#morning conversations except they can’t be perfect and domestic ever
ghcstao3 · 7 months
Soap’s tone is gentle, light. It’s warm and inviting, a soft prompting for a reply that only has Ghost wanting to bury himself further into Soap’s hold within the comfort of their bed.
“What’s’t, darling?” Ghost mumbles, throat scratchy and rough with sleep. He sighs deeply, wishing to sink all the way into the mattress. Mornings with Soap always felt peaceful in a sense he never knows otherwise.
Soap hums, breath skating over Ghost’s skin as he moves his mouth closer to Ghost’s ear. He presses a chaste kiss to the hinge of his jaw before whispering in that same tone as before, “Need you to move your fat arse off my arm, Simon. It’s gone numb.”
Ghost scoffs, though he can’t be bothered to throw a haphazard arm back to swat at Soap like he might another morning. Instead he only makes it clear he wouldn’t be budging any time soon.
“You’re a strong man, Johnny,” he says. “Smart one, too. Figure it out yourself.”
Soap gives an experimental tug on the arm that is trapped beneath Ghost if only to prove the point that he had already tried his own solution when his limb remains in place.
“Just roll over a bit,” Soap insists. “I need to be able to feel my arm if you ever want me to jerk—“
This time, Ghost untucks his pillow from under his head and hauls it over his shoulder to smack an indignant Soap in the face. He bites his cheek to keep back a grin, but can’t help the way his shoulders shake in silent laughter.
“You’re insufferable, Simon Riley,” Soap hisses, though the words hold no real malice. Ghost feels merciful enough to shift over just a little so that Soap can finally free himself.
“You never had to go out with me,” Ghost retorts. He nestles beneath the covers again, already halfway to drifting back asleep. “So whose fault is it really, Johnny?”
“Och.” Soap swats at Ghost’s shoulder with his newly freed hand. “It’s yours for fallin’ in love with me.”
A quiet yawn drags out Ghost as he tucks his pillow back in its place. “Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
Soap snorts. “Not spoonin’ you, that’s for sure.” The bed frame creaks with his weight as he leans forward to plant a proper kiss on the crown of Ghost’s skull. “I’ll wake you when breakfast’s ready, if I ever get this lousy arm to work again.”
Ghost listens to the gentle pad of Soap’s feet against the hardwood as he leaves the bedroom for the kitchen, laughing quietly to himself at Soap’s complaints.
And as the sounds of Soap milling about their flat begin to fill the air, Ghost falls back asleep with a faint, but fond smile on his lips.
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cursedcola · 2 years
I just want an emotionally content Malleus. Domestic Malleus. Enjoying-the-simple-things Malleus. With his hair messily tied in a low bun at the side of his neck - his bangs pinned back with bobby pins and a few stray hairs lingering. Lazing around in cringey ass plaid PJ bottoms and an oversized t-shirt that has a brightly colored, cartoon, tomogachi print. The shirt that he noticed on a sale rack at a nearly-abandoned human mall and instantly fell in love with. The one he bought on an outing with you, and now wearing it brings him comfort.
I want early morning Malleus, who has over time grown soft to the luxury of silence. It no longer reeks of loneliness, and is comforting. No expectations - he can sit in his room, sipping his tea,with a book, and not have to think of an advisor or servant telling him that he’s needed. His posture slumped in his armchair, relaxed, and the sight nothing like what a prince should look like. He’s readying himself for the day, at a place where nothing is predictable and he learns more than any academic lecture could begin to teach .
I just want ‘normal’ Malleus. Where people have conversations about him that don’t involved how powerful he is, or how scary he is - and he goes about his day knowing that there will not be stares as he walks by. Where he can leave his room and not be subjected to praise for the tiniest movement. Normalcy. Where he can wear ugly plaid pajama pants, run a hand through his knotted hair, snuggle in his tacky shirt that brings him comfort, and sip his tea while enjoying a book - and it wouldn’t be something difficult for someone else to envision.
I was working on my sentientAU and couldn’t get this out of my head >_<
Keep reading if you’d like to hear a wee bit about my thought process for the diasomnia chapter. Do not proceed otherwise.
My brain goes places when I think of modern Malleus in our world - or even just Malleus when he’s not expected to maintain a princely persona and not have people walking on eggshells when they talk to him. I feel like he’d quickly take to simple pleasures if he could break free from his label, and what better way than in a place he’s unknown? He wouldn’t be reining in any of his curiosity anymore. If something was of interest - he could do it. Not just to try either. It could become a norm.
It wouldn’t be quick. There would be a curve, but over time I can just see him soaking up these simple pleasures that we don’t think twice about. He’s the main character’s love interest in a hallmark movie who sees life in every little thing - from the bright lights at a 24hr arcade to air frying chicken nuggets at 3:30am for a snack. He’s still much more formal than anyone on earth could ever be. More cautious and a naïve towards independency (i mean, yes baby is lonely but he has always had family). He’s also the dork who spews random facts of knowledge at inconvenient times, often indulges in take-out after it becomes something more accessible, religiously wears tacky t-shirts with his suits after seeing tony stark on tv ONCE (he wishes to be a cool ‘dude’), and somehow has slotted into modern earth living like a perfect puzzle piece because he was given the chance to experience culture shock the RIGHT WAY. Meaning, fuck around and find out. Which he can’t DO in twisted wonderland because if he ‘fucks around and finds out’ then it is going to affect more people than just himself. Malleus is literally the ‘bird in a cage’ analogy over in TW. Except he already knows how to fly, and he chooses to stay pinned down for the happiness of his owner(the valley) and family.
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louweasleymalfoy · 3 years
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Draco is incredibly affectionate, but he’ll show it differently depending on context. In general, his affection comes in just wanting to be around you—he craves closeness with you, even if he’s not touching you.
Touching you is the best, though. He’s a fan of small bits of PDA: when you’re out together, he’s always holding your hand, or touching your arm or the small of your back or maybe – on occasion – your ass. (Just little grazes that make his eyes shine and your stomach flip.) Probably some little kisses here and there, if you have a moment alone. If he sees another guy looking at you, he'll probably make out with you in public.
But there are also moments where the both of you think PDA isn’t appropriate. Then it’s all about soft looks and smiles, finding ways to bring you into a conversation, things like that. Just showing you that you’re on his mind even if he can’t hold you like he’d like to.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Let's be honest, you guys didn't really start on good terms. You guys met at the train, the both of you are pure-blooded Slytherins, and when everyone thought you guys would immediately get along you just had to prove them wrong. Both of you are competitive, always trying to be better than the other.
The moment the two of you realized your feelings for each other was in 4th year, earning sighs of relief from the Slytherin gang.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Does Draco like to cuddle? Yes yes absolutely yes. This man loves cuddling, especially after a long day. He loves to curl up with you on his bed and hold you close, maybe with your head tucked under his chin. He’ll give you soft kisses while he holds you, on your temple or your cheek or your neck and they’re not even intended to steer things toward a make-out or sex, unless you decide to take it there. (Sometimes he decides but if he does it’s uh pretty obvious.)
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down?)
DEFINITELY. Draco is ready to settle down when it comes to you. He loves you so much that he already wants to marry you, you had to remind him that the both of you are still at school tho.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
So here’s the thing about Draco. He's fallen for you, HARD. The problem is that, if he’s the one initiating a break-up, it hits him hard. He would never even think about ending things with you. He loves you too much for that. Although sometimes he worries that you might leave him for someone else, you reassure him that it will never happen.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Like I've stated before, he loves you so much that he wants to marry you already. He never thought there'd be a day that he'd think about stuff like this and yet here we are. Is he nervous about it tho? Honestly, yes. Who doesn't? But the thing is, whenever he takes a look at you all the worries go away and just knows he's ready.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
This softy! is so gentle!! The biggest exception is if he sees you after a longer separation – this might be a summer break but it also might just be something like one of you having A LOT of homework that keeps you from being with each other when he rather be hanging out together – he needs to be all over you and he might be rougher, then—rougher hugs, kisses, everything.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Draco is a frequent and enthusiastic hugger. Hugs from Draco are him pulling you close and burying his face in your neck and luxuriating in the smell of you. Hugs from Draco are him nudging his forehead against yours and maybe bumping your nose while he leans in to give you a kiss.
Hugs from Draco are usually your first cue if something’s wrong, too—you’ll get to his dorm and find him sitting on the bed and he’ll pull you into his arms and you’ll feel in the way he holds you that he had a really shit day.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Like when he knows that he wants to settle down with you, Draco will say, “I love you,” pretty much as soon as he knows. He’s bursting with it and he’s gotta get it out. He’ll be a bit disappointed if you’re not ready to say it back, but he doesn’t take it personally because he knows he kinda falls hard and fast.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
This man gets jealous. It's not that he doesn't trust you, he just doesn't trust other guys. If a guy looks at you for too long, you can count on Draco giving them a death glare. Does he maybe give you a particularly emphatic kiss after someone tries to flirt with you? Perhaps, but it’s more because he revels in the fact that he gets to do that when no one else does.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Draco kisses your lips like he has nowhere else like he needs to be. Slow, deep kisses all about savoring the taste of you, the feeling of you close to him.
He kisses your neck playfully, teeth nipping over your skin and scattering the occasional hickey because he can’t resist.
He kisses your breasts, your stomach, your thighs when he’s ravenous for you, when he’s desperate to wind you up.
And where does Draco want to be kissed? Obviously he loves when you have your mouth on his because then he can be tasting you, too, but oh, does he love this one spot on his neck right below his jaw. You kiss and suck there and he downright whimpers if he wasn’t expecting it (and sometimes even if he was expecting it).
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Draco Malfoy doesn't really have experience on taking care of children— he's more of a picking on children type of guy. So when you and Draco spent one summer break together and you were asked to babysit your niece, Draco was worried. He’s a bit awkward at first but after seeing how you interact with them, the tension would start to melt away and he relaxed around them.
After watching you interact with babies, he would start to imagine having a baby with you and he realizes how much he wants kids with you.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings are spent with each other in his dorm. The both of you just enjoying your time with each other before you get ready for the day. It was these mornings together that reminded him of the love the two of you have for each other and how important you are in his life.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are often spent cuddling and catching each other up on their days. Basically quality time is the primary love language of most evenings (combined as always with touch because again—super cuddly man). Then probably once a week you’ll go out either on a date or to hang with friends.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It took some time for him to open up. He loves you and trusts you very much but he was scared of how you'd react. He's not really used to all the "talking about his feelings" type of thing since he didn't really grow up in a homey environment but over time, he started telling you things and he felt better and lucky to have you in his life.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He does have a temper but not with you. He’s very patient and calm when it comes to you. He never wants to upset and anger you. When you two would fight, he felt like it was all his fault and he would try to make it up to you only for you to apologize too and remind him that it wasn’t all his fault.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Remembering little details that you share with him is definitely one of the ways that he shows interest in you at first. But while he makes a particular point of it at first, he is still quite good at it in general.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment was your first kiss. It was the happiest he ever felt, and he would always remember the perfection of that moment
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He is super protective. Whenever the two of you go out, he doesn't take his eyes off of you just because he doesn't want anything to happen to you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Oh he would DEFINITELY spoil the sht out of you. He would definitely put a lot of thought into gifts and anniversaries since he's really rich. Sometimes, he would randomly show up in your dorm with a gift in hand — claiming that it's a gift for you just because he wants to give you one and although you appreciate the gesture, you had to tell him to not waste his money on stuff. Of course he promised to stop buying things for you but he never did and continued to shower you with gifts.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Walks with your hand in his. Oh and cuddling you of course.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
He LOVES to show you off. He's so proud of your accomplishments and believes that you'll achieve your dream one day.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He’s terrified of losing you, knowing that he would never be whole again if he lost you. He couldn’t even bear the thought of a life without you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Draco is— well how do I even say this. Draco can be mean at most times but the thing is, in his eyes you're an exception. There was this one time when he was having a bad day and Theo was aking him something and he just glared at Theo but when you came in and asked the same question, he answered you patiently, his eyes softening, leaving Theo to have his jaw dropped.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He HATES ferrets and I don't even have to explain why. There was this one time where Blaise showed him a ferret and he just ran away from the both of you.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Draco is absolutely that partner who ends up encroaching more and more on your space over the course of the night. And you want to find it cute, you do, because it’s really about him trying to cuddle with you but also it means you frequently wake up for the morning and he has two thirds of the bed to himself. You’re alright with it though because once he gets up, you’re able to spread out for a little bit. (And maybe roll over into the spot where he was sleeping so you can doze with the smell of him still lingering.)
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earnestly-endlessly · 3 years
kind of an odd request — do you have fics where erik is grumpy with everyone else but a ray of sunshine with charles?
Hi anon, thank you for the ask. First and foremost, I'm so sorry for how long this took me but I've been searching for all the fics that come to mind that fit your request. Second, this is not an odd request because I love this trope so much. I mean, it's basically canon that he's grumpy with everyone except for his Charles, right? Anyway, I might add to this list later on, but I can't sit on this any longer and hope that you have found some fics that you enjoy!!
Fic Recs Where Erik is grumpy with everyone but a ray of sunshine with Charles
Twice as Blind – Darksknight
Summary: Erik is probably the biggest asshole on the face of the earth, and because of this, he'll probably die alone. Charles is a complete flirt and playboy and, probably, will never commit to anyone ever.
(The lesson here is that when you have two friends who are BOTH secretly seeing someone, well, it's probable that they're seeing each other.)
In the moonlight, on a joy ride – scarlettblush
Summary: Librarian AU. Charles is the young librarian and Erik is the college student who is completely besotted with him.
The Proper Care of Actors – Clear_Liqueur, Clocks, Etherei, afrocurl
Summary: Erik is an A-list action star who is notoriously difficult to work with, until the day he gets cast alongside Charles Xavier, rom-com darling who can charm the pants off movie audiences the world over and apparently even one Erik Lehnsherr. The paparazzi catch them out and about soon enough, and their real-life Hollywood movie romance becomes instant tabloid fodder.
Rumor Mill – ikeracity
Summary: Erik is the grumpiest, most foul tempered worker at Stark industries. His grumpiness is the stuff of legends.
So it's obviously the talk of the office when Erik is being made to go to the company party and he's bringing his husband. There's rumors flying round about how much of a masochist or equally antisocial bastard Erik's husband must be to put up with him. Others think he must be a meek mouse perhaps bullied by Erik.
What they weren't expecting was the confident, charming, adorable and unbelievably nice Charles that turns up on Erik's arm. What they certainly weren't expecting was how much Erik obviously adores his husband and how happy he is to let others see this.
Work/Life Balance – pocky_slash
Summary: Alex is pretty sure his weird, anti-social boss is a robot. Right up until the guy's adorable husband shows up. His adorable husband who happens to be a famous actor. His adorable husband who happens to be the very same famous actor who was the source of many of Alex's teenage fantasies.
Terrifying Domesticity – ishipitsobad
Summary: Erik is the most dangerous and notorious mafia boss around for miles, and yet the strangest things terrify him.
For example: his children, and his very pregnant mate.
Of kittens and teacups and love – Ren
Summary: Modern AU in which Charles and Erik are flatmates. Charles studies psychology and likes tea and chess and keeps bringing home stray kittens, and Erik lets him because he's maybe perhaps a little bit sort of in love with him.
Fools Rush In – LoveSupreme
Summary: Erik owns a cafe on the edge of campus and accidentally starts maybe-stalking a Biology Professor there.
Growing Pains – ikeracity
Summary: Twelve-year-old Erik Lehnsherr is an angry, closed-off foster kid with trust issues and a bad temper. Ten-year-old Charles Xavier is a lonely kid in boarding school who just wants a friend.
Logan pretends he doesn't think they're both fucking adorable.
Home Together (The Finding Our Way Remix) – significantowl
Summary: Erik is not the sort of person other students strike up conversations with. His expression, his posture, every part of his manner say: Don’t talk to me. I don’t want to talk to you. But none of that stops the boy ahead of him in line with the collapsible white cane, and nothing can stop Erik from falling for him, like it or not.
Melted Ice Cream and Macaroni Art – pocky_slash
Summary: Everybody likes Charles. Nobody likes Erik. And that's really the source of Erik's doubts. Also, there's ice cream and a baby. Part of ‘the Daycare’ verse.
Walling in or Walling Out – stlkrchck
Summary: Erik stifles a sigh. Of course this is Mr. C. F. Xavier. Of course.
For the prompt: Charles and Raven are throwing a holiday party. Erik is the grumpy neighbor who is annoyed by how loud they are being. So he goes to complain, and Charles makes it up to him.
(Wise Men Say) Only Fools Rush In – wildelybroken
Summary: After reading a fic where Erik and Charles are super sluts, meet at what is presumably Raven and Emma's engagement party, and end up sleeping together, I made the following comment and just inspired myself.
"They start casually texting each other throughout the day, maybe while they’re bored or frustrated at work, and start out meeting up and sleeping together semi-frequently. And eventually they accidentally start dating without noticing it at first, not until Raven and Emma get them alone and are like “wtf you two super sluts are actually dating??” And at first they deny, but then they’re both like “holy shit, we are!” And they meet back at one of their places and they don’t have to say anything, they just look at each other and come together immediately, kissing passionately and ~making love~. In the middle of it they realise that’s what they’ve been doing for a long time now and they confess their love to each other and they live happily ever after because they deserve all the good in the world."
For Charles – Shigai
Summary: Tired of being told he has to find his 'heart', classical piano graduate Erik Lehnsherr decides to travel to Italy and drink from the famous Italian passion for music. While searching for it, he meets Charles Xavier, a graduate in Fine Arts who is basically travelling around the world perfectioning his technique, and who will turn his world upside down.
Together they will discover that, sometimes, what you thought you didn't need is what you needed the most.
Erik Hates People – Anonymous
Summary: Erik hates people- it's his rule, a way of living.
Sugar – humanitys_cutest
Summary: Erik glances at the clock for what feels like the tenth time in less than half the minutes. It feels like he's been in some meeting or other since the day started almost 10 hours ago, and he's had just about enough of listening to these pompous old men discuss what would be the best design for his building like they know anything about it. He tries as subtly as possible to massage his temples to assuage the building migraine, but he knows it's no use.
He just wants to go home.
Everyone Likes Charles – Rosawyn
Summary: '“Everyone who's met him likes him.” Cain's grin was even stupider than before. “Once you meet him, you'll see.”
It was almost like a challenge then. And damn. Erik hated saying no to a challenge.'
Still Going Strong – JackyJango
Summary: Speaking of forty-eight, Erik hates it. Hates it even more that others are aware of it. While he’s pragmatic enough to know and accept that aging is inexorable, the increase in number gives the people around him the freedom to pounce at him with questions, opinions and advice he'd fought to keep at bay all year.
Besides, Erik believes that youth is a state of mind, not a phase in one’s life.
You have a child’s mind in a man’s body, Charles constantly tells him.
But despite his age, Erik is healthy. He works out daily. His muscles are steel and he can dead-lift four hundred pounds. He can break bones without breaking a sweat. Most importantly, he can still carry Charles to the bedroom and fuck him senseless. And as long as Erik can do that, he’s perfectly happy.
All I know is pouring rain and everything has changed – hllfire
Summary: Charles meets Erik, the man he had heard about many times from his sister and some friends, on a rainy Sunday morning. The stories about Erik paint him as a distant and intimidating man, but Charles finds out that maybe the stories had been wrong.
How to Successfully Ruin Your Life – humanveil
Summary: Seventeen-year-old Charles Xavier accepts a job at his local café, expecting nothing more than a fun, new pastime. What he gets is a mysterious customer and a schoolboy crush.
Stolen – ishipitsobad
Summary: Erik is a miserable, grumpy, cantankerous bastard, and he has every fucking right to be. He drew the short end of the stick when he got the Underworld as his domain, and there isn't very much fun to be had in judging and governing dead souls who would rather be anywhere else but with Erik in the depths of Hell.
So when he meets Charles, brilliant and lovely Charles who is more popularly known amongst the mortals as Persephone, and feels the promise of something wonderful that could make his eternally doomed existence infinitely more bearable... you can bet all your drachmas Erik's not going to let Charles go any fucking time soon.
Erik Lehnsherr's Guide to Saving the Universe By Meeting Your Soul-Mate and Falling in Love in Less than 72 Hours – magneto, pangea
Summary:Army Pilot Erik Lehnsherr is just trying to enjoy his day off when a mostly naked person crashes through the roof of his car. Even more alarming, the strange falling naked person—who goes by Charles Xavier when he's not speaking an ancient dead language—brings tidings of the apparent potential end of the world, and begs Erik to help him put a stop to it.
Well. His mother has been nagging at him to go out and meet new people.
The Theory of Partnership Dynamics – Pangea
Summary: “Detective Lehnsherr, how wonderful to see you out on the job!” The fed in the front greets him as they draw nearer. He’s shorter than the other two by a full head, and he’s beaming at Lehnsherr as if completely undeterred by Lehnsherr’s paint-peeling scowl.
“What do the feds want?” Lehnsherr asks bluntly.
“You know I can’t tell you that,” the fed answers cheerfully. Then his gaze lands on Alex, and, impossibly, his grin gets even brighter. “Did you get a new partner?"
“No,” Lehnsherr says through his teeth while at the same time Alex says, “Yes.”
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thebadgerclan · 4 years
Harry Potter Masterlist 2
** indicates smut
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Harry Potter x reader
Self-Critical- After a raid goes wrong, Harry finds solace in your arms and the bath...
Better**- Your plans got rained out, but you don’t mind...
Better Than Treacle**- Better than treacle, now that’s saying something...
Safe Now- When he’s with you, he knows he’s safe...
Secrecy- It has to stay between you, it just does...
On The Line- Harry won’t risk your life...
Wrong Order- Harry doesn’t regret last night at all...
Caught- Sex in your parents’ house isn’t a good idea...
Just Be Yourself- Harry gets some relationship advice from his godfather...
Under The Stars- A warm summer night under the stars...
My Baby- Sometimes, Harry needs to hear how much you love him...
In Time- It doesn’t feel real yet, but it will, in time...
Just Another Teenager- Harry’s just another teenager...
Pretty Damn Cool- Harry teaches you to cast a Patronus...
Hermione Granger x reader
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet**
Fred Weasley x reader
A Little Bit Of Fun**- Fred decided to have a little fun with you today...
Perfect**- There are so many words to describe your boyfriend...
Sweet- Complementary desserts and diamond rings...
George Weasley x reader
For Years- He’s waited for 2 years, he’ll love you for so many more...
Pay Attention- George can’t seem to pay attention at Order meetings...
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet**
Flying- You conquer your fear of flying...
Cat and Mouse- George thinks your costume is positively adorable...
Charlie Weasley x reader
Being Married To Charlie HCs
Charlie As A Dad HCs
Domestic Life w/ Charlie HCs
Dating Charlie HCs
Bill Weasley x reader
Being Married To Bill HCs
Smut HCs**
Yet**- You haven’t gone that far yet, but tonight, you will...
Oliver Wood x reader
Mo Leannan- Oliver’s training sessions run late...
The Alchemist- He’s not the best with words, but he’ll tell you how much he loves you every day...
Not A Beater- Oliver isn’t a beater, that’s for damn sure...
Not As Beautiful As You- Oliver takes you to a beautiful waterfall, but it’s not the most beautiful thing there...
Busy Week- You’ve both been so busy and you miss your boyfriend...
Victory**- You help Oliver celebrate after winning the Quidditch Cup...
Tom Riddle x reader
The Only Exception- Tom doesn’t care that you’re muggle born
The Dark Lord and His Dark Lady- While he sometimes doubts, you are his and he is yours...
Anniversary- Yours and Tom’s third anniversary...
Draco Malfoy x reader
A Different Side- Draco can let his walls down around you...
The Price Of Being A Malfoy- You’re everything his family isn’t...
Lucius Malfoy x reader
Real Love- Lucius truly loves you...
Regardless- Lucius doesn’t care what anyone else thinks...
No One Better- He thinks that after all he’s done, you deserve better...
Work Of Art- Your art is the most beautiful he’s ever seen...
Satisfied**- Lucius’ cock always leaves you satisfied...
Whenever You’re Ready- Lucius adores you in every single way, but he’ll wait until you’re ready...
Being Insecure About Small Breasts w/ Lucius**
Heal Your Broken Heart- Your heart’s been broken, but Lucius wants to fix it...
Sex w/ Lucius HCs**
Day Off**- Lucius takes a day off, and spend it teasing you...
Never Felt Like This- Lucius has never felt like this about anyone...
All Yours- Lucius gets jealous, even though you’re all his...
Star- Lucius never realized how famous you are...
I Am Yours- You’re disheartened when you find out that Lucius has mistresses, but he is yours and yours alone...
SFW Alphabet
Watch Yourself**- When you’re feeling down, Lucius shows you just how perfect you are...
NSFW Alphabet** 
Lucius w/ a Virgin Reader HCs**
Lucius Comforting a Sad Reader HCs
Jealous/Possessive Lucius HCs
Ruined News- His actions ruined your good news, not that he’d care at this point...
Kissing HCs
Lunch Break**- You visit Lucius on his lunch break...
Oral HCs**
Pretty Girl**- You like it when Lucius tells you how well you’re doing...
All Of You**- You’re ready to give Lucius all of you...
So Good**- His teasings fell so good, but you need more...
Body Worship HCs**
Lucius As A Soft Dom HCs**
Collar- Picking out your first collar...
Rules**- You broke a rule...
Newt Scamander x reader
Second Niffler- Newt and Phil see your form for the first time...
Never Felt Happier- Newt has never been happier than he is right now...
Sham- Newt will remind as many times as he has to: you are not a sham...
Always Protect You- Newt won’t let anyone or anything hurt you...
Not Always Innocent- Newt always assumes they’re innocent...
A Few Drinks- After a few drinks, Newt has to remind you that you’re together...
Still Like You More- Newt is afraid to take you into the case...
A Fire Burning In My Heart- You feel exactly what the lyrics say...
Trying To Tell You- All week, you’ve tried to tell him...
Racing Hearts- You make his heart race, and he makes yours race...
His Shirt**- Newt can’t resist you, seeing you in his shirt...
That Time Of The Month-Newt takes care of you during your period...
Take Care Of My Baby**- When Newt wakes up hard, you take care of him...
Pretty Kitty- Animagi take on traits of their forms, but Newt doesn’t know about yours...
Lonely- Newt’s been working constantly on his book...
Lost Niffler- A lost niffler leads to a new relationship...
Jealous of the Niffler- He knows it’s silly, but he’s still jealous...
Cedric Diggory x reader
I Know I’m In Love- Cedric had an amazing afternoon...
Make A Move- He knows how you feel, but he’s waiting for you to make the first move...
Back To Her- He was so scared he wouldn’t come back to you...
A Bit Nervous- Cedric’s a bit nervous to ask you to the Yule Ball...
Spicing Things Up**- It might not have been a very productive conversation, but you’ve certainly spiced things up...
Life After- You both dream of a life after the war...
Broom Cupboard- The Head Boy and Girl caught snogging...
NSFW Alphabet**
SFW Alphabet
Here (TW: ABUSE MENTIONS)- Your brother shows up at Hogwarts...
The Golden Boy’s First**- Cedric’s first time...
Neville Longbottom x reader
December Afternoons- A picnic in the snow...
Spin The Bottle- Fred and George introduce a muggle party game...
Soul Marks and Nifflers- He was afraid he’d never find you...
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet**
Staying In**- The two of you stay in today...
Lily Evans x reader
New Record**- You’ve never done 5 before...
Chilled- Quidditch in the cold...
Oral HCs**
Braids and Patroni- Lily braids your hair while you work on your homework...
Burnt**- You get a bit distracted while Lily’s baking...
Broken Hearts and Friendships- You won’t put her through that stress anymore...
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet**
James Potter x reader
Dating James HCs
Best/Worst Things About James HCs
Serious James HCs
Domestic Life w/ James HCs
Oral HCs**
Sirius Black x reader
The Man I Fell In Love With**- He’s changed, but he’s still the man you fell in love with...
Got It Bad- Though Gryffindor lost, Sirius is extraordinarily happy...
Home Safe- They both come home that night...
Her First Match- You wouldn’t miss this match for the world
Handsome- You see Sirius shirtless...
Distracted- Your thoughts are anywhere but the meeting...
Part 2: Puppy**- Sirius knows how to please you...
Oral HCs**
Want Him**- He wants you and you want him...
First Christmas After- His first Christmas as a free man...
Take Care Of You**- Sirius needs you to take care of him...
Jealous/Possessive HCs
Blankets- The heat’s out, but you don’t mind...
Sentenced- Halloween night in Godric’s Hollow...
Starlight- Sometimes, Sirius can’t believe he’s really home...
Padfoot’s Lament- Now he’s free, but you are gone...
A Nap, Interrupted**-  Sirius interrupts your nap, but you’re not upset...
My Idiot- Sirius thought it was a good idea to climb the Whomping Willow
Our House, Our Home- Your house doesn’t smell like home, which distresses your Omega...
Picking Out Your Baby’s Name w/ Sirius
Sirius Black Reacting To You Telling Him “I Don’t Date People Prettier Than Me”
Convince Me- He’ll spend the rest of his life convincing you he’s not a player if that’s what you want...
My Good Puppy**- Sirius’ behavior has earned him a reward...
All I Need- You don’t need dates or fancy dinners...
Seconds Away- Death was seconds away from both of you...
Face**- Sirius wants you to sit on his face...
1,095 Days- Three years, and this is how you’re repaid...
SFW Alphabet
A Hero’s Death- Sirius finds out what really happened to Regulus...
Return The Favor**- Sirius’ stamina is a bit low, but you don’t mind...
Can’t Hurt You Here- He doesn’t quite believe it yet, but nothing can hurt him here...
Different Scent- Sirius comes home, but your scent is different...
The Art of Distraction- Sirius is infinitely skilled in the art of distraction...
Hellscape- These raids are dangerous...
Brother’s Best Friend- Dating your brother’s best friend, what could go wrong?
Out In The Open- It’s all out in the open now...
Enjoy The View- You get a glimpse of your man fresh out of the shower...
Failed Exam- He’ll always be there to make you feel better...
Remus Lupin x reader 
Rough and Hard**- As it turns out, Remus isn’t always so tender...
Hurt (platonic)- When you’re hurt on a mission, Sirius jumps to a conclusion...
Vacation**- A week of relaxation...
Dating Remus HCs
Creatures Of The Night- You’ve known since you met...
Best/Worst Things About Remus HCs
Moony’s Needs**- Moony needs you...
Part 2: Pack- You’re part of his pack...
Domestic Life/ Kids w/ Remus HCs
Being Insecure About Small Breasts w/ Remus
Confident, Lycanthropy Accepting Remus HCs
Dating Remus Since 4ht Year & Being Couple Goals HCs
Oral HCs**
The Rest Of Your Life- Graduation’s almost here...
Getting Eaten Out From Behind HCs**
Mornings w/ Kids HCs
Tomorrow Isn’t Promised**- Tomorrow isn’t promised, but right now, you can push those thoughts aside...
Spanking In The Dorms/Prefect’s Bathroom HCs**
Sex At Hogwarts HCs**
Recuperation-Like every month, you care for your lover after the full...
My Forever- You’re his forever, he knows that for certain...
Honeymoon HCs
The Marauders Coming To Visit Your New Baby HCs
Her Big Bad Wolf- The annual Gryffindor Halloween Party...
The Healer’s Day Off- Every month, you take time off to care for you love...
Scents- Your scent changed, and Moony isn’t quite sure why...
Grind**- Remus finds you when you don’t show up for dinner...
The Forest- A trip into the forest gone wrong...
Mine Alone**- He’ll let him watch, but you’re his and his alone...
Pink- It happened with no words...
Nicknames- Remus discovers your new favorite nickname...
Panda In The Forest- This bear definitely doesn’t belong here, but Moony knows who it is...
Vulnerable**-Sometimes, Remus can let himself be vulnerable...
Transformation- Remus is suspicious of how much time you’re spending with Sirius...
Everything To Me- Remus’ insecurities get to him, but you remind him that he is everything to you...
After The Battle- Remus comes to you after the battle...
Your Kiss- The first kiss of many...
Provide For You- You have more than enough money to provide for him...
NSFW Alphabet**
Beautiful Body- After someone comments on your body, Remus helps you feel better...
SFW Alphabet
Months- Remus has liked you for months, but he’s shy...
Professor Lupin’s “Assistant”**- An evening spent between Professor Lupin and his “assistant”...
What You Want To Call Me**- Remus isn’t what you want to call him...
More Pregnant**- Remus know he can’t get you more pregnant, but at the moment, he doesn’t care...
Safe and Loved- After the full moon, Remus needs to feel protected...
Perfect Evening- Your dress might be ruined, but your evening is not...
Dangerous- Even something as simple as going to the store is dangerous now...
His Alpha’s Arms- Remus is overjoyed to be back in his Alpha’s arms...
Battle Scars- His scars are marks of strength...
Interrupted- Yours and Remus’ make out is interrupted...
Trading Jabs- It’s all in good fun...
Quiet Down- The office isn’t warded...
Severus Snape x reader
The Two Of Us- It’s been so long since you’ve had time together...
First Place- He knew you could do it...
Full Marks**- You’ll do anything to raise your grade...
So In Love With You- The rest of your lives is ahead of you...
Lioness- Severus didn’t want to go to the party, but you still find a way to help him enjoy himself...
After Everything- He deserves more than you can give, but you’re his nonetheless...
One Little Thing- Arguments happen, but it still hurts...
It Was You- You’ll always defend him, even in the past...
Good Boy**- Severus is many things, but above all, he is yours in many ways...
Cheetah and Bat- Seeing your Animagus inspires Severus to give it another try...
The Perfect Day- Any day is a perfect day when he’s with you...
Be Still**- Severus needs to grade these exams, but you’re both wanting each other...
Nerves**- While you’re both nervous, you both want this...
Different- Even though you just met, you can tell he’s different...
Ink- Severus never took you for the type to have tattoos...
Years Of Yearning- Severus is able to live through a book, years of yearning being somewhat satisfied...
Mistletoe**- Christmas break is finally here...
I Can’t Lose You- The world is dangerous, and he can’t lose you...
Hard- Severus helps you to relax when the world becomes a bit too much...
The Perfect Day- You plan a day out for your lover...
Sweet Affections- Severus loved being in your arms...
The Mark- He has to tell you...
Not Your Fault- He blames himself...
Figure It Out- After Dumbledore fell...
Midnight Patrols-You can’t sleep when he’s not here..
Mistake- The messenger of the prophecy...
Better Off- If this is how you’ll act, he’s better off without you..
Part 2: His Fragile Heart- He was wrong, and he wants you back
Fantasize**- Severus sees your classtime fantasies...
Severus Getting Married To An American Reader So He Can Vote Against Tr*mp HCs
A Life Without You (TW: SUICIDE)- He can’t live without you...
Those Three Little Words- You love each other more than anything, but you seldom say those three little words...
Being Insecure About Small Breasts w/ Severus
Good Grades**- Good grades pay off...
Coming Clean- At your graduation, secrets are revealed
Sex w/ Severus HCs**
Dating Severus and Being A Professor HCs
Kissing HCs
Oral HCs**
Happy Birthday, My Love- The morning of his birthday...
Not All That Bad- Severus shows you that Slytherin isn’t all that bad...
Pick You-You watch The Bachelor with Severus...
Deep Inside**- Severus won’t let you come until he’s deep inside you...
After Everything- After everything he’s done, you still want to be his, forever...
Jealous/Possessive HCs
They Won’t Know**- Severus wants you, and he doesn’t care who sees...
Severus With A Virgin Reader HCs**
The Best Addiction- You’re addicted to him, as he is to you...
See Your Worth- When you’re feeling inadequate, Severus shows you how much he loves you...
Only You- A night spent with your love...
Few Weaknesses- You discover one of Severus’ few weaknesses...
Protective HCs
Hold On For Me- In that moment, it was the only option...
The Most Beautiful Sound- The students mock your accent, but Severus adores it...
Feel The Same- Severus doesn’t want to ruin your friendship...
Never Hurt You (TW: PAST ABUSE)- You know he’ll never hurt you...
Wake Up Call**- You enjoy waking Severus up, between his legs, that is...
Prima Donna- Severus helps you relax after weeks of rehearsals...
The Great White Way- Severus’s jealousy flares seeing you on stage with another man...
Where You Go, I Go (TW: SUICIDE)- You’ll follow wherever he goes...
Beautiful, Gorgeous, Perfect- Severus knows that you feel insecure sometimes, and he knows how to make you feel better...
What Better Wat To Wake Up?**- Severus wakes you up in a very pleasant way...
New Toys**- Severus brings home some new toys...
Only Yours**- Severus makes sure you know you’re his...
Like This**- Severus wants you just like this...
The Letter- You never planned to send it...
Giving and Receiving**- Tonight, you’re both giving and receiving...
Craving Affection-You’re craving Severus’ affection, and he’s more than happy to give it to you...
Obscenely Affectionate**- Valentine’s Day, an excuse to be obscenely affectionate, an excuse which Severus willingly takes...
Your Grace**- Severus teaches you the wonders of the marriage bed...
Hufflepuff At Heart- You may not be a witch, but Severus knows you’re a badger
Restless- You’re on a mission for the Order, and Severus is worried...
Severus Comforting A Sad Reader HCs
Nothing Like Him- Part of him can’t believe you want to have kids with him...
Beauty In Everything- You find beauty in everything, even in things others don’t find beautiful...
Domestic Life w/ Sev HCs
New Style- You braid Severus’ hair...
Not A Dream- Though it feels like a dream, you assure him it isn’t...
Shooting Stars- Everyone wishes on shooting stars, but you already have everything you want...
Smile- It doesn’t matter how big or small it is, Severus will do anything to see you smile...
You’re Mine**- When Severus’ assistant gets a little too friendly, you remind your husband who he belongs to...
An Amazing Father- Severus is afraid of fatherhood, but you know you’ll be alright...
Pretty Little Prefect**- The monthly prefect’s meeting...
Such A Good Job**- You’ve done such a good job pleasuring yourself, Severus wants you to finish it...
Bath Bombs- Severus puts his own touch on muggle bath bombs...
Captivity- His worst nightmare was coming true...
No More- It was just too much...
Nesting- Your heat’s a few days away...
Keep No Secrets- Severus knows he has to tell you, but he’s terrified...
Lots of Practice- Severus has never kissed anyone before...
Happy Anniversary- Your second wedding anniversary with Severus...
Keep You Safe-You know Severus will keep you safe, especially from other Alphas...
Need To See Him- You need to see him, to make sure he’s alright...
All Mine**- When Lucius gets a little too friendly, Severus reminds you that you’re all his...
Be On Top**- Severus wants you to be on top for the first time...
Missed You**- After nearly a week in London, you return home...
Perfectly Fine- Severus takes care of you after a prank gone wrong, and feelings are revealed...
A Galaxy Far, Far Away- You introduce Severus to Star Wars...
Need You Here- After a nightmare, you need your husband by your side...
Long Weekend**- While you don’t make it to most of your plans, you and Severus still enjoy yourselves...
A Little Risky**-You and Severus have some fun at the Order meeting...
Snowball Fight-A snowball fight with your husband...
Finally Home- Your fiance returns home after a month and a half...
Unbothered**- Severus’ isn’t bothered by your period, he still wants to taste you...
NSFW Alphabet**
SFW Alphabet
My Perfect, Beautiful Man**- You give Severus some much needed praise and attention...
Never Cheat On You- Severus thinks you’re cheating, but he couldn’t be farther from the truth...
Slow, Tender, and Sensual**- Your first time with Severus is everything you wanted: slow, tender, and sensual...
The Only Woman I’ll Ever Love- Severus didn’t listen to her, you’re the only women he’ll ever love...
My Princess- For your birthday, Severus treats you like the princess you are...
Spare A Dance For Me- You help Severus teach the Slytherins to dance...
Validation**- Severus craves validation, and you’re more than willing to give it...
Hands**- You watch Severus while he brews.  Well, you watch his hands...
Sweet Spot**- Severus’ sweet spot makes him feel so good...
Grateful- One year after the battle...
Your Heart Is A Treasure- Severus won’t treat you like they did...
The Matron’s Assistant- You return to Hogwarts, and find more than just work...
Make A Bad Day Better- You always make bad days better...
Always Yours- It doesn’t matter what anyone says or does, you’re always his...
Throne**- Severus makes you feel like a queen, especially in bed...
Discipline- You’ve always been light on discipline with your daughter...
Don’t Give A Damn- You don’t give a damn that Severus is younger than you, but he’s still insecure...
Precipice**- Severus decides to play a little game with you... 
Not A Prank- He’s convinced it’s a prank by the Marauders...
Caught- The twins catch you and Severus in an intimate moment...
Nocturnal Conversations- Severus converses with you while you sleep-talk...
The Right Time- It just felt like the right time to ask...
With You- He never thought you could be happy with him...
Eyes On Me**- You want him to look at you when he comes...
My Vow To You- His vow to you trumps all others...
Show You How**- Severus teaches you how to suck his cock...
Bare Face- Severus sees you for the first time without makeup...
Let It Out- After someone shouts at you, Severus makes you feel better...
Denied**- Severus is needy, but you’re busy...
Perfectly Valid- Severus loves you just as  you are...
The Bigger Man- He needs to be the bigger man with Lupin...
Every Inch**- Severus wants to kiss every inch of you...
Every Part- You love every part of him, even the parts he doesn’t...
Get Away- A vacation with your family...
Still New- Your relationship is still so new, you can’t help but be a little flustered...
Entirely Real- You can’t believe that this is really happening...
Cared For- After the full moon, you just need to be cared for...
Little Tease**- Your choice of attire gets Severus a little riled up...
Argument/Making Up HCs
Severus as a Soft Dom HCs**
Too Good**- He just couldn’t hold back...
His Turn- You’ve cared for him, now it’s his turn to care for you...
Twice the Fun**- Severus’ new potion gives twice the fun...
Tail-End**- It might be the tail-end of your heat, but you’re still needing him...
Overwhelmed (platonic)- When things feel overwhelming, help comes from an unlikely person...
My Misstress’ Eyes Are Nothing Like The Sun- When Severus is assigned midnight patrol, you can’t sleep...
Have You Right Here- Your Alpha always knows how to make you feel better...
Severus Snape x reader x Remus Lupin
Now**- After your lovers tease you, you need them now
Punishments and Pleasure**- While the evening began in a punishment, it ended with immense pleasure...
Filled**- A morning in the library..
Waited For You**- You’ve been gone for two days, but your lovers waited for you...
Forgot The Charm**- The three of you seemed to have forgotten the silencing charm...
Remus Lupin x reader x Sirius Black
He’s Home- He’s home, and he needs you...
Life w/ Kids HCs
Happy Birthday- Remus and Sirius treat you on your birthday...
Their Job- They’re your alphas, it’s their job to take care of you...
Help You Feel Good**- Your lovers show you how to use your new toy...
His Beautiful Loves**- Remus loves to watch, but he also loves to join in...
Cuddles- You join your lovers on the couch...
How Do You Want Us?**- Remus fucks you while you fuck Sirius...
SFW Alphabet
Noisy Little Thing**- You need to be quiet, lest the whole Order hear...
Broken Collar- It was an accident, but you’re still very upset about it...
Severus Snape x reader x Lucius Malfoy
Impersonations- It’s all in good fun...
More Than Desperate**- After your lovers tease you all day, you’re more than desperate for them...
Insatiable**- You can’t get enough...
Needy**- Your period makes you horny, and your men certainly aren’t complaining...
Good Beta**- Your Beta takes care of you until your Alpha comes home...
Tonight**- Tonight, they will have them, and they will have you...
Full**- Both your men fill you up...
Feeling Needy**- Severus is feeling needy today...
Snuggles- After a long day, the three of you want to be close...
Fuck Waiting**- They can’t wait anymore, you look too sexy...
Overworked- When school take its toll, your lovers are there...
James Potter x reader x Remus Lupin
Sensual**- Slow, sweet, and sensual...
New Heights**- James and Remus take your pleasure to new heights...
Being Married To, Honeymoon, Sex w/, Twins w/ Remus and James HCs
Wedding HCs
A Future With Them- You can’t wait for the future
Yourself**- They want you to make yourself come...
Good Together**- Remus thinks you two look so good together...
Scars**- You show Remus just how perfect he is...
What Their Home Is Like HCs
Remus and James As Parents HCs
Cedric Diggory x reader x Harry Potter
Dating Cedric and Harry HCs
Cedric Diggory x reader x Hermione Granger
Domestic Life HCs
Sex HCs**
James Potter x reader x Lily Evans
First Heat**- Your first heat...
Harry Potter x Severus Snape
Through It All- Harry has been there through it all...
Paradise- Harry takes his husband away for a week...
Good Boy**- Severus loves being Harry’s good boy...
Slipped His Mind**- Severus forgets something important...
Unwavering- Harry’s support and love for his husband is unwavering...
My Perfect Boy**- When Severus is feeling insecure, his Daddy helps him see...
Much Better**- After a bad day, Harry helps Severus feel better...
James Potter x Lily Evans
James and Lily As Friends HCs
Everyone Can See- Everyone can see they’re falling for each other...
Sirius Black x Lily Evans
Sirius x Lily HCs
Marauders x an Ilvermorny Transfer HCs
783 notes · View notes
babymetaldoll · 3 years
Danger Days - Chapter eight: "You don't own me"
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Word count: 8,6K
Summary:  Joey is back and finally reunited with Matthew. Gubler is, by the way, crazy jealous about Mikey.
Warnings: Smut, NSFW, penetrative sex, cursing, jealousy.
A/N: Is Matthew right to be so jealous? ... I'm guessing the answer is yes.
Chapter one | Chapter two | Chapter three | Chapter four | Chapter five | Chapter six | Chapter seven | Chapter eight | Chapter nine | Chapter ten | Chapter eleven | Chapter twelve | Chapter thirteen | Chapter fourteen | Chapter fifteen | Chapter sixteen | Chapter seventeen | Chapter eighteen | Chapter nineteen | Chapter twenty | Chapter twenty one | Chapter twenty-two | Chapter twenty-three | Chapter twenty-four |
::: November 6th, 2010:::
The show was over, sweat dripping down Gerard’s face. He could still listen to the crowd yelling as he walked out of the stage and over the dressing room. He was tired, it was the last date of the leg of the tour, and he felt ready for a good break from being on the road.
Frank grabbed a bottle of water and drank almost half of it. Joey looked at him with a funny stare.
- “Shit! You were fucking dehydrated!”
- “And you failed in your crusade to keep me moisturized”- the drummer burst out laughing and hugged him friendly
- “I can’t believe you remember that!!”
- “You never forget a girl who promised to moisturize you”- the guitarist kissed her cheek, both of them were pretty sweated, but neither of them seemed to care.
- “Fuck Jersey, I’m gonna miss you. I’m not gonna listen to your weird, kinky jokes in a whole month.”
- “Bug, you are so gonna get my calls, so many calls!!”- Joey laughed and let him go.
She was honestly gonna miss him. Though she had managed to stop flirting and staring at him like she knew she had done, their friendship continued to grow, and they were closer than ever. Gerard hated it, but there was nothing he could do about it.
- "Come on!"- Ray argued, overhearing the conversation- "It’s just one month! And you better enjoy it, ‘cos starting February, you are not getting rid of us."
- "And you are not getting rid of me these days either"- Mikey quickly added, and Joey stuck her tongue out to him.
- "That I already knew, bróðir!"
- "It was a good show"- Gerard said out of the blue, and everybody looked at him.
- "Yeah"- they all answered and sat for a while. Ray took off his shirt and looked for a clean one in his bag. Joey quickly ran over and tapped on his pectorals.
- "I’ve seen these a hundred times already, and I still can’t get over the fact you’ve got better tits than I do!"- Ray burst out laughing as Gerard turned around not to see that scene.
In the latest days, he had had to swallow all his jealousy in a slightly successful attempt to stay a little further away from Joey. But staring at her being so close and friendly with everybody was making shit harder for Way. It was a good thing they had a month’s break. Maybe that would help to cool off his head from that crush.
- "So, dinner?"- Frank asked as he took off his shirt too to change into a dry one.
- "First a shower, then dinner and then… to the airport?"- Joey looked at her wristwatch- "Why are we flying at three in the morning?"
- "‘Cos it was the only flight available"- Ray quickly answered and cut the girl a smile- "But it gives us time to shower, eat dinner and get chocolates in the duty-free."
- "You had me at “shower,” then you said chocolates, and you made it perfect"- she answered and grabbed a shirt from her bag. It was the same every time. Gerard would get all excited about the possibility of her taking off her shirt right there with them, but she would always lock in the bathroom for a quick change.
- "Bummer!!"- Frank yelled as soon as Joey closed the bathroom door behind her back- "One day, we are gonna get a shitty venue without a bathroom or whatever, and you are gonna have to show us your bra!!"
- "Never!!"- Joey yelled, laughing from the bathroom. Frank laughed too and sighed. He made it sound like a joke, but he was dead serious about it. He still had a crush on the girl, though he had managed to keep it under control.
Dinner was nice. The band ate at the hotel and left for the airport. Gerard was excited to think maybe if he had a seat with Joey again, but no, he didn’t. Instead, she was alone with a stranger the whole flight to Munich. She didn’t really mind though, she would enjoy the little time alone she got after being most of her time locked in a bus with the band. It was fun, but it could get to be a little too much. And though she wasn’t really a woman with many female friends, she needed a more women-friendly environment for a while. Maybe not having Mikey farting most of the day was going to be nice. Or Frank burping. Or Gerard staring at her. Shit, Gerard staring at her was the worst, ‘cos it made her feel awkward. She needed to get away from him for a while.
The flight from Munich to New York was too long to be true. Luckily, the whole band was too tired to be awake most of the time. They got into the plane and fell asleep right away. Frank looked at Ray sitting next to him and punched his shoulder, forcing him to take out his headphones, pause his movie, and looked at his friend.
- "What?"
- "What are you doing?"- Iero asked and grinned.
- "Fuck you, Frank"- and the boy just laughed.
- "I wanted to know if Christa is picking you up or if you need a ride home. Jamia is coming with the girls to the airport."
- "Thanks, but Christa is coming for me, and my plan is to stay awake to get this jetlag straight."
- "Yeah"- Frank smiled and elbowed his friend- "Sure thing, the jetlag... "- Ray blushed and smacked his friend’s head.
- "I don’t appreciate you talking about me and my wife private life."
- "I didn’t say a thing."
- "Shut up!"- Joey and Mikey said at the same time, sitting right behind the other guys.
- "Stop speaking at the same time. It’s disturbing"- Frank agued and turned around to look at them.
- "Be glad you only have a half-hour left with us then"- Mikey quickly answered and wrapped an arm around Joey’s neck.
- "I’m so sorry for Gerard. He is stuck with you for another six hours."
- "He has been stuck with me his whole life. He is going to have to bear with it"- Mikey said, chuckling.
Needless to say, Gerard didn’t really have a problem with being with Joey for another couple of hours.
The goodbye was slightly sad. And a little awkward. Frank and Ray insisted on introducing Joey to their wives. And considering they had a whole hour to kill before boarding their next flight, the drummer agreed.
It was so weird meeting Jamia, but it also helped her kill the little crush she had on Frank.
Jamia was gorgeous, and the babies - Cherry and Lily- were the cutest. Frank changed completely as soon as he was with them. He turned into a dad and stopped being the annoying teenager Joey had spent two weeks with.
- "It’s so great to finally meet you"- Jamia said as she shook the drummer’s hand with a huge smile.
- "Me too! Frank has talked so much about you I feel like I’ve known you for years now"- which was totally the truth. In the last days, Frank had gotten so excited to go home, he wouldn’t stop talking about his life in Jersey.
- "I am so sorry"- Jamia said as they all sat down in a Starbuck.
- "What for?"
- "Anything my husband has done to make you uncomfortable, like farting, and burping, and being gross"- Joey burst out laughing and turned to her friend.
- "Jersey, your wife is an angel. She is a keeper"- and the guitarist smiled, proud.
- "I know, I don’t know how she can bear with me."
- "Probably ‘cos she had your babies"- Joey grinned, and Frank stuck out her tongue to her. Gerard and Mikey sipped their coffee in silence- "Too bad dad had to go so quickly. I wanted to meet Christa better."
- "You’ll have another chance, Bug"- Mikey smiled at her and sighed. He didn’t really want to go back home. It meant facing the inevitable: his divorce.
Joey and Jamia chatted for a long while. Mrs. Iero needed to know what she was dealing with. And mostly if she was going to get a chance to meet Matthew. By the end of their coffee, Jamia felt much more calmed to know the drummer, and Joey felt so much better to feel Mrs. Iero didn’t hate her. It really scared her to think any of the wives of her colleagues could think something wrong about her, except for Lynz. She didn’t scare her… it panicked her. If she only knew what she wanted to do to her husband.
Frank hugged Joey tight, keeping a safe emotional distance thanks to the proximity of his wife and his real-life in Jersey. He also hugged Mikey and Gerard and promised to call soon. Then, the Way brothers and Joey walked to the domestic terminal and looked for their gate. They got there just when they had started boarding.
- "Seems like we are all sitting together"- Gerard said, taking a look at their boarding passes.
- "Awww, my last six hours with you"- Joey quickly answered and smiled.
- "Stop saying that. You really aren’t getting rid of me these days"- the youngest Way said with a funny smile.
- "Next week I’m flying to Seattle for a few days, you are gonna have to learn to live without me, Mikey Way"- Joey quickly answered and kept walking with him to the gate.
- "Damn it! What am I supposed to do those days?"
- "Go torture Gerard for a change"- she replied and looked at Gee, who was staring back at her. But instead of saying anything about his brother, the singer asked.
- "Are you going to see your parents?"
- "Yes! Mom is forcing me to go and pretty much making me feel guilty for “abandon them” for my job."
- "Wow, that sounds harsh"- Mikey raised an eyebrow- "Can I go with you?"
- "No, Mikey. Matthew is coming along, and he is actually going to meet my parents, which is a huge deal for me."
- "Why?"
- "My parents have never met one of my boyfriends"- Joey confessed and passed her boarding pass to the crew by the gate of their flight.
- "Never?"- Gerard was surprised- "Why?"
-"I’ve never had a serious boyfriend."
- "Again, never?"- Gerard was surprised, and so was Mikey.
- "Yeah. I’m not really a people person, and I don’t usually date a lot, so… that’s it"- Joey cut them a fake smile and started walking to the plane, followed by her friends.
- "I can’t believe you are not a people person. That’s really bullshit"- Mikey argued but met Joey’s serious face.
- "I am, and that’s it."
By the tone of her voice, the two guys knew she wasn’t joking about it. So neither of them kept asking questions and remained quiet until they all sat down. The girl was sitting in the middle of the two guys, which made the three of them very happy. At least she knew she could talk to Gerard not feeling awkward ‘cos Mikey was right there to join the conversation too. Well, that if she made it to speak to Gerard, considering they both had been ignoring each other basically the whole week.
But it was a good flight. The three of them kept sleeping most of the time, watched a movie. Joey kept reading her book, Gerard borrowed it for a while, and Mikey kept reading the comics he had gotten in the airport. A typical trip for the three of them.
Matthew was waiting for Joey outside her gate. And as soon as she saw him, she ran to him and jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around him and feeling his hands holding her tight.
- "Akumu"- she managed to whisper, rubbing her lips against him, refusing to stop the kiss.
- "My Yami"- he said and smiled, to keep on kissing her- "I missed you so much!"
- "I missed you more."
- "Please, never leave again."
- "I’m here now, and I love you so."
- "I love you so much."
Joey couldn’t stop kissing her boyfriend, and he refused to let her go, though people kept staring at them. One of which was Gerard Way.
- "Come on, kids! get a room"- Mikey said and tapped on Matthew’s back- "And be respectful of my sister in public places. Come on! she is a lady!"
- "Go away, bróðir"- Joey managed to say, still rubbing her lips against Matthew’s
- "You little rebel, hey man"- all the interruption forced the couple to stop their lovely reunion.
- "Hey"- Matthew shook Mikey’s and Gerard’s hands. The youngest Way smiled friendly, but his older brother couldn’t even fake it. He really hated Gubler.
- "Hello"- was the only thing he managed to say.
- "How was your trip?"- Gubler asked and smiled at the guys, now wrapping an arm around Joey and kissing her temple several times.
Gerard hated Matthew more and more with every second that passed. The singer had only managed to kiss her once on the forehead. This guy could kiss her whole body and probably have already. And most probably, he was going to do it again in the following hours. The whole idea made him jealous as hell.
- "Wait, how did you get here?"- Joey asked him and looked around- "You are not boarding a plane now, are you?"
- "No, Yami. I just… managed to ask for permission to get here for you and only for you"- Gerard wanted to smash Gubler’s head against the nearest wall. Joey pouted and kissed her boyfriend for what seemed to be a thousand times.
- "I love you"- she whispered and smiled.
- "Somebody’s gonna get laid!!"- Mikey joked as the couple kept on making out- "Ok, ok, come on, let’s go get our bags so you little love birds can… stop doing this in front of me!"
Mikey said and started walking. Gerard couldn’t agree with his brother more.
Lynz greeted her husband at the front door with the biggest kiss and the warmest hug. He kissed her back and smiled, feeling home. It felt good to have her in his arms. To have someone he loved wrapping her arms around him for a change. It had been too long since he felt that. And he didn’t want to let her go.
Mikey walked into an empty house. Alicia had taken pretty much everything. His house was filled with eco and desolation. Tears started falling down his cheeks. Tears soon became a waterfall. He sat on the floor, resting his back against the wall, howling. He hadn’t cried like that in years.
He took a look around at the empty walls. The empty room. His empty life, and realized how lonely he felt. He could fill the time on tour with his friends, with booze, with the shows. But in real life, on his daily basis, Mikey Way was ultimately and unquestionably alone. And that day, there was nothing he could do about it to face it.
Matthew could barely open the door as he refused to stop kissing his girlfriend. Her arms were wrapped around his neck, and her lips traveled from his mouth to his neck nonstop.
- "Yami... the..."
- "Fuck me right here against the door, I don’t care"- she whispered, and he groaned.
- "Don’t test me!"
The actor somehow managed to open the door, kicked the bags inside, and found the nearest couch.
- "I missed you so fucking much"- she whispered and pulled up his shirt.
- "Me most! And I needed to fuck you so badly. I hadn’t jerked off this much since I was in high school."
- "Then fuck me, Matthew Gray."
- "My plan exactly."
Joey didn’t care about the jetlag; she didn’t care about how tired she felt. She just wanted to feel her boyfriend inside of her as fast as possible 'cos fuck, she had missed him. And seeing him on top of her half-naked already made her feel as ready as she could be.
His lips played on her skin, making her shiver, as he licked and nibbled every inch of her that was possible. Joey’s hands kept moving on his skin as her eyes kept staring at him on top of her. It seemed he was hungry for her, and she wanted to be devoured.
- "Yami"- he whispered and kissed her neck as he finished taking all of her clothing off- "How much did you miss me?"
- "So much"- she moaned as his hardon rubbed her clit.
- "Show me how much you missed me"- she blushed as the two of them stayed still for a second, staring at each other. Joey slowly opened her legs and let Matthew in. Both of them groaned at the very same time as he filled her up completely.
- "Shit"- Joey bit his arm and scratched her nails on his skin.
- "So tight..."- he managed to say as he started thrusting slowly.
- "Just for you"- the girl sighed and kissed his neck
- "You feel so good, Yami."
Joey’s legs were wrapped firmly around his torso as his hand grabbed on hers, intertwining their fingers against one of the cushions of the couch. Their lips were sealed together, only parting for air every once in a while. And when they did, their eyes crushed, staring in complete silence, just moaning, just kissing, just enjoying the fact they were finally together again.
And they had never wanted each other more. It was sweet. It was passionate. It was love.
- "Please, make me cum"- Joey whispered and watched him smile.
- "Your wishes are my commands"- with those words, Matthew fastened his peace and looked at her. He propped up on his elbows, thrusting into her and hitting her g-spot with every single stroke. He wanted to kiss her, but he couldn’t stop staring at her with her eyes closed, whimpering and whispering his name.
- "You look so hot"- Gubler murmured, but she wasn’t able to answer. Instead, her moaning increased and turned into a yell filled with pleasure as she came, which was surely heard by the whole building.
- "Matthew..."- she managed to say as she caught her breath for a second.
- "I’m gonna... "- he whimpered against the skin he bit raw. His thrusts turned messier as he started losing into her, releasing himself and groaning deep into her shoulder as she kept her arms and legs around him.
- "Sorry"- he whispered and chuckled- "That was too fast."
- "I don’t care, we have time to do it again"- she answered and kissed him with a big smile.
- "I just missed you so fucking much."
- "I know, I missed you too... wanna shower with me?"
- "I wanna do everything with you"- she smiled and felt his lips on hers for a sweet kiss. She loved him. She didn’t want to forget that.
::: November 18th, 2010 :::
Matthew frowned as he walked into Joey’s apartment and saw Mikey sitting on the floor, holding a joystick. During the whole time he had dated Joey, Gubler had never met one of her friends. She didn’t have many- or any actually- and he knew it. They mainly were work buddies, or like Tucker, they lived far away. The drummer really hadn’t made friends in Los Angeles. That’s why it was so weird for him to see Mikey Way at her house now pretty much every day. Or that’s how it felt.
- "Hey Gub! Nice to see you again"- the bassist said and smiled, returning his eyes to the screen and pausing the game one second later- "Joey is getting ready for your date."
- "Hey, great… how are you?"
- "Awesome, we literally smashed Assassins Creed today"- Mikey smiled and pointed at the Playstation.
- "Sounds fun."
- "I’m ready, Akumu"- Matthew smiled and looked at Joey walking out of her room.
- "Wow"- he whispered and wide opened his eyes- "You look amazing!"
- "Thank you"- the drummer’s cheeks blushed as her boyfriend walked over and landed his hands on her hips, moving her closer to her body and rubbing his lips against hers for a moment before saying
- "Are you sure you wanna go out? We could stay here and take that dress off slowly"- and she giggled nervously at his insinuations.
- "If we go out and you look at me in the dress for a long while, you might want to take it off even more eagerly, and it might feel even better when you do it"- she murmured, looking straight into his eyes and kissed his lips.
- "Let me see you"- Mikey said and walked over, ruining the sexy moment- "Damn! You never ever dressed like that when we were on the road"- Mikey said and looked at her up and down, something that bothered Matthew very much.
Gubler was a jealous boyfriend, and Joey didn’t like that, so he always hid it. But most of the time, when a guy was too close to her, it honestly bothered him. Needless to say, the fact she was working with a band and a crew of only men, her being the only woman, hunted him day and night. But he made his best and didn’t say a thing ‘cos he wanted to support her no matter what. But Mikey was making things hard for him.
- "Stop it, bróðir!!"- she punched his arm and smiled- "What are you doing tonight?"
- "I guess I’ll stop by Gerard’s and annoy the fuck out of him."
- "Sounds like fun, say hi from me"- Joey grabbed her bag and jacket- "See you tomorrow?"
- "Yeah! I need you to come with me to Fender"- Way announced.
- "Why?"
- "They are working on a custom mustang bass for me. I designed it, and we are going to check it out."
- "Wow!"- Matthew said, surprised- "Dude, that’s great!"- but Mikey just shrugged. He was so depressed he really didn’t care.
- "I guess… anyway, I have to be there at noon."
- "On a Saturday?"- Joey frowned.
- "Yeah… I told them I couldn’t do it any other day."
- "Aren’t you being a little bitch with people just ‘cos you can?"- Joey teased him, and he smiled
- "I actually couldn’t"- Joey raised an eye and turned to her boyfriend.
- "Shall we? Mikey, lock the door when you leave"- they high-fived, and the couple left.
- "Wait… did you give him a spare key?"- Matthew asked, frowning as he realized what his girlfriend had just said.
- "Yeah, why?"- Joey didn’t seem to notice her boyfriend was serious about it.
- "‘Cos you met him last month."
- "And I’ve lived half of that time with him. I think I can trust him. He is my friend"- Joey made lights off of the whole deal, but Matthew was honestly mad.
- "I don’t like this"- he simply said and started the car.
- "Why?"
- "‘Cos I feel he is taking all of your free time."
- "That’s not true! I spend 99% of my time with you! I even go to the set with you! And I spend most nights at your house! So what is wrong with me also spending some time with my friend? Who is, by the way, the only friend I’ve got here in L.A?"
- "But... "- Matthew didn’t seem to find an argument to win that battle, or at least that could make sense to Joey.
- "But what? You don’t want me to hang out with other people?"
- "It’s not that! I just… find it weird that you work with them and go out with him and…"
- "He is my friend, Matthew!"- Joey sighed and looked straight at the road as her boyfriend kept driving. So much for a date’s mood. Gubler took a deep breath and started talking very slowly to sound calm.
- "I know he is your friend, and that’s not what bothers me…"
- "Then?"- the girl turned to her boyfriend and raised an eyebrow- "Are you jealous of Mikey?"
- "No…"- he hesitated, ashamed and even a little scared of Joey’s reaction.
- "You can’t be jealous of Mikey. He just lost his marriage. I am his friend, and he is fucking alone."
- "He has his brother and probably other friends"- Joey made a pause before answering because she felt bad talking about Gerard in front of Gubler.
- "Yeah, but he has his marriage, and I think his wife is best friends with Mikey’s ex… if Mikey didn’t want to tell him, do you think he wants to share his darkest moment with him?"
- "No, but why you?"
- "So you think he has a crush on me! What are you? Fifteen?"
- "No! That’s not what I meant!"
- "Then?"
- "I don’t know!! We’ve never been through this before! I just find it weird!"
- "So you are jealous"
- "Yes! Of course, I am!"- Matthew finally exploded- "But I trust you, so I know nothing bad will happen!"
Joey didn’t answer. She just started outside the window and counted to ten.
- "Yami?"
- "I trust you too, Akumu. And believe me, nothing is gonna happen between Mikey and me"- she whispered and felt her cheeks burning- "But please, don’t get jealous of him. He is the closest thing I’ve ever have of a brother in my entire life, and I love him very much."
The girl made her best to be calmed, she didn’t want to ruin the moment, and she made her best to understand what her boyfriend was going through. Though she hated to face that he was jealous, she could get how her boyfriend felt. It would be too cynical to tell him he had no one to be jealous of because he had no idea how she felt about Gerard. But that was completely platonic and not a threat at all.
- "So… are we ok?"- Matthew asked with a soft tone of voice and held his girlfriend’s hand.
- "We are ok, Akumu"- Joey answered and cut him a warm smile- "Are you ok with me going to Fender tomorrow with Mikey?"
- "Yes..."- he answered without hesitations.
- "Awesome ‘cos I was going to do it anyway."
Mikey lit a cigarette and looked up to the stars in the sky. He was sitting in his older brother’s backyard, drinking a beer, and basically just being there, trying not to think. Gerard was smoking next to him in silence, drawing something to kill time and sipping a diet coke from time to time.
- "So how was your day?"- he finally asked his younger brother.
- "It was good. I was with Joey the whole day"- and Gerard nearly chook- "We played video games, ordered pizza, and basically just did my favorite thing, nothing."
- "How is she?"
- "Great, she had a date night today; otherwise, I would have stayed for a slumber party with her and Gubler."
- "With him too?"
- "Yeah, he is a nice guy. He is obviously jealous as fuck, but Joey doesn’t seem to care, and neither do I actually"- Gerard chuckled
- "So he is jealous of all of us or just you?"
- "Just me… I guess it’s because we hang out a lot."
- "You do? Really?"
- "Almost every time she is not with him. We are going out tomorrow."
- "Where are you going to?"- and that was really something that caught Gerard’s attention
- "To Fender to check how’s my bass going. Wanna come along?"- the temptation was too big for Gerard to avoid.
- "Yeah, it sounds fun"- and he made his best to sound as casual as possible.
- "Great…"- Mikey took a long drag of his cigarette and stayed quiet again. Lynz walked over and cut them a short smile. Gerard’s little brother nodded but didn’t say anything.
- "I’m going out, guys,"- she announced and looked at his husband- "I’m gonna hang out with the girls"- and the girls included Mikey’s ex-wife. Everybody knew they were best friends.
- "Have fun, honey"- Gerard kissed her and smiled. Mikey waved and sighed- "Are you ok?"
- "Yeah"- he quickly answered and finished his beer- "I’m gonna take a piss."
Mikey locked himself in the bathroom and burst out crying. He was a wreck, and he didn’t want to show it, not to his brother. He didn’t need his pity. That’s why he hadn’t hung out with him so much those days. That’s why he was stuck at Joey most of her free time.
Alicia had destroyed him. Each time they talked, he ended up even more broken-hearted, more miserable. More alone. Joey had insisted on taking him to see her therapist, but he kept refusing. Instead, he had beer, or vodka, or whatever there was around. And cigarettes and the tv to numb his brain.
- "Are you excited to meet my parents?"- Joey asked Matthew as they sat in front of each other, smiling. He had taken her to her favorite Thai restaurant for dinner, and she was in heaven.
- "Scared maybe"- he whispered and blushed.
- "Why?"
- "I can’t stop thinking your dad is gonna be this tall, brawny Icelandic guy that’s gonna break every bone in my body for dating his daughter"- Joey burst out laughing and nodded.
- "That might be true, but my mom is gonna love you. And she is gonna overfeed you, so tomorrow you should eat light"- Matthew chuckled and held Joey’s hand.
- "I love you so much, Yami"- and she blushed.
- "Akamu, I think I love you more"- they stared at each other for a moment with a goofy smile, until the moment was ruined by her cell phone- "I’m sorry."
The girl whispered and looked at the screen, laughing as Matthew looked at her, not getting what was going on?
- "What is it? What’s so funny?"
- "Frank just sent me a photo. He dressed his kids like pumpkins!! Look! They are so cute!!!"- the girl gave him her phone, and he smiled, faked a smile actually. And it was so obvious, Joey locked her phone and placed it in her pocket.
- "I just… can we have a minute without someone from the band taking your attention from me?"
- "You have my undivided attention! Can you stop being jealous?"
- "Yes… I can! but it’s hard!"- Gubler sighed and calmed himself down ‘cos he knew that was a lost battle.
- "You can take my phone if you want and keep it away"- she said and gave it to him, in one of the toughest decisions she had ever made. That meant Joey was actually doing what her boyfriend wanted her to do. She hated that.
But she loved Matthew and didn’t want to have another argument that night. Matthew took it, turned it off, and placed it in his pocket, enjoying for once a minute of power in that relationship. Joey wasn’t a girl easy to handle. He loved the challenge, but sometimes it felt she was too independent of him. For him.
The sun shining on his face woke Mikey up. And it was hell. Another day, another hungover. He had fallen asleep drunk in his brother’s spare room. Not that he wanted to go home anyway, he didn’t feel like being alone. He quickly rolled in bed and looked at the time. He was late. Groaning, he looked for his phone around the room, found it in his pants, and dialed. Joey’s phone was off.
- "Fuck!"
Joey rolled on her bed and smiled. Matthew was sound and asleep next to her. She cuddled closer to him and kissed his naked skin.
- "This is what I miss the most when you are not home"- he whispered, waking up.
- "The way I wake you up?"
- "No, my arm numbed underneath your neck"- Joey chuckled and moved to free Matthew’s arm- "Thank you."
- "Sorry"
- "Don’t be. I love snuggling with you. You can numb all my limbers"- the girl giggled and kissed her boyfriend’s lips sweetly.
- "All of them?"- Matthew smiled and wrapped both arms around her.
- "Every single one of them… but right now, I have to go to work"- the girl pouted and felt him kissing her lips over and over again.
- "Who schedules a Meet and Greet on a Saturday?"
- "People who work the rest of the week and only have time on Saturday."
- "Touché"- Matthew smiled at her and kissed her lips before getting out of bed- "Meets and greets are weird"- she said and wrapped her body on the sheet as she stared at her boyfriend walking around her room naked, preparing to take a shower- "You literally just meet and greet someone."
- "Yes, that’s why the name"- he answered, chuckling.
- "Sorry, I can’t be smart if you are walking naked in my room"- the girl whispered, blushing. Matthew looked at her and offered his hand.
- "Would you be smarter if you shower with me?"
- "Nop, but I can be totally naughty."
- "That’s my girl…"
Gerard was memorizing every single street as Mikey drove to Joey’s house. He had never been there; his brother seemed to be there always. It bothered him, of course, but today it seemed to be pretty helpful actually. It had been over a week since the last time he saw her, and there was a part of him that missed her deeply. The other part of him felt guilty for missing her so much.
Mikey grabbed his phone and dialed again. Still off. Her phone was never off. What if something bad had happened to her? He dialed again. Nothing. The bassist cursed himself for not having Matthew’s number.
- "Are we close?"- Gerard asked, not looking at his brother, and never noticed he was about to freak out.
- "Yeah"
- "And… does she live with her boyfriend?"
- "No, she has a little one-bedroom apartment, he has… I think an apartment too, but Joey doesn’t want to move in with him yet"- Mikey just said it and didn’t detect his brother’s brightening eyes.
- "Why?"
- "They haven’t dated that long. She feels they aren’t there yet… there it is!"- the youngest Way pointed at an apartment complex- "I don’t see Matthew’s car here, maybe they are at his house."
Gerard frowned at that idea, feeling selfish and stupid. He had sex with his wife that week. Why couldn’t Joey have sex with her boyfriend? Easy: ‘cos Gerard wanted her to be his and only his. But that thought was killing him slowly. He didn’t know how to turn it off.
The Way brothers took the elevator to the fifth floor, walked down the aisle, and knocked on Joey’s door. Neither of them said a thing. Mikey grabbed the keys from his pocket and hesitated. He decided to knock on the door again, in case the girl was with her boyfriend.
- "What’s that?"- Gerard quickly asked, confused- "Do you have a spare key to her house?"
- "Yeah"- he simply answered, not getting his brother’s frowned face- "We exchanged keys in case of an emergency, that’s what friends do"- and Mikey rang the bell again.
- "What’s the rush?!"- the girl opened the door and wide opened her eyes as she first noticed Gerard was there, looking at her. And she was only wearing a robe. Great.
- "I’ve been calling you all day, Bug!"- Mikey hugged her, honestly worried- "I thought something had happened to you!!"
- "Oh, come on! I just… don’t have my cellphone with me"- she whispered and felt her cheeks burning as Gerard looked at her up and down- "Hey"- that was all she could say and smiled at him- "Nice to see you."
- "Nice to see you too."
- "Come in. guys. There’s fresh coffee in the kitchen. I’m gonna finish getting dressed."
- "And Matthew?"- Mikey asked, already pouring a cup of coffee for him
- "He left five minutes ago. He and the crew have a meet and greet today."
- Awesome! That means I have extra time to annoy you today"- the girl heard her friend’s voice as she walked over to her closet to get dressed.
- "Yes, but I have to come back home early to pack my bags. We are leaving for Seattle tomorrow"- she yelled back and picked her outfit. Meanwhile, Gerard wandered around, checking every little detail of the house that could tell him a little more about her. There was a drum, an electric drum, and… Mikey’s old bass?
- "Why is that here?"- he asked his brother.
- "I left it here the other day. Bug and I were practicing some songs together."
Mikey simply answered and sat on the couch, grabbed the remote control, and turned on the tv. Gerard looked at him, feeling his brother felt really at home. What else could he find? A family picture of her and her parents, some pretty artworks on the walls, and a million Playstation games.
- "Are we too late??"- the girl showed up shoeless, with wet hair and no makeup on. Just like that, Gerard’s heart skipped a beat. He couldn’t stop staring, and Joey felt his eyes on her the whole time making her blush. Having him at her house was too overwhelming for her. She kept trying to make light off of the fact she was embarrassed and nervous. She hadn’t seen Gerard ever since that day at the airport, and there was a part of her that had tried unsuccessfully to forget how he made her feel. It was clear that Gerard Way’s effect on her was not something you could get rid of in a few days.
- "Yeah, but you still have… fifteen minutes to get ready"- Mikey said and grinned.
- "I can make it in ten"- and so, she disappeared back into her room, to emerge eight minutes later, fully dressed and ready to go.
- "Shit! That was fast!"- Mikey said and smiled- "And you are hot enough to be a trophy wife"- Joey frowned and punched his shoulder.
- "I am a woman, not a thing to show around."
- "I was just joking."
- "You know I hate those jokes"- she made a pause and raised an eyebrow to her friend.
- "Damn! that hurt"- he argued, still rubbing the spot she smacked and stared at his friend- "Come on, you know I was joking."
- "Yes, but part of being your little sister is teaching you not to be an asshole repeating sexist jokes."
- "Fine"- Mikey turned off the tv and looked at his brother, who hadn’t said a thing in a long while- "Are you ok?"
- "Yeah… ready?"- Gerard quickly answered and looked down at his shoes, like looking for something he hadn’t actually lost.
- "Yeah, did you turn off the coffee maker?"- the girl looked at Mikey, and he didn’t move- "I’ll do it."
- "I didn’t remember Bug! Sorry!"- Joey walked to the kitchen and turned the machine off.
- "It’s ok, I would have checked it anyway"- she smiled as she walked back and opened the door- "Shall we?"
Having his own signature bass was Mikey’s dream. And for someone who was fulfilling his goal, the bassist didn’t really look happy. He checked the details, talked with the luthiers, played a little, made corrections, and set a date to see the progress in a week. But he didn’t smile at all the whole time.
- "How are you?"- Gerard whispered as he stood next to Joey at one side of the room, both of them staring at a wall filled with basses and guitars.
- "Good, you? How’s the break?"- she could almost feel her voice shaking as she talked to him. That’s how nervous he made her feel. And after so many days apart, the effect seemed to be getting worse, like a concentrated dose.
- "Good… very pleasant."
- "Are you having a nice weekend?"
- "Yes…"- he whispered and looked at her for a second- "I kinda missed you, you know? “Kinda missed you??! What the fuck was that, Gerard??! What are you?? twelve??!!”
- "Really?"- she whispered, surprised.
- "Yeah… you get used to being around people when you are touring."
- "That’s true"- Joey turned to him and smiled- "I’ve missed you too"- she whispered and looked back at the musical instruments around him.
- "You have?"
- "Sure. I haven’t talked to you since we got here. At least the other guys and I keep texting or calling each other. You vanished."
Gerard faked a smile and looked away. So it wasn’t just Mikey? all the guys talked to her daily, and he had no idea about it? Did that include Frank too?
- "Well, you haven’t texted either"- he simply replied and looked at her with a small smile.
- "You know I don’t have your number, right?"
- "What?"- Gee frowned, confused.
- "You never gave it to me… well, I never asked for it."
They looked at each other in silence, something that happened so often between them; it could be their natural behavior.
- "Would you give it to me?"- Gerard whispered, and neither of them moved.
- “That’s what scares me the most. Under other circumstances, I would give it to you,”- Joey thought and smiled, as her cheeks blushed
- "Your number"- he added and chuckled- “... Although.”
- "I know, perv. Give me your phone."
- "Hey kids!"- Mikey appeared next to them and smiled- "What are you doing?"
- "Giving your brother my number, ‘cos apparently, we weren’t friends until now."
- "Wow, that’s harsh! You didn’t ask for mine either!"- Gerard argued but chuckled.
- "Yeah, you keep saying that, but you didn’t offer it either, and Gerard Way’s number has to be something too exclusive to own."
- "Ok, you are both assholes"- Mikey ignored the whole conversation and looked at his friend- "I need you to help me, Bug"
- "What is it?"
- "I want you to help me pick up a new bass"
- "Don’t you have a hundred already?"- Joey teased him and walked with him
- "It’s not for me, it’s for you"- Joey stopped walking and frowned- "What? You need one."
- "I don’t."
- "Yes, you do, I’m gonna teach you, and I am not gonna lend you mines. They are too special."
- "Mikey…"- but he didn’t let her finish.
- "Besides, we are going to be touring so much, you are going to have to find something useful to do when we are on the bus. You can teach me drums, I can teach you bass, we are gonna be better musicians, it’s a win, win situation."
Mikey looked so excited about his idea Joey didn’t want to break the dream. Besides, it felt like he was making a project out of his whole idea, something to keep his mind entertained. And that sounded like a nice plan. Better than drinking himself to sleep most of the nights.
- "I’m not gonna convince you to change your mind, am I?"- she asked and giggled, staring at her friend’s serious face.
- "Nop"- he quickly answered, making sure the last “p” sounded loud, as it would make a statement or whatever.
- "Fine… but I’ll pay you back."
- "Oh, you are paying for it"- he quickly replied- "But not with money, I really want those drums lessons."
Gerard stared at the scene and sighed. His brother wrapped an arm around Joey’s neck as they walked to pick up her bass. He was jealous and worried at the same time. He was jealous of how close he was with her and how much he trusted her. Gee felt left aside from his problems. Joey had spent more time with his brother than him in the latest weeks. Ever since they met, actually. Why didn’t he trust his older brother anymore?
The bass they picked was a tidepool Player Jaguar Fender. Mikey carried it to his car and smiled proudly. Gerard took a Fender Rumble 15, and Joey just smiled embarrassedly.
- "You didn’t have to buy the amp"- she whispered to Gerard.
- "You can’t play bass without an amp"- he simply replied and smiled- "Besides, you can always pay me back in drum lessons too"- the girl chuckled, blushed, and looked at her friends.
- "Ok, kids, lunch is on me. You two deserve Joey’s signature menu for being this nice to me"- she grinned and got into the car.
- "And where are we going?"- Mikey sat behind the wheel and turned to her, just as Gerard, from the passenger seat
- "To my house, I am cooking you mi especialidad: bandeja paisa"- the Way brothers frowned and looked at each other- "Just come and eat like porks with me, ok?"
- "Fine"- Mikey answered and chuckled- "Are you gonna go all Latina on us?"
- "You better be sure I am."
- "I’ve never seen you like that"- Gerard said and looked at her again. She blushed and closed her eyes, embarrassed.
- "Well, I have, and it’s fucking weird!"- Mikey answered to his brother- "And when she starts mixing English, Icelandic, and Spanish… damn it!"
- "Vinsamlegast þegiðu! (Please shut up!)"- the girl shouted and hit Mikey’s shoulder- "Odio Cuando dices eso! (I hate it when you do that)"
- "See?"- the bassist turned to his friend- "It’s fucking weird."
- "Let’s take a selfie and send it to Frank and dad"- Joey said and looked for her phone in her bag. But never found it- "Oh fuck! Matthew has it"- she whispered and sighed.
Suddenly she remembered she had given it to him, and it bothered her to know she had given away some power to please a guy. Fuck, she deeply regretted doing that.
- "Let’s use my phone"- Gerard said and pointed the camera at them- "Ok, smile!!"
- "Say cheese!!"- Joey grinned, and the Way brother smiled- "Dad is gonna love that! He said he missed us too, he actually invited me to stay with him in Jersey while we rehearsed for the concert"- the girl said and looked outside the window- "I think it would be nice, I’ve never been to Jersey"- she kept talking, more to herself than to her friends.
- "You can stay with me too if you want"- Mikey said, and Gerard turned to him, scowling- "I mean, I’m gonna be home with our parents…"
- "That sounds so fucking weird, Michael James"- and Joey burst out laughing- "But though I love the idea of having a sleepover at your parents, Matthew is coming with me that weekend"- Gerard’s frown grew bigger.
- "Bug, tell me the truth"- Mikey said after a while. The radio was on, and the three of them had been basically just humming a few songs as they made their way to Joey’s house.
- "Shoot"
- "Matthew hates me, right?"
- "Why would you say that?"
- "‘Cos he looks like he hates me"
- "Of course not!"- the girl lied right away and snorted- "He is just shocked we got along so quickly."
- "Oh"- Mikey made a pause and chuckled- "So he really hates me."
- "No! I mean it!"
- "I think that’s a yes"- Gerard said to his brother and nodded.
- "Well… I guess I won’t be watching Criminal Minds anymore."
Matthew could hear Joey laughing from the hallway. She wasn’t alone. There were other voices and some music too. What the fuck was going on? He wasn’t thrilled at all ‘cos he had been calling his girlfriend the whole day and her phone was off. But this was too much for him to handle with a cold head. But he had to breathe and trust her.
- "Hey! What are you doing?"- he opened the door and glared at the Way brothers. Mikey was sitting behind Joey’s electric drum while she held a bass. Gerard was sitting on her couch, laughing. Well, not anymore, at least.
- "Akumu!! How was your day? Did you have fun meeting and greeting people?"- she quickly stood up, almost jumping and running to him, wrapping her arms around him.
- "It was ok…"- she kissed him sweetly and kept smiling- "What are you guys doing?"
- "I invited the guys for lunch, and we just stayed here playing for a while"- she simply answered.
- "I’ve been calling you the whole day, but you didn’t pick up"- Joey raised an eyebrow and looked into her boyfriend’s eyes.
- "Akumu, you’ve got my phone, remember?"- and Matthew Gray Gubler wanted to slap himself. The only thing he could do was be the nicest and sweetest, not jealous boyfriend he could be.
- "Shit!"- and Joey just nodded- "I’m so sorry!"
- "I know, so, wanna join us?"
- "Actually, I think we should go"- Gerard said and stood up- "I’ve got to pick up my wife from an event, “liar, liar pants on fire,” and Mikey has to drive me over"
Gee turned to his brother, and he nodded.
- "Yeah, and we better hurry ‘cos we are late"- he added and grabbed all his things- "I’m taking this"- he said and grabbed the bass he had left in her house- "You better practice."
- "Guys, you don’t have to run out just ‘cos I got here"- Matthew smiled- "We could hang out for a while."
- "I saved you some bandeja paisa"- Joey whispered, and her boyfriend’s smile grew bigger.
- "I love you so much."
- "Yeah, I know, I’m awesome"
- "Thank you, Matthew, but we really have to go"- Gerard shook his hand and smiled- "But Joey said you would come with us to the show in New York."
- "Yeah! I am! I feel like shit, I still can’t get to see my girl in action"- he smiled and wrapped an arm around Joey’s shoulders. She hated when he called her “his girl.” She wasn’t his, or anyone’s, as a matter of fact. That was one of the reasons why she hadn’t have a serious relationship before.
- "We’ll see you there then"- Gerard assured- "We’ll show you Jersey, Joey said she was dying to see where we hid all the mafia corpses"- and the girl chuckled
- "You keep trying to sell it for me, but dude, I’m sold!!"- Gerard laughed at Joey’s words and stared at her in silence for a few seconds until he realized Matthew was there. He didn’t want him to know or even suspect how he felt about his girlfriend.
- "Thank you for everything, guys"- the girl walked them to the door with a warm smile on her face- "You are the best!"
- "Nah"- Mikey hugged her and messed her hair pretty much at the same time- "You’ve been a great little sister. Thank you for coming along!"
- "See you when I come back from Seattle."
- "Yeah, we have to practice!"- the youngest Way shook Matthew’s hand and said goodbye. Gerard did the same, wished them a safe trip, and walked out of the apartment. He and his brother walked in silence until they reached the car.
- "Dude!"- Mikey finally said when he started the car- "That guy hates the shit out of me!"
- "He was going to kill us when he walked in! What the fuck is his problem?"
- "I don’t know!! He has to death jealous"
- "Well, so would I"- Gerard thought out loud and noticed he had to add something in case his brother would think the wrong thing, which would be actually the right thing.
- "I mean, if my girl hung out with four dudes, I barely know and travel the world with them, I would be jealous too."
- "Maybe"- Mikey gave it a little thinking and nodded- "Maybe when they are back, we could invite them out for diner or something, that way he can know us and figure out we don’t wanna bang his girlfriend."
- "Yeah, sure, that would be helpful"- Gerard Way was full of shit.
taglist @all-tings-diego @worryd0ll
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Writing Masterlist
All of my writing is available on AO3, but I’ve put together a masterlist of all my work so far for everyone who gets their fic fill on tumblr and will keep it updated! Keep your eyes peeled for new fics on the regular <3
⭐️= indicates my personal faves
If you’re looking for smut, you need to head to my smut masterlist on my nsfw blog!
Current Fic Count: 30
Aaron x Spencer
⭐️turns out that I need you now (much more than you need me)
Spencer is suffering in silence and it’s only made worse when the team messes up and makes him feel even more hurt and insecure. When Hotch goes to check on him, though, things start to look up.
3.5k, angst, hurt/comfort, protective hotch, happy ending
⭐️Vivaldi on Full Volume
Spencer’s done enough pining, so he decides to write a letter for Aaron telling him exactly how he feels and gives it to him on the jet. He cannot be held responsible for what happens when they land.
5.2k, fluff, love confessions, shy spencer, insecurity
Living the Same Lie
Aaron breaks up with Spencer, but when an attempt to move on goes horribly wrong they get a second chance.
5k, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, fluff, breaking up and making up, implied/mentioned physical assault, implied/mentioned sexual assault
East Coast
Spencer and Aaron happen to sit opposite one another on a busy train, and when Spencer spots a breakthrough in the legal case Aaron is stuck on, they strike up an innocuous conversation that quickly stirs up feelings.
2.1k, fluff, meet-cute, train carriage au, lawyer!aaron, academic!spencer, shy spencer, firsts 
All Roads Lead Home
Spencer’s working the Christmas Eve shift when a young boy with a hurt arm comes into the ER. Nothing out of the ordinary, except his rather flirty dad and leaving later with an extra phone number in his contacts list…
2.1k, fluff, hospital au, getting together, first date, gentleman!aaron, soft spencer
To Look on Tempests and Not Be Shaken
In the wake of a blazing row and an empty apartment, Aaron finds Spencer’s well-thumbed copy of Shakespeare’s sonnets and recalls the morning after their wedding, when Spencer sat on his lap and read Sonnet 116 to him. Suddenly, everything makes sense.
2.6k, angst with a happy ending, fighting and making up, married hotchreid, relationship dynamics, introspection, fluff
Derek x Spencer
Even More Beautiful 
The BAU is stuck in Michigan with no case and no way home, so naturally, Spencer and Derek confess their love for one another. (Based on the prompt ‘You look even more beautiful covered in snow.’)
3.5k, fluff, love confessions, shy spencer, insecurity, hurt/comfort
⭐️Hear it in the Silence
A short, fluffy chronicle of Spencer realising in increments how in love with Derek he is, and navigating a real, beautifully sweet relationship that's not always smooth sailing, especially since he's been hurt before. (Based on Taylor Swift’s You are in Love.)
3.7k, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, dev relationship, tw past abuse, domesticity
⭐️Still Left With the River
Derek wakes up to find his boyfriend crying on the sofa. Cue the hurt, the comfort, and the fluff. 
1.6k, hurt/comfort, fluff, caretaker!derek, autistic spencer, crying, sad spencer
Spencer's an academic researcher who spends every morning at his local library. Derek just happens to drop by one Tuesday and ask the pretty boy in the classics section if he can help him find a book. Sparks fly.
2.1k, library au, fluff, meet-cute, pining, shy spencer, coming out
when I fall asleep (it is your eyes that I close)
Spencer’s not been sleeping, and as much as Derek adores his sleepy clinginess and physical affection, as soon as they get home he’s determined to get to the bottom of it. 
1.9k, fluff, hurt/comfort, sleep-deprivation, clingy!spencer, physical affection, anxiety, cuddling
⭐️Trees and Seas Have Flown Away, I Call it Loving You
Derek says something hurtful, but it happens to lead to just about the best thing that’s ever happened to Spencer.
3.2k, hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, fighting/making up, angst with a happy ending, autistic spencer, coming out, getting together
⭐️A Christmas Like This
Spencer has a very specific plan for their first Christmas in their new house, and it has to be absolutely perfect. Derek’s going to do everything in his power to make his boyfriend as happy as possible, even if that means a house covered in garlands and a tree covered in animal skeletons…
2.9k, fluff, christmas fic, est relationship, neurodivergence, romance, domesticity, day in the life
Secret Santa
Penelope rigs the BAU’s Secret Santa game to finally get Derek and Spencer together with extraordinary success, and they have her to thank for their future first date. Oh, and a sprig of mistletoe nearly throws the whole thing out the window. 
2.8k, fluff, getting together, insecurity/anxiety, christmas fic, first kiss, misunderstandings, friendship
⭐️A Chronicle of Loss
5 people Spencer Reid lost and 1 person he gained. A look at the traumas Spencer faces over the series, and giving him the happy ending he deserves.
3.6k, grief, loss, abandonment issues, insecurity, depression, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, getting together, ‘didn’t know they were dating’, protective derek, autistic spencer
Imagine that scene in S4E1 when Derek is driving the ambulance loaded with a bomb about to explode, except it’s Spencer on the other end of the phone and they finally get their shit together. 
4.2k, canon divergence, spencer is the tech analyst, getting together, mutual pining, insecure spencer, angst with a happy ending, fluff, declarations of love
⭐️my heart talks about nothing but you
Derek finds Spencer staring longingly at dancing newlyweds while on a case and once he gets to the bottom of why he’s tasked with making a proposal to a man who knows it’s coming special somehow. (He pulls it off.)
2.5k, established relationship, hurt/comfort, minor angst, fluff, relationship discussions, proposal, protective derek
I told the stars about you
Derek and Spencer have their first date. They dance to Frank Sinatra and cuddle in an ice cream parlour, before kissing the hell out of each other at Spencer's front door. That's pretty much it. (Prequel to above fic.)
2.1k, first date, first kiss, pure tooth-rotting fluff, dancing, flirting, protective derek
⭐️I can’t hold enough of you in my hands
Derek and Spencer are finally getting married and the rest of the BAU are there to help them through every step of the day. Including a little surprise that Derek has up his sleeve for their first dance. (Third part to the above two fics.)
3.1k, tooth-rotting fluff, marriage/wedding day, team as family, team dynamics, domesticity, paternal hotch, maternal alex, just a whole lotta love man
⭐️ dry me off and hold me close
Derek has finally relented and is bringing his boyfriend Spencer to meet the rest of the team. That means, though, he has to finally tell them about his boyfriend's disability. Terrified that they'll react badly, he puts it off until he can't anymore. Turns out he was worried for nothing
5.7k, so much fluff, protective derek, disabled spencer, caretaker derek, spencer is not in the bau, team as family, hurt/comfort, light angst, est. rel, chronic illness, slice of life: disabled edition
The BAU decide to head out for a picnic one summer afternoon, but they’re soon rudely interrupted by a bee sting and anaphylactic shock. Seeing Spencer carted off in an ambulance is not exactly how they expected the day to go.
2.3k, whump, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, hurt spencer, friendship, medical conditions, severe allergic reactions
⭐️The Noiseless Crash of Crumbling Walls
After Derek and Spencer are paired up on a science project in their senior year of high school, they become the closest, most unlikely friends possible. But what happens when Derek finally finds out what Spencer's dealing with at home? Inspired by the prompt “where did you get those bruises?”
4.5k, high school au, hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, hurt spencer, protective derek, abuse, friendship, pre-slash, spencer just turned 16, derek is almost 18
Luke x Spencer
Start With This
Luke accidentally hurts Spencer because they are both hopelessly stupid, but when Spencer’s faced with a dangerous situation there’s nothing he wants more than Luke. Calling him turns out to be a very good decision.
3.9k, hurt/comfort, angst w a happy ending, fluff, getting together, misunderstandings
⭐️Foolishly, Completely Falling
Spencer declines to spend the night with Luke, but there’s a reason for that, and things start to click into place when Spencer shows back up at his doorstep at 2am, hours after being dropped home.
2.5k, hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, past toxic relationship, nightmares, est/dev relationship
You Said You’d Never Smile Again
“At one point, we had a conversation about how hard Spencer was finding life after prison and he told me that he didn’t think he’d ever smile again. And so, I made it my mission to prove Dr Spencer Reid wrong for the first time in his life.”
1.4k, weddings, tooth-rotting fluff, implied/referenced depression, post-prison spencer, insecure luke, found family 
Emily x JJ
Don’t Be Scared, I Love You
JJ is shot and Emily's world stops spinning.
1.7k, whump, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, fluff, protective emily
⭐️my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand
Emily leaves. Her heart is breaking. JJ follows. Hers is waking up.
1.3k, angst with a happy ending, fluff, mutual pining, crying, first kiss
Emily x Reader
⭐️Night In/Night Out
Emily Prentiss is your girlfriend and she finally asks you to meet her family (the BAU): cue the fluff.
3.2k, fluff, flirting, cuddling, domesticity, protective emily, slight shy!reader
baby, you’re my new years’ eve
You and Emily are hosting a New Years' Eve party for all of your friends, but she's acting a little weird. You finally find out why when the clock strikes midnight.
3.6k, fluff, nye fic, proposal, getting engaged, domesticity, romance, flirting, day in the life 
Pull Me Out of the Glowing Stream
Spencer develops bacterial meningitis and Hotch sort of forgets how to breathe. 
3.8k, paternal!hotch, hurt/comfort, sickness, whump, fluff, happy ending
I found my way home
After Spencer tells Hotch about his recent autism diagnosis, he expects that to be the end of it. Somehow, though, it keeps coming up, and Hotch keeps proving himself to be the best father figure he could have asked for. 
4.1k, autistic spencer, protective hotch, hurt/comfort, fluff, paternal hotch, team as family
⭐️The Colour of Waiting is Purple
Spencer's just trying to get home as quickly as possible when a bad decision to take a shortcut down a back alley leaves him broken and bleeding into the night. // Hotch thinks it's a new case when his phone rings at 3 in the morning. It isn't.
3.7k, whump, hurt/comfort, physical assault, major character injury, hospitals, dad hotch, hurt spencer, angst with a happy ending, eventual fluff
108 notes · View notes
kettle-on · 3 years
This one did not go as well as I hoped, but then I always think that when I'm about to post a chapter.
If I knew how to write it, there could be optional smut at the end of this one, but I have zero confidence (or imagination) when it comes to that, so apologies but no, there's none here.
You'll just hafta make it up yourselves
(Still, this chapter does have one of my favourite little bits so far!)
attn: @jessm78 @coincidence-ithinknots-blog
Previous Chapter
Chapter 6
“There’s something almost kingly about waking up alone,” declared John Cleese as he and Eric made their way to the morning room to start the day’s work. They had both set out early, Eric having slept quite poorly, perched atop his typewriter, and John unusually well-rested.
“The peace and privacy and space,” he continued, “Yes, I think it sets one up rather well for the day.”
“If you say so,” Eric abided with a small smile.
Before recently, Eric’s preference was to fall asleep with a girl beside him and by the time he’d wake up in the morning, she would be long gone. Thus went the final years of his previous marriage, rocky and uncommitted – his “asshole years” as he’d come to refer to them. As all things tend to do, marriage seemed like the right idea at the time, but the seductive adventure of fame was more than Eric had bargained for.
“How are things with you and Connie, anyway?” he asked his now strutting friend.
In fact, none of the visitors had seen any sign of John’s wife Connie Booth for months. The two had never been particularly candid about their relationship, but other than seeing her on the television in late-night repeats of Fawlty Towers (of which plans for a second series were now rumoured), she remained mostly unseen.
“I’m not going to talk about it,” said John with finality.
“Oh come on, John.”
“No. I’m not going to,” he repeated, stroking his mustache.
“Not even to advise your old pal?”
They had reached their destined room, and John set to work immediately rearranging the cushions on the sofas and armchairs.
“Eric, you’ve just spent Christmas in the West Indies with a beautiful woman. You don’t need my advice.”
“I just don’t want to mess up again,” Eric confessed heavily, plopping his curled copy of the script onto an end table. “All the shit from before. Is it really worth going through that again?”
“Why? God! Don’t tell me you’re marrying Lyn again,”
“No! No, obviously I mean Y/N.”
“And? She’s a very nice girl, so what’s the problem now?”
Eric was baffled, and searched his hands for an answer.
“Eric, every relationship is a new start,” John began, suddenly soulful. “Every marriage is a new set of conditions and variables. You know that. Y/N comes with entirely different features and functions, and even you - you’re different to what you were before. You’ll be different every time. Except for some things, of course. You’ll always be an ugly, greedy bastard with a smart mouth and no sense of occasion.”
“But you’ve come a long way - I’ll say that for you. Anyway, what does Y/N have to say?”
“I don’t know. We haven’t talked about it.”
Raising his eyebrows and lowering his chin, John gave Eric his famously unimpressed face, “Well that’s your first problem. I can’t imagine what’s stopping you.”
“Can’t you?” asked Eric, looking up from under his fringe.
Against the wishes of the house staff, lunch was taken later in the day (“teatime” as Terry Jones insisted) on a folding picnic table on one of the many lawn areas around the lot. With the addition of a cotton table cloth and wooden bench seating, Mr. Brown the butler couldn’t refrain from voicing his distaste. Eric and Michael doubled up with charm to convince him to leave it be.
“See how nice it looks with the rhododendrons all around us!” Michael demonstrated.
“Yes, and you needn’t worry about the table cloth; I’ve pulled it off the bed,” added Eric in jest before abandoning Mr. Brown altogether, and they strutted arm-in-arm across the grass to join the others at the table.
Their camaraderie extended even as far as the last piece of fresh olive bread left in the basket. Sat side by side, Eric and Michael were mirror images, their arms reaching into the basket in the middle of the table, when their knuckles collided.
“Oh! Sorry - ”
“Sorry - ”
“You have it.”
“No no, please. Take it.”
“No, I’m fine. It’s yours.”
“Well, only if you don’t want it.”
“I do want it, but only if you’d rather not.”
“Oh, you have it then.”
“Don’t you want it?”
“Yes, but you - ”
They were cut short by Terry Gilliam’s arm of God reaching between them, grabbing the piece of bread, and aggressively gobbling it up.
Afternoon chat was considerably more relaxed and domestic than evening party topics. At this time of day, rockstars and millionaires turned into normal people who were content to discuss the shapes of teabags, and revisit childhood moments of blowing on a blade of grass between their thumbs to make it whistle.
Y/N felt most at ease here. She shifted slightly and propped her feet up on the bench opposite, next to Eric’s side, the table cloth gently covering her toes. Before long, she felt the familiar comfort of fingers around her ankles. Eric was always dutiful to show he was never out of reach.
He was already looking at her when she raised her gaze to him, and his smile grew. From time to time, they’d share a moment like this one - at home in each other’s eyes, unspoken declarations of attraction, of love and affection.
“What are you trying to send that’s costing you 8 dollars?” Eric’s voice cut their silent exchange as he cordially re-entered the table conversation.
Terry Jones seemed to be unsure as to how shocked he ought to be at a recent postal charge.
“Why not just hang on to it and take it back with you – it’s only another ten days,” suggested Eric.
“Well I’m hoping I’ll manage to forget about it, and it’ll be great surprise when I get home,” Terry just about managed to explain before his conviction crumbled into resigned chuckles.
Before long, plates emptied and glasses were refilled from water jugs and wine bottles. Across the table, Eric and Y/N’s eyes met again, exchanging a look of “let’s go be alone somewhere.”
Laying a small paper down on the table, Eric began to manufacture an expertly rolled spliff, and only then did Y/N notice… both of his hands were occupied, and yet her ankle was still being stroked. Shifting her eyes, she caught sight of Michael, peering over his glass at her with impatient eyes, his other hand out of sight. Noticing he’d been found out at last, he lifted his head in exaggerated confusion, darting around and attempting to look elsewhere. Despite herself, Y/N stifled a giggle.
“Coming?” Eric asked softly with a smile as he rose from the bench, and Y/N quickly withdrew her now tingling ankles.
The grounds at Heron Bay included paths perfect for meandering afternoon strolls without straying very far from the main house. This afternoon, Eric and Y/N chose the garden route, passing a tidy swimming pool, and over a small bridge toward the far end of the beach. Clasping hands, their arms swung gently between them as they walked.
“I wonder if I’ve taken enough photos of this place yet.” said Y/N when they stepped off of the bridge. “I don’t ever want to forget how beautiful it is, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to remember all the details.”
“We can always come back, you know,” said Eric. “I wouldn’t pass up another few weeks.
“What about you?” he asked and gently pulled her toward him, wrapping an arm around her back as if they were to start dancing. “Are you having a wonderful time?”
“Wonderful!” replied Y/N with a wide smile.
“You sure?”
His tone was not doubtful, but the slight furrowing of his gentle eyebrows showed concern. But what was he getting at? Was she not convincing?
“Well I… I guess I’m not really used to being away from home for so long. Especially not somewhere with table service, and a tennis court, and dinner with The Rolling Stones. It’s, um… it’s a lot. But it’s wonderful!”
They continued their stroll along the beach hand-in-hand as before. The mood was once again slow and easy and peaceful, though Eric seemed ever so slightly more pensive – a typical development when “partaking in grass,” as he liked to describe it.
“Have you been talking to Michael?” he asked suddenly.
“Michael?” Y/N repeated.
“He’s great with this sort of thing.”
What sort of thing? she wanted to ask. She still felt uneasy asking Eric to repeat himself or clarify something, as if querying him was proof that they were somehow not in sync like he believed they were. But hadn’t they just had a moment of silent connection earlier?
Stupid, silly girl. She smartened up. Just speak. But just as she opened her mouth, Eric spoke again.
“So have you fallen in love with him yet?”
“What?” Y/N was breathless.
“Everyone falls in love with Mike Palin at some point,” he explained with one of his cheekier smiles.
“I uh...” she faltered, whether from the suggestion or from Eric’s grin, she wasn’t sure. “I don’t think so, no.”
Eric took a long pull on his gradually disappearing joint and nodded.
“Give it time,” he said with confidence. “You’ll see.”
They soon came across a small secluded bower, lightly shaded by swaying trees that dotted the coastline. Here they would pause for a while, away from disturbance, with only the ocean to meet them.
Y/N sat between Eric’s long legs, his arms at either side of her, resting on his knees. She leaned back into his warm chest and he kissed her ear. It seemed like a long time since they had last been alone together – work on the film script had taken over the day time, and famous visitors kept their nights busy and bustling. Y/N pondered the photos she had already taken, and how even the best ones couldn’t capture this current bliss: the warmth of the sun and the ground, the waves hushing in the near distance, the earthy and fiery smell from Eric’s quality cannabis, and his long and loving limbs around her.
After several minutes of comforting silence, Eric spoke:
“So,” he blew out quickly, “what do you think about getting married?”
Y/N turned on her spot to look at him, feeling her heartbeat quicken.
“I think you’re a little too stoned to be proposing right now.”
“I don’t mea-…” he began, cutting himself off with laughter. “I’m not proposing, I just wanted to know your thoughts on it. I guess Ricky and Penny got me thinking, and… and I was just… thinking.”
Y/N kept a focus on him. He wasn’t used to stumbling over words, but now… what was she going to say?
“And I’m not stoned,” he managed to get out through breathy nervous laughter.
“Well, I think…” Y/N turned her gaze to the surrounding trees, and tried to consider her words carefully.
“I think a lot of people these days do it for the wrong reasons, or they think they have to. I look around and see so many marriages falling apart that it kind of takes the romance out of it.”
Eric gave another few nods as he took a final drag.
“If I get married,” said Y/N, “I’m going to have to really want to stay together, y’know? And not just give up when something gets tough. Otherwise what’s the point?”
“Well, there’s money,” suggested Eric sarcastically, and he stubbed out the remains of his joint on a nearby rock.
“Money…” Y/N repeated. She slowly turned to face him again.
“Yeah, marry for money, and then split with a nice settlement.”
“What a great idea,” she said, meeting his hazy expression.
“You think so?”
“Mhmm,” she hummed, and her lips hovered above his. “Sounds sleazy. I like it.”
“Yeah, it suits you.”
They kissed slowly, with no rush or anticipation. Herbal sweetness lingered on Eric’s lips, and Y/N delighted in their soft encouragement.
“Hmm. So, how much money you got?” she asked with pretend seriousness, back to playing the game after their make out.
“Well…” he began. He spoke slowly but animated. “I’ve got… ninety-thousand pounds… in my pyjamas.”
“Oh yeah?” She knew where this was going.
“And I’ve got forty thousand French francs in my fridge…”
“Oh no,” she groaned and dropped her head onto his bony chest. Eric was infamous for bursting into song, particularly ones he was quite proud of having performed for Python.
“There is nothing quite as wonderful as money -,” he began the silly song, bouncing his knees and shoulders as he sang, and snaking his arms around her waist.
“Fuck off, you capitalist!” Y/N protested, though she couldn’t help her laughter.
She was only just able to silence him with kisses, but their shared laughter continued as they lay on the soft ground, rolled over together, and made themselves more comfortable for an afternoon romp.
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lowkeyorloki · 4 years
I just spent the last three hours rebooting my masterlist to make sure it’s tidy, legible, and updated! It looks completely different and I’m really happy with it. There’s a link to it on my blog, but to anyone who may want it in the form of a textpost, I’ve done that for y’all too. Hope this is helpful to someone out there :)
In each section (one-shots, headcanons, and multi-chapters), the most recent works are at the top. This means the further you go down, the older the fics become. I have written multiple drabbles on this blog, but they are not included on my masterlist. Just search ‘drabble’ on my blog and they’ll come up.
As of 2020, my imagines do not use any type of pronouns or biological descriptions (i.e, breasts or genitalia) unless the fic is smut. This is to make my work as inclusive as I can.
Last updated: July 16th, 2020
🌶️ means the fic contains smut. PLEASE only consume if you are 18+
⭐ means the piece is one of my personal favorites
Enjoy 🐍
Glass Warrior- 🌶️
You’re so beautiful, and so breakable. Loki would never forgive himself if he hurt you.
You begin to question the nature of your relationship with Loki as he calls you sweet names and looks at you with soft eyes.
Stay Kind
As you lay dying in Loki’s arms, you work up the strength to tell him one final thing.
Wounds- ⭐
You’re injured, and Loki shows a new side of himself as he nurses you back to health.
True Form
You’re intent on seeing Loki’s Jotunn side, even if he doesn’t want you to.
Release- 🌶️
A sensual situation from our favorite god’s point of view.
lbd- 🌶️⭐
After a fight with Loki, you wear the smallest dress you can to an Avengers press event.
Aftermath- ⭐
Loki always hated weakness. Because of this, you try to remain strong- even after being kidnapped.
Wine Drunk
The Asgardian wine Sif gave you is stronger than anything Tony Stark has in his liquor cabinet.
Tell Me You Love Me
You know it’s hard for Loki to be vulnerable, but sometimes, you need to hear those three words too.
An Heir
You have an honest conversation with Loki about the possibility of children.
3:33 In the Morning
You comfort Loki after a nightmare.
Loki experiences jealousy over a certain one of your past lovers.
Loki’s Perspective- 🌶️⭐
We always read about your first time with Loki through your eyes, but what is Loki thinking?
Phantom Pains
Loki can’t get his encounter with Thanos out of his mind.
Not the First, But the Last- ⭐
You ask Loki about his previous loves on Asgard.
A Different Loki
After Loki’s death in Infinity War, you awake to see him standing next to your bed… and it isn’t a dream.
Snapshots- ⭐
Having moments with Loki isn’t all that it seems.
The Wading Pools
Loki takes you to one of his favorite places in Asgard.
The Other Brother- ⭐
We all tell the story your romance with Loki through his eyes or your own. But what does it look like to the only other person who loves Loki as much as you do?
Loki returns from the events of Ragnorak after leaving you without a word, and finds you look different than he remembers.
Not His Tricks, Not This Time
After having a dream that may be telling of the future, Loki begins to train with you and become protective.
A Proposition
Loki is at a bar trying to forget you when a woman approaches him.
Loki awakes looking as perfect as ever- except for his bedhead, that is.
His Eyes- ⭐
After having a dream that may be telling of the future, Loki begins to train with you and becomes protective.
Through Loki’s Eyes- 🌶️⭐
Loki is so guarded around you. Now you can find out why.
Erstwhile- ⭐
You’re different than all the other girls Loki has been with. You’re sure of it.
Professor! Loki x You
A fun AU where Professor Laufeyson invites you to dinner, as he knows how bad the dorm food can be.
Burdened With Glorious Purpose- ⭐
Loki doesn’t have anything he came down to Midgard for. But he has you.
Villains have started to get wind of how much you matter to Loki, and soon enough, one takes you.
Loki gets candid with his love for you.
You’re engaged to Thor but in love with Loki, and it’s hard for both of you.
The First Time- 🌶️
You lose your midgardian virginity to Loki.
After Thor’s banishment in the first “Thor”, you confront Odin about lying to his second-born son.
Hate Unguarded
You promise Loki his Jotunn form does nothing to deter you.
What Now?
You ask Professor Laufeyson what will become of the two of you now that classes are over.
I Can’t- ⭐
Loki never wanted to fall in love with you. He isn’t sure how to handle it.
Loki is a god, and you were always immortal. This was always going to happen.
Shrouded Secrets- ⭐
This is what being in a forbidden relationship with Loki entails.
Loki patches up you, his Asguardian lover lover after a battle.
Soulmates (?)
Loki doesn’t believe in soulmates. He does believe, however, in choice.
The Battle of NYC- 🌶️⭐
You’re an Avengers, tasked with protecting the citizens of New York as Loki and the Chituari attack. You find Loki on the ground- but fighting doesn’t seem to be where your head is right now.
What Loki Learned For You
Deaf! reader x Loki request where he learns sign language.
Sleepy Mornings
Loki is cuddly when he first wakes up.
A fic inspired by the slander that was Infinity War to MAKE EVERYTHING OKAY.
Get It Together, Laufeyson
Loki isn’t sure how to tell you his true feelings, so he goes to Thor and Valkyrie for help.
I Thought You Were Dead
Loki is overcome with relief after you return to Avengers Tower.
The Throne- 🌶️⭐ (for a version with he/him pronouns, go here)
Loki sits on the throne of Asgard, and it’s everything he ever wanted- you decide to make his fantasy even better.
Loki and Lightning
For Loki, lightning brings less than pleasant memories.
Mythology Nerd
As someone who has loved and studies Norse myths for as long as you can remember, you’re thrilled to meet Loki- not that you would want him to know that, of course.
I’m Not Like Thor- 🌶️
Years of being compared to his older brother have taken a toll on Loki.
Thor’s a Flirt- 🌶️
…and he really should have known better than to court you in front of Loki.
You and Loki gradually grow closer and closer.
Loki x Plus Size! Reader- 🌶️
Loki is more than willing to show you how truly beautiful you are.
Five Kisses
Five different types of kisses, each to prove your love.
Charity Event
Stark is always forcing the team to smile for the cameras, but the world hasn’t been accepting of the love you found with Loki.
This is the fic that put me on the map! Loki suffers from nightmares, and you only acknowledge each other at night.
Friday Nights- 🌶️
Loki comes to your apartment every Friday- in multiple meanings of the word.
Kiss Me
Both you and Loki know he loves you, but he won’t say it.
As you and Loki grow closer and closer, he notices the shift in his true emotions towards you.
Loki Gets Headaches After NYC- ⭐
Sensual Loki Headcanons- 🌶️
Misc. Loki and Loki x Reader
Loki’s Vices- ⭐
Domestic! Loki Headcanons- ⭐
Random Loki and Loki x Reader- ⭐
Loki and Reader Meeting In the Avengers Compound
Taking A Bath With Loki After A Long Day- 🌶️
Loki’s Jotunn Form Provides Him With High Levels of Stamina- 🌶️
Friends With Benefits to Lovers With Loki- 🌶️
Loki After An Argument- ⭐
Loki’s Favorite Positions- ⭐
Being Pregnant With Loki’s Child Would Include
Does Loki Like Vocal Girls?- 🌶️
Losing Your Virginity To Loki (Established Realtionship)- 🌶️
Dating Loki Headcanons
These are all stories I started when I was a lot younger. They won’t ever be completed, but I have left them up because people enjoy the little there is!
Betrothed: 1, 2, and 3
You and Thor are engaged, but it’s Loki you’re in love with.
Lugh: 1 and 2
Loki died, leaving you to raise your child he never got to know about alone. But then, Loki shows up on your doorstep, and neither of you know where to go from there.
She Shall Have
She Shall Have is a multi-chapter I started on tumblr but moved to ao3, where it is now updated every Saturday. It is the fic I am the most proud of, and I am SUPER passionate and excited about it!
Chapters 1, 2, and 3 can be found here on this blog. It is continued on my ao3, where I write under the pseud lowkeyorloki. Check it out and come say hi!
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deanwanddamons · 3 years
My 2K Celebration Masterlist
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This is the Masterlist for all the wonderful entries I have received for my 2K followers celebration. Thank you to everyone who submitted. I still have some more to come in, so I will be adding them as I receive them. Dean also loved reading them, and he hopes you enjoyed his comments! He was hard to control, but I think I reigned him in! 
Entries under the cut. 
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Don’t Tell The Elf - @little-diable - Summary: Dean always gets rather distracted as he’d watch lotr with the reader, turning it into a metaphor of their own. Warnings: smut, 18+, unprotected sex, oral (male receiving)
Miracle on 34th Street - @jawritter - Summary: Time doesn’t heal all wounds, sometimes it just drives them into our bones and festers there, until forgiveness is a four letter word, and it’s to late for second chances. Warnings: Language, fluff, mentions of past heartbreak, multiple viewpoints, I think that’s about everything for this one. It’s pretty much flooff lol
Way Down We Go - @smol-and-grumpy - Summary: Watching an online concert with Jensen. Naked. I don’t know how to summarize. Warnings: NSFW, oral, fluff
No Place Like Home - @missjenniferb
Always Remember Us This Way - @deangirl93 - Summary: Maintaining the facade of a normal life while hunting was harder than Dean had imagined. Warnings: Swearing, Some fluff, Smut: Brief dry humping, Dirty talk, Unprotected sex (wrap it up before you tap it, people), ANGST, Tears, Sadness, Dean’s self deprication rears it ugly head.
Perfect - @thinkinghardhardlythinking - Summary: After a hunt Dean and Y/N are forced to have a conversation about their relationship. Warnings: Angst. Flangst. There are allusions to abuse and bad relationships/domestic violence in the Reader’s past. I’d say it’s not really explored but consider this a potential TW anyway. Show level violence. Anger.
Composure - @katelynw93 - Summary: Dean and (Y/N) take their shot at a normal life and settle down. Over the years, they have a few kids. Things are good. Until they’re not. What will Dean do when his past comes back to put an end to his happily ever after? Warnings: ANGST! Descriptions of blood. Mentions of breaking and entering. Kidnaping. Show level violence/outbursts of anger. 
Work Perks - @wonder-cole - Summary: None. Rating: M for Mature
Constellations - @there-must-be-a-lock - Summary: None. Warnings: Smut. Incredibly fluffy smut. 
Lie To Me - @jensenswinchester - Summary: The classic truth spell trope with a wicked twist. Warnings: Dean’s an asshole. Angst makes the world go ‘round. Insecurities briefly mentioned. Did I mention Dean’s an asshole? Fluff if you squint.
I’m Done Being Scared - @waywardbaby - Summary: You tried many times talking to him about how you felt and failed. Will your final attempt pay off? Warnings : Angst, second guessing choices to be made, a surge of self confidence towards the end along with a fluff-ish conclusion and an adorable Dean bean.
Remember My Name - @anaelsbrunette - Summary: Y/N can never move past that night, constantly feeling nothing but the need to avenge the poor soul lost, but with a new person running lose in Gotham, she may just get the chance to take a new plan into effect. Warnings: BATMAN/SPN CROSSOVER! Dean is Jason Todd!, murder, angst, death, grief, arguments, light fluff, cussing, violence, plotting murder, implied smut, making out
Eight Years - @440mxs-wife - Summary: Reader goes to Kansas City for a ‘Girls Weekend’ with her friends, while the guys decide to have a weekend of their own in the bunker. But, the guys get bored and decide to join the girls, which has everyone paired up except for Dean and the Reader. Will true feelings finally come out, or will it be Friend-Zone City? Warnings: Mutual Pining, a smidgen of angst, mostly fluffy though.
Home In A Motel Pool - @herstarburststories - Summary: Dean and you have some fun in the motel's pool. Warnings: sex in the pool, p in v, dirty talk
Racing Hearts - @waywardnerd67 - Summary: In between saving people and hunting things, Dean Winchester races his Baby down the streets of whatever town he may be in. After catching a case in Oklahoma, the Winchesters run into a familiar face who shares the same needs as Dean for speed. Warnings: Fluff/Street Racing
A Losing Game - @tvdspngirl314 - Summary: When the girl he always loved confesses her feelings for Dean, unfortunately he can't show his true emotions for her. Warnings : angst (a lots of it), unrequited feelings (maybe), broken reader, broken dean
Irresistibly Yours - Chapter 1 - @msmarvelouswinchester - Summary : Y/N Y/L/N moves to NYC in hopes for a fresh start after a nasty breakup. There she meets her neighbor, the cynical lawyer, Dean Winchester. A love-hate relationship starts evolving between them ever since they met in the elevator one morning but a desperate situation and a string of lies forces the two friendly rivals to go on a date or rather a fake date. Will sparks fly between them when Dean gets to know Y/N real and up close? Will Y/N finally find her Prince Charming in the grumpy, workaholic, divorce lawyer? Warnings: None for this chapter.
Choices - @themrsdeanwinchester - Summary: None. Warnings: spoiler-is for season 15, violence, hurt, demon, major character death, language
Ride - @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad - Summary: Dean and you go on a sleigh ride date. Warnings: Almost Christmas, Dean being a softie romantic kind of boyfriend, unestablished relationship, fluff, flirting, romantic sleigh ride.
Drug of Choice - @calaofnoldor​ - Summary: A night of drunken rambling leads to an unexpected change in your relationship status the next day. Warnings: angst, language, alcohol, feelings of inadequacy, very slight allusions of alcoholism/talk of drug addiction,   reader likes the sound of their voice a bit too much when drunk,   fluff, implied smut
Leather and Heels - @downanddirtydean​ - Summary: It’s Dean’s birthday, and you decide to gift him one of his bedroom fantasies. Warnings: fluff and smut, light bondage, use of handcuffs, blind fold, riding crop, and ball gag, oral sex (male receiving), rough-ish sex 
The Librarian - @winchest09​ - Summary: Y/N had been The Bunker’s own librarian ever since the Winchesters had found her one fateful night. Weighed down by her books and knowledge, fed up with the same routine day in and day out, she strived for something new. But there was one man standing in her way. The same man who had stolen her heart. Dean Winchester. Warnings: Swearing, angst, drinking, smidge of blood, arguments, confessions, fluff, kissing.
Up On The Rooftop - @justagirlinafandomworld​ - Summary: It’s one week to Christmas and something is amiss! Santa’s sitting on the rooftop, lost in his thoughts. Maybe a secret you’ve been carrying will cheer him up! Warnings: Whimsical. Rhyming. Fluff. I’m working through some serious writer’s block, so that’s also a warning.
A Game - @chocolateheart​ - Summary: Apparently, you like to play with food not only in the kitchen. Warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected sex (please, wrap it before you tap it), oral sex (female and male receiving), FOOD PLAY, Dean's lips, Dean's jaw, Dean's tongue, Dean's teeth, Dean's fingers, DEAN in general, biting, teasing. I don't know, eating? Friends to lovers.
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sazzafraz · 3 years
ects snippet one
I don’t see this bit changing a lot so its spoiler freeeeeee
He thinks of acid and bile first. His tongue is on the points of his teeth searching for the stale carrot taste. Dead bodies in a lake almost make him hungry. Like soup, Kyuubi says, now, should add some salt. Naruto thinks of their families and draws from Konoha shinobi standard what he should do next. The Uchiha graves are the only ones he’s seen up close. Found and burned away by his Sasuke years ago, not yet warded against yin spirits. Those small piles had been lumped together too close to the houses at first and then reburied in a Konoha approved location when Sasuke became Konoha’s only Private Citizen. Now they’re done by matrilineal lines and decorated with Uzumaki shells and ribbons from Lightning. When Naruto was asked, allowed, to come Sasuke had him press strawberry seedlings into the ground. Sasuke had been messily eating from a different bowl and had pulp smeared across his mouth and jaw. Then, Naruto had wondered if he was allowed to sweep them away with his tongue, if people did that sort of thing in graveyards. Now Naruto knows that the dead do not appreciate love or lust.
People soup. Naruto counts twice and draws a grid on the shallow shore with his foot. 
Monkey Leader is inattentive to Naruto’s actions. He sits between them and their merchants keeping his gaze on the horses. Only one of them likes Naruto. A chestnut mare with a band of white around her mouth and eyes that make her seem mean -she’s downplaying exactly how vicious she is, but she likes him, and that's more than he was expecting. Naruto pulls the body into the grid and starts with the teeth. Pulls back molars for the guys in T&I. The skin sloughs off the dead man's face, puddles down into his wet clothes. Naruto burns it off with Kyuubi’s power, excellent as always for getting rid of evidence. Molars should be enough.
He has a sort of frustrated passion about this. See, Naruto knows intellectually that this has to be done, is done regardless, because you can’t have dead bodies in waterways. They bloat and rot and make people sick. The kind of sick that people like Giri come to fix and then leverage into destabilising the entirety of the Elemental Nations. Naruto also knows that a missing tooth is a decent price for the families of these poor dead to get closure. The third, worst thing Naruto knows is that things come to see dead bodies, things like him. Ninja like him. Spirits like him. Sons of Oceans and Mountains and tall white pillars to the underworld, like him. None of them, really, should be looking at these dead bodies. 
Six teeth. Naruto eyes a leaf moving out of sequence with the wind. Tanuki, an earth specialist.  Tanuki nods and quiet as a mouse the bodies sink into the shore.
Sunagakure welcomes them and their trophies at dawn. They sneak in over the sand tide-line two to a row before even the most thrifty merchant has set their wares. Gaara’s office will not be officially open for another three hours, not even his Twilight Guard will accept a visitor now. So Naruto does what he does, cracks his back and makes a loud exclamation about finding a place to sleep. Monkey Leader sets them on a course through Suna’s cruisy districts and around the intelligence quarter. The Konoha away barracks are part of their recent trade deal. A cushy thing on their end and Naruto knows where his room is. After the Summit, before the War, Naruto quietly moved all the things he previously left in Gaara’s spare bedroom to a Jounin room with an ensuite. This room is at the end of the hall with no windows, nothing in or out. A dead end. Monkey Leader espys him but does not comment. 
In the room Naruto turns off the radio left playing on the dresser. His old book lies with its spine cracked, a pair of pants he left to wash last time crumpled on the bed. His single pillow looks lonely. Someone has been in since he was here last, the footprints in the thick carpet aren’t his own. Following this probably-not-a-stranger he sees that his personals have been restocked in the bathroom, laid on the rim of the strange standing bathtub. The grates have been cleaned. Naruto runs a bath and dumps a satchel with Sakura’s clean, neat writing into the water. A small bag sits next to it and he recalls a short conversation at dinner some nights ago. Sasuke and Kakashi had been having one of their weird bonding moments over Naka rocks. Kakashi would run his bandaged fingers over them looking for some indefinable flaw. Sasuke would say that’s not the point and hand him another. He and Sakura watch this for a few minutes, giggling into their beers. Sakura had just shaved her hair down again and the elfin lines of her face were so perfect he’d had trouble not telling her so. 
“Naruto,” Sasuke says in his low clear voice, “what are you thinking about?”
“Sakura’s pretty,” he blurts out. Sakura lowers her eyelashes for a moment, laughing.
“Yes.” Sasuke agrees. “But what are you thinking?”
“‘Bout rocks?” Naruto shifts his gaze carefully. He’s bowled over often by how much he loves looking at Sasuke. If he does it too fast the soft pink of his mouth and thin scar that meets his ear makes him drool. “Dunno, that one.” He picks one from the pile and holds it triumphant.
“Idiot,” Sakura says. She too picks a rock. “Momentos? Right?” 
Sasuke flushes from his heart upwards, making the pink of his lips plush. Sakura keeps her rock, eventually Kakashi meets his proteges standards and departs with his own. Naruto pockets his but forgets it in the wash. Here it is again in Sunagakure with Sasuke’s hair ribbon around it. 
In reality Naruto does not now nor has he ever had momentos. He has moments and memories aplenty. Long, too long sketches of Konoha night in the main thoroughfare in the early morning. The drift and drag of everyone's footsteps lying in the dirt, on the street, leading to the houses they share with people that want them there. Swing sets. Shrine steps. Stoops. All of them empty, at least when he’s there. A city is a lonely place in his experience. 
Things are better now. He has Sasuke, when they aren’t fighting. Sakura, when she’s capable of acting without compromise. Kakashi, when he isn’t fighting a cold war alone. His other friends, when time allows. Allowance is better too. Assured at the very least. 
Compromise is a word he knows now. A strange little door into the way life actually works. 
See, Naruto’s first idea of how things work is formed at 4pm, 2am on weekdays and 7-11am on Saturdays. There’s a little alcove outside one of the curving windows of Konoha’s Library, high above the main hall near one of the old study nooks not even ANBU use. On rainy days the water sloshes off the side. On sunny days the heat only touches the edges. There is enough room for a boy to escape with a little apple and the free water from the front desk. The window is permanently cracked open to let out the musty air. When Konoha’s long hot days and nights were too much for even the most dogged badgering Naruto would skin himself raw heaving his body into it. A radio plays all day in the library, old records and ads for toilet paper. Like everyone else Naruto drowns out the patriot tunes and concentrates on the old radio head that chooses which stories play at the end of the school day. Hashirama and the Seven Headed Snake, Subaru and the Stolen Sword, Himawari Sunrise, Nariko Ascending. He’s heard them all at some point, drifted away to the tales of heroes and Hokages. 
Naruto’s met Hashirama now and he’s a whole different deal. Tsunade makes more sense when you know that that was her first idea of a hero. 
In The Seven Headed Snake Hashirama does not speak. He does wield a sword of redwood through the thick neck of a serpent so big it blots the sky. His heroism is in his quiet dutiful battle. The way the man telling the story describes his strong back and long hair. That’s your back, he says. That’s Konoha’s back. It sounds so absurd, even to a child training to be a ninja: cut through the sky, mold the earth, call forth life to do your bidding alone. The snake’s carcass, the narrator informs them, is as long as the Naka river, and buried somewhere near the big swell the Uchiha worship. On dark nights its eyes watch the village, warily, for Hashirama’s redwoods stand sentinel. Not even in death can he be escaped. 
People don’t let things like Naruto in their houses. This he knows before he can speak. There is something in him people don't want on their doorsteps. Later he knows it's the Kyuubi. After that he knows that it’s the Uzamaki blood. Even later, when he came home from a war that crushed out the light he thought he could carry anywhere, he knew it was simple mortal fear. Something inside Naruto will never die, and anything more mortal than him knows that. Well, except Sasuke. 
In the warm bath water he caresses his leg, not letting it go any further. Far from home he misses his love. There’s an edge in Naruto, sharp as his chipped tooth, that’s only soothed by long dark hair and a softening body. Naruto leans up to look at the scents and staples Gaara’s left in his room. Sweet aloe and greens. Salt and fresh made sand. He thinks of Sasuke’s skin and Sasuke’s soft smile and how he cuddles close to warmth. Naruto’s had grim reason to be grateful for how hot he runs, this last winter when Sasuke’s feud with their electricity provider cut their power mid cold-snap he’s had happier, hornier reasons to be joyful.
Sasuke has a vicious glee about domesticity that is deeply adorable. He loves arguing with the cashier about his coupons and going to PTA meetings and making trendy sandwiches. He does it with a soft violence that Naruto absolutely does not relate to but finds charming. Never has a man wanted for mass murder been so invested in a collect-a-coin newspaper competition. He plays music and cooks food. He goes to town halls and puts up with the mean crooked smile in their fruit vendors eyes. Naruto loves him so much when he makes noise. Naruto loves him more when it’s quiet at home. Naruto loves when Sasuke will talk to him about things he cares for: plants, dumplings, people. Here, far away from his love, Naruto loves that he doesn’t have to lie to him.  
Naruto drags his hand up to his stomach and uncorks the bath. The soft slush of water is the last noise in the room.
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lizacstuff · 3 years
I'm sure others will ask this but what are you thoughts on the episode of SCK?? I love your in-depth analysis lol. I personally loved it!!! Also can I just say that the edser/hanker chemistry is off the charts lol. If this was the first episode I watched ever, without subtitles, their scenes would be a giant neon sign that says "THESE CHARACTERS ARE MADLY IN LOVE!!!". Eda was beyond cute/in love/adorable in this episode with serkan, girl has got it bad and I wish she didn't have her stupid grandmother and these insecurities in the way ahhh. I really love the Ayfer/Aydan duo, they're fun when they're together and Ayfer wasn't annoying like the last few EPs. Also, Balca can go choke lol, I'm so glad Serkan didn't fall for her trap for him to stay over!! He was like nah come to the party (my girl is waiting!!!). Was serkan about to tell Eda that he had to stop by her house? He seemed really nervous. ANYWAYS, I love EdSer and am going to go watch their scenes 1000x before next week 😭🥰
Thank you! I love Edser too!!!!  Like you, I enjoyed this episode, though it was despite some of the narrative issues (that I posted about here.) There were good, meaty Edser scenes, which is why I watch this show. Once again I'll start with the non-Eda/Serkan thoughts and then get to the feelsy stuff at the end.
Babaanne's introduction did not disappoint. The actress has the right energy for the role. I guess we now know why Eda has been adamant about cutting her out of her life, Babaanne is next level controlling and vindictive. We'll have to see how she develops and what her endgame motives are. Does she want her revenge more than she wants her granddaughter and daughter in her life? Or does she think if she wins and arranges everything including an advantageous marriage for Eda, Eda will eventually go along and decide it's awesome and reconciliation will come about that way? *evil laugh* She doesn’t know her granddaughter at all if she thinks that’s a possibility. 
(more under the cut)
I enjoyed her non-Balca scenes, especially when she was going toe-to-toe with Eda. That scene in Serkan's old upstairs office was intense, both actresses really brought it and kudos to Eda staying true to her defiant character. No one pushes her around. Prepare yourselves to see her waver a bit, I'm sure it's quite jarring to see your loved one in jail and know that he's there because of you, but she'll get to the point of fighting beside him. I have no doubt.
It was nice to see Ayfer protecting Aydan and Seyfi, it made for some great comedy and it was a good change after all of Ayfer's annoying, unrelenting negativity in general and about the Bolats. We'll see what happens between the two now that they appear to be vying for Chef Alexander's attention. Nesilhan just cracks me up when she's portraying Aydan play acting, the stilted voice she takes on is always hilarious to me, like when Ayfer was introducing "Aisun" to Serkan.  As we move forward, though, I want to see some badass Aydan. She  was introduced to us as a force of nature, so I hope we see that woman, a woman who will go to the mat for her son and Eda, emerge at some point. No hiding from Babaanne long term. Everyone needs to gear up to fight!
Peril and Engin got married! Their scene at home was really well done and gave me a bit better insight into them and why they might work. The only thing I was disappointed about here was that Serkan was not their witness. He counts them as some of his only friends and they didn't call him? Come on, show!  They could have easily structured the ep to have him get the call while there was chaos at his loft that morning and it would have been the perfect excuse for him to grab Eda and head to the wedding leaving the moms and Babaane to Chef Alexander.  It wouldn't have changed anything about the episode because Eda still could have gone to do her thing after the wedding and everything else would have been the same, except it all would have had a bit more heart. Missed opportunity there. 
I've decided that Ferit is a catch. At the beginning of the show he was just so naïve, that he seemed foolish, but he's really turned into a sweet, upstanding man. You hold on to him, Ceren. The irony in his relationship with Serkan is just outstanding to me, because ALL of this started because Serkan was willing to upend his own life (and Selin, Ferit and Eda's) will the sole goal of keeping Ferit out of his business, and now here we are 24 episodes later, Selin is long gone, Eda is the love of his life, and Ferit has turned into a solid, trust-worthy business partner and friend who is putting Babaanne in her place on the first day. Love to see it. 
Balca, that snake just gets more unhinged as we go along. Good GAWD. WTF is wrong with her? Her eventual comeuppance better be big. I'm really to the point that I can't enjoy any scene that she's in, it's just too maddening, because neither Serkan nor Eda are taking her seriously enough. Which I realize they don't know what we know, but dang I hope Serkan is finally connecting the dots because her behavior is not normal. As Eda says, who gives a gift like that to their boss? Who calls their new boss instead of the police when there's an intruder in the house?  By now he should be able to figure out she's manipulating him.  
Also how was she not daunted when she called and Eda was there?  What did she think would happen when he came to get the gift when he had Eda to get home to? On top of everything else she's shameless and delusional.  As for the gift, that was creepy AF. Did she seriously think that her boss, who she's known a week, would be romanced by that?  Or any man for that matter? Did Selin give her the impression he was so arrogant that this would be the perfect thing for him? As much as I want less of her on screen, I would like to know the thought process behind that embarrassing monstrosity. Because it was not a savvy move. But the good news is that no one was more creeped out by it than Serkan Bolat. It seemed to really unsettle him, which it should. It was nice to see Eda getting over her jealousy, perhaps that came with her decision to try and move forward. Before she was in this state of flux, deep-down wanting Serkan to be hers, but not being able to admit that and feeling an outside threat during that confusion. 
I saw some criticism of Eda because she was openly mocking and dismissive of Balca. However, while I agree her behavior was a tad immature at times... Balca was totally asking for it.  She's been at the company for mere days and her weird, manipulative, obsessive behavior is totally inappropriate. Also if she didn't take a hint from Eda opening mocking her, Eda picking out her gift from Serkan, Serkan deferring queries about his NYE plans to Eda, Eda being at his house when Balca called, I think we can safely say that Balca in unaffected by any of Eda's behavior, thus Eda isn't hurting anyone. While Balca is over here, claws out, trying to start a war. Balca is the villain here, not Eda for recognizing and making fun of it.
Despite the emotional inconsistencies between Eda and Serkan in this episode, during one scene they were hot, the next, one or the other was cold without rhyme or reason, there were many great conversations. I really enjoyed their conference room scenes in particular. Serkan confident and calming her down, Eda being enraged by Babaanne, but listening to him and letting him calm her down. 
His little Eda Bolat coffee cup gag was priceless, he did succeed in both diverting her and flirting with her in one suave move. Also a nice bit of foreshadowing there, which there was a lot of this episode. Not just this and the bouquet catch, but also every single one of their domestic scenes. 
As I said in this post, the rewrite, or whatever happened this episode, did cause some pretty big emotional inconsistencies from scene to scene. I know most people loved the scenes when Eda went to find Serkan, but it was a little whiplashy for me.  We go from Serkan being calm and collected and happily flirting with her about being Eda Bolat at the office, to a short time later him being moody and standoffish with her at his house? It's understandable that he would be upset at her suggestion that she leave the company, but I would think the man that broke her heart for her own good, would understand why she might think of  leaving in order to get rid of someone who is threatening him! 
It just felt like a weird time for him to hit his threshold with her, especially since this was when they were supposed to be heading to Paris (huge writing fail that there was no "Oh I guess we have to postpone Paris" throwaway line).  However, perhaps that was accelerated for him in the face of a real threat?  Like if it was just another day he's fine with her waffling and their little contract game, but he feels in his bones that this is go time and he needs to find out if she's ready for what's coming?  (Look at me finding reasons for the inconsistencies as I answer this ask, lmao).
Then the shaving scene was interesting. She starts by saying "Leaving was a dumb idea, I'm still here, I'll be by your side," which YAY and seems to me to be a huge step forward for her.... but then he doesn't feel it. Why exactly, didn't he feel it?  So then she transitions to the biggest head scratcher of the episode for me, and I really hope it's a translation fail. She basically references the movie they saw and says,  "If I could erase all memories of you, I would." Um... what? Is she really saying to him she wishes they never met? I sure hope there was some modifier in there, like "bad" memories only or something. It seemed way harsh and inconsistent with their feelings for one another. However, once he starts talking about being a machine before meeting her and his heart being too heavy without her, the dialogue is pretty great. He really bares his soul and she reciprocates with intimacy.  The second half of this scene is absolutely lovely. 
The visit to Aydan's house was interesting.  At some point I'm gonna need Aydan and especially Ayfer to step up when it comes to Babaanne.  Ayfer ran scared the whole episode and it's just not fair of her to leave the burden on Eda. Hopefully, she'll get there. There was a reason Babaanne told Eda not to tell Ayfer about the threats, and threatened harm to Serkan and family if she did so. I'm guessing Ayfer may be better equipped to deal with her mother than was suggested in this episode. The conversation about Eda running from her grandmother as a child and losing the bracelet was very affecting and well done, and thankfully Serkan was out of his sulky mood and in full-on supportive boyfriend mode. Phew, good to have you back, Serkan.
That throne Babaanne brought in was something else. Worth a good laugh. However, I feel like it highlights a few cracks we've already started to see in Babaanne's scary façade. First, there's the one I just talked about, with Babaanne not wanting Ayfer to know what she's up to, so we now know who might be successful in opposing her or might know things that could shut her down.. her daughter. Then this ridiculous throne move had to be her way of unsettling everyone, but as we see that fails with Serkan. He's pretty unflappable when it comes to her nonsense antics. 
Then Babaanne singles out Balca as her ally, which on one hand, it was astute of her to figure out who was the outsider, ripe for the picking, but she straight up choose the wack job, who let's face it, is not going to be all that competent of a foot soldier for her, because she has no allies and she's not in anyone's confidence. Plus she made that critical error with the present being so off-putting to Serkan. Balca might be able to cause problems, but she can’t get Serkan to transfer his affection for Eda onto her, so her usefulness here is limited. Babanne needed to try and fool someone like Melo, Ferit or Leyla. Prey on the nice ones who might try to be accommodating just so everyone gets along. 
Anyway, I loved the Edser scenes in the office, he brought her lemon water! My heart.  And I loved the meeting with the inner circle. Serkan has a plan! Of course our boy does, he wouldn't be Serkan Bolat if he didn't. It's always fun to see how much they all trust him to lead them through these tough times. He will once again emerge victorious. It just may take some time on this one
Note Blaca wasn't invited to that meeting, someone already can sense she can't be trusted. In the meeting later with Babaanne, I loved how Eda was sitting next to Serkan at the head of the table, totally squared off against her grandmother. That blocking was not by accident. It showed them facing her. On the same side. Together. United. That's what we call foreshadowing and that's how they're ultimately going to defeat her. Together. 
It's interesting to me that earlier in the day when Eda tells him maybe she should leave the company he gets upset, but when she shows up at his house and straight up says they can't be together, he's completely calm and is his normal confident self, talking her into staying the night with his usual ease. I'm thinking her manic rambling about him getting tired of her and her grandmother separating them was just too obvious of an emotional spiral after an exhausting day (that lasted 47 years and multiple wardrobe changes) so he didn't take any of it to heart.
As for the reason she needed a place to stay, WTF is Ayfer doing letting Babaanne stay in their home??  Kick her out for the love of God. I don't mind, since it gave us this fabulous sleepover, but come on woman, at one time you were strong enough to remove your niece from her which could not have been easy, where is your backbone now? Find it. Fast. 
LOVED LOVED LOVED every second of domestic Edser. How cute are they? Serkan wheeling her dinosaur suitcase was so adorable. And how cute is it that he bought hot chocolate for her? And THEN, THEN when they went to look at the stars? My heart melted clean out of my chest when he said, "I'm already looking at the most beautiful star."  Remember in 13 when he asked her, "How are you real?" and she basically told him to be careful or she'd get spoiled and expect that kind of romance all the time? Well apparently the romantic robot has an endless capacity to generate heart-stopping one-liners so she really needn't have worried. 
Eda's phone call with the girls was another whiplash moment for me. So wait... all episode her trepidation has been around her grandmother interfering or Serkan getting tired of her, but now she's back to wondering if he can change? Ne? And she isn't articulating what she wants him to change, or talking to him about change at all, only asking her friends if they think it's possible?? The change thing made perfect sense to me in eps 20-22, because she was coming off of his lie that broke her heart, but now I can't figure out what she wants from him. I think this is another casualty of whatever writing changes happened in this episode. I really hope the writers pull it together and figure out what the character's headspace is and stick with it. It's one thing to yo-yo from episode to episode, but to yo-yo scene to scene is too much. 
I know that they're trying to create suspense for whether she would meet him to ring in the New Year, and start fresh, but there are much more elegant ways to do this than constant retread conversations that don't make sense in context with the scenes that came before. Honestly, this episode had a LOT of wonderful scenes and humor and heartfelt moments, but it also felt like a franken-episode,  like if different writers were assigned different scenes and then they assembled the episode without going back to smooth out the tone and emotions.
That leads us to Serkan discovering Eda in the bath. What do we think was going through his mind there? lmao. He looked exceptionally pleased and he did the jokey flirty thing, taking a mental picture, but then when she comes downstairs in her jammies, he has gone into stone-cold work robot mode. I suppose the best I can guess is that he knew she was confused, he knew he had convinced her to stay under the guise it would be platonic and the "last time." 
He's always been a gentleman with her. So perhaps he felt compelled, for her sake, to keep it in that place, but seeing her in the bath send him into overdrive and the only thing he could do is throw himself into work to make sure the situation didn't go any further before she was fully ready? That's my best attempt at explaining it.  Still she was flirting hardcore with him when she came downstairs, it feels like that was the moment he's been waiting for since episode 19, and he let it sail by.  Ah well, at some point soon both their engines will be revving at the same time and we’ll finally get to the sexy times. 
The next morning was 100% adorable. Serkan Bolat serving breakfast in bed. I swoon!  What a sweetheart, because I'm pretty certain that Serkan does NOT like crumbs in his bed so this was a big gesture. And you could see how much she appreciated it, despite teasing him about the portion size. Eda, that breakfast would have been just fine by me, but if the girl has a big appetite, so be it.
Also, Edacim, it would be a lot easier to buy your "confusion" if you hadn't brought him a heartfelt gift that would have taken a good while, like weeks, to procure and then sketched in it for him!!!!  She had to have been planning that for some time.  Anyway, a very sweet gift and one of those moments where actions speak louder than words. We all want to hear Eda say the words "I Love You," but she just said it very loudly here in the form of this gift. Even if she wasn't fully aware she was saying it. It's obvious where her heart is, she just has to give herself permission to follow it.
This ep also brought the funny when half the cast of characters barged in on Edser’s little love nest. Good for both Eda and Serkan for refusing to be a part of the subterfuge for Babaanne. I'm hopeful we're going into a secret relationship/engagement storyline, but at this point I like that neither were cowing to her. Eda is an adult and it's nobody's business but her own where she stays the night! 
It cracks me up that Eda and Serkan were discombobulated by the intrusion, had the silent #married conversation, and headed upstairs together. Mostly because they are the two in the dark, what are they going to figure out by going upstairs alone? What they really needed was to talk to any of the other people to find out what in the hell was happening. Not that I blame them for wanting to escape that scene together. However, what was beautiful was their connection in these scenes. They were functioning as partners, as each other's person, as the one each turns to when they need support (or escape).  And that's really saying something since they were in a room full of the people they're both closest too.
Finally, I'm glad they spoiled the final scene in the fragman, because I would have been too stressed watching Balca's psychotic efforts in keeping Serkan away from the party, and Eda, if I hadn't known he would make it.  As it was, it  was too much to watch. They've done absolutely nothing to make her even a little sympathetic. I feel zero empathy for her, I don't understand why she's willing to take these risks. No man is worth it, girl! Especially not a man you just decided you wanted because of his initials!  The character needs to serve her purpose and go. Soon.
As for Serkan making it in time, THANK GOODNESS. I don't think Eda could have handled being stood up again. Even taking her call was a mistake. That's why we have voicemail, Serkan. And clearly he should have called the police on his way. I sincerely hope that he finds out the break-in was a fake and that's what makes him realize what level of crazy he's dealing with. I assume, because he didn't know what else to do, he left Balca in his home and that's what he wanted to tell Eda right before the police arrived. I shudder to think what damage she might do there alone. Installing a hidden mic or camera for Babaanne? Going through his things? Planting more items. Ew. If that spec is right the place will need to be fumigated.  
Serkan's gift was, of course, perfection. Talk about love in gift form, and did you notice that one of the charms was an "E" and one was an "S"? A sweet, heart-felt detail and a nice little nod to which initials really matter on this show.  Interestingly, after a full episode of inner turmoil, once Serkan arrived, Eda seemed to be all-in. She was bubbly and happy to see him and definitely acting like he was her date. And then the hug! Finally! They've obviously been physically close in recent post-break up episodes, for example elevator, pottery, dancing, skating, but what a relief to finally have this pure, intentional display of affection from her to him. Also a cheek kiss! This show, I swear it makes me grateful for the most chaste of moments.
As I said in another ask, I think the, "Will you be my girlfriend?" was in Serkan's head. We didn't see him say it, she didn't respond and the audio was hollow like it was a thought or memory or dream. However, what I can't answer is why we heard that. Why put it in there? We know he wants them to get back together, so that line doesn't inform the audience of anything they don't already know. So maybe proposal foreshadowing?  On the other hand, there is the line earlier in the episode that was voice over added after the fact (when Edser are in the small conf room and Serkan says he’s going home) so maybe they added the audio after the scene for some reason? I don’t know with this episode anything is possible. 
Then, of course, Babaanne ruins their moment with her evil plan. Next episode will she be sitting on her throne stroking a hairless cat Because it feel like Babaanne may like a bit of evil aura to surround her. Anyway, next stop... jail! I'm honestly excited to see how the next ep plays out. We're going to go through some things, so prepare your soul, but I honestly think we may end the ep in a better place. (new cliffhanger notwithstanding) We shall see. 
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reidingandwriting · 4 years
Wait, I’m Gonna Be a Dad?
Word Count: ~880 words
Ship: Bucky x Reader, Domestic Avengers x Reader (Platonic!)
Warnings: Mild language, otherwise complete fluff mixed with a bit of chaos from Tony Stark.
Summary: Your boyfriend Bucky just got home from a three week mission, and during that time, you found out a little secret.
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“Doll, I’m home!” Bucky called out as he walked into your shared apartment. Bucky slid his jacket and his shoes off, shutting the apartment door.
“Bucky!” You squealed as you ran down the hallway, jumping into his open arms. The sound of the soldier’s laughter filled the room as he held you close. He had been off on a mission with the team for three weeks, leaving you alone in your apartment during those torturous long weeks. During those three weeks, however, you had learned something. You were keeping it a secret from Bucky until you found the perfect way to tell him.
“Miss me, darling?” Bucky teased as he carried you to the couch, supporting you by your thighs. You peppered your boyfriend’s face with soft kisses, arms wrapped around his neck.
“I always miss you when you’re gone.” Bucky felt his heart soar at your words. How on Earth did he ever get so lucky as to have you in his life? Bucky carefully laid down with you on the couch, and you cuddled into him, the two of you molded together perfectly. The minute you met the former Winter Soldier, you knew you two belonged together- you fit together like two pieces of a puzzle.
“Hi, my name is Y/N, and I’ll be serving you today. How may I help you?” Bucky looked up and his breath hitched as he saw you. You were the most beautiful woman he had seen in his life. With the rising sun lighting up your face, your skin was glowing, your e/c eyes sparkling. Your lips were painted red by your lipstick, and your bright smile put the rising sun to shame.
“Uh, can I just get a cup of coffee, please? Black. And, um, an order of pancakes.” Bucky cursed himself for stammering, which you found adorable.
“Of course, hon. Let me put your order in, I’ll be right back with your coffee.” You turned on your heel, and Bucky let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding as you walked away. Not even a minute later, you had returned with Bucky’s coffee and you set the mug in front of him. Luckily for both of you, the diner wasn’t busy this early on a Sunday morning, so you had plenty of time to get to know the mysterious man who drew you in with each second you spent with him. Once Bucky had finished his meal, you walked back over to him, beginning to collect his plates.
“It was lovely to meet you...” You trailed off, waiting to see if he’d give you his name.
“James. James Barnes.” Bucky blushed as he mumbled the last part. “But, uh, my friends call me Bucky.”
“Well, Bucky, my name is Y/N Y/L/N. But my friends call me Y/N/N.” A cook in the background called your name and you smiled sympathetically towards the brunette man.
“I’ll let you get back to work, wouldn’t want to distract you much more.” Bucky stood from his chair, pulling some cash out of his pocket to pay for his meal and tip you. You smiled as you took it, pocketing the tip.
“If you want to distract me again, I get off my shift at noon.” You bit your lip as you looked at Bucky.
“I’ll see you then, doll.”
And ever since that first date three years ago, you and Bucky had been attached at the hip. Six months into your relationship, Bucky took you to meet the team. They, of course, were hesitant about you, but quickly warmed up to you when they saw the effect you had on Bucky. With each visit to the compound, each Avenger started to consider you a friend, and you grew especially close to Natasha. Steve took the longest to convince you had pure intentions.
The quinjet finally landed after a ten hour flight, and everyone on the jet couldn’t be happier to get off. The team was returning from a grueling mission- they were only gone two days, but with the majority of the time spent fighting and flying, they were exhausted. While most of the team was able to sleep on the flight home, Bucky sat in his seat, leg bouncing anxiously the entire time. Tony had allowed you to stay at the compound with Pepper during the mission (you could thank Bucky’s endless begging for that), and he couldn’t wait to see you again. He knew you were safe in the compound, much safer there than your apartment, but his mind kept wandering to the “what if’s?”
Once the doors to the jet opened, Bucky was the first one off, eyes scanning the space for you.
“Bucky!” You sobbed when you saw him, running to him. Bucky ran to you, meeting you halfway, and embraced you. You clung to your boyfriend, and he held you close, assuring you he was okay and safe. You grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer to you, your lips meeting his.
Steve hid his smile as he watched the scene in front of him, biting his lip as you and Bucky broke apart. You patted his arms and torso, checking for any injuries, and Steve nodded silently at you when you made eye contact with him before he walked inside the compound. No words were needed for the conversation- he approved of you.
Bucky had been gone for a week when you found out you were pregnant. You had been feeling a little under the weather during the week, and that first Friday night, your friend Y/F/N convinced you to take a pregnancy test. Three tests later, the result was unanimous: you were pregnant. The first thought you had was how the hell you were going to tell Bucky.
You were at the compound a week later, you and Natasha having come up with a way to tell Bucky. The plan was perfect. As you sat around the dinner table, your leg bounced nervously. Natasha sat across from you, giving you a reassuring smile. You started to speak right as Tony spoke.
“Barnes, Wilson, Fury told me about a new mission. It’ll be in Russia, another Hydra base.” You glanced at Natasha, who looked at you, worried.
“When do we leave?” Sam asked. Bucky noticed you were tense and he rested his hand on your shoulder, the cool metal usually relaxing you.
“In the morning.” Tony spoke nonchalantly, taking a drink as his eyes stayed on you.
“In the morning?” You quickly stood up, chair scraping the floor. You turned to Bucky, your vision starting to blur from tears. “You, you just got back. You can’t leave us again.” Bucky’s brows furrowed at your use of ‘us’.
“Y/N, doll, it’s okay. It’s my job-“ Bucky tried to reason with you as you walked away from the table.
“No, it’s not okay! I understand that it’s your job, and you were chosen for a reason, but your job is to be here with me. With us.” A sob escaped your lips as you turned your head, looking away from Bucky. Everyone at the table except for Natasha and Tony looked at you, confused. You were usually the rational one in the group, and you never reacted like this.
“Y/N, are you okay? You need to sit down.” Steve stood up and you shook your head.
“And Bucky needs to stay here with me, with our baby!” Gasps filled the room at your confession. Bucky froze and stood up, walking to you.
“Our... our baby?” His voice was soft, trying not to upset you further. “I’m gonna be a dad?” You looked up, tearful eyes meeting his. You nodded slowly.
“We’re having a baby, Buck.” You whispered. “You’re going to be a dad.” Bucky gently pulled you into him, and you buried your face in his chest. “I’m, I’m sorry for freaking out.”
“That doesn’t matter, darling.” He soothed you until your breathing was stable again.
“Now that that’s over, I’ll be right back.” Tony spoke as he stood up, and everyone watched as he left the room. You and Bucky sat back down, your fingers interlaced with his, as Tony came out of the kitchen with a cake.
“What the hell is this for, Tony?” Natasha asked as Tony set the cake on the table.
“Y/N finally announced her pregnancy, where have you been? We’re celebrating.” Tony spoke as if it was obvious.
“How did you...?” You asked as Tony grinned.
“Please, you forget I’m a genius, I notice everything.” You raised your brow at Tony. “And when you didn’t come out drinking with us, I guessed. You never miss out on free drinks. Add all the emotions from a fake mission, and it all came together.”
“You’re a dick, I hope you know that.” You glared at Tony, and Tony ruffled your hair as he walked past you.
“I love you too, kid. Now, let’s celebrate.”
Taglist: @daughter-of-stark @agent-barnes40​ ❤️ Taglist is open!! Reply or message me to be added!
I have quite a few fics in my notes, including a part two for Two Of Us coming soon! I’m attempting to write for as many of the MCU characters as I can, but my main focus will be Bucky, Tony Stark, and Peter Parker! I might start taking requests if I feel confident enough with them. Feedback is always appreciated!
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fandomsoverlife · 5 years
Domestic Bliss (Klaus Hargreeves x reader)
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I sent this as a shitty little HC to @lovinglydiego so here is an equally shitty full version.
Summary: Klaus has been sober for almost a year and he’s finally in a steady relationship with someone who gets along impossibly well with all his siblings, Diego walks in on them having a bath and stays for a conversation, and then stays for breakfast.
Word count: 1,076
No warnings, aside from maybe some bad language and bad format because I’m on mobile.
I don’t think I gendered y/n, if I did I’m sorry. I did mention that they were shorter than Luther, though (like it’s hard to be shorter than him, but whatever).
Klaus had never thought dating or romance was easy (Dave was an exception but that was different, they were in a violent war). But once he got sober (after the apocalypse scare and Vanya killing that creep who she thought she was into) and he settled into a more regular life, that changed.
And now here he is, sitting in a large claw-footed bathtub, bubbles up to his neck, watching someone he loved dearly give themself an extravagant bubble beard.
“Is this hot?”
“I’ve never been more attracted to you, Y/N.” He laughed, watching as you added more and more bubbles to it. “Maybe add some eyebrows in there.”
“Do you think that it’ll get into my eyes?”
“Maybe,” he laughed “so maybe don’t do that.”
He watched you carefully, a warm feeling settling in his chest. You were everything he could have dreamed of. Kind, caring, understanding, beautiful, and just the right amount of chaotic and erratic that you were perfect for him. Klaus doesn’t think he’s ever been happier, and sitting across from you in this bathtub felt perfect even if the water was getting chilly.
“You’re staring.”
“Sorry, I just can’t help myself. Your beard is a wonderful touch to your appearance.”
You laughed, sending a splash his way. “Wow you’re so nice.”
“You love me.”
“You’re very correct.” You leaned your head back on the edge of the tub, brushing the bubbles off of your face. “This is a good way to start the day.”
The loud slamming of your front door hardly phased you. “Good morning Diego!”
“Where are you guys?” His voice was fading and then getting louder as he wandered around your apartment for a minute.
“Bathroom!” Klaus said, pushing bubbles your way to shield your incredibly naked body away from his brothers eyes. “Follow the wonderful smell of candles!”
“You two are so damn domestic it’s kind of annoying.” Diego mumbled, moving a towel over and then plopping himself on top of the counter. “Are you still mad at Luther, y/n?”
“I’m gonna be mad at him for at least 13 more hours, honey.” You sunk down farther in the water. “He’s selfish sometimes and doesn’t understand boundaries. I don’t care if he got sent to the moon for no reason, that gives him no right to be completely shitty and lash out on his siblings.”
Klaus nodded, looking over at Diego. “Finally someone who can speak sense.”
“He wants to apologize.” Leaning back against the mirror, Diego pulled a package of Twizzlers out of his pocket. “These are an early apology gift.”
Klaus grinned as you squinted at the candy. “You’re so protective of me. It’s quite sweet.”
“Someone has to be, and since Luther doesn’t listen to any of his siblings and he seems to be afraid of me, I’m glad to be your security guard.”
“You’re good at talking sense into people, I’ll give you that.” Diego laughed, rubbing his chin. “I never thought I’d seen Luther be afraid of someone so much smaller than him, especially someone that wasn’t Five - who by the way announced that he’s coming over in like an hour because you make the best coffee he’s ever tasted. I’m here for the Saturday morning pancakes.”
“They’re addicting.” Klaus chuckled, pushing his hair back and looking over at you fondly. If his siblings could be so close and comfortable with you, more so than they have with anyone aside from Mom and Pogo, he knew he’d found someone right for him. “Vanya mentioned that she was gonna come over too. It’s like a family reunion, but nobody had to die for it to happen.”
“Not yet anyway.” You grumbled, settling your arms down on the sides of the bathtub. “What time is it?”
“We’ve been in here for over an hour so it’s probably smart if we got out.” You grumbled, shooing Diego out of the room.
Klaus looked over at you again, sliding his hands up your legs underneath the water. “You’re my favorite person, you know that?”
“What about Ben?”
“He’s technically not a person, but I get your point.” He laughed, sighing after. “You, my dear, are my favorite living person.”
You cupped the sides of his face, kissing him quickly. “I’m very glad, you’re one of my favorite living people.”
“One of them?”
“You know I have an everlasting love for your extremely lesbian sister.” You laughed, closing your eyes when he set his forehead against yours. “However, you do take the place of my number 1 favorite.”
Klaus hummed, observing your relaxed face. “Well I appreciate the sentiment, truly I do.”
He laughed, connecting your lips softly for a moment.
“Yay.” You laughed when he pulled away, opening your eyes to look at your boyfriend. “Go get dressed, I’ll be out in a moment.”
Diego was casually sitting on the couch, the cat that the couple had adopted was sitting on his shoulders. “Bones, you’re clawing me you know.”
The door opening and closing behind him hardly phased him. This apartment was an oasis for practically everyone - they weren’t used to a homey environment that wasn’t like a prison; it was incredible. “Hey Diego.”
“Vanya! Lil sis! Lovely to see you this morning.” Klaus was clad in an awful tie dye shirt and black sweatpants that hung loosely on his slim hips.
“Hey Klaus.” Vanya was still a shy person but after the discovery of her powers she was more confident in herself, especially considering she was the reason there was no apocalypse. “I brought syrup because y/n said you guys were out.”
“Oh yeah I forgot about that, thank you sweetie.” Coming up from behind Klaus, y/n planted a kiss on Vanya’s cheek as she accepted the bottle of maple syrup. “How’ve you been?”
“I’ve been great, thank you for asking.” Vanya followed y/n into the kitchen as they continued their conversation.
“You really struck gold with Y/N you know.” Diego spoke up from the couch, their other cat had found home in his lap. “Someday you’re gonna have to tell me how you managed it.”
“Y/N found me, this was not any of my doing.” Klaus grinned, plopping himself onto the couch next to Diego and earning the attention of one cat. “Well hello miss Sasha.”
“You’re one lucky son of a bitch, dude.”
7 months together, 10 months he’s been clean.
It’s been one of the best times of his life.
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xbaebsae · 4 years
OTP Questions
Tagged by @f0xyboxes , @dieguzguz, @nightwingshero, @deputyrhiannonhale and @returnofthepd3 thanks for thinking of me sweethearts♥
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(art by minilev)
Rheese Bennett & Jacob Seed (idk if anyone even reads these except me but under cut because long post)
Who is more likely to raise their voice?  Jacob. Now don’t get me wrong, he doesn’t loose his cool all that easy but Rheese can be a pain sometimes and he lacks the patience.
Who threatens to leave but never actually does?  Neither of them.
Who actually keeps their word and leaves?  This is actually what Rheese does when they break up about three months before the game. He finally is too deluded by Joseph’s demands of him that she cannot get through to him anymore and keep him from hurting people. They have a pretty bad fight about him torturing people that ends with him actually slapping her with the intention of making her shut up because she wouldn’t stop arguing against him. She gives him one moment to apologize for that, but he doesn’t so she leaves :’)
Who trashes the house?  They frequently throw things at each other.
Do either of them get physical?  Depends on when. Jacob pushes her around sometimes or touches her pretty roughly when he suffers from the effects of his PTSD. No domestic violence though. They also land real blows in training fights, same level bad on both sides really.
It’s worse during the arrest when they aren’t together anymore. Jacob was pretty devastated when he realized she actually left for good (he interpreted ‘i am leaving’ as her going home). It resulted in a lot of self blame (justified) which his family couldn’t really deal with. Joseph convinced him in the end that she was just another test he had to overcome in his life to find his correct path. So, he pretty much behaves just like he does in-game. She doesn’t get special treatment, she gets starved and thrown into murder trials like everyone else.
How often do they argue/disagree?  Pretty often. In the beginning it’s all they do, until they realize that having normal conversations every once in a while isn’t so bad actually.
Who is the first to apologize?  Apologies are for the weak :)
Who is on top?  Jacob
Who is on the bottom? Rheese (though she won’t admit it if you asked her)
Who has the strangest desires?  It’s nothing very strange tbh (at least not by my definition of strange... god i’ve seen ... things on deviantart. Definetly none of that!)
Any kinks?  Yeah, the perfect combo of wanting to feel powerless and wanting to feel in control. It complies with their character really. Rheese was forced to take care of herself ever since her teen years, which developed her into a pretty tough person. She likes the control she has over her life, and doesn’t let herself be pushed around by anyone. Feeling stripped of that control is however really exciting for her. Jacob’s kinda the other way around (imo anyway) in that he’s constantly following orders nevermind when or where, even within his own family (to not disappoint Joseph).
Who’s dominant in bed?  Jacob, Rheese only if he forces her to be :)
Is head ever in the equation?  Yes
If so, who is better at performing it?  Rheese. Slightly unfair though because she’s simply worse on the receiving end.
Ever had sex in public?  Yeah, much to her dismay.
Who moans the most?  Rheese
Who leaves the most marks?  Both do in different ways.
Who is the more experienced of the two?  Jacob
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?  Even the nastiest sex is ‘making love’ to them really. It’s frankly a form of talking to them because they both truly suck at verbal communication. Also, Rheese has the old fashioned rule in her life that she won’t sleep with people she isn’t sure about, so before actually being together they don’t have sex. Tho she’s close to breaking that rule multiple times.
Rough or soft?  Rough, sometimes foreplay is soft.
How long do they usually last?  Depends on time and mood. Also Rheese is a lot younger so she sometimes could go again when he can’t. However that doesn’t mean he gets the best of her sometimes :’)
Is protection used?  Yes on her side
Does it ever get boring?  No
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?  Some small cabin at the place they train Judges. It was kinky, they got caught and she prefers to just not talk about it ever again.
Do they plan on having children/or have children?  No, they never wanted to. Their daughter Jaina was an unwanted accident.
If so, how many children do they want/have?  They have 1 and that’s already more than they wanted.
Who likes to cuddle?  Rheese
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?  Jacob usually. But sometimes she’s good at it as well.
Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?  Jacob, and it bothers her a lot in public. He doesn’t really care about what his people think of him, he knows he’s the boss so they can’t say shit. It’s also a way of just showing off that she belongs to him and that’s exactly why she doesn’t like it, cause she ain’t property. Also, people might believe she only became a Chosen trainer because she fucks the boss, which isn’t true because she got that position from someone other than Jake, based entirely on her performance.
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?  Until Rheese falls into deep sleep and starts spreading her limbs everywhere uncontrolably.
Who gives the most kisses?  Jacob
What is their favourite non-sexual activity?  Honestly, just existing next to each other is enough. They are just as happy just sitting in the same room, doing their own tasks, as they are going out for a fishing trip (actually she hates fishing, but the lakes are nice).
Where is their favourite place to cuddle?  The bed
How often do they get time to themselves?  Usually evenings and nights. They would have more time together if Rheese didn’t value her alone time. Sometimes she prefers to spend her days off alone, going on a ride through the forests or just relaxing without anybody around. He doesn’t quite approve of that but she doesn’t let herself be locked up.
Who snores?  None of them
If both do, who snores the loudest?  Nobody
Do they share a bed or sleep separately?  Share a bed when living together.
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?  Usually fall asleep cuddling but where they end up is entirely up to chance.
What do they wear to bed?  Underwear usually. Though t-shirts along with that in the beginning.
Are either of them insomniacs?  Jake has trouble sleeping and often wakes up. Her presence helps him but she’s not a magic sleeping pill so the issue never fully disappears.
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?  Nah
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?  Usually the first, when it’s too hot the latter.
Who wakes up with bed hair?  Both. Rheese loves his messy hair, especially after she bullied him enough into letting it grow a bit. He however calls her hay-head, because her hair gets all tangled up and poofy despite being tied into a braid.
Who wakes up first?  He does, good luck getting her outta bed before 10.
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?  Nobody does, they aren’t romantic.
What is their favourite sleeping position?  Rheese digging her face in the space between his neck and shoulders while one leg and one arm hugs him and he has an arm around her.
Do they set an alarm each night?  When there’s work the next day.
Can a television be found in their bedroom?  No, though she sometimes uses his laptop to watch movies.
Who has nightmares?  Jacob has real ones, Rheese only the occasional bad dream we all get sometimes.
Who has ridiculous dreams?  She dreams demented shit sometimes, never talks about it though.
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?  Rheese, she’s a restless sleeper. Got kicked out of the bed for it more than once.
Who makes the bed?  Neither of them. They don’t care about it being untidy.
What time is bed time?  Depends. Usually Rheese stays awake longer to finish watching movies.
Any routines/rituals before bed?  Nothing special, sometimes talking, sometimes a movie, sometimes sex, sometimes just hugging in silence.
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?  Jake, esp when she talks too much in the morning.
Who is the busiest?  They both are pretty equally busy.
Who rakes in the highest income?  It doesn’t really matter to them. The cult pays food and since they don’t care much about materialism, they don’t need much money.
Are any of them unemployed?  They have their job in the cult. Rheese works as a deputy before and after her stay there. so no.
Who takes the most sick days?  Neither really take any unless they are really so sick they can’t move. It’s an unhealthy work ethic but they feel useless when just lying in bed all day.
Who is more likely to turn up late to work?  Jake didn’t before, but he sometimes does because of her in the morning. Not that he really minds though, who’s gonna say anything against him?
Who sucks up to their boss?  Jacob in regards to Joseph, which Rheese thinks is very unhealthy. She doesn’t like how he lets himself be used so much and mostly blindly follows whatever his brother says. They have a lot of arguments about this and in the end it’s what ruins their relationship.
What are their jobs?  He’s head of security at Eden’s Gate. She’s a deputy, then pseudo joins the cult and works herself up to become a trainer of the Chosen, then she returns to her deputy position for the arrest.
Who stresses the most?  He does
Do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?  Police work wasn’t her passion. It was just a career she thought wouldn’t be boring. No noble motives and such. She only reprises her role as the deputy for the arrest because she falsely blames herself for everyone who’s been hurt by Jake’s hands after she left him. Her return is based on her trying to redeem herself. She had fun training Chosen, but she wouldn’t want to be part of any torture cult.
Jacob barely has any opinion on his work. He believes what he does is what needs to be done and he’s the best suited person for the job. You won’t find him complain, though he secretly just wants peace in his life. He hopes the cult’s actions will ultimately lead to that.
Are they financially stable?  They have enough.
Who does the washing?  Neither until one of them is fed up with the pile in the sink or the lack of clean plates in the shelf.
Who takes out the trash?  Usually Rheese is bothered by it first.
Who does the ironing?  They don’t
Who does the cooking?  She makes good pancakes. But other than that? Don’t allow her in the kitchen because she can’t cook for shit. He can cook a couple of things but is often simply too lazy to ‘play housewife’ so their dinners often consist of very simplistic things. Occasionally one of them will bring home takeout.
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?  Rheese, just...keep her out of the kitchen.
Who is messier?  Both pretty much. His place is a mess and she isn’t bothered by it because her apartment looked the same.
Who leaves the toilet roll empty?  Jake, to annoy her.
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?  They both just throw them wherever.
Who forgets to flush the toilet?  Jake, again to annoy her. (her ‘ewww you’re fucking nasty’ face is really entertaining)
Who is the prankster around the house? Neither, they diss each other a lot, sometimes joke on the other’s cost but no deliberate pranks.
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?  Doesn’t really happen.
Who mows the lawn?  No lawn
Who answers the telephone?  They answer their own cells respectively. He refuses to get a smartphone.
Who does the vacuuming?  They don’t own a vacuum cleaner. Only a broom and a mop.
Who does the groceries?  Usually he does.
Who takes the longest to shower?  Rheese, she enjoys the feel of hot water on her skin.
Who spends the most time in the bathroom?  Not much difference there. Rheese doesn’t bother anymore with any routines and such after Jake told her he hates when she wears makeup because it makes his hands sticky when he touches her face :’) Though sometimes she will still put eyeliner out of habit.
Is money a problem?  No, they don’t need much.
How many cars do they own?  Jake own an old truck and a motorcycle, Rheese used to have a car but sold it. She prefers riding on her horse Nugget anyway.
Do they own their home or do they rent?  She had an apartment in Missoula before ‘joining’. Then she lived at Stone Ridge for a while, then she moved in with him to his place. A tiny cabin far up a mountain at the far outside of the region.
Do they live in the city or in the country?  Country
Do they enjoy their surroundings?  Yes, especially the forests.
What’s their song?  You Give Love a Bad Name - Bon Jovi
What do they do when they’re away from each other?  Working, doing their own thing, living. He’s more possessive about her than she is about it. But they both function normally when not being together.
Where did they first meet?  Technically at the church during her very first sermon to ‘join’ the project. But they only interacted about a week later when he’s supposed to bring her to her initiation at John’s place. They immediately hate each other :’)
Who spends the most money when out shopping?  Whoever does the grocery shopping? They both aren’t big on other shopping trips.
Who’s more likely to flash their assets?  She’s not very show off-y. Jacob likes showing she ‘belongs to him’.
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?  Both
Any mental issues?  Rheese doesn’t really, she lost her parents and her family is extremely distant but it never gave her trauma.
Jacob still deals with the aftermath of war esp. His PTSD gets bad sometimes and he has sleeping issues.
Who’s terrified of bugs?  She is afraid of spiders, and would appreciate if he killed them when they are in the house. But usually he ends up throwing them at her and tells her it’s therapy to defeat her fears.
Who kills the spiders around the house?  Neither, see above
Their favourite place?  A small lake behind a mountain near his cabin.
Who pays the bills?  The cult
Do they have any fears for their future?  Yeah, they are very conflicted about it. Neither of them know where it all leads and their differences (esp the age one) is an issue at times.
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?  They don’t really do that.
Who’s the tallest?  He’s 6'1, she is 5'2. He constantly calls her ‘Shorty’, not in any endearing cute nickname way, but purely to mock her height.
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?  Happens with both of them frequently. Tho Jacob is more prone to this because he showers less on his own. So when she’s in there he’s often like ‘might as well join’.
Who wanders around in their underwear?  Rheese starts this trend which he really doesn’t complain about. She also argues that it makes sense because then there will be less laundry to take care of. Can’t really argue with that really.
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?  She does, very very badly cause she can’t sing.
What do they tease each other about?  Her short height and his age. Always.
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?  Doesn’t really happen but he does judge her Power Rangers T-shirt she wears for sleeping.
Who crushed first?  They both kinda did. They blamed it on physical attraction at first, which made Rheese mad because he wasn’t her type. It takes them a couple of months to actually admit they might eventually possibly perhaps maybe have feelings for one another :)
Any alcohol or substance related problems?  Not really
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?  Rheese does once, and another time they do it together.
Who swears the most?  Jacob, though she’s pretty good at it too.
Tagging @joeyhxdson @fadedjacket @shallow-gravy @chazz-anova​ @ja-crispea​ if you want to. Idk who did this by the time this gets posted.
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general-mahamatra · 4 years
Spalbert being domestic? Love your writing!
Spalbert, eh? fuck yeah dude
i’ll admit... i went a bit overboard and its more like “cooking with albert with some added heated making out” but what can i say? i couldnt stop myself
Pairing: Spalbert
Genre: Slice of Life
TW: Suggestive/Mildly Graphic NSFW
Wordcount: 3862
Note: I went overboard please send help. Also, sorry I can’t shorten it! Tumblr hates to work with me when I make these posts and edit them
Cooking dinner was not a common occurrence in the small Conlon-DaSilva apartment. It was rarer than the sight of them doing anything romantic in general.
But their one year anniversary was coming up and Albert wanted to do something special.
He stood in the doorway of the tiny kitchen, hands clasped together just under his chin. He had no idea what he was doing. Despite his years of friendship with Racer, all of the knowledge Albert had gained fell through. The guy barely retained information; he was lucky if he could remember what happened the day before. Hell, he didn’t even know what he had for breakfast that morning.
...did he eat breakfast?
Albert wasn’t too sure about that. His mind drew a blank the harder he thought, only resulting in a minor headache to begin his descent into misery. This wasn’t going to go well, was it?
His eyes slipped shut as he took a deep breath. Slowly, he exhaled, allowing the air to seep out at its own pace.
He can do this. He has the ingredients. He just needs to be careful with instructions and find the recipe Race had given him months ago. It shouldn’t be too hard.
Opening his eyes, Albert let his hands fall to his sides. 
Spot’s not gonna be home for another hour at least. That left plenty of time for Albert to figure out how he was going to do this. After all, last he checked pasta doesn’t take that long to make. Not even the recipe he swore Race sent him. 
Stepping into the kitchen, the ginger was slow. Taking his time to cross the wooden floor. He winced at the cold that rushed against his bare feet. How the hell could wood be so much colder than carpet?
Wait, that’s a stupid question. One of the stupidest Albert ever wondered.
Of course the wood is gonna be colder, it’s not made to be warm.
He padded across the kitchen, eventually making his way to the barely-cleared counter. Neither of them were ones to cook. While there were plenty of different things in the fridge and their cabinets, the most they did at home was make sandwiches. Hell, Albert’s rarely seen Spot eat anything but a sandwich of some sort at home.
Albeit, they would go out a lot. It was the perks of Spot being a personal trainer and Albert working as an electrician… in training. They made enough to support themselves and go out and spend some money for fun. Not a lot, of course. Spot was much more minimalist than Albert, leading to them barely having a stocked fridge.
Albert didn’t mind that. Although he grew up with a decent amount of food in the house, it was nice not to worry about stuff constantly going bad. Christ, they had an entire empty shelf in the door just because they barely had anything.
Except it made it hard for Albert to hide the stuff he bought.
Thankfully, Spot never commented on it.
Not that Albert cared too much. He would’ve brushed it off as wanting to try something new sometime and that’s that. Not like they started dating a year ago and he wanted to make something nice for the guy. Just a simple experiment.
He leaned against the counter with a small huff. If he was going to get anything done, he would have to find the recipe. And by God would that take a long time.
Pulling his phone out of the pocket of his sweatpants, Albert went ahead and pulled up his text messages with Race. It was nice how they never actually texted “normally”. Majority of their conversations were on Snapchat. That meant whenever they sent each other important things, it wouldn’t be lost to chat history.
Of course, that didn’t mean they never sent each other things via text. Even now, it was clear the link Race had sent was drowned out by way too many messages.
It took ages for Albert to scroll through everything. How much time had actually passed was beyond him. It was likely it was maybe a minute or two but to him it felt like way  more. It was stupid, so stupid. Why didn’t he just click the link to save it like a normal person?
Because he’s an idiot, that’s why.
Finally. Finally, he found it. 
He clicked on the link, selecting the option to force it to pull up in Safari.
He’s not gonna lose it and be forced to scroll again. He refused.
By the time he had the link fully pulled up, Albert turned around, setting the phone on the counter. His eyes scanned over the words, a small frown setting into his features. This was far too much work just to make a simple thing of noodles.
Work that would be worth it in the end.
But dear God, there was so much stupid writing in the beginning. There were some helpful tips, yeah, but why did there have to be so much extra stuff? He’ll never understand the world of cooking.
With the page pulled up, Albert moved to the fridge and cabinet respectful, grabbing what he needed to make it. Noodles, vegetables, tomato paste… far too much shit.
Why did he follow through on actually making the sauce from scratch?
This was going to be a shit show.
A shit show that better be worth it in the end.
Albert tapped the screen when he realized it went dark so he could continue reading. Approximately 45 minute cook time, 6 servings. Yeah, that should be fine. They both ate a decent amount and it could be used for leftovers.
His eyes trailed over to where he had some ground beef thawing from earlier.
He wasn’t sure if he actually wanted to add any meat to it. As much as he knew Spot liked red meats, Albert himself was pescatarian. Which meant he only ate fish. Sometimes he would cave and begrudgingly eat hotdogs or cheeseburgers, but that was only if they were stuck at some sort of arena event.
But he didn’t wanna take that away from Spot. After all, he was prepping the entire meal for him. It shouldn’t matter what Albert liked. He could deal with some beef in the pasta for the sake of his boyfriend.
So, Albert continued on as normal.
He scrolled past the ingredients, already knowing he had everything. The sooner he started the sauce, the better off he would be.
What sucked was the fact he would have to begin immediately with the meat.
Pulling out a decent-sized pot, Albert set it on the stove. It felt a bit weird having to cook meat in it, but he was just following the recipe. It was just going to be awkward for a while.
Taking the bottle of olive oil, he measured out the allotted amount and dumped it into the pot. Then, with a swift motion, he turned the burner on to the designated heat. 
When he went to grab the thawed meat, he paused.
This was the moment where it was all or nothing. As soon as he started cooking the meat, he would have to deal with it for the rest of the meal.
He grabbed a steak knife out of the holder before picking up the package. With a simple swipe, the plastic was sliced open. Setting the blade down, Albert pulled the packaging open.
There was no turning back now.
He carefully dumped the ground beef into the pot before setting the empty plastic to the side. Grabbing a wooden spoon, he looked back at his phone. Upon reading ahead, he was so glad he precut everything. He would’ve dropped dead right then and there if he had to chop anything now.
As the eight minutes passed by, Albert continued to follow the instructions. Soon enough, he was adding the onions before letting it simmer.
Idly, he stirred the pot from time to time. His eyes were mostly glued on his phone, scrolling through TikTok like his life depended on it. It was a nice way to pass the time.
By the time Albert was on the final step with the sauce, he had calmed down a bit. Not that he was too antsy, he was just… nervous. He wanted this to be perfect. The two weren’t able to go out anywhere fancy since apparently a lot of people have anniversaries in June. Either that or people were a bit too eager to go out to eat during the sixth month of the year.
After adding in the tomato paste and garlic and a select few other ingredients, he made care to stir it for almost exactly a minute. It wasn’t too hard given the next video he watched was just barely 50 seconds, so there was a plus there.
Jumping back to the recipe, Albert scanned over the next step before setting the phone down, screen up. He needed to add water, some crushed tomatoes, salt, and a “generous pinch” of pepper. Then all he had to do was stir it and let it simmer on low for 25 minutes. Not too bad.
With a quick glance ahead, Albert took note he had to start cooking the pasta itself 10 minutes in. Alright.
He followed the instructions, scraping the meat and veggies off the bottom of the pan before officially letting it simmer. With a quick set of the timer, Albert turned his attention back to his phone. 
Opening YouTube, it didn’t take long for him to find a 7 minute video.
He stood there, hunched over the counter with his elbows propped up on the stone. Occasionally, he would move back to the stove to stir the sauce. Of course, he didn’t pay too much attention.
When the video finished, Albert jumped into action with the pasta. There was 17 minutes left on the timer, meaning he had a couple minutes to spare. Maybe then he could figure out how much salt he’s supposed to put in the damn water.
In the end it wasn’t too hard to gauge. He just dumped a decent amount into the half-full pot and set it on the burner diagonal from the sauce. Turning the handle away from the main walkway, Albert turned the dial to let it boil and stepped back. It wasn’t going too bad.
Turning back to the sauce, he picked up the wooden spoon and stood there for a moment. The website had mentioned that he should taste it from time to time, make sure it was properly seasoned.
But the stuff was hot, he didn’t wanna burn his tongue.
He pursed his lips, staring at the red sauce as it continued to simmer on the hot burner. A small taste wouldn’t hurt. After all, he can just blow on it and be on with his life. He just didn’t want to have to suffer through dinner with a burnt tongue, unable to taste what he made.
Albert dipped the spoon into the pot, scooping a small amount of the pasta sauce.
With one simple taste, he was surprised to find it didn’t taste half bad. He did pretty good for his first try.
Now that he was content, Albert went back to watching YouTube. 
It wasn’t long before the water was boiling and he had to grab the noodles. 
With the box in his hands, Albert read over the directions on the side to get a good grasp of how long to cook the pasta. The label stated 10 minutes, which meant he would have to start testing it at about 8 minutes. That wouldn’t be too hard.
He opened the box and dumped the noodles out. It felt oddly surreal seeing the long noodles stick straight out of the pan. As much as he had seen spaghetti cooked in videos and on TV, he had never actually witnessed the process.
It was at that moment anxiety decided to hit him like a truck. Full on, straight into his chest. It was almost like a physical force had knocked him into an altered form of reality. Suddenly he was hyperaware; his clothing rubbed wrong against his skin, he heard every noise in the apartment along with the sizzling of the sauce and faint blabbering of the video. Everything was shoved full force into his senses.
Albert stood there, box in hand as he tried to process it all. 
His heart pounded against his ribs, ramming against it as if it were trying to break free. At the same time, a shiver coursed through his body, adding to the bizarre sense of consciousness.
His racing heart was what made his thoughts move a mile a minute.
What if Spot doesn’t like it? What if he came home with some fast food takeout like a normal day and it was all in vain? Does Spot even like pasta?
Fuck, is Spot allergic to pasta?
God. Shit. Fuck. He forgot to check what Spot was allergic to. What if he grabbed something and used it and Spot broke out into hives? God, that would be the worst anniversary ever.
A small whimper made itself heard and Albert was thankful he was alone. It was a pathetic sound, one of worry and panic that he never allowed the public to hear.
He finally set the box down, his vision blurred and unfocused as he stared at the cooking food. It’s going to be fine, it’s all going to be fine. Spot’s his boyfriend, he would know if the guy was allergic to something. 
But… What if Spot lied? Or… What if he doesn’t like the meal?
He didn’t put it beyond Spot -- or anyone for that matter -- to pretend to like the food and just order something later in the night. Anyone with a sense of decency would wait until Albert had long since fallen asleep.
Albert closed his eyes, taking a shaky deep breath through his nose.
Everything’s gonna be alright.
Nothing will go wrong.
Albert peeked one of his eyes open to glance down at the cabinet next to him. Quickly, as if he were worried about embarrassing himself, he knocked on the wood.
By the time he managed to get himself to settle down, the noodles were nearly done. It was a bit odd knowing he had spaced off for almost 10 minutes, but it happened nonetheless. He just hoped the stuff didn’t need to be stirred too much.
Following the rest of the cooking instructions, he ended off with strained pasta being tossed into the pot of sauce. With a quick stir, Albert stepped back and sighed. It was basically done. He did it.
A small smile tugged at his lips only to be whisked away.
There’s still so many possibilities of him fucking this over.
He could spill the sauce, overcook it as he waited for Spot, forget to dress up nice… but he had plenty of time. There was at least 15 minutes before his boyfriend was home.
Albert rested his arms on the counter, allowing his head to lul forward as he shut his eyes. It was almost 7 P.M., it was barely evening. At this point on a normal day he would’ve been wide awake playing video games or watching videos. Hell, maybe he’d even be harassing Spot, who knows.
But this isn’t a normal day, it’s their fucking anniversary. And now he’s exhausted for no fucking reason.
How much worse could it possibly get?
He pressed one of his hands to his face, letting out an exasperated sigh. He stayed like that for a while, ignoring the blaring time on the stove. He knew better than to assume he’d be in a position like that for much longer than a minute.
The light click of the front door closing went unnoticed by Albert. Despite how aware he had been earlier, suddenly he was ignorant. Everything that went on around him was ignored, purposely or not. His fatigue was enough to keep him bent over the counter, his eyes shut and head resting in his hand for support.
He didn’t notice the rustling just outside the kitchen or the heavy footsteps that followed. Hell, he barely even realized there was a presence nearby before a strong pair of hands settled on his hips.
“Well, isn’t this a surprise?”
Albert practically jumped out of his skin. He tried to spin around but only ended up knocking his hand against the knife holder. He hissed out a few colorful words and in the end, didn’t turn.
His boyfriend’s arms slid around his waist, allowing the familiar feeling of the shorter man being pressed against him be made known.
“Didn’t think I’d ever see you in the kitchen,” Spot teased, resting his chin on Albert’s shoulder.
The simple, solid touch instantly made Albert relax. Tension he didn’t even realize he still had faded away and left him loose against his boyfriend. It was nice.
“Well, jokes on you, here I am,” Albert said back, smiling slightly. He tilted his head a bit as he tried to look at the brunette. 
A small hum came from the shorter man, the vibrations sending a shiver down Albert’s spine. “And what brings you here?”
That was when the panic returned.
Every inch of Albert tensed up, his attention darting over to the spaghetti. Fuck, he didn’t even prepare it. It’s still in the pot and he hasn’t even gotten dressed.
As if he noticed the tension, Spot gently caressed his thumb along Albert’s side. “Hey, it’s fine. You good?”
Albert tore his gaze away from the food and forced a small smile. “Yeah, I am.” Once again, he managed to relax. The feeling of Spot trying to offer physical comfort being enough to loosen him up. Though, it didn’t necessarily take off the edge.
What did was the sly movement of hands reaching up his shirt, running along his skin until they were on his lower back. The feeling of calloused fingers barely grazing his body made his breath hitch. He bit his lower lip, forcing himself to focus on that instead.
It wasn’t a surprise that Spot knew just what to do to get Albert’s mind off of things. The way the brunette moved along his body was distracting enough. It was even more to have the man reach up higher, almost as if he were exploring.
Except, is it even exploring if it’s already known?
“If you say so,” Spot said with yet another hum before leaning in.
A soft kiss pressed against Albert’s neck, causing his eyes to flutter shut. It was a pleasant feeling, one that spread warmth throughout his body. The warmth gradually grew fiery as the kissing continued. They were rougher than the initial one, eliciting a slight reaction from the ginger.
He tilted his head, hoping to allow the man more access. Despite it being from behind, Albert was mildly surprised the reach the brunette had.
It was always difficult for him to think about how exactly any of this was possible.
The rough hands that still held his body slid down to his hips and held tight. For a short moment, Spot pulled away just enough to spin the taller boy around. The movement was enough for Albert to glance down, offering a smile.
Said smile was immediately cut off by lips crashing into his. Once again, Spot was pressed up against him, pinning him against the counter.
Instead of returning to his upper body, Spot slipped his fingers just below the waistband. His thumbs pressed low, just enough to get Albert to try and squirm. It wasn’t unwelcome. In fact, it was far from it. It just happened to be foreign yet again.
It was hard to focus on the chapped lips that moved so perfectly against his own, not with the small pokes and prods from Spot. There was so much going on at once that Albert didn’t know what to pay attention to or when.
Spot’s kisses trailed away from Albert’s mouth, pressing against his jaw as he slowly made his way to the ginger’s neck. Each one made him shiver, sending a shock down to the rest of his body.
Without the constant action, Albert was free to let his lips part as he basked in the moment. It all felt so wonderful, so… nice. He didn’t want it to end and he wanted more.
It was the first nip along his throat that extracted a quiet squeak from the taller man. The rush that ran through him at that very second nearly made Albert go limp. He hadn’t realized how deprived he’d been until then. And by God, was it amazing.
Spot’s hands dipped further, causing Albert to let out one of the most pathetic noises he’d ever made.
It was almost hilarious considering just how tough he likes to make himself seem. All stoic and angry and yet Spot always managed to do the perfect thing.
He could practically feel the smirk against his neck, making his cheeks heat up way more than necessary. Of course Spot would be cocky about it.
Any thought Albert had was cut off by the abrupt feeling of being groped. He hadn’t even realized the shorter man had moved one of his hands. With his focus on the bites, any other action had gone unnoticed.
A stifled moan slipped out of his mouth.
God, this was far better than the spaghetti.
The pleasurable heat that emanated from his groin was enough to let Albert forget about the food. If he could just get Spot to do more-
The spaghetti.
Albert’s eyes shot open and he scrambled to push Spot away. The brunette backed off as some as Albert began to push, knowing better than to try and continue. He frowned at the ginger, his brows furrowed with confusion and worry.
“You alright?”
Albert nodded, shifting a bit as he tried to regain any composure he had prior. “Yeah, don’t worry.” He spun around, stumbling a bit as he scrambled to turn the burner off. He didn’t need the pasta overcooking. 
Sheepishly, he turned back to Spot. “I just… I didn’t want to keep it on too long.” Spot tilted his head at the comment. “I wanted to cook something for tonight and I didn’t want it to be overdone.” Albert bit the inside of his cheek for a moment before continuing. “I’ve never done this before. Cooking, that is, obviously.”
Realization washed over Spot’s features as the shorter man smiled up at him. That smile shifted into a grin within seconds when his eyes fell onto the pot. “Then let’s eat. We can continue later.”
Albert would’ve been perfectly fine if Spot didn’t wink right after that.
The sheer action nearly kicked his knees out from under him.
“Yeah,” Albert managed to say, swallowing as he tried to form words. “Later. Definitely. Yes.”
Spot smirked at the reaction, a bit too pleased with it in Albert’s eyes.
Maybe it would be a great anniversary after all. 
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