#not Robin cause she’s a loser and I love that for her
bluerosefox · 1 year
Assassin Heir? Crime Fighting Furry? NOPE NO THANK YOU!
"Danyal, its time to end this game and return with me."
Danny should had known Clockwork had something in mind when he sent him on this mission. He knew he should had been suspicious of the time keeper when he noticed the little 'this is going to be fun' smile on his face when he sent Danny off into the portal.
"Get back here you demon spawn 2.0!"
But how was he supposed to know that he'd wake up in this world version of himself in a pit full of corrupted (AND NASTY) ectoplasim at the tender age of five or that when he swam up to the surface he'd be meeting face to face with what was apparently a cult.
"-O just spotted him a block away! I'll try to cut itty bitty bridie off!"
An Assassins Cult his, new to him, loving yet a little insane mother was in charge of (though during the few months he stayed in the compound he heard rumors and gossip from maids and others alike that if his grandfather returned from the dead he'll take over once again, no doubt punish Talia for creating another heir after the failure of the last one, most likely was going to kill Danny and that... that was can of worms Danny didn't wanna deal with yet)
"Ten bucks says they try to stab RR when we get the feral thing home"
"...Losers bet...."
Danny had lived with his mother for a while after being brought back from the 'dead' for apparently the first time, it turned out training a five year old with an actual sword and a dumbass hidden revenge seeking teacher was a terrible idea.
"I swear if this one tries to murder me like the others I'm asking Zatanna if there is a curse on me."
He dealt with her high demands of perfection, the endless training, and the constant comparisons to his apparent older brother Damain... Who didn't know Danny, or rather Danyal existed.
Nor did his father (when Danny, using his powers he's kept hidden since 'waking' up in this Realm, he sneaked his way around the base and discovered how he came into the world. And tbh he couldn't blame his mom how she made him, she was an assassin first and foremost, being naturally pregnant would had painted a target on her for to long... but he also felt it was unfair and an asshole move on his unsuspecting father as well)
"As your elder brother I demand you to stop running!"
Now don't get him wrong, he did like his new mother (total badass assassin lady and all that) and he knew she loved him in her own... deadly way. But yeah, she really shouldn't be taking care of kids. He could tell she struggled with wanting to be a normal mother but her first instinct after so many years was to be an assassin first.
Something she was trying to engrave into Danny with as well.
"Ah, hello Beloved. I see you've learned of our Danyal."
"Talia. Back away from him and leave Gotham now."
"I can not do that. The League needs an heir and since Damian refuses to return... I have decided to create a new one and I shall not be leaving until he returns with me."
Hence why when Danny, or rather Danyal al Ghul had gotten decent control over his powers he decided to leave the League. Again nothing wrong with the life his mom leads, to each their own, but he... really, really didnt want to be an assassin. Or an assassin heir.
So here he was, after almost a year on the run, using his powers and training to out smart and out maneuver his mother and her many band of Assassins, in Gotham. One of the last places he ever wanted to run to cause he knew his father and brother lived here.
It was just his luck that his mother had managed to intercept his train ride that passed into Gotham for a few hours and forced him to run into the city...
Add her assassins into the mix and running into Robin, who heard from Oracle his mother had been spotted chasing a young boy across the city, that same night.
After that it became a full on "catch me if you can" chase for not only his mother but for the batclan as well.
And after two whole days of chase, it seemed like the final showdown was about to begin because everyone was on top of this rooftop, his mother and her assassins on one side, his father and the batclan on the other and Danny well... he was right in the middle of all of it.
He just had to hope no one would notice him once the fighting started...
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sundrop-writes · 3 months
Mister Mxyzptlk
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Stiles Stilinski x Fem!Reader Blurb
Word Count: 800
Sundrop's Main Masterlist
Warnings: mentions of bullying (Stiles being bullied for having a 'weird' name); mentions of Stiles's trauma surrounding his mother's death; obscure comic book references; this is mostly just fluff - very light implications toward sexual themes, flirting and romantic attraction between Stiles and the reader.
A/N: So, the last time I was actively watching Teen Wolf (when S3 and S4 were airing) I thought it was a running gag that Stiles's real name was never revealed and it was just always a mystery to the audience (like how it's a gag in Degrassi that Heather St. Claire's face is never seen). But when I saw a tiktok showing his real name, I was shocked, and then entirely amused by it. And I was also really offended because I'm watching S1 for the first time and the coach calls Stiles's name 'child abuse' and his father doesn't even dispute that, knowing that it's a family name to honour his dead mother's side of the family. And the fact that he is a character whose real name is very hard to pronounce and very few people actually know what it is got me thinking about the comic book character - Mister Mxyzptlk - and I realized that Stiles, being a comic book nerd who is always referencing things like The Incredible Hulk and Batman and Robin, would fucking love that comparison. Thus, this mini fic. Usually, this is an idea I would save and put it as a moment in a longer fic, but I'm not currently working a fic where I feel like this fits in, so it has become its own mini fic. Random idea, but enjoy this random fluff.
"Is Stiles your real name?"
You inquired lightly, walking out of school with Scott and Stiles.
"It's something I've been wondering since we met."
Stiles felt a unique anxiety clutch in his chest at this question. He hated telling people his real name, especially when those people were pretty girls. Especially when they were pretty girls he had only met a week ago who were new in town who otherwise didn't know what a reputation he had for being a loser and could form their own opinions of him.
He could see any chance he had with you being flushed down the drain at top speed. But it wasn't much different from any other girl he previously had a crush on.
"Cause, I thought maybe it was your last name. Guys who play sports usually do that - always call each other by their last names." You went on, not sensing the awkwardness as Scott and Stiles eyed each other heavily, waiting for the other person to speak. "But I heard the coach calling you Balinski?"
"Stilinski." Stiles corrected you. "I think he gets my name wrong on purpose to belittle me." He gave a fake laugh to play it off, but you frowned.
"Stiles is a nickname." Scott added on, trying to usher Stiles away from the awkwardness of having to tell you himself. "His real first name is... really hard to pronounce, and not a lot of people at our school even know it. So - everyone just knows him as Stiles."
This brought Stiles back to a painful memory - in fourth grade, someone had seen the attendance sheet with his real name on it, and showed it to everyone else. And this had started a barrage of bullying and rumours about how he had gotten the name.
Some said that his mother hated him as soon as he was born and wanted to name him something really ugly to match him. Some said that his mother had a brain tumour and she named him in such an odd manner because her brain was 'mush' when he was born. And whenever people in the halls mockingly called him 'tumour baby' or 'brain tumour' - then he had to painfully be reminded of his mother's absence from his life.
"So you're like Mister Mxyzptlk?" You posed, a smile coming across your face from the joy of making such an apt reference.
Stiles looked at you then, unsure if he had heard you correctly - but his heart started to beat faster and he was sure that his crush developed into full, heart-stopping love in that moment.
A gorgeous, cute, sweet girl like you making such an obscure dorky reference - there was nobody else. Nobody else would ever make him feel the way you had in that moment.
Scott was entirely confused, looking between the two of you with utter dumbness across his face, wondering why Stiles' heart rate had increased so much.
"Ugh - yeah." Stiles stuttered out awkwardly. "Yeah, I guess I am."
"So, is learning your real name the power to defeating you?" You posed, smoothing your voice into a sultry tone, stepping closer to Stiles, running a hand up his bare forearm - clearly flirting now. "Do I get three chances to moan it in your ear without making a mistake before you're allowed to do whatever you want to me?"
Scott regretted his super-hearing, being able to catch exactly what you said in a low whisper against Stiles's ear.
Stiles's brain was short-circuiting.
You were making nerdy references and coming onto him now. His blood was rioting between rushing to his pants and giving him a heart attack, and soon, before he could stop it, he practically shouted:
"Marry me!"
And while this would have been a colossally awkward fumble with any other girl, you simply giggled and smiled.
"You're so cute." You complimented in return, reaching out to gently 'boop' a finger against his nose.
Stiles continued to gape at you, feeling like he needed to say more, needed to communicate just how epicly wonderful you were in his eyes.
"Chocolate? Or vanilla? Our wedding cake could have 4 tiers, or we could get one of those cupcake tower things, I heard those are really trendy."
You let out another laugh, thinking that he was joking - not realising that he was already picking out an engagement ring in his head, and wondering which comic book characters you would name your children after.
"We can start with a date." You told him. "Friday. After the game."
He nodded.
"Yes, date." He agreed eagerly. "A date would be amazing."
"I have to get going now." You added on - and he felt like he was floating when you leaned in and kissed him on the cheek before you departed. "See you later?"
"Everyday for the rest of our lives." Stiles mumbled quietly, entirely love-struck.
"What the hell was that?" Scott asked, still entirely baffled.
"We shall have a spring wedding." Stiles replied, his eyes still locked on your back as you walked away - clearly, he was still caught up in the euphoria of the interaction.
Scott had to drag him away.
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is it casual now?, pt. two
pt. one
my friends call me a loser ‘cause i’m still hanging around. i’ve heard so many rumors that i’m just a girl that you bang on your couch. i thought you thought of me better, someone you couldn’t lose. you said, “we’re not together,” so now when we kiss i have anger issues. you said, “baby, no attachments,” but we’re knee deep in the passengers seat and you’re eating me out, is it casual now?
around one in the morning, steve can’t take the tossing and turning anymore. he calls robin and she just says she’s coming over. she rides her bike all the way to steve’s house in the dark even though he tells her over and over not to do that. she just does.
he both loves and hates that she does.
steve’s on the couch in the living room again, moved back downstairs when he realized sleep wasn’t coming tonight. he’s sitting right where eddie had looked at him and rejected him. right where eddie had decided steve wasn’t worth the trouble. even in the privacy of his own mind, steve knows he’s not being exactly fair, but he can’t stop his thoughts from circling over what happened, over and over and over again, until the night is all smooth around the edges, all the good stuff rubbed away.
so that’s where robin finds him, wrapped in the navy comforter he’d dragged from his bed with the television glowing on mute. the house is dark and she just lets herself in like she always does.
“i take it the talk didn’t go so well,” her voice is light and steve can tell she’s trying not to add any inflection to the statement, trying hard so it doesn’t sound like a question.
“i don’t know, doesn’t every great love story start with someone storming out after the confession?” steve tries to make it a joke, to make it sound flippant, but his voice comes out flat. robin’s mouth quirks up a little any way and he knows it’s something like a pity laugh, but it does soothe the stabbing pain in his chest just a little.
“you wanna talk about it or you wanna let me take you to bed and big spoon the shit out of you?” robin reaches out to run her hand lightly through his hair, just once, before she lets it fall back into her lap. she’s wearing her pajamas, the wide leg of her flannel pants stuffed into her bright yellow rainboots, like she���d left the house in a hurry, couldn’t bother to change or find proper footwear.
steve sighs. “not a whole lot to talk about. i told him it would be kinda cool to maybe… date but he said he already told me he doesn’t really do that. and he’s right. i was just being dumb, i guess.”
“is that how you said it?” there’s a crease between her eyebrows now and she’s got that expression on her face that she always gets when she’s trying to solve a puzzle.
“i mean, not, like, word for word or whatever, but yeah, that’s the general gist of how it went.”
her expression shutters and her jaw sets. “right, well. he doesn’t have to be a super mega asshole about it.”
“he wasn’t,” steve tells her, earnestly. robin is eddie’s friend too and he doesn’t want this whole dumb thing ruining that too. they could all use all the friends they could get at this point, especially ones who get it, whatever it happens to be. “i promise. it was just… my mistake. he did tell me, from the beginning. i just misunderstood.”
robin’s face softens slightly. she reaches her hand out to lock her fingers with his and they sit there in the glow from the tv for a long moment, silent. “let’s go to sleep,” she yawns finally, standing from the couch. “everything will be better in the morning.”
robin is half wrong, but she’s also half right. things are better in the morning. steve doesn’t feel like his chest is going to cave in at every small wrong move and he doesn’t feel like crying every five seconds after his extensive cry sesh in the shower.
but eddie still isn’t there.
it’s been weeks since steve has seen eddie. steve’s not stupid. he’s aware that eddie’s actively avoiding him, despite the fact that steve has called the trailer multiple times trying to apologize. he’d left a confusingly vague message with wayne, one he’s sure had made no sense if it was even relayed to eddie at all. picking the kids up from hellfire at the wheelers is a newly torturous experience with the kids now waiting for him on the curb awkwardly instead of making steve wait an extra fifteen to twenty minutes on the wheeler’s gross plaid couch in their basement that perpetually smells like corn chips. everyone seems to be clearly aware that something is up. he’s sure he sees sympathy in mrs. wheeler’s eyes when she waves to him from their front door, thanking him for driving the kids home.
steve’s not exactly sure where it all went wrong. he knows now that he’d blindsided eddie; it was more than apparent now that eddie hadn’t even thought about what he was doing or how steve was feeling. steve spent hours thinking about eddie every day and it was clear now that that was not reciprocated. which is fine, he guesses, but he had thought he and eddie were friends first. they’d saved the world together after all. that tended to bond people forever, he’d assumed, just simply based on his relationships with robin and dustin and even nancy. he hadn’t really accounted for losing eddie completely. but steve was clearly fucking clueless when it came to eddie munson, so maybe he’d actually been wrong about everything all along.
he ping pongs back and forth between feelings of self-pity mixed with self flagellation and feelings of intense, white-hot anger at eddie. one minute, he’s sure this is all his fault, that he really is the dumbest person on planet earth and he definitely deserves to have people leave him constantly when he’s so fucking stupid all the time, can’t even keep his stupid fucking mouth shut and his stupid ugly feelings to himself for one time in his stupid fucking life. the next, he starts to blame eddie for what happened instead, blames him for not understanding steve at all. it’s eddie’s fault for not seeing what was right in front of his stupid fucking face. but after a couple of minutes of that, he’s back to being certain it really was his fault after all.
so after almost a month of no returned phone calls, no surprise visits at work just to say “hey” because eddie couldn’t sit around all day waiting for steve to get off his shift, no casual touches as they chat while eddie packs up his dnd gear, steve finally takes the massive fucking hint for what it is and stops calling. he begs jonathan to pick the kids up from hellfire, lying about a new shift schedule at work. he refuses to drive the kids anywhere that eddie might potentially be, even when the kids insist eddie really won’t be there. he’s trying so hard to convince himself that actually he’s the one avoiding eddie and not the other way around. he’s barely even hanging out with robin anymore, besides work. she seems to get that he needs time alone right now though. steve’s never been more grateful for a platonic soul mate.
but after this long, agonizing month of constantly rearranging his own life to help someone else avoid him, steve’s exhausted. he’s been having more nightmares than usual, ones where the people he loves all take turns dying in his arms. it’s a wednesday when he finally has the night off and he decides to treat himself with sixteen candles and a pizza. he orders his pie and fifteen minutes later he’s pulling his wallet from his pocket before answering the knock on the door.
“what do i owe you?” he asks after the door swings open. he’s got his eyes on his wallet in his hands, fingers moving over the bills folded together.
“oh, um,” a familiar voice stutters. steve’s eyes snap up. “i—“
steve feels like he can’t get any air for a minute. eddie’s just standing on his front step, staring.
steve’s throat feels dry. he has to swallow a few times before he can get any words out, but eddie beats him to it anyway.
“can we, uh. talk?” eddie looks nervous, fiddling with the rings on his fingers. steve steps out of the way, silently letting eddie pass him on his way into the house. the door swings shut and it’s the loudest sound steve’s ever heard in his life.
they stand in the small foyer with its huge ceilings and steve can feel the cold of the tiles through his thin socks. eddie makes no move to enter further into the house, so neither does he. steve shifts on his feet, crossing his arms over his chest, suddenly uncomfortable in the silence of his own home.
“i’m sorry,” steve says quietly, after a long stretch of silence that makes it clear eddie’s not actually about to speak. eddie’s eyes keep flitting around the small space, landing everywhere but steve’s face. eddie shrugs, looking over steve’s shoulder into the kitchen behind him.
“it’s not—“ eddie shakes his head, cutting himself off. steve wants desperately to hear how he’d finish that sentence. almost as desperately as he doesn’t.
“i ruined it.” steve runs his hand through his hair. “i tried calling the trailer… to apologize. left a couple messages with wayne but.” he shrugs.
eddie grunts. steve wishes he knew how to make this better. he can’t tell if the grunt means eddie got his messages or not. he’d thought he was good at deciphering eddie’s noises by now.
“look,” steve says, finally frustrated with the whole thing. “we were kind of friends before we started… hooking up or whatever. i get that you wanted something casual and that i ruined it. i get that i fucked it up and i made you uncomfortable and—i just get it, okay? you didn’t do anything wrong. you were always honest. i was just seeing what i wanted to see and i let myself believe something that wasn’t real. so. i would really like for us to be friends again. i hate this, eddie. it really sucks. i don’t like not seeing you around. i just—this sucks.”
eddie nods, swallowing thickly, but he doesn’t really seem like he’s hearing steve.
“yeah,” eddie finally agrees. “this sucks.”
steve gets the sense that eddie means more than just this whole dumb thing between them, but he’s trying not to be in the business of making assumptions about what eddie means anymore.
“i have a pizza coming,” steve sighs. “if you want to stay?” he can’t help but feel hopeful and he knows this is too much, to invite eddie to stay when they haven’t even really made up yet, but he doesn’t know how to fix this. he’s never been good at this.
eddie glances into the living room and steve’s not entirely sure what he sees or what he imagines, but he watches as eddie swallows again, eyes darting quickly to steve’s face, just once, before he gives his head a small shake. “no, i don’t—i should go. but we’ll see each other, okay, harrington?” and he says it like a question but steve thinks he knows it’s not really a question at all. steve will see eddie any time, anywhere, whenever eddie asks.
steve tries to smile before shuffling toward the door and watching eddie go.
it’s another ten minutes before his pizza even gets there and when it does, steve’s feeling even more sorry for himself than he has in the last month since he’d asked eddie out. he makes it halfway through the movie and the pizza before he starts to consider calling robin. it’s been a while since they’ve just hung out and that’s been entirely steve’s fault. she hasn’t said anything because she knows steve inside and out, but steve is really missing her right now.
he’s just about ready to pull on his shoes and pick up the phone to tell robin he’s on his way to get her when there’s a knock at the door. half of him is confused, the other half is convinced it must be robin, having sensed his desire for her company. he stands and makes his way to the door, a half smile on his face as he swings it open for the third time tonight.
“look, what happened before is not why i came here, so wait and just let me talk and then you can say whatever you want but if you don’t let me just get this out, i’m never going to say it and i… you deserve to hear it so i need to say it, for real, right now,” eddie’s practically panting as he pushes past steve.
“um okay,” steve tries to get out but eddie glares at him.
“shut up, shut up for real, okay.” eddie crouches down in the foyer of steve’s house, his head in his hands between his knees. his voice comes out a little muffled, but steve can still hear him pretty clearly. “you didn’t ruin anything. you didn’t. really. i ruined it. i ruined a really good thing.”
steve feels like his chest is being hollowed out but he bites his lip, desperate not to interrupt.
eddie groans and steve can see his fingers tense and release in his own hair. “you were so sweet, on the couch. the last time.” he says it like steve could’ve forgotten and steve feels a blush rise on his cheeks. “you… you looked so soft and gooey and hopeful and i—i fucked it up. because back when this whole thing started, it seemed like a miracle that you’d even look at me. like. you’re… you and i’m just me. what the fuck.” eddie laughs almost hysterically. steve feels his fingernails cutting into his own palms with how hard he’s trying to stay still and silent. eddie still hasn’t looked up from where he’s holding himself tight. “and it kept happening and happening and happening and i—i’ve never… i’ve never.”
“oh,” steve can’t help but breathe out in surprise.
eddie shakes his head a little, seems to forget himself and look up and then he’s just staring at steve’s face. he swallows again and steve can see his hands shake. “no, i mean, i’ve… but never… more than once. never all the time.” now that eddie’s looked steve in the eyes, he can’t seem to look away. his eyes look so huge and glassy from where he looks up at steve from his place on the floor. steve feels his heart clench. his fingertips ache. “never like that.” steve nods. “and then you didn’t leave. you didn’t run or pretend it didn’t happen. and you let me pretend it was something it wasn’t, like we weren’t… like it wasn’t… important.” steve’s brows furrow in confusion. “because i was lying. obviously. of course i was. it wasn’t casual. you’d never be casual. not for me.”
“i don’t—“ steve suddenly can’t breathe.
“wait. please.” eddie’s eyes go soft around the edges. “i fucked it up, stevie, because i was lying the whole time. and i thought you were just letting me lie because… i don’t know. i don’t know why, because i know it wasn’t casual for you either. it was all over you. and that was really, really scary.” steve falls to his knees on the foyer tiles, vaguely aware of the dull ache, before sliding closer to where eddie is crouched. he whimpers, just a little, when eddie holds out his palm, presses it to the center of steve’s chest to keep him from getting too close. “hold on, baby, i just. i have to say it, please. gimme a second, i’m just…” eddie gives his head another small shake, as if he’s trying to clear it. “i’m sorry, i guess, is what it really all comes down to. i’m sorry i let you think you weren’t important. i only realized you didn’t know that night on the couch and i… i guess i saw some plausible deniability. a way to walk away without getting, like, totally annihilated. and that’s, you know. my whole issue.” eddie swallows again, hand fisting into the fabric of steve’s shirt. “i was scared. i ran. because… because i love you, stevie. i was falling in love with you this whole time and trying to act like i wasn’t. because i was an idiot. and i couldn’t be the one to break first. but what a stupid, fucked up way to think about it, huh? i love you, man, and you deserve to hear it and feel it and have it, is really what i’m trying to say. i just love you.”
somewhere in all of that, eddie had used his grip on steve’s shirt to pull him in closer so their noses are practically touching. steve can feel the prickle of tears in his own eyes, can feel eddie’s breath on his lips.
“you love me?” even steve can hear how incredulous his own voice sounds.
eddie huffs out a laugh and steve can feel it on his skin. “yeah, dude. of course i do. how could i not?”
“dude,” steve repeats, cause like… really?
“is that all you have to say?” eddie slides his nose along steve’s, nuzzling, skin warm. steve’s eyelids go heavy.
“you left me hanging for, like, a month, bro,” steve tries to joke, but his voice sounds too breathless.
“yeah,” eddie murmurs. “i’m so sorry, baby. can i kiss you?”
and all steve can do is nod.
the next morning, steve wakes up to soft sunlight filtering in through the blinds he forgot to close last night. he feels hazy, all syrupy and warm, before he bolts upright in his bed. or tries to. because just as he’s moving, he notices the heavy presence on his right arm.
“too early,” eddie groans, shuffling naked under the covers. “turn it off.”
“turn what off? the sun?” steve smiles as he turns to spoon his equally naked body behind eddie. he drops a kiss to eddie’s bare shoulder.
“mmhmm,” eddie hums, and steve can hear the smile in it.
“hey,” steve says, before they both fall back into sleep for a few more minutes. “i love you, too, by the way.”
“oh yeah, by the way?” eddie snorts.
“better than ‘i love you, dude.’”
“oh, you think so?” eddie shifts in steve’s arms until he’s somehow gotten on top of steve, holding steve’s wrists above his head. steve can’t help but thrust his hips upwards in eddie’s direction. “yeah, okay,” eddie concedes, breathless, grinding his own hips downward. “you’re right. whatever you say, beautiful. can’t argue with that. super compelling argument.”
steve has to kiss him just to shut him up.
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mystic-writings · 3 months
closing time | robin buckley
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PAIRING — robin buckley x fem!reader
SUMMARY — robin has a crush on you. what happens when you're locked in keith's office after the store closes?
WARNINGS — fluff, banter, love confessions, mentions of panic/anxiety & season three
WORD COUNT — 2,353
NOTES — something short and sweet for my beloved robin!! i hope y'all enjoy and don't forget to leave feedback please! also, this was very loosely inspired by sparks fly by taylor swift
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Robin Buckley was utterly, helplessly, in love. 
There was no denying it anymore; Robin was completely in love with you. She would light up every time you walked into class; her heart stopped every time you smiled at her, and spluttered back to life when you’d say her name. Her mind ran away from her every time you shared a shift at the video store, full of daydreams of what you and her would even do if you dated, only to be shut down by the brutal fear of rejection. 
 But you didn’t know that.
As far as Robin Buckley was aware, you only thought of her as your anxious, rambling friend who, more often than not, spent her shifts making fun of your co-worker Steve and his almost inexplicable lack of game. 
Most of the time that she was around you, Robin was forced to ‘act normal’, as if she’d ever done that before. It usually resulted in useless rambles about something weird she’d read about, like gingivitis or how most of the backdrop scenes from Star Wars were actually just still paintings. But you usually seemed genuinely interested in what she had to say, and that took some of the uncomfortable anxiety away. And sometimes, you’d even laugh. A genuine one, too, and it would make Robin’s day.
Tonight was a lot like that. It was Friday, and the typical customer buzz around the store was enough to keep you, Robin, and Steve occupied for a while. But by 9pm, the clientele died out, and the three of you were behind the counter playing a round of Crazy 8s. 
“Hah!” Robin said, slamming her palm to the pile of cards. She pulled it back to reveal an 8 of clubs, a proud smile on her face. “Suck it, Steve! Last card,” she huffed, leaning on the counter as you and Steve stared expectantly at her. “Oh, right. And it’s hearts now.”
Steve huffed, glancing at his cards before taking one from the pick-up pile. “Dick move, Buckley.”
“Dick face, Harrington.”
“What does that even mean?” You asked, looking at yours before placing a 3 on the pile. 
Robin just shrugged, her lips forming a smirk as she placed her final card down. “I win!” 
“Alright, I’m out,” Steve huffed, tossing his cards on the pile. You couldn’t help the overwhelming amount of clubs he had, causing you to stifle a giggle. “See you losers tomorrow.” 
“Good luck with that, Steve, ‘cause I won’t be here.” You mentioned, scooping the cards into your hands. “Mom’s taking me to Indianapolis for some family thing. Had to cancel my morning shift, which means…” 
Steve, who had been retrieving his jacket and car keys from under the counter, turned back with what you could only describe as a look of horror painted on his face. “No,” 
“Yep,” you said, popping the ‘p’.
“No! You can’t do this to me, Y/n!” 
“I already did, Steve.” You began shuffling the cards. 
“But Keith always smells like eggs in the mornings! And he hates me,” Steve whined. “I can’t believe you.” 
“Sorry,” you shrugged half-heartedly. “Can’t un-cancel my shift now, Keith’ll be pissed if I call him this late.” 
Robin scoffed, arms folded across her chest as she watched you shuffle the cards intently. “No, he won’t. He’s practically in love with you.” 
You shuddered at the thought. “Ew, gross. Please never say those words to me again, Robin. I beg of you. I think I’ll die, or… contract something if I think about it for more than 30 seconds.” 
“Okay, okay, I’ve gotta get outta here,” Steve said, spinning his keys on his finger. “See you weirdos later.” 
You and Robin shouted farewells as he exited the store, the bell ringing, signifying his departure. Glancing up at Robin from your focus on the deck of cards, you asked, “Another round?” 
The girl nodded, a shaky exhale leaving her lips. You were closing together, and while it wasn’t uncommon, time alone with you was something Robin treasured. And the way you looked up at her through your eyelashes… Robin was going to be combating the butterflies in her stomach all night, it seemed. 
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The next hour seemed to fly by with no issues. 
No customers came by after Steve left, so you and Robin played cards and watched a movie on the big TV hanging from the ceiling until your watch beeped, signalling 10pm — closing time. 
The pair of you worked in tandem, one of you counting the cash and working out what the deposit would be while the other made sure that everything looked nice and that the return carts were empty — of course they were, Steve had done them long before he left. 
Disaster struck when you went into Keith’s office to finish closing for the night. 
The analog clock on Keith’s desk read 10:18pm when you passed it, Robin just behind you. All that was left was to write up the deposit in an email and send it to the regional inbox. It was a delicate procedure, to say the least, but with Robin reading everything out to you as you typed it up made things a lot easier. 
“You got that?” Robin asked, hopping off the desk beside you. 
You glanced at her, fingers typing away. “Yeah, Robin, I think I can remember how many five dollar bills were put in the deposit envelope.”
Robin snorted beside you, the already-open safe door creaking as she pulled it. Slipping the envelope inside, along with the deposit slip, she shut the door with a loud clang, causing you to flinch slightly. 
“And…” you pressed a few final buttons on the keyboard, the computer trilling as the email finished sending. “We’re off! Let’s shut this place down and get the hell out of here.”
“As if I’d actually want to stay,” Robin grimaced as you powered down the computer. “This place smells like…” Robin sniffed the air, her face scrunching further. “Cheetos and B.O.” 
You giggled, pushing the chair into the desk. “Gross,” 
Robin made her way to the office door, a giddy smile on her face. “What? I’m right! It’s like Keith doesn’t know what air freshener is. Or a shower.”
She pulled on the door, her smile falling as she twisted the knob. 
“What? Robin, what is it?” 
“I— I don’t know,” Robin twisted the doorknob again, pulling the door toward her, to no avail. She twisted again, frantically, panic setting into her gut. “I think it’s locked!” 
“No,” you nearly gasped. “It can’t be locked!” 
“Okay, well, I’m turning the doorknob and it’s not moving, so…!” Robin said, voice shaking as she turned to look back at you. 
“Let me try, Robin. Maybe it’s just stuck.” You suggested. Robin relented, stepping to the side as you grasped the cool metal. You twisted and pulled, your movements growing frustrated and frantic as you realised that the door wasn’t stuck — you were, in fact, locked in. “Damn it!” You exclaimed, kicking the door. “I can’t believe this,” 
Robin’s hands flew to her hair, grasping at her scalp as she tried to calm herself down. She watched you begin to pace, chewing on your thumbnail, thinking of something, anything you could do to get yourselves out of this office. 
You were suddenly beginning to feel cramped, like the walls were closing in on you. But you took a breath, eyes scanning the room, landing on the phone conveniently placed on Keith’s desk. “Ha!” 
Robin watched you rush to the other side of the desk, picking up the receiver and beginning to dial a number. “Are you calling the police?”
“The police?” You scrunched up your nose, holding the receiver to your ear. “No, that’s stupid. I’m calling Steve.” 
“Calling the police when we’re locked in a room with no way out is stupid?” Robin scoffed, taking up your previous state of pacing. 
The phone rang in your ear as you sat down on the chair. “Of course it is, Robin. Steve has a set of keys, and there’s pretty much a guarantee that no one’s going to answer a Friday night call. They’re all out busting parties and pulling over drunk drivers. They’re gonna put us on the back burner. But Steve won’t. Besides, he’s not doing anything tonight, his date cancelled on him this morning.” 
Robin barely acknowledged your words, mind running wild with the thoughts running through her head. Steve would help, of course he would. Ever since Starcourt, he knew how much Robin hated being stuck somewhere with no way to get out. She just hoped he’d get here quickly. Being stuck in a room with no real way out was one thing, but being stuck in a room with the girl you’re practically in love with was something entirely different. 
“Steve!” You practically shouted with joy.
“Jesus,” Steve groaned. “Tone it down, please! What’s up?”
You huffed, leaning back in Keith’s chair. “Look, Robin and I locked ourselves in the office, somehow, and we need you to come by with your keys and let us out.” Steve sighed on the other line. “Pretty please? I’ll buy you Burger King on Sunday.” 
“Fine. But I’m taking my sweet time getting there. I’m on the other side of town, if you even care to know.” 
“I know where you live, Steve.” You rolled your eyes. “Just hurry up. I think Robin’s losing her mind in here.”
“When is she not losing her mind?” 
“Steve,” you warned, sighing a farewell as he hung up on you. “Okay, he’ll be here soon. I think.” 
“God,” Robin groaned, palms pressed to her forehead. “My mom’s gonna kill me. My cousins are coming into town for the week and I’m supposed to clean tomorrow and instead I’m stuck here, in a room that smells like death, where I’ll probably actually die! Of, like, dehydration or starvation or something meanwhile my cousin Evan is happily sitting on my mom’s couch eating cookies or something!” 
“Starvation?” You asked yourself as you stood from the chair. “Robin, it’ll be fine. Steve’s on his way,” 
The girl barely acknowledged you, still pacing, arms flying around as she spoke. “And, by the way, starvation? A really painful way to die! It hurts, Y/n, a lot. Or, at least, that’s what I’ve read, but who am I to judge! I mean, I’ve never starved to death before! Not until now, at least!” 
You sighed, stepping in Robin’s path, making sure to grab her shoulders firmly, eyes locked onto hers. “Robin,” you said, eyebrows raised as the girl fell silent. “Steve should be here anytime soon. We won’t starve to death. All we have to do is wait out the half an hour before he gets here, max. We’ll be fine.” 
Robin’s eyebrows cinched before she shook her head. “But what if something bad happens, Y/n? Then what are we gonna do? We’ll die! And I can’t die! I haven’t seen Evan since I was 9! He lives in Pennsylvania! Hershey, Pennsylvania! Do you have any idea how far that is?”
“It’s, like, an 8 hour drive, Robin,” you said, voice quiet. Your eyes stayed locked on hers, watching the anxiety swim through her green irises. It was like you could see the gears turning, clicking and grinding to form more anxious thoughts for her to spew out in a breathless panic. 
“Not to mention the smell in here! It’s horrible! I mean, seriously, could Keith not afford a fan, or-or some sort of air freshener! And the windows! They’re so small, and they barely open, and—” 
Robin’s words ceased when you pulled her forward, crashing your lips onto hers. Her muscles tensed for a moment, eyes wide, until she realised you were kissing her. You were kissing her. Robin barely had the time to kiss you back, to place her hands gingerly on your waist before you were pulling back, sucking in air. 
“What was that for?” Robin asked, voice squeaking. 
You only smiled. “I really needed you to stop talking.” You joked, a hesitant hand reaching up to brush some of Robin’s hair from her face. “Besides, I’ve been wanting to do that for, like, 6 months.” 
“Oh,” Robin said, nodding briefly before she smiled, cheeks burning red. “Can you do it again?” 
You smiled wide, nodding ecstatically before placing your hands on Robin’s neck, pulling her closer so that you could kiss her again. 
It was slower this time, a test of the waters as you both melted into one another’s touch. A delicate kiss, one that said a lot more than either of you could find the words for. Robin’s fingers dug into the flesh of your waist, her mind barely comprehending what was happening right now. 
The rest of the world seemed to fall away at that moment, so much so that neither of you paid attention to the soundscape around you, failing to hear the sound of keys jingling in the lock — the door to the office squealing as it opened, and the subsequent screams of Steve Harrington. 
“What the hell, guys!” Steve screamed, covering his eyes as you and Robin jumped away from one another, lips swollen and cheeks burning. “I leave you by yourselves for an hour and a half and you’ve got your tongues down each other’s throats!” 
“Thanks, Steve,” you said, sheepish as you took Robin’s hand, leading her past his gobsmacked form. 
“You owe me a hell of a lot more than just Burger King for making me see that.” 
“Sure thing!” You called out as you and Robin slung your bags over your shoulders.
“Thank you, dingus!” Robin shouted over her shoulder, smiling wide at Steve, following you out of the store.
You huffed a laugh and smiled at Robin, swinging your hands as you grabbed your keys from your pocket. “Want a ride home?”
“Sure,” Robin smiled, relishing the feeling of your hand in hers. She made sure to keep it there during the entire drive to her house, and as often as she could after that, too.
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forever taglist: @mazerunnerrose @theboldandthebootyful @miraclesoflove @heliads
robin buckley taglist: @sunshine-daisies-library (open!)
taglist form here!
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ashwhowrites · 3 months
Chappell Roan’s “Casual” with Robin? 🥲
I remember when she opened for Fletcher a few years ago! Honored to write a fic for one of the most popular songs at the moment
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting🫶🏻 ( love your profile picture by the way )
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My friends call me a loser 'Cause I'm still hanging around I've heard so many rumors That I'm just a girl that you bang on your couch I thought you thought of me better Someone you couldn't lose You said, "We're not together" So now when we kiss, I have anger issues
Robin Buckley had a hold on Y/N, that she didn't even understand. Robin was a chemical and it fucked up Y/N's brain. It made her make stupid decisions, hallucinate the possibilities, and lose vision in the red flags.
Y/N wasn't anything special to Robin, and that was the issue. No matter how many times people said it to Y/N, she didn't believe it. She was so sure that she meant something to Robin. She believed it was more than a fuck. Almost like Robin kept Y/N there because she can't lose her, she just hasn't admitted it to herself.
If anyone was going to tell her that they weren't anything, it was Robin.
"Why did you kiss her? I mean I was with you." Y/N fought as she followed Robin into her bedroom.
"Because I can! How many times do I have to tell you that we are not together!" Robin argued back, removing her jacket.
Y/N rolled her eyes and stomped her way to her car
Of course, Robin didn't follow. But Y/N still sat in the driveway just in case. She waited and waited, then did what she did best
She went back inside and walked to Robin's bedroom. Robin shifted in bed when she heard Y/N's footsteps. Without a word, she pulled back the blanket, and Y/N crawled inside. She bit her tongue as Robin wrapped her arms around her and softly pressed her lips against hers.
Robin's touch and kiss used to fill her with butterflies, but now all she saw was red, and the taste of betrayal.
You said, "Baby, no attachment" But we're Knee deep in the passenger seat, and you're eating me out Is it casual now? Two weeks, and your mom invites me to her house on Long Beach Is it casual now? I know what you tell your friends It's casual, if it's casual now Then, baby, get me off again If it's casual, it's casual now
Y/N knew it was no attachment, friends with benefits and that is all it would be, to Robin at least. Y/N would always see Robin as so much more.
How did Robin not feel more? Robin was on her knees, head underneath Y/N's skirt as the windows in the car fogged. Y/N did something for herself, she went on a date. And it still ended with her in the palm of Robin's hand. Robin was jealous, that was easy to tell and feel. It meant she cared, how could this be casual?
"Fuck Rob," Y/N moaned as she gripped the seats, Robin hummed but kept her mouth on Y/N's clit. The vibrations made Y/N shiver and her mind went blank. She submitted to Robin's torture.
Y/N wasn't sure if she was supposed to say yes or no to Robin's mom's invite. She wanted to scream yes, she wanted to show Robin that others were thinking the same thing she was. That Robin was so wrong because nothing about them was casual.
Y/N looked at Robin as her mom waited for an answer. A huge smile on her face. Robin smiled and Y/N took that as a yes.
Y/N soaked in the air in Robin's arms, sitting on the sand as the waves crashed on the shore. The sun was setting and the sky was pink and purple, the most romantic view.
As she sat in her arms, she still didn't understand how Robin didn't realize the things they did were what couples do. Friends with benefits don't sit on the beach and embrace each other's warmth.
"I could get used to this," Robin whispered, her chin on Y/N's head. Y/N smiled and agreed. But all she could think about was "Why can't you?"
Dumb love, I love being stupid Dream of us in a year Maybe we'd have an apartment And you'd show me off to your friends at the pier
It didn't matter how many people told her she was being dumb, and allowing herself to be hurt. She knew she was, and she accepted that. If being stupid got her this close to Robin, she would pick to be stupid for the rest of her life.
Y/N always dreamed of what life would be like if Robin allowed herself to fall. Would they live in a small apartment filled with plants and cats? An apartment sounded nice, a place they decorated just for them. A place where they could make love and never be alone. Tangled together forever and always. Y/N could finally have a relationship with Robin's friends. They would all hang out and get messy at parties. Y/N would show that she meant something to Robin.
"what are you thinking about?" Robin whispered, her breath against Y/N''s neck as they lay naked in Robin's sheets. Her eyes were closed as she bathed in the comfort of Y/N's arms. She ignored the way her heart raced and how at peace she felt when she was with Y/N. It was casual, she couldn't feel this way.
"Nothing," Y/N lied, closing her eyes to live in her daydream a little longer
Robin nodded and allowed herself to fall into her daydream. Y/N cuddled into her body as Steve told a dumb story. Robin felt no fear of being in love as she watched her two favorite people talk like they had known each other for years. But that was a dream because Robin was racked with fear every time she breathed.
It's hard being casual When my favorite bra lives in your dresser And it's hard being casual When I'm on the phone talking down your sister And I try to be the chill girl That holds her tongue and gives you space I try to be the chill girl But honestly, I'm not
When Y/N was alone and with her thoughts, she broke. She cried in misery. The one thing she needed in her life would simply never be. She never fell in love before Robin, and it killed her to know that love would never be enough. It was hard for her to accept that Robin wasn't the endgame, she was a lesson.
But how was she a lesson that compelled every part of Y/N's life?
Y/N opened her dresser to grab clothes to get dressed. She scrunched her eyebrows as she searched for her favorite bra that fits like a glove. She made a mess as she searched and searched, but no luck. She sighed when she released she must have left it at Robin's. She was confused as to why Robin didn't call to tell her.
"Rob? What's up?" Y/N asked
Robin sighed over the phone, her eyes looking to her sister as she cried into her hands.
"Bethany and George broke up, she wants to talk to you." Robin handed the phone over and Y/N pulled out her best advice.
It wasn't a surprise that Bethany wanted to talk to her. Bethany loved Y/N like another sister. Another reason why it pained Y/N was that Robin couldn't give her more. Robin's family loved having Y/N around. If they got married, it would be an easy transition into the Buckley family. But Robin wouldn't let that happen.
Knee deep in the passenger seat, and you're eating me out Two weeks, and your mom invites me to her Long Beach house I know what you tell your friends Baby, get me off again I fucked you in the bathroom when we went to dinner Your parents at the table, you wonder why I'm bitter Bragging to your friends, I get off when you hit it I hate to tell the truth, but I'm sorry, dude, you didn't I hate that I let this drag on so long, now I hate myself Hate that I let this drag on so long, you can go to hell
Robin had her head thrown back and her hand covering her mouth as Y/N fingered her in the bathroom stall.
It was bliss but it was rough. Her fingers moved at a quick speed and pulsing strength. Robin felt like she would wake up bruised. Robin's chest was bare as Y/N sunk her teeth into the skin. Bites and marks are left everywhere.
"Why are you fucking me like you hate me?" Robin panted, her eyes shut as she felt her stomach get tight
Y/N had many reasons to hate her. Sitting at a table with her parents, holding her hand under the table like it meant something. Robin fed her all these teases and ripped them away the same day. For now, Y/N is having dinner but in an hour? She'd be sent home in tears as Robin called someone else. Y/N was tired of getting dragged around.
"Because I do" Y/N admitted, her words drowned out as Robin yelped out her orgasm.
Y/N rolled her eyes are Robin talked with her friends. Y/N wanted to be excited that she was talking about her, but Robin wasn't. She was bragging about herself
Robin was going on and on about how good she fucked Y/N and all the ways she made her cum. Even more proof that Y/N was nothing except what was between her legs. She was being used and she wouldn't ever be loved by Robin.
Y/N walked out of the party, for once leaving alone and with clear eyes.
She never should have let it go on this long, but all she could do now was end it. She walked out on Robin and walked out on the possibilities.
Robin would not be the only person she would fall in love with. Robin would just be the first because at the end of the day, Robin was a lesson.
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eddiezpaghetti · 8 months
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Okay, Part 2! Time to get into that tasty, tasty Steve/Nancy comparison. For that, I don't think I'm really getting into any new ground, I feel like people have said this before, but it's worth stating again.
Steve having unrequited feelings for Nancy is a bad choice to compare to Will having unrequited feelings for Mike because he's a little busy basically being a perfect El parallel.
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Look, okay, Nancy and Mike were automatically attracted (whether you think it was real romantic attraction or just attraction to the idea of being with them) to Steve and El respectively because they were impressive. El, of course, was "Superman landing on Mike's doorstep" and Steve had all the "King Steve" shit going on.
But Nancy and Mike both had preexisting history with a Byers boy. Mike and Will have been best friends since kindergarten, and Nancy knew Jonathan through them.
Shit happens, Nancy and Mike both lose their best friend, a lot of drama happens that basically leads to a rift between our respective pairs, but Steve and El both face down a Demogorgon to save a Wheeler (and some other people) aaaand a relationship still manages to happen despite all the shit going down. Kind of hard to ignore getting saved from a monster by a pretty person, right?
But there's still something...unspoken, between the Wheelers and the Byerses, even when the Wheelers are dating their superheroes. And when push comes to shove, when it really comes down to it...Mike and Nancy can't even honestly say "I love you", and this causes the two pairs to split up.
And...while they're split up...Steve and El both sort of...rise from the ashes of their former selves. Form new identities. But also...sort of their old ones.
Steve had lost his superpower, the thing that attracted Nancy to him in the first place. He was no longer King Steve.
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For fuck's sake, he was being bullied. By some loser with blond hair. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
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And on top of all that, the girl he loved most couldn't even love him back.
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They parted, on terrible terms, and while they were apart, Nancy found her comfort, comfort Steve could never provide, in Jonathan.
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But, while he was alone, he reclaimed his old superpower. He was king again, and he'd found something new to fight for.
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He didn't ever really need Nancy to fulfill him. He just needed to be his own hero.
And El?
El had lost her superpower, the thing that attracted Mike to her in the first place. She was no longer Superman.
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And for fuck's sake, she was being bullied. By some loser with blond hair. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
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On top of all that, the boy she loved most couldn't even love her back.
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They parted, on terrible terms, and while they were apart, Mike found his comfort, comfort El could never provide, in Will.
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But, while she was alone, she reclaimed her old superpower. She was Superman again, and she'd found something new to fight for.
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She didn't ever really need Mike to fulfill her. She just needed to be her own hero.
Steve and El both ended Season 4 with their relationships with Wheelers still sort of up in the air, but Nancy still ran to Jonathan while Robin comforted Steve, and El and Mike weren't talking while Mike and Will are.
And both Steve and El--in very different contexts--end the season mostly focused on, not their romantic prospects, but their best friends.
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And I really think that's where their focus is going to stay.
Oh, and one last assurance--something that's been said SO many times before but bears repeating again--is this:
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It's kind of hard to miss what' the story is saying's going on when the writers are saying "This is what constitutes romance," and then having Will and Mike follow the exact trail they set out, step by step by step. Not just Will, Will and Mike. It's not one-sided.
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
#38 "i was eavesdropping and i heard something i can’t scrub from my memory" sounds like it could be very funny, especially from a kid's perspective!
you read my mind, it 100% needs be a kid POV, sorry this one is a bit shorter than my usual but it was fun to write. *it actually ended up being longer than I thought cause I have a problem with not knowing when enough is enough lol* ♡
find the request game here
Lucas was going to throw up. He liked to think he had a strong stomach, he really truly did, but this was too much even for him.
“What the hell is your problem?” Max asked him as he came back to Steve’s living room.
“Yea you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Will pipes up, head leaning on his knee.
Lucas swallowed dryly, he had to phrase this carefully. “Well I was eavesdropping…”
Max snorted from her seat on the couch. “You Lucas Sinclair was eavesdropping? Didn’t think I’d ever see the day. What about the whole ‘respect people’s boundaries’ thing you rave about?”
“And I still stand by that! It’s just I didn’t want to interrupt and…” Lucas thought back to a few minutes ago. He had gone into the kitchen to grab Max an ice pack; she was having a bad hip day. When he had reached the door, he had heard Steve and Eddie talking, and it had sounded serious. Lucas felt bad about interrupting, but he also couldn’t go back to Max without the ice pack. They had been good for months now, and he didn’t want to risk it. (He knew this was ridiculous considering they weren’t really that dysfunctional, and she loved him, a reluctant secret smile confession on her end. But there was this deep part of Lucas who was terrified of disappointing her). So he was content with waiting outside the door until they were done.
Lucas really should have turned around and left.
“What if they don’t…want to be around us Stevie?” Eddie whispered.
“Baby they are just kids. They are good kids. They are our friends. They won’t be upset.” Steve murmured back.
This was the point Lucas should have turned around, but he was confused and wanted to understand.
“You aren’t even the slightest bit worried, that maybe they won’t be accepting? I don’t think any of them have been exposed to gay culture, let alone two men dating?”
Oh. Oh no. This was really private. Lucas should have really turned around but at that point, his feet were glued to the ground.
“I mean yea a little bit…they are shitheads. Especially Mike—“ Lucas had to hold back a snort, “—but they are good. It’s why we are friends with them. As much as it pains me to admit we are friends with children.”
Lucas wished he could see their faces.
“What if…what if they are more than shitheads this time?” Lucas had never heard Eddie’s voice sound so small.
“…do you want to wait a little longer?” Steve’s voice asked gently, with no anger.
“If that’s okay. I just…want to live in our bubble a little longer. Well our bubble plus Robin.” Lucas imagined Eddie biting his hair in that moment.
“Yea baby. We take this at the pace you need. And Robin already knows, which is pretty much the only person I can’t keep a secret from. And I like our little bubble too.” Lucas heard shuffling around, like fabric reaching around itself.
“Yea. I think I can go a little longer without the twerps making gagging noises every time we kiss. We can wait to tell them we’re together.”
“Hmmmm should we do a practice show right now, to prepare for when we need to freak them out?” Eddie’s voice turned suddenly flirty.
“I like the way you think.” This was the last words Lucas heard before the sounds of the two of them clearly heavily making out came through the doorway. It was at the first moan that Lucas ran away.
Lucas was brought back to reality when Max snapped her fingers in his face. “Want to share with the class loser?”
Oh god, Lucas was gonna throw up at the memory.
It wasn’t the fact that they were men and that they were dating. Lucas was, in fact, really happy for them. He had never thought about it, but in a weird way, it made sense. He wanted them to be happy. And if he was really being honest with himself, he was hoping maybe this would get Max to stop staring at Steve when he doesn’t have a shirt on (a few months later, Lucas would be horribly proven wrong of this theory).
It wasn’t this kissing that made him want to vomit either. Sure, the idea of his older brother figure making out with his dungeon master wasn’t a pleasant thought, but he had witness Mike make out with El, so he was pretty immune to grossness.
No, the problem was Lucas realized with great certainty he was going to have to keep a secret.
He gagged at the thought.
Sure, he could keep a whole other dimension and government conspiracy theory a secret from his parents (and, ya know, the world), but he caved relatively quickly when it came to Max. And Max could tell whenever he was lying. But Lucas wasn’t stupid; he knew you couldn’t just tell other people that someone you know is gay. He didn't know the word for it, maybe there wasn’t one, but Lucas knew what it was like to be different. He didn’t want to make Steve and Eddie feel bad, or cause others to be mean to them. He didn’t think the rest of the party would care about the gay? Bisexual? Queer?—wait, that’s a bad word, Lucas thought—it didn’t matter what specifically, but he didn’t think they would care about the gay stuff—more like Lucas knew his friends. El and Max would have a million, invasive questions. Mike would be a dick, but not for serious reasons. More like “I have weird insecurities” reasons. It would probably be good for Will (again, Lucas isn’t stupid). And Dustin, holy shit, he would most definitely either be pissed he didn’t know sooner, or would rub it in everyone’s face that he made it happen. Both of which Lucas knew would be horrible reactions.
God, he was going to throw up. He was going to lie to his friends. His girlfriend. He couldn’t just share this secret. It would go horrible if he told, it’s not his secret! His stupid, stupid friends (not El and Max) would blow up if it came from him first. And then Eddie and Steve would be upset, he told, and they would think that the party hated them for something out of their control, even though they love them no matter what! And oh god, he’s gonna have to lie so much—
He was spiraling, he needed to calm down.
“Lucas?” Max’s face suddenly softened, like she knew he was having a hard time getting the words together. Lucas looked at her face, and took a couple of seconds to count her freckles but lost track quickly. He didn’t mind; he would to start again later. He followed the laugh lines around her eyes that weren’t there last year, and thought about trying to make her laugh.
Max said nothing as he stared, even as the guys pressed him to answer. It was strange, he was terrified of lying to Max, but he knew deep down she would understand. That she would know he was lying but wouldn’t call him out on it.
“I was eavesdropping and I heard something I can’t erase from my memory. I almost walked in on Steve giving sex advice to Eddie, so I walked away before it got gross. I forgot your ice pack; I’m sorry.” Lucas apologized; he did genuinely feel bad he didn’t succeed on his mission.
The guys started chattering behind him, asking questions and yelling out in disgust, but Max stayed quiet for a second, then said, “It’s okay, stalker. Didn’t have high hopes for you anyway. You always get distracted.”
Lucas sent her a grateful smile, and pretended to be offended. “Are you saying I don’t finish what I’ve started? You should know better, Max.”
Max threw her head back, and full body laughed. She scooped Lucas’ hand and wove her pale fingers between his. “That’s me being nice, Lucas. Don’t go around telling people that. Or I’ll have to up the ante.”
Lucas kissed the back of her hand and whispered, “Maybe I like it when you’re a little mean.”
Max blushed and looked to check if the guys were paying attention (they weren’t; they were still arguing over sex they weren’t having), and leaned over to give him a soft kiss on the cheek. Max didn’t ask any questions even though Lucas knew she knew he was lying.
Lucas didn’t let go of her hand, and quietly hoped that Eddie made Steve feel the way Max made him feel.
He deserved something special like that.
I need you guys to know that I had to keep backtracking to correct boys into guys, cause I’m so used to writing from an older persons perspective. But I wanted some steddie and lumax mixed together. And Lucas! Deserves! More! Attention!!!
thank you so much for the ask I had so much fun with this one.
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moongothic · 10 months
The worst part about trying to figure out what Crocodile's deal is that because he's so fucking irredeemably evil in Alabasta... Like... Yeah he's just irredeemably evil. Like I love him but he did cause countless casualties, a ton of pain and suffering and literally attempted to blow up a million people
Like no amount of theoretical "trying to do it to save his son from the Government" or "trying to stop the Government from hurting anyone else" or just "doing it for the greater good" is going to make him any less of a mass murderer
But also Robin absolutely 100% helped with all of that shit simply because she wanted to read the Poneglyph for herself.
No amount of her intending to betray Crocodile from the begining and sabotaging his plans erases the fact that Robin also caused countless people to starve to death and die in the civil war. Her sabotages only succeeded out of sheer luck, and only spared the lives of the people at the final battle. She has the blood of countless innocents on her hands. Because she wanted to read history.
But her crimes were swept under the rug because she has a sad backstory and her sabotages worked out just at the nick of time by sheer dumb luck
So Croc??? Just??? Is there a chance??? At all???
But also he did literally intend to sell Buggy into slavery
Like, fuck Buggy, but jesus
What's also killing me is that we like. Don't know what Luffy thinks of Crocodile right now. Which really is like. The thing that will decide how we, as the readers, are supposed to feel about Crocodile. Luffy is our POV
Like we don't know what Luffy's opinion of Crocodile is after he helped save Luffy (and spared Ace once) during the Summit War. Like Luffy clearly fucking hated the man in Impel Down and the two interactions they had during the War weren't like positive (in the sense that Luffy himself didn't think of the interactions as particularly positive. Defending Whitebeard from being attacked once and then being like "wait what HIM?!" when Crocodile defended Ace. To be fair, in the midst of the chaos, there wasn't much time to spend on Pondering On Such Things because Ace needed to be saved, and Oda goes out of his way to not show us what's going on inside Luffy's head, because it's all meant to be out in the open anyways. Regardless, these weren't like "yay it's Crocodile! :)" moments for Luffy is what I mean)
But also Luffy was very grateful of Law for saving his life and was willing to put his trust into Law for their alliance- of course, they weren't explicitly enemies to begin with, rivals at most, but still. Luffy respects those who help him.
But also Luffy grew during the timeskip. Like he's not that clueless anymore (like he finally understands Hancock is in love with him etc), and similarly Luffy gets that Buggy is an absolute loser now. But also Buggy did also help save Luffy's life (even if it was by accident), and while IDK if Luffy is aware of that, I don't think that helped improve Luffy's impression of Buggy
So like. The fuck does Luffy think of Crocodile, at this moment? Even with the Cross Guild reveal, he didn't even really comment on Croc and just focused his energy on being confused about Buggy being "the leader" of CG. IDK it feels almost intentional or something, that we don't know what Luffy thinks?? Especially since we did get Zoro's opinion on Mihawk in the situation?? Or am I delulu?? (Sidenote. I'd love to know what Robin would have to say about Crocodile helping save Luffy's life. What Jinbei might think of the final words Crocodile left him with before blasting them out of Akainu's reach. But mainly just Robin's thoughts)
Like IDK my best guess would be that Luffy still hates Crocodile just the same but is like grossed out by technically owing him one??? In the classic
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-kinda way, you know? And that he'd be just kinda confused about it?
Because I can't fucking imagine Luffy being like "oh we're cool now" with Crocodile, let alone "Yay Crocodile :) He saved my life!". But also like. Luffy does kind of owe Croc one. Kind of. And Luffy is usually very respectful of that kind of thing. Aaaaaaaa???
(Also does. Does Luffy even know it was Crocodile who yeeted him and Jinbei out of Akainu's reach to begin with. 'Cause he was unconcious. Knocked the fuck out. Does. Does Luffy even know. Did anybody tell him???)
I just.
There's the reasonable part of me that knows Crocodile is an irredeemable evil dickbag and everything he has ever said and done up to the most recent chapters support that. He is too far gone.
And then there's the absolutely delulu part that loves a tragic villian who gets a heartwrenching redemption that's looking for any fucking sign that could indicate Crocodile could maybe be one
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@steddiemas Day 6 - Baking & Cookie Decorating
pairing: pre-steddie | word count: 1,911 | rated: G
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A couple days later finds Eddie on his way to Steve’s house at the early as fuck hour of 8:30am
“AARrugh–fuuck!” he curses again, trying to stifle down another cracking yawn, “It should be illegal to be up this early.”
“You mean the normal time people get up?”
“No, normal is lunchtime. Realistic is two.”
“God, you’re such a loser.”
“And yet you still hang out with me.”
“Uh, no. I hang out with Steve and El and Lucas and sometimes Dustin. You’re just there by association.”
“Ouch Red, that hurts my soul.” He winces dramatically 
“What soul?”
Eddie grins at her, “Touché, Maxine”
Her tiny, pointy knuckles meet his bicep as he pulls Bessie into the Harringtons’ driveway.
They’re having a pre-thanksgiving dinner with the party before they all have actual Thanksgiving with each of their families, and Max insisted on coming over early to help Steve with preparations.
“If we don’t go help, he’s going to do it all by himself you know.”
“Robin will be there, I’m sure.”
“Yeah, he’s gonna do everything by himself. You know Robin is moral support at best.”
“And what are we gonna be, huh? You think I’m any better?”
She had huffed at that. “We’re going, Munson.”
So, here they are. Like Eddie suspected, as soon as they breach the front door, Robin is visible on one of the stools at the island, sleep rumpled and a mug in hand, and Steve is standing at the stove already.
“Good ‘morrow to you, Lord and Lady Buckley,” Eddie bellows, startling them both, “Myself and the young Miss Mayfield have traveled far to be with you on this momentous day, and to offer to you our services.” he gives them a dramatic bow, glancing up through his lashes.
Steve is grinning, Robin has collapsed forward onto the counter in front of her, Max is groaning. 
He stands straight again, “We may only be a couple of lowly peasants in your Kingdom, but the call to help was unavoidable.”
“Eddie did not want to come help, lemme make that clear.”
“Shut up, Max”
“You shut up, liar–”
“Okay, okay!” Steve laughs, interrupting them, “Many thanks to you both for making the trip; your help will be greatly appreciated.”
Eddie’s stomach goes soupy, he loves when Steve plays along.
“So, what can we do?” he asks, clapping his hands once and rubbing his palms together like he’s itching to get started.
“Well, it is still pretty early (“I told  you.”, “Shut up, Eddie.”), so right now you can help by telling me how you like your eggs.”
The turkey goes into the oven halfway through breakfast, Steve having prepped it last night, so Steve starts to cipher out what else he needs to make.
“Dustin said that Claudia was making a pumpkin pie for us, so we’re set there, I’m making the sweet potato casserole, Lucas said that his mom is sending over a pan of greens with him and Erica, Robin has the stuffing covered–”
“I make a mean can of Stovetop.” Robin cuts in from the sink where she’s washing the few dishes from breakfast.
“Pretty much everyone else is bringing something…” Steve looks lost for a moment, then his expression turns tense, that crease between his brows cuts deep into his skin.
Max must see this too because she says, “What about cookies?”
“Yeah, like the sugar cookies you made everyone a tin of last year?” “You made everyone sugar cookies?? Why wasn’t I given any?” Steve rolls his eyes, “‘Cause last year you were just Eddie “The Freak” Munson,”
“Hey–I resent that,” Eddie pokes Steve in the chest, “I’m still Eddie “The Freak” Munson, thank you very much.” “Many apologies, Your Freak-ness, how ever shall I make it up to you.” His tone is sarcastic, but the words make a whole matter of unsavory retorts gather on Eddie’s tongue.
“C’mon Steve, I want those damn cookies!” Max demands, smacking a palm onto the counter to really sell it.
“Hey! Language.” 
“I also want some of those damn cookies.” Robin agrees.
“Yeah c’mon Stevie, I didn’t get to have any last year and now I’m curious.” “Dude, they’re the best cookies ever. I hate that he only makes them once a year.”
“Okay, okay, fine! Lemme make sure I have everything I need.”
He does, so he gets to work as requested demanded, though he does send Max and Robin (with her newly acquired license) to the store for powdered sugar. “For the frosting..I’m sure you want frosting on these, right?”
Eddie sticks close after they leave, watching Steve work and passing him ingredients.
At one point, Eddie scoops up a cup of flour for him, only to have Steve wrap his hand over his on the handle of the cup and start to stir the flour in it with a fork.
“Uh, do you always need to stir your flour before putting it in?” Is that a thing? Eddie has never done that, even within the few times he’s ever actually baked something before.
“You do if the person scooping packs it into the cup like this.” Steve teases, spinning the fork around in his hand to scrape the now-overflowing heap of flour off the top of the measuring cup and back into the bag with the handle. “Flour doesn’t get packed down to measure, fluffy and loose measurements only.” Steve pulls Eddie’s hand forward and upends the cup over the mixing bowl. 
Eddie’s mouth feels like it’s coated in flour.
“There! Perfect. I’ll need another cup just like that one.” Steve smiles and passes the fork to him.
He lets Eddie's hand go and turns back to the bowl, mixing the flour in with one of those rubber scraping spatulas instead of using the electric beater he’d used for the eggs and sugar.
“So,” Eddie re-wets the inside of his mouth so he can talk correctly, “Why do you only make these once a year?” He carefully scoops up another helping of flour.
“They’re usually Christmas cookies and I– aw shit.”
“I don’t have any non-Christmas themed cookie cutters.”
Eddie immediately thinks back to one of the last Christmases he had with his mom. Ouch…damn it. 
He gulps down the lump in his throat. “Do you have any empties?”
Eddie can feel Steve watching him as he works, carefully cutting the tops and bottoms off a good sized bag of empty soda and beer cans over the sink. He cuts the new aluminum rectangles in half lengthwise and sets the strips aside.
“You’ve made these before?”
“Yep! Easier to make your own than buy them, y’know?”
Steve chuckles, “Yeah, that makes sense.”
“My mom liked to make new ones every year, so I have a lot of practice doing this,” Eddie pushes on, picking up a strip of metal and folds it in half lengthwise. “We’ll need some tape for the open side, but basically you fold it like this, shape it however you want, and fold the ends over each other to keep them closed.”
He demonstrates, making a messy heart shape pretty quickly. “You can link more than one together if you want, too. Make bigger ones…Ta da!” He shows off the ‘finished’ shape.
By the time Robin and Max return, Eddie’s got a pile of aluminum strips ready to go, and Steve’s done with the dough.
“Perfect timing, ladies, come help us make cookie cutters.”
Max pulls up a stool immediately, grabbing a couple of the metal strips, but Robin huffs. “Aw, what? We have to make the cookie cutters first? I thought I’d come home to a house full of cookies, Steve.”
“The dough has to chill in the fridge for an hour, and we don’t have any Thanksgiving themed ones.” Steve says, rolling his eyes at her. “Also, you weren’t even gone that long!”
Robin pulls up a stool, “Excuses, Steven.”
Turns out, there’s not that many shapes associated with turkey day, so after the obligatory pumpkin shape, and a surprisingly well-shaped turkey-looking blob, they make whatever else they feel like.
Robin uses a ruler she found in a drawer to fold some ridges into a circle shape, “It’s a pie, obviously.”, Steve uses a few strips to make what he says is an elephant, “Yeah, an elephant. These are the two ears and this is the trunk.”, Max uses two of the strips to make some sort of flower shape with five pointy petals, “A…poinsettia?” Eddie asks; “A demogorgon.” Steve and Max say at the same time. Ah., and Eddie spends his time linking a good few together to make the Hellfire demon. 
“I hope this doesn’t get all blob-y.”
Steve looks over at his creation, “It shouldn’t, the dough holds up pretty well when it’s baked; that’s why you let it chill for a bit.”
He stands then, retrieving the saran-wrapped hunk of dough from the fridge and gets to work rolling it out.
Eddie watches the muscles in his arms bunch and pull, and, like a sap, thinks about how they’d feel wrapped around him. He likes hugs, okay? Sue him.
The four of them cut batch after batch after batch of cookies (each of them sneaking bites of the dough as they do), and by time they are baked and fully cooled, the sweet potatoes are in the oven, the stuffing is sitting done on the stove, there’s a sheet of rolls waiting to go in after the casserole, the others start to show up.
“Oh sweet, cookies!” Dustin’s finger immediately dunks into the bowl of frosting Steve just finished whipping up.
“Hey! Hands off, asshole, I still need to color some of that.
Steve passes Eddie a bowl of the stuff, a couple of drops of food coloring sitting on top. “Mix that up, will you?” I’m making the orange, that’s yellow.”
Eddie gives him a mock salute, “You got it boss.”
“Henderson, grab the sprinkles, you’re helping with these.”
The island is a disaster by the time they are done frosting the cookies. There’s colored sugar everywhere, loose M&Ms, broken pretzels, and there’s even a glob of red frosting hanging precariously from the underside of one of the far cabinet doors (somehow).
Each of the new arrivals grab up a couple of the cookies to decorate once they get in, adding their own goofy-looking additions to the heap.
Mike and Nancy are the last to arrive, toting a huge bowl of fluffy mashed potatoes, and they dig into the turkey soon after. 
They eat and eat and eat, laughing and eating some more, that by the time anyone gets around to the cookies, the very outside of their frosting has hardened to a crust and the inside is still soft and sugary.
“Oh my god, Steve.” Eddie moans, “This is the best cookie I’ve ever tasted.”
Steve’s face flushes pink, but he smiles wide. “I’m glad you like them, Eds.”
“I need to take some home to Wayne.”
Steve passes him a tupperware container of their creations as he’s leaving, along with an index card with Steve’s distinct handwriting is scrawled across it; the recipe for the cookies.
Eddie gets home that night just before Wayne heads in for his shift. “Y’have a good day, son?” he asks, plucking out one of the cookies from the container Eddie holds open for him as they pass each other in the doorway.
He smiles wide, “Very..”
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other parts! Pt. 1 (Day 1) | Pt. 2 (Day 2) | Pt. 3 (Day 5) | Pt. 4 (Day 6) [YOU ARE HERE] | Pt. 5 (Day 7) | Pt. 6 (Day 11) | Pt. 7 (Day 13) | Pt. 8 (Day 18) | Pt. 9 (Day 21) | Pt. 10 (Day 25) also on AO3! this year
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kissitbttr · 2 years
eddie and mean!cheerleader girlfriend have their first fight part 3
read pt 2 and pt 1
a/n: hii i just hit 1k🥺💞 thank you for the love I appreciate u guys sm <3 also, it wasn't as long as i thought it was gn be because I snipped snapped some of them lol
the nervous feeling in his body hasn’t died down as eddie steps out of the van. his stomach churns at the sight of Jason’s party. it was never not packed and the last time he was here, he could barely breathe. the sight of people drinking, throwing up and making a fool of themselves causing him to scrunch his nose in disgust. the music is far worse.
but one thing he needs to remember is that he’s here for her. and for her only
just as he expected when he enters the party, all eyes are set on him. possibly millions of thoughts swimming inside of their minds, ‘the nerve on this weird ass dude to be in a Jason Carver’s party’. obviously they are far too drunk to actually beat his ass so they let the longing stares do the job.
“feelings mutual buddy” eddie smiles sarcastically to a guy who gives him a dirty look. rolling his eyes after as he walks away.
he hates high school students. but mostly the kids in hawkins high
his eyes wander to each and every corner of the room, fingers tapping against the rough material of his jeans. something he does when he gets nervous. why is it so hard to find her? could she probably locked herself in a room?
“where are you, baby?” he whispers to himself, head turning from left to right and that’s where he spots one of his closest friends. “robin? robin, hey!”
the short haired girl whips her head towards the voice, a big smile on her face as she waves. “eddie, hi! i didn’t think you would enjoy a place like this”
she’s holding a red solo cup, offering him one in which he turns down.
“i don’t. came here for y/n. have any idea where she is? she called to pick her up.”
“oh yeah-shit! last time i saw her she was in the kitchen with some guy. looked to me she was about to kill him.”
“some guy?!” his eyebrows are raised. “was it brandon?”
robin could only shrug. “maybe. brown hair in a quiff, he was pretty touchy with her. you should go to her.”
eddie clenches his jaw, “okay, yeah. thanks.”
he walks away before robin could respond, squeezing his way through a sea of people. holding back the disgust as he the reek of sweat filling up his nostrils. god, he swears he could throw up in any minute
eddie finally breathes in relief as he reaches the kitchen. internally glad that it isn’t as crowded.
it doesn’t take long to find her. she’s leaning against the wall right next to a fridge. his heart immediately turn into hearts when he realizes what she’s wearing tonight. soft cotton tank top with lace details embroidered under her breasts and a low cut denim skirt that’s short enough to let her thighs full on display.
she looks so beautiful.
then he moves back to see her face. he notices that her eyes look bored, shoulders slump with arms crossed. unamused at the fact that this man keeps talking. but he doesn’t miss the frightened look on her face.
from the back of his head, eddie could tell exactly who it is. her fucking ex. the ex who broke her heart and made her think that she wasn’t good enough. one that took her far too long to open up again.
“brandon, seriously i do not want to talk to you right now. leave me the fuck alone.” she jabs her fingers to his chest, not really in the mood
“oh come on baby! when are you gonna ditch the loser and come back? i said i was sorry!”
she shakes her head. “can’t hear you over that cock flavored breath washes over me. back. off”
“stop being fucking difficult, y/n” brandon starts getting angry, taking another step ready to whisk her away, “you know I don’t like difficult.”
did he just fucking threaten her?!
“she told you to back off.” eddie steps in, glaring at the jock and watches him slowly turn around. he misses the glee on y/n’s face when she hears his voice. happiness taking over when her boyfriend appears
brandon snickers, squaring his shoulders as if he’s gearing up for a fight. “the fuck you just say to me, freak?”
“i said. back. off” he responds in a cold tone, glaring up to him. “you deaf or something?” eddie tries his best not to swing a punch and ruin his face.
now eddie might be an inch or two shorter that brandon. but there’s no denying that he’s far more intimidating when he’s angry. balled fists with teeth clenched and eyes look like it could kill someone with a single hard stare.
“she’s just playing hard to get, man. she knows she wants me. it’s only matter of times before she dumps your weird ass and get back with me.”
y/n scoffs, pushing herself against the wall and walk over behind eddie as he puts his hand to cover her as an instinct . “don’t get your hopes up, you stupid fuck. Eddie is much more of a man than you are.”
upon hearing that, eddie clears his throat. hiding the blush prominent on his cheeks when she compliments him. “bab-y/n? mind waiting outside by my van for a minute?” he pleads after turning to look at her, holding back the urge to grab her hand.
she contemplates for a while. eyes keep switching between the two. worry grows inside her that eddie is gonna bruise him up. as much as she loves seeing brandon with a black eye, she can’t risk eddie getting beaten up by the rest of basketball team. she can’t handle seeing it. it would hurt too much.
“I’m not going to punch him.” he whispers in a reassuring tone with a small smile as if he read her mind. “just wanted to talk ‘s all. okay?” hands itching to reach out and touch her,
she stares at him with a bitten lip, nodding slowly. “be quick, please.” with that she walks away, not before giving one last glare to brandon.
“god, when did she become a soft bitch? she was never like that with me. you brainwashed her or someth-“
before he could finish his sentence, he’s startled by eddie’s sudden grip around the collar of his shirt and slamming him hard against the wall.
“you stay the fuck away from her” eddie seethes, knuckles turning white. “you don’t go near her, you don’t look at her, and if you even think about her… I’d beat the shit out of you myself.”
brandon looks extremely mortified. all those years he watches the long haired kid getting bullied and called names, never once he has seen eddie doing something about it. he never thought that eddie is capable of being violent.
eddie has always been the type to know how to control his emotions. something he learns from when he was a kid because he refuses to grow up like his old man. he doesn’t care about those basketball idiots making fun of him and his friends. It’s nothing.
but when it comes down to her, he personally wouldn’t let that slide.
“a-alright. sure man. whatever you say.” brandon chuckles nervously as he feels the grip around him starting to loosen.
eddie slowly lets go, not giving him another word before walking away from the scene. if it wasn’t for y/n, he probably already had his hand around that prick’s neck. giving him a piece of mind.
he doesn’t even want to begin to think what could happen if he hadn’t showed up in time. she was already both scared and exhausted having to tolerate his actions. he was a pushy motherfucker, never liked him from the beginning
“found her?” eddie suddenly finds robin rushes over to stand by his side when he’s about to walk out of the party. “she okay?”
“yeah. I’m taking her home. thanks robin, enjoy the party” he pats her shoulder, earning a grateful smile from her.
“thanks dude, oh and hey eds?” robin calls when he stops mid track between the steps on the front porch, turning back to look at her,
“don’t fuck it up again.” she says hinting at the fight the two just had weeks ago. “she misses you, you know? talks about you all the time.”
hearing that statement just makes his stomach flip. it sort of gives him hope. maybe there’s a part of her that actually wants to fix things as much as he does. as small as it can be
“not planning to.” he shoots her a smile before continuing to walk down the steps and back to his van. immediately seeing y/n hugging herself due to the wispy cold air, her lips are shivering and eyes looking away.
eddie shrugs of his leather jacket, without thinking twice. “here. put this on, okay?”
she looks up and smile softly.“thank you” taking it in her hands before putting around her body, inhaling that familiar scent of him she misses so much.
“shall we?”
the drive is pretty quiet, neither of them actually wanted to start something. y/n has her head against the window, mouth shut with her legs crossed and eddie is dying to hear her say something. just anything really.
the silence is driving him nuts.
“I’ll drive you home, okay?” he asks, only to receive no response. her gaze is fixed on the window, staring out into the open.
“you’ve eaten anything? had some snacks maybe?” he’s making a small talk in hopes that she’ll respond. or even just throw a glance to his way. he badly wants her to do that. just one.
he missed being around her. seven days without her presence feels like eternity, the way it’s making him feel should be forbidden. hands clenching every now and then because he’s aching to touch his girlfriend.
if he still had the right to call her that
eddie tilts his head to look back at her. and just as he thought . no answer. he figures there’s nothing he can do to get her to talk to him so he stays quiet.
he doesn’t blame her for not wanting to talk to him. she probably called him because he’s the only one she knows who has a ride and would take her home. he shouldn’t be having high hopes anyway.
after all, all of this happened because of him.
“actually” she starts. “i don’t wanna go home tonight, can i come over to yours? if it’s okay”
there’s a sense of happiness bloom in his chest when he hears her speak. eddie tries to brush off the smile dipping into his mouth after hearing it. the excitement then begins to bubble inside of him, butterflies as you may call it. he feels like a five year old kid hearing his mom say yes to ice cream for breakfast.
clearing his throat before speaking, he musters up a normal tone. “yeah sure. no worries. you could never be a bother to me.”
inside. he’s dying.
‘stay cool, stay cool. my girl is here with me. she’s coming over. don’t crash the van’ he thinks
“okay.” she responds shortly, head resting against the window. “i didn’t eat by the way. couldn’t. the party smells like hot acrid barf so i had no appetite.”
he snorts out a laugh. she’s so funny without even trying. “we can have some at my place. not just pop tarts. i did some groceries awhile ago with Wayne so we can make a sandwich or something.”
with an raised eyebrow, she asks “you finally went to the supermarket? tell me, was it scary?”
“okay now don’t make fun of me. the old people who go there are so… i don’t know, weird! you know that!” he replies seriously,
she giggles, tucking her messy hair behind the ear. “i don’t actually but you can think whatever you want.”
he admires the way her lips curve into a smile. and how her hair gets messy but still manage to compliment every detail of her features. even with mascara dotting the crinkles by her eyes,
twenty minutes after they arrive at the trailer park, the couple walk into his home. this is not the first time she’s been here, she stayed over a few times because his place is somehow far more comforting than hers. not that she hates hers, it just feels more … home?
his bed would probably her favorite part. nothing is better than laying down with her boyfriend, having small talks about what ever after going through the amount of sex they had when his uncle is not home. he would also spend an hour or two teaching her how to roll a blunt.
“i could make you a sandwich if you want?” eddie speaks up, locking the door behind as she sits on the dining table. “or that ramen cup that you like so much. i don’t have it but i could go to the market right now and get you one-“
“eddie” she stops him, a warm smile on her face. “a sandwich sounds good.”
he nods, before heading to the kitchen to pull out the ingredients. he’s no chef but he makes a mean grilled cheese and ham sandwich. it’s the only meal she would eat from him, other than that, that man is clueless when it comes to cooking.
“no ketchup?”
“no ketchup” she repeats, eyeing his back with a lopsided smile. “you’ve been working out?”
he cocks an eyebrow, “what makes you think that?”
“your back seems… toned. and i noticed your arms got bigger too.”
god, why does she have to do this?
“really?” he tries act like the words don’t faze him. “have you noticed the pudgy stomach too? seems like i gain some there.” with that he laughs a little
she frowns. he could probably joking but she doesn’t miss the sound of insecurity seeping in his tone. she hates it when he does that. he doesn’t have to tell her but she just knows it.
“okay, no. stop that. you look fine. a little roll doesn’t hurt anybody.” she shrugs, leaning back against the chair.
“you sure you’re not just saying that?” he asks in a playful manner, walking back to her as he puts the plate down in front of her. “there.”
“if i only wanted you for your body, i would fuck you and sucked your cock before leaving. you know, you’re much more than that.”
he flushes, crossing his arms before taking a seat next to her. “always the foul mouth on you.”
“better than being a fake.” she replies, biting on the sandwich. “wait. that one’s not true, I’m definitely contradicting myself. people still say I’m a fake ass bitch.”
he laughs. not because it’s a fact but how brutally honest she is about herself, though he reminds her from time to time that her entire personality isn’t just all that. there’s much more he can see through her and whether she chooses to believe it or not. he does. he just wishes people could see what he sees
because seeing her happily munching on the sandwich with messy hair and how her pupils glow at the cheesy goodness is like finally finding his happy place. when you look at this girl at this exact moment, you wouldn’t think she’s capable on hurting anyone.
which brings him to that one exact problem. one where he called her all the nasty things he knew she didn’t expect him to say. to this day, he regretted every single thing he spewed out of his mouth. there’s nothing he wants more than to tell her he’s sorry, that the hurt he has caused has been on his mind on daily basis.
“I’m sorry y/n.” he blurts before he can say anything,
she stops chewing to look at him, “what for?”
he takes a deep breath, trying to remember all of the things he wants to say to her. everything has to be perfect “shit, i had this rehearsed in my head but i keep forgetting. s-sorry.”
‘fuck you, stop being cute’ she thinks
“take your time i guess” she still needs to be a little mean. because there’s no way she’s letting him off the hook that easy.
she can’t erased what he did to her. it still hurts
he leans forward, hands clasps with his eyes shut. trying not to tear up infront of your person is difficult when you’re the one who fucked up. and he has no right to actually feel that way.
“what i said to you… was out of line, it was unforgivable. you’re not insecure. you’re…. perfect” he exhales, trying to catch her eyes but she keeps looking away from him. “and when i mentioned your exes? it was not okay too. what kind of a boyfriend does that.”
“i agree you were being a fucking dick.”
nodding, he smiles sadly. “i second that. but it’s not true, all of it.”
“then why did you say it?” she questions,
“i-i was in a heat of the moment i guess” he gulps, “it was never meant to go that far.”
“oh yeah? how far were you willing for that one to go? did you calculate the fight or something?” she’s starting to feel upset, looking at him with a confused look. “you know, no matter how angry i am at you… i would never pull that type of shit that you did. it was traumatizing to hear. you know that?”
her voice cracks at the end, and it makes him feel more shitty than he already is. the way her eyes beginning to water and how her lips tremble just shows how vulnerable he makes her feel. it’s a sight he never wanted to see
“n-no! y/n i-fuck, i know i could never take back all of those things i said to you but i said it anyway. it was fucking s-stupid. i took my girl’s biggest insecurity then used it against you and it was not fair for me to do that. to anyone for that matter. believe me when i say that, please baby you have to. i have been drowning myself in regret for the past couple of weeks and-“ he draws a deep breath to keep him from falling apart,
“i don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive myself.”
no matter how mean or bitchy y/n is, she always has a soft spot in her heart for the ones she loves the most. and as angry and disappointed she is at him, seeing him break down just takes a huge chunk out of her heart.
she knows that he didn’t mean it, it’s eddie we’re talking about here.
this man may look like a menace but he refuses to even kill a fly.
and she doesn’t want him to keep blaming himself to the point that he believes he’s nothing but a fuck up. he’s better than all those shitty guys she has dated, and she confirmed that to him before. because it’s the truth
“i know” her tone is soft and calming. she taps her finger underneath his chin so he’ll be able to look at her. heart soften at the sight of her boyfriend’s glossy eyes and how the fear in his eyes is easy to be found when the thought of losing her completely tears him apart.
“look, eddie” she begins with a sigh. shifting her weight to face him. “the day you came into my life … you built this home inside of me. a small comfortable bed in my heart with thick white duvet and boxes of pizzas, refusing to leave… and i am so happy that you didn’t despite knowing the choice that you can. sure you tend to keep it messy at times but you never forget to put it back together.”
he listens. every word. and he fails to notice how his heart warms at her choice of words. it almost sounds like he had received a love letter from his significant other.
her eyes then cast down, gazing at the small heart tattooed on his ring finger. “I’ve thought so much before letting you in because i know love hurts. people are capable to give you unbearable amount of pain once they find the things that you care about the most. they would eventually figure out how to use those things against you… the process of putting yourself back into one piece is exhausting which i hate having to go through that again and-“
“and i just did it..” eddie interrupts. realizing the disaster he put her heart through. gulping as the memory of calling her ‘insecure’ comes flashing back into his mind. “god… i fucking-i hurt you so bad and i never thought i would be the person to do that to you… I’m a fucking dick”
“what? hey no. stop” she tells him. forcing him to look at her by reaching out to palm his cheeks. “you’re not a dick… i mean you were at the field that day but entirely? no. baby, you’ve changed my life.”
eddie searches for the security and reassurance in her eyes. then he studies every single detail of her features, the way her lips curve into a small grin trying to comfort him. trying to make him believe
“and i believe you have no power in hurting anyone. especially to the ones you love the most-“
“i love you” he blurts, “i love you the most. no one else”
“yes. i know” she nods, brushing few bangs away from his forehead. “you show me every day. and i am so grateful.”
how could even the universe let him have the most precious girl like her? why do they trust him enough to take care of her when he knows for a fact that there are people who could provide her with better love and experience?
she could’ve chosen one of their beating hearts but instead she chose his.
“i should’ve been the one trying to comfort you, not the other way around” he laughs through his tears making her laugh as well.
“you already have.” she responds truthfully, thumbing the thin skin underneath his eye. “i love you. okay?”
“i love you back” he replies, eyes dropping to her soft lips and he’s eager to kiss her but he doesn’t want to overstep the boundaries. “and i am sorry. for everything.”
“you said that, my love” she giggles, kissing his nose. “i forgive you but i swear you pull that shit one more time, I’ll leave your ass and I’ll make sure you don’t get any clients anymore. got that?”
he nods his head fast after hearing how quick she is to switch her tone. yup, he’s still scared of her
“promise, gorgeous.”
“good” she lets go of his face and he struggles not to tug her hands back and keep it there.
“oh and uhm…. can i take a shower?” she looks at him, fiddling with the loose string of her top. “i smell like someone poured chardonnay on a woman who’s been dead for six months”
he emits a chuckle with his head shaking. even at this state, she still manages to pull a joke or two,
“you don’t need to ask” he tells her with a beam and stands up. heading towards his room with her trailing from behind. grabbing his ‘motley crue’ tee from the drawer. one that she loves to steal. “I keep this here, yeah? towels on the rack.”
“uncle wayne… when will he be home?” she asks
“around 2 i guess. he’s off to meet up with some of his friends after work so I’ll be alone for a while.” he informs with his arms crossed,
she hums, walking towards the bathroom while taking off his jacket then her top and throwing it on the floor—on purpose— giving him a show.
eddie eyes her bare back for a quick second. it is not easy having to resist the urge from planting kisses on her soft skin. she probably wouldn’t appreciate that.
to his concerns, they’re probably not back together… right?
so instead, he decides to keep himself busy. looking around at posters on the walls, to his guitar and books that are left unread.
maybe he should crack one open? he did fail algebra
“well? aren’t you gonna join me?”
he hears her ask, whipping his head towards the direction and his throat runs dry when his eyes fall at the sight of her bare breasts. a mischievous smile planted on her lips with a head tilt.
eddie seems to be loss at words for a moment. not wanting to come off as too excited because he knows he’s still at fault. yet a smile soon painted on his lips. “y-yeah… would love that”
she smiles watching him take off his shirt eagerly. giggling when he nearly trips over the carpet, cursing at it for almost making him fall.
he slowly reaches out to place his hand on hers before interlocking it. y/n eyes observe each and every single one of his tattoos on his chest, tracing it lightly with her other hand.
those beautiful brown eyes of his look into hers and she swears he puts her under a spell. feeling her knees about to drive down to the floor. how could a boy look this pretty and belongs to her?
the longing stare is enough said. both found a home when they gaze at eachother’s eyes. and peace soon, rebuilds itself inside him when eddie pulls her into a sweet kiss. soft lips molding into his lightly chapped ones, followed by a sigh of content escape from his mouth. he’s thinks he might be scaring her off but instead, she melts into the kiss.
his tongue slips into her mouth while he draws her body closer to his bare chest as she gasps softly.
this is the intimacy that they have been craving for so long after the fight. one that he wishes to never have to go through again because being away from her just feels like hell. and she wishes for the same.
they’re not lost anymore. the love is found once again when they’re back in each other’s arms.
he keeps one hand steady around her waist while her arms sling over his shoulders. the couple soon disappear into the bathroom to finally makeup for the lost time.
this is where he swears to keep his promise one more time,
to protect her heart with everything in him.
hopefully this is good enough. love u all mwah:)
as always feedbacks are welcome <3
@munsonmolls @chaarrlliie @plaindonutsworld @protecteddiemunson4vr @ilovecupcakesandtea @renssonly @feltonswifesworld87 @eris-rose-86 @e0509 @depressedacidtest @downtoearthworm98 @bistardew @godsfavoritegirlll @livslifeonline @thicksexxualtension @janenerdstuff @wisestarlightwolf @littlemiss-yeehaw @lacrymosa-24 @bratckerman
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viiiiiiiiiin · 6 months
Sanji with bff reader who's trying to be his wingman and failing pls (either because sanji is really bad at picking up ladies or the reader is horrendous at wingmanning, heck maybe even both, you decide)
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Next Time: Sanji and Wingman Reader
Includes: Sanji , Male Reader , Strawhats
A / N: STOP I LOVE THIS. LOSERS BEING BESTIES FR !!! I hope u don't mind that I chose male reader. I don't write much of them and I want a variety :) enjoy ! Sorry it's short @@
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"Cmon Sanji ! You got this ! Do what we rehearsed !" You gave him a thumbs up and a toothy grin. The blonde haired gentleman nodded in return as you took your place behind the door.
Another failed attempt , you assumed by the way his head was hung downwards. You walked over to him and patted his back gently. "It's okay , Ji. You'll get 'er next time !" You laughed and threw your arm around his muscular shoulder.
"Maybe I should try a different pickup line. What do ya got , Reader ?" He asked , grabbing a notepad from seemingly nowhere.
"Ooh ! Ooh ! How about this ! Pretend to spill a drink and be like 'I tripped over my feelings for you . . .' That's gotta win Nami over for sure !" You spun around and grabbed out a poster board.
"What about something about tangerines ? 'You heart is as sweet and sour as a Tangerine' as you kiss her hand. That's gotta make her swoon !" The fact that both of you were so bad at picking up women honestly made the crew feel a bit bad. Why Sanji listened to your advice , the world will never know.
"How about for Robin - Chwan !" He said , spinning as he spoke of the dark haired diva. You placed a finger to your chin , deep in thought. Maybe a dark pun ? Maybe a history pun ? Before you could think , you spoke.
"Ooh ! How about 'you stole my heart like Doflamingo stole Dressrosa . . .' Thats gotta woo her !" You jumped up and down and smiled widely. "What if I gave her something as I said that ?? Or you could help me trip for the pick up line with Nami - Swan !" Sanji rambled as he swirled around , a love tornado of lust was what he was.
"Ooh ! Great idea !! You're so smart !!" Sanji closed his notepad and you both walked over to the ginger. She raised an eyebrow and you pushed Sanji , fake acting like you did it by accident. "Oh no ! I'm sooo sorry Sanji !" You snickered , watching as he fell to his strong knees.
"I tripped over my love for you , mademoiselle . . ~" He spoke smoothly , a perverted grin on his pale face. Nami picked up the book she was reading and smacked both of you in the head.
"That one sucked ! At least be mote creative !" With that , she stomped away and left the both of you with massive bumps on your heads. You both groaned and sat up.
"Fuck , another failure. I'm sorry , Ji. I'll figure somethin' out." You scratched your aching head snd looked sadly at the devastated cook. "Maybe you just haven't met the right girl ! Try flirting when we get to the next island !"
Your suggestion didn't go unheard. As you approached an island to restock supplies , you snd Sanji ran out to the nearest bar. "Try buying her a drink and saying she's as sweet as it ! Or I could spill it on you and you could say your love for her spilled over you !" You suggested as the both of you dashed to the nearest bar.
"Yeahh !! I got this !!"
He does not got it. You spilled the drink and it got ALL over his slacks and the ground. You both ended up being kicked out for causing a disturbance and made all the women laugh at yalls failed attempt at seducing a possible suitor.
You both walked out , dejected at the last failed attempt. You sighed dramatically and fell to the ground. "I'm sorry , Ji ! Next time !"
Next time. How many more 'next time's can he take ? You both were seemingly made to be best friends. One horrendous at flirting and the other horrendous at wingmanning. Next time , next time , next time. Would there be a next time ?
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moonlit-imagines · 9 months
Dick Grayson x Kyle!reader
warnings: guns/violence, death, brutality. like, the typical arkham game themes. not graphic, tho!! mostly mentions
a/n: this sorta takes place in the arkham knight storyline but you really dont have to know anything about that game to read this, i wanted to give enough detail bc i liked this idea and the arkham game fandom is under appreciated. also lowkey y/n is based on an oc but almost all my y/n’s are <3
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Gotham was on fire. You were dumb enough to stay behind. Selina had been MIA for longer than you were used to, and every effort of contact was futile. Last time this happened, she had been arrested and thrown into Arkham City, so it was needless to say that you were a bit worried.
Last thing she told you was that a “pretty worthless supervillain” needed her help with something, but she left it at that. Yeah, she had a habit of making herself scarce, but she was your only family and you two always kept in touch. And now that the evacuation was in effect, you felt even more uneasy.
You pulled on your suit, black leather and spandex hugging your body tighter as you zipped up. Pulled your gloves on, claws and all. Clicked the belt around your waist, equipping your small set of weapons and utilities. The headpiece was pretty simple, just some silly cat ears to match your aunt’s, along with the goggles for good measure.
Gotham was more dangerous than you’d ever seen, only delinquents like yourself roamed the streets. Except, they didn’t carry a code like you. Scarecrow caused a panic, this “Arkham Knight” had a personal vendetta to fill, the city was on its knees. Tanks were starting to load onto the islands, troops taking over buildings, and riots overwhelmed what little protection was left here. You knew a few places to go, but your best bet was the movie studios.
Panessa, Batman’s secret base with the Wayne name slapped right on the outside, it always made you smile when you saw it. You were hoping to find an ally inside, maybe someone who could help you find Aunt Selina.
And you may be thinking you’d just sneak inside like a lovely little cat burglar would, but why not try the front door. “Stray.” You spoke into the voice box and chuckled as the doors opened for you. “It’s like they were waiting for me to crawl on back.” You stepped inside and into the elevator and poked the down button, trusting the rickety old elevator to deliver you safely to the lower level.
When you stepped out, there was only one familiar face that wasn’t behind a pane of glass. Didn’t know Batman kept prisoners. “Y/N?” Robin asked from across the room, setting down his tablet to meet you halfway. “What the hell are you still doing in Gotham?”
“Selina’s missing and I didn’t want to leave without her. What’s…all this?” You motioned at the containment cells, starting to understand why there were prisoners when you noticed their Joker-esque features. The lot began to make trouble, beginning to harass and poke fun the same way that clown would.
“Ignore them. I’ll call Batman.” Tim told you. “Make yourself comfortable, I guess. You already broke in.”
“Broke in?” You scoffed. “I used the door, actually. Still have my little voice thing activated. I just had to say my name and I walked in. Kind of rude to assume I just break in just because I happen to be a burglar from time to time.” You ranted and heard a chuckle from Robin just before Batman answered his call.
“He wants to talk to you.” Tim called you over, holding out his arm in an awkward way to you could talk to Bruce.
“Tell me everything, y/n.” Batman instructed.
“Hey, good to see you, too. Uhh, yeah, so Lina said she was hired by some loser supervillain to steal something they needed. That was basically all she told me before she left, been a few days. Can’t get ahold of her.” You explained, looking over at Tim and shrugging. “She considers most of the so-called ‘supervillains’ of Gotham ‘losers,’ though, so it doesn’t really narrow it down.”
“Okay. Stay at the movie studios. I’ll look into it.” Batman hung up just like that and you rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, I’m not allowed to leave either. This…” Robin motioned to the Joker lookalikes, “is what Joker left behind in his death. All that infected blood from Arkham City, it wasn’t all caught, and I have to find a cure.” Robin went back to his tablet and you sat on a nearby chair. “Catwoman tell you much about the City?”
“Only that it was a shithole and Two-Face is a loser.” You started scrolling through the computer before you, reading little lab notes here and there. “How’s Oracle?”
“She’s in the city, of course. Refused to evac, wanted to help, but no one expected anything less.” Robin noticed you snooping, but let you continue. “Nightwing’s okay, too.” Your eyes peeked to the side and your brows raised. “Well, not really. Ego’s bruised since Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy kicked his ass the other night.” You laughed out loud, quite amused by the news.
“Good, he probably needed it.” You leaned back in the chair. “You know, I could probably help out there.”
“I already tried, Batman said to stay here.” Tim sighed.
“I don’t work for Batman. Maybe I wanna go kick some ass and try to find my aunt.” You explained, only half-jokingly. If was only seconds after that projections of the Riddler showed up all over Gotham. “Oh, brother. Not this guy.” You groaned, watching Nygma go on about his plan until Catwoman appeared on screen, causing you to bolt up and out of your chair. You would have run for it now if not for his explicitly telling you to stay away.
“Oh, and Stray, dear? Keep away, please. This is for Batman and Batman only, and if you get too close I might just…oh, well, you know.” Riddler chuckled at the insinuation that he’d detonate the bomb around Selina’s neck. Robin looked to you, noticing you were completely flush as you watched the broadcast.
“Y/N, he’s won’t let Nygma do anything to her. Try to stay calm.” Tim tried to snap you out of it, which only caused you to transition from fear to rage, jumping up from the chair and pacing around to keep from hitting him.
“Just…shut up, T—Robin. Shut up.” Your claws were drawn and you were steadying your breathing before things got ugly for everyone. More taunts were thrown at you from the Joker-infected and you needed to get the hell out of here, so you headed for the elevator.
“Wait, hey! Y/N, you can’t go out there, it’s not safe.” Robin jogged up beside you, but you ignored him. “You can’t save her right now, Riddler is obsessed with besting Batman. You can’t interfere or it’s over.” You stepped into the elevator and just as you were about to press the button, “Dick is in the city.” You paused.
“Why do I care?” You rolled your eyes and watched Robin pull a wrist communicator from his belt.
“You care.” He handed you the comm. “You can call any of us with that. We have our locations on, too. Keep in touch.”
“Where is he?” You sheepishly asked, looking down at your boots. You knew Tim had a stupid, told-you-so smirk on his face.
“Near the docks, he’s working on something. He’ll probably need your help.” Your eyes sort of lit up when you heard that, but you quickly took yourself back to reality knowing Tim was just trying to make sure you weren’t alone out there. For Dick’s sake.
You were still considered apart pf the family, even if Selina and Bruce weren’t a thing at the moment and you and Dick had gone your separate ways. You still caught yourself thinking about Dick Grayson often, wondering what could have been, what you would have done differently, why you guys even chose to leave. Sometimes it made sense, sometimes you struggled not to pick up the phone.
But now you stood on the rooftop of Panessa Studios, looking out to a city in ruins. A city in need of saving. As much as you respected Bruce, there’s no way you believed he could do this all alone. And if he was going to save your aunt, maybe you should lend a helping hand in the meantime. You fiddled with the device on your wrist, trying to get the hang of the new model communicator until you found Nightwing’s contact programmed in. Clicking the button made your stomach drop, you froze up as the line rang.
This comm was given to you, but wasn’t updated in the system as yours, so Nightwing answered the message from Batcom #1 and was shocked to see your beautiful face waiting for his answer. “Y/N! Are you…are you still in Gotham?” Dick’s calling of your name was embarrassingly high-pitched, but he recovered it upon his question. “Please tell me you’re not here.”
“Dick, I’m wearing cat ears and my aunt is being held hostage at the moment, of course I’m here.” You sarcastically answered, just like he remembered. “Tim gave me this thing, said I could go help out if I wanted. Just have to stay away from Riddler stuff for the night.” You explained, showing the Panessa Studios sign in the background.
“Yeah?” You could see Dick’s smile, like he and Tim knew exactly how to plan and you just wouldn’t figure it out. But despite this cold, brutal night, you felt all warm and fuzzy inside when that smirk grew on his face, you knew he was happy to have this opportunity. “I kind of need a partner for what I’ve got going on, Penguin’s doing something shady down by the docks. Wanna join me?”
“I could get behind that.” He sensed a bit of flirtation in your voice. “Meet you there?”
“I’m already here, why don’t I meet you in the middle? It’s really bad out here…” Dick rubbed the back of his neck nervously, thinking he’d come on too strong.
“You’re worried about me?” You chuckled and he told himself his suspicions were true. “How sweet.” You began walking to the edge of the roof, beginning to plot your path to avoid any psychopaths that may try to murder or kidnap you. “It’s not that far, I’ll be fine.” You hung up on him and he took a deep breath. Seeing his ex, probably his first love, after a long, long hiatus, it probably freaked him out more that Gotham’s takeover right now.
You barely felt the nerves he did, you knew you had a certain power over him. Not that you’d like to use it, not like you used to. Getting away with petty little crimes with your charm until you finally gave him a chance, let him show you the other side of things. Betraying that trust would put you down the wrong path once again.
Dick waited patiently for you, staring at the rooftops you may travel across to try and spot you, completing ignoring the smoke and flames from below. Running into trouble up there wouldn’t be much of a problem, everyone was busy robbing stores and shooting each other on the ground. You’d heard about some freaky bodies strung up on rooftops, some more Riddler shenanigans hidden around the place. Honestly, it didn’t surprise you much. This was Gotham City, where anything could happen.
Soon you found yourself just a few more steps from your past. You and Nightwing, both masked, stood across from each other with only a gap between buildings between you. With a graceful leap, you swung above the road and landed right beside the vigilante, who was a bit too stunned to speak, but he was the famed Dick Grayson…he doesn’t stay quiet for long. “Nice landing.” His smooth voice made you smirk involuntarily.
“Hope I didn’t keep you waiting.” You rolled your whip up and clipped it back to your belt.
“Eh, you did…but I’m willing to forgive and forget.” He quipped in his nonchalant tone, same boy you’ve always known. “Bat bossing you around?”
“Yeah, he wanted me to stay at that run-down movie studio. I really wasn’t about it.” You sighed, looking down at the arms deal below. “But I guess you know the feeling a lot better than me. I never really listened to the guy, you know?”
“Oh, I know.” Nightwing chuckled, kneeling down by the ledge. “You’re my inspiration for breaking away. Always giving Bruce shit, not taking him seriously. He hated it.”
“Hated me?” You asked him, wide-eyed.
“Actually, I think it was the reason he liked you so much back then. Usually people see him as like, an authority figure.” Nightwing explained, still observing the Penguin goons below. “And the people who didn’t listen were usually still a little afraid of him. But you were just that ‘kid’ who never quite listened and didn’t quite care.” You chuckled at some old memories that came back to you with his words. Memories of awkward patrols and first encounters with Batman and the first Robin. You and him were so young back then. So young and so hopeless.
“So you’re saying he approved of me?” You teased with a taunting smirk and poked Nightwing in the arm, causing him to scoff and roll his eyes. “Oh, yeah, the big bad Batman approved of the poor little street cat.”
“Well, as close to approval as possible. He is still a hardass.” Nightwing realized in that moment how easy it was to fall into your old ways. No awkwardness, just two people who have a bond you can’t break with time. “So, uh, these guys down here.”
“Righttt, the Penguin guys. North Refrigeration, huh? Man, you’d think Oz wouldn’t be so predictable.” You remarked as a car sped past you on the street behind, shooting an automatic rifle into the sky, but you paid little mind to it. “Remember the Iceberg Lounge? He must really like the cold.”
“He’s definitely got a gimmick.”
“Don’t we all?” You pointed to the cat ears on your headpiece and you both burst into quiet chuckles. “Are we gonna go down there or what, Dickie?” Your nickname for him made his heart flutter.
“Bruce wanted me to wait, he’s got a plan.” Nightwing sighed. “I’m only listening now because of how insane it is tonight, but I wish he’d let us handle it ourselves. He needs a break.”
“I think we all do.” You crossed your legs on the concrete rooftop and wrapped your arms around them, looking past the illegal activities below and over at the city skyline across the water. “If we all make it out of here alive, I think it’s time I leave Gotham.” You stared in silence for a few moments, pretending not to realize Dick staring at your profile. “Wanna do my thing and not listen to Bruce?” You snapped out of it and raised your eyebrows in a playful way. “You can’t say no, it’s not in my nature to listen to big strong men.”
“You wanna go bother these guys down here? They’re just doing their jobs.” He joked, getting up to play your game.
“Oh, well that’s too bad.” You shrugged, nearing the edge of the roof. “Maybe I just wanna say ‘hi.’”
“Oh, well if that’s all you wanna do.” Nightwing stood beside you and you both took a quick leap from the building to the ground, startling the group of thugs and interrupting their very important work.
“Shit! Catwoman?” One of the thugs asked before getting punched in the gut by yourself.
“Hah, he deserved that! Rest of us know who you are, Ronnie’s just a dumbass.” Another thug assured you before Nightwing shocked him with an escrima stick. You both took turns knocking around these cronies until all of them were laid out across the ground, only ones left were hiding inside of the van beside you.
“That was fun.” Nightwing nudged you with his elbow as you walked side by side to the back of this van. “We’ll have to do that again sometime.”
“How about when we find their hideout?” You suggested, knocking on the van doors. They flung open and were shocked to see two vigilantes waiting for them, then desperately drove off just as you’d planned. Nightwing grabbed you by the waist, pulled you close, and used his grapple gun to bring you both back the the rooftops so you could easily follow the van without being spotted. It was a bit off-guard, being pulled in like that, but you didn’t mind at all.
After some time and a bit of flirty remarks here and there, you both made it to the Penguin’s hideout. “You sure you’re in? There’s a lot of people in there, we can still wait for Bruce.”
“Come on, Dickie. It’s nothing we haven’t done before.” You tilted your head to have him come along with you and led him to an unconventional entrance. “It’s gonna be tons of fun, you’ll see.” You opened the rooftop vent and slid down first, crawling beneath the floor and estimating how many men you’d be going up against with your infrared goggles. Probably twenty or so, but you and Dick had trained together for a long time, it would all come back to you in an instant—you hoped.
The both of you popped out from the shadows and immediately started beating on these criminals, watching them all scramble to figure out how to react. “Told you, fun!” You called out to Dick, tossing a pair of bolas at a goon’s legs causing him to trip right into Nightwing’s roundhouse.
“Never doubted you for a moment!” Nightwing answered, pushing another thug your way so you could catch his arm with your whip, pulling his fist into his face. “Ouch! Why’d you do that, man?” Nightwing punched your victim once again. “Starting to think you like getting hurt.” The two of you continued throwing punches in sunch a calculated, synchronized way, catching a few as well. Once a thug managed to land a punch to your face, Nightwing was right to the rescue. “You okay?”
“Never better, baby.” You held your cheek and he worried you’d got a concussion for a moment before realizing you called everyone “baby.” Dazed, he also caught a punch to the back, knocking the final thug down with only his elbow. “That was it? That wasn’t even a challenge, that was a warm-up.” You told Dick, who was still kind of staring at you. “Hey, I told you I’m fine, don’t worry.” You smiled.
“It’s not that.” Dick chuckled. “It’s just, I’m thinking about what you said earlier.”
“What’d I say?” You kicked a guy’s arm away from your foot, wondering what Dick meant.
“About leaving Gotham…I’ve got an extra room at my place.” Dick shamelessly offered, but you could hear the nervousness in his voice.
“An extra room? Did you move apartments?” You raised a brow and saw his cheeks turn red under his mask.
“Uh, well…no.” He rubbed the back of his neck with his gloved hand. “I have extra room in my bed, though…if you’re down.” You stared at him, shocked and expressionless. Not many people could do that to you. “I don’t want to put you on the spot, and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I don’t expect anything out of you, but y/n, I want you in my life again.”
“…What?” You quietly answered him, still dumbfounded by the sudden proposal. You absolutely loved seeing him tonight, and you loved fighting beside him, and you loved him. It was like everything was coming back together.
“I left Gotham, I left everything behind. I left you behind. And I know that was both of our decisions, but if you’d just leave Gotham with me tonight, after all of this is over, I’d like to start over with you however you’d like.” Dick and you stood below these dim string lights in this criminal base surrounded by beaten foes, piles of money, and loads of firearms. A hell of a place for a romantic speech like this. “I just realized how much I was missing without you. And all the dangers of tonight, and you and I getting stuck here. I don’t want to be apart again, y/n.” He confessed to you.
You both quietly stood there a moment, not knowing what to do. You were still sweating from the fighting that had concluded a few minutes ago. Still breathing heavy with a fast heartbeat, but now for a new reason.
You said it yourself, you wanted to leave. Tonight solidified that decision. And Selina would understand. You were a Stray, you went where it was good for you, and maybe Blüdhaven would be good for you. It wasn’t on fire nearly as much, didn’t have as many supervillains, wouldn’t give you a target on your back.
And it had him.
And he was offering you everything.
And without another thought, you took a few paces forward into his arms and pulled his face in for a deep kiss, hands carefully cupping his cheeks as not to scratch them. Dick was surprised at first, but couldn’t resist what he’d been wanting since he left for Blüdhaven. He wrapped his arms around your waist and slowly kissed you back, the passion was still there. Both of you felt it.
You pulled away slightly and gazed into his eyes, both smiling stupidly from the kiss. “Does this mean you’ll come with me? Please say it does.”
“Yeah, Dickie, I’ll come with.”
taglist: @ravenmoore14 // @summersimmerus // @xoxobabydolls // @evilcr0ne // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @elenavampire21 //
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reareaotaku · 8 months
Yandere! Steve Harrington Headcanons
Want to have a redemption arc for Steve now that I know more abt him Tw: Slight Bully! Steve
Tumblr media
Super protective of you
When he worked at Scoops Ahoy, he would give you free ice cream whenever you came by
Season 1 Steve bullied you, because he didn't want to admit that he had a crush on a loser
He would push and shove you
But he becomes better and does whatever you want so you'll forgive him
At first, you're hesitant, because you think it's a big joke, but he's serious and he does everything to prove it
He buys you gifts, helps carry your books, and defends you against his [ex/old] 'friends'
Is very defensive over you. He just really wants to prove that he wants to be friends with you and that he's sorry
^ He uses Robin to help him with this. Asks her to put in a good word for him [She doesn't]
^ When he realizes that Robin isn't helpful for his predicament, he asks Nancy [Oh god, that's even worse Steve. She was not happy that her ex asked her to essentially be his 'wingman' for a girl she's only just got into the good graces of]
^ His saving grace was Dustin. Dustin had been putting a good word in for Steve, without Steve's knowledge and you saw how he [Steve] acted around Dustin and it made you realized he really had changed
When you were alone with Steve, he was trying to talk to you, but he kept messing up, but he was really trying to tell you that he wasn't an asshole anymore, but he just kept making a fool of himself and you finally stopped him [Really saved him when you finally got him to shut up]
^ "You know..." You start and he looks at you, "When Dustin told me that you were and I quote 'The coolest guy in town' I didn't believe him. I thought you were still the same asshole, self-centered, arrogant bastard you have been for years," He grimaced at your words, but let you continue, "but you've changed... Like in the best way possible. And at first I didn't want to believe it, because there was no way that you," You gesture towards him, "had changed. I assumed that it was a big joke and you were trying to make a fool out of me."
He apologizes, telling you he's so sorry he was mean to you, but you tell him it's okay. "You're paying for your karma now," You joke, causing him to chuckle along with you
He has stars in his eyes whenever he looks at you
At first he thinks he just sees you as a friend. There's no way he's in love with you... No, no, no. He just wants to be friends... Well-
Okay, maybe he does like you, but he knows you would never like him; Not with the way he treated you
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
BatFamily and Their Batman Ship:
Alfred - BatCat. Even though he disaproves of Selina's criminal life he enjoys her company enough it doesn't really matters. He thinks Selina and Bruce are perfect for each other.
Jim Gordon - BatCat and BruHarvey before discovering that Batman and Bruce were the same people he kindda just belived Catwoman was Batman's soulmate and Harvey was Bruce's tragic soulmate. Is more inclined towards Bruharvey because he thinks Bruce is the only one who can get Harvey's back and he and Harvey really bonded working together and he saw Harvey as an younger brother before Two-Face.
Dick - BatCat or SuperBat. He loves both Clark and Selina and both were basically parents for him in a way or another. He is very disapointed in Bruce for never acting on either of his two very obvious crushes. He is even more disapointed after Khoa breaks Bruce's heart.
Dick is an anti-GhostBat and Khoa will have to do a lot of work to prove his worth to Bruce's eldest child. He also disaproves of BruHarvey.
Barbara - BruHarvey or BatCat, just like Dick she grew whatching Selina sending Bruce the heart eyes and also respecting Selina as the ultimate girlboss. But while Dick was seeing Superman sending his dad love eyes, Barbara was seeing her uncles Harvey and Bruce weirdly pinning. And while Dick and Harvey never got along at all, Harvey was very close to the Gordon family as a whole and used to babysit Babs a lot.
Jason - Brutalia and WonderBat. He accepts some of Bruce's other love interests, but he doesn't like them. Talia means to Jason the same that Selina means to Dick, she is basically his mother and he adores her.
While Jason would support Wonderbat as well is important to add that he thinks Diana could and should do better. He thinks the same of Talia, but he also knows how much she likes Bruce and believes Bruce does act better when with her. He is starting to think BruHarvey is also not that awfull of an idea.
Cassandra - She saw most of Bruce's romantic phases with people and she has no fix idea. She just wants Bruce to be happy. If she had to choose one option would probably be Talia, but in parts is because she has a tiny crush on Talia.
Tim - None. Tim doesn't think anyone is good enough for Bruce. Or better put he thinks Bruce is too emocionally fragille for a relationship. Anyone who dates Bruce will have to deal with an overprotective Tim.
He specially distrusts Selina. The closest to a Bat ship he has is BatLatern cause Tim was the Robin during the time Bruce and Hal were having the weird "chair" friendship and it kindda reminded Drake of him and Kon. Still he is very anti Batman dating and will make a PowerPoint presentation of "things I'm going to do with you if you ever hurt Bruce."
Stephanie - Thinks Bruce is too much of a loser to date. Does ship BatCat. She likes Selina and like all Robins saw her and Bruce weird flirt, she thinks they match. She also supports Brutalia, mostly because Damian convinced her. She just really doesn't care. Will write trash fic about Batman and his Rogues. When Riddler was living at her home she would specially make fun of his crush on Bruce. But is more her being a little gremlim than anything else.
Damian - Brutalia. Duh. He wants his parents to be an item and he wants it now. Will do a parent trap if necessary. Sees good points in other ships, he actually gets along well with Selina and with Clark, but I mean, he is on his mother's side.
Duke - Coudn't care less. There is only one superhero love life he cares and it's his own. He loves Bruce but that man's love life is just too messy for him to have an opinion on and my man knows his priorities. While not as protective as Tim, Duke is still very protectice of Bruce.
Bao - GhostBat. This child of divorce just wants to see his parents get back together and he will fight the other child of divorce (Damian) over it.
[I can't imagine neither Kate nor Helena even participating on such debate because both are really not intererested in Bruce's weird love life. I also have no idea what Harper, Cullen, Maps or Luke would think].
All members of the batfam hate BatJokes.
Disclaimer: there is very specific situations with different ships, for example I personally believe that Lego Dick does shipp BatJokes and Unburied Babs ships RiddleBat. But this are very specific versions of the characthers and not the general norm.
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crazyringo · 3 months
Okay. Since I've started playing HSR, I hardly surfed Tumblr for any theories. Mostly started doing so 2.0 onwards, and most of them are pretty interesting reads. However, one theory for 2.3 has me lukewarm since it first started... And that's Sunday potentially becoming a Stellaron Hunter.
While interesting in theory, I honestly don't really see it happening. Yes, Elio is indeed striving towards the Script that displays a better future for everyone. And yeah, okay, Sunday wanted to ensure everyone's happiness within the dreamscape and with this line of thinking we can assume he'd want to ensure the best possible future for everyone being a Stellaron Hunter. And while we can all agree that he's a misguided good boy with good intentions, I still don't see him joining the group.
Here's why (my opinion): He'd be leaving Robin behind.
His beloved sister who, despite his betrayal (and by that I mean being the cause for Robin's singing voice), still hugged and forgive him for his mistakes. Despite the fact that he had failed to achieve his goal, he was still loved by the one person he cared for most. I honestly don't see him leaving her behind...
And if he did join the Stellaron Hunters, who by the way are considered to be dangerous criminals/terrorists among other things by the IPC and the rest of the cosmos, it'd be damning for Robin's career as a renowned songstress since she's related to Sunday, who's a family head and most likely a well-known authoritative figure outside of Penacony. I wouldn't be surprised if Robin had mentioned his name every so often whenever she did her thank you speeches in interviews on radio and/or TV
Moreover, before his boss fight, he did say that he wanted a fair fight with the Trailblazer. He wanted to see whose ideal was stronger. Clearly, it was the Trailblazer's. Personally, I see Sunday being a man of his word. He's confident, righteous, and very clever for his age. I don't see him being a sore loser. And since Robin forgave him, I'd like to think that he would no longer push himself as hard as he did before. For me, Robin's hug tells Sunday he's no longer alone. That no matter what happens next with the Family they will still have each other to rely on. I really adore/admire their bond as siblings and the theory of Sunday potentially becoming a Stellaron Hunter kind of saddens me if they're going to be apart
Now, if Hoyoverse DOES go through with this theory... Fine. I will accept it for what it is, but they better do a damn good job of it narrative wise. And if he doesn't, that will be great for me because the Halovian siblings will be together.
Not to mention, story wise, Firefly has mentioned more than once that the reason why she's in Penacony is to guide the Astral Express to the truth of what's going on. There was no mention of potential recruitment concerning her Script. Who knows? That might possibly change in 2.3, but with everything else going on story wise with Sparkle, the IPC, and the Family I highly doubt it's going to happen.
Don't get me wrong. I love Sunday's character, and I'm sure that he'd be a great asset to the Stellaron Hunters if he becomes one. I just don't see it. If anything, I'd rather have him be a new member in the Astral Express. Robin could be calm and pretty much be free of worries if her brother is surrounded by people she can trust. And they could communicate on the phone and write letters to each other when they have the time/arrive at a new planet. She'd be worried sick if Sunday was with the Stellaron Hunters, and of course if that were to happen there's hardly going to be any communication between them. I'd like our chicken wing siblings to be in a safe environment, thank you! 😤
Overall, the Penacony storyline has been awesome. Though, admittedly, I was kind of disappointed on the lack of Silver Wolf. Was hoping to see more screen time with her since she's paired up with Firefly for this assignment but~ nope! Our Wolfie, yet again, works from the sidelines. Other than that minor complaint, it's definitely been an emotional rollercoaster for me as I played through the story. And while I am excited for 2.3, I am also apprehensive about it...
Something deep down in my gut tells me that we're going to lose someone in the finale. And if not our precious Firefly, then it's going to be our good boy Sunday.
I really don't have much thoughts for Firefly aside from I obviously don't want her to die, so I can't speak much there. For Sunday, on the other hand, I can. I am scared for this boy. Fear has gripped my heart the moment I heard his voice line on that clue we find on the Grand Theater.
Sunday. Is. Scared.
Since the moment he's been introduced, he's been nothing but cool, calm, and collected. Now, this poor boy is scared. Considering he had failed miserably on what the Family had been planning for years, I would not be surprised if they throw the poor boy to the wolves. The wolves being the IPC. Since Jade is now in Penacony... I predict that this will not end well.
Aside from attempting to reclaim Penacony for the IPC, I wouldn't be surprised if Jade mentions about Aventurine's mistreatment during his stay with one of the Family heads to get a word in edge wise. To which, they would simply say, "We know. He's no longer one of us. Do as you see fit." Giving Sunday over to the IPC in exchange for Penacony's independence in the name of "Harmony" so that said "Harmony" would be restored on both sides. If that line of thought more or less happens on 2.3, I sincerely hope that the Astral Express will be able to save him before it's too late. That, or maybe the Family will use Sunday as collateral and force Robin to cooperate with their plan B to ensure Sunday's safety (I really hope not)
Something also tells me that we as the Trailblazer are going to be forced to make a very, very difficult choice for 2.3... As in, one or the other kind of scenario. And, of course, there's only ONE right answer in said choice and I really hate those...! *Glares at Black Swan, who forces you to hear out Aventurine's truth, despite me not trusting him (still don't tbh. I'd rather trust Sampo, and that's also bad lol)*
But yeah, those are my current thoughts as of now. Might be wrong on some things, but I at the very least wanted to put my thoughts out there before 2.3 arrives. I'm looking forward to the next update, and I definitely can't wait to bring my darling Firefly home! I'll finally have a full Stellaron Hunter team~! Jade, too. Me love evil gorgeous lady! 💕
Good luck on your pulls everyone~!
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gretahayes · 2 years
(without judgment) may i know why you like tim? i mean the reasons why he is the "best" robin for many people, (according to you). You seem to really know his character
(my english is really bad, sorry)
Ah, okay, so this seems like a serious ask, so I'll sit down and actually answer it.
I like Tim because, at his core, he believes he is a good person, and does good things. Is this true? Well, in most cases, yes. His morals can be loose sometimes, and he's always this close to snapping and becoming a genocidal dictator, but his conviction that he is a good person and those aren't "good person things to do" stop him. He's silly and dumb and so so complex and seems generic on the surface, but I swear he is so, so much more.
He's undoubtedly a good Robin. He was the first to get the Robin suit pants (thank God for that, though the scaly shorts were cute), and his writers loved him and loved Robin. Tim’s hardworking, a fast learner, kind, canonically the most intelligent Robin and a better detective than Batman himself. (Not to say any of the Robins are stupid, they're all intelligent and amazing detectives, but this is Tim’s thing, y’know?) I consider him the best because he was diligent and reasonably cooperative (at least cooperative enough that it didn't interrupt the mission), intelligent, compassionate, a good fighter, and quippy, all in perfectly Robin-sized proportions. He did a lot as Robin, achieved a lot, and that definitely adds to my conviction.
He's also got his own personal agenda half the time that he pushes secretly or blatantly, depending on if it'll cause problems that will stop him from achieving said agenda. He thinks out of the box to achieve his ends, and has a ruthless streak a mile wide. He's also such a loser yet makes fun of others, and that's hilarious to me.
For me, at least, he's just...relatable. He's flawed and bossy and sometimes paranoid and a Batman and Robin (then later, Nightwing) superfan and he's funny and tends to overthink a lot and he fails, sometimes. The narrative tends to be kind to him, and many characters admit he's likable or at least worth their time (I'm thinking of Lady Shiva here, basically training him because she basically thought he was batshit insane ("thought outside of the box" or whatever) and that appealed to her). He's what I call little-brother shaped, in that he's annoying in a way that you're accustomed to find endearing.
Tim has good relationships with a lot of fan favorites, batfamily members or not, and has a tendency to get in other people's business with the insistence he can help. People, whether with shock, humor, derision or resignation, tend to let him, leading to his genuinely ridiculous amount of teamups. He's friendly and fun(ny) to be around generally, even when he's moping. (See: Red Robin 2009). He was remarkably popular in school but too wrapped up in Robin to take up the many, many invitations to hang out he got daily. He's a nerd but hates school and dropped out. He's unable to stay in one place, maybe partly due to him moving apartments a lot as a child.
...I'm rambling. Anyway, here's posts that get into Tim's relationship with his parents. These next ones are about Jack Drake; one that I agree with probably due to my father being a lot like Jack Drake, one that's kinder to him than I'll ever be, but looks at it from both angles and I agree with the harsher take, and one that's got a lot of Bruce but a lot of Tim about Jack as well. TDLR; Tim's dad was shitty, but not shitty enough for anyone whose name isn't Dick Grayson to really...notice? Or do anything about? Which is relatable to me, at least. Jack dies when Tim’s 16, kicking off the worst year of his life.
Tim's also got average parents that tend to be on the side of bad, in Jack's sake. His parents weren't shown on-panel a lot, but from what we know, they ship him off to boarding school once they can. (Which, hey, no judgement, better than leaving him alone) He stops going to boarding school when he's uhh, 15-16. He's 13-14 when his mom dies and his dad is sent into a coma. He mourns her. Jack gets out of his coma eventually, dates then marries his much-younger physical therapist who's a better mother-figure to Tim than Jack is a good dad, is a shitty dad (he knows barely anything about his kid yet keeps exerting control over him, he lets Tim down time and time again, he's shown to have violent tendencies though it's worth noting he never hits Tim on-panel. Some of this can be attributed to him and Tim just being different, but Tim's his son. He should put in more effort than he does.), makes up for it a bit, then dies.
This sounds like Tim propaganda, and it is. He's forgiving and sarcastic and very quick to make nice with people that've hurt him in the past. He's also got a chronic case of Youngest Child Syndrome due to him being the youngest for so long, so he's there's that undertone of brattiness/entitlement when interacting with the older family members he's close to, that screams he's used to being put first and expects it, even. It's endearing though. He loves his friends and his family, makes sure to let them now, and makes sure they know when he feels unloved so they can fix it. He proudly parallels Dick and quietly parallels Bruce, and is the most Bruce-like off all the batkids. King of compartmentalization for the mission.
(Also, he's bi and I see him as heavily ADHD/autism coded (a bit of both in my opinion) he's also absolutely insane btw.)
He's just!!! I'm so fond of him, and I see why other are too. He seems over-hyped, but like...he's genuinely amazing. He didn't create the Robin mantle, but he gave it so much life and joy and he deserves the world.
Also dw your English is perfect here!
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