#in a number of ways. ehhh.
sangfielle · 11 months
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this feels like an offensively bad way to divide these things
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4giorno · 10 months
this is literally so important to me
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ilguna · 10 months
☼ whisper of the beast (Finnick Odair) ☼
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summary; on your own, you try to find your boyfriend in the arena. instead, you run across something much, much worse.
warnings; swearing, death, weapon usage, ehhh gore, blood mention.
wc; 2.5k
prompt; 11. "Just keep breathing. In and out. You're doing great."
There is something seriously horrifying going on with this arena, and each time you think you get close to figuring it out—it changes.
The only consistent factor in each of your theories is the jungle, and that’s because it’s the root of the fear. When you travel through the greenery for long periods of time, a creeping feeling grows on you, one that you can’t shake unless you make your way back to the beach.
Which is far from safe, itself. Especially since there are nine other tributes alive here, roaming around, hunting for lone victors. For it only being the second day of the Games, it’s remarkable that so many are dead, already. With six of them dying today, alone.
It makes you think that you’re being overly paranoid, because you’re out here by yourself. It’s a completely new experience to you. The first time around, during your Games, the Career alliance lasted up until the very last second. You never had to keep an eye out for yourself, because you had others with you that were doing the same thing.
You were under the impression that you’d be doing that for these Games, too, but nothing has gone according to plan. You and Finnick had a long discussion the night of the interviews on what to expect regarding corralling Katniss and Peeta into the alliance. Neither of you thought it would be easy. Worst case scenario, you’d grab one and he’d get the other, and the two of you would meet up somewhere in the middle. 
The Gamemakers really must have it out for you this year, determined to keep you and Finnick apart. That’s why they decided to put you on the opposite side of the Cornucopia, keeping you from seeing Finnick. While also putting Brutus in your water wedge, to ensure that you wouldn’t be able to reach him.
By the time you fought off Brutus and got to the Cornucopia, all three of them were gone. The only option you had left was to wait for Johanna and Blight, but with them still in the water and the Careers coming to take over, you had to leave. There wasn’t a choice in the matter.
Since, you’ve spent your time traveling through the jungle and taking the occasional rest on the beach, in the hopes that you’ll run across your boyfriend. The search was casual yesterday, as you were more worried about finding drinking water than the rebel alliance. Now that the numbers are spiraling, you know that the rescue plan is right around the corner.
You’re confident enough to say that they won’t do it today, but it’s got to be tomorrow or the day after. They won’t have Katniss and Peeta openly in danger like this for longer than they have to. You likely have less than forty-eight hours to find them, or else you’ll get trapped in here and taken by the Capitol.
You would say that you wish you had a general idea on which direction they went in yesterday, but it probably won’t make much of a difference. With the amount of people dying in these trees, you’re sure Finnick is directing them the opposite way, just in case. 
It’s another reason why you can’t stand to be in the jungle for long periods of time. From what you’ve gathered, at least half of the tributes that have died today so far, have come from somewhere in the trees. It makes you think that something is out here, and it’s more than just a rogue tribute.
In fact, it would make more sense for it to be a mutt of some kind. In the last Quarter Quell, they were everywhere. There was not a single animal that a tribute could trust to be friendly. On top of that, there were aspects of the arena that took them by surprise. 
It appeared to be the most breathtaking place imaginable. The Cornucopia was in the middle of a vibrantly green meadow, the sky a perfect blue, with fluffy white clouds. In the distance, there was a snow capped mountain, one that looked straight out of a picture book. On the other side, a healthy forest with plants you couldn’t name.
Of course, it was all too good to be true. The mountain was revealed to be a deadly volcano, the plants were poisonous, the water was infected with a disease, the insects stung and the flowers could kill when inhaled too closely. Everything that was placed in that arena was working against them.
Who’s to say it’s not the same for this one?
You pause next to a nearby tree to rest your feet, because they’re throbbing in your shoes. You lift one, stretching your thigh, feeling the immediate relief that comes with being off the foot. After a minute, you switch, but it doesn’t feel as good this time around.
When you reach up to run a hand through your hair to smooth it back, you find that your scalp is wet, soaked from sweating so much. It feels much hotter today than it was yesterday, like the Gamemakers are trying to boil you alive. It’s brutal enough being in here, do they really need to make it any worse?
You dip your head, eyes closed while you take a deep breath, sighing it out. You return to walking, paying attention to where you place your feet.
It might make more sense for you to go down to the beach and wait for Finnick, Katniss and Peeta to show up. The issue is that you’re not willing to take the risk of the Careers spotting you while you’re down there. The four of them could easily get you pinned down. You’ll be dead before you can call for help.
A branch rustling behind you makes your next step stutter. Your eyes widen, as you slowly look across the fern in front of you, to the left of your vision. With sensitive ears, you adjust the spear in your hand, turning your body halfway to look behind you, at the tree you were just standing at.
There’s nothing.
You take a minute to search the trees around you, backtracking to get a better look. Even if it’s just a critter, you want to know. If there’s living animals out here, that means there’s a water source—and you won’t have to depend on your sponsors to keep you hydrated.
There’s not a trace. At least, that’s what you think, until your eyes catch the hoof print in the mud. Your face contorts, you drop into a crouch to get closer, curious on what could’ve made a mark like this. As far as your knowledge on the jungle goes, there shouldn’t be anything that could leave this behind.
The goosebumps that crawl up your arms are involuntary, stomach dropping. The safety blanket that the jungle had been providing seconds ago, is gone now. There’s something in here with you, and it was smart enough to run when it made noise.
You raise your head, thinking about the best way to handle this situation, when your heart seizes in your chest.
What the fuck is that.
In one fluid movement, you jump to your feet, turning in the direction of the beach, and beginning to sprint down the slope. A screech cuts through the previously quiet air, piercing your ears enough to make you wince at the pitch.
And then you can hear it galloping behind you, hands and feet pounding against the spongy jungle ground. A scream rises in your throat, terrified to look behind you to see how fast this thing actually is.
You take the chance when you swing around a tree, stealing a glance over your shoulder. 
Whatever it is, it’s demonic.
You’ve never seen anything like it. It’s coming at you on all fours, there’s hooves where its feet should be, with long and pointed nails on its fingers. Its fur is so black that you can’t make out where its eyes are, or if it has any skin exposed at all. It’s a beast straight out of one of your nightmares.
It isn’t fast by any means, but it’s not slow, either.
You can hear it tearing up a path behind you, trampling through the bushes, ripping bark off trees. As the path between the trees narrows, the jungle becomes more condensed. You hear less of it coming in contact with the ground, thumping replacing the noise.
Until it stops altogether.
Your instincts take over, jerking to the right, shoulder slamming into the tree. You watch in silence as the beast flies by where you were a second ago, claws out and ready to latch on. It comes into contact with the ground about ten feet away, head whipping unnaturally to see over its shoulder.
“No, no!” You let out, beginning to weave through the trees.
A snarl rips through its throat at the idea of you outsmarting it. It’s coming for you, and there’s nothing you can do besides run for your life and dodge it each time it tries to attack. 
You play this game for what feels like an hour, but it can’t be more than twenty minutes. You make it half a mile down the slope, knowing that the beach can’t be that far away from where you are, when you realize that it’s gone. The monster that has been chasing you has given up.
You lean over your knees, mouth watering, throat beginning to close. As you gasp for air, your body tries to expel some of the heat by making you sweat, but all that’s doing is making you sick. You think you might throw up. 
Right as you’ve come to terms with losing all the water and food in your body, spit falling from your mouth in long strings, a shadow on the ground grows larger. Your face twists, thinking that something must be falling, like a leaf.
It hits you, literally, flattening you against the ground, head hitting the dirt. It digs in, nails cutting through skin as it tears through your back and arms, shredding your jumpsuit. A scream leaves your lips, a white hot and blinding pain smothering you all at once.
Your hand tightens around the spear, cheek against Earth as the beast presses into your shoulders, keeping you from moving. Still, with the small amount of mobility you have, you swing the head of the spear up, toward yourself, narrowly missing your left  shoulder.
It lodges into the beast, causing it to roar in pain. You shove the pole further back, hoping that it pushes into its body deeper. The weight on your shoulders disappears, you can hear it stumbling away.
In the window you have, you get back to your feet, ignoring the screaming pain your entire backside is in. You just need to make it to the beach, it’s not that far away, you’ve covered this distance in your sleep before. It’s harder to do, though, when every hard step you take makes you grit your teeth to keep from crying out. 
The beast is catching up with you, recovering from its wound. It’s faster than you are, and it’s completely disregarding everything in its path. Nothing can slow it down. You can see the golden sand through the trees, you’re almost there.
A body jumps out from behind a bush, making you run into it. For a moment, you’re sure that it’s an exact replica of the monster behind you, but once you realize that you’re staring at another tribute jumpsuit, the panic subsides. But only for a second.
“Move!” You shriek, trying to get around him. He grabs the sides of your arms, holding you there.
You look up, finding that you’re standing face to face with the male tribute from Ten—someone who is not part of the rebel alliance, and doesn’t care whether or not you make it out alive. When you glance over your shoulder, you can see that the beast is getting closer. It’s not going to stop until it gets its hands on somebody.
And it won’t be you.
The only choice you have is to sacrifice him, so that’s exactly what you do. You jerk him around, switching places with him, forcing his back to the beast. His eyes widen, mouth opening to say something, when you pull back from him, lifting your leg to kick him in the chest.
The beast takes him gratefully, landing on his back. He stumbles forward, struggling under the weight of the beast. You watch in horror as its jaws unhinge, revealing razor sharp teeth. It throws its head back, before whipping forward, mouth securing around the tribute’s neck.
And with no resistance, he rips out a chunk of the flesh. A spray of blood hits you in the face, and it coats the jungle floor. You back away with wide eyes, watching as Ten’s legs can’t hold him up anymore, body collapsing in the dirt beneath the beast.
A cannon fires.
You turn, making the final push for the beach before it can come after you, too. 
The moment your feet hit the sand, it begins to drag you down, keeping you from running as far away as your mind is screaming for you to go. You make it a few feet before landing on your hands and knees, sucking in sharp breaths and letting them out aggressively. 
That was almost you. That could’ve been you.
You try to crawl, hands forming in fists in the sand, tears falling from your eyes.
“(Y/n)?” You hear. There’s a headache forming, black spots coming to eat away at the corners of your vision. “(Y/n), hey.”
A hand touching your lower back makes you swing a hand up to get them off. Your wrist is caught, eyes meeting Finnick’s, finding him worried. 
“You’re okay, honey. I’m right here.” He pulls at your elbow to make you sit up on your knees. 
You grab onto his shoulder, struggling to breathe, “It—it… The—” 
Finnick takes your hand placing it against his chest. “Follow me.” He takes a deep breath, you try to follow, stuttering. He blows it out, you sob. “Come on, (Y/n). Just keep breathing. In and out.” You mimic his breaths, allowing them to even out. “You’re doing great.”
“Finnick.” You cry, head falling forward.
He cups your face with both hands, lifting your head. He’s only a couple inches away from you. “You’re safe with me, I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” He wipes your tears away with his thumbs. “Do you want to tell me what’s in there?”
You look away, eyes too intense to stare into. “A monster.”
this was part of my 3k celebration!!
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gamergirl929 · 5 months
Age Is Just A Number (It Shouldn't Hold You Back) (Alex Morgan x Reader)
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If there was one thing you didn't expect when you joined the USWNT, it was to develop a relationship with Alex Morgan, one that consisted of playful teasing and flirting. Despite the fact that she was ten years your senior, something she continuously reminded you of, you couldn't help but fall for her, age be damned, now if only Alex felt the same way.
Your tongue swipes along your lips as you watch Alex Morgan move to her feet, the woman’s uniform now drenched thanks to the waterlogged pitch you were being forced to play on in the semifinals against Canada in the Women’s Gold Cup.  
You move past her, a smirk on your face.  
“Looking good, as always Morgan.” You tease, and she rolls her eyes, giving you a playful shove as you all gather in the box for the incoming corner kick. 
“Shut up.” She shakes her head, though she can’t bite back a smile.  
You lick your lips, watching as Rose Lavelle sets up the corner kick, her hand held high in the air as she prepares to fire the ball.  
The second the ball leaves her foot you know it’s yours, your teammates covered by the Canadian players.  
You leap into the air, using your height to your advantage, jumping high above the Canadian players defending you, the ball ricocheting of your head and inches past Kailen Sheridan’s gloved hands. 
You again jump into the air, throwing a fist above your head as your teammates surround you, ruffling your hair.  
Rose jumps into your arms, and you lift her in the air before twirling.  
“Nice corner as always Rosie.” You say, the woman giggling.  
You turn towards Alex, a smirk stretching across your face.  
“Are you impressed yet?” You flirt and she snorts, throwing an arm around your shoulders.  
“It WAS an impressive header.” She says and you snicker.  
“Don’t worry, you��ll fall for me soon.” You wink and she giggles, her cheeks flushing slightly as she makes her way towards her place on the field, ready to put the ball back into play.
The whistle blows and you sigh in relief, your clothes sticking to your body considering the rain had started back up towards the end of the second half.  
A number of your teammates jog your way, Emily Sonnett in particular jumping on your back.  
“Way to use your freakish tallness to take us through to the finalssss!” Emily says, her chin resting on the top of your head and you snort.  
“I knew it was good for SOMETHING.” You snicker as the woman slides of your back before sprinting towards Lindsey and Rose.  
Meanwhile, you make your way towards Alex, a smirk stretching across your face.  
“So, what did you think of my performance?” You ask and she shakes her head.  
“Ehhh.” She says and you throw your head back with a groan.  
Alex nudges you with her hip.  
“I’m kidding, you did great.”  
You smile, throwing your arm around her middle, giving her side a squeeze, something that makes her cheeks flush.  
“I do have to admit...” You say, leaning towards her, the proximity between you making her cheeks darken.  
“I really like seeing you all wet.” You wink and she gives you a shove.  
“Stop it.” She says, sticking her tongue out.  
“I already told you, I’m too old for you.” She says exasperatedly and you shrug.  
“Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it.” You bite your bottom lip, noting the way Alex’s throat bobs.  
“Y/N?” You turn, smiling when you see that you’re being waved over for an interview.  
You back away from Alex, your eyes raking down her front, your tongue swiping at your lips.  
“I think you’re JUST the right age for me.” You smirk, sending her another wink before jogging towards the waiting analyst.  
Alex groans, rolling her eyes.  
Despite the fact that Alex had told you multiple times that she was far too old for you, you continued to flirt relentlessly.  
In all honesty, she HAD thought about it, but she knew you should be with someone your own age, not someone 10 years your senior.  
Alex smiles scooping Charlie up in her arms as she darts across the field, her little arms wrapping around her neck.  
Not only was she 10 years your senior, but a mother as well, meaning her number one priority was Charlie, and would always be Charlie.  
Across the field, you watch the pair with a soft smile.  
“Jesus Christ, do you ever think of ANYTHING else?” Emily asks, throwing an arm around you and you grin.  
“Hey, you can’t blame me for trying.” You smirk, unable to take your eyes off the forward as she makes the way around the field, Charlie in her arms.  
“I mean, Alex IS milf material.” Emily shrugs, not realizing Kelley was standing behind her.  
“I’m totally going to tell her you said that.” The older woman snickers and Emily’s eyes widen, her cheeks flushing.  
“You wouldn’t dare...!” She says, chasing after Kelley as she sprints towards Alex.  
You shake your head as you turn, shaking your opponent’s waiting hands.  
You knew deep down you probably never had a chance with Alex Morgan, but there was no harm in flirting, was there?
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were falling for me.” You tease as you hoist Alex to her feet after she goes down at practice.  
Alex’s blue orbs widen when you reach towards her face, delicately brushing a piece of grass off her forehead.  
She’s unable to stop her breath from hitching when your fingertips lightly graze her jawline, your eyes holding a softness she hadn’t seen all that often. 
You clear your throat, your cheeks flushing as your bravado completely shifts, a cocky grin stretching across your face.  
You send her a wink before making your back to your position on the field.  
Alex’s throat bobs as you lift your shirt, using it to wipe the sweat from your face, revealing the chiseled muscle that hid beneath your shirt.  
“Jan, you’ve got some drool on your chin.” Kelley teases as she jogs passed, earning a glare from the seasoned forward.  
“I do not.” She grumbles and Kelley snorts.  
“Could’ve fooled me.”  
Alex turns away with a growl, again finding you on the field as you sprint towards Emily Sonnett, sliding in and swiping the ball from her, the blonde playfully nudging you on her way by.  
Watching the interaction makes something stir within Alex, her blue orbs narrowing as she glares at the blonde.  
She clears her throat, giving her head a shake before making her way down field and back into the scrimmage, putting whatever was churning in her stomach at the back of her mind. 
The more she saw you and Emily interact, the more her stomach churned, it didn’t take her long to realize exactly what she was feeling.  
It was jealousy.  
She tried her best to ignore it, but it continued to rear its ugly head.  
It was then she realized she needed to put distance between the two of you, she had to ignore what she was feeling, you deserved someone your own age, not someone 10 years older than you.  
It was in that moment she decided she had to put distance between the two of you, she had to ignore your constant flirting, she had to avoid you, she had to stop the feeling in her chest when she saw you with Emily Sonnett. 
“Looking good as always Morgan.” You wink as the huddle breaks, your eyes widening when Alex completely ignores you and turns away, jogging onto the field.  
You frown, your brows knitted in confusion.  
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Emily asks, her hand resting on your back.  
You shake your head.  
“N-Nothing.” You mumble, slowly making your way towards the bench.  
Maybe she hadn’t heard you?  
Maybe she was so focused on the game that she just forgot to respond?  
Whatever it was, it made your heart ache.  
The whistle blows and you jump, pulled out of your thoughts when the fans cheer and the game ultimately starts.
When the halftime whistle blows, you jog towards Alex, her throat visibly bobbing.  
“Showing off for me?" You tease, screeching to a halt when Alex silently walks past you, in no way acknowledging your presence.  
It was then you realize that she HAD heard you earlier, she'd just chose to ignore you, something that tears your heart in two.  
“Why the long face?” Emily asks as she slings her arm around your shoulders, your frown deepening.  
“Alex is ignoring me...” You mumble sadly, Emily’s brows furrow.  
“Did something happen between the two of you?” She asks and you shake your head, the two of you making your way towards the locker room.  
“Not that I know of.” You say, Emily humming.  
“Maybe she’s just focused on the game?” She says, her head cocked to the side, and you shrug dejectedly.  
“Yeah, maybe.”
It turns out, Alex’s refusal to talk to you had absolutely nothing to do with the game considering once you’d gotten onto the bus, when you even looked in her direction, she turned away, shoving her air pods in her ears.  
Your shoulders hunch as you drop down into an empty seat, your head hanging sadly.  
“Hey, what’s wrong kid?” Kelley asks, rubbing your back on her way by and you shake your head.  
Kelley scoffs, flopping down in the seat beside you.  
“That’s bullshit.” She says and you sigh deeply.  
“Alex won’t talk to me, and I don’t know why.” You mumble sadly, Kelley’s eyes narrowing, her brows furrow.  
“When did that start?” She asks, her brown orbs darting from you to the back of Alex’s head and back.  
“Today.” You swallow hard, wiggling in your seat.  
“Do you want me to talk to her?” Kelley asks, your eyes widening in horror as you turn abruptly towards her.  
“Please don’t, maybe she just wants space, I don’t know.” You shrug, Kelley studying your face for a moment before nodding.  
“Okay kid, but if you want me to, let me know.” She says, ruffling your hair, which makes you smile.  
“I will.”  
Kelley makes her way towards the back of the bus, taking a seat beside Emily.  
“Do you know what’s going on with Alex and Y/N?” She asks the blonde shrugging.
“Y/N just said she’s ignoring her.”  
Kelley hums, her brown orbs staring holes in the back of Alex’s head.  
She had no idea why Alex’s was ignoring you, but she intended to find out. 
“What’s going on between you and Y/N?” Kelley asks that night when Alex makes her way into the room after taking a shower, the woman stiffening.  
“N-Nothing.” She says nonchalantly, refusing to look at the defender whose eyes narrow.  
“Emily said she tried to talk to you and that you ignored her.”  
Alex’s throat bobs, something her friend takes note of.  
“I-I just didn’t hear her.” She says, the excuse lame, even to her own ears.  
Kelley hums, eyeing the woman intently.  
“Well, it really upset her.” She comments, the thought of you being upset making her stomach lurch.  
“Oh, I didn’t realize.”  
Kelley hums, turning to her phone when it chimes, busying herself with whatever is on its screen.  
Alex turns away, her gaze falling to her lap.  
She knew it would be better for the both of you if you didn’t speak to one another at all.  
If you spoke again, the flirting would start back up and she wasn’t sure if she could handle that, not with the feelings currently stirring in her chest at just the thought of you.  
Alex takes a deep breath, laying back in bed, her head resting against the hotel’s pillows.  
She was convinced she was making the right decision, you deserved someone your own age, and that obviously wasn’t her. 
Unfortunately for you, the remainder of your time spent together is much of the same, you attempting to speak to Alex, and Alex completely ignoring you.  
Needless to say, when you went home to Gotham FC, your tail was firmly trapped between your legs.  
“Come on kid, cheer up.” Kelley says as she slings an arm around your middle.
You whine.  
“I just don’t know what I did wrong.” You mumble sadly, Kelley frowning.  
“I don’t think you actually did anything wrong...” She sighs, running a hand down your back.  
“What do you mean?” You ask, your head cocked to the side, brows knitted in confusion.  
“Whatever is going on, it’s on her end, you didn’t do anything wrong.”  
Your eyes widen, a small smile ticking the corners of your mouth upward. 
“Really?” You whisper the older woman pulling you in and giving you a squeeze. 
“Really.” She says, her brown orbs widening at the sound of a whistle blowing. 
“That’s our queue.” She says as she darts across the field, twisting on her heels midway. 
“Just, don’t let it get to you, okay?” She smiles and you nod, jogging after her, hopeful that practice would take your mind off of the San Diego Wave captain.
Your mind isn’t off of Alex Morgan long considering Gotham FC and San Diego Wave go head-to-head in a clash at Red Bull Arena soon after the international break.  
Much like she had during the Gold Cup, Alex refused to acknowledge your presence, avoiding you as much as possible, the only close contact you made with her being on the field.  
It’s only after the game that Alex approaches you, your heart stalling in your chest, the thought that the woman may acknowledge your presence making your heart race.  
That’s until she actually gets to you, her blue orbs darting to your Y/E/C’s before she turns away.  
“Good game.” She mumbles, refusing your outstretched hand and continuing to make her way around the field.  
You stay rooted in place, tears stinging your eyes as you watch Alex walk away.
Unbeknownst to you, Kelley O’Hara and Emily Sonnett had witnessed the exchange and needless to say, they were FAR from happy.  
“What the hell was that about?” Emily asks Kelley before jogging towards you, wrapping her arms around you from behind, pushing herself up on her tiptoes so her chin can rest on your shoulder.
“It’s okay.” She whispers in your ear, frowning when you turn in her hold, revealing the tears glistening in your Y/E/C eyes.  
Emily holds you tightly, shooting a glare over your shoulder at Alex when she catches her blue orbs. 
That’s not all she sees, however.  
She also sees Kelley stomping her way towards Alex, Alex’s eyes widening when she sees the look of anger on Kelley O’Hara’s face.  
“What’s your problem?” Kelley growls, the San Diego captain’s brows arching.  
“What do you mean?” She asks, dumbly and Kelley scoffs.  
“You know what I mean Jan, look at her.” She motions behind her at you, Emily’s arm wrapped tightly around your middle, the woman catching sight of the tears on your cheeks as the blonde guides you towards the benches, her hazel orbs narrowed as they meet Alex’s blues.  
“Do you even care about what you’re doing to her?” Kelley asks, Alex’s gaze falling to her feet, unable to look at the defender standing in front of her.  
“Of course I care.” She whispers and Kelley shakes her head.  
“It REALLY looks like it.” She growls, stepping closer to Alex, her voice dropping below a whisper.  
“The sooner you accept what you’re feeling for her, the sooner you’ll both be happy.”  
Alex’s head snaps upward, her eyes locking with Kelley’s.  
“I don’t have feelings for her.” She mumbles and Kelley scoffs, rolling her eyes.  
“That’s why you’re pushing her away, isn’t it?” She asks but gets no response.  
“You know, your age doesn’t matter.” She says, noting the bob of Alex’s throat.  
“It does Kel.” She mutters and Kelley rolls her eyes.  
“Yeah, only to you, no one else cares Al.” She shakes her head and Alex’s nostrils flare.  
“I’m a mom Kelley, I have more than just screwing around on my mind.”  
Kelley groans.  
“You do realize, it isn’t JUST about screwing around for her, right?” She asks, Alex’s brows knitting in confusion.  
Kelley pinches the bridge of her nose.  
“Her bravado is all an act Jan; she only acts that way because she’s afraid of facing her real feelings for you.”  She sighs deeply, watching as realization dawns on Alex’s face.  
It’s then that she spots you across the field, Charlie racing towards you, wrapping her tiny arms around your legs.  
Almost immediately, you lift her into the air with a small smile, giving her a playful spin, the little girl giggling wildly.  
“Oh.” Alex whispers, and Kelley snorts.  
“Yeah, oh.” She says with an annoyed eye roll.  
“Now, fix it.” She says before making her way towards the sidelines where her teammates have gathered.  
Alex turns back to you, her blue orbs catching your Y/E/C’s, the smile that graced your face shifting to a small frown as you slowly place Charlie on the ground and nod in Alex’s direction, the little girl sprinting towards her mother.  
It was in that moment, as you turned away from her, that she knew she had to fix it.
When you shuffled through your apartment that night, you were exhausted, not only from the physical exertion on the game, but emotionally as well.  
You never expected for Alex to ignore you directly to your face, but she did, and that fact made your heart ache.  
You still didn’t know what you did wrong, maybe you’d come off too strongly with your flirting?  
Maybe she’d finally realized that your bravado was only for show, used to mask your true feelings for the older woman. 
You flop down on your couch’s surface, your eyes fluttering shut, hopeful that sleep would take you momentarily.  
Just as you’re on the cusp of sleep, however, a light tapping makes your eyes flutter, open your brows furrowed in confusion.  
It isn’t long before the light taps repeat, and it’s then you realize that someone is knocking on your apartment door.  
You reluctantly leave your place on the couch before shuffling to the door and leaning against it.  
“Who is it?” You ask, your voice scratchy.  
You listen intently, a soft shuffling behind the door before a soft voice replies.  
“It’s Alex.”  
Silence envelopes the two of you before you slowly open the door, your brows furrowed as you peer through the crack, coming face to face with the woman who had been avoiding you for months.  
You pull the door the rest of the way open, your eyes studying Alex’s face intently, the woman shuffling nervously from foot to foot.  
“I’m sorry.” She suddenly blurts out, your eyes widening as Alex’s blue orbs remain focused on the floor. 
You find yourself taking a step to the side moments later, waving your arm, beckoning her to enter your apartment, something that she almost instantly does.  
Your throat bobs as you push the door shut behind her, your back to the older woman.  
You knew whatever was about to happen, there was no going back, but now you had no choice, you had to face Alex Morgan, you had to find out what was going on between the two of you.  
Your breath catches in your throat when a pair of arms wrap around you from behind, your heart racing when you feel Alex bury her face between your shoulder blades.  
You stiffen, unsure of what you should do, did you cover Alex’s hands with your own, or did you push her away? 
Subconsciously, your hands drift to Alex’s gently resting on top of hers, the woman sighing against your back.  
“I’m sorry I was so stupid.” She whispers, nuzzling against your back.  
Your heart swells in your chest, the feeling of her pressed against your back everything you’ve ever wanted and more.  
“Why did you ignore me...?” You ask, humming when Alex pushes her fingers between your own.  
“I was jealous.” She mumbles against your back, your brows furrowing as you turn in her hold.  
“Of what?” You ask, your hands finding their way to Alex’s waist.  
She shrugs, her breath hitching when you gently take her chin between your thumb and index finger.  
Her mouth opens and closes repeatedly before she sighs loudly.  
“Seeing you with Emily, I couldn’t help but think you deserved someone your own age.” She whispers and you shake your head, Alex’s breath hitching when you turn the tables, pressing her back against your apartment door.  
“I don’t want anyone my own age, I want you.” You whisper, Alex’s throat bobbing as her eyes dart from your Y/E/C orbs to your lips and back.  
Much to your surprise, she lunges forwards, her lips meeting yours in a tender, and long overdue kiss.  
You kiss back without hesitation, your palms resting on the wall on either side of Alex’s head as you kiss softly.  
Alex’s hands slip to the back of your neck, her fingers tangling in your hair as you kiss passionately.  
You’re unable to stop yourself from chuckling when you pull back, the woman pinned to the wall whining loudly as you bury your face in her neck, nuzzling her jawline.  
“Our first kiss and you’re already addicted.” You tease, earning an eye roll.  
“Shut up.” She mumbles before pulling you back in for another kiss.  
Eventually, you make your way to the couch, Alex’s pinned beneath you as you kiss softly, giggling loudly when you bury your face in her neck, peppering her flesh with kisses.  
You pull back reluctantly, your eyes locking with Alex’s bright blue orbs.  
She smiles softly when you lean in, kissing her lips over and over again until she starts laughing.  
It isn’t long before you’re lowering yourself on top of her, her legs spread as you rest your head against her chest, the woman drawing small patterns against your back.  
You nuzzle into the crook of her neck, your eyes fluttering shut as your heart rate slows, your earlier exhaustion making itself known.  
“What does this mean for us...?”  You slur, unable to fight your fluttering eyelids as they close.  
Alex hums, her lips parting to answer, that is until she realizes you’d drifted off. 
She holds you tightly to her chest, feeling you smile against her neck as you nuzzle closer.  
“It means I’m going to stop being such an idiot and worrying about what others think, and worry about what I want, and that’s you.” She turns her head, kissing your forehead before her own eyes flutter shut. 
Thankfully, Kelley had offered to keep Charlie for the night, meaning she could remain where she currently was, your body weight on top of her as you slept soundly in her arms. 
You were the first to wake the next morning, beaming when you realized that what had happened the following night wasn’t a dream, Alex Morgan was fast asleep beneath you, her arms wrapped tightly around you as she slept peacefully, a smile on her face.  
You hum, burying your face back in her neck as you fall back asleep, eager to see what the future held for you and Alex Morgan.  
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luxthestrange · 4 months
KNY Incorrect quotes#115 Ehhh~NO
Sekido*With a phone in hand*-Hello, Y/n, This is Sekdio- I know up to this point our relationship has been strictly professional, and you're leaving for college and all, but...
Sekido*struggles to get it out and takes a breath*-Okay, here is the question- Would you like...-to go out on a date?
Zohakuten*Standing across from his oldest brother, pretending to be on a cell phone on the other end of the line. And wearing a wig similar to your hairstyle and an outfit like yours, he shrugs*Eh, no
Sekido*Glares at him*-Okay, that's not helping!
Sekido: All right. Here we go. For real this time!
He stares at your phone number in his phone Then turns to the phone. It's a stand-off...He does stretches and calisthenics to psych himself up...Zohakuten deadpanned seeing him
Sekido: I can do this!?
He stares down the phone again. It sits there, taunting him. We cut back and forth between Sekido and the phone, until finally-
Sekido:Agh! I hate you!
He takes out a lighter and hairspray and burns up the phone angrily...Zohakuten dives out of the way
Sekido*satisfied as the home phone is melted* Ah~
Zohakuten:...This is the 4th phone this week-
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Part 5:
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dalliancekay · 2 months
Why is our angel also kind of reluctant to be called good?
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The little 'ehhh' incline of his head... We never saw what kind of assignments Aziraphale was given (and shared with Crowley) I hope they were nicer than 'bearing witness' to a Flood and a Crucifixion.
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Perhaps he wasn't sure doing his job was really something he could call 'good' for himself. And maybe after the non-Armageddon he didn't want to be seen as doing good just cos he's supposed to, given he's a literal angel. So he sees this as selfish, not really good, good, since he got something out of the interaction.
Ugh, I want to speak to Aziraphale, anyone has his number? Email?
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He's not too proud to be associated with them, is he?
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They way Crowley looks at him here ... 'Angel? This one? What did he do this time? Anyway, my angel, hands off' I hope he's thinking. Anyways, I woke up and chose to think about how Aziraphale just wants to be Aziraphale, not an angel.
So all those takes that think he wants nothing more than turn Crowley back into an angel too can take a hike.
It's always about safety for Az when it comes to Crowley. Besides, he knows well that his demon has a good heart. He always knew.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 6 months
Vaggie: “Babe, you have an amazing brain, love everything going on in there-”
Charlie: “Thank you!”
Vaggie: “-but we need a LITTLE bit of organization or we’re NEVER gonna remember what great ideas you had five minutes ago.”
Charlie: “Wait, what great idea did I have five minutes ago???”
Vaggie: “I don’t know. You scribbled it on a napkin and there’s like, five hundred of those scattered around our room.”
Charlie: “Aw shoot.”
Vaggie: “Some of them are folded in the shape of swans?"
Charlie: "Nnnoooo I've been trying so hard not to DO that so much!!!"
Vaggie: "It’s, pretty impressive honestly.”
Charlie: (huffs) “Okay. Fine. Maaaybe you’re right. Maybe I might have a slight, uh, organizing thoughts problem.”
Vaggie: “No worries sweetie, I have a solution.”
Vaggie: (dramatically steps aside) “BAM!”
Vaggie: “They’re filing cabinets.”
Charlie: “OHHHHH!!!”
Charlie: “…..”
Charlie: “How… how do we activate the filing cabinets?”
Vaggie: “You put your ideas in folders, label the tabs on the folders, put them in a drawer, and label each drawer. Then when you’re looking for something you just open the drawer and-”
Charlie: “Bam?”
Vaggie: “Bam. There it is. The brilliant ideas of Charlie Morningstar.”
Charlie: “As organized by Vaggie, her amazing wonderful super smart and beautiful girlfriend!!!!!”
Vaggie: (chuckling) “I don’t think looking good has anything to do with organizing…”
Charlie: “Hmm, you still are though, miss good looking. Annnnnd it DOES have a lot to do with what I’m thinking about right now.”
Vaggie: “What’re you thinking, Charlie?”
Charlie: (grins)
Vaggie: “…really? Right here, in front of our new cabinets?”
Charlie: “Heheh. I like it when stuff is ‘ours’~”
Vaggie: “Why do I get the feeling the first recorded thoughts of Charlie Morningstar are gonna have to be filed under ‘for our eyes only’.”
Charlie: “Your smirk would have to go there too then. But does this mean it’s a good idea!?”
Vaggie: “Definitely.”
Charlie: “WOO! Kisses kisses kisses-”
Vaggie: “AFTER we’ve cleaned up all these napkins. AND have neatly folded the ones that aren’t already swans.”
Charlie: “Wh- but- but there’s almost five hundred of them!! The kisses-?”
Vaggie: “One kiss per every fifty napkins, how’s that sound?
Charlie: (pouting) “Insufficient kiss ratio.”
Vaggie: “Sorry, but as much as organizing your brain turns me on, the storm of paper in here is kinda a total mood killer. No way I can focus on anything with this mess everywhere. So. Start cleaning.”
Charlie: “I’m starting to think writing on napkins was my worst idea yet…”
Vaggie: “Could’ve been worse. Could’ve been paper airplanes again.”
Charlie: “THEN I could’ve just thrown them all out the window! Be free! Fly!!! Shoo! Let me make out with my girlfriend in peace!”
Vaggie: “Ha!”
Charlie: “…. Vaggie. What if we-”
Vaggie: “Charlie no.”
Charlie: “Oh come on! Swans can fly!”
Vaggie: “Not when they’re fancy origami ones that we’ll just have to clean up later anyway.”
Charlie: “Feh. Stupid ideas on stupid napkins.”
Vaggie: “Would one kiss per every two dozen napkins make you feel better?’
Charlie: “Yes.” (deep sigh) “But I’ve only folded ten.”
Vaggie: “Perfect, I’ve done fourteen, so that makes two dozen.”
Charlie: “Wh-”
Vaggie: “Kiss ratio completed.”
Charlie: “It’s based on our combined number???”
Vaggie: “Why not. You like it when stuff is ‘ours’, don’t you.”
Charlie: “….yesthankyouiloveyouonekissplease.”
- a few several many moments later –
Charlie: “….”
Charlie: “I’m suddenly getting the idea that… those were way more than one kiss.”
Vaggie: “I don’t care and wasn’t keeping count. File it under ‘Vaggie can’t multitask for shit’.”  
Charlie: “Mmm, ehhh. I think we just need a ‘Vaggie has AMAZING focus while kissing, but specifically only on the actual kissing’ folder instead.”
Vaggie: “Are you trying to get me to kiss you again.”
Charlie: “Is it working?”
Vaggie: (shoving napkins in her hands) “Here. Fold.”
Charlie: “I’m filing that under a yes~”
Vaggie: “Charlie. Fold. NOW.”
Charlie: “Hm-hmm-hm-hmmm~” (folding at lightspeed) “My newest great idea is that we should get even MORE filing cabinets.”
Vaggie: “Oh for-”(throws aside napkins) “-fuck’s sake-” (gives up and kisses her again)
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reashot · 7 months
A Final Goodbye... (Lancaster in the end.)
So with RT gone and with RWBY never going to get a satisfying ending I made this instead.
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Salem: ... It has begun.
Tyrian: May I ask, what has begun exactly, your evilship?
Salem: The end of the universe.
Tyrian: Oh... Can we stop that?
Salem: I'm afraid not. It has been decided by someone higher than me.
Tyrian: Someone higher. Is it the twin gods?
Salem: Ehhh..... Someone much higher than even them I'm afraid.
Tyrian: I see... So this is it then?
Salem: This is it.
Tyrian: Then I'm proud that I was your number one henchman.
think of this as the same thing that destroyed the multiverse during the crisis on infinite earth.
Somewhere in Vacuo
Yang: Well this sucks.
Blake: Tell me about it. Just right when we're finally together,
Yang: I know babe. And before we get to be erased from existence I want to say to you again.
I love you.
Blake: Come here...
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Tai: There goes my daughter.
Raven: At least she died with someone she loved.
Tai: ...It doesn't mean she hates you know.
Raven: Tai. We're about to die. So you don't have to lie to make me feel better.
Tai: If it makes you feel any better Yang doesn't want to spend her final moment with me either.
Raven: Some parents we are.
Tai: The last time I check I was the parent. And you were the one that left us.
Raven: I know that! Do you think I want to leave her in the first place and leave you?! But it's too late for that now.
Tai: You know maybe we can try again. You can apologize to Yang in the next life.
Raven: I-I would like that...
Willow: I really picked a bad time to stop drinking.
Whitley: At least we can spend our last family time together.
Weiss: As much I hate saying this. I'm glad I at least got to spend my last time on Remnants with you, mom and.... Wait a sec, where did Winter go?
Qrow: Boy. I really picked a good time to start drinking.
Winter: Qrow. There's something I wanted to tell you.
Qrow: Fire away Ice queen.
Winter: *gets down on one knee* Qrow Branwen will you marry me?
Qrow: Uhhh.... all right.
Winter: Great. Let me introduce you to my family. Weiss meet your new brother in-law.
Qrow: Uh hey Ice princess. I guess I'm marrying your sister now.
Weiss: WHAT!!! If you think I'm letting a drunk deadbeat marrying my sister then you must be fuc...
Ruby: This it Jaune. Are you scared?
Jaune: Very. So how do you feel Ruby.
Ruby: Same... It's not supposed to end this way.
Jaune: I know Rubes, but what done is done. And I'm glad I got to spend the end of the world with a friend.
Ruby: Yeah... Ah screw it. Jaune please don't get mad at me.
*kiss Jaune on the lips*
Jaune. I love you.
Jaune: W-what?
Ruby: I said I love you, you dork! I've been in love with you for a long time. I always wanted to tell you this but there was never a good time to do so.
Jaune: I see. Then I also have a confession to make. I feel the same way too. For a long time. I thought you don't feel the same way as I do.
Ruby: Well now we know. I just wish we have more time. To go on more dates, to go on a beach together, to get married, have kids and grow old togethers....
I don't want to die Jaune. Not yet. Not until we achieve our dreams together.
Jaune: I know Ruby but it's too late for that. At least we will die together.
Ruby: I guess there are worst ways to die. Jaune I love you and I hope we get to see each others again in the next life and the next life after that.
Jaune: Ruby I love you too. And I promise to always find you no matters where you are.
Ruby: And I will promise to always love you.
*kiss Jaune for the last time*
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Will make an epilogue if this gets 100 likes.
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strniohoeee · 11 months
hii i was thinking you could do a smutty fic where y/n is the triplets bsf and she lives with them,and they go out to dinner one night and y/n was like wearing i very revealing dress and matt couldnt contain himself so when they got home matt went to hang out in y/ns room(alone) and he says something along the lines of “i looked so fucking hot today” and then makeout the session and then smutty smut smut,if u cant that’s totally okay love u and ur fics bae😝
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: After dinner, and Y/N wearing a short dress Matt’s feeling a bit conflicted….and turned on??🗣️
Warnings⚠️: SMUT SMUT SMUT. There’s nothing like crazy crazy at least that’s how I feel, but uhhh they definitely FUCKIN🖤
Song for the imagine: Creepin- Metro Boomin, The Weeknd, 21 Savage
⚠️This is an 18+ imagine, so minors do not interact, or do??⚠️
And if you’re Creepin, please don’t let it show
Oh baby, I don’t wanna know
The triplets had decided to have dinner at a fancy restaurant for hitting 5 million subscribers on YouTube. They invited Madi and I.
I have never been out to a fancy restaurant, so I was so excited to play dress up especially with Madi! We both decided on wearing black mini dresses, and we looked so hot
As we walked out to the living room we hear Chris
“Can we get a little commotion for the dress!! Holy shit yall look good” he said
“Thank youuuu” we both said giggling
Unbeknownst to Y/N, Matt was struggling to rip his eyes away from her. The way the dress hugged her curves, made her breast pop and her legs look long and beautiful. He was struggling badly
We had called an Uber to to the restaurant, and when we got there Madi and I felt so fucking luxurious. I mean high ceilings, thousand dollar light fixtures, hot older men….we were having a blast
“Holy shit we could find a sugar daddy” I said to them
“Omg let’s be on the lookout” Madi said winking at me
It seemed like they hired good looking people here because the waiters and waitress were out of a fucking model catalog
“Nick I see a whole lot of eye candy for you” I said looking over at him
“You’re fucking telling me…..my mouth is on the floor” he said looking around
“The women are hot too” I said winking at Chris and Matt
“I’m seeing a lot of blonde….not really my type” Chris said
“Not really my vibe” Matt said looking at the girls
“Your fucking loss every bodies hot here” I said to them
We had a waiter who was the definition of a wet dream. Black slicked back hair, dark eyes, tan skin and sharp facial features
“Dude he’s checking you out” Madi said
“Ehhh he’s alright” I said to her
“Alright? That man’s so fucking fine” Nick said
“10$ says he will flirt with you when he comes back” Madi said
“You have a bet” I said reaching my hand across the table and shaking her hand
When the waiter came by he gave us our drinks, and came back to me to take our orders. Everyone ordered before me and finally it was my turn
“And for the beautiful lady?” He asked me
“Oh…umm I’ll have the steak, medium well, and what are the sides?” I asked looking up at him
He flashed a sideways smile before looking at my lips and reading me the sides
“I’ll do the mashed potatoes and the Cesar salad” I said closing my menu and handing it to him
“Great pick pretty” he said all flirty, and then walked away
“You owe me 10 fucking dollars” Madi said laughing at me
“Why do guys who I don’t find attractive always hit on me” I said rolling my eyes
“Because you’re hot, ummm you radiate feminine power and you smell good” she said to me
“Boooo boring” I said to her
“Ouu how much you wanna bet he’ll leave his number and give us some type of discount” Chris said wiggling his brows
“Alright let’s not use her looks to take advantage” Matt said chiming in
“The number maybe, but a discount I doubt look at this place too boujee” I said to Chris
We had all finished our dinner, and gotten dessert and it was time for the bill to come around
The waiter came up to me, and handed me the bill while winking….bold fucking move
I opened the check and my jaw dropped
“SHUT THE FUCK UP” I said laughing
“WHAT IS IT” Nick yelled
“He fucking gave me his number, and gave the whole bill 20% off” I said laughing
“NO FUCKING WAY” Chris and Madi said
“I just saved yall 100 dollars” I said passing the bill down to Matt
“Dude you’re coming with us everywhere” Chris said shaking his head
“You gonna call him?” Madi asked
“Fuck no, but if I want a discounted meal I might” I said shrugging my shoulders
“Ew what a fucking loser he put a heart next to his number” Matt said laughing
“I was thinking the same thing” I said laughing with Matt
We had gotten another Uber back home, and everyone went to sit on the couch to watch a movie, but I decided to go to my room because I was so tired
I had changed and took off my makeup, washing my face and had been scrolling on tik tok for 20 minutes before I heard a knock at the door
“Come innn” I said locking my phone and putting it down
“Hey” Matt said coming in
“Oh hey Matt” I said smiling at him
“Can I chill with you? They’re being so loud and annoying out there” he said
“Of course you don’t have to ask” I said as he walked over and sat on the bed
“Do you have any plans for tomorrow” I asked Matt
“Nah, I think they want to film a vlog” he said sitting in front of me
“Oh funnnn” I said cracking my knuckles
“You should come with to film” he said
“Maybe I have some plans tomorrow morning, but after sure” I said to him
“Ouuu plans with the waiter?” He said wiggling his brows
“Oh god no eww” I said laughing
“God you just looked so hot today in that outfit” Matt blurted out
“WHAT?” i said genuinely shocked
“I mean….uh I’m not sure why I said that” he said blushing
“I appreciate it, I really do especially coming from you” I said smiling at him
“Oh yeah?” He asked
“Yeah Matt. I have liked you for so long I have waited for the day you’d compliment me” I said to him
“I have liked you so much too…..I’m so glad we feel the same” he responded
“You looked so hot tonight too” I said batting my lashes at him
“I did?” He asked honestly shocked that I called him hot
“Matt you’re really fucking hot. Not sure how you don’t know this” I said laughing at him
“Just kiss me already you’re begging for it at this point” he said laughing
I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed him by his shirt pulling him in and crashing our lips together
When I pulled away his pupils were dilated and his breathing was shallow
“I have wanted to do that for so long” he said looking at my lips
“Me fucking too” I said licking my lips
I pulled him back in for another kiss, and slowly we started to make out. I eventually scooched down, and Matt was above me now
Kissing my lips to my jaw then down to my neck.
“Do you want this?” He asked me
“More than anything” I said out in a sigh
Matt began kissing my neck again, and came back up to make out with me again our tongues fighting for dominance as our teeth clashed together
I pushed Matt back, so I could remove my shirt
“No bra” he said tilting his head
“Oh yes my bad I was getting ready for bed, and wasn’t expecting to fuck you, so how dare I not have some decorum” I said sarcastically
“Shut up” he said biting his lip before kissing me again moving his kisses down to my neck, and then to the valley of my breasts slowly moving to take my left nipple into his mouth, sailing his tongue around it
“Fuck Matt” I moaned out
He then went to my right nipples taking that one into his mouth as well
As he was doing that he slid his hand down to my waistband, and slowly slid his hand into my underwear snaking his hand to my pussy
“So wet” he said before licking my nipple and taking it back into his mouth
I just mewled at this feeling so fucking good
He slowly started to rub my clit and then switched to my left nipple
“Matt this feels so good keep going” I said running my hands through his hair
He slowly slid his middle finger into my pussy stretching me out, and causing me to gasp at the feeling, slowly pumping his finger in and out of me. About two minutes later he add his ring finger in
“FUCK” I yelled out
“SHHHH” he says laughing and covering my mouth
“SORRY” I said laughing with him
He kept fingering me for a good two minutes before I stopped him
“Baby I need more” I said looking into his eyes, and he nodded
Matt removed his pants and boxers, and the removed my pants and underwear
“Spit” he said holding his hand out, so I did
He then brought his hand down to his dick slowly stroking it
“I could cum right now” he says rolling his eyes back
Once he got his dick wet he then came down and licked a strip up my pussy
“Oh my god” I said shuddering
He slowly slid his dick in, us gasping as he pushed in further
“Alright we have to be really quiet” he said bottoming out
“Yes baby anything for you” I said nodding
“Good” he said and slowly started to thrust into me
Matt was pounding into me and I’m sure the whole house was hearing it if they were out in the living room
“Fuck Matt” I said clenching down onto him
“Keep doing that baby, and I won’t make it much longer” he said as he thrusted into me
Matt then turned me onto my left side lifting my right leg up and started to pound into me
“FUCKKK MATT” I screamed out
“SHUT UP” he said and smacked my ass
“I’m sorry it feels so good” I said with my eyes shut and my brows furrowed
Matt kept thrusting into me harder and faster, and I’m sure everyone had to hear us fucking at this point
“Fuck Matt I’m gonna cum” I said
And he brought his hand down to my clit using his thumb to rub the sensitive bundle
“SHIIIITTT” I moaned out clenching down on him harder
“Come on baby give it to me” he said thrusting harder
Matt started to rub harder and pound into me harder
“IM CUMMING IM CUMMING” I yelled out and clenched down on him as I came all over him. My thighs shaking and my knees bending as my toes pointed…..this was the most intense orgasm of my life
“Matt Matt Matt” I said as I was still coming down from my high
He let me ride out my high, and then pulled out of me stroking his dick, and cumming all over my pelvic bone and lower stomach
His lower abdomen constricting and his body shuddering forward
“Fuck fuck fuck” he said as he rode out his high
He went and grabbed a wet towel to wipe me down
“Lets shower baby” Matt said
“I agree, and maybe round 2 in the shower” I said winking at him
“I’m do-“ before he could finish his sentence we were cut off
There was banging on my ceiling coming from upstairs….Nicks room
“STOP FUCKING WEVE HEARD ENOUGH” we heard Nick yell through the vents
“SORRY” we screamed back
“IM FUCKING SCARRED” we heard Chris yell back
“FUCK YOU GUYS! YOURE SICK” Nick yelled back
We ended up laughing, and heading over to the shower.
The End
Hope yall enjoyed this one too, and I’m about to start my last request and then I’m going to post my own ideas for imagines🖤🖤🤭
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ryescapades · 4 days
can i request narumi x gojo like reader (like extremely overpowered and yk gojo stuff 😝) because ur dazai fics are just mwah! could they be and captain and they're vc is like suguru :>
thank you !!!!
limitless | kaiju no. 8
characters: narumi gen x gn gojo!reader
contents: sniper!reader, attempt at humor, fluff, some OCs, a lot of made up plots bcs this fic wouldn't exist otherwise (feels like i was world building ngl), reader's division number is not mentioned, narumi appears like in the second half of this, hint of rivals(?) + idiots to lovers
a/n: i hope i did your req justice, tqsm nonnie! lmk if you're satisfied with this or not (bcs im kinda not) almost made reader and their vc become a doomed yaoi couple just like satosugu 2k wc
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"ehhh, another mission?"
your vice-captain, akira rolls her eyes at your grumble. "yes, another mission, captain. the higher-ups have requested for us to be there as soon as we possibly can, for the location is said to be in an uptown city of tokyo, a few hours from our base, so we ought to dispatch early," she explains.
"blegh, i bet the old man shinomiya is laughing at me right about now. we literally just returned from a mission like two days ago, akira! he sure loves working us to the bone!" you complain as your hand continues to work, cleaning the glass lens of your sniper rifle's scope.
akira throws a flat look. "maybe because we're the only unit in the defense force that specializes in kaiju intelligence? dummy," she says pointedly, causing you to wave her off. "nah, semantics."
she sighs, shaking her head. "in any case, we need to get ready now. we have to be on the move in about half an hour," your vice-captain's words go into one ear and out the other as your mind drifts away, thinking of how you can possibly sneak away to buy some nice treats while in tokyo.
hm, preferably those ringo apple-custard pies... your mouth waters at the thought.
less than five hours later, you find yourself strutting in the hallways of the ariake base, with akira following close behind.
"how many times do i have to remind you to tell me first if you wanted to make a detour mid-way," akira pinches the bridge of her nose, and you pout slightly. "i didn't even take that long, mind you!" you argue, though the way you dust off the sweet pastry crumbs off your lips doesn't really give the impression that you sound apologetic at all about it.
"captain, you keep forgetting that we have a meeting to get to. you should try to be more considerate towards others' time, you know?" she chastises, making you shrug dismissively. "you're too uptight about everything, akira. loosen up,"
already used to your petty remarks, akira crosses her arms and narrows her eyes at you. "what was that? you wanna take this outside, y/n?" the way she drags the syllables of your name daringly has you smirking, eyes glinting dangerously as you flex your hands. "oh yeah? and what if i say yes?"
what both of you don't realize is that you've walked far enough to reach general shinomiya's office, the sound of the double doors opening snapping off the tense rope that connects your challenging gazes together.
the two of you straighten up awkwardly, whistling a mindless tune and fixing your uniform respectively to pretend like you weren't about to start a scuffle just a second ago.
hasegawa, the one who had opened the doors raises an eyebrow curiously when he sees you and your vice-captain. "seems like they're already here, general shinomiya." he announces over his shoulder before giving a respective nod and taking his leave.
as you enter the office, general shinomiya gives you a long, pointed look. "you're late." your nose scrunches at the comment, "only by fifteen minutes. chill out, old man."
"what they mean to say is—" akira immediately speaks up, frustrated at your lack of manners, but shinomiya isao raises a hand with a shake of his head to interject. "never mind that. we have more pressing matters at hand,"
as he drones on and on about the details of the mission, you're barely listening to any of them when one particular statement catches your attention.
"do your surveillance for at least two days before you clean up and come back to report. i'll send in narumi as well for some extra hands."
like a puppy hearing the sound of kibble food being poured in its bowl, your head perks up in interest.
seems like this mission won't end up being a bore, after all.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
"akira... i'm bored,"
you can almost hear your second-in-command's teeth gritting against each other. "that's the sixth time you've said that, captain." she says, her voice crackling through your earpiece. "wait, really? maybe i should say it another time—"
"please, don't." she interrupts with a huff. "you don't know how many nights i've spent wondering how your impatient ass got this job,"
you're about to counter when a new voice chimes in through the comms, "they're good at this job, that's why." a smile grows on your face at the statement. "ren, of course! this is why you're everyone's favorite," you cheekily say.
your operations leader snickers at the quiet but still audible vomiting noises akira is making. "i'm flattered, captain. but i do agree with vice-captain akira. given how our division is all about stealth and patience, it is quite the surprise someone like you sits at the top," ren muses.
you click your tongue, the small 'tch' sound only providing more amusement for your two subordinates. "you deserve a headlock for that, ren."
be that as it may, you are indeed good at your job. appointed as the captain of a special intelligence unit for the defense force, your division is tasked to undertake any job that requires kaiju surveillance, where you discreetly observe and study the behaviors of these monsters, especially the new species before subjugating them once your task is completed.
where do you think all those official kaiju encyclopedia books and websites get their information from?
your missions are all basically just field trips, to be frank. you command officers who are specifically trained in stealth and espionage, with your sharp sniping skills second to none in the defense force.
your beloved vice-captain, the talented officer that she is, unluckily holds the job of patrolling the perimeter and taking care of any kaiju that happens to stumble upon where your sniping port is set up. can't have the sniper getting jumped now, can we?
pulling your eyes away from the scope, you mindlessly tap away on the side of your sniper gun. "anyways, how's captain narumi doing?" you ask.
the division has very few recruits every year, due to the fact that not everyone can master the perfect form of stealth and spying when it comes to such untamed creatures. with the unit being the only unique one, your officers are often dispatched at various locations at the same time.
thus, the subjugation after the observation is usually carried out with the help of other divisions. and that's where narumi comes in.
or rather, he actually does come in. like, legit.
"worried about me?" the man himself steps into the empty room of the desolated building you're currently positioned at, his bayonet held close to his side. your brows quirk in amusement at the question, "yes, actually. i was worried your... extravagant method of killing kaiju is going to get us spotted sometime soon,"
narumi feels his blood thrums in his ears. he doesn't know what it is about you, but every time the two of you interact, he just gets frustrated and bothered. how are you so... infuriating?
"excuse me? i know perfectly well how you handle your operations, thank you very much!" he exclaims.
"oh? is that so, akira?" you inquire into your earpiece, wanting to poke fun at the first division captain further. he tenses slightly as he's reminded of his recent kills.
a big tease just as you are, akira hums, "well, i certainly heard him gloating with the other officers after his first kill earlier. he was probably doing his usual egosurfing after that... and the second kill was obscenely loud too. and then there's the—"
"okay, i think they get it now, vice-captain." narumi cuts her off in a snap, crimson hues dusting his cheeks. you smirk, about to make another retort when ren's voice intervenes you.
"emergency, captain! there's a kaiju about less than two kilometers away from the town!" your pupils flare in alarm just as akira voices out her surprise, "wait, what? there shouldn't be any of them so close to the human settlement. is it a stray?"
without focusing on ren and akira's discussion, you sling your sniper over your shoulder and head out of the building, "i'm going after it," you announce.
as you walk past narumi, he grabs your arm to stop you. electric sparks jolt underneath the material of your suits and into your skin, though neither of you seems bothered enough to acknowledge it. "there could be more than just that one. i'm coming with you," he insists, unaware that he's leaning into your space to get his point across.
what is it with him and needing to be closer to you? narumi can never figure out the answer to that even if he was aware of it in the first place.
you didn't expect him to suddenly be all up in your face like that, so your hand automatically shoots out towards him, a palm splaying over his chest to hold him back. realizing how weirdly intimate the touch is, you move to pull away but your hand unconsciously lingers, dragging itself down the metal chestplate of his suit before finally retreating in a matter of seconds.
the loss of contact nearly burns you from the inside out, and you hate admitting that it's not in a bad way. not at all, not ever. something about narumi gen just flares you up deliciously, and you're more than happy and willing to crash into this man's blazing inferno.
perhaps you're just as hopeless as he is in that regard.
with a shrug, you throw a sanguine grin at him over your shoulder, "even if you weren't here, narumi, i can handle them just fine. this is my forte, and i'm the strongest one here." shivers run down the back of his spine, the knowing glimmer in your eyes almost making him visibly and audibly swallow.
he doesn't doubt that sentiment. not at all.
narumi knows how strong and skilled you are. if ashiro mina is known with her extremely explosive power, you're known with your hawk's eye trait. you're good at predicting just exactly where the kaiju's core is supposed to be, courtesy of the years of meticulously studying the monsters.
'how am i different to ashiro? hm, let's see... to put it simply, ashiro is the type to spam her high-damaged gun. like a reaaally offensive dps, you see. while i prefer to go with that one shot one kill style,' you'd often say. as a chronic gamer himself, he understood that crystal clear.
as the two of you exit the building and make a beeline towards the direction of the town, a few kaiju that you had surveyed just a few minutes ago turn their heads in attention when they hear your rapid footsteps.
your annoyance rises when they start advancing towards you, all feral eyed and inhumane. "sorry but i really don't have time to waste on small fries like you," you mutter as you take out your handgun.
the next thing narumi knows, their cores are precisely struck with your bullets, including the kaiju whose humongous tail almost swiped at you two from your common blind spot, one which he could've taken out. with his RT-0001 retina, he was less than one second away from handling it!
"oh, would you look at that! i saved your ass, narumi! ain’t i just the best?" you boast, causing his imaginative feathers to ruffle. the respond he's about to give doesn't get to come out, as you manage to irritate him even more.
"by the way, don't you think you should slip in some more trainings everyday? you play enough games as it is. at this rate, you're gonna get weaker than me, you know?" you remark before swiftly skipping away, your tongue sticking out in jest and leaving narumi to deal with his own agitation.
you're literally a menace in narumi's eyes, but his curiosity is boundless. as he moves to follow after your tracks, he keeps asking himself why he just cannot seem to stop wanting to get know you more.
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nah i'd win, *dies immediately after*
ps i love when gojo made that digimon ref in s2 he's such a nerd pls. also there's like one hidden ow2 ref in there somewhere. like using pharah and widowmaker in regards to the difference between ashiro and reader
taglist: @maruflix @iamjellyfish @ouiouimochi @yueliie @justwinginglife @lumiambrose @minasfwoopyponytail @17020
©🅁🅈🄴🅂🄲🄰🄿🄰🄳🄴🅂. do not steal, translate or repost my work anywhere else !
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neechees · 10 months
Hi! You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, that's totally fine! But you talking about Orville Peck's appropriation of indigenous culture with his fashion choices made me realize that I had never considered that there might be some aspects of "cowboy clothes" that white ppl shouldn't wear and that was super wrong of me. Again, you totally don't have to answer this, but I was just wondering what ways a white person could wear "cowboy clothes" in a manner that wasn't disrespectful? Or perhaps, should we not wear them at all? I can't afford T yet, but when I can finally get it I was planning on getting a cowboy outfit to embrace my trans mascness, but if that would be wrong of me I can scrap that plan no problem!
Ehhh again this is actually SUPER HARD to answer because almost everything about cowboy fashion & the cowboy "aesthetics" are lifted directly from Native American fashion and culture, either because a lot of cowboys back in the day were Native American themselves (including Afro-Natives & Indigenous Mexican vaqueros) or they were White & just kinda. stole the look from the Native cowboys due to a number of factors.
If you google "cowboy jewelry" the first thing that comes up is silverwork & belts & turquoise jewelry, which is taken from Navajo metalwork. Fringed leather clothing? Again, many Native tribes did that (& in some tribes the fringes could mean something, its not just for looks), most popularily with vests, jackets, and pants. A lot if the leather jackets were a result of Native women just sewing their clothes the same but in a European styled cut. Compare this "cowboy" look below to a Lakota war shirt: both have hair embellishments dangling from the arms.
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Studded belts? Inspired by Cheyenne mirror belts, which often also have metal studs in them & you'll still see Native pow wow dancers have this in their regalia. Floral vests? A lot of the inspiration comes from Plains floral beadwork. Geometric patterns and blankets? Came from Southwest or Mexican Native American blankets & designs, ask any Navajo weaver & they'll tell you the same. Feathers in cowboy hats? Who else is famous for wearing feathers on their heads--? Native Americans. The look is still popular with older Native men.
Hell, if you visit this site that sells Western/cowboy fashion, you'll see a SHITTON of appropriation going on, taking Native imagery & designs, including one taken from Native American ledger art, all on White models.
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The appropriation of Native culture and fashion in the cowboy/western sphere is ongoing, and the influence that Native fashion & culture has in Western/cowboy fashion as it is is absolutely MASSIVE. I once said in another post that the cowboy/western aesthetic essentially belongs to Native Americans, Latines (especially Mexicans), and Black people. And the history of White cowboys has been one largely of colonialism, racism, and displacement of Indigenous peoples, and the masculinity associated with White cowboys especially is also steeped into racism & American patriotism (think John Wayne. There's a reason he's an American icon who played cowboys & killing Indians in films.). I think the only thing that isn't influenced from either appropriation or colonization is like, jeans. Even the style of cowboy boots themselves and potentially chaps were influenced from vaqueros.
So if you're White I'm not sure that'd exactly be a good route to take because trying to seperate Indigenous elements from this fashion/look (nevermind the problematic history of White cowboys) is almost impossible. Obviously I can't force you to do anything, but honestly if I were you, I'd try a different direction, because otherwise I think you'll find trying to do this will be very hard.
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The Top Pets of 2023!
Hey everybody! I hope you’re all doing well, and I thank you for bearing with me with the last few weeks of hiatus. We may be a little over a week into 2024, but let’s take a step back and celebrate the top ten pet contenders of the year according to score!
Well, okay, top ten is a little bit of a stretch. As it turns out, there’s quite a few ties in the top ten scores, and we’re covering them all. This is gonna be a BIG post, so let’s get right into it!
Our tenth place slot is shared by not one but four pokémon! In no particular order:
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One of only two Mythical pokémon in our top ten(ish), Mesprit is a pokémon that comes with some caveats due to their lowercase-“l” legendary status. But hey, numbers are numbers!
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Next up is another psychic-type, fan-favorite natu! Look at them! They’re looking at you!
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Living, breathing keyring coming right up! If you’re adopting a klefki, you’re gonna want quite the supply of keys to keep em happy, but that’s nothing to a dedicated pet owner!
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Finally, we’ve got eevee! Reliable, adorable, harmless, cuddly: eevees have it all. Be careful though, this species is one of the easiest pokémon to evolve by accident!
We have two pokémon tied for ninth place! First,
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Hey, it’s a recent one! Delibirds are great pet candidates! They’re known not just for looking a bit like a certain holiday icon, but for being exceptionally generous!
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Another small Mythical pokémon, another A-tank pet with some pretty big caveats. The chances of any of us even running into Celebi are pretty low. But, if you happened to meet them, I’m sure they’d be delighted to be your houseguest… for a time, anyways. “Pet”? Ehhh…
In eighth place, we’ve got a four-way tie again!
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First up: silcoon! Uh… Well, silcoons get a “A?” Score for a reason. This pokémon would be the definition of a pet that doesn’t do much. But hey, that’s what some people might want!
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I was very excited about this score. C’mon, it’s abra! These little teleporters are adorable! And very sleepy! So far, eighth place seems to be the “doesn’t do much” category…
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Except for ditto! What can’t dittos do? Well, they can’t do much to harm anyone, but we can transform into any person, pokémon, or object they want! Dittos are great! You can’t go wrong with a ditto! Look how cute we are! Adopt a ditto today!
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Wooloo! Eighth place ends with another normal-type pokémon, and another one that I personally was excited to see score so high. Wooloos might have my very favorite cry out of all thousand-or-so pokémon discovered thus far!
Just two pokémon this time around…
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What do you know, a “just-a-cat” pokémon made it into the top ten! Listen, as a real-world cat owner, I’m very biased towards any pokémon that resembles mine in either looks or behavior. Skitties are a great pet option. If I had one, I would name them Skittles.
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Wow, it’s been a long while since we covered fidoughs, and yet they’ve held strong in the rankings all this time! Special shoutout to my sister, who requested this pokémon!
There are three pokémon tied for sixth place, so let’s keep it moving!
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Speaking of pokémon we covered a long time ago, it’s squirtle! The only starter pokémon in the 2023 top ten, squirtles would make great pets for anyone who likes to play in the water and/or doesn’t mind getting splashed with water every once in a while. I also hear that they look pretty rad in sunglasses…
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Spiky baby! Spiky baby! Spiky baby! (Enough said, honestly.)
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Would you look at that, it’s a “just-a-bird” contender! Do you like birds? Do you want a pet bird? Do you want a really smart pet bird? Then a chatot may be just right for you!
Just one pokémon holds the fifth place crown this year and… hold on…aw man…
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It’s…uh… it’s another cocoon pokémon. Don’t get me wrong, I think pokémon like metapod and silcoon are charming in their own ways, but I recognize that they’re not the most exciting species to end up in the top ten-ish of the year. To the metapod lovers: congratulations! To the metapod haters: sorry?
Almost there! The fourth place slot is taken up by a single pokémon as well:
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Cherrims are the one and only plant-like pokémon in the 2023 top ten! If you’re looking for a sweet-smelling, low-maintenance pet, them cherrims might be just right for you!
Third place is the last category with multiple pokémon! We’re almost there!
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Look at that little celery bowl-cut! Ralts are a great option for pet owners looking to adopt a psychic or fairy-type pokémon! They may be in tune with your emotions, but be warned: your mood will affect a ralts’. Don’t look to a ralts for a emotional support pet!
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Wow, psychic-type really seems to be holding strong in the 2023 top ten-ish! So long as you don’t have an aversion to a lot of noise, a chimecho would make a great pet!
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In second place, we have another pokémon that we covered pretty recently: alcremie! I personally would still hesitate a little bit, just because I don’t have a great grasp of how a pet made out of a substance that’s at the very least similar to whipped cream, which is so easily dissolved by just water. But hey, alcremies are great! Very few alcremies are the exact same with so many possible variations of appearance, which is an added bonus.
Without further ado, the best pokémon pet candidate of 2023 is…
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Chansey! This one caught me by surprise, especially given how large they are! Who’d have thought that a three-and-a-half foot creature would get the highest score? It really all comes down to their friendly disposition and healing abilities. This is a pokémon that isn’t only receptive to living alongside humans, they actively enjoy caring for humans and other pokémon! That being said, they’re surely not common pets: this is a remarkably illusive pokémon that is rarely caught by trainers, so adopting one might not be as easy as popping over to the shelter. Thankfully, they can be found in many regions of the world.
So there you have it, the top ten twenty-one pet candidates of 2023! I’ve said it again and again, but thank you so much for following along with this silly blog! I’m hoping that the blog continues to grow and be enjoyed in the coming year. How far will we get in the pokédex? Who knows! Who can even say how many new species will be discovered this year? We’ll have to just wait and see.
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Summer Camp-C.S. Chapter 2
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Warnings- cussing, making out (near the end)
Make sure you read part one! It’s gonna continue from there! Keep in mind this is my first series so it might be ass! Love u sm
I really couldn’t sleep last night, maybe I was homesick or maybe I was thinking about Chris, either way I had to get up at around 8, and eat breakfast in the dining hall. Before I left I put on some quick mascara I don’t care if anyone sees my under eyes or whatever, but they do not need to see these bare eyelashes. I’m not much of a breakfast (or morning) person, so I just had some toast and orange juice.
Then I saw him, he was sitting with the dickhead guys that were hitting on me last night, but fuck them they’re not getting any of this. I looked away even though I felt a little awkward for staring so long but who the hell cares? I scanned the dining hall, some guys there were cute in my eyes, I couldn’t help but sneak a few glances at Chris.
************************************** The day went by surprisingly fast, at around noon me and the same girls from last night (Jennifer, Rose and Anastasia) were all hanging out around the camp, I was wearing a camo tube top and some shorts, with a white bikini underneath just in case I wanted to go swimming again (this time probably with a swimsuit)
I noticed Chris was walking out way, he was alone, and stopped in front of me. “Wanna walk around with me?” He asked, looking me up and down, not being subtle about him checking me out what so ever. “yeah, yeah sure.” I said almost immediately, seeming a little eager.
Once they were out of earshot from anyone, and walking down some random path they found he started asking more questions, this guy was quite the yapper. “How did you sleep last night?” Chris asked as he kicked around a stone as they walked. “Uhm it wasn’t the best, I won’t lie, but I had a headache.” I lied, I most definitely didn’t have a headache unless it’s name was Chris, I seriously couldn’t stop thinking about him last night.
After a moment of comfortable silence he asked “So….uh…what’s your favorite number?” he was still kicking around the stone, I had the slight urge to pick it up and throw it at his head, but I resisted.
“Uh I’d have to say 7, and 182, what about yours?” I asked as we walked, he finally stopped kicking the stone, I looked back up at his fluffy long brunette hair, made me wanna run my hands through it-…oh my god what am I thinking, I was snapped back into reality when he said “Ehhh, I’d have to say 3, and 69.”
I let out a soft laugh, “What?! 3 and 69, why three?” I was genuinely curious now.
“Well 69 speaks for itself, but three cause I’m a triplet, the other two aren’t here this summer though.” Chris answered, running a hand through his hair. “You’re a triplet? That’s pretty cool, honestly, are you all three guys or-“
I was cut off by Chris nodding and saying, “Yeah, all three guys, there’s Matt and Nick, they’re like my absolute best friends, I miss them a lot right now.” he answered, and I noticed a slight blush or sunburn on his cheeks, and nose, whatever it was, it was pretty hot.
*************************************** We walked and talked for what felt like forever, it was soon lights out, and I feel like I honestly got to know him a lot. The information I gathered from him was that: he was from Boston, he had a dog named Trevor, he has three brothers, but I honestly can’t remember their names.
I got a few hours of sleep before I woke up at around three in the morning. I sat in bed for a minute before thinking of things I could do at three in the morning..that’s when I remember a previous conversation Chris and I had.
“You play piano?” Chris asked as we walked around the camp.
“Yeah, I play why?” I asked, discretely taking in his facial features, his sharp jawline and cheekbones, his nose, the small freckles on his nose and his bright eyes.
“Well, next to the library, there’s a small auditorium with a piano in it, I’d go at night though that’s when no one is there. But be careful, it’s kinda loud.” He advised, noticing me taking in all his features.. “See something you like?”
“Shut up..” I said feeling a small blush on my face, so I looked down at the ground hoping he didn’t notice.
*************************************** I made my way to the auditorium, still a little groggy from only waking up around 10 minutes ago. Finally after what felt like ages I got to the small wooden auditorium, it wasn’t in terrible shape, it was lit from the moonlight peering in through the windows, and the light of my flashlight. I made my way to the stage, sitting at the stool that was in front of the piano. Before I played I checked if it was even in tune and to my surprise it sounded pretty good.
I started to play a song I memorized, my hands doing a familiar dance on the keys, my voice hitting the notes I needed, my voice was still a bit quiet in attempt not to get caught.
At the end of my performance, there was a slow clapping coming from the left side of the auditorium, I could only guess who it was…
“I was there the whole time, hope you don’t mind.” Chris said as he walked on the stage, and sat next to me.
“No- I don’t mind- I guess.” I said, my hands hovering over the piano, “No one was really supposed to eat that though.” I said softly as I brought my hands back to my sides.
“I won’t tell anyone, I promise.” Chris said with that same warm smile that made me wanna melt right then and there.
“Good…” I said, a pink blush on my face, hoping he couldn’t see it. He was weirdly giving me butterflies, maybe him being this close, maybe it was just him in general.
“Can I ask a question though?” Chris asked, as he fiddled with his hands seeming nervous, and I nodded my head wanting him to continue.
“Sorry if this is cringey or something but can I kiss you?” Chris asked, still fiddling but now looking down at me, I nodded, wanting nothing more than to kiss him. We both leaned in, our lips met, there was some kinda spark, I mean I’d kissed guys before but not like this. I tilted my head, deepening the kiss, he let out a soft groan as he softly parted my lips, our tongues doing a dance that came naturally.
There was a noise from outside the auditorium, I pulled away, looking out of the dimly lit windows. “What the hell was that?” I asked, a blush and flustered look on my face.
“I’m guessing a counselor.” He whispered, looking in the same direction as me. “Come on there’s another exit in the back.” Chris said as he grabbed my hand and leaded me to the exit. We walked out, it lead us into the woods, he walked til we were sure we couldn’t be seen.
“Where were we?” he asked as he put his hands on my hips, gently pinning me against a tree, he leaned in, and continued the kiss- well it was more making out now…
After a couple minutes I reluctantly pulled away. “Uhm, I think we should really get some sleep, I’ll see you tomorrow, goodnight Chris.” I started walking off after giving him a quick kiss. Walking back to my (most likely) empty cabin. Everyone around here was sneaking out, and most of the time no one found out.
“Goodnight, Y/N, see ya tomorrow.” Chris called after me as I kept walking with an idiotic grin on my face…wow, so it was true, I was falling for the guy at Summer Camp.
TYSM for reading, honestly idk how I feel about this one, lmk what you wanna see in the next part, or if you even want a next part😭. The Taras Little Sister fic will be posted soon, so stay tuned for that!!
xoxo- Val💋
Tags: @pussypie456 @hearts4werka @zariyam @c0metss
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gimmeurmoneyagh · 16 days
❝𝟏𝟔𝟎𝟎 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐠 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭, 𝐄𝐠𝐲𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭❞
- Cleo De Nile
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“NYAH?! The heck is this!?“ Grim frowned.
A half-red, half-black collor appeared around Grim’s neck, Grim tried to claw at it to make it get off.
“Laws of the Queen of Hearts: Number 23 ’One shall never bring a cat into a festival’!“ He glared at you now, you were about to walk over and curse his entire bloodline when Riddle began to speak again.
“You being a cat means you’ve broken the rule. I shall have you leave at once!“
“I’m not a cat!“ Grim cried, “I’ll burn this collar right up and... EH! I can’t use my fire!“
Riddle giggled but tried to pass it off as a chuckle (spoiler alert it did not convince anyone) to Grim’s misfortune, “Hmph! You won’t be using any magic until I remove the collar. Just like an ordinary cat.“
“Wh-what?! I’m not some pet!“ Grim tried to retort.
“Don’t worry I’d never keep a pet like you“ Riddle sneered. “I’ll take it off when you get thrown out anyway.“
Azul butted into the conversation wearing a saccharine smile, “Wonderful as ever. Any and all magic gets sealed by your unique magic, Riddle. I want it..- *cough* No. I would never want that cast on me.“ He nervously chuckled.
’Real smooth’ you thought, frowning a bit when that failure of a person, Crowley decided to reprimand you (for what? you never make any mistakes you’re practically perfect!)
“You must do something about this, (Name)! It is your familiar!“ He scowled. “Maybe properly discipli-“
“It’s not mine,“ You gritt your teeth in anger, you wanted out of this weirdo school. You missed Ghoulia and her doing your homework. 😢
“It’s not yours...?“ he pursed his lips, as you shook your head for a ’no’.
“Yeah, If I’m supposed to be ’magicless’ how am I supposed to have a familiar?“ You asked, motioning for him to answer.
“Ehhh..“ He tugged at his coat and coughed into his hand, “My apologies! Anyway, let’s get it out of the school. And as I am gracious we won’t cook it into a stew. My my, truly my kindess is boundless!“ He smiled.
’boundless my ass’ 
“Someone help please!“ at those words the entire crowd shuffled and went farther from him.
And honestly, same.
“GYAH! LET ME GO!“ Grim shrieked, still clawing at the collar “I am- I’m going to become the greatest mage ever!!“
Two boys were pushed into the open and forced to through Grim out of the ceremony.
’How annoying’ you curled your lips downwards, eyeing Grim with distate. It was deserved as he was annoying and even almost burned you! You took immense satisfaction at his shouts (were you beefing with an animal? yes. do you care? no)
“W-we may have had a bit of trouble along the way but this bring the entrance ceremony to a close!“ Crowley loud ahh voice snapping you out of your thoughts. 
“Housewardens, please show the new students back to the dorms!“ He said, putting his hands on his hips and looking into space as if he was delivering a great speech.
He looked down at the students again before pausing, “...hmm? Now that I think about it, I don’t see the dorm leader of Diasomnia, Mr. Draconia anywhere.“
“That’s no different from usual, is it?“ the were-lion(? you still weren’t sure) snarked.
“Whaat? Did nobody tell him about the ceremo....“
You tuned out and just looked around the room, you were busy looking at some cutie with white hair and purplish eyes when someone with a deep voice spoke up (LOUDLY! VERY LOUDLY! [it wasn’t it really wasn’t])
“It seems I was correct“ people still talk like that? 
“I thought he might come but Malleus really didn’t“ you turned your head to the direction of the voice and...
Draculaura?! She’s here too?
Wait no that was a boy.
But uhm... why was he so fucking short. No short people-hate but you did not expect that voice to come out of that.
You liked his hair though.
“It seems the invitation ’never arrived’ again...“ He lamented.
Not being invited? hah. Could never happen to you. (you miss monster high, even if you’ve only been gone for probably an hour)
“My dearest apologies. I promise we didn’t intend to exclude you“ said Azul, putting a hand on his chest. (he seemed fake)
“His aura makes it hard for us to approach him.“ Riddle defended himself (and the others ig).
Meanwhile you went back to looking at the cutie with white hair again.
“It’s fine. Members of Diasomnia can come follow me. I just hope this doesn’t upset him...“
That was a weird interaction. 
You were standing blinking wide eyed wondering what just happened when- “Then (Name), I’m terribly sorry about this but..-“
“You’re making me leave? Yeah I figured“ (you really didn’t but you would rather die then admit that)
“*ahem* Correct! Those without any talent for magic cannot be allowed to attend class here“ You shrugged at that you didn’t really care about this place and if you were gone for too long that bitch Torelai might steal your spot as fearleading captain.
“However there is no need to worry. The dark mirror will send you directly back from whence you came from“ He motioned his hands toward the big mirror.
You smiled a bit at that one, who knew a clown could actually make people smile!
“Enter the gate and picture your home clearly in mind...“
“Oh Dark Mirror! Guide this one back to the place she belongs!“  He belloed raising his hands ip
At that you scrunch your eye-lids tight causing some of those color/light spots. You thought of the sea Lagoona’s family came from, the normie town near Monster High, your room. Your room filled with clothes, posters, and burn books. You thought of your jewels and all your credit and debit cards. You missed your money already. And all your friends even Clawdeen’s annoying little sister. Uhhhh... Growleen. Yeah her.
You even crossed your fingers and spoke an old egyptian chant for luck. (you however didn’t notice someone jolting in surprise at the chant)
Crowley looked around (probably embarrased) “Oh... Uh once more. Oh Dark Mirror! Guide thi-“ 
“It is nowhere“ 
That’s a lie. You wanted to go already. ☹️☹️☹️.
“Eh?“ Crowley looked shocked “The place she belongs is nowhere in this world... It does not exist“
What?! Now you were shocked, you were standing hunched over mouth open and your eye was twitching. This wasn’t in (whatever Monster High world is called)?! And apparently (whatever Monster High world is called) doesn’t exist here either?!
Where the fuck were you?! You missed your ghoulfriends...
“What did you say? That is unbelievable! Hmm, well, the unbelievable has been on parade today.“ Crowley hummed, putting stroking his chin again.
Meanwhile you were having an existential breakdown, iconically.
“This is the first time it’s ever happened since I became headmaster, what should be..“ Crowley’s sockets narrowed. “Where exactly did you come from?“
“Are you dumb? I told you earlier Monster High, which is located in (wherever the fuck Monster High world is called)“ you stood straight up at the attention being brought back to you. Even if you were scared you had to make good impressions because you didn’t have daddy’s money anymore.
“I’ve never heard of such a place“ Crowley admitted. Yeah, you were absolutely screwed. 
“I have a general grasp of where all the students came from but I’ve never even heard that name before. Let us do some research in the library.“ 
And with a swish of his cloak he quickly motioned for you to follow him.
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chronicsyd · 3 months
Yeaaaaa my brain’s like Literally not shut up since my last spam post about this GOD DAMN SHOW and it just… keeps spiraling… spiraling… spiraling… So, let’s talk about Vi again!
On my tiktok yesterday I brought up a post from the AMA for Arcane a couple of years ago that the co-creators were answering. And someone asked, “Will Vi and Caitlyn shippers be happy with the upcoming season?” to which the answer was, “There’s that part they might like, and that part they probably hate.” To which Amanda Overton (basically the writer responsible for most of the Caitvi scenes we got in s1) said, “I take full responsibility for both and they make the show better” so that’s… not all that thrilling.
However, it’s gotten me to think about what on Earth that “probably hate” bit would be.  Now this is something I’m saying as Complete speculation, I’m not Certain that this is what’s going on but if you’re willing to take a grain of salt with me then I’m willing to explain my reasoning. With that, let’s continue.
My HOPEFUL guess is that the “probably hate” thing is that Vi and Caitlyn split again at the beginning of S2. Honestly, it could be over a number of things: conflicting motivations about Jinx (Caitlyn wants revenge, Vi’s probably still in denial and wants to find “Powder”. Because she doesn’t call Jinx “Jinx” until After she’s already an Enforcer), Vi probably feels out of place and wants to figure things out on her own (As in she can’t trapse around Zaun she’s unwanted there, but on the flipside she’s a complete outsider to Piltover. Because even though Caitlyn would probably welcome her with open arms, doesn’t mean everyone else will…), there’s really a whole list of things that could probably explain this. So, Vi goes on her own to try and figure herself out and Caitlyn tries to go back to being an Enforcer and go through life without Vi.
But just because Vi left doesn’t mean that the conflict between Piltover and Zaun stops. And simply being an Enfocer is putting targets on Caitlyn’s back, which I think Caitlyn is fully aware of. And she and the others get ambushed at her parent’s tent that I pointed out in an earlier post; to which we Also saw Vi seeing the aftermath of. And, I think Vi has to make the decision that being an Enforcer is her best shot at bringing the conflict between Piltover and Zaun to an end; regardless of what her past has been with them. So, Vi probably comes back to Caitlyn probably midway through-ish (ep 4ish maybe?) and that’s when Caitlyn leads the strike teams to Zaun with those 3 objectives: Find Jinx, get rid of Shimmer, and neutralize anyone still loyal to Silco. I think that Vi and Caitlyn are the one team that goes after Jinx in that temple scene we see in the teaser (because that’s NOT the “finale fight” between the two, there’s NO way they’re showing that this early on) and I believe this for a few reasons: When Vi says “My sister is gone” the background looks like the temple and Vi really only holds that vulnerability in her eyes when talking to Caitlyn (See the bed scene from “Oil and Water”), and the last clip of Caitlyn we see she’s clearly in the temple as well, so I bet she’s probably backup for Vi in case thing’s get nasty. On the downside of this, there’s a still of Caitlyn that doesn’t show up in the trailer where she’s still in the temple, she’s lost her hat and her hair’s a mess and the cut on her lip is fresh. So Clearly this fight doesn’t go the way that they want it to, and that’s where Caitlyn gets the scar on her lip.
Now what happens After this? Ehhh it’s hard to say, mainly because I believe that they haven’t really shown us anything that has to do with the last episodes of the show. And to be honest even with a final trailer they’re probably gonna give us around Sept./Oct. they might only show scenes from up to ep 8 of the season (I only say this cuz that’s what they did for s1).
(Although my little shit of a brain DID say “what if the show Ends with Vi getting amnesia instead of it happening During the season?” soooo thx for That brain, that isn’t upsetting to think about AT ALL…)
So, yea just more speculations on what I think could possibly happen. Also, does anyone know what was said at the Annecy festival? That was supposed to happen today, right? Anyways, I’m out until my brain comes up with something else. Bye!
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sunny-honeytears · 27 days
So I wrote this down and forgot to do it as a reblog but I'm too lazy to insert every picture again, so here is my experience with the og vienna cast recording on spotify👍 (only act1 because you'll see how much I wrote just about that)
disclaimer(ish)? I wrote every opinion while, or immediately after listening to a song, so a lot of the times I go back and correct myself, or change my opinion, but hey atleast it's authentic. Also I compare it a lot to the hungarian recording because I heard that dozens of times and that's what I am used to.
Enjoy I guess, this is a long one!
Overture: Great 10/10 i love it in every language, has a bit different vibe than the hungarian version with more bass, I like both👍
He ho he: I actually *really* enjoyed that! Alfred has a nice voice that reminds me of Héger Tibor who is my favourite Alfred so thats great 10/9 only because I prefer the edge the hungarian version has to it its just a teeny tiny bit more sharp imo, and for me nothing tops the mic peaking scream Alfred lets out there. But overall amazing so far!
Knoblauch: Fhuuuu lot to unpack here for me. I'm definitely getting used to the german, which I don't here a lot of in a daily basis becasue hehe Hungary, but I'm trying to not view it as strange therefore bad, it has a lot of great moments but I'm used to the flow of hungarian. Now, I really don't know how to feel about professor right now. If you have seen my page, I *LOVE* hungarian professor, but so far.. I don't love this version. Alfred is still cute tho, but I miss his dumb little laugh when he says the line about Magdas breasts, somehow that made me like him even more. Also, Chagal. I have a mixed but mostly positive relationship with him in the hungarian, he has a very fun way of singing changing his range all the time, but so far he irritates me sorry😅 But yeah 10/7, Knoblauch 👍
Bitte meine Herren: LOVE ALFRED, starting to like professor👍This is a kind of a nothing number because it's mostly dialouge but yeah very solid 10/8
Eine schöne Tochter: Man I really don't like Chagal😭 Just the way he sings triggers something deep ick in me. Funnily enough the hungarian version is one of my favourite songs so just for that 10/5
Ein Mädchen, : ALFRED ❗❗ IN MY BED❗❗NOW❗❗ I love his voice😭😭. Sarah is also really great, professor and chagal are...ehhh..there. Rebecca *chef kiss* And the chorus whaaaaaaa 10/10 👍👍
Gott ist tot: I....i actually prefer Egyházi Géza sorry. I knew going in that I'm going to be very biased for Egyházi Géza because well...yes. But while I didn't dislike the song, I actually liked it, nothing tops his performance for me. The hungarian version is more...what is the right word.. soft? Flowy? Really hard to explain because I'm not an expert but to me german is a harsher sounding language than hungarian and because they are both from different language families, it's hard for me to relate to something so different. This doesnt mean the german version is bad❗❗I love the chorus part it's very eerie, maybe even more than the hungarian but I still prefer that over this. Regardless 10/8👍
Alles ist hell: Love love love the start 😭 Koukol I...don't like so far but for me he really peaks in act2 so all I'll say is please don't wheeze into my ears 10/8 for the wheezing
Warheit: Yeah uh...I don't like professor. It's a very delicate matter because essentially he sings the same way as hungarian professor but **something** is missing that makes him lovable in my eyes. Also just singing "logic" is weird for me, and for that I actually prefer the hungarian lyrics which is "Ténytől tényig, ez visz az igazságig- From fact to fact this leads to the truth" but thats really not something I can complain about. I love when the others starts singing too, it really elavates the whole number to a 10/8 jegercsik csaba hit that high note better imo
Du bist wirklich sehr nett: I prefer Héger Tibor here. Somehow he captured that exact tone of being terrified but also infatuated with Sarah (and my actual flirting skills) for me nothing beats his "goodnight" at the start. Sarah is great and I really enjoy her so far so this is a strong 10/9 for me 💪
Einladung zum Ball:
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We both know what im about to say
Guys I actually prefer Egyházi Gé-🔫🔫
Amuuuugy..I like this. German fits here well and you know what this is 10/10❗❗
Draussen ist Freheit: Why is three songs mixed together here?? Okay so I'm just gonna mirror translate the hungarian names here and write my opinion in that order💪
Life awaits us outside: Alfred im still not seeing you in my bed/j 10/10 you know what? I might prefer this to the hungarian version (but just might)
Red boots: the start is way rougher in hungarian, and that i prefer, but the instrumental part is just as mindblowingly beautiful to me in both versions so I already give it 10/10 just for that👍 Also I'm easing up to Krolock, it might have been the Gott ist tot song that I didn't enjoy because this is beautiful! Still prefer hungarian but at this point are you even surprised I just really like the hungarian version
Prayer: Beautiful 10/10 without question. I love Alfred joining in, I heard it louder in the hungarian version, here I don't know if he even joins in but he probably does so I love that here too👍👍 Also in this i really enjoyed Krolock and Sarah
Wuscha Buscha: Once again in hungarian its two different songs so-
The chase of Sarah: Alfred more energy ❗ more passion❗ more energy❗ Rebecca gets it. Rebecca gets it so much. Even Chagal weirdly. 10/8
Wuscha Buscha: professor stop singing WHO SAID THAT??? I love the bit when Alfred and professor geek out together and *that* part, that part was good. But other than that professor-
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Rebecca I LOVE YOU and I hope she had a very happy life after her whole family dies <3 overall 10/8
Tot zu sein ist komisch: Now I actually don't really care for this song in hungarian so I was pleseantly surprised here. Now this is a song german suits better imo so just for that it gets a 10/10 because I finally fully enjoy the song. But its also multiple songs soooo
The chase of Chagal: I want to know what professor and Alfred say. Does professor give an F to Alfred for messing up the ribs? Do they joke around? I need to know. Alfred you are doing amazing I love you sweetie <3 10/9
By the way is it ever explained why Alfred never hits on 3? Is he just afraid or is there like another reason? Anyways back to rating
Durch die Wildnis zum Schloss: very solid 10/10 💪💪 I'll never forget when I saw it in live and heard the door open behind us, so I turned around and we stared at eachother with the guy in vampire costume like this 👁👄👁 then he did some slutty dance moves infront of us and exited and for that I respect him
Vor dem Schloss: Krolock loves yapping and is definitely not a vampire guyssss hes just emoo..This Krolock is growing on me slowly but surely but still egyházi géza grrr..
I miss the loud BOO Krolock does but we can't have it all, professors voice still gives me the ick, I like the singing but not the plain dialouge, HOWEVER
Herbert Herbert Herbert Herbert Herbert
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At first Herbert was the reason I came to the fandom so just him appearing deserves a 10/10
Koukol's "bleh" deserves a bonus point its to precious
Krolocks flirting with Alfred is very beautiful very powerful so this song is a 10/10 with the added +1 of the bleh. If we dont count Herbert and Koukol, its a 9/10💪
Act 2 review is coming soon guys please don't kill me 👍
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