#jealous james and jealous evan
doorlene · 1 year
fame au where dorcas was the valkyries' electric guitarist and marlene is the lead singer. barty, pandora, regulus are co-stars for a thriller (& romance) film + peter's their director. james and lily are a love team, and evan is directing their new film, and mary is their makeup artist. sirius and dorcas are supermodels, and remus is a runway director.
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maluceh · 1 year
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more jily! and jealous lily :3
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reggies-fake-horcrux · 11 months
this feels taken out of a jegulus fanfic
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chasingthestarss · 3 months
Jealousy Jealousy
Just a little short thing I wrote because I wanted jealous James. It's really just a bunch of dialogue but enjoy!
Words: 955
Barty Crouch Junior was a problem.
A big problem.
The biggest problem James had ever had.
He kind of wanted to kill the guy.
James had never felt so violent as he did watching Barty lean in and whisper into Regulus’ ear.
He wanted to rip out Barty’s throat when Regulus laughed at whatever Barty whispered into his ear.
James knew he had no right to feel that way. He had no reason to want Regulus to not go near Barty. They were friends and James didn’t have any claim to Regulus. It wasn’t like Regulus was his boyfriend. And if he was James’ boyfriend, James wouldn’t have the right to tell him how to act with his friends.
He was out of his seat in seconds when Barty's hand settled on Regulus’ waist, like it belonged there or something. James wanted to cut his fucking hand off. Maybe then he would quit touching Regulus. Maybe then he would leave Regulus the fuck alone.
“Something wrong, pretty boy?” Barty smirked when James reached them.
What was he gonna do? Tell Barty to stop talking to his friend? Really why did he even walk over? What could he do other than observe violently.
“I need to talk to Regulus,” James said shortly, not giving Barty any attention.
Barty smirked. Of course he did. When was he not smirking at James? Like he knew something that James didn’t. It pissed him off.
“We’re busy,” Barty smiled at James and waved him off like some sort of child.
James wanted Barty to never talk again. Maybe he just wanted to rip out the boys vocal chords so he couldn’t whisper things in Regulus’ ear. Speaking of, that is what Barty was doing now, once more.
“Do you have a problem, Potter?” Evan chimed in as he watched James silently seethe over Barty and Regulus’ closeness.
Evan Rosier was also a problem. He was always talking to Regulus. He was always with Regulus. Why did everyone always have to be with Regulus? Why couldn’t they just leave him alone.
“No, of course not,” James muttered and stormed off to go find Sirius. Sirius needed to get Regulus away from those fucking Slytherins or James was going to rip their heads off. He couldn’t risk getting expelled.
Sirius was found lounging in Remus’ lap, talking to Marlene about something that James didn’t care about. Right now he needed his best friends.
“You okay, Prongs? You look pissed,” Remus asked, then looked behind James and laughed. “Oh, I see. Sirius, you're needed for Regulus retrieval.”
“Oh my god, just tell him you're jealous and quit bringing me into this shit!” Sirius groaned.
James may have done this more than once. But Regulus’ friends were just so handsy. Sirius was always able to get Regulus away, so James just went to him.
“Pads, please!” James whined.
“No, figure it out. Moony time,” Sirius denied as he leaned forward to place kisses on Remus’ neck.
James grumbled but walked away and sat back in his old spot. Silently seething as he watched Regulus lean into Evan, while Barty talked about something.
He lasted longer than he thought he would.
Maybe five minutes. (thirty seconds)
But then Barty Crouch Junior leaned in and kissed Regulus’ cheek and James lost it.
James stormed over, definitely shoving people as he did so. He ripped Barty away and grabbed Regulus’ arm.
“Sirius needs you,” James spoke sharply, glaring at Barty.
“Does he? I don’t see him around,” Regulus smirked up at James, his eyes twinkling with something akin to mischief.
“He does, come on,” James tugged Regulus’ arm a little, trying to get the younger boy to stand.
“I’ll wait for him to come get me. You can go tell him that. I’ll just hang out here with my friends,” Regulus retorted, shoving James’ hand off him.
“No! You can’t stay with them,” James replied.
“Why's that?” Regulus asked.
James froze. He looked at Regulus, really looked at him and saw it. Regulus was going this on purpose. He was definitely doing this on purpose. There was no way he was just being this antagonizing and mischievous for no reason. How many times had he made James jealous on purpose.
James spun to Barty and saw that he was also smirking at James. Evan too. So they all knew what they were doing. They just didn’t care.
“You were doing it on purpose?” James asked.
“Doing what on purpose, Jaime?” Regulus tilted his head in mock confusion.
“I wanted to cut your buddies hand off. What would you have done if I had done it? Would you have felt guilty? Would you feel remorse?” James questioned, leaning close enough that his breath could probably be felt on Regulus’ cheek.
“I’d probably feel turned on, actually,” Regulus challenged
“Oh yeah?” James taunted.
“What can I say? You’re hot when you’re jealous. So are you going to act now or keep seething in your little chair? Because I’ve been waiting for you to do something. I'm tired of waiting for Jamie. I have other options, Barty for example," Regulus gestured vaguely in Barty’s direction.
“Hell yeah!” Barty agreed moving towards Regulus.
“No.” James snarled, turning to him furiously.
“I told you it was hot,” Regulus chimes. James is sure if he was talking to him or Barty but he doesn’t care.
“Come on, let me show you how hot jealousy can be,” James pulled Regulus a little gesturing toward his dorm room with his head.
“Jealousy sex! Jealousy sex! Jealousy sex!” Barty cheered in the background.
“Shut up Barty,” Evan groaned.
James may hate Barty Crouch Junior, but that was some of the best sex he had had.
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stucky-headcanon-bot · 9 months
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purple-vbug · 11 months
Regulus black is an trusty lap sitter
It starts when Barty starts to pull him on to his lap when ever. Class, dorm, great hall, party’s. It doesn’t matter.
When one day Barty is down with the flu, he realizes chairs aren’t nearly as comfortable when they’re not already occupied.
So he goes to sit in Evan’s lap.
And then it doesn’t matter anymore, Barty, Dorcas, Pandora, Evan. As long as his delicate ass isn’t sitting somewhere a pair of legs don’t cover.
So when Regulus’ to good to an chair ass gets high at a party, he can’t see the difference between his friends and his brother’s.
Naturally he plops down on Remus. Remus, to his delight, does not push him of. And Regulus goes on an half hour rant about how this is the most comfortable he has ever been. And Remus just let’s him.
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mischievovstar · 1 year
to that person on tiktok who said they don't see sirius in skirts, fun fact sirius actually invented mini skirts and low rise jeans and she absolutely loves wearing eyeliner
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 2 months
It was Peter's nature to drool after girls that didn't even register him. In a scale of 1 to 10. Peter focused on the top ones. Remus had told him in multiple occasions that the scale was bullshit. And that Peter was more than a stupid number. Because if Remus thought about that scale, Sirius was an eleven. And Remus barely got to five. Therefore, nothing could ever happen between them.
"Only blokes like Sirius or James can get tens, Moony. That's why I go for numbers lower than mine"
"And what number are you?"
"Clearly a seven" Peter shrugged "Susan was a solid six. Decent, pretty. But not a ten"
Remus could see Peter said that because he was actually hurt. Even if Peter's first girlfriend had been a bitch, Peter had loved her.
Now that Peter was single, he focused on every single girl at Hogwarts. Make them pretty, with decent curves, bam, he was in love. Peter had talked and talked about the beauty of being single and having eyes for all "the babes".
Mary Macdonald clearly was one of the babes this term. Marlene was out of the market for liking girls and Lily practically belonged to James, but Mary was single. Single and very very pretty.
The first weekend of term, James and Peter volunteered to help girls unpack, lift their books or trunks, with the mere purpose of gaining their chances as they put it.
That morning, Sirius and Remus watched as their friends played gentlemen to flirt.
"Look at them, Moony. Practically slaves to get a snog" Sirius tutted.
James was helping Lily, who was more friendly with him lately and Peter helped Mary lift her books to store in her new locker.
"Thank you, darling" Mary smiled when Peter was done "You're really sweet" and she squeezed his cheek.
"You're welcome"
The gesture made Peter go bright red as Mary walked away. Which was a good opportunity for his friends to make fun of him.
"Pete is such a sweet boy!" Sirius mumbled in a voice people only used on babies and puppies.
"Are you blushing?" Remus asked with a mockery tone "Look Sirius, he is going red!"
"What?" Peter shrugged "Mary is very pretty"
"Aaaw she's pretty!" Remus teased with a smile.
"Peteboo is in love" Sirius added patting his cheeks.
Despite the fact his blush didn't go, Peter was smiling "Do you think she would give me a chance?"
"You want to go after Macdonald?" Sirius snorted.
"Maybe..." Peter answered as he stared at Mary's dress "She's fine, ain't she?"
"Come on, Wormtail" Sirius smiled "Mary is an easy target"
"Yeah" Peter nodded.
"But she is not that desperate, mate" Sirius laughed.
"Sirius..." Remus warned. Sometimes Sirius needed to be more subtle, more considerate with Peter. What Remus had learned was that James and Sirius liked to tease Peter around. And sometimes it was in an innocent way, all jokes. A rare show of affection. But sometimes Sirius didn't measure the line.
"You think I don't have a chance with her?" Peter snapped angrily.
Sirius was smiling "Not to offend, Wormy. But you're a bit thick when it comes to girls"
"Oh! Because you are a fucking expert, aren't you?"
Everything with Sirius was explosive. He did and said without thinking. Everything about him was competition, fun, and danger.
"As a matter of fact, yes. I am an expert in women" Sirius snapped back "I can have anyone I want. Even Macdonald"
"Guys..." Remus tried to intervene. He sensed a fight. But they weren't paying attention at him anymore.
Peter laughed "As if Mary would give you a chance"
"Maybe she hasn't because I haven't gone after her" Sirius answered "And I actually don't know why. She is bloody hot"
Remus rolled his eyes. He didn't know why he thought Sirius would be different this term. On the past year, Remus had realized Sirius was not the cute boy who never wanted to get married anymore. He was a handsome teenager. And for Remus's disfortune, Sirius had his history with girls. Even if Remus fancied him, he was not going to stop being the flirtatious asshole everyone knew.
"I thought you said it was because she's James's ex and it is against rules going after the same girl..." Remus reminded them "Marauders Code"
"Prongs is not going to care. He's obsessed with Evans now" Sirius said.
"Going against the code, eh Padfoot?" Peter tutted.
"Scared I might steal Macdonald from you, Wormtail?"
"You don't even like her, Pads" Remus intercepted trying not to sound jealous.
"Everyone thinks Mary is hot" Sirius shrugged "We've all fantasized about her for sure"
Everyone? Remus hadn't. He'd fantasized with Sirius though, a lot.
"I'm not scared!" Peter spat, ignoring them "Not all girls are into you, pretty boy"
"Pretty boy?" Sirius asked.
"I can conquer Macdonald before you. Do you want to bet?"
Last term, it had hurt Remus that Sirius had kissed Marlene. Because Marlene was not any other girl. She was an amazing girl and their friend. And even if Marlene turned out to be a lesbian, the same thing applied for Mary. Mary was a friend. And a really nice girl.
"Shouldn't we ask Prongs first?" Remus asked looking between the two.
"Bet is on, Pettigrew!" Sirius extended his hand with a stupid smirk.
Remus wanted to stop them. He really did.
"Right on, Black" Peter shook his hand.
But boys were boys. They did stupid things sometimes like making stupid bets.
For the next days, Sirius and Peter competed to gain Mary's attention. They got her gifts, complimented her looks, suggested plans.
Remus tried to think Sirius wasn't actually interested in Mary. He did it all because he was an idiot. Though Remus tried to find excuses to finish this nonsense.
Mary didn't seem to mind. She found the whole thing amusing. She was the kind of girl who loved the attention.
"I'm flattered honestly" she told Remus and the girls one time "I know this is all a joke" she giggled "But it still fun. I want to see what they do next"
"It's horrid, Mary" Lily tutted "Boys are truly idiots"
"You don't mind when it is James flirting with you and giving you gifts"
Lily blushed at that comment "We're not talking about me"
Remus made a mental note to tell James later.
And talking about James, he laughed when the boys told him about the bet. Remus had the hope he would stop it. But he didn't.
"You are fools if you think Mary is going to give any of you a chance" he had said "But carry on. I want to see how this goes"
"What about the code, James?" Remus asked him "Mary is your ex"
The boy shrugged "I love Mary but she's in the past. I'm all Evans now. We're getting closer now that we're Head Boy and Head Girl"
So that gave green light for Sirius and Peter to carry on. Mary accepted the flirting and gifts but when they asked for a chance or a date, she refused.
"That's sounds wonderful, Pete. And you're adorable. But I am busy this weekend"
"No, Sirius. I won't be one of your other conquers, darling. Shame you're cute"
Remus decided to relax and enjoy the show. For one, it was really funny and satisfying to see Sirius being rejected. But on the other side, Remus's mind told him that this was a sign that Sirius would always be after some girl. Even if it wasn't Mary, other girls would come, girls who would be dying to give him a chance. And Remus had to sit and watch all of that happen. That was the sad thing of being in love with his best friend.
"Why don't you stop with this nonsense, Sirius?" Remus asked, practically groaning when Mary rejected an invitation to Hogsmeade. "You don't even fancy the girl. Why bother?"
Sirius smiled as he grabbed the cigarette from Remus's hand without permission and took a drag before answering.
"Sirius Black never backs up from a challenge" he grinned before letting the smoke out.
"Peter actually fancies her, Pads" Remus added, feeling his throat go dry "Give him a chance"
"Peter is a horny wanker. He likes everyone" Sirius laughed "I saw him staring at Mildred Greenfield the other day when she bended to pick up her pencil and her blouse's buttons popped open"
"And you surely noticed that as well" Remus rolled his eyes.
Sirius simply shrugged with a smile and kept smoking.
"And that's my fag!" Remus snapped taking the cigarette for himself.
"Don't be pouty, Moony" Sirius said, squeezing Remus's chin "I only do it for my honor. Plus, maybe with the pressure, Pettigrew might actually get somewhere with Macdonald"
Remus rolled his eyes "Whatever"
"Do not let Sirius quit the bet or let me win out of pity, Remus!" Peter told him later "I want to prove he's not that impressive among birds. I can get girls as well. Right?"
"Sure, Wormy. But I don't want you guys to fight over this"
"You think I can not get a ten?" Peter asked while looking at Remus with disdain "I know Mary is a ten and tens are difficult. But I am sick of going after fives or sixs. I want the bloody ten!"
There was no use. Remus thought this stupid game would last forever. Maybe risking the Marauders integrity. Though Sirius and Peter were the usual same. Bickering like brothers when it came to Mary. But loving each other as always. James was too busy with the Rugby Team now that he was captain and his Head Boy duties. So it was up to Remus to endure this alone.
Two weeks lasted this nonsense until everything changed when Remus was approached by someone at breakfast.
"Hey Reminald"
Remus had met Emmeline Vance in a party over the summer. She was pretty even if she wasn't commonly feminine as the rest of the girls in this school. She had piercings and tattoos which Remus considered cool. And she had surprised Remus with a kiss that night. But Remus had been slightly drunk to actually enjoy it.
Remus saw her again in the train at the beginning of term when they had a more sober chat in which Emmeline made him laugh "You have a very pretty laugh, Reminald"
Remus didn't know how to flirt. He wasn’t Sirius. So he blushed instead.
"My name is Remus"
"Reminald is like my nickname for you, mate" Emmeline smiled amused "I guess I'll see you around school"
Since classes started, Remus hadn't seen her until now.
The usual friend group had been teasing James and Lily who insisted of being only friends when it was obvious they both fancied each other. But were interrupted when Emmeline approached. They all looked between Remus and Emmeline with amusement. Except for Sirius who rolled his eyes.
"Hey Emmeline" Remus could feel his cheeks on fire. He hated the attention.
"This might sound kind of upfront and bold but I am sick and tired of waiting for you to ask me out"
Remus heard the gasps and giggles from his friends. And he went more red if possible.
Emmeline Vance was not the kind of girl to get embarrassed. She smiled with satisfaction and Remus found her extremely hot.
"I know you are shy which is cute but think about it, okay?"
Remus simply nodded because he was frozen to do anything else. Emmeline smiled in response.
"Bye guys" she announced to the group before walking away. So beautiful and confident as she was.
Immediately after, Remus's friends began teasing.
"Blimey, Moony. You cheeky dog!"
"Aaw she is totally into you"
"What did you do to her to leave her like that?"
"Remus is blushing!!"
"Oh shut up!" Remus covered his eyes.
They teased and smiled. Sirius had been absolutely quiet. Remus wondered why.
"You two had been asking Mary out for days and now Remus shows you how it is done" Marlene proclaimed "You're too slow"
James began laughing loudly until Sirius said: "If we're talking about turtles, James Potter wins the prize. Am I right, Evans?"
"Oh!" Peter exclaimed hitting Sirius’s palm.
James rolled his eyes. Lily hid her smile.
"All I know is that if Remus asked me out I would say yes" Mary said as she winked.
As the teasing began again, Remus hid his face under his sweater.
The next day, Remus watched as Peter ran after Mary the minute she got out of the girls' dorm. James joined Lily's side as she took his arm. Sirius stayed behind.
"Not going after Mary, Pads?" Remus asked with a smile "Peter might get ahead of you, you know?"
Sirius shrugged uninterested.
"What about you? Are you asking Vance out?" Sirius asked giving Emmeline a nasty look. When Remus turned and she waved, he waved back.
"I don't know" Remus answered.
He had never been asked out on a date. His immediate response would be no. Because even if Remus found Emmeline hot and interesting, his heart always came back to Sirius.
But since Sirius clearly was too busy with the bet and interested in other girls in the meantime, Remus thought why not? He couldn't wait for Sirius forever. For something that might actually not happen at all.
"Moony, let's forget about birds" Sirius snapped, making Remus look away from Emmeline towards him "Potter can have Evans and Pettigrew can have Macdonald if he likes. You and me... We don't need girls. We are fine on our own. Yeah?"
Remus blinked in surprise.
"What... What about the bet?"
Sirius shrugged "I don't care about the bet"
When just yesterday Sirius was saying he would not let Peter win. What changed?
"Is this about Emmeline?" Remus asked.
"You don't fancy her" Sirius answered with pouty eyes "Right?"
"You don't fancy Mary however you were willing to be at her feet only to win Peter"
Remus's temper was rising. Sirius had the free will to go after girls even if it was a game but Remus had not? Was that how things worked?
"You were right. I don't fancy Mary" Sirius said "And you don't fancy Vance...." then he leaned in "We need to be single. We are young. Let's just have fun"
Remus wanted to punch him.
"What's wrong with you?" Remus snapped "So let me see. Prongs can go after Lily. Wormtail can go after Mary. And you, you can have anyone you want. Now that I get the attention of someone. Finally! What? I cannot do anything about it?"
Sirius was silent. He looked guilty and his eyes showed he was going through a million thoughts.
"It's not that, Remus" Sirius said softly, looking to the floor "I just... I don't want to lose you"
"What are you talking about?" Remus raised his voice "That I should never date anyone so you don't suffer?"
Sirius didn't answer.
"What if I actually want to date Emmeline? What if I do? Are you going to stop me?"
Sirius opened his mouth to say something but instantly regretted.
"I might ask her out!"
"Fine!" Sirius snapped back "Do whatever you want, Remus"
"Maybe I will!!" Remus yelled "You fucking wanker!"
"Don't be angry with me"
"I just..." Remus was so furious he couldn't speak "I just don't understand you! Going after girls is a fucking joke to you. You don't even fancy them you just want to prove you can have them. You do that even if it... Even if I..."
Sirius kept looking at him curiously.
Even if it hurt Remus. But Sirius couldn't know about Remus's feelings. It was fine. Maybe Remus had to accept the fact that Sirius would never feel the same. That he was too straight, too flirty and too popular for Remus. But what pissed Remus off was that Sirius didn't leave him be.
"Whatever, go and date Vance" Sirius shrugged "I don't care"
Maybe it would be good to date Emmeline. Finally focuse on someone who wasn't fucking Sirius Black. Even forget about him once and for all. But if Sirius acted like this, Remus got his hopes up, thinking perhaps Sirius was jealous.
But it wasn't true. Sirius just loved to be the center of attention. He couldn't let Peter have Mary. He couldn't let James be happy with Lily. He couldn't let Remus free. He was just selfish.
"Ok. I will"
Remus sometimes hated to love this stupid wanker. He knew Sirius was better than this. He knew a better version of him. Yet, Sirius kept showing the worst of him. He was hurting because of his bloody family. And instead of showing his pain he pretended to be a complete arsehole.
Remus walked away before those puppy eyes would make him feel guilty. This love was going to drive him insane. Even when Remus hated Sirius’s guts, even in his worse, Remus was absolutely in love with him. And he hated that.
"Oi, Emmeline!"
Remus deserved someone nice. Someone better. Someone who didn't make him feel this way. Maybe Emmeline could be the one.
"Reminald!" Emmeline smirked as Remus caught her up "Finally made your mind?"
Remus knew Sirius was watching. So that gave him the confidence to lean in and kiss Emmeline's mouth. He wanted to prove he could flirt and have girls as well.
"Wanna do something after school?" he asked trying to sound confident.
Emmeline's smile was gorgeous.
"Sure!" she exclaimed as she grabbed his arm and they started walking "What do you have in mind?"
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jjkyaoi · 4 months
bartylus is a good ship with lots of potential and i’m tired of pretending it’s not for you bitches
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star4daisy · 11 months
rosekiller my beloveds
Regulus hears Barty say sharply, “If you ever let anyone else touch you again I’m killing you both.” he has one hand on Evan’s throat and the other on his hair pulling it as harshly as he had done with Emma’s as he dragged her around.
Evan laughed delightedly, Regulus can’t help but notice there is blood on his teeth and a dangerous glint in his dark eyes. “You promise?”
Regulus tilted his head as he studied them, he was deeply interested in the interaction in front of him, Evan gave off the feeling that he always liked to be in control, but now he was gladly surrendering it to Barty.
It seemed weird to him, but Barty still looked murderous from the previous encounter, maybe Evan was giving him leeway due to all the dark energy he had to hold inside of himself. And now Evan was allowing Barty to release it on him. If the smile on his face was anything to go by he was more than happy with the situation.
“Hurry up, you voyeur.” Pandora teased him.
“Oh fuck off.” Regulus followed her, hearing a grunt behind him and the bang of a body hitting the wall. He has to restrain himself from taking a peak behind his shoulders.
From the new chapter of Arsonist's Lullabye
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biillyhargroves · 1 month
in another universe, lily evans would turn all of the marauders into swifties by sharing eras tour footage from her summer vacation and sirius black in particular would develop a slight(ly massive) friendship bracelet obsession that results in all of his friends with armfuls of bracelets that they can’t take off because sirius will make the most pathetic puppy dog eyes them and start crying. or maybe he jinxed them so they can’t come off, who’s to say.
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jegulus-stan · 8 months
ok so like here me out barty would totally flirt with regulus to make Evan jealous and it worked in regulus’ favor bc it made james jealous too
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laprettieststar · 11 months
Can you imagine how sexy a jealous James Potter would be?
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"jegulus isn't canon" "jegulus is breaking the canon" is this you
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anonymouse5 · 10 months
regulus is a lily evans stan
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