#Remus is the mom friend
chasingthestarss · 5 months
Remus: Quick, put it on something cold.
Sirius, putting his hand over Regulus’ heart: Ahh, much better
Regulus: Fuck off
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that-bitch-kat3 · 2 years
madam pomfrey: you were hurt pretty bad last night, do you remember anything?
remus: i remember the ambulance ride here
pomfrey: we are at hogwarts dear, there are no ambulances
remus: i could have sworn i heard a siren
peter: that would be james
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james isn't just the mom friend. he's the mom friend with the giant mom bag with individualized snacks, water, peter's inhaler, sirius' epipen, remus and regulus' meds, everything they couldn't fit in their pockets, pens, everybody's change, etc
and everyone thinks it's so wholesome until the day he pulls out a joint and a jack daniels
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emxmarauders · 6 months
Remus Lupin who was extremely close with and loved by his mum. Remus Lupin who would tell his mum everything. Except for being gay because he was scared of their reactions. Hope Lupin who secretly knew without being told but didn’t say anything until Remus told her. Remus Lupin who came out to Hope before Lyall because it felt easier. Both of them always love him no matter what.
Remus lupin who brought his friend Sirius black home for Christmas in 3rd year (James went on holiday). Hope Lupin who immediately saw that Remus viewed Sirius as more than a friend. Hope Lupin who knew before Remus knew. Hope Lupin who pretended to be surprised when Remus told her he and Sirius were dating in sixth year.
Hope Lupin who does nothing but support.
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immortalsoul · 9 months
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shootingthe-stars · 2 months
one day remus will be free from the mean allegations. that is my sweet boy!!! yes he gets mad, the world is so cruel to him, but at the end he chooses to be kind and loving in a world that hates him and thinks he’s evil!!! please!!!
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jehcee · 8 months
James: how much do you guys love me?
Peter: I will jump of a cliff if you wanted me to.
Sirius: I will give you my kidney.. or any other organ. Just say the name.
Remus: If you ever commit arson I'll be your acquaintance.
Lily: why do you ask? What did you do this time!?
James: Soooo... the slytherin arecomingtohuntus RUN!!
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vomits0cutely · 2 months
Effie: *telling stories of baby James, baby Marlene and baby Peter, and their childhoods to their friends*
Effie: “mamí my phone is gonna die, the card isn’t working” and I’d ask everytime “are you with anybody?”
Effie: cause I always— moms wanna know — is my son alone or does he have a friend that he’s at least with? And it was always:
Effie: “yeah, Marls and Pete”. So there was always this Marls and Pete who was always with him. And I thought “thank goodness for Marlene and Peter”.
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mollymarymarie · 8 months
what are your favorite quotes about faith in DYH??
Hi friend! This is such a lovely ask. Here are my favorites:
"And if I try to remove that doubt, then I remove everything that gives that faith meaning. Otherwise, it’s just blind submission."
"But my faith is mine alone. It is whatever I make of it. At the end of the day, the church is made up of people, and people are deeply flawed. I don’t look to them to give me reason to believe because they will let me down."
"Maybe God isn’t all powerful like they say he is. Maybe once the chaos of the world was set in motion after free will took over, it all went to shit. I don’t know. But if I think for a moment that maybe, just maybe, if there is a God that watches over the entirety of a vast universe, that maybe he stopped everything to hold my mother’s hand so that she wouldn’t be alone when she died, then I... "
And I could really quote the whole of Father Lupin's eulogy, honestly, but this one sticks out the most:
"Faith is a shout into the dark,” Remus said, his voice suddenly thick and troubled. “It is a grief-stricken, gut-wrenching scream of agony into an otherwise endless void. It is a desperate cry for help, to someone that you can only hope is out there, that you can only hope is listening to you.” He paused, taking in an unsteady breath as he found Sirius’ tear-filled gaze and held it resolutely. “Faith is a soft sob of ‘I don’t want to live here anymore, can I come and stay with you?’ that is swiftly answered with a resounding and enthusiastic response of ‘Of course you can, you don’t even need to ask'."
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chasingthestarss · 5 months
Remus: Why are there little handprints all over the walls?
Sirius whispering: why are there little handprints all over the walls
Harry whispering: because I have small hands
Sirius: Becuase he has small hands
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that-bitch-kat3 · 2 years
James: I think you use humor to deflect trauma
Sirius: thank you
James: that is not a goood thing
Sirius: what i heard is that you think I’m funny
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lionmythflower · 4 months
james: are u fucking bleeding?????
Remus: it's only a small cut it's fine-
James: no no no
James: hold on I have a bandaid somewhere
Remus: I don't need-
James: here we are!
Remus: where the fuck did you get that
James: *gives Remus the bandaid* don't worry abt it
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stargazingtranquility · 6 months
Dorcas Meadowes is the female version of Remus Lupin, no I will not be taking questions.
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inkandarsenic · 2 years
Jily this, Jegulus that, listen.
James has two hands. Clearly Jegulily is the correct answer.
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made-by-moon · 7 months
Who the FUCK choose James Potter to be the mother of the group?! Have you seen the man?!?!? He has an attention spam of a five year old and caught angsty fever from Sirius. He has creepers and jitters from ADHD. As a representative of this group, I am here to announce that we lack basic survival skills. HE would be the friend that jumps from the window and your mother questions you if you'd do the same. Plus he actively ignores his bisexual nature. HE IS NOT READY TO TAKE CARE OF OTHER MENTALLY UNSTABLE QUEER TEENAGERS. While we are at it, none of them are. Lily and Minnie are the ones who keep them alive. And it's still a miracle they all died after 20.
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saintchaser · 2 years
the dad: remus
the mom (why am i the mom? what gender roles are we pushing here?): peter
not the son, but the gay, emo cousin: marlene
the son, the hotshot, who's only dream is to be a star: james
the fresh-out-of-jail uncle: sirius
the sassy aunt, who talks shit about everybody: mary
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