wosoamazing · 5 months
Warnings: Injury, serious chest injury, ambulance, hospitals, parental abandonment, mentions of death. A/N: In this fic the most recent international break was friendlies… This was a request from someone on wattpad.
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It was the 25th minute when Fox kicked a ball, unfortunately for you it came hurtling towards you and before you could move out of the way it crash into your chest, the sound of the ball connecting with your upper torso reverberated through the stadium as you collapsed to the ground from the force, you immediately grabbed your chest as you rolled around the pitch clearly in agony, medics from both teams were on the pitch before the game was paused, there was no time to waste. 
Your chest felt tight, it felt like someone squeezed your heart every time it beat, you could almost feel bubbles ‘pop’ in your chest, and your chest heaved with every breath as you struggled to get air in, whilst also feeling incredible pain every time you sucked in the slightest bit of air.
The stadium was dead silent, it was like there wasn’t a single soul there. And when the ref finally blew the whistle after what felt like hours, the ambo cart immediately raced its way across the pitch to where you laid, surrounded by medics. Sheets were quickly brought onto the pitch and held up around you by various training staff of both teams to provide some protection against the various cameras that surrounded you, an announcement was made informing all media to seize action of cameras however that wouldn’t have stopped the public from trying to get photos.
Leah felt time slow down when you hit the pitch, she felt her body freeze, she was standing there staring at the spot you laid surrounding my medics, and paramedics, she didn’t know what to feel, it was almost like her body had forgotten to feel. All your fellow teammates stood there watching her, not knowing whether they should go over to her or not, however when they saw the sheets being brought out they knew it was bad, it basically never happened. Lucy started to make her way over to their Skipper, Kiera and Georgia followed behind her, knowing Leah needed support in this moment. They watched her fall to her knees as announcement was made, leaning forward, burying her face into the grass, her shoulders shook harshly as sobs wracked her body. A circle was formed around them by the USWNT as they tried to comfort Leah. Leah had absolutely broken down, she didn't know how to feel, she was just hoping, praying for dear life that they weren't resuscitating you behind those sheets. You lived with Leah, spending almost every second of every day with her, she didn't know what would happen, how she would cope if you left her.
Diagonally across the pitch from the circle, stood Lotte, who had her arms around Fox, the American cried into her shoulder, he body shook as her fellow arsenal teammates tried to comfort her, reassuring her that this wasn't her fault and that it would be okay.
A paramedic was running over to the crowd and waved a man down who was brought onto the pitch, he was one of the Trauma Doctors at St Mary’s and just happened to watching the game with his family on his day off, “Update us” he said as he made his way through the sheets with the paramedic, “pulse is thready, bpm of 163, clear respiratory distress, muffled chest sounds, GCS score unattainable,” “c-spine collar,” you were placed into a neck brace, “prep for an on field thoracostomy,” someone said, before your jersey was cut off and the cold air hit your skin as they disinfected the area, “this is going to hurt, stabilise her,” you felt a knife cut into you and you moaned out in pain, before something was stuck in your chest, and an oxygen mask was placed over your face, you felt a pair of hands leave your body, and heard the sound of heavy boots crunch in the wet cool grass, indicating someone was running somewhere. 
“Ready for transfer,” there was a silence, “on my count, 1,2,3,” your body was held straight as you were tipped on your side, the movement causing you to feel slightly dizzy and you could almost hear bugs in your ears, something hard and cold was placed against your back “and 1,2,3,” you were tipped onto your back again, now lying on the backboard, as the foam blocks were placed next to your head and secured your world started to go a little hazy, as someone readjusted the tube that was stuck in your chest.
“Stay with us y/n,” you tried to open your eyes further but you couldn’t and suddenly everything went black.
“And the parents are on their way? Or so I’ve heard,” you faintly heard someone say as they stood outside your room. You had just woken up, and everything was still slightly hazy.
You quickly came to at those words, you eyes widened, and you felt your chest start to get tight again, your heart pounded, you were shaking, your breath was ragged, “I-I don’t want to see them,” you stammered out as you shook your head, and tears started to fall from your eyes, Leah didn’t know ones heart could break so many times in one day but here she was, feeling her heart break for at least the second time. She quickly got up so she could be closer to you, taking your hands in hers, “No baby,” she shook her head, face etched with pain, no matter how much you hated your parents, she knew this was going to hurt. “It’s not them anymore, they, they,” she let out a heavy sigh, “they gave you up, they signed away their rights. When they got the call, they said that it wasn’t their duty to make the decisions or to take care of you, they, they said they didn’t want to be associated with you, they came to the hospital, purely to sign the papers to give away their guardianship,” Leah watched as a range of emotions crossed your face, you couldn’t believe it, yes they had already kicked you out and you barely spoke. But this was different. This was something else. This was complete abandonment, they didn’t want anything to do with you anymore. “I’m sorry baby, I’m so so sorry, I-” Leah was cut off my the loud alarm sounding on the monitor, your panic had caused your heart rate to get to high and your oxygen levels too low, your chest heaved with every breath again, and you could feel it burn as oxygen entered your lungs, but that pain was nothing, nothing could ever compare to the feeling of being disowned legally by your parents. Knowing they travelled all the way to the hospital, just to sign a piece of paper to say they didn't love you anymore.
You had just finished facetiming Kyra, Steph and Caitlin, when you turned your head to face Leah, who was sitting in the chair near your bed, her face seemed serious as she read something on her phone.
“We aren’t playing Bristol City,” she suddenly announced “well obviously,” you rolled your eyes at her, “no like the club isn’t, they forfeited,” “oh,” you paused for a minute, “I want to see Emily,” you blurted out, the thought having been circling your mind for the last however long.
“I don’t think that is the best idea, B-” “But why? It’s not her fault, she did nothing wrong,” “That’s not the reason why bubs, Emily is struggling at the moment, she knows it wasn’t her fault, but she feels like it is, because she kicked the ball, she didn't mean to hit you, but she does feel guilty, she feels like she just shouldn’t have kicked the ball.” You nodded your head, and picked up your phone, scrolling through instagram, when you came across statements from both Arsenal and England.
An update from the England Lionesses: Y/N is in a stable condition, she is awake and talking. Her recovery will be in the hands of her club and we wish her all the best. We ask that out of respect for the players and those involved that no photos or videos taken during/after the incident are shared, these players are people too and deserve privacy. We are thankful for all our fans' support and apologise for the abandonment of the match, all tickets will be refunded. 
Arsenal WFC have released a statement: After discussions with our players, staff, Bristol City and the FA we have come to the decision that we will be forfeiting our next fixture in the WSL against Bristol City, we understand what this decision means and how it affects our position in the table however we must keep our players wellbeing at the forefront during this time period and in no way would it be fair or right of us to ask any of our players to play a match in the coming days. The incident involving y/n has affected every single one of our players deeply and we want to be able to take the next few days to focus on their wellbeing and health, something we could not do if we were to have a game. We would like to reassure the public that y/n is in safe hands and is in a stable condition. 
As you finished reading the statement from Arsenal you felt your bottom lip start to quiver, you looked over to Leah who was once again looking at her phone,  “I’m sorry,” “for what?” she softly asked, “for scaring everyone, I-I didn’t mean to,” you quietly spoke as soft tears fell from your eyes, “hey, hey, none of that, it wasn’t anyone's fault okay, we all just care about you and want to make sure you’re okay,” she reassured you as she moved to sit with you in the bed, “okay” you said as you moved to lean your head back on her shoulder, “I love you so much, we all do, never forget that,”
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slightlyhozy · 11 days
“Through the Cold, I’ll Find my Way Back to You.”
Chapter 2: “All my love and terror, balanced there between those eyes.”
Characters: Púca! Andrew Hozier-Byrne x Original Female Character
Summary: Maisie Quinn, after inheriting a home in Ireland from her late grandmother, slowly learns a dark past about the land in which it was built on.
Word Count - 2,098
Warnings - None except for animal death and descriptions of their bodies
A/N - I’m still learning how to write longer chapters, I will get better!
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That day, I had looked into whatever the hell this Púca was. Seeing that it wasn’t necessarily a danger in any stories made my anxiety ease, which was a bit embarrassing since I didn’t even believe that it existed.
Closing my laptop, I looked around my new bedroom, the wooden floors were effortlessly dusty and cracked. Grunting, I opened my laptop again, in pursuit of finding someone in the area to install new flooring in certain rooms.
Settling was getting easier despite the fact Mary was the only person I really knew, On a good note, I already had a form in for a commission out in Dublin; they wanted me to paint a mural in the lobby of their office building. I figured the best way to go about living in a new country was to make connections anyway.
That night, I lay with Lenny in my arms, surrounded by blankets, as some movie played. I pressed a kiss on his head as we cuddled. My mind kept drifting back to the monster, my mind constantly justifying why it wasn’t real; I knew it wasn’t real. I thought about the property and area surrounding it; there were never any bad vibes; it always seemed normal.
While thoughts scurried around my head, a familiar scratch caught me off guard, making me jump. The fox.
My head turned to the door, sighing, I was tempted to go and feed the fox. Thinking back to my conversation with Elsie, interfering with wildlife really wasn’t a good idea. I had just moved here, I should at least put the effort into making a good impression, if not to anyone in particular.
As my dog growled, his attention turned to the door, and I began to pet him in an attempt to calm him down. I understood he tended to be protective of me but never like this, over an animal. “Lenny, shhh.” Scratching behind his ears, he whimpered towards the door, moving to lay back beside me.
Trying to focus on the movie, I could hear the creature outside screaming for attention, it was borderline eerie. I continued to sit, it wasn’t my place to feed it, that was the fox’s job.
After ten minutes, I couldn't handle it anymore. Turning off the TV, I stood up and walked to the stairs, going up to my bedroom for the night.
I grumbled, pulling weeds from the gravel of the garden. I had been at it for hours now, only joined by the sound of Van Morrison singing in my ears and the chirps of birds in the trees. Other than the labor, it was therapeutic.
Sitting back, I took a swig of water, looking around the garden. The weather had been nice, it was early September, so the weather had started getting colder than it was before. The sky was white, and the trees were less vibrant. As I pulled out the invasive plants, my eyebrows raised as my eyes fell on a small mouse.
The furry rodent in question was undoubtedly dead, but the only injury was a bloody wound on its side. As I continued to pull weeds, 3 more bodies were found. Initially, I believed that there was a cat that lurked in my garden, but then also the lack of injury or puncture to the bodies made no sense. I felt as though I was turning into a skeptic or just feeling the effects of my disorder. Before I could spiral, I was brought back to life by a bird call.
Looking up into the tree, I immediately recognized the black stripe along its eyes, much like a bandit’s mask. Oh. It was a shrike, I wasn’t even aware they had those in Ireland. Internally, I thanked myself for having a bird phase, otherwise, I would be sent into a phase of paranoia over dead mice. Still, I was puzzled around the fact that the mice weren’t eaten, simply impaled, then dropped.
I wasn’t too sure what could be wrong with the animals in the area, perhaps there’s a disease spreading amongst species. I wasn’t informed enough to really have a clue, but it was almost creepy.
While I pondered, another bird flew next to perch beside the shrike. After a moment, the two began to squawk and fight with eachother, their beaks clashing. Not being interested in watching what could happen to the smaller bird picking a fight with a brutal predator, I collected my garden tools and water bottle, making my way back to the house.
Lenny was sniffing around the yard as I cleared out the mouse corpses, like I had the other animal on my porch. The sun was slowly setting, and all I could think about was getting a proper drink and starting on a personal art project, the subject of which is still a mystery to me.
Over the next few nights, the fox seemed to only get more aggressive. I frowned as I stared at my front door, this time, a dead rabbit was left. Did it think that I ran out of food? The rabbit itself would be unedible if I even wanted to eat it, it was completely squished, presumably roadkill. The wood along the door had been scratched, deep. A shiver ran up my spine as my finger reached out to trace the marks, the light inner wood going about half an inch deep. I wasn’t even sure how it was possible, but I also knew that I would now have to invest in new flooring and a door.
I was a bit worried that it would attack me if I didn’t feed it; with no evidence to back this up, any creak or sound outside would make me jump. When I slept, I dreamt of it attacking me or Lenny. So now, after three nights of ignoring the animal, I decided to give in.
It was almost one in the morning, finally, my couch had been installed, freeing me from the pain of having to haul my long limbs off the ground. With a small tub of ice cream in my hand, I was binge-watching Breaking Bad. The sound of Walter White monologing went through one ear, out the other as I anxiously awaited the arrival of the fox. I was almost worried it wouldn’t come. Why was I worried? Why wouldn’t I want it gone?
As if it were summoned, a familiar squaking woke me from my thoughts, immediately sending me to pause my show and put my ice cream somewhere Lenny couldn’t reach. I shushed him with my finger to my lips. As I went to look through the window. To my expectations, the small animal stood on the top of the steps, its green eyes gleaming under the poarch light.
Afraid of any chances of Lenny putting himself in danger, I led the dog to the study, shutting him inside, the door muffling his barks and growls.
In the kitchen, I worked to fix a wet bowl of dog food and a scoop of pumpkin purée on top. Opening the door, the fox stood expectantly. I set the bowl down, quickly moving to shut the glass door so I could see it eat. Again, it’s eyes stalked me as it ate eagerly, as if I had starved it. Perhaps it couldn’t hunt, wouldn’t…? If it couldn’t, where were these dead animals coming from?
Fresh air. Fresh air was what I needed, space, was what I needed.
The morning after the encounter with the fox, I decided to go to the beach with Lenny. Throwing on a grey knit sweater, black jeans, boots, and a beanie, I clip on Lenny’s leash, his tail wagging faster than it had in a long time. As I go outside, I make sure to clean up the brutalized hedgehog left on my porch, the guts splattered across my porch. As I cleaned up the insides, visibly unhappy, I simultaneously fought Lenny back from eating it.
Smelling the sea was a specific kind of nostalgia, the beach itself wasn’t too different than some back in Washington. The air kisses my cheeks as I fight it, the clashing waves soothing my ears. I clutched the leash, hoping he wouldn’t try and run along the beach.
I felt grateful that there was no one in the morning, just me, my coffee, and my dog. I wonder if I was becoming a loner, back home, I seemed to be going out every day, with friends and making them as well. Now, all I had available was Mary. As much as I enjoyed some alone time, I wondered how long it would take until it became too lonely for me, I wondered how long it would be until I found a routine with my work, more clients, and when I would meet local artists.
Taking in the scent again, I closed my eyes, the cool wind making me feel more grounded and alive than I had in a year. Keeping them closed, I continued to walk into what seemed to be a never-ending path, curving around the water.
As if enjoying my solitude was too much, my eyes scrunched up as my shoulder was bumped. My eyes shot open as I helplessly watched my coffee cup fall against the sand, the contents leaking into the grains. Lenny immediately went to investigate, sniffing and licking the spill.
After picking up the cup, I look up the figure that disrupted my walk. He was tall. Around 9 inches taller than me, his nose and cheeks were a dusty pink from the cold, the coloration obvious from the cold weather.
His beard was nicely groomed, but his hair was messy and greasy.  Above his pronounced cheekbone, there was a small, healing cut across the skin. His eyes were cold and endless, not kind but not uninviting. Where the hell did he even come from?
“Sorry… Uh, I wasn’t paying attention. I wasn’t too sure why I was apologizing, according to my therapist, it was one of my weakest traits. The stranger stepped back, sizing me up.
He didn’t reply, I could hear Lenny by my side, growling lowly. “Really, sorry, he’s just protective... I promise he’s a good dog.”
“It’s alright.” His voice was deep, rich, and smooth like honey, he was hansome in general, just unsettling. He brushed a gloved hand through his brown curls, his green eyes following me.
I wasn’t sure what to do, I was pretty desperate for interactions, and he only seemed 10 years older than me at most. “Nice weather?” I cringed at my terrible use of small talk.
“Alright. Cold.”
“I mean, it usually is... cold.” Awkwardly, I itched at my neck, unsure what to do. “I’m Maisie.” I held my hand out, his eyes just darting to stare at it, not accepting it.
“Andrew. Are you American?”
I swallowed nervously, I didn’t want to come off as an uneducated, arrogant American prick. “Uh, well, yes, I just moved in... I live over..east..” My arm extended to point towards my home.
“I know.” My face immediately grew concerned, he knew? How?
“What do you mean?”
He didn’t reply.
“Andrew… Do you live around here? Or do you like, drive down here for walks.” His brows furrow, as if I were asking something invasive.
“I live near here, I like water.” His hand reaches up to scratch at the scab forming on his face, I notice how one of his glove fingers has the tip torn off.
I nod along awkwardly, maybe he didn’t get out much? “Yeah, me too... It’s nice to live this close to the ocean.” He doesn't answer again. “I lived in Seattle, so I was really far away from the ocean, sometimes, we’d go visit family on the coast.”
His brows furrow. “Where’s that?”
“Washington? Uh, it’s in the Pacific Northwest of America; Kurt Cobain was born there.” He seemed clueless. “Oh…” My face furrows with concern as I see blood, almost black, start to drip down his face. “You…your scab… It’s kind of..” I try to point it out casually, not trying to be rude.
Moving his hand away, Andrew moves to lick his finger, his brows raising. “Oh,” He doesn’t seem too concerned with the color of his blood as he observes it. “Habit.”
“Right,” As I am about to speak more, my phone rings—the flooring installers I had been talking to. “Oh, sorry, I need to take this.” I whisper to him as I back up, pressing my phone to my ear. He just gives me a weak wave as I turn away, waiting for my turn in the cue.
As I turned back around not even a minute later to say goodbye, he was gone. Andrew. The weirdest and one of the rudest men I had ever met.
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nkatr84 · 2 months
Deadpool and Wolverine
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I just saw this movie today and I had to give it its own post! It’s so good. Bloody and violent and vulgar but that’s Deadpool. He can do PG 13 but he shines in R rated fair. Heck even his Disneyland Avengers Campus variant is PG cracking a few sex innuendo jokes that only parents will get. But the real draw is Hugh Jackman’s return as Wolverine. When a rouge TVA agent tells Wade he wants him to join the Sacred Timeline but his universe will get pruned, Wade is desperate to save his universe and the people he loves. When he’s told his universe is dying because its version of Logan died, he steals a timepad to find a Wolverine to replace him. Only to find the so called Worst Wolverine. They both get pruned to the void and have to survive a delightfully crazy and dangerous Cassandra Nova, a variant twin sister to Charles Xavier. There are so many fight sequences that are incredibly insane. Plus Hugh Jackman is finally in the comic accurate suit. Including the mask! They save that bit for the third act but it’s so satisfying to see him wearing it. Speaking of which…
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Lord that man is pretty…(whispers from the sidebar) What? What do you mean he’s single now!? Dang it…(thinks of that one scene at the end where his shirt literally explodes off) I’m doomed…
Here’s some other things I loved about this movie…
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She may have won Britain’s Ugliest Dog Contest, but she’s still freaking adorable! 🥰 Wade Ryan Reynolds melting every time he sees Mary Puppins aka Dogpool was everything. Plus Logan cleverly uses her to get past a Deadpool Corp without getting hurt. That was good.
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Paradox was a fun secondary villain. And a stand in for not only the meta commentary about the corporate merger of Disney and Fox, but also the certain kind of fan that discounts the so called “bad movies” (and tv shows) of the MCU and thinks they know better than the people in charge of the MCU…you know what I’m talking about. Whereas this movie is a love letter to the Fox Marvel Universe in all its forms.
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The opening fight sequence to Bye Bye Bye made my millennial self giddy with glee.
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Again Hugh Jackman’s performance as Wolverine. This variant lost his X Men to hateful humans and he went in berserker mode killing bad and good guys. He lost his whole world and then comes this guy that won’t shut up saying he needs help saving his whole world and he shows Logan a picture of his friends. The parallels man…plus Logan helping Wade ends up getting him a new purpose and friends. And Wade begins the movie wanting to matter and learning he does to the people he loves. And the bromance Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman share in real life is echoed on screen. Granted a little more reluctantly on Logan’s part…and Ryan and Hugh didn’t need a Honda Oddesty to build their relationship on…😉
The Cameos I won’t spoil here. But a few genuinely surprised me.
This bit of fan service…
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Plus they gave this Logan a happy ending! With new friends and a purpose! And he moved in with Wade and Blind Al and Mary Puppins…so what I needed to see after seeing Logan. Which was good, but a little depressing. I need happy Logan in my life. And Hugh Jackman wouldn’t hurt either…
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fandom-friday · 8 months
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Thank you so much to everyone that submitted recommendations this week! A comprehensive list of this week’s submissions can be found under the cut! Recommendations are organized by show/media, and any main pairings will be listed after the title.
❄️ = 18+ content
The Clone Wars: New Beginnings (Corrie!Dogma x f!Reader) by @reader6898 Forbidden Masks (Kix x f!Reader) by @deejadabbles ❄️ Second Chances (Commander Wolffe x f!Reader) by @cyarbika ❄️ I Yearn, and so I Fear (Commander Wolffe x OC Kazi Ennari) by @enigmaticexplorer ❄️ Unwritten (Captain Rex x OC Mari Vontas) by @rexxdjarin ❄️ Captain's Log (Captain Rex x f!Reader) by @rexxdjarin ❄️ Invisible Barriers (Fi Skirata x f!Reader) by @the-rain-on-kamino The Clone Wars Gets a New Victim (Ahsoka Tano x OC Grim Kennet) by @chaosgod4life Even Though You're Gone, You're Still Around (Commander Bly x Aayla Secura) by super_heroine_addict (AO3) A Way Out for Two (Cad Bane x Obi-Wan Kenobi) by @feybarn ❄️ One Step at a Time by @wild-karrde Let Me Do It Right by TrickyTricky (AO3) Like Real People Do by Witless_clown (AO3) The Night Comes Down Like Heaven by @galacticgraffiti
The Bad Batch: ❄️ Same Heart (Echo x f!Reader, Fives x f!Reader) by @dumfanting ❄️ Doctor's Orders (Captain Howzer x f!Reader) by @grampsoninspace Happy Hatch Day by @eclec-tech
The Book of Boba Fett: True Rumors (Boba Fett x OC Seba) by @kimiheartblade On the Dome (Drash x Jo) by @btwxsixesandsevens
Star Wars Prequel Trilogy: A Murderous (and Talkative) Legacy by Dom_Avner (AO3) The Rising Darkness (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!Reader) by @marierg
Star Wars Original Series: Stars In Their Multitudes by @jedi-valjean
Batman: In Another Life (Selina Kyle x Bruce Wayne) by @dlaugh Bouncing Baby Bat by EmpressGeek (AO3) Maybe with a Shift in Planets by @sunflowersandink Apartment Policy: No Dragons Allowed by Bricksheep (AO3) The Night Shall Call Your Name (You Must Answer) by Fandom_Trash224 (AO3) "And it's Cassandra with the Steel Chair!" by destiny919 (AO3) QUARANTINED: RED ROBIN'S TIK TOK ACCOUNT by @justthatonegirl1815
Marvel/MCU: Hopeful (Bucky Barnes x Sarah Wilson) by @philtstone
Fire Emblem Series: Kulning (Annette Fantine Dominic x Felix Hugo Fraldarius) by @Star_on_a_Staff (AO3)
The Clone Wars: Fox-Inspired Tooka Art by @st4r-t3ars Commander by @finpews It's Commander Cody with a steel chair! by @merlyn-bane Captain Rex Art by @pinkiemme Gregor, Wolffe, and Rex Art by @comradewolfe ❄️ Captain Rex and OC Mari Vontas Art by @rexxdjarin What was I made for? by @spicyclones79s Your Bodies Seed the Stars by @aliettali ❄️ In the Meadow by @the-rain-on-kamino Jet is Doing His Best by @for-the-sake-of-color Hogsteed Concept Art by @art-of-wackylurker OC Nihlus Meets a Hogsteed by @art-of-wackylurker OC Ayyshu Family Art (Chuckles, Arni, and Nita) by @ninjigma
The Bad Batch: Tech and Omega Art by @jedizhi Crosshair Art by @melymigo The Baby Batch: Shaak Ti Meets the Bad Batch Babies by @ladykagewaki
Bloodborne: Good Hunter by @artofchinara
The Legend of Vox Machina: ❄️ "We're going to start with the Courage" by @lyaholya
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bestanimatedmovie · 4 months
Revenge of the Underrated, Round 2!
Round 1
The big players will start competing this round, so make sure to support your favorite unknown movie with propaganda and reblogs!
Also, this round we somehow ended up with more polls than round 1, so that will be fun 😅
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Luca vs Ballerina
2. Mary and Max vs Tiger and Bunny: The Rising
3. The Bad Guys vs Miss Hokusai
4. Loving Vincent vs Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 1
5. Pocahontas vs The Girl Without Hands
6. Hercules vs The Twelve Tasks of Asterix
7. Anomalisa vs Cats don't Dance
8. The Little Mermaid vs Felidae
9. It's Such a Beautiful Day vs An American Tail: Fievel Goes West
10. Paprika vs Pokemon Heroes
11. Sing 2 vs The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning
12. Wendell and Wild vs The Plague Dogs
13. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs vs Ice Age
14. The Hunchback of Notre Dame vs Strange Magic
15. Azur and Asmar: The Prince's Quest vs Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs
16. Mad God vs Rock and Rule
17. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm vs Titan A.E.
18. The Wind Rises vs The Adventures of Mark Twain
19. Sleeping Beauty vs Tarzan
20. Zootopia vs Robots
21. Monsters vs Aliens vs The Twelve Months
22. Robin Hood vs Phineas and Ferb: The Movie: Candace Against the Universe
23. The Case of Hana and Alice vs Revue Starlight: The Movie
24. Long Way North vs One Piece: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
25. Marcel the Shell with Shoes On vs Samurai Jack: The Premiere Movie
26. My Life as a Zucchini vs Lupin III: The First
27. The Fox and the Hound vs Minions: The Rise of Gru
28. The Three Caballeros vs Princes and Princesses
29. When Marnie was Here vs A Letter to Momo
30. Akira vs The Wild Thornberrys Movie
31. The Cat Returns vs The Boy who Wanted to be a Bear
32. Belladonna of Sadness vs The Swan Princess
33. Porco Rosso vs Patema Inverted
34. Rio vs Next Gen
35. The Lego Batman Movie vs Asterix: The Mansions of the Gods
36. The Aristocats vs Thumbelina
37. James and the Giant Peach vs Rainbow Magic: Return to Rainspell Island
38. Castle in the Sky vs Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie
39. Over the Hedge vs Charlotte's Web (1973)
40. Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius vs The Princess and the Goblin
41. Redline vs Catnapped!
42. The Addams Family vs Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland
43. Epic vs Padak
44. Vivo vs Bartok the Magnificent
45. Barbie: Princess Charm School vs Night on the Galactic Railroad
46. Waking Life vs The Rabbi's Cat
47. Barbie as Rapunzel vs Seven Days War
48. Cool World vs Pippi Longstocking
49. When the Wind Blows vs Ruben Brandt, Collector
50. Summer Wars vs Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom
51. The Black Cauldron vs Mars Needs Moms
52. The Red Turtle vs Underdogs
53. Ron's Gone Wrong vs Once Upon a Forest
54. Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade vs Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer
55. Arthur Christmas vs Help! I'm a Fish
56. Barbie of Swan Lake vs Sea Prince and the Fire Child
57. Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole vs Freddie as F.R.0.7
58. Pokemon: The Movie 2000 vs Rock-A-Doodle
59. Arthur and the Invisibles vs Unico in the Island of Magic
60. Barbie as the Island Princess vs Flatland: The Film
61. Mind Game vs Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge
62. Dragon Ball Super: Broly vs The Flight of Dragons
63. Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero vs Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
64. Scooby-Doo! and the Cyber Chase vs Happily N'Ever After
65. On-Gaku: Our Sound vs Book Girl
66. Tiger and Bunny: The Rising vs Pokemon the Movie: The Power of Us
67. The Pebble and the Penguin vs The Magic Riddle
68. A Troll in Central Park vs Ico, the Brave Horse
69. Robot Carnival vs Blinky Bill
70. The Snow Queen vs The Legend of Manxmouse
71. Early Man vs Planetarian: Hoshi no Hito
72. Nocturna vs Junk Head
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White Fox
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Information About the Unknown Girl Who Has Been Hacking Government Servers And Leaving Behind the following Logo, Animated with a Winking motion. {That’s Cute, yall got NOTHING on me~ So I’ll add a few things, not like you’ll ever catch me anyways.}
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Codename: "White Fox"  
Real Name: Ekaterina Lisitsa (Екатерина «Катя» Лисица)  
Name meaning:  
Katya (Катя) is a form of Ekaterina (Екатерина), which means “pure” or “innocent.”  
Lisitsa (Лисица) means “fox.”  
So, in all, her name means “pure fox.”  
{I know, right? I’m so cute, mindful and demure, right?}
Ability: "Master Mod"
Katya’s ability is known as “Master Mod,” which enables her to manipulate the “data” of reality in specific, limited ways, treating the universe as if it were a giant, immersive simulation game. While she cannot actually alter the fabric of reality itself, her ability allows her to interact with the world in unique, almost game-like methods:
1. Normal Hacking: She can hack into electronic devices and networks effortlessly, bypassing security systems, extracting or altering data, and taking control of digital systems.  
{Easy peasy. Skill issue.}
2. Inventory: Katya can store and retrieve physical objects in a kind of "pocket dimension"—a virtual inventory space she creates through her ability. This lets her summon or store items as needed, akin to a character in a game pulling items from their inventory.  
{Think Mary Poppins’ bag, but cooler. And wayyyyy more practical!}
3. Quantum Teleportation: She can instantly teleport herself or objects to random locations. She has to have physically BEEN to the place in order to teleport there.  
{Nope, can't just jump into your secret lair without an invitation. Sorry.}
4. Solid Holographic Avatar: Due to her inability to use her legs, Katya projects a solid, lifelike holographic avatar of herself to interact with the world. This avatar looks exactly like her and moves as she would if she were physically present, allowing her to navigate the real world without revealing her true self. This projection is stable and tangible, but requires her to focus and drains her mental stamina over time.  
{Skill issue, me edition.}
Reason for Paralysis:
As a child, Katya was born with a rare and debilitating condition that left her physically weak. Growing up in a twisted orphanage, she was subjected to experimental surgeries meant to "cure" her condition. The orphanage's administrators, driven by their own twisted motivations and a lack of medical expertise, performed a high-risk spinal surgery intended to improve her mobility. Unfortunately, the procedure went terribly wrong, leading to severe complications and irreversible damage to her spinal cord. Instead of gaining strength, Katya lost the use of her legs, deepening the trauma of her early life.  
{Fr tho, what were they even thinking? "YOLO, let's just wing it"?}
Additional Details:
Katya views the world as a series of levels and challenges, constantly seeking new "stages" to clear and puzzles to solve. This perspective makes her adventurous and fearless but also somewhat detached from reality. Her insecurities about being in a wheelchair make her rely heavily on her holographic avatar, which she uses to mask her true vulnerability, which only a small select few people are aware of. Though she projects confidence and independence, she feels self-conscious about her disability and tries to hide it as much as possible.  
{Daang, miss creator 😦 didn’t have to expose me like that...}
Her playful attitude and gaming-like perspective often hide her sharp mind and keen observations. While she pretends not to care about the opinions of others, she’s constantly analyzing their behaviors and thinking several steps ahead.  
{Hey, they don’t call me a fox for nothing~~}
Despite her facade of bravado and wit, Katya often wonders what life could have been like without her condition. She rarely admits it, but there’s a part of her that still clings to the hope that one day, she might walk again.  
{Yeah, yeah, I know. SOOOO Sappy. But a girl can dream, okay?}
Katya’s online (and irl) presence is a mix of snark and sincerity. She’s known for her witty tweets and relatable memes, using them as a way to cope and connect with others.  
She’s also a fan of gaming streams and online communities, where she feels more at home and less judged. Virtual worlds are where she finds solace and escape.  
{Low-key obsessed with those fantasy RPGs. Can Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail get new updates please?? I’ve reached endgame. I’m BOORREED.}
OOC: she also likes to break 4th wall.
{Fourth Wall is for losers.}
MOD: @onionhaseyeojin
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wanderingmind867 · 11 months
I made a Fancast for a Batman TV series in the 80s a while ago, but I only revisited it yesterday. It's almost fully complete (at least, I've filled nearly all the roles I added). Let me list them:
Batman: Pierce Brosnan
Robin I (Dick Grayson): maybe Matthew Broderick?
Robin II (Jason Todd): Not Sure Yet
Batgirl: Molly Ringwald
Alfred: Jon Pertwee
Commissioner Gordon: John Astin
Harvey Bullock: John Candy
Renee Montoya: Rachel Ticotin
Lucius Fox: Not Sure Yet
Leslie Thompkins: Betty White
Jack Ryder: Richard Belzer
Vicki Vale: Dana Delany
Jason Bard: Andrew McCarthy
Aunt Harriet: Doris Roberts or Rue McClanahan
Thomas & Martha Wayne: Adam West & Julie Newmar
The Joker: Willem Dafoe
The Penguin: Danny DeVito
The Riddler: Robin Williams
Catwoman: Mary Steenburgen
Two-Face: Not Sure Yet
Poison Ivy: Kathleen Turner
The Scarecrow: Christopher Lee
The Mad Hatter: Martin Short
Mr. Freeze: Patrick Stewart
Killer Croc: Not Sure Yet
Black Mask: Not Sure Yet
Rupert Thorne: Carroll O'Connor
Ra's Al Ghul: Ricardo Montalban
Talia Al Ghul: Demi Moore
I missed a few here, because the list was getting too long to put on one thing. But you get the picture. For all those I can't yet figure out, suggestions are currently open. I do desperately need help putting the rest of this together. I mean, I've only got 3-4 left. It'd be nice to say I'd completed a cast list (I usually never do). Here's the link if you want to help:
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evelyn-the-fae · 20 days
Adribat October Prompt List - Typed Out
@maribat-menagerie is hosting a Adrien Agreste x Batman / DC prompt challenge for the month of October! Please go check out their blog to see more details. I am just trying to type out the prompts for ease of reading! MONTHLY LIST- There are themes for each day: Bloody Sunday - Mystery Monday - Tricky Tuesday - Sleepover Wednesday - Thriller Thursday - Freaky Friday - Treat Saturday Tuesday October 1st - mirrors Wednesday the 2nd - Hex Girling Thursday the 3rd - "Lifes no fun without a good scare" Friday the 4th - Miraculous Swap Saturday the 5th - Jack o' lantern's Sunday the 6th - Kill all your friends Monday the 7th - "Our lives are one masked ball" Tuesday the 8th - Rabbit Wednesday the 9th - Sigil writing Thursday the 10th - "Take a breath, look around, a lot of folks deserve to die" Friday the 11th - Origin Swap Saturday the 12th - Autumn Leaves Sunday the 13th - Radioactive Monday the 14th - "to me, they have always been matters of riddle and admiration" Tuesday the 15th - Playing cards Wednesday the 16th - cipher hunting Thursday the 17th - "Don't wish, don't start. Wishing only wounds the heart." Friday the 18th- Body Swap Saturday the 19th - Flannels and Sweaters Sunday the 20th - For whom the bell tolls Monday the 21st - "Good and evil are so close, as to be chained together in the sand" Tuesday the 22nd - Fox Wednesday the 23rd - Going Nowhere Thursday the 24th- "it's a full moon tonight, that's why all the weirdos are out" Friday the 25th - Partner Swap Saturday the 26th - Hot beverage Sunday the 27th - Children of the Grave Monday the 28th - "Death is a mystery and burial is a secret" Tuesday the 29th - Crowbar Wednesday the 30th - Grim Adventuring Thursday the 31st - "Please. They're dead." Extras from the 3x3 Bingo Card - 1. Ghosts of the Past 2. Restoring the Balance 3. No longer you Please feel free to join the Mari Bat Menagerie Discord server if you see this! https://discord.gg/5xnQwsDG4u
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mlb-a-rewrite · 4 months
Lila’s Story
Season 1:
She is introduced with the rest of the class, she blends in, she is no one special.
A few episodes in, she gets her "solo" episode. Basically a lot of the more background characters (like Juleka, Milene, whoever you know) have episodes "about" them where they get akumatized because of some minor conflict. Lila talks about how she was bullied at her previous school and now by Chloe and doesn't have any friends, gets akumatized, is saved and everyone tries to make her feel included. She fades into the background and isn't mentioned again for the season.
The bedroom scene also happens here (more on that later).
Season 2:
She doesn't really appear at all, just living in the background
There is one episode where it opens with the bathroom scene (again, more on that later), I think kinda partially during the mid-season finale idk idc and then during the big mid season finale a new miraculous holder appears. This is Lila as Volpina, except she doesn't actually have the fox miraculous and is just akumatized to appear that way. We also can't really tell it's Lila, like looks wise anyways. She's got a big mask on that kinda like covers the top half of her face but like context clues make it so its kinda obvious its her. She is basically the akumatized villain for those episodes and flees before anyone can ID her/deakumatize her so the characters don't know it was her.
The Chloe episodes happen where we learn abt Chloe's mom and everything, People are conflicted about Chloe, not sure whether they should try and help her and give her the benefit of the doubt or put her down and like reject her. Lila insists they help Chloe, that everyone deserves a chance to be included, and thus, she starts to befriend Chloe (This is the very end of season 2)
Season 3:
Starts off by establishing Lila is friends with Chloe. At some point maybe she and Chloe go on a trip together (like during the Shang Hai special they were traveling to American or some shit) and are besties. (Lila spent this time tracking down info about the miraculous but was actually traveling with Chloe)
Lila has a solo moment where she is trying to get hawkmoth's attention, hoping to get akumatized. Her wishes are not granted. Maybe this is the bathroom scene take 2 but that feels off to me might revamp the timing of all this later.
Eventually, Lila slips up and reveals too much to Chloe about her intentions to do evil things. It really isn't a big deal and Chloe doesn't even realize that she said something out of place. But Lila can't take chances so she
Turns on Chloe. This is near the end of the season. She talks about how awful Chloe is/was to her while she was just trying to do good but it is hopeless she is just too mean and the class turns on Chloe again, thus having Chloe revert back to how she was at the begining of the show
Season ends with Lila betraying LB and stealing the miraculous to give to hawkmoth. (This could be why marinette/adrien dont trust her because they knew she lied this whol time as a hero so maybe she is lieing irl too. Lila doesn't know LB/Chat's secret identities of course)
Might shift Lila's betrayal of Chloe to much later.
Season 4:
Lila has earned the trust of most of the class (minus chloe/sabrina and mari/adrien and Alya/Nino bc they trust their besties). It isn't full on civil war within the class but there is tension. Lila doesn't do much to instigate conflict.
She continues to work with Hawkmoth, slowly gathering more information. Maybe she refuses to give him the miracle box unless he reveals his identity to her or something like that so she can continue to have leverage over him.
By the big final conflict, she has a lot of information on everything and desperately wants a miraculous to make everything better. She wants to make herself special and rich and perfect and powerful and in control, but she gets sloppy, and thus, is killed when she tries to go against hawkmoth
I think there should also be scene before her final conflict with hawkmoth where she is getting desperate and frantic and ends up trying to turn the class against Mari and co. Maybe Marinette is trying to get the class to help stop her because she found out Lila is a supervillain and Lila tries to get the classmates to back her but she slips up in how she talks/acts and they all start to see through her facade.
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minie-mastermind · 3 months
Eternal Evil Head Cannon
My Earth 3 Crime Syndicate & world
(Crime Syndicate)
Owlman Aka Thomas Wayne Jr.
Ultraman Aka Klark Kent
Superwoman Aka Lois Lane
Johnny Quick Aka Jonathan Chambers
Power Ring Aka John Stewart
(Owlman Aka Thomas Wayne Jr.)
Talon i Aka Flamebird Aka Jim Gordon Jr.
Talon ii Aka Renegade Aka Jason Todd  
Talon iii Aka Hawkfire Aka Carrie Kelly
Talon iiii Aka Furry Aka Helena Bertinelli/Wayne
She-Bat Aka Magpie Aka Maggie Kyle
The Stalker Aka Jack Ryder
Rubber Bandit Aka Patrick O'Brian
Phantasum Aka Minhkhoa "Khoa" Khan
Heretic Aka Cassandra Cain
Nightwing Aka Katherine Webb-Kane power from Medallion of Acrata taken from Andrea Rojas
Red Wing Aka Bette Kane power from the Meltdown Suit
Spitfire Aka Harper Row cyberneticly enhanced by Sarah Charles with parts from LeTonya Charles
Black Light Aka Duke Thomas
Death Mask Aka Gavin King with powers from Tektites nanotechnology
The Vulture Aka Tim Fox
The Stranger ii Aka Renee Montoya
(Ultraman Aka Klark Kent)
Assassin Bug Aka Irwin Schwab
Black Power Aka Jefferson Pierce
Shock Aka Anissa Pierce
Awe Aka Jennifer Pierce
Wolf & Bane Aka Rose Canton
Grid Aka Victor Stone R.I.P.
Hazard Aka Grant Albert Emerson
Warpath Aka Maggie Sawyer with powers from Karen Lou Faulkner
Terrible Turpin Aka Dan Turpin power from The Dark Seed made by New Apokolips Cult
Gang Warrior Aka José Delgado power from Powerhouse Formula
Valor Guard Aka Tanya Spears power from Alpha Centurion armour
Bibbo Bibbowski owner of the Ace's Club & holder of the Ace Armour originally the Rook Armour made by Derek Reston
The Sun Slinger Aka Steve Lombard power from Frederic Fowe's solar healing ray
Black Beetle Aka Michael Carter
Wormwood Aka David Reid with power of the Sword of Hyperiex
(Superwoman Aka Lois Lane)
Satan Girl Aka Kara Danvers power from Forge
Galatea Aka Donna Troy copy of Queen Diana Prince & last weapon of Demon Island
Olympia Aka Cassie Sandsmart
Requiem Aka Artemis the Shim'Tar of the Daughters of Arse wielder of the Bow of Arse
Annataz Arataz
Doctor Chaos ii Aka Khalid Nassour
Swamp King Aka Alexander Olsen
Bagman Aka Rory Regan took the Suit of Souls from Gerry Regan R.I.P.
Sapphire Fiend Aka Marlene Bloomberg power from the demonic skin of Daniel Patrick Cassidy
Deadly Nightshade Aka Susan Linden
Sorceress Aka June Moone
Jason Blood possessed by Asmodel
The Sirit Xanadu Aka Nimue Inwudu turn into a ghost by Trigon
Marilyn Midnight the Spirit of Cetropolis
Mary MAZAHS Aka Mary Mayhem Aka Mary Bromfield
(Johnny Quick Aka Jonathan Chambers)
Infero Aka Beatriz da Costa & Frostbite Aka Tora Olafsdotter
Enforcer Aka Guy Gardener Ex Owner Warrior Veronna
Scarlet Scarub ii Aka Ted Kord
Vamp Aka Mari McCabe 
The Molder Aka Ralph Dibny
Steel Wolf Aka Dmitri Dmitriyevich Pushkin power suit from the Crimson Missile Corpse
Blüdwind Aka Raphael Arce
Elemental Man ii Aka William Everett iii
Red Claw Aka Vivian D'Aramis
Star-Tsar Aka Leonid Kovar
Gold Rush Aka Alix Harrower
Animal King Aka Bernhard Baker 
Silver Siclone ii created by Thomas Oscar Morrow
Sister Andromeda Aka Karren Starr power from Phantom Zone Projector
(Power Ring)
Blue Bowman Aka Oliver Queen
Bolt i Aka Crimson Archer Aka Roy Harper
Black Siren Aka Dinah Laurel Lance
Bolt ii Aka Mia Dearden
Atomica Aka Rhonda Pineda the first 'Made Man' power from Dyno Might Aka Ray Palme
Sky Tyrant Aka Carter Hall
Blood Wing Aka Kendra Saunders
Warwolf Aka Lobo
Nightmare Aka Nia Nal
Mister Misfortune ll Aka Shilo Norman
Death Storm Aka Professor Martin Stein & Ronnie Raymond R.I.P.
Break Dance Aka Virgil Ovid Hawkins
Night Flier Aka Adam Strange
Mars Boy cloned from Alexander Luther & The Marshion Aka J'edd J'arkus (Anti-Matter counter part to Conner Kent)
Shooting Star Aka Courtney Whitmore power from Spaceman ii Aka Jack Knight's Cosmic Staff
(Legion Of Justice)
Alexander Luthor
Genral Grodd
Lonar the New God
Red Hood Aka Harleen Quinzel
Venus Aka Pamela Lillian Isley
Devil Ray Aka David Milton Hyde
Power Tower Aka Doris Zuel
Savanna Aka Barbara Ann Minerva
Omega created by Professor Anthony Ivo
Apocalypse Girl Aka Clara Kendall created by Professor Anthony Ivo & Thomas Oscar Morrow
Thaal Sinestro holder of the Yellow ring of Terror
(Justice Underground)
Genral Grodd
Sir Sonar Aka Bito Wladon
Lady Sonar Aka Ilana Wladon
Doctor Pychie Aka Edgar Cizko
Doctor Venomous Aka Princess Maru
Odysseus i Aka Morgan Ducard
Equinox Aka Justin Ballantine
Black Swan Aka Vanessa Kapatelis
Multitude Aka Danton Black
La Hechicera Aka Lourdes Lucero
Jackie Frost Aka Caitlin Snow
Dr. Eclipso Aka Bruce Gordon possessed by Aztar
Chance Aka Veronica Sinclair
The Abominable Snowman Aka Byrna Brilyant
Meltdown Aka Michael Miller
Live Fire Aka Floyd Lawton
Lightning Aka Lawrence "Larry" Bolatinsky
Tomestone Aka the corpse of Sheriff Cyrus Gold revived
Kirke (Anti-Matter counter part to Circe)
Powerhouse Aka Roland Desmond ex police officer of Blüdhaven power from Powerhouse formula made by Mark Desmond
Mayor Maximillian Shreck
Commissioner Cobblepot
Captain Rupert Thorne
Captain Carlton Duquesne
Detective Edward Nashton Aka Enigma
Officer Victor Zsasz
(PDC Gangbuster Unit)
Police Captain Bruno Mannheim
Mayor Morgan Edge
New Rotterdam (Anti-Matter counter part to Gotham)
Cetropolis (Anti-Matter counter part to Metropolis)
Seaboard (Anti-Matter counter part to Coast)
Midway (Anti-Matter counter part to Central)
Starling (Anti-Matter counter part to Star)
Beckville (Anti-Matter counter part to Fawcett)
(The Mystery Mask Society Aka New Rotterdam Justice Underground)
Orpheus Aka Roman Sionis
Morpheus Aka Dr. Francine Langstrom R.I.P.
Janus Aka Harvey Dent Wayne Industries ex defence attorney
Reaper Aka Andrea Beaumont fiancé to Julian Caspian R.I.P. mentored by Judson Caspian
Doctor Achilles Milo creator Anthony "Lupine" Lupus
Maxie Hades Aka Maxwell Zues (Anti-Matter counter part to Maxwell Zues)
Siren Aka Iris Phelios
Hydra Aka Waylon Jones
White Knight Aka Warren White ex DA
Apollo (Anti-Matter counter part to Prometheus)
Clayface l Aka Julie Madison
Clayface ll Aka Ethan Bennett
Clayface lll Aka Alain Mauricet
Clayface llll Aka Dean Devereaux
Red Hood Aka Owlman's Daughter Aka Arrow Queen Aka Terrible Turpin's Daughter Aka Black Beetle's Daughter Aka Thrill Devil Aka Duela Dent Undercover agent for the Justice Underground
(New Rotterdam City Vigilantes)
Manhunter Aka Thomas "Big Game" Blake
The Musketeer Aka Mortimer Drake
Silance Aka Thomas Elliot
Charaxes Aka Drury Walker power by Dr. Roderick Rose
Wraith Aka Elliot Caldwell &
Shadow Aka Clyde Anderson 
Mrs. Zero Aka Nora Fries
Astro Anne Aka Roxanne Sutton
Stayman Aka Effigy Aka Jonathan Crane
Skeleton Key Aka Lyle Bolton
Professor Hugo Strange & his Paladins
White Rabbit Aka King Of Hearts Aka Jervis Tetch
The Puppeteer Aka Slam Bradley Aka Arnold Wesker
Sea Wolf Aka Grace Balin
Dollhouse Aka Mary Louise Dahl
Arkham Angel i Aka Vicky Vale/Arkham
Arkham Angel ii Aka Astrid Arkham
(New Rotterdam City Criminals)
Owlwoman i Aka Katrina Moldoff
Owlwoman ii Aka Sonia Alcana, Kathy Duquesne & Rocky Ballantine
(The Harpy's Of New Rotterdam)
Mrs. Zero Aka Nora Fries
Red Hood Aka Alexis Kaye
Black Bat Aka Francine Lee
(Justice Underground Insiders)
Black Power Aka Jefferson Pierce
Tsukuri Aka Tatsu Yamashiro
Transmuto Aka Rex Mason
Terra-Force Aka Prince Brion Markov
Model Citizen Aka Emily Briggs
Aurora Aka Gabrielle Doe
Violet created by C.O.M.P.U.T.O. 8 (Anti-Matter counter part to Indigo)
(Justice Guild)
Pinkerton Ghost Aka James Craddock
Shadow Sheriff Aka Carl Sands
Mister Black Aka Richard Swift
Matter Mage Aka Mark Mandrill
Dummy i Aka Peter Merkel
Loin-Miss l Aka Priscilla Rich
Loin-Miss ll Aka Deborah "Debbi" Domaine
Iceberg i Aka Joar Mahkent
Iceberg ii Aka Cameron Mahkent
Sportsman Aka Lawrence Crock
Pantheress Aka Paula Brooks Crock
Crusher Aka Artemis Crock
Terra-Mancer Aka Adam Fells
Warlock Aka William Zard
Music Master Aka Isaac Bowin
Brainpower i Aka Henry King Sr
Johnny Misery Aka Jonathan Sorrow
King Basilisk Aka Shiro Ito (Anti-Matter counter part to Dragon King)
Saber Aka Cindy Burman
Brainstorm i Aka Clifford DeVoe
Black Jack Aka Steven Sharpe i
Black Jack Aka Steven Sharpe ii
Roulette Aka Rebecca Sharpe
Challenger Aka Edward Clariss
Card Queen Aka Molly Mayne
Captain Thunder Aka Theo Ramses Djoser Teth-Adam
Tomestone Aka the corpse of Sheriff Cyrus Gold revived
Cival Sage (Anti-Matter counter part to Vandal Savage)
Yellow Bee (Anti-Matter counter part to Yellow Wasp)
Golden Bee (Anti-Matter counter part to Killer Wasp)
Whitebriar Rose (Anti-Matter counter part to Blackbriar Thorn)
(Crime Lodge)
Streak Aka Jay Garrick
Emerald Knight Aka Alan Scott using the Heart of Chaos
Emerald Aka Jennifer-Lynn Hayden
Oblivion Aka Todd James Rice
Johnny "Thunderer" Thunder with the power of Yz
Mad Dog i Aka Ted Grant 
Mad Dog ii Aka Yolanda Montez
Mad Dog iii Aka Tom Bronson
Bogeyman i Aka Wesley Dodds
Bogeyman ii Aka Garrett Sanford
Bogeyman iii Aka Sandy Hawkins
The Clock Aka Rex Tyler
Mr Horrific i Aka Terry Sloane
Mr Horrific ii Aka Michael Holt
Atomico Aka Grant Albert Pratt
Elemental Man i Aka William Everett, Sr.
Southwind Aka Norda Cantrell
White Cat Aka Dinah Drake
Brainpower ii Aka Henry King, Jr.
Doctor Chaos i Aka Kent Nelson
Doctor Noon i Aka Charles McNider
Doctor Noon ii Aka Elizabeth "Beth" Chapel
Commander Iron Aka Nathaniel "Nathan" Heywood
Phantom Aka Jim Corrigan possessed by Galid
Skully Aka S.K.U.L.L. AKA Pat Dugan & Cross Bones Boy Aka Sylvester Pemberton
Radion Aka Terrence Kurtzberger
Fusion Aka Fallout Aka Albert Julian Rothstein
Silver Siclone i Aka Abigail Hunkel
Twister Aka Maxine Hunkel
Spaceman i Aka Ted Knight
Spaceman ii Aka Jack Knight
Shooting Star Aka Courtney Whitmore power from Spaceman ii Aka Jack Knight's Cosmic Staff
Sky Tyrant Aka Carter Hall
Blood Wing Aka Kendra Saunders
Sister Andromeda Aka Karren Starr power from Phantom Zone Projector
(Entropy Inc.)
Emerald Aka Jennifer-Lynn Hayden
Oblivion Aka Todd James Rice
Mad Dog ii Aka Yolanda Montez
Mad Dog iii Aka Tom Bronson
Southwind Aka Norda Cantrell
Brainpower ii Aka Henry King, Jr.
Doctor Noon ii Aka Elizabeth "Beth" Chapel
Fusion Aka Fallout Aka Albert Julian Rothstein
Twister Aka Maxine Hunkel
Shooting Star Aka Courtney Whitmore power from Spaceman ii Aka Jack Knight's Cosmic Staff
(Young Offenders)
Hawkfire Aka Carrie Kelly
Olympia Aka Cassie Sandsmart
Mars Boy cloned from Alexander Luther & The Marshion Aka J'edd J'arkus (Anti-Matter counter part to Conner Kent)
Speed Freak Aka Bartholomew Henry "Bart" Allen II
Remnant grown from the blood of Reckoning Aka Emil Hamilton's mind placed in the corpse of Subject 6 (Anti-Matter counter part to Slobo)
Priestess Aka Anita Fite
Revenant Aka Greta Hayes
Miss Fire Aka Cissie King-Jones
(Teen Tyrants)
Flamebird Aka Jim Gordon Jr.
Wildfire Aka Koriand'r
Mirage Aka Tennyo Kushna Daughter of Rama Kushna & Katarou (Anti-Matter counter part to Raven)
Changling Aka Garfield Logan
Grid Aka Victor Stone R.I.P.
Geo Aka Tara Markov
Ballistic Aka Amy Sue Allen
Speed Zone Aka Wallace R. West
Riptide Aka Jackson Hyde Aka Kaldur'ahm
Red Hood Aka Owlman's Daughter Aka Arrow Queen Aka Terrible Turpin's Daughter Aka Black Beetle's Daughter Aka Thrill Devil Aka Duela Dent Undercover agent for the Justice Underground
(Young/New Syndicate)
Miss Maneater Aka M'gann M'orzz 
Tempest Aka Garth
Deadeye Aka Connor Hawke
Slipstream Aka Jesse Chambers
Mantis Aka Jamie Raynes
(Young Defenders)
Batwoman Aka Stephanie Brown
Klarion the kid Crusader
Anarky Aka Tim Drake
Toymaster iii Aka Hiro Okamura
Weather Witch Aka Joss Jackam
Black Arrow Aka Tommy Merlyn
Whitago Aka Miiyahbin Marten
Blaze Aka Keli Quintela Clonus's Effigy Gauntlet
Psi Kid Aka Sammy Stryker agent the of Psi-Ops Programme
(Young Underground)
Zero Aka Ivruskin son of Faora & Avruskin
Short Circuit Aka Julien Jourdain
Elastic Lad Aka Luke O'Brian
Amaxon Thunder Aka Aresia using Amaxon artifacts from the High Sisterhood of Hippolita Cult
Purifire Aka Aubrey Sparks power from Ignition the second Forge
Red Hood Aka Owlman's Daughter Aka Arrow Queen Aka Terrible Turpin's Daughter Aka Black Beetle's Daughter Aka Thrill Devil Aka Duela Dent Undercover agent for the Justice Underground
(The Angel's Sword)
Michael Al Malak/Wayne son of Cain
War Hound Aka Xiomara Rojas
Psionic Lass Aka Kathy Branden
Roughhouse Aka William Wu
Omega Kid Aka Reggie Meyer
Chernobog (Anti-Matter counter part to Flatline)
Brimstone (Anti-Matter counter part to Djinn)
Red Dart Aka Emiko Queen
(Teen Legion)
Apex Aka Alexander Luthor Jr.
The Whize Aka Leonard "Lenny" Luthor
Batwoman Aka Stephanie Brown
Vis Majeure Aka Penny Booker
Cruise Aka Edward "Eddie" Thawne
Selkie Aka Ruth Lauer Aka Ra'ut L'lwer
Matrix Aka Roni Evers
Bobcat Aka Samuel Ballesteros
(The Revolutionaries)
Time Keeper Aka Temple Fugate
Marauder ii Aka Rose Wilson agent of the Amerikan Military
Lightning Strike Aka Terrence Bolatinsky agent of Justice Underground
Battleaxe Aka Elise Kimble agent of Human Supremacist Movement
Disastrous Aka Angelica Smith agent of H.I.V.E.
Kid Cobra Aka Nathan Prince agent of the Ouroboros Order
(The Rebellion)
Apex Aka Alexander Luthor Jr.
Brainwave Aka Bernard "Barney" Venton
Violet created by C.O.M.P.U.T.O. 8 (Anti-Matter counter part to Indigo)
Battleaxe Aka Elise Kimble
Bestiary Aka Samuel Register
Kid Flash Aka Thaddeus Thawne
Supergirl Aka Deborah Morgna
(Rebels For Rent / The Rebels)
Marauder ii Aka Rose Wilson
Kitsune Aka Jade Nguyen
Lieutenant Lightning Aka Behrad Tarazi
Ink ii Aka Mark Richards
Bolt i Aka Crimson Archer Aka Roy Harper
Ember Aka Carla Moretti
(The Resistance)
Terminator Aka Slade Wilson the director of D.E.O. & agent of H.I.V.E.
Batwoman Aka Stephanie Brown
Red Hood Aka Owlman's Daughter Aka Arrow Queen Aka Terrible Turpin's Daughter Aka Black Beetle's Daughter Aka Thrill Devil Aka Duela Dent Undercover agent for the Justice Underground
Klarion the kid Crusader
Mar closed from The Marshion Aka J'edd J'arkus (Anti-Matter counter part to Match)
Kwiz Kid (Anti-Matter counter part to Enigma)
Ballistic Aka Amy Sue Allen
Kid Flash Aka Thaddeus Thawne
Supergirl Aka Deborah Morgna
(The Ouroboros Order)
King Cobra l Aka Sameer Park
Queen Cobra Aka Larissa Diaz
Kid Cobra Aka Nathan Prince
(Barbatos Cult)
Black Bat Aka Francine Lee
Morpheus Aka Dr. Francine Langstrom R.I.P.
(The Magic Underground)
Brother Light Aka Eldon Peck
Cinder (Anti-Matter counter part to Ember)
Dark Angel Aka Lori Zechlin
Romdur the Merciful (Anti-Matter counter part to Mordru the Merciless)
Morgan Le Fay the rightful Queen of England
Darkness Mistress Aka Sir Ystin wielding the Sword of Night
John Sargent the Spellcaster user of the Ruby of Life
Jaimini Sargent the Spellcaster user of the Ruby of Life
Night Nurse Aka Suriel possessing Alice Winter (Anti-Matter counter part to Nightmare Nurse)
Felix Throne (Anti-Matter counter part to Felix Faust)
Fauna Throne (Anti-Matter counter part to Fauna Faust)
Sebastian Throne (Anti-Matter counter part to Sebastian Faust)
(The Pentacle Pact)
J.J. Thunderer Aka Jakeem Williams with the power of Yz
Klarion the kid Crusader
Daughter 13 Aka Tracy Thirteen
Damon Arataz (Anti-Matter counter part to Zachary Zatara)
Hex Aka Ginny Hex the artefact hunter
(Human Supremacist Movement)
Cole Parker the Human Supremacist Movement founder, leader & head engineer
Battleaxe Aka Elise Kimble
(The Knighthood)
Brother Blood Aka Niccolai Tepes
The Knight Aka Natalia Mitternacht
The Slayer Aka Anton Mitternacht
Talon ii Aka Renegade Aka Jason Todd  
Superiorman "Soups" Aka Nullman ii Aka John Corben member of the Outsiders (Anti-Matter counter part to Bizzaro)
Akila runaway of The Daughters of Ares
FBI Agent Simon Baz
Ace of Spades Killer Aka Liza Warner
Long Shot Aka Jessica Cruz the globe trotting assassin
James Gordon the mob boss of all New Rotterdam City & agent of Owlman
Sister Selina Kyle of church of satanism
Steven "Shifty" Drake
the Human Target Aka Jonathan Drew
Code Name : Assassin Aka Christopher Chance
Overlord Aka Travis Morgan Amerikan defector & ruler of Skartaris
Doctor Leslie Thompkins Head of Arkham Asylum
Lucius Fox head of Wayne Industries tech division & arms dealer
Natasha Irons apprentice to Lucius Fox and employee of Wayne Industries tech division
Sin the Teenage Assassin Aka Sid Rickard (Anti-Matter counter part to Prez Rickard)
The Freak Aka Big Wheeler (Anti-Matter counter part to Brother Power)
Controller Mu leader of the Darkstars
Blackstar i R.I.P. (Anti-Matter counter part to Evil Star)
Blackstar ii Aka William Hand
Soranik Sinestro
Quanta Walker
(Ultraman Vengeance Squadron)
Mr. Abominable Aka Jimmy Olsen
Metallo Aka John Henry Irons cybernetic's powered by K-Metal
Daughter 13 Aka Tracy Thirteen
Insect Queen Aka Lana Lang & Zazzala ex owner Marcia Monroe 
Centaur clone of Jim Harper
(Cetropolis Vigilantes)
Liberator Aka Nullman i Aka Rudy Jones (Anti-Matter counter part to Bizzaro)
Cyborg Ultraman Aka Henry Henshaw ex leader of Excalibur using the modified body of Rudy Jones
Superiorman "Soups" Aka Nullman ii Aka John Corben member of the Outsiders (Anti-Matter counter part to Bizzaro)
Supernova Aka Nullman iii Aka K. Russell Abernathy powered by K-Metal (Anti-Matter counter part to Bizzaro & Nuclear Man)
Black Banshee Aka Siobhan McDougal
Dead Air Aka Leslie Willis
Phosphorus Aka Claire Selton
Atomic Knight Aka Joseph Martin created by Doctor Albert Michaels
Officer Grflznk
Warden Aka Carl Draper
Castellan Aka Carla Draper
Toymaster i Aka Winslow Schott
Toymaster ii Aka Jack Nimball
Red Hood Aka Oswald Loomis the one man Red Hood gang of Centropolis
Armory Aka Mickey DuBois powers from Alexander Luther
Reckoning Aka Emil Hamilton's mind placed in the corpse of Subject 6 (Anti-Matter counter part to Doomsday)
(Seaboard City Vigilantes)
Repulse Aka Neal Emerson
Ink i Aka Abel Tarrant
Ink ii Aka Mark Richards
Dummy i Aka Peter Merkel
Dummy ii Aka Peter Merkel, Jr.
Force Majeure Aka Paul Booker
(Midway City Vigilantes)
The Alchemist Aka Barry Allen
Tortoise (Anti-Matter counter part to Turtle)
Cival Sage (Anti-Matter counter part to Vandal Savage)
Brainstorm i Aka Clifford DeVoe
Brainstorm ii Aka Cliff Carmichael
Locust Aka Elizabeth Hersch R.I.P.
Godspeed (Anti-Matter counter part to Savitar)
Blue Flame Aka Malcolm Thawne using the Cobalt Stone
Gold Heart Aka Keith Kenyon & Silver Smith Aka Amunet Black
Anvil Aka Anthony Woodward
Prism Aka Roy G. Bivolo
Mister Element Aka Albert Desmond
Crimson Aka Frances "Francine" Kane
Blight Aka Neil Borman
(The Rogue Hunters)
Commander Cold Aka Leonard "Leo" Snart
Heat Stroke Aka Mick Rory
Weather Warlock Aka Mark Mardon
Trixer i Aka General James Jesse
Trixer ii Aka Axel Walker
Twister Aka Roscoe Dillon
Golden Guardian Aka Lisa Snart
Mirror Monarch i Aka Sergeant Sam Scudder
Mirror Monarch ii Aka Evan McCulloch
Private Piper Aka Hartley Rathaway
Commander Boomerang i Aka George "Digger" Harkness
Commander Boomerang ii Aka Eowyn "Boomer" Mercer
(Project Chase)
Hot Pursuit Aka Hunter Zolomon
Cruise Aka Edward "Eddie" Thawne
Speed Demon Aka Daniel West
(Sea Devils Aka Atlantis)
Sea King Aka Arthur Curry
Siren Lori Aka Lemaris
Barracuda Aka Orm Marius
Leviathan (Anti-Matter counter part to Lagoon Boy)
Dead Water Aka Peter Mortimer
Fisher King Aka Fisherman
Hippocampi Aka Lorena Marquez first of the Sunken
Piranha Aka Tula Marius the second in command of Orm
Weaponer-500 Hal Jordan
Weaponer-666 Kyle Rainer
(Red Hood Gang The Crimson Avengers)
Red Hood Aka Jack Napier the leader
Red Hood Aka Harleen Quinzel second in command
Red Hood Aka Alexis Kaye
Red Hood Aka Ryan Wilder
Red Hood Aka Elizabeth Kane
Red Hood Aka Dana Harlowe
Red Hood Aka Gaggy Gagsworth A. Gagsworthy
Red Hood Aka Owlman's Daughter Aka Arrow Queen Aka Terrible Turpin's Daughter Aka Black Beetle's Daughter Aka Thrill Devil Aka Duela Dent Undercover agent for the Justice Underground
(Brotherhood Of Good)
Cerebrum (Anti-Matter counter part to the Brain)
Gentleman George (Anti-Matter counter part to Monsieur Mallah)
Miss Shade Aka Laura De Mille
Gemini Aka Gemini De Mille
Port Aka Emil LaSalle
Freakout Aka Angela Hawkins 
Hemo-Goblin Aka Otto von Furth
(Salvage Squad)
Doc Aka Niles Caulder
Elongated-Doll Aka Rita Farr
Positive Man Aka Lawrence Trainor
Automan "Otto" Aka Clifford Steele
Changling Aka Garfield Logan
Plain Jane Aka Kay Challis
Worldspinner Aka Dorothy Spinner
Don the Mean Street
(Fearsome Five)
Jongleur Aka Myron Victor
Splitshot Aka William King
Lagomorph Aka Athena Tremor
Hindenburg Aka Herman Cramer
Tremor Aka Leander Brent
(League Of Light)
Ra's/Sawt Al Malak
Talie Al Malak
Cain (Anti-Matter counter part to Bane)
Black Archer Aka Malcolm Merlyn
Michael Al Malak/Wayne son of Cain
Odysseus ii Aka Maya Ducard
Bruiser Aka Colin Wilkes
(HellRaisers Decision The Satanist Church)
Brother John Constantine
Sister Sabina De La Croix
Father Midnite Aka Linton Midnite
(Order of St. Faust)
Asmodeus Aka Jean-Paul Valley, Jr.
(Metal Marauders)
Doctor William Magnus
(L.A.W. Living Assault Weapons)
W A R Warrior Weapons World Allocation Regent
Commander Steel (Anti-Matter counter part to Sargent Steel)
Armageddon Aka Timothy Zanetti
The Stranger i Aka Vic Sage
Martial Law Aka Ripley Jagger
Scarlet Scarub i Aka Dan Garrett
War Monger Aka Christopher Smith
Midnight Aka Eve Eden
(Starling City Vigilantes)
Artemis Aka Carrie Cutter
General Vertigo Aka Werner Zytle
(Queen Industries / The Bowmen)
Blue Bowman Aka Oliver Queen
Bolt i Aka Crimson Archer Aka Roy Harper
Black Siren Aka Dinah Laurel Lance first mistress of Oliver Queen
Bolt ii Aka Mia Dearden
Pandora Aka Chloe Sullivan archeologist specializing magical Amazon weaponry & second mistress of Oliver Queen
Watchtower Aka Felicity Smoak third mistress of Oliver Queen, hacker & head of Queen Industries cyber security
The Hood Aka John "The Gave Digger" Diggle head of security at Queen Industries & Agent of the Blue Bowman
(Lex Corp)
Alexander Luthor head of Lex Corp & leader of the Legion Of Justice
Ardora Luther wife to Alexander Luthor & Alien Refugee
Apex Aka Alexander Luthor Jr.
(Future Criminal)
Black Scarab Aka Lily
Rip Hunter the Time Shredder
Anachronos Aka Matthew Ryder
XLR8 Aka Jenny Ognats
(Future Vigilante)
Black Guardian ii Aka Michelle Carter
Kid Flash Aka Thaddeus Thawne
Supergirl Aka Deborah Morgna
Officer Zoom Aka Eobard Thawne
Hokus Pokus (Anti-Matter counter part to Abracadabra)
The Twin Tornadoes Aka Don Allen & Dawn Allen
(Past Vigilante)
Mister Misfortune l Aka Thaddeus Brown
El Mefisto Aka Lazarus Lane first holder of the spirit of wrath
Jonah Hex mercenary & artefact hunter
Per Degaton last of the Time Trust
(The 101)
Orca Aka Tobias Whale
Stalwart Aka Richard Hertz
(Blackguard Inc.)
Black Guardian i Aka Trixie Collins
(H.I.V.E Aka Hierarchy for International Virtuous Empowerment)
Geo Aka Tara Markov
Terminator Aka Slade Wilson the director of D.E.O. & agent of H.I.V.E.
Marauder i Aka Grant Wilson R.I.P.
Major Disaster Aka Michael Beldon
Properium (Anti-Matter counter part to Protex)
A-Ternal (Anti-Matter counter part to A-Mortal)
Armakine (Anti-Matter counter part to Armek)
Morphxus (Anti-Matter counter part to Fluxus)
Primeve (Anti-Matter counter part to Primaid)
Ironix (Anti-Matter counter part to Tronix)
Xentury (Anti-Matter counter part to Zenturion)
Shüt (Anti-Matter counter part to ZüM)
Kingdom Aka Jackson Hawk
Jen Volt
The Maker Aka Dr. Angela Spica
Raptor Aka Shen Li-Men
Phoebus & Nightfall (Anti-Matter counter part to Apollo & Midnighter)
The Shaman Aka Jeroen Thornedike
Eradicator Aka Vera Lynn Black
United Jack Aka Manchester Black
Vulcan Aka Nathan Craig Jones
Chimera Aka Pamela
The Dragon Aka Rampotatek
(Amerikan Military)
Major Trouble Aka Joseph Jones
Agent Chain Aka Benjamin Lockwood of Children of Chains
Commander Hector Hammond the head of the Psi-Ops Programme
Terminator Aka Slade Wilson the director of D.E.O. & agent of H.I.V.E.
Shepherd Aka Joseph Wilson agent of the Psi-Ops Programme
Psi Kid Aka Sammy Stryker agent the of Psi-Ops Programme
Pilgrim Aka Steve Trevor
Amanda Waller Director of the Ghost Initiative
Genral Nathaniel Christopher Adam head of the Armageddon Project
Major General Clifford Zmeck husband to Helen Zanetti & the onsite head the Armageddon Project
Lieutenant Katherine "Kate" Rebecca Kane agent of Project M & head of the Creeps Company
(The Armageddon Project)
Armageddon Aka Timothy Zanetti
Onslaught Aka Max Thrane
Genral Nathaniel Christopher Adam head of the Armageddon Project
Major General Clifford Zmeck husband to Helen Zanetti & the onsite head the Armageddon Project
(Project M "Monstrosity" / Creeps Company)
Lieutenant Katherine "Kate" Rebecca Kane agent of Project M & head of the Creeps Company
Lady Frankenstein Aka Bride of Frankenstein
Anthony "Lupine" Lupus
Andrew "Bloody Bennett" Bennett
Kha-Ef-Re the Sun "Sunny" King
(The Green)
Venus Aka Pamela Lillian Isley
Swamp King Aka Alexander Olsen
(Order Of Andromeda)
Sister Andromeda Aka Karren Starr power from Phantom Zone Projector
Valor Guard Aka Tanya Spears power from Alpha Centurion armour
The Andromeda Madonna Aka Ultrawoman Aka Dana Dearden
(The Republic Of Kahndaq)
Captain Thunder Aka Theo Ramses Djoser Teth-Adam
Lieutenant Lightning Aka Behrad Tarazi
Sargent Storm Aka Zari Adrianna Tomaz
(Overlords Of Oha)
The Interceptors (Anti-Matter counter part to The Manhunters)
Interceptors Highmistress Aka Alpha (Anti-Matter counter part to Aya)
(High Priestess Of Zamaron)
The Unseen Lantern Corps (Anti-Matter counter part to Ultra Violet & Dark Lantern)
Infrared Aka Carol Ferris
Atrocitus The Unseen Lantern
Lyssan Drak holder of the book of Unseen Light
(Cosmic Citizens)
Star Taxie Aka Rokko
Infinitus the Multi-Alien Aka Sojourner "Jo" Mullein
Princess Neila (Anti-Matter counter part to Maxima)
Starro the unifier
Saint Walker failed prophet of the Astonia star doomsday cult & harold to Starro
C.O.M.P.U.T.O. (Civilizations Oncoming Meltdown Preservation Universal Transport Operator) hosted by Vril Dox
Hyperiex (Anti-Matter counter part to Imperiex)
Maximilian Lord Ex Attorney for the Crime Syndicate (Anti-Matter counter part to Maxwell Lord)
S@v0ur (Anti-Matter counter part to Kilg%re)
Terror Twins Shifter Aka Jayna & Downpour Aka Zan
Long Shadow Aka Holling Longshadow
Surge (Anti-Matter counter part to Black Vulcan)
Wind Dragon Aka Toshio Eto
(Happy "Hellion" Harbour)
Lucas "Snapper" Carr leader of the Snappers Street Gang
(Rings Of The Emotional Spectrum)
Raga holder of the Red ring of Furry
Yalan Gur holder of the Orange ring of Gluttony
Arisia holder of the Pink ring of Passion
Thaal Sinestro holder of the Yellow ring of Terror
Mongul holder of the Blue ring of Faith
Empero holder of the Indigo ring of Empathy (Anti-Matter counter part to Despero)
Power Ring Aka John Stewart holder of the Green ring of Resolve
(Sivana Squad)
Cabi The First Aka Cononel Thaddeus Sivana (Anti-Matter counter part to Ibac the First)
Major Magnificus Sivana grow up on Siegmund Krieger's miracle food
Captain Beautia Sivana holder of the Cloak of Darkness
General Georgia Sivana co creator & pilot for the Miss Atom Armour (Anti-Matter counter part to Mr. Atom)
Cabbas Aka Sargent Thaddeus Sivana, Jr. (Anti-Matter counter part to Sabbac)
Super-Humanite Aka Gerard Shugel's mind placed in the boy of an Albino Gorilla
Reckoning Aka Emil Hamilton's mind placed in the corpse of Subject 6 (Anti-Matter counter part to Doomsday)
Snow Queen Aka Delores Winters's mind placed in the boy of Ice Queen Aka Sigrid Nansen R.I.P.
Samson Aka Xavier Simon's mind placed in the boy of a Sivlerback Gorilla
Powerman Aka Morgan Wilde's mind placed in the boy of an Ultraman android
(H.I.V.E. Five)
Commando Aka Simon Jones ex agent of the Psi-Ops Programme
Mastodon Aka Baran Flinders
Glimmer Aka Selinda Flinders
Bless (Anti-Matter counter part to Jinx)
Gadget Aka Mikron O'Jeneus
(Amaxons of Demon Island)
Diana Prince Queen of Demon Island
Hippolita ex queen, lover of Hades & the pact maker of Demon Island
(Amaxons of κόρες του είναι Aka daughters of Ares)
Antiope first Queen of daughters of ares, the pact breaker and first of the daughter of Arse
Requiem Aka Artemis the Shim'Tar of the daughters of Ares wielder of the Bow of Arse
Akila runaway of The Daughters of Ares
(Alexander Luthor's Test Animal)
Neutro the Ultra-Dog (Anti-Matter counter part to Krypto the Super-Dog)
Hadro the Ultra-Horse (Anti-Matter counter part to Comet the Super-Horse)
Proto the Ultra-Ape (Anti-Matter counter part to Beppo the Super-Ape)
Electro the Ultra-Cat (Anti-Matter counter part to Streaky the Super-Cat)
Negatro the Ultra-Mouse (Anti-Matter counter part to Krypto Mouse)
(Galaxy Communications)
Cat Grant head of GCN
(Checkmate Crewe)
Black King Aka Joseph Carny
White Queen Aka Mona Taylor
Black Bishop (Anti-Matter counter part to Jack of Spades)
Black Knight Aka Wanda Wayland 
White Rook Aka Derek Reston maker of the Rook Armour
(The MAZAHS's Family)
Mistress MAZAHS Aka Lena Luthor
Champion "Champ" Aka Otis Graves
The Whize Aka Leonard "Lenny" Luthor
Ignatius the pet iguana & dragon
(The Wizard MAZAHS's Militia)
The Wizard MAZAHS Aka Mamaragan
MAZAHS Aka William "Will" Batson R.I.P.
MAZAHS Jr. Aka Freddy Freeman R.I.P.
Mary MAZAHS Aka Mary Mayhem Aka Mary Bromfield
Darla Dudley R.I.P.
Eugene Choi R.I.P.
Pedro Peña R.I.P.
Dudley H. Dudley R.I.P. ex head of the Bad News Boys pick pockets
Tawny Tiger the ally cat & tiger
(Wet Works / The Horned Corporation)
Hadrian Aka Yohn Kohl
Sister Cyber Aka Maxine Manchester
Devotee Aka Lady Zannah
Razorback Aka Reno Bryce
Black Magic Aka Priscilla Kitaen
Mangaler Aka Jeremy Stone
Code Red Aka Cole Cash
Scourge Aka Marc Slayton
Rhamnusia Aka Lady Charis of the Adrastea
O.M.A. One Man Army (Anti-Matter counter part to O.M.A.C & T.A.O)
Slaughter Aka Kenesha
Mister Massacre Aka James Bronson Aka Massacros of Khera
Legend (Anti-Matter counter part to Mythos)
Black Zero derived from Experiment B 0 Aka Null Woman Aka Adrianna Tereshkova (Anti-Matter counter part to Void & Bizarro Girl)
(Team 6)
Terminator Aka Slade Wilson the director of D.E.O. & agent of H.I.V.E.
Amanda Waller
Pilgrim Aka Steve Trevor
John Lynch
Code Red Aka Cole Cash
Jackhammer Aka Alexander Fairchild
Henry Bendix Director of The Weathermen & bonded with the Void entity
Celsius Aka Lauren Pennington
Prima Donna Aka Isabella Fermi
Heaven Sent Aka Nigel Keane
Gashadokuro Aka Toshiro Misawa
Brumal Aka Nikolas Andreyvitch Kamarov
(Ghost Initiative /Ghost Patrol)
Amanda Waller Director of the Ghost Initiative
Colonel Richard Flag, Jr.
Red Hood Aka Harleen Quinzel
Live Fire Aka Floyd Lawton
Man-Shark Aka Nanaue
Commander Boomerang i Aka George "Digger" Harkness
(The Huntresses)
Overwatch Aka Barbara Gordon
Richard "The Gray Ghost" Grayson top assassin of mob boss James Gorden
Black Siren Aka Dinah Laurel Lance
Talon iiii Aka Furry Aka Helena Bertinelli/Wayne
Condor ii Aka Dawn Granger & Swan ii Aka Holly Granger
Madame Black Mask ii Aka Zinda Blake
(Unalloyed Criminals)
The Marshion Aka J'edd J'arkus R.I.P.
Streak Aka Barry Allen the one man the Crime Syndicate couldn't catch
Condor i Aka Donald Hall & Swan i Aka Hank Hall
(Black Mask Squadron)
Black Mask Aka Bartholomew "Bart" Hawk
Andre Blanc-Dumont
Carlo "Chuck" Siriani
Madame Black i Aka Natalie Reed
Olaf Friedriksen
Ritter Hendricksen
Stanislaus Drozdowski
Weng Chan
(The Movement)
Commodore Murphy
Cecilia "Cece" Sunbeam
J.P. Houston
Lucia Lynn Houston
Mohammed Qahtanii
(Pokolistan Military)
Zed Aka Avruskin
Faora Right hand woman to Zed Aka Avruskin
Zero Aka Ivruskin son of Faora & Avruskin
Short Circuit Aka Julien Jourdain
7 notes · View notes
dalekofchaos · 1 year
Gunnverse Batman fancast
Fancast for James Gunn’s DCU/Batman!
DCEU recast
Burtonverse Recast
90′s Justice League
Reevesverse Batman
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Green Lantern
Justice League
Green Arrow
Teen Titans
Suicide Squad
Justice League Dark
Batman Beyond
The Dark Knight Returns
Telltale’s Batman
Legion Of Doom
Birds Of Prey
Jensen Ackles as Batman/Bruce Wayne
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Peter Capaldi as Alfred Pennyworth
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Jon Hamm as Thomas Wayne
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Lena Headley as Martha Wayne
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Courtney B. Vance as Lucius Fox
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Laura Dern as Dr Leslie Thompkins
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Bryan Cranston as James Gordon
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David Harbour as Harvey Bullock
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Stephanie Beatriz as Renee Montoya
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Bill Hader as Jack Ryder/The Creeper
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Jodie Comer as Vicki Vale
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Jesús Castro as Nightwing/Dick Grayson
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Kiera Allen as Oracle/Barbara Gordon
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Dacre Montgomery as Red Hood/Jason Todd
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Lucas Jade Zumann as Red Robin/Tim Drake
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Kristen Stewart as Batwoman/Kate Kane
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Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Huntress/Helena Bertinelli
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Riley Lai Nelet as Batgirl/Cassandra Cain
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Mckenna Grace as Spoiler/Stephanie Brown
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Izaac Wang as Robin/Damian Wayne
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John Boyega as Batwing/Luke Fox
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Caleb McLaughlin as Duke Thomas/The Signal
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Alexander Ludwig as Azrael/Jean Paul Valley
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Michael B Jordan as Azrael/Michael Lane
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Ana De Armas as Catwoman/Selina Kyle
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Brian Cox as Commissioner Gillian Loeb
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Sam Witwer as Captain Howard Brandon
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Michael Weatherly as Detective Arnold Flass
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Robert De Niro as Carmine Falcone
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Gina Mantegna as Sofia Falcone
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David Dastmalchian as Alberto Falcone
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James Carpinello as Mario Falcone
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Al Pacino as Sal Maroni
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John Goodman as Rupert Thorne
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Michael Imperioli as Anthony Zucco
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Willem Dafoe as The Joker
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Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn
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David Tennant as The Riddler/Edward Nygma
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Alfred Molina as The Penguin/Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot
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Oscar Isaac as Two-Face/Harvey Dent
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Giancarlo Esposito as Mr Freeze/Victor Fries
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Viggo Mortensen as Black Mask/Roman Sionis
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Jane Levy as Andrea Beaumont/The Phantasm
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Adam Driver as Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane
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Kevin Grevioux as Killer Croc
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Laz Alonso as Bane
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Doug Jones as Man-Bat/Kirk Langstrom
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Peter Stormare as Clayface/Basil Karlo
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Toby Jones as Mad Hatter/Jervis Tetch
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John Lithgow as The Ventriloquist/Arnold Wesker
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Natalie Dormer as The Ventriloquist II/Peyton Riley
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Dohmnall Gleeson as Hush/Thomas Elliot
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Raul Esparza as Hugo Strange
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Anya Taylor-Joy as Poison Ivy
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Pedro Pascal as Deadshot/Floyd Lawton
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Frank Grillo as Deathstroke/Slade Wilson
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Finn Wittrock as Talon/William Cobb
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Karl Urban as Owlman/Thomas Wayne Jr
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Stephen Fry as Professor Pyg
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Stephen Lang as David Cain
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Daniel Radcliffe as Anarky
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Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Cluemaster
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Keanu Reeves as Prometheus
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Ming-Na Wen as Lady Shiva
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Ghassan Massoud as Ra’s Al Ghul
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Nadine Njeim as Talia Al Ghul
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Yasmine Al Massri as Nyssa Al Ghul
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Michael Fassbender as Dr Simon Hurt
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Kat Graham as Jezebel Jet/Black Glove
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Christian Bale as The Batman Who Laughs
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47 notes · View notes
wolfgabe · 16 days
Astro Bot VIP list Nintendo Edition
Been watching gameplay of Astro Bot on PS5 and now I want to see Nintendo make their own celebration game that is filled with Nintendo character cameos complete with deep cut nods
Super Mario VIPs
Captain Toad
Bowser Jr
Koopa Troopa
Foreman Spike
Eggplant Man
Paper Mario
Legend of Zelda VIPs
Skull Kid
Guardian Stalker
King of Red Lions
Happy Mask Salesman
Fierce Diety
Donkey Kong VIPs
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Cranky Kong
Funky Kong
Dixie Kong
Kiddie Kong
King K Rool
Metroid VIPs
Zero Suit Samus
Dark Samus
Mother Brain
Raven Beak
Adam Malkovich
Xenoblade Series VIPs
Animal Crossing VIPs
Tom Nook
Tommy and Timmy Nook
Mr Resetti
Crazy Redd
Villager (Male)
Villager (Female)
KK Slider
Splatoon VIPs
Inkling Boy
Inkling Girl
Big Man
DJ Octavio
Mr Grizz
Captain Cuttlefish
Lil Judd
Fire Emblem VIPs
Kirby VIPs
King Dedede
Meta Knight
Bandana Waddle Dee
Whispy Woods
Queen Sectonia
President Haltmann
Three Mage Sisters
Pokemon VIPs
Pokemon Trainer
Detective Pikachu
Star Fox VIPs
Peppy Hare
Slippy Toad
General Pepper
Prince Tricky
Earthbound/MOTHER VIPs
Mr Saturn
F-Zero VIPs
Captain Falcon
Samurai Goro
Dr Stewart
Black Shadow
Blood Falcon
Kid Icarus VIPs
Dark Pit
Super Smash Bros series VIPs
Master Hand
Crazy Hand
Fighting Polygon
Fighting Wire Frame
Alloy Fighter
Ancient Minister
Pikmin VIPs
The President
Red Pikmin
Blue Pikmin
Yellow Pikmin
Purple Pikmin
White Pikmin
Winged Pikmin
Rock Pikmin
Ice Pikmin
Glow Pikmin
NES/Famicom era VIPs
Excitebike Racer
Hockey Player
Volleyball Player
Baseball Player
Ice Climbers
Ayumi Tachibana
Duck Hunt Dog
Balloon Fighter
Professor Hector
Urban Champion Fighter
Mach Rider
Famicom Wars Soldier
Punch Out!! VIPs
Little Mac
Doc Louis
Glass Joe
King Hippo
Bald Bull
Don Flamenco
Mr Dream
Spring Man
Ribbon Girl
Min Min
Max Brass
Dr Coyle
Other VIPs
Ashley Robbins
Mr Game and Watch
Tethu from Ever Oasis
Wii Fit Trainer
Dr Wright
X Commander
Sable Prince
F-Type Car
Ray Mk III
Isacc from Golden Sun
Moe the Clam
Karate Joe
Chorus Kids
Cubivore Pig
Chibi Robo
Dr Kawashima
Elite Beat Agents
Captain Rainbow
Jill from Drill Dozer
Arcade Bunny from Nintendo Badge Arcade
Third Party VIPs
Sonic the Hedgehog
Billy Hatcher
Jason from Blaster Master
Simon Belmont
Mega Man
Commander Video
Shovel Knight
Wonder Red
Wonder Blue
Galaga Ship
Mega Man
Banjo and Kazooie
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uhuhuh how has sprites design changed and developed over the course of his story? same with beedrill and mari
Ohhhh thank you so much for this RAHH!!
So- sprite is actually two concepts (with two different designs) who got reversed mitosised into one guy, one was a self insert oc from my first full playthrough of pokemon crystal and one was a gym leader oc.
I'm not sharing old art of sprite because honestly looking at anything I've done more than a month ago makes me cringe however- I did an approxmation of "sprites" first design with some fun facts.
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Also yes his '!' shirt used to look like that. I actually changed sprites colour scheme because I showed my friend some art and they were like "omg like mcdonalds sprite. is that why hes in the mcdonalds colours." . mortifying. changed immedaitly after.
I dont think I got it across in this version at all but gym leader sprite was supposed to be a punk and had a full patch jacket and stuff.
A lot of sprites design was really open to change when I first started the account, his hair would vary from being over one eye to being over both- his scars would move around since i forgot to make a ref. A lot of stuff just solidified over time the more I drew him the more I figured him out <3. The more I rp'ed as him, the more he became his own character and I got a sense for his likes and dislikes and it impacted his design.
Now drawing him is super duper ingrained into my head and whenever I open a new canvas there is always one of these guys
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He also used to have upturned ears, not much to say on those, other than i liked the downturned look more, and changed it in november of last year.
He also kept the blue in his hair after him running away and attempting to dye his hair blue in an effort to disguse himself. He's kept it in the tips since for reasons that he can't explain .
Onto Beedrill! (did some doodles of his old design)
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His design changes are really recent because at the start he just wasn't- interesting y'know. just some blonde dude.
But also BD was also first known for sending people meme shirts via pelipper mail so he didnt really need to be more than that. I think the googles and staff helped a little (speaking of which, looking at maybe giving him his staff back sometime)
As his storys become more relevant, I've needed to spice up his design, which I'm happy I did with the funky pokemon esque hair. The fox mask also helps him seem more interesting, but him wearing it isn't common enough to count.
I'm currently doing a redesign of his prosethic finger and another part of his design which i'm excited to share once i'm done.
Now mari!
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Not much to say with her old design, her clothes and such were picked out my maris creator and cowriter, and she was supposed to look put together yet ready to fall apart at any moment. She was a real villian, but I've never been unhappy with her design and how it's reflected her personality.
I did like how in maris first apperance, lucians (her bayleefs) leaf was completely seared off along with having severe burns on its body, but by the time she got her blog it was full again as mari has saved up to get a coleus plant implant to regrow the leaf, along with the scars on him fading from her use of burn cream she was sent.
Thank you so much for asking, sorry for rambling haha !!
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ndnprct3 · 19 days
Mashup of Remix 10 from Rhythm Heaven Fever!
Video (This mashup with visuals)
Full album: Just OK [Part 3] Bandcamp (You can hear all of these bits as a standalone mashup, and more.) Soundcloud (If you want the tracks to bleed into each other) Video (Above, but with visuals)
Song list under the cut!
Masami Yone, Shinji Ushiroda, Asuka Ito (Rhythm Heaven Fever) - Remix 10 Talking Heads - Psycho Killer Hail Mary Mallon - Breakdance Beach NOMA - Brain Power Maroon 5 - Misery TheFatRat (ft. Laura Brehm) - MAYDAY Tears For Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule The World DNCE - Cake By The Ocean Fountains of Wayne - Stacy's Mom Foo Fighters - The Pretender WALK THE MOON - Shut Up and Dance Liz Gillies & Victoria Justice - Take a Hint Weezer - Say It Ain't So B.o.B. (ft. Hayley Williams) - Airplanes Panic! At The Disco - High Hopes Gotye (ft. Kimba) - Somebody I Used to Know One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful The Offspring - Pretty Fly (For a White Guy) Marianas Trench - Celebrity Status Silva Hound - Addict P!nk - So What Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams FAttY SPiNS - Doin' Your Mom Silentó - Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae) Owl City & Carly Ray Jepsen - Good Time Death Grips - Takyon K/DA - POP/STARS Taylor Swift - Shake It Off INABAKUMORI - Lagtrain Limp Bizkit (ft. DMX, Method Man, & Redman) - Rollin' (Urban Assault Vehicle) Dream - Mask Toby Fox - Megalovania
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bestanimatedmovie · 2 months
Revenge of the Underrated, Round 3!
Round 1, Round 2
We're saying goodbye to second time losers! Our loser's bracket this round starts from match 20, for a total of 55 matches this round! We still have a long way to go xD
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Luca vs Mary and Max
2. The Bad Guys vs Loving Vincent
3. Pocahontas vs Hercules
4. Cats don't Dance vs The Little Mermaid
5. An American Tail: Fievel Goes West vs Paprika
6. The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning vs Wendell and Wild
7. Ice Age vs The Hunchback of Notre Dame
8. Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs vs Rock and Rule
9. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm vs The Wind Rises
10. Tarzan vs Robots
11. Monsters vs Aliens vs Robin Hood
12. The Case of Hana and Alice vs One Piece: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
13. Samurai Jack: The Premiere Movie vs Lupin III: The First
14. The Fox and the Hound vs The Three Caballeros
15. When Marnie was Here vs Akira
16. The Cat Returns vs The Swan Princess
17. Porco Rosso vs Rio
18. The Lego Batman Movie vs The Aristocats
19. James and the Giant Peach vs Castle in the Sky vs Over the Hedge
20. Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius vs Ballerina
21. Redline vs Tiger and Bunny: The Rising
22. Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland vs Miss Hokusai
23. Epic vs Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 1
24. Bartok the Magnificent vs The Girl Without Hands
25. Night on the Galactic Railroad vs The Twelve Tasks of Asterix
26. The Rabbi's Cat vs Anomalisa
27. Barbie as Rapunzel vs Felidae
28. Pippi Longstocking vs It's Such a Beautiful Day
29. When the Wind Blows vs Pokemon Heroes
30. Summer Wars vs Sing 2
31. The Black Cauldron vs The Plague Dogs
32. The Red Turtlevs Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
33. Once Upon a Forest vs Strange Magic
34. Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer vs Azur and Asmar: The Prince's Quest
35. Arthur Christmas vs Mad God
36. Barbie of Swan Lake vs Titan A.E.
37. Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole vs The Adventures of Mark Twain
38. Pokemon: The Movie 2000 vs Sleeping Beauty
39. Arthur and the Invisibles vs Zootopia
40. Barbie as the Island Princess vs The Twelve Months
41. Mind Game vs Phineas and Ferb: The Movie: Candace Against the Universe
42. The Flight of Dragons vs Revue Starlight: The Movie
43. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children vs Long Way North
44. Scooby-Doo! and the Cyber Chase vs Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
45. Book Girl vs My Life as a Zucchini
46. Pokemon the Movie: The Power of Us vs Minions: The Rise of Gru
47. The Pebble and the Penguin vs Princes and Princesses
48. Ico, the Brave Horse vs A Letter to Momo
49. Robot Carnival vs The Wild Thornberrys Movie
50. The Snow Queen vs The Boy who Wanted to be a Bear
51. Early Man vs Belladonna of Sadness
52. Nocturna vs Patema Inverted
53. Next Gen vs Asterix: The Mansions of the Gods
54. Thumbelina vs Rainbow Magic: Return to Rainspell Island
55. Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie vs Charlotte's Web (1973)
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livingasaghost · 1 month
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okay @permanentreverie did this in honor of book lovers day (aug 9) so here i am being obnoxious and sorting my favorite books based on genres bc i'm procrastinating editing
put it under read more because i'm annoying and this is longer than i thought it'd be ahjflksd
les miserables by victor hugo
1984 by george orwell
a midsummer night's dream by william shakespeare
hamlet by william shakespeare
the crucible by arthur miller
the great gatsby by f scott fitzgerald
contemporary romances:
red white and royal blue by casey mcquiston
with you forever by chloe liese
everything for you by chloe liese
beach read by emily henry
happy place by emily henry
a very merry bromance by lyssa kay adams
crazy stupid bromance by lyssa kay adams
love, theoretically by ali hazelwood
the love hypothesis by ali hazelwood
not in love by ali hazelwood
let's talk about love by claire kann
roomies by christina lauren
the hating game by sally thorne
tower of dawn by sarah j maas
kingdom of ash by sarah j maas
a court of mist and fury by sarah j maas
a court of silver flames by sarah j maas
the starless sea by erin morgenstern
a storm of swords by george r.r. martin
a feast for crows by george r.r. martin
wizard's first rule by terry goodkind
temple of the winds by terry goodkind
prince's gambit by c.s. pacat
kings rising by c.s. pacat
a discovery of witches by deborah harkness
jade legacy by fonda lee
the dragon republic by r.f. kuang
babel by r.f. kuang
every heart a doorway by seanan mcguire
the magician's nephew by c.s. lewis
priory of the orange tree by samantha shannon
strange the dreamer by laini taylor
the host by stephenie meyer
nona the ninth by tamsyn muir
graphic novels / comics:
monstress by marjorie liu & sana takeda
check please by ngozi ukazu
the boy the mole the fox and the horse by charlie mackesy
heartstopper by alice oseman
lore olympus by rachel smythe
fence by c.s. pacat & johanna the mad
heart of gold by eliot baum & viv tanner
the prince & the dressmaker by jen wang
historical fiction:
cloud cuckoo land by anthony doerr
the book thief by markus zusak
literary fiction:
evenings & weekends by oisín mckenna
henry henry by allen bratton
a little life by hanya yanagihara
piranesi by suzanna clarke
malibu rising by taylor jenkins reid
if we were villains by m.l. rio
the invisible life of addie larue by v.e. schwab
real life by brandon taylor
s by doug dorst
house of leaves by mark z danielewski
imaginary friend by stephen chbosky
night film by marisha pessl
don't let the forest in by c.g. drews
middle grade:
magyk by angie sage
a kind of spark by elle mcnicoll
sir callie and the champions of helston by esme symes-smith
holes by louis sachar
the mighty heart of sunny st james by ashley herring blake
new adult:
loveless by alice oseman
obsidian by jennifer l armentrout
masters of death by olivie blake
alone with you in the ether by olivie blake
angelfall by susan ee
the sunshine court by nora sakavic
the king's men by nora sakavic
vicious by v.e. schwab
queenie by candice carty-williams
hell bent by leigh bardugo
into the wild by john krakauer
it was vulgar and it was beautiful by jack lowery
the last lecture by randy pausch
what i want to talk about by pete wharmby
furiously happy by jenny lawson
ace by angela chen
blood sweat and chrome by kyle buchanan
refusing compulsory sexuality by sherronda j brown
the great divorce by c.s. lewis
the cancer journals by audre lorde
the dark interval by rilke
inverse cowgirl by alicia roth weigel
translated works:
the memory police by yōko ogawa
vita nostra by marina dyachenko
the strange library by haruki murakami
young adult:
the mask falling by samantha shannon
check & mate by ali hazelwood
i was born for this by alice oseman
the hunger games by suzanne collins
just listen by sarah dessen
ignite me by tahereh mafi
the unexpected everything by morgan matson
save the date by morgan matson
tash hearts tolstoy by kathryn ormsbee
neverworld wake by marisha pessl
the spirit bares its teeth by andrew joseph white
compound fracture by andrew joseph white
the wicked king by holly black
short story collections:
the tangleroot palace by marjorie liu
what is not your is not yours by helen oyeyemi
the late americans by brandon taylor
filthy animals by brandon taylor
seven empty houses by samanta schweblin
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