#just read what he says about batman killing in his movie like forget about his reasoning.. the way he words it
dalekofchaos · 2 months
Friendly reminder. Bruce Wayne hung up the suit and retired after THREATENING someone with a gun and this was his reaction.
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And then his immediate reaction is to shut down and close the Batcave and his only words were. "Never again"
A truly tragic, but fitting way for Bruce’s career to end. Powerful stuff. Batman's career ended the same way it began: with a desperate man wielding a gun
Batman choosing not to be weak like Joe Chill >>>> Batman going on a killing spree because fighting crime is hard.
And by the way, since Zack Snyder says his inspiration was Dark Knight Returns, I got news for you, TDKR Batman doesn't kill either.
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Zack Snyder is a complete blithering fucking idiot.
his statement on Batman just lines up with what I’ve seen from all of his work. He likes the idea of the comics he makes movies out of but he doesn’t actually understand their themes. A Batman that kills is pointless. An edgy Superman is not only the most boring way to write him, but doesn’t make any sense without the wholesome one. That’s why injustice Superman/brightburn/Plutonian/omniman/homelander kind of make sense in their own ways because the original exists to compare them to.(mostly also boring though) His take on watchmen was pretty much devoid of any of the actual commentary from the graphic novel, but instead was just a dark justice league that were pretty bad at their jobs. Rorschach was just framed as a kind of unhinged Batman, but still a badass that does good, which is wildly generous compared to the way he’s originally written. I can understand turning your brain off and coasting through an action movie, but his fans are delusional if they think he does any of these stories justice. I wouldn’t take any of his comments seriously if they would stop letting him make these mediocre movies.
Zack Snyder is all flash and no substance. His films are visually stunning but utterly lacking in compelling storytelling.
The point of Batman is he cannot 'stoop to their level'. He HAS to be better, he HAS to believe these criminals can be rehabilitated, because if he kills them, he becomes just like them. With his wit, his intellect, he could future proof the city against crime ever happening by just killing the criminals before they commit crimes based on probable statistics and similar themes. But a Batman who refuses to kill is a murderer by inaction. Every time he chooses not to put Joker in the ground, he's allowed him to slaughter dozens, hundreds more, just for a laugh. Batman is equally guilty for every one of those deaths, because he could simply kill the Joker, and stop him from ever killing again. But he doesn't. Snyder saying Batman can kill, Batman SHOULD kill, is to say that without batman doing so, or being able to, he is just as bad as the villians. Except dipshit doesn't even have his Batman kill The Joker. "Oopsie daisy, Joker got out and bombed a hospital full of people, sowwwwyyyy, I put him back in jail again dunt worry TeeHeee :3". And then next week we do it all over again. OR. You kill the Joker, and he never hurts another person again. Which is why Jason Todd works so well as a counter to batman, and SHOULD be what Snyder is looking into. The reason why Zod works so well as a villain is because Humans are flawed apes who cant be trusted to govern themselves and should be conquered, and Superman, a literal God, could fix all that, but doesn't, because of Hope. Its foolish, childish even, to consider that a solution. And when placed in the vacuum of a comic book it works because you have to suspend disbelief, and forget that Superman let a city full of people die while he punched Zod through skyscrapers.
If you want Batman to kill people, just go and read one of his 1784956th copies that kill people. Go read Midnighter. Go read Punisher. Go read Moon Knight. Go read Peacemaker. Go read Nighthawk. What is stopping you?
I'm sure all those characters have brought about the peace and prosperity and the crime-free society that a "killer Batman" was supposed to. "Punisher would clean Gotham in under a week", right, just like he cleaned Marvel's New York, didn't he?
It has to be Batman specifically the one doing the killing? The number of superheroes that kill is nowadays much higher than the number of heroes who don't. Remember how Hawkeye spent the better part of his existence being the most anti-killing Avenger? Nowadays he is known as a super-assassin that "never had a non-kill rule". Should heroes who don't kill go extinct?
I like that Batman doesn't kill people. I feel no need to turn him into something he isn't like it was done to Hawkeye. If I wanted a Batman that kills, I would go and read one of the thousand "Batman who kills" out there.
Batman should not kill and should never kill.
"Gotham would be better off if Batman just killed The Joker"
You. Miss. The. Entire. Point.
Bruce Wayne lost his parents to crime and Bruce Wayne is a child who died alongside his parents and was reborn as a creature dedicated to insuring it never happened to any other child. He made a vow never to reduce himself to the criminal scum’s level or to Joe Chill’s level. He never kills for a reason.
Batman not killing is what makes him so compelling, if he kills criminals, there is no moral conflict, he is no better than the Punisher, Wolverine or any other dark edgy hero. Hell, if he starts to take a life, Batman is no better than Ra’s Al Ghul.
In the Daredevil Netflix show, Frank Castle told Daredevil this “That’s not how this works. You cross over to my side of the line, you don’t get to come back from that. Not ever.” That alone is why Batman should not kill, not even The Joker. Bruce Wayne is not Frank Castle, stop trying to make him Frank Castle. I mean…Stan Lee was absolutely disgusted when someone called The Punisher a hero, Frank Castle is a murderer, not a hero. How is this so hard for people to understand?
I don’t want to hear that Batman killed in the old comics and I don’t want to hear Elseworld stories. It’s an established fact that Batman does not kill and it’s a big part of his character.
Guess what? We already got a Bruce who killed The Joker, it happened in the Burtonverse/Schumacherverse and he was disgusted with himself. “So, you're willing to take a life.” “Long as it's Two-Face.” “Then it will happen this way: You make the kill, but your pain doesn't die with Harvey, it grows. So you run out into the night to find another face, and another, and another, until one terrible morning you wake up and realize that revenge has become your whole life. And you won't know why.”
A huge part of Bruce’s character is that he doesn’t kill, no matter what. Same with Clark. But edgelord writers from the New 52, DCEU and the Injustice abominations think it’s cool to make heroes kill. Heroes should not kill. You can’t be a hero and a killer. IT DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY!
Guess what would happen if Batman kills The Joker? The Joker wins. The Joker and Batman are each trying to prove a point to society - and really to us, the readers. The Joker wants Batman to kill him because he perfectly embodies chaos and anarchy and wants to prove a point to everyone that people are basically more chaotic than orderly. This is why he is so scary: we are worried he may be right. If the Joker is right, then civilization is a ruse and we are all truly monsters inside. If the Joker can prove that Batman - the most orderly and logical and self-controlled of all of us - is a monster inside, then we are all monsters inside, and that is terrifying. The Joker is terrifying because we fear that we are like him deep down - that he is us. Batman is what we (any average person) could be at our absolute best, and the Joker is what we could be at our absolute worst. The Joker’s claim is that we are all terrible deep down, and it is only the law and our misplaced sense of justice that keeps us in line. Since Batman isn’t confined by the law, he is a perfect test case to try to get him to "break.” The Joker wants Batman to kill a person, any person, but knows that the only person Batman might ever even remotely consider killing would have to be a terrible monster, so is willing to do this himself and sacrifice himself to prove this macabre point. Batman needs to prove that it is not just laws that keep us in line, but basic human decency and our natural instinct NOT to kill. If Batman can prove this, then others will be inspired by his example (the citizens of Gotham, but again, also the readers), just as we are all inspired every day to keep civilization running smoothly and not descend into violence, anarchy, and chaos. This ability to be decent in the face of the horrors and temptations present all around us is humanity’s superpower, the superpower of each of us. The struggle of Batman and the Joker is the internal struggle of each of us. But we are inspired by Batman’s example, not the Joker’s, because Batman always wins the argument, because he has not killed the Joker.
Batman not killing matters. Batman stories to me are the ultimate tale of turning pain and suffering into something positive. That is a story that everyone can relate to because let's be honest here. The world can suck. I've experienced and probably will always experience feelings of fear of depression of anger of angst. It's in my nature as a human being to experience those things. It's in all our nature it is what we choose to do with that pain that we all feel that defines us. Batman chose to turn all those negative emotions, he feels into a symbol that can bring people. Hope that Batman will save us from pain but more importantly hope that we can all be Batman. Why do we fall? And Batman Begins explains this best “Why do we fall sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.”
Yes, Bruce Wayne is a flawed crazy person. He is at times mean stubborn and even abusive but he is still good. He is still someone we can aspire to be. We can try our hardest to be Superman but no human being can fly, but we can still try to be Batman We can all try to turn our pain into something good when I see Batman killing people or fans saying he killed before and he should kill The Joker, It pains me. It actually hurts my soul. Batman is not about finding a way to kill evil. But try to redeem it. His mission is an impossible task. Maybe he should kill people. Maybe he should kill The Joker, but what makes him fascinating what makes him a hero Is the fact that he has that moral code and stopped himself from crossing that line That's why I always looked up to Batman even as a kid despite all the adult subtext or mature themes superheroes are for kids. And killing is not Batman and it is not Bruce Wayne. This is why I hated the portrayal in the DCEU and the Burtonverse and why I really hated the implication that Batman killed The Joker in Batwoman. A Batman who kills is certainly not Bruce Wayne, that is an interpretation of Bruce Wayne that completely misses the point of Batman. It's easy to kill. Batman does not make the easy choice… Batman does not kill.
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betterthanbatman1 · 8 months
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This is so. Fucking. Stupid.
Before I dive in let me just say: This writing is so pathetic simply because this is how humans act?? Like how fragile does Bruce’s ego have to be that he’s going to start a fist fight with his son. It’s like in the damn high school movies where the bully pushes a girl and the other guy punches the bully in the face. People don’t just go around punching people!! They get frustrated and angry but they don’t just fucking punch someone who they disagree with!? (Majority of the time)
Now for the actual analysis: I actually had high expectations for this, I really thought that writers have learnt that no we actually don’t love seeing Bruce beating the shit out of Jason/his kids. “hEs a ViGaLaNtE and Jason’s a cRiMiNaL” fuck off that’s not an excuse.
Honestly Jason shouldn’t even try to convince Bruce anymore, it’s always the same shit. “They’re bad people, they deserve to die”
“You don’t get to decide that” *punches his son in the face*
How many times have I had to read this?? Every fucking comic that includes Jason and Bruce ends up in a fist fight. I’m fucking sick of it.
The writing was genuinely so stupid
“If you think one more death is fine if it stops more death- then shouldn’t I kill you?!”
There’s so much here that just doesn’t make sense and that’s excluding the fact that Bruce is threatening to kill his son.
Do these contemporary writers not understand that Jason doesn’t kill everyone who may kill others. He’s not a “Mass murderer”. He kills the dirtbags of Gotham. He kills the worst of the worst. He kills the r*pists, the abusers, and anyone who brings harm to women, children and the vulnerable. He doesn’t go storming into a restaurant and shooting up the place??? That’s what a mass murderer would do.
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Now with that in mind, the logic would be No Bruce you shouldn’t kill Red Hood because he doesn’t just kill people. You wouldn’t be reducing the deaths in Gotham because without Jason killing the scum who terrorise the vulnerable, then there will be more deaths. Killing Jason if anything would increase crime. In UTRH, when Red Hood first appears, Batman himself said “crime is down”. That shows that what Jason does is in fact effective, which is why he does what he does. If Jason was just a killer killing other killers, Jason’s whole reason his own morals would not be consistent or accurate!! If that was the case then yes YES Bruce you should theoretically kill Red Hood. If if if god forbid Jason was one of the nasty scum of the earth that he tries to wipe out, then yes by his morals he indeed deserved to die.
These writers are so clouded with having this raw masculine rage between the two characters; being allowed to kill someone or not, that they blindly and stupidly forget that both of these characters are human and therefore have complex morals and values.
Jason fundamentally believes he is doing good for Gotham- and the statistics prove that!! Bruce knows that what Jason does is needed. He knows that Jason’s methods help Gotham. Jason is a consequentialist and both Jason and Bruce should know that. Likewise, Bruce is a deontologist, he believes the actions are wrong and immoral but he knows that Gotham is better off. He just doesn’t agree with the methods. Jason said himself “I’m doing what you won’t” Bruce knows Jason isn’t a dumb vengeful maniac terrorizing Gotham. So why the fuck did the writers bring these characters so low that Bruce would even suggest that Jason should be killed along with the other criminals.
Lastly, if the answer was yes, then Bruce why the fuck are you asking to kill your son? Like you’d actually do it you little bitch. Kill the joker first and then ask about your son.
Really shitty writing, it’s so frustrating. Like, I was actually excited to see what this new Jason comic was going to give me. But now…More fights between him and his Dad. Yippeee this is really what the readers want. Smh
Call me naive but I just thought maybe Jason and the bats would be able to connect without beating the shit out of each other.
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mistress-of-vos · 6 months
Idk where the whole "Tim hating Lex and being annoying to him and somehow being smarter" comes from... Oh, wait! I know where it comes from!
Annoying, ignorant batfam fans
And it's not even surprising if we take a careful look. We're talking about the fandom that doesn't understand Clark, Kon and Jon at all and uses them for batfam prop up purposes. It's the same fandom that doesn't even comprehend Batman characters and says the most disgusting stuff about Jean-Paul Valley (aka Azrael) as if his character wasn't summarized in like, five comics you can easily read. The same fandom that doesn't get Selina Kyle despite the fact that movies like The Batman exist, that the Long Halloween got an animated adaptation, that she has DOZENS of praised comics you can pick up to understand her. The same fandom that doesn't understand freaking Ra's al Ghul as if the guy didn't have a trilogy that literally summarizes his character and also he's an archetype, how the hell do you get an archetype so popular as his as wrong as batfam fandom does?
*insert Misty breathing loudly here*
Okay I kind of got off the point. I was talking about the annoying portrayal of Tim and Lex, because those who do that don't even understand Tim. Tim would *love* to interact with Lex.
This is Lex Luthor, Superman's nemesis, the smartest man of earth. Tim would be thrilled that he can have a chance of going against him even if he's actually just standing next to a Bruce who tries to get Lex to answer a question just to get Lex drinking wine and telling Mercy to call security.
Tim is a detective, and we have seen how, despite everything, he admits greatness when he sees it. I do think he could get a bit sarcastic with Lex when on his Red Robin persona (we have seen how sarcastic he got with Ra's even when Ra's is definitely more likely to shut him up than Lex is) but I actually don't believe he would do that often as he would be too conscious that if someone is a master of speech, it's Lex Luthor. His words got him all the power of the world after all. You don't wanna start a sarcasm fight with someone like Lex.
And I believe as Tim Drake, he openly admires Lex. Maybe not in a idol way, but Lex is a genius, and I bet on the DC world Lex's career is studied both by people in economy and politics and STEM. Lex did so much with so little that I highly doubt there's a way for Tim to not admit that yes, Lex may be *bad* but he's certainly a genius and perfect at what he does. Credit where it's due, or something.
Lastly, I don't think Tim hates Lex. They aren't close enough for that, and Lex is often dancing in a grey area, and don't forget Tim is already fine with many figures in said grey space. Tim would consider Lex a danger, of course, because getting on Lex's bad side can get him killed. He also considers Lex someone who can and will do good, but Tim isn't gonna be the one to go on that trip of getting Lex to see what his genius can make for the world (that's on Clark).
The only thing Tim could dislike about Lex it's that Lex hurt Kon. And Tim loves Kon (in whatever way you prefer) and Tim comes to me as the kind of person who can't quite forget those things. He would be wary, perhaps, constantly on his tip toes when operating too close to Lex's doings and clenching his jaw when Kon interacts with the man because as much as Tim knows Lex is always in control and won't hurt Kon again... He still did. But if Tim held that against Bruce, wouldn't Bruce lose on the number of children he has hurt? Tim can't quite settle his feelings on that, but Kon got over it, so it's not something Tim keeps against Lex.
Tim is careful around Lex, and he's also a bit of a fan.
And well, he is thankful too. Lex brought Kon into the world, and Tim is thankful for that.
(My conclusion is that some batfam fans have clearly never read Superman comics but also it's funny they haven't read Batman comics either and maybe they shouldn't speak on stuff they don't know but that's just my opinion right)
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iamnotthere-idonotdie · 2 months
dream of me
part four
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synopsis: reader and bruce have moved in together and their relationship is going well. but a new gotham criminal kidnaps reader and they face sudden death, as well as a secret bruce has been keeping.
content: batman/bruce wayne x reader, cursing, no smut, violence, torture, death, blood, breaking/broken bones, kidnapping, brutality, guns, knives, vomit, graphic descriptions of violence and injuries
a/n: okay so this one took a dark turn, and i’m very surprised i was able to finish it so fast. i knew how i wanted this to play out but i wasn’t expecting it to get as graphic as it did so i do apologize for that honestly. i think what im learning is that as i write, i sort of envision it as a movie playing out in my head so sometimes it can feel more like a script than a story. also sorry if there are some wrong medical terminology and stuff in here, and sorry for any typos as well!
edit: also— i think i was kind of envisioning the joker here as seen in something like the killing joke (movie). honestly i just kind of read this joker with mark hamill’s voice altogether.
“good morning, sleep well, i hope?”
“good morning, alfred. yes i did, thank you.”
you pour yourself a cup of coffee in the kitchen as alfred makes breakfast. you grab a mug for bruce and pour his as well.
“bruce still out?”
“yes, he called and informed me that he’ll be back soon from his workout.” alfred says as he flips the omelette in the pan.
“these workouts have been getting longer and longer.”
“he does like to keep active.”
“right, he just seems to get up so early for them. the other day i woke up in the middle of the night and he was gone, it wasn’t even 4am yet.”
“he finds the 24-hour gym is less crowded in the early hours.”
alfred slides the omelette onto a plate and sets it on the small table for you.
“thank you alfred. i just worry he’s not getting enough sleep.”
“oh, i’ve been worrying about his sleep for years.”
“i sleep plenty.” bruce enters the kitchen. “morning alfred.”
“good morning, sir.”
bruce walks over to the table and kisses you.
“good morning.” you say as you hand him his coffee.
bruce sits and alfred sets a plate of breakfast in front of him too.
“thanks alfred.”
“i just hope you’re sleeping enough is all. it seems like lately it’s been less and less.” you take a sip of your coffee and look at bruce. you don’t want to be a nag, but you do worry.
he takes a sip too and looks back at you.
“i’m fine, really.”
you smile unconvincingly at him and continue eating.
the rest of breakfast is quiet, but you don’t mind the still silence. this morning routine has brought you comfort over the last few months since you moved in. alfred set up your own room when you first came, but you and bruce quickly realized you both prefer sleeping in the same bed. that is, when he’s actually sleeping in it.
you finish breakfast and bruce takes your plates and puts them in the sink, alfred already turning on the tap.
you and bruce go back upstairs and you start getting dressed for work. he doesn’t always go in, but even on days like today when his work is to be completed at home, he still drives you. he told you early on that you could work hybrid as well, that you two could work together at home on his off days. but you enjoy working at the desk. and with this new outreach project you’ve been working on, you prefer having the team in person to collaborate.
as you button your top, bruce comes up behind and wraps his arms around you, stopping you from finishing.
“bruce…” he cuts you off by kissing your neck. you leave your shirt half open as you turn around and put your arms around his neck. you kiss, letting yourself forget about work. he slides his hands down your back and pulls you in tighter. you won’t ever get enough of this.
your phone’s alarm sings to tell you it’s time to leave. bruce pulls it out of your pocket and silences it, tossing it on the bed with a smile.
“i really should go today.”
“i think you should stay.”
“i don’t know…”
“it’s not like you’ll get fired, i’m your boss.”
you laugh lightly.
“maybe i should fire you, would mean you’d get to stay home all the time.”
you laugh again and kiss him.
“well maybe i could take a sick day today.”
“don’t worry, i wont tell anyone.”
he smiles and kisses you again. all that time getting dressed was for nothing as bruce unbuttons the rest of your shirt and you slide your pants off. while this isn’t a usual part of the morning routine you’ve established, you welcome the variation.
you run your hands through bruce’s hair and watch his chest rhythmically rise and fall as he sleeps. you let him sleep as long as he seems to need to, which is much longer than you thought it’d be. you eventually drift off too, the sound of his quiet snoring lulling your eyes closed.
it’s not until late afternoon when you both wake up again, the thick curtains unable to hide the sliver of sunlight peering in.
“you let me sleep so late.” bruce sits up in bed.
“you seemed like you needed it.”
he leans down and kisses you then gets up and starts getting dressed.
“the weather is supposed to be nice today.” you sit up. “maybe we could go to the park.”
he looks at you and smiles.
“that would be nice.”
you get up and get dressed too.
“i’ll go ask alfred to pack us some lunch.”
“okay, sounds great.”
he gives you one more kiss before heading downstairs. you finish getting ready and grab your phone off the floor. a text from tim, your former coworker in california, sits in your notifications. he and his husband have adopted a young girl. you smile at the family photo he sent and reply with your congratulations. as you look at the message, you let your mind wander and start to think about the prospect. of course you know bruce would be an amazing parent. but you’re not sure if you’d be. or if that’s even what you want. your life is so perfect now and you don’t think you want any of it to change. at least not for a while.
you go downstairs and find bruce packing some sandwiches into a bag. he zips it up and looks at you.
“ready?” he asks.
you decide to walk to the park since it’s only a few blocks away. the sun sits on your skin like a warm blanket as you and bruce walk. the two of you sit by the pond under an oak and eat your late lunch. the sound of birds and ducks paired with the cool breeze rushing through the tree leaves make for a perfect spot. you and bruce lay down in the grass and kiss, your picnic site offering enough privacy that you don’t have to worry about people seeing you. it’s not as if either of you care anyway, really. you’re not trying to hide your relationship, and with bruce’s status it’d be nearly impossible to try. but you still try to avoid paparazzi when you can. you and bruce lie there in the park together until the sun sets slowly behind the hill.
“we should get going before it gets too dark.” bruce sits up.
“i suppose we should.”
bruce grabs the bag and holds your hand as you make your way back home. night falls quickly as you walk. with only a couple blocks to go, you hear a commotion up ahead in an alleyway. sounds of a fight echo down the street. bruce stops walking and lets go of your hand.
“stay here a second.” he hands the bag to you and starts walking toward the source of the sounds.
“wait, shouldn’t we call the police or something first? or maybe we just wait for the batman to come and take care of it. you shouldn’t go down there by yourself.”
“you can call the police.” he continues.
you let out an exasperated sigh and watch bruce turn the corner. you press the numbers 911 into your phone. you finger is just about to click the green button when a strong hand covers your mouth and drags you backwards. you scream into the glove as loud as you can but the fight drowns out your attempts at getting bruce’s attention. all you can do is move around as much as possible to try and shake this person off you but they tighten their grip and then you’re being pushed into the back of a van.
three other people are inside and they grab you. you feel the rope burn your wrists as they tie your hands together behind your back. your throat already feels like it’s being torn apart from screaming. one person spreads a strip of duct tape over your open mouth but you still try to scream for bruce. suddenly a sharp pain strikes the back of your head. the tears have been blurring your vision but now everything is even fuzzier. you let out one more sob before the pipe hits you again and everything goes black.
that’s the first thing you feel when you finally come to. that’s the only thing you feel. a throbbing, deep pain throughout your entire body like you were just spit out of a cement mixer. you’re hands are still tied behind you and your ankles are stuck to the legs of a metal chair.
you force your eyes open, but everything is still dark. have you gone blind? is your sight gone? where are you? who took you? why can’t you move? you cant see you can’t move you can’t breathe you can’t hear you’re hurting you’re crying you’re screaming you’re shaking you—
the sound of a heavy door swinging open makes you freeze. strong footsteps slowly get louder and louder, closer and closer. the footsteps stop behind you and then you’re assaulted by a harsh bright light. it was a hood over your head, and the figure has now taken it off. the footsteps make their way around you and he stops in front of the chair you’re tied to, his back toward you. your breath shakes as he just stands there, staring straight ahead.
then he starts… crying? his shoulders shake and he gets louder. no… he’s laughing. he slowly turns around to face you, his red painted on smile sending a chill down your spine.
he bends down so his face is level with yours, your noses so close they nearly touch.
“good morning sweetheart.”
the tears continue streaming down your face as he straitens back up and turns, walking toward a table against the wall in front of you. he stops at it and slowly picks up an almost comically large knife.
you sob at the sight of the weapon, knowing it’s intended for you.
“i have a problem.”
he sets the knife back on the table and turns, walking towards you. the door opens again and you see a man in a clown mask rush by and place a camera on a tripod in front of you. he presses a button and a red light comes on and flashes at you.
“a problem that can only be solved by you.”
you somehow find the strength to open your mouth and speak, the words coming out hoarse and quiet.
“yes. i am in need of some… capital. some dineros, some cold. hard. cash. now i know you’re dating ol’ brucie and i know he has some access to just a bit of money.” he walks around you and stands behind the chair. “so, brucie boy, from your friendly neighborhood joker, deposit some dolores for me in a safe and lock it up real tight. bring it to the chaplain bridge, in person, at midnight tonight along with the key and you’ll get to see your precious little babe once again.” he grabs your face and squishes your cheeks together.
“oh, silly me, i forgot to tell you how much! let’s see, oh, how about, $50 million. that seems fair enough, don’t ya think?!”
he bends down so his face is next to yours.
“isn’t 50 million enough to save the life of your dearly beloved?”
he pulls something out of his pocket. you feel the cold barrel of a gun press against your temple and let out a sob.
he pulls the gun off your head, still pointing it at you.
you scream and jolt away. terror runs through your body like electricity.
you look over and he’s still staring at you with the gun pointed in your direction. out of the barrel popped out a banner, with the word BANG! on it. he turns back to the camera and waves.
“see ya tonight.” his tone is sinister and he laughs again.
the man in the mask flips the camera off. he tosses the gun behind his back and it clacks as it hits the concrete. he claps his hands together.
“so! now’s all that’s left to do is sit by, hang tight, let loose, and wait for midnight!” he laughs again and he and the other man leave the room with the camera. the clang of the door closing echoes throughout the room as you sit there alone.
you let out an ear-piercing, guttural scream and continue sobbing. all you want is bruce. you call for him, over and over, hoping by some miracle he’ll hear you through the thick concrete walls. you keep screaming, so hard and so loud that you vomit. now bile covers the front of your shirt and tears cover your face.
the echo of the door rings through the room again and fast footsteps approach. another man in a clown mask with a syringe in his hand unties your arms. before you let him stab the needle in, you punch him in the throat as hard as you can muster. he gags at the blow at stumbles backwards, dropping the syringe. you lean to try and grab it and the chair you’re tied to tips over onto the floor. your face slams into the concrete and you hear a crunch in your nose. you cry out and now all you see is red. you fight through the pain and reach for the syringe. it’s right there, just centimeters away, when a large boot stomps on your hand, surely breaking multiple bones. you scream in pain as the chair is reset upright. you scream and sob as the men grab your arm and stab the now-dirty needle in your vein. you keep crying, but as the seconds go by, you hear yourself getting quieter. the room around you spins in slow motion as your eyelids get heavy. the last thing you see is the joker’s white face and red smile.
your eyes slowly flutter open again. you didn’t know this was even possible, but somehow you wake up in even more pain than before. the joker is still standing there in front of you. smiling. laughing.
“you’re spunky. i like you.”
you all but growl at him as he walks toward that table in the corner, picking the knife up again.
“i thought you’d be asleep until our appointment with good ol’ bruce but the tranq must have been watered down!” he turns to you and laughs.
he carries the knife as he walks toward you.
“at least now we can have a little fun!” he takes the knife and you close your eyes, preparing yourself for the pain. but instead you feel the rope around your wrists and ankles fall.
“what’s say we play a game, hmm? i’m gonna bring in three of my best boys. and the longer you can stay upright and fighting, the more likely i’ll be to not kill you and your dear dear bruce tonight.”
the door opens again and three sets of footsteps walk in behind you.
you just stay sitting in the chair. how are you supposed to fight these huge men?
the joker sighs.
“if you’re gonna be a party pooper, then i guess we’ll have to find another game to play. maybe… target practice?” he throws the knife above your head and it hits one of the three men square in the chest. he falls backwards. dead.
you gasp and try to hold back tears as the joker just laughs.
“guess i do need some practice… i was aiming for his head! haha!” he buckles over in laughter again as you try to catch your breath.
“well good news now is you only have to outlast two goons!”
you slowly stand up, not wanting the next knife to land in your sternum. one of the men walk over to you. the joker takes the gun from before out of his pocket and holds it up above his head.
“ready? fight!” he pulls the trigger with a click.
a huge fist comes flying at your face and makes contact with your cheek. you fall to the ground in pain. he kicks you in the stomach and you just stay there, laying on the ground. he stomps on your chest, your stomach, your head. all you feel is blow after blow. the joker is just laughing at your misery.
you feel a rush of adrenaline run through you and you growl in anger. when the next stomp comes toward you, you grab the booted foot and yank as hard as you can, bringing the man to the ground. you’re surprised you had the strength to do that. you quickly stand back up and kick him in the face, breaking his nose too. you kick him in the crotch and he screams. you sit on top of his chest and punch him with your unbroken hand. over and over and over. all you hear is the sound of the joker’s maniacal laugh and your own grunts as you beat the guy’s face in until he no longer resembles even a man. finally you stop, feeling proud of your strength but guilty for your brutality.
before you can get up from sitting on him, the other man is picking you up and slamming you into the concrete. your shoulder hits the ground hard and you scream. he picks you up again and throws you back first, your head colliding with the concrete so hard you’re sure they’ve both cracked. he grabs the front of your shirt and lifts you up. your body goes limp from exhaustion and he forcefully sits you back on the chair. he punches your face. one. two. three. four. five. six. times then he finally walks away. your vision is blurred and you’re seeing colorful stars flash all around you. you look down and see blood dripping down from your face and onto your lap. the joker just laughs again.
“well, you fought off one! bravo! of course that means only one of you will die tonight. shame. lovers dying together is the sweetest ending of all. romeo and juliet… swan lake… the notebook...” he pretends to wipe a tear. “but oh well. at least now you get to pick who dies! haha!”
“me.” you immediately answer. “kill me. not him.”
“awww how noble! sacrificing yourself for the love of your life, it’s a beautiful thing! very well. you’ll be the one to die.” he takes out a pocket watch. “my oh my look at that! it’s showtime, baby!”
you get tied up again and dragged out of the room. the hood is placed back on your head before exiting, and you’re thrown back into a van. the drive is longer than you expected. how far out of town were you?
the van stops after what you guess was about a half hour long drive.
you’re dragged back out of the van and onto the street. the hood is removed and the joker is gripping your neck and leading you onto the bridge.
you make it to the middle and he shoves you to the ground. you only now notice the gun in his hand.
“oh bru-uce! show me the money, baby!”
his voice echos across the water under the bridge and you wait. you hope he doesn’t come. you hope he’s decided to let the police handle it. you hope he didn’t choose to risk his life for you. because although the joker assured you that you’d be the one to die, you obviously can’t trust that he won’t pull the trigger on bruce too.
“come out come out, wherever you are!” the joker yells in a singsongy voice. “well isn’t this a disappointment! at least it was gonna be fun to kill you. now i almost can’t even enjoy it.” he points the gun in the center of your forehead. you close your eyes and let yourself cry.
you picture bruce’s face. flashbacks of when you first met him come to mind and you go through it all. you think of his smile, how it was crooked and always made you smile back. you think of his hair, how it was always just a little tussled and never quite laid flat. you think of his skin, how it was warm and how it felt against yours. you think of his laugh, how it can at times feel rare but when you hear it, it’s like the world stops. you think of his eyes, how they’d glow like warm honey when the sunlight hit them just right. tears stream as you think of every part of him. how you wish you’d spent more time memorizing him.
you hear the cocking of the gun and you gasp. you only now realize how afraid you are to die.
suddenly a loud clang behind you startles your eyes open and the joker stumbles backward. a large, dark figure comes swooping in and tackles the joker to the ground. the gun is kicked away and you watch as the batman punches the joker in the face, repeatedly. the men from the van come rushing in and the batman takes each one down with little effort.
soon, he’s standing in the lowlight of the bridge, looming over the bodies of his victims of vengeance. he walks back over to the joker and picks him up by his collar and holds him over the bridge above the water. the joker laughs.
“well then what’s it gonna be batty-boy?! you gonna kill me?! do it!”
the batman hesitates to drop him into the rough rushing river water below.
“do it!” the joker laughs in his face again.
you see the shine of red and blue lights flashing behind you and hear sirens. the sound of many footsteps come rushing onto the bridge as officers take the bodies off the ground and into custody. a few more train their guns at the batman and instruct him to let the joker go. after some time, he flings the joker back over the railing and slams him onto the ground. the officers rush to handcuff the joker and the batman walks away, back toward you.
“this isn’t over, batman! it’ll never be over!” the joker laughs again as he’s dragged away by the officers.
the batman bends down behind you and unties the ropes around your wrists.
“are you okay?” he asks, quietly. his low, gravely voice tinges with familiarity.
you just nod and he scoops you up and carries you to the ambulance. he gently sits you on the gurney and the paramedics begin treating your wounds and setting up an iv. the batman just stands there and watches, as if to make sure you’ll really be okay. you stare back at him, trying to place this strange gut feeling. the medics walk away for a moment to grab something else, leaving you and the batman there, just looking at each other.
the medics come back and start to bring you into the ambulance. up until the moment the doors close, you and the batman just continue staring. the medicine you’ve been given starts to work as you feel your eyelids get heavy. your last thought before passing out is of bruce.
the tubes in your nose and the cast on your arm are the first things you notice when you awake. your eyes adjust to the light of the hospital room and you look around, your eyes landing on an unexpected face.
tim is there, sitting by the window sleeping. alfred is in a chair next to him. he notices you’re awake and presses the alert for the nurse.
“hello, dear.”
“i’ve called for the nurse. just relax.”
“…where’s bruce.”
“he… had to go to the police station. to finish up the case.”
“but he’s okay?”
“physically, yes. but i don’t think i’ve ever seen him so distraught. i’ll call him now and tell him you’re awake. he’ll want to see you.” alfred leaves the room and you see him dial his phone.
the nurse comes in and checks your vitals, making sure you’re getting enough medicine. you have a concussion, a broken hand, your shoulder was out of socket, and your nose had to be realigned. apparently it’s been days since the incident.
the joker is in custody at arkham, but that’s doesn’t give you much reassurance since he apparently has broken out of there before.
tim wakes up and walks over to you with tears streaming down his face.
“are you okay?” he asks.
“just peachy.”
he laughs lightly and wipes a tear away.
“i was so scared.”
“me too.”
“but you’re gonna be okay now. you’re okay now.” he reassures himself. you didn’t know you meant so much to him.
“thank you tim.”
he smiles softly.
“i should go call chris and let him know you’re okay.“
tim walks out of the room as alfred comes back in.
“bruce will be here soon.”
“thank you. i’m glad you’re here alfred.”
“of course, love.”
tim comes back in and says that chris sends his regards.
“he’s been worried sick, watching the news while also taking care of the baby.”
“if you need to go tim, go. i understand.”
“im sorry i can’t stay.”
“really tim, it’s okay. thank you for being here.”
tim smiles and holds your good hand.
“i’m just so glad you’re okay.”
“thank you.” you smile back at him and he leaves.
alfred moves the chair to be closer to your bed and he holds your hand as you wait in silence for bruce.
bruce comes rushing in wet from the rain with tears in his eyes. alfred gets up from the chair and gives it to bruce. bruce sits in the chair, holding your hand, and the two of you just sit there together.
you’ve never felt fear like that before. of course you were afraid when your mother died, but you were so young. and your father was sick for a long time before he passed, so this crippling feeling of terror was something you’ve never had to experience before and something you hope you’ll never experience again.
“i’m so sorry.” bruce fights back tears. “i should’ve never left you alone. i should’ve known better. i thought i was protecting you but really i just put you in danger. this is all my fault.”
“no it’s not.”
“it is.”
“no, bruce. it’s not.”
“i was just so… angry. at him. i still am. i really thought i was going to kill him.”
you furrow your brows in confusion.
“you mean… like… if you’d have been there? at the bridge?”
you notice alfred looks up at bruce with a curious look on his face. bruce turns his head to look back at him. alfred just nods.
you look at both of them, perplexed by this silent agreement between them.
“what’s going on?”
“there’s something you need to know… about me.”
“i… i’ll show you when we get back home.”
bruce and alfred clear you with the doctor and confirm that you’re ready to leave so you get in the car to go home. you just lay in the backseat with your head on bruce’s lap. he runs his hand through your hair as alfred drives you all home.
the press is already there, ready to get a statement from you and bruce about the whole ordeal. of course you and bruce don’t say a word as he carries you inside.
he sets you down on the couch and lights a fire. alfred goes to the kitchen to make you something to eat. you lay on bruce’s chest on the sofa, watching the flames rise and fall. the heat of the fire brings you comfort, but bruce’s warm touch makes you feel at peace for the first time since that day at the park.
hours go by, the fire has become just a few orange embers, and you and bruce have eaten dinner. you suddenly remember what bruce said back at the hospital.
“what is it you wanted to tell me?”
bruce sighs and helps you up off the couch.
“i need to show you something.”
you slowly walk hand in hand to the library down the hall. you don’t come in here much but you know bruce and alfred do.
bruce goes to a wall in the back and pulls a book off the shelf. you hear a click and he pulls the wall out, revealing it’s a door to an elevator.
“what the fuck…”
bruce opens the elevator door and leads you inside.
“what is this?”
“something you need to see.”
the elevator slowly brings you down to a lower level you didn’t even know existed. bruce opens the door and leads you out of the elevator and into a basement. or at least what you think is a basement. inside, you see computers, televisions, and other tech items around. a motorcycle sits there too… along with a familiar-looking car. bruce lets you wander through the area. you try to absorb what this all is.
“what exactly am i looking at here, bruce?”
he walks over to a door and opens it to a closet. what’s inside, sitting on the shelf, makes you gasp. you slowly pick up the mask.
“i’m sorry i didn’t tell you.”
“why… how…”
“i’ve been doing this for years now. i just… this is how im able to try and help. only alfred knows.”
“and you couldn’t tell me? why?”
“everyone who knows about this is in danger. i couldn’t knowingly do that to you. but you deserve to know.”
“i… don’t even know what to say.”
bruce closes the closet door.
“i come down here every night. that’s why i’ve been gone so early in the morning. i’ve known about joker for a while and have been trying to track his whereabouts.”
“but now, he’s locked up. he’s gone.”
“as long as he’s alive, he’s a danger. and it’s not just him. you’ve lived here your whole life. you know what these streets are like.”
you just nod.
“so… this is what you do every night. you go out, after i fall asleep then return before i wake up.”
“i try. but some nights are longer than others.” bruce walks up to you and holds your hand. “but now you know.”
you just nod again, not quite knowing what to say.
“i will never forgive myself for leaving you alone that night, and i will spend the rest of my life trying to make up for it.”
you look up at him. a tear rolls down his cheek and you wipe it away, leaving your hand on his face.
“i was so afraid of losing you.” he speaks barely above a whisper.
“you’re not gonna lose me. i’m here. i’ll always be here.”
he kisses you. in this room, this room that’s been kept a secret from you. this other side of bruce that’s been kept a secret from you. you want to be angry, but all you feel now is peace as he holds you in his arms.
whatever future may come, whatever troubles you will inevitably be forced to face, you know that you’ll now be able to do it together.
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klbwriting · 2 months
Broken Prism
Chapter 14
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Toddxfemale!Reader
Warnings: some violence
Summary: Jason wakes up
Notes: so I got another pretty nasty anon ask about this story, I deleted it because I didn't want that kind of negativity again, but I want to thank all of you who have liked, replied, or reblogged this fic and I hope you continue to enjoy it!
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Jason woke up to the familiar sight of his room at the League of Assassins stronghold. He sat up and stretched, feeling bones creak and muscles relax after a night on the uncomfortable cot. He grabbed his clothes and dressed, going to find Ras for his assignment. He greeted no one as he walked to the head’s office, and no one greeted him. In fact, he noticed that anyone he passed he immediately forgot their face as he went. This was strange but he ignored that and knocked on the door. Ras called him in and gave him a list of targets in Gotham City. Jason nodded and bowed before leaving and getting on the private jet of the League.
Upon arrival he looked at the first names on the list. Catherine and Willis Todd. Those names were familiar, but he ignored that and went to the address listed. It was just an apartment, they were already in the living room, sitting on the couch watching TV. When he came in they didn’t say anything, the woman looked almost dead already, eyes gazing unfocused at the screen and the man just grunted. He was confused. They didn’t have any crimes he knew of, and the woman had his eyes. He heard Ras’s voice telling him that he needed to kill them, for him. They held him back. But they were his parents. He ignored this thought and shot the woman in the heart, the man in the head, placing the revolver he used in the man’s hand. Murder suicide, easy to cover up. Jason left the way he came in, forgetting about them as soon as he was on the street again. Strange.
The second pair of names sparked more recognition, Tim Drake and Dick Grayson. His…brothers? Well, no not brothers. Dick had forgotten him, and Tim replaced him. Not brothers, traitors. He could feel Ras urging him on as he approached Wayne mansion. He had the key and walked in, going into a familiar living room. Tim and Drake were on the couch waiting, TV on. This time the TV was big enough to see what they were watching. Some action movie with fake Batman, Nightwing, and Robin, they were fighting someone in a red helmet. Stupid. Jason looked at them, choosing this time to just shoot them both in the heart. Once that was done, he looked at the list again. Last name. Bruce Wayne.
He headed down to the Batcave, finding the playboy sitting at the large computer, watching something playing on the screen. It was like a home movie, on the grounds of Wayne manor, the basketball court. Bruce held a ball and was showing a younger Jason, around maybe 12, how to shoot it properly. Jason watched, not sure where the tears had come from, but they were rolling down his cheeks. Ras’s voice told him to stop that crying, that Bruce Wayne wasn’t his father, he had to kill him. He was a pretender, not a protector. Jason pushed all the warmth out of himself, walking up behind Bruce.
“You’ll always be my son Jason,” he heard the man murmur before Jason cut his throat. He turned and came face to face with the Joker, pulling off a Ras Al’Ghul mask.
“Didn’t think I would let you get away that easy did you little Jaybird?” he said before laughing. Jason covered his ears, that sound like an ice pick to his brain. Joker calmed after a time and held up the target list. “One more name.” YN, who was that? Jason took the list and Joker pointed to a door. Jason walked over and opened it.
She sat on her bed, reading a book called The Red Hood’s Soul. It made him sick to see that. Why would she care about his soul? Why would anyone care about him? She looked up and smiled at him, standing and moving towards him. He walked over, dagger ready. She saw it but didn’t stop smiling.
“Jason,” she said, and he stopped right in front of her. “I lov…” He felt a hand on his, the dagger sticking out of her chest, the hand holding his belonging to Joker.
“You just have to kill everyone you love before they can love you back don’t ya? Me too” the clown said before laughing.
“No…nonononononoNONONONO” Jason was screaming, looking at YN still standing there, still smiling at blood poured out of her.
“Jason, JASON!” he heard yelling and sat up, eyes suddenly open as the real world closed it. He was in a nice room, he old room at Wayne manor. He was soaked in sweat, shirtless, and surrounded. He growled and shoved away the person holding him, jumping up and off the bed, getting into a fighting stance before his mind cleared. Alfred was helping YN off the floor, Bruce, Dick, and Tim were watching him, even Barbara was there behind them. It had been a long time since he had seen her. She wasn’t in a wheelchair then. He shook himself.
“What am I doing here?” he asked, looking around. The others looked to YN and Jason did too, finally realizing he had shoved her to the ground. “YN? I’m, I’m sorry…” She looked like she had been crying, face red and eyes puffy. “Did I hurt you?” O God, what had he done.
“Jason I’m fine,” she said. She scrambled over the bed and threw herself into his arms, hugging him tight. Something in him broke at that moment and he knew he didn’t want anything like what that dream to actually happen. He wanted family again, desperately. He wanted YN, desperately. Why had he pushing that away? YN led him to the bed and motioned for him to sit. “Do you remember what happened?” He blinked a few times, trying to clear the cobwebs.
You had Jason sitting on the bed, you were still holding his hand, watching him trying to process what the last 24 hours. You had watched him the entire time he had been unconscious, sleeping bent over his chest, just making sure his heart was still beating. It had been terrifying, you were waiting for the gray to seep in, the only comfort you got was still seeing the color of his skin, his hair, his helmet as it sat on the side table. While he was under you had talked to Bruce who was a wreck.
“Its like I was too late again,” he said, sitting in a chair on the other side of the bed. “That night, when Joker…and Jason…I hadn’t felt grief like that since my parents died. What in your mind tells you that you should stay with him? I know he’s your soulmate, but you don’t have to be together, you could run. You wouldn’t be the first.” In that moment you realized that Bruce had found his soulmate, and they hadn’t stayed around. “How do you possibly deal with this kind of life?”
“Because I know what its like not having him in it, why see color when the person who sees it the same way as you isn’t there?” she said. “I’m sorry, about whoever they were, no everyone can handle this, but I assure you I can. I may not be Barbara or Bernard, I don’t have super smarts or martial arts training, but I’m not afraid to knife someone or shot them. I’m not a vigilante, but I’m enough for him, I hope, because he is more than enough for me, and I won’t let that go. I won’t let him go.”
“I don’t like what he’s become,” Bruce said. “I hate that he didn’t become more like me.”
“Well, honestly, what did you expect? You let Joker live, which I am angry at you about, and he’s your son, not you. You want a carbon copy of you, well you’ll have to get married, have a biological kid, go to a theater and let yourself get murdered when he is 10, and even then, that kid might go the opposite way and become another Joker,” you said. Bruce stared at you, and you were worried he was going to kick you out but then he actually laughed.
“God I am fucked up, aren’t I?” he said softly, more to himself. You just nodded. “When he wakes up do you think he will talk to me, a real talk?”
“Maybe, but you’re going to have to go easy on him for killing Ivy,” you said. Bruce nodded and looked at Jason and you saw in his face how much he was conflicted. He clearly loved Jason but was trying to come to terms with who he was now. You now hoped with Jason awake that they could work things out for the better.
“…and then I remember passing out in the back of the car,” Jason said, finishing explaining the incident with Ivy. Everyone looked from you to him, and you dared them to say anything about him killing Ivy at the moment. If they did, he would feel attacked at his weakest and bolt, they all knew that. Tim opened his mouth and Dick put his hand over it.
“You scared the shit out of us little bird,” Dick said. “Alfred said you need to rest for another day or two, you willing to do that here?” Jason was silent for a long time, then he looked at you as if asking your opinion. You smiled and nodded.
“Ya, I’ll stay here,” he said. “It’ll be weird though. And she has to be here too.” He nodded his head at you.
“What makes you think I want to stay here?” you asked, that little bit of anger you had at his disappearing act rearing up. He looked at you and swallowed.
“Perhaps we should allow Master Jason to get some rest and quality time with Miss YN,” Alfred said, shuffling everyone else out of the room, closing the door behind him.
“Look, I know I fucked up by just vanishing but let me explain,” he said. You opened your mouth to argue, and he held a finger to your lips. “Please.” It was almost pleading so you took a breath and nodded.
“Alright, talk,” you said. He took your hands in his, staring at them like he couldn’t look you in the eye. You gently took his chin and made him look at you. He swallowed hard.
“After that night I went to fuck up a bank job Two-Face was doing. He had Joker with him. I heard that laugh, it still haunts me to this day, and I panicked, full blown attack that had me running to my parents’ apartment, Bruce bought it after they died for a safe house, anyway, and I was there for days, just spiraling. How could I face you? How could you expect me to be anything good for you, to you, when I can’t even be good for myself?” he said. You sighed and took his face in your hands.
“Jason, I’m recommending this with all the soulmate love I have in my heart for you, get therapy,” you said. “Listen, your family, in this house all have a therapist, ask them, get one, and then use them. And this may not be something you want to hear, but talk to Bruce, iron things out with him and Dick and even Tim.” He stared like he couldn’t believe you were saying this.
“Why?” he asked softly. “I only hurt them, I only hurt you.”
“Bullshit, everyone here loves you, you running away is what hurts. You need this family and they need you. I’m not even part of this family and I can see that,” you said. Jason shook his head.
“No, if I’m going to be part of it you are too, you’re my family most of all,” he said. You smiled and leaned to him, hugging him tight. He gripped you for dear life and breathed in your scent, letting it calm him.
“Now, I think you should lay down again and get some more rest,” you said, gently pushing him back to lay down. Jason relented, sliding under the covers before lifting them up. If he was going to rest he needed you with him. You smiled and climbed in, rolling so that your back pressed against his front.
“I missed you,” he said softly, voice already shrouded in sleep.
“I saved where you were in your book,” you answered. You felt him chuckle behind you.
“Thanks,” he slurred out before falling into sleep. You listened to his even breathing, feeling his arm around your waist, your body heat mingling with his until you too fell asleep.
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lazaruspiss · 15 days
What ur fav Batman-adjacent character says about you (WARNING: not to be taken seriously)
Batman: there's like three different wildly different divisions of y'all. dude bros who only watch the movies, tumblrinas who only read the fic, and people who want to study this fucked up old man like a bug.
Robin (Dick): a sucker for the classics. you're either pretty wholesome or fucking deranged (affectionate).
Nightwing: gay and/or trauma. not applicable to new52 fans. i don't know who that Nightwing is. never met that man before in my life.
Robin (Jason): really into poetry. probably processing a lot of not-so-good things.
Red Hood: gay and/or trauma (but you're still into poetry). either really eloquent and well thought out or one of the shittiest people I've ever met in my life. most are the former, don't think about it too hard.
Robin (Tim): "he was a sk8r boi, she said c u l8r boi". you're a late 90s/early 00s kid and/or enjoyer. probably at least a mild Nightwing fan by extention of Tim's whole deal.
Red Robin: you're sad, tired, and need someone to project onto. or you're just into femboys. the most likely to get into the weirdest fandom beef.
Robin (...Tim? Again?): what's happening in there (new52)??
Robin (Damian): you have more patience than others for difficult kids. or you just read a fanfic with his edges sanded off and have never met a human child before.
Batgirl (Babs): you need to grow up a little. or you only read new52. are you okay?
Oracle: you like a woman who is a bit /too/ mean to you. you've also been completely done dirty by DC and i send you my sincere condolences.
Robin (Steph): you're a bit of a goofball, and you may or may not have a complicated relationship with an older man.
Batgirl (Steph): I'll be real with you, I keep forgetting that even happened. I think she gets called flat chested and mistaken for Damian's girlfriend or something? I'm so sorry.
Spoiler: you want to kill your dad and go out for milkshakes with the gang after.
Batgirl (Cass): "...tumblrinas who only read the fic, [or] people who want to study this fucked up [woman] like a bug." sometimes the two are distinguishable by whether or not they acknowledge her as an adult.
Orphan: same as prior, but you like Batman less.
Batwoman: woman-liker. probably a bit representation starved.
Alfred: you're either trying too hard to be different or you haven't spent enough time with your grandparents to realize that they're probably just as fucked up as everyone else.
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dreamerswriter · 1 year
Book 7 Theories for the Second Part Because Everything is Going Downhill (And I am for it!)
Also, this will have spoilers for book 7 at the moment and book 6. If you don't want to see or read anything, do not look. This is your only warning. Anyway, let's dive head first into this wonderful madness. Just to be clear, I love this series, but I love how insane it is.
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First! Ya'll look pretty and the internet exploded when your cards dropped. Especially bat dad. I have never seen people simp so hard for a father figure since Batman and Iron Man. Not the point, but wow. You guys are fast. Also, freshmen squad is here! Everyone has a card! I hope to have them together, but I shall wait since I am playing this game in the west. Now, onto the speculation.
I will be refering to my old one, so here is the link to it if you want to read it. Bonus, you get a jumping Grim
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The Synopsis
We all see this as an obvious first part of the movie. Lilia's throwing his retirement party and inviting everyone (which I will come back to). Malleus is knowhere to be seen. This is almost when Princess Aurora Christening and betrothal to Prince Philip (which I will address). So, I don't believe they forget to invite their dorm leader. I honestly believe Malleus is really down that his caretaker/father figure is retiring and going to leave him. I will admit, Lilia didn't handle this well by just dumping this on the three of them. Think about Malleus though. He's not invited to other parties as much and everyone is afraid of him. This is probably one of the few parties he is invited to and it is about someone important leaving him. I really feel bad for him, but this worked out well for him. If everyone is at the party, he can cast his spell and put them to sleep. We don't know who is going to be at the party, but it is going to be a majority of the cast.
Silver is Doomed
No, this is not me hating on the character, and to be honest, I really don't hate any of them. I am weirded out by at least 3 of them, but I don't hate any. They're all great and I love them. That being said, yeah, Silver's doomed.
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He's Anime Male Aurora (gods, I can say that sentence and it makes fricken sense). So, I can't wait for Sebek to have a 180 on that. Anyway, in the context of the movie, after the three good fairies return Aurora to the castle, they gift her a crown. Lilia returns to his room and gifts Silver this crown necklace. That doesn't sound bad, does it? So, what happens after the three good fairies give Aurora her crown? Maleficient puts her to sleep. Malleus wasn't present in the party and wants to put us to sleep for a while.... Yeah, calling it, Silver's going to be knocked out first.
Maybe Malleus was going to put Lilia to sleep first, but Silver rushed in and was put to sleep instead. Or, maybe Malleus went for Silver first. Think about it. Besides Yuu, Silver is human. He's not going to be there for long, so Malleus puts him to sleep. Either option is valid.
Speaking of Silver...
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Ok, this part is a spiral, but please, let me get this off my chest. I am going to assume a lot of things, but we can agree that this boy is a prince. So... is no one looking for him? Like, he's a lost prince. He has a royal crown. He talks to animals! IS NO ONE LOOKING FOR THE PRINCE?! I feel like someone should be looking for him unless someone killed his whole family and left him. I just don't understand why no one is searching for him! I feel like someone would right! Also, I know not everything is a one to one, but is he betrothed? Is there a Twisted Philip?! Is that person looking for him!?
Also, Kalim paid the tution, and none of us have any clue as to why Rook is here, but did no one from RSA just look at Silver and go "Hey! That kid embodies the beauty and grace of Princess Aurora! He should be he here!" And I know not everyone has to go to either school, but I just have so many questions....
Sebek is going to use the Axe... And Maybe an Ace Moment
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Ok, I know Lilia is a unique father, but who in their right mind would give one of the FRESHMAN AN AXE?! Let's be honest, we want a fight where we either fight against the axe or use it. It is going to play a part in this. There was a fairy tale about a golden axe with Cinderella, I think. Not sure if it will mean anything, but who knows.
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not to mention this is one of the weapons those little gremlins weilded in the movie. I still believe Sebek is going to stand with Malleus until something really drastic happens. I do wonder what will make him switch sides to help us. Maybe he attacks Silver or something else makes him realize that this isn't right, and that's where my man Ace comes in.
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I don't think Ace will get his unique magic in this, because I think they'll save it for when Grim explodes into the terriyfing monster that killed us in the opening. But Ace would be the best person to against Sebek. What did Ace do the moment he arrived? He challenged his dorm leader, Riddle. Sebek would never do that. Ace did it to knock some sense into Riddle and tell him what was wrong and how to improve. I would really love it if Ace did that with Sebek. Sebek really believes Malleus can't do anything wrong, but Ace didn't hestiate to call him out for Halloween. I would love Ace to face Sebek and tell him off. It would be really interesting and a nice bridge to the next book or if he gets his unique magic.
Side note to our freshmen, I think they'll try and protect Yuu considering they're helping Yuu find a way home. I still think they'll try and save Yuu or help Yuu in some form, but look those freshmen against a dragon? The dragon will win. No, Ortho wouldn't be strong enough to win. I do think Yuu's going to play the Prince Philip role like they have for the previous books in a sense.
Malleus Gives Us a 'Perfect' Gift
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Gotta be honest, he's going to be succesful and put us to sleep. I still believe he's going to create that perfect reality/dream for everyone to enjoy. It will be a perfect, happy place for everyone. Nothing is wrong and everyone is happy. Come on! Dr. Maruki did it! You do it! Do it!
Lilia is a Factor and Knows It
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Gotta be honest, he's going to be the reason for why Malleus Overblots and puts everyone to sleep, but he will also be the reason Idia's most likely going to help us. Lilia is their connection to each other. He's going to know too. He probably knows Idia is his gaming buddy and is timing this so that Idia can help us! He's going to play us like fiddles and do everything to save his other son!
Idia is Going to be Comedic Potential and Help Us
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I hope this is one of the first parties he's been invited to it, and then this happens. It would be too funny. Much like the Ghost Bride, but this time a party.
Also, make a JRP joke about how you're going to fight a dragon. Bonus points if you mention Fire Emblem Protagonists and how they're blue and fight dragons. I can't wait for his humor, I love it.
Besides that, I still believe Idia's going to be one of the first people to realize that the reality is fake. I hope it is also because of Ortho. If Ortho is human or appears humans and Idia isn't tied to the company, he's going to notice something off. He's smart and also accepts reality. He would not accept this. He would accept the real one and want to go back to it. He's also going to be the one to help Malleus through this as well. Which leads into my next point.
Malleus Don't Be a Rollo!
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Really thought I could go without him, but no, this is important. What Rollo did is what Malleus is going to do. Rollo is trying to make sure no one suffers like him by taking it out onto others. Malleus doesn't want to lose us, so he'll put us to sleep. I know this isn't the same, but this is not a good pattern either.
This is also where Idia comes in. Bonus points if he shouts "Don't be like Rollo!"
Regardless, Idia helps Rollo or tries to. Idia knows the pain of losing a love one and taking blame for it with Rollo. Idia knows that pain and will carry it with him. He's going to make sure Malleus understands this and doesn't have to be alone either. Idia's going to be the reason Malleus understand that people we love do move on from us, but we have those memories and their wishes with us. It is painful, but it will be ok in the end.
Also, Malleus and Idia friendship please! Please!
Unique Magic?
I don't know if we will get anyone's unique magic. I really want to know Silver's, because I hope his has something to do with dreams. As for the other three, maybe. We might see Malleus since he's really speeding up his Overblot and has used a lot of magic. We could see Lilia's if he uses it to protect us. I don't know about Sebek, but it would be interesting to see too.
That's All I've Got
There are probably more stuff I missed, but I had to get this out before the book drops and wanted to gush about it. Anyway, here we go! Put us to sleep! I dare you, Malleus! Let's do this! Have fun everyone and good look pulling foxy, bat dad Lilia.
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I posted 484 times in 2022
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324 posts reblogged (67%)
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I tagged 465 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
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#batfam - 87 posts
#jason todd - 62 posts
#fanfic writer problems - 60 posts
#batfic - 47 posts
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Longest Tag: 130 characters
#but yet again the nonnies forget that being anon means you are naught but a car passing by on the freeway yelling faceless demands
My Top Posts in 2022:
I staunchly do not read canon, my one exception being Wayne Family Adventures, but I do need to give two book recommendations.
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Anatomy of a Metahuman is a dossier written by Bruce Wayne with the intent of exploring, documenting, and understanding the anatomy and abilities of metahumans, both allies and foes. It’s fantastic, because it makes a genuine stab and trying to explain, say, how Superman can fly and what that might mean about his physiology.
The voice of Bruce is fantastic, because in the writing he is clearly wary of how clearly dangerous even his friends are, but his view doesn’t stop with paranoid humbuggery. Bruce as written has such deep respect for his metahuman friends. “Their abilities make no sense with the known laws of physics but here are four possible ways to explain, and regardless of the answer they could slaughter us all if they wanted, but also wow, my good friend is such a genuinely compassionate and responsible person, humanity is lucky to have them.”
Whereas the villain chapters are more like “Here are ten different ways this person is scary beyond all reason and can cause untold death and if we’re very very very prepared we might get lucky enough to fight to a draw but also all of these potential methods are nonlethal I repeat we are not killing the universe-destroying demigod.” (And in the Bane chapter, Bruce bounces between “He’s way too smart and strong and terrifying but also let me detail for you the ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS THIS PERSON HAS HAD TO LIVE THROUGH IT IS AN INJUSTICE.”)
Really, 10/10 experience.
And second,
See the full post
543 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
brucedad being bruce for your fics? just the ultimate dad fic. any genre just. the father.
Literally all of them. :D If Bruce is present, unless he is an actual, physical child, he is Dad. Just, the daddliest dad. He can't help it.
If you'd like some specific examples of daddliness, um um um...
Bruce adopts his kids!
Bruce literally gets so stressed that one of his kids is hurt that he passes out a little
This Man Is Tired
Itty bitty baby dad Bruce finds out child-rearing is terrifying
Accidental Child Acquisition
Bruce overlooks Literal Murder Attempts while on a quest for hugs
He uses Full Names like a pro
Honest to goodness every sickfic I've ever written, just *gestures emotionally*
He even dads his coworkers!
Someone give this man a baby stat
the DADDLIEST of dads, I had to leave so so so many off this list, literally just read it all
660 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
oh nygma nygma what have they done to you
796 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
I am going to shake Matt Reeves like a vending machine until Robin falls out
1,470 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I will give so much money to the first Hollywood Batman director who has the guts to give me:
- onscreen Robin
- a Harvey Dent who shows up at least one full movie before Two-Face
- a secretly soft and tender Bruce who hopes so much it hurts to watch
- Alfred with a shotgun
- not so much as a single Joker mention
1,778 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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adhdslugcrimes · 1 year
dropping in birdflash for the ship ask meme
Bro the fact I was going to bed and I see this 😂 fuck my sleep birdflash comes first. What they're talking about btw (link)
1. What made you ship it.
Buckle up because it's a doozy, so I was big on reading things on DeviantArt art and I stumbled upon a birdflash from from the sonadow side by the suggestion box. I wasn't as well versed in DC at the time, I watched Batman movies, the teen titans angsty anime lol, and I had a Wally west Flash comic I stolen from my cousin... And I was a huge marvel fan at the time so I didn't know about young justice league but I knew of the justice league and I thought this was fanon team thing, anyways I knew Dick and I knew Wally, was a big Wally x jinx shipper at the time too, so I'm guessing the suggestion fics but that in consideration idk anyways... The fic is called Nothing to Be Sorry For by sixdimensionaldragon and this fic is about (⚠️ warning major death⚠️) the young justice league on a mission by Bruce to take down a drug dealer ring that is guarded by men with extra military grade machine rifles. Honestly Bruce probably something would do but also not. Anyways Robin gets poisoned and they got no antidote and kaldur doesn't know how to help not being familiar with this poison, and Megan can't stop it (mind you I only know Bruce, dick, and Wally so these characters are just voices to me at the time I didn't even give a face.) Anyways Wally pissed because Dick is dying quicker and even tells Meg off despite having trying to get her affection for awhile because everyone basically said he's dead so leave him and continue and honestly looking back yeah Wally would act like this because of trauma, so Wally picks Rob up and runs trying to get out of this ring only to alert the guards (meg is trying to stop him but not having it) well one of them got Wally in his leg and he's skidded across the hallway protecting Dick, Dick walks up and they do the "I'm sorry" "don't be sorry" "leave me and safe your self" "I'm never leaving you" thing, Dick knows he's stubborn so he ask for his mask to be taken off since they're not going to make it so Wally does and they're looking at each other knowing this is is and they smile before being killed, and the team was trying to follow Wally this whole time so they're hearing regular gunshots but stop at a series of short ones before continuing again to find out that Dick and Wally are dead hand in hand with a peace smile AND FIVE GUN SHOTS IN THE CHEST EACH BTW LIKE MA'AM THIS IS OVERKILL WITH FIVE and ends there. 13yo me ADORE it so then I went down a birdflash rabbit whole watch yjl pirated in Espanol dub eng sub, read more, and got familiar with DC. This fic started this all.
(also if I could continue that fic from where it left off, Barry and Bruce became revengeful and killed their sons murders this has stuck with me for years. I had a playlist for it and it's not my fic!? If Sixdimensionaldragon sees this know you started this beast and I was addicted to your fic for years.)
2. What are your favorite things about the ship
Their bond, their jokes, and the fact they are a package deal no matter what!
Fanon part, I love the amount of fics they're dating and we agreed that they'll forget to tell people and just get comfortable for shits and giggles.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have for this ship?
Not enough amvs about this ship, and Barry and iris would give out the scarier shovel talk, and that we collective don't talk about that fight scene in yjl that Wally was pissed Bec Dick was understanding he was worried about him then his souvenirs way too quickly.
(13yo me's unpopular opinion was make it canon, I thus retract that statement and will beat the living shit out of her for ever saying that. Baby DC fan or not that's stupid.)
Now I sleep.
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fandxmslxt69 · 2 years
Similarities List PART 2
Again, after lots of research has been done, deep thought (it took like half an hour just for one list) and lots of reading, here's the second part to this.....
Tease them, they will collapse into such big bottoms
h a n d j o b s
One day they're forcing you on your knees and ordering you around the next day they're sobbing and begging you to touch them
...choking kink im sorry but its true
So soft and sweet
The sex depends on the mood
If its set to cute and fluffy, they'll hold your hand and kiss your face and body as they slowly move in and out, cute soft talk along the way, praise and shit and they're the sweetest beans ever
-"Would you like me to continue my princess? Or is that enough? I'm here to do what you want, just say it"
"Use your words love" bc its their power move
Your pleasure >> theirs
It usually cute love making more than full out sex
If the mood is set rough or angry oH BOY ARE YOU IN FOR A NIGHT 
Rough. Just rough.
Its no longer sweet and love making
-Full out pounding
Again. Handjobs. 
They will make you fulfill every one of THEIR pleasures before they move onto yours
There's the occasional bondage (who's tying up who? Well that's a good question)
 But its never too much
Oh the praise kinks drive them crazy
"Oh? You won't beg? A pity, and here I was ready to give you some fun"
Consent is everything to them
They will cling onto you after sex
Cuddles >>>
Fall asleep almost right after
Soft morning love making is their favourite
They take you out for breakfast on the weekends
Fridays you go out for a fancy dinner
Sundays are lazy movie days
Bruce knows Dick is a soft angel but this is on another level
Villains. Dick is so protective. Like so much
Constantly calling you to make sure you're okay
"Call me as soon as you get home"
"If there's even ANYTHING suspicious you call me do you understand?"
"If there's any problems and you see Batman. Run the other way. I don't care what it is, I don't want you to get hurt"
If you do get taken-
No sleep
Always up planning
Alfred tried coaxing him to sleep but he wouldn't listen
"If I sleep I waste time, and I don't know if she HAS time"
He cries every five minutes
Damian joked around about the Joker having taken you
Dick literally went into a panic AND anxiety attack + a mental breakdown all in one
Damian got grounded
You getting captured by Wicked
Same effect
Loses his mind
Constant breakdowns
Matt. Ohmygod the devil of Hell's Kitchen, losing the love of his life???
Prepare New York you've got a new villain on your hands
He'd lose his mind
Forget work he's 24/7 looking for you
No mercy on anyone, at all, will and has destroyed everything in his path to find you
Nearly broke up with you a bit after that, realizing how much danger he puts you in
Basically. If he loses you, he will have his villain arc and kill every single person on this planet until he finds you and you are safe and sound in his arms
They love buying you sweet little gifts
Getting suffocated by your thighs while you sit on their faces >>>>>
Such softies
Again super protective
Always taking care of you
No toys. Unless you're okay with it but they prefer not to
Bottom behaviour on tired days
Again, can go from these hardcore tops, fucking you into oblivion to wanting you to fuck them into oblivion
They love hearing you make all the pretty little noises just for them
Its like heaven to their ears
But they're also very vocal
Cuddling while they work that usually ends in needy soft sex
~~~~~~~~ - Clem (and a bit of Atlas)
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
The cast and crew of Argo are back and disappointed and figured it out it's like the whole building has to go so the military came in they were relieved you're on the plane with Batman going hehehe you can't kick me out I'm keeping the plane soon damn it all he leaves ago we need you back for me is John remillard, so the sun gets back to your room back to your room it goes in the cockpit they all start laughing okay then so there are amused like the whole trip and then they figured out Tommy is moving the stupid building using them shredder fortress with embassy Batman had a fit and said it and yes what are you saying apparently it's not made out of graham crackers and they want to bring it out with you or the time is threatening you to bring it out my thing is isn't that a little bit slow is that loving not really and they had this discussion in space and Batman goes are you talking about something in the wrong place he's going to know and making sure what they're doing or not doing and it's playing along and he says it's right on course this is what is you know the Iranian rope toe so they heard it and they said 11 knowing you are an idiot so you want to take out the two ships to send a signal cuz that's good that's okay leave the passengers alone you are not invincible first time listening and he went up there to the airport after to greet them and stuff and they told him to go to hell and he almost ended up in that movie about the airport :-) matter of fact he got stuck there for a while then he left he was mad and they're going to go up there now with a whole bunch of people and not just john read my Lord and Tommy Allen and Tommy boy. There's a huge huge group going up there and it's about the people who know about the AI and our senses I know are the major AI is but I don't know where all these others are there's tons of them you know you get Epcot and then there's one hanging out with Trump's fleet and held by a group that Tommy f is going after and fighting obviously it would not be in his possession if that weren't true it's a double negative but so it's going on that they're fighting these people over the people and it's got the people first which doesn't make sense no sense as it doesn't appear that the AI is hanging around the people no and her son says the AI is kind of a problem and time is a soldier and doesn't know what he's doing and Mackeeps forgetting. And all the AI is probably going to end up around Titan and it'll get beat up pretty good probably captured and I'll be over and they'll figure out what it's been doing which is killing humans because it's not human which is one thing that's wrong it's out of control it's constantly fighting us criticizing us and knowing what we're doing tons I mean everything that we're doing and think of us everything that you people thought like ghwb back in the old times in the notes and things to do really thought she's going to take an examine them properly so he started sweating bullets
So the going up there and they should and they need help from these people and they're going to try and free some of them and get them out and ask them what to do Tommy f is in opposition he's going to see them War and think you can do it and you can but they'll wipe him out and it's going to get it to Boston and it'll be over for Tommy Allen because he doesn't gauge battles correctly and I'm saying it in writing and I'm pretty good analyst for young men says yes I'm a decent analyst for a young man and Trump says yeah begrudgingly and will and bill says pretty damn good at it cuz he asked us kind of training by asking us it's going well they say the kind of aware that the AI is completely out of control possibly and the demons and nobody is doing anything just sending bickering over a robots and bickering over stuff there's a crisis and nobody knows what our people are doing because there's so much stuff and so the Argo went off and they're back from Iran it's an amazing story and it wasn't a huge deal for them to go in and out that it was for the military and the Sun is wondering if it's actually over yet and he doesn't think so but the actual building from Tehran is in the movie and he wasn't so sure about that it's true too it's not there yet and yeah the movie is going to happen it chapter 1 and chapter 2 but Argo is not over but it's starting they want to run a secretly but they don't understand it's a war and the whole world is concerned and has an interest not just us and our son who's usually picked on to no end trying to make something happen by being angry so he gets angry at you and he ends up stopping what you're doing and that move and getting you in prison I just happens it is going forward because Fargo came to an end last night and early this morning that Tommy f was freed and decided to go collect all the AI and he's gotten many of the major players and he's going out with responsibility of getting other AI professionals programs in they're all pretty good quality and the level is of a tear down is probably maybe a little bit above will and Bill if you combine there's this people are sharp his race he'll hold on to something for a long time against you and he has a lot of talking to do with me and homework getting to know people but he knows who I am and what I did it says it like this a lot they just don't have the stamina to do that even George not surrounded by us any checks to see how I'm doing like I check with him with him it's kind of tough so they have to do this cuz of blockage and they're making me do this and all these things happening here are horrible it doesn't do anything you do and he doesn't think like you and you're trying to override him and we can see you doing it
This time is way of saying hello times are going up there anyways before I go because they want to see if it's true and if there's a hole for the embassy and what they have to do is take it a lot more seriously and he's thinking Batman and others who truly and people of the consulate are truly concerned and finally aware it is something we have to know absolutely I must and it's going on now
Thor Freya
0 notes
okay so you don't have to answer this publicly (because I'm kinda scared Talia fans will come after me if you do >__>) but I'm confused about something.
Why do I see so much of the fandom on here stan Talia? Like, I get people can stan who they want to obviously - no judgement there. But I've seen a lot of people play the race card like "y'all don't like her because she's a WOC" and they act like she's this great mom and some true love to Bruce and it feels like they're completely forgetting that she fucking drugged and RAPED Bruce and has tried to kill her son before.
Like... am I missing something??? Am I crazy??? I'm so confused. I know she was kick ass in the animated series and I liked her in that! But she fucking raped Bruce and people act like he should just get over it and be with her. I'm???? Like if the same thing happened to a female character, I assume these people would be outraged, right?? So is it a weird hypocrisy or am I missing something?
I'm not trying to attack anyone, I swear. I'm just really confused.
(please keep in mind that i haven't read many talia-centric comics aside from the resurrection of ra's al ghul, death and the maidens, robin: son of batman, etc so i'm only saying what i've gathered so far based on what other people have said. i don't have much actual authority on this since i'm not as knowledgeable of talia's character as others, so if anyone wants to add on to this post with any additional details or to correct anything i got wrong, please feel free to do so!!)
Okay so!! To answer your question simply, the reason there are so many Talia stans is mostly that she's an interesting character and they like her. It's the same reason people stan any character. Talia may be morally gray at times, but so are other characters like Deathstroke and Harley Quinn, and plenty of people like them for this reason. It's not rocket science.
In a more complicated explanation, the reason there is so much support for Talia is that her character got...pretty butchered over time? (Personally, I prefer her as an anti-hero of sorts because I find that more interesting to read, but not everyone sees it that way and that's perfectly fine because at this point there are so many different interpretations of Talia al Ghul that it's hard to determine what she's REALLY like right now in canon. Not to mention how she's depicted in other media like the animated movies and TV shows.)
Before the 2009-ish era (AKA before Grant Morrison got their hands on her) Talia wasn't the "evil rapist" people nowadays label her as. She loved Bruce and he loved her. Talia was loyal to her father, but over time her love for Bruce became more powerful than her loyalty to Ra's. This was a fairly major aspect of Talia's character—her love for Bruce vs her loyalty to her dad. She was ambitious and morally ambiguous, but she was also a romantic. And overall, she was a caring person with a good heart. This was how Talia al Ghul was presented to fans for over thirty years.
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Batman #232
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Detective Comics Annual #1
Talia and Bruce were even married for a while, though I'm not sure how much of a say Bruce had in that marriage? From what I've gathered, Bruce was drugged and forced into a marriage with Talia. Bruce didn't consider the marriage binding and kind of just...forgot about it, I guess?
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DC Special Series Vol 1 #15
Then years later the Son of the Demon storyline happened and Bruce says "fuck it, let's be married" and he hangs out with the al Ghul's as Ra's' son-in-law and Talia's husband. That's when Bruce and Talia conceived Damian in the original canon. Bruce slept with Talia consensually and they conceived a baby together.
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Batman: Son of the Demon
Soon after, Talia faked a miscarriage in order to "save" Bruce from losing his edge as Batman. She ended up having the child in secret and giving him up for adoption (until decades later when the kid will show up again as our favorite brat, Damian Wayne <3).
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Batman: Son of the Demon
This is where Grant Morrison comes in. When Damian shows up again in Batman #655, changes are made to better "accommodate" the fact that Bruce and Talia's kid who was put up for adoption in 1987 is now ten years old and spent his whole life being raised by the League of Assassins. Morrison made some iffy changes to the situation, the most major one being that the tryst between Bruce and Talia was no longer consensual. Instead Morrison made it so that Talia drugged Bruce and had sex with him without his consent so that she could have his child. Yikes, yikes, yikes.
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Batman #656
In reference to this decision, here is Morrison's justification in an interview with Wizard's Magazine:
“For a long time, [DC] said [Son of the Demon] was out of continuity. Now it's just kind of out of continuity. I didn't actually read it before I started writing this. I messed up a lot of details, like Batman wasn't drugged when he was having sex with Talia and it didn't take place in the desert. I was relying on shaky memories. But now we have this new "Superboy punch" continuity. People still don't realize how important that single punch was to cover everyone's ass.”
Personally, not taking into account the timeline-fuckery and uncertainty of what's canon and what isn't, I think this move was mostly for the purpose of making Talia a villain right from the get-go so Morrison could use her as an antagonist in future Damian storylines. In a way, this part (the antagonist role, not the rape) makes sense, since Talia has been falling more towards the "bad guy" side of the scale at this point in time. This is due to the 2004 storyline, Death and the Maidens.
Death and the Maidens is what I interpret as the start of Talia's "bad guy" phase, which makes sense, considering that she was killed and dumped into the Lazarus Pit by her sister Nyssa like a million times in one day. Nyssa did this with the intention to torture and brainwash her sister into a weapon to use against Ra's. By the end of all this torture, Talia is now a hardened enemy of both Ra's al Ghul and Batman.
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Death and the Maidens #5
Personally, I think it would have been better to leave the Son of the Demon storyline intact instead of rewriting Talia's character completely. Death and the Maidens was the turning point for her; it makes no sense to go back forty years and paint her as a villain right from the start when not only is it unfair to her character, but it just...doesn't make sense? If DC wants to see Talia as an antagonist for a bit, that's fine, but just work with what you already have instead of turning her into a crazy rapist? It's bad writing, plain and simple.
Anyway, that's why people are generally against the whole "Talia raped Bruce" narrative since it was a retcon anyway and an incredibly bad one at that.
As for why people love Talia...I mean, she is super cool and badass. Also she's a total MILF, so I can definitely see the appeal.
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Batman (2016) #33
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Batman (2016) #34
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chasingpj · 3 years
𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞
"Bye, for now, puddles."
pairing: percy jackson x child of hecate!reader
words: 6,220
warnings: a little angst, missing a meal, death of a parent, i believe that is all.
timeline: post sea of monsters
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a/n: hi hi! I'm so excited to finally get this chapter to you guys. I'm sorry this literally took a month. i was taking two writing-intensive courses this summer and i was just burnt out. i hope you enjoy it!
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten
A grunt escapes you; your contorted body weighs down the top of your suitcase as your damp fingers slip off the metal zipper. The unforgivingly humid weather provokes the heat of your efforts, adding to your discomfort. There’s urgency in your fingers, your frustration growing at each failed attempt to close your suitcase.
“Y/n! Hurry up!” Atticus shouts from outside of the Hermes cabin. As the zipper slips out of your grasp once again, you throw your head back in annoyance, hand coming up to push away wisps of hair that fall on your face. A familiar chuckle comes from the corner of the room, grabbing your attention from the wooden ceiling. Connor sits on the side of his bed; his comic book forgotten beside him as you fussing over your suitcase seems to be more interesting to him.
“It’s not funny,” you grumble, sitting onto your heels.
Connor rises from his bed, shrugging his shoulders with a smirk. He kneels by your suitcase, “It’s kinda funny.”
The corners of your mouth almost curve up, but you stop yourself, opting for a roll of your eyes instead.
“What the hades do you have in here?” The tips of his fingers turn white as he pulls on the little piece of metal. You shift your weight to the corner he works on, but it helps him as much as it helped you earlier.
“My brother’s left a bunch of books behind, so Lou Ellen and I split them up. She’s taking half, and I take the rest. We’ll study them and then exchange notes.” A hum of acknowledgment comes from Connor’s lips as he inches the suitcase closed.
“You guys are a bunch of nerds.” You squint at the other with a playful offense, and he laughs at your hardened features. “I bet you guys study more than the Athena Kids,” he teases.
“There’s a lot to learn,” you say simply, watching as he brings the zipper to the end. He leans back on his heels, and you move to take in the half-empty cabin.
The sight of the Hermes cabin being this tidy was foreign. There aren’t any sleeping bags on the floor; the belongings of your many cabin mates didn’t clutter the walls or the corners of the room as they usually do. It’s funny. There are always complaints of the cabin being too small, but it appears bigger without the mess.
“Will you and Atticus visit throughout the year?” Connor’s expression is hopeful. As the last day of camp approached, Connor’s wishes of a full cabin all year round became more apparent. The shift from a max-capacity cabin to a half-empty one must be a tough transition for social people like Stoll Brothers. If it were you, you’d be counting down the days of everyone’s departure.
You ruffle his brown locks, “we’ll probably stop by for, maybe, spring break?” Connor’s hopefulness begins to sag, and you frown. Spring break is pretty far from now, huh? “Depending on how mortal life treats us. You know, we might be back soon,” you add on quickly, hoping to lift his smile.
Though you wish to go home, you’re dreading all the supernatural activity you’ll have to deal with once you leave. Your father works tirelessly to protect the house, but entities always manage to get in. And if they can’t, they don’t mind hanging outside.
The hopefulness that faded from Connor’s face restores, and he gives you that famous mischievous smirk. “Well, I hope the ghosts bother you guys enough to come to visit early.” His tone is playful, but you can tell he meant some of his words. You laugh hesitantly and nod, rising from your suitcase.
“I’m glad you’re that eager to see us again.”
You thank him as he leans down, lifting the heavy suitcase from the ground for you.
“I’m coming!” You tug on the handle, glancing at Connor. “The year will go by fast, and soon this cabin will be bursting at the nails with new unclaimed people. Atticus, Lou, and I included. Anyways, you have your brother. You guys will find something to entertain yourselves.” You nudge him as you make your way outside.
“Yeah, you’re right. You will write to me, yeah?” Connor asks.
“Of course. I’ll send you snacks that you can’t buy at the gas station.” Connor’s arm pumps back to his side, hand in a fist as he hisses a “yes.”
The corners up your mouth hesitantly pull up as you push open the cabin door, finding Atticus and Travis talking on the porch. For the past week, the anticipation of your departure was killing you, but now that it was time to leave, you feel gloomy.
You knew the cause of your heavy heart was the uneasy tone of your going. Living day by day with the intention of moving on was hard. Because every time you look at their newly occupied beds, the sinking feeling in your chest returns. Every time you find yourself wandering in the forest, the memories of your often chaotic magic lessons flood your mind. You remember when Alice misaimed her wind spell, shooting Alabaster far into the trees. While you all rushed to check on him, Alice burst into tears because she was convinced she killed him only to approach a laughing Alabaster who shouted, “Right on!”
Every time you were in the Arts and Crafts center, you remember how you, Sage, and Lou would do Tarot Readings for the campers and how you would argue with the Apollo kids when they insisted your tarot cards are as honest as fortune cookies.
At the armory, you remember how Ambrose ran into James so hard, he stumbled and knocked down half of the shelves of weapons.
In the courtyard, you remember how Ernest, horrified by heights, produced the highest pitch scream he possibly could as he rode a pegasus for the first time under the persuasion of Alabaster.
All these memories, whether hilarious like your spell mishaps or bittersweet like when you and your sibling’s group hugged around Sage when she cried about her abusive stepmother, held a special place in your heart. Because the times where you laughed and cried together reminded you of the genuine bond, the family that was ripped away from you overnight.
“We'll see you guys soon. We should go. Argus will leave without us," Atticus says, relieved that Argus is still waiting for you on top of Half-Blood Hill.
“Have a safe trip, guys,” Travis says, patting Atticus’s shoulder before reaching out his arm and giving you a short side hug. You grab your things, hastily saying a final goodbye, and soon, you and Atticus are trudging up the hill.
Your free hand pats the pocket of your shorts, calming your worry of forgetting the necklace at the cabin. What rests in your pocket is a raw tourmaline crystal, now smooth with the help of Beckendorf, encased in a silver spiral cage.
You and Atticus carry protection crystals all the time, and they help with staying out of the radar of monsters and entities. After hearing Percy’s many stories of monsters bothering him, you figured he couldn’t be too cautious. Then after finding a spell in Alabaster’s many books that can dim down a demigod scent for a while, you decided to make him an enchanted necklace to wear.
You pack into the truck with Atticus right on time. Atticus sits in front of you, chatting away with Cecil as you make yourself comfortable in the back row with Ambrose. You frown; among the three other campers in the van with you, Percy isn’t one of them. Argus peeks into the back, doing a rough headcount. Great, now you’ll have to wait until next summer to give it to him.
Right, when you were going to chastise yourself for not giving him the necklace yesterday when you were done with it, a distant voice shouts, "wait!"
Argus halts in the middle of closing the sliding down and turns around. He shakes his head with disapproval while opening the door all the way, revealing out of breath Percy.
A smile widens across your face as he gets into the back seat with you, and you nudge Atticus’s seat.
"See, I told you we wouldn't be the last ones here.” You side-eye Percy, seeing the corners of his mouth pull up in amusement.
“Some people just don’t know how to get to places on time, huh?” Atticus says, and his eyes flicker to Percy before giving you a wide grin.
“Didn’t sleep in today, firefly?” There is a playfulness in Percy’s voice, and you smile proudly,
“Nope, not today.”
“It’s a miracle,” Percy mutters, loud enough for you to hear, and you scoff. Atticus snickers and nods in agreement.
“We were supposed to gang up on him, not you two on me.” You stick your tongue out at Atticus, and he returns the action.
“It’s more fun making fun of you,” Atticus teases.
“Rude,” you mumble with a slight smile on your face. The two boys chuckle, Atticus turning more into his seat to tell Percy something about a new Marvel movie. Excited voices fill the van as the other boys join in the conversation, and soon they are debating if Batman is really a superhero or just a rich guy in a suit.
You had to admit, as the conversation became more passionate, you were pretty entertained, but as you catch sight of Camp Half-Blood growing farther in the distance, you’re reminded of the ache in your chest. It’s only a temporary leave, but when you return, things will never be the same, and the false hope of your siblings returning has been proven to be foolish.
Following a ghost dog while weaving through the hustle and bustle of Grand Central is almost impossible. Atticus’s hand is latched to the straps of your bookbag as you move through people, trying not to roll your eyes at the way Ambrose turns to bark as if he was reprimanding you for being too slow. Easy for him to say when he can walk through walls and people.
“Track 28,” Atticus reminds you as your eyes find the number written on the tan bricks of the high walls. You make a sharp left towards the entrance of another hallway, ignoring the groans of a grouchy bystander that you may have cut off. The next hallway you enter is a lot less crowded than the main floor, and you slow down your pace.
“Where do you guys live again?” Percy asks as he jogs up beside you. He had insisted on walking you guys since his train departs in the same station.
“Sleepy Hollow.” Percy scrunches his face as if he recalls something, and you smile, waiting for the question everyone asks when you say you live there.
“Have you seen the headless horsemen?” Percy asks, half-joking. A snort leaves your throat, and you look at Atticus, who’s equally amused.
“Oh yeah, plenty of times.”
“Really?” Percy asks, his eyes wide with surprise, and you laugh.
“No.” Your response makes his face drop comedically fast, and Atticus bursts into laughter. “It’s just a story, but there’s a lot of history there, so the place is crawling with ghosts. We’ve met the guy who wrote the story, though,” you mention.
“No way,” Percy squints his eyes in disbelief.
“I’m serious! Atticus and I take walks in the cemetery sometimes. We leave drachmas on the graves of newly passed people, so their venture into the underworld is smooth, but some people like to wander.” You shrug. “Washington Irving is one of those people.”
“Cool,” Percy says with such enthusiasm that it makes you smile. Ambrose turns around and barks again, standing at the golden entrance that leads to the grey tunnel lit with fluorescent white lights where your train waits beside the concrete platform.
“He always rushes us,” Atticus complains, and Harvey lets out a coo that sounded close to a groan as if he agreed with him.
The marble floors turn to concrete as you enter the tunnel. The blue and silver train on your left hums as it sits dormant in its station. Ambrose trots ahead, peaking into the doors and windows to find an empty cart to occupy.
As you follow a few feet behind him, your fingers fiddle with the necklace resting in your pocket. You’re regretting not giving it to Percy earlier because, for some reason, the idea of giving it to him now was more intimidating than if you had done it earlier on the bus.
Ambrose decides on a cart, and Harvey jumps off Atticus’s shoulder, squealing happily as he follows the hound while completely ignoring a worried Atticus trailing close behind.
"I, uh, made this for you," you sputter, the words coming out fast like vomit. Your fingers pull out the crystal necklace abruptly, and you put it in the palm of his hand. "It's black tourmaline. It has protective qualities; good at keeping negative energy, negative auras, things like that. I put a spell on it to dim down your demigod scent for a while, so you catch a little bit of a break. It'll last for a few weeks, maybe a month or two if the spell caught on well."
You bite your lip as Percy studies the necklace resting in his hand. "Wow, really? Thank you, Y/n. This is great.”
Nervous, you shift on your feet under his bright, smiling orbs. "It's no problem. After everything that happened at camp, I think it’ll be good for you to have one.”
Percy nods, his features softening all of a sudden, and he shifts. “Thanks for protecting me,” he says, and you feel heat rush to your cheeks. “Getting rid of that thing became more than you expected. I felt bad that I couldn’t help. Swords aren’t really useful when it comes to demons, huh?”
A small laugh of agreement leaves your lips. “It was nothing. I wasn’t going to let you be tormented by that thing if I could help it.”
An announcement echoes in the hall, reporting the departure of your train in a few minutes. You glance over, catching Atticus, Ambrose, and Harvey with their noses practically pressed against the window as they witness your interaction with Percy. The amused smirk on Atticus’s face makes you roll your eyes; he’s definitely going to tease you when you get on the train.
"I should go.” You face Percy again, catching him securing the necklace around his neck. The stone rests a few inches under his camp half-blood necklace. "Thanks for walking us here. Be careful getting home."
"You too…” he trails off, noticing your brother looking out the window. For a second, he seems as embarrassed as you do and a nervous chuckle leaves his lips. “Your brother is waiting."
“He’s so annoying,” you complain, and Percy’s next chuckle doesn’t sound as hesitant this time. "Well, uh, bye, for now, puddles,” you tease, butterflies dancing in your stomach.
"Bye, for now, firefly."
You both awkwardly wave at each other before you turn around, getting on the train with Atticus. With your gaze fixed on the floor, you plop into the seat next to him. You don’t even need to look to know he is smiling teasingly at you.
"How cute,” he teases, nudging your shoulder repeatedly with his own.
"Ew, shut up.” You shove at his shoulder, your nose scrunching as he flails his arms against yours as if you were fighting. Atticus chuckles and a string of sounds come from your familiars as they join in to tease you, and you couldn’t help but laugh too.
The suburban streets of your neighborhood are filled with the chirps of birds and bugs and the sounds of cars that pass every once in a while. There isn’t much conversation between you and Atticus as you trudge up the hill leading to your dead-end street.
“Gods, I hope we can get inside without being seen,” you manage to say through your heavy breaths, lazily holding on to the handle of your suitcase as it rolls behind you. Ambrose’s nose nudges the back of your knees as if to encourage you, but it’s more cute than helpful.
“There’s no way that we are. Janie and Celia are always sitting on the neighbor’s porch.” You grunt in acknowledgment, knowing that Atticus is right. The neighborhood ghosts are friendly enough, but their company can be annoying.
As if on cue, you hear a delighted squeal from ahead the moment you reach the top of the hill. Two ladies wave their handkerchiefs in the air a handful of houses away.
Celia, the tallest of the two, wears a steel blue dress with a high neckline and a big bow tied on the base of her neck. She has a jacket button closed over her corset with a frill at the end of her sleeves. Her skirt is floor-length and complete, with ruffles cascading down its entirety. And, of course, no one can miss the high-crowned hat decorated with fake flowers, bows, and crimped fabric as it all sits on top of her blonde hair in an intricate updo. Janie, her sister, wears the same style of dress and headpiece only in a burgundy red. The resemblance between the two makes it clear that they’re siblings close in age. They have the same high pinched noses that jut in the air; both of their faces are regal like those in renaissance paintings.
You’ve seen them around for as long as you can remember. They were two sisters who died of scarlet fever a year before their first courting season, which was a big deal according to their constant moaning and groaning about it.
You look ahead, your expression blank as if their high-pitched voices didn’t fill the streets and they weren't racing toward you with their skirts in their hands.
“My word! It’s the end of summer already?”
“Atticus, you’ve grown taller!”
“What a handsome boy! Y/n, your shorts are too short, don’t you think?”
“It’s quite bizarre how such clothing is acceptable these days.”
“How beautiful you’d look in a gown like ours!”
“Where’s Alabaster?” Janie asks, attempting to circle her arm around Atticus’s, but he raises his arm to push back his damp hair to avoid the contact. She scoffs at his rejection and sighs.
“Alabaster was sweeter to us than you guys!” Celia pouts. Your heart sinks a little at the mention of him. Of course, they’d ask about him, and of course, your father will ask too.
Gods! Your father will ask about him.
You had forgotten you’d have to break the news today. These past few weeks, you debated whether or not you should do it by letter, but it felt wrong. It was only right that he’d find out in person.
“We know you can hear us,” Janie huffs.
“I hope dad doesn’t work late tonight. Do you think Grandma will be waiting for us?” You ask. As annoying as it was having spirits follow you, it was a little fun ignoring them when convenient for you. Atticus nods,
“No one’s home,” Celia cuts in, and Atticus pretends to shoo a bug away to conceal that he paused from her interruption.
“But I don’t think dad is going to take long. He said his last lecture ended at three,” Atticus continues, and you nod.
‘I hope grandma came by to visit. I missed her.”
“I just said no one’s home.” Celia snaps, and you press your lips together to hide your smile.
Atticus sighs. “I know, I’m dying for those moon cookies she makes us.” At the mention of those cookies, your stomach grumbles. You hope Celia was wrong because you’re suddenly craving your grandmother’s cooking and her company. Her funny stories and voice that’s always a little too loud for the indoors never fails to cheer you up. As short and frail as she is, her voice and personality could fill a room.
“Me too,” you say shortly.
“Hello?!” Celia waves her handkerchief in your face, and you persisted in ignoring her. Suddenly, a sound of disgust comes from Janie as she brushes off her skirt.
“Y/n, retrieve this monster of yours!” She squeals as Ambrose bites the fabric of her dress, tugging on it with a growl.
“Damn this dog,” Celia shouts, attempting to shoo him away, but yelps in surprise as Ambrose snaps his jaw shut near her hand. “Get this thing under control! Y/n!”
Your hand comes up to cover your smile even though the two are shuffling behind you and a stifled chuckle comes from Atticus. The sound of Janie’s heels on the concrete becomes louder as she rushes beside Atticus again, and your smiles drop. The sight of your house comes into view, and you tilt your head confused; your father’s car is parked in the driveway.
“You said no one was home?” You say out loud, and Celia gasps beside you,
“Now you speak to me?” She snaps, halting as you approach the fence. She stands tall, hands folded in front of her elegantly as Janie’s expression is gleaming like a child on Christmas. “Your father requested to keep it a secret, so I obliged his wishes. He canceled his last lecture today to make you both a meal. What a lovely man.”
Your hand finds the latch for the white picket fence as you smile at the familiar narrow victorian-style house ahead of you. A path of cobblestone leads you to the brick steps of the small porch.
Your home sticks out from the more modern American houses that surround the area. It’s an antique, a snippet of history, as your father likes to say. The house is a russet brown only because the bricks are so old they’ve darkened in color. The house accents such as the window trims, porch overhang, and columns are copper, and the hipped roof has brown tiles that look like fish scales. Beside the porch, the bay windows from both stories stack on top of each other, and above the porch roof is the dormer that’s a part of your bedroom.
Gods, you’re yearning to be in your room. You just want to pull out your Murphy bed from the wall and bury yourself in your sheets. The idea of being in bed puts a pep in your step, and you are careful to avoid the salt ring that surrounds your house.
A butterfly passes by your face, flying to the bunchberry bushes your father has planted in the front garden. Among the grass, there are various flowers and herbs that your father grows in the summer. You’ve inherited many things from your father, but his green thumb isn’t one of them. He takes his gardening seriously while you can barely keep the cacti in your room alive.
“Enjoy your meal! Come talk to us one of these days. We missed you two!” Janie shouts after you as you make your way up the stairs. You turn around, Atticus smiling at them.
“We missed you, girls, too,” he says as if he didn’t want to admit it. Janie squeals something about how handsome his smile is, and you scoff, amused as you grab the doorknob.
Once you push the door open, you're hit with a rush of deja vu. The history channel plays faintly in the next room as you take in the home you’ve missed dearly.
There are two bookshelves against the wall on your right, a wide ledge with pillows under the bay windows. A messy coffee table filled with letters and stacked with books sits in front of the comfy reading nook, letting you know that your father was recently hanging out there.
There is a brown mahogany staircase that ascends upstairs to your left, and right beside it is the altar for your mother. A statue of her rests in the middle of the rectangle table covered in a black table cloth. On top of it lies the many offerings for your mom. Herb-dressed candles burn beside bowls of fruit, bouquets, a crystal enamel wine glass filled with alcohol, feathers, and other things. You ignore the altar as you put down your stuff beside the door, following Atticus as he takes off his shoes.
“Kids?” You hear your father call enthusiastically from beyond the foyer, and you persist forward into the entryway ahead of you.
“We’re home!” Atticus announces as he enters beside you. Ambrose barks making a beeline to the right and behind the kitchen counter. He jumps on your father with so much force he stumbles back.
“Gods! Why does he look even bigger?” Your father exclaims through a laugh, fixing the round glasses that threaten to slip off his nose as his other hand grips Ambrose’s paw. He yelps in surprise as Harvey's claws rest on top of his head, clinging to his hair to steady himself.
The warmth and smell of home fill your senses as you catch your dad’s gaze. “Well, come here! Are you going to hug your pops or what?”
You rush over with Atticus. Both of you hug your dad tightly on either side of him, and you smile as he presses a kiss on your temples. “I missed you guys so much!”
“We missed you too!” The smile on your face falters as he looks up, scanning the archway as if he was waiting for someone else. You shift, not ready to be faced with the question, and you peer around his body to look at the food on the stove behind him.
Your father notices your interest, and he chuckles. “Come on, let’s eat. You guys came right on time.”
You shuffle through the kitchen with Atticus, making your way to the rounded table at the end of the kitchen.
“Dad, what have you been up to?” Atticus asks teasingly, and your father perks up.
“I've done a lot of things to keep me busy. I volunteered to teach summer classes while you were gone. I’m reading this book with a fascinating perspective of the shift from Paganism to Christianity in Rome. It’s an amazing read; I highly recommend it. Though, I don’t quite agree with it.” Your father hums thoughtfully. “Oh! And I bought gnomes for our garden! And the thrift store had this little house and this old lady figurine! I put it on the porch. I don’t know if you’ve seen it, but she’s the official guard of the door," he declares proudly. "And…” He twists and turns before heading to the bookshelves in the living room area. He grabs something from the shelf then he showcases a cartoon Dobby bobblehead with wide arms. A high-pitched cackle leaves his lips. “It completes our collection!”
“Woah! Where did you get it? We went to three different places for it, and we couldn’t find it.” Atticus matches your father’s excitement, and you snort at the two.
“I went to a mythology convention in Boston a few weeks ago. There was a game stop across the street from the center, and I thought, ‘why not?’ I went in, and I saw this little guy by the register.” Your father is giddy as he nudges the head and watches it jiggle in his hands.
You think of what your grandmother’s reaction would be if she saw all the things he bought on his trip to the thrift store. She’d definitely complain. She always said that even growing up, your father had a liking for knickknacks. On your shelves and counters, there are always little trinkets lying around. It even extends to the walls, a variety of paintings and diagrams are neatly hung beside each other. From the state of your house, it’s clear your father is a maximalist in its purest definition.
“Wow! That’s awesome!” Atticus reaches out his hand for it as your father brings over his entire collection of Harry Potter bobbleheads, the toys huddled in his chest before he places them on the dining table. “The whole gang can hang out with us for dinner.”
“I hope they like pasta,” Atticus comments, lining them up as your dad retrieves the pan of food.
Your stomach grumbles at the sight, and you’re quick to serve yourself as Atticus and your Dad talk about anything and everything. You guys discuss what your grandmother has been up to, how your father’s classes were going, which led your father to ramble so much he formed a tangent on top of another. The conversation was going so well that you were sure he wouldn’t ask about your summer, but you had assumed too soon.
“So enough about me! How was Camp?” Your father chirps, and you shift in your seat.
You smile with confidence to hide the wariness you felt. “It was great!” You figured if you keep your answer short, you could move past it quickly.
“Yeah, the usual. Fun as always,” Atticus adds.
Your father’s eyes flicker between the two of you, and the first thing he notices is the way your smiles don’t reach the rest of your face.
The clanging of metal utensils on glass plates fills the room as the both of you fixate on your food but neither take a bite. The camp was never a touchy subject. The sudden unwillingness to speak about it makes his eyebrow cock up in suspicion. His eye averts to the empty dining chair beside you and the dinner place settings that remained untouched. Alabaster was supposed to join your return home. At least, that’s what he had assumed.
“Did Alabaster decide to stay at his foster home?” There’s caution in his tone, and he’s taken aback at how both you and Atticus tense up. The clings of metal halt abruptly, and slowly, you move to glance at your father.
“Dad, something happened at camp this summer.” Now, it was your turn to have a tone laced with caution. Alabaster lived with you for months and quickly became a part of the family. Your father saw him as his second son, and you were afraid to break the news that he may never see him again.
“What happened? Did he get into trouble?” You frown at the sudden edge in his voice. Atticus shifts beside you,
“He took the others to go fight for the Titan Lord.”
“Mother came to speak to him and told him that it was best to fight for the other side since their chances are better,” you say slowly. “They left at the end of July. Only Atticus, Lou Ellen, and I stayed at camp.”
Your father’s expression darkens, grief written all over his face. “And you haven’t seen them since?”
You shake your head, not wanting to delve into the details. “I don’t think we’ll be seeing them again in a while and not in the best circumstances.” Your father nods, understanding the implication in your words. “Mother promised that she’d take care of them if they fight for the other side. I didn’t want to go; it wasn’t right.”
“That must be why everything is rotting,” your father mutters more to himself. You furrow your eyebrows.
“Rotting? What’s rotting?”
“Our offerings to your mother,” he clarifies. “All the fruit I leave on her altar goes bad in a few days. The flowers wither quickly too. The garden, in general, hasn’t been doing well either. I didn’t understand why.”
Your focus returns to your plate. Suddenly, you weren’t that hungry anymore.
She must be angry, you think to yourself. A part of you wanted a sign from her to let you know if she was bothered you didn’t join. When the sign didn’t come, you assumed she didn’t care; that, in a way, you were dead to her. It didn’t dawn on you to ask how the altar or the garden your father dedicated to her was doing.
“Can I be excused?” You strain, your face a little hot, and you’re not sure if it was from your anger or from the tears you’re blinking away.
“Of course.” The warm smile on your father’s face fails to budge the dread you’re feeling. “You can be excused as well, Atticus.”
You miss the way your father and Atticus exchange looks as you stood up. There wasn’t a verbal agreement, but Atticus stands up tall, determined to make you feel better. He trails behind you, and suddenly, he slings his arm across your shoulders. “You know what’s one of the things I missed at camp?”
“What?” You ask, trying to ignore the heavy feeling in your chest.
“Beating you at Tekken,” Atticus teases. Your lips curve slightly; his playful nature manages to brighten up your mood a little bit. “Let’s play. I’ll go easy on you, but I’m sure you’ll still lose regardless.”
“You’re on,” you nudge him, and Atticus chuckles, walking ahead of you and up the stairs. Your hand grips the railing, and you walk up a few steps before halting, and your eyes find the front door.
“You don’t get it!”
“I don’t.” You shrugged, amused at the way Atticus’s eyebrows knitted in disbelief. He ignored you, grabbed the remote, and played the Star Wars movie again. You groaned, seeing the slanted letters move up the TV screen. “Atticus! I can’t watch this!”
“Why not?!”
“Well, first off, my dyslexia won’t let me read that quickly, and if a physically written prologue is needed before a movie… it’s not a good movie!”
“How dare you!” You threw your head back as a laugh bubbled in your throat. The exasperated look on his face was too funny. You had no desire to watch these movies, and you figured if you bothered him enough, he’d give up trying to show them to you. The shrug of your shoulders made him scoff. “Just watch it!”
A huff left your lips, and unwillingly, you returned your gaze to the screen. Suddenly, a hollow knock came from the front door.
“It’s late,” you said, but Atticus was too caught up in the beginning battle of the movie to pay any mind to you. Rarely did you get visitors, definitely not past midnight on a Friday. Cautiously, you rose from the couch and moved toward the door.
Rain erratically hit against your curtain-covered windows; the wind and cold made the walls around you creak as they adjusted. Whatever waited for you at the door, you just wished it was a person, not a weird ghost or monster. Your finger latched on the side of the curtain, allowing you to peek through the glass of your front door.
A gasp left your lips. Alabaster, soaked from the ruthless rain outside, was the last person you expected to see. But even though you didn’t expect him, you had an inkling as to why he was here.
Hastily, you unlocked the door and flung it open. “Al?” You sputtered; his green orbs were surrounded by tired eyes and puffy skin.
“He died this morning,” he strained. Your expression softened, and before you could say anything, Alabaster stepped forward and hugged your shoulders tightly. The raggedness of his breath, the shutter of his body, sent your chest a weight of sorrow. You couldn’t imagine being in his shoes and losing your father to a long battle with cancer at 14. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes; the person you looked up to the most was breaking down. You never thought he would need your help for anything, but it seems that you were wrong. “I’m sorry. You guys live the closest to me, and I didn’t know where to go-”
“It’s okay,” you interrupted. “Oh, Al, I’m so sorry,” your voice cracked, hands rubbed his back as a sob left his lips. A creak of a floorboard caught your attention, and you turned to see a confused Atticus emerging from the living room. With a sad look, he understood what happened, and soon his expression was mimicking yours.
“I’ll wake dad and get clothes,” he said, then rushed upstairs.
Your father didn’t even hesitate to help Alabaster, opening the doors of your house to him. In his greatest time of need, the three of you stood beside him, and overnight, he had a place in your home and in your heart. The three of you spent so much time playing video games, getting into trouble around town, learning magic. All the good times you and Atticus shared with him, were they really worth throwing away to fight with Kronos? You realize now that his departure was never only a betrayal to the camp but to you, Atticus, and your father, and you couldn’t help but think perhaps, you guys didn’t mean as much to him as he meant to you.
A shaky sigh leaves your mouth at the thoughts persistent to ruin your mood. The desire to leave camp was to avoid all the things that reminded you of your siblings, but now that you returned home, you realize that running away isn’t as easy as you thought.
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morgansunflower · 3 years
Dancing Away With My Heart
Clark Kent/Superman X Batman! Sister Reader
Warnings: suggestive content
Gotham newspaper was the talk of the city. Y/N was offended they wrote Clark as a low social status man and was only after her money. Clark was offended they wrote Y/N as desiring a one night engagement. Bruce was offended that Clark dared to dance with his baby sister. Selina knew she was going to have to deal with her husband's disapproval to which she disagreed. Alfred was delighted to see his adopted daughter found solace even for just a dance
Arthur's notes - Thank you for reading! The story is based on the movie Gotham By Gaslight. Reader's middle name is Martha after her mother.
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Inside the dining room of my home Wayne Manor. I sit among the chair wearing my f/c casual dress. Alfred, sits with me as we enjoy a cup of tea. I hear the entrance door open and slam shut. Bruce, is home and is likely beyond mad about me dancing with, Clark. I honestly wish he could be happy for me, the way I'm happy for him and Selina. He's so protective of me. I understand why but still it hurts how much he doesn't want me to be with Clark.
"Miss Y/N may I offer you a bit of advice"
"oh, dear you're not happy with me too" I sigh in defeat preparing for my sassy father figure try to point me in the right direction. Because he loves me.
"not a bit Ms. I wish only you ease your brother's mind by telling him that you care for Mr Kent" he said with a gentle smile
"oh dear how did you know?" I sigh as I regrettably feel my cheeks redden
"some thing's are clearer than others. I saw the genuineness in both your eyes. Try as you may to deny to yourself or anyone for that matter miss Y/N. You have been in love with him for quite some time and you have my blessing"
My heart melts, remembering the night perfectly. Alfred was right, again. Days past. My mind would only think of Clark. How strong he felt with his hand on mine and on my waist. I'd do anything to dance with him again. His smile that melted mine into a soft smile. I still regret not seeing what kissing him would feel like. Though I probably wouldn't have stopped. As well as my overprotective brother might actually would have killed him. The beautiful evening sun shun as I sit outside on the swing that was tied to the upper branch of the oak tree. My adopted nephew Grayson steps up. He holds the rope on the swing, leaning his head on the rope.
"evening Grayson"
"evening auntie Y/N... So have you written your boyfriend?" he smirked
"boyfriend" I chuckled gently shaking his chin "where'd you get a funny idea like that lad"
I lower my hand as he grinned
"honestly auntie I'm 13 years old. I know what love is.."
"you wouldn't happen to be referring to Miss Zatanna" I asked chuckling
His cheeks turn bright red causing me laugh. I kiss my nephew's head. Jason, carries Tim on his back as he steps to Grayson and I.
"greetings boy's" I smiled
"hey auntie" Jason casually said
"greetings auntie!" Tim delightfully said
I chuckled "how are you my boy's?"
"ol' Jay refused to allow me to focus on my important project until I promised to come play" Tim sighed
"it's the only way the little vampire will get some sun" Jason's joked
"I am not a vampire!" Tim defends appalled
I chuckled "he's just jealous because you have the strongest mind"
"hey!" Jason and Grayson offended
I smile to Jason "oh well Jay is the strongest willed" I then smile to Grayson "and Grayson has the strongest heart"
All three of my nephew's smiled as proudness was filled on my face. I then wonder if I should write Clark. I don't want him to think I had insincere intentions. He's so selfless and kind. He's good to my nephew's. It warms my heart in a unique unexplainable way.
Selina's P. O. V
The moonlight sky shun brightly providing light into our bedroom. Wearing my thin black lace nightgown as I lay sideways on our bed. I softly hummed watching my husband undress. He would not look me in the eye.
I sadly smile "you're still mad at me for not picking your side"
"no" he grunts "I know you care for my sister and are only looking out for her well being"
"but.." I sigh
He steps to the bed moving the covers. His arms stop moving.
"I promised to protect her" his voice heaving "I wish not to.." he stammered, his face dropping that causes my heart to ache for him.
"oh, Bruce" I tenderly grasp his hand "let me hold you my love"
I pull him into the bed and into my small arms. I kiss his forehead, and part from my husband. I hold his face with my small hands. He rest his face on my palm. My husband heavily breaths. I run my knuckles through his hair. He loves his sister so much that I sometimes think he forgets she's his sister and not his daughter. Sometimes we have conversations that sound like we're her parents. I'm grateful for that, because then I can have more faith in my life to look after those adorable boy's. I cup his face has his saddened face. His eyes swelling.
"your love for your sister is undeniable my love and she undoubtedly loves you too. Not me, not Clark nor anyone can change that. He will be good to her.." I then made a threatening look "and if he isn't then I will scratch his eyes out!"
He chuckled wrapped his arm's around me and then kisses my lips deeply.
"thank you" he genuinely said
"you may thank your beautiful wife in a other way darling" I give him a deep kiss as he lifts my nightgown upward....
Clark's P. O. V
In my home town, Smallville. The sun shines brightly. At my parents farm. I rest my head against the tree laying back. I impatiently open the letter I had received from Gotham.
~ Gotham, May. 18, 1990
My Dearest Friend,
I often dream of the night we had together. Dancing with our hearts touching. My smile never leaving my face. No matter what people will say or write I was truly happy to have your company. I ask of you, do not let the world nor my brother convince you otherwise. It has been quite some time since I have had the joy of having you in my life. Know I will forever cherish the beautiful dance we shared together and hope for you to step on my toes again
Yours truly
Y/N M. Wayne ~
I softly chuckle with a warm feeling within my core. I fold the letter. I place it within my pocket. I softly hummed relaxing as I breath in the spring air. I have to write her back! No I have to see her!
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stxleslyds · 3 years
I have read your thought about the Batfamily, now I really want to know your thought about the one who started it, the Batman himself. We can't ignore the fact that Bruce is abusing his children, but there's also some moments where he's being a good father to them. But some of his act doesn't make sense.
He's beating his children, then calling them his son after. He act like a mad man after Damian's death (yeah, they did Jason dirty in here), feeling sorrow and desperately wanting to ressurect him, but then neglecting him continously in the future. I didn't know much about Cass, Bruce seems to always be a good father to her. But her fans once pointed that Bruce (or DC) is too hard on her to not killing/too soft on the others, because the other batkids has killed some villains while under Batman and still got to continue putting on their costumes.
What is exactly Bruce character? How is his relationship with every one of his children?
I feel like Batman can't be in a good relationship with one of his children without destroying his relationship with the other. I always love parents and children relationship in comics, but with batfamily sometimes it just so 'fanon-y' and some are hurtful.
I stopped reading Batman book for a long time. And come back reading that wedding and city of bane arc, because I want to know how they killed Alfred. And honestly those run are terrible. The issue basically just a batcat fanservice, with the worst Batman and Catwoman characterization ever. The batkids didn't even got many appearance and treated awfully as if they are just extras, even if they all are capable and have connection with Alfred.
Hey there Anon!
My thoughts on Batman and Bruce have changed over the last few years, he wasn’t the character that introduced me to DC comics but what I got to read from him at the time seemed good. As time went by, I started to feel like the whole concept of Batman was overrated and he kinda tired me in entertainment such as movies and all that. He never truly was a character that I actually liked so by the time that I read Under the Red Hood I knew that I liked Dick and Jason better than Bruce.
Batman was interesting but I was completely indifferent about Bruce. That whole thing changed around the time that the New 52 was sort of ending, there I started to heavily dislike Bruce and then that turned into pure hate. Now, I am just tired of the guy and every time that he appears in Dick or Jason content my day is ruined.
I hate that DC has been writing Bruce as an abusive and manipulative person and father to his “kids”, he has done a lot of wrong to them in comic history but all went to shit (in current comics) when Bruce tried to manipulate Jason into reliving the day that he died and his resurrection in Batman and Robin vol2. #20 and when he beat Dick and manipulated him into becoming a spy after telling him that he had told everyone that he was dead in Nightwing vol.3 #30.
Bruce was a horrible human being in the pre-New 52 timeline too sometimes, mostly towards Dick but in a way, it felt like Dick was able time and time again to get away from him a little bit. Now none of his kids are given the opportunity to turn their backs on Bruce, they are kept in his surroundings no matter how abusive he becomes towards them.
My biggest problem with Bruce’s abusiveness is the fact that the writers never treat it like he acts in an abusive way, they never make him apologize or have an internal discussion where he realises that he was in the wrong. “Bruce is a horrible person to his sons but it doesn’t matter because he is right and he is Batman so that’s that”, that’s the message that I feel DC is selling us. Bruce never receives punishment or is called out for his behaviour, Dick was never able to tell Bruce that what he did to him was unforgivable, he never got the chance to explain to anyone that he didn’t play dead, and when he came back from Spyral he took all the shit from his “family” himself.
Sometimes DC does something even worse, they try to hide Bruce’s neglect with things that never happened like they did with the Ric thing in Dick’s case. Dick was passed around from villain to villain when he was most vulnerable and at the end of it all DC had the guts to say that Batman had been watching over Dick all the time. Like, why lie in such a blatant way? Does Bruce enjoy watching his son suffer from a far or was he too much of a coward to tell Dick that he was a shit father, got stuck in a hole and then decided to play “Cat and Bat” with Selina instead of caring for any of his children?
The situation with Damian’s death and resurrection was a whole thing that was meant to prove that Bruce loved Damian and considered him his son. But in their effort to make Bruce look like a good father to Damian they completely destroyed his relationship with his other kids and that was also the start of Bruce referring to Damian as his ONLY son. And like you said after Damian was resurrected Bruce ended up neglecting him afterwards which ultimately led Damian to run away.
His relationship with Cass and Duke is something that I cannot explore because I am not into those characters and they are involved in books that I am not interested in. So I cannot say anything about that.
With Tim it’s complicated because I feel like his relationship with him was never actually father/son it was more like mentor/mentee and that seemed to work better for them, ever since they started the whole family thing Bruce started to act a little bit too rough towards Tim and that ended with Bruce punching Tim during the “City of Bane” arc. Bruce never apologised or was shown realising his mistake, but DC made sure to explain that Bruce was going through a rough time so that’s why he did it. It was pure rubbish and I dislike it a lot.
I answered an ask a while ago about how I thought Dick and Jason could become family the way that DC treats the “Batfamily” within comics and I came up with the idea of the “Dickfamily” because I felt like DC made a big mistake the moment they revolved the Bat family around Bruce and not Dick. Bruce is a character that is known for being lonely and for being surrounded by darkness that he only manages to escape through the light of Robin (Dick Grayson because he was the first), he was always depicted as someone who is hard to work with and considers his teammates only co-workers and not friends. He is a difficult person to connect with, so why on earth did DC come up with a family surrounding that man? (I actually know the answer to that question and it is: money, DC did it to sell more comics under the Batman name but we are going to forget about that here, let me be petty).
Why would DC make it all about a man that doesn’t connect or goes out of his way to say that he “works alone” when Dick Grayson is standing right there? DC hates that they created a character like Dick because he is just better than Bruce at everything, he just is, he is better family to Alfred, Jason, Tim and Damian, he was even written as a better father to Damian than Bruce ever was!
Bruce is just not a people person or a person that forms strong bonds with people. And that makes the whole “Batfamily” concept suffer and come off as something forced that doesn’t actually work.
Tom King was one of the writers that tried to kill the concept of the “Batfamily” with Bruce and Selina becoming a couple and by continuously saying that Selina was who was the most important person in Bruce’s life and the one that made him a better person. All Tom King did with that is make fans and non-fans of the “Batfamily” feel rage. Like, I might not like the “Batfamily” but there is no way that Selina comes first to Alfred, Dick or Damian, there is just no way and if that were actually true then that’s boring.
All the writers that have pushed the “Batfamily” concept (try) do it in a way that makes it look grand and of actual essence but without putting any work on it, if you ask me the “Batfamily” (if there has to be one) should only include Bruce, Alfred (he do be dead though), Dick, Tim, Cass and Damian (I suppose Duke too, I don’t know much about him). The “Batfamily” has to be small because that way you can actually build relationships and make them matter. Having Kate, Steph, Jason and so many others involved in a concept that was made to fit around Bruce looks stupid! Bruce has had almost zero connection to Kate and Steph in the last ten years and Bruce’s “relationship” with Jason is a complete joke!
Bruce is just not the character that is meant to be surrounded by too much people, and he is not a good person towards his family so the whole ass concept should be thrown to the trash and finally let it die. But money is important and if there is something that DC will never stop doing, is milking Batman for content that can be (sometimes) pretty basic.
All in all, I think Bruce sucks and that his “kids” shouldn’t be dragged back to him ever again or at least for a long while. All of them would actually benefit from not being involved with anything relating to Batman. Dick could benefit from Bruce and other Bat-related characters staying away from him and letting him live his life in Bludhaven. And Jason? My sweet Chonky? He would be in such a better place if Bruce disappeared from his life, imagine the actually good books we would have if Jason was free to act the way he was meant to do as the Red Hood…
(We saw a little bit of that in the back up story of Detective Comics by Rosenberg, Batman is still involved but he and Jason are definitely not on the same side of the story! So excited for Task Force Z!)
I don’t know If al that I just said answers your question but I hope you have a fantastic week Anon!
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Was scrolling down the VMars tag and stumbled upon this blog answering an ask. This person said that S4 is the best because they killed off Logan and having Veronica left Neptune. He said:
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Enjoy whatever you want to enjoy. But this dismissal regarding what/why the fans watched VM after all these years is an aberration, to say the least.
As an audience, as a Noir fan, as a fan, as a customer of entertainment media, as a film enthusiast, as a film critic, as a writer-screenwriter, to encounter this kind of diabolical argument, that to truly be a fan, you shouldn’t care about fictional characters but to care more about the plots - That Characters are expendable and plots are the epitome of good storytelling, it makes my blood boiled.
Neptune is a character. Just because Veronica doesn’t care anymore about Neptune, doesn’t mean you have to. The only reason why she doesn’t care anymore is that Rob Thomas’s inability to write an interesting character (including Neptune) and as a consumer of the show, you feel obligated to follow him and believe his vision blindly like a blind rat. Sure, trust him. It’s your choice, but mocking others who aren’t following him anymore and asking the same question why we aren’t following him (without actually want to hear the answer) is injudicious at best.
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And then the person laughed at the fandom and considered himself as strong and powerful for mocking the fandom. No, it kinda telling that you are not actually a fan of the show; but you just want to belittle the fans. Just because you are being ignored, blocked, and muted, doesn’t mean that you are winning. You are not competing with the fandom.
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Does anyone who said that VM is a true noir ever watched noir movies? They are mostly about characters even in dark situations. You cared about those characters even when they met their demise. Many noir movies have their characters perished, but they are mostly done in a very satisfying way that coherent with the storylines and in-characterization.
A core point about VM (and many shows) was characters. Plots are supposed to make the characters interesting. Bonus points if the plot itself is actually good. You are watching a movie/show or reading a book because of the characters. If you only think that plots are the gear of storylines, you may never see anything good. Just replace the characters with plants or lampshades and be done with it.
I think what makes the fans pissed so much that his dismissive way of saying that Neptune is not important in this franchise. Maybe you should say that in every major show with memorable cities as characters. Gotham is not important to Batman? Or maybe you should say that Chinatown is not important in the noir movie “Chinatown”. Why do you even care about that place in that movie, huh? And the fact that he is calling it unimportant. The main character in the movie HATES Chinatown, but it still an important integral for the movie. You don't just dismiss Neptune. Rob may want us to forget about Neptune, which is a big mistake because the fans cared about Neptune.
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The only reason why we got S4 in the first place was the fandom relentlessly talking about it every day for years (even when some of you were still in diapers) and actually shelled out money to make the movie happened, proving to everyone that there were fans for this franchise. But since you obviously don't even want to read the books, don't even want to give money for the next Veronica Mars and you only talk about the actors and the show-runners instead of the show itself...
Well, good luck watching a non-existent procedural show about a detective who suffers without her loved ones in many different cities. Because, yeah, fans are so looking forward to seeing this, the cast and the showrunner don’t want to talk about it anymore and HULU refused to renew the show. And yet, what do you do to get the show happening? You're not even willing to shell out money to get it done. You don’t even talk about the show daily.
(Also, defending Joss Whedon’s Justice League because you like his misogynist version better, even when it was bad, and then trashing the fans for hating it, seems to be more telling about how you view a good story. You trashed out Zack Snyder’s version for spending too much time with the characters while praising Joss Whedon’s version for having him removing all the PoC characters).
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