#not as realistic as i thought it was when i first woke up
icycoldninja · 2 days
hey hey, love your writing a lot, first time ever requesting anything 😅 i thought reader comforting the DMC boys after a nightmare might be nice, those poor lil guys have gone through so much and i just wanna care for em
So do I 🥲
Sparda boys + V x Reader nightmare comfort headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante had another one of those awful nightmares where he relives every single traumatic incident that has ever taken place in his life all in one night.
-The loss of his mother, the supposed loss of his brother, the battle he had to have with his previously assumed dead brother, losing his brother again, etc., etc.
-It's honestly no surprise that he woke up screaming, covered in sweat and shaking like a leaf.
-You were immediately up and at his side, rubbing away the sleep in your eyes and wrapping the scared man up in your arms, resting your head against his shoulder and soothingly whispering to him that it was alright.
-Dante believed you, and melted into your embrace willingly, still shaken, but comforted in the fact that you were there for him.
-You ended up being the big spoon for the rest of the night, threading your fingers through his snowy white hair and assuring him you loved him, and that he was safe.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil had a really vivid dream of the day he lost his mother and presumably Dante, which wasn't all that surprising--these things happened nearly every night.
-Still, Vergil was scared. He hated the feeling of being so helpless and weak, forced to watch as his home burned down and demons ran him through with their swords. Everything hurt. Everything ached. All Vergil wanted was to wake up, and so he did.
-He rocketed upright, heart racing, forehead damp with sweat. He turned and saw you groggily rising from your nest of blankets and breathed a soft sigh of relief, glad that those tragedies hadn't happened all over again.
-Wordlessly, Vergil scooped you into his arms and mumbled a soft "it was nothing, good night" to silence your inquiries, assuring you he was fine, even if he actually wasn't.
-Whether you saw through his lies or not doesn't matter; Vergil will cling onto you tightly, as if you're his lifeline, shivering slightly as he does so.
-All he really wants is comfort from you, either verbally or non-verbally. Hold him, kiss him, tell him you love him, just ground him in reality and make him remember those dark times are in the past, that he's here now, and that he's safe.
□ Nero □
-Nero dreamed of being eaten alive by demons, not at all a pleasant experience, even if it wasn't real.
-The pain of being gnawed and chewed on was somehow so realistic, despite the fact that this whole scenario was dreamed up by Nero's imaginative mind.
-Just as Nero was sure he was dead, he woke up, gasping wildly for air. He opened his eyes and, seeing darkness, thought he really had been swallowed by a massive demon.
-Then you sat up and asked him what's wrong, reminding him that he was in his bedroom, and since you were there with him, everything must be fine.
-You then coax him into lying back down and wrap yourself around him, your head on his chest and your arms around his torso.
-Nero felt at ease with you cuddling up to him, so he was able to close his eyes and drift off to sleep again, this time having actually pleasant dreams.
● V ●
-V had dreamt of falling apart right in front of your eyes. He'd watched, helplessly, as you screamed and sobbed, clawing at his disintegrating form in a desperate attempt to save him, which you couldn't.
-He saw how watching him die broke you; as a result, he began to break down and cry as well. He hated seeing you like this--the last thing he wanted was to leave you behind in this horrible world.
-When he awoke, V didn't believe he was alive. He thought he'd just ventured into the afterlife and would be judged very soon.
-Then he saw your concerned face hovering over him, and thought he'd seen an angel. When you spoke, asking him if he was alright, V was sure he'd met an angel.
-He readily confessed what was troubling him, ending up crying into your shoulder at the end of this revelation. He was scared, shocked, and very sad, all at once. He needed you; needed to be with you, needed to be surrounded by you.
-This is how he falls back asleep, curled up in a ball and trapped in your warm embrace. V's never felt so safe.
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reverendsrevenge · 11 months
oh god i had another iasip dream
this time it was like a whole prediction for dtamhd. i sonor really remember much of the episode but i do remember the end. it took place at the bar or somewhere similar and dennis was talking to frank aand i think he was trying to come out to him but he wasnt listening so he ended up telling everyone in the bar (i dont think it was paddys cause i mean its my sream and i know what happenede but also there was like a lot of people there for some reason). anyways he also came out as trans for some reason i dont remember him saying it but i just know it happened. anyways mac walks up to him cause i mean he was there and dennis is about to say something that insinuates hes in love with him but like hes not able to and mac just holds his hand and then that scene ends. the next scene is just them talking and then the episode ends.
also, little sidenote, i vividly remember taking pictures of the tv when this stuff happened in the dream. i then proceeded to show my sister my pictures and talk about what happened, still in the dream
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mochinomnoms · 1 month
Gremlin ass yuu who has one of those realistic ass dreams that them and jade actually got together and they still believe when they wake up, so naturally, like a normal person, they see jade and go up to hug him and give him a little kiss on the neck only to get body slammed with J-Brain and everyone else around them is horrified as they realize that they and jade are not in fact, dating
(screaming and pounding on the floor THAT'S CUTE)
You woke up with a dry mouth and a sore back. Trying to stretch your legs out made a sharp pain run up your leg and lower back.
Ugh, Jade. You were too rough last night…
Turning around to confront said man, you were surprised to see the empty bedside next to you. Like no one had slept there in the first place.
Even more surprising, you were in your room at Ramshackle instead of Jade's dorm room in Octavinelle. He'd been having you stay over more often since he didn't need to share a room with Floyd anymore.
“What the fu…Did he take me back?” You groaned, getting up and out of bed, wincing at the ache in your legs and lower waist. “Why the hell? Ugh, Jaaaade.”
You were still weary eyed as you finally made your way down the steps into the main hallway, turning into the kitchen to get something to drink.
Mmm, maybe an energy drink, that tastes good with lavender right?
You blinked in surprise at Azul, Jade, and Floyd, along with a few other Octavinelle students, were in the hallway entrance and kitchen area. They were carrying some bags of food and paperwork.
It was then you remembered that you agreed to let Azul sell snacks and drink from Mostro Lounge for your carvinal themed haunted house. They were bringing the items to have them ready to go before the gates open this week for the Halloween festivities.
Oh yeah, that must be why Jade brought me back. He's always thoughtful, isn't he.
You were still half asleep when the trio noticed you, waving politely. Though Jade was having his usual excitable thoughts. Something about your pajamas and sleepy face being cute.
Don't you see me in pjs all the time? Silly.
“Good morning, Prefect, how are you?” Azul starting gesturing to the students putting the food products away. “As you see, we've come to help you and your dorm get set up, as agreed.”
“Mm, Shrimpy looks real tired, don't they Jade?” Floyd nudged his brother with his elbow, watching as you walked up to them.
“They do, perhaps they went to bed rather la—”
Jade stopped mid-sentence, shocked into silence as you wrapped your arms around his back, nuzzling into his neck.
“Mmh, sounds good…just put the stuff…wherever.” You tilted your head up to press a kiss against his neck, feeling the way he swallowed as you did.
“Mornin' Jade…you left me…” You tightened your hold on him, though he didn't return your embrace. “…Jade?”
You were just now noticing just how quiet everything had gotten. There was no movement, no sounds, you couldn't even hear anyone's thoughts.
You moved a bit away from Jade to look at everyone with confusion. They were all staring at you, some with mild horror, some with confusion like yours, and Floyd in particular looked ecstatic, eyes darting between you and Jade like he was waiting for sometime to happen.
Azul just gave you a questioning stare as he raised his eyebrow.
“Should we...know something?”
“Whaddya mean?” you mumbled, resting your head against Jade's chest. His heartbeat was going fast, like it was trying to burst out his case.
“When did you two become a thing?” Floyd cooed, giggling as he rocked on his heels.
“You rubbed your eyes again, more alert now as you started answering, We've been together for a ye—”
The sudden feeling of Jade's arms tightly wrapping around your back, and the sudden influx of his thoughts hitting you like a train, brought you back to reality.
His grip on you tightened as the sleep suddenly vanished from your body.
“We're together? News to me, my dear.”
Kiss me again, my pearl! You'll let me, won't you? After all, you did it first~
The feeling of Jade's body moving, leaning down to return the favor you gave him, sent the dear of God in you.
“Wait, wait WAIT WAIT!” You shrieked as you shoved Jade away, collapsing backwards as you crawled away. “DREAM! IT WAS A DREAM I HAD A DREAM!”
You felt your entire body go hot, as Floyd started cackling his lungs out. Azul was still in the kitchen, holding his hand to his mouth, hiding his own laughter.
Even Jade looked mildly amused, though you could hear the disappointment in his thoughts.
Ah, I see. How tragic. Though…
Jade's smile grew slightly, as he gave you a sly wink.
Might as well make use of this.
“A dream? Was it a pleasant one?” Jade tilted his head as he watched you grow more flustered with glee. “It must have been, if you were so ready to be affectionate with me. Would you like to recall it for me?”
The contents of your dream were coming back to you like a tidal wave, hot breaths and clothes flying off flashing through your mind as you remembered just how pleasant that dream was.
“NO!” You scrambled up the staircase again on your hands and knees, like a spooked cat, ignoring the cackles coming from behind you.
Oh goood, I'm never living this down.
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Sleepyhead, part one
the plot is: you feel yourself very sleepy all the time, and alastor finds it adorable
part one, part two, part three
tw: none, it's just cute
*. ⋆ ✧.·:·.* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *.·:·.✧ *. ⋆
You felt cold. Your eyelashes trembled, you frowned and opened your eyes. Bloody red firmament was the first thing you saw, as you were lying on the ground. A bright pentagram crossed the sky, thin clouds flouted across it, and it looked like a piece of meat. There was a glaringly white spot in the left side, which you took for the sun at first, but then you thought it looked more like a planet. A planet with wings. You tried to find the sun or a moon, but in vain. You couldn't tell if it was day or night. A specific pungent smell hit your nose. The smell was extremely bad and you didn't even want to know what had caused it.
You sat up, slowly got to your feet and looked around: a desert with black sand and dead small trees. There was a city ahead. It was densely dotted with skyscrapers and simply high-rise buildings. You headed for it straight away.
You felt utter drowse, it was so strong, you walked some part of the way with your eyes closed. A minute couldn't pass without you yawning. You slowly moved your legs, staggering side to side, getting closer to the unknown city.
You thought it was a dream. A strange one, but very realistic. Last thing you remembered was that you were lying in your bed trying to fall asleep. Usually it never posed you any problems, but that time was different. You barely could lie just in one position, barely could keep your eyes closed, barely felt drowse.
And now you were extremely sleepy. All you wanted to do was lie down on the hot sand and sleep. But nevertheless you continued your way.
Getting closer, you saw a high building on the hill just in the border of the city. You descried a neon sign on the roof of the building: "Hazbin Hotel". So, there was a refuge in such a strange place that looked like hell. You had no money in the pockets of your pyjamas, of course, but you hoped, you would be let to stay for a night in the smallest room under the stairs for free.
The closer you reached the city, the louder became screams and explosions, like a war was waged in the city. In normal situation you would feel fear, but it was a dream, so why should you be afraid?
You stood in front of a street-door with strained-glass windows depicting apples, snakes and eyes. Yawning one more time, you opened the door and entered.
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
Honeyed soft light of old chandeliers flooded the hotel lobby. A red carpet covered the floor and the birfucated stairs. On the walls with difficult pattern, in which you recognized snakes, hung many painting. It was quiet. Only rustle of your steps on the soft carpet broke the silence. Suddenly you heard a quiet jazz melody somewhere from the left. You turned your head to the side and saw a big black cat at the bar. A cat with wings. And moreover he had a top hat and a red bow tie on his white chest. He was on the place of a barman and poured alcohol in a glass for himself.
Yeah, what a strange dream you had, but the strangest thing was that you couldn't wake up. Usually, when you understood that you were in a dream you immediately woke up. But now you couldn't.
The cat noticed you and looked at you. His stare was vacant, and you understood he was drunk. If a cat could drink, than he could speak too, right? You came up to the bar and asked,
"Excums me, is this a hotel? The Hazbin hotel?"
The cat blinked twice and answered in the affirmative. His voice was deep and low. It reminded black velvet.
"How can I get a room here?"
"Do you want a room?" He frowned. He was looking at you with a blend of suspicon and disbelief.
"Yeah... This is the hotel, isn't it?" You placed your hands at the counter, "Where is reception?"
A slowly saxophone melody hovered between you, making this conversation more surreal.
The cat poured an amber-coloured liquid in his glass, drank it, looked at you again and smirked.
"So, you wanna be redeemed?"
You were irritated at this question. What it did actually mean? You just wanted to sleep, you wanted it so bad, you could kill for having a chance to take to bed.
"I just want a room," You said, gritted your teeth.
"So you don't know?" He said without hiding his smile.
The cat started to dust the counter, and as you didn't answer anything, he continued,
"This is not just a hotel. Living here ain't the main point. The princess of hell founded it on to give all the sinners a chance to get a redemption and go to heaven. So, you're welcome here, but only if you want be better." He glanced at you with a mocking sparkle in his eyes. A smile played at a corner of his mouth. It was clear, that he just repeated the words, he heard million times before, from a host of the hotel maybe, and it seemed funny to him. But not for you. What was the point of all of this? Nevertheless, you needed a room and you wanted to get it by all costs.
"I wouldn't be mind to be better... And to be redeemed," You said seriously. If it could bring you to bed...
"Oh, really?" He raised his red eyebrows, which seemed to be feathers.
Suddenly a high female voice exclaimed from the stairs, "Vaggie, I tell you, someone has come! I saw them in the window!"
You turned to the voice and saw two young women. They noticed you too and opened their eyes in surprise. One of them, a tall, ruddy-cheecked blonde in red jacket and the same colour trousers, smiled widely, showing her white sharp fangs. The other one, with grey skin and white long hair, frowned and took out a spear from somewhere.
They two quickly went down to you, but the blonde was much faster, and as she appeared towards you, she took your hands,
"Welcome!!! I'm Charlie, the founder of this hotel! I'm so glad you've come here!" She was so happy, you wouldn't been surprised, if she'd exploded with sparkles and spangles.
"I'm (Y/n)."
"What a beautiful name! Fits you so well!"
The other girl came up to you, still holding the spear, but not going to attack, "Charlie, we don't even know why they had came here. Maybe they've lost."
"I haven't actually lost. I'm here to redeem." You said loudly. You heard Charlie, she said she was the founder of this place, so it depended on her, whether would you stay here for a night. And also you remembered what that cat told you. The princess of hell founded it on. So you decided to be polite with this young woman. You didn't want to have an enemy in the face of the princess of hell even in your dream.
After your words were said the smile on the Charlie's face grew even bigger, her eyes filled with tears, and she pressed you to her chest in a tight embrace.
"I'm so so so so so so so glaaaaaad!"
"I would be glad too," You barely moaned in her firm hug, "but I'm afraid you'll rather strangle me."
"Uh, sorry!" She let you go straight away.
Charlie tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "It's not like... Well, I mean, it's not that this place is very unpopular or avoided, but it's like not everyday somebody comes here..." Her shoulders slumped and you saw sadness in her eyes. Vaggie gently put her hand on Charlie's shoulder with a soft smile, "Charlie..."
The young woman looked at her and a wide smile shone on her face again.
"Anyway," She said to you, "Welcome to hell! And to Hazbin Hotel! So you can be welcomed lately in heaven!" She almost sang the last word.
Hell? So you understood all rightly. It was hell. A dream about a hotel in hell. Well, why not? Maybe when you'd wake up you should write a book about it?
"Hell?" You asked.
"Yes! You're a new one here, I believe?"
You unsurely nodded. Somehow you started to doubt that it was only a dream. You felt cold. After all it was too real. You could swear you had never heard that jazz melody from the radio, you smelled Charlie's apple perfume, you felt her embrace, and you were sleepy like you were kissed by Mortheus himself. But people don't feel themselves sleepy in their dreams, do they?
But to be in hell you must to be dead. Were you dead?
"Am I dead?" You felt cold inside of you, but it didn't help you to overcome another yawn.
Charlie and Vaggie looked at you with sympathy.
"Yeeaaahhh, you are, I'm very sorry," Said Charlie with an apologetic smile.
You tried to remember, what had happened before you opened your eyes and saw the red sky.
You spent your whole day in your bed, daydreaming, reading books and sleeping. Just like always. You spent your whole life avoiding reality. Fantasies, fictions, daydreams were the only refuge from the horrors of the world you lived in.
"I thought I was too young to die during the sleep..." You pronounced.
Charlie covered her mouth with her palm, "Oh! This must be very... Sudden for you."
"Look at this from the other side. You didn't suffer," Said Vaggie.
You yawned very widely. Yes, you didn't suffer when you died, but now you were probably cursed to never have enough of sleep.
"May I get a room?" You were so tired. What's the matter thinking about your death. It was more important to find a bed. You could think about your death and curse later.
Charlie glanced at you.
"Oh, damn, yes, sure! It's very late already, and of course you need a room!"
"Thank you," You smiled. Getting a bed had never been so difficult.
Charlie took a key from the cell near the empty one, and you three, Charlie, Vaggie and you, headed for the stairs. You glanced back to look at the barcat again. He raised his glass, looking at you, like he was drinking to you. You turned away and asked Charlie about him.
Charlie stopped and exclaimed, "Oh, shit, I absolutely forgot about it! We need to make a tour around the hotel!"
"Charlie," Said Vaggie, "We can do it tomorrow. I'm afraid, our new guest is about to fall asleep in any moment."
"You right." You took the key out from Charlie's hand and turned away.
"What are you doing?" Exclaimed Charlie.
Still going forward you turned your head to Charlie and said, "I'm very grateful for both of you, really," You stopped, "but now I just want to be alone" To sleep, you thought, "to accept the fact I'm dead now," You said. "It's not hard to find a right room, when I know the floor and the number, so don't worry, I can handle it. Good night, girls!" You waved your hand and disappeared in shadowed corridor.
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
You slowly walked forward along the corridor. It seemed endless, though you turned time after time to the left or right. Art Deco lamps glowed dimly, filling the place with an amber light. Sometimes golden candlesticks hung on the walls instead of lamps. There were candles on them; they burned, but wax didn't drip from them. The walls were crimson, and so was the carpet. Although the corridor and the entire hotel were buried in warm colours, goosebumps ran down your skin. Especially in this quiet and dark corridor. It seemed that this place was uninhabited. But judging by the number of empty cells for keys at the reception, at least six or seven people lived here. “Maybe they just opened recently?” You thought yawning again.
You turned to the left again and went up one floor. Here, on one of the upper floors, your room was supposed to be.
Suddenly you heard a melody. You stopped and listened. A piano sounded off quietly and melancholy somewhere in the distance. Music led you forward. You walked past the room with your number. The melody became louder, and now you heard singing. A male voice sang some old song in French. You stopped for a second and then went further.
The lights flickered, and you heard something, what sounded like a crackling radio. You turned to the right and realized, that the melody was coming from the far door on the right. You stopped in front of this door. The sound wasn't clear, like someone was listening to an old radio or gramophone. You leaned your back against the door and began to listen. It was a beautiful and very old song. The melody lulled you. The man’s voice was so beautiful and bewitching, that you forgot all your worries, and drowsiness enveloped you again. But now the feeling of sleep did not press on you, did not suffocate you, sleep gently hugged you by the shoulders and let you rest your tired head on its chest. You felt cosiness and comfort. What a beautiful song... What a beautiful voice... The refrain began, and the voice became louder. You closed your eyes and slowly sank onto the carpet.
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
Alastor took his hands away from the piano and turned his head to the door. Someone had been standing behind it for several minutes already. How dare they? He immediately felt their presence but did nothing, hoping they'd leave. But no.
Alastor stood up, took a sip of water to moisten the throat after the long singing, and headed for the door. The was silence. He expected he would hear the steps running away, because now it was obviously, that he knew they were there and they'd disturbed him. So it was better for them to make off. But there was silence.
Alastor opened the door and saw nothing. Something fell at his feet. He looked down and saw the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.
A young lady lay at his feet. Her skin was velvet black as night sky and starred. Milliards of tiny stars shone on her arms, hands, and neck. Her hair was glaringly white and fluffy as a cloud. The hair shone with soft moon-like light in the candlelit room. She was wearing a silver pajamas with a pattern of little moons. The night herself, he was captivated with her.
Alastor knelt down in front of you and gently put hair from your face. It shimmered with tiny stars just like all of your body. Your face was calm, you slept well. Your chest slowly upped and downed with every breath.
Alastor studied you just with his eyes. How did you end up here? You didn't look like a demon — too beautiful, but you weren't an angel either — too nocturnal.
Alastor noticed that you had something in your hand. He carefully unclenched your fingers and saw a key. So, a new guest? And living so close to him?
Alastor smirked to his thoughts.
"There's no way you'll sleep on the floor, my dear," He wispered.
He took you in his arms and left the room.
You pressed your head to his shoulder and wispered something. You were light as a feather. Alastor headed for the room with the number that was on the key in your hand. You yawned in sleep, and wispered something again, that made Alastor softly chuckle.
He made the door of your room opened and he entered. Alastor put you to bed and wanted to straightened up, but your hands embraced his neck. He leaned on his hands and hung over you so as not to fall.
On your eyelids he saw a big amount of stars and violet fog, like a little universe slowly whirled on your eyes.
Your hands slipped from his neck, but Alastor stayed still. Then he sat next to you. His hand ran through your hair.
"Suppose I am the guard of your dreams now?" Said Alastor to himself.
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You woke up, yawning widely and stretching yourself. You thought, that you had never had such a good sleep. But then you opened your eyes and found yourself in an unfamiliar place. It was a bedroom, quite big and beautiful bedroom in violet, blue and silver colours. You looked at your hands: black and starred, just like yesterday. So you still was in hell, still dead. Or was it better to say, already?
You yawned again and got out of your bed. In the bathroom you saw new you. "Night" was your first thought. Maybe spending your whole life in sleep was a sin, because you once heard, that despondency, that led you to daydreams, was a deadly sin... And moreover you died in the middle of the night during your sleep. Could it be the reason why you looked like a daughter of Nyx?
In a wardrobe you found a big amount of clothes that suited you just perfect. Not only in your size, but it also suited to your appearance. There were a grey pinstriped suit, long skirts, warm sweaters, shirts. All was in dark blue, silver or black colours. You found a lot of different ties and bow ties, kerchieves, gloves. Somebody did a good job with your wardrobe. You changed clothes and only now noticed the clock above the bed. It was a midday already. You hastened to leave your room.
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
Walking down the main stairs you heard Charlie's voice.
"Here you are, (Y/n)! Good morning! or good afternoon already... Nevermind!" She waved her hand, "You can go to the dinning room and have breakfast. I asked Alastor to cook another helping. He was surprised that we have a new guest hahaha! And after you finishing your meal, go back here, we're going to do some exercises," Charlie looked to the side, where several demons were sitting, "and we will do it together!"
Last words she said with a forced smile, almost growling. Apparently, someone didn’t want to do these exercises together. You saw yesterday's cat among them.
After finishing breakfast (oh, how delicious it was) you went to the living room, where all the residents had already gathered.
You were introduced to the demons in front of you. Niffty was a maid, she gave you a cute smile, but you noticed a sharp big knife in her hand. Nobody seemed to care about it, so didn't you.
Angel Dust, the spider, winked at you with a smile. He was the first resident of this hotel.
Husk, the cat demon, he was a barman. He nodded you, when Charlie said his name to you.
And Sir Pentious, another resident. He smiled to you, and his smile seemed the most warm and not assumed.
"And where is Alastor?" Said Charlie looking around, "Oh, asked him to come and join us."
You saw a big shadow behind her. It took a shape of a tall man with a cane, and he appeared.
"Alastor," You guessed. This name suited him, it had something devilish in its sound, and it sorted well with his appearance. Especially with his ear-to-ear smile with big sharp yellow teeth. A thought of being bitten by him fleeted your mind, but you shook your head.
"Alalstor, this is our new guest, (Y/n)!" Said Charlie with a big smile, pointing with her two hands at you.
Alalstor came up to you and gave you a hand, "It's a pleasure to be meeting you, dear!"
You shook hands.
His voice seemed familiar to you, but you couldn't understand why. He spoke with transatlantic accent and with radio sound. It was strange, but you liked how it sounded.
"Well, let's begin our exercises. All" Said Charlie, growling on the last word again. Angel Dust rolled up his eyes.
You sat on a couch near Alastor. In front of you on other couch sat Angel and Husk. Vaggie stood near Charlie, who was explaining the rules of to-redeem-game. Sir Pentious sat on the floor near Husk, and Niffty, the maid, sat on the arm of the couch near Alastor.
At first you tried to listen to Charlie, to all her explanations why it was so important to be honest, and how the following exercise would teach you to trust each other and to be frank. But somehow you couldn't keep your eyes opened anymore and you hadn't noticed how you fallen asleep.
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
Angel poked Husk with his elbow and said, "Are my eyes deceiving me?"
Husk had been watching in the same direction for four minutes already and still couldn't believe in what he saw.
"What d'ya think? How long does she have left?"
"No more than thirty seconds, when she wakes," Husk replied phlegmatically.
"What? What are you looking at?" Asked Charlie throwing her hands. These two hadn't listened to her for several minutes and just stared at one point.
At the same time Angel and Husk pointed out the direction, where you were sitting. Charlie turned back and saw Alastor and you, putting your head on his shoulder. You were sleeping.
Everybody was staring in confusion at you and Alastor. Nobody had noticed, when you fell asleep and leaned against Alastor. He didn't understand at first what was that. Just something restet against his shoulder. And when he glanced down right, he saw your crown.
And he didn't dare move.
Charlie opened her mouth to say something, but Alastor interrupted her, "Shh... Don't you see, our new guest is resting?"
Nobody could understand what was hidden behind his sly smile and this half closed eyes.
You lifted your head a little to make yourself more comfortable, and then you tried to bury your face in his arm but slipped off.
You opened your eyes and saw wide smiling face with red glowing eyes leaning over you. Alastor looked down at you. The light of a chandelier behind his head looked like a halo. It was a strange combination with his antlers and deer ears. His red eyes shone and his yellow teeth seemed did the same.
Suddenly you understood why he was looking down on you, and why you saw ceiling behind him. You were lying on his knees.
You quickly sat up, almost hit his head, and began to apologize.
"Hahaha" Alastor laughed, "don't worry, my dear, I know a great method to deal with sleepiness." He stood up and said without looking back at you, "Follow me."
Only now you noticed that all the residents were staring at you, someone with their eyes wide opened, someone with a smirk. You apologized and followed Alastor.
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
While Alastor was making coffee for you, you were watching him, sitting at a table, resting your head on your arm. This man was extremely tall, his movements were elegant but a little bit too sharp. The kitchen filled with coffee aroma.
You were following his movements, when he said, "It's oddly, dear, that fourteen hours of sleep were not enough for you."
"How do you know, how long I slept?"
He chuckled, "I know not only when you fell asleep, my dear, but also when you ended up in bed."
He turned to you with a mug of hot coffee in his hand. He came up to you and put the mug on the table. There was an inscription: "Sleepaholic."
Yeah, how funny.
You looked up at Alastor. He was smiling as always. His voice, these words he said, the fact you didn't remember how you got to your bed...
"Did I..? Did I yesterday..?" You began hesitatingly. You didn't want to say it aloud, hoping that Alastor would finish your sentence. But he was silent. He glanced at you, obviously enjoying with your confusion.
"Did I fall asleep at your door yesterday?" You said very quickly.
"You did," He answered with a satisfied smile and leaned closer to you, "Drink it, dear, I don't need another body of a somnabulist at my threshold."
You quickly drank the strongest coffee you'd ever had, and you two returned to the living-room
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
As you were sitting on the couch near Alastor, and Charlie was leading the exercises, you felt boredom suddenly, and your eyes began to close. You opened them wider and tried to focus on what Charlie was saying, but you could no longer understand anything. You covered your eyes and remembered the yesterday's evening. That song played in your head again. It was so beautiful, so charming... And it was sang by the man, who was sitting next to you right now.
You opened your eyes and looked at Alastor with a tired gaze. Angel answered something to Charlie, but you didn’t listen. You idly and yet with curiosity looked over Alastor from head to toe. Despite his sinister and dark spirit, that you felt in him, you couldn't deny that you were attracted to him. His charm was beguiling, it's true.
You covered your eyes again and turned away. You didn't notice how Alastor quietly moved closer to you.
"I think, coffee doesn't work on me," You mumbled.
"Hmm?" Alastor leaned closer to hear what you said, but you didn't repeat your words.
Your eyes closed again and you saw him, making coffee for you. You felt that bitter smell again. Then you saw his face, the moment when you woke up on his knees. The vision disappeared and you saw Alastor carrying you into your room in his arms. The piano sounded in your head again and you felt rocking, as if you were a baby in your mother's arms, being sung to in a lullaby. You felt something in right side of you and leaned against it. A soft fabric touched your face, you felt a bitter-salty scent mixed with fur and forest smell. You felt warmth.
In your dream you lay on bed and were kept in warmth in someone's arms. You breathed in the same smell. Somebody patted your head and you felt someone's breath on your crown. An old song was playing on a radio; it drowned in static.
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
Charlie stopped talking and looked in your direction. So did everybody.
You were sleeping on Alastor's shoulder again, cuddling very close up to him and embracing his forearm. He was looking at you with the softest gaze everyone had ever seen on him. He patted your head and said not taking his eyes off you, "Our guest is indeed a sleepyhead."
He looked up at everyone, "Don't you dare to disturb her, for I will make everyone of you fall into eternal sleep," His eyes turned into radio dials, his voice became lower and more static, "unable to wake up from the nightmare I cause."
You cuddled closer to Alastor and smiled in sleep. He backed to his normal form again. A quiet old melody played from his staff.
Charlie broke the silence, "Uhh, okay..." She said with a forced smile.
Alastor glanced at her, and then embraced you, and you both sank into the shadow.
*. ⋆ ✧.·:·.* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *.·:·.✧ *. ⋆
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wandasfifthwife · 3 months
(5) a bad decision *** | I got a bad idea series
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—> masterlist
southern!wandanat x fem!city-girl reader
tw: SMUT MDNI, top wanda, top natasha, bottom reader, strap in v (n giving;r receiving), fingering (w giving;r receiving), grinding (w giving;r receiving), overstim, exclusive relationship but no dating title, n is packing whoops sorry yall
a/n: I’ll come back and edit later bc omg idk how this is but I hope you enjoy lmfao
Wanda held you close, a blanket strewn over the two of you to keep warm from the cold. Her attention was on another, a familiar face you recognize as a neighbor down the street from them. Your attention was on the fire in front of you, on how the flames flickered in the wind and the small pieces floating into the sky.
She had a hand propping herself up, the other laid spread out on your thigh. You would remember her placement often when she rubs her thumb across your leg, her hand inching closer towards each time.
You’re entirely too bothered by it which is why you’re trying to focus on anything else as a distraction.
A summary of that night would be, ‘hot and bothered.’ After you climbed into bed, your thoughts ran wild. This time Wanda didn’t stop at her small comforting touch. Her hand got closer, even touching where you wanted her to. Soft kisses on your chest as she grinds her hands into your heat.
It was a dream. You realize soon enough because you woke up. The only realistic element from your dreams was the feeling between your legs. You felt it wrong to take care of it, so you showered with your head on the shower wall, replaying the dream over and over. It didn’t help.
Sure, you three were exclusive. There was a chance you could ask, but the chances of that happening are extremely low. That’s because those chances are gone, you would never ask.
Not to mention, have you even asked how they’re feeling? It’s been a day since your so-called exclusive relationship, one day.
For all you know they could be against moving your relationship further, if they even found you attractive sexually. You kept it from them. Since your dream, your body burned everytime they were near.
You found yourself in a similar position to that night. Under a blanket, beside Wanda, her hand on your thigh. Only difference being you were inside, the TV on with a random old 2000s movie playing. The time spent by the campfire awoke something in you. Since then you’ve had plenty of time mulling over them, craving for anything they give.
“They have a beautiful kid, huh?”
“Oh yes I agree,” you answer, turning towards her.
“I knew you weren’t paying attention,” she grins playfully, leaning to kiss your cheek, “they don’t have a kid.”
You continue to face her after, eyes darting around her face and dropping to her lips. The moment she begins to lean in your eyes are closing shut, waiting. It’s the first one you’ve shared. She brings her hand off your leg, pulling you deeper into the kiss with a hand on your cheek.
A gasp spills from you when her tongue brushes your bottom lip. She pulls away to look at you with your lidded eyes and glossy lips. A mumbled curse sounds from her as she’s slinging you to straddle her. She brings your face down again, kissing you with more ease. This time you’re making an effort to stay quiet. Proves difficult when Wanda trails her attention down your neck, especially when her hands come to grab at the bottom of your thighs.
She’s pulling you until your chest to chest, lips finding yours again. Your minds begin to melt, feeling like you’re floating with each ounce of attention she gives you. You actually whimper into her kiss, pressure building from within you as she moves you to straddle one leg. She breathes your name, a finger tapping your face so you open your eyes.
“Do you want to go further?”
You only give her a nod, frustrating her so she playfully pinches your hip, “words, angel.”
“Yes,” you breathe, “please.”
Her hands are gentle on you as she holds your waist, guiding your hips down onto her leg. It’s all too much. Her hand teasing you a day ago, the dream you had. Now you’re hypersensitive to every touch, soaked already after kissing.
“Ride my leg,” she whispers, jerking your hips forward as an example.
You start a rhythm, taking anything that’s given to you. Head in her shoulder, looking down at where you were grinding so sensually. You keep your mouth shut to muffle your sounds, moving your hips against her with need. She brings her finger to hold your jaw, her breath tickling your ear.
“Don’t hold back.”
That time her pants rub against your clit, the pressure building after causing you moan out loud. Your heavy breathing and occasional whine driving her mind into the same space yours was heading. When you lean your head back, sounds hitting directing in her ear she’s laying you down on your back.
“Wands,” you breathe, getting cut off by the feeling of her kissing you into the couch. The pillows behind providing comfort, pushing you back against her. You bring a hand to grip at her shirt, tightening your hold the rougher she begins to kiss you. You take it all. Every touch, every kiss, every action that brings you into a floaty mindset.
“Can I,” she asks, fingers dipping under your pants. Half of her face is illuminated by the tv screen, random colors showing the deep lust in her eyes.
You mumble your confirmation, lifting your hips to help her drag your clothes off. A hand draws your hip open, spreading you open. You grow shy, scared of seeing her reaction of your body’s eager response to her touch.
When you look over, she’s looking down with a small smile, “you’re so beautiful.”
“Absolutely,” she gives you a short kiss, using it as a small distraction from her finger sliding up your heat to rub onto your clit. You pull so hard on her shirt you think you’re going to rip it. You swear you hear a ripping sound after she’s pressing her middle finger into your soaking cunt.
She moves slow, giving you time to relax and feel comfortable before she’s adding another and increasing speed. The blankets being discarded, lying half on Wanda’s back and half on the floor. It covers enough when Natasha’s opening the front door, shutting the door faster when she sees you.
You’re too far gone, shaky sounds escaping you, entirely too focused on the feeling between your legs than the presence walking near you. You only notice her when Wanda’s saying her name, greeting her normally.
You’re pulled back down onto her fingers after your attempt to get away. Mind turning numb when she thrusts her fingers in deeper. The scene was filthy. You’re a mess under her while she hold a normal conversation with Natasha.
“Your client any less annoying now? Goodnight, these people are infuriating.”
Natasha agrees, sitting herself down nearby to watch you, “what’s happened while I was gone.”
Wanda looks down at you in all your glory, “couldn’t help myself.”
A much louder moan voicing from you when she rubs at your clit again. Strings of pleas and begs as your high builds. Natasha coos, “she’s sensitive.”
“Should’ve seen her after a single kiss, she was soaked.”
Natasha tuts, coming to stand over you, “such a sweet thing.”
The way she kisses you is overwhelming. Wanda’s kisses are passionate while Natasha’s are gentle, little pecks. She pulls back to tell you how good you are, how well you’re taking her and it’s all you’re wanting. Wanda’s fingers push up against a spot that has your back arching.
“Fuck,” you reach to clench Natasha’s hands, “Wanda, I’m—“
You’re barely able to get the words out, a whine coming from you as you come down from your high. The warmth of Wanda’s replaced by a cold, wet body.
“Why’re you wet,” you question, shaky hands coming to squeeze water from her coat.
“You’re insufferable.”
She picks you up, frowning when you shiver at the cold water hitting your skin. It wasn’t long before she’s laying you down on their bed, growing nervous at the sight of her removing her outer layers of clothing. She’s climbing over your body, soft touches running up and down the sides of your waist.
“Are you okay if I touch you?”
You hum, a grin on your face as you brush her wet hair out the way. She rolls her eyes dramatically, pulling her hair into a bun.
“Hmm better,” you laugh, your light sounds covering the room even as she tries to shut you up with a kiss. She tries something else, wrapping your legs around her so she can grind her hips into yours at a better angle. You’re much more sensitive, every touch already pushing you over the edge.
Natasha slides her shirt over her head, the jeans around her waist following. You realize what’s happening, heat rising to your face as you realize she’s strapped. She spreads you further, pressing her hips into you to hear how prettily you gasp.
Her eyes trained on you when she presses in. Your chest feels like it’s being squeezed with each inch. Natasha winces at your nails digging into her biceps, so she pushes your wrists into the mattress. It’s infuriating watching you squirm beneath her, hips pushing up to get more than what she’s giving you.
The pace she sets off to start with is dizzying. Your back is arched off of the bed, loud cries escaping you. Natasha removes her hands off of yours so she can wrap one around your waist and pull you down the last two inches with each thrust.
“What a good thing you are. Taking us so well.”
With your face turned into the bedsheets, you babble about nothing, only her name coming out in repetitive whimpers. Anything she says falls into the back of your mind, attention focused on the way she’s driving her hips into you. You don’t have to say anything because she’s already done it.
The sheets twist in your hold, back arching even further if possible. A choked moan finding its way from you when you topple over the edge suddenly and recognize that Natasha hasn’t stopped.
You gasp, “more?”
Wanda presses on your bundle of nerves and you jolt, “do you want to stop?”
“no! need more.”
Natasha shakes her head to express her answer, droplets of water falling down and onto your body. You pant, breathing fast to deal with the blinding pressure. Wanda brushes the water off your face gently, contrast of how Natasha was handling you.
“Your eyes are still all glossy, angel,” Wanda coos.
“Please,” you cry, “please don’t stop.”
Natasha pulls your hips further up, hitting into at you a different angle. You’re almost thanking her, tears forming in your eyes.
“I know, I know, sunshine. Breathe.”
You’re coming again for the third time that night. You’re quiet, lips slightly parted as you try and take a break. Natasha’s pulling out, letting Wanda you close to her as she brings you to their bathtub. You can feel the soreness in your hips already, a relaxed sigh coming from you when you hit the water as it takes some of the pressure off.
“How’re you feeling?”
Natasha questions as she walks in behind you two. Your head is rested against the wall of the bathtub, “sore.”
Wanda laughs then, light and airy. Natasha doesn’t pay her any mind. You reach a hand out, a pitiful pout on your lips, “join me?”
Who were they to say no?
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@thalia-is-not-ok @ncis-nerd @dorabledewdroop @simpforlizzie @huggingkoalas @yvungmxshroom @hella-hecka-gay @sgm616 @sapphic-simp4015 @puta1 @natty-taffy @the-chocolate-void @scarlizziee @mysticalmoonlight7 @jazzabebev @delulu-bayolet-era @olicity-boo @esposadejoyhuerta @marvelwomen-simp @sokovianbaby @og-kxsh-420 @vanessashands
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miley1442111 · 19 days
I LOVED DRUNK CONFESSIONS !! Is there any way I could get a part 2 ?? maybe of aaron waking up the next morning, and on their way to work he forces reader to tell him all the things he did in his drunken state the night before, and he ends up proposing ( even though it’s not as romantic as he wanted it to be )
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the morning after- a.hotchner
a/n: thank you so much for requesting! i hope you enjoy
summary: aaron's admissions last night ended in a proposal in the car. not exactly romantic, but oh well
pairing: aaron hotchner x bau! reader
warnings: none
When Aaron woke up with a splitting headache the next morning, he knew he’d done something stupid. He rolled over, covering his face with his pillow as he tried to cover his sensitive eyes from the sun. 
“Morning sunshine,” you smiled and kissed the arm he had wrapped around you. 
“Remind me to never drink again,” he sighed. 
“I tried to remind you last night,” you reminded him. “But you were already 4 whiskeys deep.”
Aaron groaned and you laughed into his side. It felt good to be home, good to have the day off for the weekend, good to be able to just spend it with your family. 
Jack soon came barrelling in, all smiles and loud talking, unknowingly harming his dad. You miraculously coaxed Jack out of the bedroom with the promise of pancakes, just to give Aaron some more time to either sleep, or somehow prepare himself for the day. 
Aaron thought back to last night, only remembering snippets of the night. Talking to Rossi about his day very loudly, dancing with Penelope, telling you something that made you say “You’re so drunk, and you’re going to be so embarrassed when I tell you in the morning,”
Shit. Had he ruined the proposal?
You sat in the driver’s seat of the car, watching as you watched Aaron drop Jack off at a playdate with one of his school friends. Aaron was in a state. He was so hungover and clearly not taking it well. He gave you a kiss on the cheek when he joined you in the car as you started to drive to the local farmer’s market. 
“So… did I say anything last night?” He asked, nerves filling his body. 
“Just some super embarrassing stories about me and you, you talked about Jack for ages, you could not keep your hands to yourself, oh- and you said you wanted to marry me,” you chuckled. Last night you’d decided that all he’d said about marrying you was a distant desire, rather than a realistic action that he was planning on taking soon. “Your drunk brain is clinically insane, Aaron.”
Aaron’s heart dropped. He’d ruined it. He’d ruined the proposal. He let out a groan. “I’m sorry honey, I didn’t want to- I wanted it to be a surprise,” he admitted rather shyly. 
“Wanted what to be a surprise?” you asked, keeping your eyes on the road as you pulled up outside the farmer’s market. 
“The proposal.”
Your head whipped around to look at him and saw him with a ring box in his hand and a slightly pained smile on his face (courtesy of the sun shining directly into them). “Aaron, what is that?” 
“An engagement ring,” he smiled. “The one I’m proposing with now.”
You could’ve sworn you died and went to heaven. Aaron was proposing. Right now. “Yes,” you rushed out.
“Can I ask you first?” he chuckled, taking one of your hands in his. You nodded your head profusely, and he started his speech. 
“Y/n Y/l/n. You are one of the most incredible people I have ever met. You are kind, and sweet, and you care about things so deeply. I cannot imagine my life without you in it. You love me when no one else does, you’re there for me when no one else is, and I love you so much I don’t think there are enough words in the English language to explain it. You are my sunshine everyday. You make me so happy. Knowing that I get to wake up to you every morning means more to me than you can ever know. The way you care about Jack and I is astounding. He loves you so much, and he wanted me to tell you he helped with picking out the ring,” you both let out a watery chuckle.” Y/n I have had the pleasure of being your friend, your boyfriend, and now I’m asking if you’ll be my wife?”
“Yes!” you cried, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close. “Yes, I want to marry you.”
He held you tight to him. “Sorry this wasn’t as romantic as I wanted it to be,” he kissed your cheek, sliding the ring on your finger. 
“I liked this better anyways,” you shrugged and looked down at the wedding ring on your hand. “Are we actually getting married?”
“I think we actually are,” he grinned like a little boy, and pressed his lips to your is a passionate kiss. 
And there it was. You two were getting married. 
Then comes the hard part, telling the team.
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, marvel, top gun, challengers, the bear, the hunger games, obx+)
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smusherina · 1 month
yard work - chapter 16 [final chapter] (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: You'd been in the same class as Regina George since kindergarten. You'd lived on the same street even longer. Once upon a time, when life was sandbox disputes and who got the swing first arguments, you'd even been friends. Now, in junior year of high school, you doubted she even remembered you. The same couldn't be said about you. You definitely remembered her.
warning(s): talk of past drug use and withdrawal symptoms.
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5 / chapter 6 / chapter 7 / chapter 8 / chapter 9 / chapter 10 / chapter 11 / chapter 12 / chapter 13 / chapter 14 / chapter 15
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[love renée but fuck am i getting sick of this gif. been looking at it for sixteen goshdarned chapters. finally i am freed.]
You woke up first. Naturally. Every time, every single morning that you'd had sleepovers, you'd been the first to wake up. The sun was shining through the blinds in a pleasant, warm yellow tone. Still morning but not unreasonably early.
You shifted to a more upright position, looking down at the girl still snoozing, whose hand was holding onto your forearm. She was all sprawled out, starfished as much as one could be on a couch. Her body was taking up the shorter end of the L-shape, one knee curled up towards her body, just barely on the couch, while the other stretched well beyond the end of the divan. You were situated much the same, except the other way around. You laid on the longer end so that your heads had almost met in the corner.
Her arms reached out towards you, one around your pillow and the other holding onto you. You knew you'd fallen asleep with much more distance between you, but you couldn't say you minded her having drifted.
Did you, though? You sighed and grumbled as you got up. Might as well do something while you contemplated reality, or something. Mrs George had insisted on some classic American breakfast ingredients, such as bacon and pancake mix. You didn't feel like causing a fire hazard, so pancakes were a no-go, at least for now. Eggs and bacon you could do.
What did you even, like, want? Realistically, actually, no, unrealistically what did you want? There was no sense in trying to make your base wants and desires realistic because at that point was any of that yours anymore? Likely not.
You wanted nights spent with Regina, talking and eating take-out, laughing until your tummy hurt and looking at her glowing in the blue light of whatever Adult Swim show was on at the time. You wanted grocery trips with Mrs George and to go to Kylie's games. You wanted people at school to just, simply not be jerks. You wanted Janis to find peace. You wanted Cady to wake up.
You wanted yesterday to not have happened. You wanted Thanksgiving dinner at the Georges' to never have happened. You wanted for your dad to be different, for Mr George to be different. You wanted your mom to not have died.
Looking at the bacon sizzling in the pan, you chewed on your lips and thought about that. You wanted many things. So many things, mostly for things to not have happened or to have happened differently. It was all wildly unrealistic. You were not a wizard, a time-traveller, or some other mystic being. You were a teenager.
You cracked the eggs into the mix. God, it smelled divine. You pulled a salt and pepper shaker from the spice rack and sprinkled a reasonable amount on there. You groaned out loud and threw your head back when you remembered there was sriracha in the fridge. Mrs George had seen you eyeing the bottle and had not taken a no for an answer, despite your abundant protestations.
"Spare your kitchen utensils the horror and go masturbate in your room like a normal person!" Regina hollered from the living room.
"Oh! Spatula! Harder! Harder!" You cried, moaning like you were receiving the blowie of your life. "If you want breakfast you're gonna have to witness this sordid affair." You called back, giggling. You leaned back from the stove, bending back at the waist. Regina was leaning her chin on the armrest, still more or less sprawled on your couch. There was a pout on her lips and a light flush to her cheeks.
"I'll show you sordid, nerd." She grouched before getting up. You straightened your posture, turning back to the stove, and probed the eggs in the pan with the spatula with a satisfied grin on your face.
You wanted this and more, above all. Was that something you were allowed to want? More importantly, was that something you were allowed to ask for?
Regina came up behind you, hand coming to rest on the small of your back. You didn't jump, much, which you were proud of.
"Looks yummy." She pointed out.
You hummed in agreement. "Can you put toast in the toaster?"
Then, as if no time at all passed, you were sitting down. Then eating and chatting. There was toast, eggs and bacon, and you'd made yourself a bowl of oatmeal. Mrs George had splurged on some blueberries and local honey. Regina refused to make eye contact when you were chewing, citing that your O-face was hard to look at. You only moaned louder and made more faces at her.
Then, just as you were heading to the couch to digest the meal as god intended, lying down, Regina yanked you to the foyer. Still in your jammies and everything, she insisted you bundle up and go for that walk she was talking about yesterday.
You'd hoped she would've forgotten. Sure, the weather was nice for once but if you didn't have to go outside then why would you? It was below freezing!
Much like her mother, she would not budge. You were going on a walk.
"What am I? A dog?" You muttered as you wrapped your scarf around your neck.
"If you were a dog, you'd be a... A Doberman." She was already dressed. It was odd for your roles to have switched like this. Usually, you were the one waiting for her to get ready. She had on a thick, white parka and a cute beanie. She also had on black leggings sure to insulate absolutely nothing and bulky, also black, fur boots.
"What? 'Cause I'm big and scary?" You preened at that, smiling widely.
"Nope." She tilted her head, examining you. "Gloves."
"Geez, okay, mom." You grabbed some mittens from the hat rack. "Why Doberman?"
"They wouldn't look so scary if they didn't have their ears clipped, y'know?" She said. You just looked at her weirdly, not catching her meaning. Your ears were not clipped. "Anyway, let's go."
"Aye aye," With that, you were out of the door.
You walked the block and down to the street. The sidewalk stopped so you went by the side of the road. She was walking ahead of you. It was cold out but not too windy, so it didn't feel so bad.
The sidewalk started again eventually. There, you walked side by side. You were just looking at a bird perched on a wire when you felt her grab your hand. Thinking she had something to say, you turned to look at her. She was still facing forward, the other hand in her pocket, walking along. She was just holding your hand.
Oh. Oh. She was holding your hand. Out in public. Not a lot of people were out at this hour, not even cars since it was a weekend. There was a woman with a stroller. A psychopathic man out on a jog. A dog walker. Still, it was outside where anyone who walked by could see.
You arrived at the park, hands clasped together. You stopped by a bench.
"I don't think we should sit." You said, observing the coating of snow piled on top.
"Let's go over there." Regina pointed to a tree a little ways away.
You went obediently, following the tug of her hand in yours. She was holding your hand. You felt all warm in your chest, like you were full of warm water.
You stopped by the tree. She looked around, trying to spot if anybody was nearby. Then, like she had a secret to tell you, she motioned for you to bend down closer. You did. Her hand squeezed at your fingers as the other came up to your neck, pulling you down the rest of the way.
The warmth you'd felt became hot, like an oil fire erupting in the foil-covered saucepan that was your heart, kernels and half-popped popcorn sputtering out as she kissed you. Your eyes just barely got to shutter closed before she pulled away. Instinctively, your body so starved of affection and touch, you chased her and found her lips again.
She smiled against your mouth. It felt like a secret of the utmost importance being shared, like a pinkie finger wrapped around your own in the corner of the room during a sleepover, giggled promises and childish adoration. She tasted vaguely like breakfast, and maybe egg-breath should've been nasty, but it wasn't.
Cold seeping in, the anxious feeling like you were soon going to be caught taking hold, you pulled away. You didn't lean away entirely, crowding her against the tree. When you'd gotten so close, pinned her, you weren't sure.
"Do..." What were you supposed to say post-kiss? "Do you like it sloppy?"
"What?" Her brows furrowed and the smile on her face turned sharper. What to say post-kiss: Not That.
"Uh, I mean, I just- uh..." You swallowed. "I don't know how to, like, I don't have technique. I dunno. Was that good? I saw Aaron was doing it differently..."
Regina rolled her eyes, head thumping lightly against the tree as her neck lolled back. "You would bring up Aaron now." She sighed. "It's fine. It's- it's good."
"Okay." You swallowed again. A slow smile crept up to your face. "It was good?"
"Ugh, yes, shut up." She shoved you away, but you just allowed the momentum to swing you back to her. "I... I don't think I'm good at words."
You chuckled at that. "No, you're not." She glared. You shrugged. "But, hey, you know me. I'm Chatty Kathy."
"No," She huffed through her nose, seemingly in frustration. "I wish I could say to you what I mean. What I feel. But I just... It's... It's not supposed to be but it's embarrassing."
Looking at her, hunched in on herself like a girl her age was supposed to be at times, so different from how she was most of the time, made your chest feel tight. You figured a person having been raised like she was, having turned out the way she had, would find being vulnerable uncomfortable. Or, as she said it, embarrassing.
Then again, it wasn't your place nor your duty to psycho-analyze her.
"Reg, I..." You hesitated. "I'm tired of, like, sitting in the passenger seat while you bulldoze everyone. I'm tired of feeling like if I do something you don't like you'll push me under too." You pulled away from her, hands getting sore from leaning your weight against the rough bark. "And then there's this whole thing." You gestured around you at the empty park. "Even if we were the best couple ever in terms of, I dunno, vibes or something, we're still..."
"Lesbians." She finished for you. "I'm a lesbian, Jorts." A sentence you never thought you'd hear from Regina George. "I know. For me, it felt justified for a long time, keeping them in their place, but since we started talking again, doing all that stuff just started to seem... Unimportant. And stupid." She fiddled with her fingers, eyes glued to the space between you. "It hasn't gone away. I still want to, I guess, hurt people because it does make me feel better even if it's, like, fucked up. But I want something else more than I want that."
"What's that?" You couldn't help but ask, hope stuck in your throat. Choking hazard.
"You, obviously." She said it so flippantly as if those words didn't just send your heart into the Milky Way. "I want you. I'll stop doing that stuff for you. I know we can't be out yet, but I... I have good grades."
You looked at her, puzzled. She huffed and continued. "I'll go to college. Major in, uh, I dunno, some sorta politics and I'll change the law. Maybe a law degree would work better for that, actually." She seemed to think about it for a moment before returning to her point. "Whichever one would be best in getting gay marriage legalized."
"You..." You had to laugh at that, disbelieving as well as delighted. "You're gonna change the world for me?"
"If that's what it takes." She said, determination shining so bright it made your eyes water.
"Wow, okay." You licked your lips, trying to will the stupid grin off your face. You had some important questions still. "If I moved away, would you still stop?"
She paused at that. Took a moment to really look at you, like she hadn't considered that to be a real possibility.
"Yes." She sounded so sure you believed her. "I just don't have... What it takes anymore. I guess. I don't know if there's something wrong with me that I... I want to be mean, sometimes. It's funny. For me." She glanced down and then looked somewhere over your shoulder. "It took a lot of work to get to what Regina George is now. I don't want to put in all that next year."
"Y'know what they say. New year, new me." You quipped, looking down at her. You were quite sure your pupils had morphed into heart shapes, despite your valiant efforts to have this meaningful conversation without seeming like a love-drunk idiot.
(She kissed you. You kissed her. It was a beautiful morning, you were on a walk and you'd held hands and then you'd kissed under a barren willow tree. It was the first day of Christmas break and you were spending it with Regina George.)
"Does that mean I can be a raging bitch till January 1st?" She asked, eyebrow notching.
You laughed. "Only if you..." You bit your bottom lip, getting nervous. "Only if I get a kiss for every mean thing you say."
"Deal." She offered her hand to you, a cheesy smile on her face.
You pulled your glove off and spit on your hand, then made to take hers.
"Ew! That's disgusting!" She flinched away from you, violently shoving herself back against the tree. "Don't- no! Not near me! Don't touch me with that!"
She bolted and you ran after her, cackling maniacally. You waved your spat-on hand at her as you chased her around the park, her shrieking and you laughing.
"I'm serious, J!" She looked at you over her shoulder as she ran. "Stop chasing me!"
"Stop running away from me!"
"You're just gonna smear your spit on me, you- you fiend!"
"Pinky swear I won't!"
"I won't pinky-swear with your disgusting paws, you-"
With a yelp, Regina tripped over something, probably a root, and fell to the ground. You, having been closing in on her, put the brakes on, windmilled your arms, and tried to stop, but soon followed her into the snow.
"Ouf!" The breath wooshed out of her as you fell on her. She wheezed as you rolled off of her, half-heartedly punching in your direction. You giggled and dodged to the best of your ability, not even minding the snow seeping through your pyjama pants.
Giving some time for her to recover, you laid on your back and looked up at the sky. Clear blue with some thick, greyish clouds looming in the peripheral, morning was turning to day fast. Soon, the park would surely get some more traffic. Kids and their adults, mostly. There was a sizeable play area in the centre. You were pretty much on the outskirts of the park.
It was a familiar spot. You and the guys used to meet your other friends here all the time. Those times it'd been night, too dark to see the faces of the guys with big gym bags, filled to bursting with little plastic baggies and glass bottles.
You turned your head to look at her once her breathing had quieted down.
"You bitch," She hissed at you, the usual venom in her voice gone, replaced by exhaustion. You could only smile, somewhat sheepish but mostly just happy.
"It'd be a lot harder to resist if we were still in school, y'know." You said, turning back to watch the sky. "You can't change the law until we graduate. Until then, we're stuck here. And then, let's say you do change the law and it's passed, it's gonna take some time for people to accept that."
"Yeah," Regina agreed, folding her arms under her chin to lean on.
"And you can say that you'll change a hundred times easily, but actually doing it is different."
"When did you get so wise?"
"When I was all alone for years and did some stupid stuff."
"Like what?" You could tell she wouldn't be expecting what you said next. Even you weren't expecting it.
"You know how I sell drugs and alcohol, right? Where do you think I get the stuff from? I got to know some people while we weren't talking." You sighed. Remembering those times, the worst of them, still so fresh despite it having been years, wasn't nice. "Vandalism, underage drinking, shoplifting, driving without a licence... Did some harder drugs than weed... Stupid shit. I stopped most of it when I got caught the last time and almost went to juvie. Dad got me out, somehow. Probably threw money at people."
You turned your head to look at Regina. She was already paying keen attention to you. "I told my mandated therapist I was gonna change. I said I wasn't going to ever do anything like that ever again. I lied, of course."
"When did you actually stop, then?" She asked.
"Months after the mandated therapy was over." You put your hands in your pockets, getting cold. "I wanted to do it before then. I wanted to just, not be that. A druggie fifteen-year-old spraypainting some dilapidated trailer, hanging around guys that were way too old to be hanging around me. I didn't want to be that but at the same time being anything else was terrifying. I don't think highly of myself, but that was low even for me. Then, Mrs George found me one time."
"Mom?" The question was more out of shock than actual inquiry.
"Yeah." You blinked a couple of times. "I was in a bad state. Withdrawals. I made her promise she wouldn't tell my dad if I allowed her to take me home. She was talking the whole ride from downtown to mine, trying to keep me awake. I just lost it. I don't remember what I said or exactly what I did, but she had to pull over and restrain me." You gulped. "It was awful. Then she offered that I could mow your lawn for some money. I used it the first couple of times to get a new dose. She used to ask what I'd be spending it on and those times I had some bullshit excuse, but the first time I said I was probably gonna get some McDonalds', she cried. Cried real actual tears." You didn't feel like looking at Regina, but you could feel her eyes on the side of your head. "After that it just... It wasn't worth it."
"You never told me." Regina breathed out, still sounding shocked.
"I didn't want to." You turned onto your side, body facing her. "I was- am ashamed."
You didn't feel shame now, though. You undoubtedly would later, tomorrow perhaps, but not now. You were glad for it. You regretted it, wished you hadn't gone down that road, but lying there in the cold snow there was only indifference. That had happened. You had done that.
"Me too." She whispered. "Obviously, it's not the same, but-"
"I know what you mean. And it could be more similar than you think. Quitting an addiction is hard, but I wouldn't say quitting a behaviour is easy."
"It's stupid to compare drug addiction to being a bitch." Regina huffed, a frown on her face. "It's incomparable."
"Well, then let's not compare. Both can be hard in their own way without diminishing the other. What I'm trying to point out is that," You thought for a moment. "We're both trying to get over a bad, toxic habit that feels safe and good and like the only option, without seeing the merit or the other supposedly better option first. It's scary."
"Are you still trying to get over it?"
"I haven't been on drugs since, no. But it's not something that goes away. Not ever."
"And you're still kinda in it." She said, remembering your hustle around the school.
"Yeah. I can't expect you to be all buddy-buddy with everybody suddenly. That'd be hypocritical."
"So what do we do?"
What a question. One that you did not have the answer to. You didn't feel unsettled by the confusion. You hadn't told anyone of your dark past (gosh, could you be any more emo?) since those that knew had just kind of stumbled across it, so telling somebody felt... Good. You'd just sort of blurted it all out without thinking about it too much.
"Can we go back home? I wanna..." You stopped, realizing I wanna make out with you on the couch sounded awfully crude.
A lecherous grin spread Regina's cheeks. "Oh, I see. You just want me for my body."
"No!" You denied, indignant. "I would never."
"You would never want me for my body." She reiterated, purposefully misconstruing what you said. "Wow. Just wow."
"Regina, c'mon, I just mean..."
"Say what you were gonna say." She rolled away and up, towering above you with a twinkling smile pointed down at your prone body.
"Let's just go," You said and tried to get up. Like some bondage dominatrix, she pushed you back down with a shoe on your chest.
You hated how that sort of got to you. Your heart beat faster against her Ugg. Hopefully, she didn't feel it through the thick sole.
"Nuh-uh. Say it."
"I... I wanna make..." You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. "I wanna go home and make out with you on the couch."
"Oh, that wasn't so hard, now was it, baby? Let's go."
It was only once you'd made it back, chucked your wet clothes into the hamper, and spent a considerable amount of time in liplock, that either of you thought to circle back.
"Hey," Regina said, adjusting her weight to not be leaning on you so heavily. Your lips smacked apart and, gosh, now you were the gross ones. "I just now realized,"
"What are you realizing while you're supposed to be kissing me?" You pouted, falling onto your side and away from her. Your hand went over your eyes like you were a swooning maiden. Regina just patted your leg in mock consolation.
"You have your drug thing-" Only she would refer to your past addiction as your drug thing. "but I was, like, the only one doing anything actually wrong. Actively. You know what I mean." You craned your neck to look at her. Your double chin was probably epic.
"I lied to you by omission. I was really mean to you on Thanksgiving."
"Okay, lying by omission was bad and never do that again," She paused, waiting for you to affirm. You nodded solemnly. "But you were only mean after I was mean first. So, both forgiven. Anyway, I'm talking, like... I don't know how to say it."
You blinked. You didn't know what she meant so you couldn't really help. Regina huffed, nails scratching absent-mindedly on your calves.
"You made it sound like we were both wrong for how things exploded." She eventually said. "That was all me."
"I shouldn't have been such a doormat. I let you walk all over me and I never said anything about how I really felt."
"I don't think you can be in the wrong for that."
"I think I can be. At least the way that I was. I could've said something."
"And what would that've achieved? Me cutting you off and nothing changing?"
You clambered up to your elbows. "And now we're here." You smiled, one side a little crooked with how gleeful you were. "Look, we can hash everything out during the break, now just... Let's focus on other things."
Regina, still looking conflicted, caressed a hand up your leg. You shivered. You were in just a hoodie and loose briefs. Regina was more covered up than you, but still in just your old basketball shorts and a big band tee.
"Reggie, I'm getting used to asking for things I shouldn't want. Amuse me." You turned onto your back and hooked your legs around Regina. She fell forward, hands braced on either side of your torso. "Kiss me."
"I just don't want to mess up and have all this go away." She swallowed, a worried crease between her eyebrows.
"I think we're gonna mess up plenty of times. It's a possibility you'll find some justification to make somebody's life hell for a time. I could relapse." You pulled her closer with your legs, arms coming up to cross your fingers behind her neck. "A lot of the time we're not gonna want to admit it, we might not even know it. So, we can lay out a few... Promises, or something."
"Okay," Regina said, gazing down at you like you never imagined. Like you meant things to her. Important things.
"Promise me that you'll listen. Even if you disagree, please hear me out." She nodded seriously. "And, in turn, I promise to speak my mind. When I don't like something, or just like something, I'll say so." Again, she nodded. You loosened your hold on her neck and rubbed your thumbs on her cheeks. Getting to touch her like this, having her literally between your legs, was more than you ever thought you'd get.
Even if this ended in a similar fashion to the Thanksgiving kiss, or even much, much worse, you'd have regretted not taking the chance for the rest of your life.
"And... This is the most important one... Come closer."
Regina shifted closer, bending down, her elbows coming to rest next to your chest as she turned her ear towards you.
You whispered conspiratorially, like this was top-secret: "Still let me do your yard work."
Notes: Fucking christ. I wrote this all in one sitting. 4.3k words. That's like two chapters. I've written long chapters before, longer than this, but I got so used to the 2k on average pace that this felt huge.
Also! Don't be spooked by the [final chapter] marking! This is the last chapter in the story, yes, but we'll be hearing more from Reggie and Jorts still! I have a couple of epilogue sequences I want to write. Would y'all be interested in a poll as to what order those should be published? As in, chronological. Do we start from 10 Years Later... or something more like, idk, next summer? Lmk in the comments :)
This might be counterintuitive to add, and if my lovely amazing readers have exercised their reading comprehension during this series they might get why on a more nuanced level, revenge on Gretchen was left out purposefully. This will not be the last we hear of her, I have some plans for her in some of the epilogues, but yes. That plot point was left open on purpose.
The name. A lot of people like it! I was feeling insecure about my lack of foresight and impulsive naming, but hey, as it turns out it's not that deep! To add, it went really nicely with the end there I think :) No changes will be happening.
This note is getting so long. I just wanna thank everybody that's been along for the ride so far. I read every single comment and check my notifications way too often for new ones. I'm pretty used to writing for quite dead/inactive fandoms on AO3, and I love that site it's my origin, but it's very different to Tumblr. I just feel like people on here are much more open to sharing their thoughts. Everybody who's bore witness to my grief with the taglist, thank you for your patience. And thank you so much for wanting to be on it. I cannot believe people wanted that. For little ole me? Oh, you shouldn't have...
If there are spelling errors or grammatical weirdness, shhh. I'm not reading all that again at 1am. Toodles!
Taglist will be posted separately! Comment on that post if you want to be added to be notified when the epilogies are published!
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freyaphoria · 23 days
Hello i was wondering can you do a yandere maknae line reaction to their s/o slowly starts showing them affection
I love your works!
Hello and thank you! I really like yandere Ateez. I hope you like it! ♡
Yandere Ateez: When their s/o starts showing affection
(Maknae Line)
hyung line
tw: Nightmare, chains
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"How many times do I have to tell you not to get the foam in your eyes in the bath? Be careful baby." You were rubbing your eyes as he slowly rinsed your hair. He usually wouldn't let you take a bath alone, but since you've been behaving well lately, he let you take a bath alone today. But when you got foam in your eyes and screamed, he came to you and helped you wash your hair.
Actually it's not that bad. There is someone who loves you and constantly cares about you. He may have taken away your freedom, but he still loves you. You thought as the hot water flowed over your body.
You ran your hand through San's hair as thoughts floated through your mind. He is very handsome. You began to gently caress his hair. San froze at your action. Were you finally starting to like him? Had all his hard work finally worked? "Baby, what's wrong?" You were suddenly startled by his question and took your hand out of his hair. "sorry..." San's heart ached by your weak words. He held your hands and kissed them, then put them back in his hair. "No baby, don't ever take your hands out of my hair."
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You woke up from your nightmare, startled by the sound of the basement door opening. You were drenched in sweat and shaking. This dream was like no other dream you've ever had. It was so realistic and sickening.
Mingi approached you in panic. "Honey, are you okay? What's wrong? What happened?" You couldn't put the words together. You just wanted someone to be with you and hold you. You tried to reach for him as much as the chains on your wrists would allow. You couldn't exactly touch him, but you looked at his face with your arms open. "Huh? What do you want? Are you thirsty?" You pulled the chains a little more, as if you could reach him if you pulled harder. "I'm sorry honey, you know I can't take them off." You were still shaking and Mingi didn't understand what you wanted.
You took a deep breath and put all your dignity aside. "Hug. I just want a hug." Mingi looked at your hands, although he was a little suspicious. When he couldn't see anything sharp or would harm him, he held your hands gently and you pulled him towards you. You thought he was cozy. He was very warm and clean compared to the cold and dirty basement.
His heart fluttered; It was the first time he felt such a feeling. It was as if he felt the excitement of a mother when her child kissed her for the first time.
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You must have been crazy. You must be out of your mind if you have feelings for this man. But now, you were watching him while he fell asleep in the movie you were watching and his head was on your shoulder. Or you thought he was sleeping. He would never leave you on your own without his control. He was just testing you.
You've never looked at his facial features so carefully. To tell the truth, he was very handsome. Too handsome. Then you looked at the chain on your left wrist and the chain connecting to his right wrist. Would you like him if you hadn't met him this way? If he approached you normally, would you give him a chance? You probably would. But he forced you to be his. There was no need for that, If he had said just go out with me, you would.
You take your eyes away from the chain that held each other's wrists together and let him know if you try to ran away, and bringing them back to his face. The mole under his left eye caught your attention and you gently caressed it with your free hand.
He woke up with a chuckle and looked at you with a big smile on his face. He couldn't believe that you were now caressing his mole with the same hand you used to slap him with. "Like what you see?" You quickly pulled your hand away, but he held it and placed it back on his cheek. "Let's stay like this a little longer, doll."
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You were painting your new room together to celebrate finally getting out of the basement. After about 6 months, he finally gave you a proper room of your own after making sure he had brainwashed you enough. He even let you choose the color of the paint.
You took the brush and dipped it into the paint can. Once you had enough paint, you applied it to the wall carefully. It seemed difficult at first, but since you were working together, you were almost done with the entire room. You were both lost in thought, silently painting the fine details. The silence felt like therapy, but you felt like you had to thank him.
You were excited about your new life. A room that sees light, is clean and feels like home... You jumped with joy and hug him. "Thank you!" Jongho wasn't used to this act of yours, the way you behave when he first kidnapped you brought you to your new home was very different now. Usually you would yell at him and throw things at him, telling him to let you go. Now you were saying thank you and hugging him. Jongho's heart fluttered with love. "You're welcome, my pretty girl."
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a/n: hi again! First of all, thank you very much for 100 followers! Your feedback is very important for me to improve myself. Please let me know if you have any suggestions. I'm not very satisfied with this, but I hope you like it. Love u♡
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kurokens · 2 months
In The Middle | Satosugu
anime/manga: jujutsu kaisen
character: gojo satoru & geto suguru
words: 798
pronouns: they/them
request: none
notes: probably an overused prompt but idc sue me, i needed to write one of my own. im a sucker for misunderstanding. i haven't written anything in such a long time, it's been a while im sorry, satosugu have been on my mind for a while, and i needed to write something with them because i love them so fucking much. it's gonna be a series, so hopefully i dont disappear after one part lol... later on it might be specific on some insecurities bc i need it and i thought well let's just share it with the world and other who might need it. sorry for any mistakes T-T
not proof read
song rec: SHE'S - In The Middle
genre: hurt comfort, fluff, slowburn, a little bit angsty, poly?
warnings: bad english not my first language, satosugu are in a loving relationship, misunderstanding, pinning, a lot of pinning on satosugu's end, reader is so oblivious (is that the right one?), insecure and self conscious reader
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You've always told yourself you weren't the type to live with anyone, you liked your quiet and your peace. Alone in your little bubble, without a soul to disturb it. And yet, here you were awoken by your roomates lover quarrel in the room next door, for the hundredth time this week.
"Don't you love me anymore? Am I not enough for you?" a whiny voice whisper-screamed "Satoru, my love, it was a dream, it was all in your head." an exhausted voice replied
"So what?? It doesn't mean anything? Are my feelings not valid?" Gojo huffed.
"How are you so dramatic so early in the morning? Let's go back to sleep come here.", Geto carefully lifted the blanket so his boyfriend could go back exactly where he belonged, asleep and quiet in his arms.
Such occurences weren't new to you, you could even say there were your daily life, that's why you laughed hearing the bickering couple, and turned around in your bed to try and fall back asleep while their muffled voices could still be heard in the background. This was without counting on what part of their conversation your brain decided to pick up on next. "I dont know for how much longer I can do this Sugu.." Satoru sighed. "Me neither love, but there is nothing much we can do about it.They live with us." His black haired lover replied. "I know, ugh I know, but it's getting so much harder everyday. Seeing them is becoming unbearable. I can't stand it anymore, we need to do something." He went on. "Shh, I know, I feel the same. But we can't just drop this on them all of the sudden and expect it to go well." The oldest reasoned.
Your heart shattered on the other side of the wall, now sitting against the headboard, an unstoppable flow of tears falling down your face. You were a bother? You thought the three of you were friends, shit, scratch that, best friends. And yet, yet, this was how they felt about you. Fuck fuck FUCK You needed to calm down, it's okay, you're okay. It must have been a nightmare, yeah that's right, a nightmare. Your brain loved playing tricks on you, waking you up in the middle of the night with the most vivid and realistic nightmares ever, enough to send you into full blown meltdown. Nothing to worry about, it was just a nightmare, nothing else. That's what you told yourself and yet when you woke up you couldnt shake this weird feeling in your stomach. You contemplated staying in your bed all day and avoid your roomates but that would be silly to ignore them for something that was potentially just a dream. So you shook the silly feelings away and got out of your bed, made your way to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Your two roommates were already there, being lovey dovey in each others lap and the weird feeling made its way back into your stomach. "Hi there." You greeted tiredly, only to be met with an echo of short hms, and not even a nod to accompany the cold greeting. The lack of acknowledgment not helping with your already overthinking mind, you decided to take a quick breakfast and just leave them be. It could just be a coincidence, nothing to worry about haha, right? Or so you thought, because you were back in your room mindlessly scrolling through tik tok when you once again hear the muffled voices of your roommates. Your brain screamed at you to put your headphones on and drown out their conversation, but you couldn't get yourself to do it, and you decided to listen to them, to at least finally be able to know whether or not you dreamed what happened last night. And maybe you shouldn't have, but what else could you do now but listen to the cruel words of the ones you once considered your best friends. "Suguru, we need to do it soon. I can't even handle looking at them in the eyes anymore, let alone utter a word to them. We can't keep going like this." Satoru complained. "I know 'Toru, I know, but you need to understand it's not as easy as you think it is." You heard the black haired man answer. And it was enough for you, you needed to get out of there. You obviously were no longer welcomed here, and the sooner you left, the better it would be, for both parties. So inbetween tears you picked up a bag and threw some spare clothes and anything that you could think of in your frenzy state before you ran out of there, determined to never come back, at least not for a while.
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here u gooo!! sorry i've been away for a while, i've been finding it hard to write and staying focused, but i missed it so much, especially for these two. i'll try not to take too long to write AT LEAST a second part, but would love to do more than this bc i want it to be extremely slown burn and a little bit angsty krkrkr
part 2 is here!!
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empresskylo · 8 months
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beneath the mask ✩ chapter 12 ⬅ch.11
➠𝐌𝐃𝐍𝐈; 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓; 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 ➠SIMON "GHOST" RILEY X AFAB!READER ➠CHAPTER TAGS | wc 3.5k ➠AUTHOR'S NOTE | i am sooooooooo sorry if this seems ooc for ghost. i wanted to write him acting more empathetic while also maintaining his cold demeanor. i think some people tend to write him one way or the other and so i tried to balance it a bit more to be realistic. but if this felt ooc for ghost im so sorry!! feedback is appreciated so i can improve upcoming chapters! <3
𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ✩ 𝐜𝐨𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ✩ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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the startling realization that you were sleeping in simon’s room is what woke you up that following morning. you sat up in his bed, the covers falling away from your chest, and you noticed he was gone. it was strange how this was the second time you shared a bed—completely platonically—with him and he was m.i.a. come morning.
you tried not to think too deeply about it, not wanting to get your feelings hurt even more than they already were. you were able to put what had happened between the two of you in the back of your mind yesterday, squishing down his words that hurt you so badly. 
you looked good in your dress. that’s all. m’sorry.
but that was yesterday. that was when he was the first face you saw after thinking you were about to be tortured. the face that rescued you. that was when he carried you back to base, his arms around you like a safety blanket. when he was the sense of security you desperately needed. when you felt like you needed him. 
this morning, your mind was far clearer. you even realized how stupid you were to let simon be that person for you when johnny was right there. 
you scurried from his room, still draped in his shirt, and made it back to your own. you told yourself you would visit the infirmary today, not for work, but to get yourself checked out. you weren’t hurt too badly, nothing that couldn’t heal with a little time. but still, you should really get checked over. and you were sure laswell or price would want to have a word with you about everything that happened. 
before you even managed to shift through your thoughts, johnny was at your door.
“how’re ya feelin’?” 
you grabbed your toiletries bag and spun to face to scot. “i’m okay.”
he gave you a once over. “are you sure?” he said a bit softer.
you gave him a gentle smile. “don’t worry, i’m just going to shower. then straight to the infirmary to get checked out.” you gave him a mock salute. 
johnny shook his head as he followed you out your door and down the hall towards the showers. “no, not that.” you glanced at him. “well, no, of course i wanted to make sure you were gonna be seen by a medic, but i was referring to the… psychological side of things.”
you laughed at his phrasing. “i’ll be okay, johnny. seriously. i mean, i know what happened terrified me and hasn’t left my thoughts since, but i could be a lot worse.” you were trying to make light of the situation. and while johnny understood that all too well, he still wasn’t convinced you were truly back to normal just a day after your kidnapping. 
you were taken a bit back. for once, soap didn’t seem to appreciate your humor. “and with ghost?” 
you almost dropped your bag, stumbling in your steps. “w-what about him?” 
“i saw him carrying you into base. the way ya clung to him. i just want t’make sure you’re okay.” his eyes trailed the shirt you were wearing—'swimming in' was more accurate—knowing it wasn't yours, but ghost's.
you sighed before spinning to face him. you wanted to make this very clear to soap: “he was the first person i saw. he was the one i saw close on my tail when i was trapped in that truck. he was the face who barged into that room after slaughtering men, pulling me out of that hole. i think i was just overwhelmed and felt like i needed him . y’know… a safety thing. but that has passed. i’m fine. fine .” soap raised a brow, not quite believing you. “nothing happened,” you said a bit bashful, noticing the way soap was staring at you like he thought more had gone down last night, and wearing ghost's shirt sure wasn't helping. “he just kept me company so i could fall asleep without thinking about…” your words trailed off. “point is, i appreciate you looking out for me, but i’m okay. i won’t let him…” a beat of silence passed as you looked for the words. “i won’t read things wrong again.” the sentence was a struggle to get out; like ash on your tongue.
you could see the concern on johnny’s face, so before he could protest and pry more, you slipped into the women’s showers so he couldn’t follow.
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after showering and visiting the infirmary—-yes, you have been cleared—-you were making your way to price’s office. you assumed laswell would be there as well. 
you adjusted your black shirt as you strolled the halls, careful to not move in any way that would hurt your sore ribs. you walked past the gym, peeking in to see if you could spot gaz, surprised he hadn’t come to see you yet, and you almost choked on your spit.
you spotted simon—- ghost—- across the room in workout gear, addressing a new recruit. you hadn’t recognized her but you knew there were new recruits coming in this week so you assumed her to be one of them. 
you tried to pull your eyes away, but they were latched on to the tall brute and the shorter woman beside him. ghost hunched over slightly as he spoke to her and you saw her smile. her hand reached out and touched his arm softly and you felt your fists clench. 
ghost wasn’t yours . 
he was barely even your friend. he could flirt with whoever he wanted. it shouldn’t matter to you. and you knew you were overreacting. who's to say they were flirting? you hadn’t known ghost to be the best charmer, so why would he all of a sudden be cozying up to a woman he only just met?
soap’s words popped into your head: come to think of it. i don’t think i’ve known ghost to have hooked up with anyone since i’ve met the bastard.
all these rational thoughts and yet you ignored them. all you felt was a pang in your gut as you watched him instruct her, testing her skills, his hand lingering on her hip a bit too long. his eyes locked on hers. 
you didn’t feel any tears welling—so that was an improvement—all you felt was disappointment. ghost was emotionally unavailable. he also explicitly said he didn’t want you. this fantasy you had of him in your head was purely that: a fantasy. 
you had thought maybe he felt differently with the way his eyes traced your curves last night in the light of the bathroom. that maybe him letting you see him with his mask off was him letting you in. that he wanted to form some sort of relationship with you even if it was foreign to him.
but all of those thoughts went out the door. there were so many reasons why it would never work between the two of you. seeing him with that woman wasn’t what made you feel that way. all it did was remind you of the reality of your situation.
you sulked into price’s office, the smell of cigars filling your nose.
price’s warm greeting, his gentle smile, and his all-over fatherly presence set you back at ease. 
when laswell entered, her soothing hand on your shoulder reminded you that you could live so fucking easily without ghost. you had a family here. and while you had hoped to let ghost become one of those people to you, it wasn’t the end of the world by any means if he didn’t.
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a week had passed and you had resorted to pretending like anything private that ever happened between you and ghost had never occurred. you weren’t going to sulk over him any longer. you thought he was attractive. that was it. you hooked up once and it didn’t work out. you were an adult, you could move on. 
you laughed animatedly at soap, grabbing his arm in your fit. ghost spotted you across the training room, your laughter floating over into his space, pissing him off.
he expected you to have wanted to talk to him after that night in his room. but you never did. you never sought him out. never came by to let him know everything at the infirmary checked out okay. granted, he never came after you either. 
he got up when he saw you leaving and followed you out the door. 
“iaso,” he called.
you stopped and spun to face him, smiling. “what’s up, lt.?” 
ghost was a bit taken aback by your friendly demeanor. not that you weren’t a friendly person, but you were acting oddly like nothing ever happened. like ghost hadn’t pulled you into his arms a week ago, his chest pounding and his arms shaking as he held you.
“jus’ wanted to see if you were okay,” he said dumbly.
“all good. don’t worry, i’ve been cleared to be back to work.” you smiled then turned and walked away.
ghost had never been left so dumbfounded before. he cracked his knuckles in annoyance.
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you seemed to be ignoring him. 
whenever ghost entered a room you were in, you’d leave. he saw you linking arms with soap as you walked the halls, never meeting ghost’s eyes. he knew soap was visiting you in the infirmary on your breaks and he always seemed awkward when it came up between them. you even managed to get out of a poker session where ghost was present. you had stood up the second he walked into that room, calling it a night and tossing your cards in the middle of the table.
“she’s ignoring me,” ghost huffed as he shuffled through the dossiers on his desk. he was acting like he had any claim over you. like he had a right to your friendship.
“who?” soap asked. ghost looked up and glared at his friend. “i think you give yourself too much credit. she’s not ignoring you, lt. she’s just accepted your rejection and moved on with her life.”
“i didn’t reject her.”
soap rolled his eyes. “you really wanna go down that road?” 
ghost mumbled in annoyance as he stared at the words on the paper before him. 
“didn’t think you’d care, if i’m being honest.”
ghost glared at soap, waiting for him to elaborate since he clearly wanted to further this conversation.
“ her opinion of you ,” soap clarified. “you made it pretty clear you wanted nothing from her, so i just assumed that meant you wouldn’t be bothered by her ignoring you n’all.” 
ghost tapped his pen on his desk. “so she is ignoring me, then.”
“i didn’t say that.”
ghost knew he couldn’t fight logistics with soap, with soap being… soap and all. “we have actual shit t’go over. important intel before we depart friday.” 
soap slipped into the chair in front of ghost’s desk. “you started it.” 
“i didn’t—- bloody hell ,” he grumbled rubbing his hand over his face. soap tried to hold back his smirk. 
“y’know she’s coming with us,” soap said, referencing the mission soon to happen in the coming days based on the information the men had acquired from valeria. 
“well aware,” ghost said flatly. 
the idea of you being forced to be in ghost’s proximity tomorrow, knowing you couldn’t avoid it like you had been, made his chest swell slightly. he didn’t want to admit this to himself, but he wanted you to want him. desperately . and hearing soap talk about you, always seeing the two of you together, ghost felt like he was pushing you straight into his friend’s arms. 
he should have been okay with that. whether he found you attractive or not, he shouldn’t have felt jealous when he saw you with soap. he’s found plenty of women attractive, and plenty of them were involved with someone else. that usually didn’t bother ghost at all. he was fine admiring pretty ladies knowing they would never be his. he didn’t want them to be his. so this resentment he was feeling towards soap was new to him. 
he unclenched his fist. 
“jus’ wanna make sure you’re gonna behave yourself,” soap chimed. 
“christ, johnny. i’m not—”
soap cut him off. “i’m serious, lt. i know i don’t have this kind of authority, but she doesn’t deserve whatever it is that's going on inside your twisted head.” soap gestured widely at ghost, implying he was all sorts of messed up. “i’d die protecting her. and if it means i’d have to die in your clutches, then so be it.”
ghost refrained from rolling his eyes and soap’s dramatics. though, he did admire soap’s loyalty. 
shifting the conversation away from you, ghost debriefed soap on prep for the coming mission, letting him know— almost —everything planned. 
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it was late when ghost spotted you. you didn’t see him as he stalked you around the bend of the hallway.
finally, you were alone. not linking arms with soap or laughing with gaz. you were alone as you walked through the halls of the barracks. if you had known ghost would have spotted you, you would have likely stayed in your room. but you had no idea the masked man was trailing behind you. 
ghost hadn't been planning on talking to you, irate by the way you’ve been ignoring him, but when he saw you, his feet moved on their own accord. the hall lights flickered, creating an ominous glow. he surmised you were heading back to the infirmary even though he knew your shift was already over. maybe you forgot something?
and then one of ghost’s steps was a tad too loud because you looked over your shoulder and he watched as your eyes widened momentarily. you scrunched up your nose and faced forward, your pace increasing. “are you following me?”
“this is my quarters jus’ as much as it is yours,” he grunted. 
you rolled your eyes. “well… it's plenty big enough. you could always go a different way.”
“still not talkin’ to me, then?”
you could sense him catching up and it made the hackles on your neck rise. “what’re you—”
“i know you’ve been ignoring me. don’t try t’lie your way outta this.”
you turned around and began to walk backward so you could face him when you spoke. “i’m not really in the mood to have this conversation right now.” you crossed your arms over your chest. 
“well, good thing i wasn’t askin’.”
your mouth parted in surprise at his bluntness. you quickly spun on your heels, not wanting the emotions you had been shoving down for the past week to come back up. if you could just avoid him a little longer, you’d be able to move on. if he would only just—
in your nerves, you reached a dead end of one of the many barren halls. you were going to turn and scurry past him, not even wanting to grab your bag you left in the infirmary any longer, you just wanted to get away from him. but before you had the chance, ghost’s arms were on either side of your head, hands flat against the wall, caging you into his chest. your back was to him and your only view was the blank drywall. the corner he had you trapped in was dark and you figured even if you did spin to face the beast behind you, you wouldn’t be able to make much of him out. you hated that a swirl of arousal filled your stomach remembering him being this close to you in that tiny closet he shoved the two of you into all those weeks ago. 
“ghost, i don’t wanna—”
“ simon ,” he said a little aggressively. 
you gulped, his words grazing the edge of your neck as he spoke. you were quiet as you waited for him to say more. “you sure you’re ready to go back out on location?” he asked, referring to the upcoming mission you were going to be a part of. 
“is that it? you’re worried i’m broken or some shit like that?” your words screamed irritation, but your voice sounded more hurt than angry. “that i don’t know my own limits and can’t decide when i’m good to be back? that i’ll slow you down? i told you i was cleared!” you knew you were inferring a lot from his one little sentence, but you wanted to be mad. to be angry at him. 
“i didn’t say that.”
“no. but it’s what you meant.”
you heard ghost sigh and his hands dropped down to his side. you felt the warmth of his chest still behind you so you didn’t dare move to look at him.
“i know what it’s like t’lose everyone you love,” he started. 
“what does that have to do with any—-?”
“would you jus’ shut up for one second n’ listen for once?” 
you swallowed hard and nodded your head. he let out a breath. he knew he had snapped at you, but this was difficult for him. he wanted to get this out before he second-guessed himself and let you walk away forever. 
“i lost my entire family to men a lot more evil than me. did everythin’ in my power to get revenge. so i know what it’s like to love and t’lose.”
“did it help?” you asked softly. “revenge?”
you could hear the tension in ghost’s words as he mumbled them behind you. the only reason he was able to answer this question was due to the fact that you were turned away from him. if you two had been looking into each other’s eyes… he didn’t think he’d have to ability to open up. “depends how ya look at it. that kind’a dedication to death—never stoppin’ till you feel blood on your hands—takes a toll on ya. i think it’s what made me so… unbearable. but the general doesn’t seem t’think so. made me a stronger soldier in shepherd’s eyes.”
you felt your breath waver as you listened. 
“i wouldn’t have jus’ killed for them, i woulda died. it was years ago now that i was captured on duty. was tortured. buried alive. locked up. abused.” simon cleared his throat. “think it made me unwillin’ to let people in , as you would word it. i don’t know if i could survive another loss like that, like when i lost my mother and brother. s’not a feelin’ i ever plan on livin’ through again.”
“and you, ” he said a bit more potently. “you have been messin’ everythin’ up. when you n’ laswell were taken… it felt like when i saw my brother and his wife dead on their living room floor. the only thing i saw was red. i woulda done anything t’get you back. i couldn’t let this happen again. i couldn’t fail the people i cared about again.”
it pained you to know that simon placed all the blame on anything bad happening to those around him on himself. “laswell, too?” you said, but more as a question. you were purposefully trying to avoid the romantic ideation behind his words.
“no,” he said immediately, without a second thought. “course i wanted her back. but it didn’t feel the same as the way i wanted you.”
i wanted you . those words made your chest tighten. 
“why are you telling me all this?” you finally asked after a lull. 
“i jus’ wanted you t’know that i don’t mean t’hurt you. that maybe i needa try harder. and that… i’m sorry.”
you felt a single tear escape and slide down your cheek. you took a moment to steady your breathing, trying to reel in all of simon’s words.
when you spun to face him, unsure of what you’d find in his expression, you gasped. he was gone. you didn’t even hear him as he took off down the hall with your back still to him. 
eventually, walking alone back to your room, you let the tears fall freely. you cried for simon’s past. for his losses. for your own losses. for the strange sense of love you felt radiating off of him as he told you he’d move the world just to get you back safely. for the stupid feelings you had brewing in your chest. for the way you couldn’t decide if you wanted him to wrap his arms around you or if you wanted to hold him as he told you more. 
simon felt like he couldn’t let someone else in. that he wouldn’t survive it. but you wouldn’t leave him if he did. and you needed to tell him that. you needed to show him that he might be a bit broken, lost from his path, but you’d help him find the light again, as cheesy as that sounded. you would show him how beautiful it was to love even after losing so much. that it was possible. he deserved to be loved. he deserved to be happy. he wasn’t some emotionless robot, no matter what the army thought of him. and you wanted to help him realize that. 
chapter 13 ➡
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bookuce · 26 days
Fools Rush In (Roman Reigns)
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SUMMARY: Nessa wasn’t looking for love, neither was Joe, but when you know, you know. Isn’t it funny how fate work?
*DISCLAIMER: This is a multi-part series. I do not own any of the characters in the writing except for the OCs. The book uses actual names of wrestlers. Josh is Jey, Jon is Jimmy, Trinity is Naomi, Joe is Roman. The book is not realistic and does not take place during real events, but some actual events (matches, storylines) could pop up in the story eventually. I DO NOT GIVE ANYONE PERMISSION TO TRANSLATE OR REPOST MY WRITINGS ANYWHERE. THAAAAAANKS. *
PAIRING: Roman Reigns x Black OC
TROPE: Love At First Sight
It was supposed to be a Girls’ Night for Nessa and Isabel. The plan was dinner and a movie, but now they wanted drinks. So they found themselves in a popular nightclub here in Miami. They approached the well-lit bar, their eyes visually drinking up the mountain of alcohol in front of them. “So,” Nessa breathes. “What do you want? The first round is on me.” The brunette turns her attention to her best friend. Her fingers excitedly tap the counter. “Are we feeling darks or clears?” She presses.
“Yes,” Isabel answers with a breathy laugh.
“Girl, I can’t drink like that anymore.” Nessa giggles. The statement wasn’t far from the truth. The last time she mixed her liquors, she woke up to potentially blackmailing videos on her phone. Never again. Nessa hums softly, flipping her dark hair over her shoulder. “Let’s play it safe with clears. Vodka?” She asks. Isabel grimaces.
“Tequila?” She answers with a question.
They exchange stares in silence for a moment before putting their fists out. They shake them four times. “Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!” They say in unison, throwing out different hand gestures. Nessa’s fist remains tight while Isabel’s hand is open. Paper beats rock.
“Lo siento, mi amor!” She exclaims while closing her hand around Nessa’s fist. “Maybe next time.” She turns her attention toward the bartender passing off shots to some nearby clubbers. “Two shots of Teremana, please!” The bartender nods at her request and turns to grab the bottle from the alcohol mountain. “With lime,” she adds with a smile. “Yeah.” she nods slightly.
Nessa shakes her head at the petite Latina. It was never a dull moment with her lively best friend. She turns over her left shoulder to grab her wallet from her back pocket but is halted by dark eyes watching her a few feet down. A smirk curls onto the lips of this bearded man once caught. Anxiety would rush through Nessa’s veins like electricity, causing slight chest pains for her.
Oh, he is handsome, she thought.
The bar lights lit his features well, the shadows chiseling out his bone structure. His hair laid against his head flat, pulled up into a bun, the sides shaved. He looks groomed—at least from here, he did.
“Ness,” Isabel calls, snapping Nessa out of the trance she was in.
The distracted woman turns her attention back to her friend, forgetting all about grabbing her wallet. “Yeah?” She asks. Isabel gestures towards the two shots in front of her. The bartender standing before them waited impatiently for a payment. “Oh shit, sorry.” She mutters, reaching into her back pocket for her wallet. A tan hand appears in front of her, a black credit card between two large fingers.
“Put it on my tab.” A deep voice says right above her ear. “I have their drinks all night.” He adds. The bartender eyed the black card in the man’s hand before taking it.
“What’s the name?” She asks.
“Joe.” He answers. Just as Nessa turns to look at the man, he lowers his hand for her to shake. “Nice to meet you.” He says to her with a half-grin. Behind her, she could hear the sounds of approval from her best friend at the tall man.
Ness takes the warm hand, shaking it slightly. His hands were rough, a sure indication of a hardworking man. She now wonders what he does. Construction? Maybe. Architect? Possibly. “Vanessa—Nessa for short.” She says finally. He presses his lips into a thin grin and nods his head once at her.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Nessa.” He says, opting for the shorter version of her name. Mentally, she was happy he did. She preferred it over her full name. She felt more like a Nessa than Vanessa. They would continue to shake hands slightly while gazing at each other, both not realizing that they were still doing it. Isabel would watch them curiously from behind Nessa. She gawked over the man’s size. In height, he towered over her and her friend. She could tell he was very fit. She’s now wondering if he has a regimen he’d be willing to share.
“It’s a pleasure,” Nessa says, finally looking away from the chocolate-brown eyes that entranced her. Her eyes find their hands still wrapped around each other’s, and she drops it. She would peer up at him from the side, noticing his eyes still on her. Her heart began to soar at the sight. My, this man was overwhelmingly attractive.
“Thank you for the drinks!” Isabel would say suddenly. Nessa clears her throat and nods.
“Yeah, thanks. You didn’t have to do that.” She says, chiming in.
“Well, I had to find a reason to come over here.” He explains with a shrug. “It’s no problem.” Silence would fall between the pair, causing Nessa to look ahead. She wasn’t too good at talking to men. It was only a matter of time before she said something to chase him off, or he realized she was not what he was looking for—whatever that may be.
“So…” Isabel chimes in. “Joe, what brings you here?”
“My cousins. Nightclubs aren’t really my thing, but they wouldn’t take no for an answer.” He confesses. “What about you two? Here with anyone?” He asks. His second question is for Nessa. Joe hoped to God she wasn’t here with anyone. If she was, his efforts to know her would be in vain.
“It’s a Girl’s Night,” Nessa says, opting out of his second question.
“But are you here with anyone?” He asks, now directly asking her.
Isabel smiled at the interaction, mentally hoping Nessa would take what he was giving. Meeting guys in the club wasn’t the safest idea, but he seemed pretty sober to her. At the moment, she sees no warning lights flashing above his head. “I’m married,” Isabel says, jumping in again. If she could do anything for her best friend right now, it would be to set her up with this fine specimen of a man. She leans into her best friend, nudging her to speak up.
Nessa turns to Isabel briefly, her eyes widening before returning to Joe. “I’m not.” She says finally.
“A lucky guy at all?” He asks.
“Lucky me.” He smiles, revealing perfectly white teeth. “Bartender,” He calls out, waving his hand. The same one that served us earlier approaches us. “Another round for us, please.” He says, whirling his index finger in the air.
Joe spoke with a swagger Nessa had never heard from a man. He radiated so much confidence. If he looks like that, how can you blame him? She’s now cycling through possible professions again. Lawyer, maybe. Doctor, no. Athlete, strong possibility. The poor girl was guessing everything but a serial killer. Nessa would take a glance down at his right hand. No ring, no ring tan. He was an unmarried man himself.
“Lucky girl?” She asks suddenly.
“Hm?” He hums, his thick brows lifting.
“I said, is there a lucky girl?” She repeats, leaning in towards him. Joe looks at her, quickly shaking his head.
“No, not for a little over a year now.” He answers, giving her more info than she was seeking. He reaches down to grab one of the three shots before them. He tosses it down the hatch, his jaw clenching and unclenching at the taste and burn. His last relationship wasn’t one he preferred to talk about. Though he should’ve been mad at his ex, he couldn’t blame anyone but himself. He’s gone most of the year; who’d want to stay with someone they barely see?
“Are you from here?” She asks.
“No, I’m from Pensacola.” And there it was. Joe was from another city. One that happened to be six hundred miles away from here. He was here for vacation, here for fun. She was not interested in that. “What about you?”
“I’m local.” She breathed, her shoulders shrugging as she spoke. “Been here my entire life.” She adds now reaching to grab her shot. She tosses it back slowly, her eyes closing slightly. She places the glass on the counter.
“Look,” She says suddenly. “I’m sure you’re a great guy and all, and I really hate to assume, but I’m not looking for a hookup.” She looks around. “Especially here.” She looks at him with a shake of her head. “Not a smart idea.”
Joe’s eyes venture away from her face, his eyes now on the bar counter. His large fingers would curl against the surface while he chose his words. “I understand.” He says, nodding. He lifts his hand, his palm up and open. “I’m not much of—of a hookup person myself.” He explains looking over at her. “I barely know how to do that kind of stuff—the pickup lines and whatnot.” He explains, leaning towards her slightly.
“Right,” Nessa nods.
“My cousins tried to teach me, but I’m not really feeling it, you know what I mean? I’ve never been one to do that.” He was now rambling, his anxiety starting to spike. Maybe he shouldn’t have come out. He can already hear Jon and Josh teasing him for not being able to pick up women. It should come easy to him with the way he looked, but how he looked and who he was were two completely different people. He stops himself, a slow blink to follow while he gathers himself. Just talk, Joe, he thinks. He takes a breath. “I just figured I’d come over and introduce myself, maybe find a reason to come back to this place. Miami is a bit scary after a certain hour with all of the…colorful people.” She chuckles at that, receiving a grin from him in return. Maybe he was winning her over again. “Maybe I can get your number instead?” He proposes.
Nessa watches him for a moment, her eyes searching for ill intent she’d never find. He did seem like a sweet guy; at least she was hoping he was. Isabel was staring a hole in the back of Nessa’s head. Surely this woman has some sense. If she didn’t give this man her number, she was going to give her a piece of her mind after (and maybe sneak her number to him behind her back).
“Uh,” Nessa starts.
“Perra, dale tu número.” Isabel hisses, pinching her side. Nessa shrinks away from the pinch, looking back at her friend who was glaring at her.
“Sure, why not.” She says, looking at Joe. A large smile would spread across his face as he fished his phone out of his coat pocket. She’d take the warm phone, putting in her info as a contact. She passes the phone back to him. “Don’t make me regret it.” She warns him.
“I won’t.” He says, slipping his phone back into his pocket. “Thank you,” He nods, looking between her and her friend. “I’ll let you ladies get back to your Girls Night. Remember, your drinks are on me. Be safe.” He says, walking off to find his cousins. Nessa and Isabel both watched as he vanished into the crowded space that was the dance area.
“I can’t believe you almost fumbled that!” She exclaims. “That man is fine, fit, and looks rich, mi amoré, okay? Alex is lucky I love him, because that one would’ve gotten fu—.”
“Okay, that’s enough.” Nessa snips.
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A/N: so…fancy seeing you here LMAO. Should’ve seen it coming tbh. This is the first chapter of another little fanfic I have tucked away. I hope you like it!
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onepiece-fics · 9 months
How would the strawhats react to you having a nightmare?
Content: x reader fluff. Established relationship. No particular warnings.
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It’s 3 am and you wake up in a cold sweat. You’ve just had a horrible nightmare that felt too realistic. You look around your room to make sure you’re in reality before you decide to sneak away and go to your s/o’s bed.
It takes you a few tries before you manage to shake Luffy awake, he is quite a heavy sleeper after all. When he opens his eyes you’re not even sure that he’s fully awake yet, his eyes darting around the dark room before they settle on you.
“Huh? Y/n what’s wrong? What time is it?” he asks you, confused. You look down at the floor, embarrassed to say.
“I had a nightmare, Luffy. Can I sleep with you for the night?” you ask him with a blush on your cheeks. A sleepy grin forms on his face and he snickers.
“Of course you can” he says and pats the place on the bed next to him. As you lay down he tangles his limbs around you and falls back asleep almost immediately. You lay your head on his shoulder as you too fall back into deep, sweet slumber.
When you got to Zoro you hesitated. Should you wake him up or should you just cuddle into him? It’s not like he’d wake up anyways, right?
You end up trying to climb over his sleeping body as you try to get into the other side of his bed, struggling to not accidentally punch him in the face. As you lay down you lightly hold on to his bicep for comfort, you had just woken up from a nightmare after all.
Suddenly, Zoro stirrs in his sleep. His eyes open up slowly but surely and when he sees you laying next to him, he just stares. You smile back at him, unsure if he’s still sleeping or not. He raises his head to look around the room, trying to see if any of the other guys noticed you, but theyre all asleep.
“What’s up?” he whispered, voice deep with sleep. You shiver at the sound of his voice.
“I had a really scary nightmare,” you tell him “it felt so real that I didn't dare to be alone”. He gives you a lazy smile and wraps his arm around you so that you end up with your head on his chest.
“Well, don’t worry y/n, you’re safe with me” he says before closing his eyes once again. 
When you had walked over to Nami’s bed you saw how incredibly cozy she looked. It would be such a shame to wake her up, so instead you try to sneak into her bed to cuddle her from behind. The moment your knee hits her bed though, she stirrs.
“Y/n? Is something wrong?” she asks as she sits up and rubs the sleepiness out of her eyes. You shake your head. “I just had a really scary nightmare so I figured that maybe I could sleep next to you…” your sentence falls off, feeling awkward having to explain yourself. She takes your hand and pulls you down to lie next to her. Your arms tangle around each other and Nami starts playing with your hair.
“Do you wanna tell me about it?” she asks. You shake your head, her fingers in your hair already relaxing you enough where you dare to close your eyes.
As you finally fall asleep, Nami smiles and gives you a kiss on the top of your head before she too drifts away to sleep.
“Usopppp… Psst, hey!” you whisper at him, trying to carefully shake the man awake. His eyebrows furrow as he wakes up and his eyes light up as he sees you standing by his bed. “Y/n? What’s wrong?” he asks as he takes your hand in his. You start climbing over his body to lie down next to him.
“I had a nightmare and I can’t go back to sleep”. Usopp yawns and does a big stretch before pulling you into his warm embrace.
“Would you like for me to tell you a bedtime story?” he asks, a tired smile forming on his face as you nod. 
He starts telling you a story that you could swear he’s already told you 5 times, but in all honesty, it didnt matter. His voice and his embrace was enough to soothe you back to sleep. 
When Sanji finally woke up after you poking him, he first thought he was still dreaming. With a goofy, dreamy smile on his face, he looks at you, his eyes full of love.
“My dear, what are you doing up so late?” he asks you as he caresses your cheek.
“I had a nightmare… And I was hoping that maybe I could sleep next to you tonight” you tell him. His face immediately lights up, waking up faster than ever.
“Of course my love,” he says and scoots over and pats his bed, “come right here”. You climb under the blanket with him and he twists and turns to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible.
“I’m afraid Luffy’s snoring is quite loud, I hope it won’t keep you awake” he says, giving a dirty look to where the captain is sleeping. You giggle and shake your head.
“As long as I’m next to you, Sanji, I’ll be alright” you whisper. Sanji could swear his heart skipped a beat and he has to hold himself back from making any loud, excited noises.
“That makes me very happy to hear, dear. If there’s anything else I can do for you, just tell me, okay?” He says as you enter his embrace. Listening to his steady heartbeat and feeling the sensation of his fingers running across your back is well enough to make you fall asleep right away, despite the captain’s snoring.
You climb into Robin’s bed silently, thinking that you won’t disturb her sleep, but as you plop down next to her, she suddenly opens her eyes.
“Y/n? Is something wrong?” she asks, worry in her voice. You smile at the concerned look on her face and shake your head.
“No, I just had a nightmare and I got scared” you whisper. The look on her face immediately goes back to normal and she moves a hairstrand out of your face. 
“Are you okay, dear? Is there anything I can do for you?” she asks. You take her hand.
“I’d just like to sleep next to you if that’s okay”. She gives you a soft smile and moves the two of you over in a better position so that you can bury your face in her neck as she plays with your hair and gives you kisses on the top of your head randomly until you fall asleep, having completely forgotten about your nightmare. 
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The Moon will Sing
[SAGAU x Mexican! Creator-Reader]
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A/n: I love SAGAU but realistically if I was stuck there I would be so sad I can't eat my culture foods ngl. Also y/n is implied first gen. Sorry lol. Also heavy leaning on y/n x Zhongli. Also title is from the song from The Crane Wives.
Also sorry if this sucks, it's kinda rushed and Idk what to do.
TW// obsessive-ish behavior
You were transported to Teyvat after staying up all night playing Genshin before eventually passing out Infront of your computer.
When you open your eyes, you weren't in the comfort of your room but instead on gold altar.
People you recognized Infront of you as you sat up in shock. You hand hurting slightly as you looked down at it.
In matter of fact, the blood was gold.
You watched as the wound healed itself on its own but your thoughts get interrupted as someone speaks up.
"My Grace, we are honored to have you here. The imposter has been dealt with, we pledge our devote loyalty to you."
You straight up passed out after this revelation.
After that whole fiasco, and you woke up to a bunch of crying acolytes.
Turns out, you were asleep for DAYS.
But you eventually grew accustomed to everything, honestly it wasn't as bad you thought it would be. Besides the weird obsessions and yandere like tendencies But there's one thing you missed dearly.
You were home sick and even the acolytes can see that. You didn't smile, you look off into the distance.
You miss the parties, music, going to swap meet and family members. Even the novellas your mother watched and eating her cooking.
Hell, you missed the internet.
It was just boring.
Then you got an idea, why not share them with your acolytes?! You get to explain your culture and maybe try to recreate dishes your mom made with ingredients here!
You immediately stood up from your throne excited. You immediately ran out of the temple, with the archons following you panicked.
"Your grace wait!" Zhongli yelled out chasing behind you. " You can't just leave abruptly like this! Please take me with you. "
You stood there, looking at a map you summoned looking at the places. "Sure! Let's go!" You grabbed around his waist and flew to places you needed to go.
He was practically beating his heart against his chest. The Creator was holding him! His ears were burning red in embarrassment.
You literally searched high and low, for ingredients alongside Zhongli. You either found substitutes or you quite literally had to create the ingredients. But once you had everything, you went straight to the kitchen.
The Archons were begging you, that they can someone else do it.
But you declined them, deciding to do it yourself.
You think the easiest recipe to do would be caldo de res. It's the one you seen your mother do countless times. And with your powers it should quicken the pace.... probably
Some of your acolytes were watching you, making sure your safe and do any task you asked.
Venti stood by the door way, along side zhongli and Xiao. Making sure your grace was fine.
At this point your at probably your third attempt at making this but you were really determined to get it right or at least
You took a spoonful and blew on it, taking a sip. And God it tasted like home, you place the utensil down and started to cry.
Venti was first to noticed, and thought you were upset. " Your grace don't cry! We can have some one else do it for you if your tired! "
You shook your head, wiping your tears smile. " I'm not sad, in fact I'm happy. Really happy. Would you like to try? It's a soup my mother always made."
Venti was so honored that the creator would even let him try, let alone a recipe the creators mother made!
Zhongli and Xiao whined, they wanted to try it too!
"Don't worry, you'll try it too!" You smiled, as you got a small spoonful.
Venti blushed, he's truly being rewarded, to be fed by the creator itself. He knows Xiao and Zhongli are practically seething in jealousy over this.
You were oblivious to it, feeding Venti small spoonfuls laughing. " Is it good?" You asked practically shaking in excitement.
He nodded happily, unknowingly teasing the other two in the room.
You made the jealousy even worse when you grabbed a handkerchief and clean up ventis face. Getting to be touched and so close to the creator smelling your perfume/cologne.
The other two pushed Venti aside, practically begging to be fed too.
You stood their dumbfounded but reluctantly agreed as well. Spoon feeding both of them, their faces light up.
They were so happy.
After that, you started cooking other dishes, your acolytes and followers were always so excited to try it.
They saw how much you emotionally improved so they was no discussion over it.
You also started telling them old folktales and customs from your culture. Scholars started to appear and request to write it down and study it. You even taught them Spanish!
Thought they call it, [y/n's] language. And etc.
Sometimes when doing a task, followers can hear you quietly sing songs in your language.
Your favorite thing, was reactions. The reactions your acolytes and followers had to your culture. They saw it as sacred, but you saw it as home.
You remembered talking to Zhongli because he remembers all of liyues stories and such.
"Zhongli, would you like to listen to a folktale?" You quietly asked, sitting on your throne. Him standing besides you.
" I'll be honored. " He says with a smile.
"There's different variations of this story depending of the region, but this is how I know it. Usually told to children to scare children into obedience. "
You cleared your voice, " long ago, a beautiful indigenous women fell in love with a man of higher social status. They lived happily together, having two children of their own. One day the man abandoned her, to either marry a more beautiful woman then her or a woman of his status. It depends either way, he leaves her. Her feeling threatened by this, consumed by rage and despair. She drown her children, meeting her own demised along side it. God curses her to wonder as a ghost searching for lost children so she can get into heaven."
Zhongli perks up at the story, " did you curse the woman yourself ?"
"ummm...yes?" You said unsurely.
" I see, a fitting punishment of her. " He says proudly.
" ahem, yes of course. Anyway she's called "la llorona" meaning The weeping woman..forever walking near bodies of water in search of her children so she may enter...umm.. heaven? "
Zhongli, tilts his head " what is heaven? " At this point your hands were sweating. " Ummm it's kinda like Celestia? But instead angels and stuff are there and it's like... Holy. You know? Anyway no more questions."
Random Head Canons and such
If you have curly hair, best believe the acolytes would be fascinated by it. Especially if they give you baths and pamper you.
You would teach Venti songs you know for example: hijo de la Luna.
Sometimes you sing them if you feel like it. Mostly to little kids.
The Adults are definitely not jealous.
The Archons fight each other over being your dancing partner. This is because you needed someone to show how to dance bachata. And ever since they just fight over that spot.
Same for being food taster, they like eating your food and being the first one to try it is such a big honour. You don't know why? Either way they like being spoon fed your cooking.
They all listen to your stories and take your advice very very seriously. It's annoying lol
You taught them your cultures customs, for example birthday customs. You're absolutely not allowed to have your face smashed into cake. They absolutely refuse to do that to you.
Also if you like spicy food, they probably be amazed at your spice tolerance. You'll probably mess with them by eating a whole chile Infront of them.
There are times where you do get very home sick and won't leave your room. When you do, they try their absolute best to comfort you.
Also you have given some of your followers Spanish nicknames for funsies.
Sometimes you and your acolytes would speak Spanish with you. They think it's like the biggest honor to understand your language and speak it with you. But you just think it's nice. Plus you get to have secret convos with people you don't want to know what your saving.
That's all I can think of , off the top of my head lol.
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officialdaydreamer00 · 10 months
Dream Diary of Irene Lovejoy
characters: irene lovejoy (aka the prefect), ace trappola
supporting characters: deuce spade, jack howl, epel felmier, ortho shroud, sebek zigvolt, grim
cw: weird and realistic dreams, liminal spaces, references to the backrooms™, use of blue matter to replace blood
first dream: the endless hallway (ace trappola)
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they didn't know what they were expecting when they went to ramshackle dorm that day. the prefect and grim weren't present in classes as usual, so naturally, they were rather worried.
well, deuce and jack were, the others were more confused than worried.
deuce knocked on the old wooden door. "prefect? are you there, prefect?" he called. "grim?" but nobody replied.
"maybe they're still asleep?" epel suggested, but ace furrowed his eyebrows in doubt. "prefect doesn't sleep that much. usually, she should've been awake and walking by now."
now they were getting even more worried.
deuce tried to open the door. however, it did not budge at all. not even a single creak indicating its moves. it as as if they were in front of a solid brick wall. "it's... locked?"
"i say we force the door open by magic." sebek, who had been (surprisingly) quiet the entire time, proposed a plan with a serious solemn look on his face. they nodded and held up their pens, pointing at the dorm's door.
it took them a few tries before the door was blasted off of its hinges. the five stepped inside the dorm. immediately, a cold atmosphere engulfed them whole, sending shivers down their spines. even ortho had a feeling of utter dread blaring in his system. the hall was void of human presence, completely. there was no signs of the three ghosts who resided in this dorm either. it was like a no one had been here in decades, and that whole idea had never felt more wrong than in that moment.
the moment they made it to the lounge, they felt their heart dropped simutaneously. "great seven, what the hell happened here?" the entire place was wrecked from top to bottom. nothing was whole and blue splattered everywhere, on the floor, on the walls, on the broken furniture, on the prefect-
"wait, prefect!?" there she was, sprawling face down by the broken couch. grim was also found unconcious near her. deuce held the prefect in his arms as jack picked grim up. both of them were stained with the same metallic blue that covered the room, and on the prefect's wrist had a strange mark literally carved into her skin. and, by the looks of it, the mark was fresh and... glowing(?) a deep blue hue.
"what's that?" ace picked up her arm and stared at the symbol in confusion. and he touched it.
the next thing they all knew, was a sudden drowsy state, and five loud thuds as they dropped to the floor around the prefect, falling into a deep sleep.
ace woke up, feeling disoriented. his head was throbbing painfully as he tried to sit up.
"what... happened...?" he cradled his head.
as his vision soon cleared, ace found himself in a hallway. the monotonous grey walls and the constant buzzing of fluorescent light were gnawing at his mind, ace thought he would go crazy if he stayed too long.
"hey. you're awake."
ace jolted at the sudden voice echoing next to him. he snapped his head towards the source, only to see...
the prefect was sitting close to him and staring at him with unreadable wide eyes. chills crawled down his spine, ace felt as if there was something so... wrong about the prefect- should he even call the one in front of him 'prefect'?
"you've been there for almost an hour now. come on, get up." the 'prefect' ushered him up, grabbing his arm rather roughly. "the others are waiting at the base."
there it was again. ace felt a pit of dread formed in his stomach. the prefect would never manhandle anyone like that. and she practically never called his name.
"what- who are you?" ace muttered, ripping his arm out of her (surprisingly) tight grip and keeping his distance.
"what are you doing?" the 'prefect' said calmly. she turned her head to ace in a slow but strange manner. "we don't have much time. we have to go, now."
it was then ace saw her face. she had the prefect's face, but her eyes. her eyes were a dull blue, while the prefect's were sea green. this further solidifying his doubts.
she- this person wasn't the prefect.
"you- you are not her."
ace took a step back, alarmed and on guard. who was the impostor wearing her face in front of him? where was the real prefect?
the 'prefect' only stared at him, never even blinked once. then, her head snapped to the side as if her neck broke. the thing began to take a step towards ace, who staggered backwards. his hand reached towards his shirt pocket, only to find his magic pen gone. the thing kept getting closer to ace, its skin began to melt like candle wax, revealing the grotesque bone structure that made up its being.
eyes glanced towards the thing, he ultimately decided. "oh, fuck this." he turned his heels and ran.
ace continued running, knowing full well the thing was chasing him down, considering the heavy footsteps gaining up on him.
"how long is this damn hallway!?"
ace glanced behind him. his heart nearly stopped when he saw the thing only a few steps away, its hands reached out just waiting to grab him.
'is this how i'm gonna die? to a creature before even finding the prefect or the others?'
no. of course not.
a hand outstretched from the endless wall, grabbing his hand and pulling him through. ace's heart almost leaped out of his chest when that happened, and before he could react, the hands slapped over his mouths, rendering him speechless.
"shhh quiet! it will hear you!" the person whispered-yelled. ace widened his eyes once he got a better look at the person under the flashlight they held.
"p-prefect?" his voice was muffled under her hand.
the person in front of him now had a rather disheveled look. messy black hair with wisps of white framing her face, tired sea green eyes marred with dark eye bags hiding behind a pair of round glasses. ace also saw the beauty mark under her right eye, just barely hidden behind her hair. this was the real prefect.
"prefect, where—"
"you touched the mark on my wrist, didn't you?"
the prefect gave ace a hard glare, to which he gulped nervously.
"i already sent my absence note to the professors the day before, but the little monster just have to touch my wrist, now you guys too?"
"w-who's the 'little monster'? gr-"
he was interrupted yet again.
"don't, and i mean don't, say your or anyone's name here."
he wisely shut up. the prefect sighed, a hand fixed her glasses as another hand ran through her messy mop of hair. "this place, where we're in, is my dream. in here, people like me are called the dreamers. the glowing mark you saw acts as a key leading people into a dreamer's mind. and those people can't return to the real world only until a dreamer found them, because if you somehow die here, you disappear from the real world too."
"us dreamers have to find a series of things or people who had fallen into our dreams the... wrong way. i can't explain how or why it's wrong, it just is." the prefect turned to look at ace. "like my tasks now. it went from finding my earrings to finding you guys."
the prefect shook her head. "i think i've said enough. you have to return to the real world, right now. and when you do..."
her hard stare turned softer with concern as she gripped his shoulders. ace could feel her hands shaking. "please, never try to come get me like that, ever, again."
a beat of silence. ace nodded grimly.
"okay, prefect."
she let out another tired sigh. in this moment, the prefect seemed to have aged more than she ever was. she rubbed her tired eyes, looking back at ace with a serious gaze she always had on duty.
"when you return, inform the dorm leaders about our... situation. text them, call them if you must, no one can leave or enter ramshackle until i've found all of you. am i clear, ace of hearts?"
ace nodded again, this time more firmly. "yes, prefect."
"good, good." she lifted a hand to cover his eyes and chanted something under her breath. his eyes went all blurry again, and he closed his eyes.
ace woke up with a gasp. he scrambled to sit up as chills creeped down his back. he looked around, and surely, he was back at ramshackle.
he then noticed the rest of the first year gang was still unconscious, and he remembered what the prefect had told him. he quickly pulled out his phone to send riddle a text, then he waited.
they'd wake up soon. ace sat there, waiting for the next person to wake up.
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talesofesther · 1 year
sweet calamity | ch 2
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Series Summary: It was something people described as the sweetest pain, the feeling of when the soul that's destined to find yours is closer to you. Wednesday saw it as a curse, promised herself she would hate whoever was chosen for her; but it's easier said than done.
A/N: Slowly, the story is shaping itself, hopefully y'all will like it. Also thank you so much for 7.5K followers, love ya. <3
Masterlist | Read ch 1 here
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It was rare the times where you woke up before your alarm, given that you weren't exactly a morning person. But you could barely sleep last night, excitement and apprehension twirling inside your stomach; so it was no surprise when you woke up with the birds this morning.
Today was your first official day at Nevermore, the place where, supposedly, you belong. You were lucky to already know a few of the students here, Eugene for one, who had given you a basic tour of the school yesterday.
To say that Nevermore was big would be an understatement, the ancient, castle-like structure had your anxiety spiking as soon as you walked through the gates. It was a given that you'd take your sweet time getting lost here.
Just as you are right now.
You were leaning back on one of the stone walls on the quad, cell phone in hand as you read one of your mother's latest texts; have a good first day darling, remember to make friends and don't isolate yourself, love you.
With a soft sigh, you typed back the generic response you always gave your mom, a sweet thanks and I love you that usually did the trick so she wouldn't press the matter.
Stashing your phone on your backpack, your gaze roamed over the hallways and doorways, searching for any clues on where the hell botany class was supposed to be. Technically, you could just ask someone. Your fellow outcast colleagues came and went, passing by you nonstop. Yet part of you didn't want to be the lost newbie.
You pushed yourself away from the wall, turning around on the spot, forcing your peers to dodge you as you took a slow step backward to get some new perspective.
And that's when it happened again, so suddenly this time that it got you stumbling on your own feet.
It reminded you of when you accidentally touched that hot frying pan when you were seven. The burning, sharp and angry against your skin; right on the pulse point of your wrist. The same one you felt for the very first time just yesterday, and maybe that was the main reason for your restlessness today.
Your mother always talked with you about soulmates, about how she was lucky to have found hers and that maybe you would be too. But at the end of the day, she was also a realist. She had never once allowed you to dream too big, hope too much. Because she knew it wasn't a reality for everyone.
You grew up in a world of maybes. Maybe you will find yours, maybe you won't; both are okay. And that was your truth, you were content with any outcome.
Until yesterday.
It's strange how a few seconds can change a lifetime.
You had never cared much about having a bond with someone, but then you felt it. It was almost palpable if you focused enough, that fragile red string tied around your finger, sending shockwaves to your heart and changing its rhythm.
Overnight, the thought of breaking this bond became almost unfathomable.
Your backpack bumped into someone when you lost your footing, you quickly turned around with an apology on your lips, but the person spoke first;
"Whoever it was, do it again and I will break each of your fingers." She spoke lowly, with a bite to her tone that gave you goosebumps.
You could tell she straightened her tie before turning around to face you, and once she did so — ever so slowly — any words you had tangled on your tongue faded completely.
She was all raven black hair and smooth pale skin, her lips had a dark shade of burgundy to them, shaping the lines to perfection; if you squinted, you could see freckles over her nose; her eyes were just as dark as her hair, lashes kissing the corner of her cheeks as she blinked once, twice and then kept her gaze on you with a faint frown to her eyebrows.
Something about her got your heartbeat going haywire. It was addictive.
Only when the silence was bordering awkward that you found your voice again; "shit, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you." It didn't help your nerves that you could feel the eyes of the passing students on you, as if they were watching a live decapitation ceremony — plus the ever-present ache on your skin.
Talk about an eventful first day.
All the girl did was angle her chin up, her eyes skimming up and down your body. "Stop walking backwards and maybe it won't happen again."
You pursed your lips, nodding once. Touche. "That's great advice, actually." You attempted a smile, but when you got no response back, you continued; "uh anyway, I have to go to botany class so, I see you around?"
If you looked closely, you could tell she acknowledged your words with a nod of her own. Figuring that's all you were getting, you turned around and took a step the opposite way.
A beat or two passed, almost as if she was considering if you were worth her time of day or not.
"I'm heading to botany as well," the raven-haired girl's voice called after you.
You looked at her over your shoulder.
"And that is not the way." She told you pointedly, raising a perfectly styled eyebrow at you.
Good one, idiot. Was all you could think to yourself.
You stood in the middle of the hallway with six feet between you and the girl whose name you were already itching to know, unsure if she wanted you to tag along or not.
"I'm not gonna wait on you forever," she said then, impatiently, and you scrambled to fall into step beside her.
You followed by her side as she left the quad, passing through Nevermore's gardens — which were breathtaking this time of year, the huge trees with a mix of faded green and yellow on their leaves, some of them already forming a blanket on the grass beneath them, old stone paths for you to walk on and a cold breeze in the air, countered by warm sunlight; you could spend hours out here — until you saw the big greenhouse in the distance.
"Thank you for this," you spared a timid glance at the girl beside you, "really, I would probably still be walking in circles if it wasn't for you."
There was no response other than a blank look in your general direction; you wanted to hear her voice though. "I'm Y/N, by the way." The question about her own name went unsaid.
Did you always have the need to speak so much? Wednesday wondered.
By no means, she was one to care enough in helping newcomers find their way around. They could be bothersome, asking too many questions and delaying her routine.
Yet there was something about you that got her feeling uneasy when she considered parting ways. For a second, she wondered if it was your soul that was doomed with hers, but you had already bumped into her and the cursed burning was still there; with no pattern to it, ever unpredictable, resembling the push and pull of waves on the oceanside yet never going away entirely.
And Wednesday wanted to be annoyed, she should be annoyed, shouldn't she? Because the sooner she finds out who her other half is, the sooner she can put an end to it.
She wasn't. She wasn't bothered that it wasn't you. Because the thought of hating you was slightly unappealing.
Her jaw was tight, sunlight framing her profile and reflecting on her pupils as she said; "Wednesday."
Were you going to be another Enid? Talking her ears off every given minute only to warp your way inside her cold heart eventually?
Wednesday let out an indignant scoff at the mere thought of it.
Her response lit you up like a Christmas tree; "Enid's roommate?"
You reached the greenhouse and Wednesday stopped in front of the glass doors. She turned to face you, her eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
"Uh, we're friends," you were quick to elaborate, eyes focused on the way Wednesday's fringe flowed with the wind, "well, our parents are friends so we became friends too, she talked a lot about you on vacation. I almost feel like I already know you."
To that, Wednesday sharpened her gaze daringly, sure that Enid's version of her had the potential to be twisted into something sweetly inaccurate.
And was it bad that your panicked face was somewhat adorable?
"Not trying to imply that I do," you hurriedly said, eyes a tad too wide, "I'm just saying that I've heard a lot about you."
You amused her; the same way a cat finds it amusing to play with its prey. There was a ghost of a smile on Wednesday's lips; "yes, we do share a room."
The greenhouse was already partly filled with students when you walked in together, its glass walls almost entirely covered by plants, allowing only little bits of sunlight to come through as the smell of several different flowers engulfed your senses.
There were a few seats empty, but when you settled on a table at the back, Wednesday felt compelled to follow suit, making herself comfortable on the chair beside yours.
You kept surprisingly quiet during most of the class, taking notes in your notebook and occasionally tapping your pen against the paper but other than that, quiet. Wednesday felt strangely at ease in your company.
Wednesday had her hands neatly resting on the table, half listening to the new teacher's boring explanation about a poisonous plant and half counting the new species added to the greenhouse since she last came here.
She had counted twelve by the time her attention was captured, by you, no less.
There was a potted orchid resting by your side, it was a small thing, its soil a little too dry and its petals a little too pale — apparently the new teacher wasn't as attentive with her plants.
Wednesday watched the way you raised a hand to the poor flower, fingertips grazing the tip of its petals, and from each place you touched, a burst of life erupted. Slowly, the flower regained its bright colors, the leaves standing tall again in a deep shade of green at the same time that a loving smile came to your lips.
"Interesting," this time, Wednesday was the one to break the silence.
Her voice made you flinch, as if you had been in your own world for a moment. You took a deep breath before saying; "she was looking a little sad."
With her eyes still on the colorful orchid, Wednesday asked; "you make things come to life?"
"Uh, plants mostly," you shrugged, like even you didn't know the full extent of your abilities, "but yeah."
You looked up at Wednesday, not expecting to find her eyes already on you; dark as the night, if you looked closely, you could find galaxies in them to get lost in. You couldn't remember ever becoming this quickly infatuated with someone before, so much so, that it got you wondering — hoping — what if it's her?
The hairs on your arm stood up, a shiver going up and down your back. Could it be her?
"Enid always loved it," you forced out, at the same time that you forced the what-ifs out of your head — because you could almost hear your mother saying; hope is dangerous, don't ever let it overcrowd your senses. "She used to tell me that I'm lucky, that I could just conjure up any bouquet I'd want when I find my soulmate," you grinned at the memory, "and I always told her it was not that simple, that I can't make things out of thin air."
"Enid can be naive," Wednesday stated, tone a tad too tight, "she often times sees the world through rainbow lenses."
You chuckled, "do I sense some disdain?"
There's a beat before Wednesday says anything; a beat where she just looks at you, wondering when you got so comfortable with her, and why she let you.
"Quite the contrary," she tells you then, "Enid is one of the few people I tolerate here."
You smiled faintly, eyes downcast and focusing on Wednesday's hands instead of her eyes, "not for Enid."
Wednesday blinked slowly as understanding downed on her, she straightened in her seat; "most people fail to realize that having your soul linked to another is nothing short of a burden." Her words rolled off her tongue easily, that was her truth.
You nodded, not agreeing but acknowledging her view, "why would it be a burden?"
"Because no one asked for it, it's an inconvenience that's forced upon you. And people expect you to just accept it, love it, even," Wednesday told you, her eyebrows scrunched together in anger, "why would I ever want something like that?"
Your lips parted as you felt her hatred as if it was choking you, her black nails tapping against the table at the same rhythm your heart pumped blood. "What happens if you meet yours?"
"For their sake, I hope it never happens."
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Read ch 3 here
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I'd appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment if you want. <3
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sirenmoth · 1 year
Family Pack
Everyone x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Your partners help you through a emotional spot in your life
Spanish translations at the end, also half the characters are shown or mentioned by are implied to be there, this is cheesy af
CW: fluff, kinda hurt/comfort. abo dynamics, pregnancy, pregnancy hormones, polygamy, sexual themes, insecure reader
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You woke after what feels like an eternity later, pleasantly sore all over and satisfied, you turned over hoping to return to the very realistic dream you just had, but doing do brought to things to your attention. The first thing is that your nest is much bigger, now being able to fit much more people, the second is the lack of evidence aside from the love bites and bruises that are sprinkled all over your skin, as well as the claim marks on your neck and shoulders.
Thinking to yourself you just moved around too much in your sleep, stretching your limbs was proving difficult as none of them wanted to cooperate, deciding to sit up was what lead you to notice the bump in your stomach, also, prompted you to reallise the clothes you were wearing are not the right size and don’t smell right. Slowly bringing a hand up to the bump and gentaly pressing down, it was firm. What happanded way real. The events you thought you dream were real. Panic began to set in, did they leave? Did they knock you up and leave you alone? Did they even know?
Overwhelmed with thoughts you didn’t hear the door open nor the smell of food. “Cariño?” a soft, calm voice asks, whipping your head around to find the source, making direct eye contact with Rodolfo in the doorway, a tray of food in hand. Noticing something was wrong he quickly places the tray down, making his way over and crawing into the nest beside you. Looking over your body, assessing for any damages, sighing in relfie when he find nothing physically wrong. Rudy pulled you into his arms, allowing you to cling to him like a lifeline.
The sound of sobs and whimpers was muffed as you buried you face into the side of his neck as Rudy whispered sweet, comforting words into your ear. Carefully he pulled you away, placing a thumb and finger under your chin and turning you head towards him, “¿Qué pasa?” his words were like sugar as he waited for your response “I-I thought you all left me, that this was a dream, that you just got bored and left.” you meekly spoke out between sobs and hiccups, Rudy slowly runs his hand up and down your back, quietly humming as you started to down. “No, not at all mi amor, must have been scary waking up alone, hm?” he smiles “We just wanted to make sure you get enough rest” the younger Mexican explains, keeping his voice low in hopes of not startling you.
Moments pass as you calm down, still keeping a tight hold on your mate, the thoughts of him being nothing more then a dream still present in your mind. Rudy continues to rub small circles in between your shoulder blades “Have you eaten today, mi vida?” he asks, carefully picking up the almost forgotten tray of food he brought with him “Gaz made dinner tonight, thought it was best to let you relax” he smiled down at you, picking up the bowl of soup, “Can you eat something for me, por favor, necesitas comer algo.” he explains as he brough the contents in the bowl to your lips, opening your mouth too allow the meal down your throat. The two of you sat, repeating the process until the food was gone and everything has calmed down.
Rudy got up to take the tray away before you grabbed his arm, scared to let him go, “Where are the others?” you whimpered, not being near the others was making you lonely, scared that they did move on and Rudy didn’t want to hurt you. Looking up at the alpha in front of you as he looks down at you shrunken form, like he was weighing his options, nodding his head, Rudy moved the tray to one hand and extending you the other, helping you to your feet was proving difficullt with your swollen belly, the same with walking. Eventually you both made it to the rec room, the sudden scent of all your alphas calming you almost instantly. as you two entered the chatter in the room died out, all turning their heads to look at you.
Shrinking away behind Rodolfo, in hopes to hide your body as best as you could, feeling like coming here was a mistake. “What ye doin here, bonnie” Soap asks, confused to see you walking about, “Yer not suppo-””Ella estaba sola, la encontré llorando, sorprendida ninguno de ustedes lo sintió” Rudy quickly cut off the Scotsman, explaining to the others what’s going on. All men turned their eyes back to you, worry and concern filled each and every one of them, ashamed they didn’t notice. Price opens his arms, gesturing you to come sit, following his command, sitting between his legs, your back to his chest. The older of the three Brits presses a kiss to your temple “Sorry we didn’t notice something, dear” the others nodding in agreement or throwing in their own “sorry”’s, smiling at them you open your mouth to reassure them it was ok, only to be cut off but a gravel voice as Ghost beat you too it “Don’t. None of that “it’s ok” shit” he growled at you. Sinking into the embrace behind you, mindlessly fidgeting with Köing’s fingers while striking up a conversation with the rest of the group.
The rest of the afternoon was spent with you being wrapped in a figurative blanket of warmth, Gaz helped you back to the nest, collecting items of clothings and blankets along the way as an extra apology, each one of them apologised in their own way, some with cuddes and worshipping you, some by just simply allowing you to rest  in their office while they worked. One by one crawled into the bed, few complained about work and the files they had to fill out, others just curled up next to you and drifted off, but all subconsciously kept you in the middle as a small reminder of their love.
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Spanish translations: Cariño - sweetheart ¿Qué pasa? - What's the matter? Mi vida - My life por favor, necesitas comer algo - please, you need to eat something Ella estaba sola, la encontré llorando, sorprendida ninguno de ustedes lo sintió - She was alone, I found her crying, surprised none of you felt it
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