#jazz (at least one of them’s gotta like it)
charlott2n · 17 hours
drop some doom metal recs please 🙏
ABSOLUTELY. first of all u cant go wrong with witchcult today by electric wizard. dopethrone is kinda their most acclaimed album as well as the most popular post-sabbath doom album and the first two songs are definitely worth a listen at yhe very least but witchcult is definitely more approachable and catchy. lots of great rhythms and riffs
secondly i would be remiss to not mention @wyrmweed's album Book of Rituals under her band Saturniidae. really awesome doom that i legitimately love and listen to all the time even beyond the merit of just being my friend's album :) that is to say i dont just listen to it because i know the person who made it. but yeah please do check it out!!
also blood lust by uncle acid and the deadbeats!!!!! ill cut you down was my very first doom/stoner metal song :) its just such a killer album with so many great songs
master of brutality by church of misery is another great one! i love the guitar tone its very Juicy for lack of a word that makes any sense at all
also in the same guitar tone vein is belzebong! incredibly weedy band but the riffs are great and its a good time with any of their albums ^-^
i also need to recommend bongripper! if you like more droney stuff theyre great, and their album from this year is a fantastic doom monoloth imo.
also windhand!!!! please try out their debut or soma. two of my favorite doom albums of all time easily.
also for something a little sillier i want to recommend eight foot manchild :) theyre like jazzy funky doom its soooo cool youve gotta hear them at least once
also spider kitten!!!! i love their album Behold Mountain and i want to listen to more at some point. theyre so silly with it
lastly meditations by bong-ra! jazz doom. incredibly cool. and thats probably enough thanks for asking^-^
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some things i desperately want to show the van der linde gang
bass pro shops
target / walmart
american football
the beach
thrift stores
group chats
antique shops
country/rock/punk music
western movies
water parks / amusement parks
all you can eat buffets
christmas lights
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jackalopefreckles · 8 months
Would it be insane to make both of the hot bears Im dating really intense over the top heart shaped desserts??
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Misfortune Teller
tldr: An older Danny, apprentice to Clockwork, does a lot of field work across dimensions, resetting the timeline, queuing future events, and who knows what else. Occasionally, he warns people about such upcoming possibilities, to set them on the right path. How, you might ask? Well in this case... as a wandering fortune teller.
Crack-fic (oh god, it's getting long and my logic brain won't let it remain as crack) where Danny becomes Clockwork's apprentice after getting his GED. Living his infinite afterlife to the fullest. Inspired by this tumblr post.
Working for Clockwork had been... interesting so far. At first, Danny got frustrated by how vague and cryptic Clockwork was. He'd just shunt Danny off to some ancient time with a few words, his own time medallion (Danny carried it everywhere with him now), and then pop back into the portal, leaving Danny with only the faintest idea of where to go.
Eventually, after enough time (ha!) spent around Clockwork, Danny figured out that it just basically meant that he had free reign and to do whatever he wanted. Because if he went on the wrong path, (like that one time in Pompeii when he had almost caused the volcano to explode a few years too early), Clockwork would just pop on by, say another few cryptic words, and then it'd all be fine and dandy, or as he liked to say, "All is as it should be... Now stop practicing your wail by an active volcano."
After telling Jazz about that (it was supposed to be funny, not concerning), she just sighed and shook her head, with a forlorn "think before you act, Danny!" but hey, it'd turned out fine so far, so who cares how he does what Clockwork asks him to do, as long as it gets done, right? Even if it's with a liiiiitle more mischief than strictly required.
Besides. Danny was the one who had been doing time shenanigans across millennia, not Jazz. And he thought he'd been getting pretty good at it too! He'd actually started giving himself a different made-up background for each universe he visited. Sam and Tucker were helping him keep up with the identities on a spreadsheet, so if he had to go back to one he'd already visited, he'd remember who he'd said he was supposed to be.
He was on a call with them one evening while haunting Jazz's apartment, doing just that, when he felt a familiar tingle in the back of his throat, as well as a heightened awareness of the seconds passing by, that always accompanied his mentor's appearance.
Sam was talking about his past stint posing as a god of death when he cut in. "Hey- sorry to interrupt, Sam- Clocky's here, guys, I gotta dip."
"Aw, come on! We hardly talked any this past week since you passed your certifications, man," Tucker complained.
Danny rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Yeah, yeah. Partly on you too though, you've been caught up outside of class, and Sam's schedule is nearly the opposite of yours."
Sam hummed in agreement despiter Tucker's scoff.
Danny missed hanging out with them as much as they had in high school, but hey, life goes on. Or at least, theirs did, to college. After finally flunking out of Casper High, he'd taken some time to get used to his responsibilities in the ghost zone, and when he had, he realized that he didn't really have much enthusiasm or timeleft for his human life.
And he didn't really want to go back home either.
But Jazz had made him tie up any loose ends before he noped-off to god knows where, which frankly, he had to thank her for. Getting his GED took a few years, but it was an accomplishment that could be attributed to Danny Fenton, no ghostliness required. Then he was able to let that tether go free.
Pulled out of his musings by a few more grumbles from Tucker, Danny said his goodbyes, promising to call the next time they were all available.
After hanging up, Danny swiveled around, anticipation already lighting up his eyes an ethereal green.
Clockwork, for his part, had been waiting patiently through Danny's lengthy goodbyes. Although he supposed that it tracked for the watcher of time to be patient. With his job, it'd be a nightmare if he wasn't.
"Phantom," Clockwork spoke, calm as always. "I have some tasks I need you to complete as my apprentice."
And Danny, always ready for adventure, didn't need him to explain any further. "Sure! When do you need me to be?"
Clockwork smiled at that. "I am fortunate you are eager. Follow me."
Danny popped into existence in this universe with a burst of cold air and static electricity. He found himself hovering by a clocktower above a sprawling, gothic city. Smog and light pollution obscured the stars above him, to his disappointment. He comforted himself with the fact that he'd probably have all the time he wanted to fly someplace less populated to see them later.
He started off by familiarizing himself with the city. As he flew, he followed the trail of power and met the resident city-spirit, a spooky- but kind underneath- woman draped in black lace, who told him her name was Gotham. He spoke in length with her about this universe, its heroes, and her knights. On that, she was very enthusiastic... or at least Danny thought she was, her projected emotions belaying much more than her gloomy exterior. She told him how her knights had been through a lot and would need some guidance fighting the darkness that pooled in her deepest corners, smiling with too much glee, filling lungs with fear, and terrorizing with cold hard bullets.
Danny could sense that the dangers she spoke of were growing in power, ever slowly. The longer they shadowed people's minds and hearts, an intangible thing grew that lent them more otherworldly pull than their physical forms had right to hold.
That must be what he was sent here for.
But... they were weak, pitifully so for him, infinite king as he was. And besides, he wasn't here in that sense. He was a messenger, a simple apprentice. And he could do this however he wanted.
Cue his talk with Lady Gotham, and subsequent idea to arm her knights. With what? Well, he figured knowledge would be a start. Flying high above the city invisibly, Danny noticed a sea of colors and lights by what appeared to be the city's pier. He flew down, noting that it appeared to be the setup spot for a travelling circus or carnival of some kind.
He considered what to do. One of Lady Gotham's troubles was a madman clown, right? Well maybe he'd be attracted to his ilk here... and with the danger came the knights. Maybe he could catch one of them here?
Danny was floating around at the entrance and beginning to formulate a plan when a flyer caught his eye. Looking for a mystic to read fortunes. URGENT!
Hadn't Clockwork said something about fortunes? And he hadn't made an identity in this universe yet...
A mischievous smile crept across Danny's face, splitting it in two with far too many teeth.
Half a city away, a man in all black, perched on the very same clocktower that Phantom had Appeared by, shivered as he felt an ominous premonition about his sanity in the near future...
Said man quickly opened his comms to check in with his many, many kids. Yet even after hearing back from each, he still felt apprehensive.
Somewhere even further, Clockwork laughed.
And that's how Danny found himself seated at a fortune teller's booth at a pier in Gotham, two days later, for the Tricksy Traveling Circus's grand opening.
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flamingpudding · 1 year
The Ghost King is my Uncle Drabbles
A/N: The original this sorta ties too: Original One Shot
Shovel Talks
Constantine swore up a storm of course only mentally. It wasn't like he was going to voice any of his thoughts right now. Not when he was faced with the good damn Ghost King. All he wanted was to summon one of his contracted demons to gather some information and what did he get the fucking Ghost King.
"Trench coat! We meet again. You worked on your manners, I hope?"
"Of course your majesty." Well he didn't but he avoided the freaking bats like crazy.
"Well I gotta thank you. Well you and my In-Law that's busy and asked me to substitute for your call since we meet and before and so on." The Ghost King casually waved his hand in a dismissive manner before looking around with his eyes sparkling in recognition and it sent a shudder down Constantine's back. "You are giving me the perfect opportunity."
Did… did the Ghost King just pull out a green glowing sword from a fucking portal and why did he have that glint in his eyes? Constantine paled. Why did this have to happen to him?
"If you will excuse me for a moment. I need to look for a Kryptonian real quick. I will deal with your problem right after. Promise."
With that the Ghost King phased through the floor apparently in search of Superman who just happened to be in the watchtower today. Fuck. Constantine run out of the room in mild panic and pushed whoever was on communication aside as he dialed for the bats. The moment someone on their end pick up he didn't bother to explain anything and just shouted for one of them to get their fucking ass here as fast as possible or superman was going to be history!
Okay that might also have sent the people witnessing his panic into chaos but this was a fucking emergency.
It was only minutes later that Batman did indeed arrived together with Nightwing and Red Robin with the Zeta-Tube at the watchtower to bear witness to Superman getting cornered by the Ghost King with Constantine bound by echo-bindings for apparently having annoyed the Ghost King with his pleading to spare the Kryptonian.
"Now I am sure I don't have to repeat myself but, IF you ever hurt Baby Bat a fate way worse than the Soul Shredder and the Nightmare Realm will be the least of your problems. The last guy that hurt my family is still in there and I will gladly make you permanently join him."
A cough resounded and Danny turned his head, a bright smile on his face as he spotted his little nephew and two of the little babies.
"Baby Bat, Baby Menace and Baby Stalker! I will be done in a little bit!"
"Ghost Ki-"
"Uncle Danny."
Batman let out a suffering sigh as Nightwing and Red Robin snickered.
"Uncle Danny. Why are you threatening Superman?"
"Because Jazz forbade me to use the Soul Shredder on humans but Superman is not human so I am allowed to use it on him."
"Uncle Danny, why do you want to use the 'Soul Shredder'" -as a joke Nightwing used air quotes- "on the him in the first place?"
"Shovel talk."
Batman chocked and Red Robin spluttered as Nightwing had a hard time suppressing a laugh. Constantine and Superman gapped at the Ghost King.
"You… are threading him for shovel talk purposes? What even is the nightmare realm?"
"A place you don't want to be in. Very traumatic and perfect to externally punish anyone that hurts my family in any regard as long as I am allowed to dump them there."
There was an added barely hearable grumble of "I would have sent the Joker and Ra's in there long ago if Clockwork weren't such a stick in the mud about keeping the timeline straight and their roles and bla bla bla."
Red Robin did a double take. Did the Ghost King just admit that he would have liked to sent their rogues into a place that was most likely hell? Wait didn't he mention sending someone in there permanently earlier.
No one noticed Superman slowly inching away from the blade still pointed at him while the Ghost King's attention wasn't on him. Well the bats noticed but didn't react to it, deeming it safer for the Super.
"Uh you said you dumped someone permanently in there?" Red Robin tried to keep the attention on them.
"Well yea." The Ghost King casually shrugged, adjusting the blade so Superman could no longer inch away from him. "I looked away from the Ice Mirrors for a week and someone dared to hurt Moma Bat. Of course I was enraged and snatched that guy off the street to permanently drop him in there."
There was a beat of heavy silence. Batman under his cowl bluescreened especially with how casually Danny just admitted at having snatched up his parents murderer to punish the man. Well that explained why he never found the culprit.
"Now If you excuse me little Babies I am gonna finish this talk with the Kryptonian and make sure he knows what will happen if he hurts Baby Bat."
With this the Ghost King turned back to the rapidly paling Superman with a feral grin. The Birds sweat dropped as Batman was still not mentally present, his mind still working through the information.
"Think I would be able to borrow that sword?" Red Robin suddenly asked as Nightwing eyed Batman worringly. "He only said that Great Grandma forbade him to use it on humans. He never said we couldn't."
"Don't let Robin or Hood hear that." Nightwing said, even if he wanted to borrow it himself too. With B mentally still checked out he had to act as the responsible one. That wouldn't stop him from asking their Ghost Uncle later if he could borrow the sword anyway.
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greynatomy · 9 months
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kyra cooney-cross x reader
been in a bit of a writing slump and haven’t written anything until last night when i couldn’t sleep
something a bit different
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Your eyes flutter open, adjusting to the sunlight that’s peaking through the curtains. Grabbing your phone, seeing as it’s seven in the morning. Rubbing a hand across your face, you sit up with your back leaning against the headboard, you start to record yourself on a camera you were given.
“Hey, guys.” You whisper. “It’s currently seven o’clock and i just woke up. Vogue had asked me to show you all my morning routine. So let’s get started.”
The video cuts to you standing in your bathroom.
“Okay. As you can see, I am now in my bathroom. I gotta still talk quietly though, so hopefully you can hear me.” You grab some things and lay them out in front of you. “So, today is a pretty chill day. I’ve just finished up my tour and I am back to living that domestic life. Since I don’t have any interviews and all that jazz, I’ll just be washing my face with this CeraVe face wash.”
A song plays as you put a headband on to keep your hair off and you wash your face, making sure it suds up nicely.
“Gotta make sure you get every crevice and have it nice and bubbly. I’ve seen other videos of people washing their face, but they’re not? Like I don’t even think they used any soap.” You laugh, rinsing your face with water and wiping it with a towel.
“Okay. Now, I’ve got this moisturizer. Also CeraVe. Love this brand, not sponsored by the way. Once that sets in my skin for a bit, I use this sunscreen that I got from Trader Joe’s. It’s my favorite because it doesn’t leave your face feeling oily.”
As you’re putting your sunscreen on, you fail to notice the door of the bathroom open.
Turning around, you see your girlfriend slowly shuffling her feet towards you.
“Hey, babe. Finally up are you?”
“I’m filming that thing for Vogue. Wanna introduce yourself?”
Kyra pulls out the stool she kept in the bathroom, grabbing your waist to sit you on her lap.
“Oh, yeah.” Kyra is now more awake, now aware of the camera in front of her. “Hello, Vogue. My name is Kyra Cooney-Cross.”
“This is my girlfriend and now it’s her turn to wash her face.” Kyra washes her face as you talk to the camera, getting off her lap for a little while. “She uses the same products I use because she said ‘I know best’ and she didn’t know which to buy.”
Kyra sits back down on the chair so you sit back down on her lap, a routine that the viewers could tell that’s been going on for a while with how fluid the actions were.
“And now she’s going to put whatever products she chooses on my face.”
“Very needy this one is. I usually sit on her lap a different way, but let’s keep it pg.” You put the same products you put on you on her face.”
The video cuts to you in the kitchen.
“Now, it’s time to make breakfast. Kyra isn’t allowed anywhere near the stove because of an incident that happened a while ago.”
“At least I didn’t burn the house down.” Kyra walks up behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist and hold you close. She was now dressed in her training kit.
“But I will be making some avocado toast with an egg for the both of us. This is all we’ve been wanting to eat for breakfast lately so I’m making it again.”
A time lapse shows you and Kyra eating with music playing.
Now back in the bedroom, with clothes all over the bed can be seen.
“Okay. Today Kyra has an open practice meaning that fans are allowed to be there while they practice. I’ve chosen to wear something comfortable so I went with some joggers and one of her jerseys. I was gonna go with a ‘Russo’ jersey but she threw a fit.”
“I did not!” The faint sound of Kyra’s voice was heard.
“She did.” You cup a hand around your mouth, whispering to the camera. “And this bucket hat to hopefully keep me incognito.” You take a step back to show your whole outfit.
The video cuts to you in the backseat of a car.
“We are now on our way to training. I will not be training but they are.” You flip the camera towards your girlfriend, Katie, and Caitlin. “Kyra doesn’t have her license and I refuse to drive on the other side of the road so we’re carpooling! Yay! Guys say ‘hi’ to the people.”
“Hi, people.” “Hey, guys.”
“Katie is the one driving us and Caitlin is the other one.”
“Wow! I’m just the other one?” Caitlin places a hand over her chest, feigned hurt by your words.
“Yup. And that’s really all for my morning routine. I’ll be doing some work on my laptop that I’m bringing and watching all these athletic people workout and make me feel bad about myself. So, yeah. Thanks for coming along this morning. Say ‘bye’ guys.”
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hypewinter · 1 year
We've seen a lot of Danny is Damian's twin or older brother but I haven't seen many Danny is Damian's younger brother.
Dick Jason Tim Cass
I see this going two ways:
Danny gets whisked away from the league. Probably because Ra's was going to have Damian kill him as a test of loyalty but Talia or one of his nurses was having none of that. He ends up in Illinois, becomes a ghost, bla bla bla. They meet again when Sam drags Danny to a gala in Gotham with her and Damian is like "Danyal!?". Danny is utterly confused because he was too young to remember Damian or the league. Cue Damian going into overprotective 'I'm never letting you out of sight again' mode. The giw doesn't stand a chance once he finds out about them. The batfam is absolutely shocked because no one knew their youngest could be that protective of another person (Damian is 16 in this while Danny is still 14 btw). Him and Jazz are about to duke it out for custody or at least for the position as the most reliable sibling. Danny meanwhile is still processing that he has an assassin older brother. Neat.
Danny reincarnates. He retains his ghost powers somewhat which makes him special in the eyes of Ra's. This means he gets a separate training regimen. Damian sees his younger brother winning all of his grandfather's attention and promptly proceeds to pretend like he doesn't exist when he leaves for Wayne Manor. Out of jealousy and all that. Until one of the batbros is needling him about something or another and he lets it slip. The batfam is instantly like "we gotta rescue him" which Damian is not happy about. The entire rescue mission, he's complaining about how pointless this all is and how Danny is probably living like a king until they break into his room. Danny's room is bare except for a bed and when he sees Damian, he runs to him crying "you came back for me!". It turns out that Danny's training was much crueler to truly bring out the fullest force of his powers (no better trainer than survival and all that). Danny thinks his older brother came to save him and gets attached quickly. Damian refuses to admit how much the guilt is eating him up on the inside. (In this one Damian is 12 and Danny is 10)
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harrywavycurly · 22 days
Niall talking to Harry about planning her Bach party please Sarah?😂😘😘
Hiii babes!! This makes me laugh because imagine if it never clicked for Harry that Niall being your Man of Honor meant he would be planning your Bach party and stuff? So I’ll happily give you a convo where it all dawns on Harry what all exactly Niall is in charge of with your wedding 😂💖
-find all things Lonely here✨
*this is done in dialogue form because it’s just a fun little conversation*
A/N: Niall drops by for a visit and Harry becomes aware of what all Niall is in charge of since he’s your Man of Honor, enjoy the bickering between my fave besties that like to act as if they hate each other✨
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“Yer office has a couch in it? What the bloody fuck for? You have a living room right down stairs…” “Because I wanted one in here for when I have to work late and-why are you even here Niall?” “Well I came to see if your lovely fiancé or better known as my bestfriend was home but I forgot she’s dress shopping today so…figured I’d see if you were busy and up for a hang out.” “You weren’t invited to that?” “Oh I was but I had a morning meeting-” “wait you…you were actually invited to go dress shopping with her and the rest of the bridesmaids?” “Yeah? I’m her man of honor I’m invited to everything.” “So you’d get to see her dress before me? What kind of shit is that?” “I’m not her bloody fiancé Harry so yeah I was always going to see the dress before you mate…besides I was there when the girls picked their bridesmaids dresses and while it was a bit like herding cats watching them pick two that they agreed on it was entertaining at least.” “You got to see the Paige and Emily showdown in person?” “Oh yeah…them two love to argue over everything…bout had to hold Emily back when Paige told her we should go with floor length gowns instead of knee length…” “she didn’t even let me see which dresses the girls ended up getting…” “really? Well don’t try no sneaky shit with me H I’m not telling you shit she doesn’t want you to know…but I’m glad that’s one thing I can cross off my list of duties to help with…I have to focus on this bachelorette weeken-” “I’m sorry? You have to focus on what now?” “Planning her Bach party…it’s like my main job besides like making sure she actually shows up to the alter on time and all that jazz.” “You…you’re…planning…her party?” “Well s’more like a mini vacation because I’m thinking Miami for four days and getting a yacht for the main event because she loves a boat day ya know?” “Miami? Really?” “That’s the place they all agreed on…I just need to get some details settled with her before booking everything.” “I just…I didn’t think you were really going to be so…involved.” “What the fuck did you think I was gonna be doing Harry? Standing around looking pretty? No..I’m the bloody Man of Honor and I take that shit seriously.” “That’s…that’s good to know I guess…what else are you in charge of then?” “Ah yer gonna love this…I gotta assist her in bathroom breaks during the reception…like hold her dress and shit.” “Say that again?” “Yeah…like proper make sure she doesn’t like…ruin her dress or anything when she needs to take a leak.” “I don’t fucking think so Niall. Man of Honor or not you’re not going to be helping my wife go to the bathroom.” “See I told her you’d be all upset about it…so she got Emily to take over that part of my job.” “You’re such an asshole.” “I just like to see you sweat is all…so how’s Gemma coming with your bachelor party?” “What? She’s not-” “she’s not what? She’s your best woman Harry that means she’s in charge of shit like that…and knowing your sister she’s gonna plan something wild…I gotta call her and make sure I’m invited….is it weird that me and Amelia will be at the bachelorette party together?” “I need your bestfriend to hurry up and come home..you’re giving me a headache…I need to lay down…” “good thing you have this couch in here then…”
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Optimus: gotta stay focused
looks too old compared to his bot form.
I find it impossible for Optimus to be more than a million years old in this canon. In the least, he's older than 1000 years and since we have mfs that are canonically over 70 million years old(fagatron iykyk) compared to that, he feels like a dude in his early-to-mid-30's being the group parent.
-I made him more youthful, gave him curly hair, and tailored his clothing to actually look like his bot form.
-on the cusp of barley being able to hold his liquor
-doesn't own a pair of pajamas until Sari gets some for him
-usually forgets to put them on, but appreciates the gesture
-stays active for like, 3 days until he can't fight off sleep with work brain anymore, and unceremoniously passes out on the couch to sleep for a full 24 hours
-ratchet sighs and puts a blanket over him as per routine
-frequently checks security feed
-elf on the shelf despiser
-early morning talks with jazz and ratchet over coffee (they all wake up at 6 am)
-half thrives on caffeine and a vigorous training protocol
-is a dog person, loves German shepherds to death
David sama, pls forgive me ily very much
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Ratchet: to old for this nonsense
doesn't match his body type in the slightest.
Ratchet is really old, he's got a sallow face and a gramp gut, how dare they square him. He's wayyy too angular and peachy looking.
-I gave him his luscious curves back, adding all the equipment id expect a field medic to have because he is a field medic, not a regular doctor. I changed his facial proportions, and also made his face gaunt, for that dead inside PTSD look.
-drinks his coffee black with brown sugar, literally drinks it piping hot
-is one of those old people who complains about noise
-confiscates bumblebee and Sari's toy cars, and puts them in a high up cabinet
-neither of them know how to bypass the child safety lock lmao
-casual clothes includes a lot- a l o t of plaid shirts, and 10 pairs of the same blue jeans
-tunes out bulkhead and prowls convos about birdwatching
-big fan of political satire dramas
-Sentinel doesn't approve
-Ratchet doesn't give a rats ass about what he thinks of course
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Bumblebee: professional smart-ass
doesn't match his body type/age.
Bumblebees holoform is presented as a 10-12 year old child specifically for the fact that he's short, and the comedic relief. Total ass
I set his human age as 19-20 years old, making him more of a big brother to sari because that og model is disappointingly lackluster
-Bumblebee is a scrappy wisecracking punk, like an adhd kid who just got roller skates for Christmas.
-since he doesn't have wheels, I feel like he'd wear skates instead to emulate the feeling
-terrible at watching where he's going cuz he's too busy trying to show off, so ratchet makes him wear all that padding + training wheels
-legit despises the padding and training wheels
-Jealous of Blurr for mastering roller blades lmao.
-his favorite games are choose your fighter and fps
-saw ONE ancient ass assassins creed playthrough and begged ratchet to install hidden tasers in his arm bands (was denied)
-Sari used her key to do it instead
-self appointed "rizzler"
-Optimus has zero idea of what that means and thinks it's code for something dubious
-Ratchet knows what it means and thinks it's silly
-"I' was something of a rizzler myself back in my day, kid"
-bumblebee cringes
-loves summer and swimming
-wants to be the fastest thing in the sea because y'know, it's bumblebee
-is spooked from the beach for awhile cuz he saw sharks in Prowls nature documentary
-there are infact, no sharks in lake Erie
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Bulkhead: big guy, bigger heart
doesn't match his body type/aspirations.
Jesus fuck he's so wide?? And his belly migrated to his shoulders?? I'm gonna be honest, I really hate this design. I feel like it contributed to the "brute strength = stupid" take that most in the fandom associates with him.
-Bulkhead is a SWEET. CARING. NERD YOU FOOLS. He's like the male version of a tall goth gf-
-a tall-nerdy-farm hand-physics bf, You got me fucked up.
-Its already shown that bulkhead really likes art in Addition to creating it. He hates being only seen as the "muscle" so it wouldn't make sense for him to lean into that.
-bunny slippers that him and sari made together(she provided the buttons)
-the slippers go missing sometimes (basically considered community property unless he's wearing them)
(ratchet and prowl are the main offenders)
-frequent art museum goer
-really likes watching cooking shows, but is too shy to make food himself
-Owns a ton of star maps
-Really wants a treehouse that he, bumblebee and sari can hang out in
-pillowfort enjoyer
-casually reads quantum physics at the beach
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Prowl: draft dodger
Doesn't look like him at all.
Prowls holoform being a mustachioed,white, police officer was an actual jumpscare for 7 y/o me, I kid you not
- I know this bitch would not wear a helmet (you can't force him to) que windswept hair
-Not as much as starscreams, for obvious reasons but yk
-prowl is like one of those "shoes are a prison for your feet"
-emo hipster
-has a pet cactus named "planty"
-bumblebee heckles him for it
-can and has brought his cactus with him on early evening motorcycle rides
-the helmet is reserved for his cactus, bring your own >:(
-salad consumer
-him and jazz share custody of the cactus
-repeat victim of the cat distribution system
-ratchet has probably spent hours telling him they can't keep any animals at base
-frequent midnight picnics with jazz
-and beachcombing
-and roaming around antique stores cuz jazz wants to know what vinyl records are
-got a mug with an attempted pink chibi cat with big round shiny eyes painted onto it, courtesy of bulkhead trying to find an artsyle
-cherishes this mug to death
-has a shrine dedicated to it
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suzukiblu · 13 days
WIP excerpt for Marina; Tucker is having a normal one. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
So yeah, definitely coffee, Tucker decides. Sam'll catch up, again. Which–also again, right now they're probably the ones who need to catch up to her, considering. Her and the Fenton Anti-Creep Stick, specifically. Tucker always misses the Fenton Anti-Creep Stick when it’s not on deck, but he seriously misses it when it’s not on deck in situations like these. 
“So yeah, fyi, while we’re doing the running thing we gotta find my backup, she’s somewhere in the hall out there being a badass,” Tucker informs his hopeful weekend plans, pointing towards the door. “And possibly also our other friend, who she and I were looking for when we found you. So like, it’s very interesting, actually, that they were keeping you where they would’ve kept him, all things considered.” 
Very interesting. And probably concerning? Like, considering? 
. . . also possibly hot, though, Tucker realizes. Like, he’s very into situations like Sam going full anti-creep stick on the GIW and Jazz yelling down murderous ghosts and literally everything Val has ever done in her entire life, so if he’s more bisexual than previously assumed and this dude is, like, some kind of terrifying badass ecto-experiment with weird ghost powers or whatever, statistically speaking, Tucker is probably gonna be into that. And like, given the batshit sedative doses Tucker pulled and how quick the guy woke up and also the whole, like, literal flying thing, “weird ghost powers” seems pretty likely at this point. 
Well, forewarned is forearmed, he guesses. At least if Allegedly-Alive Amor is secretly some kind of dangerous anti-ghost weapon, Tucker’s gonna get to enjoy the experience of watching him get beat down by Danny. Like, as soon as they find Danny, he means. And also–
. . . actually, is it weirder that Tucker kinda wants to see this guy get a little messed up, now that he’s thinking about it? Like just in a minimally violent but definitively rumpled kind of way, maybe, or like, maybe kinda flushed and sweaty and out of breath and–
They should find Ecto-Babe some pants, Tucker decides privately, patting the guy’s chest in an attempt to distract himself and doing the actual exact literal opposite of distracting himself. 
Yeah, pants would be a good idea right now. 
Pants, fortunately–unfortunately, Tucker means–do not actually happen, because what actually happens is the guy takes off and zips out into the hall with Tucker all bridal style/princess carry in his wet, naked arms, and Tucker really needs to have a moment about that but definitely does not have the time to. Another reason to rip the security footage later, though, he figures as he types furiously at his PDA, making sure all his programs are still running in the GIW’s systems and showing the agents all the fake ghosts a Fenton could shake an anti-creep stick at. 
Probably he doesn’t actually need to check that, though, since they don’t make it through thirty yards of this surprisingly comfy high-speed flying experience before they’re coasting quick and easy over the heads of a hallway full of yelling and screaming agents who’re shooting each other more than any of the ghosts said agents think they’re seeing. 
That’s really unfortunate for them, gee. Tucker will have to send ‘em a “get well never, you xenophobic assholes” card. Maybe a fruit basket. One with nothing but cantaloupe in it, because the GIW deserves nothing but cantaloupe. Old cantaloupe, even. Like just old enough they’ll feel like they have to eat it before it spoils outright, but also the texture’ll be weird and–
“Uh, should we be worried about all that back there?” New Ecto-Boo asks, looking skeptically back at the GIW agents they’ve already passed–and also looking really fucking hot, still.
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in1-nutshell · 1 month
Hi, how are you?
I can request Gamma (TFA Bumblebee's twin sibling) interacting with Jazz?
More Gamma!
Hope you enjoy!
Gamma and Jazz
SFW, Platonic, Hinted Romance, Familial, Cybertronian reader
Gamma had first met Jazz on Cybertron while they were still a maintenance bot.
When they still went by their old name.
They had seen the bot with Sentinel around and assumed that Jazz was one of the Prime’s mean lacky’s that liked to bug the lower ranking bots like them.
He seemed like a nice bot, but Gamma had been fooled before and wasn’t going to take any chances.
One shift, they had almost finished scrubbing the floors when Sentinel purposely dropped a cup of hot oil in front of them.
The splash hit their servos, faceplate, and optics.
Gamma was trying to get rid of the oil from their optics. An unfamiliar servo cups a part of their face, and a rag is pressed against them. The bot helps Gamma clean their optics. Gamma blinking: “Thank you.” Jazz: “No problem.” Gamma froze a bit now seeing the mech. Jazz uses the same rag to clean a bit of the mess. Gamma: “That isn’t necessary! It’s my job to clean! You’ve already done so much sir!” Jazz gently swats their servos. Jazz: “It’s the least I could do after what Sentinel pulled.” Gamma: “You saw that?” Jazz nods. Jazz: “He shouldn’t have done that. Especially when you were almost done with the floor.” Gamma: “How did you know I was almost done?” Jazz taking the dirty rag and throwing it away. Jazz: “I know around this time you usually finish he floor unless Sentinel or some bot decides to give you a hard time.” The mech looked at the time. Jazz: “Gotta go, stay cool little bot.” Gamma looks in awe at the mech walking out the door. A little smile grows as they continue with their day.
It wouldn’t be until the Elite Guard arrived at Earth that the pair would meet again.
The second Jazz figured out Gamma was the lonely maintenance bot from bootcamp, he is by their side catching up on lost time.
He had noticed their disappearance and had assumed that the bot had been transferred to a different district.
Team Prime finds this suddenly chatty Gamma to be a surprise, especially with a member of the Elite Guard.
While the Guard is on Earth, Gamma and some of the others show Jazz around the city.
From the highways to the parks.
Optimus and Ratchet are glad that Gamma is talking with someone they consider a friend.
Bulkhead is glad that Gamma is getting out of the base more.
Meanwhile Bumblebee and Sari tease Prowl about Gamma and Jazz.
Sari: “C’mon! Just admit you’re a little bit jealous! We can all see it!” Prowl: “I have nothing to be jealous over.” Bumblebee: “Not even Gamma leaving you for a much funnier and cooler mech?” Prowl: “No.” Sari: “What about them and Jazz hanging out?” Prowl: “They are just talking, nothing more.” The three of them turn their heads, hearing sudden laughter. Gamma was sitting on Jazz’s shoulders, their chin on top of the taller mechs helm while their servos were playing around with Jazz’s. Gamma: “I told you not to aggravate Miss Petunia! HAHAHAHA!” Jazz: “How was I supposed to know the duck—” Gamma: “Goose.” Jazz: “The goose would fly at me like that? HAHAHAHA!” The pair walk off into one of the rooms. Bumblebee and Sari look over at Prowl who had a slightly irritated look on his face. Bumblebee: “…You sure you’re not jelly?” Prowl: “…”
Being the good twin he was (not because he wanted to help Prowl), Bumblebee hinted to both Gamma and Jazz that Prowl was in fact jealous of them.
This surprised them both.
Prowl never seemed like the one to be jealous, but there is a first time for everything.
Naturally the pair wanted to make things right.
Prowl was not expecting to see Gamma and Jazz waiting for him in the main room with a collection of his favorite nature documentaries.
Prowl: “What is this?” Gamma: “Movie night! Jazz was wondering more about organic nature and who better to explain than you!” Jazz waving to Prowl: “C’mon Prowl, we got you the best seat in the house.” Prowl sits next to Jazz as Gamma gets up from their seat. They point to his lap. Gamma: “Is this seat taken?” Prowl: “That’s my lap?” Gamma: “You didn’t answer my question. You know what it is now.” Prowl feels his frame heat up when Gamma sits on his lap and snuggles closer to his chassis. At some point in the movie Gamma had fallen asleep on Prowl. Both mechs look over at the sleeping bot. Jazz: “Man, you sure are lucky Prowler.” Prowl: “Hmm? How so?” Jazz: “You kidding? You got yourself a good team, nice place to call home, and someone who loves you.” Prowl heats up at the word ‘love’. Prowl looks down at Gamma and smile. Prowl: “I guess I am lucky, huh.”
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snaileer · 2 years
So what if, instead of like a tugging, a summoning is just like, an incessant ringing that the ghost hears until they answer. And that’s why every summoned Being comes through so fricking angry.
Angry Danny Summoned
Danny had been in the middle of about to take a nap when it’d started.
He’d finished his (meager) homework (with Jazz).
He had Skulker, Boxy AND Technus on Thermos time for another 2 days.
And his parents were visiting Vlad, in his Wisconsin mansion, making all three of them obsolete.
It was a good day to be Danny Fenton.
That was until the ringing started.
At first Danny ignored it.
Ghost equipment makes weird sounds. They have a UFO on their roof with satellites. His ghost senses sometimes dig a little deeper into sound waves than they should, it was fine.
Danny, now having stared at his ceiling awake for thirty minutes of his precious nap time, decided it was not fine.
The Ringing had to go.
Danny swept the house. The lab. The Op center. The entire street and then half the town.
Nothing. Not a single fluctuation in sound. That shouldn’t even be possible!
He had now wasted another hour of his, may he repeat, very precious! nap time.
Danny felt his eye twitch.
Thankfully, sticking his head in the ghost portal to scream gave him some momentary relief. Maybe his wail had canceled it out? Danny felt hope blossom.
That was until it started up again, this time just a little bit louder and if possible, high pitched and more annoying. The hope shriveled.
Danny screamed again, this time with even more anger in his wail.
But hey, if it got louder in the Zone at least that was a lead on where the hell it was coming from.
Danny transformed and shot off through the ectoplasmic sky.
Thankfully it seemed there was a little bit more sound direction to it in the zone, maybe because of the ectoplasm? Danny didn’t know. Danny didn’t care. Danny wanted it to stop.
A motorcycle revved up next to him.
“I don’t have the time or the patience for you right now Johnny,” Danny snarled, hoping the gaunt teen would just leave.
Johnny ignored him and kept pace, “Geeze, what’s got your undies in a bunch, your royal spookiness?”
Danny growled again, feeling his eyes glow and his teeth sharpen, the ringing had only gotten louder, “There’s this f*cking ringing and I can’t find where it’s coming from and I am this close to just sticking my head into the Pit of Darkness to get rid of it.”
“Yuck, sounds like you’re getting summoned.”
Danny froze in place, making Johnny pull a U turn to face him again, “I’m what.”
Johnny grimaced, “Yeah most ghosts gotta deal with it, not me or Kitty but I know the ancients do a lot and so does Desiree or Walker sometimes. You just gotta go to the Hall of Summonings and figure out where it’s from.”
Danny’s eye twitched again. Once. Twice. “And where is that?”
Johnny scratched his head, then leaned back to whisper to his shadow, “Shadow says it’s over by the Evermoaning Clump these days, bit of a drift since last I saw it but eh, whatcha gonna do?”
Danny didn’t bother saying thank you as he sped off, the same direction just a little to the left thankfully.
When Danny got there though he quickly lost any patience he had left.
Not only had the ringing gotten even louder, but the ‘Hall of Summonings’ while helpfully labeled, was just a door filled HALL!
It stretched on forever, as far as he could see and yes there were quite a few ghosts there, all looking thoroughly irritated and a few very-hang on were those demons? They never came this far upland.
Danny noticed, acknowledged and then promptly ignored all the other creatures present. All of them seemed to be doing the same thing, opening door after door until one glowed and they would jump through it with a vengeance he was planning to mirror.
Danny put on the speed as he tried every handle.
Nope. Nope. No. Not that one. Nope. Nuh uh. Not it. Nope nope no, no no, no, no.
Danny screamed again, letting his wail bleed through and rumble the entire hallway.
He felt the ring of rage appear and glow on his finger, his crown shimmer into place as his emotions fueled his core.
Nope. Nope no. No-
Yes!! At the eight-hundredth and sixty-fourth door, Danny felt his claws sharpen further and his eyes glow as he practically leapt through the now open portal.
Whoever had summoned him was going to ̶̡͛pay̴̩̚ for this.
He came through what looked like a pool of viscous black liquid, his form shedding it like water.
He was in some sort of temple, church, something with an altar and bloody spell circle on the floor.
Most importantly: the ringing was gone. Danny felt himself bask in relief, letting it vibrate his core and resonate-
What was that sound?
Oh tell him it’s not back, he thought coming here was supposed to get rid of it?!
No, wait- Danny looks down with fury in his eyes, spotting a cloaked figure below him(when did he get this tall?) It’s not the ringing, it’s someone talking, their voice is just annoying enough that after at least 3 hours of incessant ringing it sounds the same.
“We, the council, have summoned yo-“
Danny lunges and grabs the cloaked man by his throat, lifting him up easily.
“̶̡͛Yő̷̭ṳ̷̍ brought me here?” Danny growls, his voice echoing and hissing, so nicely at low tones and nothing like the high pitch ringing.
Huh, he should probably pull in his form before it goes too eldritch, no wait, he doesn’t care, he wants this infernal little jerk to be terrified.
By the way the man is still trying to blubber away at him, even with a stutter, maybe he’s not eldritch enough.
“S-Sire, we are but-but your hu-humble Serv-vants- we demand only-”
“You demand!!? You demand of me!? I̴ ̷a̵m̴ ̷t̸h̵e̴ ̵H̴i̶g̷h̴ ̸K̵i̴n̴g̴ ̶o̵f̵ ̵t̶h̴e̵ ̴I̵n̴f̸i̸n̶i̶t̸e̶ ̷R̶e̸a̷l̵m̶s̸,̵ ̴R̴u̵l̵e̶r̵ ̴o̶f̶ ̷T̵h̵e̶ ̴E̴t̷e̵r̵n̵i̷t̴y̸ ̷o̸f̸ ̸T̸h̸e̷ ̸D̷e̸a̸d̴,̴ ̶S̴l̴a̴y̸e̴r̵ ̴o̷f̶ ̷P̴a̶r̴i̶a̴h̷ ̵D̴a̷r̷k̶ ̷a̵n̵d̶ ̴t̴h̷e̵ ̷T̵r̷u̷e̷ ̶E̷q̶u̷a̵l̷ ̴b̷e̷t̸w̴e̴e̵n̵ ̸L̶i̴f̸e̶ ̵a̶n̷d̵ ̴D̴e̸a̸t̷h̴ ̴h̸i̷m̴s̶e̴l̶f̶!̸ You demand of me!? You summon me here, to your miserable little dimension, pester me with your presence alone, and then think yourself worthy to so much as beg below my dungeons much less speak or D̸̨̨̪̈́̐ẹ̸̺̈̋m̸̈͋ͅa̶̰̽̌ñ̴̢͈̘d̷̖̄̐ anything!?” ̶̰͊̊͝
The man’s face pales quite impressively now, and it makes Danny smirk.
“But-bu-but I-“
“B-b-b-b, I should squash you between my fingers you insolent, mortal, B̶̺̿̔͋̎̊͆͑̐͌̎̆̄Ư̸̛͚̮̆̑̓͊͒͋̾͋̕Ġ̷͙̠͙̳̍̊̈̈̽͗̉̽̓͜͠!”
Something smacked Danny’s face.
There was more people on the ground, some of them frozen, both in fear and in ghostly ice that he had not realized had encased the room.
Two of them were throwing fireballs at him.
Danny swatted down the levitating one, sending them flying into a wall with a smash, and fired an ectoblast at the other one in a Trenchcoat, then turned back to the cultist (cuz that’s definitely what they were) at, or rather in, hand.
“I do not care about your problems. Your tiny, insign̶̹͝i̴̥̿f̶͉͑i̷̭̕c̷̯̄a̴̜̎ṋ̸̍t̶̮̉ ̷̱̽p̶͖̅l̶͖̐a̶̹̍n̶̢͑e̵͖̽ ̴̨͝ŏ̵̰f̴̰̈́ ̵͔̐ě̵͇x̴͍͑ì̸͖s̴͔̀t̴̳̓e̴̖͊ṅ̷̡c̴̖̋e̵͈͛ ̴͓̑d̸͚̏o̵͓̊e̵̻͘s̴̗̒ ̴̪͝n̵̠̅ó̷͔t̵̮̊ ̴̫̓m̴̲̃a̸̫͂t̶͇̕t̶̛͔ȇ̵̞r̴̬̈ ̸̜̏t̶��͕o̷͍͘ ̸̧͠m̸̜̍e̶̱͒,̴͔̃ ̸͙̓i̸̲̔f̴̞̀ ̵̺̎ỳ̴̭o̴͚̔ú̸̫ ̵̡̀s̶̮̈́u̵̱̐m̸͕̂ḿ̸͕o̷̬̓n̶̤̅ m̵̦̚e̴̱̓ ̴͓̌ä̸̠́g̴̱̈â̶̠ï̷̧n̴̼̉,̶͈͒ ̵̙̒I̴̤̓ ̴͔̌w̸̫͐ĭ̶̝l̴͕̐l̷̟̆ ̷͚̀d̴̹͊ò̸̰ ̵̩̎m̸̰̈ỏ̵̘r̶͕̉ë̸̯ ̶͚͊ť̸̲ḣ̴̪a̴̰̕n̶̤̅ ̴̺̌ḟ̸͔r̸͉̂o̸̰͑s̴͈͂t̴͓͒ ̶̡͛y̴̩̚ő̷̭ṳ̷̍,̴̟̒ ̵̟͠I̵͖̔ ̸͓̈́w̶͕͒i̶̪̐l̴͙̈l̷̳͊ ̷̜̏d̸̥͊ḛ̵̽s̷͎͂t̵͎̒r̸̮̒o̴̗̎ẏ̷̨ ̸̧̒e̷̳͗v̵̲́e̴̲͠r̶͕̈́ŷ̴͈t̶̨͆h̷̙̃ḯ̶̱n̷͖̚g̶͕̽ ̷̡̿y̷̳̅ȯ̷͓ủ̷̩’̵͔̈́v̴̝͊e̵̱͛ ̴̰̈́e̶̡͋v̷͕̔ë̵͜r̶̰͋ ̶̈́ͅh̵͔̓a̶͉̽d̴͚͊,̷̖̚ ̸̯̏ć̵̪u̴̱͘r̸͍̒s̴̡͒e̷̐ͅ ̷̮̐y̵̥͝o̶̝͘ǘ̴̦ ̷̯͠ṵ̶͑n̶̯͆t̸̖͂ö̸̤ ̶͕̊m̴̠̓y̸͕͐ ̵̞́r̴̞̄ḙ̸̇a̸̲̓l̵̮̓m̶̗̕,̷̙̆ ̴̘̈́d̸̾ͅe̷̩̍v̸̟͝ǫ̷̚u̴̻͗r̸͚̄ ̵̝̚y̵̹͑ò̸̻u̶̦͑r̷̻͌ ̷̙̀v̴͚͆e̵̦̎r̵̙͑y̸̺̽ ̸̼̑c̴̦̈́o̶̯̐r̴̪͘e̴̞͠ ̵̈́͜ḁ̶̕n̶̖̄ḍ̸̈ ̶̤͛l̴̯̈e̸̹̕a̴̧̅v̶̖̇e̵͚̊ ̴̯́t̷̠͑h̴̲̃e̷̳͘ ̴̗͑ć̵͇r̷͇͠ȗ̷͈m̴͍͘b̸̘̾s̶̻̄ ̸̼̚ỏ̶̰f̴̛̥ ̷̣͋ỹ̵̨o̵̻̅u̶̪͌r̶͕̾ ̷͔̈ḿ̷̫è̶̢a̴̮͆ṉ̸͋ȋ̵̲n̷̝͐g̷͇̍l̸̜͝e̴͍̒s̵̬͗s̵̘͝ ̸͓̿s̵̮̃ô̵̰ū̶͈l̴̩͗ ̸̝̆t̵̲̀ỏ̸͖ ̶̟̀b̸̘̚ẻ̷̱ ̷͈̑g̷̱̋r̶̹͘o̵͉̓u̶̗̕n̶̞͊d̴̛̜ ̴̨͐ṭ̸̽o̷̡̒ ̴̦̋d̷̯͒ṵ̷͊s̷̺̈́ṱ̶̊ ̸̹̃b̷͚͒e̵̠͌ẗ̴̞w̷̻̒e̵̅ͅé̸͖ǹ̸̬ ̸̤͛t̶͒ͅẖ̶͆e̸̬͒ ̸̡̈g̸͎̔e̴͓͘å̸̡r̶̞̚s̴̺̃ ̷̲͘o̴̡̓f̷̤̂ ̶̧͊C̴͇͂l̴̻̄o̵̟͠c̴̒ͅk̷̡̍w̷̻͘ơ̷͍r̶͎͝k̶͖͘ ̷̭͊h̵͇̐į̴̾m̴̰̈́s̸̲̃e̶͔͝l̷̲̋f̵͍̽!̸̱̌” Danny shouted, placing more echo and royal weight to the words and hopefully getting creative enough with his threat that they won’t try to summon him again.
“Do you understand me?” Danny growled menacingly.
The weeping cultist nodded stutteringly before fainting in his hand. Danny let go of him and turned, using his ring to rip a new portal back to Zone and then stepped through.
As soon as it closed behind him he felt the last echoes of the ringing die out.
Thank the ancients.
He had never realized how amazing silence was.
Now, Danny looked back and forth at the green sky of the zone with narrowed eyes, where in the Clockwork was he?
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Um Ror boys with Haganezuka reader(tanjiros sword smith) so very passionate and will attack if weapon is broken or lost( boys that actually use weapons so kojiro Poseidon Thor Lu Bu Loki that kinda jazz) don’t gotta do it just thought it’d be cute/funny
-When you were approached to supply weapons for Ragnarok, for both humans and gods, you were ready for the challenge.
-You had been working hard, honing your skills, training alone up on a mountain, training your body and your mind, training your focus to create the best weapons in Valhalla.
-The tournament was actually started much later, because you weren’t done with the weapons for the fighters, something you yelled at both Brunnhilde and Zeus for, that if they wanted the best fights, then the weapons needed to be the best.
-When you were finally done, you couldn’t help but smile brightly, beaming down at the four weapons you had been requested to make.
-You were so happy you had extra dango in celebration.
-You presented each of them with their weapons, going over the craftsmanship as they admired their weapons and only Kojiro actually listened to you, as he knew the art and time that went into making weapons, let alone intricate ones like theirs.
-Since you were finished, you chose to watch the fights, curious as to who was going to be fighting who and you wanted to see your weapons in action, little flowers surrounded you in glee at the thought of it.
-Lu Bu- When he walked backstage he was not expecting to see you there, holding a knife in each hand, a dark aura surrounding you, “You bastard!! How dare you break my beautiful halberd?!” before you charged at him, intent on disemboweling him. Lu Bu dodged before running from you, as you were feral, your mask shedding your own tears as you chased him around the stadium, which was comical to see. Brunnhilde managed to pin you down with Goll, tickling you before throwing you into a room with wind chimes to calm you down before she handed Lu Bu a large plate of dango. You accepted, but you poked him in his shoulder rapidly, complaining that he was weak, that’s why your weapon broke and you nearly snapped when he asked you to make him a new one, “Yours was stronger than any other I’ve ever had.” His praise made you go silent as you ate your dango, turning away from him, silently happy about his praise, which he thought was amusing. You were a good person to know since your weapons were such high quality and so strong.
-Poseidon and Kojiro- The samurai was grinning at the god as they walked backstage together, Poseidon was annoyed that he lost, but he had to admit that the human he was facing against was at least strong and gave him a good challenge. Poseidon stopped walking first, something Kojiro noticed and turned back to him, going to inquire when he heard a throaty growl and the samurai turned, paling lightly as he saw you there, a knife in each hand, and a headband around your forehead, two more knives strapped to it, making you look like a demon, with a dark, angry aura surrounding you. Poseidon didn’t know fear until he was running from you with a human. Your roars of anger, wishing death on both of them, was heard all around the stadium, even as night fell, only getting short breaks when they found a temporary hiding space. The only reason you stopped is because Brunnhilde managed to tickle you before knocking you out for a nap, giving them a chance to find a good hiding spot so they could prepare an apology gift.
-Loki- Was pouting, annoyed that he broke his weapon, his chained sickles, as they were made so well, you did such a good job on them, but his opponent broke them with a suicide attack that broke his own weapon. Loki popped up behind Brunnhilde, scaring Goll but not Brunnhilde, “Hey~ Brunnhilde~ do you know where Y/N is? I want them to make me another set of sickles.” Goll was the one to speak up, holding out a letter, “Y/N left shortly after your match but asked me to give you this.” He looked excited, a bright grin on his face which quickly fell as he opened your letter, looking like it was written in blood, telling him to die and that you would never make a weapon for him again. Loki looked a bit terrified, his eyes little dots and his mouth an ‘X’ shape as he looked up at Brunnhilde as she patted her shoulder, “I’ll pray for you.” Darkness surrounded him as he realized how pissed you were at him, knowing how hard you worked. He would need to give you one hell of an apology present.
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robinsegghead · 3 months
Danny's Daycare Part 7
[Master List]
   “This ain’t some weird trick, right?” Miguel asked for the fifth time since Danny had showed them their new place. Both boys had been shocked into silence upon entering the space, eventually following Danny around to see their rooms and bathroom.
            Shaking his head, Danny swallowed his bite of pizza. “I bought the building with the intention of giving the apartments to people who needed them. You guys need a safe place to stay.”
            Miguel eyed him warily, glancing at Jazz who’d been mostly quiet since they’d arrived, knowing they were overwhelmed. “We can’t stay here without pullin’ our weight. Wha’s rent like?”
            Danny hummed, considering. Jazz looked at him in shock, thinking he was actually planning on charging the boys rent. Finally, Danny wiped his hands of the pizza grease, folded them on the table, and looked at both boys seriously. “Here’s the deal I’m proposing. You two live here until you’re at least eighteen AND,” He emphasized the word, so they knew he was serious. “have graduated from high school. That’s it. That’s the rent. You’ll be paying me back by getting an education.”
            “But tha’s ridiculous!” Santiago shouted, clearly torn between confusion and hope. “Nobody gives nothin’ out for free! It just ain’t done!”
            Sitting back, Danny contemplated what he’d need to say to help them understand his intentions. Jazz met his gaze and gave him a subtle nod, knowing what he was thinking about doing. “My parents,” Danny started. Jazz stood up, clearing away trash and dishes as he told a story neither wanted to relive. “didn’t pay me or my sister much attention.”
            That was a safe start right? He didn’t need to explain the whole ghost thing or that they tortured him, just a bit of background. “They forgot my seventh birthday, too caught up in work to be bothered and after that it wasn’t occasional forgetfulness. Most days they didn’t know where I was, what I was up to, how I was doing in school, who my friends were, because they were too busy to care.
            “That put a lot of responsibility on my shoulders and even more on my sister’s. She basically raised me.” He dipped his head in her direction as she put away the leftovers. “In my freshman year my grades began to suffer, and I struggled with really bad anxiety, but I didn’t have parents to help me with that, because they didn’t really know me as a person.”
            Taking in a deep breath, Miguel looked between the Nightingales. “What’s that gotta do with us, though?”
            “My sister, who spent her entire childhood taking care of everyone but herself,” He added with a smirk. “likes to remind me that I can’t help everyone, as much as I might try. But,” the two boys were watching him closely, absorbing his every word. “I can help some people. And I can help you. Don’t tell Jazz but I’m always trying to be more like her. And I think, if she had the resources I do, that she’d help you guys out.
            “Let me help a couple of siblings who don’t have parents looking out for them.” Danny pleaded. “Please.”
            Miguel and Santiago had a silent conversation, the air hung heavy in the room as they seemed to come to a decision. “A’ight man, you seem chill.” Miguel shrugged, the rest of the tension leaving his body. 
            It didn’t take long after that for the boys to start showing how tired they were. Jazz grabbed her stuff and headed out with a ‘I’ll call you tomorrow, brother’ thrown over her shoulder. Danny reminded the boys that he was across the hall and one door down and that if there was an emergency they could use their emergency key to get into his place. They’d seemed surprised by that, but Danny reminded them that he was, essentially, their guardian now, and he was there if they needed him.
            “Tomorrow I’ll come by around ten and we can go get you guys some school supplies and anything else you want or need, yeah?” Danny asked, moving towards the door.
            Miguel was pushing Santiago towards his room like a good older brother. “Sure, sounds good.”
            For the first time in a while, Danny got a full night of sleep. This was the shocking realization he came to when he awoke to his alarm and felt rested. The first thing he did was search his fridge for food- he was starving- and remembered Red Hood’s little gifts. The chicken parm had been pretty good, and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a home cooked meal, even if he did have to reheat it.
            Sticking the stew in a pot, Danny began the process of reheating another Red Hood MealTM and planned out the day mentally. They’d need to get some basic school supplies to start working on tutoring, they’d get more specific items when school actually started, but for now, calculators, notebooks, pens, pencils, and some workbooks would be fine.
            After that they’d need to get the boys each a phone and at least one computer for them to share. It would be necessary for school anyways, hopefully he could convince them to just let him buy them each a laptop but that might be difficult.
            Although it was Saturday, and he planned on Saturdays being tutoring days, Danny didn’t plan on working on any school stuff once they got home. They would certainly be overwhelmed by everything else going on and didn’t need one more thing to add to it. Plus, Danny needed to figure out exactly how to teach these kids everything they needed to know. 
            Had they ever gone to school? If so, what level had they gotten to? What were their learning styles? Who would he bring in to teach the subjects he sucked at? Like English- Danny was bad at the arts. English, Social sciences, even history, he wasn’t very good at. 
            Shaking his head, he dished out the stew and tried not to get caught up on the details. He was winging it, and maybe that was a bad thing when it came to kids, but it was better than what they’d had going on before, so he wouldn’t be too hard on himself.
            (Who was he kidding? Danny was only ever hard on himself, and he only ever piled the work on until he was buried under an avalanche of paperwork and drama.)
            The boy seemed almost surprised when he knocked on their door at ten AM sharp.
            “You have a key, y’know.” Santiago muttered, closing the door behind Danny.
            Danny frowned. “This is your home, Santiago. I’m not using my key unless there’s an emergency.” He offered a smile to Santiago’s contemplative face, before clapping his hands together. “All right, where’s that brother of yours?”
            The younger boy frowned. “He wasn’t feeling too good.” Right. Because stab wounds don’t heal quickly, not for normal people- Danny you can’t just forget things like that! “Said we should go without ‘im.” 
            “Well that won’t do.” Danny sighed. “We need to get those supplies, but I don’t want to go without Miguel, do you?” Santiago shook his head hesitantly. “Then it’s settled. We will simply order everything we need and when Miguel’s feeling better we can go out. Have you eaten yet?”
            Santiago shrugs, not meeting Danny’s eyes. So that’s a no. Without another word, Danny begins searching the fridge and cupboards for what he needed. He wasn’t much of a cook, there was a reason he hadn’t had a homemade meal in a long time, but he could do pancakes, and he knew he’d bought the ingredients for it too.
            The younger boy just watched, silently, as Danny began measuring out flour. 
            “So,” Danny started, immediately regretting it and feeling just as awkward as he was in high school. “I did my best to get you guys the necessities. I don’t want to overwhelm you, but when I say that you can ask for anything, I mean anything.” He emphasized his words by looking Santiago directly in the eye until the boy looked away. “If you want a TV, tools for a hobby, books, literally anything, you just have to ask.”
            The boy licked his lips, still not making eye contact but at least he nodded. They’d work on it. Rome wasn’t built in a day, right?
            Danny tried again. “What do you do for fun, Santiago?”
            The boy shrugged again, leaning against the counter and watching Danny closely.
            “So you… want to help me?” He asked, hesitantly, maybe he was reading the boy wrong. But before he could rescind the offer or change the subject, the boy nodded slowly, moving closer to Danny. “Okay, first things first, you gotta wash your hands.”
            The morning was filled with the smell of fresh pancakes and the quiet conversation between Danny and Santiago. At one point Miguel ventured out of his room and Danny gave him a stack of pancakes, drawing him into the conversation. Early afternoon Miguel moved from the living room back to his room to take a nap but not before Danny could change his bandages. There was something incredibly domestic about it. Danny didn’t think too hard about it.
            He let Santiago help him pick out some school supplies online as well as a phone case and anything else that caught his eye- including a TV which Santiago assured him he ‘didn’t need especially because it had been three years since he’d seen a movie so what was even the point?’ which Danny thought was code for ‘a television is an absolute necessity’. 
He bought the TV. 
            The rest of the weekend was spent making sure the boys felt comfortable and Miguel was healing well. He made an appointment with Dr. Thompkins for the following Saturday to check up on the boy and maybe get his stitches out depending on how everything was looking- Danny wasn’t a great judge of such things on humans anymore. 
            He’d pushed his own organs back inside himself, held his chest closed, snapped bones back into place-
            Humans were fragile.
            He was somewhat grateful he wasn’t that fragile anymore- though he was sporting a rather purple bruise under his left eye from yet another power nap. (He’d thought those were gone after his restful Friday night but apparently not.) It was fine, the bruise would be gone within a day or so and he’d be more careful to take his power naps on sleeping surfaces instead of while standing.
            Miguel had insisted they’d be fine; that Danny didn’t need to take another day off of work to watch over them, and Danny (who’d promised not to act like their parent) had agreed. Still, he left a clone in his apartment to be there in case of an emergency. 
Anxiety was a feeling Danny was familiar with, after much introspection in his adult life he’d come to the conclusion that he’d had anxiety since he was seven, but anxiety relating to children he was responsible for on this level was new, and terrifying. Of course he’d felt responsible for all of the people in Amity Park, and all of the ghosts he came across, but never had he been so completely responsible for the safety of two children who had no one else to depend on. 
 How he got into this situation escaped him. He’d never cared much for kids- Jazz said him not wanting kids was because he’d never been allowed to be a kid in the first place- and yet, here he was, with a daycare, four cats, and now two teenagers dependent on him. 
Ancients help him…
When he got to the daycare there were already two families waiting outside to drop their kids off- should he open earlier? Quickly, he unlocked the doors, turned the power on, and signed the kids in for the day. He had a couple of hours before Mia showed up (and Ember had already told him she wouldn’t be coming in for a few days) so he cloned himself to entertain Clara, Maru, and Benji while he looked over paperwork.
It never ended.
There was a steady increase in kids, Danny had to get rid of his clone every time someone new showed up and then reclone himself after they left, and by the time Mia arrived he was managing fourteen kids by himself. Sort of. Obviously, with clones, he was fine albeit a little tired, but once Mia showed up it was just the two of them.
Nap time couldn’t come soon enough.
“They’re all out cold.” Mia whispered, closing the door to the nap room. “You look like you also need a nap.”
He dropped an armful of toys into the toy bin and sighed. “A nap sounds good but I can’t. I need to finally finish setting up the website for this place so we can hopefully start getting applications online.” He paused, feeling Mia’s concerned gaze on his back. “I want to extend the hours of this place.”
“You’re kidding.”
“I wish I was. Two families were waiting at the door this morning because we didn't open early enough for their needs.” He rubbed a tired hand across his brow and leaned against the nearest desk. “So… I need to hire some more people to maintain not only the hours we already have that are abysmally understaffed, but to open earlier. I haven’t been able to accept any new families recently either, we just can’t safely take care of anymore kids without more staff.”
Mia pursed her lips. “School’s just about out. I’ll be graduating and looking to work a bit more. I was going to bring it up anyways, but I’d like to work full time.”
He nodded, pulling out his phone to order food. “I can do that. You want to work earlier or later? And what do you want for lunch?”
“Earlier is better, Mama and I switch off cooking dinner so I don’t want to be home too late. What are you thinking? Thai kind of sounds good.” Mia took her usual spot in a bean bag towards the entrance of the room and pulled out the monitor set up to watch the kids.
Before Danny could respond, the bell rang. He and Mia shared looks, no one ever showed up in the middle of the day- not unless it was a last minute emergency. Mia made to move but Danny shook his head, and set his phone down. Someone needed to watch the kids while he saw who had shown up so late.
What he’d expected was a frazzled parent with a child, hoping to leave them here for a few hours because their babysitter had fallen through or they got called into work or some other reason most parents had.
What he did not expect to see was the very tall, very well built, Red Hood, holding a tupperware container. Before he could get a word out- which he wasn’t sure wouldn’t have simply been some kind of ‘wha?’ Red Hood tilted his head.
“Do you not eat or something?”
Hood offered the food container. “Cause I’ve left you food a few times now and every time the old stuff is still there. If you think it’s poisoned I can take a bite first to prove it’s not.”
Danny’s jaw hung open, face screwed up in confusion, not really knowing what he was supposed to say. “Uh… I’ve been busy…” He took the container trying to ignore the stupid flutter in his stomach when their fingers brushed and noted how warm it was. “I had the chicken parmesan the other day and… uh the stew as well. They were really good- why are you leaving me food?”
The vigilante shrugged, hands on hips (which Danny tried very hard not to look at). “Think of it as a thank you for-” He glanced at the closed door. “What you did when we met. If you told people it was you I wouldn’t be the only person thanking you.”
Shaking his head, Danny set the container down. “You- YOU are thanking me for kill-” He looked at the door again. “For what happened?”
“Why’d you say it like that?”
Why’d he say it like that? Why’d he say it like that? “You- I-” Danny shut his mouth before he could accidentally reveal he’s the King of the Infinite Realms and that he had always wanted to meet the Red Hood to thank HIM. “No reason. Uh… well, you don’t have to do that, you know, if you don’t want to. I mean- it’s really good though! I appreciate it!”
A thought occurred to him. “How did you know I worked here?”
It was difficult to tell exactly what expression Hood was making sometimes, but he was pretty sure the bastard was smirking as he turned away and pushed the door open, pausing in the entrance. “It’s my job to find people of interest- and you are certainly a person of interest.”
Danny might have died again just a little bit.
  Miguel POV
It had been a week since he and Santi had moved into the apartment Danny had provided for them. A week since he’d been stabbed. Doc Thompkins had said he was healing well at the check up he’d had the night prior and he felt like he was. The first few days had been… frustrating. He’d moved into an entirely new place and instead of being able to assess the situation, search for threats, create escape plans, he’d been stuck in bed, eating homemade pancakes and taking washcloth baths.
Danny was… strange. He came over at least once a day, usually after work because he left so early in the mornings, and cooked a meal. Again, usually dinner because he came over in the evenings, but twice he’d come over, cooked dinner, cleaned the kitchen, and then cooked a meal for breakfast the following day before cleaning the kitchen again.
He asked about their days, what they needed, what they wanted, and didn’t act like their dad. It was refreshing and surprising but not once did Danny scold them, lay down ground rules, or try to tell them what to do. He acted like a friend.
Miguel hadn’t had a friend in a long time.
So on Friday night when Danny came over to make dinner and asked if Miguel felt well enough to go shopping the following day, he’d agreed. Well, he’d argued a bit- they didn’t need anything else Danny had given them more than he’d ever be able to repay! But the man was insistent that they needed more clothes and he wanted them to pick them out so he knew they actually liked them.
That’s how he found himself in a clothing store in the diamond district feeling wildly out of place trying on dozens of items of clothing. 
“How about this one?” Danny held a shirt up to Santiago who examined it closely, felt it between his fingers, grimaced, and shook his head cautiously. “Got it, no polyester.” Danny put it back and moved on. 
Miguel caught the incredulous look Santi sent his way and gave what he hoped was a reassuring smile. Their father had been an angry man, one who didn’t take no for an answer and thought Santiago was trying to be difficult when he ‘acted special’. To say Miguel and Santiago were surprised that Danny accepted the no and moved on without any hint of anger was an understatement.
Danny held up a different shirt. “This one’s one hundred percent cotton.” Santi reached out carefully, felt the fabric, and nodded, a shy smile forcing its way onto his face. His brother pretended to be tough because that’s what the streets demanded from all who lived on them, but he’d always been a softy with a big brain and a bigger heart. If Miguel had been hesitant to accept Danny’s offer about school it had dissipated the second he thought of what it would mean for his brother’s future.
“I hope you’re finding some things for yourself, Miguel.” Danny teased.
Scoffing, Miguel held up the three shirts and two sweaters he’d picked out. “I know how to shop for clothes, Danny.”
Danny looked Miguel’s way with a retort clearly on the tip of his tongue, but his eyes were pulled away from Miguel and locked on someone else. “Damian?” He called, waving to someone a few aisles away.
Following the direction of Danny’s eyes, Miguel saw a boy about his age standing across the store. He wore a serious expression, not quite a scowl but close, and said something to the man next to him who was much older than the person Miguel thought was Damian. The pair made their way closer much to the boy’s disapproval.
Danny set down the clothes he’d been showing Santiago, and moved out of the aisles to greet Damian. “I thought that was you! Nice to see you again. I was actually going to let you know that Curiosity’s finished his meds and has made a full recovery!”
Ah. Danny had shown Miguel and Santiago his cats earlier in the week and mentioned that someone had been giving him advice on how to take care of them, especially the sick one. So this kid had been the one helping Danny?
“I’m glad I was able to be of assistance. The cats seem to be in good hands.” The boy dipped his head.
The older man gasped. “Why Dami- that was almost a compliment!” By the sound of his teasing, they were brothers. “I don’t know how you did it, but I think Damian might actually like you. My name’s Dick, by the way, pleasure to meet you.”
“On purpose?!” 
The group turned to Santiago who was still watching the entire encounter from where he’d been looking at shirts. His brother’s eyes widened as he realized what he’d said and that he’d practically insulted a complete stranger based on their name. Luckily, Dick offered a smile and Danny laughed.
“Yes, on purpose.”
Danny held out his hand which Dick shook. “Danny Nightingale, Damian’s told me about you, it’s nice to finally meet you.”
Dick’s eyes widened. “You told your friend about me?” 
“Tt. Relax Grayson, I simply mentioned you in passing. I didn’t think Nightingale would latch onto such information.”
Miguel exhaled quickly, suppressing a chuckle, but it was too late, he’d been noticed.
“Oh right! This is Miguel and Santiago.” Danny pointed at each of them and smiled. Miguel wished this encounter would be over. He didn’t enjoy meeting new people, it made his skin itch and his mouth dry out. As much as he disliked shopping for clothes and Danny spending way too much money on him, he disliked meeting new people even more. Danny seemed to sense this and did his best to finish things up. “We were just finishing up some clothes shopping before working on some stuff at home.”
Damian, sensing the dismissal, nodded once. “It was nice to see you again, Nightingale, do message me if you have any more animal related questions.” He grabbed Dick’s arm and began pulling him away, Dick grumbling about wanting to get to know Danny more as they left and Miguel released a sigh.
“Sorry guys.” Danny apologized. “Let’s finish up and get food on the way home, yeah?”
When they got home Miguel and Santiago put their bags in their rooms and joined Danny in the kitchen. He looked… exhausted. To be fair, they all did, but Danny hadn’t been homeless or recently stabbed (as far as Miguel was aware) so he didn’t really have a great excuse. Before he could say anything, Danny clapped his hands together.
“So I’m thinking while we eat lunch we can touch on some school stuff just for a bit, and then we can all relax.” Santiago straightened up a bit, some of the exhaustion disappearing from his face and Miguel couldn’t help but smile. As the boys grabbed their boxes of takeout Danny grabbed them drinks. He’d already learned that Miguel liked coke and Santiago liked grape juice and had continued to supply them both with it.
“I don’ know how you’re gonna catch us up on three years of schoolin’.” Miguel said honestly, Santiago’s shoulders drooped slightly.
Danny took a bite of his food and considered what Miguel said. That was something about him Miguel liked a lot. He always seemed to think before speaking- at least, when it was something important.
“Well I’m really good at math and science so I should be able to figure out a good way to catch you guys up, it’s the arts we have to worry about. English, history, that kind of thing. Now, tests suck, I know.” He took a sip of his coffee- he drank way too much of that stuff. “But I want you each to take a few placement tests so I can understand where you’re going to be starting. Then I’ll put together a plan to get you back to the levels you would be at before the entrance exams at Gotham Academy.”
Miguel groaned. “Man tests suck.”
“I know.” Danny assured. “But these aren’t graded. I don’t care how well you do, I want to know what you don’t know so I can help you learn it. This is a judgment free zone- always.” He looked at the two seriously, Miguel’s skin itched. “I’ll just have you take two today, how's that? And you can do the other two tomorrow while I plan around the ones you take today?”
That seemed fair. He thought it seemed fair. While taking the placement tests he wasn’t so sure anymore. His brain hurt almost immediately and he wondered why he was really doing this. He wasn’t going to pass high school, he’d never been very smart and when Danny realized he wasn’t smart enough to get a good job he’d just be back on the streets again. 
His brother let out a happy sound as he solved one of the science problems and moved onto the next one. 
Taking a deep breath, Miguel remembered why he was doing this. Just because he’d fail out and end up back on the streets didn’t mean his brother had to. His brother was smart, smarter than him, and he’d be damned if he held Santi back from getting into Gotham University someday.
He could do this. For Santi, he thought he could do anything.
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flamingpudding · 1 year
DPxDC Family Week June 19 (Day 2)
Prompt: Siblings | Play
A/N: All I gotta say is this was heavily inspired by Wayne Family Adventures. I think I focused more no the Play prompt than Siblings, either way please enjoy my Day 2 contribution :D
AO3 Link: DPxDC Family Week Contributions
Danny was in a tricky situation. He carefully checked his surroundings as he crouched behind a bookshelves to reload. The Meta Alliance was off the table. Duke got taken out by Dick. He had seen Damian hunting down Tim earlier, muttering something about using the same trick again despite his warning. Jason was still wandering the halls in search of him loudly offering Danny a new Alliance promising that he wouldn't be shot on sight. He had lost sight of Cass earlier but he knew Steph was hiding on the second floor waiting for Jason to take revenge.
When Dick had come to him and Jazz earlier that day Danny did not expect for the oldest Wayne to hand them each a paintball gun with a wide grin. Only for them to suggest taking part in a game they played every year called Assassin. It was apparently a secret from Bruce that only the children of Bruce Wayne aka Batman took part in.
He had been suspicious of it at first, Jazz and him had only joined the Family for a couple of months now and Dick had suggested they join the game as a bonding experience between siblings with the rest of the family. When Danny didn't let up on his suspicious staring he also offered that it was a way to train and test Danny's stealth against his new siblings.
Only partly convinced, at least in Danny's case, they had joined. The moment they entered the sitting room everyone else was in, Harper, last year's winner according to the others, decided to start with a special alliance to ease Jazz into the game. Only for her to get accidentally taken out. She had made the mistake of forming the alliance with all the girls including Jazz, without prior information that till then only Danny had been privileged to with how often his own sister had souped him. To Harper's credit, she didn't know about the bad aim his sister inherited from their dad. The girl alliance got pretty quickly dissolved then and the Fanton siblings formed a new one, since Danny knew best how bad of a shot Jazz was.
Though Danny additionally had the one with Duke until he got taken out. They honestly had thought that with their Meta-powers they could overwhelm the others. Hell they were a power duo on patrols, this should have been easy. That was until Dick got Duke and Duke in all the dramatic sibling fashion 'died' in a distracting way that made Dick and Danny laugh only for the Ghost to then escape.
"AH FUCK!" Looks like Jason got taken out now too from the sounds of it. Danny didn't stay to find out who took the revenant out. He went invisible and phased through the wall behind him and floated up a floor through it. Carefully to avoid Bruce as well as Alfred so that the two adults shouldn't grow suspicious. Suddenly there was rusting behind him and Danny turned around quickly. He was still invisible so aside from Duke no one should be able to see him right now.
"I know you're here Danny. Show yourself."
"You're wearing your mask with heat-vision?" The question came out before he could help himself as he stared at Tim. Both his hands raised as he held them up, showing that he meant no harm, his paintball gun in his right hand pointing at the ceiling for extra measures while Tim was grinning at him with his gun pointed at Danny.
"Your body temperature is lower than the average human one, especially when you use your powers. It's the easiest way to find you since it was decided that both you and Duke were allowed to use them."
"I see." Danny nodded along. "I take it, you want to take me out right now?"
"If you don't agree to my proposal. Help me take out Damian and Cass."
Danny hummed thinking about it for a second before he noticed movement from the corner of the hall. He grinned, shrugging with his shoulders. "I would but… sorry maybe next time!"
He let himself fall through the floor as Tim cried out, blue splotches on his back appearing. Danny barely missed getting shot too as he fell onto the first floor. An orange splatter left on the wall at the height his chest had been mere seconds ago. Cass standing at the end of the hall as they made one final eye contact before he completely disappeared from sight through the floor.
But he did not get a second of rest as he fell into one of the down stairs sitting rooms. The moment he was through the ceiling and made eye contact with a stunned but then grinning assailant. He flipped to the side barely dodging the colorful rounds shot at him and aimed his own gun. Ten shots, nine missing but the last one finally got his target's leg.
"Gotcha!" He cheered as he floated down grinning brightly at Dick.
"Not bad baby ghost. I didn't expect you and Jazz to be this good. Sure you guys didn't have formal training?" Inspecting his leg the elder smiled, happy at seeing Danny enjoying himself this freely. He still remembered the first month in which Danny barely spoke to anyone aside from his sister. Dick had been a bit worried when he asked the Fanton kids to join their game but he was glad that he did now. The Fantons had come a long way and it appeared that they finally saw the rest of the Waynes as siblings too.
"No, everything is self thought. Though, Jazz hitting Harper was totally an accident considering she had been aiming at-" Their phones buzzed and both each took their own out. Dick whistled. "Baby bird took out Steph. So now it's only you, Jazz, Dami and Cass left. Looks like this year's game will even be over before patrol starts."
"Did it take longer last year?"
Dick nodded. "It went right into patrol time. But maybe it's getting over faster this year because everyone is at the Manor." He didn't mention that he had specifically asked the others to not draw out the game too long. Despite the couple of months, Danny and Jazz were still new to Gotham and the family and they both didn't need distractions during patrol and support.
"Speaking of being at the Manor. Why hasn't Alfred said anything about the paint splatters yet? He is omnipresent, I thought he would be the first to notice." The halfa tilted his head in light confusion. Really with the way Alfred always knew what was going on in the Manor Danny had long since expected for the butler to gather them all to give them a stern talking about playing with paintball guns inside the building.
"It's fine as long as we clean up after ourselves." He raised an eyebrow and Dick rubbed his neck nervously. "And as long as we don't go overboard and damage anything permanently. Besides, sometimes Alfred even ends up joining in on these games to teach us a lesson or to get back at us for all the grief we gave him with injuries in the past."
Danny raised a suspicious eyebrow. "He… won't just do that this time, will he?"
"Nope, but we should clean up here before Bruce comes back. It also helps that most of us only shoot when we are sure that we will hit the others and not something else." Danny nodded, muttering an embarrassed 'sorry' remembering how he let more than one shot lose at his targets. Dick only chuckled, patting his head and offering a cloth piece to wipe the paint from the wall.
Once it was clean Danny gave a grinning Dick a little finger salute before going invisible again and leaving the room. There were only four players left. He wouldn't be able to find Cass but he could try and take out Daimien. Choosing to be as silent as possible Danny used his ghost powers to also float. He turned off his ghostly powers as he came across Bruce and Tim by the stairs. The man was asking Tim about the paint on his neck that he must have splattered there when Cass had taken him out earlier.
"Damian and I got into a disagreement when I passed his atelier earlier. He threw one of his paint brushes at me like a dart."
"Damian wouldn't just do that because of a simple disagreement. What sort of argument did you two get into this time, for it to art out like this?"
Danny frowned slightly. The others never had mentioned what would happen if Bruce found out. He hid his gun on his back under his hoodie.
"Hi Bruce, I think someone must have pissed him off at school. He threw one at me too, when I asked him what got him into a sour mood." Danny decided to add to the lie. Really the youngest stabbiness was a really nice trait that made these lies even more believable. Tim gave him a thumbs up for the support hidden from Bruce's eyes.
"Hello Danny. Maybe I should have a talk with Damian. I cannot have him bring another knife to school again." The man muttered with a sigh as he walked away from them. Tim and Danny grinned at each other before once again Danny saluted before making his way back to the second floor. He had a feeling that he would find Damian or Cass up there.
Hearing voices by the end of the hall where Damian's Atelier was, Danny decided to try and be sneaky. The door was only a gap wide open, he peaked into the room. It hadn't been long since he had meet Bruce with Tim by the stairs but apparently the man was quick with his actions. In the room were said man and the youngest Wayne, Bruce was apparently trying to get Damian to tell him why he was in a sour mood and hurl his paint brushes at his siblings.
Danny snickered, the man's back was to the door and he grinned the moment Damian noticed him peaking in by the door. He gave the youngest a little bit of a mocking wave with the addition of a wide grin as Damian scowled. Bruce apparently took it that Damian did not like the reinforced rule of no knives at school.
Still grinning the ghost boy pulled his gun from the back and aimed it through the door carefully so that Bruce wouldn't notice him. Damian was now flat out glaring deadly at him, daring him to do it in the presence of his father. Waiting for the right time Danny watched Bruce and when the man appeared to look at something at his side he fired a shot. Hitting the youngest square in the chest who quickly despite his deadly glare turned towards one of his unfinished pieces and grabbed some of his art supplies to explain that color splatter as a lapse of his own judgment and frustration of the topic they were discussing.
Danny definitely knew he would be paying for this action later. Damian wasn't as stabby with him like he was with others thanks to Danny's ghostly powers, but that only meant that the youngest was creative in other ways to get back at the halfa. Though right now it only mattered to Danny that he was able to get two of the bat-kids out of the game with no formal training. That grin was whiped of his face when he felt a short sting on his back and his head whipped around to see Cass behind him smiling brightly.
"Lacking situational awareness."
"Okay yea, that was my bad." Letting out a sight he admitted defeat as he in a bout of dramatic essence chose to lay flat on the ground only lifting his head a little to face an amused Cass. Taking out his phone he proceeded to text the group that he had taken out Damian but in return got taken out by Cass. Looks like Cass would be the winner this year, he commented into the chat.
"Finally found you Danny!" Looking up stunned as well as hearing shuffling towards the door from the Atelier Danny looked up to see Jazz standing by the end of the hall now her paintball gun aimed at Danny as Cass dived to the side away from him. Right, his sister was still in the game!
"Let me handle this!"
"Wait Jazz!"
Too late his sister fired multiple shots and in a feat the half ghost honestly thought impossible, the projectiles ricochet off of decorations, leaving small splatters of paint behind them everywhere. The door next to him opened and Danny stared wide eyes up at Bruce and Damian.
"What is going on-"
At the end of the day Cass was declared the winner while Jazz was declared the honorary winner by being the first one to ever hit Bruce Wayne aka Batman square in the face with a paintball gun.
Though the siblings all got a stern talking to from the man for playing Assassin inside the Manor as well as Alfreds disappointed look™ that was followed by an amused smile whenever the butler side eyed Bruce. The smiles and looks all the siblings exchanged promised that next year's game would be filled with revenge plans. Maybe till then Jazz's aim would become better with the shooting classes Bruce decided to sign her up for with a knowing smile.
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Muddled Waters 1
No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Part of the Sweet and Spicy AU
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: your boss has a dangerous secret.
Character: Nick Fowler (mob au)
Please comment and reblog if it’s not too much. I always love getting to chat about these stories and hearing all your ideas! You all are wonderful and loved.
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You skewer candied cherries on a long toothpick and balance them over a martini glass. The deep blue drink with a layer of foam is perfectly aligned with the crystal brim. You stand straight as you top off the last of the drinks, a new batch for the waiting customers.
You put the small silver measuring cup aside and nearly cry out as the silhouette hovering in the corner of your vision moves. You touch your chest in surprise as you face Nick with a bashful smile. You didn’t even know he was around that day. Lately, he’s been absent more than not.
“Oh, hi,” you laugh at yourself, “I didn’t hear you...”
“I have a bad habit of that,” he grins, “some have compared me to a cat.”
You tilt your head, “some? You mean, me?”
He shrugs, “was that you?
“Maybe,” you turn and carefully move the stemmed glasses to a tray.
“New flavour?” He nears and stands close. You can smell his cedar cologne.
“Blueberry,” you explain, “bit sweet for my tastes but it fits the season.”
“Ah, sounds interesting,” he reaches and takes one of the glasses and you gasp.
“Nick!” You turn to him and he grins as he sips, the foam clinging to his top lip. He hums as he removes the toothpick from across the rim and nibbles off one of the cherries.
“Tasty,” he commends.
“Why-- Now I’ll to make another.”
“They can wait. It’s more than worth it,” he assures, still standing close as he slurps.
You work in the warmth of his looming proximity. He’s never had much of a personal bubble. Working behind a bar, you’ve grown used to being crowded. You measure and pour and muddle. You garnish and set the drink to replace the one your boss took.
“Right, ready,” you declare.
“Here, let me get those,” he slides the tray across the counter before you can react.
“No, you don’t have to--”
“I want to. Boss man’s gotta do some work around here,” he scoffs and lifts the tray. “You take a load off, sweetheart, I need those hands well-rested. No one else has that magic touch.”
You tisk and shake your head. He can be ridiculous. You won’t complain, he’s the least uptight boss you’ve had. The place isn’t too bad. Upscale with well-tipping patronage. It’s not your typical bar. Most of your work is done behind a wall as the customers drink in private rooms or in the common room where refined jazz wafts through the dim air. The whole place drips of exclusivity.
You clean up and wipe the counter before you wash your hands. Another order appears on the screen. Customers order on a sleek touchscreen, unbothered by servers amid their hushed conversations. You assume they are the types with private jets and luxurious yachts. Of course, they’re too special to drink like normal people.
You start up the next order. Spiced apple cider. A classic though it’s not often ordered. Two to put up. You mix the drinks in mason jars with thick handles. You finish them each with a cinnamon stick.
“Ready to go?” Nick has you squeaking again.
“God,” you throw your hands up and laugh, “how do you keep doing that?”
“Hey, not my fault. You’re in the zone. You know, you get all squinty,” he makes a face, “it’s like the whole world doesn’t exist. Makes me feel a bit small.”
“Mm, well, I guess you’re right. I should pay more attention to my surroundings,” you lift the mugs, “I got these, Nick.”
“It’s no problem, one of my buddies,” he wraps his hands around the jars, “been a while since I’ve seen him.”
“Oh, okay then,” you let him take the cups.
“Take it easy. You do too much.”
You smile tightly and lean on the counter. He goes and you turn around to tidy again. You can be precise. You like a clean station. You’ve worked with too many people who leave the bartop littered in lime peel and broken toothpicks. You can’t make a good drink if you’re working in filth.
But it isn’t just your work. You try not to let the personal seep in but you can’t help who you are. Things should be just so. Books should be lined up and sorted alphabetically and the dishes should be stacked neatly, and the carpet can’t be crooked.
You exhale and run your hands over your apron. Most people might envy your boss for his high company and exorbitant wealth, you just covet his coolness. He’s never bothered by much.
“Sweetheart,” he enters, this time with fair warning. You look up at his pet name. He always calls you that. “What’s that chocolate one you did last time?” He snaps his fingers, “you know, it was kinda creamy--”
“Brandy Alexander,” you answer, “yeah, uh, we’re out of dark creme de cacao. I put it on the inventory.”
“Inventory,” he nods and his blue eyes flick away guiltily, “yeah, I was supposed to do that.”
You cross your arms, “yeah, you were.”
“Sorry, sweetheart, I swear, I thought of it,” he crinkles his nose, “but it must’ve slipped my mind.”
“Mhmm,” you sniff, “well, you have been busy. I didn’t even know you were in town.”
He looks up and his cheek dimples. His gaze falls back on you, “lots of running around. Sorry, sweetheart, if it was up to me, I’d be right here, tasting all your delights.”
You nearly snort but instead just furrow your brow.
“What?” He asks.
“Nothing,” you shrug and turn away, the screen showing another order. “Sometimes... the way you say things...”
He chuckles and leans his elbow on the counter, “I do like to choke on my own foot.”
“You know, I said before, I could make time for inventory. I don’t mind making orders--”
“Don’t bother,” he cuts your offer short, “I know people. I can take care of it. I’ll make a few calls tonight.” He stays as he is, angled against the counter as he watches you. He rests his chin on his knuckles and you glance over as you squeeze a lime dry.
“What?” You ask as you measure out the juice.
“How’d you learn to do all this?” He asks.
“I took a few courses, worked a few dives,” you say, “did a gig on a cruise ship. You know, you figure it out.”
“And you enjoy it?” He says, “I mean, I can tell you do.”
“It keeps my hands moving and my head from racing,” you explain as you mix the drink in a shaker.
“Sounds amazing,” he stands straight, “sooner or later, I need to find something to keep me busy. Something that doesn’t make me crazy.”
You garnish and he swipes up the glass before you can stop him.
“Well, you might just have a calling as a waiter,” you say sarcastically as you wipe your hands on a towel.
“I don’t know about that,” he grins, “I’m not much for taking orders.”
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