#my writing is so goofy but HEY IM TRYING
jasmines-library · 3 months
Hey, I love your Batfam work! Is there any chance you could do a whump/angst one of batsis being kidnapped by a villian(you can choose whoever you want) and she’s tortured for days with it being broadcasted to the Batfam while they try to track the footage. I feel kinda bad but can you do maybe some head trauma md severe burns? Maybe she has to be put in a medically included coma or smth because of the damage? Also is there any way you could include Barb and Duke along w/ the four robins? If not that’s totally cool! Sorry for the long request but I hope you have a great day!!
Anonymous Requested: batfam x batsib reader whos the youngest and newest robin and is just really goofy and doesn’t take anything seriously (ex: them blaring “who’s the (bat)man” on the comms during patrol [that songs stuck in my head i had to mention it]) and something happens, maybe their first close encounter to death or a run in with the joker and they just become a shell of who they were and stuff
Jokes On Me
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Note: My god im so sorry this literally took me forever to write, thank you so much for being patient. I've been trying to write this all week but just couldn't sit down for long enough to finish it.
Warnings: Torture, blood, burns.
Word Count: 2.5k
“Y/N, turn that shit off.”
Jason grumbled at you over the coms. You had been blasting some wretched song that you’d found on the internet over and over again and it was beginning to drive him mad. 
“Nope.” You said, popping the ‘p’ loudly. 
“Seriously.” Dick deadpanned. He had found it amusing at first, but it was now beginning to test his patience. 
Agitated, you sighed and turned off the music. “Fine.”
“Thank you.” Jason expressed gratefully, turning his eyes back to the road he was patrolling. The night was cool and quiet besides the odd dog walker or couple returning from an evening out. It was one of those nights where patrol would end early and he could return home to take a warm bath and read a book before turning in for the night. Or so he thought. 
You were rounding the corner, humming that tune that was still stuck in your head when his laughter ricocheted across the walls. You stiffened, eyes widening and hands fumbling for your weapon as your breath hitched. No amount of turning and craning your head allowed you to catch a glimpse of the dreaded figure, and you thought for a moment that perhaps it had just been a trick of your mind, or one of your brothers playing a cruel joke on you as payback for winding them up earlier. But then you heard it again, only this time to your left. You clutched your weapon tighter, eyes scanning the area with a new found sense of urgency. 
“Wing…” You whispered into the coms so quietly that you were surprised he heard it.
“What now?” He somewhat snapped. 
“We have a problem.”
Dick’s heart sank through the floor, his ears pricking up and his demeanour changing completely. “Where are you? What’s the matter? He was trying to let his panic show, but you hadn’t been patrolling as a vigilante for very long, and while you were well trained, you lacked the experience to deal with something big on your own. And from your tone of voice, he could tell that you were in some deep shit. 
Jason worked his legs harder to push himself to reach the direction he had seen you head off in. Albeit it seemed even his hardest wasn’t enough.
When he stepped out of the darkness, the first thing you noticed were his eyes. Wide and bright, easily mistakable for a cat’s as they flashed in the darkness; wild. Rabid. As he emerged fully with that infamous twisted grin splayed out on his face, you felt like a cornered animal; a deer in headlights. You froze, unable to move despite how your heart screamed at you to run as it pounded, trying to break free from your ribcage. 
“He’s here…” A mere whisper sliding over your tongue, so fragile that you weren’t even sure if you had actually said it aloud. Jason had heard it. 
The Joker was circling you now, dragging out his strides in lazy circles. You should have fought but in that moment all of your training had drained out of you, along with the colour in your face. He smirked, leering down upon you as you tried to keep your trembling hand still. He pouted in mockery and at your silence, Jason repeated his question to you, but you never got the chance to respond. 
“Oh…Just an old friend, Jay-bird.”
“Joker.” Urging his body to move faster, Jason grit his teeth. 
Dick paled. “You leave them alone.” Dick spat. It tried to be a command, but the effect was lost somewhere in transmission.
The joker pursed his lips, tilting his head as he analysed. One of his hands had found his way to your jawline and he trailed it with a cold, gloved hand. You wanted to lean away, to run and find your brother but you knew that now he had you in his grasp there was no point in even trying. “And why would I do that? They’re right in front of me. I could just…snatch them up.”
“Don’t you dare!” Dick was frightened now. “Y/N, you stay there as long as you can, okay? You fight. We’re coming, you hear?”
The Joker frowned at you. “D’you hear that? Big brother birdy coming to the rescue. How sweet.”
His grip on you tightened. “Too bad you’ll be long gone by the time they get here.”
With one swift motion, he had thrown you harshly to the side, your head colliding with the wall with a sickening crack. 
The two boys skidded to a halt just a second too late. You were already gone. 
Your head hurt when you woke up. Your eyes squinted against the sterile light. They did no favours to your pounding headache. With a groan, you tried to twist, to roll over and soothe the crook in your neck but instead all that happened was the jinging of a metal chain. You craned your head and spotted the thick chain that had been wrapped around your wrist, confining you to the chair. Struggling, you tugged on them, trying to free yourself only for them to rattle and scrape against your skin. 
“Yeah, that’s not going anywhere, birdy.” The joker chided.
You glared at him through narrowed eyes, trying to mask the thumping of your heart. The joker grinned wildly at your frightened complexion. 
“It was such a shame that Grayson and Todd didn’t get to you in time, but it was far too easy to catch you, little bird: you completely froze.” He snapped his fingers to emphasise his point. “Didn’t batsy teach you better?”
“Don’t talk about them.” You snapped. 
The joker raised his hands, palms facing toward you in surrender: taunting you as if you were the one with the power in the situation. “Touchy subject I see. Too bad.” 
He gestured above you to an incessantly blinking light. “Smile for the camera, you’re live.”
Babs had been monitoring the street cameras when the computer beside her flickered to life. She had been searching for any sign of you ever since Dick and Jason came flying through the grandfather clock. Everyone was on edge. 
The moment the screen flashed on, her eyes perked up to watch it, alarmed. She hadn’t turned it on. And there were very few people who could bypass the caves system. So when she saw a small frame curled up in a chair she knew immediately what was up. 
“Duke…” she called to the dark haired boy who was trying to help decipher your whereabouts. “Go and get B.” 
It did not take long at all for everyone to gather around in the cave. Duke was fast, and everyone dropped what they were doing to race down: even Alfred had taken his leave from his duties to see. 
It was almost like some sick irony because as soon as they were all there, you began to scream. A guttering, perfect scream that cut that through them like a knife: unclean and pinging into them messily again and again. 
The joker had taken a knife to your left thigh, his smile dripping with malice as he watched the camera, somehow knowing that at least one of them would be watching. 
Your face was contorted in pain, twisting in agony as tears rolled flatly down your cheeks from fearful eyes. Damian felt sick, his stomach churning. Jason wanted to leave. But all of them were stuck watching. Barbra was tapping away, trying to locate the signal from the video to no avail. 
“I hope you’re watching this Batsy…” He moved round to trail your face with the edge of the knife. You whimpered. “I’ve got your little bird here and I must say, you need to work on their training. They were far too easy to catch.”
Bruce felt his jaw tightening and Tim had to place a hand on his arm to remind him of his place. 
“Anyway I thought we would play a little game… how long can little y/n survive for. I wonder if it’ll be any longer than our very own Jason Todd.”
Jason twitched. 
“I’m testing you here, Bat. Tick Tock.”
The transmission cut to black. 
It seemed hopeless. Even though they had been searching for days, they were no closer to finding you. And to make matters worse, they could see you. Not long after the first transition ended did it start up again. It had been lifestreaming since then, and although they had tried to block it from their minds, it was hard to ignore. Especially when your agonised screams ricocheted throughout the halls. 
You looked like hell. Dark bags occluded under your eyes and there wasn’t an inch of your skin that wasn’t marred or stained with drying blood. The burns were worse. Damian could still hear the scream you let out when the joker first brought the hot poker to your skin. It had bubbled and blistered as the skin peeled away; you had thrashed against your restraints violently. Tim was certain that they were going to get infected if they didn’t reach you soon. 
It felt as if they had searched everywhere. Dick and Jason had even asked around to see if anyone had heard anything, going as far to talk to the Jokers closest associates in Arkham, but even if they did know, nobody said anything. Duke had even gone as far to go back to the area to use his powers to see if he could trace anything, but nothing seemed out of place; they had hit a brick wall. That was…until a small light appeared on the monitor. Babs had managed to trace the signal to a small building on the outskirts of the city. 
They were suited up in minutes, making a beeline for the building. They stormed it, recklessly taking down the Joker's goons before Batman chased wildly after the Joker, his face stony and his fists burning with anger. The other four boys chased down the winding corridors, flinging open the doors until they found one that was locked. Tim wasted no time, picking the lock with ease he peeled it open. His breath hitched when he saw you. 
Your face was gaunt, hanging low by your chest. Your suit was torn and there was less of it on your body than there was ripped away. You looked so fragile as your chest heaved sporadically. 
Jason nearly had to take a step back. This place reminded himself too much of his own encounter with the Joker not too long ago. But he pressed forward, fighting his instincts. He had to be strong. Instead of turning back, he kneeled in front of you, whispering your name. His hand came up to cup your face. You flinched away. 
“It’s okay kid. It’s us.” He tried to reassure you, but you shrank back into yourself. 
“We’re so, so sorry kiddo.” Dick tried placing a gentle hand on your arm before moving to work on the cuffs around your wrists. “We’re going to get you out.”
You said nothing, just continued to stare at the black space before you, and Dami wasn’t sure if you even knew they were in front of you. But when Jason moved away from you to help remove your restraints, your fingers latched onto him and you squeaked in protest. 
He sighed shakily. “Don’t worry kid. I’m not going anywhere.”
Damian twisted from where he was guarding the door. “We need to leave.”
Dick nodded bluntly, finishing with the last of the locks. “I’m going to have to pick you up, okay sweetheart?”
You barely registered what he had said. Everything had grown numb, you nodded anyhow. Moving his arms underneath your legs and slipping one arm behind your back, Jason began to lift you. He nearly recoiled when you cried and whimpered with the way your wounds jostled as he sprinted out of the building to get you back to safety. 
You were yet to say anything since you came home. You had been back a few days and your wounds were healing up nicely thanks to Alfred’s handywork, but the air was eerily silent around you. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t been communicating with them; you spoke to them with gestures or writing but no one was used to not hearing your voice. The stark contrast between your loud and bustling personality and you now was unsettling. No one wanted to push you too far but the manor was beginning to grow lonely. 
It was one particularly rainy night when you finally spoke.  You were curled up in a large armchair by the window in the library, sinking back into the plush leather as you watched the raindrops race down the glass. Jason had been watching you from afar, contemplating whether to talk to you or not when he walked over. 
“What are you up to?” He asked you, making sure you knew that he was there before he spoke. 
You gestured toward the window,then to the half opened book at your feet and shrugged. 
“I see.” He nodded, taking a seat on the armchair opposite you. A comfortable silence settled between the two of you. Jason wasn’t much of a talker. He knew more than anyone what you were going through, which was why it was nice just to know that he was willing to sit with you, just so you knew that he was there if you needed him. It made you feel safe. But you also couldn’t help but feel guilty, and frustrated with yourself for being in a place that made him feel as though he had to do that. 
“I’m sorry.” You whispered. 
Jason had to do a second take. His heart swelled. “What for?”
You sighed. “This. When I saw him…i-i froze. If I had run then this would never have happened.”
“Shh. This isn’t your fault.”
“I promise, Kid. You’ve done nothing wrong.”
You nodded, looking away from him. But then you furrowed your brows and turned back to him. “How did you do it? How did you deal with this, Jay? Every time I close my eyes he’s there.”
“I guess I don’t, really. Or sometimes it feels like I don’t. I still get scared sometimes. I still see him in my dreams. But over time it gets easier. I had people around me to help me. And so do you, kid. We’re here. We’ll always be here.”
Jason shifted to brush away a rogue tear and you leaned into his touch and then wrapped your arms tightly around his middle. 
“I’m here. Always. We’ll get through this together.”
@aestheticdaisies @hearts4robs @xxrougefangxx @mamapucket @hell-o-kittys @harleycao @batfamsstuff @alicedawitchbish
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tonyspank · 10 months
Warnings: 8k+ words, bad writing, kissing, relationship started from a bet, slightly ooc vada (idk?) reader has she/her pronouns, ur best friends is kinda a dick ig
A/N: this was highly inspired by shes all that + i'm still kinda on my break, sorry if it seems like im ignoring asks
Summary: You take on a bet from your best friend, but what happens when you start regretting your decision.
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"I'm so excited." Jordan, your childhood best friend says, smiling at you. You narrow your eyes at the brunette boy, adjusting your bookbag strap that was slipping off your shoulder. "I wonder what dish your mom is going to make this time." He adds on, that goofy smile of his never leaves his face.
"Yeah." You mumble, trying to hide your nerves about the upcoming break. "Yeah, I hope it's something delicious," you reply, forcing a smile. Jordan reads you like a book, tilting his head before letting out a soft laugh.
"Don't tell me you're worried about your parents bothering you about having a girlfriend." You shake your head, furrowing your eyebrows, as your eyes stay attached to the trail in front of you.
"It's just... this happens every holiday! Oh, Y/N, where's your girlfriend? Oh, Y/N! Who's the lucky girl?" You mock your parents before letting out a sigh and stopping your walk to face Jordan.
"Why can't I just be single and enjoy my high school experience without constantly being questioned about my love life?" you vent, frustration evident in your voice. Jordan raises an eyebrow, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "To be fair, you haven't brought a girl home since freshman year. And you're now a senior. Did you see how happy they were?"
You roll your eyes at Jordan, "What about Ana? I brought her home." Jordan chuckles, shaking his head. "Ana doesn't count. You faked a relationship, and your parents read right through it. They know you too well."
You sigh, memories of that awkward dinner with Ana and your parents flooding back. "Yeah, that was a disaster. I guess I just wanted to avoid the constant interrogation for a while."  Jordan smirks. "Maybe it's time you actually find someone worth bringing home."
"Yeah, sure. It wouldn't be hard to, I just need someone to be able to play the part. My parents do not care who I date whatsoever, just as long as I'm dating them." You tell him, scratching your eyebrow.
Jordan raises an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You wanna bet on it?" You raise an eyebrow in response, curious about what Jordan has in mind. "What kind of bet are we talking about here?"
"I pick the girl, and you have to bring her home to meet your parents on Christmas," Jordan says, a smirk playing on his lips. "And if you succeed, I'll do your math homework for the rest of the year."
You eye Jordan before holding out your hand. "Deal." Jordan's smile widens as he shakes your hand. "Let's go find your lover."  You laugh, following Jordan as the two of you start scanning the school for potential candidates.
"What about her?" You ask Jordan, nodding your head in the direction of a girl blowing bubbles. Jordan glances over at the girl blowing bubbles and raises an eyebrow. "Hmm, she seems carefree and fun-loving. Definitely a possibility," he teases. "But no!"
You continue searching, your eyes landing on a girl sitting alone in the library, engrossed in a book. "What about her?" you suggest to Jordan, pointing her out. Jordan observes her for a moment before responding, "Too boring."
"Ohhh, maybe her!" Jordan laughs loudly, pointing at a girl picking out her wedgie. You chuckle at Jordan's suggestion, but quickly shake your head. "I don't think so," you say, trying to stifle your laughter. "Let's keep looking."
"Hey! I'm the one picking here. I have the go-to." You shake your head. "Then pick."
Just as you say that a girl trips on her own shoelaces and stumbles forward, nearly falling face-first, Jordan bursts into laughter. "I think we have a winner!" You look over at the girl, who searches around to see if anyone has seen her embarrassing moment. She quickly regains her composure and brushes off the incident, pretending like nothing happened.
"Vada Cavell?" You yell at Jordan, "You've gotta be joking, man." Jordan chuckles and shrugs. "Hey, you said to pick. And she definitely caught my attention with that little stumble." You roll your eyes, not convinced that this is the best choice for your fake partner.
"Look. Ugly, bad personality, a bit on the smelly side, I can handle." You glance back at Vada, sighing.
"But I draw the line at someone who can't even walk without tripping over their own feet," you say, exasperated. Jordan laughs again, defending his choice. "A bet is a bet!" You open your mouth to argue again, but Jordan beats you.
"Hey, if I were you, I wouldn't be wasting my time. Because according to my calculations, you only have about four weeks to turn her into your perfect fake partner before Christmas. And if Vada Cavell is going to be that somebody, you've pretty much got your work cut off for you. "
You sigh and reluctantly agree, knowing that you can't back out of the bet now. You walk over to Vada Cavell, who is sitting with a blonde-haired girl at a table, engrossed in her phone.
"Hi, Vada. You got a second?" You ask, trying to sound casual as you approach her. Vada looks up from her phone with a hint of curiosity in her eyes. Mia, the blonde-haired girl, drops her jaw at the sight of you. You send her a small smile.
"Hi, Mia. I saw your soccer video on Instagram. "It was really impressive," you compliment, trying to make small talk. Vada raises an eyebrow, while Mia blushes. "You watch my videos?"
"You don't play soccer." Vada states matter-of-factly, glaring at her best friend. Mia looks sheepish, realizing your mistake. "Oh, sorry." You tell Mia who quickly brushes off the comment with a dismissive wave.
"So, Vada, listen," you begin, trying to redirect the conversation. "I was wondering maybe if you wanna..." Vada quickly stands up, interrupting you. "Let's go, Mia."
Mia gives you an apologetic smile before following Vada, leaving you feeling slightly embarrassed and rejected. You sigh, realizing that your attempt to ask Vada out didn't go as planned. "...embarrass me horribly in front of all these people?" You finish trailing off to yourself. You look back at Jordan, who's bending over, trying to stop himself from laughing so hard.
With a tight-lipped smile, you send him the finger, knowing that he's enjoying your embarrassment a little too much.
This was a bet, and you needed to win it. It wasn't like you were failing any of your classes, but you were tired of all the math homework Mr. Smith kept assigning. Plus, you'd love to see the defeated look on Jordan's face after Vada, and you successfully convinced your parents you found yourself a girlfriend.
In order to win this bet, you had to text Mia through Instagram direct messages and ask her where you could find Vada after school. Mia sent you a screenshot of Vada's Find My Phone, showing her location in a downtown park. You knew this was your chance to prove Jordan wrong and finally have some peace from Mr. Smith's math assignments.
Vada's eyes widen as she sees you walking closer to her, regardless, you send her your charming smile, which she doesn't reciprocate. "You know stalking is illegal in all 50 states, right?" Vada says, her voice laced with caution.
You quickly assure her that you were just trying to find her so you could talk. "I apologize if it seemed like stalking, but I genuinely wanted to have a conversation with you," you explain, hoping to ease her concerns.
"I'm not smart." Vada admits her eyes never leave yours. "What?" You breathe out a laugh, confused. "What? You think that I can tutor you or something?" Vada continues, a hint of vulnerability in her voice. "You're probably thinking, Oh, there's Vada, she dresses like a hippie—"
"—Barely has any friends."
"—She must at least be smart." You cut her off gently, placing a hand on her arm. "Vada, I have the fourth highest GPA in our grade." Vada looks at you with surprise evident in her eyes. "Really?" she asks, her voice filled with disbelief.
"Yes, really," you reply reassuringly. "It's true." You slightly jump at the sudden voice. Turning around, you see Vada's other best friend, Nick, sitting a few feet away.
"So what do you want? Is this some sort of dork outreach program?" Vada asks, rolling her eyes. "No, Vada," you say calmly, trying to hide your frustration. "I just wanted to hang out."
Vada raises an eyebrow, skeptical of your intentions. "Just hang out? With us?" she questions, her tone still laced with doubt. You nod, hoping to convince her that you genuinely want to enjoy their company. "Yeah, I thought it would be fun to get to know some new people," you explain, hoping she'll give you a chance.
"Sure, me and Vada were about to go to this stand-up comedy club. You can have my ticket if you want." Nick shrugs, ignoring the confused glare from his best friend.
Vada looks at Nick in surprise, clearly not expecting him to offer his ticket. "Really? You're giving up your ticket for her?" she asks, very confused. Nick shrugs again, flashing a grin while he holds out his ticket for you.
You take the ticket with a grateful smile, "Thank you, Nick. Are you sure? I could just buy my own if you want to go too." Nick shakes his head, "Nah, I've gotta go study for my presentation anyway." His phone chimes right after, and he quickly checks it, confirming his need to leave.
"Well, have fun at the club! Let me know how it goes," he says before hurriedly walking away. You watch him go, feeling a mix of gratitude and curiosity about why he would give up his ticket for you.
You send Vada a smile, "I guess I'm your plus one tonight." Vada narrows her eyes at you, still confused about why you, one of the most popular students in school, is so fascinated with her. "I'm still confused about why you're putting on this act. Are you trying to impress someone, or is there another reason behind it?"
You furrow your eyebrows, letting out a small laugh. "Are you always this skeptical? I assure you, there's no ulterior motive. I simply wanted to enjoy your company and spend the evening with you." Vada's expression softens slightly, but she still seems hesitant.
"Well, we should get going." Vada mumbles, brushing a small strand of hair behind her ear.
You follow Vada down the slightly busy streets, neon lights illuminating the sidewalks as people bustle by. You can't help but notice Vada's occasional glances in your direction, her guarded demeanor slowly melting away.
"I like your jewelry." It's unique and really suits your style," you comment, trying to ease the tension. Vada's face lights up with a genuine smile as she thanks you for the compliment.
"Do you always wear that letterman jacket? You look like you came straight out of a 90s movie." Vada says, laughing softly. "Oh, are you going to be an act too for this stand-up comedy thing?" You ask, joking.
"But, yeah, it's kind of my signature look," you reply with a chuckle. "I've always been drawn to that vintage aesthetic." Vada nods, her curiosity evident as she asks, "So, what other things inspire your style?"
"I don't know... I normally thrift a lot of my clothes," you admit. "Whether it's someone's old band t-shirt or their grandpa's old sweater, I love finding unique pieces. I also take inspiration from old photographs and films, especially from the 60s and 70s."
Vada smiles, clearly intrigued by your explanation. "I'm not a huge fashion before myself, but I don't know, I just like to be comfortable." You glance down at Vada's baggy attire, noticing the loose-fitting jeans and oversized hoodie.
"I totally get that," you reply. "Comfort is definitely important, and there's no right or wrong way to express yourself through fashion. It's all about finding what makes you feel good." Vada nods in agreement, playing with the drawstring on her hoodie.
There's an awkward silence as the comedian fails to deliver the punchline of his joke. Vada laughs in her own hand, trying not to be too loud. You can't help but smile as you glance at the shorter girl, confused. You lean into her ear, "I'm so confused. How was that funny?"
Vada chuckles and whispers back, "It wasn't. It was funny how no one was laughing." You glance around the room before laughing a bit yourself. She was right. Seeing the confused looks on everyone's faces made the situation even more amusing. It was as if the entire audience collectively missed the punchline.
You begin laughing even harder, unable to contain your amusement. The more you think about it, the funnier it becomes. Vada joins in on your laughter, hiding her face behind her hand as tears of laughter stream down her face.
"Why are you laughing, huh? You think it's easy to stand up here and try and do something you love?" The male comedian asks you, obviously upset that you're laughing at his expense. You quickly compose yourself, glancing at Vada, whose eyes are wide as she smiles, trying not to laugh again.
You raise your hand, trying to apologize for the misunderstanding, but the comedian interrupts you. "Well, if you think it's so easy, why don't you come up here and give it a shot?" he challenges, pointing towards the stage.
You shake your head with a tiny smile on your lips. "Come on, come up here." You squint your eyes as a light begins to shine on you from the stage. The audience starts cheering and encouraging you to take the comedian's challenge.
You look at Vada, "Go!" She says this, smiling as she pushes you from your seat. Reluctantly, you take a deep breath and make your way towards the stage, your heart beating in your chest. The comedian hands you the microphone with a smug look on his face.
Your shaky hands take the microphone, "Uh..." Your voice trembles as you try to gather your thoughts. You glance at an audience member who has a gutair strapped around their shoulder, and a lightbulb goes off in your head. "I'm not a comedian, but I can try and entertain you all another way."
With a nervous smile, you motion towards the audience member with the guitar, saying, "Can I borrow that for a second?" The audience member hesitates for a moment, but then nods and hands you the guitar. You place the microphone on its stand before stepping forward and strumming a few chords to test the sound.
"Something bad is bout' to happen to me. Why I feel this way, I don't know, baby." You sing with a raspy voice, closing your eyes and letting the music take over.
The crowd falls silent, captivated by the raw emotion in your performance. Vada is shocked, her eyes widening as she watches you on stage. She had no idea you could sing.
"I think of her so much it drives me crazy. I just don't want her to leave me."
You continue to sing Steve Lacy's iconic lyrics, pouring your heart out on stage. You hit the high notes, sending chills down the spines of everyone in the audience. This was much better than the comedy act they were just witnessing.
When you finish the song, Vada's the first one standing up and clapping, with others soon following. You open your eyes to see the crowd on their feet, their applause echoing through the venue. The look of surprise and admiration on Vada's face is priceless, and you can't help but smile broadly.
You push open the door to leave the club and are immediately greeted by a rush of cool night air. "That was so awesome! Just like...going up there and performing in front of all those people, it's such a rush," you exclaim, your eyes still shining with excitement.
Vada nods, her dimples deepening as she grins. "I never expected you to be such a natural on stage. It's like you were born to perform," she says, her voice filled with genuine admiration.
The two of you stop walking as you reach the edge of the sidewalk, taking a moment to catch your breath and let the adrenaline settle. The city lights twinkle above you, casting a magical glow on the vibrant streets below.
You glance over to Vada, and she glances back at you with a faint smile playing on her lips. "You hungry?" You ask, gesturing towards a nearby food truck. The tantalizing aroma of sizzling street food fills the air, making your stomach growl in response. Vada's eyes light up at the suggestion, and she nods eagerly, her excitement matching your own.
Vada smiles, her hair blowing in the wind due to the drop-top on your convertible. It's been three weeks since the comedy club, but the memory of that night still brings a smile to your face. The chemistry between you and Vada is undeniable, and you can't help but wonder what other adventures await the two of you.
Kali Uchis blasts through your speakers, filling the car with her soulful melodies. The warm sun kisses your skin as you drive along the scenic coastal road, creating the perfect backdrop for a carefree summer day.
You catch a glimpse of Vada through the side mirror, her hair blowing in the wind, and a contagious laugh escaping her lips. The connection between you two feels effortless, as if you've known each other for years.
"I just wanna get high with my lover!" Vada sings along to the lyrics, and you join in, "Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo!"
Vada leans in closer to you, kissing your cheek gently while she sings more of the lyrics. "Kiss, kiss! Looking dolly, I think I might go out tonight. I just wanna ride get high in the moonlight."
The song proceeds to play, and your singing becomes more enthusiastic, matching Vada's energy. You both dance and laugh, completely lost in the moment. Soon, you both arrive at the beach, your phone ringing as you step outside the car.
"Hello?" You answer the phone and hear Jordan's voice on the other end. "Y/N! Where are you? I just stopped by your house, and you weren't there. I wanted to hang out tonight."
Vada waits patiently for you to end the phone call, holding all of your stuff in her hands.
"Oh, I'm uh...I'm not home right now." You mumble into the phone, scratching your nose. "Well, no shit. Where are you?"
"I'm actually at the beach with Vada," you reply, glancing at Vada, who raises an eyebrow curiously. "But maybe we can hang out tomorrow." You can basically hear the grin on Jordan's face.
"The beach, huh? You and Vada have been hanging out nearly every damn day. Don't tell me you're actually enjoying this bet, Y/LN." You chuckle and respond, "Goodbye, Jordan."
You quickly end the call, sending Vada a smile. You take the items from her hands, thankful for her help. As you start setting up your spot on the beach, Vada asks, "So, what did Jordan want?"
"To bother me," you reply with a dismissive wave. "He's always trying to pry into my business." Vada raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued, but respects your privacy and doesn't press further. A part of you feels bad for becoming friends with Vada under such circumstances. She was a chill and easygoing person, and you found yourself truly enjoying yourself around her.
You couldn't help but wonder if you should tell her about the bet going on between you and Jordan or if you should just end the friendship altogether. It was a difficult decision to make, as you didn't want to risk losing the connection you had with Vada, but at the same time, keeping such a secret felt dishonest.
"Hey, where's the pump for this?" Vada asks, holding up the beach ball you packed with the rest of the beach gear. You smile, grateful for the distraction from your internal dilemma, and point her in the direction of the pump, except it's not there.
"Oh, shit." You frantically search through the beach bag, realizing that you must have forgotten to pack the pump. "Here, I'll just blow into it." You offer, trying to come up with a quick solution. However, as you start blowing into the beach ball, you quickly realize that it's going to take a lot more effort than you anticipated.
You feel yourself getting lightheaded as you continue to blow into the beach ball, desperately trying to inflate it. Vada giggles at your struggle, you send her a playful glare, but her laughter only encourages you to keep going.
"What if we take turns?" Vada suggests, hoping to alleviate some of the strain on you. You gratefully agree, handing her the faintly inflated beach ball. You expect her to wipe off the ball since your mouth was in fact directly on it, but she doesn't seem to mind.
Your heart begins racing. You basically just shared a kiss with Vada, even if it was through a beach ball. The thought of it sends a rush of excitement through your veins.
Vada hands you the ball back, slightly out of breath. You smile, hesitating for a moment before placing your lips on the ball again. After a while, the ball is fully inflated, and you both start tossing it back and forth, laughing and enjoying each other's company.
"Don't let it drop!" Vada yells out, her laughter echoing across the beach. You run as fast as you can, determined to keep the ball in the air. The sand squishes between your toes as you dive to smack it back into the air. The sound of the ball hitting your palm fills the air, creating a rhythmic pattern that matches the beat of your racing heart.
"God, do you play volleyball?" Vada asks, her eyes widening with excitement. You shake your head, catching your breath, and reply, "No, but I guess I could give it a try!"
You smack the ball a bit too hard, and it flies over Vada's head, landing in the sand behind her. She turns around, a playful grin on her face, and says, "I'm definitely not getting that." You chuckle, running over to retrieve the ball. Before you can, someone kicks it away, sending it rolling further down the beach.
"The fuck—" you stop yourself, looking up and noticing Jordan. Jordan, with a mischievous smirk on his face, shrugs and says, "Oops, my bad! Thought I'd give you a challenge."
"What are you doing here?" you ask, slightly annoyed by Jordan's interference. He chuckles and replies, "Just enjoying the beach with my friends."
You look behind him, noticing he's brought company—some of your friends and other people you've hung around with before. They wave at you, smiling and clearly excited to see you. Jordan adds, "We thought it would be fun to have a little gathering here. Hope you don't mind."
You narrow your eyes at your best friend. "You're an asshole. You're only doing this because I told you I was hanging out with Vada here." Jordan raises an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Come on, don't be like that. It's just a coincidence that you're both here too."
You let out a sigh, realizing that Jordan's actions were most likely intentional. Despite feeling annoyed, you decide to put aside your frustration and make the best of the situation. "Alright, fine. Now go get my beach ball."
Jordan smirks, clearly enjoying the power he holds over you. "Sure thing, but only if you promise to introduce me to Vada later." You roll your eyes, knowing that Jordan's ulterior motives are far from innocent.
You walk over to Vada, plopping down beside her on her towel. She looks up at you with a smile, unaware of the tension between you and Jordan. "Sorry about that. He just invited himself...and everyone else."
Vada smiles, shaking her head. "It's okay. If we're going to be friends, I'd have to meet your other friends anyway." You chuckle, relieved that Vada doesn't seem bothered by Jordan's presence.
You begin unbuttoning your shirt, feeling a bit hot in it, leaving you in your white tank top. Vada glances over at you, her eyes lingering for a moment before she looks away, a faint blush creeping onto her cheeks.
Jordan walks over and throws the beach ball, obviously aiming to hit your face. You quickly catch it, sending your best friend a glare. Jordan lets out a silly laugh, clearly enjoying the playful banter. Vada raises an eyebrow at Jordan's antics, but her smile remains intact as she watches the interaction between the two of you.
"Someone has the guns out." Austin, another one of your friends says, walking toward the group with a mischievous grin. You roll your eyes at his comment, playfully flexing your muscles in response.
"You mean these?" You flex your biceps, exaggerating the muscles for comedic effect. Austin chuckles and nods, teasingly adding, "Yeah, those tiny peashooters." You playfully throw the ball at him, pretending to be offended by his remark.
"Alright, stop showing off in front of the pretty lady." Jordan teases, winking at Vada. Vada's face breaks into confusion, as she wonders if Jordan's comment was meant as a compliment or a joke. She looks at Austin for clarification, who shrugs and smirks, leaving her even more uncertain about the situation.
"Let's play a full game of volleyball," Austin suggests, picking up the beachball that had been thrown at him. Vada eagerly agrees, grateful for the distraction from the awkward tension between Jordan and herself.
You all split into two teams, with Vada and Jordan on one side and Austin and you on the other. Jordan serves the ball with a powerful swing, causing Austin to dive to the sand to make a save.
"Stop trying so hard, bitch!" Austin yells at Jordan with a smile on his lips. Jordan laughs, brushing off the comment with a playful smirk. The friendly banter between them lightens the atmosphere, allowing everyone to relax and enjoy the game even more.
Mid-game, Vada takes off her slightly baggy shirt, which she tied with a knot at the front, revealing her bikini. You notice Jordan staring at Vada, his eyes lingering on her, causing jealousy to rise within you.
You smack the ball against Jordan's head, catching him off guard and breaking his gaze. He glares at you, earning a shrug, as you innocently raise your hands in defense. "You had a bug on your head."
You're dropping Vada off at her house after the game when she turns to you with a smile. "Thanks for saving me from Jordan's ogling," she says, playfully nudging your arm. "I owe you one."
You smile, blushing a bit. "You saw that?" You ask, your eye's widening slightly. Vada chuckles and nods, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Oh, I definitely saw that. You were like my personal superhero swooping in to save the day."
"Well, I couldn't let him make you uncomfortable," you reply, feeling a surge of protectiveness. "I'm always here to look out for you." Vada's smile widens, and she leans in closer. You glance behind her and say, "I could walk you to the door.
Vada blinks and looks at you, her expression softening. "Sure." You quickly get out of the car, making your way to Vada's side. Shoving your hands in your pockets to hide your nerves, you match Vada's pace as you both walk towards her front door. The night air is cool, but the warmth of Vada's presence makes it feel comforting.
"If you want, we could hang out tomorrow?" You ask, hoping to spend more time with Vada. Before she could respond, her front door flies open. A short figure emerges from the doorway, causing both you and Vada to pause. It's Vada's younger sister who greets you with a friendly smile.
"Hey, guys! What are you up to?" she asks, oblivious to the tension in the air.
"Oh my god, Amelia." Vada exclaims, clearly annoyed with her younger sister's interruption. Amelia shrugs innocently, not realizing the impact of her sudden appearance. Vada takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself before addressing the situation.
"Mom! Vada brought a lesbian home!" Amelia shouts, slightly turning her head towards her mother, who is in the next room.
Everyone freezes, unsure of how to react to Amelia's unexpected announcement. Vada's face turns red with embarrassment while you thin out your lips, confused and a bit amused.
Vada's mouth drops. "I am so sorry." She says to you, her voice filled with genuine remorse. You shrug her off while Amelia gasps. "Oh, are you not a lesbian?"
You chuckle, "Um...I do like girls." Before Amelia could press you for more information, Vada's mom appears in the doorway. "What's going on here?" she asks, her voice laced with worry. Vada quickly explains the situation, hoping to diffuse any potential tension.
"I was just dropping Vada off from the beach," you also add, trying to ease any concerns. "We were just having a casual conversation, nothing serious." Vada's mom looks relieved and nods understandingly.
"Well, as long as everyone is okay," she says with a smile. You exchange a grateful glance with Vada, grateful for her mom's understanding.
"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Vada's mom offers, wanting to extend her gratitude for your honesty and reassure you that everything is alright. You glance at Vada, who stares at her mom with a shocked expression. "That would be really nice," you respond, feeling touched by Vada's mom's kindness.
Dinner was fun. Amelia had no filter, which made everything hilarious and entertaining. She shared funny and embarrassing stories of Vada, which Vada tries to interrupt with playful protests. Despite the initial shock, Vada soon joins in on the laughter, realizing that her sister's antics brought out a huge and genuine smile on your face.
There were also serious moments during dinner where Vada's parents questioned you about your future plans and aspirations. They were genuinely interested in your goals and offered advice and support. It was refreshing to have such meaningful conversations with Vada's family, making you feel like a valued member of their circle.
You throw yourself on Vada's bed, falling face first onto the soft pillows. Vada plops on top of your back, laughing at your dramatic entrance. She soon rolls off of you, and you lay on your back, gazing up at the ceiling.
Vada was such a breath of fresh air in your life. Her carefree spirit is infectious, and you can't help but feel happy every single time you're around her.
She has a way of making even the simplest moments feel special, and her laughter is like music to your ears. Being friends with Vada has brought so much joy and light into your life, and you can't imagine what it would be like without her.
Fuck this bet, you think to yourself. Vada's friendship is worth so much more than any silly wager.
"You look deep in thought." Vada's voice interrupts your contemplation, pulling you back to the present moment.  "What's on your mind?" she asks, her eyes filled with genuine concern.
You turn your head towards Vada, a small smile forming on your lips. "I was just thinking about how grateful I am to have you as a friend," you say sincerely. "Your friendship means the world to me."
"You're so sappy." Vada mumbles, laughing softly. You break out into a smile. "I'm pouring my heart out here, c'mon!" You tease playfully, putting on an Italian accent.
Vada rolls her eyes, but her smile betrays her amusement. "That was one of the worst Italian accents I've ever heard," she says, chuckling. "But...you mean a lot to me too."
You feel a warm rush of affection as Vada's words sink in. "I'm glad to hear that," you reply, licking your lips. A comfortable silence falls over the two of you as you both bask in the genuine connection and shared vulnerability. Your eyes never leave each other, as if speaking a language that only the two of you understand.
"Is that all?" Vada breaks the silence. "Or is there something else you want to say?"
"Be my girlfriend?" Vada's eyes widen with surprise, and she stares at you.  She takes a moment to process your words before responding, "Okay."
"I'm even more excited than I was." Jordan smiles, "I can't believe you got away with that." You shake your head at your best friend, an eye roll following.
"No, seriously. You asked her to be your girlfriend, it's barely been a month, and you didn't even kiss her after? Shits crazy."
You put the last plate on the table, "Shut the fuck up, Jordan."
Jordan chuckles, raising his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright, I'll drop it. But seriously, man, you might've won this bet. Still gotta get the parents approval, though."
You let out a sigh, saying, "Maybe we should drop this bet, man." Jordan raises an eyebrow, a mischievous grin forming on his face. "Are you getting cold feet already? Come on, don't tell me you're chickening out now."
You shoot him a glare but can't help but feel a twinge of doubt. "It's just... I don't want to risk ruining our friendship over some stupid bet." Jordan starts to smirk. "Oh shit, you actually caught feeling for her? You can't be serious."
You roll your eyes, trying to brush off Jordan's teasing. "So, what? She's a nice girl, and I don't want to mess things up with this stupid bet about her."
Jordan chuckles, bringing his fist to his mouth. "I can't believe you're actually considering backing out because of a little crush. You've never been one to shy away from a challenge before."
He sighs, adding to his argument. "How about this? If your parents go for it, we'll drop the bet. But if they don't, you have to tell her it was a bet and apologize for any hurt feelings. It's only fair to give her the truth and a chance to decide if she still wants to pursue a relationship with you."
"Fine." You mutter, leaving the room with a heavy sigh.
Vada arrives at your doorstep, a nervous smile on her face. She seems unaware of the bet that has been made and the doubts that have been plaguing you. As you open the door, you can't help but wonder if this could be the start of something real or if it's all just a game that will eventually come crashing down.
You bring Vada into a hug, mumbling into her ear, "I'm glad you're here." Vada returns the hug, sighing contentedly. You pull away, looking into her eyes.
"My dad is in the kitchen." Vada nods, hearing Bad Bunny blaring from the speakers. "Where's your mom?" You begin walking toward the kitchen, "She's in the living room, finishing up the tree. I'll introduce you to her later. Let's go say hi to my dad first." Vada smiles and follows you, playing with her ring as you lead the way.
"Una dominicana que es uva bombón!" Your dad shouts, singing the lyrics. Jordan joins in, singing the next line. "Uva, uva bombón!" You facepalm, shaking your head at their silliness. Vada giggles, clearly amused by their antics.
"Dad!" You shout, trying to regain their attention. "We have a guest here, remember?" Your dad and Jordan finally notice Vada standing there, and their faces light up with surprise and excitement. "Oh wow, who do we have here?" your dad asks, extending his hand towards Vada.
"This is Vada, my girlfriend." You introduce Vada with a smile. Vada returns the gesture, shaking your dad's hand warmly. "Girlfriend? Am I dreaming?" your dad exclaims, a wide grin spreading across his face. "I never thought I'd see the day! It's great to finally meet you, Vada."
You sigh at your father. "Es bonita, mija." You clear your throat, blushing a bit. "Suficiente papá." Your dad chuckles and playfully nudges you. "No need to be shy. I'm just happy to see you happy." Vada smiles warmly at both of you, grateful for the warm welcome.
Your mom walks in, her eyes widening with surprise as she takes in the scene. "Well, well, well," she says with a smirk. "Looks like someone finally found themselves a catch." You roll your eyes at your mom's teasing, but deep down, you appreciate her support and acceptance.
Vada begins talking to your parents while you excuse yourself to speak to Jordan. "Looks like I won the bet." You say with a playful smile, feeling a sense of triumph. Jordan chuckles and shakes his head, admitting defeat.
"Jordan, Y/N, come help me bring out the food." Your mom calls out, breaking the playful banter between you and Jordan. You both exchange amused glances before making your way to help her, Vada also joins, eager to lend a hand.
Jordan is the last to leave the kitchen, hearing your parents talk about Vada. "Crees que es otro truco?" Your dad asks your mom. Jordan leans against the kitchen counter, listening intently to your parents' conversation about Vada. He raises an eyebrow, curious about their suspicions.
"No lo sé, cariño. Parece genuino, no crees?" Your dad shrugs at your mother's question, contemplating the authenticity of Vada's intentions. Jordan rushes out to the dining room, catching you staring at Vada like a lovesick puppy.
"Y/N." Jordan calls out your name, interrupting your daydreaming and bringing you back to reality. You hum, nodding your head at him. "Can I talk to you for a second?" You nod and follow Jordan to a quieter corner of the room.
"I heard your parents talking about how they think this is a trick." He begins to smirk, "Maybe this bet may be mine anyways." You roll your eyes, tired of this stupid bet.
"Whatever bro. I just wanna eat and enjoy dinner without any drama." Jordan chuckles, his smirk fading slightly. "Come on, Y/N. You know it's all in good fun. Besides, it's not like Vada and you are actually gonna last." You raise an eyebrow at him, wondering what he's getting at.
"What do you mean by that?" you ask, leaning in closer to Jordan. "Are you trying to say that Vada and I don't have a real connection?" Jordan shrugs, a sneaky glint in his eyes. "I'm just saying, Y/N, relationships at our age rarely go the distance. But hey, prove me wrong."
You scoff at him, "Sure...whatever you say. Don't be shocked when Vada and I prove you wrong and end up together for the long haul." Jordan raises an eyebrow, his sneaky glint fading slightly. "Well, I guess time will tell," he concedes, a hint of doubt in his voice.
When dinner ends, everyone begins to clean up and put away the dishes. "Have you seen my AirPods anywhere?" you ask Jordan, hoping he might have seen them. "You left them in my car like an entire month ago."
You roll your eyes and playfully nudge him. "Seriously? You couldn't have mentioned that earlier?" Jordan chuckles and shrugs. "I guess I wanted to see how long it would take for you to realize they were missing."
"You're a dickhead."
"Language!" From the kitchen, your mom scolds, reminding you to watch your language. You sheepishly apologize and snatch Jordan's keys from him. He glares at you, pulling at his phone that began ringing in his pocket.
"Wanna get some air?" You ask Vada, gesturing towards the open front door. Vada nods, following behind you as you step outside. "Your parents are nice. They're pretty chill, and your mom is honestly like drop-dead gorgeous."
You chuckle. "Do I have to compete with my mom for your attention now?" Vada laughs and playfully nudges you. "Nah, don't worry. You're more than enough for me."
You walk to Jordan's car, leaning against it as you wait for Vada to join you. "Wanna sit in the car?" You suggest, knowing that it might be more comfortable than standing outside. Vada considers for a moment before agreeing, "Sure, why not? It's a bit chilly out here." You both settle into the car, leaning back in the back leather seats.
Silence falls between you as you take in the peacefulness of the moment.
You look over at Vada, a soft smile playing on your lips. Vada turns her head to you before sitting up in her seat, leaning forward slightly. Her eyes fall to your lips, staring at them intently.
Without thinking, she leans in closer, capturing your lips with a gentle yet passionate kiss. The warmth of her touch sends a shiver down your spine, and you find yourself lost in the moment, forgetting about the chilly weather outside.
The kiss begins to deepen as Vada's hands slide up to cup your face, pulling you even closer. You find yourself melting against her lips, savoring the taste of her soft, sweet breath.
You pull away, breathless and hot, your heart racing as you lock eyes with Vada. "Can I turn on the A/C?" You mutter to the freckled-faced girl. Vada chuckles but nods regardless.
You put the key in the ignition and start the car, the engine purring to life. The cool air from the A/C quickly fills the car, providing a refreshing contrast to the heated moment that just transpired.
You bring Vada into another kiss, more passionate and urgent than before. The intensity between you both grows as you explore each other's mouths, losing yourselves in the heat of the moment. Your hand is tangled in Vada's hair, pulling her closer to you if that were possible.
"Y/N's still doing that bet with Vada?" You recognize that voice, it was Austin. You pull away from Vada, your eyes falling on Jordan's car screen, confirming he was on the phone with Austin. It must've connected to the car automatically, allowing Austin's voice to fill the car.
You quickly release Vada and feel a rush of embarrassment wash over you. You exchange a nervous glance with Vada, hoping Austin doesn't go in detail about the bet you've been participating in.
"It's silly, really. This all started because she didn't wanna do her math homework? So she decided to start dating baby Adam Sandler and introduce her to her parents? That's pretty fucked up. If I were Vada, I'd be pissed."
You close your eyes, taking a deep breath to steady your racing heart. The weight of Austin's words hangs heavy in the air. You hope that Vada understands that it was all just a silly game and that she won't hold it against you.
"Is he serious? A bet? Am I a bet to you?" You feel a knot forming in your stomach as Vada's voice trembles with hurt and disbelief. The realization hits you like a ton of bricks, and you quickly shake your head, desperately trying to find the right words to explain yourself.
"Am I a fucking bet to you?" Vada's voice cracks with anger, and tears well up in her eyes. The pain in her words cuts deep, leaving you speechless and filled with regret. You reach out to touch her arm, hoping to convey your sincerity and remorse, but the damage may already be done.
Vada pushes away your arm, opening the car door and slamming it shut behind her. Her actions speak louder than words, and you watch helplessly as she walks away, leaving you to grapple with the consequences of your thoughtless words.
Jordan rushes to the driver's side of the door, out of breath. "Did she hear?" Jordan asks, panting as he rests his hand on the car door. The worry in his eyes mirrors your own as you shake your head, uncertain of how to fix the mess you've made. "She did."
It's been two days, and you've called Vada's phone and sent multiple texts, but there's been no response. The silence only amplifies your guilt and regret as you desperately hope for a chance to apologize and make things right.
You decide to call her house phone, surprised when someone answers. "Mrs. Cavell?" You ask on the phone, hoping to speak with Vada's mother. "It's Amelia, asshole. Don't call again."
You're bewildered by the harsh response from Amelia. You never expected her to be so angry and hostile toward you. "Amelia, please. Just put your sister on the phone."
You plead, hoping to reason with Amelia and convince her to let you speak with Vada. However, Amelia's voice remains firm and cold as she refuses your request, leaving you feeling even more desperate and regretful.
"If I buy you $100 worth of slime supplies, will you let me talk to Vada?" you offer, trying to find a compromise. But Amelia's response is immediate and resolute, "No amount of slime supplies will change my mind. Don't contact us again."
"Fine! $200!" you exclaim, desperation creeping into your voice. Amelia stays silent for a moment, finally giving in. "Our parents are out. If you come over, you have ten minutes to speak to her." Relief washes over you as Amelia finally agrees to let you talk to Vada, even if it means spending more money.
With a renewed sense of urgency, you quickly make plans to rush over to their house within the given time frame, hoping that this opportunity will help mend the strained relationship between you and Vada.
You burst through Vada's room, and she jumps up in surprise, her eyes widening as she takes in your unexpected presence. "I'm on limited time by your sister, so I have to make this quick."
You take a deep breath, walking closer to Vada. "I made that bet before I met you, Vada. And spending time with you made me realize that winning that bet was not what was important anymore. What matters to me now is repairing our relationship and showing you how much you mean to me."
Vada's expression softens as she listens, her guard slowly starting to come down. "I never wanted to hurt you, Vada. I want us to start fresh and build something real together."
"What was it for anyway? I mean, what did you end up losing?" Vada asks, her curiosity piqued. You take another step closer before continuing. "I lost a lot of things, Vada. I lost your trust, our connection, and the chance to truly be there for you. But what I gained was the realization that you are the most important person in my life and the one girl that my parents truly approve of."
Vada stands up, playing with the bottom of her shirt. She looks down for a moment, deep in thought, before finally meeting your gaze. "Don't make me sing again." You jokingly mutter, looking down at the shorter girl.
Vada's eyes widen, and a small smile tugs at the corners of her lips. "No, not this time," she says playfully. "But I do expect you to make it up to me in some other way."
You smile, leaning down and lifting Vada's chin with your finger. Vada glances at your lips before looking back up into your eyes. You smirk before closing the distance between you, capturing her lips in a gentle kiss.
Your worries fade away, drowning in the sound of your heart pounding against your ribcage. Vada's arms wrap around your neck, pulling you closer, and you can't help but let out a content sigh against her lips.
As you pull away, Vada's cheeks flush with a rosy hue, and she bites her lip, opening her mouth to speak but is interrupted. "Ten minutes is up. Where's my $200?" Amelia says from Vada's door, holding out her hand expectantly.
Vada pulls away from you, confused. "What is she talking about?" You clear your throat. "I might've...um...made a deal with Amelia so she could let me talk to you."
Vada's eyes widen in surprise as she processes your words. "You paid her to see me?" she asks, laughing. You smile sheepishly, "Well, I wanted to make sure I had a chance to talk to you without any interruptions. It was worth every penny."
Vada's laughter fills the room as she playfully nudges your shoulder, "You're ridiculous, but I'm glad you did."
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chanspetpigeon · 5 months
I’m scared…
Ni-ki x reader
Best friends to lovers, fluff
Warnings: Kiss? (Lmk if i need to add something!)
A/N: Another drabble :) ill make a masterlist tmr :D im trying to write more longer things but i have like 0 ideas pls send requests haha
Your eyes scan the dark room you’re trying to sleep in. You stare at all the creepy silhouettes created by your best friend’s clothing scattered all over the room. You bury yourself deeper into the sheets, eyes squeezing closed.
“You ok?” Riki whispers behind you. You startle at the sudden noise.
“Yeah… ‘m okay…” you whisper back.
“You’re hogging the blanket again…” Riki turns to you and yanks the blanket off of you.
“Rikiiiii… Stop it!” you whine, trying to get under the blanket again.
“C’mon. It’s my blanket! I decide who gets it!” Riki argues back at you, chuckling at your feeble attempts of trying to get the blanket back. You can make out his teasing smile through the endless darkness of the night.
You roll your eyes and turn back around, laying in a fetal position trying to warm yourself back up.
“Hey… I’m sorry, come here,” Riki lays the blanket over your curled up body, laying closer to you.
You peek over your shoulder at him, you can’t resist his sweet smile, so you turn back around draping your arm around his waist.
“I can’t sleep, Riki…” you whisper against his chest. “I’m scared…” you continue.
“Why? What’s scaring you?” Riki asks you, running his hand slowly through your hair.
“I’m just scared of the dark…” you confess, lowering your gaze to his chest, embarrassed to still have such childish fears at your age.
Riki chuckles, petting the top of your head gently.
“What's so scary about it?” Riki asks
“All your clothes everywhere… They look like monsters lurking in the dark…” you whisper even more embarrassed now.
“Mmm… Don’t worry, Y/N, I’ll protect you from all the monsters lurking in the dark,” he joked, his hand cupping your cheek, forcing you to look up at his face.
Your cheeks start to heat up at the intense eye contact.
“Seriously, I will,” he further exclaimed.
“T-thanks, Riki…” you say with a sheepish smile on your face.
A comforting silence falls between you two, Riki’s hand still on your cheek, slowly swiping his thumb across it.
“Try and get some sleep now,” Riki whispers to you.
His voice brings you back to reality from wherever your thoughts were wandering off to.
“Yeah…” you quietly say, laying your head onto Riki’s soft pillows and closing your eyes.
“Goodnight, I love you,” the words slip from your lips automatically, used to saying it to your parents before going to bed. As soon as you register what you had just said, you tense up.
Riki chuckles lowly, “I love you too, Y/N,” he says back.
You open your eyes, looking back up at Riki.
He was already staring at you, a goofy smile on his face. He slowly leans down to press a chaste kiss onto your lips.
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” he says before turning around, leaving you stunned, staring up at the ceiling, processing what just happened.
A/N: hope u like it haha ik its not the best but im just trynna post stuff :)
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inf3ct3dd · 7 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
‘you are my type, you’re a bright light, and im like a moth’
summary: the girls are at the pool again…..
warnings: blood n boobs 🤫 and a veeeery small mention of barfing
content: black!reader x bsf!ellie, a lil bit of tension….🙈 , r means reader
authors note: this is so fun to write 😇😇 sawry its not v plot focused im feeling kinda sillyyyy
next chapter. masterlist.
the sun was bathing on your face, spilling into your room from the window. the summer heat let you sleep without a blanket,sprawled out on your bed, laying on your stomach.
the bright light was interrupted by a certain someone crawling in your window, messily stumbling inside.
your cat let out a confused meow, and you stayed steady asleep.
ellie not so quietly walked over to your bed, knocking over an empty cup in the process.
you groggily open your eyes, courtesy of ellie aggressively shaking your arms from on top of you, disturbing your very peaceful sleep.
“im up, jesus.” you rub the sleep out of your eyes, and ellie finally calms herself.
normally, if someone busted through your window and shook you awake you’d be mildly alarmed, but ellies made you extremely used to it. hell, you probably wouldn’t even notice if someone busted in to murder you.
—   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
same room, worse decorations. and the same unceremonious entry, but this time , you were alerted by your curtains.
the noise startles you out of your sleep, grabbing your pillow and standing towards the danger.
“WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU??” your voice booms through your room, quickly turning towards your window, pillow in hand.
“holy shit, its me!!” ellie raises her hands in defense, eyes wide and chuckling.
when you’re confronted with the familiar face, your heart rate slows and you drop the pillow.
“dude, what the fuck! i almost killed you!!”
“with that?” ellie gestures to the pillow on the ground, a goofy smirk on her face.
“hey, i could’ve smothered you.”
“id like to see you try.” ellie drops onto your couch, relaxing into the cushions.
“why are you here anyways?” you sit next to her, a confused look on your face.
“you want me to leave?”
“…no.” you admit, leaning back.
“i was bored, missed you.” she casually remarks, resting her head on your shoulder.
“why couldn’t you come through the front door?”
“oh, are we not at ‘breaking in through eachothers window” base yet?” ellie laughs, and you can feel it on your shoulder.
“i mean, i guess we are now” and you lean onto her head, her tea tree shampoo flooding your nose.
“what a significant milestone we’ve reached.” your sarcasm is very apparent, but it was genuine all the same.
—   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“thought you were in a coma or something, shit.”
you look over to your alarm clock,“11:30am” glowing in red letters.
“its still earlyyyy, i could’ve still been sleeping.” you whine, turning over on your side.
“its almost 12, r.”
“you sleep until like 4pm ellie, who are you to make me wake up right now?” you face her again, a questioning look on your face.
“your best friend , who you love more than anything.”
you roll your eyes at her,knowing she’s right, tucking your arm under your head.
“just lemme sleep in a liiiiittle longer, please?” you plead with her, dragging out your words.
“cmon,its pool day!”
right, pool day.
today, june 4th , is the anniversary of the first time you met ellie. according to the both of you, its “the fourth of july but wildly more awesome and significant.” every year, no matter what, the two of you go back and swim together. ellie reminds you each time, usually by crawling in your window, tackling you, and shaking you awake. you’d spend almost all day in the pool, baking in the sun and goofing off in the water. it’s the best day of the summer.
“pool day can wait, im sleepy.” you drag ellie onto the bed, trapping her in your arms and resting your head atop of hers.
“ugh, fine.” ellie kicks her shoes off, leaning into your hold. your nose is filled with the scent of tea tree shampoo, and it lulls you right back to sleep.
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you sang along to the lyrics blaring out of your speaker, nodding your head to the beat as you drove.
the sunlight peeked through the trees, landing in small spots throughout the car, and on the brunette next to you. you felt the cool breeze from the windows and the sunroof, courtesy of your broken air conditioner. the shades of dark brown and green started fading behind you, dull colored houses with perfectly trimmed lawns appearing next to you. your bracelets jingle as you turn the steering wheel, the light reflecting off of them around the car.
“yo, do you want teriyaki?” ellie looked over at you, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear.
“every time you do that hair-tuck thing, you look like debby ryan trying to seduce me.” you responded, stopping at the red light.
“is it working?”
“oh, absolutely.” your words were coated in a paper-thin layer of sarcasm, turning the steering wheel with a small giggle.
“is that a no to teriyaki?” she questioned, pouting slightly.
“why eat before we go swimming, stupid.”
“did you know that the whole ‘eating less than 30 minutes before you swim will make you throw up’ thing isn’t true?” the question was a typical ‘ellie being a smartass’ rhetorical one, obvious by the proud smirk on her face.
“did you know that-“ you mocked her, waving a finger in the air and speaking in your high pitched nasally “nerd” voice.
she gave no response, simply rolling her eyes and crossing her arms over her chest.
“it seemed pretty true that time you barfed in the pool after we got taco bell.” you replied, finally pulling into your nana’s old-people-neighborhood.
“okay but like, that doesn’t count tho. thats TACO BELL.” she defended.
“maybe you should’ve eased up on the backflips that day too…”
“how dare you assume id ever ease up on the backflips.” she puts a hand on her chest, a fake offense in her tone.
you drive past the rows of houses, green lawns with potted plants and sprinklers making rainbows.you and ellie both sing along to the song still, you tapping your fingers on the steering wheel to the beat, and ellie moving her head back and forth. you finally pull into a spot, turning your keys with a jingle.
“how is the pool like….completely empty?” ellie questioned, eyes scanning the area. june is like, prime pool time, and given that the two of you slept in until 4, there was bound to be at least a small crowd.yet, not a single person was there, just some floaties and goggles that got left behind, both the doors to the locker rooms closed.
“shit, are they closed?” you squinted to try and read the fold-up sign on the lawn, but you could only see a blurry mess. wrong day to forget my glasses.
when ellie notices you desperately trying to make out the words on the sign, she steps out of the car and walks over to it. and the disappointed frown on her face already gives you your answer.
“man, what the fuck?” she dramatically slumps back onto her seat, crossing her arms over her chest.
you unknowingly mirror her action, a simliar frown appearing on your face.
“its june 4th, don’t they know its like, a national holdiay???” ellie questions.
“exactly, do they not know the cultural significance of today???”
you both sat there for a while, wallowing in your sadness. you can’t break an eleven year old tradition! why would the pool even be closed today? in your 18 years of living, it wasn’t closed once on june 4th. you took it as a sign that the owners were extremely in tune with your calendar, but it’s simply just not a day a pool would be closed on. you run through multiple depressing scenarios, until the both of you turned to each other. it was like a light bulb went off in both of your heads at the same time, a simultaneous silent ‘ding!’ echoing through the car.
“so….if the pool is closed, doesn’t that mean no one is here to like…enforce that?” a smirk appears on her face, very obviously suggesting what she’s about to say.
you scan the pool again, a complete absence of people confirming your suspicions. the complete absence of cameras simply solidifies the plan.
“we just gonna jump it?” you ask, a smile replacing the frown that was there before.
“i mean… i don’t see why not.”
“what if some old lady walks past and sees us?”
“easy. we convince her that she’s hallucinating, her new hip medicine has her going crazy.”
“el, your only backup plan is lying to the elderly?” you quirk an eyebrow at her, disappointedly.
“well what else could we do?” she asks, rolling her eyes.
“do we just say fuck it?” you both accidentally talk in sync, which makes you both burst into laughter.
“great minds think alike.” ellie taps on her head.
you both step out of the car, grabbing your things from the backseat and locking it. ellie swings her towel around her neck, and you swing your pool bag over your shoulder. you start walking normally to the gate, but ellie decides to be dramatic. stepping to the side, with her finger-gun held close to her face.
“really?” you question, laughing at her.
“shhh! stealth mode, r. you’re gonna get us caught.”
you decide to be just as dramatic, side-stepping and walking dramatically slow over to the gate.
“ladies first.” ellie chimes, gesturing her hand to the gate. you boost yourself over it, with no struggle, and you wait for ellie on the other side. she quickly hops over, but unceremoniously falls on her knees.
“shit!” she curses, holding onto her leg.
“dude, are you okay?” you bend down to her level, inspecting her knee. theres a nasty scrape on it, little drops of blood falling down her skin.
“ew, now you’re gonna get your gross knee-blood in the pool.”
“i guess you are too.” ellie grabs your hand and rubs it on the cut, red smearing on your fingers. she winces when you touch it, but still starts giggling.
“DUDE!! thats like- a biohazard. now im gonna get aids or something.” you rub the knee-blood on the ground, tiny pieces of concrete clinging to your hands. ellies laughter continues , almost obnoxiously.
“man whatever, this fucking hurts.” ellie stands up, dusting off her hands on her shorts.
“awww, you need me to kiss it better?” you ask, giving her dramatic doe-eyes.
“how sweet of you.”
“too bad. that thing looks NARSTY.” you roll your eyes, setting your things down on a chair.
“narsty?” she raises her brow, setting her things down right next to yours.
“you heard me.” you pull your tshirt over your head, leaving you in your black swim-top. you start pulling off your shorts, stepping out of your flip flops and pulling them off.
ellies eyes don’t leave you the entire time. she watches how your two braids fall back on your shoulders, how the sun shines on them, and how good your tits look in that bathing suit when you bend over.
“you just gonna stand there? i wanna swim.” you question, tilting your head at her.
“sorry … got distracted.”
“…can i get a squeeze?” ellie bluntly blurts out, eyes never leaving your tits.
“you’re so gross.” you scoff, rolling your eyes at her antics. it wasn’t like this was something bizarre to you, especially coming out of ellies mouth. i mean, its not like she hasn’t given them a little honk before.
“nah, its for…science. just checking for breast cancer.” she holds back a laugh, putting on a very convincing ‘serious face.’
“you’re not a scientist, and that excuse only worked the first time.”
“wow, i guess this is what i get for being concerned about my friends boob-health.” ellie crosses her arms in fake offense.
“im very in tune with my boob health, thanks. can we go swim now?”
she nods, quickly moving to slide off her button up- dad shirt, leaving her in an old sports bra and her swim trunks. hating normal swimsuits, ellie always settled for this. you pull your goggles over your head, pushing them down to suction them to your face.
“you wanna jump?” you make your way over to the deep end, standing at the edge.
“hell yeah i do.” ellie practically runs over to you, sliding on her own goggles as she does.
you both grab eachothers hand, walking backwards just enough to run and cannon-ball into the pool. the water bubbles around you, splashing everywhere. you see ellie under the blue, and you watch her flip her bangs out of her face as she rises to the surface.
“r, watch this-“ without giving you a chance to respond, ellie dives under again. she twirls in the water, first backwards, then into a handstand, then doing a front flip to finish it off. she floats up again, wiping her hair off her goggles.
ellies obsession with what she calls “underwater gymnastics” was the only excuse she had for those goofy snorkel goggles on her face. “they keep the water out of my nose!” according to her, and you never complain. especially since you have a pair matching hers.
you give her a dramatic shocked face, before challenging her.
“i could do that way better. you were practically just under there flailing around.”
“oh yeah?” ellie cocks her head to the side, raising a brow at you.
you dive under, better than ellie, and do the combo ten times better. in your opinion. you even finish off on your feet, with your arms raised in the air.
“told you.” a proud grin is plastered on your face, while ellie rolls her eyes at you.
“you just went all fancy with it. i did it way faster.”
“technique is better than speed, williams.” you retort, crossing your arms in front of you.
“thats what your mom said last night.”
you respond by splashing her in the face, letting the water hit her right in the eyes.
“wow, couldn’t even let me put my fuckin goggles on?” she scoffs in disbelief, still wiping her eyes.
you decide to take the opportunity and splash her again, pushing another wave straight to her.
“you really wanna start this?” she wipes the water off her face again , moving her hands underwater.
she sweeps the water with her arm, sending a wave of water back into your face. you shut your eyes instinctively, wiping them when the water subsides.
ellie quickly pulls her goggles on, ducking under the water and swimming over to you.
“els, what’re you doin-“ before you can finish your sentence, you feel ellies arms wrap around your waist, and she yanks you over her shoulder.
“ELLIE WAIT- PLEASEEE DONT- HELP-“ you start panicking, slapping ellie on the back and kicking your legs around.
ellie launches you into the water, laughing the entire time she does. she watches you angrily float up, and start punching her in the arm.
“you’re such a fuckin dick!!” you continue your lethal assault, bumping your fist into her bicep.
“the biggest. you punch like a baby.” she jokes, chuckling at herself.
“you want me to actually try?”
“dare you.”
you wind up extra, and launch a strong punch at her stomach. she dramatically falls back into the water, body going limp.
you almost start yelling at her, until you hear the raggedy wheels of a walker on the sidewalk. shit.
without a word, you drag ellie up to the surface, leading her to a corner.
“whats goin on-“ her voice is interrupted by you placing a hand on her mouth, standing in front of you as you ducked in the corner. she gives you a puzzled stare, seizing her question for the moment. her face heats under your hand, and she prays that you don’t feel it.
“heard someone.” you whisper, quieter than a mouse.
ellie nods in understanding, moving her hands around your hips. you knew it was just to keep you close, but you can’t ignore the twinge in your stomach when she does it, avoiding eye contact and trying to peak over the pool edge.
it’s not like it wasn’t normal, cuz it was. ellie had always been handsy with you. holding onto you in the hallways, hugging you around your waist, holding onto it when you slept together. you shrugged it off as her love language just being physical touch. she likes being close. but every time ellie grabbed you like that, it felt like she was electrocuting you or something. sparks fly, for unknown reasons. suprisingly, she never points out or pokes fun at you when she sees your breath hitching, or the way you awkwardly look away. if you told her to, of course she’d stop, but who’s it hurtin anyways?
you don’t see anyone on the sidewalk, but you decide to wait a while for safety. and to calm the nerves that weigh on your chest. you look back down, and ellies still holding onto you. her body heat radiates onto onto you, somehow heating you up even more than before. your faces are almost dangerously close, like if-a-swift-wind-blew-your-lips-would-knock-together close. you stare into her pine green globes unwillingly, as theres not much else to look at in front of you ,except for her lips. the eye contact feels…oddly tense. you watch a drop of water fall down from ellies hair, through the slit in her eyebrow, down the side of her face, and onto her lip. you crack a smile at her, and you both start laughing.
“shh, you can’t, we’re.. gonna get caught.” you try to quiet her, sentence interrupted by giggles. the tension wears off in mere seconds, the two of you calming down again.
“is it bad i kinda hope we get caught?” ellie jests, but her tone feels so much more…seductive? no, thats crazy. you laugh her off, giving her a small “you’re weird” before looking up again, and notice a clear coast.
“we’re good.” you confirm, sinking back into the water.
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“you happy now?”
you stare at ellie, practically inhaling her chicken teriyaki plate in your passenger seat. after like, 5 more hours of swimming, the two of you finally decided to leave. ellie had a nasty sunburn on her shoulders, courtesy of her refusing to re-apply her sunscreen, and you left with a nice tan. as always.you were both starving, and ellie persuaded you into getting teriyaki. ‘please, r, it’s been on my mind all day.’
“oh, im more than happy.” ellie spoke with her mouth full, still scarfing down the chicken and rice.
“in the like, eleven years i’ve known you, i’ve never not seen you tear apart your teriyaki. especially after we go swimming, you turn into a fuckin animal.” you giggle, taking a bite of your own food.
“holy shit, eleven years?” ellie stops eating , shockingly, and looks up at you.
“if i haven’t mysteriously forgotten how to count, yeah.”
“weird, i feel like its been way longer than that.”
the sunset outside the car windows is pouring into the car, casting a pink hue over ellie. everything about her looks so much…warmer. her freckles look darker, her hair looks even more red, and her eyes look an impossibly prettier shade of green. you can’t help but grin when you look at her, making you feel even more relieved than your food.
11 years. more than a decade. 22 birthdays, shared between the two of you, a elementary and middle school graduation with her right by your side, matching caps and gowns flipping off the cameras. the both of you couldn’t think of a better person to have shared the years with, and you don’t think you will anytime soon. or ever.
“yeah?” you question, staring back at her.
“mhm. feels like i’ve known you longer than i’ve been alive. like, i met you before i was born or something.”
the sudden deepness of the statement almost makes you cry, but a wide smile spreads across your face. ellie knew you inside and out, and she definitely knew how crazy sappy shit like that made you.
“yknow what, i bet we did.”
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taglist: @astroph1les @rxreaqia @muthafuckingstargirl @mina-281 @sawaagyapong @brunettedolls-blog @horror-whoree @elliewilliamsmunch @ellies2fingers @valdez-ayla4499 @claymoreshaze @dollietes @heartrobynn @uraesthete @bellaramslover @amitycat @matchamilkislover @atomicami @certifedcrybunny @perfect-little-thing @elsmissingfingers @mostlyhornyandsad @nil-eena @aouiaa @doepretty @idkwhattoput888 @guavasbizarre @louleele @skylerwhitwyo @bl1ndsp0t @elliewilliamsgf69 @elleatethat @jvstellies @thereasonurgay @crystalsnothere @greencacty @every1oneluvsriley @endureher @michel-angelo @nickiminaj689 @bratydoll @sc0ttstre3ted @fr3sh-tragedies @bearieio @sluttyletty @dinoastronaut @sapphicsstars @ellieschair (sorry if i couldn’t add you, i ran out of mentions 😪)
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satelitis · 3 months
꒰ CAN'T GET RID OF ME THAT EASILY ꒱ . . . f reed !
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pairing(s) : fulton reed x fem!portman!reader (romantic) , dean portman x sister! reader (platonic)
in which before the game against varsity, the portman siblings have a surprise up their sleeves.
requested : yes or no.
!! content warnings : fluff, yelling, swearing
robin chirps : erm so im out of my writing slump and ziggy and i nonstop talk about tmd and our boyfriends, so i decided to surprise her since she kinda got me out of my writing slumps and introduced me to my bf charlie and one of the most amazing movies of all time <3 ily zigma!! [@spaceagebachelormann]
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"your'e playing hard, i'm proud of you guys." coach orion reassured as he patted russ on the shoulder.
"they're cheap shotting us to death!" luis groaned.
"i know they are, i know they are." orion sympathized.
"It's gonna take a miracle for us to hold on." averman replied. little did the ducks know that "miracle" would be a little more unexpected then they thought.
suddenly, the door burst open revealing a tall brunette with a bandana around his head. dean portman.
"dean portman is awarded a full athletic and academic scholarship to the eden hall academy," dean read off his maroon folder. "i found this lying around at home in chicago, my attorny thought i should sign it, and i agreed." he continued. "it's offical boys, im back!" he exclaimed as all the ducks cheered, especially fulton. his heart broke the day that his best friend dean, and the love of his life, y/n had to go back to chicago. he was ecstatic at the sudden appearance of his fellow bash brother. but if dean was here...then where was y/n?
"hey you ass, where'd you go?" a voice spoke in the doorway. fulton could recognize that voice from anywhere. y/n. the voice was further identified when she herself wandered into the room. fulton was beyond shocked, jovial and he felt that he might have a heart attack because of how much was happening. in no time at all, y/n was in fultons arms their lips interlocked.
"did you miss me?" y/n teased, as fulton rolled his eyes, kissing her once again. dean looked partially disgusted.
"what the hell. why didn't i get one?" dean joked, activly trying to piss y/n off. the girl gave her brother the bird as the ducks laughed and watched the cute reunion. russ and averman made jokes in the background and snickered.
"oh, fulton! i missed you so much mwah mwah mwah." averman said in a feminine high pitched voice, as he faked kissing noises. russ continued with the bit presumably as fulton.
"i missed you too, babe." he said also mimicking kissing sounds. the ducks snickered. fulton proceeded to threaten the two.
"will you shut the hell up before i give you pucks for teeth?" he said. averman and russ laughed, as they stopped the bit. fulton turned his attention back to y/n now answering her question. '
"of course i missed you, you were gone for like ever." he exaggerated. but that's what it felt like for the couple.
"the phone calls weren't the same." he frowned softly.
"yeah, 'specially WHEN DEANS BREATHING ON THE OTHER LINE." y/n raises her voice as she turns back to dean.
"why didn't you call me and tell me you were coming?" he asked her,
"cause this was way more fun." she replied, a goofy grin on their faces. "you can't get rid of me that easily." she said.
'i'd hate to intrude on your little love fest but we got a bunch of temperamental man children's asses to kick." russ chimed in.
the ducks all cheered as they made their way on the ice.
"is that dean portman?" the teenage announcer asked. the crowd was in unbelief, "oh and his sister, y/n! they're both back!" he exclaimed.
"who are those kids? they cant play!" tom exclaimed. "they're on scholarship tom, my hands are tied." dean buckley replied.
"so you're the big enforcer, huh? well its nice to meet you, see, we have a lot more in common then you think-" dean rambled.
"shut up." the warrior spat, "lets play hockey," he said.
"whatever you say sunshine," dean shrugged, the game continued as dean ended up making cole go through the glass, shattering it.
dean and fulton cheered as they banged their heads together. "the bash brothers are back and they're here to stay and so is "y/n "the firecracker" portman, as she scores goal one for the ducks!" the announcer called out and boy was fulton beyond happy with it.
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agaypanic · 9 months
Hey could you write Benny with a popular cheerleader reader? Not the cult type tho
Benny Weir With A Cheerleader Girlfriend Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: here’s some headcanons to tide yall over while im gone lol also idk how things are in canada so im pulling experience from my high school in america lol
Your cheerleading friends honestly have no idea why you’re with Benny
They think you could do better; everyone wants to either date you or be you
But you don’t care at all
Benny may be considered a “loser” by some people, but he’s a hot loser
“You’re staring again.” One of your friends muttered, just loud enough for you to hear, while you and the rest of the squad shook your pom-poms. All of the students were filing into the gym for a pep rally, and your boyfriend immediately caught your eye.
“I’m allowed to stare.” You responded with a giant grin, discreetly waving at Benny when he spotted you. He waved back before getting his friends to follow him to the first few rows of bleachers, trying to get a spot as close to you as possible.
“How did you even meet him?” The girl next to you asked. “I mean, there’s no way you guys run in the same circles.”
“He was a friend of a friend.” You answered. You were really good friends with Sarah, mainly because she was dating Jesse Black. But the two of you remained friends after he had left school, and she had introduced you to her new friend group. Most cheerleaders labeled them the geek squad, but you didn’t care. If anything, they were very refreshing to be around. “Now he’s my boyfriend. Simple as that.”
“He looks like he’s never felt a woman’s touch.” Your first friend giggled. You looked up at the bleachers to see Benny and your friends sitting in front of you in one of the higher rows. Your boyfriend stared at you intently with a goofy grin while everyone else talked amongst themselves.
“I like my men like that.” You said. The gym was almost filled, so the conversation would have to wrap up soon. “And trust me, he’s definitely felt a woman’s touch by now.” Although he couldn’t hear what you were talking about, you winked at Benny, making him blush.
Benny goes to every event that you have to be at
Even if it’s an away game or competition
He loves cheering for you and supporting you
He never pays attention to the game or anyone else on your cheer squad
“Benny, you don’t have to come.” You said for probably the hundredth time as you put on your uniform. Benny lay sprawled out on your bed, watching you straighten out your top. “It’s an hour-long ride both ways, and you don’t even care about football.”
“That may be true, but I still gotta cheer for my girl.” He reached for your skirt, lightly tugging on it until you were standing at the edge of your bed in front of him. Benny sat up, letting you stand between his legs while his hands gripped the backs of your thighs.
“I thought it was my job to do the cheering.” You jested, pushing back some hair from his face. “But still, you’ll be getting home late.”
“I don’t mind.” Benny persisted. “Was thinking that I’d go on the rooter bus, and then when we get back, we could get some dinner or something.”
You smiled at the idea. Food definitely sounded good. You’d eat before leaving, but you didn’t want to risk making a mess of your uniform or being late to the bus.
“How did I get so lucky?” You sighed, leaning down to kiss Benny. Even when you went to straighten up, he tried chasing your lips for another peck.
“I’m the lucky one,” Benny corrected you. A hand left your body so he could look at his watch, and he then quickly patted your thighs. “We better get going; we can’t miss the buses.” In a panic, you jumped away from him and grabbed your bag. While speeding down the stairs, Benny replaced the bag in your hold with his hand, slinging the bag over his shoulder.
When the two of you got to the high school, he speed-walked you to the bus that the football team and cheerleaders were supposed to ride to the game on. Benny made sure to give you a kiss before handing you your duffel bag.
“See you in an hour, babe.”
“Can’t wait.”
Gets really jealous when other people look at you in a certain way
He knows you’re popular and desirable, but it still gets on his nerves a bit
Especially if it’s a jock that wants you
Since he started dating you, homecoming week felt like torture for Benny. The dress-up days were fun, and he enjoyed the dance and hanging out with you and his friends.
But the day of the homecoming game absolutely sucked.
For some reason, it was tradition that on the day of the homecoming football game, the cheerleaders would get assigned a football player and wear their jersey for the day, plus the game itself. Benny usually didn’t care so much. At the end of the day, you were solely interested in him. Plus, it was just a piece of clothing.
But this year, the jersey you were wearing belonged to a guy who didn’t seem to care that you even had a boyfriend.
“How does it fit?” The football player asked as you situated the shirt you were wearing. Benny glared at him from down the hall. The guy’s name was Josh, or Jake, or something similar. Benny didn’t really care enough to know.
“Fine, Jason.” You answered before opening your locker. Jason leaned against the wall, looking at you like you were a piece of meat. Benny suddenly wished he was a football player, just so he could see “Weir” displayed on your back instead of “Graham.”
“Maybe after we win the game, we can hang out or something,” Jason suggested, and Benny wanted to throw up at the thought. “You look really good in my clothes; I kinda wanna show you off.”
You shut your locker, giving Jason a bored expression.
“Yeah, well, I look better in my boyfriend’s clothes.” You looked past Jason to see Benny, who was eyeing the both of you. You smiled and started walking to him. “Speaking of, I see him so… bye!”
The second you were within reach, Benny had a protective, almost possessive, hold on you. He kept glaring at Jason, who scoffed at the two of you and walked away. You finally took his attention away from the boy by planting your hands on his cheeks and kissing him.
“What are you so worked up about?” You asked, but you already knew the answer. You pulled Benny down the hall so you could go to class.
“Nothing.” He answered, which the both of you knew was a lie. He muttered something you couldn’t hear, and there was a sudden yelp behind you. You looked back to see Jason spinning in circles, trying to look at something behind him. Looking closer, you notice that a tail had sprouted out from his backside.
“Benny!” You meant to say it in a reprimanding way, but let out a giggle as you turned back around.
“What?” Benny asked, smiling slightly. “I didn’t do anything.”
“Sure you didn’t.”
“Hey, do the cheerleaders do this jersey thing for other sports or just football?” Benny asked curiously.
“Just football, I think. Why?” Benny shrugged innocently.
“Just wondering. Was thinking of maybe joining the hockey team or something.”
“Oh, I’d wear a jersey with your name on it any day, baby.”
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indouloureux · 2 years
Can you make one with joseph quinn where they are dating since season 4 started shooting and now they are invites to the brazil party with jamie and tbey are one of those couples thag are never serious and act goofy instead of toucht which they are and they sing snd dance together and also are like hugginf and kissing but not much and the reader and jamie are like best friends and vibing together there and later on when they are back in their hotel room they make loce cause tbey havent had much timw together since fhe whole partjes and interviews and stuff? :)
ALRIGHT IM IN LOVE. sincerely apologize if this doesn't meet your request entirely. i apologize that i won't be writing joseph smut bc i'm still getting used to writing him. but i will be writing it in the near future!
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you can't keep a straight face as joseph goes into a deep talk about how his vecna song is up and down by venga boys.
the thing is, he looks so fucking passionate talking about a euro trash song. but you can see the playful twinkle in his eyes as he does so, ever so often shooting you a quick glance to tell you that he's never serious when it comes to venga boys.
you hide your laugh in his arm, turning away from the person he's talking to and you hide it as a way that shows you're shy. joseph's got a secured arm around your shoulders, rests his cheek on top of your head as you nestle your face deeper into his blazer to cover your laugh.
perhaps you'd drunk too much of that drink.
"you should listen to it," he tells them. "it's so funky and amazing. it'll definitely help you escape vecna. i mean, i'm sure he'd like it too."
jamie's behind you, a drink close to his lips, and it looks like he's hiding his laughter with you. 'coz at this point joseph's talking about the meaning of the song. "see i chose it because it's up and down. y'know, because of the upside down. up...and down....upside down?"
you're thanking vecna it didn't last more than eight minutes.
"i'm sad no one has asked me what my vecna song is," jamie sighs. joseph still has an arm around your shoulders, swaying you both side to side to a music you can't understand but vibe to. "i mean, i'd like to talk about how fearless is my vecna song."
"how will you have a vecna song if you are vecna?" the question doesn't make sense, you think, but maybe it's the inebriation that took over your thoughts. "what, is he like, trying to escape himself!?"
"definitely," your boyfriend quips. "he needs therapy. he can't go off killing children."
you take joseph's right hand when he places his glass on a nearby table. and you find your fingers twirling the ring on his hand as a form of distraction, maybe a bit of boredom as jamie goes on a rant about how vecna still needs a vecna song
joseph's fingers fiddle with yours, a silent answer that says he's also getting a bit bored now. he argues still that vecna needs therapy not a song.
"hey, 'y hear that?" joseph whispers in you ear. you'd gotten too distracted from playing with the ring on his finger. "its head over heels, baby."
you look up at him, removing your cheek from his bicep. "tears for fears?"
"head over heels."
you squeal. you place your glass beside joseph's and take his hand, bringing him right in the middle of the bright multicolored floor. he's more than happy to come with you, holding your hand with just as much fervor as he spun you around until you're in his embrace, hands around your waist and swaying you to the song.
with hands around his neck and fingers pulling on the curls from the back of his head, you drunkenly smile up at him. joseph takes note of your intoxicated state, remembers not to trick you into thinking the glass was alcohol but really was just water.
"y'know, this would be my vecna song," you tell him, breath fanning over his face. joseph nudges his nose with yours as a gentle kiss, looking like two drunk teens at prom. but he doesn't care.
"still doesn't beat up and down,"
"ugh, shut up!" you throw your head back, whining a bit louder than you're supposed to. he laughs and his hand comes up over your mouth. "we both know you only say that for shits and giggles."
"you're right, lovie." he chuckles. he straightens your hair, hand coming up from your waist to your shoulder, dragging down to raise your interlocked hands. "you wanna know what it is?"
"to make myself stop laughing everytime someone asks you what your favorite song is, yes please baby," you smile at him.
joseph spins you around, eyesight blurred by the quick spin until you're back in his arms and your focused fixates on him and him only. "it's golden years by david bowie."
you beam. "really?"
"yeah!" he furrows his eyebrows for a second before he's smiling again. "i'll stick with you, baby, for a thousand years. nothing's gonna touch you in these golden years,"
"sap," you tease him, but press a kiss to his cheek because why not. "simp?"
"oi," jamie cuts in between the two of you and hugs joseph, a similar pout on his face. his face is a bit pink, you observe. "i miss my girlfriend. wanna dance with you guys."
by the time the song ends (with jamie holding both you and joseph's hands as he sways to the song), the party does too. you're tripping down the carpeted floors of the hotel hallways, barefoot with your heels held by joseph who's leading you to your shared hotel room.
"i can't believe we're in brazil," you giggle at him. joseph shuts the door behind, placing your heels carefully on the side for you not to accidentally step on them. "ah, correction brazil!!!"
you mimic him from earlier, where he'd trilled the word 'brazil' for an interview. joseph shushes you by placing a hand over your mouth, lipstick staining his palm as he does so.
"you gotta keep quiet, baby," he warns you. joseph sits you down on the bed, goes to the other side to pour you a glass of water, and comes back with a slightly concerned look. "drink up, dove."
too tired to protest, you drink the water from the hotel glass, joseph holding it for you. you don't realize as soon as you swallow the drink you'd fallen down to the bed with a small pout.
"what's up, darling?" joseph discards his blazer, unbuttons the first three of his dress shirt and places his shoes aside next to yours. "tired, huh?"
"yeah," you exhale. "y'know, i saw a puppy down the hallway earlier. maybe we can shout at it and ask why it didn't come near you back at buzzfeed."
joseph's chuckle warms your befuddled heart. "we shouldn't shout at puppies, baby." he takes your hand into his and pulls you up. "now how 'bout a shower then i'll love on you, yeah?"
your eyes widen. "sounds like a great idea."
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reblogs are highly appreciated <3
tagging @kellysimagines tysm for the request baby!
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thedivineflowers · 7 months
hi!!! Love you works they’re so silly and good😜but sad😔 anyway I hope you’re doing well! I wanted to ask for when the boys (idk how many you’ll take but I think if you need a limited amount go with the first years😭) but yea when the boys say something plain ass bitchy and mean to middleschool!reader, like how were magic-less useless kid (looking at you Ace😡) saying some shit about our family or babying us too much till it become insufferable or smth and then when we get rightfully upset and cry or get upset (leaning on crying for more drama, angst and guilt😘) they realize how bad they fucked up and apologize, I feel like we would be a little stubborn about the apology depended on who it is to😭 but yea my goofy ahh request take your time and you can switch up the characters it’s your writing I don’t care! Love you works<333
Ace: he’d always tease you. And during the first few weeks when he was warming up to you he’d diss you by saying that you were nothing without magic. He even referred to you as the useless and magicless kid for some time. Even after months he still referred to you as that and one day you just bursted. “Why can’t you shut up about me being magicless?! I know I’m at a disadvantage but I’m tired of it! The jokes dead now why can’t you get it!? If I could I’d just make a portal by myself to go back to my world so I don’t have to listen to you all damn day but guess what?! Im just some useless and magicless kid!!” You shouted at tears ran down your face. You stormed away and he tried running after you but you quickly maneuvered away from him. Because of his pride he didn’t apologize for days and stayed quiet when around you. One day after he was given a reality check by Deuce he apologized because guilt was really eating away at him. You still avoided him for a bit just to make sure but your friendship came back together.
Deuce: he kinda has a temper (to me he does) and he’ll let it out sometimes making him call you shit like Ace. But because he is trying to be a good student (and a good friend) he’d be very quiet if he’d call you things but you always manage to him whisper it to himself. One day you two were alone in the classroom doing detention because you two got into a fight when a guy mocked you. “Hey, Deuce.” You called him with an empty tone. “Do you really wish that I had magic. That I had someone to look after me so you didn’t have to stick around me all the time?” You asked as you eyes were glued to the table in front of you. Barely managing to answer the first question on your math homework. “I see how you look at me when I mess something up because I lack magic. I just wanna know.” You said as there was a pressure on your throat. Like you wanted to throw up and let out a yell at the same time. His answer only made the pressure worse as your breathing became short. Did he really think that it’d been better if the magic mirror didn’t pick you? That you’d only stay as the schools janitor? You quickly walked out leaving everything behind to go to the teachers bathroom that you had access to. Everyone thought the same thing about you so why were you throwing up in the sink and crying your eyes out? Because you thought of him as different? No. Deuce came to your dorm later that evening with your completed math homework and backpack. He sighed before apologizing about what he said earlier and the things he’s called you. After some talking your friendship was alright but with rockiness
Jack: At first because you were obviously magicless he’d be very overbearing to you when it comes to things like flying your broom three feet off the ground. He’d chastise you when you used simple spells by waking you up the morning and running with him. He’s trying to protect you but it seems that he underestimates what you know you can and can’t do. You’d get frustrated and try to express that you didn’t need to be babied but the words would just stay stuck in your throat because you knew that he was just trying to look after you. “I can do this Jack! You need to stop worrying about me with small things like having the damn ladle stir itself in the pot! I’m not gonna get hurt with it and I know you’re looking after me but you’re making me uneasy like I could die from just touching a book about small spells! You’ve seen me fly a broom around and be perfectly fine in Mr. Crewels class so what is it that makes you think that I need you breathing down my neck all the time?! Is it because I’m magicless and from another world? Is it because I’m still a kid?” You bubbles over and spewed at him one day while you were making yourself dinner. Jack stood there as he awkwardly looked to the side trying to find an excuse. “I-“ “Im not as fragile as you think. If I was I would’ve been dead.” He’d been contemplating how much magic you could handle and he knows you know that he’s watching over you but he doesn’t know that it was getting overwhelming for you. He avoided you for a bit before apologizing and admitting that he had protected you because he feared you were weak because you were still a kid. You nodded in understanding and forgave him.
Epel: he had a small ego boost because he heard that you were magicless and a child who still knew nothing. He’d also heard Vil chatting away about you and saying mean things even when you were around. So he thought that you wouldn’t mind if he did too. You tried getting along with him at one point but he just pushed you away. “Is there something wrong with me that makes you stay away from me? I know that Im nothing like you but I’m trying to make an effort to get along with you!” You cornered him one day in the hall with small tears about to well over. He had almost nothing to say but a small peep “Does me being magicless and from another world disgust you? If it does then just say it already so I can leave you the hell alone and stop wasting my time trying to make an effort!” You demanded “I- no, not at all! I just…” He cleared his throat away of his country accent. “I thought that a kid like you couldn’t go through so many things and not have anything to hold onto yourself, ‘thought it was silly and that everyone and you were bluffin’ so I pushed you away because I thought you were way over yourself before I even got the chance to talk you properly…” he trailed off as you wiped your eyes and looked at him in understanding. Over time you both tried holding conversations to get to know each other and get warmed up so the same mistake doesn’t happen again. (It is hot in my damn room help 😭)
(The ones from diasomnia don’t really know you here)
Sebek 😈: He’d always talk about it was ‘impossible for a child with nothing to their name’ to even do anything in a world where they didn’t belong when he wasn’t stuffing his mouth with praises for Malleus. How ‘Their parents clearly made a mistake in raising them’ because you couldn’t cast a spell in class without needing help or looking at the instructions again. He’d even insult you in front of Malleus when you do someone like walk past their table “That child has no grace when they walk! Even in the presence of my lord himself! Utterly disgusting!” He’d say and the other three wouldn’t really respond because they hardly know you. One day Mr. Crewel had you two paired in a project so you two went to a secluded place to start (I mean he walked away while you followed after him.). “For the hundredth time that species will poison you! Can’t you understand?! Sevens I don’t know how you’re alive when you can’t even memorize stuff like this.” He muttered as he pinched the space between his eyes. You then slammed your fists in the table with tears of Frustration boiling up. “Can’t you understand that I can’t get a grasp of things here?! I’m only (age) and I’m in the (grade) grade! No sebek I cant understand anything because I’m not from here! I’m not supposed to be here making spells or talking to you because I’m supposed to be in a world where I get shut out like you have done to me because of shit like this! I don’t have an identity but only my face as proof of my existence! I don’t care about this project anymore you can blame me all you want I’m leaving.” You concluded before shoving papers in your bag and hastily walking away before he could even speak. After he had complained of what you said to him to Lilia he suggested that he look at it from your view and apologize. So he did. Which earned him nothing more than a smack on the face and a door to his nose. It’s up to you if you forgive him.
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joshs-big-toe · 7 months
can you write a super fluffy josh futterman fic where they play Minecraft?:)
I literally this this is the cutest prompt ever, I am legit so garbage at writing fluff so it is potentially going to be a little short, I apologize in advance. I hope I do it justice :)
Cw: mega fluff, josh futturman, fem! Reader, video games
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You honestly were extremely grateful for Josh. You had just moved to LA that year working in an internship position for Kronish Labs, working directly under Dr. Kronish. You thought his research was silly, however, you knew this internship would look incredible on your resume. Moving hours away from home stressed you out more than you realized, not knowing anyone, and trying to start a life in a new state, it was a lot. That’s when you met Josh. A goofy janitor with a video game addiction. Immediately, you were smitten. Soon enough, you had to get the nerve to ask him out, and to your surprise, he said yes. From then on, you got to work alongside the boy who was your saving grace, the boy who also got you into his videogame addiction.
“Josh can we please take a break from Biotic Wars?” you whined. The two of you had been on this level for the last 3 days, and frankly, you were tired of looking at Wolf get killed over and over again (hes hot, what can you say).
“Come on were almost at the end!” he excitedly shouted at you, turning toward you in in his gaming chair, his hair falling over his face. His smile was bright, causing small creases on the outer corner of his eyes. His dark eyes seemed to be shining, beaming with excitement. You couldn’t help but smile. He was so insanely pretty. You let out a soft smile.
“can we please play something else?” you pushed out your bottom lip in a pout. He got up, walking over to the bed, jumping onto it next to you. He kissed your cheek.
“okay, okay. What would you like to play now, peanut?” Peanut was a name that he called you from the very beginning. You used to have a small tub of peanuts in your office, and since then he always called you peanut. Weird, you know, but you liked to snack when you were writing your reports. Sheepishly, you asked,
“what if we just played some Minecraft?” his face immediately lit up, a big smile forming on his lips.
“of course, weirdo,” he chuckled. He quickly got up, tossing a controller your way and loading up Minecraft on his tv. He loaded a new survival world, and start playing. “hey theres some pigs over here, im gonna get us some food,” he smiled.
“Okay,” you smiled. “Im going to start getting a house put together.” In the game, you two start scrambling to get a shelter put together as the sun set. You ended up making a square dirt house with a singular torch. Josh moves his character toward the house, closing it up when we get inside. He put a bed down.
“Here, I got you this one.” He placed a pink bed next to his bland white one. You looked over to him and smiled.
“Aww, next to yours? Cute,” you smiled. He leaned over and gave you a soft kiss on your lips, filling you with a warmth that you loved.
“You are my girlfriend,” you didn’t know why, but you blushed. You loved being called his girlfriend. You looked back at the tv, hiding the blush that crept across your face. “Oh, and one more thing,” he made his character crouch as he placed a rose next to your bed.
“Aw, youre too sweet, joshy,” you grinned as you clicked the bed to make your character sleep.
Hours passed, and you were starting to get sleepy. “Hey joshy, I think I should get going home, Im getting really tired,” you yawned out. He frowned.
“I have to get up earlyyy,” you groaned.
“Do you want to stay the night? We can just drive to work together?” His eyes were tired.
“Sure, I would love to stay the night, josh.” This was the first time you got to stay the night over there. He smiled, turning off the tv to get ready for bed. He got under the covers, patting the spot next to him for you to join him. Hesitantly, you did, and he immediately wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to him. He gave you a soft kiss.
“thank you for staying tonight. I love you.” Your eyes widen, looking at him. He had a cheesy grin spread across his face.
“What did you say?” you couldn’t help but start to smile.
“I love you, y/n.”“I love you too, joshy,” you buried your head into his chest, hiding your face. You listened to his heartbeat as you slowly drifted off to sleep, happy.
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sorry its so short, but i hope it was okay! like i said, im not used to writing fluff but this was my first shot. hopefully i do better in the future! thanks for the request!
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i know i sent an ask the other day but i wanna throw another on the table: ed with a goofball avatar s/o? someone who tries to enjoy the time they have in the here and now, ESPECIALLY after what happened in the suval'hal tournament? (this may or may not be related to my avatar but i feel like this could easily apply to a lot of avatars as a whole)
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silly avatar getting cranked to the max :) and im slowly loving ed as much as i lobe bosch. oh no. also it's actually really hard to write a goofball avatar for some reason, so hopefully i did my fellow clowns some justice.
Ed could always hear you before he actually sees you.
He's not used to people with an overly loud personality like yours.
Not to say it was a bad thing.
But he's definitely dropped his phone a couple of times because you shouted his name across the station for everyone to hear.
Hey, pipe it down. Are you trying to attract attention to him?
You would also attempt to get him to do the most random activities he's ever heard.
Oh, you know a place with a nice view overlooking the city? Cool.
Wait, the place is crawling with security roombas and fighting refrigerators?
What the hell does that even mean?
And when he's with you, Ed allows himself to get dragged to wherever you felt like going that day,
A Burger joint? The Scrapyard? Haggar Stadium? It didn't matter where you two were, you always knew a place.
Other times you would say something so outlandish, that he would just have to tune you out.
You once stopped mid-training because you had to flip your Crocs into 'sports mode'. Whatever the hell that meant.
So he knocked your ass on the floor for not taking him seriously.
Or when you called early in the morning to ask him meaningless questions at ungodly hours.
Who the hell was calling him this time? Ed thought.
He begrudgingly picked up his phone without checking the caller ID.
"Would you love me if I was a worm?"
And Ed hung up on you.
He'll deal with you later.
When you're both out and about, you try to get him to do things he normally wouldn't consider, albeit with some pushback from him.
Like when you wanted to dance with him in Beat Square because a jazz band was playing.
Ed watched them with mild interest before you grabbed him.
“Come on. Let's Dance!" You said, pulling him towards the open space where other people were mingling.
"I don’t dance.” He narrowed his eyes at you.
And you rolled yours playfully, not letting go of his hands. “Aw, don't be like that, It’ll be fun."
Ed tried to relax and mirror your movements.
He was stiff and awkward for the most part, but he was there with you on the dance floor. And that was a win in your books.
He would've never done this if you were some rando asking for his hand, so count yourself lucky.
As the music came to an end, you pulled Ed close, wrapping your arms around him. “See? I told you it would be fun.” You said, forehead resting against his.
“Yeah. You were right, I guess.” he hummed. “It wasn't that bad.”
“I’m always right.” You grinned, leaning in to give him a quick peck.
He scoffed, under his breath. “Let’s not go that far.”
Because of your outgoing/goofy nature, his friends found you endearing and a joy to be around.
He's actually somewhat relieved they did because that meant the members of his group who were still hesitant around other people were gradually opening up.
But of course, you did have some run-ins with them from time to time that were...less than ideal.
"Aw, Look Ed. I think Kiki likes me," you cooed, gently stroking the lion tamarin who was leaning into your touch. Her tiny face and fluffy body had you completely smitten.
"Uh-huh." He said, glancing down at the little thing. He knew you were too focused on how cute Kiki was to notice that she was slowly inching closer to your food.
It wasn't until she nabbed the bread off your burger that you realized what she was up to.
"That rat. She stole my buns!" You shouted, jumping out of your chair to chase her.
Ed leaned against one of the walls, watching the whole thing unfold, as the nimble thief jumped from one piece of furniture to the next, with you following suit.
'This might take a while,' he thought, popping one of the pickles he took from your burger into his mouth.
After a few minutes, you returned, huffing and puffing with the half-eaten bun in your hands. Tiny scratches ran up your arm from the brief struggle.
"Have fun?" he said with amusement.
"Not at all, my food's probably cold by now," you groan, dropping the bun back on the table. "Who knew something so small could be so mischievous."
"Don't take it personally. But consider yourself lucky you even got a portion of it back." He said as the tamarin in question hopped on his shoulder, cheeks still puffy from munching down on the stolen bread.
You huffed sadly, flopping the bun back on your sandwich as you slumped down on your chair. "Well, at least I could finally eat."
"Wait," You picked the bun back up. "Where the hell are my pickles!?"
Although he doesn't admit it often, he's glad you see the positives in unfortunate situations.
Because there are times when he just has shitty days and nothing could make him feel better.
So he could probably learn a thing or two from you.
But if there are moments when you're not feeling the best, he'll know.
Even if you try to hide it.
Hey, are you really not gonna say anything and make him do all the talking?
He's used to you being the one to fill in the void with your voice.
So it feels a bit empty to not hear it after a while.
In those instances, Ed would find ways to make you feel better.
Albeit your humor may be different from his.
Hey, didn't you think it was funny when that guy spit his tooth out after you punched him?
Or how about when that thug fell to his knees saying how sorry he was for getting the jump on you?
No, you actually didn't find either of those moments funny.
But, seeing him go to this length did genuinely make you smile, so you appreciated every second of it.
However, if you were having a rough day, there's no shame in admitting it, especially to Ed.
He gets it, so you don't need to put on a facade in front of him.
You can enjoy the rest of the day in silence with him if that's what you want.
Speaking about you, you also enjoyed giving him gifts that range from 'useful' to 'What the hell did you just give me?'.
"Isn't it cute?"
"It's something." Ed said, examining the green plushie with a dopey smile.
But you could sense his indifference to it.
"I mean, if you don't like it, I can always take it back." You replied, reaching over to grab it.
But before you could, Ed pulled it closer to him. "Hey, back off. It's mine." he said in an oddly possessive tone, which made you laugh.
"Alright, tough guy. It's all yours. I'm just glad you like it."
To an extent, you do ease his nerves and make him forget about the horrors he's seen.
Yeah, he gets on your case for having such a carefree attitude all the time. But that's because you're the ideal embodiment of what his life could've been like if he wasn't connected to any of this Shadaloo biz.
Ed also never got why you always insisted on doing things in the moment rather than putting it off for later.
You don't need to drop everything you're doing just because you had a moment of clarity.
If you have time later, just do it later.
But he could understand to an extent where you were coming from.
Because sometimes, there is no such thing as later in this line of work.
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prongsie-kins · 23 days
part five of when i met you
this is a filo!james au revolving around james potter courting regulus black in a semi-traditional way
disclaimer: english is NOT my first language and not the type that this would be beautifully written but there might be some grammatical error i didn't notice while editing. also keep in mind that this is my first multichapter fic and im still trying to improve my writing
italicized texts are the translation
Beginning | Previous | Next
and before I knew, there I was, so in love with you
Regulus is screwed. He is definitely screwed.
Here's the thing.
Every time James speaks to him in Filipino, it's been bothering him not knowing what shit he says to him. So all the time he has been drowned in books in the library—also the times James brings him food—he's searching for solutions.
He did it. He tried to brew a potion before but it's a hassle trying to brew every day just to try to understand James because he basically says shit every chance he gets. Thus he resulted in another result.
A charm.
He immediately tried the incantation after practicing for a little while. The spell gives him the ability to understand other languages he would be hearing.
Shortly after he cast the spell, James joined him at a flowery field near the forbidden forest. He is lying on the grass with a book by his lap. James is sitting beside him blabbering about how he's apparently failing potions lately and is now asking him to tutor him for a while.
After that there was silence. Both were laid on the grass. James was staring at the sky while Regulus silently read. This is nice. Some sort of peace and quiet for a while.
Well, until James broke the silence.
"Sakit ng likod ko, araw-araw ba namang nahuhulog sayo."
My back hurts since I'm falling for you every day. It immediately translates to his brain. Regulus stilled. Was this a one-time thing? Or is it what James says every time he speaks to him in Filipino? Corny flirting lines.
He glanced over at James. He was still staring at the sky. With a goofy grin on his face. He must've felt cocky delivering another line with a clueless Regulus. Clueless or so he thought.
Regulus stayed silent. He continues to read his book though his mind is still lingering on the line James said. His eyes were following the paragraphs he was reading. He turns the page. But the words in the book aren't really processing in his brain.
By the time he realizes he has forgotten about the book he's reading, he's way past an arc so he has to turn back the pages he previously was before James spoke.
He silently hoped that was a one-time thing.
It isn't.
The cheesy lines didn't stop at the flowery fields.
Regulus just finished eating and was on the way out of the Great Hall when James walked up to him. Still holding a goblet full of water.
"Where are you headed?" James asked.
"An empty classroom."
"I have to practice spells."
"I'll come with you."
James didn't leave him a chance to disagree since he was already walking ahead of him. After a while, his steps falter as he down the remaining water in his goblet.
"Tubig ka ba?" Are you water?
"Huh?" Regulus asks, bewildered not because he doesn't understand it but because of the nonsensical question.
"Kase malinaw ang pagtingin ko sayo." Because my feelings for you are clear.
He suddenly tripped on his own foot. His hand braced against the floor. "You alright?" James asks.
He was about to help Regulus up when Sirius suddenly ran in their direction. "Distansya, Prongs. Distansya." Sirius said in a broken accent.
Distance, Prongs. Keep your distance. It translates to him.
He has to keep a chuckle coming out of his mouth. It sure is hard trying to keep a straight face and pretending you can't understand them.
It doesn't have to take a while before James says another line. He simply saw Regulus walking in the corridor. He was previously in the quidditch field after a practice, on his way back to their common room.
"Hey, Reg," James greeted.
"I told you to stop with that name."
"Should I call you love instead?" He definitely doesn't need the spell to understand it instead.
He subtly lowers his head. "No."
But it's not even the worst. While walking, they both saw a student 3rd wheeling to a friend. James saw this as a chance to say another cheesy line. Still assuming Regulus wouldn't understand him.
"Dami na single sa mundo, gusto mo bawasan natin." There are already too many single people in the world, would you like us to reduce that number together?
This time, Regulus chokes on his own spit. Coughing fitfully. James has to pat his back to slightly soothe it. "Careful Reg, I wouldn't want you to die choking."
"Why not?"
"Ikagagalit ba ng multo kung mas takot akong mawala ka?" Would the ghosts be angry if I'm more afraid of losing you?
Too much. It's too much.
James probably saw how he became a blushing mess after James said flirty lines. He just kept going and going.
He's the one that's supposed to be cocky. Understanding everything James says without him knowing. Why is this happening? This is torture.
His heart keeps pounding. That doesn't sound right. It's not supposed to beat that fast.
Why can James make him feel things with all the little things he does?
It's not just the packed food. The cheesy lines. The way he clings to him like he hasn't got anything else to do. The way he annoys Sirius just by sticking to him.
Not just the way he always joins him studying hence giving him a comforting warmth knowing he's right there by his side. Even on his bad days when doesn't feel like interacting with people. James is always the first to notice. Giving him a pat on his cheek and then not bothering him for the rest of the day.
He's definitely not doing this to his friends.
"Why are you doing this, James?"
James is obviously taken aback. He thought Regulus was okay with him clinging since it's been a long time before he asked why he did the things he did to him. His smile falters slightly before grinning much wider than before. "Kasi nga nililigawan kita. I've told you a hundred times." Because I'm courting you.
"Was that all it was?" Regulus asks. He's done pretending to be oblivious. Done being in denial. "You courting me this whole time? Without even me knowing?"
James' jaw dropped. "Wha..what?"
"Yes, James. I understand you. Every single time."
"That's my secret to tell."
"Is that way you turn all red every time I say pick-up lines to you?"
"No, James stop it."
"Oh my, Reggie." He sighs dramatically. "That must've been hard trying to keep a straight face."
"Is this the blessing Sirius was talking about? Him allowing you to court me?"
"Sirius is all bullshit. He doesn't even let me near you. On the bottom line, he's not angry every time I pursue you."
"Are you sure?"
"About what, Reg?"
"About me."
"Oh, love," James coos, cupping his face. "You know there are three kinds of view, side view, front view, I love you."
"Admit it, it's brilliant."
"No, it's not, James." He was about to walk ahead when he stopped. Seems like he forgot something.
"Your shoelaces are untied." Regulus comments. James looks down at his now untied. "Don't forget to tie your shoelace, love. I don't want you falling for someone else."
James was left there. Staring dazedly at where Regulus previously was.
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doodles-arts · 7 months
I Promise, I'll never hurt you.
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Itadori Yuji x Reader 2/3
part: 1, 3
Description: Your a Jujutsu sorcerer who can manipulate memories and emotions. Its a curse that has been placed upon you, where no matter what the emotions of others has been placed upon you. There is an obvious condition to this tremendous power, however. Yuji, being a vessel is pretty immune to all things that may tamper his soul… could this be a match made in heaven?
Genre: Friends to Lovers. Short story
warnings: Body Talk (female x reader)
A/N: Hey guys thank you SO MUCH for the love on my last post for this and im so sorry that I've been SO inactive. But I've been moving recently and will be moving again in the next 3 weeks! wish me luck as I try to find some time to write as much as possible.
oh! before I forget.... I got married! To a Handsome guy who would move mountains for me. We'll call him Yhervi for now
Don't forget to reblog!
You were no stranger to a guy paying you extra attention, in contrast, you enjoyed it. But it being a fellow student at Jujustsu High, made you uneasy. Sure, he was an underclassmen and it meant you could boast about being a students favorite senpai. But you weren’t a normal schoolgirl, not some person who could hang out with the other cursed users, like the elders once said- ‘until you control yourself, you may as well be a danger to others.’ How long ago was that? 
Never mind, you had more important things to think about, like a certain underclassmen who was attached to your hip, and fed you compliments when you least expected them. 
After training, he’d ask you to go out to lunch with him, and sit and talk. Your leg would bounce nervously, not used to being around someone this long. You had relationships before, but once you realized that they were all ending the same way because they’re normal humans, blessed with the ignorance of curses, you stopped trying. Sure you slept with someone every now and then at your university, but you never did more than that. Not like it lasted that long anyway, or that you enjoyed it so much that you’d do it again. 
This was the second time you had left the school grounds with Yuji. He beamed at you when you said yes, and when it got silent between you two, that’s when he’d compliment you, “you’re so pretty (y/n), I’m sure lots of people tell you that.” Sometimes you’d wake up early for a run, and when you reached the field, there was Yuji, waiting, a tired look on his face. You didn’t know how he knew, but he did and there he was, waving energetically when your eyes met. He was much faster than you, but he made you giggle whenever he passed you with a goofy remark. “Say! You’re pretty fast, you finally finished that lap after my third!” He’d joke sarcastically. 
No one was as athletically gifted as Yuji. 
You had turned him down on other casual hangouts at first, you were afraid that he’d be affected by you. But then he kept insisting and there were only so many excuses you could come up with, so you guessed it was alright after some time. It wasn’t like you avoided people, you just wanted to do what was right for others. And the more you indulged in his little requests to see new attractions in Tokyo, the more you felt your self sinking in a thick pool of sand. He was always excited and always included you in his excitement, he listened to all the things you’d inform him about. The things you learned when you first came. 
It was like you were the only person next to him, when he walked, people cleared the way for his tall statue and boyish charm. You didn’t miss the staring and jealous glares. Itadori Yuji was more than than just handsome. And you’d be deceiving yourself if you said he didn’t have a perfect body. You walked through the city together as the sun started setting, and when you passed by a train station, you grabbed his waist innocently to prevent you two being separated. Yuji may know where he is, but he’d still get lost in the sea of people, you knew this because he had told you. You found it deliciously cute. How foolish of you to grab him so possessively, you were guiding him through the people, but all the same your head was swarming with images of that could be hiding under his shirt. 
His baggy choice of clothes on this casual outing, depraving you of any imagination before hand. But now, you were drinking him in, the way his arm held onto you by your shoulders. You started to wondered when you had gotten so close to each other. You swore he had pulled you in closer, and you the sinking feeling pulled you down faster. There was a warning you usually followed that was being drowned out by the vibrations of yuji’s energy. It was a dangerously catchy beat, almost sounded like a mix of techno and pop…..
You made it through, quickly unwrapping yourself as your cheeks grew hot, a bad habit, pulling away from others, he linked his arm with yours with a wolfish grin. You stared at him, confused as to how someone could be so naturally sweet. How could you remember you were cursed when he looked at you like that, the sun was setting but when he smiled at you like that, you could feel your cheeks being sunburned. ‘God damnit’. 
The two of you were like a pair of walking magnets, you always found yourself someway, somehow linked together.
So while you walked back to your parking spot, which was ridiculously far, you walked together with your arm tucked nicely in his. 
After that, Yuji became more and more attached to you. Any time you weren’t on a mission, he found you. You swore he had some kind of tracking device on you. On your days off, you dedicated them to reading and catching up on shows that you meant to watch; now your days off consisted of a pink haired boy knocking on your door, begging you to take him somewhere new, or asked to watch some new ridiculous movie. And how could you say no to a face like that? 
The sinking feeling you were desperately fighting was reaching you at your hips. You could no longer pull your feet out to try and fight it. 
. ˚ · • . ° .
He had successfully been able to pull you out of your isolation cocoon. He saw the way Maki smirked at him, he had assumed it was a thank you, for pulling you out of your selfless endeavor. At least you weren’t alone. And Yuji wasn’t complaining, you were so fun to be around, he felt at ease around you. So on an afternoon that you had made it to Jujustu tech high after a mission, he treated you to dinner in the common space. Where he couldn’t help but say, “Your the best company to have, (y/n)-senpai!” You flushed proudly, you could get used to hearing that~
And when he asked you to take him to Tokyo Tower the next day, the main attraction he had hoped to see one day in his outskirt town, you jokingly declined, until he begged. Yes- ‘begged’ on his knees, gripping your legs, and at the time he thought it was funny, until he breathed in your scent and it made his head swoon. He brushed it off when you laughed and pushed his head, “Ok! You can count on me! Now get off.” He did so eagerly, a second longer and he would have lost it. 
So what, so what he thought you smelled nice and looked so pretty in your uniform, that you always looked so pretty, so approachable. Many individuals stopped you for directions, especially tourists, maybe it was because of your americanized style? He wouldn’t dwell on it too long, it did things to him. He thought it was your curse building on his feeling of friendship. What he didn’t know was that your curse wasn’t that interested in Yuji, like it wasn’t affecting him………..
The leggings you wore with those cute oversized shirts that you tuck in the back in your bra to accentuate your figure. Showing off your toned legs from training and your curves ever so evident for everyone to see in the warming spring. Your hair pulled back in a slicked way to round out you face and make you look younger. He gave you a closed eyed grin, not able to keep looking at you, he’d burst in to flames if he did. You were attractive, so what, he wouldn’t make you uncomfortable. You were too precious.
But you were too focused on his own body to think of the possibility of him doing the same. And so what, he was attractive, you held no shame. He deserved the attention. 
Your style was americanized, maybe that was why tourists found you so approachable, asking for directions. Especially the Americans, and they’d rejoice when they heard you reply in English to their butchered Japanese. He liked how easy it came to you to help others. And he thanked you internally for giving him your time as well.  Traveling on the train wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea.
You took him to Tokyo Tower and guided him through it, the whole reason it was so famous, the history to it and taking him to the main deck, and when you brought him up to the top deck, pointing to all the places you knew. He noticed the goosebumps on your skin since you had no sleeves and he shed his oversized coat on you, wordesly placing it on your shoulders. You didn’t ignore the sweet gesture, you just smiled at him as he leaned forward on the railing with you and continued to point to places and ask you what they were. Thanks to the clear skies on the spring afternoon, you noticed that Mount Fiji was in view and pointed to it for him.
He was mesmerized, and watched the entire city in silence, taking it in, he pressed his shoulder against yours, and you didn’t move. Not wanting to break the blissful moment with Itadori Yuji. Watching the clouds move and taking in the breeze that carried both of your scents. 
You both didn’t want to move before it was time, but the breeze got stronger as the afternoon sun begin its descent. You both made your way down the crazy long tower, and headed to Shiodome, where there was an “Italian town” by Hama-rikyu Gardens you knew he’d love. And he had. 
For the first time in a long time, you received a call from Satoru-san, and when you looked down to your phone, you hadn’t realize the time. ‘Oh shit, I’m gonna hear it now.’ 
“Why haven’t you come back? Did you at least go out with another second year?”
“I actually gave Yuji a tour of Tokyo Tower, sorry, I hadn’t looked at the time.”
“Hm, okay, tell him I say hi. Have fun, let me know when you get to your dorm.” 
He had ended the call cheerfully, ‘what the hell.’ Yuji was watching you attentively, “was that Gojo-sensi?” He asked softly, you nodded. “He wanted to know when I was coming home.” Yuji took his phone out to look at the time and hissed when he saw it said 10:46. 
“Oh gosh, I hadn’t realized the time, we should probably get back.” You giggled and waved your hand to relax him, “Were both free tomorrow, he wasn’t telling me to go home, just checking in. He said to tell you Hi, actually.” He grinned and agreed there was no harm. And with that you both walked the combed gardens while finding your way. The night was peaceful, you found your arms linked together again, how? You had no idea, but they were, and you weren’t going to pull away if he didn’t. 
“What was America like?” He asked as you sat at a bench together. You had convinced him that taking the subway later would be calmer. He didn’t protest to more time with you. You hummed and clicked your tongue on the top of the roof of your mouth while you thought. “It was suffocating sometimes, they hold so many useless ideals unlike Japan. But I do miss it sometimes, the language, the music, the dumb class clowns.” You had picked up on the cultural difference between Japan and America about a month in. America had so many useless laws and ideals, Japan was much more comfortable, but you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t miss certain things. Japan had a way of slowly reminding you that you yourself were a foreigner, like with the traditional Japanese names and writing characters, you still struggled with them. 
He noticed it too when you sometimes refrained from saying Megumi’s full name, addressing him as ‘gumi’, instead. He was jealous for not having a nickname. But he pushed it down, deep down. “Do you ever think about, I don’t know, going back?” You leaned against him, shoulder to shoulder, delighted to feel him lean in too. “Sometimes, but then I remember, there’s nothing or anyone waiting for me. I like the family I have here better.” His heart fluttered to hear you say family, did that include him too?
You both spoke of your childhoods, it was peaceful, engulfing the two of you in a blissful stop, where everything else was secondary to the person sitting next to you. It wasn’t long until you stood and stretched with his much too big jacket on your frame, announcing you were gonna head back. He flushed, you were still wearing it, and it was adorable, his heart pounding. He might be in some trouble after all. He tried to build up the courage to grab you hand, but chickened out to link your arms once again, as he had done the whole day. He smiled softly when you pulled him closer and leaned your head on his upper arm. He might ask for more one day, but this would suffice if you never wanted him the way he did, ‘wait, what?’ He thought. He was definitely in trouble. 
You both walked and waited for the subway, to get to the outskirts of the your school. These were the quiet moments he missed, he didn’t have them anymore now that Sukuna was in the way and always pitched in to his thoughts. Something he just placed to together he hadn’t heard from Sukuna all day……
His huge jacket and the quiet lulling swaying of the train was making you sleepy, something you hadn’t been able to achieve until Yuji began consuming your thoughts. You wondered how long this fantasy would last until your curse would force you to loose this ray of sunshine in your life.
‘Maybe i’ll be little selfish for a while longer’. You felt the sinking feeling continue to consume you, all the way up to your chest, your arms didn’t even move to claw yourself up.
You had fallen asleep too quickly to stop yourself, and Yuji grinned and chuckled as he wrapped an arm around you and leaned you against his shoulder, his heart beating too quickly to register his own tired state. Despite it being a little ways over midnight, he’d been asking so much of your time, he’d push through and give you this small moment of peace. He’d take care of you now. 
You made it home and walked to your dorm, that he had walked you too on the 2nd years side. 
“Goodnight, Yuji-san.” You said sweetly, he hummed and leaned forward, your eyes widening. It was like he had been asking for a goodnight kiss. Not knowing what else to do, not wanting to sink any further, you pulled him into a tight hug, instead. He sighed inwardly, he had been lulled into your adorable face by his sleepy mind, attempting to kiss you. But this was fine too. As you pulled away, dashing into you room, back against the door, your heart pounding. Something Yuji hadn’t glossed over when you had hugged him. 
He couldn’t help the grin on his face as he leaned on to your door, arm of the door and felt your heartbeat and said, “Goodnight (y/n)-Senpai.” You didn’t hear him walk away for a few moments, heart pounding in your ears making you think he had. 
But when he did, you fell on your butt, back still against the door. ’This is bad. REALLY bad’, you thought. After a few moments, you had to hold back a scream when your door knob turned and tried to fly open, only to be stopped by your back and head. “At-ti-ti-ti” you groaned while holding your head and moved out of the way, there stood Maki, face stoick as always, until she found you on the floor, with Yuji’s jacket still on, cheeks flushed all the way to your ears. She smirked. Walking over to your bed with a proud look. Sitting with legs crossed and leaned forward.
“Cougar”, she jabbed. 
You knew you weren’t getting any sleep. You’d have to tell her every detail. Or else. 
˚ · • . ° .
Though Itadori had taken you out another couple of times, and gotten more brazen, holding your hand when walking through the city and thru the last Tokyo attraction you’d both had been too, he also saw how much more flustered you’d become. You never pulled away, never stopped him when he hugged you, or put an arm around your shoulders. You just flushed and looked away, peeking over at him and quickly look away again. You realized that the others had also picked up on how you and Yuji were subconsciously flirting. 
Panda had already teased you about it, which Yuji had noticed, but you huffed and took your leave for a shower. Panda then teased him about, “oii, Yuji~ what do you prefer? Boobs or butts!” He probably choked before he even picked. Panda snickering before patting his shoulder, “come on, don’t be shy~!” The smug grin on the cursed corpse edging Yuji to answer.
He thought deeply, he wouldn’t lie, he did like a plump, round “-butt.” His senpai huffed pervertedly, chuckling while patting on his lower classmen’s shoulders. 
You had left and Yuji, would have lied if he said that he didn’t watch you walk away. 
He’d wait for you, however long it takes. There was something there, and he’d wait. But for now, he’d focus on getting stronger. 
So for the rest of the afternoon, He’d train,with Gojo….
-After a couple days. (You and Maki and Nobara were sitting in a park, with your speakers, exploring American music.)
During a training break where he sat on the floor, watching panda and Toge train now as Megumi went to get some drinks. He spaced out for a moment, thinking of you, and that sun dress you had worn a few days back, going for a food run, to which he invited himself too. The mini fridge wouldn’t stock itself. And besides, you weren’t really allowed to leave the grounds of the school on your own, due to your curse and all. But mostly because it was Gojo’s request, so you were totally okay with him tagging along. 
He watched the way your skin, that was usually unexposed, drank up the sun from the early summer days. The way your legs glimmered, they looked so soft. He wondered what else was soft- His train of thought was thankfully stopped by the ringing of a phone next to him and to his surprise it wasn’t his own. When he glanced down, the caller ID was Nobara and he assumed the phone belonged to Megumi. But what he was greeted with, took him by surprise:
Y: Hey Nobara, Megumi’s in the bathroom-
N: (nobara speaking) Oh come on, between the three of us, you’re telling me you’re not getting any action? Even with Yuji floating around you like that? 
He heard all three of you giggle. And he swore he was going to hang up, but the conversation kept peeking his interest. *especially since he heard his name….
N: ((y/n) speaking) It’s nothing like that, Itadori is better off keeping his distance. I’m the one being selfish. Besides, if we ever get to that point, I might never be able to look at him again if he’s affected by me. 
You sighed and turned on some English music. It was clear that Nobara had either did this on purpose or butt dialed Megumi by an accident. 
N: (Maki speaking) Don’t try and to act innocent you cougar, (y/n) is just afraid that he’ll either be the best experience she’s had in bed, or just the same as the rest. 
Nobara tried to stifle her laugh, unsuccessfully. And at this moment, Yuji thought he felt guilty for listening, but he knew himself better than that.
N: ((y/n) speaking) MAKI! Don’t embarrass me like this! I’m only a year older than him! BESIDES, even if I did imagine something happening between us, at the end of the day, sooner or later, he’ll grow to resent me the more his body is exposed to my cursed energy.
You sighed, getting quiet again. Itadori felt his chest heaving, turning to make sure Megumi was no where near. 
N: (Nobara speaking) Oh come on, Yuji is too soft to ever do something like that. You should know how he is, I don’t think he has a bone in his body with malice. He more of a walking airhead.
There was a pause, only the strange English music that Yuji was printing into the back of his mind to search up and add to your playlist he created. He never wanted to forget the next words that escape your mouth through the phone. 
N: ((y/n) speaking) You’re right, I can’t change how I feel, and I can’t change the strange feeling that something bad will happen. I’m sure Maki will flick my forehead for this - there was a pair of chuckles - I’ll just be selfish for as long as I can and let him decide. I am still his favorite senpai~
With that- he hung up the phone call, his fluttering heart and burning ears under the warm sun not allowing him to to listen to another word, without exploding.
He placed the phone down and pulled out his own, rushing to the search engine on his own phone, writing down the few lyrics he understood in hopes of finding the song that would only serve to further drive his desires and hopes. 
“Sunburn by The LivingTombstone.” He murmured as he was successful in finding it. His friend passed him a water bottle, silent as he sat down. Yuji- still flustered by everything he had heard slowly grasped it. “Ah, thanks a lot Megumi.” Though Yuji felt that he was thanking his friend for more than the water bottle that he guzzled down. 
Megumi thought Yuji had lost his mind when he threw the rest of the water he didn’t drink on top of his head, it soaked through his hair and trickled down his temple to his chin. 
˚ · • . ° .
By the end of the day, he had memorized the strange tune from the song that he had no idea what they were saying. He also hadn’t heard the song playing on your speaker, or phone when the two of you were together. His eyebrows knitted together as he laid in bed staring at the song, the wonderful graphics of the animated music video. After it played for about the 7th time, he looked up the lyrics translated in Japanese and his heart started swooning. 
Turning to lay on his toned chest, digging his face in his pillow as he shut his eyes. Highschool crushes were the worst, they had a way of pulling the strangest reactions from you, the only thing in the world that made Yuji feel like he had to hold on to this one thing with the strongest grip in the world. So he wouldn’t loose you like he had lost so many others, he tried his best to ignore Sukuna and his quips about how he pursuit was futile. How you’d grow tired of his insistence sooner or later. 
All his focus was on the lyrics that caught his attention, the words swirling around and pulling his heart with it. 
“I’m losing myself. You smile, and I get sunburn.” 
He hoped that this song was recently added to your playlist after meeting him. He prayed to whoever was listening, that this was how you felt about him, and only him. 
You were no stranger to a guy paying you extra attention, in contrast, you enjoyed it. But it being a fellow student at Jujustsu High, made you uneasy. Sure, he was an underclassmen and it meant you could boast about being a students favorite senpai. But you weren’t a normal schoolgirl, not some person who could hang out with the other cursed users, like the elders once said- ‘until you control yourself, you may as well be a danger to others.’ How long ago was that? 
Never mind, you had more important things to think about, like a certain underclassmen who was attached to your hip, and fed you compliments when you least expected them. 
After training, he’d ask you to go out to lunch with him, and sit and talk. Your leg would bounce nervously, not used to being around someone this long. You had relationships before, but once you realized that they were all ending the same way because they’re normal humans, blessed with the ignorance of curses, you stopped trying. Sure you slept with someone every now and then at your university, but you never did more than that. Not like it lasted that long anyway, or that you enjoyed it so much that you’d do it again. 
This was the second time you had left the school grounds with Yuji. He beamed at you when you said yes, and when it got silent between you two, that’s when he’d compliment you, “you’re so pretty (y/n), I’m sure lots of people tell you that.” Sometimes you’d wake up early for a run, and when you reached the field, there was Yuji, waiting, a tired look on his face. You didn’t know how he knew, but he did and there he was, waving energetically when your eyes met. He was much faster than you, but he made you giggle whenever he passed you with a goofy remark. “Say! You’re pretty fast, you finally finished that lap after my third!” He’d joke sarcastically. 
No one was as athletically gifted as Yuji. 
You had turned him down on other casual hangouts at first, you were afraid that he’d be affected by you. But then he kept insisting and there were only so many excuses you could come up with, so you guessed it was alright after some time. It wasn’t like you avoided people, you just wanted to do what was right for others. And the more you indulged in his little requests to see new attractions in Tokyo, the more you felt your self sinking in a thick pool of sand. He was always excited and always included you in his excitement, he listened to all the things you’d inform him about. The things you learned when you first came. 
It was like you were the only person next to him, when he walked, people cleared the way for his tall statue and boyish charm. You didn’t miss the staring and jealous glares. Itadori Yuji was more than than just handsome. And you’d be deceiving yourself if you said he didn’t have a perfect body. You walked through the city together as the sun started setting, and when you passed by a train station, you grabbed his waist innocently to prevent you two being separated. Yuji may know where he is, but he’d still get lost in the sea of people, you knew this because he had told you. You found it deliciously cute. How foolish of you to grab him so possessively, you were guiding him through the people, but all the same your head was swarming with images of that could be hiding under his shirt. 
His baggy choice of clothes on this casual outing, depraving you of any imagination before hand. But now, you were drinking him in, the way his arm held onto you by your shoulders. You started to wondered when you had gotten so close to each other. You swore he had pulled you in closer, and you the sinking feeling pulled you down faster. There was a warning you usually followed that was being drowned out by the vibrations of yuji’s energy. It was a dangerously catchy beat, almost sounded like a mix of techno and pop…..
You made it through, quickly unwrapping yourself as your cheeks grew hot, a bad habit, pulling away from others, he linked his arm with yours with a wolfish grin. You stared at him, confused as to how someone could be so naturally sweet. How could you remember you were cursed when he looked at you like that, the sun was setting but when he smiled at you like that, you could feel your cheeks being sunburned. ‘God damnit’. 
The two of you were like a pair of walking magnets, you always found yourself someway, somehow linked together.
So while you walked back to your parking spot, which was ridiculously far, you walked together with your arm tucked nicely in his. 
After that, Yuji became more and more attached to you. Any time you weren’t on a mission, he found you. You swore he had some kind of tracking device on you. On your days off, you dedicated them to reading and catching up on shows that you meant to watch; now your days off consisted of a pink haired boy knocking on your door, begging you to take him somewhere new, or asked to watch some new ridiculous movie. And how could you say no to a face like that? 
The sinking feeling you were desperately fighting was reaching you at your hips. You could no longer pull your feet out to try and fight it. 
. ˚ · • . ° .
He had successfully been able to pull you out of your isolation cocoon. He saw the way Maki smirked at him, he had assumed it was a thank you, for pulling you out of your selfless endeavor. At least you weren’t alone. And Yuji wasn’t complaining, you were so fun to be around, he felt at ease around you. So on an afternoon that you had made it to Jujustu tech high after a mission, he treated you to dinner in the common space. Where he couldn’t help but say, “Your the best company to have, (y/n)-senpai!” You flushed proudly, you could get used to hearing that~
And when he asked you to take him to Tokyo Tower the next day, the main attraction he had hoped to see one day in his outskirt town, you jokingly declined, until he begged. Yes- ‘begged’ on his knees, gripping your legs, and at the time he thought it was funny, until he breathed in your scent and it made his head swoon. He brushed it off when you laughed and pushed his head, “Ok! You can count on me! Now get off.” He did so eagerly, a second longer and he would have lost it. 
So what, so what he thought you smelled nice and looked so pretty in your uniform, that you always looked so pretty, so approachable. Many individuals stopped you for directions, especially tourists, maybe it was because of your americanized style? He wouldn’t dwell on it too long, it did things to him. He thought it was your curse building on his feeling of friendship. What he didn’t know was that your curse wasn’t that interested in Yuji, like it wasn’t affecting him………..
The leggings you wore with those cute oversized shirts that you tuck in the back in your bra to accentuate your figure. Showing off your toned legs from training and your curves ever so evident for everyone to see in the warming spring. Your hair pulled back in a slicked way to round out you face and make you look younger. He gave you a closed eyed grin, not able to keep looking at you, he’d burst in to flames if he did. You were attractive, so what, he wouldn’t make you uncomfortable. You were too precious.
But you were too focused on his own body to think of the possibility of him doing the same. And so what, he was attractive, you held no shame. He deserved the attention. 
Your style was americanized, maybe that was why tourists found you so approachable, asking for directions. Especially the Americans, and they’d rejoice when they heard you reply in English to their butchered Japanese. He liked how easy it came to you to help others. And he thanked you internally for giving him your time as well.  Traveling on the train wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea.
You took him to Tokyo Tower and guided him through it, the whole reason it was so famous, the history to it and taking him to the main deck, and when you brought him up to the top deck, pointing to all the places you knew. He noticed the goosebumps on your skin since you had no sleeves and he shed his oversized coat on you, wordesly placing it on your shoulders. You didn’t ignore the sweet gesture, you just smiled at him as he leaned forward on the railing with you and continued to point to places and ask you what they were. Thanks to the clear skies on the spring afternoon, you noticed that Mount Fiji was in view and pointed to it for him.
He was mesmerized, and watched the entire city in silence, taking it in, he pressed his shoulder against yours, and you didn’t move. Not wanting to break the blissful moment with Itadori Yuji. Watching the clouds move and taking in the breeze that carried both of your scents. 
You both didn’t want to move before it was time, but the breeze got stronger as the afternoon sun begin its descent. You both made your way down the crazy long tower, and headed to Shiodome, where there was an “Italian town” by Hama-rikyu Gardens you knew he’d love. And he had. 
For the first time in a long time, you received a call from Satoru-san, and when you looked down to your phone, you hadn’t realize the time. ‘Oh shit, I’m gonna hear it now.’ 
“Why haven’t you come back? Did you at least go out with another second year?”
“I actually gave Yuji a tour of Tokyo Tower, sorry, I hadn’t looked at the time.”
“Hm, okay, tell him I say hi. Have fun, let me know when you get to your dorm.” 
He had ended the call cheerfully, ‘what the hell.’ Yuji was watching you attentively, “was that Gojo-sensi?” He asked softly, you nodded. “He wanted to know when I was coming home.” Yuji took his phone out to look at the time and hissed when he saw it said 10:46. 
“Oh gosh, I hadn’t realized the time, we should probably get back.” You giggled and waved your hand to relax him, “Were both free tomorrow, he wasn’t telling me to go home, just checking in. He said to tell you Hi, actually.” He grinned and agreed there was no harm. And with that you both walked the combed gardens while finding your way. The night was peaceful, you found your arms linked together again, how? You had no idea, but they were, and you weren’t going to pull away if he didn’t. 
“What was America like?” He asked as you sat at a bench together. You had convinced him that taking the subway later would be calmer. He didn’t protest to more time with you. You hummed and clicked your tongue on the top of the roof of your mouth while you thought. “It was suffocating sometimes, they hold so many useless ideals unlike Japan. But I do miss it sometimes, the language, the music, the dumb class clowns.” You had picked up on the cultural difference between Japan and America about a month in. America had so many useless laws and ideals, Japan was much more comfortable, but you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t miss certain things. Japan had a way of slowly reminding you that you yourself were a foreigner, like with the traditional Japanese names and writing characters, you still struggled with them. 
He noticed it too when you sometimes refrained from saying Megumi’s full name, addressing him as ‘gumi’, instead. He was jealous for not having a nickname. But he pushed it down, deep down. “Do you ever think about, I don’t know, going back?” You leaned against him, shoulder to shoulder, delighted to feel him lean in too. “Sometimes, but then I remember, there’s nothing or anyone waiting for me. I like the family I have here better.” His heart fluttered to hear you say family, did that include him too?
You both spoke of your childhoods, it was peaceful, engulfing the two of you in a blissful stop, where everything else was secondary to the person sitting next to you. It wasn’t long until you stood and stretched with his much too big jacket on your frame, announcing you were gonna head back. He flushed, you were still wearing it, and it was adorable, his heart pounding. He might be in some trouble after all. He tried to build up the courage to grab you hand, but chickened out to link your arms once again, as he had done the whole day. He smiled softly when you pulled him closer and leaned your head on his upper arm. He might ask for more one day, but this would suffice if you never wanted him the way he did, ‘wait, what?’ He thought. He was definitely in trouble. 
You both walked and waited for the subway, to get to the outskirts of the your school. These were the quiet moments he missed, he didn’t have them anymore now that Sukuna was in the way and always pitched in to his thoughts. Something he just placed to together he hadn’t heard from Sukuna all day……
His huge jacket and the quiet lulling swaying of the train was making you sleepy, something you hadn’t been able to achieve until Yuji began consuming your thoughts. You wondered how long this fantasy would last until your curse would force you to loose this ray of sunshine in your life.
‘Maybe i’ll be little selfish for a while longer’. You felt the sinking feeling continue to consume you, all the way up to your chest, your arms didn’t even move to claw yourself up.
You had fallen asleep too quickly to stop yourself, and Yuji grinned and chuckled as he wrapped an arm around you and leaned you against his shoulder, his heart beating too quickly to register his own tired state. Despite it being a little ways over midnight, he’d been asking so much of your time, he’d push through and give you this small moment of peace. He’d take care of you now. 
You made it home and walked to your dorm, that he had walked you too on the 2nd years side. 
“Goodnight, Yuji-san.” You said sweetly, he hummed and leaned forward, your eyes widening. It was like he had been asking for a goodnight kiss. Not knowing what else to do, not wanting to sink any further, you pulled him into a tight hug, instead. He sighed inwardly, he had been lulled into your adorable face by his sleepy mind, attempting to kiss you. But this was fine too. As you pulled away, dashing into you room, back against the door, your heart pounding. Something Yuji hadn’t glossed over when you had hugged him. 
He couldn’t help the grin on his face as he leaned on to your door, arm of the door and felt your heartbeat and said, “Goodnight (y/n)-Senpai.” You didn’t hear him walk away for a few moments, heart pounding in your ears making you think he had. 
But when he did, you fell on your butt, back still against the door. ’This is bad. REALLY bad’, you thought. After a few moments, you had to hold back a scream when your door knob turned and tried to fly open, only to be stopped by your back and head. “At-ti-ti-ti” you groaned while holding your head and moved out of the way, there stood Maki, face stoick as always, until she found you on the floor, with Yuji’s jacket still on, cheeks flushed all the way to your ears. She smirked. Walking over to your bed with a proud look. Sitting with legs crossed and leaned forward.
“Cougar”, she jabbed. 
You knew you weren’t getting any sleep. You’d have to tell her every detail. Or else. 
.˚ · • . ° .
Though Itadori had taken you out another couple of times, and gotten more brazen, holding your hand when walking through the city and thru the last Tokyo attraction you’d both had been too, he also saw how much more flustered you’d become. You never pulled away, never stopped him when he hugged you, or put an arm around your shoulders. You just flushed and looked away, peeking over at him and quickly look away again. You realized that the others had also picked up on how you and Yuji were subconsciously flirting. 
Panda had already teased you about it, which Yuji had noticed, but you huffed and took your leave for a shower. Panda then teased him about, “oii, Yuji~ what do you prefer? Boobs or butts!” He probably choked before he even picked. Panda snickering before patting his shoulder, “come on, don’t be shy~!” The smug grin on the cursed corpse edging Yuji to answer.
He thought deeply, he wouldn’t lie, he did like a plump, round “-butt.” His senpai huffed pervertedly, chuckling while patting on his lower classmen’s shoulders. 
You had left and Yuji, would have lied if he said that he didn’t watch you walk away. 
He’d wait for you, however long it takes. There was something there, and he’d wait. But for now, he’d focus on getting stronger. 
So for the rest of the afternoon, He’d train,with Gojo….
-After a couple days. (You and Maki and Nobara were sitting in a park, with your speakers, exploring American music.)
During a training break where he sat on the floor, watching panda and Toge train now as Megumi went to get some drinks. He spaced out for a moment, thinking of you, and that sun dress you had worn a few days back, going for a food run, to which he invited himself too. The mini fridge wouldn’t stock itself. And besides, you weren’t really allowed to leave the grounds of the school on your own, due to your curse and all. But mostly because it was Gojo’s request, so you were totally okay with him tagging along. 
He watched the way your skin, that was usually unexposed, drank up the sun from the early summer days. The way your legs glimmered, they looked so soft. He wondered what else was soft- His train of thought was thankfully stopped by the ringing of a phone next to him and to his surprise it wasn’t his own. When he glanced down, the caller ID was Nobara and he assumed the phone belonged to Megumi. But what he was greeted with, took him by surprise:
Y: Hey Nobara, Megumi’s in the bathroom-
N: (nobara speaking) Oh come on, between the three of us, you’re telling me you’re not getting any action? Even with Yuji floating around you like that? 
He heard all three of you giggle. And he swore he was going to hang up, but the conversation kept peeking his interest. *especially since he heard his name….
N: ((y/n) speaking) It’s nothing like that, Itadori is better off keeping his distance. I’m the one being selfish. Besides, if we ever get to that point, I might never be able to look at him again if he’s affected by me. 
You sighed and turned on some English music. It was clear that Nobara had either did this on purpose or butt dialed Megumi by an accident. 
N: (Maki speaking) Don’t try and to act innocent you cougar, (y/n) is just afraid that he’ll either be the best experience she’s had in bed, or just the same as the rest. 
Nobara tried to stifle her laugh, unsuccessfully. And at this moment, Yuji thought he felt guilty for listening, but he knew himself better than that.
N: ((y/n) speaking) MAKI! Don’t embarrass me like this! I’m only a year older than him! BESIDES, even if I did imagine something happening between us, at the end of the day, sooner or later, he’ll grow to resent me the more his body is exposed to my cursed energy.
You sighed, getting quiet again. Itadori felt his chest heaving, turning to make sure Megumi was no where near. 
N: (Nobara speaking) Oh come on, Yuji is too soft to ever do something like that. You should know how he is, I don’t think he has a bone in his body with malice. He more of a walking airhead.
There was a pause, only the strange English music that Yuji was printing into the back of his mind to search up and add to your playlist he created. He never wanted to forget the next words that escape your mouth through the phone. 
N: ((y/n) speaking) You’re right, I can’t change how I feel, and I can’t change the strange feeling that something bad will happen. I’m sure Maki will flick my forehead for this - there was a pair of chuckles - I’ll just be selfish for as long as I can and let him decide. I am still his favorite senpai~
With that- he hung up the phone call, his fluttering heart and burning ears under the warm sun not allowing him to to listen to another word, without exploding.
He placed the phone down and pulled out his own, rushing to the search engine on his own phone, writing down the few lyrics he understood in hopes of finding the song that would only serve to further drive his desires and hopes. 
“Sunburn by The LivingTombstone.” He murmured as he was successful in finding it. His friend passed him a water bottle, silent as he sat down. Yuji- still flustered by everything he had heard slowly grasped it. “Ah, thanks a lot Megumi.” Though Yuji felt that he was thanking his friend for more than the water bottle that he guzzled down. 
Megumi thought Yuji had lost his mind when he threw the rest of the water he didn’t drink on top of his head, it soaked through his hair and trickled down his temple to his chin. 
.˚ · • . ° .
By the end of the day, he had memorized the strange tune from the song that he had no idea what they were saying. He also hadn’t heard the song playing on your speaker, or phone when the two of you were together. His eyebrows knitted together as he laid in bed staring at the song, the wonderful graphics of the animated music video. After it played for about the 7th time, he looked up the lyrics translated in Japanese and his heart started swooning. 
Turning to lay on his toned chest, digging his face in his pillow as he shut his eyes. Highschool crushes were the worst, they had a way of pulling the strangest reactions from you, the only thing in the world that made Yuji feel like he had to hold on to this one thing with the strongest grip in the world. So he wouldn’t loose you like he had lost so many others, he tried his best to ignore Sukuna and his quips about how he pursuit was futile. How you’d grow tired of his insistence sooner or later. 
All his focus was on the lyrics that caught his attention, the words swirling around and pulling his heart with it. 
“I’m losing myself. You smile, and I get sunburn.” 
He hoped that this song was recently added to your playlist after meeting him. He prayed to whoever was listening, that this was how you felt about him, and only him. 
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prrtnrr · 6 months
Also oooh we getting any p5 ships? PEGORYU MAYBE
((im too excited to keep this to myself lol, i love the smt persona series if anyone was curious, but i wanna explore yosuke meeting all these persona users who came before his group and after his group. i think thats neat :) i been trying to think of a way to have them all meet without it seeming like im just throwing characters together, least i hope it comes off that way, im not super confident in my writing but goddamn if im not having a great time doing this. idk if anyone was as invested in the p5 flower child au as i was, but i was suuuper into it, tatsujun parenting means the world to me. cant wait to draw dilf tatsuya for p5 ships, i might! theres a couple p5 ones i think are cute like makoto/haru or pegoryu bc i have taste- now more insane ramblings under the cut bc i cant shut up
i do wanna say some ships i wont be doing so yall can see inside my twisted mind- * i dont ship futaba with anyone, shes so baby sister coded to me, i cant it feels illegal * im not a big fan of akechi lol and with the way im loosely following the plots of the persona games, akechis not gonna show up unless he was mentioned/flashback, bc... yk... he kinda... well thats spoilers but ykyk. also theres only room for one detective prince in my heart (naoto)
to round it off some fun plot points i wanna explore (feel free to add any thru asks too i think its fun to have this be collaborative) * Souji and Akira get velvet room time together, souji gets to chill in a nice limo, akiras always in jail, its goofy * ryuji, futaba, and ann bumping into rise and naoto walking around the central shopping district, ryuji goes nuts bc thats rissette, ann goes nuts bc thats rissette and the original detective prince, futaba makes a joke that theyre dating bc naoto and rise are walking closely and have matching necklaces, kanji shows up, kanji also has a matching necklace. ryuji falls to his knees and yells YOU CAN DO THAT????????? * i have a cute idea for Rise and Ann talking about their inspirations for how they both got into their lines of work, i think they have a lot of overlap * Haru and Yukiko talking about having to take over their family businesses, the stress of it, being grateful for having the opportunity but also resenting said opportunity * Kanji, Ryuji, and Chie training together, talking about why they train, how they become stronger to be able to protect ppl they care about (kanji with biker gangs for his mom) (chie fighting off bullys who pick on kids, and her exp with Takeshi from her slink) (Ryuji training to continue to protect the track team hes no longer part of) * Futaba and Yosuke talking about video games, yosuke becoming overwhelmed by just how much futaba knows about video games, new baby sister unlocked * ryuji and teddie almost get arrested, they hype each other up too much, dangerous combo * Makoto and Naoto have a law and order moment * Nanako and Futaba talking about dads :) an opportunity for Futaba to feel like someones elder while Nanako makes Futaba feel like shes the younger one. why is nanako so responsible. * hey yall ever remember that ken amada p3 is the same age as the p5 cast, they were all born in 1998, isnt that-))
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betasquadx · 8 months
- Harry Lewis (w2s) nsfw alphabet - (request)
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Hey so again I don’t know too much about the sidemen (except Simon🤭) watched them a couple of times but its mainly beta squad for me, so im so sorry if this is inaccurate because I don’t know him too well, but hope you enjoy!!<3
Also this is heavily (and I mean HEAVILY) inspired by @g-xix ‘s one on him, so please go check that one out cause its probably way more accurate than this, also love their writing so deffo check them out‼️
A = After care (what they’re like after sex)
Mans is showering you with kisses, whether it be on the neck, cheek, forehead, or somewhere else (🫢) he’s kissing you, everywhere. He definitely worry’s to make sure your okay and always cuddles you aswell (awh☹️🫶🏻). When its time for a shower or bath he’s definitely letting you lean on him while walking over (or carrying you, you never know🤷‍♀️)
B = body part (their favourite body part of there’s and their partner’s)
Honestly pretty basic but he’s definitely a tits guy. Like idk he gives off tit vibes, like he probably loves kissing them, holding them, sucking them, you name it. His favourite body part of his is maybe his hands? Like idk why but I feel like he loves the fact he’s strong yk? Like he can use them in different ways too yk 😨
C = Cum (anything to do with cum)
He definitely loves seeing you covered in it, yours or his, he doesn’t care. He isn’t a massive fan of what it feels like after its dried in so after he’s always rushing to tidy you up so its not messy. Don’t get me wrong, he loves releasing in you as-well, you whimpering while he does always turns him on.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’s definitely submissive. You can’t tell me this man is dominant, like okay, he can be a switch but he gives of such submissive vibes😭. (Nothing wrong w that😻) He can be dominant, like when he’s dominant, HE’S DOMINANT. But when he’s submissive.. oh my days he’s submissive. You get me?
E = Experience (how experienced are they, do they know what there doing?)
He’s definitely not inexperienced, he would be open to trying new things with you, but he’s not very very experienced (you can help him be xx)
F = Favourite position
Cow girls is the obvious one but why do I think he’d enjoy missionary? Probably both ig just depends on the day tbh.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment?)
So goofy it got to the point where you had a full on discussion with him about the way he talks during sex. Like don’t get me wrong he’s good at dirty talking, but tell me why he’s cracking awful dad jokes while thrusting in and out of you? Honestly I’d have a discussion w him too babe..
H = Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? Etc.)
I think there’s definitely hair down there but its took care off. Well managed but sometimes he just doesn’t care, so you remind him. 💀
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment?)
He’s definitely into taking it slow and kissing you while just telling you how much he loves you, but he’s also into rough, dirty talk, spanking, the lots, so both.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Probably wanks whenever your not with him, he sometimes texts you in the middle of the night asking for you to send stuff or even just call him and talk him through his orgasm, maybe even if you deny it to him through the phone (like I said he definitely loves being dominated).
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Icl he’s into dominatrix stuff. You can’t tell me otherwise. Probably loves being tied up, marked with your hickies, spanked, whipped, literally everything like that. Loves being dominated and especially when you degrade and praise him at the same time. Like having you say ‘good boy’ to him while also saying how pathetic he is after cumming for the 6th time? He loves it.
L = Location (favourite place to do it)
His or your bedroom. Occasionally he’ll do hotel rooms but it doesn’t happen often (unless..you want it to?🤭) He probably wouldn’t take the risk tho because he’d be so embarrassed if yous got caught.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Literally anything, he loves you, like if you bend down, suddenly your fucking in the kitchen. If he knows your horny he’ll definitely take the opportunity.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I think he’s open to try anything but he’s definitely not into piss play or wtv that is. Every-time he hears about it he gets disgusted.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Definitely giving. Don’t get me wrong he loves getting head, especially when he’s tied up so he can’t control it, but he’s definitely someone who prefers giving. He loves the taste of your pussy & the way it looks, he just loves you. ‼️
P = Pace (are they fast and rough or slow and sensual? Etc.)
I feel like he’d definitely prefer slow and sensual, more of a loving romantic man and he’d love fucking you slowly while telling you how beautiful you are, but in saying that he loves fast and rough, especially when your in control.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Hates them, nothing worse than not being able to fuck you probably knowing he has to leave soon. They almost never happen, he prefers when yous have all the time in the world.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? Etc. )
He’s definitely open to experimenting and trying to things but doesn’t like taking risks, like I said he hates the idea of someone walking in on yous mid sex.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
He could probably go for a solid 2-3, 4 is pushing it but the odd time he’ll do 4, it honestly depends on his mood and what he’s feeling.
T = Toys (do they own any toys? Do they use them? On there partner or on themself?)
Ngl he probably has a whole drawer of stuff you can use on him, cock rings, vibrators, you name it. Doesn’t use them on you a lot because he can satisfy you other ways.
U = Unfair (do they like to tease)
He probably forgets how to tease you, he’s so focused on fucking you he doesn’t care. However, he loves and hates when you tease him, gets him horny but knowing he has to wait til he gets home is what kills him.
V = Volume (how loud are they? What sounds do they make? Etc.)
He isn’t really loud but can be, mostly just lets out grunts and groans and also high pitched whimpers and whines, especially when you dominate him.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Probably didn’t realise he liked being dominated until he met you, all it took was for you to bite his neck and stroke him through his pants and boom, he’s a sub.
X = X-Ray (lets see whats going on under those clothes)
Not insanely big, bang average, 5-6, but he’s thick. Very thick. He can work with thickness.
Y = Yearning (how high is there sex drive?)
High. He is needy, like 24/7, always letting you know he needs you and when you don’t give him what he wants he turns into a brat, but don’t worry, he’s only doing that so you can punish him harder yk🗣️‼️
Z = ZZZ (do they fall asleep straight after, are they tired or still have energy?)
After he finishes taking care of you he’s gone, like fast asleep, snoring n everything. Definitely if yous went for 3-4 rounds.
Hope you’s enjoyed this, as I said I don’t know him that well so I could only do this off inspo and from the brief stuff ik about him, also heavily inspired by @g-xix !! Go check out there one its amazing‼️🫶🏻
Love yous, please request more btw especially smut because I needa get used to writing it😭
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sophsicle · 19 days
hi soph, i‘m writing this just because i feel like you oftentimes feel as if you owe anyone an update? i saw ur post rn and i wanted to tell you that you.do.not.owe.us.an.update, it‘s not as if anyone is paying you for your work on ao3, or as if you have some type of obligation, if you wanted to you could take a 3 month long hiatus and still no one would get to tell you „hey when’s the update coming!! hurry up!!“ that’s fucked up and i hope you realise that you‘re worth more than you put out on the internet, you don’t owe anyone SHIT
first and foremost you should be writing when YOU feel like it and when YOU are inspired and motivated to
sorry for the rant ❤️❤️
Thank you this is very nice!
Honestly, it doesn't bother me usually when people either ask for updates here or if they comment on the fic they like and say "update when?" because cool, it's nice that you're invested! it means a lot that you care! it's just when they're going into other fics to be like "why not update something else?" that it starts to feel kind of shitty.
and i DO get it. really i do. i am a feelings writer not a planner and so dealing with that as a reader i can imagine is annoying cause like. where is the schedule? what are we doing here? it is truly based on the whims of my tiny scatter brained heart. and i really do want to try and update as consistently as possible because i know it gets hard to follow a story if there are month gaps between chapters.
BUT also. im just having fun y'know? and i feel a little bit like people are forgetting the fun silly goofiness of this space
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Oh, oh! I got one!
okay okay, so, don’t feel pressured to write this if you do t want to, but what about slashers (Vincent Sinclair, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, anyone else you wanna add) with a s/o who gets really distracted? Like, in the middle of doing something that should be simple, they zone out and forget what they were doing. (I have really bad ADHD so that’s why I’m asking-)
like, they even have to remind their s/o to take medicine and just nudges to get them back on track-
idk, do what you will with that idea, and again, thank u for ur time!!
btw, u look amazing today!!
You too look amazing today! Thanks for request! Why is everyone so spooked of requesting, the worst thing I can do is not answer🥰
Slashers with s/o that gets distracted A LOT
Sinclair Vincent
Imagine, s/o is in Vince workplace first time, he probably wants to turn them into wax figure, he leaves room for one second to grab some tools. Boom s/o is just walking around judging his wax figurines
Mans gonna be like 🧍in corridor when they are just amused by how cute and pretty some of those lil figurines are🥰
After they get along, Vince really enjoys slow walks thrue gallery or just near area, cuz its very pretty and there's no Bo screaming like child
He saw some pretty leaves, he went to pick them up so he can show them to s/o. He turn around... where.. where are they??!?!? Huuh did they leave him?? Dude will be overthinking hard. But after few minutes of looking for them, they just kinda spawn behind him "hey vince look i found this cool as rocks and then I saw deer's and I kinda fallowed them to this dope river come see!"they just grab his hand and lead him :(tbh vince was this close to mental break down, now he always holds hands
Myers Micheal
My dude is about to buy one of those backpack leashes that some parents have. He's like 80years young, ain't no way he's going to run around city looking for some guy who just saw pretty butterfly and almost got hit by a car 5times.
To be honest they should be ones making sure he won't just walk of and get lost in Forest judging by his age
When he notice that s/o didnt take their daily medicine he just takes it and slams it on desk/table next to them or just throws it at them! Take the pills dummy!
S/o calling him 'heya mickey im lost pick me up' happends twice per week. Really s/o be more careful pls
Voorhees Jason
If you thought that Vincent panicked? Oh this guy will have mental breakdown, cry and then search whole place
In forests signal sucks so they can't call him and screams won't do much cuz echo and Jason is mute so he cant yell back anyways
He won't buy leash but he will hold their hand 24/7 nuh uh you cant go run after those deers, no you can't go swimming we know what happend in 1957
Now he has ptsd and evertime he wakes up and doesn't see s/o in his eyesight he instantly thinks that she's in difrent country or dead
Heelshire Brahms
This dude knows the whole mansion no way he loses them here right?
Jokes on you brahms they are already on the other side of it
Even tho they are in closed space, which is safe and very known to Brahms it doesnt stop his abandment issues and... idk he has a lot of issues tbh. No matter how long he knows s/o he's is 100% sure that they are trying to leave.
He will probably speed run thrue corridors screaming their name and he just stubbles across them just watching paitinings on walls "this you? You were ugly ass baby" "WHERE WERE YOU" "I saw funny rats and i wondered where they have secret cheese hideout" "rats?😰" (its a reference to my old fic where brahms was beaten up by rats and now hes spooked of them)
He has calendar with highlighted date everyday they have to take pills and how many so every morning when s/o wakes up they see his face like few centimetres away from theirs, with aggressive eye contact holding pills "it is time my love" " oh :("
I added brahms cuz hes goofy, have wonderful day person reading this!! And never be spooked to ask for headcanons! We love that
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