#it isnt romantic nor platonic
pawterpillart · 2 years
Platonic, queerplatonic or romantic vee?
The struggle is real.
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4phr0d17e · 2 years
Nah, Cam and Pal are explicitly described as being atypical, both in the depth of their devotion/codependency/whatever (explicitly called out by Judith being a busybody) and in the fact that Palamedes treats Camilla as an equal (the overall narrative makes a big deal about it). I do agree that necro and cav is a totally different kind of relationship, but their whole deal is that they *aren't* a typical necro and cav.
ok anon this is so interesting thank u for ur input here. ive been thinking about this all night and i originally wrote an answer saying that even tho cam and pal dont have a typical necro/cav relationship, their relationship is the epitome of what a necro/cav relationship should be. but then i started thinking, well, "should be" according to who? the essay from the bonus content of gtn talks a lot about the level of devotion and respect and equality that a necro/cav relationship should have, and to me when reading that it seemed to perfectly describe cam and pals relationship. but then, again thats just one guys opinion, not what the average necro/cav relationship actually looks like. does it matter? does an ideal of a relationship Matter when very few real relationships actually look like that?
[gripping table] i am normal about necro/cav relationships
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golisopod-mutual · 2 years
having some thoughts re: romance and marriage
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sleepyagent · 16 days
Fuck, only imagining kissing you still makes my heart jump a bit🤡
#delete later#clown#mine#feelings#her#i keep imagining you w sb else to prepare myself from the inevitable days but all im doing is borrowing grief from tmr which isnt#really helpful and i instead should be happy for n with her annieway#she deserves the world and be treated best#what a cliché thing to say but i get that it can still be true because why is it that things that r too sweet r deemed fake#im just quite sappy and i dont really say things i dont mean#ik i will love you for as long as i live even if it eventually transforms into a different kinda love#it will persist in a different form bc that just seems to be the kinda person i am or how love is for me#id keep caring and id keep wanting the best for you#parts of each person i came to love remain as parts of me annieway#i can never truly lose them nor can they#omfg lol crying while having covid just makes me feel like im choking or drowning tf my nose holes r completely blocked whats this lmao#kinda funny feeling tbh#sorry for being the odd one out of the two of us im already trying to make sure that nearly all i do is solely out of platonic feelings#so our friendship isnt “tainted” or driven by my inferior intentions or whatever but can stand on its own#which is as important to me as ppl not abandoning friends for a romantic relationship#or that ppl i come to fancy or could fancy value me enough as a friend first#im rambling#how long till it isnt this kinda love anymore#how long till i can be happy with and for her when she finds sb is everything she wants or needs and who treats her the way she deserves#sounds patronising of me tbh#idealising even#also have to keep reminding myself: this is just any other flirting with friends nothing to it any other flirting w friends with no intent#cuz i do value her as a friend as well#am i playing myself
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screamingatkyle · 11 months
being aromantic is exhausting
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
Hi, may i request some headcanons for Toby, Ej and Ben with a S/O who is really clumsy and always has new bruises?
toby, ej, and ben x reader who is clumsy
my legs hurt i hate how they tense up when i get stressed out it hurts so much notes: reader is gn, ben is platonic as i do not feel comfortable writing romantic for him, heavy hcs for all of them naturally but esp ben cws: edit
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he has a little bit of a disconnect between pain and injuries- both for himself and other people. obviously for himself its because of his CIPA, and that leaks into how he perceives others. he knows it hurts for them but he doesnt fully understand to what degree
still, he does his best to sympathize with you when you get hurt- actually you guys likely come up with a system.. a scale to rank how painful it is.. not just for physical pain! i can easily see this being used as a general thing for you guys to rate an experience both lightheartedly and as a serious thing
gets you meds as well as an icepack for your bruises so youre not too sore- hopefully
keeps an eye on the coloring of your skin, headcanon that he keeps tabs of the look of how an injury looks to determine severity.. as well as generally having a curiosity
he doesnt outwardly judge you all that much for your clumsiness, he knows his tics have caused some accidents so hes not going to fault you for a lot of your accidents
eyeless jack
tries to find a reason for your clumsiness, or at least tries to clear it of "okay do you have something internally thats happening", and if you actually do he does what he need to accommodate you
makes sure you dont needlessly get put into a situation that can lead to you getting hurt, he doesnt babyproof his place or yours.. nor does he treat you like youre a kid, but he does make precautions
lightly scolds you for not being careful if youre careless and roll with it as you get hurt- he doesnt want you to get hurt even if its something small
knows some tricks to lessen bruises before they get too bad, as well as ways to relieve any pain and swelling
medical interest really coming in clutch!
he hears crashing sounds and he just preps himself for whats about to transpire
he loves you but he does try to help you manage your clumsiness
he thinks its a little funny that youre constantly hurting yourself, as long as its not a major injury- he also thinks its a little... pathetic... its a little mean for him to think that but hey, hes a bit of an asshole so its to be expected
he cant do much most of the time on account of him not being physically there- stuck in your phone or computer or some other device. but he does try to verbally be there for you- there in spirit!
if hes connected to the internet and hes able he does try to find some solutions to either lessen your clumsiness or how to make your bruises fade faster
tries to see if theres a cause to your clumsiness but its mostly him bullshitting you
"it could be a tumor" "you little shit its not a tumor"/ref/hj
more of a "lets move on and forget about it" kind of person, which isnt terrible especially if you find yourself embarrassed by your clumsiness
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tea-time221 · 6 months
why is there even discourse ya'll 😭
fabian and riz, romantic/qpr, does not erase riz's asexual identity, nor does it erase his aromantic identity.
the aromantic identity can be displayed in a numerous amount of ways, and none of those ways undermines the other.
you can interpret fanart and other fabriz content in soo many different ways, providing you with the representation you want, but one thing has to stay true and it's that no one should shit on other people's interpretations of the way they portray riz's queer identity.
if people want to look at fabriz content as platonic/qpr, that's all fine and good
if people want to interpret it as romantic, it's also fine and good!
the only thing is that no one should label fabriz as "only romantic" or "only platonic" and then believe that to be so and then enforce it on others.
riz is like,, one of the only good reps we have of the aro/ace identity, surely the entire community can share him 😭 we can all project on him together
and create the stuff u want to see of him!!! if ur complaint is that all the riz stuff is just "fabriz" (which it definitely, 100% isnt), then create stuff of him! you have that power!!! create art, create headcanons, create theories and fanfics!!!! the more content there is, the more variety there will be, and that means there will be more facets of the aroace identity being represented.
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lady-dragon-rider · 29 days
Feathers And Scales Pt. 2
Davos/Benjicot Blackwood, Oscar Tully x Targ!Reader
After sending a Raven home, Reader is set to spend a week or so each at Riverrun and Raventree... to get to know her potential Lord husbands.
Contains: Akward Lordlings, Platonic/Romantic sparks
Featuring: N/a
Bold is text spoken as High Valyrian.
The raven Ser Lorant had sent at your request arrived back in a day or two with your mothers response.
"My darling daughter. While it pleases me that you have already found two eligible suitors, i have the sincere hope that you arent making any choices out of haste nor rebellion. I know the situation isnt ideal, but i believe it would be best if you could take this breathing room you have granted yourself to actually get to know the future lords you have chosen.... please also keep in mind to update me frequently as to any news in the riverlands that may require my attention. With love... your mother"
You stare at the the letter as mixed emotions boil and churn inside you. Admittedly your half-cooked plan was made both in haste AND rebellion and you didnt want to have to subject yourself to anymore droning from men who thoight your hand was nothing more than a pretty decoration to be bragged about. Though you knew your mother was not entirely fo blame. She had always known what the roles of princesses and ladies were, that this was just what was done.
But that didnt mean she had to like it.
However she also knew that she couldnt back down now that she has made this choice - rash as it was in the moment. It would compromise her AND her mother if she were to do anything that could be seen as faltering. Steeling her face as she peered at her reflection in the vanity, she called for her lady-in-waiting Adela.
"Can you get the dress with the scale sleeve details? I think it would be best for my stay in Riverrun."
"Of course Princess, that is an excellent choice. Would you like me to braid your hair after your bath?" She offered.
"Yes, that would be wonderful. Just the usual style please. We shouldnt pull out all the stops, they are the ones that need to impress me"
Adela chuckles "But of course, leave everything to me"
You make your way to breakfast in the dining hall of Riverrun. Most of the lords of nearby villages had already made the journey home, so only the lords from further away had stayed the night to male their respective journeys homd in the morning.
You spot the three Tully lords speaking with the two Blackwood Lords, more than likely conversing about your hand-over that would happen within the follwing fortnight.
Benjicot and the young Tully lord - whose name you only now realised you didnt have - notices your presence and gives friendly smiles and waves.
"Good morning Princess, i hoped your chambers were to your liking? If there is anything you need in your time here please feel free to ask my Father or I." The curly red-haired boy proclaimed formerly, bending at the waist.
"They are perfectly fine thank you, and please, we can do away with formal titles for the time being. This time is meant to be spent getting to know one another better... i feel that titles may hinder those efforts, dont you argee my lord?" You jest, voice taking on a playful tone. You can see his cheeks take on a little colour as he akwardly mumbles out an agreement. This causes Benji to laugh and the shorter boys back. Making the colour on his face darken.
"Come now Oscar! I know she's pretty but your gonna have to get over that shyness at some point if your gonna impress her!"
So his name is Oscar...
"You two are quite good friends then i take it?" You ask curiously
"Yeah you could say that, ive come here over the summers when my father or uncle come to do business and tend to other such matters. So i often ran into these two when i was exploring. The friendship came naturally i suppose, being close enough in age i guess" Benji explains, his arm now slung casually over Oscar, which made said boy lean at the added weight.
"Well then, i do hope that this doesnt put a strain on your friendship then. Id hate to be the thing that would tear such a bond apart." You say
If they do end up breaking their friendship... that could complicate things for mother....
"You neednt worry my lady, weve been through enough together that something like this would only make our bond stronger. Hopefully youll be able to bring out some fire in our dear 'little fish lord'" Benji teases, pinching Oscars cheek. Oscar growls and bats the hand away, following the attack with a few extra strikes for good measure. Benji laughs again and half-heartedly blocks the assault of the Tully Heir, clearly not threatened by his anger.
"In any case, i hope that i can make a friendship with the both of you. One that can flourish even if he is not chosen. Friendships that last through the toughest of trials can be hard to come by... are they not?"
The statement leave the group of men stunned. The playful fight between Benji and Oscar now forgotten they all stare at you in awe and wonder. You giggle a little at their awestruck faces and this time it is Benjis face that is set alight with redness. "If youll excuse me my lords" you dip in a curtsey as you wander away to find a spot to eat. Seemingly unaware of their following gazes.
The first days went by slowly as you settled into the new environment. You felt a little in the way, as you sauntered around the castle making yourself appear busier than you actually were.
Benji and his uncle had returned home after staying an extra day for business regarding a small despute with their neighbors the Brackens. As you wandered aimlessly you spot Oscar and his brother; Kermit, practicing their archery.
"Ive always been fond of achery" you sigh dreamily. Your voice mustve startled the boys because they yelp and the once nocked arrow whooshed straight past the target and into a nearby tree.
"Princess!" Oscar wheezes "Forgive me! I didnt notice you!"
"I suspected not, you seemed rather focused" you muse resting yourself against one of the pillars leading into the courtyard "And i thought i said to forget titles during the time we are using to get to know one another."
"Your right... (Name)... i apologise, its a tougher habit to break it would seem" his gaze pulls away from yours and the tips of his ears grow pink.
"Thank you Oscar." You smile. You wander closer and look at the failed shot. "Tell me, are you meant to hit the tree instead of the target? Or did i distract you too much?" Your smirk, trying to peer into his eyes again.
"You? Distract me? Never. I just wanted to show you want its NOT meant to look like. But by all means show me how its done if you think yourself capable" he quips back.
"Maybe i will. Mind if i borrow this?"
He nods, no longer trusting his voice as he only now seemed to realise how close you were. Your fingers brush his as Oscar passes the bow to you. Almost making you drop it in surprise. The pair of you cough a little awkwardly as you shuffle away to get into a good position.
You take a deep breathe and zero in to the target. Drawing the bow to full draw you release the the string and send the arrow flying. It hit the target with a heavy thunk! Just shy of the bullseye. Smiling, you turn to face the two young Tully's as they look between you and the target, mouth agape.
"Nice shot princess!" Kermit cheers "i bet you could give Black Aly a run for her coin purse!"
"Black Aly?" You ask
"Benjicots Lady-Aunt." Oscar responds "people say she is one of the best achers in the riverlands."
"Well i cant wait to meet her when im at Raventree." You reply "care to walk with me?"
"It would be an honor."
Your walk with Oscar has been enlightening. He talked all about the castle's conception and construction, and talked at length of his familys history and ties to the place. And while history lessons with your tutors as sometimes bored you to death, you couldnt turn your attention away. It inadvertently lead to a bit of an impromptu tour, as he showed and talked about anything he had the knowledge of.
You reminisce the days events in the bath, mindlessly chatting the ear off of Adela.
"Im glad you had fun today Princess (Name), that letter seemed to have had you in a stormy mood these past days... but i am very happy it has passed" she said while brushing freshly washed hair.
"Adela? I have a question.... and i need your complete honesty"
"Why of course. What troubles you?" She says, concern lacing her voice and brow.
As you peer up at the ceiling, tracing the decorative drapery that coiled around the hanging lights, you heave a deep sigh as you spin yourself to face her, arms leaning on the edge of the tub. "Do you think i have made a poor choice regarding choosing Lord Tully and Lord Blackwood?"
"I dont think so, in terms of their family power and status they are quite secure-"
"I mean picking two to face-off against one another instead of just sucking it up and picking one... it will not only not delay my inevitable fate of marriage but may in fact make my final decision worse. What if i end up liking both so much i cant make a choice! I even naively said i hope to form friendships with them to try and spare them heartache! How utterly cruel!" You rant, sinking into the waters to try and hide your shame and guilt "what happens if my choice make this more difficult for mother to sercure a foothold here... danger and death loom like shadows, creeping closer while im here prancing about fields as if there are no fires licking at the heels of my family."
Adela's footstep wander to the right side of the tub. As she offers her hand she leads you out and vigilantly prepares you for bed. "Unfortunately, i have no true answer for you. You may have made things harder for yourself this is true. But you are young, spirited, and in an unfamiliar and uncomfortable situation. All you can do now is hope your heart will have a choice ready when the time comes.
"As if following my heart wasnt what got me here in the first place...." you grumble as Adela tucks the covers back for you to get in. She chuckles and wishes you a goodnight before taking her leave. As you drift off only one thought crosses your mind.
I just hope she is right...
Your worries carry you into the next morning as you sit in the dining hall for breakfast. You prod at the food, which while it was delicious despite its looks, did nothing to sate your anxiousness. The worries you expressed to Adela still present.
"Princess? (Name)? Did you hear what i said?"
Shaken from the negative spiral, you look up to see a concerned Oscar. "I called out to you and you didnt answer... is something troubling you?" He takes a seat in front of you to look at you with sincerity.
"Not at all Oscar, just trying to make a plan for the day." You lie. Oscar misses the tightness in your voice as he smiles brightly at you. Oddly, you find your posture easing as well, the smile before you seemingly melting away your troubles.
"Well then if you have failed to come up with anything significant, perhaps an adventure outside these walls shall do it." He smirks
"Would we really be allowed to? Dont you have dutys here are heir?" You say, the idea of getting out and seeing silverwing energising you.
"Of course, who would stop us? As you say i am heir and you (Name), are a princess. It would be impossible for anyone to deter us." He says confidently "if it is a yes, then i have a very special place that i would like to show you. Of course that is only if it is indeed a yes... this place is super secret after all." He teases.
"Of course its a yes! I will go get ready!" You squeal "by any chance is this 'secret special place' big enough for a dragon?"
"Mayhaps." He quips looking away thoughtfully "i guess youll have to get ready and find out"
You finish your food as quickly and as elegantly as you can and then sprint off down the hall to prepare your riding clothes.
Minutes later, after scaring Adela and buzzing with excitement, you cross the bridge in your riding leathers and march to where your dear dragon companion is. She stirs at your presence and chirps as she shakes the sleep from her muscles. "I know girl im sorry i havent come to tour the skys with you. But im sure you have found some wonderful spots, so show them to me later" you whisper. You hear rustling from behind you as you whip around and see Oscar, Kermit and Ser lorant. All three are on horse back and Oscar calls out to you from his position closest to you.
"We would come closer (Name) but i fear that your dragon may mistake us as food! I hope you take no offence!"
"Of course not! I would hate for one of my future lord husbands meet such a tragic end!" You laugh "i shall follow from above so lead the way!"
A semi short flight later, maybe a hour or so away from the castle, silverwing circles a small enclosed grove. You land as close to the treeline as you can and give Silverwing the all clear to go hunt. "Stay close and dont fly too far."
An affirmative trill comes from her as she takes off. As you carefully wander through the shade of the trees to spot the boy and your knight tying up the horses. Oscar slides up to you and mumbles under his breath.
"Unfortunately i couldnt escape my dear brother in time, so he has joined us. Your knight Ser Lorant however was very insistent when he heard the news of our adventure." He looks over to where his brother and Ser lorant are. The pair have busied themselves with preparing blankets and food in a shaded spot. "Though given your status it is quite understandable that you should have a proper escourt - given the fact that we are, in the minds of the courts - courting."
You snort at the little joke as you lean in to whisper back "i truly dont mind your brother being here. i find his company just as enjoyable as yours. Besides, seeing the two of you interact reminds me of my brothers. It has been quite reassuring."
Oscar smiles as you link your arms and stride to the makeshift picnic area.
By the time the sun was in the position signally the early afternoon, you and the Tully brothers had exhausted yourselves. Exchanging childhood stories, jokes and even a short water fight in the shallower pools. Ser lorant had scolded you, but as the heat of the day increased, you found yourself caring a little less. You took one more flight on sliverwing, giving her some girl time and some exercise before settingnher in the same spot as when you had first arrived. The rest of the day flew by just as quickly, as you followed Oscar about as he caught up of his dutys as the Lord-to-be.
Night falls as you recount the events to Adela. She hums as she brushes your hair and makes the necessary arrangements for bed, chiming in whenever deemed appropriate. "Im glad you have made a place for yourself my princess, however small. It is great, the whole castle seems that much more lively." She agrees, tucking the covers against you before she leaves. "Sweet dreams"
You make a sleepy response back as the the door clicks shut, the day having finally caught up to you. You smile as you thoughts drift aimlessy to the fun you had, you heart feeling lighter than it had been in recent weeks. The thought of a place here no longer sounding so dreadful if you held the company of a curly-haired Tully and his brother.
@tssf-imagines @accidentpronedork
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
hi saw your daddy kink post discussing the phenomenon of giving grown characters surrogate parental relationships, and I understand where you’re coming from, but i really feel like it’s just a matter of the circles you run in, and the assumptions that you might make because of that. you mention how platonic reads of these dynamics are more uncommon than kinky reads, which i just don’t think is the case, and I think that arguing that people don’t even realize that they’re writing a kink is a little bit bizarre, and sort of assumes that you know more abt them than they do by projecting your own experiences onto them.
it isn’t inherently sexual to crave protection or a parental relationship that you may have missed out on, and it is certainly not universal. in my own family, my “grandpa” isnt my biological grandfather (nor do I really consider him to be my grandfather), but he’s my mother’s surrogate father and has been since she was in her twenties. an adult. he sees her as a daughter. she sees him as a father. there’s absolutely nothing kinky about it. and anybody who automatically assumes that must have their mind deep, deep in the gutter and/or the stranger side of the Internet. really, i find it a bit of a strange argument to randomly post in the first place—as if it’s a problem that so many people enjoy non romantic and non sexual relationships, and that these people must, in fact, have a daddy kink that they are unaware of.
that said, i do absolutely agree that fans bringing any part of that into phil’s chat is weird and they should Not do that, and that infantilizing characters is also very weird, and personally i dont even see him as being father figure to anybody on that island except his eggs, wilbur, and MAYBE an argument could be made for tubbo (which other cc’s on the island have joked about), but to each their own and all that.
sorry this is so long. TLDR, i get where ur coming from in terms of “warning , some people might read your stuff differently than you want here” but really not everything is a kink and paternal dynamics can easily happen in regards to adult characters, particularly young adults, without there being any inappropriate connotations. i know nothing i said will change your mind, obviously it’s set, but ykno diff perspectives and all that. hope ur doing well
Thank you for the ask! I see you were on mobile, I believe. :D I am also going to push the character limit with this response, I fear.
I agree that it isn't inhernetly sexual to go after a parental relationship that you missed out on, and there are many such cases. I'll even go so far as to say that it's not inherently kinky to go after a parental relationship that you missed out on, because there is such a thing as non-sexual kink, and heaven knows that MCYT writing is full of non-sexual kink. Lots and lots of stuff that is platonic that is kinking on fear, or being drugged, or kidnapping, or hypnosis, or familial relationships, etc— there's lots of people who aren't doing that. There are tons of people out in the real world (and in fiction), who are simply just expanding their family as an adult, and that's awesome. When I was in college there was this older couple who kind of adopted me and invited me over for thursday dinner, and they were awesome. There was nothing untoward going on there.
But look. I am an emduo fan who likes to see my guys be murdery, and because of that, I've ended up reading a bunch of Dark SBI. I've ocassionally gone "this cannot be what everyone is doing" and I've read stuff tagged as "family fluff" that I find recommended. I am aware of where the genre is going, particularly with the rise of "dadbur" and "dadnoblade" interpretations.
And look, you have just got to trust me on this one. People are writing stuff that in any other fandom I would be recommending they put kink tags on the work so that people who liked that trope could find it and people who didn't like it would avoid it, but that comment in DSMP would just lead to people getting doxxed, so I just grit my teeth and go "i guess that's baked into Dark SBI or Tooth Rotting Fluff now, I sure hope that doesn't hit anybody's triggers".
Like I PROMISE you. The first draft of this response included excerpts of fics that I've read and I was like "can YOU pick the ship fic from the /p fics here"? But I have a horror of ever leading to someone getting cancelled on twitter, so nothing that could possibly be identifiable of these writers. But like—
Some of the ways that Tommy gets treated in the narrative are almost indistinguishable from a bodice-ripper romance. Some of the tropes being used— within DSMP we've all clasped hands and agreed to interpret it being platonic, but in any other fandom, you are going to start getting comments that you might not want to get. The tag is FULL of stuff that is DD/LB in everything but name. Maybe my mind is in the gutter here, but if you move out of this fandom, you are going to move into circles where a lot of people's minds are in the gutter, and you are going to get a very different response from your comments!
And I was talking about daddy kink here specifically, because I see that one come up a lot and it's gotten egregious lately, but this also applies to dehumanization, and fearplay, and predator/prey, and "instincts" (in every other fandom that's gonna get people in a mashup of A/B/O, Hypnosis, and sometimes Agere responding to it), and kidnapping/drugging, AND the way a bunch of "piglin instincts" stuff is just a BDSM au now where the Brute (dom) needs to be callmed down by their Runt (sub). The SBI tag is super kinky right now. And I don't have a problem with that idealogically, write your truth, but a) please don't bring that up in front of the streamers, b) if you move to another fandom you have got to be prepared that not everyone is doing their kink platonically.
Like I'm assuming that people don't know what tropes they're playing into, they're just building them from first principles, because the other alternative is that they are deliberately and knowingly writing kink and posting it in the & relationship tag with insufficient trigger tags, and I prefer to believe that people don't know.
I'm glad we agree about people bringing that into Phi's chat, or Pol's, or Luzu, or any of the other streamers that people have decided is So Old. A lot of people aren't comfortable even being assigned dad, as we saw with Felps, so bringing it even further is just— uh oh, no.
I do not have a problem with people liking non-romantic and non-sexual relationships. I find it a bit odd that much of the fandom can't concieve of a non-romantic and non-sexual relationship without making it familial and specifically lately father-son— don't you have close friends?— but I am fully in support of gen writing. I primarily write gen! I'm an avid commentor on gen fics!
But some of the tropes at play in the fandom are kinky, there is no way to avoid that. The fact that they are set in a familial relationship doesn't negate that. Some of the ways that the DSMP characters get treated would be distinctly non-familial if you ever brought it out of that context. And I am just warning people, if you bring it out of that context, be prepared for the response you get.
You cannot take DSMP tropes and apply them one-to-one in other fandoms, with other streamers swapped in, and expect them to be read the same way. Like i'm sorry, but that's just true. If you are posting the same sort of stuff that for Cellbit & Phil that you would post for Tommy & Phil, people will assume that you have a daddy kink, because usually when a relationship between a adults that are actually similar in age is refered to with paternal language it's a kink thing. That is how the broader internet works. (And anon, if I had a daddy kink, would I be complaining about the fact that I can open any SBI fic and have about a 40% chance of hitting it and I'm seeing signs of this appearing in QSMP? I assure you I'm not "projecting [my] own experiences onto them" here.)
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angy-grrr · 3 months
im going to say something that might be surprising coming from me: if hori decided to make izu///ocha happen, I wouldnt be angry, and I could see why it could make sense for the story.
I personally dont think izu///ocha will happen and see their "romantic moments" as platonic/not focused on them as a couple, but if he were to make them happen I wont go around saying how the manga is pure trash and that he cant write anything.
These past weeks many stans of some characters have been dominating the general tags with doom posting and being mean, mainly because the ideas they were sure would happen in the manga were broken and denied, and I dont think we should do that if we end up in a similar position. Dont get me wrong, I would "mourn" that ending because I see the potential and the way the characters need something else to be fulfilled -I dont see how Izuku would fulfill anything with that, and Ochako's character would regress.
We still need to be respectful and not forget all the things we have enjoyed just because we dont get all the things we wanted -some of us criticize this about other parts of the fandom, so lets do our best to learn from those things.
As a bkdk and togachako, I would be heartbroken. As a reader, I would be confused and bored -in any case, if he ends up adding some sort of dramatic confession, I could appreciate a cute dialogue and drawing. Im not going to talk shit about the manga that has been a part of my life for such a long time just because there are decisions I cant enjoy.
When I say I can see how it would make sense I dont mean it as in well written, but as in "yeah, a shonen. They blushed, he thought about her words to remember he can try to save Shigaraki, and she said she fell in love with him". I can see how it could become canon, but there isnt much going on that would make me be happy or interested in them together at all -when I say theres no drama going on with them, its meant to be interpreted as "I dont see any romantic tension, or way this could further the plot nor serve the characters. This is mainly to have a classic shonen ending, not because the story needs it from my point of view".
Im not going to bully someone or wish the characters died tho. And I think others shouldn't either.
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sassykinzonline · 5 months
ok i saw the post you guys meant when you were asking about platonic SNS aka "SNS should be platonic because that makes it selfless", heres what i'll say (some of these sort of rehash the ask, but with a more direct rebuttal to the specific point):
the manga explicitly shows how various types of love (platonic, familial, professional, romantic, sexual) can be "imperfect", therefore, the manga rejects the idea that one sort of love is implicitly "correct" or "selfless" or whatever ontological good you want to attach to the love of your choice
action/shounen's propensity to pose the love interest as the "reward" for the hero's journey not only doesnt apply to SNS (nor the naruto manga from an SNS lens), but this is also another example of attaching an ontological idea that is irrelevant to a concept. tropes are not what define a genre nor a story archetype, theyre simply a common device used within these things. for example, the "heroine as a reward" trope for the hero may be a device used to exemplify success, honour, or nobility. it likely stems from cultural patriarchal norms where what was "desirable" was a "brave" man with deeds to his name. the point of this trope is likely to inspire a reader to emulate the hero, thinking that they will also ~get the girl at the end of their "journey". but the trophy doesnt have to be the girl. the trophy can be riches. the trophy can be a title. the trophy can be peace itself. it can be all those things. why? because the core of a hero's journey is literally the hero's journey, how and why they get from point A to point B and what the effects of that are. and thats typically how you choose what trophy to give your hero at the end.
the naruto manga subverts this trope by making the "journey" the feelings themselves: do you have them, how to express them, are they enough, are they even appropriate to have, what does the other person feel, what can be done about that? thats why i said the trope doesnt exactly apply to SNS. by making the journey about the feelings, the "reward" of the heroine at the end is no longer a patriarchal holdover but a logical conclusion to a conflict. this is why i joke that naruto the manga works better as a YA novel from the twilight/hunger games era, because typically those kinds of books have room for this kind of complexity. this is also why "sasuke" is not primarily an antagonist, he is a deuteragonist. he is tangentially going through the same journey as naruto, he is not running counter to naruto's journey intentionally.
even if you wont agree that the feelings are the journey, and instead the journey is becoming hokage or uniting the shinobi world or whatever, by definition naruto's feelings have to change for the journey to be possible. otherwise theres no point in the journey, hed be able to be hokage at the start of the manga and everyone would agree on that despite him being weak. there is a reason why naruto's power-ups also come with some sort of emotional lesson, and that emotional lesson is what gets people on his side. every arc in the manga is naruto has to do something -> naruto has an idea -> someone tells him that his idea is immature -> he trains while pondering the idea -> he needs to use the idea to complete his training -> he voices his revised idea that he learned from the someone -> he wins. theres only one exception to this. i'll let you figure out why that is.
many people who make this argument about how "platonic love is better" are both understanding the point and not understanding the point. these people are taking platonic love to mean "friendship" and thats not what it means in the sense its used in the manga, nor in a classical sense. platonic love according to plato (the one its named after), is the idea that it is a love that transcends earthly ideas like carnal desire and physical unity and instead becomes desire for one's true essence and unity in the "truth" of one's being. this means platonic love isnt "love without sex" but "love that can be more than just sex". so these people understand that "platonic love" is above any other type of love, but not because its "friendship". platonic love is "better" because it is permanent and unchangeable. truth is inherent. a soul is inherent. thats why within SNS there are themes of reincarnation of souls, of sharing of pain, of cosmic unity, of reuniting after death, of inexplicable yet unavoidable attraction, of the recognition, understanding and acceptance of someone else's truth.
in summary: SNS' souls are having cosmic sex and thats what saves the world.
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lifenconcepts · 3 months
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buffkitties · 1 month
Not entirely about Komaeda but I just.remmeberef that people still think thay Hinata hates him until this day. But like Hinata finds him comfortin/soothing and enjoys beinf around.him not just bwcause he wants to understand him but because he feels a bond towards him that he cant put into words and because he's good company. He said so himself multiple times.
In fact, they both find each other soothing/comforting. They both enjoy being in each other's presenc. They're just both in really harsh circumstances and they cant have a healthy realtionship in any way but thats like with everyone... and even.so their relationship is healthier than anyone's in this series and they don't just let it remain rocky. Theyre constantly working on it.
Also it's impossible to talk about them without a romantic implication because their relationship isnt platonic. They arent and most likely wouldnt be in an established relationship until the very fsr future but they are romantic towards each other in canon. Their relationship is not platonic in any way. Theyre more than strangers or friends but less than lovers but their bond is so much more important than a silly label
They trust each other and care about one another, and they both hold a feeling of resentment and jealousy at one point, but that isn't directly because of each other but because they're two sides of the same coin and they will feel that way until they heal from everything. Also idc abt the ship discourse nor about the ship itself because its been so watered down that I dont wven want to look at some fans.
Anyway when I say komahina I refer to their dynamic and thwm as people not them in a relationship. And I also say it bwcause they are romantic and cannot be entirely platonic no matter whether some random fan says they are ir arent.
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shiemori-writes · 2 years
could i request some hcs of the octotrio + leona with a gn!s/o that's more powerful than them? like in magic and/or strength (it's up to you whether reader is yuu or not.)
i love your writing so much! keep up the good work :D
✰ Stronger than you!!
how the fish mafia and cat boy react when youre THE alpha male‼️‼️😈 THE QUEEN‼️👏 the absolute drip💪💪💪
characters: leona, azul, floyd, jade
includes: crack, lighthearted teasing + bickering bc YES, fluff (though more on the crack side,, apologies dearest anon!) and ofc, gender neutral and sfw!
notes: im in sm pain shark week can go die anyways enjoy mwa mwa i decided to make the reader yuu bc thats easier to write! 🫶
✎ Leona Kingscholar!!
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Hah? Some little herbivore managed to beat him? Now this he's gotta see
At first tbh hes mostly annoyed, heavily so, some random herbivore just decided to mosey on over and be all strong huh? What's next youre gonna go all-enemies-to-lovers-slowburn 100k words on him?
gosh damn i-
Ok real talk! he most likely doesnt, and wont care, at least not for quite some time
If some herbivore wants to beat him, then go, he barely has the time nor energy deal with it besides being mildly irritated
What he didnt anticipate for however, was to become closer to you
Whether that be platonically or romantically, he does come to realize you had become someone he cherishes, even if he doesn't want to admit it outright yet.
So the annoyance turns into admiration
(and teasing, dear sevens you will receive so much teasing from this man)
Expect him to teasingly challenge you into fights if you ever catch him during his spelldrive practice, and if you agree, sevens know he wont hold back
you can tell how much fun he's having competing with you, he hasnt felt motivation in a long time and you single-handedly made him grin, whether you lost the match or not he'll always have a teasing remark prepared
Overall he genuinely respects you, with how competetive and tiresome this school can be, he admires your skill, and how you can hold your head high, thats his herbivore alright
"Hah, great work herbivore, that was pretty impressive, still far from beating me though,~ now c'mon, im tired, lets go nap. You can go flaunt your skills later"
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✎ Azul Ashengrotto !!
Most likely was very tempted to drag you into a contract just to get said abilities, man held himself back to an intense degree ooooh boy
Envious, but knows when praise is due,
(even if said praise if back handed and most likely an attempt to scam you, wow zuzu so nice)
Will try to beat you, flaunting his skills infront of you as if a nonverbal way of telling you "he's better"
Eventually gets knocked off his high horse during his whole overblot-situation and stops pursuing his so called 'one sided rivalry' as floyd calls it
Starts to become more curious of your abilities and asks more questions, you two sharing nifty tips and tricks too!
(for a fee, of course,)
(said fee is visiting the monstro lounge to see him, psh softie)
The closer you two become, the less he minds and the more he appreciates your skill
After all, the twins cause enough destruction on a daily basis, having you by his side causes his stress levels to decrease incredibly low
(at this point he's just trying to convince you to join octavinelle for the sake of his sanity)
Hes more genuine with the compliments as time goes by, (blushy blushy octomer aww)
but at the same time not missing the competetive spark that he had when he met you, he's still willing to compete with you after all, only time time in a more "civil manner"
"My my, what marvelous skills you have prefect! perhaps you would be interested in...hm? No im not fishing you into another contract!..Although...I wouldn't refuse on the offer, my of course im joking. What do you think of me?"
✎ Floyd Leech !!
At first he was a bit annoyed, cant have a little shrimp be better than him now could he?
But floyd being, well, floyd, didnt really mind much upon finding out it was his shrimpy! (he has claimed you yes this isnt kidnapping)
In fact, he didnt care at all to be honest, he'll still squeeze the life outta ya, strong or not! hehehe <3
Loves to pester and torment you for fun or as he calls it, playing, challenging you every second to a game of some sorts to "test shrimpy!"
If you're the type of person who's strong physically then floyd will swoon i tell you and will most likely ask to be carried by you 24-7
(yes youre carrying him like a princess)
(no shrimpy this isnt embarrassing go faster cmon!)
The best way to motivate him is you tbh, he can be having his moodswings and jade or azul could casually mention you and suddenly hes fired up!!!
(not for work tho, so azuls still mad but shh)
Overall, doesnt really mind, in fact he'll even brag to you to others probably, talking about his little shrimpy being so so strong and how theyre just little guppies compared to you (and him) >:)
"HEHEHEHE shrimmmpy~~~ let's play! Huh? What do you mean you're not in then mood? Cmonnnn!!! youre strong arent cha? Im bored! We can compete to see whos stronger!! I wont let you win this time, too! Loser gets to do my night shift at the monstro lounge!"
Jade Leech
Oh? Fufufu..How amusing
When I say run I say RUN
Like Floyd, Jade is heavily interested in you, seemingly curious to your skills and strengths, wanting to observe and see for himself how strong you could really be, and my my do you not disappoint!
( tbh he treats u like a lab experiment for awhile /hj )
While he and his brother are known to be polar opposites, theyre more alike than people give them credit for, because just like Floyd, Jade liked to stick with more interesting people, and boy have you piqued his interest greatly
While he thought you were rather dull at first, your strenght definitely intrigued him, even more so when you're just a freshman
You wouldnt see it in his face as he remained his composure because, well, he's Jade after all, but the surprised look he gives for a brief second was there and you swear left and right you saw it
Regaining his composure rather quickly, his suprised face curved into am amused smile,
"My my aren't you interesting? Perhaps you can spare some time and visit monstro lounge later? I'll be working on my shift, of course but you can always talk to me," he said, a polite smile painted on his features
"Oh, and, feel free to bring your little first yeae group with you too, fufufu~"
As the two of you got closer though, it would be less of him treating you like some sort of creature and more of him praising your skills
(knowing full well it flustered you)
He does admire your skill though, no matter how his teasing remarks feel, you can tell hes being genuine when he casts a fond look through your direction
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oscconfessions · 7 months
Sorry, but.
I hate how everything has to be romantic in the osc sometimes.
People can be friends yknow? Like. Platonic too, not everyone has to be dating..no offense to the people who ship multiple things but, if you don't make a single platonic ship, or two characters that are JUST. Friends, I'm gonna start thinking you're just putting two names on blank slates..really adds nothing to aus or fanfics/fan creations imo. I don't mind ships, but unless it's like one consistent group/contestants you ship, please make more platonic relationships. Add variety! people can have platonic and friendships, and or be exs, Drama isnt needed, nor is a romantic breakup,, people can breakup without dating. just a rant though no offense to anyone! Just something thought I'd share. Probably not just an osc problem lol
-📃 anon
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
So I was watching this scene from disenchantment and it gave me an idea. Can I request TADC cast reaction to a reader who has a light bulb for a head but when Jax or something broke it the reader just....dies? Like the light in their head went out, their not moving anymore or speaking, their just...kinda dead?
Jax x reader who has a lightbulb for a head
Never seen disinenchanted so I'm solely going off the lightbulb thing as a character design.. thing..
Notes: neither romantic nor platonic, actually jax is kind of a jerk here, reader is gn
CWs: jax being jax
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hes 100% gonna put his hand on your head and make a comment on how warm your light makes it feel
comments about how youre too bright for his eyes and makes a show of squinting and shielding his eyes
does that awkward side shuffle away the first time he accidentally breaks your head
he absolutely gets jumpscared when you regenerate
the reassurance that a little shattering isnt going to keep you down relieves him because that means he doesnt need to be sliiiiightly more careful when tossing objects
cough cough that damn bowling ball from episode one
i WOULD say hes not evil enough to purposefully break your bulb but considering he steps on gangles mask and breaks it more than it already was, he absolutely would do it
if you have a little switch or pull thing to turn off your light hes going to be messing with it constantly
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