#lovely little gremlin
coffeenonsense · 5 months
"astarion is a traumatized abuse victim who deserves kindness" and "astarion is a mean rat bastard man who would rip out your throat for a corn chip if he felt like it" are two statements that can and should coexist
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asassydork · 4 months
I just want a traumatic little bed hog who’s part furnace and makes small happy noises in their sleep because they know they’re not alone. The kind that doesn’t snore or steal blankets and that reaches out to make sure you didn’t leave because you do that to them too. The kind that you can play with their hair without disturbing their sleep and who doesn’t mind a little sneaky-sneak. And that falls asleep almost right away when they lay down and faster if you’re there with them, content to not being alone. Also the kind that falls asleep randomly in your presence because they’re so relieved and relaxed around you that sometimes they can’t help it. The truly trusting kind who never questions your motives and who supports you despite your weirdness and the chaos in your head.
Why is this so hard to find?
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shen-mu · 1 month
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A big thank you and goodbye <З
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crescentbunny · 1 year
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It's my birthday, and In honor of the anon that said they were sick of seeing my cat last year, I'm going to blaze her even harder this year - because she is precious and everyone needs to witness her!
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ralefaelle · 2 months
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POV you and your bff did something dumb
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i finally got to the "you manipulative bitch" scene and oh boy it did not disappoint
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tanglepelt · 9 months
Dc x dp idea 123
Danny is haunting the watchtower. No regrets. He was just so fed up with the lack of action.
Seriously they had a whole bs site claiming they were pro meta and basic rights. Like it had links on where to “report” breaches. All utter bs.
Nothing about the anti ecto acts. He personally called in and reported it many times. And nothing happened. As the king. He had a duty to his ppl. Now he didn’t want to hurt anyone or declare war.
But he will absolutely in the middle of their meeting change the screens of the computer to the site to report breaches. Mayhaps add bloody green text seemingly dripping in all cap LIARS and maybe YOU IgNORED US.
Was it a tad much to leave a stabbed article about the anti ecto acts in the middle of the meeting room ozzing ectoplasm. Or maybe the whispering in the ears of anyone who slept here.
He certainly didn’t think so.
So now the screens occasionally flickered the failed experiments of the GIW. Sure no one’s been killed yet. But the justice league didn’t know that. Danny is great at breaking them out.
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I raise you: What if Rise Mikey had a cat tho
Just a little doodle of a potential pet for the brothers! I named him Slice because Klunk is usually orange like a pizza slice, and Raph’s pet turtle in ‘12 is named Spike or Slash. They found him eating pizza in a dumpster.
Like all friendly orange cats, he shall be loyal as a dog and dumb as a rock! Mayhem probably begrudgingly tolerates him. His paws are big cause he’ll grow to be be a big fella someday.
Partially inspired by my housemates’ cats, who are silly and big respectively.
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a2zillustration · 7 months
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Would anyone ELSE like to admit they've been personally victimized by the god or goddess they follow?
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yingxtkm · 2 months
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Quick scribble comic of Sephiroth being a terrible amazing influence on Aerith 🤧 absolute gremlins the both of them I love them so much
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inkclover · 1 year
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A wild Leshy joins your party! 🌳🐛
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homicydlgoth · 2 months
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this is one of my favorite scenes, particularly because of the subtleties. it’s obvious by wednesday’s body language (look at the softness in her eyes, the way she almost blinks, her conflicted look) that she’s not put off by enid’s attempt to hug her. rather, she steps back merely out of reflex, even hesitating a little (she nearly jerks forward) like she wants to change her mind. and then there’s the moment immediately afterward, where she takes a very intentional step into enid’s space. it’s so clear that she wants to accept enid’s hug, but she doesn’t know how, she isn’t used to it, and she sure as hell isn’t about to ask for it. typical, stubborn wednesday, not knowing how to receive enid’s blatant affection. the attention to detail here is just so perfect, and it’s such a wonderfully done scene that foreshadows the pivotal moment where wednesday finally lets down her walls enough to fall into enid.
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doctorsiren · 17 days
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doing a board with @cupofchemicalchatter (he drew the absolutely adorable little mob 🥺) and we may have gotten too silly (i did all the doodles while he rendered haha)
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moonlightequin1 · 3 months
⚠️ Prefect is one of my Yuu OCs (Ryuki Tsukuyomi uses they/she/he pronouns and are genderfluid) ⚠️
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🐱: Hey minion! How does my special canned tuna cake taste?!
🦐/🃏: It tastes.. really good, Grim...! It's the best I've ever had! *Gags*
🐱: ❓ Are you lyin' to me?
🦐/🃏: N-No! I swear I'm not!
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goatswamp · 10 months
i personally identify as whatever the fuck this is
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robintherobiner · 11 months
I love Tim, he's such a chaotic little gremlin, and heres why.
(it does slowly get darker and more so me listing reasons on how Tim would be a great potential villain)
Figured out Batman's identity at nine years old all because he remembered a flip he only saw when he was 3
Blown up multiple LoA bases (mainly for funzies)
Made an entire batmobile by hiding it in the batarang budget (again, mainly for funzies)
Tried to clone his best friend after he died (the best friend is already a clone, so Tim wanted a clone-of-a-clone)
Practically single handily saved his mentor from being lost in the time stream bc he saw a FUCKING PORTRAIT AND THOUGHT "huh, this dude looks so similar to bruce.. too similar"
Fell asleep while on a roller-coaster (was also on a date at the time, if i remember corectly)
He was about to kill Captain Boomerang as revenge for his dads death, and had to be talked out of it
His detective skills are on par with Bruce, so much so that Ra's (one of the people who trained Bruce before he became Batman) calls him Detective which is/was his title for Bruce
Faked having an uncle after his dad died just so he didn't have to get adopted
There was a mission where Tim became Batman, and used the gun that killed Bruce's parents to kill many of the rouges in Gotham, went back in time, and then that timeline was erased by threatening to SHOOT HIMSELF. not future-Tim, the gun weilding maniac, no, just normal robin-Tim
He broke Jason out of jail, despite the fact that he tried to murder him. Tim also broke Lynx (?) out of jail, when she tried to kill him too.
Despite many people saying he's the 'worst fighter in the family' he was literally trained by Lady Shiva, Rahul Lama, Shen Chi, Legless Master, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Cassandra Cain, and Barbra Gordon. All of which are amazing fighters, some of which are like, mass murderers i think (Lady Shiva, hello??)
A different future Tim came back to the past to kill Kate Kane (aka batwoman) and although she was saved, he didn't hold any regret.
Almost killed Johnny Warlock for almost killing Stephanie, and he only stopped because Batman showed up and reminded him of the no-killing rule and the fact that Robin is supposed to be Batmans light (which means that Tim didn't stop because he remembered murder is wrong, he stopped because batman says its wrong, if ya get what i mean)
Beat the Joker while Batman was out of country, on his first time patrolling the city on his own
And finally, he happily (and successfully) lies to Batman
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