#mer: magic revealed
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Horizons Over Battlegrounds
Fandom: Merlin (TV)
Author: Zaharya @zaharya​
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Violence
Word Count: 14,519
Pairings: Merthur
Characters: Merlin, Arthur Pendragon, Gwaine, Elyan, Leon, Percival, Aithusa
Tags: Canon Era, Episode: s04e04 Aithusa, Merlin's Magic Revealed (Merlin), Court Sorcerer Merlin, Powerful Merlin, BAMF Merlin, Angry Merlin, Protective Arthur Pendragon, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Friends to Lovers, Humor, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Happy Ending, Gwaine Being Gwaine, Teasing, Banter, Healthy Communication, the knights are idiots, Arthur has the brain cell
Teasing and banter have always been part of Merlin's friendship with the knights. But when a prank hits a sore spot for Merlin, the fallout is fiercer than anybody imagined.
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larluce · 9 months
I want to talk about Arthur's reaction to Merlin being a sorcerer in magic reveal fics.
There are the ones that portray a very violent and cruel Arthur. Fisically injuring Merlin on impulse or trying to supress his magic with cold iron. Almost killing him by accident due to outburst or ignorance for him to feel very guilty afterwards. I get why they do it. The angst and drama. And, while there are very well written fics with these prompts, I don't actually believe Arthur would react that way. No matter how betrayed, angry and hurt he feels.
True, there were occasions where Arthur reacted badly, or really, just two occasions: when Morgause told him the truth about his birth and he almost killed his father, and when Gwen "cheated" on him with Lancelot and banish her. However, in the first scenario he genuinely believed his father had killed his mother just out of selfishness, the mother he never got to meet and blame himself for her death all his life, and then killed thousands, not really out of guilt or revenge which probably was Uther main motive, but out of pure hypocrisy. Honestly, even the most kindhearted and nonviolent person would react that badly! I don't think we can compare learning your best friend lied to you about being a sorcerer for years with that. When it came to Gwen though Arthur was actually merciful. As King he should have had her executed, he couldn't NOT punish her in some way because there were witnesses and he couldn't be look as a weak or unreasonable King. And even as angry as he was, he let her explain herself, he was willing to listen to what she had to say. Looking a little backwards, when Arthur found Gwen kissing Lancelot and went on full rage, he never draw his sword at her and is actually when she put herself between Lancelot and his blade that he stops. The woman he loved betrayed him, made him look like a fool infront an entire council and probably the entire kingdom as well and yet he never once insulted her. The much he did, besides banish her of course, was shaking her by the arms in his anger but it's short lived and he quickly apologised after that, because even after what Gwen did to him he can't bare the though of hurting her.
Then there are the fics were Arthur reacts too nicely to the news. He is understanding, he doesn't even get mad at all. He is fine with Merlin being a sorcerer right away. While these fics tend to be cute and all fluff, they make less sense to me that the first ones I mentioned. Arthur still was raised to hate magic, that doesn't go away just in a minute. Also while he can be a very reasonable man, he is a very resentful one too, at least when it comes to trust. We've seen this through the series, nothing breaks his heart more than someone he cares for betraying his trust. Returning to the previous example, while he let go Gwen unharmed after the infidelity, it took him a long time to actually forgive her. Also, while not being a violent man normally, Arthur can be very hurtful with words when he's upset. He threathened Merlin with banishment when he was still hurt about Gwen and Merlin kept reminding him about her. When Merlin decided not to go with him to the most important battle in his life, he said his famous "I always though you were the bravest man I ever met... I guess I was wrong". He didn't actually mean the words, but he's hurt so he hurts others to appease the pain. Was he being unfair and selfish when he said these things? Yes, he's not perfect, he has flaws but that makes him human.
So, how do I actually believe Arthur would react if he had found out about Merlin's magic before Canmlan? Not so different really. He would have said hurtful things, would demand to be alone, for Merlin to leave (not banishment), but he wouldn't fisically injure Merlin in any way. He also wouldn't arrest him at least there were other witnesses and he had to keep appearences, because he's still king of a kingdom that bans magic. But even then he would late let Merlin explain himself and make sure he has a fair trial, a trial Arthur would definitely arrange in a way Merlin is found innocent, or he would give him a royal pardon, and he would make sure Merlin is not harm while he's in the dungeons. Banishment would be a last resort if the council is firm about Merlin being punish, because laws and mentalities can't be changed in a day after all.
But if there're not other witnesses, Arthur would simply not require his servicies for a while, ignore him for some days, weeks maybe, but not a long time really. Again, he can be a resentful person, but not an unreasonable one, he would eventually call for Merlin and be willing to listen to him. The intesity of his anger and hurt, and how troubled he feels about his believes on magic, would depend on which season the magic reveal happens. But, generally, the actions he would take would be the same. Let's remember that even when he found out about Merlin's magic in Camnlan, after all the betrayals he suffered, when Merlin left him alone with Gaius, he ordered Gaius, not for Merlin to be arrested or to disclose to someone Merlin was a sorcerer, but to have Merlin take a word to Gwen! To his wife! If he really believed Merlin was evil, that he could hurt him, he wouldn't dare to do that. Also, as soon as he learned he needed Merlin to have a chance of survival, he accepted his help, reluctantly yes, but he did let him take him to the sidhe when he could easly refuse and demand Gaius to do it or refuse to do it all together cause going to the sidhe would mean using magic on himself and put faith in a sorcerer. So, no, I don't believe he ever planed on taking Merlin to the dungeons, much less kill him, even then. He just wanted to be left alone for a moment, he needed Merlin to leave because it hurt to see him after the revelation, after the betrayal.
Anyways, those are my thoughts. What do you think?
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harzilla · 13 days
Original post found here. https://www.tumblr.com/harzilla/760718001365549056/ohh-brain-rot-time-long-lost-sibling-au-except
Expanding on the idea. I want to thank @achromaticbibliophile for a lot of these ideas
Riddle and Yuu growing up in complete opposite lives. Riddle under strict parentage while Yuu grows up in a family similar to the Robinson's in Meet the Robinson's. A chaotic but loving family that sees failure not as a bad thing, but as a way to learn. Who finds a baby on their doorstep and adopts without hesitation. The two butting heads at first. Until the truth of Yuu being Riddle's sibling is revealed. Perhaps Yuu's hair is platinum blonde or even white. Perhaps Riddle is the Red Queen to Yuu's White Queen. Riddle who is introduced to Yuu's adopted family and it's all so chaotic, dinner nearly a food fight and afterwards he's brought into the kitchen to help make the dessert. Messing it up and he thinks it'll be another oyster sauce incident. But instead everybody cheers and ohh. It's actually okay. Yuu and him sharing the story of him messing up the tart after his overblot The family turns it into a silly joke. The dessert is missing something, why not oyster sauce? The family, having a contest to see who can create the weirdest dessert, and Riddle winning by making a traditional Queendom of Roses star gazey pie. Riddle, who finds himself laughing along with the rest of the family. Welcome to the family Riddle.
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Leona, who has always been the unfavored. Who is brought to meet Yuu's adoptive parents. Leona, who had to convince Falena not to come but instead sends a note thanking the parents for raising the third Kingscholar child. Yuu's parents shocked to see their lost child come home sporting ears and a tail and bringing home a brother. Leona, who finds himself at ease when they ask him about his aspirations, his plans for the future, he's just Leona to them.
Jade and Floyd. Who grew up with a mother who was always worried about them. Eventually learning about a third eelver who was lost to the tides. One day a kid runs up to their parents with a baby wrapped in a towel. The adults panic but the couple eventually adopt the child. Yuu who doesn't have a clue until the day they go to the coral sea to retrieve the photo and transform into an eel mer. Jade immediately separating Yuu and bombarding them with questions while Floyd keeps the others away. Jade and Floyd who drag Yuu back to NRC.
J&F: Found our lost sibling.
Azul: What?
J&F: *dumping them into a tank* Found our lost sibling.
Rollo, who hates magic. Magic lost him not one but two siblings. Rollo, who plans to rid the world of magic. The masquerade invitation to NRC. Rollo, who is shocked when the previously uninvited Prefect looks strikingly similar to himself and his deceased brother. Perhaps he sees Yuu as an even bigger motivator for his plans. Magic took his siblings from him, and if he destroys it, then magic can never take Yuu from him again. Yuu who at the end tells him that yes, magic may have separated them but magic also brought them back together and perhaps magic may allow him to see the world they grew up in.
Malleus' was expanded on a lot and is practically a fanfic in onto itself.
This idea is actually thanks to @kitsun369
The Spade family, a set of baby paternal twins. One that looks like their father, and the other who looks like their mother Dilla. The parents separate after a particularly nasty divorce. Only for the baby with dad to disappear after their father is attacked and injured. The parents, but especially Dilla spend years mourning the loss of one child. One day, Deuce overhears his mom on the phone crying to his grandmother because she's afraid something will happen to Deuce if he doesn't get on the right path. She's already mourned one child. She can't bare to mourn another. That day Deuce decides to turn his life around, he never wants to see his mom cry like that again.
Deuce who becomes friends with the prefect. They're like peas in a pod. They're each other's biggest supporters. The day they go to the White Rabbit festival and Deuce introduces his mom to Yuu, she's shocked because this child is practically the spitting image of her ex-husband when he was that young, even down to the same hair color. She doesn't want to get her hopes up but could it be?
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Yuus Food Truck
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In which Azul loses his mind over a grilled cheese.
Content stuff: short, one sided enemies to lovers, Azul being a loser, general cringe.
Posting Reqs like this for a bit until Tumblr lets us edit asks. I had a request for Enemies to Lovers with Azul, so I came up with this.
That goddamned Prefect was the bane of Azul's existence. For the past few weeks, he has been gripping his leg in absolute rage within his office as he stares at his weekly reports. Practically frothing at the mouth at the mere mention of you.
Recently, the little Ramshackle prefect has begun a new business venture. A simple food truck on campus selling only grilled cheeses for a singular madol. That's it. He found the idea a bit funny, he'll admit, but he was far from worried.
Surely after a month it would shut down, or at the very least get so few customers it wouldn't impact his business. I mean come on, how much money are you really making from selling grilled cheeses for one dollar? You must be taking a loss!
He was wrong. So so wrong.
Not only have you somehow been profiting from your little side project, but you have taken all of his customers. He is looking over his lounge, nowhere near as full as it usually is. He grits his teeth and heads back into the VIP room. The twins should be here any minute now. 
On cue, the door creaks open, and in come those rowdy twins both with their usual smirks. Azul jerks up, staring up at Jade from his desk. His hand shook ever slightly as he gripped the feather in his hand.
“Well? Did you get it?” The mer asks, gaze steely. Floyd speaks for the both of them through mouthfuls of grilled cheese.
“Mmmhmm yeah, we got you a cheese, here you go. Mmmm.” Floyd took another bite of his as he tossed the wrapped-up grilled cheese onto the desk. 
“Hey watch the merchandise– Are you eating their food?" Azul stared at both of them. Floyd stuffing his face with the one in his hand and Jade elegantly nibbling on his own. He was shocked, betrayed by his own staff. “You guys gave them more money— ugh. I would have expected this of Floyd but you too Jade?”
“The prefect saw me ordering and put some mushrooms into mine that pair well with the cheese. Free of charge as well. How thoughtful of them. I must commend their customer service.” Jade wore a shit-eating smirk on his face as he took another bite, making a show out of it. He seemed to relish in Azul's misery.
“Free of charge?” Azul was flabbergasted. Not only were their prices ridiculously low but they were adding things for free? They might as well be handing their money away at that point.
“Right? I say they should have charged Jade for all he's worth for putting those damn things on. Yuck…” Floyd wrinkled his nose as he side eyed Jade, who just continued to eat blissfully. 
He needed to figure out just what was so good about the damn things. Gloved hands carefully lifted up the wrapped delicacy with such fragility as if it would break from a gust of wind. The wrapping was done well, nice and neat as he peeled it off to reveal what was inside.
Crisped and perfectly brown buttered white bread. It glistened in the light with its heavenly beauty. The cheese was ooey and gooey and so thick that it ran down the sides. So far the presentation was beautiful, but it was pretty damn difficult to fucked up a grilled cheese. He tried to hold back this drool from the smell alone.
Carefully, he took a bite and closed his eyes. His mouth was blasted with flavor. As he savored that magical bite, a gust of wind swept through the room, causing the curtains to dance dramatically. The cheesy aroma lingered, creating an ambiance fit for a culinary masterpiece. This grilled cheese has unlocked secrets of the universe with how much it expanded his mind. This mere sandwich has him on the brink of tears
Azul has to hold his expression. He's not gonna be impressed by some measly sandwich. He's better than that. Though he thought that maybe by tasting it he could be able to figure out what your secret ingredient was, it's clear that isn't the case… This is a simple grilled cheese. He would have to go undercover to discover your cooking secrets.
“Heyyy Prefect!” A wry voice hums near the truck, belonging to no other than Ruggie. He knocked on the side of the window and Yuu poked out their head.
Azul watched from the distance, narrowing his eyes as he hyper-focused on the conversation. He admits the front of the Ramshackle dorms was a great location. Close to the botanical garden, close to the main building, not as far as Octavinelle either, and had most of the foot traffic. It's why he had his eye on it for a second location.
“Well if it isn't my number one customer, what can I get ya, let me guess a grilled cheese?” Of course, Ruggie would be their number one customer, which makes sense given his financial state. Figures. Maybe if he introduced a dollar menu…
“You know what Ruggie, you're cool. For you, it's 50 cents. Two for one if you will.” Ruggie pauses for a moment before smiling again. “Awe really? Sweet, can't up a deal like that shyehehehe!” The hyena cackles and you get to work. The window for the truck is fully open, allowing Azul to see in.
You aren't even hiding your cooking technique?! You're just giving all your secrets away like that?! Ohh you foolish fool… This would be easier than he thought.
He must get closer, to see what sort of fuckery is at play here. However, walking up and just watching you cook work is suspicious. As much as he hates to fund this little project… sacrifices must be made… He will have to order a grilled cheese…
Ruggie slinks off, tail wagging happily as he munches on his food. This was the perfect opportunity to approach. He stood up even straighter and approached with determination hidden poorly behind his attempt at a straight face. His scowl dared to seep through but he managed to smooth it out into his sickenly sweet facade.
“Hello, dear prefect!” He watched Yuu perk up through the window as they wiped down their workspace. They glanced over at Azul, completely unaware of his evil plot. “Heya Zuzu what can I get ya?”
Zuzu? That's awfully bold… whatever eyes on the prize… 
“I'd like one grilled cheese please if I may…” Hell yes. Smooth operator. He's so good at this.
“Mkay, coming right up.” Azul leans in closer as you get to work, memorizing everything you do… You just make a grilled cheese… Nothing special. It's just simple bread and cheese you cook in butter. How the hell? Was it the oven perhaps? Did you somehow know of his intentions and we're trying to conceal it?? Ugh, whatever maybe he can sucker you into another deal.
“... You know Prefect, if you just raised the price a bit you'd be bringing in more profits.” 
You shrugged as you pressed down your creation with your spatula to make it sizzle more. “Yeah, I know how money works.” Azul paused and blinked.
“So why don't you do it?” You shrug again. “It's funny.” Azul was perplexed, bamboozled, perhaps even smeckledorfed perchance. You were doing this for fun?! Starting a business for fun. Not for profit which would be beneficial given your situation, but for fun.
“Fun? Really? But prefect– wouldn't you– shouldn't you consider raising the prices even slightly? I mean after all Crowley hasn't been paying you well and if anything—”
“I should shoot you for the mere suggestion of raising the grilled cheese prices. The price is firm. It's never going up even by a cent. Hell, I'm so offended I may lower it.” You pulled the cheese off the grill and started to pack it up, swaddling it with such delicacy and love reserved for newborns.
Azul's mouth hung open for a bit before closing it. “Are you serious? Prefect— Yuu at this point I'm not even mad about the competition I'm– hrk!”  
“You need to relax a little Azul, for your own sake.” You shoved the grilled cheese out the window a bit more forcefully than you intended, making the unwrapped part hit Azul's glasses. The melty butter left grease marks on them, and through the blurriness, he could see your expression. His heart skipped a beat and sucked in a breath. Oh no.
He was in love.
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ashtavula · 5 months
Hi, I've been reading a lot of your work lately and I absolutely love them!
If it's not a bother can I request Jamil, Azul, Vil and Riddle with their S/O being the children of the great seven? Like they got isakaid there instead of yuu (I'm going to ask for all the Overblot boys because personally I think Idia, malleus and Leona are somehow related to the great seven, either a direct Descendants or distant relative)
Anyways thank you so much if you decide to do this and it's alright if you don't I just really love your writing style and works on the Overblot boys!!
This is a really interesting idea, considering all of the boys really respect the great seven!
Jamil, Azul, Vil, and Riddle with a reader who is the child of the great seven
-Jamil is usually reluctant to show off how smart he really is, but he feels like he has to prove his intelligence when he's with you. You are, after all, the child of the Sorcerer of the Sands. He fully believes that you must be just as wise as your father, even if you actually aren't.
-Jamil never refers to you by title, since it just reminds him that he's a servant, and you are the child of a grand vizier. He knows that you don't care, but he'd rather avoid bringing it up. Instead, he calls you habibi when you're both alone, and he can be more affectionate.
-He refuses to hear anything about you possibly returning to your home. Jamil knows that your father wouldn't approve of you dating a servant, and he can't stand the thought of losing you forever. All he can do is hope that you'll stay, against all odds.
-Azul practically begs you to share what you know about your mother. He's always admired the Sea Witch, and he wants to know all there is to know. He'll light up if you reveal some of her wisdom to him, or show him how some of her magic was done.
-I assume that you're also an octopus mer, and that puts Azul at ease because you're like him. The two of you will both curl up in his octopot, giggling as his tentacles tangle with yours. Azul sweetly calls you his precious pearl as holds you, though he'll blush if you give him a pet name too.
-Azul is terrified that you'll leave him one day, and he tries his hardest to make you want to stay with him. He'll spoil you, and he constantly strives to prove that he's worthy of your love. He loves you too much to be able to bear losing you.
-Vil doesn't want to push you too much, but the Fairest Queen is well-renowned for her poisons. Surely, you've learned from her, and can teach him. He also asks a lot about her beauty routines. He'll be ecstatic if you share any of her secrets with him.
-Vil adores being able to call you his beautiful prince/princess, and he tends to flaunt your relationship. He preens if you compliment him in return, and gets ridiculously happy if you call him your perfect prince. He feels tempted to record you telling him that, just so he can play it whenever he wants.
-He acts like he's not worried about you potentially leaving, but deep down he's scared that it will happen. He'd do just about anything to get you to stay with him, even if it meant facing off against the Fairest Queen.
-He gets even more serious about following the rules of the Queen of Hearts after realizing that she's your mother. Surely, you're pleased that he remembers all of them, right? Riddle would be baffled if you told him it wasn't necessary, or if you went so far as to criticize your mother for making up so many ridiculous rules.
-Riddle still refers to you by your title, but it's become a term of endearment. He'll kiss your hand as you stroll through the rose maze, and will affectionately call you his prince/princess. He also gets flustered if you refer to him as your prince. Or even better, your king.
-He worries that you miss your mother and your old home, but he desperately hopes that you'll stay with him. If it came down to you going back to your original place, Riddle would choose to go with you. Nothing is more important to him than his love for you.
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Could i request yandere sebastian, claude, and ash with floyd from twst reader? They look the same in human and merform and has the same personality.
I'll do two 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Floyd Leech Reader | Yandere Black Butler
From another world and an eel-mer person, you’re never one for abiding by the rules. Fun is what you’re after and what you find fun includes man-handling the ones you’re pointed to. Which happens to work for you in the slums of London where plenty of people need squeezing. Luckily you’re twin, the talker, has the pills that allow you both to keep your human appearances….for now. The best thing to do is stay where the fun is considering they also happen to have the mysterious ingredients needed to keep you and your brother walking: 
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Sebastian Michaelis
“Ayyy! So you’re the one they want me to squeeze? This is gonna be fun!”
While ultimately you’re no match for the demon butler
But you certainly give him a run for his money
Magic-powered eels aren’t exactly his typical foe
Nor do his opponents stop mid-fight to whine about being bored
“Ugh, I wanna go for a swim. This is boring!”
“I can make things more interesting for you if you like.”
“Eh?! Doubt it Sharky. You’re not fun to play with.”
Once he realizes that you’re becoming the only thing on his mind 
He can only wish to appease your ever-changing moods
Hoping that you’ll give him the time of day
Which unfortunately means stopping whatever work he’s doing to ‘play’ with you
When you nonchalantly let it slip or reveal your eel-mer form he’s already thinking of ways to lock you up in a tank
The only problem is your undetermined mood
And your twin….that’s oddly reminiscent of himself
Who seemingly has it out for him with that stupid smile always on his face
He hopes that’s just their typical expression and not a cocky grin
Otherwise, there are plenty of circuses that’ll want a mermaid or even better a mermaid corpse
“I hope we can get along in the near future. After all, it’d be for (Y/n)’s best interest.”
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Ash Landers
“Stop! Chasing me!”
“Come on! Come on! Don’t be scared! I just want to squeeze ya!”
“You broke that man’s spine!”
Love and crippling fear is a thin line for Ash
With his warped view of humans, he sees you as a…work in progress
You’re not human, 
you intentionally bite others without knowing where they’ve been
And delight in hurting others 
Granted if he points you in the right direction you can be somewhat helpful
“Nah I don’t wanna squeeze ‘em anymore.”
“But you said you would!”
To him, you’re just so frustrating 
But he can do it
You're rehabilitation is going to make all the pain worth it
He’s going to have an even bigger problem when your twin gets in his way
“They said they're not all that interested in helping you at the moment.”
“What!? But they just told me to-”
“They. Are. Not. Interested.” 
Oh he’s going to love cleansing this world of such a nosy twin
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sweetbunpura · 1 month
AU where Yuu is originally from TWST but got stolen as a baby. Yuu doesn't remember wonderland, but they always get the feeling they're missing something, be it magic... or family. Cue getting teleported to NRC and the whole opening ceremony, but Yuu uses magic trying to help wrangle in Grim. Revealing to everyone and themselves that they can use magic (and it probably also causes some other features to appear: be it beastman, fae, or mer).
Yuu now has to learn from the start how to use magic, and unknown to them, their sibling might be somewhere in NRC or RSA.. (maybe even NBC).
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hisui-dreamer · 1 year
an exchange for a spark
Pairing: Azul Ashengrotto x gn!reader
Synopsis: Knowing Azul, everything would come at a cost, but sometimes you get more than what you asked for in an exchange.
Tags: childhood friends, fluff, reader is a mer, mentions Azul's past, little mermaid references, bot proofread
Word count: 1.6k+
Notes: congrats to Azul fans who won the poll for our resident businessman!
Azul tsum came home in the JP server so here's some fluff for our dearest tako! this takes place before NRC and the boys are in pre-teens
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Azul's heart skipped a beat as you neared him, your scales reflecting a stunning array of colours that reminded him of opalescent shells. Your beauty was ethereal, a sight to behold, and Azul couldn't help but feel like a mere speck in comparison. He recognised you instantly; the mermaid who never failed to light up the area, the one with the infectious smile and bright eyes that sparkled like diamonds in the demure rays of sunlight refracted into the depths of the sea.
You were the popular one in school, your every move and word fawned over by your classmates, while he was the outcast hiding in his octopus pot, fearing the bullies who would make fun of him.
An odd pair; but the two of you were close friends. He supposed it was inevitable, given how often your family frequented his mother’s restaurant, bringing the two of you together in an unexpected way.
"Hey there, Azul!" you sang out, your tail propelling yourself towards him. As you approached, you saw Azul perched on a counter, a look of surprise on his face as he looked up. His tentacles were completing multiple tasks at hand, keeping track of the inventory of his mother's restaurant, flipping through pages of an old book, and writing on multiple sheets of parchment. "Oooh, what are you reading?" you asked.
Azul smiled, pausing his tasks to focus on you. "It's a grimoire on terrestrial magic," he replied, the interest evident in his voice.
"Wow! That’s way ahead of what they’re teaching in class! Can you show me?" You asked eagerly.
His smile turned sly, and you knew instantly that there was a catch. "Of course, but it'll cost you," he said, pushing his glasses up with a flick of his hand.
You giggled, knowing that he always had something up his sleeve. "What do you want, Azul?"
Azul's eyes glinted mischievously, and you could tell he was up to something. One of his tentacles reached out and gently tilted your chin upward. "Your most prided quality, of course. How about... your voice?"
You blinked, before bursting into a fit of giggles. "Hahaha Azuzu! You and I both know you'd miss my voice too much!"
Azul's lips curved into a tender smile, exuding affection as his silver tongue wove compliments like a skilled weaver crafting an intricate tapestry. "You are right, your voice is a treasure beyond compare, and I could not bear to take it away from you," he murmured, but you could only shake your head fondly at his words. "But tell me, Angelfish, what else can you offer me?"
You paused, your mind spinning like a school of fish caught in a whirlpool. Then, a sudden flash of recollection struck you, and you reached into your satchel, fumbling around to pull out a small sack, handing it to him as your fins fluttered with exhilaration. "I almost forgot, here!" you exclaimed. "I got this for you."
As you handed it to Azul, he shifted towards you, taking the sack curiously. "What is it?" he asked, his excitement building as he examined the sack like an archaeologist uncovering a long-lost artefact.
"It's a surprise," you giggled. "Open it up and see for yourself!"
Azul's fingers trembled with anticipation as he gingerly unfurled the sack's opening, revealing a bounty of treasures within. A cascade of glimmering coins spilt forth, gleaming like the dying sun cresting over the ocean's horizon. As if holding a precious gem, he carefully plucked one of the golden coins from the pile, entranced by its lustre. Its surface glinted and shone, reflecting its metallic sheen into his aquamarine eyes. A radiant grin bloomed across his face, illuminating his features with pure delight.
"I've never seen this one before! You collected these for me?" he exclaimed, his voice full of wonder. "How thoughtful of you, Angelfish. I will add them to my collection." He looked up at you and coughed at his open display of joy, quickly returning to his businesslike demeanour. "Ahem, since you have been so kind to me, it is only fair I give you a show in return."
You couldn't help but feel a thrill of glee and curiosity. "Ooh! What is it?" you asked eagerly.
Azul's smile returned, and he leaned in closer to you. "I can show you a little trick I learned," he divulged in a hushed tone, "I can conjure fire."
"Fire?" you repeated incredulously. "But that’s… isn’t that only possible on land? They can’t… uhm... burn...? here, right?"
Azul chuckled softly, amusement gleaming in his expression. "Normally, no, fire cannot exist underwater," he explained. "But I found a way to conjure air simultaneously to feed the fire. I can make fire burn even here."
Azul raised his hand, murmuring an incantation under his breath. Suddenly, a small flame appeared in the palm of his hand, flickering and dancing like a playful fish, its warm light casting beautiful patterns on the sand below. Noticing the wonder in your eyes, a soft murmur escaped his lips. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" he whispered. "Up on land, humans use fire for illumination, cooking, and all sorts of things."
You nodded in understanding, your mind already racing with the possibilities. "It's amazing," you murmured in awe.
Azul turned to you, a look of satisfaction on his face. "I'm glad you think so, Angelfish," he smiled.
As you drew nearer to the crackling flames, you felt a jolt of awareness coursing through you, as if an invisible force were pulling you towards Azul. His warm breath, like a pleasant gust of wind, caressed your cheek, sending shivers down your spine. You gazed up to meet his eyes, so alike shimmering pools of liquid sapphire, radiating with a mesmerising allure. The reflection of the blazing fire danced in his eyes, as if mimicking the fiery passion that was stirring inside you.
For a moment, you both stood there, caught in a trance-like state, as if time itself had come to a halt. The heat emanating from the fire and Azul's body enveloped you in a cocoon of warmth, making you feel safe and protected. You could hear the rhythmic thump of his heartbeat, akin to the steady beat of the ocean waves, in perfect synchronicity with your own.
As if propelled by some unknown force, the words that had been burning inside you tumbled out of your mouth, unfiltered and raw.
"I really like you, Azul," you confessed, your voice barely above a whisper, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment. The words hung in the air, heavy with anticipation and vulnerability.
Azul's eyes widened in shock, but you caught a glimpse of hope flash across his face before he diverted his gaze to the ground. His hands ceased to hold the fire, now folded across his torso in a vulnerable stance.
"Angelfish... I... But your friends," he started, attempting to pull away from you.
Determined to make your feelings known, you interrupted him, grabbing his shoulders to gain his attention. "I don't care about my friends," you reassured. "I care about you, Azul. You're smart, and kind and sweet. I like you, no matter what anyone else thinks."
Azul's gaze softened, the worry etched into his features fading away as he drank in your words. He reached out, his fingers intertwining with yours, imbuing you with a sense of security and comfort. "My dear Angelfish," he marvelled, his voice filled with affection, "you have no idea how much that means to me."
Overcome with emotions, you leaned in, your lips colliding with Azul's in a tender, all-consuming kiss. It was a kiss of unbridled emotion, the sweetness of it threatening to intoxicate you both. It was as though the world had stilled, and all that remained was the two of you, lost in each other.
Azul wrapped his strong arms around you, enveloping you in his embrace. His tentacles curled around you like vines, pulling you deeper into his embrace. The heat of his skin and the softness of his lips were like a symphony to your senses, causing your heart to race with a mix of passion and delight-
Suddenly, a voice interrupted your reverie, causing both of you to jump apart. You looked around and saw the twins, their faces beaming with grins as they called out to you. "Oh? What's happening over here?" Jade teased, his gaze alternating between you and Azul.
You felt a flush creeping up your neck as you tried to compose yourself. "Just catching up, that's all," you replied, hoping to avoid any further scrutiny.
Azul, on the other hand, was incredibly flustered. His heart raced in his chest, and his pulse quickened as if he had just been caught in the act of doing something wrong. His tentacles twitched nervously as he struggled to regain his composure, but his embarrassment was plain to see. With a forced smile, Azul tried to hide his discomfort as he greeted the eels. "Ahem, hello, Jade, Floyd," he coughed, his voice betraying a hint of strain. "We were just...uh...talking. Nothing...nothing important."
The eels snickered at his failed attempt, unconvinced by his dismissive response. "Well then, don't let us interrupt your... talking," Jade remarked with a sly wink. "Come on, Floyd, let's give them some space... for now." He added the last part with a sly twinkle in his eye, sharing a knowing look with his brother before they swam away.
As the two of you were left alone, you couldn't help but adore the deep flush of his cheeks. Unable to resist the allure of his charming blush, you cupped his jaw and pecked his cheek. Your lips brushed against his skin, leaving behind a trail of warmth and affection. When you pulled away, you were greeted with the sight that only warmed your heart further, his blush deepening like a sunset spreading across the horizon, painting the sky with a spectrum of colours.
Truly, how could anyone ever find someone as endearing as him dislikeable?
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butcherlarry · 2 months
Weekly Fic Recs 74
This week's fic recs!!
Patchwork Pod by Ktkat9 @ktkat99 - Superbat, Batfam, Superfam, wip. More of the mer Bruce fic! Some fall out of Tim finding out his spleen is gone.
Think It, Do It by bajuwa - Superbat, complete. Clark gets hit with a magic truth spell. Confessions are made and sexy times ensue :)
The Soul Is An Idiot by impertinence - Cloisbat, wip. More of the Clark/Lois/Bruce polyamory fic I am obsessed about. The boys worry about Lois and Matches makes another appearance. Discussions are had about his terrible accent.
Rule 63 by MaskoftheRay @ray-gurl - Superbat, complete. Bruce gets hit by a magic spell and is turned into a lady. Shenanigans ensue.
eye in the sky by TheResurrectionist @frownyalfred - Batfam, Superbat (kinda), wip. More of the Injustice AU where Bruce trains (and tries to protect) new recuits and Duke is one of his trainees! I loved the further exploration of Duke's powers in this latest chapter!
every cat has its day by pomeloquat @pomeloquat - Bruce Wayne, Batfam, wip. Cat Bruce fics, my beloved. The lastest chapter has Bruce getting hit with a capnip like substance and the JL deals with it :))))))))))))
Tell Me Your Secrets (I Already Did) by Athi816 - Bruce Wayne, complete. Batman reveals his identity during a game of "Fuck, Marry, Kill" with the Justice League. Or so he thinks. It takes a while for others to figure it out, lmao.
Battinson and the JL ft. His Eventual Identity Reveal by Athi816 - Bruce Wayne, complete. Another fic where Batman reveals his identity, but this time it's Battinson! I love Battinson and his interactions with the Justice League in this one :)
Happy reading!
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minty-mumbles · 3 months
LU Mer AU - Harsh Reality
Summary: The story of how Wild's fins got scarred
TW: Violence and blood
AN: @breannasfluff some fish for you 🐠 🐟
(Read this and the rest of the AU on AO3)
Ever since Wild and Wind had joined up with another loner- an octopus Mer named Hyrule- things had been smooth sailing. It still wasn’t exactly easy, but with two hunters in the group instead of just one, it was significantly simpler to fill everyone’s bellies. 
With Hyrule there, Wild didn’t have to leave Wind alone when he went to hunt. Hyrule also had magic, a fact he’d hesitantly revealed to the pair three weeks after joining them in their travels. Wild was hesitant to ask Hyrule to use his magic, as he didn’t want to frighten the octopus away, but when one of them did get hurt, there was less for Wild to worry about than before. 
Not having to worry so much about getting food or any injuries they might acquire had lulled Wild into a false sense of security, something he wouldn’t realize until it was too late. 
For the past day and a half, the three of them had been traveling along a sharp drop-off that led to the deep waters Wild himself had been raised in. The cold waters that rose from the depths were rich in nutrients, which allowed a flourishing ecosystem to thrive along the cliff’s edge. It was more than enough to sustain at least a small pod, but the cold waters chased away many nearby tropical Mer pods that might have been looking to expand their territory. 
Wind was amusing himself by seeing how far he would dare to dart out over the open waters before getting too nervous and fleeing back to the safety of the cliff. Both Wild and Hyrule were keeping a lazy eye on him while chatting about their next move. Wild might be comfortable staying here for a while, but the cold water wouldn’t be good for Hyrule or Wind long term. They would have to move on eventually. 
But for now, it seemed safe enough.
Being able to reassure himself that there wasn’t any danger of attracting unwanted attention from other Mer put Wild’s mind at ease. Probably for the first time since he had found Wind. he was truly relaxed. 
Dropping his guard was a mistake, one he didn’t recognize until their peace was broken by Hyrule letting out a warning screech that had Wind darting toward the relative safety of the cliff. 
Wild was caught off guard by the warning call, twisting in the water to try and pinpoint what Hyrule was alerting to. It didn't take much time to locate the threat- rather, it didn’t take long for the threat to locate Wild. 
A sharp blow to his side sent him flying into the side of the cliff. Stunned for a moment, Wild opened his mouth- to shriek, or call for Hyrule, or something- but all the water had been knocked out of his lungs. A sharp edge of the rocks dug into the gills on his chest, making it harder to breathe. Slowly, he rebounded back away from the wall, unable to control the direction he was drifting. 
Gills fluttering, he desperately tried to reorient himself. Slowly, the world came back into focus, and now that he could breathe again, other things started to filter back into his awareness. Hyrule yelling, Wind wailing, and a deep, unfamiliar snarl. 
“We’re sorry! We didn't know this was someone’s territory! I swear we’ll leave right away, we’re sorry!” Hyrule’s attempt at placating the strange Mer was lost to Wild as he managed to twist around to take in the threat, wincing as his ribs screamed in protest.
Before him, Hyrule had placed himself in between Wild and the new Mer, and was staring them down. His arms were spread out to the sides as if to block the larger Mer from swimming around him to get to Wild and a faint green shimmer in the water told Wild that Hyrule was casting a shielding spell as well. Thankfully, Wind was nowhere to be seen, and had stopped wailing after seeing that Wild was still well enough to move on his own.
For a moment, Wild could only feel gratitude that Hyrule would throw himself in the path of danger for Wild, someone who he’d only known for a few months at best. That feeling was quickly shoved aside. He would have time to be thankful after they got away. For now, he had to focus. 
He swam up behind Hyrule, presenting a more united front. The other Mer seemed hesitant to attack right away when they saw Hyrule’s magic, which gave Wild enough time to observe them. 
They were clearly a deep sea Mer like Wild, with a black tail with jagged stripes of dark purple covering their fins. The most important thing about them though, was how large they were. They were a fully grown adult, likely over seventy based on their size alone. 
And they did not look friendly.
Oh, that’s not good, Wild thought. He might have even said it out loud, but it was lost as the Mer seemed to grow tired of hesitating. In a swift movement, they twisted their body, coiling up tightly and then striking out with their tail against the barrier Hyrule had erected. Hyrule’s magic was no match for the harsh strike, and the green glimmer in the water shattered upon impact. 
That must have been what they did to me, Wild realized absently as he grabbed Hyrule and dove straight down, out of the way of the strike. He propelled them down- five feet, then ten, then twenty. 
When he finally let go of Hyrule, they were a good twenty-five feet below the other Mer, who had twisted to watch them move further away, but didn’t pursue them. Their eyes glinted harshly in the low light, and Wild shivered as he realized that the only reason the Mer wasn't following was because they were heading deeper into the Mer’s territory. There was no reason to follow because they were running away. They were just heading into more familiar waters to the other Mer.
Wild gave Hyrule a shove to get the octopus to stop clinging to him. Hyrule withdrew quickly but with clear reluctance. Quietly, Wild hissed, “Stay here. If things go bad, take Wind and get as far away as you can.” Hyrule looked like he wanted to protest, but he gave Wild a firm nod and a sharp click of agreement.
With Hyrule’s confirmation that even if things went south, Wind would still have a chance, Wild darted back up through the water toward the larger Mer. 
Attacking from below was hardly ever effective unless the one you were attacking didn’t know you were coming, and the other Mer definitely knew Wild was coming, but there wasn’t much to do about that. He had to distract them for long enough for Hyrule to slip around the side and find where Wind had hidden himself. Wild was under no impression that this would go well for him. The other Mer was half again as long as he was, and clearly much older. Wild would need a miracle to fight them off. 
As he swam upwards, he stretched out his fins as much as he could. The drag of the extra width slowed him down a little, but he knew it was worth it for the effect.
Wild knew from experience that his larger-than-average fins gave even the largest Mer pause when they saw his threat display. This time was no different, the other Mer’s eyes widening for a second. They righted themselves quickly, preparing for the initial clash, but that split-second delay was just what Wild needed. It threw them off balance, making it easier to predict their next move. 
They curled up again, clearly trying to use the same smacking move they had used to break Hyrule’s shield, but Wild was prepared, ducking around their tail. He reached out a hand toward the other Mer’s chest, claws bared, aiming for their gills. Injuries to the gills were a quick way to incapacitate someone. It was usually considered a dirty move to go for the gills, but Wild couldn’t afford to fight fair.
Border skirmishes were quick and violent affairs, and usually left one party grievously injured, if not dead. Wild knew he couldn’t hold back. He had to use every trick in the book to get the upper hand. 
His slash was knocked off course by the Mer swinging an arm out, catching Wild in the shoulder and swatting him away easily. The strength of the blow made pain bloom in his shoulder, and he hissed loudly, drawing his arm close, cradling it to his body.
The pain distracted him, and his hiss quickly turned into a shriek of agony as new pain bloomed along his fins. 
Blood flooded the water as he quickly retracted his fins toward his body, twisting around to face his opponent again, who had moved off a few feet. The Mer grinned at him with a mouth full of sharp teeth, looking not at all sorry. The claws on both hands glistened with blood- Wild’s blood. 
Wild’s dorsal fin and one of his pelvic fins burned. Every movement through the water caused the pain to flare up further. 
This time the other Mer moved first, no doubt thinking they had just guaranteed their victory. Wild wasn’t ready. He felt like he could barely move with the burn in his fins, but he didn’t have a choice. 
He waited until the last second, then flung himself out of the way of the blow, using his momentum to drive his claws into the Mer’s hip- then rake them halfway down their tail before his momentum pulled his claws right out of their flesh. The Mer howled as blood flooded the water. 
It was coming faster than Wild expected, even with the long ragged cuts his claws had left. Had he hit an artery? 
The other Mer seemed to have the same thought, hands coming to cover the wounds, their face shifting from a victorious smile to a horrified wide-eyed look. Their hands did nothing to stop the outpouring of blood. 
Abruptly, they turned and dove, sinking faster and faster through the water. For a moment, Wild was worried they were going to go after Hyrule where he was clinging to the cliff, but they fell straight past him. 
In moments, the murk of the depths obscured them. There was startling silence, unsettling after the shrieks of battle. The only proof there had been a battle at all was the blood lingering in the water and the wounds littering Wild’s body. 
He hesitated for a moment, staring down into the darkness. He half expected the other Mer to come barreling back up out of the depths, but they didn’t. 
It felt like an eternity later when a soft touch on their arm shocked them out of their staring contest with the abyss. Slowly, Wild turned to stare at Hyrule. Hyrule looked worried. His arms were full of a nervously clicking Wind, who WIld noted looked blessedly unhurt. One of Hyrule’s tentacles was stretched out to caress Wild’s shoulder.
Still, Wild felt frozen. He couldn’t move, couldn't speak. He could feel himself slowly drifting downward as he continued to not move, but he couldn't convince his body to move. 
Slowly, he could feel more of Hyrule's tentacles wrap around him, as the abyss rose up to consume his vision and the sweet blackness of oblivion washed the pain of his injuries away.
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ridreamir · 2 months
Nebarra isekai AU where he comes to our world and someone asks him if his ears are real (if he's not wearing a full suit of armor) and he's like ??? Have you idiots really never seen a mer before?? Otherwise yes everyone thinks it's like method acting and cosplay. "Why?? Are yours not? That explains why I feel as though I'm talking to a stone wall." (In response to being asked if his ears are real.) Also him being angry that these people are not worshipping at your feet because even though he hates the humans who consider you the reincarnation of their god the level of disrespect these people show to you (because you're a nobody to them) is truly astounding. Him preaching at people like "Hellooooo, your mortal savior in the flesh walks amongst you, shouldn't you be prostrating yourselves before us at this very second? Worshipping the very ground they walk on? No? Is everyone in this gods-forsaken land stupid???" Your coworkers/classmates/whoever thinking you paid an actor to do this and it's all very embarrassing and quite frankly very weird. I can just imagine him driving his sword into pure concrete like "what's happening are these people holding you captive" and people suddenly being very scared now that he's revealed it's not a prop... And remember he's only still alive because *you* saved him but in our modern day we don't do the whole life debt thing. So you have an 'alien' sworn knight sort of situation going on and all the sudden magic is real and all sorts of mindbreaking nonsense is happening. Even better if you're in the middle of going about your day and he steps though a very real portal and you're just like ?!?!?!?! Turns out the events of the Elderscrolls did happen in a past life and time isn't linear and what not and this is technically before AND after the events that happened in Skyrim and all sorts of kalpa dragon mumbo jumbo but basically this is what you were before you were the Dragonborn and it all makes sense now why you had no sense of who you were before Helgen. (Maybe you did and you just couldn't talk about your life in this shit world.) I might have to write a part two about technology and society and all that through the eyes of Nebarra :3
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We Can Always Run
Fandom: Merlin
Author: queerofthedagger @queerofthedagger
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Content, Alcohol, Strong Language
Word Count: 148,000
Characters: Arthur Pendragon, Merlin, Leon, Morgana, Gwen, Hunith, Lancelot, Elyan, Gwaine, Original Characters
Pairings: Merthur, Elyan/Gwaine
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Slow Burn, Merlin's Magic Revealed, Arthur Knows About Merlin's Magic, Arthur Knows About Morgana's Magic, runaways, Fugitives, Screw Destiny, Fix-It, Medieval road trip, Hurt/Comfort, Friends to Lovers, Idiots in Love, Literal Sleeping Together, BAMF Merlin (Merlin)BAMF Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)ProtectivenessBattle Couple, Codependency, Morally Ambiguous Character, Good Morgana, Uther Pendragon's A+ Parenting, Canon-Typical Violence, Maybe slightly worse (hence the warning), Mild Sexual Content, Worldbuilding, Magical Cities & Islands & Boats, References to Ancient Roman Religion & Lore, Ealdor, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, They were supposed to live a Farm Life but wanted Adventure instead, Don't copy to another site, After Camlann Merlin Big Bang
Arthur has always had distant dreams of leaving Camelot. They were never more than a wistful fantasy, at least once he grew up.
Finding out about Merlin’s magic changes everything though, and not only because Arthur would do more to keep Merlin safe than he cares to admit. What follows are secrets upon secrets, allowing the dreams to slip back in as all his father’s lies unravel around him. Slowly but surely, Camelot feels less like a home and more like a gilded cage, and Arthur isn’t so certain anymore whether he’s the right person to carry this legacy. If he even wants to.
One final secret, one opportunity, and suddenly the dreams aren’t mere dreams anymore. Merlin wouldn’t be Merlin if he didn’t follow wherever Arthur goes, and as they try to outrun Uther’s manhunt for them, they have to learn to live a life that’s about more than duty, other’s expectations, and a destiny that has never once cared for them.
Or: Arthur long since expected that one day, he might have to flee Camelot with Merlin. He just never thought that he would be the reason.
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sleepyfan-blog · 4 months
Author’s Note: Joth part three! I hope you enjoy :D first. Previous
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @the-pure-angel@whorety-k 
Warnings: body horror
Summary: Joth and his newly bonded human have a chat
You didn't realize that you'd fallen asleep in the grasp of the very large mer who'd grabbed you and your friends and fled far from the underwater cave you'd been exploring until you awoke to the sound of a deep, rumbling sound. It was like a purr, if lions were capable of it. You yawn clearly and stretch, nuzzling into the warm something surrounding you as your memories of the previous time you were awake come back.
The large red and brass Astartes who'd grabbed you and your friends and fled from something at high speed was curled around you, a low rumbling sound that reminded you of a purr. He nuzzles you as a large, rumbling yawn leaves him - 
You watch as what you'd assumed to be some kind of helmet open on a hidden hinge, revealing what must be hundreds of needle-sharp teeth and three tongues curled into and around each other as he yawns the purr rumbling through you getting louder as he snuffles your neck.
“Uhm… Are you awake enough to talk? You mentioned when you flew us away from that beach that something dangerous was happening? Will you tell us about it?” You ask, silently wondering why you felt so safe in this large and dangerous predator's deceptively gentle grip. Your friends were awake as well and watching you and the large Astartes with a mix of awe and worry.
“Idiot sorcerer was performing a ritual that was going wrong as he held me captive. I escaped where he was holding me and nearly bumped into you all on the way. Their magics - even when it does as intended - has… awful consequences more often than not.” The mer explained, an unhappy growl briefly entering his voice as he spoke “I am able to swim through the air just as easily as the water, precious bonded, and can drop you and your friends off near your dens, if you wish.”
“Bonded?” One of your friends asked, head tilting in confusion.
“Oh… The cosmic force that brought me and all other astartes upon this world… binds us to a specific human or two at a time. The nature of the bond depends on both Astartes and the human or humans involved.” Joth explained, still sleepy and lethargic. “You and I bonded the moment I saw you in that cave… Mrrr… Must protect… an’ care for you. Urge is overwhelming at times.” He's not sure why but part of him is yelling at him to stop. The rest of his ragged soul and tormented mind is too joyous in meeting his bonded to care.
“Erm… Why?” You ask, confused.
“Dunno. Some are studying the bonds n’ trying to figure out why. I… am just grateful the Nails no longer… They do not affect me anymore. I think.” The rage and pain had faded from his mind and body, apart from a mild, aching soreness.
“Nails? Are you hurt?” You ask, causing the large Astartes to purr and nuzzle you again. You can feel the joy he feels at your concern for him.
“Mmm, these.” Joth explained, reluctantly lifting a hand off of his precious bonded and tapping one of the Butcher's Nails  driven through his skull “forced to get them or be killed Back There. It causes… Pain and Rage. Drives one to fight and revel in it. Will eventually kill me. But our bond relieves the fury and agony.”
You shudder in horror, eyes widening. Perhaps whatever cosmic force had brought him to Earth was trying to rescue him? “Do… Do all astartes have these Nails in them?”
“No. Only War Hounds and World Eaters.” Joth hummed, still blissfully snuggled into his pretty, precious human. His lovely peace. His darling source of serenity. 
“... Why?” You ask, equal parts horrified and filled with morbid curiosity.
“Primarch’s Orders. Created for them, to fight and die for the ‘perium. Least. That's our original purpose. Half of us - me included - rebelled ‘gainst the corpse worshippers. We… failed to kill the Imperium completely, retreated to safer astral waters. We raid them regularly. Liberate the souls of the innocent we can.” Joth rumbled, nuzzling into you again. Again, part of him knew he should shut up… But why should he hide this from you? You are his and he is yours.
“Who or what is a Primarch?” You ask, finding that with every answer you get, the more questions you have. You Note that one of your friends is using their phone to record Joth’s answers and glare at them, shaking your head. You feel that Joth is trusting you because of this mystery bond and may have forgotten your friends being close by. 
Your friend pouts silently at you before putting their phone away. You mouth a silent thank you their way.
“Primarch… Genesires. Warlords. Sons of the Corpse-God of the Imperium.” He explained, before giving a more in depth explanation between the loyalist primarchs and the deamon primarchs. 
You stay quiet for a while, mentally reeling from all of the information that Joth had given you. You’d heard stories about astartes - and occasionally seen one or two while at the beach. But from what Joth had told you - and the life of hardship that the scars across his body spoke to… You silently wonder if whatever force was bringing the Astartes here was trying to rescue them from the misery and suffering they were subjected to. You lean into his warm body “So… We’re bonded… What would you like to do about that?”
“For now? Hold you close. ‘M still sleepy. After I’d like to get to know you, lovely…” Joth rumbled, still purring, his glowing red eyes soft as he looks at you.
“And I’d like to get to know you better… Should you sleep out in the open like this? Do you need water?” You ask, concerned that sleeping for prolonged periods of time out of water might hurt him.
He chuckle softly “I can sleep out of water, worry not my bonded… We were created to withstand the perils of the warp and the void sea where there is no air to be found. A shady spot with my beloved is much better than that. Sleep, darling. I will guard us.”
You blink, feeling a wave of exhaustion hit you hard as you nuzzle into his side again, allowing yourself to relax into him, as sleep washed over you.”Alright…” You mumble as you fall asleep again.
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ask game where Yoichi who lives in a small cottage on the beach one day finds an injured mermaid (which is AFO) on the shore and decides to help it. It turns out to be the biggest mistake of his life.
Poor Yoichi, once again doomed after foolishly inviting AFO into his life:
Yoichi is a marine biologist. When he finds an injured merman with white hair and red eyes washed up on the beach, he immediately takes him home. Yoichi tends to the injuries and keeps him in a bathtub filled with saltwater. He does not tell anyone, because he assumes if merpeople have not revealed themselves to humans then they don't want to be known. Although Yoichi cannot speak the merman's language, he uses pictures to figure out that he eats raw fish.
As soon as the merman is well enough to swim, Yoichi sneaks him back to the beach. The merman grabs Yoichi's head and drags him under. Unbeknownst to Yoichi, he saved All for One, the King of the Mer. All for One is a cruel and tyrannical king who got injured in a battle against rebels. He feels grateful to Yoichi for saving his life, and has decide to express that gratitude by turning Yoichi into a mer.
Merpeople have no reproductive organs, so they reproduce by drowning humans. This process transforms humans into their own kind. Usually merpeople pick children, who are easier to make forget about their past. Sometimes merpeople will fall in love/lust with a human and decide to drown them. It's unusual to adopt someone as old as Yoichi into a family but not unprecedented.
All for One brings Yoichi back to his castle and announces that Yoichi is his new brother. Using magic, All for One erases Yoichi's memories. But it does not work perfectly because Yoichi is too old.
For many years, Yoichi lives with his overprotective brother in the underwater castle. Yoichi keeps having terrifying dreams of drowning. He also clashes with his older brother over his cruelty toward those he considers lesser.
One day a mer expedition brings back a microscope from a shipwreck, and it triggers Yoichi's memories of his past. He tries to run away. All for One locks Yoichi inside a dark trench to break his spirit so it will be easier to remove his memories again.
Second is a Cecaelia (half octopus-half human) and Third is a neried (sea nymph). Both of their people are enemies to All for One. They find Yoichi while investigating what All for One is hiding in the trench, and rescue him.
Yoichi never had any family to return to in the human world, and so much time has passed that the most of the people he knew have died of old age. But he finds happiness with two new loves, living in freedom.
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Fic idea for anyone out there! >:]
Or if you just want to ramble with me about it/nf
Billy becoming a cryptid (?) like being after becoming Captain Marvel and he just accepts it. He either:
A- Gets bird like characteristics, thus becoming avian like! Bird boy!! Like a thunderbird or something(I've never seen anyone make him a phoenix.)
B- Feline like of course!! It can either be an actual domestic feline(cat :3) or well, a tiger!
C- A mermay! It doesn't have to an actual existing fish species, you can just create your own magical species :)
or D- Shapeshifter!! Like Zeus :D
And of course, Hal ended up joining too, because of the ring started to change along with all of the other human ring bearers so he's either also bird like or any other thing(if he ends up as a aquatic one and decides to mess around Gotham only when Aquaman is revealed to be needed there.. he messes with him and freaks him out because: "Gotham's water is messed up, NO LIVING THING SHOULD BE THERE!")
Genuinely sorry for the rant... I got too carried away since i got excited
Okay, first off, AAAAAHHHHHHH
Secondly, every first thought that come to mind of Cryptid Billy as those sorts of animals
Bird; that freaky Potoo bird with the giant void eyes and cursed smile. Billy vibes with his dot eyes and classy smile, also cursed enough to be a cryptid all on its own. You could even have him squint like he does as captain marvel cause their eyes are built to sense movement even where they’re closed! Think of that, he’s got his eyes closed and he still knows what you’re doing, freaky!
Feline; You mentioned the Gotham water and I’m just imagining that sort of pukey- ICK! sound cats make when they don’t like something after Billy tries taking a sip, the resulting disgust causes a storm. I’m also imagining that weird nightmare tiger from twitter with the stripes melting off but his go up into a sort of misty thunder cloud while again being physically huge, he can walk on his hind legs but it looks so wrong that he just sticks to his weird proportions on all fours to scare people less
And apologies in advance but the first thing I thought of when thinking of any sort of Mer-Billy was a seal or walrus, in the way that becoming Captain Marvel is him putting on a weird selkie skin. Not as weird looking or monstrous, just a kid putting a coat on and becoming a terrifying Ton of blubber. Fawcett asks the question of “What would be weirder? A fairy showing up at your door or a Walrus?” And the answer is magical walrus Billy. Sivana is more humiliated with every defeat when Billy just sits on him till the cops show up.
He has powers, but the crime fighting blubber beast is infinitely more hilarious.
My go to shapeshifter Billy is actual, physical lightning that is incomprehensible in his entirety bc he appears partially as radio waves and as a bright ball of energy in the shape of a man that people can hardly see him or make him out.
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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Fic Finder
1. Hi! I'm looking for a fic which was about LWJ and his feelings about relation WWX&LSZ. It was post-canon fic. LWJ felt hurt because Sizhui was formal while speaking to him meanwhile he treated WWX like parent, calling him Baba (or other word but with the same meaning)or joking with him etc. LWJ haven't told anyone. I remember that they were going to nighthunt but LWJ fainted and that's how WWX noticed that sth is wrong. WWX told Sizhui sth like "your father miss you"
2. Hi, I was wondering if you know a fanfic where it’s like during war time,wei ying and nie mingjue get together and than add lan zhan to the mix. Thank you @chloecov4506
FOUND? Bruises be damnded red and green by amykissthedark (T, 44k, WWX/NMJ, wangxian, NMJ/WWX/LWJ, canon divergence, everyone lives au, character study, PTSD, trauma, canon-typical behavior, pining, blood & gore, YLLZ WWX, golden core reveal, sunshot campaign, warnign: JGS, polyamory, fix-it, slow burn, WIP) not sure but it could potentially be this one. At least the description reminds me of this one
FOUND? Better Things to Do with a Flute in Wartime by Anonymous (E, 365k, MingXian, WangXianJue, Sunshot Campaign, Fix-It, Magical Healing Cock, Dual Cultivation, mild Dom/Sub, Undernegotiated Kink, Golden Core Reveal, Breathplay, Choking, Painplay, Subdrop, Topdrop, Major Character Injury, Canon Divergence, What-If, Temperature Play, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Fisting, Spanking, PTSD, Trauma, Self-Harm, (in the pursuit of cultivational badassery))
FOUND? An Elegant Solution by giraffeter (E, 205k, niewangxian, canon divergence, arranged marriage, friends to lovers, fix-it, everyone lives au, courtship, polyamory, smut)
3. Hey! Hope you guys are doing well.
I was looking for this fanfic where the sects send their heirs to vanquish the Yiling Patriarch, but none of them return. Even Lan Sizhui goes missing, and Jin Ling takes matters into his own hands and goes to find the Yiling Patriarch himself because he's grieving.
So he goes there but the situation is entirely different. All the sect heirs are at Burial Mounds safe and dound they just didn't go back because of all the responsibilities their parents have for them.
Also, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian are actually together, and Wangji just sent Sizhui because the teen misses his other baba. And so when Jin Ling gets to know and Lan Wangji comes and they establish them as a new sect and all that jazz.
I'm not sure if the fix is actually complete. But please find this for me cuz I really really love the feels in this fic. @poetic-writes
FOUND! Safe in the Arms of a Demon by Starlight1395 (G, 19k, JC & JL & WWX, wangxian, LJY/LSZ, canon divergence, angst w happy ending, hurt/comfort, WWX doens’t die instead quarantines in BM, WWX adopts every child he sees, uncle nephew bonding)
4. help to find a fic please. So there was this Wangxian fic, where Lan Wangji is rescued after being tortured. I don't think it was very long; probably on the shorter side. One quirk I remember is the narration being in second person, though I don't know if I'm remembering correctly. There was a mention of sea glass near the end of the fic. That's all the details I remember. Please help me find the fic.
I think #4 is one of those mer type fics, where lan zhan is held hostage and either his scales are being harvested for medicine or he's tortured to give tears, I have to research some more , but does the requestor think it could be along those lines ?
FOUND? ocean eyes by bunnylan (weiyingpretty) (T, 10k, WangXian, Modern AU, Human WWX, mermaid LWJ, Childhood Friends, Memory Magic, Getting Back Together, Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, First Love, Hurt/Comfort, First Meetings, Mutual Pining, Temporary Amnesia) tho I don't know if this is 2nd person narration ?
5. Hi!! I'm looking for a fic where lwj is a fanfic writer and wwx was a podficer? is that the word? anyways that's all I remember from it because I only read the summary :')
FOUND! Your Words, My Voice by AverageFandomEnjoyer (T, 5k, wangxian, modern, canon divergence, fluff, kissing, pining, falling in love, writer LWJ, podficcer WWX, meet-cute, minor miscommunication) and has a podfic! :)
6. Could you please help me find a colored-blood fic? It was canon divergent, where people with golden cores had golden blood (and normal people had normal red blood). After the core transfer WWX’s blood slowly turns back to red and he has to be careful not to get injured or it will show that he lost his core. In that scene after he is revived JC doesn’t whip him, WWX pretends to be MXY and shows his red blood to “prove” it. I am dying to read this again! It was most likely on ao3.
FOUND? who cares when you're gone by camellialice (M, 22k, WangXian, Hades (Video Game) Fusion, Canon-Typical Levels of Self-Sacrifice, Canon-Typical Levels of Spitting Up Blood, Canon-Typical Levels of Pining) this is a bit of a stretch, but 'who cares when you're gone' by camellialice on ao3 might be #6 on the fic finder. it has the gold blood / red blood thing but not the mo xuanyu part of the ask.
7. Hi can you help me find a fic I read a couple of years ago? It was a modern au where all the sect heirs were sent to another planet/alternate reality (?) for some kind of reality TV show. I think JGS was behind it but for some reason also sent JZX. I remember that NMJ is killed while they are trying to escape and WWX stays behind alone to allow the rest to escape. He has to survive in a wintery wilderness until the others manage to rescue him.  Thanks for your help. @i-amnotawriter​
FOUND? and from our own/live to ourselves by betweentheheavesofstorm (M, 105k, WangXian, Modern AU, Fantasy, Reality TV, Arctic Survival, Blood Magic, Blood and Gore, Getting Together, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Self-Harm, Bloodletting, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Animal Death, Hunting, Mild Sexual Content)
8. helluu! i have this one fic that i really want to re-read, but i cant find it for the life of me. i remember it was pretty long and so well written so i really hope you can help. what i remember is it took place during (after?) the guanyin temple arch, and i think JGY forced WWX to make a time travel array for him. dont remember much but i belive WWX LXC NHS and JC end up sacrificing themselves to get the array working and they send back the junior quartet to the time of Jin Lings one month anniversary party (i just remember random facts from here and there) but i think the try to fix things up with jin zixuan’s death so it doesn’t happen..? i hope any of that makes sense. could you please help me find it? @constant-brainrot-24-7​
FOUND? ❤️ Tragedy is Not the End by Hobbsy3 (T, 358k, wangxian, Time Travel, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Golden Core Reveal, Canon Divergence from Qiongqi Pass, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Yunmeng sibling bonding, good dad wwx, good dad lwj, JZX Lives, JYL Lives, Junior Quartet Dynamics)
9. Hi! It's me again hahaha.
I was reading a fic and suddenly I remembered another fic, but I can't find it in my bookmarks. It's a Canon Divergence where WQ transfer the half of the golden core back to WWX with the permission of JC.
I hope you can help me, thanks ☺️. @wangxiansgirl
FOUND! The Fire Lapping Up the Creek by notevenyou ( E, 66k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Injury Recovery, Blood, Respiratory Illness, Major Illness, Fever, Grief/Mourning, Burial Mounds, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hunger and food scarcity, Surgery, Fix-It of Sorts)
Not FOUND in this place where we don't have a prayer by Cerusee, Mikkeneko (T, 42k, WangXian)
10. 👋Hello! I'm a big fan of your blog! ❤️ I've seen that you help to find fics and I'd like to ask for help to find one. 🙏
It's a Wangxian and takes place after the war ¿? 🤔 I think. I remember that Lan Zhan has to accumulate power in his golden core and then transfer it to Wei Ying.
And Idk if it's the same fanfic, I think not, but Lan Zhan has to create a second golden core for Wei Ying.
I'm sorry, that's all I can remember. I have a terrible memory. Please help 🙏😔
FOUND? 🧡 Discarded by teawater (E, 141k, WIP, WangXian, Lots of Angst, Hurt/Comfort, YLLZ WWX, Golden Core Reveal, Case Fic, Depression, Family Issues, Self-Esteem Issues, Self Confidence Issues, Self-Worth Issues, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV Multiple, BAMF WWX, dubious morals in the Lan sect, Feels, Pining, Grief, Fix-It, BAMF LWJ) I remember a scene where LWJ gives WWX the second core he slowly grew over the years specifically for him in this one? - Mod C
FOUND? these colours fade for you only by doodlebutt (T, 36k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Everybody Lives, Golden Core Transfer, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, …eventually, Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares, bed sharing, Mutual Pining, like really unreasonable amounts of pining, Slow Burn) i'm not sure about the details, but maybe this fits? iirc lwj starts cultiivating a new core during sunshot and gives it to wwx right after
FOUND? three surgeries and a mercy kill by MarbleGlove (T, 11k, Medical Procedures, Demonic Cultivation, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Self-Indulgent, WWX Has a New Golden Core, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies)
11. Hi,This fic has the whole group thinking wei ying commited suicide but actually he ran away thinking everyone hates him and living in streets. Accidentally meets Lanzhan in a coffee shop who feels connected to him even though LZ thinks he is Mo xuanyu. starts taking care of him and the huisang plots to reveal weiying to all so things happen.LZ is super protective and its super angsty. Also LZ sleepwalks. Know the fic? @mridhu6​
FOUND! Where You Fell by Sweet_William (E, 303k, wangxian, 3zun, NHS/JC, JYL/JZX, modern, coffee shop au, angst w happy ending, homeless au, pining, getting together, slow burn, implied/referenced child abuse, suicidal thoughts, self-esteem issues, autistic character, WWX has ADHD, panic attacks, hurt/comfort, implied/referenced sex work, implied/referenced substance abuse) but i dont remember reading about some of the details the asker mentioned, so it might not be the same fic
12. Hello! Read a fic a couple months ago and have been scouring the internet to find it for the past week. (My apologies for the very bad recalling of what happened in the fic) Anyway, basic plot points that i remember was wwx had been asked to paint lwj bedroom walls and was given a key to his apartment (fairly sure they were already friends before this tho) also lwj had a pet rabbit that wwx would often feed. Sorry! I know there's not much to work with it for finding fic but I'd really appreciate @mopdopplophop
FOUND? show me a quiver, give me tonight by spookykingdomstarlight (E, 115k, wangxian, modern, artist au, communication failure, pining, angst w happy ending, demisexual WWX, mentioned past LWJ/OMCs, eventual smut, gossip, getting together, crack treated seriously, friends to friends w benefits to lovers, WWX pov)
13. Hi! I'm trying to find a fic I've read a while ago. On that fic, an old person at Yilling confuses Wwx with a woman, and gives him a discount because they think he's a young woman who was abandoned with her son by her husband. Wwx starts dressing as a woman to gain people's sympathy and get discounts. He accidentally describes his husband as being Lwj, and when Lwj goes to Yilling people all but siege him because they think he's the scoundrel who abandoned his wife and son.
FOUND? Mother Knows Best by misbehavingvigilante (M, 12k, wangxian, canon divergence, crossdressing, food issues, gender identity, gender noncomforming, trans WWX, poverty)
14. A) Hi, I'm trying to find a fic where its female wei ying who becomes pregnant with twins and is perilously I'll so lan zhan volunteers to marry her but something about a caravan attacked by jin and her becoming so I'll happens.. any idea
B) Hi, I'm trying to find a fic where wei ying is disguised as lan zhans bride fo be and weirdly makes friends with lan Quiren by being he model in law? @quxxnrandonmness27​
FOUND? Wei Wuxian, Who’s That? by bumbledees (T, 48k, wangxian, crossdressing, pining, sibling feels)
15. Hi could you help me find this fic, I think it's been deleted
I know the summary went like this
Wei Wuxian begins weakly, but Lan-laoshi, cruel as he is, continues speaking.“Well? I have provided you with three choices. You move, you act, or you let Wangji tutor you after school.” Lan-laoshi raises an eyebrow. “I, of course, recommend option two, as it would solve everyone’s problems, but alas. Teenagers.”He should choose to move classes. Lan-laoshi is right – it would help him focus, and it would help his grades, and Madam Yu would be less disappointed in him than she usually is. And Lan Wangji would be rid of him, which would undoubtedly make him more comfortable in his own damn class.But Wei Wuxian is weak. And horrible, and selfish, and so he chooses the third option. “Lan Wangji,” he says, turning to him with pleading eyes, “Lan-er-gege, light of my life – would you terribly mind tutoring me after school?”
Any help would be appreciated @imgonnablogtheworldtodeath
16. Hi so i read this fic but i cant remember its name.this is a fic in which wangxian adopt a abused ayuan .he was abused by xue yang i think.and they adopt him and ayuan still has that trauma but slwlu overcomes it @rosy1324
17. Hii for the next fic finder pls help me with a story where 
wwx gets de aged (post canon) and doesn’t remember that Jiang Yanli is dead but he gets happy to see jin Ling even says something about JY to him (that he should address him better cause he’s his nephew). Then he goes to lotus pier because he wants to be with JC but he starts remembering more things and is sent back  to cloud recess. The more the time pases the more he remembers and he gets where he remembers the wens, he’s happy to see Sizhui but discontented with the fact that after all he dies. 
After that, His body kind of shuts down (replicating  the years that was dead) and lwj has to keep passing energy so he doesn’t die and after a week or something he finally wakes up with full memory of what happened. 
Thank you!! 💙💙
FOUND? Rewritten by yamadori (Katsumi27) (G, 6k, wangxian, JC & WWX, age regression/de-aging, hurt/comfort)
18. Fic Finder for a twitter thread fic? It was Modern AU, LQR POV, and he was Convinced WWX was abusive toward LWJ. LWJ gets very sick and isn't answering LQR's phonecalls, and LQR assumes WWX is isolating LWJ from his family; it's implied LWJ had actually pulled away from LQR because of LQR's behavior. WWX and LWJ owned a farm with the wens and were raising a-Yuan. LQR goes to the farm for the first time and ends up seeing how much WWX cares for LWJ. @lewiscarrolatemybrain​
FOUND? Twitter thread by enigmatree
19. Hi! Can you help me find a fic? it is a time travel fic wherein Wangxian, Ayuan, Xicheng time traveled in the middle of Past wwx and jzx's fight? Yilling Laozu was hurt and he's craddling ayuan. There's also a part where the past characters thought HGJ and YLL were married and had a child which is Ayuan. It is also not Xicheng friendly if I remembered correctly. Thank you! @sandralyne07
FOUND? How did I end up with this Frozen Heart? by Grace_ShadowWolf (TaubeLePigeon) (T, 53k, WIP, WangXian, Time Travel, Fix-It, PTSD, Angst with a Happy Ending, YP!WWX, twin prides of yunmeng are horrified at the relationship between their future selves, YP!WWX has short hair, Canon Divergence, Self-Indulgent, wangxian get together early, Songfic, JC Bashing, LXC Bashing)
20. Hello! I’m looking for a fic where I think WWX was a dragon or fox who imprinted on LWJ and refused to leave him. I don’t remember much but I think there was a scene where LXC says he can’t do anything about it because dragons/foxes are celestial beings and that LWJ should study some books… or something like that.
FOUND? To lurk, to lie in wait by trippednfell (M, 124k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Huli Jing, strangers to co-parents to lovers, Strangers to Lovers, Dragons, Kid Fic, teenage juniors, background NieLan, Angst with a Happy Ending, Case Fic, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Not Really Character Death, Fox Spirit WWX, Dragon LWJ, Blood and Injury, Additional Warnings In Author’s Note)
#20 sounds like a fic where Wei ying was a literal tiny noodle dragon 🐉  that literally imprinted on lan zhan and would ride on his shoulders and go to classes with him lol and they had to research how to get him back to human form. Wei ying apparently was messing around with arrays or something and sumoned and then was trapped by a celestial dragon being form.   they fix it and then Wei ying becomes human and wakes up in bed with lan zhan lol
FOUND? Strange Magic by Sabinasan (T, 18k, wangxian, Alternate Universe, Cursed WWX, Fluff, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Falling In Love, Cuddling & Snuggling, Possessive WWX, Protective WWX, Sharing a Bed, Sharing Clothes, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Hair Brushing)
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