#just need to chill a bit because omg I'm so much right now
katsy-kitty · 5 months
holy shit I just did so much cleaning
I know my body will hate me tomorrow
I'll probably have to do heavy resting for the next few days
but I'm also proud of myself
but I have also entered my verbose era
and I don't know how to stop
it's 3:30 am and I'm still so hyper
if I don't fall asleep again, it's gonna be a bit of a problem
I don't like these insomnia bouts
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goldsbitch · 3 months
I'm not sure if your requests are open but what about the whole fire situation at McLaren, Lando can't find the reader and he's freaking out and he cares more about finding her than putting shoes on - obv she's be OK and just stand there with oscar or sth 😭
-omg I love this request! added a bit here and there, so hope you'll like it...thank you!!
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Rick was a 23 year old McLaren assistant who, by sheer luck, managed to land a job with the racing team. This being his first season and immediately being thrown into following the team on the road. It was an exciting life, but a little fast and hard to follow in the beginning. He was just trying to blend it and feel out what is it that is actually required from him.
It was few hours after the fire was put down and if he knew one thing it was that corporate is expecting a quick short report asap, before the long report from health and safety people follows. He'd been sitting there, in Pirelli hospitality, stressed out as if his life depended on this - and honestly, it probably did a little bit. It was quite baffling to him why was it that the team elected him to be in charge or reports to corporate. On a normal day, it was fairly easy - reporting minor injuries, heatstrokes and collecting reports from the mechanics and resending them. And now, he was to do a full on fire report? He hasn't even seen one before!
He tried to ignore his inner panic and put together few pages of text, trying to tune into the confusing language corporate sometimes required. The part he dreaded the most was "describing how the drivers were evacuated" part of the form.
Oscar Piastri (driver 81) had not been at the premise when the fire was detected, therefore there was no need to evacuate him.
Lando Norris (driver 4) had been running around like a panic filled duck making the evacuation way more difficult for everyone.
Nope, this was not even an option, no matter how much would Rick like to send this out and watch the world burn, again.
Lando Norris (driver 4) was in his driver room when the evacuation started, definitely not blasting his music into unhealthy levels and certainly did not miss the first warning because of it.
Lando Norris (driver 4) used his unique ability to be as extra as possible at any given moment that we can thank him for creating yet another viral moment, the image of him, standing outside the mobile hospitality building with no shoes, gaining a permanent place on the internet.
This was going to be a difficult decision for poor Rick.
Lando was excited about the Barcelona race, this being only the second time he was on pole. And all of that happening on the weekend he and his new girlfriend decided to make their relationship official, hard launch around the paddock.
But he also understood he needed his alone time to get prepared and Y/N supported that completely, not wanting him to babysit her constantly.
He was full on enjoying his pre-race ritual. Chilling on his couch and blasting music loudly and proudly, flicking his toes to the rhythm of the latest bops and getting lost in his strategy, going over the plan they had for that race.
All was good and well - until the smoke coming from the stairs started to spread, together along with panic.
"Lando!" a voice said while barging unapologetically through his door. "We need to evacuate!"
He nearly had a heart attack and fell of the sofa, as he did not expect anything to happen on that nice Sunday morning.
"What?" he said, putting his music on mute and only now hearing the general mayhem happening outside his door, dark milky smoke rolling in.
"We need to evacuate you!" his assistant said once again, rushing to him and getting him up.
"Lando!" said another voice that marched in with the same intention. "How come you're still here, we need to move out!"
"What the fuck is happening outside?" confused Lando asked, not really used to people storming into his room right before the race. His eyes flashed between the two assistants, both out of breath because they were probably not used to running.
"Em, fire...down at the staircase, so we gotta go that way," one of them said, gesturing somewhere towards his left.
"Wait, so near the canteen?" Lando asked. Shit, that was where he left Y/N. Oh god. Both of them nodded, trying to gesture him to move outside, which he did not.
"Has anyone seen my girlfriend?" he continued with the questions firmly.
"Um, Y/N?" one of the assistants asked, not expecting this question.
"Yes, who else?" Lando responded impatiently, panic growing in.
"I don't know, I never want to assume anything..."started rambling the one who marched in first.
Lando couldn't help but roll his eyes, where we all the competent people when he needed them? Once again, these two were gesturing him to start evacuating.
"I need to call her first," he said, taking his phone out and dialing her number. It was a very bizarre scenery to watch, the three of them just standing there while everyone was rushing around.
One, two, three, four very long dials. Two pairs of eyes shooting arrows at Lando, who stood firmly, hoping she'll pick up. Nothing. Was that actual panic he was starting to feel?
"Ok, I gotta go check out the canteen and find her, you two can go and tell everyone I'm ok," he said and brushed past them and went to the hallway.
He overhead someone trying to give orders, but based on the scene ahead of him, people rushing back and forth without clear direction, nobody seemed to pay that much attention. "Please, make your orderly exit, follow the signs, this is not a drill, this is not a drill. Breathe through your nose."
The driver was making his way through flocks of people going the other direction while the smoke and acrid smell grew on intensity that even Lando, with his cough and blocked nose, could actually smell it. He managed to avoid everyone, leaving the two poor assistants who came to search for him behind, until he bumped into another rushing person most likely giving him a black eye.
"Ouch! Lando! Everyone is looking for you, we gotta evacuate," stated the another new member of the team, who Lando vaguely recalled as Rick, while he held his puffing eye. And finally, fire alarm started to produce its signature deafening sound.
"Sorry! Sorry!" he apologized loudly, not wanting to cause more trouble, which was failing quite miserably. "I know, you're all looking for me, but is anyone looking for Y/N?" Lando asked, his priorities being very clear.
Rick was slightly confused, trying to recall if she had already evacuated or not.
"Did you see her going outside?" Lando demanded answers from anyone present and poor Rick was on the frontline.
"I don't know, I was over there-" he pointed to a room, where Y/N would definitely not be - the men's room.
"Fuckin' shit," Lando cursed and left Rick standing and marched over to where the smoke was coming from, trying to remember to breathe through his nose.
It was the first time she visited him in the paddock, which was already stressful enough, as he imagined. This was his home, he knew every corner and secret this place held - but she didn't! And also - he was Lando Norris, people would go out and search for him, but it was his job to make sure that his girlfriend is ok. And he was doing a very shit job at that, at least in his mind. Actual firefighters started to appear at the scene and finally the evacuation started to resemble orderly departure, rather than an obscure rave. He finally arrived near to the canteen when he got stopped by one of the firemen.
"Sir, you have to leave now, the other way!" he ordered, not interested in anyone's bullshit.
"I know, I just gotta check my girlfriend is not there, nobody is looking for her-"
"We are looking for everyone and you are making our job harder, please evacuate and let us work."
Lando was starting to understand that his actions might be creating more chaos than good, so he nodded and turned around, only to see the entourage of three assistant walking towards him, trying to get through the firefighters.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm going," he shouted and gestured them to turn around, which they only did once they saw his actually going the right way and following evacuation orders.
The strange quartet finally rolled outside, three of them finally being able to relax as they got the driver out, while he was on the verge of losing it. Frantically started looking around, losing his cool again. Only once he stepped outside to the hot Spanish June afternoon, he noticed he wasn't wearing any shoes, the asphalt giving him a lot of information about the potential track temperature. Hot.
He didn't care. He had to find her, otherwise he was going back in and this time nobody would stop him.
Not her, not her, not her - wait, that was her! Standing safely far away from curious crowd that observed the scene and chatting it out, was Y/N and Oscar. Safe and sound, maybe a little too relaxed given the situation. Lando rushed to her, almost tripping over his own feet.
"Hey...I called you," he said, his own athleticism saving him from being unable to breathe.
She smiled when she saw him, like she always did. Innocent eyes and lush lips creating and angel-like picture. "Oh, did you? Sorry, I couldn't hear, there was so much noise everywhere," she said and gave him a little peck on his cheek before turning her attention to the McLaren building.
Lando was trying to look cool, not saying anything and tried to process his own reaction, maybe potentially overreaction - something, he'd never admit.
"We are recreating the scene from The Office," Oscar said, as if there weren't people around them running in panic. Lando just stared at him and his girlfriend, both standing in pure calmness and doing what could only be described as "vibing it out".
"I'm sorry?" he replied, not yet tuned into their wave-lenght.
"We were playing Desert Island while everyone was evacuating themselves," Oscar explained to Lando. Y/N laughed, but decided to change the topic when she saw how clueless her boyfriend looked.
"Never thought I'd date a millennial," she said out of the blue.
Lando was once again not comprehending, still coming down from his shock. "What?"
She giggled. "Look at your socks man. So low one would think it's 2014 again."
"Good year," Oscar said, sounding like he was 80 years old.
Only then Lando looked down now to truly fathom that he forgot to put his shoes on. He had to chuckle. He was used to adrenaline highs and lows, but apparently not as much as he though so.
"You ok?" Y/N asked, starting to become concerned when Lando did not follow up on their joke. She examined him and noticed the drops of stress sweat, his uneven breathing and eyes wide as the sun.
There was not much of a hesitation before he uttered the next sentence.
"I love you," he stated, no regrets or uncertainty. This was the first time either of them said this sentence. They were sort of tip toying around for few weeks now, but both of them feared it would freak the other one out. Not anymore, Lando had to get it out at that moment and nothing would stop him.
Now it was Y/N who was completely taken back, not expecting that. Funny how a fire did nothing to her reactions and this had her nearly melting. Melting with shock. No, it did not make sense to her either.
Lando was standing there, not expecting or demanding a reaction from her. He was coming to terms with his own realization, and stood there as proudly as someone who's not wearing any shoes can.
"Yes, it is true. I love you. You don't have to say anything, but I am more than sure now."
She bit her lower lip, unable to contain herself. "No, I want to say something. I love you too, more every day. So much it's getting scary."
Lando smiled, ear to ear, the events of the day passing him by. This was what mattered.
"This is so cool," Lando replied and went to kiss her on the cheek.
"Cool? That's your reaction?" she gasped, astonished and slightly amused.
"Yes, exactly that," he smiled once again, smitten over the moon.
The three of them stood there, Y/N and Lando watching each other, Oscar trying not to listen at first and observing the fire situation with new found interest. But it was nearly impossible.
"This is all very cute, but if you don't stop and leave this for when you're alone, I'm going to personally throw myself into the fire," he stated, teasing the fuck out of Lando.
"Have fun burning, mate!" Lando replied immediately and pulled Y/N into an unhinged hug.
Y/N never felt better in someone's embrace. "I love someone who's not even wearing shoes outside," she proclaimed after a moment. "Thank god mom's not here."
Lando Norris (driver 4) obeyed the evacuation procedure, followed directions and cooperated at full capacity. Due to the nature of the situation, the team decided to pull Lando out of the premise as quickly as possible, which resulted in him evacuating barefoot. No injury detected.
After several drafts, this was what Rick decided to go with, while icing his black eye.
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eccentricallygothic · 9 months
Hey lovely, I just want to say I love your bucky fics and especially dark bucky fics, it just hits the spot and it's so good so keep up the great work love. Now i'm not sure if you're still taking requests if so could you please do one of reader wearing absolutely nothing but bucky's army dog tag and him seeing reader like this makes him go feral.
And if you don't want to that's perfectly fine and i hope you have a great day/night and keep up the great work love 💕
Thank you so much! I am so happy that you like them and I know it's been a hot minute but the way this ask short circuited my brain omg!!!
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Warning(s): Dark!Bucky, stockholm syndrome, sir kink, use of makeshift leash, choking, rough p-in-v, power imbalance, m!dom, f!sub, puppy kink, humping, dumbification, cock riding, mention of somnophilia. Browse at your own discretion. Contains dark and mature 18+ content. Minors do not interact. 
Bucky was honestly skeptical at first. 
As you were still getting used to your new home he knew better than to fully trust you. 
But you were just so fucking irresistible and adorable. 
Sometimes he didn't know just what to do with you.
"Just trust me, sir!" Your tone was determined but demeanor shy when you had hurriedly pecked his lips and scurried off into the walk-in wardrobe after prying his hands off you. 
The night was quite silver with the moon on full display, the inside of your room dimly lit as Bucky took a swig of his chilled after dinner beer. 
When you took longer than was comfortable for him doing whatever it was that you were doing, he called out to you. 
"Puppy? What's taking so–"
The older man's voice locked in his throat and he had to do a double take when you did appear. 
Your cheeks were a bright red as you nibbled on your bottom lip, hips swaying but posture stiff as you came into his view. 
Bucky's hand reached for his neck in realization when he noticed the article– the only article on your otherwise nude body.
You sneaky little thing. 
He had been so busy and stressed because of his recent mission that he hadn't noticed when you had slipped his dog tags off him. 
A small smirk made its way on his face as he felt his cock harden instantly, feeling his head spin a little at the seductive way you leaned against the doorframe of the wardrobe, toying with the chain in as much a sexy manner as you could muster.
Just like that, Bucky made his resolve. 
Even if you had been sneaky (and he would definitely have to do something about it to nip it in the bud), it had been to give him a show. 
And who was Bucky to refuse you finally coming around and doing something out of your own free will. 
Or, at least, as free as it could get given your rather coercive circumstances. 
"Come here, puppy" his voice was dark and strained as he held back pouncing on you with all the force in his body and crushing you with the violent passion that was surging like electric currents within his being right now. 
He always held back on you for he knew you were far too fragile to take his raw might. 
"Y- Yes sir…" You obediently answered like you had been trained to do so as you made your way to your captor and owner. 
Bucky bit his lip as he sipped on his drink again, reaching out towards you before he twirled the dog tags around the index finger of his metal arm and gently pulled you in, resuming his earlier position on the bed. 
Your breath hitched in your throat as your lips brushed against his. He had brought you in until you were bending over his form. Your heart was starting to thrum.
Excitement. Anxiety. Need.
"Puppy, you naughty, naughty fucking thing" Bucky rasped after making out with you a little. 
The older man didn't speak before he pressed his lips onto yours and when he transferred the beer in his mouth to yours, you knew why he hadn't praised you yet. 
The drink burnt its way down your throat.
Your nose scrunched a bit at the strong taste of his beer.
You weren't really allowed any adult beverages so they were almost foreign to your taste buds at this point. 
"N- Need you, sir~" you were becoming more and more hormonal by the day and the man wasn't complaining. 
"Is that why you put up this cute little show, huh? To seduce sir into playing with that sweet little pussy that's always so needy for him?" You couldn't help but lower your head and nod sheepishly, blushing under his dark and hungry gaze. "Aren't you becoming a cute little horndog?" 
He couldn't help but smirk at the way you whined under your breath, both aroused and embarrassed.
"Aw, you don't like that, puppy?" He gently tugged at the makeshift leash. "Don't want sir to tease you?" You softly pouted as you shook your head and avoided his gaze. "Awww…" Now his hand wrapped around the rest of the chain and he jerked your head closer. "Then what do you want, puppy?" 
"Y- You, sir…" You shyly looked up at him through your lashes although just for a second. "Want– need you… so, so bad."
"How bad, puppy?"
"Very bad, sir…"
He loosened up his grip but didn't let go of the silver chain. 
"Get on up here and show me." You didn't need to be told twice. 
"Yes sir!" You were eager as you scrambled onto his built thighs, whimpering out a shaky moan when your wet sex exposed itself due to your position and grazed against the material of his pants. "Oh…" A sound too vile for your personal comfort escaped you as you settled yourself on his lap, the upper half of your body being forced to bend towards him due to his hold on the chain. 
"You like that, my little baby puppy?" Your mouth was agape as you could only nod, your own thighs trembling as you begin to slowly rub yourself against the grainy fabric of Bucky's pants. 
"Love that, sir. Love it so much…" Your hand shakily grasped his metal one that was holding the chain for support, hips increasing their speed with this newfound stability and balance.
"Good puppy… good girl… good fucking girl" Bucky praised as he wrapped his hand around the chain once more, toying with one of your boobs with his other hand. "That's it, babygirl. Just like that… rub that slutty pussy all over my jeans like the desperate little toy that you are."
Fuck, he was too good with his soft, breathy praises as he stared up at you, mouth agape.
Your heavy breaths were restricted next and you could cum right there and then. As the oxygen slowly dissipated from your lungs, your eyes rolled to the back of your head and back arched when he suddenly twisted one of your nipples, eliciting a loud squeak from you. 
When he finally let go of your windpipe and eased his hold on the chain, you whined upon coming to your senses when you realized that he'd lifted you off his lap. 
You needed him so bad. 
He was way too good at fucking you.
Though Bucky quickly shut you up with a wet kiss as he lowered you onto his cock next, remaining his hold on the dog tags all the while. 
Your hands were removed from his bicep and metal arm and bound behind your back with his free hand that wasn't guiding you with your makeshift leash. 
Bucky loved to restrain you; there was just something so hot seeing you tied up completely helpless at his mercy. 
"That's right, fuck yourself on my cock. You look so fucking pretty when you're all dumbed out like a silly little puppy slut up on my cock…" His words had you clenching as you rocked your hips, moaning as loud as you could, shame forgotten and disposed of. 
"P- Please…" You begged, too weak and sensitive to increase your pace but in desperate need to do so. "Please, sir… please… Need you… so bad… please…" Bucky tightened the chain one more time, this time not letting go until your flushed face had turned red, veins bulging out against the skin of your temples. "Th- Thank you, sir…" You whispered out like you'd been taught to do so. You were so close. Your head was about to split with emotion and anticipation of what was coming. "... L- Love you so much…" The man froze for a few moments. 
He had not taught you that yet.
As oxygen was allowed back in to your brain, you almost halted when you realized that Bucky was quietly staring up at you now and had let go of both the chain as well as your hands. 
Your brows furrowed, since you hadn't even realized what you had just confessed. "W- What's–" 
But the man beat you to it. 
Before you could ponder over it and possibly change your mind.
Bucky had tackled you onto your back.
The movement caused his thick cock to bang all the way inside your cavern, causing stars to appear in your vision. 
"I love you more, puppy." Trapping both your hands above your head like he had done you -mind and body-, he resumed his hold on the dog tags and began pounding into you like an actual animal. 
You best believe he did not stop for the rest of the night. 
So what if you passed out a couple times?
You loved him, so he was sure you didn't mind. 
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jupiter-va · 1 year
Omg I also never thought of Abby with a gun play thing but now it has me thinking thoughts as well…I need to hear yours!!
Okay I've had a nap and I'm a bit more energized so here we go. These are SFW and NSFW btw (This got long I'm sorry, also, I'm better at dirty talking than I am at writing about sex lol)
✧˖° ‧Abby and her Guns ✧˖°
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CW: talks of guns/consensual gunplay, mean!abby, degradation (kinda)
❥I completely agree with the ask I got earlier saying that Abby has sort of a fixation on them. Not in a weird way, she just kinda likes knowing how they work, how each part connects to the other, etc.
❥I'm not much of a gun girly, but I am southern and a lot of people I know have guns so based on my limited knowledge, I think her gun of choice is like a hybrid of a Glock and another pistol, can't recall the name (canonically, it's just called the "Military Pistol" in the game, correct me if I'm wrong but that's what it looks like). But I'm thinking she like's compact pistols for everyday use in general cus they're smaller than a full sized handgun, but they pack a punch and are easy to conceal which is useful for obvious reasons
❥I imagine she keeps them in the best condition she possibly can, of course she does, she needs them almost daily
❥It's one day when she's taking guns apart and cleaning them that you notice just how good she looks doing it. She looks good doing everything, but with this, the look of concentration on her face, combined with how swiftly she takes them apart and puts them back together without fumbling or breaking a sweat. The confidence and precision in her movements is enough to make you squirm and she notices
❥She's quick to break her concentration for the sole purpose of teasing you, asking you to come closer as she rattles off her knowledge about each separate gun to you.
❥She innocently "shows" you the best places to aim for when shooting someone. Slowly dragging an (unloaded) pistol from the waistband of your pants to your midsection, and applying a slight pressure to your stomach with the barrel of the gun
❥She'd notice you squirming/whining and honestly, I think she'd be a little mean about it
"You're sick, you know that baby? Making those pretty sounds for me, all because I've got a gun to your tummy?"
"You do realize how fucked up it is that you're into this, right?"
❥You're more than aware of how fucked up it is, but as she drags the gun from your midsection to your chest up to your neck, until she finally stops, resting the pistol up under your chin, you honestly can't bring yourself to care
❥Someone brought up the idea of Abby fucking you while holding a gun up to your stomach and honestly, whoever it was ate with that, I agree wholeheartedly, however, for the past 20 minutes I've been thinking about her having you get on all fours while having the gun to your back. You can't see it, but you can feel it and you hear the click each time she pulls the trigger and it just ups the sensation you feel by 100
❥Of course, the gun isn't loaded, but that doesn't stop Abby from taking you from behind and dragging the pistol down your back, stopping every so often to pull the trigger. It can't hurt you, but each click of the gun sends chills down your spine in the best way
❥Despite how fucked out and overstimulated you get, it's almost like Abby can't help but to fuck you harder, making sure she drags this out for as long as she can. She loves watching as each click of the gun jolts you back into reality and listening as your now incoherent murmurs grow louder and more desperate with each thrust.
Yeah, this is gonna have to be an audio lol, I have more things I wanna say but I'm much better at articulating them when I'm speaking as if I'm actually in the scenario rather than writing it down.
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mikobeautifulheart · 6 months
I hear you take requests and here I am👀 it might be a bit long so please bear with me🥹 So a Satoru × fem reader angst plus spicy without smut plz! (haha can I be more obvious?) So the reader was classmate of Satoru and they teach at jujutsu high together now! They are very close with each other and Satoru loves to annoy her. (Imagine like how he is with Nanami but he is actually fun with her and reader doesn't mind his teasing) Everyone knows they are closer than friends but not exactly lovers so they have will they won't they situationship!
Well well trouble comes in paradise when a new temp sorcerer comes to jujutsu high for some mission and she needs Satoru's help with it. She has some interesting curse technique so Satoru takes an interst on it. Slowly Satoru unknowingly starts spending less time with reader. Everybody but Satoru notices this and Reader asks Satoru out to hang out or go on mission with her but he is always busy. (Really he is an idiot cuz he doesn't realize what he is doing lol) Some time pass and after few days Satoru realizes that he hasn't seen reader so he looks for her but can't find her at school so he tries to call her but he can't reach her so he goes to Shoko to ask about her. Shoko has seen how reader has been feeling down due to Satoru not paying attention to her so she makes up a little white lie and tells reader has been injured during mission so she is resting. Truth is, reader WAS injured. A little cut that just needed 3 stitches. She is just at home binge watching shows and eating her favorite food because she just needed a break. Well Satoru doesn't know that so he comes to her house worried out of his mind just to come and see her chilling at home in pajamas with a little bandage. AND HE STILL FEELS BAD because regardless of how small the injury is, it took him this long to realize he hasn't seen you so he apologizes and then things get heated when you both realize how much you missed each other? (Sorry that was sooooo long😭😭😭 also I'm not good at spicy part so do what you want with it!)
No pressure. Write it if you feel like it because I'm just not sure where this whole idea came from lol.
OMG YES. OKAY HERE WE GO. (Sorry for making you wait so long I got caught up.) Apologies rn it seems like a bit of a slow burn.
Gojo×(fem)Reader angst
TW: Angst, some spice (but not smut), stitches 🥲
Unedited 1000ishh wordssss
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"SATORU" You screamed watching him get stabed and absolutely murdered by Toji.
"no-" you said, your voice broken
You stood frozen, not even being able to move toward him. You felt useless.
He laid motionless on the ground. Toji steped back with a smirk, admiring his work.
He started to walk when he walk right past you.
"What are you gonna do now that your little boyfriends dead?" He said laughing hysterically.
He kept walking on. You wanted to go and kill him. You wanted him to pay but...if Gojo died to him, he would be no match for you. You thought.
Slowly your foot takes one step forward. And another. And another, reaching Gojo.
Your knees weakend so much you fell to the floor in a puddle of Gojos blood.
Your fingers dung into your palm, you didn't know how to do cursed technique, but you asked Shoko how to do it and she told you. But no after how many attempte you tried over time it never worked.
With tears in your eyes you held onto Gojos arm.
"Come on Satoru, remember what Shoko said. Uhhh you spin it then you channel it? And then you uh..." You tried your best to break it down as much as possible.
"Please Satoru" You said hunching your back over his face, your tears spilling now he, wasn't coming back.
You felt a twitch in his hand and some cursed energy flow through your body.
You gasped. The blood around you started to pulse. He was doing it.
"SATORU, PLEASE, YOUR SO CLOSE" you yelled as you saw his wounds slowly heal up.
"Awww man, I got a major headache" He said sitting up.
You could help but wrap your arms around him.
"Wow looks like someone missed me"
"How'd you know?" You said trying to mask your tears in his blood soaked uniform.
"And that's how I met your mother!" You heard Gojo say to little kid Megumi only giving an eye roll.
I thought you said you never wanted to babysit again? Is what you wanted to say but with Megumi there you didn't want him to think you were trying to get Gojo to get rid of him. Even so, it was obvious that Megumi favoured you way over him.
"Hey! You might wake Megumi!" You whispered harshly as Gojo caged your body between his and the couch.
"Hes dead on the inside, plus I don't think he'd care."
His head leans down slowly locking eyes with you when he's only inches away a small voice comes out of no where.
"Ewwww get a room."
"And that's how we trumatised Meguimi!" You heard Gojo telling the first years.
God he was the devil, when he wasn't bugging you, it was Megumi, poor kid.
"Hey stop embarrassing Megumi" you said giving him a slap on the shoulder.
He looked back at you with a wicked smile.
"So when you stab you want it to be right in the neck and pull all the way down yhe torso and just rip it all the way. I know it works because it killed Gojo-"
"And Y/Ns little heart, she was devastated!" Gojo budded in coming from nowhere.
"I'm teaching here." You said. As soon as he arrived you could feel tensions change, you just didn't know why.
"SENSEI CAN I PRACTICE ON GOJO SENSEI!" Maki said with a cursed object in her hand, looking at him like she was going to do more then practice.
"Fine but if you kill Gojo Sensei then I would-"
"Miss him very dearly and be heart broken forever. Then I'd have to burn all our wedding photos." Gojo finished your sentence for you, how kind.
"Were not even married-"
"Yet. We're not even married yet."
" Are you getting this guy Yuta? He's totally pushing it. No way he deserves y/n." Maki said aiming her knife at Gojos head before throwing it.
He caught it.
"So he is useful for one thing" Panda said.
"And that's how we became engaged!" Gojo was said, explaining 'your relationship' to the new sorcerer who transferred from Kyoto to Tokyo.
You didn't understand why the needed another sorcerer here but you thought it would be good so Gojo could have more time off (as if) and heck you guys might become friends.
"Hey wifey, this is the new transfer sorcerer."
"Hello" you said with a smile reaching your hand out for her to shake.
"I don't see a ring on that finger" She said
"Oh yeah, were not actually married" you said with a nervous laugh
"Interesting" she said shaking your hand.
"I got a bad feeling about her" Maki said seemingly appearing out of nowhere making you jump in surprise.
"Maki? Well, we just met her okay, we can't make these assumptionsabouther right now." You sighed.
"No, shes deffinatly up to something" Nobora said making your head whip around your other side seeing her with her arms crossed.
"Oh common, maybe that's just the vibe she gives off"
"Yeah people who plan evil things give off that vibe" Panda said behind you.
"Alright okay all we have to do is tolerate her, don't have to like her, but tolerate her at least."
Sure enough not long after that you'd walk around campus and see her clinging onto Gojo's arm laughing at all his jokes. Maybe your students were right.
"No, no your doing it wrong, you go from the torso and rip it right up"
"Yeah right lady, let me just do my thing and you do yours." Maki said annoyed at the woman 'correcting' her.
"Well I'm actually a teacher now so I'd think that I am qualified to mentor you." She said with a grin.
"After all the Zenin clans failure should get all the help she can, right?"
"Maki? What going on here?" You asked seeing her trying to hold back on staring the woman.
"It seems they aren't very open to criticism" she sranled looking away from you.
"She insulted me about my clan like the little maggot she is, getting under my skin like that. Gross"
"I was just saying the obvious." She rolled her eyes.
"Look, don't insult my students, Maki is one of the strongest sources I know and she worked hard to get here." You said looking at her pissed.
How dare she insult your students. Who dose she think she is?
"Look Miss..."
"Oh you can call me Mrs Gojo."
Your eye twitched. You got to be kidding me.
"If were going to have problems i'll have to tell you to just stay away from my class."
"Oh nobody told you? Well since I moved here Satoru was kind enough to help me get a position in teaching, now your class is my class."
"What? No they can't just do that?" you said now furious
"They can and they did." She said with a smirk.
"Have fun in the feild!" She said looking at you walk away all the way to Yaga's office.
"EXPLAIN YOUR SELF!" You shouted pulling open Yaga's door with pure anger running through your vains.
"We need you out on more missions Y/N, there's been a sudden rise in curses and we need you to help."
"So send the other damn woman!" You said fist slaming down into his desk.
" Your a special grade, shes not even close compared to you."
" Thanks but I don't take flattery as a form of persuasion, give me back my class, I'll work twice the missions after if thats what it takes-"
"No, It's no good to over work yourself" A voice said behind you.
"Satoru, did you know about this?" You said turing your head to him feeling betrayed.
"Hes not wrong y/n there are more curses now, more then even I can handle right now."
"Traitor" you mumbled as you aggressively pushed your way past him bumping his shoulder.
"I hope your right about this" Yaga said looking at Gojo who has his head down.
You were in no power to over turn both Gojo and Yagas decidion so you ended up drowning yourself in missions and everyone you took, the more carless you became. You just let whatever happen happen, a scratch on you? Whatever. Stitches? Okay sure. Cast? what a downer.
Nothing seemed to bother you anymore, nothing motivated you.
"Thanks Shoko but its okay, I'll just put a bandage on it. Wouldn't want to waste your time, plus I got another mission to get to."
"Are you kidding me y/n, its bad enough you don't smoke at all but also the fact you keep coming here almost every hour with a different injury." She said taking a deep inhale of her cigarette.
"Well you know, I got no students, No class room, teaching assistants..." You think of the time Gojo spent dropping into your classes daily and how it would always be a joyful atmosphere. But that rat took your place.
"You know what Y/N? I'm sending you home for a full week, and you have to stay home the entire time. No missions, no Jujutsu. Doctors orders." She said writing a note on her clip board.
You sighed "Thanks Shoko." Even though you didn't want to your body felt so exhausted and so did your mind.
So you got up and walked out of Jujutsu high, when you walked out the field you saw Gojo and ... that woman with your students all on the oval making your heart throb in you chest. You clutched at your shirt hoping this choking feeling would go away.
"Hey Shoko, have you seen Y/N lately? She hasn't spoken much, plus the kids started skipping class since she left."
"When haven't I seen her? She comes here after every mission with a new injury, man you should have seen the last one, nasty, nasty gash just pouring blood every where like she was a fountain" She exaugurated.
"Eh ya'know Y/N stuff, she stopped caring about her self so I ordered her to stay home for a week after her, lets see, 15th visit IN AN HOUR." She said placing a clip board down beside her.
"WHY DIDN'T YOU MENTION THIS EARLIER?!" Gojo said teleporting before Shoko could even respond.
Knock Knock
You almost missed the sound of the knocking, you had the T.V on a high volume to buzz out your reality. You get up and walk through the door, hand on the door knob before you stop.
"If that's you Gojo, i'm busy, I have a mission in 2 minutes." You lied hoping you could drive him away.
"No you don't, Shoko told me the prescription. No curses for a week." He said.
"Now open the door."
Slowly you turned the handle and pulled the door open. There Gojo stood just staring at you. You couldn't physically see him stare but you could feel it, all 6 eyes.
"Was that it?" He asked gesturing toward the small Cinnemaroll bandage on you head.
"Yeah, can you believe it, a week off for this" you said trying to put on a playful tone but it died in your throat.
"You and I both know that that's not the reason for the week off"
"And? You and I both know the reason it happened in the first place. You betrayed me, replaced me, what for? For that...that woman!" you said anger starting to rise.
"Oh is someone jealous?" he asked trying to lighten the mood.
"Look Gojo just go tell that lady your jokes if your trying to crack any, i'm sure it boosts your ego to when she laughs." You sigh going to close the door on him.
His arm reaches out holding the door open before walking into your room.
"Y/N I'm telling you right now, on my life, there is nothing i want with that woman, she just sticks around a lot and is kind of helpless, so we out her in teaching"
"Yeah. And she thinks that to huh? Calling her self Mrs Gojo and all huh." You said watching as he closed the door behind him.
"What? She did? besides the point okay, you want the truth? I dont like her, I even told Yaga to send her back to Kyoto, your not you right now but you need to see that it hurt me to-"
"Why? because she took your spot as the strongest or something? Replaced you? She-"
"Because I like you."
The room fell silent.
"Its not worth keeping anyone around if their going to drive you away from me. Because I really do want to be more than just what we are now, whatever it is." He said leaning closer to you, making you move all the way to the arm of your couch.
"Well maybe you should have thought about that before, because I always...I always waited for you, but every time you just turned it into a joke, I don't want to be a joke to you Satoru but you make me one"
He takes a bigger step forward, wrapping his arms around you, making you fall onto the couch backwards.
"I'm sorry" He said moving strands of your hair aside and kissing the bandaid.
"I just...I want to move on" You said feeling his hand slowly travel down your head to your neck, gently drawing patterns on it.
"Why?" he said now leaning down and kissing the nape of your neck.
"Because- you'll never need me, when theres something, some one new i'll just be cast aside again." You said feeling tears pool in your eyes.
He hovers his head above yours.
"That's not true." he said before brushing his lips over yours.
"The problem is- I can't move on from you" You said finally feeling his lips on yours.
He pulled away wiping the tears from your eyes.
You heard his breath hitch as he went back down and gave you another kiss, but this one was more passionate, filled with all emotions. One of his hands glides up your thigh while the other went behind your head trying to get his tounge in deeper.
"I'll never hurt you again, I promise."
Your arms wandered up his shirt feeling the out lines of his chiseled abs. Slowly you could feel his chest rise up and down as things got more heated and you found your self pulling him closer to.
That night you almost forgot about the past few days as Gojo just kept littering your skin with kisses and hickeys. You wished the Kyoto lady was still there so you could show them off.
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AUTHORS NOTE: @mo0nforme I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG, USUALLY IM FAST-ER. I just got busy for a few days but now i'm back to posting regularly so, yay? Hope you liked it thanks for reading. reblogs r goot
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bridgertonbabe · 8 months
I’m popping this here in case you get the urge
But the great Cluedo incident of ‘19…
I need to know what happened!!
BSSG Group Chat
Penelope: So other than all of that
Penelope: How did you enjoy your first game night @ Phillip @ Michael?
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Phillip: ⬆⬆⬆
Michael: To say I didn't enjoy a single second of last night would be an understatement
Simon: Yeah sounds about right.
Phillip: I can't lie.
Phillip: I did google how to go about getting a restraining order.
Penelope: Honestly Phil that's fair
Simon: I did the same thing after my first game night with them
Phillip: Did you actually go through with it?
Simon: I really was on the verge of it ngl
Simon: But alas, I knew it would be far more trouble than it's worth.
Simon: And besides I should have known what I was marrying into after my first game of pall mall 💀
Penelope: And look as much as we love you guys, if the events of last night were enough to scare you off we'd completely and whole-heartedly understand if you wanted to go NC with the rest of the fam.
Phillip: Just one question
Phillip: Is it just game nights and pall mall that sets them all off like that?
Michael: Yeah we really need to know now if they're triggered like that by anything else
Michael: Because if so...
Simon: It's only anything competitive that sets them all off in that way.
Simon: You have my word on that.
Penelope: ⬆⬆⬆
Penelope: Yes and they're particularly at their worst when they're playing as a family.
Penelope: They really know how to push each others buttons but none of them know when to draw the line
Michael: Yeah no shit
Michael: I managed to pick up on that last night when I was trying to put out an actual fucking fire
Simon: I do have to say that last night was an all time low
Simon: They really were all at their absolute worst
Simon: Even I didn't think they could collectively be that bad, especially after the Pictionary incident of '16
Phillip: I mean I guess it's somewhat of a relief to hear that last night wasn't just a bog standard Bridgerton game night
Phillip: Though from the way you guys are talking about it and now with the mentioned "Pictionary incident", it seems their game nights are always a cause for concern and never fun in general
Michael: Very that
Kate: What?!
Kate: What are you talking about?
Kate: Of course game nights are fun!
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Simon: Kate
Simon: Are you actually insane
Kate: Just because last night got a little bit crazy doesn't mean game nights on the whole aren't fun!
Phillip: A little bit crazy????
Penelope: Kate multiple people had to go to hospital last night
Kate: Yeah and?
Kate: It's not like it's the first game night we've ended up in A&E
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Michael: What do you mean this isn't the first game night that you've ended up in A+E?????
Phillip: ⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆
Phillip: ???????????????
Penelope: Kate 2 casualties as a result of a Bridgerton game night is to be expected but 9 is still nine more than any of us would like
Michael: 2 casualties...
Phillip: I
Kate: Omg Pen it wasn't 9 casualties
Kate: The doctors were just covering their arses with keeping most of them in over night
Kate: They were fine
Simon: They had smoke inhalation Kate
Michael: Your husband had his eyebrows burnt off
Penelope: Which is what happens when you and Anthony throw a tandem strop and set the kitchen alight
Kate: Objection!
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Kate: If you want to point the finger at who caused the fire then look no further than your wife @ Simon
Simon: First of all I wasn't pointing fingers
Simon: And secondly I was too busy trying to stem Greg's bleeding to notice the fire happening or who caused
Kate: Deflect all you want but your wife was the firestarter 🔥🔥🔥
Kate: The number of casualties was only so high because of her
Penelope: God I just hope Sophie's ok
Michael: Yeah ngl she's the only one I'm concerned for
Kate: I'm sure she's perfectly fine
Kate: Seriously you guys need to chill
Kate: I don't know why you're all being so negative about last night
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Kate: Omg why are you so mad?
Kate: It's not like she attacked you
Phillip: Oh and I should be so fucking grateful should I???
Phillip: That after attacking 3 others Anthony wrestled it off of her before she could get to me????
Michael: Who tf even let her have a switchblade in the first place???
Penelope: I did tell Colin he'd live to regret getting it for her
Phillip: And he got it for her because?!?!
Penelope: It was the one thing she asked him for when he was in Japan and he thought she just wanted it for ornamental reasons even though I explicitly warned him that definitely wasn't the case
Sophie sent a photo
Sophie sent a photo
Penelope: Omg Sophie!!!!
Penelope: 😍
Sophie: Everyone, meet Alexander 💙
Simon: Oh thank god, congrats Soph! x
Michael: Aw made up for you Soph, he's a right lil beauty! 😘
Phillip: Congrats Sophie 🤗
Penelope: He's so beautiful 🥰 how did it go?
Sophie: As smoothly as it could be considering he's 3 weeks early
Michael: I have to say Ben's rocking that eye patch
Sophie: I mean it's not exactly the get up I expected our son to meet his dad wearing but c'est la vie
Simon: How's Charlie finding being a big brother?
Sophie: I think he's more delighted with his dad looking like a pirate than with his baby brother tbh
Sophie: He very excitedly went to his dress up box and put on his pirate costume so he could be just like his daddy and refused to take it off when we were taking photos of him with Alex.
Sophie sent a photo
Penelope: Oh bless him he looks pleased as punch
Sophie: He couldn't hand Alex back to me fast enough so he could have a sword fight with Ben and make him walk the plank
Phillip: Btw just wanted to say Sophie that I'm really sorry that El accused you of faking your water breaking just to get out of the game.
Penelope: I'm sorry on Colin's behalf too Soph
Sophie: It's ok guys, I appreciate it and besides you were the ones who called the ambulance for me.
Simon: Unlike someone.
Michael: @ Kate
Kate: Omg Alex is absolutely gorgeous, congrats Soph! x
Simon: ...
Simon: Anything else you'd like to say?
Penelope: Yeah any apology to extend?
Kate: Ok ok ok
Kate: Sophie I know I didn't believe you were in labour and refused to call an ambulance
Kate: But from my side of things it just seemed really convenient that your contractions started just as you were losing
Michael: This isn't an apology???
Simon: Your newborn nephew isn't evidence enough that you were clearly in the wrong???
Kate: Ok fine I'm sorry for not calling an ambulance when you needed it Sophie!
Sophie: K.
Kate: But I will add, who's to say she didn't fake contractions and then get induced once she got to the hospital?
Sophie has left the chat.
Michael: Jesus fucking Christ
Simon has removed Kate from the chat.
Simon has added Sophie to the chat.
Simon: Don't worry I removed her.
Sophie: Thanks Simon x
Phillip: One more question.
Phillip: Did the Bridgertons corrupt Kate to be like that or was she god forbid like that anyway?
Penelope: Unfortunately Kate married in being equally as deranged as them in any competitive setting 😔
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Simon: Very that.
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cheezeybread · 3 months
Anon McGee with an actual request this time [once again not pertaining to any actual game things, unfortunately, but I'm working on it LMAO. Twisting Wonderland will not be forgotten about, I prommy]
Starting to think about different kinds of mythologies and I've absolutely fallen in love with the idea of Selkies! And as a result, it only came naturally that the thought would come up of the Octavinelle trio with a reader who's a selkie!
For additional context on that if needed [both for yourself and for other people reading this], Selkies come from Celtic Folklore and are, watered down [haha], people who wear sealskins in order to turn into seals. Generally, I think they're described as being super kind and gentle, as opposed to other creatures of mythology you often hear of.
Thinking mostly of it being something that got them put in Octavinelle because it was assumed they'd fit in better there than anywhere else in NRC. Specifically I'm thinking of the reader being a Monk Seal Selkie because those seals tend to live in warmer, tropical climates and that fits in pretty well with Azul and the Tweel's species as well, making the Octa-Dorms a pretty comfortable place for something like that. I'm also thinking that this wasn't exactly something that the reader tried to keep hidden, but it also isn't exactly spoken of super often until the reader potentially loses the seal skin and it traps them to the confines of the land [which doesn't sound all that bad in THIS situation as long as it's quickly resolved, but many Selkie stories focus on the idea of losing the skin and as a result of that, their identity and freedom they had before].
Something something, it turns out someone took it or something, probably not even for malicious reasons, just because they were curious about it, or maybe they were snooping and accidentally got something on it and were trying to discreetly clean it and return it. Whatever works, really, reader is panicked, maybe gets to show off the seal a bit after the fact, something fun and chill like that.
Also, entirely unrelated to that, but I offer you my playlist of Ghost songs that is entirely curated to my tastes, but I feel like it's a good way to ease yourself into it more [most definitely not attempting to indoctrinate you]
AHHHH I LOVE SELKIES SO MUCH !!!! I remember first reading the stories about them and thinking "omg that would make for SUCH a good yandere plot- with someone who steals their coat so they can't go home, and then the stealer is all like 'lol sucks you can't leave now let's get married'", does that make any sense?? I dunno, I'm very tired right now!
And YIPPEE, I'm getting indoctrinated, I'd always hoped it would happen to me eventually! I'm gonna be listening to that playlist while writing this XD
Octavinelle was known for being a generally quiet and calm dorm. Even the area in which the Mostro Lounge was is a fairly chill area, since there were very strict rules about fighting. The most that happened was an occasional yelp of terror as Floyd managed to corner one of his dorm members. Other than that, it was smooth sailing.
Except for today.
Almost everyone got woken up by a panicked, terrified screech.
It had ended almost as soon as it began, so most students chalked it up to be some sort of weird half-asleep dream- the others who believed it to be real sat up in their beds....before going right back to sleep of continuing on with their daily routine. After all, they didn't have to worry about anything dangerous happening with Azul and the Twins to safeguard the place.
And, speaking of the devils, the trio began their march through the halls, knocking and banging on every door to find the source of the mysterious sound.
When they got to your room, they found that although the door was unlocked, you never came to answer it.
"Maybe they're out in the bathrooms," suggested Floyd, already tired of this tedious task.
"Doubtful," remarked Jade under his breath "We checked there first, did we not? Surely we would have seen them heading to the bathrooms on our search, as well."
"Hush, you fools!" Azul hissed, leaning his head closer to the door, his eyes squinting as if that could help him hear better. "They're in here. I can hear them....crying, I think?"
"Oh, dear, well, if they're crying, we should allow them some time to-" Jade started, clamping his mouth shut as Floyd brought his leg up and kicked the door as hard as he could, flinging the piece of wood off of its hinges.
"KNOCK, KNOCK, SELKIE" He said with a proud grin, hands stuffed in his pockets casually.
"Dear Sevens, Floyd, I hope you know that's coming out of your paycheck," Azul looked disgusted as he viewed the once-beautiful white wood door splintered into two pieces, laying on the floor.
He focused his attention on the inside of your room, his body relaxing when he saw that there was no imminent danger, but then he winced when he saw you sitting on the floor in front of your closet, sobbing.
"Oops, didn't know you liked that door that much," Floyd said in an attempt to lighten the situation. You sniffled and tried to stop your crying, wiping your eyes as you looked up.
"Oh fu- geez, sorry, guys, I didn't think-" You stopped yourself, rubbing your eyes one last time before taking a shuddery breath "I'm sorry for screaming, I didn't mean- I didn't mean to...."
"Dear me, what's got you in such a sorry state?" Jade asked, placing a hand on his chin thoughtfully "We assumed the worst had happened. Octavinelle is not a place where one may use their outside voices, as you are well aware."
You glanced back into your closet again, the action making you want to start sobbing again "I lost it- no, someone took it....my coat."
"Coat's ain't that expensive, jus' get you another one, Selkie," Floyd shrugged, figuring the whole issue was solved.
Azul shook his head, going through the list of students in his mind's eye. He had made it a point to memorize the basic facts of all the members of his dorm, of course. It gave him the high ground in any situations, knowing of their weaknesses in academics, or background, or anything of the sort. He knew who YN was. "Wrong type of coat, Floyd. It's not one you can just purchase at Sam's store on campus."
"Ah, yes, they mean..." Jade made a motion with his hands to mimic putting on a coat, then swimming. It was a rather...silly pose to do, which made you chuckle a bit, despite the situation. Perhaps he had meant to do that.
"Exactly. Their coat. The one that allows them to change forms." Azul let out a small sigh, bordering on frustration "Sevens, I wish it were so easy for us, imagine not having to drink that awful bitter potion every day to retain legs....it could be just as easy as taking off a jacket, but no-" he cleared his throat, stopping himself "Apologies, YN. So I assume the missing 'coat' was your reason for such a disorderly cry not too long ago?"
You nodded your head shamefully "Yes...I know I shouldn't have screamed, but with all the stories I heard growing up of humans taking our coats so we lose that part of ourselves...maybe I overreacted."
"You did," agreed Azul, not bothering to sugarcoat it "It's ridiculous for you to assume the worst in such a situation, and as a result, bother the rest of your dorm members. Besides, if you would have bothered to read the memo I posted in the wall just outside of the bathrooms, you would have seen that today is the day that the school's ghost-workers come gather our clothes to be washed and pressed- paid for entirely out of my pocket, might I add, as a reward for the dorm's excellent exam grades." He pushed his glasses up, rolling his eyes "You would have also seen that I made a footnote stating that for any clothes you do not wish to be taken, to lay them out on the foot of your bed, lightly sprinkled with salt."
Floyd made a retching sound in the corner of your room. "Yech, salty clothes."
You felt a little better knowing that your coat wasn't stolen, but the embarrassment of being caught red-handed at ignoring the Housewarden's memo made your face turn red, itself. "...Oh."
"Oh is right!" Azul said loudly "Now pick yourself off the ground and compose yourself. I'll send Jade to retrieve your coat before the Ghosts start their washing. I would send Floyd, but..." glancing over at the Eel-mer, who was busy entertaining himself by seeing if he could fit underneath your bed, Azul let out an aggravated noise "I assume you wouldn't want him touching such a precious item."
"No, I- I wouldn't," You said "Thank you, Housewarden Ashengrotto."
"You can thank me by cleaning out the pool once you have your coat back- I assume that being in your natural form would help you better reach the hard-to-get crevices under the water," And there was his angle. So much for him helping you out of the kindness of his heart.
You tried to manage a grateful smile nonetheless "The indoor or outdoor pool?" you asked. There was a very clear difference between the two and which one you would prefer to clean. The indoor one was a basic pool, treated with natural products so that any of the water-lovers in the dorm or merfolk could enjoy a nice swim without getting chlorine in their eyes, The outdoor one was on the back-end of the dorm, and was made up of legitimate water. While the entrance to the Octavinelle's pocket dimension made it appear as if the guest was swimming underwater and yet could still breath, the back was as close to the real ocean as one could get. The larger mer-creatures enjoyed swimming there, as well as any homesick students (who could breath underwater, of course). It had magically-altered coral and reef spaces, tons of rocks, and lots and lots of crevices...
You felt the bottom of your stomach dropped when Azul flashed his iconic business smile
"The Outdoor one, of course," He stated.
This was a terrible job. It was so unrewarding to try and scrape off what barnacles there were sticking to rocks- mainly because the reef was entirely magicked up and the barnacles were consciously made a part of it! And also because, well, barnacles were natural in the ocean! Gahhhhh, curse you, Azul!
Although, now that you had time to think about it, maybe giving you such a meaningless task was Azul's plan to make you learn your lesson for making him go door-to-door searching for an emergency. That mean-spirited octopus...
"Ooooooh, Selkie's doing such a greeeeeat job!" A voice chirped from behind you. As you whirled around to see who it was, a phosphorescent light blinded you for a moment before you could see Floyd in his eel form.
Pushing down the prey instinct to run away, you forced yourself to turn around, continuing with your tasks. Floyd still lurked behind you, however, since the little lights on his body provided a faint glow.
"Can I help you with something?" You asked, your voice a mixture of grunts and barks in your current form.
Floyd had no trouble interpreting your words, and responded with chirps and clicks of his own eel tongue "Nope! Just bored!"
"Well, maybe you could help me out some."
"Hah! Not a chance, Selkie! Besides, everybody knows that those barnacles are spelled to grow back within ten minutes of being removed," Floyd grinned at you, swimming up and over you so that his head was in front of you, upside down, his sharp teeth flashing.
You frowned, looking back at the small section of barnacles you had just finished scraping.
They were all back in place. It looked like you hadn't even touched them.
You yelled out a few curses, throwing the blade in your hand onto the floor. It didn't feel as good as it did on land, though, since the water only made it gently float down.
"Sooooooo, you wanna ditch the boring scrapey-scraping and go for a swim?" the eel asked, mischief in his eyes already. Although, when did that look ever leave?
You pondered it for a moment before sighing. What else did you have to lose? This was a meaningless task anyway, like he said.
"Sure, why not?"
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activelybrainwashed · 3 months
Pinned Post
I claim this one to be my most honest blog, so here we go:
First of all, what this is about: Basically a hypnosis, brainwashing and mindcontrol fetish blog where I share my thoughts, experiences, ideas and anything I feel the need to express or let be known.
About me: I am a very chill Mexican dude living currently his 31st year of existence in Mexico City, with the goal of living in Europe someday, and professionally, becoming a digital artist.
Now the interesting part:
Why this blog exists: Well, as many people here, I found out I loved hypno even before knowing how it was called thanks to the good old 90's cartoons (and prior's) mesmerizing scenes.
I've gone through several blog names, I can't even remember many of them now, but they were all completely about the same thing: Hypnosis & beautiful girls.
And now after years of denying the part of me that didn't only want to own a hot and docile hypno slave, but also wanted to become one, I finally decided to create this little blog, as I accept more and more every day how much I enjoy listening to files and letting them reshape my thoughts, interests, will and self along with all the content and beautiful people I find here in Tumblr.
Right now what made me create this blog is that the files are making me feel really good and changing me in ways I didn't expect, and although I can openly say that I'm a little scared and sometimes put up some resistance, each day I enjoy it more and find more time to experience it and just let go.
Good girl / boy: Intense pleasure and increased suggestibility
Good doll: Intense pleasure and I behave and feel like a childish doll
Snaps: Intense arousal while commanding me to sleep and sink
Ragdoll: I go limp like a ragdoll
Spirals: Arousal and mindlessness
Pendulums: Confusion, sleepiness and dropping deep
Blank: Mindlessness
There might be more I'm not aware of from files and long time exposure to hypno media.
Feel free to use them and give me new ones.
Note: If I don't like them or they go against my pointers, they will not work. Don't try to go around it if I say no.
Some pointers:
Just to make it clear, I'm not a "sissy" and I will seriously block you and probably publicly roast you if you insinuate and bother me about it.
What I'm into:
Mind control
Obedience (within reason)
Current fantasy/goal is to be able to transform and see myself as a woman using a very specific trigger, becoming able to switch between my normal self and an ideal female version of myself anytime. 🩷
What I'm not into:
IQ reduction
Non-consensual enslavement
Forceful douchebags
Anything involving body fluids other than drool and cum
Gore & hardcore violent stuff
Rule #1: Do not ask for pictures, videos or audios of me.
With that said, feel free to write me and sen asks. I prefer asks because I take really long answering DMs and people can become somewhat demanding about it, which I cannot really indulge.
If you want to know anything about me, try to hypnotize me, say a friendly greeting to me or the community or who knows, even feeling generous and help out a bit, feel free to send an Ask and I'll reply to you as soon as I can ✨
-------------------------------------------------------------`, I've changed so much since I posted this first omg I feel so so amazing! ,‘-
Files I can't go a day without:
• Listen
• Good girls rub hypnosis
• Obey & Do your Chores
Good girls suck
Drip Drop Snap Pop
Become stoopid for men
I'm a bit unsure about this but i made a ko-fi account in case any of you would like helping me a bit to buy toys hehe! 💖 • https://ko-fi.com/emmadoll_abwshd
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ouch-thats-harsh · 3 months
hii!! how r u?? i saw ur BNHA Class1-a w/ an indian reader and i honestly LOVED IT!! i was hoping to request for an indian reader with class 1-a but where they think she is really quiet and shy. HOWEVER, they witness her OTHER side when they see her vibing like crazy to bollywood songs??????????????? thnx<333 hv a good day/nightt!!! :)))
Pairings: none! Just friends and classmates :)
warnings: none! Gn! Reader. Indian reader, the reader is a bit shy
Author's note: Omg, hello!!! It's been a while since I disappeared for no reason😭 I'm sorry I didn't see your ask till now!! I'm so glad you loved the fic, it came from a need, honestly. Also I'm definitely more than rusty at this rn, so please forgive me if this sucks, I'm not the best at English, so i apologise for any mistakes.
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A day doesn't pass without your headphones and music. The ghazals, the carnatic music, the hindustani tunes and Bollywood moods to wake your soul up. It was a need for you because more than anything, it was a piece of your home. Their foreign exchange student from India was a specimen worth knowing. Smart, brilliant, gorgeous but also quiet. You being quiet was something they expected, the language barrier guarenteed it! they dubbed your behaviour as that, but turns out thats just the way you were. It added to your charm.
One early Monday, after seemingly a shitty week, everyone had to get back on schedule. Exhausted students pulling themselves out of beds for another tiring week wasn't something new. UA makes it a death week, sometimes literally. Fatigue rolled in by the evening. After letting your friends know that you were ready to turn in for the night, you went straight to your dorm to rest. That was until you got a Google photos notif, from the last time you went to navratri.
Sero was just walking to his room, he was unbothered and chill. Then came your dorm room.
Before long your friends were outside your door
*Knock knock*
from the outside one could hear the faint sound of music and someone singing. They slowly opened the door, to see you, their adorable lovely quiet friend, eyes closed, with loud music, moving your hips to some Bollywood song? the song suited you, thought midoriya as soon as he saw you.
But then the shock came. You danced???
"DAMN GIRL!!" mina's loud outburst alerted you. You froze in place at the sudden yell, "how long have you guys been standing there???" You cried out, a bit embarrassed, maybe too embarrassed. You quickly turned the music off.
"Long enough to see you dance." Kirishima pointed out with a smirk. You felt your face warm. kaminari laughed at the sight of you flustered. Even though the situation was just the material to tease you with, they saw how much you enjoyed it, how carefree you were at that moment.
"What song was that? And you never told me you could move like *that*" mina asked pointing at you. "It's- uhm, it's called" you looked at your phone to get the title right, "tumhi ho bandu... And i- uh could always do that? Haha" the nervousness was evident, probably a result of you hiding this side of yours for so long.
This was a pleasant surprise to them. You looked more alive than they could remember.
Ochaco remembered the times you told her about baraat and gharba, times where you danced as if it was your last breathe of air. You told her about how your lungs would burn, sweat rolling off your head onto the earth. She saw what you meant today, even if it was fleeting. She wanted to join. She picked up your phone and played the next song. The beginning of nachde ne saare played. A memory for you, dancing with your bestfriend back home, unlocked.
You felt shy as the song began, but Ochaco and mina, ever the dancers, began moving, inviting you to do too. The guys were watching until pulled in by the duo, bakugou just stayed in his place, watching and nodding to the beat after a while. You could see some of them puzzled at the words but they swayed nonetheless. You remember this scene from somewhere. What was it? 2 years ago? Tenth farewell party... You remember something just like this, loud music, laughter, flaying arms and someone's horrible attempt at Bhangra. Flashes of old friends transitioned into your new ones, just as precious, loving and loved.
The hour was spent dancing, singing (gibberish more like), before long exhaustion hit all of you."We- *pants* should do this more often" a tired momo said. Satisfied with the whole thing. Some agreed immediately with her, smiling. You all talked a bit after that, letting yourselves relax. "You know, I'm glad i snooped enough to get to see this" sero said amused. "Yeah, i mean, for all we know you could've just hid those hips from us forever." Mina laughed. You chuckled a bit. "Thats called thumke" you told her, happy at the sight of all of them beside you. You went back to your quiet self.
"I do hope we'll get to see you like this more, it's nice to see you so fired up and not only on the battlefield" tooru said as she got up, the others added to her comment agreeing. After her the rest got up and decided to finally go to bed, they all hugged you or just showed their way of being affectionate, so did you.
Your room was silent now. You felt content, somehow at peace at the whole "incident" as they would come to call it from now on.You closed your eyes, the sounds from earlier echoed in your head, though loud, it put you to sleep.
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End note: hey, uhm so this was smtg I cooked up after not writing for a long while, so please do leave suggestions on how to improve and yea, thanks for reading! :))
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imagobin · 6 months
Hiii!:) can you do head canons for the Zoldyck Siblings that have a sibling who is about 15 so like middle child sorta who always try’s to care for each sibling they have and is still is very skilled assassin and try’s to hold everything together please 😋
Omg okay I love this idea, just a poor 15 year old trying their best fhgk Thank you for requesting this, I'm gonna have lots of fun! Dividing this in sections, with what the Reader does for each sibling and their opinions on them!
🔯Being the Zoldyck's middle child HCs🔯
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Illumi is always working hard for the family, often taking on the most jobs, no matter how far they are. He doesn't show any sign of exhaustion, but you can always tell when your brother is feeling tired.
He takes a bit more time to reply during conversations, his footsteps actually make sound, his usually perfect hair has some strands out of place... you notice it all.
Seeing your brother overworking himself is really saddening for you, so you try to do small things for Illumi whenever you can: you ask him if there's any hit job you could handle instead of him "keeping them all to himself", you get him his favorite drink or snack... when you see him looking particularly stressed, you even offer to braid or brush his hair, and he's often taken off guard by this. "You want to brush my hair...? Hm, that does sound nice..."
Illumi doesn't know why you do all this stuff for him (he still hasn't caught on that you can see his fatigue), but he's really grateful for it, especially the hair-brushing; that always manages to calm his nerves like nothing else, it even makes him sleepy!
Needless to say, he's very proud of you as well. Your talent for assassination is undeniable, which is why he often agrees to hand a couple of his jobs over to you; he knows you can handle them.
Killua will always be his favorite sibling, but you also hold a special place in his heart since you seem to care so much about him.
He does however have a small tendency to still treat you like a little kid, giving you head pats and such when you've done a good job with an assassination, or to simply thank you.
Needless to say, you rarely ever see Milluki leave his room, and nobody seems to be worried about that. You do though. You're always wondering what he might be doing in there, and if he's doing okay.
Honestly the rest of your family kind of acts as if he doesn't exist, unless they need something from him.
Milluki seems pretty used to this by now, so whenever you want to hang out with him, he just wonders why, or if you might have some ulterior motive. "W-wouldn't you rather go play with Kil? I'm busy here! ... though I guess I could make an exception-"
Of course, you just want to keep your brother company, plus, he's genuinely very fun to spend time with! You guys play games together, watch anime and eat snacks to your heart's content, nothing better than that for a chill afternoon.
He'd NEVER admit it right in front of you, but man, he loves when you visit him. He feels like you're the only person in the family he can talk about his interests to without being made fun of.
Milluki is a little bit jealous of your assassin skills, but doesn't really let that bother him, mostly because despite that, you don't act like you're better than him, you actually recognize his skills too, so there's like- mutual respect between the two of you.
He doesn't really take missions that require leaving the house anymore, but... he might give in if you were the one asking, he feels like you'd make a pretty good team with his brains and your brawn.
You and Killua are very close in age, you basically grew up together! So of course you two would be very close.
Among your brothers, he's definitely the most fun to hang out with. He's the outdoorsy type, which means that whenever you meet up, there's always adventures to be had, and sometimes... pranks to be pulled.
You're a bit more level-headed than him, since you're older, but you don't always manage to keep him out of trouble, which predictably isn't something your mother approves of. You're always getting scolded, because you should be setting an example for Killua, not encourage his rebellious side!
Killua finds the way Kikyo scolds you pretty annoying. "Who cares about what she wants? At least you're not boring like everyone else here!"
He also doesn't really understand why you still spend so much time with Illumi and Milluki, he not jealous, but would definitely love to know what pushes you to be so nice to them, especially Illumi.
You've explained your reasoning countless times: it's because you're family! You need to take care of each other, otherwise things might go wrong... he feels like you might be too nice. Not that it's a bad thing, just like Alluka, you bring him a sort of familial comfort that nobody else has there, which makes visiting home more bearable.
When Killua was still working as an assassin, he'd always be excited to go on missions with you. You two just get each other like that, and the job would always be completed flawlessly.
Your parents always advise you against visiting Alluka, but do tou listen to them? Nope. Of course you're going to visit your little sister! She's always in that room on her own, you don't want her to feel lonely!
You play pretend with her, have cute tea parties with her plushies, and of course, say yes to anything she demands, which are usually very easy things, because you never take advantage of her wish-granting ability, and basically nobody else makes wishes to her anymore, because they're all too scared of her powers.
You always ask for something simple, like a hug, and she's always happy to comply.
Both her and Nanika are very happy that you visit them, and that you accept her for who she is. "You know, whenever you visit me- it makes me soooo happy I could explode!" You are definitely her favorite along with Killua.
You interacting so often with her has also given your parents a better understanding of her power, making them less scared of her, though they still don't allow her outside on her own, for fear that someone might misuse her ability.
She still explores the world with Killua, but whenever those two visit Kukuroo mountain, she's always extremely happy to see you again.
She's also very impressed with your skills as an assassin, and always jokes around, saying if Killua doesn't want to be the heir, you could be a candidate.
Kalluto is your youngest brother, so you feel pretty protective towards him.
He's often got this sort of melancholic aura around him, because he'd really want Killua to pay attention to him, but the white haired boy never does. He's a little bit jealous of you, because of how much you two hang out, but not too much, because he sees you also making the same effort with the rest of your siblings, him included.
When you see him looking a bit gloomy, you always offer to play with him, though he doesn't really know how to play a lot of outdoors games. He'll try to convince you he's okay with playing anything you want, but that's because he doesn't want to bore you.
You insist on doing what HE wants to do though. Your determination to let him choose what he wants to do makes him really happy, even if he doesn't really show it.
His idea of fun is always something pretty relaxing; his main hobby is making origami and paper dolls, and that's usually what you two end up doing. He's really good at both those things, and gets a bit embarrassed if you compliment him on that. "I-it's just a dragon origami... nothing too complex... ... thanks though"
He looks up to you, for being young and already so skilled, you're a natural with the family business.
You're always a bit concerned whenever he goes on missions with the Phantom Troupe, but you have noticed he's become more talkative since he's joined them.
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kiki-writes-stuff · 7 months
𝐓𝐞𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮
𝐓𝐞𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 : fluff
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : none
𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐥: please note that I'm a manhwa only, so my perception of the boys is based solely on what we've seen up till chapter 60 of the manhwa and researching their wiki pages and mbtis (studied for it like a damn test omg 😭).
a/n: this was inspired by this fic by @starry-nights-garden, ik ya'll are here for testar and not ateez, but they're an amazing author so if you happen to be an atiny do check them out!
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𝐁𝐚𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐧:
Always puts you first
This may seem like something to be expected in any healthy relationship, but our little baby hamster takes it to a whole other level
He’s very shy and hesitant at first
But once he gets comfy with you and gains a little more confidence in his understanding of you and your needs…
Ooooooh boy you better prepare yourself
You mention in passing that you’re bored? He’s already running through his schedule in his head to try and find an opening so he can swing by your place with a list of activities he thinks you might enjoy
Something happened to upset you? He’s all ears, will find a way to slip out of practice just so he can videocall you and listen to you vent to get it out of your system 
You miss him? He’s honestly upset with himself for not realising he’s neglected you sooner, immediately drops whatever he can to make time for you
I still feel like he’d overthink and second guess himself a lot tho :(( always worries that maybe he isn’t giving you what you need, or that he’s too much or too little :((
So please give this baby lots of smiles and assurance! He needs to know that he’s reading your cues right, and that what he’s doing genuinely makes you happy
Because your happiness is always his top priority
𝐑𝐲𝐮 𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐰𝐨𝐨
Taking care of you
Now, one thing I’ve noticed about our boy Chungwoo is that he’s got a really strong sense of responibility and obligation, and I’m sure that’s something that would carry into the way he treats his partner
He sees it as his duty to make sure that you’re safe and comfortable at all times
The kinda guy to treat sidewalk and door rules like Law
If anything’s bothering you he makes it his personal mission to fix the problem
Which causes some friction at the beginning of your relationship because sometimes he can be a bit much about it
Like offering slightly unsolicited and overly practical advice 
That friend’s been giving you a hard time? Just ditch em cuz they obviously don’t deserve someone as amazing as you 🙄😮‍💨
Or blaming himself and getting frustrated if he can’t do anything to help fix the problem 
But eventually you talk it out, and once you assure him that it isn’t his job to make everything okay, and that he already helps you so much by being there to support you, he concedes and learns to be more chill about it
Still gets upset when you’re upset
But he knows to channel it in healthier ways now
Like helping you out with little chores when you’re stressed, checking in and offering to take care of more tedious things like laundry and groceries when he can
He never asks for anything in return because it’s HIS job to look after YOU
But is still absolutely not so secretly over the moon whenever you reciprocate that energy
Kicking his feet and giggling kinda happy that one time you dropped by the practice room to bring him lunch (bonus points if you made it yourself!)
𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐡𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧:
Little things
My baby 🥺💕
My sweet precious little faerie prince 🥹✨️🌸
He’s gentle and soft in the way he loves you
But dear god it could not be less subtle 
Will bring you these random little gifts
Usually food (snacks, chocolates, coffee, milkshakes, muffins)
But sometimes it’s just things that reminded him of you
Like a stuffed animal that looked just like you, a sticker sheet in your favorite color, a keychain of a character you love, a postcard with a picture that made him think of you
Sends you texts throughout the day too
Pictures of flowers, the sky, a book he thinks you might like, a cute cat he saw on the way to the studio, a selfie Eugene forcibly took with him
Little reminders to eat, stay hydrated, “The weather report says it’ll be a bit colder than usual and that it might rain today, please make sure you dress warmly and bring an umbrella with you!”
Will randomly ramble about how much he loves you when he thinks knows you’re asleep or busy so you won’t read the texts till later
“I saw this quote on pinterest earlier today about how ‘intimacy is safety’ and I just wanted to tell you that that’s what you are to me. I always feel safe and comfortable when I’m with you, like there’s no one else in the world but us and I don’t have to worry about saying the right words or being misunderstood because I know our hearts are both fluent in silence, and as soon as I’m with you I’m home.” 
He thinks of these things when he’s with you tbh, like when you’re having coffee together and he watches the way you laugh and scrunch your nose when you smile
But he’s worried that if he tries to say it it’ll come out wrong :((
So he sets the feeling aside and it ends up accumulating into this neverending well of love and affection that he just HAS to let out somehow
So, basically, you’re on his mind 24/7 and he needs you to know that
You’re such a wonderful person ofc you deserve to know how loved you are :((
And so does he!! He’ll get all shy and squirm a bit whenever you tell him how much he means to you, or when you lean your head on his shoulder and thread your fingers through his own
But he’s smiling and blushing
If he’s feeling brave he’ll bring your hand up to his lips and kiss your knuckles
Adbhsafwilfhawliu I’m just so soft for him I’m sorry 
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐧:
Makes you laugh
There’s nothing he loves more than hearing you absolutely lose it
Even if you say you sound like dying frogs trapped in a windshield wiper
Will insist that it’s the prettiest sound he’s ever heard
He’s lying, it’s not
But it makes him so happy to hear you so what does it matter?
The way your ears turn red and your face flushes as you try to hide it in a pillow or your hands
Or better yet his shoulder or chest
Sejin absolutely has physical touch as a love language 
His favorite thing is the way you cling to him when you laugh
Even if it means you hit him a few times in the process
Because sometimes a lot of the time once you’ve calmed down you don’t really move
You stop putting all your weight on him sure
But you stay tucked into his side and he gets to put an arm around you and look at the way your eyes are still sparkling and your lips are pulled into this giant grin
Bonus points if you’re shorter than him and he can look down at you without you really noticing 
Our boy is whipped
But not whipped enough to spare you from tickle fights 
If you’re a ticklish person he can and will use that to his advantage 
There have been one or two occasions where it got really intense and someone hit the other person in the nose or kneed them in the stomach
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐞:
Makes time for you
This boy is literally singing and dancing for his LIFE okay
He’s a twenty nine year old in the body of a 20 year old with the soul of a sixty seven year old man
He doesn’t have time for all this trivial nonsense
Unless ofc you wanna go to that cute cafe you mentioned last week
Or that movie you really wanted to see is coming out this Friday
And yk if you really must have that spa day where you spend hours doing his nails and putting on face masks….
Who is he to deny you?
Sometimes his poker face does bother you
You’ll be rambling about something or enthusiastically making plans
When you suddenly realise he hasn’t said anything in a while
You feel bad and backtrack, apologising and saying you’re probably boring him or rushing into plans when he’s already so busy with performances and practice and whatnot
He actually looks surprised 
Quickly tells you you have nothing to be sorry for, he loves listening to you talk :((
And he’ll set aside time so you guys can go do the thing, ofc he will when you’re so excited about it >:((
He’s so matter of fact and blunt about it that there isn’t much room for doubt, and you’re back to happily telling about whatever it is that’s got your interest this week
Except this time, if you’re really paying attention
There’s this tiny smile resting contentedly on his face
Everything else can wait just a bit, just for a little while longer
𝐂𝐡𝐚 𝐄𝐮𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞:
Is your personal hype man!!
Eugene is one of the most passionate people in any universe, and he’s pretty straightforward when it comes to voicing his thoughts
So there’s no way he’s not the most vocal partner ever 
Whatever it is, whether you’re hitting an important academic/professional milestone or working hard for a personal goal, he’s right there cheering you on
Will catch you off guard sometimes though
Like he’ll suddenly get all serious, and tell you in the most sincere tone of voice you could imagine that he’s really proud of you
Before grinning and grabbing your hands
Will swing them back and forth while talking about how lucky he is to have such an amazing s/o
One of his favorite things is when you’re trying to choose an outfit for something and he gets a personal fashion show
He’s not really all that into fashion himself but he loves seeing all the outfits you come up with
Applauds and wolf whistles every time you step out
Except when he doesn’t 
There have been times where he goes quiet and says he doesn’t like an outfit
Confuses you because excuse?? You KNOW it looks good on you???
After some interrogation he grudgingly admits that it does look amazing on you… He just doesn’t want anyone else to see you in it 
He knows you’re a grown adult who can wear whatever they want wherever they want
But he still gets just a little bit jealous
You’re so gorgeous he can’t help it :((
After some cheek kisses and assurance he’s all good tho
10/10 would have an album on his phone that’s just pictures of you
𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐑𝐚𝐞𝐛𝐢𝐧:
Includes you
My precious bby pt.2 🥹✨️
Now, we all know that Raebin is our little producer genius and very much introverted 
So when inspiration strikes and he’s caught up in the thick of it, he can sort of retreat into his own little world
And when he’s all tired from being around the other members and fans all day
He loves having you there with him
You don’t have to be doing anything in particular together, definitely don’t have to be talking (he loves you but his social battery can only take so much)
He just wants to know you’re close :((
He won’t be the one to instigate, but his brain fizzles into static noise for a second or two if you pull up a chair beside him (which is in there especially for you btw) and curl up next to him 
Doing work on your laptop, reading a webtoon on your phone, or reading a book 
You make eye contact when he looks over and you guys share a small smile :((
He’s so happy that you’re comfortable enough in his space to treat it as your own
Does the same if he’s in your space 
You could be sitting on your bed and he’ll sleepily shuffle into your room
If he’s awake enough he might stand just inside the door and knock a bit on the doorframe just to get your permission before walking in
But if he’s real tired and you guys have been together for a while baby feels so comfy and safe he briefly forgets manners and propriety and walks right in
Flops onto the bed beside you and lays his head on your tummy or thigh depending on how you’re sitting 
Falls asleep almost instantly if you start running your fingers through his hair 
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Remember to reblog, comment, and like! Feedback is always appreciated, support your authors loves, don't be a stranger ૮꒰˶ ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶꒱ა
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
Can I please request Ace, Deuce, Kalim, Cater and Epel reacting to their crush hugging them and kissing their cheek as thank you for helping them and then running off?
Hi, thank you for the ask!
Ace, Deuce, Kalim, Cater, Epel reacting to their crush — Thank you! *kiss*
Almost has a heart attack because he wasn't expecting you to be so affectionate (he really liked it when you kissed him on the cheek)
He probably helped you with a basketball trick while you were practicing by yourself. You wanted to join the basketball club but didn't know if you were going to fit in, because of this Ace offered to help you as long as you buy him lunch once a week. This ended up becoming the start of his crush on you as he spent more time with you and got to know you more
"Erm, yeah, n-no problem, it wasn't that hard anyways," he tries to play it off cool but you can see the slight tint on his cheeks while he looks away from you
After you leave, he might still be silently screaming to himself, even Deuce asks what happened to him because Ace is sort of just dazed out for the rest of the day haha
He'll definitely find an excuse to help you out more just to get more of your affection
Similar to Ace, he'll also have a heart attack because of how much affection it was at once. Does almost fall over because of pure shock haha
He was likely helping you with your groceries (more like Grim's if anything) and he offered to carry some of the bags back to Ramshackle. You had kissed him on the cheek before running inside your dorm. He stood out there, shocked
Right after that, he ran back to Heartslabyul to his dorm, closed his door, and silently screamed into his pillow. He's face had to be redder than Riddle's because of how flustered he was
If anyone asks him what happened he won't say anything, maybe that he was running and that he was just out of breath because of that but nothing else. Of course, with his stuttering everyone knows it's not the case
Ace will tease him about it, but who can blame Deuce for blushing so much. He's sort of a romantic so he'll definitely replay that moment a bunch of times in his head. Also he'll help you out more just so he can get more affection haha
He might kiss you back on your cheek sort of like how some people do during greetings. He doesn't think too much about it because he's used to it but it hits him that you kissed him after he reaches his dorm
He helped you during the Pop Music Club practice. You stayed behind to get a better hang of the instrument or the vocals you were in charge of and he offered to help (mainly because wanted an excuse to be around you more). Probably the best decision of his life in his opinion
"OMG JAMIL GUESS WHAT?!" He'll run to the vice dorm leader while pointing at his cheek. Jamil doesn't really get it at first but he's known that Kalim had a crush on you for a while. So while he does roll his eyes he does tell Kalim that he should just ask you out now
Kalim is a hopeless romantic, sort of a dreamy type. He thinks you looked so cute when you found yourself getting better and better at the song you were going to perform. He will often smile to himself thinking of the moment you kissed him
He'll definitely ask you if you need help in the future just so he can be with you more. Perhaps he'll ask you out during then too?
He's better at hiding his flustered face, mainly because he's good at hiding things :/. However, you could see him blank out for a moment because he was surprised by your actions.
It was just a study session for the two of you. If anything, he asked if you needed help and you just said that the two of you should have a study session together. Little did he know it would just be you two. While it was chill, the end when you kissed him before you left for Ramshackle left him a bit breathless
He hides it well but Trey notices that Cater is a little more hyper than usual. "Oh, nothing I'm just having a really good day," Cater will say, waving it off but his heart's probably still beating fast
He does message you a lot, but it'll grow after this event. Expect lots of texts on how you're doing, something funny he saw, stuff like that
He really is good at hiding his flusteredness so you'll have to squint to see it. However, a dead giveaway that he has had a crush on you for a while would be when he is a lot calmer with you and honestly a very chill and fun guy to be around
He's also easily flustered like Ace and Deuce. He almost falls over because he's so surprised you probably have to ask if he's okay haha
"Y-yeah, totally, thanks," he nods, heart racing and face red. He can't believe you said you had a great time broom-racing with him but you also KISSED him!
He's had a crush on you for a while but he has no idea how to tell you he likes you. He can't bring himself to ask Vil because he's sure Vil "hasn't dated anyone because of his snobby attitude" (Epel's words not mine) and he can't ask any of his first year friends because they'll just tell you. He tries to hide it from you but he always ends up slightly pink in the cheeks with you
After you kissed him and left for Ramshackle, he basically shouted something victorious and ran all the way back to Pomefiore. He's grinning so wide Vil wonders what happened haha. Epel's definitely going to play that scene in his head a lot of times
He'll ask you to go broom-racing more often now. If you ask him to go he'll basically be like "yeah I can go now if you want!" You can definitely see his crush, it's really cute
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hils79 · 2 months
Hils Watches Lovely Runner - Ep 8
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I knew he dug up the time capsule before they got rid of the tree!
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Look at him rehearsing how to look chill. I love him
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OH SHIIIIII! The serial killer is out of jail! Wait, how is he out of jail? And why is no one keeping tabs on him to make sure he doesn't go after Im Sol again?
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Sometimes I forget that Korea is a very conservative country until a woman freaks out at the prospect of being alone in a hotel with a man. Can't possibly have sex when we're not married or even dating!
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LMAO she gave this whole big speech that she has nothing against people who have casual sex but she has more traditional values and he let say all that and was like 'we're just going to the bar to have a drink'. I love them they are both so ridiculous.
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So much for those conservative values 😂
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I mean how bad can a gift from a gaming company be?
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HAHA! I mean it could definitely be worse than a carboard cutout sexy video game girl
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NOOOO! Don't hide it in your bed! Hide it under the bed! Or in the closet! Dude! This is not going to end well for you I can see it coming.
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He thought it was funny when she was very insistent that she didn't want to have sex with him. Now he thinks she wants to and he's scandalised. Shoe's on the other foot now :D
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Sunjae. Sunjae, that magazine you are pretending to casually read is upside down. Sunjae...
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I'm not an idol who has to watch their weight so I'll just eat in front of you
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Now he thinks she has legit prophetic dreams because when they were at school she told him she had a dream he got hurt and couldn't swim anymore, which then happened.
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How did she manage to spill this much ramen all over her sweater and jeans. The bowl was pretty much empty when they showed it a couple of minutes ago
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She is a tiny girl and you are a very tall man. I think it will definitely be too big
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Not sure why he let her change in his bedroom after they made a big fuss about how it wasn't appropriate for her to be in a man's bedroom earlier. But also, LMAO, the time capsule he denied going to get because he was trying to be cool is right there on the table.
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I AM WHEEZING! Dude, why did you use your entire duvet to cover the time capsule? Like what was the plan after that? Anyway, now his secret video game girl fetish has been exposed. They are both such disasters I love them so much.
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I am such a sucker for 'accidentally falling on top of each other'. Even more if they accidentally fall into a kiss. It's so stupid but I never get tired of seeing it.
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Oops. Busted.
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Ah, so that's why she stopped seeing him. I totally get it she went through something incredibly traumatic. It's just sad that the person she loves and who loves her reminds her of that time.
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Come on you need to tell him that you went too. You just arrived a bit late and missed him.
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I legit keep forgetting about this dude
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This is very random but it's nice to see someone working in a well lit office. So many kdramas have people working with just a tiny little desk lamp to see by and all the main lights are off for no reason
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I'm assuming the sasaeng that Im Sol got mistaken for is going to become plot relevant at some point. God, is she going to try and kill Im Sol? Like she doesn't have enough problems with a serial killer already after her
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Wait, am I supposed to know who this is? Im Sol looked really shocked when she saw her face
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Why have you taken her out for dinner instead of calling the cops? Is it just because of how young she is?
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OMG was he after Sunjae this whole time?
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the-l00ker · 4 months
(to clarify I mean this from a writing perspective. Like I don't think the writers necessarily, originally intended for Stolas to be racist and when you break it down I think they were going for him being more classist but at face value he seems racist.
Put together, and at face value he's racist. Breaking it down and from a narrative point, it seems he was supposed to be classist. WHICH IS STILL A BAD not defending the man in that front
Genuinely don't think they intend for Stolas to be a completely racist person/didn't intend for old (season 1) Stolas to be racist, but when you look at it all put together he's definitely got SOME racist energy.
But they definitely doubled down in season 2 on "old Stolas was racist bc of the people he grew up with"
But I'm just breaking down why I DON'T THINK THEY ORIGINALLY WANTED IT TO BE THAT WAY and it wasn't really an error, it was more of a one-track mind approach)
Someone on twitter said that Stolas is racist
(from a writing perspective/break down perspective)
He has been conditioned into being classist. Stella's the racist one-
When lil Stolas was meeting Blitzo for the first time, and he bows to him, paimon says something along the lines of "don't bow, he bows to us idiot" before smacking him over the head
Paimon implies ( and outright says) that he should bow to him because he's not worth it, because they're better then them. Richer. Power. Just "better"
However Stolas, continues to treat them like equals even when they're playing. He doesn't look down on Blitzo for being an Imp. But Stolas doesn't acknowledge that they have different lives because Stolas is rich.
He just assumes Blitzo could read, has a education and wants to learn but changes his tune when Blitzo awkwardly stares at him and suggest something else.
In the future right after the whole "omg you slept with someone" happens to Stella.
Stella says "You slept with an Imp in our fucking bed!" now today isn't a discussion of how much of a narcissistic bitch Stella is so we'll leave it out there to chill
(and if you don't see it, imagine saying "I can't believe you slept with a person of colour!" that's basically what Stella said)
Stolas doesn't even acknowledge it, saying he didn't have enough time to get a Motel. Stolas doesn't say anything about Blitzo being "just an Imp" he just talks like he's sleeping with anyone.
You could literally change Blitzo name for anyone else and I'd still work.
But here's the thing, Blitzo is one that see Stolas as a bit of a racist because he thinks Stolas was the one who bought him for a day or so.
Like he thinks Stolas bought him. But it wasn't Stolas. It was Paimon, he bought him so that he won't have to deal with Stolas being upset. Stolas didn't even have a choice in the matter so it wasn't his fault.
But here's how he's UNINTENTIONALLY classist.
Literally the entire relationship and dynamics-
Stolas technically bought the IMP services TWICE, once in the trailer/pilot and another in the Loo-Loo Land episode.
Stolas rented Blitzo team out for the day, because Stolas was paying him to do so. He practically bought Blitzo's time.
He looked down on Millie and Moxxie because he really only intented to buy out Blitzo time and not there's. He didn't need protection as we can see at the episodes end, he just bought Blitzo's time for entertainment. FOR ENTERTAINMENT
Stolas initially thought that he was entitled to Blitzo's time because he bought out THE WHOLE BUSINESS SERVICE FOR ONE DAY.
And at the beginning of the Stolas literally says "We're rich and we're hot, people want our money and our bodies" HE'S IMPLIES THAT HE'S SUPERIOR TO EVERYONE ELSE NOT BECAUSE THEY'RE IMPS OR HELL-BORN DEMONS
And in the Harvest Moon episode Blitzo defends Stolas because Stolas is literally the secondary breadwinner with in his business. If Stolas dies then Octiva gets the book and then Blitzo doesn't have it, so they can't make money anymore.
Stolas again is in someway shovelling money to stay in someone's life, taking advantage of the fact that Blitzo NEEDS HIM.
But in the episode Truth Speaker, that's when Stolas changes his mindset (all be it, off screen) he realizes when Blitzo is endangered but he can't just throw money at problems and actually has to do something to keep him safe.
This is the first time that he is not thrown money at a problem and it worked.
Moving on in the story Stolas has some on screen and off screen character development, in which the power dynamics and throwing money as every single problem isn't right anymore and it was never right.
Because before then he'd been practically throwing money in the face a not-so-successful-at-the-time Blitzo just for his company.
That was some level of autonomy in that relationship but it was mostly him just throwing money and buying him out and buying his time.
It Highlights the absolute wealth difference between the two characters.
Before the episode Truth Seeker, Stolas was indeed a classist character it may have not been as obvious as some other characters but he was a bit classist at the least.
Before the episode Truth Seekers, Stolas saw Blitzo as somewhat below him, because he could just afford to buy him out. But after realising that he was indeed a person and could be hurt, I believe after that episode is when he actually begun to care.
Ozzie's was the eventual big push for him to get better. It was obvious that Stolas WAS embarrassed to be with Blitzo. And not because he was an Imp like Ozzie implied because Stolas could have just clapped back with "AND TF ABT U BITCH?? HUH?"
No, it's because Ozzie made the Association that since he was with an Imp, then that equals poor, which equals embarrassment, which equates to him asking why did you throw away your marriage for someone who is poor?
Because I don't think Ozzie would have been racist, on stage, infront of other Imps and his Imp boyfriend.
After this episode we can see that he has a change of heart and a change in which he views things. After this episode he realizes that Blitzo's feelings could no longer be bought because he'd made him genuinely upset and there was no amount of money you could throw on that 🔥dumpster fire 🔥to make it okay
By that point the business was already successful so it was no longer a matter of money.
After this Stolas has some off screen development it seems. Better himself as a person and truly beginning to see equals but as a consequence he had to acknowledge over pain and the sheer power he had in the relationship.
That's when in the episode Oops, Stolas decides to get Big Boss Ozzie-mozzie Crystal to try and end this constant power dynamic and classism that was in their relationship.
I'm in the episode we can Stolas helping out his "equal" when it came down to Fizz. He didn't just turn around and go "well he's an Imp, icky not helping him. I'll come back later"
He sat there through the entire thing helping Ozzie out, not out of obligation. He literally could have left but didn't because he didn't see Fizz as Ozzie's problem, he now saw Fizz as a genuine person.
And the set up to this was great because Ozzie would have had to sign away alot of money to get Fizz out of trouble, and its a nod back at when old him would have probably just threw money at this problem but instead of that he advises his "equal" to NOT throw money at the problem and instead read the entire contract to make sure that everything goes well.
this act alone not only let Fizz and Blitzo work shit out but also showed the viewer that he had changed for the better, and he was going through character development to not be a dick
And now we're at Full Moon and at this rate Stolas has already had all the necessary character development off-screen to no longer be as classist as he was before, and it's a bit disappointed that this was in highlighted a bit before but you gotta read through the line sometimes
Stolas now sees them as equals. But he hadn't shown Blitzo that. Blitzo is still scared of Stolas and his influence and status and money, last Blitzo check he'd had to spend time looking for Stolas daughter so that he won't be as mad and he won't banned him from the book.
An honestly if he had it his way Blitzo probably never would have went to the human realm to help look for his daughter.
But at that rate it was out of sheer obligation-
And as much as the episode tries to play it off as a gag, Blitzo still has to drop everything to help him out, YES because he does care but also out of fear of losing his only source of income.
So for Stolas to rock up in Full Moon and be like, "I see you as an equal and I love you" WOULD HAVE FUCKED BLITZO SHIT UP
He'd only been inadvertently put down by Stolas not because that was Stolas intention but because that's what is actions gave off in terms of vibes.
And that's why in the Helluva universe Stolas is unintentionally a classist character, to which he didn't know about it UNTIL IT WAS TOO FUCKING LATE-
No I will not be taking question. Yes this took me 30 minutes to write because of my inability to spell. Shush!
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aurorawest · 6 months
I finished The Mars House last night and have been trying to gather my thoughts beyond ADJFAWEHDHA; and AHHHHHHHH. Let's see how this works out.
In a lot of ways this is a pretty typical Natasha Pulley book, which makes you love complicated people who have done bad things, possibly for good reasons and possibly not. The love interest is to all appearances a xenophobic nationalist, but you better believe I loved Gale pretty much immediately.
In other ways this book is different from her past work—obviously there's the far future setting, but it's pretty clear that Pulley wanted to Say Something about gender with The Mars House. This book is a response to and shots fired at the terf ideology and it is not at all subtle about it. And of course, it's a Natasha Pulley book, so there's still empathy for the far-future Martian terfs.
So I would definitely call it the most...political? of her books, which for me was not at all a bad thing. It has everything that I love about Pulley novels—her gorgeous use of language, her ability to wring beauty and pathos out of the small and ordinary, the gay pining, the morally dubious main characters. I've seen reviews say both that the science is ridiculous and that the book is hard science fiction, and I would come down on the side of the science probably being a bit ridiculous, since it's definitely not hard science fiction (lol at the reviewers who are throwing that term around and not knowing what it means). I actually have no idea if the science is plausible or not and I honestly don't care, because that's really not the point of the book.
Anyway, now I'm just going to list things. Doing a read more for spoilers! And I'm not joking, I'm going to spoil the whole book under here so really, if you haven't read it and you care about that, don't keep reading.
The worldbuilding was so good. I mean, this is one of Pulley's strengths, but I had wondered how it would stack up in a sci fi novel versus her historical fiction. As usual, everything was so visceral and textured. Tharsis and Songshu feel like real places I could visit.
THE MAMMOTHS OMG OMG. When they decided to ask the mammoths for help pulling up the gravity train, I almost jumped up from the couch yelling (I would have, but I couldn't disturb my cat who was on my legs). The entire idea of communicating with mammoths and studying mammoth society almost made me cry. Having spent even a tiny amount of time around elephants in the wild, all of that rang 100% plausible. And true in my heart.
I need a sequel where River and January go to Alpha Centauri to talk to the aliens that the Penglai mission is going to find there.
Speaking of River, yeah I guessed that "Aubrey" was actually River. The clues were well done and I felt smug when I was right.
But!! I actually thought River knew more than they did! A literal chill went up my back when River revealed they had NO IDEA AUBREY WAS LITERALLY IN THEIR ROOM WITH THEM.
The scene in River's bathtub had me screaming crying throwing up.
Is Natasha Pulley working through something re: waifish orphans? I knew Yuan was going to end up being adopted into House Song within pages of their (his?) introduction.
I love that we never find out if River is biologically male or female. I love that January says it doesn't matter and he means that and never tells us.
Speaking of gender abolition, can I have that please for myself.
All of the animals were, as always, a delight. Shoutout to the puffin at the beginning who we never see again, as well as Shuppiluliuma in her basket.
The ancient Mediterranean references littered through this book (see above) were also a delight.
When you think about it, both of Aubrey's consorts fell for River, and that's funny.
The flashes of love between River and Aubrey were devastating.
The haptic implants are a dystopian nightmare and absolutely a realistic prediction of where we're going to end up.
Mori and Daughter!!
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axelakim · 1 year
Title: Regret
Pairing: Ben Chilwell X Reader
Content: angst, fluff
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You and ben have been a couple for about 4 years now. Both of you really love and understand each other, moreover for the past 1 year, you two can not be separated from each other because you have moved to Ben's house and that what makes you two more and more in love.
The season chelsea have been through was not really good. The club end up in 12th place in pl rank and there are lots of rumour of his teammates gonna go to another clubs, that's the reason why Ben always get home angry and not in the mood for the past 1 month. Like today, the traning session went well but the match wasn't. Chelsea lost 2 points against Liverpool, you've watched the game at home because youre working and got into some of accident when you were buying coffe at the supermarket across the office till your left palm wounded but u said to Ben that u just feeling a bit sick so you can't make it to the pitch. So you just waiting for Benji to reach home in the livingroom.
Not long after that, you heard your boyfriend opened the door and having such a disappointed and tired look in his face.
"Hei benjii, are u okay love?" while hiding ur left hand
"Yea i'm fine" he didn't even give you kisses when you welcome him.
He directly went to the kitchen and open the fridge "Why the hell there is no food in here? You didn't cook?" he asked
"No im sorry, i didn't cook because im feeling unwell and i just wanted to got home directly on my way home"
"Oh yea right" hearing him just responding u like that is kinda hurt but u dont want to make him more stressed out, so you just ignore it
"Should i cook for you? or we just order some food? what do you want?"
"No need, ill order it later by myself" while putting his dirty clothes in the basket
"Eum how are you today? any stories?" you asked wanted to know more about his day
"You still asking me? you saw me lost right, fucking lost and here you are still asking me about how am i, dont play dumb Y/N you already know how terrible i am now, if you want some attention the answer is not now"
this is the first time he snapped at you, his whole face turning red
Your heart was aching but again u just hold it
"Can u chill out? I just want to know more about my boyfriend's day. Is that so wrong?" holding up your tears
"Yes its so fucking wrong, youve already saw me lost today and u still asking me about my day, and always asking me the same annoying questions when i get home" he answered
"Oh so im the one who is wrong here huh?" you replied
"Yeah because you always so chatty about many things, this and that and also annoying"
You continued, "well maybe your decision to asked me move out with you was wrong then huh?"
"Kinda regret it indeed" he said it cold and went upstairs to your shared room
You frozen for a second hearing what he said, u just went blanking and dont know what to do. Your heart is aching so much, the questions youve always asked him that you consider it as an act of caring but ur boyfriend seemed didn't really happy about it. You always have his back and support all of the things he does but seems it is not enough for him.
You decided to put your jacket on and take your car's key. You told your security at home to open the gate and said to him that you just wanted to go to the supermarket.
After ben done showering, he went downstairs to check up on you because he felt guilty about the argument earlier but you weren't in the living room so he tried to find you in the guest bedroom but u also weren't there, he tried to call your name
"Y/N.... Y/N, are u here babe?" all around the house but he didnt find you
Then he heard some knock on the door, he thought it was you but it turned your best friend, Camilla.
" Omg you camilla, i thought it was Y/N"
"What shes not home? where is she ben?"
"Shes home when i arrived then after i showered shes gone"
"You should find her, her car missing i thought u used it but youre here and her hand wounded because of this morning accident, she really need a rest, im so worried rn"
"What? what accident? she didnt tell me anything? oh my lord, i messed up real bad, fuck it"
"Dont you say youve had some argument earlier ben?" camilla narrowed her eyes
"Yes yes we had it okay, and it was kinda really bad camilla, she must gone because of it, ,im so stupid, ill go find her rn"
"Damn it you chilwell, find my friend rn or you dead with me!"
They both go out to the security guard and asked about you, its almost midnight and you havent even come back home. Ben really worried about you and getting more stressed out. He called you so many tjmes but seems you have blocked his contact, then he called all of his friends and bodyguard acquaintances to find you. He also went to all of your favorite places but still he didn't find you. He drove his car with tears coming down on his cheek, he really regret what he have done to you, you didn't deserve to be treated like that. You are his princess, best friend, and also partner in everything, how could he be so mean, how could he let anger overwhelm him.
Its 3.30 am, hes still on the road till he got a call from a guy name Franky his bodyguard acquaintances, he said he found u because u use your credit card to stay in a hotel. Ben directly went to that hotel and asking your room number to the receptionist, glad that he knew ben and knew that you are his girlfriend so he let him to have the spare key.
Ben already there, in front of room 305 your room. He got in and found the silent and dark room. He turned on the light and saw you slept peacefully on the king size bed. He saw your puffy face and traces of tears that still wet on your cheeks. He checked your wounded palm too, looking at you like this made him really felt terrible rn.
Benji checked your silent phone and found so many missed calls from him, camilla, and others. Benji sent text to camilla first to tell her that youre okay. After that he just lay beside and hugging you till he fell asleep.
In the morning you awake and realized youre not home, but u felt someones arm hugging u from behind, u wanted to shout out at first but then u recognize the hand and also the tattooes. ITS MR CHILWELL.
You try to get up and let go his grip slowly, but Benji noticed.
"Hi baby" u just silent at his raspy voice, youre mad at him but also missing him sm at the same time.
"Hey i know you awake love, come here, let me see your face"
You try to hold ur body but u cant, he managed to turn your body to face his. His face looked so calm now not like last night. He smiled at you for a awhile.
He suddenly kiss your lips and u wipe it
"Huftt i know u must be really mad at me rn, im sorryy babe, i messed up"
"Oh you call me babe now?"
"Sorry sorryy Y/N, babe, i really regret what i did to you last night, im sorry, i let my emotion took control of me" he pleaded
"Yea" that was all u said, tried to get up from his tight hands around you
"No no youre not going anywhere" he said
"Huftt... i dont know Ben, im really dissappointed at you right now. The way u treated me last night make me feel like u dont love me anymore. You really know it well that i dont like when people raised their voice on me especially the people i love, you" u said it in tears
"Baby i know, i know you we've been together for 4 years. I really know it well, im sorry that i treated you like youre somekind of punching bag to me. It was just the effect of bad season and the rumour about my teammates, i just really stress and dont know what to do. Instead i let out my anger and bad mood all to you, while all u did for me was just supporting and taking care of me. Im sorry that i called you annoying i didnt mean it. You always such a loving and caring person especially to me , i really lucky to have you in my life. Im the one whos being a dick all the time since the bad season coming for chels" he said it all in tears also
You touched, you know u shouldnt go easy to him after he breaking ur heart like that. But you love him and you know frpm the deep down of your heart that he really didnt mean it. He even put so much effort to find you. You sighs and continue
"I know, you just stressed out but im here as your partner to comfort you, taking care you, hearing you, and loving you okay not a place for you to let out your anger out. I just wanted to support you Ben in every obstacles on your life, dont get it wrong. And ya maybe sorry if im being too much chatty in your house too, ill try reduce it"
"Love noo, its our house not my house. Its ours not only mine, and no youre not chatty im sorry you just wanted to take care of me and please do it for me" he smiled wiping off your tears
"I really regret my act last night, give me one chance to make us better" he continued
"Um noo" you answered
"Baby what do you mean no" he afraid of the possibility of breaking up and losing you
"Are you not gonna forgive and give me a chance?" he panicking
"I do give you a chance but i cant forgive you yet" you said "It was just too much for me, you know it right?"
"Okay okayy, im glad to hear that thank you sweet" he kissed you
"How do i make it up then baby?"
"With a rope and handcuffs maybe?"
"Oh you want to have playtime? thats easy babe. We just need to get home first"
"Yea playtime but this time im not the one whos being tied and hancuffed"
"You mean me?? hell no" benji refused it
"Okay then no sleeping with me for the next 1 week" you threathen
"Noooo, okay okay babyyy im down for it, youre the dom for tonight's playtime" he smiled
"Yayyy and can i ask one more thing again?"
you pleaded with puppy eyes
"Anything for my baby"
"Can you accompany me to watch barbie and going shopping for barbie related things?"
"Yes you can love, its easier than to be a sub for a playtime" he carresed your cheek
"Now can you forgive me now? I need an official statement from you"
"Yeaa kindaaa"
"I take it as a yes princess, and dont ever you call me Ben again, its terrifying"
You indeed never call him by his real name its always Benji, love, baby, babe, etc, because if you call him by his real name he knows it well that he has messed up real bad with you and he didnt like that also.
"And btw why u didnt tell me about thi" ben asked pointing to your wounded hand
"Dont want u to be worried to much at me while youre on the pitch" you smiled innocently
"Love u have to tell me okay, im sorry i didnt even paying attention to it"
"Its okay, im okay now"
"Have you bring it to the doctor?"
"Yes i have, yesterday and she said its totally okay, i just need to treat it well and change my bandages"
"Hmm i see, lets get home right now and take care your wound okay, you also owe me a story of this little accident"
"I will tell u in car, lets get out pf here right now benjii, im hungryy"
"Lets goo, but kiss me first and say i love you baby"
"Why?? u always like it when i call you Benji"
" I like it but baby is more special to me, also just want to make sure you really forgive me :)"
"I forgive you Mr.Ben Chilwell" you kissed him in a passionate kiss, quite long kiss the you two pull out
"And i really love you baby, thats the reason why i cant stay mad at you" rub your nose against his
"But promise me you will never do that again?"
"Promise princess, i will make you happy, im sorry about yesterday alright love? I really regret it, i love you so much"
You two once again pull in for a kiss and then checked out from the hotel and going home.
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