#im jealous of both of them and also neither???
bitter-and-dumb · 1 year
Me: sulking in the backseat after work, feeling like I'm 3rd wheeling my wife and my crush
My crush: passes me the weed w/o me asking
Me: 🥰oh my god heyyy🥰🥰
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clbrq · 6 months
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warnings: ANGSTY, cussing, disloyalty, crying, anger, alcohol consumption. im in the mood to get mad and cry so while i write for wannabe have this. inspiration from @sucker4colby <3
“Look, don’t stress, I’m sure everything’s fine.” Katrina’s comforting voice spoke from next to in front of you, a concerned look on her face, contradicting her words.
“Yeah, right.” You huffed, pacing back and forth around your room, your phone clenched tightly in your hand as the endless sound of ringing blared out into the room.
No answer, again.
“I swear I’m gonna kill him.”
Katrina sighed, raising from the bed to walk over to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, “While we wait for a reply, let’s go back down to your party. It’s your night, remember, fuck Colby.”
Agreeing with her half-heartedly, you followed aimlessly behind her as she led you back downstairs to the bustling party at your boyfriend’s house. It was the launch of your new brand, something you had been working on for years, but also your birthday. You had been lucky enough to share the day with two important things and got to spend it with your loved ones.
Except the one who pushed you to have a huge party in the first place.
Colby never missed your special moments. Whether it was hitting a milestone of followers on your social media, or even getting out of bed on a hard day—he was there. But, today, of all days, your ‘so-called boyfriend’, was a no-show. He hadn’t messaged you all day, and wasn’t next to you when you woke up—leaving you confused and suspicious as to where he was.
And you were rageful.
Making your way into the kitchen, full of your drunk friends, laughing and having a good time—you couldn’t help but feel jealous. This was supposed to be a great night, but you were riddled with anger and sadness. But, you knew the cure.
Finding yourself a small shot glass and a bottle of vodka, you knocked back as many shots as you could handle before a warm hand and a chuckle pulled you from your binging.
“Girl, slow down.” Kris’ smiling face regurgitated one onto yours as she spoke, “You’re gonna black out.”
“That’s exactly what I’m trying to do.” You replied, a cheeky, drunken grin plastered on your face, sparking another giggle from Kris’ lips.
“Hey, where’s Colby at? I haven’t seen him all night.” Kris questioned, her eyebrows furrowing towards you.
“Neither,” You laughed in disbelief, “You wanna dance?”
Attempting to query your words, she failed as you dragged her towards a crowd of dancing people, all enjoying the music and the drinks. Your body instantly fell into the beat of the music as you swayed your hips to the beat, screaming the lyrics as loud as you could. Finally, you were forgetting about your M.I.A boyfriend.
Oh, that wouldn’t last.
Just as you were beginning to have fun, a rough arm dragged you from your drunken dancing frenzy and into a quiet room. Sam and Katrina stood in before you, worried and shocked locks on their faces.
Your heart dropped.
“What?” You demanded, sensing something was wrong.
Not saying a word, Sam handed you his phone which portrayed a picture that sent chills down your spine and caused your stomach to drop. Tears welled up in your eyes as you shook with anger.
Colby, shirtless, with his arm loosely hung around Stas’ shoulders—both of them posing in a mirror at her house, smiling and standing extremely close.
Shoving Sam’s phone back towards him, you stormed out of the room and towards the bathroom, slamming the door behind you. Gripping the counter, tears fell from your eyes swiftly as the anger bubbled deeply inside your stomach as picture of your boyfriend with another woman on your special night flashed in your mind.
Releasing a shaken breath, you ran a hand through your hair as your chest heaved quickly—you’d never felt rage like this before. How dare he, so much for a being a good boyfriend.
Loud knocking on the bathroom door followed by a worried voice soon arrived, “Yo, are you okay? Open the door.” Sam.
Swinging the door open, you were met with the blonde boy’s concerned face standing before you, “Are you alright?”
“Do I look it?” You snapped, the fury inside you begging to be released, “I’m sorry, I’m fine. Just get me a drink and don’t let me near my phone.”
Realising he couldn’t convince you otherwise, Sam nodded as you brushed past him and towards the kitchen once more.
And that’s how you spent your special night. Drinking and on the verge of tears, sat by yourself and wallowing in your jealousy and despair on your birthday.
When bedtime arrived and everybody had gone home, you curled up in Colby’s bed, tears slipping freely from your eyes as your disloyal boyfriend never left your brain. Jealousy burned in your chest as the thought of them kissing or flirting etched itself into your mind even while you dreamt. You never wanted to speak to either of them again.
The next morning, your chest hurt. You woke up with a heavy heart, feeling nothing but depressed and pitiful at what you’d witnessed. You didn’t want to do anything, or see anyone—you just wanted to wallow in your sadness all day. But, you knew your friends wouldn’t let you do that.
Rising from your bed, empty still, you slowly made your way down the stairs, your head pounding due to the many drinks you consumed last night. You looked tired and sullen as you walked into the kitchen, not caring about your appearance due to your state of mind.
Just as you approached the room, rage bubbled inside you as Sam and Katrina sat at the kitchen island with the two people that ruined your night. Stas and Colby.
“Oh my god, that was the funniest part of the night, I swear.” Stas giggled as she looked at Colby, a bright smile on her face.
Rolling your eyes, you wondered towards the cabinets for some painkillers to cure your headache, when suddenly your presence was made known.
“Oh, hey, girl.” Katrina’s voice was heard as you knocked back the pill with some water, ��How you feeling?”
“Amazing!” You replied sarcastically, faking a smile as the room fell silent while you grabbed your breakfast.
As you turned around to walk back up the stairs, Colby rose from his seat and walked towards you, “Baby, can we tal—“
“Sit the fuck down, Brock, don’t even try it.”
Your words shocked him as you walked past him like he was nothing, not even looking him in the eyes. But, before you could make it very far, a strong grasp stopped you from moving.
“Don’t talk to him like that!” Stas’ irritated expression filled your vision as she spoke.
A laugh rumbled from your chest, “Excuse me?”
“You heard me,” She snapped, “He was only trying to fix things.”
“Yeah, fix things that got ruined because of you.” You spat, trying your hardest to contain the anger inside you but it was becoming unbearable.
“Oh, please, Y/N. It was one night, grow up.”
That was it.
Slamming your plate aggressively on the counter top, you swiftly tied your hair up as you prepared yourself, “Say that again.” You pushed, advancing towards her.
Your friends quickly jumped up in shock, “Woah, woah, woah, let’s just calm down.” Colby panicked, placing a hand on your arm to move you backwards.
“Get your fucking hands off me.” You growled, seething beneath him.
“Y/N, please calm down, and let’s just talk please.” Colby pleaded as Katrina moved Stas into another room.
“Okay, let’s talk!” You started, condescendingly, “So, how was your night with another woman? On my birthday, and the big launch of my brand. At the party you practically forced me to have.”
“Still wanna talk?” You pressed further, making direct, intimidating eye contact with Colby as he stated back at you, worriedly, “That’s what I thought.”
“Y/N..” He whispered, his eyes practically begging you to forgive him.
“Shut up.” You snarled, “I’ll pack my stuff, and I’ll be out by midday. So, go enjoy your time with Stas over there, and I’ll consider coming back when her brand launches.”
“B-But, she doesn’t have a brand?” Colby spluttered, looking like a child who had been told off.
“Oh, what a shame for you then.”
finally one where you don’t forgive him:)
sorry it’s been a while i’ve been having trouble with my phone so all my apps deleted LMAO
merry christmas to those who celebrate it! hope all of your days, xmas or not, are going amazing!
love you all :)
@mattheoriddlemarcuslopez (sorry couldn’t find your other account)
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seuonji · 10 months
hi!!! im absolutely in LOVE w ur svt x idol series!!! i was wondering what do you think it’s be like if svt and reader were openly dating but were doing a live stream together or were on knowing bros together?
i was watching knowing brothers for minghao recently and i i cant w svt on it theyre so mf hilarious 😭
from aya: OMG THANKS!! i’m so happy people are liking the series and adding on their ideas to it<33 this request is so lovely!! i had this in mind cause i could def go on for hours about how a livestream/variety show between yn and a svt boy would go— so thank you so much for sending it! i hope you enjoy this.
ALSO YES MINGHAO. he is so underrated when it comes to variety shows cause he adds so much to them!! like he’s so sweet yk but also he tends to be so feisty and his comebacks—
(also sorry this took awhile i wasn’t too familiar w how knowing bros usually goes (i only watched svt—) so i had to watch a few before writing this!!)
one ๑ two ๑ three ๑ four ๑ five ๑ six ๑ seven #mlist
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svt-yn currently streaming…
ong imagine how much you guys had to negotiate with your company to do a stream together. like mingyu/seungkwan fighting for their lives trying to get it to work out.
then there’s jeonghan/soonyoung/minghao who would just start a live without permission.
general idea of what a livestream would go with them;
๑ a sweet live where you both just talk and interact with your fans and answer some questions—seungcheol/jun/jihoon/seokmin/mingyu
throughout the live he listens to you with so much intent.
while you’re reading comments seungcheol/jun/mingyu rests his chin on your shoulder. “ah your fans are complaining, you aren’t paying attention to them!” you read from the comments and pushed his face off you to which he laughed. when he did pay attention to comments he only answered the ones which were related to you, “‘you guys are do cute’ thank you!”
jihoon/seokmin is so eager to just talk about you. they spill so many embarrassing moments + photos of you as you do the same to them.
seungcheol/seokmin holds your thigh or hand throughout the live. + playing with the ends of your clothes.
imagine seungcheol/mingyu pulling your chair with his leg so you’re closer to him.
there’s no denying he’s in love when he can barely take his eyes off you. he loves that he can do lives with you cause he’s doing the things he loves most: entertaining and being with you! also he just likes the fact that he can show you off.
๑ you two ordered food—jeonghan/joshua/soonyoung/wonwoo/vernon/chan
your fans fawn over the way they he takes care of you.
jeonghan/joshua/wonwoo/vernon brushes your hair back so it doesn’t touch the food you’re eating.
joshua/soonyoung/chan feeds you so you can try his meal.
you joked about the time jeonghan ate his pimple patch, “you’re so brave for doing another eating live after your previous incident.” “i’ll put a whole pack of it in your food,” he retorted.
soonyoung keeps on making you do ‘horanghae’ with him— it’s awkward when the room is dead silent tho and he just keeps going on. “sorry guys, embarrassment fears him,” you bowed your head.
fans can see how comfortable he is. he acts exactly how he would with svt when he’s with you. there’s a touch of calmness on him, fans suspect it’s your influence that keeps him grounded yet still himself.
๑ a live filled with banter from start to finish— jeonghan/minghao/seungkwan
jeonghan/seungkwan literally opened the live with, “i’m with yn from *groupname* so i’m sorry if this is a boring live.”
minghao out here attacking you, your fans, his fans, everyone— he read a comment, “‘i got both your albums and both the pc was of you and yn’” he laughed. “woah that’s so lucky, congrats!” you clapped. he read another comment, “‘i’m so jealous, i got neither’ just print it, it’s manufactured the same way,” he looked at the camera with a serious gaze.
jokes aside, he really enjoyed doing a live with you. fans can see a sort of softness in him when he’s with you. even if his face is relaxed he’s still smiling.
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svt-yn currently on knowing bros…
considering how much seventeen have been on that show, they’d take it super lightly + they’d be the one to introduce you.
imagine their introductions…
“i brought someone today!” he announces as he walks in with you.— seungcheol/joshua/seokmin/mingyu
“someone that followed me here i think,” he gave a side eye to you.— minghao/seungkwan/chan
“this is my first time meeting them actually.”— jeonghan/jun/soonyoung/wonwoo/jihoon/vernon
the hosts are super intrigued with your relationship and instantly start asking questions.
“who fell first?” (super debatable)
“me?” he answered. “i liked you in 20XX,” you revealed. “eh- you fell first then.” — joshua/jun/soonyoung/seokmin/vernon
“not me.” (it was him who fell first)— jeonghan/minghao/mingyu
“probably me,” he said unsure but he’s saying it with the intention that he’s just loved you for so long it had to be him. (truth)— seungcheol/wonwoo
“them,” he said confidently (he was right)— jihoon/chan
“yn.” (he was wrong.)— seungkwan
when asked how you two got together,
seungcheol/joshua would explain it in full detail and he got the hosts giggling and shit with his story.
jeonghan kept on lying about your story— “they kept staring at me i felt like i had to give them a chance,” he looked at the hosts then you. you pushed him to the side and told the actual story.
funny to think about clueless jihoon/wonwoo/vernon. “to be honest, i don’t know.”
jun would be super extra while explaining your story. he gives actions and everything. he acts like he had to climb mountains to be with you but in reality he asked you out while you were walking in the hybe hallways. it was too simple which is why he exaggerates now.
during the games session,
๑ playing the game where you have to guess the song.
when a seventeen song played
—you named it faster than him. you danced the choreo and jeonghan/minghao was left in his seat holding a smile back.
—you and joshua/soonyoung answered it together, he took your hand and ran to the center to dance the choreo.
—seungcheol/jihoon didn’t get it- “this is your own song!” you shouted. “i’m sorry?”
when your song played
—seungcheol on his knees begging for forgiveness when he didn’t get it.
—soonyoung/seokmin/seungkwan gets it faster than you and dances the choreo without you.
๑ playing general games— miscellaneous
whenever you get something wrong minghao playfully scolds you but when he gets it wrong it’s suddenly okay to make mistakes- “you won’t grow if you don’t make mistakes.”
high-fives that turn into holding hands with joshua/wonwoo/vernon.
all i can think of is…chest bumping soonyoung/mingyu/seungkwan/chan when you get something correct.
general scenarios;
seungcheol/mingyu seems like he’s glued to your side. since you two walked it he hasn’t stepped away from you.
you got the hosts squealing everytime you two do something especially with the way jeonghan/mingyu tends to be touchy with you, to an extent.
whenever you do big actions like through dancing or for a trick, jun/soonyoung/minghao/chan watches you so dazed.
small details and habits of your relationship get showcased throughout this episode.
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how would the moon boys react to reader flirting w another person to make them jealous? (they're friends w benefits)
okay so I made this a tad angsty just bc I feel it suits and bc I wanted it, but shush, that’s neither here nor there. thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
moonboys x gn reader (not as the moon system)
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warnings. angst? bad writing/ thoughts and hcs
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I feel like marc is a lot more insecure than he lets on or more than one may think. he's usually the type to shrug and gruff dismissively, not wanting to bring attention to it, or to the fact that he cares about something... you. because you're casually messing about, he tries not to expect anything else of you. to see you flirting may make him feel insecure and make him remember what a fuckup he is. it would make him feel stupid to think that you'd want something more with him. I don't think he would take it too lightly, and would most likely be wounded by your games. how you'd essentially toy with him when he put himself out there (he's probably had lots of casual sex before, but nothing quite like your situation) maybe he doesn't like to be on the opposite end of the stick - to be the one that is more invested in a 'relationship'. I feel like he'd brush you off, saying, "yeah, yeah im good. gonna uh— gonna head to bed now."
with steven I think he's always wary about situationships - it's not something he's usually down for. except maybe he really likes you, and this way being friends with benefits is as close as he can get to being with you, so he takes the opportunity. again, same with marc, it would make him feel insecure for you to flirt with someone else to make him jealous. it would make him feel inadequate to think he had a shot with you. he already felt like you were out of his league, and it would make him feel ridiculous for thinking otherwise. maybe he would laugh it off and pretend he was okay with you 'toying' with him, but really he'd just be upset and disappointed (in himself and dare I say... you... soz) I feel like he'd chuckle and say, "yeah, no— no, that was— yeah, you got me there." and he'd just walk off
for jake im on the fence a bit here. one hand I think he'd entertain it, maybe playing you and retaliating to make you jealous. he would find himself someone on their own at the bar, just in eye sight of you and would hit on them - making sure you can see. he thinks that becuase you're playing games, he gets to as well. BUT im also weighing with the fact of how volite and explossive he can be, and how he reacts before he can think. so perhaps if you're flirting with another man, he'd go up to you both and push him away, maybe holding your arm and walking you out the bar. mumbling to himself as he pushes past people. he'd be like, "what the hell was that? going around and flirting with people you meet at bars?" and then you say, "we're not dating. we aren't anything," and then he'd be like, "yeah, you're right," and then would let go of your arm and nod and walk away
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𝐉𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐚𝐦 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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All my fics for Jude ♥︎ some mature content (if over the age of 18 and you cannot see them go to settings, content you see and turn off mature block ♥︎ tag on Jude scenarios here
🩷 = mature
Last updated July 26th
A win anyways ♥︎ hi can u write jude x reader comforting him after losing the match?
A blurb with no name ♥︎ Can you do a little blurb with a jealous Jude? Maybe you’re a few years older than him and thinks you’d get along better with Trent?
Anything for you ♥︎ Request: one where jude takes care of you when you feel off/bad and the feeling comes out of Nowhere. Like you start to reminisce abt your childhood and it ruins your mood
The L word ♥︎ hiii could you please write a jude imagine where the reader and jude have a lazy day at home and it’s cute and fluffy and he confesses he loves reader for the first time? thank you 😊
Stay ♥︎ hi my love, would you mind doing an angsty jude bellingham smut where they have agreed to break up as he needs to focus on his career but they decide to spend one more night together and have very intimate but also sad sex before they have to leave eachother (and if you don’t mind have them kinda talk it out and decide not to split in the end if you want) thank you 🫶🏻 🩷
Biggest supporter ♥︎ can u write a Jude Bellingham fluff abt just going to his practices and games and being his biggest supporter
Kissing booth ♥︎ Based on a TikTok I saw. Where you tell Jude you love him while taking photos in a photo booth.
Makeup or breakup ♥︎ Jude says some disgusting things during an argument which results in you leaving for some space. Maybe you'll makeup... 🩷
The way he loves you ♥︎ Headcanon on the way Jude shows you he loves you
What about us ♥︎ Jude lied to you and said he was going to stay with you instead of transferring. You felt betrayed
Lust and envy ♥︎ Summary: IM BEGGING jude smut/angst where him and reader are broken up but he finds an old (rough?) sextape and he touches himself to it (we want details tho intense solo sessions are HOT😩) then yeah he regrets leaving her and wants her backkk, and then maybe shes with another guy and he gets all jealous and possessive (sorry to much details) I want toxic jude soooo bad 🤭 🩷
Soulmates ♥︎ sitting in the car in the rain, you and Jude havs a heart to heart
Initials ♥︎ I just know bf Jude would buy you a necklace or a bracelet with his initial on it ��
The other woman ♥︎ Jude can’t get enough of you, but he is with another woman that's not you 🩷
My life ♥︎ Jude angst where he tries to break up with the reader because he thinks that his life is too much for her but she’s not having it. Just like ‘yea but no’
Mykonos ♥︎ You and Jude enjoy your time on the beach together but that was cut short when you both decided the hotel room was a better option 🩷
Birthday surprise ♥︎ you surprise Jude on his birthday after being away from him for a while. You give me him a little something as well 🩷
There's this girl ♥︎ Jude and the reader talking late at night because they barely got to talk during the day. They talk about the random things, laughing at each other shitty jokes And stuff. Neither wants to hang up because they love to hear each other’s voice )
Love languages ♥︎ all five Love language with Jude 🩷
Hidden feelings ♥︎ Can we got some enemies to lovers with Jude maybe him and the reader “hate” each other but are in the same friend group and one day reader gets hurt and he rushes to come and help her 😩😩 anything will don’t tbh
Soul intertwine ♥︎ English is not my first language so sorry for the mistakes… I was thinking about something fuffly + smut. Like the reader being innocent and a shy person. She and jude got into their relationship recently and they have had no sex yet bc jude don’t wants to pressure her to do anything (but ofc he wants have sex w her), especially when he starts to realize how innocent she is… he thinks she’s too cute and at the same time he wants to ruin her, he feel the need to protect her. But when y/n is in a convo w her girlies friends and one of them asks about her sex life w jude and she don’t know what to say, she would be curious about it but would be too shy to talk w jude about it he would find it weird that she was quiet and looking bothered by something and would talk w her. After insists a lot, she finally says about all the stuffs that she heard about her friends and she would be “idk how react” and jude gets fully turned on by her innocent but makes he’s best to not show ithe tries to find a way to explain for her without destroy her innocent but she wants to know about everything and she wants him to do everything w her bc she wants to be his. 🩷
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© writing by Iguessweallcrazyithinktho do not steal or repost any of my content anywhere without my consent
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gatorbites-imagines · 18 days
Immortal with an immortal S/o pls(maybe where the s/o isn't a hero)
The Immortal x Immortal male reader
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Im going off my personal headcanon that Immortals name is Abraham or Abe, just cuz its easier to write. A shorty but a goody. I was listening to old people music, cuz I kept imagining them acting like an old married couple.
Having an immortal partner would be something that helps Abes mental state quite a lot, since one of the reasons he struggles mentally is the fact that the people he loves keeps dying from one thing or another.
How you are immortal doesn’t really matter, even if it strong effects your physical appearance. As long as you can come back like immortal can, or somehow can’t die at all.
Maybe you stood by his side back during the beginning of his hero acts, back before it was called being a hero and it was just Abe wanting the best for the world and its people. But you quickly realize being a hero like that isn’t for you.
You do your own thing when Abe goes out to be a hero. You guys have both been alive for so long that neither of you really get jealous or worry too much if you don’t see each other for months. It’s nice to keep in touch though, and you guys make sure to meet up as much as you can.
Maybe you are more focused on something like the arts, performing, writing, and so on. Or you might even be more active in helping the little guy, like food banks and the likes.
Maybe you live in a cabin far away from the cities, up in the mountains where even the GDA leaves you alone. So, its somewhere Abe can come and just relax and be himself. Cue him coming back from a stressful meeting with the guardians, and he immediately relaxes when he hears the music playing from wherever you are.
You are both very old, which means your tastes are kinda dated. With you not being so busy being a hero, you can be a bit more modern, but there’s still lots of old things that make you nostalgic, and stuff you two like to do together.
I could imagine that Abe quite likes to do domestic things together the old way. Like cooking with the old tools, no modern machines or crazy inventions. Just you two, your hands, and whatever tools you guys have had since the 50s.
You guys would also dress quite old at times, even if it was on accident. People end up thinking you guys are some of those people who dress up and act out old times. It gets a little funny when you guys meet other people who do that, who all gush at how great your outfits are, unaware that it’s so good because its actually your clothes from back then.
Abe is also old school romantic. You bet he brings you flowers. You bet he still acts like he’s courting you like some kind of knight. And you bet he gets scandalized and flustered being too affectionate in public. You find it adorable though.
It’s a very common occurrence for you two to dance together. Be it in your kitchen or living room with oldies playing. Or at those clubs that are for the people dressing up and acting like it’s the 50s for fun.
You guys have most likely also been married for many many years. Way before it became illegal for two men to be married, and maybe even before marriage is as we know it now. But Abe would be so flustered thinking about marrying you again.
You can tell what he’s fumbling about since you’ve known him for so long, but its so endearing that you just let him work up the guts to propose again, probably for the 10th time in your guys long lives.
All in all, you help center Abe much more than he is in canon, since he doesn’t have to worry about you growing old and dying, or just you dying in general. He still worries of course, I don’t think he ever doesn’t worry, but its not as bad.
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morganalatina21 · 1 year
Manipulating Death: Chapter Twelve
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Series Summary: When Harry discovers he has a twin sister that was hiding for years, he wants to know all about her, specially about her ability to bring people back to life.
a/n: yo yo! (Timmy's voice). I know, I know, it's been a rough couple of months since I last posted something but i was just starting college (i passed in one of the top best in my country so I'm really glad), and now that everything's outta the way I can go back to writing so better get used to receive some news from me baby!
Aaand, Ik this one's a little shorter than usual but i just wanted to announce that im back so... yeah
(Also, english isn’t my first language so I’m sorry in advance lol)
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When summer came and Harry had to go back to Hogwarts and then back to his uncle’s house, Sirius was ready to throw hands.
The remaining marauders grew a very solid anger towards their old headmaster after everything Y/n and Regulus told them about, and were ready to disobey him one more time, however after some long days of talking, they decided to play the game.
If Dumbledore was allowed to lie to them and risk their lives as if they were a bunch of pawns, so could the Order.
So Harry, Hermione and Ron went to Hogwarts to finish their fifth school year, the Potter would write letters to his sister everyday and once every two days they’d talk through the fireplace.
He’d tell her how his day was, how he missed the twins fooling around, how Umbridge was such a pink bitch he could throw up; and Y/n would give small hints about how their search for the Horcruxes was going, and the best way to hex his professor without her knowing.
He avoided referring to her as a sister, and just went with “a very dear friend”, and also never mentioned Dumbledore, just in case he decided to somehow capture Edwiges and read the messages.
But they were so happy being able to talk to each other basically everyday after being almost sixteen years apart.
The boy was happy he, for once, could write home, to someone who was actually interested, some family.
Of course, before, he had Sirius, but the man saw him as a replacement for James, and Harry viewed him the same way; this was different, he didn’t saw Y/n as his mother, neither did her.
But it was pretty clear he was jealous whenever someone else interacted with her.
Like this time when Hermione told him she sent a letter to Y/n to ask about some potions and how she was healing, Harry turned red immediately and wondered why she was so worried if she wasn’t her sister.
Or whenever they were talking through the fireplace and Regulus would be right beside her in the room.
“It’s like” He mumbled, “You guys have your own families and I don’t interfere, let me have mine!”
Speaking about her healing, it took longer than expected, and she hid that from Harry, not wanting the boy to worry over nothing, but Regulus only allowed her to step out of the bedroom when her brother was going back to Petunia’s house.
“Honestly, I do think I will die here.” She confessed one day when he came in with her meal. “But of boredom.”
The day Harry had to go back to his uncle's, he decided to see his sister one last time before spending the entire summer without her.
And everyone got a pretty clear view from Harry's jealousy that day.
Remus left the house to receive the golden trio outside, not knowing an exact hour they'd be there, so it was just Regulus and Sirius downstairs and Y/n in her room.
The kids' presence not being exactly announced when they arrived, both Black Brothers thinking she'd be asleep and didn't wanted to bother the poor girl.
Well, they were wrong.
Because her voice came loud and clear, not even a little groggy: "Hey Reggie?"
They perked up at that, the man standing up.
"I'm bored, do you wanna come lay with me so I can play with your hair?"
Their eyes widened, staring at the younger Black in pure shock. He nodded his head at them, as in greeting goodbye and started going upstairs.
Mid-way he started running towards her, knowing she'd probably change her mind if he took too long. "Yes!"
Harry was fuming, as red as Ron's hair.
He busted into his sister’s room and finding her messing with Regulus’ curls. The boy shooed him away harshly and dropped his own head on her lap, staring at the Black with a cold glare that made Y/n laugh.
After a couple minutes, they decided to hang out with everyone else, and Harry would never leave his sister, following her around like a shadow and even making Regulus jealous, and it was so comic for his brother.
She told Harry things they couldn't talk about through letters, like the possessor's training that Reggie was responsible for, or how the Horcruxes hunt was going in full details.
"That reminds me, I got something for you." Y/n announced before sprinting upstairs, to which Regulus was really unhappy about. But she then came back a few moments later, with an old and messy hairbrush on one hand. "It was our father's, it's the only thing I have from him and I want you to have it."
"Are you sure?" He reluctantly asked, holding it as if it could break and disappear if he as much breathed on it. But Y/n shook her head yes with a huge smile.
"Consider it an early birthday gift."
The boy felt his eyes watering, sucking in a hiccup and holding the Potter in a tight hug that almost made him cry his eyes out.
Throughout the rest of the year, Harry would look at the hairbrush almost as if he was begging for his dad's guidance. He felt back on his third year, standing by the lake, with Sirius and his own image passing out on the other side, waiting for his dad to come and save the day.
Except that right now, he knew it was basically his own mind giving him advice. The boy was desesperately trying not to get his hopes high that Y/n could bring them back to life.
She sure was powerful, but after her death she appeared to get weaker and weaker by the day.
He'd get letters from Remus or one of the Black brothers saying she was too sick to write, that they'd keep him uptaded on any important news.
But how could Harry stay fucking calm? Deep down, he felt lied to. He had no reason to suspect his godfather or his sistser's godfather, but Merlin there was something wrong.
And he was right.
Because a week after he arrived at the Dursley's, Regulus Black woke up to an empty bed except for himself.
Calling out her name, no answer.
The basement just as empty as the bed.
Sirius and Remus? Clueless.
Kreacher? Obliviated.
Y/n Potter was, once again, missing.
Next Chapter
Taglist: @intoanothermind @moonysupremacy01 @maraudersarelifee @elleraelockwood @darkenwolfie @hopesf @lukewearingbeanies @azuredgalaxies @klazina-couch-potato @goldensunshineshit @kaverichauhan @venomsvl @mrs-billyrussooo @mikadorbs @iavenderh6ze @wizardsgrace @reblog-princess @dittos-blog-dylanobrien @roroswitherose @s-we-e-t-t-ea @ok-boke @warcelia @danyxthirstae01 @b-tchymoon @lovely-maryj @the-sander-fander @regulusblackloverr @coffeeaddictednymph @quackitysdrugdealer @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @teamspideyman @artemis-the-ace @theprettytragic @loidforgerishotashell @criminalyetminimal @amortyong @qualitywitchchaos @musicconversedance @xcharlottemikaelsonx @esposadomd
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ay-chuu · 10 months
As a Boyfriend: Jade Leech
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Warnings: Tooth roothinf fluff,cringe and lol first time writing for a character that im not so close... BUT for my dear; @fukashiin <3
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Jade is the most advanced person in terms of emotional intelligence between Floyd, himself and Azul! He just doesn't show it, or makes people hard to guess it with his slightly sadistic traits. But he is neither open to everything like Floyd and lives according to the moment or doesn’t get hysterical like Azul and make things get out of control. He analyzes everything and approaches the person with the most point shots in an emotional sense. Just like when he managed to impress you (;
He considers himself a loser in many things, and he didn't realize it until he met you... he thought he was incompetent in most things because he set himself back from everyone, but after he becoma lovers with you, he realized that this was an idea that could only be overcome. And this is actually also when he falls in love with you. Because he has always known that someone who can make him believe unexpected thoughts is his soulmate.
A romantic gentleman. Everything he does in the position of butler is a factor that is not a role for you. Are you tired? Your favorite drink is already ready. Are you sad? Why don't you lie down on that couch over there and tell him everything? Problems with the lesson? Here are the most profound books on this topic.
You're a new member of Mountain Lover Club! At first you thought you'd be so bored... (no, you definitely didn't join that club to impress Jade...) But taking mountain trips and determining the types of mushrooms from the book turned out to be more fun than you expected! First of all, there is no phone, it's a great Decoupling from the digital environment.... Secondly, you are drunk with nature, and at the end of every walk you become full of love and mushrooms. Finally and most importantly, you taste Jade in the most authentic way... when you two are alone together, he shows you his incredibly true self and always makes you feel soft inside.
One of the things that upsets Jade the most is the sadness of his loved ones. Floyd and you are at the top of this list. If someone has upset you... God bless them. I don't think he'll let them go without leaving a serious trauma. Even if this person is your family, he scares them in some way and makes them respect him. Because Jade is always an influential person. But if any event has upset you, what he will do is solve the incident as soon as possible as efficiently as possible, because he would rather drown the world than see you upset.
He's quite jealous. But he usually shows it to the person he's jealous of by making life a little hell because he doesn't want you to understand that he's jealous…
Swimming in the sea with you with the eel form, is his favorite. You're playing with each other, laughing like there's no tomorrow, and just.... You're together.... As you lean your foreheads against each other, the reflection of the setting sun on your face is an incredible happiness for both of you.
It may seem like he's the dominant person in the relationship, but actually you're the secret boss! He's just being angry at you and leading you so that you can be happy. (He's a complete malewife... When you get married, you get a 10/10 service in your home. He is a devoted husband! devoted to his spouse, *insert proud face with mop!*)
To be lovers together with Jade is to be able to say that you also have a close relationship with Floyd! You three are a chaotic group, and there are no people who can understand or put it in a sentence to describe the craziness you are doing. And that's why Jade loves you so much. Just as you can have peaceful moments when you two are together, all the calm disappears in an instant when you put your twin Decoupled! (Floyd is very happy thst you two are dating and even jealous that Jade is dating you... But that's another day's topic!)
All in all, Jade is both a gentle lover who has all the qualities you can look for and want, and a wonderful partner who can give you the most crazy and adventurous moments.
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duckchu · 5 months
Could you please write for the following for Kayn;
Reader has media studies, and got an internship under Yone's guidance (as much as I love him, strictly platonic😭)
Kayn falls for reader along the way she is there to work with Yone, maybe even gets a little jealous until he gets himself to finally make a move and stop being dramatic about it 💀
Can have tags, im down for anything 👀🗿
Thank you ❤️
Ooooh I love this idea thank youuu
But I've got no idea how media studies work (I have expanded history and English, so pretty different directions sorry) so if I make stupid mistakes lmk so I can correct them
Also Kayn is kinda mean in the beginning but it's Kayn
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"Ok no worries it's just an internship with one of the biggest producers you've heard of, no biggie" You thought to yourself as you walked into the studio. Yone, the supervisor of your internship, was already waiting for you. At the beginning, your relationship was very stiff. Neither of you knew how to approach it, since it was the first internship both of you have done. While you liked working under him since you were always given clear instructions and his critique was rooted in wanting to help you better your work and not mean spirited at all. After a week, you both warmed up to eachother, sharing some small talk and finally you met his bandmates. Don't get me wrong, he didn't mean to put off your meeting, but they were all busy with their own schedules while he was mentoring you. But then, one day you walked into the studio and saw the other 5 members of HEARTSTEEL, goofing around. Yone must have noticed how surprised you were, so he introduced you to all the guys. Aphelios only gave you a nod, busy with his own work and Kayn seemed not too pleased at meeting you, but Ezreal, Sett and K'Sante seemed more excited about meeting you. After getting to know most of the guys, you got to work, working on a song for HEARTSTEEL'S new album, which seemed to annoy Kayn
- Are we really letting her produce our songs?-
After that Yone seemed to precisely time your work so you wouldn't be in the studio with Kayn as often as the rest, though it surprisingly seemed to annoy the pink headed menace, who went behind Yone's back in order to find you during your break and talk you up. While being as annoying as he always is. While you entertained him for some time, you quickly got back to work and that was that. Or so you thought. You intrigued him. So he spend his sweet time bugging Yone about you, sometimes even suggesting the older man was in a relationship with you to test how he'll react.
Finally, after a long time, when your internship was coming to an end he decided that he's done feeling jealous of how much time you spent with Yone. Or how many times you went to grab dinner with Ezreal. Even how you and Alune seemed to click instantly when she came to see how the progress on the album was going. When you went to take your break, he grabbed you and pulled you in an old supply closet. From the unamused look on your face he figured there were better ways to do this, but whatever.
- So...Wanna go out? - god, why is he so...himself? But might as well, a little date wouldn't hurt
- Sure. - You couldn't believe you agreed, but what's the worst that could happen?
An annoying boyfriend could happen.
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mayhemscorner · 1 year
Hold my drink
König x f!reader (x slight Alejandro)
⚠️18+ MINORS DNI⚠️
Summary: a night of drinking turns a chivalrous König in to a jealous man before the club is infiltrated. (A/N: i strongly agree König is socially anxious. I also believe this man is a dirty, DIRTY top who gets jealous easily. I wanted to make this a series but feel it’s too short to even bother stretching out.) (also open to ideas and requests)
Warnings: tobacco use, swearing, violence, mentions of anxiety, ANGST, pure unadulterated sex that stems from anger, orgasm denial.
“König! Hold my drink, I’ll be right back!” Y/N shouts over the foreign music throbbing at her ears, hoping to use the excuse of slipping outside for a smoke to clear her head. König gives a thumbs up from the secluded corner of their table, neither of them wanting to be here but trying their best at being good sports. The three at the table, better known as the grumpy brigade, included a brooding Ghost who refused to take off his signature mask. While passing the glimmering dance floor, Y/N is both mesmerized and disgusted as the others dance fluidly to the beat, flashing smiles and heaving out deep laughs of pure enjoyment while she suffers from anxiety in silence... and feeling like a horrible teammate for leaving König in the same situation.
“How adorable. I hate it.” Y/N mumbles to herself, turning away while smirking and lighting a cigarette as soon as her hand hits the door. The wind creeps against her bare arms, the only thing more uncomfortable than an issued uniform is a strapless dress, tight to the skin and leaving no secrets. 
“You must come from the heavens if you’re freezing under the desert heat, querida.” Alejandro steps out, lighting a fragrant cigar, letting it hang loosely from his lips as he takes off his dashing suit jacket. Y/N wondered if tonight was an excuse to see everyone dressed to the nines, a day off turning in to everyone finding flashy garments in the local Mercado, and Y/N begrudgingly being pulled around by Farah.
“If you call Texas heaven, then sure Vargas. And I appreciate the gesture but im not all that cold.” Y/N grumbles, taking several seconds before giving in and snatching the jacket that was still outstretched in Alejandro’s hand roughly. Once draped over her shoulders, Alejandro is quick to button the top notch that fell just below her breasts. He stops to look at her anxious face, quickly gripping her shoulder and sighing,” Y/N, this is a good opportunity for the units to mingle… get to know each other. I only do these things to extend a hand of friendship. Do not be misguided by my actions.”
“The way you haven’t stopped looking at me has me thinking otherwise, vaquero.” Y/N smirks,  letting the cigarette smoke escape her lips and plume to the side, slipping a hand on his chest and stretching upwards to whisper in his ear,” and I might let that hand of friendship wander if it gets me out of here.”
The smell of tequila wafts heavily in the air, signaling her less than sober words were a guise of being anywhere but here, even if it meant staying in someone else’s bed for the night. Y/N knew the vaqueros had actual beds to sleep on instead of cots, though it wasn’t who she would’ve preferred. 
Alejandro sinks his teeth lower in to his cigar, eyebrows crinkling at the woman in front of him,” Y/N. Tequila has a way of bringing our desires to the surface, but I must admit, I’m flattered by the offer.”
Alejandro suavely removes the cigar from his mouth, holding it gently as he stoops to leave a tobacco fragrant kiss on the back of her hand, and sliding the suit jacket up just enough to kiss her wrist as well. He pauses, eyes slowly creeping to Y/N’s in question,” but I must ask, is this truly what you desire, or do you feel I’m your only escape?”
Y/N puffs on the end of her cigarette before flicking it away, heat rising to her cheeks as she grips both hands at the deep blue collars of his shirt, dragging him back up for a heated kiss. Her mind raced, it was so wrong, but the promise of getting out of here was more important than her dignity at this very moment.
Her back hits against the surprisingly warm brick wall as Alejandro hoists her legs to wrap around his torso, kisses becoming more rapid with the expert use of tongue from Alejandro. Y/N gasps for air, turning to catch a glimpse of König’s hulking figure, and rage glazed eyes staring directly in to her perverse soul as he steps out the door. Even with his lower face covered with a black surgical mask in place of his usual sniper veil, she could see the disgust creep at his expression as her drink crushes in his hand before being tossed against the wall. König turns, stepping back through the doorway and slamming the door shut.
“König!” Y/N shouts, pushing off of Alejandro to rush after her desired team member.
“König, wait!” Y/N shouts out again, tearing through the doorway and crowd, trying to close the distance and being quickly thwarted by the sea of bodies that bumped and grinded against each other. König stalked to their table, grabbing his own suit jacket and aggressively throwing it on before turning to his shorter companion tugging at the back of his shirt in an effort to turn him around.
“You should stay, Y/N. Seems like you were really uniting the units back there. I don’t see why you’re so worried about me.” König bites his inner cheek, rage choking his throat and stinging at his eyes. She was supposed to be his, it was a silent promise he made to himself. The one he’s carried through battlefields, shielded with his own body, he was positive she was his. 
“König, you don’t understand! Just let me explain! Why do you even care? We’re teammates!” Y/N pleads, tugging at his shirt enough to pull the tuck loose from his pants and reveal his scarred side. 
“We can talk when we’re on base and sober. We both have some explaining to do.” He seethes out, encircling his fingers around her tiring wrist and tossing her hand to the side. 
“Hey, hey, hey. Enough you two. Sit down. There’s no reason to be in a tiff on our night off.” Ghost barks, clamping a hand against the two and forcing them to sit. 
“Right then, now talk. Out with it… both of you.” Ghost growls at them, sitting across from them safely with the table used as a buffer. 
Just as Y/N begins to talk, gun fire rings out, dulling the pulsating music as screams shriek violently in the air. König and Ghost both reach to pull an inebriated Y/N to the safety underneath the table, but the situation itself has quickly sobered her… as if the tequila itself evaporated from her system as soon as the first shot sounded. König and Ghost shielded her, knowing a flak jacket couldn’t be hidden under the skin tight and shimmering dress that encased her delicate body. 
“So much for a day off.” Ghost groans, pulling a hand gun from the hem of his pants and crouching in front of them to assess the situation. König reaches for his own, as Y/N scans the area for her purse that contained hers. Her eyes landing on the disgustingly sparkling bag discarded under a table nearby, most likely knocked around from the initial shock from the shootout. Y/N attempts to crawl over the shattered glasses and rubbish on the floor, only to be pulled back by a tight hand against Alejandro’s jacket that she still wore, landing directly in König’s lap and being restrained by his free arm. 
“You’re staying right here. Anytime you run off, you end up in danger, or locking lips with someone you barely know.” König huffs out, heavy breathing rattling them both as their anxieties build.
“Are you still bent up about me kissing someone? You’re my teammate, not my father, damnit!” Y/N grits her teeth, trying to wriggle free to no avail.
“I said you’re staying here, verdammt!” König tightens his arm and hooks an ankle over her flailing legs, quickly suppressing the woman that was a weapon herself, and hoping she was humble enough not to fight back any longer. His hopes couldn’t be anymore wrong as her elbow digs in to the nearest pressure point, causing his teeth to almost crack under the restrained pressure. 
“If you’re jealous, say so, damnit!” Y/N spits, moving to another pressure point and slowly sliding from his grasp, just for König to regrip at the next opportunity.
“I’m trying to protect you!” He yells back, trying his best to keep a close eye on Ghost at the same time. Y/N digs once again, head now locked between his legs in a sloppy triangle,” I don’t need protecting for fucks sake! I need my gun!”
“We protect each other, and your only protection right now is me!” König clips out, tightening his legs around her windpipe, if knocking her unconscious was the best action to protect her, he’d apologize when she woke up swinging… and so he did. 
Y/N’s eyes snap open, anger boiling under her skin as the bottom of the table slowly comes in to focus and the sounds of crying stabs at her eardrums. Crying always meant it was over. During traumatic events, bystanders and victims are flushed with so much anxiety and adrenaline, leaving no time to cry. That’s how she knew her previous platoon was leaving Iraq, it was the pure terror releasing itself in the form of crying as her teammates embraced each other and made calls to home. 
She coaxed her aching body to roll, watching as the remaining who could walk were guided out by her teammates and the other units. Glass bit in to her knees as she used the table to hoist herself up, ankles wobbling against her raised heels that she’d prefer to rip off. 
Y/N trudged aimlessly in to the reckless crowd groggily and trying to focus, looking for any sign of König to give him a piece of her mind. She was quickly pushed around as others rushed for the door or their friends. The one thing that came with crying, was chaos. People wailing over covered bodies as others tried to coax them out, the pure silence that was only broken from the crying. It only made her get pent up even more as she finally heard König shouting directions to the victims, however duty came before rage. Y/N gracefully formed in line next to Ghost, creating a herding barrier to safely guide the remaining crowd out. Ghost bends down to her ear, speaking gruffly,” cartel. 7 dead. No motive has been found so far.”
“There’s always motive dear friend, but this is quite curious.” Alejandro sidles up to the two, looking slightly disheveled and splotched in blood. 
“Maybe they’re after you.” König butts in, looking down at Alejandro menacingly and folding his arms tightly. 
“That might’ve been the case, but if you remember I was still outside when this began. They could’ve easily taken me out without ever having to step inside.” Alejandro says back monotonously, picking up the jealousy that bites in his words as he obscures Alejandro’s view of Y/N. 
“And you let them through? Are we sure we can even trust him?” König directs his question to Ghost who sighs back,” enough. Just as they can’t tell us apart from civilians, we can’t either, König. At ease.”
König drops his shoulders in reply, rearing out the last of the civilians and walking out the door.
“Whatever you three have going on tonight can wait until this is all figured out. Until then, you can apologize or forget about it. Are we clear?” Ghost adresses the three, knowing König was still looming near the door. Alejandro nods, but the other two kept silent, finding anything but Ghost entertaining in that moment.
“I said, are we clear?” Ghost threatens.
“Yes.” The three chime together, huffing a few naughty words under their breaths while following Ghost outside and back to base.
Several hours and several interrogations later, it was an open and shut mission. The cartel members responsible already apprehended by the Los Vaqueros and disposed of or incarcerated respectfully. 
“Well then, I think that’s enough for one night.” Alejandro yawns, stretching upwards before standing and heading for the door. König steps in his direction, sealing the door with his frame and glaring between him and Y/N. 
“Not before we have a nice, civil conversation.” König grips at Alejandro’s shirt, opening his mouth and being quickly cut off by a still present, but quickly leaving Ghost,” civil, König. Hands off.”
Y/N lets fear set in as the two stare each other down with no words to speak. König jerks his balled up fist away and huffs. It was only her that was to blame, and it was only her that could knock any sense in to the man that choked her out. 
“First of all, I’m sorry. Both of you. Alejandro, you’re great. And a… phenomenal kisser. But I’ll be honest and agree that tequila persuades us to do irrational things, especially if it means an excuse to leave a club and sleep in anything that’s not a cot. I’m sorry for even thinking of using you in that way, and hope this doesn’t affect our work together.” Y/N begins sheepishly, taking a moment before even daring to look at the other man in question,” and König, you’re my partner… my battle buddy. Protecting me applies to the field, not when I don’t need protecting. But like you said, we protect each other. So the fact you had the audacity to even THINK of choking me out has me questioning every thing about you.” Y/N cuts off, slightly baffled and even hurt König did it. Her eyes finally meet his, just to watch his head turn away,” if it meant protecting you, it was an action I was willing to take.”
“And how the HELL is knocking me unconscious even close to protecting me?” Y/N raises her voice, stalking closer to the brutish figure that still refused to look her way. Her questions were only met with tense silence and ongoing refusal to look her way.
“Answer me König or so help me,” she’s quickly cut off by Alejandro clamping a hand on her shoulder,” if this no longer involves me, I’ll take my leave. I appreciate the honesty at the least. No bitter feelings as I’d do the same.” 
With Alejandro’s final words, he exits through the slight gap König leaves for him, showing at least some gratuity and promising to lick his jealous wounds in private. He had someone more threatening in that moment about to sink her teeth in to him, whether it be verbally or physically… maybe he deserved it. With the two being the only ones left in the room, the atmosphere changes, anger washes over König and finally alone, he unleashes the pain and confusion of the night.
“You were trying to put yourself in the line of fire and out of protection, for what? Of course dealing with you being unconscious was better than holding your lifeless body, Scheisse Y/N!” König bites, leaning down so their faces were eye level with each other. 
“And in that action you stopped me from reaching my gun! I could’ve helped, instead of lying helpless on the floor for fucks sake! Why did you really do it?” Y/N rises on her tiptoes, trying to gain the upper hand and seem more dominant, but with every word exchanged she only felt smaller, shrinking at the thought of losing the thing that mattered most… the man that might as well be beat down and wounded standing right in front of her.
“Y/N, enough.” König warns, pique anger present at the calmness in his voice, only to be punched in the shoulder of an equally raged Y/N whose anger is shown in completely different ways,” no! I want answers, damnit! The one man I trust to protect me, leaves me lying defenseless on the floor and for what? To get back at me for kissing someone? I’m not your property! Fuck!” Y/N rambles, breath quickening as she punches König with deadly precision due to exceptional training in hand to hand combat. He braced for every blow, wincing every few good punches, but otherwise refusing to react. After a wind knocking gut punch, he grasps her hands in mid air. He quickly maneuvers them above her head, spinning them both around to pin her against the wall,” are you finished?”
“I still got my legs.” Y/N gruffly huffs out, already winded but still managing to kick at him with the same velocity as her punches. His grip causes forgotten glass to dig in to her palms, blood trickling down to her wrist and dripping down at a quickened rate thanks to her tantrum and quickened heart rate. König pins her legs down with his own, and wipes the blood trailing down her arm with his now discarded mask before lowering his hands to her wrists. 
“I was jealous. I’ll be the bigger person and admit that. But incapacitating you had NOTHING to do with it. That was your sheer drunken stupidity that caused that!” König barks back, heaving his chest as his anger is released through yelling. 
“Drunk? You’re being ridiculous right now! Even inebriated I can handle myself!” Y/N yells directly in his face, once again finding herself trying to break free from his hold. 
“But can you handle a gun? Can you handle the death of a teammate? Stop acting like a child before I put you in your place!” König practically foams at the mouth, both of their faces purple from arguing.
“Then do it! Put me in my place and stop being a pussy!” Y/N attempts to head butt his chest, resulting in König hoisting her up by her wrists with his single hand until they were eye level, both sets of eyes beaming red with hate. 
“Put you in your place? Fine.” König places a hand around her neck, for a second, fear instills itself square in Y/N’s chest. Before she could even gasp for air or react, his lips haphazardly crash in to hers, tongue penetrating her lips to slip in to her mouth aggressively. The hand that gripped her wrists slides to her waist, comforting Y/N’s back as his groin presses her against the wall. At first Y/N thought of pushing away with her newly freed hands, but lust out ruled anger and her fingers automatically entwine through his disheveled hair while her legs wrap around his waist, hands tugging and clawing at his head with every kiss. Her own tongue massages against his, exiting only to nibble at his bottom lip and drag it down.
“Thought you were going to put me in my place.” Y/N quips between kisses and strained breath. König squeezes her throat slightly, canines showing through his wicked grin,” and I am. If you want to scream at me, you can at least scream my name, Y/N.”
The seduction rolled off his tongue, and mixed with his accent, it sent a jolt of electricity down Y/N’s spine. He was only in this crazed state in moments of danger, and knowing he had no limits in this mood, Y/N genuinely feared just how far he’d go.
Königs hand slipped between the two, and under the slip of Y/N’s dress to massage perfect circles against her clothed and throbbing clit. A gasp escapes Y/N’s mouth, only to be hushed by König,” that’s not my name, Y/N.”
His hand squeezes tighter, hips grinding against her in the same rhythm as his fingers, pushing them deeper in to the wall while his lips trail down to her neck to leave purple welts just above her breasts. 
“K-König…” Y/N trails off with a slight moan, returned with a hum of approval. König removes the hand around her throat briefly to hike her dress up, giving another squeeze as he settles it back around her throat. His lips return to hers as he moves his lower hand to her ass, keeping her balanced against his waist and moving to the table, lowering Y/N against the cool metal. Y/N pulls at his hair once again, guiding it down lower. He presses a pressured kiss against her soaked panties, tilting his head side to side to tease her throbbing cunt. 
“Tell me who you really wanted pinning you against that club wall Y/N.” König mumbles against her, accentuating every word so it vibrated deep in to her core.
“Y-you, König. I only want you.” Y/N moans out, causing one of his hands to press against her entrance as he smiled, teeth brushing against her panties,” tell me you were just using him.”
“I was!” She clips out.
“You were what?” König questions, nuzzling his face in deeper, tongue now tracing circles opposite of his finger.
“I was just using him t-to leave the club! Fuck, König!” Y/N chokes against the saliva rapidly flushing to her mouth in anticipation of release. König growls deeply with satisfaction, but quickly growing impatient with the barrier that separated them.
“Fuck indeed.” He huffs, sharply inhaling a breath of air and pushing her panties out of the way, tongue immediately massaging Y/N’s clit and fingers instantly soaked upon entering her dripping cunt. Y/N can only recoil at the overstimulation, body tensing and relaxing at every push, pull… and curl of his fingers. 
“König, I’m going to-“ Y/N is revoked of ecstasy as his hand withdraws from her, tongue slowing to a soft lap that slows further in to lazy kisses.
“I don’t think so, Y/N. You wanted to be put in your place, you can start by learning that I’m in charge in this moment. You are going to lay here and obey every word I say, and do what I ask. Are we clear?” König growls lowly, gently massaging at his hardening erection and stripping to his boxers. 
“And if I say no?” She questions lustfully, posturing up to her elbows for a better view.
“Then I guess I’ll have to fuck you until all you can say is yes, or even better, not talk at all.” König smirks, pulling his fully hardened cock out but refusing to move until Y/N becomes antsy,” kiss it.”
She raises an eyebrow, considering on refusing but ultimately follows his order. Leaning from the table, she places a kiss directly on his leaking tip, then moves lower while leaving a trail of kisses to his shaft. Upon making her way back to the tip, she attempts to wrap her lips around, only to be stopped.
“Turn around Y/N.” He unleashes another command, and Y/N obliges, leaning against the cool metal of the table and baring her ass to him.
A daft smack against her ass rings out in the room, receiving a light whimper from Y/N.
“I guess you can follow orders.” König chuckles, Dick pressed directly at her entrance but refusing to push past the barrier. Y/N attempts to push against him, receiving another smack before König harshly rams in to her and hits her wall roughly. She winces at the quick change, trying her best to adjust before he slides out once again, quickly ramming back in. This time, a clipped scream bubbles from Y/N’s throat at the pleasurable pain of taking his length. His hands find steadiness at the back of her head, pulling back roughly from the roots of her hair with every thrust. 
“K-König! Please!” Y/N gasps out in a moan, receiving a guttural growl,” K-König! please, what?”
His mocking of her causes Y/N’s eyes to roll to the back of her head as another moan racks her body. 
“Please, let me cum!” She winces, ecstasy becoming pain as it knots in her stomach.
“Do you think you’ve been put in your place?” He barks in question.
“Y-yes!” Y/N whimpers in a pathetic answer.
“Are you going to call me a pussy again, Y/N?” König replies with a tinge of anger, quickening his pace and hitting even deeper.
“No!” She sputters out, receiving another smack against her already reddening ass,” don’t lie to me, Y/N. I’ll choke you out again if I have to.”
His hand snakes away from her hair, trailing down to her throat and locking tightly to emphasize his threat. The world vibrates in and out of focus, black splotches forming in Y/N’s vision as she screams, the heaviest orgasm tearing through her,” I-I’m not! I’m c-cu-“ 
Another vicious moan rips at her throat before she can even finish, the feeling of relief so strong it makes her nauseous, but König only quickens his pace and prolongs the ache in her core. 
“What’s the matter, Y/N? Are your words bigger than your actions? Bit off more than you could chew?” His words become strained, showing his own bluff as the rest of his movements become sloppy and even more erratic. 
“Seems like you’re all talk too, big guy.” Y/N pushes at him, a laugh quickly dying off as his strokes become vicious once again.  
“You ever, even look at someone again the way you did Alejandro, you’ll only be able to think of me fucking you to a senseless pulp.” König growls in finality, giving a final heave before pulling out and slamming his back against the table next to her after finishing. Between gasps for air, Y/N turns to look at the disheveled man beside her who was particularly entertained by the ceiling. His hooded eyes drag slowly to her own, toothy smirk quickly following,” if that didn’t put you in your place, maybe water boarding will do the trick.”
“König, no!” Y/N smack his chest lightly, taking the time to slide her dress back in to place and grab his hand to examine every cut and scar that molded intricately in to him. 
“Don’t pay too close attention to what defines a monster dear Y/N.” He grumbles, pulling his hand away to rest it on his still heaving chest. She only threads her fingers in to his tightly before replying,” if you’re a monster, I’m only worse. Because I’m dumb enough to believe we could ever find love in each other. You’re too good for me, König.”
“Or we’re too horrible for each other. Like gasoline and an unruly fire.” He corrects her, circling his large thumb in the crook of her palm. 
“So what do we do?” Y/N ponders, draping her leg over his torso and curling in to him.
“I suppose we become a blazing fire, burning hot and unruly. It’s hard to control a fire, and I was always told sometimes it’s good to just let it burn.” He answers, pulling Y/N on top of him and cradling her in his arms so tightly in fear that if he let her go, she’d never return. Her resting head rises to meet his eyes once again,” then we’ll burn together.”
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axelsagewrites · 9 months
Hey, could I request a love triangle with both Theon and Jon set in modern days? Fratboy!Theon (he's unsufurable and such dork! I can so imagine reader disliking him but he's cute when he wants to!) and Emo!Jon (he just gives off emo boy energy!!). Lots of teasing and rivalry (maybe? But definitely not needed) and maybe f!reader hooking up with both but separately.
Jon Snow/Theon Greyjoy*Hook ups
Pairing: jon x reader, theon x reader, past!jon x Ygritte
Word count: 3980
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Warnings: secret hooking up, multiple partners, p in v sex, f! receiving oral, hickeys, praise, slight sub jon, cocky theon, smut 18+
Masterlist here
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when you left for college, you were determined to break out of your shell. the first day was of course the toughest but luckily for you the dark-haired quiet kid beside you seemed equally on edge. you and Jon formed an instant friendship in freshman English and soon managed to develop a proper friendship group.
Jons half-brother Robb was also a freshman, so he was an obvious addition to the group. plus, you managed to make friends with a girl called Ygritte in your Ancient Histories class and whenever you all hung out, she would bring her friend Tormund along. the five of you were a close group all throughout freshman year and Jon and Ygritte even started dating at the end of freshman year.
you refused to admit to any of them that you were secretly a tiny bit completely and utterly jealous. you managed to keep your feelings at bay over the summer break but when you came back in your second year it was hard not to get angry seeing how happy they were. you knew it was neither of their faults, but you tried to keep it at bay and took the opportunity to expand your friendship group.
this was easy enough by tagging along wherever Robb went. he was such a sweetheart despite being such a party animal. he had been nicknamed across campus as the young wolf because of his string of girlfriends who all seemed to thank him when they got dumped. he was oddly charismatic when you thought of him, and Jon being related.
Jon was far shyer than Robb with his head often in a book or jotting lyrics and poems down in a notebook. he never left his dorm without headphones and majority of his music was all pre 2005 emo kid bangers. don’t get me wrong, you loved his music, but it was an acquired taste for sure. Ygritte however hadn’t acquired it, so it made it all the more frustrating for you when she never listened to the sweet songs, he sent her.
but you refused to let it keep you down so here you were at a Blackfyre Frat party standing with Robb who was introducing you to yet another friend of his. As he was telling Danerys that you were also into Taylor Swift you felt an arm suddenly grab over your shoulder and your neck snapped to the side to see its owner.
He had his other arm wrapped over Robbs shoulder and a beer bottle in hand, “and this is Theon,” Robb laughed as you shrugged him off as he kissed Robbs cheek, “aka a pain in my ass,”
“Thought you liked when I was in your ass,” Theon gasped as he finally removed himself from the young wolf. at times you had questioned if Robb was bi but now did not seem the time to ask as Theon held his hand out for you to shake, “And who do I owe the pleasure?”
you shook his hand lightly, trying your best not to grimace at the beer stench on his breath. you told him your name and quickly took your hand back, “I think im gonna get a drink,” you said, your eyes shooting to Dany who decided she also needed one. thank god for girls you thought.
“Cmon princess I don’t bite,” Theon joked but waved you and Dany off to slip into the crowds.
“He’s something alright,” you joked as you filled your cup with extra strong-smelling punch.
Dany laughed as she refilled her own drink, “He’s not as bad as he seems,” she said making your eyebrows scrunch in shock, “Nah seriously. its just this impression he puts on, I guess. I don’t really get it but alone he’s far more chill,”
“Please don’t leave me alone with him,” you said as you attempted to drink what tasted like straight vodka, “I don’t need him spilling beer down me,” you joked as you and Dany re-entered the crowd of people to dance.
you found your eyes wondering over to Theon a few times in the night. any time he caught you he sent a cheeky wink, and you rolled your eyes before turning to blush. maybe it was the alcohol or whatever issues high school had left you with, but Theon was kind of hot.
not in the Jon mysterious sensitive way but in the cocky I don’t give a fuck way. he was wearing his fraternity t-shirt which after Robb spilled his drink down revealed a surprisingly well toned body underneath. Dany seemed to notice your glances as she winked at you before demanding Robb and Theon come dance.
as Theon walked over you decided fuck it. Jon was taken and you were a woman with needs and even if he was a bit annoying Theon wad fit as fuck. you didn’t protest when they joined you to dance or run away when Theon would bump into you or spin you around the dance floor despite the music defiantly not being the spinning sort.
however eventually it was all becoming a bit too loud and a bit too fast. that plus the vodka was getting to you so without much warning you decided to duck out the dance floor and make your way to the kitchen where you stumbled upon Joffrey Lannister practically on top of Margaery Tyrell. you dipped your head as you headed for the back door and decided to just chill on the back steps for a few.
“You good bro?” you heard Theon’s concerned voice, but you didn’t need to turn as he moved to sit beside you on the step. he tried to hand you a cup, but you just looked at him in silent questioning, “Just water. promise,” he said reaching out his pinkie for you to link with your own.
you laughed as you made a pinkie promise with a near stranger before taking the cup, “Thanks man,” you said before almost downing the cup, “Sorry it just felt like really loud all of a sudden,”
“That’s cool,” Theon shrugged with a genuine smile that made your own lips curl up, “I just wanted to make sure nothing had happened. I know things like this aren’t always the easiest but its good you came,” he said as he knocked his knee into yours, “Even if you’re a terrible dancer,” he teased making you laugh and tease him right back.
you ended up sitting out there for the next hour before Dany eventually found you, wondering if you’d died or something. this was now your queue to leave since even Robb was too far gone to continue this night. “I’m gonna go get him into my bed then ill be back down to walk yous two home,” Theon said as Robb was slumped over his shoulder.
“Oh, you don’t have to- “you tried to say.
Theon cut you off, “Don’t worry love I’ll be two tics,” he said before he started to take Robb up the stairs, “Cmon buddy use those feet of yours,” you heard him mumble as you and Dany laughed at the state of Robb.
“See told you he’s not that bad,” she said, nudging you with her elbow.
you rolled your eyes at the blonde as you finished your drink, “Yeah, yeah. we’ll see,” and see you did. Theon had asked for your insta when you got to the dorms and somewhat shockingly to you didn’t try make a pass at you before he left. maybe he wasn’t that bad after all?
“Ugh that guy,” Jon groaned as you walked to class together, “I hate when Robb brings him round, he’s just so weird,”
“Some would say the same thing about you my goth little friend,” you said, poking at his arm making him swat it away.
“Not a goth,” he said, grabbing your hand to stop your attacks which for a moment almost made you blush, “Besides he always calls me an emo,” he said making you look at him like he said 2 + 2 = 5, “I’m not an emo. I just happen to have perfect taste,” all you did was snort as you finally reached English and took your seats.
for the month or so you spent a surprising amount of time dm-ing Theon. it started with him sending a couple memes to you having long conversations deep into the night about complete random topics. you also started actually going to parties once or twice a week with Theon and Robb much to Jons protest.
every time you told him he was welcome to come but he refused. instead, he would tell you all the reasons Theon annoyed him, and you could do better. it was ironic your old crush telling you to move on. the best thing was that you could finally see him and Ygritte around without wanting to vomit all over the place.
however, in a strange turn of events it was as soon as you got over Jon, or at least you thought, that he and Ygritte started having issues. Jon always refused to tell you what it was they fought about but you knew something was off. by now though you hung around with Dany, Theon, and Robb more than Ygritte, so you didn’t want to push. you and Jon still hung out as well of course but it was almost as if he was starting to ice you out.
you had talked to Theon about this on multiple occasions with him telling you that he was just being overly emo about things. you always defended Jon, but it was nice to know you weren’t crazy. then one night you got a text from Jon.
-she dumped me
this led to you and Jon locking yourself away in his dorm for a week as you helped him get over the breakup then a week of you dragging Jon out the dorms to see sunlight. you insisted he go out and enjoyed himself after allowing him to wallow for a time and soon a new friendship group was born.
you, Robb, Theon, Jon, and Dany hung out together at least three times a week, often all going to frat parties or drunken nights out. yes, even Jon would tag along to these parties, and you could tell he was enjoying it deep down. however, no matter what the two boys were always nipping at the other heels.
Theon would make fun of Jons clothes then Jon would quip back at his hair. when Jon poked fun at Theon’s grades Theon would make fun of Jons music taste. it was funny at times, frustrating at others, but overall, this was the most social Jon had been in months, so you weren’t going to complain.
something you hadn’t told Jon though, and had insisted that Theon couldn’t tell him either, was that you had secretly been hooking up with the Greyjoy without any of your friends knowing. he would text you late at night or you’d snap him when you were stressed. yes yes, the classic booty call things, you knew you were a cliché. but gods the sex was good.
you’d gotten a text from Theon that night and it didn’t take you long to get to his frat and sneak in through the backdoor. you slipped into Theon’s rooms unnoticed but as the door shut behind you you felt Theon press his chest into yours, “What took so long doll?” he grinned, his lips moving to kiss your jaw.
you laughed at the boy as your fingers travelled up to his hair, “Please you like when I keep you waiting,” you teased as you tugged lightly on his hair. you felt his lips move further down your neck, kissing softly at first but soon you felt him sucking gently on your skin, “You better not leave a mark,” you groaned, hating how you enjoyed it.
“I’ll think about it princess,” Theon said as his arms wrapped around your waist before tugging you over to the bed and pushing you down onto his sheets. he grabbed his collar, pulling his shirt over his head in a routine you had both practised down to perfection as you slipped your own top off.
Theon crawled over your body, his hands groping at your thighs and hips as his lips kissed the valley of your breasts. you moaned lightly as you felt him squeeze your hips and his hard on pressing into your thigh. “Now who’s making me wait,” you teased as you pulled Theon’s face up to yours, latching your lips together.
you knew each other’s rhythms, what they liked and where, his tongue slipped in with ease as your hands gripped his shoulders. meanwhile his were trailing up your body, squeezing your tits as he settled his legs between yours, grinding into you. you had of course changed into a cute little skirt when you saw the text so as your legs wrapped around his hips it left little to the imagination.
Theon hand slipped between your bodies, unbuttoning his jeans with ease and slipping them and his boxers off without even breaking your lips. you moaned lightly when his fingers rubbed your clit over your panties and your kiss grew deeper when he began to push them to the side. Theon only broke the kiss to quickly slip a condom on, something you had always insisted on and he had never complained about.
you felt him line his tip up with your hole, pushing it in slowly at first, “You like that?” he mumbled against your lips with that cocky smirk. god it shouldn’t be that hot to be a prick. your legs tightened around his waist, pushing Theon deeper in which he gladly complied as he sunk his length fully in, “Fuck,” he groaned, his thrusts attempting to set a steady pace.
his hand found your clit again, rubbing circles over it as your hands scratched gently down his back making him shiver. Theon’s lips fell from yours, moving to gently kiss down your jaw and neck before his head fell into your shoulder, his breathing growing heavy as you knew he was close to the edge.
with a final thrust you felt his body tighten for a moment before sinking into yours. you paused for a moment, letting Theon catch his breath. he pulled away for a moment, discarding the condom and kneeling over your thighs before he looked back down at you with a cocky grin, “Your turn now,” he said, and you laughed as he made his way down south.
by the end of the night, you were both hot and sweaty and both in a pair of Theon’s sweatpants. you were able to slip out and back to yours for a quick change of clothes before class the next morning though Jon shot you a questioning look when you had to practically run to class.
as the lecturer droned on and on you saw your phone light up and when you looked you saw a text from Jon. you unlocked your phone under the table, glancing over to see Jon was doing the same, as you opened the message.
-u wanna do something tonight?
-ye sure. want me to text everyone else?
you sent back and when you glanced at Jon you saw a faint blush on his cheeks. a few moments later another message came.
-was thinking it could be a just us thing. like old times
you didn’t even realise you were smiling when you saw the message, but Jon did. and gods did it make his legs go weak especially when you text back.
-great idea. movie night?
-only if u don’t hog the snacks
-no promises
after a long day of classes, a movie night was just what you needed especially since you knew it wasn’t hard to get Jon to let you pick the movie. when you arrived at his dorm, he was setting up a projector his dad had got him and you noticed his roommate, Tormund was out. “Did you kick Tormund to the curb for me?” you joked when you walked in through the open door.
Jon grinned as he stopped fiddling with his laptop cables and the projector lit up the room, “He didn’t mind,” he said as he took the bag of snacks out of your hand, adding them to the pile he had set up on his bed. “You ready for the ultimate movie experience?”
“Always,” you grinned as you jumped down onto his bed, kicking off your shoes and making yourself comfy. you didn’t catch the way Jon smiled at you as he watched this or how when he shut the door, he locked it also.
Jon flicked off the lights before returning to the bed, sitting beside you as he brought up Netflix on his laptop. before you could even start your spiel about how legally blonde the best film was and why you just had to watch it, he was handing you the laptop. you’d thought your crush had died but when you felt his fingers brush yours as you took the laptop you were grateful for the dimmed lighting to hide your blush.
Jon watched the movie without complaint, which honestly shocked you, especially when he even offered you some of his pringles. now that was odd. you were so into the movie you didn’t even realise you were leaning onto his shoulder till you felt his arm move to rest around your waist. when you glanced at Jon he cleared his throat, a blush spreading across his cheeks making you smile before you turned your attention back to Elle strutting her stuff.
by the end credits your body was fully rested against Jons, your snacks were gone, and his head was leant on top of yours. “See, told you it was a masterpiece,” you teased.
Jon chuckled lightly as you moved your head off his shoulder, but you couldn’t bring yourself to move his arm, “It was something alright,”
“Theres a second one,”
“Eh I think one movie was enough for tonight,” Jon said as he closed Netflix with his spare hand. the room was still pretty dark but the light from the projector lit it up just enough to notice the cute smile toying on his lips.
“So whatcha wanna do then?” you said, moving to face him without realising how close your faces were, “You can’t kick me out already. its only nine,” you said but Jon didn’t say anything back.
you just smiled, waiting for him to say something and wondering if you had accidentally broken the boy somehow when Jon suddenly leaned forward. he kissed you. like actually kissed you. on the mouth. it only lasted for a second and you were too stunned to react as he pulled back, “I’m sorry- “Jon tried to say, moving his arm but you cut him off by grabbing his jaw lightly making him face you.
Jon grew silent again as you studied his face for a moment before leaning in. this kiss was far softer than before and this time Jon didn’t run away. his lips moved against yours gently at first, almost as if you were made of glass, but with added courage now Jon grew bolder, his hand squeezing your waist gently.
you took your queue, if not maybe surprising Jon a little, as you moved to straddle his lap. however, it only took a moment for him to catch up as his hands moved to rest gently on your hips. “You can touch me you know,” you mumbled into the kiss, “I won’t break,” you teased as your own hands trailed down his chest.
much to your surprise since he always wore baggy black clothes, but you could feel how toned he was through his shirt. you couldn’t resist slipping your hands under his t-shirt, gently tracing your hands up his skin making him shiver.
you were breathless, pulling away for air but Jon wasn’t done. his lips soon fell to your neck, kissing down your skin gently as his fingers traced the hem of your waistband of your sweats. you moaned lightly when you felt him sucking soft hickeys across your collarbones but this time you didn’t mind the marks.
Jon seemed encouraged by your noises as his hands slipped under the fabric of your sweats as you felt his groan against your skin when he realised you were wearing something lacy. you bit your lip gently as he trailed hickeys down your chest, his hands squeezing your hips and ass. you decided to be bolder, if that was possible, and grind down onto his lap.
you could fell his boner through the fabric and heard Jons soft moans as you continued your movements. “Please,” he moaned against your skin, “I want you,” he begged.
“All you had to do was ask,” you teased as you pried yourself from his grip. the way Jon watched with awe as you stripped your t-shirt off made you want him ever more. “Take that off,” you said, pointing to his own top to which he happily complied.
you turned away for a moment, slipping your sweats down your legs to give Jon a proper show since he was determined to enjoy it. you heard him curse under his breath as you kicked away the fabric and when you turned around, he was finally tugging his jeans off leaving him in just his boxers. “Fuck,” Jon mumbled, his eyes glued to your frame for several moments before finally flickering to your eyes, “You’re perfect,”
you giggled a little, so unlike yourself, as you leaned down to kiss Jon again. it was slow and deep with your hands in his hair. you expected to be the one leading things, but Jons hand found its way to your hips and soon you were laying on the bed under neath Jon who was trailing open mouth kisses down your body, praising it all the way down.
your breathing hitched when he pressed a kiss to your clothed clit, your hand instinctually reaching for his hair as he slid your panties down your legs. within moments he was kissing your cunt soft as he moved your legs over his shoulders. you moaned when you felt his tongue against your clit, applying more and more pressure as he went till, he found your sweet spot.
you didn’t care how loud your moan was when you felt his fingers teasing your hole. you bit your lip as he slowly slipped them in, stretching you out before he began to gently curl his fingers. you could feel your orgasm already approaching as Jon began to suck on your clit gently making your legs instinctively wrap around his head.
it only seemed to spur him on more and it wasn’t long till you felt your orgasm threatening to spill. “Don’t stop,” you whined, your hand gripping his hair for dear life, “Fuck,” you gasped as your body tightened and your orgasm crashed down like a tsunami.
you could feel your legs twitch, but Jon wasn’t stopping. his seemingly magic tongue kept going till he was sure you were fully finished and when he pulled away, his face wet with your juices, he placed a soft kiss to your thigh. “You are amazing,” he said, kissing up your body with each word.
you were panting for air but still wanting more and Jon had no intentions of stopping there. by the end of the night, you had come five times, weren’t sure if you’d ever walk again, and you were both naked and sweaty under his sheets. you didn’t know how you’d explain these hickeys to Theon next time you saw him but god where they worth it.
Taglist: @clairacassidy @valeskafics
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tangledinink · 1 year
Ok! Ok! Just one more ask (for now-)!
Does big mama find out that the twins are bio girls? If she does, is she happy or upset? Is she upset they didn't tell her? Does she try to make this a profitable thing (take this how you will)? Is she supportive or not? Did she just not know or did she not care to confirm?
Also!! I just love the tail you gave donnie!! Does leo have a tail? Is it as long as Donnie's? Also which twin is older? Do they share a room? Or do they have their own rooms? If they have their own rooms, do they have like a floor of the hotel just to themselves? Are there plans for any love interest in this au? Are Mikey and Raph also girls? Or did draxum accidentally get two girl turtles? What are all the boys (and Cassandra)'s sexual and gender identity?
Thank you!!! Again sorry for the question spam
lmao sorry for the wait for some reason my brain said i could not possibly answer this until i completed the egg saga and therefore answered the first part of this question. but now im also gonna do an additional part showing donnie and mama's conversation, so it'll get even more answer...
tldr; she finds out about donnie, but still does not know about leo. she is upset and essentially forbids donnie from telling anyone about this-- (cause imagine the pr nightmare.) she wasn't previously aware that they were biologically female.
also!!! thank you!!! leo does also have a tail, but it's a lot shorter and stubbier than donnie's. he's privately a bit jealous of donnie's long, pretty, expressive tail. likewise, donnie is privately a bit jealous of leo's short, simple tail, which is never stepped on or caught in doors-- but neither of them would ever admit it and would in fact claim superiority of their own tail if asked.
donnie is the older twin.
they do not share a room, but they do share a floor of the hotel. they each have their own massive bedroom, complete with en suite bathrooms, balconies, and every other bell and whistle you could ever dream of, and are 'next door neighbors' so to speak. Mama occupies the top floor just above them, and everything below them is the actual hotel.
i don't currently have plans for any love interests!
all four of the brothers identify as male (at least right now, anyway,) and mikey and raph are both biologically male. draxum did not really care about the gender of the turtles he obtained for his experiments; he just needed strong, healthy specimens. (plus, turtles are, like, notoriously hard to sex, anyway.)
leo is pretty sure that he's gay, but hasn't breathed a word of this to anyone. he's well aware that being a prettyboy bachelor and making the girls swoon or whatever the fuck is a part of his 'brand' as a performer, and that messing with this would NOT be well received by his mother.
donnie is bisexual, but hasn't really noticed or processed this himself yet, because he doesn't spend very much time or energy considering what is or is not attractive to him. he has other things to worry about, thank you. (and he's not as...... easily impressed as leo is.) it's not like either of them are out socializing with people their age or going on dates or anything, anyway.
mikey isn't into labels u w u but also hasn't really ever put too much time or energy or thought into dating or anything like that. he's busy trying to eliminate humanity <3
raph, bless his soul, has never once in his life even considered thinking critically about his gender or sexuality or anything else. that's not even a little bit in his world sphere. he has no gotdamn idea.
cassandra is definitely a lesbian lol.
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mymreaderlibrary · 7 months
Hey buddy, gotta say, fucking LOVE your old man yaoi post with price and reader. It's also one of my favorite things and shit if you'd like could you write more about them? Like I need these two old men to finally own up and kiss damnit 😭
I wanted to get this out way earlier but ANYWAYS IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT AAAAGHHGH I honestly wanted to write about it a lil more but I wasn’t sure. I hope this is good, no beta cause I’m a looney toons of a writer who’s stubborn as hell.
[old friends to lovers, slight angst, injury ment, laswell is so fuckin annoyed by being the only smart person, use of y/n though they’re kinda treated more like an oc sorry, the ramblings continue]
[length: 1324 words]
They didn't speak of the night before, but they honestly didn't have to. Y/n and Price could tell their feelings were mutual, or at least stronger than a typical friendship, but instead they chose to be stopped by an invisible road block.
For y/n it was the feeling of lost time. They weren't young anymore, they didn't have the energy nor time for things like relationships and... well he wasn't sure if Price would want to be stuck with an old fart like himself. Price aged in a way that'd make any man jealous meanwhile y/n? Not so much. He was greying, his bones ached more often than not, he spent half of his time drinking shitty liquor that made his teeth reek, and, as much as he hates to admit it, he's just not handsome anymore. Price deserved to be with someone who still had life to them. Maybe a spunky military gal who could keep him on his toes or private operative with an infinite list of missions to complete. What he didn't need, however, was someone who already had their chance and wasted it. Y/n should've told him just how much Price meant to him, how much he envied the people who got to stay by his side. He should've searched for him, got on his hands and knees and begged to come with. Convince whoever had them separated to change their mind. He didn't care if he still went through the same pain he did when he was alone, if he had to amputate his own damn leg again, or deal with the loss of his parents one more time. As long as he could've done it by Price's side he would've been happy or at the very least satisfied. But that was the past and the current y/n could never catch up to the man Price had become.
However for Price it was guilt. He remembered the days that y/n and him felt invincible. Like every little thing was just a stepping stone in their grand journey to glory. No matter the pain they persevered, found solutions where others would've given up, made names for themselves amongst crowds of soldiers all baring the same purpose. Too bad those names couldn't stop them from being split up, from losing their friends, their families, from being sent all across the world with no way of knowing if the other was even alive. Those names couldn't stop y/n from losing his entire calf... (Price hated that he only knew of his friends injury due a rumor involved with y/n's discharge). Y/n shouldn't even be here, his time in the military was over, he paid his penance, he should be at home watching tv on a leather couch with a beer in hand. Nothing on the mind but whatever sore loser couldn't figure out tonight's Jeopardy categories. But no, Price had to go and drag him out from retirement, right back onto the front lines. Straight back into trouble. Even if he wasn't on the field that didn't mean he was away from risk. His mere association with the 141 planted a target on his back that wouldn’t be removed by simply walking away. Price didn't feel he deserved y/n's affection not when all he ever did was put him in danger.
So they both stayed like that, infinitely stubborn, hellishly avoidant, and not nearly as sly as they thought. The 141 didn't have a full understanding of what was going on between the two, but they could tell there was some unfinished business. Gaz thought maybe one of them slighted the other and neither have taken the step to apologize for it. Soap thought y/n perhaps betrayed Price and that's why he's missing part of his leg. Ghost had... almost the right idea, thinking there was a strange tinge of romantic tension between the two though he assumed it was from something like a love triangle. Maybe y/n and Price loved the same woman and had some unfinished rivalry? Regardless, it was not his problem so much as it didn’t effect the mission.
Laswell however, she knew. She wouldn't have the position she did if information like this just flew past her radar. She knew of their history, she saw how they reacted to one another. Laswell wasn't blind for god's sake, in fact she felt like the only one with eyes at the moment. She wasn't so crass as to demand them to make up and get it over with, but having no one to complain to was definitely testing her patience. Instead she stuck to subtly, casually chatting with Price about y/n and dropping questions in regards to their past missions together and how close they were, hoping to make some wheels turn in his rusted head. She wasn't gonna do more than that however, they were two grown men and if they couldn’t figure it out that was their problem. Could they just be a little more subtle though?
It took until a, quite literally, explosive scenario for them to finally get it together. A bullet had gotten lodged into Price's shoulder after an enemy made a lucky shot. It was far from the worst thing the Captain had faced but it still wasn't great, hurt like a bitch for one. And secondly it seemed to send y/n into a spiral. He was practically fuming when Price got back, going on some sort of rant about hygiene and wound care. Y/n demanded to be the one to dress Price's shoulder with a tone that had the others knowing they were not invited to watch unless they wanted to join in on the incoming lecture. And lecture he did, through the whole process Price could barely get a word in. Y/n paced and raved, threw his arms in the air and even knocked over supplies on accident. He was a complete mess and it wasn't until y/n was literally out breath that the Captain could finally speak.
An explanation of what happened was given, it was just luck (bad luck in regards to Price) that he got hit. This wasn’t overly common and the team knew how to deal with these wounds. Everything was okay, it was going to be fine. This just came with the job, risks were inevitable.
They were quiet, looking at each other and letting the silence permeate the room. Price reached his hand out to touch y/n’s but was caught off guard as the other man suddenly leaned it. Knocking his head against Price’s good shoulder and breathing heavily, y/n shuddered a silent cry. A plead for Price to be safe. Whatever false version of safety he could promise, just please don’t die out there.
The Captain raised his outstretched hand to cup the back of y/n’s head, running a thumb over the stubbled hair. Letting his hand slide to his face and pushing him back just an inch.
Another moment of silence. Hearts beating like rabbits.
“You gonna actually do something or do I-“
Price shut him up as quickly as he could. It was clumsy, a bit shaky, and definitely desperate, but the moment their lips touched it felt like pure ecstatic relief. Relief that this was finally happening, relief that the invisible barrier they built around each other was so weak, but mostly relief that those moments, all those touches and lingering stares weren’t for nothing.
They breathed in each others scent, something they’ve come to know so well and yet in this moment it felt brand new, and infinitely stronger. The spice of a cigar, the sting of sweat, and- oh right, sterile wipes. Price was left to chuckle awkwardly and y/n backed away. Any childish excitement felt would have to wait but at the very least they had this.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 8 months
i think every single person in saikis group still sleeps with at least one stuffed animal, or in a few cases wants to but is too insecure to and just has lots of pillows/blankets instead (idc that weve literally seen some of their bedrooms and they arent like this idc idc its the vibe)
its saiki, kuboyasu, and saiko that are too insecure btw👍
yume definitely has the MOST stuffed animals on her bed, i think she barely has space for herself😭definitely makes little outfits for them too, probably has at least one teddy bear that she changes into pajamas every night with her
imu is in second place for the most
aiura only has a few but theyre really big ones, like a body pillow sized tiger stuffy and a unicorn or something like that
teru has a pretty regular teddy bear with various accessories she probably sews herself.. like cute little bows and scarves.. she also has a few stuffed animal keychains, and a couple of cutesy stuffies she got from yumehara
mera used to have a lot of those food themed stuffed animals on her bed, like sushi cats or burger cats if you know what im talking about, but she would get extra delirious in the mornings when she was hungry and try to take bites out of them☠️they are now stored on her desk or in her closet and her bed has just a few bunnies and cats yume gave her
hairo strikes me as the type of guy to keep his childhood stuffed animals and blankeys for the rest of his life because they mean something to him.. so he probably has a standard teddy bear, along with some superhero blankets and some build-a-bear stuffies with fun outfits (i bet you he thought superman and other superheroes were real guys when he was a kid, and looked up to them and wanted to be just like them)
nendo also has his old baby blanket and childhood teddy bear but they are absolutely in TATTERS
akechi has like an ocean themed entire bed i think☠️his sheets and blankets are shades of blue and he has a bunch of sea creature stuffed animals
toritsuka has body pillows but that goes without saying.. i think he also has a batman stuffed animal (or like, a build-a-bear with a batman costume.. because thats what i have lol) which he refuses to admit
saiko and kuboyasu never really got stuffed animals from their parents as kids and never thought to ask for them (neither of them know how they wouldve responded and it freaks them out) but they would always get secretly jealous of other kids who had stuffed animals and cute toys and keychains.. they probably both have some that either they made (yasu crocheting hc🫶) or were given to them recently by the group but they hide them out of embarrassment
saiki prob also has a few from the group and keeps them mostly hidden
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rippedfleshh · 3 months
clocky & toby
they’re a complicated duo that fit perfectly within each other’s fucked up jagged puzzle pieces.
I wouldn’t say they’re toxic, just complex and complicated. throwing together two serial killers who most likely have attachment issues (for diff reasons) and anger issues is bound to be slightly rocky at first.
that being said, they never intentionally hurt each other or have malicious intent towards one another. their expression of love is just slightly more complex or strange.
you’ll never hear clocky tell toby she loves him. but, she’ll listen to his rambles for hours on end and carry out any drawing requests he asks. she doesn’t write him love letters and continuously shower him in constant compliments. instead, she’ll maybe splurge a bit of cash to buy him a pocket knife she thinks he’d like. she also has crow like tendencies id say, picking up little bones or rocks in the woods she thinks he’d like. yes, she’s short on words and doesn’t quite know what to say but best believe she is showing her love for him in one way or another.
now for toby, unlike what you would expect and quite literally the opposite of clocky, he knows all the right things to say. but there’s always a time and a place. if he were to say sweet things to her all the time it would become the norm. toby doesn’t want that. he wants his words to convey meaning and genuinely make an impact on her. so on the nights that everything is quiet and maybe they’re sitting by a fire, he’ll lean over and whisper sweet, teeth rotting shit to her. also, love letters. he absolutely lovessss writing her love letters and means every damn word in all three pages. when it’s not words it’s in touches. gentle and almost unnoticeable. of course, she notices every single one though.
now for the complicated part. they have their fair share of fights and some of them get pretty bad. there’s not really a common theme but more so a common route of progression. they both are stubborn as hell and don’t know when to stop so this is where they clash heads. ultimately, they both realize they’re adults and sit to talk the shit out. afterwards, there’s either awkward silence for awhile or toby being… toby.
“you’re so pretty when you’re pissed off, I ever tell you that sweetheart?” “go fuck yourself”
“you know, if you’re jealous just say that.” “i will throw your ass into a table right fucking now.” “try it, bitch.”
“toby if you leave your bloody, sweat soaked clothes in my fucking laundry basket again im going to wreck your shit.” “fuck off dude, you’re always bitching.” “say some wack shit like that again and I will have your head on a fucking stick” “yes ma’am.” (he does it to get a reaction from her, but she knows this teehee)
neither of them take shit from the other and it’s almost perfect, because there’s no sensitivity. but, there’s always a boundary and when they’re crossed is when shit gets twisted. it’s honestly quite rare though because both are smart enough to know what’s appropriate and not.
so, they’re a cute couple (who happen to be serial killers). and no, they don’t kill together because their tactics are too different and they’d stress each other out.
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hilsonamore · 14 days
“Don’t Ever Change”
So here’s part 2 because i haven’t said half of whatever the fuck is going on in my head rn-
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“You like that!”
“It’s annoying but she’s good at it”
“Wait a second- this isn’t just about the sex. You like her personality. You like that she’s conniving. You like that she has no regard for consequence. You like that she can humiliate someone if it serves-“
Intense puppy brown eye stare
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“Oh my god…you’re sleeping with me”
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holy actual SHIT
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LIKE- Do i even have to elaborate further on that? The fact that house is listing all these undesirable, questionable, anti-wilson qualities that characterise Amber, and then realises that… wait a damn second. THAT’S ME. And he realises that not only does wilson like that, he’s also attracted to that. He realises that his best friend has found someone who makes him happy, whose unconventional qualities aren’t regarded as off-putting and grotesque, and that that person just so happens to be a female version of himself. Like, no wonder my boy looks so flabbergasted.
“It’s annoying but she’s good at it”, is basically wilson’s way of telling house that, however annoying and mind-boggling and irritating he might be, he still likes him, he’s still there for him, he still acknowledges, despite all his unorthodox qualities, his brilliance and his goodness (which is basically the entire dynamic of their relationship), i-
And may i note, if this was just some “hahha you’re sleeping with the female version of me mate hahaha are you in love with me or something” house would NOT be so fucking awkward and DESPERATE to get away. Like, are y’all seeing what i’m seeing? My guy doesn’t do awkward. And yet-
Honestly, bisexuality was born in this scene and no one can convince me otherwise.
Next up!
This very normal conversation between two totally hetero boy-besties😔
“House you’re right. Why not? Why not date you? It’s brilliant. We’ve known each other for years, we’ve put up with all kinds of crap from each other and we keep coming back. We’re a couple!”
“Are we still speaking metaphorically?”
“Amber is exactly what i need, and you would agree if you weren’t mired in self-loathing, topped with a thin crust of megalomania”
“Hey, that’s my best friend’s girl you’re talking about”
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Okay but like… WHAT
First of all, wilson babe, house didn’t ever tell you “oh hey babe since you’re sleeping with the female version of me then you should just date the og version of me instead haha” in order for you to make that very-serious-joke, he just stated that “you’re sleeping with me”. So what’s your excuse? What’s your excuse for saying that out of nowhere other than in the hopes that amidst the jokey manner of your banter house would grasp on the opportunity, suggest you go find a closet (ha!) to make out in or just out-right tell everyone you’re together and because you’re both so stubborn neither would ever back down from this intense game of gay chicken- literally whyyyyyy?!?!?
My boy’s face doesn’t even have one ounce of “i’m just messing with you ahaha or am i!?!” he’s just like “yep, this was my plan all along, to date someone who’s a copy-paste of you to make you finally realise how intensely in love with each other we both are, you jealous lil shit-”.
Like, what in the gay old man yaoi shit is going on here?
And then, then there is this beautifully brilliant thing that wilson says that i haven’t actually seen anyone talk about and it’s driving me crazy.
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“Amber is exactly what i need, and you would agree if you weren’t mired in self loathing, topped with a thin crust of megalomania”
Okay so um, we’ve already established that Amber is the female version of House. Like, their gender is the only thing that sets them apart, because otherwise they are the literal same person and they can both see that. And then this little shit of a puppy-brown-eyed-sexually-frustrated-closeted-little-shit of a doctor tells his best friend that his girlfriend, aka his alter ego, is exactly what he needs. He doesn’t just want her for sex, he wants her for her and everything that she is. Which is house with a different body type. He’s so unserious like what-
“And you would realise that if you weren’t mired in self-loathing, topped with a thin crust of megalomania”
What does his self-loathing have to do with anything? Ohhhh yeah, i get it, house’s self-loathing is preventing him from seeing that he is exactly what wilson needs in his life, right? Like, this is the literal translation of this statement, metaphorically or not. Otherwise, somebody come correct my language skills.
“She’s not me. Well, she is me. But that’s not why she’s attractive. She’s a needy version of me”
“Hard to imagine such a mythical creature”
aka you’re needy and i desire you carnally
“She wasn’t needy, she was.. in a bad situation. There’s a difference”
“Not to your libido”
aka either way you just want to sleep with me
Intense hungry, blue-eyed stare
“Well, if you’d looked at me with those eyes before i was involved…c’est la vie”
aka come here you lil-
Gay smile
im tired what the fuck more do i have to say-
i’ll probably make a part 3 but later on because i just spent 3 hours making these😔
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