#mom friend james
that-bitch-kat3 · 2 years
James: I think you use humor to deflect trauma
Sirius: thank you
James: that is not a goood thing
Sirius: what i heard is that you think I’m funny
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calamitoustide · 3 months
okay so Harry is Lily’s kid and James is his uncle and one day Lily’s in a bind and needs him to pick Harry up from daycare so of course he does it and he goes in and finds this… really hot dad. And his daughter is talking to Harry so James takes the chance to go talk to him. He learns his name is Regulus and is so obsessed with it as James always is and Reg points at Harry and asks if he’s his son. James being the idiot that he is says yes (he’s struggling). Also they look pretty much identical cause he was the sperm donor so it makes sense that Reg asks. James has been asked it before... but Reg is hot and he short circuited. They leave and agree that they should rearrange a play date… you know for the kids.
James has to keep asking Lily to borrow Harry to take him to these places and it’s this huge mess.
And Reg has to keep coming up with reasons to Pandora and Xeno why he always wants to take their daughter out places.
chaos ensues.
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james isn't just the mom friend. he's the mom friend with the giant mom bag with individualized snacks, water, peter's inhaler, sirius' epipen, remus and regulus' meds, everything they couldn't fit in their pockets, pens, everybody's change, etc
and everyone thinks it's so wholesome until the day he pulls out a joint and a jack daniels
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sugarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr · 7 months
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📸 - Robyn Goding @BeyondGorilla on Twitter
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businessmango03 · 7 months
omg I haven't posted for a while 😭😭 I promised to redesign TTTE characters but like I totally forgot. I may just use this account for my hyperfixation since I'm too embarrassed to show it on myInstagram.
Only thing I got for you TTTE fans is a sketch of all the 6 engines. Still don't know what theyre gonna look like but I got plans to show you guys soon mwuahaha...
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Ok bye.
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syrnikklrw · 1 month
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i forgot how is it to draw on paper
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immortalsoul · 1 year
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meakajamespotter · 11 days
Wait I just realised how James is so Call you Mom from Noah Kahan coded
Because he would be ready to lose everything to save his friends even if it meant not being with them anymore or them hating him for it
He would drive, walk, bike or bus to his friends if they needed him at 2 am. He would have his ringer on at night in case his friends were sad and needed to talk. He is the type of person who helps everyone but forgets to help himself, the type who checks up on his friends, and who would call his parents (or Minnie) if his friends were in danger because they are their parental figures too.
He would have stayed up all night saving his friends from falling off the edge. Whilst carrying both his and his friends' weight on his shoulders. Praying they'd make it through another day, so he could make it through another day. He was the type of person whose lives depended on if others were living their own.
When things began to be too sour at home he watched Sirius and knew that his best friend's time was not up yet. He wanted Sirius to be standing in his wedding, and be the aunt to his children, he knew Sirius would always be his other half. So he took him into his family without hesitation or doubt. He offered a home.
He just noticed too late or couldn't do it for Regulus in the end.
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unhinged-arsonist · 9 months
The Marauders, as shit my friends have said:
Sirius: I hate myself
James: In this house, you're gonna learn to love yourself!
Sirius: NO! My mommy taught me not to do that!
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that-bitch-kat3 · 2 years
madam pomfrey: you were hurt pretty bad last night, do you remember anything?
remus: i remember the ambulance ride here
pomfrey: we are at hogwarts dear, there are no ambulances
remus: i could have sworn i heard a siren
peter: that would be james
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lunar-serpentinite · 11 months
AU where the Potters are actually South Asian and their earliest ancestor, Linfred of Stitchcombe, was actually an immigrant from what is now known as Tamil Nadu. He came from a family of potioneers and healers who were known for their relationship with snakes and their ability to understand the language of serpents (known within Europe as Parseltongue) but their variant of Parseltongue was believed to be a blessing from their patron deity Aravan.
The Descendants of Nandhini
The Descendants of Nandhini, more commonly known as the Descendants of Aditya by outsiders, refer to a family of Tamil wix who occupy a heavily warded and hidden territory within part of the Western Ghats in Tamil Nadu, India. They are traditionally healers and agriculturists who work closely with snakes of both Magical and mundane origins. Their affinity and bond with snakes lead them to develop the Magical ability to speak and understand the language of serpents. 
They are named after the first member of the family who mastered the language of serpents, Nandhini. Nandhini was a Tamil witch who lived at the height of the Chola Empire, specifically during the mid-900s. Nandhini was her parents’ third child and only daughter. When Nandhini began to display perfect fluency in the language of serpents, it was viewed as a sign of favour from their patron Aravan and Nandhini was then announced as the family’s next head. However, she was to disguise herself as a man and go by the name Aditya as well as take on a wife for the rest of her life.
From Nandhini, new traditions were developed. One tradition was the secretive way of succession for the title of family head. While the family head remained a male in official records and to anyone who asked. But in reality, a woman held the actual title of family head. The hereditary Magic and Relics of the family was bestowed upon the eldest daughter of the main line, which she would then pass down to her eldest daughter when the daughter came of age. This is one of the family’s best kept secrets and is still kept close and hushed up to this day.
Another tradition was keeping long-living Magical serpents as familiars and protectors of the family and carriers of hereditary knowledge. These serpents were regarded around the same level as the family’s elders and the family often spoke with them for advice or knowledge.
The descendants of Nandhini, like the other Magical families of Tamil Nadu at the time, lived in harmony with their mundane neighbours. Mundanes were aware of and lived with Magic despite being unable to wield it themselves. This carried on until the start of British colonization in India. The Magical families of Tamil Nadu escaped colonization by a breath’s width by using Magic to completely hide themselves from the rest of the world. The descendants of Nandhini in particular worked with their snakes to “camouflage” their biggest family compound within the Western Ghats, with the snakes themselves acting as the living “boundaries” of their territory who also act as natural deterrents for anyone who comes too close.
The Magical families remained isolated from the outside world for the entirety of the British’s colonization of India and even lasted a couple of decades after. However, they have managed to reestablish connection with the other Magical families as the years passed by. During their time of isolation, the caste system was slowly dissolved and forgotten and many Magical Tamil families abandoned their castes and titles in favour of simply calling themselves the descendants of their oldest recorded ancestor. In the present time, Magical Tamil Nadu are large joint family groups scattered geographically but are well-connected by an intricate communication system set up by their ancestors. They are still mostly disconnected from the rest of the Magical World but not as much as it was during the colonial era.
The descendants of Nandhini in the present time mostly use the language of serpents, Tamil, and Sanskrit as their main languages. However, their members also show fluency in Middle Tamil and Classical Sanskrit. The latest generation of the descendants are currently learning present-day English.
During the 1200s right as the Chola Empire began to decline, a group of the descendants of Nandhini led by someone now known as Linfred of Stitchcombe found their way to the British Isles. Though considered “eccentric” by his British neighbours, Linfred was nonetheless well-liked due to his helpfulness and affable nature. He and his family were known for their excellent healing remedies and strange plants, but they were warned by their ancestral snakes and the local snakes to hide their affinity for snakes and their knowledge of the language of serpents for their own safety. 
This branch eventually adopted the surname of Potter by demand of the British Ministry of Magic, though there wasn’t any significant reason behind the choice of surnames. Though they are Potter on paper, they still proudly refer to themselves as descendants of Nandhini and would often use Nandhini as another surname in addition to Potter. They kept in contact with the main branch throughout the centuries until the main branch seceded during the British colonial period.
Despite their positive reputation in the British Magical community and their position of being essentially Purebloods, the Potters preferred to marry within their South Asian community. The other British Pureblood families attempted to marry into the Potter family for generations especially after the Potters rose to the top of their respective industries, but they remain unsuccessful to this day. It is because of this refusal to marry into the British Pureblood society that the Potters were exempted from the Sacred 28, not that they cared anyways. 
The Potters amassed wealth, prestige, and influence through their revolutionary contributions and breakthroughs for British healing magic and potions. Eventually, they also started to build up a business in Magical pottery and ceramics. The potions they sell are often packaged in custom ceramic bottles made by their own company. Their business partners are exclusively businesses owned and run by South Asians and South Asian immigrants and have recently begun to open their connections to other BIPOC-owned businesses as well. As of the present day, the Potters are one of the leading names in both the potioneering and Magical pottery/ceramics industry.
The Potters usually send their children to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where they would usually be Sorted into either Slytherin or Gryffindor. However since they have reestablished their connection with their main branch in Tamil Nadu, the recent generations have been considering sending their children to their ancestral home for schooling instead.
During the mid-18th century, the Potters began to republicize their affinity and connection with snakes and their usage of the language of serpents as a way of preserving their connection to their family back in their motherland and as a silent protest against the growing negative perception of snakes and serpent-speakers in the United Kingdom. It was noted by Magical linguists that the language of serpents that the Potters knew were far different than what Europe had called “parseltongue”. This variant of “parseltongue” became known as Potters’ parseltongue amongst the European populace, though the family themselves have never used the term themselves.
Despite having lived away from their main branch for centuries, the Potters still maintain almost all of the family traditions. The family is patriarchal on paper but matriarchal in practice. Their family manor in Gloucestershire had an entire green space for the ancestral snakes that they have brought from Tamil Nadu and their other snakes that they have adopted and bred. They continue to revere their patron deity Aravan, whose image decorates sacred spaces within the Potter family estate. 
In the latest generation, the Potter family is closely connected with the other Magical South Asian families within the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe. They also have close ties with the Black family who claims ancestry from ancient Egypt and Persia. The current heads of the Potter family, James and Lily, have both married Regulus Arcturus Black who is the second son of Orion and Walburga Black. James also considers Sirius Orion Black his best friend and the couple have appointed Sirius as the godfather of their eldest child Hariharan "Harry" James Potter.
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chasingthestarss · 10 months
Sirius: Remus! They’re at it again!
Peter: Make it stop I beg
Remus: you guys need to-
Regulus: You’re horrible at potions!
Remus: just calm down-
James: Yeah well you snore!
Regulus: I do not! And you kick in your sleep!
Peter: Wait-
Sirius: How do you two know that?
James: This is your fault
Regulus: No it isn’t!
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jehcee · 11 months
James: how much do you guys love me?
Peter: I will jump of a cliff if you wanted me to.
Sirius: I will give you my kidney.. or any other organ. Just say the name.
Remus: If you ever commit arson I'll be your acquaintance.
Lily: why do you ask? What did you do this time!?
James: Soooo... the slytherin arecomingtohuntus RUN!!
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vomits0cutely · 5 months
Effie: *telling stories of baby James, baby Marlene and baby Peter, and their childhoods to their friends*
Effie: “mamí my phone is gonna die, the card isn’t working” and I’d ask everytime “are you with anybody?”
Effie: cause I always— moms wanna know — is my son alone or does he have a friend that he’s at least with? And it was always:
Effie: “yeah, Marls and Pete”. So there was always this Marls and Pete who was always with him. And I thought “thank goodness for Marlene and Peter”.
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thatsrightice · 7 months
Crosby totally packs all of the lunches for his crew (and Bubbles, always Bubbles) when he flies missions. He gets their preferred choice of ration, all of their favorite flight-approved snacks, and he even manages to acquire some extra chocolate bars, all of which were carefully packaged inside a brown paper bag with their name on it in that delicate handwriting of his.
When Crosby gets transferred to Blakely’s crew, Douglass doesn’t stop bragging about it and shoving it in Ham’s face for weeks. Of course then Crosby felt bad when he saw how Ham was actually disappointed whenever the special lunches were brought up, so he started to secretly leave one by Ham’s flight gear before every flight.
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