#i’ve been doing mostly studies and stuff that I don’t think people here really care about
lerildeal · 1 year
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Just some fish
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ronwestbreeze · 1 year
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pairing: jake sully x fem!reader
summary: in which it is the year 2159
word count: 2.4k
author's note: hello hello! TYWA part two has arrived! now updating is going to be a bit different for this. i'm thinking posting each chapter once a week will be what I will do from here on out that way I can have time to write future chapters whilst you all read the one's I have already written! just remember, don't demand me to post, it doesn't help with motivation or make me want to keep writing it! anyways, thank you for the patience! and without further ado, part two!
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“I keep having these dreams. About this girl. Every time I saw her, it felt like I knew her for years. Like she was my best friend in the whole world. And I couldn’t imagine a life without her.”
“Tell me about these dreams.”
“Well…they always start with fire and…”
“What’s wrong? Baby girl, what is it?”
“You’ll think I’m weird, Daddy.”
“I won’t, I won’t. I promise.”
“When I wake up, I’m sad. Like I’ve lost someone. And it feels so heavy…Daddy, I hate it!”
“Sssh, ssh, it’s okay, it’s okay. I’ve got you, alright? I’ve got you.”
“I miss her, Daddy. I miss her so much.”
“Miss who, baby girl?”
“That’s the thing. I don’t even know her name…”
Year 2159
It had been five years since the RDA were exiled off of Pandora and Dr. Chloe Parker was still trying to find her footing on this planet. 
Before the battle, she had been well into the late Dr. Augustine’s Avatar Program. Trained and studied learning to control her own avatar and then using her time to explore all of Pandora’s plants and herbs. And it was interesting, learning about all the medicines here, the potential use for them.
Then the battle at the Tree of Souls happened. Killing dozens of wildlife, many humans and Na’vi alike. It was a sad day to say the least. But after Jake Sully took over as the clan leader for the Omatikaya Clan and exiled the RDA off of Pandora, things began to change for the better.
Dr. Chloe had been one of the humans allowed to stay on Pandora, mostly because she didn’t contribute to the war that struck the planet and because Dr. Max Patel vouched for her and some of the other scientists and avatar volunteers. Now she had spent her time continuing to explore all of Pandora, working with the Na’vi in different clans to study their ways of medicine and perhaps teach them some of the stuff humans do, even though she knew they would probably never use it.
For the past few months, Dr. Chloe, and her small research team, took their avatars and their next journey to the Olangi Clan. A very nomadic clan that worked very closely with the Omatikaya so their home wasn’t too far from the former’s. Their clan leader, Akwey, had allowed them to stay and start their research there as long as they didn’t pose a threat to his people and were respectful of the lands and their ways. Which wasn't a difficult task, especially when there were no more military men flanking the planet anymore.
But as of recently, Dr. Chloe had been requested to retrieve the Tsahik of the Omatikaya Clan, Mo’at since the Olangi’s Tsahik had died in the battle against the RDA. So, instead of researching like the rest of her team, she had been made into a messenger, going back and forth from each clan speaking of something called Eywa…Dr. Chloe wasn’t really too spiritual to care much of who this Eywa was. But if it made the people happy and content, and kept them from shutting down her research, then Dr. Chloe would take one for the team for now.
On the other hand, she wasn’t entirely too comfortable leaving her very first patient alone so much. A patient very important to her research.
When Dr. Chloe found Mo’at, she was with her daughter, Neytiri if she could recall correctly. Dr. Chloe never really had a conversation with the woman—mostly because of her obvious distaste of Dr. Chloe’s presence—and today was no different. Once she arrived in her avatar form, Neytiri hissed and walked away. One of her children, a young boy, followed after her closely.
“Why has Akwey sent you now, Chloeparker?” Mo’at greeted her while crushing up what looked like herbs in a small wooden bowl. Dr. Chloe’s Na’vi wasn’t perfect but she could understand a lot of it after years of listening to both Dr. Augustine and the people talk expertly in it.
“An elder died yesterday.” Dr. Chloe informed her, stuffing her hands into her shorts. “Akwey wishes for you to perform the ceremony.”
Mo’at hummed, not looking up from her work. “One day, he will have to come to my daughter as she will be the next Tsahik of the People. And I will finally rest.”
“Let’s hope that day isn’t soon then.” Dr. Chloe commented with a thin smile. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but your daughter doesn’t seem to like me much.”
“You are Sky People. Of course she doesn't like you.” Mo’at stood with the bowl and finally looked at Dr. Chloe. “I am not too fond of your people either.”
Dr. Chloe could understand that in a way. But she was a bit tired of being grouped with the people that tried to destroy Pandora and take it over. Then again, she really couldn’t blame them. If she were in their shoes, she’d hold a grudge too. It didn’t matter if they were the same or not. That anger, that resent, it was uncontrollable and rightful. Dr. Chloe could do nothing but shrug.
“Mmph.” Mo’at then handed her the bowl. Dr. Chloe took it, surprised at the sudden gesture. “I understand you are a doctor among your people. This can be more useful than whatever technology you Sky People insist on using.”
Chloe held the little bowl delicately but frowned, “The technology is not all useless, you know. It does help sometimes.”
“Sometimes.” Mo’at pointed out. Dr. Chloe tried not to roll her eyes.
There was small movement behind Mo’at and Dr. Chloe did a double take. She hadn’t realized they weren’t alone until Mo’at had stood. It was a little girl that didn’t really look like Na’vi. Actually, when Dr. Chloe looked at her closely, she realized the little girl looked awfully similar to someone.
Before she could wonder just who the little girl reminded her of, her earpiece suddenly beeped, alerting her that one of her team members was calling her from back at the Olangi Clan.
Dr. Chloe excused herself before answering her earpiece, “This is Dr. Chloe—”
“You need to get back here fast!”
She blinked in confusion at the urgency in her fellow researcher, Simon's voice, “Why, what’s happening?”
There was a pause, “…Okay, don’t get mad but we decided to take her out of cryosleep—”
“WHAT?!” Dr. Chloe covered her mouth when Mo’at gave her a disapproving scowl and the little girl watched her curiously. She cleared her throat and lowered her voice before continuing, “Why the hell would you do something like that—she’s not even stable enough to take her out—”
“Just let me explain!” Simon interrupted with an exhausted sigh. “We connected her to the machines we’ve been working on for months ever since we first started working on her, remember?”
“Those aren’t even ready yet!” Chloe hissed into the earpiece, walking out of the tent where Mo’at and the little girl still were. “Simon, what the hell were you thinking—”
“It worked, Chloe.”
She went quiet. Her eyes wandered aimlessly around the forest, unsure if she had heard him correctly. When Simon called her name again she finally responded in a hushed whisper, “You’re not shitting me, are you? Y-Your saying—”
“It worked, Chloe, it worked.” She could practically imagine the growing smile on his face as he said this. “She could wake up at any moment now. But with her condition, it’s not exactly permanent and I don’t imagine she herself would be happy with the results, but they are supporting her. They're keeping her alive until we know how to deal with the heavier wounds.”
This was definitely a development. This had been something she had been working on for two years now, hearing that it worked, on a person no less? Chloe couldn’t help but start packing up her things and leave.
“I’ll be right there! Don’t do anything without me!”
And with that, Chloe rushed back toward the Samson she had arrived in, ordering the pilot to take her back to plains.
There was a lab within the tall trees the Olangi Clan lived in. Chloe had it built when she first arrived in the plains. Even though she technically wanted to build one in one of the trees, having a lab hanging from a tree wasn’t exactly the safest position. So, they went with having it on the ground.
Plus, if they had done it in the tree, then the lab wouldn’t be as spacious as they needed it to be.
When Chloe arrived back, she came out of her link bed with Simon waiting for her.
“How is she?”
The two walked side by side with each other, leaving the link room and walking down the long hallway. Simon carried a holographic pad in his hands as he spoke, “She’s stable, still has yet to wake up, but things are looking good so far. The doctors want to start on the severe wounds right away.”
“How exactly bad are these injuries?” Chloe found herself asking. Really, when they first saw the patient, they had already decided to quickly put her in cryosleep with how badly injured she was and freeze her wounds before it became any more lethal to her body. Chloe hadn’t exactly seen it for herself but she’d always kept hearing about how bad it was.
Simon frowned, “Third and second degree burns, a broken rib, and a her lungs might've collapsed, I'm not entirely sure.”
“Holy shit.”
“Yeah, I hear she was a lot worse and the doctors managed to work on some of the less lethal burns, but she’s not exactly out of the woods yet.” Simon sighed as they stopped in front of the closed door. “We have twenty minutes with her before the doctors get to work.”
Chloe frowned, staring at him incredulously, “What should we say to her if she does wake up?”
Simon shrugged, “Tell of the situation, maybe fill her in since she’s missed basically five years of her life, and…I don’t know, comfort her the best we know how?”
“Comfort is not either of our strong suits, Simon.”
Simon rolled his eyes before finally opening the door.
What did death feel like? Was it this bright? This cold? Were you supposed to feel so heavy, so numb as if you couldn’t feel your body. Maybe your consciousness was floating above your body. There were stories like that, you remember reading about people who have died for a few seconds and were able to see their body outside of themselves.
Okay, maybe you weren’t actually dead. You may not have known what it felt like but you were pretty sure you weren’t supposed to be able to recall a memory as if it were another day. Then again, your body didn’t feel like a ton of anvils had fallen onto it and was pinning it down, preventing you from moving.
You hadn’t realized your eyes had been open until a shadow came into view, blocking some of the light above. Your vision was blurred, really you didn’t know when you had woken up or how long you had been staring up at the ceiling. Yes, that was definitely a ceiling.
Either hell was some bright room or you were somehow still alive.
Muffled voices echoed into your ears. You hadn’t realized, at first, that the voices were coming from the shadowed heads above you. It was like using your ears for the first time, like you were a newborn baby. Hell, your eyes felt like they hadn’t been used before.
Soon, you started registering the voices.
“You think she fell into some sort of vegetative state?” This voice belonged to a woman.
“I don’t know. It’s a possibility. Coming out of a cryosleep can be a little much.” This voice belonged to a man. Neither of them were familiar to your groggy mind. “We might need to get the doctors.”
Soon your vision began to clear.
“Wait, hold on…” The woman above you whispered. She was staring directly down at you, eyes wide with wonder. “I think she’s…”
Your eyes then moved to the second head, the man, when he came back over and appeared in your vision. And like their voices, they were both unfamiliar to you. Even in your foggy mind, you could not recall a single memory where it included these two strangers. Wait, maybe the woman. Back before you had stopped going to Hell’s Gate, you might’ve seen her a few times in passing.
Hell’s Gate.
The bombs.
The ship crashed.
You should’ve been dead.
“Dr. L/N?”
The woman’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts, you refocused your gaze on her and she grinned excitedly. “You can hear me? Understand me?”
With great difficulty, you nodded. Or maybe your head shifted slightly similar to a nod, you didn’t really know.
“Holy shit.” The male muttered in amazement.
The woman continued grinning, “Welcome back, Doc.”
Before you could ask her where you were, before you could question who these people were, it suddenly hit you.
And it really hit you. Worse than a pile of anvils. More like an out of control train that crashed right into your body and dragged you along the way.
That was the type of pain that struck your body once your senses had begun coming back. This pain was unimaginable. It was unlike anything, unlike any pain you had ever felt in your short life.
This was worse. This was what death felt like.
You didn’t remember much of what happened after your chest jolted forward from the shock of the pain. All you saw was the two that had been standing over you, rushing away, shouting for what sounded like help. And in the next few seconds you kept blacking out a few times. The world went in and out. Every sound clashed together around you. Most of the pain, you realized, was coming from your waist, hell, just your entire upper body.
You wanted to scream. But all that came out of your mouth was choked gasps, barely any words or cries. You were crying. You were crying. Yes, you were sure of it.
There was a sharp prick against your neck.
And in the next second, it was like you were falling out of the world and back into the blackness.
Eventually, you would hit the ground…
And Jake Sully would wake up.
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paigeishere · 1 year
The sister
Mattheo riddle x Ravenclaw!reader
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Part two coming soon
Overview: There wasn’t a doubt in anyone’s mind that you weren’t shy. It was just the staple. However when you have a twin sister who’s loud and popular people tend to know who you are. Most don’t pay you and mind you’re just s/n twin sister but others take it upon themselves to use this to tease you. Others is mattheo riddle.
You just finished herbology and had started walking to the library since you have a free period and you needed to study for the charms test you have today. As you were walking there you saw your sister ahead of you with all her friends. Merlin please pleaseeee don’t notice me, not today you thought as you stared to slow down to put some distance between the two of you.
Sissy come here your sister waved a hand at you. Dammit you shake your hand and point to a open corridor and mouth the words sorry class she shrugged you off and ran to join her friends again.
Finally getting to the library you took a seat. It was mostly empty 2-3 people at each table but nothing you couldn’t handle. Taking out your notes from class and was about too start studying when a guy sat right across from you. You looked up confused and saw Mattheo Riddle, one of your sisters friends. You thought he was just going to ask for the notes you took in potions today but he just sat there smiling at you.
Can I help you?
You’re s/n sister right?
Umm yeah. He then gets up and leaves like nothing happened. Just strolled out. S/n has some weird friends.
The next day you walk to potions and go to sit at your table that you share with a griffindor named David. He’s a nice guy honestly the only guy I really talk to. He had sandy blonde hair and a brush of freckles across his cheeks and nose. After Mattheo left David had sat down and we had spent the hour together before class. But when David sits down it’s not David it’s Mattheo. Hi s/n sister he looks so happy like you just handed him a baby kitten Hi? You say back Wait what is your real name?
You almost scoff you’ve been in the same year since your both came to hogwarts he is friends with S/n and he doesn’t know your name. Y/n.
Yeah I won’t remember that. What should your nickname be. How about…
Excuse me that’s my spot. It’s David.
Am I meant to care?
Dude just move you have your spot and I’ll have mine nothing has to happen.
No I’m pretty comfortable where I’m at.
Professor Snape intervenes Mr. Sinclair take your seat. Now. David glares at Mattheo then goes to sit in his spot in the back.
At the end of class you start packing up your stuff when David comes up to you. Hey sorry you had to see that.
See what.
Nothing never mind so I was thinking we could maybe hang out this weekend maybe? Like just the two of us.
Like a. Like a date?
Yeah. Like a date.
Oh um yeah totally. I can do that.
Great Meet me in astronomy tower at 7.
Alright I’ve got too go but see you then.
I’ve got a date. You smile to yourself. A date with a cute guy. Wait I’ve never had a date with a guy before. S/n she’ll help you.
As you are about to walk threw the door Mattheo grabs your hand and yanks you right into his chest. He’s gripping your shoulders and looking in your eyes with such intensity it felt like he was burning a hole through you. What did he just ask you? It was less a question and more of a demand.
Why do you care.
Y/n that guy is bad news if he asked what i think he asks you better not go.
Listen I know it’s not my place but all that guy wants is to get in your pants trust me. Please don’t go.
He looks sincere like he’s actually worried for me. But this is David the sweetest guy you know he would just use me for sex.
No. Stop that. I know that look you think he’s different but he’s not. Y/n I just don’t want you to get hurt. Please don’t go please.
Damn you never thought the day would come where Mattheo Riddle was begging you to not go on a date.
I’ll think about but if you would let me go I only have a minute to get to herbology now.
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when-hyperfocus-hits · 10 months
PART III of @connectionterminated13 headcanon! This story kind went far from the whole original headcanon, and if you have any suggestions as to where it should go, please let me know! <<PART I>>
When we walk out of Freddy’s, the atmosphere is different than before; like the energy in the air before a bad storm. 
I rush Cassidy with me, the wind pushing my bangs up and whisking Cassidy’s dark hair around her head. 
“So he’s just going to make us walk to his house? Screw him.” I instinctively reach to my coat pocket for the familiar cigarette box. Not now. Don’t need any little kids getting second-hand smoke.
Cassidy tries to pull her hair back as the winds grow stronger while we walk to Henry’s house. 
“I think we… make a left here.” I’ve been to his place so many times before, how could I forget? Though… it has been a while since he’s invited me over. He changed completely after that night…
I don’t want to think about that night.
Cassidy pulls me a bit away from the street as more cars pass by. I’ve always wondered how they do that, just pass by without a care about the people they see along the way. 
I recognize Henry’s house by its light green color and white picket fence. Despite his house looking perfect, his life was far from it, and you can really tell from the inside. 
When I open the front door, the house seems normal, almost untouched by time. 
“It’s just as I remembered it…” I say more to myself than Cassidy. Though, the poor girl seems more shocked at the sheer size of the house with its high ceilings and grand wooden staircase. 
Despite it only being two floors, Cassidy asks me over and over if we’re in a mansion. 
“It’s too small to be a mansion,” I say, looking around.
Some things are of value though, like intricate decorations and silverware shiny enough to see my clear reflection on it. 
“Why are you taking those things?” Cassidy asks me from the sofa that looks giant compared to her. 
“I’m just borrowing it.”
“It’s not nice to steal…” She wags her tiny finger at me.
“It’s not stealing!” I defend myself. “We need these things to make it out there. Henry was the one who invited us into his house without supervision. He was practically asking for it.”
 She doesn’t seem to protest when I jog up the stairs to look for anything else that could be of use. I grab a backpack big enough to put in my findings. 
His study is just as messy as his office; blueprints with incoherent scribbles and papers full of text line the floor. 
“The blueprints could be useful,” I tell myself, swiping the mostly intelligible ones. I rummage through the desk drawers full of random trinkets like paperclips and notepads. Amidst the junk, I find some money, enough to buy a motel room or something far away from here.
I scurry around the other rooms upstairs, finding the master bedroom. It’s mostly clean with its unmade bed and random clothes on the floor. It’s cleaner than mine at least. 
Nothing of interest other than some clothes I thought might fit me. Walking back out into the hallway, another room catches my eye that I didn’t notice before. It’s shrouded in darkness, all the way at the other end of the hallway. 
I hesitate before walking over and opening the door to a small room. It’s by far the cleanest room in the house. A small bed rests in the corner and a small pile of stuffed animals lay on the other corner. A little girl’s room.
“Charlie’s room…” I tell myself, recognizing her favorite toys in the small pile. Ella, Stanley, Theo…
My first thought shouldn’t have been to give these to Cassidy… but I have a feeling Charlie doesn’t need them anymore. She’d want someone to take care of her toys. I gently put them in my backpack with the other stuff I borrowed.
“Cassidy—!” I call for her as I jog down the stairs. 
“Mike!” She runs out to meet me at the bottom of the stairs, holding a crumbled slice of chocolate cake with her bare hands. “I found cake!”
“Oh… Thanks,” I take it gingerly. “Maybe get some actual food and put it in my backpack, ‘kay?”
She comes back with tupperware with random items that she seemed to like the best. A single slice of pizza, rice, and more cake. 
“That’s enough,” I stop her when she tries to bring more cake. “I can get us more food, it’s fine—”
“Oh, okay!” She smiles, eating the slice of cake she brought instead. 
I figure the faster we leave the house, the faster we can get out of this town for good. 
“Wait,” Cassidy stops me before I can fully open the door. “Why are we leaving?”
“We can’t stay here. My dad will find us sooner or later, and by the way Henry’s been acting, he’s not going to put up much of a fight. I’d rather skip town and get the hell out of here for good. I can’t take this anymore.”
Her big green eyes stare up at me, until she seems to eventually understand, and solemnly nod. “So… I can’t see my friends again?”
I stop. I feel my ears getting hot again. “...You’ll see them again one day, Cass. I promise.”
With that, she quietly follows me out of the house, ready to walk again. To where? I don’t know, anywhere. Anywhere but here.
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sensitiveheartless · 10 months
🎶, 🍆, 🎯
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
I do! I have tons of playlists for different fics, as well as ones that are just instrumentals for when I really need to focus. I have one that is basically just “for sad scenes in the rain”, I have one for the Skyline pigeon fic which does in fact have the song “Skyline Pigeon” in it as well as a bunch of Neighbor Totoro songs, I have a pretty giant one for the Howl AU…etc lololol as for what song I’ve been playing a lot recently…uhhh I have to check actually let’s see:
Ok so for the Howl AU, while I’m working on the epilogue and such, I’ve been listening to “Patience gets us nowhere fast” by Capital Cities, as well as “When can I see you again” by Owl City.
Also just as a general skk song: “No Lullaby” by Siames!
Oh, and less as something for a specific character and more just cause I like the song: “Loving You” by Cannons :D (I know that was more than one song but I like music alskdjfj)
🍆 Do you write the spicy stuffs? If so, what’s your most popular nsfw fic?
…Ok so I have written a singular spicy stuffs, but I posted it on anonymous because a), I know at least some minors follow me and I didn’t want to inadvertently encourage anyone to read content they aren’t ready for (speaking as someone who had too much internet access as a kid and got exposed to certain things way too early), and b), I have an irl friend who may stumble across this account at some point and if they see that fic in particular then I will die a little on the inside.
So I won’t be linking it here, but if any of y’all are adults and want me to link it to you in a DM then I wouldn’t mind, just keep in mind that I am not a particularly adept spiceologist (seriously no clue what I’m doing, that fic is mostly an excuse to mess around and experiment with character stuff in a really low-stakes premise), and also the fic spawned from a “hey wouldn’t it be funny if” thought I had, which then grew a character study around what is still essentially just a goof.
Also of course y’all can probably find it on your own, I don’t think it’d be that hard lol — but if you are a minor please do not talk to me about the fic, I would be extremely uncomfortable.
(I would offer to make a sfw version but unfortunately the nsfw is baked into the stupid premise jskdkdjfhf) (…actually some parts of it are kind of a sillier version of the Skyline Pigeon fic so I guess I am working on a more serious and sfw version of it)
All that said, this (sfw) bit from it still makes me laugh, so here:
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🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
Just about everyone who knew the plot of Howl’s Moving Castle before reading the Howl AU (and even some people who didn’t!) guessed what the twists were going to be before the ~grand reveals~ (although fewer people caught on to the Oda reveal, I think in part cause that one was more based on the HMC book rather than the movie) and I was honestly expecting that going into it lol —
I felt like trying to make it shocking would be less fun than the readers being able to accurately piece everything together for themselves. I loved seeing people commenting “OH MY GOSH THAT’S WHAT’S HAPPENING” as they went through the chapters, because it meant they were thinking over all the clues! And that they cared about the story enough to do that! And even though most people knew what the “twists” were going to be, they still seemed excited to see how everything was going to pan out, so I had a great time :D
Ah, also, to be more specific cause I just realized I was being vague (spoiler warning lol): just about everyone knew that Chuuya was Starlight, most people guessed Rimbaud was the scarecrow, and I saw a handful of people figure out Oda before that reveal happened, too!
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hazzabeeforlou · 2 months
Hi love, first I want to say you don't have to answer me with a long essay or something, but I just want and need your opinion on something since you have been here for a while I think which means you're a veteran larrie. Could you please answer in private :)
There aren't many larries from those days left and I completely understand why. The fandom is becoming a mess. I would just like your opinion on one subject/aspect of Larry.
I have been back and forth analyzing stuff before but mostly after 1D took their hiatus. Louis' and Harry's lyrics, behavior, and signaling and I just don't understand it anymore. The new influx of larries think L and H broke up multiple times and had other relationships, but I don't know anymore.
Something inside me tells me that isn't what happened, but with their lyrics and everything else (stunts), I feel like I'm in the minority. That's why I would like to ask you one question, you can simply answer with a yes or a no. I'd love it if you could share your ideas or elaborate more, but I know not many larries like and feel comfortable sharing their ideas anymore….so please do so, if you can.
Do you think Louis and Harry have taken breaks/broke up since 2010 (with taking breaks I mean L and H still have a relationship but taking time apart and breaking up is self-explanatory)? And do you think they have slept/been with other people since 2010?
Hi there! I don’t mind answering here. To be massively honest with you? Yes I’ve been here since EARLY 2017, and yes I’m still a larrie, whatever the fuck that means now, but I just…. Don’t really care about proving anything anymore. And I have seen both their closets solidify in ways that signal to me that this is a career long choice for them. Their music has moved beyond the personal and into the abstract/creative sphere now and I don’t find it helpful in analysis of their personal lives anymore than studying a late Bach oratorio would show me how much he loved or didn’t love his wife. Yk? If they’ve had experiences outside of being together, I don’t think it’s something that they resent for the other person. I find it hard to believe either of them were virgins when they met, or never took breaks, just because I know almost no couples in my life who I could say that about. I know like two people who were each others firsts and still married (and DIDNT come from a religious cult). So. But again I don’t really super care… I find their origin story cute and adorable enough pad the lack of info we have now, and honestly I think they like it that way, and that it’s best all around.
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frosensims · 1 year
some personal shit.. (non sims 4 related, or maybe a little bit at the end of this post lol)
i recently found out that i’m autistic. which explains a lot of my issues in the daily life. it was a shock but at the same time it was such a relief to found out bc it gave me so many answers to all the questions i’ve had throughout the years. now i know why some things are hard for me and why i am the way i am.
i don’t really know why i am writing this.. but honestly i don’t talk much about this irl with the people i know. when i told some people that i know the response was like - “but you don’t look autistic” and stuff like that. so, does autism have a face now?? no it doesn’t. it makes me angry when people are like “no, you’re not autistic, if you were we would have known” and stuff like that. but believe me, i’ve always known that it was something. i’ve always known that i functioned differently. maybe i didn’t know it was autism, but i knew it was something.
i’m glad that i got in touch with the psychological care. now i get the help and the tools i need to cope with everyday life.
but i do have a long way to go still, there’s still some stuff i’m trying to figure out. there’s still some stuff i’m learning about myself. for example, i can’t work right now. i’m seeing everyone else just go to work, or go to school, and making money and seeing friends and all of that social life stuff. but i’m mostly at home because i can’t do shit right now. i’m also living with anxiety & depression in addition to my autism. and i haven’t been able to work for three years now. i do study to pass grades that i didn’t get in high school. i didn’t get an exam. but right now i’m having a break from school as well bc i’ve been at my lowest.
i just want to be able to work. i want to be done with school. i want to get out there. but for me, it all takes some time. i get contributions (do u call it that in English? when u get money from the state example bc you’re sick or there’s other reasons you can’t work, or you need some more time to finish school) anyway, that’s how it works in sweden so luckily i manage financially for now. but i don’t have all the time in the world to pass school. i’ve applied for another year of financial support so that i can finish school. but I haven’t gotten a response yet and that’s stressing me out because my currently financial contributions ends in july.
so yeah.. now u know a little bit about me & my life. don’t really know what i wanted out of this, i think i just needed to write about this and get it out of my brain. i’m not looking for answers or compassion or anything. more like, a reminder that we all go through though things. and that we’re not alone in it.
i also want to thank the sims community and my mutuals and like, yeah this game in general. bc it honestly is a lifesaver sometimes. you can just disappear from the real world a little bit. and since i can’t work right now, i’m playing a lot of sims and hanging out in here and talking to other simblrs and it really brightens my days. so thank you! <3
also i want to apologize for bad grammar if there’s any, i’m swedish okayyyy, i tried my best lol
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aitavoting · 1 year
AITA for getting mad at my family for using my stuff
This is just some backstory to why I’m mad. I’m 17 and I have my own job. I pay some of the bills including my own phone bills, I buy the groceries most of the time, I do majority of the chores (cleaning, cooking and even those once in a while chores too) even though all my siblings are of age to be doing chores (2 older 1 younger), none of them are working, I’m in my last year of school before university which means I’m under exam stress and working around a lot of deadlines. I feel like a mum in my own home and I haven’t found time for myself to do things I really enjoy. Buying things like food or clothes just give me a little joy even though it’s only temporary and it really upsets me when my family takes things without asking.
Lately I’ve been treating my family like roommates because I’m not sure how else to get through to them. I’ve labelled everything to say it’s mine and I’ve also started hiding a lot of the things I owned so they can’t find them but they disregard the labels and find the things I’ve hidden and taking them to use.
My breaking point was when I went to the store after school to buy shortbread because that’s my favourite snack. I didn’t open it because I wanted to use it for an all nighter I was pulling to study for an exam (I purposely hid them as well). The next day I come home from school to see guests and my family eating my snacks and shortbread AGAIN and I just breakdown crying in my room. My family questioned why I was upset and I just started ranting and going off on a tangent about how I feel disrespected by everyone for not asking to use my stuff and they deliberately go out of their way to take my things when I’ve warned them countless times to not do that. The thing is, I did this rant when the guests were here and my family is mad that I embarrassed them. I apologised for screaming but I didn’t apologise for the things I’ve said and now we are not speaking to each other. My family and friends both think it isn’t deep to get mad about it as “sharing is caring”. But it’s never the case for when I borrow their stuff.
I don’t make a lot of money either since I’m part time but when I do the first thing I spend it on are the things listed above and some extra money I give to my mum and nan. The rest of the money is so little that I end up going broke within a week or two. It sounds like I’m listing all the reasons as to why I can’t ever be the asshole but I’m just writing everything I felt that justified why I feel the way I feel.
I know to some people it may not be serious if their family uses their stuff and maybe others might disagree with with me entirely but I just want to see if I was being unreasonable or not.
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Feel free to make your opinion be heard in the comments/reblogs but keep it respectful. For detailed information please read the guidelines for commenting. Violations will lead to your comment being deleted and you potentially being blocked.
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kanene-yaaay · 2 years
Heya beans! It’s me, ya boi.
Soooo, long short story? I am taking a break. Just some time to focus entirely on my life and peharps rest a bit. I am not sure how long this break will be (or if it will be long at all) but I wanted to give you a fair warning since my last post about it was from like July ssdfghjkjhgf.
Anyway, more detailed explanation under the cut! Have a cookie and a lovely day as well ^.^)
I am quite proud of this account, to be honest. Even if with some stumbles, I like the direction I took to take care of it. My fanfics, my reblogs, my askys, the wonderful mutuals I have and the kind people who like and share my work, I am very greatful for all of this.
That is why I decided to step away for all of it a bit.
Honestly, it feels a bit dramatic to write this post like this sdfghjkjhgfd afterall, I am definitely coming back after some months (or maybe some weeks. Who knows?) but the thing is: since my phone broke and my intense studying programm started, I’ve been trying to get scrapes of energy and excitment to make content for here, even if it was just a reblog or a fanfic and... it became quite tiring.
Don’t get me wrong. Again, I love what I do here and def wouldn’t be posting at all if I truly didn’t want to, but I have my own insecurities and it simply get much easier to fall into a dark place when you’re tired and not sure if what you’re doing it’s the best you can do and when you try to do your best it just feels lacking and false because you’re not feeling the best and now you’re just angrily stuck between a rock and a hard place because you really don’t want to be false but isn’t sure if you can create something nice if you don’t be.
So, yeah! That is definitely not a good situation to be and clearly a result of some degree of exhaustion that I really want to nip right at the bud because sdfghjjhgf N o p e. I am not messing with this shit again.
Therefore! I am taking a break! I will visit here from time to time and interact with a few posts/beans but I think I will mostly stay on my non-tickle blog. As I said before, I may end up biting my tongue (is that a saying here? It means going back on what you’ve said/decided) and breakdancing my way back here in November or in one week or something like that but, no matter if that happens or not, I want to do it when I feel rested and prepared to be back.
Maybe I will take the time to watch some stuff I’ve holding back until now and get into new fandoms! Have new ideas! A new writing style! Who knows!
S o o o there isn’t any goodbyes allowed in my kingdom! Only ‘see you later’s! And that is definitely one of them. I especially want to say ‘thank you’ for everyone who sent me a prompt months ago for their patience. I still have not forgot about them, I swear!! And, ofc, thank you for everyone who still interact with me and my content, you hold a very expecial place in my heart. <3 <33
Without any further ado, see ya soon!
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kimmimaru · 1 year
This is a ridiculous and rambling, nonsensical post and I’m sorry for it, but I have a lot of stupid late night thoughts I need to write down just to stop it from circling my head. So I’m sticking it on my blog. It’s under a cut so it doesn’t burden anyone’s dash. No joke, little of this makes any sense, it’s essentially just there for my own purposes but obviously if you really want to read you can, just don’t expect to understand it, because I don’t lol.
I am still awake at 3am. Mostly can’t sleep because my brain is torturing me, won’t shut the fuck up. So I’m here, on tumblr, making it worse.  I am having bad times obsessing over my own artistic talents and wondering what the fuck I’m going to do because I feel weirdly restless, like there’s something I should be doing but I can’t work out HOW. Like I need to get my fucking life together. I know there’s no time-limit but I dunno...I’m feeling more and more like there IS and it’s weird and unsettling.  When I was a kid literally the only thing I wanted to do when I grew up (other than become a Jedi) was draw or paint. Arty things are the only things I’m even remotely good at. But I can’t sell anything I make, no matter what I do. So my brain goes; well, you’re just not good enough! And I know I’m good, I just think maybe I’m not good ENOUGH. Which is annoying because what the fuck even IS good enough? I enter competitions and my work doesn’t even get displayed, I don’t care much about winning, but it would have been nice if people could have seen the fucking work. But nope.  I’m 35 and the only perfect thing I’ve ever ‘made’ is my daughter (yes, ok she’s not perfect to everyone but she is to ME). I just wish I could give her more. Having lost my mum (nearly a year ago now) it started dawning on me that I need to leave her something, I don’t want to leave her with nothing but burdens. I know, my mother didn’t mean to, she had plans and stuff but it happened and now my siblings and I are struggling to get shit done and it’s weighing everyone down. And the same thing will happen to my daughter as well and I HATE myself for it.  I feel like I’ve wasted my life, which is stupid but feelings are feelings.  I’ll admit, when I was young I wanted to be famous. I’ve always felt weirdly panicky about dying and being forgotten. It’s hard to explain, death doesn’t scare me, at least my own doesn’t. It’s inevitable. But I wanted to leave behind something. I don’t want to just disappear, if that makes sense. My hope was I could do that through my art. Art lasts. And yes, I have a child who could be considered me leaving something of myself behind but she’s not me, I don’t want her to be me. I want her to be herself. Make her own mark on the world in her own way.  What I WANT to do is go back to uni. I want to study, finally get the degree I fucked up last time around but that costs too much. I want to set up somewhere to sell my art work. I want to travel to more places, although I’ve been to Greece and seen mount Olympus, I’ve been in a hot air balloon over the Nile in Egypt as the sun rose, I’ve been to Bulgaria, skinny dipped in France and seen the remnants of the Berlin wall in Germany (I’ve obviously been to Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and Ireland too) but the world is big and I want to see more places. I want to go to Italy, Japan, Norway and as many other places as I can. But at this point I doubt I ever will. Essentially I’m just lamenting all the shit I could be doing but can’t because money. Same as everyone else I suppose. Anyway, my mum believed in reincarnation and that every time someone is reincarnated they do so to learn something in this new life, but I have to wonder wtf I’m supposed to be learning here because so far it’s not clear at all. Maybe it isn’t supposed to be clear but a nudge in the right direction would help a lot.
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onequeerhuman · 6 months
Hello/salut people of the internet!
(Apologies for how freakin long this post is 😭)
!! Fics cross-posted on ao3 under leonora_kin!!
Ahem, so, i disappeared off the face of the earth for two an a half years? Ish? Anyways i’m back now. So, here’s my re-introduction post for anyone who’s still here somehow, or for anyone new!
So, to the basics…Hi! I’m buggy, though you can call me pretty much anything you want, i don’t really care. This blog will be used for whatever shit posting i happen to partake in, but also other, more interesting, things! Moving on…I mostly use they/she pronouns, but once again, i dont really care. I’m super fucking gay and i like to draw. I’m also the most inconsistent person ever, so never trust if i say ill finish anything. Ever.
Anyways… I refuse to give details like where i live/ my age (this is the internet, ya’ll) but i will say that i speak english & french, i’m autistic and I’m studying biology and english. (How are those two related, you may ask? great question, no idea lmao)
Alr, now onto the fun stuff…
I write! (And draw) Lmao, inconsistently asf, but, yk… i both do it as a fun past time/hobby and as a personal outlet, in my very sparse free time, but if you have any reqs for or something, here’s my « rules » :
1. My content will be sapphic/queer- centric things.
2. I’ll write smut, (lemon),fluff, angst, xreader, x oc,etc etc. (I’ll only do smut for wlw/wlnb-g!p is fine though)
3. More on the topic of that, yes, i will indulge in some kinky shit- UNLESS!! Unless, it’s something i personally deem… either morally questionable or if it makes me uncomfortable (ex. Student/teacher or anything underaged, non-con, etc.) but you can always ask- i just wont write it if im uncomfy
4. I will also write for pretty much anyone! Just ask- as long as i’ve heard of the character i’ll try to do it (a few characters/ ships i enjoy writing for: any of Gwendoline christie’s characters, any of Charlize theron’s characters, any of Sarah paulson’s characters, emily prentiss (cm), willow (btvs), supercorp, villaneve (love them), avalance and loads more but ill stop now lol)
5. The last thing- i will also post random original stories at whim, so you’ve been warned if your randomly met with very… strange or random posts from me.
Alr- i think that’s about it! This’ll probably get updated over time but Thanks for being here! :)
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dadyomi · 2 years
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Daf Yomi Week 147: Shades Of Begat
Shabbat Shalom and welcome! A lot of classical Greek epics have, right in the middle somewhere, a long list of all the ships or brigades or whatnot and who served where. I learned in my classical studies that this was so that descendants of those people could listen for their ancestors and enjoy knowing their people were at this or that historic event. It really reframed the begats for me, and also stuff like this, which is objectively funny (I like Rabbi Hiyya Arikha the tall there in the middle) but probably served to name off a bunch of amoraim that people could either trace family lineages or school lineages back to. 
But I’m a rootless cosmopolitan both literally and in the dogwhistle sense, so I just laugh and keep reading, mostly.
I don’t know if Nedarim has really, so far, been that much more interesting than Ketubot; it’s still a lot of what I think of as Ancient Contract Law, but at least it’s different, and it seems to be a little less obsessed with the nitty-gritty, a little more open to digression. As they say, a change is as good as a rest, and Nedarim does feel like a breath of fresh air, at least. I’m not constantly struggling to find even one extra passage to feature in the Friday week in review. 
It is bonkers to think about the fact that in nine weeks, we’ll have been at this for three years, and this time next year we’ll be halfway complete. At first, I had a really regular rhythm for reading, more or less -- I think it’s fairly evident I’m reading via the Sefaria app on my phone, and it used to be that every morning, it was my wake-up reading in bed. That fell by the wayside a bit, and I’ve never managed to get back to it, perhaps in part because Wordle has supplanted it. I still sometimes do read it in bed in the morning, but now much more often I’ll get through a huge bulk of the morning before I settle down to find a space to engage. Perhaps it’s because I engage more deeply than I used to, but I feel like I have to get through pressing matters and carve out some quiet, some time when I’m not worrying about doing the next thing, to get in my daily Talmud. I wonder if the Torah and Talmud scholars of the ancient past ever felt like there was always something they had to take care of before they could find the peace to study. Or maybe they were more firmly of the mindset that nothing could be as vital as the study. I’d love to feel that way but unfortunately I also need to keep myself fed and under a dry roof, which necessitates worrying about work, at times. 
In any case, work’s not all there is to worry about this week; stay safe if you attend synagogue today or this weekend, and especially if you’re in New Jersey. We have 239 weeks to go and I want you all to be here for all of them! 
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angry-geese · 3 years
Sukuna requests. S/o makes fun of him all the time, calls him weak, etc. What nobody knows at the beginning is that s/o is significantly stronger than sukuna
The Definition of Human - Sukuna x Reader
Warnings: some swearing but its pretty tame. mention of death, and violence. Sukuna kind of needs his own warning. sfw. gn!reader.
a/n: as much as i love the idea of sukuna being soft for his human s/o i also love the thought of them being much stronger than him and him having no clue what do to with that
Word Count: 2.1k
You were just a sorcerer when he first met you, barely an adult, cast out by your village.
Someone so powerful hadn't been born for centuries. A sorcerer like you could turn the world of Jujutsu on its head. And that was the last thing they wanted to happen. The older you grew, the more unpredictable you became. You were far too strong for the village elders to handle. While you could have been a powerful ally, you would have been an even worse foe. The very people that had raised you, who taught you how to use your powers had begun to fear you.
Though you weren't trussed up like a sacrifice, you were sat by one of his altars like one.
It was only by chance you stumbled across such a thing. The surrounding woods were vast, and winding. No matter what path you took, you always seemed to wind back up by them. Perhaps it was a work of sorcery, meant to keep you lost in the woods forever. No trail seemed to lead back home. The village elders never expected you to last long on your own against the elements, let alone the King of Curses. But growing exhausted, and hungry, you had little choice but to stop and rest. The altar had offerings in the form of food, and a place to rest. Far more than Sukuna needed. You figured he wouldn't notice if you took a few things.
At the base of an altar sat a much smaller form. A human, one from the local village. Your shoulders were slumped, your arms curled around a bag. You didn't look sad, so much as you looked furious. You were talking to yourself, listing out all the ways you’d flatten each and every structure, how you’d salt the very earth they stood on, how you’d turn the once rich, fertile soil uninhabitable.
For having Sukuna’s interest in mind, he was certainly ready to burn it to the ground. Your village did little to appease the King of Curses. The humans in it were conniving, and rather quick to betray him. The relationship between the two was strained at best. In exchange for offerings in the form of crops, alcohol, and whoever decided to get on the village elders’ bad side, he wouldn't burn your home to the ground.
In a way, you were their last sacrifice to him, and by far his favorite.
As a child your parents had warned you, telling you never to go into the woods alone. A four armed man wandered out there, and he had a habit of making travelers disappear. Now that very same forest you once feared was your only sliver of comfort.
It took you a moment to realize he was standing there. And when you finally noticed him, you didn't look at him with the fear most humans did. There was a curious glint in your eyes. You sized him up, studied him in a way he wasn't used to.
In your hands you held an apple—an old offering—paring it with a knife. You were carving around the bruises. The texture of bruised apples always bothered you.
“It's dangerous to be out here alone, little one,” he said, eyeing you up like prey, “you should know that by now.”
“You’re the least of my worries, old man,” you said, popping a chunk of apple into your mouth.
You were still human. Strong, but human. You needed sleep, and food. If exposed to the elements too long you would freeze, or succumb to heatstroke or thirst.
“Old man?!” He said, clearly offended.
“What? You don't think I’ve heard the stories?” You asked. “You don’t scare me.”
And you were right. Even as he looked you in the eyes, you didn't back down once. You, unlike every other human from your village, weren't scared of him. He found you curious, and interesting. From the very moment your eyes locked with his, he was infatuated.
“I should frighten you,” he warned.
“You don't,” you said, “in fact, I think I could kick your ass!”
Expecting it to be an easy fight, he took your offer.
What resulted was a fight that would last days. Sukuna had never met anyone who could last so long against him. Let alone a human. Your strength was only rivaled by your unwavering rage. You were determined in a way he’d never seen before. Your village, along with half of the surrounding forest would be razed in the battle.
They had to have seen this coming. The child that is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel it's warmth.
And it's warmth you felt.
You couldn't imagine yourself being sad. You were too filled with anger and betrayal. There was no room left in your heart for sadness.
He remembers the look of the fires, and how they glinted in your eyes. He thinks that's when you began to turn into a curse.
After the third day, he had grown not only bored, but tired. It was clear neither of you were capable of destroying the other. He figured you were too tough to eat; you wouldn't make good meat. Uraume couldn't do a whole lot with you. And you were too combative to be a concubine. You would not go with him willingly. He's not one to give up, nor is he one to admit defeat, but he knows when he's not going to win. The two of you would mutually destroy the world before you would destroy each other. There was no end in sight. Sukuna simply wanted to leave.
So he simply headed for home.
That enraged you. After days of fighting, there was no climatic end to the battle. You wanted something more.
"Hey asshole!" You said. "You can't just walk away!"
"I know when I've met my match." He said. "Do you?"
"The hell is that supposed to mean?"
"It means this world will burn before we destroy each other."
The two of you were quite literally a match made in hell. You would be a powerful ally and an even worse foe. There was no point in fighting you.
He did nothing to stop you when you followed him.
You were more of a nuisance than anything else. He often found himself comparing you to a cockroach. No matter how many times he tried to squash, poison, or starve out you always came back. If he couldn't kill you, then he had to have you on his side. You weren't something to be deceived, betrayed, injured, or killed. You were stronger than that. You were sharp, too, with a tongue to match. Whether harsh words he threw your way, you returned in double. It was rare he found a human with quite a tongue on them. He often remarked about having it nailed to his door. You simply pointed at his servants and dared them to try it.
They never did. Anyone who dared harm you often met a gruesome fate, either at his hands, or yours.
He didn't consider himself capable of falling in love. And he isn't. To some extent. But love is what he felt. You were the closest to an equal the King of Curses had ever met. In many ways you surpassed him, but those who admitted it often met a swift death.
He moved onto the next village. So did you. Word had not yet spread of what happened. People knew of the fires, but not of the deaths, and your connection to them. You settled down, taking up work with the local shamans. Though you were a newcomer, your help was gladly accepted when Sukuna first showed up, demanding offerings.
In the beginning you tried to warn them. That didn't help. They never listened. It always ended the same way; with a razed village and a bunch of needless deaths.
Sukuna would visit. Often in the late hours of the night as you were trying to get some sleep. He did little more than steal your food, and make himself far too comfortable. Of course that's how most of your meetings went.
He's not sure when he fell for you. But it was something that happened all at once. After years of a back and forth between you two, something gave. You took a place right by his side. He found himself no longer taking concubines, no longer indulging in the sacrifices presented to him. He found himself consumed with the thought of you. He had to have you.
“I can't believe you’re all out of sake,” he said, one night while visiting.
“I wonder who’s fault that is,” you said.
He cast you a glare from across the room. You'd have to buy more in the morning anyway. But all the good stuff has been put up as an offering, and the only sake left in the market is watered down, and worth nothing to you. You don't drink the stuff all that much anyway, you just used it for cooking.
“I question why I keep you alive,” he said.
“I think if you could even kill me,” you said, “you would have by now. Someone as weak as you doesn't stand a chance.”
He didn't like this, and hauled you into his arms, carrying you away from your cooking.
“No!” You squealed, too busy giggling to put up much of a fight. “The rice is going to overcook!”
Sukuna couldn't care less about the rice. He tossed you rather carelessly onto your shared bed, caging you in his arms. The kiss he pulled you into was fleeting, and soft, like he was almost afraid to touch you.
When the village elders first discovered these meetings, it didn't take them long to exile you. The very people that had welcomed you had ignored your warnings and betrayed you. You had gone from respected, and even loved, to feared in an instant.
At some point you stopped trying to warn them. If you really wanted to, you could stop him. Delay him at best. Give people time to run. At least someone would survive. But after a while, you began to think some of them deserved it. The sacrifices they provided were never enough when Sukuna grew tired of toying with them. It was just you and him. Two constant presences in each other's life. You grew used to his company. Enjoyed it, even. You’d never tell him that. Mostly because you didn't want to inflate his ego even more. You were as much his as he was yours.
At some point you became more curse than human.
You could breathe, your lungs would fill with air, but the action provided no relief. You no longer felt the need to eat, and often found yourself forgetting to do so. Food turned to ash in your mouth. The enjoyment of eating was long since lost to you. You're alive, but you're not. Your heart beats but the blood that courses through your veins is not quite right. Your memories of yourself when you were younger fade. But the anger. That fear, that anger, cast into the past, is the only humanity left in you.
You found yourself falling asleep next to him, and in turn waking up next to him. Sometimes in his arms, sometimes on the other side of the bed. He found himself opening his arms for you to climb into. You would do so, albeit reluctantly.
You were his partner. You were a nuisance, but you were his partner.
"Am I dead?" You asked, one morning in the fall. You think it was fall. You remember the leaves turning yellow and orange, but it wasn't cold enough to be winter.
"I haven't killed you yet, so no." He said. "Why?"
"Because I woke up and saw your face, and thought I had finally gone to hell." You said.
His mouth opened, but no words came out. An offended sounding huff left him. He rolled over onto you, pinning you to the sheets. His knees planted on either side of your body, his hands found your wrists. It’d take no effort from you to throw him off. But you didn't. You never did.
“You’re not in hell yet,” he said.
“I'd beg to differ,”
“Then beg,”
“Make me!”
He attacked your neck with wet, open mouth kisses, sending you into a giggling fit. Your skin was warm under his lips. You were always so warm. You were flushed from your chest to your forehead, blush dusting the tips of your ears and your nose. Your arms wrapped around your neck, pulling him flush to your chest. Your heartbeat was audible, racing as he pressed his ear to your chest.
“Stay in bed a little longer,” he said. He was pleading more than he was asking. And you weren't able to find it in you to refuse.
It wasn't entirely awful having someone stronger than him.
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so i’m trying to write duke and i don’t think i’m writing him right. how would you describe his personality because with don’t trust fanon lmfaooo
(this was only supposed to be a paragraph or two i swear to god)
1. first things first, duke is a hardcore gryffindor. don’t let the yellow color scheme mislead you, okay. and while most of the time he’s depicted in fanon as “omg this family is crazy and i’m the only sane one,” it’s actually pretty much the opposite? if anything, i think the other batkids would be like “oh finally, someone who can match our level of chaotic energy. HEY DUKE WANNA BUNGEE JUMP OFF WAYNE TOWER—” and an hour later they’d all be in the batcave getting lectured by bruce for leading poor sweet innocent duke astray when really he was already planning on doing that this weekend.
listen, this is the kid who once jumped off a bridge to escape police. this is the dude who decided to fight criminals while they’re still eating their wheaties at 6am in a bright yellow suit. and while duke seems to be the best at following bruce’s command at the moment due to having been trained by him most recently compared to the others and is still figuring out how to be a hero, i’m positive that if bruce weren’t here to guide him, duke would be running around gotham taking down criminals anyway. i mean, he literally did do that with the “we are robin” kids. plus there was the whole thing when he was like ten years old and decided “i am going to singlehandedly stop the riddler in my light up sketchers and pikachu backpack. try and stop me.” 
duke is headstrong and has a strong drive toward heroism. he’s an extremely enthusiastic and passionate person in general, and i try to capture a little of that when i write him, even with mundane things like trying to beat his siblings to the last cupcake. 
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2. another thing i noticed is that duke swears like a sailor in comics? seriously, this boy could give jason a run for his money with how many “@#!%” speech bubbles there are. i don’t know if this is just a trend the writers added in the comics i’ve read of him, or if it’s a genuine trait throughout every comic he’s in, but that’s something to make note of when writing dialogue for duke. after all, he did grow up in the narrows, so it makes sense that he’d use a lot of swearing and slang in his everyday vernacular.
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3. i would also make a point of noting that duke is fairly young compared to the rest of the batfamily, being the second youngest after damian. duke is still a teenager in high school, and he acts like it. he’s got homework and friends and is eager to make a difference in gotham, trying to juggle everything and make it all work somehow. he’s stubborn and doesn’t give up easily, so it’s important to write him as someone who is trying to save the world while also struggling with finding time to study for his next math test. he's human. he doesn’t get to dedicate all of his time to fighting crime like cass or jason might be able to, since duke is still a mostly normal teenager with teenager problems.
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4. and don’t forget that unlike the other batkids, duke still has two living parents. sure, they’re jokerized and might not ever be the same again, but they’re alive and that’s what holds him back from letting himself get as close to the waynes as he wants to. duke won’t be calling bruce “dad” anytime soon, and i think he’d have some internal struggle over stuff like holidays and birthdays with the waynes, remembering what his parents are missing out on and wondering if joining the wayne family is a betrayal to them. duke is very conflicted over this, even if he doesn’t say it directly. stuff like ducking out of movie night early or feeling a bittersweet pang during thanksgiving dinner makes sense for someone in his situation. 
(i usually ignore that aspect in my fics because i want duke to just be adopted and part of the family already, but not everyone does that, and that’s perfectly fine.)
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5. honestly, duke is such a caring individual and we as a fandom need more of him being a shoulder for people to lean on because he’s?? so soft?? duke can be so sympathetic and rational when it comes to emotional problems. it seems like duke internalizes every bit of advice he gets from the people around him and uses it to inspire others and help them through their own problems. as tough and hotheaded as duke can sometimes be, he really is good when it comes to emotions.
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6. duke is a smartass. he will 100% use sarcasm against any and every authority figure he meets, usually just for the hell of it. 
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7. he’s very frank in general, usually the first to be like “okay full disclosure, we’re about to die right now. that sucks. anyway—” in a situation. he’s honest and tends to be upfront about his fears/anxieties, usually for comic relief, but i think it still counts.
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8. okay i have to add that duke is also kind of a punk? he and jason have a lot in common because of this: they both grew up in one of gotham’s worse areas (jay in crime alley and duke in the narrows) and they’re both highkey deliquents. duke has no problem getting into fights or talking back to authority figures, and it’s gotten him in hot water on more than one occasion. it’s why he kept getting moved around the foster system before bruce took him in because no one wanted to keep him.
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9. he’s also gotten so close with the other batkids and we love to see it!! duke calls cass “sis” and treats damian like the annoying little brother he never had and i adore every second of it. we haven’t gotten a lot of interactions between duke and the others aside from training and stuff, but he and jason have the whole “punk kid who got adopted by batman and is baffled by how rich people live” going for them, so they can bond over that. and duke is a thinker like tim, so they can hang out and do puzzles or play chess or whatever it is that smart people do. (and duke and steph are BESTIES i don’t care what anyone says.)
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10. most of all, duke is still learning how the whole hero thing works. he’s young and he’s trying his best, but he also makes mistakes. he will be impulsive and screw up, and he’ll try and merge the lessons batman’s taught him and that his parents taught him and that other heroes teach him until it all makes sense in his own mind. duke isn’t experienced like dick or even damian, so he’s going to be lagging behind for a while until he grows until the role he’s made for himself.
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other miscellaneous details to include: 
- duke is dating izzy, who used to be part of the “we are robin” gang with him - he used to live at the manor and now lives with his cousin jay, but honestly i just have him living at the manor in everything i write because i like it better that way - he can control shadows and light now! what a king! - duke secretly writes poetry and is good at creative writing in general  - this:
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- duke is super smart?? he figured out that agent 37 was dick grayson without even trying?? i’m so proud of him - his biological father is this supervillain called gnomon so now duke has got four parents: his mom, his dad, his supervillain dad, and bruce (plus selina if you count her as the batkids’ stepmom, which i do) - jason calls him “narrows” and i love that
- and, lastly, the most important panel in the history of comics:
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jenoismydad · 3 years
2 + 3 = You In Me
Pairing: Tutor!Jaemin x Fem!Reader
Genre: Smut (pwp), Slight Angst, College AU
Words: 4.6k+
Warnings: 18+ content. Unprotected sex.
Synopsis: He agrees to tutor you and you end up becoming good friends even though you both so clearly want to be more. What happens when you let you bodies talk for you?
Jaemin was coming over to help you prepare for a test. You had no clue how he'd agreed to assist you, but you were thankful nonetheless. Jaemin rarely ever studied with girls. Mostly because they were always hitting on him. But it seemed you were an exception. You wondered why but you figured it was because he was trying to make some extra money.
Yes, Jaemin made you pay him. He made everyone pay him so you didn't think too much of it. From what you'd heard, his methods never failed to prove effective. You hoped he could help you study well enough to pass this test. After all, a majority of your grade depended on it.
You'd spent a good amount of your time trying to prepare a nice study space for you both to sit at in your apartment. So far you'd only managed to clean your coffee table and place two cushions for seats at its feet.
Jaemin would be here any minute. You rushed to get everything you'd need for the day, wanting to keep it all ready so that you wouldn't have to interrupt the study session. Your bell rang not soon after. He was here on time.
Opening the door, you welcomed him with a smile. He nodded and entered without a word. Black track pants and a plain white shirt. Jaemin hadn't made much of an effort to dress to impress. He ventured into your dorm, looking around the place silently.
That's when he came across your makeshift study zone. He pointed at it and looked at you.
"We're studying here," he asked, placing his hands in his pockets. He sounded a tad bit dejected. Your eyes widened slightly in panic. Was he not comfortable with sitting on the floor? "Yeah, I figured. Is there a problem," you asked, fearing the worst for no reason. Jaemin shook his head. "Nope, I just thought we were gonna sit in your room. That's where most of the girls take me anyways," he revealed, flashing you a small grin. You immediately felt at ease.
"My room's kind of a mess at the moment," you admitted, joining him near your couch. He took a seat on the floor, placing the cushion behind his back instead. He cleaned his black-rimmed glasses and patted the space next to himself. "Let's get started."
Jaemin was a pro at breaking down the complex concept so that your pea-sized brain could understand it to the fullest. The only drawback with that method was that it took much longer than you'd like it to. Two hours later you'd only finished one of the chapters that would be coming for the test. You still had four more to go.
"Fuck it's already three o'clock," you complained, falling dramatically on the coffee table. Jaemin flipped his pen in his fingers and stretched his body with a yawn. "I don't mind staying overtime," he joked. He'd made a lot of humoring comments during your time with him. The last you'd heard, he tended to be quite serious, never straying from his purpose. Not that you minded or anything, but Jaemin wasn't really meeting the expectations everyone had set for him in your mind. Maybe they were just trying to intimidate you.
"Don't you have to study too," you asked, turning your head to glance at him. He looked at you and shook his head. "I already studied beforehand. Plus, this test's gonna be super easy. You pass it with a breeze," he admitted. As relieving as that sounded, you didn't wanna take any chances. What if he flunked the test because he didn't revise or something. You really didn't want to be the person he blamed when that happened.
"You don't have to stay for my sake. You can go home if you want to. I think I can manage on my own now." you flipped through the pages of your coursebook, sighing in despair. It was a lot to go through. At least you still had half the day left.
Jaemin folded his arms. "Don't worry about me y/n. Not to undermine you, but I don't think you can get through all of this by yourself. I mean, you barely managed to understand the basics. All those chapters just branch off from this one and get increasingly tough to learn."
If this was him trying to convince you to let him stay then it sure as hell was working. You groaned and sat back up. "You promise you won't fail the test because of me then?" Jaemin chuckled. "Of course not. I'll pass with flying colors."
So you resumed studying. Jaemin was right. What he taught you next was more confusing than the first chapter you'd covered. You regretted not paying attention during your lectures. Jaemin never got impatient with you. In fact, he took ample time to make sure you understood everything he explained to you. He was very thorough and you appreciated that. However the more knowledge you absorbed, the more exhausted you felt. It got to the point where you felt like you couldn't study any further. Jaemin then suggested that you take a small break. You couldn't have agreed faster.
"Once we're done you should go through the practice questions that I emailed you," Jaemin reminded, taking a sip of the soda you'd offered him. You gave him a thumbs up and fell on the ground. "You're a lifesaver Na Jaemin."
Jaemin chuckled and turned to you. "I'm guessing it's not just math that you're having a problem with."
You raised your head and narrowed your eyes at him. "Nicely deduced."
"We can get together to study together for your other subjects if you don't mind. No need to pay me either," he offered.
You furrowed your brows. "Jaemin the longer you spend teaching me the dumber you're gonna get."
He brushed you off. "I'm pretty sure it doesn't work like that."
"You never know, and besides, after today you should know that it's gonna take five hundred years to clear all my concepts. Do you even have that kind of time?"
Jaemin tilted his soda can at you. "You'd be surprised at how much free time I have on my hands."
You smiled. "Wait so you're actually agreed to be my personal tutor."
Jaemin rolled his eyes amusedly. "It was my proposition but yes. I wouldn't be your personal tutor though. Just a study partner."
You sat up and leaned back. "So like, studying in the library after class and stuff like that?"
He nodded. "If the library's closed we can come here or I can take you to my place."
You pursed your lips, considering his deal. But something paused your train of thoughts. "Wait a minute. Why are you asking me this all of a sudden? You hardly seem like the type of guy who'd study with someone else."
Jaemin downed his drink, wincing at the fizziness that clawed at his throat. "I've had fun studying with you so far. Like, you're genuinely dumb, unlike some other people I tutor who just pretend to be dumb so they can spend a few hours with me."
You raised a brow. Had he just called you dumb? "I'll try not to take offense, thank you very much."
Jaemin apologized with a laugh.
"Does it make you feel smarter in some type of way," you asked? Jaemin hummed in response. "It kinda does now that you mention it. But I also feel like it would help me revise and clear my own concepts at the same time."
That made sense. "Damn, and here I was thinking you wanted to do this cause you were interested in me."
Jaemin's eyes widened. You raised your hands in defense. "It's just a joke. Don't take it seriously," you assured. Jaemin relaxed at that.
"Let's get started again. We're almost halfway there," he said, changing the topic. You agreed and sat beside him again, pen in hand, ready to go.
You walked out of your lecture with a bright smile on your face and headed straight to the library. Sure enough, Jaemin was already sitting there, waiting for you patiently. You sent him a small wave and skipped over to him. Handing him your graded test paper, you watched excitedly as his eyes lit up.
"Oh my god. You passed!"
You squealed and sat next to him, placing your bag near your feet. Jaemin smiled up at you. "This is such a good score," he added, glad that he'd been able to help.
"Henceforth we're studying together for every single test. I don't care if you're sick or at a friend's house."
Jaemin laughed and nodded. "Sure thing. If it means seeing you this happy then I'm down."
You froze at his words, glancing towards him. He clearly didn't seem to realize what he'd just said. Maybe you'd heard wrong. It was possible. After all, he was whispering. You didn't exactly have the best track record when it came to listening anyways. Concluding that you were mistaken, you pulled out your books and got to finishing up your assignments.
A few hours later Jaemin and you exited the library. You both usually parted ways since your dorms were in the opposite direction. However today, Jaemin followed behind you.
"What are you doing," you asked when he jogged up next to you. "We should celebrate your achievement today," he suggested. That sounded nice. "Okay then, what do you propose we should do?"
Jaemin pondered on your question. "Let's go to the cafe. I'll buy you coffee and anything else you want."
Coffee was perfect. You nodded and agreed. Jaemin grinned and led you to a small cafe that was just a little outside campus.
You both entered the small shop, the tantalizing scent of coffee hitting your senses immediately. Even though it was almost lunchtime, the cafe was brimming with multitudes of students. Luckily, the queue was short.
"Go find us somewhere nice to sit. I'll buy us some drinks," Jaemin said, pulling out his phone. Before you left, you let him know what you'd like.
Venturing to the back of the cafe, you found a secluded booth for two. It faced a large window, one that gave a fantastic view of the campus. You took a seat and placed your bag next to you. After a couple minutes of waiting, Jaemin emerged with your drinks in hand. He handed you yours before sitting down.
"Iced Americano? I see you're into the classics," you chimed, deciding to spark up a conversation. Jaemin took a sip of his drink. "Simple is the best after all."
Of course, it was. "Hey Jaemin," you started, setting your drink down on the table. He hummed. "Do you wanna come over later today," you asked. Jaemin furrowed his brows. "But we already finished studying."
You shook your head. "Not to study. Let's hang out, maybe watch a movie or something like that."
He seemed a bit taken aback, but nothing too alarming. It was just that you two never really did anything other than study together. Sure enough, you'd become close because of it. But you figured as friends, there were other things you could engage in to pass the time.
"Let's do it. What time should I come over," Jaemin asked? "Does seven work for you? I'll order pizza, so you don't need to worry about dinner."
Jaemin nodded. "Seven works for me."
As soon as the clock struck seven, there was a knock on your door. The ever punctual Jaemin would never be a second late. You let him in, eager to get your night started. He walked into your dorm and went straight to your room, plopping down on your bed as if it were his own.
You'd already been browsing on Netflix, wondering what genre he liked. It had never come up in conversation before so you didn't really know.
"What are we watching," he asked, scrolling through the options. You shrugged and joined him on your bed. "I'm not sure. I didn't know what you like," you admitted.
"I usually just watch whatever's in the top ten or 'new this week'," he shared. He stopped at a movie you would never have believed he'd be interested in.
"You wanna watch Yes Day," you asked in disbelief? Jaemin giggled and nodded innocently. "It looks super lame but I've already finished watching everything," he revealed. Here you were thinking you both would watch something more serious instead of a family movie. Instead of spending forty minutes trying to settle on one movie, you decided it best to just go with the first choice.
Jaemin started the movie and leaned back beside you. It was quiet between you both for the most part. You watched the movie in silence. It wasn't as entertaining as you'd thought it would be, but Jaemin seemed to be engrossed in it so you chose to say nothing and continued staring at the screen.
Halfway into the movie, Jaemin stifled a yawn and fell to the side, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He looked at you and pointed to the screen. "Are we gonna keep watching this?"
You let out a breath of relief and exited out of the movie once and for all. "If you didn't like it why'd you make me watch it," you complained, shutting your laptop. Jaemin sat up and crossed his legs. "I thought you were enjoying it. You even laughed at the funny parts."
You stuck your chin out. "You should know what my fake laugh sounds like by now Jaemin." He raised his hands in defense. "The only time I hear you laugh is when you realize you're doing something wrong."
You tsked. "That's called nervous laughter genius. You suck at interpreting emotions."
He hit you with a pillow softly. "Hey, stop making me out for a robot."
"You're the human embodiment of the AI," you joked, dodging the pillow he swung at you. Raising your hands in defense, you shielded yourself from him. "At least I said you're intelligent."
Jaemin paused his attacks. "You're lucky I think you're cute. I'll let you off the hook for now."
You had another one of those moments where you froze, wondering if the words that had come out of his mouth were true or not. He didn't whisper this time. You'd heard everything word for word. But you couldn't believe it.
"Did you just call me cute?"
Jaemin nodded, not seeming too surprised about it. "You aren't not cute," he added. Maybe you were misinterpreting the meaning behind it. Friends called friends cute. It was normal. That didn't mean that they liked each other, did it?
Noticing the conflict in your expression, Jaemin leaned forward and cleared his throat. "I didn't mean it in an 'I have a crush on you' type of way."
Something about that made your stomach churn. You felt uneasy all of a sudden. You wanted to be relieved, that he didn't think of you as more than a friend. But a part of you wished he felt otherwise. You didn't know why, it just did.
You chuckled awkwardly and faced him. "Yeah, of course, you didn't. I don't know why I thought that."
Jaemin hummed and rested his chin on his palm. "Maybe because you wanted it to be true."
"Maybe you wanted me to tell you that I like you."
You didn't know what to say to that. So you just smiled awkwardly. "But you don't, do you?"
Jaemin grinned. "Do you want me to?"
"No! Of course not, why would I-"
"I'm just messing with you y/n. Don't worry, we're just friends," he assured, finding you getting alarmed quite amusing. You hit his shoulder. "Don't joke around like that. Who knows what might happen."
Jaemin's laughter died down. He met your gaze sombrely. You knew he wanted to say something, but he remained silent. His eyes traveled down to your lips for a moment. You sucked in a breath, suddenly feeling giddy. Jaemin looked back into your eyes, this time with a small smile. You didn't know what he was doing. You also didn't know if you liked it or not. Your mind said one thing and your body said another. Jaemin subtly licked his lips. You had no clue why the action had such a devastating effect on you.
Before you knew it, your lips were on his. Jaemin didn't seem surprised at all. In fact, he relaxed and snaked his arm around your waist, pulling your body onto his. He fell back on your mattress, bringing you on top of him. Straddling his lap, you placed your hands on either side of his head, kissing him with vigor. Jaemin groaned against your mouth, the sound sending warm shivers down your back. His lips were softer than you thought they'd be and he tasted faintly of coffee.
His hands slipped under your shirt, resting on your skin. His touch felt fiery hot. You rolled your hips over his lap impulsively, biting his both lip as a throaty groan left his mouth. He squeezed your waist and trailed his hands down to your ass.
Before things could escalate, however, your bell rang. You both stilled, separating from each other. When your eyes met, you scrambled off of him and sat at the edge of your bed, completely stunned. Jaemin rubbed his face and sat up as well, not really knowing what to say. The bell rang again, snapping you out of your daze. "I'll go get that," you muttered disorientedly, leaving Jaemin in your room. He nodded and stood up. "Actually, I'm gonna go," he said, leaving your room before you could say anything. You heard the door open and shut soon after. Your bell rang again.
You went to open your door. A delivery guy stood before you, hands empty with a confused look on his face. "The guy that just left took the pizza with him. He said that you'd pay for it." You couldn't believe it. Nonetheless, you paid the man and shut your door. What had just happened?
A few days passed after the incident at your dorm. Jaemin hadn't called or texted you and in all honesty, you hadn't made an attempt to contact him. You felt too embarrassed to face him. After all, it was you who'd gone onto him. Even if he didn't push you away it wasn't like either of you had agreed to start making out. You were anxious because you knew you'd ruined your friendship with him.
A part of you missed him. You enjoyed spending time with him, even though all you did was study. Everything was so bleak now that he wasn't around to humor you.
You didn't want to regret whatever had happened that night. It was amazing. You just wished it hadn't ended the way it did. You should have understood that he indeed was joking. Instead, you mistook his prodding for sarcasm.
It made no sense for you to not speak to him. You wanted to make amends, figure out what had gone wrong. But you were scared he'd ignore you. That would just make you feel worse than you already did.
So you passed the days, wafting in your own misery. Pitying yourself as if the entire weight of the world had been thrown on your shoulders.
Little did you know that all it would take was another shitty test score for you to pick up your phone and call Jaemin.
"Help me study," you said as soon as he answered the call. Jaemin was silent on the other end. "Don't just listen to me. Say something," you begged. Your heart felt heavy. You heard him sigh. "I'd rather not y/n." You got goosebumps. "Jaemin, please. We can go to fucking library if that makes you feel better," you suggested, desperate for him to agree. After giving it some thought he finally answered you. "Okay fine. Tomorrow at three. But no longer than three hours."
He hung up, leaving you feeling a tad bit better. You looked forward to the next day. Hopefully, he wouldn't act indifferent to you.
Jaemin sat in your usual spot at the library. He was on his phone, leg crossed over his lap leisurely. You walked up to him and took a seat beside him without a word. Seeing you had arrived, he put his phone away and turned to you. "What are we studying?"
You took out your books and opened them. "This."
Jaemin glanced over the material. No wonder you'd flunked your test. He sighed, placing the textbook between you two. Without wasting a second, he began tutoring you.
No matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't pay attention. You were too busy staring at his face, more specifically his lips. They way he'd lick them ever so often made butterflies soar in your stomach. He'd run his hand through his fluffy hair and adjust his glasses, letting your mind run wild. Jaemin didn't seem to notice your lack of focus. You figured he didn't really care. He kept glancing at his watch. It was like he was waiting for your time with him to come to an end.
Much to your dismay, eventually it did.
"I'll send you a picture of some practice material. You can use that to prepare better," he concluded, getting up from his seat. You quickly stuffed your books in your bag and ran after him.
"Jaemin wait!"
He paused. "What," he asked as he turned around. He sounded disinterested. "Can we talk," you asked? Jaemin sighed and shrugged. "What do you wanna talk about," he questioned, placing his hands in his pockets. "About what happened at my place last week."
Jaemin tensed up. "It was a mistake. I think we both understood that."
You shook your head. "I don't know Jaemin, I'm not sure I did."
He furrowed his brows. "What do you mean?"
"The more I thought about it the more I realized that I wouldn't have kissed you unless I wanted to. Not just that but you wouldn't have let it go so far if you thought it was wrong."
He seemed at a loss for words.
"When you called me cute, you did mean it in an 'I have a crush on you' type of way." You didn't need an answer for him to know you were correct.
"What are you trying to say y/n," he asked, sounding defeated.
"That I like you," you admitted. Jaemin's eyes widened. "And that you like me too," you added.
Jaemin bit his lip. "Okay, so then why were we acting like we hated each other for so long?"
You shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe because you overthink everything and I'm a big pussy."
Jaemin chuckled and slung his arm around your shoulder. "I'm sorry about that babe."
You cringed at the nickname. "Don't 'babe' me. We're not dating. Not yet."
Jaemin rolled his eyes. "Does it really need to be that formal?"
You nodded adamantly. "Of course it does."
He sighed. "Fine. Will you go out with me y/n?"
You smiled and shook your head. "I'd rather not Jaemin."
"Yeah whatever," he said with a scoff, leading you outside.
As soon as you were past your door Jaemin's lips were on yours in an instant. He pushed you against the wall, wrapping your legs around his waist. You held onto his shoulders, sighing into his mouth. "I missed you so fucking much," he muttered, stumbling to your room.
He dropped you on your bed and hovered over you, staring down at you somberly before kissing you again. His lips didn't stay on yours for too long, trailing down to your jaw and then your neck. You tugged at his shirt, urging him to take it off. When he did, you stared at his chiseled body in awe. "I didn't know you worked out."
Jaemin chuckled at your comment and pulled your own shirt off. He flicked the tiny bow on your bra with an amused grin. "This is cute."
You nudged his arm timidly. "I wasn't exactly preparing myself for this moment."
He said nothing further and latched his lips to your neck once again. Running your fingers through his hair, you craned your neck to the side to give him more access. He gently sucked on your skin, not too harsh that it would leave marks. You sighed and fiddled with the waistband of his sweatpants. "Do you want it off," he asked quietly, lips ghosting over yours. You nodded, biting your lip when he pushed his pants down.
His member came into sight, making your mouth water.
Taking your hand in his, he brought it to his cock. Your fingers wrapped around his girth instinctively. Jaemin suck in a breath as he made you stroke his length. His hand slipped past your panties, fingers toying with your clit. You gasped and spread your legs wider, loving the way his calloused fingertips felt. Tightening your grip around his cock, you jerked him off earnestly. In turn, Jaemin began rubbing quick circles into your sensitive bundle of nerves.
Letting go of his member, you hastily pushed your pants down your legs. Jaemin peeled your panties off of you, marveling at the sight of your glistening pussy. "Don't just stare," you complained, shutting your legs, "do something."
Jaemin wordlessly, spread your legs apart and settled down between your thighs. He glanced up at your through his lashes, asking for permission before licking a stripe up your folds. You pushed your hips against his mouth, eyes falling shut when he repeated the action. Holding onto your thighs, he nipped and sucked at your clit, groaning every time your bucked your hips into his face. You gripped onto his hair, tugging at his roots. Jaemin's fingers prodded at your slit, slowly entering your walls. He curled them up, making your arch your back in delight. It felt so good. He knew exactly what he was doing.
With his tongue skillfully moving over your clit and his fingers continuously pumping in and out of you, it didn't take long for you to feel a familiar knot in your stomach. You sat up, pulling his mouth off of your cunt. "I need you to fuck me now." Your voice was hushed, breathless because of how much you'd moaned. Jaemin's eyes had darkened considerably. He pushed you down on your back again and pressed his tip to your entrance.
Jaemin felt bigger than he looked. Not that you were complaining or anything, it just took a while to get used to. He made sure you were comfortable before slowly starting to pound into you.
You grabbed his arms as he fastened his pace, head falling back in ecstasy. Shallow breaths left his parted lips. "You feel so good," he muttered, burying his face in the crook of your neck. His breath was hot on your skin. You wrapped your arms around his neck, humming in response. You were close. Jaemin could tell.
Gripping onto your waist, he went faster, slamming his cock into you as he chased your highs. You cried out his name, squeezing your eyes shut. Your walls clenched tightly around his length, your orgasm crashing down on you intensely. Soon enough, he twitched inside you. His thighs stilled, hips snapping into you one last time before thick ropes of his cum shot into your walls. He let out a pleased groan, voice deep and raspy.
"That was amazing," you breathed, pushing your hair out of your face as Jaemin moved off of you. He smiled and tugged his pants back on, joining you under the covers. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." Jaemin pulled you into his side, letting you rest your head on his shoulder. You laughed to yourself. "What is it," Jaemin asked. You shook your head, looking at him. "To think this all started after you agreed to tutor me."
tagging: @neosmutcollective @hoehousenet @kdiarynet @kafenetwork @nct-writers @ficscafe @whipped-kpop-creators @kpopscape
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writerbuddha · 3 years
George Lucas on attachment from 1999 to 2021
BILL MOYERS: Do you know yet what, in a future episode, is going to transform Anakin Skywalker to the dark side?
GEORGE LUCAS: Yes, I know what that is. The groundwork has been laid in this episode. The film is ultimately about the dark side and the light side, and those sides are designed around compassion and greed. The issue of greed, of getting things and owning things and having things and not being able to let go of things, is the opposite of compassion--of not thinking of yourself all the time. These are the two sides--the good force and the bad force. They're the simplest parts of a complex cosmic construction.
George Lucas and Bill Moyers 1999, Time Magazine (http://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,990820-2,00.html)
GEORGE LUCAS: He turns into Darth Vader because he gets attached to things. He can't let go of his mother; he can't let go of his girlfriend. He can't let go of things. It makes you greedy. And when you're greedy, you are on the path to the dark side, because you fear you're going to lose things, that you're not going to have the power you need.
George Lucas to Time Magazine April, 2002 (http://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,1002323-3,00.html)
GEORGE LUCAS: In this film, (Phantom Menace) you begin to see that he has a fear of losing things, a fear of losing his mother, and as a result, he wants to begin to control things, he wants to become powerful, and these are not Jedi traits. And part of these are because he was starting to be trained so late in life, that he'd already formed these attachments. And for a Jedi, attachment is forbidden.
George Lucas to CNN, May 8, 2002 (https://edition.cnn.com/2002/SHOWBIZ/Movies/05/07/ca.s02.george.lucas/index.html)
GEORGE LUCAS: Jedi Knights aren’t celibate – the thing that is forbidden is attachments – and possessive relationships.
George Lucas to BBC, May 12, 2002 (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/1989505.stm)
GEORGE LUCAS: Well, a lot of people got very upset, saying he should’ve been this little demon kid. But the story is not about a guy who was born a monster – it’s about a good boy who was loving and had exceptional powers, but how that eventually corrupted him and how he confused possessive love with compassionate love. That happens in Episode II: Regardless of how his mother died, Jedis are not supposed to take vengeance. And that’s why they say he was too old to be a Jedi, because he made his emotional connections. His undoing is that he loveth too much.
George Lucas to Rolling Stones, 2005 (https://www.rollingstone.com/movies/movie-news/george-lucas-and-the-cult-of-darth-vader-247142/)
GEORGE LUCAS: The core issue, ultimately, is greed, possessiveness - the inability to let go. Not only to hold on to material things, which is greed, but to hold on to life, to the people you love - to not accept the reality of life’s passages and changes, which is to say things come, things go. Everything changes. Anakin becomes emotionally attached to things, his mother, his wife. That’s why he falls - because he does not have the ability to let go.
No human can let go. It’s very hard. Ultimately, we do let go because it’s inevitable; you do die, and you do lose your loved ones. But while you’re alive, you can’t be obsessed with holding on. As Yoda says in this one, [The scene in which Anakin seeks Yoda’s counsel] You must learn to let go of everything you’re afraid to let go of.’ Because holding on is in the same category and the precursor to greed. And that’s what a Sith is. A Sith is somebody that is absolutely obsessed with gaining more and more power - but for what? Nothing, except that it becomes an obsession to get more. The Jedi are trained to let go. They’re trained from birth, they’re not supposed to form attachments. They can love people- in fact, they should love everybody. They should love their enemies; they should love the Sith. But they can’t form attachments. So, what all these movies are about is: greed. Greed is a source of pain and suffering for everybody. And the ultimate state of greed is the desire to cheat death.
J. W. Rinzel - The Making of Revenge of the Sith page 213, published in 2005
GEORGE LUCAS: Anakin wants to be a Jedi, but he cannot let go of the people he loves in order to move forward in his life. The Jedi believe that you don’t hold on to things, that you let things pass through you, and if you can control your greed, you can resolve the conflict not only in yourself but in the world around you, because you accept the natural course of things. Anakin’s inability to follow this basic guideline is at the core of his turn to the Dark Side.
George Lucas to sci-fi online, 2005 (http://www.sci-fi-online.com/Interview/05-11-01_GeorgeLucas.htm)
GEORGE LUCAS: Love is a secret to the universe, which is compassion, which is love others, take care of others, help each other. (…) Struggle in Star Wars is about passion against compassion. Which is greed, against giving and giving up primarily and the whole issue is the flipside of greed is fear of losing. So you are either trying to get things or afraid to lose things that you’ve got and the idea is to let go of those things." - George Lucas, 2007, Devin Kumar Productions (http://www.devinkumar.com/interview-with-george-lucas/)
GEORGE LUCAS: The fact that everything must change and that things come and go through his life and that he cannot hold onto things, which is a basic Jedi philosophy that he isn't willing to accept emotionally and the reason that is because he was raised by his mother rather than the Jedi. If he'd have been taken in his first years and started to study to be a Jedi, he wouldn’t have this particular connection as strong as it is and he'd have been trained to love people but not to become attached to them.
But he become attached to his mother and he will become attached to Padme and these things are, for a Jedi, who needs to have a clear mind and not be influenced by threats to their attachments, a dangerous situation. And it feeds into fear of losing things, which feeds into greed, wanting to keep things, wanting to keep his possessions and things that he should be letting go of. His fear of losing her turns to anger at losing her, which ultimately turns to revenge in wiping out the village. The scene with the Tusken Raiders is the first scene that ultimately takes him on the road to the dark side. I mean he’s been prepping for this, but that’s the one where he’s sort of doing something that is completely inappropriate.
He’s greedy in that he wants to keep his mother around, he’s greedy in that he wants to become more powerful in order to control things in order to keep the things around that he wants. There’s a lot of connections here with the beginning of him sliding into the Dark Side.
Because of that, and because he was unwilling to let go of his mother, because he was so attached to her, he committed this terrible revenge on the tusked raiders.
George Lucas, Attack of the Clones DVD audio-commentary, 2008
GEORGE LUCAS: It’s fear of losing somebody he loves, which is the flipside of greed. Greed, in terms of the Emperor, it is the greed for power, absolute power, over everything. With Anakin, really, it’s the power to save the one he loves, but is basically going against the Fates and what is natural.
George Lucas, Revenge of the Sith DVD audio-commentary, 2008
GEORGE LUCAS: It’s pivotal that Luke doesn’t have patience. He doesn’t want to finish his training. He’s being succumbed by his emotional feelings for his friends rather than the practical feelings of “I’ve got to get this job done before I can actually save them. I can’t save them, really.” But he sorts of takes the easy route, the arrogant route, the emotional but least practical route, which is to say, “I’m just going to go off and do this without thinking too much.” And the result is that he fails and doesn’t do well for Han Solo or himself. It’s the motif that needs to be in the picture, but it’s one of those things that just in terms of storytelling was very risky because basically he screws up, and everything turns bad. And it’s because of that decision that Luke made on [Dagobah] to say, “I know I’m not ready, but I’m going to go anyway.
George Lucas, Empire Strikes Back DVD audio-commentary, 2008
GEORGE LUCAS: The core of the Force–I mean, you got the dark side, the light side, one is selfless, one is selfish, and you wanna keep them in balance. What happens when you go to the dark side is it goes out of balance and you get really selfish and you forget about everybody … because when you get selfish you get stuff, or you want stuff, and when you want stuff and you get stuff then you are afraid somebody is going to take it away from you, whether it’s a person or a thing or a particular pleasure or experience.
Once you become afraid that somebody’s going to take it away from you or you’re gonna lose it, then you start to become angry, especially if you’re losing it, and that anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering. Mostly on the part of the person who’s selfish, because you spend all your time being afraid of losing everything you’ve got instead of actually living. Where joy, by giving to other people you can’t think about yourself, and therefore there’s no pain. But the pleasure factor of greed and of selfishness is a short-lived experience, therefore you’re constantly trying to replenish it, but of course the more you replenish it, the harder it is to, so you have to keep upping the ante. You’re actually afraid of the pain of not having the joy. So that is ultimately the core of the whole dark side/light side of the Force. And everything flows from that. Obviously the Sith are always unhappy because they never get enough of anything they want. Mostly, their selfishness centers around power and control. And the struggle is always to be able to let go of all that stuff. And of course that’s the problem with Anakin ultimately. You’re allowed to love people, but you’re not allowed to possess them. And what he did is he fell in love and married her and then became jealous. Then he saw in his visions that she was going to die, and he couldn’t stand losing her. So in order to not lose her, he made a pact with the devil to be able to become all-powerful. When he did that, she didn’t want to have anything to do with him anymore, so he lost her. Once you are powerful, being able to bring her back from the dead, if I can do that, I can become emperor of the universe. I can get rid of the Emperor. I can make everything the way I want it. Once you do that, you’ll never be satiated. You’re always going to be consumed by this driving desire to have more stuff and be afraid that others are going to take it away from you. And they are. Every time you get two Sith together, you have the master, the apprentice, and the apprentice is always trying to recruit another apprentice to join with him to kill the master. The master knows that basically everybody below him wants his job. Only way to overcome the dark side is through discipline. The dark side is pleasure, biological and temporary and easy to achieve. The light side is joy, everlasting and difficult to achieve. A great challenge. Must overcome laziness, give up quick pleasures, and overcome fear which leads to hate.
George Lucas, explaining the Force to the Clone Wars writing team, 2010 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nFMBBrliyQ&t=41s&ab_channel=StarWarsCoffee)
GEORGE LUCAS: When you start to care about yourself and the things that you own and the things that you have and you’re greedy and you want things all the time and you don’t want to give them up because you’re afraid to give them up, you turn to the dark side. And that’s what happened to Anakin.
George Lucas Q&A: Field Museum, Chicago 5/8/2010 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRaVjM_goKM)
GEORGE LUCAS: The thing about Anakin is, Anakin started out as a nice kid. He was kind, and sweet, and lovely, and he was then trained as a Jedi. But the Jedi can’t be selfish. They can love but they can’t love people to the point of possession. You can’t really possess somebody, because people are free. It’s possession that causes a lot of trouble, and that causes people to kill people, and causes people to be bad. Ultimately it has to do with being unwilling to give things up.
The whole basis here is if you’re selfish, if you’re a Sith Lord, you’re greedy. You’re constantly trying to get something. And you’re constantly in fear of not getting it, or, when you get it, you’re in constant fear of losing it. And it’s that fear that takes you to the dark side. It’s that fear of losing what you have or want.
Sometimes it’s ambition, but sometimes, like in the case of Anakin, it was fear of losing his wife. He knew she was going to die. He didn’t quite know how, so he was able to make a pact with a devil that if he could learn how to keep people from dying, he would help the Emperor. And he became a Sith Lord. Once he started saying, “Well, we could take over the galaxy, I could take over from the Emperor, I could have ultimate power,” Padmé saw right through him immediately. She said, “You’re not the person I married. You’re a greedy person.” So that’s ultimately how he fell and he went to the dark side.
And then Luke had the chance to do the same thing. He didn’t do it.
George Lucas, 2019 (https://www.starwars.com/news/star-wars-episode-i-the-phantom-menace-oral-history)
GEORGE LUCAS: They (the Jedi) trained more than anything else to understand the transitional nature of life, that things are constantly changing and you can't hold on to anything. You can love things but you can't be attached to them, You must be willing to let the flow of life and the flow of the Force move through your life, move through you. So that you can be compassionate and loving and caring, but not be possessive and grabbing and holding on to things and trying to keep things the way they are. Letting go is the central theme of the film."
George Lucas, "Star Wars Archives 1999-2005" p. 72-73 (2020)
GEORGE LUCAS: Luke is faced with the same issues and practically the same scenes that Anakin is faced with. Anakin says yes, and Luke says no. (…) We have the scene when Anakin decides to save Palpatine and join him, so they could learn how to save Padmé. The equivalent scene in VI is when the Emperor’s trying to get Luke to kill his dad so he can save his sister.”
George Lucas, "Star Wars Archives 1999-2005" p. 421 and p. 212. (2020)
GEORGE LUCAS: The secret ultimately like in Star Wars is that you have to not be afraid. Fear is the enemy; fear is the Dark Side. If you afraid, you are going to the Dark Side. The Light Side is compassion. As long as you love other people and treat them kindly, you won't be afraid. So, the secret is to just love everybody - I know that sounds very 60s but that's what I grew up in - but it its fear that cause the problem. So you have to stop being afraid and be kind to everybody.
The main theme of Star Wars is that compassion is the good side, fear is the bad side.
I kind of lost control of Star Wars so it’s going off a different path than what I intended but the first six are very much mine and my philosophy. And I think that philosophy sort of goes beyond any particular time because it’s based on history it based on philosophy. (...)
The thing with Anakin is that he started out a great kid he was very compassionate , so the issue was how did he turn bad. How did he go to the Dark Side? He went to the Dark Side, Jedi aren’t supposed to have attachments. They can love people, they can do that, but they can’t attach, that’s the problem in the world of fear. Once you are attached to something then you become afraid of losing it. And when you become afraid of losing it, then you turn to the Dark Side, and you want to hold onto it, and that was Anakin’s issue ultimately, that he wanted to hold onto his wife who he knew, he had a premonition that she was going to die, he didn’t know how to stop it, so he went to the Dark Side to find, in mythology you do to hades, and you talk to the devil, and the devil says ‘this is what you do’ and basically you sell your soul to the devil. When you do that, and you’re afraid and you’re on the Dark Side and you fall off the golden path of compassion because you are greedy, you want to hold on to something that you love and he didn’t do the right thing and as a result he turned bad.
Mellody Hobson, George Lucas - Virtual Speaker Interview (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRqVdcE5oyI)
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