#jenny wren
autisticrosewilson · 4 months
Guys I feel it's very important to note that the act of making a child a superhero is abusive. Yes, I understand the mechanics metatextually of child sidekicks but within the world there isn't actually a good reason that one should allow a child to make a decision like that.
I know we always talk about how Bruce couldn't have stopped the Robins, but like, he actually could have! He's a millionaire and a highly trained superhero he could have figured something else out but Batman needs a Robin.
Which is a sentiment so prevalent in the universe of DC it almost gives me hives to hear. Particularly because I don't feel like you guys are treating it like the incredibly fucked up thing it is.
Those are children!! Bruce, a grown ass man, should not be relying on them for emotional support or whatever.
Not enough of you guys treating Robin like a curse, like some awful blight that will befall you until you die young horribly. Like sure while they're Robin they're not going to realize it, but afterwards when they have developed frontal lobes they should have a moment where they're like "wow that's fucked up I should beat the shit out of Batman" but they can't ever actually separate themselves from the mantle so they end up complacent anyway.
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Guys new fanfic pitch: Jason gets incarcerated into Arkham Asylum again and gets put into a cell with Jenny Wren/Anita Jean
It would be so funny please guys please, let them duke it out or idk just have an average stupid conversation please 😭
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alicepooryorick · 11 months
See, I think it's sad batfandom doesn't talk about the various characters that, while yes they were technically Bruce's sidekicks, didn't stick around long? Like I get Lance Bruner appeared in one issue, or Anita Jean didn't really appear all that much. But I want to see them fanonized.
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ambriel-angstwitch · 6 months
My Commentary on Robins Being Robin #1
This will be multiple parts since there’s a lot I wanted to say
First I will not be sharing the picture but you would not believe how flabbergasted I was to open up the book and just be hit with a shirtless Dick Grayson. All of the variant covers are the Robin’s shirtless (except for Damian and the one with all of them). That was not what I came here for I was looking for sibling shenanigans and angst thank you
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Amazing way to start the comic and introduce the villian. Jenny Wren I like you already. The poetry and the explosion on the next page. Just chef’s kiss
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Dick is a DND fan! Or at least knowledgeable! That’s amazing!
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He’s got a point Tim. That was stupid
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Look at my boys working together! (I say like they weren’t just insulting eachother)
Though honestly I absolutely adore the fact that Tim and Damian are working so well together, but constantly insulting eachother. True sibling behavior.
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Look at the Babies!
I love that Dick brought them all together and acknowledges his faults in the past. He wants to hear them now, they’re a family. He realized that being Robin has its fault that affected all of them. He isn’t sure whether being Robin was good or not, and he wants to know how the others feel.
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It’s so sad that both Tim and Steph fear that Robin was the best they could be. Now that they’ve done it what’s left for them? And Tim Drake is still trying to be Robin while Stephanie’s kind of realized there’s no going back,
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Damian obviously brushes off everything with the bravado that he’s the best and deserves it by blood right. I expected as much
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Jason is the last to speak. I find it tragic that his speaking just reflects other people’s narratives He refers to himself as a soldier like his memorial in the batcave which says “Jason Todd a good soldier”, instead of acknowledging him as a son. Then of course this belief that he was a doomed kid, a bad kid. Maybe he would have been a no good criminal but maybe he wouldn’t have. He was a kid that deserved to grow with or without Bats.
Their group therapy unfortunately get interrupted by the plot (aka Delcaine trying to warn them about the kidnapped gauntlets)
Next >
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zal-cryptid · 9 months
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DC characters - Jenny Wren
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suleikazuleika · 6 months
So just finished the Jenny Wren arc in the Robins series.
On the one hand, that costume for Jenny Wren is top notch. I love it.
And impersonating others? Dang, you can do a lot with her character.
On the other, I'm really over the Bad Dad Batman trope that's been so popular for the past 30+ years.
Maybe I'm bias because my first Batman was BTAS, but I just can't see Bruce Wayne being that mean to a traumatized and manipulated kid.
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buggtbytez · 5 months
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All I can imagine when listening to Lydia the bards “hey there little robin girl” is the one and only Jenny wren singing
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Like tell me she wouldn’t have also sang this song during this scene
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daffydilled · 1 year
Dear fellow Tim Drake fans & fanfic writers:
For everyone's favorite bird bashing subject matter may I recommend Jenny Wren, which is the canonical option for everyone who wants more hurt Tim, brilliant Tim, and brilliant Batfam.
It also has Buddhist monk Damian.
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benbamboozled · 2 years
People Jason Todd Should Team Up With:
—Bao Pham
—Anita Jean
—Lonnie Machin
—Holly Robinson
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hyzenthlayroseart · 10 months
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Hey look, I uploaded something traditionally drawn for once.
Anyway I watched two Mae West movies recently (She Done Him Wrong and I'm No Angel), and while watching them I kept thinking of Disney's Silly Symphony "Who Killed Cock Robin?" because the character Jenny Wren was meant to be a caricature of Mae West but as a bird.
So while I was watching I'm No Angel I drew Cock Robin and Jenny Wren together, with Jenny quoting Mae West's famous line from She Done Him Wrong.
Also I just gotta say I think Disney did an excellent job at making Jenny a caricature of Mae West.
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Jenny wren concept art and sketches I think everyone should see ♥️
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She's so cool bro :3
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the bit in this one where the devil gets a verse and he's like i'm too old for this shit i need to focus on my career is so funny
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Have you ever wanted to be a Superstar?
Have you ever wanted to be a Superstar?
Now that I’ve had a chance to rest up a bit, let me tell you about our little adventure last week. I think that most of you know about our epic road trip from Raven central to Colorado Springs and the Superstars Writing Seminar. William Joseph Roberts, Jenny E. Wren, Benjamin Tyler Smith heading for Colorado It turned out to be a great trip for all three of us for different reasons, and we have…
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thejudeduarte · 7 months
I would like to apologise for the person I'm going to become when I read the prisoners throne. And I would also like to say goodbye everyone because the moment I read it I will be a changed women. My life isn't gonna be the same again
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Sleep headcanons on the Spectres + important additions
Ezra is the type of person who will end up splayed all over the bed no matter how large it is. He just moves in his sleep; possibly because of the weird Jedi dreams he tends to have. He sleeps pretty deeply; sometimes he’ll shoot up and say something and you’ll think he’s awake, but he’ll fall back asleep right after and doesn’t remember it the next day.
Zeb is a very deep sleeper, which comes in handy considering Ezra’s tossing and turning in the top bunk. He sleeps on his back, or on his side when he’s holding another person (Kallus). Between him and Kallus he is the big spoon, and when they sleep embracing it’s usually him lying on his back with Kallus half on top of him. They’re physically incapable of staying apart during the night, always ending up tightly wound around each other.
Hera usually sleeps on her stomach to alleviate pressure on her lekku (this becomes a bit of a problem when she becomes pregnant with Jacen; it takes her some time to adjust to sleeping on her side on her own). When Kanan is not with her, she likes having Chopper recharge in the same room, always feeling more at ease with him around. After Kanan’s death, Zeb got her a body pillow that he and Sabine crudely (in his case) decorated with felted Mandalorian armour, purple stripes and an orange top. It’s become a dear bedtime friend for her, offering her the comfort of her family.
Kanan gets some rest from meditating, but at night he’ll only truly be at peace once he’s sneaked out of his room to find Hera. They alternate spooning positions, and while he’ll never admit it to anyone, he loves being her little spoon. He sleeps quite lightly, and often has nightmares about Order 66. It always soothes him to wake up to Hera sleeping peacefully next to him.
Sabine sleeps either on her side or on her stomach. She’s not a fan of cuddling through the night, preferring to have her own space and own blanket and everything. While she generally sleeps well, she often wakes up to have to go to the bathroom or drink some water. Not rarely, she’ll be struck with inspiration and ends up working on a painting instead of going back to bed until Kanan comms her to keep it the fuck down, people are trying to sleep here.
Chopper usually goes into standby mode when he recharges to make it go faster, though he prefers to stay fully active. Hera doesn’t allow him to stay with her when Kanan is there too (she knows he isn’t above taking compromising pictures and blackmailing them with them), but if she’s alone she’ll let him in. Chopper likes spending the night with her; she’s his favourite organic.
Rex sleeps badly, always has. While the inhibitor-chip induced nightmares have faded, his PTSD means that he is still plagued by others, often mashing his worst memories together, like losing and finding Echo, losing Fives, Order 66, and Umbara. His fellow clones Gregor and Wolffe and later his Rebellion friend Kallus understand this feeling and can pull him out of it, but the only one who can truly put his mind at ease is Ahsoka.
Ahsoka sleeps on her stomach or occasionally her side to spare her lekku somewhat. Having a lot of experience with meditation, she tends to sleep more peacefully than people expect of her. She sleeps best with Rex at her side; they don’t even necessarily need to embrace, just lying next to each other in the same bed already calms her.
Kallus sleeps curled into himself. He tells people who question it that it’s to efficiently preserve heat, but in reality he does it because it makes him feel slightly safer. He sleeps very restlessly, tossing and mumbling and being plagued by night terrors (all of which intensify after he switches sides) as a result of heavy PTSD, and unless he is in the depth of a nightmare he is always alert, woken by the softest sounds. Between him and Zeb he is the little spoon, and he likes that, likes how Zeb literally has his back.
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english nerd Jason my beloved
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