#mentor dad sam
shallowseeker · 8 months
i forget that my views on jack are not mainstream sometimes and it honestly freaks me out when i get too far away from my bubble
it feels mainstream to me
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 126
You know what would be hilarious? 
Constantine comes into one of those meetings as he sometimes does every blue moon. Though the proper word would be storms into a meeting and practically slams a whole stack of papers down. “Can someone bloody explain to me why the American-fucking-government is trying to go to war with the fucking Infinite Realms?!” 
The Justice League is of course alarmed and confused- and also John weren’t you in Hell?! Yeah, he was, where the fuck do you think he found out about this? 
Now if you’ll excuse him he’s going back to the House of Mysteries with his now haunted trench coat. John, John Constantine what the fuck do you mean by that? No don’t just leave, don’t leave this mess just for them- JOHN! 
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nelkcats · 1 year
The 7th
When the Wizard explained to Billy about his powers he forgot to mention that the Champion of Magic had a seventh patron who would manifest in his greatest moments of need. Although this one did not count as "official" since he was not exactly sharing his powers like the others.
So it's understandable that Billy would freak out at the new voice in his head telling him to steal a sandwich from one of the rude people on the subway.
Billy tried to argue with the voice about it since his parents had taught him all about good and evil but it had been a few days since his conversation with the Wizard Shazam and it had been weeks since his last decent meal other than leftovers. The Sandwich was packed and its owner wasn't paying attention, one little slip and he would have something in his stomach.
Solomon was very upset with the new voice, he was fully aware of who was talking and thought that he had left after the disaster with Adam but apparently the Ghost King had taken an interest in "The New Champion", Solomon had suspicions that it was because Billy was a kid.
The new voice introduced himself as "Phantom", he argued a lot with Solomon, didn't seem to have any moral and Zeus always muttered about his older brother's annoying best friend whenever he manifested. The boy did not know who the new God was but at least he gave good life advice. Or he liked to think so.
Phantom had many arguments with the other immortals, Hercules complained about his friendship with Kronos (which the boy found worrying but decided not to comment), Salomon about his recklessness, Atlas and Achilles bothered him constantly and Mercury kept challenging him to races. But it seemed that thanks to him everyone had become interested not only in helping Captain Marvel but also Billy!
Phantom even had a lot of good advices on being a young hero or keeping his secret from the League and for the first time since he got his powers Billy didn't feel so lost.
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brokendreamscreation · 2 months
🎟️ - for sam. but instead of ship it's whatever weird father/son (or mentor/mentee) dynamic they've got going
send in; 🎟️[ticket] for me to make a moodboard with 4-9 photos for our muses/ship.
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Leaned into the mentor/mentee quotes for them :3
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xysidhequeen · 2 years
I thought my favorite part was going to be the puns. And the puns were great! But.
The moon! First date on the moon! Stargazing and picnic and Jason-made food and confession. Do it, Jason! You know you want to!
"Un-boo-lievable" is probably my favorite pun, because it feels twofold. Danny put in the "boo" because they're ghosts, but it also sound like he could be booing Jason.
Thanks so much for posting! It really was worth all the hype I had from the bits 💜
Yay! I love sharing new parts!
I'm glad you liked the puns, I tried very hard. The moon date came out of left field for me, entirely. I wasn't expecting it at all. That was Jason 100% possessing me. So I guess we can count it as foreshadowing cause I need to write it. Eventually.
It was a great pun. I can't pick a favorite honestly.
Glad it lived up to the hype!
A sweeeeet treat for a sweet ask
"I'll be okay, Nox, I promise." Danny stood, Nocturn's hand falling from his hair to his shoulder as the tall ghost regarded him for a moment. 
Danny pushed the emotions at Nocturn, smiling when the older ghost seemed to puff up slightly, the stars on him shifting, almost spinning.
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huldrabitch · 9 months
Everyone is so in love with Lara (me too)
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j-jared · 5 months
Danny judges the Family Business
Danny: How many kids do you have? How many vigilantes are in Gotham right now?
Batman: ... you know how many.
Danny: Seriously, your grandson too? Couldn't stick to just yourself?
Flash: Can we not?
Danny: ... I mean I sorta understand the clone thing makes it murky water, but COME ON!
Superman: *sweating*
And finally, finally, they have enough of the lectures. They know Danny's identity, they know of his parents, his sister. So they ask.
Batman: Would you not tell your parents if you needed help.
Danny: I chose not to tell my parents! My dad has his own section on the news if he's out driving, I don't want them on my team!
JL: .. What?
Danny: I mean, yeah, they'd be helpful on the government research side of things, but... You guys obviously looked into this, they can't aim for shit most of the time! They cause more property damage than any of the ghosts do in the longterm. My dad would probably shout out my name each time he saw me on patrol. Besides, they've calmed down the whoke vivisection thing, they're more like... safari people now. If the ghosts aren't actively attacking, they watch and make notes to study behavior.
Wonderwoman: And your sister? She helped you did she not?
Danny: Yeah, when I was 14 and freshly dead? Believe me, the moment she had an out we both took it. She's studying out in California now, and she's only stepping in for emergencies. Like, end of the dimension emergencies, not 'Oh I've been stabbed again' emergencies.
I find the idea that Danny lectures the JL about the younger heroes and like, making sure they aren't prioritizing hero work out of duty really funny. This undead boy took up his own duty when the only other option was his parents and their inventions (one of which actually killed him by opening a door to another dimension) and felt obliged to deal with the ghosts for both the living and the dead's sakes. He opened the portal, he'll clean up the mess while keeping everyone safe. Sam and Tucker got to help, but once he got control of his powers (maybe once he gets the crown and authority in a Ghost King setting), he's offered them outs as well. They take them slightly. They step in for the heavy hitters, but generally Phantom flies solo; besides JL business. Maybe Dani joins in, but she's her own free spirit so it's not like she sticks around long.
Danny wants to know that all these younger heroes are there because they wanna be, not sacrificing a normal life because of feeling pressured or needing to live up to the expectations of their guardians/mentors.
And I know the JL care about these kids, Danny just ain't sure (He can glance at the BatClan and just smell the death and drama) - and he wants to be. These kids better have a healthy work-life balance, so help him Ancients.
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chloe-skywalker · 7 months
Both Lost Something - Peter Parker
Peter Parker x Fem!reader Stark
Warnings: mention of Tony’s death
Word count: 483
Summary: Peter & Y/n comforting each other after Tony’s death.
Avengers Masterlist
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“Are they going to be okay?” Sam asked out loud to the people around them as they all turned to look where Sam was looking. And there by the lake were the two teen’s most affected by Tony’s death.
“I sure hope so.” Steve sighed sadly as they watched Y/n and Peter from afar.
“At least they can lean on each other.” Bucky pointed out. He felt really bad for Y/n. She was always kind to him and while he was gone due to the snap Y/n had.
“He lost his mentor and she lot her father. Granted for the first 8 years of her life Tony was pretty absent. But once he became Iron Man he was there for her as much as he could be. Even canceling things to spend time with her.” Pepper told them with a watery smile as she watched the girl that became like a daughter to her.
“Peter lost his parents young. Then was moved into the custody of May and his uncle. But not long after his uncle passed. Tony was more than a mentor to him.” Happy added with a tight sad smile.
Sam shook his head, running a hand down his face. “These kids have been through enough.”
“Agreed.” Bucky nodded and it shocked Sam and Bucky that they agreed on something. Shocked the other’s as well, but not as much as normal considering the topic and they all knew Y/n was pretty close to Bucky. And they could all agree with Sam.
Over by the water down at the edge of the lake. Y/n and Peter stood together looking out towards the water. It was peaceful.
“I’m sorry, Peter.” Y/n said to him as she leant her head on his shoulder. Y/n knew her dad meant more to Peter than just a friend or mentor. So she knew it had to be hard for him.
“I’m sorry too, Y/n. He was your father.” Peter spoke, wrapping his arm around her shoulders to comfort her.
“He acted like one to you as well.” She squeezed his hand and nuzzled her head into his neck. “At least you knew the best version of him.” 
Peter grimaces a little. “I guess it sucks that he wasn’t always so close to you huh?”
Y/n nodded with a sad smile on her lips. “Yeah, it did. But he more than made up for it.”
Peter smiled at that. Knowing how good the father and daughter relationship had gotten over the years.
“I believe he loved you more than anything. You and Morgan.” Peter pointed out while placing a kiss on her temple.
“Me too. And I think you can include yourself in that as well. He saw you as a son.” Y/n sighs contently. They both turned their heads to look at each other with small smiles.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @starkleila
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flamingpudding · 1 year
Reincarnation is a tricky thing
A/N: This was sort of inspired by this post from @nerdpoe and the rebblogs of it. I came across it again scrolling through tumblr and reread it during my break and couldn't help but continue thinking about DC characters being a different version or a reincarnation of people Danny knew. Blame the too many reincarnation or isekai light novels / manwhas / mangas I read if you want.
At first Danny didn't mind it. Becoming the Ghost King had its pros but its cons as he learned later on. By accepting the title he had become an interdimensional being, and thus had gotten kicked out of the reincarnation cycle. Clockwork nor Pandora thought about telling him that sooner. But in a way Danny still didn't mind it.
He still got to watch and protect his friends and family or at least their souls and reincarnations. Though there were some things with the recent one he definitely did not expect. For one, Dan wasn't part of the reincarnation cycle either, so to pass the years he took up the same position Fright Knight had. Danny suspected that it was more to spent time with his ghostly best friend than actually doing Danny a favor.
Dani on the other hand had become a part of the reincarnation cycle, he hadn't liked how her childhood had been but once the reincarnation of his father took her in things started to turn better for his once upon a time clone sister.
He laughed at the fact that his mother in this life had become a thief, well at least she wasn't ghost obsessed but he wasn't sure if cats were a better one considering a lot of the things she stole were cat themed. But at least she still had a thing for his dad.
The man was still a lovable oaf but different, more stoic and short worded but when he put on acts for the public Danny could see hints of his previous life shining through. His dad was still a genius and inventing things that added him and his goals in protecting the city. Just like he did previously, just a little less extreme and upfront.
Jazz wasn't his dads and mothers direct daughter this time around but she still got counted as a daughter in a way as he watched her becoming a crime fighter alongside his father and the kids his dad picked up before an incident made her take up more of a operator like position. And ancients did Danny cackle watching Jazz still pulling one over everyone every time she gathered information on their family.
He was sad to see how Sam's life went but at the same time he was proud of her. Undergrowth's influence had swapped over into this life for her and he watched how as a criminal at first she continued to fight for what she believed was right. He was definitely happy when he saw her fall in love and turn a new leaf.
Tucker was not as electronic affine as he was before but he had what the humans started to call Meta Powers now. It was funny, whenever Danny compared his usually brain behind the scenes best friend with the vigilante that got mentored by his father.
All in all he was definitely happy with the life's his family has gotten this turn. Even if the start of some of their lives wasn't as ideal as it was supposed to be. He still hadn't figured out where Vlad's reincarnation was and to the ancients he hoped he wasn't the crazy clown obsessed with his dad. That would be just wrong.
Still as he watched them he couldn't help but muse at the knowledge that he originally was supposed to be among them. He also knew who he was supposed to be, thanks to clockwork but that boy had gotten a brand new soul, one that hadn't been in the cycle before. He wasn't mad at that but just a tiny bit sad. He would have loved to become a vigilante alongside his father too, even if this version of him was socially awkward and instead of space had a fascination with animals and art.
He still would have loved to live among them but he had gotten kicked out of the reincarnation cycle so all he could do was watch over them. It still made him feel giddy whenever he found another soul of the ones he had known before.
That was until the cultist decided to use would-be-him as a sacrifice to summon the interdimensional being that was atactual-him and he ended up face to face with some stupid soul magic mumbo jumbo tied to the kid.
Clockwork was laughing at him, he just knew this was pure entertainment for the ancient of time. Pandora was most likely shaking her head and Dan was probably literally rolling on the ground of his throne room laughing.
"You are supposed to be me, aren't you?" The boy had whispered wide eyed and Danny huffed in annoyance as he saw a familiar fear flit across the boy's eyes. A fear he had seen with Dan as well as Dani so long ago before.
"Don't talk bullshit kid. I am an Ancient being. This is your life." He was just now stuck having Danny tied to him like a guardian angel while being the only one able to see him clearly. How was he going to explain to the kid that he was entirely his own soul and not tied to Danny at all aside from taking his place in the reincarnation cycle without mentioning that nearly half the people in the kids life where his family and friends previously?
Danny was starting to have a crisis stuck to his would-be-him in the mortal realm and all he could think was to yell at Dan and Clockwork to stop laughing!
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 7 months
She Stays (Part 3)
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Summary: Could you please write one where student!reader appears in Supernatural universe taken from normal life and becomes an angel? Pairing Sam/reader?
Part 1 Part 2
Pairing: Sam x student!/angel!reader
Word Count: 1,800ish
Warnings: language, implied smut
A/N: Wow this is only how many years late? I know it’s been asked for many times for more of She Stays and here it is! Please enjoy this final part!
“Ow,” you heard Dean shout from the kitchen. When you came in he was sucking on his finger. “Cut it,” he mumbled, moving to the sink to run it under some water. He hissed as the cold hurt and you yanked his hand away.
“That needs stitches,” you said, Dean letting you twist his hand around. He smiled as he nodded approvingly.
“Yes it does,” he said, your hand reaching out and pulling a fresh towel to wrap it in. “You’re coming up to speed on the medical side of things,” he said. “Sammy’s been a good teacher.”
“I like when Sam teaches me,” you said, pulling him along to grab a first aid kit. “You on the other hand...”
“I’m an asshole who doesn’t give you an inch of slack, right?” asked Dean, putting on his mentor face. “Sam would go too easy on you in fights and target practice. You know it too.”
“I know, Dean,” you said, fiddling through the bag to find a needle and thread. “I don’t feel like I make any progress with you though. Sam tells me I’m doing a good job at least.”
“Kid,” said Dean, grabbing your wrist before you grabbed the supplies you needed. “You’ve come a long way in two months. I might even let you go on a salt and burn by yourself.”
“Really?” you said, eyes lighting up. 
“No, but only because Sam would kill me,” said Dean, chuckling as he moved your hand to the towel. “I know you can stitch and blood doesn’t bother you. Go ahead and try.”
“No, Dean,” you said, jerking your hand back. He frowned and feigned sorrow.
“Guess I’ll just bleed out since, Fledgy wouldn’t help me,” said Dean, holding up his finger.
“I need Cas,” you said, Dean scowling hard as he hoped onto the counter. The hunting stuff, that wasn’t so bad compared to knowing you had these abilities. You were still too scared to use them without Cas close by, afraid of hurting someone. 
“I trust you,” said Dean, holding out his hand. “I’m in worlds of pain here, Kid. Help a guy out.”
“Dean, I don’t want to,” you said, reaching for the medical bag again. “Angel stuff is not your area, remember, it’s Cas’.”
“I’m also bad cop,” said Dean. “Now try or I’ll work you so hard today so you’ll be too tired to go on your first date with Sammy.”
“Thank dad you’re not my soulmate,” you said, Dean chuckling as you grabbed his wrist. “Just don’t move or anything.” Dean stopped playing as he moved the towel back and you saw it still gushing blood. You thought of how big a cut it was, how it was deep and throbbing. You pictured it in your mind and then how it was supposed to be. 
Dean shut his eyes as you let warmth trickle from your fingers and told your grace to heal him. Dean jerked a little but when you pulled back he was good as new.
“I didn’t tell you about the bruise on my knee,” said Dean, shoving his pants up and seeing the black and blue mark missing.
“I wanted it to heal whatever was wrong with you,” you said a little timid. It felt intimate to heal someone, like you were touching their pain for the briefest of moments.
“I won’t tell Cas if you won’t,” said Dean, hopping off the counter. “Now it’s time for your surprise.”
“Please no more push ups today,” you said, Dean chuckling as he pushed on your shoulders.
“You’re going on your first date with your soulmate tonight, kid,” said Dean. “I’m taking you to the mall to go pick out whatever you want to wear. Then I’ll tell you a bunch of horribly embarrassing stuff about Sam you can bring up at dinner if you feel so inclined.”
“You’re such a good big brother,” you said, Dean already moving the two of you towards the garage.
Dean had surprisingly been a good shopping buddy. You picked out a few simple black dresses but Dean had found one with an open back that you fell in love with. You weren’t sure at first how it would look on you but once you were in a pair of heels even you couldn’t help but think you looked hot.
Leaving your room wearing it that night, knowing it was just you and Sam in the bunker, you felt a little silly. You weren’t going out or anything, it was dinner at home. But Sam had asked if you could wear a dress so your first date wasn’t in flannels and ripped jeans and you wouldn’t deny him that request.
“Hi, Y/N,” said Sam, working over the stove. “Could you grab...” he trailed off when he spun around and saw you. You could feel him light up as he lost the ability to speak.
“Plates?” you asked, Sam nodding, his eyes glued to every part of you. “Sam, I’m not that pretty.”
“You’re gorgeous,” said Sam, a little breathy. “You’re always beautiful but...I’ve never seen you dressed up before.”
“Slight improvement over you sweats and tee from that first day,” you said, stepping beside him to reach plates from the cupboard.
“You’re comparing apples and oranges babe,” said Sam, reaching up and grabbing the too high plates for you, an excuse to get you close dawning on you. “I love both those outfits. Anything really. I can almost see your wings in your back like that.”
“Sam,” you said, looking down shyly. “I don’t have my wings yet.”
“Yes you do,” he said, ignoring the cooking and running a hand up to the back of your neck. “They’re just very small right now,” said Sam, his hand moving lower and lower until his long fingers scrapped over the ridge of your shoulder blade.
You giggled as it tickled, the motion pulling something from you that you hadn’t quite felt before. 
“Beautiful snow white,” said Sam. “They’re right there, just under the skin. I can’t wait to see them when you’re full grown.”
“How do you know what they look like if you can’t see them?” you asked, resting your head on Sam’s shoulder. You would stay like this forever, him touching this vulnerable spot you didn’t know you had, making you tingle and smile all over.
“I just know,” said Sam, tilting your head back so he could cup your cheek. “I’m glad we took it slow. Got to be best friends first before trying this.”
“There’s no trying, this is...” you said, letting your angel side take over for a minute. “Cas told me something, about fledglings.”
“You’re very pure creatures,” said Sam. “It’s okay, Y/N. He told me too.”
“Then you know we can’t get frisky or anything like that at all,” you said, backing away from him, seeing the hurt on his face. “Where I came from, it didn’t matter but here...you’ll be stuck with me forever.”
“Spending forever with my soulmate? Yes that does sound awful,” said Sam, taking a step closer wrapping his arms around your waist. “I’m not scared, Fledgy. I will never pressure you one way or the other. It doesn’t mean I don’t have a preference for how things will turn out between us.”
“I’m not too young?” you asked, Sam unable to fight back a laugh.
“That’s...that’s what you’ve been worried about?” asked Sam with a smile. “I’m barely older. Fledgy, I love you. Nothing, absolutely nothing will ever stop that. Before you ask, I love you for you, not because of this soulmate thing. I’ve felt that perfect at home feeling with you every second I’m with you since the start, before we touched.”
“Can we eat dinner later?” you asked, the burnt smell of chicken filling your nose. “I’d like to do something with you first.”
“Make me yours, Y/N.”
Dean got home after midnight, only slightly buzzed as he found you and Sam eating pizza on the counter in pajamas.
“How’d the date go you two?” asked Dean, stealing a piece of your leftovers. “Going to be a second one?”
“Yup,” you said, Sam eyeing you up and down.
“Yup,” said Sam, a smirk on his face.
“Is this some couple thing or some angel thing?” asked Dean, watching the both of you. “Or did you two do it finally?”
“All of the above,” you said, Sam smacking your arm playfully. “Hey, someday I’m going to be stronger than you ya know.”
“That’ll be fun in bed,” said Sam, winking as Dean looked ready to gag. “Fledgy’s growing up,” said Sam, holding up a single perfect snow white feather. Just like he’d said it be.
“Angel’s getting her wings, huh? All you two had to do was go at it?” asked Dean, genuinely curious about the fledgling rules as they seemed to differ than a normal angel.
“Actually, it kind of...made me more human in certain areas,” you said, wondering if Dean would be angry. “Mating as a fledgling, with a human, it turns off that angel bit that let’s me...live forever. Normal life expectancy for me now.”
“Makes sense,” said Dean, both you and Sam raising an eyebrow. “Why would Chuck make soulmates that don’t get to be together when it’s all said and done? You two must really like each other to do that.”
“He’s okay,” you said, bumping into Sam’s ribs with a smile.
“It’s not so bad having an angel looking out for me,” said Sam, holding onto your feather like it was precious. 
“So you get anything else new while I was out beside some feathers?” Dean asked, silently reaching out to Sam asking to look at the one in his hand. Sam handed it over carefully as Dean inspected it. “Okay, I’ll admit that’s kind of cool.”
“Too bad you can’t see them like Sam,” you said, moving your left wing to tickle his arm, still so small it didn’t jut out past your back, Sam smirking and Dean looking on confused.
“Don’t stay up too late having angel sex, we’re going to work on werewolves tomorrow,” said Dean. “Night Sammy. Fledgy.”
“Sounds like you’ve got a full day a head of you,” said Sam. “Make sure to carve in some time for your boyfriend if you can.”
“I can always make time for him,” you said, brushing your wing up against his arm again, making Sam laugh. 
“Let’s go to bed,” said Sam, hopping off the counter and picking you up.
“I’m not tired though,” you said, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I said go to bed, not sleep, Fledgy,” said Sam with a wink. “I got too much energy I need to burn off before I even think about curling up with you all night long.”
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bunnywrites1414 · 1 year
Happy Kink-tober ~~
This years kinktober is 100% compiled of self inserts because I am a spoiled brat and this is my account :)))
I am not sorry for any of these
As always pls read the tags for EVERY SINGLE fic before you read. Don’t accidentally trigger yourself.
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Day 1: Steve Harrington
Teasing- Your friends cannot take a hint and Steve doesn't seem to care
Day 2: Suna Rinatarou
Thigh Riding- What kind of jerk invites someone over and then sits on a computer game for 2 hours? Suna, that's who.
Day 3: Shota Aizawa
Oral Fixation- Y/N gets bratty without something in her mouth and Aizawa is tired of hearing her.
Day 4: Jax Teller
Daddy Kink- Y/N knows what that word does to Prince Teller, she just doesn't care
Day 5: Eddie Munson
Corruption- She is the cutest thing he's ever seen and he cannot wait to ruin her.
Day 6: Spencer Reid
Sadomasochism- Angry Dom!Spencer = Unfair punishments
Day 7: Hitoshi Shinsou
Mind control- Hitoshi's quirk is fun, when he can convince his partners to let him do it
Day 8: Johnathan Byers
Brat Taming- Johnathan is a pushover. His submissive is well aware of that. However it takes more than a pout to sway his friend Eddie
Day 9: Izuku Midoriya
Forced Orgasms- Y/N tastes like heaven and Izuku can't control himself
Day 10: Ushijima Wakatoshi
Size Kink- Ushiwaka is a big 'ol boy
Day 11: Sam Winchester
Angry Sex- Sam hates Y/N. Y/N hates Sam. Dean and Bobby think it's hilarious.
Day 12: Billy Hargrove
Costumes- Billy didn't even know Y/N was coming to this party, but he knows they're matching costumes and that her ass looks perfect in those shorts.
Day 13: Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fat Gum) ft. Kirishima
Teaching- Kirishima has some questions for his mentor and Fatgum is happy to help.
Day 14: Katsuki Bakugo
Phone Sex- Katsuki's away on a mission and Y/N can't cum without him
Day 15: Eddie Munson
Throat Training-Eddie is really good with his mouth, Y/N wants to make him feel just as good as he makes her feel, but it takes a little work.
Day 16: Kotaro Bokuto ft. Kuroo
Group Sex- Kuroo's little girlfriend is really cute and he knows it. Bokuto is a connoisseur of cute things, and Kuroo's not so bad.
Day 17: Eijiro Kirishima
Pain Play- Kirishima is a people pleaser and Y/N likes a little pain with her pleasure
Day 18: Jax Teller
Dumbification- Even 'big hot shot Scientists' need a few moments to be a little brainless.
Day 19: Amren
Blood- Amren has never had blood wraith
Day 20: Arron Hotchner ft. Spencer Reid
Pet Play- Arron forgets to mention he's bringing home a friend, and Y/N is deep in pet space when they get there
Day 21: Cassian
Primal Play - Cassian���s an animal.
Day 22: Steve Harrington ft. Eddie Munson
Degradation and Praise- Steve and Eddie balance each other very well, or at least Y/N thinks so
Day 23: Azriel Shadowsinger
Edging- 'If you hold it I'll reward you'. Y/N likes rewards.
Day 24: Spencer Reid
Bondage- Reid wants to practice his knots
Day 25: Dean Winchester
Overstimulation- Dean is cocky and Y/N thinks it's funny to push his buttons.
Day 26: Eddie Munson
Dacryphilia- Eddie teaches Y/N a thing or two about discipline and can't help but notice how pretty she looks when she's crying.
Day 27: Shota Aizawa
DILF- Aizawa knows he's old enough to be her dad, but his Nanny is perfect
Day 28: Tetsuro Kuroo
Psuedocest- He knows he shouldn't but she sounds so desperate. What kind of brother would he be if he just let his little sister suffer?
Day 29: Spencer Reid
CNC- Y/N is stuck. Like really really stuck. Her neighbor Reid agrees to help under one condition.
Day 30: Keiji Akaashi
Mutual Masturbation- Akaashi is a visual learner, but Y/N thinks he just likes to see her embarassed
Day 31: Jax Teller
Rough Sex- Jax likes to fuck after he fights, and his choice of ass has a hard time saying no to that smile.
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ariesqueencobra · 7 months
what we used to be | Xl
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Pairing: Eli Moskowitz x Fem!Reader
Summary: You find out some interesting facts about Sensei, you and Eli celebrate a milestone in your relationship, you make a statement with your dojo at Valley Fest.
Warnings: swearing, kissing, typical dojo rivalries, karate fighting/demonstration
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: This was at 1.9k but then I added a cute scene and I'm so happy with it! I love Eli and Reader's relationship, they're so freaking adorable it makes me sick! I'm glad I'm able to push these chapters out, glad you're enjoying them!
Thank you to those who already reblog and comment, I see you and I love you all for it!
I don't consent to this work being copied, translated or reposted.
It was a beautiful day on the beach. Sun shining down, breeze blowing away the heat, the sand soft under your feet, and the waves crashing on the shore.
You watched Demitri crane his neck as he got ready to serve. So much wind up for him just to hit the net. You dropped your head, hiding a laugh. 
“Mulligan, send it back,” Demitri said. 
“There’s no mulligans in volleyball,” Eli said from the other side of the net.
“Says you,” Demitri argued before he stalked off. “Water break.” 
Sighing, you walked closer to the net just in time to see a girl hit on Demitri after assuming he was part of Cobra Kai. 
Going along with it, Demitri pretended to be part of the famous dojo.
Once the girls left, you chuckled, patting him on the shoulder. “Seems like you have a few admirers,” you beamed. 
“It’d be actually nice if you earned the Cobra Kai cred you’re so happy to take,” Eli stated, not amused. “When are you gonna sign up?”
“I don’t know. I’m kinda enjoying the gain without the pain,” he smirked.
You raised your brow. 
Before being given a chance to respond, Miguel showed up, pulling Eli’s attention away. 
“Cobra Kai would be more fun with you,” you hiked your shoulders, offering your friend a smile. “You could be badass like me,” you playfully jabbed a few punches at him.
He frowned at you. “You were inside a cement truck the other day,” he deadpanned.
You laughed. “And it made me stronger,” you shrugged. “Maybe it could tone up your noodle arms,” you joked.
He sent you a look. 
Shaking your head, you walked over to greet Eli. 
“Wait till you get a load of this, babe,” Eli said.
“What is it?” 
“Robby Keene is Sensei’s son.”
Stretching next to Eli, you reached for your foot, feeling your hamstrings stretch. The conversation you were having was a continuation of the revealed information on Sensei’s lineage.
You were shocked to hear about it. You never considered Sensei to be a dad and even now as you assessed the situation, you figured there was more to the story considering Keene was mentored by his father’s enemy.
“So I did a deep dive online and you were right,” Eli began. “Sensei’s definitely Keene’s father.”
You blew out a breath. 
So much drama to unpack. 
“I just don’t understand why he wouldn’t tell us,” Miguel sighed.
“It explains why he’s giving us shit for kicking Keene’s ass at the tournament,” your boyfriend scoffed.
You pursed your lips together in thought. “Umm, I don’t think that was the reason,” you disagreed. 
Both boys sent you a look.
You rolled your eyes. “I just think it’s more than what we’re assuming,” you shrugged.
“It’s simple. Show no mercy unless it’s his son,” Eli said, kinda aggravated that you didn’t agree with him.
You shook yourself out of the conversation, focusing on your stretching.
“Did you guys see the commercial?” Aisha walked up to the three of you. “Sam’s dad started his own dojo and he disses Cobra Kai,” she handed Miguel her phone.
Listening, you could hear the little joke “snake in the grass”. You were more shocked that Mr. LaRusso actually said it than feeling any anger at all.
“Bet it was Keene that suggested that,” Eli scoffed. 
“What the hell were they even thinking? Karate is all about defense?” Aisha furrowed her brows, getting her phone back. “Yet you throw a pussy move like that in your commercial?”
You exhaled. “Are we going to strike back? Seems only fair,” you suggested. You had to, you figured. If Miyagi-Do’s willing to throw a hit-or-miss joke in their commercial, clearly poking the bear, you had to go in with your own play. 
That’s how the idea of creating a commercial for Cobra Kai came about.
Now Aisha was filming Sensei as he advertised why joining Cobra Kai would be badass.
You stood next to Eli and Miguel as the video recorded, impressed at how easily Sensei was able to sell it. 
He was clear-cut, straight to the point—something you admired from having him as your sensei.
“And cut,” Aisha said, ending the recording.
“All right, did we get it?”
“I think so,” she stared at her phone, making sure the video was captured.
“Great, just make sure the Cobra Kai snake comes in at the end. I really want it to pop, make it chrome,” he stalked towards his office. “And throw “Thunderstruck” under it,” he added.
You raised your brows in amusement, wondering if he would be able to afford the rights for it.
“I think the rights for that song cost too much,” Aisha stated.
“No, I already own it, cassette’s in the car,” he pointed. “Oh and put one of those hash browns on it, like “Hash brown Team Cobra Kai,” he gestured. “And then send it to the internet!” 
You snickered. 
Eli and Miguel left to go talk to Sensei about his son so you made your way over to Aisha. 
“You think we could manage to get more female recruits at Valley Fest?” You asked her. 
She was putting her phone away, a smile appearing on her face. “Oh I’m planning on that, we seriously need more estrogen in this dojo,” she snickered. 
You glanced around, between the smell and the number of boys in the class, you longed for one more girl in the dojo. “Maybe it’d give the incentive to build a locker room, I hate changing in the bathroom,” you sighed, resting your hands on your belt.
While the boys had no problem changing in front of each other, you and Aisha had to take turns changing in the bathroom. Not only was it so gross in there but it wasted so much time. You prayed for a day when you wouldn’t have to worry about that anymore.
“I know, it’s disgusting in there,” she grimaced. “Maybe we could take the night to have some fun, it’s been a while since we last hung out,” she said. 
The two of you make plans at least every other week to hang out. Consisting of shopping trips, hanging out at the beach, or going to those fun painting classes, you loved spending time with her. Between that, the boys are joining in or you’re with your families, and in your case, you have a boyfriend who enjoys spending time with you. 
It had been a while since it was just the two of you.
“That sounds like fun,” you smiled. “I have been spending a lot of time with Eli,” you trailed. 
“Thanks for finally realizing, but don’t worry, we can use that time to talk about all the juicy details of your relationship,” she giggled. 
Your cheeks warmed up. “It’s not that interesting, but there are some things that have happened,” you grinned at the memory of saying “I love you” for the first time.
“Can’t wait to hear all about it,” she said, touching your shoulder before she walked out of the dojo.
You headed to the bathroom to change and by the time you got out, Eli was back in his clothes, though he didn’t look amused. 
“Guess who’s stuck on mat duty for the next two weeks,” Eli came up, hands landing on your waist with an irritated frown on his face.
“I hope not me,” you answered, showing a smile in hopes to cheer him up. His frown didn’t change and you sighed. “Sorry, but now you have an answer, right?” You reassured him, rubbing his shoulder. “It’s obvious it’s a sore subject for him.”
“Yeah, whatever,” he sighed. “You ready to go?” He wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
You nodded before making your way outside to his car.
Eli’s hand was in yours as you sat next to each other in the booth. Both of you preferred to be close compared to sitting across from each other. It also made stealing food off his plate easier.
Today marked your eight-month anniversary. 
You couldn’t believe how different the two of you were now in such a short time. You were happy.
“I know we’re not gonna do gifts until our first anniversary, but I wanted to give this to you,” you reached for your purse, pulling out a flat canvas.
His eyes widened as it came into view, his mouth curving upward in amazement. “Badass, babe,” he reached over to kiss you. “How’d you reference it?”
The painting was of his hawk tattoo, a complete replica. It was a symbol of his confidence, carrying so much meaning yet he never got to see it when he wanted. 
You wanted him to be able to. “I have my ways,” you smirked playfully. 
He kissed you again, more tenderly this time before he pulled away, and reached into his pocket. “I actually have something for you too,” he said, clutching something in his hand. “Close your eyes,” he said. “And hold out your hand.”
You grew excited as you did, feeling the soft brush of his fingers around your wrist. You felt something wrap around it and when you opened your eyes again, your face melted as you stared at the pretty flower-beaded bracelet. 
“Eli,” you gasped.
“I got it in lavender since it’s your favorite color,” he said. “It’s also a bracelet so you don’t have to take it off during class,” he explained.
“I love it,” you pressed your hand to your chest. “Thank you, Eli,” you leaned over to kiss him.
“I love you,” he said. 
“I love you.”
After finishing dinner, you drove to your place. You wanted to get more summer work done and Eli promised he’d help.
Toeing off your shoes, you grabbed Eli’s hand and walked down the hall, only to be stopped by your mother who was sitting in the living room.
“Hi, Mrs. L/N,” Eli greeted, a smile on his face. 
“Hi, sweetie,” your mom said, looking up from her book. “Still rocking the mohawk, huh?” She grinned. 
“Yeah, don’t think it’s going away anytime soon,” he smirked, glancing at you as he rolled his lips together. 
“We’ll be in my room, doing biology,” you said, pulling Eli along with you to your room.
You left your door ajar, putting on some study music before you were pulling Eli close to you. 
“What happened to doing biology?” He spoke low enough that the music drowned out his voice.
“We’ll do that later, I want to take advantage before my dad gets home,” you implied.
His eyes widened in realization before you began kissing. 
The moment was nicely shared between you two, the soft music playing, the privacy you had without anyone bugging you. It was just you and your boyfriend, sitting on your bed, kissing. 
You smiled into the kiss, cupping his cheek. His hand resting on your side. 
Afterward, you were putting the study music to good use, a pencil in your hand and Eli’s arm draped over the back of your chair as he watched you work, making sure to correct you along the way. 
Thankfully, you’ve been getting better at understanding the material, and not needing much of his aid as much. It was a relief to have him there though. 
When you got a problem incorrect, you pushed the packet over to him so he could see where you went wrong. You rested your head in the palm of your hand, being less discrete about watching him. 
This was your time to take in his features, pointing out all the things you loved about him. His long lashes, his striking blue eyes, his smile—those were just the few that were obvious. 
Unable to contain the playful aggression coursing through you, you reached out, grabbed his face, and repeatedly kissed him all over his face. 
He began laughing, leaning back in his chair to make room as you invaded his space. His arm wrapped tightly around your waist while he allowed you to assault him with kisses. 
With only a couple of minutes passing by, you both doubled over in laughter, your forehead dropping to his shoulder as you attempted to suppress the giggles that escaped you. But you couldn’t and you didn’t care to hide it.
“We’re really gonna do this?” You asked, tightening your belt around your gi.
“No better way than to show those bitches we’re not pussys,” Miguel said.
You blew out a breath, standing behind Miguel as you got ready.
The announcer drew attention to the LaRusso Auto Group stage. The lights dimmed, three silhouettes showing. 
You noticed it was Mr. LaRusso, Sam, and Robby.
They began moving in sync, their movements captivating the audience. While they were supposed to be the enemy, you couldn’t help but feel intrigued by their demonstration. It was controlled, and precise, and it looked like a dance. 
It was calling out to the artist inside you.
“What kind of lame-ass karate is that?” Eli scoffed.
You ignored him, watching the lights on the stage turn on, their movements becoming quicker. None of them attacked, which you found odd. Still, you wanted to know why. 
“I think we’ll get more recruits this way,” Aisha said, pulling you out of your thoughts.
Sensei devised a plan to sabotage LaRusso’s demonstration for dissing Cobra Kai in his commercial. 
“I agree,” you said almost on auto-pilot, your eyes trained on the stage. Anticipation grew in you as Mr. LaRusso called out for the big finale but then the lights dimmed, the sound cutting off and you remembered why you were here.
“Cobra Kai!” You shouted in unison with your team, trotting toward the main stage, gathering the attention of the crowd. 
As you chanted your dojo name, the crowd cheered, rushing over to see your demonstration.
You did your fight choreography, showing the audience what you were able to do. You fought off your teammates in the showcase, sweeping their legs as you punched them. Aisha broke boards blindfolded and Eli brought Demitri on stage to kick a board mid-air. 
You threw out Cobra Kai merchandise, the crowd roaring with excitement. 
Sensei broke a stack of cement slabs in half for the big finale while on fire. 
Standing in a line, you smiled proudly, listening to the crowd chant your name. 
“We did it,” you heard Sensei say and you couldn’t stop a smile from appearing on your face.
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tobi-smp · 1 year
dusting off the mcyt discourse machine for a second but
the take that c!sam having a mentor/fatherly/caretaker relationship with c!tommy became non-canon or is even Disrespectful to the character because of the events that took place in the story is so far removed from sam's actual story it's unreal.
it Is true that sam broke tommy's trust and that Tommy no longer saw sam as having a place in his life anymore. it is Not true that Sam stopped caring about tommy in that way.
it is not diminishing sam as a character to point out that his motivations from the prison arc onwards were motivated by his care for tommy. [green man] was the monster that sam was afraid of yes, but that was centered around his abuse and murder of tommy.
sam's mental deterioration as a character Did absolutely ruin his relationships, essentially all of them. but the Point is that he hurts people while fully believing that he's doing the right thing, even when it's obvious to the audience (and other characters) that he's in the wrong.
sam didn't Stop caring about tommy, he stopped showing that care in a healthy way as his mental health and rationality deteriorated. he fundamentally felt the same way about tommy, wanting to protect him and keep him safe, but he stopped expressing those feelings in a healthy rational way.
which is More than we can say about how his other relationships worked out. the ways he hurt tommy shouldn't be diminished, but it's very notably Nothing like the way he treated ponk. two people he'd clearly cared about at some point, but the continued care for tommy is much more evident in the comparison.
"dad!sam isn't canon because of their character arcs!"
sam is a father figure that traumatized the person he cared about and refuses to accept that it was his own fault even as he still cares about that person, that's just a dynamic that can happen. it's not non-canon just because it's unhealthy
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purpleheartskies · 10 days
Robby is the underdog - Part 7
In s6e5, the leitmotif for Daniel's kk1 win against Johnny was used for Robby's captaincy win against Miguel.
(Watch with sound. Credit to another Robby fan who pointed this out to me and created this video.)
"A leitmotif is a repeating melodic phrase in music that is used to represent a character, setting, emotion, or theme. The intentional use of music as a means of communicating character, tone, or theme is a leitmotif." "The leitmotif has proven particularly effective in film scores as a means of creating continuity, heightening the drama and building an emotional connection between characters and the audience.
The fact that the leitmotif for Daniel's (first) win against his bully in kk1 is used for Robby's (first) win against his bully blatantly indicates that Robby is the underdog and Karate Kid of this story. This is more evidence that Robby is the Daniel in this kk story and Miguel is the Johnny.
It's important to note that when Miguel won the s1 avt final against Robby, no leitmotif was played when he won the match and was handed the trophy. Right before his win, an ominous motif was played, indicating that the win wasn't good. After he's handed the trophy and asked to speak, the shot slowly zoom's in on Johnny and starts playing his leitmotif in Cobra Kai (called Father and Son), because his focus was on Robby and his loss. This "win" for Johnny was a major loss in their relationship. In the s4 avt final, a triumphant motif was used for Eli's win, while a more melancholy one was used for Tory's win / Sam's loss.
No kid who has won a trophy so far had gotten the kk1 leitmotif for Daniel's win until Robby did in s6e5.
During the tournament in s1e10, Daniel approached Robby in the locker room and spoke to him about the "need" to find balance:
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Robby: "I just wanted to get back at him [Johnny]." Daniel: "I know. But you're never going to find balance that way. You can't let that bad blood change who you are. I'm not saying you need to like the guy. I know I never will, but he... he is your father. And believe me, you're lucky to have one. You just gotta try to remember, he's... he's not a monster. He's just a guy with a lot of demons. Mr. Miyagi always told me there's no such thing as a bad student, only a bad teacher. And your dad had the worst teacher there ever was. It sent him down a wrong path. But you don't have to go down that path. Do you understand? You don't have to ever become him. Trust me. You let go of all that anger, and I guarantee you, no matter what happens tonight, you go home feeling great."
In kk1 tournament, during his conversation with Miyagi in the locker room, Daniel talked about his need to find balance.
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Daniel: "Can you fix my leg with that thing you do?" Miyagi: "No need fight anymore. You proved a point." Daniel: "What? That I can take a beating? Every time I see those guys, they'll know they got the best of me. I'll never have balance that way, not with them, not with Ali... ...not with me."
Both Daniel and Robby are injured in these scene because a Cobra Kai had injured each of them during their semi-final fight and got disqualified for it. Both Daniel and Robby were then automatically given the semi-final win and were supposed to fight their bully, the main Cobra, in the final. (In my Robby is the underdog - Part 1.5 post, I go over some more of parallels between s1 Robby and kk1 Daniel in their respective avts and that Miguel had already been set up as the bully and Robby as the underdog going into the tournament.)
Both of their mentors had also told them that they didn't have to continue the tournament but both of them insisted that they wanted to. Daniel said what I've quoted above. Robby said, "Yes, I do. I'm going to have to face him sooner or later. Might as well be today."
Miyagi's original lesson to Daniel about balance was this:
"Better learn balance. Balance is key. Balance good, karate good. Everything good. Balance bad, better pack up, go home. Understand?"
In s6e5, Robby was losing the match, until he found balance when Tory arrived.
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During the tournament in kk1, when Daniel was fighting to win a spot in the semis, Miyagi told Daniel: "Remember your defense. Points coming. Concentrate. Focus power. Remember balance. Make good fight."
During Robby's final match in the s1 avt, Daniel told Robby, "Breathe. Focus. Find your balance."
In his captaincy match, Robby was fighting offensively until he found balance, then he switched to mainly defense and won.
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Interestingly, in the s4 avt, Daniel had at first told Eli something similar to what Miyagi had told Daniel in the kk1 tournament: "Concentrate, defense, focus, power. You find your balance, and those points will come."
However, after Eli told Daniel that Robby knows Miyagi-do better and Robby had scored one point on Eli, Daniel told Eli to fight using Cobra Kai and to put Robby on defense. This means that Robby was relying more on Miyagi-Do to fight, while Eli was relying more on Cobra Kai and won the tournament primarily using Cobra Kai teachings, despite representing Miyagi-Do. Eli didn't rely on having balance to win. He won by channeling his anger into fighting. It wasn't a real/pure Miyagi-Do victory.
Daniel had given up on Miyagi's teachings pretty quickly in order to secure the win in the s4 avt. Robby in turn still believes in and follows those teachings. In fact, his balance was off during his match with Eli because Robby had adopted "no mercy" while fighting Kenny and that had affected Robby greatly especially when he saw Kenny and had the realization that Cobra Kai wasn't helping him with his need to find balance.
In his captaincy match, he still relied on those Miyagi-Do lessons and teachings about balance. After he was able to find balance, he won the captaincy match primarily using Miyagi-Do. His win secured him the spot as the male captain, representative, and potential champion for Miyagi-Do in the final tournament in the series. His win was also celebrated using the OG Karate Kid leitmotif for winning by finding balance.
The overall theme of the series is about finding balance not just in karate, but in life as well.
“You remember lesson about balance? Lesson not just karate only. Lesson for whole life. Whole life have a balance. Everything be better. Understand?”
In my post Robby is the protagonist, I describe the role the protagonist plays in the story. One signifier of the protagonist is that the theme of the story is told primarily through their story:
The protagonist in a story is the character who offers the most conflict in situations, has the longest emotional journey, and has a primal goal to root for. Their transformation shapes the story's theme. Their choices and motivations affect the direction of the story. They're at the center of the conflict and their decisions push the plot forward. In a story with multiple characters with journeys, there is ultimately one character who is the primary driver of the overall story and their story tells the theme of the overall story. The other characters' can be protagonists in their own journeys but these become subplots of varying levels of importance. The protagonist is the character whose fate matters most. They have the highest stakes and the greatest obstacles.
Everything about the above statement is captured by Robby's story in s6e5:
He offered conflict by resisting Miguel trying to gaslight him about his greater need to win.
His issues with balance have been ongoing since s1, "the longest emotional journey":
"You may know the moves, but none of that matters unless you have balance.... I didn't mean balancing your body. I mean balancing your life. Look, Robby. I know it's hard growing up without a dad, believe me. Mine died when I was young, so I know. But when those bad feelings all weigh you down, you gotta... you gotta search inside for the good stuff, you know, and just... Because then you can find some balance in your life. Understand. It's not easy, but you'll do it."
He has primal goals to root for. He has to find balance in life. He also doesn't believe in his future but has to make a future for himself by knowing who he is and believing in himself and his future:
"Well, you are the tree, Robby. You've got strong roots. You know who you are, right? So now all you've gotta do is visualize what you want your future to look like, and then you make it happen." He also needs to find balance.
Robby's the only character that actively tries to grow and find balance, the theme of the story. Finding balance is emphasized for his story specifically, though other character's stories touch on the theme to different extents.
Robby's choices and motivations really do affect the plot. For example, Robby could have given into Miguel's claim that he deserves the win more, but Robby didn't. Robby stood up for himself and his future for the first time since he stopped doing so in s5e5. Robby didn't back down after that.
At the end of s6e5, although others in Miyagi-Do care about Tory, Robby is the one most connected to Tory and is the most affected by her rejoining Cobra Kai. That is, he is still most central in his connections to both sides in the dojo war.
Robby's fate has been set up to matter most. Robby issues with balance will greatly affect his ability to fight and lead. He has the highest stakes and the greatest obstacles during this tournament. (Though, Sam is also a captain, she won the spot by default, isn't an underdog the story, and balance is mentioned but is not a focus in her story and doesn't affect her karate.) Interestingly, even most Miguel fans are wondering about what will happen to Robby, though they viciously want him to get injured so that Miguel can take over and win.
Robby's story in Cobra Kai, like Daniel's in kk1, is about finding balance. Daniel's issues with balance in kk1 were centered around his issues with Johnny bullying him, how that made Daniel feel, and the trauma it caused. Robby's issues with balance are also centered around his issues with Johnny's behavior towards him, how it makes him feel, and the trauma it causes him. This parallel of kk1 Daniel's issues with balance being about Johnny and Robby's issues with balance being about Johnny is an interesting one.
The stark contrast in their stories is that Daniel had the support of his loved ones including his mentor in his kk1 match, whereas Robby doesn't have the support of his loved ones and his mentor. Johnny, Sam, and Daniel specifically have been on Miguel's side for some time. They all were on Miguel's side during the captaincy match. (Daniel did seem concerned about Miguel after this loss and not that enthused by Robby's win.) Everyone siding with his bully plays a significant role in Robby's issues with balance. Johnny, especially, choosing Miguel over Robby while neglecting and abusing Robby has played the biggest role in Robby's traumas and issues with balance. Tory was his only support during the captaincy match. However, going into the ST, Tory is no longer on/by his side too. Robby is indeed all alone going into this tournament.
Overall, this story is told from the pov of the bullies, Johnny and Miguel, who are unreliable narrators. Right now, all the "good guy" characters have been on the sides of Robby's bullies. They each frame themselves as the good guy. In s6e2, Robby explicitly called out Miguel for framing Robby as the bad guy. Overall, there is so much evidence throughout the story that Robby is the protagonist, underdog, and Karate Kid narratively and thematically in this story.
(This post is part of my Robby is the underdog post series and is also titled "Finding balance - Part 4".)
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Wolf Spider
Sam Carpenter x Spider-Man!Reader
For @deafeningsharkslimeempath
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Dating Sam Carpenter was like a breath of fresh air for you, the Spider-Man of the Scream Universe. You called yourself the Wolf Spider. Of course, Sam didn’t know about it, you’d know she’d freak out as much about that as she freaks about Tara.
You live just down the hall from Sam and Tara, makes it easy for her to sneak over once everyone else is asleep. Despite a title like Wolf Spider, you love being the domestic and soft hearted kind of lover around Sam. Cooking dinner and dancing in the moonlight with her. Honestly it’s the best kind of secret relationship.
Being part of the Spider Society, on the other hand, can be quite a drag. Your mentor, Miguel O’Hara, is always going on about canon events and how you’re disrupting your own by dating Sam.
You disagree with your mentor on very few things but definitely that. You believe that your fate is something you choose not something chosen for you.
But you do like Peter B Parker and Maymay as your other pal, Spideypool, calls her.
Occasionally you’ll babysit Maymay in your dimension. All that Sam knows is that May is your ‘niece’.
Well tonight is one such night. You were prepping May’s baby food when you turned and found that she was gone.
“May?! Maymay?! Where are you?” You tried to hush call out to her.
And then came the scream. You immediately recognize it as Chad’s. You run out of your apartment and into Sam’s.
“That baby’s possessed!!” Chad screams, pointing at little May who’s currently crawling happily on the ceiling. Little May giggles as she crawls, completely oblivious to the scene she’s causing.
You jump and crawl on the ceiling after her. Sam and Tara just stare at you.
“Maymay. Come here” you gently pull the baby into your arms.
You jump down and come face to face with the Core Four. Quinn, meanwhile, stares in shock from her bedroom door.
“Uhh…hi,” you shrug. “Yeah I’m the Wolf Spider.”
“Baby,” Sam breathlessly says, “that is so hot. You’re a great cook and a great babysitter?! I’m gonna have to keep you”
“You’re dating our neighbor?” Tara asks.
“Youre dating the Wolf Spider?!” Mindy asks excitedly.
Sam wraps her arms around your waist and gives Maymay a little kiss on the head.
Quinn meanwhile texts her dad worriedly, you’re not sure what for. But whatever it’s about it’s cancelling something.
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uniquecellest · 9 months
Some fun AU ideas for Adashi
- Adam is half Galra/human but remained unaware
-Adam is half Altean/human
-Adam half Altean/Galra
-Adam was sent to earth to be a spy however he was extremely young and does not recall his mission at all
-Adam was captured; Shiro gets recaptured and thrown into the Gladiator ring again, they have to fight. Adam doesn't remember Shiro
-Shiro and all Paladins get to Earth the day the Galra invade. Shiro ends up saving Adam before Adam can unalive and Shiro is p i s s e d they went after Earth, especially Adam
-Adam and Lance get captured at different times/places resulting in Keith and Shiro to go after them, only they have to make a choice who lives: Adam or Lance (bonus for Adashi/Klance parallels)
-Matt teasing his friends Adam and Shiro constantly being a little terror to them
-more Adam, Shiro, and Matt being the og Garrison trio
-Krolia meeting a young Adam while she's with Keith's dad and Keith's dad being a mentor/role model to Shiro
-Matt, Shiro, and Adam discover Voltron earlier and are the paladins
-Adam meets Zarkon, Lotor, and/or Sendak and goes ferral on them for hurting shiro, Keith, and the other paladins
-They never broke up when Shiro went to space making
-Adam went on Kerberos replacing Matt, Sam, or Shiro
-Adam gets captured but is released as if a hostage, he was brainwashed/had a chip put in him
-Shiro vs. Kuron and Kuron brings Adam up to emotionally hurt Shiro (lowkey pisses Keith off bc no disrespects his brothers like that)
-Shiro and Adam reunite but are stiff thinking the other has moved on. They're only around each other when necessary unaware that they're also spending longer times together again - /and of course I still want him, but I can't when he's clearly moved on/ (cue Matt and Keith pulling a parent trap)
-rebel leader Adam whether it be on earth or a different planet
-Adam helps make Shiro a new hand
-trouble makers Adam, Matt, and Shiro (i.e. Matt and Shiro causing chaos while Adam tries to get them to chill)
- teenage Adam wanting to impress Shiro so he does something stupid that could actually result in explosion from the Garrison
-Shiro and Adam having relationships with the other Paladins before Kerberos (Pidge especially)
-Adam making Shiro blush easily
(Shiro: you know what you're doing
Adam: what are you talking about. [Actually knows what he's doing])
-Shiro and Adam loving to observe each other from afar from when they're cadets all the way to when Shiro leaves for Kerberos
-Adam is secretly an heir to a great fortune, but he had cut ties with his family and didn't get it til his grandparents passed away (Adam is not the only living relative just a sole inheriter)
-Adam sees Kuron and Shiro fighting and is the meme of "hey what's x + x kuron: correct answer Adam: shoots him Paladins: that was the right answer Adam: yes, but Takashi always does this (cut to Shiro and Keith doing the same fucking movement)
- Adam giving Shiro a silent treatment for dying in space
-Adam thanks Haggar for curing Shiro before unaliving her
-nervous cadet crushes bc they're 50/50 if the other will say yes if asked on a date. Someone makes a remark on the other making Adam or Shiro punch someone. The fight is broken by the time the one who wasn't present gets there (or maybe they're pulling their crush off) and don't get the full story until the one who wasn't fighting is helping patch up the one who was
-they're roommates as cadets
-Adam or Shiro is roommates with Matt while the other has a single room (cue Matt doing his best in getting the two idiots together)
-young Keith unaware that Adam and Shiro are dating so he tries to get them together (he enlists Matt's help)
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