#just gotta make it til tomorrow morning
fishyfiles · 1 year
Signed in green ink. Rejected
Signed in purple ink. Rejected
Signed in yellow crayon. Rejected
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
my dad: dont worry about boyfriend/girlfriend (idk why he said girlfriend or if he was serious as far as i know he's still homophobic lmfao but ppl change ig) just worry about making friends (or something)
me: OHHHHHHHHHH DONTTTTT YOU WORRYYYYYY about me worrying about a bf/gf i dont give a SHIT lmfao
#me and my friend were dissecting my queerness the other day XD#idk how we got on the topic but i was eventually like i think kissing just seems awkward and like even in shows w couples i like im like#i mean im happy for them and stuff and i like the couple but im still just like . ok lol sure#and then my friend said she noticed i kinda point out 'attraction' to women much more and i was like oh . ok#hearing it form an outside pov was kinda interesting XD#but who knows what the attraction is not me#no but lol also my roommate whose bf is out of town and so he drives an hour and stays here the entire day :\#yyyesterday i think lol my friend was like oh i gotta wake up early to let him in and hang out w him whatever#and i was just like nahhh get ur sleep like he can wait outside at the picnic table in the cold dsjhgjfhfd#and then she told him that the next morning and i was like ya if i were her you'd still be out in the cold <333 romance <333#it helps that i dont rly care about this bf . he seems nice enough but i am wary of him#bc mans is yrsss older than my friend#and idc about getting to know him lmao i alr have to spend time w him somewhat against my will by just sharing the apartment w him#(well like im fine w it mostly) and also i keep like third wheeling them bc i like spending time downstairs too not just in my room#and theyre usually downstairs when hes here so im just like *intently looking at whatever im doing/looking at* lol#WHY am i here making this post i have shit to do i have stayed up til 4 the past two nights and it doesnt feel horrible so i think im gonna#do it again woohoo /sarcastic mostly but i do think i have to bc i have essay due friday that this piece of shit still hasnt started 🤩#bc i also have presentation tomorrow :'''''') also very hard hw due thursday i havent started that i usually do a lot of over the weekend#rip rip rip kdjhgfdfghsg lmfaooo#AFTER THIS WEEK IS FUCKING FALL BREAK HANGING OUT W GLOWSTICK CLUB I JUST GOTTA DO THIS SHIT LMFAO#jeanne talks
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Musician Age Gap AU
Kara goes to the concert expecting nothing more than a tepid evening out. Well, as tepid as a night alone with her goddaughter could be. Esme has a knack for pulling Kara out of any funk she's in, no matter how deep her doldrums. And Esme's excitement to see this specific artist Kara's never heard of is nearly infectious.
Kara finds herself grinning in the car as Esme strictly tells her not to turn the radio on.
"They're gonna play one of her songs, and we need to go in fresh!"
So they simply chat on the ride to the arena, and upon arrival Kara is floored by the flood of people flowing from the parking lot to the venue itself.
"She's only the biggest name in pop music, Aunt Kara," Esme teases with a grin. "What did you expect?"
Kara's eyes go big with an exaggerated shrug of her eyebrows. "Not this!"
"Come on, old lady. This is why we got here early."
Esme finds fast friends among the other fans in line, but Kara steers clear of the parents clearly commisserating over the ordeal. She's not a parent, just a chaperone, and she has no intention of allowing herself to be infected by the endless negativity of long suffering caregivers bemoaning the whims of their tweens and teens.
Once inside, Esme heads straight for the merch table, clearly intent on spending her long-saved allowance money on anything she can get her hands on. The kid's wrists are already stacked with friendship bracelets, her own tote of swaps nearly empty and waiting to be stuffed with shirts and mugs and posters. Kara eyes the mounting total, then catches the moment Esme starts weighing the balance of what she has against the hoodie advertised at $60.
Kara rolls her eyes at the price, then reaches over with her card outstretched. "Add a medium hoodie to that, please."
Esme squeals with delight, and as soon as they're clear of the stall she throws her arms around Kara.
"Thank you!!!!"
"You're welcome," Kara says with a chuckle. "Just don't wear it til you get home. It's going to be hot in there."
"Okay!" Esme is already swapping her existing t-shirt for the tank top she'd gotten, emblazoned with the face of a young woman and the performer's name: LENA
"How do I look?" Esme asks with a spin, bracelets clicking.
Kara grins. "Like the world's cutest groupie." She tilts her head towards the crush of people heading into the stands. "Come on, let's go grab our seats."
"What's a groupie?"
Kara rolls her eyes, only to pause mid-turn when her phone starts vibrating in her hand. She hesitates, meeting Esme's eye.
"Just a sec, sweetie."
"What? No! Aunt Kara you promised no work."
Kara grimaces. "I know, but it might be an emergency." She scans the corridor, gaze catching on a short row of food vendors. "Here, why don't you take this and get us some nachos?"
She shoves forty dollars into Esme's hand and fishes out her bluetooth, nestling it in her ear.
"Aunt Kara..."
"I gotta find a corner somewhere," Kara continues. She points to a section of cinderblock wall a little ways down. "I'll meet you in across from the restrooms, okay? Five minutes, then I'm all yours."
Esme huffs. "Fine."
Kara answers the call, but waits until she sees Esme add herself to the food line before she starts speaking.
"This better be good!" she shouts into her phone. She can't hear anything but a jumble of sound on the other end, the din around her crowding out any words that might have been spoken. "Hold on!"
Reassured to see Esme already in conversation with a number of girl's around her, Kara goes looking for a quieter spot. She finds one in the nearest stairwell.
"What?" Kara snaps.
"Um," her assistant says over the line. "Mrs. Jasper called again? She wants--"
"Eve," Kara growls. "Do not tell me you called me, tonight of all nights, because Mrs. fucking Jasper called making some other inane request."
"I'm sorry!" Eve squeaks. "It's just--"
"Tell her it is after hours, and that she will be hearing from me personally first thing tomorrow morning."
"Oh, um. Okay. I guess--"
"Go home when it's done. And turn off your phone. You shouldn't be working this late either."
"Um. Okay. Thank you, Miss Danvers."
Kara ends the call with a roll of her eyes. But her frustration hardens into panic when she tugs on the door to return and-- it doesn't budge. She yanks again, harder, and still nothing.
"Fuck!" she shouts. She begins pounding on the door. "Hey! Can someone open this door?!"
No one comes to her rescue, her calls likely drowned out by the same noise that had driven her here in the first place. With another curse, Kara steps into action. She chooses to go down, hoping that the next door will open. It does, but the corridor she steps into is nearly empty. She hears a bit of bustle further down the hall, but out of sight.
She heads towards the sounds, trying the handle of every door she passes. None of them turn-- save one. She leans into it a little too hard as she tries the knob, and nearly tumbles into the room at the unexpected open.
Managing to right herself with a small yelp, Kara straightens-- only to freeze upon locking gazes with the young woman staring at her. A young woman Kara recognizes from the shirt her goddaughter had just put on.
Lena tilts her head with a droll grin.
"Well, you aren't my tea with honey."
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imaginespazzi · 2 months
Part 3: Miss Me, Miss Me Not
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Masterlist - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9
And it hits me when the lights go on (shit, maybe I miss you)
(In which a lazy writer somehow still manages to make her deadlines, much to her own shock)
Pairing: Paige Bueckers X Azzi Fudd
Themes: Angst, Pining and a teensy bit of Fluff
Words: 5.8K
TW: Swearing (once again I think that's it?)
A/N: Hello my lovelies <3 I'm not gonna lie til about an hour ago, I very much did not think I was gonna give y'all a Monday update but here we are! A couple of housekeeping things, I went back and added months to the years so hopefully that's more helpful. I lowkey dislike this part but I felt like the fic needed it and I'm excited to write the next part. Ngl, the editing on this is pretty nonexistent because trying to read this back lowkey killed me so please feel free to point out mistakes so I can fix them. As always, let me know what you liked, and disliked and anything you wanna see going forward. I really appreciate all of y'alls feedback and the long reviews make my day! Have a good rest of your week lovies <3
September 2017
Azzi: just got home :) 
It’s a simple text and it should be easy for Paige to conjure up an equally simple reply. Instead she finds herself typing and deleting, over and over, because nothing sounds quite right. There’s this hollow feeling thrumming in her chest, that has only gotten stronger every passing minute since she’d said goodbye to Azzi at the airport. If she tries hard enough, she can still feel the remnants of their last hug lingering against every inch of her skin. She wants to memorize that feeling and create a blanket out of its threads to numb the ice cold shiver that’s been repeatedly running through her veins from the second Azzi had gotten on that plane. But even that might not be enough. Not when she’s learnt just how warm Azzi’s presence can be and how everything else pales in comparison. 
Paige lies to herself that it’s an accidental slip of her fingers, that she’d meant to press send not call, that she had every intention of hanging up the facetime on the first ring itself. 
But then Azzi picks up on the second one.
And really it would be rude to hang up. 
“Hey what’s up?” Azzi’s face fills the screen, tired eyes staring intently at Paige through the screen. 
“Oh um-” Paige fumbles for words, awkwardly shuffling her feet that are dangling off the side of her bed, “I just wanted to ask how your flight was?”
Azzi raises an eyebrow, “you couldn’t have texted me that?”
“Too tired to text,” Paige lies and the words i just wanted to hear your voice stay stuck, burning hot, in her throat, “gotta save these money-making fingers for more important things.”
“Yeah I’m hanging up-”
“NO-” it comes out far more forceful than it should and if possible, Azzi’s eyebrow shoots up even farther, as Paige clears her throat, “I mean- uh- you didn’t tell me how your flight was.”
Paige is too busy cringing at herself to notice the light blush that tinges Azzi’s cheeks. She’s too busy wondering why this girl brings out this nervous bumbling side of hers to notice the fond smile that almost cracks through Azzi’s lips. 
“The flight was okay. I actually got to sleep this time,” Azzi says pointedly and Paige laughs. 
“So what you’re saying is it was boring as hell.”
“I’m saying it was really peaceful not having someone yapping in my ear while I was trying to sleep.”
“So you didn’t miss me?” Paige presses, trying to keep her voice teasing despite how desperately she wants the admission. 
Azzi hesitates, as if she’s debating with herself, before, “I didn’t say that.”
It’s a little ridiculous how large Paige’s grin is but it’s okay, because Azzi’s smiling back, soft and shy. They’d look foolish to anyone else, the way they’re so intently gazing at each other through a screen as if there’s no barrier between them at all. 
“It’s gonna be weird going to the gym without you tomorrow morning,” Paige confesses after a second, moving to lay down on her stomach. 
“I bet. You’re gonna get absolutely nothing done without me,” Azzi teases dramatically before her eyes soften, “it’s weird that I’m not gonna see you at all tomorrow.”
There’s something gut-wrenching about that admission and yet, there’s something in it that heals a part of Paige’s heart that she hadn’t even known needed to be fixed. It means something to her that Azzi must feel it too. Because if she’s honest with herself, Paige had been just a little afraid that maybe the connection was just in her head, that maybe Azzi was simply tolerating her presence out of kindness. 
“You should just move to Minnesota,” Paige replies finally, “much nicer than Virgina or whatever.”
“Have you ever even been to Virginia?” Azzi asks, eyebrows raised as she flips herself to lie on her back, holding her phone above her in a way that lets Paige see entirely too much and yet not nearly enough. 
“No but it sounds boring as fuck.”
“Not with me,” Azzi says, biting her bottom lip sheepishly as soon as the words are out. 
Paige smirks, suddenly filled with a brand new confidence, “yeah? You’d make Virgina interesting for me Fudd? What would we do?”
Azzi licks her lips and Paige feels her mouth go dry. 
“We’d be together,” the younger girl says finally, averting her gaze as the depth of her words begin to make Paige feel like she’s being flooded by an ocean of emotions she’s not quite ready to feel yet, “anything can be interesting if we’re together.”
It would be so easy to come up with a sarcastic quip or tease Azzi for being a sap and yet there’s a certain sincerity in this moment that feels too fragile for Paige to feign nonchalance. 
“Is Virginia nice in the winter?” she asks finally, hands fidgeting with the hair ties secured around her wrist, “Minny’s a little too cold sometimes.”
Azzi’s eyes shine and Paige wants to try and read them, find the little clues hidden in her irises and solve the mystery lingering behind the crimson flush of her cheeks. But the truth is that Paige is a little scared of what she’d find, a little scared that discovering Azzi might mean discovering herself too. 
“You should come find out some time,” the brunette says, casual tone filled with intricacies of something far deeper. It’s the closest they’ve gotten to saying anything of actual substance and they tip-toe around saying what they both want, daring the other to ask first. 
“I dunno,” Paige says, determined to win the game, “I’m not in the habit of showing up to places without a proper invite.”
Azzi scoffs, “a proper invite? Are you expecting someone to send you a carrier pigeon with a gold letter addressed to her royal highness or something?”
“That would be nice,” Paige surmises and Azzi rolls her eyes.
“Does your back ever hurt from carrying that ego?”
“Only hurts from carrying my team.”
“Oh my god you’re so full of it.”
“Full of talent? Yessirrrr.”
Azzi huffs, “Paige.”
“Azzi,” Paige hums. 
“Do you wanna come visit me in Virginia during winter break?” Azzi says finally, a small smile playing on her lips like she’s okay with losing this game as long as it’s to Paige. 
“If I must,” Paige says dramatically, shrugging her shoulders and everything as Azzi lets out an offended squeak. But inside, her heart flutters at the offer, at the idea of seeing Azzi again, even if it feels like a lifetime away. Because as long as it’s Azzi on the other side, Paige and her impatient self can wait however long it takes. 
“Actually you know what nevermind, you don’t gotta come,” Azzi concedes bitterly,  scrunching her face (and Paige would never tell her this but she thinks Azzi looks just a little too cute when she’s mad and so maybe she riles her up on purpose)
“No takesies backsies Az,” Paige sing-songs before her lips uptick from a smirk into something more sincere, “hey Az,” she whispers, giggling to herself when Azzi pretends to ignore her, “I’d really like to come see you in Virginia during winter break.”
And as a brilliant grin dazzles across Azzi’s face, Paige realizes that her favorite thing about Azzi’s smile isn’t when her dimples show or when her eyes twinkle, it’s when it’s there because of Paige, when it’s there just for Paige. 
“Good,” Azzi whispers as they fall into a comfortable silence. 
There’s this serene sense of calm that laces itself around Paige’s nerves. Her normally fidgeting body is content to be perfectly still, an anomaly to her usual demeanor. The truth is that Paige isn’t the kind of person who’s okay with just existing; she likes to spend every second in motion, living out the high. There’s a part of her that’s scared of missing moments, scared that the people around her will leave her behind if she doesn’t chase them. But it’s different with Azzi. The younger girl makes Paige feel like it’s okay if she takes a moment to just breathe. Because Azzi will wait. Because Azzi won’t leave Paige behind. 
“Wait,” it’s a little while before Azzi pipes up, shaking Paige out of her thoughts, “what time is it?”
Paige’s eyes flicker to the time on her phone, confused by the line of questioning, “it’s almost 9 why?”
“Don’t you have a team party or something to go to tonight?” Azzi asks, face scrunching, “I swear you told me you had something tonight.”
“Oh-yeah- Amaya’s back to school thing,” Paige sheepishly scratches her neck, suddenly feeling itchy in her flannel shirt. She’d forgotten she was wearing that instead of her daily clothes. Hell, she’d forgotten she was supposed to be going somewhere in the first place, too occupied with other thoughts. 
“Bro get up,” Azzi orders, “you’re already late.”
“Nah it’s fine. I don’t think I’m gonna go,” Paige says and she thinks she should probably feel a little more guilty about it. 
“What do you mean you’re not gonna go?” Azzi asks in disbelief, “dude you’re the star of the team. You have to go.”
“Amaya will understand besides-” Paige drags in a deep breath, feeling vulnerable as the next words fall out in a quiet whisper, “I don’t wanna hang up yet.”
“Paige c’mon we can talk tomorrow,” Azzi tries to protest but it’s half-hearted at best.
“I wanna talk right now,” Paige argues, “you don’t wanna talk to me?”
For a second Paige thinks Azzi might just say no, might just chip away a little bit of heart with a well-intentioned rejection, but she doesn’t, “always wanna talk to you P.”
“Then don’t hang up. Talk to me.”
And Azzi does. All night. 
Two weeks laters there’s a letter, in an envelope with a picture of a carrier pigeon, that arrives in the Bueckers’ mail box. 
To her royal highness, 
Unfortunately I couldn’t find an actual carrier pigeon (I swear I tried) so this envelope and the mailman will have to do. 
~ You are formally invited this winter break to the Fudd family residence in Virginia. ~
(And you better show up Bueckers)
February 2033
“I can’t believe you’re leaving me,” Ice whines petulantly as she makes herself comfortable on the couch across from where Paige is getting her makeup done, “this is parental neglect.”
Paige laughs, eyes closed, her makeup artist does her mascara, “you’ll survive.”
“You don’t know that” Ice argues, plucking a grape from the fruit basket before segueing into a rant about how boring Arlington, Texas is. 
Paige is grateful for the distraction her younger friend is providing. Her nerves had been on edge since the moment she’d woken up this morning, anxious to get the impending farewell press conference over with. She’d already started accepting that the Wings weren’t the right place for her but that feeling had only been heightened by her trip to the Valkyries. And ever since she’s come back, Paige feels a little bit like she’s sleepwalking through her final moments in Dallas. If she’s honest, she’s probably rushing things a little bit. There’s still plenty of time before she really has to move to Oakland but it had been her choice to move there as soon as possible. Paige had always been good at conjuring excuses and she had plenty as to why she needed to be in California so soon. But at the end of the day it isn’t about training or team bonding or any of the other hundred justifications she’s given anyone who’s asked. It’s about a little girl who’s eyes had been brimming with tears when saying goodbye, a little girl who had made Paige pinky swear that she’d be back as soon as possible. 
Really, Paige thinks she should be applauded for her restraint, because truth be told, the second Stephie’s lower lip had trembled, Paige had been prepared to ask Ice to just ship her stuff to Oakland so that she’d never have to let go of the little girl’s hand. 
And here’s the thing, Paige is willing to admit she wants to go back to the Bay Area for Stephie. It’s that pesky little part of her that’s desperate to go back for Stephie’s mother, to go back for one more hesitant yet lingering touch, that she won’t ever share with anyone else. 
“I never thought I’d live to see you and Azzi willingly playing together again,” Ice says as soon as Paige’s makeup artist leaves the room, “KK and I didn’t even try betting on it, we were that sure it wouldn’t happen. Shit I should have. I totally would have won.”
“Don’t y’all get tired of betting on my life?” Paige asks, rolling her eyes, trying to ignore the first part of what Ice said. 
“Betting on your life has made me hundreds of dollars bro,” Ice says, before a more earnest  look crosses her face, “but genuinely P, are you sure about this? There’s a lot of history there.”
Paige sighs, “it’s not about our history. It’s a basketball decision. And we’re both mature adults who know that. I’m just tryna win. Nothing else.”
“It’s never nothing when it comes to you two.”
“It is this time,” Paige argues adamantly and Ice raises her hands in surrender. 
“I just don’t want another set of teammates to have to deal with y’alls bullshit,” the younger girl teases, but it’s laced with a hint of seriousness that sends a flare of guilt shooting through Paige’s body. 
“Ice-” she begins.
But Ice is quick to change to a lighter subject, “can’t believe Jana’s the one that gets mom and dad back together. I always knew she was the favorite.”
“We didn’t have favorites,” Paige plays along, thankful for Ice and her ability to always keep the tension to a bare minimum. 
“Oh don’t lie. We all know you did,” Ice scoffs and then lets out a chuckle, “and now Azzi’s actually a mom. That’s kinda insane. And you met the kid right?”
“Yeah. Yeah I did,” Paige says and she can’t help the way her entire face breaks into a gleaming smile as her thoughts turn into memories of Stephie. She doesn’t even realize she’s gotten lost in a different world until Ice coughs, an amused grin playing on her lips. 
“You’re so royally fucked Paige,” Ice shakes her head, “the only person I’ve seen you smile that big for before is Azzi.”
“She’s a cute, smart, adorable kid, that’s why I’m smiling,” Paige tries to defend herself. 
“She’s Azzi’s cute, smart, adorable kid,” Ice counters. 
“That has nothing to do with it,” Paige protests again but it rings hollow to her own ears.
“Oh my god I needa call KK and get this bet started. It’s only a matter of time for real,” Ice says, more to herself than to Paige, as she whips out her phone, probably texting KK. 
“A matter of time till what?”
“You’ll find out Paigey,” Ice says gravely with a mocking smile, patting Paige’s head, “all in due time.”
The Dallas Wings media room is buzzing, reporters desperate to ask Paige questions and the blonde tries to maintain a smile despite the fact that her heart is lurching in her throat right now. Her opening speech had been short and sweet, parroting basically the same thing that had gone out on her social media the night before; she’d been desperate to just get it out. Generally, Paige is pretty good with the media, having been immersed in the spotlight since basically forever. The attention and how to maneuver it has always come naturally to her so she’s not sure why she feels so unnerved by it all today.  From the back of the media room, Ice sends her a thumbs up and a reassuring grin and Paige lets out a breath, glad to have at least that comforting presence with her. 
“Aidrian Ginsburger with Bleacher Report, Paige, you’ve obviously spent all of your career so far with the Wings, can you tell us a little bit about the impact this organization has had on you?”
Paige smiles at the question, letting her brain skim through pages and pages of fond memories she has of time spent with this team. It might be time to move on but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have plenty of cherished moments. 
“Yeah um- this place has really shaped who I am as a person. Since day one, the front office, obviously it’s a different one to the one I came in with, they did a lot to make sure that I was comfortable. My teammates through the years have been incredible and I wouldn’t be the player I am today without them. And of course the fans you know, they always showed out for the team, for me. Always supported me in anyways and I hope that I was able to give back the love to them that they always gave to me,” she says, suddenly nostalgic for the team that had started it all. 
The next questions are similar in nature and Paige’s answer varies only in words but not substance. She feels herself start to settle into it, now fielding the expected questions about the Wings and Valkyries with an air of confidence. There are a couple questions about Azzi that make her heart thump, but that was to be expected. It’s a pretty brilliant story in the making, two MVPs who used to play on the same college team coming together. Talia had warned Paige in advance that there was no avoiding it. But for the most part the questions have an easy answer about how Azzi’s a brilliant player and she’s excited to play with her old friend again. That is until a familiar hand shoots up and all the tension that had previously dissipated, comes roaring back with a vengeance. 
“Olivia Reynolds with the Dallas Morning News, Paige, as others have said today, you and Azzi Fudd played together at UConn and you were best friends.” Olivia’s eyes glint viciously, “I mean it’s pretty well documented how hard you tried to recruit her to UConn. But despite being best friends, the two of you have been never seen hanging out, outside of games and formal events, unlike your other teammates that is-”
“Is there a point to this?” Paige asks, hands fisting in her lap as she tries to keep herself calm. 
Olivia smiles, sugary sweet, “I was just wondering if maybe there was some tension and how that would affect your on-court chemistry at the Valkyries?”
“There’s no tension,” Paige lies through gritted teeth, “we didn’t hang out because we live far apart. There isn’t much else to it. And even if there was, Azzi and I are professionals. We wouldn’t let anything off the court affect our goal to win.”
“You lived far apart before UConn too, but that didn’t seem to stop you guys. What changed?” Olivia presses.
“Time did. Our lives did. There’s nothing sensational here. It’s just a case of two people drifting apart,” Paige says and the fabrication feels heavy on her tongue. If only it really had been that simple. 
“But clearly not that much,” Olivia says, and Paige glances at the moderator, desperate for an intervention, “there were plenty of fan pictures of the two of you out getting ice cream with Azzi’s daughter. It seems like you’re already fitting into that Bay Area life-”
“I’m not hearing a question at the end of your sentence,” Paige hisses and she can practically already hear the scolding she’s going to get from Talia once her agent gets wind of how this press conference had gone. The entire media cohort is watching the exchange with wide eyes, no doubt questioning whether they were embarrassed or impressed by their colleague. Ice is mouthing something to Paige, probably something along the lines of please keep your shit together, but Paige is steaming. Really, she should have expected this. 
“Well if you’d let me finish,” Olivia snarls, the façade of innocence dropping, “even if the two of you have drifted, as you put it, clearly there’s still a relationship there. How big of a role did Azzi Fudd play in your choice to move to the Valkyries?”
Paige sucks in a deep breath, nails digging into her palm at the question, “Azzi is the best shooting guard in the country. That was her role in my decision to move to the Valkyries. I don’t know what else you’re trying to imply, but I want to play with her because we play well together. That’s it,” she stands up and there’s pin drop silence, “thank you all for coming but we’re done with this press conference. 
Paige is seething as she exits the media room, Ice hot on her heels trying to calm her down. The sane part of her knows she should head back to the makeup room or even to her car, instead she finds her feet carrying her in the direction of where she knows Olivia Reynolds will be, reviewing her press conference notes by the coffee machine like she always is. 
“What the actual fuck was that?” Paige spits as she comes to a halt in front of the reporter. 
“I know you think playing basketball is the only job in the world Paige, but that was a reporter doing her job,” Olivia says, her calm and composed voice only furthering Paige’s irritation. 
“Bull-fucking-shit.” Paige sneers, “that wasn’t a reporter out there, that was my ex-wife grilling me like we were back in fucking divorce court.”
Olivia cocks her head, “oh so you do remember who I am to you then?”
“Because if you did remember, I’d like to think you’d have the courtesy to at least personally tell me that you were moving to your,” she drops her voice, “ex-girlfriend’s team instead of letting me find out with the rest of the world. You don’t think you owed me that?”
“That’s what this is about?” Paige sighs, “Olivia we’ve been divorced for almost three years now, I don’t owe you-”
“You didn’t owe Azzi anything either,” Olivia whisper-yells, the calm in her voice replaced by the same anger that had tainted the last year of their marriage, “but when we first started dating, you kept us a secret for months. You wouldn’t even tell your fucking teammates cause you were so scared she’d find out,” her eyes drift towards Ice who looks like she wishes she’d made a different decision rather than following Paige out here, “you said she deserved to hear it from you but apparently I don’t-’
“I didn’t mean it like that Olivia. Look, I meant what I said up there. There’s nothing between- ”
“Spare me,” Olivia says, as she stuffs her notepad into her bag, “you can lie to all those other reporters out there about how all of this is a basketball decision. You can even lie to yourself if you want. But you can’t lie to me, not when I spent four years fighting to keep our relationship from getting crushed under whatever it is that Azzi is to you.”
It doesn’t matter how far Paige burrows her head into her pillows, she can’t seem to stop herself from hearing Olivia’s words reverberating through her ears. The two of them had done well at co-existing in their social circles after the divorce had been finalized. While no one could quite call them friends, they’d done a good job at being friendly, being able to converse and share an occasional drink when in their combined friend group. And if Paige is honest, she knows she’s fucked up, knows she probably did owe Olivia a call. But calling Olivia would have meant calling someone who would inevitably make Paige face the truth, just like she had today. The truth that, even with the deal Talia had concocted with the Liberty hanging in the background like a dark presence, the move to the Valkyries was about a lot more than just basketball for Paige. 
She’s so entrenched in her thought that she doesn’t bother checking who it is when the facetime rings, irritation seeping into her voice as she answers it, face still buried in her pillows, “WHAT?”
“Miss Buecks?” a tiny voice comes through the phone and for a second, Paige thinks she must be dreaming, until she finally lifts her head to look at her phone, and Stephie’s small face lights up the whole screen. And it’s like she can feel little hands on her shoulders, slowly unknotting her tightened muscles. 
“Stephie,” she breathes out, a sudden sense of serene calm washing over her previously tense body. 
“Hi Miss Buecks,” Stephie says happily before she squints at the screen, “you sleep weird.”
Paige laughs, “and why’s that?”
“You’re not wearing pajamas and it’s only seven. ‘Dults don’t sleep at seven,” Stephie says matter-of-factly. 
“It’s actually nine here,” Paige says, a little surprised by the time; she hadn’t realized she'd been moping in her bed for that long. Ice had forced her to get lunch together, not wanting to leave Paige alone after the encounter with Olivia. Once she’d finally gotten back to her apartment, Paige had flopped on her bed, taking out her frustrations on her poor pillow. 
“That’s not poss-ble,” Stephie scrunches her face, “Mama’s phone says it’s seven.”
“It’s seven in California, it’s nine in Texas,” Paige tries to explain though by the way Stephie’s looking at her, she thinks she’s probably just confusing the girl more, “how’d you figure out how to call me babe?”
Stephie gives her an exasperated look, “Miss Buecks I’m five. I know how to use facetime.”
“And does your Mama know you're facetiming me?” Paige asks, eyebrows raised.
“She’s in the shower,” Stephie whispers, grinning sheepishly. 
As if on cue, Azzi appears on the corner of the screen and Paige feels her mouth run dry. The darker skinned woman is clad in a light pink fluffy bathrobe that ends right above her knees, giving Paige the perfect view of her long, toned legs that seem to shimmer despite the shitty quality of the facetime. Rivulets of water cling to her neck, delicately cascading down the valley of her breasts before disappearing from sight. And Paige must be dehydrated because never has she wanted to taste a drop of liquid more than she does right now. 
“Stephie,” Azzi groans, as she walks towards the phone and Paige gulps, heart beating faster with every step the other woman takes, everything about her becoming clearer and clearer, “what did I say about using my phone.”
“Only in em-a-gencies,” Stephie recites, “but Mama I had an em-a-gency.”
Azzi tilts her head, eyebrows raised as she gives her daughter a knowing look, “and what was your emergency?”
“I really, really, really, this much” Stephie stretches out her hands as far as they’ll go,  really, really, really, miss Miss Buecks.”
Paige feels her heart flutter. Stephie’s words feel like a hand carefully pulling her out from under the pile of stress she’d been buried under the whole day. It’s like the little girl is pushing away the rubble pressing against her lungs, turning the rocks into dust with a light touch and Paige feels like she can finally breathe. 
“Sounds like a pretty big emergency to me,” she says, relishing the way Stephie’s face lights up at the admission, “cause I really, really, really miss you too Steph.”
“See Mama,” Stephie says, placing the phone against a wall so can place her hands on her hips and look up at Azzi with a pleased smirk. 
Azzi rolls her eyes before glaring at Paige, “you’re a bad influence on her.”
“I’m the best influence on her,” Paige argues, sending Stephie a conspiratorial wink, “just you wait Az, I’mma teach her all the good things.”
Something unreadable flashes across Azzi’s face before she’s back to looking at Paige with an unimpressed arched eyebrow, “I am not letting you corrupt my daughter Paige Bueckers.”
“We’ll see,” Paige says slowly and Azzi shakes her head before turning to Stephie. 
“Alright Stephie bean time to go brush your teeth. It’s almost bedtime babes,” she says with a stern look 
“But Mama-”
“No arguing, you have school tomorrow missy,” Azzi reminds the little girl and Paige can’t help but marvel at the mother that Azzi’s become. And it makes her heart ache for the fantasies she’d dreamed of when she was in her early twenties. She’d always known Azzi would be a great mother; Paige had just naively thought she’d be there alongside her too. 
“Can Miss Buecks stay on the phone till I fall asleep?” Stephie asks, peering up at Azzi with big doe eyes, “please Mama pleeeease.”
“I’m sure Miss Buecks has other things-”
“I don’t,” Paige cuts in far too enthusiastically, clearing her throat to get back some semblance of restraint as both mother and daughter turn to look at each other, “I don’t have anything to do tonight so I can stay till you fall asleep Stephie.”
“YAYY,” Stephie cheers enthusiastically while Azzi studies her with a weary look, “I’m gonna go brush my teeth and then you can read me, my story Mama.”
With that, the little girl runs in the direction of what Paige can only assume is the bathroom, skipping with childlike joy as she sing-songs about something Paige can’t quite make out. 
“You know you don’t have to say yes to everything she asks right?” Azzi says slowly as she grabs her phone and sits on the couch. 
Paige shrugs, “I have time to stay.”
“Do you?” Azzi asks skeptically, “because from what I heard the Wings are having a little farewell party tonight, for you.”
Paige narrows her eyes, “and how exactly did you hear that?”
“I have connections.”
“You talked to Ice.”
“I talked to Ice,” Azzi concedes, “and I’m pretty sure you’re already an hour or so late for it.”
“Exactly. I’m already an hour late so why bother,” Paige says, sitting up so she can rest head against her headboard, “why were you talking to Ice?”
“I can’t talk to my friend?” Azzi asks slowly. 
“Of course you can but why specifically today?” Paige presses 
Azzi bites her lip, “I um- I watched your press conference today. You uh-” she averts her gaze, “you seemed really stressed at the end and I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
A soft grin upturns Paige’s lips before she can stop it, “were you worried for me Fudd?”
“That’s not-” Azzi groans, “shut up.”
Paige smirks, “you were worried for me.”
“I was concerned for my future teammate," Azzi huffs, “besides,” her face hardens, “she was way out of line.”
Paige sighs at the implied mention of Olivia, “maybe but maybe I deserved it.”
“No you didn’t,” Azzi protests and that oh so familiar protective tone in her voice carves itself into every crevice of Paige’s heart, “no one deserves to be put on the spot like that. She was being unethical trying to dig into your personal life like that.”
“This is nice,” Paige says softly, unable to help herself. 
“What is?” 
“Seeing you get all defensive over me. It's nice to see you still care. I didn’t know if you still did.”
Azzi’s quiet for a second, gnawing at her bottom lip as she looks at Paige, “I’ve always cared Paige. And-” she hesitates as the tightrope beneath them wavers, “I’m always gonna care.”
There’s years worth of unsaid words lingering in the silence between them as they breach some unspoken rule they’d both inadvertently agreed to. And they both know that they shouldn’t be saying things like this to each other, that they’re teetering on the edge of falling into an abyss that has nothing but destruction at the bottom. But Azzi’s words feel like sunshine, like heat waves across her skin and Paige is so tired of feeling cold. 
Before either of them can say another word, Stephie comes back into the room, crawling into Azzi’s lap.
“I’m back,” she beams, completely unaware of the way the two adults are scrambling to act normal around her. 
“Here baby,” Azzi hands the phone to Stephie, “take Miss Buecks to your room. Mama’s gonna go change and then she’ll come read to you okay?”
“‘Kay Mama,” Stephie complies, pressing a soft kiss to Azzi’s cheek before running towards her room. For a second Paige’s screen is blurred in motion until Stephie fixes her again and Paige catches a glimpse of Stephie’s room, specifically the walls that are painted the perfect shade of Valkyrie purple. 
“I love your walls Stephie,” she compliments.
“They’re pu-ple,” Stephie exclaims, “that’s my favorite color.”
“First the ice-cream, now the color, you’re stealing all of my favorites kid,” Paige teases but she’s secretly pleased by this revelation. It’s dangerous how fast Stephie’s starting to whittle down Paige’s walls and build herself a permanent shelf in Paige’s cabinet of my people. 
“Can I tell you a secret Miss Buecks,” Stephie whispers, bringing her lips closer to the phone. 
Paige smiles, “of course you can.”
“I think Mama misses you too,” Stephie says softly and Paige feels her heart catch in her throat, “I heard her tell Nanna on the phone.”
“Can I tell you a secret Stephie?” Paige lowers her voice, leaning into her phone. 
“‘Course you can Miss Buecks.”
Paige swallows as the admission falls from her lips, “I really miss your Mama too.”
I miss her always and I think I’ll miss her forever. 
“What are you the two of you whispering about,” Azzi’s voice cuts in as she tucks herself next to Stephie, a children’s book in her hand. 
“Nothing Mama,” Stephie says immediately, winking at Paige through the phone. 
“Yeah,” Paige echoes, ignoring her erratic heartbeat, “nothing Azzi.”
Azzi looks between the both of them, clearly aware she’s being left out of something, but doesn’t push further. Instead she flips open the book, pulls Stephie closer into her arms and starts reading. If anyone were to ask Paige later, she wouldn’t have the faintest idea about a single word in that damn book. Because as Azzi’s soothing voice begins to lull Stephie to sleep, and the younger girl, despite her yawns, holds the phone up so the blonde can be included in every second of it, Paige feels herself being pulled into a dream she has no right to dream. She dreams of being in Stephie’s purple bedroom. She dreams of her and Azzi lying against Stephie’s lilac bedspread, their hands entwined in the middle over Stephie’s little body. She dreams of a forever that she’d long forsaken.
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dark-frosted-heart · 5 months
From a Mean Lie, Love Begins - Roger Barel
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. Secondhand embarrassment ahead.
After finishing dinner, I had some free time and so I decided to help Roger with his research.
As I descended the stairs leading to the basement like usual, I heard two people talking and stopped in my tracks.
(Roger and…Harrison?)
Their expressions were so serious that I couldn’t find the right time to call out to them.
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Harrison: …In such a bad shape?
Roger: Yeah. Heard from experts that it can’t be returned to its original state. Spine’s so wrecked and can’t stand without support.
Harrison: So caught up in research that you can’t even take care of yourself. What a laugh. …Could’ve done something about it if it was caught sooner.
(What does he mean…? Roger, are you in such a bad state that you can’t stand…?)
He looked fine last night while happily drinking.
(But…there are some illnesses out there that are invisible)
(Was he self-destructing by drinking so much because he couldn’t save himself…?)
Roger: Well, I’ll see what I can do for now. I got a reputation of not being a quitter. Just gotta hang in there ‘til the end. If you can’t…then we’ll deal with it when the time comes.
As I secretly peeped at them, I saw Roger give a weak smile.
(Roger’s body really is wrecked…)
(He couldn’t have been lying if Harrison’s there…)
I couldn’t bring myself to say anything and quietly left before they could notice.
(I wasn’t aware that Roger’s condition was that bad…)
(But now that I know…I can change my behavior)
(Tomorrow, I’ll do my best to support Roger so that he doesn’t suffer)
The day after learning about Roger’s condition, I secretly made a decision. I’ll immediately start helping him out.
Kate: Here, Roger. Open your mouth please.
After cutting the meat on the plate into bite-sized pieces, I held it up to Roger’s mouth.
Roger: …? I can eat by myself, lil’ lady.
Kate: Please don’t overwork yourself! I’ll be supporting you throughout your life! 
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Roger: The hell’s gotten into you?
Roger tried to stand up with a puzzled look on his face, and I rushed to stop him.
Kate: Ah, please don’t force yourself to stand!
Roger: I just wanna get a drink…
Kate: I’ll get it for you!
I stood up instead and got Roger a glass of water.
Kate: Here you go Roger.
Roger: Thanks…
Alfons: Good grief…Stop worrying about that muscle-headed, research-obsessed idiot and feed me, little robin?
Kate: …You’re feeling fine, aren’t you Alfons? You don’t need help, do you?
Alfons: I’m certainly feeling rather energized this morning, however…
With the way you’re speaking…You make it sound as if Roger’s not well.
Kate: …
I became depressed as I thought back to yesterday’s conversation.
Roger: …Lil’ lady?
Kate: I heard it yesterday. The conversation between you and Harrison… That your body was so wrecked that you couldn’t stand…!
Roger: Hm? That’s…
Alfons: Oh? I knew you wouldn’t live long but is it finally time to kick the bucket?
Roger: …
At the question, Roger exchanged glances with Harrison and then let out a sigh.
Roger: …Everyone’s gonna wind up six feet under eventually. It just depends on when.
(If you’re not denying it, then it’s true…?)
Kate: Please don’t talk about giving up like that…! I may not understand your condition, but I’ll be supporting you from today onward!
Roger: That’s helpful. Well I got some research I’d like you to help me with now…
Kate: Please leave it to me!
I was helping Roger out with his research like he’d asked and it was approaching midnight.
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Roger: It’s getting late. Why don’t you get back to your room, lil’ lady?
Kate: What about you?
Roger: …I’ll get some rest too.
Kate: Liar. You’re going to keep working, aren’t you?
When I glared at Roger for that impromptu lie, he just shrugged.
Roger: …I got some interesting data so I wanna work on it for a bit longer.
Kate: It’s not like the data’s going anywhere tomorrow and the numbers won’t change. Take it easy and look after yourself.
I forced Roger out of his chair and onto an infirmary bed.
Roger: Are you planning on helping me not just today, but the next day onward too?
Kate: Yes. I’m worried about your health so that’s my intention.
Roger: Heh, your thoughts never fail to surprise me. You’d agree to anything I’d ask you right now, wouldn’t you?
Kate: Is there anything else you want me to do?!
Roger asked me to help with his research today, but…that’s just an extension of how I usually help him.
(If I could do anything for Roger since he’s not physically well…I’d do it)
Roger: Yeah…How about this. Kiss me. Roger grabbed my hand as he sat up in bed.
(Why a kiss…ah)
(If you don’t feel well, then you’ll feel even more lonely or hopeless…)
No doubt the kiss wouldn’t have any special feeling behind it…rather, it’d  just be some physical contact to fill the loneliness.
(Roger’s selfishly kissed me numerous times before)
(No point in rejecting him at this point)
(More importantly, I’d like to help Roger when I can…)
Because I’m standing, I don’t have to go on my tiptoes to kiss him today.
To keep it from getting in the way,I tucked my hair behind my ear with the hand not being held by Roger.
Kate: Nn…
I gave Roger a light peck.
Though it was just a brief, I filled Roger’s heart with all the compassion I could muster.
Roger: Ha…it’s still not enough.
Roger tugged hard on the hand he was holding.
Kate: …Oof
Roger was pushed down onto the bed as he pulled me toward him.
Kate: A-are you alright?! Does it hurt anywhere?
Roger: Nothing hurts so just leave it. That aside, do it again.
Kate: …
At his begging, I pushed Roger down and kissed him again.
This time, his hand went up to the back of my head to keep me from pulling away too soon.
Kate: Nn…haaa…
Roger’s tongue slid into my mouth and tangled with mine.
Breathtaking kisses were something Roger had shown me.
(I don’t know how many more kisses like this I’ll get…)
The thought of it made my heart ache…I continued to kiss Roger to make him happy.
Roger: …You’d really do anything, wouldn’t you?
Roger mumbled as our lips parted.
Roger: Do you do this with anyone you know is weak…?
(I tried to imagine it but…it’d be difficult to do this with anyone but Roger)
(Roger’s touched me before, so it’s a different set of obstacles from others…I think)
Kate: I think it’s normal to want to do things for someone who’s suffering.
Roger: …If that’s the case, then I can’t just go quietly.
Kate: …Huh?
Roger: Who’ll take care of Crown when I’m gone? They could call in a doctor from the outside, but it’d be hard to respond at my speed. And if that does happen, you’d have a lot of weak men lying around you. Don’t wanna put you in a situation where you’d be compassionate toward weak men besides me.
(Are you saying this to protect me…? But…)
Kate: But even if you say that, your body’s already…
Roger: Ah…Think it’s time I cleared up this misunderstanding.
Kate: Misunderstanding…?
Roger: That conversation you heard between Harrison and me was actually about—
~~ Flashback ~~
Roger: …?
Harrison: What’s up?
Roger: Nothing, just heard the lil’ lady’s footsteps…But she turned back.
Harrison: She probably read the air when she saw how serious we looked.
Roger: We weren’t talking about anything important so she could’ve just come in.
Harrison: Not important…Roger, do you really understand the value of this book? It’s a book signed by Edgar Allan Poe and it got ruined by chemicals…! The spine’s falling apart and the chemical’s made the text fade so much it’s unreadable. It couldn’t even stand on its own when I put it on a bookshelf…
Roger: It was a gift, but I got so caught up in my research that I got careless.
Harrison: *sigh*...This is why people only interested in research are nothing but trouble.
~~ End flashback ~~
Roger: So…It wasn’t me that got wrecked but a book.
Kate: Really…?
Roger: Yeah, really. As you can see, I’m healthy as a horse. Sorry for playing around with you without clearing it up right away. Thought it’d be a good excuse to get you to help with some research. I’ll take all your complaints.
Kate: Y-you’re the worst!!
With a singular curse, I ran out and to my room.
After closing the door, I collapsed on the spot.
Kate: That’s a relief… At least Roger isn’t dying…!
Feeling relieved, uncontrollable feelings spilled out in the form of tears.
I ran from Roger because I didn’t want him to see me cry. 
Roger’s voice: …Lil’ lady.
Roger’s voice could be heard from out in the hallway.
Kate: W-what is it? I’m mad at you right now…!
Roger’s voice: I wanna apologize, so open the door.
Kate: Don’t want to…
Roger’s voice: That so. …With the lie I told, I don’t blame you.
I thought Roger would give up once I refused him, but he showed no signs of leaving.
Kate: Um…You’re not going back to your room?
Roger: I’m gonna wait ‘til you open the door for me.
(If you say that, then i have no choice but to open the door…)
I wiped my eyes and opened the door.
Roger: …
Kate: D-did you by chance…hear anything when I came back to my room?
Roger’s curse gave him supernatural hearing.
“At least Roger isn’t dying…”
If he heard me say that as I cried, then my angry act would be all for nothing.
Roger: No? Didn’t hear anything. Anyway, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let that misunderstanding about my life go that far.
Kate: … …You said you lied to get me to help you. So why the kiss?
Roger: You were worrying so much over taking care of me that it was endearing. I wanted to dote on you.
Kate: That wasn’t doting?! I’d call that making things difficult for me!
Roger: Really? I always thought you enjoyed the kisses. If I got the wrong idea then sorry. Let’s try again to be sure.
Kate: Why are you always taking things in that direction!  Do you even actually feel sorry at all?
Roger: I think so…Sorry.
Roger’s sudden, touching apology distracted me from my anger.
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Roger: I won’t lie to you anymore. If me living longer makes you happy, then I’ll do just that.
Kate: I-I knew it. You did hear what I said when I got back to my room!
Roger: Whoops, that’s right. I didn’t hear a thing.
Kate: If you’re going to lie, then go through with it…!
Roger: Pfft…Haha.
Kate: …What are you laughing at?
Roger: Though I love how you look when you cry, I think I also love the way you yell with so much energy. Sorry for worrying you the whole day.
Roger roughly patted my head.
As I begrudgingly looked up at him, I realized that my heart was racing again.
(Roger already heard me say that I was relieved that he wasn’t going to die, but…)
(...I hope he doesn’t notice the sound of my heart racing as he pats my head)
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mysteryshoptls · 10 months
SSR Ace Trappola - Playful Dress Vignette
"I can take my chances as they come"
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Ace's Room]
Ace: I thought Riddle-ryōchō had gotten a bit more lenient, but obviously not.
Ace: "A student's main duty is his schoolwork! To abandon that is completely inexcusable!"
Ace: …Can't believe he'd say something like that, he's more stubborn than anything!
Ace: Man, after I got all excited with planning the outing. Thanks to someone it all went sour.
Deuce: When you say someone… Are you talking about me?
Ace: Who else? What kind of complete bonehead goes and snitches to the Housewarden like that?
Deuce: But- but, we're supposed to tell either the Housewarden or a Professor if we have to be absent…
Deuce: And besides, now that you mention it, it's definitely not a good thing to skip class.
Ace: What do you mean, "now that you mention it"…? Did you think up 'til getting yelled at by the Housewarden that skipping class was okay!?
Ace: So that's, why you just ran to the Housewarden so brazenly… Ugh.
Ace: Why'd I even try to invite someone this stupid in the first place…?
Deuce: Ah!! …Not very honor student of me to shout like that. …I'm gonna go cool off outside.
[door clicks open… slams shut]
Ace: Wh… What's with that guy, why's he the one getting upset!? That really grinds my gears.
Ace: Ughh, I can't deal with this anymore. I gotta finish packing before he gets back.
Ace: I have my phone charger, tissues, breath mints…
Ace: And I guess… I don't need my wallet. They said it's all free, so.
Ace: Last but not least, I definitely can't forget my Playful Land ticket!
Ace: …This should be enough. If I bring too much stuff, it'll just get in the way when I'm trying to have fun.
Ace: All that's left to do is to wake up before the sun rises and get to where we're all meeting, but…
Ace: Now that the Housewarden knows that I'm planning on skipping class, he'll definitely be on the lookout.
Ace: I thought it'd be pretty easy to slip out if I had spent the night at Ramshackle…
Ace: But if I do anything stupid now, it'll be off with all our heads, even [Yuu] and Grim's.
Ace: I already told [Yuu] and Grim not to invite anyone… I can't be the one to screw this up.
Ace: I've finished packing for tomorrow, so… Guess I'll check out possible escape routes!
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Hallway]
Heartslabyul Student A: Hey man, did you hear? Sounds like the Housewarden's in a rage because of Ace.
Heartslabyul Student B: Again~? That first year never learns, huh. So, what's it about this time?
Heartslabyul Student C: I mean… I don't really know all the details. But let's make sure not to set him off any further…
[rabble, rabble]
Ace: Looks like my upperclassmen heard what happened. At least they don't know about Playful Land…
Ace: I bet there'd be a few guys that would turn me in on a dime just to save their own skin, too.
Ace: It'd be bad if they see I'm missing in the morning, so I think I'll treat my roommates to some juice to keep them quiet.
Ace: Man… It's not something I usually notice, but it looks like a bunch of the guys in the dorm use this corridor a lot.
Ace: There's a slim chance that someone might wake up early and see me, so… I guess I'll try to find another route.
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Kitchen]
Ace: Hmmm. Looks like the kitchen doesn’t get much traffic…
Ace: Nice. Looks like this is the best way out!
Ace: If I go outside from that door there… I don't think anyone will notice right?
Ace: It's just dumb just following orders because the Housewarden said no, or just letting him chew me out just for skipping one day of class.
Ace: I ain't a blockhead like some people. I'm way better.
Ace: There's no point to anything if you miss out just 'cause you're trying to follow the rules. I'm gonna make sure I can take my chances as they come.
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[Playful Land - Catch The Star]
―After the Playful Stage Show
Fellow: See now, it's on the horizon: the ride that Grim-kun has been so excited for!!
Vil: Even after all that dancing in the show… This little potato is still rife with energy.
Ace: Huh, you tired already, Vil-senpai?
Vil: Who do you think you're talking to? Seems to me like this little potato has no manners.
Ace: It's not as bad as Expedition Whale, but looks like it's pretty popular regardless. There's a really long line.
Jack: Hm…? But that's…
Grim: Yo, Fellow. I said I wanted to ride on a trapeze swing.
1. This is a bit different… 2. Rather than a swing, it looks more like an umbrella
Fellow: Oh no, this is it, without a doubt. This is our very popular attraction, The "Parasol Swing."
Ace: The swing portion looks like an umbrella, but it's definitely flying through the sky. But why's it shaped like an umbrella?
Jack: Wasn't there that one scene in Wish Upon a Star where the wooden puppet's teacher hung onto a carriage with an umbrella?
Jack: In the book I read, that teacher was a cricket with enough guts to weather both the swaying of the carriage and the dust it kicked up.
Fellow: What vast knowledge you possess! Did you hear, Gidel, his quick and easy explanation!
Gidel: … [nods]
Vil: Ah yes, I do recall seeing some gentlemanly-looking cricket plushes in the shop.
Vil: That must have been the wooden puppet's teacher you mentioned.
Jack: Huh, so they had some plushes of the wooden puppet's teacher? My younger brother and sister both read the book too, so maybe that'd be a good souvenir for them.
Ace: Cool. They got plushes of the cricket from Wish Upon a Star here too, huh~
1. I'm curious what kind of cricket it is. 2. I want to see the plushes.
Ace: Same. Looks like we still got time before it's our turn, so let's go check it out.
Jack: What do you mean, check it out…? If we jump out of line, we'll lose our spot.
Ace: Well yeah, that's if we all go… But as long as one person stays in line, we should be fine, right?
Ace: Soooo… Please and thank you, Vil-senpai! Can you hold the line for us!?
Jack: What!?  You're seriously just asking an upperclassman to wait in line for you?
Ace: But like, Vil-senpai sounded like he was tired after that stage show.
Ace: We're still at the back of the line, and it's pretty shady here, so you won't have to worry about sunburn, and it looks like the flower beds have a lip that you can sit on, too…
Ace: Looks like it's the perfect place to take a break, don'tcha think? I'll make sure to grab you something to drink while we go check out the shops, too!
Fellow: Fahaha! What a thoughtful little student.
Vil: You really are a smooth-talker.
Vil: You're quick on your feet only in specific situations, or rather, you don't show your hand. It's good that you follow your convictions, but…
Vil: Although Trey followed after you in the end, the fact that you still went to slip out of your dorm even after Riddle was on high alert shows just how duplicitous you are.
Vil: I'm so thankful that Pomefiore didn't get anyone as rambunctious as you.
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[Playful Land – Gentle Square]
Grim: That trapeze swing was so fuuun~!
Ace: Yeah, it was a little more thrilling than it looked. And we were able to figure out why it looked like umbrellas by checking out the shop beforehand, too, so that was good.
Ace: Jack and Vil-senpai went off to look at something else, so what should we do?
Grim: Hey, that's the Friendly Fox and the Gentle Cat over there!
Ace: Oh, you're right. They didn't show up to the stage show earlier, so I thought they didn't have live mascots here.
1. I want to see them up close! 2. I want to take a picture with them.
Ace: Ehhh~ Seriously? I got no interest in that whatsoever. You don't care about mascots either, right, Grim?
Grim: I read somewhere that when ya come to an amusement park, ya gotta take a picture with the mascots! I'll do it too!
Ace: Pass. I'm gonna go get in line for the roller coaster again. You guys can do it yourselves.
Guest A: I never thought I'd be able to take a picture with the Friendly Fox and Gentle Cat. This'll make a great memory.
Guest B: Hey, let's upload it to Magicam right away. It's proof that we came to Playful Land!
Ace: Hold on, wait a moment…
Ace: It might be better to upload a picture with those specific mascots to brag to everyone about how I got to come to this amusement park!
1. So that means… 2. Does that mean…?
Ace: Change of plans. It won't take too long to just take one photo, so let's get to it.
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Ace: Woah, the Fox and Cat are coming our way. Eh!?
Friendly Fox: ~♪
Ace: Why's he spreading his arms out wide…? Feels like he's tryin' to be real welcoming.
Gentle Cat: !!
Ace: He's pointing at us, shaking his hips, and swinging his arms left and right… Ah.
Ace: Wait, did you see the stage show earlier? You tryin' to let us know how good we did?
Grim: The Fox and Cat are both nodding their heads. Guess they got an eye for awesomeness!
Ace: Looks like. Up close, this Fox's got real round eyes. He's got a super sincere face, like he could never tell a lie.
Ace: The Cat's real fluffy looking and is constantly smiling. He looks completely harmless and kind.
Ace: Basically, both look like real cool dudes!
Ace: …Hm? Now the Fox and Cat are dancing.
Grim: Oh hey, that's the dance we did earlier on the Playful Stage! Rave-up, up, dum-dee-dum… ♪
Ace: Those too look happy now that Grim started dancing, now… What, they want us to do it too!?
1. Rave-up! Up! ♪ 2. That's a little embarrassing…
Puppet: Dear Guests, You Look Spectacular! I'll Take A Picture Of You In A Rave-Up Pose!
Ace: Hrrrm, at this point, it'd be lame to act embarrassed, so… Guess I just gotta strike that pose, then.
Ace: Mmkay, can you take a pic with my phone?
Puppet: Understood, I Shall Take Your Phone. Alright, Everyone, Strike A Pose… Here We Go. Say Cheese!
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[Playful Land – Bazaar]
Ace: Playful Land's exploding everywhere, and I've been hearing a lot of super sketch noises for a while now…
Ace: But at this rate, we should be able to make it to Crane Port somehow, right?
Ace: Even a boring island like this feels like a sight for sore eyes after a terrifying ordeal like that.
Trey: Seriously, yeah. We're all back home safe thanks to you guys, Ace.
Cater: Yup, yup. Although guess it's a bit uncool of Cay-kun to have to be saves by our juniors~
Ace: Heheh. But c'mon, the only reason we were even able to last that long is all thanks to you guys~
Ace: Oh, yeah. Get a load of this, guys. Something amazing happened a bit ago…
Ace: I even got some praise from Leona-senpai.
Trey: From Leona? Wow, that's unbelievable. Never thought I'd see the say where he'd praise someone so sincerely.
Ace: Right!? Well, I'm a little hesitant to say his praise was sincere, but…
Ace: When I told him how I magically tossed my foxtail souvenir so the puppets would go after it,
Ace: He said… "Sounds like those puppets were more like puppies, huh. How kind of you to toss 'em a bone."
Ace: That's basically his way of showing appreciation, right? …But now that I'm putting it in words, I'm starting to doubt it.
Cater: Yeah, yeah, I totes think he was praising you ☆ You got Floyd-kun saying good things about you, too.
Ace: Huh, Floyd-senpai!?
Trey: Yeah, he said something like… "I didn't have a lick of hope in 'em, but they actually took much longer to get turned into puppets than I thought."
Ace: That doesn't sound like praise to me at all? But I guess that's better than him saying he'd squeeze me…
Ace: Uh, so~ There's something I want to ask…
Ace: If we told him about how I totally had a hand in helping dismantle the evil Playful Land…
Ace: Do you think even Riddle-ryōchō would praise me and say I did a good job…?
Trey/Cater: Nope. / No way.
Ace: Tch, didn't think that'd work.
Trey: Maybe if we had been able to get back before dark, we would have been able to figure out some kid of excuse, but…
Trey: We've been gone pretty much all the night without any kind of notice. I can definitely already see Riddle's face red with rage.
Cater: Yup. I think we all gotta make sure to prepare for the worst…
Ace: Siiigh… I'm way too exhausted from putting in all that work, so it's gonna be a pain to deal with the Housewarden's anger, too...
???: How can you sound so miserable when we're finally able to make it back to campus?
Ace: Ah, Vil-senpai! Did you come here to praise me, too?
Vil: Absolutely not. It looked like the silver-tongued Ace might actually be in distress, so I came to impart some advice.
Ace: Wait, does that mean… You know some way to calm Riddle-ryōchō down!? Please, tell me!
Vil: It's nothing too difficult. The proper solution in these sorts of situations is to…
Vil: Your penchant for making excuses will only irritate Riddle further.
Vil: The best way to receive his forgiveness is to take his ire directly.
Ace: EEEHH!?
Trey: True, Ace has a quick wit and is pretty clever… But I'm pretty sure our best bet this time would be to be honestly apologetic.
Cater: I bet Riddle-kun was super worried about us too~ When we get back, we should all three of us apologize to him together.
Vil: See, third years are fully capable of understanding. Ace, you should also gracefully accept defeat.
Trey: When you deflate like that, it's like all that energy you were bouncing around with since last night was a mirage or something.
Ace: Urgh… But we went through so much. I ain't gonna let it end on a sour note.
Ace: If that's the case, then I'm gonna totally brag about how much fun I had on the attractions and on the stage!
Cater: Ace-chan is really...
Trey: Yeah, he really is stubborn.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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ros3ybabe · 5 months
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Daily Check-in: April 14, 2024 🎀
Hello lovelies! Life is looking better again, but omg was Wednesday thru Saturday morning rough for me. Even last night I was crying my eyes out, but things got better today so I am happy. I want to make a small announcement about the future of my blog: I am changing the theme!! I will still be keeping the pinterest-image, pink, girly aesthetic for my more general posts (lists, routines, etc) but for my daily check ins, I will be using photos I take myself (anonymous surroundings, notes, food/drinks, etc) and colors and emojis that compliment the photos! I have been wanting to change the vibe a bit lately to make it more me, more personal, and I think now is the time to do so! I'm excited to start taking my own photos now, that'll be so fun!!
🩷 What I Accomplished:
washed my sheets, towels, blankets, and comforter
washed and put away all laundry
cleaned the bathroom
packed shoes to ship from my depop shop
cooked chicken fettuccine alfredo from scratch (I made the sauce myself too! it was heavy on the parm and some pieces of chicken were salty, but it was so yummy and rich in flavor!)
planned out some of my week
packed my gym bag for tomorrow (I'm gonna start working out again, I'm nervous)
did my guided journal and morning journal
read 3 chapters of The Untethered Soul (interesting so far, going to keep reading to see how I enjoy it)
wrote out my brain dump for the week
reflected on the week + updated with my accountability buddies
bought groceries (time to make smoothies for breaky this week) and toiletries
🩷 Good Things That Happened:
my pasta was super yummy
had a long phone call with my dad (it was a good talk!)
finally read a physical book and not on my ipad
had such a nice, long shower early this morning
confidently planned goals for the week
my psyc assignment got extended til Wednesday for the whole class
found a recipe for avocado protein smoothie (excited to try it)
🩷 Stuff For Tomorrow
make a breakfast smoothie
gym cardio workout
need to ship shoes I sold
need to complete my homework
studying Spanish (have an italki lesson on April 22nd!!)
read some more
studying chemistry in preparation for my finals
No "what needs to go better" for me today, because today was a really good day. I'm feeling better and life itself is working out the way I knew it would. I just gotta trust in the universe more.
til next time, lovelies 🩷
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chelseachilly · 8 months
my captain
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pairing: reader x ben chilwell summary: literally just fluff celebrating ben leading the team out again and chels winning the semi final 😌 warnings: none word count: 1.7k
author's note: hope you enjoy, literally wrote this in like 30 mins so forgive any typos hahah
In all the years you’ve known and loved Ben Chilwell, it’s never gotten any easier seeing him struggle with injuries. 
It still hurts every time you watch him limp off the pitch, seeing both the physical and emotional pain behind his eyes. But it fills you with unimaginable pride the way he always works relentlessly to return to playing for his club. He never gives up, even when a lot of people would - he hardly even complains, though you’re always there when he needs to vent. 
Truthfully, you’re glad to listen to him and drive him to physio appointments and do everything in your power to make him feel better, because there isn’t really much else you can do. It’s an unfortunate reality of football that there are always going to be injuries, and some players suffer more than others.
These trials and tribulations only make it that much sweeter when you finally get to see your man back to doing what he loves. 
They also make you feel exceptionally proud when your boyfriend comes home from training and tells you that he’s back in the starting lineup for the semi-final against Middlesborough tomorrow, back to captaining the team. 
After you celebrate - which consists of lots of sweet kisses and watching one of Ben’s favourite films, since you can’t properly celebrate the night before a match - you spend the night cuddling and wake up wrapped in Ben’s arms with him pressing kisses to the back of your neck.
“Good morning, baby,” you murmur, reaching back to comb your fingers through his hair. You kind of love how long he’s let it grow out since he’s been in recovery, especially in the morning when it’s all messy and fluffy. “Happy game day.”
“Morning, love,” Ben says, gently guiding you to roll
over and face him. 
You love seeing that familiar twinkle back in his eyes, knowing that he gets to play the game he loves today. 
“You ready for tonight?”
“Mhm,” he mumbles with a kiss to your lips. “I have a good feeling about it.”
“So do I,” you whisper between kisses, shifting closer to him and smiling as his hand slides down your hip and pulls your leg over his. “You’re gonna kill it.”
Ben grins and pulls you even closer, gently nudging your nose with his before diving in for another kiss, then another; then another. You sink into the blissful wake-up he’s giving you, soft moans leaving your lips as his hands roam your body.
Unfortunately, it can’t go much further - both because of his game later, and because you’ve already had a bit of a lie in and you know it’s time to get ready for the day. 
“What time do you have to be at the Bridge?” you ask him as you reluctantly part and rest your chin on his bare chest. 
You’ve gotten used to going to his games together while he’s been out, but now that he’s back to playing and needing to be there early for warmups, you’re going with Alex, Tom, and some of your other friends. 
“Not til five, but I have a haircut scheduled in a couple hours,” he tells you, making you frown slightly. 
“I like your longer hair,” you pout, continuing to run your hand through it. “It’s cute.”
“Sorry, babe, gotta look fresh for my first game back in the starting lineup,” Ben apologizes with another kiss to your pouted lips. “I won’t go too much shorter, promise. Just a trim.”
“You better not,” you murmur against his lips before pulling away, much to his chagrin. “Let’s go make some breakfast, you need fuel for later.”
After you’ve made some smoothies, as well as eggs and turkey bacon for Ben, you enjoy a nice, leisurely breakfast together before facing the day. 
You know you probably won’t have time to see Ben before the game by the time you arrive at the stadium, so you kiss him for luck before he goes. Once he’s got his shoes and jacket on, you wrap your arms around his neck and press your lips to his.
“Good luck tonight, Benji,” you say softly, brushing your thumb over his cheek. “Can’t wait to watch you remind everyone how good you are.”
Ben’s smile doesn’t reach his eyes, and though you know how eager he was to be back, you also know he’s nervous about letting the team and the fans down when they have a chance at a trophy.
“You’re amazing, Ben,” you remind him. “And if you need a reminder of how incredible you are, just look up at your box and you’ll see your biggest fan cheering her arse off for you.”
His grin widens at that, and he squeezes your waist gently. 
“I love you,” he says quietly. “I’ll see you after the game, yeah?”
You nod with a smile. “I love you too.”
Ben pecks your lips one more time and takes one last good look at you, still wearing only his t-shirt and your underwear, before he heads out the door. 
You spend the rest of your day doing some chores around the house until it’s time for you to get ready, doing your hair and makeup before changing into Ben’s jersey and some jeans. You’ve always adored wearing his name on your back, but never more than on nights like tonight. 
Alex comes over a bit before you have to leave, and the two of hang out for a while before catching an Uber to the stadium.
Stamford Bridge is full of life tonight in a way you haven’t really seen in over a year now, and you hope that it’s a good thing - a sign that things are finally starting to turn around for Chelsea. You meet Tom, Harvey, and a few other friends in the hospitality box and catch up over some drinks. 
You all take your seats before the game starts, and your heart swells with pride as you watch Ben lead the team out onto the pitch for the first time in months. 
“Come on, babe,” you whisper under your breath as the whistle blows and play begins.
To your massive delight, what follows is Ben having one of the best games you’ve seen in his career. His passing accuracy is nearly perfect, he nearly scores in the first 15 minutes and sets up the first goal of the match only a few minutes later. You can tell how delighted he is to be back out there as Chelsea scores goal after goal, his pure joy obvious as he celebrates with his teammates. 
In addition to his skill and experience, you can see the impact his leadership is making on this young squad. Nothing makes you prouder than how much time and effort he puts into supporting and encouraging the younger players, and you know how much he loves doing it.
When he’s subbed off in the 65th minute, you’re relieved that he isn’t pushing his limits too soon after coming back, and even more relieved that he’s walking off with a smile on his face instead of pain behind his eyes. 
As he’s clapping the fans on his way to the bench, he blows a kiss up at where he knows you’re sitting. Even though you know he probably can’t see you, you blow one right back. 
The rest of the game passes and Chelsea emerge victorious with six goals to show for it, a very welcome turnaround from the first leg of the semi final. You’re buzzing with excitement to see him, so you and the rest of the group head down to the players lounge shortly after the whistle blows to wait for him.
It takes a bit longer than you’d like for him to do interviews and get changed, but when you finally see him emerge, freshly showered and wearing in his Chelsea joggers and matching hoodie, you run straight toward him.
Ben smiles as soon as he sees you and opens his arms to catch you as you throw yours around his neck and bury your face in his neck.
“Hi, gorgeous,” he murmurs into your hair. “Did you enjoy the game?”
“Of course I did, you were bloody brilliant,” you tell him in no uncertain terms. “And on your first start back? You’re amazing, Ben Chilwell.” 
Ben pulls back, beaming at you with slightly flushed cheeks.
“It’s all cause of you, you know,” he says quietly, thumbs stroking your waist. “I wouldn’t have the strength to keep going every time without you. Every game, every time I wear the armband, every time I score a goal, it’s all for you.”
You don’t necessarily agree with him, since you think he’s one of the strongest people you know and you wouldn’t dare take credit for any of his success, but his words are so sweet that you can’t possibly dispute them.
“I’m so happy you’re back, baby,” you tell him softly, running your fingers through his hair that you’re grateful he didn’t get cut much shorter. “Oh, and that absolutely should’ve been a penalty in the first half. And giving Misha a yellow for complaining? I don’t know what that ref was thinking.”
Ben chuckles, obviously not overly fussed about it since they won comfortably in the end, but loving your passion for the game as always.
“I love you so damn much,” he grins, not giving you the chance to reply before grabbing your face and kissing you lovingly. 
You kiss him back with just as much affection, sinking into his warmth.
“Love you too, captain,” you smile after pulling away, squeezing his bicep where the armband rested earlier. “Now, let’s go home. I bet you need a rest after that.”
Ben nods gratefully, obviously exhausted from the most minutes he’s played since September, and wraps his arm around your shoulders so you can make your way over to bid your friends goodbye. His hand lightly grazes his last name on your back as you speak with them, never getting tired of seeing you wear it.
It’s nearly midnight by the time you get home and get ready for bed, curling up under your comfy duvet and reaching out for Ben immediately. 
As your arms and legs tangle and your head finds its place on his chest, you murmur how proud you are of him one more time before drifting off into a blissful sleep.
a/n: please let me know what you thought, your feedback makes my day!! 😊
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
soap comforting you as ghost punishes you for (yet another) escape attempt, holding your face in his hands, giving you soft kisses and telling you how it's gonna be ok, he had to learn the hard way too, but simon's just doing what's best, he always knows whats best, and if you just stick with it like johnny did and keep taking it like a good girl you can be just as happy as johnny is, as simon beats your ass raw with a heavy leather belt.
ok i had to sit on this one for a few hours because oh my fucking god. oh my fucking GOD. this is so hot. idk who you are but we are getting married and i expect to see you at the courthouse tomorrow morning so dont be late.
im having heart palpitations over this. all the same cw for the fic (plus punishment spanking with a belt) below the cut.
You're shaking, chest heaving and knees weak as Johnny drags you behind him. You try to beg, to plead for him to let you go and to make him understand but he refuses, just scowls and growls out, "Stop throwin' a hissy fit. You shouldnta ran, you knew that. What happens now is all yer own fault."
He takes you into the bedroom, tugs you forward and shoves you onto the bed, then gets in behind you and hugs you tightly to him. He's unwilling to let you go as he worms his way into the position he wants, wiggling with just his legs to help until he's propped up on the headboard with you between his thighs. He doesn't move to comfort you or soothe your cries, just listens as you whine and sob.
Eventually Simon comes in, looking angry. You thought you had seen him mad before but now... this is another level. It's something you had spotted in Johnny when he first found you, the primal rage clear in his eyes, but it rides Simon's entire body. If you hadn't known you'd fucked up already, Simon's form would've told you.
He's literally shaking in rage. His hands are balled into fists, but there's a little tremor there.
His strides to the bed are quick, and he's got your neck in a tight grip before you realize he's on his way. He yanks you forward, nearly out of Johnny's arms, and growls right in your face. "Back where you fucking belong, huh pet?"
You can only shiver, too spooked to answer. He scoffs, shoves you away and leans back on his heels. "You did good, Johnny. You'll get your reward later, yeah?"
Johnny's still tense, every line of him beneath you hard and rigid. "Yes, sir."
Simon stares you down for a moment, then blows out a harsh breath through his noise and reaches down to begin unbuckling his belt. "Flip her over, Johnny. Want you to hold her still for her punishment."
Johnny's moving to follow his orders before they're even finished, flipping you with ease and pressing down on your lower back to keep you pinned.
"Hng-!" you grunt, trying to push up and away from sheer panic, but Johnny's not having it. He lands a powerful blow on your ass, shocking you into staying still long enough for him to grab your chin and yank up so you're looking at him.
"Gotta take your punishment, baby," he murmurs, eyes softening just the slightest bit at your panic-stricken face. "It'll all be over once you take it, yeah? We'll forgive you after."
"Johnny," you whine, hands coming up to scrabble at his chest as you feel the bed shift to one side. He makes a little tsk sound, grabs both your wrists and forces them to the small of your back, holding them there with one hand and stroking your cheek with the other.
"Hush, now.. No more talkin' til Simon says."
There's another harsh blow to you ass, this one stronger and from Simon. You can't stifle your yelp at the immediate ache. "Tell me why you're in trouble."
You can only sniffle, trying to yank your chin away from Johnny to bury your face in his chest. He doesn't let you.
Another smack. "C'mon, girl. Tell me why you're in trouble. You don't want to make me ask again."
You jolt a little at that, slightly reinvigorated in your squirming until Johnny's hold tightens to an almost painful point. You finally try to gasp out an answer. "I-I left, I wasn-wasn't supposed to leave."
There's a snarl from behind you, another smack. "You ran away. Good girls don't fucking do that. Anythin' coulda happened out there, coulda fuckin' died without us there. That what you want?" smack "Huh? Answer me, you rather die than be with us, pet?"
"No!" you sob, hips wriggling. "No, no! 'm sorry!" You're nearly wailing, the anticipation for your punishment driving you insane. You can't hold back the sobs.
"Calm down," Simon grunts, a heavy hand coming to push between your shoulder blades. "Panic'll only put the punishment off. Let's just get this over with, yeah sweetheart?"
You whine in reply, blinking a little to clear your vision and staring deep into Johnny's eyes. There's a stillness in the room for a moment, it feels like time completely stops as they give you a second to come back to yourself.
"Count them," Simon commands after you breathe evenly a few times. Your eyes furrow just a bit, Johnny's lips quirking up, and you hear a loud sound of something swinging through the air before your backside erupts in pain.
You practically scream, attempting to shoot away from Johnny. He's ready for you, muscling you back into place on top of him. He locks his ankles on top of yours, holds your legs down so you have no leverage.
There's another blow landed before you've fully realized what's happening. You let out a high shout again, eyes squeezed shut in pain as you're forced to just lay still and take it.
"Count, lass," Johnny murmurs, free hand stroking over your head far too softly considering how roughly he holds the rest of you.
Another blow, another shout, and in the short space between another you call out "Th-three! Three!"
There's a grunt from behind you, a hand stroking over one of your cheeks that has you yelping and trying to jerk away despite it's softness. "No. Start over."
Another blow. You wail in pain, sucking in just enough air to shout, "One!"
"Good. Again."
Another blow. They feel endless, you shouting and crying out in pain until it feels like your throat is bleeding, interspersed with what feel like empty comforts from Johnny.
"You're alright, lass, you can take it."
"I know, I know it hurts, bonnie. You'll be alright, you're taking it so well."
"What number?"
"Five! Five, please, stop I can't-!"
"Simon's takin' real good care of you, baby. Just gotta teach you a lesson, yeah? Teach you what you did wrong."
"It's scary, isn't it? It's ok, you can handle it. Be a good girl for us now."
"S... seven, oh god-"
"Hush, you just have to let it happen. It gets better, you'll see. Simon'll show you."
"Eight... eight, please, I can't take it... I can't..."
"You can. I did it too, lass. It's hard, I know, but it's good. It feels so good once it makes sense."
"Just gotta go through it - no way past but through, yeah? You're being so good, baby, takin' your punishment so good."
You hear something fall to the ground behind you and Johnny's hands release your wrists, reaching up to your arms so he can pull you up and tuck you beneath his chin, shushing you as you sob.
"There you go, love, you did it. Hush, now, it's ok, it's ok. You took it so well, such a strong girl for us."
"Johnny," Simon rumbles from behind you, and without further instruction he turns you a little away from his body, forces your head towards Simon. "Tell me why you were punished, sweetheart."
You can't make anything more than a noise of pain, the ache in your ass feeling like it's sunk to your very bones. Johnny makes a soothing noise in his chest, pets a hand through your hair.
"I..." you gasp a little, hiccupping. "I ran away. I'm not supposed to.. not supposed to run away."
"That's right," Simon cooed, all hostility and anger just gone from his voice. He reached for you and you couldn't help but flinch away, desperate to hide back in Johnny's neck. "No, don't hide from me, love. You took your punishment. It's over now, I'm not angry anymore."
You shake your head a little, unable to believe what he's saying. You're still locked in a haze of adrenaline, limbs shaking as they wait for more pain. There's a sigh from next to you, then strong arms wrapping around both you and Johnny. You can't hold back your little yelp, arms curling more tightly where they're wrapped around Johnny's neck.
Both of you are pulled to Simon's chest, his hand stroking from your head all the way down your back. His hand passes over your ass each stroke, and as time passes you flinch a little less each time. Your breathing is still unsteady, little whines creeping out of your throat every few gasps, but your heartrate slows and you relax little by little as there's no more pain.
"There, that's a good girl," Simon hums above you, hand not pausing it's trek down your spine. "You took my belt so well, did so good for me. Not gonna run away again, are ya?"
You shake your head with all the energy left in you, whining "No," in fear he hadn't understood your movement.
"That's right. Cause if you do, it'll be thirty with the belt."
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focsle · 2 years
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"Here I am scribbling nonsense [in] when I should be engaged in the more useful [and] occupation of washing out some very dirty clothes of which I am the happy owner so with the permission of the reader if I am so fortunate as to have one I will once more haul taut + belay." - William Douglass Buel, whaler on the bark Wave, 1856
Since I am unable to do my heaps of laundry today because someone has inconsiderately monopolized AAAAALL the machines, it's time to write a post about whaleship laundry day to quell my fury!
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"A person unused to the sight of the ship would take the Old Lucy Ann for a ready made clothing store, the rigging being hung full of wet clothing" wrote John Martin of his ship on laundry day in 1842.
As always, laundry was a dreaded task but also an absolutely necessary one, especially given how begrimed (or as one whaler put it, 'beshit') things would get on a whaler. William Abbe, a greenhand on the Atkins Adams in 1858, most viscerally described the mess that came from the work:
"To turn out at midnight and put on clothes soaked in raw oil. To go on deck and work for Eighteen hours among blubber—slipping + stumbling on the sloppy decks til you are covered from crown to heel with oil—eating with oily hands oily grub—drinking from oily pots til your mouth and lips have a nauseating oily luster—turning in for a few hours sleep — after wiping off your bare body with oakum to take off the thickest of the oil"
So you gotta clean that shit! 'Clean'. A relative sort of word.
First, whalers soaked their dirty clothes in the communal urine barrel, as the ammonia content of stale urine was one of the few things strong enough on board to start to cut through the grease. Sometimes the clothes would be towed behind the ship afterwards to rinse them, but that wasn't always the case. Rainwater was also collected in anticipation of wash day to have fresh water to rinse with. With this fresh water, a lye was also made using the ashes and crispy blubber scraps come from the trying out process. The deck would be washed in a similar way after trying out a whale, often using a combo of urine, lye, and sand. J.E. Haviland, of the Baltic in 1857 described the laundry work that he had never expected to be doing himself:
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"Tomorrow all hands are to wash out their clothes with the ashes made from the scraps These ashes are put in a cask and then pour fresh water in the cask + this makes a very strong Lye which might take all the grease and slush out of the clothes without applying any soap. I have some 12 pieces to wash but I think I can do it as quick and as well as any wash woman. If any one had of told me two years ago I should be obliged to wash my own clothes, say nothing about mending then I should have thought them a fool. But man proposses + God disposses."
Whaling wife Almira Gibbs, who accompanied her family (Captain and young son) aboard more than one whaler had her own recipe for soap, despite Haviland's assertion that it wasn't necessary:
"1 lb castile soap 1 1/4 lb soda 6c worth borax add 5 pts water and let it simmer till it is all dissolved, take it off and add 9 pts water and let it cool."
Whaling wives aboard also complained about laundry and the difficulty of doing it aboard ship. The moldering of clothes in such a damp environment, the constant roll of the vessel sometimes overturning one's tub or making ironing dangerous, having to wait for rainfall for fresh water, and a sunny day for actually performing said wash, were constant features in wives' laments. Mary Lawrence, aboard the Addison in 1860 sarcastically wrote about her laundry attempt thwarted by the weather one July.
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July 30 A wonderful circumstance. When we were called this morning, the sun was shining bright. “Now for a washing day,” thought I, “if it is Saturday.” So I went to work; had a large wash, it being four weeks since I had had one before. Just as I got about half through, the fog came thicker than I ever saw it before. I was obliged to put my white clothes in soak and dry the colored clothes in the cabin.
She also mentioned her young daughter Minnie who "took her little tub and washed her dog's bedclothes, for Jip has had a bed all the season that had to be made up like anybody's bed".
Sighting whales at any point would also put an interruption to the wash. This photo taken aboard the Sunbeam by Clifford Ashley in his brief 1904 research trip shows men hoisting up the whaleboats after taking a small whale, their Sunday laundry still hanging between the davits.
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I'll close with whaling wife Mary Brewster's description of a wash day following the trying out of a whale on her husband's ship Tiger, one winter day in Magdalena Bay 1847.
"Calm pleasant weather. Employed in sewing till 4 this afternoon, when I went on deck, where I found every part, and everything about, very nice and clean. The sailors all washing up their dirty clothes, both trypots full boiling in ley [lye] and the rigging hung full. A few garments floating which had taken flight overboard to save washing. All presented a lively spectable and I could say with all hands, farewell to Greybacks [lice]."
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vintageshanny · 10 months
Play Something For Me - Part 7 - Over the Rainbow
Content: Ruby and Elvis enjoy a sweet and smutty Thanksgiving in 1973 that involves a leather suit with rainbow fringe. 18+
Thank you to @peaceloveelvis for inspiring me with this pic of leather rainbow fringe pants that I didn’t know existed. And eternal gratitude to my lovely friends who’ve cheered me on in writing this series! 😘 @whositmcwhatsit @ellie-24 @be-my-ally @thatbanditqueen @lookingforrainbows @from-memphis-with-love @missmaywemeetagain @powerofelvis @arrolyn1114
If you need to catch up, here’s the series page:
Play Something For Me
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Wednesday, November 21st, 1973
“But mom, I wanna go with you! It’s not fair!” Ella’s chocolate-brown eyes glazed over with tears as she pleaded her case. “Oh, honey, I know. There’s nothing I can do, it’s your father’s turn for Thanksgiving this year. But Elvis was very insistent that we both come for Christmas, so you’ll get to see Graceland then.” Ruby rubbed Ella’s back as she embraced her, soothing away the tears while she tried to hold her own nerves at bay.
After the week Elvis had spent in St. Louis at Halloween, he’d had to go back to Memphis to “take care of some business,” as he put it. The times they’d spent together so far had been in a sort of cocoon of love. Now she’d be entering his home and his normal daily life, whatever that entailed. After his comment about wanting her to move in, she felt a little terrified at how the visit would go.
A car horn honked outside, and Ruby gave Ella one last reassuring squeeze. “I love you, Ella-bella,” she murmured. “I’ll tell you all about Graceland when you come home on Sunday.” “You better,” Ella said with a small smile, trying to will herself into a better mood. “And I love you too.”
With Ella safely picked up, Ruby turned her attention back to her closet so she could finish packing for the long weekend. “What exactly does one wear for Thanksgiving at Graceland?” she muttered under her breath as she surveyed what looked to her like a bunch of frumpy “mom” dresses. “I wonder if I have time to alter anything…” she continued her one-way conversation when the phone interrupted her thoughts with its shrill tone.
“Hey, sweet red Ruby,” the unmistakable timbre sent butterflies swarming through her belly. “Elvis! It’s you!” Ruby squeaked out nervously. “Course it’s me baby, ya got another man callin’ ya?” he asked with a hint of suspicion in his voice. “No, no, sorry, I’m just…nervous about tomorrow,” Ruby admitted. Elvis’ tone softened instantly. “W-w-why ya nervous honey? It’s jus’ me. You ain’t never gotta be nervous or scared ‘round me.” Ruby cleared her throat a little bit. “Yeah, I know, I just hope I fit in there with you, in your home,” she said with an anxious sigh. “Ruby honey, ya ain’t gotta worry ‘bout that. Ya already know we fit together perfectly. In every way,” he added, and Ruby could almost see his cheeky grin right through the phone line as a flush rose on her face and a strained little whimper escaped her lips. Elvis laughed and teased, “Red Ruby, wait til ya get here so I can see the look on your face when ya make those noises.” Then he added more seriously, “I can’t wait ta see ya, honey. I miss ya so much.” Ruby’s heart melted right down and warmed her entire body. “Me too, baby.”
Ruby landed at the airport in Memphis at 11:18 Thursday morning with all the other last-minute Thanksgiving travelers. She bit down on her lip nervously as she looked around for Charlie, who she knew Elvis was sending to pick her up. She’d met Charlie in Las Vegas and he was sweet enough, although maybe a little desperate for Elvis’ approval. She inwardly chuckled, thinking how Elvis’ entourage probably thought the same about her. Charlie was polite but quiet on the drive to Graceland, as if he sensed her nerves and didn’t want to say anything that might escalate them.
Ruby gasped a little bit as they pulled up to the famed music note gate. She’d seen pictures of the house in magazines, but it was even more beautiful in person. She somehow felt Elvis’ aura and energy the moment they started up the driveway, and the nerves and excitement intensified as they parked and headed for the door. “We’ll go in the back ‘cuz he’s probably in the den waitin’ for ya,” Charlie explained. Ruby nodded anxiously and followed.
As she walked through the door and into a room filled with interesting furniture and an actual waterfall along the wall, she only had eyes for her beautiful man, who was sitting in a high-backed chair, holding court with his loyal subjects. He was talking and laughing, and his warm energy called to her. As soon as he laid eyes on her, he jumped to his feet and swooped her up in a big hug. “Ever’one, this is my sweet red Ruby,” he declared proudly, showing her off like a shiny new car. Most of the guys she recognized from Las Vegas, but she was introduced to some girlfriends and wives, plus a couple other employees. “Imma take Ruby on a tour,” Elvis said with a little wink as he grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the basement steps. As they walked away, she could swear she heard someone remark, “It’s nice to see someone closer to his age.” Elvis must have heard it too because his grip tightened slightly, but he chose to ignore it for now.
“Will I get to meet Lisa?” Ruby asked as they walked down the stairs and turned right. She could see Elvis’ jaw tighten and his eyes turn stormy. “Naw, baby, Cilla is bein’ a –” Elvis caught himself and blinked slowly, trying to calm down. “Cilla won’t let her come home til Christmas,” he said, his eyes dropping sadly. Ruby wrapped her arms around him in a comforting embrace. “I’m sorry, Elvis,” she said softly. “I know how hard it is to be without your baby at the holidays. I guess the silver lining for us is that we have some time alone right now.” Elvis glanced up at her face quickly, his sad expression turning playful. “And what did ya have in mind for the alone time, Miss Ruby? Hmm?” he questioned teasingly.
“Well,” Ruby murmured with a deep blush, “I did notice the first stop on the tour is this big couch.” She nodded toward the long couch right behind Elvis. “And you’re here looking so sexy like this,” she added as she fully took in his outfit for the first time. Along with his usual assortment of rings and necklaces, he was wearing a brown leather jacket with long rainbow-colored fringe over a green button-down shirt. His leather pants matched the jacket, rainbow fringe and all. “Ya like it? I thought it felt like a Thanksgiving thing,” he said, his crooked grin lighting up his face. Ruby had to hold back a giggle at how cute he was to try to dress on theme for the holiday. “I love it, Elvis, there’s no one quite like you,” Ruby said, letting her hands drop and her fingers run ever so lightly over the soft bulge in his leather pants, causing a shiver to run though him. “I should hope not,” he said, smiling, resting one large hand on her shoulder, his warm fingers gently brushing the bare skin of her neck.
“You look very beautiful yourself, sweet Ruby,” Elvis said as he took her in, his eyelids seeming to grow heavy with lust. Ruby beamed, happy that she had chosen the right thing to wear - a burgundy sweater dress with a short flared skirt and a scoop neckline with a drawstring bow. Elvis’ fingers’ moved a little lower down her neck until they were tracing the neckline of her dress, running gently over her cleavage. The mixture of the warmth of his hand and the cool metal of his rings raised goosebumps on her skin. “This little dress is giving me some thoughts,” he whispered lowly as he gave the drawstring a little tug, the bow coming undone and the fabric gaping open a little bit. Elvis bent down and started pressing wet kisses to the exposed area of her chest, little moans coming from both of them. “Oh, baby, you’re makin’ me weak in the knees,” Elvis chuckled. “Let’s sit down for a minute.”
Sitting was the last thing on either of their minds though as Elvis pulled Ruby onto his lap on the couch and explored her mouth, her ear, her neck, and her chest with his tongue. He pulled the front of her dress and the cup of her lacy bra down a little more until one of her breasts was exposed. As he grazed his teeth lightly over her nipple and then sucked it into his warm mouth, flicking it with his tongue, Ruby couldn’t help but instinctually grind down onto his package that had grown so hard she wasn’t sure how it hadn’t burst right through the leather. She hoped the breathy moans from the two of them weren’t wafting up the stairs, but Elvis didn’t seem worried. “Goddamn, baby, I’ve missed ya,” he moaned out as Ruby leaned in and bit softly on his lower lip, then ran her tongue over it. She reached down between them and rubbed her hand back and forth over his bulge, the friction becoming too much for him to bear. “Oh, damn, Ruby, I-I-I love ya baby,” he said with a shudder as she suddenly felt a damp warmth beneath her hand. “I love you too, Elvis,” Ruby whispered as she laid her hand over his chest, feeling his racing heartbeat trying to return to its normal rhythm.
“EP, it’s almost turkey time!” a voice shouted down from upstairs. “Shoot, what am I gonna do ‘bout my pants?” Elvis muttered, looking down at where a sticky wet spot had soaked right through the leather. “I’ll have ta sneak up and change. Baby, can you go up and tell ever’one to wait for me in the dining room?” “Of course,” Ruby smiled as she stood up and straightened out her dress, re-tying the neckline and leaning over to give him a kiss on the cheek before going back upstairs.
Twenty minutes later, everyone had gathered in the dining room for a Thanksgiving feast and Elvis appeared wearing the same jacket but with some black pants. Nancy, one of the cooks who Ruby had been briefly introduced to earlier, brought in a platter of food and looked at Elvis in surprise. “Mr. Elvis, you were so excited about your outfit! Why’d ya change your pants?” Elvis’ face turned red as he stumbled for an answer. Joe started snickering. “I think Elvis needs to know how to get something sticky out of leather. Any tips, Nancy?” Elvis gave Joe a glare that could freeze hell over, but all the guys seemed to have trouble holding back their laughter. Especially when Nancy chimed in with, “You didn’t get syrup on your pants again, did ya?”
Sitting at Elvis’ side, Ruby could feel her face burning red as she realized everyone probably could hear them in the basement. Elvis looked a bit embarrassed too, but Ruby’s presence had a way of lightening his mood. He just leaned in and whispered loudly, “Ignore these assholes Ruby.” Then he dropped his voice so only she could hear. “We’ll go up to my soundproof bedroom later and do whatever you want.” Ruby blushed again and smiled broadly at him as he winked at her. He always made her feel comfortable and protected.
After a delicious dinner, some of the guys went to the basement to play pool, but Elvis sat down and started playing gospel songs on the piano. A few others joined in singing, and Ruby leaned at the edge of the piano, watching Elvis’ passionate face as memories from long ago washed over her. As he started playing “If I Loved You,” he looked up and caught her eye with a big grin, causing her to blush and look away. She knew they were both picturing her kneeling between his legs at the piano bench fifteen years ago. Ruby could feel her pulse quicken at the thought. If only no one else was around, she’d do it all again. She thought about how soft and smooth he felt when she rolled his foreskin up and down, the inviting way his head peeked out when he was fully hard, how sensitive it was when she touched her tongue to it…her chest was starting to heave with all these fantasies racing through her mind, all while staring at this most perfect of faces. As if sensing her desire, Elvis announced they were going to turn in for the night and thanked everyone for celebrating with him. He grabbed Ruby’s hand and showed her the way to the master bedroom.
“I know what you were thinkin’ ‘bout red Ruby,” Elvis teased once they were alone. “You were thinking the same thing!” Ruby protested, swatting at his arm. Elvis smiled so big that his cute dimple flashed at her. “Maybe,” he said. “I was thinkin’ of somethin’ else though, too.” “What’s that?” Ruby asked. “I was thinkin,” Elvis said as he ran his hands down her sides and gently squeezed her waist, “that I wanna lick your pretty little kitty again. I like knowin’ I’m the first man that ever did that to ya.” “You’re the only man,” Ruby corrected as she reached up and stroked his cheek softly. “I have a few firsts with you, but I don’t think you have any with me,” she said, her voice sounding a little bit sad. Elvis looked at her in surprise. He gave her forehead a tender kiss before he spoke.
“Baby, you’re the first woman I’ve been with where I feel like ya want to spend time with me just as much as I do with you. Not spend money or get your name in the papers or any of that, but just spend time with me and and enjoy me and love me for who I am. You’re interested when I talk to ya, you’re affectionate with me all the time, ya never say ya need a break from me, you accept me completely. That’s a first for me, and probably the most important first there is.” Ruby looked up at him, her eyes misty with emotion. “Well, any woman who doesn’t see what a special person you are, even without the money and fame, must be crazy. But that’s okay, because now I get to be the lucky one.”
“You sure do, baby, and let me show ya just how lucky.” Ruby squealed with delight as Elvis tossed her on the bed so he could get to work worshipping her with his tongue.
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final-girl96 · 11 months
Broken World: Chapter One
I was sitting beside my best friend, Daryl Dixon. I had just graduated high school and was getting ready to start college that was an hour away. We were sitting on the bank beside the creek that runs through the woods behind his house. "Ya really want to go off to college?"
Daryl had dropped out of high school his sophomore year, claiming school was useless. He was a smart man, but more street smart than book smart. He knew everything about survival, cars, and motorcycles. Of course, he was also five years older than me, but that never got in the way of us being friends.
We met on the playground when we were kids. I was only seven and he was twelve. Two boys were making fun of me, pushing me back and forth, knocking me to the ground. That's when Daryl stepped in, punching both of them before helping me up. He made sure I was okay then walked me home. Ever since that day we've been inseparable.
"Yes, Daryl, I'm sure I want to go off to college," I said, throwing a rock into the creek. "Why can't ya just go to the Community College?" He asked, head tilted down, picking at the dirt with a stick. "Because I don't want to be stuck in this town my whole life. I'll still be living at home, so it's not like you're not going to see me." I nudged him, and he finally looked at me.
"What's this really about?" I asked. He brought his hand up to bite the side of his thumb, and I pushed it back down, holding it between both my hands. "Daryl, what's going on?" I asked. "Merel went back to jail last night." That's not a shocker. Merle was always in and out of jail. He was in and out of Juvie when he was a teenager, too. Dealing and doing drugs, getting into bar fights. He had a short fuse, and that got him in trouble a lot.
"What was it for this time?" I asked. "Failed his drug test for parol." I nodded my head and hummed. "Did your dad come home from the cabin yet?" He shook his head, "Nah. He's still up there with his buddies. He can stay there for all I care." Daryl's dad wasn't a great man. He was an abusive drunk.
He always had bruises on his from where his dad would hit him. There were times that it would be so bad that he was left with permanent scars. His dad has burned him with cigarettes and beaten him with whatever he could grab. I've cleaned him up, cleaning his cuts and bandaging him up on late nights. I've even let him sleep on my floor some nights, making sure he was gone in the morning before my dad or stepmother woke up.
We sat in silence for a while, as we usually do. I had let go of his hand and laid my head on his shoulder. "Maybe we should just run away," I said. The only response I got from Daryl was a grunt. He's never been a very talkative person, and that was okay with me. It started to get darker, and Daryl walked me home, like he always does.
My dad was never fond of me being friends with Daryl. He knew his dad back in high school and said he wasn't always like he is now. But everyone in this town looks down on the Dixon's. More Merle and Will, but they still put Daryl down and assumed he was just like his father and brother. Some people were kind to him, like Mr. Lawson, who owned the only garage in town. He's always been nice to Daryl and gives him a job when he needs it.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked. Daryl was looking down at the ground, biting his lip. "Earth to, Dixon." I waved my hand in front of his face. "Hmm?" He hummed, looking up at me. "See you tomorrow?" He nodded, looking behind me at the house. "I'm workin' at the garage until three so it won't be til then," he said. "Okay, that's fine. Maybe I'll stop in around lunchtime and bring ya something," I said.
"Ya ain't gotta do that." I rolled my eyes at him. "I want to, Daryl. You're my best friend. My only friend." He scoffed at that, "you got other friends. I better go before your dad comes home." I nodded my head and gave him a hug before he turned and walked across the street.
The next day, I did exactly what I said I was going to do. I stopped by the sub shop and got Daryl and I both lunch before heading to the garage. I walked in through the door where the front desk was, Mary sat behind it. Mary was Mr. Lawson's wife. "Well, hello, yn. How are you today, baby?" I smiled at her and walked up to the counter.
"I'm good. How are you doin' Mrs. Lawson?" I asked her. The Lawson's were a nice older couple. Always understanding and helping those in need. "I'm alright. You here for Daryl?" She asked, and I nodded my head. "I am. I brought him lunch," I said, holding up the bag in my hand. "Go on back. He's working on Frank Dawson's truck." I thanked her and walked back into the garage itself.
I found the red Chevy pickup and walked over to it. It was jacked up, and Daryl was looking under it. "Hard at work, I see." Daryl's head snapped to the side so hard I was sure he gave himself whiplash. "What the hell ya doin' here?" He asked, coming out from under the truck, pulled a red rag from his back pocket, and wiped his hands off. "I told you I was going to come by with lunch." I said, holding the bag up.
"Ya didn’t…" I held my hand up to stop him. "Don't even say it. Now come on, let's go out back to the picnic table and eat, Dixon!" I turned on my heel and walked to the door that went out back of the shop. I sat down and pulled the subs out. "Come on, sit down and eat!" I told him. He sighed and sat down across from me. I pulled out the sodas and put them down between us.
"So, how has your day been so far?" I asked, opening my sub. Daryl just shrugged. He was a man of few words. But that was okay because it was never an awkward silence between us. "Wanna hang out after you shift? My dad and Cheryl are going to be going out of town along with her little brats. So I'm all yours to "corrupt." Daryl rolled his eyes at me and scoffed. "I ain't the one doin' the corrupting."
I lightly kicked his leg with my foot, "Hey! I am an angel, thank you very much!" He scoffed around a mouth full of food. "An angel of hell," he said. I gasped, put my hand on my chest, and batted my eyelashes. "That is the nicest thing you've ever said about me!" A small smile grew on his face, and I could tell he was trying to keep it from getting bigger. "You're ridiculous."
"Maybe. But ya love me. I mean, come on, what would you do without me? Who else would annoy you?" He shook his head, and we finished eating. "What time should I expect you to be picking me up?" I asked as we made our way back inside. "What do ya wanna do? Ain't much to do in this shithole town," he said. I shrugged, "I don't know. We'll find something to do like we always do. Maybe you can sneak me into the bar, and I can find you a girlfriend!"
"Ain't happenin' so forget about it." I groaned, rolling my eyes at uim. "Come on, Daryl, live a little. I can totally find you a girlfriend!" I said. He threw our trash away and walked back into the garage. "Don't need no girlfriend. Dealin' with you is enough." My mouth dropped open with a gasp. "Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean? You're the one that picked me to be your best friend!"
"I didn't do shit," he grumbled. I knew he was just teasing by the small smirk on his face. "You saved me. That automatically made me your best friend. You're stuck with me for the rest of your life. Whether you like it or not!" I said, poking his arm. "Great. Now get outta here. I'll think about pickin' ya up around five." I gave him a side hug and kissed his cheek. "Can't wait!" Then I left and went back home.
Truth be told…I have a huge crush on my best friend; I have for a couple of years now. But I'm only seventeen, and he's twenty-two. Besides, there would be no way in hell that he would ever like me like that. He probably sees me as that annoying little sister. But I could dream, right?
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be-my-ally · 1 year
Stay Another Night
it’s been a busy week so just a fluffy mini fill for a lil prompt:
“Isn’t that mine?”
sequel to ‘do you mind?’ and 'the morning after’
warnings: none except the fact there is no smut, no kissing, no ... anything really, just fluffy set-up for another night together.
wc: 1.6k
as always!! thanks for the support + encouragement @whositmcwhatsit @thatbanditqueen @ellie-24 @vintageshanny @missmaywemeetagain @from-memphis-with-love
“I gotta go,” You stretch on the bed as you say it, and Elvis pauses where he’s getting dressed, 
“Okay, honey,” He continues getting his clothes on, humming to himself. 
“I really gotta go in a minute,” His fingers stop where they’re buttoning his shirt, and he glances over at you, as if your repetition has made him focus.
“Oh, uh, are you sure?” Your lips purse in a happy half-smile, one where you’re not willing to let your face show its true emotions. 
“Pretty sure. It’s almost midday - ‘ve got things to do today.” He smiles at you, almost bashfully, as if he can hear your reluctance, or at your determination being undermined by your lack of movement. 
“Of course, honey, whatever you say,” You drag yourself to sit upright, 
“I mean it! It was really nice of you to let me stay last night, and for uh, this morning, but I am gonna have to leave soon.” 
“Sure,” He shrugs, “- or you could hang with us today? I’ve got an interview but then ‘m just waitin’ around ‘til our flight tomorrow.” He offers the information as if it’s nothing, so nonchalant about it all, but you can feel your eyes widen, 
“No - no, honestly, you’ve done too much already; practically rescuing me last night and all.” He smiles but turns back to the dressing table mirror, combing his hair - again. 
“It was my pleasure sweetheart,” You lock eyes in the mirror, “pretty thing like you shouldn’t have been left all on her lonesome anyway.” You squirm at the compliment, unable to deny the effect that him speaking to you like that physically had. He comes around the side of the bed, fully dressed now, leaning over you. 
“Hey,” He presses a kiss to your cheek, “Please, sweet thing, I want you to stay - just for the day.” You can feel your reservations crumbling. 
“Well… ok then, but I’ll need to run out while you’re doing whatever it is you have to do for an interview,” He frowns, 
“Oh c’mon doll, it’ll only take half hour. Don’t want you to spend a moment longer away from me.” His finger moves in little circles on your chest, just above the embroidered patch on the pocket, his eyes pleading with you. How anyone has ever managed to refuse him is beyond you. All you can do is nod and agree. He kisses both your cheeks and then your forehead as a reward, and somehow, even though he didn’t even make contact with your lips you’re left in a daze again. 
Thus you find yourself here, hours later, still in his room but now curled up on the spare armchair, flicking through a magazine, quietly waiting for him to be finished. He’d tried to get you to listen in but you knew you’d only be a distraction and if you were telling the truth, panicked you’d embarrass yourself with your level of awe. So instead you’d waved him away into the adjoining room and taken to waiting here. He had been wrong earlier, it did not take ‘only half hour’, it had now been almost two hours. Your stomach, as if hearing the complaints in your head, chooses that moment to let itself be known, and it spurs you into action - you’re starving and quite simply you’ve had enough of being cooped up waiting for him. By the time you get back with some food he should be done and you can get back to having fun. 
So, you start to gather the things you’d need, considering throwing on his jacket - it was just laying there, for some extra warmth, but quickly decide that’s a little too intimate and after holding it for a moment, you throw it back over a chair and head on out the door. You’ve barely stepped out of the hallway before you’re bumping into someone, 
“Oh, uh, sorry, I just need to get past -” There’s three men out in the hallway, casually chatting as if they have nowhere else to be, 
“No, no, it’s my fault, I didn’t notice the door - are you two about ready for some food now?” You’re taken aback, not a hundred percent certain what’s going on. 
“Oh - are you, you guys are with Elvis?” They all look at each other and laugh, like you’ve told the funniest joke ever and you shift from foot to foot waiting for them to stop. 
“Yeah honey, we are -“ You nod, it would make sense for him to have people around all the time, especially seemingly guarding his hotel room doors. 
“Oh right, well I was just going to head to the café outside, I won’t be too long.” They look friendly so you don’t feel too awkward about adding on, “And I’m not sure how much longer he’ll be.” 
“Uh,” They look at each other, one of them seems to draw the silent short straw and steps forward to speak up, placing a hand on your shoulder and turning you back to the door. “It’s probably for the best if you just head on inside and stay there today, just in case he comes out.” 
“Oh, well, sure, but food?” The man nods at you,
“Don’t worry, I’ll send someone out to get it, you just get back in there before he notices.” You’re propelled forward but it’s said with a smile so you go willingly. 
“Uh, ok.” 
“I’ll get something delivered in the next twenty minutes.” You nod back, 
“Right, well, thank you.” The guy nods, shutting the door behind him. You wonder if that’s all they do all day - was three of them necessary? Were they exaggerating, or would Elvis really have been annoyed if you’d left? In some ways the interaction had reminded you of life outside your little bubble of the past day and night. Suddenly you feel your whole body heat up and cringe as you realise they were almost certainly aware that you’d stayed the night. However, the coolness of the room soon gets to you again and before long you're shrugging on the jacket you had dismissed earlier.
Thankfully pretty soon after there’s a knock at the door, and when you open it there’s one of the men from before; you really should ask for their name, clutching three bags of take-out burgers and fries. He sets them down on the table, glancing over at the closed door Elvis was still behind, 
“Alright then, we’ll leave you to it.” You thank him profusely, although he simply waves the gratitude away, and no sooner are you closing the door behind him than Elvis appears through the door on the other side. He looks good - smart and professional still - Hollywood slick. 
“I ordered us food!” Well, you might not have done the actual ordering, but the sentiment had been there and you weren’t gonna let the boys in the hallway take all the credit, “The uh, guys outside recommended what to get.” You gesture to the table laden with foil wrapped burgers and fries and you watch his face turn pleased at the thought. 
“Oh great! Darling, that’s great - I won’t be a moment.” He heads into the bathroom. You know it’s not polite, and your mother would be appalled but you’re so hungry that you can’t bear waiting another second. So by the time he comes back out again you’re gripping a half-eaten burger, he stops in his tracks, as if a little surprised that you seem to be enjoying it so much, or perhaps in shock that you hadn’t waited - who knows, all you know is that he stopped, but his eyes lit up. 
“Hey! Isn’t that one for me?” You grin at him around a mouthful of burger, gesturing to the table when you swallow, 
“Aren’t all of these yours?” He playfully growls in your ear as he bends to press playful bites up your arm before stealing a bite out of the one in your hand. He chews fast, before leaning back in for another bite, nipping your fingers and, this time, leaving a little trail of sauce along your hand from where he’d pressed a kiss. Once that burger is gone he reaches for another, eating it far more single-mindedly, like he’s starving before he takes a moment to properly look you over.
“Isn’t that mine?” He flicks the jacket, playfully pulling you to him with it. 
“You don’t mind do you?” You go to shrug it off, but he holds it onto you, 
“God, no. You can,” He swallows, “You can keep it. It - I love it on you.” You shift in your seat at his tone, growing rough again, in the same way it had sounded this morning. He looks down at you, straight into your eyes, tone lowering even further.
“Stay again. Just one more night. I go home tomorrow.” You hum, looking over at the clock; it wasn't in any way late enough for that to make the decision for you and there were still logistics to think about.
“I’ve got work in the morning though - I’ll need to go home first for some clothes.” You pout a little, not really wanting a different solution so much as just a little sympathy for having to work and therefore having to go home. But he shakes his head, easily dismissing your concerns -
“Don’t go worrying ‘bout that, stay with me and I’ll send someone out. Pick you out something new.” Part of you wants to protest, reassure Elvis you can pay for yourself but the other, winning, part was saying how nice it was he seemed to care. Cared enough that he’d offer that just to convince you to stay for what was left of the night. And really, he was right - he was leaving in the morning too, when would this opportunity ever come about again?
“Well…okay then…if you insist.” He grins at you, clearly thrilled at your decision and you return it back to him, practically vibrating with excitement at the prospect of another night with him. 
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wisecura · 11 months
pretty p.5 w.3k
Geto x reader
You're Gojo's cute little sister.
gotta lil carried away with this one
tw: underage drinking, underage, NSFW, fingering, minors DNI,
p.1 p.4 - p.6
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Hearing the sound of birds chirping, and smelling something tasty in the air is a way you'd like to wake up for the rest of your life. Opening your eyes you see the sun pooling into the room, the clock read that it's noon. After passing out so early in the morning, you're thankful to your brother for letting you sleep in. You changed out of your clothes and threw on a comfy tee and some shorts and made your way to the kitchen. 
“Morning, sunshine.” It was Suguru at the stove, not Toru. You blushed a little at the nickname, and sat down on a stool, resting your elbows on the island, and your face in your hands. Suddenly, you’re a little more self conscious of your attire. 
“Morning, Suguru.” He only freezed for a second before continuing, it’ll take some time for him to actually get used to using his name. Not that he didn’t love hearing you saying it. 
Before you could start a conversation, a pair of arms wrapped around your shoulders, trapping you in a tight hug. Satoru sang out your name, enunciating every syllable. Shaking you from side to side. 
“Good morning sleepy head,” You laughed and tried to pry him off before giving up and letting him affectionately rub your head. Suguru’s back was still to you, and you found yourself watching him (even out of the corner of your eye) more than you normally would, just trying to see his reaction. Or just to see him in general. He looked so good in that apron. It made your stomach dip and heart flutter with how domesticated it felt having him cook for you. It feels so nice, you almost never want the dynamic between you three to ever change. 
The way the open windows let the sun flow right in, framing the kitchen in a beautiful summer glow.
Suguru set a plate of food in front of you and sat on the stool next to yours. Toru was in the process of making himself some coffee, and as always, pouring an ungodly amount of cream and sugar into it, rendering it undrinkable. He sat himself on the other side of Suguru as they began chatting about what they were planning for the day. 
“So,” Satoru spoke louder, addressing you, “the higher ups are trying to send me on a mission.” My mouth dropped open ready to protest. He seemed to anticipate your response, so he just leaned back in his chair, relaxed. 
“Toru, tell them no. We’re still on summer vacation. They can wait til we get back to school next week.” Your voice raised an octave. You didn't care if you sounded whiny, you were just upset he wouldn't be there to spend the rest of the break doing the fun stuff you had planned. 
“I know, imouto, I know. I tried worming my way out of it, but they seem pretty adamant that it’s me who goes.” He sighs, knowing this would be an argument waiting to happen. “You won't be alone, Suguru is staying here.” As if he was reminding you that your feelings for Suguru were inconceivable and he wasn't even worried that you were staying home alone with another man. You stilled at that thought, solidifying your original idea that Suguru most likely saw you as a little sister. 
“Ok,” You replied meekly, “When are you leaving?”
“Tomorrow morning.” 
“When are you coming back?”
“The day before school starts.” 
A week. You felt tears welling up in your eyes, threatening to fall. You must've looked pretty pitiful because you felt a hand patting your head comfortingly. You looked up to find Suguru smiling at you, his eyes nothing but warm. “It’s okay, we’ll find something fun to do.”
“And I promise, I'll make it up to you when I get back, imouto.”
And with that, you spent Satoru’s last day of summer on the beach's boardwalk. 
You awoke the next morning, similarly to how you woke up yesterday. The smell of tasty food in the air, and the birds chirping. The only difference was the slightly empty feeling of knowing your brother wouldn't greet you at the breakfast table this morning. He usually left for his missions early so you knew he probably left at six or seven that morning. Looking at the clock, you saw it was noon again. 
You were getting so much sleep this summer, it was pretty impressive. 
You dressed and walked to the kitchen. Suguru was standing there, clad in his apron, as you sat at the stool once again. “Morning, sweetheart.” 
Your breath caught in your throat as you struggled to process the pet name. Again with these pet names. 
You should get checked up by a doctor with how often your hearts been acting up these days. He noticed your lack of response, and turned his attention to focus on you. He was hoping to test his luck with how “friendly” he could get before you said something. It was only pure luck that Satoru had been assigned to a mission which left his cute little sister and him alone at the house. For a week. 
“I was thinkin’ we could try something a little different tonight since Satoru’s gone.” He gave a closed eye smile, still warm, but you weren't able to see what emotion he held in his eyes. You found yourself just staring at him, not daring to let your mind overthink the implication of his words. Reminding yourself of your place in his perspective. 
Little sister. Little sister. Little sister. 
The words play on repeat. You nod your head in agreement. 
And that's how you ended up at a local tavern at 10 pm on a Saturday night. Suguru was right in thinking that Satoru would never take you to a place like this. It really wasn't Satoru’s vibe. But at least you seemed excited at the new environment. Your eyes looked around everywhere in wonder. But in honesty you were avoiding Suguru’s gaze. 
The two of you were seated at a round booth, and Suguru went ahead and ordered for the both of you. He was sure he had your favorites memorized at this point, and you were thankful since you had no idea what they even had at a place like this. You sat about a foot away from Suguru as the waitress brought back two tall glasses of an amber liquid. You looked at it in curiosity, wondering why Suguru would order this for the both of you in the first place.  
You weren't naive to the point of not knowing what beer was, but you still haven't ever had the chance to try it. Satoru was never one for drinking, and he never let you drink at the restaurants you went to in the past, even despite your pleading that you only wanted to try a little. You realized then that the waitress hadn't even ID’d either of you, as you finally glanced back at Suguru. 
“I figured Satoru probably keeps a pretty tight leash on you, huh?” His gaze seemed kind. “He’s just protective. He’s been that way since we were kids.” Suguru was the first to take a sip, then he nodded at you. You, having been so pressed before to try the drink, finally decided that maybe it'll help you feel more at ease. Now, It was hard to peel your eyes from him. He just looked so good sitting there, hair pinned back, with the same signature piece of hair that eluded his hair tie. His jawline, prominent and angular, and with his summer attire, even the muscles on his arms were on display. His eyes, which were normally so sharp, regarded you with warmth, and his smile never left when you spoke to him. You could only hope the beer would help with these nerves. 
After a few beers you felt a little more light. You were able to hold his gaze in its entirety while talking to him. And though the knots in your stomach were still there, it was easier to ignore them. 
“Y’know I didn't think you’d actually drink it,” You looked over to Suguru as the words seemed to come from his mouth. “And why not,” You challenged. “Just thought you wouldn't go against your brother's wishes.” The air hung stale with those words. Why mention Satoru here and now, and like this?
“I dont always listen to Toru, Suguru. He isn’t the boss of me.” There it was again, he thought. Your pretty little mouth saying his name so sweetly for him. His voice came out thick, low, and teasingly. “Yeah?” 
You looked over to him and saw his head propped against his hand, leaning onto the table, tilted back, looking down at you. You couldn't hold his gaze this time and averted your eyes to your lap, where your hands sat, picking at your nails. 
Hearing his voice drop like that had your stomach twisting, and you could feel your pulse quicken. The alcohol coursing through your veins only intensified the flush on your face, betraying your growing arousal. It’s pretty sad to admit, but your thighs clenched at this one word and you had hoped it wasn't obvious that he was kinda turning you on. This action did not escape his notice, though, as he stared down at you with an expression you could only describe as hungry. 
It was then you realized that while you both had been drinking and chatting, he had managed to scoot right next to you, his legs spread out, touching yours causing you to involuntarily shiver at this realization. You could feel the heat radiating from his proximity, making it hard to focus on anything else.
His gaze only intensified, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly as his hand came to rest on your thigh, freezing you in your tracts. Your skirt allowing his hand full contact with your skin. He was waiting for you to pull away from him, but the moment never came. The contact sent a jolt of desire shooting through you, and you couldn't suppress the shiver that ran down your spine. His touch was both possessive and gentle, his thumb tracing circles on your skin. You hoped he wouldn't go up any higher, to find your panties were completely drenched. Or maybe that's exactly what you were hoping for. 
His voice, deep with a hint of amusement, pulled you back into the present moment. "You know, it’s so cute when you get all riled up." He let out a deep chuckle, loving the reaction he was getting from you. He leaned in closer to whisper in your ear. "You say Satoru isn't the boss of you, then who is?" His warm breath tickled the shell of your ear, teasing you. His lips were so close to your neck now, you could feel how heavy his breathing had become. 
His thumb continued to trace tantalizing patterns against your skin, he moved his lips closer to yours, teasingly hovering just out of reach. 
His question hung in the air, demanding an answer, but you were too lost in the moment to form a coherent response. Your mind was consumed with him, leaving you vulnerable and craving for more. If you had half the mind you normally had, you would tell him that no one was the boss of you. 
But the insatiable cravings that consumed you were evidence enough that Suguru owned you. It was as if he had become your master, dictating your every move and decision here and now. The overwhelming control he had over you left you feeling utterly weak and vulnerable, unable to resist his touch. Your every thought and action revolved around him, him, him, him. In this moment, it was clear that Suguru's control over you was absolute. 
It’s like he already knew the answer, reading your every thought.
With a slow, deliberate movement, he closed the remaining distance between your lips. The world around you melted away as his mouth captured yours in a searing kiss, igniting a fire deep within your core. It was a kiss filled with an intoxicating mix of passion and control, an undeniable proclamation of his dominance and claim over you.
His fingers gripped tightly on your thigh, then trailed a little higher.  His other hand wove its way into your hair, deepening the kiss with a hunger that matched your own. Your own hand found purchase on his thigh, returning the gesture. Every touch sent shockwaves of desire coursing through your veins. The sheer intensity of the moment stole your breath away, leaving you shaky and wanting more. So much more.  
Finally his fingers made contact with your covered slit, feeling how wet you were for him. His touch made your mouth drop open just enough for him to slide his tongue inside you. Your small hand on his thigh was gripping so tightly, he was sure he'd have your fingerprints imprinted into his skin. You heard him let out a guttural groan, finally breaking away from the kiss, his lips finding solace in the crook of your shoulder. He didn't give you a chance to process anything as he began his assault on your poor neck, licking, sucking, and biting. “You’re so fucking wet, is this all from me?” His throaty voice caused your legs to clench as a whimper escaped your throat. He chuckled at your response, his face still buried in your neck, fingers still teasing your entrance, hand still tangled in your hair, keeping you in place. 
“Such a dirty girl, what were you thinking about to get you this wet?” You whimpered out again, not trusting your mouth to behave enough to give a response. He suddenly bit into your shoulder a little harder than before. “Answer me, doll. Use your big girl words.” 
“S-Suguru, please” You let out softly, his name accompanied by a quiet moan. “Please what, doll?” You didn’t even know what you were asking for at this point. You just didn't want him to stop. 
Could he even give you more? 
“Please, don't stop,” You whimper, “‘s so good, y-you feel so good.” He felt such satisfaction at hearing those words leave your pretty lips, his cock twitching to life within seconds from the sounds that came from your mouth, and the wet slick he felt through your panties. Fuck, he wanted to taste you so bad. 
He thought, despite where they were at, it was loud enough that no one would hear. And the round booth they were in was towards the back of the tavern. No one is close enough to hear your pretty little moans. 
He thinks he can get away with this much for now. 
His fingers finally move your panties to the side, finally touching right where he knows you’re craving him the most. “Want more, pretty girl?” He hummed against your neck. “Y-yes, please,” you begged, “Please, feels s’good, please.” He could practically hear the tears coming down your face, as your desperation shone clearly to him. 
He’d stop teasing you now, his own patience running thin, and gave in to your pleading. He stuck one finger into your cunt, not moving and feeling the way you clenched around him. Your slick letting him slide in easily but he could tell you were still tight as hell. He imagined how you would feel wrapped around his cock, crying that it was too much and felt too good. He couldn't help the soft moan that came from his own mouth.
To you it was a strain. His fingers much bigger than yours, and with him being the first one to do this to you, it was making your head spin. You couldn't control the loud moan that escaped your mouth, his mouth coming up quick to meet yours, keeping you quiet. 
His tongue was exploring every inch of your mouth, as he made escape for you close to impossible. Not that you really wanted him to stop. He soon stuck a second finger in, causing you to grip his thigh all the more tighter. His dick strained in his pants, as he started to fuck you with his fingers, slowly waiting for you to adjust somewhat. 
Shivers ran up and down your back as his large fingers stretched your pussy. He couldn't believe how incredibly easy it was for you to turn him on. He felt like he could cum from just this alone. 
His mouth finally went back to your neck, careful to not make any long term marks, tempted as he was to suck a large hickey on you. He heard your small quick breaths as you moaned his name softly for him over and over again. 
Yes. He could cum now without him even touching himself. He felt you clenching around his fingers, his thumb making contact with your clit every time he moved. He could tell you were close. Your body felt warm all over, and you could barely tell Suguru you were about to cum. The coil wrapping tight in your stomach as it finally snapped loose. You gushed all over his fingers, pussy twitching. You let out a final moan as you came down and rode out your high. His eyes were pulled back to watch your fucked out expression. 
He finally pulled his fingers from your pussy, taking along as much of your cum as he could and popped them into his mouth. You watched as he cleaned your climax off with his tongue. His eyes watching your every expression. All you could see was lust and adoration. 
“Taste so fuckin’ good,” He groaned out, eyes fixed on you, as he leaned in to kiss you again. You could taste yourself on his tongue, which only made you want to go again, and finally the two of you broke apart.
You retracted your hand from his thigh as you finally had “post-nutt” clarity hit you. Beer completely out of your system and mind clearer than when you first arrived at the tavern. 
Oh, shit. 
Oh, shit.
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an: whole time i was writing this story line i was kinda thinkin like
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p.1 p.4 - p.6
39 notes · View notes
jaembun · 9 months
i can’t get over you.
you’re not together, and you never check your inbox. he carries on anyway !⠀⸻⠀lee donghyuck x gnr ⠀ angst (?) fwb au voicemail format ⠀ cw mentions of drinking & vomiting suggestive (ish) ⠀ wc 1.6k ⠀ now playing . . ☆
생각⠀writing a whole ex fwbs smau aint enough nooo i gotta write ts too 🤦‍♂️
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⠀☆⠀00:12 AM
wow. that was—great. i had a good time, and i hope you did too. i think your phone’s dead, because you were all over chenle asking to borrow his, so maybe you’ll only hear this in the morning.  [he laughs]  i hope the hangover isn’t too awful tomorrow. my hip doesn’t hurt too bad from whacking it on that counter, in case you were wondering. i didn’t know you were gonna lift me like that, that was crazy! mark gave me a weird look when i came back to the others, but he always looks like that after a few shots—like he’s just sucked on a lemon. anyway, goodnight. get back to me soon, yeah? maybe we could do that again—it doesn’t have to be serious, no labels or anything. just a bit of fun between friends.
⠀☆⠀11:35 PM
[whispering]  my phone’s the one nearly dead this time. eight percent, so i gotta make it quick. tonight was.. really nice. thanks again. the takeout was really cool of you too, and i’ll pay you back when i get in. i’m talking so quiet ‘cause im in an uber, and i think i just saw the driver giving me a dirty look through the mirror. he has his own playlist on—i mean, unless there’s a new radio station called ‘on the grind’ with two fire emojis and, like, the one of the arm flexing? it’s all been pretty bad stuff so far, but there was this one song, and—it kinda reminded me of you, a bit.  [a pause, before he brushes over it]  i tried to shazam it because i’d look weird leaning over the console to see what it was called, but it was over by then. bummer! we’re coming up on my street now, though, and i’m on three percent now, so i’ll go. see you soon?
⠀☆⠀09:47 PM
injunnie asked me about that mark you left. i made up something about my kitchen cabinet door, but i know he didn’t really believe me. he had that look in his eye, you know? that one where it feels like he sees right through you. anyway.. maybe we should keep them somewhere less noticeable next time? we’re not—you know.
i’m going out with mark and chenle tonight. they’re doing a two-for-one on cocktails and there’s karaoke, so i think it’ll be fun. i probably won’t see it ‘til tomorrow, but call back when you hear this.  [he laughs]  or if i am still up and drunk when you call then you can sing me a lullaby, yeah?  [an awkward pause]  uh. i’ll just—talk to you later.
⠀☆⠀10:26 AM
[hesitant]  oh my god. i didn’t—sorry. i should’ve told you i had someone over. i completely forgot about the brunch thing, it’s my fault. kind of a dick move, too, i really am sorry. i don’t know how to.. i’ll buy you dinner, or something. to make it up to you.
[a prolonged pause]
[haltingly]  that—that was just a one-time thing, though. just.. just in case you were wondering. it won’t happen again. 
[another pause, and the sound of him shifting in his place]
so, um. yeah. i just wanted to apologise, ‘cause you were gone before i could get the chance. call me when you hear this? if you want to, that is.
⠀☆⠀00:03 AM
i guess.. i guess you’re busy, or something. sorry. i know it’s late. you’re probably asleep. or working? renjun told me you’re on night shifts now.. did it slip your mind with me? or maybe you’ve told me already, i don’t know. i think my memory’s been getting worse lately.  [a scoffed laugh]  fuck, maybe you’re with—you know. someone else? that’d be fine, obviously, i know we’re not.. yeah. hell, i was the one who said we weren’t gonna be exclusive.
[a pause]
i haven’t been, um. seeing anyone else, though. not since that last time. it’s just you. but if you were, then.. anyway. i heard jeno tell you his friend was single the other day. that jaemin guy? and that restaurant downtown would be nice for a night out, tonight. they do that salad you like, and—and the side dishes. 
[a second pause. he takes a breath in]
i think.. i think i need a drink. text me once you listen to this?
⠀☆⠀11:58 PM
[sounding a little breathless]  hi! i think im going to fill your inbox up at this point. maybe the reception’s bad in the taxi. but anyway—i had fun tonight. again. i.. i missed you, you know?  [a giggle]  wow, i think i feel a little light-headed. in a good way, obviously. i almost forgot what it was like with you. oh! and the actual reason i called—you left your hoodie here. better come grab it soon, or i’ll have it for myself. you can never have too many clothes.  [he stops for a moment]  does that sound too.. ah, nevermind. i hope you get home alright. talk to you tomorrow, baby.
⠀☆⠀10:49 PM
renjun asked me what we were doing. i knew he probably knew—or at least, like, had an idea of what was going on—but it still surprised me. nearly choked on my drink when he sprung it on me out of nowhere. i thought he just wanted to get lunch. i told him the truth—that we’re just.. messing around. he’s not gonna tell any of the others, so don’t worry. he thought—  [a stilted laugh]  he thought that we were together. but.. well. we’re not, obviously.
[a pause. he mumbles something to himself, cuts himself off, then tries again]
did jeno give you jaemin’s number? he had that gross grin on his face the other night, that same one he did when he kept trying to set chenle up on a blind date. and you never did tell me if you were out with him the other night. not that it, like, matters. but still.
[a second, longer pause]
anyway. i think i’m gonna go to bed. can we get dinner soon? i’ll pay.
⠀☆⠀11:18 PM
hey.  [a small pause]  i don’t know why i’m calling, really. i’m just at my apartment. watching reruns and drinking through that wine chenle gave me—which is awful, by the way. i think he was just trying to get it out of his fridge by offloading it onto me.
that movie you told me you watched all the time back in uni was on earlier. i would’ve called then, but my phone was dead, so i kept it on. it was pretty good, actually. kinda.. sappy. but in a good way. romantic, i don’t know. romcoms have never really been my thing, but i know they’re yours, so.. yeah.  [a tired laugh, and a pause. the tv is faintly audible in the background]  i didn’t know i could get wine tipsy this early. maybe that’s why i called out of the blue? ah, i don’t know. i’ll go now, though—this episode’s just starting to get interesting. let’s talk later.
⠀☆⠀01:21 AM
[he’s yelling, almost, struggling to be heard over the beat of the song blasting through the speakers]  yah, why did you dip? i was—i was looking forward to tonight, you know. jeno is boring, and mark is a lightweight, and jisung steps on my feet when we dance. it would’ve been way better with you here. and i miss you, baby. they need to fire the DJ here, because they’re seriously awful. i might just ditch the rest and come find you instead.
[he stops, considering it]
actually.. yeah. you won’t mind, will you? yah, pick up, c’mon. call me back, ‘cause i’m on my way to your apartment. i’ll buy a bottle of malibu on the way so it won’t taste as awful when we throw it up later, and you can set up that speaker chenle got you last year, because i know you probably still have it stuffed in a closet somewhere.  [his voice returns to normal volume, and the music is abruptly significantly quieter]  get your dancing shoes on, baby. and.. take your shirt off?  [he giggles, and his laughter interrupts his goodbye]  i’ll be there soon!
⠀☆⠀02:17 AM
fuck. can’t you just—can you pick up? please? i need it, i need you to hear this. i feel like i’m going insane, it’s fucked up.  [a pause, and a slightly shaky breath]  why did i say that? why did i say no labels? fucking.. fucking mark and shots and that bruise from that fucking counter. i’ve drank too much, and i hope i forget i’ve said this in the morning, but i—i need to know. it’s just you for me. that time with that guy was stupid, and i should’ve kicked him out as soon as i woke up, but i knew about brunch and i knew you’d be coming over and i was feeling petty so i just thought.. i thought you’d get jealous, i don’t know. it was stupid. i’m sorry for lying, baby. i didn’t mean to. is it—is it just me for you too? did you save jaemin’s number? did you text him? please tell me you didn’t. he doesn’t know anything about you, not like i do. i still have your hoodie, and renjun thinks i need to get my shit together, and chenle nearly threw up on my shoes on the way out the bar, and i just.. i want you. i want you so bad, it’s killing me.
[a long pause. his mumbling is inaudible]
call me back when you hear this.
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greyfics · 5 months
fifties/sixties song lyric prompts
because I've drafted so many quotes from songs that I want to use as inspiration for fic writing whilst listening to my throwback playlist and whether you're on this little site for role-playing, fanfics or general writing inspiration I'm sure this'll be of use ! will be doing another one with lines from songs I have specifically discovered via the fallout tv series soundtrack I was going to add them here but realised I already did uh a fair few by that point to say the least haha
you don't have to use these as quotes ( personally I like to use prompts sometimes as the titles for the writing it inspires, even if I don't use the prompt at all in the end ), so do what you want with them :)
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"You're alone now, no love of your own- but darlin', reach out." "Nobody's right if everybody's wrong." "You keep losin' when you ought to not bet." "You told me lies, now it's your turn to cry." "That's the kind of girl I'd like to meet." "You, to me, are sweet as roses in the morning." "The concrete and the clay beneath my feet begins to crumble- but love will never die." "We'll see the mountains tumble before we say goodbye." "The shadows fall, and once again you're in my arms." "Everytime I see your face, I get all choked up inside." "Hope you are quite prepared to die." "I thought love was only true in fairy-tales- meant for someone else, but not for me." "I thought love was more or less a given thing- seems the more I gave, the less I got." "I betcha five dollars he'll kill you dead." "Is her sweet expression worth more than my love and affection?" "He's taken everythin' I got." "I wonder, what went wrong with our love?" "I wonder, where she will stay- my little runaway." "Your mind is so full of red." "Your eyes may look like his- but in your head, baby, I'm afraid you don't know where it is." "Wouldn't you love somebody to love?" "I go through life, without a care." "Now that I've surrendered, so helplessly- you now want to leave." "Now that you've got me, you wanna leave me behind." "I know something about love: you've gotta want it bad." "Why should true love be so complicated?" "I want to be with you all of the time." "The only time I feel alright is by your side." "I don't believe you, you're not the truth." "Are you lonely, just like me?" "When I found you, the moon stood still." "All of those vows you made, were never to be." "Though we're apart, you're part of me still." "If we go some place to dance, I know that there's a chance you won't be leaving with me." "I can see it in your eyes that you despise the same old lies you heard the night before." "Though it's just a line for you, for me it's true." "Bluer than velvet were her eyes; warmer than may her tender sighs." "Ours a love I held tightly, feeling the rapture grow." "Like a flame burning brightly- when she left, gone was the glow." "And I still can see blue velvet through my tears." "Darlin', save the last dance for me." "I will never, never let you go." "Carry on, 'til the night is gone and it's time to go." "Ain't that a shame? You're the one to blame." "Say you belong to me and ease my mind." "A wave out on the ocean could never move that way." "I love every movement- there's nothing I would change." "Will you still love me tomorrow?" "I only know I never wanna let you go." "Ever since we met you've had a hold on me." "I never knew that I could be in love like this." "I didn't stand a chance." "No one here gets out alive, now." "You get yours baby, I'll get mine." "They got the guns. but we got the numbers." "We're takin' over." "I'll make you so proud of me." "We'll make 'em turn their heads, every place we go." "Since the day I saw you, I have been waiting for you." "You know I will adore you, 'til eternity." "You're a real mean guy." "I know that you're the one to blame." "You mixed me up for good right from the very start." "I don't feature what you're putting down." "Since I kissed his loving lips of wine, the thing that bothers me is that I like it fine." "Might as well confess, if the answer's yes." "Though it really hurts me, there's something that I've gotta say." "You stretched my love, till it was thin enough to tear." "I'm just a somebody nobody wants." "I don't want to set the world on fire, honey- I love you too much." "If your love is gone, how can I face the dawn?" "Maybe you'll ask me to come back again- and, maybe, I'll say maybe." "It hurts me to tell 'em that you're gone."
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