#lgbtqia2+ shows
Anybody else notice that if a Queer show isn’t American it is way more likely it’ll get another season?
That all the shows, say on Netflix, that are Queer and American are always bound to be cancelled, but then we have Sex Education, Heartstopper, Control Z (tho it’s rep is a little iffy), Elite, Young Royals, and hopefully Heartbreak High as well going strong.
I may be wrong, but this is something I’ve specifically seen when looking at Netflix.
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just a bisexual golden retriever & a lesbian cutie
this friendship>>>>
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turtleraccoonsoup · 1 year
so I just watched elemental and I have come to a conclusion. Disney saw there awesome queer staff, saw the lack of lesbian rep in shows, and saw DeSantis make the don't say gay act, and decided to sneek a lesbian couple in every movie they can. Change my mind.
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forevermore05 · 6 months
1. I can't speak for other cultures that were represented in this show (I'm so sorry if your representation was ruined too), but since I'm a South Asian and specifically an Indian and Hindu. I think I have some credibility. Ok, so this may depend on the interpretations of Hinduism that you've grown up with if you're a Hindu reading this. Well, growing up, I was always taught that Chakras were so important. I learned that the GODS could not accomplish something unless they access all their Chakras (again, this is the interpretation I grew up with it might not be the same for you). So the fact that watching Aang just be able to live life without accessing all of his charkas properly was a big slap to the face. Let me just say this right now. If you were representing a culture, especially the culture that you base the entire show on you either do it correctly or you don't do it at all. Don't make it half-baked because that's just disrespecting the people who follow that religion. And you're emphasizing how insignificant their religious values are (mind you Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world). What little representation we had was also ruined.
2. I also want to talk about another point since I'm here. I think I've made it very clear that I'm a woman of color. Even though me and Katara Are not the same ethnicity. She was my representation through skin color. And it's so interesting. How even though I knew that she was not my ethnicity, I still grasped onto her as a representation. Now this is not a PSA for studios to say "Hey, let's have a person that is brown, and everyone will be okay with it because they will have a person of the same skin to relate to." No this is me criticizing the lack of diversity in the show. The fact that you can base an entire show on a culture but not be able to handle a main character from that culture. And also I think the reason why I like Zuko and Katara ( I've made this point before) But the amount of respect that they have. As a woman of color, I have not exactly received respect from other men whether that be because of my gender or my skin color. So seeing a woman of color be respected regardless it's just so refreshing to me.
3. Also I want people to be mindful that a lot of people who ship this ship. Are women of color and/or part of the LGBTQIA2S+ community. However, I'm going to talk specifically about women of color since I'm straight. A lot of us have come from countries that have been colonized and still face the repercussions of colonization to this day, so what I'm trying to say is. When woc ship this duo they know what they're doing and they're not doing anything wrong. It's disrespectful to insult them for being racist and misogynistic when in reality a lot of these women face misogyny and racism in their own lives. They understand why they ship this ship. They understand it very well because they able to see and understand what is truly going on.
4. If you have a problem with this post and want to potentially hunt me down. I'm only saying this because I've seen other women of color be harassed for liking Zutara. I need you to remember that I'm a teenager. I'm a kid. I don't think you want to beef with a kid. And no, it does not matter that I'm 18. You shouldn't be harassing anyone over a ship. In fact, accusing shippers of being racist but then being racist to that poc/woc shipper is insane. It kind of shows that those people are not on a moral high horse.
5. I'm a kid......don't even think about it.
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radvimes · 11 days
A response to the LDS Church's new Anti-Trans Policies
I just sent the following email to [email protected], and thought it would be worth sharing here, as well:
To whom it may concern, assuming it concerns anyone in HQ-
This email may not be perfectly worded, but I felt it was more important to voice my concerns now than to wait to word them perfectly. I may send more emails in the future.
As far as I can tell, I am exactly the sort of person you want to remain in the church: lifelong member, returned missionary, temple recommend holder, temple worker, sealed in the temple, 3 kids, upper middle class educated Millennial straight white male Melchizidek priesthood holder with nonmember friends that I talk religion with on occasion. However, you're losing me and people like me. I listened to what the church has taught me all my life. I served a mission and went to a non-church college with an institute program and met all sorts of new people from all sorts of backgrounds. I learned that my mission president was secretly gay, and had been repressing it all his life due to harmful church teachings and cultural pressure. I sat with these experiences. When we started the Come, Follow Me program, I faithfully studied all 4 books of scripture in a way I never had before. As I did so, I recognized that the messages I saw taught over and over and over were ones of love and grace. I learned that Sodom and Gomorrah's sin wasn't homosexuality, like I'd heard all my life. It was pride and a refusal to care for the poor and needy. Jesus didn't call people to repentance for being lax in their temple worship or observance of church law; he called them to love one another, pray for one another, be humble, and actually feed and care for one another, especially those we deem unclean, unworthy, or the "least" of us. He showed over and over that his good news is often a kind word, a loving hug, and an invitation to share a meal and a table.
Today, as is poignantly demonstrated by remarks by leaders like Elder Holland and President Oaks, and by relevant church handbook policies over the last decade and the last month, it is easy to conclude that in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, our LGBTQIA2S+ siblings are considered the least of us, even unclean, unworthy, and unwelcome. I had a Jewish friend ask me to tell him about the recent policy changes re: how the church treats trans members, and I had gotten maybe halfway through the changes when he simply said, with a sober expression "so the church has made it clear they aren't welcome, then?" Whether that was the intention or not, that is the message we are sending, loud and clear. That simply cannot be the message our loving Heavenly Parents and loving Savior have for us and our queer siblings. If the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is meant to share the good news of Christ with all of God's children, then we need to actually figure out what good news we have to share with God's children who are queer, or who are like me and care about those that are, and we need to do it quickly, because right now, the only news we have is that they aren't welcome, that we don't particularly have a place for them, and that we don't especially care to. We can do better. We must do better. Right now, we are failing far too many, and it breaks my heart, and the hearts of so many who want to heed Jesus' good news and the 2 great commands to love. We went through a very similar struggle with regards to our black siblings, and did at least 1 right thing in 1978. We can do more right things again.
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feedists4fat-lib · 1 month
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💛Happy Fat Liberation Month from FFL!💛
All this month we will be sharing fun facts and information specifically about Fat Liberation, its history, as well as information on how to combat Anti-Fat Bias and its origins. We'll touch on the Medical Industrial Complex, the intersection of LGBTQIA2S+ identities and fatness, and the Anti-Black Origins of fatphobia. And of course, it wouldn't be FFL without some food recommendations -- this time from Black Owned Businesses!
Now we dive into the topic of the intersection of fatness and the LGBTQIA2S+ community. Anti-Fat Bias shows up differently in the Gay and Lesbian community, but is still unacceptable in any form.
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starbcrnsx · 4 months
closed starter for @tragcdyfallen cassian ft nesta
Sitting in the gym he let out an irritated sigh. His first interaction with Nesta had failed. She didn't remember who he was nor did the meeting end the way he had hoped it would have. She had stumbled away from him, almost running and ordering him to leave. He had called her Lady Death in harshness for it felt as if she had pierced him in the heart. My partner, the words still rang through his mind as he worked out. He knew that without memories things would happen but he hadn't expected it to hurt as much as it did.
After he left Nesta and the bar he had put up flyers around Ivy Cove. Flyers for a self defence class for anyone who was interested. There were four different ones he had set up. One for all men, one for women alone, one for both together, and one that was for the lgbtqia2s+ alone. He wanted a time slot for anyone who was interested and a grouping where each person would feel comfortable within, he didn't want someone who was interested not to feel like there wasn't a place for them. Each class was on a different day and the doors were open for anyone interested.
Finishing his set he let himself relax against the machine as he waited, it was almost time for the women's group to start. He wasn't expecting a big turnout but he did hold out hope that at least someone would show. He held out hope that by the cauldron's blessing that Nesta would show up. He didn't hold his breath but he waited patiently, silently hoping as he stared off into space.
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barricadescon · 10 months
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You are invited to join Barricades: A Les Mis Convention in showing support for our 2024 charity partner Black and Pink by participating in their holiday letter-writing campaign. The goal of their campaign is simple: to send holiday love to all the incarcerated people who are members of Black and Pink! Let’s do our part! When: Drop in with us on zoom on December 3rd between 1pm – 3pm EST (5pm – 7pm UTC) where we will go over the card writing guidelines and will write together. The zoom link will be available on our Barricades discord server on the day of the event.
Can’t make it to our event? You can still participate in Black and Pink’s Holiday Card Campaign by visiting https://www.blackandpink.org/. What you’ll need: Because of restrictions on mail, all cards must be sent on plain white copy paper. If you have access to a printer, you can print the 2023 holiday card design in color or in black and white. You can participate no matter where you are in the world by simply using the address of Black & Pink headquarters as the return address. Just place your letter in an envelope with a postage stamp and drop it in the mail! 
Why: The holiday season can be a difficult and isolating time for folks inside, especially for the Black & Pink National family, who might not have loved ones to connect with on the outside. Holiday cards help bring moments of joy, connection, and community, and send a clear message to correctional staff that people on the outside are watching out, and care for folks on the inside.
We hope you’ll join us in sending some holiday love and care to incarcerated LGBTQIA2S+ members across the United States.
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roancowgirl · 7 months
Hey y’all I’ve posted my discord server before but wanted to post it again now that the server is fully up and running. After years in the western industry I realized there’s no dedicated online space for folks in this industry and want to try to change that.
Queer Cowfolks is a space for anyone in the LGBTQIA2S+ community with an interest in the western horse world. Whether it’s riding, ranching, rodeo or just an appreciator of the lifestyle and culture- all are welcome to join regardless of experience or where you’re from.
Along with creating a safe space for folks to hang out, we also have channels for information on events and nonprofit organizations to help folks find a safe community in their area. There’s a master list for equine related organizations welcoming to LGBtQ+ folks as well as two event channels. One channel is for upcoming equine events such as gay rodeos, barrel races, trail rides, etc. The other is for fundraising events that benefit the organizations listed, such as: drag shows, softball games, bake sales, etc.
You can join via this invite link, if it’s not working please dm me so I can fix it. Join and come hang, we’d love to have you!
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dismantlethekyriarchy · 3 months
Hey I don't do this often, but I think tumblr is trying to censor it's queer and trans critics by disabling the reblog button. For the second time I tried to reblog a post showing concern about the lack of support for the LGBTQ community and it is grayed out. Just be careful because they have been shadow banning and deactivating trans creators big and small for the past few months. They were also investigated for unlawful censorship by a human rights committee fairly recently. Be aware and support your LGBTQIA2S+ Community.
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ladiesofhpfest · 4 months
Ladies of HP Fest Theme 3: Out & Proud, 26 May - 8 June 2024
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Our third theme for the Ladies of HP Fest is timely as usual! With it being June in just a few days, aka Pride Month, we want to celebrate all the female characters who identify with (canon, headcanon, or AU!) one or more identities in LGBTQIA2S+. This can include all kinds of queer relationships, coming out, gender euphoria, explorations of sexuality and identity, and gender fluidity. See below for prompt ideas for this theme!
Characters coming out to their loved ones or struggling to come out
Characters in or exploring queer relationships: sapphic, T4T, bi4bi, and/or queerplatonic relationships
Joy and acceptance of queer identities, freedom in expression of true identity
Aspec themes: aromantic, asexual, demisexual, greysexual, or any combination of the above
Explorations of gender expression, gender fluidity, being non-binary, agender, choosing a new name, clothes, etc. 
This list isn't exhaustive - there's lots of room under the queer umbrella!
Guidelines and rules below the cut:
Writing/creating: Minimum fic word count for the main fest is 200*; no artwork 'time' amount, but use your best judgment to show something that took effort. The full rule list can be found here, and the FAQ list can be found here.
Posting: When you're done, post the work to the 2024 AO3 collection. It will be unrevealed until the mod reveals it. There is no set reveal schedule; it's a come as you are, come as you go sort of fest, and no set commitment to any week. You can post ahead of time, but the fic won't be revealed until the theme arrives. Please include the theme in your author notes.
If you have questions, ask. Happy creating!
Many thanks to @merlinsbudgiesmugglers for our banners!
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puppy-earz · 6 days
Request Rules
Please read the following rules before making a request! Thank you!
Before requesting anything, please make sure you have read my DNI (click) and are following it in your request.
If I do not have my requests open, please do not submit one (status can be found ON my ask box).
I have the right to deny any requests.
If I deem your request inappropriate, it will not be fulfilled and you'll be blocked.
In your request, please be as detailed as possible.
If you request anything in little speak (e.g. hewlo, is wants to mak a rewquest for...), please provide a translation!
Some requests may take longer to complete! Do not spam my ask box with updates on your request.
Communication cards are requested through direct messages ONLY.
These rules are subject to change.
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What I will not do
DSMP content creators, inappropriate media
Anything involving racist, transphobic, or misogynist creators
Outfit inspos with diapers/undergarments. This is to avoid attracting kink interactions.
Medical equipment (e.g. needles, IVs, syringes). Things like diabetic equipment, mobility aids, hearing aids, (and more) are allowed!
Horror movies/shows/youtube content
NSFW content.
What I will do
Zodiac signs
LGBTQIA2S+ flags/identities
Colors (extremely bright colors will be behind a content warning)
Music Artists/Bands
Most media (e.g. games, movies, shows, books)
Mobility aids, service animals, bg monitors, heating pads, insulin pumps, braces, etc.
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nick nelson & charlie spring
i can’t they’re so—
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kae-luna · 1 year
🌃//Writeblr Intro//🌃
Hello! Welcome to my corner of the internet. I am Kae Luna. You can call me Kae or Luna. I am pretty new to Writeblr, so please bear with me.
╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭
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(Banner made with canva)
🌊About My Writing🌊
✨Genres: sci-fi, fantasy, supernatural, action, drama, psychological, LGBTQIA+
✨Subgenres: dystopian, cyberpunk, biopunk, solarpunk, post-apocalyptic
✨Common themes: diversity, anti-capitalism, female empowerment
Since I like both anime art and storytelling, I'm planning to make light novels. Some of them may be short stories, standalone novels, or series. :3 Going to put some of them on Wattpad and Tapas.
I try to balance unique settings with complex characters.
🌊About Me🌊
I've been writing and drawing since I was little. And before I could write, I would tell my mother my story and she'd write it down for me. I've always had a crazy imagination. When I was a tween, I got into anime and manga, so I learned how to draw in that art style.
I am 25, queer-romantic asexual, and feminine-presenting nonbinary. I identify as both a girl and a demi-boy. You can refer to me as she/her, he/him, or they/them. I don't mind. I'm also white and have ADHD, dyspraxia, anxiety, and depression that prevents me from getting a "real" job.
I'm pretty shy and anxious, but once you get to know me, I may say some weird stuff and dad jokes. I'm a big nerd and simp as well.
I am also a Vtuber, but made this alt identity since I didn't think my work would fit that persona.
🌊About My Blog🌊
Here I am going to post about my WIP stories and some of my art. I will also reblog others' art and writing. Many aesthetics, fandoms, and other stuff may be reblogged as well with tags if it inspires my work.
Here I hope to find more creators to connect with and find some epic creations. Feel free to message me if you'd like, though I am kinda shy. :3
I am okay with:
✨Tag games
✨DMs. I'm happy to make friends. :3
🌊My Likes & Favorites🌊
✨Aesthetics/genres: vaporwave, cyberpunk, pastel, eco punk, nature, grunge, post-apocalyptic, solarpunk, steampunk, fantasy, LGBTQIA2S+
✨Movies: Alita: Battle Angel, Ultraviolet, Aeon Flux, Spider-Man 2, Howl's Moving Castle, Black Panther, The Matrix
✨Shows: Doctor Who, Stranger Things, Umbrella Academy, The Witcher
✨Anime: Death Note, Attack on Titan, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
✨Games: Skyrim, Baldur's Gate 3, The Sims 4, Minecraft, Fallout
✨Cartoons: Aeon Flux, Batman The Animated Series
Ultra Drive - Intro Post | Directory Post
Links: Wattpad | Tapas (coming soon)
✨Genre(s): sci-fi, cyberpunk, action, drama, psychological, dystopian
✨CWs: government stuff, pandemic mention, gore probably at some point
When AlexiKa was a child, her world was changed forever when her family was forced to immigrate to the imperial city of Venicula after the Ebony Plague - caused by mysterious eumalyptus spores - infected her home town. Now a young adult, she works as a courier (and secretly an anti-corporation activist). When going on a delivery, she accidentally uncovers dark secrets and ends up infected with the same Ebony Plague that haunted her hometown as a child. But when she survives the illness and instead develops superhuman abilities, she joins a mutant resistance group to fight against the Veniculan Empire, the Gaia Corporation, and other mutants with immoral goals.
Adventures in Alsteria - Intro Post (coming soon!)
Links: N/A
✨Genre(s): fantasy, comedy, slice of life, action, adventure, LGBTQIA+
✨CWs: None ATM? Violence probably?
A trans femboy wood elf named Nel finds the homeland of his people - the rain forests of Falinor - and goes on an adventure to form a guild of adventurers! Still kind of in the vibes stage I guess, but I have some ideas formed for lore and characters. :> Something more cute and lighthearted for me to write in contrast to Ultra Drive.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I don't have much that I can share at the moment due to much of my writing being lost (school assignments or lost on old computers) or attached to other identities. I also had a looong writer's/art block.
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Please bear with us...
In the next few days you may encounter "blank spots" in the posts here.
We try to have the queue filled a month in advance. Or at least enough in drafts to make sure everything rolls along nicely.
This tumblr relies heavily on YouTube to keep content brought to you here in order. It helps keep track of what has been played recently and when a theme runs a certain way.
Over a hundred different categories on YouTube. Sorted by subject, artist, title. We've shared links to our lists with other tumblrs - Starting a page on Native Americans, here's the playlist of Indigenous songs. Music about voting, here's that playlist. Doing a piece on Joe Hill, take a look at our labor playlist. LGBTQIA2+ through the years, we've got you covered....
The use of YouTube helped us not repeat the same songs from month to month. Helps us find when a link is broken and to get a working one up. Replace a "album cover" version when a video becomes available.
Last night around 2 AM our YouTube was working fine. This morning at 8:30 it was gone.
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We are not creators. We have used YouTube as a list making holding device. To provide you music/content from their platform, to this one, ultimately driving traffic back to them.
We went to the policy page concerning spam, deceptive practices & scams. Not being creators ourselves, the bulk of it did not pertain to us.
We have appealed.
The reason you gave - "We have reviewed your content & found severe or repeated violations of our spam, deceptive practices & scams policy." I HAVE NOT RECIEVED ANY PREVIOUS NOTIFICATIONS THAT I VIOLATED ANYTHING. If I had I would have corrected it.
I don't make my own content. I have not violated these sections - "Video Spam" Misleading metadata or thumbnails. (I block channels that do.) Scams. (I block channels that do.) Incentivization Spam. (I block channels that do.)
"Comments Spam" I rarely comment. I have NEVER asked for money, promised incentives, claimed to offer full video content, posted links to harmful software or phishing sites, linked to counterfeit stores, invited/asked people to check out my own channel, or post the same comment repeatedly.
"3rd party content" I have never livestreamed anything to another person or platform. I do not use any 3rd party software (not even an adblocker.)
I make lists of music videos for my own private use for a project I am working on.
Got the automated notification that it was recieved.
Now we wait.
Yes we have disagreed vocally about some of YouTube's policies.
The F-bomb banning. Historical photos that can be found all over the web as being "too graphic". Any video that contains scenes from a protest (we don't see them taking down all the news and/or commentary channels for showing the same content.)
We can go on youtube right now & find content that violates youtube policies. Harmful or dangerous content policy Violent or graphic content policies Violent extremist or criminal organizations policy Hate speech policy Misinformation policies Elections misinformation policies Medical misinformation policy
But we get in trouble for violation of a policy that we have never come close to breaking.
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From the "Spam, deceptive practices, & scams policies" page. We NEVER recieved any warnings. Just "we have removed your page."
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Things You Should Know About A.Pheonyx (Me)
Formerly known as:
"BlueLotus Designs" and (more recently) "Crafty_Pheonyx" Some images may still have these Watermarks and will be tagged "formerly known as". New images will be watermarked with "A.Pheonyx".
I need to undergo a few personal changes due to a quickly, crashing mental health. This battle with my brain has led to pretty much a complete renewal/ restructuring of my personal and professional social medias. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, I wasn't very organized before and I don't think that helped anybody. Below is a little list (and TLDR) of 10 things (in no particular order) it feels like you should know before scrolling through my content.
THIS ACCOUNT HAS A CONTENT AND TRIGGER WARNING. This content is geared toward adults; minors who attempt to follow will be blocked. STOP HERE. PLEASE ASK FOR MY PERMISSION BEFORE USING MY CREATIONS, & PLEASE TAG/CREDIT ME WHEN/IF YOU'RE USING/SHARING IT. Be prepared for me to get punny and personal with myself on this page- it's part of my creative process. Additionally, for LGBTQIA2+ feminist prop*ganda, puns and witchcraft. While one day I want to be a successful artist and author accomplishing my dreams, for now I want to figure out balancing my personal and professional accounts/posting schedules so, I'm not taking commissions. Expecting perfection from me will just be disappointing for both of us (ask my parents). I'm doing my best; I'm willing to grow. Other social media accounts are linked below.
19+ C.W. (with a partial T.W.): My content is NOT made for minors, or easily influenced individuals. My content will occasionally include: s*xual, stoner, alcohol, horror, swearing, and other adult imagery/stories. My content will also occasionally be triggering for some individuals. The trigger warning involves (but, is NOT limited to): different kinds of ab*se such as: mental/psychical/relationship/etc., societal problems that affect myself/others, bloody/horror/macabre content, mental health/trauma, S*icidal thoughts/ideation/experiences, s*lf-harm, etc. (This isn't all the time but, it's often enough that I feel a warning is warranted.)
I previously had a bad habit for burring my posts in re-blogged posts so, my solution is to have a reblog-blog specifically for me to do that.
While I plan to run other media accounts (below) in hopes to boost my daydreams on how to make a living, I won't be opening accounts that're specifically dedicated to individual projects such as writing/comics/tattoo art/etc. (I can handle juggling "professional" and "personal" accounts at most right now. Maybe eventually I can separate my projects right now, it's just too much. Instagram Snapchat- (Coming Soon) TikTok- (Coming Eventually)
"Professional account" doesn't mean I don't get personal. A lot of my writing and art is fueled by my experiences, opinions, perspective, and mental health so, I do get pretty personal here. I recommend ignoring what doesn't vibe with you, or altogether unfollowing/blocking if need be. As I want others to be boundaried for their best interests this also means, I will block accounts as I see personally fit, my business endeavors are not included in that process. Additionally, this means this blog contains LBGTQIA2+ feminist prop*ganda, puns, and witchcraft. (See tags for more deets.)
I have NO intention of opening sales or commissions on this platform. I am a local artist who primarily paints/makes physical objects; I can't afford shipping products at this point in time, and I'm not planning for it. I'm on Tumblr for three (main) reasons: to find community based on mutual interests/opinions/etc., to show/see art & writing, and to find sh*tposts/memes.
My monetary goals (Short & Long term): Eventually, an online store would be nice but, a couple other things are currently my priorities. For the long-term: It'd be important to me, to make income off my writing (preferably my novel series, "Ruins" but, I also write poetry, short stories, and I'm working on a comic strip, "Blue & Siren") first.
As of right now, I'd like to get to a place where I'm comfortable; able to sustain myself (pay bills/buy food/etc.), consistently find success with markets, and give back to my community.
I changed my name because, "Crafty" felt (and was themed) too specific. 'Manifesting' can mean appearing, creating, or doing witchcraft, while also making a pun out of my name.
Posting Schedule- I'll be juggling my school, work, responsibilities, personal life, artistry, etc. though, I have an idea for how often I'd like to post. The idea of (hopefully) getting on a schedule would be to help limit my time spent doom-scrolling while also trying to make sure I keep up with posting regularly so notifications don't become overwhelming.
Practice makes progress, progress is a process, and perfection is a lie. I'm only human; I'm nuerodivergent, and doing my best. I'm bound to make mistakes, ret-con my own art/lore, and fall into mental-health pits/spirals/burn-out. I will likely not be consistent in what kind of content I post, nor how frequently, I do so. This isn't really to warn/apologize; it's to express that I want to cultivate a safe space for imperfection, to grow/learn.
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