#secret marylily
doorlene · 1 year
fame au where dorcas was the valkyries' electric guitarist and marlene is the lead singer. barty, pandora, regulus are co-stars for a thriller (& romance) film + peter's their director. james and lily are a love team, and evan is directing their new film, and mary is their makeup artist. sirius and dorcas are supermodels, and remus is a runway director.
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book-connoisseur · 4 months
Everyone’s fine when people have their own headcannons until people start shipping two men or two woman. Then they’re all like “what happened to the source material?” Ma’am you’re reading fan fiction. If you want something true to the books. Read. The. Damn. Books.
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aithusarosekiller · 2 months
Lily leaving Mary not because she doesn't love her anymore but because she'd never truly seen herself making it out of the war
She settles for someone simple and easy because she doesn't think she could bare to imagine Mary having to wake up one day without her being in their shared home. She doesn't want Mary to live with the pain of losing her so she tries to soften it by going back to being friends. As if it would make it any easier.
Unfortunately that choice is the one that gets her killed in the end. Maybe if she'd have stayed she would have made it out.
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starscompanion · 2 months
if i wrote a marauders as demigods au based on this tiktok would anyone read it?
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writtenicarus · 3 months
from august 23 to june 24,
from me, to you.
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Bury Our Secrets Shallow is officially FINISHED!
read it now, available on Ao3 right here.
• BURY OUR SECRETS SHALLOW || Sirius knew that he wasn’t considered a good person. As a matter of fact he wasn’t good at anything at all. Not a good son or brother or student or cousin or protector. But the truth was that he tried. He tried so hard, too hard. It hurts when his younger brother keeps pushing him away after they left their parents home and chose to move in together, but if Sirius can’t be good, he wants to find something good to live for.
When they moved to a small town in rural England after escaping their parents, Regulus was determined to ignore his older brother at all costs. What neither expected was for their lives, relationships and friendships to intertwine so deeply they had no choice to face each other and reconcile with how much they had suffered.
Thank you all so much for the support on this journey, and welcome my new fic!! The first chapter of Good Luck, Babe! can be found here.
Love, em x
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allmpa · 2 years
Marylily owns my heart they’re so vaisvduevdkdbks
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norry-yippee · 3 months
The night before the Marylily wedding.
Lily- I don’t wish to unburden myself to you two, with your perfect marriage.
Regulus- You think our marriage is perfect?
James- Is it not?
Regulus- We are more than happy now, but it took us time to get here. Time to get down the aisle certainly. You and Mary have been close for years.
Lily- Well, yes, but… I am no longer sure I truly now her.
James- What happened?
Regulus- It is not our business what happened. Everyone of us has secrets or have made mistake since or twice in our lives. Surely there is a reason Mary has been so dear to you for so long. Does whatever new information you have learned truly negate all that?
Lily shakes her head.
Regulus- Then you, cannot let one mistake define your entire relationship. Marriage takes hard work. But it is work that is worth it.
James- our marriage is not hard work.
Regulus- You are wearisome tonight.
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ros3kill3r · 2 months
Marauders Era Characters at a Wedding
James Potter-Black - The Groom Himself
Is most definitely being dragged around by the kids at the banquet hall. He's surprisingly not giving a shit about it but near the end of the night he begins to realize he didn't hang out that much with everyone else.
People (Barty) are approaching him for shots at random points of the wedding and he gladly takes shots with them.
Is absolutely hammered by the end of the night because of his friends and Regulus', but he's literally just staring at Reg with absolute love and adoration written on his face.
Is talking to the waitress'/waiters about how amazing his now-husband is, and how amazing the reception and the food was, and the workers are pleased about this.
Grabs his husband randomly and starts making out with him and then leaving like nothing happened. Sirius hates this and Reggie loves it.
OPTIONAL: Not even 10 minutes after the vows, he's caught making out with either Barty or Evan outside (maybe even both?), behind the building, where the smokers go. Regulus doesn't bat an eye to this information even though some guests are confused and shocked. Sirius is merely dissapointed but still claps James on the back when he comes back inside!
Sirius Lupin - James’ Best Man
He's walking around to other people's tables just to speak about some drama. The drama is about the 'bride', groom, and the 'bride's' best friends.
Is the one walking around drinking shots with other people. The type of drinker who either acts like he's drinking but he isn't or drinks a sip of the shot, just so he can pull some secrets/some drama from the person he's drinking with, and he can be conscious while doing so. He’s also the type to be walking to a table and be crossing through the dance floor, so he twerks against someone or he starts fucking someone from behind like a wild boar, and the elders have to shield the eyes of the children. It’s fun 🤷‍♀️
Is the one who caught James making out with Evan and/or Barty behind the banquet hall, and is the one who told everyone about it, yet he acted like he was innocent. He did it because he was petty, and disappointed, and extremely, secretly, proud.
Eye fucks Remus from across the room because DAMN does he look good in that suit Regulus picked out for him, he'll give his brother that.
OPTIONAL: When everyone leaves the wedding, it’s just The Marauders, The Valkyries, and The Skittles, so things are still fun and music is still playing. It’s kind of like an after party. When everything is settled, Jegulus make their way inside of James’ vehicle, Marylily make their way to Mary’s bug/pea shaped car, Dorlene approach Dorcas’ Rolls Royce, Pandora and Xeno use their feet, and Rosekiller take either an Uber or a half dead, half broken down vehicle. But, Remus and Sirius stay behind a bit longer to..catch up.
Remus Lupin - Regulus’ Best Man
Is eating all the wrapped chocolate placed on the plates as a sweet welcome.
Is the type of guy that sits all throughout the wedding and says he’s “not the dancing type”. He’s just sitting there, watching Sirius quite literally grind on The Groom, and watching James gesture to Lily for her to “distract Regulus”.
Goes outside for a smoke every time the DJ blasts up the music again. He does this throughout the whole dancing, just so Sirius and none of their other friends drag him forcefully to ‘party’.
Probably takes a book with him bc he “might read”. James is upset because “you’d rather read than celebrate our wedding?”, Sirius is annoyed because “you’d rather read than be with me?”, and Peter is surprised because “you’d rather read than eat?”
OPTIONAL: Is waiting for the damn moment everyone leaves so he can pounce on Sirius and ruin him. He ushers everyone out the door and says they’ll make it home themselves. When they finish, they each have 60 missed calls and messages. Oh shit! That’s right! Remus forgot that the gang was supposed to be having a sleepover tonight!
Peter Pettigrew - The Planner
Regulus sat down with Peter and told him that he trusts his designer eye more than anyone else’s, and that him and James want Pete to be the planner. Which suit? Dress? Which DJ? What type of center pieces? Invitations? Drinks? Food? And where will the wedding be held?
Peter is honored. He immediately begins planning, visiting banquet halls, taking Regulus and James outfit shopping (separately, ofc!) and making sure everything is in place.
There’s one tiny problem though. Nobody helps him. Nobody thanks him. Nobody compliments him. Nobody tells him a word. There’s no “Wow Pete, this is amazing!” There’s no “Christ, I can’t believe you did this! WOW!”
He sits at The Marauder’s table. And yes, people greet him and say hi, but none of them tell him he did a wonderful job. Perhaps they don’t know he was the designer, but the least his friends could’ve done was send him a smile.
OPTIONAL: This was the last straw for him. It’s been enough. He’s leaving this friend group, because he doesn’t get the respect he deserves. He’s had enough! He deserves love and support! He deserves congratulations! And he deserves appreciation too! Nobody paid him any mind, as if he were a rat! But he won’t be having any more of that. None. It’s over.
Lily Macdonald - Usher
She is most definitely standing in front of the entrance and waiting for people to come in so she can greet them and take them to their seats.
The kids always come to her for help whenever something happened, or they scraped their knee. She doesn’t mind this at all.
When everyone is finally there, she allows herself to walk around and ask people how everything is going, and always laughs fakely when people tell her they expected her to be the bride.
Is tired yet amused of James every time he motions for her to distract Regulus because Sirius starts grinding on him. (As a joke, it’s just funny bc Regulus doesn’t like seeing it). She thanks the gods above that whenever Barty or Evan switch places with Sirius, James doesn’t tell her to distract the ‘bride’.
Stays sober throughout the night bc she’s not really quite the drinker. She’s also supposed to be watching everyone and making sure none of them (Barty, Evan, Sirius, James, and Marlene) do something stupid.
OPTIONAL: Mary and Pandora are dancing on the dance floor, absolutely shredding it down, and they drag Lily to join them as she’s walking by towards another table, and they tell her to “LET LOOSE AND HAVE FUN!!” And that’s what she does. She dances with them, takes selfies, drops it down, etc. (Xeno doesn’t mind bc he’s probably being ‘forced’ to do the same with Pandora’s friends.) it’s completely platonic between all of them when doing this besides Mary and Lily.
Mary Macdonald - Usher
She is probably dancing the whole night with an absolutely wrecked Marlene, and an horrifically high Pandora. She may be an usher, but all she does is say hello to everyone who comes in, and helps them to their seat if Lily is busy or if they still can’t find it. She knows her girlfriend has it covered though.
She remains sober. She claims that she “doesn’t need to drink to get lit”. She genuinely acts drunk and all hyper even though she didn’t take a sip of any alcoholic or energy drink, not even coffee that day.
Is always reaching for Lily every time she walks by them because she needs to relax and let loose. Everyone agrees. Mary’s been dancing all night and she forgot to bring slippers so her feet are currently murdering her. The back of her heels are skinning her skin, the space underneath her legs is tearing apart, and her toes are covered in bubbles.
When Marlene/Barty start chugging a whole bottle of alcohol in the middle of the dance floor surrounded by people and their body heat, you can bet your flat ASS that Mary is in the front screaming and hollering.
Doesn’t step outside for a single second. Remus asks her if she’d like to go for a smoke and she denies even though she usually loves smoking at places like this. Remus asks her why she won’t sit and relax, and all she says before dancing away is, “IT’S JAMES’ WEDDING, I CAN’T SIT DOWN!”
OPTIONAL: She’s having the time of her life with Pandora on the dance floor (Marlene is in the bathroom with Dorcas, and she’s vomiting her guts out), and successfully grabs Lily a handful of times so they can all dance together. They all dance on each other and with each other, but they all know it’s friendly. I mean shit, you’ll probably see Mary grind on Sirius or Sirius grind on Evan. On days like this, they’re all best friends, and it doesn’t always have to be romantic.
Marlene McKinnon - Usher
When the party starts, she’s the first person on the dance floor, accompanied by Mary and Pandora here and there.
She’s drinking multiple shots with Barty. They’re the type of friends to be sitting on separate tables but always join each other and start drinking different shots and cheers. Barty definitely has an arm around Marlene’s chair/shoulders while she has a hand on his shoulder and they’re both just DRUNK chatting with a shot glass in hand at all times. It’s sweet to look at them doing this, especially bittersweet when you know they used to be childhood friends.
Gets sick halfway through the night and runs to the bathroom, all Dorcas does is sigh, stand up, fix her suit, and walk calmly to the bathroom to help her girlfriend.
This bitch does NOT do her job. She doesn’t greet anyone besides people she loves, (James, Sirius, all the girls, Barty, Evan) and even then she’s too busy dancing, vomiting, or taking shots all night with Barty and other people to pay that much attention to anyone else. She definitely has makeup running down her face though.
She cries during the ceremony, absolutely sobbing and wailing. Sirius and Lily are the only other two who are crying. Oh, and she definitely acts like she wasn’t crying later on, even though she most definitely was.
OPTIONAL: She doesn’t remember a single thing from the night before, but she (and many others) took photos and videos of the night, they even hired a photographer, so when the whole group sits together and watches the 3 hour clip the next morning (since they had a sleepover, and the photographer was someone they knew and they sent the unedited version) she begins crying again, and everyone is just laughing at the hilarious scenes. James and Regulus are sitting together, staring at each other with love and affection in their eyes, Sirius and Remus are watching with loving smiles on their faces because even through all the teasing, Sirius is so happy for both of them. Lily and Mary are sitting down on the couch, Mary’s feet draped across her wife because of the pain, and they’re both very happy watching the clip. And Barty is just sprawled on Evan’s lap, his hands running through his hair, and they laugh at Barty’s drunk ass, and all those funny scenes. And then there’s Dorcas and Marlene. They’re both cuddled up together, Marlene (and Barty) both have horrible hangovers, but they don’t seem to care at all. They’re all together now, and it was an amazing day.
And if Barty and Marlene start hanging out more after that, then so what?
Dorcas Meadows - Officiant
Was so honored that Reg and James chose her as the officiant of the wedding. She memorized what she had to say, staying up all day and night until the wedding. She called over Barty and Evan so she could stand next to them/between them and rehearse the words. “Oh please, don’t whine about it! This is helpful for you two as well! Now shut up and stand!”
At the wedding, she goes outside and smokes with Remus occasionally. They’re not best friends, not even close, but they talk and they bond. They would definitely stand up for each other if it was ever the case.
She doesn’t dance. She sits, talks to everyone at the table, visits other people at other tables, drinks a little bit, and takes care of Marlene when she has to vomit. Nobody has ever, and I mean ever, seen her dance before. And no one will (besides Marlene and even then it’s either slow dancing or head rocking.)
She does get a bit emotional at the ceremony and saying the vows, and her voice wobbles when she asks Regulus if he will take James as his husband. Nobody speaks a word about it because they know she’ll whip their ass, but also because it’s rare to see Dorcas become emotional over something.
She stands up on the mini stage, holding a shot glass. She’s always been good at cheers and saying a speech, so she does exactly that. She stands on the stage and says something so poetic, so gut wrenching, so bittersweet and beautiful, that even Regulus and Evan shed a couple tears. Afterwards, Reg and James mention it and tell her how thankful they are, and how they don’t regret choosing her as their officiant.
OPTIONAL: There’s this one point where everyone is dancing. Everyone besides Remus, Dorcas, and a few others. Because Remus successfully managed to escape outdoors, they quite literally drag Dorcas to the middle of the dance floor. When they realize it’s no use, they ask the men to pick her up while she’s in her seat, take her to the middle of the dance floor, and they all take turns giving her lap dances. Everyone is screaming and throwing money, especially when Regulus starts getting all nasty with it. It’s all fun and games though.
Regulus Potter-Black - The ‘Bride’ Himself
He isn’t running around and panicking (he leaves that job for Lily), but he is most definitely constantly pulling her aside and asking her if everything is okay. His eyes are definitely running around the room.
He stands up every second to greet people he knows. Poor boy doesn’t even get a chance to eat. Luckily, his friends (and Sirius) do notice this, so they occasionally pop in next to him and feed him something. Remus does this too, except he takes him outside for a break/smoke.
He dances very stiffly at first, but then as the night goes on, he gets more loose and relaxed, especially when James starts getting all drunk and goes crazy on the dance floor. He’s always seen either dancing with James, or Barty, Evan, Pandora, and his brother.
Tells the kids to stop bothering James because he’s very busy. James keeps reassuring Reg that everything is fine, but Reggie is just like, “Bitch, no it’s not. It’s my wedding day and I’m barely catching my husband from the corner of my eye.”
He is absolutely exhausted by the end of the night, and is impatient for the honeymoon. He just wants to relax with James, no one there to bother them. He’s so happy that James was the one he married. He’s so happy that he didn’t have to wear a dress. He’s so happy that this wasn’t an arranged marriage. He’s so happy he’s free.
OPTIONAL: Regulus will forever act as though he hated this, but in reality he doesn’t and everyone knows that. At their wedding, a decent amount of time after they had said their vows, James was playing around with the children there. He had immediately looked at Reg, pouted with puppy eyes, and raised both his eyebrows up and down as he got drunker throughout the night. Again, Regulus acted like he despised it, when in reality he didn’t and Sirius was the one who was disgusted. “OH! My poor innocent brother! I knew you’d ruin him Prongs! Oh, I just knew!!”
Barty Crouch Jr. - The Payer
For some fucking reason, he’s the one who paid for everything at the wedding. He offered, and who was Reg to refuse? The weird part is, that nobody knows where he got the money from. He doesn’t have that type of money! Or does he?
Spends the whole night walking around the room and taking shots with everyone, even people he doesn’t know. He makes toasts and cheers, and even does little speeches. He’s the life of the party, and catches the eye of everyone there. He’s also drunk out of his mind halfway through the wedding, but somehow doesn’t vomit like Marlene every 4 minutes.
Is definitely grinding on all his friends, and making eye contact with Evan from across the room. They’re eye fucking each other, and everyone hates it. When he grinds on Dorcas, everyone goes wild because Cas and Bat have always acted as though they are frienemies, so this was new for everyone who didn’t know them like that.
People approach him when they find out he’s the one who paid for everything, and they’re always so amazed and shit; “I can’t believe you did this! You paid for all of this? WOW!”
Bonds with Marlene the whole night, even while dancing. They do the same dance moves as each other, or they do something that reminds them of when they were friends. They start hanging out again after this wedding. I mean, they had no choice either way. Regulus and James got married!
OPTIONAL: May be caught violently grabbing James and Evan (and maybe Reg? Or some other form of the four of them?) and taking them outside. They come back inside looking messier and more frazzled than before. Marlene—drunker than a sailor—calls this out, and all Barty does is wink in her direction. Because she knows. Of course she knew all along.
Evan Rosier - Ring Bearer
Usually this job is supposed to be done by a young boy, but Evan is a young boy! Period.
Like Dorcas and Remu, doesn’t really dance unless it’s songs where he can get all seductive. He sits there usually, manspreading with a glass of tequila in hand, and watching Barty grind and swing his hips against some other man/woman. That man is going to get the biggest punishment of his life.
Forces himself not to cry during the vows. He acts kind of upset because Reg didn’t choose him as a best man or anything special, but he’s actually so fucking happy he’s the ring bearer.
He observes the room and the people in the room. He watches them and what they’re doing. He watches their movements and their words, and their mouths and body language. He notices when someone is left out (Peter), when someone is illegally hot (Barty), when someone is scarily hot (Regulus), when someone is beautifully hot (James), etc.
Is in charge of the music the DJ plays. He created the playlist, and the way the songs transition, and what they transition into. Everyone tells him he did an amazing job after the wedding. He mostly chose specific songs because he knew Bee, Redgie, and Jamie would dance under them.
OPTIONAL: Allows himself to be dragged everywhere. Barty drags him to go dance with him, and drags him outside where he makes out with him ferociously (and they’re occasionally accompanied with someone..). Regulus drags him when he needs help fixing something, like his slight makeup or his outfit, and even the decor. And James drags him around when the kids do something sweet or cute, and it’s so fucking adorable to see. It drives Evan insane. Not to mention when Regulus is busy doing something so James approaches him (or Bat) and whines for their/his attention. Now that drives him wild.
Pandora Lovegood - Plays the ‘Father’ Role
She walks Regulus down the aisle. That’s literally it. She has one of the most important jobs ever, and it’s too walk him down the aisle because his parents weren’t invited. Because they were either dead, or not important enough for such an event.
Everyone—and I mean everyone—either tears up or gets a bit emotional when they see Panda walking him down the aisle. She waves at Ev from the walkway and all he can do it hide his wobbly smile.
Dances mystically and majestically. She dances like she’s high (bc she is), and she’s sometimes separated from the circle/group, so you’ll probably see her and Xeno dancing around in tiny swirls, with her one hand holding her pregnant stomach.
She’s mostly dancing either by herself, with her friends, her husband, or Lily/Mary. When she gets too tired she resides to her seat and smiles at her grown stomach, sliding a hand up and down the canvas and feeling Luna’s kicks.
After the wedding, Panda approaches Peter and slips a note inside of his bag, telling him she’s so proud of him and his arrangements. Sadly, Peter never sees this note until it’s too late and he’s lost all of them. Anyway, exactly a week after the wedding, Luna Dorcas Lovegood is born, and Regulus calls her his gift.
OPTIONAL: Dora announces her pregnancy on this day (Reg invited her too), and mentions that her first born child’s full name will be: Luna Dorcas Lovegood, and her sons name will be: Arcturus Barty Lovegood. Evan asks why he isn’t named after a child, and Panda smiles while saying; “Because every time I look in the mirror I see you. Because you’re the godfather of my child, if you’d like to be?” And finally, Evan cracks. He would be the godfather of Luna, and Barty would soon be the godfather of Arcturus.
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starchaserdreams · 10 months
My fics on AO3
Alright, so I deleted my AO3 account a few months ago (thinking I was done with this) and orphaned all of my works. Well, now I deeply regret that. But I have collected as many of them as I could find here for anyone who's interested.
Temptation Eyes (Now Complete!) - My Jegulus Regency AU. Completed, being posted one chapter twice a week. James enters the London season hoping to find a wife. What he finds instead is Regulus Black, and he never looks back. But as implied by the era, it won't be easy for them. Background wolfstar, shown as a different approach to a queer relationship in the regency era.
Get Regulus Out - 82k, Rated M, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Working Through Trauma, No War/Riddle AU, background Wolfstar, background Marylily. James tries to convince Regulus to leave Grimmauld Place as Sirius once did, and save himself from his parents.
How to Spot Signs of Jealousy - 4k, fake/pretend relationship, mutual pining, miscommunication. After Regulus gets fed up with people asking him out because of his family name, he and Barty agree to fake date. For some reason, James Potter seems livid...and Regulus can only guess that it's because he's homophobic. That's got to be it, right?
But Where's Regulus - 1k. James on laughing gas after getting his wisdom teeth taken out and talking about how much he likes Regulus
Waking Up Slowly - 2k. James wakes up in bed with Regulus in the Gryffindor dorm, something Sirius might not take kindly to.
I've Read Your Book - 1k. Two one shots based on the same premise: Writer!James didn't even know Regulus knew about his book, let alone had read it, but Regulus comes up to him and says "I've read your book" aka the most exciting words of all time to start a conversation for a writer.
Little Ball of Fire - 1k. Regulus gets into an argument with Snape. Regulus begins threatening him, so James picks Regulus up and carries/drags him out of the room before anyone gets hurt.
What's in a Name - 5k, Soulmates AU, secret crush. In a world where soulmates exist and can identify each other by the feeling they get when they say each other's names, it's pretty easy to identify who your soulmate is. But for Sirius and James who only call each other by their nicknames, it takes a while to finally know.
The Bachelorette - 15k, mutual pining, Bachelorette AU. Sirius and James are both cast as contestants on the Bachelorette. Although their stated goal was to woo Lily and capture her heart, they don’t quite manage it. They fall for each other instead.
A Real Marriage Under Wizarding Law - 6k, mutual pining, fake/pretend relationship, drunken shenanigans. Sirius and James get a quickie drunken marriage in Knockturn Alley. When they wake up in the morning, they decide not to get it annulled so that they can save Sirius from an arranged marriage.
The Only Transfer Students to Ever Come to Hogwarts - 9k, arranged marriage, hijinx, angst with a happy ending. Sirius is upset to learn that not only does he have to transfer to a new school, but his parents have set up an arranged marriage for him. James assures him that's impossible, but Sirius knows his parents don't make empty threats. (Written for Prongsfoot Bingo)
The Smell of Water - 4k, Amortentia, idiots in love. Sirius and James argue about what they're smelling without realizing that there's Amortentia in the room. When Sirius realizes, he becomes a whole mess about it. (Written for Prongsfoot Bingo)
Wolfstar Microfics Theme: Love - 8k, a collection of 22 microfics themed around love
6x James Found Out, and 1x Harry Did - 10k. Six ways James could have learned about Sirius and Remus' secret relationship, and one way Harry could have learned about it. *This is specifically ATYD fanfiction, and it's set in that universe.
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callmemoons · 4 months
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orchideous-nox · 30 days
I love your stuff so much!! I was wondering if maybe you had some headcanons for some of the girls?? I'd love to hear them :3
Hi anon, thank you so much! This is so fun, I want to yap about the girls more often so I guess this is a good starting point!!!
I love Lily so much, since dying my hair ginger one of my favourite comments I get on tiktok is people saying I look like how they picture Lily which is the biggest compliment. I hc Lily as being bi and currently my favourite person to ship her with is Pandora but I have Chappell Roan related plans to write a one-shot of MaryLily. Lily's favourite flowers are daisies and angel's breath and you can find them in her hair during the summer. She loves to read either by the fire when it's cold or under a tree in the park in July. She's an omnivert and enjoys quiet study sessions with Remus where they don't have to talk but also is very happy to be dragged up to do karaoke with Mary and Marlene. Her favourite colour is sage green because it brings out her freckles and her favourite season is spring because she says "the air just smells different". Also plus-size Lily all the way!
Mary is a girl's girl. She is the one who teaches the younger students how to do their makeup and and is the chief hair braider. She has a diary the whole way through school and she writes all of her juiciest secrets in there because she knows all the gossip about everyone and keeps them all in the bottom of her trunk. Her favourite song would either be Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac or Does Your Mother Know by ABBA. She is the biggest flirt with everybody and the real Casanova of Gryffindor Tower. Her signature lip gloss is cherry scented and everyone is the group has had at least one kiss on the cheek from her which has left a pinky-red lip gloss mark there. If I was going to assign a fc for her it would be Rachel Chinouriri, I think she's so beautiful and the Mary vibes are just there.
Marlene being from Manchester is so real for me. She grew up supporting Manchester United and went to the matches with her dad. She is the masc lesbian of my dreams (I saw someone who looked like her once and I might have fell a little bit in love) and they own the wolfcut. Marls can be sighted wearing a little top (baby tee/ tight crop top) and big pants (literally the baggiest jeans you have ever seen). When Chelsea Dagger by The Fratellis comes on, she is singing the loudest. Marlene never came out, everyone just knew they are gay and when they got their first girlfriend everyone just shrugged and was like "cool". Marlene uses she/they pronouns and will punch anyone in the dick if they are mean to her friends. She absolutely adores Dorcas and is like "my girlfriend" at any opportunity. You can catch Marlene dancing along to Seventeen Going Under by Sam Fender because "he just gets me", she she will insist he is the only man she could ever love just to annoy the Marauders boys.
My Ravenclaw girliiieeee!! If you couldn't tell, Pandora has really grown on me recently and I am slowly working up to writing a fic where she is in the main ship. Pandora being a Ravenclaw like Luna is so important to me and I hc her as a Rosier and is Evan's twin when I write her, but not the way that people normally write them. Pandora is very adamant that she is her own person and there is more to her than being a twin. She loves her experiments which we know from canon, she would have loved watching How Its Made (the tv show), and was that kid who would take things apart to see how they work. She collects insects like butterflies, moths and beetles and keeps them in a display in her room and has pet stick insects that she loves to freak people out with. Pandora would LOVE Paris Paloma, she's vibing with Labour and Notre Dame and The Fruits. Although I said I love shipping Lily with Pandora, Xenophilius and Pandora (xenodora) have my heart, I love them, they are my favourite straight-presenting queer couple. I think they chose the surname Lovegood when they got married (I hc Xeno as a disowned Malfoy) which I know a few people hc. I could talk about Pandora forever but I will move on.
Last but not least, Dorcas! She's the kind of girl who calls everyone babydoll (Barty loves it). She's such an it-girl and would be the person you see on Instagram posing in front of the houses in Kensington with her iced coffee. Dorcas is taalllll and has legs for days, models should be glad she decided to stick to being the office siren. Her favourite hobbies are judgingly people watching in the window seat of coffee shops, and taming her girlfriend to stop them from trying to fight everyone who looks at the two of them funny. Everyone thinks Dorcas hates them at first (even Marlene who spend months thinking Dorcas was rebuffing her advances), but she just looks at everyone like that, she shows her love by being mean. Dorcas loves to listen to Rina Sawayama, her favourite song is STFU!
I'm just gonna stick with those 5 for now because they're the ones I write in my fics. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to yap about them!!! <3
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writtenicarus · 7 months
me shamelessly promoting my own fic ..<3
Sirius knew that he wasn’t considered a good person. As a matter of fact he wasn’t good at anything at all. Not a good son or brother or student or cousin or protector. But the truth was that he tried. He tried so hard, too hard. It hurts when his younger brother keeps pushing him away after they left their parents home and chose to move in together, but if Sirius can’t be good, he wants to find something good to live for.
When they moved to a small town in rural England after escaping their parents, Regulus was determined to ignore his older brother at all costs. What neither expected was for their lives, relationships and friendships to intertwine so deeply they had no choice to face each other and reconcile with how much they had suffered.
OR a small-town AU. the kids aren't alright.
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sebbianas · 1 year
i have finally sat down and did the math so here’s all the speak now songs and what marauders ship i think of for each and what lyric stands out to me
Mine - wolfstar - braced myself for the goodbye ‘cause that's all I've ever known then you took me by surprise you said, "I'll never leave you alone"
Sparks fly - jegulus - it's just wrong enough to make it feel right
Back to december - jegulus - you gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye
Speak now - nobleflower - you wish it was me, you wish it was me dont you
Dear john - lily about snape - you are an expert at “sorry” and keeping lines blurry
Mean - mary’s theme song - someday i’ll be big enough so you cant hit me (her outliving all the people who tormented her)
The story of us - black brothers - this is looking like a contest of who can act like they care less but I liked it better when you were on my side
Never grow up - black brothers/black sisters - I won't let nobody hurt you won't let no one break your heart and even though you want to please, try to never grow up
Enchanted - pandalily - my thoughts will echo your name until i see you again
Better than revenge - rosekiller (in their toxic era) - you might have him but i always get the last word
Innocent - regulus’ theme song - today is never too late to be brand new
Haunted - jegulus - stood there and watched you walk away from everything we had but I still mean every word I said to you
Last Kiss - jegulus - And I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe
Long Live - marauders to each other - I had the time of my life with you
Ours - marylily - seems like there's always someone who disapprove they'll judge it like they know about me and you and the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do the jury's out, but my choice is you
Superman - (not marauders but) drarry - And you'll leave, got places to be, and I'll be okay I always forget to tell you, "I love you" I loved you from the very first day
Electric touch - dorlene - all I know is this could either break my heart or bring it back to life got a feelin' your electric touch could fill this ghost town up with life and I want you now, wanna need you forever
When emma falls in love - james’ theme song - when Emma falls apart, it's when she's alone she takes on the pain and bears it on her own cause when Emma falls in love, she's in it for keeps she won't walk away unless she knows she absolutely has to leave
I can see you - jegulus - and I could see you being my addiction you can see me as a secret mission
Castles crumbling - sirius after the prank - power went to my head and I couldn't stop ones I loved tried to help, so I ran them off and here I sit alone behind walls of regret falling down like promises that I never kept
Foolish one - rosekiller - you will say you had the best of intentions and maybe I will finally learn my lesson
Timeless - jily - I'm gonna love you when our hair is turnin' gray we'll have a cardboard box of photos of the life we've made and you'll say, "Oh my, we really were timeless"
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bowiesversion · 17 days
Folklore songs and what marauders moment/hc I picture while listening
The 1: Remus to Sirius while he's in jail, esp the older years. Again, not my favorite. (alternatively, Jegulus. Regulus to James after James marries Lily)
Cardigan: Do I even have to say it? Wolfstar. The whole thing.
The last great american dynasty: Okay follow with me here, Andromeda and Sirius. Andy left and forged a path so Sirius could be the next one to do the same thing. (Just trust me)
Exile: Angsty wolfstar, The first verses (Bon Ivers) is Remus watching Sirius hook up diff girls, second (taylors and his mixed) is post war/after Sirius went to Azkaban. (alternatively Jegulus)
My tears ricochet: Sirius after Reg died. ("And I can go anywhere I want, Anywhere I want, just not home, And you can aim for my heart, go for blood, But you would still miss me in your bones")
Mirrorball: Peter or James, see this post for more
Seven: Sirius and James. (And I've been meaning to tell you I think your house is haunted, Your dad is always mad and that must be why And I think you should come live with, Me and we can be pirates Then you won't have to cry, Or hide in the closet) If that's not them idk what is
August: Jegulus. Esp Regulus to James, right before James gets with Lily (following my canon timeline of James and Reg hooking up, but James going onto Lily bc he can't properly love Reg the way he deserves to be loved)
This is me trying: Peter. So so so peter, imagine he's on his knees telling James this is him trying, trying to finally make a name for himself. To finally get some of the spotlight.
illicit affairs: This one I don't really have a moment/char for. My first thought was possibly (still secret) wolfstar, then maybe Peter when he first started going to DE meetings, and he's hiding it from everyone. But again, both are not my favorite so tell me in the comments what you think!
Invisible string: Marylily. They're so Taylor Coded too btw.
Mad women: Dorcas Meadows. She's so angry, esp after ALL HER FRIENDS DIE.
Epiphany: Regulus in the cave, thinking of James and/or Sirius.
Betty: Sirius to Remus after the prank, if she sang it slightly more angry it would be perfect.
Peace: This one was really hard, because this song is so close to me. But I really think James. James to EVERYONE tbh, he just has so much love. (it's also Jegulus, but shhhh)
Hoax: OKAY OKAY HEAR ME OUT. I know it's a love song, I KNOW. But listen to it with Regulus after Sirius leaves the house. This one is actually so sad, and I'm a sucker for Black Brothers Angst. (You know I left a part of me back in New York, You knew the hero died, so what's the movie for?, You knew it still hurts underneath my scars, From when they pulled me apart, You knew the password, so I let you in the door)
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moonytoast-x · 9 months
my lovely collection of fanfic recs summarized by yours truly <3
✨all the young dudes✨: canon, complete work https://archiveofourown.org/works/10057010/chapters/22409387
dress up in you: muggle au, remus is a hot bassist and sirius is so gay for him, complete work https://archiveofourown.org/works/13990401/chapters/32213229
atyd sirius pov: self explanatory (complete work) https://archiveofourown.org/works/34577035
text talk: muggle au, text fic, remus has chronic illness and sirius texted the wrong number, complete work https://archiveofourown.org/works/1651109/chapters/3501239
you wouldn't like me: muggle au, trans sirius, wolfstar, set in like 2005, very vibes, complete work https://archiveofourown.org/works/45502642/chapters/11449071
blends: coffee shop au wolfstar <3 (complete work) https://archiveofourown.org/works/7869079/chapters/17970910
on another ocean: wolfstar goes on a trip across europe together and has incredible sexual tension, complete work https://archiveofourown.org/works/39128118/chapters/117226243#workskin
choices: jegulus/jegulily, mostly canon compliant, takes place during hogwarts years all through the war (REALLY FUCKING SAD WATCH OUT), complete work https://archiveofourown.org/works/30170643/chapters/74332617
tigerlily and wolfsbane: lily pov of hogwarts years https://archiveofourown.org/works/33079969/chapters/82118059
wading in waist high waters: gbbo au wolfstar, sexual tension, sirius used to be in a boyband, remus is a welsh nerd (I love him), complete work https://archiveofourown.org/works/36896740/chapters/92052442
dear your holiness: remus is a priest and a bassist and sirius is incredibly gay and also confused, complete work https://archiveofourown.org/works/35105491/chapters/87450694
the hand that feeds: canon compliant dorlene (be prepared to sob), complete work, theres also a part two that focuses on emmeline vance and mary https://archiveofourown.org/works/38287942/chapters/95669569
nothing fades like the light: zombie cowboy jegulus, shortish, so sAD, has some black brother feels </3 (complete work) https://archiveofourown.org/works/43550415/chapters/109497873
bury our secrets shallow: marauders+slythershits muggle small town au with black brothers sorting their shit out, also wolfstar and jegulus I think (complete work) https://archiveofourown.org/works/49550836/chapters/128345881#workskin
bird set free: wolfstar figure skating and all the sexual tension (major second hand embarrassment but it's kinda funny the second time you read it), complete work https://archiveofourown.org/works/44271820/chapters/112378375#workskin
like real people do: muggle au where remus has epilepsy and works at a coffee shop, and sirius is raising harry bc jily still died (😭😭😭) and they fall in love, complete work https://archiveofourown.org/works/44399764/chapters/111670651
crimson rivers: hunger games au, really long, really fucking angsty, SO GOOD, complete work https://href.li/?https://archiveofourown.org/works/39760044
we can take it out back if you promise to give me a kiss after you take me down: rosekiller muggle au, wip, they're dramatic little shits and theyre going thru it https://archiveofourown.org/works/50777170/chapters/128269429
just lovers: no war au with starchaser and marylily and rosekiller and wolfstar and general happiness and wholesomeness, complete work https://archiveofourown.org/works/38344720
intermission: cute rosekiller side plot from just lovers (your honor I love them), complete work https://archiveofourown.org/works/39437451/chapters/98704770#workskin
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance with you: rosekiller trying to stop barty from getting into an arranged marriage, in canon-without-the-war, lots of slythershit shenanigans, complete work https://archiveofourown.org/works/41378289/chapters/103762113
annoying: rosekiller wrong number text fic (like text talk but even funnier and less wolfstar), complete work https://archiveofourown.org/works/44115820/chapters/121605580#workskin
kill your darlings: college hockey au, jegulus and wolfstar and marylily and barty x evan x cerci, very angsty most times, truly amazing, complete work https://archiveofourown.org/works/40038048/chapters/100269270
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theprongspotter · 2 months
24 Prompts ‘til Christmas 2023 Masterlist:
Day 1: “Mistletoe” (Jegulus)
Day 2: “Secret Santa” (Wolfstar)
Day 3: “Snowed In” (Rosekiller)
Day 4: “Christmas Cookies” (Pandalily)
Day 5: “Hot Chocolate” (Nobleflower)
Day 6: “Ice Skating” (Dorlene)
Day 7: “Red and Black Go Good Together” (Quillkiller)
Day 8: “The Perfect Tree” (Marylily)
Day 9: “Decorating Is Never Easy” (Wolfstar)
Day 10: “Happy Christmas, Harry” (Jegulus)
Day 11: “Gingerbread Houses” (Pandalily)
Day 12: “Santa Baby” (Nobleflower)
Day 13: “Santa Paws” (Rosekiller)
Day 14: "Dinner by Candlelight” (Quillkiller)
Day 15: “Snow, Snow, Snow” (Dorlene)
Day 16: “A Test of Speed” (Marylily)
Day 17: “Ugly Sweater” (Jegulus)
Day 18: “First Snow” (Pandalily)
Day 19: “Christmas Shopping” (Dorlene)
Day 20: “Plane Rides” (Rosekiller)
Day 21: “S’mores” (Marylily)
Day 22: “Christmas Sausage Dog” (Nobleflower)
Day 23: “Christmas or Halloween?” (Quillkiller)
Day 24: “Cancel Mariah Carey” (Wolfstar)
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