#is when a younger person is writing a character
dark-konohagakure2 · 3 days
can you write about hokage!naruto who's tired from all his responsabilities and asks for a cute shinobi to be trained so he can use her mouth as stress reliever every time he needs it!!
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tw: dub/noncon, blowjobs, infidelity, power imbalance, praise, throat training, dildo gags, age difference, public humiliation
All characters depicted are 18+
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Naruto has been under a lot of stress lately, being the Hokage is as difficult as ever, not to mention he recently got a new addition to his family in the form of an adopted son. Naruto's troubles seem to be never ending, so he decides to invest his resources into something he really needs: a stress toy.
Of course Naruto would never use Hinata as a stress reliever to suck him off all day, he loves her too much for that, so instead he has a slightly younger shinobi picked out and "trained", of course she doesn't know what the training entails before it's already too late and she has a dildo gag locked into her inexperienced mouth.
The training isn't too intense for the poor girl, and it only lasts a few weeks, but it is utterly humiliating. The gag is locked with a seal that won't release until she has completely lost her gag reflex, so sometimes she'll have no choice but to go out in public with the gag in, letting everyone in the village instantly know that she's the Hokage's new personal cockwarmer.
When her degrading training is finally finished, she'll be forced kindly asked to go to the Hokage's office to "assist" with his daily paperwork. Naruto himself is actually quite nervous about being sexual with someone other than Hinata, but it doesn't take him long to get very used to it.
"A-ah, fuck..! All that training really paid off didn't it..? Now just stay quiet, I still have all this paperwork to fill out, so you'll be down there a while..."
Despite his initial nervousness, Naruto quickly gets used to the feeling of having her warm, young mouth around his shaft, and she doesn't even gag anymore thanks to the training, which boosts his ego somewhat. The feeling of her mouth servicing him makes the endless paperwork much more bearable now.
Naruto also likes that he has the opportunity to be as rough as he wants with her. His wife is a delicate woman in the bedroom, so Naruto can use this well trained girl to fulfill his darker desires, like making her choke on his thick cock for hours on end.
Naruto will use her mouth like his personal cumdump, shooting his load into her mouth over and over again until he's satisfied. He's often too busy with work to have sex or masturbate, so the Hokage is very pent up and needs an outlet for his sexual frustrations.
On most days he isn't done with her "services" until the tail end of his day, since he can't resist how good her oral skills feel. Once he's finally done, Naruto will send her off, being sure to remind her of her job from now on.
"G-Good girl... I'm done all my work for today, so you're dismissed for today. I'll definitely see you again tomorrow..."
Naruto is very glad that he acquired something to make his job as Hokage both more bearable and pleasurable. While normally this would mean he can get his work done quicker, he's in no rush to go home when he has such a perfectly wet hole for his cock under his desk.
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cripplecharacters · 2 days
Hello! First off, love your blog, your information is a GODSEND for writing. Secondly, I have a question! So my character has cerebral palsy and uses AFOs (ankle-foot orthoses) and forearm crutches, however I've noticed that it seems some kids tend to try to ditch their mobility aids in an effort to "fit in". I thought this might be something to add to her sort of backstory before eventually returning to those mobility aids, but I wanted to make sure this wouldn't be something harmful to include and I should steer away from it. Anything you have on this would be great! Thank you!
Hello dearest asker!
This is one of those "It depends" type situations, specifically what conditions and purpose for the character needing their mobility aids. Are they ambulatory? Are they not ambulatory? If they are ambulatory, does using their mobility aids decrease the risk of them getting injured?
For a lot of people things like AFO's and mobility aids aren't optional, it's a part of them and they cherish them because of the freedom they give them. For your instance, Cerebral Palsy is a spectrum-like with any condition-and varies from person to person. Some people use multiple different mobility aids depending on the day and some people don't use any.
Deciding what the character needs and the range of their mobility will help decide this. If you have the character with more mobility, then the option of the character not using their mobility aids is realistic especially if their younger or in certain situations.
I'm certainly guilty of this, and in result has injured my ankles multiple times for ditching my AFO's. But it's something I choose to do and that's the part of agency when it comes to disability and mobility aids also!
~Mod Virus 🌸
Hello! Another thing to take into consideration is how both society has treated her for her mobility aids, and how the people around her treated them when she was young. For example some people who live in a deeply ableist society may have never developed shame around their mobility aids because of how supportive their parents were!
-Mod Patch
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In Defense Of Ceroba
Even though I'm still probably the biggest Starlo apologist you've seen, I wanna talk about Ceroba today. Particularly, my initial and current thoughts on her (but also why she works as a deeply flawed and tragic character).
Anyway, here we go.
Ceroba wasn't a character I liked at first. It wasn't dislike or hatred I felt for her, but rather... not much, if anything. She simply didn't catch my attention like Starlo did, with his larger-than-life personality. Ceroba wasn't like that. She wasn't in the spotlight, she seemed calm and level-headed, sarcastic and easily annoyed with the Five's nonsense, but also kinda just.... there, in contrast to the more 'cartoonish' Starlo.
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you can clearly see who the goofy one is
Heck, I was so focused on NOT wanting to get to know and understand Ceroba that I payed little to no attention to her, even in the Steamworks, which was her section as well as Axis'. I completely forgot about the talk option too, so I missed on a lot during my first playthrough. I didn't even laugh at her sarcastic comebacks (that I find funny now, as you can see in my post titled 'Ceroba's sarcasm is growing on me').
And when I found out Ceroba injected Kanako... let's just say she became my least favorite character. I didn't understand why she had done it. It seemed like a poor writing choice not to have Kanako get her paws on the serum and inject herself. Ceroba actively going against her husband's last wish and being the cause of her kid falling down left a bad taste in my mouth.
Only later did I finally put the pieces together.
Ceroba was depressed. Like, really REALLY depressed. So depressed, in fact, that she became blunt with her choice of words when it came to the Starlo situation and unaware of his troubles/the fact he was trying to help her out of the rut. Ceroba was clearly way harsher towards him than she used to be before all the tragedy struck (but said she was sorry)
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Starlo describes her as compassionate and hard-working (and they've been friends for a long time, so he must know). Or at least, that was who she was before all the sadness turned her into a shell of her former self.
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Now, Chujin... oh, Chujin.
Chujin meant a lot to Ceroba and that is very clear. From her blindly following his legacy even after his death, to accepting to kill Clover (someone she had grown to respect) with tears in her eyes.
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If you ask me, it wasn't Ceroba's cold, sarcastic, gloomy heart that destroyed her. Quite the opposite. It was love. More specifically, her love for Chujin.
I would, without an ounce of doubt, call this fox romantic and emotional. Someone who loves hard and deep. Someone who trusted him, her love, so blindly that she never suspected Chujin was up to anything suspicious. And when he was stripped away from her, it hurt so much. She even blamed herself for not noticing. It's sad.
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So... why inject Kanako, something Chujin didn't want her to do? Simple. Because of her major character flaw: stubbornness.
See, Ceroba had refused at first. But the line that got her to change her mind was this:
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Ceroba, still in emotional distress and not thinking clearly (much like Starlo), trusted her heart and not her head. And her heart was telling her that Chujin, wherever his soul was, would be proud of her for fulfilling his dream. Making his legacy come true. Saving monsterkind was a bonus, but I believe the main, true motivation here was honoring Chujin and what he wanted to accomplish for monsterkind. And so, instead of focusing on remaining a good parent to her only child, Ceroba chose her husband. She chose something greater that he believed in.
Ceroba loves Kanako, don't get me wrong. She remembers how Kanako and Starlo would watch westerns together, how Kanako would play with brick toys when she was younger, she says how her love for her could be enough to shatter the barrier. She'd tuck her in every night. She promised she'd be safe during the extraction. The two hugged tight and said 'I love you.' All signs point towards Kanako receiving a lot of love from her mother. She even made a drawing of the three of them, and this picture on the right says it all:
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Chujin, too, loved his daughter, and I believe this love for her was more prominent before the attack (he even gave her the chance to play video games in her room, how cool is that?). He, too, like Ceroba, prioritzed the wrong things. Instead of making sure Kanako was alright, he made Axis chase after the human and didn't stay to comfort her. He was so focused on the prejudice towards humans (he believed Integrity would have 'continued the crusade' and it hadn't just been fear or self-defense that made them attack) that he forgot that the safety of his child and helping Dalv was far more important.
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But Chujin... Ceroba can't even look at her own daughter without being reminded of him:
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Ceroba talks about Chujin a lot.
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Even though Ceroba messed up badly by injecting Kanako, not paying more attention to what Chujin had been doing, manipulating Clover and the Feisty Five, wanting to kill Clover so she'd save Kanako and monsterkind (notice how she is so blinded that, even as she talks about Kanako, it seems like she sees her as a tool for finishing what Chujin wanted, ACCORDING TO CEROBA. In reality, the man just wanted Kanako to be happy and for her to stay out of all this),
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and almost killing Starlo and Martlet, she acknowledged her situation and later admitted that she was wrong. The reason Clover hugged her and forgave her easily was because Clover is like that. Completely altruistic. Starlo and Martlet are sweethearts, too. All three have good hearts and lots of empathy and understanding. And, me, personally? Instead of it putting me off...
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...I find it admirable.
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brightvelvet · 3 days
And another thing- Everyone's talking about Cooper and Lucy exchanging fingers BUT NO!! THESE TWO DID NOT EXCHANGE FINGERS!!! If you think back to the actual episode, what happened was Lucy bit off the Ghoul's finger (without intent to take) and in return, the Ghoul took her matching finger. In this interaction, Lucy attacks the Ghoul on instinct and the Ghoul takes deliberate retribution. This is not an equal exchange either!! The Ghoul's up by one finger because his has been, for all intents and purposes, discarded which leaves Lucy the unquestioned loser of the interaction. This is intentional. Since their first meeting, the Ghoul, not Cooper, has made it his priority to first benefit himself, and then secondarily put Lucy down. Lucy is everything the Ghoul isn't, and when the Ghoul tries to write Lucy off as a younger, naive version of himself, he says it because he's scared of her. He knows the relationship model that would ruin someone unquestioned and hopeful like Lucy, and given the Ghoul mirrors Barb's ruthlessness, he can only assume (hope) Lucy will be ruined like he was in the face of such absolute mercilessness. HOWEVER, Lucy is not either the Ghoul or Cooper Howard, but instead a secret third thing-- a younger version of Barb Howard. She's all the determination, charisma, and ambition of his ex-wife, with the terrifying addition of the ideal ethics that Cooper likely fell blindly in love with when he and Barb met. The blind love that Ruined him. The episode ends with the Ghoul taking Lucy's finger, and with Lucy regaining a new finger on her own. Lucy is not Cooper Howard. When the Ghoul/Cooper Howard recognizes that Lucy's a person who can't be defined by the corruption of morals both Barb and Cooper Howard went through, I think we'll actually start to see them beyond being enemies. If the Ghoul/Cooper gets specifically involved in affirming Lucy's character, more than just pity or happenstance, there could definitely be potential for his character redemption.
Long story short:
What the finger scenes mean
The Ghoul: "die a Cooper Howard, or live long enough to become a Barb Howard/the Ghoul."
Lucy: " No. Your traumatized understanding of how the world works is wrong and you cannot force to believe it."
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klmp11s · 18 hours
Hey, it’s the anon who asked for the Idia and cater (separate) fan fics.
I was wondering if I could request a rook and Idia (also Neige if your okay writing him) x reader who is Vils younger brother but is only know as that bc he’s very overlooked and chooses to not be big on the acting or modeling scene (also just a shy guy in general) if this request is too complicated then you could totally ignore it. Have a nice day/morning/evening/night.
Haha I'm sorry that I answered your request after so long 🥲🥲 I found it very interesting and I decided to post it for my birthday lol (I just love requests related to Pomefiore too much) (forgive me, I’m not at all sure that I’ll write Neige correctly, that’s why he’s not here 🙏) (English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes)
Summary: Twst boys, with m!reader who is Vil's younger brother + not a fan of attention at all Characters: Rook Hunt, Idia Shroud Warning: shy🤏 male!reader, mention of Vil, hcs, ooc(?), Rook's usual behavior, HINTS on relationships
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Rook Hunt
LMAO you found out about him much later than he did about you I SWEAR TO YOU
Like, you’re Vil Schoenheit’s younger brother, do you seriously think that this guy doesn’t know about your life and its det Do you have a private account on any social network? Oh yes, he's there🤗 by the way: you look good. Do you attend any meetings with your brother? Have you already seen your photos from this event? He can show.
Your character and shyness don’t bother this guy at all, you know? If you've ever had any kind of stuff done to you, I'm more than sure that Rook already has one in his room.
He also 100% WANTED and ALREADY MET YOU. It literally happens: you blink, and he’s already talking to you as if you’ve been friends for the last ten years.
He definitely paid attention to your appearance and taste in style, but if you told him that you didn't really need that kind of attention, he would just look at you like: 😊😁
He will almost interrogate you, why don’t you want to show your beauty to the world? The Schoenheit family definitely has the craziest genes, since they can create such a miracle (you and your brother literally), so why do you choose not to show up on screens and social media?
Over time, the more time you spend with him, the more you get used to the fact that a pair of green eyes literally absorbs your silhouette with every fiber of his soul. You know, the “blue eye look” effect? Now forget it, the way this man looks at you, even comparing with this effect will not be enough.
IF Vil ever showed you a photo of Rook from freshman year, I swear, when you met him, you might not even recognize him from the very beginning. Like, yes, effort really changes a person to “before” and “after”, of course, if you liked Rook from the very beginning, then I think this will not be a problem for you.
He can literally find you at an important premiere in a millisecond, I'm not kidding. It doesn't matter if you give a few words to the interviewers or just get into range of the cameras. He sees and looks at you. (After admiring your brother, ok? He loves you, you know it, it's just.. it's VIL)
He will like any posts about you. Seriously. Something like: “the mysterious, taciturn youngest son of the Schoenheits showed up at the premiere of a film with the participation of his older brother..”, it doesn't matter, he's already read it and saved it.
If you say something about how you are tired of all this farce and would like to leave this place for a long time, give him a couple of minutes and he will take you to a secluded place from the camera flashes for years.
You are compared to your brother. Unfortunately, this is the way to consider siblings, but believe me, this man can shut his mouth about this topic if you ask him. He definitely knows that words like “you are so different/you are completely different from his brother/etc” are not interesting to you and it is absolutely not necessary to rub your nose into it.
I am SURE that he is the person who, at your request, will not allow any paparazzi to photograph you. Fight me, I'm ready, but you can't change my mind. SERIOUSLY I really think that his magnificently unearthly eyes could bring slight anxiety and discomfort if he literally stares at someone with a camera like this: 👁️👁️. If it were the paparazzi, I would have already been clicking my heels while running away from the scene.
I guess…protective type? If he knows that you don’t like this at all, then obviously he’s unlikely to allow this to happen, you know? The last thing he wants is for his loved one to feel uncomfortable because of other people.
Honestly, he is one of the few people who sees you not as “Vil’s younger brother”, but as a separate and truly interesting person. I really think that you might be able to attract his attention by acting out of the ordinary, which contrasts with how other people see your older brother, you know?
This man is able to see beauty everywhere where other people are unlikely to be able to. Believe me, in such a scenario, he could shamelessly fall in love with a completely new person for himself and the desire to “unravel” and find out more about the truth would make both of you an extraordinary and frightening(affectionately) couple.
Man 10/10 believe me, I don’t believe people who say they don’t love him 🙄
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Idia Shroud
Oh I seriously think he found out about you by accident lol We have two options for events:
You met at some event while both were trying not to get caught on camera
He found out about you from some random article like “VIL’S YOUNGER BROTHER APPEARS AT TODAY’S SHOW…” And he literally sat there with this face like 😦 because he really didn’t know about you.
At first he thought you were a normie, until he found out why you acted this way So you're not a fan of public attention? Hmm, okay, maybe you're not so bad.
But I'm pretty sure certain things have to happen for you two to start talking. Like, he thinks that he doesn’t really need it, and communicating with other people is not his strong point. Here the winner will be the one whose shyness (in some respects) turns out to be less.
Once you have been able to establish contact with him, he is absolutely sure that you are just a gift from heaven. Like, you really might remind him of himself.There are certain circumstances that force both of you to be in the media, which is not very pleasant for both of you. He could listen to you about what you would choose to do and listen, it will be very bad if you are also interested in the same things as him. Okay, now only a freight train can stop him, this will take a long time, you know?
He more than understands your reluctance to share your personal life on social networks and other media. He's literally the same. But I also think that if he comes across any content with you (article/photos/interview/post) he will save it. Like, YES, THIS IS HIS PERSON and he is trying to support you in minimal ways on the Internet. Seriously, any staff with you already ends up with him. You are his close person and he is really trying to support you in terms of your dislike for the media
He’s really ready to listen to you if they started labeling you as “younger brother ***” and stuff like that again. To be different or not to live up to other people's expectations is unpleasant, but no one has ever died from this, right? I think he is bad with words, so this begins the tactic of distracting you from painful thoughts about any reason.
You had definitely been spotted together and had even come across a few articles on the topic, but neither you nor he had decided to interact with it in any way. Why confirm or deny your personal life?
YOU OFTEN SHOW IN EACH OTHER'S PRIVATE ACCOUNTS. Seriously, posts with and without you alternate if they are posted. Stories practically consist of your shared leisure time with each other. No extra cameras, no extra people, right? This is your appearance in the media, which you can control, much better than going to some important premieres or dinner parties.
Remember what I said about Rook not taking his eyes off you on purpose? So, this guy doesn't take his eyes off you COMPLETELY BY ACCIDENT. You are his focal point, seriously. He just looks at you and in one second he switches off and thinks about completely different things, still boring a hole into you with his gaze. Yes, you catch his eye and he doesn’t know what to do about it, really, you shouldn’t snap your fingers in front of his face, he’ll die of embarrassment. Just.. yeah, maybe the rumors about the captivating beauty of the Schoenheit family are not rumors, okay? Can you blame him?
True, I also give him 10/10 because he really tries and is also completely calm about your secretive behavior.
The characters do not belong to me, they belong to their rightful owners, please do not edit, translate, repost my works on other platforms, also without my permission and @
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romeulusroy · 1 day
In Another Life I Did Everything Right (Roman Roy x Baby!Roy)
Character/s: Roman, Connor, Kendall, Shiv, Logan
Word Count: 1,761
Inspired By: the popsicle I was eating lol
Requested: Can you write something with Roman and baby!roy? Whatever you want to do is fine. I really love your baby!roy writing and I adore Roman - anon
A/N: I took a lot of creative liberty lol, I hope you don't mind! Feedback is always appreciated my loves! 💜💜💜
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It’s always the same memory, the same dream, that comes to him when the weather is warm, and humid, and he falls into a fitful sleep. It’s a realization that comes to him each time he sees your face: how young you are. Not the chubby cheeks of childhood, yet you remain untouched by adolescence. Though he knows he was a much younger man at the time, he is all grown up now. He feels his age, how old he must seem to you, how worn. Tired. He stands in the grass, the sun bright and willing to burn. He holds two plastic pouches. He knows what they are. He knows what you’re going to say, how worried you are that they’re beginning to melt: popsicles. They wouldn’t have been allowed in the house at all. They wouldn’t have made their way into the shopping cart, nor found a home in the freezer, had it not been for Connor. All his doing. He used to know the story, but tonight he can’t recall. Did you ask him for them? Were they a surprise? How could they have been hidden so well from the disapproving eyes of your father? It doesn’t really matter, he knows, but so much of this dream has become lost to him. It’s been so many years. He can no longer rely on his memory. This day has been contorted over the years, malleable and pliable, until, as far as he knows, it no longer resembles what truly happened. You’re on the pavement, legs dangling off the edge of the pool. The water is clear and, unfortunately, not as cool as you’d like. You wait, hand outstretched, for your treat. He makes you pick. Left, right, left right, left. Finally, you choose left. He smiles. Not then, but now. How big that decision must’ve felt, how harrowing it was to decide, blindly, the flavor. Older and wiser puts things into perspective. Time is funny that way. He’s grateful you remain untouched by this. Let this be your big decision. He tears yours open: orange. There is no mourning, there is no disappointment, though there is a mutual understand red is the best. He holds his up to the light, the wrapper giving way to a dark inky color. He’s glad you picked what you did: no one really liked grape all that much. 
He wants to talk to you, to ask you questions, to understand where it all went wrong, but he is limited. The dialogue has been chosen for you. This is a reenactment, a loop, a labyrinth of muscle memory he must abide by. He settles beside you, legs crossed, listening to your teeth break through the ice and syrup. He wasn’t a spiritual person. He didn’t believe in God or Heaven or Hell. He didn’t have anyone or thing to turn to when things were hard, when times were tough. Sometimes he wished he was. A different person who could pray and believe and have faith. The cynic in him thought it was bullshit. The optimist, weak and tender, fought back as best as it could. There has to be something, right? There has to be something after all this? Life, mortal life, was so small in comparison to the time before and time after. How could there be nothing? He wants to ask you what you think, if there is God out there and, if so, how vengeful they must be. You were young, yes, but you grew up. There were so many opportunities for him to ask you, your views and opinions, and he didn’t. He wasn’t thinking as he was now. He didn’t have the perspective. Instead your voice slices through his thoughts, a knife to watermelon, it all becomes a sweet, sticky mess in the middle of his cheat. Where’s mom? You don’t have to clarify you mean your mother and not his. Logan’s latest ex-wife. They lasted longer than anyone expected, separating just a few weeks prior, when Spring turned to Summer. He speaks, and though he cannot hear himself, he knows his lines. He wishes now he’d been nicer. Kinder. Instead he is full of teenage angst and decides a snide comment is the best option to ease your growing unease given their recent split. Like all of your mothers, Connors and his and yours, they’ve left their children in the care of your father, though he understand this thought is cheap and really, only Connors mother couldn’t help it. Still, two out of three? 
Did you see her today? You watch him, and wait, and your eyes are big, and there is melted popsicle down the front of your shirt. Yes, he admits, for a moment, but refuses any further details. Mascara ran down her face. She wheeled two large suitcases out of their (now Logans) room and down the hall, towards the stairs. He’s not sure where she was going, or for how long, and he suspected you wondered the same thing. Were the popsicles, similar to the cake Logan had bought Connor, some sort of bargain? A peace offering? Sorry kid, mommy and daddy are splitting. Here’s some sugar! Was this Connor’s way of making things better? He noticed the absence of his older siblings lessening these recent months. He found Shiv helping you with your school work, patiently listening to you ramble on about grade school drama: Leah liked Tommy, but Tommy liked Madison, who wasn’t your friend anymore because she was no longer sitting at your table during lunch, so Tessa was your new best friend. Kendall, with whatever he did to busy himself all day, took his evenings to hang out with you, trying his best to have something in common with a ten year old. Connor, who had never been lacking in your life, became an even more involved presence. Wrapped up with his own affairs, and probably several affairs, Logan had little time for his youngest. So here he was, doing his part, hoping a little attention wouldn’t leave you screwed up like the rest of them. 
He wants to ask you what you think of all this. He should have, at the time, but he was uncomfortable. Uncomfortable that, finally, you were earning the Roy name. Your mother was just another wife, you were just another kid he didn’t like or want. You weren’t special, you weren’t going to change him. Uncomfortable because you were a child and children had big emotions. What if you cried? What if you got upset? He didn’t know how to stop it. He didn’t know how to help. You wouldn’t know it at the time (how could you?) but your mother would move on. She’d remarry a few years down the line, and have more children, and leave you behind. Her second husband wasn’t a fan of your father. By association, he wasn’t keen to you either. Roman never asked, even when you got older, how you were dealing with it all. Not just this, but everything. Adolescence. He figured, like the rest of them, you’d move on. Recover. Find your way. You couldn’t. You were in Logan’s custody sure, but it was her you wanted. Holidays, and birthdays, and events, you wanted her. Instead he decides the conversation is over. The in-between is murky. There are popsicles, there is this grimm realization, there is regret, and then what?
He isn’t sure what it is that keeps him reliving this day over the others. There were plenty of times he spent with you, though usually you were drinking, attempting to run away from the family, your bloodline, your future. He saw you so rarely, you were such a different person when he got the chance to really look at you, talk to you. Logan shipped you off to boarding school the school year after your mother leaves. It’s prestigious, and sterile, and ruins any of that person he’s sitting beside. Somewhere between here and then you changed. Not just growing up, though is any other big brother really prepared for their baby to get older? You grew harder, colder, bitter. You drank more. You disappeared often. Your grades suffered, though that kind of information was kept mostly between you and the school. Every so often, Connor would send out a group text saying he was going to visit you. Roman, at least, knew what that meant: you got into trouble and needed someone to clean up a mess you made. Everyone had grown up and adjusted as well as to be expected. They were waiting, impatiently, for you to catch up in maturity. You were a teenager expected to act like an adult, treated like a child. You begged Logan to come home. Your school was far away. It was lonely. It was brutal. But it was the best education anyone could ask for and he believed you were being a brat. 
You wanted to see your mother. It had been years, at that point, since you last saw her. Occasionally you’d receive a cold phone call, but that was all you were allotted. That’s the story, anyways. No one really knows why you went out that night, why it was so urgent, only that you were drinking and you weren’t wearing a seatbelt. They found the car wrapped around a pole. You took your place in the family mausoleum. As far as he knows, your mother doesn’t visit. But they do, all of them. This was years ago, a little over a decade. You’d be all grown up by now. He still sees you as a ten year old. He always will. Maybe he dreams this day, over every other, because it was before everything turned sour. Maybe he just likes the taste of popsicles. Either way, it’s always a treat. He wants to ask you everything he didn’t get the chance to, but he can’t, and soon he will wake up. He’ll wake up in a cold sweat and make a point to visit you sometime soon, taking this as a sign that you’re lonely and looking for company. For now, he looks at you, really looks, and takes you in. You’ve been talking this whole time about what you’ve been learning in school, what Shiv has been helping you with. He will nod. He was bored then, wondering who would take over babysitting duty, but he isn’t now. He soaks up every word. He misses your voice, your mannerisms. So much has changed since this day. So little has changed, too.
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oh-shtars · 2 days
RFTS!AU AskBox #4
Me to @signed-sapphire for the legendary number of 50 Questions Galore they sent me:
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Heads up though, you might notice there’s certain questions skipped. I’m either not able to answer some of the asks at all OR they’re either some art requests that I haven’t finished and will post in future posts. So I had to skip them for this post unfortunately…. I apologise as such. 😅
Anyways, let’s get speeding through them shall we?
1. How do you plan to show the songs?
It should be question 6 of this post here. :)
2. How many songs do you plan to have in RFTS?
4 or more. Depends on what I come up with.
3. What ‘vibe’ would each song have?
Uhhhhhhh, idk tbh. I’m really just going with the flow of what this story brings me. You can’t wait to see what the RFTS!plot has in store? Yeah, me too.
4. Who’s voicing Valentino and the main cast?
For Valentino, I’m not sure. I’m debating whether it should be younger Bambi or Ronno’s VA. But he basically has an actual kid’s voice this time rather than a deep-sounding one. (Because honestly, I found that a bit weird personally). For the the other characters, I don’t really mind the voices they have canonically.
And I think I’ve mentioned this before, but even though Sueño can’t speak, I could hear him singing this in this voice hypothetically.
5. Write or draw any cute interaction between Ashueño!
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Mk :3
6. I know Asha will have a different outfit by the end, but do you have different designs for anyone else?
Yeah, I do actually. Some characters have a different outfit to better reflect their current context. (Like how Sakina would have work clothes similar to Asha.) But I don’t want to reveal most of them at the moment since I would like to keep them a secret for now.
7. Some Gabo doodles, if you don’t mind. I rarely see the short king in any Wish Art.
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His design makes a lot more sense if you were me and you knew the context. Take this art with whatever theories you guys can throw at me 😂
……. 10. What made Amaya fall in love with Magnifico? What changed?
Amaya had a family who greatly discouraged her interest in studying magic and potions since it’s against what their family has done for generations. Meanwhile, Magnifico who was adopted as Rosas’ prince, is expected to learn magic but COULDN’T because he struggles to do so since he hasn’t moved on from his trauma.
When these guys were around 16-15 years old, they were mutual best friends. Mag offers Amaya to read from his magic books while he finds comfort in just having a genuine friend who doesn’t remind or push expectations onto him that he hears everyday in the castle. She’s like an escape from the stresses he has in there.
In their future years, Amaya grew to fall in love with someone who promised her the world if she only asked for it. She finds bits of herself in Mag, as both were people with crushed dreams that deserve better. (In their POV anyway.)
Falling in love was not at all what she expected since she used to believe sympathy would only hold her back from exploring the limits of magic. But you know, Amaya’s as much as a tragic character as Magnifico is.
11. Who fell first and who fell harder between those two?
Is it possible to say that RFTS!Magnifico is both?
12. Any fun fact about the Royal Couple? (You can tell who I’m most invested in. lol.)
The only reason Espino, the royal cat, is in the castle is because Amaya wanted him around. Otherwise, if it were up to Mag, that cat is out to the streets. He’s not very fond of animals and he considers them as pests. Though, Espino gets small bonus points from Magnifico just because he keeps the castle clear from mice which he especially hates.
(Good to know you’re enjoying ‘Grand Despair’ while it lasts :)
13. This may be weird but…Body Swap! How would Hopes and Dreams react?
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Asha would have zero idea how to get star magic under control. Meanwhile, Sueño finds an interesting realisation.
14. What’s your favourite fanart piece of your AU?
I LOVE all of them so much!! They’re all made by very amazing artists!! I’m so happy to see these silly characters I’ve made be brought to life in someone else’s style. 💖💖
Mere words can’t express this joy enough. I hope you all would love the final chapters once they do come out as much as you loved seeing content of them now. X3
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15. Are you telling your story via writing or art of word dump?
I’m planning to share it in chapters like how Anny and everyone else has been doing. Plus some more sketches I would keep making of them obviously.
17. Draw Ashueño dressed as another Disney couple!
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Hehehehehe guess whooo~ 🙃
19. Young!Sueño!
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Which one? 🙃
Awww, good times back then when the little guy is still figuring out the forms he likes….
…… 20. Young!Royal Couple!
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Mini Magnifico would rather drown himself or drink snake venom than call Oliver his dad- ………
22. Give some more lore on Asha’s father. Are you keeping him as close to the source material as possible? Will we see him in flashbacks or something?
You’ll definitely get to see Tomás at certain points in the story. Either in the short prologue, mentions and flashbacks. He’s generally a friendly guy but at the same time, is also assertive to defend what he thinks is wrong. But even though his life was cut short, Tomás ended up inspiring more people than he thinks. Especially his old friend, Sabino, who hasn’t given another wish or attended any more wish ceremonies after his death.
I don’t think we really knew much about Asha’s father at all in the canon movie, but I’ll pretty much be close to what is depicted there already with some more detail on how he made an influence in the lives of those he loves.
23. Give Sueño a stuffed toy for him to cuddle with. He deserves it <3
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He adores it so much 💖💖
24. More lore about the Astral Realm!
Not all Wishing Stars have the strong desire to venture down into the human realm someday and that’s completely fine. They can still guide their wishmaker from above. But for those who do want to, they need to answer one important question first:
“Why do you grant wishes?”
Since they would be going down to earth by themselves ALONE with none of their elders to guide them this time, their answer to this question serves as their anchor in case they get lost or distracted. Answers do vary and some may be the same among stars, but that’s fine. As long as they’re sincere with all their core on their answer. Some examples may be: “I like to see them reach their very best and reap their deserved rewards.” Or “I like watching them journey and discover themselves.”
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This scene is one of my dotpoints I came up with but I’m not so sure anymore if that would still fit in and whether I should scrap it. Regardless, I thought this would be a nice little thing to show you all. Proof that I’m indeed working on it 😅
(Actually, this sounds so cute to draw. Feel welcome to try and do so if you want to, my fellow artists ^^)
…… 26. How does Magnifico’s magic work?
I made a whole post on this :3
27. Where did Amaya learn potions?
She’s self-taught mostly. But I also did mention that Mag generously lets her borrow what is meant to be his books of magic soooo, he played a role on that as well.
29. What’s Amaya’s opinion on the other Wish AU Mags?
I’m not exactly sure how different her opinions would be on each of them since I think we all decided to have our fun with Magnifico just being a shameless show-off and fun evil villain. I’ll try though.
Amaya would think KOW!Mag reminds her a lot of her own husband, also short-tempered and a disgustingly sweet romantic at times. She’s kind of a play-hard-to-get girl though 😂. One thing she does notice is that what WRTS!, Wish Granted! And KOW!Mag have in common is how loud they are with their ceremonies. Is that a universal Magnifico thing? Eh. There sure is a lot of interesting knowledge to learn from these universes. Hmmm.
TKoRaT!Maggy has that same pained look that falls on RFTS!Mag whenever he’s sulking by himself and needs time alone. Usually it’s because of his old village trauma. It’s an intriguing but ever so familiar cycle she recognises well.
Meanwhile. TFS!Mag is……different, she would say. Not exactly good different. I kinda imagine her eyeing this guy like a cat. This Mag just gives off a very different vibe of non-ruthlessness(?) that she’s not used to.
30. Same for Mag, but vice versa.
RFTS!Mag gets very very very familiar vibes with KOW! And Wish Granted!Amaya. He finds it slightly amusing since it feels like his wife just became a part of some triplets. (He jokingly asked RFTS!Amaya if she had any sisters she never told him. The woman wasn’t amused. She doesn’t really like being reminded of her family.) I’m sorry TKoRaT! And TFS!Amaya, but you’ve made the decision to adopt Asha as your daughter and so he thinks lower of you now. Although…the TKoRaT!couple might just get to redeem themselves for that since they sound interesting enough. They’re going to have the ditch the girl though at some point.
WRTS!Amaya just feels off. He doesn’t know what exactly though? Is he losing his mind or something? Ugh, I think he could use devouring another Wish Bubble just in case…
31. You know what, for Asha and Sueño too!
Oh boy, here we go. 😂
Asha will NOT be able to handle Wish Granted!Star’s energy. It’s so different from the silent but still lively conversations she has with her Starboy. Star just can’t bring himself to stop talking, can he? 😅 Asha thinks WRTS!Aster and TKoRaT!Star are adorable. Cielo may be a bit much at times with his light teasing and flirting, but she’s aware he means well.
I could see Asha’s non-hesitant empathy, patience and genuine concern to Haedus would be a huge comfort for the poor guy. (Trust me, she’s done this plenty before.) She’s a bit surprised to see Naos and Nembus but I think they’d get along just fine. She’s pretty good with playing with kids from her experience with a mischievous Valentino. And lastly, KOW!Aster is a total sweetheart that she jokingly comments could rival Sueño’s. (That comment caught Sueño’s attention quickly lmao.)
Sueño is more hesitant and unwilling at first to approach humans by his own accord. He’ll still keep a short distance buuuut… if they’re just another version of Asha, it can’t be that horrible, right?
KOW!Asha’s drawings are a familiar sight for him and he’s impressed that she could bring her own drawings to life. Same goes for WRTS!Asha with her magic wand. Maybe they’re friendly… Maybe they could both do that together :D He’s neutral with Wish Granted! And Aled’s Asha for now until he gets to know them better.
Sueño recognises that same shyness and timid nature in TKoRaT!Asha. (It’s weird how she does the same thing RFTS!Asha does of turning their head away and hiding behind their hair when he innocently just looks her way.)
And then there’s…….HER. TFS!Asha. Cielo talks about her a lot….😬. But you know, that girl scares him.
Unfortunately, Sueño is staying a relatively farther distance away from the last two Ashas I mentioned. Why? Idk, probably the fact that they’re the daughter of Mag and Amaya-
32. *Gives Sueño an iPad with Duolingo on it* Here my child. Learn Spanish.
I have a feeling you did this so he could finally find out what his name, ‘Sueño’ translates into. Lol, nope. Not yet he’s not.
He still appreciates the gesture though, but the guy got distracted by the other cool features and apps this weird magical mirror-tablet thing(?) had and completely forgot all about the Owl app.
33. Will Asha ever attempt to learn Celestial? Maybe with a candle? Like Morse Code? Idk.
Idk. Speaking Celestial is really just stars exchanging screechy sound waves to each other telepathically like words, while their glowing sequences indicates the mood and tone of what they’re saying. Maybe if Asha comes to learn how to harness light magic on her own, she’ll be able to at least convey emotions such as happiness in it by controlling the brightness and duration of each flash.
35. How are you planning out your story?
I usually think of what main message I’m trying to get across first and build the story around it. After some character and world-building stuff (that I keep adding to because procrastination), I put the key scenes I could think of in bullet-point format and then just think up some in-between scenes that could occur between those points.
Usually though, the most usual process is that a random concept/idea pops into my head and then I immediately type it down so I won’t forget it. It’s basically my thing now to organise the giant mess of reminders into comprehensive plot lines.
I’m not writing the story at this point. The story is choosing to expose itself to me XD
Another main thing I do is listen to my Spotify playlist of this AU, read the Wish Artbook, or rewatch a movie that has inspired the RFTS! plot in some way.
36. Are there any kisses in your story?
Hmmmmm….. *glances at Ashueño and Amnifico*
Oh well, since you’ve asked me, I gueeeeess I’m unfortunately now going to have to remove all the kisses I had included since y’all are so desperate to know….. (/jk)
38. Will the Royal Couple have villain transformations?
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39. What’s your take on the ‘eating wishes’ thing?
As I’ve mentioned in my last post on how the magic system works in the RFTS!AU, Magnifico eats wish essence to reverse the costly effects of using Curse Magic. To put it simply, he uses them to make him more mentally stable.
40. What Easter Eggs are you planning to put in your story?
Awwwww, where’s the fun in that? Find them yourselves >:)))
And who knows? Maybe certain fellow creators in the Wish Rewrite Fandom will make a reference in some of the chapters. Keep an eye out 😉
42. What exactly does Asha’s job entail?
Being a king’s apprentice is a way to gain experience and learn how to use magic by the king himself, so you could use the attained knowledge as to however you want. Share the talent with Rosas or Go out into the world.
However, when Magnifico’s reign started, he forbade magic usage other than he and his wife with the claim that it’s for the greater good and safety for Rosas. (He kinda had a point since criminal activity and accidents did decrease in number after that rule.)
Since Mag doesn’t really need an apprentice, Asha is more of an assistant now, following in her dad’s footsteps before her. She’s tasked to do help with whatever Mag might need around his study such as keep the fire going or organise his papers. But Mag doesn’t really like having her around a lot, (since she asks a lot of questions about his wish-keeping system) so he purposefully tells her to go carry out outside tasks such as go into the garden and help the gardeners or something.
43. Did Magnifico make Sueño’s bonds?
If I told you, would that make you more blood-thirsty enough to gather pitchforks and torches for his head? Because if you are, please don’t. I still need this guy to stir up conflict in my story :((
(You can have him all you want though once I’m done with him. Lmao.)
44. How was Rosas founded?
Nearly a century ago, the kingdom was first built. I’ve read in the Art book that Rosas was apparently named to reference ‘Beauty and the Beast.’
Like, ok….?
Anyways, I found that roses are meant to represent love, rebirth and beauty. So I decided to add more onto that than just have it as another reference. The kingdom’s founders wanted Rosas to be a place where people who are wary and feel outcasted by their homes can find and start a new beginning. To ‘Rebirth’ and have a second chance to find the ‘beauty and love’ in their lives again,
Blue and white were made the royal colours because the blue was meant to stand for trust and reliability and white for new beginnings. Symbolising the past kings and queens’ responsibility to have their talents in sorcery be used to serve the people who come here. Thus, Rosas’ citizens all are in a variety of different cultures.
45. Over how many days does your story take?
I’m thinking within one month. It’s a race-against-time sort of thing where Asha needs to find out how to confront the Royal Couple before they do something horrible on Rosas’ celebration of its 100th anniversary, which is literally just a month away.
46. What was your favourite part of Wish? Are you translating that to your AU?
I really really loved how Mag’s magic looked and how he went all evil-ish green as a tribute to past Disney villains. If we ignore the awkward transition he had from sympathetic to just plain psychotic, it’s a cool magic display. I kinda wished they went more full out on the final battle because it just felt so underwhelming asf.
I’m keeping the magical final battle but with more magical funsies. :D
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47. Least favourite part?
I’m frustrated how bland and empty the character interactions and emotional beats are since those kinds of moments are usually my favourite when it comes to movies.
Magnifico’s tragic loss of his village? “Pfft- What tragedy? We don’t need that in the movie’s 2nd half.”
Asha’s dead father? “Eh. We only needed him for a few mins and he’s non-existent from that point on.”
Valentino claims to be Asha’s helpful animal sidekick. “Did I mention I have a deep voice? Oh, and my butt’s a funny thing too. Did I already mention that my voice is loud and soooo deep??”
Simon’s betrayal? “Oh wow, that was a shock…. Anyways, wanna start a rebellion?”
OMG, Sakina’s wish is back!! “What was the wish about? Idk who cares.”
Asha’s friendship with Star doesn’t even feel that special to me?? GUYS, I felt more chemistry between Rapunzel and Pascal. COME ON, BUILD IT UP. DON’T JUST SAY ‘Awww, you and I are thinking the same thing~’ AND EXPECT ME TO BUY THAT.
48. What’s your favourite aspect of the TFS!AU?
Idk why, but I like how there’s a unique twist in your AU on how Wishing Stars don’t have the best reputation to humans. It’s a nice subversion that makes it stand out a little more. :)) Because usually, the idea of wishing on stars is always seen as a positive thing but that’s not the case in this story. It’s intriguing to watch characters slowly realise that not everything is what it seems.
That, and the hilarious dynamic you’ve got going on between Cielo and Asha and how deep in denial they both are, even though it’s clear as day to the other TFS!cast. 😂
(Wouldn’t it be funny if TFS!Mag and Amaya also noticed? They may be going down a dark path but they’re not blind, girl.)
50. What’s a boring fact about you?
Uhhhhhh…. I like organising stuff by colour for fun...? Like, I used to pour out a box of legos and sort through them as a kind of pastime. I still organise coloured pencils in rainbow order if I could too. 😅 ………
@annymation @uva124 @your-ne1ghbor @ficsinhistory @rascalentertainments @gracebethartacc @spectator-zee
It’s a long read, but I think you guys would enjoy going through it regardless. I hope so anyways.
Btw, thx for all the fun questions Bo! 💖 Might post some more regarding your other doodle requests that I’ve put to the side for now if you don’t mind. :))
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👻 What is your wildest headcanon? I don't know that I truly have any ~wild headcanons. A lot of the ones I do have are based around my own OCs, so probably aren't that interesting to the general fandom. But a couple of fun ones I have:
1.) Everyone in Jackson knows to go to Eugene for weed - it's the settlement's worst-kept secret. And, I mean, it's not like it's illegal anymore, and the council doesn't have any specific rules against it, but Eugene still prefers to operate behind closed doors, and everyone is fine with that. It only becomes an issue when the younger teens get their hands on some, then suddenly parents are complaining about it, and Maria is highly annoyed about that but hesitant to really step in, at least in an official capacity, because she doesn't want to burn bridges with her own weed connection. (Privately, she'll tell Eugene to knock that shit off.) 2.) Speaking of Eugene, there are some patrol members that think his relationship with Dina is a little weird, and have concerns about it. Just like, "It's a little odd, right? They hang out outside of patrol. That's weird, isn't it?" Meanwhile, Dina just reminds Eugene of the daughter he left behind, and they spend time together while he teaches her about electronics and '80s speed metal. Joel is the only one who kind of 'gets it' - "they're fine, leave 'em alone." 3.) If anyone at the Tipsy Bison tries to play REM's It's the End of the World as We Know It (and I Feel Fine) on the jukebox, they either have to take an automatic ban from the bar for a week, or spend the next week wearing the stupid hat that they otherwise keep on the bear head (which changes a lot, because they dress it up seasonally). They could just take the song out of the jukebox entirely, but no one has ever brought that up as a solution. Tommy has worn the hat twice.
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🦈 Which character is the toughest to write? For me, personally, I struggle with both Tommy and Maria - but especially Tommy. I'm no @march-flowerr, I have yet to really nail him as a character, but I try.
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not-poignant · 3 months
26. and 23. if you haven't been asked yet!
26. What would you describe as OOC?
(OOC - Out of character / IC - In character)
When the character's actions do not logically or plausibly make sense within the context of the information that has been provided for the character so far in a way that isn't likely to be provided for as the story continues.
A character can be fully IC within a fic while being OOC by canon standards, but if the logic of the fic supports that character behaving that way, then to me the character is IC in the world of the fic.
23. Dialogue or description? Why is the other one so hard?
I don't think description is that hard, lol. I just find dialogue more fun.
I think both can be equally hard but in different ways. Description can be hard because it's easy to overdo or underdo, and even if you hit the sweet spot with some readers, you might really miss the mark with others.
Dialogue can be hard because it takes time to learn how to capture the natural flow of conversation between two people, it can be hard to keep in mind the unique voices of characters (a trap that most beginner writers fall into, is making all their characters sound like different versions of them), etc.
They both have their challenges, but I enjoy dialogue more. :D
From this meme!
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thattheater-kid · 1 month
Aroace culture is accidentally writing all your characters to be aspec because you have a hard time writing romantic and sexual relationships.
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crowbird · 11 months
I'm so tired of age gap fics please if i can suspend my disbelief about mushroom zombies I can suspend my disbelief about the reader's age not being equivalent to my own, please just give me two 50(+) year old bastards falling in love no more of this 15+ year age gap I swear to god someone is gonna make me start writing last of us fanfiction at this rate.
Anyways, I would like to request some aid from the last of us fandom in terms of fic recs if anyone knows any good reader insert or x reader fics wherein they and joel are around the same age? Pre or post outbreak, au, I don't care I'm starving please if anyone has any let me know.
EDIT: I did not think this was going to get any traction which in hindsight was kinda stupid of me but I really want to clarify something since I originally left it in the tags which I probably shouldn't have. THIS ISNT A HIT PEICE. I've been a fanfic writer for years now even if this blog isn't exactly a great example of my supposed stellar writing consistency. I mean no hate towards the people who like age gap or write it it just isn't my thing personally and I would like to read fics that explore other topics besides that when it comes to this fandom. Yes I understand the easy solution is to write my own and i would be a liar to say I wasn't but I'm new to this fandom and still consuming the actual content and I know my drafts aren't exactly great right now in part because of that. What I wanted to accomplish here wasn't just to complain a little but to reach out and ask if anyone could point me in the direction of non age gap fics in the mean time and they did so thank you very much!! I genuinely appreciate it. Write what you like but understand that I also reserve the right to read what I like and to ask for help in finding it because let's be honest tumblrs search and filter system is non existent and asking for help was my next best bet so uh yeah I'm gonna stop rambling now and refine this maybe when I'm more awake and can word things better probably.
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slumbergoblin · 4 months
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Hi Mei :)
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mysteriouslybluepirate · 11 months
Question for Creatives
If younger you were scrolling through AO3, Twitter, Pinterest, etc., and saw what you create, would you like it?
Please share to get a wider span of responses!
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moe-broey · 3 days
GOD. HELP. PLEASE FORNTHE LOVE OF GOD. HELP ME <- is slightly self-conscious and extremely worried about doing something Incorrectly
#like i promise my og piece for today was sharena centric I PROMISE. I SWEAR. I PROMISE. ON MY LIFE. I SWEAR#like a rule i set for myself was to include alfonse as little as possible and if he's there he's just There#like i was rambling to my sister about it the other day but like. alfonse is an extremely important part of sharena's life#and like sharena is luigi. younger sibling syndrome. ofc she's gonna bring him up he's a huge part of her life#i still don't have the proper words for it but i said it's like misogyny ouroboros. specific phenomenon#where someone is soooo caught up in perceived misogyny (whether it's there or not) that like.#they don't even give the female chara a chance. like eg camilla or charlotte immediately being written off for being oversexualized#and this type of person ONLY focuses on that and refuses to actually engage w camilla or charlotte as characters#under the guise of like. caring about women. and maybe they do! but the way you're doing it you're eating yourself.#and how this relates back to sharena is like. that 'let female characters exist outside of their male counterparts'#WHICH. SOUNDS GOOD. ON THE SURFACE. but like i feel like it's too easy for some people#to see a female chara have a significant tie to a male chara and immediately decide to write her off as 'just that'#when like. ESPPPP in sharena's case. and esppp in alfonse's case. two things are happening here#sharena and alfonse have VERY different ways of expressing their affection for each lther#sharena more overt and alfonse way more subtle. and then there's the mario and luigi thing happening#where mario exists and stands on his own as The Main Guy. objectively#meanwhile luigi is just always thinking about mario and how cool he is. cause he looks up to him#and like idk idk i am not a mario expert i can't do a full analysis/comparison here but like. that's the dynamic they have.#NONE OF THIS IS RELEVANT. or maybe it's Barely Adjacent. to the entry i'm gonna submit#BUT I FEEL SO BAD.... my big piece had sooooooo much more storytelling i promise...........#the one i'm about to post I PROMISE YOU. it's just concept art and the focus was Not primarily on alfonse i swear to god
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badolmen · 3 months
Some of you will not enjoy your leftist utopia because you can’t let people believe in harmless things that you personally don’t believe in.
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blue-jester · 7 months
eugh I hate how the internet has made certain things seem taboo to talk about in art when people have been doing it for centuries
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