wooahiexist · 1 year
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I literally wanted to do Venom(My favorite.) I like the idea of the person’s personality changing and the the whole parasite thing in the third movie.. So I kinda think Shadow Queen could fit the role??? I’m not really sure yet especially since i’m just doing Paper Mario characters..
I just think maybe a gem was laying around that Metres found and decided to keep but then it latches onto his suit and hell comes forth to the point where Metres can’t even take off the suit and basically grows a refusal to take it off. I’m not sharing a lot of the story on here I mainly just wanna share the characters and that’s it really.
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ukdailymail · 1 month
'Liverpool spirit shaped my character'- Katarina Johnson-Thompson
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yelsapo · 3 months
"The camera was positioned in a storage yard 66 metres away."
Or, in other words, 73 yards.
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morkedisblog · 1 year
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🎶🎶😚ponçiğimi kaçırdılar daldan dala uçurdular suyuna da pilav pişirdiler🎶🎶çok Eski bir İstanbul Türküsüdür söz konusu hayvan kedi değil horozdur ben ponçik kediyi kızdırıyorum hayvan anlamaz derler söyleneni anlıyor pilav kısmına geldiğimde gözleri böyle faltalş gibi açılıp öfkeden çıldırıp tırmalıyor beni😂Eeeeeeee gözümüzaydın ekmek yarın 8 tl olacakmış fırıncı müjdeledi bizi ben de ponçiğin bu tepkisi gibi oldum😨Dün gece İnstagram logosu mavi çerçeveye girdi acaba hesapımla birisi mi uğraşıyor deyip baktım bildirim var işte yakında uygulama bu model telefonlarda çalışmayacakmış da lite indirmeliymişim de tatara titiri işler ben nerden 20-30 bin tl bulup yeni telefon alayım bir de ıpone mu hayyon mu var ercan kızına 53 bin tlye aldı moruklar gençlere çıkart telefonunu diyorlar ya ne yapsın genç çalışanın dosyaları,okuyanın dersleri androidlerde yüklü 70'lerde Balat otobüs durağının arkası demirciler deposu olmuştu hurdalıklar arasında birkaç eski İstanbul evi kalmıştı 2 katlı bahçeli ahşap, pencereleri cumbalı yapılardı bunlardan birinde o dönem orda yaşayanlar bilirler abajur mağazasının yanındaki şirin ev babamın kuzininin eviydi kocası tır şoförüydü kendisi evin yakınındaki demir deposunun çayını kahvesini yapar 2 çocuğunu okuturdu bu iş yerinde çalışan gençlerin konuştuklarını duymuş patron işçilerine karşı cimri maaşlarına zam yapmıyor ama dönemin ünlü assolistini metres tutmuş ona para yedirirmiş kadın telefon edip " aloooo gökhan 200 bin tl gönder hayatım"dermiş müzehher ablanın bu çok hoşuna gitmiş o assolistin yorumu iyi kendisi güzeldi çok şık giyinirdi bir de görgülüydü halk arasında "konuşmasını oturmasını bilir"derler o hesap neyse eniştemiz Romanyaya tırla mal götürmüş o dönem nerede cep telefonları ankesörlüden evi aramış ablamız"alooooo aydın 200 bin gönder"demiş şakadan😂durumu bilmeyen enişte "kafanı bir yere mi vurdun sülâlemi satsam o parayı etmez"cevapını vermiş benimki de o misâl İnstagram telefonumda çalışmayacaksa ben kimi arayıp android parası isteyeceğim bozmayın kafamı😤😠😈
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scardayc · 1 year
Metres de Aldattı..! :/
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markscherz · 6 months
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Specifically, an undescribed Boophis from the B. goudotii species group that I discovered in 2015/2016.
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faunandfloraas · 3 months
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🐶 vs. 🐺
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trek-tracks · 2 months
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yes and also yes
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fryday · 9 months
i needed a compilation of dan adoring phil in nice clothes so i made one
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
It’s always funny when anglo writers looking to express a specific idea casually pluck a cool ready-made monosyllabic phrase from their language’s unlimited supply and Romance language translators just curl up in the fœtal position and cry. I'm reading a text in which the American author talks about ‘Haves’ vs ‘Have-Nots’ vs ‘Have-Mosts’ —the poor French translator translated this as ‘ceux-qui-ont’ (the French language: don’t worry I’m just getting warmed up), ‘ceux-qui-n’ont-pas’ (nice we’ve doubled the syllable count but we mustn’t falter), and the beautiful ‘ceux-qui-ont-plus-que-tous-les-autres’ (300% expansion ratio let’s gooo! we did it great work everybody.) From 2 to 8 syllables—the minute I saw that bulky thing I knew it had to be Have-Mosts in the original and I was giggling. The anglo author happily proceeds to use the phrase ‘Have-Mosts’ 5 times per paragraph because why not! it’s so quick and wieldy :) we don’t actually need the word wieldy 'cause it’s just the normal state of our language <3 meanwhile you can feel the French translator’s desperation grow as she is reduced to juggling with “those” and “the latter” to avoid summoning her creature. Eventually she reaches the acceptance stage and uses ceux-qui-ont-plus-que-tous-les-autres again like, it’s my monster. I shouldn’t reject it
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theroundbartable · 5 months
Gwaine: this is the crush-o-metre
Merlin: what does it do? Crush people?
Gwaine: no no, don't worry. You put it between two people who then have to look at each other and it will estimate your crush level on the person
Arthur: so... Like emotions?
Gwaine: yes, princess, emotions. Come on, I'll show you with Gwen and Arthur. The crush-o-metre estimates Arthur's crush level
Gwen: *flushing* um...
Crush-o-metre: *beeps* crush level: appropriate
Arthur: oh come on, what does that even mean? try again with Merlin! (Exchanges place with Merlin)
Crush-o-metre: *beep* (Merlin's) crush level: appropriate
Merlin: I think Lance should try
Lance: oh please don't -
Crush-o-metre: *beep* (Lance's) crush level: exceeds maximum. This man's in love
Lance and Gwen: *flushed
Arthur: what was that about the appropriate
Gwaine: everyone has a slight crush on Gwen. It would be inappropriate not to. Also: puts the crush-o-metre between Merlin and Arthur
Arthur: hold up, wait!
Crush-o-metre: *beep* (Arthur's) crush level: embarrassing
Arthur: *blush*
Merlin: huh? What the hell?
Gwaine: *turns the thing around, while laughing*
Crush-o-metre: *beep* (Merlin's) crush level: self destructive
Merlin: ...
Arthur: ...
Merlin: let's ignore that, shall we?
Arthur: agreed
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isbergillustration · 5 months
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(The purpose is using up all the paint I put on my palette*)
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boobilby · 19 days
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Some super cringe crossovers I did between dorohedoro and dungeon meshi
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fanaticalthings · 2 years
I know Wayne Manor probably looks as normal as possible to avoid visitors suspecting the family's past time activities..
but also I highly doubt Bruce was able to avoid making some obscure changes to the Manor just based on the fact that his children are fucking feral.
Some of the windows are either boarded up, or have cages on them from the inside, and to an onlooker, they'll probably think "Oh those poor kids, being caged inside like animals, unable to get fresh air. I always knew that Wayne guy was sketchy. "
but it's literally just because his kids won't stop launching themselves head-first out of the windows whenever Bruce is mid lecture. doesn't matter if they're on the 4th floor.
sometimes visitors will get a closer look at the inside of the place and see a lot of things baby proofed, which is weird because "Aren't all of Wayne's kids old enough to not get themselves hurt like babies do?"
No, Sharon, do not underestimate the power of 6 hyperactive children combined in a room together, they will absolutely get themselves hurt in some way.
some furniture and objects are just straight up bolted to the floor, and everyone just assumes Bruce is a perfectionist or a micromanager, but Bruce literally had no other option since his fucking kids keep throwing shit at each other, and sometimes they just do it to get the other's attention or because they just felt like it. Sometimes they'll even throw each other
I just need some DC comics that acknowledge that the Manor has some additional features that were integrated after Bruce's countless experiences with each new weird ass child he gains.
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johnreese22 · 2 months
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markscherz · 6 months
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Natural history museums hold innumerable misidentified specimens on their shelves. These specimens make their way into databases like GBIF, and muddy data that is used in global-scale analyses and other research drawing on such records. Careful verification of all specimens in a collection holding tens to hundreds of thousands of specimens would be a Herculean task that could take a dozen experts a decade. So, we often rely on spot checks.
Whilst searching our constrictor collection to see if we have any albino snakes (we don’t seem to), I came across this snake that had been identified as a Boa constrictor. It is in fact Malayopython reticulatus, a reticulated python. A quick new label and an update in our database, and I was able to move it over to the right shelf. Now it won’t muddy the waters further, and is able to be referred to by anyone interested in examining a retic.
How many more such cases are haunting our shelves of over 14 million objects? And that’s just the Natural History Museum of Denmark; there are billions of objects in similar collections globally. This is quite literally an astronomically huge problem.
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