurs some incomprehensible words before allowing his head to sag deeper into Leo’s arms. This just makes the tension in the room rise, as well as fan the flame of hatred flickering in the eyes of the creature adorned with a bright purple mask and pixel-like markings.
“He-He’ll be okay.” I say as I try to take a step forward, but am abruptly halted by the sharp hiss from the purple creature, “I gave him medicine, and the doc said he’ll be okay in a few days.”
I watch as Leo’s eyes search me, trying to decipher if I or my words can be trusted. Neither of the creatures release me from their soul-piercing gazes, but eventually Leo’s expression softens, while the purple one’s dulls.
“Wh-what did you give him?” Leo hesitantly asks, as the purple one joins him on the bed alongside Mikey, “I don't think our kind can handle human medicine.”
The purple creature gives a minimal nod of agreement without letting his eyes off me.
I slowly.. very slowly.. crouch to the floor so that I’m now at eye-level with all the creatures. My heart continues to pound in my ears, and my chest feels warm with re-kindled adrenaline. It’s also kinda.. getting hard.. to breathe.
“I didn’t give him any human meds- it was-” I pause, asking myself if I will offend the heck out of the other creatures if I say “animal medicine”. But it was the truth, and therefore quickly escapes my mouth. “It was for animals. The doc said it would be safer for him.”
Leo finally turns his piercing blue and brown eyes away from my jade. The purple one’s silvery-blue irises also release me from their grip to look down at Mikey. Leo’s head twists and tilts, looking over Mikey like he’s a doctor inspecting a patient. The purple one sits close by, doing the same. After a little bit, the two brightly-clad creatures turn to look at each other. Leo shrugs, while the purple one gives another subtle nod. They turn their eyes back to me.
“He’ll be okay?” Leo asks me, as his eyes once again search my soul for any deceit hiding in the shadows.
“Yes. The doc said he’ll be..” I gulp down the sudden taste of acid in my throat, ”..f-f-fine..”
My chest aches as I feel my airway slowly closing up with every breath I take. My ears fill with a sharp hum as my vision starts to make the forms of the three creatures before me double..and triple..
Not now. COME ON, NOT NOW. 
My episodes have never come with an invitation, and this time around was no different. It’s embarrassing enough when it happens in front of other people, but of course it had to happen in front of three turtle-cat-creature things.. I love my life.
As my vision continues to pixelate and distort, I instinctually sit down as fast as I can. The sudden thud makes the purple creature let out a low growl, but I’m too busy trying to breathe to notice him. Before my nausea begins, I shut my eyes tight and go limp on the floor. My vision goes dark, but my other senses remain awake, hearing the faint sounds of scuttling paws cautiously creeping closer.
A hand the size of a bottle cap touches my face.
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The sensation of the touch was similar to brushing your skin up against leather. Compared to Mikey’s more sharp and jagged scales, this creature’s body was smooth and covered in tiny scales delicately placed in neat rows.
“Are you cognitive, human?” 
My brain can’t connect the voice to any I’ve heard before, so I assume this is the purple creature’s paw on my face. Suddenly I’m very grateful that I can’t feel any claws piercing into my skin.
I feel the small hand pull away with a gasp as my legs and shoulders start shaking. 
“What the?!”
I can only hum in response to his concern, but it comes out as a hushed wince. 
I probably just made him more worried..
In a few minutes, I can finally open my eyes again, letting my dark world alight with the solid teals and greys from my room’s walls. The pixels of a small, concerned, and purple face crystalize before me.
“H-hhhhi.” I choke out as my breathing slowly steadies. “S-sorry..”
“Why are you apologizing, human?” The purple creature retorts, waving it’s widdle hands in the air, “It is highly unlikely you did that on purpose.”
If I didn’t just have an episode, I would be AWWW-ing like crazy right now.
“Is she okay?” Leo calls out to Purple, still holding Mikey close.
“Hmmm.” Purple leans over my shoulder to look directly into my face, poking my skin, and using his widdle hands to widen my eye. He pulls away and plants his hand contemplatively on his chin, “It..seems she’s fine.. Course, I’m no human expert. None of the books in the Toshokan have ever documented the illusive human…I mean- I would know, seeing how I have read every single page-”
“- Less nerding more helping, Brainiac.” Leo mocks as he looks down from the height of the bed.
With movement as fast as a rewinding snail, I shakily push myself off the floor into a sitting-up position. My legs and shoulders ache from my shivers, but my brain and body are finally returning back to normal. 
“I’m.. I’m alright. Totally normal- nothing to worry about-” I say, as I sigh and stroke my neck, “..Happens when I’m stressed out.”
Leo tilts his head, “Why would you be st-”
“-Really, Leo?” Purple sighs, motioning to himself and the blue-clad creature dramatically, “You think it would make sense that she would be as cool as a cucumber with..this whole situation???”
“Uh-yeah!” Leo rolls his eyes and drops his shoulders, “She should be honored to be in the presence of greatness~ Maybe she’s stressed cause she woke up to your gigantic forehead, Donnie.”
“Scoff! Highly inaccurate, Nardo. My forehead is the perfect size to contain my magnificent brain.”
I blink, restarting my brain to go into *processing mode* once again.
Okay.. Stay calm..
There’s three.. Turtle creatures.. in your bedroom. Mikey, Leo, and..um- oh, Donnie. There’s three now. That’s fine. I’m fine. This is fine.
“WHAT’S GOIN’ ON?? WHERE’S MIKEY? WHAT WAS THAT THUD??” Another more scratchy and low voice rang out from behind me, making me jolt something awful.
What happens next, @phoebepheebsphibs? :) Also- MAN ALIVE IT FELT AMAZING to get back to writing after all this time!!!! It's good to be back. :)
~ Melissa
( I actually had to make my own personal post in order to add it to my library of links, sooo here's the official post for chapter 7 of me and Phoebe's collab story! :) )
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rattlyglitch · 10 days
Lying Eyes Hide Truth Behind.
Sebek was quite excited for winter break to let out soon. Malleus had spoken to him and Lilia about how he would be inviting them to one of the balls that would be held at the castle he dwelled in during winter break. Sebek could barely contain his excitement and felt himself grow even more pleased when Silver continued talking about how the four of them would be at a "party" during winter break and would have a lot of fun.
He oddly couldn't find it in himself to correct Silver and explain to him that the ball was not a party. Maybe it was the look Malleus and Lilia had given Sebek the other day when he tried to explain to him that the mouse Lucius had brought to him that was very much alive and had been graced with the name "Harold" wasn't going to be the new dorm mascot but he highly doubted that. Sebek just decided to blame it on holiday spirit and kept his mouth shut.
Winter break was approaching soon and it had excited the students. They seemed to talk almost nonstop about it and visits to the store were more frequent for people wanting to get things to take home. Most were first years wanting to buy their parents or siblings souvenirs, snacks they enjoyed from the store that they wished to bring home, or the occasional student who wanted to just look around and hang out with their friends not to worry about leaving the school whether they were or weren't leaving.
Silver was excited for winter break. Winter break was always the time when Silver got to spend more time with his Papa than during the rest of the year and they got to play in the snow with Malleus and Sebek whenever they came over to visit or Sebek’s grandfather invited them over. Malleus had even said that Silver could join him at one of the parties that would be held at his castle. There were ten days but until then Silver was still helping Sam out around his shop or working on the books that had a bunch of different things like math or history about magic.
Silver found he always liked the history that talked about how mages had discovered different kinds of creatures and all the information they had learned about them. He had been sucked into the book that Lilia had given him to read that talked about different kinds of scaled animals when a white-haired boy with a red turban approached him. “Sorry to come and ask you but I don’t know where Mr.S is and I was wondering if you by chance knew where the lollipops were? I was hoping to come and get some to give to the rest of my dorm before they left for the holidays. Silver gave a nod and hopped off his chair before walking over to a shelf.
“The top has lollipops, Mister.” The white-haired boy smiled at Silver and crouched down to his height. “Thank you for your help. My name is Kalim. It’s nice to meet you?” He held out his hand for a handshake to Silver who quickly high-fived it. “I’m Silver. It’s nice to meet you, Kalim.” Kalim laughed before giving Silver an affectionate smile. ”Awww you’re so adorable. I’ll gather the lollipops and then head over to buy them.” Silver stayed by Kalim. He was sure that he would probably need help. The shelf was taller than Mr'S.
“You want help?” Kalim shook his head and continued to try and reach the lollipops before sighing defeatedly. “Yeah, could you help me?” Silver gave a nod and held his arms up to Kalim. “I can reach them if you lift me. There’s no ladder.” Kalim lifted Silver and held him as high as he could, which was just enough for Silver to see where the lollipops were and reach them. In all honesty, he was used to Sam just lifting him so he could grab things from the top shelves instead of using a ladder. Before the ladder had broken the one Sam had didn’t look like the safest thing to stand on and the first wooden step immediately broke when Mr'S tried to use it.
”I got the lollipops,” Silver said, holding them securely in his arms. Kalim lowered him to the ground and Silver handed him to one of the shadow men in the shop that was helping run the cash register. He gave Silver a disappointed look as he walked over. “I know Jabari. No one that comes in the shop is allowed to pick me up. But I don’ know where Mr’S is and if you helped the lollipops would have broken when you pushed them off.” The shadow man still didn’t seem pleased but slowly made numbers to show how much the lollipops would be. “He says the lollipops are gonna be twelve thousand thaumarks.”
It was four days until winter break let out and Silver could barely sit still in the shop. He felt like time was going so fast but also so slow at the same time. Winter break never seemed to take as long as it was now but Silver guessed it was because when you’re happy about something time slows down weirdly. The day only seemed to get more exciting when he saw Kalim walk into the dorm. The Scarabia housewarden had come by to see Silver over the past few days whenever he could.
He often brought Silver crackers that had different types of flavors and tasted really good with promises he would bring more. When Kalim walked in the next time though something was off about him. He had walked in with another boy who had dark brown hair and red eyes.
The other person went to look around the store but Kalim stayed very still. Silver tried calling out his name and even talking with him which usually got Kalim’s attention but nothing happened. He simply remained still and unmoving. Eventually, Silver gave up and decided he would walk over to Kalim.
“Hey Kalim are you-” Silver was shocked by what he saw when he rounded the corner of the front desk. A student about the same height as Kalim was looking at him. “The one you behold is your master. When I ask you a question, you will answer. When I give you a command, you will assent.” Magic swirled around the white-haired boy’s head and his eyes closed before opening looking a bit darker than they had before.
.“Wh-what did you do to Kalim?” The boy seemed shocked that Silver had noticed him but his face quickly returned to his blank stare. “I didn’t do anything to him.” Silver shook his head not believing him. “You did something to Kalim.” The boy didn’t seem to care until Silver yelled.
“Mr.S! Mr.S!”
Silver started to run but was quickly grabbed by Kalim who held him in place and the boy gripped Silver’s face before staring into his eyes. The one you behold…”
Silver was tired when he woke up. He felt like he had been staring at something for a long time. “Silver! SILVER!” He jerked before looking around. Mr'S was looking at him frantically kneeling. It took him a few moments before he realized he was standing up. “What’s wrong Mr'S. You ok?” Sam sighed deeply and hugged Silver. “I’m fine little man. I’m fine. I just couldn’t get your attention and you were just standing there and your eyes....”
Sam shuttered before looking at Silver. “Your eyes were a different color entirely. Their pupils were a bright yellow color and Jabari said that a student used magic on you and I was just really really scared.” Sam hugged Silver for a few moments longer before letting him go.
“I’m definitely never leaving you out here to restock anything. Those damn protection spells didn’t even work.” Silver didn’t get what Sam was saying but took his hand. “We should go out and play in the snow until my Papa gets here.” Sam was still somewhat distraught but thought for a moment before grabbing his and Silver’s coats. “Yeah, let's go do that.”
Silver was waiting patiently as Lilia dressed him in a suit. It was halfway through winter break and Malleus had invited him and Lilia to a ball as he had called it. He even heard Sebek and his family would be there too. He just hoped he was able to remember the ball and not blank out like he had been doing the rest of winter break. It was weird but Silver kept having these in-and-out moments where he would be doing one thing and then it felt like he hadn’t been focusing and had moved on to something else.
Similar to how sometimes he randomly fell asleep. Lilia at the moment kept fussing over Silver’s hair while he kept trying to swat away at his hands. “Papa, my hair fine. I wanna get going. Sebek an Mallie are there.” Lilia laughed and moved his hands away. “Fine. Fine. I guess it makes sense why a child would be so impatient. Let’s get going then, Silver.” Lilia held out his hand to Silver who quickly took his and the two disappeared in a cloud of bats only to reappear at the front of Malleus’ castle.
A red-haired fae in armor looked over Lilia and Silver before poking their foreheads and letting them into the castle. Silver hadn’t been in Malleus’ castle before but it looked beautiful. The interior was dark and lit with black and gray candles that had a neon green or orange glow. Silver watched the walls as he walked with Lilia. There were a lot of people in dresses and fancy outfits but Silver found himself attracted more to the pictures that hung and items that sat on displays.
They were pretty and had mostly dark colors but Silver thought they were magnificent. He looked away though when he and Lilia reached the ballroom. It was bright and loud. Music was playing that seemed to have a happy and melancholy sound to it and people were dancing with one another. Silver’s eyes scanned the whole room and he quickly was able to spot Malleus.
He and Sebek were standing beside each other while Malleus was talking to a blue-haired fae who was wearing a dark purple dress with a black shoulder cape that trailed behind it. Silver took off running towards Malleus not noticing that he had lost Lilia in the crowd and soon appeared at Malleus’ side running into his leg. He quickly shook his head and looked up at Malleus with a wide smile on his face. Malleus seemed a bit shocked by Silver’s appearance but patted his head before returning to talk with the fae woman who had taken notice of Silver.
“I would never have thought your grandmother would have a human servant so young but she does seem to surprise all.” The blue-haired fae replied as she crouched down to Silver’s height and poked his forehead. “I guess it does make sense though. He must be your poison tester, correct? It does well to make sure to help them build immunity while they are young. Maybe he could even try the other guest's food to test it as well. We can make a show out of it. Bet who we think got poisoned and see who wins the most correct choices.”
The fae went to poke Silver’s cheek but Malleus blocked the fae’s hand quickly. “He is not a poison tester and no bets will be made on his behalf” Malleus replied, his voice coming out almost as a low growl. “The human child is the son of a well-respected fae general in Briar Valley. I would suggest you refrain from such rude remarks.” The fae woman rolled her eyes before standing up. “I shall remember to do so, your highness. I apologize. I shall be headed on my way now.” Silver waved bye to the fae woman as she left. He wondered what she had been talking about
. “Malleus, it fun to be a posin tester?” Silver asked, looking up at him. Malleus froze for a moment when he heard what Silver said but quickly shook his head no. “It is not a fun job to be a poison tester. Being a knight is a much more fun job Silver. Do not mind the old woman’s words. She does not know as well as I.” Silver hummed and nodded leaning against Malleus’ leg.
As the night passed Silver enjoyed every moment of it. Lilia eventually found him, Malleus, and Sebek and seemed really happy to have spotted them. Silver danced around and had fun with other children who were attending while Malleus talked with a lot of people. Eventually, he had found his way to Sebek unsure of where Lilia was and leaned against him.
He had started to feel weird and tired. “Why are you back Silver? You should be having fun with the other children.” Silver simply shook his head no but felt nauseous when he did that. “I don’ feel good.” Sebek raised a brow and lifted Silver into his arms before feeling his head. Sebek’s hand felt nice and cold as Silver tried to lean into it more. Thinking was weird after that to Silver.
He felt like he was staring on and off like he had been doing throughout the rest of winter break. He remembered Sebek hurrying as he carried Silver to find Lilia and once he was found with Malleus the next thing Silver remembered was lying in a bed with the three of them next to him. He had gotten sick a bit before and Sebek had been going back and forth between putting on and removing a cloth that felt wet on his forehead. Words were weird and rambling but Silver was able to make out the words “unique… magic … student …Sam said.” It felt like a while later when Silver was able to focus on his surroundings more.
It was daytime outside and Sebek was in a chair asleep with his head leaning on Malleus’ shoulder while Lilia sat on the lower end of the bed, reading a book with his hand placed on Silver’s own. Silver moved his hand and clasped it with Lilia’s own. He smiled and looked at his papa’s hand. His nails that had been painted a neon green seemed to have dulled down and the paint was chipped. Silver looked up at Lilia and when seeing his papa gave a happy grin.
“Hi, Papa.”
The rest of winter break was pretty normal after the ball experience. Silver hadn’t gotten oddly sick anymore and stopped zoning out like before. All that was different was that Lilia hadn’t left his side since the incident and was hesitant about leaving him at Sam’s shop when it was time for him to return to Night Raven College. He had calmed when Silver promised he wouldn’t take off the bracelet that had metal bat charms and feather beads on it.
It let off a light pink glow on it when Kalim and a brown-haired boy with red eyes walked into the shop and seemed to get a bit brighter when the boy with red eyes approached him and Sam. “Who's your friend Kalim?” Silver asked, inspecting and looking over him. Sam placed his arm in front of Silver, his hand resting on the front desk. “I’m interested in knowing as well,” Sam replied, glaring at the boy. “My name is Jamil Viper. I’m not here to cause trouble. I simply came to apologize to Silver.”
Silver gasped in surprise before looking at Kalim. “Can he know what someone’s thinking? He knew my name!” Silver said excitedly before turning his attention to Jamil.” Jamil shook his head. “Kalim explained to me that he had made a friend at the shop and I thought I should come and meet you and also apologize.” Silver looked at Jamil confused. ‘Why would you apologize? You didn’t do anything wrong.” Jamil gave a solemn smile. "I did do something all but you just don’t remember it.” Silver thought for a moment before gasping. “Ooooh, you're that someone Mr’S and Papa were talking about.” Jamil gave a nod in response. “I hope you can try and forgive me. It was wrong of me to do.” Silver shrugged.
“It’s ok. I forgive you.”
Silver looked away from Jalim who had a shocked expression on his face and pushed around the bat charms on his bracelet. “What do you mean?” Silver looked at Jamil like he was stupid. “Are you deaf? I forgive you. I got real sick cause of what you did but I forgive you. Now we can be friends too” Silver said, holding his hand out to Jamil whose face was still one of shock and Kalim was simply laughing away about the situation.
(Lilia was definitely reminded of Silver getting sick after Malleus activated the curse his mother placed. {I'm referring to another book I have written} And yes Jamil erased Silver's memories of him when Silver saw him enter the shop and use Snake Charmer on Kalim.
When Silver got sick though was during the time Jamil was overblotting. There is no information about what would happen if someone used their unique magic prior on someone and it was still in effect when they overblotted. The only case that exists is Riddle as far as I am aware. Jamil wasn''t using Snake Charmer on Jamil when he overblotted. My reasoning is that Jamil had made sure the spell stayed attached to Silver in case they would meet again. And since there is also no account of unique magic being used while in affect on anyone whether adult or child as far as I know. That is my long explanation on why Silver got sick during the winter break.
{That fae lady though was heavily questioned about her comment on Silver being a poison tester though. Malleus made sure to question her himself})
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lightfin · 1 year
Ok,ok, soooo, just a little thought hear but, my mind was racing around intreaging AU senators to TOA and one piped up in my head.
What if, when Steve, Claire,Douxie,Jim and Toby ( I’m adding Toby because we need a best friends reunion and we were robbed of it. Anyways, whe they fall in the rift what is they got separated, for example Claire and Douxie end up being in the same place with the nights, Toby and Steve are rescued by Claire’s shadow portals in her panic but they end up being flung into a different part of the Forrest perhaps closer to a town or village outside Camelot’s walls but still in its borders, and Jim ends up somewhere entirely different, and wakes up both confused and alone.
I don’t know why, but I thought this was an interesting concept to think about, in a searies point of view rather then just ten eps. For example Claire and Douxie end up descovering the flaws in camalot, the truth behind morgana and just how hatted magic is among Camelot’s people, whilst also finding a way to exit camalot without screwing up the time line and find there friends. Toby and Steve team up and problem solve ways in which they can find the others, learning more about the past, and the perspective outside just camalot, on trolls, and humans alike, the good the bad, and ugly, it even could be that those two run into blinky this time.
And then there’s Jim, ok so I may have made this one a little more dark then it should but bare with me. Jim at first wakes up in the woods, alone, I wanted to explore this because of his time in the dark lands and how he would cope alone again. I changed the shard aspect, rather then it in his amulet, it’s in his shoulder, which is worse because in this AU, the orders shard acts like a poison, slowly working its way to his soal befor corrupting it, but rather then just under Arthur’s control, it slowly takes away his sentience,and with his conection to the amulet, the corruption shows as his armor and body starting to form into one large beast.(I’m sorry, I would never want this for Jim) it would be interesting how he would cope, battling his wild and human instincts, blacking out, and learning things about the gum gums this time, that he had never realised befor. Perhaps leaning more about hedge wizards, trollhunters lor, because I also when’re with in this time daya is not the first trollhunter, only because it makes more scence in construct of time. I am still keeping big distance Cal with Jim , because that’s gold, but this time she through Jim’s predicament builds her strength in helping the future trollhunter in reuniting with the others, both coming to terms with how they are perceived by others as ‘ calamity’ and ‘beast’ on the way. This would explore a versify of different sides of the past, even encountering creatures that are mother troll or human, or anything we’ve scene in cannon, the un scrntiamt creatures.
Also yes they will all end up convening together and having one big happy reunion befor the storm, learning the information about the order they needed,and returning home, but with both good and bad news.
Plus’s this whole past adventure, would take place over the horse of several months, lots more time to uncover the caos and find out how to get home.
Anyways I may wright this but before I do, would anyone be interested in reading something like this that dives more into the past of camalot in and around the castle, some canon elements still standing, I’d appreciate some thoughts, and suggestions to things that may make it more interesting.
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zzoomacroom · 7 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many as you like).
Thank you for the tag, @kydrogendragon! 💗💗💗
Today I've been working on outlining the Retired!Dream mpreg fic (sequel to "The Seeds Are Bursting, The Springs Are Seeping"), which is turning out to be a lot longer and more involved than I originally planned. I'm researching and learning a lot about goddesses of fertility/pregnancy/childbirth! Yes, this is a very cracky fic, but I'm having fun with it. 😅
The last thing I actually wrote is from "Nothing But Flowers," which is my 2089 fic where Hob is the last person on Earth. This scene is a flashback that takes place right after the beach dream from Sunday Mourning, although I fiddled around with the timeline for plot reasons so that he talks to Death after that dream instead of before (there's an in-universe explanation for that later in the story, but I might cut that out if it gets too convoluted).
Content warnings: heavy angst, Hob being really mean and unfair to Death (don't worry, it all gets resolved and everyone lives happily ever after...eventually):
He remembers being happy when he awoke. He was still crying, and exhausted, and more than a little drunk, but happy. Morpheus had said he loved him. He’d said he’d come back. But Death said otherwise. It had taken him a moment to place her, but he recognized her when he awoke. He had flashes of memory—meeting her on the battlefield, on frozen winter streets, at the bottom of a lake. He told her about the dream he’d had. He thought she’d be happy that he was alive after all. But when he told her he had faith that he would be back, that he’d promised he would wait, she had simply given him a sad smile. “That was just a dream, Hob,” she says gently, like she’s talking to a bloody child. “He’s gone. He took my hand and I brought him to the Sunless Lands.” “I don’t believe you,” he says flatly. “It’s never just a dream. You should know that, you’re his sister.” “I’m sorry, Hob,” is all she says in reply. Her kind, dark eyes brim with tears, and for a moment she looks just like him, even though they look about as different as two siblings possibly can. “No. That’s a load of bollocks,” he declares. How can she be so infuriatingly calm about this? How can that be all she has to say? “And if you are right, you ought to be ashamed of yourself for taking him. Sorry excuse for a sister, you are.” That was over the line. He knows it the moment the words are out of his mouth. But he continues to stare her down defiantly. Her smile only falters for a second, and in that second he sees her as she truly is. He sees the rot and decay, the pointless waste of billions of lives, the darkness at the end of it all. He sees a wolf doggedly pursuing its prey through the bleak winter night, tearing into tender flesh, spilling blood on the snow, leaving the bones for the vultures. He sees the inevitable end of all things, all creatures, even himself. His breath hitches, but he does not look away. “You only see half of the truth, Hob. He made his choice, as you made yours.” Her eyes are still warm, but her voice has turned icy. “Which reminds me: do you still wish to live?” “You...how dare you? No, really, how fucking dare you?” he snaps. “You don’t get to ask me that. And at a time like this...yes, I bloody well still want to live. And no, I’ll never want to stop living. Not if it means you will be the one waiting for me at the end. Leave me the fuck alone, and don’t bother asking again.” He knows he’s being unfair. Childish. Cruel. He doesn’t care. “Even if you’re right—and I don’t believe you are, not for a second—but if you’re right, if it’s true I’ll never see him again, I’m still never going to die. I promise you that.” She waits impassively while he finishes his tirade. She smiles again, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes this time. “Very well. You’ve made your choice, although you may come to regret it one day. But if that’s what you wish, then I won’t speak to you again unless you call for me. Goodbye, Hob.” He doesn’t answer. And then she’s walking away, leaving him slumped over his beer (or had he been sitting under a tree? Had she even been there at all?). He buries his face in his hands and weeps silently. He really hadn’t believed her, at first. But now...now he thinks she must have been telling the truth, much as he hates to admit it. It’s been sixty years and not a single word. True, he’s gone more than double that without seeing him, but...it’s different now. He dreams about him sometimes, of course, but it’s not him. He knows the difference. Besides, it’s not like dreams mean anything anymore, not without him to govern them. It’s just his desperate, pathetic mind reminding him of what he’s lost. She must have been right. She would know better than anyone, after all. He’d just been too stupid and too stubborn to accept it. He’s gone, and Hob is all alone, and that’s that.
No pressure tags: @tryan-a-bex @tj-dragonblade @fleabagoftheendless @signiorbenedickofpadua @delta-pavonis @mallory-x and anyone else who wants to join in! (If anyone I tagged has already been tagged, feel free to link your post in the comments if you want! I'm always curious about what my mutuals are working on!)
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seajaneradio · 1 year
Hiya! For your ask game, what headcanons, if any, do you have for Kohane?
Heya! Thank you so much for your ask! Kohane is an adorable little creature, so I certainly hope you enjoy these! <3
Kohane has a teal blue switch lite that she brings in her bag everywhere. She loves playing those really calm, casual games, the ones that have the really dreamy sounding music. Here’s the thing though. No one has ever caught her playing it! Well in truth, she’s too nervous to play it outside in case someone sees her or in case it gets damaged somehow. So she packs it in bag every morning, excited to play it that day, but just plays when she gets back home. It’s for moral support!
She’s actually not afraid of bugs at all. One time a bee got inside of the classroom and while everyone was flinching away from it, it landed right on Kohane’s arm. “It’s okay, little bumble bee! I’m Kohane, I’m going to move really slowly to take you back outside, okay?” Everyone praised her for her bravery; Kohane actually used this as a chance to ask everyone if they could plant more flowers at the school garden. Now there’s a bunch of Kohane loving bees covered in pollen on their school grounds.
Kohane takes really good care of her shoes. She has a special handkerchief to wipe off dirt and a homemade spray of mixed home cleaning materials that works like a charm to get all that gunk off. Akito asked for tips, but his shoes still aren’t as shiny as hers. It’s like she has a secret…
Whenever the squad goes to the local convenience store for snacks, Kohane always buys one of those small candles for a buck. She likes the ones that smell like fruit and grass; whenever the gang has sleepovers, she always lights one to set the mood for their totally deep talks. It’s one of her favorite things to do!
Kohane owns a lot of band tees from concerts that she goes to, but she’s so small that many of them reach down to her knees. Everyone thinks it’s adorable. She actually wears a lot of them during practice sessions!
Kohane is one of the poor souls who has back acne; she’s super insecure about when she wears tank tops. On one hot summer night of a sleepover with Minori and Shiho, she waddled into the room and said “sorry for looking like this,” but Minori just gasped. She jumped up and said “Wanna see mine too!?” Knowing that even idols have bacne really made her perspective of herself change.
An has a lot of bandanas. Like, a lot. So she gifted Kohane a few and Kohane uses them for so many different things! Her favorite one has sunflowers on it and she ties that on the hook of her pants all the time. She wears them as accessories around her wrists sometimes, too. An is always super excited to see how she styles them the next day!
There you have it! I love thinking of Kohane slowly taking on traits of her friends and unlearning self consciousness. These were so fun to do! Thank you again for your ask! <3
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animatorweirdo · 2 years
Imagine being a pirate in Middle Earth
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(Anon I’m so sorry. From my lack of creativity, I made up dumb scenarios with quotes I cherry picked from youtube. I do have one serious so I hope you like this dumpster fire) 
Requested by Anonymous
Warnings: Pretty much none on the first part. Only Amrod is gonna have rough time. Most is jack sparrow like but the last one is Barbossa. 
-What happens when you pick up a washed-up pirate from a beach? Nothing good, especially if that pirate’s last name is Sparrow. The feanorians learned that the hard way with all the nonsense you caused when you woke up. 
*How you first met*
You: So, let me get this straight. You start murdering our kin, stole their boats, abandoned your other kin who helped you murder our other kin, then proceeded to burn to the boats which might had not burned your youngest brother alive? 
Maedhros: Uhm
You: Wow, and people tell me I’m stupid. Do you have any idea what you did when you burned those boats? 
Maedhros: I know it was wrong, but it was my father’s orders. 
You: Well, your father was an idiot because all the peaceful bonds and treaties you wished to have here on Middle Earth are not gonna happen because burning those ships marked you as the enemy of the Eldar and the sea. They’re protected by an honor code even we the pirates follow. So, what you technically did is that you told everyone you’re a bunch of orcs. 
Maedhros: … shit. 
You: Heh, how odd that we, the so-called foul pirates, have more honor than you. 
*You helping him and Fingon escape Angband with unimaginable means* 
Maedhros: This is either madness or brilliance
You: It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide
*You about his hand* 
You: Don’t be sad about it. You can now have a hook you can poke eyes with. Did you know there are sea creatures such as starfish that can grow their limbs back? 
Maedhros: …
*Maglor talking about something* 
You: You know, your singing is good as a siren’s. It’s gonna kill me if it doesn’t shut up. 
*When he’s having a rough time* 
You: Close your eyes and pretend it's a bad dream. That's how I get by. 
*While in Nargothrtond*
You: Elf, Your dog has more honor than you and knows how to be a gentleman, unlike you. Which reminds me?
You: *Kneel in front of Huan, holding his paw*
You: Would you like to join my crew, mate?
Huan: *Barks*
Celegorm: What? You can’t just ask my dog to be a pirate. 
You: And you can’t just force a princess to stay in the tower like a prisoner and force her to marry you, especially when she said no. 
Celegorm: …
*When the silmaril quest was over*
Celegorm: That didn’t end well. Hey, where’s Huan?!
You and Huan: * Standing on a ship. Huan wearing a hat and an eye patch, holding a knife in his mouth*
Huan: *Staring with a judgy look* Arhhhg
*When you kept him prisoner after attacking Luthien* 
Curufin: Hey, you can’t just leave me here tied up!
You:*walking away* You'll broke free moments ago. You have just been waiting for a chance to jump me. 
You: *Turning around to block his attack* 
You: See
*Talking about saving and stuff* 
You: If it ever came to that I would have to choose either you, your brother, or the dog. I'll take the dog. 
*When arguing something later and succeeding now* 
Caranthir: You actually were telling the truth. 
You: I do that quite a lot yet people are always surprised. 
*When Caranthir did something to the rum*
You: Why is the rum gone?!
*When saving Beren and Finrod* 
You: Me, I'm dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you want to watch out for because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly ---stupid. 
*When you got a jar of dirt*
You: Look what I got. I got a jar of dirt! I got a jar of dirt and guess what's inside it!
*When you make an escape* 
You: "You'll always remember this is the day that you almost caught --- Captain (Name) Sparrow!" *Makes an epic escape* 
-He had jumped off into the sea when his family had set the boats on fire. He tried to scream for them to stop and tell them he was there, but they did not hear him. He had nowhere else to run, so he had to jump through the fire into the water. 
-He suffered terrible burns, which burned and stung harder than any blade. The pain was deep and agonizing, making it nearly impossible for him to stay on the surface, and when he tried to swim toward the land, the current suddenly swept him away. 
-He panicked when the land became more distant from his reach, and he didn’t have any energy to swim. 
-He was on the brink of drowning. He kicked his feet as hard as possible, but it only fastened his energy loss, and he was submerged under the water. 
-He thought it was the end for him as his lungs began to fill with water, making him feel even further pain before they became numb. 
-His mind nearly fell into darkness till he heard something heavy, and something suddenly yanked him out of the water. 
-He was thrown against a stern deck, and water gushed out of his lungs, making him cough and slough over the floor. His lungs gasped for air, and his mind awakened back to reality. 
-He was frightened when he saw his rescues. They were elves yet looked vicious and wore clothing no ordinary sailors wore during their journeys. It didn’t help when they sneered down on him, calling him a burned-wet rat and an orc. 
-He took a quick look around the ship, which was ten times bigger than the ships his family used to sail across the sea. The mast stood tall, carrying haunting black sails, and there were round metal constructs that looked like weapons of sorts. 
-His attention was brought back when his rescuers pushed him in a sneering tone. Amrod thought about all the stories he heard as an elfling about the sea and knew from them that he was dealing with pirates– real pirates. 
-They demanded to know if he was part of the burning of the swan ships since he possessed red hair. He didn’t dare the answer till they forcefully picked him up and took him to what seemed to be a captain’s cabin. 
-They pushed through the door, and there you sat, feeding a strange four feet creature with a long tail that screeched at him. 
-Your crew members talked about their suspicions about him to you, and you calmly listened and looked at him. 
-Amrod tried to hold up a calm face, but even though you were an elf, there was something strange and eerie about you. 
-You spoke softly to him, asking if he was hurting and if he would like to have a warm change of clothes. Amrod didn’t know how to answer– he felt reluctant even though the burns on his body were hurting. 
-You softly smiled at him and asked your crew members to bandage him up and give him dry clothes so you could have a proper discussion later. 
-Amrod felt hesitant, but when his wounds were treated and he got out of wet clothes and given time to rest, his body shut down from exhaustion. And he was glad just to have some rest even though he was on a pirate ship. 
-He felt odd the next time he woke up. The crew still treated him suspiciously, and when you invited him for dinner, he didn’t dare to refuse, so he accepted. 
-You spoke softly to him, letting him eat first. You apologized for the rough treatment and explained about the swan ships. 
-It was a prominent rule in the sea to never attack swan ships for they were considered neutral and were your kin. Attacking and burning swan-resembling ships will mark an orc or an enemy, so you stayed around when you saw several swan ships burning at the shore. 
-You discovered the heinous act was done by a group of elves, so you and your crew had been agitated by the news. 
-You asked if he knew about it, and Amrod hesitated, knowing what might come if he told you what he and his family had done to get the swan ships. He didn’t know why they were burned, but having heard such a sacred rule. He knew he wasn’t in a good situation. 
-Amrod decided to play ignorant, but he tensed when he saw you look at him strangely like you knew he wasn’t telling the truth. Your monkey only hissed at him. 
-You then started telling him a little story about you and your crew. How you sailed around the sea and resisted the orcs from the shore. How you found a treasure and how there was a curse of death and lies. 
-You told him how lying was a bad habit and how many end up as the victim of their own consequences before you offed him an apple. 
-Amrod acted out of his brashness, taking a knife and striking you in the chest. You staggered back, taking out the knife, looking unaffected. Amrod paled at his mistake and how you didn’t seem to bleed. 
-” I’m curious. After killing me, what was it that you planned on doing next?” You held the bloodied knife, looking at him with a sinister grin. 
-Amrod tried to leave, but when he got outside. He was faced with the crew, who looked like walking corpses, screeching at him and doing their chores under Tillion’s light. 
-He was struck with terror. He had never seen anything so horrifying in his life. He tried to hide, but even your monkey was a walking corpse, screeching out of his hiding place. 
-You grabbed him and made him look at your crew. 
-You explained to him the curse that made you undead and how the moonlight showed your true form before making him look at you. 
-You told him how long you have been unable to quench your thirst and starved yourself, unable to die. You told him how felt nothing and showed your arm, which turned dead and rotten under the moon. Amrod backed away in fright. 
-” You better start believing in ghost stories, little elf,” You said, showing your true form, which was a rotten skeleton. “You’re in one!” You said. 
-Amrod watched in horror when you opened a bottle of rum, drinking it which flowed through your bones and withered clothes. 
-Amrod ran inside, and you mashed the bottle while closing the door, laughing with your crew. Amrod was hiding in a corner, holding his knees and hoping the nightmare would end soon.
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