#marauders school
marauder-kitty-kat · 10 months
How I think marauders era characters would react to getting a low grade
Self indulgent cuz I just got a 61% on a test and I'm trying not to spiral as a Lily and Remus kin
James would be shocked to his core. This is definitely a man that studied quite a bit beforehand and he hadn't expected a low grade. I feel like there would be a lot of self hatred going on in his head, but on the outside he would keep a smile and a non-chalant shrug. Would definitely put pressure on himself to do more and better.
Sirius would be slightly shocked, but he would get over it pretty quickly. He's usually a natural in his classes, but a lower grade slips in every now and then. Would vent through being a bit more reckless that day or pulling a prank. James would make sure the prank is extra good to restore Sirius's mood.
Remus would be in hell. Definitely full of self loathing. Grade also depends on when is the full moon. I feel like of it's in between of last one and the next one, he'd be harder on himself "it's not even the moon I'm just stupid". He would be more angry about it closer to the full moon, just depressed if it was after. Would definitely ask Lily if they could study more.
Peter would be more embarrassed than anything. He usually keeps his grades at an even average and he would not like the fact that it fell below that. Would definitely throw a mean word at Sirius if he teased him about it. Would ask Remus to help him study for the next one, but the grade itself wouldn't be on his mind for long.
Lily would be devastated. She definitely put in the work like James did and did not expect a low grade. It would weight her down a lot, put her in a depressed mood and she would probably be snappy with her friends. Would take a revenge outlook - studying like crazy, doing the extra work, getting minimum sleep. She would skip meals until she studied what she needed to and beyond. Wouldn't ever forget it and wouldn't feel good unless her next grade was perfect.
Marlene would not give a shit. This girl has far more important things in life than worrying about grades. Her motto would be "as long as it's a pass, it's a win". Doesn't really study and her grades go from low to average. Prefers to be outside and/or on the quidditch pitch.
Mary would not be happy about it. Similar to Pete, she keeps an even average and a lower grade impacts that, but also her self worth. Would feel gloomy for a couple of days and would refuse to do school work because she felt like a failure.
Alice is nothing short to a perfectionist. She puts a lot of pressure on herself to do well. She doesn't aim for the top grade like Lily, but maintains a well above average. She would kind of shut down, put the entire thing in a box in her brain never to be opened. This would serve her as a motivation for the next test tho.
Regulus would fall to the pits of despair. Not only does his family put pressure on him to maintain perfect grades, he puts part of that pressure on himself as well. He would go on a downward spiral, getting even less sleep. He would be composed to most on the outside, but people close to him would be able to see even darker eye bags, ruffled hair and his slightly creased uniform. Would stay up in the common room revising, and shut out his friends on premises of them distracting him.
Dorcas I feel is very similar to James, just in another font. She would be shocked she could get such a grade (it would be first and last time in her life). Instead of feeling depressed she would feel furious with herself. She wouldn't let herself to wallow in the bad grade, but would put all her energy into extra credit and additional studying.
Evan doesn't really care, but still keeps a good average score. He would be worried about his family and how they might react if they find out.
Barty regularly gets bad grades on purpose to annoy his family, even if he is smart af. Would take the test paper home and put it on the fridge for his father.
Narcissa doesn't care much about the knowledge that could be lacking behind a bad grade, as much as she cares about keeping up appearances. Would definitely try to keep her low grade a secret, maintaining a poker face on the outside, but feeling embarrassed and worried on the inside. There's no way she'd ever let her family see it.
Pandora doesn't care much about grades. She knows she's smart and intelligent even if her grades don't always reflect that. So what if she couldn't name all the goblins in the goblin wars, she was busy researching advanced magic.
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maiiefizz · 4 months
Sirius: Prongs, don't look at my brother like that!
James: I don't just want to look at him.
Sirius: James Potter, don't put a finger on my brother.
James: What about in?
Sirius: In?
James: Can I put a finger in your...
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kingstarkingslay · 2 months
Sirius: Oh my Remus.
James: Don't you mean 'oh my god'?
Sirius: You worship your god, I'll worship mine.
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dorcas: hear me out, bio degradable sex toys
marlene: now that’s not a nice thing to say about men
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annakacoyett · 6 months
regulus, eleven: *hisses at james*
james potter, twelve: lol grow up kid.
Regulus Black, Sixteen, Slytherin Prefect, Drop-Dead-Gorgeous with the sharpest jawline known to man: *minds his owns business*
James Potter, Seventeen, Head Boy, Gryffindor's Golden Sunshine Child, Hogwarts' Sun: ......
James Potter, A SimpTM: ...you grew up PRETTY. That's a crime, by the way.
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starsmacabray · 3 months
me watching harry potter in public: “yeah, so those two characters actually have a pretty interesting backstory once you get into the lore of it all…”
watching harry potter alone: *beaten, bruised, tear stained eyes* “—AND NO ONE GOT HIM OUT OF PRISON FOR 12 YEARS. NO ONE EVER EVEN LOOKED FOR HIM. NO ONE EVEN TRIED.”
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etherealriver · 3 months
Sometimes I wonder if people used to get Barty and Evan mixed up at Hogwarts. Not because they looked similar, but because since first year their names had always been said together. It was always "bartyandevan are late for class," "bartyandevan are getting snacks," "bartyandevan are terrorizing twelve-year-olds." A lot of their classmates weren't sure which was which, because they always seemed to come as a unit.
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writtenicarus · 4 months
there is just something about regulus going into absolute shock after harry comes crying to him about breaking something or spilling a glass over and regulus having calmed him down, reassured him and helping him clean up and then staring into space realising maybe he was never his mother's child after all
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ittgirl23 · 16 days
I think Peter made a Sirius-Serious jar, much like a swear jar, in fifth year. He was totally fed up with hearing “no, I’M Sirius,” all the time. Every time a joke was made, they had to put a galleon in the jar.
Sirius was near broke by the end of the year, James had also lost a significant amount of money, and Remus only put one galleon in when Lily asked during a study session, “Are you fucking serious?” And he replied with “I wish.”
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Remus after seeing James, Sirius and Regulus at the front door after work
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susie-thewitch · 1 month
“Have you ever kissed anyone, Remus?״
Hypothetically asking is it allowed to make an all the young dudes short film?
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starinsaturn · 23 days
No cause when the girls found out the marauders had nicknames they fucked them up SO BAD
James: Hey marls, can you pass me my wand
Marlene: Sure thing, fronks
Peter:… what did you just call him?
Lily: what do you mean, cornmail?
Sirius: corn what?
Mary: don’t act all confused, menstrual hygiene product.
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maiiefizz · 4 months
I just realised
James for Wolfstar
is the same as
Regulus for Rosekiller
The best friend who has to watch his best friends pine for each other.
And... Pandora??
Pandora is Pete.
Trying to help, to fix things, but it blew up.
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kingstarkingslay · 2 months
“ everybody has a gay cousin ”
That’s right, I’m looking at you The Most Noble and Ancient House of Black
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lovely-peace · 5 months
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Summary: The marauders are popular in school, sure. But that doesn't mean that they are really nice. In the end you are just living the basic high-school experience.
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Gryffindor!reader
Warnings: Low self esteem, past bullying?, This is no bully! Marauders fic!!
Part 2 Part 3
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"You four back there, pull yourselves together now or I'll break you up!"
James' laughter could be heard all the way to the front, to my ears, along with the giggling of the girls next to me.
Great. So I must have been wrong again.
Professor McGonagall was now looking at me, teachingly. "To get back on topic. You have the right idea, but it's not quite that simple. To transform a body, it is of great importance…"
"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad. You weren't that far off the mark." Lily tried to comfort me. That was easy for her to say, she would never be wrong.
And the golden git Gryffindors would never make fun of her.
"Evans, will you come here?" There stood the loverboy James, ready to have another go at her.
Lily rolled her eyes and smiled apologetically at me. "Don't take these idiots seriously, okay?"
With that, she walked in his direction, and did just that.
But I shouldn't be so hard on her because she was really trying to cheer me up, even though we're not really friends. She's clearly, well, more present than my friend Amy and me.
Amy was Gryffindor just like me, but didn't have transfiguration. She called the subject "A walking unnecessary babble".
Oh how I wish I had thought that when I chose my subjects.
I could still see Sirius grinning as James talked to Lily, Remus just stood there ashamed and Peter patted him on the shoulder.
Sirius noticed my look and whispered something to Remus, who flinched and turned away. I snorted.
Sirius' laughter was still ringing loudly in my ears, long after I had escaped to Amy's and my dorm.
"Well, I think they're really annoying. That's all." Amy pushed a plate of dinner towards me. She immediately realized something was wrong and I wasn't ready to go to dinner. I was very glad she was so good at the invisibility spell.
"Yes, but everyone likes them. Even Lily likes the four of them, even though she's always upset about them!" I groaned loudly and accepted the plate gratefully.
Amy looked at me with a smile. "Well, I don't really like them. They're entertaining, but I think they lack empathy."
"I think they're all stupid ego centers who only make themselves so important because they actually feel so bad about themselves." I took a big bite.
"And yet you can't stop talking about the four of them." Amy was grinning now. "I thought you said the other day that 'Remus isn't actually that bad and nice to talk to'?"
I almost choked at the mention of meeting the quieter boy of the group. It had been three months since we had met and talked in the library.
"That was something else. He just watches and lets the others get away with everything." I quietly turned to my food and Amy dropped the subject.
Oh, how I hated this cycle. Getting up. Eating at a house table where I know everyone and yet no one really. Subjects in which I will eventually make a mistake. Skipping meals to avoid the stares. Sleeping.
Hogwarts isn't that different from other schools. The same faces making fun of the same things. But we're all supposed to be adults soon, aren't we?
I should stop before I sound like an angsty teen.
Breakfast. New day, same course. I sat down opposite Amy and a laugh escaped my lips at one of her jokes.
But then another girl sat down next to me. Marlene McKinnon.
"Hey, you two, how are you?" she smiled, but something made me uncomfortable.
"Good, good." Amy laughed. "And you?"
"Oh, just fine." Marlene looked at my plate as if to check something. Suddenly I felt uncomfortable having a few chocolate cookies in the morning.
She turned to me. Oh no.
"Hey, this might be a bit sudden, but I'd like to know something." There was this twinkle in her eye that I didn't like at all.
I looked at Amy, who just shrugged her shoulders.
"Okay?" Very carefully. Don't make any big mistakes.
"If you had to date someone from Gryffindor, who would it be?"
I looked confusedly at Amy, who had to pull herself together not to burst out laughing.
Marlene shrugged her shoulders. "Oh, I was just a bit curious as I've never seen you in a relationship with anyone before."
I saw her eyes twitch briefly to the right. When I looked in that direction, not very inconspicuously, I saw Sirius whispering something to James. He grinned at Remus in response.
"Well, I can't really think of anyone right now, sorry Marlene."
She looked at me in surprise and wanted to say something, but Amy gasped in shock. Shocked, she clutched her chest. "After everything we've been through!" she didn't exactly say that quietly. To my dismay, quite a few heads turned towards us. Including the idiots.
"Amy-" I began, but she talked herself into her theater rage. "Hush! I don't want to hear any excuses! I thought we were something special! But no. In the end, I'm just another one of the many picks that will never be taken." She stood up. She skillfully looked away and took in the audience. "I can reassure you. I was prepared for all of this."
"Amy, it's not what you think!" I played along a little now. "I couldn't be so open about something so… Say something like that!"
Amy furrowed her brow. "Girl, no homo."
The Gryffindor table laughed and we fled the room.
Outside, we also laughed a bit, but Amy quickly composed herself.
"Did you see how he looked at you?"
I furrowed my brow. "Who?"
She rolled her eyes. "Remus, of course."
"Maybe it's because you made a big show," I said playfully, heading towards our next class.
"Hmm, but I think then he wouldn't have looked at you so longingly-"
"With red cheeks and big heart eyes!" I walked faster while she laughed.
"That's all nonsense. Marlene only asked because one of those idiots requested it."
Amy looked at me confused. "Why would they do that?"
"Oh, they were looking at us too. And yesterday they were whispering among themselves. They probably find me really funny."
Amy became very quiet after that.
The only sounds were our footsteps and voices in the distance.
"You know," Amy began quieter than usual. "It's not like it used to be. We're all slowly growing up. We're not the odd ones out anymore. I think," she took a deep breath. "That the four of them won't make fun of us, of you, anymore."
How much I wished I could believe that. But I won't be able to, even if Remus talks to me in the library or Peter asks me if I like certain creatures.
Because in the end, I gave up on that a long time ago.
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regulus “i hate physical touch but i’m actually so touch starved please hold me” black
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