#my homework has a big dick
thedanniannie · 5 months
No, I haven't been writing about Itachi as frequently. Why you ask? I have homework. Homework that quite frankly is the bane of my neurodivergent existence. I can't take the homework, it's dick is too big. My homework's dick is so fucking ginormous, and it intimates me, leaves me shaking and quaking in fear.
I've been trying to come up with mental scenarios to help me finally do this gd homework, specifically scenarios that involve my lord, savior, and lawfully wedded wife, Itachi Uchiha. My running storyline is he watches me do my homework, and if I get distracted he locks me up in his mind palace like I'm Kakashi, pokes me a little bit in my vitals and I fucking die. Or...he could just like, be sitting next to me in the library, that's also an option.
Regardless, I apologize to my fine members of my carefully curated kingdom, my kingdom of Itachi lovers. I know there's like, ten of us but REGARDLESS...we are in the dark ages, the plague may be upon us. Unfortunately we do not have doctors as far as I know of, so we must all persevere, with Itachi Uchiha in our hearts. I shall continue my scripture slowly, as I have been keeping note of ideas for future texts. But I must overcome this infection of needing to do my homework first and foremost...
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d3stinyist1red · 30 days
ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ʙᴜʟʟʏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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Yandere bully who first learned about you when you bumped into him in the halls
Yandere bully who pushed you roughly, cursing at you, scowling before walking away with his two other goons that follow him around
Yandere bully who you hated, bc why he acting like he the shit when he has two blobs following himm?? >:((
Yandere bully who starts messing with you,pushing you in the hallways and making fun of you
Yandere bully who pushed you in the hallway, making you elbow him in the face, causing blood to gush out his nose
Yandere bully who groans in pain, scowling at you before running away
Yandere bully who goes to the bathroom to help stop the bleeding, stuffing napkins up his nose to help
Yandere bully who felt his dick rising once he remembered how hard and painful your elbow was to his nose
Yandere bully who immediately blushes, shaking his head and trying to put down his aching boner, panicking, was he really getting heard because of one elbow to the face?!
Yandere bully who begins to follow you around with a scowl on his face after that, knowing he now had the biggest crush on u
Yandere bully who cries as he runs his own thumb over the tip, the pleasure making him shiver and for pre cum to leak out even more as he remebers the pain u inflicted on him
Yandere bully whose tongue lollies out as he grunts to a picture he took of you eating a banana, wishing the banana was his dick instead.
Yandere bully who insults you whenever you mention that he is now following you around and doing your homework
Yandere bully who acts like hes being forced to buy you snacks from the vending machine when he is literally doing this out of his free will
Yandere bully who holds your hand during a fieldtrip, not wanting to lose you through a big crowd
Yandere bully who is literally clingy asf even though he acts as if YOUR the one sniffing his underwear and touching urself to it (u dont do that freaky shit, that bitch is just mad that he luvs u and ur panties)
Yandere bully who is now ur tsundere who wants u to inflict more pain on him <333
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tiny-space-platypus · 2 months
Part 4 Miscommunication
(Damien's POV)
School had started now and a new kid came to the academy today. A girl roughly his age but a little shorter. This girl was loud and obnoxious, gathering quite a crowd of friends on her first day. That was fine though, Damian didn't exactly want to have to talk to another brainless civilian. Though Grayson did say he needed to make more friends. Explaining that not having friends would blow his cover.
Before Damian decided what to do the girl who was just with a group of his classmates was now behind him, startling him. Startling Him. Damian had been trained by assassins, by his mother, father, and siblings to always be acutely aware of his surroundings yet this girl scared him? Damian needed to understand how.
The girl who introduced herself as Dani Nightingale giggled.
Damian: "You startled me"
Dani: "yeah I do that"
Their classmates are cheering no one has ever managed to sneak up on Damian and now this new girl has. Great this girl was now going to be another nuisance to him. Then the girl frowned at him and apologized softly before avoiding him for the rest of the day. Odd.
Damian also found that this girl was very smart. She was great at science, math, and knew so many languages that it was just impressive. She was odd.
Dani avoided Damian for the rest of the day. She fucked up, she fucked up big time, even if he doesn't show it she can still feel his emotions. She wants to fall in for the floor and disappear but she can't do that. So instead she decided to focus on the school day. Answering and doing as much as she can to avoid Damian. The boy she accidentally made hate her. She can't wait for today to be over. The end of the day rolled around and Danny was there to pick her up. Just as she ran up to Danny, Damian did the same. Damian got to Danny first.
Damian: "Todd, what are you doing here?"
Dani running into Danny and giving him a massive hug. "Danny!"
Danny (confused) "sorry kid, but I'm not whoever Todd is?"
Damian now also confused and looking closely at Danny because his brother was laughing and smiling and not normal. Then he looked at the scars on the man's arms and neck and mannerisms. That wasn't Jason but just looked like him, odd.
Dick and Tim now confused that Damian didn't come to the car, walk over and react the same way Damian did though more extreme. "Jason??"
Danny (sighing): "No my name's Danny. Nice to meet you" (looks at Tim) "or re-meet you, how was your debate thing or whatever? I assume that was why you were in a suit?"
Tim (confused before remembering the coffee shop) "oh! Um yeah everything went well"
Dick smiling while internally screaming about seeing someone who looked like a happy version of his brother. "It's nice to meet you too"
Both Nightingales feeling the turmoil and odd feeling from the 3 and decided. Nope! Not my circus not my monkeys even if he does maybe look like he belongs to that circus. Not his, nope, they have enough problems, whatever this family has is not also his.
Danny: "anyways we've got to go, I'm sure we'll see you around"
Danny left with Dani and went home with her neither aware of the tracker Damian had left on Dani.
Danny and Elle having a normal night doing homework, having dinner together, all that jazz while being watched by Robin and RR who had now taken a special in this family. Especially after Tim could find almost nothing on any of the Nightingales past a few months ago when they came to Gotham or when their sister went to Stanford. They watch Danny put Elle to bed then begin tinkering with a side project (he is an engineer after all). They seemed normal but something still bugged the both of them about the Nightingales. Something was still off, they'd have to keep investigat- Danny pulled out the 2 trackers that were were placed on both him and Elle and sat them on the table in front of him. He knew about the trackers. Maybe he was a threat.
Danny had of course found the tracker on him immediately and decided to fuck around making it go absolutely everywhere far too quickly till he realized where the tracker was from. It was shaped as a bat of course it came from Batman and his spawn. SIGH he supposed he couldn't avoid the bats and birds if they were already tailing him, might as well try to make friends first. The fact that they were looking for them was only solidified when he found another on Elle's school bag. 1) how dare they put one on his little sister. 2) who the hell put it there?? Was it suit boy again? Or was it one of the others? He'd have to tell Elle to be careful around them from now on. He'll have to be more careful now. Welp might as well try to reverse engineer these trackers so he can make something to scramble them when those guys eventually try again. He and to at least protect Elle.
(Things I thought of but didn't know how to add it yet soo)
Dani goes by both Dani and Elle depending on if her brother is around. Its confusing when they're both being refused to as Danny after all.
Tim is going feral because he can't find anything on them, like they didn't exist before this summer.
Oracle is also going insane because her cameras can't pick the two up. Every time she tries to focus on them the camera feed glitches out till they're gone.
The next part will be about Jason getting caught with GIW because they think it's Danny (and Elle maybe.) Still writing.
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alcorian-cycle · 1 month
my take on batfam sleep schedules (and everything else they do)
10pm - 5am : patrol [7hr] 6am - 2pm : sleep [8hr] 3pm - 9pm : work from home, sometimes dinner with the kids [6hr]
bruce has the benefit of being able to choose his own work hours and work from home. still, he pushes himself round the clock to keep on top of his life as both batman and bruce wayne. his sleep is perfectly optimized and scheduled; not a minute more than he thinks he needs to operate at peak functionality.
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11pm - 4am : patrol [5hr] 5am - 1pm : sleep [8hr] 2pm - 10pm : work [8hr]
dick works full time, and his body naturally needs a lot of sleep, so regretfully, rather than cutting into his sleep time he cut into patrol time to make his schedule work. ideally, he'd be sleeping closer to 10 hours, but he can't afford it.
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6pm - 1am : work [7hr] 2am - 11am : sleep [9hr] 12pm - 5pm : whatever he wants basically [5hr]
jason has the least time crunch, because he's the only one whose "night job" actually pays. he has a pretty passive income as a crime lord. he just needs to go out every so often and remind the streets why they pay up to him.
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2am - 6am : patrol [4hr] 7am - 3pm : school [8hr] 3pm - 6pm : homework & hygiene/food [3hr] 6pm - 1am : sleep [7hr]
tim is not doing so well. i hc that tim is anemic and suffers from chronic fatigue, so he needs way more sleep than he is getting. he cant negotiate his class times, and he needs to do his homework in order to pass. he's not willing to cut patrol time down past 4 hours, so that leaves him with really not quite enough time to sleep. he's married to caffeine.
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11pm - 6am : sleep [7hr] 7am - 3pm : school [8hr] 4pm - 8pm : patrol [4hr] 8pm - 11pm : food, homework etc [3hr]
duke is only managing because he's okay with a shorter daily patrol and doesnt need as much sleep as tim. he's also the only batfam member who actually sleeps at night.
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10pm - 5 am : patrol with bruce [7hr] 5am - 6am : nap [1hr] 7am - 3pm : school [8hr] 4pm - 9pm : sleep [5hr]
damian does all his homework at hyperspeed during study hall and in the car driving to and from school. because he is insane. damian also has the ability to powernap like the dead. that 1hr actually does something for him.
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9pm - 6am : patrol [9hr] 7am - 4pm : sleep [9hr] 5pm - 8pm : whatever she wants basically [3hr]
cass, like jason, doesnt have a big time crunch due to being unemployed and not in school. yay! she used to spend time trying to learn to read and write, but it was just frustrating for her so eventually they decided she should quit.
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you may notice that there is not a single time when they are all awake and available to have a family meal. they have to plan those well in advance. its a whole event.
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lgbtlunaverse · 5 months
Fandom is so nice to Jiang Cheng's inferiority complex because in reality every single thing he gets accused of is something Wei Wuxian is better at than him.
Jiang Cheng killed Wei Wuxian? Nope. Didn't even get close. Wei Wuxian's own spirits tore him apart before jc could even get there. wwx:1 jc:0
Jiang Cheng tortures people? We get two and a half rumours and a mention from jin ling that jc has 'captured' demonic cultivators before, but who is also apparently confident that just letting wwx run off will kill the issue even though those earlier rumours said ~no one who sandu shengshou captured was ever seen again~
The word jiang cheng uses when he tries to talk big game about 'beating the truth' out of Wei Wuxian's is a word that carries the context of pestering someone to do their homework. Doesn't exactly strike fear into my heart.
Wei Wuxian? Excellent at torture. A prodigy. Did you fucking see what he did to Wen Chao? Dude didn't have fingers anymore because wei wuxian made him eat them. He ripped out his hair, burned his skin off, and then stalked him for several days just to prolong the pain. He forced Wang Lingjiao to bite Wen Chao's dick off and then made her shove a stool leg down her own throat! 10/10, no notes. Absolutely horrifying.
Meanwhile Jiang Cheng's idea of torture is getting a dog to bark at Wei Wuxian for a few seconds. Weak, unoriginal, I bet fairy was literally wagging her tail the whole time. 2-0
Jiang Cheng made the entire cultivation world believe Wei Wuxian was up to no good on the burial mounds and ultimately orchestrated his downfall? lol. lmao, even
It's a big thing in certain corners of the fandom to really zoom in one one particular phrase at the end of chapter 73, where after wwx and jc have their staged duel to make the world believe they hate each other jiang cheng tells everyone wwx has defected and become "a public enemy'' or "an enemy to the cultivation world" or whatever the translation you're familiar with decided upon.
(As an aside, something I really like about this line is that the last half of it is almost exactly the same, like verbatim, as what wwx told him to say. like, the chapter is really hammering home just how much jc is speaking from a script here. wwx tells jc to say "今后魏无羡无论做出什么事,都与云梦江氏无关." and jc says "今后无论此人有何动作,一概与云梦江氏无关" the only meaningful difference is that he says 'this person' instead of wwx's name)
I've seen it said that this bit, the use of 'enemy' was said without wei wuxian's approval, that jc deviated from the script just to hurt his ex-shixiong for leaving him. And that this is what caused all the other clans to turn against wei wuxian. Regardless of if this is what jc and wwx discussed, or if jc had malicious motivations for it (considering my conclusions above, you can guess where i fall) it doesn't really matter, because the novel tells us when the clans completely freak out and become convinced wei wuxian is out to get them (though of course they've been wringing their hands about it since the literal day wwx ran off with the wen, months before jiang cheng visited) very neatly in chapter 75!
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It's when they find out about Wen Ning.
And how do they find out about Wen Ning?
Because Wei Wuxian took him on nighthunts! And they kicked ass!
...Wei Wuxian, my man, why are you on nighthunts??? Why are you showing off your incredibly cool sentient fierce corpse buddy, who is way better and stronger than all the other fierce corpses, in front of the whole cultivation world??
Whatever his motivations (extra money, maybe?? they were strapped for crash) I can only draw the conclusion wwx had already given up on appearing calm or non-threatening and didn't care if the clans thought he was a threat, because they'd believe whatever they wanted anyway. Which he seems to clearly be aware of the whole time.
Regardless, we know that this is what created the myth of the Yiling patriarch. It's literally when the title first shows up!
Even if you really believe jc was secretly plotting against wwx in chapter 73, he's clearly doing a shit job of it because nothing he said made anywhere near as big an impact as this. Flopped!
The other point people use to argue Jiang Cheng caused wei wuxian's downfall is Jin Guangyao's speech in Guanyin temple about how jiang cheng could have saved wei wuxian if only he stood by him. Setting aside that jin guangyao is trying to get into jiang cheng's head here, and isn't necessarily saying what he really believes (though it very well might be! who knows with a character like jgy. assuming he's always lying is just as misleading as assuming he's always saying the truth) the fact is, if you read the speech closely, what he's talking about is not the 'public enemy' line, he's talking about the bond between them. The fact that people wanted wei wuxian out of yunmeng jiang, because the two were too powerful together.
He's talking about that one time Jiang Cheng very publically kicked wei wuxian out of the sect!
Which, unbeknownst to Jin Guangyao, was in fact Wei Wuxian's idea the whole time.
final score: 3 for you wei wuxian, you go wei wuxian! And nothing for Jiang Cheng bye.
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princessoflalaland · 4 months
Not So Innocentᝰ.ᐟ
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synopsis: your sweet, little nerd isn’t as innocent as you think. so what happens when you find out he has a thing for you, the one who torments him?
.ᐟcontent: nerd jin itadori x bully fem reader, smut, riding, choking, dacryphilia
.ᐟword count: 1.2k
.ᐟa/n: this came out of nowhere. but nerdy little jin needs to get in my panties real quick or so help me
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jin doesn’t remember how he got here. his pants undone with his ass on the cold, wood floor of the gym supply room with you bouncing on his condom-clad dick, sweaty and sneering. all he remembers is finding a note in his locker at the end of the day, asking him to come to the gym after school. 
he was skeptical at first, especially since he’s not the type of guy to be invited anywhere for any reason besides to be ridiculed for his academic prowess. he feared it could’ve been you who was trying to lure him to something he really didn’t want to deal with, probably to force him to do your homework for the umpteenth time. it was those fears that kept him in that shell of his for most of his school career.
but today, out of all days, he refused to let himself to stay in his little shell. it’s his last year, he needs to live a little. 
he found you where the note told him to go, school skirt doing nothing to hide your perfect legs. when the door clicked closed behind him, he gulped and stuttered. “w-what did you want?”
that smile of yours, all condescending on those pretty lips, appears on your face and that’s when he knew he was in deep shit. you pulled your phone out as you strode over to him. when you were less than a foot from him, you thrusted the screen into his face.
he adjusted his glasses and tried to figure out what he was looking at. it was a video of him, no longer than 10 or fifteen seconds. he was jerking off to what looked like pictures of you. jin swore his heart fell out of his ass and left his blood cold.
“this what you get up to when i don’t give you my homework?” you purred, pushing your breast against his arm. “huh, nerd?”
“i- that’s- it’s not-“ why wouldn’t his mouth work? jin’s body was burning up despite his cold blood. his pulse thundered in his red ears, so loud he couldn’t hear the thoughts that weren’t even there. 
“i- that- what, nerd?” you jeered. “tryna tell me you don’t get off to pics of me? ‘cause if so, im insulted. i’m not as dumb as you think, y’know.” 
your phone had disappeared, you were now flush against him. “i can’t let this go unpunished y’know. i find it so sad you think you could even fantasize about me, that i’m just some object of your desire.”
your voice was soft, a lustful, predatory hiss that rang in his ears. your hands, soft and dainty, had found his belt and quickly got it undone. those lips, with that alluring lipgloss combo you wore everyday, grazed his. “lemme show you what will never be yours.”
the rest faded and now he finds himself harshly gripping your hips, tears streaming down his cheeks behind his crooked glasses, begging you to let him cum.
“‘m sorry, i-i won’t do it again, i- aghh, can’t take it!” that was the most coherent thing he’s said in the past ten minutes you’ve kept him on the edge. 
“shut up,” you bark through panting breaths. “pissin me off with all that whining.”
your pussy is like a vise on his dick, squeezing him for all he’s worth. the lewd plap, plap, plapping sounds exactly as he imagined it would from all the erotic manga he secretly reads, like something straight out of a porno. 
 his head is in the clouds as the coil in his stomach tightens once again. he can’t believe how wet you are, how messy yet perfect your cunt is. you just slide on him like it’s nothing. when he isn’t looking at you through his tear-blotted vision, he watches your pussy swallow his cock like it’s nothing.
if anything, you can’t believe how big he is. each time your ass makes contact with his thighs, his tip jabs at your cervix, making you laugh-moan. what a joke. this little nerd walking around with this fucking monster in his pants.
makes you wonder what his twin is packing, honestly…
you bring your manicured fingers around his throat and squeeze. the way his moans become strangled makes your pussy throb. “jerking off to pictures of me? ya fuckin perv.” you whisper in his ear.
“i-“ he gargles around your hand, eyes rolling back into his head. his flushed face is so pretty, the sweat on his brow glistening in the light.
“still tryna explain yourself?” you huff with frustration. you speed up, bringing him closer to the edge. “just give up..and admit you’re a dirty, little perv who gets off to pics of me.”
he doesn’t want to admit it, to give you the satisfaction yet again. for once, he wants to come out on top. that thought alone reminds him how bad he wants to cum, how his dick is painfully, dreadfully hard from all your edging. jin chokes and grits his teeth, trying desperately not to lose more of himself in you. 
“say it.” you snarl. you let up on your choking to keep him from passing out. “admit you’re a fuckin pervert, and maybe i’ll let you cum.”
when you let up on his throat he gasps, coughs a bit before panting and drooling like a bitch in heat. his ears perk up at the offer, but what little pride he has left keeps him quiet. 
his balls are full, aching to let everything out inside the condom you. he sobs when your cunt squeezes him again, your essence staining his skin.
“don’t wan’ talk?” you pout, looking so innocent with your wide eyes and furrowed brows. “that’s too bad.”
you lift your hips and only keep his tip inside you. jin swears he’s never known pain until you did that. his impending orgasm is receding, the pressure lightening up in his core, and if he’s not quick, he’ll be back where he started and the torment won’t end.
and at this point, as much as he’s dreamed of this, he just wants to cum and be done.
“p-please, let me back inside.” he stammers, chest stuttering with irregular breaths. “don’t stop..i’m beggin you, k-keep riding me.”
“say it.” you repeat, shallowly fucking his tip. he winces at the small amount of stimulation. “you know what i wanna hear…”
jin squeezes his eyes closed and swallows the painful pill called his pride. “i…i’m a dirty pervert who- who jerks off..t-to pictures of you.”
he opens one eye when you take his glasses off him and set them on the floor. you cup his face and breathe “good boy.”
he practically cums from that alone, you don’t even need to keep riding him. so when you resume bouncing on his cock like the world is ending, he can’t help but to cry and convulse under you. his cum coats his dick thickly within the condom, and he fills it even more when he feels you cumming on him.
when you’re both done, you leave him burrowed in you, breathing hard, sweat coating every inch of your bodies. 
jin can’t find it in him to get up when you do, leaving his dick wet and limp against him. his eyes are dazed and distant as they follow you. 
you fix yourself as best as you can, fixing your skirt, redoing your hair, and reapplying your lipgloss. you smirk down at jin before kneeling down and kissing him on the cheek. 
“fuckin loser,” is the the last thing he hears you say as you saunter toward the door and leave him in the closet. 
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subfootboii · 4 months
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"Hey Jet, come on in!"
"Thanks, Ms. Cruz!"
"No problem, honey. Elijah will be right down."
"What's up, Jet! Study time, my friend."
"Alright, you two get to work. I'm gonna head out and run some errands."
"Thanks, Ms. Cruz! See you later!"
"See ya, Mom!"
You entered Elijah's room and it was messy with clothes thrown around. He also had a bunch of trophies and photos from the swimming team he's on. It's been a month since you started tutoring him in some college courses. You both sat down to start studying.
"You little nerdy fag. How happy you are to be with me?"
"Let's get this project done Elijah, I don't know how much further I can tolerate you."
"Oh come on. I know you love being around me. Can't blame though all fags and chicks do."
"Amazing! Now back to the course-"
"Shut up dude. I'm so fucking tired today. Just got back from the gym. And drop that act, I know you like me. Why else do you always sit first row when we have a swimming event."
"Elijah you're wasting my time can we please start by our homework?"
"We can... but take my socks off please... my feet need some fresh air."
He placed his foot straight against your face, inches away from your nose. You startled for a minute looking at his big smelly socked foot.
"You into that shit faggy?"
"What? No, I was just..."
He placed his foot slowly on your groin while maintaining eye contact with you. You were hard and the sensation of his foot on your dick made you rock hard.
"And what do we have here?"
"Elijah let's just get back to our homework-"
"Shhhh fag. I don't think you're in a position to make demands."
He slowly removed his foot from your groin, removed his sock and threw it in your face.
"Yeah I know you like that nerdy fag. The stinky socks of the hot swim champ after a long day at college and gym. Give it a big whiff faggot."
You froze not knowing how to react. The sock has been on you face for a while and you've already sniffed it. You're not sure what to say or do now but you felt like giving in so you took a big whiff to make sure he heard it.
"You really are a fag. A foot fag!"
He took the sock off your face and removed the sock of his other foot.
"You take those with you when you leave... you know your payment..."
He sat on his bed and rested his feet.
"Do your thing fag."
You looked at his feet for seconds and dropped to your knees. You started sniffing them passionately followed by planting kisses all over them. A while after that you started licking them and sucking his toes. He didn't speak anything or talked to you. You slowly started stimulating your dick in your pants eventually leading to you cumming in them.
"Had fun fag? I don't mind you having more of this weekly in exchange for you doing all my homework regularly. Do we have a deal?"
"Yes sir."
"Sir? I like that..."
(Story suggestion by: @xxyeahxx3)
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orchidyoonkook · 24 days
To What We Were Before, And All The Things After | JJK | Ch. 8
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Title: Photo Shoots and Blasphemous Discoveries
Pairing: Prince!College Student!JK x Fine Arts Major!(F)!Reader
Series Rating//Genre: (M) | College AU, Mild Royalty AU, Smut, Angst, Fluff, S2F2L, Indiffernce to lovers, sloooowwww ass burn
Summary: You're just there to help JK with his final project, so why are you being doused in water, facepaint and smoke? Art. Art is why.
Warnings: T, language, fluff, angst, honestly this one's kinda wholesome and fun, some photogrpahy jargin in there, but nothing a quick google search can't fix if you really need to <3, it's mostly surface level jargin. Also the smoke machine works cuz JK has great ventilation due to the massive windows being open, so don't worry bout that XD, some light and fun name calling, some world building. Ask if you need clarification on anything. That's all I think!
Word Count: 11,684
Release Date: September 1, 2024. 4:30PM
A/N 1: Surprise! Happy JK Day.
Series: Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven
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PJK [7:36pm]: Saturday afternoon. my place. 11am.  PJK [7:36pm]: bring an extra set of clothes, something warm. Sweats if you have them. PJK [7:37pm]: also, Im gunna need your shirt size
The first three weeks of November have flown by and dragged on at the same time.
The weather’s getting colder. You need a thick jacket if you want to be anywhere outside, and all leaves have fallen from the trees, leaving pines the only ones left with their winter coats on. Hot chocolate from greenhouse cafe has become part of your life’s blood so you don’t freeze, and gloves with pocket warmers inside them are once again a part of your everyday. 
But November skies have returned. And you frequently set up camp on the drying grass beside the greenhouse, dressing your canvas with oil paint to their likeness as it’s the only paint that doesn’t dry the second it’s out of the tube in the cold, static air.
Jungkook told you earlier in the week the shoot would most likely be this weekend, and that he just had a few final strings to pull together before being able to confirm. So with that in mind, you intentionally tried to finish all your work before this weekend, knowing the shoot will take a while to complete.
He mentioned it may leak over into Sunday depending on how much you get done on the first day, which is fine with you considering you usually spend Sunday evenings at his place anyway. You’d consider it an extended edition of your regularly scheduled broadcast.
And speaking of regularly scheduled, you haven’t missed a single movie night since Nel left. Granted, it’s only been three weeks, but even missing the two you did because of Nel had made an impact. 
You’d gotten so used to them, having that time to destress and unwind before the week starts. A nice little routine that helps reset you both mentally and physically.
Suddenly not having that was…a weird feeling you try not to remember. 
And you are more than happy to never miss another one ever again.
You aren’t sure what Jungkook tells Adaline he’s doing during movie night, but she’s never interrupted you, not even once. And it’s something you are increasingly grateful for, because she is one of the things you destress from as your unspoken rivalry always amps up the closer to exam season you get.
It’s Thursday evening, and you’re in your room finishing up a Microeconomics 3 assignment while piano music plays on a speaker in the corner. You use it to help you focus, and it’s working its magic as you’re finishing your work in record time. 
Music has always helped you work better, and you credit it largely with how you’ve been able to keep up with everything in your schooling.
Yuri’s in her room, doing homework as well you assume. Or maybe texting Tai—the dreamy, big dicked Ilcalos island Count—you swear she’s only put her phone down for sleep and showering, as she’s constantly checking to see if he’s messaged her. And you hope it turns out well for them, Yuri deserves someone who treats her well. Especially after the whole Jungkook debacle—which you’re not allowed to bring up—and then the poor rebound you aren’t allowed to talk about either. You’re just happy she’s finally found someone worth her time.
Picking up your phone, you shoot Jungkook a text back.
You [7:40pm]: okay! saturday at 11 sounds good. I’ll bring sweats and warm socks
You message him your shirt size too, curious as to what he’ll use it for, but you’re sure you’ll find out in due time. You always do.
Subject to many of his homework assignments, you’ve been posed and lit and adjusted every which way. 
Jungkook is incredibly professional when you’re with him as a model. Light touches to correct posing, always with a ‘may I’ before he does, and he fills the room with kind words, good vibes, and fun music so you never feel awkward. 
At first you were really iffy on the whole idea when he first asked in September, because it would be the prince of your nation photographing little ol’ you. You weren’t anything special—yet—and you’re still never one for being in the spotlight, or for being on camera. At all. But if it was just for homework, and you were helping out a friend…you figured why not? 
It helped that all of your worries immediately faded when you saw the results of that first shoot.
An email from a very non-princely email address found its way into your inbox. The subject was the date of the shoot, and the only message inside being:
 thanks. Hope you like them. 
Let’s do it again sometime.
When you opened the attachments you made a quick dive to catch the phone that fell from your hands in shock. 
You looked…beautiful. Like you never had in pictures before. Not in school, or at graduation, not even in the ones you took of yourself. 
You didn’t know you were capable of looking like that. 
Like how he saw you. Captured you. 
And you’ll never admit you’ve held your chin a little higher with every shoot since.
They make you feel powerful, attractive. More confident, and sure of yourself, as if you were always meant to be in front of a camera. Like you’d been in front of one since before you could walk.
They do that for you.
He…does that for you—with his pictures, of course.
Jungkook is very talented. Very skilled with his camera, and you find yourself looking forward to the concepts he comes up with every time. Trusting him and whatever his vision is wholeheartedly. 
Though a small, immature piece of you is also pleased he still wants you to model, and not Adaline. That he finds you easier to work with over her.
Your competitive streak never fails to come out, even with the smallest, secretive things.
Take that Adaline.
You gladly help him out with his homework, and he does the same for you. 
If you ever need a male reference or a profile study. Anatomy practice, features practice, likeness practice. Anything and almost everything, all you have to do is ask, and he sits still or places whatever you need in front of you while you sketch.
Hands, however, have always been a personal favourite of yours.
They’re one of those things that can be drawn a hundred different ways and never look the same. Always a new position you can put them in. Consistently able to shake things up. And one set is never like the others—like eyes. There’s little differences in all of them and that’s where their magic lies.
You do these studies at the greenhouse, it has the best light to shadow ratio. When you ask him for one, he’ll switch to working with one hand, while the other does whatever you tell it. Normally either placed on your table or if there isn’t enough room, which nine times out of ten there isn’t because of all your supplies, you stick your foot on the lower metal frame of his table and he rests his arm, wrist or palm on your up bent knee. 
Due to this, you’ve unintentionally come to find out that his hands are very strong, very calloused, and very, very warm…
Also! Aside from hand studies, you love loose figure studies because they’re great warm up sketches. And what Jungkook doesn't know is that you have dozens of warm up sketches of him. Doesn’t know you sneak pictures here and there when you can, hiding them in a hidden album on your phone entitled ‘hmwk screenshots.’ And he definitely doesn’t know that when he’s sitting at the cafe, nose deep in assignments, you doodle his features or his outfit in real time.
A nose here, a jacket there. A muscular forearm covered in tattoos also tends to find its way onto your page every so often.
He’s got a good physique. And the ridges make for excellent anatomy practice. So does the intricate line work of tattoos, and fabric rippling. Especially in drastic lighting. Consistency is key in maintaining and improving your work and it’s not like any of these sketches will ever see the light of day anyways. 
They’re just, well…practice. 
A sigh escapes you, and you refocus on finishing your microecon work. You still have two more assignments to get done before Saturday at eleven.
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“And why are you working with some random girl when I’m available, again?” Adaline asks. She’s currently sitting on Jungkook's couch in your spot. He’s setting up tomorrow's materials against the big white wall by the floor length windows that showcase his balcony.
It’s why he chose to live here instead of in the dorms or on campus. His place isn’t enormous, like most people would think, it has enough room for everything a regular student needs: bedroom, kitchen, workspace, living room, bathroom, even a guest room. But the one thing he keeps different is the big white wall where a dining room would normally be. 
Jungkook’s place has high ceilings, 10 feet tall, which is higher than the average but not excessive. And the wall that connects his kitchen to the balcony is a perfect mock studio. He can even keep all his equipment there; lights, gels, backgrounds, tubs full of props, camera cases, lenses, and more all stored in neat shelving against another wall. 
“Because students volunteered for extra credit, and she’s who was assigned to me,” a small lie, one he was sure that Adaline wouldn’t dig into too deeply. 
“Why didn’t you tell me I could volunteer?”
“Because you didn’t need the extra credit?”
She pouts, and goes back to her phone.
Adaline also doesn’t know it’s you he’s photographing and that is one hundred percent intentionally planned by him. 
He could sense something between you two after you made that one comment after fall break. He notices now how you stiffen slightly every time he mentions Adaline, and the one time he mentioned you in passing to test the waters, Adaline changed the conversion topic almost immediately. A look of annoyance, or maybe even insecurity in her eyes.
So he’s been lucky that Adaline has never wanted to see any of his schoolwork prior to or after the singular shoot he did with her. 
Lucky she hasn’t seen your face fill up his screen constantly. 
And extremely lucky that she doesn’t know about the hidden folder buried deep in his desktop labeled ‘eqpmt rcpts’ filled with dozens of candid shots of you.
To be fair, you don’t know about them either. They’re random, shots taken every now and then where he thought you looked happy, focused, or just existing. True candids of the most candid person he knew.
It started that day with his first assignment from Professor Hirmer. He’d taken those quick pictures of you painting, and then simply never stopped. 
He has pictures of you in the courtyard, walking and talking to Yuri, you smiling. He has some he took on his phone when you’re over for movie night, invested in the film or talking to him. And a bunch of you painting at the greenhouse. It’s hard to take secret candids when he’s right beside you, but he manages seeing as you haven't caught him yet.
He even has a few of you and Nel, love clearly written on your face in every single one of them.
Whenever he spots you before you spot him, and he has his camera on him, he takes a couple. 
They’ve amassed into a healthy sum, but he thinks of it as a harmless habit as no one will ever know. And it’s not like he’s following you around to take them or using them for anything nefarious. 
He just likes taking your picture. Capturing your spirit, your candor. 
Your realness. 
You are wholly yourself, always, no holding back, all of the time. 
And to him, it feels like coming up for a breath of fresh air.
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“Hey!” you say as you let yourself into Jungkook’s apartment. You’d knocked but no one answered and it was currently 10:56am on Saturday, so you knew he was here. Plus, his door was unlocked.
“Jungkook?” you call. 
No answer.
You take your shoes off after closing the door and locking it. He should really keep his door locked. 
Very quickly become best friends with the couch, you toss your backpack of warm clothes on the floor while you wait for him to make an appearance. 
There’s shoot equipment everywhere; lights in the corner, some with soft boxes on them, gels laid out on the coffee table, and what you’ve come to learn is a lens case sits on the couch beside you in Jungkook's usual spot. 
Jungkook has also somehow managed to find some small trees in blue ceramic pots and what you’re pretty sure is a smoke machine. 
But the most peculiar thing is what looks to be a kiddie pool up against the wall with a folded tarp at its base. 
Well that's…interesting…
You hear a door open somewhere in the apartment and running water. 
“Jungkook? That you?”
“Hey! Yep. Just give me a sec, I’m almost done.”
The water sounds cease and Jungkook makes his grand entrance as he turns the corner holding a large watering can. Your eyebrow raises.
“For the trees?” you ask.
You point to the watering can currently making his veins pop. 
He laughs, “Oh! No. This is for later. You’ll see,” and walks to the other side of the room by the pool. 
“Aren’t we mysterious today,” you say, following him with your eyes. He’s in ripped black jeans that accentuate the muscle definition of his thighs, and a matching baggy shirt. When his back is turned you snap a quick picture. The fabric folds on his baggy shirts are some of your favourite mindless things to cool down sketch.
“Nah, just focused. We have a lot to get through today.”  He sets down the watering can and you can see the moment the switch flips from friend to photographer. “The guest room is ready for you. There’s a clothing rack inside with each look labeled. There’s also makeup and face paint, if you could bring out the make up after you're done changing, that would be great. We’re gonna start with ‘Bright and Bold’, okay?” 
You usually use the spare room as a change room when you have to switch clothes for a shoot. But they were always from your own closet. He’d tell you the concept he was going for and you’d bring a few options to choose from.
Makeup you were used to, though. Jungkook loves abusing your artistic abilities for his shoots in the way you decorate your face or body, saying they make his works a level up from the rest of his classmates. 
They also usually make for some of the coolest pictures you have of yourself.
This is the first time he’s ever bought clothing, though.
You shouldn’t be as surprised as you are, this being his final assignment for an important class, and him being as serious as he is about his work and the final product. But you can't help it, you’re excited to see everything he’s chosen for the shoot. 
For you.
For the shoot.
“Yep, sounds good. Be out in a few,” you reply. He nods in acknowledgement before moving to set something up and you don’t stick around to find out, grabbing your bag and heading towards the door lined hall. 
The guest room is modest and clean. White sheets and gray comforter with, surprisingly, two throw pillows to spruce it up. The walls are white too, but you’re pretty sure that’s because Jungkook’s not allowed to paint the apartment per his landlord's wishes—a thought that still makes you laugh.
He could buy any place he wanted, but chose to rent. ‘To get the real university experience,’ he explained when you asked him the first time you went over.
Black furniture accents the room. A comfortable looking leather chair sits in the corner by a glass door that leads to the balcony. It has a small table beside it. There’s a dresser with a mirror in the other corner and of course, in the center of the room, is the bed. It’s a nice room. However, the newest edition is what’s keeping your eye.
Four shirts hang from the rack at the foot of the bed. The first is vibrant and colourful, the second a light neutral short sleeved V neck, third is strapless and skin coloured, and the last is made from thin black fabric you assume will be skin tight by the looks of it. 
As promised, they’re all labeled with a sticker. 
You throw your bag on the bed and grab the colourful one first. Its sticker says ‘bright and bold,’ and you put it on after removing the shirt you came in, then zip it up. The material feels heavy, durable and expensive. You check the tag on the inside seam and see it’s from Ilkaya, one of the biggest and most expensive fashion designers on this side of the realm. 
Your eyes bug out of your head, and you try not to breathe too hard for fear of ruining it. Your routine of thrifting all your clothes makes you pretty damn sure you can’t even imagine how much this cost. 
It feels good though, comfortable, not itchy. Really freaking expensive.
You look at yourself in the mirror, and you have to admit you look amazing. It fits perfectly in all the right places, compliments your skin tone, and even brings out your eyes. Begrudgingly, you admit to yourself that maybe there’s some sense in what the price tag could be. But it would still be a ridiculous sum for a jacket.
With one last look in the mirror, you grab the palettes, brushes and other tools off the dresser, and leave your designated dressing room for the day in favour of returning to the living room. 
Jungkook’s got music going from your shared playlist. Insisting on making one after your second shoot together, when he decided you both agreed to the arrangement becoming a regular thing. It’s a good mix of both of your musical tastes, even though you guys figured out quickly that you liked pretty similar stuff anyway. 
“What do you think? Does it work?” You ask as you turn the corner. 
Jungkook fiddles with this camera before looking and pausing for a moment to take you in. You hope you look okay, but the weird look he has on his face makes you backtrack a bit. 
“Is this not the one you wanted? It had the label on it. But I can go back and double che- ”
“You look amazing,” is all he says, and your worry slides off you instantly. He smiles wide, the one you’ve come to recognize as genuine. 
“Thanks. But the colour’s doing most of the work for me,” you say, smiling back shyly.
He has a white background set up, and two differently coloured gel’d lights sit on opposite one another, a third, smaller floor light faces the background. A backlight, he’d call it. 
Bright and Bold indeed, though there is the matter of-
“What do you want me to do for my make up?”
“Actually,” he sets down his camera gently on a table, “Is it okay if I do it? I want it to be a little more on the amateur side and I don’t think your years of refined talent would let you get the exact look I want.” 
That’s new. But you're here to stand and look however he wants you too, so you allow him with a nod. 
“Sure, where do you want me to sit?”
“Here’s fine,” he says as he pulls a stool that was off to one side close to one of the windows. “As long as you don’t mind holding the make up. I don’t have a table to set them down on.  Should’ve thought of that, sorry.” 
You can tell he’s mentally scolding himself for forgetting something.
“No no, it’s fine,” you say, taking your seat, “I don’t mind, really.” 
Placing the balls of your feet on the bar that holds the chair legs together, you make your lap even enough to set the palettes out, and use a hand to hold all the brushes. 
Jungkook laughs, noticing your feet as you sit, “Cute socks.”
They’re light blue with a fox face on them, and little ears stick up from the elastic around the ankle. 
“Thanks,” you laugh too, they’re your favourite pair. “I call them my fox socks. They’re lucky.”
“Let’s hope so. Wish me luck fox socks,” he calls to your toes, and you wiggle them in response.
He picks a brush and chooses a colour. “Close your eyes and let me know if I’m pressing too hard. If it isn’t obvious, I’ve never done this before.”
You close your eyes and whisper, “Will do.”
It's a uniquely intimate experience having your makeup done. Willingly letting someone get up close and personal with you, allowing them to see every potential scar, blemish and pore in the name of beauty and for the sake of creativity. 
In this case, it’s also a little questionable considering where you feel the brush putting down colour: cheeks, lids, temple, nose. However, you’re simply a pawn in a well thought out plan, so you sit and wait for him to finish.
“Annnd done,” he says, making a final swipe with the brush on your cheek. “You look great! I didn’t hurt you, right?” he asks, showing you the makeup in a palettes mirror. Your face looks like it’s been attacked by a rainbow in the best way. You smile, taking the mirror from him and looking at all the little details. 
For a first timer, Jungkook did a really good job. 
“Nope, I’m good. How do you want me?”
Jungkook leads you to the backdrop, placing you in front. 
“One second,” he says, grabbing a remote and clicking a button to lower the black out curtains on the windows, and then another that turns off the apartment lights. He also clicks on all the lights he’s set up and you’re quickly illuminated by a bright red and purple as well as the back light.
“I’m good to pose?” he asks. 
You love that he always asks first. It makes you feel safe and considered, consenting to every touch prior to its occurrence. 
Jungkook instructs the first pose to have your hands on the sides of your face, making slight adjustments so that you don’t cover any of the makeup. And for the first time, his touches leave little sparks where they land. 
You’re sure it’s just because of the lights or that the shirt is thick and makes you warm. 
Or maybe you’re just nervous and need to get the first photo jitters out of your system.
Soon enough, the camera’s pointing at you and you smile the brightest you can. He’s given you the prompt of ‘you’re so excited and happy you can’t hold it in,’ and you work with it the best you can, taking the first few with the pose he gave before being given full reign. 
It’s a decent way into the first shoot when Jungkook says, “Hmm…we’re not quite there yet, I need a bit more,” and follows up with, “How about ‘you’ve just been commissioned by the Modern Art Museum to have the leading showcase for next year’.” 
You smile the biggest you think you ever have at the thought. Because that’s the dream, that is the biggest goal you could achieve. An entire gallery of your work as the primary exhibition in the Western Shores Modern Art Museum? You couldn’t go any higher. It’s every artist's dream.
“There you go! That’s it!” The camera’s capturing quickly as you imagine what it would be like to have your own showcase at the WS-MAM. Incredible is the first word that comes to mind, your work in the biggest museum on the continent? You can’t even imagine, but you want to. 
One day, you promise yourself. You’ll do it one day.
“Okay,” Jungkook says, breaking your daydream, “Let me switch out the gels for new colours and go again. These are great so far though, you're doing amazing.” 
You hold your hand out for a high five and he smacks it. “Go team!” you say, and he laughs.
An hour and a half, a makeup fix and three lighting changes later, the first shoot finishes. You collapse on the couch and rub the muscles on your thighs. 
Jungkook plops down beside you, nose deep in the pictures he’s just taken, double checking everythings good.
“This is a fantastic start, I hope we can keep it up all day and finish before tomorrow.”
“Me too,” you say, and you mean it. Shoots with him are always fun, but inevitably tiring. “I’m gonna to grab a water, want one?” 
“Yes please,” he replies without looking up.
In the kitchen, you open the fridge to grab the two bottles and notice a box, stamped with a coffee mug that has a greenhouse inside of it, on top. The greenhouse cafe’s logo. 
“Can I ask what’s inside the cafe box?” you ask as you sit back on the couch and pass him a bottle.
“Ah, caught red handed,” he says, setting his camera on the table and taking a swig. “I may have asked Vivan earlier this week to make sure there was an overstock of tarts so I could grab them for you as a thank you for today.”
That’s so sweet. He’s never gotten you a thank you gift before, especially not in the form of the most delicious pastry to ever exist. Maybe you should get him something for all the times he’s helped you with homework? A solstice gift maybe?
There’s heat forming in your chest and you really hope it’s not the beginning stages of heartburn. Maybe Jungkook has antacids. 
“You didn’t have to do that, I’m happy to help.”
“So you don’t want them then?” his shit eating grin making a glorious comeback because he knows what your answer’s going to be.
“No! I want them. I most definitely want them.”
He chuckles and puts his water down.
“Okay Donatello, glad you accept. Let's move on to the next set up. There’s makeup remover and cotton pads in the room, and some moisturizer too if you need it.”
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The next shoot is called ‘Regality,’ and it has you in the strapless shirt. You find out it’s quite a low cut when you put it on. There’s enough to cover you, but there’s definitely a lot of your chest showing. However, under the shirt on the hanger is a scarf to cover yourself with, which you think is very considerate.
“Makeup?” you ask as you come out again, scarf covering you.
“Neutral, but strong. Kind of like how my mother does,” the background is still white, but you have a hunch that it will remain white in this picture, unlike the last one. “This one is going to be black and white, so try to emphasize your natural beauty.”
You ignore that he essentially just said you're beautiful, surely he’s just being kind and professional. Making sure his model feels good about herself. 
You put on a coat of mascara and go light on the shadow so it won't be too dramatic on film. You also use a shade of lipstick that adds just a tint to your lips and a blush that makes your eyes pop.
Jungkook has you sit on the stool from earlier and faces your body three quarters of the way towards the camera, but keeps your head turned in profile. 
“Oh! Almost forgot, one second,” Jungkook jogs to his room, coming back with a palm sized velvet box. “I had my mother send these over for this shoot. She has better taste than me, so I let her pick them out.”
Your stomach plummets to the floor when he opens the box. 
Inside are two dangling diamond earrings, and quite possibly the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen.
And now you’re terrified. 
“Jungkook, I can't wear those. They look like they’re worth more than my house, my car and my tuition combined.”
He takes one out and places it in your hand for you to put in, it’s the length of your index finger. And all you can think about is the potential houses you’re holding as you look at it. 
It’s a semi-rectangular earring, encrusted with four columns of diamonds that cascade down, each column longer than the previous. Like a sparkling waterfall you can attach to your ear.
“Don’t worry about it, mum said she never wears them anyway because they’re part of a set that the necklace was lost to years ago. Please,” his face is nothing but reassurance and small smiles, “You’re giving them a chance to live again.”
You couldn't say no to those eyes even if you wanted to.
So you reply, almost breathless and still against your better judgment, “Okay.”
Placing them in one after the other, they have a significant, understandable weight to them. You take a couple deep breaths so you don't freak out, and then you return to your previously designated pose, profile set, body facing the camera.
“Can I adjust?” Jungkook asks, after taking a step back and getting a wider view. 
You nod gently, still terrified of the earrings.
He makes sure the earring is visible and untangled first, before a finger gently comes beneath your chin, and lifts it a bit higher. 
The feeling they leave behind is all you can think about as you stare at your place on the wall, Jungkook snapping away. Not even the soft light illuminating your profile is enough to make you blink.
This shoot goes by quickly, and you’re relieved to get the earrings back safely inside their box.
“It’s like 2:45, wanna break for a late lunch?” Jungkook asks. 
“Please, I’m starved,” you say, returning from the guest room after tossing on the sweater you brought. “What's on the menu?”
“Well, we have two options,” he says, looking very faux serious, “1. We order out from wherever you want and awkwardly wait for it to arrive because the next shoot is not one we can’t prep for, then eat, then shoot.  Or 2. I make use of the ingredients I bought to make Bulgogi Kimchi Fried Rice and you get lunch and a show.”
You're shocked. 
Jungkook…cooks? Oh this you absolutely must see.
“Hmm….” you say, pretending to really mull it over in the same ‘serious’ tone, “I’m thinking I’ll have to go with option two, Chef. But I’ll lend a hand where I can, no use in standing around doing nothing.”
“Every chef needs a sous.”
With both of you on task, lunch is getting made quickly. Jungkook has all the ingredients to make ‘my buddy’s famous family recipe,’ a man who you assume is a chef back at the palace. The island countertop is currently covered in them; onion, kimchi, marinated bulgogi, gochujang, cooked rice, eggs and more. 
You’re surprised at how skilled Jungkook is in the kitchen. He’s cutting the ingredients like he’s been doing it his whole life and working the pan over the stove like the proper technique has been drilled into him since birth. 
Thirty minutes pass, and after both of you shed a tear at the cut onions and evenly split the remaining tasks, you’re sitting on the couch about to take your first bite. It smells delicious. Your mouth is watering and you can’t wait to dig in, stomach painfully empty by this point.
Finally taking that first bite, you nearly die of euphoria.
“Ouhmahgaud,” you say, mouth half full. Jungkooks on the other side of the couch, trying not to cough out his own food from laughing at your reaction. His eyes are nearly shut with how wide he’s smiling.
“Good?” he asks after swallowing his food first, like a civilized person.
You’re vigorously nodding as you swallow your own helping in hopes you’re understood.
“You’re giving me this recipe. I need it. I don’t think I will survive if this is the only time I ever get to eat it.” Your bowl is almost half gone already. Thank god there’s leftovers, you will be having more.
Plus, you want to make it for your mom when you go home, she’ll love it. 
“I’ll text it to you later, don’t worry.”
You’re very sure the look on your face conveys the gratitude you feel and the rest of the meal passes in a very comfortable and satisfied silence. 
Twenty-ish minutes later, after letting your seconds settle for a couple minutes, Jungkook gets back to business. 
“Next look is the most adventurous, it uses the facepaint. Are you okay with contacts?”
“I think so, never tried them before though. Just give me a few before we start so I don’t explode when I stand up.”
“All good,” he says, before quirking a lip and adding, “I really don’t feel like explaining why there’s kimchi and bits of you all over my walls to either of our parents, so take all the time you need.”
You laugh, firstly at the visual, then at the idea of Jungkook meeting your mother. That would be something you needed on record, paper and film.
After a minute, you get up, the guest room making your acquaintance once more. 
“This one is called Enigmatic,” Jungkook calls.
“Got it!”
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You take longer than normal to change, maybe eating before putting on the skin tight shirt wasn’t a great idea. But at least it was stretchy. 
It has long sleeves, a high neck, and is a very dark midnight black. There’s a matching black scarf for this one too, and a safety pin attached to the corner.
“Okay, what's the plan for this one? I hear facepaint is involved,” you say, back for round three, scarf in hand.
The background of the set is black now, a close match to your shirt. Jungkook is by the smoke machine, currently set up on the stool and plugged into a nearby outlet. 
You hold up the scarf, questioningly.
“That’s to go over your head after the paint, but let’s see if you can do contacts first, they’re in the washroom. Need help?”
“No, I'm good.”
You don’t succeed at first, but after a couple attempts you look in the mirror and see purple eyes staring back at you. You love them.
“I look like a badass,” you say, returning. The smoke machine’s been turned on and it’s created a completely different atmosphere. At your reemergence, Jungkook shuts it off and comes close to give you a look. You freeze a little at the eye contact, his browns meeting your currently violets for a prolonged moment.
“They look better than I’d hoped, this is going to be great.” 
He reaches under the gels on the table for a piece of paper. It’s a makeup model face with the look he wants drawn on. “Are you able to do something like this?”
The diagram shows the cheeks, bottom half of the nose and down all the way to the neck as black, and the eyes and up as white, bleeding down into the black like smoke. You’re going to need eyeshadow for that part. If you did that with the face paint it would just become a gray mess.
“Yep, but it’s going to take some time to get it right.”
“That’s okay, I’ll use it to get the smoke machine properly set up.”
You use one of the palette mirrors and start with the white, covering the top of your face and making a good base layer for the eyeshadow. Then fill the bottom of your face and neck with the black. Carefully, so as to not make gray, you use a large brush to cover both sides with their respective eyeshadow shades, before blending them together like the reference. Your skin starts to feel like it’s on fire by the time you're satisfied and you check your phone for the time when you finally finish. 
Not bad. You put the scarf over your head and cover your ears with it, using the safety pin to hold it in place. 
Jungkook takes one look at you and lights up. 
“Have I ever mentioned how talented you are, and that you make my schoolwork so much more fun? Because I feel like I should again even if I already have.” Your cheeks heat, glad he’s excited you’re able to help. “How did you manage to make it look even better?”
“I do vaguely remember mentioning something about a deal with a semi-suspicious genie,” you joke. And both of you break out in giggle fits after a second, recalling the conversation from forever ago. 
Running through the same steps of lighting, posing, and adjustments, Jungkook then flips on the smoke machine and lets it fill the room heavily before starting to take pictures. 
You’re sitting on a small box this time, so that you’re slightly lower than the camera. Jungkook tells you to keep your hands at your sides and look up, just above the rim of the camera lens. It creates a very interesting look, and you're excited to see the results. 
He has you do a couple more poses before allowing you to do your own thing once more, trying to think of what would look mysterious and enigmatic.
You try to let the music inspire you. This is a look you’ve never done before, so you’re finding it a bit difficult to get into it despite Jungkook's helpful prompts and suggestions. But you flow a bit better with it as time goes on and you become more comfortable.
An idea pops up out of nowhere and you have him do a close up from the middle of your chin to the middle of your forehead. You stare straight into the lens to really showcase the purple contacts and makeup.
“This’s the one for sure,” he says, taking a few more. “Great idea, why didn’t I think of a close up in the first place?” You know he's talking to himself at this point. 
It’s close to 6:15pm when Jungkook decides he has enough pictures for this look. You don’t mind the longer shoot seeing as you set aside the day for this, and you can’t wait to see how these ones turn out in particular.  
You’re halfway through getting the face paint off, a mountain of gray stained cotton pads beside you, when Jungkook turns the music down.
“Let’s do a light, early dinner and then shoot the last one?” he asks. “I kept this one at the end because it’s going to create the most mess and it’ll be nice to have dinner out of the way for when I have to clean up.”
“More mess than this?” you point to the cotton pad mountain.
“Much more.”
“Light, early dinner it is,” you confirm, not wanting to have to wait till late to eat. “But can we order out so I have time to get the rest of this off?”
“Sure, what’ll it be?”
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Clean faced, moisturized and ramyeon filled, you and Jungkook are preparing for the last shoot. Or well, lightly arguing.
“On me?”
“From that thing,” you point to the contraption he calls a c-stand that will be holding the very full, very large watering can over your head for an extended amount of time, “And into there?” you point again to the kitty pool on top of the tarp that’s underneath the watering can c-stand. 
“That is the plan,” he looks amused at your slight distress.
“Are you nuts? What if it falls on me? How do I know it won’t unhinge and I’ll have a nicely cracked open skull to explain to my mother on Solstice break?”
“It won’t fall and you know it won't because you trust me and trust I wouldn’t put you in unnecessary danger. But if it does, tell your mom I say hi and sorry.”
You scoff at him, unbelievable. “So you admit there’s a bit of danger!”
Jungkook sighs, and looks to the ceiling. “Yes, YN. There is a touch of danger. But that’s only if, somehow, the c-stand I have triple safety checked, duct taped twice, and quadruple secured with four fifteen pound sandbags, decides that you deserve a watering can to the head.”
You side eye his tone. This wasn’t an unrealistic worry. But you do trust him. And trust he would never intentionally put you in any danger.
The trees are set up near the backdrop that looks like a row of brick houses. The shot is supposed to be ‘The Calm after Before the Storm,’ where you look relieved and happy in an ‘outside’ setting while ‘rain’ falls over you, also in black and white.
“Fine, but if I hear one peep from that thing,” c-stand staring down the tip of your finger once more, “I’m tuck and rolling and taking you out while I do it.”
“Very fair!” he says relieved, and goes to set up the stand with the watering can. 
You’d changed into the neutral V neck after dinner, and he’s asked for no makeup. So all you have to do now is stand and pose while trying not to die from foreign objects falling from the sky while you get wet.
Easy, right?
It is incredibly difficult, and you’re glad he made this one last because you’re at best; slightly miserable. Only the promise of a hot shower, hot chocolate with whip cream and marshmallows and your pick of whatever you watch afterward is keeping you going.
You started this one just shy of 8pm after waiting 45 minutes for the food. And it’s nearing 9:30 now. Jungkook has had to refill the watering can four times, dump the kiddie pool twice,  and you swear if you don’t finish within the next twenty minutes, you’re going to collapse from shivering.
To be fair, he does fill the watering can with warm water, but it only stays warm for so long before freezing water is pouring on you for the millionth time tonight. 
“I have one last idea, and by the way, I’m never doing this concept again so don’t worry about that, but also… don’t shut down the idea immediately okay?” Jungkook says. 
The watering can is almost empty again and you’re relieved that your time is almost up. That in itself should make for a good picture. He snaps it.
But his tone makes you a little wary, “Okay… what is it?”
“Pretend I’m Nel and you’re seeing me for the first time in six months, like you do at the end of April.”
Well, you didn’t have that down on your photo shoot prompt bingo card. 
Are you okay with the idea? You aren’t sure, but aren’t not sure either.
“I mean, I’ll try. Maybe you could give vocal cues to try and help? But don’t make it weird.”
“I won’t, promise,” Jungkook pauses for a second before adding, “Does he call you baby?”
You nod, and you distantly hear and ‘okay’ as you slowly allow yourself to get into that headspace.
You start, and the camera starts going.
You’re in the airport, waiting for Nel, ‘smoosh’ paper in hand. The gate opens, and through all the other passengers you see him, see that he’s in one piece, see that he’s safe. 
Your face illuminates with relief at that so much so that you don’t even notice the water that starts running down your face. 
You hear a ‘hi baby’ and in your head, it’s coming from Nel’s mouth as he nears you. You smile impossibly wider at the thought of seeing him, feeling him. Having him here with you. 
You look happy to see me, ‘Nel’ says.
“I am,” you reply. 
There’s repetitive clicking in the distance, but you ignore it. It’s probably just a flight attendant's heels on the floor.
“I missed you.”
There’s a long moment of silence before Nel speaks again.
I missed you too, baby.
You’re shivering hard now, lost in thought, unaware of reality. 
YN, Nel calls.
“Yes, love?”
“Babe, what is it?”
“YN, hey,” you're being shaken gently.
“Hmm? What?” you slowly arrive back to the present. Strong hands grip your shoulders. They feel nice. Solid. Deliciously warm. 
A very concerned looking Jungkook comes into focus, camera dangling around his neck and reaching for you.
He’s the one holding your shoulders, trying to get you to come back to reality.
“There she is, welcome back,” he lets go and grabs a blanket from somewhere and wraps it around you. “We got the shot, go take a shower and warm up okay?”
“Okay,” you say, still a little dazed, but present enough to function.
You step out of the pool, holding on to the hand Jungkook offers to balance—Warm. Solid. Strong—and head straight for the bathroom, making a pit stop in the guest room to grab your bag with fresh clothes. 
The hot water cements your place back in reality, letting it warm you up and cleanse you of the day. 
You have no idea what just happened with that whole Nel thing, but it was a new feeling and a new headspace and you really aren’t in the mood to analyze or acknowledge, so it’s shoved onto a top shelf in the back of your mind for a later date.  
Once you're able to return to the directory of your mind, you don’t know how long you’ve been in the shower. But you know you’re clean, no longer cold, and in the mood for hot chocolate, so you step out and dry yourself with the towels Jungkook laid out for you on the toilet seat.
They’re soft. So soft in fact you consider only for a second shoving one in your now less full bag to take home with you. However, you do rather enjoy your friendship with the prince, so you think better of it upon second thought. 
Dressing in your sweats, you exit, tossing the towels in the hamper and your bag of the clothes you arrived in back into the spare room.
“Better?” Jungkook asks as you sit down in your spot on the couch for the last time tonight, wrapping up in the blanket he left for you. He’s in the kitchen but heard you coming.
“Much, thanks,” you sniff, “Is that hot chocolate I smell?”
Jungkook returns from the kitchen, two mugs in hand. “With extra whip cream and marshmallows, as ordered.”
You carefully take it from him, giving your thanks and happily slurping away the second it’s in your grasp. 
“Alright Caravaggio, what are we watching?” he asks, sitting down on his side, sipping away on his own. 
Sometime between you leaving for the shower and coming back out Jungkook changed into his own comfy attire, and tidied up the studio space as the pool and tarp are nowhere to be seen.
“I’ve thought really hard about this, all of however long I was in the shower,” Jungkook mutters something about 35 minutes; you ignore him, “And have settled on ‘A Miser Brothers Solstice’.”
He whines just a little when he says, “But it’s November.”
“So, Solstice isn’t until the third week of December,” he’s saying this like his point is the most obvious thing in the world. 
It’s not.
“Your point?”
“That it’s November, and you want to watch a Solstice movie.”
You’re mockingly outraged.
“Who made you town grinch? I didn’t realize we had a holiday hater in our midst.” 
You loved the holidays, all the big ones, and the small ones, but Solstice was special. 
“I’m not a grinch, I’m just not there yet, mentally.”
“Then get ready to dive in head first, because you said I could pick the movie for risking my life for you and I pick ‘A Miser Brothers Solstice’.”
Jungkook doesn’t argue further, but he does roll his eyes as he puts on your movie with a small smile hidden behind his drink.
It’s sometime during the first act, you’re lying back against your corner of the couch, feet up and under the blanket when you ask, “What are your solstice break plans?” 
Jungkook takes a moment to part from the TV, very invested for someone who was so against it half an hour ago. “I have a lot of ‘princely duties’ to do for Solstice, like standing and looking thoughtful while my dad gives his annual Solstice speech,” you snort. “Then there’s the palace dinner, the parade through the capital, and the live televised event,” he says in a tv announcer's voice, “Where my family and I light the Solstice Star. And then there’s the new year and that in itself has another long list of things I have to do. Besides things like that though? Not much, and then it’s back here.”
You often forget who he is. 
That behind those kind eyes, and small smiles, behind the greenhouse study dates, and movie nights, and photoshoots, Jungkook has an enormous responsibility constantly looming over his head, counting down the days until he finishes his schooling. One that’s just waiting to drop onto his shoulders forever. 
You often forget that Jungkook is the Prince, first in line to the biggest throne in the realm. That you spend your time with not only Jeon Jungkook, friend and photography student, but also, His Royal Highness, Prince Jeon Jungkook, Heir Apparent and Future King of The Western Shores.
He just makes it so damn easy to forget.
You only asked because you thought maybe he had plans with friends or family, completely forgetting about all of the things the royal family does during the holiday season to celebrate with the nation, their people, and now you feel like an ass for even bringing it up.
But there’s something in his answer, or lack thereof, that snags your attention. 
“What about celebrating with your family and friends in private?”
“No time,” Jungkook’s stare goes distant as he brings his knees up and puts his arms around them, resting his chin. “Friends are always busy with palace preparations and dad’s not really the sentimental type. We celebrated when I was younger; big family breakfast, presents, tree decorating, whole thing. But after I turned about 13 or so, it started dwindling pretty quickly. Now it’s just me and my mom exchanging a gift with each other at midnight under the palace tree.” 
You don’t think you’ve ever heard something so heartbreaking yet beautiful in your life. 
“Your mum sounds wonderful, I’m really happy you two get that time together.” 
He looks at you, and you can tell by the look in his eyes he loves that time with her more than anything else. 
Solstice is supposed to be the time you spend with your family, blood or chosen. The time where you all gather to cook and bake, and exchange thoughtful gifts with the ones you love. The time where you truly cherish one another and count yourself lucky for all that you have. 
Solstice is your favourite time of the year.
To not spend it like that just seems…wrong. Horribly, painfully, awfully wrong.
“What about you?” he asks.
You don’t want to make him feel bad, so you tone down your answer, taking away the meat and giving the bones.
“My mum and I cut down our own tree and decorate it with the ornaments we’ve collected over the years,” you have them from every place you’ve ever visited, and your mum kept all the ones you ever made as a kid. You even get a new one every solstice to take a picture for and label with the year.  
“Then we bake solstice cookies until our hands cramp and survive off only them until solstice dinner; a turkey, honey glazed carrots, mashed potatoes with gravy, essentially if it waters your mouth, it’s there,” he chuckles at that. “We do gifts for each other too, opening them on solstice morning before making hot drinks and reading in the breakfast nook until the sun sets or till we get hungry, whichever comes first.”
Jungkook's eyes glow, radiating warmth, a lazy smile on his face as he listens to you. 
“That sounds really nice, YN.”
“It is,” you reply, looking him in those radiant eyes as you do. He looks… happy. Happy for you, that you get to have something like this that’s so special. It breaks your heart a little…maybe you can help.
“You wanna make some solstice cookies with me before break?”
His look of happy shifts to one of slight panic.
“What?” you question, and comically ask, “Have you never made solstice cookies before?”
He hesitates before answering a very quiet, “Uh…N-no.”
Your shock must be incredibly evident in the way he almost flinches at your reaction.
So you try your best to keep your voice level when you ask, “What do you mean, no?”
“I mean no. I’ve never made solstice cookies.”
That’s it. You can’t hold back any more, you’ve never heard anything so blasphemous in all your life.
“You’ve never what?  How is that even possible?”
He shrinks into himself a little more.
“The palace pastry chef always makes them because that’s kind of his job,” you stare at him in disbelief. “Is this really that big a deal?”
You swear there’s cog’s and smoke flying out of your ears. Solstice cookies are a religion in your household. You know dozens of recipes by heart, always finding a new one each year to try and up your game. You cannot imagine a solstice without making them. Wait no, actually you can, but it would be because you’re dead.
You held back in your answer earlier, for his sake, but you and your mom’s hands cramp up because you make enough cookies to give a box to everyone in the neighborhood. It’s one of your favourite traditions, and your neighbours even look forward to it every year, going so far as sending you both recipes to try out.
“Big dea—you’ve never fucking mad—not even when you were little? No one brought you to the kitchen and let you help? Aren't all your friends back home the pastry chefs' kids or something?” You don’t mean to sound harsh, but your tone is a little more passionate than you were intending. 
But Jungkook knows you, knows you occasionally get that passionate about things, and takes your outburst in stride. 
“Yeah, one of them is, but we don't sit around the oven and make cookies all break long. And his dad is always too busy to teach us even if we wanted to.”
You decide something. Right then and there.
“This year you are.”
“Mark your last Saturday off because I'm going to show up here, ingredients-a-plenty and teach you how to make solstice cookies. I have a million recipes up here,” you tap your head with a finger, “But I'll choose the easiest ones. And I’ll come over early so we can spend the day making all of them. I can’t in good conscience leave for the break knowing you’ve never made them.”
He sighs. “Do I have any say in the matter?”
“Absolutely not.”
Jungkook stares at you and you can’t figure out what he’s thinking. You’re worried he’s going to say no anyway. To say you’re crazy and that they’re just cookies and that he has more important things he has to do on his Saturday before leaving for home.
But he doesn’t. And you should’ve known he wouldn’t, not after all the time you’ve spent together. 
You know better. Know him better.
“Alright Picasso. Sounds like a plan. I’m looking forward to it,” he decides, and goes back to watching the movie. 
It’s the first time he’s ever repeated a nickname.
“Wait! The wind guy wants to replace who?!” Jungkook shouts. 
You laugh at his confusion, and rewind the movie.
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Jungkook wakes up sore.
His back is killing him, which makes sense since he’s half lying on the couch, half on the ground. 
The TV’s silently playing some slideshow of movie recommendations based on recent watches. 
He checks his phone, reaching for it on the coffee tale. 
14% battery. 
Shit, he fell asleep. 
After the solstice movie he wanted to watch its predecessor. You had no qualms and so on it went, but he doesn’t remember much after the brothers started fighting.
Hearing soft, even breathing next to him he turns to see you, hunched over in your spot asleep, no doubt in the process of ruining your own back.
He should go to bed.
You should go to bed. 
But you’ve never stayed the night.
What should he do? Should he wake you? 
But you look so peaceful. And it’s nearing exams. You barely sleep when it’s exams season. 
Instead, Jungkook goes to check the guest room, but it’s a mess with yesterday's comings and goings. Make-up and clothes and hangers strewn everywhere.
Quietly, making a decision he hopes you won’t kill him for in the morning, he pads back to your sleeping form. 
It’s for your back, he tells himself. No other reason.
Deja vu sets in as he scoops you up from the couch, blanket and all. Just like last time, you gain enough consciousness to know to wrap your arms around his neck, but not enough to wake up. Your head rests on his shoulder and he selfishly savours the feeling as he walks down the short hallway to his room.  
Jungkook sets you down gently on one side of the bed, and your arms release, slumber undisturbed as he tucks you in.
He goes back to the living room to retrieve your phones. Yours is still at 56%, and he places it on the table beside you when he returns.
Climbing into his side of the bed, he’s careful not to touch you.
Though he wants to. 
His sleep deprived brain is too slow to block out the thoughts that start to race. Thoughts of how he wants to turn around and pull you into his chest, slide an arm around your waist, and kiss you goodnight. How he wants to wake up in the same position, you still in his arms. 
But he’s also awake enough to know that will never happen. That you’re with Nel, and happy with him. That he’s drawn that nice, big line.
He’s awake enough to know you being in his bed is a fluke, unintentional.
A one time thing.
Plugging his phone into its charger, he sets it down on his own bedside table and pulls the covers up, falling back asleep.
His back facing you. 
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An exhale wakes you.
Warm and cozy, you take a deep breath and roll to your left side, stretching on the way over. The scents of clean linen and something familiar find you. It’s comforting, that smell, but you can’t place it.
Another exhale, but this time you feel it as well as hear it.
You open your eyes to see a sleeping Jungkook face not a foot from your own and you jolt in shock, falling off the bed in the process. 
You look up from your new seat on the floor, ignoring the pain in your side from landing, and peer over the covers to check on Jungkook, who, miraculously, hasn’t woken up from your tumble. 
Relieved, your mind focuses on more pressing questions like ‘how did you get here?’ And ‘why were you in his bed?’ 
The last thing you remember was being halfway through the prequel to A Miser Brothers Solstice on the couch, watching Jungkook more than the movie because of how invested he’d become in the story. 
But you aren’t on the couch now. You were in his bed. 
The bed of the Prince of the Western Shores. 
The Prince who has a girlfriend, and you, who has a very long term, very serious boyfriend.
You hear a vibration, and following the sound, you find your phone on the bedside table. 
You quickly grab it quickly and go to the living room as quietly as you can manage. 
There’s a large number of unread texts. 
SlurryYuri [11:08pm]: hey, just checking in. You didn’t get home when you said you’d try for SlurryYuri [11:31pm]: Helloooooooo? YN? You there? SlurryYuri [12:14am]: it’s getting late YN, when are you coming home? Are you on your way?
Missed Calls: (3)
SlurryYuri [2:43am]: it’s been hours, so you better be dead or have crashed in the school somewhere. Either way I’m kicking your ass when you get home
Missed Calls: (2)
SlurryYuri [9:36am]: you’re still not home?? YN seriously, where are you SlurryYuri [10:23am]: If you don’t message me back in an hour I’m calling the police and filing a missing persons
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. You crashed hard, the shoot must have taken more out of you than you thought, so you never texted Yuri you were going to crash in a sleep pod at school like you’d planned too. 
You make quick work of messaging her back, glad she unintentionally gave you just the excuse you needed. 
YN [10:25am]: ohmygod I’m soooooo sorry, it was the school one. I fell asleep in the school. I’m sorry for worrying you. I’ll be home soon, promise. I’m just going to grab breakfast first. Again im sorry
SlurryYuri [10:27am]: thank the gods youre okay!! Don’t ever do that to me again YN! I don’t wanna be the one who has to break news to your mom!! She’s too nice.  SlurryYuri [10:27am]: and take your time getting back if your rushing for me, I’m not at the dorm SlurryYuri [10:27am]: Tai showed up yesterday out of the blue and took me dancing. We’re out getting brunch right now, and he has plans for the rest of the day SlurryYuri [10:28am]: Im just glad you’re not dead in a ditch somewhere
YN [10:29am]: me too, and okay I will. Thanks for checking up on me and making sure im safe, youre my favourite
SlurryYuri [10:30am]: damn right I am, see you tn <3
YN [10:30am]: see you <3
You exhale deeply, that was fucking close. 
Your stomach rumbles and it reminds you that you actually need to get breakfast. 
What could you have? You could order in again, but that means a wait time and you are hungry now. You could raid Jungkook's pantry, or see if he has any fruit, but then you think that’s a gross invasion of privacy when it’s not movie night and you haven’t asked if it’s okay. 
The egg tarts!
You dash to the fridge, the marvellous sight of a greenhouse inside a coffee mug comes into view. Stuffing one down before you even get the box from the fridge, you exit the kitchen, sit down on the couch, setting the box on the coffee table. Once opened in front of you, you realize there is a healthy amount of tarts inside. 
How many did Jungkook ask for?
Speaking of, a bed-headed, yawning Jungkook makes his morning debut, still in last night's clothes.
“Hey,” he says groggily, walking over and stealing a tart.
“Hey!” you say back, not nearly as friendly. 
“Overnight tax, Picasso. Room isn’t free.” He chuckles at your faux outrage, popping half the tart in his mouth as he walks to the kitchen and grabs something from the fridge. Returning, you see it’s a morning protein shake. 
“So is that name the one you’re sticking to now?” you ask, picking up another tart. At this rate they won’t last until lunch.
“Yeah, that okay with you? It’s your name in my phone after all.”
“It is?” You didn’t know that.
“Yeah, has been since the start.” 
You’re quickly learning that sleepy morning Jungkook is very different from morning post work-out Jungkook, friend Jungkook and photographer Jungkook. His voice is deeper, he’s a lot more relaxed, and maybe even harmlessly borderline flirty, like he’s not all there yet. Softer. 
“Picasso’s just fine. A compliment really.”
“Oh? And what am I in your’s then? Hopefully something just as nice?”
You tell him like it is.
“PJK?” he asks, incredulous.
“Yeah? It’s obscure enough to not be recognizable if someone were to see it, but enough for me to know who it is.”
“Nah, you need something better, PJK is boring.”
“It’s your initials.”
“And boring,” he’s really not letting up on this. 
“Well...what would you save yourself as?”
He mulls it over for a minute before deflating. “Okay, fair point, but I seriously want a new one. Something that can rival Picasso.”
“Do you have any nicknames? Something not completely obvious?”
For a morning person, Jungkook sure is taking his time. Maybe he was only a morning person before 8am, and then if he got up anytime after that he became a normal person who despised mornings like everyone else.
“Uhh…Vivian calls me JK, but that’s essentially the same thing as PJK. My buddies back home sometimes call me Kook, but I don’t think that works either. My mum has one for me that I will not disclose to anyone so long as I am breathing. So I guess not.”
A lightbulb dings over your head. “What about your security? Don’t they have special code names for you when they detail you? Like bear or eagle?” 
“Yeah, but it’s not nearly as badass as either of those.”
“Fess up,” you say. Now you have to know.
“Hare?” Now it’s your turn to be incredulous. “Like a rabbit?”
An idea pops into your head and an evil grin spreads across your face, one you know is already setting worry into Jungkook’s still awakening brain as you change his name.
“I don’t like that look,” he confirms. “What’d you change it to?”
You flip your phone around and hold it up to him.
“Bunny?” he says incredulously once again.
“I give you Picasso, one of the greatest painters of all time, and you think giving me bunny is anywhere near on par with that?”
Teasing him is far too fun, especially when he makes it this easy for you.
“Oh absolutely. In fact, I think it’s the best name I could possibly set it as.”
Jungkook disagrees, vehemently. “No, change it back. PJK is fine.”
“Too late. You dug your grave, now lie in it.”
Jungkook brings a hand to his face, pinching the crease between his brows and takes a very long, deep breath, exhaling just as dramatically. 
You take that as your victory. But you’re sorely mistaken.
He launches at you, reaching for your phone and you scream, reaching your arm to keep it away from him. You have a fox socked foot on his chest to try and keep him back. His right arm is holding him up near your hip on the couches edge and he’s reaching with his left as far as he can without breaking his sternum on your heel. 
“Give it!”
You try to bring up your other foot to push him away, but Jungkook is strong, and forces both it and the one on his chest down with the arm that was supporting him, temporarily keeping himself up with his left hand on the back of the couch. 
With your legs out of the way he can almost reach his phone. But in his distracted state, misses the couch when he goes to put his supporting arm down again, and flips onto the ground, taking you with him. You scream, but his arms wrap around you as he makes sure to take the brunt of the impact, landing on his back, you safely secured to his chest. 
There’s a moment of pure stunned silence, you resting your forhead on his chest while you process, him not letting go of your waist as he gets a breath into his winded self, before you’re both laughing as you take in what happened.
“You okay?” he asks.
“Yeah, you?”
He takes a second to respond. “I’m great.” 
You push to sit up, and he releases you from his hold, but that was a mistake. Because now you’re sitting on his lap. 
It takes an entire three seconds of you staring at him and him staring right back before you jump and scramble off him as fast as you can. 
“Sorry.” you say in unison, you standing and him from the ground. It’s a painfully awkward 8 seconds before you break, cackling at the whole situation, and he joins in with you again. 
Jungkook brushes off his pants as he gets up too. “Got any plans before tonight,” he asks, business as usual.
“Nope, cleared my schedule in case this went long, I’ve got the whole day.”
You swear his smile grows two sizes.
“Well in that case,” he looks to the TV, then back to you, “Wanna start movie night early?”
An entire day to relax and chill out before the hell that is exams season takes your every free second? 
Yes please.
“Solstice movie marathon?” you propose slyly, near devious.
“I’ll get the popcorn,” he confirms, already halfway to the kitchen.
You spend the day like that, on the couch watching movie after movie, both pretending the little incident never even happened. 
But you make sure to go home after movie night this time. 
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Chapter Nine: TBR
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A/N 2: This chapter kicked my ass but it's here and I couldn't be more thrilled. I really like how it's ended so I hope you guys do too.
A/N 3: As always, Thank you for reading, loves. Xoxo - Yoon <3
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malertop · 6 months
Ethan Landry x Male Reader
Wet & Naked
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Gif is not mine!
Help I got this idea at 3 am..literally,so idk if it's my idea or i have seen a fanfiction of that but well it might be mine and I just my brain and it might be not and I don't remember anything!
Y/N and Ethan we're known as the most cute and dorkiest couple by the cour five (With Y/N it's gonna be five) and by the Kirchis Family.Ethan is a shy,dorky,horror movie fan and the boyfriend who is a total freak who is sometimes way too shy or awkward..and the one who has abs and is strong,and Y/N is the shy,cute,selfless little guy who doesn't believe in himself,and also the shorter boyfriend..and the one who doesn't have abs or anything (but if you read this and have abs then you just do).Chad,Ethan and Y/N are in the same dorm and that couldn't make Ethan happier.
But the little problem in their relationship is that Ethan always barges/enters Y/N's room at any time just to talk to him about something,no metter if he's doing his homework,is playing,is sleeping,is trying to sleep,eat and more more.
As Y/N was changing after he got out of the shower he started to prepare his clothes and as he finally decided what he will wear he just got his pj since it's literally 9 PM and it's dark.He put his pj in his bed and was about to change when he heard his door opening
"Y/N you won't believe wha-" Ethan entered and said that while going inside his boyfriend room "Ethan!" Y/N yelled as then Ethan looked at the boy who had nothing but a towel that he tried to use to cover himself "Oh My God,i-i am so sorry i promise i won't look,i will leave right now!" Ethan said as he closed his eyes and headed to the door but as he did he tripped and accidentally grabbed Y/N's towel without his knowledge."Ow that hurt" Ethan said as he then opened his eyes just to see Y/N naked Infront of him,Y/N's cock was big and long without it being hard as water dropped from it,he was probably already 7 or 8 whole inches without even being hard and his upper body was wet from the water as his whole naked body parts were shining because of the lamp's in his room."God i-i am sorry!" Y/N said as he fastly run out of his dorm to run in the bathroom passing Ethan who was on the floor.
-After 10 minutes Y/N was still in the bathroom hiding as Ethan and Chad are together watching TV-
"What was that kind of yelling?" Chad asked Ethan who stopped back from his shock "Huh?What yelling?" Ethan said confused "You know..the one that happened over 10 minutes ago..You and Y/N kind of yell and then I saw him go into the bathroom..I mean only him closing the door but yeah" Ethan then started blushing like a tomato or a strawberry,he just saw Y/N naked,his boyfriend who is Y/N was naked and he saw him naked.Ethan was flustered as his face got hotter "dude are you...blushing?" Chad said looking at Ethan who then instantly just looked at him and said "W-What?" "Dude you are blushing as a tomato!" Chad said as Ethan whispered yell "shut up!" defensively,Chad chuckled as he made fun of the dork "And why is dork blushing?" Chad teased Ethan "I am not a dork!" Ethan replied again defensively but not as the last time,Ethan looked at Chad who was waiting for the answer "I..I um..I saw Y/N naked,BUT IT WAS AN ACCIDENT I PROMISE!" Chad's smile even got bigger as he was ready to literally bully him "and what,I mean you guys have been dating for 4 months already,not a big of a deal" Chad said as he tried not to make fun of the dork who was blushing like a tomato "or..you just started at his dick and was amazed" Chad then couldn't take it anymore and just started laughing as Ethan blushed even more "dude his dick wasn't even hard and was already 7 or 8 inches." Chad then stopped laughing right away and looked at his roommate "Wait What" Chad asked again from shock "Yeah um..I slipped and I accidentally grabbed his towel and i saw his dick,and i don't know if he noticed but umm...I think that's why he is hiding" Ethan said as he started to get hotter and hotter once again "Wait..so you're telling me that you saw the shyest and shortest guy from all of us..naked..and his di-" "yes Chad I am saying that" but as Ethan said that they both heard the TV and looked over there just to see Y/N in his pj's watching TV on the couch."Okay well you need to stop blushing,or oh wait,his dick and body is on your mind!" Chad started to laugh quietly "Shut up dude..not funny" "It sure is to me" Ethan then looked at Y/N "i wish i could have seen more..or...do something more" he thought in his mind
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p1nkshield · 1 year
Hi 👋 This is chapter four of the Estranged Uncle Au!
Just a warning there is mentions of cults and a scene that has Damian being Damian (AKA knife child) Please take care of yourselves! I hope you enjoy!
Clark was sweating buckets.
“I promise you I’m not in danger! This is all a big misunderstanding! Bruce isn’t even that creepy!”
Jazz rattled off several reasons.
“He has a cloyingly sweet public persona, his personal computer has extensive information on all of the local rogues in the area and all the adopted sons we’ve met look practically identical to both each other and you and Danny! Not to mention they all seem trained for combat! How is that not creepy?”
Okay from an impartial standpoint Clark could see how it looked like he was tied up in a cult.
“I swear if another fruitloop billionaire obsessed with one of my family members tries to adopt me I’m gonna wail!”
How specific!
“Wail?” Clark began to ask but was cut off.
“Are you tied up in a cult Clark? Because we can get you out if you are! I … uh know a guy who specializes in taking down cults.”
“I promise you I’m not in a cult! The blue eyes and black hair is a coincidence and I am not in danger! Also what do you mean you know a guy who specializes in taking down cults!?!”
Danny squinted.
“Hold that thought. Everyone stop talking!”
Danny reached towards Clark’s shoulder and picked out a small device, no bigger than a grain of rice out of his cable knit sweater.
“No one who plants listening devices into sweaters isn’t creepy.”
He then promptly threw it to the ground and crushed it with his heel.
“That’s the end of the recording.” Tim said while cringing.
“Sleazy?!? Me? Sleazy? I did a back handspring on hardwood floors for them and they call me sleazy?!”
Dick thought that he could win them over. Was he too heavy handed?
“It’s probably because you fell asleep in the pico de gallo timber.” Jason joked as he inspected the weapons vault.
“What? Me?!? I was the only one who made any headway! I was just up late trying to track whoever was hacking us!” Tim defended.
“Well good news! You found ‘em! Let me know when they hack my library account seeing as the Big bad bat computer is being hacked by a couple teens.” Jason said dismissively as he took a flamethrower fuel canister.
Bruce was experiencing a new amalgamation of emotions. He was both incredibly embarrassed, incredibly amused and incredibly impressed.
How embarrassing that the bat computer was hacked! He put so much effort into the protection of his data!
But then again Clark must be beside himself trying to convince them he wasn’t in a cult and that was incredibly amusing. He even said all the things that people said when they were in denial about being in a cult!
This was absurd! The only way to describe this was absurd!
“Fools! All of you do not truly understand the gravitas of the situation! If they believe that we are indeed weapons dealers they may snoop further and compromise all of our secret identities!” Damian huffed his way into the view of his family.
“We’ll be alright Dami, Tim is reinforcing our defenses for the computer and we’re going to try and disengage for a while. If we keep on trying we might make it worse.” Dick ruffled through Damian’s hair despite many protests.
Damian tutted at this suggestion. They needed to approach the problem head on and quickly rectify the situation lest it spiral into a larger one. Perhaps if they suffered an accident.
“Damian! I know that face! That’s the face you make when you go off and try to rectify the situation by yourself!”
“That is not true Grayson! I was simply thinking about confiding in my companion about how tedious my science project is.”
“You promise you’re only going to engage in age appropriate activities like science homework and book reports?”
“I promise.”
"I'm choosing to believe you" Dick began to walk away before pulling another sour face. "...Sleazy?"
Damian checked his hidden blades one final time before encroaching upon this Daniel Fenton who had foolishly entered an alleyway. He deftly held a knife to the throat of his target.
"If you continue to snoop into my father's business I will not hesitate to cut you down!"
Damian was expecting to me met with fear and copious apologies. He was a fearsome and terrifying warrior after all.
"Are you trying to hold me at knifepoint on your tippy-toes?" The target said in the same tone that one would use with a kitten trying to jump a bit too high. They should be focused on the clear danger Damian was posing. Or at least the danger he was posing. Between the moment Damian looked at his feet and the moment he looked back up to find a very unperturbed Danny.
"Did your father put you up to this?" He asked.
"No! I acted of my own accord!"
"Well are there anymore ineffective threats you want to say?"
Damian was about to say something when his stomach audibly growled. Curses! He could not bring a meal in order to maintain secrecy from Alfred! Damian slowly looked up towards Danny's face. He has that look that Grayson gets before he does something annoying like ruffle his hair.
"Are you hungry?"
Damian did not dignify this question with an answer and began to storm off.
"I'm having some friends over, we can spare you a plate! My friend Sam chose the menu though so its vegan."
Damian stopped in his tracks.
"What is it that you are making?"
"Cauliflower gnocchi with cashew cream pesto."
"And this is taking place in Clark's home?"
"Fine. But I will not be lenient with you because you've offered me a meal!"
Danny laughed and texted Sam
"Hey get another bundle of basil Im bringing a guest"
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ilovebuckers5 · 7 months
dating nika muhl hcs
(warning this is mainly Nika x Fem reader so I apologize)
talking stage-
enemies to lovers no doubt. everyone would talk about Nika around you and all the girls on Nika's team would point you out once Nika came clean about liking you.
"look its lover girl" was mainly said by KK as she points in your direction tapping on Nika's shoulder. Nika's usual reaction is to just smack her shoulder.
once she actually got the guts to talk to you, you were so terrified when she came up to you. all of your friends said she was a more aggressive basketball player (true.) but they were wrong when they said that Nika's personality is the same as when shes on court.
the more Nika approached you each day, you fell in love more. finally you guys got each other's numbers and socials. a text was thrown around every couple days until you guys actually started to text everyday and called each other nicknames here and there.
both of your guys' friends couldn't get off your dicks about it. nudging your shoulders when the smallest smile shows up on one or the others face. they treated your talking stage like a highschool crush.
beginning of the relationship -
nika seemed tough on the outside around you but alone or with her friends she was a hot mess. everyday it would be something like "I swear to God if there's another girl-"
dont ask me why but you initiated the relationship. I just feel it in my balls.
the second you guys started dating she ripped out her phone and texted the team groupchat. the rest of that week all she could do was rant about you even though she tried her hardest not to.
it was very awkward in the beginning... a lot of like awkward kisses on the cheeks and weirdly long hugs. it took a while to get used to but once you did it was perfect.
this is obviously a forever thing but she has the most protective personality to ever exist. I mean when someone even says your name and any negative word she blows up inside. if someone gives you a dirty look she gives a FILTHY STARE back. she doesn't play when it comes to her girl
getting comfy -
once the moment came, she would spend almost every night sleeping in your dorm/apartment.
started to get more soft around you instead of tough guy.
holds onto your waist all the time like there is not a moment where her fingers aren't curled around your hips.
calls you all sorts of nicknames in English and croatian (only when you guys are alone though)
she does her own skincare routine and makeup and stuff but will ALWAYS let you do your routine on her.
makeovers are a must.
she can never pick between big spoon or little spoon so you guys just go with whatever that night brings.
loves to play with your hair when you are doing homework.
even though she is completely capable of distracting you while you do work or homework or anything serious, she loves helping you out.
arguments (sadly)
ok I'm dreading this part.
you guys only argue over like actual serious things.
tries to not accuse you of anything but fails most of the time
attempts to hide the fact that arguments are her literal worst fear.
after any argument she goes to the bathroom and kind of slams the door not too much tho.
has her hands on her face and is pacing around the room
the reason she leaves is so that you don't see any emotions she picked up from the argument.
most of the time she leaves to go cry and then tries to ignore you for the night.
the moment you go up to her door she cant even look you in the eyes.
you both just stand there for a second before she pulls you into a hug and keeps you there for a while
(angry sex after)
ok guys that's it for now... maybe I'll write more later if I'm feeling up to it.
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angelbowerz · 10 months
[ super specific my bad ]
can you write headcanons for henry bowers x a male reader? pref. w/ reader being all A's, popular, "prep" 🧎‍♂️‍➡️ -🕷
Henry Bowers with a VERY smart bf
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-the first time he knew about you was when he moved to your class and the teacher is giving out test scores
"Wow y/n! A+ as usual"
-NOW he knows who you are, and youll be in alot of trouble at first with Mr Mulletman
-he'll force you to do his homework and since you have a crush on him..it would be a yes so he'll lay off you
-he either figured out you had a crush on him or somebody told him (probably Patrick)
-okay...let's be realistic, at first he'd be PISSED a boy has a crush on him. This is Henry Bowers we're talking about here
-but after a few weeks of calling you every slur in the book he'll find you, bully you, kiss you, then runs away as fast as possible 😭
*kisses you*
"I still hate you...QUEER!" *runs away*
The actual relationship
-he'd want it to be a secret for nobody to know, he'll think having a boyfriend would ruin his reputation
-he would NEVER take you to see Butch, you'll only be allowed around his house when Butch is away (only doing it because he loves you)
-you'll still be forced to do his homework, but he'll say it in a nicer way...
"Y/n. Do my homework."
"Okay :]"
"Hm. Good"
-in public he acts like such a dick to you but you know he doesn't mean it
-in private, especially in your house, he's VERY chill and sorta nice if you keep him talking long enough
-he will force you to sit next to him in EVERY class you have together...not to spend time with you, so he can copy your work
-'study dates' where he just watches you do all the work
-when Butch beats him, the first thing he'll do is go to your house and just hug the life outta you
-if he's in a venting mood (very rare) he'll probably express how he thinks its stupid about keeping the relationship private since you're both guys
-the only time he'll probably be affectionate in public is either
On Halloween when you're both wearing masks
If you're at a place where nobody ever goes to
-I'd say after around a year of you two being together he'll be more open about your relationship (tells his gang etc)
-if anyone even looks at you wrong, they'll get a good punch from henry
-his gang won't mind that he's dating you, but Patrick will either tease you or try doing stuff with you (if you know what i mean)
-when you tell Henry about Patrick, he'll literally beat Patrick so bad he nearly dies
-when you're having an argument with eachother (a bad one) he'll say some pretty mean stuff due to the fact you're both boys
"I only dated you because you're so desperate y/n! You think I'd actually love another guy?!?!"
-he doesn't mean it but, he'll always say stuff like that when he's having a hissy fit
-later on he'll apologise...in his own way
"I'M SORRY OKAY?! God Y/n! So damn emotional"
-let's say you was still together after graduation and you leave Derry together
-he'll be much more relaxed since he knows nobody in this new town/ Butch isn't there
-he'll FINALLY hold your hand/kiss you in public
-it will take a few years but..his temper will slowly go away and he'll become nicer
-buuuttt, since you're very smart...and he isn't, I could see you two breaking up in senior year since you wanna go to college and he doesn't, you have a very big argument over it where you break up with him
-if you never speak yo him again after that, he'll probably marry some girl who loves him to make Butch happy but in reality he wishes she was you
-regrets not begging you to take him back
-he'll forever miss you
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wolfjackle-creates · 2 years
In celebration of my new writing sideblog, I decided to share a snippet of the expanded version of my first prompt fill. Original can be found here. Brief synopsis: Tim and Danny became online friends when they were both neglected and lonely ten/eleven-year-olds. Before Robin and before Phantom. They have been fully open with each other since they first met and that doesn't change, even after it probably should. (This segment is a chat fic.)
Prompt from @gremlin-bot
IKnowYourSecrets = Tim's username
-xXPolarisXx- = Danny's username
Typos in chat are intentional.
Edit: I don't know why the color text is being weird. Each time I get everything to work, new random letters are black.
Edit 2: formatting finally fixed. That took way too long.
Danny had been playing mindlessly when he got a message from Secrets.
IKnowYourSecrets: Thank god your on
That was odd. Secrets was always laid back and chill.
-xXPolarisXx-: Secrets? Whats up
IKnowYourSecrets: something big has happened IKnowYourSecrets: like top secret big IKnowYourSecrets: and I need advice IKnowYourSecrets: ive set up a private chat IKnowYourSecrets: one that cant be hacked so easily
-xXPolarisXx-: dude youre freaking me out -xXPolarisXx-: whats going on?
IKnowYourSecrets: :sends link: IKnowYourSecrets: not here. Ill explain
Danny clicked the link and put in his username when prompted. He had never even seen this chat room server before. Not that he spent a lot of time on chat rooms. He preferred in-game chats.
-xXPolarisXx-: ok dude spill -xXPolarisXx-: wth is going on
IKnowYourSecrets: I know who Batman is
“What!” Danny couldn’t hold back the shout. He started typing a reply, deleted, started typing again.
“Danny?” asked Jazz from the kitchen table where she was doing her homework. “Everything ok?”
He waved his hand at her. “Yeah! Everything is fine! My friend and I were just killed by something I didn’t even know could be dangerous.”
“Don’t play too long. You still have homework.”
“I know! I’ll be good.”
-xXPolarisXx-: good one secrets -xXPolarisXx-: you got me for a minute
IKnowYourSecrets: :image attachment: IKnowYourSecrets: :image attachment: IKnowYourSecrets: :news link: IKnowYourSecrets: :news link: IKnowYourSecrets: :image attachment:
The links and pictures started coming through even faster. The first was a picture of a family of acrobats and one of the links was to the story about how the parents died in an accident while performing.
The next link was about Bruce Wayne adopting a child followed by one only a few months later discussing Batman’s new side kick, Robin. Then a picture of the Graysons’ son in his circus costume next to a picture of the first Robin. Which were entirely too similar.
“Holy…” whispered Danny. But the links and images were still coming.
Robin stopped being spotted when Dick Grayson moved out. And not much later Nightwing appeared. And then there was a new Robin and a new adoption. And then Jason Todd-Wayne died and Robin disappeared.
-xXPolarisXx-: what. The fuck -xXPolarisXx-: why are you even looking into this -xXPolarisXx-: Secrets! ????
IKnowYourSecrets: your a real friend, right? IKnowYourSecrets: I mean weve known each other for like 2 years now IKnowYourSecrets: no catfisher’d stick around this long
-xXPolarisXx-: course I’m real -xXPolarisXx-: though thats also what a catfisherd say
IKnowYourSecrets: I live in gotham IKnowYourSecrets: Batmans changed since Robin IKnowYourSecrets: Since Jason died IKnowYourSecrets: he needs a robin I think IKnowYourSecrets: hes mean and harsh and people dont feel safe
-xXPolarisXx-: … -xXPolarisXx-: youre planning something
IKnowYourSecrets: help me figure out how to convince dick to go back to being robin IKnowYourSecrets: I think they had a fight IKnowYourSecrets: from what i can find online their last several meetings have ended in fights
Danny stared at his screen, mouth open. Secrets couldn’t be serious. This was too much. But he knew his friend. He might joke during a gaming battle, but he’d never joke about this. Not to Danny, or well, Polaris.
-xXPolarisXx-: Youre gonna chase down Nightwing?? -xXPolarisXx-: isnt he only out at night??? -xXPolarisXx-: dude youre gonna get yourself killed -xXPolarisXx-: how’ll you even find him? -xXPolarisXx-: do NOT tell him you know his secret identity -xXPolarisXx-: what do vigilantes do to ppl who learn their identities?
Danny watched as the dots appeared to indicate Secrets was typing. They stopped. Picked up again.
IKnowYourSecrets: awww IKnowYourSecrets: you like me ❤ IKnowYourSecrets: im not gonna die! IKnowYourSecrets: NIGHTWING will be there IKnowYourSecrets: and I can find him bc I know his patrol routes IKnowYourSecrets: easy peasy IKnowYourSecrets: im going tonight IKnowYourSecrets: just need to figure out what to say
-xXPolarisXx-: dude really??? -xXPolarisXx-: do you even know why they fought?
IKnowYourSecrets: Gotham needs batman IKnowYourSecrets: and batman needs robin IKnowYourSecrets: hes a hero he should want to help
-xXPolarisXx-: Well start with that, then -xXPolarisXx-: if youre going to be an idiot -xXPolarisXx-: and go out in gotham at night -xXPolarisXx-: tell nightwing youre worried about batman
IKnowYourSecrets: worried about nightwing as well IKnowYourSecrets: hes not as bad IKnowYourSecrets: but its clear something is wrong
-xXPolarisXx-: im just a kid from a small town -xXPolarisXx-: how am I supposed to know how to talk to superheroes?
IKnowYourSecrets: they aren’t superheroes IKnowYourSecrets: no powers
-xXPolarisXx-: not the point -xXPolarisXx-: I guess -xXPolarisXx-: start by asking how hes doing -xXPolarisXx-: and how batmans doing -xXPolarisXx-: and say youre sorry about robins death -xXPolarisXx-: but most importan STAY SAFE -xXPolarisXx-: i dont even know your name to follow any news stories
IKnowYourSecrets: its Tim if you wanna know
-xXPolarisXx-: mines Danny -xXPolarisXx-: idk why but Tim fits you
IKnowYourSecrets: dont use it on public forums IKnowYourSecrets: but were safe here IKnowYourSecrets: Danny. I like it IKnowYourSecrets: thanks for the advice!!! IKnowYourSecrets: im gonna use it IKnowYourSecrets: ttyl IKnowYourSecrets: gonna track down dick and talk to him IKnowYourSecrets: he usually starts patroling in like an hour and a half IKnowYourSecrets: and it’ll take me about that long to get to bludhaven
-xXPolarisXx-: lemme know what happens -xXPolarisXx-: im gonna check this chat and the game any chance I have at the computer
IKnowYourSecrets: will do IKnowYourSecrets: by danny
-xXPolarisXx-: stay safe tim
Danny stared at the chat box as Secrets, as Tim signed out. What. The. Hell.
“You all right there, Danny?” Jazz was looking at him from their kitchen table and Danny quickly closed out of the chatroom. No one could be allowed to see that information.
“Yeah, course. Just talking with my online friend Secrets.” Whose name he now knew. “He had to go, though. So I guess I’ll start my homework.”
“Were you two playing that game you like?”
He couldn’t tell the truth, so he decided to lie. “Yeah. We’re hoping to beat this boss so we can get a rune stone that’ll let us craft this super awesome weapon! Then we might stand a chance in the arena.”
Jazz smiled at him. “I’m sure you two’ll get it. What’s this arena?”
Danny described the game on autopilot as pulled out his backpack and books. Holy hell, he knew Batman’s identity.
Part 2
I also hope to start doing WIP Wednesdays if there's any interest. Probably not every week and they won't all be for this fic, but I've got a few things I've been working on that I hope people will enjoy.
Tag List (I hope you're still all interested so many months later. XP)
@bonebrokebuddy, @britcision, @lady-time-lord-, @welcometosasakiworld, @akikkobara, @phoenixdemonqueen, @dolfay, @skulld3mort-1fan, @nutcase8691, @dreamingasters, @xysidhequeen
I'm sure there's people I'm missing. So let me know if you want to be added or if you want to be taken off the list. I won't be offended either way.
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shoyoist · 2 years
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— 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐎 𝐆𝐎𝐙𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐔 !! : baji keisuke.
content: fem!reader. college au. strangers to friends to lovers trope. baji is a delinquent, still. reader is implied to be rich and rather innocent. ~ fingering. spit. manhandling, slight breeding kink, mating press, raw sex, rough sex, praise.
word count: 4.6k
⠀⠀⠀⠀— . 。˚ ♡ what happens when the sweet lil honors student decides to be nice and help the failing college student/delinquent out?
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when baji makes it into college, it's by the slimmest fucking chance. he barely makes it. but baji's always been one to follow through with what he's set his eyes on doing — so by no means is he going to flunk out of college once he's got in.
he's struggling, though, and it's no help that most of the other students are a little wary of him. there’s nobody around that’s willing to lend him a hand. but that’s warranted, you suppose.
he is after all, a delinquent with a ton of street cred on his back, and has made a name for having a complete lack of hesitation to use his fists to make his way out of any given situation.
he looks it, too — and rumors are always strengthened by appearances.
he's got those wild, sharp eyes and that whetted smile, and he's a big guy. muscles showing through the thin shirts he shows up to classes in, his toned thighs and calves on display at the behest of the tight leather pants he always wears.
the chains and rings he wears, and the booming motorcycle he rides just makes his deadly image more refined — not to mention the fact that he's already picked more than a couple of fights on campus his first semester.
but you see how he tries so hard in class.
you've never spoken to baji keisuke in your life before — but today is the start of the fourth week in a row that you've walked into the library after class, to see baji sitting at one of the tables by himself, surrounded by books as he stares at a printed question sheet with a scowl on his face.
as an honors student, a soft spoken girl that takes her father's car to school every day, and dresses in pastels and skirts, you're the opposite of baji keisuke in every way. you're nervous, and unsure if he'd even listen to you, or just laugh your words off and render you unable to ever meet his eyes again.
but you do it anyway. you walk up to him where he's sitting at his usual table, and clear your throat. "baji?"
and when he looks up, features so sharp and rugged, the pen he's twirling in his hands so tiny compared to his large palm and fingers, your breath catches in your throat — but you speak up anyway. "hi. i'm from your class?" you say, giving him a smile.
"whaddya want?" he asks, after almost a full minute of looking you up and down. you feel nearly insecure as you stand there and wait, wondering if he doesn't like the look of your plaid sweater, your cute boots or your skirt.
you open your mouth to answer him, but he cuts you off — "you wanna hop on my dick or somethin'? because if so, scram."
"no!" you blurt out, feeling your face heat up in an instant. he raises a thick, questioning eyebrow at you then, and you stutter, trying to form your sentences back on your tongue after his embarrassing accusation. "i— i just wanted to know if you'd like some help!"
"huh?" baji grunts, putting his pen down. "what's that mean?"
"with your work!" you say, gesturing to all the books laid out on the table. "you know? i've seen you here a lot recently, working on your homework and stuff. so i just wanted to ask if you wanted some help."
"with my studies?" he asks, like he's still unsure. and when you nod, you see his eyes slowly light up — because even baji knows you’re one of the smartest students. "really? ya wanna tutor me?"
"not for money or anything." you quickly affirm, in case he lands another quip about how he doesn't have money to give you. "just ... as a classmate. as a friend. we could be study partners, if you like."
"study partners, huh." he muses, resting his chin on his fist as he thinks about it. then, he gives you a grin (that automatically makes your heart flutter, because god, you can't deny it — he's hot). "sure."
he pats the chair next to his, offering you a seat, and you take it.
hence, you started on your semester long journey of being baji's study partner, making fast friends with him and finding out that he's a sweet, funny guy alongside the rough, loud personality he's got.
your curiosity on why a gangster like him would try so hard in college, or wish to attend school at all, is satiated when eventually, he tells you about his domestic dreams of building a cozy little life for himself, opening up a pet shop, perhaps expanding it into a vet clinic if he can pass his course and get licensed.
baji’s ambitions are only strange to you for the first half of your time with him. the more you get to know him, the more you realize that his rugged, untamed appearance and personality is all just who he is on the surface level.
apart from how surprisingly cute he is when he’s learning, he's so nice to you — walks with you to class, offers to drive you on his bike to this really good coffee place he knows during breaks, brings you a little gift on your birthday — and by the end of the semester, you're sure you've about fallen in love with him.
and thankfully, with your help, his grades do go up. 
he scores well enough that he manages to pass and secure his spot in college for another year — and though his achievement was not much compared to your top results, he's so happy about it.
"princess," he says (because he calls you princess now) as he flops onto the couch in your bedroom (because somewhere in the midst of the semester, you've also moved your regular study spot from the library to your house). "have i thanked ya properly for all your help yet?"
"what do you mean?" you ask, perched on the edge of your bed, watching him manspread, feeling proud when he shoots a satisfied glance towards the marksheet laying on the couch beside him.
"i mean," he sighs. "i gotta thank you, right? you're savin' my life here."
"by studying with you?" you giggle, and he meets your eyes with a lazy tilt of his head, watching as you smooth your skirt out over your knees. the early winter sun that pools into the room through the window is watery — but the light catches in his bright gaze anyway, increasing the intensity of his stare. "it's okay. you've bought me enough coffee over the days to pay me back, i think."
there's a moment of tense silence, before he gets up from the couch, and walks over to you.
when he stops only a foot away from your seat on the bed, and asks, "is the door locked, princess?" you feel a shiver crawl up your spine — but you nod, assuring him that the door is locked.
and with that, he climbs onto the bed on top of you, pushing you down onto your bed.
your heart jumps, as your back hits the mattress, his hands coming down to dig into the sheets on either side of your head, as he grips them to hold his weight over you.
"can i thank you?" he rasps after a second, voice soft — hovering over you with his lips only inches away from your own. your heart picks up pace, and your pulse hammers in your ears as you fight to keep eye contact with him. as you try to think of an answer.
and well, fuck, you never thought something like this would happen, when you first took pity on the delinquent in your class, and offered to help him with his studies. 
you were just being nice — but as you’d just been thinking of a moment ago, over the course of the time you've known baji, you've found out that he's got so much more to him than his delinquent’s face.
you know he’s gentle with animals, that he works so very hard to be the best he can be, and that he's a loyal friend. you know he likes peyoung yakisoba, and that he secretly reads shoujo manga. you know he prefers your red hair ties over your pink ones. you know the most important thing to him is that his mother is happy (and you know what they say. a man who's good to his mother, will be good to his wife).
you really do like him. so you nod once more, but he sees the hesitation in your eyes, so he asks again. "is this really okay?"
you blink up at him, once or twice, before gathering the courage to ask. "baj— keisuke. do you like me?"
"i do." he replies without a beat missed, gaze bright as he locks it with yours. and just those two words cause your heart to warm up so many degrees, an instant shot of delight — but you ask again. "really?" 
he licks his lips, seeming a little nervous, now, as he hovers over you. "really." he says. his heat spills into you through the minute distance between your bodies, as he collects the words onto his tongue. "i fuckin' love you, princess. never thought i'd be such a sap for someone, but i am. i like you, a lot. i want you."
it's strange — because although you love him, you've never thought he'd return your feelings.
you've always thought and decided that things would end as quickly and smoothly as they'd started. that you'd help him, and he'd receive your help, and that would be that. but now, the situation's changed. in an instant.
a little voice at the back of your head wonders that hey, maybe this is just the delinquent taking his chance with the unassuming, innocent little girl in his class — but you brush the thought aside. you’re not stupid. you know baji’s a good guy.
you swallow, throat going dry as you realize what will happen once you answer. "i like you too, keisuke. in fact, i think i'm in love with you, too."
baji laughs at that, an affectionate little heh, leaving his lungs before he takes in another breath. "can i kiss you, then?"
"you can do whatever you want." you say.
and instantly, he's kissing you. 
it’s almost too quick, his tongue pushing hungrily past your lips and coiling with your own, searing and needy as his hands clutch your waist, crawling under your top to feel up your skin, soft and supple under his calloused grip.
a mewl falls from your lips when his fingers brush against your tits, and he moves his hand back to that spot, giving the soft flesh a squeeze and laughing when you gasp, your body rocking under his. 
your own hands lift up, somewhat unsure, to palm at his muscled chest, tugging experimentally at the hem of his shirt. "take it off," he grunts, into your mouth. "hah, never been touched like this before, have you?"
"haven't." you mumble shyly, and baji's eyes glow dully when he hears it. he yanks the top off of you, and you feel vulnerable as you squirm on your bed, wearing nothing but your skirt and panties as he ravishes you with his eyes. "yeah? gonna show ya how good lil' things like you should be treated, then." he says, placing a hand on your thigh and feeling how you shiver at the touch. 
he doesn't move it before you pull his t-shirt off for him, coaxing you to go ahead and do it, and allowing you to run your eyes over his muscled torso for a bit. then, his hand inches up your thigh as he kisses you again, fingers so large and thick as he makes his way between your legs. "so pretty f'me."
"mm," your face burns again, the same way it had the first time you ever spoke to him, and he'd asked you that embarrassing fucking question — but it's funny, since what he said is now about to come true. in a way. "y—you, too."
"aww, princess thinks i'm pretty?" he coos, and laughs harder when you cover your face with your hands, unable to meet his eyes as he teases you. "fuck, you're so cute. lettin' the gangster boy fuck you after you help him pass in school, eh?"
"i— this wasn't my intention." you whine, but baji cuts you off by pressing a thumb against your clothed clit — and it's even more embarrassing when your body automatically jolts, thighs closing around his arm as you flinch in reaction to the sudden stimulation. "yeah, but ya like how it's goin', mhm?" he grins, showing off those canines again, and fuck. 
"i do," you breathe, as he keeps his thumb over your clit, rubbing little circles into it and making it throb. it's hard to focus when he's doing it, but then he leans in for more kisses, and you've never felt such sweet, yet rough warmth before in your life.
"i know you do." he says it into your mouth, before sliding your panties aside and easing a finger into your cunt. it feels hot, delicious even with just one damn finger, and you moan, the sensation so unexpectedly good. "see? all fuckin' wet 'n i didn't even do much yet."
"please," you kiss him again, curling your hands around his face. "want it already."
"tch, patience, baby." he clicks his tongue, letting just the one finger slide in and out of your slick pussy, and you know he's going to put two in next, and then three, stretching you out just right before he gives you his cock. 
and for something you've never thought about much before, you need it so damn bad. with baji towering over you, body so muscled and toned and hands so hot and good, mouth so skilled at showering you with both kisses and praise, you need him like never before.
the chain on his ripped jeans jingles as he pushes his knee between your legs, opening them wider, before he whispers, just like you’d guessed, that he’s going to give you another finger. his free hand grips your fluffy blanket harder, putting more of his weight onto the mattress and making it creak a little. “move up a little, princess. give me some more room.”
so you get further back onto the bed, and he climbs on after you, letting his pants join his t-shirt on the side of the bed, with your own top — the bold black and grey colours so starkly contrasting your bedsheets as he casts it all aside. 
“ya hear this pussy singin’ for me?” he chuckles, and the way your cunt gushes harder when he slips a third finger in is so good to him, your face flushing with humiliation, he can’t bother prepping you any further before he gives you his cock. 
“she’s beggin’ to have me.” he taunts, loving the way you’re getting so shy and embarrassed, no matter what he does or says. “you do some begging, too, won’t ya? let me hear you.”
and you steel yourself, feeling so full with just his fingers in you, forcing your moans and gasps to be quieter as he curls them in and finds your sweet spots so easily. “want your cock, keisuke. please. need to be filled all up.” he stares at you, doe eyes and swollen lips so pretty as you’re spread out under him, and with a whispered fuck, he pulls his drooling cock out from where it’s been straining under his boxers this whole time.
“see that, princess?” he sighs, relief washing over him as he grips the thick length, allowing himself a few pumps with his fist. “this cock? ‘s all yours.”
baji’s fucking huge — as he grabs your wrist and guides your hand to touch him, you feel the hot, stiff length of him up, and you really don’t know how you’re going to take it. 
but you will — oh, god, you will, because you haven’t even felt him yet but you know he’s going to send you to heaven with just his cock.
“want it,” you plead. “I’ll take it for you. if it’s all mine, then give it to me. please.”
“shit,” he groans, when you run your fingers softly down his cock and back up, smearing the precum collecting at his tip onto your fingers as you go. “for someone that hasn’t done any of this, you’re fuckin’ good with your words.”
“‘m a smart girl,” you give him a smile, and his lips are tugged into yet another grin when he sees it. “smart girls know what to say.”
“yeah, yeah you fuckin’ do.” he assures you, before he tugs the panties off you and throws them onto the floor behind, grabbing you by the back of your thighs and pushing them up, your skirt splaying out on your stomach as he folds you in half and reveals your glistening pussy to him.
“let’s keep this skirt on, yeah?” he asks, eyes on your cunt, on your little hole that he’s about to fill right up. “y’look pretty with it on.”
“anything.” you beg, eyes fluttering shut before you open them again, watching as baji’s hair falls in curtains around his face, his brows scrunching together as he frowns in focus, lining his cock up with your cunt. “just want you to fuck me.”
“alright, alright, baby.” he grunts, voice going heavier, as he finally pushes his cock in. first, it’s just the head — and you think the stretch is manageable, that you can take him well enough.
but then he rolls his hips, forces your cunt open and makes you take all of him in, and fuck.
“keisuke! no— no, not so much at once!” you cry, and he’s barely able to answer, with the way your pussy sucks him in so well despite your protest, warm and wet and so god damn tight. 
“you’re fine,” he stutters, nails digging harshly into the plush skin of your thighs as he pushes himself balls deep into you, bending you further so your knees are pressed against your chest. “you’re just fine, princess, fuck. look at ya. pussy so pretty all stuffed.”
he stays still for a moment, allowing you to adjust to his size, razor eyes going soft and almost dreamy as he feels your walls cling to him, so deliciously hot. when he nudges his tip to your cervix, you flutter around him, and he hisses, precum drooling into you furiously.
you whimper as the pain dissipates and blooms into saccharine pleasure, the rough grip he’s got on you and the thickness of his cock in your little cunt, together with the praise he’s showering you with — it’s enough to make you cum in almost one go.
“you got this,” he pants, pulling out just a little before he pushes in again, the wavy tousles of his hair bouncing lightly with every move. “your pussy’s fine.”
you open your mouth to reply, but no sound comes out, the moan catching in your throat and your eyes rolling back into your head as he finally starts moving. the messy squelching of your cunt with his thrusts would embarrass you, if he weren’t throwing stars into your vision with each slap of his pelvis against your clit. “k—keisuke!”
“shhh,” he exhales, gritting his teeth as he steadily increases his pace, building his way up to his own high. you’ll cum hard enough, even if he doesn’t try too hard, he knows — his cock is big, he knows how to fuck good, and you’re an inexperienced little thing.
a sweet, beautiful, inexperienced little thing. 
he watches keenly, biting his lip as he goes back and forth, watching your pretty face, eyes wild with pleasure as you watch how his length sinks into you, and then out, and then back in again.
“c-can i,” he groans, waiting for you to look up and meet his eyes before he continues. “go faster, princess?”
“mhm!” you cry without hesitation despite yourself, so eager to please — so needy to have more, more, more.
and god, he's going to cum, he can feel it as he takes his pace even further — your little pussy's just too tight, too hot 'n wet, it's enough to send a man straight to seventh fucking heaven.
he knows already that you'll be fine even if he gets a little rougher than intended — he sees how your eyes are rolling back, how your sweet lips are stretching into a dopey, open-mouthed smile with each hard hit of his cock at your cervix.
you want it, want it all — you're innocent and pure but god you're a devilish little thing at heart.
he'd treat you nicely, be gentle and take things slow like how he'd planned to do at the start, but you want it so bad, he wants it so bad, and there's just no stopping it.
“open that mouth wider for me baby,” he rasps, and you do it instantly, making him laugh as he gathers a ball of saliva on his tongue and spits it out, watching with a heavy throb of his cock as it lands right on your cute, pink lil tongue. “swallow f'me? hah, atta girl~”
and with that, he gives you the first mean thrust of his cock into your cunt — the squelch of your cunt is loud, only second to your moan and third to the grunt baji can't help but let out, when he feels just how tight your pussy is gripping him.
“relax, princess,” he huffs, the muscled panes of his chest pressing against your tits as he buries himself as far inside you as he can go, before pulling back out and going back in again — filling your lovely little room with the lewdest sounds—
the slap-slap-slap of skin against skin, your fucked out whines with each roll of his hips, and the messy sounds of your pussy along with the breathy groans he's spilling into your ear; it's so, so fucking good.
you're stuffed, and as baji whispers hoarsely with his lips against your cheek that he's gonna cum, you moan again, telling him you're gonna cum too, and you don't know what you're begging for anymore but you beg, “please, please, please, please— mmph!”
and he's kissing you again, muscled body trapping you in place as he pounds into you relentlessly, now in short quick thrusts that offer your sweet, gummy spots another kind of kiss after kiss with his fat tip.
“let me cum in you, princess? can't — can't fuckin' pull out, 's too good,” he groans into your mouth, and fuck, you've never felt this good and this loved and this full before in your entire damn life.
“inside, kei, inside.” you agree, voice all high and breathless, your words falling right onto his tongue as they tangle together when he deepens the kiss. “want your cum in me, kei, please.”
and it's not the hug of your velvet walls around his cock, or the plush, warm feel of your pretty body under his, or the claw of your fingers at his back and his arms that undo him— 
but it's the way your voice calls out his name so cutely, saying kei, as you ask him to breed you full, that makes him cum.
the band in his lower stomach tightens and then snaps — and with a low, ravenous growl into your mouth, he cums. “f—fuck.”
his cum is hot, thick, filling your pussy with white and coating his cock in a milky film as he keeps thrusting in and out of you, refusing to slow down even as your own orgasm washes over you and your tiny little cunt clenches even tighter around him, making it almost impossible for him to move.
“mmm, kei! fuck, cumming, fuck, fuck, so good!” you babble, tongue lolling out from your mouth that's parted in your effort to catch your breath, and he'd laugh, chide your language, but you feel so good he's been rendered speechless.
his own mouth is open in silent curses, breath catching in his throat as he fucks his cum deep into you, feeling how your pussy flutters obediently, eating it all right up. 
he listens to your cries of pleasure, head falling onto your chest, his cheek squished against your tits as he breathes you in, basking in the hot bliss you're giving him as he smacks his hips into yours sloppily, such a wet mess forming between your bodies — your skirt is soaked.
“fuck, princess, i love ya,” he hisses, as you milk him through. “this pussy's mine and only mine, alright?”
“mhm,” you nod, and he grins, vision cloudy as he looks down at your pretty face. “all yours, kei.”
“can't take that back after ya said it, alright?” he breathes out, hot over your chest. “tell me ya love me, baby.”
“i love you,” you gasp, as he slows down, bringing his hips to a stop against yours and letting go of your thighs so you can tangle them around his waist again. “i love you so, so much, kei, you don't know.”
“hey,” he chuckles, getting pulled into you as he tries to give you a peck on the cheek. “i love you so much, m'kay?”
“no, i love you more.” you pout, and he nips at your bottom lip, teasing the tender flesh with his sharp teeth. “this ain't a competition, princess. i love you the most.”
“mmm,” you huff, knowing that you both should really get up and clean things up, if you're done — but he feels so nice, so warm and heavy and comforting on top of you, and you want to stay like this forever. “sure. i'll let that go, for now.”
baji only cackles fondly at that, giving your swollen lips a kiss and then another on your teary cheek, before laying back with a satiated sigh. “so what are we now? still just friends? study partners, even though you've effectively hopped on my dick now?”
you feel your face get hot at his words, giving his shoulder a gentle slap as you pout again. “no, what you are now is mine. all mine.”
and there's a little pause, before he lets out another chuckle. “bloody hell, you really do fuckin' know what to say.”
“of course.” you smile. “anyway, study sesh at your place tomorrow? same time?”
“hah, what fucking study sesh when the semester just closed, hm?” he grins, and your eyes twinkle as you reply — “mmm, i don't know. a study sesh like the one we just had, maybe.”
and his grin widens, canines flashing as he laughs. “can't say no to that, princess — you're on fire. and by the way, you're mine, too.”
“mhm.” you reach up, tangle your fingers in the thick, dark locks of his hair and pull him in for yet another kiss, smiling at how he shuts his eyes so cutely just before your lips meet. “i know ♡♡ .”
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enhafilthandfiction · 2 years
Kpopfilthandfiction's Masterlist
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Disclaimer : Some of my works contain 18+ content, read at your own discretion. Minors strictly do not interact.
Requests are currently closed, but will hopefully re-open once I finish writing my current requests!!
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Main Masterlist
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☣ Lee Heeseung ☣
╰┈➤ [2:46] - DrunkFwb!Heeseung X Fem!Reader - Smut
╰┈➤ CEO Hee tying you with his tie - Pics
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☣ Park Jongseong ☣
↻... Oops! Nothing here, come back later or leave a request!
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☣ Sim Jake ☣
╰┈➤ Sucking Jake off - pics
╰┈➤ Threesome with Sunghoon - Fwb X Fem!Reader - Smut
╰┈➤ Dumb Games - Bff!Roomie!Jake X Fem!Reader - smut
╰┈➤ Math Problem - StepBro!Jake X Fem!Reader - Smut
When you ask your step brother Jake to help you with your math homework, you didn't expect to find yourself bouncing on his dick instead.
╰┈➤ $ex Tape - Bf!Jake X Fem!Reader - Smut
Jake decides to film a porn tape when you have a quickie. What happens when his friends come back home to find you having sex on the living room couch, and even worse, filming a sex tape?
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☣ Park Sunghoon ☣
╰┈➤ Threesome with Jake - Fwb X Fem!Reader - Smut
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☣ Kim Sunoo ☣
↻... Oops! Nothing here, come back later or leave a request!
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☣ Yang Jungwon ☣
╰┈➤ Making out with Jungwon - Headcanons - Suggestive
╰┈➤ Jungwon teasing you - Short fic - Suggestive / smutty
╰┈➤ Jungwon Being Needy - Short fic - suggestive / smutty
╰┈➤ Mullet!Bf!Jungwon X Fem!Reader - Smut
╰┈➤ Spider-Man Jungwon X Fem!Reader
╰┈➤ Making out with Jungwon pt.2 - Bf!Jungwon X fem!Reader
╰┈➤ Late night texting with needy Jungwon - suggestive
╰┈➤ Jungwon Jerking off when he misses you - smut
╰┈➤ Jungwon Spitting in your mouth - Suggestive
╰┈➤ Bite me - VampireBf!Jungwon X Fem!Reader - Smut
╰┈➤ Hickeys - Boyfriend!Jungwon X Fem!Reader - Suggestive
Jungwon comforts you when you're stressed by a make-out session, letting you take it out on his lips and his neck.
╰┈➤ In The Kitchen - fwb!Jungwon X Fem!Reader - kinda smutty
Your tipsy fwb Jungwon gets jealous when you wear a revealing outfit and decides to remind you who your fwb is.
╰┈➤ No Bra - Bf!Jungwon X Fem!Reader - Suggestive / smutty
Jungwon is stressed and asks y/n to play with her big tits to distract himself. He ends up marking y/n's chest, taking his frustration out on them.
╰┈➤ Practise On Me - Bff!Jungwon X Fem!Reader - smut
You get curious about how to give head, and your best friend, Jungwon, gladly helps you out.
╰┈➤ Teach Me - Bff!Jungwon X Fem!Reader - smut
Your best friend, Jungwon, wants to repay the favour by giving you head.
╰┈➤ Addicted To You - Bff!Jungwon X Fem!Reader - fluff
Your boyfriend, Jungwon, worships your body in front of a mirror after he notices that you're feeling insecure.
╰┈➤ Flushed Cheeks -Bf!Jungwon X Fem!Reader-suggestive smut
You suggest thigh riding and your boyfriend accepts, not knowing it'd lead to desperate dry humping and him cumming in his pants.
╰┈➤ Angry - Bf!Jungwon X Fem!Reader - Smut
You boyfriend can't help but get angry when you keep teasing him non stop throughout the whole night. What happens when you arrive home? He takes out his anger on you by fucking you senseless (angry sex)
╰┈➤ I'm not a Perv, just crushing on you - BroBff!Jungwon - Smut
Your brother's best friend might seem like a pervert, but he's not. He just likes you a little too much not to look down your shirt. What happens when he gets jealous of a guy you flirted with at your family's get together party?
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☣ Nishimura Riki ☣
╰┈➤ Wing-Bestie - Bff!Niki X Bff!Reader - Cheesy fluff and angst
Niki has a crush on your sister and you, his best friend, are willing to help him win her heart.
╰┈➤ My Cute, Baby Giraffe - Bf!Niki x Fem!Reader - Fluff
Riki is very tired after a dance practise and all he needs are your cuddles and kisses.
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☣ Multiple Members ☣
╰┈➤ Trying consented Somnophilia - Hyung Line - Smut
╰┈➤ Enhypen when you're on your period - 0t7Bf!Enha - Fluff
╰┈➤ Mtl to tease you in bed - Legal Line - Smut
╰┈➤ When you cockblock them - HyungLine - Suggestive
╰┈➤ How they tell u they're in the mood - HyungLine - Suggestive
╰┈➤ Secret naughty things between you - Hyungline - suggestive
╰┈➤ When you get needy when they're gaming - Hyungline - smut
╰┈➤ Your pet interrupting your sexy time - Hyungline - suggestive
╰┈➤ Walking around naked when they're mad - Hyungline - smut
╰┈➤ Nsfw Links - Legal Line (contains jw and sunoo) - Smut !!!
╰┈➤ Enhypen Last Friday night - 0t7!Enha - Suggestive
╰┈➤ Enhypen when your hymen tears - Legal Line - suggestive
╰┈➤ Enhypen Kissing you during an argument - Fluff, Crack
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© 2023 kpopfilthandfiction
Please, do not copy, translate or plagiarise any of my works without permission.
However, likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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breadandblankets · 5 months
You know all those fics that have Tim/Dick/Jason go back in time, kill the Joker, stop all the tragic events, blah blah blah? Make it Cass and Duke.
See, neither of them were there for the pivotal events OR the fallout, so whenever they try to fix stuff they are going off of secondhand stories and vaguely mapped events:
"Ok . So we stopped Jason from dying, now we just have to-Goddammit, WHY IS THE JOKER AN AMBASSADOR TO IRAN, B NEVER MENTIONED THIS."
After bailing out Young Justice "TIM YOU ARE A HORRIBLE BANDAID BABY."
I don't read a lot of those fics but my beloved does so I'm going to write this off second hand knowledge lmao XD
Cass would 1000000% not let them kill anyone, but I think Duke could make a convincing enough argument to Superman to put him in the phantom zone lego batman style lmao
gd Cass and Duke saving baby Jason from the joker and he's just like in the hospital like thanks guys can you bring me my homework I'm behind 🥺🥺 and Duke has to be like I'm surprised but not Surprised Surprised you know?
Babs will still be Batgirl at this point and they def have to fix that, not by breaking her legs or anything but I think either 1) they convince her that she does way more good in the world as Oracle or 2) some convoluted universe reason she becomes disabled anyway
not to mention I think Cass would just put like baby Tim down for a nap once they get to anything dangerous a la Steph, cause no way does he know what he's doing lmao
and Speaking of Steph, they don't want to stop her from being Spoiler ya know, being Spoiler was and is sooooo important to Steph, but it got her hurt so bad, so instead of directly intervening like a sane person, Cass and Duke just shadow Steph for months trying to keep her safe in the meantime, or!!! even better, they enlist the help of baby Cass (who they found on the street and introduced to Babs early) to keep Steph safe
(and please imagine the Talking To Bruce gets from Duke and Cass once they get closer to the whole Steph As Robin plan)
I think Cass and Duke would assume that Dick and Tim would be mostly fine cause like they're mostly fine when they know them so the big cosmic to-do list gets kinda pushed around for (what to them is) bigger ticket items
Dick's chronic not talking about it disease comes to bite him in the ass 😔😔😔😔
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