#if anyone wants to request a character go right ahead
mcuamerica · 2 days
Stranded | Part One
Featuring (in the next part): Azriel x Fem!Reader, Eris x Reader (platonic), Rhys x Sister!Reader
Summary: Azriel left you in the Autumn Court border while Rhys was at a ball with Amarantha and the other High Lords, leaving you trapped outside of Velaris with the enemy... Requested by @sidthedollface2 here.
Warnings: 18+ only, description of wings and skin burning, misogyny, alludes to SA, let me know if anything was forgotten...
Disclaimer: I do not own SJM’s characters, only the ones I create for the purpose of this story. This is a work of fiction. I do not give permission to repost my work on any other platform or medium. Please be respectful.
Dividers from @saradika
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You stood in your black and navy dress, feeling ridiculously out of place next to the maroons, dark greens, and golds of the Autumn Court. While Azriel, one of your best friends and your brother's Spymaster, escorted you to the Court, he quickly forgot his guard duty and winnowed away to find Mor.
"Mor's upset. I gotta go." Was his excuse, leaving you alone and outcast in the Forest House. According to Azriel, taking care of a safe female in Velaris (that he had puppy dog eyes for) was more important than guarding of the Lady of the Night Court in enemy territory. You were sure Rhys would be pissed if you decided to tell him about Azriel's disappearance.
You were starting to feel tired and bored as you stood on the wall, so you decided to leave. If you could get out of the Forest House bounds and cross the wards, you could winnow back to the town home. You really wanted to get out of this dress and take a nice bath. The Autumn chill wasn’t terrible, but you missed the summer breeze in your city.
You walked out of the court, watching as most of the Autumn Court guards paid you no attention. As you made your way out of the Forest House, you took in the fresh air. It was always too stuffy and crowded in ballrooms for you. You were glad to be outside. At least you could stretch your wings out here.
You tested your winnowing abilities as you made way through the wards. However, just as you made to winnow back home, your magic stuttered. You let out a small gasp, trying to reach down to that deep pool of darkness, but just a small puddle was left. You took another breath, trying to recall what you drank. You came up empty, literally, as you didn’t take any drink offered throughout the night.
You heard Rhys’s voice ring through your head. “Keep Velaris safe. Don’t tell anyone. Amarantha has taken our magic. Be careful. Protect the city. Protect each other.” And then he went silent. Your mind… you tried reaching out to him but nothing happened.
You started to panic, looking around to see if somehow Azriel came back for you. But from what you could tell, you were alone. You almost turned back to enter the Forest House. But, with Autumn being nothing short of an enemy, you decided to chance your luck with the forest in front of you. It was too wooded to take off from your current spot, so maybe you could find a clearing ahead.
Taking a deep breath, keeping calm, you started to walk north. If you could make it to Winter, maybe Kallias would allow you to cross into Night uninterrupted. Winter was normally your closest ally, and you quite liked the High Lord when you met him.
You walked for a few minutes, taking deep, calming breaths as you made your way deeper into the woods. Every sound sent a shiver down your spine, and you were just waiting to see that clearing of trees.
Instead, three males approached from the right. You took a deep breath, tucking in your wings as you pressed against a tree. The males appeared drunk, but stable. They weren’t stumbling just yet, but you could smell the alcohol from where you stood. Which meant they would catch your scent as soon as the wind turned.
You took another deep breath, walking forward. They couldn't touch a member of the Night Court. They would be butchered for it. You kept your head high as you continued to walk, only pausing when one of the males called out to you.
"Hey! What are you doing out in these woods?" Sentinels. That's the kind of clothing they wore. They were guards for the forest.
"I'm going home. Can't winnow." You said, tucking in your wings in hope they wouldn't see them in the shadows of the night. You tried to will the darkness to you as you normally would, as Rhys taught you to, but only a little bit of it budged. Amarantha took the High Lords powers... meaning each and every other power tied to their court would be restricted even more.
"Unfortunate. You look like you're a long way from home, as an Illyrian." He said, stalking over to you. It seemed they had no problem provoking a member of the Night Court.
"I am lady of the Night Court. I need to get to my people." You said.
"Ahh, the Night Court." Another one said in a mocking tone. "Lady? You look little more than a whore to me." He said and walked from behind his friend, backing you into a tree. "Shall we see what the Night Court thinks of us when we burn its lady's wings to ashes?" He asked, fire flickering on his finger tips.
Of course. They were in their home Court. No matter how little magic the High Lord had, the land would provide more of it. "My brother will incinerate you if you do."
"My brother." The male teased in a high pitched voice. "Who? Rhysand? That little bastard?" He asked, hand nearing your wing. "He won't even care when we're done with you." He said.
You tried to side step, but two sets of arms restrained you. And then came the pain.
You let out a blood curdling scream as hot, burning flames enveloped your wings. Along with the bark of the tree behind you cutting into your tendons. You fought as hard as you could, pulling away from the males as best you could. The males dug deeper, surely drawing blood from your arms but you didn't know as the fire tore through your wings. Over your pain and screams, you heard a belt unbuckle.
"Never fucked an Illyrian before. Let's see if what they say is true." The male in front of you said. You continued to struggle, but the pain of your wings burning was too much. The smell of the membrane and, gods... the skin of your back, was enough to make you pass out. But you stayed conscious, willed the little magic in you to cast a net of darkness around your wings. You prayed to the Mother that the darkness would snuff out just one tendril of the flames.
Your screams must have alerted the guards of the Forest House, because next thing you knew, a familiar voice was commanding the males to step away. You fell to the ground as the males released you. As quickly as the flames enveloped your wings, the were snuffed out. That didn't mean your wings were repaired. They were completely in ruins. Torn in almost every place, tendons burnt to a crisp that the most important ones had snapped. Your back was raw, blisters forming on the skin. Even the braid that cascaded down your back was burnt, leaving your hair singed and ragged against your shoulders.
You whimpered, the small ounces of your magic working to heal whatever it could.
"Lady (Y/N)," You heard that familiar voice again. You couldn't move. You couldn't look up. Who was talking to you? "It's Eris... we need to get you to a healer before this gets worse." The High Lord's heir said.
"Worse?" You rasped, your voice nearly inaudible because of your screams. You couldn't bring yourself to keep talking. Only thinking in your head as your body sagged further into the ground, nothing is worse than this.
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Azriel's back seized in pain, a terrible, yet amazing feeling snapping in his gut.
Rhys had spoken to them mind to mind just minutes ago, telling them what happened. And leaving Amren in charge of them.
Azriel couldn't leave Velaris. Whatever magic Rhys threw out completely shut the wards and borders. He couldn't winnow to his High Lord. And more importantly, he couldn't winnow to you. He asked Mor to try and get out, but she was stuck as well. Rhys trapped them inside the city, effectively trapping you outside as well.
Only thing is, Rhys expected Azriel to be with you. To protect you and get you home safely from Autumn. Instead, he went to Mor because she was upset about something. And left you stranded.
He was just about to tell the others that they needed to find a way out when the pain and the snap hit. In a few blinks, his entire world shifted.
The others went silent as Azriel jerked where he stood, his wings fluttering behind him.
"Azriel?" Cassian asked, frowning as his brother jerked again.
Azriel took a few deep breaths as the pain died down, and then came to the horrible realization of what snapped in his gut.
"(Y/N)-" He paused and stared at his family. The ones that might just kill him when he said what he was about to. "(Y/N) is in the Autumn Court."
"What? I thought she came back with you?" Mor said.
"She's in the Autumn Court," Azriel stated again, ignoring Mor, "and she is my mate."
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Part Two
A/N: Oof... this was so fun to write!
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tanlotts · 1 year
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Piper for my Fallout modern AU art collection ❤️
In this AU Piper Wright is a very successful journalist in Boston, she’s worked for many important newspapers and magazines. But after quite a while of having worked for those big names she finally decided on starting her own little digital blog and to take on a more freelance way of working, which worked out really well for her since she adopted her sister Nat. This city girl loves spending time with her best friend Nick Valentine, thrifting clothes, photography and traveling.
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Better Late Than Never
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Title: Better Late Than Never
Pairing: Dean Winchester x female reader
Word Count: ~2,143
In which the reader’s love language is physical touch, but has never touched Dean…in public.
A/N: I really hope you guys like this one! Thanks so much for reading and for your support. If you have any requests for a fic, feel free to give me a character and a prompt/explanation for what you’d like!
Your love language has always been physical touch. A quick brush of hands here, an innocent kiss to the cheek there. Whether it was your friend or your significant other, touch was just something you used to show that you cared.
So it meant a lot to you when, after you moved in with the Winchesters, Sam had quickly picked up on your love language and allowed you to give him occasional hugs. He’d also gone out of his way to hug you, or even just put a reassuring hand on your shoulder once in a while.
But even though you felt more than comfortable with Sam, you were the first to admit that you’d never so much as given Dean a high five.
In front of others.
In the privacy of an empty bunker or motel room, you and Dean had no problem brushing against each other and exchanging brief touches. Eventually, the brief touches had turned into longer ones, and hands drifted from your shoulder to the small of your back. Then those touches turned into sitting right beside each other, your head resting on his shoulder as he peppered kisses on the top of your head. And after that, kisses on your head turned to kisses on your lips, while hands on your back turned into hands grasping your hips.
But as soon as Sam, Cas, Charlie, or anyone else walked through the door, you would revert back to no touches at all.
It’s not that you didn’t want to. He truly meant the world to you. But every time someone would walk into the room, he would pull away. And you never wanted to make Dean feel uncomfortable, even if it was killing you inside. So, to respect his space, you’d never so much as given Dean a high five in front of other people.
Until today.
A hunt had gone sideways when a djinn had outsmarted the three of you and gotten its hands on Dean while you and Sam had been out getting dinner.
When you got back to the motel room to see that Dean was gone and not answering his phone, you and Sam had come up with a plan. A questionable plan, for sure, but it was all that you could come up with in the limited time that you were allowed.
Now, the two of you sat in Baby, reviewing the plan before you burst into the abandoned warehouse where Dean was being kept.
“Whatever you do, don’t engage with the djinn, got it? I’ll take care of him, you take care of Dean.”
You nodded stiffly, your eyes on the building ahead. “I hear you, I got it. But if you’re in any trouble-”
Sam sighed in exasperation. “Would you just listen to me for a second-”
You looked up at him, fury in your gaze. “I will not let that djinn take you, too.”
Sam’s gaze softened. For all of the sweet touches that you passed around, you were still a hunter, willing to hurt anything that came between you and your family.
He placed a comforting hand on your shoulder and leaned towards you. “Hey. We’re going to be okay, alright? Us and Dean, we’re getting out of here. And that djinn isn’t gonna know what hit him.”
He kept his hand on your shoulder until you finally nodded in agreement, a half smile taking shape on your lips. You took a deep breath and checked the bullets in your gun and the knife hidden in your jacket as Sam checked the knife dipped in lamb’s blood and the colt in his holster one last time.
As you went through your mental checklist, you couldn’t help the bolt of fear that shot through you when you realized that the djinn could have easily killed Dean hours ago.
You shook your head at the thought. Dean was tough, and if the djinn was probably desperate to make his life force last as long as possible.
You shook out your nerves one last time before you straightened up and looked towards Sam. “Alright,” you muttered. “Let’s get this thing.”
The two of you got out of the car quietly before making your way to the door of the warehouse. Sam put a finger to his lips as he tried the door. You both made a face of surprise when the door gave way easily. Sam led the way as you crept inside, hoping against all odds that the rest of the revue would go this smoothly.
But of course, it wouldn’t really be a Winchester hunt if nothing went wrong.
As soon as you and Sam entered the building, you were ambushed by the waiting djinn. With the advantage of surprise on its side, it quickly overpowered Sam and tossed him to the side before it turned its attention toward you.
You cursed under your breath and raised your gun, knowing full well that it and your knife would do nothing to save you, since the plan had been that you would never have to face the djinn. The djinn smiled at your panic, pacing towards you swiftly.
Suddenly, Sam appeared once again behind the djinn. The djinn whirled around and just barely managed to dodge the knife that Sam swung its way.
Sam risked a glance over to you. “Go! Get Dean!”
You nodded, though he had already turned back to face the djinn.
You looked around wildly, hoping for some kind of sign as to where Dean could be. You startled when you heard faint gasping coming from one of the rooms to your right.
Dean. You sighed in relief as you followed the sound. He had probably saved himself from his fantasy world. You shuddered as you remembered what he’d had to do to escape his dream, and started moving faster.
You entered the room cautiously, gun in hand. From your left, a weak voice croaked out your name.
You whirled around to find Dean weak and bound, but utterly alive. You felt tears well up in your eyes as you ran over to him, shoving your gun back in its holster so that you could grab your knife and cut through his bindings.
Dean looked up at you and smiled weakly. “Hey, sweetheart.”
You ignored him, focused solely on setting him free. Your hands were shaking, making it harder to cut through the ropes. Finally, with an extra push, your knife cut through. You dropped it so that you could catch Dean, who slumped forward as soon as he was able to move again.
You slowly lowered the two of you to the ground, allowing him to catch his breath. “Are you okay?” you asked, a slight tremor in your voice.
Dean looked up at you, his eyes soft as he searched your face. “I’m alright.”
His gaze sharpened suddenly, and he looked around the room. “Where’s Sammy?”
Your head snapped over to the door, through which you could hear sounds of a fight. You cursed lightly under your breath as you stood.
Dean moved to stand as well, but you placed your hands on his shoulders and pushed him back lightly. “Stay here,” you ordered. “I’ll help Sam.”
“I’m not gonna-”
“Stay. Here.”
Dean eyed you stubbornly, but seemed to think better of himself, and nodded once for you to go on. He watched as you picked up your knife and handed it to him before you exited the room, jumping straight into the fight.
He sighed and leaned back against the wall behind him. Normally, he wouldn’t have stayed behind, regardless of what you or Sam said. But as he lay still against the wall, he couldn’t help but remember the dream that he’d been forced into.
You, him, and Sam. There’d been no more monsters. No fighting, no war. Just the three of you, living peacefully.
Jess had been there. She and Sam had gotten married, and Sam was the happiest man around. Or maybe not the happiest. Dean himself had been pretty happy too, with you by his side, through sickness and health. Finally free to hug and love each other freely, regardless of who was around.
He smiled as he looked back on it, but immediately broke out of his memory and jerked to attention as he heard footsteps enter the room.
Panic filled his body. Was it the djinn? Had he gotten to you and Sam? He clutched the knife you had given him in his hand, ready to make good use of it.
He heard Sam call out his name, relief filling his body. Dean opened his eyes and stood slowly, smiling at the two hunters watching him with concerned eyes. “Hey, Sammy.”
You heard Sam laugh breathlessly in relief while your eyes raked over Dean’s body, making sure that he wasn’t hiding an injury.
Dean tilted his head slightly, meeting your eyes. “I’m fine. Honest.”
You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak. You were aware of Sam saying something next to you, but you couldn’t focus on his words, your attention solely on Dean.
When Dean looked over at you again, a small smile on his lips and concern in his eyes, you couldn’t help yourself. You threw down your weapon and ran over, throwing yourself into his arms.
You’d never been hugged like that before.
His arms wound themselves around your body and tightened, pressing you against him. His hands were open, one resting on your shoulder and one on your side, both tugging you closer than you thought possible. His head rested on top of yours, and he murmured reassurances into your ear as he slowly rocked you side to side.
Through it all, you could faintly hear the sound of Sam leaving the room, giving the two of you some space.
When you finally pulled back, Dean’s hands didn’t leave you, instead resting on your hips as he pressed his forehead to yours.
Your hands fluttered between his shoulders, his neck, and his face as you closed your eyes and inhaled a shaky breath. “I thought you were dead.”
Dean chuckled and gave the barest shake of his head, bringing his hands up to rest them on yours where they sat cradling his face. “I wouldn’t do that to you.”
You laughed. “Because my life revolves around you?”
“Because then we’d never be able to tell Sam about us.”
You felt your face change, your smile dropping as you stepped away from Dean.
He looked back at you as his arms dropped down to his sides, hurt evident on his face. “What did I do? Are we not…?”
“No!” You exclaimed, shaking your head quickly.
You saw disappointment and shame flit across his features. You shook your head again. “I didn’t mean it like that. I meant…I just…I wasn’t sure.”
“Sure about what?”
“It’s just…” You steeled yourself. “You always pull away from me. I thought maybe you were embarrassed or something. Or maybe you just wanted me to help you feel better-”
Dean’s whole body jerked with surprise and he stepped towards you, arms outstretched. “No, sweetheart, that’s not it at all. I’m just…” He hesitated, only a step away from you as his arms dropped. “I’m not good with mushy gushy crap. You know that.”
You smiled cautiously. “I know. Nothing wrong with that.”
He nodded, unmoving.
You took a step towards him. “Maybe we could…work on it together?”
A smirk crossed his face as he reached an arm around your back and pulled you closer. “Oh, yeah?”
A laugh crossed your lips. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
Dean leaned his head down to softly brush his lips against yours. “I know.”
You felt him stiffen as you both heard footsteps re-enter the room, with Sam loudly complaining, “You guys good to go?”
You moved to pull away, muscle memory taking over, when Dean suddenly cupped your face with one hand and pressed his other hand against your back. His eyes searched yours. “Is this okay?”
Your heart was hammering against your chest, the knowledge that what you said could determine your whole relationship with both Winchesters weighing on your brain.
You heard Sam’s footsteps moving closer and smiled breathlessly. “Yeah,” you managed to say before he connected his lips to yours.
“Guys,” Sam repeated as he stepped into the room. His eyes landed on the two of you, your hands cupping Dean’s face as he pulled you closer still. He chuckled and turned away, but not before shouting, “It’s about time!”
He could hear Dean telling him where to shove it as he walked away, and he couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that the two of you genuinely believed that nobody had noticed your secret relationship these past two years.
Oh well, he thought to himself. Better late than never.
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tunafruitt · 5 months
--> || ❝ Stay with me, will you? ❞
SAGAU || Warnings: fluff with mention of neuvi lusting over reader, gender neutral reader, mention of Furina once (in passing), yandere…? If you squint
Character(s) : NEUVILLETTE
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“Can you stay just a little longer?”
Neuvillette turns to you. He was supposed to have left half an hour ago, not that you knew that though. But the eyes you gave him made him so weak! So it’s not his fault he’s been pushing the meeting with Furina back, right?
But the Iudex of Fontaine also has responsibilities (which he takes very seriously.) He knows he does, and if it was anyone else but you, he would have left as soon as the appropriate time came. But you weren’t just anyone else.
“Stay with me, will you?” When your pleading eyes meet his, he feels his heart skip a beat. He really should be leaving, but how can he when you look at him like that? The guilt he feels is eating at him, looking at the creator in such a way should be punishable. The purest being in Tyevat being yearned for in such way, by the Iudex of Fontaine nonetheless? He feels disgusted by his own thoughts, but he could never think to deny your request.
“Of course, your grace. I’ll stay.” Neuvillette sits on the corner of your bed, feeling the warmth of the aura radiating from you. He feels a bit nervous, I mean, the creator of tyevat wants to be next to him, breathe the same air as him. Who wouldn’t feel nervous?
You give him a warm smile. “Can you also… lie down? Next to me, I mean.” Maybe you’ve always had a thing for dragons, but now that you have one right at your disposal… might as well use the opportunity right?
“Your grace… “ He couldn’t even mutter anything else. The feeling of warmth that was building up inside him made him feel an unexplainable amount of happiness. The creator wants him? In their presence? LYING NEXT TO THEM??? Yet all he could do is obey your orders in a calm and steady manner. He wouldn’t want to embarrass himself in front of you.
─ִ━━ ꯭  ───ׂ─ִ─  ͜͡✿͜͡  ─ִ──ׂ──  ꯭  ━━ִ─
Soon enough, there was a dragon man on your bed, not moving a single muscle, silent as could be. There was an obvious flush on his ears and slight pinkness on his cheekbones. There’s tension in the air, as if both of you want to say something but don’t know how or when to start talking. Knowing Neuvillette, he’d never even think give you a request, so you decide to make the first move.
“It’s a bit.. cold in Fontaine around this time of the year. Don’t you think?” It was true, lately there’s been a cool breeze and the temperature’s been getting cooler.
His head turns to face you, it was night by now. There was moonlight on your face and he couldn’t help but take the sight of you in. Staring at you he thought how a being such as him could be just inches apart from someone as beautiful, as ethereal as y—
“Ah, I apologize. The winter season is beginning in Fontaine, why do you ask? Do you feel cold, your grace?”
An opportunity has opened! It’s your chance.
“I am, this blanket is a bit thin.. if you’re also cold, may I hug you?” OH MY GODDD have you ever been this bold in your life? You suddenly feel warm, too warm… your face is heating up, was the question too straightforward? Could you have just told him that you could use another blanket? Maybe you could h—
“If that’s what your grace desires, go ahead.”
Oh, so it was that simple.
You nod and look at him, his body now facing you. Putting the embarrassing thoughts aside, you go in for a hug and use his arm as a pillow. You can FEEL his heartbeat, it was quick. Was he also nervous? He embraces you with a firm hold, but not firm enough to be suffocating. A protective firm. He isn’t sure what he wants to protect you from, maybe protect isn’t the correct word… posses? He wants you to himself… for no one else to be able to experience a situation like the one he’s in with you right now.
Out of embarrassment and shame, you use his chest as a way to cover your face. Who would’ve known that the fantasies you had back in your world would come true, just in a different universe?
“Thank you for this… Let’s.. let’s stay like this, just for a while.”
Yeah, the meeting could wait.
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OH MY GODDD this is my first writing… like, ever. This is kinda scary imma be honest but i had fun!! If there’s anything wrong with this feel free to tell me ^_^ Likes nd reblogs are much appreciated ><
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multi-fxndom446 · 7 months
You came? You called.
Scenario: John Price, Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick, John ‘soap’ Mactavish and Simon ‘ghost’ Riley
This is part one to three parts. All of these include the, “you came…you called.” As different scenarios I saw them being used in for these characters.
Honestly I can do a part two to this or even do an individual one-shot for a specific character. So if either of those sound interesting please please request it.
All of these were written in mind of different tropes but pretty much boil down to you both love each other. (Sorry if some of these are ooc I did my best😭)
Part Two Part Three
Captain John Price
Warning: blood, pretty open ended 👀
“Does anyone have eyes on Y/n?” Price asked after several minutes of silence from you. He had been trying for what felt like hours to get in contact but you either couldn’t hear him or you were in a place you couldn’t respond.
There was a third option but he didn’t even want to think about it being a possibility.
“The house straight ahead of you,” ghost gruff voice cut through the silence. “Looks like backup was called over there.”
Price took a deep breathe, his eyes zoned in straight ahead. You had to be there.
As he opened his mouth to start giving off orders the sound of a soft whisper came through. So soft none of them caught it the first time.
Then it came again, “captain..” it was your voice. You were whispering like you were scared of getting caught by someone.
He felt his entire body tense at the way your strained voice finally clicked in his head. “I’m going to get her.”
Before his men could even argue price was running toward the house. He could hear a small curse and more footsteps joining not to far behind and he knew his men were running to join him.
“Price. I don’t know if I can get out of this one alive.” You words had him speeding up and with the help of the rest they cleared the house in no time.
Price found you not even a second later, you were trying to put pressure on a wound and he could tell you lost a lot of blood from the way you couldn’t focus your eyes on him.
You went completely limp the moment he picked you up in his arms like you knew you were finally safe.
It’s all he could think about while he stood outside the medic bay. He carried you inside and handed you off to let them take care of you so all he was left to do was wait.
But only a few minutes later your voice came back to him louder as you screamed his name from inside. He could hear the nurses trying to calm you down but you kept screaming for him.
He rushed in and as soon as your eyes connected with his you immediately stopped struggling. Your body slumping into the mattress as you looked at him.
“Price.” You sighed out smiling weakly. “You came.”
He knew you weren’t just talking about right now but about him coming after you even if he wasn’t sure you were going to make it out alive.
He was at your side in a second his hand grasping yours softly. It felt colder. “You called.”
You didn’t respond but he could see the way your eyes started fogging over. “You need to let the nurses fix you up yeah?” He asked gently, squeezing your hand as your soft gaze continued to stare up at him like you were committing it to memory.
“I just needed to see you.” Was the last thing you muttered before he was ushered out.
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick
Warning: injury, your hinted at being a nurse here. Friends to…
It was late when Price and Soap all but dragged Gaz into the medic bay. Heaving him carefully onto a bed which squeaked slightly from the sudden pressure.
He watched his captain tell the nurses what happened but none of them were who he wanted. “Soap.” He groaned out turning to his friend who was at his side. “Give me your phone.”
Soap did so without question and sat in silence while Gaz called you, unaware of the time. “Hello?” Your voice came through a few rings later. Slightly groggy but still twinged with worry. “Soap?”
“Y/n.” Kyle breathed relieved to just hear your voice. “Nice to hear your voice.”
“Kyle?! When did you get back? Why do you sound like that? Are you hurt?!” He could hear shuffling on your end like you were running around. “Damn it Gaz the one time I don’t take a night shift.”
That caused him to pause. He pulled the phone from his face to look at the time and winced when he saw the small 4am in the corner. He felt worse knowing you didn’t sleep very well and he probably woke you up.
“I’m okay, just needed to hear your voice go back to sleep.” He hung up before you could respond. His hand suddenly feeling too heavy to hold the phone to his ear.
“Stay with him.” Price pointed to soap as he marched out, most likely to finish reports before he came back.
Nurses were bombarding him with medical talk and sticking him in every which way. It was more annoying than anything.
Only a few moments later the doors slammed open and there you stood, chest heaving as you scanned the room almost instantly finding him.
“Y/n.” He smiled weakly, the blood loss mixed with the hit to the head making him woozy. “You came.”
You looked at him like he was an absolute psychopath to even assume you wouldn’t after the call you just had. “You called!” You exclaimed marching towards him. “Did you fall out of another damn helicopter?”
“Definitely not-“
You looked to Soap pointedly who nodded his head solemnly. “It’s part of my charm I feel.” Gaz muttered, sighing in relief when your hands took over the work of the other nurses who left as soon as you came in, knowing you could handle the rest on your own.
“You’re gonna kill me one day Kyle. I swear to god.” You whispered as you dressed his wounds, freezing when you felt his hand graze your cheek.
“Don’t say that.” He frowned. “I never want to be the reason of your pain. Let alone death.”
You almost told him you were joking but in the next second his eyes closed and his hand fell to his side.
You almost panicked till you saw his chest rise and fall in soft breathes. The injury taking all the energy he had left.
“Damn it Kyle.”
John ‘Soap’ Mactavish
Warning: toxic ex, abuse, protective Johnny, best friends to…
Your phone was on two percent when you called Johnny in the middle of the night. You swore you almost started crying when his voice broke through the storm in your head. “Lass?”
“Johnny.” You sobbed into the phone before the call cut short. You pulled the phone from your ear only to see it shutting off and you felt all resolve start to crumble.
After the fight you and your now ex boyfriend just had you needed him.
You needed his help. You needed him.
In all the years you’ve known Johnny you can almost count on one hand the amount of times you’ve seen him angry.
You’re sure it happened often given his occupation but never in front of you. He hated you seeing him like that.
Which is why you’re almost surprised when you open the door only ten minutes later to see Johnny standing there, a frown adorning his usually smiling face.
“You came.” You all but sobbed in relief.
“You called.” He said as he let himself inside. He closed the door behind him and grabbed you into a warm embrace. “What’s goin on-?”
His confused gaze immediately hardened further when he pulled back just enough to see the red mark on your cheek. Delicately he traced his thumb over it, examining it. “He do this?” He seethed and you could only nod.
“Where the fuck ‘s he?” He demanded but you just shook your head and stepped away from his grasp.
“I don’t know he left after the fight but he’ll be back he has nowhere else to go.” You spoke as you led him further into your apartment. “I need help getting some stuff and leaving before he does. Can you help me?”
“Course I can Bonnie.” You didn’t even need to ask him, he would walk through fire if you needed him to. “Tell me what needs ta come.”
You led him to the bedroom and pointed things out to him and within ten minutes he was finishing packing all the essential things you needed.
You were in the living room grabbing anything sentimental when the front door slammed shut. Instantly Johnny was marching his way to where you. Where he saw you were being crowded into a corner of the wall as your ex got in your face.
Johnny saw red the moment he saw your body trembling beneath him. In a second he was in front of you, shoving your ex back who looked shocked for only a moment before he scoffed.
“You’ve a lotta nerve comin’ back ‘ere.” He ground out, jaw clenching when he felt you clutch onto his arm.
“Of fucking course it’s you.” You ex seethed taking a step closer. “You’re the one she cheated on me with aren’t you? I fucking knew it. I always knew there was more between you. The fucking way you look at her like a lost puppy gives everything away.”
He took a step toward you both again and Johnnys arm moved to shield you further behind him. He had no idea what was going on but he knew you would never do something like the man is accusing. You loved him with every fiber of your being and it’s something that killed Johnny everyday.
“You’d be wise to take several steps back.”
“Or what?”
“Or I’ll fuckin’ kill you. You’re lucky I don’t kill you now for what you did.” Your ex seemed to finally understand the glint in Johnnys eyes and instead of saying anything more, just shook his head and walked back out the front door—pictures rattling from the slam. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”
“I didn’t-“ he paused when he heard you try to speak. “I didn’t cheat on him. I never would’ve-“
Johnny hushed you as he pulled you into another hug. “I know Bonnie I know. Even if you did he had no right putting his hands on you.” He pulled away only to grab your things and lead you out the door. “You’re gonna stay with me fer awhile aye?”
You could only nod.
(Soap part two- 6 Months)
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
Warning: none really. Pretty tame for my boy. Exes to…
You called him in the middle of the night on a random day of the week, whispering a soft “Simon?” Into the receiver that went unanswered.
You waited for a moment longer wondering if he would say anything but when he didn’t you just sighed and continued to speak. “I know I’m probably the last person you want to hear from right now but I-“ you paused to take in a deep breathe. “I can’t sleep without you.”
It felt like a heavy confession and it made you feel weak to even speak it out loud but it was true. You couldn’t sleep, not since he broke it off only a month ago. And in the time you couldn’t even get an ounce of sleep without him next to you.
Silence continued to fill the amtosphere and you almost wondered if you even pressed call. But with one quick glance you knew you did and he in fact did answer, just refused to speak.
“Sorry.” You sighed, resigning to the fact that you just may never sleep again. Being in the military it was hard to find something that made you feel safe enough to sleep but you did and it was Simon. He broke whatever was going on off. To scared that one day you would wake up and realize he isn’t the one that you should be with. “Forget I called.”
You hung up immediately after. Your heart couldn’t take the silence coming from him any longer instead you went around your small room and got ready for another sleepless night before you were sent back into the field early the next morning.
You had just turned off the lights and tucked yourself into bed when a rough knock echoed in the silence that was drowning you.
You let out a sigh and rolled out of bed already annoyed. You swung open the door ready to give whoever was on the other side a piece of your mind but instead you stood there frozen.
“You came.” You were shocked to see Simon was the one standing on the other side, eyes boring holes into you.
“You called.” He muttered before glancing behind you in silent question to which you immediately let him in.
Before you could even ask he was already taking off his shoes and pulling off his hoodie, which he hung next to yours on the door. A sense a familiarity washed over you. “You have a mission tomorrow. You need to sleep.”
You didn’t ask how he knew that information or where he even got it from. Instead you followed him to the small bed in the corner where he was already making himself comfortable. “You don’t have to do this Simon. I’m sorry I called.”
“Lay down.” He ordered and you obeyed quickly melting into his warm embrace as his arms tightened around you.
You didn’t know how he managed to do it but in only a few minutes your eyelids became heavy and slumber was quickly taking over. “I’m sorry.” He whispered softly but you didn’t register why nor did you care about what he was sorry for.
You only cared he was here now. “I miss you.” You mumbled and you swore you could feel his arms tighten further.
(Ghost part two- Say don’t go)
Next parts to include,
Alejandro, Rudy, Graves, Valeria, Alex, Keegan and Konig :)
And I will post the rest tomorrow I’m too tired to do this again tonight.
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theemissuniverse · 8 months
(Not a request just chit chatting) like from absolutely silent to "talks you through it", how do you think all the characters rank? I wanna say Liu Kang is definitely talking you through it but idkk
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This is for female reader !
WARNINGS : MINORS DONT INTERACT. obvious smut. I’m not typing all that
(Only doing characters I care about ngl)
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Liu Kang [ 10/10 ] is definitely talking you through it. I made NSFW headcanons and I mention this so if anyone wants to read that, go ahead. But anyway; Liu Kang likes talking the reader through their orgasm. A random headcanon I have is because Liu Kang is a god the sex is way more pleasurable for you. He wants to make sure you reach your high. Sometimes the pleasure gets so good you start running from him. He’s forced to pin you to bed (most likely the two of you are in missionary.) “Breathe in and out.” “You’re doing so good, my love.”
Raiden [ 8/10 ] will talk you through it. He does it more in a loving way than anything and doesn’t really notice that he does it. He’ll kiss your neck as you pant and allow you to claw his back. Raiden loves it when you cum on him. He receives more pleasure from you cumming than he himself cumming. “You’re almost there.” “I want to feel you, darling.”
Johnny Cage [ 10/10 ] is absolutely talking you through it but not for what you think. He’s doing it because typically he himself is about to reach his high so talking you through it also helps him get there. Typically he has you in doggy style so he’ll rub your ass and back soothingly when you announce to him you’re about to cum. “Cum on me baby.” “There you go. I knew you could do it.”
Kung Lao [ 9/10 ] will always talk you through it and if he doesn’t, he’s getting caught up in his own pleasure and is most likely about to cum. Kung Lao finds chasing his own high and yours exciting. Especially when you announce it. It’s like a challenge to him. He’ll always care about making you finish and making you finish good. Kung Lao usually pounds into you so good that you’ll start to run away from him. “Make a mess on me.” “You can take it. I know you can.”
Scorpion - Kuai Liang [ 7/10 ] will talk you through it if you’re really into it. When you first meet him, he’s silent during intimacy. A couple of moans and groans here or there. Nothing crazy. When you tell him how much it would turn you on if he did more-he happily gives you more. It’s a relief to him since he was holding back all the dirty thoughts he had about you. You’ll be a mess riding him and he’ll always help you. To be honest, he’s doing all the work. You’re too much of a mess on him to do anything but he doesn’t mind. He thinks it’s hot. “There you go, love.” “Keep going. I want to see you fall apart.”
Geras [ 5/10 ] can be silent or talkative during intimacy. Depends which one you get. If he’s not that riled up then usually he’ll be quiet with a few pants in the mix. But if he can’t handle how beautiful you look as he fucks you then he’ll definitely start talking. Nothing too much. “You look so beautiful.” “Keep going, darling.”
Rain [ 6/10 ] might talk you through it if he’s really into it. Usually it’s just some grunts and some silence but he doesn’t do it on purpose. He’s just really into it. He’s so focused on getting you to cum that he doesn’t really take it into account that he’s so silent. He loves your moans though. They turn him on like no other. If you’re announcing you’re about to cum, he’s definitely gonna help you get there. “All over me. You can do it.” “By the gods you look too good like this.”
Mileena [ 9/10 ] will most definitely talk you through it. Whether it be her rubbing your clit in circles or her being on top of you. Mileena will always want to satisfy you and she knows how to get you off. She loves when you squirm and beg for her to help you release. She would never deny you to cum though. You look too pretty for her to do that. “That’s right lover. There you go.” “I want you so much. I need you.”
Sub-Zero [ 5/10 ] will talk you through it depending if he’s in the mood or not. Usually he’s silent as ever. It’s really not in his nature to make any noise during intimacy. If he picks up on it that you like when he talks to you, he’ll talk you through your orgasm. Feeling you claw at his bicep or just feeling your pussy clench on him will give the motivation he needs. Especially when he sees you in a panting mess. “Aw, you can’t handle it?” “Come on, give me a good one, sweetheart.”
Syzoth [ 8/10 ] will talk you through it both out of making love to you or spurring out incoherent nonsense as he’s about to reach his own high. He’ll usually ask you repeatedly (even tho you say yes) if he can finish inside of you. Syzoth loves when you start to pant uncontrollably. “You’re so close, I can feel it.” “I love it when you look like this.”
Kenshi Takahashi [ 6/10 ] is actually silent during sex despite a few moans and groans here and there. He doesn’t do it on purpose. He just doesn’t have the desire to be loud. If you’re into though, he’ll go all out for you. Especially when you’re about to cum. Nothing matters to Kenshi more than you cumming. He has a breeding kink too so he’ll usually ask you during intimacy if he can cum inside of you. If you tell him yes, he’ll immediately wrap your legs around his waist and pound into you. “I can’t wait to cum inside of you.” “You’re all mine.”
Kitana [ 3/10 ] is not silent during intimacy. She’s moaning non stop but she will almost if not never talk you through your own orgasm. It’s not that she doesn’t want to. She doesn’t have that type of confidence to do that. Not only that-she’s incredibly submissive and is a brat so if anything you’d be talking her through her own orgasm. Kitana will be in a panting mess with you, waiting for her high to be reached. “I’m so close please.” “Oh, you know how to make me feel so good.”
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Kano [ 9/10 ] is almost never silent during intimacy. If he is then he’s heavily concentrating on you to get you to finish. A misconception with Kano is that he’s selfish and while that may be true, if he is with a longtime partner that is not the case. He will always make sure you get there. Always. Even if he cums waaay before you. He loves to have you in doggy style and there’s nothing more sexy than you crying out that you’re about to release on him. “That’s it baby. Cum on me.” “All mine. Only I can make you feel this good.”
Scorpion - Hanzo Hasashi [ 6/10 ] will talk you through it if you want. He’s usually too concentrated to be concerned with making noise during intimacy. Ironically so, he’ll get mad at you if you try to keep your moans down or try to not to moan. He’ll just fuck you harder if you do that. When you challenge him like that, it gives him motivation and then he’ll really start talking to you. “I am the only man for you.” “You can be louder. I know you can.”
Noob Saibot [ 5/10 ] will talk you through it depending on his partner. He is either obsessed with you or he likes you, just not to the point of obsessing. When I say obsessed, I’m talking about to the point of worship. He only does this with women he deems as very strong minded and strong willed. If you are not like this, he has no point of obsessing over you. Again, if he’s not obsessed with you he is very silent. Even if you announce you’re cumming, he won’t say anything. Just stay silent as he fucks you. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t care to get you to release. He actually does a lot. But if he’s obsessed with you, he’s talking you through all of it. Especially when you’re about to release. “Cum on me, my goddess.” “You look so good. You’d look even better if you came on me.”
Cassie Cage [ 4/10 ] will almost never talk you through it. It may be a shock because of her commander personality but Cassie is actually a brat. Not only that, Cassie is too focused on her own pleasure that she’s not even thinking about talking you through yours. You’re the one talking Cassie through it. Cassie is also a very loud moaner. To the point that the two of you cannot have intimacy if say you’d had company over or were at a hotel. Everyone’s hearing Cassie when you’re pleasing her. “Oh my god. Yes. Just like that.” “Don’t stop. Don’t fucking stop.”
Erron Black [ 7/10 ] can be silent or be really talkative. Depends really. When he’s silent he’s most likely trying to concentrate to get the both of you to cum but sometimes the pleasure is all too good that he has to talk to you. When you announce you’re cumming, you turn him on even more. If he wasn’t close to cumming Erron is right behind you if he knows you’re about to cum. He’ll suck and kiss all over your neck as he pounds into you. “Just like that, darling.” “That’s right, darling. Cum on me.”
Jax [ 8/10 ] will usually always talk to you. He loves hearing you moan for him. The two of you go for multiple rounds all the time. Jax can’t help himself when he’s with you. You look far too good for Jax to pass up the opportunities. He’ll definitely pound into you to the point you’ll start running. He’ll hold your hips in place as he pounds into you from behind. “What’s the matter? You can’t take it?” “I’m about to cum. You look too damn good.”
Nightwolf [ 4/10 ] probably won’t talk you through it. He’s more so a moaner. A very loud one. You ride him too good that he’s the one in a mess. Something about you taking control of him is something he loves so much. He tries to help you when you’re on top but honestly he’s in too much pleasure to do anything. Make no mistake that Nightwolf will try to hold himself from releasing so you can release before him. (It never works lmao.) “I’m almost there.” “Oh my love, I am not worthy of you.”
Kabal [ 10/10 ] is always talking to you. Always. He thinks it’s so hot when you fall apart by the hands of him. His stamina is good. Maybe too good. He could go at least five rounds if you let him. He’ll make sure that you get there. If Kabal is not ready to cum, he forces you to hold it for however long he needs. He thinks it’s hotter when you two cum together. There have been times when you couldn’t hold it and you had to cum on him and oh god does that turn him on even more. “Hold it just a little longer baby.” “Just like that, baby. Cum all over me. I can take it.”
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Takeda Takahashi [ 10/10 ] will 100% talk you through it every time. Without question. He thinks it’s so hot when you’re about to cum. While him cumming is an added bonus, Takeda is almost never worried about cumming and is always focused on you. Takeda is also always willing to try new things with you to get you to cum. Oh, don’t announce you’re about to cum though. You’re gonna drive the man crazy. “Come on, baby. Get it all over me. You look so good.” “Damn, I’m about to cum just by looking at you. You’re so pretty.”
Tanya [ 8/10 ] will talk you through it and is a pretty loud moaner. Sometimes you have to talk Tanya through it and others she talks you through it. Tanya thinks you’re so pretty when you fall apart underneath her. Nothing is more attractive to her than her having all the power over you. She’ll also overstimulate you if she’s really in a mood. “Aw, does my lover wish to cum?” “Lover, you look so good like this.”
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Cyrax [ 8/10 ] will usually talk you through it. He’s a heavy moaner and sometimes is caught up in his own pleasure. Especially when either you ride him or he’s fucking you from behind. Damn, does he love to see your ass recoil with every thrust. When you announce you’re cumming, Cyrax will definitely feel motivated to get you there. Nothing turns him on more than him pleasing his woman. Nothing else matters to him more. Seeing you fall apart is something he loves to see. “You’re so beautiful.” “You feel so good. I don’t want to ever stop.”
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A/N : this was long. If I didn’t do anyone that you wanted that means either I don’t like them, I don’t exactly care for them, or I don’t know how to write them to the best of my ability. And one thing about me is if I know I can’t write a character good-I will almost never try because what’s the point.
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defectivefanboy · 1 year
Hi darling! How are you? How have you been? Sorry for bothering, I wanted to request! You really write very well and keep up with the good work! So anyways.. Can I request smut for Alastor, Lucifer & Crimson reacting to their girlfriend wear a lingerie?
Thank you so much! Have a lovely day/night!!
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Imma go ahead and ignore that icky word that's in there and make it S/O because I want to write Alastor. Here is my request page for anyone who wants to in the future. Please take a read before you come into my inbox :D
Can I request smut for Alastor, Lucifer & Crimson reacting to their [REDACTED] wearing lingerie?
Overall notes: Stories written on this blog are GN until specified. While this story uses they/them pronouns, and while I don't mind female readers on my blog/interacting, love my girlies, hey girlies~, but I do not write female reader, and if you are a fetishizer. fuck off??? ew. How would you even do that on an x reader???
C/W: NSFW topics, Each character will have their own respective warnings, Sexual content, duh, no pronouns used, Bottom! reader favored, Established relationships. OOC?, I mean this would never happen, so yeah ooc
Notes: the giggle I had to stop when I got to Alastor good god, but Lucifer was honestly the funniest and most enjoyable to write. I had a smile on my face the whole time
Crimson ♧︎...
C/W: Slight Voyeurism (mention of his right hand man Alessio), Degradation, he def has a sir kink, don't lie to me, mention of stealing/sugarbaby (hes an asshole) mention of stalkers? admirers?? idk he just mentions people leaving you gifts,
For being an old (mafia) man. He's not opposed to a little dress up
Only if its you though. He would NEVER
He would be into something with a little more class.
Never will his darling look like some 2 cent floozy
So none of that crotchless bull honky. While he wouldn't be mad at it, he would rather leave more to the imagination. Something to work for, y'know?
And he would certainly work for it.
You really wanna get him going? Accentuate your hips. That's something him and Moxxie can agree. They like their darling with a little bit of width~
If you are gonna wear something for him, you best put on a show while you're at it.
He waits to do business after dinner, so why not let him enjoy his meal
For an asshole he has some manners now
Always making you cum once or twice before even taking your outfit off.
It likes to wait before unwrapping his gift <3
But once he gets more accustom to your interest
He's definitely going to be the one buying you the set
well its his money that's being used, Al is the one who goes and picked them up. Poor baby...
"You're so needy, baby. But did you need to go and make yourself out to be a whore in the middle of a meeting?" Crimson said as he placed a hand on your waist. His desk might not be the most comfortable place, but it will do for now. It's not like he can ignore you when you got all dolled up for him.
"I don't remember buying this one. Alessio leaving you gifts now too?" His fingers slid under the thin fabric as you let out a soft whine before answering, "I got them,.. custom made, sir." you said, trying to steady your breathing as his hands wandered between your legs. You let out a yelp as he spreads your legs out more for himself.
"And where are you getting this money from, huh? Hope you're not stealing it from me, brat." He gives you a soft glare and a questioning look as his eyes scan over the fabric that covered you, before his spotted the embroidered 'C. Knolastname' on the front of the waist band. With his index finger and thumb, he hooked them around the band and traced the deigned. Crimson gives you a smirk and placed a kiss right under your belly button before moving down.
"Hmm... maybe i do have a use for that ring then after all, but i should repay this favor before hand. Right, (Y/n) Knolastname?"
Lucifer 𓅰...
C/W: light choking, another one with a superiority kink, mentions of god (he calls himself it), size kink for the fact I thought this man was like 5'8-10 come to look up his like 6'2-3, slight crack fic (because he wouldn't take anything seriously until truly needed, he giggles when you change in front of him, it's always a crack fic with him)
god how my perception of these characters have been warped
but he has most definitely bought you outfits before, probably the only one to go out of his way to get matching ones.
Even got a few custom ones made, you can always tell by the little duck embroidered somewhere on them.
He's game for anything you wanna wear. He isn't gonna stop you, if anything he's gonna encourage you to wear more.
He's helpless for you in such a pretty outfit and it's all for him?
He feels loved and he's sure to pay that back ten fold in the bedroom.
You might not allowed to be in heaven, but he can show you what it was like~
I maaay..be a bit delusional, but in private I feel like he's all giggly and shit.
Oh an he definitely was the first time you pulled this from your hat of tricks.
Almost a little to giggly i'd sat, to think the ruler of hell would be this flustered over an article of clothing is beyond me
But once he starts to become use to it. He starts to expect it. What? He is the king of Hell after all.
And he truly expects to be treated like one. (He's a brat when he doesn't get attention)
Be it sinner, hell-born, or even the 'perfect OC/that everyone loves who is half angel half devil/stronger then god/etc' he's gonna ask you one thing constantly...
"Please, my angel of death? Just one time, for me? Then i'll never ask again. Promise."
"I'm not wearing a duck tail while you fuck me. When- Where in hell did you even get these made?" you asked as you held up the pair of yellow lingerie with a duck tail sown on the back of the waist band.
"You shouldn't need to worry about that, my love. All you need to worry about is wearing them for me." He said with a light sigh and a shrug of his shoulders, a soft smile resting on his face.
"Again, I am not. fucking. wearing. them, you prick-!" As soon as you got the name out you felt yourself against the wall. The soft smile gone from Lucifer's face as a dark look pooled in his eyes, an unsettling stare never leaving yours. Before you could apologize, his hand wrapped around throat, his index finger pushed your face up to his as he spoke with a low voice.
Almost like that cheery devil was just a front...
"Oh, how far from grace you have fallen, my dear. Seems you already forgotten your god. But that's no trouble at all, for tonight..." His grip on your neck got tighter as he got closer to your ear and a sinister smile made itself at home upon his pale face. Y'know, you really only notice how big he is when he gets like this... oh that wasn't a complaint. Not when his presence alone encaged you against the wall, let alone the possessive grip that he had on you.
"I'll teach you how to praise my name once again."
Alastor 𐂂...
C/W: Teasing, sadly abo mention, WHY ARE YOU BOOING ME I AM RIGHT, blood mentions, possessive behaviors, light choking, mentions of cannabalism, duh, playing more into the abo, uhm, sniffing? idfk leave me alone its late. oh ft: a guest at the end.
Another man with class, just not as much. I mean, come on, he's still a sinner~
though when you present yourself to him in your outfit, he can't help, but raise a brow as he tried to keep down his smile at the sight.
Definitely a big tease, a BIG tease
Especially when you look so cute for him, squirming under his indifferent gaze. Oh how he wants to squeeze your cheeks and leave you begging for release~
He's also one for a game of cat and mouse.
so when you go out into town with him make sure to slip his favorite pair of lingerie under your clothes
And if you're one wear revealing clothes, then I hope you're ready for a possessive (and bloody) overlord, ad pray for anyone who thinks they can touch you, let alone come near you.
oh AND OHHHH wanna know how you really got him? How you really got to him??? When the static cuts out and that Louisiana drawl' comes out of him. (I would die. again.)
(If I say he has a rut would that be considered A/b/o? I mean he is a deer demon, same with other demons in a similar case)
for someone who normally has a distaste for touch that isn't initiated by him, He'll enjoy a night or two (on the rare occasion) where he lets you indulge yourself
though, do be careful now, he's a gentleman up and foremost, but he's not always a patient man at that. He's always willing to return the favor tenfold~
And if you already couldn't tell, he loves the color red, basically lives in it. So it's safe to it sets something off in him
be the cannibal in him, or maybe he just likes the color a little too much
but at the end of it you'll more marked up then a rough draft <3
"Bless your heart, Dear. Did you think I wouldn't notice... your little getup? His clawed fingers trailed your sides as he leaned down to whisper in your ear. His frame trapping you in your seat and god, would it be terrifying for any mere sinner in this position, if it wasn't for the playful twitch of his ear that told you otherwise. Someone was enjoying this more then he let on...
It wasn't the first time you had teased him in public, but it was the first time people really had the courage to come talk to you. To give the poor souls benefit of the doubt, you were just sat at the bar talking to husk. Though, you would also think the red pinstripe outfit and microphone that rested at your side gave itself away.
"And it seems i'm not the only one. Now, if I were to kill everyone in this god forsaken hotel. Whose fault would that be, hm?" A clawed hand made it's way around your throat as it softly pulled you back, letting him have full access to your neck. Burying his face in your neck, he took in a deep breathe as static radiated off him.
"Or maybe I should have you for a meal tonight. You do smell quite... appetizing, my darling. Such a shame I have to ruin that pretty little outfit of yours." Before you could even gasp a grumbling and angry voice rang out, bringing you both back into reality.
"Can you two not fuck at my bar please? You are just as bad as that damn spider."
"Oh of course Husker! We'll get out of your fur right now actually! Wasn't like these pathetic things were going to get a taste of you anyways."
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hwangswhore · 7 months
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•B A C K S T A G E•
pairing: hyunjin x f!reader
genre: smut (mdni‼️)
desc: after not seeing you for months due to touring, hyunjin finally gets to have his way with you when you show up to the final show in seoul.
content: established relationship, oral sex (m receiving), unprotected piv (pls be safe), dirty talking, pet names, risky public sex, idk I think that’s it ?
auth. note: requested by my friend ;) enjoy !
Hyunjin was frustrated.
Sexually frustrated.
It was his first tour since you two started dating, so he knew it would be difficult, but he wasn’t prepared for how much he craved your presence. Hyunjin has always been an introvert, always comfortable being in his own presence. However, since being away from you, he has been nothing but a lonely mess.
He’s never really had anything to miss so much before. Sure, he has his family, and he does miss them, but it’s just different. He has Kkami, but Kkami doesn’t miss him back so it’s pretty one sided.
He doesn’t really have many close friends outside of the band members and staff. Not because he doesn’t want to, but it just never really happened. Since debuting, he never really went out of his way to go meet new people. He doesn’t really trust many people, anyways.
But then he met you.
It was painfully organic, like something out of those romance films he spent way too many hours watching. He had some time off due to some minor injuries he sustained in a car accident. The company made him stay home so he could rest.
But Hyunjin didn’t want to rest. He wanted to spend this time doing something he enjoyed. So he painted a few pieces, caught up on his favorite dramas, and even learned how to make his own iced americanos from home.
That fateful evening, he chose to spend his day at an art museum. he was touring the exhibits, admiring the artwork, when he heard a subtle gasp next to him. Turning his head in your direction, he saw you standing there, mouth agape, staring at the painting ahead of you.
He saw your eyes quickly fill with tears as you raised your phone up to take a phone of the painting. He debated interrupting your moment as you were clearly emotionally affected by this piece, but he was also painfully curious as to the story behind your reaction.
So he did something so out of character; he started a conversation with you.
You explained to him the reason behind your connection to that piece, and the two of you ended up touring the rest of the exhibit afterwards. He would have felt uneasy, fearing you were a stalker trying to get his attention, but he quickly learned that you had just moved to Korea for your job, which solidified the safe feeling he felt around you.
And he’s felt that same safeness ever since.
You two have been officially together now for 8 months, and maybe it’s just the honeymoon phase, but Hyunjin isn’t a believer in that. He believes when you’re in love, you stay in love forever. Which is why he’s certain he will never grow tired of you.
What he is tired of, in this particular moment, is how needy he feels all the time.
It isn’t something he’s used to. Hyunjin has gotten used to being alone for years, taking care of himself when he’s horny, not having anyone’s face in mind when he touches himself, just fully focused on his pleasure.
But that isn’t the case anymore. The only thing that gets him worked up is the thought of you. He can’t cum unless he imagines your face. He feels so empty afterwards without you to snuggle with. He craves you every second.
And this second is no different.
Hyunjin is currently performing the last show in Seoul. He knew you’d be here tonight, you always come to the shows they play in Korea. He was so excited to see you again, it had been too long since he last held you.
However, that was the last thing on his mind right now as he looked at you in the front row of the crowd. You smiled up at him and sent him a heart. He has to resist the urge to send one back to you, too afraid of exposing your relationship. But he just couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. You wore his favorite top, the one that hugs your cute tits so well, as well as that cute skirt he likes to fuck you in. Oh, you definitely knew what you were doing.
And Hyunjin would give you exactly what you were asking for.
“What the fuck were you thinking?”
You’re currently pinned against a dressing room wall with your hands pinned behind your back, exactly how you planned it.
When all you did was moan in response, Hyunjin slapped your ass and brought his lips to your ear, whispering, “oh, you wanna be quiet now? wanna act like you didn’t wear this just to get me riled up?” He roughly grabs your top and pulls it off of you before one hand starts grabbing at your tits. “Well you’re gonna get exactly what you asked for.” He doesn’t bother taking your skirt off, just lifts it up to find you wearing those crotchless panties he loves so much.
The sound he let out was almost animalistic, his fingers immediately plunging into your hole that was already so wet for him. You moaned loudly, not caring who could hear, as you tried to wiggle one of your hands out of the grip he had on your wrist. He complied, letting you free so you could raise a hand up and run it through his hair. Hyunjin was a sucker for scalp messages, his eyes fluttering shut at the sensation while he continued to finger you.
“Missed you so much baby…”he says in between kisses to your neck. “Did you miss me too?” You nodded fervently, trying to fuck yourself back into his fingers while your lips searched for his. The two of you made out sloppily for a while before he pulled away and removed his fingers
You wiggled your hips desperately which made him giggle. You smiled. Even when he was trying to be hard and dominate, his sweet personality always came through. Your sweet boy was always there.
“Gonna let everyone hear how much you missed me angel?” Without time to answer, he thrusted his cock inside you all in one go. Your hands gripped the walls as you tried with every ounce of strength you had to keep quiet, letting out breathy moans here and there.
Hyunjin, however, was proudly letting everyone hear how much he missed his baby, letting out the most ethereal moans and grunts the human ear could ever hear. He set a perfect pace, angling his hips upward to hit your spot perfectly.
You couldn’t take it anymore, writhing and whining as he fucked you so perfectly, hitting your spot with precision and strength. You moaned out his name, trying to warn him you were close. He put his mouth right up to your ear, whispering. “Yeah? Gonna make a mess for the staff to clean up? Gonna let everyone know what we did in here? So filthy…” he spat, making you clench impossible tight on his length, making his rhythm falter from pleasure.
With one last long, drawn out whine of his name, you came all over his length, your cum dripping down his balls and on to the floor. He hissed at the sight and sensation, working you through your orgasm before pulling out.
“Knees, now.” He snapped his fingers towards the ground, which you were immediately knelt on. He brought his tip to your mouth. “Suck.” You obeyed, sucking his mushroom tip while he stroked the rest of his length in his hand. “Fucking cumming…fuck..fuuuuuuck.” With a deep, drawn out groan of profanities, he shot his thick warm load into your mouth, which you happily took all of before swallowing.
He brought a hand to your cheek and held your face while looking down at you with hooded eyes and staggered breaths. “So good…I love you so fucking much. Come here.” He pulled you up and immediately brought you in for a sweet kiss, moaning at the taste of both of your arousals.
After getting cleaned up and dressed, you both stepped out of the dressing room, hair and absolute wreck and faces flushed from your post orgasm glow. It was obvious to everyone what you two just did, and quite frankly, you were too spent to care.
Walking down the hall, you passed by Lee Know, who gave you both a clearly sarcastic smile, saying “Hey! Try being louder next time!” Before switching to a blank expression and walking past you. Hyunjin chuckled, before turning to you with a tired, sweet smile.
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sourcherryandsprinkles · 10 months
can i request a one shot where reader has been friends with everyone in cousins for a while and has been around to see everything happen (susannah dying, the love triangle between belly, conrad and jere). fast forward to when conrad leaves the motel, he goes to reader after and they end up falling for eachother over time and reader shows conrad the love and support he deserves, and understands what he’s going through💞
A bit short, but I'm in a spooky autumn mood and these characters scream summer. Please send spooky/autumn requests
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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‘’She chose him and now I can’t fucking breathe,’’ Conrad said as you sat together on your couch. He rubbed his chest with the heel of his palm and your heart shattered. 
He had showed up at your door unannounced a little over an hour ago, backpack over his shoulder and looking like he'd been run over by a truck. His eyes were red, like he had been crying. You took him inside without asking questions, knowing he needed a shoulder to lay his tired head on. 
You listened as Conrad recounted everything that happened since they took the road to Brown. His plan to tell Belly he still loved her. The kiss against his car. The motel. 
‘’I gave her so many signs that I still loved her, but she didn't hear me. She could have turned this around and we could have fixed our relationship, but she chose Jere. So I let her go.’’ 
You reached out to squeeze his hand, the one that wasn’t on his chest. 
The situation between Belly and the Fisher boys was incredibly messy. She was your friend and you could understand that feelings were difficult at that age, but juggling between Conrad and Jeremiah’s hearts was just hurtful for everyone involved. Just because she was confused with who she wanted, who she loved, didn’t mean she had to get a taste of both before making a choice. 
Conrad released a shaky breath, trying to control his emotions and not have another panic attack. ‘’I’m sorry for dumping all of this on you. I didn’t know where else to go…’’ 
You shook your head, dismissing his apologies. ‘’I’d rather you come and pour your little heart out to me than go through everything on your own and mope.’’
‘’I don’t mope by myself—’’ 
You raised an eyebrow playfully, cutting him off.
‘’Maybe I do…’’ he conceded with a defeated sigh. 
Keeping everything inside had always been Conrad's way of coping. He rarely talked to anyone about himself or how he felt. It wasn't the healthiest approach, and you knew it, but you also understood that you couldn't force him to open up.
‘’Do you have a place to stay tonight?’’ 
Conrad sank deeper into the couch cushions, having not thought ahead. When he left the motel, he told his brother he was going to take a bus to Cousins to get the summer house back together, but he impulsively came here instead. 
‘’You can stay if you want. There’s no one in the guest room,’’ you offered.
‘’Thanks. For real.’’ He gave you a soft smile, grateful for everything. ‘’I don’t know what I would’ve done today if you had not been there.’’
‘’I’m always gonna be there for you, Con,’’ you promised, returning a smile. ‘’Right now, it might be raining, but there'll be happiness after her. Someone will turn your gray sky and paint it blue again.’’
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully @aerangi  @hallecarey1  @bxbyyyjocelyn @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark
TSITP taglist: @msmarvelknight  @maritaleane @dingus0401 @idontknowwhatimdoing777 @nomorespahgetti @lomlolivia @5sosbands @bloodyhw @depthsofdespairr @a-band-aid-for-your-heart @gilbertscurls @brandirouse86 @leilani-nichole @Veescorneroftheworld @papayaboyluvr  @bchindureyes @bellysbeach  @slytherinambitious @darylscvmdumpster  @johannelis2302nely  @aqshua @foockingasshole @straberryshortcake143 @luiise  @sickntiredtoo  @adrluvh @mymultiveres @Rosekar16 @hopeurokays @amysangrl  @hopelessromantic727 @beth-gallagher22 @lonelywitchv2
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Dirty Work 36
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: we made it to friday so yall can eat up.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You hold back another yawn, your cheeks puffing out as you flutter your lashes. Odin tilts his head as he props his chin into his hand. He grins, "I've worn you out."
"No, I..." you try to roll the fatigue off your shoulders, "I'm okay."
"Don't trouble yourself," he stands, "dear, you go get some sleep. I've kept you a while."
You rise hesitantly as he comes around the desk, "I don't mind."
"Oh, you say that a lot, perhaps you should mind," he turns you to the door with hand on your back, "it isn't so bad to say what you want. Or don't want."
"I wasn't..."
"I am not reprimanding you. I am giving you advice," he opens the door, "but I expect no one's ever listened when you did say so."
You look down meekly and shrug, "well, I could... speak up."
"And you blame yourself," he says, "you deserve kindness. Especially from you." He rubs your back and nudges you ahead, "go on, I won't keep you any longer."
"Thank you, Odin," you smile, almost teary-eyed. You're just tired.
"Good night, dear," he says as you step into the hallway.
You turn back to return the nicety. He leans on the door as he eases it towards the frame, pausing before he closes it fully, "should you fancy another chocolate, you know where to find them."
You thank him again and he shuts the door. You turn down the hallway and stop short. You're not alone. Mr. Laufeyson has a hand on the doors to your room as he leans on one foot, a toe dug into the rug as he narrows his sights at you.
"There you are," he greets curtly.
"Mr. Laufeyson," you scurry forward, "I'm sorry, I was only--"
"With my father, yes, I can hear," he interjects, "you sound like you get along."
"I... I think so. He was very nice."
"Was he?" He scoffs and twists a door handle, swinging the door open, "get inside."
You bow your head and swiftly enter. He follows, the lock clicking loudly behind you. You turn and hug yourself as you watch him pace before the doors.
"He invited me-- I didn't--"
"Yes, yes, my father is demanding, don't I know it," he snips, "you think I am unhappy because of that?"
"I don't... I don't know, Mr. Laufeyson," you murmur.
"I am not unhappy," he insists as he stops, jabbing a finger upwards, "I was only waiting a rather long time for you to appear."
"I'm sorry," you repeat.
"My room is the next, to the right as you emerge," he explains, "so it isn't very far." He shrugs and tucks his hands into his pockets. You notice his shoulders, how he holds them rigidly. He's tense. "Did you encounter anyone else, then? My brother?"
"No," you shake your head vehemently, "only Odin. Your father, sir."
"Hm, fortunate," he remarks, "I shouldn't have left you but I thought my mother would keep a close eye."
"She did, I only... was tired and came up here."
"Tired," he nods, "certainly, me too."
You stand in silence. His tone softens with his last words, as if you can hear the weariness in him. You can see it in his eyes. After all, he did drive for hours.
He exhales and strolls forward. You move aside as he nears the foot of the bed and sits. He leans his head back and closes his eyes. He runs his hands over his face and groans.
He leans forward and rests his elbows on his legs. He slumps there, silently glaring at the floor. If something is wrong, he refuses to say it. Maybe it's this place. You know well how home can fill you with dread.
You move slowly around, hesitant and unsure. You near the side of the bed. He doesn't flinch as your weight dips into the mattress. You don't know what you're doing, you're not sure if you should.
You walk on your knees across the bed and place your hands on his shoulders. You feel the tension wrought in him. You squeeze and knead, uncertain. You never done this before.
He sits up but you keep your hands on him.
"What are you doing?" He growls as he cranes his head.
"You uh... a... massage?" You offer dumbly, "you were in the car all day and... I thought."
"Mmm," he turns forward again, letting his elbows once more rest on his thighs, "you may go on.”
You shift, trying to get a better hold on him. You feel the tightness nestling in the muscles along his neck. You follow the natural grooves of his muscles with your fingertips, encouraged only by his groans 
“Pet…” his voice is as weak as you've ever heard it.
You let up, tickling down so he shivers, then quickly work the knots again. The busy work of your hands keep your nerves from boiling over. He puffs out and lifts his head, pushing it back.
“Where has this come from?” He asks in a wisp.
“I… don't know,” you answer honestly.
He straightens and picks at his collar. He unbuttons his shirt and sheds it as you withdraw your touch. He reveals his bare skin and jostles on the mattress, planting himself firmly.
You touch him again. His warmth seeps into you as goosebumps prickle his skin. The tender calm of the moment has you speechless.
“Yesss,” he purrs, once more bowing his head. “Pet…” he grips his thighs.
You run your fingertips further down his back and drive your thumbs into the muscles along his sides. He growls and you ease up, scared you might have hurt him. He reaches back, pointing over his shoulder.
“Like that,” he directs, “I can take it.”
You obey. You aren't used to be so rough. Everything you do is with a degree of fear. Your hands are never forceful or firm.
He sighs and snarls. You drag your hands up and back down again. He shivers again and stands suddenly, frightening you. You sit back on your heels and stare at him.
“Did I…”
“You,” he wiggles a finger at you.
He shakes his head and steps towards the bed. He beckons you closer. You inch forward on your knees. He grabs your blouse, quickly pulling it out of your skirt. He peels it up and you barely get your arms up before they're tangled in the fabric.
He strips away the fabric and snakes his arms around you to unhook your bra. You kneel before him paralysed as he undresses you to the waist. His eyes are smoky as he takes you in.
“Down,” he points to the mattress, “on your stomach.”
You lower yourself down as you slide back. You bend your arms up around your head and put your cheek to the blanket. He skirts around and climbs over the side, straddling you beneath him. He rests his knuckles between your shoulder blades as you curl your fingertips against the covers.
He pushes down into the muscles and you squeak. He leans his weight into his tending, tracing his thumbs down your flesh. You gasp as you feel tension slake from your muscles, tightness you never even noticed.
His long fingers explore your naked back, framing your hips as he kneads. You mewl, unable to stem the release as it rolls from your throat. He snickers and keeps his hands working.
You close your eyes, melting under his touch. He is much better than you, more confident. He must have done this before, maybe with his wife. Maybe it was even romantic, with candles and rose petals. 
He tickles along your sides and sets his hands on the mattress. He lowers himself over you and presses against your bottom, chafing the raw skin beneath your skirt. You moan as his hard length rest firmly against you.
He brings a hand under your chin, lifting your head as he keeps it twisted. He angles to press his lips to yours. He kisses you sloppily as his other arm hooks beneath you. He gropes your bare chest, his thumb flicking over your budded nipple.
“Pet,” he parts with a groan before once more devouring you.
He rocks atop you as his breath hitches. Your heart beats wildly as you brace the bed, arching awkwardly to meet his hungry kisses. His lips trails along your cheek and down the side of your neck. He nuzzles your neck and bites into the muscles along your shoulder. You cry out at the pinch.
“I could have you just like this,” he breathes against your skin, his hips still tilting. “Is that what you want, hm? Is that your trick, pet?”
“Trick?” You eke out, “what do you–”
He lifts himself and flips you over harshly. You bounce on your back and yipe. He grabs your wrists, pinning them above your head.
“You’re trying to distract me,” he accuses, “what did you and my father speak of, him?”
His muscles pull taught under his skin straining in his chest as he leans over you. You whimper and squirm, kicking your feet as his grip aches in your wrists. What have you done?
“Mr. Laufeyson, please, I wasn’t… we didn’t…”
“Tell me,” he demands.
You bat your lashes, “he… he gave me some chocolate.”
“Chocolate?” He echoes derisively.
“Yeah…” you croak, “he… he asked me what music I like. And if I read–” your voice crackles.
“And what did he say of me?” He hisses.
“N-nothing,” you sniff, “I swear.”
“And what did you say of me?”
“Nothing,” you repeat. “Please.”
He narrows his eyes and curls his lips, “hm, I believe you. You’re not clever enough to lie that well.”
He lets you go and sits up on his knees. He looks down on you, his eyes slowly trailing down to your exposed chest. You lay, paralysed and prone. A knock comes at the door, jolting both of you.
“Darling,” Frigga’s voice wafts through, “is everything alright?”
Your eyes round as Laufeyson scowls. He shakes his head and huffs, pushing off of you. He climbs off the bed and swipes up your blouse, tossing it at you.
“Get rid of her,” he hisses.
You grab the shirt and throw it over your head. You stand as he retreats into the bathroom, closing the door only halfway. You go to the door as you tug the blouse straight.
“Everything’s alright,” you say through the wood.
“Are you sure, dear?” She tries the handle.
You peek back and gulp. You flip back the lock and push down on the handle, inching back the door until you can see through, “yeah, I was getting changed and… I couldn’t find something. Think I forgot it.”
“Oh, well, if you need, you can always borrow from me,” she offers.
“Nothing important,” you insist, “thanks. I’m just about to lay down.”
“Of course, honey, so sorry to disturb.”
“No worries,” you smile and gently shut the door. Your hand lingers and you gently turn the lock back into place.
“Perhaps I was mistaken,” Laufeyson emerges, “that was rather convincing.”
“Mr. Laufeyson,” you murmur, “I wouldn’t lie to you–”
“Certainly you wouldn’t,” he sneers.
You flutter your fingers at your side and teeter on your toes. He goes back to the bed as he undoes his fly. You furrow your brow and stare past him at the wall. What is he doing?
He drops his pants and kicks them away, “well, undress.”
Your heart leaps and thumps violently. Your hands tremble as you lift the blouse again. You let it drift to the floor and touch the top of your skirt. Is he… going to do it? Are you? Both of you?
You look down, opening and closing your mouth as your jaw threatens to lock up. Your ears feel ready to pop. You feel along your skirt and unzip the back. It slackens and you wiggle free of the fabric. You roll down your panties and watch them fall to your ankles. You step out of the fabric, only in your stockings as the bed frame softly creaks.
You dip a finger under the top of your thigh-highs and Laufeyson growls. You peek up, frozen, and find him watching you. He’s completely naked, his hand around his dick as he tilts his head.
“Keep those on,” he commands, “come here.”
You stand straight and pad towards him. You reach forward tentatively and climb up onto the bed. He gestures you closer and you stretch out next to him. He curls an arm around you and settles you in.
He drags his hand from his arousal and trails over your thigh, along your hip, and up your side. You quiver as he cups your chest and leans in to kiss you. He fondles you, tweaking and squeezing, groaning into your mouth as his tongue delves further.
He draws a line up your chest and across your shoulder. He brushes down your arm and takes your hand. He pulls it toward him and circles it around his length. He snarls as he squeezes your grasp tight on him, guiding it up then down. As he lets go, you continue to pump him.
He continues to smother you as his fingers tickle the vee of your pelvis. He dips down and touches the patch of hair there. He urges his fingers between your folds, sliding along the slickness gathering there. You squeak as he plays with you.
You work your hand in tandem with him. You match his rhythm as he toys with you, swirling then pushing his fingers back, only to spread your wetness around. Each time his fingers poke back, he gets closer to your entrance.
You lift your leg, opening yourself to him as a storm brews in you. You shudder as you grip him tighter. He groans again, the rocky noise sending a thrill through you. He rubs you fast and glides back again. He pokes against you, bending his fingers and dips a fingertip into you.
You gasp and pull away from his mouth. He catches the back of your head in his hand and eases you down to your back. He stays close, leaning over you, as slips his finger in deeper. You whine and he hushes you.
“Pet, relax,” he coos, pulling his finger in and out. Your bite down on your lip, your hand still as the shock of his intrusion stuns you. “Does that feel nice?”
You can’t speak. You don’t know. It feels… different. Tingly and hot but cold at the same time. He presses the heel of his hand against you, pressure flurrying beneath his touch. He rocks his hand as you splay, your grasp slipping from him and circling around his wrist.
“Pet…” he presses his nose to your temple, breathing down your cheek, “don’t tell me you’re going to cum?”
You whimper and curl your fingers tighter. He shakes his hand and you sink into the mattress. Breath mewls escape your lips.
“Tell me then,” he slithers, “tell me when you cum.”
Your eyes roll back and your head lolls. You puff out through a pout. Your chest thrums and your core swells. You feel the peak ahead, just within reach. Your thighs clench and tremble, the muscles uncoiling all at once as you cry out.
“Tell me…” he growls.
You choke as you spasm, “cum– I’m— cumming.”
“Yes,” he coaxes as he fucks you with his finger, “yes, pet, say it.”
“Cumminggggg,” your voice unravels, “oh–”
“Say it, say my name,” he growls.
“Loki,” he demands, “say it…”
“Loki!” you whine, “Lo-ki…”
“Mmm, yes, what a good little pet,” he drags his nose around your cheek, “my pet, yes? All mine.’
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pucksandpower · 1 year
Can I request a Charles insta au where his gf receives hate from the fandom and Charles defending her <<3
Charles Leclerc x widow!Reader - Social Media AU
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Liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, and 1,063,894 others
charles_leclerc date night on the road ❤️
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yourusername so thankful i get to experience all of this with you
charles_leclerc i wouldn’t have it any other way
pierregasly wow just go ahead and crop us out i guess
carlossainz55 they were so caught up in each other i think they forgot that we joined them for dinner
gridgossip why is she private???
circlingthecircuit must have something to hide
leleleclerc or … she doesn’t want to sacrifice her privacy just because she’s dating an f1 driver
paddockgirlie awww they look so happy together
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Liked by yourusername, arthur_leclerc, and 1,108,936 others
charles_leclerc my pianist in-training
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yourusername emphasis on in-training 🫣
charles_leclerc you weren’t that bad
yourusername don’t lie to me
charles_leclerc seriously, it was good for your first time learning to play
tifositalking in the words of avril lavigne: hey, hey, you, you, i don't like your girlfriend. no way, no way, i think you need a new one
ferrari4ever charles could do so much better than her!
leclercitup am i the only one who thinks they’re adorable?
feralforferrari me too! they genuinely look completely in love with each other
leclercalicious you deserve to be more than just a rebound for a gold digger
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Liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, and 839,215 others
pierregasly no wonder charles actually let me drive without a fight today
View all 2,483 comments
yourusername couldn’t help it. i had a comfy pillow
charles_leclerc and i had a personal space heater
luckyleclerc tell charles that she’s just using him
gridgossip seriously! how does charles not realize that she’s going to lead him on and then discard him just like she did her first husband?
totallytifosi you need to leave them alone. you know nothing about her or their relationship. stop blindly hating
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Liked by yourusername, pierregasly, and 1,287,209 others
charles_leclerc an important note
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*comments on this post have been limited*
pierregasly no one should have to deal with this and especially not someone with a soul as kind as y/n’s
sebastianvettel so sorry to hear what y/n has been through. it can get very tough sometimes. we’re always here if you need to talk
carlossainz55 anyone who doesn’t like y/n is a horrible judge of character
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Liked by charles_leclerc, f1wagupdates, and 589,653 others
yourusername It has now been four years without you, my love. Your hoodies no longer smell like you no matter how long I refused to wash them. Your fingerprints on the mirror have been covered by dust. Sometimes I find myself forgetting what your voice sounded like and breaking down in the middle of work. Grief is a horrible thing. But you are permanently imprinted in my heart and my memories of you live on. I fight every day to keep them alive.
I met someone — his name is Charles. In many ways, he reminds me of you. You are both loyal and loving and so incredibly passionate. For the first time in years, I felt my heart come alive again. Charles understands how cruelly love can be snatched away from you. He understands the battle of trying to keep living while melancholy weighs you down. Alongside him, I learned that my heart has room enough for two incredible men and that I can love you both equally and in your own ways.
I know that this is what you would have wanted for me. I know that you’re smiling down on me right now. And it took me a long time to come to terms with it, but I know that it is okay for me to find love and happiness again. I have found it all with Charles. Time will keep passing us by but I promise that my love for you will never grow fainter.
To Ben, I will always love you. To Charles, I will love you just as faithfully until my own dying breath. To those who have supported me, you gave me a reason to keep living. To those who have misjudged and hated on me, I hope that going public with this will set the story straight and at the very least lead to me being treated with basic human decency. Thank you
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charles_leclerc so proud of you, mon amour. thank you for loving me and letting me love you
pierregasly one of the strongest people i know
arthur_leclerc charles has never been happier and anyone with eyes can see that
leclerc_pascale ❤️❤️❤️
carlossainz55 so much love to you both
landonorris i’m so sorry it came to this but we’re all behind you
georgerussell63 we always have your back
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rineptune · 4 months
before i request i just wanted to say your writing is so good!!!(literally made me giggle and scream no joke) and if this may interest you I'd love to request something! so the idea is a bit abstract you can play around with it- the reader is a relatively new vampiric overlord, and became close friends with rosie because well, cannibal and a blood sucker just have common grounds of friendship, and this all happened during Alastor's absence. And the reader is also at neutral terms with the other overlords, and kinda like a person who just everyone wants to talk to, and itls generally nice. so it's kinda like she is taking over Alastor's life in a way? like, Alastor thinks finally no one is singing her praises at the hazbin hotel and boom charlie introduces a new employee, the reader. i know this is a lot and I'd totally understand if you dont take up this request, but if you do thanks a lot!! thank you so much!!
bloody hell.
summary: the new vampire overlord that rose during alastor’s absence? he’s awfully tired of hearing others sing you praise, because what’s so great about her?
warnings: foul language, description of gore, canon-typical violence
a/n: thank you for taking your time and writing this request!! and i’m giggling bcs of your compliment 💗
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alastor’s absence for seven years was a great mystery to many. 
most sinners feared his sudden return to massacre a good amount of them in one go. but during this absence, a lot has changed in pride ring—and that includes the rise of a new overlord that would sooner or later be the cause of major changes in his life, and whether those changes are good or bad is for him to find out.
the first time he meets you is during the overlord meeting after yet another extermination.
“oh, alastor! this is yn, the most uncanny bloodsucker in all of hell,” rosie says.
“she’s an absolute dear.”
“hello, i believe this is our first meeting.” you extend your hand. 
alastor’s glare is sharp and unreadable. for a second, he doesn’t say anything and simply assesses your figure, though eventually he takes your hand and shakes it. 
“pleasure’s all mine,” he replies.
there’s something in the back of alastor’s head that’s nagging him that something is about to go wrong, and yet he paid no mind to the incessant worrying of both his thoughts and the shadow that tailed him wherever he went. he just had to be cautious, play his cards right, and eliminate you if need be.
but judging by how most overlords had already greeted you and looked forward to talking to you, he assumed that you were on common ground with the majority of them.
that’s no good.
he won’t let a newcomer hog most of the attention now, can he?
alastor might just lose his wit and massacre every passing sinner that mentions your name.
the vampire overlord this, the vampire overlord that—hello! he was back in town! and not one sinner cowered before him, as they’re too busy to even notice his presence.
too busy talking about you.
for satan’s sake, everywhere he went, he kept hearing of you.
rosie’s emporium? you just bought fresh bloody fingers and even took a cannibal with you—or so he’s heard.
his trusted tailor? too busy to finish your custom-made suit, alastor didn’t even get the chance to get his suit fixed.
it seemed as though anywhere he went, you were always ahead of him.
it’s fine; it’s ok. 
alastor is reassuring himself because no one has been on his nerves this much before. not even the noisy picture box of an old pal of his. not even the king of hell himself, the majesty that was just too easy to provoke.
but you—you were just too passive—too mysterious—dare he say out of reach?
it’s mentally taxing to plot against you when you’ve done nothing wrong to him personally. 
if he killed you, would anyone know that it was him?
he contemplates in his room, most of his thoughts immersed in you. it’s so out of character for him, but then again, who in this wretched place understood him thoroughly?
just when alastor thought that he could have a pleasant, quiet morning of listening to nothing but the screams of sinners dying in the recent newspaper, charlotte had gathered everyone in the main lobby for a “super-duper important meeting.”
“i wonder what this could be about,” his static voice is heard.
“quite frankly, i was in the middle of reading my favorite newspaper.”
“you could still read it even when you’re here,” vaggie’s unamused reply came. 
“oh, where are your manners, my dear? i’m certain that your lover would not be ecstatic to find out that not all of the inhabitants of this hotel are listening to her, isn’t that right?” his smile broadened at the last question, fixing his black knotted bowtie.
“whatever,” she sighs, “just pay attention.”
charlotte came in practically jumping with every step she took as the patrons of the hotel awaited what she was about to say.
“ok, so i know that our hotel is still a bit understaffed—but! i have amazing news!”
“we’re finally charging the guests an expensive price without changing the way we treat them?”
“what? no!” she shook her head.
“capitalism is one of the worst things there is to exist. that, and violence—and the extermination, of course.”
“we have a new staff.” charlotte opened a portal, and the demon who stepped from it had alastor ripping the seams of the leather couch unintentionally.
a wave of bats came rushing in and dropped pieces of confetti over them.
how fun.
“this is yn; you may know her for being an overlord, just like a certain investor we have, but now she’s our chef!”
this might just be alastor’s nightmare incarnate.
“what is it that you’re after?” he confronts you just when you’re putting away the dishes.
“hm? whatever could you mean, alastor? ”
“disregard what i said.”
alastor smiled, getting uncomfortably close to you.
your reaction is, as always, unbothered and confused. he doesn’t find it entertaining when demons shrug him off as if he were nobody—no more than a mere sinner.
“but do remember that if you put this hotel in harm’s way, i’ll be the one you’ll be dealing with,” he chuckled.
“noted,” you reply.
“bloody venison? i heard from charlie that you preferred meals like this, and i must say, we have quite a lot in common than you think.”
you licked the blood that spilled on your arm once you set the plate on the huge dining table, nodding your head. it’s just now that he noticed the blood that stained your apron and sleeves, and he’s tempted to have a taste too.
and he physically and mentally stops himself from doing so to show you that he’s indifferent to the way you captivate almost everyone.
“a lot in common,” you say once more.
alastor watches you leave, and his curiosity is at an all-time high. he’s tasted no one’s cooking other than his or his mother’s cooking before, not that anyone really bothered to prepare him a meal because he’d turn them down without a second thought.
but he doesn’t let the effort go to waste.
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
Can I please request dorm leader (and/or vice dorm leaders) having a very vivid drea where they’re about to kiss their crush but they’re woken up just before their lips touch?
Wait this is really cute! I only limit to five characters (with the exception of groups ie dorm leaders) and doing about 13 characters is a lot, so I'm going to stick with just the dorm leaders for now
Dorm leaders waking up from a dream of getting a kiss from you
The dream went like this: you two were sitting in the rose garden and doing homework. You ask Riddle for some help and he scoots himself a bit closer to you. Both of you are like, inches away from each others' faces and when he glances at you, he can see a slight blush on your cheeks. Smiling to himself, he says that you look really cute, to which you reply with a flustered "sorry, we've only been this close when we kiss" and then he's about to go in for it (first time he ever decides to kiss you first) and then he wakes up from a pillow being thrown at him.
You were looking at him with such beautiful eyes in his dream, but when he woke up he just sees Trey and Cater yelling at him to wake up with two more pillows in their hands. He's about to go red but he stops himself and asks what's happening. Turns out he's been sleeping on his desk that he missed a dorm leader meeting. HIM!
Swearing to himself (for the first time ever that anyone's heard him) he rushes out, even though his hair is a bit disheveled and he looks half-asleep. He gets there and doesn't answer any questions (or any teasing from Leona)
If you happen to run into him while he's running to the hall of mirrors, he looks away because he's too shy. He would love to kiss you, or at least initiate one first at some point, but he's too emotionally constipated to do it. Maybe in another dream he'll get to do it, but for now he needs to focus on the meeting and getting back at Trey and Cater for throwing pillows
In his dream, you were likely just cuddling with him as always. He isn't even sure what the dream was really about, since all he could remember was him looking up at the ceiling, then at you, and then back. He asked you something about if you wanted to go, but you said you wanted to stay for ten more minutes. Before he can interrupt you and say he wants you to leave so he can "have his peace" (btw if he ever says this, it usually means he has no idea why he's feeling so much love) you move closer and your about to kiss him. He's about to kiss you when suddenly he gets awoken by you shaking him.
"Leona, we need to get to class. You promised this time you would go together!" you pull on his sleeve, trying to get him out of his bed. Seriously? You weren't the one wanting to leave in his dream, let him go back ;-;
"Leave me alone, you can go ahead," he'll throw a pillow on his face to muffle the sound of you telling him he can't miss another class. "Fine, I'll stay for ten more minutes, better late than not showing up altogether," you sit on his bed, crossing your arms and waiting for him to get up. Nothing.
Finally, you pull the pillow off of his face and give him a quick peck on his lips before running out and yelling at him to get to class. He just lies there, stunned, heart racing, but at least he got his kiss haha. Will he make it to class? Probably not.
His dream was wayy too good in his opinion. He wasn't fumbling up at all, being extremely suave as he showed you around the town by Coral Sea that he would visit every now and then. You two danced at the town square, got to check out small vendors, etc. By the time the sun was setting, you two were sitting by the shore and just relaxing. You told him you had a lot of fun that day, and he was talking about the tale of a mermaid princess who got to live with her human lover. Something about kissing and that's when he went for it, more or less to show rather than tell the story but right when you two were about to kiss he bolts up because Floyd's yelling
"HEEEYYYY RAMSHACKLE'S THROWING A PARTY WANNA GOOOO?!!!" Floyd has no noise control and Jade's just laughing in the back by the doorway. Floyd shakes Azul and tries to dance with him when he gets up while Jade is explaining what's going on. Turns out Grim wanted to celebrate acing a test by throwing a party.
Azul groans and says he'll go, he just needs some time to fix his hair. Jade and Floyd say that he's fine as he is and they try to pull him out of his room to no avail. Azul ends up coming to the party thirty minutes late (he was also practicing what to say to you haha)
When he gets there, you open the door and hug him, telling him you're glad to see him at the party. He tries to hide his blush by pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose, but you know he's just flustered. He then suggests that next time there's a long weekend, you two should go to the town by Coral Sea. "It's a beautiful place, I think it would be a fun date," he says.
The dream was basically like a movie. He has no idea how it went from him running away from a bunch of knife wielding bears to something more calm, like you and Kalim on a carpet ride. Either way, he liked the latter part of his dream. As you two slowed down on top of clouds, you two stargazed. It was magical, but what made it better was when you turned to him, said thank you, and you asked if you could kiss him. You two haven't kissed yet, and so he was like "Uh, yeah, s-sure!" since he was nervous. You closed your eyes, moved closer, and before he could feel your soft lips Jamil woke him up
"Late to class? Not on my watch, you're the dorm leader now so you should know how to manage your time!" Jamil scolds but gently places some breakfast on his desk. Sure Jamil was uptight, but at least he was caring. Kalim nodded sadly and got out of bed.
Throughout the day, the dream kept playing over and over in his head. If he could have had five more minutes, maybe you two could've kissed and who knows, he might've known what it would be like to kiss someone! Ah, maybe he should ask? Yeah, he should ask you for a carpet ride. So, he marches to you during the lunch break to ask.
"Ooh, that sounds like a lot of fun, I've always wanted to stargaze from all the way up there!" you respond excitedly. He knew you would like it! He hopes you will kiss him on the date, but maybe he could muster the courage to ask you for a kiss first.
He had a crazy dream (at least in his opinion). You were pulled in as an understudy for a character that was supposed to be his lover. Everything was last minute, but because you were so good at adapting to different roles this was no issue. The scene finally came to when you two would kiss, it was the highlight of the production. He would tell you even as a prince he didn't want to live in luxury if it meant he wouldn't be with you (at least that was the character he was playing). For once he was playing the hero, he was going to get a happy ending, and he was going to kiss you! He pulled you closer, confessing his love for you, and when you two were about to kiss he woke up.
He woke up. On his own accord. He just woke up because his body knew it was 6am and he for once wanted to miscalculate his sleeping schedule. Sure his health mattered but not when it was such a good dream! Sighing to himself, he pulled himself out of bed and got ready.
You two were in the film studies club together and you were the only one that showed up that day. It was raining so it made sense that some people didn't feel like showing up, but nonetheless it meant you two basically had a date. You picked out a romance movie and started watching it. "It's a favorite of mine," you laughed.
Throughout the movie as he had his arm wrapped around you, you felt as though he was pulling you closer. This, however, was not intentional. Vil was lost in his thoughts, thinking about his dream, replaying the scene over and over. Perhaps it was because he loved you so much he felt like he wanted to hug you tighter. One day, he will find the courage the kiss you, but for now keeping you close is enough
This man probably has the wildest dreams. Usually he doesn't like going to sleep because his dreams will be about Ortho (twst spoilers) and they're usually really sad. But this time, his dream was exciting. First it was about you, Idia, and Ortho fighting some aliens in a spaceship and finding your ways back home. It was sort of like you all were in Metroid but you all succeeded in escaping the enemy ship. Idia was super happy in that dream, and before he knew it, you were about to kiss him. It was like a victory kiss? Who knows, all Idia remembers is you were so close to his face, your hair brushing his face and then you close your eyes and he was about to do the same but when he opened his eyes again...
Ceiling. Just his regular ceiling in his dimly lit room. It was 3am, he woke up by accident. Out of all days that he could have awoken it had to be this! Not to mention, he usually doesn't sleep because of nightmares but it seems like luck wasn't on his side ;-;
Idia's pretty grouchy for the entire day. A lot of students notice he's mumbling to himself more. But when you enter the classroom, yell out his name, his hair just flames red. Everyone around him asks him if he's fine and he just goes "H-hi y/n, um, yeah, hi." Gosh he was so awkward, why couldn't he be like himself from his dream?!
After class, you two talk about your favorite games and recent tv shows. He talks about a space game he's been into recently and you ask him if you could watch him play through it. Of course, he answers yes. Then, he asks "Have you ever thought about kissing someone?" "Huh?" You look at him, puzzled. Shoot, did he just say something without thinking? He waves it off, saying it wasn't anything important, but feel free to surprise him with a kiss on your game night!
He's also not one to sleep a lot mainly because he doesn't have a lot of dreams. Perhaps it's because of how many years he's been alive and how nothing seems to excite him anymore. He hasn't had a good dream in many years, but that all changed when you arrived. Now, he's had more frequent dreams about marrying you, saving you from danger, holding hands, etc. But this time, you were with him in a party hosted by his grandmother. You looked beautiful in your outfit, honestly he dare say you were the most beautiful one in all of Twisted Wonderland. You two were out in the balcony, away from the party but the most important part to him was that you confessed your love to him. You wanted to stay with him. "Child of man, if I were reborn, or for every time I was reborn, I would always fall in love with you." With that, you two were about to kiss when-
"MY LORD! Oh, oh my apologies, everyone's been looking for you and we weren't sure if you would be at the tower, the graveyard, or-" "What's the point?" Malleus asked Sebek. Of course, the first year was very outgoing, but sometimes Malleus wished the boy would leave him alone. He was sitting on the Ramshackle roof by the way.
Malleus thanked Sebek for being concerned but asked him to leave him here. Sebek agreed and went back to Diasomnia while Malleus closed his eyes. He wanted to take a nap again, go back and see you look at him with such warm eyes. Ah, his heart was beating so fast and he just wanted to tell you how much he wanted you to stay with him, to love him.
"Malleus! Did you want to come in? I'm trying to bake something and you're welcome to join!" he bolted up when he heard you from below. You were holding a mixing bowl while smiling at him. Jumping down, he smiled and agreed to help you. Ah, if only you knew how much you meant to him. Maybe he'll confess to you there?
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buckets-and-trees · 1 year
Unholy Errand
Characters/Pairings: Lloyd Hansen x female!Reader, God the Bounty Hunter x female!Reader, Ransom Drysdale Word Count: 4k
Summary: You're caught in the crosshairs when a hit goes out for your boss.
Content Warnings: non-consent and dubious consent, cuckolding, bondage, knife play, dacryphilia, oral (m and f receiving), cumplay, spitting, facial/marking, groping, spanking, clothed males naked female, coarse language, mild but irreverent use of religious terminology/themes (we’ve got a bounty hunter who refers to himself as God – we’re not committing hard to the bit, but we are using the bit), use of pet names + no y/n
Notes: I was happily working on some other lovely things last weekend, and then Sunday afternoon, totally unprovoked, a rogue muse crept up and whispered, "Lloyd and God..." and my brain broke, and I told @navybrat817 and she immediately enabled/encouraged the sprouting of this fic (and helped identify exactly who these two would be after). I thought this might be fifteen hundred words... and then it hit 2k, and then 3k, and they still weren't done with poor Reader, so...
Additional Notes: First time writing Lloyd, God, or Ransom in any capacity. This is also straight up the filthiest thing I've gone all in on. Is it the filthiest thing that exists on the internet? Of course not, but my filthiest and READ THE TAGS. This is NOT your standard Aspen fic. But was this a bit of a riot to write? Yep. It had a chokehold on me all week, and I stayed up far too late to finish it off tonight because... if I didn't, life would've prevented me finishing for a couple more days, and I've been too eager to push this out.
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The clearing of his throat is what pulls your attention. You look up from your desk, taking in long legs in impossibly tight white slacks showing too much ankle, and a torso clad in a black turtleneck and blazer. A thick mustache lives above his smirk. He was too silent entering the offices, and he knows it, seems to revel in unsettling you. “Lloyd Hansen, the six o’clock appointment.”
“Yes, if you’ll follow me right this way,” you proffer politely, and move smoothly out of your chair, leading him to the door of your boss’s office. You give a short knock and open the door, announcing, “Lloyd Hansen, sir,” as you briefly step inside, holding the door open for the man.
He’s still smirking as he passes by, and then you sweep back out, but not before hearing Lloyd whistle and say, “Fancy shit you got yourself in this office, Ran,” as you close the door on them.
You sigh as you sit back down at your desk. Lloyd is your boss’s last meeting of the night, and he had seemed more than perturbed when he said to go ahead and accept the last-minute request Lloyd had made for the appointment. While this is the meeting of the day, Mr. Drysdale had made it clear he was staying late, which means you are also staying late, so you pull out the file of menus you keep in your desk and begin mulling over where to order dinner from tonight.
There’s a succession of loud thuds on the other side of the wall, and you only hesitate for a second before rushing into the office.
You stop dead, a small cry escaping your lips as you watch Lloyd wrestling Ransom to the ground.
“You may be sorry you disturbed us, sweetie, but since you’re here, be a good girl and close and lock that door so we don’t get interrupted by anyone else.”
You hesitate, staring in horror at the display before you: books knocked off the shelves, everything that’s usually so immaculately placed askew on the desk, a lamp overturned, Ransom Drysdale on the floor of his office with Lloyd Hansen’s knee pressed into his back and both arms pulled taught behind him while Lloyd binds his wrists together with the Hermes ascot scarf ripped from Ransom’s own neck.
Lloyd clucks his tongue. “Lock the door or I start cutting his fingers off. Barnes and Rogers only said they want your boss alive; they didn’t say how much of him still needs to be intact.”
“Do it,” Ransom grunts, turning his head away from you, clearly embarrassed at his predicament.
You turn and slowly close the door. You know there are still people working at Blood Like Wine tonight, and while it’s not likely that any of them will be passing through this wing after normal business hours, it’s probably safer that they stay out than accidentally stumble into whatever this dangerous mess is evolving into. You wished you had suppressed your own urge to investigate.
When you turn back around, Lloyd is unbuckling his belt as he continues to kneel against Ransoms back. He pulls it out, uses it to gag Ransom, giving it an additional tug after already pulling it tightly, and fastens it off.
“There, that’s just about perfect.”
“What are-?” You venture to ask, but he abruptly cuts you off.
“No one asked you to talk, sweetie, now come away from that door.”
You only take two reluctant steps towards them when there’s a scraping of wood that draws everyone’s attention to the opposite side of the room.
A piece of the floor is slowly being lifted from below, pushed out of the way, and then another man pops up from out of the floor. He hefts himself out of the hole in the floor and then drops a duffel bag on the floor, the heavy sound of muffled metal hinting at the equipment he’s brought with him.
“Oh, good, you’ve already done some of my work for me,” the tall, dark-haired man appraises the situation he’s just stepped into.
“Who the fuck are you, and where’d you come from?”
“Clearly you watched me ascend from a trapdoor in the floor.” He stalks over to stand in front of the large mahogany desk and sits back on the edge. “You didn’t think Harlan Thrombey - noted mystery author - wouldn’t have a publishing house full of trapdoors and secret passageways?”
“Didn’t need to, walked right in the front door. Still waiting to find out who you are.”
“God the Bounty Hunter.”
“Ooh,” Lloyd cocks his head, and another one of his smirks returns, “I can’t say I hate the audacity. Very bold. But there are a lot of gods and only one Lloyd Hansen.
“Now we’re clearly both here because of the hit put out for this prick, but since there are two of them and two of us, why don’t you make yourself useful, God, and tie up this little Margaret while I get Ransom nice and comfortable here.”
“With pleasure,” God says, and beckons you over to him.
The way he fixes you with his gaze is so intense you can’t to resist his silent command. He stands when you’re just a foot or two away, puts a ringer under your chin to tilt your head up, and looks down into your face. You don’t dare look away, nor do you want to, for some reason.
After another moment, he lets your chin drop, and God begins to circle you, looking you up and down. You hold very still. “You don’t need to be tied up, do you? You like to behave, to be praised.”
Lloyd lets out a loud, longsuffering sigh. “Fine, it can be more fun when they’re tied up, but I’m not picky as long as I get what I want.” Then his tone changes, directing his next words at you. “Understand, sweetie?”
You nod.
“Good.” With that, Lloyd pushes his knee roughly into Ransom’s back, drawing a painful groan from the bound man, before standing and hauling Ransom up with him. He shoves Ransom down to sit on the couch that faces the desk in the small entertaining area of Ransom’s office. “Now Relax, let me pour myself a drink. No reason we can’t enjoy ourselves for a few minutes, for old time’s sake.”
While Lloyd pours some bourbon, God steps right up behind you, close enough that you can feel the heat of him. He moves your hair off your shoulder, and leans close to whisper in your ear, “You be very good, and I’ll make you my angel.” You can’t help but shiver - it’s the heat of his breath at your neck and the promised threat - and you know he notices your reaction, because there’s a soft, dark chuckle before he presses a hot kiss to the base of your neck. His hand comes around to your front, toying with the edge of your open collar, and then he lightly draws his index finger along your clavicle and then up the other side of your neck. You don’t realize you’re holding your breath until you gasp when his other hand quickly pushes a small piece of metal right below your ear.
“And what’s that?” Lloyd asks, not missing the tagging.
“A little incentive for obedience,” God answers. “Fifty-thousand volts when fully unleashed.”
There’s a non-electrically generated jolt in your stomach, but it’s not pure fear, it’s tinged with a little adrenaline as well.
“Huh. To each his own. Now down to business, Ran.”
God steps back and then leans on the edge of the desk again. He pulls you to stand between his legs, your back up against his chest, and his hands settle on your shoulders. Standing against him like this has your hips aligned with his, and you have no doubt it’s setting the stage for his intentions, even if it seems harmless enough now. It mimics a familiarity between partners that is both soothing and unsettling.
Across the room, Lloyd takes a seat on the other side of the couch from Ransom, drink in one hand, and draping his arm casually along the back of the couch. “It was quite a convenient circumstance that even had me nearby to make this social call Ransom. Couldn’t be happier that I’d get to drop in on you for something like this. Ransom and I both went to Yale, you know,” he tosses this part across the room to you and God. “Even ended up in the same fraternity. But he was a senior, I was a freshman. Didn’t spare me the time of day except for the hazing, right?”
His focus shifts back to Ransom, who only gives Lloyd a cold stare, unmoving, clearly not wanting to give Lloyd the satisfaction of any emotional reactions.
God’s hands shift from your shoulders and begin to stroke up and down your arms.
“Why am I boring us all with the backstory though? Old college buddies is pretty typical. You know what’s not typical? Barnes and Rogers putting a bounty out for someone. They’ve got their own guys, and you’re not hard to find.”
The hands move from your arms to your waist, moving up and down your ribs, and still Lloyd keeps talking.
“So, either you’re too important and they wanted the closest person available to pick you up and make a rush delivery to their door, or you’re not important enough for them to want to dispatch any of their own men to deal with you. Outsourcing because you’re still an inconvenience to them, and they can’t let you go unpunished.
Strong hands on your hips.
“Maybe you can prove to be useful tonight, sweetie. How long have you worked for Ranny here?”
You don’t know if you should be surprised that he’s turned his attention to you for questioning, but you do your best to keep your mind focused as you answer him. “I’ve worked for Mr. Drysdale for – oh –” God starts rubbing circles over your hipbones, applying more pressure and pushing you back against a very prominent erection “– a little over seven months.”
“Mr. Drysdale, eh?” Lloyd’s perennial smirk grows, and he tilts his head, tsking again. “You don’t have to pretend like you’re not assisting him after hours, I told you we were in the same frat, so I know what this bastard gets up to.”
Your mouth drops open a little, and Lloyd looks from you to Ransom, whose cold stare has turned into an unmistakable glare.
“Oho! So, she does only assist you professionally?” Lloyd laughs, seemingly out of genuine amusement. “You really are useless, Ranny.”
God is still relentless in touching you, exploring over and even under the clothing, one of his hands sliding down your leg to slip under your skirt to skim up your thigh, and the other stroking just under your breasts, calculated touches to evoke responses but not yet to take or give any more satisfaction.
Both strangers are demanding your attention, and you’re almost evenly divided between Lloyd’s words and God’s actions.
“She probably would’ve slept with you the first two weeks on the job, but now she’s gotta know you’re an insufferable prick.”
Would you have? You don’t think either statement is true. You were never drawn in by Ransom, and since working for him, you’ve only been focused on doing your job well, getting a good paycheck, and going home. Ransom wasn’t particularly demanding compared to other executives, and so you had only wanted him to continue to respect and rely on your assistance so he’d find you indispensable and raise your salary regularly.
God finally speaks again. “We should let the man see what he’ll never have.”
Lloyd sits back in the chair. “I’m not opposed.”
Your face burned. There was no question what he meant, and you did not want Ransom to see you on display, but Lloyd is intimidating and God is intoxicating, so you can do no more than comply as God unzips your skirt and pushes it to the floor.
Next he turns you around and works on the buttons of your shirt, in no hurry, putting your ass on display for Lloyd and Ransom while torturing you with more of the heated, intense eye contact that makes you nearly forget to breathe.
You’re only warned that Lloyd’s behind you when God looks over your shoulder, and you turn your head, but before you can fully face him, his hand has come down against your ass with enough force that you fall against God’s chest. He spanks you again, harder, and you whimper in God’s arms, your head falling against his shoulder with the sting and shock and humiliation.
Then, in another quick turn of events, Lloyd grasps the waistband of your panties with one hand, and you briefly feel the chill of metal against your skin as he slips a knife under the fabric and then slashes them away with two strokes and throws the fabric on the desk.
“Move, God, I want her up on the desk.”
God stands again, and he pulls your shirt off your shoulders as he moves away.
Lloyd could unclasp your bra, but of course Lloyd uses the knife to slice through the band.
“Drop it,” he instructs.
With a deep, steadying breath, you do as he says.
“Turn and sit up on the desk for us.”
You’ve taken hundreds of orders from this office, completing tasks you enjoyed and hated, this can be just another of those.
“Open those thighs for us all to see, sweetie.”
You close your eyes. You know what they will see, and the shame burns in your stomach.
Lloyd taps the flat part of his knife just above your knee. “Now.”
You bite your lip and look at the ground as you spread your legs. Lloyd presses the edge of the knife to the flesh of your inner thigh, forcing you to spread even wider if you don’t want him to cut into you.
Lloyd brings his knife to your chin to tilt your face up to look at him as he traces your wet folds with two fingers. The smirk is gone, replaced by a wicked grin. “Nice and slick for us.”
“God’s handiwork,” the other man is quick to note.
“Sure. A nice little sacrificial offering. Now, Ransom, since you’ve never had a taste, seems a shame not to give you a sample,” Lloyd says.
Ransom shifts and begins to stand, but Lloyd turns abruptly and points at him with the knife. “Stay there, you dumb fuck.”
Ransom sits back again.
“And don’t you dare look away.” He looks to God. “Shoot him if he does.”
God pulls a gun from behind his back that he must have had tucked into his waistband. You watch as he moves to the other side of the room and stands behind Ransom. He plants his gun at the base of Ransom’s skull, then locks eyes with you again. It’s clear he doesn’t want take his eyes off you if he’s going to have to ensure Ransom doesn’t either. Something in your chest stirs under his rapt attention.
Lloyd demands your attention again as he grips your hips and pulls you to the edge of the mahogany desk. He slaps your pussy, drawing a sharp cry from you, then drops down to delve between your thighs. He gives your clit a vicious nip, and you bit back another yelp. His tongue plunders into your cunt, licking and sucking, and your hands are moving to grasp his skull to anchor yourself, but he’s already pulling away. As he stands, he yanks you off the desk, and strides across the room, dragging you with him.
He spits directly in Ransom’s face – a combination of Lloyd’s saliva and your slick that he’s not able to do anything but let drip down his face. Your mouth is agape, truly shocked. Ransom’s entire body radiates rage and embarrassment.
“That’s all you’ll be getting from her, Drysdale.”
Then Lloyd’s shoves you to your knees, putting you on display in profile to the other men. He undoes the zipper of his pants, releasing his cock, no underwear to fuss about.
“Open up,” he demands, and you comply, unwilling to provoke this demon who clearly doesn’t play by any rules.
He slips the angry red tip of his cock into your mouth. “Be good,” he warns. You give a small nod, closing your mouth around him. With one hand, he grips your head and begins to thrust in and out of your mouth. You and gag, and your eyes close as you try to focus very hard on breathing through your nose. He’s hitting the back of your throat with each brutal thrust, and the tears spill quickly down your face.
“Eyes on me,” he grunts, and you force them open and look up at him, knowing what he wants to see. He groans in approval. “You are a pretty little trinket, prettier when you cry.”
Then he abruptly pulls you off his dick and grips you by the chin and turns your head for Ransom and God. “Fucking look at her, swollen lips, gasping for breath, desperate.”
Just as quickly he slots his dick back in your mouth, this time gripping your head with both hands and he fucks your face with abandon. Fast. Hard. Your whimpers turn into sobs, and your hands come up to brace and grasp desperately at his thighs. “You can still take it,” Lloyd growls, undeterred, and you’re powerless to stop him. The tears are not just running but flooding down your cheeks. It’s too much now, and you can’t get enough air, and vision is going black. Finally he throws you off and away from him, and turns to aim his cock at Ransom, shooting his load over his face and shoulders, letting out a hiss that turns into a hum.
You’re hunched over and you wretch – blessedly only once – bracing your hands on the floor, and you gulp and heave, lungs fraught for the necessary oxygen.
Lloyd is talking again. The voice registers, but not the words.
And there are warm hands on you again. One rubbing small circles at the base of your spine, the other pushing your hair out of your face and coaxing you to look up at him.
With enough soothing, God has you breathing evenly again, and you’re still crying a little, but he helps you up onto the couch and sits next to you, very close, and he tucks a hand under your chin and lifts your face up, then he licks your left cheek, then the right, lapping up the tears. You hiccup, not sure how to react. Then he merely strokes your cheek, and the fingers trail down your neck, down your chest, down, down…
“Boring,” Lloyd announces.
You look up at him for a moment, but then God’s questing fingers reach the point he really wants to concentrate his might on, plunging into your wet cunt, and your eyes flutter closed.
“I’m eager to be done here,” Lloyd continues while God continues pumping his digits in and out of you. “We don’t need any more dumbasses showing up for this fool.”
“Agreed,” God says, casually as if he’s not beginning to pull you apart softly but surely. “You take him. I’ll keep her. There’s room for her in the trunk next to the cargo.”
“Fine, I wasn’t fussed about the goods anyway, I only took this job for the satisfaction of humiliating Drysdale, and that’s already exceeded my expectations. I’m sure Barnes and Rogers will give you enough for the recovered inventory even without him, and I’ll do you a solid and not mention the little side piece you’ll be keeping for yourself.”
God moves you off the couch, coaxing you to lean over the coffee table and kneels behind you. “Good.”
You moan as God slowly pushes his hard length inside your cunt.
There’s a thud next to you, and you turn to see a pile of Ransom hit the floor a few feet away.
“I assume you’ve got a way to move this man through down in that passage?” Lloyd asks, dragging the unconscious figure across the floor by his feet.
“Mhmm,” he responds, more intent on the movement of his hips against yours, slowly pistonning in and out of your tight heat.
“Good. This was fun enough, but let’s not do this again.”
God pulls your head up roughly to look at Lloyd just as he’s about to drop into the floor. “Say goodbye to Lloyd, Angel.”
You’re barely able to make the, “Bye,” tumble out of your lips, you’re so full of this man behind you, and his sudden roughness taking you by surprise.
Lloyd chuckles, then disappears.
God lets you drop back down, leaning on your elbows.
“I thought he’d never stop talking,” God murmurs.
It’s bitter, but a laugh actually falls from your lips, but you still can’t form words.
“There’s other things I’d rather do with you around than talk.”
He adjusts his angle from behind you. It allows him to plunge more of his cock into your slick channel, and you groan, but then after only a few thrusts, he pauses, balls deep inside you.
“You took what he gave you, but I think you don’t want me to stop, do you?”
You’re breathless. You can’t speak. You don’t want to speak?
He places his right hand, palm flat, at the base of your spine and presses it slowly up your back, his middle finger trailing up the ridge of your vertebrae, and you can feel the metal of his ring draw a line along your skin.
“You were very good.”
He rocks his hips against you, and you whimper.
“I said I would make you mine if you were good.”
Another rocking. He moves his hand from the nape of your neck around to grip it fully, and he pulls you back up against his chest, and you’re gasping for air for a moment, both hands coming up to clutch at his arm.
He lowers his voice and delivers his next words right into your ear. “You want to be mine, don’t you?”
Your pussy clenches around him, and he presses a kiss against your throat, and you feel the smile of his lips against your skin.
His other hand moves down across your hip, to your vee, and his deft fingers stroke your throbbing clit. He doesn’t move his cock, but he does move those fingers expertly, drawing tight little circles that wind you up to the top until you’re flung off the edge and into pure pleasure.
Coming down from your first orgasm, you sink against him. As your breathing returns to normal, the hand on your neck remains like an anchor, but his other hand moves up to tilt your chin to the side and up to meet his lips. The kiss claims you, and you part your lips for him, just as you’ve parted your legs for him – willingly.
“That was one, but I want a trinity to secure your devotion here tonight. I’m going to fuck you dumb, dress you, and then you’re going to walk out of here like a sweet little angel and get in my car. Then I’ll let you choose. You can sit up front and keep my cock warm or you can crawl in the back of the trunk. Your choice.”
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madaqueue · 3 months
Practice Makes Perfect | Chapter 9
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synopsis: you and yuji have been best friends basically as long as you can remember, and you made a promise to each other to stay friends and help each other be the best versions of yourselves for your future partners. but will things change when yuji finally starts looking for a relationship?
pairing: yuji itadori (18+) x f!reader
themes/content: modern college au (characters aged up to 18+). language, angst, smut. kissing, fingering, oral (f receiving). 18+, MDNI
word count: 2.7k
a/n: smut AND feelings? what has the world come to!
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“Oh yeah, and what exactly is that?” you ask through a giggle as Yuji adjusts in the bed, being careful not to put too much of his weight on you.
“Well, I still owe you for last time…” he trails off, eyes still on your lips as a grin starts to form across his face. “Can I go down on you?”
“W-what?” you stutter, the request catching you off guard. “Right now?”
“Mhm,” he hums, “if that’s okay with you?”
You look down at yourself to take in the state you’re in - you’re still wearing your dress from last night with the notable addition of Yuji’s hoodie on top of it. Your mouth tastes like cheap liquor and you’re sure the perfume you were wearing has long since worn off.
“Yuji, I-” you start to explain that you can’t possibly let him see you like this.
“Before you say anything,” he cuts you off, “first of all, you don’t owe it to me or anyone to be your idea of ‘perfect,’ okay? You put all this pressure on yourself all the time, and I just don’t want you to feel like that with me. Secondly, you are absolutely stunning right now, and that’s a fact.” He grins down at you, finally shifting his gaze to meet your eyes. “That doesn’t have to change your answer, but I just wanted to you to know.”
His sentiment brings back the butterflies in your stomach and you feel yourself blushing. Has he always been this good with words?
“Okay, if you really think it’s fine,” you answer hesitantly, “then yes, go ahead.”
He practically squeals from excitement, leaning down to pepper your face with kisses. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“I’m not sure you should be thanking me,” you laugh softly, “you’re the one who’s going to be doing all the work.”
“It’s not work, not when it’s you,” he pulls away from your face to look you in the eyes.
“Okay,” you blush, breaking the eye contact.
With that, Yuji sits up in your bed and takes off his t-shirt, greeting you once again with his toned body. He starts undoing his jeans before kicking them off the bed, leaving him in black boxers. Once he is sufficiently undressed, he turns back to you and guides his hands to the bottom of his sweatshirt that you still wore. “May I?” he asks. You nod, and he lifts it up over your head and tosses it on the floor. “I know I didn’t say it last night, but this dress is really pretty,” he adds softly, now able to take it in fully.
“The dress or me?” you tease.
“You know the answer to that,” he looks up to you with a smile. “Too bad it’s gotta go on the floor now, too.”
His arms reach behind your back to find the zipper and undo it, his breath hitting your neck from where he lays on top of you. When he gets it fully undone, he pulls away from you a bit to slide the straps off your shoulders before guiding the rest of it off your torso and down your legs. As promised, he tosses it onto the floor.
His fingers trace back up your thighs to land on the lace hem of your panties before he gently slides them down your legs, too.
You hadn’t worn a bra last night, figuring it would be dark enough that no one would notice, so now your body is fully on display for Yuji for the first time. He sits between your legs, eyes slowly covering every inch of you as he drinks in the sight. You watch his gaze move from your calves up your thighs before landing on your cunt, the sight making his cock twitch in his boxers. His eyes continue up your stomach before lingering on your tits for a moment. Continuing, he takes in your collarbones up to your neck, your jawline, and pauses on your lips. The only word coming to his mind right now is perfect.
“Wow,” he hums, nearly a whisper.
Again, you blush, but you don’t look away from him this time. Reaching a hand up to the side of his face, you gently stroke his cheek. “I didn’t know you were here to just stare,” you say with a breathy chuckle. Your words break the trance he was in from the sight of your body, his eyes suddenly moving up to yours as he leans forward.
His lips crash into yours with a new feeling behind them. The kiss feels…needy? As if Yuji couldn’t possibly get enough of you; he physically needs more of you.
His tongue moves roughly against yours, completely devoid of the precision he used when kissing you previously. It almost feels carnal.
He trails one of his hands down your stomach before landing between your legs. Without breaking the kiss, he drags his fingers down to your wet hole, collecting some of your slick and dragging it up to your clit. His digits circle your sensitive bud as you moan into his mouth from the sensation. Still, he doesn’t pull away.
His hand moves back to your entrance before he pushes one finger inside of you. You bring one hand up to his hair as you grab a fistful of it, trying to distract yourself from the pleasure already building inside of you.
His lips finally separate from yours as he removes himself from inside of you and lifts his hand to his mouth, slowly licking the taste of you off him. If you had looked down at this moment, you’d see his hard cock straining against his boxers, a wet spot forming from the precum dripping out of his needy tip. Yet, this wasn’t about him - it was about you.
“Keep your hand there,” he rasps, his voice so low it almost sounds like a rumble. You have never heard him sound like that before, and it makes you need him even more. You nod, tightening your grasp on his hair as he slowly moves his body down, centering himself between your legs.
His eyes fall again on your pussy, his mouth drooling at the sight. He wishes he could stay and look at you from this angle forever, but he can’t let himself get distracted. Lowering his head, he places gentle pecks along your inner thigh as his hands grab onto the outside of your legs, bringing your knees over his shoulders.
A whine escapes your lips from the gentle sensation of his breath against your thighs, and without realizing you’re doing it, you use the hand in his hair to guide him to your needy cunt. “Please, Yuji,” you breathe.
It’s as if those were the only words he had ever needed to hear. He moves his mouth down and sticks out his tongue, licking up the length of your folds.
The taste of you on his tongue feels like heaven. “S’fuckin’ good,” he moans against your skin.
You breathe in sharply at the sensation. Before you can even exhale, he flicks his tongue around your sensitive clit, causing you to grab tightly onto his hair as you raise your other arm to your face, trying to cover the moans threatening to escape your mouth.
“Mm-mm,” he hums against you, still licking fervently. “Wanna hear you.” You slowly lower your hand from your face, just in time for him to thrust his tongue inside of you.
“A-ah!” you nearly yell, feeling Yuji tighten his grasp on the thick plush of your thighs.
He continues prodding his mouth against your wet insides until he feels that familiar sensation building inside you, your walls beginning to clench around him with each thrust of his tongue. He slowly pulls his tongue out of you before dragging it up your soaked folds and returning his attention to your clit.
He circles the sensitive bud once before pressing his lips around it and sucking. The sensation almost threatens to push you over the edge immediately. You use your hand in his hair to hold him there and he doesn’t mind - he would forego air forever if it meant he could stay right here.
“Yuji I-I’m close,” your voice almost a whimper.
He doesn’t verbally respond, but you feel him press into you even harder at your words. His tongue speeds up, lapping up every last ounce of you. His head is dizzy, but all he knows is he has to keep going.
Your legs start to shake in his grasp as you feel the tightness building in your core. Your free hand latches onto the sheets next to you as the other holds onto Yuji for dear life. A moan builds in your throat as the wave of pleasure begins to crash over you. As soon as the first sound leaves your lips, you feel Yuji release a guttural groan between your legs. The feeling of his breath vibrating against you pushes you over the edge, your eyes rolling back into your head as your lips part to release Yuji’s name over and over again.
As you slowly pull yourself back to reality, you look down to see Yuji resting his cheek against the inside of your thigh. He looks up at you with those sweet brown eyes, again nearly black from how wide his pupils have become. His lips are parted as he softly pants and you notice the shine of your slick glistening down his chin. A part of you is almost embarrassed, but the only thing you feel is adoration. He looks so perfect, his hair ruffled, almost pussy-drunk as he stares back up at you with his eyes glazed over, a soft grin plastered on his face.
You both sit in silence for a few moments trying to catch your breath.
“T-thank you,” you finally say, your thoughts still fuzzy.
Yuji nods below you, still unsure he could form full sentences. He takes his hands off your thighs and puts them on the bed to push himself up and sit back on his heels. As you look down, you notice a significantly larger wet spot in his boxers.
“Yuji did you…did you cum?” you ask, mind spinning.
He looks up at you and nods with a sheepish grin.
Your stomach tightens at the idea that he finished just from eating you out. Something about it was so…sweet? And hot as fuck, too, obviously, but mostly sweet.
You smile down at him and extend your shaky arms out to welcome him into a hug. He practically falls on top of your body as he enters your embrace.
“Okay, now it’s my turn to get you cleaned up,” you softly whisper as you plant a kiss on his forehead, his face burying into your neck. He takes the opportunity to gently kiss along your jawline, one of his favorite parts of you.
For a moment, you just hold him, letting the warmth of your bodies mix. You forget about last night, you forget about your jealousy, you forget about every bad thought you’ve ever had. All that matters right now is you and Yuji.
The two of you finally get up and get dressed. You joke that Yuji should start leaving a change of clothes at your place and he actually agrees, saying he’ll bring them over the next time he’s here. The rest of the morning is easy, you both relax on your bed and watch TikToks on his phone together for a while before you see a text from Nobara pop up.
Nobara: “still on for tn? meet at my place?”
Yuji freezes and tries to catch your reaction out of his periphery, but before he can say anything you turn to your side so he can’t see your face get red from whatever it is you’re feeling. He swipes down on the message to type a quick reply.
Yuji: “yep, see you then!”
Trying to fight back your anger, you turn back to Yuji.
“I-” he starts.
“Things must be going well,” you quip, your words coming out more irritated than you intended. He closes his mouth, not sure where you’re going with this. “I mean, you’re getting ready to go down on her at some point, right? That’s why you wanted to practice with me?”
“Look, I-” he tries to interject.
“Well, I hope she knows how lucky she is. Not everybody is willing to put in the work and practice ahead of time like good-ol’ Yuji,” your words come out cold and you accidentally shoot him a glare.
Where is this coming from? you think. Clearly you are more upset than you realized, but you can tell your words are starting to get to him as he tilts his head away from you and looks down in shame.
“Maybe you should just go.” The words coming out of your mouth surprise you, and you hear them before you even process what you’ve said. “After all, you have to get ready for your date.”
Yuji slowly looks back up at you with a sadness in his eyes you’ve never seen before. Without a word he nods, slowly raising himself off of your bed. He walks over to the door with his head held low as he puts his shoes on. With one hand on the handle, he turns his head to look at you.
“I’m sorry,” he mutters.
“For what?” you spit. Get a hold of yourself, you think. You feel like you’ve lost all control of the words coming out of your mouth, fueled purely by emotion.
“For caring about you,” he whispers, almost inaudible from across the room. He opens the door and steps out, closing it softly behind him.
The words ring in your head. They felt familiar for some reason. Shit, you realize, memories of last night flooding into your head. You had said the same thing to him less than 24 hours ago, right before you told him you kissed Megumi.
A wave of guilt crashes over you. You just knowingly hurt your best friend, someone you care about more than anything, someone you love.
Wait. The word catches you off guard in your thoughts. Do you…love Yuji?
You get pulled out of your mind by the sound of your phone vibrating on the bedside table, next to the water and chocolates Yuji left for you, the sight causing your heart to drop again as you relive how cruel you were to him. You reach over to check it and see a text from Megumi.
Megumi: “Hey, just checking in on you. How are you feeling? Can I bring you anything?”
You: “i’m okay, thanks though :) sorry for abandoning you last night, i kinda got in my feelings seeing yuji and the girl he likes together, but i promise i’m normally very cool and fun at parties, lol”
Megumi: “No worries, I’m just glad you’re okay. Who do you mean, the girl he likes? Nobara?”
You pause, surprised he knows her. Maybe Yuji mentioned her to him?
You: “yep, that’s the one :/ i didn’t know you knew her”
Megumi: “I do, but not for the reasons you’re thinking”
You let out a chuckle at how well he already knows you, predicting your thoughts before you even say them. As you start to type out a response, another text comes in from him.
Megumi: “Don’t tell anyone I told you this, but do you remember my friend Maki?”
You: “yeah, the one who told you about the cafe right? with the cute glasses? i remember meeting her last night”
Megumi: “She and Nobara are…kind of a thing”
Your breath catches in your throat. Not sure how to respond, you see another text come in.
Megumi: “I don’t think they’re official or anything, but I can pretty confidently say she doesn’t have feelings for Yuji, lol.”
You close your eyes, trying to process the information you just received. You quickly type back.
You: “thx for letting me know haha, maybe i’m thinking of someone else, thanks for checking in on me though!”
Megumi ‘love’ reacts your message again, buying you some time to think about what just happened.
The only feeling swirling around in your head is confusion. What. The. Hell.
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The Arcana HCs: How the M6 hurt you
~ I hope you're ready for some angst >:3 Even the healthiest relationships have painful moments when one hurting, flawed person hurts another hurting, flawed person. Moments like these are not signs of closeness. They are alarms that signal a need for growth, and a healthy relationship will take those signals seriously - brainrot ~
Here's the sequel!
How you hurt the M6
TW for yelling, references to canon death events, descriptions of panic attacks, abandonment, losing one's home, accidental gaslighting, burns, PTSD, violent outbursts (not character on character) and general trauma
It happened after a series of busy weeks. Julian had been pulling long hours at work, always gone before sunrise and back just in time for bed. You haven't been able to catch up with him in days
You're rather fed up too. Mazelinka and Portia had both stopped by multiple evenings to catch up, increasingly irritated with his absence while you hosted them and apologized on his behalf
And now he's home early, for the first time in what feels like a month, and you can see the toll he's taken on his body, and he's asking you to - spend the night working at the clinic with him?
"Julian, why do you want me to do this? I'm not a doctor."
"I know, I'm sorry, but there's a nasty cold spreading around. Right now the only treatment is to let the fever run its course, but with your help, I'm sure we'll able to find something!"
"Is the fever dangerous?"
"Well - it's not killed anyone, no - but what if it does? We need to be prepared. Just come with me for tonight, please?"
He's already shrugging his cape on at the door, holding your own coat out to you impatiently. You look at the exhaustion in his eyes and take his hand instead.
"Julian, you're tired. I'm tired. Why don't you rest for tonight? We haven't had a moment alone together in weeks, and people are worried about you."
Something about those words sets him off and he yanks away
"Worried about me? I'm not the one to worry about, people are sick, dammit!" His voice is rising in volume, a gloved hand waving around in angry desperation.
"They're asking for help and I'm the only one still trying! What was even the point of sticking around if you won't let me do anything useful with my life?!"
You would respond, but your throat's closing up in your effort to hold back tears and you don't want to look at him right now. You can feel his angry words sitting heavy in the silence, until he swears under his breath and slams the door
Moments later there's two de-gloved hands hovering by your face, a wavering voice full of regret trying to get your attention
"MC. MC I'm so sorry, I - I didn't mean it, please forgive me. You mean everything to me, and - and you're right, I shouldn't have yelled, and you're crying I - I'm so sorry, can you ever forgive me?"
He's shaken, shocked at his own words and full of shame at causing you pain, but refusing to leave until he knows you'll be okay. You're too tired and hurt to unpack everything right now so you grab a bit of his sleeve instead and make your request:
"We can talk in the morning, but can we sleep? Please?"
He'll nod and help you up the stairs and into bed, offering to exile himself to the couch if the space would help
You'll both fall asleep fairly quickly, but he's going to keep waking up through the night plagued with guilt and fighting the urge to leave so you can save yourself and move on
He'll let you know in the morning that he's really sorry and wants to talk about it too, and will take the next few days off of work to focus on resolving things and finding a way back to normal
You know for a fact that they're loyal to a fault and that they would never abandon you, but you two have been together for over a year now and they still forget to communicate with you ahead of time
He'd been unusually all over the place for the last month - disappearing with little notice for several days at a time, coming home to spend the night loving you, and gone the next morning
Every time they come back they're so happy to see you that you don't get the chance to ask how and where they've been, and every morning there's only the breakfast they made for you as evidence that they were even there in the first place
You've started to forget what it feels like to see him in daylight, so you decide to try bridging the gap. The next time you have him lying next to you, you ask for him to stay before dozing off:
"Have dinner with me tomorrow. I've missed you."
The next morning there's Faust and a note by your pillow, saying they'll be back at sunset and they'll bring food so you won't have to cook
Dinner is fun. He fixes you with that adoring gaze and gets you to tell him all about what you've been up to, even apologizing for not asking sooner. You get up to clear the table and brew some tea, and when you turn around he's at the door with his back to you
"Asra?" You can see the excitement in their motions as they shrug on their coat, eager to be off. They barely spare a glance over their shoulder as they heft their bag - still packed - onto their arm
"It's a moonless night, my love. The perfect time to start an adventure. I know you've been busy recently, so I won't push you to join me. We'll go together next time. Faust?"
The snake somehow notices your stricken face better than your beloved does. You barely get the chance to grasp what's happening as he bustles across the room to press a quick farewell to your frozen lips, heading out the door with an "I'll miss you!"
It's the sound of the door closing and the resulting, all-too-familiar silence that undoes you. You numbly put the half-filled teapot down and quietly curl up in Asra's chair, no longer fighting your tears as their lingering warmth begins to fade
"Haha! I forgot my hat. Why is the door still unlocked, M - MC? You're crying. What's wrong, what happened? Are you hurt?"
You can hear him rushing across the shop to get to you, sinking to his knees in front of the chair to get a better look at your lowered face. He's got a warm hand on your cheek, brushing your tears away while the other runs through his hair in concern
You can't move away before a hand comes to rest over your heart and you watch the face in front of you twist in pain and concern "MC - what's hurting you like this?"
You're not sure how it's not obvious to them, but you try to explain the best you can anyways: "You said you'd never go where I can't follow again, so - so why do you keep leaving? At least tell me when it's going to happen so I know what to expect."
It's clicking together in his mind now, and he's dropping his bag to clutch you to his chest and murmur apologies between kisses
They'll hold you as close as you let them that night, and stay home for the next few months to reestablish their missed connection with you. You'll be able to tell them eventually that you love their wanderlust - you just wish they'd do better at communicating
One of the things that hurt the most when you first met her was how deeply her faith in herself had been broken. Always second guessing herself, doubting her intuition, and hesitating to act
She's the opposite of that now - a Countess more than worthy of leading Vesuvia out of its shambles - but sometimes you wish she would stop to think twice about things. Sometimes you wish she would stop to think twice about you, instead of just assuming
Like hearing her casually mention over lunch that she had received an offer for your shop and would need you to sign the paperwork tomorrow afternoon to confirm the handover
"Come again? Hand over my shop?"
She's still so deep in decision-making work mode that she forgets to read your tone, only pausing to sip from her cup and nod
"Nadia, why would I sell my shop?"
She smiles at you indulgently and calmly explains her reasoning, clearly under the impression that she's doing you a favor:
"You don't have any more need for it. You no longer use it for employment, as you are my lovely magician, you no longer use it for housing, as you are my partner, and you no longer use it for income, as I am committed to providing all your heart's desires. What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine, my darling."
You're beginning to feel panic well up in your chest. The way she speaks is so certain, the deal she mentions has already been struck, and you are about to lose the last piece of your life leftover from before the plague, and -
"MC, whatever's the matter? Are the dishes not to your taste?"
"No, I - Nadia, what's mine is still mine."
"Of course it is, dearest, now what's troubling you?"
You don't know how to explain this. It's as if you're slowly going crazy, panicking at the thought of losing something that is apparently so worthless to the rest of the world, and you're running out of calm ways to explain: "I don't want to sell my shop, Nadia."
Her eyebrows raise in concern. "Are you not adequately provided for?" You shake your head. She sighs in newfound understanding and takes your hand. "I understand that leaving an old house can be disquieting. I assure you, the freedom is entirely worthwhile."
"Nadia," you croak, "Nadia, it's not just an old house." You're rapidly losing the ability to see your plate clearly, but you need to speak before your voice fails. "It's all I have left from my family. It's all I have from before the plague. It's all I have -" your breaths are getting shaky, but you need her to understand, you need her to understand what she's doing - "It's all I have. It's my home."
You can tell the truth's caught up to her when you hear her knife clatter to the table. "MC, I'm so -" she chokes and stands. "I'll resolve this at once. I hope ... I hope you can forgive me."
That night, the relief on her face when you join her for dinner is plain as day. She brings it up as soon as you're alone together, determined to talk things through and reach an understanding so she can properly resolve things with you and do better
Certain times of the year are particularly difficult for Muriel. Dr Nazali explained it to you once, how ex-soldiers will have worsened symptoms of combat fatigue on the anniversaries of major battles
For Muriel, it's the dates for all of the new festivals that the ex-Count introduced. City wide celebrations meant thousands more in the Coliseum stands, which in turn required more than double the opponents and cruel spectacles he had to participate in
Whenever the old festival dates roll around, you watch him revert to who he was when you first met him - a shell of a man handling his own haunting in the privacy of the woods
It's been especially rough this week. He rarely speaks and barely eats. He doesn't have the energy to pull his hair back anymore, and he's taken to sleeping on the ground so Inanna can have the bed again. Even the chickens seem concerned
So you try to pick up the slack. You keep the hut clean, offer to comb and braid his hair for him, bring him meals that are easy to keep down, and decline any activities that would force him to socialize
His response is to take the safety as his cue to mentally hibernate through the worst of it. It's afternoon now, and you haven't seen him move since he used the bathroom and ate this morning
"Muriel?" You see his shoulder twitch, but his chin stays sunk to his chest, eyes hidden by the curtain of his hair. "Muriel, can you eat?"
You walk over, purposefully slow so he can see you coming, and crouch next to him with a steaming bowl of broth. "Muriel, you need to eat something. You don't have to get up, just ... please try to drink at least a little of this?"
He turns to you with a sullen glare, completely unlike the gentle green you're used to getting lost in, and Inanna whines from her corner. His voice is gravelly from misuse when he speaks:
"Leave me alone."
"Muriel -" you make the mistake of touching his shoulder, and he flinches violently away from the touch. His flying elbow upsets the bowl in your hand and he turns to you with his arms hiding his face
"Leave. Me. Alone, MC. I don't want you here."
You'd normally try to be understanding, but the bowl he accidentally knocked over landed on your feet and the boiling liquid has splashed up your legs, soaking into your trousers, first burning and then steaming the stretch of skin beneath
It's the way that you're clenching your jaw to hold in a scream that snaps him out of it. He knows that look - he's seen it a hundred times before, but it's the first time he's seen it on you
"MC?" His eyes drop to the upended bowl, to the steam rising from your legs, and his face goes slack in horror
Acting purely on instinct, he swats the bowl aside and tears away the clothing burning into your skin. He has you in his arms and submerged in the cold spring outside in seconds
He's a lot more intentional about staying open to you during his bouts of PTSD now, but he doesn't drink broth any more
Ambassador trips get draining very easily, much more for Portia than for you. Nothing makes her happier than making everyone else happy, and diplomatic negotiations aren't necessarily the best place to be a people pleaser
It's been three straight days of back-and-forth. During Nadia's coma, a nearby city-state had been slowly encroaching on and taxing Vesuvian territory. If the injustice wasn't enough to get her blood boiling, it didn't help that one of the courtiers had it out for her Aunt Tasya
You, on the other hand, have been busy since you landed helping out the neighborhood around the dock. Magic users seem to be in short supply here, and your days have been tiring but fulfilling
You're sitting in the cabin now, struggling to keep your eyes open, when Portia thunders into the room and begins changing for bed while aggressively ranting
"Those bastards! The farmers have been working on less than two meals a day for the last year and half! And did you hear what they said about Aunt Tasya? Why, I oughtta -"
You're listening to and watching her, concern tugging at your heartstrings, but when she turns to look at your face she doesn't seem to see the reaction she was hoping for
"MC - are you even listening?"
"Yes, you were saying about your Aunt Tasya?"
She huffs and you see her upper lip curl into a sneer. "Oh, I see how it is. I'm just supposed to stand back and let you handle everything, right? Am I just some side character to you? Is that what you think of me?"
She's angrily shoving her hair out of her face, trembling with rage, and all you can feel is shock. Is that what she thinks of you?
"What is it, MC? Cat got your tongue? Are you too important to talk to me now?"
You rear back, head spinning from the hurt in her tone. "No! I don't think that about you at all!"
She slams her fists down on the table, the clatter of the plates on it chiming in with a broken sob. "What, so I come from nothing? I'm nothing but a - a shipwrecked orphan whose older brother couldn't even stick around?"
You're rooted in your chair, heart twisting at her words. Is that what they've been saying to her? "Portia, you're not nothing. You're out here making such a big difference in people's lives -"
"Oh, you mean like you? Like how everyone in town can't take their eyes off of you while I do the grunt work? Like how I save the world with you and you're all people can see? I may as well be invisible next to you!"
You're both frozen, staring wide-eyed at each other. You've known Portia could get jealous. You haven't seen this before. Your hands begin to shake under the table as her eyes go from shock to grief
"MC - MC I'm sorry, I'm so sorry ... I didn't mean it, I swear I would never mean it, it's those bastards who keep looking down on me and I thought ... maybe you were ... I'm sorry -"
It's a long night of whispered sorry's before you're in the space to hear her explanation. She's better at being open with you about her insecurities now, but any time her volume changes she walks away to cool off before continuing
Lucio has a level of resilience that will never fail to surprise you
Of course, most of that comes from his tendency to live in the present. It makes confronting the past rather difficult, but once it's been dealt with, he sees no reason to dwell on it and can drop it faster than a hot potato
The only issue is that sometimes he's so quick to drop the past and stay in his present comfort zone that he's blinded to people who still need to spend time thinking about it
Even when it's you. Especially when you walk through a town that's been ravaged by a plague locals refer to as the "Yellow Death"
While Lucio seems antsy to pass through, you find your feet dragging slower and slower as you look at the carnage. Houses marked with a white circle are burnt-out shells in an effort to be rid of the plagued bodies within them and entire blocks are rubble
It's when you stray too close to one of them that your foot knocks against a charred child's toy, painted a strangely familiar pattern
You may not remember, but deep down you know that you knew someone who had one of these. Maybe it was you, maybe it was a friend, maybe it was a cousin?
"MC! Hurry up, we're walking here!" You can barely hear Lucio's voice over the dull roar in your ears, but you know he's nearby when two wet noses nudge themselves into your palms and an impatient hand nudges at your shoulder
"Come on, MC, you don't wanna stay somewhere this depressing."
A hand tugs on your elbow and you're finally able to shake your gaze loose from the eerily familiar blackened doorframe. Your eyes travel down to your palm where the toy still sits
Lucio follows your line of sight and flinches, a bead of sweat trailing down his temple as his smile gets tight
"MC? Let me take that, you don't want it. It's worthless anyway, whoever had it's been gone a long time." His grip is considerably rougher than yours, and you watch in horror as the little toy splinters between his fingers
"Ha! Look at that, gone like smoke. Let's go already, there's nothing worth looking at here. The town's empty, nobody's around to care about whoever died here. MC? MC you're shaking -"
You haven't felt this angry at him in a long time, and you know he's speaking from his stress and not from his mind, but you can't take another invalidating comment from him -
"Nobody cares about whoever died here? Gone like smoke?"
You see the blood leave his face and the fear take over as he realizes what he's said. "MC -"
"I was a person, Lucio. I had a life. Is that smoke to you too?"
"I'm sorry!" He's got your wrists in his hands, tugging you away from ruins that could too easily be your childhood home. "I'm sorry, but we need to get out of here first!"
You follow numbly, unsure of how to proceed while he drags you away from the ghost town. You're barely able to accept his touch as he holds you through the first panic attack of many
Lucio doesn't like dwelling on the past, but he's learning the hard way not to trample on others for needing to
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