#jason dana
punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
It's so FUCKING INFURIATING AND EMBARRASING how fanon Jason Todd stans always tell newbie Jason fans 'Don't read comics,just make shit up!!!' when they SHOULD tell them 'If you're scared to read comics,just watch Under The Red Hood!' when it's the perfect Jason adaption and average movie length!!!If you like Jason Todd but haven't actually consumed his media yet and want to get started,ignore those niggas because they're the same people who pretend Jason's Robin dosen't exist because he's black,are disgusted that all three of his love interests have been woc because they want him to only date white boys and white pick me girls and complete erase Jason's autistic-coding,goth punk slay and just his entire swag including what'd make him beyond good afrolatino rep but are foul enough to hc him as latino anyway.Those are the devils talking and you should tune them out by starting up Utrh and you should get your favorite snacks for too because you deserve them and i've read every Jason issue ever so if you want more info on him when you're done follow me since i'll actually know what i'm talking about,i love y'all and stay hydrated and ignoring Janky Talker truthers
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dailyjasontodd · 7 months
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Jason and Dana updated designs by Sanford Greene
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astralbondpro · 10 months
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Friday The 13th Part III (1982) // Dir. Steve Miner
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ambrosethedarling · 7 months
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Full doodle page 😋😋
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shyjusticewarrior · 2 months
For a character known for being a petty jackass, a lot of his character interactions are his family & friends playfully insulting/mocking him and him just taking it lol.
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kartsie · 4 months
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They’re practicing being meddling kids
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shewhowillrise · 6 months
Idk how one to one it is but the dc x dp idea of Danny and Jason being multiverse variants of each other should be combined with Dana Harlowe aka Strike as a Valerie variant
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undertheredhood · 8 months
i just know that all of jason todd's childhood friends have issues with bruce. like if your friend got adopted by one of the wealthiest men in the city and just started having bruises (and other injuries) show up all over his body all the time and wouldn't give you a straight answer about where they came from (because he couldn't tell them that he was robin) when you ask him, you'd definitely be suspicious too, right?
jason dying at fifteen in another country probably didn't help their dislike and suspicions of bruce, it probably made it even worse.
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the-batgirl · 6 days
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Red Hood: The Hill #5
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mjlvsjt · 5 months
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Covers de Red hood The Hill #3
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72stars · 1 month
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RH: Prometheus doodle dump again, with both digital sketchbook and non-sketchbook doodles
top row: current and initial rough designs for a large swath of characters that may or may not appear to varying degrees of importance in RH:P (e.g. Natalia was originally supposed to play a larger role but as planning progresses is likely to end up in a flashback at most, rip). notably missing: the Joker and an oc I affectionately refer to as This Fffire (the fire guy that’s shown up in some previous art for this story idea) (note: ???s denote where a character is at the story’s beginning still undecided on a codename, or in Roy’s case has multiple and just answers to whatever)
2nd row: design adventures with Starfire costume design ideas, Duke design roughs guest-starring Jason and my love of wing-like power manifestations, and Stephanie guest-starring Tim and their daughter (who is Tim’s in this AU and also they kept her and both raise her despite having broken up a couple of years back)
3rd row: more design adventures with hairstyle explorations for Dana + trying to figure out her face, and cape doodles of Batman guest-starring Robin!Jay
last row: non-sketchbook adventures, with a random face doodle of Jason, outfit idea and don’t worry about his backstory he doesn’t (and doesn’t remember the relevant part anyway) doodles of Kieran, and the traditional standoff that occurs every time Dick tries to have Jay & Tim over at the same time before the 50/50 chance of either tensely trying to get along for Dick’s sake and eventually mostly enjoying themselves or one or both leaving kicks in
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
Batfanon Jason stans need to suck it up and accept that JT is a super gritty dark character that's a commentary on trauma,poverty and nuanced justice that he's sometimes straight up wrong about on PURPOSE for depth and to truly achive this instead of a white male power fantasy,he needs a diverse cast and he canonically has a fantastic one.This is why the original Rhato run was so awful and the reboot so much better by giving us Artemis and same for Lost Days continuing his and Talia's bond and making Duke and him eachother's Robin and Dick,Stephanie,Damian,Rose and Dana recurring Red Hood lore characters.In addition to multiple disorders and being lower class with a hatred for rich people,Jason has shown countless instinces of most likely being aroace either non-partnering or romance favorable,has the personality of an afro-dominican man with a backstory and following plots that would work as good representation too(that i will link evidence to as an irl one in the notes for any doubters,nonblack and gringo concern trolls especially)and is heavily audhd-coded on multiple levels
Not an infantalized teenage girl-coded adult white man like Roy treated him.Not an uphoalder of pure moral righteosness who's misunderstood because to be fair,you have to have a very high intellect to understand Red Hood.Not a poser asshole who just wants to be held and isn't actually goth punk but a rich daddy's boy.Not a 'fuck away the trauma' type or a bad friend and ESPECIALLY not a bad boyfriend.Not normal,not shallow,not palpable.The DC world dosen't revolve around him and contrary to the weirdass text posts i'm always seeing on here he's okay with that and cheers on his loved ones when they get the spotlight-Tim and his legit enemies are the exception to how he feels about other people,not the rule.Jason Todd is NOT just a white boy and he would NEVER even look in other characters general direction just for being white boys(and yeah,this is about Danny Dead Weight and Borky Barnes and Deadlastpool)or horny white girls or whatever neo-trad bullshit y'all got going on
If you actually watched Under The Red Hood or read Jason's comics that aren't og Rhato,you'd start getting scared not because of the extreme brutality and darkness but because you can't even handle a white cishet male protagonist who respects women and poc and prioritizes them over other white males instead of chasing oppressive fantasies.Your projection is showing and it ain't pretty
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candywafercutie · 8 months
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Doodles of a bunch of random parents and parental figures of some of the Robins, mostly Jason's
RIP Trina Todd, Jason's awesome pre-crisis mom
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rockingthegraveyard · 10 months
Notable kids Jason knew in his childhood.
In no particular order. Realized I did kind of put them in order from post to pre Robin era.
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Rena (Detective Comics 561 / 563-565)
Pre-crisis Jason's girlfriend. They met in high school after Jason was adopted by Bruce. They were both the new kids and found companionship with each other.
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Numbers (Batman: Gotham Nights 11)
Briefly lived together at Ma Gunn's. Numbers took punishment in Jason's stead because Jason was kind to him. Jason saved him in return, as an adult, from an assassin.
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Gabby Christensen (Red Hood / Arsenal 4)
Homeless kid, along with Jason, who looked out for Jason before he was adopted by Bruce. Would comfort and try to tend to his injuries despite him lashing out.
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Max Dawkins (Truth & Justice 10)
Ran with Jason when he was homeless. Jason notes that Max looked after him like a brother and Jason considered him he best friend. Jason would leave money for Max to find after he was adopted. Lets just ignore the fact he was created just to be murdered, he is still alive, fuck you DC.
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Dana Harlowe / Strike (Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) 51-52)
Possibly Jason's oldest friend. Dana's father seem quite familiar with Jason, recognizing him as an adult and remembering him fondly. Dana took up the name Strike to help defend her neighborhood during the Joker War and later fought with Red Hood to save her sister, Denise
Jason was also friends with Edward Bloomberg (Kid Devil) who he was pen pals with, mentioned in the Blue Devil comics. And Roy Harper (Speedy ((at the time)) starting from the New 52 series. Didn't add them because I was focusing on friends outside of the hero life but they deserve the mention.
These are all the ones that I know of. If I missed anyone, feel free to add them!
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ambrosethedarling · 6 months
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Soon they return to meeee
I cleaned it up!
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shyjusticewarrior · 2 months
Dana: You have a dinner date with Rose for seven. What time do you arrive?
Jason: Seven. A.M.
Jason: Case the restaurant, run background checks on the staff.
Jason: Can the cook be trusted? If not I gotta kill him. Replace him with my own guy no later than four thirty.
Dana: ... You're ready.
Jason: Really?
Dana: *laughs* No. Everything you just said was insane.
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