maggiec70 · 1 month
Maréchaux d'Empire: La gloire pour destin
Quelle horreur!
On the other hand, this book will keep me alternating between guffaws and serious eye-rolls for days.
The "replacement" for David Chandler's anthology, Napoleon's Marshals, published in 1987 with each of the 26 mini-bios written by for-real scholars [and not just Americans, either] is this November 2023 anthology edited by Francois Houdecek, who holds forth at the Sorbonne, claims to be a "disciple" of Jean Tulard [I believe M. Tulard has thousands of those!], and is involved in all sorts of activities and scribblings involving Naps. He is also responsible for gathering and organizing vast quantities of Napoleon's correspondence, so kudos for that.
However--and oh, my! what a huge "however" this is!--the 26 contributors range from the marginally average Pierre Branda to the apparent dregs of French scholarship whose names have never resonated outside the borders of Gallica. Each of these articles is depressingly cardboard, flimsy with details, utterly bereft of any attempt at analysis or understanding of the individual's character, talents--or lack thereof--and other useful and expected details, even in an anthology. These contributors apparently competed to see who could write the most drivel using the fewest sources. Naturally, I went straight to the entry about Lannes, and by the time I reached the end, I had permanently dislocated my eyebrows. The "author" of this travesty is Jacques-Olivier Boudon, whose credentials, on paper, are impressive but whose knowledge of Jean-Boy is worse than passing; it is non-existent. The reason for that is based on M. Boudon's sources:
He cites Lannes’ “official dossier” in the SHD, which I copied before I left, so I know every page and every sentence in it, and I know you won’t find squat that is useful unless, of course, you care how much putting on Mozart’s Requiem cost, and who sang the tenor solo.
High on the hit parade list is Regis de Crepy’s smarmy bio of the Lovely Louise, another book I can quote endlessly. Boudon used one letter from that.
Boudon also took bits and pieces from the three more recent French biographies by Dammame, Zins, and Willette—although the latest was published in 1994—and explained what I thought about them in a previous blog.
The absolutely most hysterical “source” is the 2002 historical fiction by a lovely 93-year-old woman, Penelope Le Fers-Dupac, who lives in Lectoure and who I know [I also know the biographer Jean-Claude Dammame, but that’s another story]. This novel is called “Le Mousquetaire de Napoleon: L’autre vie du marechal Lannes.” Make of this what you will, but it is the wonderfully entertaining, hilarious, and fictional tale of Jean-Boy’s first marriage.
I am appalled that this person didn’t do justice to Jean-Boy in an anthology where he would have shone at the top in capable hands. I know who's the real expert here, and I certainly don’t mind if someone also chooses to write about My Guy. But he or she had damn well better get it right, and this French morceau de merde massacred his subject.
BTW, joachimnapoleon, have you encountered Vincent Haegele? He did Murat no favors here, either. Thanks for reading the rant. I feel better.
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johnadamsnotquincy · 8 months
Teehee hi babe
📷 🎵
My lock screen carousel with my art and this was it when I opened it last:
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2. And the last song I listened to was "Come With Me" by Chxrlotte. It's in one of my OCs' (Kev's) playlists.
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justdavina · 1 month
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Such a sweet transgender woman! I love her very very very pretty dress. With it's low cut top it shows just enough to be delicious! I LOVE her beautiful straight hair and her face...Oh My ..She's just a amazing woman anyone would be lucky to have as a girl friend or more! She would make for a very pretty wife.
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temporarylikeapumpkin · 11 months
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kahtiihma · 5 months
when I first joined the Malevolent official discord in April 2021, there were some goofs being made about fanfiction and I made a quip about tender hand holding. HG send me this file the very next day.
Arthur: I- I don't understand- John: I want you to hold my hand, Arthur. Arthur: Okay! John: Tenderly. (Music starts playing) Arthur: All right. John: How does it...how does it make you feel? Arthur: It's...nice. I quite like it. John: Me too. (dramatic clang sound effect, music fades out)
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communistkenobi · 1 year
something I don’t see people bring up a lot when talking about worldbuilding, especially when you’re creating cities, is wind. prevailing winds in many places in the northern hemisphere blow from west -> east, and because industrial production tended to take place in the centre of cities, workers would live downwind of factories while the wealthier classes would live on the other side, away from air pollutants, which is why a lot of cities have a poor east-end and a rich west-end, a spatial configuration that persists in many places that are now post-industrial
and in general the built environment has a durability to it that persists far past the historical moments that produce those configurations. this means that the stated aims of a city via a vis city planning are frequently at odds with the physical layout of the city itself. so if you want to create a city that feels like it has a long history to it, working through its earlier stages of production can help with decisions you make about its layout, and also allow for weird spatial contradictions in a city that has to constantly fight against its own physical history
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solarg0blin · 5 days
I redrew some Merlin characters to be more historically and culturally accurate! The text is their original names in a later Latin script, yoinked from a display in the Corinium Museum, Cirencester. (Sneaky edit to add: Y'all are incredibly welcome to use this in any way you want, I would love to see more of my home's culture being represented more accurately in media!!) (Also on Instagram)
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Unlabelled version under the cut!!
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linipik · 10 months
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6000+ years, together
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finnslay · 8 months
"Do you have to make being queer your whole personality?"
Yes. It angers you. It causes you discomfort... it's payback for the discomfort you've caused me. Its reversing my trauma into my queerness and superblasting it into you just because it pisses you off!
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fashionsfromhistory · 7 months
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Sashiko Jacket
1850-1899 (Meiji Era)
Sashiko is a quilting technique that uses a running stitch to reinforce and prolong the life of a textile or to join together recycled pieces of cloth into a new garment. Japanese farmers used the technique to create warmer and more durable fabrics, and decorative sashiko stitching developed from this practical function. This robe’s embroidered design is dominated by three variations on the pattern of interlocking circles, called shippō-tsunagi. The bottom band features a design of waves.
The MET (Accession Number: 67.172.1)
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I.... it's a heater. Happy Black History Month
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werewolfaday · 3 months
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Ko-Fi requeest for T! day 50!
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(they gave me a couple ideas for the prompt too, one of them being a poetry read! i thought it might be cute if instead of snapping they did like. soft little howls)
The second part was extra as a v fun exercise! I think werewolves in general would have a lot of diversity in style and shifted/half-shifted forms so this gave me an excuse to play around with that :) thought I should include a werehyena bc that's the wolf substitute for the shape-shifters of African folklore (and *jaguars in south america, tigers in India, etc!)
Also in doing a little bit of research for Black werewolf characters I found this super cool werewolf comic I wanted to highlight by Michelin Hess, a Black author/artist! She has other work that you should check out too. In fact, feel free to shout out any of your favorite Black artists in the comments or tags! Or let me know the other ways y'all are celebrating this month :)
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
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"Yes, Transsexual!" is a short zine about the history of the term transsexual, when the term transgender came into usage, and why and how many people still use the term transsexual and how it can be seen as an extremely distinct and important identity for many trans people.
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thetisming · 4 months
btw if you remove people of colour, fat people and disabled people from queer history youve removed so much that you can barely even call it history anymore.
disabled queer people have always been here. non-white queer people have always been here. fat queer people have always been here. you cannot erase ANY of us without erasing a huge part of queer history.
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Now that Traum has finally settled in NA server and also to celebrate me getting neither Kriemhild or Charuru after 88 rolls, I present to you my whacky “redraw attempt” of Kriemhild’s Accusation (Emil Lauffer) two years ago:
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Ya, she’s mad, like, MAD mad. And her husband being all “Sumanai” in Suwabe Junichi voice. Sigh.
Here’s the link to the drive where you can download the drawings.
I’ll put the original painting and my gacha screen under the cut…
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kxmpfflieger · 8 months
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If anything happens to them I will end it all
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