#is any new information about the server that I missed
faerygardens · 1 year
With the way twitter is crashing and burning right now I am actually begging people (companies, creatives, small businesses, etc) to get their own fucking websites to share information about their projects/events/business instead of giving important updates and information via social media because it’s now literally impossible to see any of that information if you don’t have a twitter account anymore
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fuckmeyer · 2 years
(Jacobsbadwig) with all due respect, when the fuck did you get back! I missed you!
never left, only reincarnated :)
#i missed you too!!!!!! how's the fanfic going???? well i hope :)#it has been a Time#my burnout & mental illness got the better of me. i intended on divorcing myself from fandom & deleting my blog#i wanted to make myself as small as possible so i could spend whatever energy i had on work and drugs#i was afraid my presence was negatively affecting the fandom at best & contributing nothing at worst#it didn't feel like there was any place for me anymore - not because of anything anyone said or did but bc#many posts i made i no longer agreed w/ & bc i was too burnt out to write new theories i figured no one would notice or care i was gone#so i got super drunk and deleted everything#people contacted me about my blog but i was too anxious to reply#bc i didn't want to admit i had made a mistake#i kept the handle in case i ever wanted to post#but for a long time i had nothing to say about twilight outside of what my fanfiction had to say about it#i lurked for a while & at the end of the day i missed the community that came with participating in fandom#really tho - what helped was quitting my crushing job and taking several months to travel around the pacific northwest#(burnout is REAL!!!!!!)#and the admin of the twilight Discord server recognizing my handle & taking the time to talk to me - which was very sweet of them#plus - i am rereading Eclipse for the fanfic rewrite and began to have Thoughts#tbh i've been finding it amazing that anyone ever noticed i left or remembered my handle! im kinda blown away#anyway here's all the information you never asked for LMAO#i am happy to be back in the circle :)#cheers to you#<3
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ms-demeanor · 2 years
So I've been seeing some discourse around the No Fly List leak that looks a bit like "hey everybody, we can't make jokes about this, the list is racist and there are children on the list" or "if you're talking about identity categories instead of the list you're missing the point" and I think that we CAN make jokes about a trans bi lesbian catgirl owning the US government while also appreciating the gravity of the No Fly List but what I think is troubling to me is the way that these discourse posts are treating the blatant racism and inherently fascist nature of the No Fly List as news.
It is news that Maia Arson Crimew was able to download a copy of the No Fly List from an unsecured public server.
It is not news that there are 1.5 million people on that list, many of whom do not belong on it for any number of reasons, and it is not news that there are children on that list, and it is not news that the list is a tool used to deprive people of their civil liberties. That's why the list exists.
I'm aware that I'm getting older. I'm aware that there are entire adults of legal drinking age who were born after 9/11. I'm aware that it's not super common to follow up on foreign policy or national security debacles from when you were in kindergarten, but there are people who have been mad about this shit for twenty years and if you're just now hearing about how bad the list is for the first time, hell, maybe that's on us and we haven't been yelling enough (though when I'm yelling about how the TSA is security theater meant to make us accept encroachments on our rights, this is at least a part of what I'm yelling about).
The No Fly List is a list of individuals maintained by the TSA who are deemed a threat to security for some reason or another.
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The TSA maintains the list, though they are given information for the list from the FBI, Terrorism Screening Center, and other entities. If you'd like to click this document, you can find 250 pages of FOIA'd documents about the No Fly List pre 2006. Much of this document is members of the FBI trying to justify why they need a copy of the list and lamenting that airlines have a copy of the list and they don't. This is very funny.
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There have been issues with mis-identifications and false positives for the list for as long as the list has existed. You can click here to read through an infuriating 200 pages about a Pfizer employee who was stopped at least a dozen times at airports and who retained a law firm to hound the TSA/CBP/ICE clusterfuck of interagency buck-passing for nine months to try to get the problem resolved. One of the three documents at this link includes a complaint from the president of the Terrorist Screening Center lamenting the way that the TSA would refer obvious non-matches to be detained, including infants and the elderly.
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At this point, the FBI/TSA/TSC/ICE/CBP claimed list was still relatively small, in the low thousands at most.
However a 2009 cost-benefit report by the Defense Technical Information Center found that in 2004-2005 30,000 people contacted the TSA to have their names removed from the list; 30k false positives suggests a list somewhat longer than a thousand names.
As long as the No Fly List has existed, criteria for being placed on the list has been subjective and selectively enforced.
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As the Crimew leak shows, there isn't a tremendous amount of biographical data, but there are hundreds of thousands of names and it is enforced at the discretion of the TSA in each individual airport in the US, which is how you end up with duplicates and toddlers and 100-year-old men on what is functionally a filter to keep Muslim people out of the US.
The list has expanded every year that it has existed, and has been defended by republicans and democrats alike since it became one of the tools in our arsenal to fight "the war on terror"
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And for just about that long, people have been talking about how it is unconstitutional, denies civil liberties, and also just doesn't really work.
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It has never been transparent, it has always been a tool of surveillance, exclusion, and control:
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And people have been documenting, protesting, and suing over the islamophobic nature of the list - and the security state's weaponization of the list as a threat - for two decades at this point because in the earliest days of the No Fly List it was OPENLY ACKNOWLEDGED that it was based on racial profiling and people made (shitty, cruel) legal arguments for why it should be:
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THIS isn't funny. These are not the things that people are joking about when they choose to stay silly :3 in this conversation.
But these things also aren't news. Nearly everything I screencapped here was listed as a source on Wikipedia, and what wasn't was available as simple searches on Archive.Org or easily looked up on news websites.
All you have to do is just *look* at the sources on Wikipedia to see that people actually have been talking about it for quite a long time, very publicly, and that there has been a lot of public outcry about the list as it balloons and punishes innocent people with false positives:
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And when you've been looking at stories like these for twenty fucking years it feels wonderful to say "holy fucking bingle" and celebrate that for once someone did something VERY COOL in order to shine a light on this massive (and apparently underappreciated problem).
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naomikozura · 3 months
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Playing With Fire: Chapter 3
Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Fem!Reader (Criminal)
Trope: Enemies to Lovers, Forbidden Romance
Warnings: strong language, angst (slight) violence, mention of weapons, use of bombs (slight), use of weapons, bodily violence, attempted murder, drinking, some sexual themes (slight), breaking into homes, stalking (if you squint) (lmk if I missed any!)
WC: 10.7K
Summary: Killing men is almost as easy as seducing them…. almost. Your job to get in contact with Penguin’s potential new partner comes easy, convincing him to work with your side of the crime ring should be simple. Not when a specific someone doesn’t know his boundaries, especially when it comes to your personal affairs.
Series Masterlist
Chapter 2 || Chapter 4
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Another day, another mission, another raid by the son of a bitch. You had just about enough of his stupid games. You were currently hiding and spying in on one of his hidden locations, trying to dismantle his operations one by one.
You had placed a series of explosives around the shipment he had, planning to destroy it all, and so you waited patiently on the roof of the building just a block away, saying through your goggles and watching as he held his AK-47 in hand and looked over the men packing up the crates for delivery.
You waited a few minutes before you felt the vibration in your wrist go off. Perfect timing. You thought as you watched the crates implode and cause a massive cloud of smoke around all of the men, the explosions getting louder and bigger with each one that detonated. You smirked at yourself.
$100K gone.
You watched as Red’s men scrambled to find the source, his eyes narrowed as he looked up, his eyes meeting yours knowing he had zoomed in his helmet’s software. You smirked at him, waving as he grabbed the sniper off the ground next to him and aiming at you.
Not today motherfucker.
Another explosion went off, causing Red to lose balance, seeing the anger in his body language as you stood and ran off to the other buildings, disappearing as you hid in the night.
You: 1
Red: 0
But your lead was short lived, a few days later you had another run in, this time he found a job you were on. You were trying to get information from another server database, only to find him already there. You saw the hard drive in his hand, chasing after him as he escaped into the underground train system.
You threw a star at him, causing a rip in his thigh but he recovered quickly by shooting at you, slowing you down but missing as you tried catching up to him. You pulled out your own gun, shooting at his feet causing him to trip and you jumped, kicking him in the head and seeing the crack of his helmet. How thick was that thing that could survive so many of your kicks?!
He grabbed your arm, flinging you over his shoulder as your back slammed to the ground with force. You grunted as you tried to stand, his boot connecting with your side as he kicked you towards the ledge of the ramp. Your body struggled to get ahead, but you felt his boot dig into your shoulder, your head leaning over the edge as you struggled.
He was trying to fucking kill you and you were not about ti give him the satisfaction. He leaned down, his knee now digging into your shoulder to hold you in place as his gloved hand grabbed your face, forcing you to look at his ominous stare. His helmet was bright red like blood, and you knew his hands were covered in it. Gotham ran red because of him and he loved it.
“Scared of a little train?”
“More like I’m scared of that ugly face of yours”, you spit out as he wrapped his hand around your throat, cutting off your oxygen supply to make you pass out while forcing your head down over the ledge. Your body was in fight or flight as he slowly started to hold his weight, torturing you with the psychological factor of if he holds you here, you get hit by the train, you die. He was elongating the torture to get at you.
You heard the rumble of the train from the floor, your body going into overdrive. His grip stayed on your throat, slowing crushing your windpipe and causing you to see black points in your vision, the lack of oxygen causing you to almost lose consciousness.
“Come on sweetheart, I know you’ve got more fight in you than this' ', he mocked, your hands trying to loosen his grip, pulling at his hands but his grip only tightened into an iron grip. “I’m sure you’re just as pretty with your head off your shoulders''
The sound of the whistle from the train slowly got louder and louder, your panic setting in but you covered it up well. You reached for your knife, slicing at his arm and maiming his skin. He only sucked in a painful breath, before lifting your body and slamming it against the concrete. You could feel the train getting closer and his intent getting stronger.
You slid your leg in between the two of you, using it to push him off of you and your force pushing you onto the train tracks, your body hitting the heavy metal with force. You couldn’t breathe. You were disoriented. You tried pushing yourself up, your vision hazy.
You tried standing, your body still crouched as the rumble of the train came by. It was about to be here. You needed to get out. Now.
You tried to focus, once you stood you were met with Red pointing his Jericho 941 at you.
“Move and I’ll shoot”, he threatened.
He was forcing you into a corner….
This was his payback for the bomb and the roof.
The train’s headlights shined at you, the blaring honk sounding out and rattling you to your core. Red’s lock on you didn’t falter. You had about five seconds to get out and live or stay and get smashed into nothing.
The train was going at least 200 miles an hour, you waited until it was only a few mere meters before you ducked at the sound of Red’s gun shooting off, the bullet digging into your shoulder as the train sped by, your body launching itself onto the opposing platform. Your arm is burning in pain.
The son of a bitch shot you.
You quickly ran with the train, looking over and seeing Red running alongside you on the opposite side through the gaps in between the cars. You needed to get the hell out of here.
You kept running down the platform, once the train passed completely watching as Red jumped from his side over to yours, the stomp of his boots loud as he bolted towards you.
You had a good gain on him but he was fast. If you could reach the stairs you’d be able to get away from him. But just as you reached the first flight you felt him grab you, pulling you back down and slamming you against the wall.
His helmet got close to your face, his eyes narrowed and you had daggers of your own. You struggled against him, but stopped when he dug his hand into the gunshot wound you had. You let out a scream, the pain burning through your body as the adrenaline pumped through your veins.
“I love making little errand rats scream.” he whispered. “Teaches them to stay in their fucking place”, you lifted your legs, kicking at him as he pulled you down with him, your bodies falling to the ground as he landed on top of you.
“You’re a fighter. I’ll give you that.” you continued trying to get at him, pushing your body out from under him, reaching for your gun only to feel him weigh you down with his body. Forcing your arm behind your back as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pressing down on your throat. “Who said you could leave?”
The position was painful, your injured arm would probably get infected if he didn’t stop fucking with it. You kept trying to move away, your energy running out from the adrenaline wearing off and the pain settling in.
“You need to learn better, Sweetheart. You’re nothing without Penguin behind you”
“Don’t talk to me like I’m a fucking child!”, you forced out, your anger still deep in your soul. Your hair stuck to your face because of the sweat, your body shutting down at the wound taking over your senses. Red looked at you before he laughed deeply.
“Black Mask knows what he’s getting into, I wouldn't expect Penguin’s little pet to understand that.”
“L-Let… me- go..”, you choked out, your vocal chords being crushed under the weight of his arm. His crimson covered head moved closer, almost like his mouth was next to your ear.
“Deliver a message to the fat ass you call a boss and that piece of shit Sionis.”, his distorted voice commanded. You felt the air leaving your lungs as you reached a hand up to try and loosen his grip, only to cause him to narrow his eyes and tighten his hold.
“Tell them Gotham will run red soon. And it won’t be my blood painting the city if they decide to refuse my demands.”.
Your eyes nearly closed due to the lack of oxygen, but after a few seconds you felt your body get tossed to the ground like a rag doll. You tried to catch your breath but you felt weak, you had been deprived of air for too long. All you saw was that red helmet looking down at you before he disappeared, the pain flowing through your body as you gave into the tiredness and the extent of your wounds.
Soreness overtook your body, the timing in your ears causing your head to hurt. You forced your eyes open only to see the empty underground train station. Nothing but dried blood on the ground from your shoulder wound. You pushed yourself up, your shoulder burning as the pain shot through your body. Your arm was sore and burned, it left you frustrated. You wanted to find the son of a bitch and rip his eyes out.
Red would meet his match, you just needed to hit him when he was at his weakest, catch him off guard. You knew you’d have the upper hand and it would be the only way to get him to buckle.
Your goal was to take him down and it would give you everything. The bounty. The protection. The reputation. You would be the one who took down the Red Hood. You would have it all and you wouldn’t need Penguin’s name for anything anymore.
You pushed yourself off the ground, your arm limp as a wave of pain flooded you again. You needed to clean the wound and wrap it, the fucker probably risked getting it infected.
You pulled yourself through the streets, your legs shaky but you found your way back to your apartment, stripping your body of your bloody clothes and hopping into the shower. You let the warm water rinse off all the sweat, blood, and dirt from your body, the steam covering you in a comforting blanket. Your head hung under the water, your arm feeling better under the warmth. You had a few other cuts and sore spots that you knew would leave bruises but nothing else worried you. You needed to disinfect and wrap your arm, rest was also on the agenda since you’d been up for almost 26 hours before you ran into Red and had him knock you out.
You wrapped yourself in a towel and stepped out of the shower an hour later, your body relaxed after having so much built up tension. You cleaned all your wounds and wrapped your arm after pouring alcohol and ointment on it.
Once you were done, you let yourself fall on the bed, wearing only your underwear and an oversized t-shirt. Your head lolled to the side, noting the time.
It was barely 6am.
You could probably get a few hours of sleep before heading to the Lounge. You set the alarm, letting your eyes close and fall into a slumber from exhaustion and not being suffocated. You needed rest. Your eyes closed as the sun had barely started rising.
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“It looks a lot better than it did a few days ago. Just keep putting the medicine on it and keep it wrapped”, the doctor said as he finished wrapping your arm. The soreness is still present after three days.
Penguin had taken you off patrol to recover from your fight with Red. It gave you the perfect time to go in and work on the Calvi case. It required no real physical activity and your arm was still healing so it was the better option.
You slid your top back over your head, slowly guiding your arm through the sleeve and rolling it to loosen the stress.
The day continued as normal, Penguin giving you intel, you finding more information on Calvi, and eventually making it through to find out where his routine spots were.
You managed to get dressed for the night, letting Penguin know your communications wouldn’t be as frequent in order to successfully pull this through.
The mid thigh dress loosely hung on your body, tight enough to show your figure but loose enough to make your curves smooth delicately. Your hair framing your face in a loosely done blowout. Your make up was simple, but you applied a dark red lipstick making your lips appear more seductive. It was always the best way to get men to give you everything you wanted.
You had made your way to Upper Gotham, calling a private car to take you to the Sapphire. An upscale, luxury club that only elite members could enter into. Luckily for you, you managed to bypass the system and register yourself as a top paying member, as well as getting you the exclusive induction card that only elite members had. No one knew what it looked like except those members. Luckily for you getting yours wasn’t too hard. Just a couple strings pulled and boom, you had it.
You walk up to the concierge, sliding your card as the screen flashes green and she lets you walk by. You followed into the main hall, the room full of all kinds of people from every rich family in the city. You recognized businessmen, stock brokers, luxury goods traders, liquor tyrants, everyone who was anyone would come to the club. Especially during the weekend once the offices closed.
You skimmed the room quickly, your outfit helping you blend into the crowd and gave off a silent luxury appeal, not too loud, but not too obviously fake. The dress was simple, classy, and anyone with a good eye could recognize the vintage piece from a mile away. You needed to blend in after all.
You moved through the room, your eyes keeping focused on the bar as you sat on one of the stools, leaning forward as the bartender placed a napkin down, asking for your drink order. You quickly told him a glass of the house red, you didn’t need to be inebriated tonight. You needed to focus.
Once the bartender returned, you picked up the glass and sipped the bold drink as you let the taste seep into your tastebuds. It was rich even for a house wine.
There were a few men playing chess at the table across the room, each one focused on calculative thoughts before moving a piece across the board. You always knew that life was like a game of chess. The better at the game, the better you were at playing your cards in real life. It wasn’t hard to navigate anything, though it required training and skill. Something you had spent the last six years trying to perfect. It was airtight. At least, as close to it as you could possibly get.
A form moving from the entrance caught your eye. He had dark hair that was slicked back, a dark suit fitted to his body that almost melded perfectly. He was tall, built, and had an aura of sophistication floating around him.
He walked over to the men playing chess, shaking their hands as you focused in on what they could possibly be talking about. They all laughed and you tried to make yourself not stand out for staring so long. The glass of wine touched your lips again before setting it down, pushing a strand of hair out of your face as you made eye contact with him. His eyes focused on you as you moved your hair back, reeling him in just like you wanted.
He excused himself, motioning to the bar and the men nodded, continuing their game as you swiveled back towards the counter and feeling his gaze on your back like a burning fire.
Too easy.
“Is this seat taken?’, his deep voice rang out, looking up you noticed his dark eyes held intent in them, strong and committed.
“No. Go ahead.”, you motioned softly as you let your hair fall over your shoulder as you watched him with hooded eyes.
“Whisky. Neat, please.”, he motioned to the bartender as he quickly nodded, starting to prepare his drink. Once the drink was set in front of him, he took a sip then turned towards you. “I’ve never seen you here before. Are you new?”
“I am. My name is Vivian”, you responded before taking another sip of your wine. “Got an invite from a colleague of mine, said this is one of the most exclusive clubs in Gotham and figured I had to check it out after getting such a kind invite.”
“It’s the most exclusive and holds all the most influential people in Gotham.”, he mentioned before leaning back smoothly, his confidence radiating off his body. It was a good thing he was attractive because this would be so much harder if he wasn’t. “My name is Calvi Calbera”.
“So, I take it that you’re a part of Gotham’s influential elite?”, your eyes couldn’t have held more seductiveness to them even if you tried, his body language giving away that you had him reeled in.
“Probably one of the most influential.”, he smirked, bringing his glass to his lips before setting it down gently on the counter. “I work in the luxury goods market. Seems to bring in a lot of revenue when you work with… delicacies.”
“Any ones in particular that you like?”
“Diamonds. They’re the most expensive and most worth the investment.”, you didn’t miss how his eyes trailed down your body, your dress clinging to your curves and the smooth skin of your legs showing off as you crossed them slightly. It didn’t take a genius to guess what he was thinking of. “You should come by my estate. We can talk more about them in private, in the comfort of a home.”
You wanted to cringe at his offer. His estate. You just remembered exactly why you hated the majority of the rich people in Gotham. You forced your face to stay neutral, your eyes flickering to your glass before taking the last sip of the wine.
“If you have some good red, and something worthwhile, I’ll consider it.”, you placed a hand on his knee, smiling at him with a sweet look on your face. Sweet yet seductive. It made him latch onto the bait. He leaned in, taking out a business card and handing it to you.
“Here’s the address, come on Saturday. When you arrive tell them you have an appointment with me.”, his voice was laced with lust, you could even see the tightness of his pants. You just did your finishing move, looking at his eyes before flickering quickly to his lips, then quickly back to his gaze seeing the growing darkness in his hues. Your face leaned into his, your hand moving slowly up his leg and slightly on his thigh.
“I look forward to it.”, you smiled at him, grabbing your purse and leaving a $100 on the counter before walking away, his eyes on you as you walked out confidently but slowly so he could reel more into the trap you laid out.
Once you reached the outside of the building, your car pulled up, the valet opening the door as you stepped inside and got comfortable. You gave the driver your address as he started following his GPS.
You looked at the card Calvi gave you, looking at the information and finding out his estate was about 30 minutes outside of the main parts of the city. Gotham Heights. The rich and powerful all lived on this side of the city.
You committed to memorizing the address, tucking it into your purse as the driver arrived at your complex, tipping the driver before heading up the elevator and pushing through the door of your apartment.
It was late, looking at the clock as it read 10pm.
You really shouldn’t have stayed so long but the time seemed to pass a lot faster when the jobs involved going undercover versus being in the field. You liked infiltrating others’ lives and playing the part even for just a few hours. It brought some insight to the life you’d never have.
Kicking off your heels, you rubbed the backs of your feet, ankles red from walking in them for the evening. You never sported heels often but you did so enough that it was easy enough to walk in them. They still hurt your feet though.
A small noise snapped you to attention, pulling out your gun from the drawer in the kitchen, just one of many you had stashed throughout the apartment. You slowly did a walk through, looking closely at each of the rooms, looking through everything as you finished out the closets in the living room and moved into the bedroom.
The lights were off. Nothing seemed out of place.
You slowly moved towards the restroom, checking the closet, in the shower, hell even the cabinets even though logically a human couldn’t fit in there. You relaxed slightly, walking back into the bedroom, the darkness looming from outside as the night got darker.
Just as you began to walk out of the room, you noticed something.
One of the vases you had filled with water was knocked over…
What the hell?
The feeling of rough hands gripping your arm sent you into fight mode, struggling against the person assaulting you as you tried to hit them with the bottom of the gun. Their grip tightened, forcing your hand to release the gun before you felt your body get thrown on the bed and shoved into the mattress.
Just as you began to curse at them, a large hand clamped over your mouth, that familiar red helmet bringing an anger in your bones.
“Shhh, don’t want to wake the neighbors now do we?”, he muttered.
Your eyes glared daggers at him, wishing they were real so he could suffer from the cuts. Your body was stuck under his, his muscular legs holding your body in place as the rest of his frame was being held up by one arm. He was huge compared to you. His body radiating a heat that left your skin on fire. You felt exposed. You weren’t wearing anything but a measly dress, your chest almost flush against his.
“You sure do make it believable enough that you’re one of them.”, he had a mocking tone to his voice, your body still trying to thrash against him but to no avail. “Now, what are you doing at Sapphire talking to Calvi Calbera?”
Before he made another move, you kicked him in the groin, hard enough to make him double over and loosen his grip on you. It was more than enough time to shove him to the ground, grabbing the dagger that was hidden under your dresser and getting on top of him, your knees holding down his arms as you held the dagger to his throat.
“How the hell did you find where I live?!”, you bit out, your breath uneven as you felt the rush of adrenaline in your body. “How did you get in?!”
“Sweetheart, I’m a detective. I can find anything out about anyone in this city whenever I want. Even you.”, his eyes narrowed as a way to taunt you causing your jaw to clench in irritation as you brought your face closer to his and staring at him with murder in your eyes.
“How. Did. You. Get. In.”, you repeated, this time more serious and the knife pricking his skin, the small trickle of blood running down the side of his neck.
“Window, doll.”, he motioned slightly with a small cock of his head. “You didn’t lock it.”
You turned to look at the window, noticing the lock was intact, not broken. If he broke in, the lock wouldn’t look like it was brand new and yet it was. Had you really forgotten to lock it? You looked at the window before turning back to Red, confusion quickly covered up with frustration.
“You have no right coming to my home.”
“I wasn’t asking for an invite.” , you leaned back slightly, the weight of your legs on his arms lifting as you felt him sit up, your body still sitting on his as you glared at him. He didn’t make any sudden movements, just held your gaze as you held the knife to his throat still.
“Why are you here?”, you asked, about to pull yourself off of him before his hand grabbed a handful of your hair, gripping it and forcing you to look at him.
“You need to learn your place. That’s why I’m here.”, he pulled you closer to his helmet, his eyes boring into yours. “You cost me $100k. On a good shipment batch. I think I’ll have to send a message back to the fat bird to get my point across to not fuck with me.”
“You have tried killing me every time we’ve run into each other for the past month!”, you fought back, his grip tightening.
“Don’t act like the feeling isn’t mutual”, he breathed.
“I have a job to do. Killing you gets me out of this fucking city”, you struggled against him, trying to make him release his grip.
“And you’ve failed every time. Why is that sweetheart? What are you hiding?”
“Fuck. Off.”, you bit out.
Why was he testing you?
He had an open shot to snap your neck, he could just do it and get it over with.
“Does it have to do with Black Mask? You seem to hold a resentment when all he wants is your attention”
“I don’t care about what he wants. I don’t give a damn about him.”
His gaze held yours, feeling his hand go slack as you pushed yourself off of him. You threw the knife on the dresser, rolling your arm from the soreness. He watched you as you moved, his eyes skimming over your body as your back was turned to him.
What was your motive? Why did you let him go?
The question whirled in his head as you turned, staring at him as he remained exposed on the floor. He wasn’t vulnerable, he had everything he needed to disable you, yet he didn’t move.
“Leave. Now.”
“So bossy”, he muttered as he stood, his frame towering over you. Your body moved back as he pressed you against the nightstand, his arms on either side of your body as he caged you in. “What’s going on in that head of yours? Why let me go when your job is to kill me?” he mummed, cocking his head in turn.
“Spite”, was all you said, the seconds ticking by as he let out a deep chuckle before pushing back and heading towards the window he’d climbed in through, pushing himself out and leaving.
There was an emptiness that flooded the room, but you couldn’t quite place it. Red was getting too comfortable with just showing up into your life whenever he wanted. What was he hiding? What was he up to?
You slipped out of your dress, changing into an oversized shirt and leaving nothing but underwear on as you tied your hair up and washed your face. You stared at yourself for a moment in the mirror, a flood of emotion overwhelming you as you reached to touch the necklace around your neck.
Would everything be different if you were still here?
The memories flooded you, every pact you made to never become a part of this life entering your mind. Would you have been swept away and been out of Gotham had he come back?
“You do realize that Batman will kill me if he found out about this?”, Robin said as you and him snuck through the city, reaching another rooftop that just peered over the water.
“C’mon it’ll be fine, besides when do you ever see fireworks that aren’t because of some criminal trying to create a diversion?”, you laughed as he rolled his eyes.
“Good point.”, he smiled, following as you stood on the ledge, watching as the countdown sounding out went down a second at a time.
“Okay Gotham, let’s get ready for our 10-second countdown!” you heard the announcer over the speaker say as the crowd chanted.
“5! 4! 3! 2!….1!”, the onslaught of fireworks and sparklers lit up the night, the crowd screaming, shouting, celebrating the coming of the New Year.
You looked at the fireworks, your eyes glowing at the sight. It’d be the first time you’ve seen them in such a way. celebratory fashion.
“Aren’t they-“, your words got cut off at the feeling of Robin grabbing your face, planting a kiss on your lips and bringing you closer to him. You melted into him, his hands tightening around your waist. He flooded your senses, your entire body falling into his charm, his humor, his intelligence, his heart, his everything.
He pulled away from the kiss, his forehead resting on yours as he stared at you.
“Happy New Year (Y/n)”, he whispered as you smiled against his lips.
“Happy New Year, Rob”, you whispered back.
If only times were as simple as they once were. Nothing was ever as it seemed and that was the reality of your situation. Everything would always fade away from you, only leaving yourself to get out alive.
What a foolish thing to believe in at such a young age. You were only 15, him 16. There was too much of life to live to assume that moment could stay isolated in time forever. You could only hope.
Turning off the faucet, you went back to bed, laying down as you looked out the window and took in the light from the moon, a part of you feeling like someone was watching.
You looked at the lock, lifting yourself up to close it but freezing in the process. You couldn’t explain why but you settled back into bed.
The lock on the window still left open.
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You had finalized the steps of your plan, fixing your hair as you pinned a few pieces up and left others to frame your face. It gave you a delicate look, softened your features and gave you a sort of edge. It was dark, sultry.
Spraying a few pumps of your perfume on your neck and wrists, you took one last look in the mirror. You looked sexy, seductive, like any man would fall at your feet. It gave you a boost of confidence as you grabbed your small clutch off the counter, ensuring your dagger was hidden at the bottom with a decent amount of cash, your wallet, lipstick, and your gun. It was along the lining but the bulge was hidden thanks to the other items in your bag.
It took about 20-30 minutes to reach Calvi’s estate, watching as the mansion pulled into view. It was beautiful, and the architecture was gothic but with a light twist of old money and class. It was bright, the reflection from the setting sun making it glow beautifully. There was a garden in the front as the gates opened, the driver buzzing in at the entrance as you showed your identification. Fake identification at that.
The car pulled into the driveway that wrapped around a fountain. It was made of marble, and had beautiful carvings in the stone. It was so intricate you could’ve sworn it might’ve been made by a renaissance sculptor.
The door opened as one of the butlers pulled it away from the car, holding a hand for you to grab onto as you thanked them, a soft smile thrown in their direction.
You walked up the staircase, Calvi waiting for you in his fitted suit, his hair freshly cut and his hands in his pockets as he smiled at you. He extended a hand, taking yours in his as he pressed a kiss on your knuckles.
Chivalry isn’t dead after all.
His eyes did a quick skim of your body, the dress you wore hugging your figure perfectly, the back being exposed to show some skin. It had a pearl chain that hung loosely in the back, but overall the entire ensemble was more than enough to lure him in.
He led you down the hall, the walls covered in old art and the tables filled with flowers, probably thanks to his housing staff. It was unique, grand, over the top yet simple and calming at the same time. You’d been in Gotham Heights’ homes before, but none really drew you in like this one was right now. Calvi had taste, or at least the person who selected his decor had taste.
A flash of blue caught your eye, you stopped as you looked at it. Perfectly marked shades of yellow contrast against the blue, it was beautiful. Something you’d never imagined you’d see.
“Is this real?”, you asked, your eyes glued to the painting.
“Every piece in this house is real, my dear.”
Your head tilted as you soaked in the work of art in front of you. The impressionism was well done, though you knew the history behind the piece.
“You like Van Gogh?”Calvi hummed next to you.
You paused for a moment, soaking in admiration at the lilies in the painting. Each stroke is simple, delicate, and impactful. Van Gogh definitely had a mind far beyond comprehension. You closed your eyes, turning to Calvi and smiling at him.
“No. Not at all actually.”, you responded as you followed him down the hall.
“You like to read?”, you laughed as you grabbed one of the books Robin had brought with him.
“Yeah, I read a lot of Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf too.”, he flipped through some of the pages, almost like he was examining the book as you read the back of the book in your hand.
“How exactly did you get into reading?”
Robin shrugged. “I guess all that free time sneaking into libraries paid off.” he handed you a fry, biting down on it as you finished reading the back of the hardcover. “What about you? Do you like reading?”
“Mmm, no. But the family has a lot of cool paintings around the house. Sometimes I look up what they are and learn about the history of it. I think Rembrant and Van Gogh are my favorites.”
“Yeah? Art history. Almost as cool as Literature”
“It’s way cooler than Literature”, you smirked at him as he rolled his eyes behind his mask.
“Okay, I’ll bite. What’s your favorite and why?”, he leaned back on his hands, watching as you sat in your thoughts for a few moments, contemplating an answer before lighting up in excitement.
“Oh! Definitely a Vase with irises against a yellow background.”
“Jesus, who the hell gave it that long name?”
You shoved his shoulder playfully before grabbing another fry from the small basket he’d brought with him. He often brought burgers and fries for the two of you to share while you caught up for the week. He was able to see you more frequently compared to when you first met a few months ago.
“Van Gogh did, and it’s a great work of art. It’s an impressionist painting. He did it while he was in the psych clinic. I think it’s actually one of the last paintings he ever did before he died. Anyway, I just really like it. The contrast makes it even more interesting to look at because blue and yellow are such bright happy colors and yet, you understand the emotion he felt. A lot of people think it symbolizes his desire to escape, leave the asylum and never look back.”
“Is that why you like it? Because he wanted to escape and never look back?”, you knew exactly why he asked, your heart tugging in your chest as you met his eye line.
“Yeah, I guess so.”, you confessed, “But, I’ve been wanting to escape a lot less recently.”
Robin smiled at you softly, your eyes staring at him with gratitude. He really had made Gotham worthwhile. He made everything worthwhile.
“Yeah, me too.”
“And this is our sitting room. I usually bring guests in to sit and share a drink while we talk over business, personal matters, or just anything life throws at us.”
You snapped back to reality at the sound of Calvi’s voice. You forced yourself to tuck away the thought of the past, focusing on the task at hand. He led you into the room, motioning at the butler inside to fetch some drinks. You sat down gently on the couch, watching as he grabbed the two glasses from the waiter and handed one to you.
“Our Finest red.”, he motioned as you took a sip of the wine.
It was rich, full and sweet. You didn’t know a red could be sweet and yet, here it was. It tasted magnificent.
"So, Vivian.”, he put his arm on the headrest behind you. “A penny for your thoughts?”
“Just wondering how you managed to get such a beautiful home, I’m feeling quite jealous.”, you smiled at him, sipping your glass once again.
“My family works in luxury goods, but after the passing of my parents I figured I could use my investments… differently.”
“Differently?”, you cocked an eyebrow.
“There is a whole other side to the Gotham business than you realize, my dear.”, he leaned in.
I realize more than you do asshole.
“Should I be worried?”, you leaned forward, gently placing a hand on his knee, his eyes flickering with pride.
“I’ll share so long as you can keep it a secret?”, Oh. He was dying to impress you. You could see it all over his body language. Calvi was a smart man, filthy rich, and even had questionable business practices. You needed to see if he truly played a hand in Gotham’s underground like Penguin’s intel had stated. If he did, getting him to partner with the Boss would be a lot easier than you thought.
“If it makes you feel better… I’ll share a secret first. Even the playing field.”, you ran your hand along his tie, fixing it to lay flat on his dress shirt and under the suit he had on. Your eyes met his dark ones as he watched you intently.
“Please share..”, his lips remained parted as he watched your movements, you could tell his heart was beating faster just by the looks of him.
You leaned forward, your face inches from his before you parted your lips, your mouth strategically close to his for effect. “I have a thing for men with a little… edge to them.” you whispered, recognizing the flicker in his eyes the moment you spoke. “You’ve reeled me in, can you get me hooked?”
“I can get you more than just hooked, baby.”, he moved towards you, “I’ll get you addicted.”
You lifted a hand, tracing his jaw slightly, your lips softly grazing his as you pushed him against the couch, throwing your legs over his as you sat up, melding your body close to his.
“So then, enlighten me.”
His hand landed on your thigh, his fingers squeezing a bit before he spoke, the tension growing by the second. “I have connections with the trades on the East side of Gotham. A few business partners help me invest my money where money never ends. I get protection, money, and reputation. All I do is invest and help them make shipments then I make more income than the majority of the people at Sapphire.”
Bingo. He confirmed what you needed to know. If he already had connections with the underground, who were they with?
“Sounds dangerous.”, you fed the bait slowly.
“It keeps money in my pockets, keeps the business alive. Gotham’s underground is a never ending flow of money”
You felt his hand trail up your thigh, the skin growing cold as he pushed your dress up slightly. His eyes tried to dig into yours, but your facade was bulletproof. No one could break you or make you show your true self. Calvi would never even come close to doing so.
The knock on the room door broke the moment much to your satisfaction. Calvi closed his eyes in annoyance, calling out for the guest to come in. Two tall men came in, dressed in all black and wearing a headset. You moved away from Calvi as he stood, walking over to the men as they talked in whispers with him. You committed every part of their appearance to memory, from the clothing they wore, the brand of the headset, to the miniscule scars they had that almost seemed like a branding symbol. You stowed it away in the capsule in your head to later jot down for future reference.
“Vivian.”Calvi turned towards you as you rose from the couch, fixing the small part of your dress that rose a centimeter. “I’m afraid something has come up that requires my attention. I’ll fetch a car for you but please, we need to finish our conversation next time.”
You looked up at him with innocence in your eyes, simply nodding before placing a soft kiss on his cheek, placing a gentle hand on his arm before you went down the corridor to the outside where the car waited for you. You had given your address to the driver and he dropped you off at your complex, leaving you to push through the doors and crash on the bed.
Once you hit the sheets you let out a sigh of relief. God, why was this so taxing? What information did this man have that was so important to Penguin when there were a hundred other men who had the same connections that the boss could do business with? The act of questioning the boss wasn’t an option though, so instead you continued with your assignment as normal.
The next few weeks proved to be normal, simple, barely any information of use. The whole job seemed lackluster, almost a waste of your time but you needed to convince Calvi to work with Penguin. It would be the biggest asset in getting your payout.
That was the goal for your upcoming visit after all.
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2 Weeks Later
Entering the location Calvi had given you gave you an edge, it was a club. Mid-level. It was where all of the crooked men of Gotham came to dip into the pool of the underground. It also happened to be one of the investments that Calvi had on the East side. It was similar to the Lounge, though the clientele were more Upper Gotham trying to hide in the shadows.
You walked into the room with seductive confidence, your aura radiating pure lust, seduction, and darkness. You walked to the back of the club, feeling some of the men look at you as you passed by. They would always be enamored by you, all the brainless men in the underground were. They never knew who you were, never knew your name or your looks because you did good in presenting yourself entirely differently each time.
DIfferent hair, different makeup, different energy. Needless to say, they all fell for it every single time. Your dress hugged your figure, stopping mid thigh and carving out your curves to be more prominent, your long, dark hair falling down your back as you fixed your earrings that had dangling strands as you reapplied your dark red lipstick. Seduction was the game and you were the physical embodiment of the word.
You walked up to the red door down the hall, a tall bulky man standing in front of the door as he stared at your body, his eyes roaming and taking you in. You internally smirked at how easy men were to manipulate.
“I have a meeting with Calvi, my name is Vivian.”, you lied through your teeth as the guard grunted and walked inside the room, only to open the door for you a few moments later. “Thank you.”, your lips pulled into a perfect red smile as you walked by him, looking into the room and taking in your surroundings.
The room had a dark atmosphere but was lit by dim lights around the room. A couch in the middle of the room with two solo seating seats, a glass table in the middle with a glass bottle of what seemed like whiskey on the tray on top, two glasses complimenting the bottle. You took in the velvet colors on the furniture, the paintings on the walls adding nice accents as the door on the very end of the room opposite of the main door opened.
“Vivian.”, he smiled at the sight of you, a few men surrounding him as they played poker. They all looked familiar. Probably those men from Sapphire he played chess with. He placed a gentle hand on your back, leading you to the couch as the men watched you intently. “I’m glad you made it.” his suave voice rang out, deep but sophisticated, full of authority.
He had his dark hair slicked back, a dark suit fitted to his body that probably cost him a couple thousands of dollars, his bold gold watch wrapped around his wrist as he walked towards you adjusting his cuffs. He radiated a type of energy that would leave a normal woman at his feet, begging to be taken by him. Your eyes zeroed in on him, taking him in with your dark hues, letting the second round of the game begin.
“Thank you for inviting me, I’ve been looking forward to hearing from you again.”, you sat down as you looked up at him, your stare innocently seductive. He dropped a smile at you, one that could make anyone swoon after him, but you knew his background and you needed to play your cards right in order to convince this man fully.
You watched as he walked to the far side of the room, near the small bar area. “Any wine?”
“Château Lafite Rothschild, if you have it”,
“I love a woman with expensive taste.” he pulled out a bottle which left an impressive look on your face. “1998, it’s more aged.”
He poured your wine before pouring his own Whiskey into a glass and walking over to you, handing you the wine before sitting next to you. You opened your body up to him, not letting him take a hint of your body language being too closed off.
He turned his body to face you, his arm on the head of the couch and his leg crossed over his other. He exuded dominant energy even in a position of relaxation. You weren’t naive though, you knew he was always on guard, especially working with the criminals of Gotham on a regular basis. Anyone could call a hit on him, it made sense he didn’t let his guard down completely.
“I really appreciate aged wine, it’s more of a delicacy so it’s nice when someone actually has it around.”, you smiled at him, his eyes focused on you while you noticed his friends skimming your legs. God these men. So easy to manipulate.
“I wanted to ask about a painting, actually.”, you asked truthfully.
“Anything for you Vivian.”, his full focus was on you, before he motioned for his men to kick out his guests, all the men leaving in a file line as the music from the club slowly leaked into the backroom and his guards stood outside the door. The two of you now alone.
“I want to see how much it would cost to get a Monet in hand. One that has a good price on it.”, his eyes flickered with interest at the mention of the French artist. He had to know how to source one one way or another.
“Which painting are you wanting to inquire about?”
“I’ve wanted to own an authentic version of Le Bassin Aux Nymphéas.”, you said confidently, trying to gauge his interest.
“My dear, it's an $80 million painting.”
“I just.. Wanted to see how much it would take to get it. I have the funds to back up my inquiry.” you played with his tie, smoothing out the folds of his suit.
“I know it’s a difficult piece to acquire, I would need someone to endorse my interests and hold power over the transactional process. I couldn’t think of anyone better than you”, you slowly placed your hand on his chest, letting him soak in your touch. You felt the way his body reacted slightly to you, his heart skipping a beat. You looked into his eyes, seeing that same lustful emotion run through his body. You could see the tightening in his jaw, his hand clenching slightly on the couch.
You noticed the immediate intrigue in his expression. Even he knew the process of getting such a painting would be difficult, expensive and timely. He had a strong hand in the world of luxury goods, his entire business and company focused on the foreign trade of luxury goods and rare objects for high profile clients. This was just another job he would be able to make by pulling black market strings. Everyone in the real world knew Calvi as the charming, handsome CEO of a luxury goods company, but the underground knew him as a black market ring leader. What he made in the underground quadrupled in 6 months what he made in a year in his company. To say he was wealthy would be an understatement.
“What made you so interested in an $80 million painting?”
“I want it for my personal collection. I want it to be desired, taken care of, protected”, your voice flowed through your lips smoothly, your body leaning into Calvi’s as you played softly with his collar, your fingers tracing lines on his suit. Your eyes focused on his tie before meeting his eyes and seeing the absolute craze happening inside of him. His brown eyes stared at you with lust, desire, control, and you knew you were playing your game well.
“I want it to be treated, the way any timeless rarity, any delicate precious luxury should be treated.”, his hand found its way to your leg, rubbing soft circles on your skin as you played your cards. You stared at his lips, then flashed back up to his eyes, letting yourself soak into the moment, letting him slowly unravel underneath your spell. Calvi’s eyes focused on your eyes, then down to your lips, the bright color of your red lips slowly drawing him in.
“You know how to do that don’t you? How to take care of.. Precious delicacies?”, you whispered against his lips, almost pressing against yours as he breathed. You let your hand lay on his chest as the other landed on his hand on your leg. Checkmate.
“I know more than just simply taking care of them, my dear.”, he breathed as he closed the gap between the two of you, his lips savagely consuming you, your hand on his chest as he pushed you against the couch. His hand reached into your hair, tightening as he deepened the kiss, his tongue battling it out with yours as you felt his skin catch on fire. He had been wanting to devour you since you first met a month ago, and now, he was a mindless pawn in your game to get what you wanted. You played the part well, you knew it would be far too easy to get someone like him to fall to his knees for you. It only took a month, but it worked.
Calvi pulled away, his hand still tangled in your hair as you opened your eyes and met his, his hues full of lust and need. Only after a second, he turned to his guard.
“What is it?”, his voice was filled with irritation.
“I hate to interrupt, but you have a visitor.”, the guard let out. “He’s here for business”
“Tell him to come back tomorrow”, Calvi turned to you again, his eyes taking in your swollen lips and dark eyes. Empty eyes but he didn’t need to know how void of emotion you were.
“Sir.”, the guard pressed before saying something that even you couldn’t ignore. “It’s the Red Hood.”
You felt your blood run cold, forcing yourself to remain calm at the mention of his name. You noticed how Calvi almost immediately snapped into attention. He looked at his guard, nodding and telling him to give him five minutes before bringing him in. He fixed his suit and his hair, wiping off the red stain that was on his lips as you fixed your hair and your dress.
“I didn’t know you had company.”, you said as you watched him. “I can come back another time.”
“Nonsense, my dear. It’ll be quick business, then we can get back to our… discussion about your inquiry on the Monet.”
As he finished, the door opened again, your eyes panned over to the other man standing at the door. A wall of pure, solid muscle covered completely in kevlar, daggers, and guns. A black motorcycle jacket on his upper half and dark combat boots, his bright red helmet making a statement as he entered. He completely flooded your senses with his intensity and dominance. You stared at him as he looked into the room, but you knew he was glaring daggers at you from under his helmet. When didn’t he completely despise anything you did?
“Red Hood. It’s a pleasure to have you here.” Calvi spoke confidently, his hand motioning towards the seat in front of the couch as he sat down next to you. You noticed the slits where his eyes should be narrow slightly no doubt recognizing what you and Calvi were doing. Your hair was a bit messy, and your lips were swollen. To anyone else they would have ignored it. But Red caught it immediately.
“What can I help you with?”
“I don’t mean to interrupt your… affairs, but I have an order to make”, Red’s deep, distorted voice rang out as he glared at Calvi’s hand slightly touching you from the top of the couch. Your eyes narrowed at him and even not being able to see his expression, you knew he was pissed. “I need 4 shipments of Fear Toxin and Miraclo, and two shipments holding AK47s, MFA1 Carbines, and M1928s.”
“When do you need your shipments?”
“Next week.”, Red stood with his arms crossed, staring at you then back at Calvi. You sent him looks filled with annoyance and frustration. You wanted nothing more than to be able to punch him in the jaw. “We have work that needs to be done.”
A subtle threat only meant for you.
What was he planning?
“It’ll be a tight schedule, but I’ll make sure it gets here in 3 days time. I’ll give you your total statement then to ensure payment is processed and received.”
“Good, now, get home Calvi.”, he ordered. You nearly scoffed at how you just witnessed the Red Hood give the king of the black market orders.
“Excuse me?”, Calvi questioned. “Get home? Are you my mother now?”
“No, but I am the guy keeping protection on your little operations, so if you want our contract to not be void, I suggest you listen. I won’t repeat myself twice.”
So Red was his contact. No wonder Calvi seemed well composed and confident in himself. Red was giving him all the protection he needed along with the pay for sourcing weapons for him. Foreign goods. Yeah, those militant weapons were foreign alright.
Calvi stared at him, letting the seconds pass and the tension grow, before standing and fixing his suit. “It’s a pleasure as always Hood. Vivian, let’s go, my dear.”
“The girl leaves. You won’t be needing her to help you get home.”
Calvi narrowed his eyes, your position still sitting on the couch. You felt your body fill with overwhelming anger, you wanted to kill the Red Hood more than anything but you couldn’t give up your facade of the calm, collected woman you were right now. You’d have to deal with him later.
“Vivian, I’ll get my driver to-”
“I’ll make sure she gets a ride.”, Red interrupted him. “I’ll have your guard get her a cab.”
Calvi clenched his teeth, his jaw flexing as you stood and walked over to him. You swayed your hips purposely to get a rise out of the masked vigilante, reaching your hands to touch Calvi’s face.
“I can get home. I look forward to continuing our discussion when we’re able to, okay?”, Calvi grunted in agreement before you gave him a kiss on the cheek, keeping your touch on him longer than you normally would just to get a rise out of the man burning holes into your back. You walked past Red Hood, walking out the door and getting in your cab. You were silent the entire way home, letting yourself bask in the anger eating you alive as you tried to calm down.
You entered your apartment angrily, throwing your clutch on the counter before shoving the heels off your feet.
Who did he think he was?!
God, you were on the right track, you have Calvi wrapped around your finger and of course, it’s him that Calvi has ties with. Now your entire plan was set back thanks to the infuriating red vermin.
You placed your hands on the counter, leaning forward as you stared at the ground. You needed to breathe. Relax. You could not let him get to you. Especially not like this.
Was this payback for the past month of you raiding his jobs? For making him lose all that money? He already wanted to kill you and you him, but why did him barging in on your jobs piss you off even more? You’d rather he just put the bullet in your head and call it a day than have to deal with the anger that flooded your veins every time you saw him.
“You really know how to play the part of seductress don’t you?”, that deep, distorted voice ripped you out of your focus. You felt the anger rise in you again. You turned to look at him, all 225 pounds of him, with his overwhelming presence, his annoying glare as he stared at your form. You were still wearing your dress, your hair still done and your makeup still flawless. And yet, the ugly side of you was about to come out and go head to head with this man.
“Get out of my apartment, Red.”, you bit out, the venom lacing your voice.
“What were you planning on doing? Seducing him?”, he pressed, his voice had an edge to it. “Were you going to reel him in? Get him under your spell so he would do you favors?”
“I said, get out!”, you turned to look at him, your eyes red with fury, your skin burning in irritation, and your heart pounding as you stood in front of him, looking up due to the obvious height difference. Red started to walk towards you, forcing you against the wall as he raised his arm to trap you against his muscular form and the brick. You wanted to fucking kill him.
“Were you going to let him have his way with you?”, he lowered his head, his voice deeper than it was before, the edge growing sharper. There was something dark in his voice, dangerous, full of instability. Your jaw clenched as you tried shoving him away, punching his chest as you shoved your face in his, the hate evident like you were an angered bull.
“Let him be taken by you? Let him touch you, use you, maybe even let him fuck you?”, You punched him again, shoving your hands into his chest as you pushed out of his grasp, snapping at him when he tried to touch you.
“Fucking leave me alone!” you yelled, your voice raw and your adrenaline pumping. You were certain you could kill him right now given the chance. You tried reaching for the gun in your bag, only to feel his hands stop you, pushing you against the table as he pressed his chest flush with your back, his face right next to your ear as he spoke in a dark tone.
“I know your little game, (Y/n). You can fool Calvi, seduce him, manipulate him, brainwash him. But I know. I know every little thing that you’re doing.”, he pressed his body against you, his leg separating your thighs, pressing against you. “You can’t fool me, sweetheart.”
“You son of a bitch..”, you felt on fire, struggling against him, pushing yourself back as he turned you around, forcing himself into your space. Your body was still wrapped in your dress, your breasts were practically on his chest, his arms trapping you as he overwhelmed your senses.
“Tell me, (Y/n), do you think he’d know how to take care of you?”, his voice got deeper, his hand grabbing your face so your eyes would meet his. His body pressed against you, the muscle of his legs causing your skin to heat. “Would he know the first thing about where to touch you?”, his leg pushed against your core, your body responding to his sudden movements. “Would he know how to fuck you?”.
Your eyes narrowed in hatred, absolute hate and fury. There was no hiding it, even he could see the absolute lack of control you had right now and you hated it. You hated him.
His voice was in your ear, his hand grabbing your waist as the other wrapped itself around your throat. “Would he be able to make you scream his name?”. God, he filled your senses and pushed you into overdrive. “Would he be able to absolutely fuck the sense out of you and make you his? Take every part of you and make you beg?” his voice dripped with conviction, repeating himself a final time. “Tell me sweetheart, do you think he’s the one to make you his?”
You couldn’t take the pressure building in between your thighs. You didn’t want to have this reaction to him, but your body had other plans, ones you couldn’t control or hide.
“Why are you so interested in my personal life, Red?”, you challenged. You needed to get your power back from him. “Do you think you’d be able to do even half of what you’re saying Calvi would do to me?”
“Sweetheart, if I had you, there wouldn’t be a doubt in anyone’s mind who you belonged to.”
You stared at him with heat in your eyes, you knew he could see how flustered you were but you didn’t want to give him more power than he already had. You suddenly felt his gloved hand on your neck, his fingers softly clutching your face.
“I don’t belong to anyone. Especially not you”, you bit out, your teeth clenched as he held your gaze.
“Keep telling yourself that, Sweetheart.”, he pushed himself away from you, heading towards the window. “Calvi works for me. He won’t be so naive to fall into your tricks.”
“Leave, Red.”, you forced out, your anger still consuming you. You watched as he climbed out the window and out into the night, your body still in overdrive from his touch.
Why did he leave you feeling this way?
How did he get you this riled up?
Why did he care about you going after Calvi?
And most importantly, what was his motive?
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A/N: Here is chapter 3! Hope you guys enjoy it!
I have been sick the past week so I was able to edit and get this up for you guys. I love the reactions to this series so please leave all your comments and thoughts! I love reading them and look forward to hearing more from you guys.
Until Next Week xx.
143 notes · View notes
yuurei20 · 30 days
I was wondering what the book 5 bonuses were? I know they were originally in the JP server, but cut out of the EN server. Are you able to touch on this topic?
Thank you 💜
Hello hello! Thank you for this question!
Were maybe the Book 5 bonuses in question the “Clear Main Story: Book 5 with extra bonus" gifts? 👀 (Here is a YouTube video about this!)
These "extra bonus" gifts for clearing Book 5 were what EN players would have received in exchange for clearing all the challenges associated with the "Everybody Yaho!" rhythmic that was removed from the EN server, seen below!
As EN players did not have the rhythmic they could not earn the bonuses, so EN server instead provided the bonuses to players all at once at the conclusion of Book 5 as extra rewards ^^
(I hope I did not misunderstand the question 💦 my apologies if so!)
And it was not just the rhythmic! Neige's song plays in the background of that entire scene in the original game, replaced with common background music for EN server, and there is a scene of all the characters singing together at the end that was also removed.
Tumblr only allows for one video per post, so here is the Rhythmic and Missing scene together on YouTube!
It is a common theory that the rhythmic was removed due to copyright issues, but this rumor is unfounded: it has never been confirmed by Aniplex USA (or anyone), and it is always better to not repeat unofficial information as fact.
I have also seen rumors that it may be related to usage rights outlined in Neige's VAs contract, or to a disagreement between Disney JP and Disney HQ, etc., but at the end of the day we do not know the real reason and it unlikely that we will ever be told ^^
And this connects to the official OST: It has, pointedly, 149 tracks instead of 150, and Everybody Yaho! is not there!
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There is not a "Japan release" and "Overseas release" of the OST--it is all the same product, with overseas buyers even receiving the lyrics booklet in Japanese!
Was "Everybody Yaho!" originally supposed to be a part of the set, but ultimately removed due to whatever reason it is that that song is being kept from EN speakers? 🧐
We do not know and probably never will, but it is most interesting to think about ^^
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Another interesting point we saw with the OST: Most of the song titles were updated to reflect EN-server's changes! (Spectral Soiree, for example, was originally "Endless Halloween.")
So JP players are buying songs with new names written in a foreign language, with one exception: Wish Resound 👀
(While EN fans are left to wonder "Why is there a song here in a language I do not know?" about 1 song, JP fans are possibly thinking the same thing about the other 148 ww)
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Unlike every other song on the OST the name of Glorious Masquerade song "Wish Resound" was not translated into English and instead intentionally left in Japanese!
The lyrics of "Piece of My World" that appeared on JP server were infamously removed from EN (during the audition scenes of Book 5), and the lyrics to "Wish Resound" were also removed from EN's Glorious Masquerade, replaced with "*singing*"!
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Are the removal of the lyrics and "Everybody Yaho!" somehow connected? Related to a complicated web of usage rights and copyright laws, perhaps, that do not allow them to be published outside of JP server? 🧐
Any explanations you may see (including the ones in this post) are all conjecture and unfounded rumors invented by fans looking for answers, but it is most interesting, for sure! ^^
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liver-f4ilure · 2 months
Academy Maniacs Article Translated
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NOTE: I may have missed a part but this is the whole article.
ISSUES: KONKURENTl calendar dated January 28, 2013
"Good-natured boy."
The defendant in the case of "hammer throwers" asked for freedom
The Irkutsk Regional Court received the criminal case against Artyom Anufriev and Nikita Lytkin, who, according to the investigators' version, were operating in Irkutsk Akademgorodok from the fall of 2010 to the spring of 2011, killing six people and attempting to kill eight others, on August 13 last year. According to the Code of Criminal Procedure, the term of detention of the defendants, who have been in Irkutsk SIZO-1 since their arrest on April 5 last year, expires six months after the case is filed with the court, on February 13.
However, according to the court, by that time the case cannot be considered on its merits: it took the prosecution six months just to announce the evidence collected in 49 volumes. At the hearing on Wednesday, January 23, the lawyers started presenting evidence, having summoned the first witnesses and experts to the court. Also ahead is the debate of the parties and the final decision. In this regard, the judge put the issue of extending the period of detention on the table. The defendants, who have already been behind bars for almost two years, as it turned out, are not averse to being free. After a short break in the session, which took Artyom Anufriev to communicate with his lawyers, he asked the court to change the measure of restraint to a custodial release.
"All the fears of the investigation about my being on the outside are groundless. I will not be able to influence the course of the investigation in any way, I will not be able to put pressure on witnesses, I will not be able to destroy evidence either. I have places of study, work, residence, at least I had them. I ask to appoint a measure of restraint not involving imprisonment," said Anufriev. The lawyer supported the position of the defendant: "He is socially adapted, as he has a mother, with whom he lived and can continue to live, he does not intend to hide. In addition, he really can not influence the course of the investigation, as all the evidence is already in court, the judicial investigation is coming to an end".
The mother of Nikita Lytkin did not insist on changing the measure of restraint, leaving the decision "at the discretion of the court", but said that her son had long and deeply repented of the crimes committed and, in her opinion, "is not dangerous to society". Despite the defense's arguments, the court decided to extend the detention for three months, until May 13.
"The defendants are accused of particularly serious crimes against the person, committed over a long period of time. Each of the incriminated acts is punishable by imprisonment for a long period of time, including up to life imprisonment. In selecting a measure of restraint, the court took into account that, being at liberty, they could continue criminal activity and escape from the investigation. These circumstances have not fallen away and have not changed," the judge read out the ruling.
A new stage of the judicial investigation, during which evidence will be presented by the defense side, began at the hearing on Wednesday. Among the first lawyers invited an expert on information systems to the court, with the help of whom they found out the subtleties of data exchange in social networks, in particular "VKontakte", in which, according to the investigation, the defendant Anufriev kept extremist correspondence with acquaintances. According to the expert, the correspondence history stored on the server of the social network could theoretically be changed, which Artem Anufriev himself did not know anything about, and therefore, the information seized from the storage can not be evidence in the case.
Artyom Anufriev also denies that he was involved in a vicious correspondence, claiming that he gave the password to his social network page to one of his acquaintances, who left compromising messages on his behalf. The court has yet to sort out the evidence; the unique network IP address from which the defendant accessed the Internet may be used to identify the user of the social network. In addition, Anufriev, who chose the policy of denial of guilt, in his defense stated that in the protocol of on-site testimony, held on April 11, 2011, there is a signature made on his behalf by another person. At the request of the state prosecutor, a handwriting examination was appointed, which was entrusted to the Irkutsk Laboratory of Forensic Expertise.
Recall that at the first stages of the investigation, Artyom Anufriev and Nikita Lytkin fully admitted guilt in committing a series of crimes. However, during the judicial investigation, the first refused to testify and said that he had incriminated himself under torture and threats of investigators "with trouble in the detention center". Since then, the defense lines of Anufriev and Lytkin have been divided. The side of the senior defendant, Anufriev, who is charged with, among other things, involving the minor Lytkin in particularly serious crimes, insists that the defendant could not have been the organizer and ideological inspirer of the extremist community, as the prosecution believes.
In order to prove this, the lawyers called to court a woman who knows Artyom Anufriev "from diapers". The witness, who spoke first on the defense side, said that Artyom Anufriev's mother was a close friend of her own mother and the long family friendship allows her to characterize the defendant. "Artyom is a good-natured boy, polite, I have never heard a bad word from him," the witness said. - He is enthusiastic and capable. In character, soft, kind, driven. They had a boy who was always organizing something - basketball, tennis. Unless you called Artyom and invited him, he wouldn't go. They had a music group; when the organizer left town, the group broke up. Artyom's mother offered to create a new group, but he couldn't because he doesn't have organizational skills.
The witness testimony, according to the defense, should refute the prosecution's thesis that Artyom was the brains and inspiration, while Nikita was the executor. The woman also said that Anufriev's mother did not approve of his friendship with Lytykin. "She believed that this young man does not do anything, badly influences Artyom, interferes with his studies. Always tried to stop their friendship," the witness stated. The court has yet to assess the arguments of the defense. The hearing will continue next week. After reviewing the evidence of both sides, the court will consider possible motions to supplement the judicial investigation, after which the debate of the parties will begin and the judge will make a final decision.
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underthetree845 · 8 months
His Lady
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Chuuya/fem pm! Reader Cws: pm fem! reader, mutual pining, getting together, alcohol tw, jealous chuuya, fluff, pent up emotions, light angst (little argument), reader is high up in the port mafia, reader flirts to get information (briefly), new years party, let me know if I missed anything! About 3.5k words Summary: What was being built up finally spills over at the new years eve party all the higher ups in the port mafia have to attend. A/n: So happy late new years I guess! I don't know I wanted to try a little something. Chuuya is so hard to figure out how to write- I did my best though! Black hearts divider credit // Red hearts divider credit.
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You strode up to the grand staircase clad in your pretty crimson dress, the one gifted to you exactly one week prior. He told you that the shade would match his suit lining and tie. You didn’t question why he thought the two of you should match, but it proved impossible to stop thinking about leading up to the event. The boss’s sudden calling for an end of the year bash at the most luxurious banquet hall in town was suspicious to say the least, but with how often every executive and subordinate in the port mafia felt overworked, no one could find it in themselves to care. 
As a high-ranking member yourself, Mori had you preview the profiles of some of the guests that would be attending. You were sure your superiors were swamped with even more. The presence of an executive alone provided a statement. Who they chose to mingle with, who they pointedly ignored. 
Just as you were about to head inside, a familiar voice sounded from behind you. The word fell from his lips before he could stop it. “Damn,” he murmured. You spun around on instinct, and were met with the stormy blue pair of eyes you had grown so fond of; somehow all the more dazzling under the light of the moon.
“Chuuya,” you breathed, taking the time to soak in his appearance. Just as promised, his tie, suit lining, and even the handkerchief peeking out of his pocket were a deep scarlet. The way his gray vest hugged his body complemented his frame in a way that made your stomach do backflips. For once, Chuuya decided to step out into the world without the familiar pork pie that usually sat atop his head. It was a true blessing whenever you got to admire the way his hair fell to frame his face so artfully; what you wouldn’t give to run your fingers through it. 
Your breath hitched when you noticed the way his eyes raked over your form, and you had to clear your throat once for the man to blink back to reality. You could have sworn that the faintest tint of red adorned his cheeks. “...Could you be any more gorgeous?” Chuuya let out a low chuckle and suddenly you felt your face go hot. “I- uh-” you stammered for a moment before clearing your throat a second time, “Come on, let’s head inside, people are expecting us.” you turned and approached the entryway. Chuuya followed closely behind you, sharing a nod with the servant who held the door open. The hall was littered with specs of gold; spotlights, balloons, and crystalline chandeliers distorting light and scattering it around the room. Round, black-clothed tables formed the perimeter, each with a warm oil lamp sitting comfortably at its center. Expensive-looking tapestries hung between tall marble pillars against every wall, only further complementing the gold-traced designs etched into the molding. Servers wearing black bow ties and suits fluttered from table to table like honey bees in a garden, eager to serve their purpose with a near endless list of tasks. Your heels tapped lightly against the polished floor as you made your way inside, trying not to gape at the extravagant orchestra that played in the far corner. 
A long balcony wrapped around the perimeter of the room above your head with doors along the outer wall. It hung over a portion of the tables, shrouding them in shadow and contrasting greatly with the way the center of the hall was illuminated to create a slightly elevated dance floor. Clear glass made up almost the entirety of the walls above the balcony, creating a translucent dome that surely made for a very pretty picture on such a night. You and Chuuya found your way to a vacant table and it wasn’t long before you were approached by a waiter who requested that you provide your drink and food orders for the evening. “This place is breathtaking,” you commented, eyes still scanning over the venue. “I wanna know how much of our goddamn budget the boss spent on this,” Chuuya clicked his tongue and crossed his arms. He leaned back in his seat and you gave him a sympathetic smile. He sighed as he felt his resolve crumble away. It didn’t take long for your drinks to arrive. “S’ there anything you were looking forward to tonight?” Chuuya asked lightly, swirling around the wine in his newly-acquired glass before taking a sip. You paused for a moment. “...You mean, other than the huge New Years Eve bash being thrown by the mafia in, like, literally the most high class place I’ve ever stepped foot in?” “I mean, what were you hoping to get out of the evening?” Chuuya mused, “How’re you hoping to end this year?” Well. 
“Oh… I’m not really sure. Honestly it’s pretty nice already to get to enjoy this place,” you smiled bashfully, bringing the rim of the wine glass to come into contact with your lips. Slowly, your head tilted back, allowing the chilled liquid to slide down your throat. The Dolcetto was rich and sweet, refreshing and left an herbal tang on your tongue. Appreciating the complexities of wine had gotten easier since meeting Chuuya. “I know of a few more places like this, if you’re interested,” Chuuya offered nonchalantly, “I could always use some company.” Your head snapped in his direction. “...Seriously? You would?” he couldn’t help but admire the small glimmer in your eyes. “Yeah, if it’d make you smile like that, I’d do it every week,” he replied with a grin. You leaned back in your seat with a new thrum of excitement in your chest. “What about you, Chu?” you inquired curiously, “Were you hoping for anything special tonight?” Now it was Chuuya’s turn to pause. The longer he looked at you, the harder it was to deny the growing ache in his chest. Being around you was one the thing he had always been waiting for yet he never knew he needed. He wanted to be able to come home to you after a long day. To show you how much you meant to him. To open his eyes and have you be the first thing coming into his focus on a Saturday morning, knowing that neither of you have to get out of bed. He would take you anywhere your heart desired, hand you the world on a silver platter if he could. “To be honest Y/n,” he started, “the best part of tonight is-” “Ah, to meet you at last, Mr. Nakahara!” a lively voice sounded from your left. It belonged to a stout man, maybe a few centimeters taller than Chuuya, who gripped onto the lapel of his suit with both thumbs and stood with one leg out. The executive looked over to study him for a moment. “Oh,” you saw Chuuya’s eyes flicker with recognition, “Mr. Penrod, I’ve heard a lot about you.” He put on one of his business smiles and stood from the table as you watched with intrigue. Atop Penrod’s head sat a suspiciously lopsided fluff of black hair, mostly brushed back in an effort to emulate elegance. Penrod’s eyes flickered from yours back to Chuuya’s and his expression changed. “Ah, forgive me madam,” he turned to you with a slight bow, “Would you allow me the pleasure of knowing your name?” “Ah, it’s L/n Y/n, and the pleasure is all mine,” you stood with a polite curve of your lips and shared a handshake with the man, which he prolonged for a moment longer than what would have been entirely comfortable. “Mr. Mori just sent me your way, Mr. Nakahara sir,” Penrod brought his hands together with an amiable grin, “I believe there are certain matters of due time for us to discuss.” It was clear who he intended to share the discussion with and who he did not. Not that it really bothered you; he wasn’t on the profile list Mori gave you anyway. “Would you mind if I stole you away from your lady for a brief time?” “‘Course not,” Chuuya replied, turning to you for a moment, “You don’t mind, do you, Y/n?” “I- no, not at all,” your voice wavered slightly. Chuuya nodded. Your eyes trailed the pair until they disappeared into the crowd, and you slumped back in your seat. The flutter in your chest was impossible to suppress. There was a single thought running through your mind: Why didn’t Chuuya correct him? 
One hour left. Lipstick stained the rim of your wine glass, and your second and your third. A plate of appetizers sat mockingly on the table, long since left to go cold. Taking one more glance at the empty seat to your right, you decided that waiting any longer would prove to be a waste of your time. You caught several stares as you made your way through the sea of people, eyes filtering the crowd for any face you could recognize. At last, you spotted a man standing at the bar with sharp blue eyes and blonde hair straight as a pin. It has been slicked back, and he appeared to have a habit of running his right hand through it every so often. You let out a sigh, put on your best sugary grin, and strode over to tap the shoulder of the man’s navy suit. He turned his head, and you didn’t miss the way his eyes studied the contours of your body and face before a suave smile settled on his lips. The feeling that formed in the pit of your stomach was so different from the one you got when Chuuya looked at you that way. The man’s name, as you pretended not to know as he introduced himself, was Yamamoto Taishi. He was twenty six years old, a recent graduate of the finest college of finance and business relations in the country, the youngest son of the chairman of banking relations in Japan, and, as you quickly discovered, stupidly easy to win over. All it took was a few feathery touches up his arm, batting your eyelashes, taking one step closer, and you had him on the barstool next to you, babbling away in intricate detail about all the deals he was to handle alongside his father with flushed cheeks and breath that reeked of whisky. Little did you know, a certain redhead across the room was having trouble not shattering his own whiskey glass to pieces at the sight. The way Yamamoto looked at you made his stomach turn unpleasantly. Calm down dammit, Chuuya told himself, It means nothing. You know that. “Isn’t that something, Mr. Nakahara?” a gentleman’s voice sounded from his left, and Chuuya snapped back to the conversation he no longer cared to be engaged in. “Without a doubt,” he voiced smoothly, “Actually, I wouldn’t mind hearing more. Do you think you could elaborate on the last part of what you said?” “Of course, back to-” Miyazaki started again. Or Minamoto, or Mitsuba, or whoever the hell the guy introduced himself as. 
Chuuya found himself unable to care as his gaze trailed back over to your form. He grit his teeth at the way the blonde man next to you seemed to be leaning closer and closer with every passing second. The moment the man decided to rest his hand on your thigh, what remained of Chuuya’s patience dissipated in a matter of seconds. Murmuring something about excusing himself to the restroom, Chuuya abandoned his glass on a nearby table and tried to calm the stinging feeling under his skin as he swiftly approached the scene. Thirty minutes left.  “Ah, there you are, Darlin’, I was looking for you,” you recognized his voice instantly; before you could even process what he said, you felt his gloved hand snake around your waist to rest low on your hip. Chuuya’s cologne invaded your senses when his form leaned into yours, your heart giving an involuntary stutter. He eyed down the man still sitting in front of you; you’d be embarrassed to admit that you forgot the blonde existed for a moment. Retracting his grip from your thigh, Yamamoto leaned one elbow on the bar and upturned his chin to give Chuuya a sneer. “And who are you supposed to be? You’re kind of intruding.” “Yeah, Chuuya, what exactly are you doing?” you questioned. He ignored the implication in your tone. “You shouldn’t be fooling around with guys like this,” Chuuya turned his head to look at you and you struggled to place the emotion in his eyes, “you’re out of their league.” Yamamoto’s frown deepened. “And just who are you to claim that? The way I see it everyone gets a fair shot,” he retorted. “I’d just rather have my lady not waste her time on…” Chuuya gave the man a once over, “a man so clearly lacking the ability to treat her the way she deserves.” “You didn’t answer my ques-” Yamamoto tried to object again but Chuuya cut him off. “Anyway, we’d better get going, don’t you think so, Gorgeous?” Chuuya grinned at you, and you found your protests weak as he slid his hand down to grasp yours and lead you somewhere the air was quieter.
The hidden staircase had been cut from a gray granite; it spiraled left as you ascended. You barely got to take in the view of the ball from above before Chuuya swung a door open that led you outside. Twenty minutes left. The cool air on your skin did little to quell the heat bubbling underneath. You swore to yourself that you would refuse to leave the balcony until the executive gave you some clear answers.
Chuuya released your hand from his grasp but kept walking until he reached the polished railing overlooking the city and port of Yokohama. He leaned against it with a sigh, looking out onto the horizon as a thick silence filled the air.
“So, will you explain, or do I have to ask?” you started slowly, stepping up to meet him. He turned to look at you, his eyes deep and filled with thought. “What’s there to explain?” he sighed, turning to face you and leaning his hip against the railing, “Last time I checked, you’re not an idiot.” “That’s-” you let out a breath, “that’s besides the point. It’s still something that should be said.” “What is?” Chuuya’s grip on the railing tightened. “Why you acted like that with Taishi back there,” you attempted to prod, “I was just trying to squeeze information out of him. You know that, you were doing the exact same thing.” “Oh, so you’re on a first name basis with the gentleman now?” Chuuya scoffed slightly and you rolled your eyes. “First of all he insisted that I call him that, and second of all, buttering him up was the easiest way to get him to start telling me what I needed to know. Which I would have found out a lot more of, by the way, if someone hadn’t interrupted.” “I’d hardly call what you and I were doing ‘the same thing,’” Chuuya murmured, and you furrowed your brow. “And why not? The boss gave you a list too, right?” you placed a hand on your hip, “Profiles, attendees, individuals in possession of valuable assets. Yamamoto is quite the blabbermouth when he’s eager to show off.” “Freakin’ hell, I wasn’t the one...” Chuuya gestured to nothing, “gettin’ handsy with some goddamn court brat! From what I could tell there was a lot more than just an informational exchange going on there.”  “Why does that bother you, Chuuya?” you took a step closer, “You still haven’t answered my question.” Lowering his eyebrows, Chuuya brought his hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose, and let out a sigh before crossing his arms. “You want me to spell it out for you or somethin’?” he looked at you again, defensiveness subtle in his tone. “Yes, Chuuya! That’s what I’ve been asking,” you replied, your eyes steady. Ten minutes left. “You want me to explain why I hate seeing you flirt around with other guys like that?” he scoffed slightly, annoyance bleeding into his voice. You noted the way he said 'other.' “I wasn’t flirting, that wasn’t real, you know that!” you insisted, but the man just continued. “You want me to explain why I can’t bear to see you making eyes n’ shit like that? Why I wish I could just keep you close?” Chuuya’s voice raised in volume. “For someone so direct you sure are being elusive about this, Chuuya,” you implored the man. “You want me to explain why I wanted to make sure we would match tonight? Why I bought you that dress that you look so… goddamn perfect in…” Chuuya clenched his jaw. “It’s because I want you to myself. It kills me that I can't tell if you care, and it kills me that I can’t seem to control myself around you.” “Chu, you-” you were about to cut him off but his fuse reached a boiling point. “I can’t control the fact that I love you, okay, Y/n?” he shouted slightly, “I…” he trailed off, and a deafening silence hung in the air. The flush that creeped into Chuuya’s cheeks rivaled the red of his hair. Five minutes left. Muttering a few curses under his breath, Chuuya turned to face the city lights down below, sliding his hands into his pockets. 
Chuuya had been drawn to you like a moth to flame. It wasn't right, your relationship was supposed to be professional, with you technically being one of his subordinates and all. Murder and death were common in the field you both worked in. His affection for you scared him. After all, what good things are meant to last? He wanted to protect you, he'd never forgive himself if he let such a beautiful soul be ripped from the world. Chuuya found that you were strong, kind, and no matter how many times you insisted otherwise, so much braver than he could ever be. He adored the way you always fuss over his injuries after a mission, even if it was the tiniest bruise. You deserved all the good things the world had to offer, and a small selfish part of himself hoped you could find it in him.
The man glanced your way and let out a sigh to find that you hadn’t moved from your position. “Listen… Y/n,” his voice was steady and quiet, “I didn’t mean for it to come out that way. You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to…” “So…” you started, and Chuuya held his breath, “you were jealous?” Chuuya let out a few sputters and turned to face you again. Only then did he notice the tinted color of your cheeks. The way you clutched a fist to your chest and looked at him like no one and nothing else existed in the whole world. The smallest hint of hope flickered in your expression, and his heart did a backflip. “I… guess you could call it that,” he admitted with uncharacteristic hesitancy. It took a moment for you to voice your response. “...I would be jealous too,” you muttered, and although Chuuya caught what you said he asked you to repeat yourself. “What was that?” he took a step forward, blinking a few times. You took a deep breath. “If I saw someone flirting with you- or if I saw you ‘making eyes’ at someone else… I would get jealous too…” you felt heat crawl up your neck at your declaration. Chuuya looked at you like your head was on backwards. “And why is that?” his voice carried softly, neither of you taking notice of the muffled sound of voices counting down from inside. “Because I love you too Chu…” you spoke quietly but he still caught it. You could hear your heart pumping in your ears. Just as Chuuya was about to spill out a reply, a startling boom sounded from your left. You turned your head and sucked in a breath at the display. Eruptions of colored fire danced around each other in the night sky. They echoed through the air, creating ethereal reflections in the water off in the distance.
“Happy New Years, Gorgeous,” Chuuya’s tender gaze never left your face. You turned back to look at him, and in that moment, with the way the moon and fireworks illuminated your form, he swore the sight before him was the most breathtaking view of his entire life. A light breeze blew by, the echoing explosions from the fireworks somehow fading into the distance. He glanced down at your lips and, even if ever so slightly began to lean in. A fuzzy feeling started in your chest as you closed the gap. His lips were warm, you’d never grow tired of the way he held you, kissed you as if you were the most precious thing in the world. You murmured softly after you pulled away, gentleness laced in your expression. “Happy New Years, Chu.” 
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A/n: Thank you for reading! I hope you can find many things that make you smile this year ^^
Tagging: @a-random-weeb @ringsofsaturnnnn
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Part 8- Dressed in all black
“Dressed in all black I’m giving the eulogy. R.I.P. to the kid that I used to be.” -Funeral by Neoni
Masterlist Part 7
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It was a truth universally acknowledged that when one was a Gotham Vigilante, one was a paranoid Gotham Vigilante. 
So when one fine night the motion sensors of the Batcave rang shrilly in response to an intruder, needless to say it was well earned. 
Jason, dressed in sweatpants and a tanktop, was found in the medbay by a harried Nightwing only a few minutes later. The older man was harried and worn, but still sported a bright smile on his face when he spotted his younger brother. 
“Little Wing!” 
The missing man was half awake and grumbling something about warmth, but allowed Dick in his gear to hug him close. 
“Oh, Little Wing, where have you been?!” 
Jason grumbled again, but wrapped his arms around Dick and crushed his older brother to his chest. 
“Hi, Big Bird.” 
Oh, if that didn’t just make Dick cry ugly tears. It had been years since a tiny adorable Jason had looked up at him, an angry Robin with too many issues, and called him that title without sending a lance through Dick’s heart. 
Where had Jason gone? 
(Where had Jason’s anger gone?) 
Not that Dick was complaining or anything. Not at all, but good things rarely came without strings attached.   
(He had long since subscribed to the belief that his family was cursed.)
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The Regent and the Phantom remained out far beyond their usual patrol time. 
Jazz and Danny had successfully entrusted Jason to the Bats’ care while he woke, leaving before they were spotted though having accidentally set off come sort of alarm with their clumsy movements. In their rush, Jazz had to leave using her portal which could’ve been spotted on camera, however blurry thanks to the ecto.
It was odd to be without their silent third roommate; Jazz had gotten so used to sharing her proto-core warmth with her bedmate whenever she slept, untangling her limbs whenever she woke for patrol or daily life became a refreshing constant she was going to miss, much to her embarrassment. 
(Several times she caught herself plotting how to throw herself into his path, just so she could get his arms around her again.)
(She was thirsting for the first time in her life and it was for a former dead guy.)
Phantom cackled eerily as he let a gang banger slip from his grasp, the mortal terrified out of his mind. The pre-dawn light mixed messily with the ecto green of Phantom’s aura, casting an otherworldly effect over his surroundings- an average mortal would not be able to stand his presence for very long, which was useful to scare off any n’do’wells from sight. 
The Regent sighed, exhausted. It had been a long month, stacks of paperwork had been completed, sparing with Pandora before patrols and sorting through the files Technus had stripped from the GIW servers prior to their destruction. Whatever locations the tech ghost was able to pinpoint, he cheerfully sent to the former Team Phantom for further action. 
Whatever actions they took, the reports crossed her desk afterwards. Needless to say, Jazz had no objections to hunting the hunters- not when it was for the vengeance protection of a people wronged. 
“Phantom.” Regent activated her ecto-comm, an upgrade from the Fenton Phones without the horrible branding, and listened for her little brother’s comm link in response. 
“Yeah, Regent?” Danny returned with a tired emphasis on the title.
That had been the vigilante mantle Jazz took up with Danny returned to the nightlife as his spooky self, the general public unsure what to make of the two new meta vigilantes with varying abilities. 
Phantom had cheerfully informed some camera crew early one morning that being dead was a medical condition. 
(He’s not wrong.) 
They didn’t wear the bat across their chests, which made them unknown. Their abilities were varying and their motives for vigilantism in Gotham unclear which made them dangerous. 
(They were dangerous.) 
(Jazz was dangerous. The blood on her hands proved it well enough.) 
(Phantom might be a Spirit of Protection, but that didn’t mean he backed down from a fight, much less start them.)  
(He’s a King.) 
(He finishes them.) 
“Wrap it up, we’ve been out long enough. You’ve got school soon.”
Jazz ignored the patented younger sibling whine, before she continued in a softer tone, “You’ve been doing good, little brother, and I’m proud of you for it.” 
There was silence for a while as Jazz made her way towards her favorite alleyway, where her trophy still remained to her amusement, ready to fall into bed for a few hours before she had to get Danny up for school. 
(That is, if she was able to sleep without her bedmate leeching off her proto-core warmth.) 
“Thanks, sis.”
“Always, little brother.” 
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Jazz knew she set her phone for seven am, just enough time for her to drink her dose of ecto and force feed Danny something that wasn’t just straight caffeine. It was a force of habit for it to be seven am, even though Jazz was no longer in school or had a job.
Years of experience caring for her brother made it so. 
Yet, as Jazz settled down into her soft sheets and warm blankets she knew she wasn’t going to have an easy time falling asleep despite how exhausted she was from the extended patrol. 
Her bed was too empty. There was no steadfast presence at her back as she slept, no fellow liminal or Once-Revenant to share her own warmth with, proto-core or not. 
Despite Danny being just a room across, Jazz had never felt more alone. 
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Jason was having both a good morning and a terrible one. 
How that was possible, he wasn’t sure, yet here he was: in his old Manor bedroom, soft sheets pleasant on his rough skin, lack of pulsing green rage in his chest, bones aching from disuse, and muscles suffering mild atrophy thanks to him being in a coma for a whole fucking month. 
Yes, Jason was very confused (and concerned) about that last bit, to the extent he was willing to stay in the Manor for longer than a meal and to say hi to Alfie. He wasn’t sure what had happened between the last Arkham breakout and Dickwing trying to kill him again by way of an octopus hug in the Batcave. 
He really only recalled the breakout alert on his phone, his chest hurting… some bits in between were fuzzy and Jason wasn’t really sure if he could truthfully say they happened. 
(Like the giant furry monster poking at his chest.) 
(Or the soothing warmth wrapped around him.) 
(The soft lips pressed to his own.) 
(The citrus burn in the back of his throat.) 
He didn’t recall words, per say, only emotions. 
It wasn’t weird to believe that he wanted the simplicity of just sensing what people meant, rather than trying to deduce if they were lying or not. Jason’s patience for that had grown shorter and shorter over the years. 
It was weird to believe he wanted it back. He wanted that warmth back in his arms, to feel safe again, cared for… to know he had nothing to worry about while in that embrace. Someone had taken care of him while he was missing and he was going to find them… and he wasn’t sure if he ever wanted to let them go. 
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Poor Jazz can't catch a break with her love interests. :(
And Danny is out here just living his best Afterlife, waiting for the Bats to do something with the ghost files.
Yes, Jazz inherited the Fenton naming tendency too. Just took the title she has among the Realms and uses it as a vigilante name.
Danny is returning as Phantom, naturally.
Huh, wonder if this will have any consequences? nah.
Part 9
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armoralor · 9 months
[TW: homophobia, threats of physical violence, SA, gun violence]
IMPORTANT: do not interact with the person mentioned below. please do not send hate or harass ANY of the accounts mentioned. the point of this post is to warn the community of a serious threat, not to dog pile or stir a hate mob. his accounts have been reported and local authorities have been made aware of his potential for harm. Last updated: 01/30/2024. New information begins close to the bottom, starting at the red text.
Some of you may already be familiar with the homophobic incel that was previously filling the Ahsoka & Sabine Wren tags with vile misogyny. He's gone by many names due to banning and deactivations: @sabezrastan01, @longlivetheemporer, @imperialloyalist01, @standorando, and @imperialsycophant. Here's the guy that gave us this classic:
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Now, as meme worthy as that post was- it's unfortunately just the tip of the iceberg. Despite his exile from this social media site, he continues to be active on Instagram and TikTok. He also continues to get support from some of the same folks that have been painting sapphics and wolfwren shippers out as vicious bullies.
I didn't intend to find everything I did, but this man constantly comments under official Star Wars media posts calling queer women "degenerates" and "beasts," so it's been hard to miss. It honestly hurts to reread this shit again, but I want to warn anyone who 1) may interact with him without realizing he's a incel neo nazi 2) may be harmed by his continued harassment.
First thing to remember about him- he doesn't just complain about shipping, he has wished death and harm upon multiple people. On top of the two screenshots below, he also discussed wanting to put a bullet in Dave Filoni's head (the alt account was taken down before I thought to screenshot):
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He wrote "these people need to be beaten" on a dozen anti-wolfwren posts before his most recent account was taken down. He has embraced the common anti-LGBTQIA+ rhetoric of queer people being pedophiles and rapists:
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He repeatedly brings rape up unprompted, especially when talking to nonbinary folks and women:
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Plus buys into the "woke agenda" causing queer relationships to happen in media:
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You'll notice the irony of him "worrying" wolfwren shippers are going to threaten the actors, despite him previously threatening to kill Dave Filoni and beat wolfwren shippers. He seems to be projecting a lot of his own desires and wishes onto other people, which will become even more obvious further down this post.
Now, thankfully his last tumblr account was taken down for inciting violence, but as i mentioned before, it's hard to miss him on other platforms:
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Out of morbid curiosity I clicked on his account, and it's unfortunately what you would expect for from an incel. His follower and following list is littered with white nationalists, militia groups, tactical gear stores, weapon vendors, alt-right religious orgs, and 4chan neo nazis.
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Instagram Followers:
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Instagram Following:
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It's clean he's unhinged and a danger to those who don't share similar interests. He seems to make allowances for anyone who ships sabezra, but otherwise is a diehard supporter of alt-right Christian nationalist beliefs.
One of his previous account names on Instagram was @cajunminuteman, with a confederate flag as his pfp. In current alt right groups, a minuteman is a person who is ready to pick up a gun and fight on a minutes' notice, typically in a militia against the government. His previous account also followed a number of Christian Southern Nationalist accounts:
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There are a number of shippers that continue to interact with this man. Most sabezra shippers I've chatted with are very sweet, some of you even share discord servers with me and have so much love for this fandom. I'm only asking those of you who choose to ignore this man's threats of violence to revaluate how far you are willing to go to support a fictional ship.
Wolfwren shippers have bore the brunt of fandom hate and harassment since Ahsoka started airing. We continue to get called degenerates, rapists, pedophiles, and threatened with physical violence. This is not the same, or in any way equivalent, to silly jokes made about fictional ships being made canon. It's exhausting to get constant harassment in real life AND online.
Are there mean wolfwren shippers? Absolutely. I'm sorry queer people sometimes cheer on cishet ships not becoming canon, I know it sucks when it's over something you like. No, enjoying cishet ships doesn't make you any less queer, and I'm sorry there was an asshole out there that said that shit. But can we PLEASE stop acting like sapphics and wolfwren enjoyers are ALWAYS bullies? That we're somehow always the ones threatening people? It plays into the alt-right rhetoric of the LGBTQIA+ community being predators and I'm so sick of it, especially when there is so much outright vile hate for queers.
If there are any wolfwrens sending hate and/or threats, I am begging for an example or name so they can be reported properly. None of us condone any of the nasty shit that's been sent, we deal with enough hate irl. This man's closest friends aren't much better, joking about wanting to hurt wolfwren shippers and how the LGBTQIA+ community is a bad thing:
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The most recent return to tumblr was under account @imperialsycophant where he tried to pretend he wasn't the same incel loser:
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He eventually went mask off, realizing that most people weren't foolded:
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On January 24 2024, his most recent Instagram account (@imperialloyalist01) was taken down. Less than 24 hours later, a sabezra shipper DM'd me asking me to delete this post. I explained to the shipper that the point of this post was to warn the fandom as a whole of this guy's behaviour, and at multiple points I make it clear everyone should stay away + not engage any of the accounts involved.
Everything included in this thread is public information taken from public posts or public accounts. The shipper who DM'd me still demanded I remove this post, as it could "hurt their friends."
The context of who the incel associates himself with is helpful when conveying the severity & underlying motives of his actions. There are approximately two non alt-right/neo-nazi accounts in the following/follower lists I shared. Those who were following @imperialloyalist01 up until January 24th were both privately and publicly made aware they were following a person threatening harm against others, but they continued to like, comment, and follow the account. This does not mean any of them should be harassed or bothered. It simply provides additional context to the situation and will hopefully aid others in forming their own opinions on who they wish to befriend.
When I reminded the shipper who DM'd me that their friends were continuing to make jokes about hitting/hurting wolfwren shippers, AND tagging wolfwren in those edits, I did not get a response. However, what I did get was mass spam reported.
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Shortly after I sent the above message and the sabezra shipper realized I would not be taking this post down, my account was hate reported and temporarily terminated. Tumblr has an automated feature that bans accounts immediately (out of safety) if they are reported by a large group of people at the same time (which is fair, say someone posts torture or something terrible). Thankfully, after I emailed the abuse support team and explained the situation, they reinstated my account:
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I will not be sharing the name of the sabezra shippers who tried to take down my account. I already get harassed enough, and I don't want anyone to go through the same shit. Please remember that a small group of bad people do NOT represent an entire community. There are plenty of sweet sabezra shippers that do not support this kind of disgusting and hateful behaviour.
Key takeaways: don't send hate or threats. Let people have their fun online while they attempt to avoid the Horrors of real life. Please don't support people spewing vile hate JUST because they like the same fictional ships as you.
Other posts related to him: (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
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jaidens · 1 year
Your Hands Are Tough, But They Are Where Mine Belong,
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pairing [s] : johnny cade x soc!reader
warning [s] : js sm sweet ol’ fluff <3 | typical one bed trope, except he doesn't hate you, he's madly in love with you. | basically of how you love birds found out you were even tweeting love.
a/n [s] : hey sweethearts! requests are open! a discord server with my friends is open! we need some friends guys!! dm me or you can comment and I will give you the information!!
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You and Johnny were in a questionable relationship. You were from the Westside, and lived in a large neighborhood with white picket house fences and golden retrievers running around. You met him through Ponyboy after you were picking up your little sister from her boyfriend’s house. Darry took you into the house after all it was snowing outside and freezing. You waited for her to gather her stuff from Ponyboy’s room and you noticed Johnny stare on you.
Two-Bit was Kathy’s boyfriend and you knew that. He walked up behind you and tapped around your shoulders with his fingers pretending to walk across them. “How’s our girl doing?” He asks about Kathy and you laugh. “She’s good Two. She said she was dreaming about your dreamy eyes in class yesterday.” Two -Bit giggles and jumps around a bit.
“Heya’ John! You hear that? Kathy was dreaming about me.” His arms wrap around the boy’s shoulder pulling him in. The boy doesn't respond and he just laughs. You remember your sister explaining about some of the boys and how one of them was your age and how he was real quiet after Bob knocked him in. She said Pony described him like a kicked puppy, and you had to agree. His darling eyes and soft knicks on his face were a good representation of that.
“Hey I'm already to go. Don't wanna be late, Daddy's gonna call the police if we don't go.” She gives Pony a kiss on the cheek before running off after you. You're laughing with her and Johnny stares through the window at you. God, he's surely never felt this way, but it's making his stomach hurt.
You met the boys once again whenever you and your sister were invited to eat with them. You were told to go so your parents didn't dig the Curtis’ a new one if they found out your sister got hurt by any of them. “Hey there! You're back for good. Missed me huh?” Steve is laughing at Two-Bit while he stares at the television that plays a random cartoon. “Sure Two-Braincells.” You flick his forehead and watch how he gets mad at you.
Ponyboy and the boy from a week ago walk through the door and they all greet them. Johnny's and Pony’s are being thrown out in the air and they wave while Pony holds the conversation. Sodapop is sitting next to you, chewing on a toothpick while he discusses work with Steve. “Hey John’ you can sit down. She doesn't bite.” Two says to Johnny and he sits down before shrinking away from you. You think it's sweet; the love they all share between each other. You've never been worried about your sister since they started dating.
Johnny doesn't talk very much and would let Ponyboy or Dallas tell people how he felt. He looked rough, but under that thick skin was a boy who just wanted to be loved. It was his raw fingers from chewing and pulling on his skin, the fingernails that were bitten down to the end. The bruises and scars that littered his skin made your eyes burn as you stared at the recent red ones and the cuts that stay permanent on his skin.
You're staring at him until someone calls your name. Sodapop wraps around the corner and tells you, “Hey, your parents are on the phone.” You sit up from the couch and you watch Johnny follow you. Whenever you leave the room, you can hear hushed whispers from the group and an unfamiliar voice responding and telling them to shove off. You tell your sister that she was allowed to sleepover if you stayed. She got excited and jumped a bit in Pony’s arms.
Johnny was messing with the cigarettes in his pockets and excused himself to go smoke. You decided to follow him outside and smoke with him to find out about him. “Hey, what’da doing? It's too cold out here, go back inside.” His voice is soft and calm as he notices you shake slightly whenever you walk outside without a jacket. “I want a cigarette. And, I wanna know you. You're the only guy who hasn't yelled in my face about yourself.. besides Dal and Dar.” He keeps his eyes on the ground, and closes in on himself as he lights a cigarette.
“That just isn't me. I'm the runt of the group. You know that.” Johnny talks down on himself. You hope that he doesn't think that you're gonna hurt him because of the Westside reputation, and especially because of Bob's horrible drunken actions. “I’m not gonna hurt you.” Is all you say to him whenever you pull the cigarette from in-between his fingers and take a pull.
His head is turned slightly and he stares at the way your eyes close and you relax against the bench. Johnny couldn't lie and say he wasn't worried for whenever Ponyboy came home, jumping and giggling about his new Soc girlfriend. Pony had cornered him and laid against him and told him that his girlfriend had an older sister, and how if they got married, they'd be true brothers. He smiles upon the thought and understands why Pony likes your little sister so much.
You're both kind and show love to the gang and never had a pre-judice thought around them. It was almost Soc culture to have it, but you never did. You had actually chosen to speak to everyone individually and understand them. Johnny wasn't even sure he did that. The cigarette is back in his fingers and he takes a drag. He notices the small lipstick stain from your lips, and it makes him have a tingly feeling in his stomach again. You make him giddy and happy, and he hasn't even had a conversation with you.
“How old are you?” You ask him to see his eyes widen at the question. “I’m sixteen. Two years older than Pone.” You open your mouth like you're surprised. “Me too! That's real cool.” Johnny looks away from you again and he sees you spin the rings on your fingers. You hold a conversation with him about life here and how his life is. The snow is falling down quicker and it covers the grass. The sky is beautiful tonight as the snowflakes drop gently and the stars are illuminated with the clear sky.
“Where do ya’ think the snowflakes come from if there ain't no clouds?” Johnny asks you. You shrugged your shoulders and told him you didn't know. “It's real pretty tonight isn't it?” You ask him as you stare at the sky and the streetlights that lit up the snowflakes that fall with gold hues. “Yeah. It's nice.” If Johnny had to be honest, he forgot about the cold whispy wind against his face whenever he felt the blush that scattered across his face.
Dallas opens the door and says, “Hey man. Darry's closing up y'all gotta come inside or I’m locking yall out.” You rolled your eyes at him and stood up and walked inside. You heard Dallas yelling at Johnny for ‘being an idiot!’ and you frowned. Johnny had a sad look on his face and you saw how he was crumpled up in his shell again. “Dallas. What did you get at John’ for? He looks like a little scared turtle.”
“The idiot said he wanted to sleep at his house.” Dallas puts out the cigarette in his mouth and sets it on the ashtray. You raised your eye brow at him. “Why can't he sleep at his house? Is he homeless?” You hush your voice in hopes no one hears your conversation with Dallas. “Nah man. His dad beats em’. That's where those bruises come from.” You cover your mouth with your hand and you're in complete shock. You had recognized his different behavior and how he would flinch at the sound of Two-Bit throwing a bottle in the trash, or Steve jumping up and his hand going up too quickly.
“Thank you for telling me Dallas.” You thank him before walking to where Johnny would sleep. He had a small roll out bed with blankets that Darry would make up for him. You sat down on the tiny bed next to Johnny, seeing him curled up under a thin blanket that barely covered him. “Hey Johnny. Are you awake?” You whisper gently as you see him churn slightly. “Mm.. yeah m’ awake.” He rubs his eyes and sits up.
“Did you need something?” Johnny asks you gently and you nod. “I’m supposed to stay over tonight, but I'm not sure where to sleep. Steve and Two are on the couch and floor. And Soda and Pom obviously. Do you know where some blankets are? I can just like, sleep in the kitchen.” Johnny stares at you blankly before shaking his head no. “I’m not making you sleep in the kitchen, take my bed. I can go out to the lot.” You unconsciously put your hand on Johnny's, making his ears turn a dark red. You pull it off quickly and grab your hand.
“I’m not making you give up your bed or freeze to death. I'm just gonna kick Two off the couch.” You stand up and walk away before Johnny grabs your hand. “C’mere. Two gets cranky if you wake him up early. You can sleep with me. My bed is big and I'm small. We gotta share the blanket though. Darry said Steve took five home..” Johnny laughs and you sit down and stare into his soft brown eyes. His eyes are darting around your face, as he quickly loses it with you and lays back down. Johnny has a small pillow and the blanket that barely covers the bed fully.
You lay down next to him and he turns his back at you and curls up. You tell him goodnight softly and close your eyes. It's warm with him, his body heat surrounds you and the way his chest swells as he sleeps. You can help but open your eyes a little, and stare at his soft skin and the small scratches and scars that little his gentle skin.
You wake up the next morning with the warm sun sleeping against your skin. You're not sure how warm you are when it’s frozen outside. It's snowing again and you stare at it through the small window lighting up the small room you're sleeping in. You go to pull your arms up to wipe your eyes open, and you notice how you have to tug. You look down and see tan arms wrapped around yours, and a mop of black hair on your shoulder.
Then it hits you: Johnny Cade is cuddling you in his arms. Suddenly, everything feels much warmer and you swear you're fully melted into him. He's snoring softly as he pulls you closer into him. He fits like a perfect puzzle piece, like he was supposed to sleep right there always. It's calm and comforting until Darry yells at everyone to get up and that breakfast is ready.
Johnny moans as he wakes up. He stretches his arms and legs before he recognizes you're in his hold. “Aw man, I'm real sorry. I didn't even realize.” He quickly lets go of you and stands up. His arms wrap around his body and he walks away. You frown softly and get up, you make the bed. You can't say you're not worried about Johnny, every time you see his face with a new bruise or a bandaid plastered across his forehead.
You walk out of the room and into the kitchen, Ponyboy and Sodapop are munching down breakfast and Johnny sits there quietly. He has a small plate of eggs in front of him and arms over his stomach. Your sister is rambling to Ponyboy at something at school and he stares at her with complete love in his eyes. It's sweet if you had to be honest, how he cared and protected her so much.
You walk up behind Darry who's making food at the stove. “Hey Dare. I think Johnny needs more food. Can you make him some more stuff?” Darry nods and turns his head to look at the boy who's slowly picking at his eggs. Dallas comes in with tired eyes and pale skin, clad in just his jacket. He walks to the fridge and pulls out a beer and pops the top and throws it into the trash. “Dallas you're drinking at eight in the morning? Are you serious?” Dallas puffs his chest out and stands in front of you, attempting to show his dominance. “Yeah? You got a problem with it?”
Johnny mumbles something quietly and Dallas turns his back to you. “What did you say punk?” He tries to take his plate of eggs and you slap Dally’s hands. “Don't pick a fight with me. Go to Bucks if you're hungry. You don't get to steal his food.” Johnny can't help but smile and get giddy at you protecting him. Dallas huffs and puffs out air and walks out the door and slams it while yelling nonsense.
“Ponyboy, did you finish your homework last night?” Darry asks as he piles more food on their plates, and toast and bacon on Johnny's. He smiles up at him and starts eating again. You get your own food, even to Darry's request to let him get you food. Ponyboy responds to his eldest brother with a random drawn out response to him. Johnny laughs and you sit down next to him.
“You didn't have to stick up for me. I could've handled it.” Johnny tells you, and you stop eating to tell him. “You probably could have, but I wanted to. Dallas messes with everyone and doesn't realize he's being a dick.” He looks down at the floor and you see the way his leg nervously bouncing up and down. Your hand slides gently onto his leg, calming him down. Sodapop turns on the radio, and immediately goes to his favorite channel. Him and Pony argue for a minute before Darry tells them to shut up.
“Are Steve and Two-Bit ever gonna wake up? They look dead.” You laugh as you see Steve with his mouth open and snoring louder than he already was. “Hopefully not. I want Steve's pay. Maybe my manager will double it because Steve's gone!” It's a bundled up sound of laughter and giggles as Steve wakes up with a surprised sound. Steve is on the floor, rubbing his eyes. Two-Bit is still fully asleep, almost falling off the couch as well.
Johnny wasn't sure about most things, but one thing he was, was that your laugh completely captured his entire attention. He's staring at you now instead of Steve or Two-Bit with complete and utter love in his eyes. He's sure there's drool dripping from his mouth as he has his head plastered on his head and he's just staring at you. “Take a picture man, she'll go away at some point.” Is all Ponyboy says, snapping Johnny out of his cloudy, love-filled vision.
Your hand is still laying on his thigh, he's not fully sure if you forgot about it or not. However, he's giddy and giggling in his mind about the delicious feeling that heats up on his leg. Johnny is relaxed as he listens to the Van Morrison song that plays on the radio, he's surely heard it a thousand times, but he'll still listen to it everyday, it reminds him about the life he has. Johnny has the gang, his brothers that enjoy listening to the same song hundreds of times. Johnny cannot lie, however, that he enjoys listening to The Beatles with you whenever he gets invited over. He stares at the posters that clad your wall filled with Paul McCartney’s face.
You've relaxed now and you're chewing on your food. He can't help but begin staring once more as you finish up. You have a soft smile on your face as you compliment Darry on his cooking. Johnny follows you around the kitchen and places his plate in the sink. You ask him if he enjoyed the food, and he blankly stares at you. “Johnny, are you there?” Your hand falls to his arm and you rub it softly. He's sure you're visible to the pink shade of his skin and as it layers over his tan color. “Yeah, the food was good.”
“Awe good!” And there you go again, with the smile that makes him want to lasso the moon to see it again. You start to help Ponyboy with his stuff and turn around to Johnny. “Can you please wipe off the table? It'll be really good for me. Pretty please?” He nods at you, when truly he knows you could've told him to clean and pointed a finger and you would be able to see your reflection in it.
However, when he's cleaning, he doesn't realize how far his elbow pushes and it slams into a glass and it knocks onto the floor. You run into the kitchen at the loud noise and see Johnny on the floor, attempting to pick up the glass with his hands. You can see how frantically he's moving, such as him wanting to hide he ever did it. “Johnny, baby, don't clean glass with your bare hands.”
Johnny looks up at you with water-glassed eyes. His lip is slightly poking out and he hugs you tightly. “Man, I'm real sorry. I don't even know why I did that, gosh Darry is gonna—” He's cut off abruptly with a kiss planted onto his lips. Johnny melts in your light touches and the kiss to his lips. You pull away from him and he's staring at you. “Don’t say any of that. It's just a glass. Let's clean it up then we can get ice cream, yes?” He nods and stands up off his knees. You're helping him clean up and throw the shattered glass into the trashcan.
You stand up and your arm goes around his shoulders. He's looking down on the ground and he's scraping the floor with his shoes. “Hey, let's go.” You grabbed your purse and the cardigan you had thrown on. “Are you gonna be cold?” He asks softly, and he grabs onto your hand. He isn't sure of how easily your hand fits in his, but it makes sense. You're the perfect match to his and he makes him extremely happy. “I’ll be fine, c'mon. I want ice cream and a date with my favorite person.
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gatheredfates · 5 months
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Hi all! I managed to jinx myself by saying there wasn't a lot to add to the Compendium this week... and then I found a tonne of resources. I can't say I'm complaining about looking like a fool, though! 🪸
A lot of these resources were shamelessly sourced by xiv.sleepyshiba's masterlist! While I tend to endeavour to provide general / creative resources, their master list does contain a lot of discords / guides you can check out around raiding, combat guides, PVP etc. I might have missed. Send them a coffee if you want, for their kit is pretty comprehensive!
I have tried to include sources I can see have been actively maintained but I can't promise all are 100% accurate or up to date. If in doubt, send me a DM.
Additionally, due to the fact I am slowly increasing my collection, the Compendium has expanded its sections from four to five! We now have a dedicated lore section for anyone who wants to learn more about the game. 📖 I'm hoping this will encourage people to write and submit their lore compilations knowing that people will see them.
However, without further adieu, as of 05/11, the following resources have been added (in no particular order) to Sea's Community Compendium for XIV Creatives!
Eorzea Collection — A one-stop shop for everything gear and glamour related! Browse through gear sets, fashion accessories or individual pieces of gear; view player-made glamorous for any job, race, etc; view chocobo sets and more!
A Master Beginners Guide to FFXIV — A comprehensive document of useful information for anyone looking to get into FFXIV. While accurate only up to Shadowbringers, it includes basic how-to's and general information relevant for people brand new to the game.
FFXIV Venues — A repository of various player-submitted venues open to the public and times of their events!
Aether Roleplay Hub — A discord focusing on roleplay and the roleplayers of the Aether data centre.
Tales From — Every expansion, the Final Fantasy XIV Dev Team releases a series of short stories about the various peoples’, tribes, factions and key characters called Tales From the ___.
Mirapri — Functionally similar to Eorzea Collection, this site accepts player-submitted glamorous for ideas and inspiration. Appears to be predominately used by the Japanese player base.
Akhmorning — A collection of XIV resources containing things one might find the miscellaneous section such as A Comfy Guide for Sprouts and Raiding Fundamentals; Bozja guides including Southern Front, Castrum Lacus Litore, Delubrum Reginae and more; PVP guides including, but not limited to Introduction to Frontlines and Beginners Guide to Feast; and Job guides.
Heavenswhere — Having trouble finding just where your treasure map is located? This tool will help you narrow down the search!
Fashion Reporter — Official Discord server of Kaiyoko and the Fashion Reporter discord bot. Also contains links to access the Fashion Report each week and the How to Make MGP guide.
FFXIV Clock — A tool to track the spawn timers of timed gathering nodes.
Ishgardian Forms of Address — A document that explores the honorifics, and forms of address used in the in-game setting of Ishgard and by Ishgardian characters using using in-game dialogue, quest text, levequest text and information from the second printing of the English-language lore book, Encyclopedia Eorzea. Maintained by @hasty-touch!
Final Fantasy XIV Lore: Ishgard — also written by @hasty-touch, this document contains lore relating to Ishgard and Coerthas.
Ascian Reference Pile — An up-to-date reference on FFXIV's Convocation of Fourteen, in appearance and lore. Maintained by Igeyorhm on Twitter.
Eorzea Time — The measurement and expression of time in Eorzea, like the real world, is governed by a fundamental set of rules. To understand them, users on Gamer Escape have put together a handy guide for people to follow.
FFXIV Meals Catalogue & Compendium — Have you ever wanted to know all foods currently contained in XIV? This document has a record of all consumable meal items obtained up to 5.4 and the ingredients used to make them. Maintained by vashiane on Twitter.
Detailed XIV World Map — Have you ever wondered where locations sit in relation to the entirety of Etheirys (and beyond)? This detailed world map provides accurate locals and information for you!
XIV SleepyShiba — Maintained by Udra Virias, this website is a repository of all their resources including, but not limited to; The Detailed XIV World Map, 6x. Paladin Resources, hotbar builders and BiS/gear trackers for raiding, and their own XIV Resources Masterlist!
FFXIV — Hairstyles — Having trouble remembering what Modern Aesthetic style is which? Struggling to find that one hairstyle you saw in game but you don’t know where it’s from? This guide has you covered!
Obscura's consolidation of Helpful links for Roleplay — A collection of tips, tricks and guides to assist people looking into getting into FFXIV RP — or just roleplay in general! Contained within are resources around character creation, relationships, roleplay tips, how to write villains and more.
FFXIV Reference Sheets by Ren — Maintained by @renofmanyalts, these reference sheets currently contain a sortable Roegadyn dictionary and height chart for all the race/clan combinations currently in game.
FFXIV Armoury Collection — exactly what it says on the tin — a collection of every single gear set currently available in FFXIV sorted by things such as patches, class, jobs and raids.
How to Craft like a Machine — This document covers the crafting formulae and other related aspects of crafting in Final Fantasy XIV.
MakePlace — A stand alone tool to preview, edit and share housing layouts.
FFXIV Chocobo Racing — a blog that’s designed to be a comprehensive guide to the Chocobo Racing minigame.
Lord of Verminion — A comprehensive website for everything to do with the Gold Saucer minigame Lord of Verminion.
The Easy Win Lord of Verminion Guide — An easy way to maximise your MGP using the Lord of Verminion.
FFXIV Housing Grade by Plot — A rubric to assist people in understanding the pricing of FFXIV houses.
Housing NPC Images — Not sure what housing NPC looks like? This guide may be able to help you!
FFXIV Fishing Guides — A Final Fantasy XIV Fisher creating guides on how to fish all the fish of The Source and The First, in quick, goldfish sized videos. Making FFXIV fishing easier to do and understand.
Pigeon's Guide to XIV Screenshots — A guide created by @ahollowgrave detailing their screenshot process for FFXIV.
The following communities have been removed from the Compendium as their sites/tumblrs no longer exist. If new links exist, please get in touch with me and I will re-add them.
The Glitter Hall
Story Hall
The Compendium has been updated for compatibility with Google Doc's built-in document outline! This should hopefully assist with accessibility issues. ✨ You can find it by clicking the button below on the left-hand side of the document. No one had made a comment about this, I'm just pedantic.
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I have also added definition around the Lore category as well as some general sentence structure and definition in other sections.
Have I missed something? Probably, this update was huge. I'm going to take a break DFKGJHSDF.
Want to submit? You can either fill out the google form here, send me an ask with the relevant information contained on the Compendium, or join my Discord at SEAFLOOR (21+ only)!
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nesonkin · 6 months
Ivor, the social butterfly
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So, Ivor doesn't know what Spleef is. Until Lukas tells him that is. And that's kind of a big deal.
To be fair, this blink-and-you-miss-it moment doesn't actually help us discover anything new about Ivor as a character, but rather reinforce what we already knew. Allow me to explain.
Spleef is an incredibly well-known minecraft minigame. One of the oldest ones, way back from 2009 that defined Minecraft Multiplayer. The OG, the classic of Minecraft minigame sphere. If you play minecraft, and you don't know about it, you will. It's just that iconic. It was only a matter of time before it would be featured in Minecraft Story Mode.
Admittedly, the world of MCSM is vastly different from the meta minecraft that we're used to. The world of mcsm doesn't have an internet connection (although you could interpret the portal hallway as a network of different minecraft servers) and therefore the way characters in this world learn about the mechanics and other stuff is as limited as our real life world is. Because the characters don't have the meta we're so accustomed to (it's a whole topic of its own that I won't go into). And therefore it makes sense why the gang would not know about something as iconic as Spleef as that is likely not a part of their information pool.
Spleef (among The Walls and Deathrun) is one of the Old Builders' games. This OG status matches with our version of Spleef. So, it could be assumed that games like these would not be popular with the new generation. But Lukas is a scholar. And it makes sense for him to know about Spleef if it's something he's read in the books relating to building and architecture.
But why doesn't Ivor know? He is old. He and the rest of the Order of the Stone were the pioneers of their world. He LIVES in the Far Lands. He's old! Wouldn't he know about THE OG minigame? Well, he could have known about it, if he was interested in it.
At the end of the day, Spleef is a social game. And Ivor is anything but social. He was probably isolating himself in his lab when Spleef was popular. And his interests rarely lie in social events, so even with his giant book collection, I doubt he'd invest any time learning about games that include EUGH socialization.
I apologize if this is anticlimactic, but I thought it would be interesting to investigate, even if the answer is a nothingburger.
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bonesandthebees · 6 months
It's fine I perservere through everything bc I am just that cool
Also yeah, wtf has happened since I've been gone??? Like? Last I new was the Wilbur stuff and know there's talk of the French Union threatening to sue Quackity (I think? I'm a little confused on the whole thing)
oh god sammie you have missed. so much.
um. ok. nutshell summary. this is gonna be long. (tw: talks about more abuse and SA allegations being brought against other ccs)
other mcyt cc allegations after wilbur:
you know what happened with wilbur. after all the support shelby received, another streamer caitibugzz (another brighton cc) came forward with her own story about being sexually assaulted by a cc at vidcon while she was 18 and he was 26. she didn't name him but like with wilbur it didn't take long for people to figure out she was talking about georgenotfound. anyway, uh, that spiraled into a thing. george said a lot of shit, dream involved himself way too much, it was a mess.
immediately after that, punz's ex girlfriend, andi, came forward and discussed how toxic their relationship was and detailed a time they had sex while she was blackout drunk, which is SA. punz did respond insisting he didn't realize how drunk she was, it turned into a whole thing, andi's response basically boiled down to read both sides of the story and form your own opinion.
also then punz jumped in on whatever the hell was going on with dream and george with george's own allegations and discussed how in his entire friendship with dream he's felt very intimidated to speak out against him and often thought of him as a boss more than a friend. along with that he also brought up a point regarding his ex girlfriend andi, but I'm not going to go into too much detail on that because I don't believe andi wanted all that information to be made public and punz later deleted the posts.
at the same time another thing happened. another cc in the brighton group, lexie marie, had spoken out multiple times about how her ex was emotionally abusive to her and the day before wilbur posted his 'apology', she and shelby even did a whole stream together discussing abuse and their experiences. anyway, lexie's abuser was publicly named as wisp, so yeah he responded with an 'apology' of his own.
like a week or two after wilbur's 'apology' was posted, a former admin of one of the qsmp updates accounts came forward on twitter and discussed the terrible working conditions she and all the other admins have been having to deal with working for quackity studios. we learned that the updates accounts and the egg admins were unpaid, and were often pushed to pulling more hours or doing extra work they shouldn't have. this blew up in the community and quackity ended up doing a stream to say he basically has to do an entire restructure of the server because the finances for the server were being severely mishandled and he was under the impression most of these people were getting paid when they were not. (also, during this stream quackity made a quick aside to say that wilbur was going to be removed from the qsmp)
since then, more admins have left the team (agent 18, ramón's current admin) saying they haven't received communication and aren't sure what's going on.
one of the issues the initial whistleblower brought up was that pomme's admin had just recently been removed from the whitelist for the server and kicked from the discord server without being given much of an explanation. the french cc's all collectively said if pomme was not given back her role they would not continue on the server. today pomme's admin revealed herself and made a post saying she still hasn't received any communication with the team and is quitting entirely. dapper's admin resigned in solidarity with her.
then today quackity did another stream discussing how things are taking time because they have to work out a lot of internal legal issues and because it's legal stuff he can't give that many updates. he's also been hesitant to update people because he doesn't want to make false promises, as right now the qsmp does not have enough money to pay the egg admins and they won't return unless he finds funds for that because he's ending all unpaid positions. also, as people have left the project, some have been posting private screenshots from the qsmp discord or from communications with the qsmp team and quackity has said these leaks have been causing issues with the legal stuff they're dealing with, and also what's going on has been misconstrued as a result of these leaks, so that's another reason he's been keeping quiet about things. but he's determined to work this all out and to keep the qsmp going, but he completely understands if people don't want to stick with the project or if people who have worked with it wish to leave.
as far as the union goes, the initial whistleblower was a french admin for the updates account and so when she left the studio she contacted a french union about the unfair working conditions. the union has posted on twitter calling out quackity studios saying they're in violation of french labor laws and that if quackity refuses to communicate with them they will pursue legal action. except today we also learned from one of the union guys on twitter that they have not attempted to email him at all. they made their posts on twitter and said it's quackity's responsible to contact them. for the record, quackity deleted twitter a while ago so he's not on that platform right now. as you can see this raised some eyebrows.
so uh yeah. I'm missing a lot of details I know but I was trying to give as much of a summary as I could hitting all the major points. you have missed literally the most insane past few weeks.
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azurecrystalz · 2 years
A Guide to Reading Crazy:B Stories!!
A quick note: I won't be linking any stories for the sake of the fact that this is meant to be a guide not a directory. However, if there is something on this list you can't find anywhere and want translated, please don't hesitate to drop an ask and I'll consider it !! Last Updated: Launch Day (1-24-2023)
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I'll be making edits to this frequently if any suggestions + new stories come up !! I also invite other unit producers to make their own story guides and I can maybe host a guide masterlist so that anyone can reference it!!
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Things to Know Before Reading This Guide
This is going to be an ongoing post that will be updated frequently, so if there's any errors, questions, suggestions, concerns, etc drop an ask/dm on here/twitter !! For the time being, I'll leave Double Face sort of out of this until I compile information about them. Please do not repost this guide anywhere. You can link it in whatever you'd like and share it with your friends but don't repost it please and thanks.
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Getting to Know Crazy:B
The Importance of the Main Story: A majority of Crazy:B’s content lies in the main story. I highly recommend, before reading any Crazy:B story, to read the main story first. The main story not only gives you an idea of who each character is, but it also gives you insight on how existing characters think of them and hints at multiple things that still need to be elaborated on in future events. Plus, most Crazy:B stories go back and reference “MDM”, which is like it’s own arc in the main story that has a huge impact on the characterization of Crazy:B (both individually and as a whole). It’s available on the English Enstars server, please try to read it if you get the chance. It’s not like a requirement to read it, but you’d be missing out on references and characterization if you don’t.
Rinne Idol Story 3: If for any reason you can’t read the main story, this is a good story to start. It’s a very basic, one-chapter story that includes all four members of Crazy:B and it introduces them and their dynamics on a semi-basic level. Nothing is explained here but the story brings up enough unexplained points that make you curious enough to learn more.
Reading the First Idol Story of Each Member: If you can't read the Rinne Idol Story since you haven't unlocked it or something, read the basic introduction idol stories. Every idol in the game has one and it gives you a feel for their personalities on a basic level. Crazy:B has the advantage of having theirs voiced too. So, if all else is no good, start there.
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Specific Pair Dynamics:
The following explains what stories to read when looking for development between two specific characters:
Bold indicates major development, italics indicates semi-major development, and no edit indicates very brief but still important development
Rinne + Niki: Hot Limit, Sweets Hunter, A Cup's Worth By Yourself, Niki Idol Story 2
Rinne + HiMERU: Nightclub, The "Runrun" Calamity, Prerequisites for a Win
Rinne + Kohaku: Sudden Death, Honeybee
HiMERU + Niki: Ariadne, Lucky SCRAMBLE
HiMERU + Kohaku: Honeybee, Romantic? Date, HiMERU Idol Story 2
Stories that hint at Kaname: Obbligato, Past, Present, And..., Ariadne, Roaring Sea Marina, A Pursuit in Plain Sight, HiMERU Idol Story 2
Niki + Kohaku: Spider, Secret Service, Kohaku Idol Story 2
Rinne + Crazy:B as a whole: The Bee's Knees, A New Game making the Rounds
HiMERU + Crazy:B as a whole: Ariadne, Romantic? Date, Lucky SCRAMBLE
Kohaku + Crazy:B as a whole: Spider, Honeybee, A Spring Evening's Respite, Sakura Sakura
Niki + Crazy:B as a whole: Hot Limit
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Specific Members:
The following explains what stories to read when looking for development of a specific character:
Bold indicates major development, italics indicates semi-major development, non-edited indicates very brief but still important development. It is not recommended to read the ones marked with ** immediately.
Rinne: Main Story, Nightclub, AOSOBI
HiMERU: Obbligato**, Ariadne, Past, Present, And..., HiMERU Idol Story 3
Niki: Hot Limit
Kohaku: Sudden Death**, Spider, Honeybee
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Fun Stories
Not everyone wants to read 42 chapters of a Reminiscence story, or sometimes you’re in the mood for something silly. The following is a list of lighter stories for each member that aren’t too heavy on the feels. These stories can either be from cards belonging to them or stories they appear in.
HiMERU: Lucky SCRAMBLE, The Principles of Sex Appeal
Niki: Sweet Sweet Hunger, Sweets Hunter, Sweets Box
Kohaku: Spider, Fruitful October, Storm Cloud FUMBLE, Lullaby
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Lore Heavy Stories
The following explains the stories to read if you want full background closure on a specific member, meaning you want a story that explains a large part of their individual origins. These are more informational (and emotionally heavy) stories that need not only a good grasp on the member themselves to understand, but other characters in relationship to them as well.
Rinne: Select sections of Main Story
HiMERU: Obbligato
Niki: N/A
Kohaku: Sudden Death
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Other Story Appearances
This is a list that contains idol stories that Crazy:B members make appearances in. The card and story don't belong to them but they still have dialogue in it.
Return Trip Service (Yuuta 3* Featuring Rinne)
The Principles of Sex Appeal (Jun 3* Featuring HiMERU)
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Other Units Interacted With
2wink: Nightclub, A Spring Evening's Respite, Love Letter, FUSION Unit Collection 07 Live Story
Knights: Sudden Death
Most, if not all other units: Main Story
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Stories Not Yet Sorted into the Guide
As far as my knowledge goes, the stories I haven't included featuring any of the four members are: Decadence, White Tiger, Nighthead (Shuffle) , Butlers (Shuffle) , A-Z (Shuffle) , Black Snow (Shuffle), Bankara, Chill Yellow, Easter (Shuffle)
Thanks for reading!! If there's anything missing from this that you'd like to suggest, please don't hesitate to ask!!
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clericofshadows · 12 days
hope you don't mind this ask. but what are your favorite pc mods to use for the Mass Effect games?
oh man, there's so many... all my mods for sure ;)
and here's a link to the Mass Effect Modding discord!
but in all seriousness, here's a list. this isn't an install order nor does it list all requirements for mods, but it does have all the mods I can't live without or have used before and enjoy. read mod descriptions closely, watch for compatibility sections, and you'll be fine. I won't really mention cosmetics beyond listing some devs (including myself, to be transparent) who focus on that kind of thing, because this list will get even longer and cosmetics tend to be more on a case-by-case basis. I also won't list texture mods because I don't use them.
this is also not exhaustive and I will definitely forget some lol. browse nexus, there's definitely lots of things I probably looked over/missed.
also, do not use synth's guide, period. it's now unsupported and I'm tired of troubleshooting it on the main modding server.
LE1 Community Patch - Necessary for any playthrough.
Same-Gender Romances for LE1 - Makes Kaidan and Ashley available for same gendered Sheps, also functions as an optional flirting mod of sorts.
MELLO - Restores dynamic lighting for LE, makes the game closer to how it looks to OT.
Alliance Uniform Consistency - If you're like me and prefer ME3's Alliance uniform style, this mod backports them to LE1.
Skip Minigames (LE1) - Self explanatory.
Charted Worlds (LE1) - Marks more items of interest on UNC maps
Black Market License (LE1) - Gives more vanilla loot from "hidden" manufacturers, so weapons and an armor set that was previously inaccessible without console commands.
Private Message Terminal (LE1) - Adds a message terminal to the Normandy.
A Little Help From My Friends (LE1) - Requires Private message terminals, adds emails and collection assignment support from different characters.
Eclectic Emails (LE1) - Requires private message terminals, adds various emails to LE1 to flesh out the story and characters.
Galaxy Map Trackers (LE1) - Tracks discovered and undiscovered missions on the galaxy map
Pinnacle Station DLC - Brings the Pinnacle Station DLC back to LE.
Kaidan Alenko Overhaul (LE1) - Gives Kaidan a higher poly face and new hair
Casual Hubs for LE1 - Shepard and squadmates will wear casual outfits in some situations
LE1 Diversification Project - Overhauls ME1 with lots of asset diversity, cut content, and mission changes. Read the Article page for more details! (This mod has some hard requirements, read the description)
Advanced Weapon Models for LE1 - Backports ME3 weapon models to LE1.
Normandy Rapid Transit (LE1) - Adds the Normandy to the rapid transit fast travel points.
Mira Puzzle Be Gone - Tired of the Towers puzzle in Noveria? Me too.
Children of Rannoch - A Quarian Overhaul (LE1) - My personal favorite "visible Tali/visible quarian" face mod
Elements of Comparative Weaponry (LE1) - Gives better description information on weapons
No Skill Check Required for Loot (LE1) _ Take whoever you want without worrying about skillchecks.
No Armor Skill Required - Equip armor without worrying about skills
XP Rescale (LE1) - Increases XP rewards
ME3 Alliance Armor for LE1 - Backports the ME3 marine armor for marines to wear in LE1
Mako Squadmate Banter - Adds the elevator banter to the Mako (Please note this mod has a hard requirement)
Mako Infinite Boost - Self explanatory
No Sexual Harassment (LE1 and LE2) - Removes a variety of things, such as sexist dialogue and the weird Sha'ira touching. I personally just remove the Sha'ira stuff.
Virmire Savior Mod (LE1) - Lets you save both Kaidan and Ashley on Virmire (note, do disable Kaidan Alenko Overhaul if using this mod)
Hot Labs Restored (LE1) - Massive cut content restoration for Noveria
Caleston Restored (LE1 - ALPHA) - Restores the cut planet Caleston that used to be the place for Liara's recruitment mission.
Punch Charles Saracino - Why punch a reporter when you can punch Terra firma?
New Outfit for Matriarch Benezia - GIves Benezia some more practical outfits for her appearance.
Unofficial LE2 Patch - Necessary
LE2 Prologue Framework - Necessary for many mods
Early Recruitment (LE2) - Early recruitment of Tali, Samara, Thane, Legion, and access to Illium and Tuchanka pre -Horizon
EGM Weapons in Cutscenes (LE2) - Weapons you hold will properly appear in cutscenes.
Trigger Buttons (LE2) - Trigger story mission with a button press rather than forced into them
Cerberus and Alliance Uniform Consistency (LE2) - If you're like me and prefer the ME3 fatigues/uniforms
Anderson and Hackett Consistency Mod (ME2LE) - Anderson and Hackett wear their ME3 dress blues.
Risky Suicide Mission (LE2) - Makes the suicide mission in LE2 feel more like a suicide mission. Best used for a brand new playthrough
Cerberus Weapons (LE2) -Gives the game more Cerberus weapons, backported from 3
Modern Weapon Pack - Backports weapons from 3
Casual Hubs for LE2 - Shepard and squadmates will wear casuals on and off the normandy in some scenarios
Expanded Shepard Armory (ME2LE) - Large armor and casual mod, also allows you to select armor right before a mission
Virmire Savior Mod (LE2) - Continuation of Virmire Savior 1, allows one Virmire Survivor to confront you on Horizon while the other is a temp squadmate
One Probe All Resources - Use one probe to gather everything
No N7 Armor in Liaras Apartment - Removes the creepy armor in Liara's apartment.
F.I.S.H. Mod (LE2) - Kelly will feed your fish without flirting with her
Renegade Scars for All - LE2 - LE3 - If you're like me and love renegade scars and want them on always
Nos Astra Mineral Exchange - Adds a trading market to LE2 for resources and currency.
Same-Gender Romances for LE2 - Continues the same sex Kaidan and Ash romances from 1, adds Tali and Thane for same gender sheps. LE3 mod isn't out yet.
Oriana looks like Miranda's Twin (ME2LE) - Oriana's face is changed to Miranda's
Easy Armor Stats (LE2) - Armor stats are moved above descriptions
Skip Minigames for LE2 - As the title says
Bonus Bonus Powers For LE2 - Freely add or remove powers from Shep's loadout
Combat Evade Maneuvers - Adds a biotic dash for roll evade
Recovered Powers - Gives Shep 4 new powers
HD Romance Photos - Adds a larger photo for ME1 romances
Optional Flirting Mod (LE2) - Makes flirting options more clear and some actions optional via interrupts
Zaeed's Wholesome Revenge (LE2) - Save the workers AND kill Vido on Zaeed's loyalty mission if completed fast enough
Geth Pulse Rifle on Lower Difficulties - Don't want to play harder difficulties but want this gun? This mod is for you
Full Weapon Recovery - Recover all special weapons on the Collector ship
Skip Mass Effect 2 Prologue - Skips straight to character creator when starting a new game
Truly Unrestricted Weapons LE2 - Shepard and squad can equip all weapon types
Children of Rannoch - A Quarian Overhaul (LE2) - The LE2 version of the LE1 mod. Also has an optional addon for even more armors.
Extended Romance Scenes - Ports LE3 romance scenes for LE2 romances
No Shared Power Cooldowns - Removes the shared power cooldowns.
Kaidan and Ashley LE3 Armors for Horizon (MELE2) - As the name says, gives Kaidan and Ashley their ME3 armors in Horizon. Softly incompatible with Virmire Savior (the squadmate who is in your squad won't have the updated appearance)
More Gay Romances - Jack and MIranda can be romanced by Femshep
New Squadmate Casuals (LE2) - Casual outfits for various squadmates. (Note that a lot of the Squadmate armor mods have their own casuals, so choose options accordingly if you want a specific one to show up, as this mod will override most)
Platonic Post Horizon Emails - Get a new email from Kaidan/Ashley if not romanced post Horizon.
LE3 Community Patch - Necessary
Expanded Galaxy Mod (LE) - A massive overhaul of the galactic war system, Normandy, additional squadmates on some missions, and many QOL features that can be modified via settings.
Miranda Mod (LE) - Puts Miranda on the Normandy post Horizon and can bring her on missions. (Note: Some conversations do use AI voice cloning)
N7 - A Spectre's Gift - A new mission added to the game with some Andromeda references
Spectre Expansion Mod - I don't currently use it, but in the past I have. Requires EGM's Galactic War option, and provides a lot of new choices and mini missions and text based opportunities to influence war assets. Also has a small non-combat mission.
Skip Geth Consensus - As the title says.
Project Variety (LE3) - My personal preferred content overhaul for ME3, includes countless options, restore cut content, new areas to explore. Definitely a mod page to read very closely, it is a HEAVY mod.*
Virmire Savior Mod (LE3) - Continuation of Virmire Savior from previous games. One VS is chosen on Mars to be part of the story, and the other joins you post coup
Audemus' Happy Ending Mod - THE Happy end mod for ME
Kaidan Alenko's Hospital Stay - Gives Kaidan a shirt to wear while in the hospital + a new face texture.
Ashley Williams' Hospital Stay - Gives Ashley a shirt to wear while in the hospital + a new face texture.
Omega Hub - Beta - Adds Omega as a hub
Take Earth Back - Massively overhauls Priority: Earth
No Shared Power Cooldowns - Removes the shared power cooldowns
Dreams Remade - Overhauls the dream cutscenes
Kaidan Alenko Overhaul (LE3) - Gives Kaidan a higher res face and new hair, plus new armors and outfits (Also available for 2, but isn't compatible with the Prologue Framework currently.)
Padme's Cabin Additions and Memorials (LE3) - Adds some new decoration to the cabin
Apartment Additions (LE3) - Allows you to invite your LI to the Citadel Apartment
Thane Can Live (LE3) - Thane can live post coup
Optional Flirting Mod (LE3) - I don't currently use it since it's incompatible with Virmire Savior, but makes flirting options clearer
Citadel Epilogue Mod (LE3) - Play the Citadel DLC post-ending
Pinnacle Station Apartment (LE3) - Ports the Pinnacle Station apartment to LE3 and you can invite your LI.
Shut Up Leng - Removes Kai Leng as much as possible from ME3
BETA Bonus Bonus Powers for LE3 - Customize Shepard's and squadmate power loadouts
Ashley Consistency Project (MELE3) - Ports Ashley's LE1 hair and head to ME3, adds new armors and a zipped up version of her outfit.
More Gay Romances - Jack and Miranda can be romanced by Femshep
*Note that PV has a lot of mods built into it, so there's lots of mods I've likely left out because I use PV.
Cosmetics authors for various games. This includes outfits/hair for Shepard. SEARCH THE APPAREL CATEGORY ON LE NEXUS FOR BEST RESULTS. This list also isn't exhaustive, but I tried to include authors who I've used their outfit/armor/hair mods, and made notes if they also have stuff in the squadmate armor category.
If you want Squadmate Armor mods, both the APPAREL and CHARACTER category will give you results.
clericofshadows: I primarily do male shepard casuals and armors, with a handful of exceptions for femshep (Guardian Armors for Shepard, my port of the Destiny 2 x ME collab), as well as squadmate armors
MorningAngel: Both male and female shepard, does causals and hair, and I mean lots of casuals and hair. Squadmate armors as well
Munchyfly: Squadmate armors and various casual/armors for shepard
Bejeweledhanban - Squadmate armors
spiderbabes: Hair and clothing for femshep
Rngdshep: Primarily armor, casuals for femshep, some mshep mixed in the femshep mods
Beckaboo: Some causals, some armors, and squadmate armors.
zebbros: Male and femshep casuals, some squadmate armors
MentalHygiene: male and femshep casuals
Padme4000: Male and femshep casuals and armors, some hair
Poucinette: Hair mods
Horography: Casuals for both male and femshep
Marcus22Khaar: Some hair, some squadmate armor mods
mithran56 and nanuke: both authors have some armors and casuals, some squadmate armors (often collaborate on each other's projects)
Kinkojiro: Armors for both male and femshep
Mistyvail: Armors for both male and femshep
Dsetzu: Armors for both male and femshep
jasonntodd: Armors and casuals for femshep, and some for squadmates
I think that covers most things? There's a lot I most definitely left out, so browse Nexus!
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cellarspider · 8 months
Since I’ve been thinking about it all morning: here. A partial introduction to my favorite villain.
In the days of yore, when I was a teenager and video game hype was almost exclusively magazine-based, I saw a kid reading a copy of Game Informer.
“Hey,” said I, “could I see that for a second?”
The kid, not knowing what they were about to unleash, handed me the magazine.
I had seen this on the cover:
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I had no idea what this was, but I knew that I wanted whatever it was selling.
I found out that this was an advertisement for City of Villains, an expansion to the previously-released MMO City of Heroes. I’d never played WoW with its Alliance and Horde split, so the idea was new to me. WoW also failed to present me with anything like the vibes of the newly-introduced lead villain, Lord Recluse.
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Yes, they liked this art so much they did it twice, and I’m glad they did. More below the fold on why he was so appealing for a young queer kid, for those who are intrigued.
I’ll keep this focused on a single topic for now: The intensely queer vibes that Recluse acquired over the course of the game’s plot. Keep in mind that this game came out in 2004, so the actual amount of openly queer content was very minimal. However, CoH/CoV developed a reputation as an extremely queer-friendly space, with a community Pride event becoming a semi-official yearly celebration, complete with the devs showing up as major NPCs, custom assets, and spawning in unique raids that tanked everybody’s framerate. Equivalents of this have carried over past the game's tragic shutdown in 2012, with community-run servers still staging their own Pride events.
If the art above doesn’t make it clear, Recluse had a much-beloathèd archnemesis, Statesman. If the art above doesn’t make it abundantly clear, this was always an extremely fraught relationship, with a complicated backstory that became more and more tragic the deeper you got into the game lore, eventually bordering on cosmic horror. But one thing was for certain, this was Hark A Vagrant levels of obsession over a nemesis.
The game at first seemed to backstep on that: oh, it turned out, Recluse had once been villainous life partners with a woman who went by the villain name Red Widow. She died decades ago in the collateral damage of one of Recluse’s nigh apocalyptic confrontations with Statesman, and her death left him with nothing but his obsession. So sad.
And then when Statesman died in the course of the game’s plot, Recluse spiraled into depression and nihilism that was only halted when someone managed to dig Red Widow’s soul out of storage and resurrected her.
It was always deniably presented, but the implication was very much that the two were functionally equivalent emotional anchors to his psyche, and losing both of them was something he couldn’t survive.
Also, there was that one time that the game’s Valentine’s Day event was advertised with a heart split down the middle, half Statesman’s iconography and half Recluse’s, topped with a banner that read “AMOR OMNIA VINCIT”, meaning “LOVE CONQUERS ALL”.
And that’s without getting into the first tie-in book. A prequel starting at the end of the 1920s, it was a delightfully and deliberately pulpy book, which… centered around a complicated man slowly dying of lingering health problems after his exposure to mustard gas in WWI, and his very good friend, estranged from his family for unknown reasons, who’d devoted the last ten years to caring for the protagonist, and helping him seek a cure. This has carried on year after year, even though the man’s illness has made him unresponsive to the emotional needs of others, something they both know is going to culminate one day in the two parting ways.
…And then they get superpowers, and their relationship does not get any healthier from there. But what it does gain is a surprising trans metaphor as our now-antagonist slowly metamorphoses into the spidery villain I know and love.
I completely missed this back in the day. I have no idea if it was intentional. But there’s a scene where this man looks in the mirror and sees the first signs of his oncoming physical transformation, and he likes what he sees. He has no idea where he’s going, but he’s excited for it.
…And he’s started killing people who refer to him by his former name, in the most literal case of “dead naming” I’ve ever seen.
Throughout the rest of the series, Recluse is unapologetically who he is, putting him in that category of queercoded villain that doubles as a power fantasy. He’s grown physically monstrous and loves it. He has respect from everyone around him, either legitimately for his capabilities or out of fear of what he can do to those who don’t give him his due. A new demigod who is only matched by the man he’s never stopped obsessing over. He wins just as often as he loses, and often salvages something from his defeats in ways that nobody expected.
He is terrible. And he is wonderful.
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