#it's gonna rule
gallawitchxx · 8 months
weekly tag wednesday 🤘🏼
i was tagged by some cutie patooties (@deedala @creepkinginc @energievie @crossmydna @sleepyfacetoughguy @transmickey & @metalheadmickey) to play a new version of an old favorite! let's do it! 🖤
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name: bee 🐝
age: thirty-five minus four 🙃
favorite color: turquoise ✨
what emoji best describes your current mood? 🗣
what season is it where you are right now? well, it's technically fall, but i'm in socal now, the land of eternal sunlight... so naturally it's 100 degrees F here today ☀️
were you up before or after the sun this morning? before, i think! 💤
are you currently in possession of a pumpkin? i am not 😔
do you prefer to carve or paint your jack-o-lanterns? carve! but it's been a million years since i've done it! 🎃
do you have a favorite pumpkin-spice flavored treat? If so, what is it? every year, i make my wife a pumpkin roll. it has cream cheese frosting enveloped in pumpkin cake & it's both beautiful & delicious! (maybe i'll make one this weekend!) 😋
what's your favorite season and what's your favorite pie that you associate with it? ooooh summer & key lime pie! 😎
we're having a pot-luck, what are you going to bring? i'm bringing a cowboy caviar, which is a corn salad/dip with black beans, peppers, onions, avocados, tomatoes & some other goodies! it's delicious, you'll love it! 🤠
it's chilly outside and you need a hot drink in your hands, what are you drinking? brewed coffee or a latte with oat milk ☕️
will you be wearing a costume for Halloween? Is it ready? yes hahahaha my wife told me that she wants to be alex & henry from rwrb, which was the LAST thing i was expecting & yet it's every dream of mine come true. stay tuned! 🇺🇸 🇬🇧
finally, what's something you've made or done recently that you're proud of? i whipped up a new creative proposal for work in a short amount of time & i'm quite happy with it & hopeful for its future. if you have any fingers to cross or well wishes to toss my way, please say a little spell for my new baby 😌
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tagging @whatwouldmickeydo @howlinchickhowl @whatthebodygraspsnot @gardenerian @heymrspatel @deathclassic @francesrose3 @rereadanon @sickness-health-all-that-shit @lupeloto & @scurvgirl if you wanna play!! if not, i'm (with consent) smooching your nose! 💋
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ionomycin · 3 months
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
Let’s amp up the “Jason says ow and the batfam thinks he must be gravely injured” headcanon.
Jason calls Bruce or Dick for fun and says nothing but “goodbye” before hanging up (maybe it’s a dare by Roy who TOTALLY suspects the reaction Jay is gonna get).
Ten minutes late the entire Justice League is scouring Gotham, on the hunt for Jason.
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probablybadrpgideas · 11 months
Over the course of the game, roll a d20 every so often.
This measures the progress of a different, unmentioned party of adventurers who are on their own quest to stop an unrelated threat to the entire mortal world.
If you get a one they fuck up and die so the world abruptly ends with no warning.
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naberiustern · 5 months
“Gideon the ninth should adapted to a tv show!” “Gideon the ninth should be adapted to a game!” Youre all wrong, it should be adapted to a muppet movie.
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fizpup · 1 year
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heeler horsies
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gummi-ships · 27 days
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Kingdom Hearts 3 - Nobodies
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ninjautistic · 6 months
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lexezombie · 3 months
Maybe putting a 7ft metal creature on unstable wheels is a bad idea--
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extra background-less version:
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fleetways · 1 year
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“until i did, but we’re not going to talk about that…”
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let-them-fight · 6 months
ok I know I’ve said countless times no real people but I’m gonna flatter the 1 anon who literally just submitted these 2 and yeah
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do-rey-me · 6 months
if murderbot learned what autism was i truly believe itd go "wow humans are so ridiculous they cant even agree on their own stupid human social rules" and then never think about that or its possible relation to its own behaviors ever again
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hajihiko · 10 months
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I'm just saying... they're responsible 🤷‍♂️
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idkfitememate · 3 months
Still tired but just wanted to remind you that the Obey Me Brothers (- Satan + Lilith) were probably the “Seven Heavenly Virtues” before they fell/died and that was probably so hard for them like-
Lucifer going from Humility to Pride
Mammon going from Charity to Greed
Leviathan going from Kindness to Envy
Asmodeus going from Chastity to Lust
Beelzebub going from Temperance to Gluttony
And Belphegor going from Diligence to Sloth
Imagine as Lucifer going through it because now you can’t talk with your brothers, now you hold them to an expectation you would’ve never before - and yourself to an even higher one - and watching them loose themselves to their sins.
Watching Mammon lose himself to monetary values to the point where he’d be willing to sell his own brothers out if it came to it, and knowing that at some point he would’ve sold his everything because he believed it was right. Shit thing is that he still loves his brothers, and under the greed is guilt for hurting them like this.
Watching Levi, once a kind and loving man who would never leave anyone out become a self deprecating and destructive mess who shuts the world out. Who spends his time obsessing over what others have that he can’t and fighting tooth and nail to fix that, even if it hurts him. He, like Lucifer, has to be the best at his chosen craft or else it’s all for naught, but unlike Lucifer he’s very vocal about his losses and how much he hates others who have better than him.
Asmo, who at one point was basically repulsed at the idea of carnal love and wanted to wait, to hold out until he found the one he was searching for. Believe if that saving himself for his future partner was the ultimate act of love. And now watching him fall to depravity, unable to feel love unless it’s carnal in some sense. Everything must be passionate, with little room for true love. Feelings pushed aside for the heat of the moment, giving his body away to feel something. Finding no worth in himself unless it’s his body, and that translating over to how he treats his brothers. They have to suck up his shockingly flirty remarks to them because he can’t help it, that’s how he’s forced to show love now; fast, rushed, and carnal.
Watching Beel, a man who took everything in moderation, never allowing himself more than what he needed in food and drink in favor of helping others, loose himself to the mind numbing pleasure of sitting there and eating and drinking and eating and drinking and eating and drinking with no end in sight. As he can’t help himself but do anything for a meal, much like Mammon. Willing to do damn near anything to fill the hole in his stomach. No matter the cost.
And Belphy. A man once so awake and alert and ready for anything that even Lucifer would have to tell him to take a break. Always raring and ready to go and help any and everyone in need sleep his days away. Too lazy to do basic tasks at some points like eat. Lazing about too tired to do anything, including care for those around him. Too tired to do anything.
And the haunting truth that you, as Lucifer, created Wrath. Satan, your youngest brother in age and fourth in power. Knowing on the daily that he puts on a mask, a front so that his rage doesn’t consume him in an all burning inferno. Knowing that any little thing could set him off, and that’d be it. He shares next to nothing with you and your brothers because, while unspoken, it’s known that he’ll never be as close as the six of you. He didn’t experience the war, he didn’t experience the fall, he didn’t experience her death. Unlike your brothers who have all changed in some distressing way he’s always been rage. Always been Wrath. A true sin through and through. Never will you experience the same things and that keeps you separated.
And about her, to know deep in your heart that she, the Virtue of Patients, would’ve become the Sin of Wrath keeps you up at night, her face of smiles turning to a wrathful frown scares you. Nightmares flash behind your eyes of her being mad, furious even, so you starve the nights off with a never ending pile of paperwork and coffee.
… Did I just accidentally character study?-
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cthulhum · 2 months
and dean winchester thought he was unlovable and didnt deserve happiness he hated himself and thought eveyone would eventually leave him and then a literal fucking angel fell in love with him. like loved him more than anything else in the world.
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cemeterything · 2 years
as much as it's fun to joke about not wanting new people to join tumblr from twitter after everyone else thought this site was dead or too cringe to make an account on for years, if you're actually an asshole to people who are just trying to use social media to have fun and/or share their content like the rest of us and are adapting to a new platform they're not familiar with then i don't want anything to do with you personally, because it's obvious you're just using this situation as an excuse to be mean spirited dickhead and i don't tolerate that kind of behavior
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