#like. yes they're people. but once you see enough people you start to put a price on their life.
damnfandomproblems · 3 days
Responding to 3 anons in #5796
"I agree with this tbh. Like adults are the ones making things unsafe for minors in fandom spaces. YOU are the ones who approach minors unprompted. Minors are just minding their own business in fandom, then you all come along and bother everyone."
Predators that are adults are not synonymous with all adults in fandom. It's not the fault of the vast majority of fandom that kids purposefully bust into adult spaces and arbitrarily believe the creeps saying they're "safe" adults. It's the fault of your parents for not reaching you worth a damn and the predator. And yes, kids do fucking barge into adult NSFW spaces. None of the the ones that say they mind their business actually do.
"I agree with this post, cause like... the ones doing the most harassing are adults. I am a minor, and it makes me feel unsafe in fandom spaces. Especially when I see adults drawing nsfw of characters who are MINORS! aging them up does not excuse that gross and creepy behavior. Just stop and give us a space where we don't get pushed into a corner and called annoying. Leave our fandom spaces!"
It's gonna be really funny when you age out of your favorite characters and have a moral dilemma over the fact that you don't stop thirsting over Bakugo or whoever the fuck the minute you're older than him.
And aging up is...how time works. That's like saying no one can view anyone sexually, fictional or real life, because they were once a child. Do you realize how stupid that sounds? If you don't want to be sat at the kids table, learn how to behave rather than screaming at the main table because Aunt Milly told an off color joke and Grandpa Joe has a naked Princess Peach tattooed on his arm.
"I see people getting mad about Fandom Problem #5796, but that kind of is just proving the point? You all act like the minors are the biggest problem in fandom, but you are the ones constantly inserting yourselves and making it about you.
I see adults say things like:
- "Fandom wouldn't exist without adults."
- "Who do you think created fandom? Not minors!"
- "Minors wouldn't have content if it weren't for adults."
All are ignorant of the idea that minors are the foundation to fandom. Fandom would not exist if it wasn't for minors being interested in it and starting groups for people to join. Often times, the best artists and writers in the fandoms are THE MINORS.
Adults make the space uncomfortable by inserting themselves and putting NSFW fics and art of minor characters. Then they get pissy when a minor points out it makes them uncomfortable and go "stop invading our space!"
You are the ones trying to push minors out when we just want to have fun! Just leave us alone!
-A minor"
Minors aren't the biggest problem, no. But by food are they the loudest. You say you just want to have fun but minors have on mass harassed people that were leaving them alone simply because they didn't understand the concept of dead dove don't eat.
And no, you are not, nor have you ever been, the foundation of fandom. It has always been adults, from the very beginning when Sherlock Holmes novels gained an international fan club unlike the world had ever seen to the 1960s housewife Spock/Kirk shipping Trekkies starting conventions, mailing lists, having coalate parties for zines, and laying down the foundation we have today. Adults were the ones that got sued my lunatic writers in the 90s, and they're the ones that, 90% of the time, are buying the services or media for you to consume in the first place.
And I'm sorry, but the best artists and writers in the fandom are never minors. Exceptionally talented minors are exceptional for a reason. The rest of you sit somewhere between "average and has potential" to "would make My Immortal hide its face in secondhand embarassment." Art and writing are skills, and anyone under the age of 16 likely hasn't been writing fiction long enough to run with the heavy hitters. Considering the state of the US education system, this is an even more laughable stance.
Many minors have great potential, but acting like your the best in show when you just made it out the gate is the height of hubris.
Posting as a response to a previous problem.
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A Week (He Will Take You)
Danny moved to Gotham for school, while there he noticed that Gotham's ambient ecto was really murky for lack of a better word.
This didn't really affect him too much besides a mild headache every once in a while but that also just might be stress from all his school work so maybe not.
This murky ecto seemed to effect the people who lived there or more importantly the ghosts,
They were visible to the human eye like most ghosts back in Amity but instead of looking very much like a ghost they still looked like humans if a bit off putting.
They all seemed to be continuing their normal lives as if still fully alive, with the people around them none the wiser.
Danny noticed this and began approaching them to figure out what was going on.
Apparently the murky ecto in the city had made it so that they were strong enough to still continue a somewhat normal life but not be able to cross over to the GZ.
In other words they were stuck in Gotham
Danny was the Ghost King so he could easily fix this problem, all he needed to do was give them a bit of pure ecto for around a week to fully stabilize them them then he would just open a portal into the GZ and they could cross over with all their things also transferring into the GZ for their new haunt.
Unfortunately this looked rather worrying to an outsider,
Imagine you're used to your neighbor being very outgoing so you and others see them a lot suddenly this man seems to appear in their life out of nowhere an at exactly one week, your neighbor and all their belongings in their home disappear no trace to be found.
You tell people and they begin saying the same story they knew someone and them a man with black hair and blue eyes appeared in their life, then they and all their things disappear in exactly one week.
Of course the police in Gotham do the bare minimum so they're no help.
But it starts to begin a trend, especially online.
"Oh careful or the blue eyed man will make you disappear in a week"
This of course after time catches the bats attention, Gordon had already given them all the information he had.
"Young adult early twenties, dark hair, blue eyes"
That was it.
The bats look into it and from their point of view Danny is a serial killer.
But they can't find the connection between all of his victims, they range from young children and the elderly from different backgrounds absolutely no connection,
Worrying enough he doesn't just make one person disappear he has taken entire families up to over a dozen, without anyone figuring out how he's doing it or why at all.
The disturbing thing also being that he seems to take everything in their home, leaving it like it has always been empty
Like no one had been living in it.
People have tried to take photos of Danny get some kind of evidence of his existence, but when they try to do it, it either comes out completely corrupted or their devise simply shuts down fully.
Danny of course has no clue what is happening he's just happy that he's able to help so many ghosts, and is trying not to fail his exams.
Danny leaving the house he just helped: "That went easier than I expected!"
Neighbor peeking from the window: "Shit it's that guy! "
Red Hood marching down into the cave: " The fucker took many from my territory without me even realizing it!"
Tim: "I'm pretty sure his kill count is nearing the hundreds and he just started like maybe 4 months ago, this is bad."
Barbara: " I think I got a theory, this matches up with the new school year beginning so maybe their not a Gotham native which narrows down my suspect list."
Bruce: "Hn."
Tim: "Yes thank you B for the insightful commentary"
Danny trying not to fall asleep while on his way to class: "Strange I keep seeing shadows following me, oh well must be the stress!"
Bats who are pretty sure Danny is the killer: "Has he done anything suspicious yet?"
Just an Idea
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corollaservant · 5 months
There’s just something about lanky men. (18+)
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You know, the type of man who’s scrawny, awkward and with a small ribcage (not from working out, genetics, you cuss). The one who doesn't put emphasis on his clothing, wearing whichever clean tshirt he can find, a pile of dirty clothes accumulating in his bedroom. The one who has water bottles, take out bags, cigarettes or weed papers and a nasty sink in his apartment. The one who has messy hair, tired eyes and cannot socialize for the life of him. The one who scratches his head, looks down awkwardly as he crosses his legs and sits weirdly on a chair. The type to never initiate a first move, friendship.. let’s not even talk about sex. There’s something about these men, you wouldn't call it a fetish, no, you don’t judge people by body types, that’s weird. It’s just that you notice a pattern here. Cause everytime you find these traits, you kind of guess their personality too. And maybe sometimes..you’re wrong.
They’re the same ones that will bend you in half, once they get the slightest hint you might be into them. The type to inexplicably know how to work their fingers in your little cunt, hell, you’d think they were pros in another life, the mastery in pace, roughness and multitasking is crazy here. These guys have you wet your panties like you can’t. By yourself. Alone. They kiss you while they’re at it too, don’t think they can’t do both. They kiss softly, open mouthed but desperately at the same time, kind of like they don’t want you to be able to breathe anymore. And… you can’t, but they don’t stop until you push their shoulders back, breathing through your nose isn't enough.
They’re the type to stay silent when you suck them off, concentrated and focused on your performance. They might bite their lips and hum softly, you’d think they don’t even like it even when you’re gagging down their whole length (palm included, as they’re large and girthy). Your throat aches and you haven’t even stopped the act and here they are silent and unappreciative, you might think. Well, you’re wrong. They appreciate it more than they let on. Do you know what it took for them to master this composure? Endless nights of jerking off just to the sight of your pretty pussy, cumming and cumming until they could build up some endurance. Mind you, they are talented but lack in the sexual experience department. Porn doesn’t get them off, they think it’s performative and staged, can’t get hard watching some poor woman fake moan and look at the camera, they think it’s embarrassing. No, instead they can easily picture you, with your legs spread and your pretty cunt glistening — anticipating their touch. Be it their skilled, slender fingers, their drooling mouth (yes, they drool inside) or their throbbing cock, they can’t get enough of your widened eyes and parted mouth and you can't stop silently begging just for a touch. And they cum, they aren’t too loud even when alone so imagine how much they try to stifle their moans when with you. You may have started deepthroating them, but their cock jerked the moment you ran your tongue down their shaft once, didn’t you notice it? They take it, you didn’t. They are close to cumming, they bite their tongue and can feel the metallic taste of blood their sinking teeth left, shit, they wouldn’t be able to taste you properly later on; they think and cuss instead of thinking the trouble they'll have swallowing down food. 
They quietly push you off, they really want to cum but these men are selfless. They don’t want to put anyone's pleasure above yours so they throw you on the bed. That’s where you were wrong too. You see them, a skeleton in clothes and think ‘’damn, this guy really is a loser’’..well, if he is, then he certainly is a strong one, these dudes have muscles you can’t even see and the rage that fuels them, makes up for it. They want to lick up a strip from your hole trickling down your left thigh, shit, they're so tempted, they might come on the mattress for all they care but their cock throbs when you ask them to fuck you instead.. if that's what you want, who are they to say no?
Their lanky chest presses against you, you can feel the pressure from their protruding bones on your skin, as they sigh, their sticky slit coming in contact with your also wet (soaked) entrance. They might just sigh but their brain is fighting a hard battle right now, to not cum just by the friction and the mess of fluids. Once you beg repeatedly (‘’please—baby, please!’’) and they can’t take it anymore, they awkwardly push the length past your folds, it slams in you violently as their sternum clashes onto you. You moan, it feels heavenly, a remarkable girth that stuffs you to the brim. They don't bottom out yet, you think fuck it, there's more? Oh sure, there is. They will shyly push more in, inch after inch, these men are NOT talkative but will make sure you are ok for good measure, wouldn't want you fainting or in pain due to their stupid cock. Little do they know, you want more and fast, but that's ok, whatever you order, they deliver. You can't tell, if they do it with skill or instinct but the thrusts are calculated and timed and they bring you close to an intense orgasm, they know it — they are observers, noticing the type and volume of moans that exit your mouth each time, that is why a slender pad of their finger is brought against your clit. They know how to hover and tilt their hips inside you simultaneously as they tease you. ‘’B–baby, oh my god.. please’’ you mewl, you shut your eyes and they’re close too. You just squeeze too damn much, whether you know it or not (they never tell you that they'd sell their soul to feel like this every day). Soon enough you're cumming, screaming loudly, only.. it's real with you, your body can’t lie and so can’t your eyes, glossy and ready to spill teardrops. These men will not be vocal (or at least they'll try not to be) but this is their breaking point, it's too much — you're too much and they finally whimper, not loud but just enough for you to hear as they let a big load inside you. They’re a deprived and awkward mess, that doesn't believe you would even bat them an eye, when you met them. Well, maybe it's their time to re-evaluate you.
(wrote this with surprise surprise.. Shiggy in mind but it suits others too)
L, Mello my man, black hair Dabi, Aizawa, Fyodor, Aku, literally anyone from Nana cast, who’s not a child and please! let me add Hobie Brown.
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divine-donna · 5 months
all you need is more radaway
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save a horse. ride a cowboy. ;)
anyways i really loved the tv show and i love the game. and ghouls are just chef's kiss. or maybe that's because i love monsters. sad that i finished it so quickly. :(
perhaps i can put what i learned in my western class to good use lol
character: cooper howard aka. the ghoul
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it's never easy surviving the wasteland. you don't know how you managed to survive for this long. perhaps because you seemed to have been blessed with incredible luck.
and building up endurance, of course.
you felt little to no side effects from the radiation of the food you were eating. which just meant you had a lot of radaway and rad-x stocked up.
to make ends meet, though, you had to start hunting. scavenging and scrapping by wasn't enough. you needed the extra caps.
thus your rivalry with another bounty hunter was born.
"well, well. aren't you far from home, sweetheart?"
you were used to comments about your outfit. a vault suit. yes, you came from one. you had been exiled after your father was revealed to be managing the experiment behind it. the child pays for the sins of the father always.
"you're not the first and you won't be the last." you pull the head off the body as clean as possible.
"now i don't know if you should do that."
"and why not?"
a bullet flies past you and burrows itself into the ground. you finally look up. a cowboy hat. the face of a ghoul. his gun pointing right at you.
but you weren't afraid.
"because he's my target." he pulls out a piece of paper. "and he's mine."
"seems unfair if i did all the work. and you just collect his head and the prize." you pull out the same piece of paper. yours is a little more worn out though. and covered in dried blood.
"that's the way of the wasteland sweetheart."
"if you believe so."
your hands were fast. two bullets lodged into his right left and when he looks up, you're gone.
of course, you learned from the best: western holotapes. you really liked them when you were growing up. claimed to want to be a lone hero.
in some ways, you were. the wasteland was just a new version of the wild west, wasn't it?
"spaghetti? like...the pasta?"
more like spaghetti western. he knew that, of course. but no one in the wasteland knew what a spaghetti western was. they were remnants of a past long gone and one only accessible by holotapes in the vaults.
"that's their name." the person says. "why? you have business with them?"
"perhaps." the ghoul was looking to return a favor.
"don't even try. they're far more formidable than you think."
"we'll see about that."
your rivalry was an exchange of bullets, more often than not. thankfully, you always stocked up on bloodbags and could make a stimpack from your heavy (but useful) travel chemistry kit. you were smart like that.
surprisingly, it became something to look forward. mostly because the ghoul preferred if he tried killing you, so he managed to get you out of a tough situation by killing the other people trying to kill you.
and you returned the favor. there was something satisfying about lodging a bullet into him again.
unfortunately, this left you two stuck on a job once. captured by raiders. you had been knocked out with a drug. and he had collapsed from...something.
"fuck." you mutter, pulling at the ropes binding you. your luck had run out for the day it seems, because your arms were tied to the ghoul's around this godforsaken pole. the metal was also uncomfortably rubbing up against your skin.
"you got a knife or anything sharp?" he looks over at you. it's rare to see him without his cowboy hat. his head was rather smooth.
you chuckle a little.
"something funny?" the ghoul asks.
"nothing. you're just...shaped like an egg."
"very funny."
"let me guess. your answer is no?"
"i don't have a knife up my sleeve, sadly. think they took it."
"shame." the ghoul shimmies something out of his own sleeve. he flicks the blade out and begins sawing at the rope. "watch your fingers."
you keep your fingers tucked in. eventually, the rope on your wrists comes undone and one arm soon after. the rest comes off and you rub your skin. "fuck these guys. always hated raiders."
"well, we both got sold out. we need to find that thing now. or else we'll be dead by sunrise." he tugs on the door of the jail cell and clicks his tongue.
"i don't have sharp objects. but i do have these." you pull out the bobby pin taped on the inside of your sleeve, alongside a mini screwdriver.
the lock wasn't very complicated, so you picked it with ease.
as you both are grabbing your equipment, you hear footsteps up above. light ones and heavier ones. and the sound of a muffled, altered, robotic voice.
the brotherhood of steel was worse than raiders, honestly.
"you go left, i go right. how does that sound?"
"i don't usually like taking orders from my rivals." he reloads his gun. "but for you? sure."
the event left the both of you soaked in the blood of your enemies. on the other hand, you guys left with plenty of loot and an idea of where your target was: dead. at the bottom of a lake.
it was a journey to get there, wherein you learned the details of each other's lives. you didn't think he was paying much attention to your sentences. after all, you came from a vault.
and yet, you saw a hint of sympathy in his eyes.
he seemed less keen on sharing details about his life, aside from his former name. cooper howard.
undeniably, as a fan of westerns, you recognized his names. from the holotapes.
"they had those?" cooper shakes his head, taking sips of water. "no way."
"yes way! it's where i learned to shoot."
"from watching my movies?"
"that is...a pleasant surprise." cooper leans back.
"that also makes you over 200 years old."
"that it does. something wrong with that?"
"no. the wasteland changes people." you maintain your attention to your suit, sewing a tear up. "just...you're looking for something, aren't you? everyone's always looking for something up here."
"are you looking for something?" his voice hardens and he sits up straight.
"i was. and then i found it. and i stopped." you tie the thread to seal the stitch and then tear the thread with your teeth. "i hope you find what you're looking for though."
"well, that's awfully kind of you, sweetheart."
"i have a name, you know."
"what is it?"
getting personal in the wasteland was something cooper wasn't adamant about. but the circumstances seems to call for it.
"guess we're even now."
the body of water was daunting. it was murky and dark. you pursed your lips and dumped your bag. "well. guess we have no choice."
cooper looks over at you then quickly turns around when he sees what you're doing: taking off your suit and going down to your underwear. "what are you doing?"
"i'm going to go get that head. that's how we get paid, right? easy three thousand caps. 15 hundred split evenly." you stretch.
"i think you might die."
"i'll be fine. i've done it before." Aquaperson perk.
"i can also swim, you know."
"i'll be fine cooper." you pop a rad-x pill just in case. "be back in a bit."
you dive like a swan, making minimal splash into the water. your form disappears beneath the darkness.
you're gone beneath the water for over an hour. cooper's heart was beating against his rib cage. you should be out by now. it should not be that hard. did something get you? things lurked beneath the murky waters always.
he drops his equipment and begins stripping down, until he is just in his pants. he would need to dive after you. if you were dead, then so be it. it was fun while it lasted.
suddenly, you emerge. you take in the oxygen of the surface and hold the head up high. "got 'em." you swim over to the shore and walk out of the water.
there was something about how...wet you were that got him feeling hot and bothered.
"something happen down there?"
"couple of mirelurks. no big deal. which reminds me." you set the head on the ground and go back into the water. within minutes, you're pulling out the bodies of the mirelurks you had killed. "dinner."
while cutting the mirelurks open, you observe the way he walks around you. his muscles bulging a little as he cuts a mirelurk open and takes the meat. he was kind of...attractive?
"were you going to come after me?" he stops cutting hearing your question. "in the water, i mean."
"so what if i did?" cooper averts his eyes.
"that's sweet of you. i didn't know you had a soft spot for me."
"i don't."
"sure." you can tell he was lying through his teeth.
dinner was a nice, cozy meal. it was delicious. a nice surprise considering the nature of the wasteland.
cooper notices the way you're looking at him. and he looks at you the same way.
though how does this work exactly?
"do you want to..." you try to find a decent way to say this. fuck is a good term. but it felt a little vulgar in the moment.
cooper already knows what you're asking. "absolutely. if you can handle it." he smirks.
it's so cute when he smirks.
you glance over at your bag, looking at your stash of radaway. you had plenty. plus your stash of rad-x too.
"i absolutely can."
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neverendingford · 2 years
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
She fits right in (Oscar Piastri)
You meet Oscar's family back home
Note: english is not my first language. I know I said write based on the order you send them in, but this one got priority for obvious reasons! 🫶
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"How long is the layover?", you asked Oscar as you put your backpack on properly once you took off your cardigan since you felt quite hot, "three hours", he replied, "we can go to the lounge and have some food first, freshen up", he suggested.
"Uuuuhh, freshening up in a public bathroom before I meet your parents in your childhood home, charming - you didn't have to make it so easy for me, Osc", you offered, going up to him so he could lace your hand in his and guide you through the airport.
Even you though you had travelled to see a couple of races from the garage, you had always kept inside Europe so long hail flights like this weren't something you were used to. You felt tired, sweaty, a little bit dirty from touching things everywhere and overall not that great. Still, it was a privilege to feel like this because of the reasons you did.
You found yourselves a table and made your order, Oscar staying there while you freshened up in the bathroom. Baby wipes, deodorant, brushing your teeth and washing your face would have to do for now.
"Do you feel a little more human?", he asked you once you sat back down, kissing his cheek soflty as he forwarded you your iced latte.
"Yes, actually I do", you snickered, taking a sip before speaking again, "are you sure your parents are fine with this whole arrangement?", you wondered.
"They're fine with it, you shouldn't be nervous, they already like you", he reassured. You had met his parents briefly when they travelled to see him race in Silverstone, but with the whole event taking up the schedule, you got to know eachother on a somewhat superficial level. Still, if the first impression was that good, it was a nice start.
"I'm not nervous nervous - at least not in the way I think I'd be, but is probably the jet lag and my body can't afford to have a freak out right now", you joked.
The last flight was spent with you sleeping on Oscar, arm rest up while you were cuddled up to his side, head nuzzled on his neck while he watched something to keep himself entertained and not get lost on his thoughts.
His family's opinion mattered to him and he was nervous to truly hear it. Not because of you - he was sure you were going to do brilliantly, but it wouldn't be the first time in history where seeing things up close, whether it was the lifestyle associated or being faced with what staying in a relationship looked like in the long run, made people leave. His parents had met your briefly before and now you were being introduced to everyone else. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, the neighbour he knew growing up. Everyone's eyes would be on you, and so would their opinions.
Rubbing your cheek softly, Oscar coaxed you out of sleep, "we're about to land, gorgeous, you might want to pop your ears", he muttered as you blinked your eyes open, kissing his palm before sitting up straight, doing as he told you before you fixed your hair, "do I look nice enough?", you wondered.
"You always look gorgeous", he assured, kissing your cheek softly.
You boarded off the plane and walked to the customs service, "they're quite quick at this time of year since a lot of people travel foe the race", Oscar explained as you were quickly checked before you walked to baggage claim, getting your suitcases and stopping twice to take photos Oscar's fans asked once they noticed it was him, "we're counting on a good race for you!", they wished as you smiled, handing them the phone back and waving once you walked to the spot Chris said him and Nicole would be waiting for you in the parking lot.
"How was your flight, dears?", Nicole was the first to speak as she embraced her son, followed by Chris.
"It was good, didn't have much turbulence", Oscar said as he saw your mother engulf you in a hug.
"It was nice, yes", you smiled, "very tiring getting to the land down under, I have to admit", you chuckled.
"Oh, that it is! Last time we did it, I felt so dirty I immediately went to the bathroom to shower once we got home", she giggled.
"I might actually do that, if you don't mind - my whole body just feels icky", you admitted, knowing you had arrived at early hours in the morning already and you shouldn't make much noise to the people who wanted to sleep.
"Of course it's fine! C'mon, let's pack the car and head home!", Chris encouraged you as he put the luggage on the car trunk while you got inside the car.
By the time you got home, Nicole encouraged you to head straight for the shower you so much needed while Oscar got something to eat. When you exited the ensuite bathroom, your boyfriend was unpacking his own suitcase.
"If you don't mind, I'll unpack those tomorrow? Or in the morning? What time is it already?", you muttered as he had closed the blinds, leaving the room completely dark with only the bedside lamp on.
"It's fine, love", he smiled, kissing the top of your head, "you smell nice", he chuckled, squeezing your waist softly before he went to have a shower.
Maybe it wasn't the most polite, but this was going to be your room for the next couple of days considering you had flown in early so Oscar could spend as much time as he could with his family, so you undid the bed. The fresh sheets enveloped you as you tied your hair in a messy bun just to get it away from your eyes.
The last thing you remember coherently is Oscar laying next to you, pulling you to cuddle up to him and kissing your forehead sweetly with a "Goodnight, my love".
You woke up a few hours later, looking at your watch and see that it was already past midday and you were in bed, "morning", you heard Oscar's groggy morning voice whisper into your back, littering kisses on your shoulders.
"Hey", you smiled, turning around and seeing his handsome smiley face, "it's the afternoon already", you pointed out.
"It usually is when I wake up after coming back home", he shrugged his shoulders, "my parents are used to it. Also, they said they'd be having lunch at my grandma's, so they're not home - it's probably why it's so quiet".
"Do they want us to meet them there?", you wondered, not wanting to part your boyfriend from his family.
"We can if you don't mind", he added, "you could meet my grandma, too!", he tried to see if you felt comfortable with it.
"Yes! Let me just get ready quickly!", you smiled, pecking his lips and leaving the bed.
"Why so excited?", Oscar asked as you were leaving his parents' house after having something quick to eat and you got your latte.
"You have told me many stories from your grandma and grandma's house is always the best!", you winked at him before you wiggled your brows.
"What do you mean it's always the best?", he quirked a brow.
"Grandma's are the ones who have the best photo collections in the family - C'mon Oscar, it's going to be so fun!", you joined your hands together in a cartoon villain like way, fingertips touching as you made a mischief expression.
"Did Lando set you up for this?", Oscar said as he unlocked the car.
"Yes! The more I get, the more Quadrant hoodies he says he'll get me!", you winked, pulling his arm to the car so he could drive you both to his grandparents' house.
"Can we come in?", Oscar announced as you both walked in through the back door, seeing his parents sat at the table while an older lady was doing something at the kitchen counter.
"Oscar, my love!", she yelled, wiping her hands on the nearest kitchen towell before she threw herself at her grandson, hugging him tightly while you greeted Oscar's parents briefly.
"And this is the young woman who stole Oscar's heart, how are you, sweetheart? You're very welcomed here!", she said, pulling you in for a tight hug immediately.
"I'm Y/N, thank you for welcoming me into your home, it's beautiful", you smiled warmly.
"Have you two had something to eat? I can make you something quickly if you'd like!", she asked and you both shook your head, "I'm good, but thank you".
"I was actually getting ready to make some Lamingtons and some Rum Balls, too. Y/N, has Oscar ever baked them for you?", she mused.
"No, I don't think he has", you looked at him for confirmation as he shook his head, blush erupting on his cheeks, "I would never make them as good as yours!", he defended himself.
"Well, darling, I'm going to make some for you too then!", she smiled.
"I'd love to help if you want a hand, maybe then I'll pester Oscar to make them for me back home", you smiled.
"Oh, good! Let's get started then!", she exclaimed, getting you an apron and guiding you through the recipe.
"You can beat these while I measure the flower", she delegated, "it has to be very fluffy so the sponge is firm enough", she advised as you beat the contents inside the bowl.
"How is that going?", Oscar asked coming up from behind you as you were transferring the batter to the lined tin.
"I need to use the bathroom, dear, but when you finish that, can you put it in the oven and take the other one, please?", she questioned, "this way we'll have a new batch to work with everytime", she smiled before excusing herself.
"How is she really doing with you?", your boyfriend waited for a honest answer.
"It's been really fun, truly! She's been telling me stories about when she was younger and what growing up here was like, she fed me some of those things, those rolled up things", you pointed at the plate on the counter.
"Those are rum balls! Love, you don't even like rum!", he pinched your cheek before you out the tray in the oven.
"I wasn't going to break her heart and tell her no, and they're not that bad! Just not my favourite things ever!", you reasoned with him, wiping your hands on the kitchen towell, "but it's been good, she's very lovely - and I am this close at getting to your baby stories", you pinched your thumb and poster finger together.
"You're impossible", he chuckled, stealing a kiss from your lips before his grandma got back.
"She's a lovely girl, Oscar", his mother said as she sat down next to him on the chair on the decking outside as they saw his father gather the supplies for a barbecue. His grandmother suggested and afternoon barbecue for when you were done with baking.
"I'm very happy I brought her home to meet everyone", Oscar smiled, "she's really one of a kind".
"Is she dealing well with all of this? I'm sure she's not used to it", Nicole wondered, "people taking pictures, interrupting your day to day lives, you're not always there for her", she trailed off.
"Well, neither am I, right?", Oscar chuckled, "I think she's been doing well, we speak about it every now and again to check and make sure we're both well with all of it. We don't post eachother much, that's been helpful, and she has all her social media private".
"It's nice, she's an incredible young woman, and you two are so great together", Nicole complimented.
"I think I was more nervous to come out here than her, to be honest", Oscar said, prompting his mother to raise her eyebrows, "not because of her! I was nervous because she's the first person I've brought home - like, home home - and I didn't know how you would react with her being here and everything. It's not like it's a dinner and she can run away or leave for her own place if she feels uncomfortable or if you guys didn't like her", he trailed off the last part.
His family's opinion mattered to him, and as romantic as it often sounded in movies, he wasn't sure how he would proceed if his family strongly felt against your relationship.
"Well, on our end, we're fine", his mother nudged his shoulder, "she's so lovely, Oscar, you would be a fool if you let her get away from you. She's smart, caring, loving - she fits quite well with grandma", she pointed to you two with her eyes as the older lady taught you how to dip the cake in the chocolate and then the coconut, laughing together as you seemed to get more on your hands than on the actual sweet food, "she loves you dearly, I can tell. Of course we approve. But, if she wants to make a run for it, well - that's going to be a little bit tricky at the very least", she joked as she saw her mother help you with a kitchen towell, "though that doesn't look like it's going to be anytime soon".
You fit right in with his family and he couldn't be happier.
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beesspacedotorg · 8 months
Handle With Care
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Summary: You've had a truly awful day, luckily, your adoring boyfriend Minho is there to make it better. 2.5k words
Warnings: there's sex, but honestly it feels like someone accidentally got porn in my fluff so do with that what you will. reader is as gender neutral as physically possible. reader is also lowkey a crybaby, sorry but actually I'm not
Notes: Hello adoring public. It turns out, I can write fanfiction, and with the encouragement of Juno and Ems, I can also post it! There is a cat in this, she was inspired by a cat my family used to have and a cat my family currently has. They're both calico which I think explains everything you need to know about them.
There’s a lot you can say about the day you had today, and most of them start with sh- and end in -itty. You’re thinking on this as you dive head first onto the rough material of your couch, great for sitting, bad for face planting. You hear a scratching by your head and absentmindedly bat your cat away from the arm of the couch, mumbling something about how she has a perfectly good cat tree two feet away before resuming your completely justified sulking.
“Oh, hello. I didn’t hear you come home. How was your day?” There’s a voice above you and you can picture him in your mind's eye, leaning against the back of the couch as he stares at your limp form, probably eyeing the shoes you didn’t take off by the door. You mumble something half hearted in response and he huffs before the sound of walking hits your ears and all the breath leaves your body at once. He’s sitting on you. This motherfucker is sitting on you.
“Get off, Minho” You had to tilt your head to the side, it’s hard enough to breathe through couch fabric as is, much less when there’s a full grown man sitting on your back.
“You should answer people when they try to talk to you, jagiya.”
“You shouldn’t sit on people while they’re laying down, yeobo.” Your voice is a lot more acidic than his was and a twinge of guilt settles on you before it dissipates as he shifts and manages to place more weight on your back.
“Hmm. I guess we’re both doing things that we shouldn’t then. How tragic.” His voice is deadpan, and you still can’t see him from where your head is turned- your view is limited to the back of the couch and his arm in your periphery- but you can feel the dead stare he’s aiming at your skull. There’s a silence for a few moments while you engage in a war of attrition, neither of you willing to give up just yet, but it’s getting genuinely hard to breathe and your back is starting to hurt.
“It sucked, please get off.” He does, patting your back consolingly.
“See? Was that so hard?” He guides your head to his lap as you both sit back down, petting over your hair like he would his cats. “Tell me, what’s got my baby in such a tizzy?”
You grumble at him, rolling over to shove your face into his stomach, tired and petulant. He sighs softly, but keeps patting your head, so you know he’s mostly just doing it for show.
“That kind of day, hmm, jagi?” And you nod again. Honestly, it wasn’t much different from a normal day, it’s just that the right things managed to go very wrong and subsequently ruined your day in a way that has pressure forming behind your eyes and your voice cracking stupidly every time you try to talk.
You both sit for a while before he puts something on the TV and gently shoves your head off his lap.
“Do you want the dinner I worked so hard on to go cold?” He has his hands on his hips in front of you and you laugh slightly at how funny he looks. He rolls his eyes and goes, coming back with two bowls of something before he forcefully sits you up and shoves it in your hands.
“Yes, chef.”
The food is delicious, it always is when Minho cooks it, he’s got a talent for it you’ve never really seen firsthand, and you consider yourself truly blessed to be able to eat it as often as he’s able to make it for you. Still, gratefulness and taste aside, your day was shitty enough that every mouthful tastes like ash and turns to rot in your stomach, leaving you with an unsettling queasiness that shouldn’t ever be attributed to your boyfriend’s cooking. You’re shoving the contents around with a spoon before he huffs- a real one this time- and takes the bowl from you, setting it on the coffee table next to his own before he mutes the TV.
“Okay. Quite clearly something is wrong. What can I do to help you?” You think he knows, but you like that he asks anyway. Minho always asks, always lets you talk and sort out whatever’s going on before he tries to help. Even if your answer is a simple shake of the head, a simple, I don’t feel like it, become a mind reader, he always asks before he helps. Sometimes you wonder how he always knows what you need, others you just decide to not look a gift horse in the mouth.
You huff and your lip wobbles pathetically and he coos, slightly condescending.
“Crying already? I haven’t even done anything.” He’s teasing, but his hands are gentle as he pulls you into his lap, his hands are gentle as they find their way under your shirt, his mouth is gentle as it kisses down the side of your face to your neck.
“‘M sorry,” you’re not the biggest fan of crying, neither is he, but for different reasons. He’s not someone who’s brought to tears easily, you are, but there’s an inherent shame in it, you think. Something so embarrassing about getting worked up enough to start crying like a baby, and so as much and as often as you feel like crying, you don’t. This he also knows, because he knows everything.
“Aish, why are you sorry for? I didn’t tell you to apologize, did I?” He taps your cheek lightly, causing you to look up at him, he plants a kiss on your nose, then your mouth.
“Sweet thing, don’t worry about anything except for what I tell you to, okay?” And you nod and he smiles.
You’re not much for talking in times like these, everything is so sensitive and soft and talking feels like a cheese grater on this cloudlike moment so you don’t and he knows, so he doesn’t chide you for it. Usually, he would. He’d crack a hand down on your ass or grab a fistful of your hair and tell you that he asked you a question so he expects an answer, but that’s not what you need right now, so he doesn’t. He just kisses your jaw again before he puts both of his warm hands under your shirt and lets his fingers poke at your chest.
He always says his hands are small, but really, you wouldn’t be able to tell, not with the way he cups your chest in his hand and lets his thumb brush over your nipple, gentle and reverent. It’s not much, not as much as he usually gives you, but it’s enough to have your mouth dropping open with a gasp and your back arching into his hand, it’s enough to have him giggling softly at your reaction.
“Sensitive today?” He’s teasing again, as soft as he is right now, he’s still Minho, he still likes to poke fun. You huff, biting at his shoulder softly in retaliation and he lets you, pinching your nipple just this side of too much in retribution before one of his hands wanders down to your ass, groping and squishing the flesh. Your breath stutters in your chest as he pushes your hips forward onto his, friction sending sparks up your spine.
“Min-” You’re desperate and he hasn’t even done anything yet, not really. A few stray touches and you already feel yourself shattering to pieces in his grasp, you’re not afraid though, and not quite ashamed. He’ll take care of you, he always does.
He does it again, guides your hips forward until you’ve gotten the hint to keep going by yourself and you’re struck with the urge to kiss him, so you do, removing your head from the home it’s made on his shoulder and making a go at his mouth. It’s messy, your coordination shot already, and you almost smash your forehead into his nose before he catches your head with a laugh.
“Easy there. Bloody noses aren’t exactly sexy.” You disagree, he could make anything sexy, but you don’t have time to voice that thought as he pushes his mouth onto yours and lovingly shoves his tongue down your throat. The kiss is messy, they always are. However gentle he is, he can never seem to stop himself from kissing you until your face is covered in drool and spit, and if it were anyone else, you’d be mildly repulsed, but you like the way he looks at your mouth after it’s over, so you let it slide. 
You pull away, chest burning and heaving and look at him before you still, eyes drawn to something by his head.
“Baby? What’s wrong?” You don’t answer, gaze still drawn away from him.
“There’s a little white girl staring at me.” He turns his head to the side and laughs as he comes face to face with your cat, her green eyes boring into him. He scratches her head affectionately and lets her headbutt him before your center of gravity is shifting drastically and you’re clinging onto him for dear life.
The bedroom door shuts before you’re very aware of it and suddenly there’s a mattress under your back and a Minho over your front and his hands are up your shirt again, this time shoving it off of you until your chest is bare. You shiver slightly from the cold and then there’s a blanket being shoved around your shoulders and you smile up at him. He knows you so well, he loves you so much and your eyes are welling with tears.
“Aigoo, my little crybaby. It’s just a blanket,” there’s a kiss on each of your cheek bones, “silly thing. Save your tears for when my cock is in you, hmm?” Your breath stutters again and your hands are tugging at his shirt until he takes it off, he laughs again when your hands immediately find his chest.
“I’m glad someone appreciates my hard work.”
“They’re nice boobs.” The sentence catches him off guard, makes him laugh hard enough that he loses his balance a little and his weight settles onto you more. It’s comforting, like a weighted blanket that can talk and walk and kiss you silly.
Then, his hands are under your bottoms, tugging them off your legs and you’re suddenly wearing nothing and he’s still in his pants, which you find disgustingly unfair. You reach down and tug on the hem off his sweats, pouting and huffing until he gets the message and tugs those off too.
“You just want to get me naked,” he starts. “I can’t believe you just want me for my body.” You nod cheekily in response and he smacks your shoulder.
“Yah! See if I’m ever nice to you again!” But he’s kissing your neck again as his hands guide your legs to cross over his hips before he’s touching you in a way that steals the breath from your lungs and makes your head tip back into the pillows.
“There we go. So pretty when you’re like this, hmm? So soft and sweet for me.” His fingers are in you now, pressing insistently against that spot that makes white splash in your vision and reflexively forces your legs shut. He grunts slightly as your thighs squeeze around his hips, pressure just this side of uncomfortable. He doesn’t say anything though, just keeps his pace steady inside you until you’re almost tipping over and he stops. You look at him with something akin to betrayal, fresh tears springing to your eyes, but before you can open your mouth to complain he’s sliding home and you don’t have enough air to say anything anyway.
He catches it though, rolls his eyes as he sees the way your attitude was about to flare up.
“What did I tell you earlier, jagiya? Don’t worry about anything unless I tell you to worry about it. I always take care of you, don’t I?” He does, he’s good to you like that. He sounds slightly out of breath already, unusual for him, but you don’t mind because it feels like you’re seconds away from God’s doorstep yourself.
His pace is slow and deep, bass knock steady even as you squirm under him. If this were a normal situation, he’d stop, hands gripping your hips unforgivingly until you stayed still, but this isn’t a normal situation so he lets you wiggle, only huffing in mild irritation before he leans down to kiss you again.
“You’re gonna knock us off the damn bed, baby.” But he doesn’t make any move to stop you, and you feel too good to really process his words anyway. You love him, you really do, and you’re struck with the overwhelming urge to tell him, to let him know, to make him know. You grip his shoulders tightly, nails digging in until he hisses and levels you with a glare, one that instantly softens when he meets your eyes.
“I love you,” it comes out of you as a sob, like it was wrenched from your vocal chords before you gave yourself permission to think it. “I love you so much.” You’re rambling now, repeating those three words over and over and Minho coos, hips faltering just slightly. He always goes weak when you tell him you love him, and you keep it in your back pocket like a weapon for the times that you’re in trouble.
“I love you, too, jagiya. ‘S that why you’re crying? Hmm? Love me so much it’s gotta spill out from your pretty eyes?” You nod in response, breath hitching from the pleasure and the tears and his hand drifts from its place on your hip to touch you again and you’re spilling liquid heat before you can really register what’s happening. You feel him inside you, too, insides suddenly molten warm but you’re floating too high for it to feel like it’s happening to you, like you’ve been temporarily ejected from your body.
When your soul settles back into your bones, Minho is laying next to you, staring at you with his wide eyes, you look over at him and smile.
“Is boba really worth it?” He looks confused at your question before you poke him on the eyelid and he laughs.
“Feel better?” You consider for a moment. Your teeth don’t feel like they’re too big for their sockets and your bones no longer feel itchy. You’re hungry, but mostly, your mind is quiet. There’s no overwhelming pressure behind your eyes and when you talk your voice cracks from sleep instead of from the force of choking back tears.
“Much. I’m hungry, though.” You give your best impression of puppy eyes at him and watch as his eyes roll to the back of his skull. You’ve been told that your pleading face looks mildly perturbing, but Minho always says you remind him of Soonie when you do it. It makes you feel slightly bad for Soonie, soon the cat isn’t going to be able to get anything off of Minho because you’ll have rendered him immune.
He comes back with your reheated bowl in one hand and your cat in the other.
“She screamed at me until I picked her up. Stood on my feet and hollered.” He winces slightly. “I should’ve put on boxers because she almost mistook my dick for a toy.”
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astaroth1357 · 9 months
Oh God, What Have We Done??: Father!Solomon Headcanons
You know what? I'm a Solomon love-hater but I'll go to bat for him too. You could pick worse.
Contents: Unhinged Ms. Frizzle-style parenting, the horrors of human biology, possible pregnancy implications, fluff
So. I can see this happening intentionally. Solomon craves a happy family, so I absolutely see the thought of rasing a kid with MC coming up once or twice.
That said, I think zero planning actually went into making it happen. This is a spur-of-the-moment decision made by two lovesick dolts. Not a damn thought was spared for the consequences, and it shows.
For starters, MC and Solomon both agreed to raise a child together while they were in the human world and told NOBODY ELSE. So from the outside looking in, they just left the Devildom for “training purposes” and returned with a random infant!
No call ahead. No fanfare. They both stepped out of the portal with a flying stroller and bottomless diaper bag, grinning from ear to ear like it all was just souvenirs from Disney World!
Naturally, all hell broke loose. The brothers were collectively hyperventilating, Simeon almost fainted, and Diavolo noticed that Barbatos wasn't moving or blinking, so the Little Ds had to carry him away like a malfunctioning android...
Does Solomon having a kid make him a grandfather…? He is not ready to ponder that thought. No one is.
Despite Mammon and Belphegor’s insistence they had to “Put it back!” after MC made it clear that raising a baby was what they wanted and that Solomon was there to stay, the brothers made peace with it… to varying degrees.
Asmo was the only one thrilled that his favorite humans now have an even cuter mini-human to take around because he'd get to try his hand at baby fashion design! The least happy was probably Belphegor because a baby means that MC is going to be way too busy to nap now. Plus, he had to deal with a lot more Solomon in his life, which very few people ever ask for...
The crew's reaction to the baby's development is actually pretty funny to see. Humans age much, much faster than their supernatural counterparts so, from their perspective, the new baby is growing at lightning speed!
Mammon was with them when they were teaching the baby to crawl and he started freaking out because, “How’re they movin' already!?” The first day their child came running, physically running, into the HoL without any help actually made Levi scream in fright.
The House had a complete meltdown when Beel was watching the child one day and they lost a tooth while eating some hard candy. They all thought that MC and Solomon were going to burn the place down, so imagine their surprise when the overjoyed parents kept congratulating their kid for losing a baby tooth...
And don't get any of them started on the growth spurts...
The one to take to the kid the most as they grew was, funnily enough, Lucifer. Most likely because their various milestones reminded him of when his brothers were doing the same things.
The child is more than happy to tell “Uncle Luci” anything, which he acts like he only tolerates, but in reality he loves being their favorite brother.
Barbatos is EXTREMELY protective of them. Nearly as protective as he is with Diavolo.
Their kid, of course, has no clue. He's just nice Uncle Barbie (he refused to be called Grandpa) who makes them sweets and watches over them in the Castle. But anyone who get too close while they're playing gets a stare down worse than all of Cerberus’ heads combined...
Mammon swore in front of them once and Barbatos strung him up so tightly that even Lucifer thought it was overkill.
Luke seems to enjoy having a baby sibling of sorts to look after, but he is going to be so upset when they get taller than him in the blink of an eye. He’s going to be their guardian angel for sure, btw.
As a father, Solomon is… spirited. Anyone can see that he’s ecstatic to be a parent, it’s just…
Well, years of isolation on top of being a once-in-a-lifetime prodigy may not have made him the most “in touch” with children these days, you know? MC has absolutely come home to find Solomon has propped up their 6-month-old with a stack of books to start teach them how to play chess.
Daddy-Baby adventure always end in spectacular fashion. Solomon is a very “hands-on science teacher” kind of guy with unwavering confidence in his abilities to keep his child safe. This, to be fair, isn’t unwarranted, however...
Does that mean you should make a plans to take your child to forbidden places for some sightseeing? Or let your child touch, paw at, and gnaw on any magic item that suits their fancy in the name of a making a new teaching experience...? Probably not, but it’s also how he learned so…
It must be assumed that whatever kid these two have, biological or not, will be a magic powerhouse of destructive proportions. All that training from Solomon himself since infancy? They'll have a wand in their hand before they can even work a fork!
I like to imagine that Solomon's kid would have a very, very hard time controlling their magic and it would get uncontrollable at times. Like, a sneeze could knock over a bookshelf or getting angry makes things go flying. But Solomon would never ever scold them for it like it’s they're fault.
He'd never make them feel the same isolation and shame that he did at their age.
It would be very, very sweet. But it also means that MC could come home to a flooded house and, instead of cleaning out the water, Solomon would teaching their child how to snorkel in the living room.
Pure chaos, but MC could never find a prouder father. Solomon would devote his entire being to giving their child all of the love and happiness they deserve. Their kid almost never sees him without a grin on his face, just ready to just wrap them a bear hug for no reason.
On quiet nights, he'd cradle them or rock them to sleep while holding back tears. MC has found him over their crib like he’s still trying to convince himself that they're real, that he's gotten this lucky.
He's not a conventional father. Hell, he's not a conventional human either. But he’s grateful for day he gets to be a parent... Every. Single. One.
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nothomegal · 9 months
ITS CHRISTMAS EVE (or at least where I live bc timezones) and I would like to gove Pyramid Head smoochies under mistletoe pls 😌
Aww I was having this idea too! And since it's Christmas allow me to bless you with a drawing!...
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...And a lilttle one-shot!
(Pyramid Head x GN Reader)
Warning: suggestive implications by the end, but mostly fluff!
Word Count: 1k
Christmas was always a funny holiday for (Y/N). Either because they never truly felt connected to it or because they haven't felt the 'magic of Christmas' since childhood. Don't get me wrong, they would still put some decorations when they could, but ever since they came to Silent Hill such tradition was lost.
Not like they mind it too much though, they already have the absolute best gift and company they could ever ask for! Just tell me, who in their right mind would be upset about having a nearly 8ft tall demi-god creature as your forever partner? You have to be chronically insane to turn down such blessing!
And speaking of the creature, (Y/N)'s daydream was interrupted when a large hand curled around their arm and stopped them. They shoot a curious glance to their lover, who was already looking at whatever got his attention.
Right above them, placed on the old metallic door frame with, what they suppose is duct tape, were hangign a bunch of oddly shaped pieces of paper. Some pieces where green, others painted green, and all of them where kept together with a piece of damaged red cloth that was tied as a bow.
(Y/N) stares at that weird construction with furrowed brows, really trying to grasp what the hell they're looking at. Pyra was still as well, but his head tilted towards his human as he curiously observes their reaction. Seems like they too have no clue what is this-.
However, (Y/N) manages to make out the shape of it and instantly burst out laughing.
—"No way! No way someone actually made one!"— you say between laughs.
The beast simply observes them, letting out a low wondering rumble. Is that another pointless joke humans have? (Y/N) is laughing hard so it must be something very funny or very stupid.
After the laughter had ceased, (Y/N) takes a look at their monster and suddenly remember what he wanted in the first place. Oh, right. They were supposed to explain what is that.
—"Okay, okay."— you say between giggles as you point at the object. —"That thing over there is supposed to be a mistletoe. Remember when I told you about Christmas and how people decorate that one fuzzy tree? Well, this thing is also kinda a Christmas tradition. People hang it somewhere high and when two step or pass underneath it, they have to kiss."—
While (Y/N) explains, Pyra listens to them carefully. But the second they mention the kiss part, the air between them shifts and becomes... Odd. And Pyra himself still, way too still.
(Y/N) of course feels the change, and is quick to start clarifying.
—"But of course, it's optional. It's not like you're forced to kiss anyone. If anything, I never did! So I suppose this will remain as a silly tradition some-"—
Their speech is replaced by a tiny gasp when the monster suddenly grabs their jaw, gently lifting and moving their gaze where he needed. Their eyes narrow slightly when they noticed a tongue peek out from his helmet and slowly, almost shily, wiggle towards their face.
—"Aww. What a polite guy."— you chuckle as a little blush creeps on your cheeks. —"Well of course I'll give you a kiss."—
Ever since they introduced this new method of showing affection, it wasn't rare to witness Pyra ask for a 'kiss' once or twice. It's kinda funny to see how shy he gets, always taking it slow and giving them enough time to stop or pull away. Do they do that? Nuh-uh! Do they think it feels gross? Weird, yes. But (Y/N) is deranged so it's fine.
The pink muscle soon presses against their lips, and they respond by giving it a kiss while holding it in place gently, totally unbothered by its wet and slippery texture. They could feel Pyra practically melt into the gesture, he does it every time. It's small, but is the closest they can get to an actual kiss, and the intimacy and specialness of it seems to get the beast to his very core.
After some second, when (Y/N) attempts to lean back, a pair of big arms gets a hold around them, cementing them in place completely and pulling them closer to the monster. The said beast lets out a low menacing growl as his tongue licks their cheek and part of the jaw. The message was clear...
He wanted more.
Despite the apparentaly hostile growls, (Y/N) showed no intimidation and simply chuckled as they roll their eyes.
—"Someone is feeling frisky, huh?"—
Another, and a bit louder, growl resonated from inside the beast's helmet. His grip around them tightening and the tongue sliding along their lips, almost begging for them to kiss it again.
—"Calm down tiger. We both know if we continue you'll get too carried on."— you coo, sliding one of your hands along one side of his helmet.
He groans with certain displeasure, but his grip soon losens as he slightly tilts his head into their touch, yet he doesn't let go neither.
—"If you're really feeling like doing it then let's go somewhere else. You don't want anyone to see me naked, don't you?"—
This time their answer is no longuer a growl or a sound, but the same pair of big hands lighting their form up and swinging over a broad shoulder.
Before starting to walk however, the monster reaches up and snatches the little paper mistletoe. (Y/N) of course notices that and can't hold back the little laugh.
—"Well well, see you really liked this particular tradition."—
They get no response as the monster resumes his walking. But the small squeeze on one of their thighs was enough proof to know that they got it right and it won't be the last time the see the little item.
After this little interaction, and probably after what's about to come, (Y/N) doubts to ever be able to feel that magic of Christmas again.
However, they realize that they still experienced something new. The magic of the mistletoe.
Is that an actual thing? Who knows.
But it worked on Pyra so it must be a thing, right?
It worked well after all.
...Too well.
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samandcolbyownme · 10 months
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Summary: I've had a few anonymous requests for another truth or drink video, so I'm just going to combine them all.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, solby low key flirting and teasing reader while they try to act like just friends, spicy and nsfw questions and answers, unprotected sex, oral (all), hair pulling, creampie, biting, scratching, spicy fluff pack-a-punched with filth, mainly at the end
I wasn't going to put any smut in here at first, but then I had an idea and changed my mind to add a little bit, so enjoy it.
Word count: 5.3k
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A smile appears on your freshly painted lips as you hear the door open. You turn around to see Colby walk in, "You about ready, babe?"
You set your lipstick down and spin, "Do I look ready?"
He eyes you up and down and bites his bottom lip, "You look like you're ready for something." He walks over, leaning down as his hands hold your waist.
"You're going to get lipstick on your lips." You tilt your head back and look up at him and he shrugs, "Aw well." He presses his lips to yours and you smile within the kiss.
He leans back, "Wait till Sam sees you." He steps back and looks you up and down again, "keeping us on the D.L is going to be hard, especially when I'm drunk."
You laugh and reach up to wipe the lipstick off his lips and he gently bites your finger with a loud, "Rah."
You jump slightly and push his chest, "not cool." He laughs and hugs you from behind as you lean down to check your makeup.
"You look fine, babe. I'm tellin ya. You always look fine." He spins you around and cups your face.
You smile up at him and let out a slight whine, "This is going to be so hard."
He lays his arms over your shoulders and sighs, "I know, but just think of how much fun it's going to be." He walks you out of your room and into the room you're filming and going live in.
"Alright who's ready to get dru-" Sam stops talking as he turns around. You look at him, "What? Did I over do it?"
He shakes his head, "No I don't think we did enough."
"Excuse me, I think I look pretty damn good." Colby pulls the collar of his black hoodie and fixes his hat.
Sam nods, "Yeah, yeah." He walks over, pulling you away from Colby, "You look great." He brushes hair from your face, "Are you nervous?"
You shrug, "Kind of. Considering this is my first truth or drunk video with you guys as your secret girlfriend." You lay your hands on his shoulders, "But as Colby said." You glance over at him and his eyes are still on you.
You smile and look back to Sam, "Think of how much fun it'll be."
He nods, "it'll be super fun. Just act like we're all friends who haven't seen each other naked or anything like that."
You roll your eyes, "Kinda hard when I already wanna rip that cute little xplr shirt off your body."
He laughs, "Trust me. That little crop top won't last once the lives over."  He turns to Colby, "Ready?"
Colby nods, "Let's do it!"
You walk over to the chair infront of the computers and sit down while Sam checks to make sure everything is sitting and angled properly, "Alright. Here.. we.. go."
Colby moves to sit close behind you and Sam on the bean bag chair. His fingers gently brush your skin where your shirt and jeans don't meet until Sam starts the camera and goes live, "Heyoooo!"
"What is up guys?!" Colby leans forward, "How many people we got in here?" His eyes go wide and he looks from you to Sam, "Holy shit. Four thousand and counting."
"That shit will probably up to fourteen thousand any second now." You laugh and lean forward to look, your eyes move down to the comments and you smile, "Aww! Thank you guys! I do feel Bonita today, yes!"
Sam and Colby smile and look back to the screen. Sam leans back, "we're just going to give it a few more minutes until more people join. How are you guys in the computer screen doing today?"
You smile as the chat fills with everyone saying how they're doing and that they're better now that they're watching and talking with Sam and Colby.
"Yes, we do have y/n here with us today. We finally talked her into doing another.." Colby drums the desk and both him and Sam, in a sing songy voice say, "Truth or Drink videeeoooo!"
You laugh at them, shaking your head, "I don't know how, or why I'm here, but it's too late now. I'm already in the danger zone."
"Yeah, you're stuck with us." Sam says and Colby nods squeezing your shoulder gently, "you have to answer some questions for us first. Colby looks in the camera, "They're juicy ones this time."
"Oh, so you mean, you're gonna embarrass me infront of.." you laugh and lean forward, "Ten thousand people?"
"Is it ten? Holy shit." Sam says and they both lean forward, "Wow, well thank you guys for joining us, so without further ado. I think we should do rock papers scissors to see who goes first."
You smirk, "Alright." You make a fist with one hand and lay your hand out flat with your other. In unison, all three of you shout out, "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"
You make paper with your hand laying flat, Sam chooses rock, and Colby chooses scissors.
"Of course you would choose scissors." You laugh and Colby brings his split fingers up to his mouth and sticks his tongue out before laughing.
Sam just stares at him and shakes his head, "Alright.. I actually have no idea to decide who won, you guys can figure that out. I think we're just going to let ladies go first so.. Colby."
Sam laughs as Colby's mouth drops open and you cover your mouth to hide your laugh.
"That hurt man." Colby pretends to cry and you shake your head as you draw a card from the pile, "okay.." you read over the question and smirk, "You guys are going to love this."
You lean forward, looking at Sam, "what's the weirdest place you've had sex?"
He smirks and you can see his cheeks turn a slight pink color, "Oh god, starting out strong I see.. um.." he moves his chair back and fourth as he thinks, "I don't know honestly."
"Should we count that?" You look at Colby and Colby purses his lips together, "Mm. Nahh. Give him the vodka."
You pout to Sam, "Sorry, Sam." You laugh as he rolls his eyes, "Uh huh." He laughs and takes the bottle, "Oh wait. We actually got y/n something as a welcome back gift. Hold on."
Sam gets up and leaves the room and you look at Colby confused, "What?"
Sam comes back in and hands you a shot glass, "We got y/n a heart shaped shot glass for this special occasion, isn't it adorable?" He holds the other two up for the viewers to see and reads the comments, "matching shot glasses, that's adorable.. of course we had to match."
You smile, taking the glass in your hand, “Aww! Thanks guys!”
He sits down and you pour him a shot, "Have at it, Golbach."
You had to admit, it was strangely weird to act like you guys were just friends. You never called him by his last name, it was always a cute pet name or something.
He sighs, "Yeah, bottoms up." He takes his shot, cringing slightly and Colby laughs, "Atta boy!" He pats his back and nods to Sam, "Your turn, brother."
Sam glances up at you as he grabs a card and leans back in his chair, "Colby. What's the kinkiest thing you've ever tried in the bedroom?"
You smirk and turn to him, away from the camera because you know this answer.
He sucks his teeth and sighs, "All I'm gunna say is tied wrists. Thats it." He motions out in front of him, "That's all you get." He screams as he points to the camera and laughs.
"Really?" Sam asks tilting his head, "I would have never thought you were into being tied up, but okay."
You laugh and look at Colby. He closes his eyes and tilts his head, talking in a prim and proper tone, "Nothing wrong with a little silk ribbon around my wri-" he breaks out laughing, "I'm kidding I'm kidding."
He leans forward, pressing his hand down onto the arm of your chair as he grabs a card. You catch a glimpse of it and you know he'll be coming for you.
"Ah ha ha." He turns his head to you, "Y/n."
"Colby." You lean back, crossing your arms, "What can I answer for you?"
"Do you.. have any sex toys?" He presses his lips together and smirks, already knowing the answer because he literally used one on you last night.
"Do I have to be specific?" You raise your brows and Colby looks at the card, "Actually, yeah. It says, if yes, which ones?"
Without saying another word, you grab your heart shaped glass and Sam groans, "What? You don't want to share with everyone?"
You shake your head, trying to hide your smirk as you pour a shot and take it, "Nope."
Sam bites down on his lip as he watches you wipe the corner of your mouth off.
He too, obviously, knows.
"No fun." He laughs and you so badly want to say something along the lines of, you would know wouldn't you, but that's just a recipe for disaster.
"Alright." You pick up a card and smirk as you turn to Colby, "Colby. Have you ever recorded yourself getting it on?"
"I have no comment about that one. Give me a shot." He laughs slightly, smiling as Sam gets him a shot.
You immediately look at the comments and it's bussing with capital letters and the word 'WHAT' over and over again.
You laugh, "No because that's my reaction too." You say to the camera, "Literally, what!?"
Colby looks at you with a smirk, mocking your words, "Literally, what!?" He nods, "Have you?"
He only asked that because all of you have videos of sex, sex, and more sex in your hidden folder.
You groan, "Colby, don't do this." You laugh and nod to Sam, "Might as well pour me one, too."
"Damn. I would have never guessed that you were into that." Sam shakes his head, "it's always the innocent looking ones." He laughs as he hands you the glass and you take a deep breath before knocking it back, "Fuck. That's so gross."
"Does that count as my question or?" Colby looks between you and Sam and Sam shakes his head, "Nah, draw a card."
Colby nods and reaches up for one, giggling to himself before sighing, "Sam. Sam. Sam!" He looks at Sam and sighs, "Have you ever had a secret relationship?"
Sam purses his lips together, trying not to smile or do anything to give it away that he’s currently in one now.
You let out a low, "Oooh." Sam looks up at you and nods, "Yes, I have, actually."
"Really?" You tilt your head forward, "Wowee."
"Sneaky little thing aren't cha." Colby chuckles and Sam shrugs, "Yeah, yeah." He picks up a card and looks at you, "Are you more dominant.. or submissive?"
You smirk and sigh, "I guess it depends on who the person is.." your eyes quickly move to Colby before looking back at Sam, ".. but.. I will say.. I don’t mind getting tossed around, so.. yeah."
"Daaamn." Colby says, smiling, "Would have never guessed it."
"What do I look like a pillow princess or something?" You laugh slightly and hold your hand up, "Don't answer that." You point to the camera, "That goes for you guys too."
You laugh and pick up a card, "Hmm. Colby." You turn to him and cross your leg, "What is one thing on your cellphone that you would or do hide from everyone?"
You smirk, knowing that the answer is nudes.
Your nudes to be exact.
He lets out a loud laugh, "Wouldn't you like to know."
"Actually." Sam laughs, "Yeah, very much so." Colby sighs, "Fine.. it's give me a shot of that alcohol." He laughs and Sam sighs, "I knew you wouldn't spill." He pours Colby a shot and hands it to him.
You bite the inside of your lip as you watch him take it with ease. The couple shots you had really loosened you up.
Soon, you'll really have to watch what you say.
"Shit." Colby groans, "Can I have a card please?" You reach up, handing him a card and his fingers brush yours.
You know what he's doing.
Sam smirks as he glances up at you and turns to Colby. Colby clears his throat, "Alright, so the question is, have you ever had a dirty conversation with someone over text, and the person I want to answer is.." he points, "Sam."
Sam sighs, "I mean.. yeah.. who hasn't though, really?"
"One more thing, you have to tell us who." Colby chuckles and Sam shakes his head, "automatic no." He looks over at you as he grabs the bottle, "I can't do that."
"Why not?" You ask tilting your head, "The chat wants to know." You motion to the computer and smirk.
"Of course they do." He laughs and you watch as he takes his shot. He sets the small glass down and glances to Colby, "You're just setting me up to get drunk, aren't you?"
Colby laughs and nods, "I mean yeah. Thats the fun right?" He moves forward, linking his arm between the arm resting of the chair and your thigh.
Sam grabs a card, "y/n, do you enjoy dirty talk?"
You have a whore mouth when it comes to Sam and Colby, so yes. You do.
"I mean.." you shrug and tilt your head, "I guess I do."
"Interesting." Sam tosses the card down, "Follow up question, I'm sure everyone wants to know, what's your favorite thing to say?"
"I'm not answering that." You laugh and slide your glass over for Sam to fill.
"Oh come on! Humor us, y/n." Colby nudges your leg and you laugh, "Maybe.. I'll tell you guys later on." You glance at the camera before taking your shot.
"Holding you to that because I wanna know." Colby laughs and you roll your eyes because he knows what your favorite thing to talk dirty about is.
"Uh huh. Sure." You set your glass down and pick up a card, "Umm..." you look between Sam and Colby and smile, "Colby." You turn to him slightly, "Have you ever hooked up with a friend?"
He stares at you for a few second and you lean in towards him slightly, "You gunna answer the question?"
"Yeah. I have and it was great." He tilts his head as he speaks and laughs, "I'm not saying who, though. That's a no go miss ma'am."
"Alright sassy pants." You laugh, knowing he’s talking about you. You look at the chat, "Oh gosh. I'm going to clear that up right now, it was not me.” You pause and point, “It was Sam."
Sam leans forward as he laughs, "Oh yeah, who couldn't resist this big sexy man." Sam blindly runs his hand over Colby's face and they both laugh.
"My turn again? Holy fuck." Colby lays his hand on your knee as he leans forward and you try to pay no attention to it by picking at your nails.
"Uh oh." Sam says, causing you to look at him, "What?"
"He's got that smirk. Must be a good question." Sam laugh slightly and Colby looks up, still smirking, "What is the dirtiest text you've received? Describe in as much detail as possible."
You look at Sam and he looks at you as you both remember the nasty, detailed text message you sent him two nights ago while he was out doing an investigation.
"Yeah not happening." He shakes his head as he pours himself a shot and takes it.
"Booo!" Colby says while cupping his hand around his mouth. You join in, "Yeah, what Colby said, booooo!"
Sam rolls his eyes while trying not to laugh at the two of you. He sighs as he picks up a card, "ah, okay." He turns to you, "how many nudes of yourself do you have on your phone?"
"Do you want an exact number?" You raise your eyebrows and laugh. Sam holds his hands out to the side of him, "hit me."
You grab your phone, going into your hidden folder and sighing, "one eighteen."
"Jesus Christ." Sam's mouth drops and Colby claps his hands together, pressing his fingers to his lips as he smiles, "Good lord."
You shrug, "nothing wrong with being confident, right?"
"Absolutely not, you're right." Colby nods and Sam shakes his head, "I didn't think it was that many, honestly."
He sure did. He has them all, just like Colby does.
"Really? Why?" You laugh slightly and he shrugs, "I don't even know how to answer that." He laughs and Colby points to the pile of cards, "Your turn, mama."
Your head snaps towards Colby, panic in your eyes and Sam laughs, "Are you that drunk already?"
Colby covers his face, falling back as he screams into his hands, "I don't know why I said that!"
Your mouth hangs open in shock as you look at the screen, "oh my god, guys." You laugh as you read over the chat.
@/username2: HE SAID WHAT
@/username3: MAMA did he just say YOUR TURN MAMA!? what the fuckkkkk
@/username4: WHATS GOING ON HERE!?
@/username5: I can SMELL the seggual tension from my bedroom in FLORIDA
@/username7: Y/n and Colby have soooo hooked up
@/username8: NAH ain't no mf way that man just called her MAMA on a LIVE broadcast
@/username10: that was NOT an accident ohhhh my goddddd
Colby sits up, "I didn't.." he laughs, shaking his head as he lays his head on Sam's leg, "I can't recover from this."
"No, brother you can not." Sam lays a hand on his shoulder, "It's okay, buddy. Let it out." Colby pretends to cry into Sam's lap and you just sit there, laughing as you read the screen, "Calm down you guys."
Your eyes move over the screen, laughing as you read the chat.
@/username11: You can’t tell me there isn’t anything going on with them
@/username12: I think y/n has a secret
@/username13: Y/N! BLINK IF YOU LIKE COLBY
@/username14: PLEASE oh my god I’m so glad I joined this live
@/username15: God these edits are going to be so fucking GOOOD
You laugh as you turn back to face them, "Anywho. Back to this stupid game." You pick up a card and sigh, "Oh great." You snort and look up, "Colby. What was your last lie all about?"
You smirk, knowing damn well it had just happened.
He calls you that all the time.
"Give me the bottle." He sits up and takes it from Sam, chugging a little bit before handing it back.
"That was a lot." Sam chuckles, "Here buddy. I'll drink some with you." Sam chugs some too and hands you the bottle, "Um. No thanks."
Sam pouts, "Come on, our friend needs us right now." He tries to hold back his laughter but fails as you take the bottle, drinking some, too.
"I really didn't wanna get fucked up." You laugh, "I'm already buzzing."
"I think Colby beat us to it." Sam laughs and Colby groans, "I hate myself." He laughs and picks up a card, "Sam, If you could kiss someone right now, who would it be?"
Sam looks at Colby and starts to lean in. Colby leans in until they both start laughing and Sam takes the bottle, "That's a secret." He drinks some and sets it down to grab a card.
"That bottle is almost gone." You point and laughs, "Holy fuck."
"I didn't even realize that." Colby holds it up, "We did a hurtin' on this thing."
Sam starts to laugh, "Describe the last dirty dream you had." He looks at you, "Y/n."
You think for a moment, "I honestly can't remember. All of my dreams are fucking weird to where I can't run or throw a punch correctly."
You lied. The last dream you had was about Sam and thinking about it makes you want to recreate it with him right now.
You look at the chat, laughing about some people still being caught up on the whole Colby calling you mama thing.
@/username16: I can’t get over the fact that Colby called y/n mama what the helllll
@/username17: no bc same! You don’t just call someone mama if there isn’t anything happening like huhhhh
@/username18: JUST PLEASE give a sign we’re BEGGING on our kneeees begging
"Fair enough." Sam says and you look at him with a smirk as you pick up a card, "Do you like to be called daddy?" You look at Colby and he smirks, "Mm." He nods, "maybe not all the time, but yeah."
He hides his face, "Fuck." He laughs into his hands and pulls them away, leaning forward to grab a card, "Sam. If you could have sex with one person for the rest of your life, who would it be and why?"
Sam smirks and laughs, "I mean.. I could tell you the why part, but I'm not saying who so." He leans forward, eyes moving from your cleavage to your face, "Might as well just drink."
You motion for him to take it and he smiles as his eyes scan over the chat, "You guys are absolutely insane." He shakes his head before drinking, "Shit."
He wipes his mouth on his wrist and taps the cards, "how did we almost go through these all already?"
You look down, "Shit I didn't realize we were almost done."
You stand up to fix your jeans and the alcohol hits you, "Jesus fuck." You laugh and sit back down, "Standing up after drinking all that really makes a difference."
"You good?" Sam asks and Colby looks up at you, "lightweight." You flick him off and he does it back with a laugh, “Yeah I’m good. I am going to go find a snack, though. I'm starving."
"You are so drunk." He laughs and you point your finger, "Not as drunk as you may think." You giggle and stand up, leaning over and almost falling on Colby.
He grabs you by the waist and helps you stand straight, laughing in his own slightly drunken state, "yeah, whatever you say."
You place a hand on Sam's shoulder as you walk by and when you're out of frame of the camera, you stop at the door and turn around.
Colby looks at you and squints his eyes, "Please don't fall down the steps."
Sam turns his chair and you undo your jeans, taking them off as they watch, keeping a straight face for the camera. You push them down, stepping out of them and smile as you turn around, slowly walking out of the room.
You slide your hand down the railing as you walk down the steps and into the kitchen. You open each cupboard door, looking in as you wait for them to come down.
You grab one of your spiked seltzers from the fridge and set it down on the counter. You lift yourself up and sit down before opening it and drinking some.
A few moments later, you hear footsteps coming down the steps and you bite your lip, leaning back as you hold your weight up while watching the door.
Sam walks in first, closely followed by Colby.
"Whatcha doin in here, mama?" Colby smirks as he walks up to you, placing his hands on your almost bare hips.
You set your drink down with a giggle and reach up, lifting his hat off his head and flipping it backwards, "Just waiting for you and Sam."
"Oh, I see. And what exactly are you waiting for us for?" Colby leans in as he brushes hair from your neck, gently placing kisses up and down your skin.
"You know what." You whimper out quickly as he bites your skin.
"No baby, you gotta tell us." Sam says walking up next to Colby, "I know that pretty little mouth of yours can tell us."
"I want you." You look at Sam, "Both of you."
Sam smirks as he runs a hand through your hair, "Atta girl, baby. What do you want us to do?"
Colby leans back, admiring the perfect hickey he left on your neck, "Yeah, baby. What do you want us to do."
"Touch me." You plead, "I need you."
"We need you." Sam moves infront of you, cupping your cheeks as me leans in, pushing his lips against yours. You grip his shirt, pulling him closer to you as you whimper against his lips, "Sam.."
"Y/n." He gently bites and tugs on your lip, "Come with me." He slides you down off of the counter, taking you over to the table, "Lay down on the table for us."
You sit down and lay horizontally across the vertical sitting table, looking up at Colby who's standing over you, "How much do you care about this top?" He slips his fingers in, snapping the soft fabric again your skin.
You shake your head, "Not that much."
He chuckles and rips it, pushes the stretched fabric open to reveal your bare chest to them. Sam slides his hands down the inside of your thighs, "Told you that wouldn't last long when we were done filming."
You look at Sam just as he drops down, pulling your panties aside so his tongue can slip into your pussy, "Fuck." He groans against you, gripping your thigh tightly.
You arch your back, lifting up with a gasp as your eyes roll back, "F-fuck." You lift your arm up, hand searching blinding for Colby.
He steps forward and your hand brushes against his belt. You open your eyes, looking up at him as you reach up to undo it for him.
You pull it open, the metal clinking as you maneuver the button open and pull his zipper down, moaning and gasping as Sam brings you close.
Colby pushes his jeans down before getting rid of his sweatshirt, "that feel good?" He brushes hair from your face and you nod slightly, "Y-yes."
"Are you gonna cum?" Colby tangles his fingers in your hair, pulling hard, "Hmm?"
You let out a slight yelp, that quickly turns into a moan, "Fuck, fuck y-yes. Yes." You lay a hand on Sam's head as his tongue works in and out of you, "yes, yes."
You grab onto the band of Colby's boxers, pulling them down as your back lifts off the table, "fuck, yes baby."
You pull Colby's cock free, stroking it with your hand as you cum, moaning loudly as Sam continues to eat you out through the high of your first orgasm.
"That feel good, mama?" Colby bites his lip, watching your face twist with pleasure as he groans lowly, "Shit."
Sam pulls away, standing up as he leans down over you, pressing his lips to yours. You moan at the taste or yourself on his lips and he pulls away to stand up.
You turn your head, taking Colby's cock into your mouth as you feel small circles being drawn on your clit.
Your moans are muffled as Sam slips two fingers in, "She's so fucking wet, dude." Sam bites down on his lip, watching as you bob your head on Colby, "So fucking hot."
Sam pulls his fingers out, undoing his own jeans and pushing them down, along with his boxers. Your eyes roll shut as he slowly pushes his cock into you, not stopping until he's fully in.
You clench around him, pulling away to fill the kitchen with moans, "Fuck, fuck fuck."
Colby licks his lips as he pushes his hips forward, indicating he wants your mouth back on his cock.
He tilts his head back, moaning as you work him with your tongue, arching your back as much as you can as Sam grabs your ankles and pushes your legs back, holding them there.
Colby lays a hand on the back of your head, pushing down gently as his fingers tangle in your hair. His other hand moves to one of your boobs, kneading and pinching at your nipple, "So fucking good, baby."
Just like that." He breathes out, "Fuck."
Sam groans lowly, moving his hands to hold your thighs as he picks up his pace, trusting in and out of you at a punishing pace, "Sh-shit."
Sam pulls out after a few minutes, , sliding his hand up and massaging your clit gently with his thumb, "I feel like I need to cum already."
Colby pulls his cock from your mouth, moving to switch places with Sam, "Uh huh. She's good at that."
You smirk up at them as Sam walks up to you and you open your mouth, quickly turning your head to look at Colby as he slides his cock into you.
"Look at me, baby." Sam turns your head by your chin and you look at him, brows furrowed as moans escape your lips.
"Fucking hell." Colby groans lowly as his thrusts are slow. You wrap a hand around Sam, stroking him a few times before you dip your head in, swirling your tongue around this cock.
He lays a hand on your head, letting out a sigh, "Shit."
Your eyes flutter closed as Colby’s hands harshly grip your hips, pulling you to him to meet his hips with each rough thrust, “Fuck, fuck.”
“Don’t stop.” Sam groans, “Almost there, baby. Don’t fucking stop.”
You continue bobbing your head, as much as you can while the pleasure from your second orgasm starts consuming you from the inside out.
Sam holds your head still, thrusting his hips until you feel him twitch, “F-fuck.”
Colby’s thrusts turn sloppy and slow down as he pushes all the way into you, cock twitching as he cums.
Sam pulls out, wiping off your chin with his thumb, “Good girl.” He smiles down at you and bites his lip as he watches your face scrunch as Colby pulls out.
Colby gently rubs his fingers over your achey hips, “Ya alright?”
You look at him and nod, a smile growing slowly on your lips, “Uh huh.”
He smirks and Sam helps you sit up, “You wanna go lay down?”
You lick your lips, shaking your head as you look between them, “I do, but I don’t think I’m done yet.”
They both chuckle and Colby stands you up, “I figured, once you get alcohol in your system, you go until you can’t anymore.”
You shrug, “What can I say? You guys are great.” You smirk and walk to the door, pressing your back against it as you look back at them, “You coming or what?”
They both smile and walk to you, following you up the steps for round two.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Hope you enjoyed! Sorry if it’s not long enough, I think it’s kinda short but let me know what you thought of it!
Likes and reblogs are appreciated! 🖤
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dixons-sunshine · 3 months
Saw your birthday post and I’m here to say dad!daryl especially during pregnancy would be act like a caveman. You’re growing his child? He’s hunting for a mounting of food (more specifically animals especially deer) and presenting them to you like he’s at an altar. You want something. He’s already got it. Craving something that’s lots to the old world? Don’t worry he’ll do his best and if not he’ll find a suitable replacement. Dad!daryl would do anything for you already, and now you’re with his child… you really get to see how far he’d go.
Let’s not mention if you were ever in a position where he thinks you’d be in danger because he’s animalistic ensuring that you and his baby are okay.
Thank you for listening to my ted talk
Also happy early birthday!!
No because I think about this on a daily basis. You'd think I'm lying but I'm not. The amount of times I think of Daryl as a dad should be illegal lol. My own thoughts under the cut. (Sorry this isn't a proper fic. I didn't know how to write this in a way that would be in a way you deserve, but I loved this so much and didn't want this to go to waste, so I'm doing this. Hope it's okay!)
Basically everything you said is so freaking true. As far as I'm aware, aka on what I've seen in movies and what my mom has told me, the correct meat is an essential part to a pregnant woman's diet. Oh, boy, once you're pregnant and the doctor says that you need protein? You be rest assured that Daryl is not resting until he finds you the best goddamn venison he can. No rabbit or squirrel meat for the love of his life and his unborn baby. Y'all deserve only the best. He'd even fight tooth and nail if he could only find a small deer and there wouldn't be enough venison for everyone in the community and everyone wanted some. You needed it more than they did, and he'd hold someone at gunpoint if he needed to.
I've also wondered a lot about Daryl finding whatever you're craving. A few nights ago, I was really craving chips (fries) but I couldn't go buy any, so I had to make my own. While making it (at 3am if I may add) I thought about Daryl making you what you're craving during your pregnancy. If he can't find what you're craving outside the walls, he's gonna try his damn best to make it. Fries? He's picking potatoes out of the community's garden to make you that. You want a sandwich? He's gonna make you a sandwich. You want some crisps (chips)? He can't make it, but he's not gonna rest until he finds you some. It may be stale, but he doesn't care. Anything for you.
I've seen a couple of videos where the guy stands behind his pregnant partner and raises their belly to relieve some pressure. Daryl would do that! I read it in my favourite dad!Daryl series (Blood Ties by @celtic-crossbow. If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend it!) and I was like “yes, he would totally do that!” Anything that would help make you even the slightest bit more comfortable, he'd do it. Also, I feel like it would bring a sense of comfort to him when he does that. It'd make him feel more connected with his baby before they're born, y'know?
Don't even get me started on Daryl being extremely overprotective of you. He doesn't want you to be in any sort of danger in general, but the need to keep you safe when you're carrying his baby increases by a tenfold. Your escapades beyond the walls are put on a hold for the foreseeable future. Anything you need beyond the walls, he'll get it for you. And if you don't want him to leave you, he'll get someone else to do it for him. He wouldn't ever let you willingly put yourself in danger, and if you ever were in danger, the people responsible for it would pay dearly.
I have a lot of thoughts on this but my brain isn't working with me right now. Thank you so much for sending this in! I really loved this so much.
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mr-yuugo · 1 month
Date With A Cat Lover
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[Idia Shroud X Gen!Reader] -FLUFF-
Words: 1,231
Summary: Idia goes on a date with his online friend. The freshmen find him and decide to tease him. As the reader converses with Idia's schoolmates, the reader is quick to take fondly of Grim.
You can also find this posted on AO3 and Wattpad!
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Saying Idia was nervous was an understatement. He felt like he would melt onto the ground as each second passed. It was embarrassing enough just sitting awkwardly on a bench at a public park.
"So many people..." He thought as his foot anxiously tapped repeatedly on the ground. He was waiting for you in fact, so he decided to bear the nervousness and wait for you to get there.
This would be the first time you two would be meeting in person. Having met in an online game and becoming friends. You were so cute in the photos you would send him, he only hoped you were the cute person in the photos and not some catfisher.
"Now that would just be horrible..." He let out a shaky sigh as he pulled out his phone. Checking his messages to see that you texted him. "I just got here!" The message read.
Idia shrieked as he got up from the bench. Dusting off his clothes and telling himself not to act too weird. "Idia!" He heard someone call out to him. He stared at your figure coming closer to him as he looked at you in awe.
"Score! They're a total babe! Ez 10/10." Idia flashed his sharp teeth as he smiled at you. A sudden wave of confidence overcame him as he waved at you. "Y/N, I'm glad you could come."
"Mhm! Sorry for keeping you waiting." You told him as you linked your arm to his. Okay, that sudden confidence was gone. "Woah Idia! I didn't know your hair could do that!" You laughed as you smiled at his now pink hair.
You and Idia arrived at your desired location. When Idia found out you lived around the area he couldn't contain his excitement. Better yet the yearly fair was visiting so he immediately decided to invite you to go with him.
As you went up to the ticket booth Idia had bought your tickets. You thanked him as you promised to treat him to whatever foods he wanted to try. "Woah! Look Idia!" You told him as you pointed at one of the rollercoasters. "We should try that one!"
Idia looked at the ride you wanted to go on and gulped. "That one has a lot of swirls..."
"I know! Hahaha! Come on let's go line up!" As you lined up you both soon arrived at the front. After giving the necessary tickets to the person supervising the ride you both went to sit down.
Buckling up and lowering the bar you secure yourself in place. You laughed once more at Idia's scared expression. "Oh come on Idia it won't be that bad." The ride soon started as your cart began going up on the rails before dropping abruptly.
Idia screamed as he held onto the bar for dear life. Idia's eyes landed on your form. His screams of terror stopped as he sweat-dropped. You yourself were holding onto the bar with a serious grip. Your eyes closed as you shrieked.
After the ride, you and Idia agreed to not go on any more roller coasters. For your next ride, you decided to keep it simple and go on the teacup ride. When it began Idia was delighted when he found out you could spin the cup.
He had begun spinning the plate to make the cup rotate as you screamed at him to slow down. "W-Wait Idia-!" You gasped as you clutched onto your seat so you would not fall off.
As it ended Idia stumbled around. "I shouldn't have done that..." He said as he put a hand over his mouth.
You on the other hand laughed it off and began dragging him to a food stall. "So many options...what about the churros? That sounds delicious." Idia perked up at this. "Ah yes! I've seen videos of people getting them here they look yummy."
You nodded your head. As you looked around the park you saw a lonely bench and made Idia sit down. "You wait here alright? I'll go buy them."
"Are you sure you want to go alone?"
"Yeah I'll be fine, you just try to stop your head from spinning." Chuckling you made your way to the line. As Idia sat patiently his heart dropped when he heard a familiar voice. "Ah, Idia! How are you."
Idia had a terrified expression as he saw the main four. "Eek! What are you guys doing here!?"
Ace rolled his eyes. "Having fun, and you? I saw Ortho hanging out with some of his buddies but I didn't see you."
"This is horrible! I feel like a criminal that's just been caught." Idia scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Well, I'm just hanging out ya know?"
Yuu laughed at him. "Well, I hope you are not here alone." Duece nodded his head. "Well be more than happy to have you join us if you would like."
"Who said I was here alone?!" Idia thought as he scowled.
"Myah! I actually saw him with someone. I wasn't sure it was him but now I'm sure!" Grim said as he grinned. "Woah there! Maybe Idia is on a date!" Ace gasped as he began to laugh.
Idia's hair turned pink at the tips as he began shaking his head in disagreement. "I-im not! Who said that!?"
"It's nothing to be ashamed of Idia." Duece smiled at him. "I'm not ashamed-!" Idia's voice trailed into a whisper as he saw you walk up to him.
"Hey, Idia I'm back." You smiled at him and then at the others. "Oh hello! Are you some of Idia's friends? I'm Y/N!" The others stared in shock as Ace quickly leaned down to whisper in Idia's ear. "Okay, what did you do to bag a complete hottie."
You began making conversation with Yuu and Duece as you noticed the furry animal below you. "O..m..g! How cute!" You smiled as you bent down to pat Grim on the head.
"Hey! I'm not a pet!" In your hand, you had the paper bag filled with the churros. "Aww, you are just the sweetest thing aren't you!" Taking a churro out of the bag you gave it to him. "I guess I am..." His ears fell as he took the treat out of your hand and ate it. "So cute!" You said as you began to stand up.
You blushed as you realized the others were all staring at you. "O-oh I'm sorry..." You mumbled as you giggled. Idia simply bawled his hand as he smiled in contentment. "They are a cat lover..."
"So Y/N you here on a date with Idia?" Grim asked as he motioned to the bag to have more. You gave him another one as you nodded your head. "Well...it was never officially a date but I guess so!" You laughed as you continued to feed Grim more treats.
Soon they bid fer well as you waved at them. A pout on Idia's face as you sat down next to him. "Hm? What's wrong?" You asked him. "That was embarrassing..." He muttered.
You intertwined your hand with his. "Well, I'm glad your friends were nice about it though. Well..." Standing up you pulled Idia along too. "We should probably get back in line."
"Huh? For what?"
"The Churros, I gave them all to the cute cat."
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actual-changeling · 11 months
Welcome back to Alex's unhinged meta corner - although today it is less unhinged and more of a watertight analysis.
What I am about to present you is something most people have probably already noticed, but it has been three months and I still lose my mind while going through the final fifteen frame by frame (which is a normal thing normal people like us do, right? right).
You literally cannot convince me my following meta is wrong, and the only person whose criticism I will accept on this post is Michael Sheen and Michael Sheen ONLY. If you're not Michael Sheen (hi Michael Sheen who probably has a secret tumblr account) then your guess is as good as mine, though again, I think mine is solid.
We all love and hate Aziraphale's "I forgive you", but what I find even more painful is the fact that before that he almost said "I love you". Then he stops himself and changes it, and the amount of micro-expressions on his face as he makes that decision is my current cause of death.
Here's the clip as evidence #1, and while it can definitely support itself, let's dive into the pain a little more, shall we?
One important thing I noticed is that Aziraphale doesn't look at Crowley while he stutters his way through his initial reaction. He blinks up at him for a few frames before averting his eyes again and only holds eye contact after the almost-confession (from here on referred to as IL-).
This is Aziraphale holding eye contact with Crowley (left) vs. him looking away (right):
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The frame on the left is from the I forgive you (IFY) part of the scene, the other one from right before IL-. If we go through the above clip little by little we will find that he avoids Crowley's face the entire time and his gaze slips further and further down, which I interpret as him overthinking/trying to come up with something to respond to this entire situation.
He is overwhelmed and surprised, caught between his two main desires: Crowley and being a Good Angel.
Combing through the frames, we can actually nail down exactly when Aziraphale first makes eye contact before the IL- and when he stops. Keep the above comparison in mind! The angle is slightly different because his chin is lower and he straightens up throughout the scene.
So! This is where he starts looking at Crowley:
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And this is where he stops:
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Hard to see? Let's zoom in on his eyes (numbers are the file names):
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Now, you might ask me "Alex, this is all fine, although a bit insane, but why is any of this important?"
Because, fellow tumblr user and good omens enthusiast, I think that looking at Crowley is what changes his mind about what to say.
He doesn't look at him -> about to confess his feelings.
He looks at him -> says the absolutely worst possible thing.
Partly to hurt him because they're both lashing out at each other during this argument, but he looks at Crowley, looks at the person that just kissed him, that told him they could have been an us, that wants him and has always wanted him, screw everyone else.
He looks at Crowley and he wants to say l love you but then what? Once he says those words, he can't leave. He just can't.
We have to remember that they have existed within a complicated dance, a game that they have been playing for centuries without ever telling each other what that game actually is, what the rules are - because they couldn't. It was based entirely on trust and knowing the other person well enough to play it safe.
Crowley just flipped the playing board. Nothing is the way it should be, he is refusing to do their dance, refusing to play. He is looking at him and daring him to stop trying to put the pieces back on the board. The only thing neither of them has done yet is actually say I love you out loud.
Saying those words would mean stepping away from the playing board and acknowledging the room they have been playing in. It would mean saying fuck you to heaven, yes, but it would also force Aziraphale to finally define himself outside of the role he has been playing for both Crowley and heaven, and he isn't ready for that yet.
Additionally, there is the fear and/or knowledge (depending on what else the Metatron might have said or done that we did not see) that heaven will retaliate against him and Crowley if he disobeys them now, and he does not want to risk that either.
All that is what, in my opinion, happens in his head when he averts his eyes and interrupts himself. I do kinda what to make a whole different post about his facial expressions leading up to the IFY, so I will end this one with one more bit of pain.
Firstly, the face he makes when he makes his decision.
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Look at the tight line of his lips, the pain etched into his face, the pure pain in his eyes.
This is the face of someone who knows exactly how badly he is going to hurt Crowley and himself. This is an apology, an I'm sorry for what I'm about to do, this hurts me as much as it hurts you. I'm sorry but I have to.
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And then he winces afterwards. I don't know about you, but this is exactly the kind of face I make when I'm emotionally torturing myself with my own thoughts. For the final blow, please look at the picture very, very closely, especially the last frame, because Aziraphale isn't just sorry and he isn't just in pain.
Aziraphale is scared because he knows* that he might lose Crowley over this. He knows that saying I forgive you is (almost) unforgivable. He KNOWS.
He does it anyway because he will lose Crowley either way but he'd rather have him alive and hating him than dead.
With that I am concluding today's unhinged meta corner, thank you for your attention and you're welcome for the pain.
Also: If you want to call me a 'tin hatter' or insane or otherwise make fun of me - this is very much a girl, what were YOU doing at the devil's sacrament moment because you read my meta post all the way to the end. <3
*authors note: what Aziraphale thinks he knows and what is actually real is not the same thing but that's a different post
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demonsword586 · 4 months
Tartaros pp headcanons! (Just the nobles)
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- I imagine he is one of the few normal sized pp owners amongst devils. (Still,they are naturally larger than humans,so normal for a devil is still pretty impressive for a human.)
-Anyway I belive he is around 15 cm in lenght .
-You see the charm about this man's shlong is not in size like most people think but in it's shape.
- You see his tip is sharp. This man is a whore. With enough money,you could probably buy a night with him. And as a proper gold digger....he needs a sharp tool for the job.
-You ever saw the part of a flute in which you blow? Yea that's his tip
-Not only is his tip pointy but somewhere in the middle of his shaft he has tiny bumps. They're small and there's not a lot of them...but just enough for you to feel it when he ravages your insides.
-He thought about dipping his pp in gold like he does to his feet but immediatelly stopped after the first try. Mostly because the gold was dropping down way too quickly because of the higher temperature.
-He settled on just wearing a few thin golden cock rings. Also has a simple prince albert piercing
-From all the gold in the air,I woudn't be suprised if he eats it too. After a few years of chewing on metal,his cum got a certain yellowish color to it.
-I do think he cums a lot tho and it's watery...very watery.
-He keeps himself groomed most of the time. If you're serving the richest man in hell as his right hand,you gotta keep a certain level of proper hygene and looks to match.
- Also yes his pp does smell like pennies.
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- I think he's pretty similar to Mammon. He already works hard to have a body like his. I woudn't be suprised if that applies to his dick as well.
-As you can imagine....big. Not as big as Mammon's meat srick but very similar. Thick,long and hard as a brick. He should register is as a lethal weapon. In and put of the bedroom.
-At least he is aware of his own size,comparred to some other careless nobles. He knows he could actually hurt you and does everything in his might to prevent that,even if it means sacrificing his own pleasure for yours.
-Speaking of pleasure and cumming,he's another one of those breeding bulls. His cum is a bit thick but actually tastes pretty good. The most similar thing to it is a lemon tart.
-Back to his cock. It's a bit more normal whrn it comes to the shape. It's the kind of a penis that is pretty to look at but also scares you with just how big it is. In other words,a teddy bear kind of pp.
-He keeps his pubic hair growing. Of course,he does shave it off every once in awhile. But only when it gets so unruly it iches. But every other time? He just let's it grow. He just doesn't pay too much attention to his hair when he has to put so much work into growing out his muscles.
-But somehow has one of the healthiest hygene routines? Has like 12 diffrent products,all for a specific thing on his body. He's a good boy who takes care of himself properly.
-He does work out a lot tho,so he can't always be smelling like sunshines and manly chemicals. Even after many showers,there is still a small sprinkle of the sweaty smell on him. He is trying to get rid of it since he knows humans are a bit more sensitive about bad smells compared to devils
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- Small...the smallest penis owner in Tartaros nobility and he is damn proud of it!!!
-He's actually really happy with his size since smaller pps are way cuter than those muscular-looking dicks. It gives him a very cute bulge too!
- It's size is 11 cm.
- Some of his coworkers suggested he starts wearing some more gold but he refuses. After all,ribbons are way cuter than gold and very flexible in their usage too! He can wrap them everywhere even on his dick.
-Has a collection of diffrent types of ribbon fabric,each for a specific part on his body. There is so many pretty fabrics after all but not every one fits more intimate areas. For down there he uses a very soft,silk ribbon.
- Has a very good hygene too. Probably owns a whole cabinet of showering items. My man knows his stuff. He follows Orias's social media and they even give each other beauty tips in DMs. Paimon joins in on some conversations as well.
- Anyway back to his pp! We already got out of the way that it's small. Well it's also really sensitive! Especially on the underside of his shaft and the point where his tip is the sharpest. If you rub or touch him there,he becomes quite vocal. I don't mean those little whimpers but full on moans. When Mammon first heard him,he had to ask later if he was okay and if he needed a headpat. Poor man probably thought Eligos hit his balls or something.
-Speaking of balls,his are pretty small and round. His ballsack is a bit tight which makes his balls appear very adorable,like little marbles. They fit perfectlly in your palm too! Ah,but don't squeeze them,he'll push you away and cover them for a few weeks if he sees you.
-Man waxes. You see those shiny thighs? Yea he wants all of his assets to be like that. Smooth like an infant. He actually does the whole process by himself. Unless there is a place he cannot reach *cough* his ass *cough*
-Overall,a very cute little thing and slightly squishy. The color of it is just as his skin with his tip being a paler pink.
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ryker-writes · 1 year
If you're still doing sibling angst, could I request Riddle with a disowned sibling? ^^ like maybe they're the exact opposite of Riddle (Lazy, doesn't follow rules, talks back to their mom) and because of that Riddle also thought lowly of them. Only to see them at NRC after they cut ties. Maybe also how he would treat them after his overblot? 👀
Yes darling! The people love the sibling angst! Now it's Riddle's turn >:D
Request rules and Masterlists
Riddle as a sibling (Broken relationship)
the Rosehearts family was a very strict family to live in
ever since you were a kid, your mother had fully planned out you and your brothers life
every second of every day was meant to help you towards the future she planned
and on top of that you had to listen to every rule your mother put in place
she always said that if either one of you failed to follow her rules and her plans, she wouldn't love you anymore
Riddle was very good at following these rules and he was a natural hard worker
You however, were the opposite of him
you hated all the rules and strict plan
how could Riddle just go along with it really?
it was always incredibly stressful and it felt like there was constant suffocating pressure
so one day, you just gave up following the rules and listening to your mom
she hated it when she would ask you something and you told her "no"
and somewhere inside, you hoped Riddle would do the same
but Riddle would never do that
even while your mother screamed at you for disobeying, he stood by and did everything she asked
she told him that you were a prime example of everything she didn't want in a child
she called you all sorts of names before disowning you and kicking you out
you never went back there after that
your mom was not someone you ever cared to see again
but you did worry slightly about Riddle and how he would turn out
would he end up just like her?
or would he eventually speak back and stand up to her?
only time would tell
thankfully, you were able to tell when you got into Night Raven College
Riddle was the housewarden of Heartslabyul
the dorm known for strict rules
that didn't bode well
sure enough, you heard some first year Heartslabyul students talking about how strict the rules in their dorm were
Riddle had ended up just like your mother
still, you had hoped that maybe he hadn't become as bad as her
so when you saw him in the halls you decided to greet him and maybe start up a conversation
but as soon as his attention was on you, his expression turned sour
instead of saying hello or something when first speaking to you, he immediately started commenting on your uniform and how it doesn't go along with NRC rules
it wasn't too bad until he added
"I see you're still a disrespectful deviant. You really should know that you'd better serve society if you just listen for once."
yeah...that told you all you needed to know
he acts exactly like your mother and he thinks of you in the same way she does
you couldn't put yourself through that again, so you left
you didn't interact with Riddle after that
it's sad that things turned out this way, but it wasn't something you had to deal with
you just continued to live your life, your way
and things were fine
lately, there were a lot of Heartslabyul students walking around with collars on
Riddle's unique magic
they broke the rather ridiculous rules, and now they had to suffer
you felt for them, you really did
but there was nothing you could do to help them
days later you heard about what happened
someone stood up to Riddle and he overblotted
you were surprised of course
overblots were so rare and can kill someone
Riddle was fine, but you knew he would likely receive a long lecture from your mother
still, you carried on living your normal life
but Riddle started lingering around you more
and then one day, he talked to you
"I've come to realize that not all of the rules are necessary and don't always need to be followed. So I've come to apologize. I'm...sorry for how I've treated you, and I'm sorry for everything that happened at home."
your relationship with Riddle started to get better after that
he wouldn't criticize you for when you didn't follow minor rules
however if it was a bigger more important rule he will urge you to follow, but hesitates to enforce it
he's still learning what classifies as a rule that's not super important so give him some time
he want's to try and fix the relationship between you two
and he confides in you that he too gets tired of your mother sometimes
at least he has more freedom at Night Raven College
Riddle even started inviting you to unbirthday parties and introduced you to all the hedgehogs
An extra thought for all of you:
when Ace stood up to Riddle, he couldn't help but think of you
Ace called all his rules ridiculous and talked back to Riddle, just like you did to your mother
he could clearly remember the day you fully rebelled against your mom and what followed after
he couldn't let that happen again
and then he overblotted
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melodic-haze · 5 months
YK HOW CLORINDES BUTTON IS FIGHTING FOR ITS LIFE ON HER UNIFORM RIGHT. Then imagine reader noticing it and just tearing it apart and suck her tits. That’s a need fr 🤤
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Clorinde x dom!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Nipple obsession 🫶, she gets kinda perved on a lil bit but that's just people looking at her and her whoreass fit like!!! What!!!!!!!, idk what else ngl
☆ — NOTES: Dude how the fuck do her clothes even work. Like I've been staring at it for a while now like what. How???? Anyway it's 1 am sorry if it isn't coherent
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Clorinde's buttons are fighting for their lives and so am I
"Appropriate uniform" my nonexistent left NUT how the HELL!!! Is that allowed!!!!!!!
No but seriously it must be such a struggle to watch her walk around like that. Like what. What why what
You couldn't help but stare at your lover's chest—more specifically, her button-up that was practically struggling to hold on.
She lifts her head to look at you with a light smile on her face, temporarily pausing her movement to put on her shoes, "Yes, my dear?"
You cleared your throat as you leaned on the wall, looking at your eyes still locked onto that same spot, "Do you not get.. you know, a clothing violation or something?"
"Why?" She tilted her head in what is indesputably, undeniably real confusion, "I do not see why I would."
She probably feels it though. Or at least you'd assume so, with how tight her clothes seem to be on her.
"..Nothing. Just, um," you scratched the nape of your neck sheepishly before shaking your head and forcing your eyes on her own, "good luck at work today."
She nods and says her goodbyes before leaving out the door.
When you're outside, for some reason you can't help but notice that people are staring at her awfully lot!! It could be because like she's the Champion Duellist so obvs they'd be in awe.........but it doesn't seem like they're in awe for that reason, with the way they look at her restricted chest when they're close enough. Is it just today that they're noticing this?? Or is it just today that YOU'RE noticing them looking at her??????
Whatever it is, it's pissing you off a little (a lot)!!! She has the audacity to say she doesn't know what you're on about when she's being gawked at bc of the same reason YOU were gawking at her for
By the time the day ends you're about to lose it (I would personally 🫶) so you're waiting in your room for her before she comes back, all oblivious to the MANY stares she's had and the. Wardrobe malfunction that was going on there. The moment she gets back, dude POUNCE HER because I fuckin would 😭😭😭
Don't give her time to even think of anything—not like she'll need the time, she'd abandon all trains of thought for once the moment you're both in the mood. Kiss her HARD, she'll happily let you and your tongue lead like a familiar dance between the two of you
What ISN'T familiar, though, is when you grasp onto the opening part of her button-up and tug on it. And not tug on it normally like you would to suggest that she takes her clothes off, nonononono I mean FORCING IT TO SPLIT
She breaks the kiss to ask you what you're doing and that you're putting a LOT of force into-- OH SHIT IT POPPED OPEN!!!! The buttons didn't really need any encouraging by that point but with your help it popped off to god knows where 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ but colour her SURPRISED she did NOT expect you to do that
Or did she
Anyway she's quite literally about to complain to you, saying that that was her clothes you JUST ripped open what the heck!!!! But then you kinda easily shut her up the moment you tug her bra down and start paying attention to her tits
Bite em hard, suck em real nice and leave a VERY obvious mark on them so that she thinks twice about wearing things that will DEFINITELY expose her at any given minute. Play with her nipples too, and don't forget to give attention to the neglected side❗️❗️
She'll shut up real quick if you pay SOOO much attention to them, pulling you in even further via holding your head closer to you. She'll even comb your hair too, if you have any :3 though she might accidentally tug on them if you do smth that particularly gives her a shock lol
Atp rip her tights for access too, she won't even care anymore now that you've ripped her shirt open 🤷‍♀️ she says she has more anyway what's one loss gonna do?? Rip it and massage her clit as you don't stop spoiling her breasts, sucking them as if something's gonna come out if you persevere hard enough, and I promise she'll be breathing so fucking heavily as she begs you for more. More of what? She can't even clarify, the ever so composed Duellist is at an utter loss!!!!!
Plunge your fingers in and you can feel how wet she is, how Easily your fingers just slip into her and move in and out, how her folds practically flutter around your digits from every lick and suck of her nipples like a bitch starved AND possessed
If you curl your fingers a certain way and suck on her tits at the same time too???? Oh FUCK you're ripping out SUCH a huge orgasm from her that has her bucking her hips and grinding them into your palm and you need to fuck her through it!!!! Fuck her through her high and bring her down......and even after that she kinda don't gaf if she's absolutely dirtied her attire atp or made a mess as she drags you off for more, hat probably on the ground and forgotten
She'd care when you're like DONE done though, with her sighing in such a way that you do feel like you should probably help bc you DID still rip her shit apart 😭
But yeah dude everyone can stare all they want but only YOU get the privilege of going feral and tearing her clothes apart just to touch her and taste her in any way you can. Mark her up so that underneath her clothing, as embarrassing as they are, are all the proof that everything under the fabric?? That's all for you babe 🙏🙏
It was the day after, and you were looking at her and her clothing once again.. along with everyone else's looks on her, once again more filled with a mix of filtered lust and quite a bit of jealousy from some of the women due to how form-fitting her attire was.
She did say that she'll make a note to buy some looser versions of her outfit, but...
At the end of the day, it was Clorinde's decision to wear what she wants to wear. And it's not like it's ever hindered her work before—if anything, the fact that it's the way it is probably helps with her mobility somehow, especially when such a chest is sure to be a nuisance when she moves around so much.
..You can't really help but feel a bit jealous of your girlfriend, though. Or maybe possessive?maybe, but such a word feels like you want her all to yourself.
(You do, but still.)
But then you realise that maybe such worries are unfounded after all, especially when you overhear someone speaking of a dark mark on her neck, which she describes as a nasty bite on patrol.
You know it wasn't some random bite though, and it seems that she knows full well she's lying, especially when she sees you and gives you a small smile before pretending to scratch her neck to reveal that dark mark you had inflicted.
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