#if you have recommendations for shows or movies feel free to leave them in the replies
candyforthecorvids · 1 year
This post is just like those "How to Study like a Harvard Student!" Things but for ND people with executive dysfunction who can't even START studying.
Listen to Music, seriously it works so well. If you speak multiple languages, listen to music in the one you ARE NOT using. Listening to music w/o words is good for things like essays and reading, but with things like math, I 100% recommend listening to anything you really like. I can leave song reccs for no word songs if anyone wants them.
Put on a movie, TV show, or video you've already seen a million times. It works the same as the music, but you're more likely to be distracted. It's important that you've already seen it. Otherwise, you'll just end up watching TV.
Buy stationary that you LIKE and ENJOY USING. If you see pens that you REALLY LIKE but the other pens are cheaper, get the ones you actually like. You will use them more. You will *enjoy* using them.
Not so much related to executive dysfunction, but I HIGHLY recommend getting folders for your classes. Even if it's only for a few, if you pull it out at the beginning, you'll have all your stuff inside and a place where you can put your papers instead of just shoving it into your bag.
Let yourself stim out loud while you do homework. Seriously, it can help you remember things and help you stay focused.
Eat your favourite snacks or drink something you enjoy drinking. It makes doing things so much more bearable, plus free dopamine.
(Edit: I reblogged some of people's additional thoughts)
I can't really think of anything else, but feel free to add stuff in the comments.
Disclaimer for the masses, I am not a doctor. These are from my own personal experience as someone w audhd. :)
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naofairy · 4 months
Haikyuu!! May fic recs
Happy Pride, everyone! I hope you enjoyed May and the movie premiere! I’m happy to share with you another one of my fics selections!
Let me know if you read any of the fics and feel free to share your own recommendations - we can always scream about them together!
As always remember to show the authors if you like their work by leaving kudos and comments!
keep these longings locked by naofairy
I had the pleasure to finally share my first one-shot with you, I love seeing you read and comment on it, it means the world to me!
Louder, Lauder by paperwetwithink
Circadian by paperwetwithink
Arrhythmia by paperwetwithink
Let the Light Out by UhohShouto
In Full Bloom by casastella
Secrets We Hunt by Pawtiful
Your Love Should Be Celebrated by MakeMeStagger
Animal Instinct by pietrotheclown
you can put an ocean between our love (it won't keep us apart) by escapist_090807
i was tired and you were standing in the best light by keishn
you’re all i see, you’re all i need by DailyMelody
Fly into your Heart by Sildurin
Where He Should Be by Zzxya
Smells like Quaffle Cleaner by Mery
if i can't have us (i'll just stay down bad) by kiroiimye
Make you mine by Anadiilua
ampersand by infantblue
Just the Same but Brand New by blowsamu
Hoshiumi Kourai is Whipped by daedalust
lark's head by per__sei
My fic recs masterlist
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khaire-traveler · 6 months
🌙 Subtle Artemis Worship 🦌
Spend time out in nature (e.g. go on a hike, take a walk outside, visit a nature preserve, etc.)
Dancing, especially at night and to music that makes you feel wild and free
Playing an instrument (although this is more for Apollo, I believe it also works as a form of Artemis worship)
Wearing jewelry that reminds you of her
Having imagery of deer, horses, or dogs around
Having literally any sort of animal symbolism around (she is a Goddess of Animals)
Investing in nature/animal conservation efforts (can simply be spreading the word if you can't afford to donate or volunteer)
Creating art of your favorite flower, plant, or animal
Keeping a picture of her in your wallet
Taking a walk outside during the crescent or full moon (only if it is safe in your area to do so)
Learning about self-defense (I feel dedicating a pocket knife, if legal, to her is a great idea)
Learning archery
Befriending neighborhood animals, such as cats, birds, or dogs; leaving food out for them
Lighting a bonfire with friends and having a good time together; dancing around it is especially great (please be safe about doing so; I don't recommend drinking first)
Star-gazing and moon-gazing
Showing compassion to others, such as through volunteer work or holding doors
Taking a warm bath at night
Having a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Wearing animal-inspired outfits or doing animal-inspired makeup
Visiting a local zoo, aquarium, or butterfly pavilion; taking the time to learn about new creatures
Watching nature documentaries or movies about animals (it can be movies/shows starring anthropomorphic animals)
Being curious about local fauna and flora
Learning how to safely forage for food, such as picking berries or mushrooms
Meditating in the dark of the night, especially on a crescent or full moon
Making a list of your goals; focus on completing these one step at a time
Taking new risks, especially ones that give you a sense of thrill and excitement
Sending kind messages to loved ones, especially those having a difficult time
Learning to prioritize your own well-being; taking care of yourself first and foremost
May add to this later! For now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Artemis. I hope someone finds it helpful. Take care, everyone! 💚
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 6 months
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-In this post, I want to mention the lessons I learnt from two beautiful movies - Queen and English Vinglish. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND these movies!!! YOU WILL NOT REGRET WATCHING THESE MOVIES !!! Both the movies start with women who are timid , stuck in their past , trying to please others , lack self love , dependent on others but in the end they become independent, confident and develop self love. Isn't that wonderful ?
Let's start from Queen movie starring Kangana Ranaut, Rajkumar Rao and Lisa Haydon. It's about a girl named Rani who was dumped by her fiance and she decides to go on honeymoon, all by herself
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Rani's fiance dumped her just before the wedding, ofc she was heartbroken and locked herself in room . After that she decided to go to honeymoon, all by herself! She went to the same place where she was supposed to go after her marriage - Amsterdam , Paris . I know it hurts , when a close one , whether it's your fiance , boyfriend, girlfriend , best friend etc leaves your side with or without any reason. As once a wise women said , you lose people who aren't meant for the best version of you . Even if they leave, you have to enjoy your own company and continue with your own life . Vijay aka Rani's fiance cancelling the wedding was a blessing in disguise . Also if they left without any reason or if they were just embarrassed by you , they didn't deserve you at all .
Yes , here is a spoiler from the movie , Rani doesn't end up with any new guy or gets married to her ex-fiance. Infact , she becomes independent and free. You are whole on your own. You are complete on your own , you don't need anyone to complete you , you need someone to accept you . You are a queen or king and will always remain one ! You can be happy on your own. You don't need anyone or their approval.
Rani met VijayLaxmi , Olexander or ( Sikander🐵) , Taka and Tim . Their friendship was perfect example of "opposites attract " . However , despite the differences, she never judged them because she knew they were good human beings , deep inside .
A makeover can make you feel confident in yourself. The way you present and take care of yourself also shows how much you love and respect yourself. So wear a pretty pink dress and straight your hair or maybe curl them , whatever you like ! Also REMEMBER YOU ARE DOING IT FOR YOUUU!!!!!!!🧁💖
Why?? You don't grow in your comfort zone. Rani stepped out of her native country and tralleveled all alone to a country where she was supposed to go with her ex fiance. Remember Great things never come from comfort zone.
Be independent. Love yourself. Respect yourself. There is a scene in the movie where Rani rejects her fiance when he comes back while they play a beautiful and meaningful song in background . That scene represents Rani's walk of liberation. Rani finally became independent, learnt to love herself and be her own person !!
7)" THANK YOU " - RANI, QUEEN 2013
Rani thanks her fiance when he comes back to her. No, she doesn't take him back . She finally realized that if he didn't cancel the marriage, she would have never become her highest self which was confident , full of self love and independent. It was truly a blessing in disguise. Say thank you to all those hurtful past experiences, those experiences made you wiser. Say thank you to all the people who left you at your worst because they made you realize that you only need one person and that's YOU !
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Lessons learnt from English vinglish , starring Sridevi . It's about a woman named Shashi who didn't receive any respect from her family peers for not knowing English. She was also timid and often mistreated by her daughter and not appreciated enough by her own husband.
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Shashi went to New York inorder to attend her sister's wedding but she couldn't speak or understand English. She went to a country where she didn't know how to communicate with anyone. You must get comfortable with the uncomfortable.
Shashi was mocked by her own family for not knowing English. She took English classes and learnt English. She was committed and determined to learn English so she succeeded . She gave a meaningful speech in English too which shocked her daughter and her husband whereas some people were proud of her - her little son , her other cousin Radha , her English teacher and class peers. Later , her family also felt bad for mistreating like and they developed respect for her . Also please respect your parents , don't humiliate them for not knowing something or anything. The scene where Shashi cried because her daughter disrespected her were so painful to watch .
Shashi was never appreciated for her being good at making sweets and her buisness was going pretty well but she never got the appreciation she deserved and was degraded by her own husband for being called " entrepreneur ". If you like something and if it is beneficial to you too , then don't care what others are saying , even if it's someone from your family.
Shashi learnt English when she was in her ripe age , age is just a number when it comes to learning. You are never too old to learn , Instead of crying over the time lost and undermining oneself, it’s better to value-add by learning something new-something that you had always wanted to do but couldn’t because of time, money or other constraints.
Shashi faced alot of troubles when she was learning English , however she did not give up. Was it worth it ? YES! Finish what you have started.
Shashi summarized it in few words which hit hard so I will just end this post with her quote
" When you don't like yourself, you tend to dislike everything associated with you . New things seem to be more attractive , but once you start loving yourself , the same old life begins to feel new and good "
-Shashi , English Vinglish , 2012
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aakeysmash · 6 months
Roommate or boss?
Pairing: f!reader x Katsuki Bakugou.
Previous part: part 4.
Next part: part 6.
A/N: High School Musical references (watch the movies!!!). I recommend you to read part 1 again, because a lot of references I made here are also said in the first chapter. This could look like a filler chapter, but it’s really important for future developments!
Word count: 2.2k.
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You’re relaxing on your bed on a deserved day off, brand new AC on and a cold glass of orange juice in your hand. You’re scrolling on your phone, chuckling at various memes and sending most of them to Ochaco, who will probably complain about finding 62 videos from you and having to react to each one. You’re planning on doing absolutely nothing today, just munching on snacks and sleeping. Maybe you’re going to put on that show you’ve been wanting to see. This is the life, you think.
You’re startled out of your mind, again. Katsuki has been screaming at the top of his lungs since this morning, but you don’t even know the reason why. You hear his stream of curses from the wall between your rooms.
You’re very annoyed: he’s ruining your perfect day off. How dare he. You throw punches on the wall for the upteenth time, hoping he will stop or go outside to do whatever is bugging him.
“Stop fucking doing that!” He screams back at you, and you get even angrier. You decide you had enough, so you get up from your bed and march towards his room. You throw his door open without caring about his privacy.
He snaps his head towards you, scowling worser than usual.
“D’you ever heard about fucking knocking?” He barks at you. He looks disheveled: his usually spiky hair is a mess, and you assume he keeps on yanking it; you can feel his eye bags, and he probably didn’t have a good night of sleep in two weeks.
“Damn, you look bad” you mumble looking at him from head to toe. You lose a bit of your anger and almost feel bad. Almost.
“Well, I don’t care, you’re ruining my perfect day, so if you need to scream go out” you say glaring at him.
“This is my fucking house too” he snarls. “If I want to scream because I don’t want to do this shit, then I’m gonna do it. You’re free to leave and never return” he responds looking you up and down. He’s got a point.
You scoff. Sometimes he really has the audacity to speak when he shouldn’t be speaking. “What are you even doing? What’s this big thing that’s bothering you so much?”.
He grits his teeth and stays silent. The way he doesn’t want you to know the reason why he’s so angry just makes you become more curious. Oh, I’m about to get so annoying when I find out. Just so you wait, Katsuki.
“Come on, don’t be a kid. Let’s make a deal: I’ll make you a cup of hot chocolate if you tell me” you try to bribe him. In one of his nicest moments, he complimented the way you know how to “make it just right”, just to take it back immediately after noticing those words left his mouth. Also, your roommate likes to eat and drink hot things even if it’s summer. He’s a weirdo.
He looks conflicted. He really wants a sweet treat, and he knows that he’s not capable of doing it the way you do (he already tried and failed). He blames it on the fact you keep on saying that you add a secret ingredient that he doesn’t know, because there’s just no way he’s not good at doing everything he puts his mind into. He ponders about it for what feels like 3 minutes, where you both stay completely silent.
“I’ll even add whipping cream.”
You try suppressing your grin: he’s sold, you see it in the way he grits his teeth even harder. “I’m revising my thesis’ grammar.”
You instantly become smug, all your anger forgotten. Bingo. “The big buff Bakugou Katsuki is mad about some grammar? Really? I thought you were stronger than that, pussy” you tease him with a smirk on your face.
He tries throwing you one of the books he keeps on his desk, but you dodge it. Then you lean on his door and cross your arms, while he goes on and screams “GET OUT! You’re bothering me even more”.
“Stop screaming, oh my god”, you whine. “What would it take for you to return being the quiet kid at the back of the class? You’re so annoying like this” you say exhausted. You get one day off in 3 weeks, there is no way he’s ruining it. You’re finding joy in annoying him, though, it’s so fun.
“I was never the quiet kid, I ain’t no loser like you. Get the fuck out of my room” he bites back. He doesn’t need to know it, but you were indeed the quiet kid.
“Well, guess I won’t help you then” you reply, shrugging. You didn’t even ask if he wanted your help, and you didn’t come in his room to help him, but now you’re just rubbing in his face that you can go and do absolutely nothing for the rest of the day, while he boils himself away in his despair.
You start closing his door, yawning and teasing him some more. “Continue screaming while I go and watch Love Island without you”. You have to turn around to hide your expression.
You hear him curse under his breath. “Fuck, wait, I really wanna see that”, he says, sounding desperate. “Aren’t you enrolled in literature or some shit?”.
You face him with the biggest devious smile you can muster. “Yeah, why?”
The vein on his forehead is about to pop. “How good are you at correcting grammar?”, he says.
You look like you won the lottery. “Ooooh you want my help? Do you want me to revise your little thesis for you? Little ol’ me? Weren’t you saying to get the fuck out?” You say walking towards his still sitting form. He’s super rigid, like asking you to help him is requiring him all the strength of the world and the planets and the solar system together. He closes his eyes and rubs his temples. He tries the breathing exercises they taught him in highschool to manage his fury, when he really started managing his anger issues. You’re getting on his last nerves, but revising all he wrote in months is also getting on his nerves.
“Can you at least pretend to not enjoy this as much as you currently are? You’re a devil” he spits out. Well, he could’ve said something meaner, so the breathing exercises must have worked a little.
“Mean. I guess you don’t want my help then”, you respond, feigning innocence.
“Let’s make one thing clear: I’m a boss at doing shit like this. I’m just tired of doing it, ‘cause I’ve been at it for a day straight. I’m good at everything, so you’ll probably find a comma that I forgot to type, not much more than that”, he adds, glaring up at you. You’re now standing next to him, but the fact he’s still sitting has you staring at him from above. This simple act is driving him insane: if he’s not in control he gets antsy, and you seem to know it, because you’re standing really proud.
You decide on dropping the facade a little, because you enjoy revising things. And he does look exhausted.
“Sure, send me the file and I’ll look into it” you say. Now you’re going outside of his room to make his chocolate, but he thinks you’re just running away.
“Wait. What do you want in return?” He says squinting at you. There’s no way she’s doing it because she’s nice, he thinks.
You look at him, dumbfounded. “Huh?”
“Don’t fucking “huh” me. What do you want? Why are you doing this?” He responds, serious.
You raise one eyebrow and stay silent for a bit, then you tell him “Because I’m nice? Have you ever heard about kindness? Not everything is a transaction, business man” then you close his door without waiting for an answer, leaving him confused and somewhat angry.
You start doing his hot chocolate while singing to yourself, when suddenly his door is thrown open and he exits it, staring at you.
“Tell me what you want” he says coming closer to you and crossing his arms. It sounds more like a statement than a question.
You look at him and respond “Tell me what you neeeed”, singing.
“What the fuck are you saying?”
“High School Musical? That one scene in the second film where they all sing in the kitchen? Really?” You ask, and he looks confused.
“I’ve never seen those films. They look pathetic.” He responds, rolling his eyes and looking at you putting whipping cream on his hot chocolate. You look shocked, and you hang your mouth open.
“You’ve never seen High School Musical?!” You almost scream.
He winces, rubs his ears and then proceeds to say “What’s so weird about it? It’s not like it’s a cult or something”.
“Yes! Yes it is! You know what? We’re going to watch it right now. And you can’t refuse, or I won’t revise your thesis” you tell him while poking him in the chest. Soft.
He kisses his teeth, huffs and goes to sit himself on the couch.
“I knew you weren’t doing it for free, manipulator” he glares at you.
You shrug, while putting his cup in front of him and bringing him some cookies. He mumbles a thanks, relaxing.
“I was going to help you regardless, but if I can make you suffer it’s funnier” you tell him, positioning yourself next to him and stealing one of the biscuits you brought for him.
“You’re such a bitch.”
“A bitch who’s going to do your work, so shut up and watch people fall in love in highschool” you bite back. You both roll your eyes.
Neither to say, he hates the movies with a passion. He thinks that high school is portrayed poorly, that Gabriella is the real villain, that they’re all pretentious bitches, that Troy should’ve went away because none of them were truly his friends since they weren’t supporting him.
You keep on huffing while he tells you all these “that”s.
“Katsuki, it’s not like it’s reality. It’s a musical. Just focus on the songs and the love, damn” you whine while throwing a punch at his bicep. He doesn’t budge and your hand hurts.
“That’s not my definition of love” he simply states.
“Yeah? And what’s your definition of love?” You ask him, curious.
He raises one of his eyebrows. “Why would I share something like that with you?”.
“Because I’m doing your work. And we’re friends. Sort of. And you like my chocolate” you respond, while blushing a little. You know you tend to be a little too curious and nosey, but it’s just because you pay a lot of attention to details. Details are everything to you. You’re quick to backtrack seeing his hostile behaviour towards this topic, and you start saying that it’s not a big deal and you should’ve minded your business, when he interrupts you.
“And what is your definition of love?”
He looks relaxed, like asking this isn’t that bothersome. Like he wants you to know you too. Like he cares, in some way.
“Love is a lot of things for me” you resort to say. Just how much can you be specific without scaring him away?
“Yeah, you’re waiting for me to talk about it first. I get it, dumbass. I’m not very good with words on this aspect though, so I’m sorry, but your curiosity won’t be quelled” he responds, rolling his eyes. From the start of this conversation he hasn’t stopped breathing normally, almost as if this is a regular conversation for him. He hasn’t stopped looking at you, too, but you’re trying to ignore that.
“Then let’s make a deal. Saturday we’re picking a thing that we think helps us explain what we think about love” you burst out. He’s about to protest, but you’re not finished.
“Love as in general love! Love can be outside of romantic relationships too, so let’s settle on love between friends! I’d never go out with you like that” you add. You jump out of the couch. You feel like you might catch on fire if you stay near him one more second. Maybe it’s the way he’s looking at you like you’re something he wants to dissect.
“Okay” he simply responds. You’re dumbfounded.
“Really? You’re okay with this? I thought you were going to say no” You say.
“Yeah, but let’s say that we can both decide on either going out or staying in. This is not a date, you said it yourself, so I don’t see a problem with it. It will just be like one of our movie nights, it’s not like we never spend time together, dumbass” he says, getting up and stretching his hand towards you.
“So? Are you in? Or are you scared of doing something much less meaningful than me?” He tells you, smirking.
You glare at him and compose yourself. Then, you stretch his hand.
@perfectsukii @sleepykittycx @what-the-jams @bakunianadecorazon @vensunzy @eyesforbkg @bffrrufr @imas1mpp @cold-deep-water @peonies-and-teacakes @berryvioo
I couldn’t tag the ones in pink :(
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Backburner 3
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your boss is easy going until he’s not. 
Characters: Sam Wilson, this reader is known as Dizzie.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
💼Part of the Bad Bosses AU💼
The appletini goes right through you. Before you can trade your empty glass for your usual mimosa, you excuse yourself to ladies. You're always the one looking for a bathroom.
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You scurry through the bar, growing racuous as nine o'clock approaches. You dip into the women's room and claim a stall. Ahhhh. They say you shouldn't break the seal but you don't have much of one.
You come out of the bathroom humming to the Madonna hit and nearly slam right into another body. Sam catches you by your shoulders and chuckles as he keeps you from falling out of your platforms. You giggle and take a step back, his hands falling away reluctantly.
"Hey, so how about that appletini? Delicious?" He asks.
"Oh, thank you, sir! That was so nice! You didn't have to buy the whole table a round."
"My pleasure. What's a girls night without a free drink or too, heh? I'm sure you get quite a few," he smirks. "With outfits like that?"
You look down at your fluffy sweater and the skin tight miniskirt. You don't show so much in the office. You only realise then you must look silly.
"Ha, thanks, sir, they sorta clash though."
"Look good," he winks, "so when do you girls start dancing?"
"Hehe, sir," you giggle, "my friends aren't really dancers. We're a bit old for that."
"Mm, really? You don't look that old to me."
"Well, I mean, we're not in college, you know," you tug at your feathery cuff, "anywho, my friends are waiting."
"Yeah, so are mine," his timbre dulls, "guess I'll see you Monday?"
"Monday funday!" You agree and bound past him. How nice to run into him.
You rejoin the girls as they chat about a classic movie drive-in being held down on the park. It sounds pretty cool. You offer to bring a blanket if they want to sit on the grass an watch.
The rest of the night blows by. Fridays always do. Saturday is full of catching up with your parents and your to-do list. Sunday still has laundry and groceries on your roster, with a few hours to chill and play animal crossing.
You arrive at the office feeling refreshed. You message the girls before you get started. All of them want to plan your next outing, hopefully sooner than later. It will be nice to get back into that habit, especially with all the changes that seem to be happening with your friends. Maybe next time you'll have something to report.
"Sam," you call over to him as he steps off the elevator, "I have your gym clothes!"
You hop off your chair and swipe up the bag from under your desk. You were sure to toss it all in with your weekend load. You round the desk and hand it over to him as he makes a face.
"What's wrong?" You ask as he accepts the bag.
"This," he raises the Dunkins cup in his hand and gives a blech, "some idiot I know recommended it. Not very good... more sugar than coffee."
"Oh, no, well, I can make you a coffee or run out to Roasters?"
"Ugh, why are you so good to me, b-- diz?" He groans and hands over the cup.
"It's my job! I'll be back in the flip of a bee's wing!" You promise, "not gonna lie, I need a breakfast smoothie like no one's business."
"Damn, that sounds better. Grab me one of those instead."
"Sure, what kind?"
"Surprise me, Diz. You always know what I want," he winks and swings his gym bag as he struts off.
With a mission, you jump into action. You sway in the elevator impatiently then burst out in a flash of energy. You go down to Roasters and join the queue. It's always busy but you don't mind the wait. You can watch the dog walkers and the birds on the wires through the windows. You order two strawberry kiwi shocks and tip the barista.
Back at the office, heads hang over desks, yawns waft through, and grumbles are aimed at screens. You flit by and breeze into Sam's open office door. As you do, he shoves something back into his gym bag.
"Oh, sorry, I... the door was open," you apologise and present the smoothies.
"Ah ha, yeah," he cringes and wipes the back of his neck, "um, I didn't know it was you but..." he dips his hand back in a pulls put a pair of familiar panties with a little blue bow on the front, "think maybe there was a mix up."
You giggle and set down the tray and quickly retrieve your underwear, "so sorry, sir! Must've been static."
"Happens," he chuckles as he watches you tuck the panties onto your pocket. "You know, I almost did think they were mine but uh... not really my colour."
You laugh at his joke, "stop!"
You touch your cheeks in embarrassment.
His dimples soften as he looks at you. His expression hardens and his dark eyes cling to you. His pokes his tongue out and hums.
"You were wearing those on Friday?" He asks.
You squeak, "sir!"
"Curious," he grabs a smoothie as he steps closer, "a skirt like that, what's the point of panties."
You cough and stammer, "Sam..."
He sucks on the straw as he keeps his gaze on you, a fervent heat radiating off of him. He pops his lips free and licks them, "I'll let you in on a secret, Diz," he comes closer and wiggles the straw at you, "I never wear any." He adjusts his stance as he sets his feet wide and watches you, "I like the freedom."
"Sir..." you gurgle.
"Why don't you do me a little favour? Your good at those, aren't you?" He purrs and slurps from the straw again, "go put those on and at the end of the day, you can leave them in my bag."
You're struck dumb by the suggestion. You're not the best nuance but he's being anything but subtle. Sam is a great boss and a nice guy, but he's being anything but right now.
"I can't--"
"You will," he grins, "just like you do everything I tell you, Diz." He looks down at the cup and turns it in his hand, "mmm, sweet... bet you're sweeter, huh, baby?"
He backs up and stirs the smoothie with the straw. You stare and blink. He's going to laugh and tell you he's playing around like he always does. He sits and stares at you. He's as serious as you've ever seen him.
"Don't forget yours," he motions at the other cup.
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thereraigoes · 4 months
“how to make millions before grandma dies” through my own lenses.
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these days, the internet is filled with people recommending this film to be added in everyone’s watch-list. 1) asian family themed 2) people said it’s tear jerking 3) it’s available at the nearest cinema from home— those three points intrigued me to give the film a toss to try. a moment after i went from the cinema, i know well that people who keep recommend this film is not lying at all.
reviewing a film is never my forte but this film makes me want to write something after watching it. i guess it’s the bond of similarity that this film has to me, especially i’m an asian as well.
i would like to give the five stars to,
the color grading.
i am always a big fan of films that have pretty color grading. htmmbgd has a really pretty, i would even say it’s the prettiest color grading from all the movies that i’ve watched lately. if you look closely toward color grading of each film, sometimes several places have its own colour— so does this film, somehow you can know exactly where the film is located just by looking at its color. i don’t really know how to describe it but when i saw that warm, sunny that sun can sting your skin but someplace is kind of shady.. somehow it really screams asia, and it feels so homey.
also a plus point that it is neither over saturated nor under saturated. it’s unpleasant to watch the artist’s skin look so orange where they are not meant to be a tangerine or look so grey where they are not meant to be someone who hasn’t eaten for a week.
it just.. chef kisses. a lot of scenes that show scenery around the setting and it doesn’t lessen the plot, it makes the audience know about the place without too much movement from the camera.
the sound choice.
it adds drama and spices to the films so much and without them, maybe people can survive this film without crying. it plays an important role as well to the plot since we know that m is known as a scaredy cat and amah’s lullaby is the one who relaxed him down and vice versa (i’m not mentioning that scene okay!)
“you can’t leave this cinema without crying buddies.. it’s okay you can cry, okay cry now” that would depict how the sound’s role in htmmbgd.
the plot.
i won’t say a lot about this but kudos to the filmmaker because it’s really good! the plot doesn’t always go like the audience prediction but somehow it’s relieving.. that’s just the same as how the real world does right?
the highlighted-scene and little details that i care for,
a heads up. i might mention some scenes and maybe some of them are spoilers to everyone who hasn’t watched it. so feel free to stop reading if you feel the spoilers are too heavy for you. i’ll try to lessen it!
amah’s paperbag
while watching the film, i realize that amah never wears a proper ‘bag’. we only see that she always wears paperbag that m always carries for. in my interpretation, it symbolizes the humbleness of amah. we know that amah only sells congee for living— three children and herself. those moneys that she get from is always prioritized for her children needs, not her needs— especially for secondary and the tersier one. if it’s enough to carry, then let it be. but we know, there lies a thing that meant a lot for her family inside it.
m and amah talks when m asked why amah always wanted to have a great land of cemetery for her soon.
i can’t help but cry in silence when this scene appears because it’s just so.. ironic. amah always wants to have her children coming together with her, even when she is passed away so she thinks if her children don’t want come when she is alive— a good cemetery would probably help her desire to have a nice gathering without an argument.
pomegranate and amah’s implicit love.
just like common asian themed poem, there will always be mom cutting fruit to symbolize mother love. but i never read (this could be i am the one who never find it, send me one if you ever read it!) a grandma who is cutting the fruit.
even for her own son, amah forbade him to eat the pomegranate because it was meant for m only. she has kept that pomegranate tree for years, water it everyday, cut the rotten branch, wrap the pomegranate with plastic so the caterpillar won’t eat it– she cares it just like she cares m.
even though amah is grumpy toward m (she knows since day one that m is hiding something from her), she still loves and cares for him.
“sons got the assets and daughter got the cancer”
i want to hug ma so bad. she is the most hardworking one between amah’s children yet she assumes that she never receives amah’s love. it just.. i want to hug her so bad.
and finally, the deeds.
i don’t really know about other families but mostly i reckon that this issue is really controversial. family can separate to each other because of this issue only, they highlight the importance of inherited parent’s wealth. i know it is their right to have it but neglecting the fact that their parents need their children’s time and only wanting their wealth is so sickening.
we know that m cares amah only for her deeds at the first but slowly he knows that it is not always about the deeds, it’s about cherishing the memory with her while it lasts.
it’s bearable that m is mad to know that soei is the one who got the house– i mean who doesn’t mad though if the one who got the house is the one who never helps to care about amah, never have a job and a burden to amah, even steal amah’s money. it happens commonly in asian family, my family as well. sometime i don’t really know what on their mind.
but through this, i realize that how old we are, our parents still look at us as a child. that’s why amah apprehends soei, she’s worried that if she doesn’t give soei her house then he could never solve all his problems.
but that mindset is a fatal flaw as well, by then we can see that soei only rely to his mother. he could never stand on his own. i’m relieved that m scolds for him even though soei is much older than him.
conclusion and rating from me, rai,
it’s worth to watch, at least once in a lifetime. you can always rewatch it though but beware running out of your eyecream because it really makes your eyes swollen right after you leave the cinema.
cherish everyone in your life while it lasts. don’t be so bitter to people, sometimes they need help but they are afraid to reach you out.
lastly, it’s a solid nine out of ten.
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gaykarstaagforever · 1 year
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...YouTube, I feel like your free animated movie recommendations have declined in quality a bit since the halcyon days of Osmosis Jones.
Yes, it is a blatant Kung Fu Panda knockoff, with an American voice cast that is clearly whoever was home at 11 am the week they called.
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This is bad. Like, unfinished, I think I'm missing like half the movie, they forgot to resolve the main plot and it just stops, bad. There is a scene where the only character on screen suffers an animation error, and no one fixed it. The framerate of the movie drops every time the action picks up or the camera swings around too fast. Like...you made a computer-animated movie, and you don't have the hardware or time to do...you know...computer animation? The stones on the Chinese producers of this mess.
Not everything has to be Pixar or DreamWorks. CG is hard. I get it. But you gotta work to your strengths. In this case, the computers you are using can't even render the movie properly. Like...I don't know how you get around that. That's kind of a major issue.
Technical incompetence aside, this suffers from the usual bad CG animation problems of every character looking like they come from a different artistic universe, and most of the action is generic mocaping that doesn't take into account how any real bodies shaped like these bodies would move. And there are just things they didn't bother capturing. Like none of these dough monsters ever stands up on screen.
Shot composition is a disaster. Most scenes are a mob of creatures standing in a pack in an empty space, doing exaggerated facial reactions to someone else talking. It's like bad machinima made in the Skylanders games engine, except all of the character designs are way worse.
The plot, such as they attempted it, is supposed to be about a small, incompetent warrior who looks like Jackie Chan who gets transported to the mystical realm of Merryland by a magical jade necklace his grandfather gave him. There, he transforms into an anthropomorphic panda, for reasons that are never explained. There is a prophecy that a Panda Warrior is destined to save the realm, and our guy is apparently it, except there is a flashback to like a couple of years ago when the ultimate evil took over, and...there is ANOTHER Panda Warrior who was just there and sort of stopped it? But then didn't? Who the hell was that guy?!
Also the ultimate evil is one of the two sky-whales who guard the Dragon Ball (yes, literally) just turning evil because it absorbed too much power. Why did this happen? How are you going to stop it from happening again? Then that whale turns into a nine-headed snake after an evil mouse from the real world just...is there, and merges with the Whale. After the snake is defeated the mouse just crawls out of it and runs away, and no one says a damn thing.
Our panda warrior and his 7 legendary warrior friends kung fu fight the snake at least 3 different times, and never get close to stopping it. And the panda doesn't do anything special or lead them, he is just there, and then at the very end his necklace glows and that...helps? Somehow? The true hero here is, and I'm not joking, Jimmy Ginseng, a tiny ginseng man with an erhu who shows up whenever the warriors are losing, plays the erhu, the enemy gets soothed by the song, and then Jimmy gets tired and leaves. EVERY BATTLE ends like this, including the final one.
The panda has that cool green sword in the picture. And he does have it. It is just...a sword, thst someone randomly gives him. I think he ends up dropping it and it never comes up again.
Also all the warriors are animals, except for the one who is a talking tree stump...filled with lava. And he dies at the end by setting himself and the snake on fire. Because his master, a purple fox, told him to do that to save everyone. ...Except the SNAKE SURVIVED IT, and they had to fight it again, lose, and wait for Jimmy to show up.
The bull character also sacrifices himself, TWICE, to save everyone else, and both times that doesn't work, either.
The movie ends with Merryland being restored from the devastation of the snake...BEFORE the snake is defeated. It just...gets better, after they resuce an elf girl princess who does...something...? And then the regrown flowers shoot the snake with missiles of some kind. Which ALSO fails to defeat it.
The panda doesn't go home and become human again and nothing is explained. But during the credits there is a fight scene between the little human warrior and his general, in which they get drunk and wrestle and tons of fight animations repeat in a loop for 3 minutes. Is this part of the movie? Are these outtakes? What does this have to do with anything? If this is what happens after he got home, I don't know why or what it means.
...My guess is that the first panda warrior we see was supposed to be his grandfather, as a panda? That was probably the idea? But no one ever says that. The movie doesn't remember to explain that.
This was translated from Chinese. Perhaps the translation is terrible. Or they did a massive reedit of this for the US release. That could explain some of this. ...But then why didn't they cut out the glitch scene, or some of the shots with the bad framerate? There are literal 10 second sequences in this movie where there is no dialogue or music, just a camera sleeping over a scenery to ambient nature sounds. Who reedits a movie for the foreign market and cuts out vital plot scenes, but leaves in shit like that?
...Unless all those vital plot scenes had even worse technical problems. Jesus. That's a terrifying thought.
One positive here. While nearly all of the voice work is as boring and bored as you'd expect, the immortal Tom Kenny is good, with what very little he is given to do, here. The man is a professional.
And here is the weirdest thing: Rob Schneider is really good here as the panda man and Jimmy Ginseng. Like, shockingly good. Like, this is without exaggeration the best performances of this man's miserable life. He is funny, charming, nuanced, he feels like he is reacting properly during what were probably one-sided conversations recorded on different days in different places. It is shocking how good he is in this awful, stupid movie. My only guess is that he was somehow involved in bringing this over and it was going to serve as an audition piece to get him more voice work. In which case, like, fair enough, dude. You nailed it. He is genuinely very good in this very bad movie.
What an odd artifact from 2012. What a waste of time. Why did YouTube recommend this? What do any of us gain from being shown this? I am just flabbergasted.
You're on time out with these movie suggestions, Google.
Also there is a pig who flies who looks like this:
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Those aren't ears, they are just gross misshapen tendrils that bob around as she moves. It's like someone was playing with a stretch tool and then...stopped.
I was gonna end with "Now let's have Jimmy Ginseng play us out," but I can only find this one bad picture of him, and it doesn't show his erhu:
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Here is some nice erhu music from someone else. Something redeeming in this godforsaken post:
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I made a rec list for Latin American books that have queer themes
*DISCLAIMER: "Queer" is not a theme per se. Sometimes it's about identity, sexuality, love, horror, violence, etc. All happening around queer characters.
Most of these deal with pretty heavy themes: prostitution, rape, violence, aids, death. Some representations can be considered "problematic" if you're boring. There are different ways to approach queerness.
Feel free to yell at me about these books/ask where to read them/make recommendations/etc. I definetly have favourites. Also some have movie adaptations.
Descriptions and warnings under the cut
La condesa sangrienta (The bloody countess):
The story of countess Erzebeth Báthory, a medieval hungarian countess know for committing more than 650 murders and inspiring the figure of the vampire. There´s no explicit queer relationships here but there´s absolutely some homoerotism in the narrations of torture. Pizarnik was a lesbian also. TW: disturbing, torture, blood, murder, you should not read this in one go.
El lugar sin límites (Hell has no limits):
The story about la Manuela, a homosexual transvestite that owns half a brothel in a small town. Her daughter owns the other half. The novel shows crudely the misery of forgotten towns and the day to day life of prostitution. There's also a movie. TW: prostitution, murder, homo/transphobia.
El mundo alucinante (A Hallucinations):
A fantasy and free version parody of the Memoires of Fray Servando Teresa de Mier. Known for the uses of magical realism and innovative prose.
Two stories meet. The first is of Cobra, a transvestite, and her transformation. The second of her initiation in a band of black jackers. Erotism and death.
Evita vive (Evita lives):
A controversial book around Eva Perón (after her death) who lives among prostitutes and homosexuals, having orgies and living a life of debauchery.
El beso de la mujer araña (The kiss of the spider woman):
The meeting of two prisoners living in the same cell. One, Valentín, is a political prisoner and the other, Molina, is a sexual deviant. During their weeks there, Molina narrates movies to Valentín and their relationship develops. There's also a movie.
Stella Manhattan:
During Brasil's military dictatorship, the apolitical Eduardo, a.k.a. Stella Manhattan, is expelled form his country for his shameful homosexuality. He returns to the surface as a brazilian counsil in New York and is immediately accosted by a military called Colonel Vianna, a sadomasichist known as the "Black Widow", and by the guerrillas seeking his befall.
Antes que anochezca (Before night falls):
Th 7th of december of 1990 the Cuban author Reinaldo Arenas, in a terminal phase of AIDS, would commit suicide, leaving behing this moving and political testimony, which he finished mere days before taking his own life.
Salón de belleza (Beauty salon):
In a large, unnamed city, a strange, highly infectious disease begins to spread, afflicting its victims with an excruciating descent toward death, particularly unsparing in its assault of those on society's margins. Spurned by their loved ones and denied treatment by hospitals, the sick are left to die on the streets until a beauty salon owner, whose previous caretaking experience extended only to the exotic fish tanks scattered among his workstations, opens his doors as a refuge. In the ramshackle Morgue, victim to persecution and violence, he accompanies his male guests as they suffer through the lifeless anticipation of certain death, eventually leaving the wistful narrator in complete, ill-fated isolation.
Bajar es lo peor (Going down is the worst):
With gothic resonances, Enríquez shows crudely the Buenos Aires of the 90's. The confinement and the paranoia of cocaine, sex as a means to escape or survive, political unbelief, mix with a romantic love that never reaches satisfaction. There's also a movie. TW: drugs, prostitution, rape, suicide.
Loco afán (Mad eagerness):
These "chronicles of aids" narrate stories of homosexuality in Latin America, focused on drag, transvestites and AIDS.
Sirena Selena vestida de pena:
Discovered by Martha Divine in the backstreets of San Juan, picking over garbage, drugged out of his mind and singing boleros that transfix the listener, a fifteen year old hustler is transformed into Sirena Selena, a diva whose uncanny beauty and irrisistable voice will be their ticket to fame and fortune. Auditioning for one of the luxury hotels in the Dominican Republic, Selena casts her spell over Hugo Graubel, one of the hotel's rich investors. Graubel is a powerful man in the Republic, married with children. Selena, determined to escape the poverty and abuse s/he suffered as a child, engages Graubel in a long seduction in this mordant, intensely lyrical tragi-comedy - part masque, part cabaret - about identity (class, race, gender) and "the hunger and desire to be other things."
Tengo miedo torero (My tender matador):
It is the spring of 1986, and Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet is losing his grip on power. In one of Santiago’s many poor neighborhoods, a man known as the Queen of the Corner embroiders linens for the wealthy. A hopeless and lonely romantic, he listens to boleros to drown out the gunshots. Then he meets Carlos, a young, handsome man who befriends the aging homosexual and uses his house to store mysterious boxes and hold clandestine meetings. And as the relationship between these two very different men blossoms, they find themselves caught in a revolution that could doom them both. There's also a movie.
Adiós mariquita linda (Goodbye pretty pansy):
Chronicles of ire, delation, passion, resentment and loves. Stories of different cities and travels.
Sexografías (Sexographies):
In fierce and sumptuous first-person accounts, renowned Peruvian journalist Gabriela Wiener records infiltrating the most dangerous Peruvian prison, participating in sexual exchanges in swingers clubs, traveling the dark paths of the Bois de Boulogne in Paris in the company of transvestites and prostitutes, undergoing a complicated process of egg donation, and participating in a ritual of ayahuasca ingestion in the Amazon jungle--all while taking us on inward journeys that explore immigration, maternity, fear of death, ugliness, and threesomes. Fortunately, our eagle-eyed voyeur emerges from her narrative forays unscathed and ready to take on the kinks, obsessions, and messiness of our lives. Sexographies is an eye-opening, kamikaze journey across the contours of the human body and mind.
Los topos (The moles):
The son of missing persons of the Dictatorship casually meets a half-brother who poses as a transvestite to investigate ex repressors and cops.
La virgen cabeza (Slum virgin):
When the Virgin Mary appears to Cleopatra, she renounces sex work and takes charge of the shantytown she lives in, transforming it into a tiny utopia. Ambitious journalist Quity knows she’s found the story of the year when she hears about it, but her life is changed forever once she finds herself irrevocably seduced by the captivating subject of her article.
Falsa liebre (False hare):
The darkness at the port engulfs everything. Pachi and Vinicio go deeper into the beach, approaching an improvised party. They are looking for something to numb their bodies, something to finally erase themselves. Summer has been long, and that day was much worse. Not far from there, Zahir fantasizes about his next travel to the capital city or the northern part of Mexico, away from the aunt who keeps asking him for money, controls him through physical violence, and has driven his little brother, Andrik, to run away from the family home and end up in another: a man’s house, who caresses Andrik and then strikes him with the same hand. Now Zahir must not only convince Andrik to start a new life, but make sure they find a way out of that seemingly endless beach. TW: rape, prostitution, violence.
Ladrilleros (Brickmakers):
Oscar Tamai and Elvio Miranda, the patriarchs of two families of brickmakers, have for years nursed a mutual hatred, but their teenage sons, Pájaro and Ángelito, somehow fell in love. Brickmakers begins as Pájaro and Marciano, Ángelito’s older brother, lie dying in the mud at the base of a Ferris wheel. Inhabiting a dreamlike state between life and death, they recall the events that forced them to pay the price of their fathers’ petty feud. The Tamai and Miranda families are caught, like the Capulets and the Montagues, in an almost mythic conflict, one that emerges from stubborn pride and intractable machismo. Like her heralded debut, The Wind That Lays Waste, Selva Almada’s fierce and tender second novel is an unforgettable portrayal of characters who initially seem to stand in opposition, but are ultimately revealed to be bound by their similarities. TW: violence.
Cuerpo a tierra (Body to the ground):
We aren't always owners of our own decisions, sometimes we´re pulled by an irrecognizable impulse and, sometimes, the only truth is that of the body. Betrayal and deception, love and heartbreak, love and search are the protagonists of these stories.
Temporada de huracanes (Hurricane season):
The Witch is dead. And the discovery of her corpse has the whole village investigating the murder. As the novel unfolds in a dazzling linguistic torrent, with each unreliable narrator lingering on new details, new acts of depravity or brutality, Melchor extracts some tiny shred of humanity from these characters—inners whom most people would write off as irredeemable—forming a lasting portrait of a damned Mexican village. There will be a movie by the end of the year. TW: rape, paedophilia, prostitution.
Pelea de gallos (Cockfight):
Ampuero sheds light on the hidden aspects of the home: the grotesque realities of family, coming of age, religion, and class struggle. A family’s maids witness a horrible cycle of abuse, a girl is auctioned off by a gang of criminals, and two sisters find themselves at the mercy of their spiteful brother. With violence masquerading as love, characters spend their lives trapped reenacting their past traumas. Heralding a brutal and singular new voice, Cockfight explores the power of the home to both create and destroy those within it. TW: rape, incest, violence.
Las aventuras de la China Iron (The adventures of China Iron):
1872. The pampas of Argentina. China is a young woman eking out an existence in a remote gaucho encampment. After her no-good husband is conscripted into the army, China bolts for freedom, setting off on a wagon journey through the pampas in the company of her new-found friend Liz, a settler from Scotland. While Liz provides China with a sentimental education and schools her in the nefarious ways of the British Empire, their eyes are opened to the wonders of Argentina’s richly diverse flora and fauna, cultures and languages, as well as to the ruthless violence involved in nation-building.
Mandíbula (Jawbone):
Fernanda and Annelise are so close they are practically sisters: a double image, inseparable. So how does Fernanda end up bound on the floor of a deserted cabin, held hostage by one of her teachers and estranged from Annelise? When Fernanda, Annelise, and their friends from the Delta Bilingual Academy convene after school, Annelise leads them in thrilling but increasingly dangerous rituals to a rhinestoned, Dior-scented, drag-queen god of her own invention. Even more perilous is the secret Annelise and Fernanda share, rooted in a dare in which violence meets love. Meanwhile, their literature teacher Miss Clara, who is obsessed with imitating her dead mother, struggles to preserve her deteriorating sanity. Each day she edges nearer to a total break with reality. TW: violence, cannibalism.
Las malas (Bad girls):
A trans woman's coming-of-age tale about finding a community among fellow outcasts. Born in the small Argentine town of Mina Clavero, Camila is designated male but begins to identify from an early age as a girl. She is well aware that she's different from other children and reacts to her oppressive, poverty-stricken home life, with a cowed mother and abusive, alcoholic father, by acting out-with swift consequences. Deeply intelligent, she eventually leaves for the city to attend university, slipping into prostitution to make ends meet. And in Sarmiento Park, in the heart of Córdoba, she discovers the strange, wonderful world of the trans sex workers who dwell there. Taken under the wing of Auntie Encarna, the 178-year-old eternal whose house shelters this unconventional extended family, Camila becomes a part of their stories-of a Headless Man who fled his country's wars, a mute young woman who transforms into a bird, an abandoned baby boy who brings a twinkle to your eye. TW: rape, prostitution, transphobia, murder, child death.
Nuestra parte de noche (Our share of the night):
A young father and son set out on a road trip, devastated by the death of the wife and mother they both loved. United in grief, the pair travel to her ancestral home, where they must confront the terrifying legacy she has bequeathed: a family called the Order that commits unspeakable acts in search of immortality. For Gaspar, the son, this maniacal cult is his destiny. As the Order tries to pull him into their evil, he and his father take flight, attempting to outrun a powerful clan that will do anything to ensure its own survival. But how far will Gaspar’s father go to protect his child? And can anyone escape their fate? Moving back and forth in time, from London in the swinging 1960s to the brutal years of Argentina’s military dictatorship and its turbulent aftermath.
Tesis sobre una domesticación (Thesis about a domestication):
A single transvestite is enough to undermine the foundations of a house, to untie the knots of compromise, to break a promise, to give up a life. The familiy clings to brief moments of happiness without noticing it´s been defeated since the start.
La hija única (Still born):
Alina and Laura are independent and career-driven women in their mid-thirties, neither of whom have built their future around the prospect of a family. Laura is so determined not to become a mother that she has taken the drastic decision to have her tubes tied. But when she announces this to her friend, she learns that Alina has made the opposite decision and is preparing to have a child of her own. Alina's pregnancy shakes the women's lives, first creating distance and then a remarkable closeness between them. When Alina's daughter survives childbirth – after a diagnosis that predicted the opposite – and Laura becomes attached to her neighbor's son, both women are forced to reckon with the complexity of their emotions, their needs, and the needs of the people who are dependent upon them. TW: child disease, family violence.
Huaco retrato (Undiscovered):
In an ethnographic museum in Paris, Gabriela Wiener is confronted with her unusual inheritance. She is visiting an exhibition of pre-Columbian artefacts, the spoils of European colonial plunder. As she peers through the glass, she sees sculptures of Indigenous faces that resemble her own - but the man responsible for pillaging them was her own great-great-grandfather, Austrian colonial explorer Charles Wiener. In the wake of her father's death, Gabriela begins delving into all she has inherited from her paternal line. From the brutal trail of racism and theft that Charles left behind to revelations of her father's infidelity, she traces a legacy of abandonment, jealousy and colonial violence, in turn reframing her own struggles with desire, love and race. Seeking relief from these personal and historical wounds, Gabriela turns to the body and desire as sources of both constraint and potential freedom.
Sacrificios humanos (Human sacrifices):
An undocumented woman answers a job posting only to find herself held hostage, a group of outcasts obsess over popular boys drowned while surfing, and two girls suspect sinister behavior from the missionaries lodging in their home. Simultaneously terrifying and exquisite, Human Sacrifices is "tropical gothic" at its finest. Ampuero considers the decay and oppression beneath the surface of our humid and hostile world, where those on the margins must pay the price for the comfort and safety of the elite. These twelve stories contemplate the nature of exploitation and abuse, illuminating the realities of those society consumes and leaves behind.
Soy una tonta por quererte (I'm a fool to want you):
In the 1990s, a woman makes a living as a rental girlfriend for gay men. In a Harlem den, a travesti gets to know none other than Billie Holiday. A group of rugby players haggle over the price of a night of sex, and in return they get what they deserve. Nuns, grandmothers, children, and dogs are never what they seem. These 9 stories are inhabited by extravagant and profoundly human characters who face an ominous reality in ways as strange as themselves.
Las indignas (The unworthy):
A searing, dystopian tale about climate crisis, ideological extremism, and the tidal pull of our most violent, exploitative instincts. TW: death, animal death, rape, cults.
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demonictumble · 3 months
fic rec list (1/??? )
this is a fic recommendation list for whomever wants a good read. All of these are on AO3. I have not provided links, so just search them up!
If you do end up reading any of these, or really any fic in general, remember to leave the author comments!! They deserve them, esp because they do this for free and they deserve to know how beautiful their writing is and how appreciated they are.
IMPORTANT NOTE I am not a religious fan where I only like a fic when it adheres to canon characterization or texts. I can enjoy fics even when they completely throw off what's actually canon and that's okay for me, but it might not be for you. So just keep this in mind and the back button exists for a reason if you don't like something.
Buy Back the Secrets by Sundiscus (incomplete)
Tim Drake and Kon El centered!! OH MY GODS. I could rave on and on about this fic all day but I'll have to keep it brief. I've reread at LEAST 5 times. It's brilliant. The writing, the plot, the characterizations!! They are incredible. If I had to use a phrase to describe it, it would be "identity shenanigans and timkon" but that simplifies the absolute masterpiece that it is SO MUCH
Executive Assistant to the Batman by heartslogos (complete)
Tim is basically Bruce Wayne's assistant and is desperately trying to avoid letting them know that he knows. This is complete crack, but it is hilarious. The writing is so funny and It's what I need after a bad day or anything tbh. It may not be completely true to characters or whatever, but it makes up for it a thousand times over in spirit and the laughs it's produced from me.
anything (not the title because literally ANYTHING) by IzzyMRDB
I can rave about them all day because the dc/batfam fics I have seen them right are all so delicious and I devoured them far too fast and momggg its just so good. and I love their writing style <3
Reverse Robin AU by yellow_cabellero (complete)
I CANNOT DO THIS SERIES JUSTICE WITH MY WORDS. IT is a must read for me. The writer writes spectacularly and the characterization, even though its a reverse robin, feels on point, especially considering the circumstances (Im a huge believer in circumstances shape a person's personality, which is what I think occurs beautifully in all of these fics). They're just so GOOD.
Also this author has a STEPH FIC that is stunning. 10/10. Steph is a character that doesn't get the appreciation she deserves, so this fic was especially more touching for me. It was terrific seeing her girl bossing in the 90s (IT ALSO FELT SO PERIOD ACCURATE CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT). Not to mention, the author shows off character flaws in a believable manner and nobody is a Mary Sue and it's just EVERYUTHING IS JUST *chefs kiss* by them.
The Fishbowl by LordLuxury (complete)
This is Dick Grayson centered. THEY HAVE MADE A MASTERPIECE. I genuinely mean it. Dick is constantly trying to pull the family together, he is trying to be the glue as everything tries to go the opposite. LET THIS MAN HAVE HIS FAMILY. This had me in shambles. Bad Dad Bruce hurt me, but it was just so realistic. That's what gets me. The whole dynamics portrayed in The Fishbowl are so goddamn realistic and it feels so real. Everyone is flawed in their own way and its just... PLEASE READ IT I BEG OF YOU.
Love and Bruises by Acin_Grayson and Hoebiwan (complete)
Despite what the title may suggest, this is actually funny! Jason thinks Batman is abusing Bruce. And I just remember dying of laughter as I read this. Terrific! Would read and Will read again
Marvel (I am a movies fan so most if not all fics I recommend from here on out will be probably based on movies!)
Tennessee Outreach for Spider-Man and Friends by ciaconna
GREAT FIC. Harley (potato gun kid in one of the iron man movies for those who don't remember) gets an internship with Tony stark for college application reasons and its to help Spiderman. Peter Parker and Harley whateverhislastname is such a funny duo and they made the fic spectacular. Terrific writing omg.
Peter and the Jailbirds by beautifullights
I THINK THIS FIC HURT ME. I don't really remember much bc its been a year and a half, but I think my emotions remember because I feel mildly sad when I think about it. Peter is on the raft and bonds with the ex-avengers also on the raft. The premise of a teenager possibly spending the rest of his life in prison is terrible, but I swear this fic has funny moments and the conversations that occur are to die for because the WRITING. WHEW.
O Brother, Where Art Thou? by theskeptileptic
Tony survives and it's set after No Way Home. Where I'm pretty sure the only people dead are May and Pepper. Morgan saves the day by remembering her big brother (Im a sucker for big brother Peter arc). Peter is kind of a mini Tony in this one I think, which is such an interesting take. And it's such a coming home story and its just so beautiful.
Cross Overs:
Even Heroes Have the Right To Dream by Bounemr (complete)
mlb/dc crossover!! where marinate and Jon are retired superhero and go to college together! Great writing and plot with a good ending. Fluffy for the most part as far I as I can remember (it's been a year since I've read it so you know it's good if I can still remember)
Hired Hands by neighborhood_yogurt (incomplete)
Percy Jackson/ DC crossover!! It's been a while since I've read this one too but It's stuck with me. It's hilarious and I need to reread it but Percy is accidentally on Penguin's payroll because he's just a dumb blonde at heart, but it's okay we all love him. And Shenanigans occur. I don't remember exactly what happens so reminder to read this again for myself as well!
(IDK if any of these authors have tumblrs, if they do, someone please tag them and I will forever be in your debt)
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ismellpestilence · 1 year
Things to watch if your favorite show is being affected by the WGA strike
This is everything that I have watched and enjoyed. They are by no means perfect shows. This includes complete series, cancelled series, and series that are still in progress. Feel free to add your own recommendations.
Only Murders in the Building (Hulu; currently on season 3)
Murder mystery dramedy set in a wealthy NYC apartment complex
Staring Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Selena Gomes as three residents who decide to make a podcast about the murder
The cast has great chemistry and the twists are compelling
Gravity Falls (Hulu/Disney; ended after 2 seasons in 2014)
An animated show about a pair of fraternal twins who spend the summer with their con-man great uncle in a weird, monster filled town
Absolutely iconic children's show.
Dead End: Paranormal Park (Netflix; cancelled after 2 seasons in 2023)
Animated YA show about two teens, an exiled demon, and a pug, that all work at a haunted theme park and are investigating the disappearances of some of the staff
Similar in style to Gravity Falls
Sadly cancelled by Netflix, but there's also the graphic novels to enjoy
Reservation Dogs (Hulu, ended after season 3 in 2023)
Coming of age dramedy about four Indigenous teens living on a reservation in Oklahoma as they mourn a friend who died and dream of running away to California together
Made by an all Indigenous writers, directors, and main cast
Scrubs (Hulu; ended after 8 seasons 2010)
Workplace comedy about staff at a California hospital
Praised as the one of most medically accurate medical show
Very much a 2000s comedy. Humor can be jarring/mean by today's standards
What We Do in the Shadows (Hulu, currently on season 5)
A mockumentary following 4 vampires and their familiar that live on Staten Island as they go about their boring, pathetic lives
Makes fun of the "cool, sexy, edgy" vampire trope
Based on a 2014 movie of the same name
Dead to Me (Netflix, ended after 3 seasons in 2022)
A traumedy (trauma comedy) following a woman who's husband was killed in a hit-and-run and the perpetrator who lost her own partner and secretly befriends her
It's funny about what happens but does deal with some heavy topics so definitely look into that before watching
The Owl House (Disney; ended after 3-ish seasons in 2023)
About a young girl who wanders into the Demon Realm and decides to stay there and become of witch instead of going to summer camp
Celebrates being the weirdo and being kind to people
Made by many of the same people who did Gravity Falls
The Office (Peacock; ended after 9 seasons in 2013)
Workplace mockumentary about some bizarre people who work in a boring office space
Features a lot of cringe/second-hand embarrassment based humor
Based on the British limited series of the same name
Very much a 2000s comedy that can at times be just plain mean. Season 1 is the worst season by far so if you can get through it the character become way more likeable
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (Netflix, ended after 5 seasons in 2020)
An animated fantasy about a young soldier who simultaneously discovers that her side is the aggressor in the war and that the planet has chosen her to be it's legendary protector. This forces her to leave the only home she's known and her childhood friend to fight for the rebellion, who she thought were her enemies
A remake of the 1985 He-Man spinoff series
Very "defeat them with power of friendship and also this sword you found in the woods"
BoJack Horseman (Netflix, ended after 6 seasons in 2020)
An adult animated comedy about a self-centered, washed-up 90s sitcom actor (who is a horse) as he struggles to become famous again and break out of his destructive habits
Satirizes Hollywood, media culture, and American politics
One of those shows where you aren't supposed to admire the main characters
Big trigger warnings for this one. Seriously.
Good Omens (Amazon Prime, currently on season 2)
Follows the misadventures of a demon and an angel, a witch's descendent, two unskilled witch hunters, a sex-worker, and the antichrist and his friends as the antichrist grows into his power and brings about Armageddon, all set to Queen songs
Based on the 1990 book by Neil Gaiman and Sir Terry Pratchett
The fandom focuses a lot of the shipping side of the show but forget all of that if you plan to watch it
Season 2 wrecked me
Gentleman Jack (HBO Max & the BBC; cancelled after season 2 in 2022)
Based on the real diaries of Anne Lister, a wealthy lesbian in 1830s England who is looking for a wife and to expand her business enterprises
Sadly HBO pulled away and the BBC couldn't afford to make another season without them. What was made is still worth checking out.
Our Flag Means Death (HBO Max; currently on season 1)
A pirate workplace comedy/romcom that loosely follows the real life of Stede Bonnet, a wealthy landowner who ran away to become a pirate due to a mid-life crisis. He wants so badly to be a pirate captain but is far from qualified for the role.
"Traditionally, piracy is a culture of abuse...floggings, keelhaulings. And my thought is, "Why?" And also, what if it weren't like that?" really is the thesis of the show
(Edit) omg I cant believe I forgot:
Avatar: the Last Airbender (Netflix; ended after 3 seasons in 2008)
An animated children's fantasy series in which people can manipulate one of the four elements, and their peacekeeper, the Avatar, can manipulate all four. After being frozen in ice for 100 years, the 12 year old Avatar learns that the Fire Nation has begun a war that he must stop by next summer
Literally the blueprint for the modern animation that we enjoy today. IDK what else to say. It's iconic
Hilda (Netflix; ended after 2 seasons and 1 movie in 2021)
An animated children's fantasy series set in a world full of Nordic folk creatures
After spending much of her life living in the woods with her mom and her pet deerfox, Hilda is upset to learn that her mom now wants to move to Trolberg, a walled-off city where Hilda fears there is nothing interesting to do. She quickly discovers that there is just as much magic and wonder in the city as there is in the woods.
She's voiced by Bella Ramsay and the animation is beautiful. It's all all-around good vibes show.
Interview with the Vampire (AMC; currently on season 1)
After the first interview in the 70s that ended in disaster, Louis de Pointe du Lac reached out to Daniel Molloy and demanded a do-over. He goes back to his life as a black businessman in 1910s New Orleans and the complicated relationship between himself and Lestat de Lioncourt.
It's actually gay enough this time you guys.
I'd also like to add:
The Bear (FX/Hulu; currently on season 2)
A dramedy about a New York chef who inherits a failing sandwich shop after his older brother commits suicide.
Sometimes a found family isn't all sunshine and unicorns. Sometimes its a lot of screaming and resentment and cussing each other out.
It's a very stressful to watch so it's not for everyone, but if you're the type who finds that cathartic then you should give it a watch.
The Sandman (Netflix; currently on season 1)
Begins in 1916 with the capture of the god of dreams by a greedy sorcerer. After he escapes he must rebuild his realm and repair the damage done by his absence.
Trying to describe this show is really, really, difficult. It would be easier to describe what this show isn't.
Based on the DC comic of the same name by Neil Gaiman.
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khaire-traveler · 7 months
what are ways to connect with hermes as a psychopomp/chthonic deity? aside from like when an actual death occurs. im realizing i never really have, but id like to!
Hey, Nonny, great question! I don't often see interest in this topic.
A big part of honoring Hermes' Chthonic aspects, from what I have seen, has actually been honoring the dead themselves. During the celebration of the last day of Anthesteria, for example, offerings were given to both Hermes and the souls of the dead, honoring them alongside each other. A specific food offering, called koliva, was given on that day.
With this knowledge, a good way to honor Hermes Chthonios/Psychopompos would be honoring the dead. Doing such things as visiting a loved one's grave, leaving flowers at graves (with permission, of course), and even interacting with ancestors can be ways of connecting with him more. I think another great way of devoting to him is showing kindness and respect to your fellow human. While this can be for Ouranic Hermes as well, I think having compassion to others (not at the expense of yourself) is still a great devotional act to Chthonic Hermes. As a Psychopomp, I'd have to imagine he has to be pretty compassionate towards the souls of the dead to effectively do his job. I'm sure he's helped terrified souls, furious souls, and confused souls cross the threshold into the afterlife, so practicing that same kindness towards others in your life is a great devotional act. Help life be easier and more enjoyable for one another. :) Simply working to enjoy your life can also be good. Trying things you've always wanted to try, engaging in activities that make you happy, volunteering for causes you care about - such activities could all be dedicated to him. Enjoying the life you currently have is an underrated form of devotion, in my opinion, and it's something I've found Hermes likes a lot (he's even actively helping me with it).
Something I like to do to as well is engage with media that discusses death. Two movies I recommend watching with Hermes Chthonios would be Puss in Boots & The Last Wish and Coco (I know Coco is a different culture, but the way it approaches the topic of death is very nice, I think). Also, media like Ask A Mortician on YouTube works because it engages your curiosity - a trait Hermes seems to value - and helps resolve any fears you may have towards death/educates you on the topic.
As for offerings to give to that aspect of Hermes, I would say incense that reminds you of his specific energy is a good option. You can give him classic scents he normally likes as well, such as frankincense, lavender, and myrrh. Black gemstones or rocks make a good offering as well; I'm personally a big fan of black tourmaline to represent Chthonic deities. Dedicating the tarot card Death to him from one of your decks (if any) could be good. Speaking of, any art you make of him works perfectly. In ancient Greece, butterflies were thought to be the souls of the dead, so butterfly imagery would be great, too. Giving him drink offerings such as black coffee, warm milk with honey and cinnamon, and lavender tea would work. Maybe also dedicating water placed under a new moon (I would specifically give it to him at night). A reminder that these are mostly based on UPG (some are historical)!
If anyone else has more suggestions, please feel free to share!
I hope this helps a bit. I hope you enjoy connecting with Hermes on that Chthonic level. Good luck to you, and have a good day/night. <3
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absolutebl · 1 year
10 BLs where the Main Couple has NO Prior History
Or at least, very very little of it. The opposite of the very popular LTP (long term pining). 
This post in response to a question posed by the most excellent @luuhecia​ who asked: Soooo here's my plea: do you have any recommendations of shows where the people involved have no previous history?
In other words we get to watch them meet and fall in love with no prior history on either side. So I eliminated those were there was a made crush even if only recently (e.g. Light on Me, Takara & Amagi). 
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1. Seven Days
They know of each other but just in a normal high school way. No pining. The story is basically about the 7 days it takes them to fall in love. 
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2. Color Rush
They are destined for each other but they have never met before. 
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3. Semantic Error 
In fact, part of the premise is a “hunt for the unknown boy who made him fail to graduate.” 
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4. To My Star 
They have a couple of meet cutes, accidentally shack up together. 
There are actually a TON from Korea. 
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5. Addicted 
The new kid in high school. They have a family connection (it turns out) but they didn’t know each other. 
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6. Restart After Come Back Home
We see them meet for the first time and then go on from there.
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7. HIStory 2: Crossing the Line 
They meet by crashing into each other because... Taiwan. 
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8. My Tooth Your Love 
Just so cute. 
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9. Eclipse
There are a lot of good ones from Thailand but I chose this because it’s part of the plot, how they know nothing about each other. 
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10. Love by Chance 
Just the greatest meet cute ever. 
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11. The Eighth Sense
Actually uses the fact that the DO NOT have prior history with each other as a plot point and for character development. It’s addressed directly ind dialogue. Very nicely done! 
Others that didn’t make my top 10 but still have no prior pining
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Advance Bravely 
Capture Lover
My Esports Genius Brother - love at first sight 
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Candy Color Paradox 
Given - love at first sight 
His the series  - love at first sight 
Senpai This Can’t Be Love (he has a crush on him but they haven’t actually met each other) 
Silhouette of Your Voice
Kieta Hatsukoi
My Beautiful Man 
Mr Unlucky - love at first sight 
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Kissable Lips - fated mates
Mr Heart
My Sweet Dear 
Love Class 
Behind Cut 
Shoulder to Cry On 
The Lover - cohabitation 
Unintentional Love Story 
Tasty Florida - love at first sight 
 Roommates of 304 
All the Liquors
New Employee 
Nobleman Ryus Wedding 
Oh Boarding House 
Ocean Likes Me 
Tinted With You 
Wish You - love at first sight 
You Make Me Dance  
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The Philippines 
Like in the Movies
My Day 
Rainbow Prince 
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Because of You 
Be Loved in House I Do
Craving You - love at first sight 
HIStory 2: Right or Wrong 
See You After Quarantine? 
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Hay Rival I Love You 
My Lascivious Boss - one night stand
Nation’s Brother - one night stand
Want to See You 
You Are Ma Boy
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(not all are chronicled, there’s too many, main couples only) 
Ai Long Nhai - love at first sight 
Bite Me
Between Us - one night stand 
Coffee Melody
Love Mechanics - one night stand  
Ghost Host Ghost House
Gen Y - love at first sight 
KinnPorsche (family connection but they don’t know about it) 
La Cuisine 
Tale of 1000 Stars - Well there is the heart connection but it’s not quite the same thing
Love in the Air 
Love Area 
My Engineer 
Meow Ears Up 
Moonlight Chicken - one night stand 
My Ride - GREAT example of well developed meet cute and then romance 
Never Let Me Go
Not Me - erm, it’s complicated 
Oh My Sunshine Night 
Oxygen - love at first sight 
Paint with Love
Puppy Honey 
Siew Sum Noi
Something in My Room 
Top Secret Together 
Unforgotten Night - One Night Stand 
Vice Versa 
What Zabb Man 
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This post as of April 2023, not responsible of BLs that fit this criteria after that date. But feel free to leave a comment or repost with more additions. 
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songbirdseung · 1 year
on live together / sim jake
In one of HYBE's many vocal rooms, y/n had an hour free time and she decided to spend that time on weverse, communicating with fans. She could not put in words the peace and comforting feeling to be able to spend time with fans like this.
Today was no different than her other live streams. She tried to subtly leave breadcrumbs or spoilers for her fans, give out comforting statements for fans, and giving any recommendations on music she recently likes or movies she has watched.
The chatroom buzzed with curiosity as fans eagerly awaited Y/n's response to the "TMI for today?" request. Y/n couldn't help but smile as she voiced out her reply, careful to leave out any giveaway details.
"Well, today's TMI is that I had a great time with a close friend," she shared, deliberately keeping it vague. "We caught up, had some delicious food, and just enjoyed each other's company. It's moments like these that make life truly special. 😊"
The fans reacted with a mix of excitement and affectionate comments, showing their support for Y/n's happiness. Little did they know that the "close friend" was actually her boyfriend, Sim Jake, a secret she had kept hidden for two years to protect their privacy.
Y/n continued to engage with her fans, sharing anecdotes and laughter, all the while keeping the secret of her relationship close to her heart. The vocal room was filled with an atmosphere of warmth and connection, and Y/n couldn't have been happier to share this moment with her loyal fans.
In the midst of it all, y/n's phone starts ringing. Her eyes widen and excuses herself, then proceeds to play music.
As Y/n excused herself from the fans to take Jake's call, she discreetly moved away from the camera, ensuring her face was not visible to the live stream. She answered the call with a hushed voice, a loving smile creeping onto her lips as Jake's voice came through the phone.
"Hey, babe," she whispered, trying to contain her excitement. "Is everything okay?"
Jake's voice was warm and reassuring. "Everything's great on my end, sweetheart. I just wanted to hear your voice and check how your day's been going."
Y/n's heart melted at Jake's sweet words. She leaned against the wall, feeling a rush of affection for her boyfriend. "My day's been amazing, just like any other day when I'm with you."
Meanwhile, back in the live chat, fans couldn't help but notice the familiar ringtone. The comments section filled with excitement as they recognized the tune, especially the part that featured Jake's voice. They began to gush over it, writing comments like:
"OMG, Y/n's ringtone is one of ENHYPEN's songs! 🥺"
"Did anyone else catch that part? It's Jake's voice! 😍"
"Even her ringtone is giving us ENHYPEN feels.❤️"
Unaware of the fans' comments, Y/n and Jake continued their sweet conversation, sharing stories and laughter, grateful for this stolen moment of connection in the midst of their busy lives.
After ending the call with Jake and returning to the live stream, Y/n noticed the flood of comments from her fans regarding her ringtone. Her heart raced, and a slight blush appeared on her cheeks as she tried to maintain her composure.
"Sorry about that, everyone," she chuckled nervously, attempting to downplay the excitement surrounding her ringtone. "It's just a fun ringtone. You know how we like to support each other within the company, right?"
She continued to read the comments, feeling a pang of guilt for lying to her devoted fans. She had always cherished the close relationship she had with them, and the thought of deceiving them troubled her deeply. But she also knew that revealing her relationship with Jake could cause a media frenzy and disrupt their lives in a way neither of them wanted.
Wanting to set the record straight without divulging too much, Y/n decided to address the fans directly, her tone sincere and apologetic. "I want to clarify something, guys. Jake and I are really close friends, and we support each other as fellow artists. I value your support and love so much, and I'm sorry if there's been any confusion. Let's focus on the positive energy and continue to enjoy our time together."
The fans, understanding and respecting her choice, responded with an outpouring of understanding and affectionate messages. They reassured Y/n that they would support her no matter what and that they appreciated her honesty.
Though the guilt still weighed on her, Y/n couldn't help but smile at her fans' unwavering support. She hoped that one day, when the time was right, she could reveal her relationship with Jake and celebrate their love openly with her fans, who had been there for her through thick and thin.
As Y/n continued with the live stream, her phone buzzed with a new message from Jake. She couldn't help but grin at the message, knowing that he was just teasing her. "Close Friends, huh?"
She quickly typed back a playful response, "Haha, you know I had to keep it lowkey, babe! 😉 Our secret's safe for now."
Mintues went by and as Y/n started to bid her fans goodbye on the live stream, a sudden knock on the door startled her. She quickly excused herself, saying, "Hold on a moment, everyone." Her heart raced as she opened the door, only to find Jake standing there with a mischievous grin.
"You still on live?" Jake asked, his eyes sparkling with playfulness.
Y/n could only manage a shy nod in response, too stunned to form words. She watched in shock as Jake confidently walked past her and toward the camera, his charismatic presence radiating through the screen.
"Hey there, everyone!" Jake greeted Y/n's fans with his trademark smile. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything too important, but I just couldn't resist saying hello."
The chatroom exploded with excitement as fans realized that they were getting an unexpected visit from one of ENHYPEN's members. They typed in a flurry of messages, welcoming Jake with enthusiasm and admiration.
Y/n, still in disbelief, stepped aside and let Jake take center stage, her heart filled with a mixture of surprise and affection for her boyfriend. She couldn't help but smile as Jake interacted with her fans, making them laugh and sharing stories, just as she had done earlier.
It was a memorable moment that Y/n and her fans would treasure for a long time to come, a surprise visit that added an extra layer of connection between the idol and her devoted supporters.
As the comments section went into overdrive with excitement, Y/n and Jake exchanged amused glances. They decided to make the most of this unexpected interaction with the fans.
"Wow, it seems like you guys are just as surprised as I am!" Y/n laughed, reading the flood of questions pouring in. "Alright, I was going to end this but let's see if we can answer some of your burning questions!"
Fans started typing their inquiries in rapid succession, causing the chat to scroll rapidly.
"Jake, what's your favorite thing about Y/n as an artist?"
"Y/n, can you tell us what Jake is like when he's not on stage?"
"Any hints about upcoming projects for ENHYPEN?"
Y/n and Jake took turns answering questions, giving fans a glimpse into their lives as artists and individuals. They shared anecdotes, laughed, and even dropped a few hints about ENHYPEN's future plans, much to the delight of their eager audience.
The spontaneous Q&A session became an unforgettable moment for both Y/n and her fans, strengthening the bond between them even further. As the live stream came to a close, the chat was filled with messages of gratitude, love, and excitement for the future.
After the surprise live stream interaction between Y/n and Jake, fans on social media went wild, sharing screenshots, highlights, and analyzing every moment of their brief exchange. It didn't take long for them to start putting the pieces together, and some fans began to playfully ship them as a couple.
Fan accounts and social media platforms buzzed with discussions about their chemistry, using the hashtag #Yake (a combination of Y/n and Jake's names) to celebrate this newfound "ship." Memes and fan art depicting the two of them in various romantic scenarios began circulating online.
The secret couple found the fans' reactions amusing and heartwarming. They watched as fans tirelessly debated whether they were just close friends or something more. Y/n and Jake knew that they had successfully added an intriguing layer of mystery to their relationship.
While the fans were determined to uncover the truth, Y/n and Jake reveled in the excitement, knowing that they had created a special connection with their supporters. They continued to focus on their music careers and share their talents with the world, all the while cherishing the delightful banter and playful shipping from their loyal fan base.
The secret couple couldn't help but laugh at the fans' dedication to uncovering the truth, and they secretly enjoyed being at the center of the playful speculation. As time went on, Y/n and Jake's love story remained hidden, but the fans' unwavering support and endless enthusiasm made it all the more special.
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nogenderbee · 2 years
HI! can I req shizuku, akito and tsukasu x reader when their sibling caught kissing them?
Awww that's so cute idea! I wasn't sure if you meant readers sibling catching them or char sibling catching them so I just did character siblings, hope it's alright! And feel free to ask for different version if that's not what you meant ^^
Anyway I hope you enjoy <3
Getting caught by their sibling with Shizuku, Akito and Tsukasa
Tag List: @qwnelisa - come get your Shizuku~
You had classic date at your partner's house and the two of you just wanted to share a little kiss together but unexpectedly their sibling came in...
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⊱ movie dates weren't anything new for Shizuku or you, unfortunately you couldn't spend that much time with her sister because she didn't wanted to be around her older sister often
⊱ the fact that your girlfriends younger sister didn't spend time with you was nice because you usually had your lovey dovey moments, but also was sad because you didn't wanted to have bad relationship with her family
⊱ tonight was one of those days when you're just watching some romance movie while being cuddled into each other, and something just made you want to kiss her so you did! After all why should you stop? But unexpectedly her sister showed up
"Hey Shizuku, I remember I borrowed you my brush- nevermind. I'll come later."
"Oh, no, wait Shiho! It's on my desktop. I'll-"
"No need. I don't need it immediately either way."
⊱ to your surprise Shizuku acted like it's normal and was unaffected meanwhile her sister immediately picked up on romantic mood and gave you your moment that you truly appreciated
⊱ your girlfriend didn't thought much of this situation and just got back to giving you kiss she didn't ended
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⊱ Akito loved having a sleepovers with you, especially the fact that you always were so cuddled into each others and just were rambling sweet nothings
⊱ you actually had good relationship with Ena since she gave really good place recommendations and once you even posed for her painting that she didn't ended because of Akito...
⊱ tonight was one of those times when you were cuddles into each other at early night and just gave each other sweet kisses on cheeks and forehead just to end it with passionate kiss on lips but when you started, his sister rushed into his room
"Akito!!! Where the heck did you put my jewelery?! I need it RIGHT NOW!! I'm already late..."
"Get out of my room!"
"After you give me my jewelery back! You better not be the reason I'm late to school!!"
⊱ if not the fact that you were there he would still argue with her but he wanted to go back to kissing you
⊱ so after he FINALLY got Ena out of his room, he continues kissing you which was more demanding than before
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⊱ Tsukasa adored inviting you to his house at karaoke dates and he had great fun with you! Sometimes he even started dancing and you maybe even catched up to his thoughts and matched perfectly!
⊱ you had really good realtionship with his sister, she just was so supportive for you two, and you saw her as a good friend and so she did saw you! So it was pretty often when Saki joined you on karaoke dates and you had fun in three! (even if she was third-wheeling, she still had a lot of fun, believe me!)
⊱ today tho you and Tsukasa were alone because his parents had something to do and his sister was hanging out with her group and you had your karaoke date, and after singing (and maybe dancing too) great song you two just had to share a sweet kiss. And none of you expected his sister to come back early
"Hey! I hope I'm not interrupting but can I- ohhh nevermind~ you be cute together!"
"S-Saki?! Thank you...! I think..."
⊱ surprisingly his sister was quick to leave, maybe she even took a sneaky photo of how cute you two were togetether, although she won't post it anywhere. If anything she'll just send them to you two
⊱ but Tsukasa on the other hand was extremely red and just stared at the door for a little while still hodling you processing what he should do. And later on he decided to just give up with that kiss since now he's too much of a mess to initiate it either way, so if you want to go back to that kiss you have to initiate it yourself
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halieghhh · 4 days
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ GET TO KNOW ME ☽༓・*˚⁺‧
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ꨄMy names Haliegh! I'm a major Elvis fan as you can probably tell, I am a minor (14 but 15 in November) so please don't be a weirdo! If you don't like the fact I'm a minor and disagree with it, simply block me. Not so hard.ꨄ
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ᦗSome things about me:
• I collect vinyl records! My collection is mainly Elvis but I do have other artists!
• I do SFX makeup!
• My favorite Elvis movie is Blue Hawaii which I know is a basic answer but I've always loved it!
• My favorite Elvis song at the moment is either Suspicion or Surrender!
• I love a lot of older singers like Ricky Nelson, Brenda Lee, The Platters, Frank Sinatra, Johnny Cash, and a lot of other singers like that!
• I have a MASSIVE Elvis collection that I've been adding onto for over 3 years now!
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❦If you're simply here to hate on the fact that I adore Elvis then please just leave, there's no point in being a hater. You're just embarrassing yourself.
❦I haven't been to Graceland yet but I'm planning on going soon! So, if you have any tips or recommendations feel free to let me know!!
❦ I loveeee talking about Elvis and my vinyl records while also hearing about others vinyl collections so feel free to talk about them to me or ask questions about my own!
❦ My favorite show at the moment is 'I Love Lucy'! (They're love story was so sad but so sweet)
❦ you have any questions or anything, feel free to DM me! ◡̈
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ᰔᩚ I do follow back!
ᰔᩚ I'd love to be friends with someone else who adores Elvis just as much as I do!
ᰔᩚ My DM's are open to anyone and anything; venting, quick talks, anything!!
ᰔᩚ You're loved, cared for, beautiful, and so very important!!
ᰔᩚ That's all for right now though - Love, Haliegh!
ঞ (P.S I don't respect Priscilla nor will I ever because of what she's done)
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