#it was a wonderful holiday and while we were traveling i didn't think of it during the day and the anxiety only came out in dreams
emilianadarling · 2 years
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mysteryshoptls · 8 months
Happy Winter Holiday Gift Calendar 2023
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These are all the messages that you get from the boys when you log in during the Winter Holiday Campaign from 09 Dec 2023 to 31 Dec 2023! For those that want to read them again, you can find them in the Album, under GIFT CALENDAR 2023.
"How will you be spending the day?"
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I think I will go to the library today. There were someone's scribbles all over the book I borrowed yesterday, you see. It disrupts my focus, so I plan to find a replacement book. Seriously... It's a terrible crime to deface a book like this.
Today? Well, it's snowing outside, and I got no club practice, so maybe I'll check out on my streaming service a movie or show that catches my eye. I can stay warm and cozy in my room, all while munching on some snacks. Don'tcha think we deserve lazy days like this sometimes?
I'm going to try to finish the assignments I got today, before the day ends. That's what an honor student should do, right? But... The first question is already a tough prac app question...? Right! Just gotta hunker down and get down to it!
Maybe I'll surf Magicam for some 'cammable spots that're only available in the winter. Stuff like diamond dust, or hotels made from ice... Knowin' they're only limited to the season really gets me psyched up!
It's pretty cold every day now, so I think I'll stock up on lemonade-ginger syrup. It'll warm you right up if you drink some. What, according to the Queen of Hearts' Laws, we can't have lemonade after 8 o'clock? Well, this has ginger in it, so it's a completely different drink, isn't it?
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No plans worth mentioning. What, not what you were expecting? Well, too bad. The campus is completely covered in snow, so the best thing for me to do is just to get back to my dorm room and relax while solving some chess problems.
The track team has practice today. But since it's supposed to snow in the afternoon, it may just end up being indoor training. It takes a while or the body to get limber in the winter. That means we need to extra thorough in our warming up exercises.
Obviously, I'm gonna be workin'! Today, I'm at a cake shop, and tomorrow I'm waitin' tables at a restaurant... The holidays are coming up, so 'tis the season for a ton of high-payin' temp jobs to fill my pockets, too! Shishishi!
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As always, I will be awaiting everyone's visit to the Mostro Lounge. On a cold day such as this, we usually receive orders for dishes that are more common in the winter season. I'm sure today will be a rather busy day.
I thought perhaps I would make a herbarium. The atmosphere this time of year tends to be dry, so it is the perfect opportunity. How would you like to join me? No need to worry, I will show you how everything is done.
Yesterday I saw someone wearing these boots lined with fur, and it looked kinda fascinating, so I thought I'd try to find some in town. I wonder if it's hard to walk in? If I find a good pair, I think I'll buy 'em and try 'em out.
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Today, we have travelling salesmen from the Scalding Sands coming. I'm planning on buying a ton of stuff for the holidays! It's so exciting to think about what kind of treasure I might find! You should bring some friends over and check it out, too.
There's no club activities today, so I plan to look into a few things. My family will be going on a trip over the holidays, you see. Tourist attractions, climate, local cuisine, souvenirs... Never a bad idea to gather too much information, don't you think?
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I intend on picking up the spring coat I had on order. I'll also look for accessories that go with it while I'm out. Hm? It's too early to think about spring attire? If I wait to prepare everything for after it starts to get warmer, then I'll completely miss out on the season.
Snow's piling up again today, so I'm plannin' on clearing the magical shift field with the rest of my clubmates. Didn't bother me none, but the other guys were all dog-tired... Pathetic, ain't they?
I plan to check on the houseplants we are cultivating in the Science Club. Fufu, I wonder what sort of expressions they'll have today? I do hope there'll be some changes from yesterday that I'll get to enjoy.
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Obvi, just been hyperfixating on my online games, like always... Rather, why would you think I'd go out in cold weather like this in the first place? I recently overhauled the internet speed in the dorm, so it's crazy fast now lol. Gonna actually pull an all-nighter, it's been a while!
It'll probably be a game day with my roommates, since the new game that I ordered online arrived. Physical games might take up more space, but I just can't help but want to actually collect my favorite games, y'know?
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It's chilly today. The best thing to possibly do on days like this is to warm my room and enjoy some frozen treats. Perhaps I'll invite Lilia and the others later. Fufu... I suppose it's not a bad thing to be the one making preparations for them once in a while.
I will be practicing my swordsmanship with Father after this. I thought I would finish up my assignments beforehand, but... Before I realized it, I had fallen asleep and my notepad was completely blank. What should I do...?
I plan to read the book I ordered from the Mystery Shop the other day. It's a book that I've been eagerly awaiting. Grandfather was the one to recommend it to me, so I must read it over and over again and tell him my thoughts on it!
We have band practice today. However... When it gets cold like this, my fingers get numb and hard to move. Hm? Naah, I already have the songs memorized. It's really only about staying in rhythm with the other members!
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Brrr, it's cold~! Hey, henchie! Today we're gonna stay cozy under that "KOTATSU" thingie. We'll have some snacks and play some games together... Myaha! Today's totally gonna be a blast!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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starythewriter · 10 months
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KINKMAS DAY 6- WOLVERINE X YOU- a peak-filled farm life.
Wolverine, he slowly shows you the way to an old barn that his family owned.
you smiled seeing the beautiful decor, and a Christmas tree…
it was all decorated for the winter holidays.
he said, “the tree is our tradition, my grandfather gave it to us when we first arrived here in America.” he explained as you looked around at everything else he had showed you today, you nodded, “that's really nice.” he nodded too, you then asked your question.
“What does your dad think about having such an elaborate tree?” he seemed surprised, and his expression turned confused at the thought of his father.
“My dad doesn't care much for Christmas, I'm sure if he didn't care I would have told you. ” he responded and took off from where he stood, taking your hand again he lead you further into the house. You noticed that the whole place was decorated with lights everywhere. You wondered how someone could get so distracted by the festive decorations that they forgot that the world wasn’t always like this.
It reminded you a lot of something you saw on TV, the snow covered cities of New York City were also decorated by lights but they were more subdued, the colors were different.
He led you to the living room where there was another table set up with two chairs. He gestured for you to sit down, you did, he joined you after sitting at the other side of the table. He began telling you what was happening, the Christmas tree was his favorite present since forever, he got his parents one as well for his birthday, and his brother got him one that was made entirely out of wood (and was quite expensive). He said he would show you later when you got back to his home.
but… you could feel some hot sexual tension building between you both as he spoke about the tree. His hands were resting on the table, you had your own placed in your lap as well, his long fingers intertwining with yours. Wolverine quickly kissed you, you moaned loudly, you saw his fangs grow which made you horny. you slowly rubbed your tits aganist him, moaning louder.
he pulled away, smirking.You both continued talking for awhile, eventually making your way into his bedroom, he pushed open the door with your backs pressed against it. He pushed you onto the bed and quickly went over to turn on the light next to the bed, he was now on top of you. He leaned down and began to suck your neck, while your arms were wrapped around his shoulders. You knew this was supposed to be quick, but instead it felt like he was sucking you dry.“I'm going to go slow.” he whispered to your ear.You gasped, “yes please.”He pulled away to stare into your eyes, you could see a glint of lust in his eyes. You wanted him so badly, he was only inches away from you, you could smell him, your lips were parted, you could barely keep yourself from kissing him again.“Are you sure? Because you look ready to explode.” he laughed, you couldn't help but laugh along. You both fell silent as he kissed you once more. He slid his hands under your shirt, cupping your breasts as he continued to kiss you, you moaned, he chuckled softly, running his thumbs across your nipples before pulling them. It caused you to whimper. You felt his grip tighten on your breasts as he continued to kiss you. He gently tugged at your nipple causing you to gasp, he smirked.“I want this moment forever.” he whispered, you nodded, “then make love to me.”“I promise.” he breathed before moving his mouth to yours once more, his tongue slowly stroking yours as his hands traveled lower towards your stomach.“Wolverine …” you murmured against his lips.“Yes.” he whispered against yours.You both pulled apart as you felt him slide his finger slowly inside of you.“Fuck!” you yelled, he grinned before continuing. You both laid underneath the covers for a while, still naked, he wrapped himself around you once more, kissing your forehead.“That's better, isn't it?” he whispered seductively, you nodded before nuzzling closer to him, he quickened his pace, as you moaned louder. “Wolverine!” you exclaimed as your orgasm hit you, you clutched onto his shirt as tears started rolling down your cheeks.His name was on your lips, he looked down at you.“Did you enjoy yourself, darling?” he purred. You nodded. “Good.
with this you both went to get some tea, at a near by storage place, it’s like right in front of the barn you thought…. and it was actually pretty chill you thought, you saw how beautiful it was, from what you could see it was remodeled into a nice little resting place for coffee, tea, and had some closets, with tools that were all perfectly organized.
you both walked in, making some tea and enjoying the farm buildings around you
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milaisreading · 1 year
Hiii good morning i was reading ur manager series and am totally in love with it specially the scenes where rin and reo decide to use their captain and rich-boy powers (the plushie one is my absolute fav) and i was wondering if i could request shidou and sae/kaiser/ness reaction to yns plushie or keychain? More than anyone else i wanna know shidous reaction🤭
Author : I didn't expect that story to be so popular since I came up with it at like 3 am☠️ but I hope you like this and thank you for the request🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Blue Lock is really that big now?" Loki commented as him and a few of his teammates were in the changing room of PXG, looking at a phone.
"Yeah! My sister wanted to buy one of the plushies and the site crashed like 3 times."
"Geez. Blue Lock 11 have boy group level fame." One chuckled as Shidou walked in, confused with the commotion.
"What are you guys looking at?" The blonde asked as he walked up closer, with the teammate showing him his screen.
"The guys who beat you, Blue Lock have now merch. Every girl or guy I know won't stop talking about them. My sister ordered like a collection of these plush toys."
"Haha my brother ordered all the keychains." Shidou was amused at the revelation, taking a mental note to tease Rin about it later.
"My sister has been complaining how hard it was to get the (Y/n) plush toy version. Every time there was a restock it got like sold out in a matter of minutes."
Now that was something Shidou had great interest in. The manager of Blue Lock has plushies? Shidou wanted to laugh.
'Hah! This is gold! But why would anyone buy that? A smaller version of (Y/n)? The whole replica? Small and soft...' Shidou's thoughts wandered off and he felt giddiness the more he imagined the item.
"Shidou, where are you going? We still need to train?" Loki called out as the taller walked out.
"I need to make fun of Rin for that plush toy of his!"
"Not again." Loki sighed and facepalmed.
The same night Shidou went on the Blue Lock website, where he found the said plush toy of the girl, and with absolutely no 2nd thought bought it.
'So adorable~' The boy grinned.
'I think 10 of these are a reasonable number.'
Once in a while Sae would travel back to Japan to visit Blue Lock and his brother. Although he spent most of the time around (Y/n), trying to get her to join Madrid as their manager. The idea itself would be shut down by not only (Y/n), but also by Rin, who by now wouldn't leave the girl's side if he was around. This visit was a little bit different though. Since it was holiday season, Ego and Anri has sent everyone home and Sae was bummed a little. His brother wouldn't tell him anything relating to (Y/n).
'Brat.' Sae would roll his eyes at Rin's glares and him telling the older how his manager was none of Sae's business. The two weeks in Japan went by pretty quickly and it was Sae's time to go back. His mom, dad and Rin would drive him to the airport.
"It's in Rin's room?" Sae asked as his mom nodded her head.
"Yeah, I left your scarf there on accident, can you please get it? We need to hurry up to the airport and Rin is already outside."
Sae sighed and nodded his head, walking to the familiar door.
Opening it, Sae immediately spotted his red scarf and went to take it, only to freeze up when he noticed something on Rin's bed. On it was a smaller and softer version of (Y/n) staring up at him. Sae stood there for a moment and then quickly walked to the bed, picking the item up.
Sae stared at the soft toy in awe, astonished with how detailed it was.
'She looks adorable... nearly as adorable as the real (Y/n)? Where did Rin even find this? And why us he so reckless with it...' Sae sighed, patting (Y/n)'s head over and over.
"Sae! Hurry up!"
He turned to the door as his mother called for him. Sae shook his head and put the plush toy in his backpack and then took his scarf.
"Since you refused to tell me anything, I am taking (Y/n) with me. She is too adorable for Rin, anyways."
The next day, Sae was in his room and hugging the plush toy, enjoying the softness.
'So cute... so soft... I wonder if the real (Y/n) is even better to hug.' Sae's moment of peace was interrupted by his phone ringing.
"Hello." He said, already knowing who it is. He has been ignoring Rin's calls ever since he landed in Madrid.
"You thief! Did you take her?!" Rin yelled, obviously upset that his plushie was missing.
"Yes. She is really soft." Sae taunted.
"You bastard! I will come to Madrid and beat your ass!" Rin threatened.
"Do it and I will tell (Y/n) you had this thing to begin with. Imagine how much easier it will be to get her on my club then." Sae smirked as he got no answer in return and ended the call.
'Mine.' He thought as he hugged the plushie closer to himself.
"What are you even looking at, Ness?" Kaiser raised his eyebrow as he saw his teammate and close friend smiling down at his phone.
'He looks like a child in a candy store.' Kaiser thought as Ness looked up at him in surprise, before showing him his phone.
"My package arrived today! I can't wait till I pick it up." The boy admitted as Kaiser went over the tracking history.
"From Japan? What did you even get there?"
"Huh? You didn't see it?" Ness wondered, making Kaiser even more confused.
"See what? Stop talking in circles."
"Blue Lock just released new merch and restocks-"
"Ness... please don't tell me you bought merch from THEM?"Kaiser asked in disbelief. As far as he knew, the only person in Blue Lock Ness liked was (Y/n).
'But there is no way they made merch of her. It's always about the players, not managers.' Kaiser thought.
"There was a cute plushie of (Y/n) and her figurine as well as a keychain... I had to get it!" Ness defended with an embarrassed look.
"Hold up... there is merch of her?" Kaiser wondered as Ness nodded his head.
"Yes! The plushie looks so adorable, I can't wait till I hold it." Ness cheered while Kaiser went to look at the item.
A few weeks later...
It was late at night in Japan as (Y/n)'s phone rang. Panicked and still dizzy from her sleep, she took her phone and answered it.
"Helloo?" She slurred out, wondering who it could be.
"What a day to be alive, you never told me you had merch!" Kaiser laughed from the other side.
"Kaiser? Do you even know how late it is here? And what about the merch?" (Y/n) asked, a little annoyed but she was too tired to argue.
"It's kinda cute that my little Liebling is a star now. Don't forget about me when your merch sells out." Kaiser laughed.
"Shut up! I want to sleep!" She yelled but Kaiser kept on going and (Y/n) was forced to listen to his talk for another 10 minutes.
Kaiser on the other hand was sitting in his living room as the (Y/n) plushie sat on his lap, getting headpats from time to time.
Ness was honestly not expecting to fin anything interesting the evening after a training. It was honestly normal, he showered, ate his dinner and went on his phone, to see what Blue Lock were up to. In all honesty he just wanted to see if there were any pictures or video clips with (Y/n) in them. But instead of that, he found an announcement on new merch.
"Huh? Plushies, keychains and figurines?" Ness mumbled and opened the link, boredly scrolling down the site as all of them were from players.
"Boring-" Ness stopped himself as he saw a familiar shade of (h/c) hair and stopped. Blinking at the items that were displayed, Ness took in the plushie, keychain and figurine that was displayed of (Y/n), all tiny and adorable.
"I need this. I don't even know what I entered this site for again." Ness mumbled as she put the items into the cart.
"You bought it?!" (Y/n) yelled from the other side of the phone. Ness giggled and hugged the plushie of the girl.
"Yeah! You have no idea how soft it is! I have been hugging it ever since it came hours ago." Ness said as the line went quiet for a moment.
"...and what do you think? How is the merch of me?" (Y/n) asked nervously as Ness looked down lovingly at her plushie replica.
"It's cute! Very soft and I love how well detailed it is. It's nearly as cute as you."
"A-ah?! You think so?! I... I need to go now and talk with Ego-san over something! See you, Ness!"
"See ya~" Ness said and ended the call, then looked down at the plushie again.
"So cute..." He smiled, giving a small kiss to the toy's forehead.
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mimikoolover · 24 days
some "controversial" thoughts on are you sure:
jungkook's ideal scenario is probably that jimin sides with him in situations but especially when he's right. jimin claimed he knew it was pink sausage but he still sided with tae and I think that is is what made jungkook snap at him. we've seen numerous times that jimin tries to get the rise out of jungkook, obviously in a joking way, which he wouldn't be doing if jungkook was snapping at him like that all the time. he also said he enjoys doing this (and being scolded by jungkook) which says it all about how bs people's 'concerns' are.
as a side note I also notice that tae in his role as the hyung 'polices' jungkook's behaviour a lot more than jimin ever does.
tbh I'm not a big fan of the times when vmin would speak about jungkook in front of his face like he isn't there about how he can beat their (well tae's) ass up or how much he's eating. I know it's all jokes between friends and stuff but at the end of the day I do not think jungkook deep down enjoys that because no one would. and jimin only does this when tae is there, so I think while the entire vminkook dynamic is quite sweet, from some reactions in the past such as jungkook's initial reaction to tae coming to Jeju and his reaction during his live on his bday when vmin turned up at this house together kinda tells me he's not always a big fan of vmin ganging up on him. no one talks about it but I find it interesting how jikook's dynamic changes when tae is there because of how jimin interacts with tae.
throughout the Jeju episodes we didn't get anything sentimental or anything about vminkook (that we were shown) which is realistic but as much as people hype vminkook up, between the three of them I didn't see anything 'special'. they're just 'normal' friends who bicker and get along fine and have a massive history to share and they will probably always love each other, be there for each other and have that bond but I do wonder if they never met in bts would the 3 of them be friends in the same way. I'm not that sure tbh. especially in terms of travelling together since jikook have their things they wanted to do (and let's be real, they don't totally enjoy the same things but they enjoy making plans that they know the other will enjoy) which tae may not have chosen to do himself. tae's 'workout' was also interesting. if I'm being cynical, just watching the episodes I got the feeling tae came along to get a free holiday and spend some time with jimin and some limited time with jungkook but he increasingly let jikook be which to be fair to tae I have to wonder was because they kept calling him guest kinda making it obvious him being there wasn't their first preference. but I did really like that no one played anything up for the fans/cameras and we truly got to see them without fanservice or having tasks like writing each other letters and whatnot.
overall I liked the Jeju episodes and I know jungkook said they were better because tae was there but I have to disagree on that if I'm completely honest (and I wonder how much he really thought that vs said it because he's a nice person who always thinks about others' feelings and it was a nice thing to say). the best parts were when only vmin or only jikook were interacting (we hardly had taekook interact alone apart from the very beginning) so tbh...maybe it will change when they are back but I can lowkey see why vminkook as a trio were not hanging out together the year before Jeju. and it wasn't totally awkward but tae's position as the guest, if they weren't in bts and had the history they have with each other (aka they were just 'normal' people with 'normal' friendships) would have been a little bit painful for everyone involved imo.
namjoon kept being brought up to jungkook fascinated me because we have 1. joon saying he loves jimin the most 2. tae asking why joon didn't come to Jeju (he had joon on his mind tbf) and jungkook essentially saying no one would be invited lol 3. jimin teasing jungkook by pretending to jokingly tell on jungkook to namjoon when jungkook said he enjoyed travelling with the maknae line. I love namjoon and jungkook's friendship a fair amount but the dynamic between them both loving jimin the most and jungkook "winning" will always be fascinating to me.
I feel like throughout the entire show there is an undercurrent of us knowing jikook have a strong bond, them knowing we know, they don't explicitly say it but they act like it's a fact that's been establish that they don't have to 'prove' because everyone should and does already know it. there is literally 0 fanservice in this show in terms of them playing up their friendship for the cameras so that fans have cute moments to watch (as idols tend to do sometimes). and they do stuff like cuddle and play around but you can tell it's what they want to do and not something they do so that fans have something cute to watch. I also liked that they said they're not gonna argue in the military and I can 100% believe that seeing how much on the same page they are on everything. I honestly wasn't expecting them to be so in sync so consistently but it was so obvious that they always know what the other is thinking. if they truly didn't get to see each other a massive amount it obviously did not affect their bond or how well they know each other/how much on the same page they are. I would guess even if they have disagreements they know how to deal with it without full blown arguments because of 1. how well they know each other 2. how important they are to each other so that they make a conscious effort to get along well.
jimin keeps bringing up to people (first we saw with joon now with tae) that he and jungkook are enlisting together which tells me how it's a big deal/something important for him and I feel like he enjoys letting people know about it and establishing their (jikook's) closeness with this even more. they may never say the reason why they enlisted as companions but they certainly act like we already know the reason as if it's obvious, which tbh, it is. the reason being is that they just wanted to be there for each other. I mean they did actually say that. for the fandom to truly take it in though I think they expect jikook to literally spell it out like they are telling 3 year olds why they shouldn't eat a crayon lol
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equallyshaw · 9 months
ᴅᴀʏ ᴇʟᴇᴠᴇɴ: ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʜᴏʟɪᴅᴀʏꜱ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴜɢʜᴇꜱ- ʙᴀʀᴢᴀʟ ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ - ᴍᴀᴛ ʙᴀʀᴢᴀʟ x ᴏᴄ ʜᴜɢʜᴇꜱ
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part of holidays with equallyshaw
warnings: none! just angsty and sad :( - but happy ending !
word count: 3.7k+
also oc hughes is 28 going on 29. so two in a half years older than mat.
social media edit.
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ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀꜱᴛ 5 ʏᴇᴀʀꜱ ɴᴏᴡ, the hughes brothers, barzal children, both sets of parents, and the barzals have gotten together in sunny california to spend their few days off together. miranda 'randy' barzal is a content creator and an og vlogger from back in the day on youtube. for the past 5 years she's vlogged their time as a family and it has been an absolute success, even doing a summer series as well, during the offseason.
what could this holiday get-together bring?
"hey guys welcome back to vlogmas, i hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season so far! i know we've had a very busy one and we've loved every minute of it! today we are traveling from long island to orange county, so you'll see some of our chaotic travel! mat will be meeting us in orange county tomorrow morning after a red eye from carolinas. without further ado, lets get this show on the road!" she squealed into the camera, before turning it off. her fake smile quickly dropped, and she felt her nausea grow stronger.
she pushed it aside once she heard her eldest child, marie coming into the room with her baby brother, theo. "hi guys. you guys excited to see grandma, grandpa and nana papa?" she grinned, pulling them onto her lap. they nodded, "yeah grandma and grandpa gives us chocolate." theo gushed, and she giggled thinking about how her kids at her parents wrapped around their finger. "well mama and papa are picking us up soon with tie tie so we can go to california." miranda explained right as the doorbell went off, and then she heard the voices of mat's family echo throughout the townhouse.
miranda pulled out her vlog camera and marie quickly took it and began to make faces and that made miranda giggle, and then liana came into the frame and made them as well. theo came over from across the airport lounge, from his babbling with nana and papa. theo made grabby hands to miranda and she pulled him up. "where are we going marie?" miranda questioned as marie flipped the camera towards her mom. "californiaaaaaa!" she yelled into the camera, and miranda did her best to shoosh her. "inside voices baby." she said pulling some hair out of her daughters face, but she pushed her mom's hand away. liana giggled, and took the vlog camera, moving it out in front of her so all four of them were in frame. "barzal hughes holiday commences!" liana grinned into the camera, while marie made jazz hands and theo bobbed up and down on mirands lap.
"hey guys, our flight is boarding." mat's mom said walking over to help with the kids. "time to go guys!" miranda softly smiled.
she would be lying to herself if she wasn't dreading this holiday get-together.
the minute she walked into the beach house that they rented this year, she felt herself sigh. her parents had gotten there a bit earlier and were quickly engulfing the two kids into big hugs. "im gonna take these upstairs, ill be down soon." miranda said to mat's parents, and they went to go greet her parents. she felt herself on the verge of throwing up, and she quickly dropped the bags and went straight to her and mat's ensemble washroom. she let out as much as she could, and groaned.
she knew what she had to do.
she pulled out her toiletry bags and then pulled out her vlog camera, setting it down on the counter. even if she didn't put this out, she thought she'd get a little bit of footage. she sat down on the toilet, staring daggers a the pregnancy test. she sighed, putting the cap back on and putting on a timer. she turned on the camera, "well looks like things are shaping out to be a bit different this year. i just ended up taking a pregnancy test. typically with my past pregnancies, i deal with sickness throughout the day and not in the morning, and I've been feeling like shit the past few days so i thought, why not?! ill check back with you guys as soon as the timer goes off!" she said before turning off the camera. she headed back into the bedroom, and pulled her kids suitcase into their room, across the hall. miranda felt her phone buzz, and she pulled it out to see a message from mat. she responded back, letting him know that they had made it to the beach house.
after taking out her suitcase dividers, her phone went off. she grabbed the camera and turned it on, filming herself from the chest up. she looked down at it, and gave a weak smile. she didn't even bother looking at it yet, just letting herself cry a bit. it was the first time all month she'd let herself be vulnerable on camera. her and mat had been having a rough patch. it was like one thing after another this season, and now that the holidays had rolled around - she wasn't thrilled about putting on a fake smile 24/7. this wasn't the first rough patch in their 8 year relationship, it was just the worst one thus far.
she wiped some tears, sniffling as she smiled. "its been a hard holiday season and its just, been a lot recently. mentally especially, and this whole what if does not help." she said, chuckling at the end. she breathed in and out deeply, before picking up the test that was upside down. she felt her heartbeat begin to pick up, as she saw the positive result. "and we're pregnant!" she said softly, turning the test around. she sniffled staring at it, and smiled back at the camera. a weak one. "well! that's quite the surprise." she paused chuckling, "we'll pick this back up in a bit." she finished, and turned off the camera. she texted her mom quickly, asking her to come see her.
a few minutes later there was a knock on the door. ellen walked in and shut the door behind her, and then quickly walked over to her daughter. who as soon as ellen's arms wrapped around her, she was falling onto her knees. she sobbed into her mom's arms. "whats going on sweetie?" she questioned, rubbing her daughters back. she sniffled, pointing back towards the washroom. ellen stood up, and saw the test on the counter. she didn't react like one usually would, instead she could read the situation with her daughter. she knew how her and mat had been doing recently, and could tell this pregnancy was just adding an extra toll on her.
"oh sweetie." ellen said wrapping her arms around her again, "he's gonna think this is a 'fix it' baby, an attempt to keep him. he's gonna think i did it on purpose-" and ellen cut her off, "no he wont. i promise. i promise." she said trying to reassure her daughter. if there was one thing about mat, was that he always thought the best of everybody and every situation- this wasn't gonna change that.
the next morning around 6 am, she felt the bed dip next to her. she didn't feel mat get closer to her, she didn't feel his arms around her, she knew there was a nice amount of space between the two. and that made her silently cry. she threw off the covers, threw on her cotton robe, and headed down the stairs with her phone. mat looked up at the door once it opened and heard footsteps going downstairs. he sighed following her.
she turned on the camera, filming the expresso machine intently. she heard somebody walk in, and she jumped seeing mat. he knew that he wouldn't be getting any sleep now, so he pulled out a mug as well to make coffee. she stayed silent as she flipped the camera towards her, "its about 6 am now, i just woke up for the day and right now its all about getting some coffee and food in me, before i go check in with the kiddos. and then I'll see where the morning takes us. probably will involve some pancakes, courtesy of grandma and grandpa hughes." she grinned before turning the camera back off.
she took her cup of decaf and headed outside to the deck, and mat knew that she was brewing. he knew that her silent treatment was for a reason and that he was in for one. his expresso finished, and he followed her outside. he sat down across from her, as she looked out at the ocean. "how was the flight?" he questioned, and she shrugged. "same old same old. thankfully your sister and parents were with us. that helped." she said sipping some expresso. mat nodded, "is everything ok?" he questioned a few minutes later. she sniffled, "has anything been ok recently?" she spat. he sighed, "i really don't have the patience this morning, we'll talk about this later." she said through strained tears. she stood up and walked back inside and upstairs.
mat stayed downstairs, and shut his eyes in frustration. the glass door slid open and he heard the patter of small feet coming running towards him. "daddy!" marie screamed and he quickly pulled the two of them in his arms. "did you miss daddy?" mat questioned, and they both nodded. "are you guys happy to be here for christmas?" mat asked and the two screamed. "morning voices lovies, please." he said and the two nodded pulling a finger to there mouth to shush each other. he smiled, and they then got more comfier. their heads rested on his chest as his mom came out. "hey mama." he said and she smiled. "hi hun." she said sitting where miranda had just sat. "is everything ok with miranda?" she questioned and mat shrugged. "hey kids, why don't you go see papa in the kitchen...i heard he's making pancakes with grandpa!" his mom said excitedly, and that was enough for the two to run off.
"no seriously, whats going on with miranda?" she asked and mat's eyebrows crinkled, "i don't know what you're getting at." he said, annoyance lacing his words. "last night she spent two hours with ellen up in your guys' room. ellen then said that it was a bug but you and i know damn well what her pregnancy symptoms are." his mom explained, and mat was dumbfounded. when the hell would she have been able to get pregnant? then he remembered, they had a fight back during american thanksgiving, and a little bit of wine had one thing leading to another. "i also know there's a lot going on between you to but please don't make her any more upset than she already is. you know you can be a real piece of work, right?" his mom asked and he rolled his eyes. "got it mom." he said picking up his cup of cold expresso, and heading inside.
back upstairs, she had filmed herself doing her skin care and getting changed for the day, but found herself just sitting at the vanity not doing her makeup like she had planned to. she knew she had to get a move on so they could have breakfast as a family and then head to the beach. she didn't have to look behind her to see who had walked into he room. mat sat down on the bed, his back facing her and she bit her lip. she turned off the camera, and began to put some light makeup on. anything to cover up her anxiety and trembling hands.
"are you pregnant?" he blurted, and she stayed silent. he turned back towards her, "are you pregnant?" he questioned again and she still said nothing. mat sighed, standing up, and headed over to the washroom. he began to look through her things, and in the drawers before he found what he was looking for. he stared down at the positive pregnancy result, and miranda felt like she could vomit. she sighed, spraying some setting spray before standing up. "miranda..." he said softly, and that made her stop in her tracks. she turned back towards him, and she saw the tears pooling in his eyes. she swallowed, waiting for him to say something but he didn't. she nodded, before heading downstairs with her phone and camera.
she took that as his reaction.
she walked down stairs and heard her brothers in the kitchen. her kids laughed loudly, at whatever their uncles had said. "hey sis." luke said stepping over from a few feet and hugged her. "hi." she said softly, before quinn made his way over. "hey q." she said as he pulled her in for a hug, then jack walked over as well. "randy." jack said giving her a longer hug, and then stepped back to his niece and nephew. "wheres mat?" quinn asked drinking his starbucks coffee. "he's upstairs." she responded. she checked with them before turning on the camera, and videoed them a bit with luke offering her the most content to work with. quinn just stared at it with an amused look while jack pushed it away playfully before taking over, while him and luke caught the audience up on what they had done recently. then jack got on the kid's level and talked to the camera with them. miranda made herself busy helping her dad with the pancakes at the stove, hoping that time would pass quickly.
jim stared down at his eldest child, the one who had always been the strongest and most determined, who seemed so lifeless and oh so weak. she gave him a weak smile before she heard mat's voice echo through the kitchen, as he went to go greet the brothers. she swallowed hard, turning around holding a plate of pancakes with a fake smile.
after a whole day of recording at the beach, the hughes and barzals headed back up to the beachouse while ellen and jim had just gone to a restaurant for a traditional Jewish dinner. tomorrow, would be the typical american christmas dinner. but a hughes tradition, was to have a traditional meal on christmas eve. once the kids were sent to bed after eating, she'd be able to shower and then edit the vlog from that day.
they all piled into the dining room, the kiddos going wild over food as they were famished. also, grandpa hughes and papa barzal had promised a little bit of dessert beforehand. and now they were being rewarded, for waiting. back in the kitchen miranda began to get the sippy cups ready with juice for the kids, and while she was putting the juice back mat walked into the kitchen. the two hadn't had a quiet moment between them since that morning, when he didn't say anything about the test.
he was bold and wrapped his arms around her from behind, making her freeze. she was about to shove him off when he spoke. "please...let me have these few seconds. then we can talk once we put the kids down." he whispered close to her ear. she leaned back into him letting him cloud her senses, before grabbing the sippy cups and walking out of his arms. mat sighed as she walked out of the room, and he cursed himself for being so bold.
dinner was going to be interesting.
it was around 2 am when she finished up her vlog, and she ripped off her blue light glasses and set her laptop down on the coffee table. she stretched when she stood up, and then headed upstairs to bed. she didn't think mat would be up, but he was. he was reading a book she had picked up a few months back. "was wondering when you were gonna come to bed." he said as she slid into bed. she shrugged, rubbing her face.
"i didnt purposely get pregnant, if you were wondering." she stated and his eyebrows crinkled, "what? i was not thinking that and i would never think that, ever randy and you know that." he said as he put his book down. she shook her head, "i don't know what to think anymore mat. with the way you've been treating me recently has been hard. its made me question everything." she whispered, and he quickly pulled her into his arms.
"we've lost our way thats all, but its not the end for us randy i promise. don't give up on us. we'll get through this." he said. she sniffled, "i want this to work mat i really do, but i don't know." she said full on crying now. mat rocked her a bit before joining in himself. he couldn't lie and say that these past few months had not been a toll. he did his best and worst thinking on roadtrips, and being alone in a hotel room did not help. "i don't want to give up on us miranda, i don't. i know that I've done a lot over these past few months, i know this but im not ready to give up on us or our family." he said and she looked up at him. her blue eyes wide and full of worry.
"let me take some time off, let me take the next month off. let us work on us-" she cut him off, "i cant ask you to do that." she said shaking her head. he shook his head, "you arent asking, im volunteering. our relationship and family mean more than hockey. you guys are more important than hockey, always." he said placing a hand behind her head. she nodded softly, and he leaned in to kiss her. she softened, pulling him in closer by the neck.
around 7 am the next morning, the door of their bedroom opened and then two sets of small feet tapped against the floor before they jumped onto the bed. mat woke up first, tickling marie making her laugh which then woke up miranda. ellen walked in after peaking her head in with the camera recording, catching a sweet moment between the family of four. theo jumped up and down between them, trying to get them to move quicker- just so they could open presents. "wake up wake up wake up!" marie screamed, joining her brother in jumping. mat and miranda just laughed, watching as they did so. "morning baby." mat whispered, as miranda leaned in to peck him. ellen smiled softly before miranda took the camera from her and videoed the two kiddos jump off the bed and follow their grandma out the door. "we'll be down in ten." mat said and ellen nodded before shutting the door.
she made her way to the washroom, setting up her tripod and proceeded to brush her teeth, hair and wash her face. as she was brushing her teeth, mat came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. she leaned back into him, and he pressed a sly kiss to her neck. she grinned before cleaning up her chin from toothpaste. "do we tell them?" he questioned, and she nodded. "we'll announce after all the presents are done?" she questioned and he nodded kissing her passionately. "you're not gonna be able to keep your hands to yourself mr, are ya?" she grinned, as his hands slowly made their way to her butt. he clicked his tongue, and shrugged. "oh god, you're already horny aren't you?" she rolled her eyes playfully before kissing him once more. "lets go, too bad first trimester dictates everything." she hummed walking towards the door, leaving a groaning matt in her wake.
the tripod had picked up the present unwrapping, and miranda had been ansty the whole time. she just wanted to tell them. "okay mat and i have something to announce." miranda after getting their attention. the hughes brothers all looked at one another, while ellen and him looked at each other. all the while the barzals looked at one another. they were unsure of what was going to be announced.
a divorce or separation...they couldn't decipher.
mat took miranda's hand in his and smiled widely, "we are expecting." miranda announced and the family were stunned for a brief few seconds before rushing over to congratulate them. quinn pulled her in for a big hug, then it was luke and then she would hug jack later as he was spinning the two young kids around in circles. "you two ok?" mat's mom whispered as she brought her in for a hug. "yes! we'll be more than ok." she responded and his mom nodded.
after talking for a few minutes, breakfast was to be devoured. miranda took the camera, and mat came and wrapped an arm around her from the side. "well looks like that will be all for this vlog! apparently, there's footage from my brothers on here and ill be sure to edit whatever is salvageable but were gonna have a full day on our hands, and spend some quality time with one another but ill be back after new years with some exciting news! see you then, and until then its miranda barzal, lets get the show on the road! but as always, happy holidays from the barzal-hughes family!" she smiled widely, and then mat kissed her on the cheek, before she stopped recording.
"ive texted my agent about the next month, its final." he said and she sighed, as he pulled her in for a hug. "this needs to be done, i cant push it off anymore." he said and she nodded pulling back just a bit so they were now looking at each other.
"merry christmas honey, thankyou for our little family and thankyou for your work on being the best husband and father for me and the kids. we are forever grateful." she smiled widely, before leaning in for a kiss.
"yo barzal, what do you mean you arent playing us next month?!" they both heard jack scream from the kitchen causing the two to pull away and chuckle. marie and theo both ran towards their parents, as christmas music started blasting throughout the beach house. mat picked up marie while miranda picked up theo.
a precious moment shared between the small family, only to be ruined by jack and luke coming in to ask mat a million questions about mat apparently chickening out on a rival rematch.
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hope you all enjoyed!
tags: @cuttergauthier @jayda12 @dancerbailey3 @jackhues @toasttt11
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I love your graph girl 🤣
But the fact that 🐟 had to post a welcome card for a movie that finished filming a year ago (and is now doing reshoots) tells me she really is scraping the bottom of the barrel.
This isn’t to be mean/judgemental - but it’s funny how this time last year she was so busy vacationing after however long she was filming - and it seemed like her focus was on her travels with her besties.
A year later. This is what she posts. To let people know she’s still in this film. IDEK if any of the other women who worked on the film posted about reshoots 🤣
She didn’t post about working when the film was actually in production (but maybe that’s because it was during the strike and this film was exempt and allowed to keep filming but the actors couldn’t promote?) so that’s fair.
But no matter how you look at it, this girl’s priorities are always out of whack.
Your biggest claim to fame (WN) has a season two premiere and you decline to be interviewed while your costar is left alone to promote the show.
Instead, you do a walk in Central Park with your “bf” who is the only reason anyone even pays attention to you, and you take some yoga classes and photoshop your way to becoming an instructor. I’m unsure why anyone including your show’s show runner would really be willing to defend you? But again, I’m only seeing it from the outside.
WN fans went on twitter asking a reporter who interviewed your costar if you were doing one too and the reporter says you weren’t available. 🤣 Your costar does a buzzfeed interview alone. Your costars get together to do a save the show campaign and even got together to due a cast table read during the holidays but you were MIA for all of this.
Twitter fans asked if you would attend a comic con for the show in London and you also declined. Which, is your prerogative, but I do wonder what you DO think is worthy of your attention?
The ghosted movie premiere because your BF is famous and so is his female costar and there were other actual celebrities in attendance. Wow, Hugh jackman even showed up to the premiere - not for you, of course, and you didn’t even get to walk the red carpet but at least you got your one photo that you could photoshop and post your dress!
Paris fashion week with miumiu.
GQ man of the year.
Scarlett and Colin’s Christmas party.
Dinner with Edward Cullen and his gf/wife Suki.
GG after party for UTA.
CAA preOscars party.
VF after party.
Your priorities are always for things that have nothing to do with you (literally) but gets you free press, comped outfits, and media attention.
You didn’t show up to your small PT’s film showing at the Lisbon film festival when your husband was in town touring restaurants, but you do show up to a GQ event two weeks later that has nothing to do with you and you refused to talk to reporters.
I’d be hard pressed to believe an industry as unforgiving as Hollywood would be willing to overlook these things.
I guess your IMDB resume agrees with me though.
Just my two cents, I think her career ended the day she did the speedwalk in NYC. And I can only judge her work ethic and her social media behavior. We don't know how many auditions she did. I think she went to some auditions but I doubt she was so busy and had to travel between NYC and LA the whole time. In my opinion, she thought the title girlfriend/wife is the door opener and she doesn't need to do anything, she would get job offers. She was so wrong. In one of her last Portuguese interviews she said she's selective when it comes to new roles. That's just a nicer excuse why she's unemployed at the moment. There are no job offers.
Oh and let's assume she couldn't post anything about MM due to the strike. Why didn't she interact with the choreographer or other cast members or the crew? Interactions on social media were allowed. But interesting that she's now kissing asses and showing that people like her.
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winterarmyy · 1 year
Random angsty 40's!bucky blurb that i needed to share...
I've been having this constant concept in my head, whenever I'm listening to Midnight Rain by Taylor Swift. This might hurt some people because it has no happy ending. So, you have been warned.
Imagine it's the 40's and Bucky never fell out of that train and both him and Steve survived the war.
He is a war hero and she is an aspiring singer who came to New York to chase her dreams. They met at the bar where she worked at and the first time Bucky heard her singing, saw her performing; he was simply smitten. Literally would spend almost every night at the same bar just to watch her, admire her.
You'd think that his infamous reputation would give him some sort of confidence to woo her, but Bucky was a mess when he tried to approach her. He fumbles with his words, then completely lost them when she giggled at his blushed cheeks. Bucky still thought it was a miracle that she said yes when he asked her out on a date. It wa first of many that they had.
"My town was a wasteland. Full of cages, full of fences. Pageant queens and big pretenders. But for some, it was paradise"
And in one of those dates, she opens up about her past and dreams. Her, coming from a quiet, small town full of pretenders. Her, dreaming of a future where people would know her name, listen to her songs. While most men might ridicule her for having such silly dreams, Bucky has always been supportive of her.
He is sweet and kind, just a blinding ray of light to the shadow of her heart. She loved him. So does Bucky. And they had the most beautiful relationship together. They were happy.
"My boy was a montage. A slow-motion, love potion. Jumping off things in the ocean. I broke his heart 'cause he was nice"
At least until Bucky proposed to her. His knees was on the creaking wooden floor of his small apartment, his eyes wide and glisten with so much love and adoration for her. But even if she loves him with all that's left of her heart, she let her need for chasing her ambition reign her mind. So, she let him down.
"He was sunshine, I was midnight rain. He wanted it comfortable. I wanted that pain. He wanted a bride.I was making my own name. Chasing that fame. He stayed the same. All of me changed like midnight"
They parted ways after; not that Bucky wanted to. He was willing to wait for her until she's ready, however long it takes. But she didn't want to break his heart even more by giving him hope. So, she left.
Months later she was scouted sure enough she made it. She made her name, her legacy. She was a star; and her fame only rose higher until years gone by.
And "Midnight Rain" is her perspective in the future when she got all she ever wanted; her voice to be heard, her songs to played, the fame and the riches that came with it. She had everything. All except one; love.
One lonely night she was on the piano; the thought of Bucky came across her mind. And all of the words just spilled out from her heart, just as the tears broke from her eyes.
"It came like a postcard. Picture perfect, shiny family. Holiday, peppermint candy. But for him it's every day"
She wondered if Bucky ever got married. If he found another lucky woman who can mend the heart she had left broken. If he finally got the happiness he well deserved.
"So I peered through a window. A deep portal, time travel. All the love we unravel. And the life I gave away"
She hopes so. That he is happy but at the same time she missed him so dearly. Her soul yearned for his, her skin longed for his heat. His smile, his laughter, his kisses. Everything was unraveling. And she wondered about the life that she could've had with him if she stayed behind. If she said yes to forever. Would she be happier then?
"I guess sometimes we all get. Just what we wanted, just what we wanted. And he never thinks of me. Except when I'm on TV"
Yes, she made it. She got what she wanted. The cost? She had to abandon what she needed the most. And she imagined that Bucky must have forgotten her by now. He must have erase her from his life, that the thought of her will never came across his mind. Except, perhaps when he saw her in the news.
"I guess sometimes we all get. Some kind of haunted, some kind of haunted. And I never think of him. Except on midnights like this"
Many nights like this, she reminisce about her relationship with Bucky and realized that he is the best thing that had happened to her. And that revelation had haunted her because she knew that it was far too late for her now.
And i-- *sobs*
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mushies-stories · 9 months
TV Yule log- drabble
Eddie X GN!Reader
Summary: it's your first Christmas in your own Trailor home. Eddie isn't sure if it's the best home, if you wished there was more to your new life with him and it sparks a conversation about the future.
Authors note: I wrote this real fast, but the idea came to me because google has a cute little Yule long and then I wanted to know when the first tv video was aired and here we are. my one and only holiday themed writing from this year... aha. I'll do better next year!
Warnings: none? Christmas? XD no use of Y/N.
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“Did you know the first year they broadcasted the Yule log was in 1966?” you said. You sat in front of the big box TV while flipping through the channels.
Eddie chuckled and shook his head. “I didn't.”
Finally finding the station your face lit up as soon as you heard the crackling of the wood and the classical christmas tunes playing. “There we go!” you say with excitement and jump up, giddy and excited. You cross the room and flop down next to Eddie on the couch. “Now we can have the best first Christmas in our new home.” you proclaim with a wide smile.
“Yeah, well it is the closest thing this hunk of junk is ever going to get to a real fire.” He jokes, gesturing to the trailer home you two have recently moved into. It wasn't a bad home, a little small but for two it wasn't all that bad. And it was a first home, close to home and his uncle. It was a nice home to give you both time to figure the future out. 
“Maybe, but this is still a wonderful home Eddie.” you knew how bad he was bullied in school for living in the trailer park. Even if he knew deep down there was nothing wrong with it, he still carried that weight of that dumb stereotype in the back of his head. “It's cozy and warm. It fits me and you perfectly and I like it here.” you tell him and hook your arm around his and rest your head on his shoulder. You want to reassure him that you truly love it there, with him, that it only matters that you have each other. 
There's a moment of silence. It's not awkward or weird, just a pause as your words take up all the space in his head. You watch the fire dance and let the Yule log and soft music fill in the silence. 
Then Eddie spoke. Voice quieter and a little unsure. “Really? This place is enough… you don't wish we could afford to leave hawkins?” he asked. Body testing a little as the words come out. 
You peaked up at him through your lashes, he wasn't looking at you, but at the TV. he looked like he was contemplating something, thinking about how things could be, or how he wants them to be maybe. 
“Yes.” you said simply. 
His eyes slide down to your own. You looked at him with pure truth in your eyes. He didn’t know how to respond, you were so sure about everything, like nothing scared you. Nothing seemed bothered you but how could that be true, How were you so perfect?
You smile softly and nuzzle your cheek into him and laced your fingers in his. “I love you Eddie, we have a whole future ahead of us and if you want to stay here, then I am more than happy to be by your side.” you say and give his shoulder a quick kiss. “And, if you want to leave, travel and find a better home then I will still be by your side. Forever and always Eddie.” You say everything with such a sweet and caring voice Eddie can't help but believe every word you say the moment they reach his ears. 
“I love you so much.” he says, a grin growing across his face. “As long as every Christmas and every other holiday is spent with you, I'll be the luckiest man in the world.” he kisses the top of your head and leans into your warmth. “We have time right? Time to grow and plan a good future, right?” he asks again, needing one last bit of reassurance from you. 
You smile, so big and bright that his heart aches and melts all at the same time. “We have time Eddie.” 
It was the first Christmas spent together in your new home. A night spent by the Yule log and long talks about what the future could hold for you both.
Followed by a morning of back and shoulder pain from falling asleep on the couch with tangled in each other's limbs.
Thank you for reading and happy holidays!
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sarah-denial-cq · 7 months
It's been a few months, how is Sarah doing? cw SA, addiction, family health issues, bigotry.
Fair warning: this isn't a sexy post. We'll try to get back to those when we can.
So first things first, I went off denial in November, meaning my 2023 denial period was about eight months of edging, teasing, serving, and zero orgasms. I'm really happy about it, it was fun and made me feel good, and I met tons of wonderful people in the community. I don't know when I'll next start medium-term denial again but I hope I get a chance to.
Anyways, I stopped in November because I had just so much going on personally that it was impossible to devote the energy and wound-up tension that denial creates in me to its practice. Work became more and more stressful. I was "promoted" at work, taking on responsibility for over twice as many people and deliverables, and was given no raise and also a new manager between me and my previous manager, who I had to train in addition to my new responsibilities. In addition, a close family member started radiation treatment for cancer. For the first time in my life, I didn't visit my family for the holidays, because political developments have made it unsafe for me to travel to where they live.
And then Megan assaulted me.
I was sharing a hotel bed with her - as friends - and woke up on the last day in the morning feeling her fingers groping me. I didn't know what to do, I froze and kept my eyes closed and waited for my alarm to go off and got up and went to work and then flew home. The next couple days are kind of a blur. I relapsed into a finsub addiction and sent a bunch of money to someone. I think Rose and I might have had sex that next day but I'm kind of not sure. I ended up talking to Megan about it a few days later.
"No, I didn't do that. I wasn't groping you. That didn't happen."
I told Rose about what happened. I was extremely nervous and also felt so stupid because all the tropes around women like me were playing out. I had imagined it. I had done something to lead her on. I was making a huge deal out of some minor petting. I was going to lose a friend over something that wasn't worth losing them over. I was going to blow up Rose's relationship with Megan and she wouldn't get to fuck my hotter friend anymore and it would be. My. Fault.
Eventually, things have cooled off a little. I talked to Rose and we made each other feel better. I talked to Megan and explained that I don't know or care why she thinks it didn't happen, but I think it did, and it can never happen again. Rose is still going to fuck Megan because she's hotter than me. Megan is still going to come stay at my apartment for several days this weekend. I'll probably be kicked out to the guest room while they fuck in the master bedroom.
I'm still struggling with the addiction relapse, and feeling guilty and sad about the really good friendships I made here during denial that I've been too messed up to maintain, and whether I still have value as a girl not in denial. But I trust that things heal with time. And nothing - *nothing* - is going to take away from the fact that Rose is going to *marry me* this year. Even with everything that's happened I'm the luckiest girl in the world.
I'll post some more soon, I hope.
xoxo Sarah
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find-roronoa-zoro · 5 months
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Roronoa Zoro X CisFem Reader
A lot of your days were spent with Pops at home. Occasionally you'd go to the office with Marco just to break up the time spent sitting around. Though you were thankful for having such a successful business that afforded you that ability. Running a global security company was always busy but even more so during big travel holiday seasons, and Christmas was coming so the boys were otherwise occupied while you kept Pops company.
You sat on the sofa in the den tucked into the big man's left side swathed in an enormous quilt. Pops snored heavily while you buried your nose in an e-book. He'd found in the later stages of his illness that he slept better sitting up or reclined so he'd practically moved into the den. No one minded, of course, the room was big enough with enough seating that the entire family could collectively spend time with him, and he certainly wasn't complaining about that.
Things with Law has been progressing slowly, very slowly. Many dates had been rescheduled and interrupted. It had been two months and you'd hardly made out. It was starting to get frustrating, not to mention you were reduced to just hanging out for any amount of time he could.
Law: I got out a little early and don't have to be back for 4hrs
Law: do you still have time today?
Me: Ace will be back in 30 mins then I can head over to yours
Me: should I bring food?
Law: I have that taken care of
Law: see you soon then
You were holding out some hope that his schedule would get a little less hectic and you could spend some longer periods of time together rather than short bursts. He was sweet enough to call and text when he could during the day though.
The door practically swung open before you could even knock. Tattooed fingers gently wrapped around your wrist tugging you into the dimly lit apartment. Law smirked and backed you into the door effectively shutting it. He closed in the space between you quickly capturing your lips in a desperate kiss. You were definitely surprised but welcomed his touch as you had been patiently waiting for it all this time. His lips trailed over your jaw and around the shell of your ear sending uncontrollable shivers through you.
"I thought we could start with dessert." he purred.
That was all you needed to hear before lust completely took over. Finally, you could see where those interrupted make-out sessions were leading.
You cuddled in your afterglow not worried about the clothes strewn about the room or the food that had long since gone cold in the kitchen. Finally, you'd connected with your boyfriend on an intimate level, but you couldn't help the feeling that something was off.
Law had fallen asleep beside you content in your warmth, it was a rarity for him to sleep so you decided to leave him be until he absolutely had to get up and go back to the hospital.
Nami sat with Luffy on the floor in the living room accusing him of cheating in the current round of Mario Kart. Ace reentered the room handing Zoro a beer as he sat watching the couple in front of him bicker.
"We haven't seen much of you lately." Ace commented.
"I picked up extra shifts at the bar and Uber in my off time. The holidays make for good over time." Zoro replied easing back into the recliner.
He'd been quietly wondering where you were. Though you texted often he tried to refrain from overdoing it. He didn't want to overwhelm you or make you think he was hitting on you or something. It was ridiculous logic really.
"Where's F/N?" Sabo asked as if on cue, taking a seat with Al on the sofa.
"She ran off to Law's as soon as I got home." Ace answered taking a swig of beer.
"I didn't know they had a date today." the blond murmured glancing discreetly at the greenette.
Zoro knew you had a boyfriend; you'd felt bad about not saying anything initially, but you almost never talked about him so bringing him up was always a tiny shock to the system.
"I think it was more of a booty call. She was in a hurry and said he had to go back to work." Ace scoffed.
Al smacked his knee.
"Hey!" he protested eyes trailing up to see the glare on Sabo's face, "what?!"
Zoro stood abruptly, "...I'm gonna get some fresh air." he quickly stepped out onto the porch which was shimmering with Christmas lights.
"What?" Ace repeated after Zoro left the room, "What'd I do? What's up with him?"
"You have no delicacy," Al muttered crossing her arms.
"It's pretty obvious that idiot likes your sister." Nami piped still focused on her match with Luffy.
"How the hell was I supposed to know? Sabo brought it up why'd I get hit?" his voice raised an octave with every question.
"Because I was trying to stir him a little, maybe motivate him," Sabo replied, "not break his heart."
"But I didn't know!" Ace defended, "Besides she's with Law."
Al rolled her eyes.
"It's also pretty obvious that she likes him back," Nami added flatly.
"They are both too stubborn," Al commented.
"She thinks he thinks she's too old, and he thinks she thinks he's too young."
Luffy laughed gaining everyone's attention, "They are dumb."
Everyone deadpanned.
Nami swiftly pushed him over, "We covered that."
"So, are you trying to break them up?" your freckled brother asked.
"Short answer? Yes," Sabo started, "but I think if pushed gently in the right direction maybe they'll come together naturally."
"I don't think Law's a great match for her anyway," Nami added.
"Why didn't I know about any of this?" Ace's shoulders dropped.
"You ruin stuff." Luffy blurted.
Sabo shrugged, "With his schedule, I'm not sure it'll last too long."
"Why are you trying so hard though?"
"He just wants her to be happy," Al replied brushing her fingertips across Sabo's cheek.
"Who?" everyone turned wide-eyed toward your voice as you and Zoro stood in the entryway.
Luffy raised his hand pointing above your heads drawing your gazes to the mistletoe you'd forgotten you hung a few days ago.
"You have to kiss." he chuckled.
Damn you for teaching him that and smothering him with kisses when he was little.
Zoro had stiffened next to you losing all the color in his face, "Uh - no it's fine."
You chuckled reaching up to cup his face, "Don't be silly, it's the rule."
Gently you tugged him down and placed a chaste kiss on his cold scarred cheek. His eye had closed instinctively allowing your perfume to fill his senses, he would have loved the moment to last more than a fraction of a second. You stepped back with an adorable blush and small crooked smile, it was as if no one else existed until, of course, Luffy burst into laughter.
"She did it!" he called catching a throw pillow to the face from Nami.
"Alright, are you guys hungry? I'll cook - I'm starving." You cleared your throat removing your scarf leaving the greenette frozen in his place.
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mudhamster · 9 months
CHWHWN: 20. December - "Hug"
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He was standing in the large common room of the dorms, having just released the warm embrace with Ochako (so much for that), when his cell phone rang. "Yes?" It was his mother, and judging by the pitch of her generally high-pitched voice, she was thrilled. "Mom, I can't understand a word you're saying, can I call you back? We're -" "Izuku!" she said, "You always wanted to go to America, right?" "Uh, yeah," he agreed, tugging at his lip, "but what made you think that now?" Todoroki walked past him and put a hand on his shoulder as a gesture of farewell. "We can go there for Christmas!" His grin became strained as he watched his friends carry their bags to the large collection point by the door, and he couldn't say goodbye to them properly without curbing his mother's euphoria. On the phone, she explained the sudden offer in general terms. She asked if he would be interested in flying to the States with her and her new boyfriend for the holidays. Because of his job, he would have a spacious hotel room, and they would not have to pay anything for the time they would be away for the holidays. It would be awesome! So much for thinking he had four more chances! His first impulse was, of course, an overjoyed yes. It wasn't just the States that had always appealed to him, but the thought of being there when his Mum crossed the border for the first time was wonderful. She bombarded his ear with places, sights and things Izuku didn't understand with her sweet but terrible pronunciation. He could feel her anticipation through the phone, could almost taste it. She had been all alone since the day he had moved into the dorms. Now, she had the opportunity to go on vacation for the first time in her life, to a distant continent, with the love of her life. But would all sleep in one large room. His mother and her boyfriend and… Izuku too. And that on the other hand… wasn't really something he was looking forward to. "Would it be okay if you go without me?" he had asked impulsively while he had watched Krishima and Hanta dragging their suitcases down the stairs. Ochako was already at the door, ready to leave the dorms behind for the holidays. "What!? Why?" Snow rushed into the room as someone pushed open the front door. He had waved across the room to Ochako, catching her thrown air kiss with a little hop and hugging it to his chest. "Some of us got together yesterday and we'd like to stay here. We're celebrating Christmas together as friends," he lied sweetly, turning away from the other people in the room who were putting on their shoes and wrapping themselves in scarves. "Oh my God, darling. This is beautiful." "Hm, yeah." "And you're really sure? We'll take the flight tomorrow, you could still change your mind?" "No, Mom. Really. Go on, I'm happy for you!" "…and that would really be okay with you?" "Yes, Mom, I promise." "Well, if you say so," she murmured, clearly unsure, "I'll send you a card. Take pictures! This is our first Christmas apart." "I will," he promised as Shouto stepped over the threshold and looked at him over his shoulder, "I have to go now." "All right, have fun, sweetheart." "Will do, love you!" "Love you too!" Right after that, he had stumbled to the door and hugged Shouto and Ochako super hard one last time and wished them a Merry Christmas. And a happy new year. And made them promise to send pictures. Then a cab had taken Kirishima, Hanta and his two best friends to the train station. Iida had said he would leave in the early hours of the morning, since he had to travel farther and longer than the others. But of course, he couldn't be the first to leave. Honor and all that he had as a class rep. Kaminari had asked if he still had room in the cab, so they decided to take the first train. Together with Tsuyu.
By tomorrow nearly all of his friends would be gone. While everyone was planning their holidays, he had canceled Christmas Eve with his mother. And only then did Izuku realize what he had just done. He had lied to his mother. He had refused the flight. He had just said goodbye to his closest friends. He would be alone on Christmas, here in a huge building. Entirely ... alone.
His fingers twitched as he briefly considered calling his mother back. Then he vehemently decided against it. He jogged to his room, shoved his cell phone under his pillow, packed his gym bag, and went to the training rooms to block out his growing worries. He punched and kicked and ran until night fell and the windows resembled black marble, then he took a long, much too hot shower and fell into bed long after midnight, completely exhausted. The distraction had certainly worked. In the meantime, he had received 4 messages on his phone. The next morning, there was only one left to see.
Kacchan: *image attached* Deleted message Deleted message Deleted message
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popculturebuffet · 10 months
Monthly Muppet Madness: Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas (Comission for Emma Fici)
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Happy holidays all you happy muppets and welcome back to monthly muppets, my monthly look at all things muppet related. It's christmas time again and for this year it's something near and dear to my heart we haven't covered yet and when I asked my co-pilot emma to do this one her response was a resounding "Wait we hadn't done this one yet?" Friends grab your washtubs, your glam rock glasses and your christmas branches, it's time for the Tail of Emmet Otter's Jugbband Christmas.
Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas is a 1977 special done for the CBC and aired on HBO the next year here in the states. The special came about because.. the CBC asked?
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I did my due dillegence but coudln't find anything on why the CBC comissioned this special. I mean you don't need much justification to ask Jim Henson do to a heartwarming holiday special. Because muppets is how this feature got started, it's a very good reason for doing something. I just expected more than that from a special this high quality and well loved. I DID find more on how this got maid though thanks to this wonderful oral history.
So we can dig right in.
At the time this show was greenlit most of the crew worked in London, leaving the Henson Workshop to Don Sahlin, a longtime builder for the crew who created the Rowlf the Dog Puppet and did most of the puppetry and set design for this film, so props to him. So to make Don's Muppet's come alive, Jim enlisted a small but powerhouse crew: himself, Frank Oz, Jerry Nelson, David Gohelz, Richard Hunt and Charlie Ozeker, basically a whos who of muppet stars likely because they could do it fast, do it well and could do it big.
See something I never knew about Emmet Otter is that it's a vital step in the evolution of the muppets: it was the first one Jim did on a full set, building a whole ass river for characters to move down for the boating segments, a full on world. IT was the first without humans, something I didn't even scan as the story works fine as is. And it premired techniques not using a raised stage, something vital for the muppet movie. It was a brilliant way to test new techniques too: since the story's small scale, it made it easy to tech this sort of thing out. It could be difficult with beams in the way of their heads, but the results paid off with a special that looks seamless but clearly took a lot of tech wizardry Another all important addition to the Muppets was
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Yes Paul Williams, music icon and muppet god. Williams had guested on the muppet show, but going into it was already a fan of Jim's work from Ed Sullivan and Seasame Street, with the latter being a reliable source of entertainment for a traveling musician it turns out: no matter where you were you could guarantee something pretty neat as almost everywhere carried it.
With WIlliams becoming fast friends with the muppet crew, Jim naturally asked him to do this special.. though Williams suspects he had ulterior motives.. granted this being jim henson those motives were entirely still pure and good because Jim Henson was our own personal jesus and I miss him dearly. Anyway quoth williams from the SYFY article
" I think what he was actually doing was giving it a test ride to see how we worked together. Because what was major on his plate at that time was The Muppet Movie coming up. It was a huge gamble, and I think one of the things he was wondering is if I would be the right guy for The Muppet Movie. "
I entirely buy it, as while Jims likely didn't doubt williams was good: At this point in his career he'd written three #1 hits for the carpenters including "We've Only Just Begun" andthe classic "Old Fashioned Love Song" for Three Dog Night, which jim personally loved. On top of that he'd already done the music for Phantom of the Paradise, a horror rock opera whose soundtrack i've listened into infinity and whose review also got pushed back to next year as my schedule continues to spiral just a tad.
Point is Williams was proven and likely had the job.. Jim was just nervous. The Muppet Movie was a big gamble and something he'd wanted since he started doing puppetry, the cumulation of his life's work. He HAD to double check. It's also likely why he took the big swings technically HERE: it was a smaller project he could do it on to see if the even bigger, riskier ideas of the muppet movie could be pulled off. He was testing everyone.. including himself. He's Jim henson: he's nothing if not fair. He had to see if he could pull it off on this scale, that he really had it. I get that impulse in creating something: that you have something you want to do and WORRY you can't do it so you test yourself or , in the worst cases, simply say your not capable and never make it. Thankfully jim wasn't that kind of guy and could easily past his own task.
And sountrack wise, he hired Paul Williams, so Williams passed the test with flying colors and became a mainstay for the muppets, soundtracking both the muppet movie and last year's christmas review, A Muppet Christmas Carol, which now lives rent free in my head. Passing it wasn't effortless, but Williams rose to the occasion, to quoth the man again.
"It's funny because I've never had songs write themselves as quickly as these songs wrote themselves. And some of the titles are [from] the book. With Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas, you have this remarkable tale that has such depth. I think it's written in such a way that the titles, and the story, led me to what we would now call Americana, and it's not what I did. I think probably as close as I got to that style is one of the songs that Jim mentioned when we met. He said "I just loved you from the time I heard "Old Fashioned Love Song." And though "Old Fashioned Love Song" was really kind of rinky-dink, old-fashioned, there was something about that song and the simplicity of my melody that he lit up around it. 
So, I went to the script [for inspiration], and I think that the script is a wonderful fairy tale with a great spiritual lesson in it. Ma Otter and Emmet take a chance, and they basically destroy their means of earning a living with the washtub and hocking the toolkit. As brave and as wonderful as they are, and as much as we're rooting for them, the fact is that they are outperformed by a hard rock group, The Riverbottom Nightmare Band. But from that, there's that wonderful opportunity to write two songs that, put together, make one song, but also have a message like "Our World" and "Brothers." It was a marvelous opportunity for a songwriter. "
So with a genius musical soundtrack, marvelous new puppetry and a lot of heart.. how does the special stack up now a days? Join me under the cut and i'll tell ya.
Our World:
The story of Emmet Otter is simple, but effective: Emmet and his mother Ma Otter, puppeted by Frank Oz and played by stage actress Marilyn Sokol, and her son Emmet, played by Jerry Nelson make not even enough to really get by doing odd jobs on the river, Ma doing the wash for various people and Emmet doing odd jobs. As we see on the scene of both jobs, the two get stiffed with Mrs. Fox faking a singe mark to try and get a refund and an old lady offering Emmet and his friends 50 cents to repaint her fence neglecting to metnion her fence is also half dead. The two barely get buy and while Emmet looks forward to Christmas, Ma is less jolly about it: they can't afford much to eat let alone presents. It's a well done message: sometimes Christmas isn't something EVERYONE can afford and some struggle to just live, let alone provide gifts.
Not helping is the passing of Pa Otter, sir not apperaing in this film, who wasted money on Snake Oil, but no one wanted to oil a snake. The two seeing possible presents for each other at a music store, a piano for ma and a pearl trim guitar for Emmet, the two are talked into entering a music contest by their respective friends, emmet's variety of jug band buds whose names I don't remember and aren't really important and Hetty, ma's only friend. The catch is to even have a chance of winning.. they'd need to hock something from the other person, a weird, sad, all too probable take on Gift of the Magi: Emmet needs to turn his mom's washtub into a bass, the greatest instrument and Ma Otter needs a dress. Why Emmet's friends can't find an old washtub or use one of THEIR mother's washtubs and why Ma specifically needs a fancy dressy to compete..
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So our heroes decide to take after pa and take a chance on something big, with enough left over to replace the thing they just.. outright stole to give their family member something better. MAYBE.
This could easily be more messed up, I mean their stealing to give each other presents.. but it's their desperate situation that makes this premise work: The two are barely getting jobs as is, and simply wanted their loved one to have a good christmas. It's better to gamble on a dream that may not come true, than to simply sit in abject misery, and the gamble still makes sense as neither knows abotu the other and thus isn't risking all their money. I bet both ma and emmet would do their hardest to make up the extra income. It's all worth it for what they assume will be a happy christmas. After all..
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The two are geninely talented too: Emmet's band performs the in-universe standard Bar-B-Que , a fun and lively number we'll unpack later, and when someone else performs it and they don't want to be accused of copying at the talent contest, the main trope talent contests have but one that works here, the two make something up on the fly, Brothers. Likewise Mom blows THEM out of the water with the touching and thoughtful Our World.
Problem is... their good.. but they simply aren't as good as the best people there. And the best people there are
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A bunch of punks seen earlier in the special causing havok every so often with really neat designs, including a fish that was .. tricky to puppet. David Goetz was entirely in black box gear to appear invisible.. and sitting on top of a forklift. so if someone move it.. his arm would've snapped off. You needed to know this because Muppet Performers go damn hard, but probably shouldn't of been at that level of risk.
I'll get into WHY this performance is so damn great later, but I like this plot point as not only is their consequence to hte gamble the otters look.. despite being huge jerks.. the river bottom band.. is talented. They won their win legitly: Their musically talented, have a nice theatricality and the stinger to it is that they likely didn't spend MUCH more: Only Chuck, their leader has a special outfit for the concert, and at most they fancied up their guitars.. or stole them. Did anyone check paul williams? Is Paul okay? I think they might've mugged Paul Williams.
It's a hard truth: you can be really great for what you have.. but if someone can outspend you while also having just as much talent, or simply has more people to pool resoruces and mug paul williams. I mean their just four beavers and a middle aged beaver, they can't mug paul williams. He's paul williams. It takes at LEAST a snake and some weird fish to beat paul williams. Everyone knows that. The River Bottom Nightmare Band (Technically the nightmare but I prefer the longer name), are just.. good. It's a trope i've only seen so often, most recently with Glitz and Glam's number Klown Bitch from helluva boss, but it's one i like: it's easy to have the jerk antagonist in a picture win or come damn close simply because they bought their way to victory, bribed or whatever and are untalented.. it's a harder truth that sometimes, assholes be talented. And sexy as both the twins and the river bottom nightmare band show.
At any rate our heroes loose, and loose big, having nothing left but each other.. though I also like that there's no recrimination, no blame.. they both get what they did, that their kinda screwed.. but it wasn't done out of greed.. but out of love for one another. If they can't hold onto that, what DO they have left? So they combine their two songs into one beautiful melody of togetherness, a sweet song trying to welcome all.
Naturally though they still get a happy ending as a bullfrog what been in this story on and off, including being a contest judget, who runs the local inn hears their duet and offers them to be his house band. So our heroes win.. simply by being good people, and said risk paid off as he already saw they could perform profesionally. They never go hungry again.
Also Kermit was here. Yeah Kermit opens and closes the show and apparently in previous versions narrated it. It'd be nothing more than just a neat cameo.. if it wasn't also the reason this special was in limbo for a decade, with only one early dvd release. The reason is understandable: Kermit got bought by disney, Emmet Otter belongs to the jim Henson company, so it was a rights issue kerfuffle, with some versions removing kermit to still at least air the special. Eventually shit was worked out and as of last year you can stream the special on peacock and at the time of this article can also stream it on Amazon Prime, which I used. No adds and such.
Paul Williams Baby:
I really could end it there: Pauls work on The Muppet Movie, Muppet Christmas Carol and Phantom of the Paradise all speaks for itself, Emmet Otter is no exception. But it's not my job to let work speak for itself, so here we go.
The special opens with The Bathing Suit Your Grandma Otter Wore, a goofy song about one of the Otter family's grandma. While the jokes are mostly "Gee Grandma Otter sure was fat wasn't she" it dosen't come off as fat shaming, more some playful joking... or alternatively.
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But either way it's meant with a goofy tone and comes off like the sort of joke Grandma Otter herself told, more a fond rememberance by sharing her humor. Or it was just the 70's and this was still okay, but I just.. can't detect any malice from this. Trust me i've seen out and out fat shaming jokes plenty. This.. just isn't it. THIS is fat shaming.
The one bathing suit your grandma otter wore is just goofy. It's too goofy to get really mad at. Like the actual goofy. He may destroy yoru house but only someone without a soul or donald duck who has suffered enough at his hands to get an exemption can truly get mad at goofy.
Where The River Meets the Sea.. wasn't in the original version of this review because i'm stupid, but is now. i'ts a beauitful song I feel deeply ashamed having missed and was williams taking a song MENTIONED in the book and expanding it.
There Ain't No Hole in the washtub is the thing I remembered most after catching this special on Cartoon Network once as a kid outside of one number we'll get to towards the end. A fast paced, fun country number with some really nice pattering from Nelson and Sokol. IT's just pure country fun.
Bar-b-que: another fun fast paced country number. And look I won't lie these first three songs are pretty simple but it dosen't make them any less fun and I get what Henson and Williams were going for: a sort of theme park version of the country, but without getting offensive. Hence a quick country song about a mess of barbeque is just.. fun, wholesome and really makes me want some ribs. Soon... soon.
Our World is a genuinely sweet song by Ma Otter, with a good message about being welcoming to all and not letting hate in. Sokol sings the hell out of it and i'ts why the first few songs sorta. It's a touching calll for peace and unity.. which given in the years sense this special we've gotten so much war on christmas nonsense and calls to stop letting everyone into the holidays, is a really nice thing to here
The Jugbands song, Brothers is also really nice. it has a fast tempo like Ain't No Hole and Barbeque, but takes it up a peg, while having a really ncie message about found family comparing themselves to "long lost brothers"... a sentiment certainly shared by most of the henson crew.
River Bottom Nightmare Band. Oh baby this song. It stands out in part because it's diffrent from the folk stylings of the rest of the tracks, being a glam rock number which Williams was already skilled at thanks to phantom of the paradise. He takes it up a notch here, just having the rive rbottom nightmare band be card carying villians talking about how they don't brush their teeth so their toothaches make them mean and grass dosen't grow whereever they standddddd
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It's the standout track on an already stellar lineup.
The final track though comes close and is a work of musical genius: Williams had to build Our World and Brothers to function well on their own.. and PERFECTLY together. While Mash Ups aren't exactly uncommon nowadays, it's not Williams tweaking with two unrelated songs.. he built TWO diffrent songs, complete and still damn good and made it so they interlocked perfectly. That my friends takes talents and what makes this my second favorite track of the special: a heartfelt song of unity, warmth and peace to close out a special that's kind wholesome and wonderful.
Our WOrld:
So yeah.. Emmet Otter's is great. Even beyond the heartwarming and sadly still all too relevant story that manages to sneak in an aseop about poverty, it's a heartwarming tale tha thas a lot of technical mastery packed into a simple, moving tale. It also has sexy glamorck bear monsters who apparently pissed off the mayhem, so it has that. It's a wonderful, well done, simple special that touches the heart. It's worth a watch if you haven't seen it.
Now before we go , something I haven't done in a while as I haven't been covering as many films muppet wise: i'ts time to bring back ye old letterboxd ranking list!
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As you can see Emmett Otter shot right up there to #3 and it's well done technical work and warm soundtrack earn it that place. It was a joy to see this again and to cover it and I hope if you haven't seen the special you will and if you have you enjoyed this look at it. Thanks for reading.
Next Time: We can finally do one of these with confidence as next time we go to a land down under to visit australian human and muppet do Sammy J and Randy as they stake out on Bin Night.
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anhandfulgirl18 · 2 years
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I want to start by saying that as a college student who's about to major in both English and Spanish, analyzing (or should I say over-analyzing) texts is something I'm slowly becoming excellent at it. This means that I'm becoming more and more like one of those professors that have to find hidden meanings to the tiniest detail in every poem and every text. Moreover, I've seen many and read many other interpretations of this song, and most people seems to agree that this song is either about Taylor Lautner or about Tom Hiddleston. However I don't particularly agree. In my personal opinion, Midnight Rain is about someone Taylor dated back when she was still in high school in Nashville. And I'm about to tell you why.
Up front, the first verse of the song is: My town was a wasteland/ Full of cages, full of fences. She's setting the scene here and she's clearly talking about Nashville; then she goes on and talks about her high school, indeed she says: Pageant queens and big pretenders. And from this description we can understand that she didn't particularly liked this reality and that she wanted something more: But for some it was paradise and also I was making my own name/ Chasing that fame. She wanted to be famous, she didn't want to be just someone's wife.
Furthermore, another hint that she's talking about Nashville can be found in the second verse, where she sings: It came like a postcard/ Picture perfect shiny family/ Holiday peppermint candy. She's painting this picture of the classical American suburb where everything looks extremely perfect like, as she says, it came out of a postcard. From this verse, we also learn that this perfect, suburban life is actually the reality of this alleged ex-boyfriend, indeed she says: But for him, it's every day. Therefore, I assume he stayed in the same town he used to live when he went to high school and probably he got married and now he's a family man. I also assume that he proposed to Taylor (or, at least, he had the intention to) but she declined, indeed she sings: He wanted it comfortable/ I wanted that pain/ He wanted a bride/ I was making my own name/ He stayed the same/ All of me changed. Thus, while he remained unaltered, she changed completely because it was fame that changed her. However sometimes she thinks of what could have been if she decided to have a normal and simple life with this man, in fact she says: I peered through a window/ A deep portal, time travel/ All the love we unravel/ And the life I gave away. Nevertheless, this reminiscing about the past and wondering what could have been does not happen frequently, indeed, she rarely thinks about him: I never think of him/ Except on midnights like this....
And this is why, at least in my opinion, she is talking about a high school lover. This can also be seen in another song of hers, which is We Were Happy. Indeed, in this song she sings: Talking 'bout your daddy's farm we were gonna buy someday and Talking 'bout your daddy's farm/ And you were gonna marry me. He was clearly making plans for the future and he clearly had the intention of marry her, however she broke up with him, in fact in We Were Happy she clearly states that she was the one who ended things, she says: I hate those voices telling me I'm not in love anymore. Therefore, she was sad to leave him, but she did it anyway to chase her dream.
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btelling · 2 years
11 and 12 for The Squib, please :)
Thank you so much for the question!! Another excellent choice!
11: What do you like best about this fic?
I really love the concept. It's a world that, though horrible, I'm always really excited to return to and think about. The divide between the muggle and wizarding worlds was always something that really fascinated me in canon. And the implications of just how horrible it would be to be a squib didn't really hit me until a later re-read when I was older. Because you're introduced to the concept of Squibs through the lens of Filch, who we all hate, and its this joke. Oh isn't it so funny that this man who is so mean to Harry and his friends has to clean up after all the magical kids and can't even do magic himself (which, god, maintaining a castle that large as one person when you can't even do magic is just cruel, no wonder he was so bitter). But when you really start to peel back the layers of it, you would never really find home in either world. How do you settle for the mundane when you know that Narnia is out there, you just can't access it, not really? And then the wizarding world has also rejected you completely. You're a joke. So while your siblings and relatives are all engaging in literal magic you're just what, being an accountant? While the whole family laughs at you at best or outright denies your existence if they're pureblood? And it's the same for Muggleborns. They have to uproot their entire lives at 11 and leave their world behind for 9 months out of the year every year for 7 straight years. How would that not fracture their relationships with their families and loved ones? Muggle technology can't work inside Hogwarts, so particularly as the Muggle world advances, they're falling further and further behind their friends and relatives. They're completely cut off from their past lives. If they want to communicate home, they have to use the wizarding owl system. If they want to catch up with friends over the summer holidays, they can't talk about their schoolwork or too much about their peers, because oh there's the statute of secrecy. They graduate with qualifications in Transfiguration, they're not going to a traditional university. They're not going back to the Muggle world. It all feels a bit, and to act glib about something incredibly serious and awful, forced assimilation. The implications are really awful if you start to dig just a bit under the surface. The fandom jokes and has theories, but Hermione basically all but stops seeing her parents after GoF - one skiing trip cut short in OotP (thanks Harry) and then she's back to the wizarding world. Because that's where her life is. Now what if we turn up the gas and add more tension to this situation? If these worlds that these characters have to straddle are actively at war with each other, but the muggles have a leg up this time? Well, it was just too tempting to pass up.
12: What do you like least about this fic?
I'd say that, and as much as I loved getting to explore their story, I do wonder if I wasn't writing and posting this chapter by chapter with basically a vague idea at best of where we're going next (we're all in this together), if I'd have gone for such an awful outcome for Dean and Seamus. It felt right at the time, to show how directly impacted more canon characters were by this new world, and I got to zoom out and show more of the world (the scene with the wizard at the bar is a particular favorite of mine) all through the story of a half-blood and a muggleborn traveling together and, again, having to straddle these two worlds. But I never like falling prey to harmful tropes, and I do wish I hadn't "buried the gays" so to speak. Justice for Dean and Seamus, they deserved better.
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Hiii I love this and forgot a couple of fandoms the first time!! HAPOY BIRTHDAY AGAIN BTW!! 🌲 + Harry Potter fandom and IT fandom (male character preference) + I’m a 30 year old queer woman (she/they) who is Graysexual and Biromantic. I’m 5’1” with a peaches and cream complexion, dark green eyes (tho my right eye has a blue film over it due to blindness), long dark brown hair, and an almost hourglass figure. I’m a Hufflepuff! I’m compassionate, stubborn, get frustrated easily, silly, happy, cute, passionate, have OCD, Dyscalculia, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and I’m Autistic. I studied general studies in school (I switched majors a few times). I’m ethnically an Ashkenazi Jew and was raised both religiously Roman Catholic and Jewish. I am trying to be more religiously Jewish. I love animals a lot. I love reading (especially history, romance, myths/lore, anything about Judaism/being Jewish, and fiction), botany, space, cats, my faith, playing games, dancing, singing, traveling, and naps. When I get frustrated/upset or despondent, I tend to belittle myself and think that whatever is wrong is my fault even when it is not.
Thanks again hon here we go!
I first ship you with Harry Potter! 🧡
He enjoys learning and being a part of the Jewish culture and traditions whenever he could from Shabbat dinners,Ramadan,and Hanukkah to Rosh Hashanah,Sukkot,and Yom HaAtzmaut spending every single one with your family
Every time he hears you talk badly of yourself he just holds you and tells you how he would be so lonely and lost without you in his life and he wouldn't find someone more wonderful and beautiful than you
He always stares at your eyes while looking at them always making him think of the gardens near Hogwarts and your home full of green and multiple colors but he always sees the many shades of blue
When you're anxious he takes you to the greenhouse and sits in between and beside the many plants all around even having you hold small pots of different flowers gently stroking the petals until you were calm
It didn't matter to him what you looked like or what house you were in as long as you were a good person and you cared about him he couldn't care less what color your skin or hair was,what house you were in,or what race and culture you were from
When you are depressed he always tells you how much you changed his life from the first moment the two of you met through the loveable and bubbly Luna Lovegood who had been one of your greatest friends since you arrived at Hogwarts
Every time he sees your figure whether in your Hufflepuff uniform,a pair of jeans and a cute top,pajamas,or a dress he always smiles at just how truly beautiful you were always in awe of how he was the one to fall in love with you and have you by his side despite everything that happened ever since the two of you met
And next I ship you with Ben Hanscom! 💛
He always writes little poems for you whenever you are depressed always adding in how much he loves you even when you have moments of depression,anxiety,and self esteem
No matter how many times he sees you in a dress,t-shirt and jeans,tank top and shorts,or pajamas when he would come over to your house he always sees you as an angel who came into his life when he least expected it and will always be with him whether you were big or small
He always looks into your eyes always seeing the blue of the sky in the hours of the evening before it became night and the green of the emerald jewels he would see on a necklace you would wear given to you by your aunt for your birthday
Whenever you're anxious he always puts his walkman on you with new kids on the block or a song playing in the headphones giving you the comfort and safety you needed in that moment
He always enjoys coming over for Shabbat dinners and any other holidays under Jewish culture and even learning the language to speak with you and your family and cooking meals with your grandmother making you fall in love with him even more
Anytime you are hard on yourself he grabs and hugs you telling you that you were the best thing to ever happen to him and how he saved him from so much that was happening to him making your heart swell with love and warmth knowing that you were going to marry him when you were both grown up
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