#it would be something else. but still something very wrong.
bambiwrites · 2 days
Poor Thing ౨ৎ ⋆。˚
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Mean! ellie X innocent ditsy bimbo! reader pt 2
• A/N ; oh my thank you for asking for pt i was hoping someone wanted it, i actually love mean ellie but she is so mean in this:( Anyway i hope you guys likeee!! and please send request!!
warnings ; cunnainglingness, possessive?, mean!ellie, very slight bondage, size kink maybe, innocence kink, she was so mean in this:(
• About ; ellie is so mean to you and things your as dumb as the stupid pink clothes you wear, but she warms up to you…kinda!
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You went to sleep happy that night, after ellie left you fell asleep with a smile on your face, and butterflies in your tummy. ITs the next morning and you wake up doing what you would usually do, your hair is perfect with a little pink bow and your lips are pink and glossed to perfection, so you start to walk to class bouncing on the balls of your feet excited to see ellie.
You walk in with a big smile as you sit down ready for class and you see ellie and you smile and wave, telling her to sit by you. But ellie being ellie she ignores you and sit down away from you, you frown softly, your lips turned to a pout as you think what you could’ve done wrong. You sit there as you finish the notes, the bell ringing signaling it’s time to go. you jump up rushing to ellie “ellie wait!” you say with a smile as you grab her hand, she snatched her hand away “what do you want.” ellie says in a sharp tone, you look at her confused “i-i just wanted to say hi…” you breath out trying to hide the disappointment. ellie scoffs and walks away ignoring you, your bottom lip wobbles as she walks away and you immediately walk the other way trying to stop the tears. You knew it was too good to be true.
~ time skip
Your sitting in your dorm room doing the project still thinking about what happened earlier, you then hear a knock and get up walking over and opening the door “hey what’s u-“ you cut yourself off as you look up and see ellie. “oh ellie. do you need something?” you say softly still being nice even though what she did cause you just don’t have a mean bone. “i’m here to do the project, what else?” ellie says in a mocking tone, but none the less you step aside and let her in, she goes and sits on your bed making herself comfortable.
You go sit next to her and go back to reading and occasionally writing some of the notes until ellie speaks up “your being quiet” ellie mumbles as she closes her book with a hum, your shrug and nod softly. Ellie grabs your jaw and making you look at her “why baby?” ellie hums, her face inches away from yours, you mumble out “you know why ellie…” Ellie tuts and shakes her head “your sad cause i didn’t give you the attention you wanted earlier right honey?” you nod and pout “awh you poor thing c’mere” ellie says and pulls you into her lap wrapping one arm around your waist and her other hand on your cheek. “ ‘m sorry baby i didn’t mean to upset you” ellie pouts at you, basically mocking you “lemme’ make it up to you hmm” ellie says and hums as you nod. Ellie leans in pressing a soft kiss to your lips “i’m so sorry baby, i’m sorry i hurt your feelings” ellie pouts softly as she tugs at your shorts “let’s get these off hmm” you nod and stand up sliding them down your legs.
“mm so beautiful babydoll” ellie rasps out as she pulls you back onto her lap by your thighs as she trails her hand into your panties,swiping her fingers through your folds collecting the wetness “awhhh your so wet honey you must really need me?” ellie locks you but you whimper and nod as she rubs circles on your clit. She slides a finger in, pumping in and out softly as she moves you guys for you to be under her and her on top, she kisses down your neck and jaw as she speeds her movements up making you snap your legs close around her hand “uh-uh keep ‘em open.” ellie says in a rough voice as she forces your legs back open.
“Why are you so mean t’ me” you slur out softly as you feel your high come “awh im not mean baby, your my only girl” ellie coo’s softly as she speed her movements up, you feel your tummy get warm and you tighten around her fingers, and cum hard. Your eyes roll back as you grip ellie’s free hand, she holds your hand rubbing her thumb over your knuckles “you did so good sweet girl, so good” ellie coos as she kiss your lips softly and brushing some hair away from your forehead. You look up at her and smile, but then she gets up kissing your forehead “text me kay?” ellie says then leaves, you can help but feel hurt and tear up….
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often-daydreaming · 2 days
Standing in the very center of the abandoned road Danny carefully pulls a stack of aged envelopes out of his bag, the dozens (Sixty four in total) of unsent letters were carefully bound with string and rubber bands and he hesitates for a second, his gaze lingering on the most recent one still left unsent before he sets it down in a bowl in front of him. He doesn't have much time. If he waits for too long then Jazz was bound to notice him missing and with the idea of her or anyone else noticing and trying to stop him Danny strikes a match and sets the bowl of ingredients on fire like he was taught.
Nothing would stop him. Not when they were running out of options.
'I, Daniel James Fenton, heir to Infinity and student of Hope and Time summon the fates. The three who are one. The one who is three. Show yourself to me Hecate.'
He calls for them like Pandora taught him to, his power cracking the ground around him and after a while they appear, in-between the roar of thunder and a bright flash of light. Each one is a different part of the same being. All three of them were wearing the faces of someone he knew and a stranger and in the privacy of this moment far away from everyone who ever knew him Danny averts his eyes, his head dipping slightly in acknowledgement. He can be polite when the situation calls for it.
'Daniel.' The youngest one wearing his sister's face smiles at him nearly drawing closer before the roar of thunder stops her advance. 'It's been so long.'
'Too long'
'This is the first time he's called us sister.'
'But not the last.' The middle one disguised as his mom doesn't need the same warning as the first but she crotches down to stare at him eye to eye. It's painful to look at but he knows it's not real. 'You look so thin Danny. Are you eating? Are you hungry?'
'He is, but not for food. Look at him. He wants something.' The last one cuts in. She's wearing the face of a stranger but his core knows her. Deep down some part of him recognizes this woman and her dismissive tone and he hates her.
She wasn't wrong though.
'I need answers and Clockwork told me to ask you.'
They all smile at that, large abnormal smiles but after dealing with the supernatural for so long it doesn't bother him so he holds out the small package meant as a gift to gain their help.
The middle one comes close enough to take it while the first cheerfully tells him.
'You can ask us three questions little prince.'
And the stranger finishes with 'But you'll only get one answer from each of us.'
'So think about your questions Danny.'
'Think carefully.'
Alright, nobody told him they worked like this but he's worked with worse before so for his first question he tells them. 'I want to know about my parents.'
He needs to know if they'll even be willing to help them out.
The above is more of a late night thought but basically an adopted Danny calls up the fates as a work around to things Clockwork can't do because of the Observers being annoying.
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scififettuccine · 12 hours
Homelander x SupeTeen!Reader
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Idk ya'll Homie has really been getting on my nerves recently. I wasn't exactly sure where I was going with this one at first, but I LOVE the way it turned out. It was a doozy but it was SO FUN to write! This isn’t proof read just yet so please don’t yell at me💀
Summary: You meet your biological father for the first time at Vought Tower after your adoptive mother's unexpected passing...he's not exactly what you expected.
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Homelander (Obviously), death of a parental figure, mentions of death, manipulation tactics, awkward parental conversations???
Being a Supe had never been easy for you, though, luckily you had never been forced to live in a lab. Soon after you were born, one of the Vought scientists had taken you in as her own, -due to the fact that your biological mother had died during childbirth- directly going against Vought's policies. She was found out eventually, to no one's surprise...but this breach in policy gave headway to a new experiment. So, she was allowed to keep you and raise you as her own. You were raised as any other child would be, but you were treated with extra caution...and being the only Supe in school wasn't exactly a cake walk. But the worst thing you had experienced was a little bullying, but your doting, caring, adoptive mother put an end to that rather quickly by talking with the school board. The first 15 years of your life were...tolerable, if not ideal. It was supposed to stay that way...until your mother was found dead at her place of work.
It had only been two weeks since your mother died. In those two weeks, you had been relocated and told, verbatim, that your father was one of the most iconic Supes in the world...Homelander. Now? You were sitting in The Seven's meeting room at Vought Tower, anxiously toying with the handle of the swivel chair you were sitting in. Part of you was still just...numb. Everything you had ever known had been ripped away from you seemingly overnight. Any other child would be over the moon...but you? You were just...detached. You were pulled out of the endless depths of your own thoughts when a voice echoed off the walls of the room.
"Hey there, kiddo!"
You looked up from your anxious fiddling, and were met with the blindingly white smile of your biological father. You did your best to give a convincing smile back, sitting up a bit straighter in your seat. His presence wasn't exactly the most comforting. He tilted his head to the side a bit when you didn't respond.
"You're Y/N...Right? Hopefully we didn't get the wrong kid...that would be awkward, wouldn't it?" Homelander asked with a laugh. He sort of stopped in the center of the room, looking you up and down, like he was trying to evaluate you...to decide your worth. You nod sheepishly.
"Yeah...yeah. That's me." It honestly didn't help that you were the age that you were...it made it more awkward somehow. Homelander didn't say anything for a moment, almost like he was waiting for you to say something else. When you didn't, he sort of chuckled.
"You're not very talkative, are you?" He asked. You had opened your mouth to respond, but he cut you off. "I guess that's understandable. Meeting your old man for the first time is no small feat..." He paused for a moment as he evaluated your expression. "I'm sorry to hear about your mom...tough stuff there, kiddo." You took a breath when he mentioned your mother. It was all so fresh...and there were so many things you had recently learned that she had never told you. You didn't even know she wasn't your biological mother until after she died.
"Mmm...Don't be sorry...not your fault."
Oh, the unknown irony of that statement.
Homelander let out a small scoff and frowned. Admittedly, the frown looked incredibly fake...almost like he was mocking you.
"Still...I can't imagine what you must be feeling. I mean, to find out that she was keeping so much from you...after she died...? That must pack an even worse punch." You sort of stiffened in your seat. You weren't exactly stupid...you could read his tone. He was hiding his insults towards your mother with a cruel, mock sympathy.
"She only did it to protect me...I know she did. She wasn't a bad mom, she was amazing, actually." You respond, almost matter-of-factly, your eyes glowing red ever so slightly. "I know raising a Supe couldn't have been easy for her...she had her reasons." It was incredibly hard to talk about your mother in any way, considering she had only died two weeks ago. Homelander sensed your tone, and put his hands up as he noticed the flicker of light in your eyes. It suddenly became clear to him that you couldn't control your powers, which almost made him smirk.
"Hey now, of course she was...Absolutely no hard feelings towards your mom...But I know I would have never kept things from you like that. And registering you at a public school, knowing you're a Supe? That's just...cruel." You were going to continue defending your mother...until he mentioned school. That was something you couldn't exactly convince yourself was a great move on your mom's part.
"School was...a different story. It was rough." You said, pulling your legs up onto the swivel chair so you could hold your knees to your chest. Homelander nodded as he took a few steps closer to you, his hands now at rest behind his back.
"So I've heard...I spoke to your therapist." That comment turned your stomach a bit. Wasn't everything you spoke about with your therapist supposed to be confidential? Homelander noticed the slight change in your expression. "Don't worry, Y/N...I didn't dig into any of the gritty teenager things..." He chuckled, "I was just curious to learn about your school situation. You're a sophomore now, right?"
"Yeah...I will be. In the fall." You said quietly. Homelander smiled, where he now stood beside your chair at the point of the uniquely shaped table.
"Well that's fun, isn't it?" He asked as he pulled out one of the other swivel chairs and pulled it towards him. "One more year and then you're one of the big dogs." You nodded, watching his movements as he sat down, facing you. Everything about him just seemed so...strange. Even the way he moved. It looked almost calculated...and was mildly unsettling.
"I guess..." You said quietly. You sighed as you rested your chin on your knees, grabbing onto the table to reluctantly turn your chair to face his...it was only polite.
"You don't seem too thrilled..." He started, his blue eyes meeting the identical set that you possessed, "Was school really that bad?" That was more of a rhetorical question on his part, he knew everything about you.
"The teasing sucks...They call me 'Laser Eyes'..." Homelander stifled a laugh when you said that, to which you narrowed your eyes.
"I'm sorry...I'm sorry!" He said with a chuckle, "That is the stupidest insult I've ever heard!" Homelander took a moment to stop laughing before he looked back to you. "Look. I'm not laughing at you, kiddo. I would never. But Laser Eyes...? Really? They couldn't come up with anything more original? I mean...Even I'd be hesitant to insult you considering you could just laser them in half." He said. His smile was almost manic looking.
"What?" You asked, almost dumbfounded. "I would never...I could never." You said. You pulled your chin off your knees, your eyes still narrowed.
"Why couldn't you? You're a Supe...aren't you? I mean...mommy swooping in and bribing administration to take disciplinary action against those little shit stains isn't exactly making you out to be the strongest person..." You almost immediately sat up correctly in your chair.
"She bribed the administration...?" You ask softly. Homelander gave a mock frown as he noticed your eyes become glossy.
"You didn't know? Gosh...How much was she keeping from you?" You swallowed as he spoke and tried your best not to cry. The last person you wanted to look pathetic in front of was Homelander...Especially considering his earlier comment about it not being a good look that your mom always had to swoop in and save you. "Awe..." He started, scooting his chair closer to yours. "Don't cry kiddo...It's not your fault that you're so lost...It's hers." Your eyes met his once again, a tear slipping down your cheek, which you quickly reached up to wipe away.
"Lost?" You ask. Homelander nodded.
"Well, most Supes your age, with your abilities usually already have a professional presence...Or at least know how to use their powers correctly." He said, tilting his head to the side ever so slightly. "I mean, had I raised you? Had you not been wrongfully stolen from me after you were born? You'd already have a place in the Supe community, followers...maybe even a contract with Vought. You wouldn't just be floating in your own little bubble...You'd have a group. A family." Something in you broke when he spoke. Your mother had stolen you from your biological father? And had he raised you, you wouldn't be so...you? So lonely and misplaced? You couldn't help the tears that slid down your cheeks. It was as if your entire life had been flipped upsidedown.
"She...S-she really kept all that from me?" You asked. Homelander tutted softly, almost pitying you. He stood up and held out his arms.
"Come here, kiddo..." He said softly, with a tone of empty sympathy. You almost immediately stood up and buried your head in his chest. At this point....What else did you have? Who else did you have? He chuckled softly as he wrapped his arms around you, his hug firm, considering he was so much larger than you...yet comforting, despite the strange material of his suit.
'It's alright, Y/N...You're right where you need to be. We'll get you up and running with those powers of yours in no time..." He said softly, resting his chin on top of your blonde hair. He caught the reflection of the two of you in the large window that lit the room and his grip tightened, almost possessively. "You're not alone anymore...got it? You've got your dad to keep you company..." You nodded against his chest, sniffling.
"Got it." You responded softly, hugging him a bit tighter. Maybe this wasn't so bad. Maybe Homelander, no, your father was what was best for you. How could you have been living in the dark for so long without realizing it...? You were truly lost. But everything was okay now. You were finally safe, in your fathers embrace.
Homelander smiled wickedly at his own reflection in the window before he rested his cheek on your head. Finally...he had you. His own child that he had been trying to get his bloody hands on for years...Losing another Vought scientist was a necessary sacrifice in the bigger picture of his perfect narrative...and it all started right here. With you. His child. He smiled as he pulled away from the hug, his hands gently squeezing your shoulders.
"How does a milkshake sound, huh? I know Planet Vought has a double chocolate one that's yummers." You smiled and nodded as he moved his thumb to wipe the tears from your cheeks.
"I love chocolate." You said with a small laugh. Homelander chuckled as he turned you towards the door of the meeting room and started walking, his firm hand on your shoulder urging you forward.
"I know."
I hope ya’ll enjoyed! I left it open for more parts so totally let me know if you’d be interested in reading more. Writing for Homes is always a questionable adventure 💀 Until next time, Adieu!
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peppermintquartz · 2 days
Buck can't stop thinking about the scars that litter the landscape of Tommy's skin. Those from the job, he's mostly okay with; he has several of his own too, not least the ones left by the lightning strike (Lichtenberg scars, like a branching tree. He's lucky that his are not on his face, even if it does look pretty gnarly and he's sure to win future scar-comparing contests).
The ones from muay thai and basketball are the ones Tommy likes talking about. They're mostly accidents during training or play, though there's a dark scrape on his right elbow that's from a match with apparently one of the best muay thai fighters in Los Angeles ("I could hold my own with him for almost three rounds! Asnee was the fastest I ever fought") that Tommy's proud of.
And there is one that is very faded near his hipbones, that if Buck hasn't scrutinized his boyfriend very thoroughly, learning him from head to toe, he would not have noticed. It's small with puckered edges, like something had punched its way into Tommy's flesh. Something small and sharp.
Tommy doesn't talk about it.
"A bad decision in Phuket," is all Tommy would say, the one time Buck asked. "Years and years ago, when I was still in the army."
Buck thinks about what that version of Tommy would be like. Still putting up a front of being the stereotypical straight jock, still dating and sleeping with women, still trying to fit whatever preconceived notion of Manliness his father had put in his head.
(Buck both wants to and dreads the idea of ever meeting Tommy's father. He aches for that younger Tommy who is so afraid to be himself that he has to pretend to be someone else entirely, and wonders how much of it is because of his father.)
And then there's a little black mark on the back of Tommy's right hand, near the webbing of his thumb.
"I was stabbed with a pencil," Tommy tells him when Buck points it out. "I was ten, pretty overweight and clumsy. No one wanted to be my friend, and, uh, a friendless fat kid is the easiest target for bullies. So this kid just took his pencil and stabbed me." He chuckles and shrugs, as if there's no lingering hurt at all. "He got in trouble for that, at least. And I got a week off homework, since my right hand was bandaged up."
Buck tilts his head quizzically as Tommy stands. "You're left-handed."
"The teachers didn't know." Tommy kisses Buck on his cheek and pats him on the shoulder before going to the sink to wash their coffee mugs.
The teachers didn't know. Somehow that makes Buck sadder and angrier for ten-year-old Tommy. He wants to go back in time and be friends with that friendless kid, the one bullied for something that isn't his fault, and then thinks about himself at ten years old, acting out and trying to stand out from his peers. No, he would not have been a good friend to Tommy then.
He stands and goes to the sink to hug Tommy from behind, his arms going around Tommy's waist, and then he presses a soft kiss to the back of his boyfriend's neck.
Tommy pauses and turns his head slightly to lean into Buck's warmth. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I'm just glad you're here with me now," Buck replies. They didn't know. But I will. I will learn everything about you, and I will remember.
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dark-frosted-heart · 3 days
Clavis’ 4th Birthday Story (Part 3)
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
—An incident that happened after I left to make tea at Clavis’ request.
The sounds of swords clashing rang in a corner of the large garden.
The two had been going through paperwork in the office only a short while ago, so how did they end up fighting each other with their swords drawn?
(Clavis aside, it’s rare to see King Chevalier entertain anyone)
Clavis caught King Chevalier’s swing at the right moment.
To the untrained eye, the two would look evenly matched.
Clavis: Haha, you’re stubborn. Just drop dead already.
Chevalier: I thought I’d settle this quickly, but it looks like you have some fight in you today.
(I really should stop them, but…)
I was reluctant to when I saw how Clavis was enjoying himself.
(Now that I think about it, every year on King Chevalier’s birthday, Clavis would celebrate by swinging his sword)
Chevalier doesn’t see any value in birthdays and doesn’t accept any well wishes or celebrations.
So Clavis swinging his sword every year to celebrate(?) acts as a reminder.
(Perhaps it’s reversed this time)
(Even though King Chevalier says he doesn’t celebrate…)
If their official business was actually something important, I doubt King Chevalier would drop it and draw his sword.
It’s likely that the pile of paperwork acted as a an opening to this unique present.
(I don’t know what caused this change of heart, but…Clavis must be happy)
Watching the two exchange blows didn’t feel right
(I wanted to make Clavis happier than anyone else did…and now I feel like I’m losing to King Chevalier)
(It’s a little frustrating…)
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Clavis: Chevalier, I don’t have time to casually beat you up. My lovely fiancee looks like she’s jealous.
Clavis, who had been engaged in a fast-paced sword fight, took a step back and reached into his pocket.
What was quickly thrown to the ground exploded, creating a plume of smoke.
(Woah, the smoke’s coming this way!)
As I held my breath, I suddenly found myself lifted out of the smoke that clouded my vision— 
Clavis: Let’s run.
Emma: Woah, huh…why?!
Clavis carried me with ease and ran through the garden.
Before I could even process what was happening, we arrived at a guest room decorated just like the ones in the castle.
Clavis set me down like a gentleman and peeked down the hall.
Clavis: Haha, so he didn’t chase after me in the end. Looks like I won today.
Emma: King Clavis…what was that fight just then?
Clavis: Rebellion of course. There was no way I was going to let him take up more of my precious time on my birthday, regardless of circumstances.
Emma: Is it okay to rebel against official business?
Clavis: I verified that it could all be done tomorrow…That man took advantage of me. Ah, just thinking about it makes me angry.
(...That sour look. I wonder what they talked about while I was gone)
Clavis: You forget about that treacherous man too. In the time left, our new maid will be celebrating with me.
Emma: …
Clavis: What’s wrong?
Emma: …King Clavis, didn’t you call me your “lovely fiancee” earlier?
Clavis: Hmm…Did I?
(I’d like to think I was imagining it, but there’s no question about his demeanor)
(My surprise operation…)
I resisted the urge to collapse and removed my glasses.
Emma: How long have you known?
Clavis: Oh, so the new maid was Emma all along…!
Emma: Don’t pretend to be surprised.
Clavis: Haha, don’t pout.
As if to console me, Clavis hugged me around the shoulders and kissed my forehead.
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Clavis: I love you, so how could I not have noticed? I’m confident that I can see through any of your disguises.
(Now that I think about it, he even recognized me while I was dressed as a man some birthdays ago)
(He knew from the very beginning but pretend he didn’t to not let me down)
(My heart’s a mess from both happiness and frustration)
Emma: I guess I still need to practice more if I want to surprise you.
Clavis: Yes, that’s right. But your aim wasn’t to surprise me, was it? My lovely fiancee, whom I didn’t think I’d be able to see on my birthday, appeared before my eyes and stayed by my side the entire time. Furthermore, she showed just how much she loved me when she saw through and stopped all my pranks. Is there a man out there that wouldn’t feel over the moon by this? I doubt it. I had another wonderful birthday this year. There were some complications, but you made up for them. 
When I looked up, Clavis’ smile melted my heart.
(That’s the face I wanted to see)
It was one different from the joy he expressed while with King Chevalier.
Only I got to see Clavis look this relaxed.
(...My surprise failed, but getting to see this kind of happiness on your face made it all worth it)
My frustration vanished instantly, leaving only happiness in my heart.
Emma: It’s still too early to feel satisfied. The real thing’s just beginning. 
Clavis: Haha, is that so?
Those alluring golden eyes made my heart skip a beat as he held my gaze.
I couldn’t help but kiss him when I saw the look of love on his face.
When I stole a kiss, fingers curled around the back of my neck, fanning the flames.
(...I was thinking about getting the cake I prepared for him…)
Clavis sealed my lips with his and slowly shed the gentlemanly facade.
Every touch sent heat down to my core, snatching away any confidence I had to leave this room.
(Rather than cake right now…)
I also placed my hand on the back of his neck and desperately tried to take in all the love given to me.
Emma: Apologies to King Chevalier, but…I want to spend the rest of the time with you. I’ll celebrate you for as long as we can, Clavis.
Clavis: Yes, of course. But I have one complaint…
He gently pushed me down on the bed and lifted the hem of my maid skirt.
Clavis: This skirt’s a bit too long for my birthday, don’t you think?
Emma: ……You pervert.
(Wait, no. It’s his birthday today. It’s his birthday)
When I shook my head and lifted my skirt, Clavis smiled as if he was about to burst into laughter—
Clavis: I’m a man who likes to be celebrated, so I’ll let you celebrate as much as you want.
—Eventually I was able to leave the room just as the morning sun began to light up the world.
I prepared the tea and birthday cake while savoring the happiness from the sensation of my body still feeling flushed.
But Clavis, with an elbow propped on a pillow and dreamy expression on his face, didn’t even try to get up.
Emma: Don’t you want to eat?
Clavis: Of course I do. But the problem is that I don’t feel like getting out of bed today. Oh dear, what a problem indeed. I could eat if my kind-hearted, lovely fiancee would feed me.
Emma: ……
Clavis: Every year I look forward to being wrapped in your love. Can you at least do this for the birthday boy?
Emma: …Just for today, okay?
(I have no choice but to respond when he’s looking at me expectantly)
(But I can’t bring myself to look at Clavis when he looks so charming after just waking up)
He’s normally fully dressed by the time I’ve woken up, so it’s rare to see him with just his shirt.
I turned away from Clavis, who still had the traces of last night surrounding him, and carefully placed the tray with the birthday set on the bed.
While I sliced the rainbow cake with the fork and brought a piece to his mouth, eyes down, I felt a strange sensation on my leg. 
Emma: W-what are you doing?
Clavis: Oh, would you like me to explain in detail? Sure. I saw your exposed legs, so I thought you were offering— 
Emma: Hurry up and eat your cake, happy birthday!
Sensing a hint of pleasure, I shoved the cake against his lips, but his hand didn’t leave my leg. Instead, he began to tickle the back of my knee in a lewd way.
Emma: Nn…
Clavis: Haha, that was a sweet sound.
Emma: The cake’s about to fall off.
Clavis: We can’t have that. I don’t want to miss a single piece from a cake you made. Come on now. If you keep looking away, it’ll really fall. 
(Ah, that’s why he’s playing a prank…)
Determined to overcome his sex charm, I met his gaze.
I had to steel myself so my hands wouldn’t shake when met with such overwhelming charm, but Clavis looked satisfied.
Clavis: You really know how to please me, don’t you?
Emma: Do I?
Clavis: Yes. I present you with the honor of Lelouch Master. A title only you could earn.
Emma: That… Might make me feel a little happy.
Clavis: Don’t feel so modest. You’re “very happy” aren’t you?
I felt so embarrassed that I unconsciously tried to look elsewhere, but a finger on my knee started acting mischievous again, as if to reprimand me.
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Clavis: Keep your eyes on me, Miss Accomplice. After all, everything I do is out of love for you, isn’t it? Not just now, but everything else up to this point.
(“Accomplice” instead of “fiancee”...There was something implied there)
(Why accomplice all of a sudden…)
Emma: Clavis, it can’t be that…all the pranks played on King Chevalier…they were— 
Clavis: As expected of the Lelouch Master. You’re pretty sharp.
(I see…those pranks weren’t for King Chevalier)
(Maybe they were evil deeds done out of love so that he could watch me flounder about)
(Which means I was unknowingly an accomplice to Clavis’ evil)
Emma: You played me.
Clavis: Haha, you still have ways to go. After Master, you should aim for Legend.
Emma: Of course, I’ll get promoted right away. I’ll reach Legend next year.
Clavis: Oh, that’s a lot of confidence.
Emma: So, um…that means I want to understand you even better than before!
(No one loves Clavis more than I do)
Feeling more embarrassed, I shoved the cake in his mouth and kissed his cheek.
I’m sure my face was bright red while Clavis smiled at me in delight.
Clavis: Now then, let’s see what your future holds. Can you love me even more, Emma?
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Hi! From the soft angst prompts, ❛whatever you do, do not let go of my hand.❜ for Bucktommy?
Every firefighter knows the saying: three bad calls are followed by a disaster. Fate had obviously decided that this was one of those days, Buck thought as he rolled up the hose at lightning speed. Everything that could go wrong had gone wrong three times today: a mistake on connecting a hydrant had soaked them all, Eddie had sawed his foot open while breaking up an overturned car, and a novice driver, blinded by the sun, had crashed into the fire truck. In the end, everything had turned out quite well, even though Eddie was in hospital for safety reasons and the fire engine now had a large dent. But still…
Gerrard was mad as hell, and everyone else was tense. Buck was counting the days until Bobby's return (he'd be back for sure), but the day was far from over, and everyone had categorized the three missions for what they had been: crap.  
"Something's gonna happen," Chimney gloomily stated.
"Yeah, I don't think we'll be getting off work on time today," Ravi quipped.
"Don't jinx it," said Hen. "Three jobs in a row, totally screwed up. That’s bad luck, you should know that by now." 
"I don't believe in such things."
A heated discussion about superstition and statistical probabilities broke out, and normally Buck, who was a walking encyclopedia when it came to such details, would have joined in. But not today. He looked ahead, through the windshield, and remarked thoughtfully, "Looks like a thunderstorm approaching."
"Nothing in the weather report," remarked Gerrard tight-lipped. Chimney, who loathed the guy intensely, interjected, "Thunderstorms can often be reliably detected only one to two hours before they arrive."
Hen ignored them and nudged Buck, "You don't think..."
"Yes, I do," Buck replied. "Three bad missions, one disaster. A thunderstorm is the icing on the cake.“
Half an hour later, the sky was heavily clouded, and the sound of thunder could be heard from the distance. The 118 had completed another mission, successfully this time, and was on its way back to the station when the radio crackled with a message. 
"Lightning strike at Pier 17, harbor area, reinforcement requested for emergency services on site."
"They have their own fire station," Gerrard remarked with an ugly laugh. 
"Wait a minute," Buck said, his brow furrowed with concern, "Pier 17, that is the firehouse, isn't it?"
"Station 217, yeah, 2 stands for the southern neighborhoods, 17 for the harbor section," Chimney said, looking at Buck.
"Confirm," he pressed out between clenched teeth, giving Gerrard a challenging stare.
"What, Buckley?"
"Confirm the mission. The 217 needs help."
"We'll be at the harbor in ten minutes, Captain," Hen said in her calm voice. 
"We're one man short after we dropped the Latino at the hospital."
"His name is Eddie," Buck said dangerously calmly, "and we've managed all the other missions without him. Confirm the assignment."
"It would be a shame," Chimney intervened, "if the chief hears that we were so close and haven't made our fire engine available to the 217."
Gerrard glared at him and reached for the radio.
It was ironic that, of all places, it was the fire station that was on fire, Buck thought. As they reached the harbor, the clouds poured down with heavy rain, and lightning flashed furiously across the sky. Buck looked up grimly. It would be ridiculous to develop a fear of thunderstorms just because he had been struck by lightning once, right? The statistical probability was... well, very low. It definitely wouldn't happen again. 
The fire station of the 217 was already completely engulfed in flames, and with it almost all the equipment – including their own fire engine. The 221 had been close enough to take the assignment, and they were happy to see reinforcements, because the fire was... a beast, Buck thought in surprise, realizing for the first time that Tommy was stationed here. The hangar was only a hundred yards from the station, and now Buck spotted him: Tommy and two other men were trying to prevent the fire from spreading to the hangar. 
Gerrard was busy looking busy and putting Ravi and Hen to work. Chimney and Buck exchanged a single glance, then took off running towards the hangar. 
"Damn it, report in,  Han and Buckley!"
"We're doing our job, Captain," Buck yelled, not even taking a glance back. 
The fire came dangerously close to the hangar, but so did the thunderstorm: at that moment, it seemed like heaven opened all the floodgates. Hail pelted down on the men, and Buck could barely see where they were running. Sometimes, rain was a firefighter’s friend, but this… this was no longer a fire to be impressed by the elements. The lightning must have struck an electrical distribution board, because the smoke and the huge flames were repeatedly accompanied by sparks. 
"Watch out," Chimney shouted over the roar of the fire, and Buck jumped out of the way of a splintered cable just in time, it was flashing across the floor, sparkling dangerously. Tommy turned, and his eyes widened as he recognized them.
"Didn't want to miss this, did you?" he called out, but Buck noticed the concern in his voice. The station was probably completely destroyed, and if the fire hit air support as well... 
"We wanted to see if you were any good in firefighting," Chimney replied, "but I'm afraid you've taken on a lot."
Thunder roared and a flash of lightning lit up the sky. Buck flinched. 
"Don't think you can do much here," Tommy said and briefly laid a hand on his arm. "You might as well…"
"You need us," Buck replied curtly, a wry little smile on his lips. "It's just a thunderstorm."
There was clear doubt in Tommy's eyes, but he nodded. "We need to shore up the back of the hangar," he said, "it's close to the bank, and it's sloping. There were two lightning strikes, the second one hit a fuse box behind the hangar and set off a kind of chain reaction."
"Who builds a hangar so close to the water?" asked Chimney, shaking his head.
"Someone who didn't expect something like this to ever happen," Tommy returned. 
They circled the building, which the others were still trying to keep clear of the fire, and now Buck saw what he meant. It was barely visible from the front, but the hangar was actually located on a hillside property that sloped steeply down to the sea. High waves would rarely be a problem here, and there was normally no danger of landslides – the hangar was actually in an ideal position for helicopter launches both for missions in the city and across the water. But then the storm somehow got out of control. 
Three deployments, one disaster, Buck thought as he looked at the mess. Perhaps the harbor building had once been a warehouse, because behind it was one of the smaller harbor cranes used in the past to transport heavy loads. It hadn't been in use for a long time, but the fuse box, which was also located back here, had. It was charred black, burnt through, and hissing with sparks like an angry snake. Tommy had said that lightning had struck. The force had apparently torn one of the power cables from its ground anchorage and hurled it towards the crane, which now resembled the Leaning Tower of Pisa. 
"It takes very little to crash into the hangar," Chimney said, "Or it tears off a chunk of the slope and crashes down," Buck added, pointing to the crumbling soil beneath the crooked crane. 
"Both, I'm afraid." Tommy looked at both men, all cheerfulness gone from his features. "We need ideas."
"And tools, I should think, wait," Chimney said, turning and running off.
"What the..."
"He knows what he's doing," Buck went. "Probably fetching the winch. In the meantime, we could…"
His voice trailed off as he carefully approached the crane, pushing a heel into the ground to test it. 
"I was thinking about the pile of firewood," Tommy said with a gesture to his back, and Buck raised his brows. "You're storing firewood behind your hangar?"
"Collection point for Forest Service," Tommy replied with a shrug. "The 217 is not a particularly glamorous fire station, Evan. We share the ground with other tenants."
"Your captain allows this?“ Buck remarked, shaking his head, "But well, sure, with those big beams there we could…"
He didn't get to finish the sentence. Another bolt of lightning crashed across the sky, directly over the water, so close that the sudden brightness stung Buck's eyes. A memory flashed through his mind, glowing like the lightning that had struck him and stopped his heart. Buck staggered back.
Tommy's voice seemed to come from far away, and through the rain, still streaked with hail, he was all but a blur. Buck’s feet failed to find a hold, but it wasn’t until his stomach dropped that he noticed something was very wrong.
"Evan, hold on!" Tommy yelled, and Buck finally realized that he was falling. His mind kicked in again, or maybe it was just instinct, he jerked his arms. His fingers clawed into earth that slipped beneath his fingers, wet from the rain. Panicked, Buck realized that his feet were dangling in the air, and he was slipping. Then, a violent jerk, and something, someone, grabbed him by the wrists. 
Strands of wet hair fell into Buck's eyes, but that was the least of his problems. He didn't dare look down, but an ominous rumble that was clearly not thunder told him that the crane wouldn't last much longer. And he was right in its path, should it tip over. 
A face appeared at the edge of his view, the most beautiful blue eyes Buck knew, yet there was fear in them. Impossible, Buck thought. Tommy isn't afraid of anything. However, perhaps this was a situation in which one should be afraid. Buck was hanging over the precipice, about to be hit by a crane, and all that was holding him up were two strong arms, pulling painfully at his own muscles.
"Hold on," Tommy repeated, his voice commanding, and almost automatically Buck clasped the hands that held him. 
"Whatever you do, do not let go of my hand, do you hear me?"
Tommy's eyes sought his, and Buck blinked. 
"'S fine," he croaked, and Tommy shook his head. "It’s not, stop deflecting and listen. I’m gonna pull, and I need you to support me with your knees or feet. Imagine you're mountain climbing, okay?"
"Tommy, the crane…"
"You will not think about the crane," Tommy ordered, his eyes flashing. His voice sounded strained. I'm heavy, Buck thought. "You will just listen to my voice. I'm pulling now."
He moved with a groan, and Buck felt as if his arms were being dislocated. The pressure on his wrists was immense, and he frantically tried to find some kind of grip on the sloping terrain with his boots. 
"You... will ... not... let go," Tommy gasped, as if it were some kind of mantra, and so Buck didn't let go, no matter how much it hurt or how hard it was. Progress was piecemeal, the ground was slippery and it was still raining. Buck winced with every thunderclap, but the lightning seemed to move away. His stomach dropped when Tommy slipped once, but he held on to him, and once, he himself lost a foothold that he had just gained on the slope. He still held on.
It seemed to take hours, but in reality, Chimney told them later, it had been less than two minutes. He approached at the same moment Tommy pulled Buck up. Buck slid across the damp ground and banged his nose into the soil, but he was safe. Or so he thought. 
"Look out," Chimney roared, but another roaring was even louder, announcing danger.
Tommy looked up when the crane lost its grip, and his eyes were wide as he grabbed Buck by the collar and took what he later would call– in the safety of Buck's bed and with some pride – a masterful Muay Thai jump. They rolled over the ground, dangerously close to the edge, and the crane fell very, very close to Tommy's left foot. Earth pelted down on them like rain, a deafening crash sounded, but... They were safe. 
Tommy came to rest on top of Buck, looking at him in amazement, as if he couldn't believe they'd pulled this off. He sucked in a breath and said, "Every day with you is a disaster, Evan."
"That was fate," Buck replied timidly, and Tommy laughed.
"Definitely," he replied, and when he kissed him, the world stopped for a moment, and it was wonderful. 
Thank you so much for this prompt, I had fun :)
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gauloiseblue · 1 day
[TW: implied non-con, somno, stalking, horror]
There's something strange going on in your apartment.
It had been going on for a while, but you've only noticed it recently.
Your sleeping schedule wasn't healthy per se, but there'd be the time when you felt so sleepy, you almost passed out on your way to the bed.
At first you suspected it was the calming tea you bought, but the drowsiness still came, even when you drank something else.
It happened at the same hour, too. Because the moment you hit the bed, you saw the same exact numbers on your clock.
8:00 PM
You rarely had a dreamless night, but somehow you always did when it happened. It's almost like you're sleeping like a rock, only to wake up, feeling groggy, and strangely sore.
Your neck was hurt, your shoulders were tense, and your hips felt like they'd been bruised.
Sometimes you found some strange bruises on your body. When you took a shower, you saw one in your inner arm. And later one, you discovered more on your inner thighs. You weren't that reckless to get a bruise in such places, so it was very confusing at that time.
Of course you've checked yourself to the doctor, but the result was nothing out of the ordinary, so there's nothing you should be afraid of. Though the doctor said it's possible that you've been sleepwalking, which would explain most of the odd things that's been happening.
After a night of heavy sleep, you woke up to find something that's out of place. You swore you didn't use that much tissues, but somehow they filled up your bin. You vaguely recalled putting your phone beside the pillow, but you found it on the nightstand the next morning.
One time, you felt so sleepy after a bath, that you didn't pay attention to your clothes. But you knew you had your shirt right, so why did you find it backward the next day?
There was a lingering smell that was foreign to you. It's almost like a musk, but not strong enough to be distinct. So you shrugged it off and thought of it as the remnant of your sweat. Which, you didn't know why you did, but you sweat a lot that night.
One or a few times, you stirred from your sleep and found yourself unable to move. All your limbs were heavy, as if something was weighing you down. And when you slept on your stomach, you often felt restrained, as if a large snake had wrapped itself around you.
It should've been obvious to you that something was wrong. Something was off about your apartment.
The first time you had a hunch was the moment you saw the CCTV of your floor. It was when you lost your spare key for the second time, and the security asked you to fill the form at the office. There were multiple screens in that place, which monitored each floor of the building. You glanced at the section of your floor, and saw your neighbor entering his room. The blond man has a room right across you, on the right side from the lift.
When you came to your floor, you noticed the security camera at the end of the hall was pointing at the lift. You looked back to the closing door, before your eyes went back to the small black dome on the ceiling, staring at the red dot.
It didn't click in your mind that something's off. Which you blissfully ignored as you stepped into your nightmare.
That night, you fell on the bed with your top only. Because you didn't have the energy to put on the rest of your clothes. And when you rose up from sleep the next day, you felt a cramp in your stomach. Your hip was so sore that you had trouble walking.
That's when you began to suspect something.
You had no idea what it was, but there was something in your apartment.
You tried to stake out for the night—once or twice every week, but nothing happened. Nothing was off about your room. You did doze off on one of the nights, but you didn't wake up sore the next morning. You're just… a little cold.
That was three days ago, and now you're preparing for another night.
You're drinking a glass of water when you glance at the clock. It's 7:58 PM, and it shouldn't be long before the lethargy seeps in. You finish the drink before you put the glass down on the table.
Yet it slips out of your hand before you could place it.
The glass rolls away under your bed, and you try to search with your hand, before you kneel down by the bed.
The sleepiness has taken effect on you, and you almost fall on your face when you try to peek into the darkness.
It's hard to get your eyes to focus, as you squint your eyes to locate the glass. It's near the hand of a mannequin, and you reach out to get it from under your bed.
But the hand is warm to touch when your knuckles brush against it. It was… too warm… too veiny for a mannequin.
It's not until its finger twitches, that you're hit with a delayed warning.
You don't own a mannequin.
Your body stumbles backward, as your mouth hangs open with a silent scream. In your mind, you were shrieking, it should be loud enough to alert the neighbors. Yet what comes from your mouth is a whimper.
You scramble to get on your feet, but the floor feels like sinking sand whenever you take a step.
The door is heavy when you pull it, before your knees give up, and force you to crawl into the small gap. The skid sound of your skin is drowned by the ringing of your ears, further disorienting you from getting to the front door.
Yet the moment you're close to the exit, your body collapses under its own weight. You fall flat on your stomach, with your eyes threatening to close at any time, pulling you down to your slumber.
You stretch your hand towards the door, which is a useless attempt since you can't reach the handle. The world seems to grow bigger, while you just turn smaller and smaller.
A heavy footstep awakens you from your daze, and you muster your energy to drag yourself away. Though it's no avail, since you can no longer feel your limbs.
And right before you succumb to your sleep, a pair of hands slip under your arms, before pulling you up with ease. You whine as his arms find their way around you, caging you with his strong embrace.
As your consciousness slips away, you hear him murmur something before everything goes dark.
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poppy-metal · 3 hours
your porn history post had me thinking about if did accidentally see their porn history. like i can imagine it going two different ways, one for when they were younger and then one for when they were older. when they were younger it's probably something you tease them about. especially art because he has shame while patrick doesn't. you went to google something on patricks phone and it pops up - "porn tennis girl fucked". or you're studying with art and go to pull up something he'd found the night before on his laptop, suddenly met with some site plus "soft feet milk my cock".
patrick would probably make fun of you before you make fun of him. teasing you about your shocked expression and then playfully accusing you of snooping. it takes a good bit for you to be able to make fun of him. long enough for him to shut up and for you to stop wondering if he was possibly thinking of you when he was watching girls get fucked in their tennis uniforms. poor art just wants to die when he looks over to see what you're laughing about. he's hiding his face away into a pillow and his whole body is turning beet red as you poke at him. teasing him about him liking feet stuff and threatening to look at the other searches. you start kicking him at random moments and then going, "whoops, forgot you like that," and it makes his brain stop working every time. 
with older patrick, you could find it anyway. looking up something, going through movies he owns, or he might just show you himself. he spends less time making fun of you and more time figuring out if you're possibly into it too. you'd get a better chance to tease him. ask him what went wrong in his life to make him so perverted. he sees it less like a joke and more like a compliment though. the whole thing probably ends with you watching porn with him, regardless if you're together or not. curiosity killed the cat.
with older art he would still be so embarrassed. especially when you go on a spiel about how you always took him as more of a vanilla guy. his face is red as he swears he is but his history... well, it suggests otherwise. make fun of him and then make fun of how it makes him squirm to be teased. ask him if that's something else he's into and he might die of both embarrassment and excitement. 
- ☕
whenever i get an ask from you an angel gets its wings. a fairy is born anew 🧚‍♀️
i actually think younger patrick would be more embarrassed than you thought - it depends on your relationship with him. if you're his friend - yeah he doesn't give a fuck - he's teasing you for being a pervert and going through his stuff. if you're like.... a girl hes been crushing on and you stumble on it - he's flushing red. not out of shame, just more like. aur, shit, you weren't supposed to know that about me yet. the yet is important because if things went according to his diabolical plan, then you'd be into all this shit too, eventually, as soon as he managed to stumble his way into being your boyfriend. he catalogs your reaction and either downplays it as being stupid shit that hes not even really into if you look horrified but if you look flushed then hes like. kinda tugging on his ear with his own flushed face like. yeah. thats what im into.
older!patrick. absolutely no shame. he'd be watching it on his phone because you had an argument and dont wanna give him head. or you're hanging out and hes bored and he just. pops his earphones in and plays a tride and true classic. when you look over and act scandalized by what hes watching - something with alot of cum and balls and anal, probably - he just unplugs the earphones and turns the screen so you can see better. "you wanna watch?" you're like patrick..... this is crazy and he shrugs like its not a big deal. suddenly curious to know what you watch, then. you're very adamant about not going down that rode, but then something about his making fun of you - suggesting you're into cutesy stuff and that's fine, its cute, its adorable really - well, you just have to show him you're not so vanilla. turns a little awkward though when you play your favorite video and both of you get intensely turned on.
art..... literally wishing you'd just kill him. like death would be better than this, he's sure. he can feel his soul leaving his body actually. at first, you find it funny. i mean - "mommy milks my cock." you have to laugh. pushing at his shoulder when he hides his face in his hands like, 'mommy? sorry? mommy? sorry? mommy? sorry?' just almost in tears laughing over it until he glares weakly at you, his face flushed bright, bright pink and tells you to knock it off. something about his watery eyes and golden curls and pouty face.... you let the subject drop quickly. if only because you get uncomfortably wet. later on, when you try to joke about it again - pausing before you hand him the milk he asked for with a grin "say 'please mommy'" you feel completely blindsided when art bites his lips, looks at you from under gold lashes and says "please can i have my milk.... mommy?" you hand it to him. you feel an out of body experience. like great, art. now we're both perverts here.
older art..... think he'd have more daddy related content.... breeding kink.. daddy fucking the babysitter.... daddy fucking me in my cute pjs... ect ect...... he equally wants to die from shame when you find it. just utterly beside himself trying to explain hes not into younger women like that! its just - he just - he likes it when - he likes the thought of - he cant even explain himself. just fumbling over his words. its easy to tease him about it. call him and old pervert who wants to fuck tight jailbait pussy and be called daddy. if you call him daddy, even in a teasing lilt, his whole body is reacting. nipples tightening, breath shuddering, thighs clenching.... cock chubbing up in his sweats. he has no response for you.
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Part 1 (Happy)
Villain follows the Child to a nice neighborhood in the city. Nothing crazy expensive like the Villain's penthouse, but comfortable. It looks very different in daylight. They hadn't even noticed the little park next to the apartment complex before. It probably wasn't illuminated at night. “This way!” The Child says cheerfully. They have been practically skipping the whole way. Villain sees the door that leads to Hero's apartment. Why did they feel nervous? They have been here before.
The Child opens the door and the smell of a warm dinner hits their nose. They both come inside and take their shoes off. The Child immediately grabs Villain's arm and drags them to the kitchen. “Sibling, look who I found!” Hero is standing in the kitchen, their hair still wet from the shower. They're wearing sweatpants and a bandage is visible under their sleeve. “Oh, Child, please. No more rabid street animals,” Hero says, exhausted. Their voice lacks their usual enthusiasm that make their fights so much more entertaining. “Ouch….” Villain huffs. “That's not really friendly, is it?”
Hero whips around, a horrified expression plastered on their face. “Hi, darling,” Villain says with a slug grin on their face.
“What the hell are you doing here?!” Hero yells out, pointing the spatula in their hand at Villain. “I invited them over for dinner!” Child gleems as they start taking plates out of one of the drawers. “Why? You know that's Villain right? The bad guy I warned you about?” Hero's voice is going so high that only dogs are going to be able to hear it in a minute. “Yeah, that's Villain. They helped you, remember?” Child says innocently. They truly don't see anything wrong with this. Villain finds it adorable. Hero lets out a deep sigh. “Child, please don't tell me that when you asked me how to thank someone and i told you to cook them some food, you meant thanking Villain?”
“Obviously, who else would I thank?” The Child says, having moved on to putting the glasses on the table. “Oh my god…” Hero sighs, pinching her nose bridge. “Oh my god…” They have to lean against a counter. “Did I teach them nothing?” Villain decides that that's enough panic for the Hero in one day. Their fight already took a lot of energy. “Not to interrupt your self-loathing, darling. But to their defense, I already knew your adres and they are following your advice, so you did teach them something.” Villain takes a step forward. “I was just a bit worried about you so I decided to come along, I can leave as fast as I came in.”
“No!” The Child yells out across the room,“Please don't leave!” Hero sighs again as a response. “Okay, they can stay. But only for dinner.” Hero points a finger towards Child as a warning. They shriek and drag Villain towards a seat at the neatly set table. Villain sits down and watches as Hero brings out a casserole and puts it on the table. Meanwhile Child pulls out a tablet and starts looking for a cartoon to watch.
“It's not made by a private chef, but it'll have to be enough,” Hero says as they sit down across the table, right in front of Villain. “Oh, I fired that chef ages ago. Too much caviar for my taste,” Villain remarks nonchalantly, “That and the poison they wanted to slip into my food.” Hero almost spits their drink out. “They did what?”
Villain shrugs, “I always have to be careful with who I trust. And don't worry, they are dealt with.” Villain stuffs their mouth full. They can't really make out what it is Hero cooked, but it’s still good. “That must be horrifying,” Hero says, taking another bite.
“What?” Villain cocks their head. It was just an assassin from a rival villain, nothing too dangerous. Worse things have been sent their way.
“You know, worrying all the time about not getting killed,” Hero continues. “Well, my dear Hero, I'd rather be dead than locked up in a cell,” Villain answers, “I'm more scared of you than some spy that can't tell his poison from his tea.”
Hero looks shocked. “You're scared of me? You?” Villain takes a sip from their drink, taking a minute to gather their thoughts. How were they going to explain this? “Not necessarily you…but what will happen to me if I get caught,” they answer, picking their fork up again to eat some of the mystery dish. “When,” Hero answers. Villain looks up from their plate. “If,” they counter. “I will catch you one day,” Hero says, a glint of confidence and determination in their eyes. “Oh, but I'm right here, darling.” Villain leans forward while placing a hand under their chin, “Yet you've done nothing about it.”
“That’s because there are children at the table. We have to keep it civil.” Hero says back, leaning forward over the table as well. Villain glances over to the child who's deeply invested in a cartoon on their tablet. “Please don't tell me you're one of those tablet-parents that push a screen towards their child as soon as they make a sound.” Villain gestures towards the Child with their free hand. “One, I am their sibling, not their parent. Two, they have a very strict screen time. It blocks everything as soon as their timer is up,” Hero answers, looking at the Child. “Seems excessive. They seem smart enough to know what's good for them,” Villain says as they lean in even closer. “You both are pretty smart. But unlike them, you don't know what's good for you.” Hero answers, mimicking Villain's movements. “Mmmh,” Villain purrs. “And what is good for me, my dear Hero?”Hero turns to the Child. “Child, don't you have some homework left to do?”
“But…” Child starts to protest but a stern look from Hero quickly shuts that down. They slowly leave the table and pout all the to what seems to be their room. “So… Why are you really here?” Hero asks Villain, playing with a bracelet around Villain’s wrist. “Child said you've been sad the past few weeks and only cheered up when I left.” Villain says looking in Hero's eyes. They saw an emotion they hadn't noticed before. “That Child worries too much about me,” Hero answers, “But it is true. Work has been a real pain in my ass recently.”
“I could take a few a out for you, lighten the workload and all that.” Villain moves their free hand to hold the Hero's empty hand. “While I appreciate the offer, I'm going to have to decline. I can handle myself,” Hero answers, looking Villain in the eyes. “Oh, I am sure you can, darling,” Villain says as they let go of Hero's hand and move to stand up. “I think I better get back. It's starting to get late and I still have some henchmen to beat in Mario kart.”
As Villain moves to walk through the door, they turn around one last time. “If you ever need anything. A favor, money, a good talk. Know I will always be there for you, darling.” They move forward to land a soft peck on Hero's cheek. As soon as the light touch was there, it disappeared. Hero watches as the Villain leaves and desperately tries to suppress the butterflies in their stomach.
Hi! Since a few people asked, here is a second part to 'Happy'! I hope it lives up to your expectations since I have exams and have to write during breaks. (If you see any spelling mistakes, no you didn't :) )
Btw, feel free to make any requests in my asks!
( @demetercabingreen-thumb, @ghostlyexpertlight and @ekira17 asked for a part two) (I can untag you from the post if you'd like, just let me know)
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dairymistress05 · 9 hours
Colin: A Search For Purpose in the Wrong Places
Colin Bridgerton is both handsome and charming so why is he often grasping for his place in the world?
From the beginning there is a common thread of insecurity attached to Colins character. He seems to struggle to know exactly where he fits, to find his purpose.
So where do these insecurities come from? Well to start, he is sort of the “forgotten middle child” in a way, he is the 3rd son after which are 2 daughters. While he and Daphne seem close, as they were close as young children, now that they are older Daphne is having her debut and becoming a woman in society. All while Colin is also there but there’s no significance for him becoming an adult. Daphne is often treated like a first child as she is the first girl after 3 boys and the first to debut in the marriage mart.
First he tries to find his place in becoming a husband, in parallel to Daphne. It’s possible he feels unseen while she is emerging into adulthood. He doesn’t know where he fits but if he vows to take care of someone, he will fit in, right?!
He is intrigued and infatuated with and Wants to “rescue” Miss Thompson from her older admirers and be her saviour, this is all before he knows about her “condition”. AND when he finds out he only wishes that she had been truthful with him. “You wish to know the cruelest part of your deception? If you had simply come to me and told me of your situation, I would have married you without a second thought. That is how In Love I believe myself to be. But I see now that was all a lie.” Read — Fixer! He wants to be the Hero, to be needed.
Following this betrayal Colin is once again set adrift and begins his travels. He has also sworn off women, as he later admits to Pen and is attempting to know himself better. This interaction is very telling to his feelings towards Pen because she says “I am a woman” to which he responds with “You are Pen, you are my friend, you do not count”. — yes this seems to some as not regarding her as worthy — but actually this hints at something else entirely. It’s an effort to separate her because in his recent context “a woman” lied to him and betrayed him and Pen would surely never do to him what Marina did.
At this point it is extremely telling that Colin is beginning to find his true self. However, part of that self is directly intertwined with his connection to Pen. “If Penelope can see me this way, then surely I can too”. She is arguably his most valued and influential female relationship outside of his family. Colin here is struggling to understand himself and his place in society and to contextualise what Pen means to him. All of this at a time in his life when he is struggling to keep afloat.
He visits Marina he seems awkward and is once again reminded of his “out of placeness”. He makes an adorable olive joke (He is such a dork!) and nerds out about plants with Sir Philip. He is more interested in their conversation than he was with anything he was talking to Marina about. Furthermore, while visiting he seems surprised and almost disappointed that Marina is well. Like what did you think was going to happen? You were you going to save her from her life? Babies and all? Honestly, Marina isn’t wrong when she calls him “a boy caught up in his own fantasies.”
His visit with Marian was a wake up call hut he is still left without the purpose he was seeking.
“After all, everyone else is finding some purpose to their lives…and here I am feeding the ducks.” This leads him to his interaction with Jack and culminates in his “saving” the Featherington ladies which leaves him feeling like a hero.
In all his following interactions with Pen in the second part seem to hint at his feelings, (whether he knows it himself or not) he loves her.
“…Our relationship has taken shape so naturally over the years, one could take it for granted. (Hint at season 3)
You have been so constant and loyal Pen”. And his “Lady Crane was right about you…” He very clearly doesn’t understand his friendship with her but it is important to him.
Outside of his family, Colin doesn’t seem to have strong relationships. This becomes even more apparent when he is spending time with his “society buds”. All along while he seems to be able to navigate society with ease, he has often always been on the fringes and his relationship with those guys just exaggerates this fact. One comment made at Lady Danbury‘s ball saying “you are much much more fun this season”. It’s unclear clear if Colin ever really socialised with the “society buds” prior to the end of season 2 much at all. He likely didn’t though, because had he spent much time with them in season 1, he wouldn’t have jumped into proposing to Marina so quickly. So his comment about “never dream of courting Penelope Featherington”, a misguided last ditch effort at fitting in? Maybe!
It is Colin going away again, only for Pen not answer his letters this time that helps to highlight his feelings of isolation. Imagine, writing to the one person you most want to feel connected yo and getting nothing in return, heartbreaking. It’s not a wonder he “puts on armour”. When Penelope was answering his letters, he held onto the pieces of himself that she most appreciated. When she wasn’t answering his letters, he lost himself trying to find his identity apart from her. This resulted in him trying on a persona that no one recognised. When she tells him it’s been vexing to see him back into society if you watch his face in that moment, it’s almost like she slapped him and you can see his facade cracking for a second before he offers to help her.
Each time he was home, regardless of feeling without a purpose, he was constantly finding comfort in Pen. We see it in the way he goes to her “like a moth to a flame” at every possible opportunity. Colin has always been at ease when speaking with Pen. He appreciates her humour, he enjoys her mind and tries to make her laugh. There is even an example of this in season 2 where philosophising and Eloise is like do not encourage him (but not only does Pen enjoy encouraging him because they match wits very well) Colin also genuinely seems to be hanging on her every word. Until he was no longer afforded those words.
Finally it was those very words that led him to realise that he didn’t need to be useful in order to be loved. That by being truly himself, He. Was. Enough. All this time she had always loved him AND he had loved her, he just didn’t see it. Colin found that seeing himself the way that Pen had always seen him was how to find where he belonged.
In this way, he found his purpose. It was to love assuredly, fervently, loudly. That true love is Not about being needed, but about being Chosen by his best friend, the only one who truly saw him and loved him exactly as he always had been.
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pilot-boi · 16 hours
Could you see Jaune having trouble with meat going forward because he just spent decades where everything was potentially human levels of sentience.
Jaune is poking at his food.
Which Yang knows isn’t THAT strange, he’s never been good at feeding himself when he’s down (a certain week at Beacon with a certain asshole who shall remain unnamed comes to mind) and Jaune certainly has more than enough reason to be out of sorts these days. Being young then old then young again would do that to a guy.
But this is different than his normal lack of appetite. He’s not just pushing his food around; he’s actively picking over pieces of it, almost putting them in his mouth, and then putting the food back on the plate. There’s a certain green around the gills look on her friend’s face that Yang’s come to associate with airship travel.
Not that she can blame him. The food in Vacuo isn’t what she’d call normal or appetizing, but with supplies limited they can’t turn up their noses, especially since they didn’t exactly give Vacuo time to prepare for an influx of refuges.
Still, eating worms, bats, and lizards has taken some getting used to.
“Are you gonna invite me to sit down, or do I have to keep lurking?” Yang quips, plopping down next to her fellow blonde. He jumps, predictably, but his startle instinct is less than it was a week ago. Baby steps.
“Oh! Yeah uh… hey.” He smiles sideways at her. “Did you need something?”
“Nah, not really,” she shrugs. “Just saw you sitting all by your lonesome and thought I’d join you.” She pokes at his food. “You gonna eat that?”
Jaune drops his gaze back to his plate, and once again his expression turns queasy. Like a toddler faced with a plate full of vegetables. Strange, Yang never took Jaune for a picky eater, but then again he did eat almost exclusively dinosaur chicken nuggets back at Beacon.
“It’s looking at me,” he groans, poking at the side of a roasted lizard. It flops over and he shudders.
“So do fish,” Yang says bluntly, dropping an arm around his shoulders. “And I’ve seen Blake eat those heads and all.”
“You know shockingly you’re not helping.”
“Come on, this can’t be the weirdest thing you’ve eaten.” She leans in conspiratorially, lowers her voice. “I mean I was only in the Ever After for a day or two but that parfait-” Yang is fully about to launch into a tirade on the pros and cons of growgurt parfait, but something makes her pause.
The fork is rattling in his grip. Her eyes narrow. That’s not just nausea. A glass dropped in a kitchen miles away comes to mind.
“Jaune…” Yang trails off. Are you alright? What’s wrong? Do you need to talk? She can probably guess the answers to all three questions, but none really feel appropriate in the middle of a cafeteria.
So she draws on the only other well of experience she has. Being a big sister to a very picky eater.
“What’s wrong with the food?” Blunt, but sometimes it’s best to cut to the heart of the issue. “Is there something else you’d rather have?”
“Not meat,” Jaune replies without hesitation, and Yang is admittedly taken aback. He’s never been a carnivore by any means, but his aforementioned love of dino nuggets barred him from vegetarianism.
Yang looks back down at his plate. The lizard is still looking at them, and Jaune is very determinately not making eye contact. “If this is still about the eyes, I’m sure that-”
“No. No it’s not,” Jaune cuts her off, shaking his head. “Well I mean, a little bit, but.” He plops his head down in his hand. Glances sideways at her, and then away again. “Promise you won’t laugh?”
Yang is almost offended that he thinks SHE of all people might laugh at him for what is obviously a trauma response. Friendly negging, sure, but never laughter. She wouldn’t do that to anyone, let alone him. But then a certain magenta and cyan cat with a wicked grin and sharp tongue comes to mind, and she’s reminded that laughter in the face of pain is probably all he’s known for years.
She hates that fucking cat.
“I promise, Jaune. I won’t laugh.”
He studies her for more than a moment, searching her face for any hint of insincerity. Of course finding none, he sighs. “You remember Little?”
Yang blinks. Not where she thought this was going. Roll with the punches. “Yeah. Kinda hard to forget a talking mouse.”
“Right. Yeah, of course.” Jaune laughs weakly, running a hand through his hair. He scratches at the back of his neck, reaching for a ponytail that isn’t there. “Stupid of me.”
Yang grabs his hand, and he starts. “Hey. None of that,” she reprimands, stopping his downward spiral before it has time to start. Her thumb rubs a circle in his palm, and she can feel him untense. “What about Little?”
“They’re why I don’t wanna eat meat,” he admits. He's speaking quickly, like the words are being drawn out of him.
No laughing, not now, but Yang can’t help her skeptical look. Little, by their own admission, had never been away from home. And sure, Jaune was there for decades, but he didn’t seem to know the mouse.
Jaune sees her look and clarifies. “Well not them specifically, but like… the Afterans. Everything there was so… alive, they could talk, think for themselves. Everything. The mice, rabbits, deer, birds…”
His grip tightens on her hand. “I didn’t have a choice in the beginning. It wasn’t fun, but what else could I do? I had to eat, and after the clock fruit I didn’t trust the plants, so the animals…” Jaune swallows thickly. “The animals seemed like the safest bet.”
If her hand was flesh, she’s sure his nails would be biting into her skin. As it is, she can feel the way his hand is gripping hers like it’s the only thing keeping him from running. And it’s horrible, because Yang thinks she can see the end of the tunnel, the destination this story is going to.
“I knew how to do it. Hunt animals, I mean,” he says, his voice horribly detached. “I used to go hunting with my mom when the food stores were low. And in Mistral, with Ruby and Ren and Nora. So I knew how to catch an animal and skin it and cook it.”
Jaune laughs again. “It wasn’t pretty, Ren could definitely do a better job. So cooking and cleaning it wasn’t the worst part. The worst part…” He swallows thickly. “The worst part was killing it. It was alive, Yang. It was alive, and it was staring at me, and it didn’t want to die.” He stares down at the lizard on his plate. It stares back at him, accusing almost.
“How… how do you know it didn’t want to die?” Yang asks tentatively, even though she’s pretty sure she knows the answer.
“It told me.” His voice is horrible, wretched. The green is back in his cheeks and Yang hates that she now knows the reason why. “It told me! And I still killed it, and cooked it, and ate-” Jaune’s voice chokes off. The words seem to catch in his throat. “It was like… it was like eating…”
“Like eating a person,” Yang finishes, the train now having reached the horrible station. Jaune nods, horror stricken, and Yang trades which hand is holding his so she can rub circles into his back. He’s still just staring at his food. “Gods Jaune I… That’s so fucked, I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”
“I had to eat, or I’d die. And I couldn’t die because I had to wait for you all to arrive. So I had to eat.” The way he says it, so matter-of-fact, Yang can’t help but wonder what else he’s internalized as being what he had to do, no matter the harm it caused him.
She doesn’t know what to say. Picky eating, she could handle. Trauma, she could handle that, too. At least, to an extent. But sometimes it was just too much.
“How long?” Yang asks eventually. “You weren’t eating meat while we were there, how long did you have to do that?”
“A week. I think,” he responds. “Time was difficult.” And isn’t that the understatement of a century. “Once I found the Hunter Mice they showed me which plants were safe to eat. Some of them were hit and miss, but I was good from then on. Especially when I made it to the Market.”
The lizard stares up at them both. Yang glares back at it, as if the dead desert dweller was the one who sent Jaune back in time and made him so desperate to live that he was forced to… do that.
“So… no meat?”
“No meat,” Jaune confirms. “I could probably choke it down if needs must, but…”
“Not even dino nuggies?” she grins.
He barks out a laugh. “My only weakness. No, not yet.” Not yet. That was better than she was expecting. His cheeks are still a little green, but he’s not shaking anymore at least. “Maybe at some point, but not now. No meat.” He grimaces, poking at the lizard. “And especially none with eyes.”
“Well in that case, come on.” Yang stands. He finally pulls his eyes away from the plate, and blinks up at her. “Let’s go!”
“Go where?”
“To find you something to eat!” Hand still firmly clasped around his, she hauls him up and scoops the unwanted plate up in the other. “I’m sure Sun knows someplace around here that serves vegetarian options.”
“Oh you don’t have to do that,” Jaune protests. “I already ruined your whole lunch with this.” He gestures vaguely between himself and the plate.
“No way, you didn’t do anything.” Yang jabs a finger in his chest. “If you need an ear to listen, I’m happy to be there. You’re not imposing, you’re not too much, I’ve got you.” She doesn’t tell people that enough. A tea cup and a wooden tomb. She needs to tell people that more. “I’m buying you lunch. Veggies. Fruits. You name it, you get it.”
“You really don’t have to do that.”
“Oh, I really think I do.”
“I’m not going to change your mind about this, am I?” he smiled, allowing Yang to drag him from the cafeteria.
“No-sir-ee bob,” she said, swinging his hand back and forth. “You are not leaving my side until we get some desert fresh veggies in your stomach.” She passed the uneaten plate to a volunteer by the door. “My treat.”
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silent-raven13 · 3 days
An Awkward Family Dinner
Little Billie isn't one to make awkward family dinners, however there's something on her mind that got her very confused. The five year old sat in her spot chew on her rice and beans with some delicious grilled very seasoned chicken with a side of tomato sauced vegetables. She saw her dad sitting at one end of the table and Hobie at the other end. Miles, her bestest big brother talking about classes while their mom asking questions being in tuned with the conversation.
Jeff would nod from time to time having food in his mouth being so hungry. Hobie chewing his own piece of chicken. "Hobie, comé ma. You're so thin, you need more food." Rio caught how Hobie only got a small portion.
"Sorry, Mamí Morales. I had a big lunch with my mates at a pub." He still felt a little full, "I'll promise I'll pack some leftovers."
"I will pack them for you." Rio assured she will be the one packing Hobie's leftovers, she knows he will give himself a small portion.
"Yeah, take most of the vegetables too." Jeff chews.
Rio eyes at her husband, "YOU need to eat more vegetables! The doctor said you need more greens in your diet!" She took a spoonful of vegetables onto her husband's plate, "You need at least to eat this much."
"Awe, honey! This is so much!" He frowns at the amount he has to eat.
"No buts!" His wife began.
Miles chuckles at the two, while Hobie made a comment, "Wow, Pops, tryin' to upset mamí."
Billie staying quiet as she was lost in her own thought while chewing her dinner, "Hmm."
"Is something wrong, Boo-boo?" Miles noticed his baby sister being quiet. Hobie had his attention onto the little girl, being sort of surprised how quick Miles is to noticed something is wrong with Billie.
"What's wrong, mi vida? You been quiet." Rio paid her attention to her darling daughter. Now that she noticed her daughter being very quiet during dinner time. Normally she goes on and on about her day.
Jeff became aware too, "Something wrong, princess? Was daycare alright?" His police mindset kick in gear being worried if his daughter was hurt and had to stay silent or something bad happen to her.
"Umm... I'm okay!" She finally said, causing her family to sigh in relief. When she took her sippy cup to drink, "Umm... mmm. I got a question!"
"What is it?" Her mom asked with a soft smile on her face.
"Umm, so daddy is my daddy, right!" She turns to her dad.
"Err... right." Jeff said being confused.
Rio said, "Yes, he is, mi bebé."
"And-and Miles is your kid, too. Like-like daddy is his daddy?" The five year old asked trying to put the pieces together.
"Yeah, Miles is your papí's son and mi hijo. That's why he's tu hermano." Rio explained. "Why?"
"Hmm." Billie still thinking to herself.
Jeff asked, "Is this something your learn in daycare?"
"My fren, José has three daddies... but each one are for his brothers and sisters." She explained.
"Oh, princess. You got nothing to worry about that stuff. Me and your mom have you and Miles." Jeff said.
Miles nodded, "Yeah, Billie. Those things happen when certain parents can't work out and go find someone else." Hobie nodded in agreement with
"Oh..." She tilted her head, "But why you called Obie 'papí' then?"
Everyone stopped eating being in shock from what she said. The color of her older brother's face faded away with his eyes widen. Hobie choked on his cup of juice. Rio and Jeff quickly lift their heads up being confused.
"Qué?" Rio looked confused.
"Umm... Um..." Miles began shaking like a leaf being so embarrassed.
"Miles calls Obie, daddy or papí." Billie asked being confused, "If daddy is our daddy why you callin' Hobie daddy?" She turns her head at her brother.
Miles cover his face being so embarrassed, he could die from all the stares his parents making. "I swear, I just joke around with Hobie."
Hobie burst out laughing, "She got you, luv."
"But-but you always like it when he calls you, papí?" Billie turns her head at Hobie being more confused.
Miles freaks out with his face warming up, "Billie, please! Me and Hobie are just joking! We like to joke around and-and-" Jeff let out an awkward cough, "That's enough, son."
"Mija, ignore what your brother had said to Hobie. They are just fooling around." Rio casually wanted to settled the subject down.
"But, why?" Since Billie being only a child with so many questions, it's hard to move on. Her curiosity wouldn't calm down.
Miles and Hobie kept shoving food into their mouth getting a stern stare from Jeff Morales, knowing this is one of the most embarrassing awkward dinners they had. Billie asked again, "And why does Miles' call Obie, daddy when they kiss together? And Obie said say it again?" She looks at her mother with her innocent eyes on her.
Rio presses her lips together being completely lost for words. Miles had his hands on face completely in shock, he swears he locks the door in his bedroom when he visits. Sure, he kiss his boyfriend giving pet names but he didn't think his sister would hear him.
The most embarrassing part was his parents having to awkwardly change the subject or say he was playing game with Hobie. Ugh, so embarrassing, he could just be buried in a hole.
"Oh so it's game for adults!" Billie understood when her mom explained it.
"Yes, mi vida. Your dad is tu papí and no one else. I can say papí because I am your mom and your dad's wife. Like how he sometimes calls me, mom or mama. It's a way to show endearment with in a married couple. Miles and Hobie were just playing games, right?" She turns her head at the two having a very scary smile on her face. Its a smile that looks genuine but deep down they know they were in trouble.
"Right!" The two said being nervous.
Hobie jumps being near his Sunflower, "Luv, I never knew how scary mamí Morales can be."
"I know she's gonna chew me out." Miles mutters.
Jeff explained to Billie, "And ignore them when they say stuff like that, princess."
"OK! I think I got it." Billie giggles being happy her questions being solved, now she can eat in peace. Well, she was the only one that ate dinner in peace while the others were awkwardly silenced.
Later, Rio gave Miles and Hobie a serious lecture while Jeff agreed with her. Miles could only cover his face from total embarrassment, to think he had to hear about the sex talk, AGAIN!
"You don't see me and your mother calling each other like that in front of ya'll! That would be weird!" Jeff began. "Or if we have privacy in the bedroom we always make sure you and your sister isn't around."
"Dad, ew no! I don't wanna know. LALALALA!" Miles cover his ears. "I'm not listening."
Hobie could only tuned out from the whole thing. Rio said, "No, you two need to listen. I understand you two are sexually active, but to-" Miles quickly cut his mom, "Mamí! I swear, I was only joking! I don't call Hobie that! Be serious."
Hobie said, "To be fair, me and Miles are very private with our stuff. I didn't know the lass was able to hear us. We keep the doors lock-" Miles gasps, "BAE!"
"Whoa, do you two leave her unattended while babysitting her?" Jeff asked in a serious voice.
"NO! I mean- it was one time- well, I was getting this-" Miles cover his face, "Ugh! Let me explain!"
"It was one time we made out, never had sex when we babysit. What do you think we are, a couple of nymphs skipping down the ole' garden of Eden?" Hobie asked.
Jeff blinks a couple of times being lost in the boy's cockney accent, "What?"
"Dad! Mamí, I swear to God that me and Hobie are always keeping it PG. Billie is just good at sneaking around or popping out of no where. We were just joking! I didn't think she would hear us."
"No! Nonono! No, we are going to lay some ground rules and you two need to learn what's appropriate."
The four didn't realize Billie walking into the room with a sippy cup to watch and listen. "What's sex?" She finally asked being in the middle. The four looks stunned to find her right in the middle with a big smile on her face. "HOW DID SHE GET IN HERE?" Jeff asked out loud being so confused.
Rio looks at her daughter and the door like three times trying to understand how her daughter got in. The door squeaks and they locked it. "Bebé, how did you get in?"
"It's a secret, hehe." Billie giggles. "What's sex, mamí? Why big brother needs to understand it? Does he have sex?"
Miles' mouth dropped while Hobie burst out laughing at the whole thing. "HAHAHAH!" The punker lay on Miles' bed with his arms wrapping his stomach at how hard he's laughings.
Jeff and Rio looked so stunned without knowing what to say. They weren't ready for this talk for their five year old daughter. "Okay, we'll forget this ever happened." Rio finally clasps her hands together at her family. "Alright?"
"RIGHT!" Miles and Jeff chimed together.
Billie tilting her head for the moment until her mom said, "How about some Sundaes?"
"OH with sprinkles and chocolate drizzle?" The little girl happily asked.
"Yes, anything you want, mi vida. Anyone else want some?" Rio happily said having to forget about the subject all together. The family had big Sundaes while watching a movie together.
After that day, they realized Billie is a curious girl with so many questions. So Miles and Hobie made sure to keep in check what to say in front of her.
The real funny part is how much stress she gave her dad. "Mamí, who's Latasha?" She asked her mom.
"Qué?" Rio asked.
Billie started saying, "Papá was talking to his frens at the BBQ about how Latasha got a sweet cake when he dated her! What kind of cake she makes? It must be good because all his frens were making mm-mmm sounds after they said she carries a boat load." She imagines a huge boat filled with all sorts of cake.
Jeff spit out his cup of coffee being in shock with his daughter. "JEFF MORALES, WHO IS LATASHA!?" Rio shouted out loud from the house.
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coffe-and-tea-time · 16 hours
Hey, I know the vote isn't done yet but I was wondering what our first interactions would be like with them all?
We can certainly arrange that!! Ask related to this post!
*Internally kicking his feet like a little girl seeing so many interactions with our post* ( • ᴗ • )
although maybe it’s a little short since we would rather leave more context for the actual posts - Tea
I read wrong a comment and thought they were requesting a shop owner when in truth they were talking about the seller, now the shop has an extra character *look into the abyss in poor reading comprehension*
In my defense, google said 'shopkeeper' was an equivalent to shop owner *disappointed of herself in non-native english speaker* but oh well, the more the merrier (ʃƪ^3^)~♡- coffee
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗᕕ( ᐕ )ᕗ ↔ ♪⁽⁽٩( ᐖ )۶⁾⁾ ₍₍٩( ᐛ )۶₎₎♪ ⬅ representation of the twins receiving incentives to post
Word count: 2k
tw: yandere behavior, nonhuman yanderes, human yanderes, delusional, RIP self-preservation, written in you/yours, willing reader
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-`♡´- Dizie -`♡´-
You walk into your house, still submerged in your own thoughts as you walk through the door.
"Uh, maybe I should arrange something to welcome Dizie when he arrives? I hope I don't come off as awkward..."
But... Why is your place so dark?
 You hear the door being slammed shut and as you attempt to turn towards it, a hand snakes over your mouth with a delicate yet firm touch as another coils around your waist from behind. 
"You were worried about my first impression of you? That's… really cute"
The voice of a man purrs near your ear and then you feel his face gently nuzzling with the top of your head like an affectionate cat, a rather deadly one.
"I took the liberty of checking around your home, you know, to make sure everything is like it's supposed to be, to make sure nobody else is lurking around… I'm so glad that isn't the case, you're all mine to cherish… only mine"
You feel his nuzzling being replaced by a soft kiss on the top of your head, as the slender hand covering your mouth moves to gently hold your face while his thumb gently rubs your cheek. 
[Clarification: Dizie is NOT stuck in his past or still in love with the last “darling” he was bought by. He doesn't see the reader as a replacement of any sort. We want to get that out of the way from the get go, he's just traumatized (as he probably should be ngl) - the twins]
-`♡´- Gabriel -`♡´-
Tossing your keys onto your couch cushion you let out a soft sigh, the walk back home was rather awkward, well, as awkward as can be with a man following behind like a lost puppy, his eyes practically piercing the back of your head. You wondered why he kept walking behind you but brushed the thought out quickly as you felt him let out a veery faint sigh of awe while glancing around your home.
“it smells just like you-”
The man whispered to himself, his words quiet yet the silence of you both being alone allowed you to hear him very clearly. flattering, but also a little unnerving. 
How did he manage to smell you when he was walking like a meter away from you?
His hands fidgeted as you glanced back at him, his eyes landing on your form still basking in the sight like you were some sort of divine entity before him.
 “This must be Gabriel then” 
you thought, connecting your choice with the man that just randomly started following you which you didn't have the heart to scare away.
 When the seller said he was a worshiper… he wasn't exaggerating.
Shakily, he reaches for one of your hands, clasping it tenderly with both his hands, completely engulfing yours with the warmth of his nervous fidgeting. His cheeks blaze red by the mere idea of touching your skin.
He leans down, pressing his forehead to the back of your hand, taking a shaky breath, then looking up to meet your gaze with pure adoration.
“I'm so incredibly thankful to be in your presence, darling. I'm so glad you chose me…”
(A person called him and Grier 'pathetic little mew mews' and now that lives rent free on my head; if you read this, I love your energy - coffee)
-`♡´- Oliver -`♡´-
This man is eager, that's for sure. There's no denying it as he practically drags you with him to his bakery as soon as your finger grazed his name on that paper.
You couldn't say a thing though, that wide smile on his face was just as sweet as the scent that wafted through the air as you entered the shop with the jingle of the welcome bell.
You were ordered to sit back and enjoy a cup of coffee with some butter cookies for the wait. He wanted to make something special, he said, quickly diving into the kitchen without saying another word.
You took a small bite of the cookie thinking perhaps there was something in it, but if you were his darling now then it shouldn't be anything harmful, should it? The cookie was… just any normal cookie, it was delicious even, buttery and crumbly, mixing perfectly with the rich flavor of the coffee. 
Your mind drifted to the man’s appearance as he gave you constant glances, peeking from the kitchen a little too often, it was adorable in a way, like he was checking if you were still there. There was no need to check though, he had locked the entrance as soon as you walked in and you had totally noticed. You weren't going anywhere. 
A few minutes later he peeked again, though this time with a tray in his hands, he approached and placed it in front of you, a delicious slice of cheesecake greeting you. He smiled proudly as he saw your mouth water and as you eyes scanned the delicious treat you couldn't help but notice the fresh cut on his finger already bandaged up yet still bleeding a bit through the gauze… how deep was the cut? The blood was so red it didn't look like a superficial wound.
“I'm just a bit nervous, Dear, i wanted to cut it perfectly for you… my hand must have slipped”
He reassured you, dismissing the severity of it but quickly hiding the cut from you. His sheepish smile though made you forget about it for a hot minute- how was this bulky man such a sweetheart? 
Your fork soon dug into the creamy goodness of the cheesecake, the raspberry sauce that sat on top dripping a bit, its rich red color almost resembling that of his blood. What a passionate baker…
(...I love him, okay? -Tea)
-`♡´- singer  -`♡´-
The door of the car is opened before you get the chance to even lift a finger and you are greeted by the angelic face of a man, worthy of praise and worship, smiling down at you and offering his hand as to help you get out of the car
"Hi~, welcome welcome, how are you feeling on such a joyful day as today? I hope that you are as thrilled as I am"
He says with a charming smile, holding your hand delicately for you to exit the car then  guides you into his house, his eyes ogling you like a three course meal.
"Would you like something to drink? A water perhaps? I don't really have much sugary drinks since i take care of my vocal cords, but if that's what you'd like then I'll absolutely find a way to get it for you"
"Oh, I'm really fine, don't wor-"
His step falters before stopping dead in his tracks, his smile softening in… awe? He shuffles closer as your voice trails off by the sudden action.
"Oh, Honey, I'm so sorry to interrupt your words, I just couldn't help but get closer… you speak so softly, I'd wish to hear you more clearly"
He puts his hand on your shoulder reassuringly, though it quickly moves up to your neck, his thumb caressing your throat.
"You shouldn't overthink too much, your duty here is being happy with me, and when I'm not around, feel free to enjoy your free time as you wish; my only condition here is you take care of yourself and… to not look at anyone else in the eye for too long… but well, you should’ve already expected that, you signed for it, honey"
-`♡´- Myotis -`♡´-
You feel your heart on your throat as the butler opens the door for you, as you make your way inside, you feel like you walked straight into a historical movie of some sort, if the outside looked already out of a gothic fairytale, you can't find the words to describe how impressive the inside is.
"I'm glad you seem to like the place, Amore, that makes things easier for both of us. I hope you can forgive my eagerness to meet you"
You can't help but get surprised when you notice him right beside you, speaking to you dearly as he grabs your hand as if it was made of glass to softly kiss the back before giving you a smile.
"Fear not, you can always indulge yourself and wander around to enjoy the mansion, but I rather that the precious focus of your gaze be on me, I’d be delighted to spend as much time with you as possible, don't you think so?" 
-`♡´- Lior -`♡´
You enter your home excited, wondering if you should get some fairy lights and stuff for the yandere you chose when a rustling in the distance disturbs your thoughts, grounding you back to reality.
You make your way in the direction of the noise and find yourself standing in front of your bedroom window where the poor moth boy flutters his wings trying to squeeze past the small gap, half of his body still hanging outside the window. This must be Lior.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't want to disturb you, I just thought I would be able to fit in the open gap"
You truly can't help but giggle at the situation, okay, he is really cute for a yandere, the seller sure speaks the truth.
He grumbles uncomfortably, wiggling his way inside your home. His satchel almost falling out the window, but he manages to grab it mid air. Fast reflexes, that's a plus.
"I brought a present with me!"
He sighed out in relief while holding his satchel. With some effort due to his limited movement, he is quick to lift his bag and rummage through it, proudly lifting in the air a big cinnamon scented candle.
“Some light for my daylight! I-I thought you'd like it, though I'm not allowed to use candles… I always burn myself with the wax”
(he's my baby and i love him, thank you very much. -tea)
-`♡´- Tarak -`♡´
"Huh, what a gorgeous being…for a human… I will accept your proposal"
The dragon says in a low husky voice, gazing at you with a smirk, his hand gently lifting your chin so that your eyes meet his.
"You were the one that got chosen, not the other way around"
The seller quickly remarks, the humanoid dragon clicking his tongue in response.
“Same difference... the order of the factors does not alter the product after all, we are united either way”
Even if the humanoid acts roughly with the seller, Tarak gently puts your hand on his arm and holds it there as he walks outside of the store with you. What a gentleman.
"You are going to love the forest, of course, my cave is most enchanting, but I did in fact go out of my way and make a cabin next to it, everything is already taken cared of, I know not every species has the resilience to prosper in my environment, but, well, your ancestors used to live in caves... so maybe you can manage"
“Is my home not an option from the beginning?”
You say a little nervous, not sure if you can actually survive in a forest without being eaten alive by the wildlife, although you must admit that is kind of a silly thought if you think of the power of a dragon like him.
He looked like he was about to protest your request, but just your scent in the air was all he needed to sense your feelings and give you a look as he relaxed his shoulder in defeat.
"... alright, I'll indulge you, we have a lot of time in our hands to adjust to the changes around us anyways, I'll stay at your home until you are comfortable enough to come to mine, I will make sure to adorn it in any way you please for when that time comes"
He gently messes with your hair as a way to reassure you before he resumes walking, following you to your home.
-`♡´- Grier -`♡´ 
The seller goes down the wooden ladder after taking the tape off the camera lense and signs for you to come closer to it.
"The cameras here don't have sound but showing you to him should be enough of a clue all by itself"
You freeze as the security camera focuses on you, standing there, you wave awkwardly and the camera starts moving side to side abruptly before freezing,  like the person behind it moved away from it.
"Well, either he fainted or he is coming right away!"
The seller says in a cheerful voice as he goes to cover the camera lense again with a strip of tape. A couple of minutes pass before you hear the screeching stop of a car parking in front of the shop hurriedly, soon followed by a panting man who barges inside like his life depended on it.
“I’m here! I'm here!!” 
He says almost tripping on his own feet as he shoves in your face a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
"Oh, those are my favorites! Thank you"
"I-I know, don't worry, I made sure to do a quick background check on your medical history so I don't trigger any allergies, I promise I will gather more information tonight! Don't worry"
-`♡´- The seller -`♡´
"I already told you, I'm not a yandere"
"How did you know I don't go out?"
"You're practically chronically online! It's just a lucky guess"
"My screen time is something even weirder for you to know!"
"... don't tell management"
[Clarification: yes, the seller’s is shorter, that's because as far as we can tell, he's most likely to win first place in the survey so we are saving up most of his character and interactions for his main post (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ - the twins] 
-`♡´- …owner? -`♡´
"Oh, that's an interesting turn of events, so many options yet the button you press is not even part of the survey..? How experimental”
The owner let out a rich laugh as he spoke his usual nonsense to catch your attention through the speakers of the shop.
"Ah yes, 'nonsense'. What a disappointing excuse.."
The owner argued with himself under his breath before he sights.
"Want something to drink?"
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*Ejem* little clarification (it's the third one now in this post, get a grip. - tea to himself), characters that aren't in this survey have already been requested in asks or comments or, well, won the first survey. we haven't forgotten about them, we are already working on their posts 💚 - tea
Don't forget! If you like something specific, you can ask freely! As I said before, we love interactions! (Attentions seekers? More like validation seekers lol) - coffee
sorry for any misspellings or weird sentence structure ❣
Divider by tea ✌️ (i know I'm amazing/j)
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dunmeshichilchuck · 3 days
For That One Guy on Tumblr part 5
Chilchuck x !fem !halffoot reader
Your first thought on waking up was to wonder what the hell you'd drunk last night to give you such a nasty hangover. 
Your second thought was "is something...breathing on me?"
You opened your eyes and stared straight into the worried gaze of an uncomfortably close and extremely blond elf.  
She sighed with apparent relief. "Oh thank goodness! You've been sleeping for hours! I thought maybe something had gone wrong with the resurrection spell and you might not wake up, it's just such an unknown area of resurrection magic as to how long someone can be dead before they're resurrected!"
You squinted, brain churning a long for a few minutes before you caught up with the fact that you had, in fact, died and been turned into a Popsicle. "Hrghhh....yeah...yeah 'm fine. Got one hell of a headache though. Why didn't you just wake me up if it's so late?"
Marcille fidgeted with her staff. "I wanted to but -" she shot a glare at the other party members. "They wouldn't let me!"
"It's not like it would make much sense to wake someone up just to make sure they still can wake up." Chilchuck grumbled. "do you want them fully recovered or not? They'll need to rest without you poking them awake every 10 minutes." 
Laois nodded. "Yeah and if something WAS going wrong you'd be able to see it right? Falin told me if resurrection magic went wrong you'd just kinda melt!" 
"You wouldn't- it's not melting! Why would you say it like that?"
You interjected before they could get going again. "Who's Falin?" 
Chilchuck glanced over at you. "Falin's his sister." He gestured at Laois. "She's the main reason we're here. We were trying to rescue and ressurect her but something...." He glanced at Marcille briefly, an odd, almost warning look on his face. "went wrong. And now the mad mage has transformed her into something else and is controlling her." He shrugged. "If we want to get Falin back we're going to need to defeat the mad mage."
Huh, that was. Interesting. 
"What...what exactly went wrong?" You asked, unsure if you actually wanted to know the answer. 
Laois opened his mouth to say something, but Chilchuck shot him a glare and jumped in. "We don't know, she'd been dead for a long time and we had to reassemble her body." He shrugged again. "Who knows with resurrection magic? Shit just goes south sometimes." 
Well that was even more interesting. With that and what you'd heard before they realized you were conscious....there was definitely some shady magical shit going down. 
You looked at Marcille dubiously. Normally you'd think some kind of black magic, but was this prim and proper cream puff of a barely adult child really capable of crimes against god? For heavens sakes she'd been so embarrassed about the bra thing even. You couldn't picture her in combat, let alone casting some kind of banned black magic. She'd probably get too anxious and not be able to go through with it, and why would she even study that? It seemed like her field was relatively narrow if she didn't know the leaving spell.
Definitely very interesting, and potentially very dangerous. If they knew what you'd heard and what you suspected this could get very dicey for you. The best course of action would be to play dumb as a rock. 
You nodded. "Oh yeah no I know, I don't know much about magic but I know ressurrection magic is one of those things that we don't know much about, right? Cause it's so new and everything. I've heard of some weeeiiiirrrddd stuff happening in other groups. People not fully resurrecting or even getting body swapped. And who knows how the mad mage is involved in that? Hell maybe he could control ANYONE resurrected in his dungeon, but he just went after your sister for some reason." 
Lies. Blatant lies too. You weren't dumb and you'd asked as many questions as you could of the mage in your old group. You could even cast some basic healing magic if it came down to it. You'd only had one mage in the party, and you were the only one not directly involved in combat every time, so it made sense for him to teach you some quick and dirty spells in case he was incapacitated. Not that you'd ever reveal that, you knew what happened to halffoots who learned magic. Resurrection magic wasn't complicated at all. No way they weren't doing shady shit. 
Laois and Marcille chimed in with agreements that sounded just a bit too relieved, but Chilchuck just shot you an indecipherable look and then turned back and said. "alright now that that's settled we need to get packed up and head out. We've wasted too much time waiting for y/n to wake up as it is." 
You clenched your jaw and firmly reminded yourself that you were already in a precarious position, and that seemed to just be the way Chilchuck talked. 
You could put up with it. You could put up with anything if it meant getting to take down the bastard that had built this dungeon. 
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smiling friends as discord mods ; ☆
crazy ass idea
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— glep (8/10 discord mod)
actions ☆
i think of him as the social media manager of the company and if mr. boss trusts him that much to maintain a positive image of the company online then being a discord mod would be a breeze
can control some semi-complicated stuff in the server like role-setting with reactions and unlocking different channels by reacting to a message, definitely improves this function if he thinks its faulty
^^^ any technical difficulties within the server are
takes being a discord mod pretty seriously yet he has the ability to be lighthearted about it sometimes
often mass bans people over spamming or any other offense without alerting everyone else, so like no context banning
^^^ ppl initially had a problem with it but then they lightened up a little when they noticed that those mass bans actually improved the server
^^^^ he still scares the shit out of everyone though
always online and monitoring the server
profile ☆
has definitely splurged money on discord nitro and those discord profile decor and effects
his profile would be decked tf out and follow a purple/green aesthetic
^^^ he has the clyde invaders icon skin and his account profile is purple
^^^^ idk if he has an anime girl pfp or not bc on one hand he would definitely have one but on the other hand he'd have a profile pic of a character he likes from a game.
one thing's for sure tho is that he never felt the need to change his discord profile picture unless he was in a server made for his job then he'd just change that server's profile pic to put his face and that's it lol
discord username is probably like theamazingGlep69 or something
his discord bio is definitely a random video game quote and that's it
his spotify, xbox, and steam account are the only things connected to his discord
extras ☆
always energized by those gamer-advertised energy drinks
^^^ no specific preference for like g-fuel or gamer supps or something he just grabs whatever he can get his grimy little hands on
selectively sends friend requests to people and never accepts friend requests from randos
^^^ in fact he INSISTS on being the one sending the friend requests to people instead of it being the other way around
^^^^ as a result he has less than 15 people on his friends list and he's happy with it
he definitely unadds ppl he hasn't spoken to in a while though to keep it ~fresh~ or something
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— mr. boss (6/10 discord mod)
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ok so like
he isn't TERRIBLE at modding he knows the basics
he's just very... lax. he's the type to not see anything wrong with spamming or other similar offenses just because he genuinely doesn't think it's a big deal
^^^ he'd be like oh what theyre just expressing themself idk
^^^^ or like when it comes to random ppl dming mods he'd be like idk what if they just wanted to ask a question but were too shy to do it in the main server YKWIM?????
he already lets his employees do what they want during their shifts so it wouldn't be very different in a discord server
because it's online, he already doesn't take it very seriously lol he'd just find any chaos amusing
it's like a giant group chat!!!!
BUT DESPITE ALL THAT, he's really good at organizing server events like giveaways and movie/game nights
he'd always make sure to make the events fun and accessible for everyone
as a result most of the server usually participates in the events
he's just not good at... moderation in general
he also doesn't enjoy the banning/warning ppl aspect bc it makes him feel really bad
profile ☆
he has an anime girl pfp and/or has matching pfps with ppl for a certain amount of time ONLY if they match his profile theme
his profile is a cutesy kawaii light pink anime girl aesthetic
^^^ he'd have the cat ears icon skin and his profile would be pink
^^^^ an evil part of me wants to say he has a sailor moon pfp
yes he also has discord nitro
what else will he do with the money he earns
he has cutesy kaomojis in his bio too and probably has the initial of someone in a text heart like < b 3 (b for brittney LOL)
only his spotify is connected to his profile
extras ☆
also brittney was his discord kitten
^^^ they had matching anime couple pfps
^^^^ they'd always vc
^^^^^ have fallen asleep on vc once
he uses cringe text faces like uwu or owo just bc he knows everyone hates it
^^^ he thrives off of the negativity idk
everyone in a server he moderates would probably feel the safest dming him out of every other mod
^^^ his dms r always open
ok so i know that he has normal ass headphones but hear me out. give him pink cat ear headphones. it's perfect
he has more than the usual amt of discord friends
he always has aesthetic ass discord statuses
has his online status set as idle bc its cuter
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— allan red (7/10 discord mod)
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he's the mod that everyone complains abt
definitely rewrites the rules and makes sure they're enforced at all times
he's the typa person to call someone out if they break the rules in any capacity
"@/feetlicker Please change your name, that is not appropriate"
"@/charlienipples No memes in general chat, go to #meme-channel."
unlike glep though, he gives a lot of context as to why he'd ban someone
^^^ maybe 2 much context
^^^^ in fact he very rarely bans ppl, the most he sends out is a very detailed warning in dms
always types in full sentences
most server members are afraid of dming him actually he's sorta intimidating
he definitely keeps the server in order but his reputation is just not the best
but he is very confrontational so if someone is causing a problem he isn't afraid of getting it dealt with
he's usually tagged during disputes bc he's level-headed enough to deal with them and offers good points
^^^ that doesn't stop others from thinking he's annoying though :((
very misunderstood but has good intentions
he has a set schedule on when he logs in and moderates, then gives himself free time
so basically he isn’t online all day
profile ☆
he’d have one of those blank discord profiles
like he’d make it normal-ish but he wouldn’t care too much abt sparkly text themes or connecting any of his other socials to it
uses a picture of himself as his icon and has a matching red background that is randomly generated by discord
^^^ (he didn’t pay for discord nitro)
^^^^ (everyone point and laugh)
^^^^^ (he just doesn’t find it necessary since he isn’t online THAT often)
his username is either his full name or a very absurd npc name (like scaryantelopes2536) theres no in-between
he never has a status set
clean profile but its boring to look at basically
extras ☆
takes online status very literally— if he doesn’t want to be disturbed, he puts dnd, if he’s online, he sets it as online, etc etc (so surprisingly very honest)
his profile pic looks professionally done in a studio then unfortunately it got very pixelated as a result of discord itself so its kinda funny looking
his friends list is only the 4 other ppl from smiling friends
doesn’t know or like brainrot or modern internet slang so when ppl say skibidi toilet or sigma rizz he genuinely has to get up and walk around outside to stay sane
is usually the one being trolled/pranked
IS the one that cringes at mr. boss using uwu or owo
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— charlie dompler (5/10 discord mod)
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HE'S THE TYPE TO be really good at it first then he'd lose interest
he'd get a high from it bruh
just the idea of having power would be enough to get him rolling
for the first couple months he'd be all up in the server channels being hella active
he'd stay up all night just moderating bc its exciting to give someone a warning if they act up or whatever
^^^ if he gets sleepy he drinks an energy drink
*someone fucks up in a server* "Ooh, oooh-- this is my favorite part, man. Watch, watch." *sends a 2 word dm to the person that just says 'warning One'* "Oh, haha! that--that was so fun."
yea he'd be riding on dopamine hits of doing good for the server
since he'd be sleep deprived he'd misspell a lot and send short answers so if someone asks why they were banned he'd give very short answers
"hey why was i banned lol" "bad" "what" "yeah"
i don't think he'd do much in the server other than moderate and make new channels
then he gets bored.
uh oh
all of a sudden he's very relaxed about everything so he would probably stop moderating so much
he would probably be doing the bare minimum now lol
5/10 bc he goes in and out of caring and not caring so i guess sometimes he's pretty good
discord is probably one of the only socials he is really active on
he would give himself dumbass roles just bc
profile ☆
some sort of meme/cursed profile icon with flaming sword icon skin
would definitely have an orange-themed profile in general bc he thinks its a color with an unfair reputation
every social he has will be linked to his damn profile
has a dumbass username
^^^ probably one of the only one of the 5 who doesn't use his real name on discord
^^^^ he would change his dn every once in a while JUST BC to be funny or something
its so stupid he would call himself the Poo Meister after letting a smooth one out
he's always on DND
uses his discord status to ask someone to play a game w him
extras ☆
he joins random meme servers just for the emotes
he's already a discord mod for like 3 servers rn and he's given up
he has a lot of online friends which is why he doesn't use his real name
he's always in a vc with someone
he's very very social online (i bet he has a popular twitter gimmick account too)
he made his current discord account when he was really young and he just stuck with the same one
he adds all the bots to servers he moderates bc he thinks he has amazing taste
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— pim pimling (7/10 discord mod)
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he would be the one doing all of the accouncements and questions of the day
he takes those jobs so serious
he types with caps on and uses encouraging gifs and emoticons (yes emojis too)
he never really moderates, he's the one just announcing things tbh he has a lot to say
even when he conveys bad news he'd do a little :P at the end just to soften the blow
(he's also the one who usually kindly lets people know why a certain mod banned them just in case said mod doesn't wanna elaborate)
his positivity pisses ppl off sometimes
don't shoot the messenger
he just logs in every morning, and writes a whole paragraph in announcements to wish everyone a happy day! then he types up the question of the day and logs off until the night
pim pimling is a very busy man
checks his notifs throughout the day tho (just in casies)
he just spreads positivity
one of the most important people in the server he's in at all times
he does intimidate ppl sometimes just bc of his role but he does try to be as not-intimidating as possible
if he's confronted on anything he does wrong he is quick to take responsibility for his actions
^^^ doesn't depend on the person's role, like if he bans someone's friend and the person pleads their case, he's very quick to apologize
^^^^ might cause him to be perceived as someone with no backbone but he's just very empathetic and understanding
profile ☆
his icon is definitely a picture of his face, probably some sort of cute selfie
similar to allan, he uses his full name in his discord dn and user
he does have nitro but he only uses it to change his discord background to a picture of nature
his bio would be long as shit. "Hi! (grin) I'm Pim Pimling and I'm 34 years old!" etc etc etc
^^^ definitely overshares in his bio too
has no socials attached to his profile at all
very straightforward profile
he uses his status a LOT to say the most random things?!>>W "Currently eating a bowl of cereal!"
extras ☆
he has a lot of people on his friends list bc despite everything ppl do have a soft spot for him
he had discord for a while like charlie did but he only ever used it to text friends and thats it
really interactive and responds quickly to dms
his dms r very open
he loves emoji reactions so much
he helps mr. boss with server events a lot
^^^ he also participates in every one
he likes using video calls in a vc
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hallo ^w^ i just want to end this off by saying i now have an ask box to submit any headcanon requests if needed!! yayy
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TSATS is hilarious to me. They give Will a whole book to help us really get to know him as a character and a chance for him to be a more developed character. And instead we get a whole book of him being useless and dragging Nico down and forcing Nico to carry his pathetic arse for the whole book. Instead of making him a more developed character it just made me dislike him even more for being such a waste of space for an entire book.
Saaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmme dude. You just summarized what tsats was at its core. It’s such a shame that the idea of the sun and the star and Will Solace had so much potential it could have been amazing if it was done right. Will could have been amazing. He was amazing before Mark and Rick fumbled him And instead we got this dumpster fire. Such a shame.
And a point that I haven’t seen talked about enough is Nico being pressured to come out to the whole camp felt so wrong
the whole scene of how the dryads kinda outed Nico to the whole camp or at least pressured him to come out randomly with no warning at all. That really did not sit right with me at all. it almost felt like Nico was being outed again or very much pressured to come out because of the crowd expected an announcement from him. Like I get that the dryads made a social blunder and misinterpreted what Nico asked of them. It’s possible Nico might not have been all that clear. But like. Nico coming out to a full crowd like that especially so soon after BoO. D I D. N O T. S I T. R I G H T. W I T H. M E. It would have better if that whole thing was not written. Or at least if Nico had bailed out it of that situation and just grew the balls to privately ask Will out himself.
Because Nico’s always been very short and to the point with things. The type of guy to do his own work for himself. He once said something like “he didn’t like working with other people because they were always cramping his style” in BoO. Sure he could be trying to branch out and make friends. But I don’t think he’d trust a bunch of random dryads he barely knows with this kind of thing. If he was gonna ask anybody else to help him set up something as serious and a first date with Will it would be his trusted friends. Hazel Jason Reyna Hedge.
Also the whole thing about Nico being pressured to come out somehow helped other queer kids in the camp. Like first of all that’s not Nico’s responsibility especially not when he was still dealing with internalized stuff for himself. And second of all. It’s a Greek camp. With a whole bunch of kids there and that whole scene took place during summer time when they are the most packed. 100-200 campers. In New York. Theres gotta be at least a couple other out queer kids in that camp. (Probably more than a couple tbh).
The whole scene pressuring Nico to come out to and ask Will out didn’t make sense and felt so wrong and weird. Amongst a bunch of other things too. But this is the one that was on my mind at the moment. There are many other things about tsats that felt so wrong and I may be too sleep deprived to rant about them now
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