#intro to queer
faithfulfemme · 1 month
manifesting horny asks. frequent horny asks.
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karouvas · 7 months
unstoppable force (Adam’s canonical teacher kink) meets immovable object (Gansey being a professor’s soul in a teenagers body).
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justruse · 9 months
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Blood touched your lips.
One moment you were walking home, and the next you were waking up in a hospital room with a searing pain in your neck and an insatiable hunger lingering in your belly. The events of the previous night were a blurry and chaotic mess of fear, panic, and blood.
Your blood...
ONCE BITTEN is a dark romance interactive fiction game set in a vampire-infested 1990s New York City. Navigate the city as you try to regain your footing and find your place as a recently-turned vampire. Being a vampire isn't as glamorous as the stories make it out to be, especially when you have a group of Hunters that want you dead.
Content Warnings: suggestive themes, violence, gore, blood, body horror, drug use, death, animal cruelty, homophobia, and transphobia
* Note: Content warnings, with the option to disable them, will appear before each chapter.
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Play as a customizable protagonist, with the ability to choose your name (including nicknames), gender, pronouns, and appearance.
Befriend a cast of characters and pursue one of five romance options.
Explore New York City and its vampiric nightlife as a newly-turned vampire. Experience what it truly means to be a creature of the night.
Adopt a dog, or don’t. Be warned, it will come back to bite you.
A focus on choices, rather than stats, that will alter your relationships with the cast as well as the narrative moving forward. Will you choose to embrace your new existence?
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Dr. Joseph Levi (he/him)
A seemingly quiet, albeit quite sarcastic, professor at first glance, Dr. Joseph Levi is more than what meets the eye. In reality, he is a type of vampire hunter known as a Keeper—and he also happens to save your life and doom it too.
Vanya Kreisky (she/her)
Beautiful, cunning, and deceptive, Miss Vanya Kreisky is the queen of the Scarlet Palace, a historic hotel and casino nestled in the heart of Manhattan. She much older, and more powerful, than she first lets on, and seems to have an odd interest in you.
Rana Ayari (she/her)
Rana Ayari is the owner of Lilith's Lounge, a small bar near West Village. She's a welcoming face to strangers with an easy-going attitude. Unless you're stirring up trouble, you'll be welcome at Lilith's.
Addison Reyes (he/him | she/her)
Only turned about fifteen years ago, Addison is probably the youngest vampire you'll meet, and because of that, they have a sense of optimism and adventure many older vampires lack. They like to have fun and they'll share it with you—well, whenever they're not stuck working a shift at Lilith's, of course.
Dr. Michael "Ellie" Elliot (he/they)
Dr. Michael Elliot is a doctor working at the hospital you wake up in after being turned. They're quite zany, in a way you can't quite place, and it's obvious they've seen some things in their centuries long existence that they quite haven't processed yet.
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Hi maggots, it's Asmi!
It seems we have arrived at That Point again, when I need a new intro post. So here we are! The Official (kidnapped) Good Omens Mascot and uh Maggot Prince has returned with a fresh post.
First, before I talk about myself, here are some important links that people ask me for and I want to make sure they're accessible:
The Official Maggots Server of Doom on Discord: The server of kindness and chaos and brainrot where we just vibe (I promise you'll be welcome there, whoever you are, maggot, so many people who were shy are now screeching at me and I love that). Link here.
Weirdly-Specific-But-Ok The Youtube Channel: Yes, thanks to the 10khaos post, I made a Youtube channel. I intend to cause a lot of chaos on it, I have already begun. Hehe. Link here.
My Ko-fi: Ummmm this exists? Wahoo a Ko-fi. No pressure and I appreciate you all whether you're a silent lurker, causing chaos, supporting me with words or supporting me on Ko-fi. I love you. Link here.
The Good Omens Ad: A lot of you ask me what Good Omens is about. Never fear! I wrote an advertisement for it ages ago, and @1800ineedshelp edited it fabulously. Link here.
Okay I think that's the important parts, I'll edit it later, and now... uh HELLO!
I'm Asmi, I'm 20 years old, he/him, very queer and probably napping at any given moment of the day. Because of a chaotic post, I now have a fandom. My fans, such as they are, are known as maggots. There is a lot of significance behind that (accidentally, I just picked it because it looked like mascot kind of).
I am the Official Good Omens Mascot, because I was kidnapped by the fandom in January after I made a summary post of Good Omens without watching it, just by what I saw on my tumblr dash. I have grown very fond of this title and the fandom, and have since watched the show (some episodes twice).
Also, this blog is a safe space for all queer people, and yes that includes aroace-spec people, trans people, all queer people. If you don't agree with that, there's the door *points to a pit of boiling sulphur*.
[if you see talk of spare organs, the Wibbles Incident, Fae kidnapping, Red Bull-induced madness, me thirsting over Crowley etc, don't worry about it, it's normal here. just be careful when gardening and/or fishing is mentioned, it's a trap.]
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wanted-game-if · 8 months
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Wanted Game is a cowboy fantasy with some lovecraftian horror interactive fiction game
You wake up in the middle of nowhere, the sun blistering hot
no food,
no water,
and probably the most concerning thing of all you don't remember anything not your name, not where you are and not what you look like
You are found by a gang of outlaws the leader (or who you assume the leader to be) takes you captive but then offers you a deal you can't possibly pass up but things smell fishy.. they are outlaws who are there for their selfish reasons how can you truly trust them;
especially when they all seem to know something about you even though you have a mask stuck to your face they aren’t willing to tell what they know about you
no matter how close you get or how many tricks you try
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• A customizable Mc though physical customization is somwhat limited until later in the story.
• Paint/design the mask and thought out the story their will be some options that will affect your mask
• Romance 10 of the charaters 7 main ones and 3 youll just have to figure out, one of the secret romances is a poly route with Oscar, got commitment issues or just looking for fun theres a large aray of flings along the road so dont you worry
• Doom or help the jobs succeed with your choices
• Grow relationships with the rest of the gang {{and even the group of bounty hunters chasing after you and the gang}}
• When not doing jobs entertain your self with a hobby or work on your skills
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Oscar || He/They || 24 || 5’3
{{ Attracted to Men & Non-binary people }}
Growing up in the gang most would probably assume Oscar is mean, greedy, selfish but if given the chance you would find a soft caring man with a love for literature almost always with a book when he is not scouting or helping his ma with sewing up clothes the gang tend to wreck
Emile || Xe/Xem || 27 || 5’10
{{ Attracted to Everyone & Anyone }}
Oscars older brother Emile is very protective of Xyrs little brother emile is known to sleep around and be a massive flirt but never actually letting anyone be anything to Xem then a pretty face Xe can fool around with. sometimes you catch Xem staring at you with a expression you don’t quite understand
Louis || He/Him || 30 || 6’2
{{ Questioning }}
A very quiet man always tending to the horses or making wood sculptures hes very quiet keeping to himself not because of anything distrustful or rude he seems to just like being alone he is always looking to help out with jobs as long as he can keep his distance with people
Boss || He/Him || 58.. || 6’0
{{ Attracted to anyone but must be close to them emotionally before he does anything sexual in nature }}
A very talkative older man with alot of elegance for a outlaw he always has plans brewing though his number one goal is keeping the gang safe. He tends to be overprotective of everyone and can be a very hotheaded man its very easy to press his buttons
Ares || he/they/she || 28 || 5’11
{{ Attracted to anyone }}
Growing up in high society Ares learnt to be a very charismatic and social fellow most people would call her a charming, gentle, kind person but if you peer close enough through their wall you will soon learn that she is not at all what she appears and she has a more nasty complex towards commoners, rich folk and especially outlaws
Clara || She/Her || 40 || 5’5
{{ Attracted to men }}
Clara a sweet older lady recently joined up with the gang temporarily to help get funds to get her home but something about her story doesn’t add up, she seems like she wouldn’t hurt a fly so many dismiss her but some ought remember she is still an outlaw no matter how sweet she seems
Adelaide || She/Her || 37 || 4’9
{{ Attracted to women and non-binary people }}
Adelaide is the best with all things traps, distractions and explosives she cant be a bit much always adding a flare to everything and talking so fast you only barely understand she isn’t very observant when it comes to body language and tone so don’t expect her you realize your emotions straight away. she is also Boss’s Niece
T} ??? || he/him || 30 || 6’0 || Poly route with Oscar
{{ Attracted anyone}}
“They are so utterly perfect for him I’m jealous of them but i also want them aswell how selfish my heart is”
S} ??? || They/Them || 29 || 5’8
{{ Attracted to women }}
“In darkness she is the one stray ray of light that kisses my face”
J} ??? || they prefer just to be called by their name || 33 || 6’5
{{Attracted to women & men}}
“Its against my job, my morals,my life so tell me why it feels so right”
||Demo:TBA || Pinterest || Art Acc || My boundaries and asks boundaries
Sorry for any misspellings or weird way i worded things
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kaelie-quill · 4 months
Writeblr Intro
This feels super awkward to do but I'm putting myself out there for better or worse, so! I go by Kaelie on here, I am 22, Queer, and go by she/her pronouns. I've been on writeblr on and off since I was maybe fifteen but haven't touched it in four years. I am now 22 and for most of those four years I have been plagued by my current WIP, currently called Project Genesis. I've only just recently forced myself to really sit and try to get it out of my head.
I'm kind of ashamed to admit that the only book I ever finished was a warrior cats fan fiction I wrote when I was twelve (It was like forty chapters, I wrote it by hand in a notebook and I let someone take it home and read it one time and it haunts me) Everything since then has either been abandoned and never even made it out of the planning stage.
For the last four years I've been super stressed and in a super bad mental state and had no time to truly sit and try to write anything and if I did I thought it was absolute trash and it kinda made me hate writing. I even stopped reading despite being obsessed with books from the moment I could read, but in the last year and a half I have rediscovered my love for reading and now I want to try writing again.
Project Genesis is meant to be a multi-book high fantasy series with horror elements (maybe, I've not read many horror books and have little experience writing it. Any tips on writing horror, or good horror books to read would be much appreciated) It's got alternating POVs, basically everybody is queer, lots of religious imagery (maybe only if you squint, but I swear sometimes I feel like I'm just ripping off the Bible)
Despite existing for almost for almost four years its hard to describe what it's actually about? The first book at least is a dual POV about one character denying and running from their destiny to avoid becoming a sacrificial lamb, and another character trying to carve out a destiny for himself when he's not meant to have one (not in a 'he's supposed to be dead' way but in a 'you're life isn't supposed to have any affect on the world' kinda way)
It is currently in early planning stages, I'm working on a zero draft and outline before really hunkering down to try a first draft. I don't know how this is gonna go as far as like updates? I'm really just kinda using this as motivation, like if I talk about and say I'm doing it I can keep myself accountable and not just drift away from this like so many others. I expect it to all be horrible but so long as it's something I can go back and make it better. Thanks for reading! 👋🏻
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friendlyshaped · 8 months
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hello! my name is scottie! i am a 20 yr. old nb college student trying to write a fantasy series (among other minor projects!), looking for active writers to be mutuals and interact with (bonus if ur open to beta reading! or want a beta reader!) :D ask/tag open! i love talking to people, so don't be afraid to say hi :)
my current focus is coming-of-age queer fantasy, but i also focus on dystopian themes, horror, romance, and a sprinkle of futuristic sci-fi
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mya laine and the world of wonder (main)
generally, about creation! coping with being created, and then in turn having to create yourself. also, because i only knonw how to write two things, almost every relationship in this is a lesbian relationship! i am currently trying to make it a bit less Only Lesbians, but also? who fucking cares if it is a fantasy coming of age with literally only lesbian relationships. like... i dont? i'm well aware that i am biased but i still dont care
(of a pod or seed vessel, or a cut or wound) gape or burst open.
also lesbians! contains time shenanigans and dragons. set in a world sort of exactly like the Modern Pre-Crown World in fionna and cake. i reference this because my main lady penny is a silly little history buff and decides to go on this expedition to find more information on a lost goddess, and ends up getting entangled with time. after a long, emotional trek that goes wrong more times than it goes right. penny somehow manages to get sent thousands of years in the future when the world has been ravaged by magic and godly power. and then she meets a girl who has a dragon and a dude that does everything she says, and more shit happens!
untitled crime story (now: unorthodox methods!)
i will not stop calling it untitled crime story!!! but i had to come up with a silly and catchy title because i chose this as a premise for the feature film script i'm writing for class. but untitled crime story i'll remember you
you guessed it.... lesbians.............. but they're exes with sooo much unspoken beef and they go off-grid together anyways so neither of them get put in prison ??? it's in a world where magic is normal and a bit frowned upon, now getting out of have because there's a global shortage of the one drug that suppresses magical powers. and this girl's ex calls her one night! the fun ex---she's supposed to be fun!! but she sounds super terrified and serious and chaos ensues! lesbians running from magical authorities and having to face their very long, very loud shared history.
finally edited it! this post just doubles as my wip masterpost :) i do not feel like doing a whole new post i am just here to have fun
ok <3 thats kinda it. thank you for reading!
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genderfluid-polls · 3 months
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welcome to @genderfluid-polls!
this is a blog where anyone, genderfluid or not, can anonymously submit polls asking questions about things related to genderfluidity. i’ll also create some of my own polls, and reblog ones i see in the wilds of tumblr.
all submitted polls should relate to the premise of “gender that changes” in some way. for example, if you wanted to submit a poll related to being genderflux, it would be welcome! because although the gender itself may or may not be fluid, it does change.
if you submit a poll question without listing any answers, it will probably take a bit longer than usual before i can post it. if you submit a poll and do include answers, i might rephrase them or add more if i think it would help, but i’ll try to avoid this when i can. feel free to tell me if you definitely don’t want me to change your submission.
all polls will be required to have a “see results” button, and in most polls i’ll try to include an “other” button. without a “see results” option, some folks who just want to see the results will click on a random answer and skew the percentages.
any and all hate — asks, comments, or reblogs — will be deleted promptly and you will be reported and blocked.
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to introduce myself, the mod: you can simply refer to me as the mod. i’m genderfluid! my pronouns change, but on this blog i’ll only use they/them and it/its, like the unknown entity i aim to be. i’m an adult.
this is my first time running a poll blog, so i will almost definitely be sloppy at first. i will probably add more rules and guidelines as i learn.
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if you want to check out other blogs focused on genders that change, here are some that i know of: @genderfluid-info-blog @our-genderfluid-experience @genderfluid-culture-iss @the-genderflux-experience @our-genderfawn-experience @our-genderfae-experience
if you have an idea for a poll about queer stuff that doesn’t fit into this blog, you could try one of these other poll blogs: @queer-polls @gaypolls @transgenderpolls @nonbinary-polls @aspecpolls
post dividers were designed by @/cafekitsune
tagging @our-queer-experience for reach!
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kbwritesstuff · 7 months
Writeblr Intro
Hello! My name is Kit. I am new to writeblr, but very old to tumblr. I live in the US, I'm 26 and use she/they pronouns.
I've been creeping on the tags for a while, but I finally made a blog just for writing. I'd love to share updates on what I'm writing, excerpts and talk about writing with other writers.
I'm currently writing my first novel, it's young adult high fantasy. I've written about 40,000 words in the universe, but I've recently finished a more detailed outline. So, I'm starting the real rough draft now that I know more of what I want to say.
A lot of my characters are queer and disabled, like me. I want to write books that are magical and that a lot of different people can see themselves in. I think fantasy serves as a cool conduit for imagining what the world could look like beyond a lot of the power structures we take for granted.
I'd love to follow other authors, particularly ones that are also working on longer term projects. I think it'd be cool to get feedback from people, or find other people who have been doing this longer and talk more about their thought processes. I'm open to following writers of all genres since I read them all and think there's so many cool things to learn from different styles!
Any advice on how to get started is appreciated, will be following anyone that interacts with this post.
I look forward to getting more involved in this community!
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maggieharlan · 28 days
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writeblr introduction
my name is maggie (mags) harlan (she/her | early 30s | ace/aro), & i write queer adult fantasy. looking to get to know some other authors in the community (bonus points for fantasy!) and chat craft, chars, and anything else, so please interact with this post if you're looking to do the same! about me (shorthand version) ⸙ genres i write: fantasy / horror / speculative fiction ⸙ vibes i like: twisted magic systems; banter; messy characters who are messier together; small casts; haunting/atmospheric settings ⸙ fandoms: last kingdom; bg3; witcher; one piece; jjk ⸙ looking for: critique partners, accountability buddies, people to shoot the shit with :) current project: (discordance WIP), a humorously dark secondary world fantasy told across multiple povs and two timelines, with a by-turns beautiful and horrific system of magic and a second-chance romance that i am low-key obsessed with (see: berec tag) come say hi!
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spitefulbull · 7 months
Writeblr Intro
Well, guess there's a first time for everything. Had no idea folks did this until recently.
Hi ^-^ My name is Sy, I'm 29 years old, queer and a cis-female. I've been writing fictions on and off since my late teens, and I just recently began writing with serious intent. English is my second language, so I apologize if I mess up the spelling or grammar on something. I'm currently in school for computer programming and living with my grandparents, whom I take care of as well. I hope to meet some kind mutuals and share ideas with them ^-^
My hobbies are simple, mostly just video games, reading, writing, annoying my cat, and just vibing. I'm a homebody now, so I don't get into too many crazy shenanigans anymore (if my liver could talk, it'd have stories for days).
I like to write in high fantasy settings, but I tend to experiment with modern AUs from time to time. I have dabbled in Star Wars universe fictions, thanks to a gaming club I've been a part of for nearly three years.
Current WIPs
Ravens of Fate
Star Wars in-universe story of espionage, sabotage, and questioned loyalties. Post Episode VI Imperial POV.
Unnamed WIP
My serious attempt at writing my own story. High-fantasy military team charged with the protection of their sovereign's only daughter. An adventure with lots of action, some angst, and plenty of queer shenanigans. Doesn't have a title yet, but working on it!
If you're also a fellow writer, please interact with this post! I'd love to follow more writeblr blogs and meet new folks.
Well, that's all I got for now. My inbox is always open, so feel free to drop in there. Hope to meet some of y'all soon ^-^
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jeypawlik · 8 months
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An Intro!
Hey I'm Jey, a nonbinary comic artist! My specialty is autobio and character-focused short stories. I've got two completed webcomics under my belt (Dead City & Gender Slices) and am posting pages every Tuesday at https://topazcomics.com & bonus content at https://patreon.com/jpawlik All my other socials can be found at https://jpawlik.com/about (I'm on most of them). 
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m4nc4v3-2000 · 1 month
Forcemasc, having been formed as a safer and less fetishized counter-movement to forcefem, was originally a way for transmasculine folks to reclaim their sexuality, created by and for trans people. However, over time, forcemasc has become more popular, and is no longer a small subculture of people who prefer the sexual aspect of the idea. That's why, here at Mancave 2000, we aim to create forcemasc content for all sorts of transmasc folks, regardless of their sexuality, be it gay, straight, ace, bi, or anything. In our experience, forcemasc is something many transmasculine individuals find comforting, so we want to make it as inclusive as possible.
Owned by: Martin (he/him) & David (he/him), two transguys from somewhere in the vague mass of Eastern Europe.
Hope you like our awesome blog and have fun with our content!
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hagscribes · 5 months
🦇 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
✦ Hello all! Very new to writeblr, though I've been writing on and off for years now. I go by Lamia. 27, they/she, black.
✦ I write mostly high/dark fantasy with romance themes. Expect a lot of (gothic) horror and (some) science-fiction every once in a while. Enemies to lovers is my bread and butter, angst my drink of choice. Throw in a little tragedy, a few metaphors about the terror of religion, blood, and it's a feast. My writing is explicitly queer and so am I.
✦ Fanfiction and personal works will both be housed here. I am currently drafting a novel with a magic system that uses dragon remains as its primary fuel. Heavily in the research process, might even dabble with conlangs.
✦ I consider my main writing influences to be Anne Rice and Angela Carter. I do an awful lot of reading as well, so feel free to talk to me about anything book related! Some of my other favorite authors are Mary Shelley, Brandon Sanderson, and Holly Black. Please give me all your horror recs 🖤
✦ Asks and requests are encouraged, especially if they're about my OCs. I'd also love to learn all about yours!
✦ Mature and erotic content will be very much present in my works, though I will always do my best to tag appropriately. Please read any tags/warnings thoroughly. 18+ only.
✦ main blog is @princeofhags. ao3 is bitterhags.
writing | wips
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Hello there!
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Mod team:
I’m Jamie but I also go by Jay! I’m gender queer and use any pronouns but I am masc leaning (he/him), don’t be afraid to ask! I’m aegosexual-pansexual and a romance repulsed aromantic! I am neurotypical and the OG owner of this blog!
My name's Noah Oats and I use they/them pronouns! I'm aroace, specifically quoiromantic and aegosexual! I have diagnosed ADHD and am an INFP :D
My name is Ray! I go by any pronouns and I’m cogender (female and agender). I am cupioromantic and aegosexual (and many other things, just ask if you want to know!). I also have diagnosed autism and I’m an ISFP
Carl D, all pronouns, allergic to garlic, aroace
We’re here for all your Questions, Rants, Vents and Confessions!
Ask box is always open and we’re always here for your asks!
We are here to educate, explain and help with anyone who needs it!
Stay safe, remember you are valid and its your box!
Commonly asked questions!
Link to my Aro-spec post
Link to a post containing most Ace Spec identities
Asexual Wiki, Aromantic Wiki,
the Asexual Visibility and Education Network -Asexual resource
AUREA - the Aromantic-spectrum Union for Recognition, Education, and Advocacy
List of Aroace Spectrum resources
Connect to the community - aces and aros
The Battle of the Phobics Link to link post
The comments section link to a helpful article on how to educate/beat the acephobes
Ask box Days!
Sunday: sex stories Sunday, for aro and/or ace specs! Block the tag “aroace explicit” to avoid!
Mondays: free day
Tuesday: rant and vents! Everything goes but everything answered with a ‘.’ Thing
Wednesday: free day
Thursday: minor friendly Thursday! A day for just minors asks to be answered about their aspec ID and questions. Block “aroace minors” to avoid
Friday: free day
Saturday: free day
Recommend blogs
please feel free to ask me first, if I don’t provide a good answer or you want more you can ask again or go to one of these blogs! Please tag more blogs I should add to this list!!
@asexualadvice - asexual advice! (Read blog but helpful info!)
@aegosexual-moments - the aegosexual blog of all time (excluding myself /j)
@aromantic-diaries - Very cool aro person!
(Yes I know my profile pic is off center, suffer, its still off centre, suffer more)
(It’s seperate because aroace is unfortunately usually viewed as one identity, ace and aro are separated spectrums)
(If I hear one more complaint about my icon I’ll change it to what ever random piece of art crosses my dash next and you wouldn’t like that would you??) (i did that and got a new profile pic :D)
@aroaceplaceforsome they’re the neutral party here, they use pronouns
The Blogs
blogs that are kinda fan accounts???? wtf????
THANK YOU SO MUCH TO @la-creechura for drawing our profile pic!!!
@throwawaysoiwontgeteatenbyjamie a whore
@jamies-a-great-person @aroaceappreciationplace -more whores (lovingly)
Banner art by @pride-flag-planets
The forces:
A collection of multi member blogs dedicated to one country of aspecs… all against Denmark
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woundlight · 6 months
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hello! i'm currently trying to get back into the habit of reading and writing, so i'm hoping to use writeblr as a way to keep at it and possibly make some friends!
— about me.
✦ i'm riven, adult, nonbinary lesbian, they/them ✦ neurodivergent ✦ i love cosmic horror, religious symbolism, art, swords, the occult and space
— about my writing.
✦ right now i'm focusing more on poetry and short stories, but i do have a few bigger projects coming ✦ i like writing stories with elaborate worldbuilding, fantasy meeting sci-fi, queer romance, eldritch entities, complicated morality, body horror, general weirdness and, of course, angst ✦ english is not my first language. i've been writing primarily in my native tongue until recently, but i'm eager to grow and learn!
i'd really love to meet more writers and get involved in the community, so feel free to interact or drop a message!
wips under the cut!
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— my wips.
☣️ GODSLAYER science fantasy
when angels discover humanity, the solar system unites under the inquisition, a powerful agency dedicated to the defense of mankind. as they battle against the cosmic threat, the stars seem to shift; the universe is dying, and the angels are ravenous.
🌙 ONEIRATA dark fantasy
in a city where it’s forbidden to dream, a condemned mage is saved by the child prophesied to end the world. as the moon demands blood, they struggle to understand the choice presented to them: betray their savior and secure the sacrifice, or succumb to the cataclysm that is coming.
⛓️ A CITY ABLAZE soft sci-fi
a story inspired by the prometheus myth, set in a frozen post-apocalyptic world. in the last bastion of humanity, a young woman finds herself enthralled by the world outside; a desire that might have deadly consequences for both her and the city itself.
🦐 TIDEFALL pirate fantasy
a story where you play as the branded, a person gifted with a fraction of an old god’s power. marked by an eldritch prawn goddess, you are tasked with saving the gods from extinction. however, the crew of the pirate ship that sheltered you might have other plans.
— other.
✦ i'm excited to participate in tag games and events, but i may be slow to respond. i would still appreciate them though ✦ send me an ask or a dm to be added to a taglist!
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