#kind of in an off mood right now for literally no actual reason (there is minor but useless reasons)
First Kiss With Logan:
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Pairings: (DP3 Vers.) Logan Howlett x reader
Summary: After a shitty date, you seek comfort from Wade who threw you a ‘Cherry Popped’ party. It ends up making you feel worse, which leads you into the arms of a man who’s grown fond of you. Logan.
Warnings: Kissing, talking about bad date, cursing, brief mentions of drinking, innuendos to "cherry popping", use of the word virgin. Self-deprecating talk in some areas, from both reader and Logan.
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 2,388
You hated that you found yourself, seated across from a man who, frankly, hadn't asked you a single question about yourself all night. You also hated how much this man yapped. God, all he did was talk and talk without even the slightest breath. And you hated that you continued to stay seated. Perhaps you were too kind, or maybe you thought you had no right to leave. After all, the man was buying you dinner. It was hard to shake that kind of guilt. You knew you owed him nothing, that it's okay to leave a shitty date- but a part of you wondered if this was all you had going for you. A shitty date, with a shitty man on a shitty afternoon.
As you spaced out your thoughts drifted back to Logan, you wondered if dates with him were like this. What if they weren't? What if he was kind? Well, slightly kinder than normal. He didn't strike you as the pull-your-chair-out-for-you kinda guy, but you had a feeling he would ask you questions instead of yapping your ear off. Maybe he would ask about your day at work, or what you like to do in your free time. Possibly he'd like to hear funny stories about your family. No, that felt too intimate for a first date. Maybe on a third date you'd share those stories with him.
God, what are you even on about right now? You're on a date with a man buying you dinner and you're thinking about Logan! As your eyes looked over the man, you finally tuned back into what he was saying.
"My ex was fucking crazy! That bitch-"
Aaanndd, you lost interest immediately. The more this dude spoke, the more of a dick he sounded. You couldn't help but feel thankful when the date ended. However, the chime of your phone caught your attention during the walk back to your apartment.
'Hey, sugar tits.' Wade's text read. 'Come over, we're celebrating you getting your cherry popped!' That dick knew you weren't a virgin, he just wanted a damn reason to celebrate. What better way to celebrate then partying over your friend not getting laid? It was a cruel joke you really weren't in the mood for but the image of Logan blowing up balloons with Blind Al, a smile just barely tugging at his usually grumpy face...it was hard to say no too. And Wade knew that- its why he sent you the picture after all.
"Fucking dick." You murmured to yourself as you wrapped your cardigan around you tighter, pushing the front door to Wade's apartment open as you did so. The sight was ridiculous, balloons, streamers, wall decor, banners that read 'Pop That Cherry!' draped off the ceiling. You took a mental note to punch Wade in his smart-ass lip later. But, for now, it was nice being in the comfort of your friends. Yes, even the snarky teenager Negasonic and her girlfriend. You were a teenage girl once, but it still didn't stop you getting annoyed when she nitpicked your outfits. It isn't your fault baggy sweaters and legging were literally a godsent.
You trudged your way through the crowded apartment, hand adjusting your white sweater to cover the tank top under it a little better. As you approached Logan and Wade, you grew more aware of the length of your skirt. Was it too long? Too short? Would Logan think it looked good? God, why did you even care what Logan Howlett, labeled the worst wolverine, thought of you? You didn't think he was the worst wolverine. You'd never say it, of course not, because then he'd know you actually liked being around him! Perhaps it was selfish of you to keep yourself so guarded around him, but you couldn't shake the fear of letting down your walls and risking getting hurt. It was scary. Losing that much control. And over what, a feeling?
A hand extending towards you caught your attention, it was Logan, offering you a drink.
"Thank you." You spoke to him, voice quiet compared to the blaring pop music Wade was playing. He grunted in response, but you swear you heard a 'you're welcome.' You brought it to your lips, casually slow sipping the alcohol over the course of the night. It was fun to dance with Vanessa as Wade and Peter tried to convince Logan to join the group. You couldn't help the laugh on your lips when Wade made a snarky comment about Logan's panties being in a twist, earning a threatening unsheathing of claws from logan. You never fully understood the shame Logan felt, even though you tried incredibly hard to. To you, he was amazing, he was strong, he was...well, to say you only admired him would be a lie.
You wished you could show Logan the way you saw him, the way the world saw him. Sure, he was hot, unnecessarily hot, with large biceps and shoulders that went for days. But he was more than that. He was a grump who pushed people away out of fear of hurting them. And to prevent himself from getting hurt. It was ironic, really. Perhaps you and him were more alike than you thought. After a while in the overstimulating party, you slipped away, moving to stand on the balcony. You hadn't been there long, probably thirty minutes? It was nice, listening to your friend's party as you took a break to look at the city.
"Thought I'd find you here." Logan's rough voice spoke as he walked out onto the balcony, shutting the door behind him.
You hummed in response, flashing him a smile as you looked away. Logan could feel his heart skip a beat at your smile- it was always nice when you graced him with it. He'd give anything to see you smile. Hell, he wished he could make you smile and laugh the way Wade and Vanessa did. They matched your morbid sarcastic humor easily. Something he struggled to do. He approached you, leaning onto the railing beside you.
"Congrats on the...uh..."
"I'm not a virgin."
The silence was awkward between you. You had to purse your lips to prevent you from bursting out in a laugh. You found it hilarious how just one statement suddenly made him go quiet.
"Wade had-" You spoke, trying to stifle your laugh with your hand. "Wade thought it would be funny to throw a 'cherry popped' party because it's been forever since my last date." You revealed, not able to contain your laugh any longer. "It's actually kinda sweet. In a weird way, ya know, Wades weird way." The corners of Logan's mouth lifted slightly at the sound of your laugh. It had always been his favorite sound after meeting you.
"Guess so." Logan contributed to the conversation, bringing the glass beer bottle to his lips. You looked at logan watching as he looked over the city, your eyes analyzing him. His jaw, his hair, the crow's feet by his eyes from his constant state of scowling. Maybe it was the liquid courage you had drank. Or you finally just decided to give Logan a sense of affection. You loved to shower your friends with affection, often times holding Wade as you two watched tv, or Vanessa sitting on your lap as you gossiped. Logan had seen it plenty of times. God, sometimes you even gave Peter affection. Each time he felt a twinge of jealousy, he wanted to be the object of your affectionate touches. Or the way you murmured praise directed at them after a task- he wanted that.
Your hand reached up, gently soothing out some strands of his beard that were in disarray. Logan tensed under your touch, and you immediately pulled away, guilt and embarrassment swarming you.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." You adamantly apologized, face heating up.
"Don't worry about it." Logan roughly said, silently regretting the way you withdrew so quickly. He watched as you tried to subtly put some distance between the two of you- the sting of rejection clear as day on your face. He hadn't meant to reject you; you were reading too much into it. His mind sidetracked as he looked away, maybe he was the one reading too much into it? "How was your date?" He settled on asking, bringing the beer to his lips.
"Shitty." You sighed, frowning.
Logan nodded, waiting for you to continue. Silence falls between you two and he flashed you an expectant glance. You hadn't realized he wanted you to keep talking until he looked at you.
"Oh, uh, there isn't really much to say." You shrugged, looking away. "He didn't ask any questions, just talked about himself the whole time. Was super annoying too." Logan couldn't help the satisfaction that welled in his chest upon hearing your defeated words. It sucked for you, of course it did. But Logan was so glad the date was bad- that way no one could come in, sweep you off your feet, and away from him. He hadn't made a move on you, and he couldn't decide if he ever would. He didn't want to risk hurting you like he had done the others he cared for.
However, the glance of tiredness in your expression when you had looked at him momentarily...he hated it. He hated himself for being so happy your date was bad, and he hated that he wasn't the one you wanted to sweep you off your feet.
"Like...it isn't hard to make a girl feel special. To make her feel like a princess." You laughed with a shake of your head. "I dunno, maybe I'm just expecting too much?" You looked at Logan as you asked, a need for reassurance present.
Logan stared at you; brows furrowed as he analyzed you. The scowl on his features prominent. Believing you had said too much, or you annoyed him with your ramblings, an apology escaped your lips.
"Fuck, sorry, I shouldn't have-"
"Princess." Logan's comment snapped you from your rushed apology. "Relax." He had taken that brave step closer to you, facing you fully as his side and arm holding the beer leaned against the balcony railing. He was glad you were comfortable enough to unload that on him and he was determined to keep it that way. "I don't mind." You looked up at him, eyebrows furrowed, lips slightly pursed as your mind ran. That was another thing he liked about you. It was so easy to tell if you were thinking. Your eyebrows always furrowed, your lips pursed into a line, and your eyes always spoke a thousand words.
Despite his better judgement, his hand rose, gently flattening the skin between your eyebrows. The gesture was small, yet it held so much intimacy. You had always been picky about who could touch you. You loved to shower your friends with affection, but rarely ever let anyone reciprocate it back. Logan wondered why that was. What had affected you so much that you refused to let anyone even shake your hand. Here he was, though, thumb moving from the area between your eyebrows to his hand cupping your cheek. Your eyes were wide, your throat dry. You had never expected this from him. This gentleness, the way he had observed your furrowed brows...you leaned your face into his hand, unable to help the way you melted into it. It was a chilly night, and, God, was he warm.
Logan closed the distance between the two of you, now standing directly in front of you. His thumb caressing your cheek. As he stared into your eyes, his gaze couldn't help but flicker down to your lips, a red faded stain on them from the lipstick you had worn to your date. They looked so soft, so enticing. And he couldn't help but wonder if that peppermint chapstick you wore 24/7 worked. He had never been one for chapstick, but you seemed obsessed with it. Logan's thumb slipped from where it rubbed your cheek to your bottom lip, slowly tracing it. You subconsciously licked your lips as he traced them, your chest tight. Why was it suddenly so difficult to breathe? Your throat was beyond dry, your face paled under his gaze yet somehow it felt like your blush deepened. The way his eyes analyzed your lip, your eyes, your nose, that mark you had since you were a child...It was like he was memorizing you.
You wanted to say something, anything. Preferably something sarcastic and witty. No words came to your lips regardless of the fact that your mind was working overdrive. Time slowed as his thumb gently pulled your lip down, encouraging your mouth to part as his hand cupped your chin now, guiding you closer to him. He leaned down, face inches from yours. He paused there, however, waiting for your permission because he knew that you needed that variation of control to feel safe. He wanted to make you feel safe, he wanted you to know you were safe. That he had you. You brushed your lips against his, slightly closing that gap between you two. He took that as permission as he pressed his lips to yours fully. It was gentle at first, as if he was scared that at any moment you'd disappear. Or worse, break.
Your arms moved to wrap around his neck, pulling him close as you held onto him. His hands finally rested around your waist, the kiss growing stronger as he deepened it. People claim that you would feel fireworks during a kiss, but that wasn't the case at all. You felt electricity against your skin that was against him, but the most powerful feeling was how right it felt. Like you were meant to be there, in his arms, kissing him, holding him. He had broken the kiss, opening his eyes to stare at you.
Logan wondered if he'd ever be able to let another person get close to him. He was certain Wade would've been the only one- a victim of the circumstance's kind of thing. But he sure as hell was glad that today he was the one who held you attention as he pressed another kiss to your lips.
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elytrafemme · 8 months
playing a very dangerous game in which i am pleasantly overwhelmed but ambiguously toeing the line towards actually overwhelmed. i've got this <- cannot think about anything for longer than a few minutes
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angel-sweets666 · 3 months
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Hallway crush
katsuki bakugo x general studies! Reader
Bakugo never had a crush before, now he’s got his eye on a girl from general studies.
Mentions of Hitoshi Shinso
a/n tbh w you I think the bakugo photo is a bkdk photo (IM SORRY I JUST DONT SHIP BAKUDEKU I DONT SEE THEM TOGETHER)
It all began on your first day at UA. Bakugo noticed you in the halls, walking with a certain purple-haired boy named Hitoshi shinso . He couldn't take his eyes off you; you were just his type, even though he never realized he had a type until that moment. He had never really paid much attention to girls before. Sure, he had a few girlfriends in middle school, but he never felt anything special for them.
As you strolled down the hallway, your smile lit up the entire space. Bakugo watched, captivated, as you giggled with your violet-haired classmate, practically skipping along down the hall. You seemed to be in such a good mood for someone who hadn’t made it into the hero course. Your positivity was infectious, making him actually want to be around you
Every time he saw you, his heart would beat a little faster, and he found himself wanting to know more about you. What made you laugh so easily? What was your favourite food? Did you have siblings? Would you like a hot head like him? Could you even handle bakugo? You were a mystery he wanted to solve. Bakugo didn't understand why he felt this way, but he couldn't deny the growing interest.
You were always surrounded by friends, your vibrant energy making you the center of attention. Despite the fact that you weren't in the hero course, you carried yourself with a confidence and joy that Bakugo couldn't help but admire. It was as if you had your own hero-like aura, one that drew people in and made them feel at ease.
Bakugo began to realize that his feelings for you were more than just a passing curiosity. You had awakened something in him, a desire to get closer to you and understand the person behind the radiant smile. And so, he watched from afar, waiting for the right moment to make his move and hoping that one day, he could be the reason for your laughter and joy.
Kirishima raised an eyebrow as he watched Bakugo turn his head in your direction, his usually rough and angry face softening into an unexpectedly tender gaze. Bakugo was actually admiring someone? The redhead grinned, his sharp teeth flashing. "Has someone got a crush?" he teased, nudging Bakugo playfully on the shoulder.
"Shut it, shitty hair, I do not have a crush," Bakugo growled back, his entire face turning a shade of pink from embarrassment. Kirishima chuckled at his friend's flustered reaction, but Bakugo's glare was deadly serious.
Kirishima placed a reassuring hand on Bakugo's shoulder. "Hey man, it's okay! She's cute."
"Back off," Bakugo interrupted, his voice low and dangerous, as if claiming dibs on you.
Kirishima raised his hands in mock surrender, stepping back. "Backing off. I'm backing off," he said, showing respect to the blonde. He couldn't help but grin at Bakugo's protectiveness. It was rare to see this side of him, and Kirishima couldn't resist giving him a hard time about it.
As Bakugo tried to shake off the embarrassment, his eyes found you again. Despite his rough exterior and harsh words, there was no denying the softness in his gaze. Kirishima had never seen Bakugo like this before. It kind of scared him, but it also made him realize that Bakugo wasn’t some heartless, angry boy. He was just a teenage boy with a crush on a girl. A hallway crush
on the day Bakugo finally grew the courage to talk to you, which was the first day he ever had to muster the courage to do literally anything, was a couple of days after the sports festival. You had performed well enough in the festival that he actually had something to talk about.
As you were eating your lunch in the cafeteria of UA High School, you felt a strong hand tap your shoulder. “Hey… you… you fought Denki Kaminari,” Bakugo said, his cheeks pinker than usual.
“Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to send his quirk into overdrive!” you gasped, looking genuinely concerned.
“No! No, it’s fine… it was funny… he’s dumb,” Bakugo tried to calm you down, stumbling over his words in a way that was very uncharacteristic for him.
You laughed softly, the sound easing some of Bakugo’s tension. “Well, I’m glad it was entertaining,” you said, smiling up at him.
Bakugo’s heart skipped a beat at your smile. He had never been this nervous about talking to anyone before, and it was both exhilarating and terrifying. “You did good out there,” he mumbled, trying to sound casual but failing to hide the admiration in his voice.
“Thanks, Bakugo. That means a lot coming from you,” you replied, your eyes twinkling with genuine appreciation.
Kirishima, watching from a distance, couldn’t help but smile. Seeing Bakugo like this made him realize that even the toughest people have soft spots. And for Bakugo, that soft spot was you.
And that’s how your friendship blossomed. Bakugo would practically run out of his classroom every day, with Kirishima trailing behind him, usually shouting, "Wait up, man! You'll see her soon!" But Bakugo wouldn't listen. He just wanted to see your sweet face.
You developed your own crush on Bakugo. For someone so accomplished, who believed he was better than everyone else, he was surprisingly a good friend. He always grabbed your bags for you, helped you with your homework—hell, he even did your homework for you sometimes! He made sure you had all your stationery before class. It made you want to kiss him all over his pretty face.
In your eyes, Bakugo was a sweet boy, while in his classmates' eyes, he was rude and loud. You rarely saw him in that state. Sure, he called you "dumbass" from time to time and scolded you for doing something silly, but he never outright yelled at you. He could never bring himself to yell at someone so pretty.
Bakugo’s friends noticed the change in him whenever you were around. His usual fiery temper seemed to mellow, replaced with a gentleness that was almost unrecognizable. They teased him about it, but Bakugo didn't care. Seeing you smile made everything worth it.
Your friendship grew stronger with each passing day. You found yourself looking forward to the moments you shared, whether it was walking to class together, studying side by side, or simply talking about your dreams and aspirations. Bakugo’s rough edges seemed to smooth out when he was with you, and you cherished the soft side of him that he showed only to you.
The day he asked you out was adorable and you’d never have it any other way
As the final bell rang, signaling the end of another intense day at UA High School, Bakugo had a plan in mind. He had been working up the courage to ask you out for weeks, and today, he decided, was the day.
"Hey, dumbass," he called out as he approached you in the hallway. His tone was gruff as usual, but there was a hint of something softer in his eyes. "Got a minute?"
You looked up from your locker, surprised to see Bakugo waiting for you. "Sure, what's up?"
"I was thinking… maybe we could hang out for a bit. Just the two of us." He shoved his hands in his pockets, trying to play it cool.
You smiled, delighted by the idea. "I'd like that."
As you walked out of the school together, the sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the campus. Bakugo led you to a quiet spot behind the school where you often studied together. It was a small garden area, secluded and peaceful, away from the hustle and bustle of the main campus.
You sat down on a bench, and Bakugo joined you, his usual confident demeanor somewhat replaced by a rare nervousness. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself.
"Look, I've been meaning to talk to you about something," he began, avoiding your gaze for a moment before finally looking directly into your eyes. "You're important to me. More than anyone else. I… I like you. A lot."
Your heart skipped a beat. You had always sensed there was something more between you two, but hearing Bakugo say it out loud made your chest swell with emotion.
"I like you too, Bakugo," you admitted, your voice soft but sincere.
His face lit up with a mixture of relief and happiness. "Good. 'Cause I wanna be more than friends. I wanna be your boyfriend. So, what do you say?"
You reached out and took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I'd love that."
Bakugo's trademark smirk returned, but it was softer, filled with genuine affection. "Great. Now, let's get out of here. There's a café I know nearby. I'll treat you to something nice."
As you walked away from UA, hand in hand, you couldn't help but feel that this was the start of something wonderful. Bakugo, despite his rough exterior, had shown you a side of him that was caring and gentle.
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zeevawyte · 8 months
Ok so, this is so far outside my usual stuff it’s insane, but this literally won't leave my brain and I don't know if I have time to write it so-
RadioApple fic idea under the cut:
TW: blood, mentions of cannibalism (it's Alastor, duh), semi-unsafe dom/sub (no actual sex), sub drops
Starts out your normal "stop interfering with my relationship with my daughter & you can have a snack whenever you want" kinda deal, with Alastor taking full advantage of the fact that he's got the most powerful being in hell at his mercy. Dude has a serious power trip the first time, & between that and the taste is hooked immediately.
And of course Luci isn't exactly complaining. Other than the occasional jumpscare via shadow, it hasn't been too bad. Kind of enjoyable actually, not that he'd ever admit that to the demon's face. And it's not like he hasn't been tied up or held down before either.
But then during one of their ‘meetings’ he ends up going into sub space on accident… and it keeps happening.
This wouldn't be a problem except Alastor (for obvious reasons) has literally zero information/knowledge about that sort of thing. And, being the dramatic asshole that he is, enjoys getting the last word and leaving without a backwards glance. Which means he's not there when Luci drops.
But it's fine! He's fine! He's the King of Hell, he doesn't need some sinner to help him deal with the consequences of an arrangement he proposed in the first place. He's totally fine on his own.
Except he's not.
He is very much not fine, and it starts to show. It gets so bad that one day Charlie actually asks him if he’s ok mid-conversation.
Enter Angel Dust.
Now, by this point Angel’s like 98% sure the two powerhouses are going at it. Alastor has been in a good mood for months now (coinciding suspiciously with the two of them not being at each other’s throats all the time - at least in public) & he’s seen Luci coming out of a room straightening his coat and hat on one of the upper floors. Not to mention the down-right flirty undertones to any barbs they shoot back and forth.
Husk agrees that something is going on but heavily doubts it’s what Angel thinks.
Determined to prove that he’s right, Angel starts wandering the upper floors or heading up just as Alastor heads down (subtly, he’s not an idiot). Anyway, he’s up there one day being nosy when he hears a crash from one of the rooms. He goes in only to find Lucifer on the floor, having tripped over a side table and knocked over a lamp, disheveled and absolutely shaking.
He recognizes what’s happening almost immediately (fuck you very much Val) and gathers the little king up onto the couch, helping him calm down until he doesn’t look like he’s going to either spontaneously start sobbing or throw up on the rug.
Luci is understandably embarrassed and tries to offer him a favor for his help, but Angel waves him off saying he’s been there & that Luci doesn’t owe him anything.
The next day when Lucifer is off doing something else, Angel grabs Alastor and all but drags him into a side room.
“Look, I don’t know what’s going on between you and short king, and frankly it’s none’a my business-”
“No, it isn’t. And if that really is all you wanted to speak with me about-”
“Shut up! I’m not jokin’ alright? I’m bein’ 100% serious. You’re fucking up big time, and I’m pretty sure you don’t even know it. So if you don’t want this whole thing to end in a big fuckin’ mess you need to listen to me.”
Cue a hilariously awkward conversation where an unusually serious Angel explains dom/sub dynamics and the effects/consequences therein to an incredibly-uncomfortable-but-desperately-not-showing-it Alastor.
It ends with something along the lines of
"And look, I don't know if you actually care about the guy or if it’s just about gettin’ your kicks, but honestly? It doesn't matter. You've got your whole gentleman thing right? Openin' doors for the ladies and shit?" *pokes him in the chest* "Well as a gentleman, you've dropped the fuckin' ball. Only self-centered dicks leave their sub to drop alone."
Now if there’s one thing Alastor will not abide, it’s a loss of manners. Being told he’s been unknowingly committing a social faux pas gets under his skin immediately. It itches at him. To the point that his smile almost slips. More than once.
He needs to fix it. As soon as possible.
He’s visibly twitchy the rest of the day.
Husk corners Angel to ask what the hell he said to Al, but only gets a vague, noncommittal answer about letting him know about some information he was missing.
And the next time he and Lucifer have a ‘meeting,’ Alastor stays.
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shinjisdone · 10 months
When You Have An Secret Admirer - And Everybody Thinks It's Them (2; Savanaclaw)
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A love letter was left at your door and now you are searching for that 'secret admirer' - everyone wants to help you out...but have their own reason for it.Yet now, it seems like there are quite a few misunderstandings on campus...and everyone thinks they have finally found that secret admirer.
Spin-off of the first 'secert admirer' series + form of headcanons
note: reader is gender-neutral but mostly mentioned in 2. pov; a series of everyone being mistaken for the secret admirer. headcanon will follow each char. own thoughts on the situation.]
"Hey...you think he could be the famous admirer of the Ramshakle prefect?"
Tag list: @justm3di0cr3 , @a-small-tyrant , @twistedcece , @savanaclaw1996
3; Octavinelle
Leona Kingscholar
Ugh...this can't be real.
Savanaclaw students are usually not the type to gossip among each other...but they are cocky, believing their lazy dormleader won't ever hear a word of their rumors.
Well...they were wrong.
The first time Leona had heard of such...stupidity - of him being the secret admirer - he literally pulled a face.
They can't be serious, are they? He doesn't hold a lot of expectations on anyone but he had hoped his dorm wasn't that dumb.
He is surrounded by idiots.
It isn't flattering, it isn't clever to even wonder if the Leona Kingscholar could be the secret admirer. Not the lazy, pessimistic, easily bored Leona Kingscholar.
He is actually someone to approach the topic when he passes by a gossiping group. Telling them with a snarl to use their brain and if they really believe - key word; Believe - that he would do such a thing.
Does Leona show any ounce of passion and motivation to do the things the admirer did? Is he such a lovesick kitty that he'd be cowardly enough to keep his affections secret? Does Leona hold any kind of high regard for the herbivore?
His dormmates fiddle with their words, finding themselves nervous and speechless...
Yet at the last question...
One is brave enough to point out that, yes, dormleader Leona is fond of the prefect! You'd maybe have to really pay attention but once you do, his affections and reliance are as clear as day! ...For Leona's standards at least.
That would actually annoy him.
Pissed off he seems and the students turn tail. It is frightening to see the usual nonchalant Leona being angry and any mention of him and you, especially of his feelings for you (which don't exist!) leave him pissed off.
Usually he wouldn't care...but he can't deny the vexation he feels whenever he just senses people's eyes on him, knowing exactly why they are staring at him.
The dormhead will order Ruggie to put an stop to these rumors, he doesn't care how. The latter feels kind of lost on how to do such a thing, so Leona orders him to send any nosy Nancy to him. He'll have a private talk with them.
Speaking of talks....ugh, it seems like he'll have to talk to you too, to clear his name.
Though you aren't that idiotic to believe that he is the secret admirer, right?
"Listen, herbivore...you know me. You know how I am. I'm not your secret admirer."
He is brief. However...depending on your reaction, Leona might leave with his mood more sour than usual.
Either you wanted him to the admirer...and he isn't. Or you were relieved he was not...meaning you never wanted him.
No matter how it might turn out, Leona will make a face and leave without a word.
Ruggie Bucchi
Eh, heheh...what?
That isn't funny...
Really, really confused. Are people really suspecting him to be the - the secret admirer? Ha! Shishishi! Th-that's ri-ridicilous...!
Sheepishly laughs any questions off. It can't be...are his feelings really that obvious?!
Ruggie tries to shrug them off and get on with his daily life but the more this holds on, the more curious his dormmates become and the more embarrassed and annoyed he gets.
Like, seriously! What's this supposed to be, huh?! You tryin't to ruin his already ruined reputation?!
He can't have that! Just imagining what Leona would do...
Despite the embarrassment, Ruggie is more annoyed than anything. He always saw himself as a sneaky fella, so to hear how clear and obvious his favouring is to you, is...inconvinient.
He first tries to lighten the mood, joking at his own expense that he could no way be the secret admirer. C'mon, look at him!
Cannot really give any reasons to his defense though. It would make it seem like...he likes you less and his hard work that he did for you was for nothing.
The only time he is honest with everything is when he goes to you to explain himself.
"Hey...I know what you've heard and what yer thinkin' maybe, shihishi...but, uh, it ain't me. I mean, c'mon! Look at me! I'm already working myself to the bone, that extra work would leave me bedridden, haha..."
Ruggie clears his throat, sheepishly avoiding your gaze.
Jack Howl
Now this could be interesting.
Suspecting Leona and Ruggie to be the secret admirer is a bit of an far-fetched idea...but most students agree that it makes the most sense if Jack was the admirer actually.
"Think about it!", One students says, "The rough and tough Jakc...he's always taking care of the prefect so sweetly...he must have a secret romantic side that he can only show as the secret admirer!"
Jack is....flabbergasted to say the least.
Him??? The secret admirer - and WHAT ARE THEY SAYING??? SECRETLY A ROMANTIC???
UHM- No! No, that's not true at all!
He tries to act all offended and angry...but that is a shield to hide his embarrassment.
Jack wouldn't consider himself that harsh...and that reversed either but...him being a romantic at heart secretly and...l-longing for you?! C'mon, that's a made up story! Anyone can see that!
Honestly though! Do people seriously think he'd go out of the way to become some secret admirer to show his aff-affections and l-love to you...?! Th-that's...! Ugh!
Genuinely upset and lost. He doesn't want to hear any of this! Especially since it is true but noone would believe him obviously!
He growls and snarls and while that does scare many away, others believe that only amplifies his true feelings and how he uses an nonchalant, rude attitude to hide them!
Shut up! not like it is kinda true thou
Jack is just...stumped. Completely stuck. He asks for Ruggie's, Ace's and Deuce's help to just somehow...get all of this to stop!
(Ace may suspect him to be the secret admirer since how incredibly and sincerely kind he is to you...and he may be jealous, while Deuce, red in the face, straight up and loudly asks with a stutter if he really is the admirer! - Which Jack immediately denies.)
Ruggie knows Jack to not be careless and as an honest soul, so he suggests to have him clear his name to you. It might help.
So he does. With narrowed eyes that avoid your own, a hand scratching his neck and a deep, scarlet blush dusting his face.
"Uhm...everyone's...I mean, everybody's been so...obnoxiously loud and confident in their claims but...you know it isn't me, right? Because it isn't. I would never lie to you."
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nohoperadio · 4 months
The first thing I do every morning is make myself a tea. This simple ritual already involves me in a small degree of introspection and reflection, because it means I have to choose a mug to drink from, and I seem to have decided (without remembering how this decision came about) that it's important that the mug I choose should represent the mood I'm hoping to bring to the oncoming day. It's usually immediately obvious which mug is correct each morning, although sometimes there's some wavering and considering.
I'm going to introduce you to my four main mugs and the energy I superstitiously attribute to each of them. For whatever it's worth, I am aware that mug energy is not actually a real thing. And yet--
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We'll start with this Mario power star mug because it has the simplest and most obvious meaning. This is, naturally, the mug of needing more energy than usual, or more energy than I expect to have available, usually because there's some demanding task(s) I need to get done. I say energy, sometimes resilience is more accurate, I'll be drawn to this mug whenever I have some unavoidable and unpleasant experience in store even if it's not strictly speaking one that requires actual work from me. Not much more to say than that; everyone knows what a power star is.
This might be the mug I've used the most times even if it's not the one I use most days, because days that call for the power star mug are disproportionately likely to be several-cups-of-tea days, for obvious reasons.
The black outline of the main star and the little black star images that decorate the mug have largely rubbed away over time, but not the yellow luckily. There's also a black outline picture of Mario on the side opposite the handle which has also mostly faded now. That's alright.
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British birds. This mug, I suppose because the numbering (which as far as I can see is totally meaningless) and the pronunciation guides give it a vaguely academic air, has associations with the life of the mind--which is far too grandly put for how I usually use it but that's the closest phrase I can think of right now. By far the most common use of this mug is simply "I have a day off and I would like to spend most of it reading". But it's also my choice for days when I particularly want to practice a skill or give some time to trying anything creative (which might be as modest as finding a new recipe to try (I realize "modest" does not always aptly describe trying new recipes but you see I would only ever choose easy ones)). Occasionally the thing I want to do is quite literally to go and find some birds to watch, which may give an indication of how loose this category is.
It's similar in a way to the power star mug in that it usually signals that there's something "productive" to be done, but it's the kind of productive thing I expect to enjoy, and the kind that's a little bit higher up on the Maslow's. If I had to sum up this mug's ethos in one sentence it would be something like: "please try to spend today in such a way that you won't go to bed feeling like you've wasted it".
You might have noticed that the pronunciation guides this mug offers for each bird are completely pointless, because in most cases they simply repeat the bird's name, spelled exactly the same way, just with some hyphens in between the syllables. British birds have pretty easy to pronounce names it turns out! All I can think of is that this mug must be part of a series and some of the other mugs in the series feature the kinds of things where a pronunciation guide would actually make sense, and they didn't want to change the format for this one. I love this mug very much.
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Feline Fine... a little more nebulous, this one. It has a very distinct meaning to me but am I up to the task of describing it, I wonder? I'll start by saying it's the mug most associated with social life. Probably the most illustrative use-case for this mug is, I'm going to be hanging out with some people that day and I want it to go well, I want to have a nice time, never a guarantee even if the people are good because of my severe social anxiety--but I would never use this for the sort of grim social obligation I fully expect to hate every second of, that's a power star day for sure. This is a mug that leans optimistic.
But it's not exclusively about social stuff. It's about... well I think it's not a coincidence that I contrasted it with the power star mug just now. This is the mug that hopes that the coming day will not feel task-shaped. This is the mug of liveliness, desire, spontaneity, music--the cat is clearly sleeping, but I always see it as the cat dancing somehow, when I'm not really looking at it? This is the mug that wants to have a good day and intends to adjudicate that based on feeling rather than on a to-do list or any other external measure. This is... it's the mug of feline fine, you know?
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Orange mug is a calm mug first and foremost, which means it does not have calm associations, because you're not going to bust out your calm mug when you're feeling calm. Orange mug comes out on days when I feel fragile. Orange mug comes out on let's just get through today days. Orange mug is a way of signalling to myself, hey, I'm not going to ask much of you today, don't worry; contra British birds mug, the message here is: "don't worry too much about whether we waste today". You know. It's a mug for those orange mug kind of days.
And sometimes it's a mug for, like, still that, but a less extreme form of that. Probably I can add that caveat to all of these mug descriptions. I'm probably describing the most exaggerated form of their various vibes for ease of expression, but most days aren't the extreme form of the type of day they are, right?
I think the orange of orange mug is a very nice orange. I like orange in general but this one is particularly elegant. Most shades of orange could not convey orange mug calm nearly as well.
You might notice orange mug has a largeish chip in the outer rim; it's not very clear at this angle but you can see it at the top left there. That's alright.
If you have any hot drink-based spiritual exercises you spontaneously invented I'd be delighted to hear about them.
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hyomaluvr · 2 years
Bachira Meguru - NSFW Alphabet
cw // mentions of public sex, D could be construed as cnc if you squint, mention of boobs and panties but could be applied to any gender tbh, not proofread
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Aftercare: Bachira can barely stay awake after sex, but that’s only because he’s blown his load in you like six or seven times. He’s greedy, taking whatever he wants. He’ll go for a shower or bath with you afterwards, but he’s probably gonna be rawing you again.
Body parts: His favorite part of himself isn’t something he’s really ever considered. When you ask, he tilts his head in confusion as though you’ve asked something in a different language. After some though, he says his lips, since he gets to put them on yours. His favorite part of yours though? He doesn’t hesitate. He probably literally cheers “Boobies!” before washi-washi-ing you from the back self indulgently.
Cum: He wants it in you. He really hates condoms, but he’ll use them if you insist. That said, he’ll make his own personal art project out of you, drooling over how his cum paints your face, boobs, tummy, thighs, ass, you name it. He also really like the feeling of your cum flowing around his cock.
Dirty secret: Hear me out— panty sniffer. Absolutely the type of guy to jerk it using your dirty panties around his dick with another pair over his nose. His eyes are rolling back as he takes deep huffs, spurred by his lust. Although he does feel a little bad…but, should he? You’re his, right?
Experience: Bachira is a virgin. No friends means no partners means no sex. He doesn’t even know how to instigate it right. It actually takes a few rejections for him to understand the correct cues for it. He’ll pounce on you and ask for it, taking you totally by surprise since he’s never even mentioned it before! But he’ll keep waiting, and he’s not a predator, so no worries.
Favorite position: Anything where he can see how your tits bounce when his dick plunges into you. He’s a simple man, really.
Goofy: It’s Bachira, let’s be for real right now. He’s here to have fun and show his love to you! It’s always a good time, an enjoyable experience in which he wants you to feel comfortable.
Hair: Bachira is definitely not well groomed. I’m not sure he’s ever shaved in his life honestly. It adds to the Bachira experience.
Intimacy: Despite his innate perversion, there are sometimes when his lips are pressed softly against yours with the mood not escalating like it normally would when sex is instigated. This kind of sex makes his heart race. It’s rare, but he looks at you without his signature smile, pupils dilated and breath shaky. He can barely take his lips off of you during it, and it’s pretty much exclusively missionary with his fingers laced in yours. Soft moans of “You’re the only person I ever want to see me like this” and “I can never see anyone but you”. He’s never been dishonest with his feelings, after all.
Jack off: He never takes his time. He’s always fisting his cock quickly, jerking off his frustration, pain, and stress. It works like a charm, especially after he meets you. Unfortunately when he’s away from you for a while, he can’t even get it up. He’s down horrendous.
Kink: Biting. Hickies. Public sex. Stoner sex. BDSM (either position).
Location: He loves to do it in the bath or shower, or right by the pitch. Places where he typically shares with others essentially.
Motivation: A lot of the time he doesn’t get horny for specific reasons with you. Sometimes it’s just like a switch is flipped and he’s made up his mind— he wants you and he will have you. However a sure fire way to get him on the rocks is with any kind of skinship that puts any of your pretty parts near his own or somewhere he can feel.
No: He doesn’t have many turn offs, open to anything. One thing he absolutely hates the thought of though is being cucked. He can’t let you go. He won’t let you go. Why would you need anyone but him??? Why would you even think about anyone but him!? The thought makes his stomach hurt.
Oral: Bachira is good with his tongue. He’s wild with it, ravenous, and he’ll put it in whatever hole you want. Be warned though, this is for his pleasure. He’s not going to stop until he’s gotten his fix (which if you’re sitting on his face can go up to an hour or so). Bachira’s not that good at receiving head though, even though it’s his favorite. Again, he’s hardly experienced, he makes mistakes. He’s over eager, bucking his hips too far into your throat sometimes, but there’s always a flash of worry in his eyes before he calms down as you keep going with assurance that it’s fine. It’s just so hard to control himself sometimes.
Pace: Once again, so eager and excited during sex. He’s trying to not be too quick, but ultimately after a while you end up getting used to him speeding up when he gets close. At the beginning, he even slips out sometimes because he’s so excited.
Quickie: He hates quickies because he can’t keep using your holes, but he loves them because they’re so fun! He gets a rush from the worry of getting caught somewhere, or being late.
Risk: Experimental, open to anything, willing to get caught as long as they don’t get a good look at you. You’re his.
Stamina: He can go for a long time. Probably literally all night if you’d let him. How long does he last though? That’s…a little more embarrassing for him. Especially at the beginning. He initially starts cumming in you a bunch of times because by the time you cum once he’s came three times. He’s really, truly embarrassed and cringing then, but he’s so cute that you can’t help but coo at him and baby him about it.
Toys: Bachira definitely has butt plugs, just to try it since he spent a lot of time lonely. He doesn’t like it much since it just sits there, but he does like putting them in you. He thinks you’re so cute when he see how full you are from all angles! Would be more than open to getting pegged, and he likes rope.
Unfair: He’ll give you what you want, but he’s a huge tease about it. He’ll make you embarrass yourself by articulating your perverted desires, or make a deal with you for it.
Volume: He’s such a slut. He’ll moan, whimper, whine at max volume whenever he feels the need. It just feels so good and he can’t help himself! Again, embarrassing for him at first since he’s trying to be sexy! Even the most unabashed people get embarrassed when they’ve never done something like this before sometimes, but now he likes how it riles you up.
Wild Card: Bachira has a fat ass!!!!! Definitely muscle toned, but cute, perky, and somewhere he practically mews with pleasure when it’s squeezed. Only because it surprises him. Also, he doesn’t care about “sub or dom”, so he’ll do whatever is fun and feels good in the moment, so expect lap dances and (his) ass eating.
X-ray: Smaller arms and pecs, thick, muscular thighs. Although all of him is muscular. 5 and a half inch cock, slight curve to the right, medium thickness. He’s very average, but on Bachira it all just looks pretty.
Yearning: He wants to go constantly. It’s only when he’s zeroed in on soccer or practicing he’ll reject it, but he’ll repay you for it later. Don’t misunderstand though, his sex drive comes entirely from his love and obsession with you.
Zzz: He falls asleep pretty much instantly afterwards. He worked hard after all! He probably gave you 13 orgasms, and you gave him like 20!! He’s a snuggler though, and canonically a thumb sucker. He’s so cute when he snuggles between your your chest, although there have been times when he’s half awake and starts sucking on your nipples after a while instead of his thumb just to fluster you.
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gloveslut · 3 days
you know i feel it, right?
feel what?
your... your mood.
yeah. you wanna... elaborate?
what do you mean? do you want me to tell you, what, how the work went, what i ate?
no, man, i wasn't- i'm serious. do you need to talk?
okay, well, i'm actually surprised how you're keeping it up this time. why don't you leave me alone like you usually do? i'm fine. i'm explicit about it.
yeah, no. i know you're sad and i don't need another case of finding you at some shitty place in the middle of the night having abandoned our mission.
that's perfect, 'cause i promise i won't. you happy now?
no, because you always say that and go do it anyways.
and you always say that i'm sad! you know you can't actually be right every single time?
but i am?
...you're not. i just have this reputation. that's it.
i'm not crazy, dazai. neither to lie about it or to reduce you to something so stupid.
then be respectful as well and for the love of god get out of here.
but why? do i trigger you?
fucking hell, chuuya. no. no, you're not. i am as stable as i can be right now. you just pissed me off. and i wanna be alone.
you know what, i'm not gonna leave even if you open up and explain yourself.
what the fuck, dude? this is not what friends do.
it's exactly that. and you can't just bust me out or something. ... hey... do you really find it so terrible to, like, tell me anything personal?
there's nothing personal for me to talk about, god, why are you being nosy all of a sudden? it would've ended on my first 'no' any other day, what's up with you today?
you didn't hear me, did you?.. alright, i'm sorry if it's annoying, but i don't feel safe. or, rather, i don't feel that you are safe on your own.
i did say i'm fine, this is way out of-
please, just let me take care of you once! this is not fair, i didn't wanna have this conversation with you, but since you find it impossible that i smell it when your ass is suicidal, you earned it. i fucking hate the way you leave me out of most of what's going on with you, even though i'm the one dragging you out every time. this is incredibly mean, mean mean, dazai.
why do you care if i-
i feel it, you prick! i feel it every time as if it's my own pain. it's- it's easier on me with others, but when you're around, which you are most of the time- i- i can't-
just go then! i don't get it, even if you are for real, why spend so much time with someone so miserable?
god, it's not worse because of how sad you are!
what? if not, how does that work?
how am i supposed to know?
well, you sound like you were born like this, so it's more than 16 years with that shit. so i do expect you to know something.
...fuck, okay. it's because- usually- when i'm- close to someone, the feelings are more vivid.
i can't believe you said it.
shut up, you wanted me to be straightforward.
so with joy-
hell no, i would've gone insane. i don't know why, though. maybe for the same reason that you're always sad.
oh, fuck off, just because i'm sad doesn't mean i can't control myself.
well, there are different types of sadness. some of it is curable, yeah, some of it is gonna pass, but there's one that's more, uh, desperate? all i know is that it sticks to you the most, and most of the times you end up- well-
i get it. but- i mean, i'm not... i don't even have the energy to go out, truly, and after you refused to leave, i kind of... i just gave up on it. better luck next time, you know?
oh, thank god.
don't make a scene, i bet you felt it. you just wanted to whine about my mysterious personality for a little longer.
'mist'- fine, yeah, whatever.
but seriously, i don't think i'm honest with anyone in general, it's not about you.
...after i just confessed?
you didn't 'confess' anything?!
you better stop right now, or-
or what? chuuya...
what are you laughing at?
you goofball, what i said was, you're not terrible. actually, not terrible at all. you're very- very- not terrible. ...now, you're laughing at me.
you should see your face, dazai, oh my god. literally no one pushed you to say anything, you know damn well i wasn't hurt at all, and, mind you, people don't really need powers to see it.
of course, 'cause you're such a big boy who never gets offended.
did i stutter? it's fucking nice of you.
damn nice.
you seem so proud of it.
well, at least you don't wanna off yourself anymore.
it's raining, chuuya, i wouldn't have done that even if you didn't come.
but you were thinking about it. and now you're not.
that's your only contribution, okay? i'll give you that, but nothing more.
if you say so.
yeah, i also had lots of fun finding out that you're in lov-
no fucking way you're gonna bring that up-
but you-
i said, no.
but i will wanna-
not today! please, you'll wear me out and then i'll actually leave.
woah, okay, fine! don't be so dramatic about it, though. ... pizza?
and a game.
...just pizza?
ugh, it's gonna be hard playing and eating at the same time-
bullshit, you once beat me with one hand and you didn't even need to hold anything with the other one, what's bad about a big delicious pizza?
it sounds like you're plotting something in that tiny brain of yours.
who knows? maybe i am. but i'll let you ask me anything after that.
oh, so you did decide to poison it!
why would i ever do something like that to you???
come on, your job is to do something like that, especially to me.
i don't poison innocent people!
right, so you did poison someone else too-
you're insufferable-
let's just say, i agree. let's do this, i don't care. but if you lose, you tell me what you meant earlier, when-
okay! just stop fucking saying it!
but it's important to be clear-
i'm OUT.
wh- chuuya!
someone needs to make the call!
at least don't talk to me through the door, liar!
hell, i'm not ly- hello, YES, i do want to order a fucking pizza, jesus christ-
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Hiiii bonten Rindou hc???? Pleaseee. Love him frr
To be honest, I intended for this to be almost exclusively for haikyuu… BUT FOR YOU MY FRIEND! *pounds chest* I SHALL GIVE YOU THE RINNY OF YOUR DREAMS. Also you didn’t specify what kind you want so ima give you my finest shit, which happens to be my head cannon prowess. (Totally not because I hate writing dialogue, no,no, that’s so stupid 😳) Also important side note: I aint spend days finishing the Tok rev manga not to use it tf outta here. Tokrev and Jjk content is welcomed proudly.
idk if I’ll make a part 2, but on the off chance I do, look foreword to girldad Rinny content.
status: unedited
warnings: cursing, slightly sexual situations (but no smut), mafia bs, blood? Fluffy bullshit, Rindou being a dick hole, the ick, my bad Spanish
💜Bonten Rindou Hataini. Headcannons~💜
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The first thing off the bat, I definitely think he is on the demisexual spectrum. I know everyone else be saying that he would be all about just sleeping around like that, but to be honest, I think that that’s more of a Ran thing. I feel like the only reason he would go to strip clubs and shit like that for work, and would actually be really grossed out when people would coddle him. If he was to have a significant other, it would have to be someone he has known for a long time, or from his old delinquent days. My best idea would be a calm friend who would give him the notes from his skipped classes. And in return he’d take them out for food or some shit. Somewhere along the way y’all would just be like, “we’re totally together right?” “Duh, why else would I put up with you.” Yeah he a lil bitch.
Any way, as for him as an adult, all I gotta say is “Mmmm Papí ¿quieres una besito?~”. Like Jesus Christ man has no right being this freaking fine. Sexy Jellyfish ass boy
Yakuza Daddy🥵. This man will spoil the everlasting shit outta you, and go to Walmart for his own shit. But had does it in the most obnoxious way possible. He gets you a necklace? “Hey babe, gotchu this, your old one was musty af, take better care of your shit.” Awww you want a new dress? “Sure babe, but just know that thing barely covers shit, and will be gone by the end of the night.” You want something just random? “Wtf am I a walking ATM? No, pick it tf up, I’m buying it, you can’t stop me. Quit arguing before I buy you 3 more.”
But when it comes to himself? Yeah he only indulges in suits and Jordan’s. Other than that, he has an avengers shirt he had since he was 12 and a pinball machine. That’s the extent of his possessions. Well that and the watch you got him for his birthday, but shhhhh he can’t let you know he cares ewwwww.
Man is literally the biggest (for lack of better word) Tsundere. Like Top three in anime. Like you got 1.Kageyama 2.Sasuke 3. Him. Like manz would rather die than say he cares. His love language is quality time and gift giving, so he’s more show you he loves you, but won’t say it first. The kinda mf that when you say I love you to them say, “Yeah I know, I love me too if only there was someone out there who loved you.” Like manz is so obvious I wanna kiss him to shut him the fuck up. (I think I have a type.) like bro the me love you tf?
In terms of icks there is one thing I no for fact. This mf wears socks to bed. And not the cute fluffy kind. The musty ass crusty socks he wore all day, then stepped in water, and now you gotta deal with it while yall cuddling. I hate this mf.
On a more serious note, because of his Bonten Bs, he doesn’t have a lot of time for us. So we make time. His time. We just barge in during his meetings, lay across his lap, watch TikTok’s, while everyone (him) are just looking like “is this bitch serious!?” >:|
Anyways, because he’s so busy all the time, the majority of what he wants to do when he gets home is just to sprawl out on the couch and just stay there. You can cuddle with him too or whatever he doesn’t mind🙄. But fair warning, he’s the kinda dude who is only ever in the mood for either ww2 documentary’s or like deep sea documentary’s. Like mf has the same movie taste as my dad, I can’t with him. It’s a good day when you can convince him to try something actually entertaining. And you know what he picks? The Fucking exorcist. He’s an asshole. The kinda dude to pretend he’s unfazed, but his left leg physically won’t stop shaking.
speaking of movies, I know I say this every time, but scream Halloween costumes. Yes. Give me Rinny as ghostface please, I’ll freaking sell my soul. Especially if it’s not the robe but one of the like dry fit and leather harness- *incomprehensible pterodactyl noises* 🥵
anyway back to cuddling, his go to position is literally the Hakari and Kirara thing. Like this mf will always have a hand on your ass. He doesn’t like PDA but this? Yeah you can’t stop him. He is an ass guy, it’s just where his hand naturally gravitates.
I cannot explain the urge to play daddies home by usher every time I see him. Like he and my baby daddy Gojo have partial custody over that song. Like bro. Yes.
Tbh I don’t see him having a big wedding. Or any wedding. I think his thing would be just handing you his debit card and saying “pick some shit out. No, don’t worry bout the price I’m rich for a reason.” And after that yall just elope to some tropical place across the planet for like a month.
speaking of travel it’s a pretty common thing for you. Just that it’s always last minute. Like bro don’t even give you time to brag to the your friends. Man just pulls up 10 minutes before y’all need to go to the airport and says, “get ready, we’re going to France. How long? Idk a month? Boo hoo bitch. Stay home then. Mhm that’s wtf k thought”. Manz is such an ass but you gotta love a walking wallet.
My last thought I’m gonna share is how he physically won’t use nicnames. Like babe is the physically most he can bring himself to do. Maybe baby. He gives himself the ick every time he thinks of doing anything else
all in all, he’s the one who is always there for you, and expects the same. He’s a great guy, under all the stress and yakuza bs. Treat him well, or I’ll treat him better😤
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sorry this took me so long to write, I’m working on another request too, and more importantly, my final exams for collage, love that. But even do, if you liked this, please like and request something, and I will definitely be posting. Love y’all so much, I’ll see yall later.
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lampiridaes · 4 months
can u do a tsukasa x reader reverse comfort pls?
also can the relationship with between the two be platonic but they both like eachother
♬ now playing: "persona"
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-> to-do list: comfort your friend! (and perhaps change his title to boyfriend?)
chars. tsukasa
notes. hi chat.... this was ... so long ago... do u hate me.... do u wanna bring back public executions... i tried my best to write hurt/comfort but dawg i suck at it.... i am so sorry anon... mwa mwa.... i labyu... pls forgive me and enjoy this... mwa mwa mwa... also ended up posting this late AAAARGRHGRH
notes (2). also i rlly hope that i got the prompt right ??? i assumed that they were friends however had a crush on each other n stuff... a thousand apologies if that's ALSO WRONG... feel free to send another req if i got this incorrect okay? ^^;
contains. mizu-nights writing kinda fell off here, friends to lovers (implied, no actual confession scene sry), open-ending
taglist. @akitosheart , @mintchocaur , @nenes-numberonefan (i literally forgot i am so sorry)
★ single track: tenma tsukasa
tsukasa tenma is your best friend, and for good reason. he's like the bright sunlight after a rainy day, turning a normal boring, dull mood into a joyful and energetic one.
problem is, he's also a skilled actor. it's what makes people adore him, yet it's also what can push people away when he acts... like this.
tsukasa doesn't allow anyone to truly see him when he's vulnerable. he's gonna be a famous star, as he claims, he can't allow something so 'trivial' in his mind ruin his image and let someone see another side to him. the softer, more fragile side.
however, you saw through his facade. perhaps you picked up on it after being friends with him for so long.
"tsukasa," you called out to him when the others left.
you knew that he doesn't like opening up, even to one person. with other people nearby, it'd feel like... some kind of torture.
his voice went soft. it's like he knew you weren't exactly... okay with his current attitude.
but that's the part that surprised him. you saw through it. saw through him.
"you can always talk to me. i understand if you don't want to talk about it, but as your friend, i don't want to see you hurt like this."
maybe, just maybe, something sort of... snapped inside him. maybe not snapped, but rather awakened.
for once, tsukasa felt like he could completely rely on someone to be there for him. not just physically, but also emotionally, mentally... all the other aspects in life.
and... perhaps he wouldn't mind having that 'aspect in life' escalate? into more romantic territory?
but first, he needs to open up. to you, his closest friend, and the one dearest to his heart.
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funky-little-archivist · 11 months
Okay besties listen to me right now. Here’s how steddyhands can still win (real and true)
Stede and Ed clearly love each other very much, but they just can’t seem to stop fighting. They can’t seem to get on quite the same page, and this is a problem they’ve had from the start. They both want different things at the end of the day, and they just haven’t been able to reconcile that issue. Ed wants to explore non pirate life, which he’s never really had a chance to do, while Stede wants to explore pirate life for the exact same reason. I can’t really point at either of them and say that either of these things are wrong or they’re being intentionally malicious with each other. I also can’t point at the writers and complain about them stringing us along when all we want is for gentlebeard to be happy because this feels like very natural progression for both of them. As I said, they’ve been heading in this direction from the very start of the show.
So you know what I think they need? A stabilizing force. An anchor. A mediator. These are two whim-proned people who need someone to keep them grounded. And who’s sitting right there waiting for the chance to do exactly that? Izzy.
All season, apart from the parts where he was mourning blackbeard and the loss of his leg, izzy has been doing pretty much exactly that for both of them. Yes last season izzy was pretty much nothing but toxic for Ed, encouraging the worst parts of him. But he’s since come to regret that and was actively the one that stopped his downwards spiral. And he’s been coaching Stede, getting to know him better and teaching him how to pirate properly. This season izzy has really been encouraging both of them towards the goals they had at the start of season 1, in a way, making them the versions of themselves they want to be. But it does seem like he doesn’t intend for Stede to go off the deep end like Ed did either, as izzy discouraged him getting into the bar fight and kept trying to make him back down. I don’t think season 1 izzy would have ever done that for Ed. He’d have wanted blackbeard to defend his reputation. I think izzy wants them to be better, and as he said he actively approves of and encourages Stede and Ed’s relationship. He knows that they’re good for each other, and he doesn’t necessarily want to see them break up. But he also wants them to be the best versions of themselves.
And I’m honestly starting to think that’s what they need. As I said, they need a calming force, because both of them are very active passionate energies in their own way. But here’s the thing, I could be crazy but I’m actually starting to suspect maybe there’s a chance the show is going in this direction as well? I mean I could be reading too much into it, and listen I’ll be the last to put faith into this kind of theorizing again. But listen
How could it possibly not have been intentional to have izzy serenade Ed and stede’s first time together? It could have been literally anyone. It could have been frenchie, we’ve seen him sing before. But no, it was izzy, he got glammed up, showing his immense emotional growth and maturity compared to the first season, and had him practically sing his blessings for their relationship. And yes, maybe that’s all it was meant to symbolize, that izzy approves now and has moved on. Except he so clearly hasn’t moved on (we all saw that heart eyes stare he gave Ed in man on fire) and for me it’s the fact that he actually played an active part in their scene together, at least for the audience. He set the mood guys. In a sort of metatextual way, izzy was part of Ed and stede’s love scene.
And then there’s the fact that the show has been exploring non traditional non monogamist relationships for the entire season. I mean, already in season 1 we had Lucius telling izzy that they don’t get jealous when izzy tried to use that against him, but now we have olu and Jim actively celebrating each other’s relationships with other people despite still sort of being in some kind on non platonic relationship (shown by olu calling Jim babe during the safe space stand still scene). Olu, Jim and Archie sort of formed a straight up throuple? And then olu and zheng almost invited Jim and Archie to? Share a room with them?? Maybe? Whatever the case, it’s all fluid. And that’s okay! This type of relationship fluidity has been so normalized on the show, I don’t really see a reason for them to get precious about Stede and Ed being the only exclusive couple. At it makes sense, sexual fluidity has always been an integral part of the queer community and it’s so refreshing to see it represented here realistically. (Not to say that monogamy isn’t also accepted and valid in queer spaces but many shows have and will continue to represent that. It’s nice to see a representation of the less traditional, less “sanitized” side of queerness.) (edit: AND LET’S NOT FORGET SPANISH JACKIE! hell she was doing it before anyone else)
And hey as a bisexual myself I understand not everyone will like this allusion but I did see someone say that izzy is quite literally Ed and stede’s unicorn lmao. So. there’s that.
And not that this would be a perfect solution to all their problems either. I don’t want izzy to just continue to play custodian to Ed’s problems and add stede’s to that as well, not to mention that izzy and Ed have SO much work to do to fix their mess of a relationship. But I just think maybe all three of them can help balance each other out, mediate each side of the triangle. The dynamic would just be so satisfyingly perfect, and hey, a stool can’t hold up anything with just two legs, but with three it is stable.
Anyway, basically I’m starting to see it guys and maybe I’m crazy but maybe there’s actually a chance here. Again, I’m by no means saying this is 100% going to happen, and most likely I’m seeing things they didn’t intend. But from interviews from David jenkins and the cast, to subtext in the show, I think maybe there’s a non zero chance. Either way, I cannot wait to see what this show has in store for us in the last three episodes.
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c-ptsdrecovery · 10 months
I've been meaning to make this post for months, but I'm lazy :P
This year, I got diagnosed with bipolar 2, and going on mood stabilizers has been LIFE-CHANGING. (In the way they always told me going on antidepressants would be, only it wasn't.) I have discovered that I had a lot of (common) misconceptions about what bipolar disorder was like, which was why I struggled for at least 15 years with it and didn't get diagnosed until now. So I wanted to share a little bit about what I've learned about what bipolar disorder is REALLY like, in the hopes that other people in the same boat as me might recognize their own symptoms.
Disclaimers: I am not a mental health professional or an expert in bipolar disorder, and this is drawn from my personal experiences, which may be different from what another person with bipolar experiences.
--There are different levels of depression and of mania. Low mania, for instance, is called hypomania. While people with Bipolar 1 experience a range of emotions from mania to depression, people with Bipolar 2 experience mostly depression with occasional hypomania.
--People have a very extreme and stereotyped idea of what mania looks like, so it can be harder to recognize hypomania in particular. Things that mania/hypomania can look like:
constant fidgeting
huge excitement or joy
intense creativity
intense sensory experience (colors are brighter, handsoap smells AMAZING, etc)
less inhibited behavior
more spending
more risky behavior
feeling like you're finally yourself for the first time in years
--You will notice in that list that manic doesn't just mean happy. Mania is a high-energy state. That can mean high-energy happiness, high-energy anger, high-energy anxiety, etc. Depression is the low-energy side of the equation.
--You don't have to be JUST manic or JUST depressed. It's very common to have "mixed episodes" where you are both at one time. I was diagnosed years ago with "anxiety and depression"--and it turns out that that was probably actually a bipolar mixed state. A lot of people with classic depression talk about having no energy, having trouble getting out of bed, etc, but I always had the kind of depression where I felt despairing but also high-energy. I was restless and anxious--and sometimes had bursts of happiness and enjoyment in the middle and then went back to being depressed again.
--Bipolar can feel like mood swings. Your moods are intense and they can change quickly. I have had a psychiatrist tell me that you know it's bipolar when your mood changes for no reason. This may be true for some people, but for me, I could almost always attribute my mood change to SOMETHING. "I feel bad because of that thing somebody said to me" or "I feel bad because I'm lonely" or "I feel anxious because my stomach is upset". So that wasn't a helpful indicator for me, but the presence of the mood swings was. Some people also try to say that you have to be in a manic or depressive state for a certain number of days in order to qualify as bipolar--but if you're having mixed episodes like I was, all bets are off as to how long a mood is going to last.
--It's very common for people with bipolar disorder to have sleep problems: sleeping too much, sleeping too little, or both. I go right to sleep at bedtime, but then I wake up in the middle of the night, lie awake for an hour, and then go back to sleep. I have done this regularly for literally 15 years.
--A really good sign of having bipolar disorder is if trying a new antidepressant makes you manic/hypomanic. This doesn't always happen to people with bipolar disorder trying an antidepressant, but it certainly can.
My experience with antidepressants is that sometimes they seemed to work a bit for awhile, but in the long run, they really didn't work. One antidepressant that I tried made me FURIOUSLY ANGRY, so much so that it scared me and I had to get off the med after a week (the rage was a hypomanic state). One antidepressant that I tried made me so unbearably anxious that I took it ONCE and never again (that anxiety was also a hypomanic state). I took an antidepressant once that worked PERFECTLY for two months, and then suddenly stopped, and never worked again (happy hypomania, mood-swinging back to depressed again). What finally tipped us off that my problem was bipolar disorder was when I tried a new antidepressant and it made me feel AMAZING and then it wore off and I got super-depressed again... and then we raised the dose and I felt AMAZING and then it wore off, and... Meanwhile, I was happier than I had ever been before, I started a new hobby of collecting bonkers earrings, I started dressing in eye-burning rainbow colors, I was far more confident than I had ever been, I spent more (not way too much, but more) than usual... That is the kind of hypomanic/manic state that most people recognize as such, which is how I finally got diagnosed.
I will add on tomorrow or so with some stories about episodes that I recognize in retrospect were from my bipolar disorder, but I don't want to make this post longer than it already is! I will just add: If any of this sounds like you, I strongly encourage you to talk to a doctor about trying mood stabilizers. Maybe they won't do anything for you--but then at least you'll KNOW. I have a sneaking suspicion that just like C-PTSD is wildly underdiagnosed, bipolar disorder probably is, too.
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MadPat with Reader getting yelled at in the Pizzeria
Totally not based off my experiences with working at a pizzeria
Mad loves having you work with him. Even if it’s only part-time, every time you're at the pizzeria, he's in a noticeably better mood, and the other employees are grateful.
He sometimes just lingers around the area where you're stationed so he can watch you work.
He's in the kitchens, observing one of the new employees to make sure they're not messing up. It's his absolute least favorite part of owning the pizzeria, and he's definitely not pleased. All he wants is to go home and just spend time with you.
It's actually kind of surprising that he hears the commotion coming from the dining part of the pizzeria, because the kitchen is loud, but he does, and his attention is drawn to it.
He's mostly expecting it to be some child being scolded by its mother- god he hates those creatures- or some employee that dropped a pizza by accident.
But... he finds you, basically surrounded by three teenage boys.
They're yelling, and you're clearly not sure what to do, because your eyes dart between them and you're definitely scared.
"How hard is it to make a fucking pizza?" One of the kids, the one with the bad hair, yells directly at you.
He pulls you away from them quickly, now enraged that they would dare speak to you like that. It hurts him how you panic a little more at the feeling of being pulled away, but he hides you behind him, out of sight. You cling to him desperately.
"Is there a problem?" Mad says through gritted teeth, fighting each and every one of his demons to not murder the kids right there and then.
"We ordered a pizza ten minutes ago, where is it? It can't be that hard to make!"
"Did my employee warn you there would be a wait?"
His eyes narrow. He's seen you work. You always let customers know about the wait for their food. So not only are these idiotic kids yelling at his best employee- his lover- but they've been ignoring you too. It's starting to look exponentially worse for them.
He wants to kick them out. The way you squeeze him a little tighter after the boy yells again only fuels that.
"Are we going to get our pizza or not?" Another one of the three teenagers says, frustrated for no reason at all, really.
He thinks for a second. "No. Get out."
"What?!" The teenagers all shout.
"You're banned from my pizzeria. Get. Out."
The boy with the bad hair scoffs. "Fine. Come on, guys."
The three boys and a fourth teen, a girl, leave. The girl, without the boys noticing, mouths an I'm sorry, and he nods slightly, turning to you to make sure you saw it too.
"Are you okay?" He asks as soon as they're gone, holding your shoulders.
You shaking from the encounter makes him furious, and once again he debates adding to the list of missing children in the pizzeria.
He doesn't even care when your shift ends, he's the owner of the place and he can do what he wants. He tells you to grab your stuff and clocks you out and takes you home.
He's literally so soft for the rest of the day, because seeing you being yelled at made him so angry and protective that he just wants to make sure you're okay :)
If you want to go back to work later that day, he'll probably let you, but he will keep a closer eye on you.
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youcouldmakealife · 10 months
SOTM: Bryce/Jared, Holden, Canucks; the bad place
For the prompt: What Bryce said to Holden in the box
Jan can’t say he ever considers being in the penalty box a good thing, but some times are worse than others. Typically, being sent to the box as a proxy for someone else is the best case scenario: he didn’t do anything wrong so his coach isn't pissed at him, and he might just get a breakaway on his way out the door if he’s lucky. There’s a reason they put Jan in if they have to pick a dude: he’s fast. If he gets behind the play, there’s a good scoring chance for him at minimum, and it isn’t like he’d be playing regardless, because they don’t use him on the PK. So what if he has to sit in a plexiglass box rather than on the bench? A seat's a seat.
This should be the best case scenario. But Jan is not having a good time right now. Neither is the penalty box attendant, he imagines. Jan thinks anyone except maybe Math would prefer not to be anywhere near Bullet at the moment, literally shaking with anger beside him. Jan can feel the vibration through his knee, before Bullet’s twisting around, knee knocking Jan's, and yelling, “You’re a fucking dead man!”, temporarily deafening Jan in the bargain.
He accidentally meets the eye of the penalty box attendant, who gives him a commiserating look. Jan’s sure he’s heard worse, but he also suspects Bullet isn’t going to restrict himself to that, and unfortunately he is right.
He didn’t hear what Chase said to Bullet, and he doesn’t want to ask — he thinks it’d only make Bullet angrier, and frankly Jan doesn’t think he needs any help — but whatever it is, he crossed a line, and Bullet is letting him hear it. And hear it. And hear it.
“There are children right behind you!” Chase yells, when Bullet finally stops long enough to take a breath.
Jan didn’t peg Chase as a ‘think of the children’ type even before he goaded Bullet into the box by saying presumably shitty things about his husband, and judging by his smirk when Bullet quiets, he thinks his instinct is correct. Jan also doesn’t think any parent who bought tickets directly behind the penalty box has the right to be particularly offended by any violence or profanity their children may hear. He’s fairly sure, in fact, that many who pick a seat near the box do it hoping for this exact occurrence.
Jan would tell Bullet all this, but he thinks he and the attendant deserve the temporary break.
Jan doesn’t know if Bullet comes to the same conclusion as he did, or if he simply can’t restrain himself — it’s a toss up, considering he’s still shaking with fury, the air practically vibrating with it, his knee actually vibrating against Jan’s.
Jan looks up at the clock, sighing when he sees a full minute remaining. They always seem to go to commercial after a penalty. He knows it’s just because it’s a stoppage in play, but he thinks they should have some sympathy for the players serving the penalty. But considering it’s a punishment, he supposes they don’t.
Jan didn’t even do anything wrong.
“—and learn to play defence, you fucking pig fucker!”
“Pig fucker,” Jan says faintly.
“I don’t know where that came from,” Bryce admits, then yells, “Never mind that last part, but I stand by the rest! You suck at D! The hockey kind, not the — you fucking suck, Chase!”
“Pig fucker,” Jan repeats.
“I took it back!” Bryce says. “What do you want me to do, here?”
Jan just shakes his head. “You suck at D too,” he murmurs.
“I’m getting better at it!” Bryce says.
“I don’t have to tell you not to go after him again, right?” Gabe asks.
Bullet’s mulish face says that isn’t a correct prediction, and Gabe internally sighs. Besides holding the obvious position of not wanting one of their top scorers in the box for extended stretches, Gabe doesn’t like the idea of Bullet going back and forth with a dude so soon after getting off the IR, especially twice. And he really doesn’t like the idea of how cranky Jared will get if Bryce gets injured. When Jared’s in a bad mood, he emanates displeasure until everyone around him is too.
“Can you let the refs do their jobs?” Gabe asks, without much hope, and Bryce’s face gets…Gabe is pretty sure ‘mulish-er’ is not a word, but it’s still the best way he can describe it. Stubborn doesn’t do it justice — there’s too much simmering anger in it for that. Apparently beating the dude up and then calling him a pig fucker didn’t get the rage out of his system.
“Jan doesn’t have to tell everybody about that,” Bryce complains.
“Not condemning it,” Gabe says. “Just impressed with your creativity.”
“I ran out of stuff,” Bryce says. “And repeating myself seemed, you know.”
“Pedestrian?” Gabe asks, and Jared, beside him, snorts. He’s ‘not talking’ to Bryce right now, but he’s practically sitting in Gabe’s lap, he’s eavesdropping on their conversation so hard, so Gabe doesn’t even think Bryce is buying the act.
Bryce looks confused as well as mulish now, probably wondering what the hell walking has to do with anything. Dima raises his eyebrows and gives Gabe a thumbs up behind Bullet’s back. He wasn’t actually trying to distract him, but Bryce is quiet for the moment, and he doesn’t try to rip Chase’s head off, the next shift they’re on together — possibly because they only overlap briefly, but Gabe decides to be optimistic.
Nobody needs to take matters into their own hands: the refs seem as done with Chase’s shit as Gabe is. Canucks fans are too — a decidedly mocking cheer goes up when Chase goes to the box for the third time tonight. Gabe knows Stephen was planning on watching this one, and he bets he’s sitting on the couch laughing his ass off right now.
Gabe does not laugh, because he knows there’s a chance it’d twist into some ‘poor sportsmanship by Canucks as refs unfairly target Holden Chase’. Doubly so when homophobes are trying to find any chance to hate on Bryce and Jared without giving themselves away.
It’s difficult, though. Even more difficult after Gabe looks across the ice, where Chase appears to be arguing with the penalty box attendant, because of course he is, and he hides his face in Dima’s shoulder for a moment, so the cameras won’t catch his grin.
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ivy-diaries · 6 months
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‎ ⁎ ‎ ‎ 𓍼 ‎ ‎ ๋ ‎ ◜ &.&. THE IVY INCIDENT ep 1. ◞ ‎ ... ‎ ‎
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The intro plays, and Ivy appears on the screen smiling and leaning into the mic to speak. “Hello guys, welcome to my new podcast, 'The Ivy Incident!!’ This has been in the works ever since I stepped into the dive podcast studio when I came here to film the kpop daebak show with Eric so it's soo exciting to finally show you guys this project!” she laughs as the other staff there are heard clapping.
Laughing, she continues "so in this podcast, I invite my friends from the industry and we just you know, talk and share stories! It's a lot similar to Eric's but mine is more personal if you will because all these people are very very close to me and I've known them for a pretty long time! This episode is just gonna be me cuz this is like an introduction for all the first-time listeners who don't know who I am!" “So I heard Diane has some questions prepared for me, so let's get into it!” 
“let's start with the basics, yeah? Who is Ivy Jennifer James?” Diane asks her. 
“Oh we’re going back to the beginning okay! So as you’ve already mentioned, my name is ivy jennifer james. I was born in New Castle, Australia where I lived till I was five and then I moved to the US where again I lived for five years before moving to Korea when I was eleven. And in korea, i signed with bighit entertainment and when i was asked if i was ready to debut when i was 14 i think? I was like imma do it. So i debuted at 14 under both jype and bighit and the rest is history! And i'm here today hehe”
“What motivated you to pursue a career as a solo artist?”
“Hmm i think ever since i got into bighit, i've always wanted to be a soloist? I'm not really sure why but I always saw myself as a soloist for some reason. Even till now, if you ask my dad he’d say that i was born to do this” ivy laughs and continues “i think ever since i was little ive wanted to something in the field of music and performance”
“Was being a kpop idol your first choice?”
“It was actually! I mean keeping in mind that i started this since i was a literal child, it actually was my first choice. The kids at school did tease me for this but look at me now” ivy chuckles
“Who are your music inspirations?”
“That's a great question and I was literally talking to Jun about this this morning! I dont have one specific inspiration but i think i draw inspiration from any and all artists! I've been pretty inspired by the Beatles and Rolling Stone pretty recently and obviously, Taylor Swift is one of my biggest inspirations out there.” 
“Are you a sweet or savory type of person?”
“It honestly depends on my mood if i'm being honest” she laughs hard “now, im craving something savory! I'd kill for some fries right now oh man you’ve perked up my cravings now diane!!”
“What's the last song you listened to?”
Ivy laughs hard and almost tears up laughing “this is actually so funny oh my god the last song i listened to is actually a helium ingested cover of let me love you by justin bieber which yeonjun sung for me yesterday after a party we went to and let me tell you, it was soo funny!!”
“According to you, tell me 3 flaws and 3 qualities about yourself”
“Ooh, three qualities of mine would be, one, I think I'm kind I guess? Second, I'm somewhat responsible, and third and finally, I think I'm a human sized golden retriever because I'm very bubbly and very smiley smiley most of the time! And three flaws of mine are, one, i’m a big overthinker, i just rethink about every single choice or word of mine a little too much. Second, my moods are based on the weather…”
Ivy laughs at the look on Diane's face “yea.. My mood everyday kinda depends on how good the weather is.. That's why I'm not as fond of the rain because it makes me kind of depressed and I just shut myself off most of the time. Third, im a bit of a perfectionist so i expect any and all things to be a little too perfect.. If its not what i expect it to be, i just leave that and will not ever touch on it again and i know i should change these things and i am trying so.. yeah “
“okay, something similar but three things you like and three things you dislike”
 “I don't like these types of questions!!” she laughs “it makes me think too much to give an answer!! But anyways… hmm three things i like are, one, my husband” she giggles as a small blush is seen on her cheek “well it's true!! I wouldn't have married him if I didn't like him would I?” she giggles “second, i really love what i do so, my career and third, my loved ones! I love my friends and family because they've stuck with me through thick and thin and I'm really grateful for that!” she smiles and gives the camera a little hand heart
“three things i hate are.. Hmm lets see… one, people who do not value privacy. I've said this multiple times and i'll say this again but I do love my fans.. I love them a lot and I wouldn't be here without them. But there are some people who claim that they are fans but do unhinged stuff to get close to me. And like that's why I've sued some people for not valuing my privacy. I got hate for it but honestly I don't care when the privacy and the lives of the people i love are at stake."
"Second, coming back to a slightly normal side, I absolutely hate the smell of fish. I don't know if it's cuz im vegetarian but I always throw up whenever I smell it and third, coming back to a more serious side, I hate the fact that most people on the internet feel like it's their right to comment on us as celebrities or idols or as performers. It's so irritating that they don't even feel sorry for what they say. They don't know how much we over think it and it slowly becomes an insecurity that takes years to wear off.”
“Okay this is your second to last question and the question is, For listeners who may not have heard your music before, can you recommend a few songs that best represent your sound and artistic vision?”
“That is a really good question, oh my god! So I think my discography is quite diverse and I have a lot of songs for different kinds of people who like different things. So the top three songs that i’d recommend to people are, one, vengeance as its called. There's no explanation for that song but I loved making it and loved singing it so that's the first song and second, I have a song called lovers in the night  that i co wrote with seori which I absolutely loved and we had a great time writing the song. And third I think is, my whole album called “for us.”  which i wrote with yeonjun and its songs dedicated for each other and hence called for us!”
“Okay… last question, can you give us any hints of the upcoming guests you have here?” Diane asks, smiling knowingly. Ivy giggles and wiggles her fingers across the camera
“Well I guess I can.. But most of my friends have not given me exact dates of their free schedule so even i’m not really sure on whos coming” she laughs at herself “so that's all i can tell you now because that's just all i know so” she just shrugs as she smiles.
“That's it for this episode and I hope you guys enjoyed this. I'm so excited for all the things we have in store for you guys and I hope you look forward to it!! So this has been ivy so far and thank you for listening to the ivy incident! Have a good day or good night bye!!”
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⋆ ivy taglist ˒ @stealanity @alixnsuperstxr @riikiblr @skz-libby @escapetheash (lmk if u wanna be added or removed)
⋆ priya says ˒ so this is not proofread so read at ur own risk lol <33 but if you've come this far,, please reblog with the bow emoji (🎀) so I know that readers are interactive and writers get the credit they deserve!! so lmk who you want to see on ivys podcast and any feedback tbh!! Happy reading!!
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respectthepetty · 7 months
Hello hello! I finally caught up on DFF a few days ago and have been reading a bunch of meta ever since, but there are some things I can’t follow. Maybe you can help me?
First off, we keep talking about there being a Final Girl, but why is everyone so sure that there will be one? I could see more people surviving or the story going in a different direction entirely. Where does this conviction come from?
Then, I’m on board with the idea of hallucinations, but one thing that always bothers me is the question of how you could make sure that they all hallucinate the very same thing? I don’t know how hallucination-inducing drugs work, but that seems kind of weird to me.
Also, who is Tan and who is Perth again? This is such a dumb question, but I’m terrible with names and faces, and I know most of the characters now, but I keep mixing up these two.
Thank you so much for your time!
Anon, let me answer your last question first:
This is Mio who plays Tan in the series. Tan is part of the friend group but came along after Non disappeared.
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This is Perth but it is unknown who he is playing in the series. He was only in the background of this scene in the dark jacket with the grey shirt.
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As for the other questions, unfortunately, I cannot help you because unlike the rest of these perfectly normal people watching Dead Friend Forever, I'm crazy.
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And because I'm crazy, I do NOT care about "reasoning" when it comes to my wack-a-doodle-doo theories. Therefore, White will be the Final Gay simply because I want him to be, and because none of these other motherf*ckers deserve to live.
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Yeah, Fluke hasn't actively done anything, but he knew all of this was happening and turned a blind eye, so if Por is dead, why not just kill all of them? Well, expect for the actual killers, Tan and Phi, and the Final Gay White.
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Por's death could have just been an accident, and everyone else will get out of this alive, but . . . I don't want it. I want Fluke to shoot Top, Tee to wrestle the gun away from Fluke only for it to go off and kill Fluke, White to kill Tee and run off scared, Tan to "die" because of an asthma attack (but he won't be dead), which will leave Jin and Phi as the only survivors, only for Jin to be stabbed by Phi right before White shows up with help.
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Do you feel the crazy? Do you see what I was saying about myself? You cannot ask me logical questions because I am not using deductive skills. I'm operating off of vibes and vibes alone, which is why I felt Phi was sus in episode one. It's also why I don't like Jin. It's a vibe.
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Which brings me to your drugs question - The vibes are off!
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I think that Non is still alive and running around scaring them all, so not everything is because of the drugs, but if the energy isn't right, if the mood isn't chill, if the vibe isn't good, the drugs are going to hit different. The figurative trip will be bad. So if the literal trip involves the boys talking about Non and seeing videos of Non while they run through the woods for their lives, whatever drugs are in their system aren't going to be happy in a body with that amount of stress, and their brain will focus on Non and the masked killer. In fact, a common side effect of most party drugs is paranoia.
Hell, even some known prescriptions for depression and anxiety can cause these side effects.
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Then again, I just do drugs. I don't know the actual science behind them, but I do know if the vibes ain't right, you're not gonna have a good night.
And these boys seem to be having a really shitty night.
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But also, the boys haven't all seen the same thing. Fluke saw Por's eyes bleeding and attacking him. White saw a rash on his skin. Jin saw Mr. Keng. Top saw the masked killer trying to axe him (I think part of this was real) and thought he saw a masked killer in the road, so he scared Tee going on about it. Top also might be having a reaction to it which is why he was seizing.
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PSA: Test your drugs, kids. Even Amazon, which I think is the devil, sells drug testing kits.
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In case you have no idea what this image is about, the joint in her hand is laced with cocaine and was probably one of the reasons her ass was going through endless time loops, so don't do coke. Or things laced with it. Unless you wanna go into other dimensions and DIE every single time. Okay? M'kay!
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So to wrap up my special brand of crazy:
White will be the Final Gay because like the Backstreet Boys, "I want it that way."
Everyone deserves to die because Phi is a cop's kid, and if the cops are good for anything, it's covering up the truth, so let this work in our favor for once.
Drugs be drugging, and sometimes people will think of the boy they tried to kill when under the influence, but it's a toss up. Who can predict what a person will see? So, like, don't betray people and you won't hallucinate being stalked by your own guilt *cough* Judas *cough*
Oh, and always test your drugs.
I hope this helped you, but it probably didn't. Either way, I'll see you in the tags in a few hours after Non finally loses his shit.
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Slay, Non, slay!
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