#lord help us he's too gay for that
mindblizzard · 2 months
I think the best way to resolve the "Naruhodo is Phoenix's ancestor but also asoryuu is real so ???" debate is to hypothesize that Naruhodo is Phoenix's ancestor but not directly. Maybe his sister had a kid and Naruhodo is Phoenix's great-great-great-uncle or something like that, where the family resemblance (and the lawyer genes[?]) would still carry through but Naruhodo did not have a child with a woman
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rpfisfine · 5 months
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i need every single one of my boy boy followers to experience aleksa's old couchsurfing profile right this instant
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jrueships · 2 years
the ja disease has spread...
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read more of the good omens book. i am in love with crowley. go away.
This is exactly why I was petrified of the bloody book. It's going to make the brainrot irredeemably deep. Entire bodyrot, in fact. Even Tommy (yes I named my haematoma Tommy, and he's trans, so he's a he/himatoma) will succumb to the rot.
Aziraphale, you silly, silly, adorable little prissy motherfucker. What a bastard.
Sister Mary Loquacious making up her mind to have an orgasm gives a whole new subtext to my thirst for her during the rewatch of episode one.
Anathema carries a foot-long bread knife with her. Queen shit.
Warlock's birthday party omg. Aziraphale looking at Crowley desperately for help and Crowley pointedly refusing to meet his gaze because he's cringing from second-hand embarrassment and staring out of the window. I read that bit when I got out of the X-ray for Tommy and it made me smile on a very shit day.
Right mumbled Crowley suddenly feeling very alone.
Okay but ngl Crowley was entirely right? He turned the paintball guns to real guns, but the humans continued to shoot each other even after they realised the switch. Not his fault.
Oh Lord, heal this bike. So it was from the book, too.
Aziraphale being like let's get the fuck outta here before the police come coz I'll morally have to assist them with enquiries is so babygirl of him for real. You little bastard, you.
I love Aziraphale. Crowley makes a man faint from fear and Aziraphale isn't all that pissed because he's salty about the man ruining his expensive shirt. Oh, Aziraphale.
So attracted to War in an awful way. It makes so much sense how attractive in an awful way she is.
Pouring one out for Mr and Mrs Threlfall of 9, The Elms, Paignton.
"Right," mumbled Crowley, suddenly feeling very alone.
Slightly desperate italics is a phrase I didn't know I needed in my life but during my inevitable next war with fucking typefaces, I will definitely use. Fuck I had design work to do for my mum. AH WELL, CROWLEY, CROWLEY, CROWLEY.
In response to watch out for that pedestrian, Crowley says It's on the street, it knows the risks it's taking! Crowley supports it/its pronouns, pass it on.
Where do you live my dear? Aziraphale oozed. OOZED. OMG.
Everyday, my-homoerotic-tension-and-love-hate-relationship-with-my-copy-of-this-book's a-getting stronger... WHY MUST THAT LINE HURT ME SO MUCH.
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queermania · 1 year
Wait wait wait. Jensen picked the writer who gave Dean a lesbian best friend and made him a nerd to be the show runner for his little fixit fic show? This is amazing!
when you look at robbie's run of episodes (that he wrote specifically, not produced or was the executive story editor on), a very specific version of supernatural and dean starts to emerge and it is insanity-inducing. here's a very brief rundown of the episodes robbie wrote:
slash fiction -swayze always gets a pass -dean singing air supply -"it's like eating self-righteousness' -the creation and introduction of frank devereaux -"applications for sainthood" -dean letting sam go
time after time -"what are you gonna look up more anime or are you strictly into dick now?" -dean being a nerdy little fanboy about eliott ness (and checking out a dude in a uniform but that was probably jacting joices) -dean getting excited about dressing up in period clothing!! -understanding that rufus matters and that family isn't just blood -original sam is milf!bait (and he's into it) truther -actually writing grief in nuanced ways -dean is smart and resourceful actually! -your future is "covered in thick black ooze" (which i know is just a very lucky coincidence but i don't care!)
the girl with the dungeons and dragons tattoo -CHARLIE!!! he gave us charlie. he said "actually what if hardcore fans were cool and fun and GAY and they were dean's new best friend" -charlie/dean/security guard flirting split screen -"she's kinda like the little sister I never wanted." "how does a high-school dropout become one of the brightest minds…" -basically this entire episode is just "be gay, do crime" and i love that for me specifically
bitten -not my favorite episode but as @ilarual says "it's very fun in how it illustrates Robbie's willingness to play with form, since it's all done as found footage" -and as @doctorprofessorsong says it "has the concept of monsters aren’t always bad guys" -and apparently it contains a brokeback reference? my memory of this episode is hovering at around 1% tbh but you get it
larp and the real girl -dressing dean up in little outfits AGAIN -and he likes it!!! -and he likes being a nerd! (dean is getting into it and sam is the one who is unamused mr serious guy!!!!) -and charlie is dean's new best friend! -"belladonna" "the pornstar?" -"did you break up with someone too?" -honestly you already know all of it. this is a fan favorite for a reason. what more can i say about this episode??
goodbye stranger -yes robbie was the first writer to try to give us a destiel love confession -cas practicing killing dean over and over and over and still not being able to do it when it comes down to it -"what broke the connection?" gee i wonder -first episode writing cas and he nailed the sort of unintentional deadpan humor that makes cas so lovable ("would it kill you to watch a movie? read a book?" "a movie, no, but with a book with the proper spells—yeah, it could theoretically kill me.") -"if he's so sketchy then why are you praying to him?" -pizza man reference -"do you really think we can trust megstiel?" (we get both megstiel and jealous!dean) -dean quoting lord of the rings (because he's a nerd! and he reads!) -meg roasting the shit out of sam for the amelia stuff -etc
pac-man fever -charlie reading the carver edlund books -charlie and dean being besties/getting a montage -dean telling charlie that what happened with her parents wasn't her fault/understanding the guilt she feels -"i love you" "i know" -"what about castiel? he seems helpful, and dreamy" -again, putting dean in little outfits -charlie knows how to shoot/aim a gun
slumber party -dorothy!! -oz!!! -look, is this episode cheesy? yes. but it's fun and it's so obviously a love letter to the oz source material and i love that about robbie. he does his research and he commits
first born -cain!!!! -drowley team up!!!!! ("friends. besties, actually." im sorry but drowley means so much to me personally and this is the start of their beautiful bromance) -"this is by far the dumbest idea you've ever had." "yeah, well, it's early" -cas liked pb&js!! jelly, not jam. he found jam unsettling!! -"you have a guinea pig? where?" -"you're a terrible liar?" "that is not true. i once deceived and betrayed both you and your brother." -just. sastiel shenanigans (and hugs!) -"she only asked for one thing." "to stop" -anyway. you get it.
meta fiction -dean and cas phone call smiles!! they LIKE each other -metatron media dump -"what makes a story work? is it the plot, the characters, the text? the subtext? and who gives a story meaning? is the writer? or you?" -i think it's important to note that robbie who wrote gabriel faking his own death -cas noticing something is wrong with dean pretty much instantly and then discovering the mark of cain
fan fiction -i mean. come on. -"although we do explore the nature of destiel in act two." -"you can't spell subtext without s-e-x" -sam being such a younger brother and trolling dean about "destiel" -"BM scene" -dean "you know they're brothers, right?"-ing the w*ncest stuff but just being flustered about the destiel stuff ayyyy -dean casually referencing andrew lloyd webber -"transformative fiction" -"i want you to put as much sub into that text as you possibly can" -dean quoting rent -the samulet is back! -"i have my version, and you have yours." -"he took away our own free will" <- about john!! -THE RETURN OF CHUCK!
there's no place like home -"i forgive you dean" "yeah well i don't" "i know, kinda your move" -"you hurt my friend" -"you lied to me" "you lied to yourself. that's kinda your move." -i mean. robbie just gets it, ya know?
book of the damned -cas being a huge bitch (love that) -sam being the excessively codependent one -cas and charlie get to meet! -found family goodness if only for a little bit!!
angel heart -ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! -"i got it at the hot topical" (and claire keeping grumpy cat) -no seriously. dean and cas went birthday present shopping together for claire and they did it at a mall -castiel feeling guilt for what he did to the novak family (and amelia recognizing that cas has changed/grown) -"you were both troubled teens. you speak her language." -"bring your daughter to work day" -"i'm saying she might be stronger on her own." which is a controversial line but i think it says something really significant about how dean feels about his childhood "in fact you're not anything to her except a constant reminder of someone that's gone." -mini golf!!!!!! dean and claire bonding!!!! -the introduction of the grigori, a class of angels which may or may not be important at some point -claire roasting the shit out of dean with "you seem pretty old" <3 -"happy birthday. don't shoot me."
baby -do i really need to explain anything about this one? -"okay first of all, never use swayze's name in vain, okay? ever." -"mistakes were made" -dean having a dream about john teaching him to drive but under normal and appropriate circumstances -werepire…. ghoulpyre… -honestly just the whole episde. you know what i'm talking about. the unique perspective. the insight into their day-to-day lives. the moments that live in between.
into the mystic -eileen! my best friend eileen! -dean x mildred otp -remembering sam's lucifer/hell trauma -the whole "follow your heart" speech -"banshees go after the vulnerable, so why'd it go after you?" -dean recognizing there's something off with cas -but really the most important thing here is EILEEN
safe house -bobby and rufus!!!! -i repeat BOBBY AND RUFUS!!!! -"were you ever nice?" "1985. worst year of my life." -robbie just really GETS that this show is more fun when it's not centered entirely on the brothers. -bobby referring to sam and dean as his boys -timey wimey shenanigans -there were some interesting implications in this episode too but i'm losing steam here so i'm gonna let you rewatch and figure it out lol
don't call me shurley -the reveal of chuck as god!!!! -bisexual chuck -dean does sam's laundry (sometimes with beer) -chuck is a shitty egotistical writer -he also plays the guitar and: "i like front row seats. you know, i figured i'd hide out in plain sight." -"i thought if i could show my sister that there was something more than just us, something better than us, then maybe she'd change. maybe she'd stop being… her. but every time I'd build a new world, she'd destroy it." -"the world would still be spinning with demon dean in it but sam couldn't have that though could he?" -"you were gonna choose amara over me."
so. yeah. jensen chose THIS GUY to helm the winchesters. bold move, sir. full respect.
also, this tweet always makes me crack up
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one of us! one of us! one of us!
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mtkay13 · 9 months
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So I made those as requested by abscess chemical on twitter and figured it may be fun to share them on tumblr as well. And you know what? Share a break down of my choices as well, because why not! I tried doing it seriously haha.
Zhou Zishu:
Intense - 6/10: He can be very intense, re the things or people he's invested in, but he also has a chill and detached quality to him, a way of being at peace with things that he won't blow things out of proportions.
Complex - 9/10: I think that he's a very nuanced, multi-faceted and deep character, but I guess I didn't go 10/10 just because there's also a very straightforward and easy to get part of him (esp. from WKX's perspective.
Fruity - 2/10: I think the guy's very gay but not the most bombastic about it LBR.
Angst-lord: although it's not as obvious in TYK, QY gives us some EXTREMELY tasty ZZS angst and a good look into how ZZS can process things through anxiety. It definitely got more lowkey post-QY canon, but...
Flavor container: IDK what that means really but I wanted to tick it
Soft and sweet: I actually didn't check it on the twitter version initially (but published an erratum). He is described as soft on the inside by too many people not to check it.
Braincell haver: self-explanatory, the guy's brilliant
Chew toy: literally!
Tragic backstory: if QY can count as a backstory, then everything that happened with Jiuxiao works.
Frequently violent: duh
Sidekick owner: WKX is ZZS's sidekick from everyone else's perspective (or vice-versa) and my opinion abt it won't change ever.
Pet stray animals: ZCL, for one, and for two we all know he pets cats and raccoons
Chronic insomniac: technically, in TYK, the nails do force the insomnia, but we know from QY that he had a lot of trouble sleeping at night.
Murderer: well
Just some guy 95%: clearly he's a natural-born NPC/side character
Too many thoughts 100%: he overthinks everything!!
Awful company 15%: I think that a goofy drunkard like him is fun but not the best company, especially when he goes all grumpy shifu/shixiong
Beloved by all 60%: most characters REALLY like him (and the others don't even know he exists) and often praise how sweet he is. Charming against his will and attempts at being invisible uwu
Trauma x1000 10%: again, I think that the Jiuxiao story left deep scars.
Helps others for fun 70%: pretty much the plot of TYK
Scary-smart 80%: I think he's really brilliant but then you have these moments where he's just clueless abt stupid stuff and clearly doesn't care/doesn't want to know or try so those 20% left are the deliberate goof I guess.
1000 weapons and tools 50/50: it's both!! every rock is both a tool and a weapon and he just keeps pulling random shit from his bosom--
At peace with life 48%: I think, for the most part, he is--at peace with both life and death, until he decides that keeping on living is just the best option in the end.
Break the rules 80%: I had no idea w this one but... in TYK he pretty much does whatever he wants, so---
Extra comments: The way the "evokes" ticks every boxes for me to various degrees of intensity... sigh It was difficult for the "want them to have" section since I think he has everything post-canon, but I tried seeing it from a mid!canon perspective.
Wen Kexing
Intense - 9/10: While WKX's feelings are generally cold, they seem equally intense to me, just like his eyes or his stare. He's intense about his love, about his revenge, about his plans.
Complex - 6/10: I've had interesting convos about how WKX is... nuanced, of course, but not as complex or deep as it may seem on the surface. That doesn't take anything from how interesting he is, but he is rather straightforward in what he is, ultimately.
Fruity - 8/10: I MEAN--
Enemy of the State: he's literally THE main Jianghu villain
Flavor Container: I still don't know what it means but it felt right once again
Braincell haver: the guy is EXTREMELY smart and outsmarted everyone in TYK so yeah
Tragic backstory: can hardly do worse than parents murdered in front of you, ate your dad to survive, took care of a child in the wildest, most dangerous part of jianghu, fought to reach the top while "serving" the previous master........ He scored it all!
Orphan: again, fully checks out
Frequently violent: yes
Has enemies: in SPADES
Sidekick owner: GX and ZZS are WKX's sidekicks 100%
Murderer: yes
The antagonist of life 70%: had to change from protag to antag because he IS the TYK antagonist (if TYK had been a traditional wuxia from ZCL's perspective...); of course it ends up being subverted but you know
Too many thoughts 75%: I think he's a big thinker as well
Awful company 85%: Let's be real guys
Hated by all 30%: I think he's too underestimated or not even really acknowledged enough to be hated, but I am pretty sure that more people dislike him than the opposite
Trauma x1000 60%: well.......... I think he has a bunch!
Sadistic for fun 15% : I doubt he's one to like helping and we know him to have those sadistic tendencies
Scary-smart 80%: same reasoning as for ZZS
1000 weapons or tools: mostly bare handed for everything save for the occasional whip or walnut shell but---
Enemy of god 35%: I have to be honest I don't really know what that means but I guess he's defied death a few times!!!
Break the rules 95%: WKX shits on the rules
Additional notes:
Mostly ticks everything in the "evokes" categories as well, but I unticked "symptoms of projection" because I don't feel like I project much of anything on WKX... maybe? (save for the ZZS lewding.. LOL) always hard to say, IG we always do a bit of that on every character, eh
and The Horny ofc because i'm kinda known for not really lewding my good WKX atp
I want a lot of things for him during canon, but again, all I can think of is how post-canon WKX really got it and then I gush and am simply happy for him.
That's it thank you for reading this mostly unnecessary breakdown!!!! Edit, following a comment asking for the sheet:
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supernovasilence · 4 months
Casmund happy ending: I love the idea of the Pevensies(mostly Edmund) trying to teach Caspian how to function in the real world with them. I think Edmund Lucy and Susan's favorite part would be trying to get him proper clothes. He basically looks regal and princely in everything he wears. Also when Edmund introduces Caspian to his mother. He's super charming, kissing her hand and stuff. Peter is a little(maybe a lot annoyed) of Caspian dating his brother. But he gets over it really quick. Their mother takes Edmund and Caspian's relationships really well. It's mainly their father they have to deal with. But Peter puts his foot down and talks to his father. Gives him basically an ultimatum. Accept your son as is, or lose all your children and not just one. Because the Pevensies are ride or die for each other. And Edmund and Caspian are basically married in all the ways that matter.
Sorry for the late response! I was thinking about Caspian in the real world, and wanted to ask if you've seen the Dorian Gray movie with Ben Barnes, because the beginning with innocent Dorian wandering London around all wide-eyed gives off such Caspian-in-England vibes. I couldn't find any gifs of that scene on tumblr, and instead of just screenshotting it like a reasonable person I thought "well, I know how to make gifs. how long could it take?" AND THEN IT WAS 2AM. Anyway have these gifs of Caspian completely failing to act casual while I ramble about your ask.
(yeah it'd be more cars than horse-drawn carriages by the 1940s but Caspian almost getting run over was too cute to leave out. he's trying his best)
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Oh my gosh yes, Caspian is the sort to kiss people's hands. The chivalrous disaster. He probably goes around calling people "my lady" and "my good lord" etc too. And he absolutely would somehow look regal in whatever he wears. Edmund is torn because he wants Caspian to blend in, but also his boyfriend looks so gorgeous. Also imagine Edmund tying Caspian's tie for him. And the hat Caspian is wearing in the gifs above looks a lot like the one Edmund wears in Prince Caspian. What if Edmund is scolding Caspian, telling him mess up your hair or something, slouch a little more, you still look like a king, stop standing like you've got a crown on— And Caspian grabs Edmund's hat from the coatrack and puts it on. "Does this help?" he asks, grinning, because Edmund's brain just stopped working for a moment and Caspian knows it.
As much as I want the Pevensie parents to just be okay with their son being gay (or their children, because let's be real, none of these siblings are straight), realistically at least one of them would have some difficulties with it. I love Peter not being happy about Edmund and Caspian dating but instantly getting over it when he needs to defend them to his father. These siblings are so close and it's so good. Imagine traces of the High King showing through as Peter calmly, firmly tells his father Edmund and Caspian are together. This is how things are going to go, and there is nothing he can do except make himself miserable by pushing his children away. And Richard* sees a side to his oldest son he hasn't before--or maybe hasn't accepted before, but it has been there for a while. And he takes some time to really look at his children, and sees all sorts of things about them, strange things, but they make his children seem so alive. Like how happy Caspian makes Edmund. So after that the parents have a new son-in-law.
*props for LWW use Richard as Mr. Pevensie's first name and since he doesn't have one in the books I'm taking Richard and running with it
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akajustmerry · 29 days
on sherlock adaptations: what do you think of house
I have so Many thousands of thoughts of House as a Sherlock adaptation that I could write a book about it and chapter one would be called: A HOUSE IS NOT A HOLMES© because I don't CARE that they called him House and idc that his apartment is 221b and that he plays the violin sometimes and solves problems, that's not my friend Sherlock Holmes!!!!!
House doesn't work as a Sherlock adaptation because deduction as Holmes practices it in the stories is not SPECIALIST KNOWLEDGE!!! the whole appeal of Holmes is that you read it and you feel like you could also deduce things. Holmes teaches you a way to look at the world and be more observant and use that knowledge to help people.
Holmes isn't a politician or a policeman even, he's a guy who wants to help because he's studied a particular way to see the world and you can too.........House is a SPECIALIST DOCTOR with a typical Doctor's God complex. That's as far as you can get from Holmes!!! The whole point of Holmes is he's not part of an institution!!! He operates OUTSIDE OF IT. House's knowledge base is medically specialist, you can't engage with his deductive reasoning the way you can with Holmes in the stories because to know what he knows you have to go to med school for 20 years. There's never a sense when you watch that you could have figured it out. Also, House's job description is institutionalised and established. He's not doing anything (med malpractice aside) that wouldn't be in the scope of any other specialist.
Thirdly, Sherlock Holmes isn't a guy looking to have power of people. This is the thing that arguably pisses me off most about House which is the interpretation of Holmes as someone looking lord his intelligence over others. I think this comes from the prevailing tortured genus trope. But also people not being able to tell the difference between Sherlock as a character who is just very open about his observations and someone who's an asshole. Sherlock is actually a very honest character which sometimes yeah means he's harsh but mostly he's just truthful. House mutilates this trait beyond recognition to the point of near constant and unrealistic cruelty.
Finally, I think making Holmes a doctor literally means you can't actually have a Watson because arguably the whole point of Watson, other than to be the audience pov, is to add credibility to Sherlock's unorthodox career choice AND to provide a traditional scientific perspective. House being a Doctor means none of that is really needed. Everyone knows, understands, and respects what a Doctor is!!! Wilson as a Watson figure has nothing to do except be the audience's WTF POV. Even the way Wilson and House's friendship is done is simply, like.... they didn't read the source material. Do you get that these men are meant to be at the very least friends who enjoy each other's company?? Also I think people need to shut the fuck up about House MD being a secretly gay show. A show doing homophobia on the regular isn't gay in any way that matters.
I say all this as someone who's watched it and enjoyed it at times. House and Cuddy were literally like one of the first ships I ever shipped. Do you know how weird it is to be 15 rooting for 2 middle aged co-workers on tv to fuck?? Anyways, I have lots of other thoughts about how the show handles House's addiction and disabilities and how arguably these are also taken loosely from Holmes lore. But if House MD must be considered a Holmes adaptation, it's one that mostly just mutilates. Almost every criticism hbomberguy says in his Sherlock is Garbage video essay is also applicable to House MD.
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kadextra · 1 month
LETS GO rambling and analysis time now that I finished part one
MAJOR MAJOR spoilers under the cut
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NOOOOO how is he gonna get out??? I will say him as the first to use rising dragon felt extremely deserved, I clapped and cheered during that fight scene. but now he’s stuck in the netherworld with the remaining forbidden five and that’s scary.
teared up seeing Nya activate her rising dragon style in her grief for him. in the next part she’s gonna find out Jay forgot who she is too… so much heartache for Nya 😞
really enjoyed Bonzle in these episodes as well, learning about her origin of being a spell, her journey of discovering herself as a person and finding a found family :’) at least she’s with Kai now….
and I’ve felt terrible for Lloyd every episode. him getting slammed by those visions constantly, unexpectedly, even in the middle of a fight which sends him spiraling, that’s so rough :((
It’s obvious they’re a representation of panic attacks/he has developed a canon panic disorder- like Lloyd literally says it at one point. they happen suddenly, give anxious fear about present and future events, he gets scared about having another one so he tries to cope by not sleeping (unhealthy coping method) and is taught later on to try accepting the feelings and ride it out which is a way irl therapists teach. good to see some more exploration of mental health in this show!! I’m glad the other characters are taking notice and trying to help too in the ways they can
speaking of mental health, Arin has been interesting to watch. he’s reading to me more as an autistic-coded character lately (like that line about not understanding social cues???) and we’ve been seeing lots more negative self-esteem issues and insecurity from him. watching him make mistakes during the training sessions, get scolded, then close himself off was hard to listen to
how Sora decided to hide the truth about Arin’s “spinjitzu move” that saved the day at the end so he would feel proud of himself for achieving something hurt my heart- she is such a sweet friend who wants her bestie to be happy but like. keeping secrets is gonna have consequences down the line... and moreso it’s just painful to see how deeply Arin’s self-worth is tied to what he’s capable of doing, what he can do for the team. he’s already insecure how would he feel to find out ppl are lying so he can be happy? he’s a string that’s gonna snap one day and judging from that beatdown moment with Lord Ras it’s not going to be pretty, I sense some sort of villain arc approaching for our son
someone send these people to therapy they’re so traumatized
in another news: Cole and Geo gay love! homosexuals! maybe a QPR! I don’t care whatever it is, it’s clear they love each other
it wouldn’t be a ninjago season without the destiny’s bounty crashing and burning <333 and it was nice seeing Jay for 10 seconds again <3333
now my current question is what’s the source dragon tournament thing Lord Ras’ master is talking about??? tournament?? 👀 it’s basically implied that master is a source dragon or a being that rivals their power
can’t wait for the next part to release agugugsjkhkdbqjdpgsiduggjneosgktnalfhdiqkwkfjfialwkg
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malereaderpage · 2 years
grind on | hamada asahi
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► asahi x bottom virgin male reader
► smut
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"what club is this exactly, haru?" you ask your friend. he smirks at you. "a gay bar, duh." he answers your question. "why are we at a gay bar exactly?" you question him. "to loose our virginity, dumbass. come on, don't you get horny frequently? now that we are of legal age, let's get our grind on." says haru. 'he does have a point.' you think to yourself. you give in. "alright, alright." haru claps his hands in excitement. "okay, let's have a few shots just to get us tipsy, i'm sure we'd like to remember this unforgettable night!" he squeals.
you chuckle and nod in agreement. "okay, now, let's split up and meet here again at midnight which is in four hours. if something goes wrong, call me my phone will be off of silent but please just call me if it's something serious, got it?" you hum in response. "got it, i will and same goes for you, haru."
the two of you split up. you roam around inside the club, not sure how to do this. you don't have alot of experience, especially when it comes to wooing someone. you sigh and lean against the wall. "what am i doing?" you mumble, asking yourself. you look up and allow your eyes to scan through the dance floor of dancing guys. a few catches your eyes  but you don't dare go up to any of them, too scared that'll you'll just embarrass yourself.
while you contemplate your life choices, someone has you peeking their interest. he stops a waiter and whispers something in his ear, still keeping his eyes on you. the waiter nods and approaches you. "hey, uh, someone told me to tell you to meet him in room 569." he leaves before you can interrogate him.
after a few moments of silent conflict, debating in your head to go or not, you decide to go. 'come on y/n, you came here to loose your virginity. oh god, please be a young handsome man and not a old creepy guy.' you think to yourself as you approach room 569. you knock on the door, hearing no one you invite yourself in and close the door behind you. there's no one. you sit on the bed that's provided. you stare at your lap until a knock rings through your ears, making you look up.
you gulp. the door opens and it reveals a handsome looking guy. you feel yourself relax and you mentally sigh in relief. 'good lord he's hot.' you think to yourself. "are you the one that told that waiter to tell me to meet in this room?" you ask him. closing the door behind him and leaning against the wall, his hands sliding into his pant's pockets he nods in response. "you are of legal age, right?" he inqures. you nod. "...why?" you ask him. he pushes himself off of the wall and approaches you. you lean back when he reaches the bed, his hands on both sides on the bed next to your thighs. "because i want to fuck you." he says lowly. "that's if you grant me permission to, of course." he adds. your heart skips a few beats.
you are nervous yet excited, already you can feel your starting to become hard. "may i fuck you?" he questions, his hand goes onto your thigh and he squeezes, making you gasp as your breathing escalates. "y-yes." you stutter. "what's your name, pretty boy?" his hand travels up further. "y/n." you reply. "w-what's your n-name?" you curse yourself mentally, still very nervous so you can't help your stuttering state. "asahi." he tells you. asahi comes closer and you find yourself moving back so that he can hover above you properly. he senses your nervousness. "no need to be nervous, y/n."
"is this your first time?" he asks you. you nod in response. "well then you are in good hands," he reassures you. "i'll be careful." asahi adds, leaning in. his lips meets your neck's skin. "don't be," you tell him. he pulls back and smirk. "if you can handle a second round, i promise i'll be anything but careful." you are definitely hard by now and a feeling of thrill rushes through your body. you only nod. asahi leans back in but this time he captures your lips. while he kisses you, you allow his hands to roam across your body.
your hands on the other hand is positioned awkwardly by your chest, not really sure where to put them. asahi's hands comes in contact with yours and he guides them to his head. asahi pulls back slightly. "grip them and tug on them as hard as you like, play with them if you want to." he tells you. his voice is just so attractive you almost don't get what he said. just like asahi told you, you grip his hair and he goes back to making out with you. "open your mouth, pretty boy." he says. you oblige and you gasp when his tongue slips past your lips. asahi's hands travles to your thighs and then your legs, wrapping them around his waist.
you whimper when your crotches brush against each other but you moan when asahi sucks on your tongue. becoming desperate for friction, you buck your hips against asahi's. asahi groans. he wraps his arms around you as he sits on his knees, you sitting on his lap. he breaks the kiss and trails wet kisses from your jaw to your neck and then sucks. you moan, tugging on his locks which makes asahi grunt, loving the way you are handling his hair. asahi pulls back, your arms around his neck. "let's get rid of this shirt, hm?" you allow him to take off your shirt. "c-can i take off yours?"
asahi finds it cute how you shyly ask. he nods in approval and you take off his shirt. asahi lies you back down and he discards your pants and boxers, you doing the same to asahi. asahi hovers above you, kissing from your chest to your lower stomach. you gasp once again when his mouth comes in contact with your hard dick. you grip the sheets as he begins to suck you off. his tongue works expertly as he licks and swirls your dick. "f-fuck." you choke out. "does it feel good, pretty boy?" he asks you as he strokes your shaft. you hum and nod. "so good," you say breathlessly.
asahi picks up his pace and you begin to become a whiny mess. you feel tension build up within your stomach and you arch your back. "hmm, i'm gonna c-cum!-" you are cut off by your orgasm hitting you. you gasp in surprise and girp asahi's hair as he works on your hole, licking it your rim. "this is gonna feel very weird at first, y/n." he warns you and his finger slips inside of you. he's right, it does feel weird, however, as you get use to the feeling he adds another finger in attempt to stretch you out and you start to become more vocal which tells asahi he can speed up and does just that.
as your second orgasm for the night builds up, asahi stops and you whine in protest but immediately stop once you feel asahi's dick run against your entrance. "this'll hurt but i'll be careful as possible." he alerts you. you nod and grip his shoulders for moral support. he enteres slowly and your grip on asahi's shoulders tightens, your short nails digging into his skin. once fully inside he distracts you by praises and soft gentle kisses.
after a few minutes you feel yourself relax around him. "o-okay, you can move." you inform him. asahi thrusts are slow and gentle, your whinning drives him crazy but he controls himself from fucking you mercilessly.
"f-faster...p-please," you beg. "as you wish, pretty boy." asahi's thrusts escalates and you become a moaning mess, skin slapping much more audible and asahi's groans and grunts are much more frequent. your moans are driving asahi crazy. he loves the way you clench around him. "fuck." he curses under his breath. you hum in content as he continues to pound into you, you moan loudly when he hits a certain spot and asahi smirks. "right here huh?" you only nod in response as your grip on the sheets tighten.
you arch your back and your hands finds asahi's back and you can't help but scratch at his back as he continues to abuse your prostate again and again, familiar feeling builds up within your stomach the second time. your dick leaks of precum, aching to be touched as your orgasm nears. one of asahi's hands grips your dick roughly which makes you gasp and asahi sees this as a opportunity to kiss you, shoving his tongue into your mouth and you moan into the kiss. asahi begins to stroke you, matching the speed of his thrusts.
"ah!" you moan again, only for it to travel into asahi's mouth. you arch your back which causes breaking the kiss, asahi's lips attacking your neck. you cum and asahi then focuses on reaching his own high. "where can i cum, pretty boy?" he pants, close to cumming. you whine, sensitive after cumming. "i-inside of me." asahi nods and cums inside of you. asahi pulls out, still hovering above you he smirks. "next time i won't be as gentle. here, to contact me. let's meet up soon, pretty boy."
with that, he get's off of you and get's dressed, leaving you alone in the room. you squeal, beyond content. "wow. that was amazing." you say to yourself. "i can't wait to tell haru. and i can't wait to meet up with asahi again."
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Creepy crawlies; Jack Kline x reader
*Author’s note*
Okay so this is a cute little drabble/small fic requested to me just recently by an anon who wanted some Jack Kline fluff. Took me two days but I came to this idea in the end so I hope you enjoy it anon as well as the rest of my lovely readers.
Warnings: Fluff, bugs, mentions of SPN episode 1x08 BUGS (that episode STILL gives me the heebie-jeebies). 
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It was that time of year, well the first time we ever had to deal with something like this.  And of course Sam and Dean had to bail out on a ‘case’ but I knew my brothers just wanted to get out of doing the one thing that everyone does.
Spring cleaning.
Ever since we found the Bunker and decided to make it our permanent home, this place needed a serious scrub down and clean up. Cobwebs, dust, new bed sheets, incense (mainly for me) to be put up to get rid of the ancient smell.  So every spring, I try to ensure that this bunker doesn’t end up like it was when we first found it.
Of course that means my brothers always try to get out of it (mainly Dean I just think Sam prefers to do the minor cleaning instead of what I have in mind).  And Cass…..well he chooses to go up to heaven every time I say it’s time clean up the bunker. The only person kind enough to help out around here is my beau Jack.
Using my powers, the bookshelf glowed blue and I lifted it up allowing Jack to vacuum underneath it while I brought in a swifer to swipe off each and every book from any dust bunnies.
“I don’t see why my brothers and Cas always try to bail out on Spring cleaning. I’m the one doing the heavy lifting.”
“I’ve noticed a trend that most people don’t enjoy spring cleaning because it’s so boring to do. That unlike normal cleaning, there’s an expectation for things to be so clean, that you’re supposed to see yourself in the floor. Which I don’t get.” Jack told me as he continued his vacuuming.
“I maybe a neat freak but I’m not Danny Tanner level of tidiness. All I want is to make sure we don’t neglect this place and end up in a dust field again. Seriously Jack you cannot begin to understand just how quickly my allergies began to act up when the guys and I first found this place. Bedridden for over a week, and that was before I got these powers.”
“I’m sorry baby. Had I been born yet, I would’ve stayed at your side to take care of you.”
“And that’s why I love you soo much Jackie-bear. You’re too sweet.” After dusting off the last book and once Jack was done vacuuming, he moved out of the way and I set the bookshelf back in it’s place.  I turned and with a snap of my fingers and all the books, notes, files and even Dean’s plates he had left since breakfast all raised up into the air and went to their original places.
“You’re like Mary Poppins.” He said with a smile.
“Well if I am, then that makes you my Burt. Come on, let’s head for the kitchen. Lord knows Dean forgot to do the dishes, again.” He followed behind me and right as we got to the kitchen, there I saw dishes upon dishes stacked in the sink, frying pans still on the oven covered in left over eggs and grease.  “That man never learns.”
“Why does he leave his dishes out like that?”
“Cause he’s lazy. Do you mind stacking the dishwasher while I deal with the grease pans and the oven?”
“Not at all baby.” I pecked his cheek while I walked over and wish a twist of my wrist, the frying pans lifted off the oven while the cleaning supplies came out from the top shelf cabinet on the island counter.  
While the spray bottle filled with Clorox bleach squirted out a few good sprays and the rag did a throughout wipe down, I focused my attention on cleaning the frying pans of the oils and grease from the bacon and sausages Dean had made for breakfast and tossed the leftover egg crumbs into the trash.
“Do you know when the last time Sam took the trash out?” I asked Jack.
“I believe I saw him collect all the trash last night.”
“Well at least he can keep up with the chores. I swear maybe I could use these powers to control Dean and make him scrub all the toilets in this bunker.”
“As funny as that would be to see, I know you’d never use your powers against your brothers.” He said as he dried off one of my good cups with a towel and set it alongside the rack we had for the special dishware.
“Yeah, yeah. But for real, he should at least have the decency to at least rinse off his pans after breakfast. Grease that sits out for too long stains these types of pans, and it’s a hassle to clean up later.”
“I believe you (Y/n).”
“But at least I’m getting it done, otherwise it’d never—” I paused mid-sentence as my body completely froze.  My heart raced and my eyes widened as I stared directly at it. It’s many legs all splayed out making it look like a living dust bunny on pointy legs.
The pots and cleaning supplies fell to the ground with a loud bang and I let out a scream and levitated myself into the air trying to get as far away from the little demon as possible.
“What?! What is it (Y/n)? Are you okay!?”
“Kill it quick!” I yelled at Jack.
“Kill what? Where is it? Is it a demon?”
“Yes now quickly before it gets away!”
“Where is it?”
“Over there!” Jack’s eyes soon glowed and he turned to where I was pointing but as he raised his hand, his eyes went back to normal color as he looked around confused.
“Where did you say it was?”
“What are you blind babe!? I told you over there on top of the oven! Kill it with your powers! Torch it! Torture it I don’t care just get rid of it!” he looked around until he seemed to have found what it was. He walked closer to it and he reached out his finger toward it.
“You mean this? But it looks like a dust bunny or a…..” but quickly it began to move and I let out another scream as I shot myself against the corner of the kitchen.
“Don’t touch it! Those bastards are fast now kill it hurry!”
“What is it exactly?” he asked me.
“A house centipede! Jack I’m not playing anymore please just kill it hurry!” I watched as the demonic centipede stopped crawling and was now just short of reaching a hiding spot behind the fridge.  Jack looked between me and the house centipede and a smile came across his face before he started to laugh.
He was laughing. My own boyfriend was laughing at my own misery!?
“Jack Kline stop laughing!” I demanded.
“I’m sorry. Really I am but…..(Y/n), you have fought against real demons, archangels, werewolves, vampires, even my own grandfather. And you’re terrified of a tiny little thing like him?”
“Tiny? Tiny!? Do you see the legs on that monstrosity!? Now for the last time get rid of it before it touches me!”
“Okay, okay.” He went over to grab a cup as well as paper towel.
“What are you doing?!” I hissed.
“Getting rid of it like you asked.”
“Not like that! You can’t show mercy to those little bastards! Use your powers and kill the son of a bitch!” I hissed quietly.
“But you told me that all living creatures deserve a chance at life, didn’t you?” I groaned.
“Well yes but that doesn’t include bugs, arachnids, snakes, or any other kind of creepy crawlies!” Jack rolled his eyes and successfully captured the house centipede and he left the kitchen with it between the cup and paper towel.
A few minutes later he came back and he told me it was gone.
“You sure?”
“Yes, yes, I even took him away from the bunker before releasing him. Now can you please come down?” I let out a soft whimper but lowered myself back to the ground.  He came over to me and wrapped his arms around me in a hug, allowing me to rest my head on his shoulder.  “I still can’t believe you’re scared of bugs. How did I not know of this?”
“Don’t mock me! Besides you weren’t even there when it happened.” I shuddered remembering that day all too well.
“When what happened?” I took in a shaky breath before telling him.
“A long time ago, long before we knew that angels and God were even real, my brothers and I took a case in some realtor development spot. A neighborhood was being built on sacred Native American grounds. Workers were being picked off one by one, at first we thought it was ghostly activity but it was far worse. The entire place was cursed, and the curse was affecting all the insects in the town. By night fall, a swarm of bees had surrounded the family that was responsible for building the neighborhood over the sacred lands. I—I had never seen so many bees in my life. We had no way of escaping, we were completely trapped and had to last the rest of the night being stung and swarmed by bees. Ever since that day, I even see the shape of an insect and I just go back to that day. A defenseless, frightened child being stung and swarmed by bees and no way of escaping.”
Jack listened intently at every word I had to say.  For months after that day, I had continuous nightmares of what happened. Even dreamt that it was other bugs attacking me from wasps, locusts, even spiders and ants.  Ever since then I’ve been absolutely terrified of any and every bug in the world.
“Wow, I—I had no idea. I’m so sorry that happened to you. And I’m sorry for teasing you about it. I promise I won’t ever bring it up again.”
“Thanks Jackie-babe.”
“Anything I can do to help you?”
“I could go for some ice cream with chocolate syrup and some cuddles on the couch while we watch the Princess Bride.”
“As you wish.” He said quoting the movie before giving me a peck on the nose.  I left the kitchen and brought out the blankets and changed my clothes to my comfy pjs while searching for the movie on one of the many streaming services we got.
When Jack came back with my ice cream, we cuddled up on the couch together, my back resting against his chest with his arms wrapped around my stomach and his head buried into my neck.  I ate the ice cream as the movie began, I even offered a couple of bites to Jack as we lay there and watched my favorite comfort movie.  Forgetting all about the demon-legged creature that traumatized me moments ago.
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missacidburn928 · 5 months
It's a year old but here's some holiday spice for you all while I wait in the urgent care with my autistic son.
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I Really Do Believe In You....
Steve Rogers × Bucky Barnes x Thor Odinson × POC Singer!Reader "Honey"
Let’s see if you believe in me.
The Avengers Holiday party. You are both a guest and part of the musical entertainment. Will you end up on the naughty or nice list?
You spot them as they enter the main ballroom. Your three strapping men, color coordinated and cutting intimidating frames in their suit choices. Thank the goddess you had a good hold on the mic as you waited for your cue to join Sy in singing White Christmas, or you might have literally swooned in front of this mass of party goers.
You start your verse as you watch them make their way over to the bar where the team, plus one Sharon Carter, have gathered. Thankfully tonight’s event is Jane Foster free, so it should be a good night with you, Sy and the Chanti’s house band entertaining Tony’s rich friends and employees before enjoying some much needed time with your men.
You can't help but feel festive in your short red dress, studded red fishnets and nude pumps. You’ve kept your makeup simple with a nude lip and a smokey eye. Your hair down and in its natural state. Sy made a comment when picking you up that you looked like Santa’s little Siren. Seems appropriate if you do say so yourself.
Per usual you notice Sharon being a bit too chummy with your Captain. The woman just can’t help herself. You know all about the “kiss” when they were trying to save your beloved Bucky. But according to Steve the reason it never went further was because there was no spark when their lips touched. And he tried giving her a chance, chalking the lack of spark up to the stress of the situation, but she was way too into his status and power. So he ended things before it made it any further than a couple dates and a subpar makeout session.
What is it with these prude ass women that hang around these strong ass people? Sharon, like Jane, thinks your quad is ridiculous and you don't need that many men. Especially when you added Steve in. 
“He should be upholding traditional values as he’s America's golden boy. Not flaunting such an alternative lifestyle. Hell if he was gay it would be easier than this bullshit. Why on Earth would you want to willingly share a woman with two other men. Not to mention one of those men is a God and the other a murderer.”
Let's not forget what she also stated in that little rant of hers, when she was unaware you could hear her perfectly clear from your spot in the common room. “I just don’t understand what he sees in her. Who stays in a band with someone they used to be fuck buddies with? It’s just tacky and sad. A man that powerful should be with someone who is only devoted to him and can boost his image, not damage it. ” 
I’ll show her tacky. Lord knows I'm certainly not above being petty. I’ve been behaving for far too long. Time to put these Siren skills to use. What good are they to have if you can’t fuck with uppity bitches using them.
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mariaofdoranelle · 2 months
The Courtship Deception - Part 2: Heirloom
Fic masterlist
Written for @throneofglassmicrofics
I have 15-ish parts outlined (and most already written, a big feat for me! Yay!) so updates will be frequent since I have to finish by the end of the month heheh
Warnings: Rhoe being his shitty homophobic self
Words: 829
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“He’s from Doranelle too,” Fenrys answered to one of her million questions about Rowan while they waited outside her dad’s office.
“But is he just from Doranelle, or did you meet him in Doranelle?” Aelin insisted, her voice hushed so no one would hear it.
For all his talkative personality, Fenrys was awfully secretive about his life back in Doranelle. All she knew was that he used to work for the royal family, hence why Rhoe was paying him the big bucks to babysit Aelin, but she got nothing beyond that. What did he do? Who did he work with? Are the gay rumors about Prince Endymion true? Nada.
Fenrys snorted. “He can answer that himself, Princess.” An eyebrow raised at her. “Didn’t you get his phone number?”
Aelin rolled her eyes. “That doesn’t mean he’ll answer all my questions, though.” But his flirting skills certainly made up for it, was what Aelin didn’t say because Rhoe’s assistant called them in.
His office was unsettling, or maybe it was just Aelin that felt unsettled, considering that her father only called her here for important conversations. It would be simple, just a big desk and some filing cabinets, if not for his bookcase. Instead of books, he showcased airplane miniatures—one of each model from Gala Airlines—but also family heirlooms, crests, and whatever old royal nicknack he liked to keep as a reminder of what he’d be if some very smart people hadn’t an ancestor of theirs one hundred and a half years ago.
“Fireheart.” Her dad smiled, gesturing for her to sit while Fen stood by the door. “I was just on a phone call with Lord Westfall. I have great news for us.”
“Do tell…” she trailed, unsure of what to say. Great news usually led to special dinners, not meetings mid-afternoon.
“I ran into Westfall on that trip to the Southern Continent last week. We talked a lot, including about how things are going south in business, and he’s willing to help us out if we give him a hand as well.”
Rhoe’s expression turned somber. “You do know what happened with his boy, right?”
Aelin nodded, her chest tightening just to think of their situation. Chaol and Dorian’s secret relationship was recently outed online and treated as an international scandal, leading to their breakup.
“Very well.” Her father leaned on the table, hands clasped together on the surface. “Westfall’s willing to invest in Gala Airlines if you agree to marry his boy. You know, so people stop thinking he’s a sissy.”
“EXCUSE ME?” Aelin shouted, standing up. She didn’t know what to call out first, this stupid-ass plan or the blatant homophobia.
He held both hands in surrender. “I know this isn’t fair to you, and I know you deserve to choose who you marry...”
Aelin crossed her arms. “Go on.”
“That’s why I reached out to King Dorian. He offered the same deal on his son’s behalf, and now we’re willing to let you choose which one of the boys you’ll marry.”
“Oh!” Aelin’s mouth fell open, a flush of adrenaline tingling through her body because how dare he. “How generous of you!”
Rhoe relaxed on his chair. “I knew you’d see reason.”
“No, that’s not—“ Aelin pinched the bridge of her nose, blood boiling with anger. “Have you ever considered that, if business is going south and your first solution is to sell your daughter, maybe things are sinking because of you?”
“Fireheart, this is hardly about me.” Rhoe tilted his head, as if trying to understand her. “Can’t you see that you’ll get back what was taken from you? Your birthright?”
She took a step back, mind going a mile a minute. Not this bullshit again.
“Daddy, it’s not my birthright, and even if it were, I don’t want it.”
He sighed. “Royal duties aren’t about want. It’s the most honorable—“
“That I don’t have any right to!”
“But if you can’t reclaim your own title, you should at least marry into one!”
The reason why her father married her mother, a princess from Wendlyn, before the monarchy fell there too and he lost his title—and his marriage.
“Dad, this might seem unbelievable to you, but I’m actually glad I’m not a crown princess, and I’m certainly glad your great-great-great-grandfather was such an incompetent fuck he got—“
“Enough!” her father shouted. “Watch your mouth before you talk about—“
“But I am! I’m fine with it! I have a princess’ wealth and Instagram following, why would I ever want more obligations just for the sake of a title? Can’t you see Queen Georgina? She’s boring, she dresses boring, she has a boring schedule—“
“I guess you’ll have to get used to boring, then,” he snapped, eyes cold in a commanding way. “Or choose to become a duchess. Both boys will be flying in soon to start courtship. You’ll have a few weeks to choose—unless you come up with a better deal, which I doubt.”
You can get notified when I update by either turning notifications on for @mariaofdoranelle-fics or entering my (sometimes glitchy) tag list!!
I couldn’t tag the people in bold, sorry!
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
Batfam interacting and bonding with Bernard, if it's not too much to ask?
Dick: Hey, Bernard! Tim's not here right now. Bernard: That's fine, I can come back late— Dick: *drags Bernard inside* Dick: Sorry I didn't get around to it sooner, but I've been meaning to ask, what do you do? Bernard: Huh? Dick: What do you do for a living? How do you plan on paying for that engagement ring that you'll be getting Tim in ten years? Bernard: Ten years is a long— Dick: Speaking of rings, have you seen that new Lord of the Rings show? Barbara said I should skip it, but there's something weirdly amusing about bad shows, you know? Bernard: I've heard of— Dick: *tightens his grip on Bernard's shoulder* Dick: What's your favorite bad media, Bernie? Can I call you Bernie? Bernard: Actually, I prefer— Dick: Sweet. Anyway, Bernie, lemme show you my collection of Dreamworks movies that people claim are flops but are actually cinematic masterpieces. —————
Jason: This is the kitchen. It's where we keep the knives. Bernard: *sweats* ————— Damian: You must be my brother's lover. Bernard: Yeah, I guess. Damian: Do better. ————— Bernard: Wait, so everyone in your family is a vigilante? Duke: Pretty much. Even Jarro. Bernard: Who's Jarro? Duke, whispering: We don't talk about Jarro. ————— Bernard: Let me get this straight. Cullen: I've tried. It's best not to fight it. ————— Stephanie: You must be Bernard! I'm Steph. Bernard: You're Tim's ex, right? Stephanie: Oh, yeah, but don't worry, it won't be awkward. 'Cause you know what we got in common? Bernard: What? Stephanie: We're the only two people who know about eight-year-old Tim's Honey Boo Boo parody where he puts on his mom's dress and pretends to be a pageant princess called Timmy Toot Toot. Bernard: Proof or it didn't happen. Stephanie: *pulls out her phone* ————— Cassandra: *stares* Bernard: Um, hi? Cassandra: *stares* Bernard: Can I help you? Cassandra: *stares* Bernard: Oh, you must be Cass! I'm Bernard. Cassandra: *stares* Bernard: Cassandra: *stares* Bernard: *visibly uncomfortable* Cassandra: *stares* Bernard: I think I'll head out... ————— Bernard: Hey, sorry I'm late. Barbara, in front of her laptop: No worries, Bernard Dowd of 8255 Cypress Avenue, it's not your fault your Uber surreptitiously stopped at the Ben and Jerry's on Main Street for 11 minutes. That must have been frustrating, but at least you could use your 50% off coupon for a Cherry Garcia and only had to charge $2.65 to your MasterCard ending in 3363. ————— Harper: You know how to use a blowtorch? Bernard: No. Harper, handing him a blowtorch: You do now. ————— Carrie: Your name's Bernard? Bernard: Yep. Carrie: Why? ————— Kate: As an elder gay, I've always felt a tug of responsibility to protect my kin, and there's no baby gay more precious to me than Tim. Bernard: I'll treat him well. Kate: I know you will. But just in case, have you ever heard of the Secret Union of Toolbox Lesbians? Bernard: Can't say I have. What exactly, uh, do they do? Kate: Normally they go around fixing things. Cars, door hinges, you name it. But sometimes they'll take on... additional duties. Bernard, nervously: Like what? Kate: *squeezes his shoulder* Kate: I hear you're a fan of unsolved mysteries. Bernard: ————— Alfred: Take a seat. Master Tim will be out shortly. Bernard: Thanks. What are you cooking? It smells good? Alfred: Oh, just a traditional English soup. A diplomat once told me it was the best thing he ever had. Bernard: Really? Alfred: Indeed. Alfred, whispering: The secret is a little touch of arsenic. ————— Selina: You like cats. Bernard: Sure. Selina: This one's a keeper. ————— Bruce: You be good to Tim, or else. Bernard: I will, I promise. No need to gut me with a batarang. Bruce, confused: What are you talking about? Bernard: Nothing, don't worry about it. Bruce: I won't. Bernard: Phew. Bruce, sipping his coffee: But you should. ————— Tim: I'm so sorry about my family. Bernard: They're a lot, but it's okay. They remind me of you. Tim: Aw, I love you. Bernard: I love you too... Timmy Toot Toot.
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fantasyandshit · 16 days
The tailor
Type: one shot
Pairing: Azriel x male reader
Based off of this request
I hope this is ok for my first male reader! I hope to do this justice and hope this lives up to your hopes @vampyama !
I sit at the table at Rita’s, talking and laughing with Mor, Cassian, Rhysand, and Feyre when I hear the door open and the heavy set footsteps I had come to recognize anywhere. My head swivels around, eyes meeting Azriel’s- cauldron his eyes are beautiful. I can’t help but let mine trail down his body, he’d changed from whatever he was wearing on his mission, into a loose fitting black shirt that showed part of husky perfect chest, and a pair of black slacks, hugging his strong, beautiful, enticing thighs oh so perfectly.
“Azriel!” I jump up and run to hug the male, my family chuckling at my antics. I nuzzle into my mates chest, a purr of sorts leaving me. I can feel Azriel pat my head softly rubbing. “I missed you my mate.” I look up slightly, my chin sitting on his chest.
“I missed you to love.”
We love to sit at the table, hands clasped together, I can hear Cassian muttered something about ‘Lover boys.’ But happily ignore him, instead snuggling into my mates shoulder as he orders us some drinks. As we sit and talk, I think back to when I met my mate.
I was the tailor for the high lord and his inner circle. “Yn! Alright man, I’ll be honest. I know it’s short notice but I’ll pay double for the rush. We need dresses for all the girls and suits for the three of us,” he looks to the other males with him- I stare at the one with blue gems. Beautiful, that’s the only way to describe him. “Can you make it work?”
I take a moment to think, it’s the highlord- I have to say yes and as long as I close up till starfall I should be able to make it work. “I think I can do that. I’ll just need to take you all back for measurement updates. Although I’m already going to have to close shop so you’ll have to choose from the fabrics I have with me, I can’t import anything.” I survey the group, my eyes once again catching the beautiful male- his eyes already on mine- shit. I look away quickly as the high lord speaks.
“That is perfectly fine. Thank you so much. You will be well compensated I promise.”
“It’s my pleasure, now do you want to come back to the fitting room?” He nods, and the rest of his group follow me back to a large room with a circle platform in front of a mirror and chairs around the room. “Sir wherever, whoever wants to go first may step on the plat form now.” I gather my supplies, moving forward to take Cassian- as I’d heard’s measurements. I write his name on my notepad before getting to work, once I’m done I turn to face him. “So, can I ask what you’re looking for in this?” I write everything he says down, sketching an idea before showing him.
He smiles and nods in approval. “That’s exactly what I pictured. Thanks.” I nod, slowly making my way through the whole group, allowing them to go look at fabrics.
Lastly- Azriel I had learned, the beautiful man from earlier, steps on the plat form. I get some measurements, as I move to get his wing span, I accidentally hit one of the larger membranes.
He moaned.
He fucking moaned.
I apologize over and over, Azriel shushing me, assuring me they are just sensitive. Finally, he turns around, grabbing my arms. We make eye contact and I gasp- he does too.
“Mate.” He whispers, tears spring to my eyes- what if he doesn’t want me? He’s probably disappointed. He probably wanted some beautiful woman. He’s not gay. He can’t be right? My thoughts are stopped by his lips crashing to mine. He grabs my hips, dragging them to his, the tent forming in my pants meeting his own. Neither of us make the connection that his friends are still hear.
“Yn? You still there love?” I shake me head, blinking. I had spaced out, Azriel’s thumb rubs my arm soothingly.
“Oh? Yeah- yeah. Sorry love, I just spaced out.” I lean up, giving him a peck on the lips. He nods, going back to his conversation as I just marvel at his beauty.
He turns back to me, eyebrows furrowing, “Are you ok love?” It’s a whisper in my ear.
“Yeah. You’re just so pretty.” I wouldn’t be surprised if there were hearts in my eyes as I respond. He chuckles before speaking again, still a whisper. “You wanna go for a walk.”
I grin, I lived walking through Velaris with my mate, showing him off like he deserved. I nod my head vigorously, practically bouncing in my seat. “Everyone, we’re gonna head out ok.”
Everyone says some variation of ok as we leave the table, as we are walking out, I hear Cassian call, “Be careful kids- wear protection.” I laugh slightly at his antics as we leave to the street.
I swing our hands, skipping and twirling with Azriels shadows down the street, him walking behind, smiling fondly. An idea coming to mind, I dash ahead, giggling as I make it to a field of flowers. I pick a few, weaving them together insanely fast thanks to the help of my mates shadows. Finally, I finish his crown, turning back to him and placing it on his head. He smiles with me, pulling me into a loving kiss. “I love you my mate.”
“I love you too.”
Okkk idk if that was what you wanted- I’m praying I did ok. Again- it’s my first time doing a male reader so I hope it’s ok.
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Hey Dune Fandom, especially those who like writing music and gays with ADHD and anxiety who use vaporwave instead of meditation.
You've heard of Wizard Rock, Time Lord Rock, and other titans of Filk, but now from producer Akira the Don we have a banger name and subgenre for Dune Filk:
Introducing: Dunewave
20 songs across an EP & full album of Dune Quotes set to Vaporwave Beats. And yes, it's as good as it sounds.
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And it's not just great for the hyperfixation or writing inspiration! Franky H for all his problematic elements rolled out line after line of bangers and damn do songs like TRUST NO GOVERNMENT go hard, but also:
Having a massive non-starter executive functioning failure where you can't make yourself do the thing? I can report surprising effectiveness for THE SLEEPER MUST AWAKEN compared to the most intense exercise playlists.
Having an anxiety attack or just generally awful at taking five minutes to actually meditate like you've promised yourself you were going to start doing? Nerdy addicts in the 12 Step program have been using the LITANY AGAINST FEAR to great effect for decades and giving it a beat and extending it just helps even more.
Have difficulty writing with lyrics like me? Well hell yeah because he has instrumental versions of all of these too!
Here's a link to 3.5 hours of Dunewave on Spotify:
Or the main Album on YouTube if you prefer:
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