#like comic dream frustrates me so much sometimes
the-cloudy-dreamer · 2 years
Neil Gaiman writing Sandman, probably:
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And then he made Dream the sulkiest, saddest most frustrating yet somehow lovable character of all times and made it all of our collective problem 🤷🏻‍♀️
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kharmii · 5 months
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A collection of messed up family dynamics. The translations were confusing on these first ones, so I'm going to attempt to give a summary of what I believe is going on. Comic starts out showing why Dabi and Geten complement each other well. Child Dabi (Touya) is burned by his own quirk, so his mother with an ice quirk uses it to calm the pain. Meanwhile, Child Geten sees ReDestro get burned, so he used his ice quirk to comfort him as well.
Side note: Some fans head canon Geten got his quirk awakening by seeing ReDestro get burned. That's an interesting idea. It would mean ReDestro had him before he knew the full extent of his power. He may have just known the potential through the Himura name and therefore he still saw him as a powerful pawn.
Anyway, Geten, -while asleep dreaming- grabs Dabi's hand while reliving the memory of using his ice quirk on ReDestro's burns. This makes Dabi relive the memory of his mother using her ice quirk on his burns. Geten tears up in his sleep from the memory. Dabi wipes his tears, then dabs blood from his ripped stitches onto Getens mouth (Geten exclaims 'What!?') and they kiss.
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I'm not sure if Geten wakes up disgusted, or if he is still asleep and his dream turns bad. He yells "YOU!!" in a way like he's full of disdain and also says, "This must be someone's ploy!"
Dabi replies, "Don't blame others."
Geten: What a place...Shhh...
Dabi: You came here half asleep, right?
Geten: I do not remember!!! Lion tongue! (reference to his mouth being spikey, unpleasant).
Dabi: ...Ice Yarrow...(same, yarrow has thorny stems) The inside of your mouth is also cold.
Maybe I'm just too hot...Yeah.
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Dabi gets drowsy from the cold and says, "The cold one....I don't hate it.................
Geten kicks him in the head and says, "Do not sleep!!! Wow. I hate it!
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Once again, Dabi has memories of being soothed by his mother's ice quirk while at the same time, Geten (who looks similar to Dabi's mother) has memories of using his ice to sooth someone's pain.
Geten says, "The hot one too. I hate it."
That's when the reader realizes that he was acting out in frustration over Dabi being in pain just by existing.
Meanwhile, Dabi is feeling blissful and relaxed from being chilled so much. He tells Geten, "In that case, please do it just right."
They are good again.
Next collection is a sad 2-part comic showing Child Geten being looked after by ReDestro. Geten can't sleep one night -and feels sick at heart- so he comes to sleep in ReDestro's room. ReDestro says, "Can't you sleep, Apocrypha?" then tells him not to act like a dog.
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Geten bringing a dog bed into ReDestro's room then getting told not to call him 'Dad' while still being comforted and cuddled represents to me that he's being raised as a beloved slave, not a son. This way, ReDestro can brainwash him into being constantly agreeable and a comfort to him (as opposed to how biological children can be infuriating and total pains sometimes), and he can be emotionally distant enough to put Geten's life in danger during quirk training while not having to fear for him the way he would a real son.
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Goofy comic where Geten collects Meta Liberation War books, and ReDestro tells him he should distribute them to other people to spread the word. Geten doesn't want to share. Since the text is small, I'll post a translation here:
Curious: We have finally surpassed 600,000 copies!
Re-Destro: Wonderful.
Expressions that are easy to understand for young people...
However, I have always been concerned about the changes in the wording of the original text.
It's important, but it's still a shame
I would like you to consider making a complete reproduction version when you reach the million copies mark. It's my dream.
Geten: million���……ReDestro... I can buy 50 more books this month. *looks sharp* Your dream is mine!!!
ReDestro: It's apocryphal to buy wastefully anymore...stop and distribute the stock for missionary work.
Geten: I won't give it to anyone!!! Your dream is my treasure!!! Wasting it!?!?!?
(My pocket money has decreased)
Art credit: yaoi, hrak (yaoi), My Hero Academia BL 3000+ bookmarks / (※注キャプション)荼ホ+外荼外の今までに描いた漫画 - pixiv
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My ''hot'' takes about DC
The reason the word "hot" appears in quotes is I'm not sure if what I'm about to say is truly controversial or if my opinions are one of the most lukewarm there could be.
Number 1. Scarecrow's character (or lack thereof)
I'm confident in saying that it's a fact at this point that if you're not part of the Bat Family, Gotham Sirens (Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, and Suicide Squad by association with Harley), or the Joker, DC doesn't care about you. They might toss the Riddler a bone if you can call being a butt-monkey that.
Scarecrow is less of a character and more of a writing device when the creators want a character to face their fears but have no idea how to do it, so they'll just have Jonathan spray or inject them with his fear toxin.
On the surface, it's not a bad idea. It's not about the cliche, it's about how it's used. Many times we don't even get to see what the characters are afraid of personally but just some random scary imagery because the writers aren't smart enough to come up with a fear that would fit the character. Remember that one episode of Justice League where Flash has a scary dream that he's moving so fast no one can see him or Hawk Girl wings got tight up and she started falling to her death?
But probably the most frustrating thing is how he gets defeated. When Batman or some other character is done with overcoming their fear, Scarecrow just gets punched or defeated in a different humiliating way. My question is this. What was he doing the whole time his opponent was having their little episode? Was he doing some research and taking notes? Was he trying to get away? Was he getting himself off by watching? What?! And I know Scarecrow isn't as good of a fighter as Batman (although he does know violent dancing unless DC forgot about that) but is it too much to ask for them but up a bit of a fight before going down?
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Which brings me to my next point.
2. Double standard in fighting.
I hate the ''Batman just goes around abusing mentally ill people.'' argument. You can like villains, villains can have sympathetic backstories but that doesn't give them a pass to do whatever the hell they want and hurt other people. But I can understand where people might get that idea from. When a comic never shows any people in danger or hurt from the actions of the bad guy, because the writers are pussies, it might look like Batman is overdoing. Especially when the most brutalized are humans with no powers like Joker, Scarecrow, and Riddler. But when Batman fights Bane or Killer Crock it's usually him who gets brutalized. Which makes sense. But don't get me started on a double standard between male villains and female villains. A female villain will never get as bad of a beating as a male villain even when she's done way worse things and has powers which make her a much more dangerous and allow her to tank more hits.
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Which is similar to my next pet peeve.
3. ''Dating Catwoman''
Am I the only one who hates when a hero gets horny for a bad guy and lets them get away? As I said before it can be done nicely. It can show how love can change someone for the better. Or a hero going down the bad path. I especially hate it when it's done with the character this cliche was named after. Catwoman most of the time has no backstory explaining why she does what she does. Sometimes she stills from the rich to give to the poor. But most of the time she does it just for fun. In most stories she's in she's shown to be smart, pretty, fit, and all around girlboss. She could work and earn her own money to give to those in need, marry some rich guy, or be a gold digger.
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clowningaroundmars · 6 months
prowlerbyte hcs
ok..... yall got me. you did. i ship prowlerbyte now 😅 and i'd like to throw out some Thoughts about them bc damnit if this ship doesn't have some Flavor to it that i'd like to share with you all 🤌
both margo and miles g here are from earth 42 tho bc i think miles g has been thru Enough and he deserves someone in his corner in his own universe, besides his family members
LOTS of words under the cut ↓
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♡ weirdgirl nerd x edgyboy nerd 100%… you just KNOW IT. miles is absolutely a geek either for comics or anime and he only opens up to his closest friends to let them see that side of him, no one else. margo brings that side out of him often when they meet up (but miles is still p reserved if anyone else is with them)
♡ margo is a fantastic singer and hums mind-blowing runs as easily as she breathes and miles absolutely loves it. when she's depressed, she sings a lot less so whenever she DOES sing that's how he knows she's in a good mood. he loves having her over bc he gets to pull out uncle aaron's old secondhand record player and place rnb and 90's hiphop vinyls on it, playing soulful music that she hums to as they parallel-play or do homework together
♡ when margo first convinced miles to let her do his hair, he was hella worried that his mom would disapprove and chastise him once she saw but she was surprisingly very supportive of it, although a bit hesitant. eventually she was grateful she didnt have to braid her son's hair as often (being a single parent is exhausting enough lol)
♡ rio42 ofc had the same reaction to margo as rio1610 when she 1st met gwen, but when margo eventually started showing up more and more to hang out with the morales fam (and aaron too lol), she grew on rio. they both keep a close eye on miles and try to keep him going towards the right path
♡ in their universe they both go to visions and even have a class together, and they are both very very academically competitive. rio doesn't need to stay on miles' ass about his grades bc margo is right there taunting him with an A+ on a test every single time
♡ they actually ACTUALLY study together in the library or in miles' room during study sessions. neither of them can afford to fall off wrt their grades and they both have big dreams they wanna achieve: margo wants to become a hardlight technician and apply for oscorp (much to miles' chagrin), and miles wants to continue his engineering and robotics career so he can provide for his whole family
♡ margo's parents constantly fighting means she is often over at miles' house more than he is at hers. it actually took her an embarrassingly long amount of time to finally invite him over because she never wanted her parents to know he even existed, let alone actually meet him at all. miles was at first kinda offended she didn't want him to meet her parents even after they got together but when he heard them arguing in the background during a call one day, he finally Understood
♡ after he found out about her crappy home life (and also secretly told rio), she was welcome to stay more often at his place. she has a blanket, a few clothes and several diff books and console games lying around in his room
♡ it honestly also took them both a ridiculously long time to finally start dating. everyone around them shipped them but they remained friends for a long time bc miles was just too closed off and scared to let anyone into his private life like that. also i hc they are both on the ace spectrum but don't realize it until later (listen i see purple characters and i HAVE to wave the ace wand on them ok 😭)
♡ margo is sometimes frustrated at miles for being so secretive and hiding his emotions behind walls, as goofy and dorky as he can be. she wishes he would just come out and be more honest about his feelings but understands that after his dad's passing, its harder for him to communicate his emotions
♡ she was the one who asked him out first, actually. he was beating around the bush way too much and so she finally put her foot down and initiated the relationship
♡ in public or with strangers they are: sunshine x sunshine protector. in private or with family n friends they are: "EXCUSE ME! miles asked for no pickles ☝️" esp since margo is the extrovert and he's the introvert.
♡ miles is actually p jealous and protective of margo and she finds that hilarious.
"i don't need any protecting, babe. i am a certified badass," margo says, flipping her box braids.
miles laughs, winding boxing wraps around his hands and standing in front of his giant punching bag. he looks over at his girlfriend sitting on a bean bag, with her adorable kitten t-shirt and fluffy sweater and grins even wider. "yeah… aight, sure thing."
margo scoffs, noticing his line of sight and looking very offended. "i may look cute and unassuming but that's exactly what i want our enemies to think! it gives me an advantage!"
miles hums, nodding. "mhm. advantage to do what, exactly?"
margo throws an empty soda can at him, which miles easily dodges as he laughs harder.
♡ it's funny, bc on the outside they seem like the stereotypical traditional straight relationship with a macho boy and sweetheart girl. but in reality they're both sarcastic snippy geeks who can both throw down in any verbal argument. and miles adores his gf, he's completely whipped for her. lets her paint his nails and everything, and if anyone tries to make fun of him for it, he doubles down and threatens to fight them over it
♡ they are THAT couple that wears lowkey matching outfits every once in a while. they actually enjoy shopping together which was a relief for both of them bc miles LIVES just to go sneaker shopping and margo absolutely loves trying new things on in the dressing room. theyre also both fashionistas in their own ways and love to accessorize. they swap accessories a lot
♡ whenever they hit up a bookstore, they are the first to head right on over to the manga section. right afterwards, they make a beeline over to the science fiction section and compare their purchases together after leaving
♡ miles is absolutely the "idc what my girl wears bc i know how to fight" boyfriend. margo doesn't go out in revealing outfits or anything, but looking a little TOO adorable in a dystopian city can sometimes paint a target on your back and so miles makes sure she's with him at all times if she wants to put her braids up into heart buns or wear a dress outside
♡ any hardware or mechanical problem that margo has, she takes it straight to miles. miles takes any software or coding issues he has to margo. if those software issues have anything to do with his prowler gear, however… he tries to isolate the issue and explain in vague terms what the problem is to avoid telling his gf he's actually the prowler
♡ no, he has not revealed to margo that he is the prowler yet. he's terrified to see her face when she inevitably finds out anyways, just KNOWING it would doom their relationship to a breakup if she ever figured it out. he does everything in his power to keep her from finding out his secret, even if it means disappointing her when he misses out on dates they set together
♡ they are both total champions at whatever multiplayer video game they get hooked onto. their personal faves are mmorpgs and battle royale games, but they are UNBELIEVABLY competitive when it comes to party games and even board games. they absolutely wipe the floor if they get to team up together
♡ tbqh they're the EXACT level of nerdy that they would consider playing video games in their separate homes as a date. "mmorpg and chill babe?" miles texts margo sometimes as a joking way to ask her on an online date. every minute they spend on voicechat as they kick digital ass together counts as quality time for sure
♡ even tho she's kind of embarrassed about it, margo has an absolutely huge plushie and figurine collection. she was worried miles would judge her SUPER HARD for her lowkey (highkey) special interest in anime figures when he 1st came over to her room, but immediately felt relieved when miles practically flew up to a rare figure she got secondhand from a japanese seller online and started ooohing and aaahing about it
♡ he actually tries to put aside whatever he earns prowling around the city for his mom first. then whatever's left over goes right to margo. he likes taking her out shopping and letting her pick out two or three things and seeing her beam like a sunrise before giving him a kiss on the cheek
♡ miles tries to hide his prowling behind the excuse of getting a job with his uncle at the family auto shop. every time he has a job to do or needs to leave suddenly, he blames it on "an emergency/new car job at the garage". margo eventually starts hating the word "garage"
♡ get either of these 2 to start talking abt their special interest, and it will be like Infodump City in there in 2 secs flat. they listen to each other's infodumping with hearts in their eyes, ESPECIALLY miles. margo goes "hey can i just rant to you about my new interest rq" and he goes "yes ma'am 🥰"
♡ everyone thinks margo is the one who cooks and cleans but hell no. miles is a neat freak whose room is the total opposite of margo's and he spends a lot of time alone at home when his mom is working a double shift and his uncle is out trying to secure another job for them. he knows how to cook like a damn chef by the time he's 16 (and also rio42 is not a toxic boymom. she will not raise any lazy needy son, her boy WILL know how to do laundry, cook meals and wash the damn dishes!)
♡ margo on the other hand tries to avoid the kitchen as often as possible and gets panic attacks when having to clean anywhere else but her own room bc of bad memories of having to sweep up broken glass after hearing her parents have violent fights that left the apartment in tatters. she never got to learn how to cook bc they never taught her, either
♡ margo is actually p traumatized from her parents' constant hateful fighting that she tries to squash down or hide behind a confident mask. but sometimes it pops up in ugly ways like when miles accidentally slams a cupboard door too loudly or a sarcastic comment sounds a little too bitter. her knee-jerk reaction is to always distance herself from miles a bit as a coping mechanism, which they had to work through
♡ miles' own grief and loss traumatized him beyond belief too ofc. after his dad's passing, his anxiety grows and he becomes more withdrawn, easily tired, and forgetful. it becomes worse after he becomes the prowler, bc dipping into the NYC underworld every so often gives p much anyone a healthy dose of paranoia. plus it takes some time away from his gf on top of all of that.
♡ if they're ever at parties or get-togethers at all, its always margo initiating conversations and meeting with people, making introductions and chatting happily. she always happens to have a quiet, chill miles-shaped shadow with her the whole time
♡ if margo was going to date miles, he told her one time, she was GOING to learn how to dance bachata and salsa. throw in a lil reggaeton in there as they get older and rio becomes a TINY bit more chill with seeing them on the dancefloor. they actually become much better at dancing together as they practice at family reunions and birthday parties
♡ miles carries around plush keychains and other trinkets that remind him of margo. he's a total sap when it comes to her, even if he tries to hide just how much he loves her sometimes. his phone's lockscreen is something dark or aesthetic like a city skyline or whatever but then when he unlocks it, margo is always his wallpaper
♡ aaron likes margo, he really does. he worries that miles doesn't have enough friends but he's happy that his nephew has a gf that is genuinely good for him. they all have a great time together whenever they do get downtime to chill together, like playing cards or helping aaron clean the garage
♡ that being said, aaron loves to pretend to sabotage their relationship as a running joke and watch miles get all riled up about it. it is hilarious to him, never gets old.
they're giving the garage connected to the autoshop its bimonthly deep clean just ahead of the yearly inspection.
it's a sunday, the only day of the week that the shop is closed for business and miles is on corner duty once they get down to the concrete floor. he's tasked with using the short hard brush attached to a long wooden handle to scrub the dust and grime out of the neglected corners. margo is scrubbing the middle with a much bigger sturdier widebroom, and aaron--being the tallest ofc-- has the duster on an extendable handle, swiping through the metal rafters and high shelves.
he notices miles struggling a bit with a mysterious stain in one corner, repeatedly attacking it before finally crouching down to shove the brush even harder against the floor with his hands.
aaron casually sneaks backwards and catches margo's attention with a smirk and a point of his chin. she swings her gaze around to her slightly frustrated boyfriend crouched down into a corner and starts giggling.
aaron grins as he suddenly says, "so yeah, thats why i got miles here on corner duty, usually. y'know being a little guy and all, he can do all that that someone as tall as me can't really do anymore yanno what i'm sayin? he's real good in those small spaces. that's why i'm up here, dustin' these rafters."
scandalized, miles springs back up with a "hey!!" and a withering glare shot their way. margo bursts out laughing.
♡ miles is the little spoon and margo is the big spoon, fight me abt it. his fave cuddling position is actually when his arms are wrapped around her and her cheek is laid against his head. otherwise, he loves his weighted blanket, and margo loves her warm mattress ♡ when they're home alone and on the couch watching movies, his back is usually to her side as he half-lays on her, using her arm as a pillow
♡ margo is def not a sports kind of girl but she tries for her bf. he and aaron are very much into basketball which she tries to keep up with just to join in on their convos. she always attends miles' boxing matches tho, ofc. she actually likes watching boxing matches in general! aaron gives her some old tapes of his own matches when he was younger and that's how margo gets into televised mma fights and ufc. she's always cheering for miles the loudest in the audience
♡ miles actually uses margo sometimes in his workouts. the proudest day of his life was when he was able to have margo laying on his back as he did pushups, and he made it to 10 before tiring himself out. she's the one holding his feet down as he does sit-ups and ab crunches. she tries to join in on his workouts too, and gets p good with the speedbag relatively quickly!
♡ miles-- being the paranoid guy he is-- happens to be the one to teach margo all of the effective self-defense moves. she thinks he's always exaggerating the danger out on the streets but she can't lie sometimes; whenever she's out past sunset with her keys in between her knuckles, she's just a TINY bit glad that miles taught her how to escape a rear chokehold
♡ margo is the soc media girl who is embarassingly online and posts about anything and everything of her life. new website coded? met a stray cat on her way over to miles'? bought a new manga? invented a cool gadget? they always show up in her followers soc media feed. she tries to get miles to pose for pics with her but he's mostly content to just be the guy behind the camera tbh. his own soc media account is pretty boring and bare since he rarely ever posts. he's got other things on his mind, errands to run
♡ the one and only time margo has ever seen miles cry was right after his dad died. the whole neighborhood got the news and she ran straight over to miles' apartment the minute she could. they climbed into his bed (the only time rio didn't reprimand them for it) and he just sobbed his heart out while they held each other for a real long time. she brought over homework and notes when he stayed home from school to recuperate
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istadris · 10 months
You told me you had Antasma headcanons. Go. Nuts. And tell me EVERYTHING!!!
Okay first of all : I think Antasma's potential is severely unexplored.
Granted, that's on me for expecting too much depth from a Mario villain. Still, it annoyed me that Antasma has such a cool design and concept...yet I was frustrated with how his comical "screeching bat with a Dracula accent" side was really played up despite being the main antagonist...
And then the betrayal. Again, it's a Mario game but even then, was I the only one frustrated by how obvious it was that Bowser wasn't going to share the victory with anyone ? It's presented as a surprise, but come on Antasma, even if Bowser was willing to share, you weren't exactly subtle with your manipulation.
Yet I love this character so much!! Onirism and nightmares are such fascinating themes and Antasma vs the Pi'ilo explores them, but it could have been pushed even further!!
In general I think Antasma's flaws are M&L: Dream Team's general flaws : amazing concept, but the story takes a lot of efforts to get to the interesting part and some of the jokes could have replaced by more interesting moments.
And it's interesting how it sometimes feels like Antasma and Dreambert have some kind of history; at least that's how I see all the moments where Dreambert tries to appeal to Antasma, and even how he pities him once Bowser turns on him...or maybe that's just me reading too much into details.
ANYWAY regarding Luigi and Antasma, I also have a LOT to tell about them :
I find it very, very interesting that even before any of the characters had any hints of Antasma & Dreambert, Luigi dreamed about him...and not just Antasma in his bat form, but in his most powerful one ! And it's never explained ! how did it happen ?? Did Antasma feel Luigi's "attunement" to the Dream World and try to exploit it ? Does Luigi has divination abilities ? We just don't know !
Another little frustration I have is that Antasma never pays any attention to Luigi...even if he's the key to fight him back. Without Luigi, Mario wouldn't be able to get to the Dream World, nor would he have enough power to fight the bat king. (Technically, Luigi is also responsible for Antasma's return, since he opened the first portal by taking a nap in the Pi'ilo castle...)
And it drives me insane ! But it makes sense at the same time, everyone always overlooks Luigi, except Mario, who knows his brother is the strongest ally he can count on! So while Mario isn't suprised one iota by it, their ennemies are always baffled by the brother's victories relying on Luigi.
But for real, all Bowser and Antasma had to do was to kidnap Luigi while he was asleep and either wake him up and force him to stay awak (and trap Mario in the Dream World), or keep him asleep but trigger effects by exposing him to elements that would slow Mario down...or just end his game. Like, the solution was there, guys.
Antasma's boss battle is my fave of the entire game because not only does his musical theme SLAP, he also has interesting moves...and he can PUT SOMEONE TO SLEEP IN THE DREAM WORLD!!! And he can CAPTURE DREAMY LUIGI !!!! Something that is NEVER done before this moment !! He changes the rules ! He rewrites the game !! How to not like it !!
But for an eventual AU where Antasma comes back, I have two very different ideas of how it could go :
Option A : the Redemption Road.
The battle left Antasma so weakened he barely survives in the Dream World. He doesn't even have enough energy to be angry anymore. He's just wasting away, waiting for his end. He doesn't recognize this part of the Dream World and doesn't care. He's dying, and for the first time, he's scared.
But what he doesn't know is that he's not trapped in the typical Dream World...but in Luigi's dreams. Luigi who has had strange dreams for weeks where he feels there's something with him whenever he dreams, but can't find it.
As his sleep gets worse and worse, he ends up returning to Pi'ilo Island, hoping to get help from Dreambert. Except the prince is currently away or too busy, which bums him a bit. Thankfully one of the Pi'ilo accepts to help him, or maybe he just finds a petrified one who hasn't been freed yet and despite not having Mario with him, he decides to try and rescue them by himself.
...Oh waaaaait. What if that petrified Pi'ilo is actually Antasma ?
So Luigi travels in the Dream World...and finds Antasma, curled on himself, pathetic and near death. A miserable little bat.
Who immediately jumps on his face and tries to feed off him.
What ensues is Luigi first panicking, but being too kind to just abandon someone in need, (not to mention he DOESN'T want Antasma stuck in his dreams anymore!!!) and being forced to cooperate with the bat king to free him.
Of course it's a long and frustrating road...and yet for once, Antasma isn't threatened or confronted or betrayed. He's lonely, and not used to kindness, and he ends up slowly warming up to this fool.
Option B : The Smart Villain Road
Antasma manages to survive and goes into hiding, and plots his revenge...but this time, he's learned his lesson.
He's been right before about Bowser being a more useful ally because of his power. But he realizes that not only Bowser is too egoistical to ally with, but he isn't even the most powerful.
Instead, he focuses on Luigi. Luigi and his almost unique connection to the Dream World. Luigi who's been the powersource of Mario through the whole adventure. Luigi whose subconscious is able to change the layout of the Dream World. Luigi who can summon a huge version of himself, almost as powerful as the Dream Stone Spirit...
Luigi who, Antasma is convinced, is the key to his success.
So his plan this time is to get his hands on the younger Mario Bros. By hiring goons, or sneaking into Luigi's dreams, or kidnapping him himself, or allying with other villains again (*cough* King Boo and/or Dimention *cough*), he will do anything to finally taste this incredible, untapped power, and seize it for himself.
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miela · 1 year
Shattered Memories • Chapter V: The Do-Over • {Peter Parker x Stark!Reader}
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Chapter Genre: Comical Angst, Comical Fluff Chapter Warnings: Very dialogue-heavy Masterlist
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↪ divider by firefly-graphics
“FRIDAY,” you sighed. “When is a riddle, not a riddle?”
You were at the Avengers Compound in your lab with information about none other than Peter Parker displayed on every holographic screen. You questioned yourself many times when you did this, and you felt like the character in those movies who obsesses over something because they definitely know something but everyone else around thinks they’re crazy or something. You considered stopping and going on living your life but you, your dad in heaven, and everyone around you know that once you set your mind on something, you cannot stop until you fully understand it or are satisfied with the facts that you have. You needed to know this for your own mental and physical health and you just about had it with not having the answers.
“When you have all the answers,” FRIDAY responded.
“And when is a puzzle, not a puzzle?”
“When there is nothing to take apart and put back together.”
“So, whoever Peter Parker is, is both a riddle and a puzzle,” you began with frustration in your voice. “I don’t have all of the answers nor do I have all the pieces. FRIDAY, I think I’m going insane.”
You rubbed your hands down your face slowly to try and calm yourself down. You had another dream last night. A wet dream. A wet dream about the Faceless Boy. 
You couldn't get it out of your mind how…sweet he was. The way he touched you, kissed you, caressed you…he was so sweet and gentle and caring. He made you feel like you were the most precious thing in the world. Though you couldn't see his face, he kept eye contact with you. 
But of course, you woke up once again in a sweat and with a migraine. 
You were at your limit. 
“Incorrect," stated the AI. “You are just showing signs of obsession.”
Your face twisted. I’m not obsessed. I’m just tired. “Way to make me sound like a loser,”
“Also incorrect, you just need to know everything about everything before you are satisfied.”
You deadpanned and took a deep, annoyed breath as you leaned your head in your hands again. You wanted to throw and break something. 
“Trouble in paradise?” You heard a deep voice ask.
You look over to see Sam and Bucky in the doorway. Bucky was holding a brown paper bag that said sweet greens across it and Sam was leaning in the doorway.
It would have to be a fun time to be paradise, you thought.
"Sergeant Barnes. Captain Wilson." You responded. 
“Should we be concerned?” Sam asked, looking at all the Peter Parker content surrounding you. “Because this is not looking good on your part.”
Bucky and Sam were two of the only Avengers that were left after the big battle with Thanos. Since the whole ordeal, they’ve been like big brothers to you since then. You were thankful to have them in your life still because they’ve been nothing but supportive through everything that you have been through and you have done your best to give the same support to them. 
You rolled your eyes softly. “Is that my salad?” You asked.
“Yeah,” Bucky confirmed, walking over and setting the bag next to you on the table you were currently sitting on top of.
“Thank you,” you opened the bag took out the food, and immediately began eating it hoping to get some dopamine and serotonin pumping in your system. 
“How can you eat that stuff all the time?” Bucky asked. “Isn’t too much of something unhealthy?” He looked up at the screens and then back at you.
You paused knowing what he was insinuating and sighed. “Brain food,” you replied. “You should try it sometime.”
He smiled in response and crossed his arms. “Alright smartass, wanna tell us why you're investigating this kid?”
“Not investigating him.”
“So then you're stalking him,” Sam asked.
“I’m not stalking him.”
“Well, you’re either investigating or stalking him. You gotta choose one.” Bucky replied again.
You looked at both men hard. “I’m studying him, thank you very much.”
They look at each other with looks of concern, confusion, and playfulness. 
“Stalking?” Sam asked.
“Stalking,” Bucky repeated but as a statement.
Sam turned his gaze back to you. “Sounds like stalking to me.”
“Yep, I agree.” 
“I’m not stalking him!” you exclaimed in frustration. “I’m trying to figure out who he is. You guys, wanna help? Help me figure out who he is and I can stop obsessing over it and move on with my life and run a company and be a normal fucking human being for once in half a decade, alright? If not, just leave me the hell alone to go insane.”
“Like I said, obsessive behavior,” FRIDAY added.
“Not in the mood, FRIDAY,” you responded as you put your food down harshly and rubbed your temples from the headache that had been forming since you woke up that morning from your dream about the Faceless Boy.
“Hey, kid,” Bucky spoke with a concerned tone. “Are you alright?”
Of course, you weren’t alright. After everything that you have gone through this month alone was making you sick. You had so much on your plate and so much to deal with that you had no idea how anyone made it through this before you. You may be being a tad bit dramatic, but you really didn’t care. Anybody in your position would most likely react the same way. You just wanted to figure this all out and move on with your life. 
“No.” You replied. “On so many levels, no.”
“What’s wrong?” Sam crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back on the table next to you as you sat on top of it. Bucky did the same on the other side. You sighed. How were you supposed to explain this entire situation to them without sounding like what you are appearing to be?  
“Promise me you won’t laugh.”
“Oh god,” Sam replied with a cringed wince.
“I’m serious,” you said sternly, looking at him hard. “I need you to promise me you won't laugh. Because if you laugh I swear to god,” you turned to Bucky. “I don’t care if you’re a super soldier,” You turned back to Sam. “And that your Captain America. I will kick both of your asses and web-cocoon you to the ceiling.”
Bucky snorted.
“Alright, little tough shit, calm down.” Sam smiled. “Promise.”
You looked to Bucky, who also promised. 
You take a deep breath to prepare yourself for what you’re about to say. “I’ve been having these…dreams...about a boy. But they’re more than dreams…they’re like...visions, vivid memories. But the thing is this boy doesn’t have a face and this has been going on for a while now. So when going through the Avengers files this came up.” You pull over the holo screen of Peter Parker’s file.
“So this is the infamous Peter Parker you asked us about.” 
“Famous actually,” You took another bite of your salad. “He’s an Avenger.”
Both of their faces twisted in confusion as they looked from you to the screen to each other searching for answers. 
“I’ve never seen him before,” Bucky stated.
“Me either,” Sam said with obvious confusion in his voice.
“Yeah and me three-ther.” You said as you click on a tab on his file and it pulls up information on Spiderman.
“He’s Spiderman?” Bucky asked but it came out more like a statement.
“Yeah,” You confirmed. “You guys don't recognize him and neither do I.”
They look at you with even more confusion and concern.
“Wait, you don’t?” Sam asked with doubt in his tone. “But y’all were partners in justice. Thick as thieves. The Iron Spider Duo. You two had inside jokes for days and were always with each other. How could you not recognize him or know his identity?”
“How can any of us not recognize him or know his identity?” you crossed your arms over your chest in thought.
“Well, we just figured he only showed you his true identity,” Bucky added. “We just thought he was shy or something.”
“Nah,” you shook your head. “He would trust you guys. He would trust all of us… unless…”
“Unless what?”
“Unless he did something wrong…or worse.”
“Okay, Like what?”
“I dunno, Bucky.” You replied and pointed your fork at his head. “What did I tell you about Brain Food?”
He deadpanned. 
“So you think that Spidey Parker is the boy with no face in your dreams?” Sam asked and you nodded. “But you can’t remember him.”
“Yes. I’m eighty percent sure that it’s him but I can’t remember that it’s him. So I’m unsure if it’s him. But my gut tells me that it’s him. So whenever I get too close to knowing, my head feels like it’s splitting in half and I end up with a migraine all day.”
“Do you have any clue how this all happened?”
“I have some hypotheses. One, if it is him and he did something bad and if we can't remember him, he somehow did it to cover his tracks. Two, if it is him and he didn’t do something bad and we can't remember him, someone did it to him to ruin his life. Three, Somehow too many people, or all people found out his identity and for his safety and the safety of others, he or someone else somehow made it so everyone doesn't remember him. Four, one of the big three is involved with some other unexplainable shit.”
“So you’re researching him,” Bucky said to no one in particular.
“Those are some good theories,” Sam responded. 
“But.” you started.  “There’s a question I've been brewing in my mind.” You put the bowl of greens down again. “If we can’t remember him are there others we can’t remember as well? Like a memory blip?”
A moment of silence fell between you guys. It was a thought that terrified all three of you. If one person can be forgotten by the world, who can say there aren't others? Who’s to say it’s not a villainous person? The more you thought about it, the more it struck fear in you. Anybody could just be forgotten and go on with their lives doing something. Or someone good in life has to start all over and be lonely.
Suddenly you felt bad for your other arachno-half.
“Have you tried talking to him?” Sam asked, breaking the silence.
You let out a deep sigh as you remember the entire event clearly. “Yeah…”
“And, he won’t tell me anything, which is why I formed my hypotheses. But I get the vibe that he’s harmless.”
“How are you so sure?”
“We got bit by the same spider, I can sense his intentions.”
Another silence fell over you all for a moment. 
“We have to go on a mission for a few days,” Bucky stated. When we get back, we can help you figure all of this out.”
You nodded. “Thank you.”
“In the meantime,” Sam added. “Don’t do anything you would do.”
You scoffed and smirked. “Alright, I’ll just do what my dad would do.”
“Nah, you stay put, alright?” Sam chuckled. “Focus on being one of the 1% who actually give a damn about something.”
You smiled at that. “Be safe.”
Bucky put a comforting hand on your shoulder with a smile, “Be good.”
And with that both of your big bro figures leave and you sighed as you looked up at the screens. You thought about the possibilities of your hypotheses, the conversation you had with MJ, and the discussion you just had with Sam and Bucky. You mentally laid everything out and tried to decipher the missing pieces that you didn’t have. 
Then it hit you. A light bulb went off in your mind. 
“FRIDAY, pull up my dream logs and the information about Me and Peter Parker that we have and put them in timeline order to the best of your ability.”
“On it,” The AI replied back and instantly went to work. “This may take a while.”
“Trust me,” you replied. “I’ve got time.”
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It’s been a week since you walked back into Peter’s life and he hasn’t heard from you since. He knew why though. You were very busy, especially when you had an entire company to run and a family to attend to. Peter was pretty busy too so he had no idea that the days had come and gone so quickly. 
But he did have you on his mind the entire time. 
He was thinking about all the memories that you two had together that you didn’t have. Or maybe you did and his face just wasn’t there in any of them. He thought about you during class, during work, and patrols. His mind was just filled with you, you, you…
He didn’t mind. In fact, he was wondering how he could contact you again.
After classes ended, Peter met up with Gwen, Miles, and Harry again, He usually walked to the train station with Gwen and Miles to take the train home together. Cindy and Pav lived in the dorms so they would usually just go there after classes and relax for a bit before studying and doing homework.
Miles had his arm around Gwen’s shoulders and she had her arm around his waist. Peter thought the high school sweethearts were a cute pair but it only made him miss you more. He was both happy for them and also jealous of them and he felt very juvenile for it. 
“What are your plans for your day off of work, Peter?” Gwen asked.
Peter adjusted his backpack on his shoulder and shrugged. “Probably just gonna take it easy at home.”
“You’re not gonna just sit there and watch Star Wars again are you?” Harry asked with a playful groan in his tone. “I swear you can quote the script of every movie forward and backward.”
Peter laughed. “You say it like it’s a bad thing.” 
They walked out of the doors and down the steps of the historic building. The campus was filled with students going to and coming from classes in the New York City sun as they walked down the sidewalk. 
“So how are things with you and your girl going?” Miles asked. 
“Uhm…I haven’t spoken to her…in like….a week?” Peter said as he rubbed the back of his head.
“Dude?!” Gwen exclaimed and punched his arm slightly. “A week?! Really?!”
“She’s a busy person!” He defended.
“We’re all busy people!”
Peter turned and started walking backward on the sidewalk to face his friends as he addressed them. “Listen, I just don’t want to come off too strong too fast. I want things to go smoothly.”
That was only half true. In reality, he didn’t have your new number and he was terrified to call your office number at the Avengers Building and Nika answered the phone. 
“Yeah but a week?” Miles asked raising an eyebrow. “You could at least ask her how she’s doing and stuff like that.”
Peter chewed his lip as he stopped walking and his friends followed suit. “I mean…you’re right but…I don’t want to be overbearing and overwhelm her or anything. Especially considering everything happening with her, you know?”
“Yeah, totally,” Gwen replied not looking at him.
Peter noticed that they were looking right past him at something behind him and he followed their view. His face softened when he noticed a figure he wasn’t expecting to see.
There you were leaning up against a black convertible with a red interior. You were wearing your usual leather jacket with a black tee shirt tucked into a pair of fitted jeans and those Ghostface Doc Martens again. Peter concluded that this was your staple look. It was far from your oversized flannels, crop top tees, mom jeans, and Converse that you used to wear most days when you were seventeen. You wore a dark pair of sunglasses while scrolling through your phone. One of your legs was bent as your foot was flat against the door of the car. 
“Hey Parker, your girlfriend’s here.” Harry teased. 
“She’s not-...I mean she is-...I mean-” Peter didn’t even really know what to call you. “She’s not…my girlfriend…right now.”
“Oh? ‘Right now’?” Gwen also teased. “Maybe if you stopped fucking around she would be already.” 
Peter rolled his eyes at Gwen with a small grin. He turned to you and watched you for a moment. Man, you’re so pretty. And he wished that at this moment things were very different.
He wanted it to be that you came to pick him up after class and he would run up to you and pick you up spinning you in a circle and you would squeal and laugh happily. Then you would grab his face and kiss him deeply and show the world that you were his and he was yours. 
“Hey,” Harry elbowed him softly knocking him out of his daydream. “Staring at her like a creep won’t do anything but freak her out. Go talk to her.”
“R-right” Peter stuttered before taking a nervous breath. “Come on, Peter,” He said to himself, “you got this.”  
He started walking towards you and the more he did the more his senses began to pull towards you. You felt it too because you perked up and looked at him. The shaded lenses of your glasses faded to clear lenses and he saw your beautiful (e/c) eyes meet his. He stopped walking when you noticed him. 
“Parker!” You chimed. “Fancy seeing you here.”
He smiled as he stepped closer to you. “I should be saying that to you.”
“I was meeting with the admins about the gala. I plan on doing scholarships for incoming freshmen and offering financial aid to upperclassmen who are running out of money from the government. Same With MIT and the Ivy Leagues,” you explained. “But I thought I might catch you out here, so I stayed to say hello and to give you these.” You pulled a pair of glasses that were identical to yours and held them out to him. “They’re Stark Specs. Dad had blueprints made for them, one for me and one for you, so I decided to bring them to life. I connected EDITH and Karen to them and you can speak to them interchangeably. Don’t use them to cheat on your tests or anything, but I don’t control your life so do what you want.”
Peter chuckled and smiled. “Thanks (Y/N).”
“Don’t mention it,” You reply with a wave of your hand. “Try them on.”
Peter put them on and the glasses automatically began their work of data scan to identify him. Littler blue circles and squares showed up around the lens as they scanned his eyes to identify who he was. Beeping and other computer noises sounded as they worked and loaded information. His eyes darted from each thing that popped up on the screen out of curiosity. Once it finished five seconds later, there was a green bar that flashed in the corner of the screen that said “access granted” and “complete.”
“Hello, Peter,” EDITH Chimed. “Welcome to your new Stark Specs.”
“Uh, thank you…!” Peter replied. 
“Friend detected,” the AI said as it narrowed in on you and your glasses. “Hello FRIDAY.” 
“Hello EDITH,” Peter heard through his glasses.
“Whoa!” Peter replied with wide eyes as he looked at you. “Whoa…”
All of a sudden hearts start forming around your head through his lens. Peter blushed knowing that EDITH knows how he feels about you and with the Bestie Feature, she was messing with him probably just as much as Gwen or MJ would. He noticed that your smile was sheepish and he assumed FRIDAY was doing the same to you. 
“Pretty cool right?” You asked. 
“Yeah,” He smiled softly with hearts in his own eyes as he looked at you. 
“They also will detect whenever you are by any Stark Tech. It will help you on your…y’know.” You said referring to his hero duties.
“Oh yeah for sure,” He nodded understanding as he put his hands in his back pockets.
You smiled and looked behind him. “Friends of yours?”
Peter followed your gaze to his three friends who were looking at both of you eagerly before turning away to look at different things pretending they weren’t just eavesdropping on your conversation. Peter let out a breath of amusement nearly snorting at them before he looked back at you and nodded. 
Oh, those losers?” he responded in a playful tone. “Nah, they’re just whatever.”
“Huh?!” Gwen exclaimed hearing him.
You laughed softly at her outburst as she walked over and wrapped her arm around his neck.
“Hello,” Gwen smiled. “You must be the girl Parker can’t stop gushing about.”
Peter looked at Gwen with wide eyes as Harry walked over and put his arm around Peter’s neck as well with his arm resting over hers. Peter looked at Harry also with wide eyes and an unsure expression on his face. He got the feeling he was about to be tag-teamed by his friends. When Gwen starts some shenanigans, Harry soon follows suit, and vice versa. It’s something Peter had to get used to with them because once they start they don’t stop until they’re satisfied with themselves. It was like they shared a singular brain cell. Usually, Peter just laughs it off, but at the moment he really hoped that he wasn’t about to be the ass end of their lighthearted bullying.
Not in front of you anyways. He wasn’t sure if he was ready for that kind of embarrassment as a makeshift first (really second or third depending on how one looks at it) impression.
“Hey Stark,” Harry smiled. 
“Osborn,” You smiled back. “I thought I might run into you here too but I had no idea you were friends with Parker.”
“Oh, this loser?” Harry replied in the same tone as Peter a few moments ago. “Nah, he’s whatever.”
You and Harry had known each other since middle school and spent your freshman year of High school together at Horizon High before you transferred to Midtown Tech your sophomore year. Peter remembered when you told him that you transferred because you didn’t want to go to a genius school when you just wanted to have a normal high school experience. You also couldn’t stand how stuck up a lot of the students were there. He was always thankful that you transferred otherwise your relationship would probably have been very different. 
You hummed in amusement and Peter blushed. He was definitely about the be the ass of the joke here. 
Peter cleared his throat and swallowed hard as Miles joined in by putting his arm around Gwen with a teasing smile on his face. He had a very different vision of how he thought this moment would go. 
“(Y/N),” Peter started before any of the others could attempt anything. “This is Gwen, Miles and…well you already know Harry. Guys, this is (Y/N).”
“Hello, (Y/N),” Gwen chimed. “It’s nice to meet the girl that has Peter so enamored.”
“Th-that’s a bit-”
“Yeah, it’s nice to meet you,” Miles also smiled. “He talks about you like nonstop, always daydreaming in class. Good thing he’s a genius or he would have been falling behind in class with how much he’s a million miles away.”
No not you too, Miles.
“Oh yeah, for sure,” Harry added. “He even doodles your name in his notebook when he should be taking notes. It’s kind of adorable.”
Peter pulled out of his rather annoying friend's grip and looked at them with a face of disbelief and shock. 
“Guys!” He whisper-yelled.
“Uh oh, we’re in trouble,” Harry sang as Gwen and Miles snickered. 
Peter wanted to run. He wanted to escape. He wanted to not be here at this very moment. He glanced at you to see you looking at him with an endearing smile. 
“Aw, you like me, Parker?” you asked.
“No,” he answered as a reflex. “I mean yes, but…I mean…I…”
Harry pat his back. “That’s our cue, guys.”
Gwen and Miles nodded and said little goodbyes before scurrying away with Harry and snickering at their antics to tease Peter to no end. He glanced at them as they left before turning back to you with a blush dancing across his cheeks, nose, and ears. 
“They seem nice,” you smile genuinely. 
“When they want to be,” Peter responded and rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed. “Sorry about them.”
“Nah, it’s fine really.” you chuckled. “They remind me of my friends.”
Peter smiled thinking about Celina, Ned, and MJ and sighed softly at how much he missed them. He loved his friends now but nothing compared to the history he had with all of you. 
“Are you busy?” You asked. “I promise I won’t corner and interrogate you again.”
“I have time,” Peter responded a little too eagerly for his liking. He mentally scolded himself.
“Great,” You smiled and shoved your hands into the pockets of your jacket. “Wanna go for a ride?”
“Sure!” There goes that high-pitched voice again, he noted.
You giggled as you opened the car door. “You’re cute, Parker.” 
Peter blushed and made his way to the other side of the car. He’s pretty sure if you knew how he was last weekend at a party you wouldn’t find it so cute. He was thankful that his friends didn’t bring that up. He didn’t even wanna think about how humiliating that would’ve been if you knew he had a meltdown because his senses were crazy and craving you so badly. He just missed you so much and reacted in a not-so-healthy way. He wanted to put that all behind him and follow his friend’s advice about starting over with you. He got into the car and put his seatbelt on. 
“Are you hungry?”
“I could eat.”
“Where do you wanna go?” You asked as you put your phone on a dock that was connected to the dashboard. “It’s on me.”
“No, it’s okay! “I-I can pay for myself, it's fine.”
“Consider it an apology for disrupting your day last week.” you grinned as you turned the car on.
“You could never disrupt my day,” Peter mumbled, not realizing that he didn't keep that thought in his head.
“You're sweet,” you smiled in response. “But I’m still paying. So where do you wanna go?”
Peter smiled knowing how stubborn you can be and looked up in thought for a moment. “I can go for a good sandwich right now,”
“Okay,” You nodded. “I know a place.”
You backed the car out of the parking space and drove off. Peter took the time to notice how customized your car was on the inside with various Stark Tech and a fiery red interior and yet the exterior was of a classic sixties Mustang. Peter figured it was your way of being discrete. 
You turned on the music in the car and to Peter’s surprise, it started playing a song that pulled at his heartstrings. 
It’s our love song.
One of the ways you and Peter communicated your feelings to each other in your relationship was through music. He sent this very song when he first said those famous three words and eight letters to you and gave you the necklace that he still keeps close to him. He decided that when you two got closer, he would give the necklace back to you. 
“Oh my god,” you smiled big. “I love this song.” You started singing the lyrics and glanced over at Peter a few times as you sang the first verse. 
Hey, hey, hey, lover
You don't have to be a star
Hey, hey, hey, lover 
I love you just the way you are
For love is just the same
Without fortune or fame
Just give me
True love and understanding
True love and understanding
Peter watched you and smiled as tears brimmed his eyes behind his shaded stark specs. He was so thankful that they automatically shaded themselves earlier. 
“Come on, Parker,” you giggled. “I know you know this song. Sing with me!”
Peter laughs and wipes his eyes as he begins to sing. 
Hey, hey, hey, lover
You don't have to be a queen
Hey, hey, hey, lover
You don't have to have a thing
For I'll be satisfied
Long as you are my bride
Just give me
True love and understanding
True love and understanding
For the rest of my days
You smile listening to him sing before join in to sing the rest of the chorus together. 
No, you shouldn't have to worry
Love's no problem in my hands
Just know I really, really, love you
And in your heart, I'd be a big man
Hey, lover, won't you treat me right
And be with me tonight?
Just give me
True love and understanding
True love and understanding
For the rest of my days
You both laughed as the song continued to play. Peter looked down at his hands contemplating his next words carefully.
“I…uh…showed you this song,” he said sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head. 
“Did you?” you asked. “So I have you to thank for this being in my playlist. Well, you have good taste in music.”
Peter smiled as you hummed the rest of the song to yourself. In this moment, he was truly the happiest he has been in a while and couldn’t wait to create new memories with you. Even if you couldn’t remember the history you had together, at least you were back in his life to create new beginnings.
@chrisevans-realwife @riordanness @peterdarlingg @thecrystalclarity @brckenmemories @paleprincesssxo @blackcanary130
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roguelov · 3 months
hello :D I have returned from the wars (college moving and COVID) with a thought: Consider dream and hob with a s/o who always looks at them with heart eyes and gets dumb AF around them and only them (maybe they're really smart/resting bitch face in other situations idk) but I just love the thought of them with a s//o who's just mooning over them constantly.
That and side note can you imagine if they had a Roger rabbit Jessica rabbit relationship? (Who's who in that scenario I'll let you decide) Like idk both just feel really cute
Panini 😘
Welcome back from war my love!!! And I love this so much cuz we all know we’re all goofy with massive heart eyes for those two
You just always have this goofy adorable smile on your face when you look at them (to their back and to their back doesn’t matter) and when they look at you Dream’s eyes softens and can feel his chest feel lighter while Hob is more likely to replicate your smile and even gives you a small wave.
You sometimes fumble over your words which they both find super endearing (even if you get frustrated a bit). They find it funny watching you have in depth discussions with Lucienne but the moment they enter the conversation you get a bit tongue tied. Dream may tease you later saying ‘what was that, my dear? You are usually so eloquent’
Also imagine admiring them when they get all dressed up. Perhaps it was party (who and where you can’t decide) but you are just sighing dreamily when they put on suits or more formal outfits. And during the whole party you are just silently but very obviously admiring them. They are looking at you with the same adoration however you simply can’t take your eyes off of them. You are the perfect encapsulation of a love sick puppy. But if you are dragged into a conversation it’s like a flip and you become respectable and it’s almost comical
I just love the dynamic of you being this cuddle bug with those two and showering them with love but when you alone you’re just plain in a way you don’t say much and just help out in the Dreaming. All the Dreaming residents love you but they love watching the switch in your brain from their friend to Dream’s and Hob’s lover
Asp I don’t have to think twice: Dream is Jessica Rabbit and you and Hob are Roger Rabbit (no one can convince me otherwise). You and Hob are more goofballs and love swooning over each other and to Dream while Dream gives these coy smiles and just whispers his affection. You and Hob are more open with your love while Dream is reserved (and fem!Dream can absolutely kill it in a black sparkly dress)
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bookaddict24-7 · 9 months
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Reviews of the Week!
Every week I will post a various reviews I've written so far in 2024. You can check out my Goodreads for more up-to-date reviews here.
The Inheritance by Nora Roberts: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Ever since Nora Roberts surprised me years ago with one of her fantasy novels, I've become more and more intrigued with her novels. INHERITANCE was so much fun and so addicting that I'm not convinced and I must read more of her books.
INHERITANCE starts with an MC who finds herself is a heartbreaking situation but is oddly not heartbroken? I loved her. She was a badass who grew a lot as a character and who brought so much fun to her story with her dialogue and observations. But along with her being a great MC, we also have the side characters, especially her bestie, who gave this novel that extra slice of fun.
Even though this is about a haunted house and it had some spooky moments, this was whimsical, at times romantic, and full of an engrossing mystery that I definitely want to one day solve. I loved the atmosphere of the setting and it fully felt like one of those "what if" scenarios that someone might dream up if they were to inherit a haunted mansion.
Also, there are some pretty cute dogs in here. AND an MC that no matter what life throws at her, she KNOWS she's great at her job and it's shown throughout the book.
I just had a lot of fun with this one and I'm definitely going to strive to read more Roberts this year!
2. The September House by Carissa Orlando: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
What are the chances that the first two books I read in January 2024 are about haunted houses?
I didn't know what to expect of THE SEPTEMBER HOUSE. Much like usual, I didn't read the synopsis before jumping into this one. I'm happy I didn't because it all hit me like a one, two punch of surprises after another.
First of all, one of the comical things that endeared me to this highly unreliable narrator was her blasé way of referencing the ghosts in her home. "Oh, there's one who pops up in the closet sometimes" "Oh, there's one that bites". It was a surprising touch of humour in a book that proceeds to share the traumatizing past of the MC. While we learn about her abusive relationship with her husband, the fraught relationship with her daughter, and the potential decline of her mental health, we get reminders (often bloody and spine tingling) of just how haunted her home is.
The MC also has a set of rules that she follows in her fight to survive all that life has thrown at her, so I found it oddly fitting that this domestic abuse survivor is the one faced with the haunted and highly dangerous house.
While I actually really enjoyed this book and the dark humour, and the blatant horror-aspects of the book, I did find it a little harder to come to terms with the MC's daughter and her behaviour. I will admit that she annoyed the hell out of me. This grown-ass woman throws tantrums and I just wanted to shake her a bit. BUT with that being said, as the story progresses and truths are revealed, I could see the potential reasoning behind her actions. But also, we are seeing her actions through the perspective of an MC who is a bit unreliable when she's telling us about the people in her life. By the end of the book, I think I had a better understanding of her as a character. Both women were victims of a man who is given a quasi-redemption that well, I won't spoil it.
If you like haunted houses with very angry and bloody spirits, an MC who takes it all in stride, and a twisted history of experiences that help make it all make sense, then this might be the horror book for you!
3. Rejected by Jaymin Eve: ⭐️⭐️
The frustration I felt while reading this book. Major side eye, tbh.
REJECTED started out so interesting--I love these kinds of bully stories because I just know the MC is going to prove them all wrong. I was incredibly invested and I was fully engaged, and then...shit hit the fan and it all just...slowed...down. The story went from intriguing, to drawn out and kind of boring. I haven't fallen asleep with a book this much in a long time. Every time I picked it up, I felt my eyes drooping. And listen, it's not to say the story didn't have it's great moments, but it just felt never ending.
I did like the tension between the MC and the Shadow Beast, but that cover is a total catfish. Also, the MC was this badass woman who constantly touted the whole "us women have to stick up for ourselves" (which I agree with), but then she'd immediately forgive or forget something the Shadow Beast or some other man in her life did to her. Or, there's a point where she's like "this person hurt me so much and my past is so dark because of them but my heart was moved and blah blah blah." Yes, I get that it's complicated because of her wolf, but it was ridiculous. I actually groaned in frustration at that scene. Why can't we just have a character who holds on to her anger and grudge without being "moved" by the actions of a horrible character? That's not empathy, that's idiocy tbh, and self-sabotage.
I won't lie, I've started book two because I'm curious about certain things, but I'm again just feeling that dragging that this book caused. It's like a shapeshifting book meant to edge the reader into painful submission. And I get that this works for many readers, but damn. The constant back and forth and the repeated tedious tasks just...
Anyway, strong af start, disappointing middle, vaguely intriguing ending because now I want answers. I'm scared of how the second book will go LOL.
4. All Together Dead by Charlaine Harris: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I really enjoyed this SOOKIE STACKHOUSE book! I was immediately pulled in. This is also the first one in the series that isn't a re-read for me--which I feel is a huge feat.
A lot of references in this one were such a throwback (like the comment on Britney and Kevin. I think I actually laughed with that one.) And we get to see how the fictional and paranormal world dealt with the horrific aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Seeing how their lives were affected by this very real and devastating hurricane was eye opening and brought back to mind a younger me watching the news about the events happening in New Orleans.
I also enjoyed that we get to see Sookie grow a bit more in this one. I think, so far, this is the one book where she's starting to truly use her voice and set her boundaries. She's always been outspoken, but I found it moreso in this one--especially when it came to her comfort level. We also got to see the development of, of course, the complimented love life of our MC.
There were some outdated commentary (of course) to "sluts" and "whores". It's incredible to see how far we've come in fiction and writing that this felt like jarring descriptions of women.
I'm proud of myself for continuing this series. I'm enjoying it so far, imperfections set aside. I'm excited to get to the next one, especially since it's all fresh and new from here on out!
5. Hazel Bly and the Deep Blue Sea by Ashley Herring Blake: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I have many thoughts about this book. I've read nearly all of Ashley Herring Blake's works and I am a massive fan--especially of her middle grade books because of how accessible and relatable these books might be for younger readers trying to find themselves in fiction. While I enjoyed HAZEL BLY and have many thoughts, it's not my favourite book of Blake's.
Before I jump into the review, I want to talk about something I read in some of the older reviews on Goodreads that made me hella uncomfortable. There are some reviewers that really had an issue with the non-binary character in this book and how Blake tells her readers about what it might mean to be NB. I've been thinking about those transphobic comments throughout my time reading this book and getting angrier and angrier. Someone even took a star off for Blake being "too woke" and trying to do a check list of some sort--Ya'll know these books are queer right? Like, Queer with a capital Q. How dare kids who might identify as non-binary potentially see themselves in fictional stories? I'm not going to swear because a kid might read this review, but honestly, some of these reviews were disgusting. This is a child and this book is QUEER.
Moving on.
We know the representation in Blake's novels are always going to be top-notch. These are usually my go-to books when I get a baby LGBTQ+ visiting the bookstore and looking for books that feature non-hetero characters. I loved that this exploration of one's identity is so pure in this and not made into some sort of show or shock and awe plot device. It just is.
My biggest gripe with this book is how the mother treats the MC. I know they are both grieving, but it was heartbreaking watching this kid be in so much pain and in need of the comfort of touch and communication. I actually hunted down reviews to see if I was the only one noticing this (hence why I came across those transphobic reviews) and one person made a comment about being sick of emotionally abusive parents in MG and honestly, yes. It's always been one of my biggest pet peeves with middle grade--how awful parents can be, how apathetic they sometimes are, and how dismissive they are of their child's emotions in comparison to their own feelings/beliefs. They can come off as bullies just because "I'm the parent and you're not".
I'm a person who lost a parent at twelve (like the MC) and I had a mother who helped me grieve while she also grieved. It's doable. Hell, we even see it in how another mother grieves with her own daughter. But while it was infuriating, it was also kind of genius in how Blake was able to show the reader these two comparable situations and the different end-results in having an open communication-led grieving process and one where the surviving parent completely shuts down. It was an interesting and complex exploration of grief and how different it truly looks.
Did I cry a few times? Absolutely. Did I feel the joys of childhood watching the MC slowly open up and potentially even find first love? Of course. There's so much innocence in spending your summers hunting for an elusive mermaid and sharing those secret smiles with your potential crush. It's things like that that make a pre-teen childhood so memorable (or cringey, depending on who you ask.) And for those who think these kids are too young for this--they're twelve and thirteen. You're going to tell me you didn't have a crush when you were twelve?! (Unless you didn't actually have one, then you know, you do you, that's perfectly fine.)
I think some of these characters need therapy and it's definitely mentioned (TW: for a suicide attempt). One of the beautiful (and heartbreaking) things about Blake's writing is that she doesn't shy away from the tougher topics that are sometimes seen as taboo by parents. Listen, I work at a bookstore, I have seen all kinds of censoring from parents. But there are a few parents who want their children to read those stories that explore the scarier realities of what it means to be human. And then, you also have those parents who have kids who would heavily benefit from books like this because they might be able to relate to the characters' journey. This is why I will always jump into a Blake novel, feet first.
So, while this wasn't my favourite book of hers, it was definitely one of the more complicated ones. While we get the seemingly summer-filled magic of a mermaid who looks a little too much like the MC, we also get the heavy undertow of emotions unexplored and words unsaid. It's gorgeous, raw, and thought-provoking. I think it's important for kids to read these books, but also adults so they can get a bit of a glimpse into a child's mind.
6. Happiness Volume 1 by Shuzo Oshimi: ⭐️⭐️
All I can think when I think about this book now is:
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I'm sure this is a cult favourite or something, but it was anticlimactic, weird, and kind of meh. I've read this author before and was genuinely uncomfortable in the past and weirded out in an awed way. I don't know if this was a "first volume" syndrome, but this was honestly missing everything I was hoping for.
One of the things that I think could have been done better was the portrayal of the MC's personality. The MC has a moment where he is faced with a situation that he probably normally doesn't find himself in and instead of showing us the progression of that, he just yells out "I'm not like that!" I wouldn't know, buddy. There is barely any lead up to making me think you're not like that.
Finally, the MC in this meets another character who is kind of weird and kind of mean and it brought back memories of a character we meet in BLOOD ON THE TRACKS (which is an incredible series by this author that I will always recommend). It felt a bit trope-y now that I know this author might do this on occasion.
I think I definitely need the rest of the series to fully get any sort of hype for this series, but my issue is that I don't think I care enough to do that. The art was beautiful, of course, but I just couldn't find it in me to care. I'm glad I didn't buy the rest of the volumes in this series 😅
7. Caught in a Bad Fauxmance by Elle Gonzalez Rose: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The moment I saw this cover, I knew I wanted to read this book. Even with the punny title, I was grabby hands for this story. And it didn't disappoint!
One of my favourite things about this book is how it shows the reader the differences between the families--like the haves and have-nots. Have a lot of money? Have a not-so-great family, but hey, a big cottage! Barely surviving with all of the hospital bills and regular life bills? Have a family that broke and healed itself again into a loving and spontaneous family.
I loved how grief was weaved into the story, but it didn't create a bitter relationship between the family members and the newer members. I want more stories like this where a blended family is just a thing and not the plot device. Anyway, I loved the family dynamics of the MC's family and even though his sister was annoying to me, I also understood why she was the way she was. Change is scary--especially when everyone else is changing and you're standing still because you're too scared to change.
I also liked the slow burn of the relationship, watching the characters slowly fall for each other was adorable. But much like the MC's sister, I was skeptical. I'm a Taurus, I'm gonna side eye you until you prove that you're not a shady person.
Loved the setting, the putting down of the smug ex boyfriend, the character growth, and the lead up to this tense event that is everyone's motivation. I LOVED the allusions to Latine culture and even the Spanish thrown in there every so often.
I do think some things happened a little too quickly and abruptly and that we're left with some unanswered questions. This is where I wish we had dual perspectives--I just think it would have made the story feel a little more rounded.
I'd recommend this for anyone looking for a cute and fun warm weather read (they're having Christmas in the sun, I'm jealous). Also, for anyone who likes to read YA books with complex familial relationships and that difficult topic of falling into what we love and still having that self-doubt of "is this really for me?"
Have you read any of these books? Would you recommend them?
Happy reading!
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
thank you for acknowledging how messed up the jane/beard ending is. as an abuse survivor it's been pretty bad seeing the controlling relationship he's in be treated like a joke (and then apparently it's true love? the finale was a let down in many many ways) especially when Keeley's arc with Jack controlling her this season was (rightfully) played straight? it's just the larger trend of "abuse is bad but it's funny when it happens to a man" and i wish ted lasso had been better than that
Same, same, same, anon -- and I'm so sorry to hear you've had personal experience with that. But it's reassuring to likewise hear that that's in your past.
I got a comment on one of my posts (which I bring up because the author has already blocked me and it's proving to be a useful example for a lot of things I want to talk about) basically rolling their eyes and saying that Beard and Jane aren't real people, so it doesn't matter. Besides, he's the comic relief!
Meanwhile I'm like:
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Yes, it's hilarious that Beard is committing himself to an abusive relationship, unable to break away despite recognizing at times precisely how harmful this is (and yes, I'm being sarcastic). I'd actually be less frustrated by this if Ted Lasso had treated it as a joke across the whole show because as awful as that is, at least it's a common and understandable (from an ignorance perspective) trend in media. But the number of times we had the text overtly commenting on how horrible Jane is tells us that the writers are well aware that they're writing an abusive relationship and that commentary likewise tells us that they wanted to do something with it, like Keeley got. They just inexplicably... didn't. Beard does not leave Jane, Jane does not undergo self-improvement and become a better person -- the route I would expect a show like Ted Lasso to take, especially with Season 3 throwing out curve balls like Jamie forgiving his dad -- and their marriage is not treated as the mistake it was, settling simply on a realistic tragedy. Even if that montage was just a dream Ted was having, the fact that he's likewise well aware of how bad they are for each other just maintains the strangeness of that choice. I could buy a picture perfect wedding fantasy from a character who doesn't know either of them well and assumes they're just quirky, but Ted knows precisely what Jane has been doing to Beard, he knows Beard's history of self-destructive behavior (better than anyone), and he's consistently been shown to be uncomfortable with their relationship, yet unwilling to speak up about it. That's another bit of tragedy to add to the pile: not allowing Ted to undergo the growth needed to speak up on his best friend's behalf. Beard has consistently called Ted out on his flaws across the show -- sometimes in a rather cruel manner -- and I had hoped that they'd reach a point where the roles were switched and Ted could provide Beard with some tough love in turn.
My best guess at the moment is that the writers realized how little time they had compared to how much there still was to cover -- despite the claims that this would always be a three season show -- and they changed course as a result. There's no time to take them on one of the above journeys, so just play the relationship straight. Which, given my experience with some fandoms and their unwillingness to take into account anything but the most recent episode, Ted Lasso indeed might have been able to skate by on faulty memories/willful ignorance... if they hadn't tossed in another 'She tore up my passport! Isn't she a peach? :)' joke half an hour before we watched them get married.
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ednito · 7 months
I've been having a thought recently, and seeing someone else talk about their own thought that's similar to mine makes me wanna talk about mine. I'm sure people go through this but I thought id ask anyway- has anyone ever gone through a phase in art where you just aren't happy but you aren't necessarily upset either? Like you don't feel anything during the process except maybe tired or loss and while the end result is digestible its not anything you deem as good in some way? Like for me I feel like all my art looks the same, and it's stiff and un detailed and it never turns to what I envision in my head. It's not like I can't draw, I can, I'm just never happy with it but I'm not like extremely upset either. I'm more upset with myself.
I don't know why, but it's been taking a lot of effort to draw recently- like physically? (And of course mentally) like I feel so stiff, sometimes I struggle to even compose a simple sketch and it takes so long I feel a bit sore. Nothing feels right anymore and I'm unsure what to do- I don't understand what I did wrong <:[
And it's frustrating cause I know how to get better, I've studied, practiced, and drawn everyday- I've done it and I don't know.. it never seems to click for me, I don't go too far. And I don't know- part of me wants to maybe just give up? I don't want too at all but I don't know. I don't know what I should do.
I don't mean to be that guy but I've been drawing for a long time, ever since I was in kindergarten or maybe a tad younger I was drawing a lot- I failed a lot of classes in middle school and high school cause all I ever did was draw and draw and dream away. I've always wanted to make something big artistically wise, like making a comic or a game or show- something, anything. I love creating things so much and consuming fiction,, but I don't know maybe I've reached my limit.
I'm sorry I only ever make text posts and I never draw here or ever and I'm sorry I can't keep my promises. It's not fair to you. I'm not a good blogger. I just wanna post things that I'm proud of and not feel confined or anything! I still feel like I'm being watched by something I don't know what or if I'm just paranoid. I don't know.
And again sorry fr the little vent, I didn't really mean to get emotional, you're not obligated to respond or anything. Thank you for reading.
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roobylavender · 2 years
was kind of talking about this on twt a while ago but one of the most frustrating things for me about new teen titans (or even modern canon these days) is how it retroactively casts so much of dick’s life as robin in this pallor of imprisonment and control and lovelessness and like. to have to try to juxtapose that against the tone of the first few decades of bruce and dick’s partnership is honestly terrible, lol. ig you could reason it has to do with the shift in tone of comics over the years and that’s true but at the same time i don’t think a tonal shift requires entirely rewriting that history of deep love and implicit partnership between them when there are other ways to create tension. i can never really understand what we gain by acting like robin as a role held dick prisoner. robin is a mantle forged of his own making. he loved being robin, he loved being bruce’s tried and true partner, and he excelled at it so much he ultimately grew beyond it but not beyond the heroism itself. he knew this was his calling
being a superhero, to me, is something dick needs more than jason and tim ever will. robin was a conduit for both of them. but from the moment dick took those steps to get justice for his parents, he knew this was what he wanted to do, that this was who he was going to be. there’s a gotham knights issue a mutual and i were discussing earlier, where dick says if he had the choice he wouldn’t trade the life that he has now for the one where his parents lived, even though he knows bruce would do the opposite. and i think that’s so spot on personally. dick lives with reams of survivor’s guilt, but he survives by moving ever forward. and i think one of the things he’s most grateful to bruce for, or should be, as opposed to how new teen titans canon and onward sometimes tries to paint it, is for helping him move forward. bruce saw a boy in the same pain as he was and knew he deserved the closure that he never got. and i think dick loved him deeply for that, strange as the experience of dressing up in tights and flying through the skies and socking bad guys in the nuts was
i am really very deeply committed to a perhaps initially awkward, but ultimately incredibly close partnership between the two of them that only began to fray once dick realized his dreams were more entrenched in heroism than bruce would ever allow his own to be. the divide between bruce and dick forms not bc bruce was some authoritarian figure who robbed dick of a real childhood, but bc bruce always held a longing for a real life and civilian normalcy that dick couldn’t reconcile with, bc to him everything ended and began with the mask. the tension you create should come from the fact that dick doesn’t know how to be anyone else even though this isn’t necessarily what bruce wanted for him. that can be a mistake bruce made, to have allowed dick to remain robin for so long the identity consumed him completely, but dick shouldn’t be angry as if that was never what he wanted. he should be angry that the one thing he loves bruce for giving him is also the one thing bruce wants to protect him from, bc bruce recognizes a life lived exclusively behind the mask isn’t actually viable
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those70scomics · 1 year
As requested by @hydesjackiespuddinpop
Tell Me About Your OTP
I've written a lot of metas about Jackie and Hyde over the years (a sampling):
And many more that can be found here (on my meta master list page).
I'm a firm believer that canon stems from character consistency as well as growth and change that is grounded (or set up) properly in storytelling. Writers for a show can and will force characters to act against their long-established natures to fit a plot idea, and T7S unfortunately does this a lot with J/H in particular during the last part of S5, beginning of S6, and too much of S7.
I can't and don't consider canon the choices, actions, and feelings that inherently and significantly contradict previous years of consistent character building -- not without a carefully written storyline that substantiates those changes from the core of the characters. Just because people who write for the show put out-of-character episodes or scenes onscreen doesn't make that writing canon.
If X character is firmly established as someone who would never do Y, but that character does Y onscreen because a show writer decided to make it so ... that's bad writing and breaks the fictional dream. In novels, an editor would (hopefully 😅) catch such an error and tell the author to revise.
I've seen plenty of non-canonical writing disrupt or even wreck otherwise consistently (well-) written shows. It's frustrating.
I've made a few comics where the T7S characters react to the OOC actions their show counterparts were forced into. Those were fun. ☺️
I've also read plenty of T7S fanfic where the authors write the characters in a far more canonical way than the T7S writers eventually did.
What we see onscreen doesn't automatically make a plotline or character development canon. Story elements must not break the fictional dream. If they do in an episode (or season) that airs on TV (or streaming service), then it's a non-canonical episode as far as I'm concerned, and I dismiss it; otherwise the internal cohesion of the fictional universe unravels. Only by embracing cognitive dissonance and not engaging in critical thinking can one accept all the contradictions as being canon.
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justsomerandomfanfic · 6 months
Personality :p
Ello! My name is Gillian I am requesting a ship for supernatural
* i'm the type of person that people regard as being very well adjusted but honestly i'm having a mental breakdown most of the time.
* i'm a deeply empathetic person, i care a lot about others and sometimes i forget to care for myself because of it.
* on the flip side of my sensitive/kind nature, i can be very feisty. I’m also DEEPLY sarcastic when i'm frustrated i just want to beat up something, and i become very passionate towards injustice. my friends say i'm like a kitten with a knife.
* additionally, i would consider myself a brave person. I don't struggle to have hard conversations with people (i don't like them but I'll do it),and I've stood up to every bully I've ever had
* due to my trust issues and rejections, i tend to feel like an outsider in most of my friend groups.
* TO FINISH IT OFF (this has become too long), i would consider myself a wise/intelligent person (i give good advice), resilient, but also easy going.
1. INFJ | Pisces sun, cancer moon, libra rising, pisces Venus | Ravenclaw | Neutral good
2. Things I love in myself: I love that I’m good at giving advice, that I can skip many of my classes and still stay on the dean’s list, and that I’m bold when I need to be
3. In a partner, I look for someone who will support and listen to me. I have a lot of different mental ailments, and if they won’t be understanding of that, then I can’t be with them. I also look for someone who is self sufficient (I can’t deal with laziness). Most importantly, they should be kind (i.e. If I’m ranting about things like sexism in a tv show, I want them to be able to understand why it’s important to me.)
4. I’m straight, unfortunately.
5. She/her
6. I’m the singer/guitarist in a rock band so music is very very important to me. I also love to draw and I read pretty much all the time. My ideal day is going to a coffee shop and then a bookstore. Which reminds me— I drink an obscene amount of coffee. I also take too many naps, especially with my cat, who is my baby. I like to write as well. I really love things that make my house look like a fairy’s home, so I like to collect that stuff. I’m also a nerd who does go to comic con (*boos are heard throughout the audience*)
7. Appearance wise!! I’m hella short, but it just means my personality is big. I have reddish brown hair with very round blue/green/grey eyes (idk their color people just say that they’re pretty), and a button nose.
Hi!! I hope you like your SPN matchup! <3333
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💐 You met Sam after you had gone to a coffee shop to get a drink, you walked into the nearby bookstore - you weren't looking for anything in particular, but when you accidently let a book slip from your arms, Sam the gentleman came right up and helped you; picking the book from off the ground, he gave you a smile; and before you knew it, you ended up talking for a good thirty minutes or so
💐 During the next couple of months, you and Sam would often meet up and go to that coffee shop together - swinging by the bookstore after - and just talking about everything and anything; he was quickly becoming a close friend of yours, even being front row at some of your rock concerts
💐 Skipping to actually dating, Sam is really supportive, if you want to do something, he is there to support you (follow your dreams - and he's a very good listener, if you just want to rant about your day, he's there; and if you want to rant about sexism in a tv show, Sam will understand how important it is to you, and probably join you in the ranting
💐 If you go down for a nap with your cat, he'd probably join you, if not, he'd most likely sit on the bed beside you, quietly reading - and when you wake up, he'd probably see if you want to go out and go on a small adventure to the bookstore
💐 Sam is totally down to go to Comic Con with you, if you dress up, he'd dress up too - and if you find something you like there (maybe a little something that makes your home more fairy-like), Sam is more than willing to carry it for you if you get tired carrying it for the how many hours you wander around the Con
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haysprite · 1 year
JOEY HEADCANON TIME !!! <3 I don't talk about him enough despite how much I adore him, so this was long overdue ! As per usual, this is just my interpretation of his character n whatnot.
• AuDHD haver :3c
• He loves cosplaying SO much like holy shit !!! He will spend DAYS working on a cosplay of his favorite comic book characters, even if he’ll only wear it once! He just wants to look cool
• Has an extensive collection of comic books, and will show em off to anybody who shows any interest in them whatsoever
• I feel like he’s really good at dancing! It's not something that he does a lot, but boy does he love to do it! He loves to dance with Susie a lot, who isn’t very good herself but she has a super fun time dancing with him
• Has the lowest energy of the group, so though he likes to do a lot of shit and cause trouble, he needs to spend a lot longer recuperating than the other three, whether he’s reading comics alone or just chilling with his friends
• Is a bit more quiet compared to the other three, though he can get VERY loud when he wants (or needs) to be
• Carries a little notebook around in his pocket to write down random ideas he gets
• He LOVES dogs so much!!! Whenever he passes by a dog, he just has to stop and say hi to it and pet it if he can! He’s always wanted one, and dreams of getting one when he’s finally moved out
• Loves the look of skulls, he thinks they’re really cool 
• Middle child of five kids, and defo has a bit of middle child syndrome, so he tries hard to stand out amongst the five of em. His younger siblings look up to him a lot, though, and he has an alright bond with his older siblings. 
• He and Julie may share the braincell of the group,, but sometimes his impulsiveness just gets the best of him :o) 
• The most trustworthy driver of the bunch, and tends to be the chauffeur for their late night shenanigans. He also knows quite a bit about cars, so he’s the first person Julie will call if she’s having trouble with her own. Joey’s had to drive out to the middle of nowhere to help Julie out with a flat tire or busted engine a couple times
• Besides wanting to earn money so he can move out as soon as he graduates, he really wanted to work so that he could stay away from home more often, since he tended to feel really confined there. Thankfully that motive died down a bit after The Legion was formed, since he was out hanging out with them more often outside of school and work
   -Speaking of work, he was NOT the biggest fan of any of his jobs. He’d get really bored and tend to daydream or ignore a lot of the tasks at hand, which is typically why he got fired. Julie would help him jobhunt despite knowing that he’d eventually get fired, since she really did wanna try and help him out somehow
• Really smart academically! Unlike Julie, though, he tended to do most of his work since he found it ridiculously easy and didn’t wanna deal with the consequences at home nor school
• Despite typically dressing in all black, his favorite color is actually blue, specifically navy blue and cyan
• Finds sports ridiculously boring, and hated being dragged to Frank’s basketball games by Julie. He’d still find some fun in it, since he was with his friends, but he wasn’t the happiest camper about it
• Has a bit of RBF 🙏 Tends to intimidate a lot of people without trying to because of this
• He’s the one everyone will go to whenever they need to talk about something, whether it's to rant about their day or show off something that they found! Just overall really great to talk to
• Gets frustrated very easily if something isn’t turning out the way he wanted it to, and will tend to brute force shit until he gets them to work
 • He’s able to read people decently well, more so in a “I can figure out their motives and what they want from me” than a “I know exactly what that person is feeling” kind of way
• Whenever Julie is havin’ a rough day and Frank isn’t around, he’ll typically snatch her and take her to the gas station to get her a snack and just talk to help her feel better
• When he met Frank, he almost immediately figured out somethin’ was gonna happen between him and Julie, and low and behold, Joey was right. He likes to tease them about this sometimes, since he found it really obvious when neither of them did
• He and Frank will often make stupid bets with each other, most of them including pretty dangerous or idiotic dares that have a high chance of landing one of ‘em in the hospital if they aren’t careful. Susie tends to panic over these, meanwhile Julie is both extremely entertained by their stupidity while also going into mom mode and trying to get them to stop, mainly just cause she doesn’t want them to get too hurt
• He and Frank are each other's right-hand man 👍 They’ll typically confide in each other whenever they need some sort of relationship advice (Joey’s never been in a relationship until Susie and Frank knows how close Julie and Joey are so he requires his help sometimes lmfao)
• Does the lil foot tapping thing that cartoon characters do whenever he’s waiting for something, since he does tend to get a bit impatient
• He’s pretty strong, so sometimes he likes to just,,, pick up his friends and carry them around, mainly ‘cause he finds their reactions pretty funny when he just yoinks them away from whatever they’re doing. Susie enjoys it a lot, Julie can’t help but laugh since he tends to do it when she and Frank are in the middle of talking, leaving Frank to chase after them, and Frank tends to protest and try to get Joey to drop him
• Has difficulties falling asleep, so he’ll either read his comics or call one of his friends to talk to until he eventually falls asleep
• Has a few plushies lying around that Susie has gifted him throughout the years, one of which he struggles to sleep without
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teen-cups-au · 3 months
Teen Cups - Plot Notes Part 19
Beginning of the comic | Previous | Next
As Chalice keeps reading Cuphead's diary, flashbacks of Cuphead crying while writing are seen.
Diary: February 1st… This date is cursed to me. It’s the first anniversary of your disappearance. I’m denying it so much. It can’t be. I couldn’t leave my room today. I spent the whole time crying in bed. Dark thoughts swirling in my head non stop. Thinking of the many ways you could have died. Imagining scenarios of you being fine and coming back. Looking at photos and videos of you, hearing your voice. Staring at your smile. Thinking that I’ll never see it again... That I won’t be able to do things with you that I always dreamed of…. That’s what hurts the most.
There’s something that I wanted to tell you, but never had the courage to. Fearing to lose you if you didn’t return the feelings. It’s my deepest regret. I could have enjoyed us being even closer, before you not being here anymore. I feel stupid for letting you know this only now. It’s too late. But I NEED to take it out of my chest : I love you. There. Am I a necrophiliac now… ? What am I saying… You’re not dead to me anyway. Sometimes I imagine your corpse, rotting wherever. Not sure why I do th Ahem, please forget this, oh gosh, I’m so creepy, I’m sorry.
I know I should remember the good times we had. But it’s so frustrating. These moments are over. We won’t grow up together. Someday, I’ll be in my 50’s, and you’ll always be a teen in my mind while we should always be 2 years old apart. That’s so wrong. Unnatural. Anyway, I don’t wanna end up this speech negatively, not cool after opening my heart to you ^^’ So yeah, I… I love you so much. I feel like my heart has been torn out and thrown in acid. It feels really close to when Mugman had his first asthma attack and almost died when we were little Dangit Cup, STOP ! I love you.
Chalice stares at the book with wide eyes.
Chalice: *thinking* He loves me… ?
She places the book on her chest, looking at the sky.
Chalice: *thinking* He loves me.
There’s then a zoom on her face.
Chalice: *thinking* But it was more than a year ago… Is it still current ?
Zoom on her eyes.
Chalice: *thinking* And yes, Cup. Your thoughts were creepy. But you were mourning, so… I guess ? ...What ?
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infolane · 1 year
ARC-V Month Day 2: Kahyoreigetsu
Today is a day for the Bracelet girls. We have a couple things for the day :> We have plenty goodies so they’ll be under a read more! @arcvmonth​
First up is just a couple quick sketches of them!
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Here’s a headcanon dump, too! I write about the girls fairly often, and they appear in roleplays as some of my favorite characters to write. I like to emphasize their roles in AUs, too!
Yuzu: The world’s longest normal girl. She’s a kind person that wants to help her friends and we love her for that! Has a rougher side with a bit of a temper, which she indulges in around friends. On her own she can be hesitant to take action and gets intimidated by sudden changes. Basically “Do it” “But I’m scared” “Do it scared”. Also loves to money, but doesn’t everyone?
Ruri: Easily the most eccentric of the four. Before the war, she was certainly like Yuzu- and if you ask Ruri, she would make a Face and condemn that past self as simply “living by inertia”. The war has changed her a lot, and she tends to consider that a positive that makes it harder to connect with others. She’s inquisitive and believes people are good at heart- which fuels a fascination with the enemy and a sharp wit that sees masks and acts as something to break through. Sometimes she says inscrutable things or uses metaphors in confusing ways.
Rin: If Rin is Yugo’s common sense, then Yugo is her moral compass. It isn’t that she’s a bad person at heart, but that she does not care for large causes, great wars, symbols, bureaucracies, lofty goals, utopias... to her, it is all part of the same rubbish that keeps her head down. Rather, she cares for people, and Yugo is at the center of it. She’s not terribly friendly, on her own, but she would gladly see Synchro burn if it would benefit people she cares about personally. She is smart and scrappy and well aware that her dream of dueling with Yugo for the Friendship Cup will land one of them in forced labor. Complexities.
Serena: She’s all about her sense of right and wrong, which is often misaligned. She appreciates efficiency and strength, which sounds pretty villainous until you put her side to side with the other girls. Not one for talking much, she’s very actions over words. Her upbringing at Academia has left her unsocialized, so in a way, she’s like a spicy feral kitten. If you can beat her, you get her respect, and that’s an important thing for her. She wants to do good, prove herself and live with honor, which are all difficult things to do in her situation. Easy to frustrate, can get physical if annoyed enough.
Last is a comic by Nihil and Birdie. It pertains a particular AU. (cw: Some blood)
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RURI: I want to have a role. Serena says she doesn’t Get it. She cares for freedom, the forest, the wind in her hair... the blood in her mouth. So I turn from her, even though she is right. I don’t need to be a hero.
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RURI: There is Golden-eyed Rin. She has plans she only shares with that person I look up to the most. I don’t get how she can call herself selfish when it is her efforts that will help up. A trial by fire. She is right- Heroes are covered in ash and sad debris. I look away.
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RURI: I am certain Yuzu gets it. She just does not want it.
YUZU: People will die, can’t you see that?
SERENA: But I want to be free.
RIN: But the grudge needs avenging.
RURI: A solemn stare, it was loaded with a question:
YUZU: Can you handle the price of having a role in this tragedy?
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RURI: I don’t just want a role to feel good. I want to understand, while I’m not in my brother’s shadow. Wings that protect. I don’t want to suffocate inside my egg. Let me face the sun, I won’t faulter, won’t flinch when I see the scars.
When I see her.
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