#inflamed acne
salted-caramel-tea · 1 year
why the fuck is my man always covered in bandages and facial wounds sapnap what the fuck are you up to fr
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skylordhorus · 11 months
ive been getting super painful cysts on the back of my neck and up into my scalp this week and FUCK dude it fucking sucks
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greyaugust · 24 days
got to the car this morning and realised i'd forgotten to inject which is a fun sentence i would never have thought this time last year. Anyway the upside of once a month injections of biologics is that it's literally once a month but the downside is that i need to remember to do it once a month.
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alittleemo · 28 days
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iocheaira · 9 months
have worn a mask all day at work (both jobs) since i started working with kids but im having like a quadruple whammy of immune/inflammatory responses rn
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Organic St. John's Wort Hydrosol has natural cleansing and anti-bacterial properties. It can aid with painful pimples and acne, as well as prevent future outbreaks. It will cleanse the skin of any debris, pollutants, and acne-causing germs. It also helps to soothe and relieve inflamed skin. Steam distillation ST John's Wort Hydrosol is well-known for its healing capabilities, which can aid in the restoration of injured skin. It also has an astringent effect, which keeps the skin tight and prevents drooping. It will decrease the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines while also repairing damaged tissues. This liquid has a revitalizing effect on the skin and can help to delay the start of aging. It can also help to minimize skin markings, scars, and spots.
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I get when people hate the makeup industry and I do think it’s fucked up that everything is pressuring you to “cover up your blemishes” (although things like acne can be annoying for other reasons, but I would consider those medical and shouldn’t be stigmatized) but if there is one thing they got right it that they let me make parts of my body my favorite colors sometimes
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tinytrashkid · 1 year
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lesbienneanarchiste · 2 years
My skin has been awful* lately and if it doesn't clear up soon it's gonna be my 13th reason
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residenthughes · 1 year
square one
pairing: leon kennedy x gender neutral reader
word count: 1.6K
tags/warnings: fluff, domestic fluff, some angst, leon's dealing with some insecurities (acne) :(
summary: leon's always struggled with acne. a recent flareup brings up more than he bargained for.
notes: think i saw a post about the texture of leon's skin in the re4r, as well as a headcannon that he sometimes picks at his skin and idk, just felt compelled to write this. i struggled (still do) with hyperpigmentation from acne, so this was low-key self-indulgent (and me projecting, sorry leon 😭) so enjoy(?) the fruits of that! one more exam and i'll be active again (in between celebrating any chance that i get that exams are over) hope you enjoy! :)
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He feels like a teenager again.
Full of angst and riddled with insecurity. There’s so much curiosity in his eyes, fingers gingerly grazing against the scarlet surface of his cheek with inflamed pimples. Leon thought he outgrew this. Despite the occasional picking at his skin when submerged in the anxieties that live rent free in his mind, his skin remained relatively calm rain or shine. It’s worst was when he was in high school, so awkward and unsure of everything. Redness dotted against his face, he felt like puberty brought out the worst in him, forced him to grow in a body now foreign to him, navigate the unknown territory that were his new feelings. It’s a time that isn’t all that nostalgic for him and when he stands in your shared bathroom, long into his adulthood - 27 years old - staring into his reflection, his life flashes before his eyes. He’s right back where he was. Nerdy and hesitant. 
He feels so small.
“Hey,” your call for his attention is soft, doused in all gentleness you can muster as you quietly observe your partner from the door frame. “You ok? Tea’s getting cold.”
Leon huffs in annoyance, not meaning to but when his eyes catch sight of how inflamed his skin is, it takes him gnawing inside his cheek to stop himself from spiralling. It’s so silly, insignificant even. Leon never really cared much for his appearance as an adult. Reminded fairly neutral in regards to himself, stance never swayed despite those that fell to his feet bewitched by his devastatingly good looks. His stance shifted when you two met. Suddenly, he was a teenager again, but in a good way. Do I smell good? Is my hair ok? Am I overdressed? All these little curiosities combated by the love you embrace him in. He doesn’t become confident - your love is not a fix-all remedy for years of trauma and insecurity. But he becomes more sure of himself, reassured and loved wholly. He picks up his own pieces, slowly but surely. You simply steer him in the right direction. A beautiful thing, a lovely thing.
In spite of this beautiful thing, Leon can get in his own way sometimes. Stares at his reflection too long when he’s been spiralling and simply meets your gaze with a vulnerability reserved only for you. “Skin’s been acting up.”
“Honey,” you approach him cautiously, like he’s made of porcelain and Leon leans into the gentleness without a care in the world. Your hands never make contact with him, knowing any touch might open the floodgates of emotional turmoil that slowly seep into his bloodstream, poisonous and harrowing in nature. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
He grimaces, eyes avoiding yours as he shrinks into himself. “Been a stressful week is all.”
Leon flashes an unconvincing smile, puffing out a beat of laughter that is all but amused. “Guess this is the result of it, huh?”
Your heart sinks. You remember when this came up early in your relationship. You were often seeing each other, whether it was to go out on the town dressed to the nines or lounge around and snack on whatever junk food (of which there was very little in Leon’s apartment) you two could find. He refused to see you, citing long work days and the lack of energy they left him with as his reasons. You respected his wishes, giving him his space and all the time he needed before finding his way back to you. However, you couldn’t ignore the voice at the back of your head, nudging you towards him with pleas of assurance. Reassurance that he was ok and wasn’t deserting you for reasons you could help with.
You bumped into him on his way back from the grocery store.
Against his better judgement, Leon needed to restock his shelves with leafy greens to rid himself quickly of the acne against his cheeks. He knew you were at work, so he took his chance and sped ran through the isles, mask pulled up to his eyes as he simply went about his business. Packing his grocery bags quickly and making big steps towards his car, only to run into you in the parking lot.
He expects you to drop your belongings. Dramatises the whole scene in his head, imagines your face twisting in disgust and murmuring a half-hearted excuse to leave the conversation early to block his number because his insecurities have gotten the best of him and he can’t think any worse of himself than he is now. 
It’s all fiction, the tragic story he paints in his head. Sees you give a small smile, cautious and coy.
“Didn’t expect to see you here,” he muses, the awkwardness of his predicament leaving him with nothing but the desire for the ground to swallow him whole. “Would have dressed up a bit.”
You laugh a bit, easing the pain but Leon still wants to leave regardless, foot pointed away from you with his body slightly turning towards the direction of his car.
You take note of his body language and make the conversation flow as casually as possible. “Yeah, I got off work early and was actually gonna pick up some things to come see you.”
“See me?” 
“Yeah, think it’s to be expected to want to see your partner.” you joke lightheartedly, eying the tension that leaves Leon’s shoulders as they relax back from his ears. 
“That’s sweet of you,” Leon starts. “But, I’ve gotta head back to the office…printer’s jammed.”
It ‘jammed’ last week. Along with some other atrocities that left Leon MIA all last week and this week too. It’s not too long to question, but the distance between you is growing unlike times before. It unsettles you.
“Can’t work that thing to save my life. So, it’s my obligation to fix it.”
“Leon,” you’re seeing through his act, calling for the denouement to the charade Leon orchestrates. He feels sickly doing this - this isn’t what you deserve, he knows that. But, during one of scarce times in his life that he’s self-conscious, is it so horrible to want to be left alone? “You’ve been a bit MIA recently. You sure you’re holding up alright?”
He questions for a moment telling you. Disclosing his recent flare up because he knows it isn’t a bad deal, especially with you who nurtures a safe space for him to call home. And he does, he goes to tell you, but in a desperate attempt for closeness, you step forwards and he’s stepping back and suddenly there’s a deafening silence between the two of you.
“I didn’t mean-”
“It’s ok,” you reassure, time and time again. His heart hurts from the constant push and pull that plagues your relationship. It wasn’t something you had to deal with. “Just talk to me. Please?”
It’s different seeing you like this. Over text, it’s easier (but not impossible) to tap away at the screen and desert his phone, submerging himself in work to fend off any thoughts that attempt to crawl into his brain. But you’re here, right in front of him. Eyes soft and so unbearably honest with your state of being. It tears him up inside. Makes him acknowledge every attempt to distance himself from you and never do it again if the same circumstances arose.
Leon makes the situation right. Approaches you despite the screams at the back of his head and heads back to his apartment with you sitting in the passenger seat, describing the acne flare ups that in spite of the demons he faces on his missions, makes him react like no other. You comfort him as best as possible, listening to every word he says and not bothering with unsolicited advice or shallow comments that won’t help the situation. You simply craft an evening filled with distractions, all his favourite in-home activities whilst showering him with all the affection he’s missed. And when it comes time to wash up and settle into bed, you make light of the situation, giving him one of the Sanrio headbands you had left in his apartment as you two clean up for the night, the space and comfort you give him enough for him to crawl into your arms under the covers and never let go. It’s an act of service, a day, that he’ll never forget. One that allows him to bare himself to you, years later, and let you take the reins because this, on top of the travesties he’s encountered far too often lately, have made him feel like a shell of himself. 
“It’s hard to keep up with everything when you’re so busy, isn’t it?” He nods. “You’ve been working hard, always have. Saving the world isn’t an easy feat, you know?”
He laughs, this time around humoured. “I wouldn’t exactly say that.”
“Well, whatever you do,” he laughs again and you can see him slowly coming back to you. You flash him a smile, a smile that holds timeless tales of your love story and his heart begins to warm. “It’s perfectly normal to get some R&R afterwards. It’s well deserved, especially in your case.”
He simpers, now having worked up the nerve to look into your eyes and in them, sees that dazzle. The same dazzle from your first glance, from your first confession. Even at his lowest, the dazzle remains. Your love, unwavering. There isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for you, all of which he does when he feels like himself again. Showers you in abundance and more because that’s what you deserve and more.
“How about I run us a hot bath? You can tell me all about the printer jamming whilst I wash your hair, yeah?” 
He feels like a teenager again. This time, abundant in all the love he has for you.
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grrnlotus · 14 days
— 𝒷enefits
skin, lashes, brows, hair treatment ⋆˚࿔
→ clear, smooth, glowing skin
→ embody youth
→ natural remedies; rice water, green tea, aloe vera, coconut oil, honey, apple cider vinegar, turmeric, etc
→ facial + spa effect; free from any texture, acne, scars, hyperpigmentation, inflamation, bumps, clogged pores, dryness, oilyness
→ massage; inflamation & wrinkle removal
→ daily gua sha effect
→ laser hair removal; no unwanted facial hair
→ immunity to all imperfections
lashes, brows:
→ overly long and dark eyelashes that touch the eyebrows,
→ drastic eyelash growth curse,
→ natural mascara and eyelash curler effect,
→ benefits of using a lash serum for years
→ naturally full and dark eyebrows that are always filled in,
→ desired eyebrow shape and size,
→ naturally threaded and professionally done eyebrows
→ drastic hair growth curse
→ perfect soft and shiny hair in a perfect condition, hair damage and frizz removal and repair,
→ thick, clean hair
→ desired hair type and texture
→ daily scalp massages, bamboo brushes
→ rosemary oil, omega 3
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pleaseeeimjustagirl · 6 months
Your Physical Glow Up 
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Most of us when trying to level up are very excited to work on the physical aspect. I know I am. I'm excited about finally getting my dream body, skin, and hair. I have been working so hard this month on being intentional with my habits so I can attain my goals. So in today's blog post, I want to break down the things you should focus on to enhance your physical appearance I will be making more in-detail blog posts about each point<3.
This is the most important thing to me that we should all focus on whether you are trying to lose weight, gain weight, or maintain. Your diet can affect a lot. Having a bad diet can affect your gut health causing uncomfortable bloating it can affect your skin giving you bad acne and so many other issues. Depending on your goal try to find a diet that best fits what you're going for that can be intuitive eating, vegan, paleo, keto, or whatever other diets you might want to follow. Watch YouTube videos do your research on the diets also find out how many calories you should be eating daily. Always consult your doctor especially if you have medical issues. WATER I know some girlies aren’t big fans of water lol but you need water! I wish I could put a bigger emphasis on the need for water it's a must especially when it comes to your skin and overall body health. If you don't like drinking water you can put lemons or other fruits in your water. My favorite item to use to give my water a boost of flavor is flavored packets they sell them every where and they are very low in calories ranging from 0-10 Cals. Finally, your gut health I know you have been hearing about this all over tik tok this topic is so deep ill be making a separate post for it but yes gut health is so important it can affect our physical appearance causing us to look bloated or inflamed. So do your research on how to improve your gut health and expect a post soon <3.
Get your body moving babe! Exercise can be fun find a form of exercise that makes you feel good and that you enjoy. I think the reason why a lot of us do not enjoy working out is because we are doing what everyone else is doing instead of doing what makes us happy. Some people might love HIIT workouts and you might like something more low-impact like pilates and the next girl could like walking 5 miles every day. Figure out what best suits you dibble and dabble in different forms of exercise. And yes I know sometimes we will have to do exercise we don’t like to get a certain look I recently started weight training at first I did not like it but now I love ittt! It makes me feel so good and I have been seeing results and the more results I see the harder I want to go in the gym. Also, you do not have to pay for memberships to be able to do pilates and yoga YouTube has a lot of amazing women who will get you right. So look at your goals figure out what aligns with them and be consistent.
Sleep is very important and the most overlooked. You need to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night. Start training your body to sleep more no more late nights. Of course, staying up here and there is understandable but you shouldn’t be staying up and going to sleep by 3 am every single day. Take it easy allow yourself to rest! Do not overwork yourself to achieve your goals. With patience, you will reach your goals in the blink of an eye, and you’ll be where you want to be.
First figure out what skincare type you have and the type of products that are best for your skin. I have hyperpigmentation and dark spots it's not extremely bad but I do not like it and would like my skin to be one color and clear. So I did some research on what I could try to get the skin that I wanted. I recently started using Kojic acid, Cosrx, MediCube, and Neutrogena. Also, sunscreen is important for all of us to use. I'm a black girl if you haven't realized yet lol but growing up I heard black people do not need sunscreen yesss we do! I recently started getting into anti-aging skin care as well still doing my research. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be youthful you can't stop aging but you can slow it down.
These were the basic things to focus on when trying to physically level up if you want me to go more in-depth let me know. I'll be making posts on each separately over the next couple of weeks.
I'm open to any comments or private messages if you can relate and please let me know any further topics you want me to cover<3
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red-pill-to-swallow · 9 months
How to skin
Hey babes,
today I want to talk about skin. Our skin – especially the skin in our face – is one of the first things that we recognize in another person.
This is the reason why it is so important to have clean and vibrant looking skin. Your skin color doesn’t matter as long as it is healthy looking and free of pimples.
Clear skin is a universal sign for good health and it can elevate the look of a person completely.
Us humans tend to find other people more attractive if they have good skin – it’s something in our genes.
Personally, I’m blessed with good skin – I never had acne as a teenager, only some lonely pimples right before my period would start.
However, when my gynecologist put me on the pill when I was around 19 years old I suddenly developed acne and it was horrible. That’s when I started to take my skincare very serious and made a ton of research that I want to share with you.
Disclaimer: I am not a dermatologist. Those are simply my experiences and what I’ve learned over the years.
Why do we even get pimples?
A very short summary: we get pimples, because sebum is clogging our pores and bacteria starts to grow in the pore which makes it inflamed.
Is it my fault that I get pimples? Am I not clean enough?
Yes and no.
Yes – there might be people who are experiencing acne just because they don’t cleanse their face good enough. However that’s something that happens very rarely.
Most people with acne wash and clean their face more often and more thoroughly than the average person.
If you experience heavy acne, don’t try to treat it at home. Instead, seek out a dermatologist to see if the acne is fungal.
I would also recommend getting blood-work done to see if the acne is hormonal.
If you never had acne and suddenly get pimples all over your face it could also be because of your birth control, especially if your birth control is hormonal.
Like I said before, I suddenly developed acne after my gynecologist put me on the pill. The reason for that was that the pill had gestagen in it which is similar to progesterone.
Progesterone is basically stimulating the skin to produce more oils and sebum – pores get clogged more easily and pimples form.
Diet also plays a big part in acne. Personally, I don’t see a difference if I leave out dairy or gluten but some people almost see an immediate effect.
I wouldn’t recommend just stopping consuming gluten and dairy one day, please speak to your doctor beforehand.
Instead, try to limit your sugar and fat intake first before you start to take drastic actions.
My acne is neither hormonal nor fungal, what can I do?
Having a healthy skin-barrier is the key to having clean and vibrant looking skin!
Most of us fell victim to Clearasil and other harsh drugstore products in our youth. I remember slathering my face with a 3 in 1 face wash, face mask and peeling once and my skin was red for days. At that time I didn’t know that the products were simply way to harsh for the skin on my face and wondered why it didn’t work as good as in the commercials.
If you’re just starting out with your skincare journey, here are a few tips that you should consider when you pick out products and a routine:
- a healthy skin-barrier should be your first priority. Everything else can be addressed later on.
- all the products for your face should be fragrance free or contain very little fragrance.
- stick to your routine for at least one month before changing it
- introduce new products one after one and take your time to do so
How does a good basic skincare routine look like?
You don’t need thousands of products in the beginning, keep it simple and gentle.
A good routine could look like this:
Step 1: use a gentle cleanser to wash your face in the morning. Nothing too heavy. I like to use a foam cleanser for this.
Step 2: use a hydrating toner and apply it with your hands, so you get the most out of your product.
Step 3: while your face is still damp with the toner, apply a hyaluronic acid serum. Never put hyaluronic acid on dry skin, it won’t do anything.
Step 4: wait for the hyaluronic acid to sink into your skin and apply a hydrating face cream all over your face. Do this even if your skin is oily – it still needs moisture.
Step 5: apply sunscreen all over your face and neck. Sunscreen is essential, especially if you use exfoliants.
Step 1: use a cleansing oil or cleansing balm in the evening. This is to remove your makeup and sunscreen from your face.
Step 2: use a gel cleanser and massage your skin for at least one minute. It’s important that you cleanse every small part of your face. Especially tricky is the skin around your nostrils and on your chin.
Step 3: again, use a hydrating toner and apply it with your hands.
Step 4: apply a thick face cream all over your face, best is something with panthenol.
What are the things that I should avoid?
- touching your face with dirty hands. Always wash your hands before you cleanse in the morning and in the evening. Avoid touching your face with your hands during the day.
- stop picking at pimples. I know – it’s frustrating, but the more you pick on your spots, the more inflamed they get. There also is a danger of you spreading around all that bacteria with your hands and possibly getting scars.
- Never ever use physical exfoliators in the face. They damage your skin with micro cuts that you can’t see with your eyes and damage more than they help. Always look for chemical exfoliators!
See you soon!
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euphoriacafe · 4 months
First time ask and a bit of a potentially bodily gross one so please ignore if it is but I’d love to see how you’d write the different (whichever ones you feel like writing) Call of Duty men reacting to an afab reader who unfortunately has chest acne they can’t seem to get rid of.
I can just see them helping reader with her body washing routine but to varying degrees of strictness where Simon and Price get on her while Soap and Gaz are nicer about it,,,
Call Of Duty Members reacting to F-Reader having acne 1/2
Author Note: I absolutely got you! I personally always seen acne/scars as constellations but on the body- so it's a every body is beautiful and unique in its own way. I hope you enjoy it and hope I didn't disappoint.
Warning : Just talks of Acne, The reader is obliviously 18+
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(Y/N) sighed heavily, her gaze fixed on the small mirror propped up against the wall of her bunker room. Her fingers traced the angry red bumps scattered across her chest, feeling self-conscious and frustrated. It seemed like no matter how much she tried to care for her skin, the acne persisted, a constant reminder of the stress and uncertainty of their situation. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice the door creak open until Soap's familiar voice broke through the silence. "Hey there, soldier. Mind if I come in?" His tone was gentle, filled with concern.
(Y/N) quickly pulled her shirt collar up, attempting to hide the blemishes, but it was too late. Soap's sharp eyes caught sight of her discomfort immediately. "Hey, what's going on?" Soap asked softly, stepping further into the room. His presence felt comforting, like a steady anchor in the chaos of their world.
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment before sighing and dropping her hands to her sides, exposing the acne once more. "It's just… this," she gestured to her chest, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over her. Soap approached her with a reassuring smile, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. We're all going through a lot right now. Stress can do strange things to our bodies."
She nodded, appreciating his understanding. "I know, it's just… hard to deal with sometimes." Soap nodded sympathetically. "I get it. But remember, (Y/N), your worth isn't defined by your appearance. You're strong, capable, and brave. And those qualities shine brighter than any blemish ever could."
(Y/N) couldn't help but smile at his words, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. "Thanks, Soap. I needed to hear that." "Anytime, soldier," Soap replied, giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "We're in this together, through thick and thin."
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Price :
(Y/N) grunted as she pushed through another set of reps in the dimly lit gym of the bunker, the weight of the world heavy on her shoulders. She was alone, seeking solace in the rhythmic clank of the weights and the burn in her muscles, the only sounds in the quiet of the night.
But as she paused to catch her breath, she felt a presence behind her, and before she could turn around, Captain Price's stern voice cut through the stillness. "Soldier, what are you doing here at this hour?"
Startled, (Y/N) straightened up, feeling a flush of embarrassment wash over her as she realized her captain had caught her in this vulnerable moment. She glanced down at her chest, the acne inflamed and visible even in the dim light, feeling self-conscious under his scrutiny.
"I… I couldn't sleep, sir," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
Price's gaze softened as he stepped closer, his eyes flicking to the sweat glistening on her skin. "And what's this?" he asked, his tone gentle yet firm. "You know the importance of hygiene, soldier. You should have wiped yourself down after your workout."
(Y/N) bit her lip, feeling a pang of guilt. "I'm sorry, sir. I'll remember next time."
Price nodded, his expression fatherly as he handed her a towel. "Here, clean yourself up. And I have something that might help with that," he said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a tube of cream. "It's not a cure-all, but it should soothe the inflammation."
Grateful, (Y/N) accepted the cream with a nod, touched by his thoughtfulness. "Thank you, sir. I appreciate it."
Price gave her a small smile, a glimmer of pride in his eyes. "Take care of yourself, (Y/N). We need you in top shape."
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Ghost :
(Y/N) let out a heavy sigh as she peeled off her shirt, the dim light of her bunker room casting shadows across her inflamed skin. She stood in front of the mirror in her sports bra, her chest and back dotted with angry red bumps, a painful reminder of the day's struggles. Dehydration and sweat from her intense workout had taken their toll, examining her acne and leaving her feeling defeated. Just as she was about to give in to the overwhelming wave of unhappiness, a sharp knock on the door jolted her from her thoughts. With a frown, she made her way to the door, wondering who could possibly be interrupting her solitude.
Opening the door, she was met with the sight of Ghost, her best friend, his expression stern and disapproving. Before she could even utter a greeting, he stepped into her room, a plastic bag clutched in his hand.
"What's going on, (Y/N)?" he asked, his voice laced with concern and a hint of frustration. "I thought we talked about taking care of yourself. You know neglecting your hydration and letting yourself overheat only makes your acne worse."
(Y/N) felt a pang of guilt at his words, knowing he was right but unable to shake the feeling of defeat that had settled over her. "I know, Ghost. It's just been a rough day," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
Ghost softened slightly, his expression shifting from annoyance to empathy as he set the plastic bag down on her bed. "I get that, but you can't let it consume you," he said, his tone gentle yet firm. "You're stronger than this, (Y/N). You know that."
With a sigh, (Y/N) nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude for his unwavering support, even when she didn't deserve it. "I'll try, Ghost. I promise."
He gave her a small smile, his eyes filled with a mixture of big brotherly concern and affection. "Good. Now, let's get you cleaned up and hydrated. We'll tackle this together."
As Ghost handed her a water bottle, new towels, and some cream, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth wash over her. With him by her side, she knew she could weather any storm, no matter how dark.
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Gaz :
(Y/N) stared at her reflection in the mirror, frustration etched into every line of her face as she scrutinized the acne that marred her skin. With a deep sigh, she couldn't help but make an irritated facial expression, her disgust evident in the furrow of her brows and the tightness of her jaw. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't hear Gaz enter the room until his voice cut through the silence, pulling her back to reality. "Hey, (Y/N), what are you doing?" he asked, concern evident in his tone.
Startled, (Y/N) turned to face him, her irritation bubbling to the surface as she struggled to contain her emotions. "What does it look like I'm doing, Gaz?" she snapped, her frustration spilling over. "I'm staring at my stupid face, wondering why I have to deal with this disgusting acne." Gaz's expression softened as he approached her, his voice calm and reassuring. "Hey, (Y/N), you're not alone. Acne is natural, and it's nothing to be ashamed of."
(Y/N) scoffed, feeling a pang of guilt for snapping at him. "Easy for you to say," she muttered, her tone bitter. "You don't have to deal with this mess on your face and chest." Gaz reached out, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "Actually, I do," he admitted quietly, his gaze meeting hers with sincerity. "I struggle with back acne sometimes. It's a pain, but we're in this together."
Surprised by his revelation, (Y/N) felt a flicker of warmth in her chest, grateful for his honesty and understanding. "I… I didn't know," she murmured, her anger dissipating as she met his gaze.Gaz gave her a small smile, his eyes filled with empathy. "It's okay. We all have our battles," he said softly. "But you don't have to face yours alone. Let me help you find a good remedy for your acne. We'll tackle it together." Touched by his offer, (Y/N) felt a sense of relief wash over her. "Thank you, Gaz. I'm sorry for snapping at you," she apologized, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders.
Gaz shook his head, his smile widening. "No need to apologize. Friends stick together, through thick and thin."
With Gaz by her side, (Y/N) knew that no matter what challenges she faced, she wouldn't have to face them alone. And for that, she was grateful.
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Alejandro :
(Y/N) sighed as she approached Alejandro's room, knocking on the door. When he answered, she asked, "Hey, Alejandro, do you happen to have any laundry detergent without perfumes or dyes? My acne is acting up, and I need something gentle for my clothes."
Curiosity crept into Alejandro's expression as he raised an eyebrow. "What's going on with your acne?"
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment before admitting, "It's super inflamed, and I'm trying to minimize any irritation. So, fragrance-free detergent would help."
Alejandro nodded, understanding, "Got it. Let me check." After a brief search, he shook his head, "Sorry, I don't have any."
Disappointed but not surprised, (Y/N) forced a smile and said, "No worries, thanks anyway."
An hour later, there was a soft knock on (Y/N)'s door, and when she opened it, she found Alejandro holding a bag. "I couldn't find the detergent, but I got you these," he said, handing her the bag. Inside were shirts specifically designed to be gentle on the skin and allow the body to breathe, along with the fragrance-free detergent she had been searching for.
Her eyes widened with surprise and gratitude. "Alejandro, you didn't have to do this."
He grinned, offering a reassuring pat on her shoulder. "Consider it a little care package. We all need a bit of extra comfort sometimes, especially when dealing with things like this. You're not alone in it, okay?"
Touched by his thoughtful gesture, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth. "Thank you, Alejandro. I really appreciate it."
He gave her a brotherly hug, "Anytime, (Y/N). We look out for each other, right?"
With a genuine smile, she nodded, "Right." With Alejandro's support, she felt a renewed sense of confidence, knowing that even in the face of skincare challenges, she had someone in her corner.
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requincouche · 5 months
Sometimes I wish that I could look cuter, more shaped and curvy, in the rear and the front. When I look at myself in the mirror, I just see stick and bones 😅. Though, probably it's more healthy for my body this way.
I'm not unhappy with who I am or what I look like, though we all have our wishes. My new year's resolutions are that I wanna be a little bit more healthy. I'll drink less wine, and I think that I'll stop drinking coffee too cus the latter seems to stain my teeth. On a more serious note, I noticed over the last few years that my acne started coming back. My shoulder skin started getting that weird inflamed feeling all the time. So in December I visited a derm to ask what my options were. Of course they recommend all kinds of cremes and antibiotics, which for me did not previously work. So I asked whether I could get another round of accutane and whether it'd be useful. It's a very annoying med because you need to get tested every few weeks to see if you're not experiencing too much side effects, but at least I know that it'll work. I agreed to it and I'll take it for its full duration. Well it kinda works out cus you can't drink alcohol when taking this med, anyway. I'll be fine of course, and I look forward to my skin looking less inflamed again
I love you, sorry I've been inactive. I'll queue up new pictures today ♥️🦈
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persnicketypomelo · 1 year
Imagine if the phantom had a massive eczema or acne breakout on his face for whatever reason, how would you headcanon his inevitable freak out and how would his S/O reassure or comfort him?
As someone who had an eczema breakout on my face in the past I can say its not cool at all aha. Can you write for merik and gerik?
I assume by merik and gerik you mean musical Erik and Gaston Leroux's Erik? I'm not very trendy with slang and terminology 🥲
Also prescribed steroid creams are my one true love--truly a miracle for eczema
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Leroux Erik
It's inevitable when wearing something covering one's face for nearly all waking hours, that it will result in some kind of skin blemishes
Even for Erik's self-proclaimed "dead flesh"
Leroux's Phantom faces much more insecurities regarding his appearance, and for understandable reason
His physical abnormalities are not confined to a botched sunburn on one half of his face, and can be noticed by first glance, even while he wears his mask
This Erik craves your approval and yearns for your glance, like a child eager to show off to his parents
But when he finds, one day, unsightly red and inflamed patches littered across his face, he cannot help but feel panicked
All this time, he has been trying to seek your approval by venturing to take off his mask and catch your eye, only to find that a new plague ailed him
He will suddenly become reclusive and flinch from your sight
Though it cannot help his troubled skin at all, the mask will not leave his face for even a moment
His music, as of late, rages like a brewing storm, reflecting his troubled feelings and irritated skin
Erik will disappear for large swaths of time, seeking out all manners of ointments from the local pharmacies*
But even with the best solutions the druggists have to offer, his skin truly needs to breathe most of all to clear up
It is inevitable that you notice his atypical behaviour--the way he turns his back to your gaze, like a frightened animal trying to hide its vulnerabilities, and how reluctant he is to let you close
With determination, you eventually manage to force him to show you what his bothering him, and his trembling as you pry off his mask doesn't go unnoticed
This was what he was so concerned about?
You could laugh at the hilarity of the situation
The mighty, formidable Phantom shy to face you over a skin rash?
Like an overbearing mother, you order him to leave his mask off to avoid further aggravating his face
He had been frightened at the prospect of your disappproval, but after you show him only he gains the confidence to trail after your attention like a stray puppy again
Erik would sink into your touch as you gingerly apply his ointments, always failing to mask how much he truly craved your approval and affection
It will take time, patience, and care but eventually his flare up will subside
The Phantom would be even more determined to catch your approval and attention after that ordeal
Even this living corpse is not immune to wanting for love
*pharmacies/drug stores/apothecaries have existed for a very long time. Needless to say, what you could purchase then would be vastly different and likely toxic
Musical Erik
I've mentioned it before, but musical Erik does not not really desire your reassurance of his maskless face to the same degree as Leroux's Erik
He cares more that he has you within his grasp, bound to him
In a twisted way, he has grown attached to his mask, for he likes the powerful, confident feeling it gives him
So when he must abstain from wearing it due to the friction and irritation it causes with his skin, he is rather irritable
He will be irked, like a kid told that it's their bedtime, at your fussing and insistence that he foregoes wearing it
Erik much prefers to be the one in control, and he feels rather helpless with his irritated skin, that he can do nothing to fix other than wait and allow you to fuss over
You will find small tokens of appreciation from him, once both his skin's and his own irritability has subsided
Whereas Leroux's Erik feels much more shy and desperate for approval over having a flare up or break out, musical Erik will be sulky and irritable over it instead.
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