#like she changes the music when i'm there
idkwhatever580 · 1 day
Country Girl
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Pairings: Natasha romanoff x singer!reader
Prompt: One night a drunken Tony forgets y/n’s Texan roots and dares her to sing something different.
Warnings: dumbass Tony, songfic, swearing
A/N: okay guys. I usually dislike country but it’s growing on me. Yes this is low key a vent lol but in a good way? Idk I know the people that I’m linking the songs to. Like I literally know them. (Well the second one I know know and the first one I know her kids better but I know her too lol)
Disclaimer: I do not own these songs. The first song in the fic is not going to be y/n’s but the second one is. I would like to preface this by saying it’s like a face claim but for a song lol idk how to describe it 😭
Y/n’s Pov
I just finished my last song of the night and I am saying my goodbyes to the drunk people of the infamous Stark party.
Then suddenly Tony walks onto the stage (more like trips) and slurs
“You can’t sing good! Only good singers can sing every genre”
I chuckle at him and say
“Tony I can sing every genre. I just don’t.”
He smiles at me like he’s about to win something.
“Prove it. Sing a country song.”
I smirk and look over at Natasha who is on one of the couches watching me from afar and she gives me an eyebrow raise so I say
“What’s in it for me?”
He thinks and says
“You know how you always want me to make you your own iron man suit?”
He waits for me to nod and when I do he continues
“I’ll make one for you if you can sing a country song with no lyrics”
I hold my hand out immediately saying
He pauses and says
“But! You can’t sing one of the popular ones that everybody knows like before he cheats okay?”
I keep my hand out firm and say
So he takes it and we shake on it. I make it a point to look at the crowd and say
“Y’all are seeing this right?!”
They all nod and I once again give Natasha a little smirk knowing I’m getting an Iron Man suit.
So I go backstage for a second and grab my guitar and then I pull up a stool and adjust my mic.
I take a breath and say
“Here goes nothing”
Making the crowd laugh a bit. Honestly anything can make a drunk person laugh.
Either you can listen to this or just read the words. Idc. It helps if you listen. (It’s only part of the song btw)
I start strumming the guitar like my teacher taught me. I learned how to play on this song so it’s in my heart.
But it doesn’t matter. I’m still nervous as fuck. I might have learned how to play with this song but I never had to perform it.
I never stay in one place too long
A dirt road's singing me a siren song
I smile when I start to feel the music. I can see a couple people recognizing the song. But not many since it’s only like half way popular.
I gotta find a field
I need to spin my wheels
I got a hankering for four wide tires
And I can't help it it's the way I'm wired
'Fore you get too close
At the last minute I decide to change the words since I’m gay and I don’t like boys. Don’t wanna send the wrong signals.
Girl you need to know
I got a heart like a truck
It's been drug through the mud
Runs on dreams and gasoline
And that ole highway holds the key
It's got a lead foot down when it's leaving
Lord knows it's taken a hell of a beating
A little bit of love is all that it's needing
But it's good as it is tough
I got a heart like a-
“Hold on hold on hold on!”
Tony cuts me off so I stop playing. I give him nasty look and everyone in the crowd boos him since he literally cut into the song I was singing. But before I can say anything he says
“I know this song. I wanna hear something I haven’t heard before.”
I roll my eyes and say
“Stark, you actually only asked for a not super popular country song. I’m singing a half way popular country song.”
He shakes his head and says
“Okay me something you know I’ve never heard before.”
I smirk and look over at Natasha and she nods her head.
So I run backstage and tune my violin so I can play the bridge and then I set it on my stand and oick up my guitar again.
“You wanna hear something you’ve never heard before? I’ll give you just that”
He narrows his eyes and says
“What’s the song name?”
I sigh and say
“Leave Texas Dry.”
He folds his arms and sways a bit. He’s still drunk as fuck
“Who’s it by?”
I smile at him sweetly and say
“Y/n motherfucking Y/l/n”
His face goes white knowing he just lost and I say
“You seem to have forgotten my roots Anthony. I was born and raised in Texas. In other words you just lost a bet with a country girl.”
He scoffs and says
“Not yet. The song has to be good. How do I know it’s not chicken shit?!”
I smirk and say
“Let me fucking play and you’ll see”
The crowd low key goes wild and I sit my happy ass back down and start playing.
I’ve only played this song for Natasha, but I sure as hell practiced so many times that I memorized it. I was not about to get it wrong in front of my possible girlfriend at the time.
I remember asking her to be my girlfriend after singing it.
Once again I am NOT Kay O’Neil. I am simply an acquaintance that loves her music and also happens to write fanfics lol.
Here’s the song if you wanna listen before reading.
She’s like summer rain
Takes my cares away
Drives me insane
She’s all I need
Just for her to stay
Is all I plead
While singing I start thinking of her. I am only looking right at her and I think of the first time I met her. Before we dated I could not handle myself. It’s almost funny how clumsy and awkward I got around her.
‘Cause when she smiles
My heart can’t take it
And I’d go miles
Just so we could make it
‘Cause I’m startin’ to see
How hard it would be
To let her pass by
And leave Texas dry
I was just a girl from Texas that ended up with powers. I had no idea what my life was to hold.
She’s pourin’ down
And I can’t get enough
Wanna keep her ‘round
I remember the first time we danced in the rain. I was sad and sitting on the roof. She, being my best friend, had come out and sit there with me. Then it started raining and she pulled me up to go inside but I stopped her and asked her to dance with me.
I stepped on her foot a few times but she didn’t mind.
‘Cause when she smiles
My heart can’t take it
And I’d go miles
Just so we could make it
‘Cause I’m startin’ to see
How hard it would be
To let her pass by
And leave Texas dry
I pick up my violin for the bridge and start playing with all my heart.
Then I look at Natasha and smile seeing her bright smile on display. She can make me melt from one look. And I start singing the bridge.
It’s hard lettin’ go
When her love is all I know
But I want her to do
What she wants to
I wrote that because I was terrified. We had a situationship, but she was scared of love. And I was scared of life without her. But I wanted the best for her so I was ready for rejection.
Then I slow it down for the last chorus.
‘Cause when she smiles
My heart can’t take it
And I’d go miles
Just so we could make it
‘Cause I’m startin’ to see
How hard it would be
To let her pass by
And leave Texas dry
She blows me a kiss and I send her a dopey smile and I suddenly remember the black box in my pocket. I kept it on me for any time that was perfect. And honestly. What a better way to do it?
So I move my hand to signal her up here and I give Wanda a look to make sure Tony doesn’t get in the way of it.
She immediately understands and nods her head having her mission set out.
Then Natasha makes it onto the stage as I sing the last few lines.
Oh don’t leave Texas dry
Leave Texas dry
I stand up and look at her and she has a surprisingly watery smile.
I hand her my violin since the stand is behind her and while she turns around I shush the crowd and get down on one knee while getting the ring box.
She turns around and gasps.
I give her a loving look and say
“Natasha. You have been there for me from the very beginning. I remember my first day here and Clint was showing me around telling me not to get hurt if you didn’t like me. But you surprised everyone by volunteering to help me get my things and you were so kind. I knew in that moment I wanted you. I have known for so long I love you. I love you so so much and I will never stop loving you.”
She has her hand covering her mouth and her eyes are watering. The crowd, thankfully, is dead silent except for the few coos from them since the mic is still on. I have my head mic on today instead of using the normal microphone.
“I asked you to be my girlfriend three years ago with this exact song. And when you said yes I almost passed out. I completely expected you to reject me by punching me in the face. I honestly am surprised you haven’t punched me even now. And I thought, what a better time to ask this question than doing it like I did in the beginning. So please. Make me the happiest woman alive and marry me?”
I look hopeful and she pretends to think about it like she did the first time but ultimately she nods and says
“Yes y/n I would love to marry you”
After that I break and let out a sob and shakily place the ring on her finger. She actually had to help me because I was so shaky. But she pulls me up to stand and kisses me in front of everyone.
And then our moment is ruined by Tony patting me on the back.
I look at Wanda and she sends a sympathetic look that says ‘I did all I could’ and then I smile knowing we at least got a moment. But Tony says
“Look at that ladies and gentlemen and everything in between”
I smirk knowing I rubbed off on him. And he continues regardless
“All of this happened because of me.”
I roll my eyes and instead of fighting with him I just let him have his moment knowing he won’t remember this in the morning and say
“Whatever helps you sleep at night. But you still owe me a suit”
He groans and runs off to get another drink. I turn to Natasha and say
“Let’s go to our room fiancé”
A/N: I hope y’all liked it!!! I def let my country out a bit. But not a lot. You can tell I’m from Texas from the y’all
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@ilovesnat @ihartnat
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paigebueckersloverr · 13 hours
Three's A Crowd
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This is a multiple part story. This chapter does not have smut. But the next one does, so stay tuned and feel free to critique. I am always open to suggestions and overall thoughts. Thank you.
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Stream of the Day: Novacane 🤍
Contents: Paige And The Reader Attend Paige's After-Game Homecoming Party. Where Reader Finally Meets The Infamous Laliah A Former Flame And Now Friend Of Paige's. Which puts both the reader and paige on edge as laliah makes no mistake in letting paige know she still thinks of her.
THINGS TO KNOW: The Reader Is Black As I Am A Black Girl.
Although, Paige Takes On More Of A Switch Role? Sorry, Yall She's Not Getting Dicked Down...For Now.....
Warnings: Kissing, Fingering, Swearing, Vibrating Strap, Breeding, Degration, Praise, Groping, Possesive Reader, Suggestive Language, Possesive Paige, Jealous Reader, Jealous Paige,* I can't think of anything else right now. * COMING SOON!!!
Word Count - 1.6k MEN And MINORS DNI
☆ Salem's Thoughts ☆
This Story is purely fictional I have no personal relation to anyone mentiond. And I have no malicious or weird intent when writing. These fanfictions are purely for enjoyment and obsessed girls like me.
☆ Salem's Final Thoughts ☆
Please be mindful I'm a little rusty at writing as I haven't Written serious fanfiction. Since my wattpad days, I'm Also dyslexic so read at your own risk.
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Paige’s after-game homecoming party was in full swing, the living room pulsating with laughter and music, but all the sound seemed to fade as I laid eyes on Laliah. She was standing by the kitchen counter, her dark curls tumbling over her shoulders as she leaned in close to Paige, their shared history palpable in the way they moved. As I walked closer, I could see the flicker of recognition in Paige’s eyes, a mix of nostalgia and unease. Laliah's smile was warm yet carried an edge, her gaze lingering on Paige longer than necessary, making it unmistakably clear that old flames still flickered in her heart.
Earlier That Day....
I sighed as I finally turned off the alarm set for 8:15 AM, groaning softly as I pushed myself out of bed. The morning light filtered through the curtains of our hotel room in Minnesota, where Paige was born and bred, her dream of becoming a UConn Husky now a reality. Her family had moved away a year and some change after she left for Storrs, but Minnesota still held a special place in her heart. I moved quietly around the room, gathering Paige’s bags for practice and the upcoming game.
The city was buzzing with excitement, the air thick with anticipation for the game. Paige and Laliah, once formidable teammates at Hopkins, were now playing on different teams, and their reunion on the court was the talk of the town. This trip was a homecoming of sorts, and the shared history between Paige and Laliah added an extra layer of intrigue to the event. Little did they know paige and laliah shared more than a court together.
Later that day, after the game, the real test would come at the after-game party, where I knew I’d finally meet the infamous Laliah, a former flame and now friend of Paige’s. The thought of Laliah’s presence set me on edge, knowing she still harbored feelings for Paige. With a deep breath, I pushed the thoughts aside, focusing on getting everything ready for Paige’s big day.
Paige stirred in bed, her eyes fluttering open as she sensed my movement. She stretched and then sat up, her expression a mix of excitement and anxiety. "I'm nervous about the game," she admitted softly, running a hand through her hair. "It’s been a while since I’ve played in front of a hometown crowd, and with Laliah on the other team..."
I walked over to her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder and pressing a light kiss to her forehead. "You’ve got this, my love. You’ve trained so hard, and everyone here knows what an amazing player you are." I smiled, trying to infuse my voice with confidence. "Plus, it’s just another game. You’ve faced tougher challenges."
She smiled back, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. "Thanks. I just...I want to make everyone proud."
"You will," I assured her, then hesitated before continuing. "And about meeting your former teammates tonight...I’m a little nervous too. Especially about Laliah."
Paige's smile faded slightly, and she nodded. "I know. It’s complicated, but you’re the one I’m with now. She’s just a friend."
"I trust you, my love," I replied, squeezing her shoulder gently and running my fingers through her hair. "But it’s still a bit intimidating, you know? Meeting people who’ve known you for so long and finally seeing Laliah after everything..."
"We’ll get through it together," Paige said, her voice steadier now. She leaned in, giving me a soft kiss. "Just focus on the game for now. We’ll deal with the rest later."
After reassuring Paige, we finished getting ready and headed to the arena. The drive was filled with quiet moments of hand-holding and exchanged glances, a mix of excitement and underlying nerves. As we pulled up, the bustling energy of the city was evident, fans already gathering in anticipation of the game.
Inside the locker room, the atmosphere was electric, teammates greeting Paige with enthusiasm. I found a spot in the stands, the sea of familiar faces reminding me of just how significant this game was. The crowd erupted in cheers as the teams took to the court, and I spotted Laliah warming up on the other side, her presence a stark reminder of the evening to come.
As I scanned the crowd from my seat in the stands, my eyes eventually landed on Laliah. She stood out effortlessly, her presence commanding attention without even trying. Her dark curls framed her face in a cascade of effortless elegance, and her smile, though warm, held a hint of mystery. Dressed in her vibrant mustard yellow and worn leather red uniform , she exuded confidence and grace.
Beside me, Paige's family chatted excitedly, her mom waving enthusiastically at every point Paige scored. Her dad and stepmother watched intently, their pride evident in every cheer and applause. Paige's two little brothers were bouncing in their seats, their energy contagious, while her little sister sat quietly, eyes fixed on the game with a thoughtful expression.
The game was intense, both teams playing with unmatched vigor. Paige moved with a grace and determination that made my heart swell with pride. Each basket, each defensive move, showcased her dedication and skill. But it was impossible to ignore Laliah's equally impressive performance, the chemistry between them on full display even as opponents.
Amidst the excitement, I couldn't help but steal glances at Laliah, her interactions with the crowd and the game itself a fascinating study. Despite the history between her and Paige, there was an air of familiarity and respect in the way she engaged with everyone around her.
Paige's family, oblivious to the significance of Laliah's presence, continued to cheer and celebrate each play with infectious enthusiasm. As the final buzzer sounded and uconn emerged victorious, the crowd erupted in cheers, and I quickly rushed down to meet her. She wrapped me in a tight hug, her face glowing with the thrill of victory.
"We did it," she whispered, her voice breathless.
"You were amazing, my love," I said, kissing her cheek. "Absolutely amazing." She said as she spun us around and cheered. In the locker room, amidst the jubilant cheers and high-fives, Paige and i shared a quiet moment of celebration, her arms wrapped tightly around me as we basked in the euphoria of victory.
After the locker room celebrations, Paige and I retreated to our hotel room to get ready for the party. As Paige changed into her usual attire—a black button-down shirt paired with loose trousers—I opted for a more toned-down look, slipping into a sleek yet understated dress that accentuated my curves in all the right places.
As I smoothed down the fabric of my dress, Paige sauntered over, a playful smirk playing on her lips. "You know, I think I prefer you in less clothing," she teased, wrapping her arms around my waist from behind.
I chuckled, leaning back into her embrace. "Oh really? And here I thought you were all about the mystery."
She nuzzled into the crook of my neck, planting soft kisses along my collarbone. "I like a little mystery, but I also like knowing what's underneath," she murmured, her voice low and suggestive.
A shiver ran down my spine at her words, the familiar heat of desire igniting between us. "Well, lucky for you, you've already unwrapped this package," I replied, turning to face her with a playful grin.
Paige chuckled, her eyes darkening with desire as she pulled me closer. "And what a delightful surprise it was," she murmured, capturing my lips in a searing kiss.
As we finally made our way to the party, the playful banter between Paige and me took on a tense edge, each teasing remark and stolen glance fueling the simmering jealousy between us. The air crackled with unspoken tension, our insecurities festering beneath the surface like a wound that refused to heal.
As we mingled amidst the crowd, Paige's gaze lingered on Laliah for a moment too long, and a surge of Jealousy with a hint of anger ignited within me. "Can we talk?" I hissed through gritted teeth, pulling her aside with a firm grip on her arm.
Paige's eyes flashed with frustration, her own insecurities about the night finally bubbling to the surface. "What now?" she snapped, her tone sharp and defensive.
"It's about her, isn't it?" I accused, my voice trembling with anger and hurt. "You can't deny that there's something between you and Laliah."
Paige's jaw tensed, her expression defensive. "She's just a friend, damn it!" she spat, her voice laced with frustration. "Why can't you trust me?"
But trust was a fragile thing, easily shattered by the lingering stares and whispered conversations that passed between them. "Because it feels like I'm competing with her for your attention!" I shot back, my voice rising in desperation.
As our argument escalated, the tension between us reached a boiling point, our words a painful reminder of the growing rift between us. And amidst the chaos, Laliah approached, her presence casting a shadow over our already strained relationship.
We soon put the argument to rest, realizing that no one would come out happier than when we entered. In Paige's attempt to reassure me, she gently guided me over to Laliah, attempting to make introductions. Despite the lingering tension, Paige's gesture was a small but significant step towards easing the palpable unease that hung in the air. As we approached Laliah, I felt a surge of apprehension coursing through me, unsure of how the encounter would unfold. Nevertheless, I squared my shoulders and forced a polite smile, ready to face whatever lay ahead.
"Laliah, this is..." Paige began, her voice trailing off as she glanced uncertainly at me, her hand still clenched in mine.
"Y/N, her girlfriend and secretary on occasion. I interrupted, my tone cool and clipped. As I smiled softly and reached out for a handshake, which she returned steadfastly, "I've heard a lot about you."
Laliah's lips curled into a knowing smirk, her gaze flickering between Paige and me with a hint of amusement. "Likewise," she replied, her voice smooth as silk. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you both."
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flwrs4sturniolo · 3 days
𝐒𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐇 𝐈𝐓 (part one)
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : chrissturnioloxfem!oc
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : lorelai swift didn't know how she survived before she met chris sturniolo
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : smoking, swearing
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 715
𝐥𝐢𝐥𝐬 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬 : hii, i'm so ready to write this as it is my first fic. it is intended lowercase by the way :)
huge thanks to my fav @certifiedstarrr. i'll never be able to repay you for how much you've done for me. i love you with my whole heart.
another huge thanks to my girl @slutsformatt you're the sweetest girl i know and i'm so glad we're friends.
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ᶜᵃˢᵗ .ᐟ
y/n as
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ / lore , little swift , rory / leo
❛ you're on your own kid ❜ — taylor swift
@ lorelaiswift | @ irlbelle ᥫ᭡
nessa barrett as
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ / alex / aries
❛ cigarette daydream ❜ — cage the elephant
@ alexbarlow | @ irlariel ᥫ᭡
quenlin blackwell as
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ / kenzie , zie / pisces
❛ happiness is a butterfly ❜ — lana del ray
@ mackenziegray | @ irltiana ᥫ᭡
christopher sturniolo as
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ / chris / leo
❛ florida ❜ — dominic fike
@ christophersturniolo | @ fakechris ᥫ᭡
matthew sturniolo as
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ / matt / leo
❛ ivy ❜ — frank ocean
@ matthew.sturniolo | @ iheartdilfs ᥫ᭡
madison beer as
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✩‧₊˚ / char , charlie , lottie / aquarius
❛ end of beginning ❜ — djo
@ charlottejames | @ iheartmilfs ᥫ᭡
nicolas sturniolo as
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ / nick / leo
❛ maneater ❜ — nelly furtado
@ nicolassturniolo | @ theblueprint ᥫ᭡
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liked by, taylorswift, christophersturniolo and 13,372,843 others
lorelaiswift dear society, out tomorrow.
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LORELAI GRACE SWIFT was the kind of girl on the outside that both boys and girls would want. but on the inside, she was so much more.
the whole world knew her as taylor swift's younger sister and growing up, she loved that people knew her and wanted to take selfies. it was fun. until it wasn't.
growing up and constantly hearing music made the girl love it just as much as her older sister did. she started off helping her sister write some songs and then ended up with her debut album when she was only sixteen. it immediately went to number one on the charts and she finally felt as if she was doing something as lorelai, not lorelai swift.
of course, that feeling didn't last very long. the constant hate on social media and even older celebrities tweeting about a teenager was too much. it was all happening so much and lorelai couldn't handle it.
she stayed strong for a while. she tried so hard to push through it because she knew it was hard to be in the spotlight. but sometimes that spotlight was too bright. from then on, the brunette limited her instagram comments and stopped writing songs.
still, nothing changed. she was harassed in public several times and never had any privacy. since then, lorelai hadn't been on any social media since 2022 and today was the first time in nearly three years that the apps had been on her phone.
she was currently sitting on her balcony with a cigarette clutched in her fingertips. it was an old habit that she'd yet overcome. alex and kenzie were currently blowing up the group chat about her song, but she'd answer them later.
she couldn't be more grateful for the two girls who stuck by her while the whole world hated her. she could never repay them. plus charlotte, they were her life support.
alex — tiktoker 🥲
kenzie — youtuber 📷
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lorelai had written dear society nearly six months ago. she was in one of the darkest times of her life, she had pushed everyone away, meaning the only thing she could turn to was her music.
she had written and recorded the song in a week, sending the demo to taylor and the girls. alex, kenzie and charlotte soon showed up at her house with chocolate and pizza, more than happy to see their best friend on her feet again.
she was grateful that she had people in her life who would stay by her side even when she pushed them away. she didn't want to imagine where she would be now if they hadn't forced her to get up and start her life again.
after finishing her cigarette, once again, the girl's phone buzzed several times in a row, making her sit up and grab it.
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chris yapping about lorelai swift for 20 minutes and 6 seconds...
lorelai couldn't lie, she was immediately intrigued by the video. she recognised them. flipping her phone around, she pressed play and went to the time stamp that kenzie had sent.
"guys! i just can't believe she's finally back." chris ran his hands down his face while his brothers gave each other looks. "we get it, chris." matt sighed.
"her music is incredible though." chris nodded at nick's words, thanking him for agreeing. "what would you do if you were to meet lorelai?" matt fed into his brother's obsession.
"first, freak the fuck out. then i'd ask to take her out, and i would take her out for a fancy dinner, spoil her with as much fancy food as she wants, and give her the treatment she deserves." he 'joked'.
nick and matt laughed along with his joke, not thinking he was serious at all. but he was.
lorelai finished the video, not realising there was a smile on her face. she couldn't lie, he was attractive. the way he spoke about her made her laugh. she couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity when she watched them, but she shook it off.
one thing that she noticed was that they never mentioned taylor. not once did they mention that she was her sister.
to them, she was lorelai swift, chris' celebrity crush. not lorelai swift, taylor swift's little sister.
nobody had done that apart from her closest friends before.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 !
@certifiedstarrr @slutsformatt @sturnsbitch @elliewrites1 @livialifesblog @jnkvivi @aaliyahsturniolo1
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mirai-e-jump · 2 days
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Hirakawa Yuzuki Photobook: Yuzuki (select pages and translation below)
Publication: May 10, 2024
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Hirakawa Yuzuki Interview
-Playing along with my older brother as the youngest child-
I'm originally from Kumamoto. When I was little, I was an active kid who played outside all the time. I'd play baseball, tag, takaoni (another form of tag)…I often followed my older brother and played with him and his friends. Since I was the youngest child, I was allowed to do whatever I wanted (laughs). Speaking of, I asked my mother about the origin of my name "Yuzuki," but apparently, she said there was really no particular reason. She said she chose it because it had a good stroke count. Since a bunch of people tell me it's a good name, I really like it alot.
When I was in elementary and middle school, in addition to playing basketball as part of club activities, I also did various sports related activities, such as beach volleyball, baseball and swimming. My older brother would be doing it, so I'd follow him…or my friends would be doing it, and I admired them…it often started out in a similar way. I didn't do things like abacus when it came to studying activities. One time, I enrolled in cram school during the Summer of my third year of middle school, but I wasn't suited for it, and quit about two months in (laughs). My best grades in school were in gym, Japanese, and social studies. I had been playing the electone for about 10 years since kindergarten, so I had good grades in music. Things like math and science I wasn't good at, if I had to say, I was better at liberal arts. As for what kind of student I was, I was the type of student who didn't go to school much back then (laughs). Those who know me now probably have the impression that I'm "cheerful, innocent, and full of energy," but I wasn't very good at fitting in with others back then. I'd feel hurt by a casual comment, but I couldn't say it clearly to the other person, and so it'd build up more and more…and when someone was angry with me, I sometimes felt as if I was angry with them too. Growing up, I was the type of person who wasn't suited for group living. My mother didn't force me to go to school, but told me, "If you don't want to go, make sure to properly study at home," and so I took occasional breaks. Of course, there were my club friends and close friends, but I was more likely to hang out with people like my older brother's friends, who were older than my classmates.
When I became a high school student, me and those around me became more mature, so I didn't have to be intimidated about fitting in. Furthermore, at the time, I was thinking of finding a job right after graduating high school, so I was conscious that school was more of a place to go to study than a place to have fun. I went to an information related high school, where I was exposed to bookkeeping and became really hooked, so I joined the bookkeeping club in my first year of high school. We couldn't get enough people together, so we couldn't form a club, but a "similar hobby group" (laughs). While I'm not good at math, for some reason, I'm good at calculating money (laughs), so I thought I'd like to become something like a tax accountant or a certified public accountant in the future.
-An audition applied for out of curiosity to go to EXPG, a place I had always dreamed of going to, changed my life forever-
I've always liked LDH's artists, and I used to drag my mother along with me to various live shows. During this, when I was in high school, I learned from a program I was watching at the time called "Weekly EXILE" that they'd be holding auditions for girls for the first time in about seven years. I thought it'd be just singing and dancing anyway, and that I wouldn't have a chance, but they were looking for girls with various dreams, including becoming actresses and models, so I thought, "If that's the case, I probably wouldn't be out of place." It was really more out of curiosity than wanting to be accepted. The venue for the first round was at EXPG STUDIO (dance and vocal school handled by LDH) in Fukuoka, which I had wanted to attend for a long time. Ever since I fell in love with LDH, I was drawn in by their singing and dancing and wanted to attend, but the time and money it would take to commute to Fukuoka made it impossible….So, I was tempted by the idea that if I auditioned, I'd be able to "go to that place that I had always dreamed of." However, with my mother saying she'd buy me clothes for my audition, being able to enter EXPG, which I adored, and being able to go shopping in Fukuoka, I had ulterior motives…I sent in my application just before the deadline since I wasn't sure if I should really apply. I remember taking the photo that seals the application document by propping my phone up against a CD player in my house (*picture on the left side on page 128). I also needed a full body photo, but I didn't have any clean white walls at home, so I used one at a friend's house and had it taken in a hurry…I rushed to prepare the necessary documents and applied. Since it was right in the middle of Summer break, I applied secretly without telling anyone in my class, only my parents knew about it.
After passing the written exam, the practical exam began, but I was surrounded by other girls who had been singing and dancing since they were young. I felt that these girls must've devoted all the time I spent enjoying my hobbies to their dreams, and their enthusiasm was so intense that I sometimes wondered if I was out of place after all. But, it was a miracle that I was even able to be there, so I decided to just enjoy myself. Everything I did was new, and since I had never sung or danced before, it was fun to learn how to do it, and I never forgot that feeling of "having fun" during the audition. In the final round, we were divided into groups and had to perform one song while singing and dancing, which was very difficult. When the screening was over, rather than a desire to pass, I felt a stronger sense of accomplishment, like "you've done well," and when my name was called as a successful applicant, I didn't really understand what was happening. I finally realized for the first time that I had been accepted when I went to the agency with my mother to sign the contract. For the first time, I felt a sense of excitement that I was stepping into the entertainment world, which I always thought was far away.
When I joined the agency, I left my parents home and moved to the capital, and was overwhelmed by the city of Tokyo. I walked from Nakameguro (where the agency is located) to Shibuya through Dogenzaka, and at first I thought the intersection in front of 109 was the scramble intersection that I often see on TV. And then, I went alittle bit further and there were many times more people there, and I was like, "Uwah, it's this way!" (laughs). In the beginning, everything I saw was new to me, and I was always pleased and said "uwah."
Immediately after moving to Tokyo, I took singing, dancing and acting lessons at the agency. In the acting lessons, I had a strong Kumamoto accent, so the first thing I did was fix that. I was also taught other various basics to acting. I started out taking one on one lessons at the agency, but eventually I began attending outside lessons for acting. There, I was with other kids of the same age, and I discovered new things like, "Even with the same script, this kid expresses themself in this way," and my passion for acting grew more and more. I had so much to think about during my life in Tokyo, that I didn't have time to say I was lonely, but the reason I didn't feel lonely was probably because I video called my mother every day. Still, I didn't want my parents to worry, so I didn't complain. I think my mother was probably worried about sending her teenage daughter off to Tokyo by herself. Kumamoto and Tokyo aren't close enough for me to rush over there right away, and I didn't want to cause any unnecessary worrying. That's why I barely talked about work, and just talked about casual things like, "What did you do today?"
My first job was on stage for "Moryo no Hako" with Tachibana Kenchi-san. I had never seen a stage before, so I really couldn't tell right from left in this situation. I started from the very beginning and thought, "What is the stage?" My seniors taught me everything from the basics, such as "this is good and this is bad." In any case, I was desperately trying to hang in there every day. After a month and a half of rehearsals, I took the stage for the first time, and I'll never forget how the audience looked at me and how enthusiastic they were. When I received applause at the curtain call, I was very happy to know that what I was expressing and what we had created together had become one piece of work, and I really felt that "this is how we reached the audience," which made me very happy. From there, I was motivated to work even harder on my acting. I was so frustrated by the anger I felt during rehearsals, that I became fired up and thought, "I never want to lose"…yeah, I think I'm very competitive (laughs).
-This is my last chance, I'll bet it all on a "cool" type of Sentai heroine!-
I played the role of Rita Kaniska, the king and chief judge of Gokkan, the country of ice and snow, in "Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger." I've been doing tokusatsu auditions ever since I joined the agency. I think I've auditioned for both "Kamen Rider" and Sentai about four times. Having auditioned multiple times, the image I had of the female cast was that of "the heroine," with their charming smiles and angelic appearance. But the heroines of King-Ohger were different from the previous ones, and when I received the script on the day of the audition, I thought, "A cool one is here." I thought I was more suited for "cool" than "cute," so I decided, "I'm definitely going to get this!" Rita's gender hasn't been disclosed, but they're like a medieval character. I thought that maybe there wouldn't be another role like this in Sentai for a few more years, so if I missed this chance, I probably wouldn't be able to appear in Sentai.
That's why I locked onto the role of Rita from the beginning. When presenting yourself at an audition, I thought it was normal to mention a special skills, so I announced my morning routine (laughs). I thought that I'd definitely make a better impression on the judges if they remembered me as "the XX kid" rather than my name. That's why I thought it'd be nice to be called "the morning routine kid" and when I said something like, "Every morning, my morning routine is to pick out coffee beans and drip them while having a conversation with the beans," I got them to bite, with them responding, "What, talking to beans?!" (laughs). The conversation expanded from there, and I was told, "Please be yourself, there's no need to pretend," so I approached the role with my "natural character."
When I received the news that I had been chosen, I was truly relieved. There were about five rounds of auditions, so I thought, "If I fail after making it this far, I'll never recover," and I was in a situation where I couldn't even get food down my throat. There was a time before I auditioned for King-Ohger where I thought, "I'm not suited for this kind of job after all." My work was decreasing due to the covid pandemic, and when I was alone, I often thought deeply, wondering if I should go back to my hometown and get a job.
I was thinking of quitting if I didn't get the chance in 2023, but King-Ohger was scheduled for the end of 2022, so I thought, "I can continue this job." I was very happy because I felt that I finally had a grasp of the situation, and I also had a positive feeling that I could work hard again from here. I'm glad that my mother also told me, "Good for you, keep doing your best," which I think reassured me alittle. My mother watched King-Ohger every week and became a regular fan of the show (laughs). She was quicker than I was to get information on merch, and she came to events like G-Rosso. I'll send Rita merch to my parents house, and they'll say, "It'd be cute if they were all lined up together," so they're collecting all the characters themselves (laughs).
-Approaching the character by writing my "heart's voice" in the script.-
The story of King-Ohger is more interesting than anything else. The cast loves King-Ohger so much, that I think the actors themselves are the biggest fans of the show. Everyone looked forward to the next development and eagerly waited for the new script every week, saying, "I can't wait to read the next one!" (laughs). I also really enjoyed playing the character of Rita.
I was careful about many things in my performance, such as my voice and the way I stood. Since only my left eye is the only part of my body that shows facial expressions, some parts are difficult to convey, while other parts can be conveyed too much, so I was especially very concerned about how to handle my gaze. Also, the word "Immovable" was used, so I had to give meaning to "not moving." I thought it wasn't enough to just stand there, so I had to think in detail about it, such as "why not move here?" and "why move here after not moving for so long?" I'm the type of person who writes alot in the scripts, but I wrote what was going on in my mind rather than "I'll do this here." For each line, I imagined things like, "Rita is probably thinking this here, and so they're probably saying this," and then I'd write it down. Rita particularly has alot of emotions packed into short words, so I think that if I don't properly interpret the words in my mind before speaking, my words won't hold any weight. I also made sure that I had a clear understanding of the meaning of words that I normally wouldn't use, such as "perjury," and if it was difficult, I'd replace it with a different word and interpret it in a way that made sure I understood it clearly. Since they're also a presiding judge, I tried to take a variety of approaches in order to accurately convey a sense of dignity and persuasiveness.
The final battle from episodes 48 to 50 hit me all at once. I felt the weight of a year's worth of work, and I was in pain while performing, but I also felt the bond and connection between everyone, and even though there wasn't a part where I would cry, I still cried. In terms of Rita's individual scenes, episode 30, in which the secret of their right eye that they had been hiding for a long time was revealed, left a strong impression on me. I really felt that what Rita had been carrying and what they wanted to protect became clear, and that they became stronger.
It was also a challenge to film, but even after 30 episodes, I was able to discover new things like, "Rita can be this emotional!" This was the starting point to further expand on the character of Rita again in the last 20 episodes. Also, speaking of Rita, they have a habit of yelling when they're annoyed, but in the script it's written as "Ah!" I take care about the number of "A" and "!". Each time, the number written was different. So, when I told the Screenwriter something like, "Since there are so many ! here, I should shout like this?," he was overjoyed and said "You noticed?!" (laughs).
Apparently, he also writes the lines while shouting them, and depending on the tension, he writes it differently, like "Aaahhh!!!!" or "Ah!" (laughs). Such subtle differences were interesting, and I also enjoyed acting out the screaming parts. Another memorable episode was episode 38's audition episode. I saw an unexpected side of Rita, who said, "I'll go to such lengths for this job," and I felt that they had opened a new door. As for myself, when I was first told, "Next time, Rita will become an idol," I thought, "Hmm? How did they become an idol?," but then I was given a video of the dance and was told that I'd also sing. Well, it was like I was just taking on what was handed to me. (laughs). I only had about a year's worth of experience in dance lessons from my agency, but I didn't want to do it half heartedly. I think the image my agency has is that they take pride in dancing, so I did my best not to disgrace LDH's name (laughs). The singing and dancing was challenging, but it had been so long since I performed with my face showing, that I was alittle embarrassed at first. It had probably been about nine months since I performed with my whole face.
That's why it felt abit strange to see my whole face on screen, and I was like "whoa" at first (laughs), but in the end, it was alot of fun. Twin tails and a frilly costume…it's not often in life that you get to dress that cute. More than 100 TTFC members came as extras to play audience members, waving penlights and calling out to me. The special effects were amazing and so authentic that it made me think that I had become an artist.
On the day when we filmed the dance performance, the Director told me to "dance three times," but I was so excited that I got better every time I danced, and I ended up dancing eight times. The Director said, "There's been alittle bit of an increase," but it wasn't just alittle, it was more than twice as much as we had planned! (laughs). But, thanks to that, I think we were able to get some good shots, and I also felt a great sense of accomplishment.
Everyone in the King-Ohger cast got along really well. I'm currently regaining the youth I didn't get to enjoy in my teens (laughs). At the beginning of filming, I was worried about whether I'd get along with everyone, but everyone was so warm and welcoming that I didn't need to worry about it, and it felt like we were family. Everyone was so considerate and kind, and I was truly blessed to be a member of this group. We often went out to dinner after filming, and they were very reliable seniors, so we developed a relationship where we could easily discuss both our private and work related issues. Despite all that, we usually had alot of fun talking about things that we really couldn't do anything about (laughs). On set, when someone would make a joke, someone else would respond to the joke, and there was always alot of noise, but when it came time to perform, it felt like we made a quick switch. I think we were a really good team, and I'll do my best so I can work together with them in other productions in the future.
At the wrap up, everyone was crying quite abit, but I didn't cry. If I cried, it would start a chain reaction and everyone would start crying, so I just kept smiling. For awhile, the Director said to me, "You're not going to cry?" I said, "No, I'll probably cry," but…as I thought, the Director saw right through me. I don't really know why, but…but, when the Director cried while saying that, I was touched and was like, "Director~!" He even joked around saying, "You won't even cry at my tears?" (laughs), but I was actually pretty teary eyed.
I've learned alot over the past year. In the beginning, I was really nervous, to the point where I thought my hands would start shaking when I stood in front of the cameras. But after being in front of the cameras for a year, I feel that I've become less intimidated and have been able to focus 100% on the performance. This was my first time focusing on a single role for such a long period of time, so I learned how to expand on my character, come up with ideas for acting, and gained alot more skills. I was taught from the very beginning how to act, which I had been interested in for a long time, and also how to do the dub recording…I really learned alot of things, and I'm sure that what I've gained here will definitely come in handy in the future.
-My first impressions of the snowy landscape was quite literally, "It's dazzling!"-
The idea of publishing a photo book was mentioned to me casually by my manager during a completely different meeting. They said, "This is totally off topic, but do you want to publish a photo book or calendar?" When I heard that they were interested in a project, I asked for it with, "Definitely!" In our meeting to discuss the concept, I expressed "my wish to see snow," since I myself am from Kyushu and had never seen a snow covered landscape. Since Rita, the character I was playing at the time, was king of the country of ice and snow, I thought it'd be a good idea to use "snow" as a theme, and the location for the shoot turned out to be Akita.
When I actually saw the snowy landscape in Akita, I thought the snow was dazzling. I had never been exposed to light reflecting off snow, so at first my eyes weren't completely annoyed by that pure whiteness. But thanks to that, I think my skin looked nice and beautiful (laughs). Some of the snow had piled up quite abit, so I enjoyed flopping and rolling around in the snow, something I'd never have been able to normally do. There are some shots of me just having fun, so be sure to check them out (laughs). The sight of snow on the mountains was also something you don't see in Kyushu. It was so beautiful, that it cleansed my soul. I also made and ate kiritanpo by myself. I love rice and hot pots, so I enjoyed it tremendously. I never had a chance to visit the north before, but when I went to Tohoku for the first time, with delicious food and beautiful scenery, I thought it was the best. Lake Tazawa was so spectacular that it was like being overseas (laughs). It made me realize that there are also alot of beautiful places in Japan, and it made me want to travel around the country.
In addition to Akita, we also had the opportunity to shoot at "AMAZING COFFEE" (coffee shop produced by EXILE TETSUYA, also known as AMECO) in Tokyo. Previously, there was a period of time where I did a societal study at AMECO, where I learned alot about coffee there. Personally, I've always been a coffee lover, but there are many staff members at AMECO who know coffee inside and out, and many customers come to AMECO for that quality. So, I learned more about coffee than ever before. Now, I have fans who say things like, "When you think of Yuzuki-chan, you think of coffee," and people I meet say, "You love coffee, right?" I feel that it's become recognized that coffee is my hobby.
The photos here are the ones of me seriously facing the coffee and just enjoying latte art (laughs).
This time, the makeup artist did alot of creative styling with my short hair, and the style without bangs was very fresh. The costumes all had things I liked, so it was hard to choose. Also, the photographer, Mae Kosuke-san, was a very nice person who really helped me out. Even though I'm used to being in front of cameras, I still get nervous when taking still photos (laughs). Mae-san relieved me of that problem in a good way, so I was able to relax and feel at ease. The photographer, stylist, makeup artist…everyone created a great atmosphere that helped me relax during the shoot, so I'm very grateful.
-The "it's okay to express yourself more" that my friends in King-Ohger told me-
Acting allows me to experience many things that I could never experience in my own life, and above all else, I love the time I spend facing my roles. I've enjoyed the past year very much, so I'd like to continue to face different roles, absorb various things, and discover my potential and new sides of myself. I'd like to try anything, regardless of genre, whether it be film, stage plays, or voice work. In terms of expression, I've been doing some occasional modeling work, so I hope to expand that as well.
The roles I'd like to play in the future are ones of working women, such as a police officer or firefighter. I'd like to continue to do action, so I'd like to play cool roles that make use of those skills. I also really want to wear a uniform. I'm embarrassed to imagine a romantic role, but I'd like to play the role of a best friend position, someone who assists the main character in their love. Something like…"Actually, I'm in love with the same person the heroine is in love with, but my friend talked to her about it, so I can't confess anymore." I'd like to play a role in such a sad position like that. There are things like "getting together someday" right? (laughs). I'd like to play a role that makes people think, "I wish that girl had gotten what she deserved."
Now that King-Ohger is over, I'm currently in a period of taking occasional breaks.
When I'm at home, what do I do…as expected, I often immerse myself in making coffee at home. I'm not good at switching between emotions, so in a positive sense, I use coffee like a switch. I often brew it when I'm motivated for things like, "Let's do the laundry now," or when I need to take a breather and immerse myself with, "Now it's time to relax." And then there are times when I just feel relieved (laughs). There are times when I just sit on the sofa for two hours without watching TV, listening to music, or looking at my phone, and just stare at a single spot (laughs). Hearing this might make you worried, but since I talk alot outside of home, I'm very quiet at home. On days off, I don't say a single word, and I seem to unconsciously create time to be relieved and think about nothing. Something I consciously do as a mood changer is to go for a walk. When I set out, I can leave all kinds of things behind. If I'm thinking about something at home or on my way home, I end up remembering it when I arrive at the same spot. For example, if I sit on the sofa and reflect on something that went wrong, the next day when I sit on the same sofa again, it's like the bad thoughts I had yesterday come back to haunt me. That's why I'll do something like stretch my legs and get out of my comfort zone, throw away my frustrations, and go home. I'm like, "Don't come here anymore!" (laughs).
I guess what I value in life is thinking about the feelings of others. I'll think about what the other person would think if I said "this"…I place great importance on understanding and trying to pick up on the feelings of others. I'm mindful of being considerate to those around me as to not be selfish. In the past, I used to take it too far and become overly concerned about what others thought, but the members of King-Ohger told me, "We think it's okay to express yourself more." That's why I thought I'd try my best to be myself in a way that wouldn't make the other person feel uncomfortable. Right now, I'm in the process of growing up and trying to find the right adjustments (laughs).
Finally, I'd like to thank all of my fans for their support.
Thank you for picking up this photo book. I always receive alot of love from you all through SNS and fan letters, and this is the driving force behind my activities. I've only ever been given energy, smiles, and courage from everyone, so I'd like to give alot back in return. I'd be happy if you'll continue to support me going forward. I'm also looking forward to seeing tons of feedback on the photo book!
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spaceorphan18 · 14 hours
Romy Fic: Intrusive Thoughts
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Rating: T for suggestiveness and one bare ass ;)
Summary: Taking place during XM #4 post-Basketball game. How exactly does Remy get Rogue to agree to go on a date?
Notes: Next piece in my canon series. Wanted to write about how we got from the charged (literally and figuratively) basketball game to Rogue agreeing to actually go out with him. Thus this scene was born. Also, it was an excuse to write Remy in the shower. ;) Thanks @ludi-ling for the beta!
I decided I'm adding a panel to go along with each entry...
Intrusive Thoughts
Remy LeBeau is in the shower, deep in thought.  It had been a hot day but that hadn’t stopped them from playing a good game. It had almost felt like being among friends instead of teammates.  Who would have guessed Jubilee would be good for his ego? And showing up the Wolverine is always a plus.  The physicality had felt good, so much more satisfying than the drills in the Danger Room the professor made them run.  Even as the game intensified, it had all been in playful fun.  They had been accepting of him more than he realized.  
Unintentionally, his mind starts to drift.  Starts to dig around in the dark parts that he prefers to keep hidden.  They tolerate him now, but if they knew…?  There are so many factors that may come into play, so many that may blow over his carefully stacked house of cards.  The Thieves’ Guild, would they take him back? (It’s been long enough - surely they would welcome him home?)  Sinister might want another favor.  (The screams of those poor mutants still keep him up at night).  Belladonna… (He doesn’t want to think of Belladonna… How long has it been since they’ve spoken? How long has it been since they’ve touched…).
He closes his eyes, trying to reach out onto something that isn’t connected to his past.  She is the first thing that enters his mind.  Rogue.   She has been on his mind constantly since he had arrived at the mansion.  A welcome distraction to the darkening intrusive thoughts that have been haunting him lately.  
Stormy had brought him to the X-Men, misguided faith that she had in him. And it’s been nice, for a while, pretending to be the hero.  Pretending that there is some actual good in the world he could do.  Pretending that this might be a family worth keeping.  He knows his track record though, and if he was to be smart about it, he’d take off and not look back.  It’d be better for them in the long run.  Maybe better for him, too.  
For as much as he feels the need to go, he doesn’t. Because she’s there.  A beacon of light enticing him.  A smirk climbs on his lips as he thinks back to the court, about holding her in his arms, about what it would be like if she were really under him.  Or above him.  Or anywhere close to him would do.  The beautiful apple of Eden; forbidden to touch despite knowing how sinfully delicious the taste would be.  He knows better, he does.  But she’s not just another pretty girl.  There’s something more going on with this one.  He just doesn’t know what it is yet.  
…Or maybe he does just have a death wish.  
He turns the shower to cold, needing to cool off.  They are, after all, community showers.  
The sound of a muffled jazz song floats through the air.  Intrigued, he finishes his shower. He then grabs a towel off the rack, giving himself a quick dry down, before wrapping it loosely on his hips.  If he’s hearing it right, the music is coming from the room next door.  And he knows whose that is.  He steals a quick look in the mirror, grinning at his own form, wondering how she will react when she sees him.  
Just his luck, Rogue’s bedroom door is wide open and welcoming.   The stereo on her dresser is playing a slow, soulful tune as she sits curled up on her armchair, reading a book.  She’s changed out of her uniform, and looking relaxed in a pair of sweats and an oversized t-shirt that hangs off one shoulder.  God have mercy on his soul. She doesn’t have to do a thing to be breathtaking.  Wanting her is a constant state he doesn’t mind having to contend with.  
She’s so buried in her book that she doesn’t notice him standing there, casually leaning up against the doorframe.  He takes a moment, just to watch her, just to enjoy the wonderful creature that she is before he lets himself be known.  
“That a good book, chere?” he asks. 
Startled, she looks up, finally noticing he’s there.  Her eyes bulge when she sees him, in shock but not with disinterest.  It’s enough to make him grin wider.  
“Gambit,” she says.  There’s a blush on her cheeks as she turns her head away.  “You have no clothes on.” 
“I was just walking by from my shower,” he says, ignoring her observation.  “And heard Glen Miller on the radio.  Beautiful sounds that old boy makes, I just had to stop and listen.”  He takes a step into the bedroom.  Her eyes narrow, but she doesn’t stop him.  “Surprises me, though.  Figured you’d be the type who’d like something a little more…country.” 
She rolls her eyes at him, but smiles.  “I’m allowed to like more than one thing, you know.” 
“So, country isn’t off the table?” 
She bites her lip, looking towards the ceiling as he walks in a little further.  “What do you actually want, Gambit?” 
He comes in close and leans over, nearly whispering in her ear.  “You already know what I want,” he says.  Her entire body tenses as he lingers over her.  He makes her nervous.  He enjoys that he makes her nervous.  He knows when to push and he knows when to stop.  The fact that she hasn’t kicked him outright from her bedroom is a score for the day.  With Rogue, it’s the long game he’s playing.  “What’s this book that has you so engrossed?” 
“Oh,” she finally faces him, surprised.  “It’s nothing.” 
“A Duchess in Need,” he says, intrigued by the title.  “A romance book?” 
“I doubt you have any real interest in my book.” 
“Nothing wrong with a good romance book.” he licks his lips. “I find them inspiring.” 
“I’m sure you do.” 
“So, you wouldn’t mind me having a look?”  He makes a grab for the book.  She tears it away, just out of reach.  He goes for it again, this time using both hands.  The lunge forward causes the towel drop.  
“Gambit!” she cries, dropping the book in order to cover her eyes.  She’s scandalized but he doesn’t much care as he scoops down to pick up the towel and grab the book.  He loosely holds the towel up to cover himself as he flips open the book.  He knows his ass is hanging bare.  He knows, as she peeks through her fingers, that she can see it in the reflection of the vanity mirror.  He wants her to.  
“Oh, this be a dirty book,” he says, very amused as he starts reading.  “Her lips tremble and quiver with desire…”
“Gambit, give it back.” She jumps out of her seat, attempting to get the book out of his hands.  
“His manhood throbs in her hand...” 
“Gambit, I swear, I’ll…” 
“She finally submits to her lust.” 
“Gimme that.” She finally tears it from his hands, pulling it close to her chest.  “I get that this may seem silly to you, but I’m allowed to enjoy my books.” 
He may have pushed a little too far this time.  She is more closed off than ever, holding herself tightly, her eyes once again looking off in the distance.  Only this time there is anger.  “Chere, this book - it’s no good for you.”  
“Why? Because they should only be reserved for perverts like you?” Her voice is sharp.  Cutting.  
“Because it isn’t real romance,” he says.  It’s the seriousness in his voice that gets her to pay attention.  Up until now it’s been all flirty games and teasing words.  Most women he’s encountered, that’s all they need.  Not Rogue.  She’s going to need more.  How far is he willing to go? He isn’t sure.  But he knows there’s something stirring in his heart.  Something he can’t quite figure out.  
He wants her.  He’s known that much since the day he met her.  But he’s learning he may want all of her.  And that’s a much more dangerous game to play.  
“Like you know what real romance is,” she spits out.  
“I do.”  He takes a moment to pull the towel fully around his hips, securing it tightly.  The gesture is not lost on her.  “We get dressed up nice.  I take you to a nice dinner.  We can find some live jazz and dance in the moonlight.  We can talk…” 
“And then?” 
He gives her a suggestive glance.  “And then I take you home like a proper gentleman.” 
She scoffs at him.  “I doubt that.” 
“Your call, chere.” He plays it nonchalant, but his chips are all in.   
A long moment passes. Her eyes flicker as the wheels turn in her mind. It’s like he can see them. Whatever she’s thinking… 
“Okay,” she says carefully. 
“Okay?” He almost can’t believe it.  
“But if you try anything, I’ll break you in two.” 
“I would expect nothing less.” 
He turns to leave, knowing that her eyes are lingering on him, and smiles.  
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arkhamabyssfiles · 3 days
Arkham Abyss Files: Red Hood Memory II
“I nearly flunked arts. Music I was fine, mostly because I was part of the choir,” Helena said.
“Seriously?” Jason asked incredulously. “How do you flunk arts?”
“It doesn’t interest me.” She shrugged. “I have better things to do and learn. It’s a waste of time–in my opinion.”
“You think beauty is a waste of time?” Jason asked, almost scandalized.
Helena turned bored eyes at him, “Yes. So what?”
“What—? How can you think that when you live surrounded by beautiful things?”
“They’re objects, what does it matter how they look if they accomplish a function?”
Jason couldn’t believe he of all people had to explain to this sinic Princess why beauty was important. Because he was sure she had all her life lived seeing places full of wonderful beautiful things, using pretty clothes, riding gorgeous cars—
Then he laughed a bit snidely. Of course, she had never known what it was to live without it.
“Maybe you should try wearing cheap used clothes or a deadbeat car. Or perhaps returning home to a place with no windows, no sunlight, and when you get out–there’s nothing green, no flowers, no color beyond the faded ad in a pan card selling you some brand that doesn't even exist anymore.”
Helena's expression didn't change much, the only thing he could note at least was a glint in her eyes that made her look far off, and he wondered at that. So far, she'd been amicable and annoyingly teasing.
“Are flowers and trees beautiful?” She asked.
Jason frowned, “Of course!”
“Well, I don’t like flowers. I do like trees, but I don't think of them as beautiful.”
“You don’t like flowers? What kind of Princess are you?”
At this, Helena laughed. And how could she not understand how a beautiful smile soothed some of the world’s darkness? Or maybe she didn’t want to see it for some reason…
“Princess? You think I’m a princess?” She asked.
Jason flushed a little, “Well—you are. Even Bruce is called ‘Prince of Gotham’.”
“Yeah. You’re right. Maybe I do am one. A princess who doesn’t like flowers nor cares for pretty things. I guess I’m a lousy princess then.”
“What about sunrises and sunsets? Everyone gets inspired by that.” Jason tried.
“They mark part of the day.” Helena turned her hand, indicating the passing of time.
“Dresses and shoes?” Girls liked those, right?
“Only if I need to use them and I prefer comfortable shoes.” She shot back, bored.
“How about music? Didn't you say you were in a choir?”
“I did. Out of—a promise of sorts. I have a good voice and others like to listen to it.”
“See? That inspires people because it's beautiful and soothing—assuming you do have a pretty voice,” Jason probed at her.
Helena shot him a mocking glance, “I’m not that lousy of a princess. I do have a nice enough voice.”
“Right,” Jason said dryly.
“But I wouldn’t care if I didn't.”
“What if you were ugly?”
“Oh, you think I'm beautiful?” She asked very pleased and walked towards him. Jason immediately put his arms up and stepped back.
“You are beautiful by human standards. It’s not a matter of opinion.”
“Pooh!” Pooh? Who talked like that in modern times? “So boring. So what if I was ugly? As long as I could still help others, who cares?”
“Believe me, many people care about not being beautiful enough.”
“Then they should make up by working on making their insides better.”
Jason rolled his eyes, “Only a pretty person would say that.”
“Too many people care too much for appearances,” She countered.
“Well, yes. But that's not the point. Beautiful and true things that transcend this world are what make it worth living if it was all ugly and depressing humans would’ve disappeared long ago.”
“You’re talking now about immaterial things—”
“No,” Jason paused and amended, “Not only about those—I really don’t understand that deep shit that much. I’m talking about sunsets, flowers, a good book, calligraphy, music—even if there’s a lot of trash music nowadays.”
Helena laughed again and stepped close to him again, her hands entwined behind her back. This time, Jason didn't step back, knowing full well that this was a tactic of hers to make him fumble or lose the line of reasoning he was on. Once she was nearly on his face, and her dark blue slanted eyes shining with mischief were so close he could count her long eyelashes if he wanted, she said softly.
“You aren’t convincing me.”
Jason huffed and ignored his slightly accelerated heartbeat. He looked up at the clock. It wasn’t that late, so if they went to sleep now, they could get up early in the morning before sunrise.
“Fine. Meet me in the garden at six a.m.”
“Ah! Are you asking me on a date already? And here I thought you didn’t even like me!”
Jason narrowed his eyes, put his index finger on her forehead, and pushed her back.
“It just annoys me to see someone so blind,” He said and then flickered her forehead.
“Ow!” She hissed and rubbed her forehead then glared a bit at him. “Fine, I’ll see you there, Knight of beautiful things!” Helena said, then stuck out her tongue, turned around, and ran out of the library.
Jason sighed and shook his head. She was a handful.
Sunrise still was thirty minutes away, so it was plenty dark to still see the stars—at least in the opposite direction of Gotham with its perpetual shining. Luckily it was a rare February sky that was devoid of clouds. Helena wasn’t that happy of following, even if she had shown on her own. They were both sitting on one of the brick planters that held some rosebushes. 
“It’s cold,” She complained and buried herself deeper in her thick purple coat.
Jason rolled his eyes, “You won’t die, Princess.”
Helena humphed and scooted closer to him until she was stuck to his side, “Share your warmth then.”
As she had made the effort to be out here in the cold early dawn, he complied and didn’t move away from her. She sniffled and asked, “So what’s the great thing that will change my mind?”
Jason sighed and pointed toward the starry sky.
“Just be quiet for a moment. Imagine there’s nothing else but what it’s in front of you right now. It’s just you and the sky.”
Minutes passed in silence then Helena broke it again, “I still don’t see it.”
Jason sighed, “I guess you’re a lost case then. You’ll live the rest of your days in a very dull way.”
“It doesn’t matter as long as I do what I can to help others to the best of my ability,” Helena defended. “As dull as my free time may seem to you.”
“That’s fine. Just don’t talk to me in public.”
Helena laughed, “You’re horrible! At least do you know some constellations?”
Oh well, even if he’d failed to prove his point, he was having fun at least. Then Jason proceeded to point out the few ones that could be made out, it wasn’t long before the first rays of the sun gently erased them from the sky. Helena said some stupid joke about shooting stars getting arrested and Jason laughed despite himself. His eyes turned to Helena, now that there was some light he could make out her expressions more clearly, and right now she was staring at him—with attentive eyes, and her lips were slightly parted. Then she blinked and looked ahead, towards the sunrise and all its colorful hues.
Then Jason saw a shine in her eyes and knew she was admiring the view now.
“Not so bad, huh?” He said.
“I guess—” Helena sent a quick look his way then back in front– “it’s not so bad,” She reluctantly admitted. Then she added quietly, “My Mom was beautiful. Even when she died.”
END OF MEMORY... For more FILES check previous entries...
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randoimago · 1 day
Hi hello!! Hope you're having a good day 💕 May I kindly request All Persona protags (Minato/Makoto, FeMC/Kotone, Yu and Akiren) with a Velvet Room attendant S/O?
S/o would be another one of the velvet room siblings and their social skills suck so their sibling (corresponding to the protag so to FeMC it would be Theo etc etc) decided to ask protag for help or something along those lines (and eventually the sibling would probably try to set S/O and protag up if you're fine with that)
Hope I explained it well, English isn't my first language so sorry if it's not written well:(
Fandom: Persona 3, Persona 4, Persona 5
Character(s): Kotone, Makoto, Yu, Joker
Note(s): So I kind of did one for Joker a while ago but I'm happy to write some new stuff! Also I had this done like a month ago but idk what happened to it so I did my best to redo it
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She's eager to meet you when she hears that Theo has a sibling. She's very open and bubbly and it's probably a bit much for you. But she's nice, at least.
And of course, she knows that Theo is trying to push you two together more. She smiles when he asks her to take you somewhere instead of him. Kotone is happy to accept, eager to see what kind of reactions you have
Won't be one to push you for a relationship either. Even though she knows what Theo is doing, she's happy to get to know you better and have you gradually become more comfortable.
Elizabeth tells him that she wants him to take you out. And she usually gives him some item that is useful so he goes along with it. He's not the most open when it comes to new people, they just automatically adopt him as a friend.
It's rather awkward with the two of you. You're not great at being social and he doesn't care for being social. So, since neither of you is that great with talking, he's offering to let you listen to his music with him. Music makes him feel more comfortable and maybe it'll help you too.
And sure, maybe feelings will develop naturally with it. Makoto likes spending time with you. Elizabeth is a bit pouty that you and he are just listening to music instead of talking, but he is still hanging out with you so she's not too upset.
Yu is rather surprised that Margaret asked him to spend time with her sibling. He's only really hung out with Marie so it'll be interesting to see what other attendants there are to talk to.
With all the loud-mouthed friends he has (said in love), finding out that you're not the best at being sociable is a nice change. He still does his best to make sure you're comfortable.
Since Inaba is such a small town, there are plenty of places that he's glad to take you, but probably has to do most of the talking since everyone knows everyone and you're not the best at being social. Yu still enjoys the opportunity to spend time with you.
With the random shenanigans that the twins put him through and the verbal (and sometimes physical) abuse, he can't help but dread the idea of spending time with their sibling. But then he meets you.
And you're just awkward? You're not the best at being social. Which is fine with him since he only really pipes up when he has a witty comeback. Honestly, he's mostly amused when he hangs out with you, letting you dig a bit of a hole as you talk before giving a thumbs up because you tried your best.
Doesn't realize that he is being set up in hopes that something romantic happens with you. But Joker is enjoying interacting with you. Wouldn't be opposed to taking you on a date either.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 9 months
fucking finally, after a whole summer of telling myself to do it, did i schedule a new tattoo appointment.
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cathalbravecog · 9 months
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i'm the antonymph of the internet
#how many tributes to this song will i make in my life#MANY ! it literally changed my life and means a lot to me. i love antonymph and vylet pony's music is worth checking out - please do.#unsupervised internet access as a queer neurodivergent kid anthem !!#i chose to do misty since we all know i like drawing her in experimental pieces and putting her in outfits. she also has art in a gir hoodi#from the clash team in treasure trove!! :D#this is also experimental/stylistic as well!! had fun!! nice to just draw something in one day and not worry. leaves me tired but...#haven't done a nice piece like so in one day in a while!!! i'm very proud :] it's a fun one#anyways... both a little tribute to the song and misty as a character#ihave so many thoughts about misty even if i dont talk publicly on them. shes a very interesting character to me and i care about her so#much. i compared her to fluttershy in the past - and realized that if i liked ttcc as a kid she would've been my favorite.#fluttershy on her own meant a lot to me as a child. including mlp itself as it's one of the core things that got me into drawing art online#a lot of my analysis on misty and headcanons at least on the more emotional scale do come from a bit of projecting but...it makes it more#fun to me when i can put myself into the shoes of a character like her who i already relate to. rrghh too bad im scared to talk about her#too much in nuanced detail in public since some people are... not so nice about her. though i know the tumblr audience is nice and unders#standing!!#anyways from me just having fun being me#i let misty have a little bit of fun... something i think she would possibly enjoy? i do see her as someone who gets nostalgic#and is stuck in more childish things and matters. she wants to play ip dip with you...its very sweet to me. letting myself and her be#confident through a song that means so much to me is kind of powerful to me. i had a lot of fun making this drawing.#anyways. love this song. love ttcc. love mity /p. be swag and be self indulgent and have fun. you can do anything u want forevah#toontown#toontown corporate clash#antonymph#guz art#rainmaker
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thedreadvampy · 6 days
I GENUINELY wish I understood the appeal of Taylor Swift I really really do. many of my friends do. but it's just. I don't think a single one of her songs has ever landed above 'ok' or 'nostalgically cheesy' for me and every time I think that I feel so incredibly like I'm trying to be snobby but I'm not? it's not about not liking pop or not liking the cool thing I love pop I love cheese I just also like music that has some...I guess energy and danceability or specific and meaningful rage and I have found nothing to hook into in anything she's made. Antihero nearly works for me. Blank Space works conceptually but not in practise. but other than that the last thing she made that did anything for me even as a throwaway pop song was. god it actually might be We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together or 22 which at least are catchy but I can't say ever made it to my playlists.
I want to get it, I genuinely do. I have listened to most of her releases at least once because I keep thinking if I try hard enough something will open up for me but nah however hard I try it's just extremely mid. like yes that certainly is music. I can immediately recognise it as Taylor Swift, it's not like it's utterly generic, but it absolutely just registers to me as background music. I want so much to understand what it is about her that makes her the biggest person in music for like 15 years now.
(I could say the same about Beyoncé who if anything lands worse for me. Break My Soul owns, but other than that I have landed everything I've heard of hers since like 2008 firmly in the Do Not Relisten pile it just lands like a ton of loose sand for me. and this is not mentioning the actual crime against music that was Jolene bc I don't think that worked for most people tbf. and again it's not that I don't like pop or r&b or rap cause that's like. between those genres about a third of the music I listen to. but her work is just so unengaging to me personally and I don't know why and I wish I got it)
#red said#~oh you just don't like things that are popular~ i LIKE liking things that are popular!#i like lizzo! i love lil nas x! i think billie eilish is amazing! i think I'm too old for olivia rodrigo but i get the appeal!#i think with taylor and possibly also beyonce though there's like a level of calculated pose that makes their music feel like work#like it doesn't. to me. feel like it connects because it feels like a product put together as a marketing persona#and not in a fun way like Katy Perry used to but like. Taylor Swift's music is extremely thought through. even the missteps.#and musically it feels really uninteresting and emotionally it feels like the IDEA of emotional relatability not any kind of insight#it's very middle of the road to me. even when it's taking risks it's not taking risks.#and tbf if i was gonna guess at why she's as popular as she is I'd say it's that. it's sustainable and marketable and well planned.#like Montero was a fucking phenomenal album because it was incredibly honest and creative. but tbh has Lil Nas X had the same impact since?#no not really bc he put EVERYTHING into that album and now tbh he's putting out new music that's fine but not earthshattering#whereas Taylor definitely knows how to market herself and how to change her brand incrementally without having to get more vulnerable#but like. her whole thing is kind of as a confessional singer songwriter vibe. which needs vulnerability and messiness#and to me it always sounds very very managed and very defensive and that is. flat.
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da-proti-toku-grem · 2 months
why can't anyone understand that everyone is different and not everyone likes the same things and that it's completely okay AND normal for someone not to like going out and preferring to stay at home :/
#honestly i understand that my parents care about me and they don't want me to be feeling bad#and that they ask me bc they just want to make sure i'm okay#but i've explained to them what i feel like and they just don't get and i get mad but i akso know it's not their fault and just... oughhhhh#like yeah i have a weird kind of social anxiety according to my therapist and even she doesn't know exactly how to help me yet#but there are just so many reasons behind why i don't like going out and it's not just bc it gives me anxiety#or why those situations give me anxiety in the forst place#1. i'm just a very introverted person that doesn't like going out#2. crowded places/closed spaces/places where there's not enough ventilation/loud places (be it people talking or just music) overwhelme me#3. all said in 2 + flashing lights give me huge migraines that can linger for over 3 days#4. i am very much a night owl and i'm forced to live in a society where that isn't fucking acceptable apparently and i'm called lazy for -#- not being productive in the morning when the only reason behind it is that i am a lot more productive at night#but no one ket's me do that bc 'why are you doing stuff when you're supposed to be asleep?'#i have been the same since i was little. literally nothing has changed#and people where always like 'oh she's just shy'#but idk wtf changed#maybe it was that i became and 'adult' or maybe the fact that i started therapy and they told my parents that i have social anxiety. idk#but suddenly every single person in my family is worried about it and they're genuinely making me feel like there's smth wrong about me#i mean. i have my problems i'm not gonna go telling you that i'm perfect bc i'm pretty much not#but is there really smth that wrong with me that i need to fix#or is society just a bitch that doesn't understand that there's different kinds of people and everyone is different & IT'S COMPLETELY OKAY#have they ever thought about the fact that maybe these situations cause me anxiety bc i've been forced all my life to do them#even if i don't like them#instead of thinking that i don't like them BC they cause me anxiety??#i mean. i know i have to go out more and that there's tons of things i can do ofc#but you can't just force me to do things i don't want to and put on a good face while doing it *every.fucking.day*#aaaaand i could add a lot more things but i'm once again reaching the tag limit so i shoukd just shut up#it's just driving me crazy bc i know they're trying to help but it really is not helping at all.............#ranting
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crispyliza · 3 months
An old classmate from highschool has become an actress and she's in a pretty popular tv show here in Greece where she plays a teenager. and it's just so wild to see while knowing what she looked like as an ACTUAL teen. She'll be 25 soon lmao 😭
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itwoodbeprefect · 3 months
flashbacks to dialogue that happened less than a minute ago are annoying and a little insulting for obvious reasons, unless it's in bad buddy episode 5 [2/4] and pat is having entirely serious sepia toned flashbacks to fifty seconds ago while almost shoving a set of drumsticks he hasn't even paid for yet up his nose. then it's brilliant and world changing
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#don't mind me i'm just chewing glass today#when the architecture band starts playing at freshy day and ink says to pat hey isn't that the song you two played that christmas?#it's like yeah... but that's a maddeningly casual way to refer to an event that in the context of the series wide metaphor#is really more like their parents caught them making out in a closet. and then pran got sent to boarding school over it#and NOW pran is up there on stage playing that same song again. looking right at pat when he announces it. but plaYING IT with WAI#and not intentionally. not in a mean sort of way. because pran doesn't know#he doesn't KNOW that pat's been shoving drumsticks up his nose while being struck cold by Love Signs#because how could he. all he knows is that very recently pat was sighing in relief that pran isn't his rival for ink. because pat likes ink#pran does NOT know that in the (very short. more than fifty seconds but still very short) meantime#pat has tried to figure out if ink might like him back. pat has in the process accidentally figured out that HE might like pran#AND pat has tried to confess his feelings to ink only for her to go. very kindly. are you sure you like me that way? i don't think you do#(because he's the wrONG SIBLING. she likes the OTHER SIBLING. which is hilarious but a different thing to go insane over)#and it's like. pran doesn't know!!! pran is just having a day like any other. pran has Known forever#he doesn't KNOW that when they're standing there surrounded by guitars (it's essentially a gay bar. don't even get me started)#(because that's a joke but it's also not. not really. it is but it's not. you know)#!! that when they're standing there surrounded by guitars. pat is suddenly going OH. in sepia toned flashbacks to fifty seconds ago#when they were ALSO standing there surrounded by guitars btw. which is the point. nothing has changed but maybe everything has#it's the same thing it was fifty seconds ago but maybe it's not. maybe pat suddenly hears the music that's been playing forever#and maybe this is way too many fucking tags. i don't even think this is the glass i was chewing originally#*#bad buddy#bad buddy the series
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beananium · 7 months
oh its all so painfully real
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izzy-b-hands · 6 months
today should be a t break day
bc I'll need it to be more effective in the coming days if we see family, and then I'll have the survey shifts
but since late last night i keep randomly nearly breaking into tears and thinking abt the stupidest shit that needs to stay in the box in my brain
so idk. maybe it will be. it is thus far. but I'm not leaving my room without a container of some edible or another in my pocket either
#text post#no idea where the fuck this came from and it kept me up until fucking four in the fucking morning#but only NEARLY crying my body/brain still won't let me FULLY cry#and i did email my prior doc with a 'can i ask u just abt this one current symptom and if it is abt what i think & ill send u 20 bucks even'#she said no to the twenty bucks but said yeah it does sound like my ptsd has been triggered by multiple things over the last year#and the not being able to cry is a part of it. my body's trying to protect me from feeling anything abt it and breaking down#and part of that means not letting the tears fall so there's no physical acknowledgement of any feelings#which is what i was thinking was going on but it's nice to confirm it with someone who knows their shit#doesn't fix it but at least i know.#the thing is that the triggers are like. good? bc im in a healthier safer environment now with ppl that don't do what my mum & fam do to me#but it means my brain is learning just how much of a lot of it Wasn't Normal and was actually Pretty Harmful and that's.#i want my brain to just accept and get over that already tbh. okay so that's the case it doesn't change anything????#why are we still thinking abt it and having feelings over it at this point bc that feels like a waste of time#there are no apologies I'll get for things that happened from when i was younger and there's no closure it just Is What It Is#I'm tired of even wanting to cry over it when I'd rather be throwing myself into making money & being productive art-wise#it manages to interrupt so many fucking facets of my life like#whatever. anyway considering a music au new draft where ed and izzy meet seth. and immediately offer to kill him for Pickles aksnsjfnfgj
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Starting pride month with the pharmacy denying me my testosterone prescription until mid-June and my doctor saying she can't do anything about it because it's a controlled substance 🙃✌️
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