#misandry in fandom
aikoiya · 8 months
LoZ - Gerudo Misandry Is Not Funny Or Okay
I find it really damn odd that so few people talk about misandry when they bring up the Gerudo or the societal norms of other Amazon-esque races.
And even when they do, it seems to always be done with a tone of levity behind it.
As if it isn't every bit as terrible as misogyny.
As if their biological situations don't make men absolutely vital to the continued existence of their people & culture.
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So, treating men as less than is as terrible as men treating women the same.
And, honestly? I can't help but see this disregard by fans (especially the feminist fans) as very spiteful.
Like, how do these people not see how this isn't okay?
I mean, no wonder Ganondorf always ends up such a sack of shit!
Seriously girls, imagine what it would be like growing up the only female in a society of all guys.
No maternal figures, no female role models, no female friends, or even acquaintances. And you're unlikely to ever even see another woman until you reach 18-20.
Separated from the most important woman in your life at 3-6, if not birth. To be raised by a pair of warlocks who despise their neighboring kingdom & are intent on turning you into a vile, tyrannical witch.
And every guy around you knows nothing about actual women, just misogynistic stereotypes, so all you can do is apply those same stereotypes to yourself & there's just this general consensus that women are basically unnecessary beyond producing children.
They don't have a single clue about what it means to be a woman. They don't know anything about women's health. No one to explain things to you when you need them most. So, in the end, you're mostly left to figure it all out on your own.
And the only real examples of women you have are people that your adoptive fathers say are oppressing you & your people. So, all you can do is quietly just assume that all women = bad. And that includes you too.
So, all you can do is frantically do everything you can to make yourself useful to these people who, knowingly or unknowingly, look down upon others of your sex.
And therefore, unconsciously, you as well.
And you're expected to rule these people. To lead them into a golden age.
I can't even imagine how damn isolating it must be. I can't imagine the pressure. These are your people, yet even so, you are still alien to them. Still other. Still "not one of them."
And in many ways, a commodity.
Based entirely upon something that you have zero control of.
And upon reaching 18, you're likely used as a breeding mare.
And the only people who could ever truly understand your situation & the pressure that comes with it... are all dead...
Now, switch the sexes & you basically have every Gerudo Voe's reality.
It's no damn wonder that Ganondorf always becomes evil.
There's also the ridiculous superstition that "men bring about disaster."
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And then we get into the detrimental affects this shit has on the Vai!
Look at how these women react to just seeing a dude!
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And this chick can't even look a man in the eye!
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Because, apparently, she's never even seen a real man in person before! So, Link has to freaking wear a full-face mask in order to get her to manage to speak to him!
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And let's not even get into what the little Vai wear! The sirwal are fine, it's the tops that need to be changed.
Kids aren't supposed to show that much skin!
LoZ Cultural Masterlist 2
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transmascutena · 2 months
the poor little meow meow-ifictation of saionji in this fandom has got to stop i can't take it any more
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mx-loar-tev · 8 months
Hook, queer ships and sexism in fandom.
I know us swanqueen shippers tend to collectively hate Hook and shit on him, but I personally do like the idea of a nice and supportive Hook that push Emma and Regina together, that is supportive of their relationship and is not just an overall shitty guy.
Like, I get that a lot of us hate him (honestly I find him boring each time I watch the show), but in fanfictions, do we really have to just have him play the bad guy role over and over again instead of giving him a nice role? Can't we write fix-its where he is different?
I mean, that's what fan work is about, isn't it? I get some of us just want to write angst and that's okay. But if we just want to write our sapphic ship, why do we have to make the canon male love interest a villain to do it?
It's an honnest question really. Because I know I've done it, and not just with Hook and swanqueen. Even if the canon straight ship is shitty and that's why i/we are shipping the queer non-canon ship instead, why automatically making the guy a villain? Why making a guy a villain, period ?
No really, I feel like a lot of queer fangirl shippers tend to make male love interests into villains. And I think that's because a lot of us are queer girls or at least afab people, who ended up with a lot of resentment towards men in general.
I'm not going in the "you're a lesbian because you hate men" territory. I'm just saying that we just had those experiences with men, that left us angry and wary. And like a lot of feminists that lost sight of what they are fighting for (equality between sexes. Not women supremacy) we sometimes let ourselves go down that hill of anger and trauma.
I think we need to ask ourselves why we do what we do, why we write what we write. Do we write that male character as a bad guy because the show really depicts all the red flags? Or is it because of our internalised bias about men?
Again, it's an honnest question. Sometimes the guy is just that bad. But is he, always? I think that's a good question to keep in mind.
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paperlunamoth · 11 months
What men mean when they say they prefer fictional women:
Real women aren't willing to do whatever I say and exist as sex objects whose only purpose is to provide me with pleasure. They aren't submissive enough. They aren't slutty enough. They don't worship my dick enough. They don't look and act like hentai characters. Their proportions aren't pornified enough. They don't look like teenagers. They have too many emotions and needs and thoughts and boundaries. They get too upset when you mistreat them. Having a real adult relationship with them where both parties are expected to act like adults and treat each other with respect is too much hassle. I shouldn't even be expected to have that kind of relationship with a woman, anyways. A proper woman should live to pamper and spoil and satisfy her man and I shouldn't have to do anything but enjoy. But real women are too human to be proper women.
What women mean when they say they prefer fictional men:
Fictional men can't beat you. They can't rape you. They can't murder you. They can't trap you for decades in an abusive and exploitative relationship. Once you're done reading or watching whatever he's in, you don't have to worry if a fictional man is secretly much worse than he seems, because everything that he is has already been written down/put on screen. If he isn't canonically a misogynist or a creep or a sex pest, then he just isn't those things, and you know that for certain, and you don't need to worry about it. Fictional men won't start treating you worse once you're married and pregnant. Fictional men won't abandon you when you become too ill to take care of them. Fictional men won't molest your kids. Fictional men are genuine in their sweetness and kindness and general goodness unless explicitly written otherwise, and if they aren't being genuine then you'll be given clear indications of that fact. There are no risks to your safety with fictional men. Even if he turns out to be someone other than who you initially thought he was, what does it matter? He isn't real. He can't really have power over you. He can't really take advantage of your trust. He can't really hurt you.
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skotiwolves · 5 months
Y’all are aware that Omega was gone for six months and their priority was her, right? Or before that when Wrecker nearly started crying, Hunter had to give the news to Omega, and Omega pleaded for them to go back because she thought they could still find him?
What about before Barton IV? When they were all gathered around the table and his name was mentioned and everyone fell silent and hung their heads? Even Crosshair?
If the creators didn’t want to keep his memory alive, they would’ve never mentioned his name again. They wouldn’t have kept his goggles in the show. They wouldn’t have shown very Tech qualities in Omega’s personality.
Instead, he’s seen in their decisions. He was felt in every scene when the Marauder was flown. He’s felt in every scene that involves tech, to any degree (because I know everyone has had a ‘tech could solve this’ moment while watching)
The characters don’t have to cry, hit a wall, and shout to the heavens in some big scene to show their grief. We’ve seen it already, and I think it suffices.
These characters are cloned soldiers who were created for war—nothing else. I think that’s forgotten quite often. Their mindset is different than your regular Joe. How they approach situations is different. How they grieve is going to be different.
They lost Tech, and almost immediately lost Omega. Their priority was finding any leads that could pinpoint them to Tantiss/Omega. Taking jobs, spending resources, and losing sleep until she was brought home. We have no idea what those six months held. We have no idea what Hunter and Wrecker went through without them there. Tech could’ve found her easily, and they know that. His goggles were sat on the shelf, and they probably felt his presence every single day
Omega wanted to preserve his goggles in that room on Pabu for a reason. He is still a part of their team. He’s still a part of their hearts and someone that the people of Pabu knew and appreciated. His character hasn’t been neglected, and the team hasn’t forgotten about him.
Sometimes you need to read between the lines 🗣️🗣️🗣️
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hopalongfairywrens · 6 months
I’m still mad about how soon this fandom pivoted to “not all men” even some people I liked and respected. It’s an objective fact that the majority of IPV is committed by men against women. This is not to say that men can’t be abused or women can’t abuse it is literally just statistics. The fact that this fandom immediately rushed to make sure they weren’t being misandrinistic by obscuring the fact that misogyny was one of the big reasons abusers in MCYT get and got away with it is disgusting.
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freyalise · 4 months
there really is a point on tumblr where if you're a trans woman and you get too many eyes on your blog tumblr just goes sorry your posts were too good we have to kill you because it's intimidating the weak and insecure posters we consider our core audience
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just saw someone pull the “misandry” card because people are hating on Cody 😭
there are like 3 people in this fandom who genuinely care about female characters. I think your twink who has been. like. the face of the total drama fandom for years can survive a few people saying that he’s annoying.
now can we please have an actual discussion about the rampant misogyny and double standards towards female characters in this fandom.
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daystarvoyage · 3 months
After rewatchin* the owl house for its lack of black or poc representation & certain writing lore, world building, storytelling being compromised & characters retconned.
It’s no known fact….
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(from talking or just sharing a joke,here & there, all we get Are GESTURES yet she talked to every other character in the show. (who’s a girl, family and not poc besides Luz)
she literally has no interaction with Gus!
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And trust I can read numerous or five reasons on ARTIECETB LIST BELOW ON HER HAZBIN VIDEO on why the owl house needs to be fixed, written and paced well, Also make sure to check out her channel.
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Like wow funny enough y’all sure did dispose of Gus of being the token black friend cause that trope is been done repeatedly, sheesh woulda think he had his own spotlight however right?(Gus was overshadowed by the lumity kiss in his centric episode.) it’s been discussed throughout every platform so hoping we can talk more on the topic at hand.
Which I’m thankful the toh critic postees are talking about the injustice which questions, the whole poc rep of the show, cause there barely focus or show the other hexside students (Cat & SKARA example) who are also pocs in the show.
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For more of my other videos check out my YouTube below.
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edonee · 11 months
The reason why I love Fandom spaces so much is because they are predominantly made up of women. Seeing a bunch of girls and women of all different ages come togheter and make theories and fan-work about their favorite pieces of Media makes me so happy. I genuinely believe that a random Hetalia slash-fic posted on FF.net by a 14 year old girl is way more impactful than anything a male author could ever come up with.
George Orwell and Charles Dickens' works pale in the face of an omegaverse one-shot.
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transmascutena · 3 months
one of the best things about the utena fandom is that you mostly get to avoid the kind of person who ignores all female characters in favor of focusing exclusively on male background character number 5 that everyone (rightfully) complains about seeing everywhere else because 90% of rgu fans only care about the girls. except for every once in a while when we get things like Ruka Fan Blog Who Believes Misandry Exists and we all get to make fun of them together
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harocat · 1 year
Y’all are just pretending misogyny doesn’t exist lately, I swear to god.
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tachiha3 · 9 months
Explain to me how a guy with zero standards and will accept you for who he is, doesn't care if you still talk to your ex, does everything for you is the type of guy every woman wants so more men should be like that but if a man wants a woman like that he's a manchild who wants a slave.
Make it make sense.
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ashhole0-0 · 2 months
guys should i make a secret side blog to write fics on🤭🤭
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anomalouspest · 11 months
I love fictional men who are morally questionable depressed pathetic freaks so so much they are so so hot to me and my precious little guys but actual flesh n blood human men can be the sweetest most put together seeming people on earth and still make me want to expel my stomach contents and engage in a spree of felonious behavior fueled by undiluted feminine rage.
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aimlessetymology · 9 months
decentering men is so fun until you accidentally isolate yourself because you have to realize just how much EVERYONE is conditioned to focus more on men than women and if you're mspec you RARELY ever find people who are willing to entertain you speaking about people other than men and oftentimes you feel unwelcome in sapphic/lesbian circles for their own reasons and
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