#might get a little treat after this class. i deserve it after the day i’ve had (it hasn’t been that bad i just hate being back after break)
livvyofthelake · 2 years
and to make matters worse i have a RUNNY NOSE. this is awful i wish i was dead. how am i meant to live under these conditions it’s vile.
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slytherinshua · 2 months
genre. angst. a little fluff. warnings. infidelity. and breaking up lol kill me. idk how good this is cause this might actually be my first time writing breaking up angst so sry if its bad. not proofread. pairing. hyunjae x reader. wc. 1.6k. request. requested by @hursheys for #15: "why?" "because i love you." and #53: "why does this sound like goodbye?" "because it is." a/n. uhm fuck you vesper no one likes you i hope u stub ur toe and embarrass urself at the tbz concert like i hope you don't have enough gas to get there and miss it (jk have the best time at the concert u deserve it <33). divider by @/chilumitos. net. @deoboyznet
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“I’ve been trying to find a decent roommate for months. I don’t know. Maybe I’m the problem? Maybe no one wants to room with me. I’m just tired of hunting, you know?” You sighed, drumming the pads of your fingers over the warm cup of coffee your boyfriend had treated you to.
“If they don’t want to room with you, then they’re the ones missing out.” Hyunjae said simply, sending you a smile. Your lips lifted and you relaxed your shoulders. You hadn’t felt so relaxed and easy for weeks now. 
After your disaster of roommates last year, you wanted to find good ones for the last year at university. It was proving to be a lot harder than you thought. You weren’t even sure what you were doing wrong. You were fairly tidy, and flexible with rooms and schedules. You didn’t even mind if they wanted to bring over their boyfriends, so long as they limited the visits. As for yourself, you always preferred meeting Hyunjae outside or at his place. It just felt nice to have a break from your place.
“You think so?” You breathed, flashing a grin at your boyfriend before standing up. You grabbed the coffee with one hand and Hyunjae’s hand with the other, starting to walk towards the park. “It still leaves me without a roommate and rent that’s way too high to pay for the whole year. And my classes are too intensive for me to pick up another part time…” 
Hyunjae squeezed your hand sympathetically, glancing up at the sky before he opened his mouth, “You know, Sangyeon’s moving out at the end of the month. He wasn’t sure if things would work out with his new job, but he got the position and found a place closer to his work. I’d have an extra room anyway…” He trailed off, implying the offer with a twinkle in his eyes.
It seemed almost too good to be true; switching from roommate hopping to living with your boyfriend. You were hesitant for a few seconds, running through the logistics of it all. You enjoyed every second you spent with Hyunjae. He always treated you so well, he was truly the most perfect man you had ever met; almost too perfect for your brain to fully comprehend at times. Living with him seemed like an ideal situation.
“Are you sure? Didn’t you say Juyeon was looking for a place to stay while doing his scholarship?” You asked, wanting to eliminate any other factors that would make you feel guilty for going with the offer. You really didn’t mind hunting for a bit longer or even living with a roommate that pissed you off half of the time. You only had half a year left of school, anyway.
Hyunjae just shook his head, “I wanted to offer it to you before anyone else. You need it more than he does, anyway.”
You smiled, “Why are you so good to me, Hyunjae?” 
He laughed, pulling you closer into his arms, “Because I love you. Now, are you going to move in with me or not?”
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It had been several months since you moved in with your boyfriend. You graduated university and found a steady, decent-paying job. Your hours were long, and you came back home exhausted most days. Thinking about your future was constantly on your mind. Where your relationship with Hyunjae was going, whether you would be able to save enough for a downpayment on a house, if you could even afford to think about the possibility of kids, etc. It was stressful, to say the least. It felt like you were the only one who was even trying to plan. 
Hyunjae’s routine was the same as when you had first started dating him. He would go to work everyday with his steady 9 to 5, sometimes arriving home later when he went out to drink with his coworkers. Weekends were for relaxation or meeting up with friends. It seemed like everything was perfect, but you couldn’t help but feel like something was slowly going wrong. He felt distant— like now that you were living under the same roof as him, he no longer had to make any effort. You didn’t even go on dates anymore. 
“Hey, babe, can we talk?” You said as you walked into the room, taking a seat on the couch, eyes trained on your boyfriend in the kitchen. 
“I have something to get to in a few minutes, but go ahead.” He hummed, prompting you to go on.
“Is something going on at work?” You asked him, wondering why he had to go somewhere at almost 8pm on a Sunday. 
“No? Why?” 
You sighed, deciding to not question him about it for now, “I don’t want to jump to any conclusions. I want to communicate with you, but I feel like I’ve been the only one making any effort in this relationship. I miss you. We live together, but I barely see your face anymore.”
Hyunjae shook his head, “I don’t know what you want me to tell you. I’ve been trying my best too. It’s selfish of you to say that I’m the only one not putting any effort in.” 
You stood up, “I said it because it’s what it felt like. You never take me on dates, you barely even tell me about your day or ask about mine… hell, it’s been weeks since the last time we even kissed each other. Do you really not feel the difference?” You did your best to stay calm. Yelling at Hyunjae was one of the last things you wanted to do, especially if it was all just a misunderstanding. 
Hyunjae was about to say something in response when his phone rang. You watched him tense up, and your brain was quick to think of possible reasons why. Was he hiding something? Or was he just tense from the accusations and sudden noise? 
You slowly walked to pick up the phone, as he had left it on the coffee table face down, closer to you than to him. It felt like your heart lurched in your chest as your eyes scanned over the caller id. A female’s name; Seunghee. You slid the button over to answer, hesitantly raising the phone to your ear. 
“Babe, you said you would be here 30 minutes ago. What’s taking you so long?”
You made eye contact with Hyunjae, and everything clicked. Why he had been so distant, why he never took you on dates or showed you affection, why he had been staying late after work so often and so hesitant to tell you about his day. He had been lying this whole time, cheating on you with another woman. 
You pressed the contact on the phone, the call still running although you didn’t say anything. Just as you expected, the chat was full of flirtatious texts. They mirrored the kinds of messages that he used to send you when you first started dating. You started to wonder if he had already been dating someone when he asked you out over a year ago. You hung up the phone, deciding you didn’t want to get involved in whoever Hyunjae had chose to cheat on you with.
“Are you going to explain yourself? Or are you running 30 minutes late to your date?” You asked piercingly. If looks could kill, you would’ve shot right through Hyunjae’s head by now.
“No, wait— Y/n, baby—”
“Don’t call me that.” You felt suffocated, and started to walk towards the door, hoping to get some fresh air and clear you head. Hyunjae caught your wrist before you could leave.
“Don’t listen to her. I would never cheat on you.” He insisted. You tried to shake off his hand, but his grip was too strong.
“Lying now too, are we? Let go of me.” 
“Y/n, just let me explain.” He pleaded.
“There’s nothing to ‘explain’, Hyunjae. I saw everything already. Let go of me.” You said harshly. 
“So you’re just going to leave me? After everything?” His voice was grating. 
“After what? The months you’ve been actively cheating on me? You threw this relationship away before I did. Now let me leave—” 
Hyunjae finally dropped your hand, the weight of your words finally hitting him. He had rarely been scared of things in his life. People often described him as fearless and brazen. Things had always turned out alright for him no matter what he did. Mistakes rarely came with consequences, but right now he felt like he had just made the biggest mistake of his life, and the consequence was losing you.
“Why does this sound like goodbye?” He asked quietly, for once a hint of fear seeped into his tone. You were stunned. The entire time you had known Hyunjae, he hadn’t feared anything.
“Because it is.” You left without another word, not wanting to hear whatever convincing Hyunjae would try in order to get you to stay.
It didn't take long for Hyunjae to regret his actions, as the next week you received a series of desperate texts. You blocked his number the same day, and, after retrieving your things from the apartment on a day you knew Hyunjae wouldn’t be home, found a new place to stay. You realized over the next weeks that Hyunjae had simply been too good to be true. His façade fooled you for months, but it was impossible for his imperfect self to give a flawless performance. In the end, he was merely a faulty copy of perfection.
↳ the boyz taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @eternalgyu,, @blossominghunnie,, @cosmicwintr,, @weird-bookworm,, @haecien,,
@lecheugo,, @seunghancore,, @heavenfilm,, @recordsfilm,, @bananabubble,,
@talking-saxy,, @cupidslovearrows,, @hursheys
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manicpixxiedreambitch · 8 months
When I was eleven, my fifth grade teacher was ableist to me, not that I believe he was doing it intentionally. But he knew I had ADHD and got mad at me when I showed symptoms. He called me lazy and disobedient. He told me not to use my ADHD as an “excuse to be lazy”. He nicknamed me energizer bunny because I was showing symptoms like talking too much, going too fast, etc. One moment that stuck with me the worst though was when he pulled me into the hallway and towered over me (this part might be a little biased though, seeing as he was a grown adult and I was a small child) and he yelled at me, threatening to fail me.
For doodling on my papers. Said that even if all my work was done correctly on the assignment, if I doodled on my paper he would fail me.
And so I cried because what else was I supposed to do? I was eleven. And looking back, I know now that the doodling was a compulsive thing I did to help myself focus.
But when he saw the tears he just yelled “I don’t care if you cry!”
And I remember saying in a small voice “I know.”
I stopped doodling so much on my papers after that. Sure, I’ve drawn the occasional flower or eyeball on my papers, but not as wildly, not as freely as I used to do as a child. He engraved that fear of failing in me so bad that for years I was terrified of doodling on my papers.
Now I am in my senior year in high school. My last semester. And I just realized, that he can’t hurt me anymore. He can’t fail me. And because I’m starting a new chapter in my life, I want closure on something that hurt me for years. So last night, I sat down, and I respectfully wrote the teacher a four page letter. First I explained who I was. How I knew him. And then I apologized, and explained that this was probably not the kind of letter he was expecting. How I was writing the letter for closure. I let him know I do not hate him, and that I do not expect a response, nor do I want him to feel any guilt as a result. The letters main purpose was for him to know he hurt me.
I explained that I understand that a lot of my childhood actions had deserving consequences, however I did not deserve to be treated the way I was in his class. I told him how I was being bullied a lot, and had no friends at the time. I told him how I had ADHD, and how the way he treated me for showing symptoms was wrong. I said I felt like an alien, and I was treated like one. I brought up the nickname he gave me, how to this day I hate it. I wrote about that horrible day in the hallway, how it was from my perspective and how what he said stuck with me. How I did not realize teachers could be bullies until I entered his class. I stated that I did not deserve that. I was a child. How I am not being sensitive or a “snowflake”. How I am not saying he should have let me get away with doing anything I wanted, but he could’ve handled me as a student a little better. That my teacher was supposed to help me swim, not scold me for drowning. I was not a bad kid. I was a troubled kid. And yeah, I know you can’t help everyone, but it still hurt me.
And then I explained once again that I was sorry that this wasn’t the kind of letter he expected to receive from a former student. That perhaps to another student he might have been Mr. Falker, but not to me.
I am not lazy, I am not willfully disobedient, I am a human being. I have a human voice, and human emotions. And he did not treat me as such that day in the hallway, or when I was in his class. How the phrase “I don’t care if you cry” will forever sting at me any time I am upset.
I told him that I am in my senior year in high school. I am looking into a career in the field of art. And I write books, I am an author. And unfortunately, I can give no credit to that man for these accomplishments.
And after I finished writing the letter, I started doodling all over the margins. It was uncomfortable at first, it felt like I had artists block for doodling. But then I remembered all of the doodles I used to draw all those years ago, and I started doodling more. And as soon as most of the margins were covered, I know this sounds dramatic, but I swear I heard my fifth grade self laughing. She was saying “You’re gonna get in trouble! He’s gonna fail you!” And I was hit with the most sobering thought. “He’s not.”
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theoreticslut · 2 years
「 celebrate good times 」
eddie munson x fem reader
summary: eddie is finally graduating, and - as his best friend - you make sure he gets the celebration he deserves.
requested: no
word count: 4k
warnings: pet names (honey/hon, princess, baby, etc), reader being anxious
a/n (1): i attended a graduation party a few weekends ago and all i could think about was eddie getting the graduation party he deserves. like he’d just be so overwhelmed with joy - even if he doesn’t outwardly express it. anyways, i hope you enjoy this fluffy little piece Xx
a/n (2): so so so sorry i haven’t posted a fic in probably a month and a half/two months. college has been busy - as it always is. if i ever get down time, i’m usually trying to sleep and take some ‘me time,’ bc i don’t get it otherwise. i hope i’ve still got some people here though willing to read my fics. i love you guys & am really hoping i can’t get some writing done soon again so i can post more for all of you Xx
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“The class of 1986!” 
As rounds of applause and cheers permeate the gymnasium after Principal Higgins’ announcement of the newly graduated class, you find yourself smiling wider than ever before. Even wider than you did on your own graduation day. 
Your best friend has finally graduated, and you couldn’t be any happier or more proud. He’s worked so hard to get here, and you only hope you can treat him to the full experience that he rightfully deserves.
“I told you it was ‘86, baby!” Eddie smiles, arms open wide in grandeur as he jumps off the makeshift stage to greet you and his uncle.
“l didn’t doubt you for a second, Eds.” 
“I’m just glad you made it, son. I’m…well, I’m proud of you.” Wayne congratulates, and you know he’s emotional even if he’s not showing it.
Wayne has raised Eddie for a good twelve years at least, and he’s glad to say he’s done a far better job than his brother ever could. Although he hates that his brother followed the family legacy and practically left Eddie behind, he’s proud that Eddie is trying to do better than either of them - Wayne or his father - ever tried to. 
It’s hard to watch the kid you raised grow up to be an adult right in front of your eyes, though, regardless of how proud he is. 
“Ah, c’mere.”  
You can’t help but chuckle at the sight of Eddie pulling his uncle into a hug, but it warms your heart all the same. They’re the only blood the two of them have, and it’s nice that they’re so close.
“You too, honey. Get in here.” Eddie coaxes, reaching out for you where you stand to the side of them.
As he grabs your waist and pulls you into the hug, you can’t help but let out a gasped giggle which brings a smile to both of the mens’ faces. Eddie is simply always happy to see you happy, but Wayne is more pleased with the fact that you make Eddie happy. 
It didn’t take long at all for Wayne to welcome you into their little family after you and Eddie became friends back in late elementary school. He could tell that his nephew had an immediate soft spot for you - and that you had one for him - and that’s all he needed to know. 
Ever since, he’s seen you as a daughter, because he’s sure that sooner or later you will be in a sense. It’s clear to him that both you and Eddie love each other, even if you haven’t yet figured it out yourselves.
“Eds, you’re squishing me.” You chuckle, trying to pinch his side as you hug him and his uncle.
“Sorry, hon. Guess I’m just a little too happy today.”
Smiling, you smooth out your sundress as the three of you pull away from the hug.
“You deserve to be, Eddie. It’s definitely been your year, just like you said it would. You deserve to celebrate it.”
“Yeah? Well how does pizza and movies sound?”
“You want to celebrate your graduation with pizza and movies? Two things we do just about every week as is?” You question, a little skeptical that he doesn’t have any other ideas.
“Do you have a better idea, princess?” 
“I might. Let’s take a few more pictures and then head home first, though.” 
Eddie can’t help but raise his brows at your statement, only one idea running through his head at your innocuous response. Surely you don’t mean what he’s thinking though. Not when Wayne is standing right here with the both of you, and the two of you have never done anything of the sort. You’re best friends. Still, he can’t help but wonder what you’re up to.
Wayne can’t help but shake his head at you, which you don’t miss, as the three of you get closer to the trailer park. You’re practically bouncing in the center seat of the truck with all the nervous, excited energy coursing through you.
Since the beginning of April, when you found out for sure that Eddie would be graduating, you’ve been planning a graduation party for him. He deserves it more than anyone, and you know that Wayne wouldn’t know where to start with one, never having one himself either.
Of course you made sure Wayne was included in the planning from the get-go after you first approached him with the idea. He was Eddie’s uncle, and sole blood relative in his life, after all. You couldn’t throw Eddie a party and not invite him.
Albeit being a bit hastily put together with only a month of planning, you and Wayne were determined to give the lovable metalhead “freak” you both hold dear a graduation party. You would spend the mornings over at the trailer with Wayne, running things over while Eddie was at school, and then you’d spend evenings with Eddie acting as if there was nothing out of the ordinary happening right under his nose. 
You planned out the food and beverages, the music, the time and place, the guest list…anything and everything that goes into planning a graduation party you managed to do in a month. You even roped in - bribed - Steve and the kids to get the party set up while you were at graduation for Eddie, because it would surely be suspicious if you missed watching him walk the stage.  
Containing your excitement has always been difficult, but it’s even harder to do when it’s a surprise for your best friend. You’re dying to see his reaction, hoping that he’ll appreciate the idea and not be upset that you did this without his permission. 
“You okay, honey? I think you’re more excited than I’ve been all day, and I’m the one that graduated.”
“’M fine, Eds.”
“Mhm. I am excited, but can you really blame me? My best friend finally graduated from the hellhole that is Hawkins High.”
“Mm, I guess I can’t, but you’re still far too excited in my opinion.” Eddie smiles, snaking an arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him on the bench seat.
Wayne doesn’t miss the little action, of course, but says nothing as the two of you have been like this for years now. He knows that as soon as he says something then things will get awkward between you. He’d honestly just rather watch the two of you figure it out yourselves, no matter how painful it might be at times. He’s sure it’ll happen sooner or later.
“You’ll just have to deal with it, then.” You quip, smiling as he gives you a skeptical side eye.
As he smiles and shakes his head, however, you feel the smooth asphalt change to the bumpy gravel of the trailer park and you start to bounce in excitement yet again. A month of planning is coming to light in less than two minutes. How can anyone expect you to sit still? 
“What’s going on?” Eddie questions, dragging out the question as he notices the large amount of people outside the trailer.
“I didn’t do anything, Wayne. I swear.” 
“I know you didn’t, Eddie. This is all y/n’s doing.” He ever so slightly smirks, glancing between his nephew and you.
You can’t help the soft, albeit unsure, smile that settles on your lips as Eddie looks out the windshield as the truck comes to a stop, Wayne parking and sliding out of the vehicle, leaving you and Eddie alone.
“Congrats on Graduating, Eds.”
“I wanted you to be able to celebrate with everyone that cares for you.” You explain, watching him as he takes all of it in, abnormally quiet.
“You…you planned a party for me?” 
“Wayne and I did, yeah. What do you think?”
“I can’t believe you, hon. I love it.“
“Mhm, thank you. I…I never expected to have one of these. Wayne…”
“I know, Eds. That’s why I wanted to do it. You deserve it, munch.” 
“Thank you.” He murmurs, wrapping you up tight in his arms. 
“How about we go join the party, yeah? Everyone’s waiting on you.”
He nods, smiling, before he opens his door and slides out. Before you can move to do the same though, he’s got his arms around you pulling you out of the truck himself.
Giggling, you can’t help but smile as he sets you down before pressing a kiss to your hairline. He can’t believe that you’d go through all of the planning of a party just for him. You’ve always treated him well and made him feel special, but this is going above and beyond. 
Truthfully, he’s not sure there’s enough words to express just how grateful he is at the moment. All he can think to do is to kiss you, but you’re only friends. Anything but a forehead kiss might make things a little awkward.
As he lets his lips linger at your hairline, though, all he can do is smile and it’s nearly impossible to stop. He’s honestly not sure what he’d ever do without you. Not when you make his heart race and make him feel seen.
“I can’t believe you did this for me.” He mutters, smiling and sighing as he grabs your hand in his.
“You deserve it more than anyone, Eds. You worked hard to get here, and we wanna celebrate it with you.” You state, squeezing his hand in yours before leading the two of you out from behind his Uncle’s truck.
Eddie still looks awed by you as you drag him into the throes of his party, a soft smile on his lips and fondness in his eyes. He’s never felt more lucky in his life, but he’s got you and that’s got to be done with the greatest luck in the world.
“Congrats, man!” Steve calls, smiling as soon as you and Eddie come into view, taking notice of your intertwined hands.
Though neither of you know it, all your friends have bets on when the two of you will get together. Your feelings for each other are so obvious that it’s really all they can do to not go crazy with the constant “not flirting.”
“Thanks, Harrington. It’s nice to see you.” 
Before anything more can be said between the two men, Eddie’s being attacked by the three freshmen he’s taken under his wing, nearly being knocked over by the force of their group hug.
“You did it, man! You graduated!” Dustin smiles, patting his dungeon master’s back.
“Told you that ‘86 was my year, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, but it’s weird to think you won’t be there next year.” 
“I’ll still be around, dude. Gotta make sure you’re taking care of those lost lambs.” Eddie teases, ruffling the boy’s hair as all three of them promise that they will.
All you can do is watch on with a fond smile as Eddie begins to play fight with the younger boys. It’s only when Steve bumps your shoulder with his do you pull your eyes away from Eddie.
“It’s a nice party, y/n. You did good.” 
“Yeah? Thanks, Steve. And thank you for getting it set up. I owe you one.” You smile, letting Steve pull you into a side hug as your attention drifts back to Eddie.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s a really nice thing you’re doing for him, and I’m glad I could help.” 
“Have you given him his gift yet?” He questions after a moment while Eddie gets pulled into a conversation by someone else.
“Not yet. Planned on giving it to him later, towards the end of the party.”
“Don’t want anyone to see you confessing your love to him, huh?” 
You scoff, rolling your eyes as you swat at Steve’s chest. He’s always teased you for your feelings towards the metalhead, even when you never officially told him them. He just knows, and you really kind of hate it sometimes.
“I’m not confessing my love to him, dipshit. It’s just a gift.”
“If it is, then why haven’t you given it to him yet?”
“Shut up, Steve. I don’t need to explain myself to you.” 
“Never said you did, but you’d and I both know it’s not just a gift you’re giving him, don’t we?”
“Go find someone else to bother.” You huff, shoving him off with no real conviction. He’s not wrong, even if you won’t admit it.
As the sky fades into different shades of the sunset, you find yourself sitting on the Munson’s little patio, watching Eddie laugh along with your guys’ friends as they chase each other with water balloons. It’s nice to see him just enjoying himself with no worries whatsoever.
“Ahh! You’re gonna get it!” Dustin threatens, chasing a laughing Eddie who’s running towards you.
“Can’t now! Y/n’s the safe spot.” Eddie calls, clambering up the stairs behind you as Dustin hovers in front of you - you just watching on in amusement.
“There was no safe spot!”
“There is now.”
“Cheater.” Dustin huffs, glaring at the man now squatting behind you.
As Dustin stalks away, pouting but not challenging the older man, Eddie starts to laugh from behind you.
“That was a bit mean, Eds.” You state, trying to give him a pointed look but a smile finds itself a place on your lips as you look at him from over your shoulder.
“He’ll deal with it. Wanted to come see you, honey.” Eddie smiles, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he settles himself into a sitting position behind you, you being positioned between his legs.
“Yeah? You’re seeing me.”
“I am.” 
There’s no stopping the smile that grows on your face at his unintentionally sultry voice while he wraps an arm around your waist, leaning his head on your shoulder.
“How are you liking your party?”
“I love it. Thank you again, princess. You know exactly how to make a man feel special.” 
“I wouldn’t say that, necessarily, munch. I just wanted to give you what you deserve.” You giggle, shivering lightly as the cool water from the balloons drips off his hair onto your bare shoulder.
“I appreciate it nonetheless, hon. You’re amazing. The bestest friend anyone could dream of having, and yet you’re all mine, aren’t you?” 
“All yours, Eds. Wouldn’t trade you in for anything.”
“Good, because I think it’s about time you get involved in the party you planned.” He states, and you can hear the smirk in his voice.
“Eddie…what’re you do-OH!” You shriek, cold water dropping over you as he pops a balloon above your head. Thank god you had forgone a white sundress in favor of a darker, floral one.
“You asshole!” 
You can’t help but bite back a smile as Eddie laughs, wrapping both arms around your waist in a tight hug. You’re so going to get him back when he’s not expecting it, but for now you’re just going to enjoy being in his arms.
“Thank you again for coming.” You smile, waving goodbye to the last of Wayne’s friends, some of them arriving late after their morning/afternoon shift ended.
Yours and Eddie’s friends had left about a half hour ago now after the kids were practically falling asleep around the little fire you got going. You didn’t want their parents to worry about them, so you and Eddie got Max over to her trailer, while Nancy drove her brother home. Steve then offered to drive Dustin and Lucas home, but not without another teasing comment whispered in your ear as you hugged him goodbye.
“Was that the last of them?” Eddie questions, coming to stand behind you, a hand on your waist as you watch the older man drive away.
“I believe so. You had a lot of people show up, Eds.”
“Surprisingly, yeah. I would’ve been happy with just you and Wayne, though, you know.”
“I know, but this was fun, wasn’t it?”
“Definitely. Thank you, honey. I really can’t thank you enough.” He sighs, soft smile on his lips as he gently moves to lead the two of you inside.
“You don’t need to thank me, Eds. I wanted to do this for you.”
“Which I still can’t understand. How did I get so lucky to have you in my life?”
“Oh hush up. You’re flattering me again, munch.” You huff, cheeks warm as you try to deflect all the affection being thrown around.
“Because you deserve it. I never pictured myself having such an amazing best friend.”
“I think I’m the one with the amazing best friend, Eds.” 
As he chuckles and shakes his head, you let him lead you into the trailer, blinking at the difference in light.
“Careful, princess. Flattery works with me, remember.”
“How could I forget? Go get changed, Eddie. I’ve got one last surprise for you.” You smile, fidgeting with your fingers ever so slightly as the idea of giving him his gift brings about a surge of nervousness.
“Another one? Y/n, you’ve done more than enough. I can’t-“
“Yes, you can. Or so help me god, because I’ve purposely held onto this one for you to open.” 
Aside from your stomach doing somersaults, your heart is racing - not only making it difficult to breathe, but making your entire body shake. Although you and Eddie have been friends for years now, you’re worried how he’ll take this gift. It’s a bit more personal and sentimental than anything you’ve ever gifted him, and you’re not sure you could handle him rejecting it.
Eddie frowns as he notices the waver in your voice. You’re nervous, which isn’t necessarily all that unusual, but unusual for when it comes to him. 
Grabbing your hands in his, he mindlessly squeezes your fidgeting fingers before sending you a soft smile. This last surprise of yours must be important to you, but he’s not sure what it could possibly be. All he knows is he doesn’t want you to be nervous. Not around him.
“You really didn’t need to, princess, but thank you. You’re too good to me.”
“You haven’t even opened it yet, Eds. How do you know that you don’t hate it?” You almost whine, your nerves getting the better of you.
“Because I don’t need to open it to know I’ll love it. It’s from you, hon, and I love everything you get me.” Eddie smiles, making your cheeks flush with heat as you try to bite back a gleeful, giddy smile.
“Do I absolutely have to change before I can get this last surprise, princess?”
“You don’t have to, but I figured you’d want to get comfy now that everyone’s gone.”
“I want to see whatever this surprise is more. You do realize you can’t tell me you’ve got a surprise and then tell me to go do something else, right? I’m a child, y/n.”
You can’t help but laugh at him as he gives you a wide-eyed, playfully pouted look. He truly is a child at times, but you love him for it. 
“Okay, okay. Let me go get it, Eds.”
Watching you disappear down to his room, he can’t help but smile. He will never understand how he got so lucky to have you in his life. While he would love if the two of you could be a little more, he’s happy to have you as his best friend. 
How could he not be when you’re as kind and thoughtful and beautiful as you are? He’s not lying when he says that you’re too good to him. No one else would ever consider throwing him a graduation party, let alone get him a birthday and Christmas gift every year. No one else would make sure he’s got something on Valentine’s Day - be it a flower or a goofy card or some candies. 
No one else could ever be you, and he’s grateful for that. He’s in love with you, and it doesn’t matter if your love for him is only platonic, because at least you still love him too. 
“Okay, I saw these a while ago and really liked them, but I wasn’t sure what you’d think of them. I’m still not sure what you might think of them, but…yeah. I got them.” You ramble, coming out of his room with a small box dressed with a simple ribbon. 
“If you liked them, then I’m positive that I’ll like them, but I’ll hold off on an official judgment. Since you apparently have to open stuff up before knowing.” He teases, happy to bring a small smile to your face as you roll your eyes.
“You do! Now…open it.” 
There’s no stopping the small chuckle that leaves Eddie lips as you hold the box out for him to take. Carefully grabbing it from your hands, he undoes the bow before letting it freely hang over his hand. 
You watch as he glances up at you with a soft smile, and feel your stomach flip while your heart flutters inside your chest. Deep down you know this little gift holds more meaning than simply being best friends, and that’s what makes you so anxious. You haven’t yet decided if you hope he gets the meaning or not.
He finally lifts the lid off the box, and moves the folded tissue paper aside until two beaded bracelets are revealed - one white with a single black bead and the other black with a single white bead. 
Eddie stares at the jewelry for a moment, trying to get a handle of his thoughts and emotions. You got him - and presumably you - matching bracelets. While you’ve done soft things for him before, he’s sure this is the softest. 
“What do you think? Th-they’re supposed to represent us always being with each other, even if we can’t physically be together.” You question, voice dropping to a murmur as you explain the meaning of them.
He’s yet to say anything, and it worries you. Maybe he hates them. Maybe he realizes you like him as more than a friend. Maybe -
Your thoughts are cut off as Eddie kisses you, his lips warm and soft against yours while his hair tickles your cheeks. Although initially surprised, having him kiss you feels right. It’s like this is what the two of you should have always been doing.
“I love them. I love you, honey.” He murmurs, smile on his lips as he pulls away from you the slightest bit.
“Thought I just made that obvious, baby. I wouldn’t have kissed you if I only liked you.”
“You’re such an idiot,” you huff, playfully hitting him in the chest. 
“…but I guess that’s why I love you.” 
“Glad we’re on the same page.” He chuckles, catching your lips with his once more, this kiss being softer - less rushed.
Once he pulls away, a dopey smile on both your faces, he pulls out the bracelets from the box he’s yet to set down. Looking at both of them in his hands, he can’t help but smile wider. You love him and you got matching bracelets for the two of you. You’re his just as much as he is yours.
“I don’t know when we’ll ever actually be apart, but I still love these, princess. I like knowing I’ve got a piece of your heart.” 
You can’t help but shake your head at the metalhead you call your best friend, although there’s no denying that you’re still smiling. He carefully takes your left hand and slides the white bracelet onto your wrists, gently tightening it for you so it doesn’t slide off. Afterwards, he slides his on his right wrist alongside the other few bracelets - usually knitted friendship ones - you’ve given him over the years.
“Thank you for everything today, y/n. For watching me graduate, for the party, for these…I’m glad you were here.” He confesses, playing with your fingers as a smile grows on his lips. 
“I wouldn’t have dreamt of being anywhere else, Eds. I know how hard you worked to finally get here. I’m proud of you, and wanted you to feel as loved as you are.”
“Can you say that again?”
“Which part?”
“All of it.”
There’s no way you couldn’t smile at that. He doesn’t get nearly enough of the love or reassurance you can tell he wants, so you’ll happily be the one to remind him.
“I’m proud of you, Eds, and I love you. So, so much.”
pls like & reblog if you enjoyed!
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blizzardsuplex · 11 months
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You don't know what you've unleashed El <3 Sappiness in 100 words or less each under the cut!
In general: After being on the outside looking in with Tumblr for a long time, I finally joined somewhere around the midpoint this year. I was kind of active for a month before major events in both my family and long-standing hobbies made me disappear. The me from even a few months beforehand probably would have never come back…but I did, and I couldn’t be more grateful for it. It’s just really fun to be on here, in a way I haven’t experienced for a while—so, if you're reading this, whether we actively talk or not? You’ve contributed to that. Thank you.
Drea @shes-a-voodoo-child: I knew you first as a brilliant writer, but little did I know that you were also a gracious member of fandom/Tumblr, even to someone like me who blundered into a cold call (thank you for not immediately blocking my empty blog, haha!) Nowadays, though, I know you first and foremost as someone I’m glad to call my friend—even if I must admit I still look up to you with stars in my eyes. I only wish I had more interesting things to talk about with you, because I really enjoy whenever we chat things like music or wrestling!
El @spaghettisaurusrex: Honestly, at first I thought you were too cool for me—you teach swordfighting, for God’s sake! But you’re also an incredibly chill, incredibly nice person, who I’m always glad to see in my notifs on Tumblr or Discord. And, of course, thank you so, so much for writing and talking the fairy tale AU with me; it was a fraught journey on my part, but it also turned out one of my fave pieces I’ve ever done. We should write together again next time!
Izzy @limbreaper: So much to say, so little (self-imposed) space to say it. I never thought I’d have a friend like you, honestly, especially considering everything’s that happened. Forever grateful that you’re in my life (if only for now), and I hope you have as much fun talking to me as I do talking to you—and if we drift apart one day, though hopefully later rather than sooner…I won’t forget your kindness sending that message to a stranger. It really did mean a lot. Hopefully there’ll be authentic PH food options where you are some day.
Jackie @tekkers: I’ve admired your GIFs/ZSJ content from even before I was active on tumblr (yeah, I was a tag delver), so to find out that the person running the blog is a really cool person on top of everything? Chef’s fucking kiss. Thank you for listening to me for a couple of hours that one time and offering to finagle with Highspots TV for me. Also, you have great taste in music! We should start swapping recs again (though I don’t know if I’ll ever give you something that I loved as much as Emotionalism!)
K @onlyposersfallinlove: We don’t talk as much as we might be able to, but I hope you know that I’m thinking of you and hoping for you always. Whether your goals be in the spheres of fandom or private life, you deserve to achieve them, because you have the right to be happy. May whenever you read this be wonderful—at least just that day.
Kerri @sublightsleeper: You’re a thief in the night, except you both bring the day when you pop up and also are not a thief in the slightest (unless you want to be, because thief classes are cool). Either way: you’re a very nice, creative person and talented writer, and I always smile when you take the time to say hello!
Pastel @zsjbrightensday: It takes a lot of bravery to post a creative work to any sort of public—and now you’ve done it twice, with even more on the way! I’m really, really glad that you feel safe enough to do so, and I am excited for whatever is next in your WIP list! Also, you’re just a very nice person and I always am happy to get asks from you.
Poke @theaerialassassin: I hope you liked your present! Joking self-aggrandizing aside, you are a great friend and a great person to exchange ideas with and be around. I hope that school and life treats you well, and that you know that, whenever or wherever doubts may creep in, you know you have people to turn to (including both those around you physically and the people in your phone, if you’re so inclined). You’re there for us, too, after all.
Rosa @rosabellebelieve: As I’ve told you recently, I’m so very glad you were active in the notes of Drea’s posts and were receptive to the virtual post-its I left on your desk, haha! You’re wonderful to talk to, and though I wish once more when DMing you that I had more interesting things to say because I just enjoy when we converse, I know that whenever we do it’s a great time. Thank you for being my friend!
Syb @fang-revives: How does your garden grow?—well, it’s almost winter, as you said. But I’m always glad to see your gardening pics cross my dash! I hope that the last of this year’s tomatoes were good, and that when the world wakes up in a few months for spring your plants will be the most verdant verdure this side of the US-Canadian border. Also KENTA is cool I guess (I kid; he definitely is. Have I sent you the KENTA/Marufuji hour long match my friend compressed to sub-8 MB?)
Vera @scissormedaddyass: On top of being super duper cool, you’re a very level-headed person and I deeply appreciate that. You’re also a great writer and just…so fun to talk to/participate in fandom with (let’s go sailing the internet’s seven seas, haha). Very glad I met you. I hope your walks remain pleasant and that the yar-harr fandom you’re a part of isn’t too sad about what happened. ;)
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luxeavenger · 2 years
hi so this might be kind of long, so if you don’t want to or don’t have the energy to answer please don’t feel like you have to
basically, I’m the same anon who was in here a while ago about possibly having adhd. After about 6 months I finally made an appointment and I just had it now
it really did not go the way I wanted it to, basically at the end she said that from what I’ve said, it doesn’t seem like my focusing dysfunction has “passed the line of adhd” (something along the lines of that)
which okay, i could have taken that and went with it, I wasn’t really expecting someone to right off the bat be like YOU HAVE ADHD
But then she basically just said that I “need to get off my screen, go outside, and make some friends”
which yea, I do need to do that and it’ll probably help some stuff but the way she said it as if it’ll fix everything and that me getting off my screen will make me focus more was really invalidating and frustrating to hear
not a great way to start my day 🤠 but I have a friend who works at an adhd clinic at my school, so I think I’m gonna try and go there
i just feel like something is up past me not having friends and not going outside, I just don’t really understand how me having friends is gonna help me figure out why I can’t sit through a class that’s longer than an hour or why I can’t seem to take any notes that actually get processed in my brain
I’m putting in so much effort to just do good in school, and even if I’m just getting average grades, I know I can do better if only I could just be better at focusing and notes and everything
i just feel like It takes so much effort for me to just function normally, and it’s been that way for so long that it feels normal at this point
I’m also afab and I know that a lot of afab people have trouble getting diagnosed because they did well in school as a kid and they weren’t or aren’t hyperactive (which is exactly me)
idk I’m sorry for the rant, I’m just really frustrated right now
oh sweetie. i’m so sorry that happened to you. *big hugs for you*
please don’t feel defeated. your journey isn’t over. i promise
i’m not advocating doctor-hopping until someone tells you what you want to hear then gives you a prescription for amphetamines. BUT. no doctor should EVER tell you to make friends and go outside as if that’s an actual cure for anything.
because it fuckin isn’t
neurodivergencies are caused by altered brain chemistry. we are fragile little meat puppets… too much of this chemical, it too little of that chemical and it fucks us up real hard. the only way to balance those chemicals is medication. sure you can find ways to manage symptoms through therapy (or good ol trial and error, like a lot of people who have been diagnosed later in life), but it isn’t a cure.
“go outside” is maybe helpful advice if you have seasonal affective disorder. and since it didn’t sound like you doctor thought that was the issue, your doctor is just being an asshole.
people who are afab are consistently under-diagnosed because adhd doesn’t always manifest with the “normal” hyperactivity that’s commonly seen in people who are amab. and in addition to that afab have a higher chance of medical professionals treating us as if we’re hysterical, exaggerating, or just being whiny
it’s frustrating as all hell. especially since you’re the one living in your own head, and you KNOW something is wrong. to have no one listen to you is demeaning, and defeating
my whole heart goes out to you right now, sweetie. you did something good for yourself, and your doctor did you dirty
the good news is—she isn’t the only doctor out there. get a second opinion. or a third. or a fourth. again, i’m not advocating just hunting for someone who’ll throw an adderall rx your way, but i’m definitely advocating that you find someone who will listen to you when you express these things that are happening to you. maybe it is adhd, maybe it’s something else. whatever it is, you deserve to have someone caring for you that actually cares about you and wants the best for you
i’m not sure where you are, but if you’re in the US like i am, and you can afford it, i HIGHLY recommend looking for a nurse practitioner. in my experience they are much more kind and compassionate than your run of the mill MD. not that MD’s are bad, per se. but every negative and/or traumatic medical experience i’ve had has been at the hands of a MD. just shop around for someone who you actually feel safe with. who actually listens when you speak, instead of just waiting for their turn to talk
please remember: you deserve to feel safe and cared for. in life, and also with your healthcare. find someone who treats you as a person. don’t settle for less just because they have a medical degree and you don’t. YOU. DESERVE. GOOD. CARE. full stop
nonnie, ilysm. i see you, and i want you to know you’re worth the time it takes to find out what’s happening to you, and take steps to feel better. you’re doing what’s best for you, and i’m so proud of you for it. keep at it. i know you’ll find some answers. keep me posted, and know that you’re in my thoughts 💜💜💜
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supportingfire · 2 years
              so here’s a fucking vent idk where else to put but as a floridian STILL riding out this shit, i’ve been seeing a lot of gross shit on social media regarding SW florida and the people still there. 
“why didn’t you evacuate?”
“you should have listened. this will be a lesson for you.”
“you had plenty of time.”
             FIRST AND FUCKING FOREMOST these people who say shit like this , i can guarantee, more than 90% of them have never lived in a major hurricane state, much less florida, because they wouldn’t say shit like this. there is so much that goes into the decision to up and leave, and this is coming from someone who evacuated way back when we were slammed by four hurricanes within a month in ‘04. we stayed for charley, and my mom didn’t think our house would last another one right after, so we left. she cried in the car as we crossed over into georgia, while i held my two cats with my brother in the backseat. we were LUCKY ENOUGH to have a vehicle to get us out, and money to make arrangements elsewhere. but we almost didn’t. 
            you have to have a lot of resources available to be able to just up and leave. you never know how long you’re gonna have to stay away, first of all, not to mention you don’t have guaranteed availability ANYWHERE (hotels book up quicker than graduation weekend at your local college) and even if you do find accommodations, a lot of them don’t cater to pets or disabled guests. my grandmother is at an ALF nearby and thankfully we felt safe enough for her to stay there, consider the elderly and disabled who don’t have that luxury. are they expected to just up and leave, too? and if they didn’t do they deserve the ten feet of water destroying their lives, or worse, fucking actual death? you need a means of transportation, money, and somewhere to go. having access to all three of these is a privlidge. 
“you had a week. you knew it was coming.”
            when you live somewhere where hurricanes happen so often it’s literally a season, like fucking winter and summer, you treat these kinds of things a little differently. yes, we knew ian was brewing, yes we knew it had potential, but there was no actual guarantee where and when it would hit. imagine going to your boss and saying “i need two weeks off because of a potential.” right now, as i type this at 11:30 on thursday DAY OF, we got hit with the eyewall TWO HOURS AGO, and i am still expected to clock in and work remotely “if i am avaialble to do so.” and i have the luxury of being able to do remote work. a lot of middle class people do not. they stayed to work. they stayed to keep the lights on, and they stayed to see what was going to happen. the trajectory of this hurricane changed within hours, and fort myers had no chance. naples had no chance. to assume you know better than the people who actually live and work and die here, shame on you. not to mention, when you issue “mandatory evacuation” and offer NO HELP to facilitate it, that’s basically the state going “well, we’re not going to take responsibility, we told you to leave.” its desantis and florida absolving themselves of responsibility for the outcome of it’s people. “just go to a shelter” ALSO A FUCKING ABLEIST THING TO SAY. 
            when evac orders started to roll in, it was almost too late. twelve hours might seem like a long time to you but when you’re on a peninsula, it feels like there’s one way out, and there kind of is. it’s north. some people took a gamble and went south to miami, and even miami got some severe rain and wind. people evac’d tampa TO FORT MYERS thinking they’d be a little bit better off, only for ian to take a fucking right turn and go south and slam fort myers FIRST. this happened within six hours. 
            and finally, yES there are assholes and idiots who go by the mentality that “floridians are built different” and “we’ll be fine, lets have a party!” and they stayed, and they got far more than they were expecting. they got a very, very harsh lesson about taking weather warnings seriously. i have a great uncle who was one of them, and there’s a good chance he didn’t make it through this, no one’s heard from him. does that mean they deserve having their entire lives destroyed? do they deserve to die for being cocky and stupid? the utter lack of compassion from other people blows my fucking mind. SW florida is going to be feeling this one for a long fucking time. death tolls haven’t come out yet because WE’RE STILL DEALING WITH IT. 
            i’m so fucking livid, being on tiktok trying to find updates. there’s a woman on a literal pool float in HER OWN LIVING ROOM as water rises, only for the comments to be “should have left” or “dumb for staying.” how fucking dare you. 
           fuck this man. if you can help, please help, whether it be monetarily or just spreading some sort of compassion. below is a twit thread i found of some reputable organizations providing help on the ground. we’re doing alright in orlando, downtown flooded a lot and i imagine roads will be closed a few days, but southwest florida is literally underwater. please be kind and please be compassionate. 
https://www.newsnationnow.com/weather/hurricane-ian-latest/hurricane-ian-florida-heres-how-you-can-help/ <-- a news article advising how to help
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e22ajcn · 2 years
little diary entry,
a friend and i had a falling out a couple of months ago. falling out might be the nice way of putting it. she and i don’t speak and she can’t make eye contact with me because of the amount of guild or embarrassment she feels about what she did to me. she needs serious mental help and i know i shouldn’t hold it against her because at the end of the day she’s not okay and is probably just, at her center, an insecure teenage girl trying to find a way to establish that she’s better than someone that she perceives to be higher than her on the social pyramid. i have a class with her and she’s friends with one of my close friends. i see her every once in a while and i’m trying to be the bugger person.
i seriously wish her the best. i’ve been saying that since the day she admitted the horrible things about me. i said it to her face, after she told me after she treated me like shit. i told her i’ll always be in her corner and that i wish her the best. when i finally stopped speaking to her, the only thing i’ve ever said was that i hope she finds new friends and gets better because she needs it. but in the bottom of my heart, there’s a part of me that hates to see her move in and feel better and make friends. i want her to hurt like i did, and i don’t know if that makes me horrible or mean or any number of things. i hate seeing her happy because— i dont even know why.
anyways, what brought this about: we had a shared playlist we made for when we go to the gym together. obviously we don’t anymore. i still workout and she does too, but we didn’t normally because im an athlete and she’s a narp. but i opened her account and i saw that she had a new playlist. im listening to it now, and i can feel my influence in her. i keep imagining her putting these songs in because they remind her of how she broke me and how she lost the one person who could have never imagined hurting her. then, one of my favorite songs came on. and i started sobbing. it was a 30 second cry, before i shoved it back down. i don’t think im that upset about it and i don’t deserve to cry over her. she’s not worth it. but at the same time, what if im stunting my emotional recovery by not letting myself experience the sadness? i’ve cried twice since she did it. once in the shower, the night after it happened, and another time after my chemistry exam (which was another reason entirely).
anyways, i don’t know why i feel comfortable publishing my thoughts to the internet. it feels like i’m shouting into oblivion. the girl who i’m talking about will never see this. the people who see this will never know. i don’t want this to be seen because i don’t want it everywhere. but at the same time, does it even matter? i want people to see this. i want the attention.
that’s it.
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TWST White Day Letters 2022
Some people had sent me asks and comments asking where I found the letters. Truth be told, most of the letters I found are from people who made explicit requests to not share the images publicly, so I’ll put it all in one Tumblr post.
Placed under a cut for easier scrolling.
Riddle Rosehearts
My dear friend—
Your gift is warmly received. That you should spare such thought for the Heartslabyul housewarden despite our differing affiliations is surprising. Come to my dorm lounge after school tomorrow for a spot of tea. I’ll look over your homework while we’re there.
Trey Clover
Hello, friend—
I admit, I’m not used to surprises like this one. I’m a little taken aback, but grateful regardless. I just wish I had something thoughtful in return… Actually, I know! I’ll meet you in your classroom once lessons are finished for the day. That way, I can learn what sort of things you like.
Cater Diamond
Eyyy, friendo!
How’s it going? Thanks for the present. This is a Cay-Cay-certified banger! Have you been checkin’ out my feed or something? Haha. We gotta make another vid for Magicam sometime ;)
Ace Trappola
Heya, pal—
I was floored when I got a gift from you outta nowhere! And even MORE floored when I saw you’d picked out something I really like. Thanks! If I can get my hands on a deluxe ham and cheese sandwich today, it’s all yours. Least I can do, right?
Deuce Spade
My good friend—
First, thank you SO MUCH. Makes me wonder what I’ve done to deserve a present like this from you! I really appreciate it, though! We should go blastcycle riding on one of our free days sometime soon. See you in class.
Leona Kingscholar
I’m no stranger to lavish gifts, but getting one from you was unexpected enough to pique my interest. So here you go, a proper message of gratitude: Thank you for your considerate gift.
Ruggie Bucchi
I woke up from a snooze to find a package sitting in my room, so I helped myself to find what was inside. Thanks a ton! Shyeeheehee. Getting something this nice for free is a seriously lucky break! And don’t worry, I won’t pawn it or nothin’. I’ll take reeeal good care of it.
Jack Howl
Getting a present delivered out of nowhere scared the daylights out of me. Thanks, really. But couldn’t you have just given it to me in person during class tomorrow? If there’s anything you want in return, let me know. I always repay my debts.
Azul Ashengrotto
My boon companion—
What a lovely gift this is. Thank you kindly. If you’re ever in need of anything, don’t be afraid to reach out. And just to be clear, that’s not in return for the gift—after all, I’ve accepted this as a token of your sentiment. That said, I’m willing to take it somewhat into account with any future bargains we might make.
Jade Leech
My good friend—
I am humbled—and dare I say, awestruck—to receive such a thoughtful and delightful gift. Thank you. Now I know how land-dwelling schoolmates express their mutual appreciation. This experience has been well and truly fascinating.
Floyd Leech
Dear little shrimpy—
Is it a thing for land-dwellers to just randomly gift each other stuff? I don’t see the point myself, but hey, thanks! I’ll give you a surprise of my own one of these days. If the mood strikes, I mean. Just you wait!
Kalim Al-Asim
To my dear friend—
Thanks for the gift! It’s flattering to know you picked this out just for me! I’ll treat you to anything you like in return—food, live entertainment, an item you’ve been pining after… You just say the word. …On second thought, no. I’ll come up with something myself! Just like you came up with this gift to give me.
Jamil Viper
I’ll admit it. I’m beyond surprised. I suppose a heartfelt “thank you” is in order. In fact, why don’t we meet at the school store after class tomorrow? Hopefully I’ll be able to find you something to return the favor.
Vil Schoenheit
Dearest friend—
Your gift was lovely. Thank you. This calls for fitting recompense. Hence, I’ll be handpicking a personal fragrance for you. May you sleep well tonight dreaming of the possibilities.
Rook Hunt
My, what a thoughtful gesture! I am a hard person to surprise, but you have done so all the same. How long has it been since I felt the urge to spring into dance on the spot? Merci, beaucoup!
Epel Felmier
Dear classmate—
Thank you for the amazing present! It seriously caught me off guard in the best way. Just you wait—I’ll get you an even cooler gift in return. See you in class!
Idia Shroud
who in their right mind would send a present to me
wait, isn’t this… did u check my wishlist for this?
uhhhh nvm, nbd
thx 4 the gift ig
Ortho Shroud
Hello, Prefect—
Thank you for picking out a gift for me. It’s exactly what I wanted! How did you predict my thought data so accurately? You should share your logic with me sometime. Maybe then I can whip up whatever it is that YOU want!
Malleus Draconia
To my good friend—
A gift? For me, of all people? Your tastes are…distinctive, I must say. Worry not, though—I enjoyed it, of course. What would you like in return, I wonder? I shall take great pleasure in speculating the answer to that question.
Lilia Vanrouge
Thank you for the most excellent gift! You know, I am told that in some cultures, giving someone a gift is a sign of friendship. I hope you’re ready for me to give you something in return. In fact, I suggest you clear a good square meter or so of space in your dorm!
Sebek Zigvolt
Heh. You thought a gift would be enough to worm your way into my confidence? Well, I can hardly fault your ambition. I suppose in return, I could regale you with a few tales of Master Malleus’ martial might! You have parts I through XI to choose from.
You picked out a gift specifically for me? The sentiment is greatly appreciated. Thank you. I’ve selected something for you in return. Come to my classroom after school tomorrow. And feel free to wake me up if I’ve nodded off.
Dear minion—
I found a package next to my pillow when I woke up this morning. Figured it was one of the ghosts pullin’ a prank, but nope. It was a present from you! You picked this out just for me, huh? That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! I mean, more than usual, on account of all the fur. Feel free to do this kinda thing every day, sidekick!
Dire Crowley
Dear esteemed student—
Thank you for the delectable gift. I finished it all in one sitting as soon as I opened the package! What? You say it wasn’t food? …I was joking, of course. I’m ever so grateful for the job you do every day as prefect. Do keep up the good work.
Mozus Trein
Dear juvenile—
First, I should thank you for the gift. However, if you want to ensure your teachers view you charitably and grade your tests favorably, I’d advise being a good student and showing up to class punctually rather than giving gifts. But perhaps a thank-you note isn’t the place for a lecture. The sentiment is appreciated, at the very least.
Divus Crewel
Dear pup—
Thank you for the present. However, this is highly inappropriate, and I wouldn’t hold my breath for a return gift if I were you. All I have to offer you is discipline. That said, I wouldn’t be adverse to joining you for a (single) cup of tea sometime. Do restrain yourself from howling for joy.
Ashton Vargas
Dear student—
Wow! A gift for me? I guess I was just born popular…though I don’t normally get gifts from students. Tell you what—I’ll let you in on the secret behind my incredible bod. You ready? Here’s the trick: eat four dozen raw eggs a day!
Heya, my little imp!
What’s up? Usually, I’m the one doing the giving, not the other way around! Thanks for the nice surprise. How about I guess what you’d like? Bet it’s something already in stock. Feel free to drop by Mr. S’s Mystery Shop anytime!
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natsury-kazuki · 2 years
Valentine’s Gift Messages 2022
Here is the message of the 2022 Valentine's Day cards.
Last update : 28/08 I’m soooo sorry I’ve so much work, but now it’s complete ! Enjoy
08/06 Haaaaa I found Carter, Azul and Kalim but half cut 😭😭😭
My dear friend─
Your gift is warmly received.
That you should spare such thought for the Heartslabyul housewarden despite our differing affiliations is surprising.
Come to my dorm lounge after school tomorrow for a spot of tea.
I'll look over your homework while we're there.
Riddle Rosehearts
Hello friend ─
I admit, I'm not used to surprises like this one. I'm a little taken aback, but grateful regardless.
I just wish I had something thoughtful to offer in return...
Actually, I know! I'll meet you in your classroom once lessons are finished for the day.
That way, I can learn what sort of thing you like.
Trey Clover
Eyyy, friend!
How’s it going?
Thanks fo the present.
This is a Cay-Cay-certified banger!
Haave you been chekin’out my feed or something? Haha.
We gotta make another vid for Magicam sometime ; )
Cater Diamond
My good friend─
First, thank you SO MUCH.
Make me wonder what I’ve done to deserve a present like this from you!
I really appreciate it, though!
We should go blastcycle riding on one of our free days sometime soon.
See you in class.
Deuce Spade
Heya, pal─
I was floored when I got a gift from you outta nowhere!
And even MORE floored when I saw you'd picked out something I really like. Thanks!
If I can get my hands on a deluxe ham and cheese sandwich today, it's all yours.
Least I can do, right?
Ace Trappola
I'm no stranger to lavish gifts, but getting one from you was unexpected enough to pique my interest.
So here you go, a proper message of gratitude:
Thank you for your considerate gift.
Leona Kingscholar
I woke up from a snooze to find a package sitting in my room,so I helped myself to what was inside.
Thanks a ton!
Shyeeheehee.Getting something this nice for free is a seriously lucky break!
And don't worry, I won't pawn it or nothin'.I’ll take reeeal good care of it.
Ruggie Bucchi
Getting a present delivered out of nowhere scared the daylights out of me.
Thanks, really.
But couldn’t you have just given it to me in person during class tomorrow?
If there’s anything you want in return, let me know. I always repay my debts.
Jack Howl
My boon, companion─
What a lovely gift this is. Thank you kindly.
If you’re ever in need of anything, don’t be afraid to reach out.
And just to be clear, that’s not in return for the gift─ after all, I’ve accepted this as a token of your sentiment.
That said, I’m willing to take it somewhat into account with any future bargains we might make.
Azul Ashengrotto
My good friend─
I am humbled─and date I say it, awestruck─to receive such a thoughtful and delightful gift.
Thank you.
Now I know how land-dwelling schoolmates express their mutual appreciation.
This experience has been well and truly fascinating.
Jade Leech
Dear little shrimpy─
Is it a thing for land-dwellers to just randomly gift each other stuff? I don't see the point myself, but hey, thanks!
I'll give you a surprise of my own one of these days.
If the mood strikes, I mean. Just you wait!
Floyd Leech
To my dear friend─
Thank for the gift! It’s flattering to know you picked this out just for me!
I’ll treat you to anything you like in return─ food, live entertainment, an item you’ve been pining after… You just say the word.
…On second thought, no. I’ll come up with something myself!
Just like you came up with this gift to give me.
Kalim Al-Asim
I'll admit it. I'm beyong surprised.
I suppose a heartfelt "thank you" is in order.
In fact, why don't we meet at the school store after class tomorrow?
Hopefully I'll be able to find you something to return the favor.
Jamil Viper
Dearest friend─
Your gift was lovely. Thank you.
This cll for fitting recompense.
Hence, I’ll be handpicking a personal fragrance for you.
May you sleep well tonight dreaming of the possibilities.
Vil Schoenheit
My, what a thoughtful gesture! I am a hard person to surprise, but you have done so all the same.
How long it been since I felt the urge to spring into dance on the spot?
Merci beaucoup !
Rook Hunt
Dear classmate─
Than you for the amazing present!
It seriously caught me off guard in the best way.
Just you wait─ I’ll get you an even cooler gift in return.
See you in class!
Epel Felmier
who in their right mind would send a present to me
wait,isn’t this … did u check my wishlist for this?
uhhhh nvm,nbd
thx 4 gift ig
Idia Shroud
Hello, Perfect─
Thank you for picking out a gift for me.
It’s exactly what I wanted!
How did you predict my thought data so accurately?
You should share your logic with me sometime.
Maybe then I can whip up whatever it is that YOU want!
Ortho Shroud
To my good friend─
A gift? For me, of all people?
Tour taste are…distinctive, I must say.
Worry not, thought─I enjoyed it, of course.
What should you like in return, I wonder? I shall take great pleasure in speculating the answer to that question.
Malleus Draconia
Thank you for the most excellent gift!
You know, I am told that in some cultures, giving someone a gift is a sign of friendship.
I hope you’re ready for me to give something special in return.
In fact, I suggest you clear a good square meter or so of space in your dorm!
Lilia Vanrouge
You picked out a gift specially for me?
The sentiment is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I've selected something for you in return.
Come to my classroom after school tomorrow.
And feel free to wake me if I've nodded off.
Heh. You thought a gift would be enough to worm your way into my confidence?
Well, I can hardly fault your ambition.
Isuppose in return, I could regale you with a few tales of Master Malleus’s martial might!
You have part I thought XI to choose from.
Sebeck Zigvolt
Dear esteemed student─
Thank you for the delectable gift. I finished it all in one sitting as soon as I opened the package!
What? You say it wasn’t food?
…I was joking, of course.
I’m ever so grateful for the job you do every day as perfect.
Do keep up the good work.
Dire Crowley
Dear juvenile─
First, I should thank you for the gift.
However, if you want to ensure your teachers view you charitably and grade your test favorably, I’d advise being a good student and showing up to class punctually rather than giving gifts.
But perhaps a thank-you note isn’t the place for a lecture.
The sentiment is appreciated, at the very least.
Mozus Trein
Dear pup-
Thank you for the present.
However, this is highly inappropriate, and I wouldn't hold my breath for a return gift if I were you.
All I have to offer you is discipline.
That said, I wouldn't be averse to joining you for a (single) cup of tea sometime.
Do restrain yourself from howling for joy.
Divus Crewel
Dear student─
Wow! A gift for me?
I guess I was just born popular…though I don’t normally get gifts from students.
Tell you what─I’ll let you in on the secret behind my incredible bod.
You ready? Here’s the trick: eat four dozen raw eggs a day!
Ashton Vargas
Heay, my little imp!
What’s up? Usually, I’m the one doing the giving, not the other way around!
Thanks for the nice surprise.
How about I guess what you’d like?
Bet it’s something already in stock.
Feel free to drop by Mr.S’s Mystery Shop anytime!
Dear minion─
I found a package next to my pillow when I woke up this morning.
Figured it was one of the ghosts pullin’ a prank, but nope. It was a present from you!
You picked this out just for me, huh?
That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! I mean, more than usual, on account of all the fur.
Feel free to do this kind thing every day, sidekikck!
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simplyotometrash · 3 years
MC turns into MSheep!
Inspired by the lil anime announcement we got because I love MC still being represented by a lil sheepie~!
As usual, this is gender-neutral reader!MC
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It was a total accident. You were just working on your potion project with Solomon. He was helping you with the math of it, mostly, since it was pretty complicated. You had no idea where things went wrong. There was a puff of pink smoke when you added the last ingredient and suddenly Solomon was a giant! Well, actually you were turned into a small pink sheep...
He didn’t know what to say when Solomon brought you home.
You were a sheep. A tiny sheep. And very pink.
His beloved was a sheep.
Lucifer.exe has stopped responding.
Honestly, give this old man a few moments to take in the shock and let things settle.
Then he’s going to threaten Solomon because who else would have turned you into a fucking sheep?
A tiny voice sounded from the sheep. It sounded like you, only smaller.
“It was my fault. I think. Solomon didn’t even touch my potion ingredients.��
Well, that doesn’t change anything. Solomon had best change you back or else.
And those words shot pure ice through your veins. You knew when your Lucifer got pissed off, his threats were not to be taken lightly.
For the time being, however, you had to live as a sheep.
Lucifer didn’t hesitate to just carry you everywhere. What if you got lost? Or Beel tried to eat you? Or Belphie thought you were a pillow? Or Mammon tried to sell you?
There were too many variables and this old demon just wanted some peace of mind.
So you went literally everywhere with him. You two still talked as normal. You even slept in his room still. 
You promised yourself to help him relax once you were human again. You knew your situation caused a lot of unneeded stress on the poor man.
It took three whole days before Solomon was able to change you back.
But when you were human again you didn’t expect Lucifer to hug you so tightly or give you such a firm kiss. He had missed his human being, well, a human far more than he cared to admit.
But you better make good on helping him relax. I think there’s some grey in his hair now.
Haha, good joke, Solomon! Now, where was his human? Really, where were they hiding?
He was so sure it was a prank and you were taking pictures from the bushes or something.
When you voice sounded from the small sheep Mammon nearly fainted.
What the fuck did Solomon do to his human?! The Great Mammon’s human was a sheep!
You explained your situation and Mammon only grew more jittery.
He was grinding his teeth. He didn’t hesitate, though, to snatch you away from Solomon and hold you like you were the most sacred thing in the whole of Devildom.
“Ya better turn them back! I can make money at the casinos so name the price!”
Oh he was serious. Mammon was willing to pay good Grimm just to turn you back.
And Solomon, after cruel teasing with pricing your return to human at over a million Grimm, said he would do it for free. After all, there was no telling if this would wear off or if it needed to be reversed.
So he would do it. It was a good chance to study your potion recipe and figure out how you fucked up.
Mammon, like his older brother, took you literally everywhere with him. But by everywhere I do mean everywhere. Lucifer at least had the decency to leave you out when he went to the bathroom. Mammon did not.
He was also making sure to keep you away from Asmo, who had fallen for your pink and fluffy form on sight. 
Mammon talked to you like you were still human. He treated like his human.
But he also acted like you would break at any second. He had never been so careful in his life.
He honestly cried on the third day, worried you might be stuck as a sheep. He didn’t know what to do.
Of course, you were turned back by that evening. Solomon had dropped by to check in and the potion naturally wore off.
Mammon hugged you so tight you felt like you were being suffocated.
But he was back to normal the second Solomon joked that he wanted to get paid for his efforts.
Once Solomon was able to get into his bedroom, Levi just about fainted at the sight of you.
He wasn’t even skeptical about this.
It was just like the anime “Help I’ve Accidentally Been Turned Into a Sheep and Now I’m Stuck!”. Literally, just like the anime! 
You needn’t worry about anyone trying anything with you while Solomon worked to turn you back, it wasn’t like you would be leaving Levi’s room very much.
You were in his lap almost 24/7 save for when you needed food or to go to the bathroom. Or he needed to do the same. 
His room was a fortress so you were pretty much safe. 
You couldn’t remember the last time you got to spend quite that much time with your otaku. He could be difficult at times, especially when he was playing a game.
You actually relished the time spent as a sheep because of it.
Levi was not-so-secretly getting more and more anxious though. 
He saw the anime! He made you watch it with him in one sitting, too! What if this turned out just like the anime and you never turned back into a human?
The main character in the anime was a sheep for an entire YEAR!
If he had a soul it would have left his body at the very thought.
By the end of the third day you could tell he was totally falling apart.
His partner was a sheep. Probably forever.
With a poof of pink smoke you were human again.
And Levi unconscious because, for some reason, you turned human and had no clothes on.
You just put on some of his clothes for the time being and called Solomon.
You caught a glimpse in the mirror as you were on the phone and told him to keep working on that reversal potion.
You still had sheep fluff for hair, horns, and sheep ears...
If looks could kill then Solomon would have been dead where he stood.
The sin of wrath was so pissed off that there was an evil, menacing aura radiating from him.
And it was directed solely at Solomon.
“I don’t even want you working on a way to turn them back. You might be a great sorcerer but I’m going to do this myself.”
He snatched you away and slammed the door in the sorcerer’s face.
No one tried to bother him as he stormed back to his room. 
“I promise I’m going to turn you back, MC.”
He poured over his books and had you give him the potion you had been making. You had to tell every single detail you could remember of what happened leading up to your transformation.
But he didn’t only focus on turning you back.
He couldn’t neglect you being in the room with him. You still brought out the calm within him and made him feel at ease.
When you insisted he take breaks, he would make some tea and give you a straw so you didn’t get tea in your wool.
Like he usually did, he read to you when you wanted to go to sleep. It was even more relaxing holding a warm ball of fluff.
But he barely slept.
He had to figure out a way to turn his favorite person back to normal.
You were still you, no doubt about that, but he missed you being a person. Someone he could kiss and hold hands with. Someone he didn’t have to worry about accidentally crushing or losing because you were so small.
He finally figured it out. He studied your potion recipe for hours on end until he figured out what went wrong. You had been given a recipe that had been “mislabeled”.
Knowing that made it a cinch to turn you back within the hour.
Now to murder the dodgy sorcerer who gave you the recipe for class to begin with.
“Whaaaaaat? MC? A sheep? Oh, darling, you are so cute! And so soft!!”
He canonically loves cute things (did you read the Devilgram story about him taking care of bunnies?) so he was having the time of his life.
And then it hit him as soon as Solomon laughed.
He couldn’t go out on dates with you. He couldn’t kiss you. Or see your stunning face. Your voice wasn’t the same. 
Solomon promised to do what he could to fix this, but it could take a few days.
Did he spend the next hour crying and hugging your fluffy body? Yes, yes he did.
You got him calmed down, reassuring him that it was temporary and there were some perks. He would totally get lots of attention on Devilgram if he posted your pictures! You were pink, his favorite color! You had lots of soft wool he could brush and he could paint your tiny sheep hooves!
That perked him right up.
He spent the next several hours styling your wool, somehow managing to put braids in it. He gave you cute decorative pieces to wear in your wool, painted your hooves to match his nails, and even gave you a little bowtie!
And boy did his Devilgram blow up with attention at the sight of your pictures.
You even inspired his newest clothing designs! Clothing for pets! Devildom didn’t have a cute variety of pet clothes, and while you weren’t a pet, you were very inspiring to look at.
Even pets deserved to look beautiful!
You were so soft to snuggle with but nighttime really made him miss you. Even in an innocent way, he missed skin-to-skin cuddling. It was always so reassuring.
But he didn’t have that.
He managed to get through the days that went by before Solomon finally turned you back.
And he was beginning to wonder if Solomon had drawn out your time as a sheep on purpose.
That didn’t matter, though. Not when he had to take you out on a date!
Solomon was holding something soft and fluffy. Was it food? Cotton candy? It looked really sweet and tasty.
“Beel, no, it’s me!”
He wasn’t happy once the situation was explained. But he didn’t show it. To be fair, he wasn’t the most outwardly expressive of his emotions unless it was necessary.
With Solomon’s promise to return you to normal, he just carried you back to the kitchen with him.
But he wasn’t hungry anymore. Not when his dear human was in a new and unusual form.
It caused him to go into a bit of a crisis, though.
What did sheep eat? What could YOU eat? You were a human in a sheep’s body after all. Did you have to eat what sheep ate or could you still eat your favorite things?
He sat there, staring at the cupboards and fridge, with the most worried look on his face.
To be fair, you weren’t sure either.
And you two stayed liked that until Satan said you could still eat whatever you liked, though it would be best to avoid meat unless it was basically shredded. 
Then came Beel’s next huge crisis: he was terrified of crushing you!
You were so tiny and delicate now, even more fragile than when you were a human.
It took a little convincing but Beel took to carrying you literally everywhere you wanted to go. He loved how soft you were.
Though you didn’t like how often he drooled on you because your fluff looked too tasty. You promised to get him cotton candy once you were a human again, which kind of helped the situation.
Beel even made sure to make everything you ate easy on you! He didn’t want anything to be hurtful to your little sheep body or hard for you to eat!
He didn’t hesitate to help you drink the reversal potion once Solomon got it made, holding his breath until he saw you in your proper state again.
He could breathe easy again. 
What was Solomon carrying? A new pillow or something?
It looked so soft and like it would be a perfect napping pillow.
He wasn’t even listening to anything Solomon had to say, the explanation going in one ear and out the other.
He was focused on going inside to use the new pillow.
Until he heard you talking to him after Solomon had given up on explaining anything.
Now he was mildly concerned. You weren’t you anymore. You were a sheep. He actually listened as you told him your story, unlike with Solomon, and he merely shrugged.
“Well, what can you do? You’ll be normal again eventually.”
You knew your grumpy demon, though. He was worried about you. But Belphie was never good at showing his worry for others unless it was drastic.
True to form, he passed out once he laid down again. You were held against him as if you might disappear while he slept.
It was all the more proof he was worried about your situation.
He still slept most of the time, he was like a cat in that he slept for hours without moving. You had to wiggle free to do anything. No one wanted to wake up to a sheep smelling like piss and you didn’t want a bath.
Belphie whined that taking care of you as a sheep was too much work, but the moment anyone tried to take you from him he immediately got defensive. He even threatened to break Mammon’s hands.
The only one he trusted with you was Beel.
Always sleeping holding your little sheep self did make him realize he wanted a stuffed animal version of you just like that.
It was so nice to snuggle with.
But he missed the normal you. He wanted to have you to lay on or go “star” gazing with. He wanted to do things with you again that weren’t quite possible with you as a sheep.
So he may have gone to find Solomon and threaten him if he didn’t turn you back quicker.
It was all for naught, as he came home to find you curled up in his bed in your human form once again.
He’d wake you up later. For now, he wanted to take another nap with you.
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d0llpie · 4 years
Angry confessions
Summary: You’ve tried everything to make Kyotani realise you like him but he thinks you’re joking
Kyotani x reader
Warnings: cursing
angst to fluff, mutual pining
a/n: i might make a part 2 but i’m not sure, lmk if you want one!
wc: 2.5k
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Kyotani couldn’t stand you. Your annoying smile and indifferent attitude while he told you to get lost. Couldnt you take a hint? Apparently not as you continued to greet him the same warm way every time you saw him, slipping him notes during class and flirting with him. Couldnt you flirt with some other poor soul? he couldn’t handle it anymore, knowing you weren’t really flirting with him. Maybe you did flirt with others, that only made it worse, knowing it wasn’t just him who got to see your smile and teasing laugh everyday. Honestly he didn’t know which way was worse, all he knew was that he was sick of you.
It started at practise, he was used to Oikawa’s fan girls attending their practise just to ogle at the captain, that always annoyed him but he soon found you to be worse. Oikawa has tossed him a ball to spike down and you started cheering for him. He whipped his head around to see you smiling brightly down at him, waving. He was taken back, his scowl dropping for a minute as the tips of his ears turned red before he continued on with practise, trying to ignore your cheers everytime he spiked. You trailed behind him to the school date, chatting on about your day and how amazing Kyo’s spikes were while he just grunted and continued walking in front of you, trying to speed up. Every time he sped up, you did too, he wasn’t sure if you were just stupid or if you didn’t care that he was trying to get away from you but either way it confused him.
Since then you’d follow him around, having one sided conversations with the back of his head on the way to the gym, in between classes and sometimes even during lunch times when you weren’t with your friends. He wished you wouldn’t flirt so much, it was the worst part of your whole fan girl act. You’d compliment his hair, his spikes and his eyes often, it came out so naturally that it made him tense up and pause every time, trying to calm down the beating of his heart in his ears. Why couldn’t you just stick to fangirling over Oikawa? Kyotani could take you following him and talking about your day if it wasn’t for the flirting act. He even liked hearing about your day, it was cute to hear you ramble on until you decided to give him false hope with your remarks, sometimes even trying to hold his hand or rest your head on his shoulder.
It had been a few months now and you weren’t sure what to do. You were in a small cafe with your cousin Iwaizumi, opting to seek out the spiker for advice as a last resort.
“I don’t know Iwa, i’ve been flirting with him for months and coming to all your games to cheer him on and he doesn’t even look at me” you fiddling with your fork, huffing out dramatically.
“We’ll have you actually told him you like him or asked him to hang out?” you glared at his condescending tone
“I shouldn’t have to tell him! I don’t know how much more obvious i can get...plus i ask him to have lunch with me all the time” you sighed, feeling your heart sink. You’d thought that he didn’t like you, it was obvious at first that he found you irritating but overtime you thought he’d warm up. Maybe you were just being stupid, setting yourself up for heartbreak at your inevitable rejection. Still, you held on tight to the tiny bit of hope you still had.
“hey.” Iwa waved his hand in front of you, pulling you from your thoughts “I mean surely him ignoring you can’t get any worse if you actually confess right? Plus maybe i’m wrong and he does like you so you’ll actually make some progress” you hummed in agreement, though you were hesitant
“How am i supposed to confess though? He doesn’t even look at me when we talk, well, i talk..” you realised just how pathetic you sounded, how desperate. Was this how Oikawa’s fan girls felt? Ignorantly hopeful for someone who was out of reach? Well at least Oikawa spoke to his fan girls...
“Y/n...not to sound rude or anything, but why do you like this kid? He’s not exactly treating you very well..” you looked up at your cousin who was looking at you with eyes full of concern.
“Well he may not seem like the sweet type but i’ve seen him when he’s alone, he’s really cute when he doesn’t look like he’s on the warpath, plus i think he’s just shy around me and doesn’t know how to act around others, he’s sweet though, he doodles in his notebooks. Also, he’s really passionate about volleyball! i remember the first time i saw him spike, he actually smiled!” you giggled at the memory, blushing at the thought of Kyo. 
“Whatever y/n, you need to confess before i do it for you.” you gasped in feign shock “You wouldn’t dare iwa-chan~” you laughed at Iwaizumi’s enraged expression “Stop hanging out with Oikawa ugh” you laughed at him, sipping on your hot chocolate you’d forgotten about. 
Kyotani had woken up earlier than usual, deciding to go for a walk. While he was walking his mind drifted back to you, looking behind him half expecting you to be there talking his ear off about random things, making him blush with your flirting. It was cruel how you could flirt with him so shamelessly and not mean it. He so badly wanted you to mean it. He grunted in frustration, picking up his pace until he was running, he was running past a few shops and cafes when he saw you. You were sitting by the window as the sun hit you, his eyes widened, you truly were so pretty to him. He almost stopped running until he saw who you were looking at, Iwaizumi was there. Of course you’d be on a date with him, he was so strong and open. You deserved someone like Iwaizumi he supposed, someone who could actually talk to you, someone who was better than him. He continued running despite feeling his own heart in his throat, making it harder to breathe. 
“I’m not writing him a letter Iwa.” you rolled your eyes at his suggestion, looking out the window to see a familiar head of blonde flash past in a blur. “Iwa! He just ran past” you stood up from your seat excitedly, smile crossing your face. “Wow you’re worse than i thought. Y/n, you’re a simp.” You weren’t even offended at his words “i mean can you blame me?” you sat back down, “Yes y/n, yes i can. You probably want to go after him right now” although he was joking he looked up to see you staring back at him hopefully. “Oh my god y/n, fine! Go. I’ll see you at school tomorrow. “ You got up and hugged Iwa squeeling, “Thank you thank you, if i don’t come to school tomorrow i’m either crying about being rejected or on a date with my handsome boyfriend, bye!” “Do not skip school y/n!” Iwa yelled after you as you ran out of the cafe, heading down the same path Kyo took. 
As you passed by a park, you noticed Kyotani sitting under a tree, panting heavily. “Kyo!” You called out, smiling brightly as you made your way over to him, ignoring the frustrated frown on his face. “What” he gruffly replied, clearly annoyed but you were ecstatic to get a reply from him. “I actually wanted to tell you something!” It’s now or never you thought, this was a perfect time to do it, you were ready for either response, you waited for him to look up at you before continuing.
“Um, i haven’t really thought of what to say so i’m just going to say it, i like you. I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me? You don’t have to of course but i really wanted you to know” you played with your hands while you waited for him to say something, silence was not what you expected but- “are you serious right now?” he was angry?, you tilted your head to the side “of course, i’m surprised you didn’t already kn-” “What is wrong with you? First you follow me around everywhere, flirting with me and annoying the fuck out of me, now this? haven’t you played around enough? Honestly i didn’t think you’d take it this far, that’s just low y/n.” the tone in his voice was enough to have you back away a little, confusion covered your face, you definitely hadn’t anticipated this kind of response. Despite your heart sinking at the rejection, you couldn’t help but feel a little angry as well. Who was he to talk to you like that. “What the fuck are you talking about Kyo. A simple ‘Sorry i don’t feel the same’ would’ve sufficed, honestly this is the most you’ve ever said to me and it’s this?” He was taken back by your reaction. You were serious? “Why would you try confess to me while you were just on a date then huh?” you furrowed your brows in confusion before it dawned on you, he thought you were dating Iwaizumi. Now you understood more of what he was saying, you opened your mouth to speak but he interrupted you. “Yeah, I saw. You can drop the act now it was very funny. Now you can fucking leave me alone and stop acting like Oikawa’s clingy fangirls. I’ll finally stop having to hear you yapping in my fucking ear all day.” he wasn’t expecting to look up and see tears rolling down your cheeks. “Iwaizumi is my cousin..” you whispered meekly before turning back in the direction of the cafe, running home. 
Kyotani sat there dumbfounded. You were serious. He just called the girl he liked annoying and clingy after she tried to confess all because he was too insecure and jumped to conclusions. “Fucking idiot.” he cursed himself out under his breath.  
He didn’t know what to do, he couldn’t sleep, every time he closed his eyes he just saw that heartbroken look on your face, eyes filled with tears. Because of him. He groaned before going to his desk, he begun to write a letter. The thought of you never coming to his games anymore, you never cheering for him again, telling him about your day and that new show you start, even the flirting, he knew he couldn’t get through the day without it. You weren’t annoying, you were the only person who managed to make him stop scowling, he was relaxed around you.
You walked into your first class, finding a letter on your desk. Your eyes flitted over to Kyo who was sitting a few seats away looking away nervously, you could see how red he was from here. You tucked the letter into your bag, he didn’t deserve your attention and you were determined to not talk to him or look at him anymore. Kyotani watched you put away his letter, he frowned, you’d probably just read it later. He didn’t want to get discouraged so he waited for you during lunch but you never came. He was getting antsy, it was so quiet. After his final classes he was excited to go to practise, getting there on time for once, only you weren’t there. Instead he was met with an angry Iwaizumi “what the fuck did you do to her!” he boomed, gaining the attention of everyone in the gym. Kyotani looked down, surprising everyone “where is she?” he asked quietly, Iwaizumi quirked his brow, crossing his arms over his chest. “She’s probably at home or the cafe.” Kyotani looked up, running out of the gym ignoring Oikawa’s calls to come back and train.
You were sitting in a booth at the cafe, scrolling on your phone when you remembered the letter. You opened it despite your hesitation and began reading.
I used to find you irritating, i couldn’t understand why someone as pretty as you would follow me around and talk to me when i was so cold to you. I took your flirting as you either making fun of me or just you having a flirtatious personality so i would get annoyed. About yesterday, i misunderstood completely and i’m so sorry for snapping at you. I never meant to lash out on you and i never wanted to. I was fed up with the person i liked toying with me and when i found out you liked me back i didn’t believe you.
I’m sorry for hurting you, if you let me be yours i swear i’ll never hurt you again. I never want you to cry because of me ever again, i like you too y/n and i’m sorry i was too much of a pussy to tell you sooner.
I hope you forgive me
You smiled at the letter, looking up at the sound of the cafe bell ringing to see Kyotani, out of breath staring at you. You smiled up at him like usual and he returned it, moving towards you quickly. “Kyo-“ he cut you off, smashing his lips against yours, his lips were gentle despite the desperate hold he had on you, cradling your head in one hand and gripping your collar in the other. You smiled against the kiss, cupping his cheek before pulling away. “Hi” you giggled as he sat down in front of you, holding your hand on the table “Hi” he smirked at you. “Y/n, can i take you to dinner?” you nodded happily “of course you can handsome~” he blushed furiously and this time you got to see, you cupped his cheek again, leaning over to kiss his cheek softly, only making it worse. “C’mon doll” he pulled you up, holding your hand as you exited the cafe, walking side by side as he intertwined your fingers, smiling down at you with a soft expression. How was he so blind?
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jisungsmochi · 3 years
favorite crime - na jaemin
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favorite crime - na jaemin 
this is the second installment for my SOUR series! you can read jeno’s one here! 
a little bad boy!jaemin x troubled (?) but still a ‘goodie goodie’ reader // strangers to friends to partner in crime to strangers again :/ 
word count: 7.2k 
summary: “It's bittersweet to think about the damage that we'd do
'Cause I was goin' down, but I was doin' it with you” 
who would have ever thought that, jaemin, the quiet boy you met in detention, would become your first love? getting involved with his shenanigans was probably the worst thing you could have done in your life. you were lucky enough to love someone like him, someone who excited you, scared you, and most of all, loved you back. but what happens when his actions suddenly have consequences? 
a/n: this summary sucks but i liked writing this alot,, explains why it took me so long to write it oops. 
tagging the bestie: @skrtbabe
Know that I loved you so bad
I let you treat me like that
I was your willing accomplice, honey
as you walked into the near-empty classroom, you made a beeline for the closest seat to the window. if you were going to be stuck in detention for two hours, you might as well have a nice view. you let out a short sigh to yourself, one hour and fifty eight minutes to go. the supervising teacher was lazily marking her class’ essays, completely choosing to ignore the entrance of na jaemin. he gave her a subtle scoff before stumbling past the desk, making his way to sit behind you. you heard him roughly place his bag onto the surface of his desk. you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to look back and see what he was up to. jaemin was always a mystery to you, and to everyone else in the school. despite keeping himself away from the majority, people had quite a lot to say about the boy. you heard rumours that he got stabbed (which you didn’t believe at all) but your classmate, haechan, insists he had video evidence. if anything, you don’t think you had ever spoken to jaemin in your entire life, but that was all about to change.
thirty minutes into detention and you were beyond bored. everybody was either catching up on school work or trying their best to not be caught on their phones. you opted to staring out the window, eyes following the movements of a particular butterfly. eventually, the butterfly decided it was time to leave your line of sight, causing you to let out a short huff. you heard a soft chuckle, belonging to the previously silent boy behind you. you slowly turned to face him, his eyes immediately latching to meet yours. he had his chin perched on top of his right palm, a cunning grin on his face. you gave him a glare,
“what are you laughing at?” you faintly whisper to him. this caught him off guard, he didn’t expect you to sound so stern.
“an explosion is about to happen” you grew to be more confused, what is he talking about?
“i’ll be right back! s-stay where you are!” your teacher suddenly blurts out, rushing out of her room as fast as she could. the rest of the students all looked over at eachother, some even opting to leave detention entirely.
you turned back to the snickering boy, who clearly had something to do with it.
“what the hell did you do?”
“put laxatives in her coffee” your jaw dropped, how the hell did he manage to do that?
“w-what’s wrong with you?”
“what’s wrong with you? learn to live a little” he suddenly stood up, slinging his bag across his body. his eyes still stayed on you, silently asking for you to follow him. this was one hell of a first impression. you weren’t sure what took over you in that moment, but you found yourself trailing behind na jaemin like a lost puppy as he led you both out of the school gates. he didn’t speak much to you, aimlessly walking to wherever the hell he needed to be.
“so what did you get into detention for?” he suddenly asked you, causing you to stiffen. you weren’t a stranger to getting into trouble, your short temper often being the root of your issues. but you weren’t exactly the most comfortable talking to new people.
“ah you’re a bit shy? i’ll start then, i stole lee haechan’s clothes after gym practice” he smirked to himself, feeling some sense of pride.
“that was you? he was running around school butt naked because of you” you couldn’t help but chuckle at the memory of seeing two full ass cheeks after your history class.
“that’s what he gets for claiming that he has proof i got stabbed? which is ridiculous by the way” jaemin shakes his head before coming to a complete stop. you slightly bump into his right shoulder, quickly stabilising yourself before looking at the quiet cafe infront of you.
“hungry?” you nodded in response, following him into the cafe. he seemed to have known some of the workers, earning you a free croissant and hot chocolate.
“so, i told you why i got into detention, now it’s your turn” he chimed, clearly entertained by having you as company.
“i punched kim yuna in the face” you slightly cringed at your own words. you weren’t the one to be physical in your confrontations, but this girl really struck a nerve.
“sheesh, i saw her earlier, you gave her nose a good bruising, i must say” he couldn’t help but find the entire thing entertaining. this was so odd to you, every person that had witnessed it, thought you went crazy. but here jaemin was, laughing at the situation.
“you think this is funny?” you asked curiously, rather than in a judgemental manner.
“well yeah, i don’t know why you did it, but she probably deserved it” he shrugged, taking a bite of his own pastry. you felt your shoulders begin to relax, infact your entire demeanour had changed. jaemin was the only person that didn’t push you to admit your faults and apologise. he didn’t need to know the whole story, he just took your words for what they were.
the next hour consisted of you and jaemin, sharing stories on some of the mischievous things you had gotten up to in the past. from small things like setting off stink bombs during an exam, to running from the mall cops after stealing a pair of pants from a store. jaemin liked your reactions to his stories, at first your face would be full of shock, then turn into some sort of enlightenment. he found it quite endearing to watch. he wasn’t too bad on the eyes either.
“need me to walk you home?”
“i don’t need you to do anything for me” jaemin just smirked at your response,
“but i wouldn’t mind if you did”
“ah i see how it’s going to be”
“what do you mean?”
“our relationship, it’s going to be very push and pull” what on earth was he on about?
“you got that from just spending a few hours with me?” jaemin nodded, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets.
“i think we’ll be spending a lot of time together” was all he said back. if you had told yourself earlier that day, that you’d become na jaemin’s partner in crime, you’d punch yourself in the face. but this was only the beginning.
from that day onwards, you would purposely seek out jaemin’s presence. whether it be you walking to the most isolated parts of school, or simply trying to get into detention in the case he was there again. as a result of the laxative prank, jaemin had earned a two week long suspension. you had caught wind of this information from the school’s chatterbox, haechan. you’d think after being humiliated by jaemin, he’d keep his name out of his mouth.
you decided to visit the same cafe you accompanied jaemin to, incase he was hanging out there. you weren’t sure why you wanted to be around him so much. if anything, you were more at risk of getting another detention, or becoming a social outcast. but you were going to take those chances.
as you entered the cafe, your eyes scanned near and far for any sight of the black haired boy. you were about to give up, when you heard a voice,
“stalking me now?” you immediately froze, too nervous to turn back. you felt jaemin’s hand on your shoulder, slowly turning your around to face him.
“i-i no it’s not what it looks like-“
“it’s fine, you must have missed me, no?” he let a cocky grin land on his face. you just rolled your eyes, ready to walk right back out that door.
“let’s get up to some trouble today” he gripped your wrist gently, dragging you out of the cafe. he didn’t let go of you, once again, you were aimlessly following him. why did you let him do this to you?
jaemin wasn’t too much of a talker, he tended to try and speak with his eyes. you found it interesting, the way he expected you to know exactly what was on his mind. he eventually stopped walking after reaching an abandoned building. you were beginning to feel slightly anxious, noticing that the sun was slowly setting and the breeze was getting cooler. jaemin plopped his carry bag on the concrete floor, you heard clinking sounds erupt from the bag. he moved to pull out a few spray cans.
“ever graffitied?” you shook your head,
“not spray painting, but i’ve drawn some not so pleasant pictures in the bathroom stalls” you shrug as he handed you a can of bright yellow spray paint. he slightly chuckled at your anecdote, which made you look down at the ground.
“well you won’t get in trouble for messing up this place”
“what is this place anyway?” you start to shake the can, watching as jaemin started spraying onto the blank wall.
“somewhere i come when i don’t feel like going home” you weren’t sure if you wanted to press him to elaborate, so you just nodded, beginning to spray a random design of your own.
jaemin found hanging around you quite amusing. you were always up for anything he wanted to do. you seemed so cheerful about the simplest things, and never pushed him to explain the questionable things about himself. you were a lot different than the people he would usually surround himself with. but like many things in na jaemin’s life, they often went sour very quickly.
And I watched as you fled the scene
Doe-eyed as you buried me
One heart broke, four hands bloody
jaemin had asked you to accompany him to the abandoned building one night. you were half asleep and freezing to death as you approached his car. it was quite beat up, making you worried,
“is this thing even safe to be driving?” you groan as you wrap yourself in your large puffer jacket. jaemin had previously insisted you bring a sleeping bag and pillow. you chose not to question it, too tired to argue back with him.
“don’t disrespect my sweet ride! be grateful i didn’t make you walk in the cold” he scoffed before starting the engine. the car ride was fairly quiet, you were drifting in and out of sleep, in which jaemin noticed. he thought you looked so peaceful, so he tried his best not to make any sharp turns or run over many speed bumps. in a matter of time, he parked the car, gently wiggling your shoulder. you woke up instantly, feeling his cold hand on your cheek. you furrowed your eyebrows before following him out of the car. he led you to the same wall you both had graffitied on before, but this time, it seemed to have become a complete picture.
“i wanted to show you this! isn’t it cool?” he gleamed, pulling you to his side, slightly rubbing your shoulder to warm you up. you quickly ignored his touch, focusing back on the wall. it was a mirage of different doodles and words that must have meant something to jaemin.
“this is amazing, you did this all by yourself?”
“yeah, i really wanted to see your reaction”
“what does it all mean?”
“it’s kind of a representation of what goes on in my mind? i’m not the best with expressing my feelings with words, so i decided to let it out on this wall” jaemin spoke with such ease, his voice filling your ears with warmth. he pulled you closer to him when he saw you shiver,
“care to share?” you slightly joked. jaemin never got too deep with you, so you assumed he would brush the comment off. but he just stares back at you, his eyes piercing into your own. you held your breath as he leaned in closer to you.
“sure thing” he slowly leads you back to the car, turning on the heater as you both wrapped yourselves in sleeping bags. you were huddled up in the back seat, your head leaning on his shoulder as he played with his fingers.
“i never had an outlet for my imagination. my parents weren’t the most warm or loving people in the world. i barely remember anything from my childhood, except for the unpleasant memories. when i started hanging out with some of the older kids, they showed me the ropes of their crew. they taught me how to graffiti, how to carve things with a pocket knife, you know, basic seventh grade stuff” he let out a soft chuckle, but you didn’t laugh. instead you placed your hand over his, feeling the coldness shoot through your body.
“i-i don’t like showing how i feel. because i think it makes me weak, or pitiful. that’s a bad way of thinking, but i can’t help it. so i let out my frustrations here, by either spray painting or smashing random things. it’s nice to get it all out” he stops speaking, his posture suddenly stiffening. you lifted your head from his shoulder, forcing him to look over at you.
“i’m here to listen to you. you don’t have to result to destroying things in order to reveal your feelings. you can just talk to me next time, okay?” you assured him, tightening your grip on his hand. jaemin just nodded, his eyes faltering from yours. why were you so considerate towards him?
“wanna know why i punched yuna in the face?” you saw jaemin crack a smile, nodding frantically.
“she said some things about my family, how they only took me in because they felt sorry for me. see, i’m actually a foster kid, my real parents weren’t in the ‘right state of mind’ to take care of me. well, in the eyes of the law atleast” jaemin didn’t know how to respond, opting to pulling your head back into his shoulder.
“i know she was just trying to rile me up, my foster parents aren’t terrible. but hearing those words just struck a nerve. how can people be so judgmental?”
“that’s just life, love. everyone will always have their own opinions, but it’s up to you, on how to respond. or you can simply choose to ignore them, it’s always worked for me” jaemin started tracing small patterns on the back of your hand, feeling his eyes become drowsy.
“but i don’t want to always ignore my problems. i want to be able to face them, how else will i grow as a person?” you sighed,
“we grow each and every day, most of the time we don’t notice. you’re doing better than you think. sure, you’ll grow up soon enough, you’ll develop your own identity, but for now, enjoy the moment. don’t care too much about what others think, this is your life to lead” jaemin looked down at you, feeling a warm sensation reach his heart.
“for someone who doesn’t like speaking his mind, you sure give some great advice. promise we’ll be there for eachother?” you pull out your pinky finger from his grip, watching as he blinks for a few seconds. you sensed some hesitation, but blamed it on him being tired. eventually, jaemin linked his pink with yours, sealing it with a gentle press of his lips. you couldn’t hide how flustered you had gotten, burying your head in his chest as he started stroking your hair.
“thankyou for being with me tonight” he mumbled as he felt himself fall asleep,
sometimes jaemin would leave you hanging for days on end. at first you would get concerned, mainly for his own safety. you were never sure what he got up to in his spare time, and to be honest, you didn’t want to know. but after a certain amount of days, he would pop back into your life that nothing happened, as if no time had passed. today was one of those days. he was sitting on your bedroom floor, flicking through your history notes. you couldn’t pry your eyes away from him, he looked so peaceful.
“you’re so much smarter than me” he huffs, scratching his head as he closed your notebook.
“no way, i’m pretty average. you’re more street smart than i am” jaemin perks up at your words,
“i guess i am huh” he smirks to himself, making you slightly smile.
“i can help you study if you want, you need a pass, right?” you scooted over to him, sitting so that your shoulders brushed against eachother.
“well yes, technically. but passing doesn’t secure i’ll get into college. not that i can even go” he shrugs, eyes focused on his rings, beginning to fiddle with them.
“what do you mean?”
“i don’t have the grades, my parents barely have any money saved for my college fund. i don’t have a job, you see the issue here?” you sensed him stiffen up next to you, this topic clearly striking a nerve within him. you placed a hand on his shoulder, gently squeezing it,
“you know college isn’t for everyone. i’m sure you will be able to live a good life” jaemin knew you were trying your best to cheer him up. but these were constant thoughts and struggles he had been dealing with for what seemed like a lifetime. he knew you would never fully understand, and he couldn’t be mad at you for that.
“y-yeah, i’ll be fine” he sighs, linking is fingers with yours. you worried about jaemin so much, it slowly began to take over your mind. you caught yourself thinking about him more often, how you wanted to be there for him during his dark times. but jaemin always shoved off the idea of getting too deep with his emotions. sure, he trusted you with most things, but there was always a thought in the back of his mind. you were way too good for him.
“what is this?” you smiled brightly at the boy standing across from you. he was leant up against your locker, gift bag in his hands, shoving it towards you.
“a token of my appreciation for our growing friendship” you chose to ignore the last word, your feelings towards jaemin still being undecided.
you slowly open the bag, your eyes landing on a small box. you furrowed your eyebrows, before opening it.
“t-this is beautiful, jaemin. how did you afford this?” you gasped, pulling out the shiny necklace from the delicate box. it was a silver chain, that sparkled under the light at just the right angle. there was a small pendent latched onto it, a butterfly.
“don’t worry about that, do you like it?” he grinned at you, taking in your ecstatic reaction,
“of course! i cant thank you enough!”
you pull him into a warm hug, arms tightening around his torso. jaemin chuckled softly, bringing his arms to wrap around your frame, slowly swaying you side to side.
“being there for me is enough, i promise”
The things I did
Just so I could call you mine
The things you did
Well, I hope I was your favorite crime
the following few days, jaemin went MIA again. you were beginning to become annoyed by his lack of communication. you wanted to believe he was gone for good reason, but something in your gut sensed something worse was happening. that’s when you decided to go to the abandoned building, remembering he often went there when he wanted to be alone. not having a car of your own caused many issues in your life. like right now, you were huffing and puffing once you hopped off your bicycle. you quickly set it aside, making your way to the building. before you turned to the main corridor that you met jaemin in many times before, you heard hushed voices, one belonging to the boy in question.
“we need this deal done asap. no excuses” a deep voice echoes through the building. you couldn’t get a good look at them without being caught, so you remained hidden behind a huge slab of concrete.
“b-but what if they think i’m scamming them because i’m new?” jaemin squeaked. you had never heard him so worried before.
“well you better think of some way to get them to buy, we can’t risk anymore losses. take this as initiation into the big boys club” what the hell was going on?
soon enough, the small group of men had left the building, walking past the concrete slab you were hiding behind. you let out a sigh of relief before rushing to jaemin. his eyes widened at the sight of you, part of him wanting to yell at you for being so stupid.
“what are you doing here?!” he was mad.
“i could ask you the same thing” you scoffed. jaemin suddenly became quiet, eyes avoiding yours.
“what’s going on? and i want the truth. the whole truth” he just sighed, dragging you back to his car. you folded your arms, in disbelief from what you had heard prior.
“i-i’m helping them with some deals okay? it’s just a side hustle to get some cash, i want to get out of this town. this is the only way”
“what are you dealing? drugs?” you gasped, watching as jaemin snapped his neck to face you.
“yes, it’s not as bad as you think-“
“not as bad? they’re literally part of a gang. do you know what happens to people who don’t seal these deals?” you couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“i know the risks. but i’m desperate. i just need enough to buy an apartment in another city and finally start my life” jaemin doesn’t know why he’s bothering trying to explain this to you. he brushed his fingers through his hair roughly, letting out a groan as he did so.
“when i said there are ways for you to live a good life, i didn’t mean deal drugs. i meant get an apprenticeship or something! literally anything but this”
“there’s nothing you can do to change my mind. i already swore i’d do this deal. i need the money. you wouldn’t understand” jaemin struck back, feeling attacked by your words.
“what the hell is that supposed to mean? i-i can’t do this. come back to me when you’ve come to your senses. this is stupid and you know it” you rush out of his car, causing jaemin to trail behind you as you stumbled to find your bike.
“come with me” you stopped in your tracks.
“come with me to the deal. i-i don’t want to go alone” he says barely above a whisper,
“you’re crazy if you think i’ll follow you like a lost pup-“ jaemin pressed his lips on yours, hands stuck to your waist, gently rubbing your sides as he deepened the kiss. your words became jumbled as he continued to kiss you. as much as you wanted to argue back with him, feeling his lips on yours was only something you had experienced in your dreams.
“please” he whispered, pulling away from you momentarily.
“o-okay” you whispered back, hands now on his shoulders. jaemin smirked with pride before pulling you in once again. he led you back to his car, dragging you into the backseat. he began trailing kisses down your neck, erupting a pleased sigh from you. and just like that, you were wrapped around his silly little finger.
you were now seated in the passenger seat of jaemin’s busted ass car. your nerves were off the charts, and so were his. you had never seen him so anxious before, he was breathing in quick successions and couldn’t stop shaking.
“just get it over and done with...okay? get in and get out” you try your best to ease his nerves but how much could you really say? you were encouraging him to commit to a drug deal, this was not how you expected your friday night to go.
jaemin just nodded, clutching onto something in his jacket pocket. he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, gently stroking your hair as he did so.
“thankyou for coming with me” he mumbled. you just nodded, trying to ignore your intense gut feeling that something was going to go wrong. he led you by your waist into the noisy bar. you kept your head down, allowing jaemin to gain sight of the clients. he didn’t let you approach the group of men, so you tried to distract yourself with a random fruity cocktail from the bar. it wasn’t enough to push aside your worries.
after what seemed like hours, you caught sight of jaemin, who seemed like he was in a rush. he quickly scooped you away from your seat, swiftly leading you out of the bar. before you could even open your mouth, he interjects,
“no time for questions, get in the car now” he harshly shoved you into the passenger seat. now you were more worried than before.
“what the fuck is going on?!” jaemin didn’t answer you, starting the engine of the car. before you could press him any further, the same group of men rushed out of the bar, eyes scanning for the boy next to you. this wasn’t good.
“may or may not have given them the wrong amount...nothing a little hide and seek can’t fix!” jaemin tried to laugh it off, but you knew he was equally as scared. his dingy car wouldn’t start, adding to the panic in the atmosphere. the group of men were already in their own vehicle, approaching jaemin’s car rather quickly.
“fuck fuck fuck” he began shouting, slamming his foot on the accelerator as the car hurled forward. in a matter of time, he was speeding down the street. he probably ran a couple red lights and a few stop signs, but he wasn’t fazed. you on the other hand, were about to throw up. jaemin kept taking sharp turns to throw off the car chasing you, he barely looked back. you were terrified in this moment. anything could go wrong, one wrong turn, and it could all be over. soon enough, he stopped right outside the all too familiar abandoned building. he was out of breath, the adrenaline still present in his system. you were completely frozen, still in shock at what had occurred.
“wasn’t that riveting?” he smirked. he fucking smirked?
“are you kidding me? that was fucking insane. d-don’t do this again. i don’t want any part of this anymore” you began tearing up, feeling your heart pump out of your chest. jaemin’s face dropped as he tried to hold your hand, in which you pulled away immediately.
“t-take me home. please.” he didn’t say anything back to you. he respected your wishes and took you home safely. you didn’t even want to think about the punishment he would receive from the gang for messing up the deal. the only thought of your mind was your own safety. jaemin risked your safety this time around. you would have done anything for him, but in this moment, you were beginning to regret it. na jaemin was trouble. and you needed to stay away from trouble.
staying away from na jaemin was harder than you thought. subtle glances from across the classroom or school courtyard wasn’t doing you any good. so you sought refuge in the library. somehow he managed to find you there too.
“y/n, please, talk to me” you continued to read the novel you weren’t interested in, trying your best to remain angry. he sat across from you, pulling down the book from your face, eyes begging to meet yours.
“there’s nothing left to say” he just sighs, never seeing you be so stubborn.
“i know what i did was wrong, i shouldn’t have put you in that posit-“
“can we please not discuss this here? where anyone can hear us?” you quickly interrupt him, pulling him to the school parking lot. out of habit, jaemin led you to his car, opening the passenger side door for you. you got chills as you sat in the seat once again, the memories flooding back.
“i-i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have brought you into it. i just didn’t want to be alone...you’re the only person who doesn’t make me feel alone.” jaemin could barely look at you, too embarrassed of being vulnerable.
“you know how i’m against what you’re doing. and i know i can’t change your mind. i just can’t keep worrying about your safety. it hurts me knowing that you could get hurt one day” you began sniffling, which made jaemin’s heart ache. he pulled your face to meet his own, staring at your soft features. he slowly guided his fingers to wipe away your tears.
“don’t worry too much about me, love. i’ll be just fine” he pressed a soft kiss to your lips, and just like that, you were dragged right back into his arms.
“be careful” you whispered against his lips,
You used me as an alibi
I crossed my heart as you crossed the line
And I defended you to all my friends
jaemin wasn’t careful. not in the slightest. he showed up at your window, hands clutching to his lower torso area as he stumbled into your room. you hushed him to be as quiet as he could but you immediately knew something was wrong. he practically fell to his knees, soft whimpers and sighs leaving his mouth. you quickly moved to turn on your lights, taking a better look at the boy in pain. your eyes travelled along his face, covered in scratches and bruises.
“you good with playing medic tonight?” he joked, trying to relieve the tension. but you were not having any of it. you pulled him into your bed, allowing him to lay on his back. he had an array of cuts over his body, including a large gash on his lower lip. you swiftly rushed to the bathroom, grabbing your not so impressive first aid kit, but it would have to do for now. you tried your best to disinfect what you cold, until you reached his torso. you saw there were specks of blood leaking onto his t shirt, which made you more worried than you were initially. jaemin just sighed, lifting up his shirt slowly. your eyes were glued on the painful wound plastered on the right side of his body.
“d-did someone stab you?!” you felt tears prickle the side of your eyes. how could he be so stupid?
“n-no, its just a cut, it’s not even that deep” he tried to play it off, but the moment you pressed the cleansing wipe onto the wound, he winced.
“stop playing the tough guy. i hate when you play tough guy” you groan, trying your best to tend to his wound. jaemin watched as your expression changed from one of concern, to annoyance.
“hey, don’t be mad at me, okay?” he brought his hand to hover over your thigh, gently stroking his fingers on the surface.
“i’m sorry” he whispered, trying his best to sit up, but you immediately pushed him back down. you moved to lay next to him, allowing yourself to finally look him in the eyes.
“i can’t always be here to take care of you like this, jaemin. as much as i want to, there are going to be times where i just can’t. you have to understand that”
“of course, i didn’t expect you to be my personal nurse or anything. i just don’t want you to leave” his words sank deeply into your thoughts.
“i-i won’t leave”
“thankyou. i promise i will take you out and we will have fun. like old times. we can go on a road trip, or even that stupid homecoming dance you keep talking about. i’ll do anything to make it up to you because i ca-“ he immediately stopped himself, clutching his side.
“just get some rest, we can continue this discussion another day. goodnight jaem” you just sighed, turning on your back to face him. jaemin didn’t know why he couldn’t finish his sentence. he does care about you. more than anyone else in the world. but why couldn’t he just say it?
you on the other hand, were too busy imagining your future with jaemin. would he be there as your partner in crime for life? or was he just someone passing by to teach you a lesson? you weren’t too sure you wanted to find out.
“y/n, principal lee wants to see you in his office” your economics teacher informed you during class, eyes of classmates following you as you left the room. you swore you hadn’t done anything remotely mischievous lately, besides snatching a cheat sheet for the upcoming final.
“ah yes y/n, please take a seat” principal lee invited you into his office. you tried your best to stay focused on the stubby man in front of you but you couldn’t ignore the two police officers standing to the side.
“you wanted to see me, sir?”
“yes, these officers are here to ask you some questions. don’t worry, you aren’t in trouble. they just need some information for their investigation” he explains as best he could, shifting the conversation over to the two officers.
“as principal lee mentioned, we just need information. are you comfortable with us asking you a few questions?” you slowly nodded, hands beginning to clam up.
“we have reason to believe your friend, na jaemin, has been involved in an incident that occurred last thursday. he claims he was present with you that night. can you confirm this?” you immediately froze. you swore you didn’t even blink. that was the night he came to your window, all banged up a bruised. but you couldn’t tell them that part. so you went with a variation of the truth,
“yes, he was with me, we often study together and watch movies on thursdays.” you tried your best to maintain eye contact, not wanting to draw any more attention.
“have you noticed anything odd in his behaviour lately?” you knew they were just following protocol, but you weren’t prepared for any of this.
“not really. he is quite reserved naturally, but there hasn’t been anything too alarming, in my opinion” the officers just nodded, scribbling down your words.
“thankyou for your time, if we were to need any more statements from you, would you be okay with that?” you simply nodded, wanting nothing more than to get back to class.
“great, we’ll be heading off now, thankyou principal lee, and y/n” you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in. what in god’s name happened that night?
“why were the cops coming out of the office? did you do something?” your friend, jimin asked you as she rushed to your side.
“n-no, they were asking about jaemin” you sighed. you didn’t want to tell her much, knowing she wasn’t his biggest fan.
“y/n, you have to stop hanging out with him so much. he’s bad news. i mean, he’s got the cops questioning you? is that someone you really want to be with?” you knew she had your best interest at heart, but she didn’t know jaemin like you did. no one did.
“don’t talk about him like he’s some pest in my life. he makes me happy, okay? i’d do pretty much anything for him” you huff, beginning to walk away.
“but would he do anything for you?” her words made you stop in your tracks. she was right to question that. god, even you questioned it sometimes. would he?
And now every time a siren sounds
I wondеr if you're around
'Cause you know that I'd do it all again
jaemin insisted he take you to the homecoming dance — he even pinky promised you.
“jaemin! i’m so excited for tonight, what time are you coming by?” you excitedly squeal into the phone, making jaemin slightly chuckle.
“uh love, i-i don’t think i can make it tonight” you felt your heart drop.
“what? why?”
“i have some business to take care of. i promise you i’ll take you out soo-“
“i think you should stop making promises you can’t keep. hope you have fun doing whatever you’re doing” you immediately hung up, wiping the stray tears from your face. you quickly pulled yourself together. showing up alone to the homecoming dance after you told your friends you were going with jaemin, was probably one of the most embarrassing things you had ever experienced. they all felt pity for you, dragging you to dance, trying to get you to forget about jaemin. but nothing was working. you were beyond disappointed, partially in yourself, for believing he could actually keep his promise.
the moment you got home, you saw someone sitting on the steps just outside your front door. you let out a loud sigh, hoping he heard everything. you wanted to push right past him and go to bed, but jaemin trapped you in his arms. you felt something was off about him. he was stiff as a board, he didn’t say anything to you. you finally got a glimpse of his face, his right eye was swollen and there was a slight gash on his cheek. you immediately gasped, all your anger towards him had fizzled away.
“w-what happened?” you barely whispered, bringing your hand to the side of his face. jaemin winced as he felt the touch, quickly pulling away.
“finally got what was coming” he tried to laugh it off, but he knew you weren’t going to laugh back. instead, you allowed him to follow you to your room, hoping your parents were fast sleep.
jaemin slowly made his way to sit on your bed. you felt like he had something else he was hiding from you, but your main focus was yet again, tending to his wounds.
“i’m getting some real déjà vu right now” you sighed, cleaning his face. jaemin tried his best to not move, but everything stung. he really got it bad this time.
“i’m sorry for breaking my promise. i know how much the dance meant to you” he softly muttered, eyes avoiding yours.
“i-it’s okay”
“no it’s not! you do so much for me, and i couldn’t even do this one thing for you. i feel so shitty. why do you even keep me around? i’m deadweight and that’s trouble for someone with wings” he scoffs, replaying harsh words he had heard from others in the past. you slowly plucked away the medical kit, turning to face him properly. (a/n: not me using a quote from the show ‘panic’)
“you’re not deadweight...you’re a good person, jaem. you’re good to me, that’s what matters” you gently push away the stray strands of hair that covered his forehead. he smiled at your touch, leaning into your palm as you brought it to cup his cheek.
“i love you”
you almost choked on your own saliva...he loves you?
“yikes, not the response i was hoping for” he yet again, tried to relieve the tension with a joke. but you weren’t having any of it.
“can you be serious for one minute in your life? you can’t just say something like that and not expect me to freak out! i mean, do i love you too? of course i do! i would be stupid not to, but jaemin, you cant just spit that out of nowhere!” you began pacing around your room, which made jaemin smile even wider.
“well i just did. and i mean it” he stood to meet you, standing in the middle of your room as he held your shoulders in place.
“s-so what happens now?” jaemin hesitated for a moment, did he just ruin everything?
“we can’t be together”
“i-i can’t do that to you. i can’t let you be with someone like me. i’m constant danger. the cops are going to get me one day, and i don’t want you to see it happen” he started rambling, you were barely understanding anything.
“this makes no sense. you’re telling me that you love me but you can’t be with me? why would you do this to me?” you started sobbing,
“i-i don’t expect you to understand. i just needed to tell you before...” he paused, pulling you closer to him. but you pushed yourself away. you didn’t want to hear anymore but forced yourself to listen. you needed answers.
“before what?” you gritted through your teeth,
“before i leave” your eyes widened, tears stopped flowing for a moment. you couldn’t make out any words, allowing jaemin to explain,
“i cant stay here, not in this town. i need to go somewhere else. somewhere they won’t find me. somewhere i can start over” he sighed, sitting back down on your bed.
“take me with you! we can go tonight, i don’t care where i am, as long as you’re with me i’ll be okay!” you begged, pulling out your duffel bag from under your bed. but jaemin quickly gripped your wrists, pulling you to sit with him on the bed.
“y-you can’t come with me. it’s not fair on you, or me. i want you to have a better life, a life with no regrets. you have so many goals, i can’t hold you back from them. i won’t” he insisted, holding your hands in his as he pleaded you with his eyes. you weren’t thinking straight, everything became so overwhelming.
“why are you doing this to me? i cant do this without you! i cant get through all of this without you. please don’t leave” your hands began to shake. jaemin brought them to his lips, placing soft pecks on each knuckle in an attempt to calm you down.
“you can. i know you can. because you’re you. an incredibly loyal, intelligent and courageous person. you don’t need me. if anything, i need you more” he smirked at the last part. you kept shaking your head, not believing anything he was saying.
“just promise me one thing?” he whispered, leaning in closer to you so that your foreheads touched.
“don’t forget me. don’t forget all the things we got up to. i had so much fun with you, more fun than i’ve had in my entire life. i can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me. i love you, okay? i’ll always love you” finally, he kissed you. his hands dragged to your waist, rubbing over the soft skin. you shined into the kiss, partially still upset with his departure.
“can we just have one last night together?” you pulled away, wiping away the rest of your tears. jaemin softly nodded, pulling you down onto the bed, wrapping his arms around you.
“thankyou for being my partner in crime. i’ll miss you” he sighed, gently scribbling random doodles on your arm with his fingers.
“i miss you already. maybe one day, we’ll meet again? i don’t know, am i being silly?” you didn’t want him to answer, afraid he’d break another promise.
“you’re not silly at all. we’ll see what life has planned for us” he responded. that was enough for you. you’ll leave it up to fate. you were just happy you were spending one last night with the boy you loved so dearly.
It's bittersweet to think about the damage that we'd do
'Cause I was goin' down, but I was doin' it with you
Yeah, everything we broke and all the trouble that we made
But I say that I hate you with a smile on my face
Oh, look what we became
you awoke the very next morning in an empty bed. your heart sunk, knowing jaemin was gone had finally hit you. your eyes drifted to where he once was, landing on a piece of paper.
‘go to the building for one last goodbye. i hope you like it.
- jaem <3 ‘
you quickly got changed and rushed there as fast as you could. would he be there to bid you farewell? you weren’t betting on it, but was still curious as to what he had to show you. you made your way into the building, your eyes cascading over all the graffiti. finally, you saw exactly what he left for you. he painted over the mural you both worked on. it had been replaced with a painting of a butterfly. its wings were all different colours, you could tell he spent ages on it. you finally reached the bottom of the artwork, a small inscription was engraved,
‘for the one with the wings, keep on soaring’
“so cheesy, i hate it” you joke to yourself, smiling at his words. this was his final gift for you. as you admired the painting once again, memories of all your little adventures came rushing back. everything you did together seemed like an eternity ago. although you wished you had confessed to him sooner, or kissed him harder, you knew that he was gone for good. jaemin wasn’t the time to keep many promises, so you’ve learnt. you started to put your faith in the universe. if you were meant to be, then you would meet again. but for now, you were content with everything you had gone through together. you were grateful to have known someone as amazing as jaemin, and you would never take that for granted. you only hoped he would do the same, no matter where you both were in life. you hoped you could both grow wings and soar through life without any regrets.
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fairestwriting · 3 years
Iebejejwwj I love your writing first of all its just 😙👌 don't suppose you could do the nrc staffs reaction to finding out that yuu doesn't want to go home because one or both of their parents are just straight up arseholes. I know that if I was in yuu's position I'd see crowley as a father so as long as it includes him im not overly bothered what you do with this in just kinda intrested as to what you can do with it, obviously you don't have to do it lol
~ xoxo
yuu has just gained 3 new dads- i didnt do sam for this bc he has so little content i couldnt think of anything, hope thats ok >_<
+ ko-fi link, if anyone feels like financially supporting my writing
Dire Crowley
He’s giving them a friendly little push on the shoulder as they stand in front of the Mirror -- Come on, he’s finally found a way to take them home, aren’t they excited? They’ll get to meet all the people that they have missed for so long!
He looks like he’s kicking them out for a moment lol-
“What’s wrong, now? I’ve finally found a way to take you home, aren’t I so kind for doing that?” He asks in that pompous voice of his, but deflates a bit when he notices the grim expression on their face.
Well, they didn’t think they would have gotten to the point where they’d actually have to go home, now this was just... -- They look down, and mumble that they don’t want to go.
Crowley is confused, quick to question them. Why not? Anyone else would have loved to be able to see their home again!
Awkwardly, they explain the issues they used to face at home before coming here. It’s the first time they mentioned it since arriving at the school, all the stories about how awful their parents are feel...wrenched out of them. It hurts to talk about it.
Crowley immediately goes quiet upon listening to them. All of his lighthearted act is just gone for a moment. He’s careless, usually, but this was just... too much to ignore.
“Then, would you prefer to stay?” He asks, sounding a bit gentler. “You’re already enrolled here, after all.”
It’s not an issue to just close up the Mirror and call it a day. They’re a student already, they can just go back to their activities -- But after hearing about all of this Crowley feels wrong leaving them alone too much, he’ll make sure they’re doing alright. The chores given to them decrease in quantity very soon.
Mozus Trein
“You’re not supposed to still be here.” Trein points out as soon as he enters the room with the Mirror, seeing as the odd transfer student hadn’t gone home yet, even after the headmaster found a way to take them there. “Is the Mirror not working properly?”
Yuu flinches when the teacher shows up -- They’d been alone in the room for a while, after having told Crowley they’d get into the Mirror soon, but since then they’d just been stalling...
Trein is someone who’s pretty intimidating, and that gets to them now, specifically. They’re unsure of what to say, so they just look down, feeling cornered... before they admit that, actually, they don’t want to go.
Trein has a scolding ready at the tip of his tongue, but when they blurt out about their parents being bad to them, all the words leave his mind.
So, he’s pretty strict and seems unapproachable to his students, right -- But he’s also a father himself, he raised his own two daughters all alone since his wife passed away, and he was doing his utmost best when they were Yuu’s age. Hearing that someone’s parents can act this way just breaks his heart.
“Then you’ll not be going back.” He just decides, placing a hand on their shoulder. He’d talk this out with Crowley, there’s no way he’s letting this kid go back into their bad situation. He refuses to let something like this happen.
Also reminds them, before he leaves, that in any worst case scenario, his home’s doors are open to them. He can't believe some parents just act like this, no kid deserves to be treated poorly by the ones supposed to love them.
Divus Crewel
"What are you doing just lounging around here?" He asks, the sound of his heels' clack filling the silent room, where Yuu was staring at the mirror. "Crowley told me you were supposed to be home, now."
Yikes, caught red-handed. Yuu knew they'd have to do something about this sooner or later, they couldn't just stay in front of the Mirror and delay coming home or explaining that they don't want to do that, but being caught by Crewel as they did it felt like a worst case scenario.
Like Trein, he's another teacher that seems scary and unapproachable because of how demanding they are, Crewel has that presentation stick tapping against his palm as he stares at them, Yuu is just certain that they're screwed.
Might as well get it over with, since Crewel would end up pushing them to leave anyway, since this was what the headmaster ordered now -- So they tell him, in hurried mumbles, that they didn't want to go home because of how their parents treated them. They'd rather stay here, even if that meant they couldn't see the other people they loved.
Surprisingly, Crewel is the one who visibly softens the most, the stick on his hand going still, his stern expression fading in an instant.
He asks them, tentatively, about what their parents had been doing before, assuring that if they don't want to tell him about it, they don't have to. If they decide to open up about it, he'll listen to every detail attentively.
When they’re done, he’s shaking his head, sighing. He doesn’t have children of his own, but he cares about his students’ safety a lot, and to find out one of them have been going through this and he had no idea...
“Do you want me to talk to Crowley about this? I don’t think forcing you to go home would be a good idea.” He’ll suggest. The conversation stays in his mind, too, and if he notices they’re upset in his class, he’ll be more prone to asking them if anything’s wrong.
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cazimagines · 3 years
Hey! 🖤
If you are taking requests, what about headcanons about Laszlo dating an insecure reader that sometimes doesn't think they deserve him because they think they're not smart enough... not like I'm projecting or something 😅
Thank you for your time and I love your writing! ✨✨✨
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I feel you on this 😅
- John didn't want you involved in the case of the murdered boys, because after all, he thought that something like that would be too horrific for his younger sister to see and although you did find it all terribly ghastly you wanted to help as much as you could, and rather you quite enjoyed spending company with one of John's closest friends Dr. Laszlo Kreizler.
- You were always John's youngest sister, whenever he brought his friends from Harvard around for dinner and drinks he would simply mention you in passing as you watched them come in. "Ah yes this is my younger sister y/n Moore, bare her no mind, I believe the drinks are this way" and you adored your brother even if at times he seemed embarrassed by you, so you would try and get involved in their nights together but he would hurry you away. "This is no place for a young girl like you" he would tell you, pushing you out of the door which you found dreadfully unfair as you were only a few years younger than him.
- Laszlo caught your interest pretty quickly. He was the most introverted out of all of John's friends, usually standing at the side and just observing the door. But his quiet persona caught your interest. You tried to talk to him in the times John wasn't around to push you away and he was polite to you. He wasn't like John's other friends who treated you like a child, he spoke to you as if you were an adult on the same grounds at him. The conversation could be awkward, both of you not really sure what to say, but you enjoyed seeing him scramble for words, things to say to you.
- After John moved out you saw less and less of him, and you hardly saw Laszlo anymore which upset you deeply. Over the years you became a lady and was soon expected to court and marry. Already you were past the time most people married and people were starting to ask questions. Your family were trying to convince you to marry, including John but how could you ever marry when your heart already belonged to the Alienist. Your life had been relatevily easy, you never went to university like your brother as that was not what women did, instead you spent your days learning hobbies, going shopping with your friends, attending social events. The norms.
- You weren't really sure how you ended up involved in the murdered boys investigation, you suppose as you found out John was involved that was your ticket to involve yourself as well no matter how much it displeased him. Really you cared for all the boys and you wanted to capture this murderer, but you knew the real reason for helping was to be able to see Laszlo again after all these years.
- But you knew you weren't any help. How could you? You were simply a higher class woman with no skills within any of these areas, simply getting involved because she could. You were convinced any day now Laszlo would ask you not to help out anymore as you had no purpose. But he didn't. He allowed you to stay around even with John's complaining. He would often ask you questions that were bugging him, wanting to hear your opinion. Soon when he found John a bore he asked you to accompany him to dinner, or to the Opera, or even to the park to think. Eyebrows might have been raised at such requests, how much time you were spending together without courting but you didn't mind for you were over the moon at being able to spend all this time with him without your brother.
- Soon it was like you were spending every moment with him, to the point where even John was noticing and making remarks which you and Laszlo brushed off. But one evening this was all confronted. It was late at the institute, you and Laszlo had chosen to stay behind to go over some of the new information while John and Sara had left. To help you and Laszlo had a drink of wine, which lead to two drinks, which then lead to three. Soon enough you two were sitting in the chairs in his office, laughing and joking around.
- You were so happy, and as you looked upon him, seeing how bright his eyes were, how his cheeks were tinged red, you knew if you didn't say something now you would come to regret it. And so there in his office, late in the night and slightly drunk, you confess the love for him that you have kept within yourself for years, the love that you have every time he is near and how much you wish you could be Mrs. Kreizler instead of Miss. Moore.
- Laszlo paled and stumbled with his words. At first, you worried it might have been a mistake and hastily you move to leave the room embarrassed and ashamed. But Laszlo was quick to stop you, pulling you back towards him. From his lips tumbles the words about how he shouldn't, how you are John's little sister, how John would kill him. But then his lips meet yours and everything felt right. Everything was how it should have been.
- John got a dreadful shock the next day seeing you and Laszlo arm in arm. He almost collapsed on the spot if Sara hadn't caught him. He had to sit down with the both of you and talk about how the hell this had happened, what this meant for the future, accepting the fact that Laszlo was now to become his brother-in-law. But eventually, he admitted he was happy for both of you.
- Everything was perfect, the case was solved, you and Laszlo were happily married, it was everything you had ever dare dream about and yet you still felt out of place. Laszlo was a brilliant mind, you were amazed day after day by all the knowledge he had, how he was able to help your patients. Usually, when people met Laszlo they assumed his significant other would have the same brains as him, yet you didn't. You were just like every other upper-class woman.
- It's not as if you didn't try. While Laszlo was out you would go into his office and pick out a book, trying to read it in the hope of improving your knowledge but it didn't work. Nothing stuck in. You felt the room feeling worse than when you entered. You would often stare into the mirror trying to figure out why Laszlo decided to marry you because it obviously wasn't for your intelligence. Was it for your looks? Perhaps he felt pity that you confessed your love that he courted you as he would have felt bad otherwise, or could the worst situation be true and that it was because you were John's sister?
- Laszlo came home early one night and found you crying because of it. You hadn't meant for him to see you but you didn't even know he was there until he came into the room. He held you in his arm for a minute, rubbing your back and letting you cry into his chest so you can let it all out. Eventually, when your tears dried up gently he moved his arm to hold your head up, making you look at him. "You don't give yourself enough credit mine Liebling, I always value your opinion and deductions and you are skilled in ways you don't even realise. Intelligence isn't dependent on academic success."
- He knew. Of course, a brilliant mind of Laszlo knew what was wrong without you even needing to say a word. "I just feel like I don't deserve you Laszlo" you whisper and his eyes soften, "I often feel the same way y/n" he murmurs, "I feel like you deserve better, a man who can hold you with both his arms, who can offer you a life where people won't look down at you for marrying a social outcast. A man who can give you so much more than I can. And every day I wake up beside you and I wonder what a truly lucky man I've become"
- Even throughout all of the doubts the both of you had, each of you knew how much you loved each other and with that, it was enough to cast aside any insecurities and doubts the two of you might have had.
TAGS: @shrekboobies @arianalilyblack @wonderwoman292 @justreadingficsdontmindme @thehuiabird @that-stupid-head-tilt-thing @zemosimp420 @kadeuuijib @lieutenantn @neoarchipelago @cable-kenobi @edencherries @faustlyaccused @julyvegan @prestigious-tea @hannahbal-the-fannibal @my-blood-is-maple-syrup @competitivepomegranate @welcometothemxdhouse @flutterskies @rumblelibrary @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sky-writes-stuff @rhinestxn-e @davianos-blog @mywinterivy @xxlumos @cathana2264 @ajokeformur-ray @nev3rfound @unbeatablecurlgirl
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make-me-imagine · 4 years
Mystery Prompts: Category 1: 23, M. Category 2: D, 98. Fandom: X-men. Character: Wolverine. Prompt List D. Sensory Prompt: ‘Warm water rushing over your body’. (Did not use genre pick for this one). 
Premise: After a rather intense and exhausting day, the reader opens up to Logan a little bit, before breaking down when alone. The next day, he finally admits why he cares so much.
Requested by: @destynelseclipsa​​​ (this was the first option you sent in)
Pairing: Logan/Wolverine x Gen!Neutral Reader
Triggers: Very brief mentions of fighting, as well as mentions of emotional exhaustion, and hatred (towards mutants in this case), and crying. (I swear it has a happy ending) 
Words: 2.5k
Marvel Taglist: @aquariuslavenderhoney​​​, @thebookbakery​​, @groovyfluxie​​, @marvelouslyme96​​, @supersourlemon13​​​
Note: This started out as a simple short oneshot and then it just kept going lmao
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You sighed as you finally walked back into the mansion, slightly slumped over in exhaustion as you dragged your feet underneath you. Professor X, Scott, and Jean in front of you, Storm and Logan on either side of you. They all got off pretty easily, being able to fight at a distance, besides Logan, who just healed quickly no matter what happened, but you could tell he was pretty tired as well.
Your mutations were rather simple, heightened senses, strength and agility and you could emit a form of energetic pulse from your hands when in contact with something or someone. You had to fight in close combat, so you got a lot of the brunt force of the enemies you had fought. A group of anti-mutant terrorists who would hunt your kind down. There was a higher power behind them, and none of you knew who it was.
Entering into the main room of the mansion, the others all followed Professor X into his office, you turned to do the same, but stopped when you heard his voice in your head.
“Go relax Y/n, I know you are quite exhausted after what happened, there is no need for you to stay up any longer.”
You must be exhausted if you had let down your guard, your strong mental wall collapsed enough for him to so easily connect with you. Giving him a silent thank you, you turned and headed for the stairs, feeling a presence behind you, you looked back to see Logan following close. 
“Did he send you to bed like a child as well?” you asked. There was no malicious intention in your voice, but the Professor had a knack at treating you like one of his students, not that you minded in most cases.
He smiled “Not in so many words.” 
You continued up the stairs, highly aware of his eyes burning into the back of your head. As you made it to your floor, you continued toward your room before you stopped and turned around. Seeing Logan still behind you. 
“Is there a reason you’re following me to my room?” you asked with a questionable gaze at him. 
“The professor didn’t send me to bed so much as he sent me to check on you.”
You let out a soft laugh before turning back to your room and going inside, Logan entering after you. 
During the fight, there was a particularly hostile man, who seemed to be in charge. He cornered you in a room and used some fairly violent anti-mutant weapons they had apparently developed. It took a lot of your strength but you were able to fight him off. But more than that, it was also exhausting on your emotions. You were also an empath. You could feel his pure rage and hatred for you, it was too strong to ignore. Once you got away from him, the Professor must have sensed the stress on you. It was rare that you felt someone with so strong of emotions, especially such violent ones. 
“Why did he send you?” you asked as you sat on the edge of your bed, slipping off your shoes before peering up at him, as he leaned against the wall, watching you closely.
He stared at you for a second, as if he was debating something before he shrugged “Who knows?” you couldn’t ignore the pang of disappointment as he said this “So, tell me, why’s the professor so concerned?” 
You sighed as you stared down at the floor, your emotions returning as you thought of what happened, the mans taunting words and harsh emotions flowing through you again. 
“You don’t deserve to exist in this world. You’re a monster, and monsters needs to be destroyed.” 
Logan straightened up slightly “What?”
“That’s what the man said” you said as you stood up “And, I’ve....never, felt that sort of intense hatred from one single person before. With other people, non-mutants, I’ve felt fear, confusion, pity, excitement, and hate, but not that...pure. And as an empath, it’s exhausting” you finished simply before adding “I’m sure the professor could feel it, that’s why he wanted you to check on me.” you began to walk past him “You can tell him I’ll be fine, I’m going to take a shower. Goodnight Logan.” you said before walking into your bathroom and closing the door. 
You leaned against the bathroom door, a few moments passed and your heart was pounding as you felt Logan’s presence on the other side of the door, before you heard him step away and leave your room. You let out a sigh as you undressed and got into the shower. As the warm water rushed over your body, you felt your body relax under the heat as you stood still, drenching yourself. You stared down at the shower drain as you saw dirt and grime wash off your body. Your mind played back on the man again. 
Why does he hate us so much? Did a mutant hurt him in the past? Something had to happened to make him feel such pure hatred. Or is it just natural? Can someone be born with that much hate in them? 
In some sense you wanted to understand, but, at the same time you didn’t. If you understood, then you might be able to feel that kind of hatred. And you never want to hate someone that much. But it wasn’t just hatred. It was disgust. 
Your mind wandered to Logan. Why would the Professor send him? Did he know how you felt toward Logan? Did he think you would open up to him, more than the others. 
Logan had been at the school for a few years now, and you got along well enough, but hardly spent a lot of time alone. But you couldn’t help but admire his strength, his instincts, and though he tries to hide it, his kindness. But he loves Jean. There was a time, when you could no longer handle not knowing, so you used your power on him, and felt a strong emotion of love. And when you felt it emanating off of him, it was when he was looking at her. That should have been enough to stop you from feeling something, but it didn’t. But you did stop using your powers around him. You didn’t want to feel that sort of overwhelming disappointment again. 
Being reminded of that pain, and that love he felt for someone else, and then the hatred and disgust you felt today aimed at you and your kind. You thoughts going back to the hatred of others you’ve endured for years. You couldn’t help the sob that suddenly escaped your mouth as you brought your hand to your mouth. You tried to shut off the emotions, turn them off, but you were so exhausted, losing control of your powers. So as the tears came, you let the warm water wash them away. 
- - -
The next morning as you walked down the stairs, kids running around the mansion to get to their first classes, you felt slightly sore, but otherwise alright. Approaching the Professors office, you knocked as you walked in, the door already open.
The Professor looked up at you with a smile “Good morning Y/n, how are you feeling today?” 
You closed the door behind you before approaching his desk “Better.” you said with a soft smile “But I had a question.” 
“What would that be?” 
“Why did you send Logan to check on me?” 
The Professor stared at your for a moment, and you could tell he was repressing a smile “I did not send Logan.” 
You stared at him for a moment “Then why did he follow me to my room last night, and say that you did?” 
“Well. I would suppose, to save himself from the embarrassment he might feel if you knew he wanted to check on you of his own will.” 
“Why would he be embarrassed, we’re friends, he could have just asked.” you said, still not understanding.
The Professor shrugged his shoulders before he smiled “Perhaps that is a question you should ask him.” 
After leaving his office, you continued on with your day, not seeing Logan at all except in passing. You weren’t sure why, but you had avoided him throughout the day. Maybe because you wanted to avoid a conversation that would include “You’re my friend and I wanted to see if you were alright”, because, though you were happy being friends with him, you couldn’t help but want more. 
You sat on a bench in the garden, the kids all inside for the evening. You stared at the leaves blowing the trees, lost in thought. 
“Hey.” a voice said suddenly, as a hand was placed on your shoulder. 
You gasped and jumped at the sudden intrusion before looking back at who it was, seeing Logan looking at your with a look of confusion and amusement. “Logan” you breathed out before shaking your head at your own reaction. 
“I was calling your name but you didn’t hear me” he said as he rounded the bench and sat next to you.
“Sorry, just distracted.” you said plainly, ignoring the heavy beating of your heart as you wondered why he was sitting so close. 
“How are you feeling today?” 
You eyed him “Did the Professor send you again?” you asked, a hint of sarcasm in your voice. 
He met your eyes for a moment before turning away “No. And-” he cleared his throat “He didn’t send me last night either. “ 
“I know.” you said simply as his head snapped back in your direction. 
“You know?”
You nodded “I talked to the professor this morning.”
“Ah” he said simply “So? Are you going to answer my question?” he asked, changing the subject. 
You smiles softly “I’m alright Logan.”
He stared at you, you were smiling, and your voice was so soft, but, there was hardly any emotion in your eyes. The familiar brightness that usually shone in your eyes was faded. You were always full of so much emotion. 
“Why don’t I believe you?” 
You realized how serious he looked. Was he worried? You opened your mouth to speak, but closed it shortly after, looking straight ahead again “I’m okay.” you said, as if trying to convince yourself “Just tired. Sometimes feeling everything all the time is exhausting to the point where, there is a short time where I don’t feel much of anything at all.” you admitted, you turned to look at him again and smiled “It’ll pass, it always does.” 
He stared at your for a moment “I hope so. I hate seeing you suffering more than others. You don’t deserve it.” 
“Are you saying that others deserve it?” you countered. 
He smiled “No. I would just prefer if it wasn’t you. You take on more than others without trying.” 
“You’re kind Logan” you said, “Even if you pretend you’re not.”
He let out a soft laugh as he shook his head “Only to you.” 
“And to Jean” you hesitated for a second “And Storm” you quickly added on, hoping he wouldn’t notice. 
“Well, I like them. But, I’m nice to them, not kind. You’re the one who insists there is a difference between them.” 
“You’re kind to Jean” you finally said, tired of him refusing to admit his feelings, you looked at him “I know how you feel about her.”
Logan stared at you, his brow furrowed as you continued “I don’t feel anything for her.”
You scoffed “Of please Logan, I felt it. I get why you deny it, I mean she’s with Scott, but, you...can tell me, I don’t mind. It’s hard to keep that kind of thing to yourself.” 
“What exactly did you feel?” 
You met his eyes, your heart beating quickly, as the reminder of the pain and disappointment you felt showed itself again “Love. When you looked at her.” 
He sat forward with a sight “When did you feel it?” 
“It was a while ago, maybe a year or so I guess.”
He laughed “Do it again.” 
“Use your power. Feel what I’m feeling now.” 
“That- that, won’t work, she’s not here, so if you’re trying to prove something-.”
“Just do it.” 
You stared at him for a moment, seeing how seriously he looked. You let out a breath as you relaxed and expanded your power encasing him as you felt his emotion. He was feeling, nervous, but calm at the same time, a hint of what you recognize as fondness, but there was something deeper, something he was repressing, it was strong. 
“You feel that?” 
“I don’t feel anything, not really, not on the surface at least..” 
“Exactly. I’m thinking about Jean right now.” He leaned forward a bit as he stared into your eyes “Now what do you feel.”
As he stared at you, you felt his emotions change rapidly, as that deep emotion became obvious. He was more nervous, almost scared, a bit excited, but the main emotion you could feel pulsing from him was familiar, the same emotion you felt before, when he was looking at her. But it seemed stronger this time. More prominent. 
“Love.” you said quietly.
A small smile formed on his face “That’s because I’m thinking of you.” 
Your heart seemed to stop for a moment in your chest as you looked at him “I came to check on you last night because I could tell you were hurting. I wanted to stay, to, help you, but you didn’t want me too. And now I get that it’s because you thought I loved Jean. And I did. But not for a long time. Not since I got to know you. You are the one person I care most about in this place, and the last person I want to see hurting. “
As you stared at him, still feeling the heavy emotions coming from him, now pairing with your own, you felt a tear escape the side of your eye. Logan, seeing it, smiled lightly. He knew what using your powers could do, it made you feel everything so strongly, and he had known that you felt something for him for a while. 
Reaching out, he wiped the tear away with his thumb, then placed his hand across your cheek “You can turn it off now.”
You stared at him for a second, taking in the gentleness of his touch, and the way he was staring at you “I don’t want to.” you said quietly, almost in a whisper.
He smiled at you “Alright” he said before he leaned forward, bringing you into a deep kiss. For a second, you felt a strong burst of emotion from the both of you, before it was silenced, your power turned off as you relaxed and melted into the kiss. 
As the strong emotions faded away, Logan pulled away from you as he looked into your eyes “That feeling won’t go away if you stop searching for it, it won’t fade, I promise.”
Unsure of what to say, you simply smiled at him, and his heart seemed to swell as he could once again see the bright emotion in your eyes again, no longer hidden behind a vale of exhaustion and pain as he leaned in for another kiss. The second of many more. 
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