#not even as an edgy thing just. everyday
robobee · 1 year
does anyone want a quick "painting scars" tutorial - especially on medium skin tones
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experimenting w/ blood colors, b/c red blood would not stand out on this hoe’s already red-as-hell design
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ssailormoonn · 4 months
❛ Crush ❜
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Kurosaki Ichigo X Reader
| SFW | REQUEST? Yes | -> Headcannons
REQUEST; @r333y - Hi I saw your requests were open and I thought I would request some bleach headcanons (or anything really) if that's ok. Would you mind writing ichigo and/or ulquiorra (separately if you do both) having a crush on gn reader? Like how would he develop it, how would he act around the reader or how would he confess. Just some fluff for our boys. Thank you for considering, good day/night. ♡
a::note; i don't usually write for a 'gn' reader but i will try my best as i did state in my request rules that i only write for fem reader:3
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How would Ichigo develop a crush?
I personally think that Ichigo would develop a crush on you regarding your abilities and strengths. Ichigo does meet important characters during conflicts and the start of his interest in you would be when you demonstrate your skill. Another one could be that you had a trait that stuck out to him, like there was something about you that didn't make sense to him, or that he wanted to know more about why you do the things that you do. I feel like mostly it would be how you fight, he feels interested in what you do and would like to know more about you because you are just so different to him.
Ichigo could see you in a vulnerable state, which could cause you to reveal your personal struggles. This reveals depth between your growing relationship and in turn, makes Ichigo feel more connected to you as you trust him.
Then it would lead to the both of you spending time with each other outside the battle field, experiencing everyday moments that show different sides of your personalities and discovering any shared interests or hobbies.
But there is one thing that I feel strongly about. I personally feel that Ichigo would need to have developed a crush on you specifically if he knows that you have the ability to look after yourself in battle. He wishes and craves that connection. Don't get me wrong, it's nice for him to save you and vise versa, but he needs to know that no matter what happens he will know that you are okay.
How would Ichigo act around the you?
To put it more precisely, when around that person, Ichigo will become a little edgy and out of his place. He may forget what he is about to say or may become a little clumsy. Although generally composed, Ichigo might blush or get flushed on his face if someone tries to tease him about his feelings when you are around. Ichigo will be quieter than usual but would glance your way, only to look hurriedly if you catch him looking.
And, I guess, Ichigo would detail an awful lot in your likes and dislikes, habits, and small details like that. But with Ichigo, I believe he's naturally overprotective, and of course, like I said before, he would have to trust in you that you could handle the situations you would get into because his protectiveness level would just shoot up real high. He'd be so concerned for you, worried for your safety and well-being, much such as to be overprotective. More of an Ichigo to care about your safety, maybe saying, "You need to be more careful! I can't always watch your back," then frowning at you.
Ichigo would just pretend to be irritable or impatient if he found you laughing with someone else, though he wouldn't tell you he's jealous.
He drives out of his way to do the kind of things that you do, whether that is something tough or easy for you, just being there when needed. Ichigo would offer to stay up late to help them understand anything they need help with. He would even sense it when you would feel low or stressed, and at that point, he would actually go out of his way to be someone who could comfort you, lend a patient ear, or show a shoulder to cry on. Even in small ways, like surprising them with your favorite snack or remembering to check in on them after a tough day, the ways Ichigo showed to care were consistent. His kindness will be real and sincere; this will convey that he has started caring more and wants you to be happy and supported.
How would he confess?
Ichigo would make sure that you two are alone when he confesses. He would probably spend a bit of time building up the courage, possibly starting the conversation with casual topics before diving into his feelings. He might struggle a bit but would try to explain what he feels :(( the poor baby.
You had noticed that Ichigo was behaving exceptionally differently with you these days, from his usual self, sometimes swapping his confidence for an insecurity that seemed awkwardly out of place. It was in little things: glances he took at her when he thought she isn't looking and the softening of his voice in speaking to her. Something in him changed, but he still tried to act as usual.
You could see that he had been wound up about something, and you kept your peace for him to talk when he would come around to it. After an ultra-long silence, finally, Ichigo took one great breath, as if he was steeling himself for what he was about to say. "You know," he started, extraordinarily reticent for being him, "lately, I've been thinking a lot—some thoughts about us, you know. You." He darted a glance at you in between, looking away afterward; the tips of his ears colored red. "I was never good with words, and this sounds. this is more difficult than anything I have fought."
The rush of emotions swirling in you had your heart racing. Ichigo pushed on, his voice gaining a bit in confidence. "I've always admired your strength, the way you carry yourself. But it's more than that. When I'm with you.I feel different. Better, somehow. You make me want to be better."
He turned entirely to face her, and his brown eyes were earnest and heartfelt. "I like you more than a friend. I don't know how to say it perfectly and I must spiral this somehow, but I had to tell you. I like you—you mean more to me than I can say, and I want to be there for you in any way I can."
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Do not copy, steal, modify, etc. Relogs and like are appreciated.
ulquiorra one coming soon:3
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pubo1d · 2 months
I can imagine a Yuu that’s gotten ruder, grew some spikes in their attitude and stopped making any nice gestures towards mfs because of the NRC boys, they tend to view things from their own edgy teen who’s also really evil and flawed perspective, without actually having the emotional capacity to realize other people are far different and removed from them.
When yuu patches up one of the guys in basketball or spelldrive club they all think yuu must have had some ulterior motive or to make them indebted to yuu and instead of thanking yuu just spit up some snarky comment and try to shove them off and leave, yuu, after that would clearly be pissed off, but also a little hurt, why would they say something like that?
Gifting someone who they aren’t particularly close to a surprisingly thoughtful gift, they get that same NASTY treatment.
It’s also come from Leona, idia and jamil too many times for them to tolerate, even if it’s uncommon. But it should’ve only been more uncommon because it’s not like they come across them EVERYDAY.
They just grow a dislike for any students that even briefly interact with them because it’s subconsciously been ingrained in their mind that this was a school that idolized Disney villains for a reason, the first year gang, malleus and Kalim are the only people they trust and regularly make an effort to interact with. Other than that they’re not talkin to anybody, they tried before, but their gestures clearly weren’t wanted unless they were going to be seen as “useful” or “convenient in one way or the other.
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youngsadlesbian · 3 months
REPUTATION — wanda maximoff.
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pairing: wanda maximoff x reader
summary: taylor swift is your favorite singer, and wanda finds that adorable, even if sometimes you're a bit too much of a fan.
a/n: as my old friend hannah montana used to say: this is the best of both worlds. even though it's super random, i've wanted to write a swiftie!reader x wanda for a while. i hope you like it.
word count: 1,2k
warnings: swiftie reader, that explains a lot.
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The day you and Wanda Maximoff started dating was one of the happiest days of your life. Wanda was everything you could ever want in a partner—strong, kind, intelligent, and incredibly beautiful. But there was one thing she discovered about you early on that she found both endearing and endlessly amusing: you were a die-hard Taylor Swift fan.
Your love for Taylor Swift wasn't just casual admiration. No, it was an all-consuming, heart-thumping, lyric-screaming, poster-hanging, album-collecting kind of fandom. The kind that made you want to burst into song at random moments, quote lyrics in everyday conversations, and plan your life around album releases and concert dates.
Wanda found it adorable. The other Avengers, however, found it hilarious.
"You're dating a Swiftie?" Tony Stark teased Wanda during one of the team's downtime sessions. "Isn't that like dating a walking, talking mixtape of heartbreak and revenge anthems?"
Wanda just laughed, shaking her head. "You have no idea, Tony."
When Taylor Swift's social media went dark, the world of Swifties plunged into chaos. Rumors flew around the internet, and fan theories grew wilder by the day. You were no exception to the frenzy. You analyzed every move, every clue, trying to decipher what Taylor was up to.
"Wanda, look at this!" you exclaimed one evening, shoving your phone in her face. "She posted three black squares on Instagram! What does it mean?"
Wanda chuckled and pulled you into her lap, wrapping her arms around you. "Maybe she's just taking a break?"
"No," you shook your head vehemently. "Taylor never does anything without a reason. This has to be leading up to something big."
As the days turned into weeks, your anticipation grew. Wanda patiently listened to every theory you had, from secret collaborations to hidden messages in old music videos. The Avengers, on the other hand, were amused by your relentless enthusiasm.
"What's the latest conspiracy theory?" Natasha asked one morning over breakfast.
"She's totally dropping a new album," you declared confidently. "It's going to be dark and edgy. I can feel it."
Months went by, and Taylor remained silent. It was torture for you. You spent countless hours on fan forums, discussing and dissecting every little detail. Wanda often found you hunched over your laptop, deep in conversation with other Swifties.
One day, you received the news you had been dreading: Taylor Swift had disappeared from the public eye completely. No more paparazzi sightings, no social media updates, nothing.
You were devastated. Wanda held you as you cried, whispering soothing words into your ear. "She'll be back, love. Just you wait."
"Why does this hurt so much?" you sobbed. "She's just an artist, right?"
Wanda kissed your forehead. "She's more than that to you. She's been a part of your life for so long. It's okay to feel this way."
It felt like an eternity, but one fateful day, Taylor Swift reemerged with a vengeance. She announced her new album, Reputation, and you were over the moon. You couldn't contain your excitement, bouncing around the room and squealing with joy.
"Wanda, she's back! She's back!" you screamed, nearly tripping over yourself in your enthusiasm.
Wanda laughed, catching you before you fell. "I told you she'd come back. What's the album called?"
"Reputation," you said breathlessly. "It sounds so fierce!"
You immediately pre-ordered the album, marking the release date on every calendar you owned. You even set reminders on your phone to ensure you didn't miss a single update.
The night Reputation was released, you transformed your living room into a Taylor Swift shrine. Posters adorned the walls, fairy lights twinkled, and snacks were meticulously arranged. Wanda helped you set up, though she couldn't stop chuckling at your elaborate preparations.
"This is serious business, Wanda," you said, pointing a finger at her. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime event."
"I can see that," she replied, grinning. "Are we ready?"
"Almost!" you said, pulling out your Taylor Swift-themed pajamas. "Now we're ready."
As the clock struck midnight, you pressed play on the first track. The opening notes of "...Ready For It?" filled the room, and you were instantly hooked. You danced around the living room, singing along at the top of your lungs. Wanda watched with a fond smile, joining in on the chorus.
By the time the album reached "Look What You Made Me Do," you were in full fangirl mode. You grabbed a hairbrush, using it as a makeshift microphone, and performed an impromptu dance routine. Wanda couldn't stop laughing, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
"You're incredible," she said, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes.
"And you're amazing for putting up with me," you replied, pulling her into a hug.
The next day, you couldn't wait to share your excitement with the rest of the Avengers. You burst into the common room, blasting Reputation from your phone.
"Guys, you have to listen to this!" you shouted, earning amused looks from your teammates.
Tony rolled his eyes. "Oh great, more Taylor Swift. Just what we needed."
But as the songs played, even the most skeptical Avengers found themselves tapping their feet and nodding along. Natasha smirked. "I have to admit, it's pretty catchy."
Clint grinned. "I think we found our new workout playlist."
Steve, ever the gentleman, smiled at you. "I'm glad you're happy."
Wanda squeezed your hand, beaming with pride. "Told you they'd come around."
A few weeks later, Taylor Swift announced her Reputation stadium tour, and you lost your mind. You immediately began planning how to secure tickets, setting multiple alarms and enlisting Wanda's help.
The morning of the ticket sale, you were a bundle of nerves. "What if we don't get tickets? What if the site crashes?"
Wanda placed a calming hand on your shoulder. "We'll get them. Just breathe."
When the clock struck 10 AM, you and Wanda refreshed the ticketing site furiously. Minutes felt like hours, but finally, you managed to secure two tickets. You screamed in triumph, hugging Wanda tightly.
"We did it! We're going to see Taylor Swift!" you exclaimed.
Wanda laughed, twirling you around. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."
The night of the concert, you and Wanda donned your best Swiftie gear and headed to the stadium. The atmosphere was electric, with thousands of fans buzzing with anticipation.
As Taylor took the stage, you felt a rush of emotions. The opening chords of "…Ready For It?" filled the air, and you screamed along with the crowd. Wanda held your hand, her smile mirroring your own.
Throughout the concert, you danced, sang, and cried. Each song was a journey, and you cherished every moment. Wanda captured it all on her phone, knowing how much these memories meant to you.
When Taylor performed "New Year's Day," a soft, emotional ballad, you turned to Wanda with tears in your eyes. "Thank you for being here with me."
Wanda squeezed your hand. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be."
The days following the concert were a blur of happiness. You couldn't stop talking about the experience, reliving every song and moment. The Avengers, used to your Taylor Swift obsession by now, indulged you with patient smiles.
Wanda loved seeing you so happy. She often played Reputation in the background while you cooked dinner together or snuggled on the couch. It became your soundtrack, a reminder of the incredible night you shared.
One evening, as "Delicate" played softly, Wanda pulled you into a slow dance in the living room. You rested your head on her shoulder, feeling the warmth of her embrace.
"I love you," you whispered.
"I love you too," Wanda replied, kissing your forehead. "More than you'll ever know."
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yuri-is-online · 9 months
Been brainrotting lately and now I present to you what I think is an underused story beat for Yuu. What if “Yuu” isn’t even the prefect’s real name?
Considering that Yuu’s first experience in Twisted Wonderland is waking up in a coffin, wandering around an obviously foreign place, and being questioned by a suspicious man in a crow mask surrounded by people in black hooded robes… I just think most people would not give their real name in such a sketchy situation.
Fast forward to when Yuu is more comfortable with the cast and there is both comedy and angst potential here. On one hand, the reactions to the deception could be pretty funny. (Cue a “woe is me” from Crowley. Of course he can’t find a way home for you when he doesn’t have your real name!) On the other, this could be a great way of exploring the prefect having a crisis. Yuu already lost so much in being taken to Twisted Wonderland, and now in a way even the prefect’s name has been taken.
What do you think?
waking up in a coffin, wandering around an obviously foreign place, and being questioned by a suspicious man in a crow mask surrounded by people in black hooded robes…
Annon, annon, annon, when you put it like that it sounds like Yuu woke up in the middle of a cult ritual of some sort. Which I suppose if you were an edgy Night Raven student idia you might argue that the enrollment ceremony totally is as an excuse not to go
But to be more serious, I have seen a few memes about this concept and I like it a lot σ( ̄、 ̄=) It's a fun character concept, it's not everyday you get a chance to re-invent yourself completely.
That being said, just based off of the few dialogue options Yuu has at the start, I think Yuu is implied to believe that they are dreaming:
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Which honestly doesn't make this idea any less valid. If you're dreaming about waking up in the middle of some weird necromancer's rite, why not give him a fake name? It's not meant to be serious anyway. Just go with the flow and hope things don't get too weird (and get offended when your dream doesn't give you magic powers) until it's too late and you realize everyone thinks your name really is that bad joke you made.
If you want to get darker, maybe Yuu really did think they died. A black carriage pulling a coffin really only goes to a funeral, and death has been depicted as an unmanned coach with black horses. Maybe Yuu is only just coming to grips with the fact that they really are alive when they see Riddle overblot and he hurts them. Maybe they now are sitting next to two people who have started to think about them as a friend, a really close one. Maybe they think Yuu is really brave because they charged headlong into danger without a second thought, and won, twice now. Maybe Yuu cries themselves to sleep that night because in a way... you died so yuu could live.
As for reactions, Crowley and the other staff members I think would be the most dramatic, followed by Adeuce and Grim. Jack I can see accepting your reasons and not thinking too hard about it, maybe even respecting your survival instincts, while Epel... well he says he's mad but mostly he's just concerned. He knows what it feels like to have two dueling parts of yourself and trying to find the middle ground. Ortho would be excited, you have a secret identity just like a magical girl/super sentai/anime idol/superhero take your pick really. He certainly doesn't mind getting to know you all over again.
Sebek screams at you for being a threat to Wakasama but it's clear to everyone who actually knows him that he's really just worried about the amount of stress you put on yourself. He would hate for you to have the same issues with self loathing he does. And Malleus? Well he lied to you about who he was because he was worried you would be afraid, even though you didn't know he existed. It would be very petty for him to hold a grudge against you for doing the same.
In general I think this would be something the others would have an easier time understanding as opposed to Yuu's sense of alienation or loneliness at not having magic. Identity issues are common themes in fiction, so I could see them actually seeing it as a problem as opposed to an abstract problem like no government papers (since these kids with one obvious exception don't do taxes.) But it would make for a great way to explore the prefect having a crisis just as you say, in a way it's the perfect example for every problem they might have with being in Twisted Wonderland.
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sulky-cabbage · 3 months
There is something very delicious about Gojo satoru spending his whole life fighting curses since his childhood for humanity's sake while yearning for the King of Curses.
Do you think Gojo was tempted to eat Sukuna's finger given that he had it for god knows how long?
I mean ......He was lonely and bored.
Imagine feeling different from everyone else, like a freak, and being told that the reason curses are growing stronger is because of YOU being born into the world. and the only person you might possibly connect with is this 1000-year-old king of curses, to whom you are holding a mummified finger that you must destroy in some way in order to save humanity.
All of this for people who can't even begin to understand you.
However, you could just... eat it.
and HE will be present.
The only being who can comprehend YOU.
Do you think the finger's cursed energy was luring him to eat it? That thing has strong cursed energy, and the seal was weakening everyday.
I know Gojo was salivating 😮‍💨
There's only one in a million chance that someone survives eating it, but this is Gojo Satoru we are talking about; he's the first person born with six eyes & limitless in 400 years; he's as special as he can get.
he's also very confident, arrogant, and CRAZY; the fact that the higher-ups will not approve if he consumes it will just serve to entice him to do so. What are they going to do about it? execute him?
He appeared to be pleased that Sukuna had been reincarnated & was all giddy giving Yuji another finger to eat. he was giggling and shit, he was way too excited about this. I'm starting to think it's the reason he likes Yuji so much (lol)
The whole thing about him relating to Sukuna wasn't brought up before the Shinjuku showdown, but Gojo must have always felt that way.
He was a little shit when he was a child, and he was also an edgy teenager with a fuck the weak mindset.
I know he had a crush on Sukuna prior to his reincarnation.
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jazjelspen · 1 year
the domestic life [pt.1]
(timeskip in the future/child and parent headcanons)
ever wondered what your future child/children would be like with your favorite dorm leader?
(includes: riddle, leona, and azul)
Riddle: Two kids. You and Riddle would most likely have two kids in your years together. In all honesty Riddle would've been happy with just one, but considering how his own childhood was he wouldn't want his child to grow up without a sibling to lean and rely on, he knows how much it would've helped him if he had a sibling himself.
You and Riddle(definitely Riddle) would be easy on your kids but not too much to where they would try to take advantage of it to get away with things since Riddle would try to wholeheartedly avoid any actions his own mother acted upon him in his younger years to keep him in 'line' but he also didn't want his children to slack off too much.
One kid would definitely have more of your physical attributes like hair color, face shape, nose, eyebrows, etc but then have Riddle's strict yet consistent traits when it comes to schoolwork and chores even if you two don't even push or nag your child to do said things, they've just always been naturally responsible. Despite this they are never really as uptight as Riddle was but has a lot of self-expectations and goals they themselves want to reach when they grow up.
Your other kid would definitely have more of your personality traits yet would definitely be more of the loose wild child that loves to have fun and at times can be a bit loud-- nonetheless your second kid would be the spitting image of Riddle with the exception of your eye color being present in theirs and a few beauty marks(if you yourself have any). As much of a slacker this kid could possibly be they are definitely as smart and responsible as their sibling too, they are those kinds of kids that didn't seem to study for a test yet still get high marks for it in the end.
These two as siblings would be a kind of iconic duo, the strictness of one sibling would keep the wild one in line while the wild child helps out their other sibling in learning to have fun, stay loose, and have no worries. Both have their own little study group together if any big and important tests come up, and they both help each other out pretty often. Fights aren't an unlikely occurrence but it's not something you'd see everyday since all they would really fight about is small things such as what game they should play, that they need to focus on school more, and just them having different opinions.
Leona: Three kids. Leona in his former years in NRC never really thought of having any kind of family, let alone more than one kid until he met you. When you both graduated from NRC and moved in with Leona in the palace there was already a hint of talking about your future family and originally you two wanted just two kids, so that your one child wouldn't have to grow up alone. That was until a third one came in and that's when you knew you two really had to calm it down a notch, but even if it was a surprise you two were still incredibly happy to have three absolutely adorable cubs!
Leona as a father definitely wouldn't be called a strict parent but he will always make sure his kids are attending to their studies and other activities, if one seems to be falling behind or in a sort of pause then either you or him will check up on them and help sort out any problem that's hindering them. There is also one thing I definitely want to point out about Leona, he most definitely will not have his children compete against each other or make any of them feel any less than the other! Everyone gets equal opportunities, an equal say in things, and equal chances.
Your oldest cub would have the more stoic and stubborn side of Leona's personality, as the aloof child of three they would most likely be one of those 'edgy' teenagers once they are of the age of adolescence. They have their father's ears, tail, eye color, and skin but would have the more softer features of you such as eye shape, nose, cheeks, and beauty marks(if you have any). They'd also definitely have your hair color and texture. They are smart and cunning in strategy yet they also have their father's competitive spirit, which can hinder them by having trouble in accepting losses at times. No worries tho! You and even Leona will try to get them to relax and accept that sometimes to win you need to accept a few losses first.
The middle cub will definitely have more of an overall resemblance to you aside from the fact that this little one has the tempter of a lion. They have your most prominent features such as eye color, eye shape, hair color, hair texture, nose, and even lip shape! Along with other features from Leona such as their skin, ears, and tail. This one seems like a calmest one out of the three little Kingscholars, an almost gentle soul with a heart of gold. You can sometimes see them sneak out to play with the local hyena children outside the castle, with an accompanying caretaker or even you! Despite these little positive traits this kiddo is definitely a firecracker when angry, they most definitely have the spirit of a lion. Being the most passive yet most aggressive cub out of all three this little one can at times be a bit of a handful.
The third and final Kingscholar cub is more of a better mix of the both of you when it comes to looks. They have their father's bright green eyes, skin, ears, tail, nose, and hair color. While they also have your hair texture, very similar resting expression, beauty marks(if any), eye shape, and even a similar personality. As mentioned just now they have a fraction of your personality while also just being one of the more curious yet shyest of the three, always looking for a sort of adventure despite their young age. They always ask for any stories you and Leona have to share as well as always asking for some magic lessons from their father. They seem more neutral than the other two but deep down it seems that they have a snippet of Leona's hunger for power(mostly magic wise than status). When Leona and you realize this you two try your best to remind them to stay humble and to not fly too close to the sun.
Azul: Two kids. Azul is a busy, busy business man and you both very well knew this. Azul knew that work would get tougher and more demanding of him so he really only considered having one child in his life so he would be able to easily catch up and even have an easier time hanging out with his child and you outside of work!... well that and the fact that he doubts himself constantly. In truth he's always wanted more than one child, but he doubts that even if he wants more than one he wouldn't be able to be as present to both of them equally and the thought alone brings him to tears. It took a lot of encouragement and reassurance from you to help him not only get his confidence in himself as a parent to come back strong but to also have the confidence of having the serious talk of how they'll be able to do this if they want to add another little octopi into the family. In the end after a few talks and some changes to his business and schedule to fit another Ashengrotto in the family you both decided it was time to welcome your next member into the world!
Azul would be both a lenient but strict parent, he wants his kids to be on top of their studies as usual but he also learned from you that there is also always extra time for having fun and relaxing. He would be the parent that is always the sharpest and the most good-looking while picking up his kids from school, as if he came straight out of a business meeting(most likely did). And at the mention of school-- if one day one of his kids come home crying because of a case of bullying by other students you will definitely see him speeding to the school to chew out the parents of the bullies and other authoritative figures that could've helped but didn't. After this you would be able to see Azul giving a small but heartfelt speech from the soul to both of his kids about how no matter what anyone says about them that they will forever be the greatest kids anyone could ever ask for, and that he'll forever be proud of them.
The first Ashengrotto child to mention is a neutral kind of kid, they study well, are good at magic, and have been able to adapt comfortably in the sea in their second form. They do inherit some of your personality traits where they shine in certain situations, but overall they are a very 'matter of fact' kind of kid. They wear glasses the same as their father but they definitely look a lot like you in the physical aspect as well such as hair, facial features, and expressions, may even consider them the spitting image of you! With the inclusion of Azul's iconic beauty mark and his eye color in theirs of course. They would eventually do well in anything related to law thanks to the knowledge of Azul's step-father and himself as well.
The next little octopus is more of the friendly and playful type, loving their homeland ,the sea, and they thrive in their octopus form in there as well. Physical attributes include Azul's silver hair and beauty mark, but your contribution also holds in the color of their eyes. This Ashengrotto has some cute chubby cheeks on their face that their uncle Floyd loves to pinch(Azul always gives him a death look if he pinches way too hard tho). When visiting the sea they make great friends with the fishes and other creatures that sometimes when it's time to go home on land it'll probably be with them crying on the way back home, but in the end there's no need to worry since as they get home their uncles Floyd and Jade will be there! Those two always make days a little extra fun(especially Floyd).
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a-whispering-echo · 10 days
thinking about the band boys getting married-
For one, obviously they legally CANT get all married to EACH OTHER, so, i imagine what theyd do, is pair up, have a 'joint' wedding day, where Horror would stay the only 'non wedded' one because he doesnt want to risk loosing his disability benefits in he married, if, god forbit, they didnt all work out, leaving him broke - SO- pair up, have all matching rings, including Horror in it, have Dust and Cross, and Killer and Nightmare (or some variation of that) get married to each other, on the same day, and the same place, at the same time, and ALL call each other husbands.
How many of them would WANT to get married? i think Cross would 100% want to- i think hed LOVE the idea of calling his long time partners his 'husband' - dude would SO cry on his wedding day.
I think Nightmare would too - maybe not as much as Cross does, but i think he'd like things like the sharing assest, and for their family being LEGALLY tied together, for things like inheritance reasons, hospital visits, possibly children based things if they went down that road. i think itdd be a HUGE relief off his shoulders for them to know they'd all be safe if something happened. Remember, Nightmare comes from an old money, rich history, and even WITH the band making a large amount of money, i think he'd appreciate the safety net should thinks suddenly take a drop.
Dust honestly couldnt give two shits. dude would show up to his wedding in a hoodie and sweats if his partners didnt force him to dress nice.
Killer wouldnt care about the actual MARRIAGE bit, they'd just want the big party and the pretty outfits that come with them. Hed love to do those silly wedding traditions, like tossing the bouquet, cutting the cake, wearing something so fancy it makes heads turn...
Horror would be much the same as Cross, i think. even if hes not LEGALLY getting married, i think hed be over the MOON with calling them all his husbands.
What would they wear? well-
Nightmare dresses so formal ALL THE TIME, so i think he'd want something that is MORE than just his everyday suits. something moon themed, obviously, nice cufflinks, maybe something with a nice dark overcoat that drapes across the floor; maybe hed go more 'vampire' with it. he'd want to look like ROYALTY. maybe hed even wear a crown.
Cross would want to go fairly standard an traditional, i think. just a nice tux, nice an simple, but fancy and elegant at the same time. i dont think he'd care what he wore really, hes not here for the dress up or the party, but the end result. maybe Killer convinces him to wear something a little more 'whine night' themed. maybe a cross-over panelled jacket, with chains and gems over it in his pocket, maybe a sash - i think Cross would do whatever his partners want, fundamentally, cus he knows it would make them happy.
Horror would be fairly boring too, i think. maybe just some suit. though, with his -as the orphanage and fostor system told him- scottish heritage, maybe he'd wear a kilt. Horror would be VERY fond of tartan, i think. and hes always been font of a good edgy rip in his clothing, so maybe hed go for something purposefully distressed - again, maybe with the chains, something a bit punk but still formal.
Now, despite me saying earlier that Dust wouldnt give a shit, i think, after so much though has been put in his husbands-to-be's outfits, hed start feeling a bit embarrassed that he didnt really put much thought into his own. i think, eventually, he would decide to wear a hanbok for his wedding, have his hair pulled back into a lovely pin up, with pins and such, maybe even go for some pale foundation, and rosy cheeks, because he KNOWS it'd make his partners swoon. i think that seeing as he going korean traditional with it mostly, hed want SOMETHING a little more western too, to join BOTH sides of his heritage. maybe he wears a veil, in pretty white; something to cover his head in the way that brings him comfort, and still look 'wedding' - maybe he wears a hanbok in white and gold, still with the more traditional red and blue elements in it still, but primarily white, just to say 'yes, im one of the grooms, thanks'
Killer... oh, Killer. i think Killer would get SO antsy over what hes going to wear. its his BIG DAY, and he NEEDS to look PERFECT! i think hed work himself into a tizzy trying to decide on suit, dress, style, cut - that hed freak and have to have his partners calm him down and work through it. his first thought is suit, but then he feels like thats too BORING, and not THEM enough! so i think it'd then start considering dresses - but GOD so many STYLES! something more slim sitting and sleek? something more poofy, like a princess dress> and THEN theres the problem of wedding dressed being designed for feminine body times, of which they do NOT have, so nothing FITS when hes trying things on! and then, there the idea of WHITE, because, like, he looks GREAT in white, dont get hims wrong! but at the same time, Killers VERY antitraditional, and the white was always about the purity and virginity of the bride, of which he is NEITHER - so-? NO. i think eventually, hed decide to get a custom made outfit for itself. He eventually decides on a dress, but with a few modifications. it want leather in there; a nice leather bodice, with layers of black leather in the skirt, with white lace over the top, a nice long white train to the dress, that spattered with red splashes to look like blood, he wants chains, and studs, and a suit jackets over the bodice, he wants a veil with 'blood splattered' over it he wants it torn, with a spiky headdress, and chairs dripping down from ot over his face, he wants something that screams KILLLER - something original, something pretty and feminine, but something rough and edgy and masculine too. THATS what he wants.
and i think he'd have to get it custom made too - which means it'd cost a FORTUNE, which, logically they can afford, and would realistically barely make a DENT in their savings, but still, Dust who grew up homeless, eating from trash cans and saving every penny, would GAG at the thought of spending 380,000$ on a fucking DRESS-
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strawberrypillz0 · 1 month
// mentally ill ryo / jirai here (i say Ryo as I don’t have BPD but am mentally ill).
You really need to quit w/ the gatekeeping of the term as it falls on a spectrum. I believe jirai is a term that can be flexible and it’s weird to be so… anal about how it’s used. Modifiers such as fashion / lifestyle jirai exist. This community’s urge to gatekeep and romanticize self harm is fucking crazy and why I don’t publicly associate w jirai bc I actually want to get better.
TL;dr like any other word of the language it can be used flexibly with modifiers.
You will live😚
Anyways, I’m using terms like lifestyle/fashion jirais and everyone does so why are you crying rn.
Romanticising your mental illnesses overall isn’t a good thing, there is nothing cute and nice about being mentally unstable.. but I will hold your hand when I will say it - it’s a coping mechanism 😱 I was always pro recovery and me saying “why do you guys want to be associated with people who are mentally unstable so bad? Yall should be happy that you don’t need to” is basically saying that I would rather call myself Ryo and be mentally stable than be pissed that I can’t call myself a LANDMINE (which is basically a word that is supposed to insult mentally unstable (mostly) women). Nobody want to be mentally unstable, no matter in what cute paper you will wrap it, I always hope everyone will get better and don’t associate myself with anti recovery people cuz they are bunch of weirdos who I don’t they are even mentally unstable, just edgy kids who think wanting to kill yourself/SH is so cool and they are so different.
There is nothing wrong that people want to protect their community where they find a comfort and they are not scared of being judged, there is so many fashion jirais complaining about jirais venting etc under tags. I said before that I don’t mind people wearing jirai as a style as long as they are respecting actual jirais (lifestyle) and don’t call them weirdos and shit. Yes, I said that a good alternative would be to call yourself ryousangata cuz this is what basically “fashion jirai” is - and is there anything wrong with wanting wear cute trendy clothes? Absolutely not, so why is it seem as something bad when I suggested it?
You don’t need to be associated with jirais, nobody care actually. I’m glad you want to get better - so me and other people who probably ask themselves everyday why they need to go thru it, why they can’t be healthy.. just because someone is trying to cope it doesn’t mean they don’t want to get better. I wake up everyday and ask myself why, how long and if I will ever be free from this - just because I will add funny image later it doesn’t mean that I absolutely hate being mentally ill and would do anything to get rid of it, my blog is just a little safe space where I can express it thru posting whatever I want to make myself feel better or people who go thru the same thing. I often go thru jirai tag and reply to people who struggle, cuz I wish they will get better.
Anyways, I hope everyone will have a good day today and remember to take care of yourself 💖 I’m really grateful to be a part of such an amazing community :)))
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theamityelf · 7 months
If you had to give Makoto another talent other than his luck what would it be? Personally I think he'd be a great motivational speaker or even a cheerleader. He's kinda already a motivatinal speaker with being the Ultimate Hope and all of that but I think it would suit him. For the cheerleader one his optimism would do wonders to motivate his team (could even be a potential Hinaegi/Kamuegi).
(Hi, it's me after finishing writing this post. I am not sure I answered your question in the way you wanted, but I hope you enjoy it, lol.)
That's such an interesting question, because I feel like an essential thing is how much it takes for his best traits to become noticeable. I feel like if he got an ultimate title, it would be for being great in a crisis. (And also if he tried to cheerlead in the usual sense, he would hurt himself, lol.) He's a great motivational speaker when it's needed of him, but that normally manifests in just everyday advice and conversation, which isn't the kind of thing that Hope's Peak's recruiters are really looking for, I don't think. The real passionate speeches come out when exactly that energy is needed, which is usually, like I said, in times of crisis.
I could imagine a scenario where some accident or disaster happens before the letters for the 78th class go out and Makoto is wrapped up in whatever it is (I'm imagining, like, his normal high school class trip gets stranded after a plane crash or something.) and he makes a name for himself by surviving and supporting his friends through the situation. I don't know what Ultimate title that would be, since Ultimate Survivor feels a little strong; the idea isn't that he taps into survivalist talents, but just that he keeps on going, doesn't give up, and helps his group to do the same. And Ultimate Team Leader is already taken, lol.
Since Taka's title is "Ultimate Moral Compass" (meaning vague ones are on the table), maybe something like Ultimate Moral Support or Ultimate Team Morale.
If I misunderstood your question and you meant "Give this guy a real Ultimate Talent, as in add one to his character, don't just derive one from existing stuff," then make this guy an ornithologist, lol. Or, more chill, just Ultimate Bird-Watcher. Something attainable that just lets him to enjoy or be interested in something pleasant. Which may seem out of left field, but I like that vibe for him. 🤣 Give this kid a talent where he can sit on a park bench throwing out breadcrumbs.
Complete 180, Ultimate Rule-Breaker. It would seem like he must be some edgy, abrasive type (and that could be a cool subversion; when everyone hears the Ultimate Rule-Breaker is going to be there, they expect someone like Mondo or even Leon), but he's cheerful and caring toward everyone. He's a rule-breaker because he will do anything to help people. I kind of love that for him.
Yeah, I think I like the last one best, lol.
(next relevant post)
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klm-zoflorr · 15 hours
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And here's Melanie from the superhero AU in her normal everyday getup!
She's goth-adjacent, dresses kinda edgy. Yes, the combat boots stay ON during the dayshift. She wears black nail polish and clip-on earrings (since she can't get her ears pierced). Can't get tattoos either.
Physically, she's rather short but muscular and pretty loud. She's got unnaturally unmarred skin, consequence of the healing factor. She looks to be barely in her 30's and sometimes acts quite immature, even though she's 200+. Her hair is thin and a bit overprocessed, so her bangs don't quite cover all of her forehead.
She doesn't really bother with that whole double identity thing. She doesn't have a "cover power" she lies about, she just acts like it's no one's business (which works. People tend get intimidated by her) and doesn't particularly try to hide she can heal fast. Georgie knows about her superhero persona, of course, as does Elias, and that's pretty much all there is to it.
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godinvent · 28 days
TW // blood and talks about murder and stuff
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They just give these villains all of Joker’s traits and none of Batman’s traits besides being rich and having martial arts skills. Which is basically just traits Joker technically has already. All they do is make these villains focus on killing and doing over the top edgy things with no actual meaning behind it. All they focus on is “omg he would be so good at killing people” which…yeah BATMAN would be good at that. Mixing him with Joker wouldn’t add anything besides making him crazy, he wouldn’t be some insanely unstoppable force that not even the Justice League could handle. Yet they expect me to believe The Batman Who Laughs could stop ALL THE JUSTICE LEAGUE EASILY??
As for Nemesis himself the only actual unique things about him are his suit which I admit looks cool (same for The Batman Who Laughs) and his extremely cruel acts. His entire motive is just being rich and bored which could be a potential great commentary on the selfishness of the billionaire class but they do literally nothing with it. There’s no subtlety, he literally just tells you his motives like he’s reading out his character description.
An ACTUAL mix of Batman and Joker, or Batman as a villain, should be a powerful and terrifying figure using his power to control Gotham with fear under an iron fist. He should be a man who behind a calculating and cold facade is a deeply cruel person. Maybe actually use Batman’s no killing rule to instead make him break people in more subtle ways like Joker does
Making a fusion of the two into criminals like this doesn’t give them any aura at all. They might as well just be everyday crooks!
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neoyongz · 1 year
cigarette 🚬 | alex turner x reader. (fem) / smut
from the first time you saw alex smoking, you knew exactly what you wanted him to do to with that cigarette.
warnings: soft dom alex, bdsm (burning kink), praise kink, fluff ending?
word count: 3.6k
disclaimer: english is not my first language so, in advantage, i apologize for grammar mistakes.
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it's been a while since you saw him for the last time. almost a month, where u couldn't care less about him. last time you two found yourselves in a bed was... rough, but not in a sexy way. he was kinda high and wanted some quick sex, so he called you, knowing you would accept it.
it wasn't like you were his casual groupie, you two were friends but he was so busy that he couldn't even remember to call you or even send a message. you expected something like that, obviously, with such a busy and rushed life he had.
you heard some footsteps, which you easily recalled on who was with you. none other than him.
"you're late. it's 23.50pm"
"i know... the traffic was wild. sorry"
"never asked for an excuse, alexander"
he laughed and lit a cigarette he took from his pocket, not even looking at the "no smoking" sign. he went to the balcony and left his right hand on the railing.
"never asked you to clap back anyway" a cloud of smoke came out of his lips.
"yeah... i don't care. why did you call me?"
"'cause i wanted? i don't have a specific reason today. just wanted to see ya" he smiled as he heard your steps right behind his back. your arms found their way around his waist as you left your head fall to his right shoulder.
"that's what you always say..." you laughed.
"is that bad?"
"nah" you caressed his tummy as he let go another cloud of smoke.
"you like?" he offered you his cig.
you accepted easily. you never really liked to smoke regularly but if it was for alex, you'd do it everyday.
the smoke left your red painted lips making sure it didn't hit alex's hair.
you took his cigarette, making him turn around to look at him right in the eyes. his big brown eyes got you crazy, you die everytime he looks at you, questioning if you really deserved to be looked at by him.
"what are you doing?"
"trying to get your attention. is the view more interesting than me?"
"it isn't... i just didn't want to blow smoke on your face" he joked, taking a little strand of hair off of your face.
"that's... considerate" you stole a kiss from him, making the both of you smile. the taste of tobacco in your mouth never felt tastier, since it was from alex's lips.
another kiss came, and then another, until he took your chin and kissed you the right way. the way he knew you liked.
he tried getting his tounge on your mouth during the kiss to make it a bit some savage, first doing it slowly and then going all in. his hands went to your waist, which he loved.
suddenly, you felt the need to separate to search for some fresh air.
"do you remember what i told you the last time?"
"uhm... no?"
"of course you do" you laughed as you lifted the cigarette to your lips.
"oh... the cig thing" he smiled in a way only you could understand.
staying in the same position, he made you walk backwards until you felt the bed right behind you, and you sat there.
"are you sure, babe?" he asked politely. he was rough on sex but he always took care of you.
you smiled, and he took that as a "yes". you gave him the cigarette and closed your eyes, as you felt excited to finally meet your fantasy.
you always wanted him to do something "edgy" on you. some people may see it as crazy but, the thought of him leaving as much marks as he wanted from burning your precious skin with his cigarette was stablished on your mind since you first fucked him.
it was something you knew would hurt, and that was it's charm. it was risky, and the adrenaline of feeling that extreame heat from the cigarette in any part of your body, at any moment got you excited.
this fantasy started when you first ever saw him smoke. nothing surprising, but it was sexy for some reason. very sexy. obviously, you were afraid of telling him about your fantasy, not everyone likes hard kinks so you were happy that, not only he agreed to do it, but he also liked it.
you felt butterflies on your stomach as he started kissing your neck very, very slowly. so slowly it could kill you. he wanted you to melt into his kisses, to relax and make sure everything was going to be alright. and when you less expected it, he licked the other side of your neck, knowing damn well how much you liked being kissed and licked there. and just as he wanted, you slowly started melting into his lips, feeling his left arm go behind your back.
your eyes stayed closed and a smile started showing up on your lips, as you patiently waited for a kiss.
well, that never came. not yet.
another kiss was sent to your neck, but now with a burning feeling in your thigh; you smiled and whimpered, feeling finally satisfied with your fantasy. but you wanted more, so you asked for it.
your hands went to his chest, softly caressing it while unbuttoning his white shirt.
you stopped suddenly when you felt another burning spot on your knee, but this time it hurt more. you jumped a little by surprise and alex laughed.
"you weren't expecting that one, angel?"
he knew how much you liked to be called angel. as if he was the devil himself trying to crush your angelic inocence with his burning kisses.
the smile on your face made him know you liked it, so he countinued with a third shot. this time, right at where your shirt would allow him to see your chest.
his left index finger traced from your neck to your tits, right before taking your shirt off.
"keep your eyes closed" he threw the shirt god knows where and kissed you, taking his free hand to your waist and getting you to lay on your back in the bed.
the kiss was needy, full of heat from both bodies. he approached the cigarette to your neck and left a little burn mark there, rapidly taking it to your collarbones and leaving another one there. your soft moans were music to his ears, motivating him to keep doing his job. you would've never imagined he'd like doing these kind of things.
you whimpered his name softly when he burned your neck again, making him feel a fast electric shock running down to his dick. you knew he liked it because, unconsciously, he rubbed his pelvis into yours. it was something he would always do. not really trying to get youself into dominance, but watchin
still keeping your mouth busy, separated to let you get a breath of air and then kept going, making his right hand travel to your hips as he left there one of the last burning spots for now.
he lifted the cigarette to his lips and a had a puff from it, blowing the smoke on your neck and leaving a little burn mark right there. he left the cigarette on the ashtray and focused on taking your bra off, but not the regular way. he knew it would be too predictable for you.
he bit the lace and went south to reveal one of your breasts, and as it didn't feel like he was doing it with his hand, you opened your eyes, delighting yourself with the view of him biting your bra and taking it off with a promiscous smile. you couldn't have a better view.
"i don't recall asking you to open your eyes"
"shut up, turner" you laughed and placed your hand on his chin to lift him up. "i never asked you to take my clothes off either"
you both smiled and kissed, right before pushing him to the bed to sit on his lap. your hands went to his chest, travelling south all the way to his belt, playing with it trying to tease him. just by touching, you could sense that the pants became anoying for him and you wouldn't please him by taking them off.
the kiss became more desperate as his need for being touched started growing, whispering "take it off" on your lips. you loved seeing how desperate he was. he needed you.
"and what if i don't?" you separated only a few centimeters from his puffy lips to catch some air.
"aw, don't start now"
he moaned when you started softly massaging his bulge before unzipping the pant and taking the belt off. you sneaked your hand into his underwear and reached his cock, already full hard, thinking about what should your next move be.
"close your eyes" you whispered.
he obeyed you and did it. you took the cigarette and went down to his crotch, taking his dick and as you gave it the first lick, you pressed the cigarette on his thigh, making him gasp by surprise. his eyes were widely opened; he grabbed your hair and lifted an eyebrow.
"you're not the dominant one here" he slowly pressed your face into his dick, making you take it in your mouth before you even thought about doing so.
half enjoying it and half scared he didn't like it, you started licking his dick from the bottom to the top, sucking the tip and giving some kisses there. you took the first half in your mouth and jerked off the rest to give you some time for preparing before taking it all.
some minutes passed while you sucked his dick slowly, making him even more desperate: he was leaking pre-cum all over, and when he didn't expect it, you took his whole cock in your mouth, staying there for some seconds just to hear his moans. he thighted his grip on your hair and closed his eyes, moving his hips slowly to fuck your mouth.
after opening his eyes, he moved his sight down to see how he fucked your mouth, your eyes closed and some drawned moans and whimpers coming out of your puffy red lips. you didn't want to move, you wanted him to guide you into pleasure as his warm and hard cock filled your bucal cavity with his now faster movements. suddenly, you tapped his arm so you could catch some air, it wasn't like his dick was something easy to take.
"you ok?" he asked. it wasn't like he didn't care about you either.
"mhm" you smiled and gave his cock another lick, stealing a little moan from him. "al, please"
he knew exactly what you meant by that. he got his torso up and layed on the head of bed, making you sit on his lap. his left hand travelled to your waist as his right one went down to pull out your pants and underwear, all in one try. he came back to you by putting his index finger in the middle of your lips searching for your entrance. a minute after he softly massaged it enough to get you wet again, he pushed two fingers inside making sure it didn't hurt by looking closely at your facial expression, which showed nothing else than pleasure.
your moans filled the room, even if you were trying to drown them by pushing your face to his neck as he moved his fingers inside of you stroking your walls gently.
when he was sure that it wasn't going to hurt, he pushed even further trying to find your g-spot, which he knew he had found by your noisy and desperate whimpers. you approached his ear and gave some kisses on his lobe, moaning his name when he touched your spot again.
it felt like heaven, being touched by such a man. and he did it well too.
"alex... fuck, please" you begged him again, your need to ride him was growing nonstop.
"wait a little more, princess, please. otherwise it'll hurt" he kissed your cheek as he introduced a third finger, curling them to strech your walls a little more.
"but... al" you looked at him with big doe eyes, almost as if you were screaming please with your eyes.
"no, you have to wait. i don't want to hurt you, babe" he kissed you while moving his fingers slowly, and getting the palm of his hand to massage your clit. that made you feel on fucking paradise.
you reflected your desperation onto the kiss, playing with his tounge and putting your hands on his chest searching for his nipples, gently caressing them as he rubbed your clit slowly. even if he was kissing you, you couldn't stop your moans and whimpers, letting them go in his mouth.
he tried to reach your spot again by pushing your fingers further, and so he did. you scratched his chest with your nails as you let some gasps scape from your lips. alex noticed your reaction and separated himself from to kiss.
"did it hurt, babe?" he slowered the pace of his finger movements to let you catch your breath.
"no, it's just... fuck" you layed on his chest while hugging his neck. "i'm so close, please, just do it now, don't worry about the condom”
"your wishes are my orders, princess"
after saying that, you felt a little embarrased, how much did you wanted to get fucked to not want him to waste time in putting the condom? actually, he liked it. he liked how needy you were.
he took his fingers out gently, leaving you feeling helpless at your need to be fucked. you wanted him really bad, you simply couldn't wait to be filled by him.
he grabbed the lube bottle and spread some on his dick, massaging it up and down to get prepared. he aligned it to your entrance and slowly let it slip inside of you, stealing some whimpers from you.
"al, please" you cried a little, hugging him. he caressed your hair and gave you a kiss on the forehead as he felt fully inside of you.
"calm down cutie, it's okay, i'm here" alex loved to see you helpless and fully devoted to him as if your life depended on it. "does it feel good?"
"yeah, yeah" you smiled and gave him a kiss.
"make me proud now" he let his hands fall to your waist to grab it and start moving you up and down effortlesly.
you always obey alex and today wasn't the exception. you started doing little jumps, feeling full in all senses and enjoying being completely devoted to him. you wanted to be his, only his and no one else. not because of how good he fucked, but because of him as a whole. and if he wanted you to make him proud, you would do it.
you sped up the pace of your jumps and you tried to hide your face on his neck, but he stopped you from doing it. alex grabbed your chin and made you look up at him.
"don't hide, princess. let me see you enjoy it" he kissed you and thightened his grip when you closed your eyes.
"open. i wanna see those big eyes" alex loved when you looked at him with doe eyes, begging him to fuck you.
it made you embarrased when you noticed that you were already looking at him like that even if you didn't wanted to. you kept moving, now faster than before, switching from jumping to rubbing your clit on his pelvis by going back and forth.
obviously you're not the only one enjoying this, alex was clearly enjoying every second of it too. he loved to make you feel good, to fill you up and being the only thought on your mind. he'll never forget the time he found you touching yourself while blatantly moaning his name out loud. god only knows how good he fucked you that night.
but today he was being soft, he wanted to take care of you. you two fucked roughly too many times to do it again, and none of you felt like doing it either. you two wanted to feel every inch of each other, every breath, every kiss, every touch, everything. you wanted to feel him and he wanted to feel you. he loved feeling you. he loved touching you. you were his muse.
"if you only ever saw how pretty you look" he smiled and grabbed your waist strongly enough to stop your jumps. "stay just like that please"
alex lifted his knees and got in a comfortable position to start pushing his cock inside of you, never taking his eyes off of yours. your expression reflected everything he wanted to seem pleasure, excitement and the rush of tears he loved to see running down your cheeks as he fucked you. he dried your tears with his thumb and whispered something you couldn't hear because of your own moans right before he gave you the most passionate kiss you've ever recieved.
his movements started becoming faster as he felt he was close: he grabbed your cheek and made the kiss feel needy by letting go some moans on your lips, even cursing. with his other hand, alex hugged you by the waist and got you even closer to his body so he could fuck you faster, finally hitting your spot multiple times. you hugged him and buried your face in his chest trying to drown a scream.
"are you close?" you asked him with your eyes full of pleasure tears.
alex gave you a "yes" by shaking his head and stopped moving, took his dick out and started jerking off by looking at you right in the eye with a smile. he kissed you softly and licked your bottom lip, went down to your neck and left a little hickey on there.
he took one of your hands and placed it on his cock, putting his on top of yours to make you jerk him off.
not much time passed before alex came on your hand while letting go a moan from his puffy pink lips and smiled again as you didn't stop jerking him off.
you whispered his name and took his hand to your inner thigh, giving him the signal that you were close too and wanted him to touch you.
"al, please" you smiled and kissed his cheek, all blushed and breathing fast.
alex took two of his fingers to your clit, massaging it and trying to search your entrance with a third finger. once he found it, he massaged it without introducing his finger, only to tease you a bit. your moans could be the death of him; he would always speed up his movements just to hear you moan louder.
he kept teasing you by introducing his finger just a little while massaging your clit, enough to make you melt into his arms and close your eyes as you felt closer and closer to your orgasm.
your last words were nothing else than his name before cumming in his hand, unleashing every groan or scream you could have been retaining.
alex took his hand off and placed it on one of your ass cheeks to give it a slap and smiled all blushed.
"babe" alex whispered and played with your hair.
"i love you"
you inmmediately felt a bunch of butterflies in your stomach, because, even if you didn't wanted to admit it, you loved him too. who wouldn't?
"i love you too, al. you're amazing" you buried your face into his chest and took the cigarette to have a puff.
"did you like it? did it hurt?"
"nah, it didn't. i really loved it" you gave him the cigarette and hugged him again. "by the way... uhm, was i wrong for doing it on your thigh?"
"no, you weren't. i liked it too" he laughed and blowed a cloud of smoke into the air, making sure it didn't hit your hair. he gave you the cigarette again before saying "do it".
"are you sure?"
"yeah, i want both of us to have marks from the other" alex closed his eyes to leave the placement choice up to you. you pressed the cigarette into his collarbone, making him gasp.
"did it hurt?" you said, worrying about the pain level. you weren't sure if al really liked pain on him, so you kissed the mark.
"just a little, but it's okay" he left a kiss on your forehead and took the cigarette, leaving it on the ashtray. "you know what? i missed you"
"i did too, babe. i thought you were not going to call me ever again..." you really did thought about that. even if you two were... friends? you still mised him. a lot.
"how could i? you know i always miss your kisses. i'm just too busy... and i hate it. i wanna be with you. can we stay here?" he took a blanket and placed it on top of both bodies.
"sure" you smiled and layed on his side, still holding the hug.
you closed your eyes and smelt the fragance on his neck, which was almost undetectable from the cigarette smell. well, what they said about him was partially right: "he was shy and smelt like cigarettes". and how could you not fall in love with someone like that?
hugging him, with your eyes closed, half asleep and half awake, that's when you noticed how madly in love you were with alex. and lucky you, because he was too.
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deviantartdramahub · 4 months
Sighhh so I really do hate to talk about the forums at all, because from what I saw, that place is an absolute shitstorm that's a headache to even begin to describe but...I just wanna reinforce a point I've been making for ages and give further proof of it. Someone may say it's dumb I'm repeating myself like that, but it's just the people I call out are very fucking stupid, and need things endlessly explained to them so they can have hopefully a shred of realization, and even then that's being too optimistic for their intelligence.
Sooo Evie, one of the morons attacking some good people I care about, specifically Club, one of my most best internet friends, and Tri, a person I don't know quite as well, but still a kind and calm person I know I can trust.
So the only reason people like her are attacking these two is bigotry. Purely bigotry. Club is autistic, and Tri is asexual, so asses who've never matured past high school like to target minorities like them to be cOoL aNd EdGy lolll.
I've already provided so much proof for this but...why not add some more, because as I've said, it's very unfortunately necessary when the bad people I have to deal with are completely brain-dead. So the forums, I've looked at the posts about them, and internally groaned at the thought of ever having to cover that shit myself. This will hopefully be the only time I do so. In the forums, I've seen Evie use slurs. Examples include...http://web.archive.org/web/20240516215957/https://www.deviantart.com/forum/community/complaints/2736800
https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2689626/5031912084 (In EdelgardMoon's thread...also Evie don't think your cringe-ass UWUifying the word gives you a pass lol, we know what you're trying to say.) AND SHE ALSO SAYS THE FUCKING N-SLUR IN EnryoAlpha's THREAD??? (Albeit once again butchered bc I guess this bitch thinks being SOOO QUIRKY AND RANDOM RAWR HEHEHEE XD makes it okay to say horrendous things lmao.)
Anyways Evie, it's clear to me you're a nasty person who doesn't give two shits about other people, you probably vomit at the very thought of giving another human being basic respect. You don't want to call out genuinely horrible people to help and protect others honey, nah, you just want to make up crap excuses for your bigotry, and it shows. I've got you in a corner, and I'm eagerly awaiting your excuses to escape. You're lucky you got that tail between your legs, or that kick in the groin would be real painful!
Anndd also, you may piss and whine about me harassing you or whatever lol, but I'm not gonna hear that shit when you actually do that for real everyday for funsies. Though I know you really are a coward, considering the fact on this very website you contacted me only to block me from saying anything else! XD
Fight the battles you start dear, lmao. You acting the way you do doesn't make you cool or funny, you're just pathetic and it's sad you're a full grown woman spending your life like this.
Anyways bye bye, God these people are getting more and more pathetic and laughable.
Agreed, regardless of her defense she might wish to give. Of note, she flunked school, so the school part may have another meaning.
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anonomi · 8 months
I was on pl_frontier playing medic, healing my team, dodging bullets, escaping within an inch of my life the usual when I'm walking pass our soldier and I just heal him up a bit as I go, I don't even think about it because I am a stage 11 medic main and everything is instinct and autopilot at this point. I do not expect, at ALL, for him to open up vc and say in this softest, australian voice that has the distinct quality of him trying to not wake anybody up at an ungodly hour:
"Thank you, medic."
There was a genuine smile in his voice. And then he was off, blasting away to get the enemy snipers. Of course after that my concentration was shattered and I kept giggling about it over the dying screams and the gunfire and the blood. It is not everyday that somebody acknowledges your presence beyond pressing E, much less press V and say something that isn't cursing you out. I was very distracted by it, but I still did my job. I think I sawed an enemy spy in half while twirling my hair but idk it could've been ours.. but being a medic main ive met some of the worst people ever on tf2 (i once got into a server w a verry edgy twitch streamer, can't even repeat what he said, and he wanted me to pocket him! no chance big boy!!) but the little things like that keep me going. It's admittedly insignificant, especially in the constant firefight that is tf2, but the fact somebody would take a sec to express their gratitude like that is more impactful to me than any random player being toxic in chat. Reminds me of why I love tf2...
He also got autobalanced and destroyed me with a crocket when I was about to pop the fattest kritz on my heavy but nobody is perfect
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