#in neither case did I get to just be flying around in open combat on it
blujayonthewing · 2 years
it sounds like Belial is very likely to let Elyss use his obsidian steed and holy shit I'm so excited to ride a nightmare into battle, what the fuck, 90ft flying speed and entering/ leaving the ethereal plane at will, this fucking RULES
1 note · View note
surgepricing · 4 months
That RWBY retrospective was a great read. Would you be willing to share the rest of your deep dive? I would love to read it
Thought long and hard about what I wanted to show off next; very rarely did I get into discussing RWBY in later volumes without stepping on some toes. I decided I'd post one of the more tame chapters from the Volume 2 recap, just to see what people have to say. I hope you enjoy it.
I won't be able to do this with every recap while preserving the images and gifs I used, since there's a limit of 30 and sometimes my posts went well beyond that, but I can always try other options.
Title: RWBY 09 – Volume 2, Second Arc (Part I) Original Posting Date: Dec 19, 2020 Episodes Covered: Volume 2, Episodes 5 & 6
Alright. So far, Volume 2 is not taking me to happy places. But why stop now?
We ended on a gigantic fight between four girls and a robotic mech.
V2E5, “Extracurricular”
The first thing I get to recap to you is a fight scene, right out of the gate. We open on Pyrrha, seeing her gear up for combat, spliced inbetween flashes of the fight itself. Now, for once, since this fight is neither the focus of the episode, nor that important overall, I’m not going to slavishly transcribe it, but rather give you the rundown:
It’s Pyrrha versus the entirety of Team CRDL (Cardin, Russel, Dove, and Lark, in case you forgot). Cardin’s packing his big giant mace, Russel’s armed with dual knives with what look like dust rotors, Lark is swinging around a halberd that looks completely unaltered, and Dove is armed with a slim double-edged blade that can fold into a pistol. If you want to see the fight that badly, I have good news: it’s easy to gif, since it’s brutally short, a mere minute and a half (1:40 to 3:14). So here, my treat:
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As you can see, Pyrrha is completely untouchable here, even four-on-one. She sends CRDL’s members flying with precise strikes and sweeps, and deflects Dove’s and Russel’s blades with only the shield braced on her one arm without even going off-balance. Sky and Cardin hit a bit harder, and Cardin gets points for being the only one to take more than three seconds to demolish, but she trounces him, too, the minute she sees an opening. All in all, she was in complete control of the battle and it showed.
You might be wondering how Pyrrha could so skillfully dismantle four attackers, some of whom have clear advantages on her in size and weight and who were attacking together. Don’t worry—you’ll see.
The lights come on in the arena, and Glynda’s voice again announces the end of the match, complimenting Pyrrha and mentioning she’ll have no trouble qualifying for the Vytal Tournament. She turns to the stands, asking any of the attending students if they’d like to fill one last match. RWBY, who are in the stands, appear uninterested, but we can see two familiar faces sitting just behind them. Glynda zeroes in on Blake, who hurriedly snaps some book shut, accusing her of being rather ‘docile’ in recent classes, but before she can volunteer her, a hand is raised and Mercury’s voice pipes up.
Glynda makes to select an opponent for him, but he stops her—he wants to go a round with Pyrrha. Glynda, clearly a tad peeved at having been interrupted twice, tries to tell him that she’s already finished a match, but Pyrrha welcomes another fight, very happy to take him up on it.
Mercury, legs greaved in black metal and showing off glinting silver bullets loading the chambers, slowly struts onto the field to meet his opponent, and in the background, Emerald glances at the back of Ruby’s head, then at the match, with a pointed focus on her eyes. Mercury takes a kickboxing stance, while Pyrrha stands with shield and xiphos at the ready. The two of them rush to meet each other, and Mercury throws a kick that meets Pyrrha’s shield before she sweeps his other leg out from under him. He makes distance with many an unnecessary backflip.
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The two fighters clearly appraise one another, before Pyrrha runs forward and presses him. Mercury goes on a fantastic defense, deflecting her strikes and trying to get around her shield, but this enables Pyrrha to just butt him in the chest and send him skidding back.
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Mercury nods, as if to say ‘eh, pretty good’, and in the stands, Ruby turns to compliment Emerald on how well her ‘friend’ is doing, who smiles and then rolls her eyes as soon as Ruby turns back towards the match. The two in the arena continue:
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Mercury launches a fast and furious series of strikes with the goal of bringing a heavy boot down on something that gives, and Pyrrha performs the sickest move ever, throwing her sword into the air behind her and then just catching Mercury’s next kick with the back of her arm. Mercury undercuts the coolness of this just a bit by answering her next series of slashes with the re-equipped sword and knocking the xiphos out of her hand and some distance away. Pyrrha doesn’t look too concerned about this.
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When Mercury makes to pounce on this advantage, she raises her free hand as if to catch his boot, but it doesn’t make contact. We the viewer see a very faint black outline around her hand and his boot as she does it. Mercury is sent off-balance, and takes a moment to absorb what just happened. Pyrrha rushes him, and he gets back up in time to meet her shield with both legs and fire his greave-guns, sending him shooting off of it and a good distance away, just in time to say the magic words before she can press her assault.
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M: I forfeit.
Pyrrha is thrown off, and skids to a halt, surprised and rather annoyed at this turn of events. Mercury dismisses her—she’s a world-class fighter, and they’re obviously leagues apart. Glynda understandably shares her irritation, given that Mercury chose to fight her in the first place. Mercury and Emerald are both grinning.
Glynda reminds everyone that “the dance is this weekend” and their first mission is on Monday. RWBY file out of the arena, Blake’s nose buried in a notebook and Emerald watching them as they go. Mercury dryly remarks, as he comes up to Emerald, that learning is “so much fun”.
Now before I pounce on the words that I just bolded, which the next scene that we cut to would like to elaborate on, let me draw your attention to something:
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Do you see this overhead shot of Beacon’s courtyard? To the right of RWBY, heading out, you will see Sun’s team, SSSN (pronounced “Sun”)—himself and Neptune, plus Scarlet and Sage.
That is their—Sage’s and Scarlet’s—only appearance this volume.
No, they do not actually interact with anyone nor are they involved in this scene whatsoever, they’re literally in the background and stay there. I don’t feel bad about spoiling that. Better we got it out of the way now. Do any of you remember something I highlighted in my Volume 1 Final Thoughts?
I said that slow pacing wasn’t something we could afford when this show only runs for 25% of the year and is on hiatus the other 75%. It’s not like live-action dramas, either, able to make up for that by running for 50 episodes at a time or packing 30-45 minutes into each episode. It seemed, at the time, an astounding feat of juggling to introduce so many new characters in the very last episode and then even more in the Volume 2 trailer and opening—but now we can see that it evens out, because they don’t intend on using any of them.
By this point in time, RWBY fans had been sitting on the knowledge that Sun had his own team, salivating in the aftermath of his glorious first impression, and hungering for some details on his crew for quite a while, and have at this point gone five weeks with nothing but scraps. They will go the rest of the volume—ten more weeks, what with the World of Remnant introduction—and then the rest of the Volume 2-3 hiatus with yet more nothing to go on.
Release date of Volume 2 Trailer: July 4th, 2014 Release date of Volume 3 Episode 2: October 31st, 2015.
Fifteen, almost sixteen months. Over a year. Not a year in which consistent content was coming—a year in which an official entry to the series’ collective body came and went. If you were actually interested in these characters as a team, any sparse involvement of the remaining two, or anything deeper than a petri dish from Sun and Neptune, you were absolutely not going to get it. Sucks to be you.
Love to Be a Part of It Someday: 10
*idly twirling a foil scraper* That’s not good. That is, in fact, pretty fuckin’ bad. Dickish, even. A point each for Sage and Scarlet, plus a point for the lack of unit behavior with Sun and Neptune—plus another for the conspicuous amount of time spent ignoring these dudes whose names haven’t even been said in-show. Fairest arrangement I can think of.
But that’s all I can say now. I will be bringing this back up later, near or at the end of the Volume. The same goes for the hair-ripping Exit Stage Left from last post that had me so bald.
So let’s move on to the issue actually comprising this scene.
Blake is lagging behind her team, head still buried in her notebook. Sun breaks off from his own team to catch up with her.
S: Hey, Blake! You, uh, doin’ okay?
B: I’m fine.
S: *clearing his throat* So I hear there’s this dance goin’ on this weekend… Agh, sounds...pretty lame, but you an’ me, I’m thinkin’, not as lame? Huh?
B: ...What?
S: The dance, this weekend! You wanna go, or what?
B: ...I don’t have time for a stupid dance. *turning and walking away* I thought you, of all people, would get that.
In case the tone of this conversation is not clear to you, here’s a gif, so you can see their body language like I can.
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Sun is being his usual chill and somewhat dorky self, if a little nervous, not pushy or rude. Blake, who has suddenly developed noticeable circles under her eyes since leaving the school arena, responds in a much rougher tone than we might have expected given her previous characterizations. Sun is visibly deflated and her teammates eye her as she walks off. Ruby spares sad boi Sun a glance before we cut to the next scene.
B: You what?
Ruby answers that they want her to go to the dance. When Blake calls that ridiculous, Yang mentions that they’re worried about her. This investigation, she says, is starting to mess with her head.
Ohhh, the investigation! Yeah, that was a thing that happened last episode, wasn’t it?
Wiess mentions that Blake can’t sleep, hardly eats, and her grades are tanking. Blake wants to know why she should care about grades when lives are at stake! Yang responds that they know, and they’re still trying to find out what Torchwick is up to.
Ruby mentions that thanks to Blake and Sun, they know that he and the White Fang are operating somewhere outside of southeast Vale, and Weiss follows up that Schnee records indicated that Vale was clearly the primary target of dust robberies over the last month.
Not to interrupt yet more blossoming angst from Blake, but yeah, this is our reward for following that three-episode ‘arc’ that culminated in the Paladin fight. Weiss lists that last bit off as if it’s useful information—it isn’t, because the characters live in Vale, among the robberies, and the viewers have so far only been shown Vale, and robberies happening there. It gives them nothing to go on besides “hey, at least the plot isn’t operating outside of our reach, like in other countries!” and that is why I remain firm in my decision to award it the Road to Nowhere point.
But seriously, think about what’s going on here. Blake’s grievance about lives is that they’re at stake, not that any have been lost, just in case you don’t believe that all those massacred people on the interstate really last episode didn’t matter. They don’t even register here. As if to underscore the fact that we just hit the reset button—on everything, including Blake’s inner turmoil over Torchwick that seemingly got resolved in Episode 2—they’re even back in their standard outfits, with the cool, unique, badass outfits that they wore for an episode and a half completely ditched, forgotten, and never brought up again.
None of that mattered. We went nowhere.
Alright, now that I’m good and mad, let’s continue with the scene.
Y: Don’t forget about their missing military tech, too.
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I’m fine! I’m cool, I’m calm, I’m fine!
(for reference here, the recap before, I had gone into an extended rant about how Torchwick just having a gigantic military mech made no sense, since it's not feasible for him to steal it undetected with his level of resources, and how barreling down a public interstate in it with the White Fang emblem stamped on it pretty much broadcasted his location and claimed the carnage so that it couldn't even be used to sow distrust against Ironwood).
When Blake protests that there’s still unanswered questions, Ruby responds that she won’t find any answers if she can’t even stay awake. Yang reiterates that they want her to relax a bit for one day, and Weiss insists it’ll be fun—because after all, Weiss and Yang are going to make sure of it! You see, they’re planning the whole event!
Yes, Yang said that verbatim. They—two girls—are planning a school event comprising not just the hundreds of students living at their campus, but hundreds more students coming in from three other countries! Sorry, I’m not letting you get away with that.
Ill Logic: 16
It isn’t alleviated by the fact that the event was originally being managed by four students instead of a mere two. Weiss mentions that upperclassmen team CFVY (pronounced “coffee”) aren’t back from their mission yet, so she and Yang were asked to pick up where they left off. Weiss promises that after the dance, they can return to their regularly scheduled business, nose in Torchwick’s business and all.
B: I think this is a colossal waste of time.
She gets up and strides out, mentioning that she’ll be in the library, with her team bemoaning that she can’t keep going like this.
But enough about that! There’s a knock on the door, and Weiss answers it. Guess who it is!
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What he’s here for is obvious before he even says it. Weiss shuts the door in his face, and he knocks again, begging that she open it, and promising not to sing.
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J: I lied!
W: [facepalming]
J: Weiss Sch-nee! ♪ Will you accompany me? ♪ To the daaaaance on! ♪ Sunday? ♪
W: Are you done?
J: ...Yes?
W: No. [she shuts the door in his face, then turns to her teammates] ...What?
Y: And that, is why they call you the ice queen.
W: All my life, boys have only cared about the perks of my last name. [crossing her arms and turning away] Besides, I already have a date in mind.
R: Date or no date, none of this will matter if we can’t get Blake to go.
The scene here ends on a zoom-in towards the sky outside the open window. But first…You didn’t think we were going to escape this shit without a little commentary on boundaries, did you?
Mkay. We’re not quite done with this issue, but we may as well do this—you may be flashing back to the first interaction Weiss actually had with Jaune, and his very pushy and rude flirting in the same scene. I mentioned there that it translated worse when written than watched, and could easily be brushed off as harmless even though it wasn’t. There is no such allowance here.
We’ve already established, through that scene and through the recent cold shoulder she gave him in class, that Weiss has no interest in Jaune’s time. Trying to ask her out to a dance, therefore, is a bad idea, but not necessarily a full-stop no-bad-wrong. Once she made it clear via door slam that she still wasn’t interested, that was the official cutoff, and any further pursuit should’ve been given up. He continues to pester her, and then she still gives him the official “No”.
If, like me, you mis-remembered this as Jaune asking her out like four or five times past a clear “No”, don’t worry, there’s still more to talk about. Because while Jaune is still over the line—
Jaune: 8
—what the real issue here is, is the framing of Weiss’ answer. See, it’s not because Jaune has qualities that turn Weiss off, or that his behavior is bad, or even that she simply doesn’t want to go to the dance—it’s that she assumes that Jaune only wants her because she’s the illustrious Schnee heiress. It is framed as though Weiss’ ‘no’ to Jaune is simply one of caution rather than actual disinterest in him—as though he ‘deserves a chance’, and the only reason he isn’t getting one is because a) Weiss made the wrong assumption and b) she already has the spot filled.
The problem is that Weiss doesn’t need a reason. She may hate Jaune’s guts, or may be head-over-heels with him. She may simply find him unattractive, or may simply not enjoy his company. She may not enjoy dances on principle. She may already have a date, or may not. She may have no reason whatsoever to say no to Jaune.
And she can still say no to him, and deserves to have that respected. Because a girl doesn’t need a ‘good’ reason to reject a guy. The ‘no’ is the beginning, middle, and end. She says no, and that’s that.
Fauxminism: 6
There’s shades of this with Blake, too, mind, what with her team trying to push her to go to a dance she has no interest in. Blake may, like myself, simply not find dances enjoyable and want to skip it, regardless of whatever turmoil is causing her to lose sleep, but this passes just a tad more easily because her physical health and mindset are clearly not their best.
Back to the next scene. We are shown Jaune training with Pyrrha. Both of them are wielding their swords with both hands and have gone shieldless, so Pyrrha seems to be teaching him the basics. He presses her into a couple of sword locks, before she sweeps his legs out from under him with her own. She laughs, and compliments how much his swordplay has improved, extending a hand to help him up (while a very creepy but un-commented-on green glow emanates from the headmaster’s tower in the background).
She asks if he wants to go ahead with Aura training, and Jaune hesitantly wonders about skipping that for tonight. She recommends he keep at it, and that she’s sure they’ll discover his Semblance in no time (hinting for the audience that one is attached to the other). Jaune dismisses this as the problem, saying “It’s dumb”. Pyrrha presses him when he clams up, and he admits he wants time to lament about Weiss.
What about her, Pyrrha asks, and he confesses he asked her to the dance and she promptly shut him down. Pyrrha, quite stiffly, mentions that there’s plenty of fish, as the saying goes. Easy for her to say, he says, since she probably has guys falling over themselves in line to hit that up. She subtly hints that this isn’t the case, only to be blown off. If she doesn’t get a date to the dance, he says, he’ll wear a dress.
Wait for it. I’ll comment on it in time.
Pyrrha gives Jaune’s retreating back the solemn gaze of the unrequited crush, and all I can do is question her taste, which I will do in detail soon enough.
The next scene we cut to is the dorm room where Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury are staying. They’re commenting on ‘the invincible girl’, Pyrrha Nikos, who Mercury appears to have figured out. He and Emerald explain that her semblance is ‘polarity’, but she hides it well, using it to manipulate combat in her favor in subtle ways that won’t be noticed if you aren’t looking. In this way, she creates the impression that she really is untouchable in combat on skill alone, rather than because most fighters would realistically be helpless against her.
We will ask a question now: if Pyrrha’s so good at being subtle about her abilities, why did she magically wave Mercury’s foot away from her face rather than simply catching it? She proved she was capable of doing just that. One looks significantly less suspect than the other, and likely wouldn’t have actually been caught by Mercury’s oh-so-clever analysis!
Ill Logic: 17
Your Fight Scene Sucks: 10
C: People assume she’s fated for victory, when she’s taken fate into her own hands. Interesting. Add her to the list.
How very ominous. Mercury mentions that Cinder should be able to take her easily, and she adopts a more serious demeanor as she declares that it’s not about overpowering the enemy, but taking away what power they have. How different those two things really are, in this context or any, is something I’ll leave up to readers.
When Mercury bemoans more waiting around, Cinder mentions a ‘fun weekend’ in store for them, while holding up a needle she’s using to sew something. The episode ends.
Before I move on to the next episode, I need to air an issue I’ve been saving since the beginning of this one, and I will preface it with an apology, because one last time, I’m about to use the j-word: juvenile.
It took me a while to find that word, you know, when I was first outlining a spork of this animation, and when I was searching for and finally settled on it, I was thinking of this plot point right here, and nothing else. It didn’t occur to me until I was actually writing the recaps for the preceding episodes just how many times I could, and would, apply that word.
And it does occasionally hit me that I may come off as snobbish or elitist for that, and I apologize if so. I promise that’s not my intention. I’m not some fun-hating asshat that takes issue with a show being accessible to kids and not being filled with blood and gore and sex and f-bombs. I’m not trying to put RWBY ‘beneath’ me.
But there is nonetheless a problem with how this show is treading its water. There are certain things the audience is expecting, was expecting, and some they most certainly weren’t—and probably didn’t welcome. And as for me, I would call this one of them. Let’s lay our cards on the table here: we now have a dance arc to sit through. Dance arcs are restricted, generally speaking, to a few different settings, and it’s rather difficult to make most of them cross over with the dramatic, monster-slaying world of Remnant. And failing the one, rather more flexible type of dance arc—the whole ‘regal, fancy high-society ball’ type—we instead are being handed the other type. Say it with me now, what we’ve really got is a prom arc.
I cannot fucking stand the prom arc.
Suppose for a minute that I did enjoy high-school shows, of which the prom arc is the most standard, inseparable staple. Regardless of the fact that I detest them in general, there are interesting things you can do in a high school setting, especially if there are fantasy elements involved. If binging Supernatural doesn’t scar me deeply enough by the time I’m done, hell, the one I’ll probably move on to is Teen Wolf, in which I understand this problem to have reared its ugly head. The prom arc is emblematic of both high school shows and what ends up being wrong with most of them, in that it’s the least interesting thing you can possibly show me.
Absent any monster-slaying or teens with superpowers, maybe on occasion I can still get invested in a plot about how some chick is trying to hide her pregnancy, about how a bully gets his due (one we had in this show, as it happens!), or how some kid getting in with the wrong crowd tries to get out before it destroys his life. To say nothing of the oft-ignored or mishandled potential of trying to watch teens struggle through things like sexuality or gender, which more and more of us could relate to and want to see. And yes, even that is relevant to what I will say later on.
The fact of the matter is, ‘who is taking who to prom? Tee-hee! Ooooh!’ is the plot point that is both the least interesting and the one that often takes up way too much time and attention. It’s tired, annoying, endlessly-retreaded, boring…and now we have one right here.
Coming right off the heels of Torchwick chasing gun-and-sword-wielding teens down a crowded freeway and the large-scale implications Blake keeps babbling about, why should we disagree with her assessment of this? Why on earth would we care about some freaking prom? Do we not have a million more interesting things to look at?!
And don’t think that it ends with me calling this farce for what it is. There’s also the fact that it doesn’t make sense. This prom is happening on the heels of a bazillion exchange students arriving to stay on campus.
Really? You want to ask hundreds of people who are unfamiliar with the city and have never been here before to try and find dates, ostensibly with people from other countries that they hardly know, when they barely know their way around? That makes sense to you? Someone should bitch slap Ozpin upside the head for thinking that’s a good idea.
Ill Logic: 18
It’s not getting Reliable Leader points because I can’t prove it was him that organized it, but it’s still a terrible idea nonetheless. Whatever, let’s move along.
V2E6, “Burning the Candle”
We open on Ruby sitting at a table when set upon by Weiss, asking her opinion: which tablecloth should she go with? But they’re both the same, and Weiss leaves in a huff when this is pointed out. Yang is carrying a huge amp and sets it down with a colossal thud. She asks if Ruby has picked out her dress yet, and Ruby, incredibly down in the dumps, asks what the point is if Blake isn’t going.
You have a weird fixation on Blake attending a very pointless event, you know that? Do you have some terminal inability to enjoy anything if it isn’t being done with your whole teeeeaaam? I’m gonna start calling you Esme.
Yang waves this off: don’t worry, Ruby, Blake’s going! Said with a confident smirk, which given Yang’s track record with coercion so far, does not make me think the things I imagine Rooster Teeth wanted me to think, so great work there. She then snaps at Weiss that she doesn’t want doilies everywhere. No doilies, no fog machines, Weiss answers.
This leads to a comment from Neptune, who walks in with Sun. Lovely to see you two again, did you ever find your missing two team members? No? Sorry to hear that, keep at it! Neptune thinks this might be pretty cool, and Sun asks if the ladies are all ready for ‘dress-up’. Ruby is not as enthused as Yang and Weiss are at the idea of getting all dolled up to turn heads. So what are they going to be wearing, the latter asks?
S: Pfft, uhhh, this?
Before I can point out that this is yet another detail implying that Sun is poor, Neptune tries to wave him off, but Sun will not be ignored. He mentions that, despite having moved to Mistral, he grew up in Vacuo, which viewers will by now understand to be a desert nation and rather dangerous.
S: It’s not exactly a shirt-and-tie kind of place.
Y: Yeah, we’ve noticed.
Holding my tongue here.
Sun, visibly uncomfortable, asks what Blake thinks of all this, and if she’s still in her ill mood, and they confirm that she is. Yang, again all a-smirking, says to just trust her, because Blake will definitely be at the dance tomorrow. Whatever could she mean?
She means racism, of course! See, in the next scene, she’s got a laser pointer, and interrupts Blake’s time poring over a library computer by bothering her with it until she gives in and tries to follow it to the source. It is an extended sequence and very uncomfortable. Remember: this would not matter if Blake was just a cat person, and cat people and humans coexisted with nothing else said about it. But the faunus in this show are explicit stand-ins for people of color! So this joke is unfunny and offensive by default. Imagine if some black kid was hanging out on the computer and some rudeass white kid started trying to dangle fried chicken or watermelon in front of them, ‘cause black people love that stuff, right? Ha. Ha. Ha. So very funny.
RSVP: 22
When Blake finally finds Yang holding the laser pointer, the latter drags her off by the arm, claiming they ‘need to talk’ and no, it’s not funny. Cut to the next scene!
Lie Ren walks out of the JNPR dorm’s bathroom wearing only a towel. In the exact same manner, Jaune comes out of nowhere and grabs him by the arm, claiming they need to talk. Ha, funny, hee.
J: Ren…I’m just gonna come out and say it. You…are one of my best friends. These past few months, I feel like we’ve really bonded! Even though...you don’t say much. I mean, you’re really quiet. To be perfectly honest, I don’t know that much about you personally...but darn it, I consider you to be the brother I never had!
R: [still in a towel and visibly uncomfortable] ...And I you.
J: Which is why I wanted to get your advice on...girls!
I love when racism is followed by good old-fashioned homophobia! Because yes, that’s what this is. The fact that Ren’s in a towel and Jaune starts by using language like “you’re one of my best friends” and the ever-suspect “come out and say it” make it clear that this is obviously a funny joke meant to make the audience laugh because oh, he sounds like he’s about to confess his love to another man! Isn’t that funny?!
*icily* Miles Luna, you see this big fat dick? Eat me. It’s fucking scary as hell for gay people trying to approach love and you don’t get to make us the butt of your jokes.
And for the record, no, I don’t think that was a one-off. See, people watching RWBY had, before Volume 2 even aired, asked about the topic of sexuality within this show. They wanted to know...well, mostly whether their favorite ships were gonna happen, but beyond that, they wanted to know whether Rooster Teeth intended to display non-heterosexual identities and how they felt about doing so. Monty went on record and assured them the characters would figure that sort of thing out under their own power and on their own time, and that it would not be brushed aside but also wouldn’t be a huge part of the story. So by this point, Rooster Teeth are already aware they had an LGBT audience...and this little scene still got greenlit.
Malevolent? Malicious? No and no. But abso-fucking-lutely in poor taste? Definitely so.
Jaune eventually says that he wants to know how Ren and Nora got together, only for them both to uncomfortably clarify that they’re not a couple. He urges her to put her headphones back on, since obviously he wanted Ren’s opinion on this and not hers. Dick. Ren asks him what this is about.
J: It’s Weiss. I’m completely head-over-heels for her, and she won’t even give me a chance. She’s cold, but…she’s also incredible. She’s smart, graceful, and talented...I mean, have you heard her sing? I just wish she’d take me seriously, you know? I wish I could tell her how I feel, without messing it all up.
Yes, we are still not done with this tiresome matter.
First, this was clearly an attempt to back up what I said above: it’s all a misunderstanding! Jaune doesn’t want her because she’s a Schnee, (or just because she’s hot), he’ll have you know! It has nothing to do with superficial qualities like her money (or her hotness). It’s all about those other not-at-all-superficial qualities like how graceful she is, what a beautiful voice she has, and uhh, what was that last one? Oh yeah, how smart she is! Notice that Jaune said nothing that actually indicated he knows her. Is she a kind person? Does she have passion or drive? Does she care about others? Does she put forth effort to be the best she can be and make every day great? What are her interests and hobbies? The best you could say is that ‘smart’ technically isn’t superficial, but it’s one short step away from ‘aw yeah, she’s got a brain to go with those hot titties!’
This was clearly a transparent attempt to smooth over burgeoning distaste for Jaune and his interactions with women, so it’s getting two points, and one of them is our very first!
Jaune: 9
Band-Aid Brigade: 1
Moving on. Pyrrha cuts in, telling Jaune that if he really feels that way about Weiss, he should just tell her. No schemes, no pick-up lines, just honesty.
P: Jaune. You can’t get it wrong if it’s the truth!
I beg to differ! He can get it very wrong! He’s gonna show us that much very soon!
But Jaune likes this advice and hurries out, leaving Nora to sadly advise Pyrrha to practice what she preaches.
Now we cut back to Blake and Yang. They are occupying some unused theater classroom, with Yang sitting cross-legged on the teacher’s desk and Blake pacing back and forth with her arms crossed. Blake insists that they can’t afford to slow down, while Yang says that taking a break isn’t a luxury, but a necessity. At Yang’s invitation, Blake reluctantly sits down to listen to her story.
Cuz it’s story time!
Y: Ruby and I grew up in Patch, an island just off the coast of Vale. Our parents were Huntsmen. Our dad taught at Signal, and our mom would take on missions around the kingdom. Her name was Summer Rose. And she was like...Super-Mom. Baker of cookies and slayer of giant monsters. And then...one day she left for a mission and never came back. It was tough. Ruby was really torn up, but…I think she was still too young to really get what was going on, you know? And my dad just kinda...shut down. It wasn’t long before I learnt why. Summer wasn’t the first love he’d lost. She was the second. The first was my mom. He wouldn’t tell me everything. But I learnt that they had been on a team together with Summer and Qrow. And that she’d left me with him just after I was born. No one had seen her since.
Yes, this is belated Yang Time. Pay careful attention to what she said here. I’ll be talking about it in just a minute.
Blake asks why Yang’s birth mother left. Yang answers that it’s that exact question that ate at her as a kid and drove her to find out why. We transfer to art deco as Yang delves deeper into her backstory. She found a clue, she describes, while the art deco shows us a picture in a broken picture frame, that she thought would lead her to her mother or answers thereabouts.
Y: I waited for Dad to leave the house, put Ruby in a wagon, and headed out. I must’ve walked for hours. I had cuts and bruises, was totally exhausted…but I wasn’t gonna let anything stop me. When we finally got there, I could barely stand. But I didn’t care. I had made it. And then I saw them. Those burning red eyes. There we were. A toddler asleep in the back of a wagon and a stupid girl too exhausted to even cry for help. We might as well have been served on a silver platter. But, as luck would have it...our uncle showed up just in time. My stubbornness should’ve gotten us killed that night.
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The bolded material, this time, is for me. First, I know a lot of you will expect me to comment on Yang’s parents and what they’re like, and on this matter, one in particular. But please wait. Give it time—there is an appropriate moment to talk about this, and you need the full effect. For now, let’s just focus on the first one: Ruby.
In addition to Yang Time, we now have our very first details about Ruby’s mother, Summer Rose! Fans had been itching to hear about this ever since that extremely loaded song, Red Like Roses Part II, debuted in Volume 1. A dark past, trauma, a desire to know why her protectorate left her...and then we find out Ruby was too young to understand Summer dying. That handily puts a stopper in any of that juicy development we were kind of relying on for Ruby, not to mention any development of it in the future, too. It’s not as though it doesn’t make sense for Yang to angst about a missing mother as much as Ruby, but this kind of locks it onto Yang and away from Ruby. And with Yang focusing on her birth mother over Summer, that means Summer will continue to be unexplored. And Rooster Teeth will continue to fumble this going ahead.
At the end of this story, Blake makes a very good point: these situations are not the same, and she is not a child with no sense of scope. Yang, gripping the desk rather hard, reiterates that she isn’t telling Blake to stop. After all, she herself hasn’t—she’s still looking for details about her birth mother. The difference is, she doesn’t let the search control her, which is what she wants for Blake. Blake insists that she doesn’t understand. That she’s the only one who can fight this. Why…? I’m not sure. Perhaps you guys need to see how this goes down:
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Y: No, you don’t understand! If Roman Torchwick walked through that door, what would you do?
B: I’d fight him!
Y: You’d lose!
B: I’d stop him!
Y: You can’t even stop me!
I’m not of the opinion that Yang shoving Blake necessarily constitutes abuse, or even just an unhealthy scenario. Certainly I wouldn’t do it, but Yang is supposed to personify ‘tough love’, and she’s right: Blake is literally running on fumes and would suck ass if the time came for her to get what she wants. That said, this is another one of those Yang ThingsTM that looks way worse when considering prior missteps surrounding her. Fortunately, I think this is one Rooster Teeth actually caught onto in time—but that’s for later.
Yang gives Blake a hug, reiterating one more time that even though she supports what Blake wants, the way she’s going about it is self-destructive. And that’s why they want her to get some rest, for both her and the people she cares about. And...maybe try and head to the big event tomorrow, if she feels up to it? Yang’ll save her a dance, she says. They both leave, allowing us to get a good look at the winged gear emblem Yang was drawing on the chalk board.
(I will, even with what I said earlier, condemn anyone that, like Certain People Back in the Day, has the audacity to say this would’ve been a perfect time for them to kiss or for Yang to ask Blake to the dance. That turns what is framed as a gentle suggestion into the sort of thing that you do not do to an emotionally unstable and hurting person. You wait ‘til a person is stable and in good health to put the moves on them or you face my fiery wrath.)
That was pretty okay. A bit belated, and a bit of a forced fit for Blake’s problem, but we did indeed get two things I said we needed in my Volume 1 Final Thoughts—in-depth Yang characterization and one-on-one interaction with her team members. Here, have a cookie.
We cut to Jaune strolling down the sidewalk with a big ol’ smile on his face, holding a white flower and yes, he is doing exactly what he shouldn’t be doing—!
Jaune: 10
Pyrrha, I gotta pin this one on you. You were in the room when Jaune said he got turned down, why did you encourage this?
Yes, he’s off to go announce his feelings for Weiss! On...the night before the dance. And unless I’m just dumb, hoping to get a date with her. But his attempt is, as we already know, doomed. Jaune passes an alleyway, only to hear Weiss’ voice...calling Neptune’s name. Peeking around a corner, he (and we) watch Weiss catch up with the man himself, who asks what’s up.
W: I know this is a little...unorthodox, but…I wanted to ask you something. Would you...like to accompany me to the dance tomorrow?
Neptune’s hand is behind his head in apparent recognition of how ‘unorthodox’ this is. Jaune, crushed, backs away from the alley and goes back to his dorm, the flower discarded, and since he didn’t stick around to see Neptune’s answer, neither do we.
We cut to the very next night, where the dance is happening indoors. Yang, in a very untypical plain white dress and heels, is hosting, and yes, before you ask, every single one of the couples in view behind her is visibly a man/woman pairing. The latest visitor Yang welcomes is her very own sister Ruby, who she gushes over for having gotten all prettied up, including heels. Ruby would like to complain about those in particular, lampshading Weiss’ uncanny ability to fight in them. We then cut to Sun.
Sun is wearing…black? His tail is swinging behind him and we see that he’s swapped out his white jacket and lack of shirt for an identical jacket in black, this time buttoned up just high enough to let him display his necklace, and that he’s also wearing a white tie, which he is very unfamiliar with and struggling in. Behind him, a quiet voice reaches him:
B: I knew you’d look better with a tie.
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She takes his arm, and he asks if this means they’re going, yanno, together. Technically yes, Blake says, though her first dance is spoken for.
Cutting back to the dance, we get a lovely view of all of those cookie-cutter heterosexual couples dancing, before...
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…Blake finishes one dance, and starts another.
*tapping a foil scraper on the desk* Yes, I know I was a tad snide about the background characters, but we got the important bits here with the main characters. Via Blake dancing with Yang, we are being shown that it’s not a stigma for people of the same sex to dance together, even if they’re not there as a date, so to speak. I’m not going to call that an accident, because that was the purpose of the scene and that’s what it did. I am going to call this dangerous, because even if the intent was clean and hit the mark for once, this also adds potential energy to a burgeoning fandom war.
See, what they aimed for was “Same-sex couples can go to the prom dance!” And they got that. They did. Laud them for it. What they also got was “Blake and Yang went to the prom dance—right before she got together with Sun!”
Yang bows out, Sun steps in. I’ve already commented on the...particular energies of certain shippers in this fandom. I also mentioned that, with the somewhat-too-close relationship Rooster Teeth have with their fans, and the way they like to eat away at what gap there is between them, they can invite bad things. A lot of people were not happy with how Sun, the resident love interest, was still ‘getting the girl’. And yeah, that’s entirely on them—shippers take things too seriously and get very up in arms over shit that doesn’t matter. We know that, that’s what they do. But things like this stoke the eventual fires that break out. I, personally, would’ve had Blake dance with a woman that wasn’t the other half of the biggest ship in fandom at the time—Pyrrha or Weiss, perhaps—but I’m not going to berate RT for not thinking to do that.
Enough about that, though. Sun and Blake are very cute dancing together, as commented on by the others, who are very happy that Blake is happy and is going so far as to laugh, apparently having gotten some rest and improved.
When Ruby asks what they do now, Yang just tells her to have fun before walking off, as does Weiss. She’s left alone to complain about her dumb stilt heels she can barely walk in. The music takes on a twinkling tone as Ozpin shows up, asking if she’s not enjoying herself.
They talk about nothing. No, I’m serious, nothing of any importance is being said here. Ozpin and Ruby bemoan that life is more than just fighting, Ozpin says fighting and dancing aren’t that different, and then muses on bonds becoming stronger. I think he showed up just to give this closing line:
Oz: Nights like these are ones we’ll never forget.
Yang then welcomes in two more guests—Emerald and Mercury.
The episode ends. And so does this post—unfortunately, this arc has to be split in two as well. Like the last one, it’s a bunch of little annoying fails leading up to a huge fail-fest that will get me absolutely furious and chatty about it. Then we’ll do the World of Remnants, and then the last arc, which will take...three posts? Maybe four?
Jaune: 10 It Was Right There: 3 Fauxminism: 6 Hypocrisy: 1 Ice Cream Queens: 0 Reliable Leaders: 4 Prowling Wolf Fallacy: 0 Threatening Enemies: 2 Love to Be a Part of It Someday: 10 Your Fight Scene Sucks: 10 + 2 Evisceration Evasion: 2 Ill Logic: 18 Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Veil: 4 + 1 Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge: 0 Band-Aid Brigade: 1 RSVP: 22 Road to Nowhere: 6 Y.A.S. Queen: 3
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angelsndragons · 3 years
*sing* it's been ~a while~
and i have been watching vm vs the nein a lot so let's talk about it. as always with me, this is a very long word vomit.
i said over on my mechanics post that the vm playbook requires urgency while the nein's playbook requires setup. here's what i mean. if the nein can make it to round 3-4 intact, that is if all of them are up, they are going to win. period. the nein simply have too many ways to steal turns from their enemies or to maximize their own effectiveness for things to go any other way.
if you want to see this in action even with a reduced roster, go watch the fire elemental fight in episode 129 and count the rounds. between caduceus' mass cure wounds and spirit guardians, caleb's slow, veth's sneak attacks, and jester's guiding bolts, the nein were able to scrape out a win thanks more to their bag of tricks than the damage output. veth only got sneak attack because of guiding bolt's secondary effects, slow kept veth safe from an opportunity attack and jester from a multi-attack, mass cure wounds gave caleb that round to cast slow, and the spirit guardians passively whittled down the enemies into KO range. the accumulated secondary effects were too much for the enemies to withstand and they fell hard. notice how everything built on one another here. that's what cockroach parties learn to do well. it was sloppier than a normal nein fight but they did it with a reduced roster AND with nearly all of their high level spell slots spent before the fight. yeah, they're fucking scary.
vm, however, is a whole different kind of scary. this team can put you down before you even know what's happening. it's harder to target the group's biggest damage dealers because you have a hulking barbarian and often an elemental up front locking down combatants. the dagger rogue can teleport and fly. oh, and give himself an extra action each round. the ranger and the gunslinger can stand back and just go to town. the freaking bear can maul you. the bard can make your life a living joke in your final moments. the cleric is a wildcard because the group is built to fight without her; if she's around, good luck because that's another round of attacks you have to take and an extra round vm can take. their DCs are ridiculous, as are their overall ACs.
but the thing to know about vm is that they have to put you down fast. they don't have the hit points for longer fights and they definitely don't have the utility for longer fights. their druid is offensively oriented, their cleric is often absent, and their bard is mostly support. he's often the only one running that bag of tricks. he can and will fuck up an opposing team given the chance and bolster his own, the problem is that he has almost no backup here. it's a giant hole that is begging to be exploited. it's an even bigger hole when that bard can only cast one spell per round.
so, going into the battle royale, the vm side had to down one member of the nein as fast as possible preferably in two rounds or fewer. it almost doesn't matter who, because if you down beau or fjord, that forces jester or fjord to spend their action or spell getting the downed member back up. if jester goes down, fjord has to do something about it. well, i say it almost doesn't matter but beau's deflect missiles makes her the worst target of the trio and yes, i'm including fjord's half-orc bounce back in that calculation. that gives you one round where the person healing isn't fucking up your team. vm's secondary objective was to monitor and control beau. her movement is nothing to compared to a hasted vax but her stunning strike is the most lethal weapon the nein brought into this fight. vm overall is not a melee group to begin with and their con saves are all garbage. vm has to find a way to keep her off their tails if they want a chance. we also know that vm's plan was to try to take out jester first so throw that objective into the mix as well.
all the nein have to do is survive the first couple rounds, monitor scanlan and pike, and get into position. that's basically it. the nein can absolutely withstand vax and percy's damage output for the first two rounds. pike and scanlan's damage output can be scary but pike in particular has to decide whether she wants to hold high level slots for healing. and she would need those higher level slots to get close to percy and vax's damage output. the nein know from experience that the support caster is where the real trouble will begin.
but before we kick things off, remember that matt specifically designed this battlefield to take turns away from the teams. the chests are an action to search and are located far out of the way in the field. the gem requires an action to activate, which basically means sacrificing your action for someone else's, and shifts between six designated points on the field. matt, who has a deep understanding of how both teams operate, decided to play on the nein's insecurities that they were at a severe item disadvantage and see if he could get them to bite. high risk, high reward. granted, this is me speculating but it does look like matt saw the fight very differently from the players and readjusted the field accordingly.
so we kick off and immediately scanlan proves why he is the top priority on the nein's list. he gets the gem, gets fjord prone on the ground, and comes within a hair's breadth of turning the fight into a five on two potential slaughter. travis brilliantly responds to these circumstances in the best of ways. see, fjord isn't the nein's utility magician for this fight; fjord's the bait. travis makes a very big spectacle of himself and fjord's predicament. and vm buys it hook, line, and sinker. ashley tries to continue with the original plan of gunning for jester only to discover that jester is who knows where.
vax, percy and scanlan? immediately take their shots at fjord. but fjord's on the ground which puts percy's awful misfire mechanic into reasonable play. so fjord gets lucky and doesn't take anywhere near the amount of damage he could have from percy. scanlan, after percy is removed from the field, decides he's better off trying to finish fjord but only hits a 3rd level thunder wave instead of a higher level one, which sam was probably saving for some counterspells or such. i don't think a higher level would have made that much of a difference but it is important to note.
more importantly, vax gets greedy. he got two good hits on fjord with his two actions, he could have left and hidden for the next turn. yes, vm has to down fjord as fast as possible. however that haste is going to be more effective over the long term if vax can keep it. but fjord's easy prey and he thinks vm can down him before jester can get over there to do anything about it. so he goes for the bonus action attack. pike eventually joins this mad dash scramble and like scanlan, she absolutely needed to throw something huge at fjord to get past his half-orc racial trait to have a prayer at downing him. but she did not because ashley seems to have been saving all her high levels for healing so fjord survives the round in honestly a very good position. vax can't target him from range with the cloud up, scanlan now has bigger problems than fjord with molly right up on him, and pike ran, taking damage and healing fjord in the process.
meanwhile, the nein's ladies are free to run and play the field as they see fit. jester has a big opening round flame strike. beau decides she can hold off on her round 2 blitz run to vm in favor of bringing molly onto the field. remember kids, never let a monk with 55ft of movement have the run of the place, it's bad for business. jester then makes a great play with her dispel magic at vax's haste. hashtag thanks, fjord. remember, kids, cockroach parties excel at taking turns and actions away from their opponents. in round 2 alone, the nein successfully remove percy from the field and remove vax's extra attack. that's both big damage dealers hobbled in one round. they also gave themselves an extra turn, adding molly onto the field. and oh boy, molly.
here we see the utility martial fighter molly could have been. sam's confused by the low damage that molly's doing his first round but the damage isn't really the point of the attacks. that brand of tethering is far more important, as are taliesin keeping an eye on which reactions will support the nein and molly's second attack wasting scanlan's reaction. counterspell is off the table for the back half of round 2-beginning of round 3, which is important if fjord wants to get the heck out of dodge.
in case it wasn't obvious earlier in the match that the nein are absolutely gunning for scanlan, round 3 begins with beau's blitz against scanlan. fjord's luck against the dominate person balances out with scanlan's save against the stun and beau missing one attack. here, vm starts to get distracted. they chose their focus fire target, fjord, but now do not, arguably cannot, follow through on it. we'll never know what could have happened had vm said to hell with beau and molly in our faces, we have to finish fjord.
vax tries to retaliate against beau but here's where the cockroach starts to come into play. molly blood curses vax, which saves beau a full sneak attack+ worth of damage. it also utterly wastes vax's turn. fjord manages to escape (and damage pike while he's at it) and regroup where it's safe. scanlan tries to dimension door but fails due to the brand. literally any other move scanlan could try on the pair of them had a better chance of success. instead, another vm turn is lost. taliesin recognizes the importance of getting beau advantage and supports her at the cost of two of his attacks missing, but not before scanlan is forced to cutting words one of them. another potential counterspell and cutting words lost. neither jester or pike contribute significantly to this round; the nein have done so much damage to pike in three rounds that she is forced to heal herself while jester chooses to dimension door herself to the gem and only a low damage roll lets it evade her.
beau takes molly's setup and gets the critical scanlan stun. he loses his full round. fjord takes the opportunity molly provided him to polymorph into a t-rex, bringing him fully back into the fight. vm is really going to have a time and a half trying to finish him now unless they can put up a big single damage attack. jester builds on beau's setup by casting flame strike, whose dex save scanlan automatically fails. he goes down. if you're the nein, this is exactly where you want pike focused, on her team and not on yours. she has access to most of the same spells that jester has and the more you pressure her to focus on her team, the better. it's not wasting her turn, precisely, but it is controlling what she can reasonably do with it.
now we come to percy versus beau. i don't want to diminish the insane good luck beau had to take only 26 points of damage from six shots because what matters here is that percy absolutely could not down beau. period. her hit points were too high and after she took almost nothing from the first two shots, it should have been clear that she was going to get her turn and she would absolutely attempt to stun and down pike and scanlan. i'm not going to monday morning quarterback this fight but i will point out that the more rolls travis has to make to maintain concentration, the greater the chance he fails and you get to hit fjord's actual hit point pool and trade fjord for scanlan. and if you can get him before he can get back into the fray, even better.
beau stuns the gnomes and drops scanlan again. her inner cockroach rears its head once more as she negates more than half the damage on vax's critical hit sneak attack. fjord-rex downs scanlan and grapples pike. the stun on pike here really helps negate that high AC of hers. after scanlan's death, it's a long slow death spiral. vax abandons the fight in the next critical round in favor of keeping the gem instead of targeting fjord. percy attacks beau once more instead of fjord due to fjord dangling pike over lava. he starts to focus on fjord only to get distracted by jester. pike goes down but vax gets caught by beau before he can get her back up. and so it goes with vm losing turn after turn after turn until finally the nein poof percy out of existence and bring molly back. a fitting end for the team who started their final boss fight with eight and came out nine.
bottom line here, the vm team played like they had way more time than they actually did. they had to commit to a target and see it dead as fast as possible. they had to control the battlefield quickly and keep it. they didn't so they couldn't. aside from building on damage dealt, they couldn't create advantages or opportunities for each other nearly as effectively as nein did. all of these factors meant that the nein did what they always do: grind their enemies under heel.
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salty-rey · 3 years
Come Back | Bad Batch Fan Fic
Pairing: Crosshair x Reader
Words: 1748 words
Warnings: Angst. Reader gets hurt, mention of blood
A/N: I gave you romance with Fives last time. Now, time for some PAIN!!! I told yall I wanted to make a Bad Batch fan fic, I just didn’t expect my first one to be like this. 
Pretty short, I wanted to write it down before I lose any inspiration, and I have to get back to my finals. 
Hope you guys like! 
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(gif courtesy of @clxnewxrs​ )
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This plan has gone to crap!
It was supposed to be simple. Get into the command center, retrieve the necessary intel, and get out. Something you’ve done many times before. Piece of cake! 
But last time you remembered, you did not have a child following you around. Omega insists on coming along, even going against Hunter’s orders. Because of her disregard of orders, she had tripped an alarm, alerting the guards to your position. But you couldn’t blame her. Even if she didn’t came along, something wasn’t going to go according to plan. She’s not a soldier and wasn’t trained like you and the rest of the Bad Batch. There were some tasks or missions that were fine for the young clone to come along, but this mission was more dangerous. 
One good reason why; Crosshair had finally tracked you down.
The Batch had split up during the mission, aiming to complete your objectives. Before you can all regroup, that is when Crosshair and his Elite Squad Trooper caught up to the group. And you had the unfortunate case of protecting Omega from the sniper, who was now standing in front of you. With the only exit blocked by your former comrade, the only way to escape was to shoot your way out or leap out an 80 storied building. 
“Crosshair, please! Don’t do this,” you pleaded, body shielding Omega as the young girl cowered behind you.
“I can bring you back alive,” The grey-haired clone spoke, raising his handheld blaster to your chest without hesitation. “Or in a body bag. Your choice, Freckles.”
You tense, staring down the barrel of the blaster, wondering for a second if it was put on lethal or stun mode. You felt Omega gripping your arm, sparing a glance at the child before looking back at Crosshair. His eyes held no remorse. There was no more warmth in those honey-brown eyes. Your heart shattered at the sight of him, your fists clenching to keep yourself composed. 
“This isn’t you, Crosshair. That damn chip is manipulating you!” You snapped, keeping your stance and hoping to buy some time for Hunter and the others to assist you. 
“You would have never shot Wrecker before, no matter how much he annoyed you. And you would never point a gun at me. Come back to us. We can find a way to free you from that chip. We know it’s not your fault, and we don’t blame you for your actions. Please,” you begged, your voice breaking a little as you reached your hand towards him. 
The clone stared hard at your hand, his shoulders tensed before locking eyes with yours. He can see the desperation in them, unshed tears causing your eyes to glisten. This was a familiar sight. Not too long ago, when all of you were imprisoned back on Kamino, you had the same expression. 
Crosshair was being taken away from the rest of the group for unknown reasons. Hunter, in his attempt to keep everyone together, received a harsh hit on his gut. The sergeant doubled over in pain, but no one dare moved to aid him as blasters were pointed at everyone. The clone shook his head at the sight of his sergeant before standing up. As he took one step forward, he felt a tug, keeping him in place. Looking back, he saw you gripping his hand with all the strength you have. 
You were looking up at him, silently begging him not to go. The corner of your eyes shedding small tears, your hand squeezing his ever so tighter. 
“Let’s go!” The clone guard exclaimed, his patience wearing thin. 
Crosshair felt something foreign in him, telling him to obey. He knows that he should stay. He knows that he should fight against these mindless regs. He’s not like them. He belongs here with his brothers, and with you. 
But, fighting the regs unarmed will just cause unnecessary casualties. And he can’t stand the idea of having his brothers’ blood on his hands. Especially a kid that is apparently a little sister. And you. 
The thought of losing you caused him to shiver in fear. An emotion that he rarely felt, until you joined the team. 
The sniper looked back at you once more, squeezing your hand in return. He gave you a reassuring look that was also apologetic and sorrowful. 
You knew that there was no getting out of this. That there was no way in saving him. With a heavy sob, you let go of his hand, allowing him to be taken by the guards. 
His hands were now trembling, causing the blaster to become unsteady. “Crosshair?” You said with uncertainty. The sniper’s eyes snapped back at you, having lost focus for a few seconds. 
“So, you miss me? How sweet,” he sneered, but his hands continued to shake. 
You relaxed your posture for a second, pulling your hand back before pressing it against your chest, right over your heart. “I have. So very much.”
Something must have snapped inside of the clone because his eyes became unfocused, and his hands were trembling harder. He was in pain, his free hand gripping the side of his head, eyes squeezing shut as the blaster fell from his hand. You watched as Crosshair internally fought against the inhibitor chip, hope slowly rising inside of you. 
As you slowly approached him, you failed to hear the thundering sound of boots approaching you. The only indication that you got was hearing Omega gasping before shouting, “Look out!”
The moment you spotted the Elite Squad Trooper raising his blaster, you felt the searing hot pain piercing your side, and a blood-curling scream echoed throughout the room. You fell to your knees, clutching your left side, where the blaster shot hit you. 
Luckily, you were wearing the specialized armor that the Bad Batch wear, so the blast wasn’t able to pierce the other side. But you can feel blood pooling out, and if you don’t get any aid soon, you’re going to die. 
Before the trooper can shoot you again, he let out a shout of pain as Crosshair’s fist collided with his buckethead before punching his gut. “I told you to stun the woman and to shoot the men!” He snarled before kicking the hunched-over trooper. 
As Crosshair’s attention was on the reg, Omega rushed to your side. Panting heavily, you grabbed a tool from your utility belt and wrapped an arm around the girl’s midsection. “Hold on...tight...and whatever...you do...don’t let go.”
“What are you---whoa!” Omega cried out as you picked her up and charged at the window. The girl screamed when your shoulder crashed into the window, both of you plummeting over the edge. Neither Crosshair nor the troopers reacted quick enough to catch you, watching the both of you fall to what appears to be your death. 
You reached out your arm, pointing your modified grappling gun, and pulled the trigger. The claw-like end soar shot through the air, piercing the closes building, secured in place. The pair of you swing through the cold night air, Omega’s arms and legs wrapped around your neck and waist. 
Before you could crash into another building, you released the trigger, the grapple unhooking from your end. You rolled onto the rooftop of a building, shielding Omega in the progress. Wincing, you got back on your feet, still holding onto the child, and continued to run away, troopers now shooting at you. 
“Tech! I need a pickup, NOW!” You exclaimed into your communicator. 
“We’re reaching your location!” His voice came through, and without another second to waste, you heard the engines of the Havoc Marauder. The ramp was open and both Hunter and Wrecker were there. 
Despite the searing pain, your adrenaline forced you to pick up the pace. Blaster shots were flying past you, and if you move any slower, you were going to get hit again. But you weren’t scared of being hit by the Elite Squad trooper again. No. You were afraid of a certain sniper. Deep down though, you had hope that he wasn’t going to pull the trigger on you. He had several chances to do so, but he didn’t. 
“Jump!” Hunter shouted as you reached the edge of the building. Mustering whatever strength you had left, you leaped from the edge, Omega’s arms reaching towards the Sergeant and larger clone. You collapsed into their arms, letting them pull you both inside as blasters were now hitting your ship. 
“She’s been shot!” Omega cried. Hunter and Wrecker saw your bleeding side, and with a nod from their leader, Wrecker picked you up as carefully as possible and carried you to your cot. “Echo, get over here now!” Hunter shouted before grabbing whatever medical items that they need.
Your armor was removed and Wrecker ripped the fabric of your blacks to expose your wound, allowing the boys to stop the bleeding. You cried out in pain, legs kicking and your hand gripping the first thing that came into contact, which was Hunter’s hand. 
“You’re gonna be okay,” Echo reassured as they pierced a needle into your wound before spraying it with bacta. Omega stood at the doorway, hands covering her mouth, silently crying as the boys managed to stop the bleeding. Despite being their combat medic, the Bad Batch knew a good amount of medical aid before you arrived, but learned more when you became part of their team. 
“I can’t believe Crosshair shot her!” Wrecker growled as Echo placed a bacta patch to help quicken the healing progress. 
“I don’t want to believe either. But he shot you, didn’t he?” Echo countered.
“He...he didn’t shot me,” you groaned, your hand squeezing Hunter’s. 
“Whoa whoa whoa, no more talking. You need your rest, Freckles,” the Sergeant said, using his free hand to gently wipe off any sweat forming on your forehead. 
You ignored Hunter’s order and took in a deep breath before continuing. “It was a...trooper. Crosshair said...only to stun me and Omega...” You then looked back at Hunter, body feeling weak and vision getting blurry. “He’s still in there...fighting to come back....we can’t lose hope.” You managed to say that last bit before darkness consumed you. You slumped against the pillow, a familiar scent comforting you as you slept. 
The group watched you sleep, ensuring that you were okay before relaxing. Hunter slowly slipping his hand from your grasp before covering you with a blanket, Crosshair’s scent continued to engulf you. 
“We will bring him home. I promise.”
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
BNHA scenario: You can’t feel pain
You were born with a heightened reflex quirk but you were also born with a very rare birth defect called chromosome 6 deletion, that causes you to not feel pain, hunger or fatigue, and you have like zero sense of fear & self preservation , your boyfriend only knows about your Quirk, you've kept your medical history to yourself, until you have an accident and he notices something off and start asking questions!
Dabi: He hadn't see you in a couple days and got worried, he then got a call from you asking to take you to the slums walk-in clinic, (I like to think, that the villains have whole a network of black market doctors that sympathize with them and run pop-up clinics, you have to have a password to to know where and how get in.) He checked his burner phone for a pop-up clinic and found one near by. 
He got to your location and was stunned when he saw your right arm with a large knife jammed into it and a dead guy on the ground sporting a broken neck, He checked out your arm and winced realizing he couldn't pull it out without causing you anymore damage, He then examine your face, expecting tears, but... you seemed more annoyed by this whole situation then anything, Dabi was expecting you to be crying and whining at him to stop poking and moving your arm around... He thought you were in shock at first, but something was nagging at him that this wasn't normal.
Dabi was silent the entire way to the clinic, his eyes were burning holes into the back of your head, when you both arrived... and the first words the guard said to you was. "Y/n back again, for what? out of pills?" he sighed as you narrowed your eyes at the idiot and raised your injured arm up to show him, his jaw dropped and opened up immediately letting you both in. "What did he mean by that?" Dabi's voice was tense suddenly speaking up, "Why do you need pills?" You stiffened obviously hesitant to say anything, knowing full well Dabi doesn't like people keeping secrets from him! 
"Just wait for Dr. Yuhei to come..."
"You're on first name bases with the staff now too?" 
The cremator crossed his arms as a middle age man came in looking very happy to see her! "Y/n? what the damage today dislocation? burn damage, (cue Dabi flinching) road rash, broken bones..." His eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas as he oh and awed at seeing the knife lodged in your arm. "Ha! you got knifed! I love it!" he exclaimed jubilantly while slapping his knee as he took out his tools. 
Dabi just looked at this man like he was mad as a March hare! "What fuck is wrong with you?!" he demanded out getting the doctor's attention, it took a moment for the man to respond.
"Oh! Are you the boyfriend I've been hearing so much about!" the cremator's brows furrowed as Yuhei shook his hand congratulating Dabi for finding a real diamond in the rough! "Not many doctors can say they've worked on a patient with Chromosome 6 deletion!" the raven haired man blinked incredulously. "Chromo what?" now it was the doctor's turn to be confused. "She didn't tell...You didn't tell him?" he watched your face and saw your fraught expression. 
"Huh...Well I'll be. That's certainly new!"
The doctor hummed before telling Dabi what was up about your condition, your boyfriend kept a neutral face but inside his emotions were churning. "Her reluctance to inform you of this...is probably to closes adduce to fear I've ever seen her display." Your face felt hot as you stared at Dabi expecting to him storm out instead, he just watched as the doctor pulled the knife out of your arm in fixed you with no anesthetic or pain-killers , Yuhei informed you that the knife had cracked the bone so you had wear a sling for a couple weeks, then reminded you to change your bandages properly, then handed you a refill of melatonin.  
The walk back home was awkward as hell Dabi had yet to say anything... Before you reached your safehouse you felt Dabi fingers grab your jacket sleeve while keeping his eyes on the ground. "Listen... this thing you have, did I ever hurt you?" You cocked a brow bemused before recalling Yuhei asking you about your injuries, he mentioned burns... and realized where Dabi was going with this, had he burnt you any given point and not known about it due to you not noticing or not telling him.
 You really wanted to say no... You really did! but accidents happen. "Not on purpose..." He winced hearing this as you continued. "sometimes during sex or when you're in a combat high." You reach up and patted him on the head making him flinch before relaxing into your touch. "If it'll keep you sane I'll tell you if I get hurt when we go on a run." Dabi hummed holding you close to him, needless to say the cremator became a tad more wary and protective of you during and after missions insisting he check your body over any injuries you hadn't noticed before leaving. 
Hawks: "Can you feel that?" a Nurse asks baffled as You let out a bored sigh as she and the doctor reset your left leg. "No." you huffed for the umpteenth time, wanting to leave the damn hospital already! but Keigo insisted you needed the hospital, cos your leg was swollen and turning purple after really, rough fight with a villain who had gotten a hold of you by the leg and toss you off like a rag-doll as a snapped echoed through the battle field!
I didn't take long for you to figure out your femur was broken and you were a sitting duck! until Endeavor and Hawks showed up they beat the villain, then noticed you sitting in the road with your left leg in your hand hanging limply in your grasp like a wet noddle! 
Your lack of impulse reaction caused them to think you'd gone into shock! Keigo quickly gathered you up flew to the nearest hospital! Telling you not panic everything was gonna be fine, you were gonna be alright! If only he knew the whimpering you were making wasn't from crying, but from laughing at him! 
After the docs had reset your leg (with no meds.) and put it in a cast again without any medication, you rolled your wheelchair out into the hall in time to see the doctor telling your fiancée about your one a billion condition! You can see how nervous the blond was he almost seemed skeptical, Hawks asked the doctor if he was overexaggerating a bit? "...I don't think you get it Hawks! this condition so rare that only 40 cases have ever been recorded globally!" you felt your stomach twist... this was definitely not how you wanted Keigo to find out about this. Your original plan had been to sit him down some time next week and tell him about it!
You were brought out of your thoughts by a someone's gaze burning in to your head, you looked up and met Keigo's analyzing gaze as he observed your condition, not in a bed, not hook to an I.V. and certainly not under the influence of any sort of pain medicine... He seemed a little pale as he approached you. "Hey... can we talk?" he asked you nodded as the two of you got on the elevator to the roof. You could feel him still leering at you as you arrived at your stop. 
"So..wha- what are you doing?!" You asked watching Keigo pinching your arm hard! and realized he was trying to invoke a reaction, but it was useless task as all it did was annoy you, this was the first thing people do when they find out about your chromosome 6 deletion, checking and seeing if you were faking it, Keigo felt panic bubble in his belly as he observed your reaction... or rather your lack of reaction. "Keigo..." You yelped suddenly feeling something tickling you under you chin, causing you to squirm and whimper as you tried not to burst out giggling.
You looked and saw the feather necklace Keigo had given you to be the culprit. "St-stop Keigo! stop!" When he heard you laugh, the blond relaxed, when the doc said you couldn't feel pain... he started wondering if your other senses were numb too, *of course that would be dumb!* he thought thinking back on how you react during sex and how you were acting now, pretty told him that everything else running fine. "Why didn't you tell me about this Chromosome thing?" You pretty much explained how you were, well... scared wasn't the right word, as you have no sense of the feeling, it was more like you were nauseous that his reaction would be negative... 
Hawk looked at you wide eyed. "Wait, you...can't feel fear?" He asked curiously you nodded explaining that you lack of pain has pretty much dampened your instinctive sense of self preservation, which why you tend to go on for so long in a fight even when things get dicey... "So that whimpering on the way over." you nodded. "I was trying not to laugh..." You said bluntly Hawks went oh then curiously asked if he had accidently hurt you during intimate moments? 
You were straight with him, he may have gone a little overboard during ruts, but nothing serious. Keigo didn't seem to like this answer. "Hey look at me." you huffed making gold eyes met your [y/ec] eyes. "I know you'd never hurt me on purpose, and if it makes you feel better you can check me over personally and pull me off patrol if you think somethings not right, does that work for you?" you waited as Hawks thought this over before nodding, The next day neither You nor Keigo were prepared for the tabloids headline: #2 Hero Hawks engaged to Bionic woman! You both cringed at the tacky tile!
Bakugou: "Stop you idiot!" Katsuki shouted as he watched you get up after one his explosions had sent you flying and crashing into one of the simulation buildings on the training field, as you looked around bemused as everyone was panicking, Toshinori aka your dad and Aizawa came up to you worried, the black haired teacher used his scarf as a bandage on you profusely bleeding head... which you just noticed. "Get a stretcher!" the teacher ordered.
"I don't need one I can wal-" Bakugou cut you off. "Get on the fucking stretcher Y/n!" You robotically obeyed as the medical team carried you to Recovery-Girl, who just shook her head when she saw you come in, she knows about your condition. "Y/n back again today, I'm started to wonder if you and Midoriya are related?" she teased causing you sweat-drop as Bakugou listened intently, and was very confuse when the old lady said this wasn't your first visit today....
"Oi, what exactly was she talkin' about?" the blonde huffed eyeing you suspiciously and was put off by you lack of reaction over your injuries. It didn't take a doctor to know that the knockback from his explosion should've cracked your skull and may have also broken your back, when you hit that building. "Oh, I had a little fall earlier, nothing to worry about."  you said nonchalantly Your dad who was trying to keep himself from coughing up blood on the other hand spoke up. "I wouldn't call getting hit by a car a "Little fall" Y/n." Katsuki's eyes widened, oh if looks could kill. "YOU WERE HIT BY A CAR AND DIDN'T TELL ME?!" He bellowed as All-might jumped back in shock while You stared at your boyfriend with a blank expression. 
He was frothing at the mouth as you listened to the blond rage like a chihuahua on caffeine, you looked at you dad having a metal conversation with the honey blond skeleton who nodded giving you the okay! you were gonna tell your boyfriend about your condition...With a sigh you calmly reached up and pinched Katsuki's nose between your index and middle finger. "Breath damn you!" you hissed the ash blond stilled and looked at you with annoyance for being interrupted. 
"I get that you're angry... But you need to know something." Katsuki let out an inquisitive growl as you looked at him seriously. "I can't feel any of this... at all." You chortled his red eyes widened as you continued. "I was born with a rare Condition, Chromosome 6 deletion?" You looked at your dad, Toshinori nodded you let go of Bakugou's nose. as your dad continued. " In short Y/n can't feel pain, fatigue or hunger, so naturally she lacks a sense of fear." Recovery girl returned wiped the blood off your forehead, and kissed your cheek a few seconds later your head was healed, Katsuki stayed silent as he absorbed everything you and All-Might had told him the teen was really quiet which worried you.  
Your dad sensed the tension and suggested the two of you go for a walk and talk this out, it was silent as you and Katsuki walked to a different part of the school that was more private, You turned to face you and were met with a fist flying at you! then stopping a few inches from your face, You didn't even flinch just gave him the same impassive expression from earlier. "If that was supposed to get a scream out me of you failed...royally." you hummed as as the blond frowned putting his fist down you can’t feel fear, even Half-n- Half’s eyes twitch when Katsuki psych’s him out!
"Why didn't you say anything anything about this?" he asked voice hoarse from yelling, You hummed trying finds the right words. "Well let's just say back in middle school I had a bad fricken time, kids can be cruel! you hummed not going into details on how others would exploit your medical condition for their own twisted fun. "I was...Scared is not the word, Sick the thought of you reacting the same as them made me feel sick." you were surprise when Katsuki pulled you close resting you head against his chest. "I would never hurt you like those brats did." he huffed wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Don't shut me out like that again," he kisses you nose causing you to blush. "fucking tell me if you think somethings wrong so I don't have to worry about your ass!" he huffed keeping one of his arms around you as you two walked back to class. After that Katsuki was a tad more protective of you often asking where that scratch/bruise came from? and checking to make sure you haven't broken anything during class or missions he was like Toshinori 2.0...
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minart-was-taken · 4 years
Sort of continuation of this, but it also does stand on it’s own!
Title: A small problem Characters: Ravio, Wind, Minish and Legend Includes threats of violence “Tags:” First meetings - No-one is sure what they’re doing but that’s ok - Zelda shows up!
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Ravio was speechless, a little scared, but most powerfully: mesmerized. Two kids, clearly younger than him and both with bright blond locks that rivaled the sun, were engaged in combat.
Although fists were flying, neither had landed a single hit. When the older one, who he had dubbed Mr. Sailor, threw a hit, the younger one, Mr. Small, would live up to his nickname and shrink to a very small size.
He’d then unshrink, throw a hit himself, and miss as the other pulled quite the leap to get away.
Ravio was simply waiting for one of them to land a hit, and for the situation to escalate badly, as he was too afraid to intervene.
Another crack followed then, they were starting to give Ravio a headache.
From it appeared a pink haired boy, tallest of the people present. He blinked in surprise, glancing around.
His appearance seemed to distract the coat wearing boy, who ended up getting decked in the face and fell over shouting “SHIT!” very loudly.
“Oh my.” Signed the newest arrival, looking at the situation before him with wide eyes. “Am I interrupting something?”
“I’m glad you are.” Ravio responded, walking over to the seemingly sane one, although staying from stabbing range just in case. “I’ve been trying to get these two to stop fighting for ages!”
“No you haven’t!” Grumbled the kid slowly getting himself back from the ground, while the smaller one stood smugly nearby.
“Do I look like someone who could stop a fist fight with force?” Ravio pointed out. “Neither of you listened to reason, so I simply was waiting for an opening.”
“An opening for what?”
He hadn’t had a proper plan. “Why would I tell that? You might fight again and I don’t want you to know what to expect.” However they did not have to know about that.
“Why were they fighting?” the pink one asked.
“He started it.” Coat boy complained.
“Ah. Uhm.” Ravio scratched the back of his head: “From what I could tell, I was simply talking to Mr. Sailor here, then the small one appeared from the bushes and kicked him in the back of the knee.”
“But why?”
“I’m not quite sure.” Ravio confessed.
The stranger tilted his head, confused, before turning to look at the small smug one. “Could you tell us now?”
The very small one scoffed, but signaled for them to follow.
They were in the yard of a small house, and near the window was a little patch of what looked more like weeds than anything else. The kid pointed at one of the weeds that had been very slightly stood upon.
The pink haired one understood, his fist meeting his palm in understanding. “It’s not nice to trample on other people’s plants, Mr. Sailor.”
Coat boy crossed his arms. “I didn’t do it on purpose. I just appeared right there! I would’ve moved if I knew I was standing on a plant.”
“It’s just a big misunderstanding then.” The pink one nodded, kneeling down to be the smallest one’s height. “Next time try to tell him to move before kicking him, okay?”
Mr. Small looked unimpressed, but nodded.
Ravio was just confused as to why anyone would care about such an useless patch of plants. The only valuable thing lost here was a possible alliance between the two small ones.
Kids, oh so dumb. Ravio smiled to himself.
“When you said you appeared-” the Pink one spoke again, standing up and turning to the sailor. “Was it like how I did?”
Mr. Sailor nodded. “Yeah. One moment I was just hammering some nails and suddenly I’m here. Being kicked in the back of my knee. By the smallest bokoblin I’ve ever seen.”
The small one raised a fist, but the pink one grabbed it mid air, and held it still. The small one seemed shocked that someone could- Or more likely- Would try and stop him.
“Oh sorry, I meant rat.” Said the sailor, sticking his tongue out.
“Please stop antagonizing the small child with a sword.” Ravio said in a hushed voice.
The small one was too entranced by having been stopped to care, simply staring at the pink one with wide eyes.
“Huh. What a strange situation.” The pink one continued, ignoring the general chaos. “Well, I suppose if we’re all in it, we should get to know one another. My name is Link. Spelt L-I-N-K”
The smallest one pointed at himself, all the while Mr. Sailor gasped: “Wait- That’s my name too.”
Ravio felt himself tense up a bit, what he had been suspecting was indeed going on, wasn’t it?
The house that looked eerily like the one Link lived in, then there was the clear fact he was in Hyrule, and that there were people who looked eerily like Link but weren’t him…
Oh great goddess of lorule, take him back home please. This is not ideal.
“Hm…” The pink one pondered. “This seems like it’d mean something significant.”
You think? Ravio raised a brow, before shaking off the questioning look to smile politely like a good salesman. “Link isn’t the most common name, so I have to agree.”
He walked closer to the pink one, mostly certain he wouldn’t stab him. With a hand on his back, he continued. “The only Link I know of is the legendary hero of hyrule! It’d be ridiculous for him to be here, though, wouldn’t it?”
“I am he.” Mr. Sailor said.
The tall one blinked at that. “But.. So am I?”
The smallest one dug through his pockets, and pulled out a small note, handing it to Ravio.
Ravio read it out loud to everyone: “Link is the hero of Hyrule, and is allowed to do what he sees fit in order to keep the country safe. Signed, Princess Zelda.”
“...We can’t all be heroes of Hyrule.” Mr. Sailor complained. “And I know for one that I’m not lying, so.”
“There isn’t just one, though.” Ravio spoke up. “Legends speak of a hero in green who appeared centuries ago, perhaps he too had someone before him, and there was someone after.”
“Centuries, though.” Mr. Sailor pointed out, “Do I look a hundred years old to you?”
The smallest one nodded, but Ravio shook his head.
“I’ve heard of stranger things than time travel, in these lands.” Ravio stated.
“I suppose it is a plausible theory.” The pink one pondered, hand on chin. “I know I’m not lying either.”
“And the small one has a letter from the princess.”
“It could be forged.” The sailor pointed out.
Ravio wanted to point out he could tell a forgery from the real thing pretty easily, and had seen enough of Hilda’s writing to know how the royal family conducts it’s deeds. However, that’d make him seem kind of suspicious. “We could go and find out?” Ravio decided to ask instead.
“This is clearly the small one’s home, if these are his plants. So this is his Hyrule.” Ravio explained. “Let’s go to the castle, and if the kid is allowed in, it means it’s not forged.”
“I suppose that’s a fair plan.” The pink replied. “And since neither of us are apparently lying, if the letter is real, then- Er, what’s your name?”
“I’m Ravio.” He responded, “The greatest merchant around.”
“Okay- It’s nice to meet you.” The pink one smiled. “Then if all of us are Link like we claim, Ravio’s theory was right.”
“Or some form of it.” Ravio specified.
The pink one nodded. “Very well, little one, could you take us to the castle?”
The smallest one pouted, but began leading the way.
“Holy fuck!” The sailor gasped, looking at the castle once it appeared in the horizon, standing tall yet- A little smaller than Ravio had expected.
The smallest one grinned smugly, walking at a pace more akin to jogging to stay in front of the taller people.
“It’s quite small.” The pink one commented.
“I do agree.” Ravio nodded. “The one I’ve seen is certainly larger.”
“It looks funny.” The pink one smiled, maybe even a little smug.
Ravio took note of it, but did not comment on it.
“So.” The pink one continued. “Your name is Ravio?”
“Like I said, yes.” He nodded. “Are you interested in my wares? I don’t have much on me due to the sudden departure but-”
“Not Link.” He stopped Ravio. “Yet you look a tad like us.”
Ravio blinked, breathing hitched. He missed his hood, but he had been in lorule- He doesn’t need that in Lorule! In Lorule he’s one of a kind!
“I suppose destiny can have a bit of a slip up here and there?” Ravio suggested. Sorry Link, he’d have to steal your identity for a bit here. “I assure you, however, just because I cannot wield a blade does not make me completely useless.”
The pink one simply kept smiling. “Very well, then.”
He hadn’t bought it, had he? Ravio yelled internally, but tried to keep the relaxed facade up.
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The castle town was very cute, the sailor looking around with wide eyes, looking like he was taking many internal notes.
What caught Ravio’s eye however, happened a bit later. The smallest showed the letter to a guard by the castle gates, the guard simply sighed, said: “Follow me,” and started walking further into the castle grounds.
“That’s a lot to process.” The pink one spoke again. Ravio had to agree.
They were led to a room to wait- A waiting room, you could say- For the princess to get ready for guests. It matched all the Hyrule castles Ravio had seen, that being one. Stone brick all about, a polished but a little cold interior, with the triforce ever present in all decor.
There were paintings present as well. They seemed to capture the curiosity of all visitors, much to the delight of the smallest one’s ego.
Ravio focused at first on one depicting the princess, she looked similar to the Zelda of the Hyrule he knew, but clearly another person entirely.
He then chose to take a look at the others in their impromptu party, and found the pink one standing under a portrait of  what was likely another hero of courage, this one standing tall with a flowing white cape, and a small red bird on his shoulder.
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The sight awakened a memory in Ravio, and he found himself suddenly plunged into a mystery.
There was a mural in his Link’s hyrule castle, one depicting the hero prior to him. Zelda had joked to him and Hilda about how she had read the hero actually had pink hair, but the artists took creative liberties and made it dark blond instead.
This couldn’t be the man who sealed Ganon away, was it? Certainly there had been more than one pink haired Link.
Then again, they seemed to be in a situation which included traveling through space and time. Guess that might as well be a detail.
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A guard soon showed up, expressing that the princess was ready.
They headed to the throne room. It was bold, large and voices echoed within it. The large windows made it feel slightly less like a scary space, but it did still make him grow a bit uneasy.
In Front of the aforementioned throne, stood the princess, with a bright but curious smile.
“Link, I didn’t know you had made friends!”
The small one tried to hide in his cape, but was unsuccessful.
“It’s very nice to meet you all.” Zelda smiled brightly, as the boys bowed. Ravio hadn’t been sure if that was to be expected, but the smallest one did have a blade and seemed to be satisfied with them bowing, so perhaps it was a good choice.
The pink one took charge soon after, explaining the predicament they found themselves in. Or at least, theorized they did.
“Oh my.” Zelda gasped. “The hero’s spirit will reincarnate this much?! That’s quite saddening.”
“Has the legend of the hero not existed for long here?” The pink one asked.
“We only know of one before Link here.” Zelda explained. “The hero who arrived from the skies to seal away the great evil, so that humanity could return to the lands below.” She said, clearly quoting something.
“...I guess the seal didn’t last.” Zelda added sadly.
The small one rushed over to her, and offered his hand to her. She took hold of it, and smiled with thankfulness in her eyes at the kid.
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“Well, if any of you are like Link here, Hyrule is in good hands.” She smiled again. “I wish I could help more though. I’m not sure at all what could be going on, or what to do about it.”
“Do you have time travel items, or something? Getting home would be nice.” The sailor asked.
“I can ask for research on the topic to be conducted.” Zelda nodded. “Until then, you may stay at the castle, if you’d like.”
“Thank you very much, your highness.” The pink- Okay, he needed a nickname, Ravio decided. Whether he was the legendary hero or not, calling him Mr. Legend should help butter the guy up for possible sales, anyway.
With that, they were led to a guest room. Ravio was both deeply glad they hadn’t been paired up, as every pairing seemed like a bad idea, but was also absolutely terrified of sharing a room with three swordsmen he barely knew. They were also given instructions on how to get to both the castle library and the town’s library. Information which Ravio decided to make use of the next day.
It was fine really, and the beds were very comfortable! It seemed the spirit of the hero made them all sleepy as hell, as well. So getting stabbed seemed unlikely. However one thing still kept Ravio up that night.
“Bunnies, dark hair…” Mr. Legend had signed to him, when it was just the two of them, the sun having started to settle for the night “It reminds me of a place.”
“Oh, heh. A place, huh?” Ravio chuckled nervously. He didn’t like being put on the spot without a plan.
“It was a dreadful place.” Mr. Legend stated. “I hope you’re not related to it in some way.”
“I sure hope so too?” Ravio stumbled to find the words:“It sounds much worse than Hyrule. Love this place, the grass is very green. Smells great.”
“I hope so too.” Mr. Legend smiled, a strange dead look in his eyes. “I don’t want to take another life.”
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Then he just started talking about how he liked apples.
So, it would’ve been stranger if Ravio wasn’t having trouble sleeping!
Oh, goddesses above, help him.
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fandom-------queen · 4 years
Kurt x reader
Notes: your mutation is the ability to read people's fears and traumatic memories. You can also produce illusions for everyone to see or put an illusion only in one person's head. These illusions can be based on their fears or memories. Also since it's based off of Wanda and more of the mind stone your power will be yellow and your eyes will glow yellow.
Warnings: intense description of fighting and invading people's minds, using past trauma in fighting maybe one curse word I think, a broken arm, passing out. Please tell me if you find any other trigger or content warnings I should include!
*maybe spoilers for first class
*Not proof read
*Also I love Eric and Mystique but I needed someone for them to fight against and this made the most sense to me.
You were very nervous as you sat next to Kurt on the jet. You, Kurt, Scott, Jean, Peter, Storm, Charles, Hank and Logan were all on your way to prevent Eric and Mystique from wreaking havoc on humans in the name of mutants once again.
Kurt was holding your hand while you stroked your thumb up and down it. He was nervously wiggling his tail around by twisting between your legs and sometimes using the tip to stroke your leg. You would cast him small smiles and give him gentel hand squeezes just to help ground him since he always got nervous when it came to this.
You were getting close to the outside of the city were you would land as to not alert Eric that you were there. Charles spoke up telling people what roles they would be playing in order to stop Eric.
Your job would be to distract Eric's followers and him if nesessary, to allow your teachers to gain control over the situation. You knew you probably wouldn't only use your illusions since they took much concentration and could leave you open to attacks so you figured you would also use your hand to hand combat that all mutants were taught in case it was more useful or nesessary.
Kurt was also going to be distracting Eric's followers but with hand to hand combat so that Logan, Charles, Hank and Storm (even Peter I'd it came down to it) could focus on stopping Eric. When Kurt did hand to hand he more teleported around to confuse his opponent and would lash out at their feet with his tail to knock them down and tire them out. It was different but effective.
You were going to be landing soon and you felt Kurt's hand start to lossen around yours and quickly unthreaded your fingers. You knew Kurt was going to want to pray and you were happy that Kurt always had and always will have something to ground him, besides you of course.
Just as you touched down you heard Kurt murmur and Amen and then he turned to you "Please be carefully meine liebe, check in with me if you can just so I can feel better knowing you are safe" he pleaded as his hand game to rest on your face.
You pressed your hand on top of his and gave him a reassuring smile."I love you too miene liebe and I promise to stay safe and check in as long as you do too' you quickly kissed his cheek and started to unbuckled your seat belt as Kurt did too.
Charles gave you directions to go in so you could surround Eric. You, Scott and Logan were going left around the base Eric set up and Kurt, Jean , Peter and Storm went around right. Hank and Charles were going directly through the middle of the town in an attempt to talk things out with Eric.
You made it around Eric's perimiter and got a visual on Eric and a few of his followers. You watched as Charles attempted to stop Eric, and Hank stood next to him as beast to protect him from Eric, Mystique and their followers. Once Eric began to raise metal and the other mutants started to braise for a fight. Logan gave you the signal and off you all went. You started with the girl closest to you who's mutation was elastic like limbs. Your eyes turned yellow as her motors flossed your mind yellow energy surrounded your fingers as you found a memory of her parents berating her for being a mutant. You almost felt bad for her but her parents actions shouldn't be the reason for everyone's punishment. You twisted your hands in front of you using your magic to invade her mind and cast the illusion. Before you got too involved you backed yourself against a wall to give you some protection since you would be to focused on the details of the illusion. You replayed the memory but you made it more intense. You knew that once she snapped out of it she would be confused and upset but other wise fine so you didn't feel to bad. Your goal was to tire her out so she wouldn't be as big of a threat and now that you had done it emotionally you made her believe she snapped out of it and was fighting you. She swung punches and extend her arms and legs to trip you up. However, you were actually fine, close enough to manipulate bit far enough to be safe. You could feel her growing tired and in the illusion landed a blow to her temple. Her brain thinking it was real knocked her out and you fell out of her brain once it gave in to the exhaustion.
Blinking around you looked to see if anyone was in trouble and saw Scott fighting a winged man who wouldn't stay down your eyes turned yellow and the energy flowed around your fingers as you saw his fear of cages. He had been kept in one and forced to fight and as much as you disliked bringing up trauma you also couldn't leave Scott in a position where he didn't have the upper hand. You sent an illusion that everyone could see of the winged boy being stuck in a cage. Scott looked over and saw you as you held your hands up manipulating them around and it's the yellow energy covered your eyes and swirled around your fingers. You focused your gaze and you brought the cage down making him land on the ground. You saw Scott found some wire from a fence and you saw a three walled pile of debris with more debris on top acting like a roof. You moved him back into there by moving the walls and he kept backing up untill he was secured in there. Scott found some wire, removed his glasses and melded it to some metal structural beams in the debris to make the fourth wall. It was enough space for him but not enough to spread his wings so he wouldn't get out. You stopped the illusion and he looked around confused he saw you and tried to break out of the wire, but that wasn't something his fluffy angel wings were good for. Scott gave you a nod of thanks and the two of you headed into the fighting to find other in need of assistance.
You saw Logan doing fine on his own, Beast and Storm as well. Charles was focusing on distracting Eric and Peter was zipping around sending blows to people to knock them down. You saw a women not far from you with finger lazors, no longer down and about to hit Peter as he stopped to take a quick check of the field and you quickly raced over to her. Before she had the chance to fire you slid onto the ground and kicked her feet out from underneath her. You used your momentum to jump back up as she to came back this time her attention on you. You didn't have time for an illusion so hand to hand it was. She prefered to throw punches and kept close enough to you that neither you nor her could give a strong enough kick. You instead blocked and give the occasional elbow until you eventually saw a sloppy punch, grabbed her arm and put her in a wrist lock effectively snapping her arm, this time she we stayed down. Peter of course came by and high fived you.
You finally saw Kurt and the person he was fighting against seemed to be growing more and more irritated with Kurt and how he couldn't hit him. You didn't like how this man (who's mutation seemed to be super strength) was getting more and more irritated with Kurt. Since he couldn't physically hit him he was getting angrier and taking out by emotionally hurting him. He hit Kurt closed to home by calling him a freak and you were ready to unleash hell. You felt like a highlighter with how brightly yellow you were glowing as you snuck into his mind and fed him visions of pain. Visions of him flying through the air and getting hit by debris plagued his mind as you unleashed your anger on him for daring to insult Kurt. You were so overcome by anger you didn't realise how Eric was getting annoyed with you incapacitating his mutant followers and he hurled metal at you. He want hoping to kill you only injur you enough to knock you out of the fight, Eric wasn't one for killing his mutant brothers and sisters. Kurt was watching you in awe feeling so loved at how protective you were of him when he quickly caught on to the shard of metal aimed to imbed in your legs. He quickly grabbed you and you heard the signature *BAMF* and you fell out of the brutes mind since you were on the other side of the chaos and too far away to slip back in. You looked at Kurt and held him tight whispering a thank you in his ear. He held you tightly to him and mumbled out "liebe you made me a promise to not get hurt, I will be very unhappy if zhat promise iz broken"
"You come before anything, even promises I made to you, but I assure you miene liebe I am perfectly fine" you reassured him pulling back from his chest to smile at him. "And as much as I love being here in your arms we have a job to finish" you kissed him on the cheek and gave him a wild grin he smiled back and *BAMFED* you to the other X-men who had regrouped in front of Eric and his group in the classic sign of unity within the two groups before an awesome battle scene breaks out. Eric lifted himself up along with more shards of metal.
"Time after time, Charles have I bent to your rules and wishes, I am tiered of never having change, of being taken advantage of. They underestimate and underappreciated us Charles and the only way for them to learn is to show them, the only way left is that hard way"
"Eric the more you revert back to anger and desperation for revenge the less they trust us and the harder we must work to show we mean no harm and we can all live together peacefully. We need an ear of peace now then ever, and peaceful wishes from you may be just the thing we need to make our coexistent wishes a reality."
"Your aspirations will never be a reality Charles, they will only ever be wishes, and if I have to show you the hard way as well then so be it." As Eric raised more metal to girl at you all, you developed a potentially dumb plan or potentially great plan.
You worked to invade Eric's head, and despite his helmet preventing telepaths from getting in his head, you weren't a telepath and made it in with as expected quite the amount of resistance. You knew of Eric's past and you knew exactly what memories to use, however, you would have to be careful, after using so much energy especially on that brute you were getting a little to tired for the stunt you were trying to pull. You found the memory of Eric at the camp and losing his mother. You could feel his grief and it only made it harder to consentrate. Your breathing was definetly laboured by know as you pushed that memory to the front of his brain and had him relive it. Watching it horrified you and you could feel tears of exhaustion and pity leak down your face as you trembled with both exhaustion and the pain this memory was bringing, both emotional and physically demanding. You could feel his resistance weakening but his helmet only attempted to push you out more. Your legs you were sure were on the verge of giving out. You could hear Charles telling everyone to stand back, with a protest from a familiar German accent, that crowding you and touching you to keep you from collapsing would only distract you. The memory got to the part were his mother was killed and his powers started to surge. You could definetly feel his power surging now, Eric felt as if he was back there and this time he was determined to save his mom. You knew that you only had to keep the memory going a little while longer and let him build his power up so the sudden surge would use enough energy to knock him out. As the memory progressed and Eric's power grew. You all of a sudden felt his power reach the point to knock him unconscious, and it just so happened to take you too.
Kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt
You woke up to three fingers strumming through your hair and the sound of the jet. You looked up and saw Kurt's face light up at the sight of you awake. "Liebe" he grinned pulling you up gently and resting your head on his shoulder as he pulled you close to him and you wrapped your arms around him.
"What happened?" Was the obvious question on your mind.
"Well" Charles began from behind you " you prevented Eric from showering us with metal debris, you invaded his mind and successfully knocked him out. However, you over exerted yourself and past out along with him. With Eric down Mystique and the others tried to flee, however, but with much assistance through Peter, we managed to keep them from leaving fast enough to esacpe custody. We are almost home, where you can all take a well deserved rest and have the next few days off of classes to recouperate. How does that sound!"
Scott and Peter let out whoops of joy while Jean grinned and you and Kurt gave each other gentel smiles. "Get some rest miene liebe, you deserve it" Kurt said smiling down at you. You snuggled into his shoulder and managed to get a quick nap in.
You managed to wake up just in time for landing. You got many praises for the stunt you had pulled when you came back to the academy. Eventually Kurt got tired of people keeping you away from the rest you so clearly needed, so when people weren't looking he *BAMFED* you two to his room. Too exhausted to get your clothes from your room you slipped on one of Kurt's tshirts and snuggled up next to him.
"I'm so proud of you liebe" he cooed quietly in your ear. "I can't thank you enough for loving me so much and protecting me so vell even vhen you do put your selv in unnecessary danger "Kurt said a goofy smile covering his face and love filled in his eyes.
"Well I can't promise never to be in danger, but I can promise to never stop loving or protecting you." That night you got the best sleep ever as you drifted off to the love of your life planting butterfly kisses all over your face knowing the next few days off would be spent in bed with the love of your life!
Hope y'all enjoyed!
@selemercy(I hope you don't mind that I tagged you it's just that you encouraged me to write this fic and your comment ment so much to me!)
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prouvaireafterdark · 4 years
See Something You Like? - Malex Sex Shop AU Part 2/2
I finally finished it!!! 🎉
God, writing this fic has been such a wild ride. When I got the prompt for it, I thought I’d write maybe a few thousand words and that’d be the end of it, but here we are, 14k words of gratuitous smut later lol.
Thank you all so much for your continued enthusiasm, patience, and support while I took approximately 500 years to write it 💜
Happy New Year, everyone!
Also on AO3! (Click here if you’d like to start with Part 1)
Michael finishes his shift in a daze, mind caught on the phone number burning a hole in his pocket. He knows there’s rules about how long you should wait to text someone once you have their number so you don’t come off as sad or desperate, but he’s still worked up from talking to Alex and every cell in his body is begging him to fucking call him.
After jerking off to the memory of him and several hours of overthinking it, Michael finally works up the nerve to send Alex a text at around 8pm.
Hey, it’s Michael, from Pandora’s Box, he types. Any chance I could get that review?
He presses send and sets his phone face down on his thigh before turning his attention back to finding something embarrassing to watch on his brother’s Netflix account while he finishes his grading. He settles on some soapy-looking teen show called Pretty Little Liars and presses play.
His phone buzzes a moment later and Michael’s heart rate picks up in anticipation. It falls just as quick when he sees that it’s just Isobel confirming the time for their monthly video chat with Max. He shoots off a response and tries to focus back on the short stack of exams he’s supposed to get through tonight while he waits for Alex to reply. 
As the minutes tick by, that’s easier said than done.
The longest twenty minutes of Michael’s life pass before he feels his phone vibrate again. The way he scrambles for it is a little embarrassing, but he’s rewarded with the sight of Alex’s name flashing across his screen this time, so, whatever. Michael opens the message without delay.
Alex: Was wondering when you’d text
Michael bites his lip as he types out his response.
Michael: ‘When’? Not ‘if’?
Alex takes another minute to reply and Michael doesn’t even pretend to grade while he waits.
Alex: Well, you did spend the better part of an hour dirty talking me at work
Michael laughs out loud as he reads it. He types “Fair” in the message field, but Alex texts again before he sends it.
Alex: I figured I made an impression
Michael deletes his reply and types a new one.
Michael: Understatement of the year tbh
He can practically hear Isobel chastising him for coming on too strong, but there’s no use playing coy with Alex after all the things they’ve said to each other today. Luckily, Alex doesn’t leave him hanging.
Alex: Oh yeah?
Michael: Yeah. I’ve been thinking about our conversation a lot
Alex: Which part?
Michael: God, all of it
Michael: But especially the way you looked at me when we were talking about my favorite dildo
Alex: How was I looking at you?
Michael swallows, thinking back to that moment, to the almost predatory way Alex stared at him.
Michael: Like you were picturing it inside of me
Michael: Like you wanted to watch me take it
Alex’s reply comes back quick this time.
Alex: I was
Alex: And I do
“Fuck,” Michael breathes, his cock twitching in his jeans. He leans back against the armrest of his couch and stretches his legs out in front of him before he types the only reply he can think of.
Michael: Fuck
Alex: 😈
Michael: What about you?
Alex: What about me?
Michael: Have you been thinking about it?
About me? he doesn’t say.
Alex: Only every minute since I left
Michael grins wide at that.
Michael: Glad I’m not the only one with absolutely no chill here
Alex: Haha, what can I say? You made an impression on me too
Michael: 😎
Michael: So, have you taken that massager for a test ride yet?
Alex: I have
Michael gives Alex some time to elaborate, and sends off another text when he doesn’t.
Michael: How’d you like it?
His phone buzzes a moment later, this time with a picture message. Michael is very glad he’s alone in his apartment when he opens it.
It’s a picture of Alex, that much is clear from the satisfied smirk on his face and the septum piercing just making it into the shot. He can also see that his chest is streaked with come, all the way up to his neck. There’s a caption beneath it that says, You tell me.
Michael’s cock has never gotten so hard, so fast.
His phone buzzes with another message.
Alex: You were right about the noise, by the way
Michael stares at the photo and the messages beneath it for longer than he’d care to admit before he decides to just call him.
“Michael?” Alex’s voice asks when he picks up.
“Jesus Christ, Alex,” Michael says, swiping a hand over his face as he tries to ignore the throbbing in his groin. “Are you trying to kill me?”
Alex’s laugh is musical on the other end of the line.
“I feel like I should be asking you that,” Alex says. “Pretty sure my soul left my body for a minute there when I used it.”
That statement conjures all sorts of images to Michael’s mind, and it isn’t until he hears Alex speak again that he realizes he hasn’t said anything.
“Michael?” Alex asks. “Did I lose you?”
“No, sorry, I’m here,” Michael replies, cheeks darkening with a blush Alex can’t see. “I’m just—sorry, literally all I can think about is how bad I want to lick your chest clean right now.”
“Mm, kinky,” Alex purrs.
“Yeah,” Michael shrugs. “Think you knew that about me already though.”
“Haha, yeah, guess I did.”
There’s a beat of silence over the line where neither of them speaks and Michael’s curiosity gets the better of him.
“When did you take that picture?” he asks.
“About an hour ago.”
“Did you take it for me?” Michael asks, unable to resist.
“Nah,” Alex answers lightly, and Michael’s confidence falls a little before he continues, “I took it for the other guy who sold me a sex toy today.”
“Cute,” Michael comments dryly.
Alex laughs, sounding pleased with himself. “I try.”
“You know…” Michael starts after a beat. “I’ve got some more toys you can play with at my apartment, if you’re interested.”
“That’s sweet, but next time I think I’d rather play with you.”
Michael curses under his breath, his cock throbbing against his zipper. He presses the heel of his palm against it, suppressing a groan at the feeling.
“In that case, you free tonight? ‘Cause I’d really like to be played with.”
Alex makes a low, contemplative sound that hits him deep in his gut. Michael bites his lip in anticipation.
“What do you have in mind?”
“Whatever you want,” Michael answers easily.
“Well, maybe not anything,” Michael amends, sinking further against the couch’s armrest. “I’m not gonna call you ‘Daddy.’”
“Yeah, that definitely will not be a problem,” Alex replies, and there’s something in his tone that gives Michael the feeling there’s a story there, but it’ll have to wait for another time.
“Perfect,” Michael says. “So, how do you want me?”
There’s silence on the line for a heartbeat too long before Alex answers.
“Before we start making plans…” Alex starts at last, hesitant and uneasy like he’s never sounded before, “there’s something you should know.”
Michael’s heart sinks. There just had to be a fucking catch, huh?
“I’m listening,” Michael says carefully, trying to ignore the possibilities flying through his mind. What, is Alex married? Does he live with his ex? Does he have an STD? Is he—
“I’m a combat vet,” Alex says, words short and clipped.
“Oh,” Michael says. He’s spent his whole life actively avoiding people in the military, so he isn’t quite sure what to say to that. Is he supposed to thank Alex for his service or something?
“I, uh, lost my leg on my last tour,” Alex continues, and before Michael can formulate a response, he adds, “Hope that’s not a dealbreaker.”
“What?” Michael asks. “Why would that be a dealbreaker?”
“You’d be surprised how often it is,” is all Alex says, and Michael feels a rush of anger for him.
“Well, those guys are assholes who don’t deserve you,” he replies.
“So… it’s not a problem for you?” Alex asks after a brief moment, sounding surprised.
If Michael ever meets the men who made Alex feel like his body was a problem for them, he’s going to redefine the word for them, but Michael sets his anger aside for now.
”Alex, the only thing that’s a problem for me right now is that I’m not touching you,” Michael answers honestly.
Alex is quiet for a moment, and Michael starts to worry he’s blown this somehow, but then he finally says, “Well, we should fix that then.”
Michael lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“Your place or mine?”
“Yours,” Alex answers quickly.
“What should I be ready for?” Michael asks.
Michael lets Alex consider his question, bottom lip caught between his teeth.
“I want to fuck you,” Alex says at last. “But first, I want to watch you use that dildo you showed me earlier.”
“Fuck,” Michael whispers, mostly to himself. His cock pulses in his jeans, desperate for contact, and he’s sure Alex can hear the uptick in his breathing.
“That sound like something you’re up for tonight?” Alex asks.
“Fuck, yes, Alex, oh my god,” Michael says, and he can’t be too mad at himself for being inarticulate when it gives him the opportunity to hear Alex’s laugh one more time.
“When should I come over?”
“Uh,” Michael pauses, looking over his messy apartment. “Give me an hour?”
“Sounds good,” Alex says. “See you then.”
When he hears the call end, Michael turns off his TV and jumps off the couch, eager to get started.
He straightens up a little before he hops in the shower. When he’s done scrubbing the day from his body, he towels off in the bathroom and heads back into his living space, drawing the blinds with his telekinesis as he reaches for the box under his bed where he stores his toys.
He’s planning on just opening himself up with his fingers, but a flash of silver catches his eye before he shuts the box and Michael just can’t help himself. In addition to the galaxy dildo and his favorite lube, he grabs a thick, heavy stainless steel plug that looks just like the one he saw Alex staring at in the shop.
Michael lies down on his bed and picks up his phone off the bedspread. He unlocks it and pulls up the picture Alex sent him, the fingers of his free hand wrapping around his half-hard cock to stroke it lightly before skimming down passed his balls to tease at his hole.
It’s not long before the dry press of his fingertips isn’t enough, so he draws his knees up toward his chest and squeezes some lube onto his fingers before bringing them back to his hole.
Between Alex’s scorching hot selfie and everything they’ve talked about today, Michael is buzzing with anticipation as he efficiently works himself open. By the time he’s got a fourth finger pushing passed his rim, he’s a writhing mess, his cock so hard he’s a little worried he’ll spill before Alex even gets here.
The plug is cold when Michael finally lines it up with his hole and works it in, making him gasp. He clenches around it once it’s settled inside him, its solid weight filling him up and holding him open until Alex is ready for him. His cock drools lazily against his belly just thinking about what Alex will do with him. God, he can’t wait for him to get here.
It’s not long before there’s a knock at Michael’s door.
Michael feels his heart rate spike, excitement and anticipation blooming inside him. He heads to the door immediately, feeling the plug he’s wearing shift inside him with every step he takes.
Alex is waiting for him when he opens the door, somehow even more beautiful than Michael remembers. He’s still wearing the same leather jacket from earlier, and Michael notices that his dark brown eyes are now rimmed in black. It’s a great fucking look, made complete by his silver septum piercing and black skinny jeans.
“Hey,” Alex smiles, eyes flicking down to take in Michael’s state of undress. He’d agonized a little over what to wear before deciding on a pair of soft navy sweats and nothing else. The thought of putting on a flannel and squeezing into a nice pair of jeans after working a plug that size into himself did not compute, and besides—if all goes well, his clothes will be lying in a crumpled heap at the foot of his bed in a few minutes anyway.
Regardless, Alex seems to like what he sees.
“Hey yourself,” Michael says, leaning against the door frame as he really lets himself appreciate the view.
“Can I come in?” Alex asks, and it takes every ounce of Michael’s self control not to say, You can come wherever you want.
“Yeah,” he answers instead, pushing the door open wider to let Alex in.
Alex steps over the threshold, but pauses only a few steps inside.
“Wow,” he says as he looks around Michael’s apartment.
Michael tries to see what Alex is noticing and is hit with a sudden wave of self-conscious dread. He’d tidied up the space around his bed, but in his haste to get ready he’d forgotten the chaotic mess of papers he’d been grading that he’d left all over the couch and coffee table.
“Sorry the place is kind of a mess,” he apologizes, rubbing the back of his neck.
“What? No, it’s fine, I just—you have so many plants,” Alex clarifies, gesturing around the room.
“Oh,” Michael says, relaxing a little.
He looks around once more, taking in the vibrant green leaves sprouting from the pots on the shelves above his desk and scattered elsewhere throughout his space as if seeing them for the first time. It’s maybe a lot more than the average person would have in an apartment this size, but for reasons he could never quite understand, plants have always made Michael feel at home.
“It’s like a greenhouse in here,” Alex notes, voice soft and full of wonder. “How do you manage to keep them alive? I’m pretty sure I’ve killed every plant I’ve ever touched.”
“I’m an agricultural engineer,” Michael says by way of an explanation.
“Oh, really?” Alex asks, sounding intrigued, spinning around to face him.
“Yeah,” Michael says, huffing a laugh. “My grad school stipend doesn’t exactly cover the bills though, hence the second job.”
“Mmm, gotcha,” Alex nods.
Michael stares at him a moment before he takes a step closer.
“I’m feeling a little underdressed here,” he says. “Can I get your coat?”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” Alex says, shrugging off his leather jacket and revealing the thin maroon sweater he’s wearing underneath. Michael tries not to get distracted by the way the fabric clings to his chest as he takes the jacket from him and hangs it carefully on one of the pegs by the door.
By the time he turns around, Alex has migrated to the guitar case leaning against the arm of his couch.
“Do you play?” Alex asks, looking over his shoulder when he hears Michael approaching.
“When I have the time,” he answers, coming to stand at Alex’s side. “You?”
“Yeah,” Alex smiles. “I, um, I actually own a record store not too far from here where I give lessons.”
“Oh shit, really?” Michael asks, lighting up. It’s been a while since he listened to music off a record, but after countless summers learning how to fix cars at Old Man Sanders’ junkyard, he has nothing but fond memories of them. “Wait, I think I’ve passed it on the way to my sister’s place—is it Manes Street Music?”
“Mhmm,” Alex says, smile brightening as he turns to face Michael. He gives Michael a considering look before he adds, “You should come by sometime, if you’re interested. Let me return the favor with some album recommendations.”
“Definitely interested,” Michael says at once—spending more time with Alex isn’t exactly a hard sell—but the plug that’s been nudging up against his prostate for the last ten minutes has him taking a small, pointed step closer and adding, “Though… I was kind of hoping you could return the favor another way.”
Alex’s eyes flick down toward Michael’s mouth, lingering for a moment before he meets Michael’s gaze. He must see the desperation on Michael’s face because Alex’s eyes darken and his lips curl into a slow, smug smile that makes Michael’s heart race with anticipation.
“Oh yeah?” Alex asks, tilting his head to one side like he doesn’t remember why he’s here, in Michael’s apartment. “How would you like me to start?”
Michael takes a deep breath, the possibilities a little overwhelming, before Alex licks his lips and makes his mind up for him.
“Kiss me,” Michael answers.
Alex is all too happy to oblige.
The second their lips touch, Michael feels weak with need. If he thought the simple brush of their fingers was powerful, it has nothing on this—Alex’s lips are impossibly soft and the subtle scent of Alex’s cologne is so intoxicating that Michael has the wild hope that he’ll be able to smell Alex on his pillow after he leaves.
Alex makes a wounded noise in the back of his throat when Michael buries his fingers in his silky brown hair, and Michael can’t help but chase that sound right into his mouth. Alex opens for him easily, his arms tightening around Michael’s waist as he deepens the kiss, teasing the roof of Michael’s mouth with his tongue.
Michael feels Alex’s hands on the bare skin of his waist then, his touch firm and grounding as he pulls Michael closer until they’re chest to chest. The fabric of Alex’s sweater is a little rough against his nipples, which has Michael panting into Alex’s mouth in no time, his fingers twisting a little tighter into the short, fine hair at the base of Alex’s neck.
It’s a long moment before Michael pulls away with a soft, slick sound, blood still rushing in his ears as he catches his breath.
“You don’t know how long I’ve been thinking about doing that,” Michael murmurs against his mouth, thumb brushing against the stubble on his jaw.
“I think maybe I do,” Alex says, pulling back to look him in the eye with an amused expression. “What was it you said when you approached me?” Alex pauses for a beat, as if he needs to think about it before finishing, “Oh, right. ‘See something you like?’” in a tone that is at least 25% more suggestive than the one Michael is sure he used in the shop earlier that day.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” Michael says, rather unconvincingly. “Was just doing my job.”
“Bullshit,” Alex says, and a wolfish grin breaks out on Michael’s face.
“Okay, you got me,” he says, bumping his nose along Alex’s cheek. “The second I saw you, I knew I had to find out if your mouth is as soft as it looks.”
“Well?” Alex asks. “Is it?”
“Mm, I don’t know,” Michael teases. “I think you might need to kiss me again, just to make sure.”
Alex shakes his head at him, an amused smile playing at his lips. “Come here,” he says as he hooks a hand around the back of Michael’s neck to pull him in for another kiss, and then another.
Michael groans unabashedly into his mouth when he feels Alex’s cock, hot and every bit as hard as his own, brush against him, but it turns into a whimper as Alex’s fingers dip below the rolled waistband on his sweats to palm his ass, stopping just shy of slipping between his cheeks.
“Tell me what you want, Michael,” Alex says when they part, and Michael can’t suppress the shudder of anticipation that rolls through him.
“Told you already,” Michael answers. “Whatever you want.”
Alex traps his bottom lip between his teeth for a moment.
“Okay,” Alex breathes. “Is it okay if I boss you around a little?”
Michael feels his cock thicken even more at the thought.
“Um, yes,” he says, communicating his enthusiasm with just a single syllable.
“Traffic lights work for me.”
“Okay,” Alex smiles. “And how do you feel about edging?”
“Love it,” Michael answers. “Feels good to hand over the reins to someone else like that for a while. Quiets the noise a little, you know?”
“Is that something you want tonight?” Alex asks, squeezing his ass a little as he pulls him closer. “For me to quiet the noise for you?”
Michael bites his bottom lip as he nods.
“Okay then,” Alex says, slowly extricating his hands from Michael’s pants. “Take me to your bed.”
Michael nods again before he takes him by the hand and leads him a little further back into his apartment, toward the corner where his bed is tucked away.
“What’s that?” Alex asks when they get there, taking a step closer to Michael’s bed.
“It’s a toy mount,” Michael answers as he steps in front of him, running his palms along his muscled shoulders and linking his arms around his neck.
The mount sits in the middle of the bed, Michael’s galaxy dildo sticking out of the slit in the black cushion. He’d felt a little ridiculous buying it, but (short of fucking himself with his powers) he’s found it really is the next best thing; It’s sturdy enough to keep the toy in place no matter how rough he rides it, and its design allows for deeper penetration than he’d get sticking the suction cup base to the wall or the floor.
Besides, Michael’s been working at Pandora’s long enough to have heard a few things and the last thing he needs is to lose his security deposit because of a fucking dildo.
Alex looks at him with wide, interested eyes and Michael shrugs, dropping his voice low when he says, “You said you wanted to watch, so I thought I’d give you a show.”
“Jesus Christ,” Alex says, gaze dragged back toward the bed over Michael’s shoulder. Michael guides him back gently by the chin until Alex is looking at him again.
“Want to see me take it for a ride?” Michael drawls, and Alex knocks noses with him in his haste to get his mouth on his.
Alex crowds Michael backward until his knees hit the bed. With a gentle shove, Michael lands on his ass, the plug inside him shifting abruptly and making him gasp. Alex is on him in an instant, his mouth slick and warm against his own while his fingers map the surface of his chest, dragging lightly through his chest hair. His knee plants itself on the bed between Michael’s spread thighs and Michael can’t help but clench his fist in the front of Alex’s sweater and press forward with his hips, desperate for some friction.
Despite their passionate start, Alex pulls away to trail slow, wet kisses down his jaw, content now to drag it out, and it isn’t long before Michael cracks.
“Please,” Michael gasps, and he feels Alex smile against the side of his neck.
“Begging for it already?” Alex asks him right before he dips his tongue into the hollow of his throat. Michael tries not to whine, but he’s fighting a losing battle.
“In my defense,” Michael pants, “you’re very hot and I’ve been hard for, like, over an hour at this point.” He looks up at Alex with pleading eyes when he pulls back to see his face, a smile still tugging at his lips.
“Fair enough,” Alex says, propping himself up with one elbow. Almost like he can’t resist, Alex reaches out and rakes his fingers through Michael’s chaotic mess of curls. Michael lets his eyes slip closed at the feeling, melting a little under Alex’s touch. “Where’s the lube?”
“Other side of the mount,” Michael answers without opening his eyes, gesturing vaguely in the direction of the far side of the bed. “There’s condoms too.”
“Then stay put,” Alex says, kissing him once before he stands up.
The room feels colder without Alex’s warmth against his chest, but he’s back in just a moment. Michael opens his eyes to see him tossing a condom and the bottle of lube on the bed beside him before he pulls Michael’s sweatpants down his legs.
Michael’s hard cock slaps against his belly as it’s freed, flushed and shining with precome, and Michael can’t resist the urge to wrap his fingers around it and stroke himself under Alex’s gaze. Michael isn’t sure what turns him on more, the slide of his fist around his dick or the way Alex is looking at him like he wants to swallow him whole.
“So fucking beautiful,” Alex whispers before he wraps his hand over Michael’s around his shaft and dips down to seal his lips over the tip.
“Oh god,” Michael whines, tossing his head back against the mattress as Alex starts to suck him. The wet heat of his mouth is nearly too much, and Michael’s other hand shoots down between his legs to grab Alex’s shoulder, his fingers bunching up the fabric. “Alex.”
Alex hums around his dick and takes him deeper, sucking hard on the upstroke and driving Michael further out of his mind with every bob of his head. It feels like barely a minute goes by before Michael’s hips start to twitch of their own accord, desperate with the growing need to bury his cock in Alex’s throat until he comes.
Alex anchors his free arm across Michael’s hips to keep him still, causing the plug he’s wearing to press harder against his prostate as he squirms and tries to rock against the bed.
“Fuck, Alex,” Michael pants, fingers gripping his sweater tighter. He groans again, his hole clenching harder around the toy inside him before he warns, “I appreciate the foreplay, but m’gonna come if you do that much longer.”
Alex pulls off of his cock, his lips shining in the light as he smirks up at him.
“Not without permission you’re not,” he says, gripping the base of Michael’s cock tightly between his thumb and forefinger to stave off his impending orgasm. Michael groans when he does it, but the sound is quickly muffled by Alex’s mouth on his.
“Did you prep yourself enough or do you want me to finger you before you get started?” Alex asks him when he’s through kissing him.
Michael nearly laughs then. “I don’t know,” he says, taking Alex by the wrist and guiding his hand lower between his legs. “What do you think?”
“Michael,” Alex moans when his fingers brush the base of the plug between Michael’s cheeks, eyes wild with desire and surprise. “Let me see.”
Michael rolls over onto his stomach and lifts up onto his knees, arching his back a little as he presents himself without shame.
“Fuck,” Alex says softly but with feeling as he grabs hold of Michael’s cheeks and spreads him open for a better look.
Michael might be embarrassed at the scrutiny if he wasn’t so fucking turned on by it. His cock throbs where it hangs between his legs and he can’t help but tighten up around the unyielding plug inside him.
“Saw you looking at a similar one at Pandora’s earlier,” Michael says breathlessly as Alex begins to tug on it, no doubt watching the way his rim stretches around it. “You like it?”
“I love it,” Alex says. He teases him a moment more, drawing the plug out an inch or so and then pushing it back inside him just to hear Michael whine, but soon he removes it from his ass and sets it down on the bed.
Michael feels uncomfortably empty without something inside him. His hole clenches greedily around nothing as he waits for Alex to uncap the lube and spread some over his fingers, his forehead pressed flush against the mattress behind his folded arms as he waits.
He feels two of Alex’s fingers sink into him, so easily he adds another right away. Alex spreads them as he fucks him, testing to see how open he is before he curls them, seeking out his prostate.
“Ah,” Michael gasps when he finds it, pleasure burning through him bright and hot. “Ah, fuck, Alex.”
“Right there, huh?” Alex asks, the pads of his fingers gently rubbing that spot.
Michael moans in reply and shifts his hips back, his knees sliding further apart as Alex continues to finger him. With his head bowed down against the mattress, Michael can see his cock dripping precome onto his clean sheets. He probably should’ve laid out a towel, but he can’t bring himself to care about that now.
Just when Michael is about to say “screw it” to his whole plan and beg Alex to just fuck him already, Alex eases off his prostate and asks, “Are you ready for it now? Or do you want another?”
Michael shakes his head; He was pretty thorough when he prepped himself earlier.
“I’m good,” Michael pants, peeling himself off the mattress after Alex finally withdraws from his body.
When Michael turns around and reaches for the lube, he catches sight of Alex, still fully clothed and standing at the foot of Michael’s bed. He remembers what Alex told him earlier about his injury and wonders if that’s why he’s still dressed. Before things progress any further, Michael decides he should check in with him.
Leaving the lube on the bed, Michael rises up on his knees and pulls Alex into a kiss, softer than Alex is expecting.
“Everything okay?” Alex asks him when he pulls away, his palms resting comfortably on Michael’s sides.
“Mhmm,” Michael nods. “Before we continue though, is there anything you want me to know? Anywhere you don’t want me to touch you?”
Alex looks away and takes a breath, a puff of air exiting his open mouth on the exhale. Michael gives him all the time he needs to find the words to answer him.
“I think I’ll keep my prosthetic on…” Alex answers, meeting his eyes again, “but there’s nowhere you’re not allowed to touch me.”
Michael nods in understanding. “Can I take this off then?” he asks, smiling as he tugs lightly on the hem of Alex’s sweater. “It’s a great color on you, but I think it’d look better on my floor.”
Alex laughs at the terrible line before he says, “Yeah, sorry. Would’ve taken it off earlier, but you distracted me.”
There’s a quip on the end of Michael’s tongue at the assertion that Michael was the one distracting him just a few minutes ago, but it dies in his throat when Alex strips his sweater off and tosses it somewhere behind him.
Alex is somehow even more beautiful like this; His skin is smooth and golden, with just a light dusting of hair over his broad, toned chest. His jeans sit distractingly low on his hips, and Michael’s fingers itch to bury themselves in Alex’s hair again, already mussed from the careless way he pulled off his sweater.
“Is that better?” Alex asks him, pulling Michael to him by the waist until they’re skin to skin, close enough that Michael can feel the hard line of Alex’s cock pressed up against him.
“Much,” Michael answers. He runs his hands through Alex’s hair before they slide down his neck and over Alex’s pecs, thumbing his nipples as he leans down to kiss his collarbone. Alex shudders a little when he does it, so he does it again.
“Good,” Alex belatedly replies, sounding distracted as his grip on Michael’s waist shifts and tightens. “Is there anything I should know?”
“No, you can touch me anywhere,” Michael assures him, tongue sneaking out to taste Alex’s heated skin.
“Okay then,” Alex says. “Where do you want me?”
“Where don’t I want you?” Michael muses between kisses, and it’s only when he feels Alex’s chest rumble with laughter beneath his lips that he knows for sure he’s said it out loud.
“To watch you, I mean,” Alex clarifies. “Do you want me on the bed with you, or…?”
He’s about to say he doesn’t care when his eyes catch on the chair he keeps in the corner. It usually serves as the place he piles his laundry until he absolutely has to deal with it, but it’s free of clothes now and it gives Michael an idea; He’d love it if Alex stayed close enough to touch him, but the thought of him sitting back and enjoying the show where he can’t touch him is somehow even hotter.
“You’d have a nice view from that chair over there,” he answers, pulling back to gauge Alex’s reaction. “Or you can sit on the bed if you want. Your choice.”
Alex glances at it over his shoulder and considers his options.
“Do you mind if I move it a little closer?”
“No, put it wherever you want,” Michael tells him.
“Alright then,” Alex says. He lets go of Michael to retrieve the chair, placing it about two feet away from the bed before he takes a seat.
While he does it, Michael pulls the mount a little closer to the edge of the bed and pops open the cap on the lube. He pours some onto his open palm and smooths it over the galaxy dildo, getting it nice and wet. His eyes flick up toward Alex’s face as he lets his hand slide up and down the dildo’s thick, colorful shaft. He finds Alex watching his hands intently, his own twitching where they rest on his spread thighs, just inches away from where his erection is straining against the front of his black denim jeans.
Michael waits until Alex looks well and truly distracted before he asks, “Which way do you want me to face?”
Alex’s eyes jump to Michael’s, blinking once before his question seems to register.
“Towards me,” he answers. “I want to be able to see your face while you fuck yourself.”
Liquid heat rushes through Michael at Alex’s words. He bites his lip and nods eagerly, throwing his left leg over one side of the mount.
Michael hovers over the tip of the dildo and reaches between his legs to hold it in place as he lines it up with his hole. He bears down on it, gasping the moment its blunt head pops inside him, stretching his rim wide, and he sinks onto its thick length slowly, one hand braced on the front of the mount to keep himself steady.
“Jesus fuck,” Michael curses when he’s finally seated, stuffed as full as he’s ever been with his knees flush against the bed. He breathes through the stretch, letting himself adjust before he even thinks about moving.
He doesn’t realize he’s closed his eyes until he hears Alex say his name. His eyes snap open again to see Alex leaning forward with his elbows on his knees.
“How’s it feel?” Alex asks him.
“Fucking huge,” Michael answers, voice a little tight. He experimentally rolls his hips, and when the dildo shifts inside him, Michael feels it right where he wants it. He bites his lip to keep from crying out at the little burst of pleasure, but a whimper escapes him anyway. “It’s good, though,” Michael reassures him a moment later, starting to grind his hips in slow, shallow circles. “So fucking good.”
Alex watches Michael hungrily as he rocks his hips, gently at first, then faster and harder until he’s bouncing up and down on the thick cock inside him, the mattress squeaking painfully beneath him. While he does it, Alex unzips his jeans and starts to palm himself through his grey boxer briefs, more of a tease than anything else. Michael’s mouth waters as he watches Alex’s precome bleed slowly through the fabric, forming a wet spot near the head of his dick. Fuck, he wants to know what he tastes like.
Michael lets those thoughts distract him while he fucks himself until Alex decides to give him directions.  
“Tilt your hips back and slow down a little,” he says, and when Michael’s eyes snap to his, he can see that Alex is trying not to smile.
“Alex,” Michael groans, knowing exactly what kind of torture that will be, but he does it anyway without further complaint.
Michael shifts his weight, bracing his hands behind him on the mount as he tilts his hips backward. In this position, the dildo puts more direct pressure on Michael’s prostate, making him groan and curse as he grinds down onto it over and over again. His mouth falls open, helpless to stop the sounds tumbling from his lips as his pleasure rises.
“That’s it, baby, get that dick right where you need it,” Alex says, eyes jumping between Michael’s face and where the dildo is moving in and out of his hole. “That feel good?”
“Yeah,” he pants, his thighs already beginning to tremble. “Fuck, yeah.”
Michael keeps riding the dildo as Alex instructs, speeding up and then slowing down or stopping altogether when he starts to get close, his orgasm kept tantalizingly out of reach. Every minute of it is the sweetest agony Michael’s ever felt and he’s so lost to the sensation that eventually his head tips back to hang between his shoulders as he fucks himself.
Alex calls his name then, demanding his attention. It takes effort, but Michael does manage to raise his head enough to look at him.
“Eyes on me, remember?” Alex reminds him gently, and Michael can see Alex’s hand moving where he’s shoved it down the front of his boxer briefs.
“Yes, sir,” Michael replies, just to see what Alex will do, and a smirk breaks out on Michael’s face when he catches the heated look Alex throws him.
As he watches Michael, Alex gives his cock a few more firm strokes before he finally pulls himself out where Michael can see him. When he gets a look at him for the first time, Michael is sure he’s never wanted to suck a dick so bad in his life; He’d known Alex was big after feeling him hard against his thigh, but to see him wet and flushed a mouthwatering shade of pink is something else entirely.
“Fuck,” Michael says, unable to tear his eyes away. He shifts his weight, leaning forward to sit up straighter, his hips slowing to a dirty grind. “Knew you’d have a nice dick. Why don’t you bring it over here?”
“Why?” Alex asks, somehow managing to sound smug and breathless at the same time as he jerks himself nice and slow from root to tip. Michael watches, practically mesmerized, as his thumb catches a fresh drop of precome leaking from the head and spreads it down his shaft. “Is one dick not enough? You want your mouth full too?”
Michael flushes, but nods, too far gone to play coy.
Alex gives him an assessing look before he stands up and crosses the short distance between them. Michael expects him to feed him his cock right away, but Alex surprises him with a kiss instead, one hand curled around the side of Michael’s neck.
“Don’t make me come,” Alex tells him when he pulls away.
Michael makes a disappointed sound. “Why not?”
“Because I said so,” Alex answers, stroking Michael’s full bottom lip with his thumb. Michael flicks his tongue out to lick it and Alex indulges him, watching Michael’s mouth as he slides the tip of his finger inside. “And because I don’t want to come til I’m inside you.”
Michael moans around Alex’s finger, sucking it harder. He knows Alex isn’t expecting Michael to let him fuck him raw—he brought a condom over after all—but the thought of Alex coming inside him with no barrier between them pops into his head anyway. He’s never let anyone do that to him before, too worried about the unknown quirks of his alien biology to risk it, but it’s suddenly all he can think about.
How would it feel?
Would Alex be into it?
Would he lean back to watch his come leak out of me when he’s finished, or would he rather plug me up after so I won’t spill a drop?
“Is that alright with you?” Alex asks, oblivious to Michael’s thoughts as he pulls his thumb from Michael’s mouth.
Michael has to take a breath before he answers, “Yeah, come on.”
Alex shuffles forward until his legs are flush with the bed, as close to Michael as he can get without climbing onto it with him. His bed is low enough that Alex’s hips are at the perfect height as Michael leans forward and braces his hands against the mattress below him so he can comfortably take Alex’s cock into his mouth. The adjustment to his position eases the pressure off his prostate, but the way he’s pitched forward makes his cock drag against the soft fabric of the cushion between his thighs, which is a blessing and a curse.
Once he’s ready, Michael begins to move, thrusting his hips back onto the toy filling him up and then rocking forward to sink down further onto Alex’s cock. The slide of both of them inside him is indescribable—an inexorable give and take that leaves Michael feeling perfectly used and hot all over, sweat pooling at the dip of his lower back and dampening his curls. It’s not his most coordinated blow job, but Alex doesn’t seem to mind.
“God,” Alex groans, swiping his fingers through Michael’s hair to push his curls out of his eyes so he can watch his cock slide back and forth between Michael’s spit-slick lips.
“So fucking good at this, Michael. Look how well you take it,” Alex says a moment later. Warmth spreads through Michael at the compliment, blood darkening his skin. “You ever done this before? Been fucked in two holes at once like this?”
Michael groans and shakes his head as much as he can. He’s thought about it, sure— wondered what it would feel like for a few guys to take turns with him, to be fucked while someone else uses his mouth—but he’s never had the opportunity. What they’re doing now isn’t exactly the fantasy he’s watched play out in porn, but with his ass stuffed full and Alex heavy on his tongue, Michael has no fucking complaints.
“You like it?” Alex asks him.
A shiver runs down Michael’s spine and he hums around Alex’s cock as he rocks back and forth, looking up at him beneath his lashes.
“Yeah, ‘course you do,” Alex says, fingers running through his hair once more. His palm stays there, a heavy weight on the back of Michael’s head as he sucks him, not quite guiding him along, but more reminding him he could if he wanted to.
Michael takes him down as far as he can go, showing off for him a little, and Alex curses, his fingers tightening around Michael’s curls until his hair is pulled taught in his grip. It just strikes that delicate balance between pleasure and pain, and Michael moans sharply, his cock pulsing between his thighs as he fucks himself harder.
“You like that too, huh?” Alex asks him, tugging on his hair once more, pulling him that little bit further onto his cock, and Michael doesn’t have to look to know he’s making a mess of the cushion beneath him, leaking precome all over it with every passing second.
It feels so good Michael doesn’t want Alex to stop, wants him to keep a firm grip on his hair while he uses his mouth, but he’s afraid it’ll push him over the edge if he lets him. Michael pulls off of Alex’s cock instead, resting a hand on his jean-clad thigh, and he feels Alex’s grip on his hair relax instantly.
“Color?” he asks.
“Green,” Michael gasps wetly against the soft skin of Alex’s lower belly, chest heaving as he sucks much-needed air into his lungs.
Alex hums and starts to pet his hair again as he catches his breath, so gently this time Michael thinks he might cry for a second.
“What do you need, Michael?” Alex asks him after a moment.
When he doesn’t answer right away, he feels Alex’s palm on his cheek, tilting his face up so Alex can look at him. Michael isn’t sure what Alex sees in his eyes, but it must reassure him that Michael really isn’t hurt or upset because he watches the concern on Alex’s face melt away, satisfaction rising in its place.
“Have you had enough of your toys?” Alex asks him, thumb tenderly stroking Michael’s cheek. “Do you need me to fuck you now?”
“Yes,” Michael answers, face burning as he grinds helplessly on the silicone dick filling him up. “Please, Alex, ‘m so close. Please let me come.”
“Shh, I’ve got you,” Alex whispers, leaning down to kiss him soundly. “I’ll give you what you need.”
Michael nods and kisses him again, relief flooding his system at Alex’s reassurance. His thighs tremble as he climbs off the mount, a soft hiss escaping his mouth as the dildo slips out of him. He feels so open and empty without it filling him up, but Alex doesn’t give him long to dwell on it.
“Come to the edge of the bed,” Alex instructs him. “On your back.”
Michael does as he’s told, sitting down and scooting closer to Alex until his ass is on the edge of his bed before he lies down flat against the mattress. He feels Alex’s hands on the backs of his thighs next, pushing them back and spreading them wide open.
“Jesus, Michael, fuck,” Alex says once he gets a look at Michael’s well-fucked hole. One hand disappears from Michael’s thigh and seconds later Michael moans as Alex slips three fingers into him like it’s nothing. ”So fucking hot,” he adds, thrusting them gently in and out of him. “Wish you could see how wrecked you are right now.”
“I can feel it, trust me,” Michael says weakly in response.
Alex curls his fingers inside him suddenly and Michael gasps, his back arching off the bed.
“Alex, please,” Michael whines, his cock throbbing where it drools against his belly. “No more teasing.”
Alex hovers over Michael’s face for a moment before he kisses him, nice and slow and deep. He swallows the wounded noise Michael makes when he lets his fingers slip free.
“As you wish,” Alex murmurs against his lips before he pulls away, and if Michael wasn’t feeling so strung out, he’d call him out for being a fucking nerd.
Instead, he watches through hooded eyes as Alex rolls a condom on his dick and slicks himself up with the lube he’d left on the bed. He shoves his jeans and underwear a little further down his hips before he holds himself steady in his hand and lines the head of his cock up with Michael’s hole.
Alex moans as he finally guides his cock inside him, sinking deep in a single stroke. He’s not as thick as the dildo Michael’s been riding, but he feels so much hotter, and Michael wraps his legs tight around Alex’s hips to keep him there.
He’s grateful when Alex doesn’t make him wait for it, barely giving him a second to adjust before he draws his hips back and snaps them forward, driving his cock back inside him as deep as it’ll go.
“Uh, fuck,” Michael groans sharply. “That’s it, baby, fuck me like you mean it.”
Alex doesn’t disappoint. He grinds his hips against Michael’s in a tight circle before he pulls back and starts to thrust, smirking as the movement makes Michael keen.
He keeps it up for another minute, watching Michael’s face with greedy eyes, before he seems to get an idea. He leans back and coaxes Michael’s legs from his waist, pushing his thighs toward his chest instead, practically folding him in half.
“Oh my fucking god,” Michael gasps, brow drawn tight as he squirms on Alex’s dick; With his thighs held closer together, Alex feels even bigger inside him. He can’t get any leverage like this either, can really only lie there and take what Alex gives him. After riding that dildo for so long, it’s exactly what Michael wants.
“Good?” Alex asks him, voice rough when he starts to move again, slow at first, but steadily gaining speed.
“Like you have to fucking ask,” Michael shoots back.
Alex laughs as he leans down to kiss him, tongue sliding along his for the briefest moment before he rises back up and gets to work.
The rhythm Alex sets is hard and fast, pushing desperate, little sounds out of Michael’s mouth with every rock of his hips. It’s all Michael can do to hang on for the ride, his fingers sliding along Alex’s sweat-slick skin as he seeks purchase on any part of him he can reach. Alex keeps his eyes trained on Michael’s face as he fucks him, hips searching for the angle that’ll have him writhing on his cock in no time at all.
It’s not long before he finds it.
“Yeah, there it is,” Alex says as Michael shouts and curses, his back arching off the bed as Alex hits that tender spot inside him again. “Think you can come like this?”
Michael nods, desperate tears gathering at the corners of his eyes. The pleasure is overwhelming already, tightening his gut as it warms him from the inside out, and his cock is so hard it hurts.
“Then go on, baby,” Alex tells him, finally giving him permission. “Take what you need, I’ll be right behind you.”
Michael nearly sobs as he comes untouched a minute later, his cock jerking messily against his chest and stomach. Alex moans loudly when it happens, Michael’s hole clutching tight around his cock as his body trembles with the force of it. Michael’s eyes slip closed as he comes down, Alex’s hips continuing their steady rhythm between his thighs as he desperately seeks to follow him.
He feels fingers dragging through the mess that’s streaked across his chest a second before he feels them at his lips, wet and sticky with come. Michael moans weakly and opens his mouth for Alex to shove them inside. He eagerly licks them clean, sucking them like he did Alex’s cock, and it’s with the bitter taste of himself on his tongue and Alex’s fingers inching toward the back of his throat that Michael feels Alex’s hips finally stutter and grind to a stop, fucking him so full Michael is sure he’ll be feeling it for days.
When Alex pulls his fingers from Michael’s mouth, they’re replaced by his tongue a moment later as Alex’s body covers his. They trade sloppy, well-fucked kisses until Alex’s softening cock slips free. Michael whines at the sensation, missing the feeling of being full, and Alex smiles against his mouth.
“Sorry,” Alex whispers when their lips part.
Michael laughs a little hysterically, eyes still closed. “You don’t get to apologize for fucking me that good,” he says, voice raw.
“Good, huh?” Alex asks, sounding smug as he drags his fingers through Michael’s hair.
“You’re lucky I haven’t passed out yet,” Michael confesses, the fading pleasure of his orgasm making him lazy and slow, his tired muscles aching for rest.
“You sure you’re not about to?” Alex asks, and Michael can feel his thumb brush against one of his closed eyelids.
“No,” Michael laughs, opening his eyes to see Alex smiling at him. “Should probably clean up first, though.”
“Mm, yeah,” Alex says. “Bathroom?”
“Back by the kitchen,” Michael answers.
“Got it,” Alex nods. He stands up and walks away, holding the waistband of his jeans in one hand to keep them from falling down .
Michael sits up and looks over at the mount still sitting on the bed. He doesn’t quite have the energy to strip the washable case off or clean the dildo, so he picks the whole thing up and sets it on the floor to deal with in the morning. He also shoves the lube and condoms back where they belong, and when Alex comes back with a wet washcloth, he lets him clean up the sticky mess between his thighs.
“You gonna take your pants off and stay a while?” Michael teases him when he’s finished, head propped up by his right hand where he lies in the middle of the bed.
He expects Alex to laugh or roll his eyes, but he bites his lip instead as he considers his question seriously.
“Yeah, fuck it,” Alex decides after a moment, stripping off his jeans and shoes before he gets to work on taking off his prosthetic. The engineer in Michael is curious how it works, but that feels like a question for another day, so he crawls under the covers instead and waits for Alex to join him.
Michael snuggles up to him when he does, eager to feel Alex’s bare skin under his hands again. They share a single pillow as they lie facing each other on their sides, staring at each other for just a moment before Michael finally presses in close and brings their lips together.
They kiss like that for a while, soft and unhurried, until Alex pulls away. Michael lazily follows the curve of his jaw with his mouth, tired but not quite done with him yet.
“Mm, what time is it?” Alex asks, pulling him out of the moment a little.
“Uh,” Michael says, lifting his head off the pillow to look over Alex’s shoulder at the alarm clock on his nightstand. “About eleven.”
Alex lets out a soft, unhappy groan. “It’s getting late. I should probably get going.”
“You don’t have to,” Michael says, letting a fingertip trace a mindless path across Alex’s chest. “I’m not kicking you out.”
Alex bites his lip as he considers his next words, which is more distracting than it has any right to be.
“I didn’t really come prepared for a sleepover,” Alex admits at last.
“You can borrow some clothes if you want,” Michael offers. “We’re about the same size.”
“No, I mean… I have a routine, with my leg,” he explains, a little sheepish. “I don’t have what I need here.”
“Oh,” Michael says, feeling a little stupid for not thinking of that himself. “Okay.” He hesitates a brief moment before he adds, “You should come prepared next time, then.”
“Next time?” Alex asks, a hopeful smile tugging at his lips.
“Mhmm,” Michael hums, shifting closer to press a delicate kiss against his lips. “I make a pretty decent omelet. It’d be a shame for you to miss out when we do this again.”
Alex’s smile widens. “‘When’? Not ‘if’?” he asks, throwing Michael’s words from earlier right back at him.
“Shut up,” Michael laughs before pushing Alex back against the mattress, determined to kiss that smirk off his face.
Alex is happy to let him try.
95 notes · View notes
mourntheantagonist · 3 years
#HarringroveApril Day 18: Heatwave
Billy was used to hot. He lived and breathed Southern California’s dry heat for nearly two decades that eighty-five degrees had to be comfortable, especially growing up with a father who nickel and dimed every facet of life, and the use of air conditioning dipped too far into his beer budget. Billy was left with only open windows and a fly swatter by his bedside to kill all the bugs who managed to pass through the mesh screen. And he had the beach. The perfect place to go and cool off when temperatures neared triple digits and he was drenched in sweat just sitting still.
He knew he would miss the beach when he was corralled into moving their lives to the Midwest, no ocean within any conceivable driving distance in sight, just land and lakes and rivers and the stench of nature uncorrupted by mass industry.
And there wouldn’t be the heat that left him drinking water like it was heroin to just replenish all that had sweat out of him.
But he was wrong.
Sure, the temperature didn’t really ever hit those astronomical, record setting highs, but just because the number on the weatherman’s screen read only eighty degrees, it was the humidity that made it feel like an actual hell on earth.
And when the unprecedented heat wave hit Hawkins, Indiana, in springtime no less, Neil continued with his tyranny over the thermostat, and let the house on Cherry Lane become just one large oven inside. And he was completely unfazed. He just kicked his feet up on the coffee table and drank room temperature beer and relaxed, just providing more evidence to the case that Neil was truly a cold blooded creature.
He couldn’t just open a window because it only made the place hotter, and fanning himself with magazines was barely doing a thing and he felt like he was just cooking in there.
So he did the one activity that hadn’t been taken away from him by the cross country move, and he got in his car and drove fast. The windows rolled all the way down as he sped through long paths lined with trees, the stream of air blowing his hair back and out of his face and unable to hear the sound of music with the loud roar as wind gusts entered his ears.
Billy didn’t normally pay attention to the signs on the road when he drove through the town, hoping for the day he got lost enough that he ended up in an entirely new city, but he saw the word ‘lake’ in that bold white lettering and made a sharp left turn down the unpaved path because it was about the closest thing he’d get to the ocean.
It was empty, he momentarily figured there would be at least someone else there to combat the heat, but there was more than one body of water in the town. Perhaps he’d just gotten lucky.
Billy pulled off his socks and shoes and shirt and tossed them into the passenger seat of his car, and slowly walked into the cold water, stepping on sharp rocks that made his feet ache, but he didn’t mind it when the low water temperature gave him a chill that ran up and down his body.
He walked in further and further until the water was up to his hips. He splashed some water up into his face and it all just felt so good. There weren’t crashing waves, or the fear of wiping out on his board, but it felt like the ocean on days when it was peaceful. Like the evenings he’d run out to the beach during sunset to the places nobody ever went to and he’d stand on the shore and let the tide wet his feet. Only the sounds of seagulls and small waves.
The lake was more peaceful. The birds here sang instead of squawked and the water only made small trickling sounds due to his own movements. He was protected from the sun by the canopy of trees above his head, and for a moment he forgot he was supposed to hate Hawkins.
Even with how quiet it was, Billy didn’t recognize the sound of a car driving down the same narrow path he took, too consumed by the blissful silence. He only turned around to the sounding of his own name.
He turned around just to see Steve standing by his own car wearing a pair of board shorts and flip flops, and a copious amount of sunscreen on his skin.
“What are you doing here?” Steve asked, looking at him accusedly.
“What does it look like I’m doing here? It’s fucking hot out.”
“Aren’t you from California? I thought you all were just used to the heat.”
Billy just splashed some more water on his face. “Dude it’s over ninety degrees and eighty percent humidity, nobody’s used to that.” Steve just looked at him with a tilted head. “Are you just going to stand there and stare at me all day?”
“Are you going to leave?” Steve asked, arms crossed over his chest.
“The lake is big enough for two people, Harrington. I’m not going anywhere.”
Steve just rolled his eyes and threw his towel on the ground and entered the water about twenty feet to the left of him, as far away from him as he could get.
This wasn’t about the fight. Billy knew this wasn’t about the fight because he knew exactly what the ‘something else’ was. The ‘something else’ was last week. Billy stupidly kissed him behind the house at some Junior’s party. They were both drunk, but neither of them stopped the other from going further and further until they were in the backseat of the Camaro, and by then they were only stopped from stripping their clothes off by the sight of nearing headlights.
Billy drove Steve back to his car after that point. Both of them feeling so dirty for what they were doing that they didn’t talk or even acknowledge the others' existence. It was nothing but heat and regret.
And Steve was stealing glances at him from across the lake, those same eyes he gave him when he slammed the passenger door shut. Purely pissed off.
Billy could allow himself to wallow in his own self pity, swim in the lake until his toes cramped up and his skin pruned, ignoring the shirtless Steve to his left, but where was the fun in that.
He made it a point to get Steve’s attention so that he saw him throw his shorts and underwear all bundled up onto the lake shore.
“Seriously?” Steve asked, unimpressed. His eye roll could actually kill people.
“Come on Steve. Have a little fun.”
“Why? Just so it can end up like last time?” Well at least Billy was right about the reason Steve had been giving him the death stare for the past ten minutes. “So you can kiss me, almost fuck me, and then not say a single word to me for over a week?”
“Quit being such a fucking girl about it.” Billy swam over to Steve, who made no attempts to swim away which was hopefully a good sign. He got all up into Steve’s personal space. They were chest to chest and Billy attached his lips to Steve’s neck slowly, and he wasn’t moving away. Just biting his lip and growing hard enough when Billy bit down that he could feel it through his board shorts. Billy moved up from Steve’s neck and kissed him, juxtaposed from the last time they did it. None of the frantic, messy, pushed up against a wall kind of thing. Just the gentle cradle of Steve’s jaw and soft press of lips that made his knees want to buckle beneath him. “Would it make you feel better if I talked to you this time?”
“Then take off the shorts.”
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emtmercy · 4 years
gay spn Taylor Swift Only playlist 4 @kiransingh
False God
We were crazy to think Crazy to think that this could work Remember how I said I'd die for you? We were stupid to jump In the ocean separating us Remember how I’d fly to you?
But we might just get away with it Religion's in your lips Even if it's a false god We'd still worship We might just get away with it The altar is my hips Even if it's a false god We'd still worship this love
But I'm a fire and I'll keep your brittle heart warm
If your cascade, ocean wave blues come
All these people think love's for show But I would die for you in secret The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me Would it be enough if I could never give you peace? Your integrity makes me seem small You paint dreamscapes on the wall
Invisible String
Time, curious time Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs Were there clues I didn't see? And isn't it just so pretty to think All along there was some Invisible string Tying you to me?
the lakes
Is it romantic how all my elegies eulogize me? I'm not cut out for all these cynical clones These hunters with cell phones Take me to the Lakes where all the poets went to die I don't belong and, my beloved, neither do you
Put your lips close to mine As long as they don't touch Out of focus, eye to eye 'Til the gravity's too much And I'll do anything you say If you say it with your hands And I'd be smart to walk away But you're quicksand This slope is treacherous This path is reckless This slope is treacherous And I-I-I like it I can't decide if it's a choice Getting swept away I hear the sound of my own voice Asking you to stay And all we are is skin and bone Trained to get along Forever going with the flow But you're friction
coney island
Break my soul in two looking for you But you're right here If I can't relate to you anymore Then who am I related to? And if this is the long haul How'd we get here so soon? Did I close my fist around something delicate? Did I shatter you? And I'm sitting on a bench in Coney Island Wondering where did my baby go? The fast times, the bright lights, the merry go Sorry for not making you my centerfold
the archer
Combat, I'm ready for combat I say I don't want that, but what if I do? 'Cause cruelty wins in the movies I've got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you Easy they come, easy they go I jump from the train, I ride off alone I never grew up, it's getting so old Help me hold on to you I've been the archer, I've been the prey Who could ever leave me, darling But who could stay?
I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost The room is on fire, invisible smoke And all of my heroes die all alone Help me hold on to you
My love was as cruel as the cities I lived in Everyone looked worse in the light There are so many lines that I've crossed unforgiven I'll tell you the truth, but never goodbye I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you I've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night And now I see daylight, I only see daylight
Gold Rush
Gleaming, twinkling Eyes like sinking ships on waters So inviting, I almost jump in But I don't like a gold rush, gold rush I don't like anticipatin' my face in a red flush I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch Everybody wants you Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you Walk past, quick brush I don't like slow motion, double vision in rose blush I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush Everybody wants you But I don't like a gold rush
I'm like the water when your ship rolled in that night Rough on the surface, but you cut through like a knife And if it was an open-shut case I never would've known from that look on your face Lost in your current like a priceless wine The more that you say, the less I know Wherever you stray, I follow I'm begging for you to take my hand Wreck my plans, that's my man Life was a willow and it bent right to your wind Head on the pillow, I could feel you sneakin' in As if you were a mythical thing Like you were a trophy or a champion ring And there was one prize I'd cheat to win
long story short
Fatefully I tried to pick my battles Til the battle picked me Misery Like the war of words I shouted in my sleep And you passed right by I was in the alley surrounded on all sides The knife cuts both ways If the shoe fits, walk in it Til your high heels break And I fell from the pedestal Right down the rabbit hole Long story short, it was a bad time
And he's passing by Rare as the glimmer of a comet in the sky And he feels like home If the shoe fits, walk in it Everywhere you go
call it what you want 
My castle crumbled overnight I brought a knife to a gunfight They took the crown, but it's alright All the liars are calling me one Nobody's heard from me for months I'm doin' better than I ever was 'Cause My baby's fit like a daydream Walking with his head down I'm the one he's walking to So call it what you want, yeah Call it what you want to My baby's fly like a jet stream High above the whole scene Loves me like I'm brand new So call it what you want, yeah Call it what you want to
All my flowers grew back as thorns Windows boarded up after the storm He built a fire just to keep me warm All the drama queens taking swings All the jokers dressing up as kings They fade to nothing when I look at him And I know I make the same mistakes every time Bridges burn, I never learn At least I did one thing right I did one thing right I'm laughing with my lover, makin' forts under covers Trust him like a brother Yeah, you know I did one thing right Starry eyes sparkin' up my darkest night
wildest dreams
He said, "Let's get out of this town Drive out of the city, away from the crowds" I thought heaven can't help me now Nothing lasts forever, but this is gonna take me down He's so tall and handsome as hell He's so bad but he does it so well I can see the end as it begins My one condition is Say you'll remember me
dean escaping his fathers ghost in good ending Au where he doesn’t commit passive suicide and go to heaven to be neighbors w John Winchester:
i forgot that you existed 
I forgot that you existed And I thought that it would kill me, but it didn't And it was so nice So peaceful and quiet I forgot that you existed It isn't love, it isn't hate, it's just indifference
I forgot that you Sent me a clear message Taught me some hard lessons I just forget what they were It's all just a blur
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Humans are Space Orcs, “From Heaven or from Hell.”
Ok so I had a ton of trouble writing today for some reason. IDK why but here you go :) as expected. 
The Kree popped the last socket from the wall, pulling the device down for a closer examination. Admiral Vir stayed back in shock. He thought all of the kree were dead, but this one , it looked more than alive enough to him, though it did occur to him that this kree was neither voiced or voiceless. He had only ever seen something like it on a battlefield over two years ago, and they hadn’t gotten close enough to examine them in a medical capacity.
Was it possible that Dr. Krill and the others had been fooled.
If that was the case, these guys had done a phenomenal job at playing dead. Nothing was supposed to get past Dr. Krill, but he supposed there was a first for everything.
He knelt in the darkness wondering what he was going to do.
He could leap out and capture this creature, in one on one combat the Kree were no match for a human, the only reason they had been such a problem was because they were armed and could fly the last time he met with them.
But this one, it was just a skinny bird creature with twig legs, and no wings, but if he followed it, he might be able to find the others. 
He melted a little further back into the shadows, as much as he could with skin and hair that might as well have glowed in the ambient light. Too bad he had forgotten his ninja costume, that would have really helped right about now.
The kree turned and with a small chirp to itself, it began moving up the hallway.
He followed after at a distance feeling for once like the hunter instead of the hunted. 
He bared his teeth in half pleasure.
The feeling was sort of exhilarating.
He was the monster in the dark, the dangerous creature lurking in the shadows. He was the one stalking in the darkness just out of sight. Human’s hand had to hunt things in close proximity like this for thousands of years, and most creatures on their home planet were way to fast, strong, or agile for him to be able to do anything.
But in comparison to this Kree, he was a wolf, or a mountain lion. He would have radioed for assistance, but he was worried that his voice or the light from his implant would alert the creature, and he wouldn’t want that, so instead he kept very silent and well back as he followed the creature though the ship watching as it plucked equipment form the walls and stowed it in a bag. On one or two occasions, they came across one of the engineers working to fix the problem, but when that happened, they quickly slipped in another direction.
They were heading down, towards the docking bay forced to dodge more and more people as they moved, but they managed to make it.  And once they reached the docking bay, he was more than surprised to be led back behind the alien ship, to where someone had cut a near invisible vertical slit in the plastic which surrounded it.
The little creature slipped through and vanished inside the ship. 
He stayed outside, crouched low. This would probably be a good time let someone know where he was, but when he went to do so, he was surprised to find that bridge communications had been shut down.
The little bastards must have done something to it.
Oh well, than he was going to have to think up something else.
IT was best to know what he had to work with before actually making a move. So he inched forward quietly scooting through the plastic barrier and up towards the ship. He kept in a low crouch as he slipped up the open ramp and into the darkness. His infrared eye helped to pick up anything that might give him away as he moved through the darkness.
The ship was small, so it didn’t take him long to make it back to the bay where the bodies had been found, and when he did, he was both surprised, and not particularly surprised to see what he saw.
A gathering of Kree sat in a circle in the middle of the floor. Together they were comparing parts they had looted rom the ship, warbling i their strange kree language, and with laughter about what they had done.
Listening to them talk, he felt his lips pull tight in annoyance his hands balling into fists.
They thought they had duped the humans,
Turned them into chumps as they robbed them blind right out from under their noses. 
It was a smart enough plan, but there was one thing that none of them had accounted for.
The fact that a human might be listening in.
Anger welled up inside his chest.
These creatures were trying to make him and his crew look like fools, but he wasn’t going to let that happen. He was going to stop this, but….. Before he did that, he was also going to give them a piece of their own medicine.
And with that thought, he slunk back into the darkness.
The Kree sat around in a circle laughing to themselves. The humans were so stupid.
Even their doctors hadn’t managed to catch the kree, with their ability to shut down their bodies into a mild state of coma, which approached death in appearance. In this state their internal organs barely functioned, and their cortical zones almost completely shut off.
It used to be something they could only do under certain circumstances, but after one of their scientists had done a little experimenting, he had discovered the place in the brain that was responsible for the shut off, and managed to implant manual switches for the ability.
Originally no one had thought that would be useful in any sort of way but they were quickly proven wrong, or at least the pirates had proven it wrong.
“This doesn't explain how we are going to get out of this place when we are finally done.”
Their leader scoffed, “We have full control of their ship, I am sure we can find a way to open the airlock.”
“And what if we are found out?”
“By who.” he retorted, “The have no reason to suspect us. It is more likely they will turn to one of their own crew members being a sabotage than suspecting us. I mean, what is the logical conclusion, that one of their  own is doing it or the creatures in the cold room have risen from the dead to steal their things.” He looked around at the others, “See, it makes sense doesn't it.”
They were just about to begin nodding their agreement to him, when a sound reaches them from down the dark hallway.
The sound of claws being pulled over metal.
They all grew very still staring at the entrance to the dark.
“What was that?” Someone whispered.
“I am sure it was nothing.”
There was silence for a few moments as they went back to their conversation.
They were cut off as a rattling noise broke out behind them in the darkness on the other side.
Together they turned in fear, eyes wide as they stared into the abyss.
The scraping sound continued almost melodic in nature.
“Go check it out.” Their leader ordered pointing towards the most junior member of the party, They tried to argue but there was n ouse  in trying, and they were shoved into the darkness. Arms held protectively before it’s body knees weak, it ventured into the darkness and towards the scraping sound.
It was close, probably around the corner from it when the sound stopped very suddenly filling the little ship with an oppressive silence.
It turned its head this way and that unable to see in the near darkness.
It scrambled around in it’s toolkit trying to find the light.
Finally it found it, the cold metal reassuring against it’s hand as it flipped on the little beam of light.
Directly into a pair of milky eyes and glistening sharp teeth.
The others heard nothing.
“Find anything!” They called after it, but there was no answer 
“Not funny!”
Still no answer.
The scratching sound started up again on their other side.
THey turned in fear, huddling together in the middle of the room. W-what is that.
A sudden rush of movement to the darkness at their right. They spun, but it was already gone.
Staring into the darkness, it seemed as if something they couldn’t see was just right outside their vision
Someone flicked on a light into the darkness and caught the flash of two white orbs before the movement scuttled back into darkness.
“We have to get out.” Their leader ordered huddling them together and then backing away into the darkness of the opposite hall If the creature was over there, than they were going to be plenty safe here, together in a group with their flashlights turned on waving about in all directions.
One of their number began to scream, and they turned just in time to see the flailing counterpart pulled violently into the darkness, a pale white hand gripped about their leg.
They weren't trying to be quiet anymore, simply screaming as they fled, picked off one by one.
Their leader was the last left, nearly making it outside before his flashlight came upon a figure blocking him. In the eerie light of the darkness, its skin was washed out and pale, its clothing pale as well, when the flashlight beam moved up it passed over pale hair.
The face grinned as the flashlight passed over its eyes.
A flash of blue, and it was over.
The crew heard the screaming almost as soon as it had started, but it took them a few minutes to gather their gear before running in. By the time they made it everything had gone silent. A group of marines stepped through the plastic just in time to see admiral Vir walking down from the ramp dusting his hands off and looking quite pleased with himself.
“Sir…. what’s going on.”
“Oh just fixing a little problem, nothing to worry about.”
“And what was the problem.” 
The man grinned one of his green eyes flashing, “Pirates.”
When no one understood where he was going with this, the man simply grinned again, “Pirates. Turns out that the Kree were just playing dead to get aboard our ship and steal our shit.”
They stared at him incredulously, “What.”
“You heard me.”
They shook their head sin surprise, but followed him as he motioned them onward, “here, come take a look.”
Not that they doubted their Admiral, but they still found it shocking when they discovered the Kree hogtied and incapacitated around their own ship. The Admiral had a look of smug satisfaction on his face.
“That should be all of them-”
That is until they came upon another group of Kree 
He paused in his tracks staring down at the unconscious bodies, “What the-”
“Good work, Admiral.”
THe man scratched his head, “I…. I didn’t do this….”
“It was dark, you probably did and it just doesn't look familiar.”
He went very quiet for a moment before nodding his head. “I uh, sure I guess.”  
He handed off the stolen parts to he engineering crew uncharacteristically quiet
“Admiral, is your arm alright.”
“Yeay, yeah…. Just a…. misunderstanding .”
They looked after him in confusion as he walked away.
A misunderstanding.
Maverick was sitting in the half darkness of the ship chapel. A single light was on above the lectern, and she read by the dim lighting eyes scanning over passages of familiar words.
She wasn’t alone of course.
The Burg sat across the room, his wings folded easily behind his back as he perused through her collection of religious books. At first she thought that she wouldn’t like having a burg aboard, and had tried very hard not to show her unease around him, but he had proven himself to be affable, intelligent, kind, and very very helpful.
A lot of the crew didn’t understand that about him just yet, and so she had made it her mission to be his friend even if no one else would.
She hoped that he would appreciate the effort, and it seemed to be paying off.
It was just then that the door at the end of the room opened.
She lifted her head expecting one of the night shift crew to come in for a visit, but instead watched as Adam stepped inside and let the door hiss shut softly behind him. He had a thoughtful, and almost concerned look on his face as he approached, and she stood marking her page and setting her book aside as he walked up.
She was about to open her mouth to ask him if there was anything she could do, but he cut her off and spoke first.
Blurting out, “Do you believe in guardian angels.”
She paused in her tracks surprised at the question. Across the room, the burg lifted his head and also closed the book very slowly.
She was too stunned to speak for a moment as the burg scuttled over wings whispering lightly as they were tugged by air.
“Guardian angels.” She repeated, still not entirely sure what to make of it.
The Burg stopped beside them, “Guardian angel?” He wondered 
Maverick turned to look at him, “A divine being sent down from heaven in order to protect one of the living. Some say they are angels, others think they are dead family members, some have even gone as far as to assume dead pets, but generally an entity sent down from heaven to help someone whose work is not yet done.”
The man shuffled his feet, ‘And in that same vein, do you believe people can be…. haunted .”
That caught her off guard again as well.
The Burg looked at them for explanation, and the Admiral explained this time, “Like an angel accept an unholy being sent from hell maybe?”
She crossed her arms over her chest as he stood watching her, “Why the sudden interest.”
He looked at her and then sighed before sitting down, “If I tell you, promise you won’t call me crazy?”\
The expression on his face told her that he wasn’t joking, and she walked over to sit next to him, “Go on.”
“You remember the civilian transport.”
She shivered, “how could I forget. Never in my life have I entered a place that was corrupt and tainted in my life.” She shivered, ‘And I have been into some pretty dark places in my time.”
He nodded his head, “And you remember captain Everett?”
“The cannibal… the guy you had to kill? “
He nodded his head 
“Well, ever since then, I have been…. Seeing him around. There have been times where he has been so real, it was like he could touch me. I would see him in mirrors and as a chill breeze….” He shivered again, “So I sort of assumed… based on the fact that I seem to have been followed from a tainted ship, that he manifests in the cold, and that I see him in mirrors that it was… well that it was a bad thing. At first I thought I was crazy, and then I thought it was a ghost.” 
“But-”She ventured 
“But then today I saw him again, and he seems to be helping me. Leading me in the right direction, assisting me, but in really really creepy ways.” He lifted his eyes, “What am I dealing with here? Am I crazy, is it a ghost, is it something more. I don’t know what to think.”
Maverick looked at him with a critical expression before slowly resting a hand on his shoulder, “Do you know why I joined the marines.”
He shook his head.
She sighed, “I don’t tell this to many people. I think Ramirez knows but other than that I don’t like to share, but on earth isn’t safe for me.”
He looked at her confused.
“I have had too many experiences with what you describe, and not all of them are good.” She looked around at the room, “I don’t claim to be an expert by all means, and I cannot be certain, but I think if it was bad you would know quite definitely…. Has it ever tried to harm you, to convince you to do things that you think are wrong?”
He paused and shook his head, “No… i, I guess not.”
“Than I don’t think you have to worry, but if you are still concerned, I would talk to Dr. Adric. Maybe he can help you.”
I don’t know what you are or what you want, but as long as you don’t hurt me, I won’t get rid of you. 
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awesomerextyphoon · 4 years
A Warrior’s Heart | Phase 1: Welcome - 2
Girls’ Night
Summary: Ife begins her first ‘mission’ with the help of her friends.
Warnings: Swearing, Excessive Partying, Some Angst
Rating: Explicit/18+
Word Count: 4,145
Main Pairing: Stucky x Black!OFC (Ifekerenma ‘Ife’)
Characters: Ifekerenma, Wanda, Natasha, and Ife’s friends
A/N: I’m sorry that it’s been a while since my last chapter. Please practice self-care, everyone! Also, thanks to everyone who has given me feedback. Dividers were created by the wonderful @firefly-graphics​! Check them out!
Series Masterlist 
Main Masterlist
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(late May 2015)
“Ah, that hits the spot!” Ife moaned as she submerged into her heated circular indoor pool.
So far the team has treated her well enough given how her first 24 hours went. No one had any major negative emotional echoes coming off of them and they even talked to her, especially Steve and Sam.
Her first mission was mostly a success.
The team was able to stop and apprehend the Macedonian weapons smuggler, Branko Stojanoski, before he made it to Paris with HYDRA/Chitauri stockpiles.
One would think that would be enough, but it left Ife with more questions. Why did some of the weapons look like Magitech? Why did one of the female combatants feel like more than human, like Natasha?
She needed to inform Eliza.
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  After Ife finished her R&R, she made her way to the Common Room only to find Wanda practicing her powers while flying. Well, trying to anyway.
Ife had always felt that Wanda’s methods were lacking which made sense. Both Wanda and Pietro got their powers ten months ago when Strucker and HYDRA experimented on them. They’ve never really had the chance to practice, surrounded either by vicious idiots or well-meaning comrades who were seriously out of their depth.
Perhaps she would be the best place to start.
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  Wanda was trying to levitate herself while taking apart the steel cube again with no luck. She couldn’t get herself in the ‘right mindset’ which was just aw well since she was always surrounded by chaos.
Their parents tried to shield both her and Pietro from the chaos outside their sanctuary of the apartment building. She even had friends in Angelika and Emil. They would pretend that they were exploring an enchanted forest and other fairy tale adventures. Pietro would join in when coaxed by Angelika (Wanda knew he liked her).
They were in their own little paradise...until the bombs came.
Wanda just got back from playing with Angelika and the music box that she got for her tenth birthday. Her mother was preparing Pietro’s favorite dinner when they heard the blaring of alarms and evacuation orders. Her father hurried them to the door, but their mother forgot to turn off the oven. He went back for her when the mortar shell hit their home.
Both of their parents died instantly. She and Pietro huddled together under the table for dear life when the second bomb landed four meters in front of them. They were in that position for two days wondering if the rescue efforts would sign their death warrants, all while glowering at the words engraved on the missile.
When the rescuers finally got them out, they found out that they were the only ones to survive the bomb raids. One of the rescuers handed Wanda Angelika’s music box thinking it was hers.
They attended their first Anti-US Imperialism protest three weeks later.
 Years passed and Wanda would sporadically spare a thought for her parents, Emil and Angelika. She kept wondering what they would do if they were in her place. Somedays the only she could remember Angelika was when she played the music box.
One day, a man simply known as List approached them after yet another protest of a craven leader. List said that he could give them the power to end all the revolutions and strife in Sokovia.
Frustrated with the lack of progress, she and Pietro agreed to the experiments along with 212 other volunteers. Once again, they were the only ones to survive.
List and Strucker subjected them to painful and demeaning ‘tests of strength’ not two days after they received their powers.
Both their hatred for HYDRA and their yearning to be free grew in the coming months. She almost gave up, until one day in early March when the Avengers finally found the base.
This was their chance.
 It wasn’t hard to plant a seed of chaos into Tony Stark. He already had one foot in the proverbial hero’s grave already. To be honest, she was surprised at how quickly the Avengers turned on each other. Witnessing their inner anguish was just desserts.
The problem was that it worked too well.
Sure, it was fair game to go after Tony, but Bruce? In retrospect, setting the Hulk loose on Istanbul was a low blow.
And Seoul….where to begin.
As soon as she caught a glimpse of the mass extinction Ultron desired, she knew they fucked up big time.
She and Pietro only wanted the Avengers and the US to fall, not wipe out all life on Earth! They knew that they had to swallow their pride and hate if Earth wasn’t going to have an unexpected turn of events (i.e. everything going the way of the Dodo).
Thankfully, the total death count was three (especially since reports put the worst-case scenario at least 15,000).
Although sometimes Wanda wondered if her drive for revenge was worth it.
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  “Hi, Wanda! How’s it going?”
Wanda snapped out of her thoughts and turned around to find Ife with a warm smile.
She didn’t know what to think of Ife at first. Okay, besides the fact that she consumed enough food to feed a village in under two hours, she was kind. More importantly, she feared neither her nor her brother. She started cooking for the team and staff (turned out she’s what Sam calls a ‘supreme chef’), and would answer questions they had about non-humans. It’s just that something seemed amiss about her and the way she answered the questions like she’s hiding something.
Wanda returned the smile, “Not much.” Just trying to get a simple task done.
Ife pressed her lips together in contemplation, “I was wondering if you would like some help training. I’ve seen you practice by yourself and,” she hesitated for few seconds, ”well I figured you would like some help, or at least the company.”
“I would like that.”
“Great! Give me ten minutes.” And with that, Ife flew out of the room.
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 “Okay, this is a magic gauge. Homo Magi and other Non-Humans use it to see where a person is power-wise.” Ife explained as Wanda approached the peculiar object.
The gauge was made of glass (at least Wanda hoped it was glass), double-gourd in shape with floral engravings.
It glowed Venetian Red with the intensity increasing the closer Wanda got. The glow’s color quickly turned Burnt Maroon then Red Ink once she touched it. Soon she felt a pull from the gauge as if it was reaching into her mind. Her anxiety flared up and Ife pulled her out of the way as the gauge exploded.
“Well, um...do you want to take a break and continue tomorrow? I’m so sorry about that, Wanda.”
“It’s alright. I’ll see you around dinner.”
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  “So, um how to put this...we might have a problem,” Ife stated as her friend group met virtually to discuss what to do for Girl’s Night.
“What is it, Ife?” Ashtoreth asked.
“Did they find out about your room? Or about the time when-”
“Okay, Djamila,” Itzel interjected, “Please continue.”
Ife shot Itzel a grateful grin, “Thanks ltzel. So you know how Eliza Maza tasked me with aiding the Avengers?”
“Yeah, so they can help us in the future? Figured someone from BNA would ask ya. Didn’t think it would be so soon.” Azeneth noted.
“Makes sense, they’ve been trying to get in with them for years now-” Mayumi started.
“Back to the direct topic at hand, is it possible that a few of you could help Wanda Maximoff?”
“The new Homo Magi that has the Magic Council up in arms?” Marama guessed as Ife grabbed the footage from earlier.
“Yeah. Take a look at this. I think we might have a problem on our hands.”
Ife watched as her friends’ expressions shifted from mild amusement to sad and worried. Except for Djamila and Gulmira, they had a good chuckle.
“I think Wanda has an affinity towards chaos magic, specifically reality-warping and possibly Hex Bolts. She might have more, I couldn’t tell. She’s more powerful than the Magic Council originally guessed. Although, that’s not the problem here.”
“She’s mentally and emotionally unstable,” Nermin stated.
“Right to the point, I see,” Marjani commented while examining her fingernails.
“Exactly. I fear that she may become a danger to herself and the planet.”
“And all of BNA’s hard work goes up in flames. So, what do you want to do, Ife?”
Ife bit her thumbnail in contemplation, “We have to train her. I can show her some of the basics, but the rest of us will have to train Wanda before she hurts herself. She’s barely making it on her own and let’s face it, no one else here knows fuck all about magic .”
“Hot in looks but clueless when it comes to magic and Non-Human affairs.”
“I wouldn’t say completely clueless, Azeneth.” Ife corrected, “I showed them ‘The Basic Bitch’s Guide’ and I’ve answered any basic question regarding Non-Humans. They’re not up to speed on BNA, but at least they know about dragons, yokai, and the Fae.”
“Ok. So, it’s safe to say that you’ll be keeping a tight lid on the UA, right?”
Ife sighed and offered Marama a small frown, “Yes. And it would be best that you do as well. Please?”
“No problem, Ife.” Ashtoreth assured her while the rest of the group nodded,” Now that we’ve settled the Wanda Matter, What are we going to do in celebration of Xiomara’s grand opening?”
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  Several days passed and Wanda was making great progress in her magical studies with Ife (after Ife promised to make it up to her). She was getting the hang of levitation and flight as well as basic Magical Energy Manipulation in the form of force fields, telekinesis, illusions, and some basic spells.
It was nice to not have to rely on her anger nearly as much. Though she couldn’t access Ife’s mind. Not that she meant to, it was an accident.
Maybe in time, Ife will let her.
“Hey, Wanda. I was wondering,” Ife bit her thumbnail as she’s want to do, “Do you want to come to Girl’s Night with me this Saturday? One of my friends, Xiomara, just founded and opened her own design studio! The rest of us wanted to celebrate. I figured it would a great chance to introduce you to my friend group and have some time away from the Compound.”
Wanda lowered her head in thought. It would be nice to meet Ife’s friends and connect with individuals who don’t fear her. Getting off the Compound would be a great bonus.
“Sure. On one condition: Natasha has to come as well.”
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  After asking (slight begging) Natasha to join them for Girls’ Night, the trio agreed to meet outside of Ife’s quarters around 6:30 PM.
Natasha gently grabbed one of Wanda’s hands, “Relax, It’ll be fine.”
“I know. It’s just-”
At that moment, Ife stepped out into the hallway looking well, strikingly different. She was wearing a gold and sapphire mid-thigh length African wax print dress done in detailed petal designs. Most of her long Midnight Purple hair was in a single braid with a high, single wrap around the back of the head and a single row of gold bands down the middle of her scalp that she divided into three parts with a comb.
It was nice and a little weird seeing her outside of her uniform and tactical gear. She looked gorgeous!
“You came!” Ife beamed as she gave Wanda and Natasha a hug, “You look lovely,” she added noting their attire. Natasha was sporting a Faux Leather Mini Skirt with a Wine colored deep v-neck top. Wanda was dressed in a Spartan Crimson Deep V Bodice Satin Short A-Line dress.
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“You look ravishing! You should be out of your normal gear more often!” Natasha praised as Ife frowned ever so slightly.
“Well, aren’t you going to let us in?” Wanda asked sensing Ife’s discomfort.
“Of course! Come in.” And with that, Ife welcomed the two heroines into her ‘apartment’.
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  “You do realize that we’re having our Girls’ Night in your room from now on, right?” Natasha insisted as she and Wanda entered Ife’s living quarters.
“I figured,” Ife muttered as she turned to look at her teammates, “I know I sound like an asshole for asking this, but could you not tell the others yet?”
“Well, you agreed to let us frequent the room for our own Girls’ Night, so yes.” Wanda decided as the trio came to stop in front of a 20ft (6.1m) spherical door with an Art Nouveau design.
“Okay. Let me put in the codes and we’ll be on our way.”
“Make sure to get all the characters this time, Ife. You don’t’ want them to wait for 30 minutes like last time.” A pretty deep, easy-going masculine voice chimed in.
“What-” Wanda started.
“Oh, that’s BEBOP, my AI. He’s like FRIDAY or JARVIS, but cooler.”
“A lot cooler,” the voice said before materializing in front of the women,” Let’s try this again. Technically, my name is BEBOP, but you can call me Spike.” The holographic man was tall (6’4” / 1.93m), lean and athletic in build, had a fluffy mop of dark green hair, light brown eyes, and wore a navy blue leisure suit with the sleeves rolled up.
“So you created Spike?”
“I made BEBOP, but he named himself Spike,” Ife explained as she tried her darnedest to enter the codes before Spike embarrassed her.
“She also has six patents for-”
“Got it! After you, ladies.” Ife announced as the door glowed Pale Gold and opened in a spiral motion.
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  The door opened to a coffee shop that wouldn’t be out of place in the ‘hipster corner’ of an urban neighborhood.
“Hello. What can I do for you three?” The barista greeted as they raised their head out of the book they were reading and smiled at the trio.
Ife glanced at the chalkboard menu, “I would like a medium Lemongrass Twilight Tea please.”
The barista’s eyebrows raised ever so slightly, “Seems strange for the season.”
“I know, but one should enjoy the simple things in life while they last.”
The barista seemed to like Ife’s reply because Wanda heard the ding of an elevator to her left.
“Enjoy your evening ladies.” The barista said as Ife dropped $100 into the tip jar.
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  The elevator was a lot bigger on the inside with its interior having a modern Victorian design.
“What’s wrong?” Ife asked as the elevator’s doors closed behind her.
“Nothing.” Natasha replied as she did a quick scan to see if any ‘funny business’ was about to go down.
“Relax and enjoy the ride,” Ife assured as the elevator started to speed up its descent after a few minutes.
The elevator’s interior got larger and larger until a voice announced that the elevator would be entering ‘Pod Mode’. Automated controls and windows started forming at the front and sides of the now morphed elevator interior.
“You might want to strap in,” Ife advised as three seats formed from the now pod floor.
The pod paused in its descent and accelerated forward on what seemed to be high-speed rail tracks.
Wanda looked out the windows in awe as she started to see a floating light, then a floating landmass, then buildings Wanda only saw in fantasy/sci-fi novels and concept art.
“Welcome to Nephetz, ladies,” Ife announced sensing Wanda’s wonder and Natasha’s subtle amusement.
Hopefully, they’ll like her friends.
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  Twenty minutes after Ife made her soft announcement, the trio arrived at the number one club in Nephetz, Zenaida.
Ife walked up to the bouncer, a troll in sleek obsidian armor, and showed them her invite.
“Welcome to Zenaida, ladies.” the bouncer greeted them as Ife led her fellow Avengers past the threshold.
Wanda gasped at what was before her.
The club’s interior was massive, to say the least. The first thing to hit her was the giant floating orb over the center of the dance floor. It had stage lights shooting out pinks and light blues orbiting around it like satellites and what looked to be five women dancing on a stage about 33’ (10.1m) above the orb. A DJ stage was set in the far left of the dance floor with sparkling mist flowing beneath it. Around the dance floor was a body of water containing spectacular coral reefs and grottos with what seemed to be mermaids, tritons, nymphs, and Aquatic Atlanteans dancing in it. Above the main dance floor were 25 floating islands with magically sustained clouds underneath them. All around the club were glowing orbs much smaller than the one above the dance floor.
All in all, it was probably the coolest place Wanda’s ever seen.
“Ife! Finally, you’re here!” a tall, dark-haired woman in a black PU Jumpsuit with a maroon oak crop jacket walked up and pulled Ife into a short hug.
“Salam, Nermin! I see you’ve made it early.” Ife remarked as Nat softly elbowed her upper arm.
“Right! Nermin, these are my teammates, Natasha Romanova and Wanda Maximoff. Natasha, Wanda, this is Nermin Ozana Negrescu. She was the one who helped me in Novi Grad.”
Nermin held out her hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet you both! Ife has told us much about you.”
“Good things I hope.” Nat prodded as she shook Nermin’s hand.
“The best,” Ife assured.
“Well, we have one of the VIP Islands for Xio’s bash. Let’s go!” Nermin announced as a self-driving group hoverboard descended in front of them.
“All aboard!”
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  The floating island had about 40 people lounging around different tables and booths with the largest one having 17 people around it.
“Ife!” The island’s occupants cheered when the hoverboard dropped off the group.
“Late again, I see,” a woman in a Cardin Green asymmetrical maxi dress with a plunging V-neckline, padded shoulders, and long sleeves.
“I know, I know. Husna, I already got it from Nermin at the entrance. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry, Ife. We know.” Husna reassured Ife as they made their way to the big table.
“Everyone,” Ife announced making the table’s occupants turn their heads, “Sorry I’m late,” everyone groaned, “I know. But, I would like you all to meet two of my new teammates, Natasha Romanova and Wanda Maximoff.”
Everyone on the island crowded around the duo effectively pushing Ife to the sidelines.
Wanda felt it was a bit surreal meeting Ife’s friends. All of them looked happy to see her, not the mixed looks of fear, hatred, and disgust that most people (outside the team) would give her.
{{Ife sure has a lot of friends.}} Wanda thought almost bitterly.
Ife’s friends, or ‘crew’ as she calls them, were an eccentric group of demigoddess, Fae, Homo Magi, Homo Superius, Demons, Jinn, Orcs, and Succubae.
Their names were: Caterina IsmeneMetaxas, Itzel Erna Alondra Losnedahl (Arnesdottir), Batari Moon, Thiri Rajvir Sharma, Marama Zehra Arslan-Avci, Ashtoreth Marceline Sabah-Faucher, Nermin Ozana Negrescu, Djamila Ijebusomma Ngozika Amantea, Azeneth Esperanza Zoraida Ramirez, Gulmira Eriayomi Hendrix, Mayumi Filippovna Lebedeva, Marjani Subira Xun, Husna Meadhra Al-Hashim, Astridr Kara Signe Losnedahl (Bjørnsdottir), Xiomara Ekundayo Jimenez, Aghavni Jamshidi, and Lakshmi Hamasaki.
((Here are the face claims for Ife’s friends))
When she got past the ethereal glitz and glamour, Wanda realized that these women were quite funny and nerdy, like Ife.
Maybe her heart had room for a few more friends.
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  “I can see why you’re worried.” Azeneth stated as she and Ife were watching Wanda being the center of attention, “I can feel her anxiety from the threshold.”
“I know. Do you think you can help her?”
“We talked about her before you arrived. Djamila, Nermin, Nazaret, and I will train her if she’ll have us.”
“I’m sure she’ll have you. Thanks, Azeneth.”
“No problem. Although, there has been talk amongst the Magic Council about her. Strange is doing his best, but there are others who want to bring Wanda in.”
Ife frowned remembering the Magic Council’s need for control. This wouldn’t be the first time her crew has ruffled a few of their feathers.
“So, did BNA find anything about the Magitech info I sent them?” Ife asked in reference to the Branko assignment.
“Nothing yet, I’m afraid. It seems that HYDRA’s not dead just yet.”
Ife pressed her lips together in annoyance,” Thanks anyway.”
Azeneth noted Ife’s choice of words,” It looks like it’s time for the toasts.”
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  “To Xiomara! May all your dreams be fulfilled and the well of your creativity never runs dry!” Caterina proclaimed to the crowd.
“Here, Here!” the crowd cheered as everyone down another shot of Zenaida’s House Fireballs (Nat and Wanda had a lighter version).
“To Xio Labs!” Djamila shouted as the crowd downed another round of Fireballs and Xiomara got up to speak.
“Thank you, everyone! It has been a rough couple of years, but it was worth it. And with your support, it will be glorious!” Xiomara exclaimed to thunderous applause and the raising of glasses.
“Alright, time to dance!” Lakshmi trumpeted as she, Djamila, and Marjani coaxed everyone to the dance floor.
“Don’t worry, I’ll follow,” Ife reassured Wanda and Natasha when they noticed her hanging back on the VIP Island.
Ife flew down to the dance floor once everyone else got off their VIP Island. She found Lakshmi up to her usual shenanigans (flirting with a female Undine). Wanda was dancing with Batari, Aghavni, Djamila, and Gulmira while finally easing her nerves (that’s a win in her book).
A couple of guys tried to flirt with Wanda, but Batari and Gulmira shooed them away.
Ife spied Natasha checking out Renata Labriola, a drider, in her human form.
Ife’s plan seemed to be working perfectly.
“So, are you ready to let loose?”
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  Ife groaned as she awoke on a super comfy couch. She didn’t remember what happened after that question was asked. It was probably Djamila getting back at her for Spring Break.
“Figures she would do that,” Ife muttered to herself as the Woman of the Hour waltzed into the room with Natasha and Wanda in tow.
“Nice to see that you’re awake,” Djamila stated in a sing-song manner that made Ife want to throw a pillow at her.
In good fun of course.
“Neat.” Ife deadpanned followed by a mirthless chuckle when Djamila pointed to the time.
“You looked and felt pretty tense during the toasting so I gave you a gentle push to loosen you up a bit. It worked and you were the center of the dance floor for about an hour, flew up and danced on the platform above the orb, made-”
“Okay, okay. I get it.” Ife interrupted too embarrassed to know what happened next.
“Fine,” Djamila raised her hands up in submission, “After your escapades, you and your teammates were wiped and I had the three of you crash at my place for a few hours.”
“Thanks, Djamila.”
“Just so you know, now we’re even.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Ife grumbled as she got her things.
“Okay, let’s head back.”
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  The trio passed the way back in relative silence, but a peaceful one instead of the stereotypical hangover groans and slight shame.
“How did you find last night?” Ife asked as they stepped into her quarters.
“It was great,” Wanda stated, happy that she found people who weren’t afraid of her. Perhaps she could ask Ife if they could help her with her powers.
Ife could hear the emotional echoes of excitement from Wanda and smiled knowing that she succeeded in her plans so far.
“That good. One more thing,” Ife paused, not knowing how to phrase the next bit of information,” the portal uses a time manipulation spell (and some other stuff) and well, the 15 hours we spent in Nephetz was about three hours on the Compound. Just wanted to let you know.”
“Right, good night, Ife.” Nat said as Ife led them to the door.
“Hey, Nat can I ask you something?” Ife queried when Wanda passed the threshold.
Ife pressed her lips together in contemplation, “Does the rest of the team know you’re 80 years old?”
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“How is our Danica faring?” A woman in black asked.
“She’s doing well, better than we expected.” A voice replied from the shadows.
“Good. Has Kaecillius and his team dealt with the Magic Council yet?”
“Not yet, Mistress. Though Jon Canmore has gotten his own show on CNN and Maximus has procured enough Terrigen Crystals for our plans.”
“I see. Have our allies in the Inter-Realm Parliament be informed of our progress.”
“Yes, Mistress. One last thing, Our sources believe that the French Ambassador is on to our plans.”
The woman sighed, “Have Yelena handle him. We can’t leave anything to chance now.”
“Of course, Mistress.” The voice uttered and left.
They’ve put so much into this and they can’t fail. Not when they’re so close.
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simpmeon · 4 years
Red: Betrayal
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Pairing: Any Demon Brother x Gender Neutral MC, Diavolo x Gender Neutral MC Genre: Angst Word Count: 2.78k Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Implied smut // Cursing // Violence
The Fall // Rebirth // Betrayal // Companions // Revenge
His face was laced with concern as he saw the tears well up, reaching out to brush them out of your face, but you smacked his hand away. You did not mean it in malice, you were just so confused…so angry…so hurt that a single touch from him would absolutely crumble you. You could feel your demon form flickering, but managed to suppressed the feeling, your gaze hardening.
Today was the day. You were finally going to see the brothers after years of avoiding contact with each other. You were finally able to learn how to control your powers, but Diavolo and Barbatos still could not place a finger on where your power stems from. At first, they thought all the pact marks were what gave you such extraordinary power, seeing as each brother had to give a little bit of their own power in order to make pacts in the first place. While that did have a huge factor on your speed and strength, neither you or them could place how your abilities were far greater than most demons. You and Diavolo often sparred against one another just to have a better sense of control over your demon form, eventually working your way up to fighting together in your true forms.
Your true form was unique in a way because you did not take on a more animalistic form like other demons. You could breathe fire and had armored scales up and down your forearms like gauntlets, and had long black barbs stemming out from your biceps and triceps. You had a long, black forked tongue that dripped poison, and your eyes turned completely black as you grew in size. Your fingernails would turn into huge talons, and your legs would be made of the same scaled armor with barbs. Your wings would grow to be five times as long as your demon form wings and the feathers could be used as a shield or as protection, seeing as they were sharp at the ends for projectiles and filled with venom. Just a few stabs from your feathers was enough for Diavolo to be brought down in his true form, Barbatos beside him to heal him. You and Diavolo were pretty much equally matched when it came to wins and losses between the both of you. Diavolo only beat you by a few only because he knew how to control his body and keep it in control after thousands of years, whereas you only had yours for a couple months and had to figure it out. You were perfectly in control of unleashing your demon form, but your true form was still risky. Come to think of it, you have not been able to trigger your true form since you and Diavolo stopped sparring.
“Was there a certain emotion you felt whenever you would go into your true form? Anger? Fear?” Barbatos asked, handing you another cup of tea. You sighed and ran your hands through your hair, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“I dunno Barbatos, it’s almost as if I black put before I get a chance to register how I got to my true form. I muster as much strength as possible and then I black out momentarily and when I ‘wake up’ I’m in my true form.” You responded, taking the cup between your hands and gently lifting it to your mouth. “I have no clue what could possibly trigger it. I’ve thought of everything from adrenaline to grounding to emotions and none of them have been able to work on triggering my true form like when I am engaging in combat.”
He hummed in response, placing his lips on his own cup, his attention drifting as he stared at the cup of tea in front of him. Even Barbatos was completely lost on where your power stems from, he was more confused about how you ended up down here. Sure there were a million different time vortexes, but even then the chances of you becoming a demon were so slim. Becoming one that could match Diavolo fist to fist was an even slimmer chance. Solomon was just as stumped and even his brilliant mind could not pin the situation down, but his hunger for knowledge refused to let him back down from the research without a fight.
All the endless research and training to be in control lead you up to this night. Diavolo was hosting a masquerade gala tonight for the first time in months and he naturally invited all of Devildom and even a few members of the Celestial realm, including the brothers. Barbatos tried in vain to tell Diavolo that it would be better for you to meet the brothers again privately because who knows what could happen at the gala with your true form still being unstable, but Diavolo insisted that a dramatic entrance was far cooler. You opted for a compromise where you would show up to the brothers house before the gala in your normal human form before showing up to the gala in your demon form.
“That way we can gauge how being around them makes me feel mentally and that way we can still get a dramatic reveal that I am now a demon.” You explained with a smile. Diavolo’s eyes scrunched up and he let out another booming laugh.
“Brilliant! I will let my tailors know your measurements and they’ll start constructing what to wear to the gala. Until then, I personally think it is time we pay some brothers a visit.” He spoke with a smile. You could barely contain your excitement at the idea of flying around Devildom with Diavolo to see the brothers. For the past few months you were not allowed to leave the castle until Solomon, Barbatos, and Diavolo got a mostly clear reading on you. Sure the castle was huge and filled with so much to do and explore you would hardly ever call yourself bored, but the city called your name. More importantly a certain house in the distance practically screamed your name. You have not seen a single brother in months. You knew they were alive and causing just as much trouble as always, but you still never saw them in person. You understood that it was not only for their protection but yours as well, but you could not help the aching feeling every time you looked at the house from your bedroom window.
Now that you were in front of the house, the same stone steps in front of you, you felt nothing but nerves. The gala was tonight and you looked stunning to say the least. Your outfit was made of red and gold duochrome fabric that shimmered one color in one setting in another in light, with black lace etched into the fabric as well. The outfit fit you like a glove and passed the wing test with flying colors, making this the perfect one of a kind outfit for you. Barbatos made sure to match the shade of gold shimmers to the gold of the ring around your neck. The mask was just as beautiful as the clothing. Diavolo even matched with you so in case things go south all of sudden at least you had a date.
Diavolo had his arm around your shoulders and you leaned into his shoulder, trying to calm the nerves that kept swelling with each step. What if he opens the door first? What if he’s not even home right now? The possibilities were endless of all the bad things that could happen. You looked up at Diavolo, eyes laced with worry, and all he could do was just give you the same reassuring smile.
“Hey Dia c-could I maybe just…had behind you?” You whispered barely loud enough for him to hear, fidgeting with the ring around your neck. You heard him snort and you saw him shake his head at you before placing his thumb and forefinger under your chin, tilting your head up to look at him.
“You’re easily the second powerful demon in all of Devildom, but you’re scared of meeting the Lords after so long?” He replied, a mischievous glint in his eyes. You could feel your cheeks heating up as you scoffed and looked away from him, getting a laugh in response from him.
“Keep it up and I’m going to break your other wing.” You threatened, even though there were no meaning behind the words. Diavolo just smiled and kissed your temple, the contact sending electricity through you.
“Trust me my dear, they missed you just as much as you missed them.” He said reassuringly, pushing you a little bit behind him to obey your wishes. You smiled in response to that, glad to have someone on your side. Taking a deep breath you placed your gloved hand into Diavolo’s and continued walking until both of you were at the door. Your heart was pounding in your chest, making Diavolo chuckle slightly before giving your hand a reassuring squeeze.
“What is the worst that could happen, my dear?” He asked, trying to soothe your nerves. He was right after all, what’s the worst that could happen?
The new exchange student opening the door with a grin on their face was the last thing you expected but their eyes lit up as they looked at Diavolo and you. Even with his mask on, it was hard to miss the demon prince. They only made one glance at you though, before going back to chatting with Diavolo. They were petite in frame, with fiery red hair that swung past their shoulders and beautiful amber eyes. You watched as they explained that the brothers were all still getting ready but that they would let them know that Diavolo was here. Strange, they must have not noticed you. Either that or they selectively decided to ignore your presence. You pushed that thought away and taking Diavolo’s hand, moved closer into the House of Lamentation.
The house was just as you remembered with, chaos and all. The new exchange student ran off somewhere before the two of you could actually get into the house but thankfully both of you knew your way around by now. Your feet allowed you into the kitchen and prepped the coffee, almost as if against your will. The routine was still etched into your brain that whenever you would get home from classes you would go to the kitchen and make Lucifer his coffee for his long night of paperwork. You would then check on him every four hours with a new cup and a snack for him, the strange ritual even following you into the human world. Only this time, the coffee wasn’t for Lucifer, but you and Diavolo instead.
You stepped into the living area with a fresh cup of coffee for you and Diavolo, the fire crackling loudly. You missed being surrounded by so many gorgeous books and the overall calm atmosphere that this particular room brought to you. Diavolo was stretched out on the couch, making comments about the new exchange student.
“They really are delightful, but to be honest Lucifer and I did not particularly want the,.” He muttered to you and you laughed, handing him his coffee before straightening up and looking at all the books.
“Ugh I swear ever since I left this house these books are never put back in the right place.” You sighed, finishing your coffee in one gulp and taking the pile of stray books in your arms, walking up to the various shelves. “I know who does this too.”
“You act as if you have only been gone for a week.” Diavolo commented with a chuckle, causing your cheeks to turn red again.
“Listen Dia, the boys have always been slobs and it used to royally piss me off. I practically had to beat it into Levi’s skull that he has to eat three meals a day and clean his room. I am impressed however that Satan has been at least sticking to his habits of tidying up after reading. Either that or his load was severely light today.” You rambled on, sliding the last book into the empty slot. You decided not to mind the dust that coated your fingertip before you went on a full cleaning frenzy.
“Y/N come sit down before you stress yourself out.” Diavolo recommended, scooting over to allow you to sit next to him. You sat next to him and he stretched his arms out over the couch, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. You laughed out loud, causing Diavolo to jump.
“What?” He asked, confusion spread across his face. You practically had tears streaming down your face you were laughing so hard.
“Smooth moves Grandpa.” You said with a laugh, smiling at him. His returned the smile with an even bigger one, chuckling at his own lame attempt to get you closer to him. Both of you just ended up laughing for a few minutes to yourself over it, the atmosphere becoming more and more pleasant.
That’s when you heard the footsteps coming down the stairs. Diavolo and you quickly stopped laughing, deciding wordlessly to try and scare the brothers. You climbed on top of him and threw a blanket over both of you, both of you resorting to nothing but giggles and shushing as you two decided to eavesdrop.
“Ugh I still can’t believe we have a masquerade tonight.” You heard one brother groan followed by a smack and a yelp of pain.
“This is a very important gala you idiot! It’s not every day that we can celebrate the five year anniversary of the exchange program! Five years of demons, angels, and humans getting along is practically unheard of!” Another brother responded. You could almost pick apart which groan belonged to who after that comment, making you giggle.
“Do you think Y/N will be here?” A brother asked excitedly, and you could tell their eyes were lighting up at the idea of seeing you. You heard more footsteps and smiled down at Diavolo with glee as the conversations between them continued.
“For their own feelings I hope not….you know how our brother has been acting since they left! They’d be crushed to find out that he has been doing nothing but whoring around with the other exchange students since they left.”
“Honestly, the rings at this point are just a decoration at this point. Nothing meaningful to them. From what I heard he even stopped reaching out to them.”
“Well then maybe things will be okay! Maybe they moved on from him!”
“You never know….they were hopelessly in love with him. Even I could sense it. I just don’t want them to meet up again, bad enough that all his previous lovers are coming. We don’t need the one we actually love to show up too.”
“They’re our family! I miss them! They haven’t posted anything in months! I’m actually worried about them…”
“Wasn’t Y/N pursuing higher education? Perhaps their job has taken up all their time. Although…they haven’t messaged me in months too.”
“I bet HE has something to do with it! His fuckboy attitude probably ruined everything!”
“Calm down! You know how he acts if we bring them up. I’m sure Y/N has their reasons as to why their contact with us has been limited.”
“Speaking of him and exchange students, where are they right now? The masquerade starts in thirty minutes!”
“Probably having a pre-masquerade fuck. Ugh lets just leave without them! Send them a message saying that if hes going to be balls deep in her that he needs to get his own ride there.”
“You’re right. We can’t just wait for them all the time. Let’s go, maybe we can actually get first dibs on Barbatos’s cooking for once.”
“Wasn’t Diavolo supposed to meet us?” 
“Probably got hung up with some last minute details. Let’s go!” 
Exclamations of agreements came out of the brothers mouths as they all shuffled out of the door. You remained frozen on top of Diavolo, fighting the urge to cry as you just gripped onto his suit. You waited until you heard the door to the house shut before flicking the blanket off of you and sitting up, straddling Diavolo’s waist. His face was laced with concern as he saw the tears well up, reaching out to brush them out of your face, but you smacked his hand away. You did not mean it in malice, you were just so confused…so angry…so hurt that a single touch from him would absolutely crumble you. You could feel your demon form flickering, but managed to suppressed the feeling, your gaze hardening. 
“Let’s go Dia. We have a masquerade to get to.” You said monotonously, getting off of him and making your way to the doors of the house, slipping your mask on. “Our little secret reveal should have an audience.”   
Your back was to him but the look Diavolo just gave you was feral. Tonight was going to be more eventful than he thought.
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aura-bird · 4 years
Hi! So this is like, the first time I’m actually using Tumblr for anything so I’m hoping that I do this right. I have fallen in love with @martuzzio‘s Space Outlaws Hermitcraft AU so I wrote a thing based on this ask. This is my envisioning of that scenario (Note: I’m leaving it ambiguous as to who or what exactly is attacking).
This is my first time writing something but I figured it’d be fun practice. I hope I didn’t cross into undesired territory here Martuzzio; if so, I am very sorry.
Warnings: Mentions of injury, implied torture (done by the bad guys), and explosions but none of it is described in detail.
Two men sat in the room overlooking hand-drawn floor plans of their current location. This particular Convex base was well guarded, yet still not as well as several others they’d been at.
In all honesty, the duo was only supposed to have been cooped up here for a few days, but recent events had led them to remain here longer. To the rest of the Convex, it was an annoyance; but to Cub and Scar, it was their first chance to actually escape.
Of course, it would not be easy, the duo knew quite well what happened to those that tried to escape and failed; they’d seen it countless times and it was imperative more than ever for them to get this right on the first try.
“We already know that the goal is to reach the docking bay and steal a ship; the hard part will be getting the path there unguarded enough to slip in undetected.” Scar said as his fingers mindlessly traced the drawn hallways in question.
“Mass sabotage won’t be enough, not after the stunt that one guy tried last week.” Cub mused, tapping the pencil in his hand against the desk, “And, from what I’ve been hearing they plan to move us out of here in two days, that doesn’t give us much time…”
“What about outside help? We know there’s prisoners here, if we can get to them perhaps they could help us in some way?”
Cub shook his head, “Won’t work, odds are the Vex have broken them by now; we’re on our own here.”
The following silence was only broken by explosions and the base alarm going off, snapping them out of their thoughts.
The door to the room opened, their attention being drawn to the two Convex guards that entered, “What’s happening?” Scar asked in confusion and panic.
“The base is under attack by a yet-to-be-identified group; we’re moving you early.”
Cub and Scar quickly grabbed the bags they’d originally packed for their escape and followed the order given to them, falling into place between both guards. They knew there was no chance of escaping now, they’d have to wait until another time and place.
Every hallway looked exactly the same as they were rushed through them, the alarm and distant sounds of combat not helping their nerves any.
An explosion on the floor above sent chunks of concrete and metal falling, blocking the path they were taking. Several more followed shortly afterwards, shaking the entire base around them.
“What in blazes is going on up there?!” One of their escorts snapped into his communicator in frustration.
There was no response to his question, only static.
“Damn it!” came a curse. “Change of plans, we’re going the long way around.”
A shove from behind got Cub and Scar moving, this time even faster as chaos reigned above.
It wasn’t long before they were all sent flying.
Briefly dazed from the impact with the wall opposite of the one that had exploded almost in their faces Cub was able to recover enough to realize that he and Scar were separated from their escorts; this was their chance.
He grimaced at the sharp pain on the side of his head but shook it off as he caught sight of Scar, the man struggling to stand.
“Scar, c’mon, we need to go!” he said as he hastily helped his friend get to his feet, “Cub? What just…?”
“Not now, this is our chance to get out of here. The chaos will keep enough of the Vex busy.”
Realization at Cub’s words filled Scar with enough adrenaline to move, holding on to the man’s hand as they ran down memorized halls.
Of course, things were never that easy; in their dash to escape they were assaulted by other Vex that had figured out exactly what they were up to when it was realized that they were not being escorted.
Several times, even the attacking forces had taken notice of them; Cub just barely avoiding a shot from one of their weapons when he pulled Scar around a corner.
Still,despite the chaos and destruction they continued to run, their desire for freedom fueling them despite their bodies crying for rest.
Familiar doors loomed before them, blown open like most of the base itself.
Yet, despite the fact the base was under siege, the docking bay was relatively quiet. Not surprising, given cowardice was not tolerated within the Convex; in scenarios such as this, you either fight, or you die.
Scar and Cub desired neither.
A small cargo ship caught their eyes, inconspicuous in deep space and plain enough to easily slip away undetected, it was perfect.
Aside from the humming of the engines, the air around them was silent as they traveled through the black expanse of space.
The duo were worse for wear at this point but they didn’t care, they were safe…they were free…
“Well, we did it…what now?” Scar asked in exhaustion as Cub patched their wounds as best he could.
“Find some distant planet and drop off the grid. With any luck, the Convex will just think we’re dead.”
“Or captured, in which case they will no doubt look for us, we know too much for their liking.”
Before Cub could reply a desperate sound came from the cargo hold, followed by the sound of scratching and clawing.
The duo of now-ex-Convex looked to the door and then at each other, “We have to take a look at what we escaped with eventually, may as well start now.” Scar shrugged.
Upon entering the hold the duo was able to take inventory at their unintended haul. They had enough food to last them until the next planet or station, and a few weapons as well.
The sounds they heard, however, came from a crate, the label on it reading ‘DANGEROUS’ in big red letters.
Normally, they would not even think about opening something of the sort, but the sounds from within were growing ever more desperate. Against their better judgement Cub carefully opened the crate, readying one of the guns they had found among the rest of the cargo in case whatever was inside wasn’t friendly.
Out of the crate came a creature that neither of them expected. Its fur was white and grey and from behind the barred muzzle over its maw they could see gentle, green eyes.
“A cat?” Cub questioned, “What is a cat doing here?”
Scar, on the other hand, extended out a hand, coaxing the feline towards him, “Come here, let’s get that thing off of your face.”
Muzzle removed the cat let out a grateful meow and nuzzled into Scar’s lap.
“Can we keep her, Cub?” he asked with a smile, now stroking the cat’s fur, “Please?”
Cub sighed, “Alright, we can keep her.”
Scar’s eyes looked back at the now-purring ball of fluff in question and, with a smile, spoke. “I think I’m going to name you Jellie.”
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fuckingdeadbutroyal · 4 years
Jasonette July- Soulmate AU- Part 5
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 -
“The fuck"
That was NOT what Chat was expecting to happen. Yeah sure he has never experienced a First Meeting before, but he was certain that they didn't usually go down like this.
Chat really wanted to laugh about how they were in fact, literally going down, but thought it to be funnier if the endangered couple would be actually concious to hear it. That's how he found himself, a cat may I add, diving for two sleeping heroes. It was only thanks to his superstrength, that he could lift the gigantic man of a soulmate back to the surface and heave him over one of the upside down boat benches, hoping for it not to break under his and Ladybugs combined weight. Not that the girls weight was of any significance in that equation, with her currently looking as fragile and weak as a corpse. Usually Adrien would never even think of comparing her to anything but beautiful and gracious. Right then and there though, she did not look delicate and fit, did not seem like her outer appearance was just a bluff meant to hide her true skill and strength. No, the heroine looked completely worn out. Chat was debating over taking her to an akuma-shelter and asking for help. If that’s what she looked like with Tikkis’ protection, what would happen if she were to detransform? Chat made sure she was laying down safely before turning his attention to his other rescuee.
The man next to Ladybug looked much healthier in comparison. Somehow he even seemed familiar. Adrien swam around him, trying to decipher who it was he had just saved. He noticed heavy combat boots, a red hood with cut outs on eye-level, a utility belt and several guns. The man's hair was incredibly dark, the blackness only enhanced by the bright grey patch of hair right above his forehead and the cold water dripping down from it. His eyes were closed, an eyebrow slit by a clean white scar and his lips tugged into a small and serene smile.
Adrien had to admit he was pretty good looking. Apart from that, the Cat was weirdly relieved to find him armed. That meant he was capable of protecting his lady instead of Chat. The boy knew that she was capable of protecting herself but he needed that reassurance. His best friend had to be safe, especially in situations as dire as the one they were currently facing.
A few moments had passed with Adrien deep in thought about what to do next and how to act out their plan in case she didn’t wake up in time. The city was quiet, with everyone hiding in their shelters (or simply dead). The akuma was waiting. Everyone felt it’s presence and no one dared disturb it’s silence . Another quiet before the storm. Only it wasn’t actually quiet, not silent at least. Adrien noticed a tiny voice coming from the sleeping mans ear, firmly demanding attention.
“Red Hood are you there?”
“Red Hood I’m sending Batman to get you.”
“Red Hood your heart rate is very low, are you asleep?”
“Batman is almost there, hang o-” “What do you mean “Batman”?!”
Tim jumped. Alfred, who was standing next to him and worriedly observing Jasons unmoving red dot on the screen, only blinked in surprise.
“Who are you? What happened to Red Hood?”, Tims voice was firm, but Alfred saw the hidden fear in his posture. Tim loved his brother dearly and was understandably worried about him. The CEO of Wayne Enterprises didn’t like letting his emotions seep into his work, but he really couldn’t help it, It was a scary situation.
“I am Chat Noir, hero of Paris. I am currently protecting Red Hood and Ladybug. Who am I talking to?”
“Red Robin, from Gotham. Batman is coming to help you. Any precautions he should know about?”
Chat told him everything they knew about the akuma and explained their situation. Tim transfered it to Batman who immediatly ordered every member of the family to move to a shelter each. He claimed for it to be necessary so they could protect the civilians in case of an emergency. Everyone knew though, that he was mostly worried about his childrens safety.
“Chat Noir, are you aware of a place near you, where we could place them to let them recover?”
Chat didn’t like his idea. It was disturbing to say the least and made his skin crawl with unease. But it was close, and it has already paid the price for helping them.
“Yes, but we’ll need a distraction.”
“On it.”
Stephanie didn’t like following orders. Especially not such uneffective orders as Batmans. To explain the following operation, there are a few things you need to know: Her bond to Tim constisted of two parts. For one, there was the literal, string like, red bond connecting their hearts. For the other, she could hear everything he heard, only if he happened to keep the link open, of course. 
They needed a distraction and were currently coming up with something loud and ultra visible. Stephanie Browns father was a literal villain, so she knew how to think like one and was fairly certain that neither Hawkmoth nor the akuma would fall for the improvised bullshit Dick and Damian were about to pull off. No, Spoiler did not want to be seen. Aside from scanning the streets for any lost victims, she tried to seek cover in the debris all around them. Steph had a plan. Tim did not approve of it and Batsy hasn’t even heard about it but she honestly just did not give a damn. Stephanie has been handling things on her own for a while now. She was not about to start following orders today, not if she did not agree to their necessity.
Her plan? It was risky, very much so. She could not depend on succeeding, but for once she could allow herself to take the risk without fearing the consequences. If it were to come to the worst case, she could always just hope for the miraculous cure to bring her back to life. Now, when she tried to “not be seen”, that did not apply to the villain they were currently chasing. She had a tracker on herself and was connected to Red Robin but she knew that for once, hiding in plain sight would have worked. “Plain sight” was the akumas weakness. If the Dustybitch were to see her baiting him while walking down the streets, he wouldn’t even spare her a second glance. While she’s “hiding” in it’s dirty habitat though? While she’s pretending to be all alone and vulnerable? If Hawkmoth and the akuma believe that keeping the “tiny blonde girl” hostage could be benefitial and she just walks right into their arms?
It had to work, she had to get closer to the Dirtmonster and gain his attention, even if just for a bit. If she could figure out it’s weakness, get it’s akumatized object to Ladybug or at least inform her about it’s whereabouts while doing so? She’s all for it. They could fix this...no, they would.
A large flying shadow emerged from between the debris. Bruce somehow wished for a mask similar to Jasons. Red Hoods red hood at least covered his mouth and therefore made it easier to breath in the dust. But even as he came out to the river, he still couldn’t allow himself to breathe freely. His son was asleep on the battlefield, with whom Chat Noir claims to be his soulmate being the cause of his situation. Bruce knew Jason had one, a soulmate that is, but he for sure did not expect them to be a french heroine in a red spotted suit.
“Red Robin, is the distraction ready?”
“She... Yes. Wait for my signal.”
Tim was so, so done. The “game” he had formerly enjoyed in his overcaffeinated state, has just taken an unpleasant turn. “Why are you so stubborn? Your plan is foolish, you will die!” “No I won’t.” “Stephanie! Plea-” “Just make sure I don’t sacrifice myself in vain, will you? I am doing the right thing. I can feel it. Trust me.” “It already is in vain! There are other options-”
“I love you.”
And with that she stepped into the abandoned ruin of a building, eyes wide and innocent, voice loud and echoing, calling for Ladybug and Chat Noir. She knew they were on the other end of Paris, the akuma did too. But damn, Hawkmoth could not pass out on such an opportunity. A weak hero as a hostage?
“Let’s end this battle for good.”
Tim was listening in horror. His hand was trembling and even Alfred throwing a blanket over his shoulders did not help. That didn’t stop him from doing his job, though.
He heard the akuma by using Stephanies ears, recognizing him even before she did.
With that, Batman jumped onto the boats, running towards the one he noticed moving, not knowing that his daughters life was depending solely on his success.
A second message went out to Chat Noir. Upon hearing it he grabbed the sleeping beauties and tugged them under water. There he positioned them on his shoulders and used his hands to hold on to his baton so he could use it as a jumpstarter. It expanded both up- and downwards, hitting the ground and catapulting the trio out of the water. While in the air, Chat caught side of the big bat, who was kind of comically standing on a red-spotted boat. “Catch!” he called while locking eyes with him and dropping Ladybug in his arms. Adrien knew that giving him the man was not an option, no matter how strong Batman was. The Cat knew it’s physics and could not trust the vigilante to withstand the impact of catching a body of the same mass as his own, while literally standing on water, without toppling over.
Instead of toppling over from the weight of his son, Bruce caught the petite girl, followed the flying cat back to the shore and into one of the destroyed buildings, a former bakery, it seemed.
Meanwhile, Stephanie was standing in a cloud of dust, caughing and trying to cover her eyes to stop the dirt from blinding her. She had expected the akuma to attack, but did not think he’d drop to such low methods. He didn’t give her a chance of fighting back, did not face her. Instead he started another earthquake right beneath her feet, just weakened her to near suffocation. 
Tim, with his one hand on his soulmatebond and his eyes on the rescuing mission, listened as the villain grabbed her. “Red, there’s a violet light, he’s still connected”, his soulmate whispered. After that she went completely silent, having finally given in to the akumas torture and lost conciousness. 
Chat really wanted to close his eyes. Even more so, he really did not want to be in the room of his recently deceased friend Marinette, especially after having been the cause of her and her parents death. They were upstairs when it happened, right where the dustsnakes attack was the most powerful. ‘All because of me’, Adrien thought, ‘all because I called for them from above. I shouldn’t have let them come up the stairs, I should have joined them down in their basement.’
That’s where they were in that moment. In the Dupain-Cheng-Bakeries’ basement. It was a dark, dry and surprisingly clean place. It’s walls were covered in shelves full of cheese, wine and flour, with the middle kept empty. The empty space was being used by four sleepingbags and several full bottles of water laying on the floor. They were probably meant for each one of the family members and a possible plus one. Marinettes soulmate, maybe? One of the sleeping bags was surprisingly big, though it did make sense if you knew about Tom Dupains size. Chat reluctantly placed the man from his shoulder into the sleeping bag, which turned out to be far more difficult than he had expected it to be.
While he was at it, Batman managed to place Ladybug into the one next to his son, and contact Red Robin for an update. Chat detransformed, completely disregarding the fact that his identity was no longer secret and let Plagg fly off to recharge on the endless supply of cheese. Adrien himself chugged down a bottle of water and crawled into the fourth sleeping bag, smelling Marinettes home, curling up into a ball and silently crying himself into an exhausted sleep.
Bruce, who was for once thankful to be the only concious person in the room, slid down the door he had previously barricaded, not holding back his tears. Tim had just told him about Stephanies sacrifice. Sure, she wasn’t dead yet, but she might as well be. Bruce was so tired of loosing his Robins, so tired of losing his family. He couldn’t be tired now, though. He had people to protect and lives to safe. Currently that meant staying in this basement and keeping an eye on those broken heroes.
Chat Noir was laying there in front of him and Bruce was afraid. Afraid for him, afraid of the past he had to live through and afraid of what the future held for him. He was 17, maybe 18. So young, too young to carry such a burden. Bruce Wayne did not understand how two single heroes have managed to deal with this on their own. He knew he that if he were in their place, he would have succumbed to it a long time ago. Though who said they haven’t lost to it aswell?
They really did look broken, Ladybug especially. Bruce noticed her and Jason shivering in unison. Slowly he stood up and walked over to them, carefully lifting the girl and placing her in Jasons much to wide sleeping bag. They immediatly stopped shivering, laying there with the Red Lady safe and secure in Red Hoods arms. He even proceeded to hug her closer, with a smile gracing both their lips.
“Welcome to the family”, Bruce whispered. She was going to fit right in.
Marinette was in a tower, standing in front of a gigantic panorama window. The city in front of her was all black and blue, shining, illuminating the dark as if it were full of aquamarine stars. But no stars were visible. “How sad”, she thought to herself. “All that sky, all those people, all these lights. But no one sees their home.”
“We build our own home, here on earth.”, a voice behind her made it’s appearance. She wasn’t surprised. He should be here, in her dimension, her world. It felt right. “How could we build a new home with our ancestry staring us down?”, she asked looking down at the city beneath their feet. The cloud they were standing on felt like a cold shower, light and unbinding, but firm. 
“Those are my favourite clouds”
“The mightiest of them all.”
Jason looked up at the stars. “Do you fear them?”
“I use their power.”
Black and blue filled his vision. Her soft skin was white as marble, with bruises forming colorful paintings of history, present, past and future. 
She stood next to a little boy, looking up at him. Her summerdress was so very pink, his hands were so very red, the wheels of the Batmobil were so very black. He lifted the wheel into the air and began soundlessly rolling it away. A black figure illuminated by blue light was watching him. “Hey! What are you looking at, weirdo?”, her tiny voice spoke, filling the air like thunder. Metall flashed behind the tall figures head, hitting and breaking him. He dissolved into bits and pieces of stone, onyx and sapphire glistening in the dark. The boy took her hand and they ran, giggles and huffs filling the silent streets. 
Jason sat with his eyes closed and his back leaning on Marinettes. She was leaning on his back, too. Each others weight was crushing their partner. “They aren’t staring at you.” “Our ancestors?” “They are staring at the ones who tried to hurt you.” Their weight found a balance, he was holding her heart in his hands, lifting her off the ground she was afraid of sinking in. 
Eyes opened, sapphire blue met aquamarine cyan.
“The stars never left.”
Black and Blue and White. 
Bruises and Scars.
Silk hair, Vibrant eyes and Shining hope.
Black. Sleep. Night.
Jason awoke in the middle of the night. He felt weirdly serene, comfortable. He needed a moment to remember where he was. The memories were coming back slowly, his mind took it’s time emerging from the fog it has been swimming in. The sound of two voices talking next to him startled him, reminding him of every danger he had endured in the past 24 hours. His senses sharpened, he suddenly recognized that the body laying next to him was not his own. It felt weird, he could sense everything she was sensing, after all. Jasons breathing was unusually calm, her breath was a bit too fast for someone who was in deep sleep. They were completly synced. He should be feeling creeped out, like his personal space was being invaded. Jason didn’t though. He liked it. It felt... safe. 
The voices, one of which he now recognized as his fathers, while the other was unusually high, startled him out of his thoughts. Wanting to find the source of the second voice, he reluctantly let the girl next to him go, though they never really lost contact. He sat up, immediatly sensing the seperation and already regretting his decision. She didn’t move in the slightest, as he stood up and walked over to the man who sat there with his back foolishly turned towards the sleeping heroes. Jason didn’t silent his steps, wanting Bruce to hear him. He could’ve used the moment to mess with him, but he didn’t want to wake the parisians behind him, so he painfully discarded the urge. The high voice stopped in it’s speech. Jason still couldn’t see where it was coming from, but Bruce was calm so he trusted it to be safe. His father turned his head, looking up at his son from his seating position, before standing up and pulling him into a firm embrace. Jason was not at all used to physical contact from his father so hee stiffened for a few moments, but when the young adult realised that the man was not about to let go, he relaxed and returned the hug. “Are you okay? Did you get hurt?”, he heard the gruff Batman voice, though he was quite certain it wasn’t intentional, probably just a result of stress and exhaustion. 
“Yes, I’m good. What about you?”
He knew he wasn’t, he could tell just by looking at the unmasked face with those deep bags under his eyes. This man needed some rest.
“Ah, I guess I’m getting old. Time to retire soon, don’t you think?”
A chuckle escaped Jasons throat. Yeah, maybe he should retire too.
“I won’t be able to stay much longer. I need to get back to the team and follow Barbaras traces. She said that Hawkmoth has to be someone from the upper class, since they are the only ones who aren’t hiding in the shelters. And with Spoilers and Reds inside-information we-” “Wait, hold on. How did they get inside?” 
Bruce winced. It was a ridiculously miniscule movement, but Jason still noticed. He waited for the other man to tell him in his own pace. Such patience was unusual for the Red Hood, but he saw how it comforted the older man so he was grateful for his new personality trait. It wasn’t patience per se, he’d rather call it empathy. Something he has almost forgotten since his resurrection in the Lazarus Pits.
“Spoiler she... she offered herself as a distraction so we could get you, Ladybug and Chat Noir to safety. She... baited the akuma and is now being held hostage. Tim can hear what the akuma is doing, now that Stephanie is back to conciousness and keeping us updated.” Batman voice was even, which either meant he was collected or he was in rage. Jason bet it was the second option.
Instead of adressing it though, Red Hood just nodded. He was worried for Stephanie and sorry for Tim, but unlike his father he wasn’t mad. He knew that if he were in her place, he would’ve done the same.
Speaking of the devil, Tim chose that very moment to contact the both of them: “Hood! Glad to see you’re awake, please go back to sleep. Batsy, Orakel is waiting for you. She has coffee, so rise and shine and good luck! I’ve sent you your route. Check those mansions and make sure to download the local roomplans, I’m certain some of them have hidden rooms and dungeons full of dragons they haven’t mentioned in their tax-reports.”
“Red, when was the last time you slept?”
“What, you want me to go to bed? Let Alfred handle the situation? I mean he can do that but who will take care of your fucking Wayne Enterprises while he’s keeping y’all company? Fucking Catwoman? Harley?? The Joker?!? No? Now get your ass up and drink your coffee, we’ve got work to do.”
With that the line went silent. 
Bruce let out a huff, glancing at Jason and the parisian duo.
“He’s right you know, go back to sleep. Ladybug needs your strength just as much as you need hers. Tikki here, promised to keep an eye on you and wake you in case of an emergency.” Before Jason could even ask who he was talking about he noticed a tiny red creature float up from behind his back, munching on a cookie twice her size. They were peering into his very soul with eyes way to terrifying for someone of their mass. The man couldn’t help but compare them to Damian, though the boys deathglare wasn’t even coming close to the sheer power of the creatures gaze.
Suddenly a second, similar creature joined the first ones side. Jason vaguely recognized it looking slightly catlike, which led to the information he was currently bombarded with finally making sense: “You are Ladybugs and Chat Noirs metas.”, he stated, recognition clear in his voice.
“Kwamis, actually, but yes, c’est nous.”, answered the cat-creature, “allow me to introduce myself. My name is Plagg, I am the God of Chaos and Destruction and this-” he lifted his tiny, finlike limb in the direction of the ladybug-themed Kwami, “-is Tikki, the Godess of Luck and Creation.” 
Jason nodded, for whatever reason not feeling surprised, feeling just like Marinette did whenever she picked up a new book and already new it’s contents. Their partner has already implanted the information into the other ones head, all that was left was to refreshen it. “My name is Jason Todd. I am a vigilante from Gotham. I work under the name of Red Hood. We came to help you deal with Hawkmoth, though I’m sure Batman has already told you as much.”, speaking of his boss he turned to look at him. The men wordlessly bid their good-byes. A “please be careful”, was hanging in the air for both to hear. No need for voicing it. As Batman was leaving, Jason turned his gaze back to the two flying creatures in front him. His gaze landed on Tikki specifically. “I’m also sure you already know that as well, but I am Ladybugs soulmate.”
This was the first time he said it out loud. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, letting himself feel the impact of those words. It felt like... vulnerability. But as he opened his eyes again and met the azure eyes of the godess, that feeling shifted into something different. Something better. He felt empowered.
A moment passed, a connection between the two was forming and no-one dared complain (apart from Plagg, who was quietly grumbling about being left out.) Then, the godess’ demeanor changed completely, a smile now visible and a softness Jason wouldn’t have thought were possible redesigning her whole appearance. She flew up to him and, much to Jasons surprise, softly landed in his hair. “I approve.”
Jason let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“Now go back to sleep, my chosen is still unstable and you have to help her get back on track. Go, go!”
The man did not dare argue, didn’t even want to, really. So he just made sure the door was properly barricaded, gulped down a bottle of water and layed down next to his soulmate. She immediatly nuzzled herself closer into his embrace, a smile now gracing their lips, again. 
“I could get used to that...”, Jason thought as he drifted back off to sleep.
The other vigilantes had spent their nights in the shelters and were ready to go out the next day, on their way to handling more damage control. 
The last earthquake has moved the debris a bit, but it hasn’t destroyed any new buildings. The city now consisted of ruins, with only the Eiffeltower, the lower levels of “Le Grand Paris” and a few high security mansions still standing. Only a few of the rich houses, who’s owners could afford the most secure stability precautions for earthquakes the world had to offer, were offering to share with the refugees who had lost their homes. Adrien was ashamed to see that his fathers home did not belong to the chosen few.
One way or another, Chat Noir was about to find out. Having waken up before the others, he decided to use the little time before the realization of Ladybugs plan to make sure there was enough space for every surviver, which mostly meant breaking and entering into the homes of the rich, if they didn’t open the gates after his first time asking. His fathers home he had saved for the end, not certain what to expect and definetly not wanting to deal with possible emotional effects. Adrien didn’t actually know what he was hoping for: for his father to be dead, which would explain that “decision” or for him to be alive and well, which would simply mean that his family was safe and sound.
“I’m coming home...coming home, tell the world I’m coming home...”, his quiet voice echoed through the derserted streets of the City he once loved so dearly.
No tune and not a single lullaby could have prepared him for what he was about to find.
So todays chapter is literaly twice as long as the last one, but I could not divide it into two seperate chapters because of the Jasonette percentage the chapter legally has to fullfill. Writing my world down took so long but it was so fun and now i have the build up I wanted “on paper” so I am mostly happy with the outcome. I honestly feared their relationship would be moving too fast but I guess my real life commitment issues did the trick, so HERE WE GOoooo...
Talking about commitment: THANK YOU DEAR MESSAGE LEAVERS I LOVE YOU SO MUCH if it weren’t for you, I probably would have given in to my doubts and stopped writing. You know, fun anxiety stuff. But you make my anxietini evaporini and I (as always) just can’t stress enough how much it means to me.
Also, my taglist has grown! Your existance fills my heart with joy. If you want to be added to that fabulous group of names you are about to read, feel free to message me in any way. I’ll be happy to add you to the circle of the constantly updated \o/
(Also if you want to be removed from the list, please don’t be afraid to ask me, I will not bite and I pinky promise not to cry~ )
Tag List ^^:
@maribat-is-lifeblood @lokilex @amayakans @readingismyoxygen @zalladane @sunspritethedestroyer @toodaloo-kangaroo @purplesundaze @yeet-this-bitch @ratherbereading125 
Thanks for reading ^^
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ravioxhilda · 4 years
Happy 35th Anniversary!
I decided to write a collection of Age of Calamity scenes but in the Miphvali context instead, because why not? Hope you enjoy, and happy Zelda Day to you all!
A Lynel. Of all the things that could have stood between them and rescuing Revali, a Lynel just had to be the obstacle in their way.
Mipha steeled her grip on her trident, Link and Zelda beside her ready to fight their newest adversary.
Vah Medoh was flying quite low above them, the usual shade of blue that illuminated part of its stone body now a menacing red, a symbol of Calamity Ganon’s Malice corrupting it.
“We must defeat this Lynel if we are to make it up to Vah Medoh, otherwise it will shoot us down if we attempt to take the updraft into the air,” Zelda said, and Link grunted as he held up his sword, the blade flashing with each strike of lightning from above.
Mipha grimaced as she looked up at Medoh, the worry in her heart consuming her as she could only imagine what was happening on the Divine Beast, or even if Revali was still alive.
“No, don’t think that right now, I mustn’t jump to conclusions before I have even made it to him.” Mipha thought as the three of them raced towards the Lynel, eager to defeat it as quickly as possible.
However, as to be expected with all Lynels, it was proving to be quite the difficulty defeating it, causing the sense of urgency in Mipha to rise even more to the point where she would ride up the updraft to Medoh and take her chances with the Lynel possibly shooting her down and killing her.
“We don’t have the time for this, Revali needs us now!” Mipha shouted, her usual calm demeanor gone as she looked up desperately at Medoh.
Zelda thought for a moment as she looked through the Sheikah Slate hurriedly, her face lighting up once she reached what she was looking for.
“The Ancient Power Boost I have on the Sheikah Slate will activate to its full potential for a short time before it completely destroys itself. If I use Stasis at the Boost’s full power, we can freeze the Lynel in place long enough to get in enough hits to hopefully kill it once it unfreezes.”
Mipha and Link glanced at each other for a moment before nodding in agreement.
“Whatever gets rid of this Lynel the quickest, we need to do it now,” Mipha said as Zelda began to furiously tap away at the Sheikah Slate, the stone tablet beginning to glow with an almost blinding light.
“Get ready, and...now!”
The Lynel was suddenly suspended from where it was charging up an attack, a timer on the Sheikah Slate beginning its countdown as the Ancient Power Boost crumbled away, the Sheikah Slate looking almost barren without it.
Mipha, Link, and Zelda then charged forward and began attacking the Lynel in a frenzy, eager to finally be rid of it.
The last tick of the timer chimed and the Stasis released, as the Lynel let out a defeated howl and collapsed onto the ground as it dissolved into a pool of Malice.
“Excellent! Mipha, get up to Revali, quickly!” Zelda yelled as the ground began to rumble beneath them, monsters running towards them at full speed.
“Will you be alright? Monsters are coming in on all sides!” Mipha said, and Zelda nodded as she took ahold of the Sheikah Slate once again.
“We’ll be fine! Go rescue Revali!” She said reassuringly, Mipha nodding as she ran towards the large updraft billowing heavy gusts of wind from the ground.
She opened her paraglider as soon as she reached the vent and was immediately lifted upward, holding on tightly to the wooden handles that connected to the cloth as she quickly ascended towards the corrupted Divine Beast.
The outcome of the battle was not looking all too well, which pained Revali to admit. He had always prided himself on being the past in aerial combat, but this...thing he was fighting was unlike anything he had ever fought before.
He wasn’t entirely sure what the monster standing before him was, though there was no question it was absolutely hideous.
The Malice that made up its body was reminiscent of what the hundreds of thousands of monsters he and the others had slain to keep Calamity Ganon’s forces at bay from destroying the whole kingdom were made of.
However, the Beast he was fighting seemed to be made more of corrupted Sheikah technology than pure Malice, and the thought made him shudder as he could feel Vah Medoh groaning in what Revali could only assume was pain.
He was hiding behind a pillar, waiting for his cue when he heard someone shout his name.
“All yours, Master Revali!”
Revali smirked as he launched himself up into the air, his bow in his hands aiming three bomb arrows at the monstrosity below both him and the other Rito that had appeared mysteriously.
It was almost a complete mystery as to who this Rito was or how he knew Revali’s name, just that he appeared through a mysterious portal just in time before Revali would have been blown to bits by the monster’s two cannons.
“Some payback is in order!” Revali snarled, letting loose the bomb arrows aimed directly at the beast’s head.
However, the bomb arrows were blasted away by a gust of wind from the cannons, causing them to fly off and explode in the sky above Medoh.
The monster then turned to look at Revali, and he was certain that if it could make facial expressions, it would be grinning with triumph.
It raised its cannons at Revali, ready to shoot, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to get out of the way in time, the other Rito too far away to get to him in time.
Revali heard an almost familiar shout as something hurtled past him and landed straight in the beast’s head.
The creature screeched in pain and flung the projectile that had been lodged into its head onto the stone top of Vah Medoh.
Revali looked at the object that had fallen from its head to see that it was the Lightscale Trident, a familiar Zora’s signature weapon.
He then turned to see Mipha standing behind him, an angry but terrified look upon her face as she straightened from throwing her trident at the monster.
There was nothing that could describe the feeling of relief and joy that had erupted in his chest as he landed beside her, almost saying her name before he noticed she was back on the defensive, having picked up her trident once again.
“I’m sorry it took so long for me to get here, but I will not let this monster hurt you.” She said, and Revali nodded in agreement as he raised his bow once again.
“Shall we?” He said with a smile, Mipha nodding as they both raced towards the beast, determined to finish the fight once and for all.
“Is it gone?”
Revali, Mipha, and the mysterious Rito all looked around the top of Vah Medoh, the Shard of Calamity Ganon that had just been attacking them vanished.
“No, it just went somewhere else. We need to go chase it down before it can wreak havoc elsewhere.” Revali said, placing his bow in its holster on his back as the Rito nodded thoughtfully.
“Hm, I suppose that would be the case. Regardless, it will no doubt be weakened from our battle against it, so it will be quite easy to defeat that thing.” He said, and Revali grunted in response as Mipha looked between the two of you.
“If you don’t mind me asking, who are you and how did you get here?” Mipha asked, her question directed at the mystery Rito.
The Rito glanced over to see Mipha staring right at him with a confused look, Revali mirroring her exact expression.
“Oh, me? I am Teba, a Rito Warrior. A weird portal appeared before me when I was training at the Flight Range, and through it, I saw Master Revali being attacked. I am assuming this is 100 years in the past from where I am from, though I am grateful to have been able to assist Master Revali in his fight against that creature inhabiting Vah Medoh.”
Mipha could feel tears of joy welling up in her eyes as she suddenly hugged Teba, surprising all three of them.
“Thank you for keeping Revali safe. I don’t know what I would have done if he had been...if he had been killed by that awful monster. We will both be forever in your debt.” She sobbed, leaving Teba too shocked to do anything as Revali stood there slightly fuming.
He had almost been killed, and she was hugging the other Rito she had just met instead?
Teba patted Mipha awkwardly as he felt that Revali was staring daggers in his direction, knowing he had crossed some invisible line even though it wasn’t him who had initiated the hug.
“Right, yes, well I should go survey the sky and see if there is anywhere the beast could have gone. I’ll leave you two alone.” He said, and Mipha immediately backed away from him, hiding her face in embarrassment.
“Oh goodness, I do not know what has come over me! Forgive me, you are a guest in our time and I have made you uncomfortable.” Mipha mumbled, causing Teba to chuckle.
“It is fine. I will be back in a few minutes.”
He ran off the top of Vah Medoh and flew away, leaving Mipha and Revali alone for a moment.
However, before Revali could even attempt to make an awkward attempt at a thank you, he felt Mipha slam into him, immediately wrapping her arms around his body tightly in an embrace.
“Mipha?” He said confused, feeling her body shaking against him as she sobbed against his chest.
“I’m so glad you’re alive.” She whispered, and Revali could feel tears starting to well up in his eyes as he wrapped his wings around her, dwarfing her small frame as he held her close to him.
“I’m alive because of you. Thank you, Mipha.”
The two stayed silent for a moment, or as silent as one could be while crying, though neither were willing to let the other go.
“Master Revali!”
The both of them looked up to see that Teba had returned, looking slightly worried but otherwise the same as Mipha had seen him before. She wondered if he ever relaxed.
“What is it, Teba?” Revali asked, turning to face him while keeping a protective wing around Mipha, holding her close to him though she did not mind.
“I’ve found the beast, but monsters are surrounding us on all sides. We are going to be dead if we don’t do something.” He reported, Revali nodding as he turned towards the main control unit of Medoh, the orange it had once been now back to its normal blue.
“Looks like Medoh and I will need to do crowd control. Teba, cover me in the sky, and any monsters that manage to get onto Medoh, I need you to fend off, Mipha.” Revali ordered, both Mipha and Teba nodding in affirmation.
“Hey! Mipha, Revali!”
The click of heels and the sound of a woman’s voice revealed that it was Urbosa, and indeed it was once the three of them turned to see her, Zelda, and Link as well as what seemed to be a younger Gerudo beside Urbosa.
Mipha sighed in relief as she rushed up to greet them, Revali reluctantly following behind her.
“You’re all alright! Oh, I was so worried.” Mipha said happily, and Urbosa smiled as she patted Zelda on the back.
“It was all thanks to the princess, her quick thinking allowed us to defeat enough monsters so we would be able to get up here to safety. I see you’ve picked up another person from the future, Revali.” Urbosa remarked, though her good-natured smile revealed she was more teasing than anything.
Revali shrugged, looking out from Vah Medoh to see thousands upon thousands of monsters below, from the fiercest Lynel to the littlest Bokoblin, and they were all out for the Divine Beast flying above them.
“Change of plans. Teba, take Urbosa and her Gerudo friend back to Vah Naboris, the rest of you will stay on Medoh away from the monsters and cover me. Are there any objections?” Revali asked, and everyone shook their head.
“Good. Now let’s crush these monsters. No doubt the rest of Hyrule will need our help.”
It was a quiet night, or as quiet a night could get when the world was ending, with monster attacks happening almost constantly, but for now, it was peaceful.
The Champions were staying in Kakariko Village, Impa’s hometown and one of the few places that weren’t affected by the Calamity, though guards were patrolling all night every night now, making everyone uneasy.
Zelda had turned in early that night, not able to stand seeing Hyrule Castle in the state it was, Link having gone with her to rest.
Impa had made Daruk a simple rock bed to sleep on outside underneath a wooden covering next to a fire, which he was very appreciative of before passing out.
Urbosa had also disappeared to who knows where presumably to sleep, and the four who had come from the future were also scattered across the village asleep.
That left only Mipha and Revali awake in their separate rooms in the main house of Kakariko Village where Impa lived, neither of them able to sleep after what had just happened that day.
The images of the Ganon Blights were still fresh in their minds, and each time they closed their eyes they could see the monsters bearing down on them, weapons raised.
Mipha instead sat underneath the window in her room, the moonlight falling slightly on the top of her head as she tried her best not to break down.
Sidon was asleep outside in the pond that surrounded the Goddess Statue, the only place big enough for him to rest, leaving Mipha alone inside.
Her mind drifted to Revali, the way he had looked almost...relieved when he saw her atop Vah Medoh, as if he was almost expecting to die on his Divine Beast.
“What if we were supposed to die?” Mipha asked herself, the moment the words left her mouth made her realize that it was the truth.
When she had asked Sidon why he had arrived to assist her at Vah Ruta, he had looked away as if it was something difficult to think about, merely saying that he had seen Mipha under attack and that he would do anything to rescue her.
But why would the portal that Sidon and presumably the other three had jumped through appeared in the first place?
The little Guardian that always followed Zelda or Link around that had somehow escaped Calamity Ganon’s corruption was the one who had created the portals, but if the Champions were going to be fine, then why would they have needed assistance?
The answer was crystal clear: They weren’t supposed to have survived. The Ganon Blights would have succeeded if it wasn’t for those in the future coming to help them.
That thought on its own was enough to make Mipha finally crumble as she began to cry, the tears running down her face splashing onto the wooden floor, the harsh sound of her sobs echoing across the room as it felt as if all her emotions were finally spilling out.
Revali was in his room across the hall, trying to sleep with little success when he heard what sounded like crying from across the hall.
Normally, if he had heard someone else crying in another room, he would leave them alone and let them have their moment of weakness in peace.
However, he remembered that Mipha was staying in the room across the hall from her and that those sobs he was hearing were coming from her.
He couldn’t leave her alone in a time like this when she was hurting from who knows what, and it wasn’t like he was going to fall asleep anytime soon.
Revali stood up from the bed he had been laying on, the bandages wrapped around his torso after being hit with the Ganon Blight’s cannons covering whatever Mipha couldn’t heal.
He quietly opened the door to the room and knocked on the door quietly, the sobs he had been hearing before suddenly stopping.
“Mipha? Are you in there?” Revali whispered, hearing the quiet padding of Mipha’s feet across the wooden floor and the door opening, revealing the Zora herself.
“Revali? What are you doing here?” She asked, wiping away the tears on her face so it wouldn’t seem as if she was just crying.
Revali simply smiled sadly as he cupped her palm with his hand, his thumb wiping away the tears on her face as he held in any impulse to hold her close to him and never let her go again.
“I heard you crying from my room. I was worried about you.” He said softly, causing Mipha to freeze for a moment before holding her hand against the back of Revali’s wing, the warmth of it comforting.
“I am fine but if you would like to come in, I won’t stop you.”
She stepped away from Revali to allow him into the room, and he followed after her after closing the door as she sat down on the bed at the far side of the room, staring out the window once again.
Revali sat down beside her, the two sitting in silence for a moment before Mipha spoke.
“Have you thought about why we received help from those in the future, like how Sidon had come to save me, or how that Rito Teba had come to save you?” She asked, and Revali thought for a moment.
“I have not. We have been quite busy since then. Is that what has been troubling you, your brother and others from the future being dragged into a war from the past?”
Mipha shook her head as she looked out the window at the peaceful night of Kakariko Village, where no one was outside except for a few stray Cuccos and Daruk and Yunobo sleeping on the other side of the village.
“No, it’s why they were sent here. If we were going to prevail in our fight against those...beasts in our Divine Beasts, then why would the little Guardian have brought those from the future to help us? We weren’t supposed to survive that battle. We were supposed to die at the hands of Calamity Ganon because that is what happened in the war from where those in the future came from.”
She began to cry once again, though this time she felt Revali wrap his wing around her and hold her close to his side as best he could as she sobbed into his chest.
Revali had suspected that was why those from the future had come to their aid, Teba wouldn’t tell him exactly why he had jumped through a portal to save him, though now it made sense.
If Teba hadn’t shot the Ganon Blight in the head when he did, Revali would most certainly have been blown to bits.
He shuddered to think about what would have happened to Mipha if an adult Sidon hadn’t come from the future and rescued her in time, a horrible monster standing over her battered body as she took her last breaths was all that came to mind as he thought more on it.
He couldn’t stand the thought of her like that, dead and alone in her Divine Beast with the only company being that monster, though he supposed that’s why Mipha was so grateful to Teba for rescuing him.
Later, he would have to thank Sidon for saving her but for now, he needed to make sure he was there for Mipha.
“That may be true, but we’re still here, and we’re still alive because those from the future came to help us. We must defeat Calamity Ganon and keep them safe so they have a future to return to.” He said comfortingly, feeling Mipha nod against his chest as she pulled herself closer towards him.
“I know. It is our duty as Champions and Pilots of the Divine Beasts to save our kingdom and to save its future.” She whispered, and Revali nodded in agreement.
“I will make sure that you get home safe to your brother and father. They need you by their side.”
He hesitated for a moment as tears began to splash onto Mipha’s head, and she realized Revali was crying now as he continued.
“I need you. I need you alive and well and happy, and if I have to kill Calamity Ganon by myself with my bow as my only weapon, then I will do it.” He whispered, leaning his chin against her head and holding her closer to him in an attempt to protect her from the outside world, if only for that moment.
Mipha sniffed as she smiled sadly, reaching up to touch his cheek with her hand, the feathers damp underneath her palm as she attempted to comfort him.
“You won’t need to fight him alone, because I will be there by your side. I never want to leave you again, and if I can help it, I will always be there for you. I promise.” She said, and Revali attempted a weak laugh as if he had just heard a funny joke.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Princess.” He teased, and Mipha laughed.
“This is a promise I intend to keep. You will go home to your people and your village. I will make sure of it.” She whispered, and Revali smiled as he leaned into the palm of her hand.
He had never felt the need to be close with anyone before, but this, this was something he could get used to.
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