#maybe it’s the somewhat androgynous look he has
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i want him carnally but i also want his gender. hope that helps
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hyperfixat · 4 months
part three wooowooo this is like. half rushed. urgh. i want to get to the good part already but that can’t happen until i establish a world that it can happen in. she is a bit short this time around, uh i don’t have an excuse, bcs this is probably my least fav location/character bunch ☹️ i still like them but its a bit flat whatever just read it if u want
shortest chap. yet… 2.5k> words… [melts] on the bright side this ‘book’ or ‘series of events’ ..whatever has over 10k words now!!
< prev .. next >
** Written
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** Written PRE 1.6 – Any mentions of new characters is pure speculation and or headcanons.
“I guess we have to talk to Ms Herta now,” Caelus sighs.
Part of you wonders why Caelus is so intimidated by Herta’s puppets. Maybe he has Pediophobia or something? The other part of you is intimidated at the prospect of meeting the eighty-third member of the Genius Society.
“I’m sure Herta will provide us with valuable insight regarding,” Welt says your name, “situation.”
Dan Heng has his nose buried into his phone screen, the dim light from the screen lights his face up, highlighting the planes as his eyes flicker from side to side as he reads. March slides into the spot next to him and you, grabbing for the half full coffee pot at the table.
“Ugh, how long till the warp jump?” March’s voice is grouchy as she stirs in a pod of creamer to her cute Pompom mug. She sways in her spot a little and her hand pauses for a second before she comes back to herself.
Dan Heng doesn’t look up, “two hours.” March lets out a dramatically anguished moan.
You had spent the night in Himeko’s room, it’s cozy and elegant like a hotel room. It’s the best way you think to describe it; beautifully decorated and clean, yet lived in. She let you share the bed with her and borrow a night shirt – after the day on the Lofou your lack of clothes was quite distressing. You were stinky and smelly from a busy day, and in desperate need of a shower and Himeko was your saving grace.
The ship stopping at Herta’s Space Station is useful regarding your (lack of) clothes, seeing as there should be plenty of regulation uniforms for you to wear until you accumulate a wardrobe of your own. (Luckily Caelus being an androgynous inhuman, somewhat recently synthesized being had a clean pack of proper undergarments for you to have.)
You had taken your retreat from Himeko’s room when she started brewing her (in)famous coffee.
Caelus puts their head in their hands, fingertips grasping at the gray strands loosely.
“Why are you so… scared, intimidated by Herta?” you breach their stupor, making them offer you a weak smile.
“I’m not scared of her per say, but she can be so brash, and I never know if I’m talking to an active puppet,” they sigh, “seriously she has so many puppets all over the station that it’s creepy like one per room. She does not need that many. It’s just that she’s hard to deal with sometimes, all geniuses are I’m told.”
Taking a deep gulp from her mug, March smacks her lips, “with you with us, I’m sure Herta will give us the time of day.” She smiles at you, still sleepy.
You aren’t sure what to make of Herta Space Station when the Astral Express arrives, the tracks are almost deserted save for a few spare workers. March hooks her arm around yours as your group traverses the grand place. There are some nearly deserted hallways that echo your footsteps, where the lights flicker and the only sound is your collective’s walking; just as there are some that are beyond packed, making you shrink into the center of the group, away from all the new sounds, scents, and people.
Sometimes you come across a Herta doll, prompting one of you to walk up and attempt to initiate a conversation with her, before walking off when she doesn’t react, idly staring blankly. It gives you the time to appreciate the craftsmanship Ms Herta put into the puppets. Their eyes are unlike any dolleyes that you saw on Earth, the glassy sheen over them glowing faintly. The joints look sturdy, as in some of the crowded rooms you saw some staff bump into her with decent force, making no movement from the collision.
“I guess we go to the room for the Simulated Universe testing,” Caelus suggests.
“Sounds good,” Welt affirms.
You wonder why you aren’t using any waypoints, maybe it was simply a game mechanic? You did see a Space Anchor when you were getting off the train….
The guards see Caelus approaching and tap on their wristbands simultaneously and the door’s to the testing room open up.
Herta’s eyes track over you and the other passengers, “I take it you’re not here to test the Simulated Universe?”
“No, not right now. Actually we came here because we thought you might be able to provide some insight to our situation right now. Besides, it concerns you as well.”
“Oh, and your strange guest? I take it they’re the center of this situation.” Herta stares straight into your soul with those doll eyes, making you shift behind Welt a little further. “Get on with it, don’t waste my time.”
“Wait!” March jumps in, “we need to gather a few more people!”
Herta sighs and her doll does an almost eye roll. “I’ll be here, or just get whatever doll is closest.” She sounds exasperated.
Asta is the easiest to find, not too far from Herta’s testing room. She’s standing where you usually find her in-game, looking at her phone, texting someone. She looks up when your group approaches her, giving you all an inviting smile.
“Hey there, trailblazers! Anything I can help you with?”
Her hair is really pretty, you note, the braid is tight against her scalp and it looks like she puts a lot of care into maintaining her look. You decide to subtly move away from the back of the group to stand next to Dan Heng and Caelus as they talk to her, explaining that she should follow them for an important meeting.
“Oh, and who’s this? I don’t think we’ve met before. Hi, I’m Asta, lead researcher here at the Herta Space Station.” Asta thrusts her hand forward for you to take, you do, introducing yourself in turn. “It’s lovely to meet you. Will you be a part of this meeting as well?”
“They will.” Dan Heng nods, corralling Asta into your party to head off to search for the next and final person, Arlan. “Do you know where Arlan is right now Ms Asta, he’s the last one that will be joining us.”
“Hm, I think he was talking with Adler, something about a missing Wubbaboo?”
“That kid…,” Caelus mutters under his breath, though it sounds more fond than annoyed, like one would talk about an annoying little sibling.
It takes a while to catch Arlan, you all find him coming out of the elevator on the second layer of the storage zone, close to where you first arrived. You convince him to join you and set off to look for one of Herta’s puppets to talk to.
“Hello? Helloooo?” March 7th waves her hand back and forth in front of the doll’s face and huffs when it doesn't react. Just when she's about to give up the doll jolts and Herta’s voice comes out of the voice box.
“I’m here. I’m here, what is it?”
“Asta, Arlan, you might want to sit down,” Dan Heng suggests kindly. “It might be a bit shocking.”
“Hm?” Asta tilts her head, eyes carefully decoding the emotion on his face, before taking the initiative to lean against the wall.
“Don’t say we didn’t warn you~!” March laughs, before Welt and Himeko bring the proper air of authority to the situation and begin helping you explain that they’re video game characters, you don’t belong here, and may need their help to get back home. At some point Herta’s doll stops its idle motions, but the light behind the eyes shows she’s still there, listening.
Arlan desperately looks at Asta, then you, then Caelus, as if at any moment you’ll all start laughing about how he definitely believed you for a moment. When that moment doesn’t come he takes a place with his back against the wall next to his pink haired superior.
There’s a block of quiet as they all process the bomb you’ve dropped on them, before Herta cuts into it, saying your name. “I’d like to speak with you, in person. Not now, I’ll have Caelus schedule it, but I may be able to offer some… wisdom.”
“Oh, that’s much appreciated, Ms Herta. Thank you,” you nod at her.
“Don’t be thanking me yet,” and at the mildly ominous words she promptly goes offline.
Hm. That’s not exactly reassuring, but it could always have been worse.
With the whole conversation thing done and dusted for everyone on the spaceship, you take a lone walk, breathing in the somewhat stuffy air, searching for any inner wisdom that could come from time alone without distraction.
Your mind doesn’t provide much thought, though being alone with yourself after so many eventful moments – spanning so close together too, gosh – is therapeutic in of itself. Only when it begins to get to the point of eerily quiet in the part of the station you’d wandered into does a small ‘yip’ sound at the end of the hall from whence you came. Spinning on your heel you spot a small, white and awfully cute dog.
You gasp in elation, kneeling where you stand and holding out your hand hoping the dog will come trotting over to greet you, it does, to your excitement, letting out another woof before following through.
“Hello there, little guy,” you coo at the dog, smiling as it yips happily at your soft touch.
Distantly echoing you here what you think is Arlan’s voice echoing down the halls, he sounds far. You lift your gaze away from Peppy as another echoing call arrives.
“Peppy!” you lift your eyebrow at the dog, giving it a skeptical look, almost as if it knows what you’re attempting to portray it averts it’s gaze, eyes flicking to the side.
An out-of-breath Arlan comes speeding down the hall, only stopping upon seeing you and the target he was searching for.
“There you are, Peppy. Lady Asta was looking all over for you,” he scolds the dog gently. “Sorry about this…” Arlan talks to you, bending in front of you to pick up the fluffy dog. His hands almost disappear into Peppy’s coat when he picks the dog up. “I hope Peppy didn’t cause you any grief?”
“They’re a sweet thing,” you laugh, petting the dog in his arms. Arlan smiles at you, verbally expressing his agreement.
Herta Space Station was fun to explore, and by the time your body begins to feel the wear of the day you aren’t far from a Space Anchor… hmm, you wonder if you could utilize it to make the trip back to the express much easier.
You walk up to the geometric floating object and hesitate before placing a hand on the surprisingly cool ring of gold around it. There’s no one around to hear the sound of alarm you let out when your entire vision is taken over by a bird’s eye map of the station. Oh! It’s just like the game, relief fills you at that.
Now, all you need to do is: click on the Pompom waypoint that will take you to the express and… your vision then goes white and you feel your legs fall.
This time someone is around to hear the sound you make as you crash and tumble into the carpet of the Astral Express. That someone being Pompom. Well. At least you managed to teleport.
Speaking of Pompom they were watering some of the plants over by the passenger log, but when you came in they jump, falling to the ground themself, landing on their furry butt with a huff. “HEY! Don’t scare Pompom like that!”
“Sorry, sorry,” you clasp your hands into a steeple; as if praying for forgiveness. “I didn’t know what would happen:” a half truth, as you had your expectations.
They brush their clothes off and you help them to their feet. You yawn then, holding a hand over your mouth.
“Have any of the others returned yet?”
“No. Pompom has been waiting for the first arrival to start making lunch,” the shuffle their paws together in a way that is sure to look dignified and professional, but from your perspective looks adorable. “Speaking of, the first passenger to return sometimes offers to assist the conductor….”
You pick up what they are putting down, as the idiom goes. “I can help in that case!”
You assist Pompom in the train’s kitchen. For a creature like them they’re quite purposeful with their movements, not that you have any reference of how a creature like them would usually move. That is to say they’re good in the kitchen. The rabbit(thing?) wears the cutest little bonnet and gloves to avoid getting fur into the meal, and tasks you with some simple chores to prepare the meal.
Cooking with Pompom is overall a fun and positive experience, and luckily the rest of the crew arrive just in time to eat. You all sit down around the dining cart’s table to discuss the day’s events and your future plans.
“The station is very clean. I like it,” you start the small talk the best you can.
“Indeed, the staff are very diligent,” Dan Heng nods.
There’s the scrape of utensils against plates and March speaks up, “so Jarlio VI tomorrow?”
“That is the plan,” Welt affirms. “Unless,” his eyes glint under the overhead lighting as they meet yours, “there have been any last minute change of plans.”
“Nope, we should be set.” You nod, feeling warm under the older man’s gaze.
“Well then, that settles it, Jarlio VI is tomorrow’s destination. All this adventuring isn’t meant for someone my age…” his last sentence is quieter and followed by a heavy sigh.
Himeko covers up a giggle with a bite of food, and March looks at you with mirth in her eyes.
“Jarilo-VI, here we come!” She finally laughs, lifting her glass in a mimicry of a toast. The rest of the table joins in, lifting their cups as well.
Jarilo-VI, here we come.
tags (comment or leave an ask to join) : @leafanonsforest @c00kie-cat @andromeda-gay
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fuck-edfrugs · 10 days
Batboys (plus a bit of Clark) design stuff I like
Dick and jay looking like they could be twins, same exact eye color, slightly different noses (both have gotten them broken a few times so they’d be fucked up) but Jason still being taller (only by two inches and only after resurrection ofc but he will not let dick forget) same skin tone, maybe dick is slightly darker due to seeing more sun (aka just being in Gotham less) but either way these two looking so similar is delightful to me.
Bruce and Clark looking almost identical (i seriously cannot let this go, yes the boat party with slade thing changed my brain and now Clark has to be able to stand in for Bruce)
Dami having his fathers jaw and hair and eyebrows and eyes in shape but not color, his mothers nose and mouth and skin tone and eye color, and when he’s an adult being even taller than bruce (making him the tallest of the family)
Tim being the palest of them. Like, mistaken for a vampire levels of this man does not see the sun. To add onto that, he has naturally longer and sharper canines.
Bruce having facial scars that he hides when he’s playing Brucie but are fully visible when he’s Batman
Dick and Jason’s costumes being almost exactly the same, Tim being the first to make real changes to the design.
Duke being somewhat androgynous, with a bit of effort in how he dresses and generally styles himself he could be mistaken for a girl.
Duke having the same eyebrows as Bruce
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verysium · 28 days
There are no words for me to describe how much I love when you talk about sae……every little tjing feels so canon
Please continue tp yap about him ( those are the sae crumbs I have been living off since the last months )
😳 you know what...maybe i should start working on that sae summer wip. in the meantime though, here are some thoughts on sae's childhood:
sae was inherently a minimalist child. not that he was as boring as the beige mom aesthetic, but he definitely had a steve jobs one-outfit-for-a-lifetime mindset. his mother tried diversifying his closet, but he just ended up wearing his childhood clothes into adulthood. his go-to look consists of tracksuit pants, adidas, and some kind of pull over sweater. can't even insult him as an outfit repeater because he somehow pulls it off every time.
this is purely a sibling thing, but i wholeheartedly believe that sae's parents weren't sure if their second child was going to be a boy or a girl, so they made sae wear gender neutral clothes growing up. hence why his style is somewhat androgynous.
i absolutely think sae had a talkative phase. he just selectively yapped at night. rin probably kicked his feet and giggled over those conversations cause what do you mean his nii-chan actually wanted to talk to him?
sae and rin both had dimples, but sae's faded over time because he rarely smiled. his deadpan expression, however, caused him to gain a prominent crease between his eyebrows.
speaking of eyebrows, sae's are thicker than rin's, so he always does that one-eyebrow raise. baby rin couldn't figure how to do that for the life of him, so he had to hold one eyebrow down and use his chubby fingers to lift the other one.
whenever sae got angry as a child, he unconsciously did the itoshi pout. ended up looking a whole lot like this: 😾
pre-teen sae's enamel was no joke because tell me why he could bite into a whole bar of ice cream and not brain-freeze to death. always helped rin unwrap his popsicles because he knew that little shit struggled with any form of plastic packaging.
his obaa-san was the first to call him sae-chan and he just stuck with it. it's officially sae-chan now, guys.
first grader sae thought monkey was a cuss word, so now all of his insults have that simian lingo. "sub-monkey piece of scum." "monkey piece of shit." you name it. kenjaku would like him.
believe it or not but toddler sae actually had one of those big gummy smiles where you could see his pretty little gums and the gaps between his teeth. unfortunately, it disappeared just like his will to live.
since birth, sae's hair has defied all laws of gravity, so he always keeps a hairband or two on his wrist. his mama used to clip up all of his hair into one little tuft on the top of his head.
and last but not least, child sae despised any and all forms of family photos. holiday cards, beach trip memorabilia, vacation souvenirs, you name it. tried to pose but ended up looking awkward with a big fat grimace on his face.
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evillemons · 2 months
~ a manifestation of his ideal girlfriend. Continuation into part 2 and part 3. Masterlist here.
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• Jungkook’s ideal type has been the hardest for me to imagine out of all the members. He is such a curious and adventurous person and seems to lack a level of certainty in his life.
• Because I can envision Jungkook with completely dichotomous types, I’m going to approach his section a little differently than the other members. Here are the two possibilities:
The bad bitch
• ABG vibes. Sexy, mischievous, and a little naughty.
• Appears intimidating on the outside (like JK) and probably also has an intimidating personality (not like JK) (looks like they could kill you, would kill you).
• A little impulsive and a high sensation-seeker.
• May come across as cold to most people, but would show vulnerability around the people she trusts.
• The creative type. They might’ve met during a dance class or photoshoot.
• MBTI: ISFP. Adventurous, artistic, bold, and expressive.
• Her and JK would have a lot in common in terms of their styles and interests, but she would be more brazen and opinionated.
• He’s probably a little intimidated by her but finds her incredibly sexy and alluring at the same time.
• Her style consists of casual streetwear that’s a little edgy, and a love for tattoos and piercings (very Gen Z).
• Leather jackets, cargo pants, chunky boots, cropped t-shirts.
• Potentially a little androgynous looking with her slim figure and dark, baggy clothes.
The good girl
• A good-natured, smart, kind, patient woman.
• Sweet inside and out (looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll).
• While not necessarily a “career woman” like Namjoon's girlfriend, she might have a more traditional 9-5 life.
• She would be very mature and maybe a little older than him.
• He would admire her wisdom and life experiences (like the way he does with RM).
• Generally confident, self-sufficient, and knows how to take care of herself.
• Someone who is friendly and easy to talk to, but not overly loud or extroverted.
• MBTI: ISTJ or ISFJ. Ambiverted, respectful, caring, trustworthy, and dependable.
• They would likely meet by chance during a normal outing or through a mutual friend.
• Feminine and petite. Maybe also elegant and well put together.
• Big, sparkly doe eyes to match his own.
• In the office she would dress modestly and professionally, but would like to wear sundresses on the weekends.
Other notes:
• Like Yoongi, Jungkook is attracted to many different types of people and wouldn’t discriminate based on Race/Ethnicity. Being the youngest, he is quite well traveled and unbiased.
• Sexual orientation wouldn’t matter too much either, but I can see him being a little jealous or insecure if she has dated women or a lot of other men in the past.
• He definitely seems to be attracted to women with some sort of sex appeal. Not too audacious in their sexuality, but not too cute or innocent either.
• He is shockingly independent, and while he would want to feel like he can take care of her, he wouldn’t want someone who is overly needy or lacks self-sufficiency.
• Equally as competitive, perfectionistic, and hardworking as him.
• I do think she would be somewhat athletic or fit, as working out seems to be a priority in his life.
• Even though I can see JK being rather experienced in casual sex, I don’t think he would take choosing a partner lightly. When it comes to a relationship, he would be very picky and want something that is real, loyal would allow him to learn and grow.
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syn4k · 7 months
A 33-year-old woman walks into the forest near midnight during autumn. She is clutching a lantern and covered basket tightly and her poise is tense, but she walks steadily and with clear purpose.
Squinting ahead into a clearing lit by a half-moon, she steps over a log, walks into the deathly quiet clearing, kneels and carefully sets down her lantern outside of a ring of perfectly preserved stumps, and uncovers her basket. From within, she takes out a small slip of paper and a child's toy and places it in the center. On the second finger of her right hand is a ring of some sort of silvery metal which appears unremarkable in the moonlight, but the way in which she takes a deep breath and hesitates before taking it off her finger and adding it to the objects within the ring of stumps indicates that it has clear value to her. She bows her head. She waits.
A gust of wind buffets her short-cropped hair and her cloak. From in front of her, or perhaps behind her, she can hear the rustle of fabric, but she does not look up.
"You come on the night when the souls of the dead are closest to the world of the living," says a husky and raspy voice, deep but still androgynous in a markedly nonhuman way. It is not a question. It is a statement.
The woman nods, still not taking her eyes from the grass crushed underneath her folded legs. "Yes."
"I cannot bring the dead back from their graves, no matter what offerings you give up as payment," says the voice. "And I cannot bring their souls back either for any period of time, mortal."
"I know," says the woman in a low undertone.
"Then why are you here?"
The woman opens her mouth as if to speak, then closes it and glances slightly up. A white cloak, not stirred by the wind blowing around it, meets her. Beside her, her lantern has gone out. Hearing no rebuke, she looks up.
The entity's face is obscured by a deep shadow cast by their hood, which she is glad of. She thinks she can make out the glint of eyes, but she's not sure, and she knows well enough to not pry. She opens her mouth to try again. "Because there is a life that I would like to put to death," she says.
The entity does not move, but it tone shifts to being maybe confused, maybe condescending. "I am not a mercenary. I do not preside over the dead. Your own kind is best for this sort of work. If you are... mourning," it forms the word slowly, as if it's unnatural to its mouth, if it even has a mouth, "then I cannot help you. Our kind do not know death, nor do we touch Her realm."
"Not someone else's life," the woman says, somewhat hastily. "My own." She pauses. "Not wholly, but- you are in the business of acquiring names, yes?"
The entity is silent a moment before responding. "It is not our specialty. We have... cousins who are more closely aligned to that line of work, but it may be done for a price."
"Then I humbly ask a favour of you," says the woman. "My payment is in the circle. Is it enough to have my name replaced?"
The entity turns and kneels, one long, bony arm reaching out to take and inspect the items placed. The hood turns towards her. "Yes, although it is a bit strange."
The woman nods. "Strange, yes, but all very dear to me. The toy belonged to me when I was young. The paper is my proof of birth, and has my given name inscribed on it. The ring..." She chokes up a little, but continues. "The ring is proof of my marriage to my wife of many years."
The entity hums. "Does she know that you are here?"
"She does not."
The entity stands, and beckons the woman to stand as well. She leaves her lantern and the basket on the ground.
"Those who come to replace their names, mortal, and it is very few who end up here on purpose, are often running from their pasts. Has your wife been disloyal to you? Have you been disloyal to her?"
"She has been nothing but loving and faithful my entire life," the woman says, ducking her head to wipe a tear from her eye. "Our child- he is currently asleep in his bed. I do not wish any harm to come to them. But I have been lying to them for years and I cannot face them anymore. My love thought that she married a man. My son knows me only as his father. If I disappear now, they will be hurt and betrayed, but less than if they knew."
The entity considers this for a moment. "What is your given name?"
"And what do you wish your new name to be?"
"You have clearly put much thought into this, mortal," says the entity. "But know this. When your family means to speak your old name, your new one will drop from their mouth instead, and this will go for everyone who has ever known you. They will know, but they will not know what happened. Are you sure?"
The woman hesitates, then nods. "I love them enough to do this," she says. "I do not want to hurt them."
"You say you love them," says the entity thoughtfully, "and you say they are faithful to you, and yet you are sure that when you receive your new name they will shun you."
"It just is not done," says the woman, slightly desperately. "I'm not sure they'll understand."
The entity tilts its head at her. "If your son came up to you tomorrow and told you that he wanted to change his name as well, would you love him still?"
"Yes," says the woman immediately. "I promised when he was born to love and protect him no matter what, as did my wife. If he were to turn into a mindless monster, I would harbor him still."
The entity nods sagely and bends to take all three items in its hands. It hands the woman's wedding ring back to her. "Then have faith," it says. "Are you sure?"
Joseph nods, tears streaming down her face. "I am terrified. But yes."
The entity looks down at the paper and snaps its fingers over it. The children's toy turns to dust, and the woman chokes back a sob. For a moment, everything is utterly, inexorably still, and then the world breathes again.
"It has been done," says the entity, holding the paper out.
"Thank you," whispers Esmeralda. She takes the paper, notes almost detachedly that her name on it has been changed, almost appearing seared into the paper, and folds it and puts it into her pocket.
"My business is done," says the entity. "Go back to your home."
"What will I tell my wife?" asks the woman.
"I do not know," says the entity. "I cannot predict the future. But you are braver than most. I believe that whatever you say will be right."
The woman nods and bows. When she stands up again, the entity is gone, her lantern is lit again, and there is no indication that any foot has ever touched the grass within the circle. Outside the ring, the imprints where she knelt still lingers.
The next morning, the woman's wife wakes to find herself alone in the bed. She walks into the kitchen, where her wife sits alone at the table, staring into the grain, hands folded as if she is deep in thought.
"You're up early, Esmeralda," she says, then pauses. Esmeralda looks up, face stricken, and the wife sighs and walks over to take her lover's hands. "I am not angry," she says gently. "I would just like to know why, and how."
"I went to the woods last night," says Esmeralda in a low, almost shattered voice. "I made a deal with some... thing to change my name. I gave my birth paper, my wedding ring, my favorite childhood toy, and my old name as payment. It was changed, and I came back here. Alia, I am sorry."
"How long ago did you make up your mind?" asks Alia in a gentle voice.
Esmeralda looks down. "Years ago. I've been lying to you and David this whole time. I- I have been an unfaithful partner." She takes off her ring and places it on the table between her and her wife. "If you want me to leave-"
"No," says Alia gently but firmly, gently sliding the wedding ring back onto Esmeralda's hand. "I promised you when we married that I would love you no matter what you were, and if what you are is a woman, then I will love you like that also."
"How will we tell David?" asks Esmeralda in a low, worried tone.
"I will tell him," says Alia. "You go back to bed. You've been up late, and you look like the rear end of a fireworks cart."
Esmeralda hesitates but smiles, looking up with hope in her eyes. Alia returns the smile and kisses her gently, helping her up. "I'm not kidding. Go."
"Before I go," says Esmeralda, hesitating.
"Do I have to poke you into bed?" asks Alia with an exasperated sigh.
"No, no," says Esmeralda quickly. "I just wanted to tell you that I love you."
Alia smiles and leans over to give her wife a peck on the mouth. "I love you too. Now go before I beat you into there with a broom."
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Silly Vanilly :)
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Btw, here's some stuff abt my AU and about PV in it:
-In this AU, the cookies are humans, except some like the dragons. I'm still working out how to work with the witches.
-the witches are basically the gods of this universe/AU, and there's a lot of them (duh)
-the witch that created the fallen ancients is not one of the witches that WL encountered nor the one that created gignerbrave, strawberry, and wizard.
-the ancients are thousands of years old and the fallen ancients are in the 10 thousands
Now to PV:
-He is not actually a human in this AU, although he was created by one. The reason he isn't human or at least an artificial one is because of what his creator had used to, well, create him
-He is physically genderless. He is also supposed to look androgynous but I'm not sure if I've succeeded in that
-He has two names in this AU, Phanes and Valerian. Valerian is his actual name while Phanes is connected to an identity he (accidentally) created that somewhat represents canon PV
-people do not actually know much about him, only his 'name'
-He is much older than people think. In this AU he's the oldest of the ancients. The other ancients were made aware of this only a couple hundred years before DE but don't know exactly how old he is
-when he was created, he was essentially a 3 year old. Also, he aged rlly weird. At one point, he could stay physically and mentally 10 for example for like, a decade and then be 11 or something for like, 2 centuries
-He went to the academy when he was like, 16 (though he had lived longer than that
-he's actually much more apathetic as Valerian
-He joined the academy because he thought it'd be interesting and he was rather curious.
That's all for now. Maybe I'll post some more at some point but who knows? ;)
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chubby-kiyo · 6 months
Okay. Time to do Goodbye Despair edition of appearance headcanons
Teruteru Hanamura - (He/Him Hyper pan sexual) I don’t actually hate his design, he looks like the plump chef decorations everyone had in their kitchen in the 90s. He has thick hair and uses a ridiculous amount of pomade and hairspray to style it. (How he doesn’t catch on fire doing flambé is beyond me)
Ultimate Imposter - (They/Them intersex pansexual) They have to hide all of their natural features as part of their talent, but I feel like they probably have a somewhat feminine build. Due to their weight, they can pass more easily as any gender without being questioned (and maybe with some shape wear to help seal the deal) and this is pretty gender affirming for them.
Mahiru Koizumi - (She/They, Lesbian) She is midsized with a small tummy pooch and kind of pear shaped. Her freckles extend to her shoulders and back, and she has somewhat crooked teeth, but in kind of an endearing way. Has a small nose ring.
Peko Pekoyama - (She/Her, grey asexual) Slim and muscular with very little curvature, not that she needs a big pair of jugs to slow her down. She has really long thin fingers, and 9 times out of ten they are ice cold. She also has several scars from weapons training.
Ibuki Mioda - (They/She, pansexual) Built like a board. Just no hips or chest to spare, but they prefer a more androgynous style anyway, as is popular in the scene. Always has raccoon eyes, and will rub or picked at her face, smearing them in the process. Septum and tongue piercings and stretched lobes. Also has light acne scars.
Hiyoko Saonji - (She/Her, Lesbian) Looks like she’s 12. Her hair is very reactive to humidity and she is prone to turning into a poodle if it gets wet. Has a sizable front tooth gap, which only serves to make her look more childish.
Mikan Tsumiki - (She/Her, bisexual-female pref) She is plus sized and has wider hips, which she bumps into stuff with all the time. She has a round face and a button nose, which are always rosy pink, because of how often she is crying. Just chronically puffy eyes.
Gundam Tanaka - (They/Them, pansexual) They are kind of average/slim and don’t have much in the way of muscle. There’s just not as much under those robes as you might expect. Wears corpse paint and other trad goth makeup often but hates going out without at least using a light/white foundation. Black lipstick is a must for special occasions, and they always carry at least one lint roller to maintain their perfect black clothes with the hammies. Has a septum piercing and stretched lobes.
Nekomaru Nidai-(He/Him, Bisexual, female pref) Obviously built like a Greek god. Is very particular about his manscaping, and you bet your ass his fades are always on point. His hands are so fucking huge and blocky that it’s almost comical to see him holding someone else’s hand. His chest is hairy, and he has eyebrow and nipple piercings.
Nagito Komaeda - (He/They, gay) The man is dying of cancer. He is deathly pale and skinny. If he wasn’t a wacko, any sane person would be concerned for him. His hair is dry and coarse, in an over processed bleach kind of way. Has dark circles and yellowing teeth. Somehow though, he still manages to have a smooth, soft baby face and unnaturally clear skin. Is lacking in the eyebrow department, but has white double lashes on Satoru Gojo’s level.
Chiaki Nanami - (She/Her, pan) She is chubby. Like not just on the cusp of plus size, but a few sizes deep. Has stretch marks on her hips, chest, and stomach. Pale skin and puffy eyes from poor sleeping habits. American girl doll teeth and frizzy hair from falling asleep on random surfaces.
Kazuichi Souda (He/They, bisexual female pref) Has a bit of pudge from eating processed junk all the time, but doesn’t seem to mind. He had braces as a kid, so his teeth are perfectly straight and really the only tight laced thing about the guy. Has shaved sides and hates washing his hair, so he uses the beanie to cover up the greasy bits and his little black roots when they grow out. Breaks out easily, and has some acne scars. Pierced nostrils, tongue, and stretched ears.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu - (He/Him FtM, ace spec?) Kind of scrawny and will just never be tall. Freckles on his shoulders and back. Has a tiny amount of peach fuzz over his top lip and is really hoping it will start to fill in. Blonde eyebrows that are barely visible to begin with, that he still insists on shaving slits into. Pierced ears.
Sonia Nevermind - (She/Her, pansexual) Petite all around. Dainty little hands and the softest skin. Very fine hair, and like Fuyuhiko, she is a bit lacking in eyebrow definition, but she has to fill them in. Has a small upturned nose and definitely does the princess peach lip thing.
Akane Owari - (She/Her, pansexual) Muscular and thick all over. As much as she definitely has abs, having them visibly defined is generally speaking, not healthy for most women, so they’re under a smooth soft tummy. She has a wider button nose and full lips that she would love to put gloss on if it didn’t interfere with her snacking. Has somewhat crooked teeth and her hair is consistently tangled.
Hajime Hinata - (He/Him, pansexual) Buff arms. All around pretty stocky but not fat. Stubby thick hands. Tans easily and has the worst farmers’ tan from his stupid polo shirt. Gets freckles across his nose when he’s in the sun a lot. He has bushy eyebrows that could use some attention and thick lips.
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Hii! Could you edit when you can your Hongjoong nsfw reading since it has the wrong rising and houses?
And wanted to comment some things too like I don't think him having Winona as a type is true (at least not that he said it) bc I didn't see that anywhere?? And talking abt Camila, I believe she has olive skin and changes depending the weather, but either way the poster he had in the past she wasn't light at all soo. Anyways he said lot of times that he doesn't have an ideal type and goes for the auras and how they are (btw don't care if he didn't explicitly said the word still believe he came out as pansexual, also other tarot readings always point that too!). Aesthetic, not sexual, attraction is another thing. Like that fan he said was gorgeous with gothic(? aesthetic.
But ig it could influence too if he is attracted to those kind of aesthetics in the first place to talk with them and leading to whatever.
And about those fancalls and fansigns fans I'm pretty sure he acts like that bc he knows and loves how his fans praise him and is very giggly and cute or flirty on purpose bc he knows they and him like it.
He could like them too who knows but only he can confirm bc he looks at ppl with what some say love or attraction and shows attention to literally almost everyone lol, all the members, interviewers, fans, some celebrities..
Btw I so agree with what you said of parasocial relationships affecting them too, recently ppl were talking about them and I said that bc we usually never think it affects them too and pretty sure goes both ways, I mean we even have proof of it, he said himself various times he relies to atiny for comfort too and communicates to us a lot of things and important occasions as if we were friends and always wants to be more close to us. I think is also something he needs in any close friend/partnership he is compatible with, his chart indicates it too. The other more interactive members too..They all try to have some boundaries too at least but yeah definitely affects them in some degree.
Aside the ones mentioned like Camila, all the celebs he likes and maaybe some fans, for more type "indicators" he said Mingi was sexy and his deep voice was his type, or when he shows his "panicked gay" behavior like to say some examples, around Sh doing exercise shirtless in their old dorms, recently saying "while I calm my beating heart" to San being shirtless and wanting him to be covered lol, or many times being nervous and giggly around Yunho holding his waist and being close, saying how handsome he is and for Yeosang too, and touching his biceps constantly or saying he loves his and Sh deep tones. So I see a pattern of somewhat muscular, tall and deep voiced guys👀 Btw not shipping him with any of them but those things can still show our preferences.
Ah idk but maybe also him at least aesthetically attracted to androgyny and gnc ppl like he himself is bc of some artists he loves like David Bowie, Prince, the singer in Years&Years, etc.
So in conclusion maybe more "masculine" looking guys, "feminine" girls, and any androgynous or/and gnc person! But yeah at the end don't think physical aspect is not important or the most important to him.
And on another topic, I would also say he may like the other being dominant or/and a top as well. Bc I saw cap risings or/and dominant ppl saying they like being topped and dominated in bed in contrast of them being pressured/being dominant in the rest of their life aspects! Think this could be true seeing how he always relegates his leader role any time he can to the others and how he likes being taken care of, like Sh and Yh mainly, always taking care of him when they shared bedrooms or life things bc he is so clumsy and also has too many responsibilities and pression with that role in his job already to also be that way in his private life. And you can tell he forces himself to be that way like his "I think I need to be more patriarchal" for them to listen to him and take him seriously some times, and also needing to be that way in contrast to Sh, even if I think they are wrong and should do both roles if they want balance not being just one thing and Hj not having to be the one that scolds and nags them specially at the beginning when he is so caring too and could be more if he didn't have that parent and leader role😔
And even if he still has both facets we saw how he actually is such a baby in a relaxed ambients specially with older ppl than him too, and even saying how pure and innocent was bf having to be a leader (although to me he still is just not only that).
Anyways tangent done, but I think both him and his partner could be switches and verses and being one role or another depending the partner or occasion💁
Hey, thank you for sending this in and I honestly don't really have a lot to add to this opinion because I think all these points are great and valid.
Yes, I will revise Hongjoong's natal chart once I finish Softtober and my final Mommy!May fic and then I'll focus more on astrology content for the new year.
He mentioned it in an interview or a behind-the-scenes clip A LONG TIME AGO like I think it was around 2018-2019 that he mentioned it?
And Camilla does have olive skin which is why I said 'fair complexion' that includes a vast array of skin tones and high-contrast features, like think Deep/True Winter colour palette and aesthetic.
I know he has hinted a few times at being apart of the LGBTQIA+ community but when did he say anything about being specifically pansexual? I'm curious now and would like to know more.
Aesthetic and sexual attraction are different, I agree and it's what I mean when I say there are some fancalls where you can see that the member thinks the Atiny is attractive in some way.
I giggled when I saw that Atiny with Hongjoong with their bright hair and fishnet gloves and dark eye makeup because when Hongjoong said their style was his type, I was like...'KNEW IT!!! I FKN KNEW IT!!'
In regards to what you mentioned about him potentially liking 'masculine' guys, I hadn't thought about but I can see it, it reminds me of when he said Mingi was 'his type' in one of the concerts lol! I don't know what context he meant when he said it, I just know he said it.
I've always been a firm believer of 'switch hongjoong' and I do believe that while he does prefer to be dominant, he's one of the few members (Wooyoung and San are the other ones) that are 60-40 even when it comes to power dynamics.
There is this comfort image in my mind of Hongjoong being the type to want to be babied and 'taken care off' after a hard day at work or when he's burnt out- I think if he's really tired but still in the mood, he wouldn't mind having his partner just take over and do whatever they want.
Hongjoong gives me the aura of someone who potentially might be demisexual in all honesty and has shifts in his drive and libido, I feel (because I have similar natal chart placements to him) like he would rather abstain until he meets 'the one' rather than have casual and meaningless sex.
Why? You may ask?
Hongjoong's Scorpio Venus in the 11th House indicates he's satisfied with the praise and appreciation he receives from Atiny's so whoever Hongjoong's future partner will be, they must be truly special because Hongjoong doesn't NEED to be in a romantic relationship, he chooses to be in them.
Anyway, this was a great conversation anon and I really enjoyed chatting with you :)
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quibbs126 · 24 days
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So I went and I redesigned Blueberry Yogurt today
This was mostly spurred on by @a-weird-bean-bag and his drawing of Yogurt and Blueberry Ice Cream, but it’s not his fault, it’s because I was looking at the picture I have of Blueberry Yogurt and I realized “oh yeah, I can kind of see why he mistook BBY as a 12-14 year old”. Like he looks like a kid, but I don’t really look at him and think “4-5 year old”
So I changed his design, mostly for the sake of proportions but I ended up tweaking his design somewhat along the way
The one eye cover up was something from the updated Blueberry Ice Cream reference, since I knew I briefly drew him there and that was more recent. I saw it and was like “yeah okay I’ll do that”. I mean to be fair, the hair swirl was giving me trouble before that. I know it doesn’t technically cover his whole eye, but shush
So I’m gonna be honest, I pretty much just used Tangerine Tanghulu as my reference for a small child body, not really anyone else. So like his body shape is mostly a copy of her. But I mean, I think it still works, he looks younger like I intended
To be honest Peppermint might have been a better reference since they have a closer body shape to what I envision BBY to look like, but also in my head they’re not young enough (despite Peppermint’s CRK voice making them sound very young, I just forgot about that), so I just used TT
I do feel like maybe I made him a bit androgynous looking, like you could mistake him for a girl. That wasn’t my intention, but like, maybe it’s fine?
This is on a larger canvas, so I might tweak him a bit more later
I also feel like this is the first time in a while I’ve properly drawn something, so it might look a bit wonky. I remember having some particular trouble with how the lineart was going
But overall I think he’s been improved, and hopefully so has my style in the past few months. Hopefully he looks his age now?
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
I don’t know if you’ve covered this before, but what kind of voices do the boys have? Like tones, accents, that kind of stuff. I keep hearing Fasma with a Jersey accent.
[I suck ass at this, so be patient. Also, if I do find good voice claims, I will add them to this ask later.]
Bregory has a pretty soft and mildly low voice. In spite of him looking and behaving in a creepy way, his voice is one of the features that almost comes off as relaxing, even boyish in some moments. He has no set accent, though since he learns words from hearing different people speak, he may end up mimicking yours (if you have one).
Fasma has a pretty thick New York accent, and I've always pictured him to be a bit nasally, like a slightly more gruff Oswald the rabbit. His voice does get a bit deeper in the second form, but it's still a little odd.
Morell has a bit of a Texan ring to his voice, though some of that influence has been lost due to his extended stay at The Clergy, wherein he makes an effort to muffle some of that raw, near incomprehensible speech pattern. He's unintentionally always loud.
Gallon has a smooth and quiet tone, with a bit of a purring lilt at the end. He tends to accentuate the "r"s in sentences. Although not entirely monotonous, the pitch of his voice doesn't vary much under normal circumstances.
Vinnel's real voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard, though the mask greatly helps in evening his scratchy, broken voice. Either he sounds like a chronic wheezing smoker, or a drowning, constipated man. Pitch varies significantly, though he doesn't appear to be in total control of it.
Nebul has the softest tone imaginable, for the most part. A very flat, low and relaxing frequency that tends to bounce off the walls of most rooms. He's capable of taking on thunderous, loud tones, but doesn't find it necessary the vast majority of time.
Sybastian, the rare times in which he does speak, has a very gruff, hiss-like quality to his voice, which is naturally kind of quiet from disuse.
Santi has a deep purr of a voice, something that resonates, that you feel in your chest. I recall I said somewhere that it was a somewhat lighter version of Darkness, from the movie Legend. Voice claim
Grimbly has a very light voice that falls squarely on an androgynous zone. You cannot tell, just by listening to it, what gender he is. It's cute and sweet and also kind of fake sometimes.
Patches has just a touch of a nasal undertone, and his pitch is average for a man, though it can rise significantly and even break when he gets nervous. In certain instances, he's capable of achieving a very low and frightening tone, seen best when he shouts a victim's name during one of his dullahan fits. Generally, he sounds like a dork.
Fank-e features a synthesized bubbly tone which is maybe a little higher-pitched than it should be, given his size. Sometimes it crackles a little, mostly due to his visor damage. Being that it's entirely artificial, Fank-e can mimic a plethora of other voices, male and female. He can sound like Windows Sam if he wants to.
Ludwig has a voice that's quite similar to Gallon's, though a little more lazy and slurred. He sounds high. He's usually quiet, usually. When he starts getting riled up, it sounds as if he's snarling his words out, which is typical of a wrath demon.
Belo (again, unsure if I'll keep him but might as well) has a typically melodic and pleasant voice, it features just a tiny bit of reverb, mostly because he's not using an actual mouth to speak. Just a tiny bit lower than average.
Krulu's voice is indescribable in the way it seems to pierce through most people's resolve, always confident and imposing, a low, scornful hiss for the most part. It's loud, jarring, and terrifying in a primal level- To those who aren't used to it, that is.
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gerardpilled · 2 years
i was like 9 when hesitant alien was released so obviously i wasn’t in the fandom at that point, but now as a current fan looking back at that era where gerard was presenting more “masculinely” wearing suits and having short hair (insert tucking hair behind ears tweet) while also discussing trans rights and gender constantly and now tuck their hair behind their ears and wear dresses and clothes from the “womens” section (which i know now the gendered sections are stupid but gerard grew up in the 80s) maybe i’m being invasive but also i kinda wanna blow myself up
how gerard has chosen to dress and present throughout the years is really interesting and it does feel like what we are currently witnessing is the result of years of constructive progress, rather than any kind of regression period!
here are my long-winded and unorganized thoughts that i'll emphasize now (for brevity's sake) are all just my personal takeaways:
I feel like it's almost weird for me to see people refer to the HA era as "masculinely" because, I don't know about everyone else, but I almost viewed that era as gerard at his most feminine at the time. Yes, they wore the traditional "man" outfit of a suit and tie, but it always provoked more "ziggy stardust" and less "lounge singer" to me personally. Maybe it was the pre-existing decades of people calling Bowie effeminate and androgynous, but the whole alien aesthetic and short vibrant orange hair always kinda felt like an ultimate non-binary look. Not saying gerard falls under the label of non-binary, just meant the stage persona at the time felt like it transcended gender labels. I should also point out that although i was a fan and keeping somewhat up-to-date with news, I wasn't really aware of what he was saying on stage. When I was, well... I feel like I took it for granted at the time. I was younger (15) and never really followed celebrities in this way before, so when he was showing support for trans kids I basically had no idea it was so, dare I say, revolutionary (and still is today). This was also around the time they did the now famous Reddit AMA talking about gender-based therapy, so it really has always felt like an element of who gerard is.
If anything, maybe the period from 2016-2019ish made people forget this? He was showing up to comic related things with a beard and khakis and to a lot of people it was a big change. Nowadays it feels like people have a way more nuanced and respectable opinion of this 'hobbit/wizard' era, but for a lot of young, less educated people it was jarring.
For the whole 'women's section' thing: I get it! it's nice to see him wear whatever they want, but also they have always shopped in the 'women's section'. I get why people feel like a blouse means more than 'women's' skinny jeans, but also, it's just a shirt. The dresses and skirts, well. Truly, I never in a million years thought we would be here. Not from a 'gerard has come so far 🥺' standpoint (b/c again, I don't know him) but more I can't believe this is the current state of My Chemical Romance and they all are allowing me to see it.
Not at all arguing with you or disagreeing! Just wanted to share my standpoint as someone who was technically there for all this :)
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lost-in-2d · 1 year
i7☆Challenge day 08
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⚠ Some discussion of Part 6 under the cut and lots of unnecessary rambling
my favourite Zool member is minami!!! 🐍
he actually won me over via his RabbiTube episode, Nishiyama truly knows what he was doing 😵💫
... I just like him a lot.
If sogo is my #1 fav, then he is #2. I really like how Arima sensei draws her female characters, and out of the cast, both of them are more delicate looking with somewhat feminine features. They are sooo pretty to me aaaaa I always enjoy sensei's posted pictures of them
TRIGGER may be contrasting in a masculine way and sexy, but I think Minami is also very sexy ^q^ (let's refer to a RabbiTube comment 🙈)
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rough translation: He is soft-spoken and articulate, with a graceful elegance, but composes for ŹOOĻ with rebellious lyrics and a solid sound, which is contrary to his slender, androgynous image. He is ŹOOĻ's performer and former child prodigy with a child actor's background. At the end of the day, this sex appeal is still underage... Too many gaps, I can't help but stan
aaaa,,, I really agree ^q^
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Okay, time for the serious talk about the character - there are commonalities between minami and sogo, where they have backgrounds that result in them being in the public eye since young. I don't doubt they come from well-to-do families. And they have resulting issues about it... :'( Here, in part 6 Zool shares a moment of vulnerability with their new manager. Minami confesses that the past him felt he could only follow the advice and bidding of the adults around him
I had so much brainrot about him. Are his parents also people in the acting industry, or maybe there's a possibility that they are also involved in music. It seems that minami travelled abroad to North Maea to obtain musical training, and it is implied that it is a decision he himself wished for. Is it because of his passion, or because he wanted to get away from his parents' sphere of influence in Japan? And from his bday card in 2022, the portrayal is that he had musical exposure since he was a child. Was it also a parental decision to coach him in music? Since he finds freedom in music, my headcanon is that either his parents are not overly passionate about it (they are in the film industry) or they are not fans of the rebellious genre that minami likes (lol)
And even more brainrot about his student years in North Maea. What kind of person was he, and what was his social life like!! omg!! In the MV for <Never Lose My Rule>, minami was depicted as a socialite :O was he like this during schooling years too? I could imagine him going to an uppity private school. Lowkey I think he's quite misanthropic, before he met Zool
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He has very mixed feelings about Haruki. He says he does not want Haruki to be seen as a virtuous man through Ryuu's stage portrayal of Haruki. He may not dislike Nagi as an individual, though I think he struggles with the perception that he was being compared to Nagi in Haruki's eyes 😟 Minami struggles with feelings of abandonment as well, and it stems from buried insecurity regarding his bond with Haruki. so I can see why he coddles for Haruka :') I would love to unravel his trauma 😍 see more of his side stories or character arc, even after the North Maea main story arc
I really like how Zool consist of imperfect individuals. They are characters with more room to grow
An extra goodie below for the people reading all this 😍🙏
right now I'm hesitating whether to roll his card in the current Prince Stage event 😵💫
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flames-tstuff · 1 year
I had the most delightful, fanfic-esque scenario play out before me today.
Unnecessarily long (but wholesome) story time below the cut!
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I want to tell you all about this relatively new friend of mine (we've been friends for maybe 4-6 months now), whom I love dearly /p. The story is sort of in two parts; the background context, and then the actual story that happened today.
This kid appears to look like your stereotypical "fuckboy", right? Smooth, calm, collected demeanor. Well-dressed. A bit androgynous. Long, well-maintained hair. A pretty boy. I originally think to myself, “Huh, he’s kinda pretty(?) Uh oh. That can’t be good." Basically, I assume this dude is a douche-bag, because, well, your brain learns to recognize patterns, right? I've learned that conventionally attractive people typically only interact with me if they want something (cynical, I know).
Fast forward a few months and I find that I actually enjoy talking to him, and that he enjoys talking to me. Me—someone who mostly presents feminine (when I assumed him to be somewhat misogynistic) and is awkward as hell. He looks at me and speaks to me like I’m a real person..? Like he’s not just tolerating my presence and actually enjoys interacting with me. Like I'm "one of the guys", an equal. Pretty much any cishet guy I’ve ever met looks and talks to me like I’m an inconvenien. So the fact that he wasn't acting that way should have been the first sign that he's not at all what I had assumed.
A few months in when he feels comfortable enough, he tells me he’s been transitioning MTF(*) in secret for some time now. And it makes perfect sense. That’s why he had a pretty, feminine face. That’s why he had his hair grown out long. When I told him that no cishet guy has EVER been that kind to me, he said it was probably the estrogen lol.
*(Everyone who ~knows~ calls him by his given name and pronouns, just to be safe. We go to a religion-based school in a state that isn't very progressive or safe. I’ve only ever heard his girlfriend, who I also love and adore, use she/her in private, and even then it’s rare. So until I’m given explicit permission to openly use feminine pronouns, we’re all playing it safe by sticking with he/him.)
I’ve always been a mom friend, but I'm telling you this person is bringing out the “they must be protected at all costs” in me. The person who I thought was this smooth, sauve, chill dude (think Buck Dewey from Steven Universe lol) is actually just a scared, insecure little girl behind the curtains. A young adult who, because of the hormones, is basically going through Second Puberty™, angst and all. Someone who hid behind his guitar during a jam session because he was afraid someone would notice his developing chest. The friend who surprised me when I looked over and saw him crying during the animated film we were watching in the theater.
Guys, this is like my own real-life Zuko or Nico friend. The character in fiction that you just wanna shower with comfort and reassurance and warmth (but you can't, so you do so through writing and art). The friend you see almost as a younger sibling, that you feel compelled to protect. The one that you wanna hug and tell them that everything will be alright. This is all in my head of course, I don't want to risk accidentally smothering, patronizing, or otherwise scaring him away. But I feel honored any time I get the chance to see his walls come down even a little.
So because he’s got this particular demeanor about him, I was thinking to myself how much I want to see what would happen if someone were to... break down those walls a bit (yeah, you know what I'm talking about lol). Like really truly see past the facade he puts up every day. Because the thing is, I’ve seen him express and react just like everyone else. Happy, sad, angry—I’ve even seen him get playful before, but it’s always at about the same even level of reaction. I want to see him finally "crack", you know? What I would give to see him lose his cool and drop all pretenses, to see him be lovingly destroyed.
And oh how this sets up like the premise of a fanfic, am I right?
Unfortunately we’re not yet close enough to have crossed the barrier of physical contact (he doesn’t seem like the touchy type anyway), so it definitely would have to be coming from his girlfriend. Even if it did happen, the chances of me getting to witness it are low. I assume his girlfriend probably respects him enough not to embarrass him too much in front of others. Still, one can dream 😆
I wait for the day when the subject of being ticklish comes up (bc there ain't NO way this ball of hidden angst isn’t ticklish), someone teases him about it, and chaos ensues.
(aka the actual story, the reason for making this post)
Spoiler alert: No tickly shenanigans take place, unfortunately, but it's just about as good in my book :)
There were five of us friends (since when did I get a group of friends to hang out with??) piled into his car. I can’t remember exactly what happened, I think his girlfriend changed something about the radio, and lo and behold IT HAPPENED. He cracked!... even if just a tiny bit, hehe. It wasn’t an angry outburst in like a concerning, toxic way, but he was like “Ah, c’mon why’d you do that??” more akin to a whiny twelve-year-old who's parents unplugged their TV to get them to go to bed. It was funny and endearing more than anything, like watching an old married couple fight. We all snickered a bit at the sight, and I saw my opportunity to tease him a little.
I said something along the lines of “you know, for someone who has such a calm and collected demeanor, I absolutely love when I get to see you lose your cool. I mean that in the nicest way possible, of course. It’s just the best". He said that he didn’t think he gave off that kind of vibe, but he appreciated that that's how I see him 😆
Then, a few minutes later we were in the drive-through line getting sodas at McD’s. One of the friends in the car with us says idk, maybe two words, and he LOSES it (you know how inside jokes with friends are). Like, full-on busts up, flops against the wheel wheezing, which eventually turns into loud genuine laughter. Now I completely lose it, doubling over and burying my face in my lap laughing, but not because of the joke (cue the sappy music). The sudden, uncontrollable bout of laughter coming from him was so unexpected and so contagioius... It was one of the best sounds I’d heard in a long time! I was basically cry-laughing at that point. There were actual tears in my eyes that I had to wipe away. It all sounds so cliché but it really was an incredible sight to behold, and, in a roundabout sort of way, my dream came true.
So yeah. I just wanna hug him and fawn over him like a mom or an auntie. Poke him, help him loosen up a little. We’re not quite at that level of friendship where that would be well received I think, but maybe someday. Yeah, someday.
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
Started reading your fiction the other day (because like you I too gave been consumed by the silly little puppet man) and I just gotta say... 1, loving it. It pulls at my heartstrings in just the right way. However 2, I keep envisioning your Addisons looking like mine (that don't even have set names yet. I'm waiting on some polls)
I know the shouldn't look like mine (or not exactly. All of us are just interpreting the same 4 sprites anyway so like...) but like, rn I'm reading chapter 7 and I keep on seeing Audi looking like Cache/Survey (the two names being considered for my orange Addison). I know he shouldn't, however its driving me insane. So my question is, do you have any drawings or your Addisons? Maybe just some detailled descriptions? All I know is they have fur/fluff. The main thing with this is the clothing/hair. Cache/Survey has like, a bit more of a feminine look (even though they use all pronouns) and has a headband and wears like a vest like think over her dark shirt.
Idk. This is probably really silly but thought I'd ask. Anyways, back to reading.
I do sorta…It’s just vague outlines I did for body shapes and tid bits if they were humans but the body shape still applies to the ads, tho they would have the typical ad nose. Then art of Audi by @genderqueer-spamton which is pretty accurate on clothing range (still before bodies/other features are determined) (Link) (link)
In general I see both Audi and Banner as somewhat androgynous in physical appearance, style wise Banner dressing in a more neutral and academic way and neutral overall while Audi is more rustic/retro and experimental shifting between masc and femme (mostly masc tho). Surv dresses like ur typical gym bro and like casual dude, think jeans or sweats and a shirt that could be styled to meet as uniform requirements. Vidie looks more feminine physically and dresses up but it fluxes between something strictly masculine or feminine, very much street wear and Y2K stuff, with a bit of punk thrown in. Spam’s just casual kinda like Surv but with a hint of 90s flare. I never really think to describe their outfits cause I imagine they change day to day as I picture their uniforms aren’t their only outfits.
Hair and stuff I suppose it would be in the general shape of the ads hair/ head shapes in game. Banner has more curly hair, a weird mix of a bob and a curly/bouncy wolf cut, some how professional. Surv is tricky in that it’s course but shaped like in canon, I can’t really decide or describe how I see it but it fits. Vidie has a high pony tail and has wavier/thicker hair, blunt or wispy bangs when it’s not down/specifically styled. In that case she goes for curtains. Audi has corset hair he accessorizes with clips and beads and wraps or hats or whatever. Generally it just keeps its hair looking nice but it’s a day by day case. Spam has his signature weird pompadour mullet that he does very little with, it’s just naturally easy to keep neat. Thick hair but in a helmet way. Hair types usually match to the way their fur lays/feels on their body.
As for stuff on the ads as a species in general i guess the fur works in the way where the volume varies for ads but it never like super long just dense. It fades a bit around their hands which are just skin/palm textured. It also feels more staticy to lightener than soft but biologically it’s supposed to appeal to some cute/comfort thing in customers so they buy more (think seeing a fluffy dog ig). It sorta goes flat on their faces/necks or stop/stocks at the chest like chest hair to make a clear distinction of neck/face to body, hence hair vs fur. I do think they have tails but that part ain’t too important cause I don’t really write about their asses in this fic atleast and they aren’t made noticeable usually due to my ad’s cultural. They don’t have irises or the whites just pupils so they are very sensitive to sudden shifts in light.
Also don’t feel silly! I love hearing peoples interpretations of my ads, especially since it’s based around how I solely write their personalities. Even if it doesn’t match up it’s fun to hear! Also happy reading!!!
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toast-tales · 1 year
What’s the cast’s official physical appearance? I want to draw fanart so bad~
**New Height Reference Chart with human measurements**
First of all, I'm absolutely flattered you want to make fanart <3
Second, if it's not stated outright in the story, most of the cast's appearance is up for personal interpretation! I don't have a reference for every character, but I'll try and do a quick sum-up of how I personally perceive the characters (but again, if you have your own headcanon? That's fine too!)
I’ve linked some Picrews, (and fanart for Danny and Nathan and Sam because it’s much better than any picrew I could ever find, lol - plus my own art for Christopher) but they are NOT official physical descriptions, more like...pointing in the direction of what the character might look like. Picrew has its limitations, so they might not have all the right details. I’d LOVE to commission art for all of my characters at some point, tbh. If it’s not described below, you can probably just take creative freedom with the appearances. 
Christopher: long black hair to just past his shoulders, usually half-up in a bun. Dark eyes, sharp features, aquiline nose. Olive-toned skin. He’s pretty tall (think like 6′3" ish in human terms), but not very muscular. Kind of a beanpole tbh.
Danny: Red hair, usually worn down. Blue-green eyes, thicker eyebrows. In human terms she’d be about average height (like 5′6-8″), but if we’re talking relative to giants, her normal height is about 4″ (though under the growth serum, she’s more like 11″). She’s generally barefoot and physically, pretty lanky as well. 
Nathan: Brown, messy hair, curls just a bit and is pretty short. Brown eyes, soft features, freckles, a little bit of facial hair along his chin. Kind of short (5′7ish), a bit of a heavier build, but he’s actually pretty physically fit, considering he does farm work often. 
Sam: They’ve definitely got that slightly curly “more on top” haircut with the sides shaved, dark hair, pale skin. Hazel eyes. Average height, about 5′9″ or so. They’re kind of lanky like Christopher, but they actually work out, and have a good bit of lean muscle, especially in their arms. They have several piercings in each ear - specifically, they wear small black gauges, two helix piercings around the middle/upper edge of their right ear, and a flat piercing in each ear. Their tattoos are up to personal interpretation, they've changed in the fanart a lot which I find fun. But I do like the floral design on their left arm and a snake design around their right arm, along with lots of smaller, random tattoos along their arms and legs. They usually wear a flat-billed cap from their collection. They’re AFAB so they generally bind their chest and dress androgynously (they’re nonbinary but use they/he pronouns). 
Sybil: Very tall, even for a giant (think closer to 6′8″ - like, she's definitely able to look down on even someone like Christopher). Strong features, a bit older than the rest of the cast (in human terms, in her 40s/50s). Dark skin, golden eyes, black hair - usually braided and tied up. She wears loose, white linen clothing most of the time. She is definitely very strong, and has a rather imposing physical presence. Sometimes wears golden, half-rim glasses for reading or looking at human-sized details, but not usually.
Cyrus: Very large, portly man, maybe about 5′11″-6′. He’s got a rough sort of face with a short, greyish beard, mostly balding. Probably in his 40s/50s, just like Sybil. 
Max: Very pale, almost to an unhealthy degree - messy dirt-brown hair, gray eyes, and rough stubble. Older, in about his late 30s but he looks much older due to...a stressful work environment.
Ryan: Blond hair, in a style kind of similar to Nathan’s - a bit unkempt but otherwise short. Pale, generally has bags under his eyes and somewhat gaunt features - very skinny. Dark greenish eyes. In his early 20s.
Maria: Brown skin, long, curly dark brown hair that’s thick and generally tied back (if possible). Similar to Ryan - very skinny/frail and has a sickly pallor to her skin. Warm, brown eyes. In her late 20s.
Alice: Pale blue eyes and long, light brown hair, generally worn up in a bun and tied back with a headscarf (if possible). Kind, motherly, but slightly worn features - in her early 30s.
Stan: Tanned skin and dark gray hair with bits of white poking through. Has a thick mustache and well-trimmed beard (when possible). Stern features, has a slightly haggard face with a few scars. In his late 30s, but like Max, looks a bit older. 
John: Graying hair, long enough to pull back into a short ponytail. Pale skin, kind, green eyes, wears thin-rimmed glasses. About Sybil’s age, maybe closer to his 50s. Generally dresses pretty well, wears a button up shirt, slacks, and loafers most of the time. 
Nora: Blonde hair in a chin-length bob with bangs, wears several piercings in each ear. Generally dresses very nice (similar to John). Very pale skin, light blue eyes. Slightly older than Danny, in her late 20s.
That’s honestly about all I’ve got. If you have any specific questions about any characters, I’ll do my best to answer them! 
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