#like I’m aroace but it’s fair enough
hi! omg for the small details for fictional kisses the 4 and 41 are so cute every time! it would be so sweet if you write them please
Thanks so much for requesting!
I’ll write both (I’ll tag you in the second one), but I’m not sure which one this is going to be (I’ll find out when I get there lmao)
4 - breaking the kiss but instantly pressing your lips back together
Remus was fine. Completely fine. He definitely wasn’t gripping his bottle so hard it was on the brink of shattering. There was absolutely no way that he was watching Benjy Fenwick chatting up Sirius at the Gryffindor party.
“Moony, I’m just going to take this.” James carefully pried the bottle, which had a crack working it’s way through, from his hands. “You know, if you want Benjy to leave Sirius alone, maybe you should go over and talk to him?”
Remus glanced at him for a moment, struggling to keep his eyes away from Sirius, who was now laughing at something Benjy had said. Sure, Benjy was funny, but he wasn’t that funny! What was making Sirius laugh so hard? He contemplated between thanking Benjy for letting him see that Sirius Black grin, or slapping him, because he wanted to be the one to make him smile like that.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said simply, through gritted teeth. James couldn’t help but chuckle then.
“Remus, I hate to break it to you, but you’re shit at keeping secrets. You look like you want to set Benjy on fire.”
Honestly, Remus had thought of that (fleetingly), but had decided he wouldn’t be able to do that, anyway.
“Just talk to him! You never know!”
He did know.
At least, he thought he did.
Remus and Sirius had gone out a few times over the Hogsmeade weekends. Remus was absolutely, 100% gone for him, but he wasn’t sure about Sirius.
Sirius flirted with everyone around him, and Remus couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that hit him every time this happened. The same, unsure, insecure nagging in the pit of his stomach, asking why the hell Sirius would ever feel the same way, that he was probably just passing the time, waiting until he got bored to move on to the next fling.
He wasn’t sure Sirius would want to make things between them exclusive, so he had avoided asking. It wasn’t until he saw James’ confident, reassuring expression, and turned back to find Benjy reaching out to squeeze Sirius’ arm, that he decided there was no time like the present.
If he was going to get his heart broken, he may as well just get it over with.
“Hey, Padfoot, everything okay?” He asked, standing just a little too close to Sirius, in the hopes of sending Benjy a more subtle message. He didn’t seem to catch on.
“Oh, Siri and I were just talking about the upcoming Hogsmeade weekend.” God, Remus hated that nickname. It sounded so insanely stupid. Especially coming out of Benjy’s bloody mouth.
“Were you now?” He hardly even noticed Sirius watching him with an amused smile.
“Yeah, we were.” Benjy shot Remus a glare, and Remus practically wanted to hex that look off his face. “So, Sirius, if you’re free-“
“I’m not.” Sirius cut him off without hesitating, eyes fixed on Remus. Benjy frowned, caught off guard by the sudden rejection.
“Oh, okay, maybe another time then?”
“I’m good. Thanks.”
“R-right, okay.” He walked away, slightly stunned, the two of them watching him walk away, before Sirius dropped his voice to a whisper.
“Jealous?” Remus couldn’t waste another minute.
“I want to be your boyfriend.” He said quickly, as Sirius arched an eyebrow, surprised. Still, Remus kept going, undeterred. “I know we said we’d just go on a few dates casually, no commitment or anything, but I- I want to be able to hold your hand in the Great Hall, without worrying that it wasn’t part of… whatever this is. I want to be able to call you my boyfriend, and I don’t- I don’t want to have to worry about pricks like Benjy dragging you off to the astronomy tower.”
“Benjy wishes.” Sirius muttered with a sly smile. “So… are you asking me out? Officially?”
“I guess so. If you want to, anyway.”
“If? I’m yours, Moony.”
Theirs eyes met half a second before their lips did, suddenly oblivious to the packed common room. Remus’ hand cupped Sirius’ cheek, as what had started as a small, chaste kiss deepened pretty quickly, becoming the kind of kiss that made Remus go weak at the knees, overwhelmed by the taste of peppermint on his tongue that was just so undeniably Sirius.
Remus went to pull away after a moment, lips barely separating before until a hand gripped the front of his jumper, pulling an all too willing Remus back in for half a second.
“Sorry, just didn’t want it to end.” Sirius whispered, breath ghosting across Remus’ face.
“Don’t apologise.” Remus’ brain was malfunctioning, really, hardly even getting those two words out.
All he could think about was that Sirius was stood in front of him, and Sirius was his.
No more anxiety, no more awkwardness, no more uncertainty.
It was definitely too soon to say anything to Sirius, but he knew, deep down, that Sirius was it for him. Sirius was his heart, his soul, his everything.
(I got really carried away with the novelty of the flirting so ignore how little of the oneshot is the actual kiss I swear the other one will be more dedicated to the kiss.)
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cuteniaarts · 3 months
Behold, my latest and most enamouring new obsession:
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Malina, Lady of the Chief of the Northern Water Tribe. As if Red Lotus child OCs weren’t niche enough
#my art#artists on tumblr#the legend of korra#lok malina#still feel like that’s too vague of a tag but I can’t come up with anything better for now#and yeah. she has completely stolen by heart and I don’t know how to feel about that#don’t think I ever was this attracted to my own art before#to be fair the design isn’t mine. it’s very heavily based on something nina drew back in 2021#because I did not have the energy or creativity to come up with my own thing#but the art is all mine and I genuinely adore it. super proud of myself which is a rare occurrence#anyways. kat and I spent three days digging this niche lower and lower and now have a he#*hell of a lot of lore about this basically nonexistent character#for lore about a lady from the North Pole a lot of it is rather hot… to the point my cheeks are burning non stop#I would say I’d let her do anything she wants to me but in my very specific aroace-adjacent case it’s more like#I’d let her tell me to do anything she wants to her#if that makes any sense and I have not completely lost my goddamn mind yet#okay. enough yapping. back to the art itself#lazy background because I suck at those and am not currently attempting to learn them. I’ll probably do that over the summer#about time anyway. my characters have been placed against an off-white background for far. far too long#this is the first piece in just over a year that isn’t tagged with sotrl. which is kinda weird tbh#I’ve been drawing my OCs almost exclusively for nearly 5 years so it is genuinely surprise I’m branching out#*surprising#less branching out and more diving from one hole into another but y’know#anyway. in my personal and very correct opinion she turned out absolutely gorgeous#her servants are way too lucky and unalaq is way too much of an idiot. no offence to vaatu but he could never beat out this#and I also have Kat’s personal and very correct opinion to back up my own. two against the void. once again we’re winning#I wanna draw her a lot more bc she has completely possessed my brain. I just wish character interactions were easier to draw 😭#I’ll figure it out. just need to fight my visualisation issues for a proper idea. brb#okay I’m almost at the tag limit so. in summary:#she 🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵
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fattocatto-wizard · 7 months
Finally! After over a month of waiting, I’ve finally found the time to finish my tower and reveal it to you all!!
Here’s what it looks like: (sorry if my art is bad)
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(Note: image is not to scale)
(Note: I am visible at the base of my tower in this image)
My tower is a cat tree! The tower is many stories tall and the parts of the tower are scaled up to accommodate medium humanoid beings at the same scale as a normal cat to a cat tree.
Getting up it without being able to parkour or being a master of teleportation is a big challenge. Most of the lower levels are easily accessible, however.
A fair warning; my tower has non-Euclidean geometry as certain rooms are bigger on the inside and may lead to rooms that were not previously there, rooms and platforms may move around when you aren’t looking, and you may be randomly transported to a different part of the tower without noticing.
Don’t expect to be getting anywhere important with that teleporting, however. You will not be brought anywhere that isn’t very different than your current position on the tower, and the upper levels are completely inaccessible via this method. Actually, when you’re climbing the upper levels, you may be teleported lower on the tower.
In the fields below it, I grow various herbs, potion ingredients, drugs, and other plants! Like catnip and weed! I do most of my alchemy on the first floor and the dungeon underneath.
The entire thing is covered in comfortable fluffy cat-tree cloth and I’ve enchanted the area to always be clear skies, and warm and sunny during the day and perfectly cool in the evening.
The sunsets here are absolutely stunning.
The front entrance is obviously locked and only I have the key, so please just knock on the metal knocker to the right of the door; it’s enchanted to allow me to hear it if I’m there. If I’m not there, it will alert you that I’m away and I do ask you to politely leave if I am not home. Unless I have invited you, then I will allow it to open for you beforehand.
The tower has been warded with a tall field of force that fits around the tower’s dimensions, so don’t expect to be flying in.
I’m always welcome for visitors, so feel free to visit whenever I’m around.
Only I can properly navigate the tower, unless I give someone access, which I may or may not do, depending on the circumstances.
The tower gets quite windy, but it’s never enough to affect you because of the enchanted weather. The wind is always a warm breeze.
My tower is situated to the northeast side of wizard island island, along the cliff side coast, just southeast of the gray wizard council local.
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From my tower, I can see most of wizard island, however a small portion of the island is blocked by the volcano. (Ex. I can’t see the Pirate Cove, Necrobotanist’s Tower, Ari’s Cafe, and Breakfast Wizard’s Diner and Cafe)
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Thanks for waiting patiently! Hope to see y’all around!
@mersinia @the-gnomish-bastards-hat @combustion-witch @average-void-wizard @odd-animated-armor @slymewitch @a-mushroom-dev @a-mushroom-wizard @mossy--wizard @mossthewizard @wizard-at-large @wizardothesea @wizard-island-island-smp @magical-bear-dubin @magical-fox @alchemical-overreaction @transtyranid @transgender-wizard @verylegalwizard @blooper-malte @aroace-wizard @good-wizard @good-wizard2 @gavamont @pollution-wizard @the-mighty-dalob @the-moth-wizard-of-mayhem @the-illegal-wizard-council @ashen-the-tiefling @the-necrobotanist @terrencetheshark14 @the-frog-wizard-leep @the-wozard-council @siley-the-wizard @profeshinul-wizurd @sluttyambiguouswizard @yourlocalbreadenthusiast
Sorry if I forgot someone!
Oh, and have a happy Thanksgiving! 🍁🌽🥧
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kiwinatorwaffles · 4 months
hmm. i'm usually not one to post about these topics but i think i've gathered enough thoughts on wilbur's abysmal apology towards shelby to form a cohesive message.
WARNING: the rest of the post will discuss abuse and also a lot of my personal experiences as someone who has hurt other people in the past. obviously not to the extent that wilbur has, but please move on it you don’t want to see it. thank you and stay safe.
being stuck in a hard place, whether it be living conditions, mental conditions, or any other factor, will naturally hurt the person going through those tough times. and hurt people hurt people. but i think there's a pretty Big Fucking Difference between doing bad things in the past and actually owning up to your actions after regretting it VS doing bad things in the past and turning a blind eye against those you've hurt to wallow in your own ego and misery.
i’ve experienced my fair share of abusive friendships, but when i was fifteen, i WAS the toxic friend. (yes, i’m aroace. friendships aren’t the same as a romantic relationship but they can be just as strong. i value my platonic bonds as much as allos value their marriages or date partners.) i was going through a huge depressive episode. it was tough for me, but during that time, i made fun of my friends' interests to their faces because i couldn't personally understand it, and i also vagueposted about the little things they did that ticked me off right where they could see it. it got to the point where they had to make a separate group chat to talk about their interests where i wouldn’t see it. i hurt all of them, and it ended in them confronting me about my actions. they put me in my place and called me out for my horrible attitude.
after seeing my friends' perspectives, i realized just how awful i was to them and sincerely apologized to each of them. i recognized their feelings towards my actions and didn't make excuses. even though i was going through a hard time myself, my abuse towards them was absolutely NOT justified. as i recovered, i made sure not to hurt them any more, and years later, our friendships are still going strong.
my experiences aren't nearly as extreme as what wilbur has done to shelby, but i think it's pretty fucking clear that his apology was flaming dog shit served on a trash dump. like, i was a fifteen year old. he's a Grown Ass Man with a big platform. he dug his own grave by talking about himself first instead of actually addressing his mistreatment of shelby first and foremost. he didn't even MENTION shelby by name. talking about his "strides to betterment" without even directing his apology towards the person he actually hurt is just pathetic. that whole spiel about how he "thought" the whole exchange was consensual is fucking wild. he didn't even apologize for that; he moved on right afterwards.
we can infer that wilbur has been struggling with being a person who has done bad things through his songs and lovejoy's music. he might have been going through a hard time and maybe even regretted it (though his apology really makes it seem like he's just doing it for damage control), that STILL doesn't validate any hurt he might have caused. the least he could’ve done is to sincerely apologize to shelby, even if she didn’t accept it. but he couldn’t even do that.
it's just disappointing that, as someone who has a platform of millions of followers, he displayed an act of shallowness. in the end, his attempt at sincerity fell flat and benefited no one, especially not the people he abused. if he had properly apologized, even if his apology wasn't accepted, it would've shown people in a similar situation how to apologize to the people they hurt in the past in a mature and sincere way.
so, yeah. FUCK wilbur soot. focus not on the fact that he has done bad, but that the one he abused didn’t get a proper apology. support shelby and other victims of abuse. listen to their experiences and spread awareness of these cautions. uplift their voices, not his.
for those who have connected to his and lovejoy's music that have gone through a similar dark time in their lives, i also extend my heart out to you. it must also be hard to see someone who reflected your struggles of betterment reveal himself to be someone who really hasn't gotten better at all.
but you don’t have to be like him. you don’t need to follow in his steps as long as you own up to your mistakes, even if you can’t talk to those you hurt anymore. in the end, what matters most is that you apologize in a sincere way and make sure you don’t repeat those mistakes going forward.
you CAN get better. if anything just so spite that british boy’s ass
thank you. kiwi out ✌️
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sabertoothwalrus · 1 year
out of curiosity, why do you not like zelink anymore? it never really appealed to me but I keep seeing art of it and I don't really feel the chemistry haha
HMMM well I still like it in some regards!
as kid I was almost exclusively a fan of OoT zelink. Like DIE HARD. Like it was my whole personality. I liked Link & Tetra a lot too, their dynamic is GREAT but I didn’t draw them as much. I wasn’t interested in TP zelink and I remember telling myself it was because “the designs are too hard for me to draw I’m only 9” and not that they had literally no chemistry 💀
It’s kinda wild cause I was already deep in the zelink trenches when skyward sword came out, but for some reason that game didn’t appeal to me at all??? idk if it was cause the game just wasn’t as fun to play, or if the designs put me off. It just didn’t hold my interest.
By the time botw rolled out in 2017, I was already identifying as aroace (<- spoiler I was actually a repressed lesbian) and had long gotten over zelink being the “default”.
Even my beloved oot zelink felt less realistic to me— I know it’s fiction and you can do whatever you want, but generally princesses don’t marry random knights (in child timeline, no one remembers Link’s heroism, so to everyone else he really would just be some random knight). I’ve come to appreciate oot zelink for its potential tragedy and complexity, with childhood friends-to-lovers, who are literal soulmates that share memories of war no one else in their world knows of, but for political reasons cannot be together. Their relationship would be messy and secret and bittersweet. Link wouldn’t even have anywhere else to go, since he no longer belongs with the kokiri. He canonically dies as a royal guard. He had children (TP Link is part of his bloodline) but he presumably died before they were old enough for him to teach them his swordsman techniques.
So far, botw zelink is one of my least favorite zelinks 🙈 I’m sorry I just don’t see it!! Which is INSANE because it’s by far been the most popular zelink in the past 15 years I’ve been in online fandoms for it. At most it’s unrequited and at least they’re both gay. To be fair I never actually beat calamity ganon 🤡 I’M GONNA DO THAT THIS WEEKEND SHHH and have managed to stay mostly unspoiled about botw’s ending, but I really don’t think,, that that alone will be enough to convince me. Idk. Maybe I’ll change my mind. Maybe totk will do it for me.
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whisperwillyou · 1 year
Do you have any good Hunter fics that are long and non romantic up your sleeve? Super not asking for a friend it’s for me
*rolls up my sleeves* oh buddy DO I EVER
Fair warning, I’m an angst gremlin so these all contain a healthy dose of the Sads™ but considering you’re also a Hunter fan, odds are you also enjoy the angst lmaoo
Most of these are Luz and Hunter-centric bc I love the Noceda Siblings and I’m nothing if not predictable 😌
Let us begin…
What We are is the Sum of a Thousand Lies
Ongoing 59k+
FAV FAV FAV FAV FAV my all time favorite fic, they captured both my FAVORITE flavor of Hunter characterization, AND my favorite flavor of Luz & Hunter interactions (+bonus Eda, Darius, & Flapjack!) it’s just *chef kiss* PEAK content. I reread it regularly
Ongoing 108k
Inside you there are two wolves, one is a sad lil boy and the other is the psychological embodiment of the obedient, brainwashed, soldier you were created to be, which your uncle programmed into you when he built you in his evil lab.
Burnt Out
Complete 3K
This one’s a short one but it’s one of my favs so I had to include it. ✨Sic fic✨
Even Sad Birds Still Sing
Ongoing 54k+
Hunter gets turned into a cardinal by a cursed gemstone. Ngl when the first chapter of this fic came out I thought it was gonna be more of a crack fic. I was unbelievably wrong and it is so SO good.
La Gaundière
Complete 12k
This one is some really good post Hunting Palismen Golden Gaurd era Hunter
To be or Not to Be
Ongoing 28k
Hunter takes some ‘me time’ after Hollow Minds and camps. He has a horrible time.
Peak traumatized Hunter seasoned with some great Noceda siblings content and a garnish of Hunter and Hooty friendship. 👌
Blood Moon
Ongoing 48k
Honestly I don’t know how to summarize this fic without spoiling anything, so just trust me, it’s so good.
Your hands do more than Hurt
Ongoing 27k
Darius and Hunter-centric, mind the tags though, this is a sad one
With Clay and Star Scraps
Complete (open ended) 48k
Hunter discovers that being a grimwalker comes with some super fun, funky, and not at all distressing side effects.
Enough to Leave Scars
Complete 14k
Post King’s Tide shenanigans of a former child soldier. ie ptsd
Oop hit the link limit lol rip
Learned Response
Complete 11k
Hunter fabulously misinterprets Luz’s relationship with her mother like the traumatized autistic he is.
With His Beak He Tries to Soothe Me
Complete 10K
Some really sweet Hunter and Flapjack content
ongoing 10k+
Camila adjusting to having four new kids under her roof and is unsure what to make of Hunter being… the way he is.
The Golden Brat
Complete 5k+
Coven Scout meeting the Golden Guard for the first time in person: “what’s with this sassy lost child?”
Hopefully you enjoy these!
Special thanks to all theses authors for the platonic content. You’re doing the lords work, feeding us starving lil’ AroAces 💕💕
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vacantgodling · 3 months
right, sexualities of all my MAIN characters from ALL my wips (as i can best describe them)
i'm leaving out rouge ocs like stellan or lauchlan just cuz they don't have a story they're just vibing lol. i'm also leaving out ones where i genuinely don't know yet like itri or seamus.
hyacinthus shrapnel (paramour) -> gay but extremely picky. he was wholly uninterested in sexuality and sex AT ALL until amon
amon (paramour) -> gay and he’s being very whorish about it
lavendula calderon (requiem for the monochrome) -> bisexual but hasn’t really been able to explore her attraction to non-men until the story starts.
erecia (requiem for the monochrome) -> straight-lesbian. she’s butch & troibemme (nb in this universe) but would consider herself bigender she/he in our terminology and fully considers herself both a man and a woman at the same time. she would honestly prefer the label straight-lesbian more than sapphic bc she’s not a woman all the time and that speaks to her experience more than anything.
narcissus spokes (prim & provocative) -> aro-graysexual (sex and romance positive). it’s something she comes to discover throughout her narrative. she doesn’t really experience or feel romance or desire for sex in a traditional way; she desires being wanted so she wants those things for herself but she doesn’t experience the actual attraction herself. she didn’t realize it bc on paper before her divorce, she didn’t have to question any of it—being with myrtus and being casually intimate but never hot and heavy seriously never bothered her. once he leaves though, through meeting new friends (i’m cooking) and generally going through it grants her new perspective.
tagetes gunn (empire) -> aroace (kink positive). the only attraction they have is to power.
kirsi sunniva (alizath) -> bisexual, with a preference for mascs
quill (teardrops of the gods) -> bisexual, with a preference for femmes
darren de leon (vampires don't take roadtrips) -> bisexual with a preference for mascs. he actually thought he was gay for most of his life until he turned like 14 and then he realized "oh, girls are kinda hot too"
julissa vaughn (donut wip) -> bisexual & polyamorous. the dream ending of this wip is her, joaquin, andres, saul and daisy ending up in a quintouple but alas.
noi randiche (noi, alone) -> nblm. they're nonbinary and they like men so. they don't really like labels anyway, but if they had to describe it that's what they'd say.
jenna magboo (jenna the reaper / jenna the witch king) -> bi-ace lesbian. she and carlos are in a qpr basically but in terms of fleeting romantic feelings she'd align more with lesbian (all of her 'crushes' have been women or femme-aligning but she doesn't experience attraction That strongly) but she also doesn't think she's had enough experience to say she's not bi also. lesbian is an important label to her especially because both of her mothers are lesbian, but she also knows she's young and likes the complexity of her labels.
carlos carvalho (jenna the reaper / jenna the witch king) -> aroace (sex/romance repulsed). in a qpr and is a caretaker of jenna - though when i say they're in a qpr its a very unspoken thing between them. like, jenna's whole goal is to become a witch and then make carlos her familiar so they're never separated, so i think that's very explicit about what they are to each other pff.
n blackburn (dead rites) -> the way that n barely registers his sexuality bc he's married to his work LMAOOOO. he'd say that he's pan, it really has more to do with the mental connection than physical attraction for him so anything is fair game (but again... married to his work actually)
beau bellerose (dead rites) -> gay gay homosexual gay
jihan (supernatural dads) -> pan, he's too old to have a preference and he's very open to experimenting.
hue rvynwell (supernatural dads) -> gay and he definitely had a crisis about it when he was growing up. however in his family it was such a nonissue LMAO they were like "why the hell would we care about that just make sure you have a kid" and whaddya know, he had 2!
piper fairwind (tcol) -> queer probably but she doesn't really think about any of that. if she were in our world, labels would be like the most meaningless shit to her LMAO.
san dearborn (tcol) -> aro-queer. romance is just not something she can wrap her head around however she does get into a... teammate with benefits relationship in book 2 that i think is funny as fuck.
deux undershield (tcol) -> literally the first cishet character to appear on this list LMAO
forte symphonia (tcol) -> bisexual
clear brightendale (tcol) -> gay and he's hiding So Deep in the closet he needs someone to tell him its ok to come out lmaooo (aka: literally everyone)
di absyna (lukewarm rejection) -> gay but at what cost (his strict religious parents being generally horrible is one cost pff)
toph (lukewarm rejection) -> bisexual and a menace, but mostly attracted to mascs.
nyseah nicoletti (nondisclosure) -> she's trans heteroflexible basically. she's mostly attracted to guys but she also definitely cares more about a connection than anything else so she's open to exploring. (also she's pff married to my partner they love her LMAO)
donte macbride (nondisclosure) -> gay but more than being gay, he's fucking exhausted.
alona springwell (nondisclosure) -> the second cishet to appear on this list LMAO.
dagmar (celestial weddings) -> being mspec and polyamorous is literally just the default sexuality of the world of celestial weddings so yeeee.
graves (the graves we dug) -> FAGGOT COWBOY YEEHAW. pff but yeah he's gay. and sad.
dove (the graves we dug) -> another faggot cowboy lmao he's gay.
calvin im (purple haze) -> the first cishet dude on this list
jake deluna (purple haze) -> bisexual but he has a rough time coming to terms with this.
nevaeh (god eater) -> tbh i don't think nevaeh even knows what sexuality is (being a beacon of paradise is a very isolating lot in life) but i think they're probably gray across the board. the idea of romance or sex isn't really something they have much of a concept in their brain yet but they're curious about it.
little bear (god eater) -> mspec polyamorous; he doesn't really have time for relationships most of the time but he's definitely open to being ridden by anyone who wants to give it a go.
taj (god eater) -> pan and very in... some sort of codependent infatuation with thei.
thei (god eater) -> pan and tired. in a codependency relationship thing with taj.
lennon rhapsody granger (gothica) -> a surprise cishet appears.
aurora o'rion (gothica) -> bisexual and a whore about it
morrigan briarcos (gothica) -> gay and longsuffering. lennon is his (1) exception.
chidori jonson (train master chidori) -> just generally considers himself queer :)
nyoka (the virgin of mt heredosa) -> demi. its verin or bust.
verin (the virgin of mt heredosa) -> mspec but he's a centuries old god so like the concept of sexuality is mostly funny to him. he likes what he likes.
red (red death and the oracle's favor) -> aroace (sex repulsed bc of trauma). her and hel are in a qpr and i'm obsessed with them and their relationship
hel (red death and the oracle's favor) -> gay but loves red more than he loves dick and that's saying something. he doesn't expect her to say it back or feel the same as him but she cares about him in her own way and he's extremely not normal about it. he also wants to jump arden's bones and Did.
arden (red death and the oracle's favor) -> gay but he can't be gay and the king so he's very closeted. not unaccepting of it but he definitely is not talking about it and only allows himself to indulge with hel under the cover of darkness.
ranger pellish (sixteen candles) -> aro-bisexual and Very sex positive. he's such a slut and he lives by that. him and nan are basically a qpr.
nanette rosenfeld (sixteen candles) -> lesbian but she & range are inseperable and she's definitely given him the strap on many occasion to make him shut the hell up.
tuker hayes (sixteen candles) -> disaster bi with a 13 year long crush on vani he's hopeless.
vanilla vega (sixteen candles) -> demi-pansexual <3
roger grant (sixteen candles) -> probably not straight but is he willing to admit that to himself right now? absolutely not :DDDD
marvin (marvin & linda) -> sexuality doesn't matter because the company is more important (probably gay but yknow. his identity is kind of irrelevant to him)
linda / stephen (marvin & linda) -> mspec but marvin's the first person he's had a connection with on a romantic level.
prosper morning (the white shirts) -> hasn't thought about it too hard, but he definitely thinks marin is attractive and he Hates That a lot.
jane morning (the white shirts) -> she hasn't thought about it before so unknown
marin (the white shirts) -> gay asf
noh bell (noble) -> gay gay homosexual gay space super solider teehee.
peri (peri & dandy) -> outside of dandy, most lifetimes he's demi-gay. but he's really only ever attracted to dandy
dandy (peri & dandy) -> outside of dandy he's pan but he's also only ever looking for peri and only sleeps with people who have "peri energy" (whatever the hell that means lmao)
utah (broken clouds) -> fagggggggggggggggggg
gator (broken clouds) -> faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggg
slug (broken clouds) -> literally they don't know or care about any of that.
sjaak de witte (btaf) -> if he were in modern times, he'd be bisexual probably. and suffering.
biscella (btaf) -> another surprise cishet but i think in modern times she'd also probably be bi i just don't think in the canon verse she had the thought or bandwidth to explore her attraction to women (much to azelie's sadness)
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princeblue · 5 months
I’m probably gonna get some hate for this but I dont really care because anyone who does that just proves they’re immature and can’t handle an opinion and/or facts. But let’s talk about Alastor ships.
There’s a lot of people who say that Alastor is canonically Aroace, and the fact is that he’s not. He’s canonically asexual, but vizziepop has not mentioned he’s aromantic as well.
Now I want to say this first and foremost, you CAN headcanon alastor as aroace, in fact as an aroace person myself I actively encourage it! It’s great! It’s fun! I understand the need/want to see a part of yourself in a character you enjoy!
But by saying he is something that he is canonically not only will create a negative and harmful space, those who WANT to ship alastor with someone will feel as if they can’t, that they don’t want to get attacked or hated on or made fun of, and that’s not fair to them for multiple reasons.
One being that if he WAS canonically aroace, aroace people can still date, it is quite literally a spectrum orientation, you have those who are willing to be open to dating with time, let’s just call this demiromantic or in the asexual case, demisexual, you have the people who are not at all open to dating, I’ve seen multiple names for this but mostly “loveless” and you also have the people who don’t necessarily want to date someone but love/care about them more than a friend, so you have queer platonic relationships.
These are all incredibly valid people and incredibly valid feelings and incredibly valid ways to date or to not date.
If vizziepop takes the direction, which I truly doubt she will to be honest, or if someone ships alastor with someone. They CAN do this, it’s not taking a canonically gay male character and shipping him with a woman, it’s taking a character who needs time and boundaries to develop a relationship. These are two totally different things.
I’ve seen this thing happen… not exactly consistently but almost enough, where people will see an asexual character and go “oh! They must be aro too!” And that is not valid, a character should be allowed to just be the one without people saying they SHOULD be the other, it’s harmful to the communities and nearly exclusionary to those who struggle with their identities already and trying to find out WHO they are HOW they feel about these things and once again, creates a confusing space for those trying to just enjoy their characters smooching.
So, if you want to write alastor having sex, you can do that, asexual people and their relationship with sex CANNOT be narrowed down to one type of stereotype of “oh, I don’t want to have it” which is VALID!! But it’s not the worldwide universal feeling, if you want to write alastor developing romantic feelings, however they may be, you can do that! If you want to write alastor being sexual and romantic averse. YOU CAN DO THAT.
But you have to do it in a way that is respectful and knowledgeable, state alastor became comfortable enough with his partner to have sexual acts, state that although he may not take a 100% physical role in sex but still wants to please his partner because he knows THEY enjoy sex and they come to an understanding and firm/respected boundaries.
And state that you don’t want to ship him, you don’t want him taking a role in sex, but just don’t be cruel about it; don’t attack people; don’t say he’s something he isn’t. Just say this is how you see him and respect others who don’t see him like that, I promise you they will understand that and respect it too.
I’m probably honestly wasting my time saying all of this considering it’s a character from an animated tv show, but it really bothers me when I see these people arguing when it does absolutely no good and all it does is stress you out and potentially ruin a thing you really enjoy.
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Hello....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
I can’t remember if I’ve done this before but it’s changed again recently. Most of these are gonna be books because I’ve had way too much time sitting around lately so I’ve had enough time to actually enjoy books without destroying my sleep schedule for it.
1. BBC Merlin is my all time favourite, I don’t feel like I need to elaborate, it’s pretty much all I post about on here.
2. Song of Achilles is still my all time favourite book and number 2 behind Merlin. I think I’m nearing 20 rereads total for it by now. It’s never boring and keeps me interested every time. Cannot recommend enough. I’d give anything to be able to read it again for the first time.
3. I’ve been reading quite a few classics recently, I had a lot of free time. I met another Greek mythology nerd so Iliad and Odyssey make my top ten again because they’ve been on my mind a lot more than I care to admit. (I know it’s technically two books but I always read them together)
4. And I finally got around to reading Iron Heart (sequel to Crier’s war) and it’s amazing. One of the best books I’ve read recently. I’m gonna leave it at that or I’ll start ranting but I can’t recommend it enough so definitely go read that if you get a chance.
5. BBC Musketeers is also really good, I started watching that recently. I’m only on episode 6 but it’s great so far. Santiago Cabrera’s hair is fucking gender. Also the show got me researching 17th century weapons and now I know a fair amount about capes so that’s fun. BBC is still shit at historical accuracy, but no surprise there.
6. The Great Gatsby because I’m that kind of nerd and I’ve been mostly rereading recently. Everyone is such an arsehole in that book but it’s so interesting to analyse and annotate. I read it in year 7 and hated it, then again in college and it wasn’t bad but 3rd times a charm I guess. I found it really interesting from an analytical perspective, but I wouldn’t read it for light reading or fun.
7. I’ve been avoiding anything new other than musketeers, just because I haven’t felt like getting to know a new set of characters and a new world. That being said, I rewatched the first season of Good Omens, Crowleys still one of my all time favourite characters and the show is great.
8. I rewatched Stars Align, always a fun one. It’s a great show and the art style is really cool.
9. Seraph of the end because I love vampire stories. The plot is really interesting, I still need to read the manga but the anime is brilliant so I want to read that soon. Also no romance (ignoring shipping) which my aroace self appreciates.
10. The Tempest because my cousin was studying it in school and asked for help so I reread it for her and got a little bit hyper-fixated for a few days, now it’s still just sort of in the back of my mind and I’m a Shakespeare nerd so might as well add it.
Thanks for the ask!
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leonardalphachurch · 6 days
Hey, found your recent ace donut post and wanted to share my thoughts on it. First as an ace person, it comes off acephobic, I know that was definitely not the intent but it still comes across that way. Especially in your remark about “ace tumblr user”.
Secondly I think my only real issue with the post was how seriously you took donut being gay as canon. Perhaps it’s just my perspective, but Donut to me has always been a big gay joke by the writers. So much so that it took me awhile to start to like him as a character because a lot of the time it felt like he was just there to be a cruel caricature of a gay person. A lot of the jokes felt hurtful, as some who has seen people irl say similar jokes about gay people, and the way other characters treated him upset me a lot. Overtime I learned to like Donut a lot but I really kept in mind how the writers saw him and treated him. He never seemed like an earnest representation, he felt like the punchline of a bigoted joke. Finally asexuality is a spectrum and many ace people make alot of sex/innuendos so it’s not completely out of left field to assume maybe that’s just how he expresses being ace. While I know that was not and never was the writers intent it does seem possible to assume that he could just be a flirty ace.
tldr: the writers are both ace and homophobic, I think the “gotcha” of making him ace was bad but he wasn’t great representation before. And if this is too much feel free to delete it, from your bio you’ve been in this community much longer than I have, and o like a lot of your posts !
1) i think you are a little bit reading me in bad faith here. when i say “ace tumblr user” i mean an asexual person who uses tumblr. nothing more, nothing less. i’m talking about how some random fandom member who makes a post about donut being ace isn’t really causing any material harm and therefore i don’t really care very much about it. when i say “ace tumblr user” i am making it clear that i’m critiquing the showrunners (and the fandom’s response to the showrunners) rather than any individual member of the fandom headcanoning donut as ace.
2) i think you are misunderstanding my point about donut being canonically gay (which is fair enough, that post doesn’t really go into it). i do not consider donut to be good representation (or really representation at all?). i think he is a pretty offensive homophobic caricature. i ALSO think, however, that taking your offensive homophobic caricature and having the culmination of 20 years of jokes about his sexuality be this:
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is. homophobic. the joke here is “what, you thought the character that we constantly made gay jokes about was actually gay? you thought the guy who consistently expressed interest in sexual acts with men was gay for real? well he’s not, and actually if you thought that he was you’re just perpetuating stereotypes” and that’s. that sucks. i think taking a character that’s offensive representation and trying to cover it up by saying he was never what he was representing in the first place is NOT the way to handle this. and. to be clear. as a bisexual man i would be making these exact same posts if the punchline here was that he was bi. the joke of “you thought the gay stereotype was gay but he really wasn’t!” is a common homophobic joke and the punchline being another queer identity doesn’t make it any less homophobic.
3) i know asexuality is a spectrum. i talked in the post about how it’s possible to write donut as ace without erasing his sexual and romantic interest in men. i don’t mean to sound rude here but i genuinely don’t know how to make it clearer than me literally saying “it’s not the act of making him ace that’s homophobic” and “if you maintain [his interest in men] while making him ace […] that’s not homophobic.” my favorite interpretation of donut literally has him as aroace. i’m not talking about the way people want to interpret the writing. i’m critiquing the writing itself.
and like. man. i just feel like asexual people deserve better than to have their identity be the punchline of a 20 year long gay joke?? like i am overstepping my boundaries here but. like. i don’t know! i think you deserve more than this! i think you deserve rep that’s more caring than “wouldn’t it be funny if the guy who talked a lot about sex… DIDN’T LIKE SEX???”
also please don’t feel like me being in the fandom for a long time means that you can’t critique me. like, i disagree with your analysis of what i’m saying here but i have absolutely no authority and if i say something you disagree with you are always welcome to discuss it with me
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theearlgreymage · 11 months
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It's still Wednesday in some places, so, we can still call this a WIP Wednesday. And if you disagree, consider this a Thirsty Thursday post since I only know how to write explicit content apparently.
Most of my projects have been revealed since my last posting - both COBB projects are officially up and in progress. And I've uploaded both of my gift fics!!
So now it's onto keeping up with updates and planning for COTTA.
Any who - shout out and thank you to the folks that keep on tagging me even when I fall off the face of the planet!! @ic3-que3n @ivelovedhimthroughworse @artsyunderstudy @shrekgogurt @fatalfangirl @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @nausikaaa @wellbelesbian @confused-bi-queer @you-remind-me-of-the-babe and @blackberrysummerblog
Now, without further ado, enjoy some snippets from some of my current WIPs (there are more, but we need to keep some things a surprise, right?)
Aster & Narcissus
(COBB Project with @ivelovedhimthroughworse that you can start reading here)
I’m used to being alone and having my life decided for me.  But I still never thought that my mother would go this far. To arrange a union behind my back and bind me to another. Effectively snuffing out any potential freedom I dreamed of in the dark of night.  No.  I won’t let them decide my fate anymore.  Running down the temple steps, I call upon years of brutal lessons. Calling to the grass beneath my bare feet to hide my footprints as I race across my mothers land. Heading towards the only individual that might hear my pleas for help and actually listen to them.  Ebb.  She’s a dear friend to my mother. I’d be a fool to overlook that, but she’s also the only one who isn’t afraid to chastise my mother in her treatment of me.  After I learned that the Nymphs under my mothers direction would never be my real friends, my mother left me with Ebb for a time. Entrusting the kindhearted Goddess of the Hearth to make me feel at peace. And she did. Ebb let me cry about how I only wanted to understand who I was and master the power I wielded without telling my mother my every word. Instead she stood up for me, trying to convince my mother to tell me the truth.  It didn’t work. But hearing Ebb take my side let me know that I would always have a second home with her if I ever needed it.  Right now I need it. Need her.
(COBB Project with @shrekgogurt and @artsyunderstudy that you can start reading here)
24 December 2020 It’s been five years since the world as we know it changed forever.  Five years since I lost Simon at the top of the White Chapel. Five years since I lost Vera, Daphne, Sophie, and Petra. The girls would have turned eight this year. The same age that Mordelia was when this all started.  After the incident with Gareth, I stopped going out on runs. Even if I wanted to, the whole lot of us were barred from leaving the QZ for nearly six full months. I didn’t protest. Enough damage had been done without my insistence to go back out into the wilderness of England.
Infinity In Your Chest Pocket
(To be updated soon. Feel free to start reading it here)
I’m going to strangle her.  Of all the things she could have chosen to say, she just had to remember the singular time that I told her what Snow looks like.  Speaking of Snow, his cheeks are flush with embarrassment at Delia’s comment. If I could blush, I would be - one of the few perks of vampirism. It unintentionally ups my poker face. The sight of a flustered Snow is one I am thoroughly enjoying now that I’m properly looking at him.  The extra color brings out his freckles even more, and makes the blue of his eyes stand out. It makes me want to swoon and fall into his arms so I can look at them even closer.  Instead, I try to give us both an out before Delia can continue to harass either one of us. “Come on, we can eat in my room.”  At this, Delia immediately pouts. “No fair! Why do you get to eat wherever you want, but I have to eat at the table?”  I just roll my eyes at her petulance. “Because I’m older.”  The fact that I’m older has nothing to do with it. My parents only allow me to excuse myself from family meals because of my fangs - they pop when I eat and it’s noticeable. So, they don’t mind if I take my meal with me to my room from time to time. 
Surrender to Your Lead
(Not a WIP or SnowBaz - but I just uploaded it this week. Based on art by @ic3-que3n So, enjoy a little snippet of it. Feel free to read it here)
My response only serves to rile him up further as he grabs my chin between calloused fingers and forces my eyes to meet his. "If you can't follow basic commands, maybe I need to put you on a tighter leash." At that, I let my eyes drop down to the leather that is in Erwin’s other hand. We’ve never done this before. It makes my mouth water. “Eyes forward, Captain.” Erwin orders. His breath is hot against my cheeks as I snap my eyes back up to his. With my focus back on him, Erwin leans down while pulling on my chin. Forcing me onto my toes as his lips find the shell of my ear. “Now you had better listen, and listen well,” his voice drops to something low and sultry. It makes me want to dig my fingers into his shoulders and drag my nails down his chest. “I am going to give you very explicit instructions tonight, and you are going to follow every single one of them.” The end of the sentence is punctuated with a teasing lick to the curve of my ear. Followed by a light bite to the skin just beneath the lobe. It’s taunting - I know he can bite far harder when he wants. “Is that clear?” Words seem impossible at the moment. So I simply nod my head as Erwin draws his own head back up without releasing the hold on my jaw. “I need an answer, Levi.” Licking my lips to buy myself a fraction of a second, I force my mouth to work. “Yes.” Wrong answer. I think to myself as Erwin frowns. His eyes darkening as he tightens his grip. Fingers sliding down and digging into my throat. A threat, a promise, of what’s to come. “Yes, who?” Erwin prompts again. The patience in his voice is wearing thin. “Yes, Commander.” I reply instantly.
Tags and Hello's to everyone I secretly admire below the cut ❤
@aristocratic-otter @bazzybellee @bookish-bogwitch @captain-aralias @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @cutestkilla @ebbpettier @erzbethluna @facewithoutheart @foolofabookwyrm-activated @gekkoinapeartree @henreyettah @hushed-chorus @ileadacharmedlife @ionlydrinkhotwater @j-nipper-95 @johnwgrey @krisrix @larkral @letraspal @martsonmars @moodandmist @mostlymaudlin @onepintobean @orange-peony @palimpsessed @prettylightsbigcity @skeedelvee @stardustasincocaine @stitchyqueer @tea-brigade @theimpossibledemon @thewholelemon @whogaveyoupermission @yellobb
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knifearo · 7 months
hi, i’m having a really hard time rn and i found a post of yours randomly on my dash, so i’m not sure if you’ve already answered a thing like this. if you have, feel free to just ignore this! if you haven’t though, how did you know you were asexual? i feel like romance is just a hypothetical for me, but i crave it so badly. it just feels like the second i try to put anything into action, im suddenly repulsed. but it also makes me so sad that i respond this way. am i just socially anxious, or does this sound like an aromantic who has fallen victim to societal standards?
hi hiiiii!!! first of all: i love you and you're doing great. second of all: being aroace, my discovery of aspec stuff kind of went hand in hand. i was lucky enough to have terminology available to me, and figured it out pretty young; i had a lot of the same stuff going on, though. when someone first suggested i might be ace, i (not really knowing enough about what that meant) said "sure, but i want a partner. someone who's always there with me and supporting me." later that year/the year after, i looked a little more into it and went, "oh, that's what it is!" and then it felt super natural from there to pick up the aromantic label too. to me, they've always been intertwined.
the actual things that helped me Figure It Out were definitely shared experiences (hearing people describe squishes was an aha moment for sure, and hearing someone say that they had thought sexual attraction was a joke and then realizing that it. wasn't an elaborate inside joke. very jarring lmao) but i definitely had the same hesitations when it came to romance. six or seven years after coming out, i've since realized that what i wanted wasn't actually a partner; i was craving intimacy and the feeling of being special and prioritized by someone, and the way i'd been programmed to want that was through a partner. i'm super strong about being non-partnering now, and i feel that all my needs in that direction are met by my close personal relationships, cause what i actually wanted was never romance; at least personally, it never occurred to me that you would probably want to like. kiss a partner. maybe share a bed or smth. not a single thought in my head about that lmao
if you're feeling repulsed, my instinct is to say that it's probably not something that you want. my advice here is to really examine what you're looking for. do you want romance because you want romance, or because amatonormativity has gotten it into your head that romance is the only way that you can have certain things?
another thing to consider is that amatonormativity can and will kind of like. program you to want romance. and it can be really hard to let go of that, even if romance is something that actively repulses/stresses you out. remember that you have a lifetime behind you of being told that romance is the greatest thing on earth, that it completes you, that it's life's ultimate goal, and that that stuff can be hard to overcome. i know a lot of people feel a fair bit of grief over losing the chance at romance, even if the reason is that they don't actually want romance. it's a strange place to be in. your prerogative here is to figure out your own personal relationship with romance, and however it ends up, that's fine.
it's also totally possible that you're aromantic and you just want romance. that's totally fine! wanting romantic interactions does not constitute romantic attraction, which is the core thing here. you can be aromantic and be in a romantic relationship. the external things are not as important as how you feel on the inside.
so much more that i could say, but i'll try and pause myself here for now. to quote one of my own posts: you can literally just be aromantic. it's free and nobody's stopping you. as long as that label is useful to you, it's yours. look more into amatonormativity, think a lot about things, and spend some time in community spaces; you have all the time in the world, and all the support you could ever want from me and the rest of the community <3 stop by in the ask box or the dms anytime! absolute best of luck to you. kisses <3
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rantceratops · 2 years
For fun, my personal takes on Huntlow:
I just want them to be happy and be with each other in some capacity(whether friends or romantic partners or even a qpr).
I think I see them both as some form of demi/aspec, though I’m also cool with pan Willow headcanons, too.
Hunter blushing at Willow is cute af.
Hunter calling Willow ‘Captain’ is cute af.
I do not think Willow’s lack of blush necessarily means she does not return Hunter’s feelings; Luz never blushed at Amity til s2 and imo didn’t seem to show as much interest til then, either.
Hunter and Willow are cute platonically or romantically and either way I want to see their relationship explored some in s3.
I respect aroace Hunter and/or Willow headcanons.
I have a kind of weird sense of what kind of romance I want to see with them that I can’t begin to describe, but yeah.
I just want Hunter to be safe and happy.
I just want Willow to be safe and happy.
I DO feel I’d like to see them be a romantic thing in some capacity because it’s cute and enjoyable to me, but I’m far from going to be upset if it doesn’t happen, as long as there’s no nasty falling out or some other such nonsense (which I don’t think we need to worry about). It feels kind of refreshing to be this chill about them, tbh. I just really love both characters, especially Hunter. They don’t HAVE to be shipped but I think there’s fair enough little evidences there that one can if they want to. We will see what happens in s3.
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girl4music · 2 years
Wednesday Addams is also a character that is morally grey in that her actions are very questionable but she expresses very black and white. There’s no balance.
The people she now surrounds herself with in Nevermore Academy (especially Enid) will bring out of her character important information. Detail that will help her discover who she really is and what she’s really meant to be doing. Morticia was right about that. The school will change her and it’s up to her to decide whether that change is for the better or worse. The deciding of that will be part of the evolution she will inevitably have going forward in the show. I’m sure her parents always encouraged her to be outgoing but I can only see a sheltered child at the moment who does not know of human experience outside family.
This show is a coming of age story. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing so long as it can cut back on the stereotypes of teen cult shows. Namely the romance/sexuality aspects. Not that she shouldn’t experience that too and discover whether it’s right for her or not. She should. But they shouldn’t make it such a focus. Because this character is interesting by herself. Just her being apart of an environment that she’s not at all used to will make for great art/entertainment. You do not have to push love/romantic storylines in our faces. If love/romance naturally develops - fair enough. But in that case, you have to find someone compatible with her in the sense that they can complement her eccentric personality. Her dry humour. Her penchant for morbidity. You already have that character in Enid. And I’m all for a love/romance between them so long as it’s written well. Meaning it needs to make sense and feel right within the context of the then-storyline and the development of both character’s individual arcs.
Even though I think it makes the most sense for Wednesday I know I’m not going to get aroace representation. I’ve already accepted that I’m not. I know it’s not going to happen because Netflix aren’t that cool. But in that case - I don’t want any love/romance for her character forced or contrived. I want it built up slowly, conscientiously and naturally. I want it to be a fundamental part of Wednesday’s overall growth as a character and not just some cheap throwaway plot like it was in Season 1 with Tyler. So yes, I agree with the Wenclair shippers. Enid is most definitely the best option for facilitating this. My only ask then if they go that route is that they don’t make it out like having no romantic attraction and/or relations is wrong or odd in anyway. ‘Cause if I’m not going to get the representation that I primarily want in Wednesday, the least I expect is respect for and to aro and ace people because I know there’s plenty of them that relate to and resonate with this character because she exudes aromantic and asexual by default. Which is why I foolishly thought that we’d finally have an aroace defined character in Wednesday Addams.
But this is Netflix. We’ll be luckily if we get Wenclair. It’s not completely out of the equation like aroace is… but it’s a big ask to make their new “IT” girl gay or bi. I’m sure Jenna and Emma will be down for it though and that’s half the battle won as if as I’m concerned.
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ubercharge · 2 years
rtmi just to show you can be aroace and still have things to say
When I was in middle school, all the kids from the neighborhood would play in this unbuilt lot on the cul-de-sac (there was one with trees, and one with a red clay hill. The one we most frequented was the tree one for various reasons). In this lot we did basically a miniature town rp with pinecones as our currency, and we made funny little shops to ‘sell’ cool leaves and rocks etc etc.
Well, the power had gone to this one girls head. She was one of the two eighth graders, so obviously Cooler ™ than the other younger kids and they had fun bossing the elementary ones around, but my sib and I weren’t really cool with that. We weren’t super confrontational though, and only really started saying something when things became obviously bias against us (like hoarding the precious pinecone currency especially from us and ‘not knowing’ what happened to our stores when they ended up in disarray when we returned the next day)
So I confront her one day, tell her that what’s she’s doing isn’t fair and that she should stop. She antagonizes me instead, of course, cause oh, what was I going to do? Tell on her? For a fake store? Which I mean, ye, I wanted to, but it pissed me off that she was acting like it wasn’t a big deal when OBVIOUSLY it was a big enough deal for her to be harassing two younger kids about it.
So I say this, and she gets upset. She starts calling me names and other means things I no longer recall (I mean c’mon it’s been well over ten years since then), but then that’s not working, so she says something about my sibling, who mind you, their only crime so far that day had been supporting me in saying we were being treated unfairly. Anyways, either way, that was not flying with me. She can be mean to me all day but she has no reason to be mean to my younger sibling, especially not /in front of me/.
A dastardly idea comes to mind as I recall that she had been complaining of getting her braces tightened earlier that day, and before I can run through any list of logical consequences my fist’s against her cheek in an astounding right hook for a sixth grader
She cries out in pain, clutching her cheek, and the younger kids scatter and I grab my sibling and we run too.
It’s the only time I had ever thrown a punch and i was worried that someone would tattle, but no one ever speaks of it apparently as I never get in trouble for it. We simply stop seeing them in the area, as the lot is next to our house, and no one ever brings it up if they do see us. The parents don’t know what’s going on, just that the groups has a falling out.
I somehow manage to keep this a secret from my mother until I’m 23 and casually mentioned I’ve only ever punched someone once and that they really deserved it and had to regale the whole tale to her. Hilariously, she says she remembers the fallout happening and having been confused, but that she had 100% covered for my sibling and I when the neighbors mom had come to ask about us.
Anyways, Idk how to end this, but just remember that it’s always okay to punch bullies 👍
based. unfathomably fucking based. anon you dropped this 👑
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whisperwillyou · 1 year
Someone just posted For the Future spoilers on one of my posts
I need to vent, please don’t look if you don’t want to be spoiled
Huntlow is Canon?
I feel so fucking betrayed its ridiculous
Why does this always happen to me? Why can’t a single one of my comfort characters remain untouched by romance??
I don’t fucking understand how they thought a romance was an important enough story element for Hunter that in ALL that they had to cut they were like yeah no, this stupid rushed romance for a charaters that half the fandom see’s as AroAce is definitely a keep :)
I didn’t want them to make Hunter AroAce. Literally all I wanted was for Hunter to remain single so I wasn’t forced to watch another one of the characters date and kiss and be romantic it really doesn’t seem that fucking hard.
But I guess the owl house has one(1) canon AroAce character who got the Dumbledore treatment and has never had her identity directly addressed or even hinted at so I should be satisfied right??
Part of me wants to believe the person was lying just to be a dick. If I don’t look at the tag I can pretend it isn’t real.
God, I’m not even gonna be able to watch the last episodes now.
This just isn’t fair
But I guess Huntlow shippers got what they want.
Congrats another romance to add to your limitless amounts of romances. Whoopee
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