#my whole entire bleeding heart is in this fic
soupbtch · 4 months
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graphic by @spirker 63.6k words / rated explicit / complete
Edward Teach was miserable in cruises. Then he met Stede Bonnet.
this is a modern cruise ship AU. slow burn, idiots to idiot lovers, lots of silly costumes and theme nights. ultimately, this is a story about finding and accepting love despite and regardless of a lifetime of insecurities.
big, massive, heartfelt THANK YOU to @sleepystede and @spirker for the betas.
all 11 chapters are up on ao3 now 🫶
and enjoy some lovely art for ch5 and ch7, both by @innfinders-innkeepers !!!
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alchemistc · 2 months
Catie's Big Ass bucktommy fic rec (Part One)
So I'm not gonna lie, I have most of these fics priv. bookmarked because I HAVEN'T COMMENTED ON THEM YET AND I FEEL REALLY GUILTY ABOUT THAT. But more than one anon has asked for this and it tickles me pink that y'all like my writing enough to trust in my recs. So. Please, please, be better than I am and make sure to kudos and comment if you enjoy any of these works.
(Guys, there are SO MANY amazing writers in this fandom. So many truly breathtaking fics already. I got two hours into this and realized I was going to need to split this into parts because I have too many things to say about each of these and I want to do them all justice.)
Writers you can trust in:
@rcmclachlan /ao3 : I will sing RC's praises to the moon and back. There is something about the way RC injects humor into the tiniest of lines that makes me want to scream into a pillow until I pass out. You will see more than one of RC's fics in this list.
@kirkaut /ao3: kirkaut is the reason I jumped on this bandwagon. The unhinged spiral into LFJr obsession and the prevalence of well thought out meta and incredibly hot fic drew me in. If you are not following kirkaut, change that now.
@26-cats-in-a-trenchcoat / catfud_ohplease on ao3: Devastating prose. The ability to turn a theme on a dime and STAB YOU IN THE HEART with it. Mac owns my whole soul when it comes to really scratching that itch behind my eyelids for thematic imagery and really creative ideas for fic that aren't just run-of-the-mill smut/angst/fluff.
@devirnis / ao3: Ali only has one bucktommy fic up on ao3 but it is devine and I love it. Ali is also the only writer who has tempted me into reading buddie. This is not an indictment on buddie fandom or buddie fic writers in general, I just tend to be a one ship kinda gal and I don't really dive into fic for a ship I don't vibe with. Ali's writing has made me reconsider this position.
@beefcakekinard / thingbe on ao3: The domesticity. Literally just reread one of Rose's fics this morning and HAD to comment on it again because it made me want to fling myself to Jupiter.
(This is not a comprehensive list, but I just realized how many fics I have already bookmarked for bucktommy and I'm already under a readmore.)
Fics that make my brain go brrrr:
only fools rush in - somnum365 ( @firehose118)
Tommy lets Buck set the pace. Buck is ready for something.
Super hot and all about checking in. I've got a thing for discovering sex with a partner starting out with frottage and this delivers. The characterizations are so great.
Colin Firth Thinks You're Hot - IDontGoHereEither (@herrmannhalsteadproduction)
Buck is late for a special date night with Tommy, but he still stops to help a stranger stuck on the side of the road. Luckily, that stranger is about to help HIM.
Cute as fuck with a super fun guest star. Who doesn't want Mr. Darcy to think your boyfriend is hot?
sad girl poetic thursday night - screamlet
Date night menu: pasta primavera and emotional unpacking.
There's something about the pacing of this that sent me into a tailspin. The stream of consciousness that actually bleeds from the dialogue into the action and vice versa. Hng.
I Was Only Falling In Love - Princessfbi (@princessfbi)
Tommy in crisis mode.
There's a moment in this fic where Eddie has to pull Tommy back from the precipice of something and it lives entirely rent free in my head, forever and ever amen. The firefam taking care of Buck by taking care of Tommy.
let me count the ways - ashesandhalefire
Buck and Tommy in the aftermath of a good evening are chattier than they probably reasonably should be
There is something about this fic that feels like the witching hour is upon you, like you could live in this little pocket world Buck and Tommy have created for themselves forever. The dialogue is fantastic, and the way they communicate with each other is just *chefs kiss*
let's make it cinematic - kirkaut
Tommy helps Buck deal with some of his impotent rage in the face of the Gerrard of it all.
Listen, I do not have a praise kink. This kinda makes me wish I did.
"[...]Everything is.” He circles a finger around in the air. “It’s very spinny.” - this line of dialogue came for my fucking throat.
Sick with it - Mellow_Yellow
what if in an alternate universe babyslut Buck joined the 118 when Tommy was still in his closeted asshole era and they had a torrid affair??
The way this is a little fucked up. The way the characterizations aren't exactly familiar because they haven't aged into what we know them as in current canon. The way you can see in every broken line and every stutter step that Tommy is falling for Evan and has No Fucking Idea what to do with that. Ugh. Best Met Earlier AU I've ever read.
He blinked as Tommy walked by, eyes sliding closed again before he left. He felt a light touch on the top of his head but figured he was imagining it. He couldn’t think of anyone at the 118 who would touch him that carefully. - just absolutely fucking end me they're so good/bad for each other
A Full Body Workout - Persiflager
Tommy and Buck spend a day trying to distract Eddie from the *gestures vaguely* all of it.
The way this is so quiet in the way it shows you how Tommy and Buck care for each other. The way they are down bad but still so hyperaware of the pace they've set, the things they've talked about. The way they take care of their friend here. I'm obsessed with the tone of this one. Also, as a general theme, nothing draws me in more than well thought out dialogue, and this one has some fucking GREAT dialogue.
Your love is better than ice cream - Cecily_v, liminalmemories
An alternative meet-cute, where-in Tommy doesn’t know the 118 and decides Buck is worth it anyway. Buck is confused but figures some things out.
There is so much I love about this AU. How they meet. How their relationship progresses. How it feels glacially slow in comparison to the canon storyline but also how in character they both are. The foundation of their love in this fic is downright eatable.
just couldn't fall til we met - thingbe (@beefcakekinard)
Buck and Tommy spend a quiet morning in together.
This is the one that crossed my dash earlier today and made me eat fucking glass on reread. The closeness. The way they're both so tactile. The blink and you'll miss it hints at a life being built together. Eating this UP every time I read it.
The Premium Twunk Appreciation Society, President: Tommy Kinard - everythingremainsconnected
5 times Tommy almost faints like a Victorian maiden at the sight of Buck’s flesh, and 1 time he can do something about it.
“Hey,” Evan said, shoving Eddie out of the way and filling the screen with his playful glare, “organise bro time on your own time, I’m on the phone with– with Tommy.”
“With who?” Eddie repeated. Tommy didn’t need to see his face to hear the fondness in the mocking. “Who’s on the phone? I didn’t quite catch that.”
- They are so stupid about each other in this fic, please read it and watch steam blow out your ears at how sweet and hot and down bad for each other they are.
desire (i want to turn into you) - chthonicheart
The first time Buck’s really able to bury his face between a man’s tits, he nearly cries.
pwp but with a whole heaping of character study. HOT.
rule four (you were only waiting for this moment to arise) - middyblue (daisyblaine) [@middyblue]
Tommy has doubts.
There is a general mood to this piece that feels heavy in a way I can't quite explain. There was a weight on my chest all the way through this in the BEST way possible. The way Tommy navigates his mind and struggles to trust the little slice of peace he and Buck have carved out is just mindbogglingly beautiful.
Come Fly The Friendly Skies - RC_McLachlan (@rcmclachlan)
Buck meets their rescue mission's would-be pilot and is extremely normal about it.
"Throttling is what I'm gonna do to you if you don't shut up and let the nice man steal a helicopter for us,"
WHEN I TELL YOU I AM INCANDESCENT WITH RAGE over how funny and insightful this fic is.
Every characterization is picture perfect.
Maddie gives great hugs, but she's so small; if she had this guy's build and could basically fold Buck into her like an old blanket, they'd have to pry him out of her arms with the jaws of life.
In the back of Buck's mind, in a place he hasn't discovered, he's already picked out a venue and chosen his centerpieces. He's mentally putting together seating arrangements. This line of Buck's thoughts on Tommy Kinard told me so.
Please read this and join me in trying to destroy RC with my mind (lovingly).
little by little - MediaWhore
Buck & Tommy, during and after the wedding.
There is something so soft and gentle about this fic. The way Tommy just gives in to the exhaustion and props himself up against Buck because he knows he'll be able to take the weight (he wants to take the weight and Tommy knows it). The quiet flirting, the way they take care of one another. The jumpscare of Marge and Phil and how this fic is right at the edges of exploring that but Buck has me important priorities.
“It was badly done,” - the way this is so in character for Ma Buckley and the way it made me want to SHAKE HER TIL HER TENDONS SHATTERED AND SHE CRUMBLED LIKE A SATISFYING CASINO IMPLOSION
Soft and heartbreaking and mending all at once.
while you arranged flowers - newtkelly
Buck’s got a wedding date, but as far as today goes, he’s also got a regular one.
The way I want to wrap this Buck up tenderly and hide him from the people in his life who DON'T DESERVE HIS AFFECTION, HIS LOVE, HIS JOY.
The non-urgency of this, the absolute too-much-too-soon he's dealing with in his own mind while he grapples with the reality of seizing a second chance with both hands and getting to explore himself within the confines of a very lovely, very sweet and kind, VERY HOT man he wants to get on his knees for.
Beautiful prose, excellent dialogue, an insightful character study.
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justwinginglife · 1 month
Painted With Love
Fic for my anon who requested soulmate prompt, based off the idea that when you see your soulmate the world becomes colorful.
The world was blindingly black and white: a bleeding canvas of monochromatic misery.
You didn't know how you could miss something you'd never known before, but you missed color all the same. You ached to know what the sky actually looked like, what the grass actually looked like. But everyday, you continued to endure this colorless cycle, the same bland hues boring into your retinas and making you feel less and less hopeful with each sunrise and sunset. You wondered if you'd ever meet the one who was supposed to paint your days with the color of their love.
Sometimes you wondered if your soulmate was in a cemetery somewhere, long dead. Or maybe they’d already found happiness with someone else and had no reason to come looking for you. Several of your friends had already succumbed to that idea; be with someone you know, don’t go looking for someone else that might not exist, someone else that might not want you.
But you, being the hopeless romantic that you were (emphasis on hopeless), had already made the decision to wait for your one true love. You wouldn't know what to do if they had waited for you, only to find you had already settled down with someone else. In your head, your soulmate was someone who waited. Someone who longed for you as much as you longed for them. Someone prone to large gestures and dramatic proclamations. You knew you might've just been hitting the romance novels a little too hard and with your luck, your soulmate probably had a beer belly and a sour attitude. But you waited for him, all the same.
Then one day, sooner than you expected, but longer than you would've liked, your agonizing wait came to an end.
Captain Narumi was in your neighborhood again, taking down more Kaiju, and you were out for your daily stroll. You always trusted that he'd take care of everything so you continued on your walk without a care in the world (much to his annoyance). You even watched from the sidelines, snacking on a bag of chips. When he finally had his hands free, you offered him the rest of your bag.
He sank onto the bench next to you, snatched the bag, and chomped on the chips while he grumbled about what an idiot you were for wandering into an active battle zone.
"Same time tomorrow, Narumi?" You teased.
Before he could complain any further, someone you didn't recognize came bounding towards him.
"You gonna fucking nap all day Narumi, or you gonna actually help?"
The stranger realized Narumi wasn't alone upon coming closer, and when his eyes met yours, the whole world exploded into bright, vivid color.
You'd spent all this time wondering what the sky looked like, but when the moment finally came, you couldn't focus on anything but his eyes. You wanted to get lost in them. You thought to yourself, his eyes were going to be your favorite color. His voice was going to be your favorite sound. His smile was going to be your favorite sight. His cologne was going to be your favorite smell. His lips...
Your heart roared in your chest and you wondered if he could hear it. Or if his own heartbeat was drowning it out.
You were struggling to breathe properly and yet you'd also never inhaled a fresher breath of air in your entire life. Like you'd never lived before him. Like you were finally waking up. Everything just made sense now. Any struggle you had before him was no struggle at all because he was finally in front of you and how could you take your life for granted when it now looked as beautiful as it did.
It appeared as though he were trying to adjust to the same whirlwind of emotions that you were, because he suddenly tripped on his own feet, his breath lurching in his throat as he approached you.
However, Narumi didn't notice in the slightest. "Y/N, meet the biggest fucking pain in my ass- Vice Captain Hoshina of the Defense Force's shittiest division."
You didn't know if you should shake his hand, hug him, kiss him. You just wanted to touch him. Run your hands through his hair, brush your fingers across his cheek, nudge your nose against his. But you didn't even get to introduce yourself to him before Narumi started dragging him away, effectively breaking the trance you'd been in.
You jumped to your feet. "Wait! Where are you taking him?!"
He waved you off as he walked away, lugging Hoshina behind him. "None of your business, squirt. It's Defense Force stuff, nothing to concern yourself with. I'd tell you to keep yourself out of trouble but I know you won't, so I'll see you later, yeah? Thanks for the chips."
Hoshina finally snapped out of his dazed state and started wriggling out of Narumi's grasp. "Get off me Narumi, I'm trying to talk to her." He moved towards you but only made it one step before Narumi yanked his arm back.
"Like hell you are, didn't you say we have work to do?"
If looks could kill, Hoshina would've killed Narumi a thousand times over. If looks could kill, Hoshina's glare would've dragged Narumi's ass down to the deepest, darkest pits of hell and driven a stake through his heart, effectively condemning him to the Underworld. But looks couldn't kill. And as much as Hoshina shoved Narumi off, punched his arm, and spat profanities at him, Narumi wouldn't let up.
Especially not now that he knew Hoshina was interested in you.
You were Narumi's favorite toy outside of his console and he wouldn't dare let Hoshina play with you.
When it finally looked like Hoshina had the upperhand, Narumi played his favorite trump card. He called in Hoshina's Captain.
Hoshina had just finished wrestling Narumi to the ground when Captain Ashiro arrived to take him back home.
He was torn between wanting to ask for your name, to ask for your number, and needing to follow his superior's orders. In the end, he left with her, his head hung low and his feet dragging as they went.
Narumi was smug but not for long. You punched him in the arm and he was shocked at just how much power you packed into one fist, especially for a civilian with no combat training.
He scoffed at you. "All this, for one man?"
"Gen, you absolute fucking idiot. He's not just a man, he's my man. He's my person."
His eyes widened. "You're telling me your fucking soulmate is the dweeb from the Third Division??"
"Ahh, so he's in the Third Division. Thanks for that. I think it's time for an address change now."
He took hold of your arm, his grip tight and getting more tight by the minute. "Wait, wait, wait, back it up. You're going to move to his city?? To be with him?? I refuse."
You glared at him, the fire in your eyes reflecting Hoshina's earlier emotion. "Gen Narumi, you do not tell me what I can and cannot do. Now, I'm going home, you're going to let me, and then you're going to think about what a dick you're being. Goodnight." You yanked your arm away from him and stormed off, leaving him sulking to himself.
The next day you surprised Narumi by showing up at his work. He thought you'd ignore him for days, weeks, months even. But you weren't there for him. You were there to join the Defense Force. He declined you over and over again, but it was hard to deny you when you officially took the Defense Force exam and got the highest score out of all the applicants. He did attempt to reject you again, even after your impressive feat, but he got an earful from his Vice Captain and was forced to allow you admission into the Defense Force.
You wasted no time. Immediately following the induction ceremony, you requested to be transferred to the Third Division. Narumi laughed in your face. Months went by and your transfer was rejected multiple times. At first, you tried bribing Narumi. Bought him sweets and games, spent time coddling him. But that just made him more eager to keep you around.
So then you had to switch tactics. You followed him around, annoying him to no end, at any time of day and any time of night. The middle of the night was your favorite time to bother him. You didn't need sleep when you laid awake at night thinking about Hoshina anyway, so you figured you might as well make good use of the time.
Once, you even threatened to burn Narumi's house down if he didn't let you transfer and when he didn't believe you, you singed his eyebrows off while he was sleeping as proof of your dedication. He was both too good of a friend to report you and too embarrassed that he had let you get the upper hand on him, so the incident remained undisclosed.
Eventually, you hit him where it hurt the hardest. You threatened to smash his gaming console to bits and when he said he'd just buy a new console, you said you'd never stop hunting him down. He wanted to buy a Yamazon package? Stolen from his doorstep. He just got a special edition new video game? Down the garbage disposal it goes. He was both impressed and terrified of your nerve and that led him to finally approve your transfer, claiming that you were a crazy lady and you were Hoshina's problem now.
And then finally you arrived on site at the Third Division's base.
You thought you'd gotten used to seeing colors, gotten used to red's and yellow's screaming at you, used to being soothed by blue's and green's. But Hoshina's violet eyes were something else entirely. They were entrancing, seductive, and devastatingly gorgeous.
You had planned so many different things to say when you finally saw him again but your words sank back down your throat when you met his gaze. You forgot what you wanted to say, you forgot what your job was, you forgot what you were there for, all you could think about was that you never wanted to look away from those eyes ever again.
"Hiya stranger." He grins.
"Hi back."
"How's the love of my life doing?"
Shades of red flood your cheeks. You barely knew this guy, you did not expect him to be so bold.
"Love of your life? You don't even know my name." You tease, trying to sound more confident than you felt.
"Ahh, well I say we fix that. What's your name, gorgeous?"
There's no use in trying to resist him, he's your soulmate after all. He's the whole reason you made a job change, an address change, a life change.
He gives you a tour of the base and spends hours just talking with you, spending every second he can with you. He's enjoying the conversation and the colors just as much as you are.
"You really singed Narumi's eyebrows off? God, I wish I was there to see that."
"You wanna see a picture? I snapped it while he was yelling at me." You show him the photo of Narumi flipping you off in the aftermath.
He laughs so hard he has to lean on a nearby lamppost to steady himself. "You really are the one for me, damn."
You smile at that. He's really taking this soulmate thing to heart. He has no reservations whatsoever about giving you every part of him, and you'll gladly take anything you can get.
He admits to you that he hasn't been able to stop thinking about you since the moment he met you. It seems that initial interaction with each other, though brief, was enough to change both of your lives for the better and it warms your heart.
You tell him you thought it was impressive how he put Narumi in a chokehold just to get five more seconds with you. He puffs out his chest and you laugh and then he laughs.
It seems you always find ways to laugh together. And when you think you're the only one stealing glances, you look over to find he's already gazing at you. And when you tell him about your life, about your experiences, he understands. And when you get excited, he matches your energy, and when you slow down, he matches your pace.
The more you get to know him, the more you understand how he's your soulmate.
It only takes a second for you to like him, a minute for you to love him, and one tour around the base for you to be planning the rest of your life with him.
And when you finally think that there's no way that anyone could be this happy, that something has to be wrong, that any second you're going to wake up in black and white again, you decide to tell him that you're already planning the rest of your life with him. Babies, house with a picket fence, matching gravestones, the whole deal. You want to know if you'll scare him off, if he's not really the one, if you've imagined all this vibrant color the last few months.
But then he smiles, leans against your shoulder and murmurs against your neck, "What color do you want that picket fence, love?"
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weirdsht · 2 months
I really love characters with the tendency to bleed and be some human sacrifice. Tysm kdj and krs. 😭 i have a new idea altho I'm not sure if somebody's already done this. Cale and the group with someone who coughs out blood everytime they spill spoilers from the tcf novel? Like she's been transmigrated/reincarnated (whatev you desire (⁠^⁠^⁠). Bro is trying to help so bad bc they hate war so they do it subtly and carefully (imagine having to be careful with your wording, I can't even--) but can't help but shit out blood sometimes or most of the time cos they forget and get frustrated
Forgive me for i love miserable characters...
Hardbound (Paperback pt. 2) - Cale x Reader
notes: I decided to link it to another oneshot I did before because I think it fits. I hope that's okay!
tags: blood, like the whole fic is blood, heavy cursing, Cale might be ooc, NOVEL SPOILERS (near the end of book 1)
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are open and welcome
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Crimson, the colour of Cale’s hair.
That was the colour Cale can see right now. However, he is not looking at his hair.
Instead, he was looking at the blood dripping from your mouth.
“Stop speaking. This is not good for you.”
“Why not? You cough up blood all the time. Why can’t I do the same?”
You joked lightly but Cale didn’t like how weak your voice sounded. Indeed, he always coughs up blood. Especially whenever he overuses his ancient powers. But the blood he coughs up is dark red. Dead blood from his regeneration powers cleansing his body.
Not the vibrant crimson blood dripping from your chin. Blood from a beating heart, a sign of vitality as Eruhaben would say.
“I need to continue, you need to know about this. We must hurry up so just- ugh… so just listen.”
When you told Cale you were going to pull a “World Tree-nim and a Cale combo”, he didn’t know what he expected. 
It certainly wasn’t you trying to give out spoilers from your beloved book and coughing out copious amounts of blood.
“There will be monsters. Ones too hard to– Ugh! Fuck! I’m sure you understand what I mean.”
“That’s two out of five. Those things will be in a pit. It’ll look like statues, you will also see… you will also see an altar there…”
“You don’t need to speak anymore. Please, the rest of us will figure it out.”
“No, no. I’m fine really… Bear bastard, you know who it is, hostages. He’ll– Ugh!”
Drip. Drip. Drip
“It’s Tasha’s people. For a summoning– Fuck that one really hurts! I'm trying to speak as vaguely as possible already, what the hell…”
“Please… I’m going to tape your mouth shut if you don’t shut up.”
Drip. Drip. Drip
“I’d like to see you try. The tape won’t stick with all– with all this blood.”
“Enough jokes. The fourth and fifth ones are connected. In Endable, watch out for bears and black– watch out for black mages. And avoid– Shit! Avoid using instant. But I'm not sure if it's… if it's possible… I need to speak… to speak to Raon. The last spoiler is for him– ugh..!”
Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.
Cale wanted to refuse. He wanted this to end.
At first, it was just from your mouth.
The blood that is.
Then it started dripping from your left eye. Naturally, your right eye was next.
Then your nose. Then your ears.
Before the commander knew it, your entire face was covered with blood. He tried to wipe it, but they were dripping so quickly that it did nothing.
Cale doesn’t know how are you still conscious. He isn’t even sure if you’re still breathing. That was why he wanted you to shut up. That was why he desperately wanted this to stop.
But it can’t
Cale can’t refuse nor can he end this.
It was because you already made up your mind. And since you did, there’s no stopping you now.
So he gets Raon. Warned the toddler that the sight inside the room would not be pretty, but he must listen. Because their futures are resting upon the words you are about to say.
Upon the words written in your beloved book.
“I know… If you can’t listen I’ll listen for you and rely on the message.”
“No… I’m great and mighty. Because I’m great and mighty I shall listen to this conversation myself.”
Raon flew over to where you were. Placing himself on your lap as he uses his stubby paws to hug you.
“Ah, it feels comforting to have such a great and mighty being comforting me. But you’ll get blood on you– Ugh..!”
Drip. Drip.
The black dragon didn’t care about the blood. He just hugged you tighter at the sound of you coughing up more blood.
“Raon Miru-nim remember this well. Things might get messy and despite my meddling things might still go awry. So I’m telling you right now. In Endable, Cale might become incapacitated to fight– Fuck! Ugh, I promised to not curse in front of you…”
Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.
“It will be hard, you will need to do everything yourself, without Cale. In fact, you will have to do his job– ugh… but you must do well. Remember, the first thing you have to do is have Mila-nim on standby. She can heal him.”
Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip
“I want to say more… but I’m reaching my limit…”
Raon tightened his hug and you weakly reciprocated it. You aren't sure if the wetness you feel in your shirt is from your blood or the dragon’s silent tears. Nonetheless, you still tried to hug Raon tighter.
In the meanwhile, Cale was already calling for servants and healers to attend to you as soon as you admitted your limit. His voice was laced with unusual panic. It made the others who didn’t know what was happening move with urgency.
“You are strong, smart, great and mighty, always remember that.”
You weakly stroked Raon’s back, trying to comfort him in advance for the things about to come.
“Young master what’s going on–”
Beacrox and Ron stopped in their tracks when they saw the condition you were in.
“Ahahaha, you guys are right on time. I think… I’m going.. To…”
You couldn’t even finish your sentence for you already fell unconscious. Your body dangerously swaying to fall off from your sitting position on the couch. Luckily, Cale was nearby and managed to catch your falling body.
Cale glanced at you, then he glanced at the open book on the table.
As usual, he couldn’t see what was written on the pages. He could only see the cover title at the front and the synopsis at the back.
But that doesn’t stop him from hating that damned book that put you in this state.
If only you haven’t read that book before coming here.
If only there wasn’t a restriction placed on you by that damned book.
If only…
“Fuck, after this war is done I’m going to try and burn that shitty book one way or another. I don’t care anymore if it’s your favourite.”
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note: in case it wasn't clear, the placement of the drips signifies how fast the reader's blood was gushing out
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You Keep Me Hangin' On - Steve Harrington
A/N: sooo, apparently it worked 😂😂😂 thank you to everyone who voted, I might keep this up since it helps me focus on a specific story😊 I mixed three different requests here so I really hope it makes sense, this one is mostly angsty but I am planning on a part two, so let me know what you think  
Requests - dawninparis​ asked: is this how you request something? i don’t know i’m a bit new to all this 😳 anyway i saw you were accepting st request so i was thinking maybe steve and reader are in an established relationship but with all the stuff happening in s4 and reader not being aware of all the supernatural stuff she gets jealous of all the time he spends with nancy and the fact he is hiding everything from you just to protect you and just basically a lot of angst (bc i like to suffer) and ending however u like even tho my heart is easily broken with sad endings 
- Anonymous asked: I would like to request a Steve story that takes place in season 4 where him and reader are dating already. Reader has noticed how awkward he has been around Nancy and vice versa. How they’ve been talking a lot more (good thing Eddie was there to keep them company😉). [full request here]  
- Anonymous asked: Hello babes, I'm not sure if you want to write this but may I request for a Steve Harrington angst to fluff fic? Haha! I just want to torture myself again with all these angsty stories. Somewhere around, reader is pining for steve and thought that she have a chance with steve but the latter thought that maybe he's still not over nancy. Reader felt hurt / embarassed by this and decided to date someone else, when she did steve realizes that she's the one that his heart has been longing for the whole time and not nancy. Thanks
Warnings: pretty angsty and Steve is kind of an asshole but also a jealous asshole xD and Jason (he deserves his own warning) let me know if I missed anything 
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stranger Things :) gif isn’t mine :D  
You Keep Me Hangin’ On
Set me free why don't you, babe Get out my life why don't you, babe 'Cause you don't really love me You just keep me hangin' on
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You had known for a long time now. You had just, for some reason, held on to a stupid little hope that kept you hanging to this stupid little crush. Although it wasn't that little. And that voice in your head that kept you hanging sounded an awful lot like Robin insisting that Steve felt the same way you did.
You tried to believe her. You really did. Steve was very caring and affectionate towards you. You remembered the first time you drove him home, drunk, and he asked you to stay with him. And you did. And he said it felt nice to not wake up alone. And then, it became a natural thing between the two of you. He would call you whenever he needed you. And you would call him whenever you needed him. And he showed up. He always showed up. Which made you believe Robin when she said he felt the same way you did. But neither of you spoke about it. You hugged. You kissed. You did more than kiss. You couldn't imagine your life without him. But you weren't entirely sure if he could do the same. You feared that he could. He could live without you.
And right now, it was more evident than ever. You instantly dove into the water when he was pulled back into the lake. You pulled the bats off him and fought them with whatever you could find before Nancy, Robin, and Eddie also appeared to help. You were about to help him stop the bleeding right before Nancy ripped off the bottom of her blouse and started patching him up. And you saw it. You saw the way Steve looked at her.
"You're bleeding" you were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Eddie by your side.
"Huh?" you asked, confused.
"Your arm" he pointed out. "It's bleeding" he repeated and you looked down to see that he was right. You hadn't even noticed. You were bleeding. Badly.
"Holy shit!" you panicked a little, not really knowing what to do.
"Here" he said, gently grabbing your hand and taking the black bandana out of his back pocket.
"Oh, I don't want to stain your bandana. I know that's your favorite one" you told him, not really noticing the smile that appeared on his face when you did.
"Don't be ridiculous, princess. It's just a piece of fabric" he insisted, grabbing your hand and cleaning your wound gently. You lifted your head from your arm to watch Eddie as he worked on tightening his bandana around you. You found yourself smiling a little at how careful he was being. He did not seem like the loud, careless guy you always saw in school. "How's that? Is it too tight?" he asked, worriedly.
"N-no. That's perfect" you smiled. "Thank you, Eddie" you told him.
"You know, it was pretty badass, w-what you did" he chuckled.
"It was?" you asked, feeling a little nervous for some reason. You never really thought of yourself as badass enough to get that credit from Eddie Munson, who you considered to be one of the most badass people you knew.
"Yeah, I mean, jumping in the lake and fighting those bats. That was metal, princess" he smirked.
"You also jumped in the lake and fought those bats, Eddie" you reminded him.
"Yeah, but after all of you ladies did" he insisted.
"Well, you still did" you told him. "And that says a lot" you smiled.
"So, uh" Eddie cleared his throat, pulling away from you a little. "This place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?"
"Yeah, pretty much" you nodded.
"Wait, watch out for the vines" Nancy said as Robin started walking around. "It's all a hive mind" she explained.
"It's all a what?" Robin asked.
"All the creepy crawlies around here" you told her. "They're, like, one or something" you told her. "Step on a vine, you're stepping on a bat" you instructed. "You're stepping on Vecna" you finished.
"Shit" Eddie said, next to you.
"But everything from our world is still here, right? Except people?" Robin asked.
"As far as I understand it, yeah" Steve said.
"So, theoretically, we could go to the police station and steal guns and grenades and whatever we need to blow up those bat things that are guarding the gate" Robin suggested.
"I highly doubt the Hawkins PD has grenades, Robin" you told her. "But guns, yeah, sure."
"Well, we don't have to go all the way downtown for guns" Nancy added and everyone looked at her. "I have guns in my bedroom" she shrugged.
"You, Nancy Wheeler" Eddie started. "...have guns, plural, in your bedroom?"
"Full of surprises, isn't she?" Robin asked, excitedly.
"A Russian Makarov and a revolver" Nancy explained.
"Yeah, you almost shot me with that one" Steve said.
"You almost deserved it" Nancy smirked back at him.
You tried to hide your upset expression but Eddie seemed to notice before he threw his jean vest at Steve and he glared back at him a little.
"For your modesty, dude" he said, making Steve roll his eyes before putting it on.
"Hey, are you okay?" Steve asked, walking closer to you.
"I'm fine" you said with a firm smile.
"Did you hurt yourself?" he questioned, looking at your arm.
"Yeah, but don't worry. Eddie fixed it" you told him.
"Oh" Steve said, not entirely loving that part. "O-okay" he sighed.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just a scratch" he said, trying to make you laugh.
You barely smiled before you followed Eddie and Robin who were climbing on trees and rocks, careful not to step on the vines. When Robin accidentally stepped on a vine, the five of you felt the Earth moving under you when an earthquake happened. Your instinct almost made you run to Steve, but you saw he quickly grabbed Nancy, who was closer to him, and he pulled her to his side. You couldn't even register the whole thing before you felt two arms grabbing you and making you fall to the ground with him as you felt Eddie's arms tighten around you.
"Holy shit!" you heard Robin, not so far from you.
"So guns seem like a pretty good idea to me" Eddie said.
"Yeah, me too" you said, feeling your cheeks burn a little at how close you were to the metalhead and not noticing a pair of eyes glaring your way. "Uh- um" you cleared your throat. "Thanks" you smiled shyly.
"Don't mention it, princess" he said, helping you up.
As the five of you walked to the Wheeler's house, Steve could barely register what Nancy was telling him. His eyes were glued to Robin, you, and Eddie walking ahead of them. Specifically between you and Eddie Munson. He noticed he was trying to make you laugh because he could see the worried look on your face. And the worst part was that he was succeeding. He didn't like the feeling he got whenever you laughed at something Eddie Munson said. He didn't like that you had his bandana on your arm. He didn't like that he was walking a little too close to you and the worst part was when he saw his hand trying to reach for yours.
"Uh, yeah, Nance, hold on a second" he said, not even trying to understand what she was talking about as he ran over to the trio in front of him.
"Hey, Eddie" Steve said, catching up with you. "Uh, could I... talk to you?" he asked, making Eddie look at you a little confused. You simply shrugged and Robin pulled you away to go join Nancy instead, leaving the two boys behind.
"What's up, Harrington?"
"Hey, man. Uh... Listen, I just, uh... I just want to say thanks. For saving my ass back there" he smiled.
"Shit. You saved your own ass, man" Eddie told him. "I mean, that was a real Ozzy move you pulled back there!"
"When you took a bite out of that bat. Ozzy Osbourne? Black Sabbath? He bit a bat's head off onstage" he explained as Steve looked at him confused.
"I don't-"
"You know? Doesn't matter" he shrugged. "It's very metal, what you did. That's all I'm saying" he told him.
"Thanks" Steve smiled.
"Henderson told me you were a badass. Insisted on the matter, in fact" he explained.
"Henderson said that?"
"Oh yeah" Eddie nodded.
"Kid worships you, dude. Like, you have no idea. It's kinda annoying, to be honest" he mocked Steve. "I don't even know why I care what that little shrimp thinks, but, uh, guess I got a little jealous, Steve" he smirked. "I guess I couldn't accept the fact that Steve Harrington was actually a good dude. Rich parents, popular, chicks love him. Not a douche? No way, man. No way" he chuckled. "That, like, flies in the face of all the laws in the universe and my own personal Munson doctrine" he explained, making Steve laugh and roll his eyes a little. "Still super jealous as hell, by the way. Which is why I would never have jumped in that lake to save your ass. Not under any, uh... normal circumstances. Nope. Outside of D&D, I am no hero. I see danger and I just turn heel and run. Or at least that's what I've learned about myself this week" he muttered the last part.
"Give yourself a break, man" Steve insisted.
"See? The only reason I came in here was 'cause those ladies came in straight after you. Now, I was too ashamed to be the one who stayed behind" he explained. "But, your girl, right there" Eddie said, pointing at you, walking ahead of them. "She didn't waste a second. Not one second. She just dove right in" he told Steve as they stopped walking for a moment and Steve looked at you while you walked with Robin. "Now, I don't know what's going on or what happened between you two, but if I were you, I would not take her for granted, man. 'Cause that was as unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen" he told her. "And if you let her go, someone else might not be so stupid" he informed him.
"Are you talking about... someone in specific?" Steve asked, glaring a little at him.
"Maybe" Eddie shrugged, patting his back. "I'm just saying, Harrington. Don't be the douche I always thought you were" he said before he walked away from Steve.
As soon as you all got to Nancy's place, she, Robin, and Eddie started making their way upstairs. You were about to follow them when Steve gently pulled you back.
"Hey" Steve said, smiling nervously at you, a few steps down. "Uh- I just... um, I wanted to ask if uh-" he said, running a hand through his hair as he always did when he was nervous. "If w-we're okay? I mean, are you- uh are you feeling okay?"
"Are you?" you asked, a little confused.
"No- yeah, uh I'm fine" he sighed. "I just wanted to check if you were also... fine?"
"I'm fine" you said with a firm smile before you turned around and you tried going upstairs but Steve stopped you again.
"It's just um... you got hurt" he said, stroking the back of your hand with his thumb as he looked at the bandana wrapped around your arm.
"So did you" you told him. "And I think yours is... much worse" you said, looking at Nancy's blouse wrapped around him.
"No, it's fine" he insisted.
"Great. So, you're fine. I'm fine. We're both..." you sighed. "Just fine" you said.
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, frowning.
"Uh- nothing" you quickly said. "We should... get up there-"
"No, what did you mean by that?"
"Steve, this isn't the time or the place-"
"But you're upset!"
"No, I'm not, I just told you, everything is fine!" you insisted.
"Really? So, if everything is fine, why are you spending so much time with Munson?" Steve asked, accusingly.
"Ohh, you noticed that? I figured you'd be too busy with Nancy to even pay attention to anyone else!" you replied.
"Wait, is that what this is about?"
"No! I didn't mean to ugh-! Just... forget about it, okay? We have bigger things to-"
"Shhh!" he shushed you, holding up his finger.
"Um, excuse me?"
"Did you hear that?" he asked, looking the other way and walking away from you.
"Hear what?"
"Henderson!" he said, walking around the empty room.
"Well, it finally happened. He snapped" you muttered under your breath.
"What's going on?" Nancy asked, walking over to you with Robin, and Eddie.
"I don't know. He thinks he can hear Dustin-"
"I don't think! I can hear him! HENDERSON!"
And then, you heard it.
"Oh, my God! DUSTIN!"
"There has to be a way for them to hear us!" Eddie insisted as the five of you tried to look around the room.
"Wasn't there a way that Will communicated with Joyce when he was here?" Steve asked you, pointing his flashlight at the light in the middle of the living room.
"You sure you're okay?"
"Yes, Robin, for the fifteenth time, I'm okay" you replied as you two tried to grab anything you could use at the War Zone.
"It's just that you and Steve have barely spoken since-"
"Since he decided to stay back at the UpsideDown because Nancy was cursed by Vecna and he now refuses to leave her side?" you snapped a little. "Sorry" you sighed. "There's just... a lot going on right now" you told her.
"I know that, but... well, you and Eddie on the other hand-"
"What?" you asked, confused.
"Come on, you can't tell me that there's nothing there-" she chuckled.
"There's literally nothing there" you laughed. "I don't think Eddie likes me that way" you rolled your eyes.
"Do you like him that way?" she asked, curiously.
"N-no" you said, nervously. "I don't know. Like I said, there's too much going on right now. And Eddie has been nice to me. He's always nice to me and... I don't know this isn't the time to focus on stupid guys, okay?"
"Love, it's never the time to focus on stupid boys" she laughed, making you laugh a little too but she quickly stopped when she spotted Vickie on the other side of the War Zone with her boyfriend.
"Rob" you said, feeling sorry and placing your hand on her arm.
"Have you ever felt like someone just ripped out your heart?" she asked, looking back at you.
You smiled sadly at her and then looked past her. "Yeah, I... have an idea" you said silently and she followed your stare to see Steve laughing with Nancy at something she had said. "Aw, well that's fun for me" you smiled, sarcastically. "I'm gonna go over there, okay?" you quickly said, walking away from Robin as she rolled her eyes and walked over to Steve, punching his arm.
"Ouch! What the hell, Buckley?!"
"Well, I wouldn't expect to find you here" you turned around hearing that dreadful voice.
"J-Jason" you said, nervously. "Yeah, well, it's just... scary times" you smiled. "Uh- I'm... sorry about Chrissy" you told him.
"Want my advice?" he asked, getting closer to you. "Shotguns are not good for much of anything past killing small birds" he said. "I mean, they got power, sure, but not much range" he said, as you stepped backwards, creating space between the two of you but he got even closer. "And that's just gonna force you into close-range combat, then someone can just grab that barrel like this..." he said, grabbing the weapon from you. "...and redirect it" he said, smiling, making you feel uneasy. "Well, you look nervous" he chuckled.
"Uh -like I said" you tried to smile. "Scary times" you told him. "Could you let go, please?"
"She said 'let go'" you heard Steve behind you and you let out a sigh of relief.
"Harrington" he said, letting go of the gun. "Didn't see you there" he said, stepping away.
"Well, now you do so..." Steve said, nodding his head so he would take the hint.
"Lovely seeing you" Jason said, before turning to look back at you.
"Hey, you okay-?"
"We need to go, now" you said, grabbing his hand.
"But nothing" you said, pulling him with you. "Eddie's outside" you whispered.
"Right" Steve muttered a bit upset. Munson.
"Hey" you were snapped out of your thoughts when Eddie sat down on the grass, next to you.
"Hi" you smiled.
"So... I guess this is a dumb question but... how are you feeling?"
"Funny, I was just going to ask you the same thing" you smiled.
"Me? I'm having the time of my life, princess. Are you kidding me? We're about to go to the UpsideDown and fight for our lives, really... it's where I pictured my life at this point, he chuckled, making you laugh a little.
"You know, you don't have to do this, Eddie" you insisted.
"Are you trying to rob me of my hero arc, princess?" he said, making you laugh, which you didn't know how was possible with how anxious you were feeling. "I was just going to tell you the same thing" he told you.
"It's just... you've been through a lot in like... what, 48 hours?"
"Yeah, it's been intense but... well, you being here kinda makes it better" he admitted.
"It does?" you asked, feeling your cheeks burn.
"Yeah" he insisted. "I mean, if... it were up to me, I wouldn't want the situation of us hanging out to be in a creepy world fighting this... monster but... I guess it's pretty badass" he chuckled.
"Well, if it involves you I would assume it would have to be badass" you smiled, making him blush a little. "So... if it were up to you... what would the situation be? U-us hanging out?"
"Well- uh-"
"Hey, Munson!" Steve said, suddenly appearing and interrupting the two of you. "Um... Henderson's asking for you" he said.
"Um- sure" Eddie said, looking back at you. "Sorry, princess. Raincheck?"
"Sure" you smiled as he got up and he helped you up too. "See you in a bit" you told him before Steve replaced his place.
"What was that?"
"What was what?" you asked, confused.
"You and Munson?"
"We were just talking" you shrugged.
"Is there something going on between the two of you?"
"What? What are you talking about, Steve?"
"I just find it interesting that every time I look at you he just happens to be there" he said, glaring at you a little.
"Well, maybe we were just talking about our part of the plan, since you made me stay back with him and Dustin!"
"I knew you were upset about that! Nancy and I just decided this was the best way to make the teams!"
"Oh, what a lovely coincidence that you get to go with Nancy!"
"And Robin!" he added. "Why does that make you so upset? Because you don't get to come and physically kill Vecna with us? I need you to stay back with Eddie and Dustin!"
"Why? Because you don't trust me as much as Nancy!? You don't-" you stopped yourself before you could say 'You don't love me as much as you love Nancy'.
"Nancy knows what she's doing!"
"Oh, and I don't? We were all down there, Steve! And in case you didn't notice, I was the first one to jump when you were dragged back into that lake! Not Nancy! I am just as capable as she is-!"
"I didn't say you weren't but I just..." he sighed, running a hand through his hair, frustrated. "I need you to stay back with Dustin and Eddie okay?"
"Fine!" you said, reluctantly. "I can't do this anymore Steve" you sighed.
"Sweetheart, I know it'll be hard, but we have this plan and-"
"No, not that! This!" you said pointing at him and yourself. "I am tired of just being your option when Nancy is not around!"
"That's not true and this isn't the time to-"
"Right... it's never the time" you sighed.
"Well, not when we're about to go face Vecna in the fucking UpsideDown!"
"You're going to face Vecna with Nancy and Robin! I'm staying back with Eddie and Dustin!"
"That's not how it is!"
"Yes, it is! That's the plan that you two came up with! Together!"
"Look, what do you want from me? It made more sense this way!"
"Just admit that you still have feelings for Nancy and be done with it so I can just... I don't know, move on!"
"M-move on? From us?"
"There is no us, Steve! Is there?"
"Why would you say that?"
"I don't know, Steve! I'm tired! I'm tired and I can't do this anymore! It's not fair!"
"Ugh! I'm not trying to make you feel like this on purpose! I don't have feelings for Nancy, okay? Why does everyone think that I still have feelings for Nancy?"
"Oh, really? Everyone thinks so? So, I'm not the only one then!" you said, feeling your heart starting to break.
"No! I didn't mean it like that! Nancy is my friend! Okay! That is it! I care about her and I don't want her to die!"
"Nobody wants her to die, Steve! But you keep following her around like a lost puppy-!"
"How would you even know since you decided to stay with Munson every chance you get?! I can't believe you're being this dramatic over Nancy. SHE'S MY FRIEND!" he snapped. "Look, I don't want to fight with you, we are all on edge, and... I just... I need to do this, and I need you to stay with Dustin and Munson!"
"I don't want to fight with you either, Steve, and I know this is probably the worst possible time, I just-"
"Hey, guys!" Dustin shouted, interrupting you. "Time to go!"
Steve sighed, tiredly and looked back at you, not really knowing what else to say, so you did.
"You know what? You're right, we have more important things to deal with right now" you smiled with tears in your eyes and you placed your hand on his arm. You were about to follow Dustin but Steve pulled you back, pulling your hand.
"Listen, I care about Nancy, yes. Of course, I do. But, I swear, she's just my friend" he told you. "And I care about you too. I do, a lot" he said, nervously. But something wasn't letting you believe him anymore.
"As a friend?" you asked, with your voice breaking a little.
"It's... complicated" he said, making your heart break into little pieces. "And I swear we'll talk about it, after this, I just-" he sighed, running a hand through his hair.
Something was telling you that he would never love you as he did Nancy. That little voice was becoming louder than Robin's telling you he loved you just as you loved him. And you felt your eyes watering. And you knew he could see it, but he didn't say anything. Because you knew time was running out and you had to follow Dustin. So you just smiled sadly at Steve and cupped his cheek with your hand.
"I love you, Steve" you whispered, having the strangest feeling in your heart that this may be the only chance you would get to tell him this, so you kissed his cheek. Like you always did and you gave him the saddest smile Steve had ever seen on someone. "And I really hope you get her back someday."
To Be Continued
[Part 2] 
A/N: sooo, I am definitely not evil enough to just leave it there :D this is definitely going to have a part two... so let me know what you think xD (and also, who you think she should stay with) 
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cer-rata · 4 months
I did it, I finished the fic.
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Cover by the amazing @nicodrawings
It's 109k and fully complete, welcome to my oc's first cursed, sappy adventure.
"Heart of Gotham"
Fandom: Detective Comics
Rating: T M
Conrad Bishop thinks he knows who he is: A nerd, a goof, a coward. But heartbreak comes along to destroy that version of him. As he shatters, an alien ring decides that the depth of his pain has the potential to forge him into a potent Star Sapphire. While grief may be a devastatingly powerful form of love, can he survive on it alone? Maybe not. But it’s what he thinks deserves.
Everyone thinks they know who Damian Wayne is: A prince, a pariah, a hero. The truth is worse. No one thinks he’s easy to love, and he agrees. It’s fine. He doesn’t need it, he’s got duty and a body to spend in service of it until there’s nothing left to hate. But sometimes? Sometimes he wonders if that’s all he can be.
By chance they share the same science class, and--for better or worse--that's all it takes to send them on a path that neither of them would have ever dared to consider.
Love conquers all.
Damian started changing out of his uniform and Conrad awkwardly looked away. He cleared his throat. “Hey, so, I’ve been thinking…”
“Hmm?” Damian grunted as he unclasped and slid his tunic off.
“Well, you used the ring to save me, right? But you know...the whole bit is that if you want to heal someone you have to…uh. You'd…you'd have to love--"
“Philia.” Damian cut in quickly.
“Did…did you--was that a slur?”
“…No! Philia is the Greek concept of love between friends. That’s what the ring was pulling from.” It was mostly true. It was mostly philia. Mostly.
Conrad considered that for a moment, then beamed. “Oh. Oh! So you admit it? You think we’re friends?”
Damian finished pulling a hoodie on and turned to squint at him. “How are you this stupid.”
“Oh my god you do!”
“If you’re like this for the entire ride back, there is a high likelihood that I will change my--oh come on!” Damian complained fruitlessly as he had to endure yet another hug. “I should have let you bleed out.” He hissed, and Conrad just laughed.
“I love you too, buddy.”
A tip of the hat:
Before I get into anything else, again the cover and reference sheet were done by the amazing @nicodrawings. She's terrific, professional, easy to work with (and I am ANNOYING), and I think the quality speaks for itself. Her art is tremendous and her covers are maybe the highest quality I've seen from an indie artist.
And those colors.
Her commissions are open right now and she's making a fan comic that looks so cool, and she does all this other cool stuff. Check her out, okay?
Concepts, Themes, and Character Focus
The core questions I wanted to ask were:
"Can two broken people ever be good for each other?"
"Can you actually move past the pain of loss?"
"How do you love someone?"
I love Lantern lore, and Star Sapphires specifically. Maybe too much
I was fascinated by a Corps that represented love but was usually fueled by despair and anguish instead, and wielded one of the harder to control colors of the Emotional Spectrum. So I decided to create one from scratch and place them in Earth's most notorious tragedy factory: Gotham City.
Conrad is shamelessly emotional and ruled by his affections, and was like that even before the ring. The only son of a pair of Haitian immigrants, Conrad grew up feeling very loved, and even his parents terrible handling of his attempt to come out wasn't enough to shake that. But his parents never really pushed him, and his easy-going nature meant he didn't develop a lot of self determination. Then he suffers an incredibly traumatizing loss, and suddenly his carefully laid carpet of normalcy and avoidance is torn up to reveal some structural problems underneath.
Damian is emotional and ruled by his affections, and is a little ashamed of it. He also felt loved when he was growing up, but unlike Conrad, much of the love he received was in the form of praise for his success, which had the unfortunate effect of making him seek approval in ways that were often unhelpful, most often to himself. He's tried so hard, and done so much work to be a better person, and he's even accumulated a group of peers who adore him. But he's still lonely, has trouble accepting his own progress, and the guilt he carries making new connections difficult.
Everyone is a couple of years older than they are in canon, which I did to make the content more appropriate, and also so I could play with the ambiguity of those three undocumented years, and hand wave away some of the more...uncharitable parts of canon without having to rewrite everything. This is Damian still on his early Rebirth character track, before the many resets to his character development. He's still harsh and somewhat antisocial, but he's also older, more mellow, and has worked through a couple of things. He's settled enough to allow for some honest introspection.
I didn't initially plan for this to be a love story, but their internal conflicts were complimentary and their deepest wishes slotted together so neatly that the direction felt natural. They cover many of each other's weaknesses and blind spots, while making some of their other hangups worse.
The romance isn't even the critical part really, it's just the way they end up expressing emotional intimacy. They are friends first, and that's what holds everything together. It's all about them showing up for each other in ways that are sometimes difficult, and the fact that they always will, regardless of whether they're in a relationship or not.
It's an awkward, intense, teen relationship, and it's not always a good thing for either of them--even before factoring in cosmic super weapons and secret identities.
Also, there are... a lot of cameos and odd side characters.
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thewailingbells · 11 months
Can I request Bubba Sawyer not really understanding what his female S/O period is. All he knows is that he saw blood on the sheets and thinks there's an emergency. Maybe he gets very protective when Y/N explains the whole thing.
A Bit of Blood
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AN: Sorry this took so long! I had a very busy month but everything has finally started to calm down.
Warnings: This entire fic is about periods, so if that grosses you out, don’t read!
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The sun is brightly shown through the thin curtains, gently nudging you awake. The persistent morning light became too much to bear. You let out an annoyed groan and rolled over on your side. You sought refuge from the persistent morning sun in your lover’s chest. Today was a rare day in the Sawyer household; it was quiet and calm. From the limited amount of time you had spent with the family, you concluded that they knew very little about those two concepts.
Nubbins was out in town taking photographs for his collection, Drayton was at the gas station working hard to get everything set up for the week, and Chop-Top was still in Vietnam.
That left only you and Bubba at home. He slept soundly in bed beside you. Despite his imposing size, there was a gentle calmness about him as he slept. You couldn't help but admire your big, gentle, manly lover, asleep and vulnerable, whose features softened in repose rather than the stern, concerned look he usually expresses.
Bubba’s eyes fluttered open. A smile appeared on his face when he realized you were right in front of him. He let out a squeal of happiness and pulled you into his chest. You giggled and hugged him back, enjoying his tight embrace. Despite the lovely moment you were having, Bubba was a morning person. Once he woke up, he was filled with energy. Bubba said something you couldn’t quite understand before wiggling out of your grasp. You sighed and rolled over to lay on your stomach.
Bubba began to follow his usual routine. Pull the blankets down, get out of bed, pull the blankets back up to cover you, and give you a kiss. Except this time, he let out an animalistic squeal. You quickly shot up in bed and turned to face him.
“Bubba! What’s wrong? What happened.”
He continued to make concerned noises. Bubba pointed to the bed. You jumped out of the bed to see what was wrong with it. Your heart sank. There was blood. Bubba began to cry. He gently patted the bottom of your butt, and you could only assume there was a blood mark there too.
You looked at him with loving eyes. You grabbed his rough hands with your soft ones. “Bubba, I’ll be okay. Don’t worry.”
He shook his head. You obviously weren’t okay! You are bleeding! That means you are hurt! Bubba started sobbing. “I’m sorry I hurt you I didn’t mean it I want to help you but I don’t know how to do that and I don’t want you to die so please don’t die,” he said. While the words weren’t exactly spoken in proper English, you were able to get the gist of what he was trying to say.
You squeezed his hands. “Listen to me. I am not going to die. This is normal for me. I need you to calm down. Can you do that for me?"
He nodded. You smiled at him and sat down on the bloodstained bed. If you bleed more, it doesn’t matter; the sheets are already ruined. Bubba stayed standing up. He was too concerned to sit.
You used the most gentle tone you could. “Bubba. As you know, I am a woman. That means I have a different body than you. You’ve seen me naked many times. Whether we were showering together, having sex, or you just walked in on me changing, remember how I told you not to cum inside me?"
He nodded. Of course he remembered, but that didn’t explain why you were bleeding! There is no time to waste! If he waits too long to tend to the wound, you could bleed out. Despite his inner thoughts, he stayed put and listened. Bubba played with his bracelet to calm himself.
“There was a reason why I told you that. Bubba. If you cum inside me, I have a baby. Once a month, when I don’t have a baby, I bleed out of my vagina.”
Before you can continue, Bubba is pulling down his pants. You quickly stopped him. “Bubba! That doesn’t mean I want a baby! We’re too young for that.”
He whines. “The baby will stop the bleeding you need a baby now!”
You shake your head. “It doesn’t work like that. Not exactly, at least. The bleeding does hurt, but I would rather bleed than have a baby. Usually I just have cramps, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, mood swings, and a few other things.”
Bubba started crying again. You have to go through all of that? Once a month? He loves you! He doesn’t want you to be in pain. Bubba pats your head gently.
You were about to say something but were interrupted by a sharp pain in your lower abdomen. You quickly hunched over and grabbed your stomach.
You felt a pair of strong arms pick you up and place you on the bed. “Bubba. I’m fine, real-“
“Nu uh,” Bubba said. You tried to sit up, but he pushed you down onto your back.
He grabbed the waistband of your pajama pants and pulled them off you. He took your top off as well. Bubba looked into your eyes for a brief moment before gently taking off your underwear.
You groaned. “Sweetie, what are you doing? I’m going to bleed on the sheets more than I already have. It’s gonna make a mess.”
Bubba climbed into bed next to you. He made shushing sounds to shut you up. His rough, calloused hand began to gently rub your uterus. He continued to make sad sounds, like those of an injured puppy.
You felt disgusting. Like an animal free bleeding all over the place you slept.
“Bubba, isn’t this gross to you?”
He shook his head. Figures: After chopping up animals and people, blood must start to mean nothing to you.
“I’m going to need feminine products, Bubba. I can’t spend a whole week in bed because I’m bleeding.”
Your love whined. There was something about this that he liked. It was domestic, in an odd sense. You were sprawled out in the bed naked. Yet there were no feelings of sexual desire. Only a desire to nurture.
“Rest,” Bubba said. “I will take care of you. We can get you everything you want later. I love you so much please feel better.”
“Thank you,” you said weakly. This was certainly something you thought you would never do. To anyone else, their girlfriend bleeding all over their bed would make them want to vomit. Not for Bubba though, he loved everything about you, and he would be with you through everything. Everything.
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Asmo is the personification of "I'm a delicate beautiful flower uvu" and then throws hands when someone disagrees, MC is just there to hold his stuff when he beats the stuffing out of some poor demon. Afterwards he pretends like he didn't lose his shit and threw hands because someone said that x wasn't his colour
I see this as him starting to watch wrestling because of all the hot muscular people in it (remember that chat when Beel gets tickets to either a body building competition or a wrestling match and asks MC to come along but when MC suggests Asmo, because he'd like it, Beel says that's precisely why he can't take Asmo) but then he really got into it because of the actual wrestling & violence (whether or not it's fake isn't the point)
Okay but, I love Asmo so much???? He gives off this ditzy yet sweet air most of the time which contrasts greatly with how vicious he actually is? ;
He's the most vicious, out of the lot, to Mammon when he's pissed off - with his lines being brutally cutting
His entire Desire speech to MC in S1 which sounded like a villain monologue
When he finds out MC was lying about Belphie and why they wanted to make a pact with Asmo in the first place and he threatens to rip their heart out if they lie to him again and this is after they're technically friends!
How condescending he sounds during his solo in the group song with Levi & Beel
Princess Asmo going evil in that one anime episode was hilarious but honestly what did you expect would happen
The whole thing with Helene and how not only was he unapologetic he didn't even seem to realise he did anything wrong
Or the hints at the Sarah storyline which if they follow the irl story is very dark
The fact that (assuming that Levi's animal is a giant sea serpent rather than a snake) he's the only one with a venomous animal and I'm 100% convinced his demon form is venomous
His demon form consists of a bleeding heart as his marking, plus a scorpion which is obviously venomous and roses which would definitely have thorns
The fact that like I said in this post Asmo equates his place in the family to his beauty and then suddenly he fell and changed (and didn't the devs say that in the version where they have more demonic forms that Asmo hated his?) and that would have seriously messed him up
Like I really wanna know what it was like for him right after the fall becaue look at this and tell me he wasn't absolutely deranged
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I haven't given Asmo any long scenes in my fics but I love writing him;
Asmo side eyes him, gaze sharp and calculating before his mouth thins into a parody of a smile. "Don't worry about it, Belphie," he says with an almost condescending pat to his cheek before he practically saunters away. 
Belphie watches him feeling mildly irritated but as equally amused and fond. He has always respected Asmo, found familiarity in the wicked sharpness he hid under bubbly giggles and hypersexual ditziness. 
There's a reason why it's called blood lust
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anawrites3 · 2 months
I got a bit busy today so I wasn't able to finish my piece for day 1 of @omegadickweek but I still wanna share it while on time - so have part 1 here early and I'll post the whole finished thing tomorrow on ao3 (hopefully with another fic for day 2)
Hitting all the prompts this time - Reverse Robin | First heat | Age difference
Gravel shuffled quietly on the roof behind his back and Dick's heart stopped for half of a second. He turned his head to the side, just barely to notice who was standing behind him and-
“Flying alone tonight, little bird?” Slade drawled, lips curled into a wolfish grin.
Tension immediately bleed out of Dick's shoulders. It didn't escape Slade's attention, his single eye flicking over him in a way that made Dick's own lips twitch into a smile.
It probably didn't say anything good about him, that the sight of Deathstroke the Terminator made him relax like that - that he felt relief instead of fear. That he didn't feel the urge to reach for his escrimas, that he didn't focus on Deathstroke entirely, preparing himself for the fight.
Because Slade wasn't like the rest of the rogues Dick usually fought - that's what made Dick so interested. Maybe it was the way Slade could kill him with just a flick of his hand. Maybe it was the way Slade looked at him and saw more, more than just a kid and more than Batman's sidekick. Maybe it was the way Slade, despite being every bit of a villain, of a mercenary and a killer, never lied and had a set of rules he would never break.
And Deathstroke wasn't just some villain, either. He was the most dangerous one, the most lethal of them all.
And for a few months now, he was also Dick's occasional lover.
Bruce would go crazy if he ever learned about it and his brothers would lock him up in the Manor, make sure he never stepped outside again. They were already overprotective, Dick didn't want to know how bad it could get.
Hopefully he’d never know and they all stay blissfully unaware.
“Maybe.” Dick answered with a hum, his gaze returning to the building he was watching before Slade joined him.
Another whisper of gravel and Slade stopped by the edge of the rooftop, right where Dick was crouching. His fingers ran through Dick's hair, pushing the locks away from his forehead and Dick pushed into his touch without thinking.
“Expecting any trouble?” Slade murmured.
He lowered himself to get on Dick's level and a bit of his scent slipped out from behind his uniform. For a moment all the thought escaped Dick's mind, as he smelled the gunpowder combined with spice. It used to burn him in the nose, when he was younger. Nowadays it made him think of soft sheets and black bitter coffee Slade always made for him in the morning.
And now… now the smell seemed stronger than usual. It wasn't… burning, exactly but it still made his nose twitch. It shouldn't feel like this - Slade had his full armor on and the bit of his smell got out only because he wasn't wearing his mask but- it shouldn't make warmth curl inside his stomach the way it was doing.
He forgot Slade even asked him a question, until the alpha wrapped one of his hair strands around his finger and tugged gently.
“Not really.” He rubbed a hand under his nose.
Slade hummed, clearly not believing him. “Is that why you almost jumped out of your skin when you heard me?” He teased.
Dick shrugged, forcing himself to fear his eyes away from the alpha and look at the building again. Two of the guards were standing beside the main entrance, smoking without a word. Quiet, because they weren't meant to leave their post. In about five minutes they will go back inside, as if nothing ever happened - and after another hour they will be back for another smoke.
“Well, you could say that I'm… what's the word? Ah, yes. Grounded.” Dick rolled his eyes, making Slade laugh. “Can you imagine it? They think they can just ground me, like I'm some kid!”
“Aren’t you one, though?” Slade asked, his voice a smooth murmur. Dick could feel his breath on his cheek, as the words danced on his skin. “Just a kid. Baby.”
Dick did everything he could not to show how the word affected him but when he exhaled the next time, it came out just a little bit shaky. Slade had to notice, of course, because the curl of his lips turned into a smirk and he leaned down closer to him, his fingers sliding from Dick’s hair to the back of his neck.
“A-anyway,” He cleared out his throat, doing his best to ignore the touch. He shifted, resting one of his knees on the rough surface of the rooftop but Slade’s hand just followed him. Fucking bastard- “I’m not going to just let them ‘ground me’ when they go out on a patrol themselves. They had no right to ground me in the first place.”
“But you had to do something.” Slade said. His hand was a firm pressure on Dick’s nape, his thumb pressed against Dick’s gland, hidden under his costume and a patch that covered his scent. “You just love getting into trouble. Don’t you, kid?”
Dick shivered, letting out another shaky breath. “I don’t know what you’re talking about…”
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fairydollsteps · 1 year
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Do you Love me?
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Synopsis: “Please take me, please. I am all yours to tame and destroy. Ruin me if you have to for your own pleasure. Shackle me under your mercy. I do not care how much I will bleed. If it means you won’t look at other men but me. Just me only, my beloved.”
“For that, I will do anything for you.“
Just Aegon Targaryen II on his knees, being absolutely pathetic, begging and lovesick for you. 
Note/ Warnings: Fluff to Angst, Age gap (reader is 4 years older than Aegon), childhood love troupe ish, Aegon’s major insecurities and his shitty childhood. Mommy issues lmao. unrequited love, Aegon sad boy hour he is depressed, he is obsessed in love for reader. reader is kinda mean, she don’t entirely love aegon like how aegon loves her. Very OOC Aegon, he is actually a sweet person if only alicent is nicer or if otto die earlier 
let’s just say aemond didn’t kill lucerys to keep this peaceful
Author’s note: hiiii i am finally alive and motivated to write again! so in this fic is just aegon suffering lmao. idk i like to see him in his absolutely worst in his already horrendous life. is just nice to see him pathetic lmao. and also too many fic of reader crying because of aegon so why not the roles switched instead? Also you are the princess of a royal family like the Hightower family/house. I made it up so you are House Glairsviw. Also everything is messy so it might suck, pls bear with me. Anyway, enjoy!
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“Do you love me, Y/N?”
Aegon Targaryen II, heir to the Iron Throne, now the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms stands before you. You, in your finest gown simply stared at him in silence. Both of you are facing at each other at the castle garden, away from the booming celebration of Aegon’s coronation.Of course you know how much Aegon adores you with his whole heart. You know. You know from the beginning. The puppy love didn’t fade away as you though from childhood. 
You remember when 7-year-old Aegon would always follow you around like a puppy in Dragonstone. Your house is friendly and in good terms with House Targaryen, benefitting each houses with your house’s fortune and their power. Therefore, you and your family always visit the Targaryens and stayed there. This delighted young Aegon as he gets to be with you often.
Your impeccable beauty allures him even to this day, your kind act is what fuels his love for you. You are older than him, so you have the urges and the responsibility to care for this little kid. As you two grow up together, you will always see him as a little boy who need bandages when he scrap his knee. But to Aegon, you are an angel to his eyes.
His life is already miserable enough even at a young age, his mother berating and his father ignoring his existence. His damn grandfather, Otto Hightower is a nightmare that won’t give him a break, pressuring and reminding him he is to be the future king of Westeros. So is his mother who make sure he won’t forget. Just standing with them suffocates him. So, to meet you is a blessing in disguise.
 With you, he is able breathe freely. With you, he smiles with glee to know that someone is waiting for him with biscuits and tea after his sword training. With you, he sleeps peacefully after you read him his favorite storybook. With you, he allow himself to cry his heart out and find comfort in your arms after a hellish hours of his mother’s lambast. With you, he is able to find meaning and hope in his dejecting life. 
You also remember when he gives you a bouquet of your favorite flowers on your birthday. Chrysanthemum. Then, he declares with a boast that he want to marry you, right here and right now. He was 12 years old and you were 16 at that time. You simply giggled softly, amused at his little puppy love. 
“Marry you? Maybe when you are taller than me and strong enough to carry me, I will marry you,” you said as a joke, not taking Aegon’s proposal seriously. You kissed his forehead as a gratitude for his gift. Is a completely platonic and normal thing between you and Aegon when he did something nice and pleasing for you. But is more than ‘normal’ for Aegon.
This marriage proposal thing from Aegon is not a one time thing. Throughout your childhood and your adolescents years,  Aegon has propose to you more than you count. “I will marry Y/N if I find a pretty flower for her,” Aegon when he was 8 years old. “Will you marry me if I beat my brother in a sword match?” Aegon no. “ Y/N, can I marry you when the sun rise?” Oh Aegon, you silly.
You will always find excuses and divert his proposal playfully. Saying no will break his poor heart. This is just a temporary fantasies of his and a puppy love that will surely dissolve when he is older, right?
Oh dear, if only you know how wrong you are. Aegon is utterly consumed with desire for you. And you know it. You know he loves you but you don’t know how long he will. And he still loves you in his adulthood.  The sight befall you further verify your certainty. Aegon, regal with his kingly attire except without his crown and robes, under the moonlight, holding a single pink chrysanthemum. He still remembers after all these years.
“Do you love me?” he asked.
You want to let out a laugh but stay composed. If only he knew, then maybe his poor heart won’t be broken again.
“Really Aegon? Is that what you have to say after all these years?” you said heartily. You drop all your formalities to the king. You know he wouldn't care. Aegon frowns, knowing your tricks. Yet, he still holds a soft and longing gaze at you. 
Yes, you have have not seen each other for 6 years. You simply stop seeing Aegon for 6 years. Your house still visit the House Targaryen but is rarely. But you were nowhere at sight when your family arrived. 
“I just got busy, Aegon. Very busy. The duty of the head of my house at a young age is no easy task ever since my father is gravely sick. I hope you understand,” you said after looking at his face of whys, ignoring his previous propose. 
“My deepest condolences,” he said apologetically, gently rubbing the stem of the chrysanthemum “ Thank you. My house is doing well under my command,”
There’s a beat of  awkward silence. After 6 years, so many things have changed. You are the mighty head of your house. Aegon finally king to the Iron Throne. “You promised me that we will send each other letters before you left,” Aegon said, breaking the silence. “We did,” 
“Only for a few months. Your letters become lesser and lesser as days passed. I know that you are busy but is like you vanish and just-,” Aegon clenched his jaws before he finish. Not wanting to accept what he thought it is.
“-is like you just left and abandoned me in the dark,”
The silence returns in the garden and the two silhouettes standing before each other under tension. Every second of stillness kills Aegon. Say something Y/n. Reassure him and his doubts just like you did when you were young. Hug him like in the past. Y/N please. Aegon silently beg.
But you just stand there, blank-faced and keeping the distance between yourself and Aegon. You didn’t come to him or softly smile at him like before. You just stood where you are and watch Aegon slowly descend to his doubts. “Y/N, you couldn’t-I mean, Why? Why did you stop? I know you are busy but 6 years without a single letter? Not even once?” he asks desperately. 
“I just don’t find the need for you,” you said without a hesitant. “I no longer find you as my top priority, so I just stop,” Aegon stares at you wide-eyed. There’s no point lying to him. He should know already but is in denial. He is still clinging on the past and expecting the oh so sweet Y/N to return to the past. 
Aegon looks like he can’t stop spiraling like mad but quickly compose himself with a solution. “If is like that then, we can reconnect our connection like before with our fathers. Then, we can meet up meet up and-,” “That won’t do, Aegon,” you cut him off cruelly. Now he is trying to rebuild everything with some political bullshits. You should be sent to the guillotine for cutting the king but he lets you.
“Aegon, you have other more and capable houses and I have my own other houses that will help and benefits me. I do no need your help,” you said, cold-heartly. You don’t even put to the effort to  Oh Aegon, you are still a fool even as an adult.
What you just say slowly made a tear of his heart. What you just implied is that you don’t need him, or if you even want him. Aegon is desperate. The more you reject him, the more desperate and hurt he is. Aegon can’t accept it. He can’t lose you. You are the only good thing in his life. And his only good thing is turning its back on him. 
Do you really-? Are you really going to just-? Like this? Y/N please no. Don’t. Don’t do this to me. Aegon beg through his troubled, sorrowed eyes as he walk towards you hastily.
He grabs your hand with his unoccupied hand, urgently but weakly, forcing you too look at him in the eyes. There is so many unspoken words through his eyes. You could see his stress, his denial and his passionate love for you. All his love for you that is meant to be crushed by you. 
Aegon silently pray to find at least a single look of adoration meant for him from you. He pray to know that you are just denying and hesitant to love him. A hope that what you just say is just a lie. But he find nothing. Just nothing. There is no love and the look of adoration. You just look at him uncaring. Like he is a nobody.
You are no longer the girl he knew from the past. The girl he knew always smile at him warmly and treat with affections he never have. 
“Do you love me?” Aegon asks. A question that you always dodge and pissing Aegon off. You could feel his eyes on you, begging to answer it and stop treating him like some kind of toy. You could feel his breath touching your cheeks softly. His lips quivering from the tension and the close contact.
Aegon passed the chrysanthemum to your hand and hold it with both of hand. As if is a way to convince you to change your mind with your favorite flower. But you have already decided you decision. As it feels like eternity, you finally answer.
The silence was deafening. Aegon couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t registered what you just say. You could feel his hands on you slightly shaking.
“I’m sorry, Aegon. I don’t love you how you love me. I’m sorry. I just feel nothing for you,” 
Before you could slip away from his grasp, Aegon stop you. “Aegon please-” “Why, Y/N?” “Aegon please you have to understand-,” “No please don’t do this to me Y/N. I can’t just lose you like this. Please don’t leave me,”. Now he is able to break down. His heart is crushing at every second with you. His grip on you become tight but not enough to hurt you He can’t do something to chase you away even though you are already leaving her.
Aegon is holding your hand tightly, begging you to stay with him. He can’t breathe properly with the panic and heartbreak in his chest. He could feel his eyes becoming wet but force himself to hold it. Oh fuck, he feels so damn embarrassed for being so pathetic to you but he can’t stop the hurt. Because it actually fucking hurts so bad that he feels like his heart is bleeding.
Is like the universe is against him and could do nothing about it. The universe decided to have mercy on him for having a horrible home by giving him a girl that could care and love him. And for the first time in live, he was happy. Then suddenly, the universe took her away and isolate him from her for 6 years. Then when he finally meet her, she no longer love and treat him like a ghost. 
What kind of a fucked up fate he was given?
“Aegon, please let me go,” “No, I can’t Y/N. I love you, I am utterly devoted to you please!” Aegon cried out with no shame. 
“Please take me, please. I am all yours to tame and destroy. Ruin me if you have to for your own pleasure. Shackle me under your mercy. I do not care how much I will bleed. If it means you won’t look at other men but me. Just me only, my beloved. I have never felt this devoted to any women but you. You are the only person I want to admired at and dance with at the ballroom,” 
“We could get married, I could make you Queen of the Seven Kingdoms! I could make you my queen. I will get the finest dresses and the most brilliant jewelry just for you. I will have the whole world on their knees for you if I have to. So do I,”
Aegon declares with his whole heart. Some drops of tears manage to fell. His cheek flushed and he is still holding your hand with the pink chrysanthemum. He is a mess. He knows he look stupid and ridiculous but he is fighting every chance, hoping and praying to Gods that you change your mind and choose to grow old with him.
His violet orbs continue to violent beg for your heart to own him. “Please, Y/N. I belong to you. My heart is full of you. Everything is better with you. Everything has been better since you,” 
 He should have knows better. He should be mad at himself for falling so deep that could his inevitable heartbreak. Your silence and your pity look is enough to tell but he is still trying and holding the end of the string of hope.
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blackjackkent · 5 months
Fic request, BG3: Karlach/fem Tav, where Tav has died. After the reserection scroll is used, Karlach goes to pieces. Hurt/comfort.
Eyyyy, ty for the prompt! Sorry this took me a little while to turn around. :D Was fun to write, though; I do love me some Karlach romance and some hurt/comfort. <3 I hope you like!
“You hear that?” Tav asks. The half-elf’s eyes narrow, glinting in the pale light of the moonlantern that is all that protects them from the cursed shadows. “Hold on a sec.”
Karlach halts obediently with the others and listens intently. Her head tips slowly to one side like a dog pricking up its ears, and her eyes drift half-closed in focus. But there's nothing. 
The shadow-cursed lands are, in fact, eerily quiet. The place is not only devoid of civilization but life - there's no sound of birdsong, no creatures creeping through underbrush, no leaves or plants of any kind. There's not even a stirring of breeze to knock together the dried branches of the long-dead trees. 
Karlach hates it. It reminds her too fucking much of the desolation of the Hells, dead and dry and full of dangers. Not nearly as hot as Avernus, she'll say that much for it, and dark as the inside of her boot. But still a little too close for comfort. 
“Don't hear anything, Soldier,” she says in a low voice. Astarion and Shadowheart both shake their heads as well. Then Karlach grins, an automatic reaction to the brief moment of tension. “Must've been my heart pounding, eh?” 
Astarion rolls his eyes. “Ugh. Gods,” he murmurs tauntingly. “Is that what passes for smooth in Zariel's army?”
Tav grins. “Shut up, Astarion,” she says, giving him a casual punch in the shoulder. 
“I'm just saying,” Astarion quips, “if we're going to have to watch the two of you give each other cow eyes every day of the week, you're going to have to come up with some better material.”
Karlach sticks her tongue out at him. “No one asked you, Fangs,” she shoots back. But she's laughing. It's really hard not to laugh these days, in spite of all the terrible shit happening to them. Astarion can mock all he wants - but she's in love, real love, for the first time in ten years. The first time maybe ever, truth told, because she can't remember any quick fuck back in the Gate that ever made her feel like Tav does. 
Tav is… gentle. Kind. When she touches Karlach it feels like the whole world is opening up to her, a feeling of hope like everything is gonna be okay. So yeah, Astarion can laugh all he wants, if it makes him feel better. Karlach really couldn't give less of a shit. 
She's happy. 
Too happy, as it turns out, because she's so lost in thinking these thoughts and watching the way Tav's smile looks in the lanternlight that she doesn't notice the first arrow coming in. 
Tav’s scream is like a knife. Blood spatters across the dark ground as the arrow punctures her shoulder. 
A lithe, pale figure darts out of the shadows with a high-pitched giggle and throws something around Tav’s neck. Then in an instant she’s gone, vanished with the creature into thin air.
“Tav!” Karlach starts to shout - but it's choked off as another garrote bites sharply under her jaw and she's yanked backwards into the dark. 
It’s a horrific battle, one of the worst they’ve faced since the nautiloid. The meazels - little shits, every one of them - are quick and cunning, separating the party out into the searing darkness, silencing spells, bleeding them dry. Karlach doesn’t need spells, though, and her usual battle-rage is bolstered by a stunning degree of pain and an entirely unexpected violent panic. 
She wrenches her axe from the corpse of the meazel that grabbed her and tears off through the dark. Unheeding of both the blood pouring from her neck and the necrotic energy chewing into her skin, uncaring of what other enemies might hear her, she bellows at the top of her lungs. “Tav! TAV!”
“She’s here!” That’s Shadowheart, her voice weak. “Karlach, over here!”
Karlach almost trips, so quickly does she change direction towards the cleric’s call. Like a rothe maddened with fear, she leaves the path and crashes directly through the desiccated underbrush, dead plants shattering apart around her with every step.
Tav is dead when she gets there. 
Shadowheart is crouched over her, a useless healing spell in the process of drifting off her fingers. Astarion, blood dripping from his lips, crawls from the darkness opposite her. But Karlach’s eyes are locked on the form of Tav’s body in the dim light from her torch, the eyes blank and staring, the garrote wound flowing freely.
“Oh, no,” she whispers. “No, no, no, no--”
“It’s all right.” Shadowheart’s voice feels oddly far away. “I have a scroll, I’ll revive her-- Karlach, for gods’ sake, breathe!”
She is breathing - too fast, too shallow. The cut at her own throat throbs with each pulse of her heart. She drops the axe with a clang onto the ground and she falls on her knees at Tav’s side, grabbing the smaller woman’s hand and holding it between both of hers. “No, darling, no…” she mumbles. “Gods, don’t-- don’t look at me like that…”
How many dead people has she seen in her life? Could fill a library writing all their names down… But none of them have been her… those blank eyes are so wrong in her face which is always so full of life and humor and warmth… nothing like Karlach’s inferno heat but warmth and safety and home…
“Bring her back…” she rasps out desperately. “Please…”
The magic of the revivify scroll swirls around them as Shadowheart murmurs the words. There’s an achingly long pause during which Karlach finds herself reviewing every single moment of their brief time together and passing through every stage of grief in order; she’s just about reached “depression” when Tav’s eyes flicker open.
“K-Karlach?” she whispers, and then her body spasms around a sudden fit of coughing as she gasps for breath. 
“Oh, gods.” Karlach’s whole body sags with a relief as overwhelming as the grief was. Without thinking, she reaches out and pulls Tav up and into her arms, tight against the heat of her chest. “Oh, fuck… Soldier… Tav… shit…”
The words tumble out, one after the other, and she’s startled to realize that each of them is a sob, raggedly dragging out of her throat between hiccuped, jerky breaths. She’s alive. It’s not over. It’s not over. Oh, thank the gods…
“Hey. Ow. Hey…” Tav mumbles. It’s muffled from how Karlach has her pulled close; her face is sort of squished into Karlach’s shoulder. “It’s all right. Darling, it’s all right, but I can’t breathe.”
“Oh. Right.” She forces herself to loosen her embrace enough for Tav to draw her head back. “You-- sorry. Fuck. You scared me. I thought… I thought…” She can’t say it out loud. The words don’t come out.
“You’re hurt.” Tav gently touches the garotte wound in Karlach’s neck, wiping at the blood there.
“You died!” Karlach says with a sudden, hysterical laugh, flinching backwards. “Don’t worry about me! Just… you just sit there and… and breathe, or whatever, and… oh gods…” The tears blind her.
“Karlach…” Tav sits up in her lap. She’s unsteady, of course, because revivification is a brutal process at the best of times, but her eyes are clear. That hideous blankness is gone from them and they’re full again with the light that drew Karlach to her first. “Shhh.” She cups Karlach’s face gently with both hands and kisses her. “It’s all right… I promise. I’m here. All limbs attached, everything accounted for. And heart very much beating.”
Karlach gives her a watery smile, tries and fails to quiet her choked breathing into something manageable. “I just-- I saw you there… like that… and I suddenly realized… how much shit has gone wrong in my life… how it all changes so fast… but you’ve been good… you’ve been so fucking good, Tav…”
“I’m here. I’m here…” Tav presses her forehead to Karlach’s and draws a slow, shaky breath. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise. I promise…”
Slowly Karlach begins to settle again, feeling the gentle brush of Tav’s breath on her lips. It’s not over. “You’d better not,” she mumbles.
She realizes suddenly that they’re alone. Shadowheart has taken one of the torches and bodily dragged Astarion off some distance away, leaving them more or less in private. Karlach’s grateful for that; she’s not sure she could handle Astarion’s acerbic wit right at this moment.
“Fuck,” she whispers after a short pause, a little more calmly now. “Sorry, I--”
“Hey. Don’t you ever apologize for anything,” Tav says softly. “Least of all for loving me. You don’t get to say sorry for that.” She kisses Karlach again gently. “You ready to get Shadowheart to clean up that cut?”
“I… yeah. Yeah.” But it takes her a moment to loosen her arms and let Tav out of her embrace. “I do love you,” she says quietly. “So much. And I just got scared as shit about it.”
Tav smiles. “Best kind of scared I know,” she says. 
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emilija04acer · 4 months
Lackadaisy fanfics list <3
Characters: Viktor, Mordecai, Nico, Seraphine
Lackadaisy Five by GreyRose24
Viktor Vasko’s first impression of Mordecai Heller is that Atlas has hired a scrawny kid to be his new partner. His second impression is that Atlas has hired a very irritating scrawny kid with something missing in either his head or his heart. Alternate title: five times Mordecai let the mask slip in front of Viktor and one time he didn't
This is one of my favorites. I found it when I was searching for fics that had some focus on Mordechai's Jewish background. I like how the author depicted their relationship (not because it isn't romantic), they show genuine care for one another and I want to read more.
(If you like the ship see number 3)
This is the first part in a series of 5 works, I'd recommend this series.
2. Lackadaisy Communion by GreyRose24
The Savoy siblings’ first impression of Mordecai Heller was that Asa Sweet had handed them off to a rude bookkeeper to be their new leader. Their second impression was that the boss really needed to watch his back because their new colleague clearly had his own agenda in mind. Alternate title: four times the Savoys messed with Mordecai to get to know him better and one time they didn't. [Fluffy side story, fits around Lackadaisy Diable & Triad]
Words: 25,720
The final installment of this series was mentioned earlier. Even without reading the entire series, I found it possible to understand everything. I love fluff so this is the jam.
3. What Is This Feeling? by FOxFIRe_27
4 times Mordecai had some…confusing feelings about Viktor + one time it finally clicked.
Actually wanted the 2 to be happy so it's a bit out of character, but it's sweet!
4. Frozen Hearts by meticulous-metzger (EdgeHedgeShads)
In an attempt to raise Viktor for a job without freezing his tail off, Mordecai decides to drive in the thick winter snow, only to have an accident. Irritated his young triggerman continues to be reckless, Atlas orders him out of the speakeasy and into Viktor's apartment to recover, leading to some awkward conversations, situations and a whole lot of bonding.
Mordecai has an accident and Viktor takes care of him, Unfortunately uncompleted...
5. The Hotseat by meticulous-metzger (EdgeHedgeShads)
After a storage barn gets raided by a competitor, Mordecai and Viktor are sent out to wait for the perpetrators to make a second hit. Unfortunately, it's the middle of summer, and Mordecai isn't coping with the heat well.
This one is a bit more... sweaty. Nothing too explicit, just the first kiss in the summer's heat. Again not finished... Damn!
6. Stopgap by Stariceling
Viktor and Mordecai look after each other, at least long enough for the bleeding to stop.
A break from shipping, another platonic fic!
Mordecai took out his handkerchief again to finish the interrupted task of fastidiously cleaning the blood from his face. “That should suffice until you see a doctor.”
“No doctor,” Viktor muttered. “Alvays threatening to chop off legs.”
7. Lackadaisy Liaison by bubble_bees
Viktor couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment their relationship developed into this. It was natural. They gravitated around one another as if that’s what they’ve done all their life. Or: a look at Viktor & Mordecai's partnership, up until its rather violent end.
The betrayal of getting kneecapped buy your dear friend. Poor Vik...
There should be more fics focusing on Viktor and Mordecai. On Viktor in general. Also on the Savoy siblings.
I know they aren't the main characters, it's to be expected but come on! Will I have to write? I want a fic in which Viktor gets an apology for being kneecapped into early retirement, well a longer fic than this>
I Know Those Eyes/This Man Is Dead by Lack-luster-daisy (cowgremlin) We are back to shipping.
Please write for the series! Finish them, please!!!
"Papa me want more movie!"
Why are there only 4 pages for Mordecai and Viktor (platonic) on AO3? Well looks like someone's got to change that.
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graysparrowao3 · 18 days
WIP Whatever: Rolan, Cal, & Lia Special
Thank you for the tag @forget-me-maybe! I know it's not two particular Northern Bastards (but if that's what you were hoping for you may find such a snippet here). I hope it's not bothersome or disappointing if I indulge in posting again, I know I have more than usual lately, to be honest I'm just a bit proud of this bit.
Some more tags should you wish to share or share again <3 @ladyofcrowsandcoffee @falcatamandarina @reverieblondie @commander-krios @turquoiseoverthesea
Behold! From the next chapter of The Elturian Prodigy fic...
Rolan, Cal, and Lia are currently in Avernus trying to survive. Rolan may have finally started to figure out a way to get them back so that the events of Baldur's Gate 3 can begin....
Rolan cleared his throat. “It has to be the Companion.”
“Want someone to ask you to elaborate, don’t you?” Lia’s eyes were sullen.
“The Companion was the first thing we noticed. When it flickered, changed. That happened before the devils decided to make an appearance. If I can figure out the nature of the change to the Companion, we find our way home.”
“I’ll pack my bags,” Lia’s tongue and voice was dry. “Glad you took your time coming up with that stellar conclusion.”
“Bet it tasted like cheese,” Cal mumbled vacantly under his breath.
“I suppose you’ve already detailed the particulars, have you?” Rolan glared. The exhausted woman across the room huffed air though her nose.
“Fine.” She did not sound pleased about it, but she did continue. “What are you thinking?”
“I’ve been trying to establish a way home, but I’d been thinking too small, too direct. Perhaps it’s less about reversing the way we arrived here, and more about the bigger picture.” He paused for both theatrics and to gather his next thoughts. “It was High Overseer Kreeg who produced the miracle itself. A blinding light to rid the city of evil, or some such drivel.”
“It was evil, Rolan,” Lia rolled her eyes. “We're living in it. Kreeg helped the Riders, saved the whole city.”
Lines creased Rolan’s brow. “I never can remember the deity Kreeg revered. Divine matters. Not my forte.”
“Torm,” came a soft muttering from the youngest tiefling who let his head rest back against the wall.
“Ah. Yes.”
Cal forced whatever amusement he could to his voice, which wasn't much. "Pretty sure if we weren’t already in Hell you’d be smited for blasphemy.”
“Right,” Rolan cleared his throat. “Torm. And Torm is of course…”
“Patron of Paladins.”
“Obviously. A beacon of righteousness and duty. A bleeding heart. Surprised you weren’t fully converted, Lia.”
“Might’ve thought about it,” she shot back. “Not that it’s any of your business. Could've used a few answered prayers lately.”
Rolan was too engrossed in thought to register her reply, his face furrowing further. “Does that sound like the sort of God to banish us to Hell?”
Cal’s eyes slowly animated with curiosity and he sat forward. “What are you thinking, Rolan?”
“I’m not entirely sure,” he admitted. “But you recall making the oath of the Creed Resolute…”
“Which you were willing to break the second the city faced danger,” Lia made her disdain apparent.
“Which I still would, if it were possible,” Rolan’s voice lowered to a pensive mumble. “To serve the realm of Elturgard… the High Observer… defend the city…”
“Serve all people and the greater good,” Lia added. “Uphold Elturgard’s laws and the Creed Resolute.”
Cal finished the code contained within the Creed. “Allow no difference of faith to come between us, and not attribute the Companion to any one God.”
Rolan nodded in affirmation of their combined words. “Now, Lia’s fanciful ambitions aside, why would anyone other than the Riders need to make such an oath?”
“Hells, Rolan,” she frowned, “you wouldn’t shut up about it at the time. We get it – you are so philosophically advanced and the rest of us mindless idiots to social convention.”
“No, Lia,” Cal intervened, “I think he’s actually onto something this time. You think it’s connected, Rolan?”
“It’s no more impossible than anything else. The timing alone is suspect. I’d bet money – if we had any left – that if Torm put the Companion in place, or Kreeg through Torm, or whatever else – I don’t know how all that nonsense works - it’s not Torm’s will that undid it.”
Cal couldn’t help but put words to the question that sat waiting. “So… who did?”
Rolan took a deep breath. “Someone who benefits from every living soul in Elturel swearing to the Creed Resolute.”
The air and vibrations in the infernal basement froze.
“Rolan…” Lia’s voice shook with caution, “please tell me you know who that is.”
“It’s a guess,” he tempered expectations, but the vivid blazing behind his eyes betrayed his excitement. “We are, as I believe, in Avernus. Currently under siege in the Blood War. Commanded in the First Circle of Hell by-”
“Zariel,” the word left Lia’s mouth breathlessly.
Rolan offered an acknowledging nod of his head. "Or, in as it means literally... Companion of Light."
“Holy shit, Rolan,” Cal was leaning so far forward he was leaning on his palms, his eyes flaming bright, “you’re a genius.”
“Wouldn’t go that far,” Lia mumbled instinctively, but a thick layer of exhaustion had lifted from her face and she was staring with expectation. “But this is insane. Zariel is an Archdevil. Maybe if he figures out what we can do about it.”
“Well whatever Kreeg is up to clearly hasn’t helped. And the Riders are next to useless.”
“My best speculations,” Rolan hummed. “If Torm was the one that conjured the Companion, perhaps he’s not best pleased about its demise and would rather like it back. If Zariel was involved from the start, I’m not sure there’s anything we can do. Not without more information. Either way, there’s only one place in the city that might offer some insight into the matter.”
Two voices in union gave the final obvious answer.
“The High Hall.”
Rolan tipped his head and his shoulders pulled proudly back. “Perhaps there’s a reason to risk the bridges after all.”
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aphrogeneias · 2 months
✰ fic authors self-rec game ✰
rules: when you get this, reply with your favorite five fics you've written, then pass it on to at least five other writers. let's spread the self-love 💞
thank you for the tag, @rebelfell <3
it's been seven hours and fifteen days (eddie x reader, soulmate!au, multi-chapter)
i'm very proud of this story, though it's still on-going. i've always been fond of the soulmate trope, and i've written a bunch of them until i came up with this idea, which was almost never written because at the time i had almost entirely given up writing (but i'm glad i didn't, because now i have eddie and joan, and i love putting them in situations).
more than seven minutes (steve x reader, best friends to lovers)
i'm sensing a pattern with the number seven here
this is the only long format steve harrington fic i've ever written, which is a shame because i love that boy with my entire heart, but for what it's worth i love this little story and the whole vibe it has, i catch myself re-reading it sometimes and that's not something i do often with my own work.
...right? (eddie x reader, angst with a happy ending)
the self-projection here is off the charts, and i think that bleeds through reader's inner monologue, which was my favorite part of writing. very cathartic. i was able to visit past experiences and put the reader on gentler hands than the ones i've been through, and for that i'm really happy. i also love eddie in this, he's just was flawed as the reader, but the sweet angel we know him to be.
mad sounds (rockstar!eddie x reader, smut with feelings)
modesty aside, i think i popped off here. i peaked with this one, don't think i'll ever write smut this good in my fanfiction writer career.
no more tears (eddie x reader, friends to lovers)
this one is for everyone who celebrates halloween all year round. i'm proud of this little story too, i feel like i created my own teen-esque halloween movie, with the right amount of angst, romance and action. it was originally supposed to be a multi-chapter, but i was able to compress it into one long one-shot, and i like how it turned out in the end.
tagging: @intrepidacious @barnesafterglow @thornsnvultures @raccoonboywrites @onegirlmanytales @strangerstilinski @hellfirenacht @jamdoughnutmagician @paybacksawitch @br0ck-eddie @mopeymopeymouse @targaryenvampireslayer @rae-gar-targaryen (and if you're seeing this, haven't been tagged but want to participate, feel free to say i've tagged you, 'kay? <3)
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aceofwhump · 1 year
Hi! Do you have any favourite recovery fics??? Like Buck recovering from any one of his mishaps (or Anthony Bridgerton, or Matt Casey, or Mike Warren, etc) where they cover the process (the part that shows always skip where in one ep things are absolutely fucked and in the next they’re absolutely fine I’m looking at you and your rebar 9-1-1)
I have a TON of good recovery fics. Recovery fics are some of my favorite things to read! Especially really long ones where the character is recovering from a trauma. If you don't mind other fandoms I've got a ton of recovery fics to rec. Not a lot for Anthony Bridgerton or Mike Warren in terms of recovery fics for canon whump sadly. Actually there's not a lot of recovery fics for them period. But I hope some of these other ones will sate you!
The Witcher:
Hold On by CaptainRex_ika
It has been months since that day on the mountain, a day that left Jaskier alone. Now, he finds himself a captive of Nilfgaard, who just want Geralt and that child surprise of his, and they believe Jaskier is the way to get the White Wolf's attention. After all, he is known as the Witcher's Bard. Jaskier believes that this time Geralt won't come for him...not after that day.
warming of a heart by Alexlively88
tws: A/B/O, past rape/non con, abortion/discussion of abortion, rape recovery
Killing a rusalka is just a normal day in Geralt's life. It's just his job. What isn't his job is rescuing abused omegas. He does it anyway. Or, Jaskier is done with life. To his disappointment, life isn't done with him just yet.
If You Ask Me for My Fire (Just Watch Me Burn) by DigitalSaiyan
tws: past rape/non con, rape/noncon, rape recovery,
Jaskier has zero intention of sharing the degrading experience of getting tortured. Ever. He’ll bury the memories and someday they’ll be as scabbed over as Caingorn was. Which had been completely, absolutely, fine. And the only reason that wound is bleeding a little now is because Geralt came out of nowhere—after the most humiliating experience of his entire life—and reopened it. But that’s fine because he’ll leave and return to the terror of his smuggling work and forget about Geralt all over again. There's nothing hard drink and the constant danger of execution won’t get his mind off. There’s something therapeutic about fearing for one’s life that makes anything not of immediate concern go away. So yes, things were just fine before Geralt showed up. Two years post-Caingorn, Geralt rescues Jaskier from jail and sends him with Ciri to Kaer Morhen. However, Geralt starts to suspect Jaskier is hiding serious trauma.
Panic Attacks by AllTheQueensHorses
Jaskier, captured by Nilfgaard and tortured for weeks, has panic attacks because no one knows where he is and no one is coming to rescue him. Basically a giant whump fic with plenty of angst and hurt but no comfort until later. Trigger warnings throughout the whole story for panic attacks.
Broken by GonEwiththeWolveS
In which Geralt finds out Jaskier was tortured. Or, the self-indulgent hurt/comfort fic.
What am I, if not a bard? by Mi_chan
Geralt knows something happened to Jaskier. He doesn't know the details, but he knows he needs to do something to help the bard. Jaskier is stubborn and refuses to talk to him. Geralt doesn't give up that easily, though. ~ Since the series totally downplayed Jaskier's trauma, here's the fix. The bard is hurting, he's scared and doesn't know what to do with himself, but Geralt is there, acknowledging his pain. ~
an incessant burning by 1derspark
“Jaskier,” Geralt prompted after a while. “Can you look at me?” He shook his head and hoped that his mumbled "no" would be heard. Geralt sighed but didn’t try to move him. His hand was running a comforting trail up and down Jaskier’s back. Eventually, he spoke again. “Yen, she told me some things, but I didn’t realize…” He trailed off, and Jaskier could hear him swallow. A click of guilt in the throat. He reached over to Jaskier’s arm. When he didn’t startle or protest Geralt took his arm. He rubbed a gentle finger over the wax burn. It was a barely-there thing, nothing to get all riled up about. But even having his arm exposed made Jaskier want to crawl into a hole. (Or Jaskier’s newfound aversion to fire, and the comfort he deserves.)
Hand in Trembling Hand by PenAndInkPrincess
“I’m sorry,” Jaskier whispers at last. Geralt shifts so he can look at him. “I’m sorry I’m…like this, now.” “You don’t have to be sorry.” (Jaskier has a hard path to walk while he's healing. Geralt and Yennefer help him with this part.)
Ted Lasso:
an excess of warmth or coldness by bartonbones 
When Jamie is seriously injured during a match, Roy and Ted are reminded how much they care about him--as a son, or as a younger brother, or as an exposed nerve. Jamie is reminded what it's like to have people care when his face gets knocked in.
Lemons and Lavender by LivingProof
He peels his eyes open. Shit, they really must be giving him the good stuff, cause he could swear he knows that dark figure lurking in the doorway, where his old man came in a few minutes ago. He blinks a few times, waiting for it to vanish. It doesn’t. “Roy?” he croaks. He blinks again, and Roy…or whoever…is standing beside him, 'cept Jamie still can’t tell, cause he can only see his back, cause whoever it is isn’t looking at Jamie, he’s looking across the room. Towards that window. At Jamie’s dad. “The fuck do you fucking think you’re fucking doing here?” Yeah. That’s Roy.
Barn Raising by altschmerzes 
After the locker room disaster in Manchester, Roy drives Jamie home. The chaos they find when they arrive at the house swiftly proves it is not a safe place to spend the night, forcing a change of plans and a reroute to Roy’s own home. The following day Jamie experiences, in this order: The most bewildering breakfast of his life, a penalty kick clinic with a seven-year-old, and an overwhelming display from his teammates that brings him face to face with the fact that not only has he been accepted back in Richmond it’s also possible he might be, in a way he can’t remotely process or understand, loved here.
The Same Story by altschmerzes
It would've been traumatic enough for Jamie's father to ruin Richmond's most recent victory in front of the whole team, but when the confrontation turns violent in front of a gaggle of reporters, the ensuing social media firestorm is even worse. Over the next two and a half weeks, Jamie will have to navigate the charges against his father, walk a gauntlet of publicity that he never asked for, and prepare to give the interview of a lifetime.
Bones Don't Rust by not_whelmed_yet
The same capture & rescue fic everyone has written, but playing off two ideas: - I wanted to see Dream’s physical recovery take long enough that he could begin his mental/emotional recovery before heading back to the Dreaming - There’s a lot of ways to hurt an anthropomorphic entity without taking them out of their snowglobe
I will find you in your dreams by Salmaka
A story where Dream, confused and weak from his time in isolation doesn't make it back to the Dreaming but ends up in Hob's house instead.
To Learn to Breathe Again by ironlin
Upon returning back to the Dreaming, Dream finds himself struggling. Thankfully, Lucienne is there to help.
To Be Loved by Scribbles97
Buck knew he was spiralling, that the dread that had been shadowing him since leaving the hospital should have left when the doctor had given him the all clear. Yet, he can't help but feel like he's still missing something. Eddie hadn't been able to give him the answers, but maybe Bobby could. Calm, dependable, reassuring, Bobby always had the answers and helped him through stuff.
Goosebumps by Princessfbi 
Everyone kept telling Buck he was supposed to rest, but he didn’t know how he was supposed to do that when the cold was an incessant prickling under his skin. Five Times Buck Struggled to Stay Warm After Being Struck By Lightning and Put Into A Coma and One Time He Didn't.
Don't (Wanna) Know Who I Am by altschmerzes
Buck takes a nasty fall out on a job, and when he wakes up, he can't remember anything. Not what happened, not who the people in his hospital room are, not even his own name. The next two weeks he spends being passed from house to house every few days, Chimney, Hen, and Bobby taking turns keeping an eye on him while he tries to remember his life. The way back is slow and hard, and begs the question - who actually is Evan Buckley, and is he someone worth remembering? (Luckily, the rest of the 118 is there with an answer, if not to the first question, then at least to the second.)
Once Upon A Time
puppet strings by bewilderedmoth
Having technically died on more than one occasion now, having finally put all that trauma behind him and settled down in Storybrooke, August had hoped his troubles were long gone. When Gold returns to town in his quest to find the Author, hopes of a trouble free life in the sleepy town crumble away to dust. (A whumpy re-write of August's torture in S4, Ep 16. Set within the 'mess is mine' universe, but not actually canon to that AU)
they are mine by Lil_Redhead
Killian is still trying to deal with his emotional pain after returning from the underworld and all he needs is a motherly touch. Takes place after 5B season finale.
Unforgotten by NothingImpossibleOnlyImprobable
Killian went through so much in his centuries of life, especially in the Underworld. Nightmares were to be expected. This is canon-compliant with my Undefeated story, and it will eventually be a part of a larger collection of works dealing with the aftermath of everything he's survived, and some he didn't.
You can take the boys out of Neverland by WinkyCutto
The Lost Ones don't like having to live by the rules and Henry and his family are about to find out that bringing them back to Storybrooke may not have been the best idea... Hook whump galore, you have been warned.
Superman & Lois
Path to Recovery by Beth4LC
It’s been a month since Clark lost his powers and there are still no clear answers to when he’ll get them back. In the meantime, he focuses on connecting with the members of his family.
Powerless by Beth4LC
Clark is home and recovering after Ally’s near-fatal attack, and he starts to adjust to his new reality.
Deal by hearmerory
Chloe didn't spend five years being best friends with the Devil just to let him go back to Hell. But recovery? Relationships? These are not things Lucifer has ever found easy. In the weeks after Lucifer's return from Hell, he and the humans, angels and demons who surround him find out how long, hard and traumatic those roads can be.
Crystals by OkamiShadou98
After seeing Lucifer's scars, Chloe searches for the truth about her partner and his shadowed past. In doing so, she comes face to face with the psychological demons he shields himself from. Recovery is a long, twisted road for the Devil and his Detective. Eventual Deckerstar.
The Man From Uncle:
Agents, Missions, and Hospitals by Tallihensia
Getting hurt on a mission is enough to make a partner’s blood run cold. The aftermath and recovery, though, is almost as bad. Caring and trust makes it better.
The Martian:
Waiting in the Sky by midnightradio
Mark is back on the Hermes but getting rescued isn't quite as easy as it seemed. Fighting for your life is easy, but living with what you had to do to survive is harder.
I Win, Mars by chuckisgod
You didn't just have to save him. You have to put him back together, too. Ares 3 was in time to save Mark's life, but not quite his mind. The Hermes has hundreds of days of space travel before they all get back to Earth. It's a ship running without maintenance, and the primary engineer has the world's most severe case of PTSD. What happens? Canon-compliant.
Just Keep Going by chuckisgod
"And this is how this story ends. The story of Mark Watney is the story of a man who was stranded on Mars, and instead of giving up he did everything he could to make it back to Earth, because that's the point." What would being abandoned on an entire planet do to someone? A window into Mark's emotional state on Mars. A sincere attempt to stay true to the real-life health effects of solitary isolation.
Life on Earth by watneykingofmars
A series of drabbles and one-shots about Mark Watney readjusting to life on earth.
Avatar the Last Airbender:
Hearth and Home by lets_support_frogs
After his Agni Kai, Zuko flees the Fire Nation without Iroh or his crew. He finds himself stranded, alone, and injured in the Earth Kingdom when taken in and raised as a healer and farmer by an Earth Kingdom couple. He finds new ways to use his bending and to influence in the changing of the war with new understanding of himself, his bending, and the war. As someone with new perspectives and influence he is able to provide a greater understanding of being a teacher, warrior, and friend when meeting the gaang.   or Where Zuko gets to recover before using anger to protect himself when he is adopted by a nice Earth Kingdom family
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milks-thoughts · 11 months
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*Me standing very politely and patiently for a pt 2 of the future apprentice fic (it has not left my brain since you posted it and has consumed my entire being)*
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*Me answering your patient waiting with heartache and pain*
this is from Juniors pov for a while but the switch is obvious
TW: death, murder, abandonment, brief suicidal thoughts , attempted murder
Take My Fathers Conscious From Me
“ Where had they gone? “ The only question in Casey’s head while he tore through the base. Not stopping until he heard the commotion of someone arriving and then..well, after that was a blur. All he remembers is his mentor covered in blood and holding his friend’s necklace. He had trained with them, they were close…where were they.? Four months had gone by without an answer, he wanted to ask sensei..but the way he’d shoot up every night and hold their necklace and weep…Casey already knew his answer. They died. He just couldn’t believe that, it’s impossible. His friend wasn’t that friend, but he knows deep down, his sensei’s guilt killed his best friend.
Casey knew what he knew, and he needed to see it. Proof that he wasn’t insane. When he fled the camp in the middle of the night and found where the accident had happened…it was bone chilling. His best friends leg was the only thing left but it was purposefully cut off. He followed the very stale blood trail and found nothing. A dead end, when he investigated the alleyway he saw a picture on the floor. Him, sensei, and his best friends first time outside the camps watchful eyes. His friend found a camera, probably the last camera that still had anything still in it. They snapped a picture of Casey and Leo, that was their most prized possession. And they left it. On the back was written “ don’t trust him “ and Sensei’s face was crossed out..all the marks were covered in blood. When he explored the city more he started finding more stuff like that. On the walls, written in white paint “ don’t trust the turtle “. Casey gripped his hockey stick and turned around, unaware of the eyes watching him.
They left me. I was still alive and they left me. They’re traitors- you can’t trust them. Those were the only thoughts running through your head, sure you were very slowly bleeding out after you sloppily closed your amputation but, that’s just that. Your eyes narrowed as you wrote another warning on a brick wall. The kraang dogs had learned to ignore you, too injured to be a good host for the kraang. You held a sword tightly in your hands, that’s the weapon he trained you in. You won’t ever say it but…the way your heart cracks whenever you think about it is a clear reminder of what he did. Your eyes watched the resistances lookout camp. A side camp that…He, redirects survivors to that are unfit to fight. So what made you fit? Or were you just a lamb to the slaughter this whole time? how could he do that to a child?
You slowly crept to the camp, using your code to sneak into it. Master Donatello takes days to stop a code from working so..you have time. slipping between the camps different tents and areas you finally found what you were looking for. Their plans, and some spray paint. Grabbing them both you quickly left. You never wanted to see that familiar symbol, the familiar saying, the familiar everything. You didn’t want to remember how He would train you for hours until you got it right and then reward you with canned fruit as a treat. He manipulated you for YEARS so he could leave you to die when things got scrappy. You hobbled, your makeshift prosthetic pushing into your sloppily healed leg. You needed to get that cleaned..
How could he? He was the leader. Was Leonardo’s only thoughts. How could he leave you? He was supposed to protect you..and now Casey is distant…everything is falling apart. He stared at Casey Jr as he deflected any conversation…has he found out? Leonardo will NEVER live with himself “ Casey- “ he started before stopping, letting the boy walk off without a word. He was a pathetic leader.
You grabbed your weapon tightly, watching as a patrol went out, it was perfect. He was on the patrol..and so was your friend. His black hair curling at the ends as the dry air was a smidgen humid today. You gripped a firecracker you found and lit the end with your campfire, angling it so it’d shoot and hit a building. It rumbled and dropped slabs of concrete, blocking the patrols exit and crushing a person who was straggling in the back. He looked mortified as the noise rang through the empty city, yipping of kraang dogs filling the space as they altered the kraang to the patrol’s location, you slowly made your way down the building pulling your body, forcing it to contribute. You’ve lost so much blood and you’ve been weakly fighting an infection. If you were going to die- if time allows so- you’ll pull down the devil with you.
You watched the carnage, in the heat of battle there’s two faces you’re looking for. The devil, and the dove. You find the dove quickly, he was limp. Half his body pinned by a slab of building side, his head bleeding. The dove refused to fly away and died. You wanted to wail, but in your exhaustion you couldn’t. Your hands clammily held your weapon as you walked towards The devil, swinging your sword and missing by a bit. Your prosthetic was weak and snapped, you fell with it. The devil turned and stared at you. His face pale and horrified, you swung your sword up, slashing his arm and cutting through the muscle. The devil hissed and grabbed his arm, not making a effort to hurt…you..
You growled and pulled yourself up “ Fight me-! Or would you rather just leave me somewhere!? Like you left-.. “ what was the doves name..? you couldn’t remember. You fell again, your body shaking from force and exhaustion, your brain running like a hamster in its wheel. The devil fell to his knees and picked up your body and held you close to him. Your hands weakly pawing to get away, he was murmuring something but it was all white noise. You barely made out the “ I’m so s- “ it all went deep in noise at that. Your body begging to just rest. You couldn’t, “ I gotta- I gotta.. “ you felt yourself whisper before a harsh spike of white, hot PAIN filling your chest and soon your whole body. You gripped at his arms, at your sensei- no he wasn’t your sensei…he wasn’t-
Your coughing and begging finally stopped ringing in his ears, your hot blood coating his green hand as his katana was wedged in your chest. He couldn’t- you were suffering. But he put you down like a dog…he was a monster. Maybe he should lodge your sword in his neck? make it so you in a way, finally killed him. You were dead, Junior was dead, Raph was dead, Dad was dead, April was dead, Cass died, Draxum is dead, and Donnie is…dead..- he’s lost everyone. His thoughts were interrupted by orange chains and a orange cloaked figure staring at him
“ Leo….what have you done..? “
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