#it's magic baby!!
warpedpuppeteer · 6 months
Gtfo right now. Buck came to see Abby during the full moon and he's talking about gravity pulling people together and she's like it's not science. So he says maybe it's magic. AND YOU KNOW WHO ELSE SAID BEING WITH SOMEONE WAS LIKE MAGIC?! EDDIE DIAZ THAT'S WHO!!
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thecupidwitch · 5 months
Herb's Properties
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Basil:  money, luck, prosperity, happiness
Bay Leaf: energy, cleansing, can be charged with almost any intention
Camomile: Caring, kindness, luck, growth, self-love growth, confidence, avoiding negativity, happiness
Cinnamon: passion, quick success, fire magick
Chia seeds: Growth, health, kindness, Property
Chilli flakes:  Pride, confidence, power, strength, Passion
Cumin: Courage, bravery, protection, loyalty
Dandelion: wishes, charisma, success, good luck
Dill: sexual love, luck, protection
Eucalyptus: cleansing, healing, purifying, relaxing, comfort
Fennel:  hate, anger
Flax seeds: Prosperity, growth, new beginnings
Ginger: fiery passion, success, and personal power
Jasmine: love, dreams, sensuality, luxury and kindness
Lavender: love and attraction, purification, relaxation, restful sleep
Nutmeg: luck, Health, Fidelity, Love, Prosperity, comfort, loyalty
Oregano:  comfort, love, warmth
Paprika:  Pride, confidence, power, strength
Parsley: Cleansing. purification
Peppermint: healing, purification, love and energy, cleansing, prosperity
Poppy seeds: protection, intuition, self-assurance, hexing and cursing
Rose: love, beauty, harmony, romance, attraction
Rosemary: cleansing, purification, wisdom, protection
Sesame seeds: Prosperity, growth, health, nurturing
Spearmint: love, cleansing, renewal, blessing
Sunflower seeds: happiness, growth, joy
Thyme: beauty, strength, courage
Turmeric: confidence, creativity, energy
Vanilla: love and sexuality
tip jar
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fairy-magick · 2 months
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cocofetti · 2 years
Some of y’all act like basic manners, general human decency, and kindness to others is SO MUCH emotional labor. I don’t like that shit.
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me-beef · 19 days
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@strangeravatar made a great point
i was gonna focus on the spike-hotboxing-celestia aspect but i got distracted somewhere along the way and i think i forgot what joke i was trying to make
but dont you think its interesting how many guards of the exact same color/body type she's managed to accrue?? i do
ooohh you want to go look at our stickers so bad
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magicomens · 2 months
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Someone's finally connecting the dots
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ryllen · 8 months
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thank you for working hard x
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beary-good-finds · 2 months
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✨ Magic the Dragon Beanie Baby by Ty Inc, 1995 ✨
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shadow-book-wren · 9 months
Herbs and Flowers Magic Properties(tbc)
Rosemary - memory, anxiety, sleep, cleansing, purifying, learning, healing, love, lust, protection, wisdom, mental power
Turmeric - healing, strength, vitality, purification, abundance, joy, prosperity
allspice - healing, energy, love, luck
pepper - courage, protection
sage - health, immortality, longevity, protection against negativity, protection, purification, wisdom, wishes, anxiety
bay - divination, good fortune, healing, anxiety, money, prosperity, peace, protection, happiness, purification, love, tranquility
oregano - peace, love
parsley - protection, power, strength, lust, purification, prosperity
garlic - protection against evil eye
cinnamon - aphrodisiac, passion, love, luck, prosperity, success, spiritual vibrations, energy, purification, healing, protection
cayenne - healing, removing blockages, protection, strength, motivation, courage
clover - fidelity, protection, love, money, success, animal protection, luck
pine - health, healing
nutmeg - money, prosperity, good luck, protection, psychic abilities, happiness, love, health
cloves - healing, love, friendship, cleansing, protection, abundance
thyme - health, courage, eliminates nightmares, attracts loyalty, affection, psychic abilities
ginger - energy, speeding things up, love, prosperity, success, power, healing
mint - avoid jealousy, dreams, protecting, prosperity, joy, fertility, purification, love, success, lust, travel, money, luck
chamomile - love, healing, stress-relief, calming, sleep
lavender - purification, concentration, love, healing, sleep, dreams
jasmine - divination, innovation, attraction, dreams, love, beauty
mugwort - psychic powers, protection, lust, fertility, prophetic dreams, divination, relaxing, tranquility, banishing, consecration
peach blossoms - luck, prosperity, romance, love, passion, affection, harmony, peace, health, longevity
peony - protection from hexes, luck, prosperity, business success, attracts fairies
rose - divine love, self-love, friendship, healing, domestic happiness, lasting relationships, closeness with nature, divination, tranquility, harmony, psychic ability, spirituality, protection, luck
lemon grass - openness, communication, clear mind, love, luck, libido, psychic abilities, calming
chrysanthemum - longevity, mental clarity, optimism, protection, solving mysteries, soothing grief
pink Himalayan salt - purification, grounding, abundance, prosperity, self-love, cleaning, growth, protection, peace, calming
palo santo - cleansing, positivity, good fortune, creativity, love
sweet orange - optimism, charisma, confidence, restoring aura, attracting love, fertility, abundance
bergamot - protection, purification, calming
ylang ylang - sexual attraction, persuasiveness, peace, love, anxiety and depression relief, fairy magic
geranium - prosperity, happiness, healthy pregnancy and fertility
eucalyptus - purifying, cleansing, good health, protection, negativity
sandalwood - calming, anxiety, purification, protection, healing
anise - peace, tranquility, awakening of psychic awareness, luck, spiritual connection, psychic and magic power
jojoba - healing, protection, purification, grounding, meditation, love
frankincense - cleansing, energy, uplifting, inner peace, balance
peppermint - mental clarity, prophetic visions, success, prosperity,
cedarwood - love, growth, longevity, psychic powers, healing, money
tea tree - cleansing, protection, uplifting, energy, memory, love
vanilla - sex, calming, good luck, love, empowerment, happiness, growth
catnip - beauty, happiness, attraction, love, friendship
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dapper-lil-arts · 8 months
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The entire premise of Alicorns being on another untouchable level dissapears when you account for Cadence's basic-ass taste in men
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lezzlesdrawsponies · 4 months
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🎨Paint Pot Magic🏠
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thecupidwitch · 5 months
Types of Divination
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A means of divination through the interpretation of atmospheric phenomena such as cloud formations, wind currents, rain, fog, lightning, thunder, cosmological events, and positions favorable or unfavorable to the planet.
A form of divination where you use cards to get the answer to your questions. There are different forms of cartomancy like playing cards, tarot, lenormand and oracle cards.
Or bone throwing. It's an ancient form of divination used by many cultures. This method consist of throwing the bones and then interpret the results and pattern.
This method consist of observing the subtle movements of the pendulum to gain information about a question, object, or situation.
Scrying is divination by seeking a vision while gazing into a transparent, translucent, or reflective object and it's often done by crystal ball gazing, fire scrying, water scrying, mirror scrying, etc.
This type of divination interpret movements and relative positions of celestial bodies, and how they influence us. Astrology gives an understanding of situations in our lives, based on our individual astrological birth chart.
Also known as stone divination, is a form of divination that uses stones or crystals to gain insight into an individual’s future or to provide guidance on a specific issue.
Necromancy is divination through communication with the dead. In this method the practitioner summons or communicate with spirits of the dead in order to gain wisdom.
The practice of reading the flames and wax of a candle. The candle is lit and the flame examined for clues to the mood and energy surrounding the situation and then the wax is allowed to drip into a bowl of cold water or sometimes onto a piece of paper. The practitioner examines the shapes formed by the melted wax and makes predictions based on his or her interpretation of the shapes.
Is a method of divination where you read pattern and symbols from tea leaves or coffee grounds sediments.
Arithmancy is known as divination using numbers, while numerology is divination through using dates and words turned to numbers. Numerology doesn't require any psychic abilities, instead the method use calculations involving name and birth date numbers.
Palmistry is also referred to as palm reading and is divination through reading and interpreting the lines and structure of the hand. It is common to read the dominant hand as a characterization and also predicting the future.
is the divination by randomly chosen passages in books, often religious books or Grimoires. This method consist of picking a random passage from a book to answer a question.
is a form of divination using sea shells. Placing a seashell on your ear and analyzing the sound counts as Conchomancy. You can also use seashells in Casting divination.
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stolenviolet · 5 months
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Uh oh! When Voldemort hit Harry with the killing curse in the forest, it created a life instead of taking one.
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emacrow · 4 months
Orphan's baby
Cass was in the middle of helping the Batfam along with Batman raids through the the hidden base they had found underground lab in an abandoned hospital messing with a neon verison of lararus pits liquid.
Red Robin had already adjacked the security and was going through the files with Spoiler. Nightwing and Red hood beating up the guards while batman was battling with the main boss behind it all.
She was with Robin as they were taking some samples and destroying the remaining ones.
She had already crack through most of seemingly important hidden rooms that seem to be hiding completely full with containers full of lararus pits with tags of PH4N70M, and a winter blue colored marble in a container sealed to the safe that was spelling out electricity every minute in the container.
It looked important, but why a marble..?
She broke the container holding the marble, taking most of the lararus pits containers as well while destroying the remaining unaware of the glow that pulsed in the marble.
By the time is was to retreat, everything was in the clear as Spoiler needed to unscramble hidden files that were behind multiples firewalls.
They were at the batcave when they were securing the containers of lararus pits for later sampling, only for the marble to be missing..?
She was sure that she place it in her bat waist pouch, but it wasn't there anymore..
Did she dropped it accidentally while collecting the containers of larausu pits?
It was already too late to check back now, so she decided not to tell anyone yet.
Until 2 months later, she started feeling downright sick nauseated. Right after Dinner of Alfred's infamous lasagna Tuesday, but.. it tasted a bland which was throwing her off completely.
She was only dropping down by the batcave to just self analysis herself.. only to stop walking half way the secure containement holding all the lararus pits that they brought back..
She couldn't stop herself from staring at it with vast hunger before the swirl of neon green filling her vision and blank her conscience out the window..
Only to wake up in her room on her bed, 3 empty containers with not a inch of lararus pits left inside as if it was wiped-or licked clean. She hide the containers under her bed and stood quiet later on as nobody had noticed yet what she had done.
She doesn't know what had happen, but the nausea and sick feeling went away as if nothing happen.
Hopefully it would be a one time thing...
Bruce and his long lines of lawyers had disbanded the GIW completely over the illegal experimentally on sentient aliens of another world which they tried to label them as ghosts until they tried to accused Superman of being one of them which quickly label their entire Government supported work as hate crime and was steady being searched, along finding a couple of missing traumatized teens, adults and children that had vanished the months before in the other hidden labs.
She had her head in her hands as she silently groaned when she peak her eyes between her fingers to see several dozen empty containers and immediately close her eyes to try and pretend she didn't see them.
It only been 5 months since that incident and she had seemingly got away with it, but then nausea came back with vengeance like no other, and the increased appetite was new, but yet it didn't filled her belly with the bland taste or satisfaction even though she did felt a bit feint during the couple of night patrols despise feeling energized earlier.
Something was wrong and she know it as she went to the only person who could help her right now.
She went to Alfred straight away silently explaining the situation going on because she honestly have no idea was going on with her and she know she loves his food, and the feint spells, and the monsterous appetite and the insatiable need to swallow a crapton of lararus pits with twelve milkshakes and fourteen bags full bat burgers.
Alfred could only stared with his eyebrows raising slowly with every word spilling out of her mouth.
Alfred helped her get examined in the batcave medbay, and 2 hours later the blood result came in.
Case was pregnant, but It was a almost cryptic pregnancy.
Alfred didn't had the equipment out for a ultrasound at all yet, but from he know from Cass it was during the Raiding of that hidden lab and her being in contacted with this 'marble' that seemingly disappeared after she grabbed it.
That was 7 months ago, but luckily Alfred caught it in time before it literally became a cryptic pregnancy.
Oh the ultrasounds pics of the little baby fetus with his fast beating lil heart beating were precious as he got tiny misty eyes a bit compare to Cass's awestruck look staring at the screen then back at her belly.
He does help get extra vitamins pills, and call her off of Crime duty until further noticed . Bruce on the otherhand was concerned but all he got from Alfred was the You Better not investigate this because I have major blackmail of embarrassing toddler photos against you.
This is Alfred moment that he been waiting for since Bruce became a new adult but not yet sired a baby at the Wayne Manor at all. He is savoring this for the memories and scapebooking time. He is cranking opened that forgotten but clean baby nursery of forlorning hopes.
2 months later, By the time Cass was ready to deliver the baby on February 11, and at February 12th, 12:01am.
Wren Alf Cain was born premature yet crying softly into the word.
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ohmerricat · 4 months
> new series release (space babies) coincided with the uk seeing the northern lights for the first time in years
> the devil’s chord coincided with paul mccartney’s long-missing hofner bass guitar being found, by a doctor who fan no less
> boom coincided with an actual meteor crash
> 73 yards is coinciding with a rise in bizarre supposedly-occult animal sacrifice rituals in britain (the folk horror part) and rishi sunak finally calling a general election (the political drama part)
> hypothesis: russell t davies has somehow managed to tune in to the universe’s divine frequency ??
> conclusion: messing with the forces of fate, cause&effect and coincidence, even if it’s for the pop culture franchise you’re showrunning, actually turns it into an egregore, but only if it’s been going for long enough (sixty fucking years to the dot) and watched by enough people (tens of millions). which it has
> ergo, postscriptum: television magick is real and is being unintentionally performed by the creators + audience of the world’s silliest science fiction show
> /jk. unless?
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harvestmoss · 21 days
 💫 Why Protection Magic Is Useful (even if you have no enemies)
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A lot of witches will tell new witches (baby witches) that they should start by learning and using protection magic. However, I've started to see a lot of witches say that protection magic is not as important as other witches claim it to be. Saying that they don't have anyone coming after them or an enemy in real life to warrant a spell of protection.
I think this may also be due to how I've not personally come across anyone really explaining why a witch may want to use protection magic all the time.
Now, it is true that there's no need to be paranoid all the time and have protection up 24/7. But here's a list where you may use it, find it useful, or haven't thought protection magic could be included.
An actual person -- This one is obvious, you have an enemy in real life or on the internet and you need protection magic to protect you from their curses.
A malevolant spirit -- They can come from your windows, mirrors (including tv screens, computer screens, and other reflective surfaces maybe), they seep through floor cracks, hanging onto your coats from outside, etc. Just like how you'd use garden gloves to avoid dirt up your nails being trapped there. Protection magic is just like putting on those gloves.
An energy -- Say you have a neighbour who's arguing with someone. They're yelling and screaming and it can be heard through the apartment walls. That negative energy is seeping into your home and your energy. So it may be worth protecting your home and energy from that sour neighbour's energy. (ever been scolded by your mother and your mood is sour? it's kind of like the same here.)
Your own spell -- Now a self-love spell is probably not something you should protect yourself from. But let's say you're doing a curse. It would be a smart idea to make sure you're protected before beginning such a spell. Much like how you'd wear an apron to protect your clothes from stains when cooking food. You may not always spill your food when cooking, but damn it is it annoying when you do and the stain won't wash off. It's the same with a spell.
Unintentionally -- Sometimes things can happen that's out of our control and it's a good idea to be a little prepared. A black cat suddenly running across the street? Bad luck. Someone got jealous when you told them something good? Evil Eye. Think of it as going to the store with an extra bag for your groceries. You may not need it, but isn't it handy when you at one point do need it?
Protection magic doesn't have to be elaborate or grand or be convoluted. Protection magic is powerful but also extremely simple. All you need is a horseshoe above the door, a little talisman in your pocket, a sigil for your car, etc.
So don't dismiss the importance of protection magic. It may help to improve your spellwork and your energy.
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